#I really liked Kira’s voice actress
Though, on the subject of Kira… I liked her breakdown but it felt weirdly familiar. I’m probably just being silly, though. When has someone named Kira ever laughed manically and made crazy eyes as they tried to cover up that they have magical powers that they used to kill multiple people at once? That would never happen, right? Completely unrelated, but has anyone here ever heard of the Death Note musical? It’s pretty good.
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stephstars08 · 1 month
On-Screen Kiss
Jonathan Brandis x Actress!Reader
Warnings: Anxiety, A tiny bit of Angst but mostly Fluff, and Possible Grammar Errors. (Don’t think I forgot any!!)
Summary: Y/N is an actress and one of the main characters on a TV show called SeaQuest. Her best friend is her co-star Jonathan who she also has a secret crush on. When her character is to kiss Jonathan’s character she can’t help but get really nervous about it even though her older sister tells her it will all be fine.
Word Count: 1,542
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Y/N plays Melanie Westphalen on a TV show called SeaQuest. She’s been on the show since the first season. She plays a teenage intern nurse, and the daughter of another character named Dr. Kristen Westphalen. When the show got picked up for season two Y/N agreed to return even though the actress that plays her mom wasn’t set to return. Y/N is close with all of her co-stars, but she has to be the closest with Jonathan who plays Lucas Wolenczak. They are both the same age and are younger than the cast so that’s why they clicked so easily.
When Y/N returned on set for the first day back she learned that her character and Jonathan’s will be love interests for season two. A lot of viewers really wanted them to be become a couple in season two, so the writers did it. Y/N was doing fine with the storyline till she got the script for the next episode they will be filming. The episode ends with Y/N’s character kissing Jonathan’s character.
The reason why Y/N is so nervous is because she has an enormous crush on her blue-eyed co-star. The only person that knows about her crush on her best friend is her older sister, Kira. Kira has been trying to get Y/N to just tell Jonathan about her feelings, but Y/N is too scared to.
What if she tells him and he rejects her, and things become awkward between them? That’s another reason why she’s nervous about the on-screen kiss. She doesn’t want things to become awkward between her and her only best friend.
Today was the day of the on-screen kiss and Y/N’s nerves were pacing all through her body. She was in her trailer with big sister there for emotional support. “I don’t know if I can do this, Kira.” Y/N told her with nothing but nervousness in her tone. “Y/N, it’s just your nerves talking. It’s all going to go fine.” Kira reassured her. “Like the director told you, it’s just going to be one take.” Kira added but she could still the nervousness in her sister’s Y/E/C eyes.
Kira took both of Y/N’s hands in hers. “Y/N, you are living out your dream job. You’ve been dreaming of becoming a big actress ever since you were ten years old. You were born for this role, and you can’t let one scene scare you off.” Kira told her in a stern tone. “Everyone knows you can do this. You just got to tell yourself that you can do it.” Kira added giving Y/N a comforting smile.
A knock was heard on the door of the trailer. “Y/N, you’re needed on set.” She heard one of the crew members tell her. “I’ll be right out.” Y/N called out to the crew member. “I’ll be right here if you need me and if you feel like your nerves are taking over just repeat what I just told you in your head.” Kira told her. “Okay?” Kira asked which earned her a nod from Y/N. “Okay.” Y/N told her. She let go of Kira’s hands and made her way out the trailer.
“Okay everyone on their marks.” The director called out. “And…Action!” The director called out.
Melanie was sitting on her bed in her room with some tears rolling down her cheeks. She let out a heavy sigh when she heard a knock on her door. “Go away! I don’t want to talk!” Melanie called out to whoever knocked on the door. “Mel, it’s me. Lucas.” She heard his soft voice say from the other side of the door. Melanie wiped away her tears as she stood up onto her feet. She walked over to the door and opened it to see Lucas standing there with a concern look on his face.
“Lucas, I’m fine.” Melanie told him with an obvious lie. “Really? Because I can see it in your eyes that you’re not fine.” Lucas said noticing the tears that filled her eyes. “Just go away.” Melanie told him turning away from him. Lucas let out a sigh as he walked into the room and shutting the door.
“How could I be so stupid.” Melanie hissed out as tears made their way down her cheeks again. “He’s the stupid one, not you.” Lucas told her. “He’s the one that cheated on a smart and beautiful girl.” Lucas added which took Melanie by surprise. Melanie turned around and looked at him with a surprised look in eyes. “You think I’m beautiful?” Melanie asked him. “To me you are.” Lucas said as he walked closer towards her.
“He doesn’t deserve your love. You deserve to be with someone that treats you like you’re the most beautiful girl in the whole world.” Lucas told her with a soft smile on his face. Melanie stared up into his eyes. As Lucas stared back into her eyes, he put one of his hands onto one of her cheeks. “May I?” Lucas asked her. Melanie gave him a nod. Lucas leaned in and connected his lips with hers. Theirs lips moved perfectly in sync with one another’s.
When they pulled away from the thirty seconds kiss, they stared at each other with love and comfort in their eyes. “I’m still stupid.” Melanie told him. “What? Why?” Lucas asked her with confusion in his voice. “Because.” Melanie started as she took his hand off her cheek and held onto it. “My dream boy was in front of me the whole time and I was so stupid that I didn’t see it earlier.” Melanie told him as her lips turned up into a smile. Lucas returned the smile as he gave her hand a light squeeze.
“And cut!” The director called out. “Good job Y/N and Jonathan. Go and take fifteen minutes.” The director told them.
After the kissing scene Y/N avoided Jonathan off screen. Yes, the kissing scene went perfectly fine but for some odd reason Y/N just couldn’t face Jonathan by herself.
Jonathan noticed the distance going on between him and Y/N and it quickly worried him. After he shot his last scene of the day he went to Y/N’s trailer to talk to her, but he got no answer, so he figured she had already left for the day. He decided to just talk to her first thing tomorrow when he arrives on set.
It was the next day and Y/N had just got to the set. She was sitting in her trailer going over her lines when she heard a knock on the trailer door. “Who is it?” Y/N called out as she flipped the page of her script. “It’s Jonathan.” She heard his voice say which made her go into shock. She didn’t realize she was into shock till Jonathan called out her name after not responding back to him. “Y/N, you alright?” She heard him ask. She could hear the concern in his voice.
Y/N put her script down onto the small table. She stood up and walked over to the door, opening it. “What are you doing her?” Y/N asked him. “I wanted to know why you were avoiding me yesterday.” Jonathan told her which made her nerves start to pace just like they did yesterday. “I can’t tell you, okay!” Y/N said with frustration in her voice as she turned away from him.
Jonathan walked into the trailer and shut the door behind him. “Y/N, it’s just me. You can tell me anything.” Jonathan told her in reassurance. Y/N just stayed silent. “Does this have to do with our kissing scene from yesterday?” Jonathan asked her which made her let out a sigh. “I was just really nervous about it.” Y/N told him still not looking at him. “Why were you nervous?” Jonathan asked her. “Because I have feeling for you.” Y/N finally confessed to him as she turned around to face him. “You do? Why didn’t you tell me?” Jonathan asked her as he looked at her with a surprised look in his ocean blue eyes. “Because I didn’t want things to become awkward between us and ruin our friendship.” Y/N said as she avoided looking into his eyes. “Well, I can reassure you that neither of those things will happen.” Jonathan reassured her which made her look at him. “It won’t?” Y/N asked him a soft voice. Jonathan shook his head no.
“I have feelings for you, too.” Jonathan confessed with a soft smile. Once he said he feels the same away about her, Y/N felt her nerves finally settle back down. “Wow, I guess my sister was right. I really did have nothing to worry about.” Y/N said with a small giggle trying to hide her embarrassment. Jonathan took one of her hands into his’s.
They started to lean in but before their lips could touch there was a knock on the door interrupting their moment. “Y/N, you are needed on set.” A crew member told her. “I’ll be right out!” Y/N called out trying to hide the annoyance in her tone.
“How about we go grab a bite to eat after we’re done filming.” Jonathan suggested to her. “Sound good?” He asked her. “Sounds perfect!” Y/N answered with the biggest smile on her face.
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Has survivor syndrome. What's that? Survivor syndrome, also known as survivor's guilt, is the response of a person when they believe they have done something wrong by surviving a traumatic event when others did not, often feeling self-guilt. This can be from being Kira or set before Kira, like an incident from his youth that he forever lingers with. This mixed with his "where's the justice" mind set only adds fuel to the fire of the war in his mind
Favorite food isn't apples as many would assume/joke about
The poor boy didn't really think of his sexual orientation until collage, didn't have the means or needs to and it wasn't only until he dated Misa and began to hang out with L he started to think on it more
In my AU Ryuk and Rem didn't give Light and Misa the Death Notes again and L, Light, Misa, etc didn't die, so this technically takes place the amnesia arc which I argue is a favorite okay?! Still doesn't mean Light gets dreams of him as Kira and isn't aware he was.
