#I remember one Fuyupeko comic with a similar premise and got inspired
blastthechaos · 9 months
Zarc:Ray! Do you remember the new recent summoning mechanic?
Ray:You mean the Link Summoning? What about it?
Zarc:I got a new link monster to aid my pendulum summoning *Shows his new card* Say hi to Beyond The Pendulum, Beyond The Pendulum say hi too, she can see you
Beyond The Pendulum:Hello, you must be Masters Rival, a pleasure to meet you...it's like looking at a mirror
Ray:...Hi, I'm Ray Akaba, I'm Zarc's Rival...and Girlfriend
BTP:For now
Ray:What did you just-
Zarc:Let's not fight, anyways someone is calling me, so take this opportunity to talk to each other and get to know one another*Leaves*
Ray:...Ok, listen here, you got your place and I got mine, so let's try and stick to them, ok?
BTP:Scared that he replace you with me?
Ray:Ok, listen here you little bitch-
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