#I saw his rain idle and instantly *sigh* “...Here we go again.”
normiree · 1 year
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aliwritesfic · 3 years
The Night Shift part 5 (F!Reader x Frankie Morales)
Quick summary: You learn the meaning behind Frankie's nickname
Warnings: None, I think, please let me know if I need to add some <3
W/C: 1.7k
Spotify (mainly just vibes, some songs have meaning, also updated regularly)
Part 1 Part 6
The smell of cooking bacon made your stomach growl as you entered the diner on Tuesday evening. You hadn’t eaten much all day, just a piece of toast and a handful of stale cheerios. Frankie was in the kitchen, his back to you. Your throat dried at the sight of him, remembering what you had done and how you had fantasized about him only a few hours earlier.
“Hi, Frankie,” you said, pushing thoughts of what you wanted him to do with his hands out of your mind. Stop being such a hornbag! You scolded yourself. Then he set those dark brown eyes on you and your brain ceased to function. Could he see your secret written on your face?
“Hey,” he said, smiling up at you. “You look tired.”
You almost sighed in relief. Maybe he couldn’t tell at all. You grabbed the coffee pot and poured yourself a cup. “I didn’t sleep much today. I was . . . worried about the kitten.” It wasn’t a whole lie; you really were worried about the kitten. The vet hadn’t sent you any updates, and you hoped that was a good thing.
“Are you gonna keep the kitten, if she lives?” Frankie flipped eggs as he spoke and set up a couple of plates.
“I can’t,” you grimaced, “Kurt would never go for it. He’s not really a fan of pets.”
Frankie made a face. “Not even adorable kittens?”
“Not even then,” you sighed. “It’s fine, though. It’s not like I have the time to properly care for one. I’m here most nights and I’m so busy with housework during the day when I’m not sleeping that it just- it just wouldn’t work.”
You kept your tone light, aware that customers could be listening. You didn’t want to scare off any tips with how miserable the subject made you. Frankie seemed to understand, because he didn’t bring the subject back up.
You were surprised at how easily you two worked together. Completely in sync when you had to be, entire sentences seemed to be translated through quick looks and raised eyebrows. This guy is a serial complainer. Want me to do something about those frat boys? Can you pretty please make me one of whatever this lady’s having?
All too soon it was 5:30 and the morning crew was there, breaking the comfortable silence between you. You found yourself lingering again, although you weren’t sure what for. You didn’t exactly need to stay. But still.
Frankie was shocked to see you still there. He was pulling his keys out of his jacket pocket when he saw you, standing outside, shivering in the early spring air.
“Thought’d you’d be halfway home by now,” he said, but he was still pleased to see you. He had come to the conclusion last night that you had a boyfriend, he would respect that and not make any untoward moves on you. Friendship suited him fine, even if he did think your boyfriend was a bit of a freak for not wanting a pet.
“I wanted to ask you something,” you said.
“Go ahead,” Frankie prompted.
“How’d you get the nickname Catfish?”
At this, Frankie’s lips twitched. He hadn’t been expecting that. “Before we were deployed, the boys and I went on a fishing trip. Well, one thing led to another and I had a huge catfish on my hook. This was a catch and release type of situation, you know?” When you nodded, he continued. “So, I reach in this creatures mouth to unhook it, and the bastard clamps down! Whole hand, in its mouth! And the thing about catfish, is they don’t have teeth, so they can’t technically bite, but they suck. It was like my hand was in a vacuum seal. When I eventually managed to get it out, no help from the boys mind you, it looked like a giant hickey on my hand. So, that’s where the nickname comes from.”
You snorted with laughter, and Frankie began to laugh too. At the time, it hadn’t been funny but looking back, he knew he would have been laughing his ass off if it happened to any of the other boys.
“I think Santi got a photo of it, I’ll try and find it for you if you want,” Frankie said. You nodded eagerly, wiping a tear from your eye.
“Please do, I’d love to see it,” you said with a grin that made his heart do something it really shouldn’t. Frankie nodded, making a mental note to call Santi and demand that the bastard rip apart his house to find it if he had to.
You turned to leave, and before he could stop himself, he was asking “do you want a ride?” Friends gave each other rides when they needed it, he reasoned. You hesitated, and Frankie kicked himself. Of course he’d overstepped. You didn’t know him that well, he was just the fry cook.
“Uh, yeah actually. It looks like it might rain.”
As if you had summoned it, thunder rumbled low overhead. Fat drops of rain began to fall slowly painting the ground. Frankie jangled his keys and you both sprinted to his truck. He opened your door for you, and ran around to his side. He didn’t miss that you sat with your back ridgid, your hands curled so tightly your knuckles were white.
“You okay?” he asked, although you obviously were not.
“Yeah, no, it’s just . . . You’re aware your truck looks like a death trap?”
Frankie snorted. He was very aware of this, but he was also very aware of what was under the hood. He trusted this truck more than any fancy modern car. Still. He decided that this was the perfect opportunity to mess with you. Just to see how you responded.
“Have you ever seen The Fast and The Furious?” He began, and you raised an eyebrow at him, your face skeptical. “Tokyo Drift, specifically. Well, this truck won me the title of Drift King several years in a row. That’s how well she runs.”
“Oh, fuck off!” You rolled your eyes, but you were laughing. “That’s not even slightly believable.”
“Yeah, you’re right. But how cool would it be if it were true.”
You rolled your eyes again, but you were smiling as you did it, and Frankie counted that as a victory. You gave him directions as he drove, surprising him with how close you lived to him. Only a five minute drive away. How long had you been this close? How had he never noticed you in the neighbourhood? Had he been blind, all these years?
“Thank you,” you said quietly as he pulled up outside your building, a three story walk up with a faded brick facade. The rain was coming down hard now, and lightning flashed.
“Anytime,” Frankie said in a tone that he truly meant any time. You nodded and ran through the rain, disappearing into the building. Frankie idled for a moment, wishing he could call you back and kiss you goodbye.
But he didn’t, because it wasn’t decent and it wasn’t what friends did. Friends didn’t crush on their friend like a fucking idiot kid.
So Frankie drove himself home and drove all thoughts of your mouth out of his head. That was until he checked his phone, and saw a text from an unknown number.
Thanks for the ride, I really appreciate it :) sent 5:57AM
Frankie quickly saved your number in his phone, not taking the risk of losing it somehow. A second message from you buzzed through.
Oh and lunch on Sunday is at Taylor’s Bistro, on High Street if you still wanna come sent 6:01AM
Frankie wrote his message quickly.
Wouldn’t miss it x
He stared at it for too long, erased the x, replaced it with a smiley face and hit send before he could overthink it entirely. Then he remembered his promise to you, and called Santi almost instantly.
“Fish, what the fuck man? It’s four in the morning,” Santi groaned into the phone.
“It’s six you dope, but I need a favour,” Frankie said.
“No, man, nothing like that. Do you still have that photo of the catfish on my hand?”
“Yeah I’ve got a copy in my wallet.” Santi sounded more awake, and Frankie could hear his fancy espresso machine whir to life.
“Why do you- nevermind. Look, I need a copy ASAP.”
“What for? If it’s to destroy it just know I’ve thought ahead and I’ve got four physical copies and one in the Cloud.”
“No, nothing like that. It’s for a girl at work, she asked how I got my callsign and now I’ve gotta show her the photo.”
“Oh?” Santi sounded intrigued. “Who’s this girl?”
“A friend,” Frankie said a little forcefully. “She has a boyfriend.” As if that closed the matter. Apparently, it didn’t.
“Why should that stop you?” Santi asked. “You’re hot, I don’t know this chick but she’d be blind to not be into you.”
“Well, for one, my brain isn’t directly wired with my dick.” At this, Santiago scoffed. Frankie continued, ignoring him. “Secondly, she’s like, twenty five or six. She’s probably not into old guys.”
“You’re thirty-three, you’re not old. Also, chicks dig DILFs.”
“I don’t have a kid.”
“And yet you still have big DILF energy. I wonder if there are any little Francisco’s running around that we have yet to discover.”
“Shut the fuck up, man, it’s bad luck to say that kind of shit. Just get the photo to me, please.”
Santiago roared with laughter as Frankie hung up. Trust Santiago to work one of his deepest fears into conversation. Frankie wasn’t sure what he was more afraid of: having children, or having children and having no clue they existed. It wasn’t that he was against having kids altogether, it was just he knew he wasn’t in the right headspace to take care of someone who depended on him entirely. Some days he forgot to take care of himself, he didn’t want a kid to suffer. It wouldn’t be fair.
He brushed the thought aside as he climbed into bed. It was bad luck to linger on bad thoughts, at least, that’s what his abuela always told him whenever he complained about something as a kid.
He wasn’t sure why exactly he had told you that there was photographic evidence of a catfish latched onto his hand. Maybe he wanted to impress you? But no, he reasoned, there was nothing impressive about that. It was just plain embarrassing. He realised with a start that what he wanted was willing to do anything to hear your laugh again.
Taglist: @hnt-escape @sharkbait77 @1800-fight-me @annathewitch @darnitdraco @frankiecatfish
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arts-and-drafts · 4 years
Unexpected Delivery
(This is the start of the Big Brother AU! I made it in fic form since my hand was out of commission at the time!)
Cleo hummed absently as she finished up the last of the DNA samples for the cloning tubes. It was routine by now; she was nearly halfway done cloning the other hermits for her zoo, the growing duplicates catatonic in their seperate tubes.
Cleo thought there was nothing wrong with her quote "questionable" science, but the other hermits seemed uncomfortable whenever she casually brought it up. Which was fine! She was sure they wouldn't mind that she didn't tell them they were being cloned this time. She'd take great care of them! It'd be a great feature of the zoo.
Cleo poured the last sample into an empty tube, having already confirmed the cells were reproducing as expected. She gave a soft smile as the tube filled with the liquid she liked to call "human fertilizer", which would help the clones grow to their correct proportions in the span of a few weeks.
Cleo removed her protective lab gear, carelessly throwing her gloves on the ground. She wasn't alive, there was no danger of hazardous disposal. And her lab was entirely Joe-proof, so not even he could mess this up. There was nothing left to do now but wait.
Cleo started in stunned panic at the last tube. Oh no. No no no.
Instead of a recognizable hermit taking shape by now, it was a small, bean shaped fetus. Something was very very wrong.
The other clones were nearly finished, already clearly resembling Cleo's friends. But instead of a nearly fully grown adult, there was a developing BABY in the last tube.
Cleo was terrified. She had no idea what could've gone wrong. She swabbed each hermits individual bases EXACTLY so this had no chance of happening. What was she going to do?! It was too small to even see any definitive traits of who the parents could be, but even if there was, what was Cleo going to do? Just walk up to them and hand them their accidental test tube baby, sorry and good luck?
Cleo paused her panicked fidgeting. That could actually work. She did just successfully create a scientific breakthrough, accidental or not. Surely that was something no-one could be mad at. All things considered she should be very proud of herself, actually. How hard could taking care of a kid be anyway? Cleo found it relatively easy; that's why she was a teacher before she died, after all. She loved the little buggers.
Surely it would be fine. Everything would be just fine.
Cleo sat in front of the cloning tube, now an artificial womb. The soft green light from the tube shone on Cleo's thoughtful face, her eyes focused on the small little creation growing in front of her.
What a miraculous turn of events.
Mumbo was awoken in the dead of night by something banging on the door to his hobbit hole.
He blearily looked around the bedroom, unsuccessfully trying to blink away the sleep from his eyes. He saw the light from his son's charging cord gently pulsing in the corner of the room, Grumbot still soundly resting in sleep mode. Rain battered the glass ceiling of the two-room house, the trees along the coast lashing in the monsoon-like winds.
The banging at the door came again, and Grian stirred at Mumbo's side. "Whazzit." Grian mumbled without opening his eyes. Mumbo listened intently at the knocks.
"Zombie." Mumbo realized, Grian groaning in annoyance in response. "You geddit." Grian stated, waving a hand vaguely towards the direction of the door. Mumbo sighed exaggeratedly, resigning himself. "It's raining," he complained, but was met with pointedly fake snores from his husband.
Mumbo shook his head with a small smile, pulling back the blanket to swing his legs over the side of the bed. He yawned and stretched as he stood up, shaking out his hands before grabbing his netherite sword from the bedside chest. Zombies weren't terribly dangerous, but Mumbo doubted he could take one on without serious damage if he was sleepy.
He swung open the door to his hobbit hole, sword poised to strike, but stopped suddenly as he recognized Cleo's face staring back at him, sopping wet and holding a mess of blankets. "I guess I was right," Mumbo stammered with a small laugh, not knowing what else to say. "There was a zombie at my door."
"Very funny." Cleo scoffed, wrinkling her nose to signify no harm done. "What--it's the middle of the night, what are you doing here?" Mumbo asked, sheathing his sword and yawning again.
Cleo opened her mouth, but was instantly cut off by a massive thunderclap. The mess of blankets she was holding suddenly came to life, squirming and bawling its lungs out.
Mumbo stared as Cleo frantically shushed the thing in her arms, gently rocking it back and forth. "Is that a baby?!" Mumbo gasped. "I would love to come in, if you don't mind." Cleo said dryly, purposely ignoring his question.
"O-Oh, of course--get out of this weather, goodness--" Mumbo stuttered, moving aside.
"Hold this." Cleo said distractedly, shoving the screaming bundle of soaked blankets into Mumbo's arms after he shut the door to the raging storm. Cleo shook off the water like a dog, spraying Mumbo and his nice furniture with a shower of droplets. "Ack--Cleo, come on!" Mumbo complained over the wailing of the creature in his arms.
"It's fiiine." Cleo responded, wringing out her hair over the doormat. "You can't just say 'it's fine' whenever you do something," Mumbo muttered, knowing he was fighting a losing battle. He turned his attention to the bundle in his arms as Cleo peeled off her soaked striped socks.
Mumbo pulled back the top covering of the screaming heap, revealing what he'd recognized from the beginning; a small human baby, very clearly newborn.
"Is that a baby?" Mumbo looked up to see Grian, out of bed and staring at the poor thing in Mumbo's arms. "Hi Cleo. Oh hi Grian! I'm doing great, thanks for asking!" Cleo flipped her hair back from her face and glared at Grian, the avian sticking his tongue out at her in return.
"Here--can you get new blankets, Gri? These are soaked." Mumbo asked, unconsciously slipping into Dad Mode. He freed the still crying baby from the soaking bundle, unceremoniously dumping the blankets on the floor.
Cleo moved to sit her wet butt on Mumbo's nice couch as he tried to quiet the baby. "Where--where did it come from? Why the middle of the night?" Mumbo stammered, wordlessly handing the child over to Grian, who had returned with clean warm blankets. The baby was dressed in a plain leather tunic, something Grian quickly replaced for an old nightshirt of Grumbot's. It was still too big, but at least it was dry.
Cleo took a breath, clasping her hands together on her knees. Mumbo and Grian sat on the couch across from her, the baby finally quieting from ear-splitting wails to snuffled fussing. "Please explain, Cleo. Who's is it?" Mumbo pleaded, moving a hand through his hair.
"Well, ah, it came from my lab." Cleo began nervously. "Yes, I have a lab." She interjected at Mumbo's surprised look. "And uh. Well, it's yours."
Grian snapped his head up from the baby, having the same shocked-slash-confused look as Mumbo. "Wh--what? Sorry?" Mumbo stammered. "We're both boys." Grian stated stupidly. "Men. We're men." He corrected, going red.
Cleo rolled her eyes. "It's not a traditional baby, dummies. It's a test tube baby. A--an accidental one." Cleo wrung her hands awkwardly at Mumbo and Grian's faces.
"How do you make an accidental test tube baby, Cleo?!" Mumbo exclaimed. He wasn't mad, just--well, extremely confused. "Why were you making a test tube baby in the first place?!" Grian continued. Cleo held her hands up in surrender. "I--okay--I'm making a hermit zoo exhibit! And I'm cloning you! For the zoo! And uh--well, THAT happened." Cleo explained, gesturing at the small being in Grian's lap. "I individually swabbed your bases, so--I'm not really sure how it happened?" Cleo stuttered.
Mumbo stared. "Cleo. We're married. We live together." Mumbo said, holding up his hand to display the ring Grian had made him.
Cleo stared back. "Oh. Well, that would make sense." She rubbed the back of her neck self consciously. "Cleo, you came to the wedding!" Grian stated incredulously. "You were my groomsmaid!!" Cleo winced. "Right. That's right. I remember now." She said apologetically.
"I--anyways. That baby is a perfect mix of your DNA, so--I mean, technically speaking, I managed to create life without the use of traditional means, so you should be not mad, you should be impressed, really." Cleo rambled.
Mumbo opened his mouth and then closed it again. His redstone brain was truly very impressed, actually, but his parent brain took over. "So you just--gave us a baby? We have a baby now, that's it?" He asked, his voice pitching.
Grian gasped quietly next to Mumbo, pulling his attention from an increasingly nervous Cleo. Grian was staring at the baby, who had finally quieted into idle murmuring. "He has your eyes, Mumby." Grian whispered, his voice catching. Mumbo leaned over, startled to see the same shade of red as his staring back at him. "Oh," Mumbo breathed, a strange feeling coming over him.
Grian held out his finger to the baby and was immediately grasped by the tiny thing's button-sized hand, letting out a coo of endearment and peeking the smallest of smiles. The baby was a naked newborn, hardly a day old, but Mumbo was instantly struck by how much the little smile reminded him of Grian.
Mumbo finally looked away from the baby to Cleo, who brandished a smug grin. Mumbo huffed in annoyance he couldn't bring himself to feel.
"Well...he needs a name." Mumbo reluctantly stated, silently accepting the new member to the family that Cleo had brought them. Cleo grinned wider, undoubtedly coming to the same conclusion that he had.
"Jrum--wait." Grian bit on a laugh. "We can't call him Jrumbot, Grian." Mumbo corrected dryly over Cleo and Grian's giggling. "Okay, how about Junior, then?"
Mumbo wrinkled his nose. "That sounds patronizing. And cliche." He disagreed. Grian hummed in thought while their unnamed son sucked on his finger.
"Okay, how about Juni? That's got a nice ring to it," Grian suggested. Mumbo smiled. "You're just saying that because you can't think of another name than Junior." He teased, letting out a laugh when Grian shoved him in response.
"I like Juni." Cleo piped up, visibly more relaxed after knowing they wouldn't be mad at her.
Mumbo looked down at their new son again, his bright red eyes now curiously swiveling around to everything he could see. He was so young, so small and fragile, and yet Mumbo could already see so much life in him.
"Yeah." Mumbo said, swallowing a sudden lump in his throat. "I like Juni too."
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sdottkrames · 4 years
@comfortember Prompt 15: campfire
Summary: Tony takes Peter camping to watch a meteor shower
Notes: I adore space. Stars and constellations are so fascinating to me!!
Fun fact: The Leonids is actually happening in two days, and I thought that was really cool, so I incorporated that into this fic.
Also: the song is Jupiter by Sleeping at Last. I've recently become OBSESSED and their album Atlas 1 (especially the space songs) have become my Irondad muse. So enjoy!
Read on AO3: Here
While collecting the stars, I connected the dots
I don't know who I am, but now I know who I'm not
I'm just a curious speck that got caught up in orbit
Make my messes matter
Make this chaos count
 Tony’s concentration on the book he was reading was interrupted by a scream from his wife. Even though he was retired, he always kept the nanosuit close by (old habits die hard), and he had his gauntlet up in an instant, ready to fight. Then he looked to the window and saw what had made her scream.
 He rolled his eyes. “Let him in, Friday.”
 “Sorry, Pepper,” Peter said as he climbed through the window, but his laughter made it hard to believe his apology.
 “Don’t do that, Peter! I might not have the heart condition Tony’s always griping about,” she shot a grin to Tony, who pretended to be offended, “but I would rather stay away from one.”
 “Duly noted.” Peter shed his coat and sauntered over to the couch, cuddling up to Tony with no embarrassment. There had been a time that the easy affection between the two seemed impossible, and Tony was forever grateful those times were long past them. He put his arm around the boy, pulling him closer and picking up his book again. 
 “What’re you reading?” Peter murmured.
 Tony showed him the cover, a book on astronomy and the physics of stars, and was surprised to see Peter’s face light up. 
 “I love astronomy!” he said.
 “Really? I used to, but I started to hate it. For obvious reasons. I was hoping that reading about it more might make me hate it less.”
 Peter hummed. “I probably should hate space, too, but it was always my thing with Ben. I guess I just refused to let it go.”
 Tony could understand that. He’d never had any particular connection to space, just an idle interest in it as a kid. He’d started looking down whenever he was out at night, unable to look at the black expanse above him without seeing destruction and death. His experiences in the wormhole were soon joined by red dust and grey ash that seared his skin with grief and guilt. He had even started hating the moon. 
 But Peter was back, and Tony was trying to work through his hatred of and anxiety from space. Hence the book.
 “You know, there’s a meteor shower tomorrow night. The Leonids. I’ve never seen one.” Peter sighed wistfully.
 They continued their night as usual, but the gears in Tony’s head had started turning. He had an idea.
 “What are you planning?” Pepper asked him skeptically that night as she got into her pajamas. “You have that look in your eye you get when you have an idea.”
 “I was thi-in abou ta-in Peer sta-azing.” Tony was brushing his teeth, so it came out garbled and unintelligible, but Pepper spoke fluent Tony nonsense, so she understood.
 “I think that’s a great idea. There’s that campsite close by that we took Morgan to that one summer. The stars were pretty spectacular there.”
 Tony smiled at the memory around his toothbrush, and retreated to the bathroom to spit so he could talk normally.
 “Yeah, that’s a good idea. Just for tomorrow night. You can handle things here, right?” He teased.
 Pepper rolled her eyes. “As if I don’t handle things all day every day.”
 Tony kissed the corner of her smile. “You’re not wrong.”
 Peter sleepily shuffled into the kitchen the next morning, grunting a greeting unceremoniously at Tony, who chuckled and put a plate with a pile of pancakes and some bacon in front of him. Peter perked up instantly at the prospect of food, and dug in with gusto.
 “I will never understand how you can eat that much.”
 Peter grinned around a mouthful of pancake, his cheeks sticking out like a chipmunk’s and forcing Tony to use every ounce of self control to keep from pinching them. He was sure Peter wouldn’t appreciate that. 
 “What can I say? I’m a growing boy!” Peter took a moment to swallow. “Thanks for the breakfast, by the way.”
 Tony's amazing self control apparently didn't extend to ruffling Peter’s hair. “Anytime, kiddo,” he said. rubbing the kid's curly locks. “So, I was thinking, Pete. You want to go see the meteor shower tonight?”
 Peter paused in his chewing, eyes wide with excitement and disbelief. “What?!”
 “Well, I just figured since you said you’d never seen a meteor shower, and I happen to know of a really good camping spot, that you might want to go.”
 Peter nodded, jumping up and crushing Tony into a hug, squeaking a thank you. The older hero squeezed him gently. “You’re welcome, bud.”  
 After finishing his food and putting his plate in the sink, Peter excitedly ran to his room to pack a bag for camping. It was a quick drive to the site, so they lounged around, watching a movie with Morgan and enjoying lunch as a family before they decided to leave.
 Once everything was packed in the car, they were off. They stopped quickly at a grocery store because Peter insisted on hot dogs. Tony was more inclined to order takeout and eat it by the fire, but Peter had insisted on roasting hot dogs over the flames, and of course s'mores because “what camping trip is complete without s’mores, Tony?” Tony was quickly learning he had no self control when it came to Peter, so he ended up agreeing.
 It was a quick drive, and Tony reveled in the easy conversation and camaraderie between him and his kid. He never got tired of just talking and spending time with Peter, and it definitely helped distract from the slight worry in his chest about spending a night staring at space.
 They pulled into the campsite and Peter stretched as he got out. Tony let him pull out the tent. Being Tony Stark’s, it was no ordinary tent. It was huge, for one; Tony was pretty sure at least six of the Avengers had stayed in it one mission. It also had the comfiest blow up mattresses, and a built in speaker system that connected to Friday.
 Peter took one look as they laid it out, rolled his eyes, and mumbled something about glamping.
