#I really do feel like horikoshi killed nighteye cause his quirk was too powerful and useful
thelazyhermits · 4 years
You know, after giving it some thought, I really don’t think I’m ever gonna try to pick up where I left off with the TABF main story and continue covering canon events like the way I did with the main story. The reason for that being that after seeing recent manga events I really don’t think TABF wouldn’t go that route because of the changes I already made to canon.
So, in the end, I wouldn’t be following canon for long before it diverges into AU territory. While that’s not necessarily a bad thing, I don’t really see the point in trying to cover the manga’s current arc since it’ll end up being pretty anticlimactic, at least on one end, and Fortune wouldn’t even be present to see everything going on anyway. 
I’m not saying I’ll stop covering canon events period. I just don’t plan on covering every single arc that follows after the Cultural Festival arc. I just might do one shots here and there addressing certain events like how Secrets Revealed, the Shinsou hug drabble, and the Monoma drabble covered the aftermath of the Joint Training arc
I know some of y’all had been excited by the idea of me eventually covering future canon events, so I feel bad for disappointing y’all. But I just can’t see TABF going the same route as canon
Under the cut I’ll go into more details about my reasoning for this decision. The reason I’m doing it this way is since I’ll be mentioning manga spoilers and I wanted to provide a general explanation first for those who would prefer to avoid spoilers.
Okay, so not too long ago, I brought up my theory that Shigaraki’s big revival in the recent chapters wouldn’t happen thanks to Fortune’s and Nighteye’s Quirks and the fact that the heroes have the Quirk erasing bullets since Nighteye and Aizawa confiscated them before Overhaul was taken away from the police.
I still stand by that, but I wanted to add something else to that. The main reason Shigaraki revived was the fact that X-Less destroyed a machine that was still running and the live wire hit the water surrounding Shigaraki. That electric shock is what led to Shigaraki’s heart beating again. 
We’ve recently found out that the Quirk-erasing bullets that Shigaraki gave the doctor were in that machine. So, since he never got a hold of those bullets in TABF, neither did the doctor, so there would be no need for that machine to be on or even there period in TABF. Whether the doctor already had it or built it for the sake of creating more bullets doesn’t matter since there wouldn’t be a need for it to be on in that scenario. Ergo X-Less could carry on with his duty of carrying Shigaraki out of there while he’s still very much dead.
Not only that, since Nighteye is alive, I see him being a part of the hospital team so even if that machine still happened to be there and active, he would stop X-Less and make sure he carried on with his mission since by this point Nighteye has already used his Quirk and knows exactly how everything is supposed go down in the hospital.
Even if there was a way for Shigaraki to still magically revive, Nighteye would see it ahead of time thanks to his Quirk and would just use the Quirk-erasing bullets on Shigaraki before he can hurt anyone. So I really can’t see a way for Shigaraki to come out of this situation alive. 
While I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned it, Nighteye ends up working with Hawks in TABF thanks to Fortune’s interference. After she gets a vision of Hawks at that rally with the LoV and MLA, she realizes just how dangerous Hawks’ position is and what the heroes are up against, so she drags Hawks to Nighteye’s agency so Nighteye can look at his future and see for himself just how bad things are about to get.
After that point, Nighteye starts working with Hawks, getting ready for the big showdown with the villain army. Unfortunately, this meeting takes place just after the My Villain Academia arc so the two forces still end up joining together.
However, in the end, the heroes still have the advantage because they have Hawks and Nighteye. After he gets let in on Hawks’ secret mission, Nighteye starts doing his own investigation in order to learn as much as he can about the LoV and the MLA. This of course includes using his Quirk to find out what all is gonna happen in the future. 
It’s because Nighteye gets involved in this investigation that he tells Midoriya to intern somewhere else during the winter since he knew he wouldn’t be able to dedicate the amount of time Midoriya needed for Black Whip. Plus, he didn’t want to risk Midoriya getting involved with the investigation. That’s why Midoriya still ends up interning with Endeavor like in canon.
