#I really was talking aloud to myself though and trying to find more
skoulsons · 2 years
im laying in bed watching the winter embrace gifs over and over again and talking aloud to myself so you bet I’m gonna talk about it again and say the same crap I have been saying for weeks
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Okay so both her arms are within the area of his arms. Very close together and both pounding against those parts of his chest. His hands are both on the sides of her face; both visible
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And he holds her face and she sees it’s him and all that good stuff happens
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But to focus on this and the first screenshot. Again, I talked about all of this the other day, if you missed it. But some people got me thinking. If the first screenshot and this one are the same hug and that arm over her left shoulder in this ^ shot is actually his hand, then her hands are definitely grabbing his coat. And so thinking if that’s the case,
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Then this will be after that embrace when they pull away. And the thought of this being their second one is just getting more sure because it’s just his right hand on her face now. If we think that first hug and that his right hand is cradling her face, then it would make sense for it to stay there. And his left being behind her neck in the first hug, after pulling away I imagine he keeps it on her side, maybe her hand is in his, or it’s just resting against his own side. But relaxes and falls back onto her heels (think that she’s sitting on her knees), and this very much looks like in game when there’s that silent moment after they pull away and she nods after he talks to her. Game knowers, you know what I mean. But in those few seconds in the game and in that silence, they get up and leave right after. But here?
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She embraces him again instead, and he takes it all in with the eye close. Not on high alert, just comforting her
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altraviolet · 2 months
re: new fic ramblies
haha guess who's gonna be in the new fic :D but with a face & hands (I'm assuming he was forged with a face????)
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Damus! haha what a loser. an incredibly powerful loser...
(poor Damus)
(but not really)
I haven't been able to think of a happy ending for the new fic. major character death isn't ideal but it's what feels like the logical end to the themes of the story. I'll keep thinking because I like & prefer happy endings. alternately, I need to think of a "cheating death" ending that doesn't feel unearned or too miracle-y
I've never plotted out a story in full before. I prefer to write snippets and scenes as they come to me and discover the story that way. I've been writing out questions ("What is the ending?") and then writing out tons of answers to the questions ("Ending X or Y or Z"), but things are very slow to slot together. It's hard to make decisions about what to do because either I don't want to pick the wrong thing, or nothing so far appeals to me. Essentially, the problem is the problem, in that, I don't know what's supposed to happen, so I don't know how to write what happens 😄
One of the things that made TEG fun for me was putting my favorite characters in there. I haven't done that the same way so far... maybe I should try, haha.
Damn. Plots are hard! xD
Regarding IDW1 Soundwave: I went through the tf wiki (each comic has a Quotes section) and grabbed as many Soundwave quotes as I could find. I'm analyzing his way of speaking so I can try to understand his character. Instead of making a whole new character out of him, I'd like to challenge myself to write the IDW1 personality. So far I've gathered that he states the obvious in a way that is insulting without being overtly insulting, which is, in itself, a skill xD
Hound: You captured Megatron?! Bumblebee: I, uh, rescued Megatron. Megatron: You assisted me. Soundwave: This is not important.
Though it seems easier to characterize him by way of other characters' reactions:
Jetfire: Good luck. Soundwave: When has luck been on our side? Jetfire: Always a pleasure.
If anyone somehow magically has a repository of IDW1 Soundwave quotes, please let me know xD
Regarding AU vs fan continuity, which is a phrase I just learned... I'm not sure how to characterize this fic. It's basically ganking the IDW1 characters, but putting them on a Cybertron with a vastly different beginning. Instead of Primus and the Guiding Hand and the God Wars, the expansion, the Ark, functionism and ratioism, etc etc, there's going to be a totally different mythological/diety set up. It's still going to be deeply rooted in what being Cybertronian means (as far as I can define it). I read that a 'fan continuity' would be recognizably Transformers by a non-fan (as opposed to something like a coffee house AU), and that's the goal. So maybe I should be using that phrase to describe it. I guess... if The Angel Breaker still felt like a Transformers story to you - it had recognizably Transformery elements - that's more the vibe than IDW1 itself.
On another note, I should probably use this fic as my excuse to finally utilize Scrivener, but I'm... I don't wanna, haha. I don't wanna learnnnnn iiiiiiiiit... I'll just suffer with my 7 year old version of OpenOffice. Also I have concerns about how to transfer fic from Scrivener to AO3. AO3 does not like OpenOffice. I have to write out all the html, which is annoying, but it is a devil I know.
I'm going to tag all the ramblies and posts regarding the new fic as "re: new fic" until it has a title. Then I'll be able to retag with the title name :) I think it will be interesting to do some rambly posts about the new fic, because it's kind of like talking aloud with a friend. I did a lot of talking to myself for TEG, haha.
New fic characters so far: Soundwave, Ravage, Laserbeak, Rodimus, Flatline, Damus
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Race to Help
Summary: No One Knows AU Part 25, Danny's evening is interrupted by everything that's been happening that he's been unaware of.
Danny has spent the afternoon since he got home from the hospital paying much closer attention to his parents, and he’s come to a conclusion.  He’ll tell them.  Eventually.
It’s not a huge step up, but it’s at least a step up from his former plan of “take this to my second grave.”  It had seemed like the best and only possible choice for such a long time.  But his parents do seem very different, meaning something Jazz did worked.  And telling Valerie he’s Phantom made him realize that sometimes if you give people the opportunity, they surprise you.  Valerie immediately accepted that Phantom was different from how she thought, the moment she learned he was him.  Maybe his parents would do something like that too.
That doesn’t mean he’s ready, and he thinks that’s fair.  He can’t switch from “my parents want to rip me apart molecule by molecule” to “my parents love me for who I am” in half a day.  There needs to be a “maybe” phase in there somewhere.  But he’ll give it some thought, and try to stop writing it off as impossible.
And he’s definitely not telling Jazz yet.  He can’t bear even the thought of the smug look on her face.
But for now, at least, he’s gonna give himself more chances to spend time with his parents and not be totally miserable or terrified throughout.  Such as attempting to make edible food with them.
“Danny-boy, add some more garlic to that sauce,” Dad calls from his spot putting noodles in a serving bowl.
“Are you sure there’s not enough already?” Danny asks.
“Danno, as you get older you’ll learn, there’s no such thing as too much garlic.”
Danny snorts.  “Alright, more garlic it is,” he says.  He shifts on his useless and very annoying crutches to reach for the garlic.
“Oh I’ve got it honey,” Mom says.  “Do you think you could go get your sister?  We’re gonna be putting things on the table.”
“Sure,” Danny says, heading for the steps and up to Jazz’s room.  As soon as he’s out of sight of his parents, he shifts the crutches to one hand and walks up the steps while carrying them.
“Jazz,” he calls along with a knock on the door.  “We’re having dinner!”
No response comes from the room, and Danny knocks again.
“Jazz, you there?”
When he gets no response again, he pushes the door open, and finds no one there, though the window is open to let the breeze in.
Danny sets the crutches against the wall, crosses the hall and knocks on the bathroom door, but it swings open with his knock to reveal no one in there.
“Huh,” he says aloud to himself.  “Must be in the lab.”
He grabs the crutches and starts for the steps again to head back towards the kitchen.  Before he can make it all the way down the steps, however, he hears a set of loud frantic knocks on the front door, so he changes pace and heads there instead.
“Coming!” he calls when the frantic knocks don’t stop.  “Sheesh.”
He opens the door and finds himself face to face with Sam, who looks an absolute mess.  Her hair is wild and she’s breathing frantically and she keeps fidgeting with the wrist ray he gave her, which he hasn’t seen in ages.
Danny blinks at her.  “Sam?”
Sam opens her mouth, but looks at the crutches he’s leaning on and then can’t seem to get anything out.
“Hey uh, look,” Danny says, looking down.  “Tucker was supposed to talk to you.  I really just need a little bit of time to myself.��  He takes a breath and looks back up at Sam.  He can do this.  “I don’t want to hurt you guys, but—”
Sam bursts into tears.
Danny stares at her for a second, then shakes himself.  “Okay, you know what, nevermind, we can talk about that later!  Come on, let’s go to my room, we can talk more privately.”
Sam shakes her head, and opens her mouth to try and say something, but it just comes out as another sob.
“Sam, come on,” Danny says gently.  He moves the crutches enough to hold a hand out and usher her inside.  “We don’t have to do this out in front of my house, let’s go upstairs.”  Thankfully, Sam makes her way in, though she stays out of his reach.
“Mom, Dad!” Danny calls, turning towards the kitchen.  “I need a minute, sorry!  Don’t wait for me!”
“What’s going on, sweetie—” Mom starts, but she stops when she walks in and sees Sam crying off to the side.
“We’ll keep something warm for you,” she says with a gentle smile, and she heads back into the kitchen.
It takes a minute to get them both upstairs and into his room, especially since he has to pretend to use the crutches this time, but they get there.  Sam doesn’t seem to be in much of a better state, however.  Danny balances himself on the crutches and reaches out to put his hands on her shoulders.
“Okay, what’s going on?” he says.  “Come on, you can talk to me.”
Sam shakes her head again, and finally manages to get something out.  It sounds like “I’m sorry.”
“Hey, it’s okay,” Danny says gently.  “It’s alright, just tell me what’s going on, okay?  I can’t help if I don’t know.”
Sam takes a couple of deep, heaving breaths, and wipes at her eyes.  Then she all but collapses back against Danny’s door, and slides to the ground.
“Sam?” Danny says, wishing he could kneel down in front of her without giving the game away.
“I,” Sam says, “I know you’re Phantom.”
Danny goes still.  He opens his mouth, trying to come up with something to say, but then Sam keeps going.
“I’ve always known,” she says, burying her head in her hands.  “Since— since that night Tucker and I said we got captured by a ghost.  We lied.  Well, sort of, we didn’t— we— Vlad captured us.  He did that and then he somehow pretended to be two people and tried to act like he saved us from this vampire ghost and then he drove us back to the police station and he— he told us you’re Phantom, but he said you were evil and trying to kill us, and I believed him because of that whole thing at Circus Gothica which I don’t even know what the hell happened there anymore but it doesn’t matter anyway because Vlad said he would like, teach us to hunt ghosts and to hunt you and so I said yes because— because I’m just a terrible friend and I made Tucker do it to even though he really didn’t want to and we’re— we’re the new Huntresses working with Valerie that’s us, and Vlad told us about Valerie but he didn’t tell Valerie about us because— well because duh, and so I tried to keep you away from her because I thought you were gonna hurt her or something and I was s-so— so awful to you because I was trying to hurt you because I wanted you to hurt and because I was so scared you’d try and hurt me or Tucker because I thought— I thought you wanted to and because Vlad said that you wanted to and I did so— so many terrible things to you and I don’t know how you can ever forgive me but Vlad— Vlad has Tucker and he put this— this thing on Tucker and my suits that can like, control the suit while we’re in it and he made Tucker kidnap Jazz and I can’t use my suit because he’d do the same thing to me that he did to Tucker but I can’t fight him on my own because all I have is the wrist ray you gave me and that didn’t work the first time against Vlad and I’m sorry I need your help I’m so sorry!”
Sam buries her head in her knees and starts sobbing, and Danny stares at her, feeling a little faint.
“Oh,” he says weakly.  “That… would explain a lot.”
Sam tightens her grip around her knees and starts crying harder.
Danny looks at her for another second, then sets the crutches on his bed and kneels down in front of her.
“Sam,” he says gently, “look at me.”
Sam starts to raise her head, but gives up halfway there and just stares down at the floor, shaking her head.  “I can’t,” she whispers.
Danny reaches out and gently raises her chin until she’s looking him in the eye.
He smiles gently.  “I forgive you.”
Sam stares at him.  She blinks tears out of her eyes.  “You… why?”
Danny lets go of Sam and she drops her gaze again.
“Well, for one,” he says anyway.  “Vlad is an absolute piece of shit who is really good at manipulating people.  I know what he’s like, and I wouldn’t put any of what you just said past him.  You also clearly feel terrible about this, and you know where you messed up and you aren’t gonna do it again.  But mainly…” Danny shakes his head.  “God, I fucking missed you, Sam.”
Sam sniffs, and Danny sees her wipe her eyes again.  After a second of hesitation, he leans forward and pulls Sam into a hug, mostly because he’s not sure what else to do.
He can feel Sam start to pull back, and he doesn’t want to force her to stay there, so he lets her.  Besides, they have other matters to attend to.
“Okay,” he says, pushing himself to his feet.  Sam looks up after him, but otherwise doesn’t move.
“You said Vlad has Tucker and Jazz?” he asks.  Sam nods.
Danny holds out his hand, and Sam takes it.  He pulls her up, and looks at her until she meets his gaze.
“Well, I don’t like that,” Danny says.  “You wanna go kick his butt?”
And despite it all, Sam smiles just a little.
Sam waits down on the ground while Danny flies up and knocks on the window.  It doesn’t take very long before it opens and Valerie sticks her head out, looking more than a little surprised to see him.
“Danny?” she asks, and wow, it’s still weird to hear Valerie say his name while he’s in ghost form.
“Hey Val,” he says with a nervous smile.  “Can I ask you a favor?”
“Me?” Valerie asks incredulously.  “I mean, of course.  But why?”
“So, uh, you know the guy you got the suit from?  That was Vlad, right?”  He doesn’t really want to phrase it that way, but Sam already mentioned her in between the talk about Vlad, and he doesn’t want to act like he doesn’t know, either.
“Yeah,” Valerie says slowly.  “Why?”  Suddenly, her eyes widen.  “Is he bothering you?  Do you want me to go yell at him?  I can do that.”
“Uh, no,” Danny says quickly, holding up his hands.  “Really bad idea.  Listen, I’m gonna tell you a crash course of too much information, but I need you to just roll with it, okay?”
“Wouldn’t be the first time we both did something like that,” Valerie says.  “What’s going on?”
So, as quickly as he can, Danny explains everything he’s just learned, from Sam and Tucker, to the way Vlad messed with both of their suits, to the spy cameras in all three suits, which Sam told him about when he mentioned getting Valerie’s help, to how they need to go save Tucker and Jazz now.
When he finishes, Valerie stares at him for a minute.
“Wow,” she says finally.  “And I thought our situation was bad.”
“Yeah,” Danny says.  “I’m dealing with that part later, though.”
Valerie seems to shake herself.  “Right.  Okay.  So, you said Vlad didn’t put any controlling mechanisms in my suit, right?  You’re positive on that?”
Danny nods.  “He only took Sam and Tucker’s suits back to do that after you left.”
“Okay.  Then I’ll deal with the spy cameras later.  He’s bound to know we’re coming anyway.  I’ll let my dad know where I’m going and meet you outside.”
