#I say that both seriously and unseriously as I do all of my opinions
burdock2006 · 9 months
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tiajk · 10 months
Being their sibling headcannons (Monster trio)
Characters included; Luffy, Zoro, & Sanji
Warnings; sibling love, fluff gn! reader
A/n; My sister just left to go back to college miss her already
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Sibling realtionship; Twins
— He honestly needs a sibling to be there for him he has the crew yes but you being there is just different like his missing piece (not romantic)
— He will steal your food but if you try to steal his he’ll throw a big fit talking about how you have so much food already
— Garp was sick of both of you growing up you both relented going into the marines so he couldn’t stand it
— He gives his hat to you all the time you guys sorta share it but he has it most of the time
— The crew get tired of both of you sometimes sanji has to feed two overly eating people and he never catches a break
— he would protect you without a doubt
— you guys 100% have the same brain cell you hold it most of the time luffy rents it sometimes
— your his favorite out of all you guys siblings and ace and sabo know that
— he tries to steal your food and it turns into a whole rumble for some meat (nothing less of luffy)
— when he has nightmares he will go to ur room and ask you to hold him because he just wants his twin to be by him
— he doesn’t say i love you ask much as you think but he does say it in his sleep sometimes when you guys are around each other
— doesn’t care if you flirt with guys or girls or any person but will be mad if they take you away from him when he wants to spend sibling time together
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​Ronoroa Zoro
Sibling dynamic; Big sibling little brother
— You would have to watch him all the time growing up because he would always go picking fight nd shit
— he doesn’t want to admit it but he wants you to tell him how proud you are of him and his strength
— def the little brother to hate when you give him affection but he loves it but will never admit it out loud
— doesn’t care what your doing but when it’s nap time he will leave his swords with you and get mad but get mad when he’s sleeping and you take the swords and put them to the side
— he doesn’t say i love you only says it when your seriously about to die (don’t tease him abt it he was actually worried)
— if you wear something that’s too revealing in his eyes he will 100% go “i’m telling mom that your wearing that” (bro what mom robin?) (it is robin)
— he’s always asking you for money like it’s worst that nami
— he’ll point his finger in your face and be like “i’m not touching you your face it touching me”
— doesn’t like when ur dating someone he’ll stalk you for sure if ur dating sanji he gets pissy but as long as your happy he’s happy
— he’ll protect you in battle if you need it and other way around but makes fun of you if you need his help in a unserious fight ofc
— do not show this man your outfits if you want his opinion he will just be like it looks the same
— he forces you to workout with him whether you want to or not
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(he’s so fine me and u could eat him)
Vinsmoke Sanji
relationship dynamic: big brother little sibling
(i know his backstory but i haven’t got that far so we’re js gonna act like it’s you two for rn)
— when you guys were on the rock with zeff he gave you majority of the food
— makes you his personal taste tester for anything gives you stuff before the ladies
— he doesn’t like when people try to date you because he just wants you to be treated right if you date zoro he’ll be mad but he knows zoro will do anything to protect you
— he likes when you guys cook together it’s a personal connection for both of you
— type of brother to say he’s gonna kill a bug but makes you kill it
— he gives you his money but the second you mention it he won’t give you anymore (he does)
— he loves hugging you that’s all he does he just wants you to know how much he loves you
— says i love you almost everyday he wants to make sure you know your self worth
— if y’all got them same curly brows and you wear urs with pride your gonna make him do the same
— zeff makes sanji promises he’ll take care of you
— try’s to stop smoking for you but always go back to his ways you make jokes all the time about it
— if you wanna sneak out he’ll cover you but then make you do something in return for it
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crucialplayer · 1 year
how good are zodiac signs at lying + tier ranking 
!! everything is based purely on my experiences with signs, written with no other purpose than to share my observations and be unserious. 
excellent liars + can cause a significant amount of stress 
Pisces (unintentionally made it to the top). You know how it's said to be a good liar you have to believe in ur lies? Queens and kings of that. Live in another dimension and process everything through their mood (and it changes A LOT)/or their relationship with the person they are talking about. Hence the «they’ve changed» and «it's different this time». They rarely lie out of a negative spot tho, it's simply how their emotional filter works and distorts reality for them. Also despite being good at lying they just use those Pisces eyes to get what they want. This imo works more for Pisces Risings and Pisces Venuses. 
Libras. It's vital to them to be liked and well thought of so a lot of the time they’ll say and do whatever grants them precisely that. Can be very eloquent with their words, super socially conscious. Can navigate a convo without ever sliding into remotely misbalanced territory. Ig a libra lie giveaway would be if they are in a situation with two or more extreme opinions – it might cause them to get overwhelmed and lost. 
pretty good + can cause a moderate amount of stress 
Geminis. Not surprising I know. Earned and fought for their rightful place. Will lie for fun (mostly). Their motivation for lying is that of an elementary schooler – to see exactly how far they can get away with. Nevertheless, imo they are not as evil with it as they are made out to be. It's merely a way of getting mentally stimulated at any time of the day because without it they would honestly die. Quite easy to deal with too. You either play their game and start lying for shits and giggles too (works if ur goal is for them to like u) or ignore them (it takes about 2 minutes until they get bored and move on to another). Tbh anything in Gemini in ur big 6 will give u this result to some degree. The reason why they're not higher is cause their lies typically don't have the longevity of those above.