So, overall, I see things ending in the heroes’ favor with the hospital team. Now, I’m not saying that the rest of the villains or the MLA will get stopped since I could see Dabi and Mr. Compress trying to run once they see the odds are not in their favor. 
Considering how upset she was about Twice’s death, I think Toga would continue fighting the heroes until someone finally manages to stop her, but it’s also possible that she could find a way to escape being captured since I know she’s not one to underestimate.
I’m not sure what would happen with Gigantomachia since he only responds to Shigaraki, so since Shigaraki would die in this situation, I would assume either Gigantomachia just doesn’t do anything or he escapes thinking he’ll be receiving orders from Shigaraki eventually. It’s hard to say for sure, but I can’t see him fighting without orders unless he finds out about Shigaraki’s death and tries to avenge him. His situation is kinda up in the air since I don’t know enough about him to get an idea of how he would act if Shigaraki is successfully stopped.
In regards to the MLA, I could see the heroes coming out on top, but it’s possible that some of the army could escape. However, in TABF, Mirio would be in the team dealing with the attack on the HQ so he would give a lot of the army members a run for their money considering how strong he is. So the LoV and MLA would be at a bigger disadvantage since I could see Mirio taking out a lot of people on his own. 
So, even though Shigaraki would be stopped, I could still see some bad guys escaping this situation so they could become a viable threat down the line after they regroup. So it’s not like the heroes would have a complete victory.
To summarize, I can’t see the LoV and MLA being successful in the current manga arc in TABF like they are in canon ergo the series’ main antagonists would be stopped resulting in a lot of future canon events not happening.
Honestly, I have no interest in attempting to write this arc since Fortune wouldn’t be directly involved. She’d be at UA with Eri during all of this, so the most I could really write is her interactions with everyone before and after it. I won’t say that I won’t ever write something along those lines, but as of right now, I don’t plan to.
I’m really sorry for disappointing everyone who was looking forward to a direct continuation of the TABF main story, but I just think this is the best way to go for the series. 
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sarahjtv · 4 years
BNHA 304 Spoilers Some Thoughts: Vestiges
This was a meaty chapter with a lot of One For All lore and theories, so I’m going to put in a some thoughts down because I’d be writing an entire essay if I did a deep-dive into this chapter otherwise.  Also, I’m using the ReadHeroAcademia Fan Translations, but I think they were kind of wonky this week for some reason, so apologies if I get some stuff wrong, especially when the official translations come out:
We now see all the OFA users in their real forms except for All Might of course.  The 2nd and 3rd users aren’t in the shadows anymore, but they’re facing the wall because of course they are.  One of them has been speculated by many fans to be Bakugo or one of Bakugo’s decedents mainly because of his hair.  I’m not entirely bought on that yet, but I can see it.  I don’t think it’s Bakugo himself, so I’m leaning more towards the ancestor thing.
The 4th user’s name is Hakage Shinomori.  He lived in the woods (it’s implied that he did it to stay away from society), had OFA for about 18 years, and trained it enough to pass it down to the next user being Banjo.  Oh, and he’s pretty 😳!  And he died of old age at only 40 yrs old 😰
Edit: The official translations say that his first name was Higake.  Also, he didn’t know exactly how he died until All Might dug up his medical records and autopsy from present day.  OFA did cause that crack on his face and Shinormori thought it was a disease that killed him initially, but that was not the case.
I actually did look back at Chapter 257(?) where All Might was talking to Deku and Bakugo about the previous OFA users to make sure Shinomori really did die of old age and looks like he did!  The panel that shows all the previous holder’s deaths shows the 4th user looking old and tired.  I didn’t see any blood or injuries on him.  Good consistency, Horikoshi!
It definitely looks like Banjo (the 5th user) likes messing around with Shinomori as he’s messing with Shinormori with his Black Whip and Shinomori is just avoiding him with his Danger Sense LOL!  I wonder if the two had this dynamic when they were alive since Sinomori would’ve probably trained Banjo at some point being the 4th and 5th users.  