She shuts the window before Danny can be surprised at the telling her dad part.
Danny flies back down to join Sam, and sure enough, a couple minutes later, Valerie walks out followed by Mr Gray.
“You promise you’ll be safe?” he says.  “And you’ll contact me if you need help?”
“And I’ll let you know if I’m not going to be back after two hours,” Valerie says, only sounding a little annoyed.  “Thanks Dad.  Now we gotta go.”
“Be safe!” her dad calls, and Valerie gives him a nod and a smile.
“We’ll be safe, sir,” Danny says to Mr Gray.
“You’d better,” Mr Gray says, with a knowing look in his eye that Danny doesn’t have time to worry about.  He gives Valerie one last quick hug and heads back inside.
“Okay,” Valerie says, turning to Danny as soon as the door shuts.  “We doing this?”
“Yeah,” Danny says.  “But first, Sam.”
Sam startles as she turns to him, then looks down and starts fidgeting with her wrist ray.
“You said you took your suit off before coming to talk to me, right?”
Sam nods.  Danny wishes she’d look at him.  He’s getting a little tired of people not looking at him.
“Then he might not know you’re coming.  I think we should keep it that way.  Would you mind if I carry you and make you invisible?”
At that, Sam’s gaze snaps immediately to his, and Danny can tell she minds.  It’s the best option they have, though, so he doesn’t take it back.
Finally, Sam nods shakily.  “Okay,” she says, her voice shaking a little.
She walks over to him, and lets Danny pick her up.  He turns her invisible, but not intangible, meaning he feels it when Sam wraps her arms around his neck and digs her nails into the fabric of his hazmat suit.
Danny winces, but tightens his grip on her.  “I’m not gonna drop you,” he says quietly.
“Okay,” Sam whispers, sounding like she’s trying to force herself to believe it.
Valerie puts her suit on next to them, and Danny shifts his arms so they look as natural as possible while still being able to hold on tightly to Sam.
“Okay,” he says, starting to rise slowly into the air, and trying to ignore Sam’s quickening breaths.  “Do either of you have any ideas as to what we should be expecting?”
Tucker thinks that Jazz is remarkably calm for someone with a gun pressed against her head.
To be fair, it is his suits’ ecto-gun, and maybe she has a bit more experience with that kind of weapon.  But he wouldn’t be this calm with a gun of any kind to his head, and Jazz has spent the whole time taking deep breaths and looking around the room with obvious intent to learn as much as she can.
Vlad’s remote thing is still making it so Tucker can’t talk, meaning Jazz probably doesn’t have any idea who’s threatening her, unless she’s worked it out some other way.  She hasn’t said anything about him, but she certainly seems to know who Vlad is.  Not that she’s said anything to him either.
She’s instead looking very intently at all of the consoles spread throughout the lab.  Maybe she knows something about them, due to her family?  She probably knows Danny’s secret, based on the fact that Vlad went after her directly, and the fact that she’s so calm right now.  Her knowing something like this was possible beforehand would definitely help with the nerves.
Vlad, for his part, is standing as Plasmius next to the both of them, looking at a screen on the opposite console that shows Danny and Valerie approaching.
The closer they get, the more Tucker feels his breath start to quicken, which is the only way his nerves can show.  He has no idea what Vlad’s going to make him do when they get here.  He just has to hope it’s not “shoot Jazz in the head.”  He’s pretty sure ecto-guns aren’t lethal to humans, but that doesn’t mean it’ll feel nice, especially not at point-blank range.
Vlad glances up towards the ceiling, which is the only warning Tucker gets before there’s a loud blast and the sound of falling debris.  It sounded like a wall was damaged, but none of the walls are falling down around him, so he’s not sure what they hit.
Vlad sets his screen down on a nearby console, and turns to face the door to the lab.
And… nothing happens.  There’s a long stretch of time of silence and then staring at the door.  It gets to a point where Tucker can see Vlad is starting to get confused too.
But then, finally, Danny and Valerie round the corner.  Danny has a hand raised with a plasma blast and Valerie’s holding up her gun, but neither of them fires anything yet.
“Hello Daniel,” Vlad says.
“Vlad,” Danny says, his voice low and tense.  But he’s already turning to Jazz without seeming to care much about Vlad.
“Are you okay?” he asks.  Jazz nods, though Tucker can feel the slight shake as she does.
“Don’t worry, we’re gonna get you out of here,” Danny says to Jazz, and then he raises his gaze right to Tucker, without glaring at him for some reason.
Vlad chuckles.  “Oh, you are, are you?  Well my boy, I think there’s something you don’t know—”
“Oh my god, we so don’t have time for this,” Valerie says.  Then she points her gun at Vlad and fires.
Vlad gets knocked back a step, then turns to Valerie, looking almost offended.
“Do you normally blast someone in the middle of a—”
Tucker’s not surprised when Danny cuts him off by blasting him in the chest.  The opportunity was just right there.
Vlad narrows his eyes and fires back, and then the two of them both fly at him, chasing him away from Tucker and Jazz.
Tucker can’t turn his head to look, so he’s planning on trying to take deep breaths and hoping that Vlad doesn’t accidentally hit the button that makes him kill Jazz.
Instead, his gaze snaps back to the door when Sam sprints out of it.
“What the—” Jazz says, voicing Tucker’s thoughts for him.
Sam shushes her as she runs up to the both of them, then looks over at the fight happening on the other half of the room and pulls Jazz away from Tucker.
Jazz’s breath catches, but Vlad is still distracted, meaning Jazz just ends up facing him in confusion when Tucker doesn’t move his arm at all.
“Can you move?” Sam asks, reappearing right in Tucker’s face.  When he doesn’t say anything, understanding blooms in her eyes.  “You can’t talk, can you?”
No, how does she know that?  How does she know anything that’s going on?  Why isn’t she wearing her suit right now, or trying to fight Danny?
“It’s gonna be okay,” Sam says, though her voice is shaking.  She goes for his wrist, and the bracelet that holds his suit.  Tucker has just enough time to see she’s not wearing her bracelet at all before he hears Vlad snap, “You little brat.”
Then he feels his arm raise and he fires his gun into Sam’s chest, knocking her back into the wall.
Tucker manages a whimper, which does not feel at all satisfying as an expression of free will.
Tucker feels himself spin around and face Vlad, who is now pointing the remote directly at Tucker.
“Hey!” Danny snaps, blasting Vlad in the back of the head.  “Pay attention to me, fruit loop!”
Instead, Vlad turns around and shoots Danny in the face, though that’s immediately followed by Valerie shooting him from the other side.
All of which apparently gives Jazz enough time to run around his other side.
“What was she trying to take off?” she asks, clearly having noticed Vlad’s remote.
Tucker still can’t answer, but thankfully Sam appears a second later on his other side, though she’s holding her hand to her chest now and it’s making Tucker’s chest hurt too.
“The bracelet,” Sam says to Jazz.  “We have to get his bracelet off.”
“Oh no you don’t,” comes Vlad’s voice again, and this time Tucker’s board rockets kick on, and he rises into the air.  Tucker can see Danny coming towards Vlad from his other side, but rather than try and block it, he hits a button on the remote and Tucker’s gun raises and fires at Danny.  Since he isn’t looking in this direction, the blast knocks him into the wall behind him.
That doesn’t feel anything like shooting a dummy.
A shot comes from below Tucker, and then Sam runs out in front of him, shooting her wrist ray into Vlad’s face.  It doesn’t seem to hurt him, but it distracts him enough that Valerie can shoot him from behind.  Vlad growls, spins around, and fires at her, which just gives Danny enough time to recover and blast him again.
Vlad, seeming very irritated, throws up a glowing pink sphere around himself, which absorbs the next blasts coming at him.
As soon as he sees this works, Vlad turns to his remote, and Tucker finds himself raising his gun and shooting another blast at Danny, which at least he dodges this time.
Danny seems to realize the problem the same time as Tucker, though, which is as long as Vlad has a shield up that they can’t break, they can’t get to the remote either.  And while they don’t seem to want to hurt him, Vlad has no such qualms about them.
As soon as Tucker starts firing, Danny flies back towards Sam and Jazz and throws up a shield of his own, and Valerie puts up her own that’s connected to her suit.
For a moment, everything stops.  And then Sam gets a look in her eye that Tucker recognizes.
She runs out from behind Danny’s shield, raises her wrist ray, and fires it into the ceiling above Vlad’s head.  It cracks and starts to crumble, and she fires it again, bringing debris down on top of Vlad’s shield that shoves him towards the ground and knocks the remote out of his hands.
Vlad has just enough time to cry out in surprise before a piece of the ceiling falls directly on top of it.
As soon as feeling rushes back into his limbs, Tucker flies down to the floor and twists the bracelet off, then he takes it off and stomps on it.
He wraps his arms around himself and takes a deep shaky breath, just before Sam runs up to him and throws her arms around him.
Tucker doesn’t have time to hug her back, however, before Vlad cries out in rage and spins around, dropping his shield as he faces Tucker and Sam, raising his arm with a plasma blast.
Sam pushes Tucker behind her and raises her wrist ray again, but before she can fire Danny drops down in front of them and pulls up his own shield that bounces Vlad’s shot off into one of the consoles.
“Back off, Plasmius,” he growls, voice low.  “Get out of here.”
Valerie lands down next to him, and Jazz steps forward next to Sam.
Vlad pauses, takes a moment to look at all of them, and then smartly turns and flies off.
Tucker sees some of the tension release from Danny’s shoulders as soon as he does, and then he turns to look at the three of them standing behind him.
“Are you guys okay?” he asks, looking mostly between Tucker and Jazz.
Tucker doesn’t know quite what to say, and Danny seems to pick up on that.
“Hey,” he says, meeting his gaze.  “I told you.  You need me, and I’ll be there.”
Tucker swallows, and nods weakly.  “Okay,” he says weakly.  His voice comes out much shakier than he’d like.
“Hey,” Jazz says, drawing everyone’s gaze.  “Uh, can I ask what in the world just happened?”
Danny laughs a little.  “I’ll fill you in,” he says, walking over to her.  “Come on.”
The two of them start over to the other side of the room, and Sam turns immediately to Tucker.
“Are you okay?” she asks, reaching out and taking him by the shoulders.  “You— I—” she stops, seeming lost.
Tucker takes in her shaking hands, and the expression on her face, and the fact that she just fought Vlad side by side with Danny and Valerie, and realizes that somehow, she has to know.
He reaches out and pulls her into a tight hug, slumping a little bit against her shoulder.  “Thank god,” he whispers.
Sam sniffs and reaches up to hug him back.
Tucker opens his eyes and finds Valerie standing behind Sam, looking gravely at them both.
He opens his mouth, trying to come up with anything to say.
Valerie shakes her head.  “We’ll talk,” she says.  “We will.”
Tucker nods, and Sam pulls back from the hug to look at her.  For a moment, the three of them just stare at each other.
“Okay,” comes Danny’s voice, and all three of them turn to face him and Jazz.  Jazz is looking at Tucker and Sam in a way that makes Tucker take a step back.
“So uh, we have to get home,” Danny says.  “Our parents are kind of expecting us for dinner.  I can drop you guys off first, if you want, but we’ll have to, uh, talk tomorrow.”
Sam looks away, and Tucker glances after her for a moment before turning back to Danny and nodding.
“Don’t worry about it,” Valerie says, stepping forward.  “I’ll take ‘em home.  You two go ahead.”
“You sure?” Danny asks, and Valerie nods.
So, Danny and Jazz head up the stairs, and as soon as they’re gone, Sam turns to Tucker.
“I want to get out of here,” she says, grabbing his arm.  “Please.”
“Yeah, let’s go,” Valerie says, starting past them.  “This place gives me the creeps.”
They all start for the steps, and Tucker turns to Sam, who’s looking down at her feet as they walk.
“Hey,” he says, reaching out and squeezing her hand.  “It’s okay.”
Sam looks up and gives him a weak smile.  She doesn’t really look like she believes him, but they walk out of the training grounds squeezing each other’s hands.
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thequeenopower · 2 years
Omegle Doesn't Always Show Nudity ; Sapnap
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I put in Florida and hit video.
I met a lot of weird people. Most of them were probably high off meth or some other type of drug. But, I pressed on. It was almost one in the morning when I decided I would do my last chat with a stranger before heading off to bed.
A new person popped up onto my screen. He had brown hair and green eyes. He also had an adorable cat on his desk, which he was petting.
"Nice pussy." I comment making him laugh.
"Thanks, she’s a little bitch sometimes though."
"My cats the same way. She doesn't understand the saying, 'don't bite the hand that feeds you'. It's like she wants to go back out onto the street." He laughs and puts his cat down.
"Maybe she was a stripper. She might want more money to get catnip." I chuckle and it goes quiet for a little bit.
"So, where do you live?"
The back and forth banter continued for hours. I had totally forgotten all about sleep and was more focused on learning new things about him.
"Oh sorry, I have to go." And that was the last thing he said before leaving.
I didn’t see him anymore after that. It was either because we weren’t on at the same time or he just wasn’t interested in being on Omegle anymore.
I wished I could see him again. He was the only person that I could hold a real conversation with. With other people, it was either me asking questions or answering their questions with short, snippy answers. But with him, I just couldn’t shut up.
"Okay, one last time before I head to bed," I said aloud.
A face popped onto my screen, a cat's face.
"Nice pussy." I said laughing to myself.
"Thanks but she’s a bitch sometimes.”
"Nick?" He takes his cat away from the camera and his eyes widen.
"Y/n! It's really you! I've been trying to find you for so long!" He smiled so big.
"Me too! I've been trying for days."
We talked for hours after, again. This time, I even got his number so we didn't have to spend time finding each other.
"This is a story we'll tell our kids about." He said quietly.
"Kids?! Who said anything about kids?!"
"Not me, that's for sure!"
The gif are the kids in question.
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notzawzark · 2 years
I really enjoyed your story a part two would be lovely but do not push yourself and have a lovely day
GHOST (mw2) X MALE READER (platonic) PT2
woooooo yeah baby, thats what ive been wait for, thats what ive been taking about, wwoooooo, another installment of my poorly planned fanfic
as perusual: sorry for any typos, and do not expect some grandiose writting, i am not that smart
CW/TW's: toture, gore, vomit, if i should add more just tell me and i will
I throw on a shirt. A button up. Not one I chose myself, but its not like I hate it. Its ugly but in a charming way. I put on leather boots, keeping the pants I wore to sleep on. Its not my best outfit, but considering how little sleep I got last night, I don’t anyone will care. I sure as hell don’t. 