 “Yeah, I know, Underoos, this isn’t the typical camping tent. But I saved the world, lost an arm, all that jazz. I think I deserve a little comfort.”
 Peter let out a laugh. “Mmmmhmmmm. Sure. Are you sure it’s not just cause you’re old?”
 Tony gasped in mock offense. “Insubordination. I’m eating all your marshmallows.”
 Peter didn’t look concerned as he hammered the stakes into place. “Uh huh, okay,” he grinned.
 They made quick work of the tent, and even quicker work making the fire. Peter made it a competition gathering firewood, and Tony called him a cheater for climbing up a tree to get some bigger limbs. 
 “Show off,” he muttered as Peter flipped from the top of a tree, landing perfectly. “You’re like a cat, kid.”
 Peter grinned, and they got to work making the fire. It blazed, warm and bright, and they roasted hot dogs and marshmallows as the sun sank lower and lower in the sky. 
 “Oh, Tony, look!” 
 Tony glanced up just in time to see a star streak across the sky, and he couldn’t help but notice it’s beauty despite how his heart started thumping in his ears. 
 A hand slipped into his, stemming the panic. 
 “You’re here. You’re okay,” Peter whispered, and Tony took a shaky breath. “Did you know that shooting stars are little bits of debris from outer space? They enter the atmosphere and burn up. Sometimes they end up falling to the ground, but usually they just burn and disappear.”
 Tony nodded. He had read that somewhere as a kid. Peter pointed to a group of stars.
 “That’s the constellation Andromeda. See that blurry spot in the middle?” Tony nodded again. “That’s an entire galaxy. It’s amazing how we can see it so well this far away.”
 Peter continued to talk quietly, spouting off facts that Ben had taught him or that he’d learned from class. A strange sort of peace filled Tony as Peter's voice swirled with the crackling of the fire, replacing the panic in his heart.
 “Tell me about Ben,” he whispered eventually.
 Peter let out a little sigh. It wasn’t sad, more wistful than anything. “He was the best. You know this already, but he was the reason I became Spider-Man. He was kind, he cared about everybody he met, and he always made time for me. He was my hero.” Peter paused, and his voice went quiet. “He would have liked you.”
 Tony sniffed back unexpected tears. When Peter first came into his life, he hadn’t known what he meant to Peter for a long time, but he’d known he wasn’t the kid’s dad and uncle, and he had been so worried Peter felt like he was trying to replace them or something. 
 “I’d’ve been honored, and know I would have liked him too,” he finally answered.
 “You know, you remind me a lot of him. There was always a huge hole when he died, and you obviously didn’t fill the hole completely. Only he could. But you filled a different hole. You made it easier." Peter squeezed Tony's hand. "You still do. I’m glad I have you.”
 All the fear, the sorrow, the worry, every mess he made and every bit of chaos that came with raising a child was worth it in that moment. He squeezed Peter’s hand, telling his kid thank you without saying it.
 The fire crackled, the warmth washing over them and creating such a sense of peace that, combined with Peter’s hand in his, made it impossible for Tony to feel scared anymore.
 And above them, the stars rained down.
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littlebitoffanfic · 5 years
No Neighbours
Fandom: Original Works Relationship: Goblin (Erx)/reader Request: perhaps a goblin x reader but the goblins the same height as the humans just with the same facial features? I always love the librarian meets an author plot line
The library of your childhood village had always been your favourite place to go. When you were little, and lived with your parents, you loved the library and even when you moved to a different town, you were sure to visit the libraries. You could argue it was research, as you were a writer. You mainly wrote under another name, a male one, because you found it helped. You had only lived in this small village for 3 weeks, having just moved here after a dispute erupted in your last village that you simply didn’t want to be part of. The village was welcoming, to say the least. You had a small cottage in a quant lane with neighbours who seemed to spend most of their time in their garden, or chatting to each other. You had a sneaky suspicion that you wouldn’t be able to do anything without someone knowing, but luckily your childish days were behind you. The only exception to this seemed to be your neighbour to your left. A goblin, he seemed to be a breed of the ‘giant goblins’. They weren’t giants at all, but compared to their normal counterparts, they were about double the size, but still bore similar features. A normal goblin was about 3-4 foot tall, whereas your neighbour was about 6 foot tall. He had a long, crooked nose, grey/green skin and grey eyes. He wore a pair of spectacles that always sat perched on the edge of his nose and had jet black hair which was always in place. You assumed he was only in his early forties, as goblins aged quickly in their early years then live for a while without changing. He owned and solely ran the local library, unlike most of your retired neighbours. You had found out from Ms Little, a lovely Naga who would bring you apples from her trees, that his name was Erx Biddier. Unlike the others, he never came round and introduced himself to you. The other told you that he kept himself to himself, very rarely talking to them, but he had a good heart despite his constant scowl. That was why you put off going to the library to begin with. You didn’t want him to think you were stalking him. So you gave it some time before venturing out. You knew your way around the village fairly well now, and you had eyed the library well before now. Much like the rest of the village, the building was old, but had a lot of character in it. It stood almost as large as the church, with a few stone gargoyles on the very top of the building. Stepping inside, you couldn’t help but smile as you saw the rows upon rows of books. You were excited to see what gems you could find. Villages like this had lovely books, that had never left the town. There was a few desks in the centre of the library, with shelves of books around the outside with the back half of the library being dedicated purely to books. You all but walked right by the front desk, only having your attention caught by someone clearing their throat, rather annoyed. You turned back, seeing Erx sat behind a desk, looking at you over his glasses, a book open on the table. “Oh, sorry.” You apologised, walking back to the desk. “Is it possible to get a library card.” Erx shut his book and stood, turning away from you to go into a back room that was behind the desk. Part of you thought maybe he had just walked away from you. But after a few moments, he came out with a few bits of paper and a pen on a clipboard. “Fill this in.” He held out the clipboard to you, and you took it with smile. Of course, you had filled in these sorts of forms before. Glancing over it, your eyes landed on the address. “Do you really need by address?” You laughed a little, trying to make the atmosphere a little less tense. “Yes.” He grunted as he sat down, opening his book again and finding his place. You managed to stop yourself from sighing before walking up to the desks in the centre of the room. Sitting down, you scribbled down all your personal details, only pausing as you tried to remember your postal code. “1DH 349A” Erx spoke without looking up from his book, making you giggle as you scribbled it down. Once complete, you walked back up to the main desk and holding out the board. Erx glanced up at you over his glasses before taking the board. “Neat writing.” He commented, placing it down on the desk before pulling out some blank cards. “My mother always told me that she judges someone based on their handwriting.” You giggle fondly at the memory. “Shes not the only one.” He mumbles, writing out your name and the date on the card. You admired his own handwriting. Despite his long fingers that seemed to curl unnaturally around the pen, his handwriting was lovely. He handed you the card, and you took it with a smile before venturing into the library. You took a good 45 minutes before returning to the desk with 3 books in your hands. Erx looked up at you over his glasses, a twinkle of enjoyment flashed in his eyes as he glanced at the books in your hand. You couldn’t help but feel a spark in your chest. He was certainly handsome in his own right, and you wouldn’t deny you had noticed him when he was leaving and returning to his own home. He always dressed like a gentleman, with a suit and tie. As you left the library, you decided to nip into the show quickly. When you came out, you saw Erx closing up the library for the day. You thought about just heading straight home, but something about your early exchange left you craving his company. He had a sharp tongue and a witty mind, something which you enjoyed in conversation. So. you took a chance. “Hello.” You smiled as he descended the few steps that lead to the building. You paused at the bottom, waiting for him. “Did you get lost?” He looks at you over his glasses and seemed genuinely concerned. “No, I had to get some groceries.” You held up the small bag to confirm your reasoning for still being out. “ahh.” He hums, but you notice something. He moved his weight from foot to foot, almost as is he were nervous. “Although, im still not sure about my baring’s yet. Do you mind if I walk home with you?” You ask, lying through your teeth this time. You knew the town fairly well, and the way home was pretty straight forward, but it was a bit of a walk. “You’ll follow me whether I say yes or no.” He states, raising an eyebrow. “you got me.” You giggle and shrugging your shoulders. “Very well. But hurry up. It will rain soon, and I don’t need those books being returned damaged. Theres fines for that.” He gave you a harsh glare, but you saw right though him. Despite the glare, you saw the way his eyes lit up at the offer, or how quickly he raced to add about the books to make it seem as if that’s the only reason hes worried about the rain. you nod, and the two of you walk side by side. Erx holds his hands behind his back as he walks. There was a comfortable silence as you walked, one you didn’t want to break because it was nice. No forced conversation, no awkward small talk. As you approach your homes, you saw the curtains twitch of a neighbour. “Good evening, Miss [l/n].” Erx bows slightly. “Good night, Mr Biddier.” You return the words, keep the tone as formal as his. But as you start to continue your walk to your home, Erx pauses. “How did you know my name? I haven’t introduced himself to you.” He asks, a mixture of genuine concern and confusion in his eyes as you turn back to him. You panic, quickly deflecting his question back. “How did you know my name?” You ask. “Your form.” He raises an eyebrow at you, knowing he had you cornered. Feeling a little sheepish, you came to stand in front of him. “Ms Little told me.” You confessed. “I hadn’t met you and felt guilty not knowing who my neighbours were, so I asked her.” You added, not wanting to get her in trouble. “Well, some fault lies with me, I suppose. In any case, my first names Erx. Now, have we passed introductions? I am not like the others around here who still demand you call them by a title.” Erx showed no signs of irritation or annoyance for your snooping, instead offering a way forward. “Im [y/n].” You smile and nod. “I know.” Erx looks over his glasses at you, amusement in his eyes. “oh, the forms.” You cover your face with one hand out of embarrassment. “I’d better be getting home before you think me completely stupid.” “Do you know which ones your house?” He chuckles, and you feel it set your heart racing. “I think I have a 1 in 3 chance. If you hear screaming, assume I guessed wrong.” You fire back, eager to show him you could match his wit.
From then on, you grew close with Erx. you visited the library frequently, and he was more than happy to sit and discuss books for hours at a time. Only a few people seemed to visit the library each day, so you had him to yourself without feeling guilty of stealing him away from his work.  You found yourself reading books quicker, just so you could race back to him and discuss characters, plot points and themes. You noticed that you seemed to be the only person that Erx really spoke to. He greeted people as they passed him, and wasn’t mean to anyone. But you got the feeling that they somewhat annoyed him. Idle chitchat and small talk was something he seemed to loath, and you truly saw that when he started speaking about something he was passionate about, like books. One day, you went to replace your book. “Do you have any suggestions?” You call from the back of the library. By this point, you had discovered that he had quite the knowledge of most books there, and he seemed to know what you would enjoy. “hmm.” He stands from his desk. “There was one which I thoroughly enjoyed.” He walked past you before stopping and picking a book off the shelf which you instantly recognised. “Here we are.” As he holds it out to you, you couldn’t help but laugh. “Have you read it?” He asks, confused by your reaction. “Read it? I wrote it.” You take the book which had your pen name on the front and the title in golden letters. “You…” Erx trails off, looking at the book. “Yes, this is my pen name. anything with this name is mine.” You tap the name, looking up at Erx again. You saw a smile pulling at his lips, apparently impressed by your work. You felt your chest swell with pride at the thought of him reading and enjoying your books. You now held his options quite highly. “well, that is quite the turn of events.” He mumbled, looking back to the shelves. “Perhaps, I could ask about your next piece?” “I could do you one better. I’m about half way through. I normally ask my friends to read over what im doing just to make sure it all makes sense and whatnot. Perhaps, you could act as a proof-reader?” You cock your head to the side, stepping close so you were right by his side and nudging his arm a little. “I’d be honoured.” He grins with a nod.
You never could have predicted the turn your friendship would take with Erx. You would spend nearly every evening in his company, either had your or his. You much preferred his home. You were still kind of living out of boxes, while his was homely and warm. His book collection was vast, and he had his own personal library, compete with every one of your books so far. You signed every single one with a quote from books that you both enjoyed and your real name. But as you got closer and closer, you felt yourself yearning for him. You hated when you left him and would try and stay with him as long as possible. Not that he was pushing you out the door. You found yourself staying at his till late into the night, just talking or sitting together reading. You knew people were starting to speculate something was happening between you two. Ms Little had mentioned it while she was pouring tea. But you shrugged it off, saying you were just friends. But you were sure she could see you wanted more. One evening, you were round and noticed he seemed off. He couldn’t seem to settle, or was deep in thought. You tried to ask if he was okay, but he denied anything was wrong. “Its getting late.” He suddenly said, drawing you up from your book. You were sitting on the floor by his fire, your back against the couch while he sat in his armchair in his library. “Its only 7.” You frown, looking to the clock. You had come over to his at 6pm, so you hadn’t been here long at all. At least compared to your normal visits. “Its late, [y/n]. perhaps you should go home.” He says this time more pointedly. “Oh, okay.” You nodded, getting to your feet. “Is everything okay?” “No.” he answered, not looking at you. He stared at the fire, staying sitting. “I don’t think we should continue spending so much time together.” The words hit you like a ton a bricks, and you felt yourself sway a little. But things had been going so well. You thought it might even lead to something romantic. “Did-did I do something wrong?” You couldn’t help but ask, unsure why he would put a wall up between you so quickly and suddenly. Immediately, you saw his eyes soften as he looks up at you. “No, its nothing you’ve done, [y/n]. it’s the people around here. You don’t want to get too closely associate with a goblin.” He stood, turning away from you with a sign. “I don’t care what people might talk about. I cant control their tongue.” You try to reason with him, unsure how you could change his mind. You knew him well enough to know he thinks things through carefully, methodically. “People are already talking.” Erx shakes his head, glancing towards the window and out into the street. Then to you. You couldn’t think of a way to persuade him to think otherwise without confessing how deeply you had grown to love him. And that wasn’t something you were ready to admit to. You felt your heart ache as you knew the best thing to do now, is to follow his instructions. At least for a bit. Give him some space, and speak to him against perhaps at the library. “People will talk, whether or not you give them a reason to.” You shrug, picking up your book. You hated the ache in your chest as you headed towards the door. More so, you hated the tears that were pricking your eyes as you avoided his eyes. You walked straight passed him, keeping your head low. A hand grabbed your forearm, stopping you. You turned your body slightly, looking up to Erx. He seemed just as surprised as you had. Like he didn’t mean to grab you, yet he couldn’t let you go. A soft sign left his lips, as if he had given up, as he stepped closer and used his free hand to reach up, using his thumb to wipe away some fallen tears from your left cheek before settling his palm on your cheek. You leaned into his touch, your eyes falling shut as you did so. His hands were cold normally, but the coolness was welcoming. You felt his hand loosen on your forearm as your arm dropped back to your side. You opened your eyes, looking up at Erx. Your eyes darted to his lips before back to his eyes. ‘fuck it’ a voice mumbled in your head. He’d already made it clear you couldn’t be friends, might as well know what its like. going up on your tiptoes, you kissed him. You expected him to pull back, chastise you and push you out the door. But he didn’t. his hand grabbed your waist, pulling you tight against his chest. You stumbled a little, catching yourself by putting your hands up onto his chest. You dropped your book in surprise, but the clatter didn’t stop his own action. Slowly, he kissed you back. Painfully slowly, and passionately. You grabbed fistfuls of his shirt in a weak attempt to keep him as close as possible. His hand left your cheek, slipping around to the back of your head. You couldn’t help a soft moan that left your throat as you allowed yourself to enjoy the kiss. and Erx groaned against your lips, deepening the kiss further as he pulled you against him with a new found need and desperateness. You were the first to pull back, gasping softly for air as you tried to make sense of what just happened. It would seen Erx came to a conclusion before you did, letting you go as he retreated away from you and turning his back to you. “You should go.” He mumbles, removing his glasses to rub the bridge of his nose in frustration and… regret?. You couldn’t believe it. He had just kissed you like that, like nothing else mattered, and he was sill telling you to leave. grabbing you book from the floor, you couldn’t help but feel frustrated and angry as you gave up. Walking to his front door, you made a point of slamming it behind you.
Time flew, and before you knew it, you would have to face him sooner than you had hoped. Your book was due back, and you didnt want to leave it any longer, so you went to the library. You were dreading it, having not seen him in a week. Yet the kiss was still fresh in your mind. The weather was horrible. The winds were strong and nearly knocked you off your feet a few times, but you just managed to get into town without being swept away. As you entered the building, you noticed Erx sitting at his desk with a book open. But he wasn’t reading it, instead he was looking intensely at the shelves of books. So intensely that he didn’t seem to notice you had came in until you cleared your throat. “[y/n].” He breathed, standing up as you approached the desk. “I came to return this.” You presented him the book. Erx took it, but he seemed to linger as his hand brushed against your fingers in the exchange. He quickly checked in back in, placing it in the pile of book that were to be put back out. You also noticed that the pile seemed a lot bigger than he usually allowed it to get. In fact, you had helped him put them back out before… “Do you have any suggestions?” You ask, trying to regain some scraps of the friendship you had had with him from before. “No, Im afraid I do not.” He answered, shaking his head as he avoided your eyes and sat back down. You couldn’t contain the hurt look that spread across your face, but you pulled yourself together to go into the shelves. You eventually chose an old favourite of yours. You had checked it out a few times and, since it was a classic, there were normally 2 copies on the shelf. But this time, there was only 1. Shrugging it off, you took the book back to the front desk. Erx opened it and, after noticing that the date slip was full, he got to his feet to grab some more from the back office. Looking down at the book he was reading, you realised something. Careful as to not loose his place, you picked it up and looked at the cover. It was the duplicate of the very one you were about to check out. You heard him in the other room and quickly but the book back down in its original place just in time as he came back through. You decided to try again to connect with him as he stamped your book. “What are you reading?” You asked, noticing how he glanced at the book. “Nothing.” He shut you down again, not wanting to discuss the book or analyse it. Not even wanting you to know it was your favourite book. You knew he knew because you had spent many nights speaking about it and its beauty. “Oh.” You signed, your shoulder sagging as you gave up. He handed you back the book and you nodded goodbye to him. Walking towards the door, you opened it and immediately regretted it. The heavens had opened and the wind was now accompanied with lashing rain. You let out a grown, looking up to the sky for any chance at a hint of blue. “You can stay and read. There a charge for returning books damaged.” Erx’s voice suddenly spoke with an unfamiliar softness that you hadn’t heard in a while. You wanted to say no, but you wanted to stay with him. To speak with him. But in truth, you were far too chicken to be rejected or shot down again, so you muttered a thank you and closed the door. Taking a seat at the desks in the centre of the room, you opened your new book. But you couldn’t shake the feeling that he was watching you. Looking up, you noticed his eyes dart back to his own book. How had you gone from being so close to like strangers, unable to say a word to each other. You knew neither of you were reading, and he hadn’t turned the page of his book in a few minutes, conforming to you that he was simply staring at the pages. Sighing, you knew you had to say something. “I never cared.” You mumbled, not looking up at him. “[y/n], you know as well as I that a relationship between us would be looked down on.” Erx countered you, sounded like his own frustration was building. He knew exactly what you were talking about, because he had been thinking about the same thing. “By who? You?” You snapped, finally looking up at him. To this, his brow furrowed as he glared intently at you. “Don’t accuse me-“ He started to snap at you but you cut him off. “I’m calling it as I see it. You don’t seem to care about what others think of you normally, except when it came to us. I don’t care, either way. I do what makes me happy as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone in the process. If you don’t want to be in a relationship with someone of another species, then just say it. Stop hiding behind a veil of what other people say.” You slam your book shut, ending your argument. As you stood to leave, you wished he would grab your arm again, like he had the other night. You walked up to his desk and he stood. You placed the book down (no matter how angry you were, you couldn’t take it out on books). You wanted him to tell you to stay because HE wanted you too. But he didn’t. Glancing back as you neared the door, you saw him sitting back down with his glasses off, rubbing the bridge of his nose before his head fell into his hands. You left the library with tears running down your cheek.
--------time skip -----------------
You knew better than to stay somewhere that had given you such heart ache. You didn’t have any ties to the village, so you could up and leave without issue. You had weighed out everything in your mind and decided it would probably be for the best. You saw Erx nearly every day and every day made your heart ached for him. You knew it would be best to get some space from each other. You started with small things, deciding to tell the neighbours that you had to go home to help family and do it suddenly. One evening, you were packing up some boxes when someone knocked on your door. pushing the boxes under your table, you got up and walked to the door. Opening it, you were surprised to see Erx. you hadn’t seen him since the library three weeks ago. “you’re moving.” He didn’t pose it as a question. He knew. “how-how…” you trailed off as Erx quickly came inside. Apparently, he had more to say rather than confirming what was being said. “the neighbours. They are all speaking about it.” He nods towards where the street was on the outside of the house. “Oh my god, they really do know everything.” You frown, wondering how they had figured that out. Then you remembered the boxes you had bought at the store. Someone must have seen you. You quickly pulled yourself back into the moment, knowing he was here for a reason. “I have to go back to my family.” You state. A very simple excuse that no one would question. “Don’t lie to me. Im not some withering old fool.” Erx snapped at you. He seemed genuinely angry about it. “I don’t see how its any of your business if im moving or not.” You cross your arms, not impressed at all by how he had barged into your house and called you a liar. He looks at you, in the eyes, for the first time in a while. All the anger and frustration visible left his body as he looked at you. “I wont see you again.” He flinched at the words, dropping your eyes as he frowned to himself, as if he had finally let the realisation dawn on him completely. You let your own arms drop to your side, the hostility no longer in the room. “I-I thought it would be easier. For us both.” You admit your true reason for leaving. “Easier.” He let out a breath of disbelieve as he turned back to you. “It was easier before you came here. I didn’t care about anything other than my library. I kept to myself and everyone left me alone.” “Everything will go back to normal after I leave. You’ll be alone again.” You tried to assure him, to comfort him but he just got adjected again. “No, I don’t want to be alone again. I want you.” He said, his voice dropping as he finally confessed something he hadn’t even let himself indulge in. Suddenly, Erx felt like a pitiful creature. He backed away from you, ringing his hands together as he fought every instinct he had to run. You stood there, your mouth having fallen open from his words. “You want me?” You repeat back to him, unsure if you had heard him right. “But you-you wanted me to leave. You’re the one who said it couldn’t be between us.” “it cant. It wouldn’t work.” He shakes his head, contradicting everything he was saying. “I don’t understand.” You throw your hands in the air in frustration. “Ive told you, people don’t approve of relationships between humans and goblins. They look down on my kind and I’ll never be good enough for you.” He matches your frustration as he starts to pace in your living room. but something he had said stuck. “Is that what this is all about?” you breathed, walking up to him as he freezes. “You don’t think you’re good enough.” “I don’t ‘think’ it. I know it. And so does everyone else.” Erx shakes his head, shutting his head as if trying to hid from you. Walking up to Erx, he opens his eyes when he hears the floorboard creaking. You saw a bit of fear in his eyes as he saw you approach him. But you threw your arms around his shoulder and locked them around his neck. You buried your head into his neck, unsure if you could look him in the eyes without crying. It took him a moment to respond, but his arms wrapped back around you securely. “You’re so wrong.” You mumble as you press a soft kiss to his neck, feeling him tense up. “I don’t care if you’re a goblin. Goblin or not, I love you for who you are, not what you are.” “Love?” He pulled back staring at you with wide eyes, his eyes only enlarged under the glasses. He searched you for any sign of hesitation or regret for your words. He signed, looking away from you. “Im afraid romance isn’t my speciality. I never had any interest in the books nor have I had any personal experience.” He confessed, and you felt yourself prepare for rejection again. “But, you? I fail to find the words to describe how I feel for you.” “Then show me.” You look up at him, pulling back enough so he could turn his head towards you and capture your lips in a kiss. This kiss wasn’t as slow as your first. It was desperate, and needy. Both your hands settle on the back of his head as he pulled you tight against his chest. it felt so right, kissing him. You loved it so much, you loved him so much. You pulled back for a moment for breath before kissing him again. You felt him smirk against your lips, enjoying it as much as you did. When you finally pull back for a proper breath, you cheeks were bright red and you were panting slightly. “Perhaps, I do know a word which is adequate. However, I feel its meaning is played with too loosely by many nowadays. You must understand that I have yet to say it to a romantic partner, ever. So it isnt something I say lightly.” “What word.” You basically begged, clinging to him as your heart fasted. “I love you.” He breathed, making you smile and kiss him passionately again, despite to show him you felt the same. You felt him growl softly against your lips, and you answer with your own moans. You ran your right hand down the side of his head, your fingertips gently passing over his long, pointed ears and causing him to shiver under your touch. You were so glad that the rumour that all Goblins ears are super sensitive was true. “I love you too.” You smile as you pull back, over the moon that he had told you such a thing. Because you knew he truly meant it. He smiles softly, his eyes flickering with love and joy for a moment before he seemed to realize something. “I should go. They are probably watching the house, waiting to see when I’ll leave.” He glares at the closed curtains. Yet he seemed to pull you tighter, as if his mind was fighting his heart. “Or you could just… stay.” You partly shrug, drawing his attention back to you. He studied your face, unsure if you were just joking or being earnest. Erx seemed unable to find any words, so opted to lean down and kiss you softly as he silently accepted your offer. The neighbours were certainly in a tizzy and, because the next day was a Saturday, neither of the two of you left your home. It wasn’t till Sunday evening when he left to go home. It was shrugged off that you were moving, most people thinking you had just been using the boxes to sort something for the attic or something. And as you continued to live in the community, you noticed that they mainly gossiped out of worry. No one seemed to care when Lisa, the daughter of the baker married someone she had known for 6 months. But they did gossip when Marcus ran off in the middle of the night. Occasionally, the older people would give you and confused look, especially when you were out with Erx, but he took those looks more personally than you did. Until, one evening 8 months later, you all but ran to his door. He opened it and you only just got inside when you told him that there was a cottage on the outskirts of the town. It overlooked most of the town, with its own land and road into the village. “No neighbours?” Erx asked, raising his eyebrow at you with a smirk on his face. “No neighbours at all.” You grinned and nodded. Within a month, the deed was signed with both your names. Although, you did have to admit, you always came back to your own street, to sit with Ms Little on her porch and ‘discuss’ everything you had missed.