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Got really into the Gothic look after her parents' death where someone was a jerk and said a "joke" when she was still wearing black while she was still grieving
Didn't really fall in love with L right away (obviously) but she did care for him in a way that showed she cared
Loves bubble baths
Like Light she still has dreams of Rem and often find herself crying over the waking of her dreams as if someone killed her loved one in front of her
And like Light she knows after Rem confronted her she was the second Kira and feels terrible about it
Has a beautiful singing voice
After a lot her and Kiyomi kind of became friends, she honestly feels as if Kiyomi reminds her of someone she knew before (ie rem)
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Dude, this man was aware he liked both for a loooooonnng ass time, since Wammy actually
He knows Light and Misa were Kira, I mean he subspecies it since day one but to actually be right honestly hurt him.. He didn't want to be right in this case. So, he swore not to say a word since they're no longer Kira and 2nd Kira
Loves baths more than Misa
His family died in an domestic abuse murder suicide and he wandered out the house alone in which an officer found him and discovered his family's death, since then he's been emotionally isolated
Is autistic just doesn't get meds
Has lots of stim toys and objects he uses a lot when he thinks hard or under/overstimulated
Loves hot cocoa with marshmallows and whipped cream
Watari was basically his father after the many years they've known each other, doing the most of a father like role than others, helping the boy when needed, etc. And while L doesn't show emotions he generally is greatful and sees Watari as his father figure, even having him his best man and father-of-the-groom for his wedding
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As mentioned with L when I said "wedding", the three didn't really want a huge public wedding since that would exposed L's identity and it would be a headache to deal with so they had a secret small ceremony with friends and some family with Watari being L's father-of-the-groom, Sayu as Light's Best Lady, and Kiyomi was Misa's maid of Honor. They each wore a mix of white and black with some red elements thrown in there for many reasons but mostly cause L said they looked good so yeah
Their wedding cake was similar to these two:
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They all live in an apartment together, similar as to the building they were all stuck in, and have their own rooms/studies for work while Misa keeps working as a model and actress and both L and Light kept working as detectives until Light decided to leave being a detective after so many nightmares of cases and being Kira and decided to be a true crime/mystery novel writer
One day while they were chilling, pre-marriage them btw, L decided he's going to visit Wammy to get any plans of who his next "L" would be if he died and they came along with him. There they were able to meet Near, Mello, and Matt. The three kids hung out with them during their stay back in Japan to see who is perfect for the next role. Weeks pass and all three are doing really well and it didn't really sink in until later that L is actually doing this to see if he wants kids. Well, Misa and Light like the idea and they ended up adopting Mello as their son in which he admittedly cried
They go on date nights three times a week, one for each pair with their trio dates mostly being at home
After a few years of marriage they had two kids of their own in which Mello likes the role of older brother
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Like L, Near is autistic (I believe that's canon and people hate it??)
Is nonbinary. I'm sorry I honestly can't see this baby as cis at all!
Owns lots of pants, shirts, skirts, dresses, tights, boots, heels, flat shoes, socks that'll work with him with any gender dysphoria and day
Primally goes by Near since that sounded right
Suffer from night terrors which is how his spark of studying happened cause that distracted them
Demi-Sexual bean!
Got adopted by Kiyomi and gets spoiled rotten
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Choco-holic what else is new
Suffered an eating disorder which was quickly helped fixed with Matt and his new family
Mentioned above with L, Light, and Misa adopting him, he adores his family gratefully and it's not just cause L chose him out of everyone
Him and Near still have a rather strong rivalry but it's healthy now and also more so childish thanks to their adopted families
Likes his Uncle Matsuda a lot (Matsuda ends up marrying Sayu in this)
Is kind of that kid in school who knows shit and will market the crap out of soda and candies to the kids who have money and parents who won't allow sugar in his household
Often gets caught sneaking out to see Matt and sometimes (a lot) Near by his parents
Is Pan and always knew it
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Got adopted by Stephen and Teru in this AU
Still is obsessed with video games and eats candy cigarettes until he's legal to smoke if he wants to
Is straight besties with Mello and Near
Has so much gaming stuff it's unreal
Loves the rain
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Got together sometime after Near was adopted with Matt and Mello being a thing first and Near joined after
They're both protective of Near
And then Near would shock everyone with a thrown of a textbook to the face if someone says something bad about either of them
Misa is overly supportive of this relationship, Kiyomi loves to tease Near often, and the many times Teru and Stephen would interrupt calls with them to tease is too much
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matt0044 · 22 days
My IDW Sonic Fancast Part 3:
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I've had some rethinking about Surge and Jewel since I began rewatching Sailor Moon. But there are plenty of others I didn't cover before.
So... here we go:
"D.C. Douglas as Clutch The Opossum” - As a shady business man with a mug that just screams, "I'm bad news," a smooth and calm voice like that of Yoshikage Kira would be perfect. A cadence that would get people to let down their guard with him since he seems mean but sounds so refined. But like Yoshikage Kira, his dapper facade belies a heart of depravity.
“Michael Sorich as Nite The Owl” - While a live action role inspired me, Sorich’s performance as Woody in VR Troopers made me think of Nite. He’d be able to capture his jovial demeanor and would work brilliantly with the mounting horror of the Metal Virus in terms of mood shifts in the story.
“Amanda Celine Miller/Bennet Abara as Surge The Tenrec” - In Sailor Moon, Makoto Kino was kicked out of her school for defending others against bullies and is seen as a sukeban (delinquent girl) only for Usagi to find she’s good hearted. Amanda Celine Miller was a fan of the character and it shows in her performance as Sailor Jupiter’s new voice actress.
How would this shake out for Surge? Well, for me, I think Amanda’s smooth yet tough tone as Mako would lend itself well for the Tenrec when she’s unapologetically villainous. As if Mako really was the bad girl she was seen as.
However, in the event of Surge turning herself around, Amanda’s performance would be able to mellow out into something still Surge-y but also able to come off more heroic. A real punk if you will.
“Derek Stephan Prince as Rough and Tumble” - Two for the price of one. Derek's voice for Impmon would fit Rough with his fast talking New Yorker voice. Given it's a Joe Pesci impression, it'd be a good callback to the wet bandits. Badabing-badaboom.
Meanwhile, the voice of Elgar from Power Rangers Turbo would be a perfect fit for the more slow-witted Tumble.
"Stephanie Sheh as Jewel The Beetle" - I feel like Sheh's performance as the ditzy Usagi Tsukino would transfer well into Jewel's neurotic sense of order as well as how she can get anxious pretty quick. Give it a bit of a nasally quality and it'd fit perfectly.
And that's that. Feel free to voice your agreements or disagreements.
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llilli64 · 8 months
15 Questions & 15 Friends
Tagged by @laianely . Thanks a lot ^^
Named after anyone? Not really
Last time you cried? Since I stopped going to therapy I haven't cried in a while, but I have felt on the verge of doing it
Any kids? No, but I'd like to have kids someday
Sports played/ playing? I did gymnastics, basketball, track and field and I want to jog again
Do you use sarcasm? Yeah, but only with my friends or people I feel close to.
First thing you notice about people? The way they approach me. Sometimes people come up to you all confident and trying to make themselves look like the coolest human being on earth, like some kind of salesman, agh I hate that. People who approach you casually and make conversation in an unforced way are the ones I like the best.
Eye color? Dark brown
Scary movies or happy endings? Both, need some balance or I can get bored of much of the same thing
Talents? Mmm, i don't consider myself talented in any area to be honest
Where were you born? Mexico ;)
Hobbies? Daydreaming (lol), reading, "writing fanfiction", play video games, watch series/anime
Pets? My cat Kira
Height? 1,60 c.m.
Favorite subject in school? arts, English, Spanish and literature. In college photography, audiovisual production, image analysis and marketing
Dream job? Voice actress
Tagging: @frankenjoly @lavinesia @i-lurk-at-night @esoteric-fisherman @pupuseriazag . Only if you want to ;)
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motsimages · 2 years
I love Leeta. I know she is just a side character to give some background flavour but I really like seeing her. I like the actress, I like the characterisation and I like the character herself. I wish we had some Ferengi family episode where she could shine more because I'm always left wanting more.
First of all, the actress is big (not massive, but bigger than she looks). She doesn't look like it, they tend to film her in ways that you may not notice that she doesn't fit the 90s canon at all but she has wide hips and a wide back. She was chosen because she was curvy to be a pretty dabo girl, but that is exactly something the 90s didn't like. Kasidy also is curvy and a bit out of the ideal (compare with Jadzia and Kira, more the 90s typical girl). You can see exactly how big the actress is in the baseball episode. I also think she got bigger over the years, or maybe it's the clothing, but I enjoy seeing her just because of her body type, because it is like mine and it is not frequent and she didn't got thinner over the seasons, and they also didn't dress her to look more petite either. And because she is with a Ferengi and Ferengis are short, she looks even bigger.
And her character. Leeta is all cheerful and energetic, because she is a dabo girl, there is the stereotype of pretty but silly, but she always liked her job, she never let anyone make her believe she is stupid because she prides herself in being a good dabo girl and the skill it requires (because it does require skill, even just wearing a pretty dress and looking good in it isn't something everyone can do, but she also knows she has to distract and entertain and count the odds). I do like that they respect her in the series, nobody really makes fun of her or puts her down. Overall, they tend to be quite respectful with the dabo girls, which is refreshing. But I like that they gave her voice to express what she likes about being a dabo girl.
I like that they gave her the romantic interest of Rom. Before that, she kind of was there just a Julian's love interest for no reason other than Julian having a pretty girl, but suddenly she has desires and needs and Rom fits them and she adores Rom. I like it when they give women willing feelings towards their romantic interests instead of just being a passive person in receiving affections. She really is living the life that she wants, with the people that she chose. Who else in that station can say this much?
She knows what she wants, she knows what she can offer and she, as a good Bajoran woman, will not put up with anybody's shit. Kira's approach is more dry, but Leeta, with all her joy and all her goofyness knows her limits and establishes them. She loves Rom but if Rom had been more of an idiot with his Ferengi customs, she wouldn't have had a second thought of kicking him out.
And finally, I love that in the baseball episode she showed up to train with a dress. Her comfy go to dress for daily life and leggins no less, you go girl.
