#I really want Thor to be an actual good dad to Thrud
sleepyconfusedpotato · 10 months
God of War Ragnarok DLC Incoming??? 👀👀👀
Apparently, it's gonna be about Atreus finding the living giants scattered across the realms. I think (or at least what I would want to see), we'll get to play as Atreus most of the game and we'll get to journey along with Angrboda (as their love grows UWU) (with Fenrir of course UWU), and with Thrud perhaps? (with Mjolnir UWU)
Now. Here's what I've been thinking. I've read some Norse mythology, and I found out that, as well as Baldur's death would sign the beginning of Fimbulwintr (which heralded Ragnarok), it's said/prophecied that Baldur will come back to life/return after Ragnarok.
Will Atreus get to meet the risen Baldur? 👀👀👀 With a whole new body where he can eat, drink, and feast however he wants across the realms? Will Freya get to fix his relationship with her son? I know this is such a wishful thinking, but I LOVED BALDUR IN GOW4 😭😭 I want to see him possibly banter with Atreus LMAO now that their families aren't on their way anymore. I bet in Asgard Baldur was actually funny as FUCK-- and plot twist: Baldur and Atreus become besties as they find the giants (Baldur was Odin's tracker so that counts as something).
Will we get to see Kratos? Maybe yes maybe no. The title is God of War, yes, but this is a DLC after all. Maybe Kratos' gonna be referenced here and there and his voice and way of thinking will guide Atreus along the way (kind of like Faye in the GoW4. She's literally dead but she's always with us along the way). Either way, I'm very excited to see it.
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storiedhistories · 2 years
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Anonymous asked: Atreus, how do you feel about Thrud?
Send My Muse Anons About Their Relationships // Accepting!    
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It wasn't a question he'd fully expected, and he looks up at it, offering the stranger a small smile.
"She's a good friend," he replied.  "Super strong, really good in a fight.  Thrud's gonna make an amazing Valkyrie someday."  But his smile faded as he thought about his friend, about how upset she'd been at seeing her father in the mead hall again.
"I wish our families weren't fighting," Atreus said, his voice soft.  "I think our dads could actually be friends if things were different.  She's been through a lot with her dad, and I can tell she cares about him.  And even after all of Mimir's stories, I'm pretty sure there's more to Thor than most people think, though Thrud's probably one of the only people that sees that."  
He cared about his friend a lot, and he wanted what was best for her, wanted her to have a better relationship with her father, the way she so desperately wanted. 
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