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heyyy-hey-babyyy · 4 years
The Family in Texas
Summary: Y/N finds out she has family in Texas after receiving a letter in the mail. When her and the Winchesters head to the estate she has inheritated they find more than they bargained for. 
Pairing: Dean X reader, Sam x Reader, 
WARNINGS: Canon-typical violence, horror movie scenes
Texas Chainsaw (2013) Fusion with Supernatural
3990 words.
Notes: Please note that I changed the plot a bit, because some of it would not make sense if the main characters were Dean and Sam Winchester. Just saying. Also this movie is the worst, so apologies, but I figured it worked best for a reason why the trio would be at a random house in Texas in the first place. 
Spoilers for Texas Chainsaw (2013) below.
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You slammed down the phone with a huff, blowing your long bangs out of your eyes, another reminder that you hadn’t cut your hair in a while. You had just gotten off the phone with your parents after getting the letter in the mail that you have a grandmother in Texas who left you her entire estate. You mother had no choice but to tell you that you were adopted, something they kept from you for almost 28 years. You had family in Texas you didn’t even know about. Leaning against the kitchen sink you felt the warm tears fill up in your eyes, threatening to overflow.
“Hey, Y/N,” Sam started animatedly, his long legs taking him quickly into the kitchen laptop in hand, no doubt on the scent of a new case. “Check this one out!” He finished, glancing up at you as you swiped at your eyes quickly, before turning around. You reached a hand out for his laptop forcing a quick smile, but he hesitated seeing your tears, pulling back the laptop and placing it on the kitchen island before taking a few steps toward you.
“Hey,” he whispered, putting his hands on your shoulders, hazel eyes burrowing into yours. “What’s going on?” He asked, concern lacing his voice when a few tears slipped out from your eyelids. He quickly pulled you into a hug, and you breathed in the familiar scent of the man who instantly became your best friend when you moved into the bunker years ago. You willed the tears away, as you always tried to be tough in front of the boys, not wanting to be a burden onto them. Sam, especially, had enough problems trying to keep Dean’s sporadic emotions under control, he didn’t need you falling apart too. You felt your resolve slipping, as Sam hugged you tighter, patiently waiting for you to speak. Taking a deep breath, you spoke directly into his chest.
“I got a letter in the mail. Apparently, I have a grandmother in Texas I didn’t know about that left me her estate.” You took another deep breath and Sam’s arms tightened, giving you some of his strength. “I called my mother, and she told me that I’m adopted.” The tears flowed freely now as you remembered how weak your mother sounded telling you the news, voice barely above a whimper. How scared she must be, already having little knowledge of where you currently were. But how could she keep this from you. You felt a surge of anger suddenly and pushed away from Sam, who sighed quietly, and let you walk away across the room. He always said you and Dean were too similar.
“I have a family in Texas I didn’t even know about, Sam.” You gripped the letter in your hand reading the words again, before tossing it angrily to the floor. “And now I have to meet a lawyer at this woman’s house to sign paperwork. I didn’t even know they existed!” You realized you were shouting, but Sam stood still waiting out your outburst.
“What is going on in here!” Dean said suddenly walking into the kitchen pausing at the scene in front of him. Sam put a hand out toward him in warning, shaking his head, but Dean rarely listened to Sam in moments like these, and when he saw the look on your face, he stepped forward immediately leaning protectively toward you. “What happened?” He asked, curter than Sam was, assuming there was someone he needed to hurt. You shook your head, too exhausted from the emotions ripping through your body to repeat the entire story.
“Y/N found out she’s adopted.” Sam stated. raising his hands and letting them fall quickly to his sides.
Dean glanced between him and you before wrapping you in a hug. The Winchester’s both had very distinct hugs, different in their own regard. Sam hugged you tight, trying to transfer some of his own strength onto you in your moment of need. But Dean hugged you as if it were the only way to protect you. Dean’s hugs were all warmth and need, and you loved when Dean wrapped his arms around you, no matter how rare it was. You didn’t have any tears left to cry, but you let Dean hold you as Sam continued your story, picking up the piece of paper you had discarded moments ago.
“It says she is to meet with the estate lawyer a week from today to finalize any paperwork. Without her signature the estate and everything within will go into foreclosure and the bank will auction off the contents.” Dean released his hold, placing his hands on your shoulders and holding you out so his emerald eyes could look into yours.
“What do you want to do sweetheart?” He asked quietly, searching your eyes to make sure you couldn’t lie to him. You sighed running a hand through your hair, looking at the ground and back up into his eyes. You didn’t need to say a word. Dean and Sam understood what you needed to do.
“Okay,” Dean said, turning toward Sam with his arm draped across your shoulders. “Let’s go.”
No matter how many trips you took in the Impala, through brutal winters where the heat wouldn’t work fast enough, and scorching summers where your thighs stuck to the worn leather, you never tired of watching the scenery zip past. Since you’d been with the boys, the car hadn’t changed, and you loved stretching out across the backseat, reading or listening to the boys bicker, while you thumbed the little green army men that were shoved into a vent, left over from Sam’s younger days. The car brought you comfort, and you needed it in this moment more than anything. 
You felt Dean’s eyes glance back at you from the rearview window as you flew across the Texas border, an hour or so away from your destination. The night before, it had rained like you hadn’t seen, almost as if the world was trying to tell you something, but you shook away your irrational thoughts and silently thanked Cas that Dean could drive through anything. You sighed deeply and Sam reached a hand behind him, searching for yours and gripping it tight when you reached for him. While it poured last night, you found yourself deep in thought, crying silently for the family you had lost in Texas. Now, in the clarity of the new day, with Sam’s hand in yours while he shouted at Dean to keep his eyes on the road, as the older Winchester winked back at you, you have never felt more loved. And whatever happened with this house or the family you didn’t know you had; you knew the boys would be there for you every step of the way.
You were pulled from your thoughts as Dean turned down a deserted road, stopping at a large wrought iron gate that looked like something out of a gothic novel. You released Sam’s hand and leaned across the front seat to see better.
“Well, the lawyer said a big gate.” You stated with a shrug, as Dean put the Impala into park, its engine idling. Opening the car door with a creek, you stepped out and approached the iron entrance, the boy’s eyes on you the whole time. You all turned when a car pulled up alongside you, and Dean exited quickly, his hand carefully placed behind his back, where you knew his gun was.
A portly balding man in a too-tight suit, exited his car with a grunt, and you almost had to hold in a laugh when Dean let his arm drop from behind him when he saw the man.
“Mr. Farmsworth?” You questioned walking toward the man. “I’m Y/N.”
“Oh, I figured,” the lawyer began, his mustache lifting up at the edges. “I could tell from the car. Dead ringer.” He finished with a slight laugh that sounded more like a cough. We shook hands and you thanked him for coming all this way, reverting easily into the persona you used as an FBI agent with the boys. You could feel both Winchester’s smirking behind you.
“Anything for Verna,” Mr. Farmsworth said, shaking his head lightly growing serious. “She was a good woman. Salt of the earth. Though, uh,” he paused gesturing toward a crudely drawn expletive spray-painted across the gates. “Not the most popular in these parts.” 
Suddenly, the man glanced behind you toward Sam and Dean.
“I didn’t know you were bringing friends.” He stated lowly. You paused confused by his change in tone. “Is that okay?” You asked.
“Well,” he continued. “It’s your house. If you want it.” He glanced down quickly, “Just so you know. Verna’s trust forbids you from selling it. It’s all described in these papers.” He stated simply, passing you a large manila folder.
“Thanks,” you whispered glancing at Dean, as Mr. Farmsworth headed forward toward the gate.
“You can’t quite see the house from here. But it’s just up beyond those trees.” The lawyer unlocked the front gates with a stack of large keys before ambling back toward you. “These keys,” he said as they jingled in his large hand. “Open everything inside and out. Verna was big on security.” He handed the keys to you before walking over to the touch pad and punching in the gate code.
“0819. Best to remember it as a date.” He said groaning as he stood up straight again.
“August 19th,” you whispered glancing at Sam and Dean who turned at the mention of the date. Your birthday, you thought to yourself lowly.
“Oh,” Mr. Farmsworth said suddenly pulling you from your thoughts, “I almost forgot. The most important thing.” Reaching into his jacket he pulled out a letter sealed with wax. You gripped the letter tightly.
“It’s from Verna,” the lawyer continued. “Make sure you read it. And call me if you have any questions.” He finished handing you his business card and headed back toward his car.
“Hey!” You shouted suddenly, thinking that none of this added up. “How did you find me?”
“Find you?” the large man replied. “Honey, you were never lost.” The man disappeared into his car with a chuckle and you returned to the Impala, silently opening the door and stepping in. Dean and Sam gave each other a quick glance above the car before following and driving slowly through the gates.
The drive was short, but it gave you a lot of time to replay the entire previous conversation in your head. You could feel Dean’s eyes on you, the corners creased in worry, but you ignored him for now, allowing yourself to get lost inside of your own head for a minute. It wasn’t until the Impala pulled to a stop that you finally looked up and spoke.
“Oh my God.”
The house could be described as nothing short of a mansion, white and sprawling, looking like it was plucked straight from a southern planation. You stepped out of the car wordlessly, and Sam and Dean followed, as you unlocked the front door with the keys Mr. Farmsworth gave you. The large oak door opened with a creak revealing a large entry way bathed in light from the front windows. You walked forward into the house, placing your bag, keys, and the documents from the lawyer onto the front entry table before turning to explore.
Sam and Dean had the same idea, splitting up and revealing a dining room, kitchen, and pool room, to which Dean took a liking too, racking up a game and throwing a que to Sam, who smirked.
“Rack ‘em up then, brother.” Sam said, chalking up his que.
“What did you say about my rack?” Dean shouted over the record he placed on the player in the corner.
“Shut up.” Sam shouted back.
You smirked at them before leaving the boys to their game, deciding they could use a little fun for a while. Toward the back of the room was a patio door that exited onto the front porch. Once outside, you walked further, stumbling upon a full cemetery, the various headstones suggesting decades of buried people below. Hoping to gather a bit more information about your new-found family, you trolled through the cemetery, careful to avoid stepping too close to the stones. Pausing you read the ones closest to you seeing the last name “Sawyer” appear over and over. Walking further toward the freshest grave you read, “Verna Sawyer Carlson.” Sighing lightly, you whispered a quick “thank you” before turning to head back inside.
You stopped suddenly when you saw a red van pull up and park, several people stepping out, talking animatedly. Your hunter instincts kicked in and you quietly grabbed the gun in your back pocket, and hurried to come up behind them, hearing the music switch off as you began to move. You knew Dean and Sam had your back in that moment.
“Hey!” You yelled, watching Sam and Dean flank right and left, so the group was surrounded. The girl in the front with the cut off shirt and piercing blue eyes turned suddenly, facing you. The others looked around, realizing they were surrounded and the guy closest to Dean raised his hands slowly noticing the guns.
“We don’t want any trouble.” The guy said slowly.
“Well, you pulled up to the wrong house for that.” Dean replied coldly before shouting, “on your knees!” The group slowly dropped down, as Sam and Dean closed in on them, guns still raised.
“What are you doing here?” Sam asked roughly, glancing from group member to group member.
The girl with the blue eyes spoke first, her voice breathy. “My grandmother just died. I was told to come to this address to meet with a guy about the estate, and the gate was open.” She finished shrugging lightly with her arms raised. Your gun began to waiver, her words hitting you like a brick wall. Could this girl be related to you?
Before you could react, Dean spoke harshly, “And where’s your proof of that!” The tone of his voice made the girl jump and let out a soft squeak, before she motioned to her bag and the piece of paper that was hanging out. You grabbed it quickly and read the words on the page, your eyes beginning to fill with tears. This girl was your sister.
You glanced at Dean and Sam who looked back at your questioningly, but you placed your hand on the girl’s shoulder and beckoned for her to stand up.
“What’s your name?” You asked softly.
“Heather.” She replied, glancing between you and the boys.
You nodded your head deep in thought, and you spoke without thinking it through. “Heather, I think you are my sister.”
Without hesitation the girl wrapped her arms around you tightly, her dark hair flying around with the motion of her movements. From behind you, you could see Sam helping the other girl and the three guys to their feet, apologizing quietly, and muttering excuses about being feds, his eyes never leaving you. Heather began to shake in your arms, and you knew she was crying softly, so you wrapped your arms around her a bit tighter.
“What’s your name?” She managed to choke out between sobs.
“Y/N,” you respond, not believing this was happening. 
She began to calm down a bit, and introduced you to her friends, Nikki and Kenny, her boyfriend Ryan, and a guy they picked up outside of town, who shook Dean’s hand confidently and introduced himself as “Darryl.” Heather can’t stop starring at you and to break the moment you give the group a brief tour of the house, of what you have already seen, Heather’s friend Kenny excitingly offering to cook dinner for everyone after seeing the kitchen. You glanced at Sam and Dean, and Dean shrugged, unable to think of a reason why not.
“Sure,” he said hesitantly, “I can run into town and grab some groceries.”
“We can come with too,” Heather states grabbing Ryan’s hand and gesturing toward Nikki, Kenny, and Darryl.
“I’ll stay back and start unloading stuff, I’m low man on the totem pole anyway. If we are planning to stay here for a while, we better get unpacked!” Darryl states with a grin, heading toward the red van, Heather and the trio following.
You gripped Dean’s arm lightly, watching the group unpack their bags. “I don’t like you going alone with them, Dean,” you said wearily, rubbing a hand down your face, exhausted from the last half hour. He gnawed at his bottom lip a bit and nods, looking toward the group and back toward you and Sam, letting out the breath he was holding.
“Well, I’m not about to leave you here with just this random guy. And we can’t leave the house alone. Sam, stay with Y/N and I’ll go with the teens.” Rolling his eyes, he glanced at you and gripped you softly around the shoulders. “I’ll be fine.” He finished quietly, so only you could hear, before heading toward the Impala barking out a gruff “let’s go!” to the group. Ryan began raving loudly about the car before his voice is cut off by the slam of the front door. Dean winked at you through the windshield and peeled out down the driveway, leaving you in the dust with Sam, and Darryl.  
“Hey,” Sam asks you quietly, sitting down on the front steps as you stared out across the estate. “How you doing?” He places his hand around your shoulder and pulls you close, planting a soft kiss to your forehead. Darryl was inside exploring the upstairs. You left him too it after you figured he wasn’t going to burn down the house with you sitting right there and stepped outside for some fresh air. You had been out there about ten minutes when Sam showed up.
“I don’t know Sam,” you finally answered, pushing your bangs out of your eyes to glance up into his. “Isn’t this all…. Weird?” You finished not knowing how else to phrase it. Sam shrugged, nodding his head slowly.
“Yeah,” he began pulling you closer as you shivered a bit against him. “I have to admit, I never expected to actually meet some of your family when we came out here. But honestly, our entire lives are weird. Maybe we shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth?” He finished with a shrug, his thumb rubbing soft circles against your shoulder.
“Besides, they all seem normal enough. More normal than you anyway.” He grins wide and you scoff and bump against his shoulder lightly giggling.
He smirks at you and you lean in closer jumping when you suddenly hear a clatter from inside. Sam glances at you and rushes inside, you following close behind.
“Darryl!” You yell, looking around the entry way, Sam searching through the pool room and the kitchen.
You glance into the dining room and let out a “son of a bitch” under your breath.
“I don’t see him,” Sam said walking around the corner. You huff out a breath and roll your eyes, pointing toward the missing silverware and candle stick holders. Sam shook his head lightly and sighed, “probably took off.” You nodded, hearing the roar of the Impala come up the drive.
“Fucking thief!” Heather yelled stomping into the house, after Sam told her where we figured Darryl ended up. You stood back silent, your anger getting the best of you in that moment. You didn’t know any of the group from Adam at this point but felt betrayal anyway. They should have never picked up that guy up, you thought to yourself. Sam and Nikki helped calm Heather down reiterating what Sam had told me minutes earlier, “that it’s just stuff.” You nodded at her, accepting her apologetic hug, and everyone returned to the house to prepare for dinner, Ryan popping a bottle of Champagne, Dean rolling his eyes at the “girly drink” but accepting some anyway. You smirked at him from behind your bangs and he stuck his tongue out at you like a child, downing the liquid.
An hour later the drinking was amped up and Ryan and Dean were locked in a death match style pool game, while Kenny whistled away in the kitchen preparing a feast. Ryan insisted on playing some music from “this century” and turned on some rap much to Dean’s dismay, the bass bumping loudly against the wooden floors. However, you let out a scoff when you saw him eyeing Nikki who was swaying her hips in the corner. Sam, Heather, and you were off to the side watching the game, Heather asking you question after question about your life and you expertly avoiding spilling too many details. It wasn’t quite time for “the talk.”
“Son of a bitch!” Dean yelled in frustration losing the game by one ball, Ryan having similarly lost a half hour ago, leaving them tied. Ryan chuckled from the corner, and you saw Dean’s jaw tick slightly. You rolled your eyes looking at Sam who looked amused.
“Is he always this serious?” Heather asked gesturing toward Dean, a look of genuine curiosity on her face. You giggled under your breath thinking about how to answer, when Sam jumped in. “Dean is very complex,” he responded taking a sip of his drink. Heather raised her eyebrows and Sam didn’t continue leaving you openly laughing at how accurate that explanation really was.
“So. Which brother is yours?” Heather spoke again suddenly, making Sam choke on his drink, his face turning red. You roared with laughter unable to contain it, prompting Dean’s attention and he waggled his eyebrows at you suggestively, and bent further over the table, completely misinterpreting your gaze. You rolled your eyes in response and turned back to Heather.
“Neither.” You answered simply, shrugging, not sure how else to respond. Heather seemed to accept that, and returned back to watching the pool game, Sam giving you a small smile. Maybe in a different life you and one of the Winchesters would have worked, but there was too much baggage now. Too much trauma. Sam was your best friend, and you knew enough about him to know that he still deeply mourned his first love, Jessica. And Dean. Well Dean was Dean, and you figured he preferred his life jumping from girl to girl. You weren’t naïve enough to think you met his standards in that department.
Suddenly, you couldn’t stand to be in the room, it beginning feel stifling hot. You stood up, and muttered something about exploring upstairs. Sam made a move to follow, but you shook him off with a smile, doing the same to Dean when he put down his pool que. Once away from the burden of 20 questions and your own thoughts about the brothers, you climbed the staircase heading upstairs, pausing to look at each picture you passed, many of them family pictures, each member wearing a chain with an S hanging from it. You paused in front of a portrait of a woman with Y/H/C hair that looked eerily like you, when you noticed something that set you back on your heels. Reaching up you yanked down your shirt revealing the odd scar you have right below your right collar bone, reflecting the same design as the woman’s necklace. It looked almost as if you had been branded at some point. What was going on?
You kept walking upstairs, finding what must have been your grandmother’s room, complete with old spray bottles of perfume and clothing. Sifting through it all, you held up one of the dresses looking back into the mirror when you saw a corpse positioned in the chair behind the mirror, startling you enough that you let out a scream. 
Moments later, you heard footsteps pounding up the stairs and Sam and Dean rush into the room, guns at the ready, lowering them when they see you standing there, one hand over your mouth a silent tear falling.
“We can’t let Heather see her like this.” You said quietly, turning your back on the shriveled body. Sam quickly covers it with the blanket from the bed, when you hear a scream from below, all three of you rushing down the stairs hearing Heather screaming “you guys!” 
You turn the corner into the kitchen where you see the large figure of a man, dressed in a red shirt and pants, cutting the fingers off a severed hand. Each finger plunked uselessly into the bowl beneath him. Before anyone can react, the stranger turns toward you all, and you see that instead of the pale hue of his face, it’s as if he’s wearing a mask, of pale-yellow human skin.
Part II? Let me know in the comments! 
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eliannaa · 4 years
(Part 2)
Pairing: Jacques Riego and the Mercadejas heiress (Aia and Ali's daughter)
Rated M for Mature content, please at your own risk. Thanks!
Disclaimer: I do not own Costa Leona series, Miss Jonah Mae Pacala (Jonaxx) does.
Also, it is very important that you read the the part 1 first, to better understand the story.
“You tasted so yummy,” she purred.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he kept on uttering the word over and over again, his eyes closed and his brows furrowed while relishing the feeling of her, unsure whether he’ll despise the heavens for bringing him his personal destruction or thanking them for turning his fantasies to life.
Jacques’ sudden aloofness to the Mercadejas family can be a curious thing.
He grew stoic and more focused to things with great consequence, but he was never anti-social, most especially towards them. He loved to spend time at their mansion, admiring all the immemorial details of it. He enjoyed his day at their beach and occasional parties they are most delighted of hosting. Ali Mercadejas was especially fond of Jacques because of his brilliance and the latter always put the former in high regards especially in business and life.
But one day, he just stopped visiting.
He would always create endless excuses whenever he was invited to come over.
The head of the family understands. He is a driven businessman, determined to be on top of his game, hence his time for recreation are always set aside.
And Ali is somehow right but there is a darker reason than that.
Little did he know… his brilliant, reputable protégée is having dark fantasies towards his only daughter.
Not that Jacques wanted it in the first place, no, sir.
His parents, especially his mother, raised him to always respect women, to never regard them as an object of malicious thoughts or actions. The young heiress, though acknowledged, was never his favourite company or the apple of his eye. But because of that fateful night, everything changed.
It was raining cats and dogs. Jacques’ patience is thinning, being stuck in a heavy traffic after a whole day of frustrations with his staffs. He hated delays, he always want to be one step ahead of his competitors but how will he the people under him are laid back? He fired some and scolded some. The last thing he want to do was attend another exhausting event but his mother called him several times that tonight is a very special night for Mr. Mercadejas’ daughter who especially asked for his presence.
No is not an option so he endured 3 hours being stuck in traffic to attend the debutant’s party. But fate wasn’t so nice to him that night. Not because he ended covered in icing by catching her but because he saw something he shouldn’t have; something that haunted his dreams for many months, if not years.
“I’m so sorry for the mess, Jacques and thank you for saving my daughter.” Mrs. Aia Mercadejas said for the umpteenth time as she led Jacques and her daughter the way inside their mansion so they could change into something more decent.