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cola-losers · 2 years
You know I can appreciate Beyond bringing back Kim and Katya and not only drawing them in the same style as everyone else (as funny as it was for them to look so wildly different) and for at least giving them some sort of character aside from standing around and being pretty
Although of anything they are severely underused even in the fandom, I'll find few posts about them and even then I never really see anyone give them any character aside from being lesbians
Like hell yeah they're wives but like, you guys don't want to dump some head cannons on to them? Dude their original voice actress was Kira Buckland you're not going to make them weebs? You're not going to take one look at either of them and decide to give them some personality traits?
Idk I like our canon lesbians I just think they're neat
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DS9 3x25 Facets thoughts (I’m re-watching, so beware spoilers for future episodes!)
I love Nog's determination to join Starfleet, he really is putting his all into it, and good for him.
"Why can't you take after your friend here? He knows enough to stay out of Starfleet. Even a human can see that there are a lot more profitable opportunities out there for a young man with ambition." "Uncle, he wants to be a writer. There's no profit in that." XD yep Quark's argument definitely backfired there - surely he knows humans work for enjoyment, not profit!
"I've noticed they've [Jadzia and Leeta] been spending quite a bit of time together." Oh I can really see them being excellent friends, I wanna read more about Leeta&Jadzia...
Oh I've just realised what episode this is - hell yeah! Definitely looking forward to seeing this again!
"If you don't mind... I'd like to borrow your bodies for a few hours." I'm sure they've all heard of stranger things, but also That is Quite The Request to just come out with. 
Leeta being the one person super informed about the Trill is everything - and Julian looks at her so admiringly, it's sweet :3
The way Kira says yes is somehow so intimate, I can't with the way she smiles at Jadzia.
Ughh, I HATE oomax being used to force Quark into doing things, at any time, it's just gross - but especially here, when he's being asked to do something uncomfortable with his body but is expected to agree straight away without being given thinking time.
The special effects are so weird - the memories glow?
"I was one of the first women to serve as a council member. When I started out, I talked with my hands a lot. Lots of emphatic gesturing. I discovered some of my male colleagues were imitating of me, so I started to do this." It's always strange but interesting to see alien societies have the exact same problems as Earth - though for Trill, this was in the mid-late 2100s, so (god I hope!) long after women were treated equally on Earth. I'm curious now about how Trill society treated joined women whose symbionts had lived in male hosts, or if they once had a strict gender binary that meant symbionts were only passed down in same-gender lines? 
"It's so strange. It's like you really are Lela." Actually I had completely forgotten it was Kira's body too - Nana Visitor is an incredible actress!
I love how tenderly Shimerman is acting as Audrid - he isn't playing this for laughs.
I cannot take Torias' American accent seriously I'm sorry XD I can't tell if it's believable or not but at the very least it sounds wrong coming out of Julian's mouth!
The music and Sisko's soft voice... Chills
"I think that's enough of Joran for now." And you just believed him, Jadzia? That didn't even SOUND like Sisko!
I do love it when there's a scene and someone's head just pokes around a corner. 
Rom's bumbling about is very endearing no matter what Quark says
Rom ordering a uniform! So cute!
Odo kissing Quark on the forehead! Odo saying "Did I ever mention you're a magnificent scoundrel?" WELL THEN
This Curzon/Odo thing is quite a lot of fun though. 
"He's right, you know. And it's not fair. Starfleet has no idea who it's passing up. Nog, you would have made a good officer." Quark! That's so sweet?
"Yes, but the truth is, I felt sorry for you." FUCK YOU CURZON
"And if you ever do anything to hurt Nog again, I'll burn the bar to the ground." "You wouldn't dare." "Oh yes I would. My son's happiness is more important to me than anything, even latinum." Rom is just so good. (Also, makes me think of when Angelica sings, "I love my sister more than anything in this life, I will choose her happiness over mine, every time!" in Hamilton.)
He's definitely far more Curzon than Odo imo - he's got Odo's mannerisms but Curzon's enjoyment of life and personality.
"You can't intimidate me, Curzon. And I'm not a little girl anymore." YOU TELL HIM, JADZIA
The music.. Are we supposed to feel sorry for Curzon about his revelation he loved her? Because nope. No. 
I love how we get to see Julian and Miles playing darts and Sisko, Kira and Jake having dinner together just cos. That scene could have started with any generic Quark's bar shot but it didn't :3
Everyone's fond smiles <3
Nog it's too :3333 "I know I haven't earned the right to wear it yet, but my father got it for me." He's obviously a little uncomfortable knowing he shouldn't be in uniform yet but he still wears it to make his father happy <3
"It just occurred to me. As soon as that kid graduates from the Academy, I'm going to have to call him sir." I love how O'Brien says this with fond amusement.
"What can I get you, Nog?" "A root beer. It's an Earth drink. Something they serve at the Academy." "A root beer. This is the end of Ferengi civilization." Always so dramatic, Quark.
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stellamancer · 9 months
okay so my translation/localization ramble requested by @itoshisoup
please note that i am not a professional nor am i fluent in japanese hahaha. so it's not REALLY like i know anything i am just rambling
so in the blorbo powerpoint i posted the following quote from kira yamato from gundam seed:
“what the hell can you protect when your emotions are the only weapons you’ve got?”
this is actually a line that he says in the original english dub. what i mean by that is that the show actually received two dubs the original english dub which aired on toonami in the early 2000s and then a new dub that was done by funimation/crunchyroll a few years ago. i decided i'd take a listen to the line in the new dub which is:
"and what the hell do your feelings mean to everyone who is already dead?"
which on it's own really is a pretty fucking raw line. but it made me wonder about the sub line which... i can't transcribe by ear but a barebones translation is "what can you protect with only your feelings?" in the conversation that kira is having with the character he's speaking to tells him that they're fighting to protect the people and things that are important to them and, i don't know, it feels a bit odd to only address the feelings bit when i feel like there was just as much emphasis on 'protecting.'
i looked into the dub as a whole more since the question of 'why did they re-dub in the first place?" came up. so the version of gundam seed i watched this clip in was part of the blu-ray remaster which added some new scenes so they couldn't just switch the dub over which meant rerecording. according to a reddit thread i found it was likely cheaper to re-record the entire dub than to have the original cast reprise?
anyway, back to the difference in the lines. it got me thinking about dubs and the decisions made when dubbing things. very recently, in that article about the boy and the heron that was going around with that tweet about robert pattinson showing casting director some clips on his phone, there was another actress who mentioned that she was asked to pronounce things in a particular way. additionally i've seen another english voice actor mention the same. and so i think it's interesting that that is something that is also intentional in the dubbing process? though i know a lot of people do complain over pronunciations....
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ota-division · 2 years
Kira's Thoughts on Takatsuki Division
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Ryoko Minamoto
"Argh, this woman. I never thought I'd find a woman more pretentious than Kadenokoji-san. I've often seen her throughout Chuohku barking orders at people. She once tried to pull that stunt on me until she found out my position. Then she backed off. I heard from some of my peers that she does this to everyone. Apparently, she's just a computer programmer, so where does she get it in her head that she has the gall to tell anyone what to do?"
"If it wasn't for the fact that I've seen her type before during my time in the army, I'd not have bothered with her. But I've seen her for what she is: she has low self-esteem and is afraid to approach people for fear of them rejecting her. It's a dumb way to live, but it is what it is. I've tried my best to approach her, but my rank may have scared her. Oh well, I'll keep trying, I guess. I don't want us to be enemies. We both work for Chuohku. And in this place, friends are a rarity."
Aiko Mayeda
"Sorry, but I don't really know much about this guy other than the fact that's he a DJ. Nightclubs aren't really my scene. Far too loud and noisy. If I ever go to one, it's because of my job, or because Taria dragged me to one. Of course, if she ever did, I was most likely drunk at the time."
"What I have heard about the guy is that he used to spend some time in the JMSDF. If that's true, I oughta have a talk with him about his experiences there. We could swap war stories."
Kirumi Mayeda
"She's the DJ's younger sister? Hmm. She seems nice. Like her brother, I don't really know much about her though. I hear she works as a voice actress. If so, I'll have to find out what shows or movies she's been on."
Shattered Moon
"I don't think this team is too bad. Yeah, Ryoko can be a bit of a female dog, but like I mentioned, I chalk that up to low self-esteem issues. The brother and sister seem nice too. From what I heard though, they haven't been doing too well in the D.R.B. That sucks. Hope they win at least one match in the future. ...Just as long as it isn't against us."
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isaacathom · 2 years
ds9 time, s2e14 and e15
welcome to, what, the second of three obrien eps? in a row? my guys having the time of his life (negative)
now based on premise i will specifically have a bad time but lets see how we go.
why'd the camera start so fucking close to his face. why you gotta be like that. 'set the record state about the last 52 hours' OH IN MEDIAS RES???? OH IN MEDIAS RES????? well shit. fuck. hell yeah? hell yeah. this is gonna be an interesting one then.
now the thing is. it sucks that it has to start with keiko. bc as i keep hammering. the two of them get so few opportunities to just, be a couple? without a plot problem? even if it makes sense that keiko acting weird would be obrien's first 'wait. what?' moment
i like that, at this early stage, keiko is the only one being EXTREMELY suspicious, while everyone else seems to be like. plausibly off. the engineering crews early, but they're on siskos orders, and sisko seems as genial as ever. the only bit that sounded off was when he said he was talking to keiko about jake's grades, but obrien buys it completely, and even then it doesnt sound that far off.