Сancers. Cannot stand feeling threatened so they’ll do anything and I mean anything to keep that sense of inner safety – including lying. Basically, if something is even slightly intruding on what they consider their comfort limits –  they will lie their way back to their precious shell. Ig it gets a bit problematic cause often they feel the threat without there being one. And since they are literally the opposite of clearing the air right on the spot you’ll seldom get a chance to catch that moment when they get into their defensive stand. Works for Sun or Rising/Mars maybe?? + If u have both bonus points to the insanity u might cause.
might try to lie but will probably fail + no stress pure fun
Leos. Will try to lie if they feel like their ego might suffer a bit or their social status is under attack, but you will notice it cause honestly there’s not a single emotion they can hide on that face. I’ve noted that they normally hate lying as a phenomenon in general (might be cause it makes them feel unstable and they are a fixed sign + all that ego protection). Besides they don't consider lying as something needed for them to gain love (them being themselves usually does it). Prideful lil babies (I’ve seen Leo Sun or Leo Stellium be like that). Aries. Оk these ones often don't even try. Don't have the patience to analyze the situation and how it might benefit them to lie – they rush straight into react mode (and they are pretty entertaining in it). Same as Leo don't consider lying necessary for them to get what they want – they just go after it and get it.
сan lie in theory but prefer other methods of torture
Scorpios. Lying is too easy and they like to be elaborate with their victims opponents. In all seriousness in my experience they won't appreciate you lying, and won't lie too. They crave that soul bonding hard and lying doesn't really say I want to belong to u with every ounce of my being. If they like you chances are you are sincere in how you feel towards them and they will let you know too. This obviously all falls apart if you have wronged them in some way. Then bye. 
Tauruses. It’s simply tooooo much work and effort. Also generally requires reacting quickly and they would rather exit the situation altogether. And you will like them for other reasons and they know that so ig that’s why they just chill and wait for theirs to come naturally. And it does. And they will be smug about it.
can lie but actively choose not to + hence can cause a lot of stress
Virgos. Would never deprive themselves of the pleasure of being mean critical (esp Virgo suns). Feel like it's their life mission to point out flaws and inconsistencies so they won't tell white lies regardless they like you or not (might be super annoying to you – to them it's everything). But it's useful to have someone that tells you how it is (this line def belongs to Virgo too). Also think they are too smart anyway so they’ll get what they need through that.
Sagittariuses. Pretty obvious. In their world it's either telling the truth or having a heart attack right then and there. It can be so bad that you will ASK them to lie and they still won't. I think it's partially because to them any thought that comes up in their head is worth sharing so there u have it. Good thing they can be funny with it but not always… If they have Sag Sun and Sag Mercury it's this but on steroids. 
could not care less + stress levels caused are moderate but for other reasons…
Capricorns. Too busy to notice you, let alone talk to you, let alone lie to you… But if they do a) you have something they need for their GOAL therefore you have value b) ur somehow got to their inner circle but they still won't lie. They will tell you how it is only to save their time. Can be mean (but honest!!!) but I think they genuinely don't realize it (unlike Virgos). 
Aquariuses. Also too busy but usually with made-up stuff. Don't need to lie since people don't understand them either way. Too focused on bigger plans bigger picture bigger anything to come down to such low topics like intricacies of human interaction. To be fair they are really chill and really could not be bothered. 
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koroart · 1 month
Do you ever think about Lambert bringing baby Dimitri to important king meetings and like. He'll start it off with "Don't you dare wake up my son."
Toddler Dimitri sitting on Lambert's shoulders, playing with his hair
Child Dimitri sitting next to Lambert, patiently(slightly impatiently) waiting for his dad[Dimitri just wants to play]
Teenage Dimitri giving his input sometimes{Lambert asks for it sometimes}
Oh absolutely, i think about it SO MUCH!!!!
Baby Dimitri probably spent a good portion of his baby years in a swaddle against his father's chest ( man did not want to give him away to the nurses!! That's his baby, he brithed him ( he did not) and Lambert, the great King of Faerghus, just walking around with a sleeping Dimitri snuggled against his chest is both the sweetest and most unserious sight to behold.
He takes Dimitri to meetings and is just "Good morning, I have a sleeping baby, so please keep the arguments to a minimum. " and no one could say otherwise. Lambert does it on purpose sometimes because dealing with these people gives him headaches, and he knows no one dares disturb a sleeping baby.
And with toddler Dimitri, Lambert would ask for his opinion in such a serious manner, like --
"What do you think we should prioritize this harvest, Mitya?"
*toddler babble sounds*
" I had the same thoughts."
