#I really hate tumblr newest update!
sylvia-forest · 1 year
[CN] Shaw's Extrajudicial Hunting Heart Date
⚡Warning: This post contains detailed spoiler's for a Date which hasn't been released in EN yet!⚡
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[This date was translated with the help of Google translate and by my lovely friend!]
✧[Section 1]✧
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Steward: Sorry, no one can leave the villa until Mrs. Laburnum's family heirloom is found.
Suddenly a dissatisfied commotion arose within the feminine figure, a man took the lead and stood up.
Man: You want to detain us? Do you know who I am?
His subsequent words were forced back by the black muzzle of the gun in the butler's hand. The crowd let out a murmur, but the butler raised his jaw indifferently.
Steward: I know who you are, sir, but you also need to know whose territory this is.
The melodious music flowed in each other's eyes, and I pursed my lips and took a few quiet steps back, looking sideways out the window.
Sure enough, dozens of cars drove up from the mountain road not far away, and surrounded the villa layer by layer.
Villa, theft, undercurrent, treacherous situation…
For a moment, I almost thought I had stepped into some third-rate gang movie.
Flashback starts—
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—a week ago.
MC: Ahhh I can't think of it— I am bored–
I lay on Shaw's bed and rolled around in boredom. Shaw stopped typing on the keyboard and raised his eyebrows.
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Shaw: What, are you bored with me?
MC: Nah!
MC: I still have a script for a crime movie to write, obviously I listened to the criminal investigation lectures and found the material but I still feel that the immersion is not enough......
MC: It's hard to take a vacation now, and I'm still thinking about it.
Shaw: I understand, so you think your script is too bland, and you want the protagonist's story to be more exciting? MC: That's about right,.....
I just sighed halfway, when my vision was suddenly blocked by a letter that floated in.
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Shaw: For you. MC: What's this?
Shaw: Good stuff to inspire you.
I opened the envelope and there was an invitation letter inside. Although the South Asian characters with curved strokes are illegible, I can still understand the Chinese attached below.
MC: Dear Ling Lin, I sincerely invite you to come to Danfei Mountain Villa to attend the birthday banquet of Mrs. Laburnum… MC: Wait a minute, who is Ling Lin? This Mrs. Laburnum, Who is it again?
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Shaw: Ling Lin is my pseudonym. As for Mrs. Laburnum, you shouldn't care who she is, it doesn't matter. Shaw: I did an errand for this lady, and she was so pleased with my business skills that she's inviting me as a VIP. Shaw: Round-trip plane, pick-up, and drop-off at the manor, all-inclusive on the opposite side. Shaw: It's a pity that I happened to have something to do a few days ago, and I was thinking about how to push it off. Shaw: If you are willing to attend this banquet for me, then you are Ling Lin.
Shaw moved his finger holding the invitation letter to the side, and nodded as if pointing something, his upturned eyes were full of cunningness.
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Shaw: Have a great time, and… make sure not to reveal anything.
—Flashback ends
MC: If I had known, I wouldn't have accepted Shaw's invitation. .... Is this what he meant by spiritualism? MC: Dropping me in a gang villa?
Angrily, I rubbed the little man with Shaw's face a hundred times in my heart. At this moment, the door of the banquet hall was pushed open.
The person who came was wearing a black suit, and the twilight fell on his eye-catching blue-purple hair, which was reflected in my stunned pupils.
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?.? [In English]: Chief, your garden is cleaned up.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
✧[Section 2]✧
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MC: Apart from not being able to leave the villa, am I free within the villa?
Shortly after the party was over, I immediately called for a waiter. The other party nodded respectfully to me after hearing the words.
Waiter: Certainly. Miss Ling Lin, you are our honored guest, and we will meet all your requirements. MC: Then I need a bodyguard because you guys scared me today.
I raised my head confidently, with a deliberately arrogant tone.
Waiter: Okay, let's arrange bodyguards for you... MC: No, I have a candidate. MC: It's the handsome young man who came to report to your steward this evening. Waiter: These… this list of people was found from outside, a little impolite, not aware of the rules, maybe we should… MC: Is it because they don't know the rules?
I let out a wow sound and slowly stroked the diamond ring on my finger.
MC: What I need... A bodyguard to calm me down. Waiter: …… !!Sorry, I didn't understand Miss's needs, I'm going to ask someone!
The waiter, red-faced, hurried away, and in a few moments came with the man I had asked for.
Waiter: Shaw, this is our honored guest, take good care of her and meet all her requirements, understand?
Shaw: …..
Shaw stood behind the waiter and glared at me, his voice coming through his teeth.
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Shaw: I know. MC: Well, you're a good boy, so come on in and have a little chat.
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I grinned as I pulled Shaw's tie and led him inside, closing the door with my foot in the process.
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Shaw: Hey, what are you trying to do —woo
He stumbled under his feet and I accidentally pushed him onto the bed.
I looked down at Shaw condescendingly, and ground my teeth.
MC: Shouldn't I be asking you that? MC: You asked me to attend the banquet, then you became the guard, what games are you truly playing?
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Shaw: Just…the fun game.
Shaw lazily lay back, stretching out his hands.
Shaw: Don't you think what happened today is very interesting, just to provide inspiration for your exhausted script? MC: ——Incredible the heck!
I was so angry that I rushed over to pinch his face, but he grabbed my wrist.
Shaw: Tsk tsk, you’re quite a firecracker, you can catch on instantly. MC: I'm not mad, it's because you didn't say anything… Shaw: Okay, okay, let me give you a little spoiler. Shaw: Didn't I say that Mrs. Laburnum is not important? It's because this birthday banquet itself is a cover, and the real purpose is that someone wants to conduct an underground antique trade. MC: I didn’t understand, they made their deals, why confiscate the guests…. Shaw: Because when the bad guys were clearing out, they realized they were missing one of their Golden Crowns.
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Shaw: Although they suspected that some of you distinguished guests might have tampered with something, they didn't dare to say it directly. So, they had to come up with a made-up story to buy some time. Shaw: After all, even though they claimed they couldn't find the family heirloom and wouldn't let us leave, in reality, it's at most three days. If they don't release us by then, things could get much more complicated. MC: ……
I couldn't say the words "that's how it is", because my mind was still dizzy.
I looked at the confident and flamboyant face under me, and vaguely felt that what he "spoiled" was probably just the tip of the iceberg of the whole incident.
And he probably has more scripts than I imagined. I opened my mouth.
MC: So you haven't answered my original question - what exactly are you doing here? Shaw: Me?
Shaw chuckled. The palms clamping my wrists pulled me down, and I couldn't help but fall into his embrace. 
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Shaw: I'm worried about Miss Ling Lin, so I'm here to be her bodyguard.
Hmph, who would believe it! Big liar!!
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
✧[Section 3]✧
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Before I knew it, I had been detained here for two days. But early this morning, Shaw disappeared, and he didn't send me a message until just now.
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Shaw's message: "If you want inspiration for the script, come to the garden's artificial mountain now. I'll broaden your horizons."
I hesitated for a while, but in the end, I couldn't hold back my curiosity, and while secretly spurning myself, I immediately walked towards the garden.
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In the past two days, due to the impact of the theft incident, the manor has been followed by gang members.
There were far fewer guards in the garden, but they were not absent. I forced myself to walk past them calmly and finally stopped by the rockery.
MC: Where is he?
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Shaw: Here, I have been waiting for you for a long time.
Shaw peeked out from behind the artificial fountain, gesturing towards me. I circled around and discovered there was a hidden door right in front of me.
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He walked into the secret passage first, and I quickly followed, looking around curiously.
MC: How do you know there was a secret passage here?
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Shaw: What's the point of being in the intelligence business if you can't find out this much information? Shaw: There are many secret paths in this garden, not just this one. Shaw: For decades, there has been no peace here, and Mrs. Laburnum has expanded her business so much. Just in case, she must keep a way out for herself.
Judging from Shaw's tone, he was quite familiar with the disputes in this area. Could it be that this was also part of the work of the intelligence dealers?