I leave my room, entering into a hall. The cold concrete  below me tapping under my feet. I stop in front of ghosts room. I hear talking on the other side of the heavy metal door. Faint, but still there. The guards posted in front of the door ask me if I want in. I tell them no. I want to get somethings first. I wonder the halls. Looking for the stairs up. The building were currently holed up in (and have been for awhile) is some old abandoned hospital. When we first set up here, it was trashed. To this day  It still doesn’t look very homely, but its better then it was.
Ive been stashed away in the basement, Also where the interrogation room is set up. i find the stairs, ascending up to floor level. I make my way to the current medical ward. there are so many people. You wouldn’t expect this place to be so packed, but it almost always is. Most of the people here are good. Civilians. Simply people in need of doctors, but without the money to get any. Cant say the same for the people stationed in the basement.
“hey.” I try and get the attention of one of the makeshift medical staff. His name is Chester im pretty sure. “shit-“ he turns around, startled. he was tending to some random sick person. Cant tell why their sick though. “(reader)!” he sounds pleasantly surprised. Like meeting an old friend unexpectedly. Weve only really ever talked a few times. “I need bandages.” I tell him. He looks around, a but confused, “uhm…” he takes a second “do you mind if I ask why? Or is that.. uh.. can I ask why?” he lowers his voice into a whisper for the last bit, leaning in.
All the ‘doctors’ know who theyre working for. The same man im working for. But that’s about all they get to know. We bring them medical supplies so that they can help their towns people. in return, they fix up anyone we bring to them, no questions asked. It’s a covert deal, and they arent aloud to talk about us. If they did, my boss would probably anonymously tell the police what they have set up here. Only one of the doctors has a medical license.
“the bandages arent for me” he understands that he isnt gonna get much more then that, nodding and leading me away from his current patient. He takes me to a closet “bandages and stuff are in here,” he opens it, “can I ask what type of wound your bandaging?” he asks, leading me in.
“I don’t know.” It sounds like a copout, but I genuinely have no idea. It could be anything. Cuts, burns, chopped off limbs. “oh wow.” He looks worriedly, searching through the random supplies. He hands me a roll of white bandages, “here” and then he goes back to looking around. “what are you looking for?” I peek over his shoulder. “well your probably gonna need more then just the plain bandages, even if we don’t know what you gonna have to fix up.” he hands me some bandage tape. “thank you” I tell him.
we part ways, and I start back to the basement. Stopping on my way to ghosts new room to get a bucket of water, two rags, and a towel.
I stop in front of the door, there isnt any talking now, nodding to the two guards. They go to open the door, but its prematurely opened by someone else. Im greeted by a man covered in someone else's blood. The man with the cart of torture supplies. The butcher. “hi-“ my voice cuts off. “hello.” He looks down at the assortment of things Chester handed me. He grunts, pushing past me, dragging his cart behind him. Its bloody. Very bloody. there are a few loose teeth on it that werent before, and it leaves a trail of blood behind him as he leaves.
I enter the room, hastily met with the smell of blood and vomit. I turn my face, it smells fucking awful. The door is shut behind me. The table has been moved off to the side, and ghost to the middle of the room. Hes covered in his own blood. “hey..” I let out. I try not to let my concern waver my voice. Ghost groans, and then ends up in a coughing fit. His mask is off, but his head is dropped down, facing the floor, blood soaked in his hair. I go over to the table, dropping my supplies down, and picking up his skull mask. “would you like your mask back?” I ask, turning to him. He just coughs more. Im pretty sure he coughed up blood.
I get up closer to him, placing down my bucket of water, his breathing hastens, he turns his face away. It takes a moment for it to click, “oh shit-“ I look at the rag in my hand, “im not gonna water board you bro, I swear.” I panic out, trying to make him less weary of me. 
It doesn’t work much, and he tenses everytime I move. Pulling up my sleeves, I dip the rag in water, and then start to clean out his wounds. There are different kinds. Some deep gashes, some circular holes in his skin, others bruises so blue youd think it hurt his bones. I don’t really get a good look at his face, even while I try and get blood off of it. he moves his face away everytime I try to touch it. its Understandable, but it makes things much more difficult. 
I give up on trying to clean his face, and just put his mask back on him. He immediately seems more comfortable, still incredibly tense, but less so then before. I continue to clean off all the blood on him. Its tiring. Eventually its done though. I wrap the towel around him, covering him and helping him dry all in one. I get up, and grab the bandages, and tape. i get back to him, placing both on the ground. I open the package for the bandages. 
I cover up most of the big gashes, and even a few of the smaller ones. Im covered in dried up blood now. I clean up around his chair too. Just getting blood up off the floor. Theirs vomit beside him. I begrudgingly clean that up too. I throw the second rag into the bucket. Taking a deep breath ones ive left the floor.
“thanks” ghosts voice sounds hoarse and it cuts out at the end. I go sit up in the table off to the side. “whens the last time you slept” I ask him the first real question of the day. Its quiet for a few minutes until he responds, “four days.” I mouth a ‘wow’ under my breath. I hold my breathing in thought, puffing out once I get to my conclusion. “ill let you sleep the entire time im here.. which should be..” I trail off thinking and doing math in my head, “two hours I believe, if you tell me what you guys know.”
He doesn’t respond. “what about a hint.” I smile at him. “no” his voice sounds more firm. The smile doesn’t fade. “fine, then you wont sleep for another day.” I hop off the table, and get onto the chair that was discarded next to it. Theres still paper and pencils, and so I start drawing. I draw him again. Its quiet in the room for nearly 20 minutes, I look up from my drawing every now and then to make sure he isnt asleep.
Hes falls asleep. I throw a balled up piece of paper at him. He startles up, looking around frantically to assess the situation. He drops his head back once he realizes it was just me. “if you had given me that hint I would have let you stay asleep” I taunt him. “fuck off” he blurts out. Hes getting comfortable, that hes just tired enough to not give a shit.
It gets quiet again.
“you know what-“ I look over to him, getting out of my seat and sitting on the table again. “if you tell me about your family ill let you sleep..” I pause, “that or your name” he looks me dead in the eyes, then up and down. Silence. “how’d you know about my brother?” he asks. A surprise for sure. “we made a little file on you, figuring out everything we could before we ambushed you. It was in that file… one of the few things about you in that file, and not just about ghost.”
“I am ghost.”
“you are a ghost.. you know how hard it was to find that out about your brother? That you even had a brother?”
“that’s the point.” He says in between coughs
I take a deep breath in and out. “I guess it is.” I say looking off.
A silence settles again. For about five minutes. He stares at me for three of them before looking away. “my brothers name was tommy.” I snap my head towards him. I didn’t actually expect him to tell me about his family. “is that so.” I inquire more. “he had a kid.” He continues. “and where is that kid now?” ghost doesn’t answer.
“and what about your dad?” he doesn’t respond, just like last time. I sigh. i want more, but technically he followed the rules I had. “you can sleep.” I jump off of the table, and get back to my drawing. Ghost gets as comfortable in his seat as he possibly can. Wasting no time to getting to sleep.
An hour and a half pass by. Ive filled the entire page with drawings. Ghost is sound asleep- the door starts to open. Shit. “HEY-“ I greet the person at the door loud enough to wake ghost up. “your back early,” I turn to the door. And ghost hurriedly wakes up. “(reader).” ‘The butcher’ greets me back, waving one of his hands stiffly at me. 
“uh- can we have a few more minutes?” I rush out as the large man starts hauling in his cart into the room. He stops in his tracks. Slowly turning to look at me. “your time is up.” fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck “yeah but… i-I I was- I was starting to get somewhere with my… interrogation.”
“he was starting to talk about his- uh his family and-“
“the boss doesn’t want to hear about his family.” He cuts me off
I look to ghost, and then to the man in front of me. “yes but-“
“why are you wasting my time (reader)?”
He cuts me off again.
I mumble and apology. I really shouldn’t have fucking done that. Shit, all cause I wanted to show ghost my stupid drawing.
He leaves his cart next to ghost, who has started hyperventilating. “you gave him bandaids.” He points out. “I didn't want him to bleed out.” I  had already thought of an excuse. “I didn’t say you could give him bandaids.”
“yeah but he was probably gonna die”
“I didn’t say you could give him bandaids.” He turns to me. “yeah and the boss didn’t say you could kill him,” I retort.
He picks up a pair of pliers, holding them so tight his knuckles turn white. Hes threatening me. Fuck. “im sorry, I just didn’t want valuable intel to die.” I soften my voice, trying to de-escalate the situation. He turns back to ghost. I start to leave. “your not aloud to leave.” He snaps his pliers a few times to emphasize.
“come on man-“ I turn around towards him, my voice breaking. I don’t want to be here. He hums a bit, snapping his pliers a few more times. He doesn’t respond. “ill get you those drugs you wanted.” He stops humming, and lets the air fill with silence. “alright, you can leave.”
I practically run out of there. I feel bad. I feel bad for ghost. I feel bad about having to steal from the med ward. Shit. I really wanted to show him my drawing. I bet he would have told me it was cool. I get to the showers upstairs, and I wash all of his blood off of me. Then I go to my room. I put the drawing next to the first one. Hopping onto my bed.
If I get caught stealing ill be as good as dead.
hiiiiiiiii i see you made it to the end again, blushes
if everything goes to plan there should be at least five chapters of this fic when im done
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pupstim · 1 year
HRM I've been thinkin on it a lot on like Bad wondering what the right thing to do as a parent and I've not looked more into what other people but wanna just throw my 2 cents in. It'll be under the cut because it is a little bit heavy
Hrm this is just me thinking aloud and I might be getting jus a little bit personal but what really struck me was Bad asking what the right thing to do is. It's a moral conundrum and one I've had to scrabble with myself. What's the right action to take like with helping someone or figuring out how best to help them.. talking with my therapist though she's never said what the right thing to do is and when I asked her she said because really people are like so complex and multifaceted that the right thing to do with one person isn't the right thing to do with another. So there isn't really a right thing to do. Instead just the best thing to do and that's completely up to you.
That being said though I do think the best thing for Bad to do with Dapper is to talk to him about it. I know most of Chat wants Bad to respect Dapper's privacy but... I dunno... It just feels like all of Dapper's actions are a cry for help. Dapper knows he can talk to his dad about this but Dapper also has Bad's trust in coming to him, and Dapper is really worried about the wrong word getting out. Bad has Chat and it kind of seems like Dapper knows the Federation somehow is able to know whats going on with Bad when Bad's live. HRM This is hard for me to articulate.
I think Dapper is feeling like he HAS to keep this a secret to prevent the Federation or someone else getting this information about this potion. He's worried the info will leak out and obviously the less people know the better. Plus it sounds like in his own way he's trying to protect Bad and Pomme (and the thoughts of maybe he is being coerced by the federation) So anyway I think he's feeling like he has to keep this a secret but he doesn't want to. He wants Badboy to find out about this and ask him, He wants Bad to dig deeper and find out more and help him. To me all of Dapper's actions, at least from an RP perspective is a call for help. Which is devastating.
Just... He kept the book Bad read in the beginning for so long, adding more and more onto it and just putting off burning the book. It became he's going to burn this book after a few pages, after 10 pages, after 20 pages, after he finds a way to give it a proper farewell just... He put up these super secret documents right where Badboy is in his own room, he changed the shed so much that Bad couldn't have helped notice, he left the clipboard and blueprints where anyone could see it, he's come to talk to Badboy about this like 3 or so times I think.
And yea I know from a meta perspective most likely this is just Dapper's Admin trying to lay out some clues for Bad to investigate but purely from an RP perspective its just... This really feels like Dapper trying in some way subconsciously asking Bad for help. He feels like he has to carry this burden all on his own, he's always held as the most responsible one, the one that has a plan, the one that has the most resources and is considered a genius and one that OTHER PEOPLE always go to. He doesn't feel like he has the luxury of asking someone for help, maybe even especially because Bad is becoming unglued after the election but he's also just a lil kid. He's like 3 months old and still a kid and a baby but he HAS to do this even though he doesn't want too. Even though he desperately wants his Dad to come in and help him. Just... yea...
tl;dr I think Bad should ask Dapper about it because Dapper is asking for help in just about all ways except outright and he clearly needs it.
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borntoocry · 2 years
𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞.                  e. williams
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part 3 of 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐦𝐞 | part 2 
summary: Ellie and YN ‘talk’ after the fight. 
warnings: smut. cut me some slack, I haven’t written smut in so so so long. probably since my robin Buckley phase last summer (it wasn’t really a phase, I still find her sexy as FUUUUUUGGGG). 
a/n: im so gay. also, go look at the playlist I made for this story! the post is here
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“You are a fucking idiot,” Ellie whispered as she shut the bathroom door behind you. She pushed you onto the toilet and you obediently–and drunkenly–sat down. Your face ached and you couldn’t help but touch the areas that shocked your entire body.
You groaned. Your index smoothed over your nose and you hissed. “Fuck me, did she break my nose?” you asked.
Ellie bent down in front of you and removed your hand from your face. She inspected your nose from left to right and sighed at the impact Madelaine had on you. “Don’t think she broke it,” she said. “Maybe just punched the shit out of you though.”
“Can I see?” you questioned.
She shrugged. “It’s your face.”
You wobbled up and grabbed the counter, pulling yourself up and in front of the mirror. You moved in to closely inspect your face and you fell forward, purposely slamming your face against the glass. You deepened the pain running through you and cried.
“What the fuck,” you whispered. “She fucking scraped my cheek and fucked up my nose. And to think I started liking it.”
“You look fine,” Ellie said from behind you. She placed her hands on your shoulders and pulled you back, reminding you of your reflection once more. “You look kinda badass.”
“Fuck you.”
“What?” she laughed. “You might get a little scar on your cheek from her rings and your nose–it’s fine! You look good.”
“Yeah?” you cried.
“Yes,” Ellie assured. She rubbed her fingers along your shoulders and tried to fight off your tears beside you, but she failed. Tears streamed down your face and a deep wrinkle formed between her eyebrows. She was never great at the sight of girls crying, but she tried with you. “Don’t cry,” she whispered. “Why are you crying?”
“Because,” you cried. “I just knocked out your girlfriend and I left for a reason! I was going to work on myself. No drama. Only peace. I was going to be a peaceful bitch. But on my first week back I fucking knock your girlfriends lights out!”
“Okay,” Ellie dragged. “But she deserved it. You were containing peace.”
“Well that went just fucking great, didn’t it,” you exclaimed sarcastically.
She chuckled. “Sit down,” she began. “We have to clean you up and I know a First Aid kit is in here. I’ll clean you up and take you home.”
You shook your head. “I’m fine. I just need to wash my face.”
“Sit down,” Ellie said once more, this time with a deeper and much more serious tone.