He smiled and shook his head. “There’s no need for apologies. It wasn’t anybody’s fault Aunt and I’m glad I’ve got to save her.” He replied and looked at the girl they were talking about, who’s walking quietly beside him. He noticed that her plump lips were shivering, her shoulders sagging. She refused to look at anything but the floor.
“Hey,” he gently called. He saw her lips protrude and realized how naturally red they are… like sweet cherries.
“It’s not your fault. Please don’t think it is.” He received no reply.
He wasn’t aware when she disappeared upon reaching their mansion. Aunt Aia asked the house helps to assist him but he declined and asked for directions where he could clean and change instead. If only he agreed to be assisted, he wouldn’t have entered the wrong room, he wouldn’t have seen the Mercadejas heiress… her eyes closed and her naked and sinful body under the shower… with the water that seemed to worship her as they caress her every curves and edges.
For a moment, he was astounded and rooted at the spot but immediately snapped out of it and went out of that room with his chest pounding.
He went home without even bothering to let the hosts know of his departure.
Fuck. He was fucked.
That night, he stayed under the cold shower for a very long time. He tried to think of numbers. His business ventures. His clients. The stock market. Charts. Anything, except her.
That night, he dreamed of her, squirming beneath him, clinging unto him, screaming his name in pleasure.
And so, he had no other choice but to distance himself from the whole family. Though unintended, he felt like he did a terrible crime. Having only a glance of her would only remind him of what he saw and will only intensify his dreams.
He punished himself with overwhelming workload. He tried doing intense sports. He never allowed himself to idle. Idling could only lead to dangerous thoughts—her.
After years of battling his dilemma, he thought that he had finally regained his sanity when she entered his office, unannounced and he felt nothing. Bold for him to assume so!
When she reported on her first day, his presentation was almost disastrous just because he saw her sitting among the potential investors, nibbling her bottom lip.
When she reported on her second day, he almost spilled his coffee when he saw her sucking a lollipop.
She instantly became his daily distraction but he can’t seem to find the courage to get rid of her.
“Sir?” she uttered after knocking on his door, one afternoon.
“Come in,” was the reply behind it. She immediately obliged.
With brows furrowed, he kept his gaze on the blueprint before him, waiting for her to talk.
She didn’t answer. He frowned some more and lifted his gaze and caught her biting her lower lip, hiding a smirk. Damn, why does she have to look so…
“Still working?” she finally said.
He sighed and nodded. “As you can see, yes.” She failed to notice the sarcasm and giggled.
“Come on, don’t get too worked up, there’s still tomorrow.”
“Not for people like me. Anyway, you are free to go,” he said dismissively and returned his attention to his work. Please, spare me and my sanity, he added inwardly.
He heard her click her tongue. “Aww.” His chest pounded when he heard he walk towards him until she was standing behind his swivel chair.
“My poor Riego.”
He jumped when she placed her hands on his shoulder and gave those a squeeze. He definitely didn’t see that coming! Damn!
But he needed to keep a straight face, for fuck’s sake. He was supposed to overcome his insanity over her.
“Miss Mercadejas. Upon signing your contract under my company, you are well-aware of the rules and regulations on how one should maintain his professional relationship with his colleague and in your case, with your boss.”
His voice was stern, his gaze stoic even though she couldn’t see them, she was still standing confidently behind him.
She bent over and whispered with an oh-so-alluring voice to his ear.
“Fuck those rules.”
He can feel the hairs on his nape stand as erect as his member.
“Miss Mercadejas, I—oh” he almost lost it when she sucked on his neck.
That should feel scandalous but his body was feeling otherwise! He stood up and looked at her intensely.
“I am not here to play with your silly games, Miss.” he barked almost harshly, trying to prove his self-restraint.
But she seemed unmoved by him and looked at her with determined eyes. She looked like a predator and he’ll be the willing prey.
She smirked. “Me neither.” She took a stepped forward and yanked on his tie harshly. “I’ll tell you my little secret.” Her voice was sensual and tempting and made him sweat bullets. “I know you want me.” He was too stunned to react.
She kissed the tip of his nose. “I see how you looked at me.”
She kissed his cheek, “I see how you worshipped me with those sinful eyes.”
She kissed his stubbled chin, “I saw you on my 18th birthday. Inside my room…”
He stiffened and his eyes widened in disbelief. “What?”
“Mm-hm. It was an accident though but… You wanted me since then, right?” she let go of his tie and gave him a menacing smile.
“What—no!” Jacques placed his hands on her shoulders and pushed her away as gentle as possible.
She moved inches away from him and bobbed her head to the side; she pouted her lips and furrowed her brows in confusion. She looked so innocent yet dangerous. She’ll be the death of him.
“No? What do you mean no? You don’t like my body?” she asked innocently.
“Y-No! I don’t! That’s ridiculous. And may I remind you, I am still your boss!” I exclaimed. He was surprised when she shook her head in disappointment.
“Yes, you do. And may I remind you, Sir, that lying is wrong.” She scolded him softly.
“I don’t see you like that. I didn’t mean to see you like that and I’m sorry, but I only see you as a sister then and as an employee now.” Jacques felt so proud for telling her that firmly and holding the panic in his voice.
“Oh really?” she took several confident steps towards him, he backed up. But he wasn’t fast enough. She quickly placed her hands on his growing bulge.
“See? You do like my body!” she triumphantly exclaimed.
Oh god, her hands feel so good. But I shouldn’t feel this way; we shouldn’t be doing this in the first place. This is wrong.
He somehow found the strength to remove her hands off his erected member and immediately missed the contact. He needed the composure though. His gray eyes met her hazel brown ones and tried to look as stern as possible.
“Stop it. Look, I may not look excited right now but it’s not because of you. Nothing could ever come from this.” He gestured them both with his fingers and continued, “Compared to me, you are only a child. You came to know me as one of your older brothers, right?”
Her jaw dropped, feigning dismay. “First, at 22, I am most certainly not a child. Second, I never treated you like my brother. And did I tell you to stop lying to me? You want me. You always look at me whenever I’m biting my lip or whenever my skirt hikes up too high, you never forbid me from eating lollipop. Do you perhaps… imagine that I’m sucking yours instead?”
Jacques paled considerably. She noticed him gawking at her? He thought he was being careful! Is he that obvious? Who else could’ve noticed him?
“I-I think you might be seeing things. There is no way I could be checking you out inappropriately.”
She laughed like she heard the funniest joke.
“Of course you do. And you want to know what’s under this skirt, right? Here, I can show you…” she then unceremoniously lifted her skirt, revealing a red lacy panty.
Fuck this.
What is reason, anyway?
He thought he was over her. He was dead wrong. That night, her 18th, was the moment he was cursed to want only her.
Jacques did not waste any time to finally have a taste of her sweet lips. When their lips crashed he realised that he’ll never get enough. He’ll want more… more of her sweet nectar. He sat on his chair and pulled her to straddle his hips.
“Mm… you taste so good.” She purred, sucking on his neck, as she humped on his bulge.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck” he kept on uttering the word over and over again, his eyes closed and his brows furrowed while relishing the feeling of her, unsure whether he’ll despise the heavens for bringing him his personal destruction or thanking them for turning his fantasies to life.
He held her face and pecked her lips. “I want you.” He finally admitted.
She giggled and wrinkled her nose. “That’s what I’ve been telling you.” He kissed her again with fervent passion. Exploring her wet cavern and sucking her sweet, sinful tongue. By gods, this was a thousand times better than his dreams. Having her close, feeling her heartbeats increase frantically. Him making her feel things, him making her react intensely. He stopped kissing her allowing oxygen to reach her lungs.
He then impatiently got rid of her article of clothing one by one, desperate to feel her skin to skin. And when he finally did, he stopped for a moment to gaze at her in awe. Her skin was unblemished and felt so soft. He did not waste any time to have a taste of every inch. He desperately sucked her twin peaks leaving making her whimper helplessly.
“Sir?” she curiously asked when he pushed her gently away, making both of them stand. He kissed her once and commanded.
“Sit on my chair; I want to taste your sweetness.”
She gladly obliged and sat bringing both of her feet up and spreading her legs as wide as she can.
“Fuck, you’re so wet.”
Without further ado, he parted the flushed lips of her sex with one hand and collected moisture from her pussy with the other, bringing it up to her sensitive clit. He brought his thirsty mouth and devoured her… drinking her sweet juices as he enjoyed her cries and whimpers from pleasure.
He could get addicted to this! Damn it.
A few more laps and she was a mess; her cavern tightening up from orgasm, her throat raw from screaming.
She must’ve lost her senses for a few moments because the next thing she knew is she’s straddling Jacques again, making his long, thick and hard member known, caressing her dripping hole.
“Mine.” He growled possessively and entered her quickly. He thrust in and felt something break as he buried himself inside of her. Damn, is she unbelievably tight and soft?
“Ah!” she whimpered in pain and clutched his shoulders tightly. Jacques grimaced. She will probably leave some marks and it’ll be totally worth it. But he panicked when he heard silent sobs.
“Fuck, I’m sorry baby. I’m sorry…” he whispered again and again while kissing her head, his thumb found its way to her clit and rubbed it gently.
“Sshhh… I’m sorry.”
She took in shuddering breath and whispered, “I’m fine. Just help me move?”
He immediately obliged. He held her waist and assisted her in moving up and down his length. He made sure to make the thrusts as shallow and gentle as possible... Coaxing her with whispers. “You feel so good, baby.” Sucking her nipples and caressing her nub.
Soon enough she was crying his name in pleasure. She buried her face on his shoulder in attempt to muffle her cries when she reached her peak. It was euphoric.
Jacques held her tightly on his lap and kissed her forehead.
“I want to talk to your father this weekend.”
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alwaysaglader · 6 years
Cosy Cuddles and Dazzling Dreams
I sensed the gloomy weather today as I sleepily peeked through my eye. I heard the pitter patter of rain hit the roof of my hut and some drops leaking through. I snuggled in closer to my pillow loving the day already.
Most people would say rainy days are troublesome, but for me it was different. I loved it. I found peace and quiet in the battle of the sky. Falling asleep again, I curled myself closer sighing happily. My eyes started drooping when I heard the creak of the door and muffling of footsteps. Newt.
I pretended to sleep knowing he came to wake me up. He always had to wake up early being Second-in-command and I usually wake up early with him being a runner but not for the past couple of days.
It started raining here for the first time in three years and it still hasn’t stopped. It was a good time for us, runners, to have a time off but Alby wanted everyone up today due to complaints from other gladers who have to work indoors.
Newt knew how cranky I get in the morning, specially when I’m really sleepy but he always tries to wake me up with a smile on my face. And then he will tease me later about how adorable I am when I’m mad at him for early wake-up calls. That shank.
“Loooove” he cooed stroking my cheek “it’s time to wake-up”. I tried to be asleep but cracked a smile when he started peppering me with kisses. His heavenly kisses. “Sweetheart…” he murmured, sitting on the bed showering me with even more kisses while his fingers gently traced the bare skin under my hoodie.  
“Can’t I have 5 more minutes?” I asked, as a soft gasp escaped my lips when he nibbled on my ear. ”Newt....” I shifted slightly as he kissed along my neck “Pleaseeeeee just for today”. I heard him let out a soft chuckle. "Love you and I both know its never 5 minutes" he laughed lightly, tapping my nose, knowing me all too well. 
I took a quick peek at him before scooting over and snuggling into his arm tightly, trying to charm him into letting me stay “Pretty please ?”. "Awww darling…“ he cooed, craving in already. "Alrighty.Five minutes it is then”. I squeaked a little nuzzling into his arm making him laugh again.
“Y/N, I have to go check around. When I get back, would you wake up and have breakfast with me ?” he asked, stroking my head lovingly with his free hand. I hummed as a ‘yes’ and in pure bliss under his touch. 
“Good that love” he tucked me in and gently took his arm away. I winced for the loss of his warmth. He placed a kiss on my forehead and slowly walked out. The last thing I saw before falling into a deep slumber was Newt still standing at the door smiling at me.
Newt’s P.O.V
I walked back to the kitchen waving 'good morning’ to a wide-awake Thomas on the way, to see a sleepy Minho with his head on the table. “Good morning Minho” I greeted cheerfully sitting in front of him. “I need…my nap…” he groaned, eyes half closed. I chuckled shaking him till he lifted his head off the table.
He blinked his eyes a few times before looking around and back at me. “Hey where is the she-bean?” he asked rubbing his eyes. “5 minutes” I replied grabbing a piece of bacon from his plate left aside.  
“Hey! Not fair!!” he whined, with a pout “if I knew I get extra privileges I would have told you I loved you long time ago”. I laughed at his remark. Minho is pretty grumpy if his 'beauty sleep’ is disturbed. “Bugger off Min”.
“You know it’s going to be impossible to get Y/N off that bed today right ?” he pointed out, or yawned for the most of it. “I know” I sighed “and I want her to sleep too but I can’t argue with Alby on it”.
“Why not? I did it.” he shrugged casually. “Oh Minho not again” I complained, resting my head on my fists “now I am going to have to listen to another lecture about your attitude”.
“Your welcome” he grinned. “So do you want any help waking the she-bean up?”. “Noooo thanks Min” I shook my head quickly and stood up, remembering the day Y/N woke up the whole glade by one scream because of Minho. “Don’t want a repeat of the last time you did that”.
I walked around for a while making sure no one was slacking or getting wet in the rain. The runners have occupied themselves with something for the day and I’m sure Thomas will drag Minho to the map room and shower him with questions again. That shank cannot be idle for a minute.
After a check-up, I walked back to Y/N’s hut to see her all bundled up in the sheets, curled up to a little ball. She looked so adorable.
I know she needs the rest more than the others. I am the only one who knows how she stays up late studying the maps or how she stays up for me and… how many times either one of has woken up due to nightmares. But never has she once complained about a single problem. She is so strong and I am so bloody proud of her at every moment of every buggin’ day for it.
I walked over to her bed, my smile growing wider when I heard her mumble something incoherently in her sleep. It was so cute when she does that.I always listened closely. And sometimes I would tease her until she puts on a cute little grumpy face.
I inched closer and kissed her lips watching a small smile make its way to her face. “Love,your times up” I cooed. No response. “Love?” I gently shook her but she just cuddled in closer to her pillow. This was quite the challenge.
I got on the bed and spooned her placing wet, sloppy kisses along her face and neck. “Neeeeewt” she whined sleepily and made grabby hands searching for me with her eyes closed. She turned around and wrapped her arms around my torso bringing me down. “Warm” she mumbled hugging me tighter and my instincts kicked in instantly and I wrapped my arms around her. I couldn’t help it. A few minutes won’t hurt.
I placed a tender kiss on her forehead and gently ran my hand through her hair. I felt her relax in my arms like she always does, her small hands holding me closer. It felt like home. She is my home.
I felt myself slowly give in to staying a bit longer. I cuddled close as possible, almost squeezing her. So close that I could feel her breathing..the sweet soothing sound which lulled me to sleep.
Time Skip To Evening
3rd P.O.V
“Hey Minho” Alby said walking upto the runner back again in the kitchen. “I see you have been very busy today” he chuckled plopping down on the bench. “Oh yes. Been thinking of lovely answers for Thomas’s questions all day” Minho grumbled, lazily pushing the food around on his plate.
“Have you seen Newt?” Alby sighed, giving up his search “I have been looking for him all day”. “Does he look like he is here shank?” Minho snapped startling the leader. “What the shuck wrong with you Minho?” Alby raised an eyebrow intently at his attitude.
“I’m bored and sleepy and haven’t seen my partner in crime the whole day” he replied in a quieter tone, feeling guilty at his outburst. “Y/N is busy?” Alby asked knowingly. “Didn’t see her the whole day” Minho sighed sadly.
“Minho I’m sure she must be bus –WAIT–” Alby paused, suddenly realising the whereabouts of the missing pair “THAT MEANS…” he looked over at Minho who seemed to have already got to the point.
“Well Alby I think you just found out where Newt is” he snickered, pointing his fork at Y/N’s hut "knock before you go. Wouldn’t want to walk in on anything". "Shut your hole shank" Alby laughed.
“Hey Hey whats going on here?” Frypan interrupted with two steamy cups of hot chocolate in his hands. “There you go shanks. My first batch” he handed it over proudly. “Thanks Fry” Minho beamed already taking a sip but regretting it immediately. “Geez Fry. Its shucking hot”. “Well I just got it out of the stove” Frypan stated the obvious.
“Next time maybe mention that” Minho muttered which was hardly understandable due to his numb tongue. “Fry is there enough to go around ?” Alby checked taking a slight sip at his share. “Don’t you worry. This Cooks got it all under control” he assured patting Alby’s shoulder before walking off.
“Alright then” Alby let out a loud sigh standing up “I will see you later shank. I’ve got a wake up call to do”. A sly grin came across Minho’s face. “What?” Alby asked confused. “Scare the daylights off them will ya?”.
“Minho I do not want a repeat of the last time” Alby chuckled shaking his head. “C'mon you’ve got to admit I did a great job” Minho grinned proudly “Y/N’s scream could have awakened grievers”. “Your scream when Newt chased you yelling 'I will avenge my lady’ would have done the same” Alby recalled the best part of that day. Minho poked out his tongue, turning ten shades redder.
Newt’s P.O.V
I don’t know how long it has been but I still don’t want to get up. I slowly opened my heavy eyes and looked down to see the beautiful sight of Y/N still sound asleep peacefully in my arms. It has been ages since she had a good sleep like this. I smiled when I heard her tiny snores. It was like cuddling a baby bear.
I gazed down at her caressing her cheek, taking in every tiny detail of her. She was beyond the meaning of perfect… but she never believed it. Every little thing of herself she thinks as a flaw is a little thing of her I Iove endlessly. 
I wish she saw who she was from my eyes. Maybe she would believe me when I tell her all the thoughts running crazy in my mind.The little things of her which makes me get drunken on her love.
I fell into a daydream.. thinking about how much I wanted to get her out of here, to give her everything her heart desires.
I know I have nothing much to offer but I will always give her the best of me.
I sighed softly and kissed her forehead, thinking about our future we could have one da-- “GOOD MORNING TO YOU TWO SHANKS!!” an all too familiar voice boomed startling me and waking Y/N in shock. ALBY. SHUCK.
“Heyyyy Alby” I laughed nervously. “Hello to you too Newt… and Y/N. Would you like breakfast in bed today or should I say dinner!!” he yelled throwing his hands in the air. “Oh bugger off Alby” Y/N mumbled facing away, nestling up against me.
“I should give you both a nice time in the slammer” Alby frowned, crossing his arms “for slacking off”. “Alby you can put me in the slammer all you want but not Y/N, I’ll  take her time too” I said without a second thought, pulling her closer. “No Newt you will not” she muffled into my chest, before swivelling her body around, turning to face Alby.
“Alby you are not going to let him do that” she pointed firmly and I couldn’t help but kiss her for her overprotective nature over me. She shushed me away trying to keep up the grumpy face but I could see the softest of smiles tugged at her lips.
“Y/N” Alby stated sternly, tapping his foot on the floor like he does when at Gatherings. I was expecting a big lecture. “You won’t be in the slammer”. “Wha–” Y/N opened her mouth to argue but "neither is Newt” he cut her off, curling his lips to a sly grin out of the blue.
“Alby?” I looked at him confused. “Oh I just love the way you get protective of each other. Gives me something to tease Newt about later” he smirked. I groaned pulling the covers over my head to hide my blushing face.
“Look you shanks” Alby sighed, rubbing his head in deep thought “I know about the two of you over-working yourselves lately. I’ve seen it and also got many complaints from a worried Minho”. I saw Y/N smile at that and I did too.
“You have to take care of yourselves too” he continued, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. “But there is so much of bloody work to do around here Alby” I reasoned “don’t want you handling all this klunk by yourself”. “I know Newt” he smiled sadly, “but it can’t be done if one of you went down”. 
“Alby we are fineeeeee” Y/N tried a lie, avoiding his gaze. We never wanted Alby to worry about us. He will take it seriously, stressing more with the issues he already has to deal around here. But he wasn’t buying it now. “Really?” he quirked his eyebrow at Y/N “cause you look like you’ve seen a griever”.
“Hey!!” I defended “she still looks bloody gorgeous”. “Says the person who looks like klunk” Alby laughed shoving me and I felt Y/N’s body vibrate with laughter too. I buried my face in her neck and I felt a small kiss on my head. “Don’t worry Newtie you look handsome to me” she whispered. I smiled and whispered back a “good that” into her ear. She giggled as my breath tickled her ear and I saw Alby shaking his head with a grin on his face.
“Alright lovebirds, I’m going to let you off this time BUT…” he pointed his forefinger at Y/N and his gaze softened “next time you steal my second-in- command let me know. I spent the whole bugging’ day looking for him” he smacked my head.“OW!!” I complained rubbing it. “Will do Alby” she giggled. “Good that Y/N”.
“And Newt….” he pointed his finger at me widening his eyes, like he was about to "GET YOUR SHUCK-FACES TO DINNER NOW!!“ yell again but there was an evident big smile there as he left.
I felt Y/N shuffle next to me and sit up taking in a deep breath. I watched her in silence, my eyes and mind fixated on her morning beauty. Her natural beauty. A sight which makes my eyes pop out.   
I saw her taking a little peek at me and blush when she saw me already staring. I chuckled sitting up and kissing her cheek "You look adorable when you are shy, darling”. She pushed me playfully and took a look outside through the small misty window. 
“It’s quite nice isn’t it ?” she whispered, not breaking his stare with the rain that continued to pour outside. “Bloody beautiful” I replied looking at her throughout. She tilted her head and fluttered her eyes “Me or the view?”. “You. Always you sweetheart” I smiled scooting closer and kissing her temples. She hummed placing a kiss on my lips. 
I smiled into the kiss, matching her own as we pulled apart after a while, revelling in pure bliss. “We should go” she giggled, her soft hand gently caressing my cheek. “Do we?” I pouted not having any intention to leave now despite of Alby’s command. 
I just wanted to stay tangled with Y/N. I heard such a yearning to be with her. 
The smell of her hair, the taste of her mouth, the feeling of her skin seemed to have got inside me, or into the air all round me. She had become a physical necessity.
“C'mon you lazy bum off you get” she ruffled my hair jumping off. “Oh I don’t know love, I think I might need help with that” I smirked extending my hands towards her and wiggling my fingers.
“You have a whole lot of excuses to hold me don’t ya Newtie” she giggled, walking over, intertwining our fingers.“I could hold you for a million years to make you feel my love” I whispered shyly, leaning my forehead against her’s. Her eyes brightened, her smile reaching her eyes as she looked at me lovingly, placing a kiss on my knuckles. “I love you too”.
After a few tries, I stumbled off the bed pulling Y/N along with me. She squealed as I caught her in my arms laughing as we steadied ourselves.
After freshening up, I took the plank by the door and held it above our heads ready to go. “Stay close, love” I said as we stepped outside the hut to make our way across the glade to the kitchen. 
I shut the door after Y/N and clumsily knocked the plank on my head being so caught up admiring her looking around the glade, her eyes sparkling through such a dark day.
The glade looked so dull but yet she was smiling beautifully lighting it up.
She was the sunshine through this rain.
A perfect rainbow to be formed.
I know how much Y/N loves rainy days so I got a small surprise for her earlier, being waiting for the right time to give it. She told me a few fuzzy feelings she remembered before like cuddling and reading through the rain so thats exactly what I got ready for her today.
I heard the soft rumbling of thunder shifting my gaze to the sky.I shuffled closer to Y/N and wrapped my arm around her and kissed her forehead reassuringly. I know Y/N isn’t afraid of thunder or anything for that matter but I always want her to feel protected .It was always an instinct of mine. I know she can take care of herself but through it all I love to spoil her all the time. No matter how much she complains even though I know she secretly loves it.
“Shall we go?” I heard her sweet voice pull me out of my thoughts as she tried to hide her little smile when she catches me daydreaming. Again.“Yes Yes love. Let’s go” I stuttered starting to walk.
I purposely splashed into a few mud puddles on the way and in return Y/N rubbed all the mud covering her shoes on my leg. After a few attempts of trying to walk without messing around, we were still at the centre of the glade when an idea popped into my head.