"its not doctors i have a problem with [in unison] its you julian" i love you two so much
ohp there we go, there's the sign sisko's lying.
oh he keeps being sneaky babyyyyy i love that for him
keiko really is an awful liar and thats kind of sweet, in its own way
the fact that bashir going 'hows the sex life' is setup is absolute fucking chaos to me. i dont even know if bashir knows shit. i have no idea what my boy knows. i know keiko, sisko, and kira know SOMETHING, i dont know if Bashir knows (i assume he does? or at least enough to not question an order to take as long as possible with the physical)
see im sitting here going Is That Shit Poisoned. Is That Shit Fucked. How Fucked Is This. How in danger am i, the nausea bitch, in this situation. okay obrien agrees with me, hell yeah bro
the montage of him listening to the logs, i adore it
man just shows up, hits a button, walks off, because literally noone will question why the fuck hes in the bridge
oh hey odo IS in this episode. exceptional. was worried for a minute. but hes not in the framing sequence runabout so ? but he seems on side so.
quark's just like? bro i was trying to make friendly conversation. the fuck are you on about.
ohp odos not on side anymore ohohohooooOOOOOO AND THERES SISKO WITH THE STEEL CHAIRRRRR i mean uh
ooh i like that, thats a cute trick. love my tech man.
everybody? like every everybody? then again i guess like, sisko pre-emptively coulda told rollman, just like obrien said he might do to odo.
they've specified this coffee type way too many times. whats up with that. should i be aware of something re: the coffee. i dont watch regularly enough to remember obriens coffee order.
man the compute-
WHY THE FUCK ARE THERE TWO OF THEM? WHY ARE THERE TWO OF THEM? OOOOOOOH so it was OBRIEN that was off, thats cute! thats so cute!
oh i really like that actually. thats a really cute twist. i love that. OOOHHH THAT RULES. THAT RULES. I LOVE THAT.
genuinely really good. i like that a lot. the coffee thing was definitely something though, right, like 100%.
s2e15 time, lets go, its obrien again. 3/3 on obriens.
this convos real sweet! i love learning about obrien.
oh hell yea. bow time.
tech mans about to learn a valuable lesson in 'there is tech thats isn't electric'
that actress, alixus? she looks extremely familiar. joseph also looks familiar but in a way i can chalk to being like, generic nice older man. im gonna check both of these though. nope, nevermind, dont know her. BUT JOSEPH IS THE VOICE OF PUFFIN FROM SWAN PRINCESS????? WHAT THE FUCK. WHAT THE FUVK? what the fuck.
i know its early days but this episode is not doing anything for me at this stage.
oh that one woman really wants to leave huh
okay so the plot is gonna be that this woman is gonna try and force them to stay, isn't it.
oh yea im bang on thats 100% what this plots gonna be. she's pulling some shit tm. either she's the reason the EM fails or she sabotaged the original ship. or maybe theres a twist here. who knows. the vibes arent great.
yeah cult vibes. cult vibes. like, im not strictly saying shes wrong. sometimes people do need to be off their phones (i say, blogging my entire experience of shows and books and movies). but like. ? somehow i dont think the SciFi Show is going to be coming down especially sympathetic.
'primitive' yikes
something about the fact alixus immediately went to calling them Miles and Ben feels significant
she's giving cult energy lads. like, she has a point, that in the absence of electrical technology reliance on herbal remedy is medicine, does save lives, but to prevent a tech guy from trying to do his tech shit? like you can do two things at once. you can have people scour the forest for fungi and you can let the bastard play with his computers for a bit. just get him to help you like, cook or smth. give him a basic chore so he still 'pulls his weight'. you can compromise to let him try until he's satisfied himself that he's done everything he can. you can hardly except obrien and sisko to snap to the pastoral lifestyle in 2 seconds when you've had 10 years and were also clearly on that Vibe long before.
'the ship is travelling at warp 2' at. warp 2? it was in synchronous orbit? synchronous orbit is impulse, is my usual understanding. and that certainly wouldn't send it hurtling off, it shouldn't fucking slingshot out. unless duonetic does shit? i feel like obrien would've said if it did. im gonna read full malice into alixus now, her or joseph, someones pulling shit.
obrien reminiscing about keiko is really sweet.
oh yeah normal behaviour chuck the cunt in a metal box small enough to give me grief, excellent fucking shit, for fucks sake. what the fuck. torture??? torture??? bro. bro.
for a woman in deep on political theory you think she'd know about deterrence theory and shit. about how like... harsh punishment for crime does not necessarily deter crime if the need is severe enough, which is why the correct method of combatting crime is to address the reasons why is it does (in this instance, more fairly apportion your limited supply of fucking candles)
fellas, im gonna say it, sisko is an attractive man. im just putting it out there.
its sort of neat that alixus only has the idea to do this, SPECIFICALLY to sisko, BECAUSE sisko had previously made a point of mentioning that obrien was married, not him. thats sort of a neat bit. cause she mightve tried it on obrien, who wouldve just gone haha no im married please leave, but no. sisko, because she knows he isnt married. if he'd answered about womens fashion that might've even dissuaded her from the idea altogether.
oh hey siskos making the same point as me. exceptional. so the episode is just being blunt, then.
'core identity' cult behaviour! cult behaviour!
'of course all you have to do is ask' gross
i love this kira and dax bit, this is cute
'they continue to reject us' it took yall years and youre pissy about a week. eat shit. fuck off. i hate you
hey man id really recommend not wearing those like 3 layers when you go into the cook box
this ep is so blunt man.
i do really like this conversation with Miles and Joseph where Joseph knows exactly what Miles is trying to do. i think its really neat. its such a cute little bit. 'i can do it so it wont hurt at all' giving Joseph an out. so good.
i cant believe i was right on BOTH counts, fuck me running.
i like that the guy who was previously in the box is the one who gets sisko water, cute.
and then just two kids stare at a box, okay??? i hated that. i did not like that at all.
i didnt like that. cannot explain it. i guess my bit is that the episode doesnt do enough to convince me that she DID build a community, and not just a cult or something (which, i guess definitionally that is a community, but, yknow??) like. i just. no? i feel like i mightve been kinder if one or more of the people had chosen to leave, to see the truth and to make an informed choice, but instead joseph just speaks for everybody and thats it. not enough done to establish to me that she was right. eugh.
thats me for the night but like. aya. land of contrasts
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copyjust · 2 years
Inazuma eleven orion ep 7
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#Inazuma eleven orion ep 7 movie
#Inazuma eleven orion ep 7 Pc
#Inazuma eleven orion ep 7 series
#Inazuma eleven orion ep 7 tv
XDĪnyway! I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas!! 💕💗❤️Īlso, I want to make special wishes so sorry, if I forgot to tag someone. Tag game inazuma eleven ares orion looong post haizaki ryouhei kira hiroto natsumi raimon kudou michiya zhao jin yun endou mamoru kidou yuuto nishikage seiya genda koujirou gouenji shuuya fubuki atsuya kiyama tatsuya fubuki shirou mizukamiya seiryuu asuto inamori ichihoshi hikaru ichinose kazuya kino aki otonashi haruna ootani tsukushi midorikawa ryuuji fudou akio froy girikanan baek shi woo ichihoshi mitsuruĪhh I’m late! 😅 But it’s normal for me 😅 I’ m late even with my life so. If someone was able to survive until now… here is a cookie~ I know we all have tons of faves so put another one here: Ichihoshi Mitsuru
#Inazuma eleven orion ep 7 series
Originally posted by shawn-and-aiden-frost-9įave hottie: DEFINITELLY ALL BEAUTIFUL BOYS I ALREADY MENTIONED AND ALL ONES I WILL MENTION BECAUSE I’M TOO WEAK TO MAKE THIS CHOICE! HAIZAKIįave arc/season: Original Series Season 1 because I have really giant sentiment to it and IE Orion no Kokuin as well! because this series is really grippingįave friendship: Welllll, I think every friendship in IE is amazing & beutiful and I’m not really able to put here my faves… sorryįave m|m: Kiyama Tatsuya & Midorikawa Ryuujiįave school: Seishou Gakuen I really would like to go there xdįave non Japanese character: Froy Girikananįave non japanese team: Korean Red Bison (Orion) Haizaki Ryouhei~ No doubts he was the best goalkeeper ever (incl.I was tagged by sweet and lovely I’m going to add more characters than only oneee but it’s already normal for meĪnd I’m going to choose characters in way to put different ones in each “title”
Sep 9 This Week in Games - Love Is Stored In The Alchemist.
Sep 13 The ANN Aftershow - The Fate of the Village Hangs in the Balance.
13:00 This Week in Anime - Is Tokyo Mew Mew New's Story Rushed?.
Sep 5 Drab Princess, the Black Cat, and the Satisfying Break-up Novel.
Sep 10 BASTARD!! -Heavy Metal, Dark Fantasy- Part 1.
Sep 11 Made in Abyss: Binary Star Falling into Darkness.
Sep 12 The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic Novel 1.
Sep 13 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean 1-24.
Sep 2 Whiffs and Aces: Birdie Wings' Mixed Depiction of Golf.
Sep 5 The Journey Animation Manager Sara Oulddaddah.
Sep 6 The Best and Worst of Summer 2022, Aug 26-Sep 1.
Sep 7 Kaguya-sama: Love is War Voice Actress Aoi Koga.
Sep 9 The Pioneer of Shojo Style, Macoto Takahashi.
Sep 12 Kaguya-sama: Love is War Producer Tatsuya Ishikawa.
Sep 12 The Best and Worst of Summer 2022, Sep 2-8.
Sep 14 I-Sega-i: The Deep Gaming Cuts of Uncle From Another World.
Sep 11 Talented Singer Sarah L-ee, Who Has Been Creating Songs Which Paint Colorful Worlds, is Releasing Her New Song, ‘Calling 9011’.