“Fine,” you hissed and took a seat. You leaned your head back and stared at the white ceiling. Your world was spinning and at the moment, it wasn’t the alcohol or the weed. It was the bad decisions and the way you already broke a rule you never set nor spoke aloud. You simply kept it in your mind: Be peaceful and do not fight with violence. You were a failure and you could do nothing about it. You continued proving yourself wrong and it hurt like a motherfucker to realize.
“Stop that.”
“What?” you asked.
“You’re overthinking.”
“No I’m not, I’m trying to fall asleep.”
Ellie scoffed. The cabinet door slammed shut and she set a first aid kit on the counter. She opened it and took out an alcohol wipe and a cotton ball. She grabbed your chin and tilted your head down, forcing your curious eyes to open and look at her. She was carefully looking at the damage; that wrinkle between her brows drawing your attention. She looked cute and you might’ve just kissed her if you kept your eyes open. But instead of staring at her, you shut your eyes again.
“You falling asleep?” she asked.
“Nope. Not anymore. Should I?”
The sound of packaging being torn open slammed through your ears and the smell invaded your nostrils. You could already feel your tears rolling in. “Maybe,” she replied. “This will sting.”
You groaned. You didn’t want to sting. You wanted peace. “Can I like… grab your hand or something?”
“You can't,” she replied. “How am I supposed to clean you up?”
“I dunno’.”
“Grab my waist then.”
You answered by placing both hands on her waist. You drew circles on her toned stomach with your thumb and patted her back with the rest of your fingers. You pinched her waist when she cleaned off the blood. You hissed and bit down on your lip as hard as possible.
“Quit that,” Ellie reprimanded. “You’re making yourself bleed.”
“Okay well it fucking hurts,” you exclaimed. “You could have just used water.”
“And how will I properly clean it if I just use water?” she asked.
“I’m sure something else would do the trick. Something that wouldn’t hurt.”
“I’m supposed to use alcohol, okay?” Ellie said, stopping your bickering. “Hydrogen peroxide would sting, saline solution would prick you a bit, soap would do the same, and I can’t just slap your face with neosporin if you haven’t been cleaned up. So be a big girl and calm the fuck down while I fix you up.”
You rolled your eyes and continued holding onto her. You pulled her in closer as she dropped the alcohol wipe and picked up neosporin. She dotted some onto your cuts and clean-yet previously-bloody nose.
“There.” She capped the neosporin and stuffed everything back into the kit. You watched her crouch down and place the box back into the cabinet, your eyes glued to the shirt that kept riding up her back. You could see a sliver of her boxers and felt your throat close up. Ellie always brought out all of the nerves hiding in your body. You were a wreck no matter what she did, or didn’t do, or intentionally do–or whatever. “Staring won’t make the pain go away,” she interrupted.
You chuckled. “I can’t feel the pain when I’m staring at a hot person.”
She scoffed. “God, you’re stupid.”
“Hate on me all you want, I’m having a good time right now.”
“Good time after you punched my girlfriend?”
“Your bitch punched me first,” you sneered.
Ellie shook her head and ran her hands up her face and through her hair. She leaned against the wall across from you and stared you down. “What is it with you and calling her a bitch?”
Your mouth parted but no words came out. Your pupils, blown and pitch black, took a moment to splatter across your eyeballs. You couldn’t see what in the hell happened to Ellie. She had just been complaining about her girlfriend and how she could break up with her soon due to your return, but now she was defending her. They were still girlfriends, but from what Ellie described, she hated her.
“Ellie…” you muttered. “C’mon.”
“You keep calling her out of her name and it’s getting annoying. Why don’t you just chill?”
You shrugged. You rubbed your hands along your thighs to warm yourself up and get out. You stood up and took one last look at yourself. Red, slightly purple, and cross-faded.
You reached the door handle and pulled it open, turning only to say bye to Ellie. “I don’t really get you,” you said. “I don’t know if you want me or her by the way you’re acting right now. But thanks for the help. I won’t need a ride.” You walked out and tried shutting the door, but Ellie slammed it open. You groaned but continued walking through the crowded house. You didn’t know what the hell was happening but you were tired and in pain and on two different drugs.
“YN,” Ellie shouted behind you. “You can’t just say that and fucking leave.”
You laughed. Your hands hovered over your face as though you were rubbing them across your skin. You couldn’t, because you had patches of makeup on. You could have done it anyway, as you were bloody and bathed in alcohol, but you didn’t want to smudge your mascara. That was somehow your worst problem.
You tried to get away from Ellie, but you had forgotten she was probably a gym rat by now. She grabbed your wrist and pulled you into a random room that housed nothing but boxes and one singular lamp. It was already on before you entered, which had you worrying for Dina and her house of sorority rats.
You groaned and leaned against the thumping door. “What?” you hissed. “I don’t know what you want me to say. I won’t apologize for calling Madelaine a bitch.”
“Because you’re what? Jealous?”
“Jealous?” you spat with anger dribbling out of your mouth. “Jealous? Really?”
“That’s what it sounds like,” Ellie answered.
“You are one dumbass girl, oh my God!” You wiped your aching mouth and dragged your skin as far as you could. You were angered enough to pull your skin off if possible. “Ellie,” you began as you walked up to her, “I am not jealous of her. I am trying to get you to notice that she isn’t good for you, which is what I thought we were just doing! You were just complaining about her and saying how she didn’t kiss the ground you walk on. You were just asking about my thoughts on her. What the hell happened in ten fucking minutes?”
“You don’t get it,” she said.
“Yeah, well I’m trying to.”
Ellie looked directly into your eyes and drilled her large and dark pupils into yours. “You have so much to say for someone who probably hasn’t been in a relationship since we broke up.”
You let out a manic laugh. You wobbled back and held your stomach tightly before you yacked out your insides. “Fuck you Ellie.”
“What? Am I wrong?”
You returned her evil stare. You shrugged. “I fucked people but there was never a relationship,” you whispered through the loud bass ricocheting off every wall. “I didn’t get into a relationship because…” You shut your mouth and passed a limp finger over your lips. You had no reason as to why you were single. You could have gotten with the first person you slept with, but you chose not to. You were clinging to the hope that Ellie would find you, or you would return and she would take you back as if nothing happened. But none of that happened. So you just fucked people and ended up alone every night.
“So you don’t know a single thing anymore. Your mind has resetted since two years ago.”
“You’re great at making people feel like shit,” you whispered. Your eyes were brimming with tears and you were finally back against the door. “Maybe nothing has changed since I left.”
Silence swallowed the room and you both sank to the floor as if it had engulfed your lungs with the noise. Ellie sat against a tall pile of boxes directly in front of you. She held her knees and you sprawled your legs out, hitting the toes of her old sneakers. Ellie’s chin was placed atop her hands and she looked across at you, where your beaten face was dripping onto the floor.
No one spoke. You were too busy wiping your tears away and Ellie couldn’t bear her shattered heart that made her entire body writhe. You wanted to speak but you knew the sound of crying left Ellie speechless. She couldn’t respond to you if you were crying, therefore you sucked it up and looked back at her.
“I know you want to say something,” Ellie said after fifteen minutes of radio silence.
“I’m fine,” you mumbled.
“Say it.”
You inhaled the smell of alcohol mixed with air and said, “I thought we changed.”
“We did,” Ellie answered. “But you just came back and we’re both angry. And we’ve been drinking and smoking and we’re not thinking straight… Whatsoever.”
You chuckled through tears. “Yeah,” you said. “We are definitely not thinking straight. Oh my God.” You pulled up your knees and dipped your head between them. You caressed your ears as best as you could to mask the head breaking sound. You could only hear your laugh.
You felt like shit. The alcohol was mixing with the weed and although you’d done this before, it was different. You were a crying mess, you had just been in a fight, your ex-girlfriend looked sexy and you couldn’t do anything about it, and your face was fucked up. It had been an intense couple of hours and all you wanted to do was sleep.
“Hey,” Ellie whispered loud enough for your muffled ears to hear. She couldn’t have been whispering. She slightly lifted your head and she came crawling over to you. She raised your head from between your knees and held your cheeks in her hands. “We’ll be alright. I promise.”
You nuzzled your face to feel her skin prickling yours. Her hands were warm and she smelled of wood and a little bit of alcohol and weed. The smell was more intoxicating than drugs and all you wanted to do was– Ellie pulled you into her and you melted. Melted into her just like chocolate. She pulled you down onto the floor where she laid on her back. She held you against her rapid-beating chest and you placed your hands besides both sides of her head. You slid a leg between her thighs and lifted yourself up to where you looked down at her and her spackled skin.
“You changed a lot,” you said.
“Hm,” Ellie mumbled. She placed her hands on your waist and gripped you. “How?”
“You don’t see your muscles?”
“Didn’t think you’d notice.”
“Oh well I fucking noticed. And your hair.”
“It’s shorter.”
“And hotter,” you whispered.
She laughed. “Is that all?”
“I like staring at your boobs through this tight ass shirt.”
“Oh god,” she whined and scrunched her nose. “My boobs, really?”
You nodded. “You forget I’m obsessed with boobs. They’re my favorite part of a woman’s body.”
“And have you been touching some since you left?” she curiously asked.
“Yes,” you said. “Never as good as yours, though.”
She nodded. Her gaze moved down to your lips and she parted her mouth. She looked as though she would eat you whole. But all she did was ask, “Did you only sleep with girls?”
A ball of confusion emerged in your throat and you bit down on your raw lip. “No…”
“Fuck,” Ellie moaned and threw her head back.
“But they never made me come. They all had little dicks and big attitudes.”
“And that’s supposed to make me feel better?” she asked.
You shrugged. “You only ever gave me life altering orgasms. My legs never shook for longer than a minute with these people.”
“You weren’t being fucked right,” she stated.
You nodded. “Sadly. This pussy hasn’t been domesticated for two years, baby.”
She laughed. Then her face fell. She pulled you closer as she sat up. You sat on her lap now and her hands were still wrapped around your waist. Her eyes would not leave your mouth, no matter how badly you wanted her to look at your eyes. Or anything but your lips.
“I missed you.”
“I know,” you answered. “I know you did. I feel like we’ve told each other this already.”
“Maybe. I don’t remember.”
You ran your hands up her body and onto her shoulders. You remained that way for a silent minute before she smoothed her hands up your back. She raked her fingernails down your back as well, and grabbed your ass on the way to your thighs. You trembled.
“I miss fucking you,” she whispered.
You giggled. “I do too. You used to try and act like you were the biggest top ever. Fucking liar.”
“I was,” she retorted.
“No,” you whispered, “You weren’t. You liked being fucked like a ragdoll, don’t you remember?”
Ellie pulled you closer and dragged her nose along your neck. She breathed against your neck, forming goosebumps along her path. She found your ear and kissed it, drilling her words, “I might remember,” into your eardrum.
You groaned. You held her head there and writhed against her as she kissed and sucked on your neck. You would regret this in the morning, you knew you would. Ellie hadn’t yet said the words, “We’re through,” so the relationship still hung in the air. But Ellie felt so good, and you missed her lips and her body and her fingers. So you shut your eyes and let her grab and kiss you.
Ellie nudged your chin up with her nose and began kissing along your jaw. She peppered kisses up to the corner of your mouth and when you grinded harder onto her leg, she engulfed your lips.
“Fuck,” you mumbled into her mouth.
She pulled you down onto the ground again and rolled you onto your back so she hovered over you. You scratched at her hips and made sure a leg was between her thighs. You pulled her harshly so her core met your thigh and she let out a loud sigh.
“Fuck me,” she cried. “I miss you.”
You hummed. “You just gonna sit there and look that hot or are you gonna start dropping some clothes?” She laughed and grabbed the edge of her shirt. She pulled it off her body and threw it onto the floor beside you. Your mouth fell open. “No bra? You’re naughty.”
She rolled her eyes and looked down at your wandering hands as you engulfed her tits. You tried sitting up but she knocked you back down with her hands around your neck. She leaned down as you played with her nipples and kissed your open mouth. She prodded at your tongue with her own and you slightly lifted yourself off the ground. But once more, she pushed you down.
“Don’t move,” she reprimanded, and slowly inched her way down your body. She kissed your neck and collarbone and scratched at your shirt. “Now sit up,” she said, and you did so. You removed your shirt and pushed it to the side. Ellie now peeled your bra aside and massaged your tits. You tried holding in your moans, but you simply couldn’t. Your moans must’ve been motivational to Ellie because she began grinding onto your thigh.
“You’re so good,” you said. “You’re so good with your stupid fucking mouth and your hands and lips.”
She chuckled, sending vibrations down your body to your core. She hummed and continued licking and sucking your nipple. She had enjoyed this part about sex with you, she had said it herself every time you’d fuck: I love your tits, baby. Sucking on them and watching you fucking melt into me. She was a demon when it came to foreplay.
You wanted her fingers deep inside of you, but you also wanted yours so deep into her that she scrunched up your nose and begged you to let her finish. It was a beautiful sight that made you wetter than a waterpark.
The wetness between your thighs was becoming entirely too uncomfortable and all you wanted was to feel her pussy against yours with no fabric between you. Just pure skin and folds. But you were on the floor full of dusty boxes and one singular lamp.
You stuck to fondling her boobs and gripping her ass and Ellie stuck to sucking on your tits and littering you with hickies. That was best for the time being, but as you grew impatient–and even wetter–you pulled her off of you and pushed her onto the ground again. You scooted down to her jeans and began unbuttoning them. You eagerly pulled them off and whined as you were met with her boxers.
You caressed her thighs and pinched the skin that met the fabric of her boxers. “You gonna pull them off or are you just going to stare.”
You shook her head and stood up. You unbuttoned your own jeans and pulled them off, kicking them right where hers laid. You sunk back down onto the floor–right overtop her left leg. Your core met her bare leg and you winced. You were overstimulated and overly horny, which made you a… mess.
You began rocking against her thigh, landing a loud moan against Ellie’s shoulder. “Fuuuck,” you cursed. “Fuck, I missed this.”
“Yeah?” Ellie groaned. You nodded and slipped your hand into Ellie’s boxers. You rubbed a quick circle around her clit and she moaned as loud as she could into the damp air. “Fuck me, YN. Fuck me with your fingers, I need you.”
This was both a motivation to rub her clit and ram your fingers into her, as well as grind your hips down onto her thigh.
Good thing you were great at multitasking.
You rubbed her clit and the noises that bounced off the walls was like music to your ears. That and the sound of Ellie’s quick breaths beating against your chest. She held you tightly against her as best as she could as you fucked her.
It was great–the fucking–until a shiny bright personality walked into the room and screamed.
