#I really want to know who they will cast as regis
soymimikyu · 11 months
Witcher S3E8
The last set of chicken scratches for this season! A grouse is basically a chicken right?
Geralt can be an ungrateful twat at times.
Jaskier is the best at reading rooms. Able to read peoples auras and energies. I feel he would be into crystals. Not in a super obsessed way, but would occasionally bring them in conversation.
Omg Tissaia has pure white hair! Its haunting in a good way.
Phillipa continues to out dress everyone. I mean she has a cravat. A poofy cravat! It is very good.
Squeeee Frinfran :3 Power couple.
Vizimir reminds me a bit of Richard II. The role vizimir played in the books is a bit of a blur. I recall using kids or prisoners as spys was his idea? He was mostly a puppet if I remember correctly.
Jaskier is really the best of them. I mean his retort to milva is flawless.
;_; Tissaia and Yennefer. The letter is to 'Piglet' (im' all teary eyed now...)
So I don't know if we ever got Phillipa's lady friend's name -- but damn. She is intense. Like really intense. The friar-esque bowl adds to the 0 fucks given.
Francesca's face when she learns the truth....I had forgotten that she did not know the truth.
I feel really bad for Radovid. He was on his own path and then became a pawn. He gives off strong "dude where's my car" energy, but he is so much more.
The ducking elves age but Jaskier stays young. Is he the tom bombodil of this universe? (I mean look at Dara -- yes I know the actor must have aged)
AHH Jaskier wanted to save the millipede :3 They would have been best friends I am sure.
Milva sure is mean. Not in a bad way. In a "you are an idiot" way.
Was it explained why Vilgefortz just didn't fix his face with an illusion like lydia?
Milva's expressions at Jaskier are borderline perfection.
This credits song is also jaunty.
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spinningalbinoturtle · 4 months
Amazon may have listened when we asked for twink Annatar but they sure as hell did not listen when we asked for Matt Berry as Tom Bombadil and for that I can’t forgive them
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thedemonofcat · 7 months
so, you ship Geraskier (me too) and you’ve said you’re reading the books (me too. are you going to ship Gerlion? Because I came away from the show, books, game, shipping Geraskier in the show and Geregis in the books/game. Just curious. Dandelion just feels to me like such a fundamentally different character from Jaskier. I know that’s mostly by design, seeing as Joey has had such creative control of Jaskier; but I truly feel like Dandelion/Geralt are better as the “we’re not even friends anymore we’re brothers” bond. And Geraskier is clearly coded for Jaskier to be in love with Geralt and Geralt oblivious until such time as it comes to a head since we don’t know yet what they’ll do in the show. Where Regis was just this force to Geralt that kind of hit him from the side, sacrificed himself, and left Geralt in pain from the loss; only to have pain over losing him to Dettlaff. It was just an interesting story. And based on who they have cast for Regis in the show, I am fairly sure it won’t be structured like that. I’m honestly mad at the casting because I envisioned Regis more of a Tom Ellis type. Not to get me wrong, I love the actor’s work it just doesn’t feel like Regis to me. Your thoughts? Sorry if you’ve been asked this before.
I will admit even though I have no problem with Laurence Fishburne as an actor, I do have to say I find his casting to be a tad strange since he’s just not who I would have pictured as Regis.
My theory is that maybe Laurence Fishburne is a fan of the books/games and asked to play the Regis, and because he's a recognizable name, that's why they cast him.
When doing my playthrough Of the Blood and Wine DLC. I did really come to like Regis, so I did play to get the ending where Regis lives.
I do agree that Dandelion from the books and Jaskier from the show feel like completely different characters. Since and I’m not saying this in any sort of negative way.
But Dandelion does very much feel like a product of the time the book was written.
Well, womanizers like Dandelion can be likable in their respective story often a time when you take a closer look and compare their actions as if they could exist in our world. They tend to come from a rather unlikable sometime down right despicable.
For Dandelion although the trait he seems to be most known for is womanizer tendency. Typically his near-undying loyalty to those he cares for (Geralt, Ciri, Yennefer, Zoltan, Priscilla) is what makes people truly like him.
There is an interview with Joey Batey where he says that they changed Jaskier's womanizer trait to being he loves everyone that his eyes come across since he felt like That is more appropriate for what the show wants to go for.
At this point, almost nothing anyone can say to convince me that Jaskier is not in love with Geralt even if he's fully aware that Geralt will not return the feelings in the same way.
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while you pretty much already answered this when you said you were disappointed they completely cut shani from the show ( I agree she is one of my favorite of the more minor characters and one of the few female characters from the witcher that is not either royaly or a sorsercess) but who do you think is the most important book character that the show completely cut out?, they included some of the more unimportant mage characters in the ball and coup episodes and they are including characters like Nimue, Stribog and Assire next season, and they aren't done announcing the casting for season 4 yet so we will see if they include Angoulême earlier so she can have a big more time to be fleshed out than she does in the books
They already have Milva and Regis so I expect we'll see Angoulême. She has a great backstory, and I would love to see it in depths. (Even though Stygga Castle is really going to hurt) Just hoping they don't cut out Anna Henrietta or The Aen Elle. I think the reason they cut Shani as well as Geralt's dragon threesome/foursome? and Triss' romance out because they wanted to make his relationship with Yen more romantic. Which I get. Even though I loved Shani. (my forever girl) As for the cut out... Honestly if I had to pick, I would say Eskel. I know he was not cut out per say, but they killed him off and I thought that was a really bad choice. It didn't add anything to the show or to Geralt. It just pissed us off. I'm also curious what is going to happen since they killed Rience off early. Who is going to partner up with Leo Bonhart and Stefan Skellen? I will take a lot of flak for saying this, but despite all this I really enjoyed the show personally. I look at the show like a fun fanfiction instead of taking it as heresy. (I have been told 'drink piss wh0re' by 'fanboys' because I enjoyed the show. I get being passionate about a show, but trying to hurt real people over fiction... sad. Very sad) I feel bad for the actors that are just doing their jobs taking all that abuse.
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crispyclouddragon · 10 months
Hello! I'd like to know, did you really write a fic for Regis from Father I Don't Want To Get Marrried and if so, where can I find it? Have a good week.
I did! I never posted it so let this be the place you find it. TW For suicide as it takes place directly after the introduction.
“STOP!” Maximilian cried out. But it was already too late. Jubelian plunged the knife in her hands deep in her stomach. A soundless gasp from her lips as she folded into herself. Quickly Maximilian ordered the guards to try to aid her- it wasn’t supposed to be like this. The plan was to get her out safely. His teacher had finally grown tired of the Emperor, because he had crossed a line finally. Duke Floyen’s weakness. She lay dying before Maximilian now. They cannot stop the bleeding, they have given up and now as a group they are trying to get out of the cellars. The sounds of swords clash echo through these halls.
Jubelian is dead, her heart has already stopped. In some desperate part of Maximilian’s mind think good, now Teacher have no more weaknesses that the Emperor can use. Even then, deep down he knows that this will break Duke Floyen. He cannot survive this and Maximilian will be alone again. Casting a glance at the bloodied pitiful woman, falsely accused of poisoning his sister, he feels… empty. She looked young even with her father’s silver hair, those lavender eyes now clouded in death still like jewels.
It was the hairs on his neck that notified him of Duke Floyen’s arrival. And when he turned to face the man he only caught a glimpse before the other hurried past to his daughter’s still body. What he had seen on the man’s face was horror, it was of a man terrified of losing everything that kept him tethered to this world. Maximilian did not turn as his teacher began to beg Jubelian to open her eyes and berate his soldiers for not healing her. For not being there when she was injured. Maximilian held his tongue out of respect and of a desire for the Duke not to become useless before the fight was over. Though as the screams devolved into wordless cries he knew that the time was limited.
“The Emperor, has he been dealt with?” Maximilian asked. Floyen flinched, “of course.” That was at least something, though he wishes he could’ve done the deed himself. Telling his men he was heading towards the throne his steps echoed with another. And when he looked who followed he wished he hadn’t. Duke Floyen held Jubelian in his embrace, tucking her under his chin. Her eyes still wide in terror and mouth open- the Duke looked more dead than her in many ways. The blood seemed to have drained from his face and his eyes were glazed over and staring at the floor.
They arrived in silence. The scene was a bloodbath, not only laid the Emperor discarded with a slit throat but also Jubelian’s fiance, the Princess and the Empress. Maximilian remembered what his teacher used to tell him, that sometimes you get stronger trying to protect your weakness. He watched as Floyen walked to the bloodied throne and put Jubelian’s corpse in the place he’d spend years looking up at. Thinking that no, it hadn’t made his teacher strong, it had just made him human.
Floyen closed his daughter’s eyes for the last time, posing her with hands folded in her lap and back straight. Just as he remembered her. Kneeling before her, seeing the morbid glory of a hollow victory. His beautiful daughter on a glorious throne. Both dead and cold. He finally began to cry. All these years of distancing himself to make her a lesser target, of playing the Emperor’s pawn until the time was right. None of it mattered now. His pride and joy was dead. The only thing he could do was regret and grieve. He should have been there for her, hugged her and laughed with her, while he could. What meant those years if in the end she didn’t know he loved her?
“Teacher,” Maximilian broke the silence. And the Duke’s eyes met his, and in that moment Jubelian looked more alive than her father. “Whatever you wish for I will do,” the broken man spoke, “I will become your tool and you the Emperor.” Those words brought only a chill to Maximilian. Knowing very well the intent. There is nothing left for Floyen to live for, so he will live without thinking until his death. Maybe it’d be merciful to put him out of his misery now. But. He looked at Jubelian and the dead around them and couldn’t bring himself to.
“Very well, if that is what you wish,” he said coldly. Closing his heart to the only person he thought could understand him. If this is what love made men as great as the Duke fall then he wished no part in it. 
It was a vow he held to his death. Maximilian became known as the heartless Emperor, executing all who opposed him and leaving the aristocracy in shambles. By his side was Duke Floyen, known for his expertise in combat and his dead eyes, he was his sword who recklessly fulfilled those orders. While the kingdom flourished no one remembered them fondly. The Empress was based solely on what she’d provide the kingdom and the heir never knew a father’s love. Duke Floyen was more a machine in nature than man, with no friends nor allies he fell in battle without honor.
It was not a happy end. But an ending that both of them chained themselves too. Living only with regret that they could’ve done things differently, if they could’ve gone back in time before all this happened. And that fateful day never occurred.
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konstantintreplev · 10 months
getting to know you meme
tagged by @menocchio-final-final, thanks!
three ships:
i would say morse/thursday but now i am deeply invested in the complication and fully fledged person that is miss joan thursday, and it's a whole mess, and i wrote 30k of a t4t thinly veiled joan/morse/thursday novel in a week and a half,,,, sorry i AM on my bullshit
uh... no. 2 has to be chrisjen/sadavir, who i've learned as of late i can still write lol, and i know how to make gifs better now so if i lose my mind on their shit again... this is a warning (they're both war criminals, she's just friendlier [hotter to some, they both burn with the power of a thousand suns to meeee] and on the right side of things in the timeline of the SHOW)
and finallllly... molly/margo from for all mankind, but really, molly/anyone from for all mankind, because like. i'm sorry she fucked that whole cast.