I saw Y/N look away for a mere second and I ran away in a flash throwing the plank. The moment the shelter had lifted from above us we were soaked from head to toe.Her head snapped towards me as I clutched my sides laughing. Her mouth hung open as water dripped down her clothes.“NEWT!!” she screamed hugging herself. “What in bloody hell are-?” she couldn’t finish as I ran up to her and cut her off with a perfect kiss under the rain.
She wrapped her arms around my neck, sighing contentedly as I nuzzled my face into the crook of her neck as we swayed back and forth. 
I intertwined our fingers and twirled Y/N, laughing and dancing like crazy in the rain until the glade was suddenly filled with cries of excitement. Thomas was running up waving his hands in the air followed by all the other gladers. I held onto Y/N as they swarmed towards us.
The boys were having a great time, soaking each other by splashing puddles and throwing mud. Y/N and me, being the goofy gladers we are, held hands and ran like little kids. I ended up slipping in the mud and pulling her down with me, resulting in quite the muddy mess.
After some time, I walked over to the side to catch my breath when I noticed one one mischievous shank missing. And as on queue a loud “MINHO” echoed from none other than Alby who was standing near the benches a few minutes ago trying to avoid getting wet. But right now he was fuming here, drenched, while Minho, the shank who pushed him, ran away.
As I was distracted, I saw Y/N jumping onto my back from the corner of my eye. “Woah darling I gotcha” I laughed catching her quickly as she peeped over my shoulder. “It’s amazing how much a little bit of rain can bring everyone together isn’t it?” she smiled resting her chin on my shoulder, her eyes wandering around.“Yeah” I replied following her gaze.
Laughter consumed the place, along with the occasional yelling. It held an amazing feeling, like the bonfire night but without Gally’s moonshine being the sole cause of it. 
As I continued to watch the rain fall gracefully from the sky, Alby stormed towards us “I pity the Med-Jacks for dealing with all these sick shanks tomorrow”.
“Oh c'mon Alby cheer up” Y/N shoved him a little, getting off me. “Gimme your hands” she smiled, holding out hers. I watched Alby carefully place his hands on her tiny ones, his face instantly lighting up. It’s wonderful how she can do that.  She started pulling Alby, spinning herself and dancing making him erupt with laughter.
“There we go” she giggled coming to a stop when he had a huge smile stuck on his face. I smiled walking over wrapping my arms round her from behind “You are incredible you know that?”. She hummed nuzzling her nose onto mine, when a mischievious smile came up. “Now I’m going to go and make Minho griever squish. Care to join me?”. “Be there in a minute love” I pecked her lips.
“Y/N do me a small favour” Alby grabbed her arm before she ran “give him a little payback from me will ya ?”. He was in quite the brightened mood now. The rain must be cooling his head off too. “Will do Alby” she shook his hand in agreement. I chuckled, loosening my grip and watch Y/N run off, kissing my cheek.
3rd P.O.V
Alby watched the bubbly girl run off as Newt watched her at awe. Newt’s eyes were filled with the purest visible form of happiness. It was nothing like the boy he saw busy in the glade. “She’s something, ain’t she?” Alby nudged. Newt blushed. “She is my life, Alby” he smiled shyly, which broke into a full wide grin when he saw you tackling Minho.
Everyone was having a great time, until a sudden flash of light struck across the sky followed by loud rumbling. Alby commanded everyone in immediately. 
Newt hurriedly found Y/N in the crowd, next to Chuck who looked terrified. “Love, you alright?” he crouched next to her, holding her hand “I’m fine. But he isn’t” she nudged her head towards Chuck, panting rapidly with Thomas trying to reassure him.
“Hey Chuck” Newt placed a hand on the boy’s knee. “What was that?” he trembled, lifting his gaze from the ground. “It was just some bloody light” Newt chuckled slightly, and held his hand “ain’t gonna let it hurt you alright ?”.  
A small smile appeared on Chuck’s face at Newt’s words. He nodded softly. Thomas engulfed Chuck with a hug “Thanks Newt”. “No worries Tommy” he smiled warmly “you doing ok?”. “Yeah” Thomas smiled back. “Good that”.
“As for you princess” Newt turned placing two fingers and lifting her chin “I’m gonna check up on the boys, then lets get you out of these wet clothes alright?”. “Good that” she mimicked, leaning to his cheek but he stole a kiss on her lips quickly and gave a cheeky grin.  
“You two are an overload of cuteness” Thomas laughed, making Chuck let out a little laugh too. “There’s my smiley little man” Y/N tackled Chuck to a hug.
Thomas watched Newt look at Y/N with the utter most adoration in his eyes. “Aren’t you busy Newt ?” Thomas patted his friend’s shoulder, rolling his eyes. “Oh shuck” he stood up quickly and cleared his throat before rushing away. “See you around Tommy”.
“Listen up shanks, no one steps outside” Alby announced loud and clear. “Dry yourselves and then Frypan’s gonna serve some gooey stuff he made”. 
“Pucker up shanks” Frypan laughed making his way proudly to the kitchen followed by his Cooks.
“Newt” Alby walked upto the boy, checking up on a couple of gladers. “Yeah?” he stood up from his crouching position. “Raise a curfew. Don’t want anyone getting burnt by that” Alby jabbed a finger outside.
“Got it” Newt confirmed. “I sent Winston and Zart to get over more sheets from the store room as well. It’s going to be a long cold night” Alby sighed placing his hands on his hip.
“But once we huddle up, it won’t be that bad. I’ll make sure everyone’s fine Alby” Newt reassured placing a hand on his shoulder. “Thanks Newt” Alby smiled tiredly at his friend “and hey, you better grab your share of Frypan’s stuff, it ain’t gonna last long”. “Will do.” Newt smiled sending a wave of comfort through the leader.
After everyone was dismissed, Newt took Y/N up to his old room upstairs in the Homestead. Sitting Y/N down on the bed with some towels to dry herself, Newt rummaged through the cupboard to find some clothes for the pair. He found a hoodie and some pants for her. “This is all I got love” he held it out “but it will keep you warm”. “It’s fine Newt” she smiled sweetly.
Newt dried himself before slipping off his soaked hoodie. Y/N couldn’t help but stare at his bare torso glistening from the rain. She bit her lip and watched him intently. “Like what you see, love” Newt winked catching her eye and she blushed looking away.
Newt stepped closer and lifted her chin up to meet his gaze. “Darling its perfectly alright. I would be worried if you didn’t look at me like that” he smiled. "Then don’t ever wear a shirt again" she giggled shyly, tracing his chest with her tiny hands. Newt melted under her touch.
“Lets get you out of these shall we?” he asked gesturing to her wet clothes. She lifted her hands and he raised her t-shirt above her head. Newt blushed furiously when the material was discarded. “Like what you see Newtie ?” she teased back as he gulped nervously, unable to speak.
She chuckled taking the dry hoodie from his hand, snapping him out. “You are so gorgeous” he breathed running his hands along her skin, tenderly. 
He admired her edges and curves. All her perfect imperfections.
Newt slowly lifted her arms and put the dry hoodie over her head. “So bloody gorgeous” he whispered again, his fingers gliding down to the waistband of her pants. The sound of the fastener getting unzipped filled the room.He knelt in front of her, placing his hands on her hips and guiding the trousers, kissing her leg along the way down and wiggling her into the dry baggy ones.
“Almost done,love” he smiled, picking up the clothes and laying them out on a stool. Y/N was confused as to what more was left when she felt the soft touch of his hands on her shoulders as he stood behind. He collects all of her hair in his hands without missing even one tiny strand as he patiently untangled it all.
He is in his own little world when taking care of her.
“There. All done sweetheart” he beamed, laying down on the bed, once he was satisfied with his work. “You take of me so well” she whispered softly, running her fingers through the strands of his feathery hair. “Always the best for my princess” he smiled widely as she laid down placing her chin on his chest, her gaze locking with his.
Newt found himself completely and utterly lost in Y/N’s eyes. It felt like the most beautiful dream he only hoped he would never wake up from.
“I will never finish falling in love with you” he said in a hushed, awed whisper, softly caressing her cheek with his calloused hand. “You’re my everything Y/N. I mean it. With all my heart”.
Tears started trickling down Y/N’s cheek like a gushing waterfall as Newt wiped it all away to see her eyes filled with....awe. Newt could have sworn his heart stopped beating, for the way she looked at him.
For it was not into her ear he whispered, but into her heart.
Newt gently trailed his fingertips along her jawline, looking deeply with his big brown orbs, when he caught an uneasy emotion hidden in her eyes. Newt knew that look all too well.
“What is it darling ?” he asked, stroking her arm up and down with his other hand. It hurt him to see her conflicted. “I…” Y/N paused, fiddling with her fingers, thinking of how to put the way she felt for him into words. She had so many thoughts rushing in her mind but nothing seems to come out. 
Part of her was a mystery Newt thought, is how she is calm in the storm and anxious in the quiet. 
“Tell me my love” he held her trembling hands, steadying them “Please”. She let go of her lip tucked between her teeth and nodded slowly before taking in a deep breath.
“Newt..you-you know…I-I’m not good with w-words at all since- you know- I-I- tend to- well do what I’m doing now” she laughed nervously, rambling. “One of the many reasons I love you” he chuckled planting a kiss onto her shoulder, comforting her to go on.
“But-but I want you to know that no matter what happens to us in the future, everyday we are together is the greatest day of my life. I will always be yours.” she promised, nuzzling into the tender touch on her cheek.  
If Newt didn’t have a heart attack before, he did now. All he could was gawk.
“Newt?” Y/N bumped her nose against his after a few moments of no response. “Newt are you-” she was cut off by Newt tackling her into a hug, the tears held back sliding through his cheeks.
“I love you too my darling so bloody much than I could ever say” he sobbed, peppering kisses anywhere and everywhere. “I love you and that’s the beginning and end of everything” he sniffled, smiling wetly down at Y/N who was a whimpering mess too.
“You’re gonna give me a heart attack one day you know ?” she laughed, leaning her head against his chest once again as they settled down. "Darling I think all the chocolate we’ve been stealing from Fry is gonna do that first" he chuckled, kissing her forehead.
After a moment of quietness, Y/N pushed herself up slightly, and affectionately pressed her lips to his, locking themselves in an enchanting embrace in a timeless world of love.
It was an ecstatic kiss that left Newt breathless, mouth hung open, hair disheveled, cheeks flushed and panting crazily like he just ran the maze.
“Oh my innocent mind!!” someone shrieked. Standing at the door, was Minho, hardly visible with the a stack of pillows. “Oh I’m sorry, was I interrupting something?” he peeped over the pillows, a smirk plastered onto his face. “No Min. We were just talking” Y/N giggled, trying to sit up, still dazed.
“Sure with the all the silence” Minho laughed, setting all the pillows on Newt who didn’t even bother moving.“Y/N that’s one kiss he won’t forget” Minho shoved her playfully, noticing Newt’s awestruck state. She blushed. “Newt you still breathing?” Minho poked. “Yeah…” he trailed off, his hazel eyes lingering on Y/N, gleaming with affection and happiness.
“Hello?” a curly head popped. “Come on in Chucky” Y/N waved, finally sitting up and dangling her legs over the bed. “You look like a strawberry” Minho ruffled her hair making it messy. “Bugger off Min” she smacked his hand away.
Chuck made his way towards the bed slowly, trying not to spill the tray he was carrying with two steamy cups of hot chocolate. “Thanks Chuckie. Did you have one?” Y/N asked before taking a sip of the warm beverage. “Yup” he grinned widely “and stole half of Thomas’s too”. “I have taught you well kid” Y/N wrapped an arm around his shoulder. “That’s my girl” Minho patted Y/N almost choking her, proud of his own work - teaching her all tricks and pranks.
“What are you shanks up to ?” another head popped in afterwards. “Come on in Tommy” Y/N laughed, gesturing to the group. “Where’s Newt?” he asked looking puzzled. “Why don’t you ask Y/N?” Minho smirked prodding her side. She rolled her eyes at him “Buried under the pillows”.
“How about we all just jump on those pillows?” Minho’s face lit up with a mischievous smirk. “Minho are you trying to squash Newt to death?” Y/N gasped pushing Minho back just in case. “Oh please you were already doing that” he fake-coughed. “Slim it” she mumbled, her cheeks burning up.
“Y/N why were you trying to kill  Newt?” Chuck joined the teasing unexpectedly. He must have gotten an interesting story from the boys after he accidentally walked in on a heated situation last time. “Chuck cover your ears” Thomas made a dramatic gasp. “Oh slim it Tommy” Y/N slapped his chest lightly.
“Chuck don’t mind these shuck faces” she pointed at the two doubling over with laughter “Heads still soaked”. "You know you were cutting his air supply too" Minho added with a wink. “Minho one more peep and I’ll throw this down your shirt” Y/N threatened titling her half-filled cup.
“Can someone pass me my hot chocolate?” Newt piped in, waving his hands aimlessly in the air. “Only if I get a kiss” Minho tried imitating Y/N’s voice. “I would rather kiss a griever” Newt replied at Minho’s failed attempt.“Oh I think the griever would rather kiss me than you” Minho sassed back as the four bursted laughing.
The bed shifted as Newt lazily sat up, dropping a pillow or two. “Minho how did you get so many buggin pillows?” he questioned looking around. “Uhhhh…that’s a great story for another time Newt” he laughed nervously. “Here drink this up” Thomas handed the cup stopping any further questions about their sneaky work.
“Aren’t you shanks suppose to be asleep? Newt asked gulping down the last of the hot chocolate "Alby’s gonna call lights out in a while”. “Can’t Alby keep the lights on just for today?” Chuck whimpered, bouncing nervously on his heels. “Hey little man its gonna be alright” Thomas knelt next to him and Y/N held his chubby hand reassuringly. “Don’t worry kid. Ain’t anything gonna hurt you” Minho clapped his shoulder.
“Hey if it makes you feel any better I’ll get some more of this stuff for you.” Newt offered shaking his empty cup “Its delicious”. “You know Newt, we are quite afraid too” Thomas and Minho suddenly scooted over to Newt at his generous offer. “Says the two runners” he let out a hearty laugh.
After pushing the three of them out, Y/N shut the door and turned around. “Newt what are you doing ?” she giggled seeing Newt half inside the cupboard “I got you something and I can’t bloody find it” he complained throwing stuff out.
“Where did that buggin-OW” he whined painfully, when a parcel fell on his head. “There it is” he bent picking it up. “What’s that ?” Y/N asked curiously walking to his side. “It’s a book” he smiled sweetly, handing it over “to read like before..you know...”.
“You remembered…” she gasped her eyes lighting up like Christmas morning. “Sweetheart why wouldn’t I?” he smiled lovingly, as she took of the wrapping carefully.
She traced the cover, flipping through a few pages. “How did you even get it?” she asked, her fingers feeling the crisp pages. “Well I wrote a note asking for a book with a couple of things you like and hoped for the best”.
“Didn’t ever think it was going to bloody rain here so..” he chuckled scratching the back of his neck shyly “Being thinking over and over on how to make it feel like you remembered—”.  He was suddenly engulfed by a hug, “Thank you! Thank you!” Y/N squealed, squeezing him. “Anytime love” he chuckled, squeezing her back “Want to cuddle and read it?”. She bounced on her tippy toes and gave him a smile that was more beautiful than the stars. 
Newt chuckled at her adorableness. “C'mon” he tugged her towards the bed. He climbed on and pulled her onto his lap. He wrapped his arms around her placing the book in front. He gently brushed her hair away and pressed a kiss to the back of her neck making her hum in appreciation. Y/N turned her head to the left, catching his warm eyes from over her shoulder. “Shall I start ?” he asked, and she nodded eagerly making him laugh.
Newt started reading, her eyes running through the words as he read them soothingly, every word rolling of his tongue perfectly. She felt warm and safe in his arms, it felt so familiar, like this moment has happened before but it was too blurry to be pictured. .
Pushing those thoughts out of her mind, Y/N closed her eyes, listening to Newt’s voice bringing the story to life.
Chuck couldn’t sleep a wink that night. Even though the heavy rain settled down a little, the thunder and lightening kept him up for hours. He was shivering from the cold and also fear. He finally stood up and made his way out of the room tip toeing to Y/N’s place or what he hoped it was in the dark.
He creaked the door open, sliding through he found the bed. “Y/N please wake up” he shook her shoulder. “Huh?” she lifted her head sleepily, looking around. “I can’t sleep” Chuck sniffled next to her. Y/N rubbed her eyes trying to get back to her senses.
“Oh Chuckie” she cooed once her eyes settled on Chuck, his face puffy and red from crying. She sat up, softly placing Newt’s arm around her on the bed. “Come here” she wiped his tears gently. “Let’s take you to bed dear. I’ll stay with you”. “No!!” he flinched taking a step back “I don’t want to”. 
Y/N sighed wandering how to approach Chuck. “Do you want me to sing to you?” she asked softly and that got his attention. He nodded his head lightly in approval. “Alright” she smiled getting off the bed.
“Is there any empty room? Don’t want to wake up anyone” Y/N asked, lighting a lamp quietly. Chuck shook his head “Just the storage room”. “That’s good enough” she wrapped his blanket properly around him and grabbed her pillow, holding the lamp in the other. “Follow me” she whispered. 
After finding the storage room with the dim lamp, Y/N made some space and sat down placing the pillow on her lap. She smiled before nodding towards her lap, signifying for Chuck to lay down. He shuffled closer, resting his head in her lap as she gently stroked his head. 
Clearing her throat, Y/N started to sing the song she loved. It must have been her favourite song because she remembered every word. Chuck’s tense shoulders relax, and he lets out a sigh.His eyes felt drooping within seconds. He didn’t feel scared anymore. A small smile tugged on his lips as he relaxed falling into a deep slumber of sleep.
Newt fluttered his eyes open when he felt the empty spot besides him. He jolted up and looked around frantically in the dark room. Where was Y/N ?
Jumping off the bed, he stumbled into the hallway calling out her name, which woke up everyone else as a result.
“Newt what’s the commotion?” someone complained drowsily from a room. “I can’t find Y/N” he panicked twisting and turning in the same spot, trying to figure out where she is.
He seemed paralysed at the thought of her outside, with all that thunder and deadly lightening ready to strike anytime or anyone. After all everything was bloody controlled by the Creators. They could wipe out anyone within the snap of the fingers. The worst possibilities clouded his mind, making him dizzy. 
“NEWT NEWT” Minho came running up to him quickly. “Where is my Y/N?” he croaked, his vision getting blurred. Minho held his shoulders and shook him trying to get him back to his senses, “Newt Newt calm down.I’m sure she is here somewhere”.
“WHERE?” he shrieked, holding onto Minho for balance. “NEWT!!” Minho yelled shaking him violently now, snapping him out of his thoughts. 
“Breathe” Minho kept repeating once Newt calmed down a bit, his breathing falling to a steady rate ”Better ?”. He nodded and patted his friend’s shoulder in gratitude. 
A moment of silence passed before “GUYS! GUYS!” Thomas joined looking terrified as well. “Oh great another panicking mess” Minho groaned."CHUCK AIN’T HERE" Thomas screamed at Newt’s face grabbing his shoulders . “Y/N IS MISSING TOO!!” Newt screamed back. “WOULD THE BOTH OF YOU CALM DOWN!!” Minho screamed louder “You’re gonna wake everyone up”. 
“Uhh.. Minho almost everyone is kinda up” Jeff pointed out to the sleepy boys dragging themselves out. "Great” Minho sighed tiredly and called everyone closer “Gather around".
They formed a circle and started discussing places to look but Thomas however had no space to squeeze in so he went aside pacing up and down the hall. While walking and mumbling ideas to himself, Thomas heard a voice echoing. He walked further away to hear better…
“Guys?” Thomas called running back. “Thomas not now” Minho waved him off being too busy with their conversation. “We can break up and look around” Zart suggested “Its not like she went outside”. Newt went pale at that line. “Slim it Zart” Minho whipped. “Don’t freak him out even more” Frypan warned. 
“Will you all just–” Thomas tried to get their focus again. “In a minute Tommy” Newt pushed. Thomas grew impatient. “GUYS!!” he yelled loud enough to get their attention. “Listen…   ” he cupped his ear, motioning them to do the same.
A soft voice singing, like a gentle breeze, could be heard under the silence in the hall. The boys followed the source of sound leading to the storage room. Newt opened the door a little and peeped inside, sighing in relief when he saw Y/N leaning against the wall lulling Chuck to sleep.
Newt felt a warm feeling spread through him at the sight.
“Newt move in” someone tapped him from behind “We want to listen too”. “Sorry” he apologised, opening the door letting everyone in. They filled in quietly, moving some things around to sit. “This is great” Clint smiled leaning back against the wall. A hum of agreement was heard. “Guys quiet down” Ben whispered loudly as more and more joined.
The boys finally rested themselves, relaxing to Y/N’s voice.
“What are you shanks doing here ?” a stern voice sounded from a figure standing at the door. Everyone froze. “Alby…..” Newt began shifting nervously, trying to find a suitable answer, not to tick off the leader. 
“Care to join us ?” Minho asked, breaking the unpleasant tension held in the air. “It’s late and….” Alby faltered looking at the pleading faces from the boys. “FINE” he sighed, waving his hand gesturing to make some space for him.“All you boys are in a trance” he laughed settling himself next to Newt.  
“And you are hopelessly in love” he whispered, ruffling the blond’s hair. “I am” Newt replied dreamily, placing his hand over his heart ,where he felt his love for Y/N grow by every beat.
She had him under an enchantment.
Everything was silent aside from the Y/N’s sweet voice echoing through the room but the entry of an unexpected person seemed to shake that serenity.
“What?” Gally fumed pushing himself to the middle “can’t a man get some music ?”. Some gave a hint of annoyance. Alby gave a look of warning hoping no arguments would erupt. “Someday I will shut those shanks up”. 
“Guys, not a bugging peep from anyone” Newt warned mimicking closing a zip on his mouth. No one argued of not wanting to be sent back. “Better” he grinned resting back. 
Little by little the boys started to nod off too, Y/N’s voice lulling them to sleep.
Newt sighed happily, thinking of the first day he got her out of the bloody box. How she hid behind him, terrified of anyone who came close or how he checked up on her every minute, always with the silliest excuse just to be with her.
He was still in disbelief, on how he got her to fall in love with him. It felt like a distant memory, but he had a strong feeling … so real … that Y/N was his love even before the glade.
Newt closed his eyes and wondered, when Minho stretched his arms letting out a loud yawn in his slumber, causing Y/N to stop immediately. “Bloody slinthead” Newt muttered. She clasped her hand over her mouth, seeing the pile of sleeping boys but one catching her attention the most.
Y/N’s P.O.V
I saw shocked to see, I’m sure the whole glade, filling the room. I bought my hand down chuckling slightly, when I saw one certain glader wide awake, making his way over.
That was one thing I adored about Newt. No matter how tired or late I would get, he will always wait on for me. Just like how I wait for him when he would work late with Alby.
“That was beautiful, petal” he knelt kissing my cheek “you knocked them all out”. I blushed smiling shyly, and shifted Chuck with his help, trying not to wake the kid. After that was accomplished, he held my hands and pulled me up, kissing my knuckles.
“How come your still up huh?” I teased, wrapping my arms around his neck “Singing that bad?”. “Darling your voice is heavenly in every way to me, but you know I can’t sleep without my cuddle buddy” he pouted nuzzling into my neck, letting out a small yawn.
“Awwww c'mon lets get you sleepy head to bed, love” I cooed taking hold of his hands, giving each a little kiss.
We walked lazily through the hall, Newt half leaning on me. Our room wasn’t far but we purposely took a lifetime to get there. We always have a yearning to be close to each other. Just the presence that is felt through a hand held, a voice heard, or a smile seen.
“I can’t wait for the day we get out of here and start a family, to see you sing to our children like that one day” Newt confessed suddenly, with a sheepish grin accompanied by his rosy cheeks.
I halted. Gobsmacked and speechless.
My mind was going bonkers.
My heart was about to explode.
It was a world full of feelings that I didn’t have words for.
All I could do was smile shyly down at my feet.
His words made my insides warm and my heart break all at the same time.
I slowly took a glance, catching his big brown orbs looking lovingly at me. His fluffy strands of hair was sticking up in the most adorable way. I smiled softly up at him, my eyes fluttering shut when he placed a lingering kiss on my lips.