You instantly pulled your hand out of Ellie’s boxers and held your wrist limply behind her back. You held her to you while trying to preserve as much juice on your fingers as you could.
“Dina!” you exclaimed. “Knock!”
“YN!” she replied. “Don’t fuck Ellie with the door unlocked!”
You groaned and dropped your forehead onto Ellie’s shoulder. “Okay well can you get out?”
“No,” she said. “Get dressed and let’s go tell Madelaine the fucking bitch that Ellie is officially done with her. Because you are considered a homewrecker.”
You rolled your eyes and nodded. “Fine. Fine, just give us a sec.”
“I’ll be standing outside of the door to make sure you’re just changing and not resuming your little… Devil’s Tango.”
“Okay! Get out!”
Dina squinted at the both of you as she walked back out. This left you and Ellie topless, annoyed, and needy. You planted a quick kiss on her forehead and pulled away. You clothed yourself in silence and only said one singular sentence when you were both changed: “We’ll be fine.”
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@evangelinejxy @machetegirl109 @zahrwa
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Chapter 18 of ‘Artificial Wingman’!
For the full story, click Here!
Jason landed soundlessly into the apartment, his tired mind already running through different plans and scenarios. Absently, he tugs his helmet off, running his fingers through his hair as he thinks. He knew that the most logical move would be to get ahold of Harley somehow. If they wanted any chance of finding this teen before something more dangerous happened, then they needed to talk to Harley. Worst case, she dropped Demon Brat's boyfriend off somewhere in Gotham, leaving him to wander around by himself. 
Best case, she still had him and was just hiding out somewhere, licking her wounds. If that were the case though, he could only hope that the teen hadn't wandered off on his own. It would be a pain to have to comb through all of Gotham's security and CCTV footage for a teenager who had no idea where he was going. 
'I'm getting ahead of myself,' he shook his head. 'First things first, I need to tell Jazz.' Sighing, he turns towards the living room, pausing when he doesn't see the bright ginger haired girl anywhere. "Jazz?" He called out, turning towards his kitchen. Nope, also empty. 'Maybe she's in the bathroom?' The man started down the hall, glancing through the darkened doorways of his apartment. All the doors were opened, lights off, just as they had been when he left. 
A bit worried now, Jason hurried back to the living room, rounding the couch in hopes that she had just fallen asleep or something. That wasn’t the case, he found. The couch was empty.  A curse slipped from him when he realized she was gone. "Fuck. Fuck!" He groaned, dropping his head into his hands. Damn it! Why did he think for a second that the girl searching for her missing brother would just stay put? 
"What are you groaning about, Todd?" Damian asked, slipping through the opened window. The teen must have gotten impatient, waiting for him to return to the roof. 
"She's gone." Jason mumbled. The teen scoffed, crossing his arms as he leaned against the wall, his foot twitching slightly.
"What did you say? I cannot understand your mumbling. Speak up!" Demon brat demanded, glaring. 
"I said, she's gone." Jason finally lifted his head from his hands, shooting his own glare at the teen. "She must have figured out he left before we got back or something." Turning his back on the teen, he searched the small space for anything the woman might have left behind. She had to have left a clue, a note or something…
"...bingo!" Jason exclaimed, opening the laptop she had left on the coffee table. Lifting the screen had made a piece of paper fall out, yellow paper fluttering to the floor. He was quick to grab it, crumpling it in his hast as he unfolded it. 
Damian hurried over, his impatient yet disinterested mask forgotten as he leaned over his brother's shoulder. After a moment he huffed in annoyance. "What does it say? I can't see it over your shoulders." He hissed. Despite the tense circumstances, Jason felt a small smirk work its way onto his face.
Part of Jason wanted to tease his brother, but the smarter part of him didn't want to be on the business end of a sword. Instead, the man shifted to let the teen see it easier as he read Jazz's neat cursive script aloud. "Jason, if you're reading this, please don't be too mad. The Dot on the screen started moving, and I'm going after it. I'll try to meet you back here. If I don't, these were Danny's last coordinates." Below her neat scrawl, was a set of numbers. He really didn't have to think very long on where those coordinates would lead him. 
"Looks like Harley took Danny home with her. Well, that makes things a bit…" Jason turned to look at his brother, only to find the teen gone. He didn't have to be a genius to know where he went. "...easy. Damn it!" He groaned again, fighting the urge to bang his head into something. Why did everyone want to disappear today? Was it too much to ask that someone just sit and talk a plan out? ‘Oh jeez, he was starting to sound like Bruce.’
The man ignored the thought, not really wanting to go down that particular path right now.
Pulling out his phone, Jason scrolled through his contacts until he found the one he wanted. Pressing it, he held his phone to his ear, praying she would pick up. 
"...Hello?" A feminine voice asked cautiously. 
"Hey, Ivy." The man couldn't help the small, tired grin that wormed its way onto his face. "So, um. Funny story."
The city was a blur beneath Damian as he moved, jumping from rooftop to rooftop and running telephone lines effortlessly. He didn’t bother to look where he was going, trusting his instincts to keep him from stumbling as he parkoured through Gotham. Sweat beaded on his brow, trailing down his mask before drying in invisible, sticky paths due to the harsh wind beating at his face. 
Distantly, in the back of his mind, a voice that reminded him too much of his Father urged him to stop, to slow down and think this through. Logically, he knew that the best plan of action would be to get into contact with Dr. Isley and Quinn first, to check on Danny’s well-being and to garner permission to enter their home and retrieve him. But he wasn’t running on logic at the moment, was he? 
It was almost like there was a haze over his mind, blocking all rational thoughts. Vaguely, he wondered if this was the true effect of the Love Potion, but the thought fled as soon as he acknowledged it, driven off by other, more prominent thoughts. All he could truly focus on were thoughts about Danny. Most of those thoughts were worrying for the teen’s wellbeing, if he was okay, if he had been hurt at all, if he had eaten anything. His other thoughts were about what he would do if he didn't like any of the answers to those questions. ‘It wouldn't be that hard to sneak into Arkham and break Joker's spine, would it?’
After what felt like hours of movement, but in reality was probably no more than half an hour, Damian spotted his target location. Harleen Quinzel and Pamela Ives's apartment was on a less populated side of town, and covered in lush plant life. More vegetation than any other part of Gotham. From an outside perspective, it was probably beautiful, the old brickwork covered in climbing and creeping flowers and ivy, small gaps exposing windows and occasional reddish gray blocks. 
A flash of red hair was all the prompting he needed to hurl himself at one of the blank spots of the building. Sadly, the teen's dramatic entrance was slightly dampened when the woman slid the glass open, allowing him to twist and roll gracefully to his feet. The instant he regained his balance, he turned towards the woman, body thrumming with anxious energy even as he stared her down.
Isley blinked at him, her phone held loosely in her hand. After a moment, the shock faded from her expression. The woman sighed and raised the phone back to her ear. "You really weren't kidding, were you?" She asked, sounding exasperated. From where he stood, Damian couldn't quite make out what was said in return, but he did recognize the voice. It would seem that Todd had made that phone call after all. "Listen, thanks for the heads up, but I have to go." Isley turned back towards the opened window, pulling it shut again with a sharp click. "Yeah, I'll call you back in a bit. Take a nap or something until then, alright? You sound exhausted." She hung up, turning back to Damian. 
She looked like she was about to say something, probably to address Damain's presence in her kitchen, but the teen was quick to speak first. "Where is he?" The teen demanded. 
She gave him a look, one that he was sure she had given Quinn before, before she sighed. "Of course that's what you're here for." She muttered to herself, bringing her free hand up to rub at her temple. Straightening her back, she gestured towards the doorway. "The kid's in there. But there's something you should probably know-" He was off before she could finish her sentence. She growled something behind him, clearly annoyed, but followed him as he darted through her apartment, coming to a stop just at the doorway to the living room. There, laying on an old couch with his head in his sister's lap and two hyenas nudging persistently at his hands, was Danny. All at once, the overwhelming anxiety that he had been feeling all day faded, leaving a content and relieved sort of exhaustion in its wake. 
He stood there, shoulders slumping as the tension they held was released, and only really acknowledged the fact that there were other people in the room when he saw a shadow shift out of the corner of his eye. Immediately his guard was up, the teen snapping around with a knife in hand to glare at the person sneaking up behind him. Instead of flinching or running like people usually did when confronted with his blade, Harley Quinn blinked surprisedly before bursting out into loud gales of laughter. The sudden noise caused Jasmine to jump, her gaze darting around for the source of the sudden commotion, which in turn made Danny jolt, the teen letting out a grumbling whine at the unexpected movement. Shooting Quinn a scathing look, Damian turned back to the siblings.
"Danny?" He called out cautiously, inching his way closer to the couch. 
Almost immediately Danny shot up, lilting dangerously to the side as he straightened up to the best of his ability. Jasmine gave a startled yelp as her brother began to tumble off the couch, hands outstretched to catch the teen. Damian was faster though, dashing quickly across the remaining space between him and the halfa. Gripping the teen's arms, Damian was quick to pull him back up. Danny didn't even seem to mind that he almost fell to the floor, instead throwing his arms around Damian's shoulders in a poor imitation of a hug, pulling the vigilante closer with surprising strength. "Robin!" He trilled happily, awkwardly clutching Damian as close as possible. "Wh'n d'ou get h're?" His slurred words had Damian shooting his sister an alarmed glance.
Jasmine, who had stood up and moved out of the way, gave him a tired smile. "He was dosed with something. I still don't know what though." She scratched the side of her head in a confused sort of gesture. "Had to be a strong substance, to affect him like this." 
Damian nodded, shifting Danny around a bit so that he could sit in the woman's recently vacated seat. Danny twisted with him, spine turned at what would be a worrying angle for a normal person in an effort to keep his grip on the vigilante. With a bit more shifting and cajoling, both teens finally settled down comfortably, Damian sitting upright while Danny laid with his head cushioned in his lap. 
With a sigh, Damian let his eyes rove over Danny's relaxed form, taking in the multitude of bandages that covered his wrists and ankles. "Are you alright, Danny?" He asked the teen. 
Danny nodded happily, a rumble emanating from his chest. "Y'eh," he grunted, tilting his head down to look over his own body. "I th'nk so. Don' feel an'thing." His hand inched its way up his arm to pick curiously at the bandage wrapped securely around his wrist, only stopping when Damian's hand settled atop of his.
"Don't pick at it." Damian scolded him, bringing his hand back to his side and gently flicking his forehead. The teen pouted in response. The both of them were so entranced in their own little world that they didn’t notice the odd tension that had filled the room around them. 
“M’kay~” Danny hummed, snuggling closer to the teen. “M’glad y’re h’re.” He smiled widely up at him, flashing his fangs. “I m’ss’d you!” 
Damian couldn’t stop the soft smile that replaced his usual scowl. “I missed you too.” He admitted quietly. If the giggle he got in response warmed his face a bit, well, there was no one to call him out on it. And it would be heavily denied if they tried.
"Should we go?" Jazz whispered, having crossed the room to stand next to Harley. The woman merely shrugged in response. Jazz took that as a yes, quickly turning and leaving the room. Harley didn't move from her spot, watching the lovebirds on her couch as Robin fussed over the hazed teen. 
"Harley!" Ivy hissed from the doorway. Harley stuck her tongue out good naturedly, but still didn't move. Her girlfriend rolled her eyes before coming forward and grabbing her wrist, gently tugging her from the room. 
"Aww! I wanted to watch the lovebirds!" She whined, digging her heels in half heartedly. 
"Yeah, I know. But I really don't feel like bandaging you up when Robin runs out of patients and stabs you." Ivy retorted, depositing Harley on one of the kitchen barstools. 
Jazz glanced over at her, one eyebrow raised. "Is it bad that I can't tell if that was a serious statement or not?" The redhead asked, a tired grin prominent. 
"Ehh," Harley shrugged. "Not really." She stretched out across the kitchen island, tapping a random pattern out on the marble. "But he would have probably stabbed me. He's a very stabby kid." Jazz didn't look the least bit alarmed by that statement, only sighing as she nodded. 
"Yeah, that doesn't really surprise me. Danny seems to have a bit of a type, when it comes to people who could probably maim him." 
Well, there was most definitely a story there. "Oh?" Harley asked, tilting her head playfully. "I don't suppose you would be willin' to tell me 'bout that?" 
Jazz seemed to ponder it for a minute before a sly smile slipped onto her face. "You know what? Yeah, I'd be more than happy to tell you. A little sisterly payback seems to be in order anyways." Oh yeah, Harley liked this girl. "So, a few years ago, Danny had a crush on this girl named Valerie…"
Jason sighed, letting his head drop into his hands. Relief warned with his exhaustion as he set down his phone. Damian was already there, probably holed up in a corner of Harley and Ivy's apartment scowling or something, so at least he didn't have to worry about that. Ivy had told him to take a nap, which he was seriously considering at the moment. 
Sure, he had lasted a lot longer on much less than three or four hours of sleep, but with all the twists and turns the past day or so had taken? He really wanted to take a break. Besides, it wasn't like Damian and his dimension hopping boyfriend would be going anywhere else tonight. Meeting up with them could definitely wait until tomorrow.
A tap on the window had him regretting being hopeful. Of course, the moment he decides to actually take care of himself for once, the universe throws him a curve ball. 
'Maybe they'll go away,' Jason thought hopefully, sitting completely still. The silence stretched on for a few minutes before a second, more forceful tap sounded. The man couldn't help the groan that escaped him as he lumbered to his feet reaching the window in a few long strides. 
All the harsh words that itched to get out fled his mind the moment he opened the window. Sitting patiently on the fire escape, with a well worn messenger bag and a classic black duffle bag, was Cass. She was trusted up in her vigilante best, mask hiding whatever expression was on her face. 
Jason fought the urge to bang his head on the window seal, feeling his nap opportunity slip further and further away. "Please tell me there isn't a head or something in there." He quipped in lieu of voicing any of his grievances. 
Cass's shoulders shook slightly with her silent laughter as she shook her head no. "No heads," she signed. "But something too important to keep at the manor. Damian left this in his room." She held up the messenger bag. "And this is something important." She gestured to the duffle. 
Sighing, Jason stepped back, letting his sister slip through. "I don't suppose I could get a nap in before we talk, could I?" He questioned.
She tilted her head in thought. "I don't see why not." 
"Awsome." Honestly, he wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth. "Will you be okay alone here?"
"Yeah," she perched on his couch, grabbing the TV remote and flipping through the channels. "Take your time, Jason. You look tired." 
This was why Cass was his favorite sibling. "You're the best." He told her earnestly, already heading for his room. 