(honorable mention: brightlove... god i hope trewlove did eventually get to give that old man his first hickey)
first ship: do you mean first ship i knew was a ship, or thing i thought would be neat w/o the vocabulary? regis/whit from adventures in odyssey. yes, nine year old or whatever elias was deeply invested in these two old man arch-nemeses battling it out with their tongues in defiance of the Holy Spirit.
last song: "online" from the westworld s1 soundtrack
last film: ...does the PBS documentary i half-watched on the suffrage movement count (the part i watched was 2 hours long)? OH WAIT their doc on terrence mcnally (which was epic, highly recommend, RIP sir)
currently reading: supposed to be reading hands of the emperor (re-reading) ...uh but i've been on a break. i should just pick up at the feet of the sun, at this point, right? (the sound you hear is towm's eyebrow raising)
currently watching: let's just say endeavour and copious amounts of american experience docs
currently consuming: coffee... and water (bless)
currently craving: my (return!) trip to london with my friennnnds the flight for which i will be about to board exactly a week from now
uh tags... @tiltedsyllogism, @bryndeavour, @ronniebox, @sandfordsmostwanted, @mr-iskender, @mcgstarroar, @spinelesswrites
and do it if ya want to! or not.
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caparrucia · 9 months
1 and 23
1. favorite fic you wrote this year
The best fic I wrote this year is resurgence (Malos-centric, Malos/Jin, Xenoblade Chronicles 2), which I know is a niche fandom and a niche story, but it's dear to my heart just because it really IS the best thing I've written in quite a while, like prose-wise.
But my favorite fic as far as "this is my baby" feelings, it's gotta be so we made the hard decision (Regis/Aulea/Titus, puppyverse AU, FFXV), which is a fic no one asked for, and therefore not a lot of people cared about, but goddammit, I've been meaning to write about that OT3 for literal YEARS and I finally got around to it. It's my favorite ship and my favorite OT3 dynamic and there's a lot of fun thoughts about disability, polyamory and just a ton of biting from three dysfunctional dipshits that, nonetheless, really fucking love each other. They deserve their happy ending even if their happy ending is full of biting each other til eternity.
I'm currently very happy with maelstrom soul, heart of stone (Zhongli/Childe, dragonheart AU, Genshin Impact) and a lot of it is "current fic" syndrome, but it's shaping up to be one of my favorites, too.
23. fics you wanted to write but didn’t
I'm treating this as a haven't yet, as a opposed to a didn't and never will: but there's companion fics for the other Genshin regions, that take place in the sake universe as the Zhongli/Childe fic. I started on the Zhongli/Childe fic, but once I'm done with that one, I'll pick up any of the other four.
The 4ggravate polycule fic I'm really looking forward to, mostly because Wanderer+Kaveh friendship is hysterical and Wanderer accidentally forcing the polycule to include Alhaitham without really realizing that's what he's doing is hilarious. It also includes my favorite scene which is Kaveh wholesale defenestrating Alhaitham right in front of Cyno, who always really thought if he ended up arresting a lover, it'd be Tighnari's ACAB ass.
There's an Inazuma fic I've been chewing on that's mostly Ayato casually dismantling the tricommission system to basically bully Ei to actually do her job and actually fucking RULE for once, and it's mostly a back and forth between him and Yae with the entirety of the Inazuma cast unwittingly or unwillingly playing the role of chess pieces. It also features a really fucking hilarious Ayato/Kokomi political marriage subplot and no one can't tell who started it or if they're pro or against it or if at any given time they're working towards or against it, and it's driving Gorou and Kujo Sara to drink heavily.
I have a few ideas for a Fontaine fic, but I'm waiting for the archon quests to wrap up before I start figuring out where the pieces go. Mostly it's about Neuvillette needing quite a few hugs, Wriothesley and Clorinde being the definition of BBF (Bisexual Besties Forever), Furina getting to be a person and failing miserably before she gets the hang of it and an eventual sappy, ridiculously saccharine Navia/Furina that triggers the "must protect!!!" instincts of anyone who happens upon it.
And there's of course the MondsDONT polycule shenanigans which is halfway done, and it's mostly Diluc navigating the codependant mess that is his partners, their partners, and Venti. Oh god, Venti. Fuck him. It's a mess. Beds are literally set on fire. Twice. It's fine.
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primamchorus · 9 months
skg.010 :: Promise
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Tandem has always been aware that he is drastically different from his twin sister Primam. These differences that show up in his rebellious nature and lack of care for whether or not he gets punished unfortunately seem to backfire when it comes to his sister, who gets punished in turn for his own acts of rebellion and individuality. Even with as much as he cares about his sister, many of his impulsive decisions are just that: made on impulse. Does that mean the promise he makes is empty?
Word Count :: 2,106
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The emotions and wants of those sworn in service to the Crown were often things that could simply be set aside for the greater task at hand: fulfilling one’s role to the Crown. Tandem recalled standing there, jaw set and hands clenched as his and his twin sister, Primam’s, parents forced them into the service as Kingsglaive. As their parents so put it, it was their place as the descendants of what were originally foreign tradesmen who were brought to status by a previous King of Lucis. What was salt in the wounds to both he and Primam was the fact that King Regis obliged this request.
Tandem and Primam were home now, and tension was thick in the air. Where Primam had stormed off to her room in silent fury, no doubt holding back her tears the entire time, Tandem was sitting at the dining room table, glaring daggers into his mother’s back. His fingers tapped on the table’s surface both irritable and impatient -- he was waiting for her to say anything. After all, it was her idea, it seemed.
“So you’re simply fine with just casting us into the same ranks as the Glaive?” Tandem finally spoke up, venom dripping from his words. He had several grievances, but he figured he would start at the tip of the iceberg. “Our family has been in service to the Crown for over twenty generations -- twenty-seven, if yours and father’s damn boasting is anything to go off of. Yet you would cast us -- your own children, and the future King’s Arms to-to…”
Tandem clenched his hand into a fist, hitting it against the table in his frustration that gave a stutter to his words. Though he wanted to start from the top, emotions finally got the better of him.
“You would make us Glaives and remove our role from the Prince!? Worst yet, you gave Primam the false hope that she had some future with that university she got accepted into!? For what, some kind of messed up sense of honour or pride!? Is that it!?” Tandem spat, his royal accent coming into full force. “If it was just me, I wouldn’t be as pissed, but the fact that Primam has done everything -- everything -- you have ever asked of her--! Are we never good enough to at least have something for what we’ve done in accordance to yours and father’s demands!?”
“King Regis has given his approval to Atticus’ and my request, not that you nor Primam need to be reminded of this fact, Tandem,” came the calm and rather stern tone from the current Arm of the King: Gratia Chorus. Her snow white hair had been a constant in the family since several generations ago. Isolated leucism that showed up in their hair had been passed down to all Arms of the King, separating them easily from the other nobles and common folk.
“Oh sure, because father was certainly a part of the decision making. We all know that as current Arm, you’re the one pulling the strings here,” Tandem snapped back. “I can get you punishing me -- hell, we all know I wasn’t on my best behaviour when you made Prim and I attend the Royal City Academy. But Prim? Really? All she’s ever done is work herself and push herself to meet your -- your -- approval. Not father’s. So don’t try deluding us into thinking he had anything to do with it.”
All that Tandem saw was his mother’s shoulders rise and fall before an afterimage of her was left behind. The next thing he knew, Gratia had appeared before him, her hand striking him fast and hard across the cheek. It was enough to knock him from the chair he was sitting in and disrupt the overall placement of the dining table and other unoccupied seats. He lifted a hand to his reddening cheek, his gaze hardening even further as he glowered up at his mum.
“You speak as if you have earned the right to be an Arm of the King. No, don’t get up--” Gratia scowled down at Tandem as he worked on getting himself picked up, her arms going behind her back as she assumed a more attentive posture. “That either of you chose to rebel…. We did everything in our power to make sure that you were acting as Arms-in-training for years, and the two of you squandered it. You especially. You may still be Arms of the King by birth, but you will be as Glaives as the two of you deserve.”
“‘Deserve’...” Tandem scoffed, dropping his hand from his face as he pushed himself back up into a standing position. He held a defiant look on his face as he now gazed down upon his mother. She was shorter than him and Primam, if only by a few inches. “Prim doesn’t deserve your scorn nor your absurd punishments, and you damn well know it. I’m at least aware enough to know that I’m far worse than she’ll ever be.”
A chauffeur had been assigned to see both Tandem and his sister to the citadel in which the Kingsglaive were trained under the watchful eye of Titus Drautos. However, the car ride had been silent -- both Arms having been weighed down with a form of disappointment. Tandem’s was simply more palpable as he kept his arms folded over his chest, and his knee bounced in agitation -- sometimes even shaking the vehicle when it was not in motion. Meanwhile, Primam had kept quiet, her form was kept small and hunched to the side of the back of the car as she gazed out the window with a distant expression.
When the car had finally lurched to a stop, Tandem was the first one out. He popped the trunk of the car. He pulled out his and his sister’s belongings, slinging his backpack over his shoulder while carrying Prim’s with a sense of reined in frustration so that he did not accidentally damage it -- or rather what could have potentially been within. Walking over to Primam’s side of the car, he started to reach for the handle before the door swung open and his sister finally removed herself from the vehicle.
“Thank you, Leander…” Primam said meekly. It had been the only thing Tandem heard her say that day, and it was thanking the chauffeur that was assigned to bring them to this damned citadel. The younger twin could only silently scoff to himself before he turned his attention toward the double doors that indicated the entrance.
Both Tandem and Primam fell back to silence after the car had left. No words were spoken -- only silent agreements were made as the two of them walked toward the doors and entered into the citadel. Not that either of them were expecting it, though there was certainly no fanfare. There was not even someone there to really greet them, either. Not so much as someone sitting at a reception desk or anything like that. As if anyone who entered was simply expected to know where to go.
Idling at the entrance for a while, Tandem scanned the area before he approached a map that was on one side of the wall. Tracing his free hand’s finger across the map, he pursed his lips and whistled briefly to catch his sister’s attention. Once she had come over, he tapped on the map and traced a trail from where they were to where the citadel’s barracks were.
“Not sure if we should wait around for someone, look for someone… but it might be a good idea to make our way toward the barracks where someone who can tell us anything might be…” Tandem mentioned. He only caught Primam offering a shallow nod in response from his peripheral vision. Frowning to himself, he started to lead the way, the only indication of his sister following him being her footsteps behind him.
Of course, the silence agitated Tandem further, but he bit his tongue. After all, his sister was not to blame. Speaking up on it with his frustrations being ever apparent was probably going to make things worse. He could already imagine what Primam would have said, and her submissive nature to what their mother demanded of them would probably only piss him off further.
“Chorus…es…!” came a voice that was somewhat familiar to the twins. They stopped in their tracks and looked toward one of the halls they were passing where the voice came from. They saw a woman around their age donning a sleek black uniform, a myriad of buttons lining the front and the Kingsglaive insignia emblazoned on steel on either shoulder. The woman herself was someone also of status, and was more or less a childhood friend: Mollis Somnium.