En noviembre de 2011 se comenzó a publicar el manga Inazuma Eleven GO, una continuación de Inazuma Eleven situada 10 años en el futuro.
#Inazuma eleven orion ep 7 tv
7 La serie es producida por Level-5 en conjunto con TV Tokyo y OLM.
Sep 11 Daisuke Ono and Reina Ueda Join Forces to Deliver Digital Single Duet “Mata Au Toki wa (with Reina Ueda)” Un anime basado en el videojuego, se estrenó en la cadena TV Tokyo el 5 de octubre de 2008.
Sep 11 Virtual Talent Management Agency PRISM Project and Crunchyroll VTuber Hime Join Aniplex Online Fest 2022 for Official Online Watch Party.
Sep 11 NIJISANJI EN Announces Obsydia New Outfit Goods.
Sep 13 Muv-Luv Alternative Total Eclipse Remastered Steam Sale to Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Anime Series.
Sep 13 Crunchyroll and Toei Animation Announce Theatrical Release Dates for ‘ One Piece Film Red’ Opening in November.
Sep 12 SPY×FAMILY's Anya is a Table Tennis Champ.
Sep 13 Manga Artists, VTubers Fear Japan's New Invoice System Invites Loss of Privacy.
Sep 13 Veteran Voice Actress Yuko Goto Speaks About Her History With Illness.
Sep 13 VTuber Designer Mika Pikazo Created the New Fire Emblem Protagonists.
Sep 14 Tatsuyuki Tanaka, Youichi Nishikawa Exhibits Come to Los Angeles' Gallery Nucleus In October.
Sep 14 Guilty Gear Strive Developer: Bridget Identifies as a Woman.
Sep 14 "All-In-One" One Piece Print Becomes World's Largest Book.
Convention reports chronological archives.
04:16 Aniplex, DeskWorks! Reveal World II World Smartphone RPG.
#Inazuma eleven orion ep 7 movie
04:27 Shueisha Games' Oni: Road to be the Mightiest Oni Action Game Streams Opening Movie.
#Inazuma eleven orion ep 7 Pc
04:44 Square Enix Releases Triangle Strategy RPG on PC on October 14.05:19 Shueisha Games, NetEase Games Reveal unVEIL the world Smartphone RPG With Designs by Posuka Demizu.08:27 BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle, Guilty Gear -Strive-, Ni no Kuni II Get Xbox Releases in 2023.08:37 Spy×Family Anime's 2nd Half Reveals Bump of Chicken Opening Song in Trailer.10:44 Ghibli Park Previews Ghibli's Grand Warehouse Area in New Video.11:15 One Piece Odyssey Game Rescheduled to January 2023.11:45 Girlfriend, Girlfriend Anime Gets 2nd Season.21:01 The Saint's Magic Power is Omnipotent Season 2 Anime's Video Reveals 2023 Premiere.
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ultraericthered · 2 years
Final Fantasy VII - English Dub VAs
Exactly the kind of post it sounds like.
Cloud Strife: 
Steve Burton (pre-Remake content) - Iconic original English dub voice for Cloud. His record is a mixed bag. In the first Kingdom Hearts, about half of Advent Children, almost half of Dissidia,Crisis Core, KH 2.5 Re:Coded, Final Fantasy Explorers, World of Final Fantasy, and Dissidia NT, he does really well. In Kingdom Hearts II, the rest of Advent Children and Dissidia, Dirge of Cerberus, and Dissidia 012, however, he kind of sucked and sounded lifeless.
Cody Christian (Remake continuity) - Hard to believe this isn’t just Steve Burton under a different name! He matches Steve’s voice perfectly and his performance is up there with Steve’s best work.
Justin Briner (Machinabridged Series) - Justin voiced his version of Cloud like Deku well before he actually voiced Deku! It’s normally not the sort of voice you’d imagine Cloud to have in the actual story, but when he gets to play serious and dramatic, he totally fucking kills it. 
FANCAST OPTION - Mark Hildreth. While nowadays I doubt he’s gonna get any work due to having been in a horrible cult, knowing exactly what they were doing but keeping silence about it for years and all that, back in the day he would’ve been my go-to voice for Cloud. Just listen to him voicing Heero Yuy, Terry Bogard, and Angel.
And my favorite one is.... Cody Christian! He’s got everything in the quality of his voice that Steve Burton and Mark Hildreth have got, but like Justin Briner he gets to act out a complete character arc for Cloud, even in just his first game! Definitely glad he’s in the role.
Barrett Wallace:
Beau Billingslea (pre-Remake content) - Back in the day, there was really no other black VA in the industry that could’ve fit this role better than him. He’s deep, gruff, rowdy, and delviers his material perfectly. John Eric Bentley (Remake continuity) - When I heard him in the trailers doing this straight up Mr. T-sounding voice, I wasn’t sure I liked it much. But then we all heard his full performance and....yeah, he knocks it out of the park. Really gives Barret a lot of depth.
Anthony Sardinha (Machinabridged Series) - For the most part, he does a very goofy sounding macho doofus voice for Barret, but for this version of Barret that works perfectly and has a lot of charm to it.
And my favorite one is....Beau Billingslea! Definitely no offense to John Eric Bentley, but Beau’s voice was exactly what I imagined Barret to sound like when playing the game, so I’ve got a bias here.
Tifa Lockhart:
Rachael Leigh Cook (pre-Remake content) - Everything about her voice sounds perfectly fitting for Tifa and she nailed it every time she voiced the role, even in lesser showings like Kingdom Hearts II.
Britt Baron (Remake continuity) - So to play off of Cody Christian’s Cloud, they found someone who sounds almost exactly like Rachael Leigh Cook! This is just getting freaky now...
Sarah Anne Williams (Machinabridged Series) - Makes a full journey from this Tifa’s more toxic, vulgar, self-destructive personality to her hidden depths and vulnerability as she develops into a better person more true to the original canon, and she pulls it off flawlessly!
And my favorite one is.....I can’t really choose. They’re all too good!
Aeirth Gainsborough:
Mandy Moore, Mena Suvari, and Andrea Bowen (pre-Remake content) - Wow. Three different actresses in this one role and none of them get it down pat. Mandy could barely voice act when she did this role in Kingdom Hearts, Mena did a dull sweet-sounding voice that could be even more lifeless than Steve Burton’s Cloud ever was, and while Andrea worked well for the younger Aerith in Crisis Core, I can never fully buy her as the 22 year old Aerith in anything else.
Briana White (Remake continuity) - Thank Youtube for this person and her getting cast as Aerith in Remake! They finally got it right!
Kira Buckland (Machinabridged Series) - A VA I can imagine could pull off an excellent canonical Aerith, but for this series she had to play up this ditzy, peppy, sweet and lovable Good Girl personality.
And my favorite one is....Briana White! Does this come as any surprise? She’s as ideal a match for Maaya Sakamoto we could get!
Nanaki/Red XIII: 
Liam O’ Brien (pre-Remake continuity) - One spoken line in Advent Children, but spoken in a voice from a VA that suits Nanaki so well.
Max Mittelman (Remake continuity) - Probably one of the best roles I’ve yet heard from this VA. He really delivers on the ambiguous age and the gruff, wisened warrior tone the character speaks in for when we get to know him at first. Rebirth steps it up a notch by having him drop the facade and start talking like the teenager he truly is, with the difference being startling and effective in how it alters perception.
Curtis Arnott (Machinabridged Series) - Undeniably entertaining to listen to, but this Homer Simpson-esque voice is the exact opposite of how you would expect canonical Nanaki to sound like!
FANCAST OPTION(S) - Dan Green. They had Mewtwo’s voice as Nanaki in Japanese Advent Children, so I don’t see why not go with a more literal English counterpart, and c’mon, the voice fits perfectly!
And my favorite one is....Max Mittelman! He’s just brilliant all around.
Cait Sith:
Greg Ellis (pre-Remake content) - British VA who decided to go with a Scottish accent for Cait, reflective of the character’s Celtic roots.
Paul Tinto (Remake continutiy) - Silly Scottish voice, again.
Nick Landis (Machinabridged Series) - Silly Scottish voice, again.
FANCAST OPTION - Tom Kenny. He wouldn’t even need to do an accent, just his typical cartoony voiceover would get the job done! Or, if you really have to go for Scottish, then David Fucking Tennant!
And my favorite one is....I can’t really choose. All of them work.
Cid Highwind:
Chris Edgerly (pre-Remake content) - Honestly, I did not like the way this voice sounded in Advent Children, Kingdom Hearts II, and Dirge of Cerberus. A Southern accent is fine, but not a full on drawl! But as of his recent reprisal in the Kingdom Hearts III DLC, he’s got it down.
J. Michael Tatum (Remake continuity) - He gets it down immediately.
Brien Olvera (Machinabridged Series) - Totally perfect and hilarious.
FANCAST OPTION(S) - Michael Sorich, Fred Tatasciore, or Jack Angel. Sorich is a natural for this sort of role, Tatasciore would’ve been ideal casting due to his voicework as the very similar looking Damon Baird, and Jack Angel actually voiced another Cid later on.
And my favorite one is....Fred Tatasciore! I’ve long held the belief that Chris Edgerly and Fred Tatasciore should’ve had their roles in Advent Children swapped, and I still stand by it and forever shall!
Yuffie Kisaragi:
Christy Carlson Romano and Mae Whitman (pre-Remake content) - Christy voiced the role in Kingdom Hearts and Advent Children while Mae voiced her in Kingdom Hearts II, Dirge of Cerberus, and the DLC postgame of Kingdom Hearts III. They sound pretty much 100% identical to each other...or at least they did. Mae Whitman’s KHIII reprisal sounded notably aged, more like Amity Blight than Yuffie.