Quick tangent, but I really want to know the 6th user’s deal (the black haired Tobio Kageyama look-alike with the Best Jeanist collar).  He’s been on full display since we’ve first saw the vestiges, but we don’t know his Quirk yet (Is it VOLLEYBALL??) or how he trained Nana Shimura.  I’m thinking his Quirk is next on Deku’s Awakening list.  I want answers, Horikoshi!
Also, Deku can talk in the Vestige World now, but it’s broken speech.  Thankfully, it’s enough for the Vestiges to understand, so they’re able to answer his questions and comments fine.
Now to the big topic at hand: One For All is best possessed by Quirkless people and Deku is most likely the LAST user of OFA.  
Shinomori says that OFA can no longer be held by “Normal People”.  This interested me when he said it because my initial thought was that he was talking about “Quirkless” people.  But, then I remember that it was established in the VERY BEGINNING OF THE SERIES that 80+% of people in the BNHA world have Quirks.  So they are considered “Normal People” in this universe.  
The explanation they gave for why this is is A LOT!  But basically, OFA is just too much for people with Quirks.  Their glasses are full when they get their Quirks.  Adding OFA to that overflows that cup and cracks it (Horikoshi gives us a nice visual, so it’s easier to explain).  Because of that, OFA actually chips off a Quirk user’s life-span by a lot.  IT AGES THEM SIGNIFICANTLY!!!  That’s why 40 was considered “old age” to Shinomori.  That’s why he died so quickly.
Edit: I was worried that the fan translation for this explanation would be wrong when the official translations came out, but thankfully it isn’t that far off.  It’s basically the same explanation just worded differently.  Again, I think the visualization with the cups helps a lot.
But, because All Might was Quirkless, his glass was empty.  It wasn’t until he was given OFA that his glass was full.  All Might, in a way, made OFA is very own Quirk as if he was born with it.  Also, All Might seemingly has the power to summon the Vestiges willingly though he doesn’t know it yet.
Edit: Ok, the part where All Might can summon the Vestiges willingly was not in the official translations, but based on how his hand on Deku’s cast is drawn, I don’t think the fan translations were too far off.  All Might can at least feel them inside Deku at this point.
AND, based on what’s said, All Might’s has had OFA for 40 YEARS!  So, doing the math, if All Might got OFA at 14-15 yrs old + 40 yrs = All Might is at least 54-55 years old at this point.  I thought he’d be around this age, but now it’s pretty much confirmed.
A lot of info is still unknown though such as how and why OFA adapts with the User’s original Quirks.  Though it is clarified that Quirkless people do have the most potential to hold OFA.
The 1st User says that having All Might and Deku inherit OFA was a miracle (or might be fate) and then Horikoshi shows us a panel of Sir Nighteye.  This kinda guts me...  Nighteye was so bent on making sure that Mirio was the perfect candidate for OFA before he accepted Deku’s role.  And Mirio would’ve been a great hero with OFA, but he would not have been a great candidate.  If Mirio inherited OFA, he would’ve died an early age.  I hate to say it, but I’m glad Nighteye was wrong and All Might made the right choice.
Also, thinking about it, Shinormoi died at age 40 with 4 quirks in him (including his own).  So, I’d imagine Mirio with 8 quirks in him would chop off his life span significantly.  I’d say Mirio here wouldn’t have lasted through his 20s at least.  Thank god he didn’t inherit OFA 😨
And finally on this topic, because Quirkless people are becoming more and more scarce, Deku is most likely going to be last holder of OFA.  A lot of people including myself thought this might be the case, but not for this reason.  Thankfully, this means that Deku will (hopefully) live a long life, but he’ll have no successor to pass the Quirk down to.  The only other Qurikless person we know in this world besides Deku and All Might is Melissa Shield, but she want to build support items for heroes instead.  Deku’s kids will most likely have Quirks, so they’re out of the picture.  There aren’t a lot of options left in the BNHA world.  OFA will most likely live and die with Deku.