“Mollie…” Tandem was surprised to see her, as was Prim, it seemed. “You’ve been made a Glaive?”
“That’d be a negative,” Mollis replied, giving the two a look of bemusement.
Giving her another cursory look, Tandem noticed the gun at her thigh. However, she held herself with an air of purpose as she went on to say, “I was ordered by Clarus Amicitia to show you around the citadel and get you two acquainted with the layout.”
“... You’ve been here often, then?” Primam softly spoke up.
“Eh?” Mollis looked and sounded taken aback by the question. “Hm… I guess since your time at the Royal City Academy, you wouldn’t have been told much about the happenings of the other Crownsguard and noble families.”
“Royal City Academy doesn’t have anything to do with that. Our parents are just terrible at telling us anything until the last minute,” Tandem replied, his brow furrowing as his frustration was ever evident in his tone.
“Regardless…” Mollis slowly continued, not intending to sound dismissive. “I, as House Somnium, future Eyes of the King, have been assigned as a marksmanship trainer to the younger Glaive and Crownsguard that are here. I work under Clarus’ orders. I assume that the two of you are assigned in a likewise fashion as future Arms?”
As Mollis looked between the two, expecting an affirmative response, both Tandem and Primam’s expressions told her that her assumption was wrong. She was about to press further before she was silenced by one of the twins speaking up.
“Our parents…have requested the King make us Glaives in service to the city and its people…” Primam finally said, her voice a little more steeled, though still shaky given all that she had to sacrifice not of her own free will.
“... Wh-what?” Mollis seemed shocked by this piece of news as well. “How…are you supposed to act as Arms of the King -- the Crown needs everything they have, especially with Niflheim and not knowing what’s going to happen next…!”
“We know,” Tandem curtly said. He sighed long and hard through his nostrils. “But this is where we’re at. Unless we plan on running away, this is what we have to do. The Prince be damned, I suppose.”
Silence fell over the three of them after Tandem spoke. Tapping his foot with further agitation, he shook his head and let out a noisy, disgruntled sigh. Reeling back in his emotions, Tandem motioned outward toward more of the citadel. Doing his best not to speak snappishly, he said, “well, you’re assigned to us to show us around, right? Might be best to get everything going so we don’t make anyone mad at our tardiness.”
“Right…right!” Mollis replied, consideration evident on her face. She spoke nothing more on the twins’ situation, instead leading them forward and through the building.
At the end of the day, the barracks had been separated, making Tandem and Primam go their separate ways after establishing themselves and making sure they went over everything with Mollis. Before they had gone to their respective dorms, Tandem had stopped and called out to Primam.
“Hey, Macaroon,” Tandem started, going to call Primam by one of many different nicknames he had for her that followed a sweets-formula. It was more to ease the tension and maybe even fool himself into thinking there could be a sense of normalcy in the situation they were placed in. Once she looked at him, he forced himself to attempt a reassuring smile.
“We got this, you know…” Tandem went on to say. “We will not be condemned to die protecting the Wall. We’ll protect it, and we’ll make sure everyone stays safe…and if we can’t protect it, I promise we’ll stay alive long so I can make up for all the shit you had to deal with because of me and my shitty decisions.”
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thefangirltreehouse · 11 months
spider-man two, thoughts (spoilers below).
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this is literally just spit-balling
harry as venom isn't a plot i hate. the way insomniac likes to craft their stories primarily around the emotional baggage of established relationships that peter (and miles) has. fighting for and against your terminally ill best friend with pretty bleak execution results is far more interesting to me than fighting a character who's no more than a missable footnote in the original game. harry as venom isn't something i'm gunning for in the comics but it works for insomniac.
i'm so glad that insomniac really leaned into peter and mj's dynamic and it was nice to see her as more than just the doting girlfriend.
i mean, darin de paul is just a national treasure. in what world does the man that plays ardyn izunia play triple-j.
speaking of final fantasy xv, king regis you bitch! how dare you stab peter. i cannot believe we have two caelum's in one spider-man game.
i'm so happy they integrated hailey into the main supporting cast (also playable?!) but when did she find out about miles?
mj i get, but i feel peter moved on far too quickly from the fact he nearly killed his girlfriend. and on that note, literally just stands and watches the scream transformation. i know they're trying to keep it together considering peter's experience with the symbiote but like, i would've been pissed at harry.
rio and miles dancing at the gala was the most adorable thing. (especially as someone who grew up with a single-mum).
they literally don't explain how venom gets his name
"show them your manhood!" / "yes sir - wait, what?!"
young peter's look just confirms disney / marvel wanted the face change to represent the mcu because that is literally tom holland's face.
i actually didn't think yuri's performance could get any better, it did especially once peter has the symbiote off.
the music during the venom fight with peter at midtown is incredible.
i obviously knew he wasn't going to die but i legit cried when pete got stabbed.
i understand insomniac really want you to use the symbiote suit but peter's lower-level unlocked suits are low-key hot garbage. even as someone who doesn't mind the militarized, tech suits the choices were so mid. i didn't get the suit i really wanted until after i bet the story. i ended up using the raimi suit which i never used in the original game as i don't like that suit but it was the only normal looking suit that wasn't native to insomniac as i don't like their peter suits.
miles' were better but a lot of them seemed to blend together. his endgame suit is actually my favourite (but with the red, purple and blue ombre lining - which i'm annoyed i couldn't even use the swatch in the finale).
had quite a handful of restarts and crashes in 23hrs play-time.
kinda wish we could've seen young!mj with peter and harry.
miles telling harry that he doesn't care if he's peter's best friend, he's still going to kick his ass was great.
i feel like the plot beats for this game overall were kinda predictable in that kraven was the early game bad guy, pete gets the symbiote suit from harry, harry takes it back and becomes venom all with the end result of norman being pissed at spider-man(s) for harry's probably bad outcome. that said, i genuinely have no guesses for structure of the next one and i doubt they're going to make harry a 'villain' again.
i don't think they'll use carnage in dlc, especially when yuri said it might take "years" to track him down, but i also don't know if he'll be enough for the finale as it might - at least gameplay and conceptually - feel like a venom rehash.
this just me on a tangent so feel free to skip. based on what i said, as someone not super familiar with carnage outside of specific media, the problem i have with him in relation to venom is the same problem i have with 'the batman who laughs' it makes the former feel less threating in direct comparison (which will happen when you cut to carnage after immediately having venom as a main antagonist one game prior), especially when venom is brock rather than peter as the host, because there's internal conflict with peter (which can be argued with tbwl's to some extent). carnage, in basic terms is bat-shit venom with zero redeeming qualities and i worry that for a medium like this he will feel derivative. the joker and the venom shouldn't feel less dangerous, especially now that it feels like venom has taken on anti-hero and carnage has become what venom was. like what happened in cruella. disney tried to make cruella likable, so emma stone basically played 'disney: harley quinn' and emma thompson played cruella.
this is oddly specific but i feel laura bailey is like the only woman in gaming that goes for the scream. and i always watch these games (cyberpunk in particular) and i'm like "girl scream, let out that guttural scream because i know that's exactly what's i'd be doing in that situation because this shit is terrifying." the only other time i've properly seen it done was also by laura bailey when she played fetch.
i actually don't know if we'll get another in-between game because i feel like the "play as miles'" itch has been scratched. meaning there's no need to fill that void as until his spin-off we couldn't play as him, now we can.
but if we do, could potentially see a silk, miles team-up to take down carnage.
mj's stealth missions are terrifying. her section under the tunnel with peter should’ve been longer
gutted there's no ng+ yet.
my bisexual queen is thriving.
getting the spider-bots was really the only fun thing to collect.
we’ll probably see gwen in the next game.
the sheer amount of detail on felicia's face
i can’t not hear wally in any of jason spisak’s roles.
“i don’t know what it is, but i just love this spider-bot.” - peter (about the spider-girl spider-bot)
vulture, electro and shocker really didn’t need to be killed completely off-screen. but i feel like they might’ve lost their rating if they weren’t. it’s just a bit strange that nobody noticed, especially pete that multiple high-profile raft inmates went missing?
people are being weird as fuck about cindy and peter. the girl is clearly a minor.
i booted up the first game to replay it, yeah. i still don’t like peter’s new face.
felt like there was half an act missing. could’ve done with one more agent venom mission, perhaps they can’t save vulture or electro. kinda felt like they needed a ‘he really is taking them out one by one.’
could’ve done with venom’s arc being a little longer.
miles’ arc was incredible and i loved watching him team-up with mj.
the black suit with the blue and red highlights from the nineties cartoon?!
speaking of, mj’s outfit during the zoo mission is also a call back
reed richards is defo getting a cameo in the next game and maybe tony on a phone call. i’d also love a nudge-nudge side-quest for deadpool.
i know it’s an emotional scene but i spat out my drink when i saw they changed the pic of harry from the old game to his new design in peter’s garage.
“i think we should get them” the line delivery on that is immaculate, like thank you captain obvious.
i’ve had a bit to linger on this but, there’s a bit of a disconnect between harry wanting the suit and getting it back. i think there had to be just a bit more push with peter specifically. i get he’s a nice guy but we needed to see a bit more passive aggressive harry brewing in the desperation for the symbiote.
watching a playthrough i realised venom got his name from oscorp / dr. connors as there’s a container with the name “vnm” when peter turns connors human again.
i don't want a venom spin-off and it feels like the only people who do want it is to take venom for an hour's joy-ride (until the gimmick wears off) or eddie brock stans that feel jilted by insomniac. i'd much rather get straight to the finale because i don't want to have to buy a playstation six just because some randomers want an eddie simulator first.
chameleon is absolutely going to be dlc.
how did mj get her motorbike back from the tunnel?
predictions for the next game:
electro isn't dead, primarily due to the fact that max may have became pure energy to escape kraven.
cindy, miles and black cat team-up mission.
may is hinted at towards the end of the game.
madame webb is getting something.
if carnage is in the third game and not two's dlc, he'll be the opening act villain (pseudo-kraven).
they'll tease hobgoblin - harry or not. (i could genuinely see harry becoming hobgoblin to help take down otto and green goblin, if it's norman).
peter might die, but i doubt it.
if harry dies, it'll be half-way through the game. i will actually kill myself tho.
i low-key want spot to be in the game or dlc but i don't think they'll do that purely because of spider-verse but you can tell a lot of insomniac grew-up on the nineties show, so it might be a possibility. (most of my knowledge for spider lore exists in that show and the various film franchises because the only spider comics i own is one 'noir' trade and a handful of 'the superior foes of spider-man'.)
i mean, they also could have miles go after spot, which could be fun.
the delivery of “i think we should get him” is immaculate
someone mentioned this on tvtropes, but stark industries bankrolling f.e.a.s.t is not a bad idea.
fisk will probably be back in side mission capacity or dlc.
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secret-engima · 2 years
For your recent vox machia X ffxv: how is Ravus taking it? Did he know his (twin?) sister was a twice born? Are these new people ‘stranger intruding on my family’ alarming or did Pike tell them enough stories that they feel familiar? If this is all news to him, does he feel like he doesn’t really know Pike at all?