“Already made plans have we?” I placed my hands on his chest and he gently placed his over mine. “It’s not a plan darling, its a dream” he shook his head bashfully, pulling me closer. “You are, and always will be, my dream.”
I felt tears tickling down my face for the second time today. The way this boy can make me feel is unbelievable.
“And I’m gonna make it come true for us. I promise” he vowed, his eyes smiling with his lips.
“I like the sound of that” I breathed, feeling myself choke up at his words.He wrapped his arms around me, hugging me tightly as I buried my tear-stained face in his neck.  
His arms were so strong to hold every fear, every beautiful broken piece of me. He doesn’t just make me feel complete, he completes me.
“They’ll have your heart and my charm” I felt him smile against my skin. “Good that” I replied making us both chuckle.
After ages, we finally made it to our room. Newt pulled me by my hands towards the bed and plopped on it pulling me along. I squealed and he chuckled in response, shifting to have me completely engulfed so I won’t feel cold. He tugged the blanket over us and kissed my forehead. 
“I love you Newtie”.
“I love you too Y/N” he whispered, gently stoking my hair “No matter what”.
“No matter what” I repeated softly, before I fell asleep to the soft sound of Newt’s heart beat and the pitter patter of raindrops.
Newt’s P.O.V
I found myself unable to stop smiling as I watched Y/N lying in my arms, already dozing off again irrelevant to the all the sleep we had.
I kissed her forehead thinking about the great day we had. Not just us. Everyone.
Throughout the days, the boys have been complaining about the rain, but today’s events definitely changed their minds.
Just like Y/N said, rainy days are beautiful, you just have to see it.
I was always amazed by her mind.
She was far from sane, I know, but the right kind of crazy, the kind you get addicted to.
Just a single moment with her makes the butterflies in my stomach go crazy.
Bloody hell forget butterflies - I feel the whole zoo when I’m with Y/N.
She was beautiful for the way she thought. She was beautiful for the sparkle in her eyes when she talked about something she loved. She was beautiful for her ability to make other people smile even if she was sad.
No, she wasn’t beautiful just by looks. She was beautiful, deep down to her soul.
She loved me when I couldn’t even love myself. She made someone as broken as me stand up stronger than I ever imagined. She made me happier than I ever thought I could be.
She’s proof that you can walk through hell and still be an angel.
It makes you believe in something a little bit magical.
It brings a certain spark to the world again.
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choicesfanatic86 · 6 years
TTS:  Part 5 (Liam x MC)
DISCLAIMER:  All characters belong to Pixelberry Studios, except characters unique to my story.  Those belong to me. ;)
PAIRINGS:  Riley (MC) x OC, Riley (MC) x Liam, Liam x Riley (MC) x OC, Olivia x Drake, Bertrand x Savannah, Maxwell x OC SUMMARY:  Will Riley be able to handle the flood of emotions from returning to The Beaumont Estate? TAGS:  @herladyshipxx @theroyalweisme @blackcatkita @devineinterventions2 @hopefulmoonobject @captainkingliam @pbchoicesobsessed @queencatherynerhys @mfackenthal @cocomaxley @crayziimaginations @grapefrults @pessimystic-fangirl
If you want to be added to the tag list, please let me know, and I can update you :)
If you are new to the series and would like to catch up by reading previous parts, please check out my master fan fiction listing.  CATCH UP HERE
Thank you all for the wonderful comments and reblogs. <3 you guys are amazing! I wanted to get this chapter out for you guys, so answering comments/questions took a bit of a back seat today.  I’m so sorry, but I promise I will answer your questions soon.  :) I really hope that you enjoy the next part of Through The Storm.  Part 6 (and maybe Part 7) will likely be released on Thursday. :D Enjoy!!! <3
PART 5:  Unspoken
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Riley and Andy wandered through the bustling airport trying to make their way out to the front.  Andy’s pace was quick, hurried even.  Riley’s pace, on the other hand, was much slower, hesitant of being back in Cordonia.   Riley could see the awe and excitement in Andy’s eyes.  After all, she was once in Andy’s shoes.  There was so much for her to take in – a whole new country filled with beautiful new sights, interesting people, and views that she probably had only seen before in pictures.  The old Riley would have probably been excited for her friend.  The old Riley would have relished in showing her around Cordonia, pointing out all of the country’s little secrets.  Instead, all she felt were the butterflies that were making her stomach flip.  She was so composed throughout the flight, but as soon as she had stepped off the plane, an uncomfortable sense of dread hung over her like a rain cloud.  Things had suddenly become very real.  There was no turning back now.
When they finally reached the outside of the airport, Riley began to look around.  Maxwell had said he would arrange for a limo to pick them up when they landed.  It hadn’t dawned on her that there would be a handful of other limos waiting for their fares as well.  
“How are we getting to your friend’s house?”  Andy asked.
“Maxwell said he was going to have a limo pick us up,” Riley replied.  “I just don’t know which of these are ours, “she sighed.
“Hmm,” Andy murmured, her attention shifting to the long row of cars waiting for their fares.  “That shouldn’t be too difficult to figure out in a sea of black limos,” she said sarcastically.
Riley was getting ready to pull out her phone to call Maxwell, when she heard someone shouting her name frantically.
“RILEY!  RILEY!  OVER HERE,” the voice yelled.
“Please tell me that’s not our ride,” Andy whispered.
Riley smirked at Andy.  She grinned widely when she saw that the voice belonged to Maxwell.  He had a sign with him.  Written across the large poster board were bright, colorful letters that spelt out his pet name for her – “LITTLE BLOSSOM.”     When she saw Maxwell, she grabbed Andy’s hand to pull her along, walking toward him.  Maxwell returned her smile when he realized she had seen him, and he instantly ran over to her.  He hugged her so tightly she thought he just might have made her burst.  He swung her around in a circle, so ecstatic to finally see her after all these years. He reluctantly let her go when he realized he had been crushing her shoulders.  He hadn’t changed at all.  She knew as much from their short correspondence before her arrival, but seeing him in front of her, she knew he was the exact same Maxwell she had left two years prior.  He still had his boyish good looks, and he still was as high strung as ever.  He took a step back to get a better look at her.  “Little Blossom, you are a sight for sore eyes. “  If possible, his smile grew even bigger as he looked her up and down.  “And as always, you look perfectly stunning.”
Riley blushed at the compliment.  “I find that hard to believe, Maxwell.  I’ve been on a flight for 8 hours.  I’m sure I must look like a zombie.”
“Well, a little, but you’re still stunning as a zombie.”  He reached for her embrace again, holding a bit tighter than the previous hug.
His attention shifted to Andy who was patiently watching the two long lost friends reunite.  
“Why, hello there.”  He greeted.  “You must be my Little Blossom’s friend. “  
He reached for her hand.  Andy tentatively placed her hand in his assuming that they’d follow typical social protocol and shake her hand.  Maxwell, however lifted her hand to his lips, and placed a gentle kiss to the back of her hand, catching Andy a bit off guard.
“My name is Maxwell Beaumont, and I’m charmed to make your acquaintance.  Any friend of my Little Blossom here is already a dear friend of mine.”  He smiled brightly at her, awaiting her introduction.
“Um, likewise,” Andy looked to Riley, blushing slightly from his formal introduction.  “I’m Andy,” she replied.
“Andy?  Short for anything?”  He asked.
Andy shook her head fervently.  “No, just plain ‘ole Andy.”  She smiled.  “My parents were sort of rebels and wanted to name me something unisex.”
He nodded.  “Well, Andy, shortened or not it’s a very lovely name.”  He eyed the four bags of luggage they shared between them.  “Oh my, I thought you were staying for a few weeks not a few months,” he joked.
Riley punched him lightly on the shoulder.  “Us girls have to be prepared.  You never know what you’ll need when you’re in a foreign country.”
Maxwell motioned for the limo at the farthest corner of the airport’s pick up area to pull forward.  “Let’s get these into the car so that we can head out.  I doubt the security guard there appreciates us taking up valuable pick up and drop off space.”  He jutted his head toward an angry looking security guard who was pointedly waiting for us to move.
“Right then, Maxwell.  Let’s get going.”  She and Andy started to grab their suitcases when she suddenly felt Maxwell’s hand cover hers.
“Don’t move a muscle, Little Blossom.  You’re under the care of House Beaumont now.  You won’t lift a single finger while you’re here.”
Riley chuckled.  “Oh, Maxwell.”
Andy smirked.  “So, I guess chivalry isn’t dead after all.”
Maxwell reddened slightly as he and their driver began to load their luggage into the back of the town car.    The ride to Beaumont Manor was filled with idle chit chat amongst the trio, mostly giving Maxwell some background about their lives in New York and how they met.  Riley had talked about her career, their apartment, how she and Andy met, and of course, she briefly mentioned seeing Paul.  She decided not to go into too much detail just yet as she saw Maxwell shift uncomfortably in his seat at the mention that she was seeing someone.  She knew it had to be hard for him to hear considering his loyalty would always remain with him, but she had hoped, with time, he’d be happy that she was happy.  A part from that single moment of unease, Riley was thankful that things weren’t as awkward as she had anticipated them being.  She was also thankful that Andy and Maxwell seemed to be hitting it off.  She couldn’t imagine a happier feeling than seeing her two best friends becoming friends with one another.
The conversation naturally shifted to talk of the upcoming wedding and how all of House Beaumont was wrapped up in wedding preparations.  Maxwell had explained to both women that they were welcome to attend the various events leading up to the ceremony and reception.  
“Savannah said I couldn’t break dance at the wedding.”  He sighed dramatically.  “I had choreographed a very romantic number as a gift to give them on their wedding day.  Drake had to spoil all the fun and ruin the surprise,” he rolled his eyes.
“Is he serious?”  Andy whispered, side-eying Maxwell.
Riley nodded enthusiastically.  “Oh yes, he’s as serious as a heart attack.”
“The art of break dancing is lost on so many,” he shook his head sadly.  “I guess I’ll have to work it into one of the pre-wedding  parties.”
Andy arched her eyebrows.  “Pre-wedding parties?  Like the bridal shower?”
Maxwell shook his head.  “Oh, there are so many more pre-wedding parties than just the bridal shower.”
Maxwell went on to discuss Cordonia’s wedding traditions and explained that because so many people travel so far to celebrate a new marriage, the betrothed couple turns their wedding celebration into a mini-social season with numerous events leading up to the big day.  Andy seemed intrigued and excited at the thought of it all, but for Riley it left an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of her stomach.  The idea of going through something similar to a social season made her feel sick to her stomach.  As if sensing the worry consuming her, Maxwell put a hand on Riley’s shoulder.
“You don’t have to go if you’re worried about seeing Liam,” he reassured her.
She recoiled from his touch, as she stared at him, a small gasp leaving her lips.  She hadn’t heard or said his name in two long years, and here she was back in Cordonia for not even two hours and the name she had worked so hard to keep unspoken flew out of Maxwell’s mouth so casually as if hearing it didn’t just stab her in the heart.  Then again, what did she expect?  He was the King for goodness sakes, not to mention one of Maxwell’s oldest, dearest friends.  How could she have avoided it really?
“Liam?”  Andy looked between Riley and Maxwell.  “Is that – “
“Yes.” Riley snipped.  “Can we not say his name again, please?”
Maxwell stunned from the sudden change in Riley’s demeanor, pulled his hand back, placing it awkwardly on his lap.  “Of course . . . I’m sorry.”  He looked dejected.  “I wasn’t thinking.”  An uncomfortable silence grew in the back of the limo.  Riley sank back into her shell.
Andy cleared her throat, looking to Maxwell.  “Are there any other wedding guests staying at the house, Maxwell?”
Maxwell gave Andy a small smile – a silent ‘thank you’ for the change in subject.  “Just Drake.  He’s Savannah’s brother, “he explained.  “Savannah wouldn’t have it any other way.  We’re neighbors in the East Wing, he and I.  I don’t think he’s too fond of the room assignments,” Maxwell shrugged.  
Riley nodded as Maxwell explained.  Drake and Maxwell’s friendship had always been a bit tumultuous.  Drake couldn’t be bothered with Maxwell’s inane antics, and Maxwell sometimes found Drake to be too much of a killjoy.  Of course, their friendship had to change and grow stronger because they were going to be family soon.  Riley could just picture Drake’s face when he found out Savannah and Bertrand were getting married and that not only was he getting a brother-in-law in Bertrand, he was getting Maxwell as a package deal.  She’s sure he probably drank a whole bottle of whisky when he realized that he and Maxwell would be together for better or worse.  Her mood couldn’t help but be lightened as she thought about it.
Riley was stirred from her thoughts as Andy rolled down the town car’s rear window.  “Is *that* your house?”  Andy turned to Maxwell, asking eagerly.
“Yes, in all her beauty and glory.  Welcome to the Beaumont Estate, my little blossoms.”  
The limo stopped in the main driveway, and Maxwell hopped out to start unloading their luggage.  Riley looked around the beautiful estate, remembering how happy she felt here.  She thought back to the Beaumont Bash when everything had gone terribly wrong, yet, together they were able to pull off one of the greatest parties in Beaumont history.  They were a family the three of them.  She hadn’t realized until that moment how much her time at the estate hat meant to her. “You live in a freaking mansion?” Andy exclaimed, taking in the sheer architectural beauty and design.
“Well . . . yes.  It’s been in our family for generations.  Beaumont House has a prestigious reputation for being one of the finer houses in Cordonia,” Maxwell stated proudly as he was guiding them to the front door.  
“You sound exactly like Bertrand,” Riley smiled.
“Well, he has trained me rather well,” Maxwell joked, opening the front door.
As soon as he opened the door, he was greeted with loud barking and tap-dancing little paws.  Riley gasped.  “Chance?”
The corgi barked happily to see Maxwell.  He hesitantly started to sniff Riley’s before he laid down in front of her looking to be rubbed.  Riley bent down to oblige him and give him a few good rubs and scratches behind his ears.  Riley looked up at Maxwell wide-eyed.  “You kept him?”
Maxwell nodded, grinning at the corgi.  “Of course.  I knew you were devastated that you couldn’t take him with you back to the states.  Bertrand threatened to disown me for about the thousandth time when I first brought him home, but he got over it.  He always does.  He’s Bertrand.  He’s not happy unless he’s griping bout something.  Plus, how can you stay mad at this adorable little face?”
Andy joined Riley on the ground to give Chance some attention.  “Whose face are you talking about?  Your’s or the dog’s?”
“Well, clearly I was talking about my own, but I suppose Chance’s face is just as adorable,” he laughed.  “Bertrand couldn’t refuse either of our adorable faces.”
“Speaking of Bertrand, where is he?”  Riley looked around the vastly empty foyer.  “I thought he’d be here to greet us.”  Satisfied with his rubs, Chance wandered off toward the other side of the house.
“Not today I’m afraid.  I think Bertrand took Savannah, Bartie and Drake out as a sort of distraction”  He shyly looked at Riley.  “I think Bertrand arranged it that way to give you an opportunity to get settled in and not have to play a game of twenty questions with everyone once they realize you’re back.”  He paused.  “I haven’t told Drake you’re back yet.  I probably should have as soon as you said you’d be coming considering he’s staying here, too.”  Maxwell stopped himself.  “I was worried that if I told Drake, he’d tell Li-“  He paused.  “You know who.”
Riley nodded, thinking about what he had just said.  She hadn’t even thought that Drake staying here at the same time as her would pose a problem.  She was definitely worried about seeing him again, but she hadn’t even thought about the implication that he could tell him that she was here.   “I appreciate that, Maxwell.  I truly do.”  She half-smiled.
“So, I don’t know about you, but I am totally jetlagged.  You think we can drop our stuff off in our room and settle down for the night?” Andy asked.  “I’m sorry to be a party pooper but I’m still on New York time.”
“Of course.  I should have taken you both to your rooms straight away.  Riley,” he questioned, “you remember how to get to your old room right?”  
“I think so,” she smiled
“Excellent, why don’t you go on and get settled in while I give Andy a quick tour of the house.”
Riley nodded.  “Sure.  I could use a nice warm shower and some shut eye.”  She reached for Maxwell’s hand giving it a gentle squeeze.  “Sorry about earlier in the limo . . . as you can tell . . . he’s still a touchy subject for me.”
Maxwell held his hand up and shook his head.  “You don’t have to apologize for anything.  It’s going to take some time getting used to things with you two a part.  I know you don’t like talking about him, so I’m going to do my best to respect your wishes.”  He smiled at her.  “Now, off to bed with you!”
Riley walked up the grand staircase.  The path to her room was second nature to her.  Even though she has been gone for two years, it’s as if her body memorized every step she took in this house.  Once in her room in the West Wing, she dropped her luggage onto the floor.  She unzipped one of the suitcases looking for her PJs.  A warm shower was something she had been longing for since she stepped off the plane, closely followed by a good sleep in her king-sized bed.
After she had showered, she was changing into her PJs when she heard a soft knocking at her bedroom door.  “Just a second,” she yelled.  She threw her PJs on quickly, wrapping herself in a bathrobe as she headed to the door.  “I promise I’m going to bed, Maxwell.  You don’t need to coddle me,” Riley said loudly as she swung the door open.  Her smile faded quickly as she realized that it wasn’t Maxwell knocking on her door.
Riley could feel a knot form in her throat.  She pulled her bathrobe tightly to her body.  She felt her legs start to feel wobbly, gripping the doorframe to steady herself.
“Hi, Drake,” she whispered.
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ugh-supersoldiers · 7 years
I’ll Be Seeing You
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Characters: Bucky x reader
Summary: You lost your vision at a young age due to an infection in your brain and you’ve coped with it well. You’re a successful professor at a local university, casually making your way down the hall when your friend and college Helen Cho introduces you to Bucky. You grow close over several months of late night coffee and the occasional stay in your apartment, but Bucky doesn’t want to tell you who he really is in fear of scaring you off. What happens when a miracle procedure might give you back your sight?
Warnings: light swearing, blind!reader (for most of it)
Words: 4726
A/N: Okay before you read this, I am not blind, I do not know anyone who is blind and therefore this is my BEST ATTEMPT to write from the perspective of someone who is visually impaired. Please don’t be too hard on this. 
It’s amazing just how much of someone you can see when you can’t actually see them.
Your day started out like it always did; with the sound of your alarm blaring in your ear. You reached out to tap at your phone screen, one, two, three times until you finally hit the correct place that disabled the alarm.
The wind whistled and you heard the patter of rain outside of your small apartment. It must be horrible weather, you thought to yourself. You pulled the covers of your bed off of your body and sat up, dangling your feet over the edge of the mattress. 
You propped yourself out of your bed’s compound, feeling along the wall to find the door so you could walk out of your bedroom. Once you’d managed to exit your room, you traced your hand along the walls of the hallways until your fingers caught on a doorway, you turned right.
Your life had been like this for as long as you could remember. You’d lost your sight when you about three years old due to a rare brain infection that the doctors caught a few days too late. It wasn’t all too troubling to you now, you were in your late twenties and had a wonderful job working as an assistant professor at a local university. 
You were happy, every piece of your life seemed to be falling into place… Except of course for love.
You’d been single for so long you almost forgot what it was like to feel someone’s tight and loving embrace or how attached you can get to the smell of the person you love.
So many people had set you up on blind dates - and so many people had made the blind date joke - that every time a friend brought up a ‘wonderful guy’ they knew, you’d shut it down instantly. The blatant truth about every man you’d gone out with on those set ups was this; no one wanted to date the blind girl.
You’d all but given up as you attended friends weddings and baby showers, some of them. Perhaps you weren’t cut out for that kind of life, or at least that’s what you told yourself.
As you went through the motions of making coffee that you’d all but memorized, you felt the empty space of the base of your left ring finger and sighed heavily. 
You drank your coffee in silence, your mind drifting off to the possible face of whoever Mr. Right might be, not that you’d ever see it for yourself.
When you made it back to your closet in your room, you peeled off your sleep shirt, feeling the hangers that hung in your closet for the braille lettering that told you what was hung there.
‘mom’s favourite dress’
That one you remembered the texture of, it was soft and lightweight but felt beautiful on. You decided that this would be perfect.
You put it on, walking back to your front door and feeling inside the drawers to grab for a pair of flats, which you found instantly by their feel.
You slipped them on and took your keys from the hook that you felt on your right, waiting for the familiar honk of a horn signifying your ride was here. When you heard the sound, you reached forward and grasped the cool metal of the door knob, twisting it and pulling it open, making sure to grab your long cane before you walked out.
“Hey, (Y/N)!” A voice, which you recognized as your co-professor, Helen Cho said.
“Hey!” You said as you felt the padlock for the keyhole, locking it and turning to walk down your porch towards the sound of the idling car.
You felt your cane hit the car lightly, so you felt along the smooth metal surface until you found the handle, opening it and getting inside.
The smell of the mint car air freshener hit your noise rather violently when you entered, but you got used to it after a while.
“Big day today.” Helen said as you began moving.
“Why’s that?” You asked.
“I managed to convince Banner to come and give a lecture on gamma rays.”
“Are you serious?” You gasped. You knew Helen worked for some high end clientele from time to time and only really took up the co prof job because she needed to be busy, but you didn’t know she had that much pull.
“Uh huh.” She said.
“Holy hell.” You mustered, “So we don’t even have to lecture today?”
“Nope, we push everything back for tomorrow.”
“It’s like a day off.” You laughed.
“And so, gamma radiation acts as an invasive form of…”
You had been zoning back in and out of Banner’s lecture, not that it really mattered anyways. It had been about a half hour so you excused yourself, taking your cane and making your way back out into the hallway to take a small walk to stretch your legs. 
You’d made it about halfway down the familiar hallway when you heard a very unfamiliar voice accompanying that of Helen Cho.
“I know it’s hard for you being here, but I figured it would be good for you to meet her, I mean you’re perfect for each other- Oh, hello, (Y/N). Bored of the lecture already?” Helen’s voice said.
“Not that Banner isn’t a wonderful public speaker,” You mused, “But gamma radiation isn’t new for me. Nothing to learn really.”
“I figured as much,” She laughed, “Oh, this is-”
“Bucky.” The voice said.
Bucky had extended his hand shake yours but Helen nudged him and nodded down at the white cane you held in your hand and he understood, his face flushing bright red.
“Okay everyone, I’m blind not stupid.” You laughed, sensing what he’d done based on an immeasurable amount of experience and the awkward silence.
“It’s nice to meet you.” You said, extending your own hand out, which he took.
His hands were warm and rough and calloused, large palms and long fingers, but comfortingly so.
“And you.” He replied, something along the lines of shock in his tone, but you shrugged it away. 
“Well, I’ll let you to get back to it.” You said, quickly dismissing yourself and turning to walk back down the hall when Helen stopped you.
You turned back around.
“Bucky and I were going to go out for drinks later tonight, I figured you might want to join?”
You hesitated, social outings weren’t your thing, and Helen knew that.
“Or maybe just coffee?” She rephrased.
“Sure, if you want to meet at my place around 9?”
“God, you are such a nightowl.” Helen laughed.
“Yes or no, dearest, it’s not that hard.” You chided her.
“We’ll be there.”
“Alright, I’ll see you later. Nice meeting you Bucky.”
You finished your day quickly and thanked Helen when she dropped you back off at your apartment, ignoring the ‘wear something nice’ comment she made. You knew she was saying was ‘wear something nice because Bucky is going to be there’, but you didn’t say anything about it.
You didn’t know Bucky, you weren’t looking to impress him. If he turned out to be a great guy after tonight and you saw each other again, maybe you’d consider the whole ‘looking really good’ thing, but not yet. You didn’t want to put that much effort into an appearance that you couldn’t even appreciate yourself.
You made yourself a quick dinner. An aspect of your life that seemed to shock everyone around you was how well you coped independently. You were able to do almost everything by yourself based on muscle memory, hearing, scent, and a little intuition. 
By the time you politely asked siri what time it was, it was around 8:30. You decided to change into a pair of jeans and a soft knit sweater, your favourite one.
You let your hair down from its fastened bun, loose curls hitting your face softly.
A sound of a car door slamming made you slowly make your way to the front door of your flat. You instantly noted that it wasn’t the same sound of slam as Helen’s car.
A buzzer went off and you pressed the button at the door. 
“Who is it?” You asked.