Suzie Yeung (Remake continuity) - Sound exactly like how Christy and Mae used to! Holy shit, how does Square Enix find this talent?
Courtney Williams (Machinabridged Series) - She sounds a bit like Mabel Pines or Webby Vanderquack due to the hyperness being played up for this version of Yuffie, and she makes it work great,
And my favorite one is...Suzie Yeung! Out of all of them, she’s the only one who’s actually authentically Asian. Points just for that!
Vincent Valentine:
Steve Blum (pre-Remake content) - Steve does solemn and creepy voices like a pro, and he did great as Vincent in Advent Children. What happened to him in Dirge of Cerberus? He sounded so stiff!
Chris Tout (Machinabridged Series) - As expected, he plays up the melodrama of Vincent’s character for laughs, but in a cool voice!
Matthew Mercer (Remake continuity) - Matt is to the role of Vincent just as he is to Ganondorf; he’s as perfecft a fit as you’d hope for!
FANCAST OPTION(S) - Robin Atkin Downes or Christopher Bevins. Downes using his Baron Zemo voice, and Bevins his own amazingly spot on Steve Blum impression.
And my favorite one is....Robin Atkin Downes! Blum and Mercer are cool and all, but this is closest to what I hear in my head for Vincent, and it’s almost a bad joke that his is the last voice you hear in Vincent’s own game....as Genesis?!?
President Shinra:
James Horan (Remake continuity) - The tone of his voice is perfect, but the voice itself isn’t consistently solid. It sometimes sounds a bit like Jamieson Price, who voiced Reeve back in the older content!
Graham Stark (Machinabridged Series) - Good Southern accented president voice that fits the more legit affable Shinra of this series.
FANCAST OPTION(S) - The late Robert Ridgely or the still living Maurice LeMarche would’ve been ideal, as they could’ve delivered the Orson Welles impressions. Or for the Remake version, I wish they’d cast Richard Epcar in the  role, as he’d have matched the late Genzo Wakayama much more perfectly.
And my favorite one is....Robert Ridgely or Maurice LeMarche! Sorry, but I just can’t unhear him sounding like Charles Foster Kane!
Rufus Shinra:
Wally Wingert (pre-Remake content) - Perfect. Everything about it.
Josh Bowman (Remake continuity) - A bit deeper than I’d expect, but pretty solid acting for the small part he got in Remake. Getting to go further into the character with more material in Rebirth really helped him improve, so now he sounds almost as ideal as Wally Wingert.
Xander Mobus (Machinabridged Series) - If he wasn’t doing that Frank Underwood-style accent and goofy delivery, he’d actually be a perfect fit for canonical Rufus. That said, his Rufus is hilarious.
FANCAST OPTION(S) - Geoffery Arend would’ve been an even better casting for Remake Rufus. Given how much his Riddler sounds like Wally Wingert’s, he could’ve easily done the same here!
And my favorite one is....Wally Wingert! They’re all so good in the role, but this initial casting for Rufus was just striking casting gold!
Quinton Flynn (pre-Remake content) - He was double-cast as Reno and Axel just like the late Keiji Fujiwara was, and he did perfectly.
Arnie Pantoja (Remake content) - It fits Reno. Just...not as well.
Curtis Arnott (Machinabridged Series) - Same as the above.
FANCAST OPTION - Roger Craig Smith. He took over for Quinton as Deidara in Naruto dub, so I wish he’d done the same with Reno.
And my favorite one is...Quinton Flynn! Got it memorized, yo?
Crispin Freeman (pre-Remake content) - Not the role I’d expect Crispin to voice, but he did best he could with a deep, gravelly tone.
William C. Stephens (Remake continuity) - A black VA providing the voice for Rude just naturally fits better, as William demonstrates.
Marc Swint (Machinabridged Series) - And as Marc demonstrated!
FANCAST OPTION - Kevin Conroy. He’s a white guy too, but does anyone else hear an unintended Kevin Conroy impersonation in Crispin’s Rude? Was not able to unhear it after I noticed!
And my favorite one is...William C. Stephens! His Ving Rhames-esque voicework makes for easily the coolest sounding Rude!
Bettina Bush (pre-Remake content) - A very nice, very well fitting casting choice for Elena. But she only got like two or three lines.
Piper Reese (Remake continuity) - No voice acting experience to her name, yet she put into her performance everything needed to pull off the ideal Elena and nail both her ferocious and comedic moments.
Morgan Berry (Machinabridged Series) - Cute and hilarious as usual.
FANCAST OPTION - Michelle Ruff. This role is tailor-made for her!
And my favorite one is...Michelle Ruff! See above.
Ryan Yu (pre-Remake content) - Yeah, I get that Tseng is meant to sound stiff and like a pro, but this was just WAY too monotone!
Vic Chao (Remake content) - Another Asian VA, only this one actually has an awesome sounding voice and great delivery!
Scott Ferichs (Machinabridged Series) - He does...an Alan Rickman impression? Even for a parody series, I’m not sure I get this one.
FANCAST OPTION - Eric Vale. When I look at Tseng, I hear Sakyo
And my favorite one is...Vic Chao! He does the all around best job!
Reeve Tuesti:
Jamieson Price (pre-Remake content) - It’s the same performance type as his Janyu Wong from Digimon Tamers. That’s ideal casting
Jon Root (Remake continuity) - Not as distinct as Jamieson Price obviously, but he does very well with what he’s given to work with.
Nick Landis (Machinabridged Series) - The one time Reeve and Cait Sith actually share a VA, and Nick’s versatility makes it work!
And my favorite one is...Jamieson Price! Can’t go wrong with him!
John DiMaggio (Remake continuity) - John’s no stranger to voicing  Final Fantasy characters and he always does it so well. Heidegger is just the latest example of that. His voice and laugh are on point.
Ty Konzak (Machinabridged Series) - He delivers this snarly pirate-like voice that’s about what you’d expect of a parody Heidegger.
FANCAST OPTION - Charles Martinet. German accented Wario. It’s pretty self-explanatory.
And my favorite one is..Charles Martinet! Just listen to Wario’s laugh!
Erin Cotrieli (Remake continuity) - This is a solid fit for her voice, though she’s not done the “kya-ha-ha-ha-ha!” cackling thing so far.
Amber Lee Connors (Machinabridged Series) - Amber’s talent for voicing sultry femme fatale villains and also being really funny shine here, making her version of Scarlet a very enjoyable character.
FANCAST OPTION - Lani Minella. A super veteran VA (and original voice of Rouge the Bat), she’s just got the voice for it, y’know?
And my favorite one is...Amber Lee Connors! KYA-HA-HA-HA-HA!
William Salyers (Remake continuity) - Another stroke of casting genius. Palmer just plays to all of Salyers voice acting strengths.
Ben Creighton (Machinabridged Series) - Can’t really be sure that Palmer wouldn’t sound like this even if it wasn’t a parody series!
FANCAST OPTION - Jeff Nimoy, sounding like an aged Tentomon.
And my favorite one is...William Salyers! He embodies Palmer!
Professor Hojo:
Paul Eiding (pre-Remake content) - VERY outside-the-box voice casting, and maybe with better direction it coud’ve paid off. But what we got from Paul sure didn’t, being easily THE most ill-fitting original dub voice for a FFVII character. Sounds too feeble and annoying!
James Siei (Remake continuity) - Now THIS is more fucking like it! An actually Asian VA who not only delivers a bone-chillingly creepy performance, but who sounds eerily close in tone to Derek Stephen Prince as Vexen/Even from Kingdom Hearts, who shares a VA with Hojo in the original Japanese language (twice over, in fact!)
Edwyn Tiong (Machinabridged Series) - Another Asian VA who hams it up a lot more but can also be genuinely unsettling to listen to! He’d fit just as well as the psychopathic scientist in a non-parody work!
FANCAST OPTION(S) - Ezra Weisz, Dwight Schultz, Sam Witwer, Udo Kier, and naturally, Derek Stephen Prince.
And my favorite one is....James Siei! Paul Eiding’s was a misfire and with Edwyn Tiong and my Fancast picks they’re all in line with how I’d expect Hojo to sound. James “My Cabbages!” Siei being cast as Hojo and nailing him so hard was a total left field turn and one that puts me in his corner. He’s now the gold standard Hojo voice.
Lance Bass and George Newbern (pre-Remake content) - Lance Bass was a huge miscasting by Disney when they were getting star talent to voice FF characters and KH-original characters for the first Kingdom Hearts, and he sounds too youthful and not a thing like how Sephiroth would later sound. George Newbern, on the other hand...casting the dude known for Theodore Rex and Superman in the role of Sephiroth became the stuff of voice acting legend, as he blew all expectations out of the water. He’s THE iconic voice of Sephiroth.
Tyler Hoechlin (Remake continuity) - I get what they were doing, casting another Superman as Sephiroth...but Tyler is a Superman actor, not a Superman voice actor. As such he seems to put the work into making his voice sound sinister and Sephiroth-like while failing to convincingly act the material he has to say in that voice. However, in the first 45 seconds and the very last 45 seconds of this video, we can hear how damn good he’s capable of doing. That capability thankfully carries him through in Crisis Core Reunion and Rebirth, where he steps up his game and improves his voicework in the role, in some areas  even shining brighter than George Newbern!
Mike Varker (Machinabridged Series) - Totally obscure VA picked out by TeamFourStar to be their Sephiroth but holy shit, he fucking killed it! Just listen to this villainous monologue and try to NOT get chills!