Back of the envelope math : Sol is 18-19 ish in book, so 8/9 pre time skip . So if Noctus was early 20’s in game then that’s a 11 - 14 age difference. If Percy is the same age then at 15 Sol would exist, you can have her be baby in arms or toddler depending upon which way you fudge it :)
Either way I bet he has a baby carrier to hold her on his back/front. best way to keep track of baby and have hands-free +++ I think it would be adorable 🥰  just, perfectly put together Percy with a baby backpack. Tiny Sol babble waving after he said something and him responding like “yes exactly Sol” or “that was unnecessarily” generally talking like a full adult to this tiny baby . 🥰 
What are the other canon characters up to? Anything interesting?
I've decided to make Ravus her younger brother and not her twin. But he's ... not entirely taking it well at first. Pike never told them? She never really hid it, and she told them stories of Vox Machina growing up, but Ravus always assumed those were *made up*. And now they're- not and he's torn between being grateful that Pike has friends that will help, angry that he never knew she was twice born until now, and just- off balance in general. Most of it is just the grief talking.
He is *horrified* when she kisses this- this *street musician* in public and then instantly agrees to marry him. But Scanlan manages to win him over eventually.
Well honestly I was pegging Percy closer to Ravus's age when that happens, making him around 15 when Tenebrae falls so technically Sol isn't supposed to exist yet I think but WE'RE GONNA HANDWAVE THAT. And just make her an actual baby when Percy stole her and ran off into the hills. She's maybe six months to a year and some change by the time they reach Lucis.
Also ftr Noctis is 20 when the game starts :). And if I remember right, Prompto is technically *19* even though he's listed as 20, because his birthday hadn't happened yet when they set off on the roadtrip.
Percy 100% has a baby backpack for his tiny niece and he is very protective. If he has an arm free he always shields her eyes and ears during a fight and when he shoots with is a futile gesture because Sol-now-named-Cass utterly adores it. She claps and giggles. Grog, proudly, "She wants murder Percy! Let her see!!"
Percy, fiercely: *Not until she's 30 if I can help it*.
He can't, but it's a nice sentiment.
Percy absolutely talks to her like an adult. he doesn't use too many large words on her, but he definitely holds conversations with her baby babble and talks to her with full sentences and not a drop of baby talk. His niece is highly intelligent and deserves to be treated as such so there.
Hmmmmm. The canon cast are mostly doing canon things, at least until Vox Machina roll up into Insomnia to deliver Ravus, Luna, and the rescued Noctis (who they found being kidnapped. Trinket said no.) AFTERWARD Regis definitely sends Cor to try to shadow the group and learn more about them and the possible twin children he thinks he may have had, unaware that it's actually the cheerful redhaired Huntress.
Ardyn is nosing around where he shouldn't, definitely. He was highly amused when the heir to the empire up and ran off (he knows a dramatic faked death when he sees one), but now the group Vox Machina is cropping up and he's getting ... curious. Maybe bitter and confused over these people. The moment he gets too close, Pike is going to sense him, the group is going to pin him down, and she's going to aggressively go Cleric on him and his terrible hat. Pike may not be the Chosen Oracle, but she's a War Cleric and she's purged things far more problematic than the boatload of Scourge Ardyn has.
Percy sympathetically rubs his back during the ensuing meltdown. He knows how badly it sucks to have something insanity inducing and malevolent mucking up your head and how jarring it is to have it purged. Vex probably spends ... two days? Maybe two days, being prickly and angry at Ardyn because he's the Chancellor before she gives up and adopts him as her newest stray just like the entire group knew she was going to do. Welcome aboard Ardyn, how would you like to commit some Imperial Murder. Or you can sit back and babysit Cass if you'd rather not fight, that works too.
Ardyn does in fact end up being the designated Baby Bodyguard when Percy needs to not have a baby sling on him for some reason. Not babysitter, he's too much of a disaster human to remember things like feeding schedules and naptimes, but he makes a lovely guard and Cass adores listening to him tell stories, so it's fine.
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Hey it’s about the fic summary ask thingy (hopefully this makes sense 😅)
In a fluff (or not? Wd i know) situation, what if Regis is tasked with getting grocery for everyone in Kaer Morhen? And maybe something goes wrong he has to call for help from someone unexpected.
Nonny, you puzzled me a lot with this ask (referring to this post). I was like, "Why is Regis in Kaer Morhen? And where would he get groceries? What is going on?" Yeah well, but somehow, you managed to stir up my love for writing with this. So here you go: Regis, in Kaer Morhen, and when something goes wrong he gets help from someone unexpected. You didn't see this coming, nonny...
And all because of a book.
Regis had thought that when he realized what he had set his foot on; he had thought it when the ice had announced disaster with a gentle snap and an ominous pattern of cracks. He thought it even now as if he were reciting a funny quote from a book. Yes, a book. That was what it had been about. And about herbs and mushrooms.
Focus, he mused.
Eskel's invitation had come as a surprise, an unexpected distraction that spoke of the approaching winter while Touissaint was still in full bloom. He wrote that he did not know if Geralt, who must have become very accustomed to country life and owning a vineyard, wanted to come to Kaer Morhen this year. He would understand well if he did not feel like it. Regis had sensed the longing behind these lines, the sadness, and the melancholy. Eskel had decided, despite everything, to preserve the old witcher's fortress.
There weren't many left to seek them out in the winter, and Regis really wasn't sure if Geralt would. But, Eskel wrote, he had discovered a part of the library that had come to light behind a buried wall, as if the battle against the Wild Hunt had had some good after all. A part he didn't know, with books that clearly belonged in the poison cabinet. A part that had perhaps always been deliberately separated, a secret that the attack had brought to light. There would be some books, one in particular, that might interest Regis, but Eskel didn't dare send it around. So if Geralt decides to join him this winter, he would be happy if Regis, as his friend, would do it in common.
There was more behind those narrow letters on the parchment, too: the hope, perhaps, that Regis would be in a position to persuade Geralt. The desire not to be alone - something Regis could understand more than anything. In the end, curiosity won out. And he actually managed to convince his old friend that whatever was left of his family was worth surviving the winter together, and far more than that. A little psychological warfare had been necessary, of course.
"I, for one," Regis had remarked admonishingly, "would give a lot to see my family again. "
He had left open whether he meant Detlaff, the vampires in general (of which there was no shortage in Touissaint, despite everything), or the clan from which he originated. And although Geralt knew exactly that Regis could not remember a life before the conjunction of the spheres either, he had agreed.
Kaer Morhen was very different from what Regis had imagined. Of course, he knew mountains, had climbed rugged rocks, stood on peaks. But after all this time, he had underestimated the inhospitality of this landscape, as well as the decay of the castle. Hundreds of years old, almost immortal, but the cold still penetrated his bones, and while he had stood there, his cloak wrapped around him like protective armor, casting a skeptical glance at the masonry, Geralt had laughed. Regis had known then that, despite everything, it had been good to come here. Geralt loved Touissaint, the warmth, his vineyard, but the gravity of the memories weighed on him despite everything. Sadness and nostalgia also lived in these old walls, but they were good and healing memories that could be shared in the company of friends. It was somehow like a vacation, one of those strange modern human concepts.
And the library had been worth it, the long journey, even the steadily increasing cold that seemed to settle over every single stone up here in Kaer Morhen like a gloomy layer of the past. Even the more ordinary part, as Eskel called it with that modesty characteristic of the tall man, strangely attractive with his prominent scar. It had been good to meet him, to compare Geralt's tales with reality. Lambert had also come, and he too was exactly as Geralt had described him. Regis liked the cynical guy, who made no secret of the fact that he thought the presence of a vampire was ridiculous from the beginning. Although Eskel was the one who had uncovered the library, it was Lambert who brought him the most exciting volumes. In a way, he was like a puppy, throwing his master a bone to see if he liked playing with it as much as he did. A certainly inappropriate comparison, but in fact, Regis had quickly come to understand that he was, in a sense, being sniffed.
The books, ah, the books! Not actually ancient; that was a term that probably applied to himself. But they were old, contained archaic knowledge. Grim, cruel knowledge about how to turn innocent children into monster hunters, true. But that was not all that could be found here. There were dusty, half-tattered volumes that contained descriptions of monsters that even Regis had never heard of. How amazed he was that Geralt could quote flawlessly from the somewhat recent editions of some of these encyclopedias. In fact, all three witchers could, and they spent an enjoyable evening doing so under the influence of copious amounts of alcohol.
And then there were the books about vampires. Some of it was silly, and Eskel eagerly wrote along as Regis explained the differences between book knowledge and reality. He realized that it was no longer just about what was already in the old walls. Secretly, Eskel had a plan for the future, looking ahead and learning.
Time spent here healed wounds that were not visible on the outside. Eskel proved to be a surprisingly witty conversationalist. Lambert hid unexpected romance behind his cynicism, and it was hardly just due to the booze when he confessed one evening to missing his sorceress. Geralt, in turn, gained some weight, as if he had never allowed himself with all the temptations of Touissaint, but now, in the company of friends, he could let go. What exactly he let go of, what they all let go of, was never spoken.
Days, weeks passed in strange serenity, as if time actually had no meaning – and for all of them, that was the case. Except that somehow it had, because Regis remembered that very morning.
It was not true that Lambert only knew how to cook noodles. Perhaps he had just never been interested in revealing his true talent, or time had sharpened his skills. That morning, Geralt had still been sleeping peacefully, his white hair spread like a delicate veil over his scarred body – an image that Regis dared not disturb – the vampire had sauntered into the kitchen. There was Lambert, bent over a book that Regis had not yet spotted, and it soon became apparent why. It was a cookbook.
Soon they had studied the recipe together, like chefs trumping each other with their expertise. Then Lambert had uttered the fatal sentence.
"You know," he had reflected, "with some mushrooms and herbs, that would be even better. "
"In a sauce of cream," Regis had added, nodding enthusiastically. Lambert had screwed up his face, "We only have the milk of Eskel's goat; we could try," and they had pondered for five minutes how that could be done. Half an hour and another book from the library later, it was clear that it was indeed possible to make cream from goat's milk.
"Still missing the herbs and mushrooms," Lambert had said, and since the morning was still young and Lambert was the more ambitious cook, they had agreed that he would make the cream, and Regis would get the ingredients. In retrospect, that was probably a stupid idea. Regis could just as well follow a recipe, but he didn't know Kaer Morhen and the rugged mountains nearly as well as the witchers.
Of course, it was hardly possible for him to get lost. It had been easy to follow Lambert's directions. The wild mountain herbs smelled wonderful, and the mushrooms, which he had hardly believed grew in winter and so high up, were magnificent specimens. His bag was soon filled, but as the excitement wore off and the cold started to bite through his clothes again, the desire to return was hurrying him.
That was a mistake. His sense of direction was impeccable, and he was aware that he had discovered a shortcut when he found an unusually flat area with only a slight incline at the end. Behind it, Regis quickly realized, would be the narrow, unobtrusive climb he had come down. Though he wondered why Lambert would have described a detour to him when there was clearly a quicker way, he did not wonder thoroughly enough in view of his chattering fangs.