She smiled behind her mask as she watched him leave, waiting until she heard the door close with a soft click before turning back to face the TV. 'Yeah,' she thought, pulling her mask off as she settled more comfortably into her spot, ‘I know.’
(I know that there are probably some spelling/Grammar mistakes, but its okay because I tried my best!)
For the lovely person who made the prompt for this story, as well as the amazing people who follow along!
@halfblackwolfdemon @manapeer @xxwintrynightzxx @im-totally-not-an-alien-2 @blu-lilac @academicpurposes @secretdestinywerewolf @passivedecept @naluforever3 @postit-nope @spiteismymiddlename @2t-productions @plague-daisy @feet-achy @bubblecookies16 @thesapphiredragon13 @justwannabecat @magicalcollecter @adeniumdream @amuseofminds @lupagrim @readerkayden @dr-syko-pharm-4 @ladythugs @angelheartgamer @markthespot68 @kyrianclawraith @michikoy-yuki @servasvictoria02 @your-emo-nightmare @vala-dreams @scarlett-green-rose @t1dwarrior-of-earth @charlie-the-frogie @akikoyuii @mysticalcomputerdetective @roseuniverse999 @im-totally-not-an-alien @thefearfullone @weird-droplet-309 @jaytriesstuff @raventao @jacquelynwinchester @dragongoblet @tlise21 @longlivethefallen @the-archer-goddess @temple-of-jalebi @adepresseddwightsblogofjunk @plainly-colorful @the-legalHe-shipper @49saltpeppershakers @igotafewbadideas @tumbling-darkling @sparklygardenbouquet @sarcastic-yami @blueneko9314 @starscreamlover @liedboutmurder @do3y @roze-realm @some-mildly-happy-human @yinari-uchiha @azuera @chaoticmistake @altairsarts @kawaiikenna @heartsong18 @thetoyboxs @tricksovertreats @mnemovoid @lim4b3ans @horribly-lost-and-gay @keimiwolf @dryeraseslime @joey394 
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Ghost x Reader Fem
Hot day…
Part 2
Éste relato en español 
Summary: You are in the base and the heat is slowly killing everyone. You decide that despite the heat it is good to train, after a short talk, Ghost simply left the Gym without saying a word to you.
You study the content of what you said but you can't find the problem.
Sitting on the small cot in your room, you finished tying the slippers on your feet. Getting up and collecting what you thought you would need to go to training you left your room, the heat hit you like an invisible wave.
-Uff yes, it's heavy today- you continued on your way, several of your colleagues complained about the heat, many giving up the idea of training, "Perfect, I'll have the gym to myself" a smile painted your face, there weren't many women in the Forces 141, so it was a bit uncomfortable at times, like using the gym, so you would train either very early in the morning or late at night.
You arrived at your destination noticing that the large gym was empty, "Yes!"
You went straight to the treadmill to warm up, humming a pop song you liked, paying no attention to your surroundings. You got on and turned on the music, it was nice to train with something other than rap, rock or metal and no headphones for a change.
After 20 minutes of running on the treadmill at medium speed, you stopped and let out a big sigh of contentment—it was a good way to start a workout, with no one rushing you or asking how long until you were done.
But your good mood turned into discomfort, even though you were wearing a cotton outfit, the sweat gathered and ran down the valley between your breasts, -In this situation I wouldn't mind if they were smaller- you took the hand towel out of the belt and you tucked it under your white t-shirt.
-I suppose it could be a tactical disadvantage- a thick voice replied.
You gasped and turned around, but you knew who it was, how not to recognize that voice... there he was... standing with a 50 kilo record in his hands casually.
-Lie… lieutenant!- I was mortified, you quickly took the towel out from under your shirt -I didn't hear him coming- you said great… This was awkward, not to mention that you were sorry for Lieutenant Simon Riley.
-I've been here for the last hour- he replied as he adjusted the records on the bar.
As if that was a sign you hit your muted music device. -Sorry… I didn't realize, I'll use headphones- but you soon realized that you didn't have them in your pocket.
-It doesn't bother me, the music was low, continue if you like- he finished hooking the records and lay down on the padded metal bench.
-Okay- you went in the opposite direction and loaded the press, today it was time to train legs, you turned the music back on but with the lowest volume, you could hear the noise that the lieutenant made when training with the bar, that added to the noise that your training produced, really light, although it was not the intention the environment became heavy, you could not stop thinking that if you did an exercise wrong the Lieutenant would make you notice...
You had recently been in the 141 squad, so you tried to do everything in an excellent way, finished the four series you put the safety and let out a long breath, the sweat running down your body again -God, that was hard!!!- , you exclaimed aloud, a loud noise interrupted you, the Lieutenant was sitting on the bench breathing heavily, and you saw the bar he used with 100 kilos misplaced on the support. You approached quickly when you saw his agitated breathing.
-Lieutenant! Are you alright? - Your tone came out a little sharper than you wanted.
-It's nothing a sudden cramp- he rose to his full height to accommodate the discs that apparently he was no longer going to use.
"I've been here for 3 months and he still hasn't called me by my name, and he hasn't told me that I can use his code name either, I have to show him that I'm worthy of being in this squad" Trying to have a little more talk with him, you did a comment about your diet to prevent cramps
-You know, when I enlisted in the force, one of the trainers told me that he should always maintain a good level of potassium in my system-
While you were wandering in your talk, Ghost had moved away and had his back to you, he slightly raised his mask to drink water.
 -So when it's training days I usually always include 2 large bananas for breakfast, but if I have time I prefer to add milk and make a smoothie, it's delicious and a great way to start the day- you commented happily.
But his eyes went wide at hearing the last part of your comments and he ended up spitting out the water and choking in the process.
He had reached his limit for today with you, it was one thing to see you wear training shorts, the sweat running down your neck, to hear your exhausted sighs between exercises, but those innocent comments…
Without being able to say anything under his mask and he left the gym.
He went as fast as he could, he never believed that wearing the mask would be beneficial in this situation his face was terribly red, his thoughts running through his mind, and blood pumping to his crotch... Better to leave than have a bad time or do something stupid which included “exercise” with you under him, he almost ran over Soap and Gaz in the process of reaching his room and going into the bathroom for an ice-cold shower, the heat he felt had nothing to do with the stupid weather.Disconcerted, you saw how the Lieutenant left like lightning, without even saying anything to you.
"Damn! I think he hates me" dejected you collapsed on the gym floor. You saw Soap and Gaz walk in moments later, both in sports gear -What happened? I saw Ghost walk out of here like a blur- Soap crouched down next to you.
You looked at him with a frown -You lied to me, you said that Lieutenant Riley would like me in less than a week and yet I can barely stand a few comments before leaving annoyed- you clutched the towel in frustration.
Gaz sat on the bench where Ghost had been moments before -Did you say something that could make him angry?-
-No, I didn't- you started to tell them everything that happened since your arrival at the gym and Ghost's escape.
Soap and Gaz exchanged glances over you, and immediately they both shook their heads, Soap put a hand on your shoulder, -Don't worry, believe me Ghost doesn't like you- He went to Gaz's side and let out a loud laugh.
You left the gym very confused and frustrated. Not understanding what was bothering the Lieutenant.
It's the first thing I write for Ghost, comment if you like it...
if it has errors english is not my main language
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nordic-language-love · 11 months
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1 chapter of Minna No Nihongo (read aloud: 2 chapters)
Japanese Ammo video x1 (はず)
Italki lesson (60m)
Jujutsu Kaisen x1
Listened to the radio
NHK Easy News x1
Wrote a journal entry
Handwriting practice
Listened to the radio
Read (some rather long) messages from NaNoNorge
News article x1
Kveldsnytt x4
Rødstrupe (10% this week, 14% total)
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I started working with Minna No Nihongo this week. I have to say, I much prefer it to Genki! I really hated all the romaji in Genki. MNN has zero romaji and zero English in it, which makes it a much more immersive experience. Kinda wish I'd got it sooner actually! I'm just going through the early chapters atm even though it's way too easy because I hate doing chapters out of order/skipping chapters. But I'm reading aloud to get a little speaking practice in too.
(Also, how exciting to think that I used to find all of this super hard to remember and I struggled a lot! Just think, there's gonna come a time where the stuff I'm struggling with now is gonna be super easy and seem really basic!)
I came up with a learning schedule for Japanese. I'm still tweaking it a bit, but it worked out pretty well this week. Once I'm happy with it I'll probably share it and talk about it more :)
I'm trying to get into the habit of watching Kveldsnytt while having breakfast, plus I'm reading another Harry Hole novel at the moment so I'm keeping up the reading practice. I'm still focusing primarily on NaNo and so some days I'm just not in the mood to read on the train like I normally do, but I'm not kicking myself over it. NaNo's going pretty well! This coming week I have an italki lesson for the first time in a while, so I'm really looking forward to that :)
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whyareyouhere66 · 2 years
“Only love can hurt like this”
-Paloma Faith, “Only Love Can Hurt Like This” 2014
Ponyboy Curtis
10:38 PM. 
I think that’s what time it was, though I wasn’t too sure. I didn’t really care, either.  
The old cemetery was real cold, though the aged leather jacket thankfully gave me some warmth. But it wasn’t enough to stop my hands from shaking, as I clumsily set the stacks of paper on to the dirt in front of Johnny’s headstone. 
It was a real small headstone, but you could still see his name engraved into it, even in the darkness that lay in the cool air. I was real surprised when I found out he was getting one, and even more when I found out Dally got one too; I wasn’t sure we could afford it. 
The box I had left here was still there, dug slightly into the dirt. I had gotten paranoid it would’ve been stolen or something, so I dug a small hole for it- right by the stone. 
Opening the box, I shakily grabbed the stack of papers and set them on top of more papers, all of them jumbled up into the small box. 
I’d kept some money from my last birthday, had been saving it for months. There was an old book at the library, that I’d remember seeing one time. An old poetry book, didn’t cost much, but I needed to be sure I could have it. 
“Stay gold, Ponyboy…”
…Have it for him. 
Whenever I found a poem I thought Johnny would’ve liked, I’d rip it out and save it for later. I used to read ‘em to him aloud, as if he could hear me. I still do sometimes. 
But now I mostly just stack them all into the box, hoping they’ll get to him some other way. 
I don’t have as much to offer Dally, we weren’t really into all the same things. Sometimes I’d leave a fresh, unopened deck of cards for him, maybe a couple of cigarettes. 
A lighter, some coins, even. Anything I could really find. 
Once Two-Bit came with me, after he found out about the visits. I didn’t let him see the poetry box, I knew he wouldn’t get it. 
But we did play some cards. I sat closest to Johnny’s grave, he sat on the other side of Dally’s, and we played over his grave. 5 cards went to Johnny, 5 to Dally. They never had a proper turn. 
Tonight I didn’t have as much for him, just an empty coke bottle and a couple of coins. He had his own box too, though it wasn’t as big as Johnny’s was. But it was buried the same way. 
As I opened the box, dropping the bottle and change into it, I sighed. 
Then I stood up, took a couple of steps backwards, and just looked. I looked at them. It felt like they were looking at me. I hoped they were, though it does sound a bit creepy. 
Their graves had been dug right next to eachother, headstones only a couple feet apart. I hoped they were together now. Otherwise, that would really just be a waste. 
Eventually, I spun on my heel and I left. My hands dug into the pockets of Dally’s brown leather jacket, rubbing the pads of my fingers against the sides, as if I would find anything tucked into the fabric’s seams. 
“Dally’s birthday’s coming up…” I mumble, to no one in particular. “Maybe I could get him something..have Two swipe a blade for me…yeah…”
I pass by the lot, now empty. It wasn’t always empty. 
“But would it be better if I pay for it myself..?”
I pass the same lamp post, the one from the night. The gun shots. Man, were those some loud gun shots.
“I barely‘ve got any birthday money left..”
My eyes can’t help but dart to the stains left on the sidewalk, the deep red ones that were never properly cleaned. They looked brown, now. 
I pause, and shake my head. I shouldn’t be talking to myself like this, the neighbors’ll think I’m crazy. 
I  walk forward again, getting closer and closer to the park where it all happened. The fountain. The switchblade. It all was here. 
Just as my feet try carrying me past it, I stop. 
The fountain was surprisingly quite pretty, though burdened with the deep brown stains that cursed the ground and ledge of it. It’s water was clean now, less red. 
I find myself sitting on the edge of the old, rusty merry-go-round, lost at the sight of the fountain. And I realize- this is the first time I’ve really allowed myself to think.
3 lives had been taken. I was there, when that happened. I saw it. 
“It all happened so fast…”
Tears began to burn my eyes, I tried stopping them. Truly. 
I’m not a crybaby, I’m not. I’m not a crybaby, not a crybaby, not-
“-A crybaby…” I whimper, hugging myself through the cold. 
My face felt hot, my eyes salty. I wanna go back. I want to go back way before all of it.
Way before classes had started.
Before Sandy cheated. 
Before mom and dad died. 
Before those stupid quizzes. 
Before the fights with Darry. 
I wanted those times back. So, so badly. 
Where could I get them back?
My entire body felt cold, unstable. Like it could crumble to the ground at any moment. 
Yet it still felt so real, so ‘there’.
Where the fuck do I go from here?
@the-height-of-life. [you seemed interested in it on your blog? Idk man-] @sophie-i-guess13
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yooniesim · 4 months
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Hey nonny, thank you for telling me this! And thank you for considering my well being 💜 I blocked the names out of your ask because... I'm going to be honest, I've never heard of either of these people, I have no idea who they are. I tried checking, but nothing comes up, so I assume the one that didn't deactivate has me blocked out of fear. This isn't unexpected- I've dealt with plenty of irrelevant blogs like this before. They would probably like a mention, but can't handle direct confrontation in DMs. They can only manage anons that agree with them, blow smoke up their asses, and make them feel good about themselves for what they're doing. It's much easier to delete anons that disagree with you so no one else sees them and only post the ones that do, creating whatever narrative you like. Don't worry- I'm well-versed in the tactics of a full-time terminally online hater lmfao. But that being said, off the top of my head, I'm drawing a blank for who they could be or what, if any, content they create. So if anyone is trying to start drama for clout... well, we know who it is, don't we?
(This reply got pretty long/rambly and isn't all relevant, so I'm going to throw the rest under a cut- sorry nonny!)
...I think it's very strange, that even when I've been mostly on hiatus for quite a long time, and haven't done shit, I'm still such a strong presence in so many minds. I don't quite get the obsession, though I imagine it's jealously and frustration that I somehow keep existing when they'd prefer I didn't. Which- I'd kind of understand if it was someone I had history with, but I really have no idea who these particular losers are, so I can only conclude that it's just a need for attention...? I don't know.