During the conversation, we have come to the side of the secret passage. After he scratched the password, he entered something, and the door opened.
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This was indeed a dressing room for VIPs. Shaw pressed the button, and after the wardrobe was lowered, a shelf full of guns rose up.
MC: This is….
Shaw: Weapons room. Do some pre-war preparations and pick the best ones.
Shaw looked at the firearms with prudent eyes, as if he was appraising antiques.
MC: You... still know how to appreciate firearms? Shaw: Of course, I am professional.
Shaw squinted at me and sneered.
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Shaw: Would you believe me if I told you I had military training in this area? MC: Really? Shaw: Wrong, all learned from online shooting games. You're so stupid to believe everything I say. MC: …..
At this time Shaw had finished picking, and took down a gun from the shelf. He sat sideways on the cabinet, rolled up his sleeves, and was about to open the magazine.
MC: You are hurt?
Only then did I notice that there was a long wound hidden under his sleeve.
Shaw: ... It might be that I accidentally scraped against something during the morning stroll, I guess. MC: A wound this long, how could it possibly have been scraped without noticing! I'll go look for a bandage, just wait a moment.
The weapon room was well equipped, I quickly found the medicine box, and dug out bandages and potions from it.
MC: Hand.
Shaw obediently handed me his arm, his eyelashes were lowered the whole time, and his brows would twitch suddenly only when the cotton swab passed across the wound.
When I wrapped the thin ribbon for him, he suddenly raised his head.
Shaw: Would you like to be closer to the "stage"? MC: What do you mean? Shaw: Take you to experience something more exciting. MC: ….. Shaw.
I rolled up his sleeve for him before looking at him seriously.
MC: I don't have to ask you what your role is in this, but you can't use me to perfect your "script". Shaw: …..
Shaw opened his mouth as if he was a little surprised that I would say this, then he smiled, did not reply to my words immediately, but took the magazine from the rack.
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He casually held the bullets in his mouth, first cleaned the parts with pine oil, and then loaded the bullets neatly one by one.
The black glove caressed the cold gun barrel familiarly, and the hard weapon was like a docile plaything in his hands.
I've seen this kind of expression in antique shops and on the stage, but at this moment, appearing in the bloody weapon room added a touch of charm to his eyebrows and eyes.
My heartbeat inexplicably became a little faster, Shaw seemed to feel me holding my breath, and suddenly raised his gaze.
With a twist of his wrist, the long gun barrel provoked my jaw, which was frivolous and dangerous.
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Shaw: Miss, do you want to think about it again? Shaw: I'll be your bodyguard.
Under the night, a car slowly drove away from the mountain villa, and stopped beside an inconspicuous forest after lingering on the road for a few laps.
I was taken out of the car by Shaw, and we arrived in front of a warehouse under the guidance of several men in black.
Man in black: Go in.
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The chained gate opened with a bang, and the light from inside made me close my eyes, and when I opened them again, I found a familiar person - the steward of the villa.
There were several packed packages around him, and the men in black with guns all around seemed to be protecting these packages rather than protecting him.
The steward stared at me sullenly at this moment, then turned to look at Shaw, and asked something in the local language.
Shaw raised the corner of his mouth and pressed my shoulder.
Shaw: Yes, I've looked into that. Shaw: Among all the guests, only "Ling Lin" was fake, because the real Ling Lin should be a man.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
✧[Section 4]✧
I took a deep breath and looked at everyone in panic.
MC: I...I'm really Ling Lin!
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Shaw: Is that so? But according to the information I found, this Ling Lin is not only a man, but also possesses a lightning Evol. Shaw: Last time he relied on this trick to help Mrs. Laburnum solve a big problem... Boss, you are someone close to Mrs., do you have any impression? Steward: I did hear the woman talk about it on the phone. Shaw: Isn't that enough?
Shaw clamped my neck with one hand and held my wrist with the other, leaning against the side of my neck with a dangerous smile.
Shaw: Ms. Ling Lin, show us your lightning Evol.
This guy is a real showman!
I slandered him fiercely in my heart, but the expression on my face became more and more broken. After a few murmurs, I lowered my head helplessly.
All of a sudden, several guns around the steward were aimed at me, and Shaw quickly waved his hands when he saw this.
Shaw: Hey, hey, don't be so eager to see blood, boss, how unlucky. Shaw: It seems that this counterfeit chick maybe someone who played a trick. Before I find out the relationship between her and the "Golden Crown", my suggestion is not to touch her. Steward: Find out? Where is the time for an investigation now?
The butler raised his voice, his face flushed with anger.
Steward: Tonight, the goods in my hand must be sold! Shaw: So you mean, don't check the whereabouts of the golden crown, and trade directly? Steward: Nonsense, do you know that the transaction has already been targeted by that woman and the police, if you don’t let go, we’re all over! Shaw: This is against the rules. The boss on my side asked for all the goods on the list. Steward: What do you mean?
Shaw maintained the posture of "holding" me, and raised a wanton smile towards the opposite side, and the other hand was filled with electric current.
Shaw: I mean... how dare you do bad things under Mrs. Laburnum's nose?
Click — everyone did not react to the moment, the brightly lit warehouse suddenly went dark.
Steward: —Backup power! Where's the backup! When the light turns on, kill them both!
Chaos exploded in this small space, and when the lights were turned on again, everyone froze on the spot.
Shaw: Just now your old man said, who do you want to kill?
Dozens of pitch-black gun barrels were pointed directly at Shaw and me, but we only had one gun on Shaw's side, but no one dared to attack us.
I was half squatting beside Shaw, holding a blue and white vase in one hand, with an ancient painting at my feet, and looking at the crowd with a smile on my face.
MC: I'm a delicate girl, and if my hand shook when the gun went off, and I accidentally shattered this national treasure porcelain vase; MC: Or if blood splattered onto this ancient painting at my feet, it wouldn't look very good, would it? Steward: ……
The butler's complexion was already so ugly that it couldn't get any more ugly, and the voice was squeezed out from between his teeth.
Steward: Who the hell are you guys? Cops? Shaw: Cops? Hahaha how is it possible!
The broken golden eyes were full of arrogance and cunningness, he pulled the trigger.
Everyone was startled by his sudden empty gun, and when their gaze returned, they noticed that Shaw had something new in his hand. 
It was the locator.
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Shaw: I'm wanted by the cops...just a normal bad guy who works for money.
The warning bell rang throughout the stretch of mountains, and the steward was in danger, and was escorted to the other side by several burly men.
A woman in a suit came over to us after counting the antiques in the warehouse and saying something to her communicator.
Woman: Mr. Ling Lin, madam is thanking you and your partner. Woman: But Madame has a question. Why didn't you follow her plan? Shaw: Because I don't like to be on schedule. I didn't listen to you when we cooperated last time, didn't we get things done as usual? Shaw: By the way, is it possible to pay now?
Woman: …..
The woman was shocked by Shaw's straightforwardness, she exchanged a few words with the communicator in a foreign language and then nodded.
Woman: Mrs. said that the wrongly packaged golden crown will be repackaged and given to you.  Woman: She also said... "Mr. Ling, at your age, you have such vision and skill, maybe she can give you a wider world."
Shaw: Sorry, I'm just a college student tormented by a dissertation project and have no interest in your career.
The person being explored by Shaw’s Tai Chi was hit back, and they smiled with a sense of understanding, choosing not to say much more, then turned around, and left. 
[T/N]: In this context, "Tai Chi" likely refers to a martial arts technique or action that Shaw used to counter or respond to the other person's investigation or exploration. It could be symbolic of a skillful and effective defense or response.
I folded my arms and raised my chin at him.
MC: Can you tell me the whole story now?
Shaw: Okay, but there's really not much to say about it.