LASTLY, Nana Shimura speaks up and asks Deku a crucial question: “Are you able to kill Tomura Shigaraki?”  First off, WHAT???  Second off, WHAT?????  Nana is asking Deku if he can KILL her own GRANDSON!!!  I know Shigaraki is evil and killed a shitton of people, but KILL HIM???  Good god, Horikoshi...  Where are you going with this, my dude.  I don’t think Deku can bring it in himself to kill someone even if it is Shigaraki.  I doubt he will.  So I wonder what his response to Nana will be in the next chapter.
There, I did it.  I said my piece.  THIS CHAPTER WAS A LOT THOUGH HOLY SHIT!  I knew we were getting Vestige stuff this week, but goddamn.  I hope I did this chapter enough justice though.  I do recommend reading the chapter for yourself when it comes out though, because I think it explains things better.  I expect a lot from the next chapter too.
In conclusion; Me @ Me this entire chapter:
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transhawks · 4 years
Bubaigawara Jin Isn’t Dead (old, defunct meta)
this was written completely in coping/upset with the direction of the manga right after Jin’s death. It’s been 3 years, the manga has moved on and my feelings have changed. 
1. Let’s look at something here; Hawks is still internally monologuing that he wants Jin ‘alive’.
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Notice, he’s basically been doing anything to cut tendons and weaken Jin. Make him less mobile, make him weaker. And he wants to carry him out and ‘...’ - is it really going to be killing him when he’s avoided vitals so far and only murdered his clones (remember 265 had the clone rising from Jin’s face into the feather knife).
2. Hawks and Dabi are generally the ones dispatching Jin clones through the chapter - Jin really only has (1) clone make it through. How? It jumps down some stairs. 
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Let’s review: the damage caused to Jin’s clones that can destroy it is: 
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This is very important: the last thing the Jin clone saw before throwing himself off the railing was Hawks moving to stab Twice. He did not see Twice die. He has no way of knowing Twice is dead because there is no link, and, further more, he is damaged because of the fall and will ‘gloop’ anyway.
But the feathers did hurt it too!
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So, the clone admits that it’s basically doing whatever it can to hold itself together. It did not melt because Twice is dead, but because it’s taken ridiculous amount of damage. There is no proof whatsoever that the clones vanish when Jin dies (besides common sense) but we can’t take it for gospel here because the clone was about to die anyway.
3. Where is Hawks and Jin’s Final Encounter?
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Let’s look at the panel where the clone falls over again. We see a spray of blood behind him, and some feathers following him down maybe. The ‘shnk’ is definitely a stabbing sound, though, as we read earlier, Hawks is trained enough in avoiding vitals. 
And yet, why have him killed in a open space? Maybe to get him to Toga and Compress faster, but really, why would Horikoshi choose to also make such a huge opening to the sky?
Because Hawks can fly, obviously.
That’s where Hawks is about to go, obviously. And most likely with Jin’s ‘body’ since he did say he is going to carry them. 
Much like Jeanist, Jin’s ‘Death’ follows with uncertainty. We don’t see the actual act, just implication. We don’t see how much damage Hawks’s stabbing has done, we just get emotional damage from it.
The way we as the readers will know for certain is if the manga shows us Jin’s body in the hands of the League. If next chapter has Hawks escaping with Jin’s body, I think it’s clear to say there’s something up there. Of course, in-manga it can be justified by Hawks removing any chance of them using Jin as a noumu, but it’s still incredibly suspicious if we don’t see him die and his body.
Magne was killed brutally. We watch Nighteye die. The Shimuras... People who are murdered conclusively in this manga are given definite deaths. 
Now, importantly, why is this happening:
This is setting up a pattern of us really doubting Hawks’ heroism. There seems to be a constant ‘is he or is he not’ with his narrative, further emphasized by Hawks’s narrative of choices and sacrifice. Horikoshi delights in making it clear that Takami Keigo is never what we think, and when we think we know him, we don’t. And for now, maybe we should be thinking of him as a killer - until he’s proved us wrong, again.