Look, I'll say right now, it's fine if someone thinks I'm not friendly. It's alright if they make posts, and answer a bunch of anons about me. People can spend their limited free time however they want, and if they choose to spend it on me for... some unknown reason... that's their right, even if it is odd in my opinion. I don't read these posts. I've been here long enough and pissed off enough people that there are quite a few bigots and generally not well-adjusted people obsessed with me that go to ask boxes to spew untrue nonsense, that morons like the OPs you mentioned gladly eat up, and there's nothing I can do about that. As much as simblr loves to pretend otherwise... it loves drama and toxicity, it loves hating on acceptable targets when they get the chance, and they really love a good circlejerk. It thrives on finding the next conflict, especially if it gives them the chance to feel superior to someone else. That won't change, and as long as it's like that, people like the OPs and posts like the ones they made will continue to exist.
And as much as it sounds that way, I'm not coming at this from purely a lecturing standpoint. I know this so well because, yes- as I've mentioned many times- I've been in the same position of that toxic feedback loop. Drama on the internet can be a rush, it can be fun, it can be exciting. Even if you start with good intentions and consider yourself to just be speaking the "truth", it's easy to fall into a narrative that is much more toxic than you realize. That's something I had to recognize in myself, take a step back, and think about the fact that it isn't about the truth, it's about word choice and choosing your battles. Every little issue and every little thing you dislike about someone else doesn't need to be spoken aloud, doesn't need their own post. But that's what I was doing, to the detriment of myself and those around me. That, yes, was very "unfriendly" and abrasive.
Though I also think that people here don't quite understand the... social pressure that gets put on people that speak out or share their opinions here. I started out just wanting to talk about one issue- paywalls, largely- but once I started, I quickly started to get requests for my opinions on other topics. (A lot like I still do now, but I delete or ignore 90% of them) And since I was very blunt/free with my opinions, people started to seek me out more and more. I got a lot of attention very quickly from people that had much larger followings, and much more of both fans and haters, than I did. They started vague posting me or mentioning me outright, which sent waves of asks my way, and much more attention very fast. From the very jump, I was getting ostracized/demonized by one group of people while getting low-key idolized for being honest by another. I'll admit, it was nice in some ways, but very stressful in others. Suddenly, instead of just sharing my opinion online to a void, it became that people started treating me as some voice of reason, or that I had an obligation to speak for them. I got more and more asks about various topics, from paywalls to bigotry to minor "injustices" from simblr #4632. I started wanting to back off as it got bigger, but there was always something happening, always something someone wanted me to talk about or "bring awareness" to, always someone poking & prodding me whether it was with good intentions or bad ones. It was overwhelming. I felt like I couldn't focus on, well, the sims, because how jarring was it to be in a serious conversation about racism and then posting random gameplay? And the lines between what was an important issue and what was just petty drama started to blur more and more. What was necessary for me to say, and what was just plain mean? It became more and more difficult for me to distinguish in this public persona I had created.
I started spending more time on discord in hopes of backing off some, but that only made it worse- I was inexperienced with having my own server, incompetent really, and the same problems I had here were magnified ten times there. Anything I said or did was under a lense by both the people that agreed with me and those that didn't, the negative and "truthful" environment I advertised only invited more toxic and drama-seeking people to me, and while I did my best to hide behind my blunt/straightforward exterior, it got scary very fast. There was a lot of pressure to do everything "right" at all times, to always be there as a mouthpiece for others and for the "truth", but no one can be correct all the time. And the pressure, along with the weight of what was happening to me offline, was suffocating. It was as if people were always watching me, waiting for me to slip up or be vulnerable so they could get to me, and I couldn't keep that from happening forever. Because quite a few people didn't like me for being annoying or negative or speaking my mind, when I started getting targeted by bigots more extremely, it was celebrated by quite a few big people here, even those that claim to be advocates and allies. They reveled in the chance to get at me in some way, even if they had to rub shoulders with blatant racists and transphobes to do so, and if there was anything that woke me up to the true nature of drama and "activism" here, it was that. The truth was, drama wasn't an unfortunate consequence of speaking your mind about important issues- it was the goal. Everything I had ever done or said was just a spectacle, entertainment. I had deluded myself into thinking I was doing something important, when I was actually just being laughed at and used. There's nothing being done here that's truly important. It's fuel for egos, and something to engage in when you're bored. That's it. But I was the dumbass sitting there at the center of it all, the face that could take it all while everyone else disappeared once they were bored.
But by the time I realized this, well. I was already in quite deep, wasn't I? I guess the question is, how do you extract yourself from a bad situation, and a bad reputation for that matter, when your personality and intentions have already been decided and declared by others? It's been several years now, quite a while since I recognized where I was going wrong and set on the journey to cut that shit out of my life, but it still persists and I don't expect it to go away anytime soon. Truth is, there's quite a few people that really, really dislike me, even people I've never interacted with, and there's absolutely nothing I can do to change their minds. There's people that I haven't mentioned or thought about in years that still mention me regularly, publicly and privately. I've apologized many times, decided to move on and never mention them again, and stuck with that- despite never receiving apologies or the same grace myself. And at the end of the day, that's all I can really do. Change my behavior and try to ignore the people that can't do the same for themselves.
I do find it funny you say that the post is about me trying to create drama for clout, though- because let's be honest, that ship has sailed lol. I've gotten more "clout" for drama than anyone else on simblr ever has, I definitely don't need to say anything to get more. I've been blocked and/or mentioned by almost every simblr, especially paywallers and every "popular" blog that's been forming parasocial relationships here since they were 12, on every platform, from tumblr to twt to discord to anon sites. I can't keep my name out of people's mouths even when I do my best to mind my damn business. When you're that infamous, you really don't have to try, do you? ��� and since I've never heard of these OPs, I can only assume they're hoping to get a little advertisement from me, which I'm not about to give them lol. at this point, I'm trying to do a reverse on the clout. Let's bring it down a little, how about that 😭
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3584-tropical-fish · 1 year
It’s become a bit of a trend of mine to write epistolary novel style fics that require tons of research for really mundane things. So, I’ve found myself with one regarding Ms. Perumal trying to find her kid, featuring phone calls varying in their level of helpfulness, anagrams, and a brochure about fishing locales.
Also written under the cut if a Google doc is not ideal.
Letter, addressed to Reynie Muldoon, Boatwright Academy, 100 Copernicus Road, ST0087
Dear Reynie,
Congratulations on your acceptance to Boatwright! I’m so proud of you, and I always will be. I sent a package with some of your belongings and a couple gifts from me, but do let me know if there’s anything I missed. And, of course, you are always welcome to reach out if you ever need me. You know where to find me.
I know this is a big change for you, but I also know that everything will turn out perfectly fine. You can do this! You’ll learn a lot more from the Boatwright Academy than what I could ever teach you, and I know that this will be a great opportunity for you. Though, as I’ve said, I’ll be here if you ever need me.
Much love,
Ms. Perumal
Phone call, Ms. Dipika Perumal and Boatwright Academy Offices
MAN: Boatwright Academy, how can I help you?
MS. PERUMAL: Good afternoon. I recently sent a package to Reynard Muldoon, a new student at your school? It just arrived back at my house, and I wanted to make sure that he was alright.
MAN: Things don’t just get sent back, maybe there was a mistake in the address you wrote. Nothing to worry about.
MS. PERUMAL: I’ve double checked it multiple times, I am certain that I haven’t made any errors.
MAN: Well, if there wasn’t a mistake, I’m afraid I can’t help you any more. We–
MS. PERUMAL: You’re the only ones that can! I cannot reach out to him any other way.
MAN: (sighing) What was the name? I’ll see what I can find but I can’t guarantee–
MS. PERUMAL: (frustrated) Muldoon. M-U-L-D-O-O-N. Reynard Muldoon.
MAN: Ma’am, I’m sorry, but–
MS. PERUMAL: This is the Boatwright Academy, isn’t it?
MAN: It is, but our policy states that we are not allowed to disclose any information about our students to non-family members.
MS. PERUMAL: (increasingly firm) Be that as it may, I sent a package to one of your students. Why was it returned?
MAN: I have no idea.
MS. PERUMAL: He is a student there, is he not?
MAN: Ma’am, there’s no Reynard Muldoon enrolled here.
MS. PERUMAL: There must be a mistake. Tell your headmaster that I’m on my way to talk to her in person.
(call ends)
Security Feed, Boatwright Academy Headmaster’s Office
(The HEADMASTER sits at her desk, typing something on a computer. After a moment, there is a knock at the door.)
(MS. PERUMAL enters and sits in the chair across from the HEADMASTER.)
HEADMASTER: (curtly) Ms. Perumal?
MS. PERUMAL: (just as curtly) Yes.
HEADMASTER: You are lucky that I agreed to see you, Ms. Perumal. You have no affiliation with anyone at this school, but we deemed it more beneficial to everyone involved if we prevented you from… (pause) breaking in.
(The HEADMASTER shifts to fully face MS. PERUMAL and places a paper in front of her.)
HEADMASTER: A class roster, M section, of course. You’ll notice there is no “Muldoon”.
(MS. PERUMAL picks up the paper and skims through it. She frowns.)
MS. PERUMAL: He would’ve been admitted just a few days ago, are you certain this is up to date?
HEADMASTER: (sighing) Yes. I printed it just this morning. Our records are updated upon any student’s admission. Reynard Muldoon is not a student here.
(MS. PERUMAL rifles through her bag and pulls out her own paper. It is a newspaper from a week or so prior. She places it on the table.)
MS. PERUMAL: What’s this then? (reading aloud) “Are you a gifted child looking for special opportunities? Boatwright Academy is offering gifted children a chance to participate in a special testing day. Children who pass the test will be offered a full scholarship to Boatwright Academy”. My student attended these exams, and, following their conclusion, I received a call that he had been admitted into the Boatwright Academy. (with force) Why is he not here?
(The HEADMASTER frowns.)
HEADMASTER: Those tests are run by an affiliate of ours. They informed us that no one had passed the tests this year.
(MS. PERUMAL looks stricken.)
HEADMASTER: Is there anything else?
MS. PERUMAL: No, I— no. (She clears her throat.) You’ve helped me enough. (MS. PERUMAL stands.) Thank you for your time.
HEADMASTER: Of course. I hope everything turns out well.
(MS. PERUMAL nods, turns, and exits the room.)
(feed ends)
Phone call, Ms. Dipika Perumal and The Stonetown Gazette Offices
CAROLINE: You’ve reached The Stonetown Gazette, my name is Caroline. What can I help you with today?
MS. PERUMAL: I’m looking for the name of the person or organization who ran the ad that offered scholarship opportunities for the Boatwright Academy. They did not include clear contact information and I’d like to get in touch.
CAROLINE: I’ll see what I can find, ma’am. What did the ad say, exactly?
MS. PERUMAL: In large font, “Are you a gifted child looking for special opportunities?” It was quite unique.
CAROLINE: Ah, yes. I remember that one. Quite unique, indeed. Excuse me for a moment while I look for this, I’m going to put you on hold.
(soft piano music)
(several moments pass)
CAROLINE: Unfortunately, I only have a name, no further contact information, though I’m sure you could reach out to the Boatwright Academy for further details. It was paid for by Cheri Turpintown. Spelled C-H-E-R-I, T-U-R-P-I-N-T-O-W-N. Anything else I can do for you, ma’am?
MS. PERUMAL: Oh, no. That’s all I needed. Thank you very much.
CAROLINE: Of course! Have a nice day, now.
MS. PERUMAL: And you too.
(call ends)
Stonetown Registrar, List of Local Business Owners
Affiliation: Boatwright Academy
Phone: None
Address: None
Journal, Owned by Ms. Dipika Perumal
Cheri Turpintown
Placed the ad
No known address
Connections to Boatwright
Possibly the test proctor
truth in ceinoprw
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power cin inc
truth in power inc
Power in Truth Inc.
Stowntown Registrar, List of Local Businesses (Shell Companies)
Owner: Withheld by request
Phone: None
Address: None
PO Box: Power in Truth, Inc.
PO Box 2733
Stonetown, USA 02748
Security Feed, Stonetown Market (Video Only)
(MS. PERUMAL approaches a storefront. This store belongs to the FISHMONGER.)
(The FISHMONGER greets her and asks a question. MS. PERUMAL shakes her head and asks something in return. She speaks for a moment, making some gestures with her hands, and eventually points toward the salmon displayed behind the FISHMONGER.)
(The FISHMONGER frowns and shakes his head.)
(MS. PERUMAL says something more, and swiftly walks away and out of sight.)
Brochure, Stonetown Fish and Game Commission: Fishing Locations
There are a multitude of picturesque locations in and around Stonetown that are perfect for fishing. The waters off the coast are known for their catches of mackerel, sea bass, Atlantic cod, and plenty of other species. Beginners can find many coastal areas or freshwater ponds and rivers in the area, while more seasoned fishers can try their hand at sites off the coast.
Due to the importance of fishing on the local economy, fishing licenses are required in almost all shorelines and waters off the coast of Stonetown. Licenses can easily be acquired from the Stonetown Fish and Game Commission offices, but caution should still be taken to not fish in dangerous areas or private property.
Should one wish to spend a weekend casually fishing without a license, the Beauchamps Woods, central to one of Stonetown’s many public parks, is home to a two-mile stretch of shoreline where unlicensed fishing is permitted. For convenience, multiple trails lead to various spots in the area.
[image: A map of a section of Stonetown’s coast, which is surrounded by Beauchamps Woods. Multiple trails are marked in colorful lines throughout the area, most leading to various spots along the water. Across the water, on the edge of the map, one side of Harbor Island is pictured. Boxed in red, centered on the map, is a section of coast that is labeled “UNLICENSED FISHING AREA”.
This particular brochure copy has multiple trail ends crossed out but one, which seems to have a good view of Harbor Island, is circled in several frantic rings.]
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rokiibrok · 2 years
I just saw your post abt requests and I RAN-
do you mind writing some mammon x genderneutral reader fluff about both pining for each other while also being in doubt about their feelings being mutual/oblivious? ♡
You are my first request🙊so hopefully I did you justice.
“This is too cute,”  Asmodeus held up an outfit in front of me.
“Should I ask him out?” I blurt out. “He’ll probably say no anyways- but maybe I should try,” Asmodeus lowered the outfit down to his waist.
“Don’t over think it to much. Trust me when I say he likes you,” Asmodeus puts the outfit down behind me on my bed then returned to my closet. “We might have to go shopping,” Asmodeus whispered to himself as he continued to rummage through my clothes.
“Why hasn’t he said anything then? It’s been years,” I pull my knees up to my chest. The tip of my feet hanging off the bed. My arms wrapped around my legs to keep me stable.