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Shaw: Mrs. Laburnum has already detached from the responsibility, but her subordinates always have people with suspicious moves, therefore she found me to help, checking out who is being so restless. Shaw: She gave me an invitation letter because she wanted me to act as a guest and mix in with them, but I feel that this position was too slow for collecting information, so I might as well send you. MC: Then you became the middleman in the transaction between the two parties? Shaw: Pretty much. Shaw: It's in my nature to have it both ways. MC: By the way, that so-called golden crown...in the end, How did you lose it? Shaw: What do you say?
He winked at me. I immediately reacted.
MC: ——You stole it?!
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Shaw: What do you mean, "steal"? It's not nice. Shaw: I snuck into the manor with the antique inventory and found it in one of the least guarded areas, so I hid it. Shaw: If I hadn't delayed them this long, how could we have caught them? MC: ……
Although everything Shaw said made sense, it just made people want to grind their teeth.
Shaw: Why this face? Oh, I forgot to compliment you, you are upset, right? Shaw: All in all, we worked well together this time, and your acting— was sloppy, but you did manage to fool the other side. MC: Tsk, Thank you for the compliment. Shaw: So you have participated in such an immersive game, do you think it was exciting enough, do you have any inspiration? MC: Yes, and I'm going to give you a part in my play.
Shaw: What role... Ugh!
Angrily, I stood on tiptoe, vented my anger, and hit Shaw with my forehead.
Seeing him clutch his chin in astonishment, I couldn't help laughing.
MC: A big bad guy who takes his girlfriend on an adventure!
🔫 Call
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diminuel · 11 days
Wanna hear something crazy re-“are these entitled commentators demanding updates actual readers?” question you just asked:
When I was in another big fandom, some…dedicated haters of the ship/character I liked would seek out BNF's and do basically what’s happening here: demand updates, criticize the characterizations but in the most wank-y way possible, etc, in order to make the creators feel like “real” fans of the ship/character hate the writer's work. More than one of the newer/younger authors&creators would end up quitting because of it! (Add to the death of real comments from real fans and the hater comments stand out waayyyyyy more ☹️, no wonder people just don’t bother after a while)
Yes this is psycho and yes it’s like, do you not have your own ships to have fun with??
(extra psychotic cus it was often by fringe members of the most popular ship (at the time anyway)?? Like, it’s ok! Go enjoy your many fan works with your ship! For bonus points the popular ship was only really a *thing* in the newest live action adaptation and in the older fan works of the original medium (comics) because they changed the canon ages and like merged 2 characters together, so they were extra like, insecure about how there were older, more popular ships in the fandom pre-adaptation or something so they deliberately went after even works that predated the adaptations and would attack it for being out of character!? Idk it’s crazy.
But once the open hatred of the ship/character didn’t work to discourage the creators/fans (and in fact would fuel the creators! or they would just delete on sight), the haters then learned hide their open hate as entitled “fellow fans” demanding updates or leaving “criticisms” of the writing. Like if an author complained in tumblr or discord to their friends of actual entitled fans of demanding updates and mentioning it hurt their drive to keep writing out of spite, these dedicated haters that literally stalked(!) these fan spaces would then start sending those same styled update demands, knowing it would drive this creator away from the hater's hated ship/character! Like, get a job! Touch grass!
So if you are in a fandom with a known amount of dedicated haters towards your ship/character (like say to the point where they have their own nickname for those shippers something like “Heckers” or “H*ll*rs), one sadly needs to be aware that haters those don't just stay in their lane, even if it is the 2nd or even 1st most popular part of the fandom! Punching up or down they justify it either way as “but they are hurting MY fav ship/character by writing this therefore I’m “justified”!” Crazy)
But also, yeah Fandom etiquette has TANKED in recent years and with the new generation because of both the rapid growth and mainstream awareness, maybe for good and bad because. Say the example of SPN, the old “don’t bring up shipping and Destiel at Cons to the actors!!” attitude has changed, for the better really! It’s no longer treated like a dirty little secret! Yay changing attitudes towards the gay community! Destiel fandom existing and creating most definitely lead to Cas continuing to be on the show and Destiel being canon at the end! But also like, you now get fans directly threatening the lives of actors/writers etc on Social Media for “sinking” their ship or playing an evil character or asking TRULY inappropriate questions at Cons, etc. so…
In conclusion, some of these entitled questions and demands for updates are 100% legitimate bad mannered fans being entitled and rude, because bad mannered fans have always existed and now fandom is sooooo big and fractured there's basically no common etiquette. And also, more then 0% of them might be obsessive haters of your ship/character mimicking the style&language of that kind of fan BECAUSE they know it makes the creator annoyed and less likely to continue writing for the ship/character they hate! Crazy I know! Either way, ignore them! If they are real fans and readers of your WIP then they are not the kind of reader you wanna creator for anyway! And they also might be crazy haters trying to smother your creative flame cus they are jealous! Do your thing!
I’m old and have followed works that got updated 10 years (!) later! A few extra days/months/weeks means nothing to me and it should mean nothing to real fans! It’s what the subscriber button is for! And also if you as a fan wanna give the author incentive to write more, leave them real and engaging comments! T'is the true, renewable energy! Not using these nasty , smelly, smog making demanding comments as fuel aka the whale oil of comments! And commenters, when writing these motivational fuelling comments, don’t even mention it’s for motivation! Heck don’t even say something like, can't wait to see more! at a certain point, just be happy it was written at all in any amount and extend that gratitude to the author (with your desire for more being your fuel for your comment!)
(But if you wanna maybe get the bad mannered fans off your back, remove any exact dates from your authors note after a while and like make a progress post on Tumblr to link to where you can just edit and add your time estimates and “announce” delays there so the poor widdle fans don’t *have* to “dig” thru pages of wonderful art and other (🙄) fandoms the poor dears. But it may also help so you feel less pressured if you don’t make yourself beholdened to a schedule, unless you like the deadlines for your own productivity lol then I just salute you. But that way you can just point to any annoying demands for updates to that one page)
Good luck! Do your thing! Enjoy a new fandom and the new creative energy it brings! A starting a new fandom gives you such a different rush/energy than an old, mature fandom for you. Neither is better or worse but it’s fun to have both! Enrich your enclosure !
Interesting and to be honest not entirely surprising? I’ve been in fandom for a long time too, so I’ve seen people be mean for no reason other than they enjoyed being mean and belittling fellow fans for enjoying their fandom differently than they did.
And you see quite a lot of stupid things in the Supernatural fandom when it gets to ship wars and slinging insults at each other. I had the feeling that I've seen everything but eh, fandom can still surprise me.
I do think people should get different hobbies than pretending to be fans and leaving mean comments to discourage others from writing. I don’t know if that’s what’s happening because who honestly cares enough about my niche A/B/O Destiel fanfic to want to sabotage it now, after 50 chapters are already out?
Just the general idea that fic or fanart of one thing is somehow eating up valuable “screen time” that should be dedicated to other fancreations (of different ships, dealing with different themes) is ridiculous in my opinion.
I could somewhat understand people being tense and overdoing it trying to prove to themselves and the creators that they are the true fans of the show and that they need to be catered to. But why put that effort towards fanworks of a show that’s been over for nearly 4 years? Prospective creators and platforms aren't going to look at AO3 and think "this random person wrote this historical arranged marriage AU, the SPN continuation should better follow its lead!"
You are completely right that I feel fandom etiquette has tanked. The barrier between fandom space and creators is just too brittle or at times even nonexistent in today’s media/ digital landscape. And social media aren't curated fandom spaces, it' all kind of things mashed together. And some people don’t seem to understand that the fanart and fanfic they scroll past on twitter isn’t “content” that is being produced to garner their attention. Likewise, my fanfic isn’t content I’m paid for to create that is just there for people to consume. It’s for fun, it’s free, it thrives on community. Nobody pays for it, which means that clicking away and ignoring it doesn’t cost anything. It’s no waste of time or money.
Anyway. I want to have fun in fandom. I try to share that fun. And sometimes I just fall down into a hole. And not just a different fandom hole... This whole year hasn’t been easy and that affects how and what I can create even though it’s not obvious what is going on behind the screen if you just look at my output.