“It’s Bucky.” The voice answered, and you remembered him by the sound.
You liked his voice a lot, it was rough and a bit patchy, but low and smooth sounding somehow.
You unlocked your door and swung it open.
“Hi.” You greeted him, stepping to the side to allow him in.
“Helen sort of bailed.” He admitted, and you noticed that his voice still came from in front of you meaning he hadn’t entered in yet.
This was another schemed date attempt on Helen’s part and you only now figured it out. You mentally cursed yourself for not being wise enough to see through it.
“I just figured I’d swing by and tell you, you probably don’t want to spend the night with a total stranger.” You heard him take a few steps back.
“Well, who said that?” You asked, as if your words came out faster than you could process.
There was something about this man that you liked quite a lot, but you couldn’t quite put your finger on it. He had an aura about him that you found relaxing.
“The coffee pot is already on, I won’t be able to drink it all by myself.” You said with a smile.
“Alright.” He replied and you felt the wind brush by you as his large frame made it’s way past you.
“Make yourself at home.” You said, moving back into the kitchen once you’d closed the door, “How do you take coffee?”
“Just black would be wonderful.” He said as you waited to hear him sit down on the couch, but no such sound came, “Can I help with anything?”
“Gosh no, sit your ass down.” You laughed, and were overjoyed to hear him do the same.
“Okay, okay.” He said, his footsteps moving back to the living room where he sat on the couch.
You poured the coffee into mugs and carried them out to where Bucky was, knowing he was on the couch. You handed one to him, slightly to the side but close enough that he could reach it, then made your way over to sit beside him.
“So, since it’s now just the two of us, I suppose I should get to know you.” You said.
“Suppose so.” You felt him shift uncomfortably, which made you feel like you needed to back off ever so slightly.
“Unless of course you don’t want to.” You added.
“No, it’s alright. i just don’t usual talk much about myself.” He said.
Bucky wanted to open up to you, just like he wanted to open up to anyone, but you seemed incredibly sweet based on what he’d heard from Helen, and - more importantly - you seemed to not know his history quite yet, so he was unsure about the whole thing.
“Well, you can ask me things and I’ll answer, and if you feel alright with it, you can answer too.” You suggested, sipping your coffee.
“That’s great.” Bucky smiled at your compromise.
For nearly two hours, Bucky asked you a multitude of questions about yourself stemming from what your favourite food was all the way to how old you were when you went blind. After a while, he told you that he wanted you to ask him a few questions, so you questioned him all about his childhood and where he grew up.
Brooklyn was a great place, he explained to you, full of really great people. You loved listening to the sound of his words when you knew a smile appeared on his face, it made everything sound sweeter from his lips.
You were beginning to really like Bucky, you felt a strong bond with him that you hadn’t felt in a long while, and you were enjoying every second of time you spent with him.
“Alright, can I ask you one more thing?” You inquired as a fit of laughter bubbled back down from your chest.
“What’s your favourite colour and why?”
“Hmm,” He pondered, “Blue. It’s really calming. Plus it matches my eyes.”
You nodded your head with a laugh, “I wish I knew what colours looked like.”
What you said nearly broke Bucky’s heart, he’d answered the question so nonchalantly.
“I thought you lost sight at three.” He said.
“I did, but even before then I was completely colour blind.”
“Oh,” He said, “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” You said, “I asked the question because it’s always interesting for me to hear what different people answer… I’ve always felt like I’d like blue as well.”
“Yeah?” He asked, “Why so?”
“Everyone always says it’s calming, or cool, or reminds them of the ocean. It sounds pretty.”
Bucky stared at you in amazement as a thoughtful smile played on your lips.
“Can I ask you something else?” He said.
“How do you recognize people?” He whispered.
“Most of it is by voices, or smells,” You explained, “And if I’m close with someone, I usually memorize their face.”
“Memorize their face?”
“Here, like this.” You said, setting your cup down and reaching your fingertips forward until they landed on his cheeks gently. Your one hand moved to his brow, the other down to his brush over his nose. 
You noticed that he’d tensed when you’d first touched him, but seemed to relax a bit more as your moved you hands along him gingerly.
Your fingers brushed down the stubble that dotted his face, moving down to the strong jawline that lay beneath it. Your other hands moved to brush over his closed eyelids, feeling the long eyelashes under them. The thumb that rested by his jaw went to trace ever so gently along upper lip, then back along his lower. You couldn’t help but noticed the cool air pass by your thumb as he sucked in a breath at your touch.
He felt so handsome, and the conversations that you’d had over the past hour only made you more attracted to him.
“Keep your eyes closed and try to do the same to my face.” You suggested, breaking the silence.
In a moment, you felt one hand reach out and press to your cheek, a thumb tracing its way from your brow down to your nose and lips, resting on your bottom lip much like you had to him.
A sigh came from him as you pressed a small kiss to the pad of his thumb. He couldn’t quite comprehend how sweet you’d been with him, but he wasn’t going to question it, not even for a second.
“You should try two hands.” You said, but Bucky looked down at the hand he wasn’t using, the ugly metal limb, and told you he could get by on just using one.
Your index finger made a trail from his chin down his throat and along his adam’s apple, which caused him to swallow rather hard. You knew the impact that you were having on him and it was something that you were proud of.
When your finger made it’s way back up to his lips, Bucky knew he was done for. You were possibly the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen and feeling your touch like this was intoxicating.
“One more question.” He whispered.
“Okay.” You said, enjoying the way his lip felt as it moved under you thumb when he spoke.
“Can I please kiss you?”
This time, you didn’t reply with words, you simply leaned in and kissed him, your lips replacing the spot where your thumb had been. You had never kissed anyone quite like that before, so full of passion. It was as if Bucky was kissing you like he hadn’t been kissed in a long time, and like he worried he might never get the chance again.
When Bucky left that night, you pecked him on the lips again quickly, and he assured you that he’d be in touch. 
He kept to his word, calling the next day and setting up another late night coffee date. It continued this way for a good few months, each other you getting together multiple times a week to talk or listen to music, drinking various kinds of coffee all the while. There were times when he’d even stay the night.
The dangerous part of it all was that Bucky knew he was falling in love with you, but he still didn’t know how to tell you who he was. It scared him so badly because he knew you couldn’t love someone like him. A girl like you, with a beautiful heart who brought smiles to the faces of everyone she met, would never fall in love with him.
It was on one night when he was over at your place that he noticed you seemed different. He tried to shrug it off, to get you to laugh, but you wouldn’t.
Fearing the worst, he asked you what was wrong.
“There’s this trial,” You said, “A doctor called me saying I was eligible to be apart of it. They think they can reboot the part of my brain that causes my blindness. They think they can get me to see, again.” You said, your eyes filling with tears of an emotion Bucky couldn’t recognize.
“That’s great, doll!” He said, rubbing your shoulders.
“I know it is, I’m just terrified of the whole thing.” You admitted, “I’ve lived almost my whole life like this.”
“I know, darlin’, but there’s so much out there that you’re missin’.”
“Can I ask you another question?” You said.
“Of course you can.”
“Can you wait during the procedure? They told me if there was someone I wanted with me, they could wait there and come in afterwards.”
Bucky was shocked that you’d want him there, but he agreed with his whole heart, promising he’d take you there himself.
“I want you to be the first face I see.” You said with a smile.
Bucky had never heard anything so beautiful in his life, so he leaned in to kiss you with everything he had, unable to reply with words.
“I love you.” He blurted out.
You, shocked as anything, pulled away from him. Bucky knew he’d messed up.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t-” He began but you shushed him.
“I love you too.”
“What?” He asked.
“I love you too.” You repeated.
“(Y/N).” He whispered, pressing his lips back to yours again.
As happy as he was to hear it, he knew that he needed to tell you who he was. If he was going to lose you, then he needed to put himself through it now and not when you put the pieces together yourself.
“I need to tell you something.” He said between feverish kisses.
“Alright.” You said, still keeping up with the kissing.
“I’m not who you think I am.” He said, trying to slow you down.
“What does that mean?” You said, pressing another peck to his lips.
“I’m not- I did- I’m-”
“You’re James Buchanan Barnes, the Winter Soldier?” You deadpanned and Bucky’s jaw dropped, “C’mon, did you think I didn’t know? We met through Helen - who doesn’t talk about it, but works with the Avengers, you never stand to my right which means you avoid touching me with your left side, and when you talk about your childhood, it’s painstakingly obvious that you didn’t grow up in the 90′s like most people my age.”
“You knew?”
“I didn’t until the first night you stayed over.” You told him truthfully.
You squeezed his hand when you felt him shift uncomfortably at the memory. Bucky had a terrible nightmare when he’d slept on the couch of your flat one night, and you had to sprint out of your bed to wake him.
Managing to find him, you’d shaken his shoulder gently, pleading for him to wake up until you’d felt him jolt upright.
He called out your name questioning when he saw you next to him, and you explained to him that he’d had a nightmare. You’d instantly sensed his embarrassment as he apologized for waking you, but you were having none of it. 
You knew him well enough at that point to know that he was all talk when he was trying to convince you he’d fall back asleep just fine. You told him to come sleep in your room, and he stammered out what sounded like a dismissal.
Eventually, after telling him you’d hold your breath until he agreed, he caved. You walked him back to your bed, where he laid next to you and held your hand until morning.
Bucky might never tell you, but he got the best sleep of his life that night.
“You knew?” He asked again.
“Yes, and none of it means a damn thing to me.” 
You kissed him again with a burning passion, tongues dancing against one another as opened mouths melded together.
He’d never felt love like this in his life, and neither had you.
“I’m really scared.” You said as you sat in the gurney of the hospital a few weeks after yours and Bucky’s love confession.
“I know, doll, but it’s gonna go great. I’ll be right there when you wake up.” You felt Bucky’s stubble rub against your cheek as he pressed a kiss to it.
“That is the only thing keeping me from losing my mind.” You mustered a small laugh.
You reached forward with both hands, silently asking him to hold them. You felt his right hand grasp your left, leaving your free hand empty.
“Buck…” You whispered, and he reluctantly held your other hand in his left.
You’d assured him that you liked the arm, it was cold and solid and you loved to press your hand to it and feel the plates rotate when he moved. You saw beauty in its mechanics.
“Is it bad that I’m nervous too?” Bucky asked.
“Not really, I will be seeing your face for the first time.”
“You’re not gonna call me ugly are you?”
You burst out laughing, “I know you’re not ugly.”
“Oh yeah? How so?”
“I’ve felt your face.”
“Huh, you can tell by that?” He asked.
“Oh, yes,” You replied, “You’re far from ugly.”
A small laugh passed his lips, and you felt your heart flutter. You loved his laugh so much that it had quickly become your favourite sound on the planet, right in front of the almost unnoticeable sound of the vibranium plates in his arm shifting about late at night when he moved about in his sleep, of course.
“Ms. (Y/L/N)?” You heard the door open and shut closed as someone entered the room.
“Yes?” You asked.
“We’re ready for you now.”
Bucky kissed your forehead as you were wheeled into the operating room, holding your one hand tightly and whispering words of comfort until he was told that he couldn’t go any further with you.
“I love you.” You said, receiving a peck on the lips.
“I love you too.” He said back, “I’ll be waiting.”
“I’ll see you after.”
“Yes, you will.”
You felt his hand slowly retreat as they wheeled you into the room and strapped you down with IVs and God knows what else. When you felt a mask go over your face and you were instructed to count downwards from ten, you enjoyed your last few seconds of darkness before you went under.
When you woke you couldn’t see a thing, which alarmed you to an extent that is completely indescribable.
“Ms. (Y/L/N), you’re up.” A woman said, “The procedure was a success.” 
“Doesn’t seem like it.”
“You have a wrap covering your eyes, we needed to shield them because they’re quiet fresh at the whole seeing thing, but you can take it off whenever you’re ready.” Her sweet voice said.
“I beg your pardon?” She asked.
“There’s a man named Bucky out there, can you send him in?”
“Of course.”
Bucky was in the room within seconds of hearing his name being called, he knew it meant you were awake and that you were ready to see him.
He was ushered into the room and saw you sitting up in the bed, clad in a hospital gown, a white bandage wrapping around your eyes.
Upon hearing the door close, you called out to him, and he was by your side in an instant.
“Hey, doll.” He said, pressing kisses to every part of your face.
“Hi, Bucky.” You said.
You let out a loud sigh and paused for a moment before instructing him to sit down on the bed in front of you.
“May I?” He asked tentatively and you knew he must be talking about the wrap. 
You nodded slowly and allowed him to unravel it until it was completely gone. Your eyes were still closed, but the light that had filtered in through your eyelids made you gasp slightly.
You weren’t ready to open your eyes, not yet.  A wave of panic set in and you couldn’t help but feel tears begin to fall.
“Hey, it’s okay.” Bucky said, his fingers wiping away your crying, “This is all extremely overwhelming for you.”
“I don’t think I’m ready for this.” You cried.
Bucky bit his lip and tried his best to imagine what this could possibly feel like, but he could barely comprehend. Then he remembered the first night that he was over.
“Here.” He said, reaching for your hands and placing them on his face, “Feel for now until you want to see.”
You nodded furiously, trying to keep your hands from shaking profusely as your fingers mapped out the face that you knew so well. 
You felt a flesh hand reach up and trace along your cheek. Bucky had closed his eyes and done the same thing as he had before, except this time after about a minute, he added the other hand, the cool metal of his fingers brushing along your lips.
“I love you.” You whispered, a desperate cry from your mouth.
“I love you too.”
You listened to his breathing, the sound that brought you comfort in the night when he slept next to you, and willed yourself to open your eyes.
Your eyes fluttered open and an unpleasing light filtered in, but your main focus was on the face in front of you. His eyelashes were long against his cheeks as he held them closed, his jaw strong, lips plump.
A sharp cry came your mouth, your hands pulling away from his face as his eyes shot open to see you.
The intense colour of his eyes was something that took your breath away, you’d never experienced anything like it before. You decided that no matter what, that shade of blue would always be your favourite.
You began to sob, tight choking racking your chest as the overwhelming nature of seeing the man you love for the first time - and seeing much of anything at all - hit you hard.
Bucky pulled you into an embrace, holding you like his life depended on it. His heart was so full of love and care for you that he didn’t give a damn if your tears were soaking his shoulder.
Bucky held you for what felt like forever until your cries had softened. When you left, Bucky showed you every beautiful thing he could think of; fireworks, blossom trees, sunsets. He loved to see you light up when you saw something new.
He made a pact to show you every beautiful thing that the world could offer, but you assured him that the most beautiful thing you’d ever laid eyes on was him. And he’d shrug it off, but on the nights when you’d stay awake and stare at him, absorbing every little detail, you knew that it was the absolute truth.
Bucky was amazed by you with or without your sight, because either way you loved him, either way you held him on the nights he couldn’t sleep, either way you were the one he’d run to if anything went wrong.
Either way, you were the only one who had ever taken the time to truly see him for who he was, and his heart beat for you and only you.
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whereisvanderwood · 7 years
Blue Angel.
Yona of the Dawn | Akatsuki no Yona
Shinah x Reader - Comfort
My Yona of the Dawn x Reader List for more one-shots! Check it out!
The fog was thick, and made everyone shiver in its ominous presence as it blotted out the entire world around them.
"Yun, w-where are we going exactly?" the princess chattered, seeing nothing but the cloud they walked through.
"I'm p-pretty sure we're meant t-to be going this way."
"Pretty sure? What does that mean?" the ex-general replied, a lot of his trust in Yun going down at a significant rate.
"It means that I can't see anything, s-so I have no idea where w-we are going. Just make sure no-one gets s-separated." Huddling together the closest they could, they kept on moving forward, taking a turn every now and then. Having lost the map further back when the fog had started coming in, Yun and the group were travelling in directions based on gut feeling.
"Hey... what's that over there?" (Y/N) pointed out as they began to move closer towards the shadowy figure. Once close enough, it was a pile of weaponry and resources.
"That's strange. Why are there weapons here? The resources look like they came from merchants, but I doubt they would've had weapons with them..."
"Ambushed, perhaps? This would be the perfect spot for something like that," Jeaha spoke up.
"You're not wrong. But if it was an ambush, why would the attackers leave their weapons and the resources behind?"
"Maybe... it wasn't people that attacked...?" Everyone felt a shiver down their spines at (Y/N)'s theory, and their veins turned icy cold at the idea of some monster lurking around in the cloud. For all they knew, it could be watching them right now from a distance, or could be right in front of them.
They slowly started walking again, and everyone was told to never separate from someone else, and were given pairs. Hak was with Yona, Jeaha with Yun, Kija with Zeno, and Shinah with (Y/N). No matter what, no pair was to separate from one another, even if the group had been broken apart somehow.
Branches snapped from all sides, and with everyone turning their heads at the same time no-one knew which way was straight anymore. Zeno stood in front of everyone with his arms spread wide, and the other dragon warriors watched all sides as they stuck close together in a circle. Leaves rustled in the trees all around them, and the wind even had a whistle accompanying its cold touch. The fog around them moved in a circular motion, but never dissipated in the slightest.
(Y/N), wishing she hadn't come up with the idea that there was something else in these woods, unnervingly quivered. Shinah took one look at her face and changed his position to be in front of her, his hand on his sword's hilt and ready to be drawn at a moment's notice.
Unexpectedly, the commotion all died down at once and everything reverted back to its silent state. All of their ears were sensitive to listen to any kind of noise, but there was nothing to listen to. Their mouths remained closed, even afraid to breath too loud. It was hushed, but not in a peaceful way.
"...Let's keep moving-" Something jumped out from the mist and latched its teeth onto Zeno's arm, bowling his entire body over onto the ground where they wrestled.
"Zeno!!" everyone exclaimed, pure terror tattooed onto their faces. It was some kind of animal that looked like a wolf, but was uglier. Jeaha using his dragon's leg, kicked off the canine with slight struggle. The yellow dragon's arm now had huge bite marks pouring with blood, and yet he stood to his feet resuming his guarding stance to protect his friends.
"Z-Zeno, you're injured! What are you doing!?" Yun yelled, everyone else bewildered by his determination. Before anyone else could say a word, the creature's allies began their own attack on each member. Hak furiously swung his spear like it was his last day of living, and the dragon warriors did all they could to protect those who could not fight. Yun kept his head low as well as Yona, but there wasn't enough space for (Y/N) to hide herself.
"Th-There's too many! I can't hold them off any longer!" Kija yelled over the barking and growling of the beasts.
"We need to split up!"
"What!? We can't! We'll lose each other-"
"It's the best chance we have, Yun," Hak determinedly replied. "Everyone stick with your partner and don't lose them," he yelled as he grabbed tightly onto Yona's hand. "On three. One... Two... Three!"
Each pair split off into a direction different from everyone else's, and each pair had only one hound chasing after them. Shinah grabbed a hold of (Y/N) instantly, and ran past his enemy. Suddenly the ground became steep, and the two began to tumble down with no control. The blue dragon held his partner close to him, doing his best to shield her as they continued their seemingly endless fall.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Her eyelids battered open as she felt the familiar sensation of dripping rain from above. As her eyes fully opened, the first thing she saw was the sky, despite its blueness being wholly blotted out by dark, looming clouds overhead. The rain drops became more frequent, and so she hurriedly crawled over to a nearby oak tree with plenty of shade. (Y/N) had dizzy spells as she had moved too quickly from the ground.
As she tried to recall why she was on the ground in the first place, she remembered the most important part. "Sh-Shinah," she breathed out as she reminded herself. "Shinah!! Shinah, where are you!?" Her weak voice echoed throughout the forest standing before her in silence. She and Shinah must've found their way out of the cloud, for fog was no longer obscuring her clear line of vision, yet somehow ended up separating.
She leaned against the log of the tree, staring into the grey abyss above as her eyes had a far-off look in them, the rain continuing to pour ever harder. Recalling what had just happened only moments ago, her heart was shaken at the feeling of experiencing something so terrifying. The sight of Zeno's arm with marks of teeth that had pierced through, the view of blood from the beasts that were being cut down covering the entire ground around them, she had never seen so much gore in one place in her life before.
Her stomach churned and instantly became nauseous thinking about it all, and she covered her mouth to stop herself from throwing up. (Y/N) took deep breaths to calm herself down, giving her the chance to think clearly and logically about what she was to do now. But where she was, it was cold, wet and lacking in hopeful sunlight.
"I need to move..." she spoke in an attempt to motivate herself. "...or else those dogs might come after me." As her heart skipped a beat at the thought, she stood to her feet, and staggered through the dormant trees of the timberland.
As time passed, time became a distant memory and was unknown. Looking up for at least the hundredth time within the hour, trying to find where the sun might have disappeared off to, she sighed in hopelessness. Yun wasn't here, and she didn't have his knowledge in how to survive with basic skills. Starting a fire, the best place for shelter, how to find water or plants for food, it all escaped her mind like dust in the wind.
She didn't have Jeaha's flirtatious remarks to annoy her, Kija's loyalty to his friends to comfort her, Zeno's sunshine to brighten her mood, or even Hak and Yona's bickering to make her feel like she was part of a crazy family. But what she missed most was Shinah's warm touch to tell her she was safe. There was nothing left, not even her 'partner.'
It was as though with every step she took, the trees began to grow taller and subtly morph into a different kind of form. The shadows on the ground grew larger, the silhouettes of the tree branches mimicking spears pointed directly at her physical form. The sun finally reappeared from behind the clouds, however it was quickly disappearing once more behind the skyline to mark the troubled day's end. And all at once, it was like everything had slipped through her grasp in such a short amount of time.
"Yun... Yona..." she began to unknowingly whine in desperation. "Where are you guys...?" (Y/N)'s footwear becoming worn from the rocky surface she treaded on, she could feel painful cuts and blisters with every exhausted step she took. "Shinah..." At her own words tears pricked the corners of her eyes, threatening to fall as a way of telling her to give up.
And that was what she did.
Her knees instantly stinging with impact of sharp rocks, she held in breaths to silence her own cries for help. She was lost in all ways possible. Such hopelessness blocked her from what the truth was, but she had always felt like that since joining the group. Each person had their own unique attributes to give in order to help, but she had nothing to contribute. A poor upbringing in her childhood years, living in a rustic village like hundreds of other unfortunate souls, what was there to learn or gain in such circumstances?
The skies had finally decided to show mercy on the poor girl, for the rain had finally let up and moved on to another part of the kingdom. A sigh of relief escaped her lips, yet she remained idle in her place on the ground. Wearily rotating her head from left to right, she found a grotto deep enough to fit herself inside.
One hand and leg after the other, she crawled over to the shelter, and huddled herself in the smallest ball she could make herself into. Darker, and darker, the night made itself into a chasm of evil waiting to strike when the time was right. Her eyes finally closed after much resistance, no longer able to fight against the temptation of escaping through her subconscious.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A voice reverberated through (Y/N)'s subconscious, alluring her to fall into an ever deeper slumber. It was calm, and brought instant peace to her overwhelmed mind. It was warmth from the campfires her and her friends would always sit close to each night, and it brought tremendous comfort to her shaking heart.
Her heavy eyes opened slightly, and the world she was hiding from was suddenly all a blur. But something seemed out of place as a much bigger blur stood in front of her, swirling around and mixing with all the other colours she could make out. She was convinced she was still in a dream state as the blurs became abstract paintings. Awed by its wonder, she reached out towards it, and was surprisingly met with the touch of a warm hand holding her own.
Still unable to make out what exactly she had encountered in this subconscious world of hers, she felt herself crawling out of the hole, the hand tightly holding on as it guided her out of the dark. Once out in the open, the figure continued to walk backwards as they travelled through more swirling colours. It was as though someone of a much greater power had put this made-up world in slow motion, enhancing everything she could feel as her and the stranger treaded on cotton-like ground.
She knew it could only be a dream, but the trance she was in led her to believe it was an angel that had come to be her salvation. The heavens must've taken pity on her as they watched her suffer and plead for help, and sent down one of their finest. She could feel her hair flowing like lily pads following a river's course, and suddenly she felt all pain disappear as everything stood still.
The colours were of darker tones, but the figure in front of her shone brighter than moonlight. Her second hand reached out, greedy for more of this incredible feeling she was experiencing, and again a second hand willingly held on. The warm touch travelled through her blood, warming her cold body up instantly. As they continued to walk further into the mass of colours, her vision became sharper and could define certain silhouettes around her.