“The same could be said to you,” Asmodeus spoke. “He makes it painfully obvious that he likes you. It’s embarrassing really” Asmodeus pulls out an outfit,a small smile on his lips. “The flush face,constant stuttering, and don’t even get me started on the constant talking about you,”
“Does he talk about me constantly,” I unintentionally lean in towards Asmodeus direction. “Like how does he talk about me?” One of my foot slipped from the bed. I nearly fall but catch myself before hitting the ground. All while Asmodeus watched with a disapproving gaze. He cleared his throat and held up the outfit.
“Let him come to you at the dance,” Asmodeus lays the outfit down on the bed.
“What if he doesn’t?” I readjust myself on my bed.
“He will,trust me. Then once y’all are dancing lean in real close and ask him out,” Asmodeus watched me,waiting for a response.
“Leave I have to get dress before we’re late,” I change the topic and pick up the outfit Asmodeus picked for me.
“Okay,okay, but just in case I have a back up plan for you,” He said right before closing my door.
I leave my room looking for any of my brothers. Though I only find y/n leaving their room.
“Did they leave us!” I spoke aloud,looking around.
“They left us?” Y/n walked up towards me. My eyes wandered on their own,admiring the outfit y/n chose.
“I-it looks like it,” I look away not wanting to be weird. I hate how nervous I feel around them. How my heart flutters like butterfly wings. It feels like I like them- which I don’t. After all why would me,The Great Mammon have any interest in a dumb human. Even if they are somewhat attractive. My eyes glance over almost like they have a mind of there own,again. “Should we walk there together then?” I catch them looking at me too. Could they like me? It’s not like it would matter. “I can drive us,” I say leading the way to my car. “Why’d they leave us what the hell,” I run my fingers through my hair. Each strand gliding against my finger.
“That might be my fault,” Y/n sits in the passenger seat.
“Hm? How?” I hum in response and start driving towards Diavolo castle. Y/n fiddled with their fingers,looking down at the floor.
“That’s not important it’s something me and Asmo talked about,” Y/n spoke slowly, almost fumbling on certain words. It grew silent, it wasn’t awkward though. It was comforting in a way. I didn’t feel like I had to feel the silence. I almost caught my self wanting- no,needing more of this comfortable aura. Only one person able to give me that though. One person that makes me feel like I can be myself and not feel judge. If I could I’d keep y/n for myself,lock them in my room and relish in everything they’re willing to offer. But not only is that a little unhinged we’re just friends. Nothing more, they see me as a friend and so do I. Plus it would be odd for such an amazing demon like myself to date a mer human. I park the car and get out.
“You think Lucifer going to kill us for being late?” Y/n says as I open the passenger door.
“He better not, they left us,” I hold my hand out for y/n to grab. I felt my chest tighten as their fingers gripped my hands. Humans are all so small. I wanted to hold y/n hand just a little longer. “S-so we should go inside,” I pull my hand away too quickly. Was it too quick? Why do I care?
“Here they are,” Solomon waves at us as we enter the open area.
“You’re finally here,” Diavolo smiled wildly,his sharp,white teeth on display. “Almost didn’t think you two would make it,” The room was filled with all Seven Brothers, Diavolo,Barbatos,Mephistopheles,Luke,Simeon,Raphael,Solomon, and thirteen. All chatting,eating or dancing. Everyone here to celebrate the exchange program working perfectly.
“Do you,” Mammon looked away from me,his voice low. “Do you want to dance,” He paused looking at me,his cheeks flushed.
“Yea,I’d like that,”
“Yea,I figured,” Mammon regains his cocky attitude. “Who wouldn’t want to dance with me,” He flashed his sharp fangs. We walk closer towards the music. I catch a glimpse of Leviathan sitting at a table on his phone,beside him belphegor asleep. The music change from upbeat to slow before the previous song could finish,almost as if it was planned. “Should we slow dance?” Mammon held out his hand,waiting for me. Without a word I grabbed it. He pulled me in close,our chest mer inches apart. The moment was intoxicating,I wanted to tell him everything,give him everything I had to offer. Though the fear of being rejected and only seem as a friend held me back. So,for now, I’ll enjoy this moment. This moment where it feels like it’s only me and him in all three realms. One of his hands wrapped delicately around my hand. As if he’s holding glass,any tighter and I’ll crack. His other hand on my back,keeping me close. I won’t say anything to ruin this moment but I’ll enjoy it. I rest my head on Mammon chest. His heart beat thumping with the slow rhythm. He laid his head on top of my forehead. Friends or not I felt like lovers in a Disney movie. His white hair tickled my forehead. He had no idea how tempting he is for me. Though I may not be a demon I am always tempted to give my every being. But for now I’ll wait,for him.
Sorry this took forever- but I really hope you liked it 🫶
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quoteablebooks · 9 months
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Genre: Young Adult, Urban Fantasy, Paranormal
Rating: 5 out of 5
Content Warning: Homophobia, Hate crime, Religious bigotry, Bullying, Racism, Self harm
Maeve’s strangely astute tarot readings make her the talk of the school, until a classmate draws a chilling and unfamiliar card—and then disappears.
After Maeve finds a pack of tarot cards while cleaning out a closet during her in-school suspension, she quickly becomes the most sought-after diviner at St. Bernadette’s Catholic school. But when Maeve’s ex–best friend, Lily, draws an unsettling card called The Housekeeper that Maeve has never seen before, the session devolves into a heated argument that ends with Maeve wishing aloud that Lily would disappear. When Lily isn’t at school the next Monday, Maeve learns her ex-friend has vanished without a trace.
Shunned by her classmates and struggling to preserve a fledgling romance with Lily’s gender-fluid sibling, Roe, Maeve must dig deep into her connection with the cards to search for clues the police cannot find—even if they lead to the terrifying Housekeeper herself. Set in an Irish town where the church’s tight hold has loosened and new freedoms are trying to take root, this sharply contemporary story is witty, gripping, and tinged with mysticism.
In case you don’t want to read this whole review, let me give you a tl;dr version. I loved this book as an adult, but it would have been my whole personality if I had read it as a teenager. 
Still here? All Our Hidden Gifts is a YA novel that follows Maeve Chambers as she discovers a deck of tarot cards in the dusky basement of her all-girls school and finds reading them comes naturally to her. However, as her popularity rises with her readings, it sends her on a collision course with her former best friend Lily. After a disastrous reading, Lily goes missing and Maeve starts to believe that maybe there is more to her natural ability to read the card than coincidence. As she joins up with aspiring actress Fiona and Lily’s older sibling Roe to figure out what happened to Lily, they discover that much darker and more powerful forces are working in the city of Kilbeg, Ireland.
Everything about this story is such a “me” book that I am surprised that I hadn’t heard about it before randomly finding it at a bookstore. There is witchcraft, tarot cards, interpersonal relationship drama, an urban fantasy that interacts with real-world issues, and a flawed main character who is trying her best. I can’t think of anything about this book that I would gripe about, though if you are more of a plot-driven reader, this could be seen as dragging in places. As I am more of a character-driven reader I was pulled into Maeve’s story and how she interacted with those around her. At times I wanted to shake her and other times give her a hug, but that’s what it is like being a teenager. 
I was so uncool that it never occurred to me that I might be able to climb the social ladder in middle and high school. That being said, I luckily played an instrument and therefore had a built-in group of kids that I at least had something in common with and did well in terms of academics. However, with my anxiety, I could see myself being like Maeve, desperate to fit in and have friends, even if it meant hurting someone else if I had an ounce of self-confidence. Who knew that low self-esteem had some perks? There is something so relatable about Maeve and her outbursts in an attempt to deflect from her fears and insecurities. While Maeve does not always make the best decisions, we have all been in a place where we have made them before. She is one of my favorite heroines. 
While this is a YA novel, it deals with heavy topics of homophobia, the rise of the far right, and gender identity. I feel that O'Donoghue carefully crafts the story so that these topics are handled in a serious way, but without taking on a lecturing tone. I really liked that none of these issues are magically fixed by the end of the novel, in fact, it is a rather ambiguous ending, but this is also the first book in a series. I appreciate an urban fantasy, especially a low-magic one, that makes a point to show that magic isn’t going to fix everything because some people are just horrible. I think that Roe’s whole character was beautifully handled and also that Maeve’s attraction to him doesn’t change or is even questioned as his gender expression changes. 
O’Donoghue also writes Maeve and Roe’s relationship in a way that made me kick my feet at times but never shies away from all the complications of Roe being Lily’s sibling. Roe is so kind and patient with Maeve but has no problem taking her to task when she needs to be checked. While everything is new, I can see them becoming a favorite couple if they stay together throughout the series. I also really liked Maeve and Fiona’s friendship and the awkward moments but also the genuine understanding they have for one another as well. When she is so jealous of Fiona at times reminded me of cringey memories from my own teenage years. 
Overall, I just really loved this book. I wanted to keep reading and see what was going to happen. The characters are lovable and the story is compelling. I have the next two in my shopping cart for when I need a little treat and decide to buy myself books. 5 out of 5
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hinatastinygiant · 1 year
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63 | Peter Pan
Pairing: Tokyo Revengers x Fem!Reader
Wasteland Masterlist
After I follow Y/N outside of the school, the two of us walk across the street towards the library and sit on the steps out front. "You're back," I then remark as she looks down at the ground beside her feet.
"Guess I couldn't hack it in that group," she shrugs.
"Is that the truth?" I ask, wondering what it was like spending time with people quite literally the opposite of The Wanderers. "Or did you leave on a whim again?"
"I'm beginning to sense you all think I have issues with ditching people," she shakes her head softly, trying not to smile as though it wasn't true. 
"You have a pattern of leaving and returning, Y/N, just like a boomerang. And I'm pretty sure you could relate that to abandonment issues..." I try to say gently without offending her.
"Seriously, can you just cut to the point of why you wanted to talk to me?" Y/N scoffs, brushing off the truth in my words. I don't really know much about her, just what Wakasa and the others have told me, but from what I do know there is definitely something she does not want to share. "How come you didn't tell the others where I was going?"
"Cause after you left I made up my mind, too. I want to join that group as well. I can't sit around here all day and worry about whether I'm going to overcome the night. They stay up every single day and I am so fucking tired of it. I want to be part of something different. Something that'll make me feel like I'm really alive, not just breathing," I explain to her.
"Koko, that's not a good idea," she shakes her head. "That group is fucking evil. They've done so much shit I can't even begin to explain it."
"I'm sure they have," I shrug, "but, like I've said, I made up my mind. I want to do something with my life since we're going to be here for possibly the rest of eternity. If doing terrible things keeps me alive, then so be it."
"Seriously?" she scoffs before shaking her head at me in disagreement. "And what would Inupi say about that, huh? You can't just turn your back on him like that."
"You were the one who already left! What the hell are you even saying? Besides, he's weak. This whole group is holding both of us back. You know that, it's why you left. I need to get rid of him," I sigh. As worked up as she makes me, I manage to keep myself calm so she doesn't find out I'm lying about having this all planned out. The truth is, I hadn't given it much thought since she last left but now that she's alive, I'm dying to know what being there was like.
"You can't just kill Inupi," Y/N then says rather loudly, forcing me to shush her like a child.
"What?!" she answers. "It's fucking true. He's like your family!"
"It's the only way, Y/N. I'm sick of this place. If you're not going to help me then fine but don't you dare get in my way!"
"Please don't do this," she pleads once more with widening eyes. "You don't have to do this."
"I've already made up my mind. What should you care? Once you find your friend you'll be out of here anyway, right?" I roll my eyes. But instead of giving me an answer, she walks away without another word. "See what I mean?!" I shout after her. "You're a fucking boomerang!"
Y/N tosses up her middle finger as she crosses the street without bothering to give me a moment's glance. 
DAY 25
The following afternoon Inupi and I go out for a walk around the surrounding area together. Up and down the streets we look for a body that might match Y/N's description but after two hours we have no luck. On our slow walk back to the school, Inupi starts to get on my nerves.
"So what do you think about Y/N being back?" he asks, causing a vein to stick out on my neck.
"What do you mean, what do I think? I think she's going to leave the second she gets what she wants out of us. Just like last time after we saved her damn life," I roll my eyes.
"No... That's not it," he hums, thinking aloud.
"Look, I don't really want to talk about it, okay?" I grumble.
"You know the reason why she left, don't you?" he continues to ask. I grip my gun, pissed off that he keeps bothering to ask.
I turn around, glaring at him. "What the hell are you talking about?" I scowl.
Inupi looks down at his feet. "I think you do. And I think, for some reason, you're not telling me," he asks hesitantly. My fists clench tightly, my anger boiling over inside of me. God, I really could kill him right now.
"Oh, and why would I not tell you? Do you think I'm hiding something from you? You're the one I've been with this whole time, not her," I snap, my voice full of venom.
"Because you're afraid," he says, looking back up at me.
"Afraid of what?" I ask him, confusion in my voice.
"Of her," he replies simply.
"Oh please," I roll my eyes. "In this world, there's far more to worry about than a girl who reappears every now and then."
 "Koko," he calls out to me softly. He's no longer looking in my direction but through my anger, I can't tell that his tone has changed.
"The hell would I have to be afraid of her for? She runs away from her problems instead of dealing with them like I do. That's not scary, that's stupid," I ramble on. I don't know what I'm saying anymore. It's like the words are coming out of my mouth before I even realize what they mean.
Inupi starts to walk ahead of me, slipping around a corner into a dimly lit alleyway. He's done arguing with me. Instead, something else is on his mind. Ahead of him is a dead body with several parts missing, as though it had been chewed off. He calls out to me, but just as I turn, he trips over a stubborn branch sticking out of the ground and falls to the hard ground. Ignoring the dead body beside him, I rush to his side.
I call out to him, hoping he is okay, but there's no response. Inupi had hit his head on the pavement below and was now lying lifeless with a large gash on his head, beside another dead body.
My anger immediately fades into shock when I realize what had happened. Tears fall from my eyes, holding his lifeless body, knowing that I had just lost the closest person in my life.
I can't remember how long I sat there, holding him. All I know is that it was well into the night before my tears finally stopped flowing and the stars came out to shine upon me. Some of the blood on his head was dried up or pushed away from my tears, but the large gash was still there.
His eyes were closed, and I knew he wouldn't be opening them again. I slowly backed away from him until my back hit the opposing wall. My mind raced with thoughts of what had happened here today. Quietly, I then left to get some backup from the rest of the group and Y/N to verify the other body. After all, there was no way I could cart them back to the school by myself. And some time away from Inupi's body would do me some good.
Wasteland Masterlist
Taglist: @pikagirl2001330 @romaka344
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