All in all, creativity doesn’t always translate to a regular and consistent update schedule.
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chaotic-orphan · 2 months
Found fictional story/novel
So... I have found a fictional novel that I wrote over the last ten years that I had completely forgotten about, and then, once I found it again, I realised there is so much of it - like 90,000 words much of it - and it is a lot to comb through and I kind of shut down mentally when I found it but I am working more now on updates for the WIPS I have on Tumblr!
So you can Expect updates soon in:
Delirious Villain x hero caretaker,
Heroic betrayal,
Intoxicating fear (updates every Saturday) (from now) :)
and, A Benignant Mischief
which are all started in the drafts!
Updates continued under cut
(*not necessary* to read as it is mostly rambles and ranting about the novel I found (and others), but I want to share some fun revelations I found while skimming it)
There are some whumpy scenes from the novel that I may post as I find them, cause some of them are very whumpy, and I enjoyed reading them~
The plot has a lot of male characters which is both interesting and annoying— interesting because I love the two brothers dynamic, even not even blood related, like two brothers joined together by fate, blood, prophecy etc. Annoying because it’s obvious that I looked at the media I was surrounded with and was like “nobody wants to read about women, if they did, there would be more women centric things” so I’ll write about boys!
Point 2 Contd. (Rant!) Obviously discounting the genre of YA dystopian fiction which was great, and populated by mainly female protagonists, and which I enjoyed, but then, were shit on by the mainstream media because GIRLS CAN’T FIGHT? Girls can’t be the main driving force of a novel? Girls suck, boo girls, unless they’re tom boys or men. Ahem, thank you for your input on teenage girl’s book choices FORTY YEAR OLD WHITE MEN :D WHERE WOULD WE BE WITHOUT YOU
Part 2+3 contd. (the brightside!) However, the good thing about this is that I can populate the rest of the novel with strong female characters! There are a few dotted through who i dote on a bit, I love them, like come here my little beautiful minority <3
The plot centers around two brothers who get torn apart when outlaw's raid in their coastal village - actually, my newest Medieval WIP was inspired by the novel!! Same setting/vibe (as in the coastal village) so very fun
This to say that actually I think the new Medieval WIP is my brain trying to flesh the world out more and see what the average people would do in the world… but it’s a story in its own right too!
There are magic, gods, good gods and bad gods ofc, ancients, bloodlines, descendants, royalty, soldiers, outlaws, magic schools, political intrigue - like it is a mix of everything I have loved over the years which is so funny to see because clearly I haven't changed...
The dialogue?!?!? I don't think I have written like that ever, but the dialogue is so much better than the dialogue I write today and idk why? Maybe because I wrote it off a sudden throng of inspiration or something? But, fuck, how do I write like that again? I mean, without editing, because the amount of editing I had to do to make the novel READABLE wasn't funny, it took so long... it's finished now though, just the editing, NOTHING else - give me strength, I need it
Also, realised that I hate editing - is it something new? Not really, but holy moly... editing sucks, but it also?? Improves the story and fluidity so much, I should start editing my pieces before I publish and come off as far more eloquent than I do
Planning... is also so difficult - 90% of the novel is like this:
Scene X: completed Me: ah, good, that scene is written, I can move on to the next one Me, still staring at Scene X: ...move on now My brain: but what if it happened like this? PROVIDES SEVEN DIFFERENT ALTERNATE ENDINGS TO THE SCENE THAT WEREN'T NECESSARY AND NOW I HAVE TO CUT SO MUCH CRAP BUT MY BRAIN'S STILL LIKE - BUT WHAT IF?
My brain's literally like the writer's brain from Hush, such a good movie... ANYWAYS!!!!
That's the end of all my ramblings for today, was this post necessary? No, but like, I clearly wanted to get it off my chest and vent so we live, laugh, love... I hope all your days are going well :3
~ Orphan,
(P.S. - I'm toying with the idea of dropping my nickname in the bio, or doing a whole overhaul of the blog - the name, the layout... get rid of orphan, or maybe just become "nickname_the orphan", or something. But, see orphans are just so whumpy though I love a good orphan story... thoughts, ideas, waste management? I'm just dunking all my overflow of thoughts on this update today, but sure, look, be grand — I’m truly sorry if you read this far, I am having an ✨episode✨)
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onlydrawnbad · 10 months
Do you ever read 570,000+ word, 130+ chapter fanfics that were started nearly 8 years ago and have current year updates, and as you get to the end of certain chapters along the way, you keep going "wow, I would have hated to be here in 201x and have to wait for THAT cliffhanger, those poor readers, those sad, desperate historical souls" and you're just so glad for yourself because you know you don't have to stop until chapter 139, and you arrogantly assume that's probably just extended epilogues or something (because you were previously conditioned by another fic to believe that), so everything will be fine?
Only to get to chapter 139 and SCREAM OUT LOUD because you jinxed yourself right into THE NEWEST WAVE OF CLIMATIC PLOT CHAPTERS WHERE ALL THE SHIT IS GOING DOWN and now you, too, have become the reader you felt such pity for?
Wait, you don't?
THEN GO OVER THERE AND DO WHAT I DID SO I DON'T HAVE TO BE ALONE IN MY HUBRIS. It comes with art. So. Much. Wonderful. Comic. Art.
I would like to stress (as I have done before) that I have never played this game. Not once. I had never even heard of it originally. Yet this is now the second absolutely massive Sans x reader/OC fic I have read in this fandom. Everything I know about Undertale, I learned because one day on a whim I decided to read a 480,000+ word, 170+ chapter fanfic because I liked the way @tricktster used words on some tumblr post (don't ask me which one, I've forgotten). I have re-read that fic at least once a year, if not more, for multiple years in a row because it's like a favorite book to me now.
If anyone needs me, I'll be comfort-reading it, again.
And then probably going back and re-reading JoAT, because oh my god that fic. I'm just so in love with it for a million reasons.
(Yes, it took me this long to see there was another glorious treasure in plain sight under @capnhanbers despite following @mod2amaryllis and it's just really embarrassing to be confronted by that kind of obliviousness, okay? Can I blame it on how, multiple times now over the years, I've gone months and months without looking at this app unless it notified me of something specific?)
I swear, I have never read fic in any other fandom where it was this easy to immerse myself in it with nothing more than some light googling along the way (the first time with CoBC), and the googling was just because I'm me and I like to know all the things. In both cases, you don't have to come to the table with anything other than an interest in supernatural-elements stories (monsters, magic, etc) and a love for snappy dialogue and funny (dad) jokes and HEART-WRENCHING FEELS and watching the author having a life journey in the notes.
(And yes, sure, an open mind about a skeleton monster and a human having magical sex, but if you know you're in a rated fic about monsters and humans, you must know that's going to be a thing.)
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a-x-s-c-e · 5 months
Long time no see :')
I just remembered this account exists and finally logged on for first time in a decade. And possibly to the surprise of no one, I still write fanfiction and it's still SasuHina. Go figure.
Some general updates:
"Differently" - AU, Divorce, Rated M, Cross-Posted on FF and AO3 is updated pretty frequently, maybe too frequently, but I've become kind of obsessed with where it's headed. I just updated today! It's posted on AO3 first but I'm about to upload the newest chapter (9) on FF. Maybe it's because I use AO3 a little more, but the review traction is a lot slower on this. If you happen to like this story or give it a go, feel free to review. :')
"Inevitable Reality" - AU, Rated M, only on FF was last updated September 2023, a whole 8 years later from previous chapter. Don't jump me. :( I'm planning on finishing this story this year, or early next. I re-read it recently (and cringed at my old writing) but somehow didn't hate it as much as I thought I would. I forgot how much I love weirdo Hinata and anxious Sasuke, they're too cute to give up on. I was searching the title of this and found it surprisingly on a few recommendation lists. Thanks to those that read it/still message me about it! I promise to work on it this year. I would offer to re-write and fix, but I am not as motivated to do that. We'll see.