Jin’s really too powerful but Horikoshi has uses for him. Way back in 229, Giran mentioned how wanted Jin was due to his quirk. Hawks’s worries about him aren’t him overestimating Jin; Jin’s extremely powerful to the point that even Compress, upon seeing the clone, feels relief because Jin should be enough to turn the tide. So clearly, if this is to be a battle, Jin should be removed and yet - does he have to die? What if Jin’s eventual reveal serves a purpose in the future?
The emotional impact is still real. Assuming the manga just doesn’t cut away to someone else, Jin’s ‘death’ is still going to hurt the league, and enrage them. It also gives them a target; Hawks, and the Commission by extension. The League has always paid back injury thousandfold. Jin was very much the emotional center of the League; this is not something that will be ever forgiven.
The emotional impact for the reader is also real. Because we feel it months or years from now, Jin’s possible ‘reveal’ can’t really cheapen the impact of his death right now. As the narrative is concerned at the moment, he is dead, and as readers, we’re meant to grieve. Twice’s death is sympathetic, Twice himself is sympathetic and we’re meant to doubt the ‘heroism’ that let’s Hawks commit it. 
Setting up future plots. So far, besides UA, the League has not targeted the government. They’ve not really gone after heroes or the government. This is about to end, regardless of Jin’s status. And if Twice is alive, an eventual storming of the commission or wherever Twice is meant to be is important. Much like Twice rallied them to save Giran, the League will take on the commission to save him. 
Gives us a real incentive for Dabi to go after Hawks. Dabi has made it clear this chapter he thinks Hawks is the type to save - hence he’s okay with roasting Jin’s clones and potentially Jin because Hawks would save him. It might be a thing where Dabi doubted Hawks ability to kill Jin and wanted to take advantage of it; if he’s ‘proven’ wrong, the amount of guilt he’d have for letting someone he knew in was a traitor into the league deep enough to kill Jin, and watching him ‘kill’ Jin, would very much put Hawks on Dabi’s ‘kill list’. Given the taunting of his real name, there’s definitely lots more to come between them.
Jin has a part to play after this and it’s probably not related to his quirk. Jin’s strength as a character has always been his love for the League and how good of a person he is. There might be a time where that sort of belief in the League is needed, far in the future.
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flowisk · 7 years
1, 10, pink, yellow, turquoise, punk, 14, metal, apple, and pineapple
1: What part of the anime/manga piqued your interest?Well, honestly? At first it was Deku. He was a really cute looking kid, and is kind of odd looking and frail for a shounen protagonist. I mean, I now know that he’s like... got a very strong inner core, but that doesn’t change that he’s kind of... not typically masculine in a lot of respects. He’s a Very Nice Boy and i thought his curly messy hair and freckles were really cute. I feel like we have a lot of very generically designed anime protags lately, esp with male leads... This isn’t a criticism of any work I like, lol, its just a fact we kind of tend to have that... generically handsome dude.My first impression of both Shigaraki and All Might were that they sucked, which is funny considering they’re my favourite characters now.But yeah, the art also piqued my interest... Horikoshi’s art... I’d seen some panels of it, and tbqh the way he draws is straight up beautiful. He actually is pretty good at character design too.10: Do you have any OC’s? Describe them! If you don’t, create one on the spot.Tough! This is tough!Hm. Misao... ability is teleportation. She had an interest in becoming a hero when she was younger and actually did an internship/short stint as a sidekick. She was pretty good at delivering behind lines, helping the team coordinate, and gathering intel but... seeing as that was her only power it was kind of a risky business because a good hit could kill her (plus when you teleport -in- to a location it’s not like you know what’s going on there beforehand). She has some issues with paranoia/anxiety, and honestly herosim is a nervewracking occupation for that because you make a lot of enemies. She eventually decided to found / support an organization for children who have issues with their powers / need extra help with them, partially because she used to get lost as a kid a lot by accidentally teleporting places when she thought about them too hard. She can afford to