One step later, his brain realized faster than his foot, which he then could not pull back, that this harmless flat surface was, in fact, a frozen lake. Perhaps his brain had also been frozen because all vampire speed didn't help: Regis broke through the ice, sinking into the freezing water that took his breath away. Pure coincidence ensured that his bag landed on the ice surface at the last moment and did not drown with him. But he did not drown. Perhaps that was not even possible. His increasingly stiff legs paddled under the ice while his arms tried ridiculously to reach for anything.
Focus, he mused.
The cold was merciless and cutting, biting like a wild wolf; it was hardly possible to grasp a clear thought. When it finally occurred to him to transform, it was already too late. The water tugged heavily at him, had turned his clothes into extra weight, and the cold seemed to freeze him, as it were, like an insect in amber. It was too cold to change shape, so cold that the mere thought of mist or wings, of being a vampire, seemed silly to him.
Hundreds of years, he thought. That's how old you've become, evolving back from nothing but a puddle, and now you're defeated by a puddle?
Except that the little lake was more than a puddle, a crushing weight of ice. That would not kill him, of course. Eventually, his absence would be noticed, and Geralt, it was clear, would probably dry up the whole lake looking for him. A silly thought. But the accident was unpleasant, despite everything. Of all senseless deaths, this one was at the top of the list. Regis' gaze fell on the bag in front of him, and he regretted very much that he probably wouldn't get to enjoy the mushroom cream sauce today.
Even as he pondered how long it would take for him to sink or simply freeze completely, there was a tiny, soft sound. At first, he thought he had imagined it. Maybe one would get hallucinations when freezing to death. Maybe one day he would write a paper about it. He probably needed a new notebook for that, though, because his was in another bag, hanging on his hip and dragging him down.
But the sound repeated itself. A gentle, light ringing. His half-frozen brain recognized it.
"Goat," he muttered to himself, and then, louder, "Goat!"
What the hell was the goat's name? Eskel had given the animal a name. People did that sort of thing when they kept a pet that wasn't meant to be eaten. It was an urge that Regis could understand, although the thought brought back memories he preferred not to conjure up.
Then the thought came like a flash, a slightly delayed, icy flash indeed, but it was there.
"Bleater," he called out. "Little Bleater, shoo shoo, here I am, come on, little goat! "
I'm talking to a goat;  he thought, very clearly.
And yet, the sight of the little goat that appeared to his right, on what he thought was the shore of the lake, was encouraging. The little bell around her neck shone in the rising sun like a glimmer of hope. She bleated softly, tilting her head as if laughing at him. And it was laughable: A very old vampire who, out of folly, had stepped onto a patch of ice and broken into it, and now couldn't find his way out under his own steam. If humans had known that vampires could also be fought with icy cold...
"Come closer," he coaxed, although there was nothing to persuade.
At least that's what he thought, but he was wrong again. For she came, the little goat, set her hooves so surely that he realized that, unlike him, she knew perfectly well that there was water here, that it was dangerous. But she, unlike him, knew exactly where to tread. As she approached him, Regis held his breath. She groped on the ice, making strange hooks, but he understood that, first, she was much lighter than him and, second, knew where the surface was thicker. If he had been able to get out of the ice on his own, he might have seen that. But the cold had robbed his motivation just like his instinct.
Then the goat was very close to him, so close that he could see its snorting breath rising in the freezing air.
"Little bleater," he coaxed, his eyes fixed firmly on the length of rope hanging from her neck.
By this small piece, Eskel tied her at night to a longer rope that hung outside the castle to prevent her from wandering at night. Regis, however, had the feeling at that moment that the goat would not put itself in danger even at night, as surely as it stood there on the ice and looked at him from those somehow clever goat eyes. She groped a little closer, yet a little more, and somehow it was enough, and Regis got hold of the piece of rope. The goat protested with a short bleat, but then she did something that surprised him. At least until he realized that that was exactly what she had made her little trip onto the ice for. Not to save the silly vampire who had foolishly fallen into the lake.
Her mouth tapped the bag, her long tongue came out and licked it. It seemed crazy to him; he wondered what the strange behavior was about. But then her teeth tore at the bag, gnawed and tugged, and he had trouble holding the rope. Finally, she had uncovered what was in the pouch, and contentedly, she gnawed on the fragrant herbs and tantalizing mushrooms.
"Fine, have it your way, "Regis muttered, and then he mobilized all his remaining strength, and with ice-cold fingers, he pulled himself out of the water with the reluctant help of a goat.
Later, wrapped in various blankets, sitting by the fire, Regis let the deserved mockery wash over him as much as he enjoyed the loving attention Geralt blatantly showed at that moment, for the first time within these walls, in front of his brothers. His inward contentment might not be commensurate with his age or status or the fact that he was still just as cold as if no fire in the world could ever drive that chill from his bones. Of course, he was wrong about that, too, as he was to realize much later, in the evening, when an entirely different fire very well possessed this power.
But here and now, among strange friends, Regis was quite content.
"Too bad about the food," he said nevertheless. "It would have been a delicacy. "
Lambert, who was closely inspecting the bag Regis had wrestled from the goat after his harrowing rescue, looked on pensively.
"She didn't eat everything," he said. "Honestly, she probably got more leather than mushrooms. If I cut them up real small, you can hardly tell she gnawed on them."
"You're seasoning our meal with goat spit today? Yummy," Eskel replied.
But in the end, Lambert was to be proved right, and witchers who were used to significantly more frugal meals, starvation times even, did not refuse a meal just because a goat might have licked it. The food was delicious.
In the end, Regis left a little on his plate, but not out of courteous politeness. And although the cold had made him stiff and the thought of going out again filled him almost with disgust, to everyone's amazement, he took his plate, excused himself, and left the bright, warm hall. Out in the yard, under a small sheltered canopy, Little Bleater was gnawing on an extra helping of hay, clearly thanks to Eskel's good nature. Regis set the plate of leftovers down in front of her, patted her neck awkwardly, and gave her an encouraging nod.
"You've earned this," he said.
The goat looked at him with shining eyes and bleated softly.
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nocttanotheroneout · 3 years
It's just a thought, but...what if Lunafreya was a real character? No, no, hear me out. What if she had motivations other than seeing the protagonist again, and could influence on the plot in ways besides getting the One Ring to Noctis? Don't get me wrong, there's the bare bones of a personality there, but I'm talking real agency. Something compelling to contribute that couldn't be accomplished by an express delivery driver or anybody else?
For instance: Luna has a unique circumstance that the rest of the main cast do not. She spent something years in Niflheim captivity, around all that tech that's being used against Lucis now. What if, say, the bros are in trouble and Luna saves them by piloting an MT, because she picked up on a lot over the years because nobody saw her as an individual who is intelligent and willful, only a sweet, docile Princess and thus vastly underestimated her? Like the writers. What if her knowledge of the Empire comes in major handy taking them down, making her an integral part of the gang? Let's do something with that, yeah? Make it useful. Make her useful.
Personally, I wanted to see her bond with the Bros. Maybe they need her to come with them for Oracle reasons, or just so they could protect her, and she becomes an honest-to-god part of the group. At first, the guys are polite because she's a Princess and a Girl and accustomed to a certain life, but ultimately are each able to make a personal connection with her. She wants to know more about the world, so they show it to her. Maybe Ignis teaches her to cook. Prompto teaches her about King's Knight and videogames. Gladio trades funny stories about Noctis' early training days. They become pals. It's great. One day they come into a town that has an arcade like the one in Insomnia and Noct and Prom reminisce on the old days. Luna wants to try this "arcade", despite being told it would likely not be her scene. Hard cut to an hour later when Luna is absolutely owning (alternatively: raging at) a particular machine, while Noct is watching on with what I can only assume is The boner, and it's a side to her nobody ever anticipated. I want bonding and goofiness please I'm begging here.
Speaking of Noct, I wanted more screentime with them. Come on, I really, really want to ship this one. But I need to know why they like each other, other than something something childhood friends. Show me more of their friendship, other than Luna expositing for the plot's sake. Show me the silly, childish games they played. Show me their antics. Show me Luna making Noct smile for the first time since his mother's death (and Regis being like "I would protect this girl with my life" being the start of his seemingly almost fatherly affection for her). Show me why Noctis has been pining for her all these years, give me more of their diary entries. Make me fond of her. I want to see them have chemistry. In the same way Noct appreciates the world that doesn't treat him like royalty and comes to enjoy helping others, give me the same for Luna. Have them take on stupid cat-feeding sidequests together. Watch the stars from the Regalia. Fight monsters. Joke. Laugh. Talk. Let them bond. Give Noctis the slow realisation that, regardless of any arrangement, he would have wanted to marry her anyway. That she's genuinely a kind an endearing person with nuance and layers, who can understand the experience of growing up under so much pressure, losing one's family, and feeling very much alone. Let them fall in love honestly and truly.
And then, if you still wanted to kill off your main female lead, I promise, it'll be a LOT sadder.
And goddamn it, I wanted her to turn on the gods in the end! (Mainly Bahamut. Idk, Ramuh just has major grandpa energy, I literally can't hate him. Shiva vibes. Leviathan...can stay, but you're on thin fucking ice, buddy.) Listen. Ardyn and Aera are supposed to be narrative parallels to Noct and Luna, yeah? I think we can all agree. A Caelum destined for the throne only to have it ripped from under him; a pretty, gentle, blonde-haired Oracle destined to serve. But they're different, subversions of one another, because while Ardyn is consumed with darkness, used by the gods, and destroyed in order to clean up their mess, Noctis is...also used by the gods and destroyed to clean up their mess. But it's different because he's the good guy(?) (That's another can of worms, though.) Aera put her duty to serve above all else and died at the hands of one of the Caelum brothers as a result, but Luna...also did those things. And no, I'm not incredibly bitter. I just want her to be. Like, "Hey, what the hell, guys? I grew up in captivity and you couldn't take five seconds out of eternity to help? Maybe not let my home burn in the first place? Also, sacrificing an innocent man: kind of a dick move. I've seen more of this world in the past few months than all my life and it slaps out here. If you got off your godly asses and allowed humanity it's own agency, perhaps - just perhaps - you'd also feel strongly about it. It's not my job to serve you, it's my job to communicate with you on behalf of the people, and on behalf of the people, *raises middle finger*"
Bonus points if she convinces the other gods to turn on him for her because they're actually pretty fond of humanity and don't actually want to hurt them. That'd be really cool. God fight. But that's my own weird preference.
Anyways, the point of this long-winded rambling isn't to whine about how much I hate Luna. Just the opposite. She's a big ball of wasted potential, and I wanted better for her, damnit!! And if I have to write what amounts to an entire AU in a long-winded, rambly post on Tumblr.gov only to realise a minute later that I forgot something to get it, then so be it.
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jaskierswolf · 3 years
My dearest darling Wolfie, I saw your idea for game gerlion friends to lovers in @thewitcherbog horny chat and I am here to ask you to write the fic. Pls 💜😘
Tada!! I can't remember if this was exactly what I had planned... but it's what we're getting. Lovingly beta'd by @comfyswitcherblanketfort.
CW: probably rated M? Briefly mentioned masturbation more horny than smutty.