SasuHina Month 2024 - I am considering doing it...we'll see! I want to work on writing in universe - I've been so stuck on AUs because I'm always hesistant to write something incorrect with the series. I'm actually re-reading Naruto (and in deep, nostalgic pain from it) and plan to give Boruto another chance. So, if I participate, I'm hoping to write it entirely in universe as a challenge. Stay tuned!
Finally (and just as a bonus wtf comment)
"You're Welcome" - that one's from 2011 (I was a child when I wrote this) and I will never read it again. I cringe at the thought LOL. I want to delete it but I love reviews and sometimes I read them (even if they're old) for a confidence boost. Idk why some of you read it within the last four years, I know it's not well written and that's just me assuming who I was back then - out of all my other stories, this is simply one I physically cannot re-read without my face scrunching up. Anyway TL;DR I won't delete but I wish I had the guts to. Read my other fics instead LOL
In an effort to avoid spamming the SasuHina Discord, I'll just post chapter updates here. I don't know if I'll post as read-mores whatever linked there, and I haven't really been active on tumblr in forever either, so we'll see. I'll likely prepare a fanfic recommendations post soon but don't be surprised if non-SasuHina fics make the cut - I've expanded the net when I run out of things to read heh.
Thanks for reading!
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front-facing-pokemon · 9 months
Yes, Honedge!
Something i'd like to point out about its face:
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It doesn't have a goofy face, the holes in the scabbard just make it look that way. In reality, it just has a single eye.
With that in mind, could you please do a version without the scabbard?
iiii figured this was common knowledge enough to not warrant an additional form, but alright:
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some of the guard disappeared but it's okay. i never even saw that part of the scabbard as a face—the blue eye is very obviously an eye. i don't know if anyone actually thought that was its face. however, i do find it interesting that even after removing the scabbard textures, it still has textures for that "face" remaining:
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which implies it's a face more than anything i've seen of the matter before this point
anyway there's so many asks in the box right now so let's just go through all of them:
in order from oldest to newest, here we go:
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this is true. most of the models are shiny, unless they have a "colladamax" variant
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ahh it's fine. i considered it might have been a request but i also doubted it considering pangoro was literally next so i assumed you were just excited. me complaining about requests was unrelated—another ask i got around the same time
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well then maybe it's not a bad thing. you certainly phrased it like one, it seems, but that might just be unfortunate connotations with the way you said it? glad we could clear up the confusion i guess
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we do need more snakes, but i also like the bipedal pokémon, as a furry. back when everyone was begging sprigatito not to stand up, i saw through their thinly-veiled furry hate and was begging sprigatito to go against the grain and stand up anyway. and then they did and now meowscarada is one of my favorite pokémon. get fucked, normies (i am sorry for saying this)
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↑ i didn't know this until i looked it up! this is interesting. stuff like the male version learning misty terrain but the female version learning more type coverage. this is very strange but i like it. only girls can use magical leaf and charge beam sorry boys
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thank you! i can explain it. it is because pokémon are getting very close and staring at you as for the inspiration for this blog, it was mostly snivy. i remember one day thinking that snivy's big nose would make it look very silly from the front, and being like "damn. someone should compile a list of what every pokémon looks like from the front. damn. that would make a good tumblr blog bc some of those would be really funny. damn. i should do that" and then i did. but that was back in 2020—pretty soon after i ended up starting college which didn't allot me a lot of time for updating this blog, and although i kept swearing i'd go back, somewhat soon after that i went through a breakup and just wanted to take a while for myself. a bit after that, tumblr user sewatari reblogged one of the posts on this blog again (the weedle post, i believe?) and singlehandedly revived this blog by reminding me that they still cared about it. and that's fucking awesome?? tbh?? so thank them for this blog's continued existence. if you scroll waaaayyyy back far enough in the archive, you'll probably see that miniature saga. the images back from the first gen and onwards were a little bit icky as i got grips on how to actually go about this blog and manipulate the models in the right way to get them to work, which is why i can never really recommend folks scroll all the way back in the blog, but it's a look back into my own personal history, i suppose
apologies for breaking the magic, although i don't think anyone keeps up with the "i am a pokémon taking real live pictures of other pokémon with the camera right in their face" lore because no one pays attention to the backgrounds of the images (which used to change much more than they do now, but that's just because no one ever noticed or pointed them out. the background is not the focus of the image—it's the pokémon itself; thus, why look at the background? staging the pokémon in a setting used to be important to me, but now i don't worry about it and cycle between the same few backgrounds) or the asks, really. it's the commentary in the tags everyone comes here for, of course
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she's a fully-grown woman with a house
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then you'll love the top of this post
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they probably wouldn't think it looks like anything because they aren't familiar with what honedge looks like so they would just picture nothing in their head. or they would just make up what they Think honedge might look like based on its name, or something, and then imagine that front-facing
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i don't know which one of these is the real one. but we have some discrepancy here. also apparently this is a wider-spread belief than i thought
OKAY. i think that's all of them. if you read all the way here to the end, that's. powerful. for those of you who stuck around this long, i'm live right now with a test stream having some breakfast and playing pokémon. come join in, if you're bored this morning!
edit: it's over but i'll probably do it again some time, more likely at a more reasonable hour next time. considering the idea of doing a fully voiced pmd series—perhaps that'll be the next stream. or i'll leave another test one for it. who knows!
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houseki-no-suffering · 8 months
HIII are you still alive? how are u doing? I just found out about your account because of a cinnaphos post you made on 2018 (one of them, i dont remember which tho) that randomly popped up for me while I was searching a panel from the manga and since then I have been looking through your tumblr and reading all of your analysis (especially the ones about Phos & Cinnabar) during all night and i loved them all so much and i totally agree with you in everything and you just put every thought and feeling and worries and doubts i have about hnk (and about cinnaphos) ans I just lost a whole night of sleep HELPPPP
as i was looking from your oldest posts till your latest one, i got a feeling that you kind of slowly died inside through all those years and from 2022 to now you seem to have gotten very tired (and more hopeless) about hnk, since your posts started to take longer inbetween gaps and you seemed to be talking less in your newest ones and posting less analysis so i got a little worried (though i know Ichikawa has started to take a liiiittle bit TOO LONG gaps between releasing new chapters and us hnk fans have been forced to take some painful breaks of the series) if you were actually doing alright and if everythings okay in your life in general, is it? (゜.゜)
by the way, i really wanted to ask you a very important question (i know that i will probably sob about it but i might also get hopeful depending on what you think):
do you think that there's canon evidence or, at least, a slight possibility that Phos and Cinnabar may end up being together? or at least come into terms, apologize to each other and have a happy ending for them and their relationship?? that something may happen and make that possible??? waiting anxiously for your answer! hugs, sweetie
hello there, this ask is the main reason i resurfaced for a few secs.
I am definitely alive and okay, sometimes I even update my twitter, I simply feel a disconnect with HnK and Tumblr after everything that happened. Also, now that I am a full time nerd with adult responsibilities, I have little free time to dedicate to this space, even if sometimes I miss this community and how we used to scream all together anytime a new chapter would drop.
Thank u for sticking by and enjoying my posts, carry on the cinnaphos legacy for me but do NOT lose sleep on these pebbles, take it from your internet grandma, take care of yourself. As for your question, I do not think Phos and Shinsha will ever end up together (except in the form of the seventh treasure, which I believe Shinsha ended up being, so yay?). Also, I hate to break it to you, but these rocks are no longer part of this plane of existence thanks to Phos praying everyone away and initiating 3rd impact. We can always dream tho, that's what fanfics are for.
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toointojoelmiller · 1 year
Update for people who are nice enough to read my fics:
It’s been two weeks since I’ve been able to get out an update on please don’t go! If you have been following this story since June you know that is definitely not my usual pace for writing and updating.
It feels extra crappy, because I have had a ton of really kind support and new people finding my story in this period of time and reaching out to me about it, and I am so wanting to keep getting updates posted asap for everyone who is waiting. I also know how much waiting for a work in progress to update can be torture and I hate putting people through that lol.