FANCAST OPTION(S) - Sephiroth is a role that could be easy to cast but difficult to really nail. A handful of VAs I think could do it include:  Skip Stellrecht, Crispin Freeman, Paul Dobson, John Rafter Lee, Christian Bale, Michael C. Hall, Mark Whitten, and of course the Newbern Soundalike Supermen Tim Daly or James Denton.
And my favorite one is....a three-way tie between George Newbern, Mike Varker, and Skip Stellrecht.! All three are 100% godly fits!
Gideon Emery (Remake continuity) - A cool, smooth sounding Biggs.
Chris Niosi (Machinabridged Series) - He gets it down alright.
FANCAST OPTION - Michael Daingerfield. His voice fits well when voicing Biggs from Star Wars, and it’d fit just as well for this Biggs.
And my favorite one is....Gideon Emery! Guy’s got too much charm.
Matthew L. Jones (Remake continuity) - Sounds exactly how you’d expect Wedge to sound like.
Chris Zito (Machinabridged Series) - Same can be said of this one.
FANCAST OPTION - Tyler Labine. Same as both of the above.
And my favorite one is....I can’t really choose. All of them fit.
Erica Lindbeck (Remake continuity) - In her more mellow and mature moments she sounds just like Eli Ayase, but then in her cheeky, playful, flirty trolling moments she just goes full Kaori Miyazono. It’s as entertaining as it is kind of distracting.
Jesse Nowack (Machinabridged series) Ha ha. His name actually is Jesse! He did slur-voiced Jesse of this series as well as he could.
FANCAST OPTION - Grey DeLisle Griffin. For whatever reason, I always heard original canon Jessie sounding like Daphne Blake.
And my favorite one is...Erica Lindbeck! She just went SO HARD.
Marlene Wallace:
Grace Rolek and Ariel Winter (pre-Remake content) - They did fine.
Brielle Milla (Remake continuity) - She also does fine.
Corrine Sudberg (Machinabridged Series) - She did fine as well.
And my favorite one is....I can’t really choose. They all did fine!
Elmyra Gainsborough:
Julie Dolan (Remake continuity) - She played this part wonderfully.
Sandra Espinoza (Machinabridged Series) - Works good for the material she’s given, being both funny and painstakingly sincere.
FANCAST OPTION - Barbara Goodson. Back when she was younger in the late 90s, her voice would’ve really fit Elmyra.
And my favorite one is....I can’t really choose. They’re all so suitable.
Don Corneo:
Fred Tatasciore (Remake continuity) - He camps it up like crazy in this role but also can be threatening when need be, not to mention the horse winnying laugh he does. Much better FFVII role than Loz.
Josh Tomar (Machinabridged Series) - Perfect for the Don in every way, about exactly what I’d always been imagining him to sound like.
And my favorite one is....it’s a tie! They’re both perfect in this role!
Zack Fair:
Rick Gomez (pre-Remake content) - Zack’s expanded presence in this sub-franchise is strange for a lot of reasons, but if it’s to be, then he needs a likable enough voice to sell the character. Rick’s got it.
Caleb Pierce (Remake continuity) - Possibly even moreso than Tyler Hoechlin as Sephiroth following George Newbern, this is a huge trade down. I think Caleb could do well as young, up-and-coming Zack “the Puppy”, but his ability to pull off the tougher, more experienced Zack seems beyond him. He just cannot emote well.
Nathan Sharp (Machinabridged Series) - Perfectly cast, and did an ideal job at voicing Zack in the bit part he was originally meant to be.
And my favorite one is...Rick Gomez! Still the definitive Zack Fair!
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I was curious - who are your top ten favourite characters through all of the Star Trek series and why? I really enjoy your art, great job! It's always exciting when your stuff comes up on the dash because it's just *that good* and another thrilling installment!
First of all, thanks a lot !! It always makes me super happy when I hear people are excited about my art :D
And uh.. Oh that’s a tough one. I could easily tell you my fave character for each show, but an overall top 10? Let me think…
1 - Doctor McCoy and Spock
Theses two have been my fave TOS characters since I first watched the show back in 2015. And TOS may not be my favorite Trek anymore, but it will always have this special place in my heart ‘cause I’ve been obsessing over it for so much longer than the other shows (I started watching them back in like September 2020). So yeah Bones and Spock come first. And they’re both number 1 bc I was never able to choose between them and I probably never will
2 - Doctor Bashir 
Hhhh Julian I love him I was part of the Elite Intellectuals who liked him even in the first DS9 season when he was annoying (maybe because him making the worst first impression on his future friends is something I find extremely relatable ? hum). I love his evolution too even if I’m not a fan of the Augment thing. He’s also very cute and hot I want to peg him
3 - Kira Nerys
Kira is hand down the best female character in all of star trek. Episodes focused on her were always interesting, and idk I’ve always loved characters that are very religious (without being zealots) ? Idk why, I’m a strong atheist so it’s super unrelatable to me but it makes me more interested and invested in them for some reason. Anyway she is also super pretty and hot and I love her smile and her voice and I’d let her step on me any day
4 - Tuvok
He’s just really cool and I love Vulcans. And also I think his actor is the only one beside Nimoy (and maybe the second actress who played Saavik) to really perfectly grasp how to play a Vulcan, and that makes him really compelling
5 - Will Riker
I really love this jazz himbo and I absolutely don’t know why ! By all accounts he shouldn’t be my favorite TNG character but for some reason he is
6 - Data
Ahh what could be said about everyone’s favourite android that hasn’t been said. He makes me very emotional for some reason, sometimes he’s so adorable I want to cry and every time something bad happened to him i’m just :’’’(
7 - Shran
This guy probably appear in like 6 episodes total (and I’ve only seen 3 of them so far) but he just carries Enterprise so much. He just makes the show 10 times better every time he walks on screen.he’s also played by Jeffrey Combs which gives him a bonus
8 - Q
Also a guys who steals the show every time he shows up. Less than shran tho but just because TNG is really much more solid than Ent. He’s just so damn fun
9 - Dukat
Ohh boy this is gonna piss off some people. But listen this guy is by far the best Trek villain. He’s ridiculously charismatic and makes every scene he’s in super entertaining no matter how wonky the writting is. It’s hilarious watching him getting in the most ridiculous situations but he can still be threatening when needed. He’s definitely an interesting character, he’s a gigantic asshole but as a character I just can’t hate him. Also, as many of you are aware, i’m a lizardfucker... so there’s that
10 - Worf
That’s it that’s just worf what else is there to say. I love this dude i’m so happy he got to be on both TNG and DS9
Honorable mentions who almost made it to the list : The EMH, Quark, Seven of Nine, Malcom Reed, Jadzia Dax, Captain Picard
Anyway that’s all I have sorry for the long post lol, I realise that my reasons for liking theses characters are always something like “I just love them and also i’m horny” but hey. When I love something I don’t always have a good explanation as to why okey
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vreugd-madelon · 3 years
To Sleep in a Sea of Stars Review
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To Sleep in a Sea of Stars by Christopher Paolini is a 878 page Science Fiction novel, the 1st book in the Fractalverse. I read along with my physical copy to the audiobook which I found on Scribd.
Kira Navárez dreamed of life on new worlds. Now she's awakened a nightmare. During a routine survey mission on an uncolonized planet, Kira finds an alien relic. At first she's delighted, but elation turns to terror when the ancient dust around her begins to move. As war erupts among the stars, Kira is launched into a galaxy-spanning odyssey of discovery and transformation. First contact isn't at all what she imagined, and events push her to the very limits of what it means to be human. While Kira faces her own horrors, Earth and its colonies stand upon the brink of annihilation. Now, Kira might be humanity's greatest and final hope...
I rate this book 4.5/5 Stars.
This was an incredible read. I haven’t read a lot of space sci-fi books and this was an interesting story for sure. Each plot point felt naturally developed upon another. And the amount of world-building we received was never too much. For not a moment I’ve thought; Alright get on with the story. The Wranaui have such an interesting way of speaking, both with their scent and how it’s written on the page. The characters themselves were really diverse in both their mannerisms, goals and motivations. But by far is the snarky, sarcastic ship mind Gregorovich. What happened to him during the story touched me deeply, as I found myself in him. Kira’s offer to him near the end of the story made me cry, but his response was so logical as well. Speaking of the end. As ever I won’t spoil anything, but I feel like I’ve been lead astray. Never had it been mentioned what the Maw did, and I feel like it’s a cop out, so that this can actually become the series that it is. I might’ve love it more if this had been a stand alone, with Mar Íneth being the end. The voice actress for this novel was impeccable. The amount of variety in her pitch and accents was incredible. In the physical copy of the book, before each exeunt chapter there is a diagram/picture which really added to the store while I was reading.
Even though my rating is high, I’ve yet to decide if I’d read the 2nd novel in this series when it’s released. If so, I’ll be sure to reblog this post, with my opinion.
Do you have any questions? Send me an ask here on Tumblr or tweet me. Are any books that you want to recommend? Be sure to let me know! If you wish to support me, you can buy me a coffee!
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maladjusted-nerd · 3 years
Starsky and Hutch’s Girlfriends (and Their Hair Color)
[PBS announcer voice] This post is brought to you by the time I was reading The Ollie Report for Bounty Hunter and came across the memorable line: “Again, Starsky is drawn to the dark-haired girl, Hutch to the blonde. Exogamists they are not.”
These are the two ladies in question, respectively:
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I thought of this quote a lot as I continued watching the show, because it was quite often relevant. But then I got to Starsky’s Lady, and suddenly Hutch’s date wasn’t a blonde! I began to wonder about the quote, and the truth of the sentiment behind it (which is by no means specific to that one blog). Did Hutch really tend to go for the blondes, and Starsky for the dark-haired women?