Trees, animals watching in the distance, and shortly the angel in front of her became crystal clear. His blue attire, the unusual mask that covered his eyes, and the gentleness of his expression. Her eyes opened further more as the image became real and no longer a dream to her. She smiled, and his tensed up body from concern visibly relaxed as he knew she was okay now.
"Shinah... is that really you?"
"Yeah..." The blue dragon halted his steps when (Y/N) practically jumped onto him, wrapping her arms around his neck as he embraced back. "Sorry... for losing you..."
"I already forgave you. I just missed you." As she was still tired from her ordeals, she began to sway with the wind's flow. Shinah quickly caught her, lifting her up bridal style as her head lay against his warm beating chest. As the voices of their friends were in earshot, he gently kissed her forehead as she was lulled back peacefully into dreamland, and rescued by her angel.
My Yona of the Dawn x Reader List for more one-shots! Check it out!
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spectrekalenko · 8 years
Let Me Live - Chapter 3
Sorry for the delay in updating, uni work is so full on right now. I was so sick of doing it so I thought I'd slip another chapter in. The next one wont be for two weeks at least but I hope this tides you over until then!
This feels a bit of a rushed and fast paced chapter which I'm not happy about, but I wrote it in one sitting. This fic will also only be short anyway, but enjoy, and let me know what you think :)
Warnings for some talk about injuries and blood.
Read the whole thing on AO3
In the week that followed your night with Hanzo, you had berated yourself endlessly.
It had been stupid to invite an unknown man back to your place. You may have spent a couple of hours together beforehand, but the man carried around a bow and arrow for crying out loud. If he wasn’t dangerous, he was living in some delusion he was some type of Robin Hood.
Yet, every time you got a text from him, all doubts were forgotten and that warm feeling would bloom in your chest, along with a grin on your face. The texts were far apart and you only received a couple of day, but it was enough to keep your interest in him. He usually asked how your day was and wanted to know what you did, while keeping the answers light about his own affairs. His texts were very formal – full sentences, full stops, no slang, the works. Although he had admitted he found your use of emoji’s ‘endearing’ and that he was ‘highly amused by them’. He spoke often about visiting again but couldn’t make a solid plan – but soon, he promised, soon. But the time alone with your own thoughts, when you weren’t at work or cleaning the house for the fifth time that week, put doubts into your mind like little needles. He’s making excuses because he just wants to seem polite, he’s building up to let you down gently, you were just a one-night stand, he probably has a wife and kids somewhere.
However, these thoughts couldn’t stop the warmth that came with a text from him, or the ache in your core that your hand just wasn’t enough to satisfy anymore when you thought of his body. You were in deep for no good reason at all. So you tried your best to distract yourself – you worked harder, cleaned the house for a sixth time, even started to go on runs. In the end, it was all for nothing. Your handsome archer was constantly in your thoughts, and any time idle was spent daydreaming about him.
A week or so after that night you were sat reading when you got a text.
Hanzo: I saw this and thought of you. Of us.
Attached was a picture and when you opened it, you couldn’t help but laugh. The angle was off and it was shaky, but he’d obviously seen it in some piercing shop window somewhere. It was a poster that read “Come on in, we don’t bite… and bring a friend if you don’t believe us!”. Hanzo kept surprising you, for such a solemn face there was a special brand of humour hidden in there. You went back to his text. Of us. You felt like a giddy teenager as you replied.
You: I love it! It made me laugh :D
The reply was almost instant.
Hanzo: I am glad. (:
The text seemed to repel the doubts that lingered at the back of your mind and you relaxed, really relaxed, as you settled in for a quiet evening.
It was quiet until you were woken from your sleep by a pounding at your door. Stirring instantly you jolted up, heart racing from a mixture of fear and tiredness. What was going on? You checked your phone and the time was 2:41am. You hesitated, thinking you might of imagined the noise. A few seconds trickled by before the noise started up again, making you jump.
You slipped out of bed and silently sauntered into the kitchen, the light from your phone the only thing stopped you from falling and stumbling. On your way through the kitchen, you picked up a knife, trembling slightly. You had never hurt anyone before – was someone here to hurt you? You put in 911 on your phone and hovered your thumb over the call button, as you stood by the door. When the pounding stopped, you spoke.
“Who is it?” You tried to make yourself sound firm and disapproving, but your voice was shaky and thick with sleep. Your eyes widened when you heard the voice at the other side call your name.
“I-It’s Hanzo, please… Open the door,” he groaned and you flung the door open. He was standing before you, head bowed and a hand wrapped around himself gripping his side. The other hand was supporting himself on the door frame and he was soaking from the rain.
“Hanzo, what… What are you doing here?” You had to calm yourself with a deep breath before your words came out at full volume. He raised his head and you let out a hiss through your teeth in shock. The skin around his left eye was darkening, and the slight swell made it apparent by morning he would have a full-on black eye. His lip was bust, and his left cheek was discoloured by the start of a nasty looking bruise. Your eyes darted down to where his hand held his side and he shifted his fingers, drawing your attention to the sticky red on them.
“Fuck,” was all you could think to say as you placed the knife down on a nearby table and held out your arm for him. He took it and leaned his weight onto you and you both groaned, him in pain and you with effort. You both managed to get to the couch where Hanzo practically fell down with a rough growl. You reached for your phone. “I’ll call on ambulance- “
“No!” Hanzo half-shouted and he winced as he sat upright. “Please, no. I’ll be fine I promise; I just need some bandages. Please, I can’t go to the hospital…” You looked at him while you considered his request. His eyes were almost pleading with you, and he looked desperate.
“Why?” His face dropped and you could almost see his mind turning trying to find an explanation – an explanation to cover up the real reason with how long he was talking, you guessed. He opened his mouth several times as if to speak, but words failed him. You sighed in defeat. “Okay. Let me see what I have lying around”.
His face lit up and he thanked you as you went to the bathroom and recovered as much as you had – some bandages, a few plasters, and some antibacterial wipes. It would have to do. When you returned to him he had already struggled out of his coat, breathing heavily. He wore an olive green t-shirt underneath, stained with a significant amount of blood on his lower left side. You grimaced. “You do know I’m not a doctor, right? I have no idea what I’m doing”. He managed a weak smile up at you and your irritation lessened.
“I am sure we will manage. I’ve dealt with similar before”. His eyes widened as you frowned, and you guessed he had just revealed more about himself than intended. You chose to ignore it, for now.
“Okay…” You murmured as you set yourself down on the sofa next to him, laying out your equipment in-between the two of you. “Shirt off”. He raised an eyebrow at your commanding tone and grinned, before wincing at his sore lip that stopped him from making any sort of remark. He slowly shifted himself to sit upright and slowly peeled the cloth from himself, a string of swears coming from his mouth as it stuck slightly to his wound. You swore yourself when you saw it in all its glory. It was a gash in his side, a long line that was an angry red with darkening red blood around it. Although you were no expert, it didn’t look too deep, and a good covering and some rest looked as if it might suffice for the time being. You considered the items splayed around you and picked up the antibacterial wipes, figuring it was a good start. Hanzo eyed you warily as you leaned in and as you started cleaning the wound he tensed, hissing out air through his teeth, his muscles clenching and unclenching, shifting the skin around the wound and increasing the pain. You were soon done however, and got to work covering the line with some bandages. You leaned back, admiring your handiwork.
“I thought you said you weren’t a doctor? That’s quite good handiwork for a novice,” the low voice brought you out of your daze and you glared at him, which seemingly only added to his amusement.
“I’m not, and I still think you would be better off in a hospital. With professionals,” you added, trying to sound as strict as possible. He let out a breathy chuckle.
“You’re right, but those professionals wouldn’t look as good as you if you wore a nurse’s outfit”.
You spluttered and felt heat rise to your cheeks at his sudden flirty outburst. It was a bold move, especially from Hanzo, and you tried to frown even more. “Save your flirting for when you’re not bleeding all over my couch at 3 in the morning, okay?” He had the good grace to return his usually somber state then, nodding. You got to your knees on the sofa and picked up another wipe, getting ready to tackle his face. Not a lot you could do here, apart from clean it up and let mother nature take its course to heal. You leaned in and gently wiped down his cheek and around his eyes, apologising quietly every time he winced. You then moved your attention to his lip, and to cleaning the blood on that. You put on hand under his chin, your thumb gripping it to keep him still. You worked slowly and with a lot of focus as you cleaned him up, and it was only after you finished you realised he was staring intently at you. You frowned slightly, a blush colouring your cheeks as you went to moved back. A hand around your middle quickly stopped that.
“What?” You asked out of embarrassment as he brought you back closer, his head just above your chest as he looked up at you. He reached up and brushed some of your hair out of your face.
“You look so beautiful when you are concentrating,” he murmured, and leaned in to press light kisses to the column of your throat, mumbling his thanks. A pleased sigh left your lips before something snapped in you and you gently pushed him back with a hand on his shoulder, shuffling backwards to look at him on his level.
“Hanzo, I can’t, you’re injured and I- God, I- “you don’t know what came over you at that point, whether it was tiredness or the shock of the situation or both, but before you knew what was going on hot tears were rolling down your face and you were choking on your words. “You’re injured! You just t-turned up here injured and you won’t even tell m-me how it happened! What if it had been worse, what i-if your injury had been worse and you just d- “. You had to stop yourself before you broke out into full on sobbing. You rose from the sofa and started pacing, a hand covering your mouth and an arm wrapped yourself as if you were trying to hold yourself together. You glanced over at him and your composure nearly slipped.
He looked shocked, mouth hanging open slightly and eyes trained on you in disbelief. His eyes were shining and a thought flashed across your mind – what did Hanzo look like when he cried? Before you could think anymore he had shakily gotten up and made his way to you, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into his good side. One of your hands went to his chest to stable yourself as fresh tears unleashed themselves unbidden and he rocked you slowly, head on top of yours.
“I’m sorry… I’m truly, truly sorry to have scared you like that. I-I will explain one day, I promise, but I can’t… Not right now…” His low words and his actions soothed you, the tears stopping only to be replaced by a sudden wave of tiredness and your eyes felt heavy. He kissed your head pulling back slightly to look you in the eyes, smiling weakly. “Why don’t you get in bed, and I will clean up. I will join you”. You agreed, too tired to argue at this point.
You reached your room and collapsed into in, trying to stay awake by listening to the sounds of Hanzo shuffling around. The light went off from the hall and you just about make out him coming into your room before you felt the bed dip with his weight. You turned into him, head near his chest as he wrapped his arms around you and proceeded to stroke your back. You yawned.
“’M glad you’re okay Hanzo. I’d make a good doctor. Was gonna stab you at first when I didn’t know it was you,” you heard him chuckle, and you liked the sound. It pulled you deeper into sleep. “Never stabbed anyone before”.
“I’m sure you haven���t. Now shh, and sleep.” He gently chided. You didn’t need to be told twice and quickly drifted off, Hanzo’s warmth a great comfort for you. Just as you were pulled under, you heard him speak.
“Oh rōzu, my sweet, sweet rōzu, I will protect you. Can’t you see I’m already changing the man I am for you?”
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☼ - Camping with them, ✚ - Bandaging their wound, ❇ - Stargazing with them (For Robin!) and ♞ - Playing a game with them, ❄ - Staying close to them to keep warm (For Lucius!!)
 -Under Readmore for length … I couldn’t stop myself and I apologize (also mentions of injury and blood)-
♞ - Playing a game with Lucius
Madeline had been busy helping to organize the file for her father’s new case when her mother stepped through the threshold and wrapped her arms around her daughter’s shoulders. “You at a good stopping point, Kit?” She asked pressing a kiss to the top of her daughter’s head. “Sure- what’s up?” Mads said, shooting a grin up to her mother. “Lucius is here, and he’s a bit too quiet today.” Her mother explained, winking to her daughter in a knowing manner. “Perfect.” Mads agreed, getting to her feet and walking with her mother out of the study and down the hall to where Lucius was waiting on the couch, his feet dangling a little ways above the ground. Lucius was one of her mom’s cases, but he was also one of Madeline’s favorites. She would just as easily watch over and protect him forever if given the opportunity. “Lulu?” Madeline called, her smile brightening when his head snapped up and he looked hopefully towards the sixteen-year-old. For a five-year-old, Lucius was easily one of the quietest kids she had ever met. Which only meant Madeline had to entice the smiles and giggles from him- a task she was more than happy to undergo. Slipping up beside him on the couch, Mads immediately reached for him to bring him onto her lap, his bright blue eyes never leaving hers. “Mah-line?” He whispered, wrapping his hands around one of hers. Without a second thought, Madeline flipped him onto his back and lifted his little t-shirt, blowing raspberries all over his stomach until he was shaking and squealing in laughter. “Are you a silly little boy, Lulu?” Madeline asked, missing her mother snapping a quick picture of the two before silently leaving the room. “Who’s a silly little boy?” “Mah-line!” “Me?” She called, laughing at his accusation. “Never!” She replied, fixing his shirt back down and pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Would you like to play a game, silly Lulu?” She asked, nodding to the floor where they usually begin. Wiggling in her lap, Lulu slid off her knees and went to the floor, his grin unmistakable. “What shall we play?” She asked, moving to stand before him and crouching down to his level. “Hide and seek?” She offered, remembering his fondness for the game. “Yah!” He said, practically wiggling in excitement at the idea. “Alright, I’ll hide first. You find me.” Madeline encouraged, waiting until he began to nod to step back a little, Lucius trying to follow her. “Uh-uh-uh,” she paused, holding out a finger. “You stay here. Put your hands over your eyes, and count to five, ok? Then come find me.” Waiting until his hands slipped over his eyes, Madeline bee-lined for the couch, jumping over it as he ended his choppy counting. He too headed straight for the couch, his peeking telling him all he needed to know about where Madeline would be. Once he rounded the couch’s side, Madeline opened her arms wide and cheered, pulling him in for a tight hug and little kisses all around his head. “You did it, Lulu! You found me!” She cried, happy to hear his giggling pick up again. “Alright, it’s your turn now, Lulu. You go hide and I’ll count.” Planting one last kiss on his forehead, Madeline dutifully covered her eyes and counted up to ten, her happiness buzzing through her. Once she reached the highest number, she immediately popped her head above the couch and looked around, instantly seeing his little feet sticking out from behind a curtain. Humming lightly to herself, Madeline took her time going around the room, calling out places and ignoring the little giggles that continued to resound from the curtain. “Hmmmm,” she mused, pulling up another cushion from the chair by the windows. “He’s not in the chair… I have no idea where my sweet little Lulu could be!” She called out, tapping her chin inquisitively as his little feet began to dance under the curtain. “What is this? Is my curtain moving?” She gasped, feigning shock as she drew back the fabric and found her little guy smiling and jumping at her legs. “Lulu! It’s you!” “Mah-line! Mah-line!” He cried in triumph, excited as she lifted him up and held him by her face. “You and I, little guy. We’re going to stay together, alright? And I promise that I will always find you.” She swore, feeling her heart warm at his sloppy kiss on her cheek. This was one of the rare kids who stole Madeline’s heart and left an impression of himself in its place.
❄ - Staying close to Lucius to keep him warm
The storm that passed through Charming left a stiff breeze in its wake, chilling anyone who had been caught in the downpour to immediately feel the cold in their bones. Madeline hadn’t thought twice about grabbing an umbrella that morning, sure that she would make it home before the rain. Once she looked out her window and saw the downpour, she could do nothing more than secure her files in her briefcase, gulp down her irrational fears, and walk through the sheets knowing it wouldn’t make a difference if she ran or walked. Besides, with the way her knees shook at every crack of thunder, it wouldn’t have been smart to attempt a run. It wasn’t until she rounded the corner of her street that she became aware of someone coming towards her, his figure undeniably familiar. Squinting through the deluge, she knew it was a man, skinnier, moving with a simple grace. All at once it hit her and she smiled, speeding up to meet him half-way. “Lucius! What are you doing out in this rain?” She admonished, shielding her eyes as she took in her son. “I could ask the same thing,” he called back, grinning towards her. Ignoring the shakiness of her hands from her shot nerves, Madeline jutted her chin for home and wrapped an arm around him. “C’mon, for someone who’s already cold this won’t help you any.” She reasoned, quickly dragging him up her steps and into the comfort of her home. Ignoring the the puddle that already began to form underneath them both, Madeline dropped her briefcase to the ground and tugged off his rain coat before dragging him to the sofa and throwing him a blanket. “Time for you to warm up,” she explained, visibly flinching at the new round of thunder. “I’ll make some tea.” “Or…” he started, walking over to her and throwing the blanket around her wet shoulders. “You can sit with me and relax for five seconds.” He knew as much as she did that storms never sat well with Madeline. A piece of her parents’ death she could never overcome; a fear of storms. “C’mon, you said it yourself I need to warm up,” he reasoned, grateful when she seemed to relent and move with him to the couch. When they finally sank down onto the cushions, Madeline sighed and tilted her head over to rest on him, tugging the blanket closer up around them with one hand and maneuvering her arm around him at the same time. “Thanks Lulu,” she murmured, knowing this was for his benefit as much as it was for hers. “I’m still making you that tea.”“Yeah yeah, just stay here for a second, alright?” He asked, leaning into her warmth. Smiling, Madeline let them sit in a comfortable silence for awhile, her hand sketching idle patterns into his shoulder. “I love you Lulu,” she murmured quietly, keeping her eyes on the picture frame of the two of them. “Love you too, Mom.”
☼ - Camping with Robin
It had been Robin’s idea to go camping- something Madeline could attest to not having done since college. Apparently the idea of such a length of time without a tent in sight sent him into a small shock. That Friday he kidnapped her from work, allowed her to grab a few clothes from her closet, and then brought her right out into Lord-knows-where in the woods. And that was that. This was all practically Robin’s backyard, so she didn’t ask a single question through the hike, merely joking and laughing with him as they reached his intended spot. “Alright, I’m chopping wood, think you can handle the tent?” He teased, knowing Madeline would either get it up or die trying. Shaking her head at his challenge, she dropped her bag and reached for the tent, levelling him a look. “I may be a little rusty, but I think I can handle a tent.” She reasoned, almost waiting for him to come up with a comment back. When it didn’t come, she smiled towards him and went to work, the tent being assembled after only a few mistakes and housing what made up Madeline’s closet for the weekend. With that done, she sat on a log and watched him chop wood. After shedding his overshirt, he began to work, his movements holding her focus until he started to laugh and paused in his chopping. “You enjoying the show?” He asked, his happiness fusing with Madeline’s. “I thought I’m terribly sorry Ranger Rick- I didn’t realize I wasn’t allowed to watch the show. And here I was thinking you were trying to teach me some camping skills.” She teased, standing to her feet and moving up beside him in challenge. “You want to try?” He chuckled, offering her the axe. Smile in place, Madeline rolled her eyes and mimicked his actions by unbuttoning her flannel and stripping down to her t-shirt underneath. “Where am I aiming for, exactly?” She questioned, taking the axe from the very amused ranger. “Look for a crack, and try to hit it there. Or y’know, straight down the center,” he offered, using his hands to rotate her until she was in proper form. “Strike when ready, Madelicious.” Robin teased, moving out of range. Letting out a quick laugh, she aimed and struck the wood, a few inches from center. “Well that’s disappointing,” she mused, putting her foot on top of the wood as leverage to release the axe. Trying again, she aimed for the same crack, finally splitting it into two slightly uneven pieces. “Not bad for your first try,” Robin piped in, a proud smile crossing his face as he took the axe from her and wrapped her in a quick hug, his lips meeting hers. Once they separated, he continued to look down at her, a crooked smile meeting a beaming one from her. “You have anything else to teach me?” She asked, a brow cocked in challenge, her hand moving up to cup his cheek. “Madelight, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.” He promised, dropping the axe behind him with a dull ‘thud’ as she leaned up to kiss him once more. 
✚ - Bandaging Robin’s wound
“I have no idea how you managed this,” Madeline said, her head shaking in disbelief as she stared at his torn up arm. There were deep scratches and random bite marks scattered across its length, the blood drying on some spots and still oozing out of others. “Y’know, I’m a mystery Madelight. I surprise even myself sometimes.” He offered, shifting slightly and biting his tongue to stop from wincing. The badger had certainly had its way with Robin, despite his best attempts at dodging or stopping its attack. Someone had to save it from the trap, and he figured it may as well be him. Letting out a heavy sigh, Madeline got to work preparing her supplies. “You’re not going to have a fun time with the disinfectant,” she warned, holding the bottle aloft and moving to stand beside him rather than at his feet. “On three?” She suggested, pressing a quick kiss to his forehead as a sort of apology before grabbing a part of his arm unravaged and offering him a sympathetic grimace. “One,” she began, not bothering to wait and simply washing his arm in the clear liquid, and gently rubbing it into the deeper cuts feeling him tense and mutter quiet curses. “I thought it’d be worse if I got to three,” she said as a substitute for an apology, pressing another small kiss on his cheek. He was shaking worse now, which she knew was part of her fault. “I’m sorry.” She offered, feeling him shake his head at the apology. “You’re the one helping me, Madevine. I’m fine, or on the way to being there, at least.” He said, his mouth twisting into a bittersweet smile. “Keep going- worst is over, I presume. Unless you got some pliers or needles in that bag, then this is gonna get a whole lot more unpleasant.” Taking a small breath, Madeline returned to her work, bandaging up his arm and working to make sure the bleeding stopped before offering him some Tylenol and water. He took both dutifully, tossing back the pills and chasing them with water before he simply looked up at her, smiling. “What? Do I have blood somewhere on me?” She asked, looking down at her clothing, trying to make sure she wasn’t a mess. “Nah, you’re good. Just… can’t thank you enough. Wouldn’t have been too keen to that alone.” “I like to think we make a pretty good team,” Madeline reasoned, her tension easing when he pulled her down beside him on his camper couch. “One of the best,” he agreed. “Do I want to know how you got those battle scars, Ranger Danger?” She asked, moving closer and sliding an arm up his back, rubbing idle circles down its length. “So it all started…” he began, his eyes twinkling with the story. 
❇ - Stargazing with Robin 
Pressing her palm into his, Madeline followed dutifully alongside Robin, trying not to jump at every crack or murmur the forest made. If Robin was confident enough to do this, then she trusted him to not lead her into a dangerous area. It didn’t necessarily calm her racing heart, but that was just a side effect of being with him, it would seem. “You said stargazing… Robin I don’t mean to dampen your plans here, but we’re in the middle of a forest. I feel like it’s a little hard to stargaze with branches in the way.” She reasoned, jumping at another sound and ultimately giving up by just grabbing his arm and holding onto it instead of his hand. “You alright, Madelight?” He couldn’t resist the rhyme, it seemed. “Just peachy… just a little…” She couldn’t seem to find the right word. “A little? … what? On edge? He suggested, pressing a kiss against the side of her head. He tried to choose a night that was a little lighter on purpose, but nothing too close to the full moon. “We’re almost there. Just around this bend here,” he promised. Once they rounded it, Madeline gasped and paused, looking between him and the clearing. In the middle sat a small blanket, lanterns placed all around it, a few blankets and pillows beside it, and a tiny basket on the far corner. “Robin Hewitt…” She breathed out, turning to face him with a touched smile. “You told me you never went stargazing. It’s the least I could d-” She cut him off with a kiss, leaning on the tips of her toes to reach him properly on the uneven terrain. “It’s perfect. Thank you, Robin.” She whispered, running a hand through his hair and down to his cheek, giving him another quick kiss before returning to his side. “I feel like I should mention we may also get a small surprise. If I planned all of this right.” He mused, wrapping an arm around her waist as they walked towards the little picnic. “Please tell me John won’t be making an appearance,” Madeline teased, remembering how he supposedly helped women get closer to him through his scare antics. Laughing, Robin shook his head and glanced down to her. “Nah, he’s got his own engagement tonight. I’m hoping for something a bit more special.” He promised, the pair of them finally reaching the blanket. Once they settled down, lanterns off with Madeline nestled close to his side and her arm draped over his chest, she finally got to see his surprise. Not only were the stars incredibly from their spot in the middle of the woods, but the firefly display they were greeted with was a spectacle of its own. 
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