The truth is I recently had a very unexpected loss and as much as writing is my favourite way to spend my time these days, grief brain sucks and I just haven’t had the ability to focus like I usually do. The newest chapter is about 3/4 done - slow progress is the best I am doing for now.
I will hopefully be able to get back to my more frequent updates before long. Just didn’t want anyone to be worrying that I am abandoning this fic because that couldn’t be farther from the truth.
The other thing that sucks is I haven’t been able to really read much either for the same reason. I keep getting email alerts for updates from all my fav writers on ao3. The list of fics I need to catch up on is growing every day lol. I promise I’ll comment on all of them when I finally get there.
I’m extra grateful to be on tumblr right now because I feel like it’s giving me a place to still rot my brain but doesn’t require as much mental energy from me lol.
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polyamzeal · 1 year
I'm sorry you have to deal with all that shit. You deserve to be able to celebrate yourself without getting sliced up by internet randos. And yeah, poly belongs in pride month, it's something worth celebrating and taking pride in.
Thank you so much. I really appreciate your kind words.
I want to take this ask/post as a moment to update on my emotional outburst the other night (found HERE and some follow-up if you missed it). Mostly that I have been blown away by the amount of positivity people responded with! I have grown so used to people wanting to fiercely argue with me and accuse me of shit that I was feeling isolated and like nobody was on my side. I was shocked to be reminded of how many other people have went through the same. Lots of people also said that telling people they were gay/bi or trans was easy but it is hard to tell people that they are non-monogamous and not get hated for it. Again, not everybody's experience but certainly true for more than even I realized. It was so validating.
There was 1 hashtag on one of the reblogs that really stood out to me, "#polyphobia". I talk to death about homophobia and transphobia, even biphobia. But I have never really uttered that word. And it was so refreshing to just label it that. Polyamory still gets so erased that even the word for hating it felt victim to erasure. As if, "How could polyphobia exist when polyamory isn't a real or serious thing that deserves to be protected." I was reminded of all the other phobias that Pride has delt with. The biggest is of course Transphobia. Gays and lesbians were great but transpeople were wrong, despite being so important to the history of pride. Let's not forget how often gay and straight people have come together for biphobia to hate the greedy people that just can't pick a side. But I think the one that resonates most for me is questioning whether or not asexuality belongs at Pride. I am far from asexual myself but I have a lot of friends that are and hearing their accounts of being mistreated by people all over the spectrum really just struck a chord in my heart. All of these cases of people who were not welcomed at Pride at one point but now are mostly welcomed. And now the newest enemy to isolate and say they don't belong at pride is polyamorous people. They aren't queer enough. It might let in cis-het people which would be so awful~. I can only hope in time we look back at this and won't be able to remember a time when polyamorous people were pushed out of Pride just as we are already forgetting that bi, trans, and ace people were too.
I have also come to the conclusion that some Polyamory Facebook groups are just filled with outright mean people. Toneless online conversation with some level of anonymity will always lead to people being less compassionate and empathetic. Other night I joined a local "Polyamory Discussion" Zoom meetup and it was just so nice to see the faces of polyamorous strangers and hear a bit about what was going on with them. They felt so much more like 'real people' than the angry people online that won't listen to you as they rant at you on auto-pilot. Seeing Tumblr being a much more supportive community has also really helped to reconnect my tethers to this community that I love so much. Thank you.
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Custody Battle--Third Visitation
Angel in Distress
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(This cover was designed by @pigeondraws for last years Fandom Trumps Hate!)
The Ritual of Propagation has succeeded. Aziraphale and Crowley are ready to welcome the newest member of Their Own Side. But the Archangels have other plans. No young angel has ever been raised outside their closely guided care, and they have no intention of changing that...
After a very long break (and tons of help from my excellent beta readers) I now present part 3 of Custody Battle! In this newest chapter, Aziraphale struggles with the emotions of the last few days while he and Crowley try to prepare for the Archangels' inevitable return. More chapters to follow shortly!
Read it now on AO3!
(Note: this story is M rated and contains heavy CWs for noncon, SA, emotional manipulation, various forms of abuse, and a good amount of violence. Please check the tags. Continuing readers, please check if you read last month's update, there was no Tumblr post...)
He jolted awake, trapped, panicked, fingers desperately scrabbling for something, anything to hold onto. A heavy weight rested across his body, like a blanket, pinning him down, white, warm like a body, only—
Only it wasn’t trapping him, it was keeping him safe.
Taking a deep breath, he rolled onto his back and gazed up at his angel. Sitting pressed into the corner of the sofa, a heavy book wedged between his hip and the sofa’s arm, wings spread wide, softly golden in the sunrise light. Rubbing his eyes as he woke.
“Oh!” Aziraphale mumbled. “Oh, I must have dozed…” He glanced down at Crowley and smiled, a beautiful morning smile. “There you are, my dear. How are you feeling?”
“Nnh.” He stretched his legs, but didn’t otherwise move from the safety of the wing. “Shouldn’t’ve let me sleep.”
“You needed it.” Aziraphale stroked his husband’s hair and glanced up at the clock. “It was only two hours or so. We still have… almost six, before…”
Before Gabriel’s deadline. Before the Archangels came to take his family away.
“Really shouldn’t’ve let me sleep,” he growled, pushing himself up. Aziraphale’s wing flicked away, giving him space but leaving him cold and exposed. “Don’t have time for—”
“Yes, we do.” Aziraphale retrieved his notebook from the sofa cushions. “In between research, I jotted down some ideas on our… counter-offer.” His hands were starting to shake. “I think this will be enough to get them to the negotiating table, at least. Particularly once our… enhanced defences are in place.”
Crowley grabbed the notebook, hardly sparing it a glance before tossing it on the coffee table. The too-white pages of Gabriel’s offers lay scattered across it, more reading Aziraphale shouldn’t have had to do alone. Crowley took his husband’s hands, thumbs carefully brushing his knuckles. “And how are those coming? The defences?”
“I think I have enough for us to… to be getting along with.” Another smile, this one far shakier. “Now I just need to set everything up.” He squeezed Crowley’s hands, then stood, arching his back in a careful stretch, enormous wings briefly filling the room before settling to his shoulders. Then he held out the right again with a smile. “And good morning to you, Kokabiel. How was your first night?”
Moving more slowly, still shivering a little, Crowley joined him, slipping an arm around Aziraphale’s waist for support. “Hey, you,” he said softly, pushing his fingers into the feathers, and surrendering to a delighted smile when he felt the gentle tapping of the youngling. “Yeah, I missed you, too.”
Aziraphale kissed him, a careful brush across his cheek. “Another nightmare?”
Read the rest on AO3!
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I'm over 21 and my blog isn't blank, please just let me devour your headcanons for my current fandom hyperfixation.
This whole blog needs a spoiler warning.
I post almost exclusively about BG3.
I decided to throw some of my own ideas at the wall, if you would like to see what sticks my master list is under the cut. (It's a mix of shitposts, character analyses, lore breakdowns, headcanons, simping, and horny posting.)
I have a memory worse than a goldfish. I will reblog the same posts multiple times. Sometimes multiple times a day an hour. 😥
If I've spammed your notifications by mass liking your posts.
(I don't really understand how tumblr works, and most of the time I'm using it through a web browser on my old/ kind of shitty phone.)
Master list:
Characters are indexed in the order that I made posts about them in; with their respective posts listed from oldest to newest, top down.
A link with a * at the end is a link which has multiple instances on this list, but is under a (slightly) different name.