support this because she makes ‘immediate deliveries’ across the world as her current job... She’s an old lady now, has adopted a few kids, and is probably like, vaguely well known.Pink: What are your main/favorite ships?I like Tododeku. They really are... good for each other. I like that they’re supportive, and Deku really went on a limb (ba dum tish) for Todo. They’ve both dealt with abuse and... trauma... and are handling it in different ways, and I think they’re both people who can understand the issues that would cause for each other.I like Deku and a few characters tbqh. My ideal is just that Deku is dating Iida/Todo/Ochako and Ochako is also dating Tsuyu and idk, some polyamory basically. Deku used to have a crush on Baku, didn’t turn out so great for him. It’s one of those situations where it’s like ‘I’m so sorry Deku’. He’s good with Shinsou too. Deku is.... a good boy. I like him and Kiri a lot too, I actually feel their insecurities are both rooted in similar places? Like they would’ve been good friends if they met in highschool. I’ve read some friendship fic that really makes me think deeply about them. These body destroying lil shits.I like All Might with Present Mic or Eraserhead or both, I feel like Present Mic has this... good energy, and he’s really kind to Toshi. And that Aizawa and All Might could have a lot to offer each other..... I like him with Nedzu a lot but rip no one else does. All Might and Nighteye is just canon and tragic and I feel bad :(Bakushima is a good relationship too. I’m glad they have each other. I feel like those two would have some wild parties, and idk when I think Bakushima I think ‘they are an ideal pair for a roadtrip fic about emotional issues’.  Momojirou and Denkijirou are nice too.tl;dr: basically most things involving all might or deku Yellow: Favorite fanfiction about your OTP?Todoroki and dissociation, tododeku: xTwo chapter sweet TodoIiDeku fic, themes of abandonment: xI haven’t found an All Might/Eraserhead fic I really love yet. I haven’t read a lot of BNHA fic in general.Turqoise: What do you hate about your favorite ship?...I feel like most All Might/Aizawa fic focuses more on Aizawa as a character, and doesn’t nudge any of the limelight over to Toshi. Aizawa has Depression. Toshi............... is fine!There’s a lot of bland tododeku fic where you could insert literally anyone into the roles. Lot of good tododeku fic too! just. need to sort through a lot.Any time I have a ship remotely involving Bakugou I have to prepare for any mentions the author might make of Deku ._.Punk: Opinions on the Traitor Kirishima theory?Man, I feel like it mostly got nullified with the updates on Kirishima’s past, but at the same time that would be interesting for a character like Kiri? Especially when you think about how... he is someone who understands where villains come from, and ... the role Bakugou might play in saving someone if Kiri were the traitor. Bakugou needs to learn to save, and there’s Kiri.Basically, I think it was a valid theory at one point, potentially interesting in canon if it was carried out (because it would be a good development arc for Kiri probably) but.... unlikely after we’ve learnt the details of everything.14: Whose quirk do you think is the most unique?I like Present Mic’s... it’s not normally something you’d see used to fight. Momo’s is interesting too! With a quirk like that you have to be very strategic. Mirio had an amazing quirk, actually that one was probably the coolest conceptually...Also despite him being handled badly as a character, I think Mineta’s quirk is interesting since it has to be handled strategically.Metal: Which villain’s quirk would you want for yourself?Kurogiri’s, for sure.Apple: Favorite popular HC?Autistic deku and todoroki, and dissociative todoroki.Idk how popular it is, but trans all might is p canon for me.Hard of hearing Bakugou makes sense to me tooPineapple: What do you like the most about BNHA, as a whole?All Might and his... whole.... living and learning to live with not being able to do what you were once able to do. Dealing with chronic physical issues, and ... being self sacrificial and destructive, and being burdened with the weight of the world, and... his conversation with Inko where... he’s like ‘I’d die for Deku!’ and she’s like ‘ok but will you live for him? all might, you need to live’.It’s just... older mentors/characters who are willing to die, being told they need to live... or being encouraged to do so... to have their lives not just used to further their students... I don’t know that whole thing with All Might was good.
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