A retirement at Corvo Bianco had never been what Geralt expected of his life. He hadn’t been lying when he’d told a young Dandelion that witcher’s never retire, but in recent years between looting caves and haggling for contracts, he’d managed to save quite a bit of coin. He was, objectively, rich. He had the best armour on the Continent, the most deadly swords and crossbow bolts, and thanks to B.B., his house was beautifully decorated, with the exception of the rather garish portrait of his most loyal friend. Yet, he was still gaining more money than he knew what to do with. He’d started investing in merchants and refusing payment but the vineyard brought in a steady income and Geralt had to admit that his life was pretty luxurious these days.
So it wasn’t exactly a surprise when Dandelion had turned up, in fine, brightly coloured silks and the elegantly decorated elven lute from so many years ago. Geralt sometimes wondered whether Toruviel had enchanted her lute. There was barely a scratch and Geralt couldn’t even recall Dandelion ever having to change the lute strings in all the years he’d known the bard. Geralt was no expert but he was pretty sure that you were supposed to change the lute strings.
The sun was shining over the fields of Corvo Bianco, and Geralt felt at peace. Perhaps that was why he was feeling so nostalgic, pondering over the events that had led him to this moment. His life had always been so busy, but with Ciri off touring the multiverse, and Yennefer doing whatever Yennefer did these days now the Djinn wish had been broken, he was… well… bored? He had every Gwent card currently made, and no one would play him. It was just him and the bard, living the bachelor’s life in Touissant.
So was it any wonder that Geralt had started to develop feelings for his friend? Perhaps they’d always been there, clouded by the wish that tied him to Yennefer, or perhaps their newfound domesticity had awoken something in Geralt that he had never expected. Dandelion spent a lot of time in the makeshift study, working on his latest book, but they always ate together and sometimes the bard would even accompany Geralt on his contracts in the fields, for old times sake. After long nights of drinking too much wine or vodka, it wasn’t unusual for the pair of them to fall asleep together, curled up in one bed just like they used to in their youth. Those were Geralt’s favourite nights, because despite his protests of being better alone, he enjoyed the familiar warmth of another body pressed against his, and Dandelion had always been a cuddler.
And as if on cue, the bard burst through the doors onto the patio where Geralt was watching the world go by.
“Ah, Geralt, old friend, there you are. I’ve been looking all over for you!” Dandelion announced with a flick of his wrist. “I was just in town.”
“Dandelion,” Geralt groaned. “Are you trying to get yourself killed?”
“Dear Henrietta will forgive me in time, my friend,” Dandelion winked, his tongue flicking out between his lips, “and until then I have plenty of friends who will offer me shelter if the guards are around.”
“You look like a man sized peacock,” Geralt scoffed. “How the hell does no one see you?”
“Ah, dear witcher, you forget that I used to be a spy,” Dandelion laughed, putting one hand on his hips. “Now, stop interrupting, Geralt, or do you not care about the gift I picked out for you in town today?”
Geralt hummed, knowing that it didn’t really matter whether he cared or not. Nothing would stop Dandelion once he was in the middle of a story. Some things just never changed. “Go on.”
Dandelion beamed, and from behind his back he produced a wooden box. The poet cocked his head as he opened the lid, revealing a set of tiny vials neatly lined up. Geralt almost choked, his breath catching in his throat.
“Oil?” he spluttered. A man such as Dandelion had to know of the more promiscuous uses of oil. Whilst Dandelion had never explicitly said as such, the way he talked of his lovers had always led Geralt to believe that he was rather flexible in his tastes, much like Geralt himself.
The poet blushed as he pulled a single vial from the box, his long lutist fingers wrapping around the glass. “Bath oils, Geralt.”
“Oh, of course,” Geralt cursed internally. Dandelion had bought all sorts of expensive oils and lotions when they had been on the path together, neither of them were shy with their bathing habits and the poet was a highly skilled masseur.
Which was not helping Geralt’s sudden rush of arousal as he remembered the feel of the poet’s hands on his skin. They’d laughed off awkward erections in the past, it was just a thing that happened… but Geralt was starting to wonder what would happen if, for once, they let it happen.
“This one will probably be a bit much for your witcher senses, my friend, but I rather like it,” Dandelion continued, oblivious to Geralt's inner turmoil. “This one,” another vial was plucked from the box, “however, I think you will like, and I managed to buy this,” Dandelion pulled a scroll from his pocket, “from a local mage. It’s supposed to move the water around the tub, like a massage!”
“And you’re telling me this, why?” Geralt sighed, rolling his eyes. As much as he adored his old friend, the man could take his sweet time getting to the point. It was even worse when the poet and Regis got together, Geralt honestly thought he might never know peace again.
“Because, Geralt, I am treating my dearest friend to an extravagant bath time experience!” Dandelion exclaimed with wide arms, almost knocking off his own hat in his enthusiasm. “Friendship and love, art and wine, Geralt. What more could you want in life?”
No, friendship. Geralt needed to focus on that. How many times had Dandelion called him his friend? Too many to count.
“Assuming you have wine, what’s the art?” Geralt smirked, enjoying the offended noises Dandelion made.
“Geralt, I’ll have you know that-”
“Relax, Dandelion. I’m teasing. So how about this bath then?”
The two men made their way upstairs, peeling off their outer clothes as they strolled past Geralt’s bedroom, and picking up a robe each. Dandelion had filled the room with candles, and there was a soft floral scent hanging in the air, roses, the oil vial that Dandelion had initially held up.
“I thought this one was too much for my ‘witcher senses’?” Geralt scoffed, peering at the magically bubbling water.
“Well, yes, but I did also say I liked this one, and I’ll admit that I got a little carried away. You don’t mind, do you Geralt?”
Geralt shook his head as he stripped off his final layer of clothing and settled into the tub. Dandelion sat in a chair, still wrapped in his robe, and picked up his lute. He plucked idly at the strings until he was seemingly happy that they were in tune, and then he began to sing. Geralt sighed as he sank deeper into the hot water, the enchantment really did feel like a sort of massage as jets of water pulsed against his skin, but he couldn’t help but wonder. The oils, the candles, the romantic ballad…
Was his friend trying to tell him something?
It was time for Geralt to test the waters as it was. He trod the water with his hand, gently splashing to the beat of Dandelion’s song. Normally, he would close his eyes and let the poet’s music fill the room, but instead he was mesmerised by the way Dandelion’s finger caressed the lute strings. Geralt could feel his cock harden as he pondered what other uses his friend’s delicate hands could have, the way they found their mark with such precision. The poet could make any instrument sing to the gods in his hands, Geralt was sure that he was no exception.
“Practicing your fingering?” he asked Dandelion with a tilt of his head.
The strings twanged unpleasantly, making Geralt grimace as the sound reverberated in his head. “I’m sorry, what did you say?”
Geralt smirked. “On your lute.”
“Right, yes, of course,” Dandelion muttered. “I’m just trying to figure out the next verse. I could use a hand, or an ear if you’d be willing to help.”
“I have a hand you could use, or two,” Geralt muttered not really intending for Dandelion to hear him but the poet had sharp ears and he spluttered incoherently as he set down his lute.
Geralt hummed and let his hand drop beneath the water, stroking his cock lazily. He wasn’t really chasing any real pleasure, but it was a good feeling, sending warmth across his skin. The bath, the candles, the song, they had to mean something even in Dandelion’s subconsciousness. The man was an insatiable flirt, and yet never seemed to notice when others’ affections were cast upon him, not unless it was blunt in its honesty.
So Geralt would be blunt.
He closed his eyes as he continued to stroke the length of his cock, the motion causing the water to ripple slightly, but not yet enough to draw Dandelion’s attention. The poet was too busy wittering on about his rhymes, only noticing when Geralt’s breath hitched as he cupped his balls.
“Dandelion,” Geralt grunted softly, his pleasure beginning to build from a warm ember to a roaring blaze that burned through him. The poet’s cornflower blue eyes were on him, dark and hungry. His cheeks were flushed rosy, and it seemed his dear friend was finally catching onto what was happening.
“I- I can leave, my friend, if you would prefer…”
“Stay,” Geralt insisted. “This not what you had in mind?”
“Well,” Dandelion laughed. “I had hoped, but I never thought it would actually happen, and well, really I thought it might take a little more convincing. Who knew all I needed all along were a few cheap candles?”
“Just get in the bath, Dandelion,” Geralt growled.
“Okay, okay,” Dandelion said with a roll of his eyes but shrugged out of his robe, allowing Geralt to admire his slender form. The poet’s cock remained soft as he stepped into the water. “So… how long?”
“How long have I been more than just a friend to you, Geralt?” Dandelion asked, settling into the water with a soft moan. His hands resting on Geralt’s thighs, fingers drawing patterns on Geralt’s skin under the water.
It wasn’t an easy question to answer. Could he even pin it down? Geralt wasn’t sure.
“Hard to tell, our friendship has never exactly been normal, Dandelion,” Geralt admitted.
Dandelion laughed, leaning forward in the tub, his hands stroking up Geralt’s thigh, the movement forcing the air from Geralt’s lungs. “You know, you’re right, and I think we should celebrate.”
“Mhmm, and how about we start with a kiss?” Dandelion winked, before falling into Geralt embrace with a splash.
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murfeelee · 3 years
The Witcher Season 2 - OMG!?
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Anyone who’s been on my blog long enough knows I’m a Witcher fangirl, specifically the video games and especially TW3, which IMO is one of the best games ever made. I’m not wild about the books, but I appreciate them as references for backstories & deeper understanding of the source material. But Game of Thrones already taught me not to get married to the books expecting anything to go right with these effing adaptations. So most of the changes the show made have been fine with me so far (weird flexes, but ok)--up until now. 
I liked The Witcher Season 1. B+, 8.5/10, good job! But I felt it came dangerously close to messing everything up a few times, so I was praying hard that Season 2 would take all the feedback it got and make some CRUCIAL changes. But I stayed away from all the trailers and news this time, in order to not get too invested too soon. I just binge watched Season 2 yesterday, and omg do I have things to discuss. They crossed a line here, and now I’m torn.
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: MY THOUGHTS (SPOILERS)
There’s no more convoluted timeline garbage! 🎉🥂 This time the plot stayed on track thank goodness, with no more bouncing around between the past and the present, that was annoying AF and good on them for not going that route. The few times we did get scenes from the past, it was 100% clear that this was a flashback/dream sequence/etc, but that the actual plot was directly following the events after the Battle at Sodden, as we followed 3 main groups: Geralt & Ciri, Tissaia & Yennefer (& Cahir), and surprisingly enough, Fringilla & Francesca (& Cahir)--which I REALLY enjoyed!
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Fringilla was WORKING this season, and I loved her and Francesca together. Don’t think I didn’t notice how they had Fringilla in that same effing grey dress for like 6 episodes straight, meanwhile Francesca had a new dress every episode, WTF? Is it just me or did they have the MOST screentime out of everyone on the show? Or I guess theirs was the only plot that really went somewhere with Nilfgaard’s machinations--they were hyping up King Emhyr’s arrival for like 3 episodes, so by the end his reveal was everything I wanted it to be!