Homebrew tabaxi ability
Elven naming conventions (ft. Halsin's name etymology)*
Everybody hates tieflings (ft. Zevlor)
Elturel's history and culture, the Hellriders (ft. Zevlor)
Playboy Gale
Gale has daddy issues updated
Gale cucked Gortash*
Psychoanalyzing the characters I simp for
Shopping bags
"Cat" dad Zevlor
Science rat
Vein thirst post
Caging Zevlor during his rut
A deep dive into Zevlor's devotion series (master list) (incomplete)
Using Zevlor as a chew toy
Love is an open wound
Monster fucker Gortash
The dark urge to simp for Gortash
Psychoanalyzing the characters I simp for (2)
Durgetash Daddy Issues
Gortash cucked by Gale*
Durgetash is drowning
How in the hell you spell chauffeur? (comic request)
Monster fucker lover Gortash ft. Ketheric
Worm love
NSFW fluffy Astarion HC
A cursed thought that should've stayed in my head
Sibling bonding time
Rolan's name etymology
Tsundere Rolan (Part 1)
Sub Rolan
Rolan's performance issues (Part 1)
Love is an open wound
Halsin's name etymology, and Elven naming conventions*
Halsin can't catch a break
Halsin's in-game stats, how Larian did Halsin dirty
Multiple characters:
Ranking camp companions on their childrearing abilities (Astarion, Wyll, Halsin, Gale, Shadowheart, Lae'zel, Karlach, Minthara, Mizora, Withers, Volo, Jaheira, Minsc and Boo)
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eossa · 1 year
How I'd Make Tumblr More Profitable
Yes, this is going to be controversial, since I know nothing about the behind-the-scenes spending, economics, and all that jazz. But I've been on Tumblr for long enough to have a rough idea of the userbase wants - which is what positions Tumblr in a niche other sites don't really utilize. Most of the points I list here are about improving the experience of existing users, as keeping users might be harder for tumblr than attracting new ones.
Please note that this posts reflects my personal opinions and some stuff I've seen people complain about it. Do not attack me over anything I've written here, it's not worth my time and I will resort to blocking if I'm being bothered. Constructive criticism is fine and encouraged!
[under the cut because this got quite long] [last updated 20th July 2023]
Features to Add
Block posts. Xkit has/had this feature, it was great. Sometimes I just don't want to see a specific post, and others probably agree with that.
Send asks and replies from sideblogs. Would literally make a lot of things easier and better.
Delete individual reblog additions from a post. Sometimes, you have a post where there is one"relevant" addition, multiple "irrelevant" additions ("yes!", "[repeated phrase in bold]", "this is a must reblog"), before there is a "relevant" addition again. But right now, you can only remove all reblog additions, not just individual ones. I feel like this would be a neat feature.
Direct blocking of anon hate which also tracks the IP and blocks the associated account(s). No rights for cowards, that's all I'll say.
Features to Bring Back
Reblog chains. Prev tags are the backbone of lots of interactions on here. If I click on someone's username in a reblog chain, I want to see that post on their blog, not their blog starting from the newest post. The loss of this feature is one of the things people constantly complain about in the replies of @changes.
Several text formatting options. As a theme maker, it would be nice to have proper preformatted text again - it makes code so much more legible. Other formatting options I miss are marked/highlighted text and text lines, which are really helpful to visually break apart passages of text.
Features to Ditch
Tumblr Live. There I've said it. If I want to see stuff like that, I have TikTok, IG Reels, Pinterest Reels, and YouTube Shorts. Twitter also has something like this. It's oversaturated, and aparently there are still enough cyber security concerns that it's not even accessible outside of the US and Canada.
Ads in lightboxes. Especially on mobile, there are already more than enough ads on the feed, no need to add more nested inside other elements.
Features that Make Money
Pay for NSFW. If this site allowed full nudity etc. again but hid it behind a paywall, we'd kill two birds with one stone: The site would probably still be allowed on the App Store, and the money influx would be huge. The userbase would also increase again.
(If Tumblr Live is kept.) Pay to snooze Tumblr Live permanently. It's the most complained about thing in changes' replies, so I feel like people would pay on a subscription base just to not see TL anymore.
Pay to increase limits. 250 posts per day is the maximum that can be posted - and there are people hitting those limits. If there was an option to buy a higher limit (500p/d, 750p/d, etc.), people might generally use it. Like those add-on charges for mobile data. Same goes for posts in the queue, posts in drafts, images in a photoset and so on.
Pay to pin posts at the top of a tag or search result. Ebay Kleinanzeigen has this neat feature where you can push your small ads to the top of a search query so that more people can see it. This could be a cool feature to try, as it would work in a more content-aware way than Blaze does.
Pay to buy inactive URLs. There are some really cool usernames on here that are taken by blogs that haven't updated for 5+ years and only have one post (or none at all), and I feel like it would be neat to be able to buy one of these cool usernames attached to an empty account. To make sure that usernames attached to redirect or something else don't get bought, tumblr should send an e-mail to the username owner - if the user doesn't react to that for 3 months, the usernames changed owners. [added 13th July 2023]
Existing Features to Improve
NPF posts. I feel like a combination of legacy and NPF would be neat. Think selecting a main element like in the legacy editor (e.g. video, image, audio) and then adding a caption that can add different content types like NPF does. Or at least create a better overview over NPF variables and release the full base code with documentation to make things easier for the web designers on here. There are more issues with the NPF format but I won't list everything people dislike about it here.
Block people. The block feature should make sure that the person being blocked doesn't see any posts made by the person they were blocked by, even if those posts were reblogged by another user. Also, like IG does, there should be an option to block either just a specific blog or the IP address attached to block side-blogs and other accounts of that user.
Color palettes. The color palette options for the dashboard are generally a nice idea but I think it would be better if there was a dropdown menu to choose a palette from rather than having to click through all the different options. For example, if I want to go from Cement (light mode) to Dark mode, I have to click through 10 options until I reach Dark again. There has to be an easier way. [added 20th July 2023]
Other Improvements Needed
Nuke spam bots. Users are reporting all the spam bots, yet, it doesn't seem like they are dwindling in numbers. Also - at least this is how it's being perceived by the userbase - tumblr isn't doing enough on their end to reduce spam bots. This is definitely something that needs to be fixed.
End hateful and criminal activities. It's the year 2023, yet there are still outright N*zis, violent tr*nsphobes, literal p*dophiles, and other people committing to the daily bit of hate speech and other illegal activities (fraud too considering all those fake GoFundMe sites) on this website. I'm not saying free speech should be banned but there is a bright red line between what is free spech and what is hate speech (or should get you jailed considering fraud and p*dophilia).
A through-out, perhaps even interactive, beginner tutorial. "The site is too complicated to use for new users!" – then explain how it works in easy terms, with examples, images, and videos. Every other application or web app has walk-throughs, just do the same here.
Improved ad relevancy. The ads I see on tumblr are usually so out-of touch with the userbase, and many of them feel like the sort of stuff you see on a spam-ridden torrenting site. I feel like increasing the relevancy of ads to what the users usually blog about would cause a higher click-rate and turn-over-rate than the current ads do.
There is probably more I could add, but that's it for now. Should I make any later additions directly to this post, I will mention it to prevent misunderstandings. If you have any ideas or constructive criticism, let me hear about it in the replies or reblogs of this post.