So like any sane person, I decided to spend a billion hours of my life making a long-ass photo-heavy meta post that hopefully someone will care about. If anyone actually finds this information interesting or useful I will be happy, buuut I guess if nothing else it gives us an excuse to look at a bunch of pretty ladies.
How did I decided who’s here: I started with the list of women from the Canon Compendium’s Girlfriends and Dates page, added anyone whom I felt the boys made a “concerted effort” to flirt with, and then threw out a few people I didn’t think belonged. I tried my hardest to be objective, but making this list was by no means an exact science and several times it really just boiled down to “do I personally believe she should be on here” so like people will have different opinions on that and it’s fine! Spice of life or whatever.
As for the actual contents of the list: I will state each woman’s name and the episode she’s in. (If she doesn’t have a name she’s listed as Jane Doe. This is a cop show, after all.) I will state her hair color-- for Reasons and also My Sanity the only options are “blonde” or “darkhaired” (not blonde), but hair color is fucking weird and sometimes it was a guess so feel free to think otherwise. I will also state the reason that she’s here, aka the nature of her relationship with Hutch or Starsky (or both)-- so spoiler warning for pretty much everything, I guess.
Also fair warning that sometimes I was too lazy to get a good picture, or it was just actually impossible (newsflash: discos have bad lighting). Rip to any women I may have made look bad, you’re all beautiful queens and I love you.
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Vanessa (Hutchinson Murder One)- Darkhaired. Hutch’s late ex-wife and all-around terrible person.
Laura Kanen (Deckwatch)- Blonde. Hutch’s ex-girlfriend.
Helen Davidson (Lady Blue)- Blonde. Starsky’s late ex-girlfriend.
Kathy Marshall (Fatal Charm)- Darkhaired. A stewardess friend of theirs; it’s never said she’s an ex BUT she kisses Hutch square on the mouth in greeting and is Starsky’s date for dinner/disco. And she dances with both of them. Good enough for me!
Season 1
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Jeannie Walton (The Fix)- Blonde. His girlfriend at the start of the episode but not by the end! (Rip king)
Molly (Pariah)- Darkhaired. Stewardess friend/one-night stand? Something like that. Also his date at the end.
Jane Doe (Deadly Imposter)- Blonde. His date at the party.
Abigail Crabtree (Deadly Imposter to Vendetta)- Blonde. The only girlfriend we see in several episodes!! (The only girlfriend that lasts several episodes, whoops.)
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Jane Doe (Pariah)- Blonde. His date at the end.
Jane Doe (Deadly Imposter)- Darkhaired. His date at the party.
Amy (The Hostages)- Darkhaired. She works at a café that he’s going to for a second time, to let her know he’s ~available.
Sharman Crane (Running)- Darkhaired. They had a semester of woodshop together in junior high and then they kind of fall in love while he’s helping her dry out.
Season 2
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Abby (Deadly Imposter to Vendetta)- Still blonde. Miraculously still his girlfriend. (Until she isn’t.)
Gillian Ingram (Gillian)- Blonde. His now-late girlfriend who fucking deserved better.
Jane Doe (Gillian)- Blonde. Lady at the bowling alley that Starsky discreetly tries to set him up with.
Christine (Starsky’s Lady)- Darkhaired. His date of the episode.
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Vicky (The Las Vegas Strangler)- Darkhaired. They don’t really get a chance to go on an official date but they kiss a bunch and he’s really sweet on her and it’s cute.
Andrea (Vendetta)- Darkhaired. His picnic date.
Nancy Rogers (Gillian)- Darkhaired. His bowling date.
Terry Roberts (Starsky’s Lady)- Darkhaired. His now-late girlfriend who, like Gillian, also fucking deserved better.
Laura Stevens (The Velvet Jungle)- Blonde. They’re on a date at the end, but it should also be noted they meet when she accidentally knocks him into a dumpster. You know, like the start of any good romance.
Sharon Freemont (Starsky and Hutch Are Guilty)- Blonde. His evil lawyer girlfriend. (Not that he knows she’s evil.)
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Jane and Bobette (The Vampire)- Jane is the blonde on the right, Bobette is the darker blonde on the left. Starsky and Hutch mix up their names so it’s hard to tell which girl they actually like better, and also they’re twins so like does it even really matter?
Officer Sally Hagen (The Specialist)- Darkhaired. Starsky kisses up her arm in her first scene (someone please file a workplace harassment suit against him), and then at the end he and Hutch keep wrapping their arms around her waist. But she does get to flip both of them over her shoulder, so it kinda evens out.
Season 3
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Dianna Harmon (Fatal Charm)- Darkhaired. His possessive, violent nurse girlfriend. (You can really pick ‘em, Hutchinson.)
Dr. Judith Kaufman (The Plague)- Darkhaired. He tries so hard, but twas not meant to be.
Molly Bristol (The Collector)- Darkhaired. His girlfriend du jour.
Anna Akhanatova (A Body Worth Guarding)- Blonde. He’s technically her bodyguard and then they spend like two whole days making out. Good for them.
Mary (Class in Crime)- Blonde. His fishing date.
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Jane Doe (Murder on Playboy Island)- Darkhaired. Undercover agent he flirts with at the bar.
Rosey Malone (I Love You Rosey Malone)- Blonde. The entire plot revolves around him falling in love with her and it really doesn’t end well.
Jane Doe (The Collector)- Darkhaired. His date at their late-night deli party. (Bonus Starsky in the picture, hi Starsky!)
Sharon Carstairs (The Heavyweight)- Blonde. Their canoodling on his couch gets interrupted by Important Case Matters, and she winds up getting re-engaged to her ex-fiancé (ex-ex-fiancé?). Rip to a king.
Rachel (Class in Crime)- Darkhaired. His fishing date.
Caitlin (Class in Crime)- Her hair almost has a red tint but it’s otherwise undefinable. Car saleslady/one-night stand.
K.C. McBride (Quadromania)- Blonde. They have a nice taxi date (although he’s been sleep deprived all episode, poor boy, and falls asleep).
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Christine Phelps (The Heroes)- Blonde. She makes them lose all their braincells, it’s painful to witness. This episode hopes you will forget the actress was Gillian last season.
Julie McDermott (The Action)- Blonde. Starsky wins the kerfuffle for her but Hutch definitely makes a good go of it.
Lisa Kendricks (Foxy Lady)- Blonde. They drool and fight over her for half an episode like they did with Christine and it’s embarrassing.
Season 4
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Paula (Photo Finish)- Darkhaired. He’s like her date at the party, and also the end.
Kate Larrabee (Cover Girl)- Darkhaired. An old friend of his. It starts out just as a comfort thing but they quickly become very friendly.
Marlene (Starsky’s Brother)- Darkhaired. Starsky steals her from Nicky as a Big Brother Power Move but Hutch winds up with her at the bar.
Marianne Owens (Ballad for a Blue Lady)- Darkhaired. I don’t really know what’s going on here but there’s Something (and there’s a lot of parallels with Rosey Malone, so).
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Sergeant Lizzie Thorpe (Discomania)- Blonde. Technically Hutch talks with her more, but Starsky does most of the flirting.
Jane Doe (Discomania)- Darkhaired. He spends literally five minutes dancing with her. Is it relevant to the case? No. Does he care? Also no.
Emily Harrison (Blindfold)- Darkhaired. He accidentally blinds her during a case so he starts hanging out with her out of guilt but I feel like he also kinda falls in love; they kiss at one point anyway.
Marcie Fletcher (Photo Finish)- Blonde. His photographer girlfriend.
Officer Dee O’Reilly (Strange Justice)- Blonde. His meter maid girlfriend. They have a date at the end!
Jane Doe (Dandruff)- Darkhaired. He’s making out with her at the beginning.
Detective Joan Meredith (Black and Blue)- Darkhaired. It’s Heavily implied they slept together. (Side note love u Meredith!)
Melinda Rogers (The Groupie)- Blonde. He has a date with her at the end. (Yeah she slept with Hutch, but he was undercover and proceeds to lowkey rebuff her in the tag, so I’m not counting it.)
Katie (Starsky’s Brother)- Blonde. His date at the nightclub.
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Allison May/Laura Anderson (Targets Without a Badge parts 2 & 3)- Darkhaired. They both try to court her before Starsky realizes she’s his childhood friend (although they do make another go of it in the tag).
Kira (Starsky vs Hutch)- Blonde. Starsky’s girlfriend, although she says she’s also in love with Hutch so then they sleep together which Starsky is NOT thrilled about and it’s a very ugly mess.
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Pre-show: 3 (1 blonde, 2 dark)   Season 1: 4 (3 blonde, 1 dark)   Season 2: 6 (4 blonde, 2 dark)   Season 3: 8 (5 blonde, 3 dark)   Season 4: 6 (1 blonde, 5 dark) Overall: 26 (13 blonde, 13 dark)
(If the math looks weird, it’s cause Abigail counts for both seasons she’s in but only once overall.)
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Pre-show: 2 (1 blonde, 1 dark)   Season 1: 4 (1 blonde, 3 dark)   Season 2: 8 (3 blonde, 5 dark)   Season 3: 10 (6 blonde, 3 dark, 1 ??)   Season 4: 11 (6 blonde, 5 dark) Overall: 35 (17 blonde, 17 dark, 1 ??)
(Thirty-five?? Calm the fuck down, Starsky.)
  In conclusion:
“Exogamists, they are not” might have been true back at the end of season 1 when it was said, but it’s certainly not true by season 4/the end of the series. Hutch now seems to favor dark-haired women, and Starsky’s about half and half, although they both wind up with an equal split overall.
Do with that information what you will; I’m outta here.
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