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This was the best cliffhanger, because this reveal was shocking for game players who hadn’t read the books beforehand. We already know who he is in the PRESENT timeline, though now the tv show’s provided us with more of his context in the PAST. So once again, I have to say that Season 1 Episode 4 with Pavetta & Duny was THE BEST EPISODE; WELL DONE!
Back to Fringilla & Francesca though. They were awesome! Even with the satanic crap they were embroiled in together, I liked how the show twisted the Demon Mother into their plotlines, as I’m interested to see how it’ll affect their relations with Nilfgaard in the Lodge of Sorceresses (especially Francesca’s--I LOVE the baby angle they used!), if the show carries on that far.
(I’m starting to get the sense that the entire Witcher show will end with the Lodge of Sorceresses taking over the Brotherhood of Sorcerers--ohhhh, Vigelfortz, you GORGEOUS mofo--you ain’t slick! Raise your voice at Mama Tissaia again, I dare you! I already owe you a knuckle sandwich for Regis, don’t try me!)
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Yennefer I effing love you, woman.
Fire and burning seemed to really be a theme this season, huh?
(ISTG they casted Dandelion perfectly, LOL.)
Say what y’all will about Yennefer losing her powers not being book/game canon, but I’ve already gone through this exact same story plot with Magnus Bane in Shadowhunters, and as cancerous as it is, it WORKS. Those characters do dumb things, and it really drives the plot. It’s interesting how Triss is more book canon here, since she’s a herbal mage not a fire mage like in the games. Which makes sense if fire magic is supposedly so bad to use that it ate Yenn’s Chaos completely. And it puts it into better perspective how fire mages like Rience (and others) are such bad news. (Regis, you shall be avenged!!)
Clearly, Netflix is going in a different direction--I thought the whole “Chaos" vs “Magic” emphasis in S1 was weird, but now it makes more sense. I like what they’re doing with the Conjunction of the Spheres, and the Monoliths (how TF the witchers didn’t spot the one in Kaer Morhen is beyond me!), and how Yennefer regained her Chaos after absorbing an ancient creature from the Conjunction, who just wanted to go back home. 🥺 And AWWWWWW SHIZZ!
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A wild Hunt appears!
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I saw a few reviews freaking out because Fringilla & The Demon Mother took on some of the moments/aspects of the video game fan-favorite demon Gaunter O’Dimm. I myself have done my fair share of gushing over O’Dimm, so I get it! But O’Dimm isn’t even book canon, and his demonic aspects were only revealed in the DLC, so I think it makes sense that he was up for grabs to be fiddled with for the tv show. There is arguably no more iconic Polish/Eastern European demon related to witches & sorcery & monsters than the homegirl Baba Yaga, so I actually wish they had done a bit MORE with her--and lo and behold, the Blood Origin spinoff series looks like it might end up doing just that, since the First Witchers took down Voleth Meir after the Conjunction. So I’m happy; bring on her haunted hut!
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Another monster homage I absolutely loved was straight out the gate in Episode 1 -- they got the Beauty and the Beast vibes DOWN PAT!!! Nivellen was awesome, not surprising coming from my boy Tormund!
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Best episode of Season 2, fight me on this. I LOOOOVED Vireena, she was SO GOOD.
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Once again, the acting was quite excellent. Nivellen and Vereena really set the bar for the season in S2E1, and the rest of the episodes do not disappoint.  And hold the phone--WAS THAT GERALT USING WORDS? With SyLlaBLeS!? Were those SPEAKING LINES? I guess we gotta throw out the memes now! U_U
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I was very impressed--I’ve never been crazy about Cavill as an actor (I was PETRIFIED when he was first announced), but he seems to have shaken off whatever it was that’s been holding him back, and really emoting more.
And speaking of emoting....
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Omg I was waiting for this.
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Ahhh, that takes me back! Ciri Witcher Training Hype!
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It was SO NICE to see all the witchers taking part in Ciri’s training! It cannot be overstated that Ciri is a BEAST when she gets older, holy crap, she’s a better fighter than GERALT, and I NEED a Witcher 4 game playing as Ciri, NEED. So getting to see where she picked up all her various skills & spunk was chef’s kiss.
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So yes, I loved the time Netflix spent on Kaer Morhen, and getting to see the witchers in their natural habitat, and I even liked Triss being there to give Ciri some female companionship in that testosterone-riddled madhouse.
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And omg they actually did it, and dyed Triss’ hair red, frikkin FINALLY. ^0^ Color her eyebrows please, and Ciri’s too, kay thanks.
There were actually quite a few nice video game easter eggs!
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THE MEDALLION!!!! 😭 I nearly jumped out of my seat when I saw it, that is STRAIGHT outta the games, which is EFFING HILARIOUS, considering the stink they made about not using it on the show for whatever stupid effing reason.
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Another direct-from-game treat, cuz they could’ve stuck to the books/Polish Hexer show’s Vesemir/Old Witcher instead, which....no thank you. ^_^
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When I tell you I CHOKED UP!
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That’s where the parallels pretty much end though, going from meh to bad to worse, but this is the Good section. The best non-parallel was the castle itself. The exterior had none of the continuity from the games, but it was fine--an appropriately ruined husk. I haven’t seen the cartoon movie with young!Vesemir yet, where they show off how Kaer Morhen was sacked, but I get it.
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And the BAMF action we got from the Wolf School was awesome--their Toxicity STILL makes them look like frikkin vampire demons it’s AWFUL, but whatever, I can’t keep quiet anymore--
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I’m talking about YOU TWO--license and registration RIGHT NOW.
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Ain’t no way.
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No effing way.
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Y’all DO know the witchers called GERALT the “pretty boy" of the group for a reason, right?
Odd AF casting choices right there, but okay, fine, I’m not gonna complain about having more EYE CANDY, I guess. Let’s get straight on to
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Who do I sue?
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WHO 👏 DO 👏  I 👏 SUE 👏
Other people have said it better than I could, how effing unnecessarily stupid the decision was to kill off Eskel, but I need to say my piece, for catharsis, ok.
Listen. I genuinely liked the corrupted Leshen angle. The Leshen/Spriggans are some of my absolute FAVORITE monsters in the Witcher universe, I actually love them!
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And it was SO COOL how they incorporated the Myriapods as the new Conjunction monsters who corrupted the Leshen--bug infestations in trees, with a supernatural twist, LOL. Particularly since we’ve seen these nasty effing things in the games!
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And I was really interested in how the Myriapod was trying to communicate with Ciri, and how that was all tied in to the Monoliths, as these abominations are literally lost in space, and as The Lady of Time and Space, Ciri’s the only one who can help them go back home, rather than be hunted down by Witchers just cuz they’re dangerous to humans (oh no, such precious innocents.... 🙄 ).
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I was even fine with Eskel being possessed/infected, and needing Geralt to help cure him.
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Even when it got bad, I was still reserving judgement, because I know that he’s fine in the books/games!
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But you mean to tell me that NO ONE ELSE could’ve gotten that across? It HAD to be Eskel, the BEST swordsman and fan-favorite witcher, who is KNOWN to have NOT died in the books/games, and in fact has one of the most BAMF MOMENTS IN THE FRANCHISE!?
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First off, WHO TF is JOHN!? You mean you couldn’t have used  BERENGAR, or even LEO? Like, tying in Vesemir’s desperation to protect the last generation of witchers/mutagens, with Leo as the last mentor they took in, who got killed by Salamandra in TW1 when they stole the mutagens--the same way Rience stole the mutagen this season--DUH! Hell, even killing off LAMBERT would’ve made more sense, since half the gaming fandom didn’t like him anyway (he’s a douchecanoe on the tv show too, so it tracks)! And his death would have then been doubly impactful for Geralt AND Ciri, since she does so much training with Lambert. DDDUUUUUHHHHH!
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And then y’all had wolves EAT Eskel’s CORRUPTED tree-bark riddled corpse!?
I’m going to frikkin vomit, WHAT THE LITERAL HELL!?
I REALLY liked Season 2. MASSIVE improvement over Season 1.
I feel like giving it a 9/10/A- is just....I guess it’s FAIR, since they did a genuinely great job overall.
But the Eskel bit REALLY pisses me off! It totally sours an amazing experience and connection I have to a favorite character, and the monsters associated with his “death.” A LESHEN? Omfg.
So yeah, Season 2 really was very enjoyable, other than that effery. When the show is released on discs or whatever, they’d better dub over every single instance where they say Eskel’s name, and call him frikkin John.
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bloededhoine · 4 years
world building cause twn doesn't part 8: nonhumans
this is easily the geekiest part of the series. and it's a Very geeky series. because sapkowski's worldbuilding is waaay more extensive than i have the time, ability, or desire to convey, i'm sticking with races both sentient and important
colour code cause i fucking love colour codes - already happened/introduced, probably s2, important background info, stuff that might be in the prequel, extras
series masterpost
dopplers, also known as vexlings, shifters, mimics, doubles, imitators, or pavrats, are a nonhuman race that can take on the appearance of nearly anyone they encounter
before mass migrations of humans, dopplers primarily inhabited the forests and plateaus around the city of novigrad, where they would transform into wolves and pack animals to hunt
their abilities are pretty impressive, dopplers can not only mimic appearance but also voice, personality, skills, behaviours, and knowledge. dopplers can even turn parts of their bodies into pieces of clothing or other objects
however, there are some limitations
dopplers can't transform into someone/thing with dramatically more mass than they have, are burned by silver, and can't drop anything they created (if they did it would kind of turn into a fleshy goop)
we've already met a doppler in twn, this sexy sexy man
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it is important to note that this doppler is a huge deviation from sapkowski's lore. dopplers are pretty much always exceptionally kind and gentle. a lot of times they use their abilities to appear threatening (big teeth, sharp claws etc) because they really don't want to hurt anyone.
when dopplers aren't mimicking another form, they aren't exactly pretty. they're bald, short, have beady yellow eyes, and kinda look like they're made from soft clay
here's the hexer doppler
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the most notable doppler is dudu biberveldt, who i mentioned as the halfling dainty biberveldt's fake cousin. dudu's actual name is tellico lunngrevink letorte, but dainty decided to help dudu live in novigrad by adopting him as his fake cousin.
dragons are fucking awesome. you know it, i know it, and zerrikanians know it. witcher dragons are especially awesome
they are the only being, other than cats, that can naturally harness and absorb the force of chaos
there are multiple subtypes, but most dragons fall into one of four: black dragons, green dragons, red dragons, and white dragons.
black dragons are the largest, and primarily live in swamps and wetlands where they bathe in mud. they have extremely hard scales and don't breathe fire, but an acid that causes burns similar to those from mustard gas.
green dragons (right there) are the most prominent yet smallest species of dragon, mainly living in forested areas and breathe highly flammable chlorine gas.
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red dragons mainly live in hills and mountain caves and can breathe fire hot enough to melt metal
white dragons are one of the rarest species and live in the far north, and can breathe frost
however, if you watched the witcher netflix as i assume you did, you may remember golden dragons. these dragons are so rare and exceptional that they are not usually included with other species. they breathe steam and fire and can shapeshift into any living being
all dragons communicate through telepathy, although golden dragons can speak when they are in the form of a species that can speak
humans are pretty divided on the topic of dragons, with zerrikanians worshiping them and nordlings hating them.
because they are incredibly intelligent and emotional, witchers (generally) refuse to hunt them
borkh three jackdaws, also known as villentrenmerth, is the only golden dragon we know. there he is right there.