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
I just wanna say how heartwarming it is to see people loving on their biases and working together to spread positivity in the name of their bias. I’m OT7 and my bias is Yoongi and I saw you mention in a post about a Jimin praise kink and I feel like I have a unique kinda kink where I seek out all the members’ individual fandoms and observe how they work to uplift their biases lol. I only do this to positive fanbases (no akgaes/other member antis). It’s like I’m watching a family discuss and organize what their doing to better their household (household meaning their bias). I dunno why I love doing this but I spend several minutes (or hours) a day perusing many of the members biggest fans. I like how PJM’s (and you and many Jikook blogs) are coming together to lift up Jimin and share streaming strategies and how to proceed for his album debut. I just came from lurking a KTH community and how they were discussing how to show Tae more love after people were hating on his insta follow. I watched how some KSJ’s where brainstorming ways to keep Jin’s presence alive to fill the void until he returns from enlistment. The MYG’s are thriving right now with Yoongi’s new brand endeavours (and his long hair haha). I really liked the conversations I heard from the KNJ’s about how they are proud of Joon for expressing himself well in his recent album and how proud they are of him speaking up when his private conversations were released by the press. JHS’s are always having a great time it seems supporting every new thing Hobi does and hyping up his solo career. The JJK’s are humouring me with the way their setting up their own cute little restaurant tours based on Jungkook’s. It’s not always rainbows and sunshines when I visit these little communities for each member because it always seems like they face a ‘challenge of the week’ but I admire the efforts of these fans to maturely discuss how to pull through as a team/fanbase. Of course I follow group related accounts who speak positively on BTS as a group but I just love visiting the individual stans to see what conversations they’re having and what ways they decide to support their biases. I literally have a Twitter list for each separate member (not so much for charts/voting/streaming) for kind/cute/funny accounts that like to discuss among themselves on the current status of their bias. It also enables me to be scarily updated on each members’ every move since their Stan’s get the newest info right away. I have almost found a community for each member on Tumblr too but it’s a bit harder on here since the anon asks sometimes brings negativity against other members which I don’t like. I dunno why I felt the need to share this with you Storm lol sorry if I’m cluttering your inbox. xo
This is nice, just a nice message about fandom to recieve instead of people just complaining. There are a lot of postives here too 🥰 also somewhat related.... people reacting to Yoongis music are some of my favorite to watch. So if anyone has good recs, let me know too!
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Thanks anon!
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messymindpalace · 8 months
so weird doing this after been on tumblr for almost 15 years (i don't even remember when i first log in here it's just been part of my life since forever) but here we go:
hi, I'm the queen of this messy mind palace and as it's possible to imagine from the message above I'm old but not so old, let's just say my reign here knows no beginning.
my username it's inspired by Sherlock (BBC) but his mind palace is a far more organized and well coordinated than my, thus the "messy" 😅
I'm a protestant christian but not interested in online discord so if you have any doubts, feel more than welcome to talk, otherwise I'll simply ignore any hateful or harmful message (: (yes, i'll expose my opinions on matters, i just don't want to debate them)
I'm also a Swiftie (easily assessed by my reblogs but whatever 😅) and please don't ask which album is my favorite because I'll say evermore and folklore but I'm also a reputation girlie but I'm also a Speak Now girlie but Lover is like my dream album but Red is such an autumn girl vibe which is totally me but i first listened to Taylor when she released Fearless (stolen version) but...(do you see where I'm going with this?).
also, i'm kind into MTBI and my personality is INTP - T but this is more of a fun way to look at my personality's traits rather than something i lead my life by.
Main book fandoms:
• The Folk of The Air
• Alice In Wonderland / Heartless
• The Hunger Games
● Pride and Prejudice
(i still have so much more to read of Jane Austen but i already know i'll love it)
i did read ACOTAR and do have a few posts about it but my knowledge stops at the novella and i have no interest in continuing it (: (that being said, Lucien and Amren are the only characters i love <3)
IMPORTANT: these are only the main ones but if you scroll through my page you can easily find my newest obsession (if i have one) (:
● Star Wars
● Harry Potter (still need to read the books. I know...I really know)
● Fantastic Beasts
● Pirates of The Caribbean
● Pride and Prejudice
● Ready or Not
● and a bunch more (:
TV Shows / Series:
• Friends
• New Girl
• House
• The Chosen
• Only Murders In The Building
• Modern Family
• The Artful Dodger
• Loki
• Wandavision
• The Falcon and The Winter Soldier
• Sherlock (BBC) - unfinished
Spoilers are expected both for tv shows, books and movies (new releases will have a warning tag in its first week) (:
(i will be updating this forever because as funny as it seems i do forget about the things i love)
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hiya-im-mary · 1 year
I feel like I need to talk about this…about TUMBLR LIVE ONCE AGAIN- I SHALL SPEAK!!
Is [tumblr] Prioritising Tumblr Live over actual posts?
I got this app back when the post button was on the navigation bar!! It was really efficient to put it right in the middle!! It was convenient for left and right handed users,and it was always there,most of the time!! So long as you had access to the toolbar,you could post!!
Then an update came. It made a separate little button ABOVE the navigation bar. It wasn’t attached to it anymore!! And this was…a little less user friendly. You only really have access to the post button if you’re on your main feed or looking at your own blog. Otherwise,you have to backtrack just to make a post!!
Which honestly confused me at first…why would you make an update that makes things less convenient…BUT NOW I KNOW
You know the newest update everyone talks about. Now that the Tumblr Live camera icon with that little “NEW” text on it. Maybe it accidentally tricks you into thinking you got a notification. Either way it’s now a permanent resident on the Navigation Bar and everyone who doesn’t actively use Tumblr Live HATES it!!
What I’m trying to say is that I think staff changed the placement of the post button so they could put Tumblr Love’s icon in it’s place. Which…raises MORE questions!!
If you have access to TL more than the actual post button,you know,the button that creates what Tumblr is fuelled on…POSTS?! Is that implying that staff is prioritising live streams that possibly reveal your locations more than what Tumblr was built off of??
Tumblr Live is an (admittedly questionable) source of income to Tumblr,so I think that they’re trying to force it onto people so that possibly people will give in and eventually use it so that they can get MORE of an income,which is…shady. Shady at best!!
To conclude…I’m really hoping staff can see what they’re doing!! Maybe they’ll retire this if everyone is loud enough about their protest against Tumblr Live? I hope so at least!!
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indynerdgirl · 2 years
Fanfic writers of Tumblr, please know that I love you and I want to read your works. But some of y'all make it so damn hard to read your fics!
I can't tell you how many times I've come across the second, third, fourth, or tenth chapter of what I can tell is an amazing fic, only to not be able to read it because I can never freaking find the previous chapters on the writer's blog. YOU HAVE GOT TO LINK YOUR CHAPTERS TOGETHER!!!
There are several ways to do so that will make your fics so much easier for people to read and follow.
1) Create a masterpost A masterpost is one post that you keep updated with links to the newest part of your fic. Most people also usually pin them to the top of their blog so they're easy to find and see if they've been updated recently. They tend to look something like this: An Optional Moodboard/Fic Banner Fic Title Ship(s)/Relationship(s) or Just A List Of Characters Word Count Rating Any Warnings or Tags Summary/Synopsis of Fic Author's Notes Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three ect, with each chapter listed having a direct link to said chapter
2) Linking your chapters together The best way I've seen this done looks like one of these: PREVIOUS CHAPTER | CURRENT CHAPTER | NEXT CHAPTER or Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three You post that at the top of the current chapter with 'previous chapter' linking back to, obviously, the previous chapter, and 'next chapter' linking to, obviously, the next chapter. So if the first post of your fic that I come across is chapter 6, I can then keep clicking on 'previous chapter' until I get to chapter one! Sometimes I've seen writers do both this one and a masterpost and in each chapter, they also link back to the masterpost as well.
3) Using a dedicated & unique tag This is the quickest and simplest way to make it easier to find the other chapters on your blog. Just create a unique tag just for that particular fic and make sure you use it on every part you post.
Also, while I have your attention, I'm also begging some of y'all to use the 'keep reading' function! Because I can't tell you how frustrating and annoying it can be to be searching through a tag only to have that tag clogged up with long walls of fic. So if your fic is going to be more than say, three or four paragraphs, put the rest of it under a 'keep reading'.
To add this to your post (when using the desktop version of Tumblr), you click on this little thing here when you're ready to add it (ignore the Grammarly thing behind mine):
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This is what you'll then see and everything you type after that will be under the 'keep reading' link that people will have to click on to expand your post to read the whole thing.
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This is what the readers will see on their end. Clicking the blue words will then expand the post so they can read the whole thing.
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Doing this when posting fic on there just keeps all of the tags nice and organized! If you'd like more specific examples of any of these, feel free to send me a message and I'll point you in the direction you need!
I really hope I've made it clear that this post comes from a place of love and not hate when it comes to posting fic here on Tumblr. I know there is so much amazing fanfic on here in so many different fandoms and I just want to help make it as easy as possible for people to find it, read it, and share it!
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