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the other dragon from twn was a green dragon named myrgtabrakke, borkh's mate. their daughter is named saesenthessis, also known as saskia the dragonslayer (an alias she took to explain her extensive knowledge of dragons) and the virgin of aedirn
because saskia is part golden dragon, she can shapeshift, although is much more limited than her father. she can basically only be a human looking woman with blonde hair or a huge dragon.
cut because this part is getting REALLY long
ah godlings. i love them so much. they're adorable and precious. they usually look somewhat like a human child, but with blue skin and large amber or green eyes. they don't wear much clothes, their focus is in accessories like jewelry, flowers, or tattoos
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that's johnny, a holding in wild hunt.
godlings are incredibly rare, and are easily confused with young goblins. they primarily live in swamps near drowners, but aren't afraid of them.
they're quite mischievous but kind hearted, many have happy go lucky personalities and love just having fun. i adore godlings. i've said it once and i'll say it again.
higher vampires
definitely the most important group on this list, higher vampires are incredibly powerful and intelligent. they can shapeshift within certain limits, generally either looking like a human or a large terrifying bat. they also have some telepathic abilities - they can basically make you fall asleep and forget stuff
scary wooo
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higher vampires do not need to drink blood to survive. some don't drink blood at all. when they do, it's like a human drinking alcohol. on full moons, groups of higher vampires go out partying and get white girl wasted
although all higher vampires have the same basic abilities, each individual has one skill they are exceptional in.
most find humans harmless but annoying, like mosquitos. they don't really like interacting with humans, which works out pretty well as higher vampires can blend in very well, even a witcher's medallion can't detect one
higher vampires also have three distinct cultures, the tdet in the far east, the ammurun across the great sea, and the gharasham in the northern realms
they are really really hard (or impossible, depending on canon) to kill. based on the books, you basically need to disintegrate them. based on the games, only higher vampires can kill other higher vampires, but humans can get close
we only meet one in the books, emiel regis rohellec terzieff-godefroy. he goes by regis for short. regis was an "alcoholic" in his youth, and has since abstained from blood or any other substance. he's incredibly old, by the end of twn season 1 he'd be 425 years old. as for regis' "special ability", he's just kind. he's an incredibly gentle and loving person. that's it. i love him.
probably one you're already familiar with! merpeople are intelligent humanoids that inhabit the great sea. mermaids are notably gorgeous, having green hair and tails, and their scales are prized alchemy ingredients
sapkowski's mermaids can breathe above water, but the sun burns their skin so they don't stay at the surface for very long.
merpeople are incredibly powerful, they can summon krakens and the sea-dragon like race of vodyanoy respect their authority
they use their own language that's quite similar to hen llinge, but more lyrical sounding.
nymphs are a humanoid race primarily based around nature. they have 5 subspecies, dryads (including hamadryads), leimoniad, naiad, nereid, and oread.
dryads, called eerie wives by humans and aen woedbeanna by elves, are the most prevalent, primarily living in the brokilon forest. some have human skin with olive undertones, but others are green. they usually have dark brown or green hair which is usually worn in dreadlocks (breaking my promise of not being overtly and annoyingly political in this series yet again - the dryads, especially in the netflix adaptation, are classic magical n*gress stereotypes. but more on that later.)
this is a lore-accurate one that i LOVE
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dryads have incredibly strong connections with nature and magic, although it is really rare for a dryad to be a source. dryads are able to draw energy from trees, but rarely do because they don't want to hurt the trees. support dryads and take the bus.
all dryads are women. all of them. they make babies by basically luring men into the forest and doing the adult hokey pokey. also why dryads aren't really a fan of witchers, who don't make the baby butter (i am so sorry)
however, dryads can also turn a girl of another race into one of their own through the use of magic. the water of brokilon has some mutating quality that makes young girls forget their human past and physically turn into dryads, although it is less effective as the girls are older. the dryads tried to do this to ciri, but given that she's a source, nothing happened. generally, this process is done to girls who wander into brokilon, but some dryads will abduct peasants from outside the forest if they need more dryads.
here's twn dryads... yikes
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this is where i think the whole racism thing becomes a bit too obvious. "uncivilized" women who live in the forest and have dreadlocks and abduct young girls from "civilized" areas?? in twn they leaned even further into this, having one of the two black women they cast be a dryad and replacing the usual bows and arrows with spears, a less sophisticated weapon. again, this series is about the lore, not the political implications of it, but it is important to keep in mind
dryads are excellent at archery, shooting anyone who comes within 80 metres of the forest. through their connection with nature, they have highly advanced medicine and use glowing fungi as a source of light.
hamadryads are a specific type of dryad that is incredibly connected with her tree. because of this connection they have exceptionally strong magical and healing capabilities, but will also go insane and die if their tree dies.
like merpeople, dryads use a more melodic dialect of hen llinge
leimoniads are a type of nymph that lived exclusively in meadows, but are practically extinct due to wars with humans
naiads, also called rusalki, are nymphs that live in lakes and rivers, although a few live with the dryads in brokilon. naiads are very similar to dryads, although they tend to have very light skin with very dark hair, webbed hands, and can dry out on land
naiads rarely speak common, live in small groups, and have highly developed telepathic abilities
nereids are nymphs that inhabit the great sea, often living closely with merpeople. they usually have blueish skin with either blue or white hair and have some telepathic abilities, though not to the extent of naiads.
oreads are nymphs of the mountains, which, like leimoniads, are nearly extinct due to human conquests.
succubi (female) and incubi (male) are creatures which look like incredibly attractive humans but with horns and goat legs. they seduce humans, first in dreams and then physically, using their prey's energy to sustain themselves, often to the point of the human's exhaustion or death
our man eskel has a soft spot for them...
sylvans, another race we already met, are exceptionally rare. like, practically extinct. they live mainly in the woodlands of the northern realms and have goat-like faces with yellow eyes, horns, cloven hooves, and tails
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my man torque is quite possibly one of the last sylvans on the continent
they are distantly related to elves, and the two races tend to coexist quite well
generally quite mischievous and merry, highly enjoying pranks and parties. they can use simple spells and are mainly herbivores
sylvans live around 100 years and are highly sought after by dryads for their... ahem... reproductive capabilities
yep, we got unicorns! i fucking love unicorns and still kinda think they're real. camels are real and those lumpy fuckers are way weirder than a horse with a spike on its head.
unicorns are highly advanced beings, they can travel between worlds and use telepathy. they don't really like the "less advanced" races, mostly staying around to observe them. they have distinct societies led by a council of elders and tend to avoid evil
these unicorns are badasses
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unicorns strongly despise the use of the force but encourage the power of destiny. in the context of pavetta's betrothal feast, a unicorn would not be happy with pavetta's little source hurricane thing, but would encourage geralt to follow the law of surprise
in of the witcher, unicorns are very important because of their world-hopping capabilities. the aen elle, unfortunately, realized this and began enslaving unicorns to help them plunder other worlds. this turned into a massive conflict between the unicorns and elves.
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sylleblosscm · 2 years
character meme: ardyn jazz hands
First impression • I have to level with you guys, as one of those bi of sexuals you’ll hear a lot about this month, I just. When it comes to the over-the-top, super camp, sassy villain who is also genuinely scary, my response is automatic. I see, I love. He was already great. Aspirational. Iconic. An absolute treasure to behold. A gift to my eyeballs. Ardyn didn’t need to be more than that for me to appreciate him, and at first, I didn’t think he would be.
Impression now • Like the great philosopher Cloud once said: hoo boy. You know when a property fucks up a character so severely that they’re kind of obligated to give them a redemption story down the line, and it’s so obviously hamfisted that people respond with, “wOw, tHaT FixEd eVerYtHiNg!”? That, but unironically for Episode Ardyn. Not that Ardyn was especially broken to begin with, it was just frustrating that we never got a full grasp on his motivations or place in the narrative. While giving the villain a Tragic Backstory™©® in order to make them sympathetic is a hamfisted and annoying move most of the time, XV really pulled it off for me. After learning the kind of person he used to be, what was done to him, and the existence he’s been forced into, he doesn’t really come off so bad anymore. Especially if you reject Bahamut at first, and witness the cruel and inhumane lengths he’s willing to go to, to see his own will done. Much like with Regis, I’m left wondering what I’m supposed to be angry about. He’s up against a literal god. And clearly XV isn’t interested in being that kind of jrpg (though it really should have been, salt, salt). Not only do we have context to his behaviour, but it actually shifts the dynamic of the entire cast, world, and story, because the villain no longer seems villainous, and the hero doesn’t feel quite so much like a hero, as much as he does a helpless pawn. (But that’s an entire other rant I may go into someday.) I suppose in the end, all I really want for Ardyn is justice for his character. Not to harp on Dawn or anything, but I really liked that ending for him. He found peace in death or whatever; more important is that he did it on his own terms, regaining his agency in his final moments. He chose how to go, was able to reconcile with his brother, and take his justice from a cruel and unforgiving god that was willing to raise 114 generations of his own blood to slaughter. Honestly, call me captain of the Ardyn Defence Squad, because I’d go to war for this greasy weirdo, Man Of Every Consequence.
Favorite moment • It’s a tie. “For what sins must I atone??” SAY IT AGAIN FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK. But also, probably the entire talk with Bahamut, because again, that’s the thing that shifts his character from Sassy Villain to genuinely devastating. You really get an image of just how helpless and powerless this seemingly all-powerful man is in the face of his destiny. And it’s all capped off by knowing that he became this way because he wanted so desperately to help others. I just can’t fault him for that. And finally, the moment he kills Luna. I hate that for Luna a lot, but I love how she reaches out and tries to offer her help. You see this perfect, unbreakable facade of carelessness crack, and it elicits one of the few honest-to-goodness reactions we ever see from him. He’s disgusted, afraid, and a little hopeful all at once. All because someone was kind to him for the first time in a couple thousand years. 
Idea for a story • I’m still hung up on anything that lets him and Luna be besties. He needs a friend. I’d also like to see a deviation in canon where he instantly regrets harming Luna and manages to help her somehow, sparing her life and forcing him to reconsider his actions and accept her help.
Unpopular opinion • Honestly, if what I’ve already said thus far isn’t too unpopular, then there’s nothing I can add that would be so. Ardyn began as a great villain and ended as something between that and a sympathetic antihero. I just want more for him. 
Favorite relationship • I really, really wanted to see more of his relationship with Somnus. It was intriguing and nuanced, with neither side wholly in the right or wrong, and their rivalry stoked by forces well beyond them. I like that Dawn gave Somnus the chance to truly apologise, and I like to think that, in kinder circumstances, they could have been an amazing team. 
Favorite headcanon • That, after daylight returns, Ardyn’s rightful place in Lucian history is cemented; not just as the Accursed, but as the man who was almost King, but for his boundless compassion, and willingness to put himself in harm’s way to save others. It’s what he deserves. 
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