Child Dimitri is a good boy! But he does get a little restless while with his father so most times he doesn't go with him to meetings, but on days he's feeling particularly clingy ( as any kid would be ), he endures the boredom because he just wants to be with his father so he would just take a nap on Lambert’s lap or fiddle with his gauntlets or if Dimitri is addressed, he gives his little kid opinion ( mostly in jest and it gets a good laugh out of everyone but he still tries to give a good answer! He's future king after all!! ) but you bet your butt he's the first to zoom outta that room while tugging on his dad's hand ( or fingers because his hands are too gotdang small!! ) wanting to go training or riding out because Lambert promised!!
Teenage Dimitri of course, takes his time during these meetings more seriously and pays attention while his father and the lords speak and like you said, he does his best in his own input and learns from his time there. Of course, he's also a teenager, so he's still gonna be a little restless too, which would show in him bouncing his leg or fidgeting with the pen in his hand. Lambert would put a stop to that with a gentle hand on Dimitri’s lap or him taking the pen away from Dimitri so it wouldn't end up breaking. Nonetheless! Dimitri is dutiful in his learning, so he often tries to accompany his father to the meetings.
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stardustdiiving · 11 months
The way some people talk about “misogynistic writing” with the female genshin archons—specifically Nahida & Furina— kills me a bit, because while i do feel there’s valid criticisms of genshin’s writing to be made (especially regarding Ei, who I do feel was done a massive disservice writing wise), often I see people seem to come from a place of not understanding the writing/characters well, and/or leaning into like…very reductive ideas of what makes a female character “good” that honestly says more about their biases than Genshin’s
For example, a common complaint I see against Nahida & Furina is about them being made to be “weak/unserious” and how this is bad writing because genshin is unwilling to take their characters seriously—but the way this is argued seems to suggest Furina & Nahida would be better characters if they were more physically powerful, mature, or “cooler” in some way. But I really dislike the notion of girlbossification being seen as the one standard of good writing for women. A girl being strong and independent and able to punch things really hard isn’t a marker of inherent good writing
Nahida and Furina not being physically powerful or completely sure of themselves is the point. Their lack of life-experience-based maturity and overpowering physical strength are intentional and points of strength for their character writing, not flaws or weaknesses:
Nahida is the God of Wisdom—her primary source of strength is her intelligence, which comes from her curiosity about the world that is intrinsically linked to her being very caring by nature. The reason Nahida is at a disadvantage in physical strength with the antagonists—Scaramouche and Dottore—and doesn’t have an epic moment where she brute force overpowers them, isn’t because Genshin is treating Nahida like an incompetent joke, it’s because her character highlights the overall theme in Sumeru’s AQ that power isn’t everything and strength/wisdom comes from many places.
She outsmarts both Scaramouche and Dottore through her ability to strategize—if you’re trying to sell Nahida as a character who embodies wisdom, it’s far stronger writing wise to have her use her wisdom and mind to overcome narrative conflict than have her be all powerful. If you don’t think Nahida revealing she’s trapped Scaramouche in a dream loop after he tries to rip her gnosis from her, or her standing her ground against Dottore and forcing him to bargain with her when he attempts to intimidate her into giving him what he wants doesn’t make her “cool” or interesting….idk ! Maybe it’s not the writing and just your personal preference for character appeal
Furina —without getting too deep into 4.2 spoilers—has an arc revolving around the loneliness & conflict of needing to mold yourself into a performance for a greater purpose, and grappling with personal identity and autonomy in the aftermath of performance and repression shaping your life. I really don’t understand how people watch how she’s handled and come away with the conclusion her character gets bent around Nuevillette’s man pain/the fact he’s just so ~much more competent than her unless you’re just really not interested in trying to engage Furina’s writing or taking it in confusingly bad faith
Her struggling with lacking the physical power/competence a god “should” have is, again, the point of her character and they are very clear where that lack of ability comes from within the writing. Her narrative actions follow an arc that revolves around this internal conflict she has—she feels very established to be her own person and they certainty don’t shy away from expanding on Furina’s emotions without it only being done as footing for other (male) characters
I think Nahida & Furina were just not what people were expecting the Dendro & Hydro Archon to be like, I also see a lot of complaints that neither of them “act like gods” or “seem very godlike” but see, in my opinion, one of the central themes to genshin overall is to examine the relationship between humanity and the divine. Part of this also includes calling into question what a god should be, especially in relation to humans/having a sense of humanity
The center conflict within Nahida & Furina’s characters is that their sense of humanity is at odds with being held to what being a god “should” be. Nahida is imprisoned by the Sages who treat her with disdain for being a child and not being inhumanly perfect enough to be useful to them as a deity. We see Furina try to engage with her people earnestly in a more human way before realizing she needs to put up the performance that proceeds to shape her life & state of deep loneliness for the next 500 years to be taken seriously and fulfill her duties. You aren’t supposed to look at Nahida or Furina and think they’re all powerful otherworldly divine beings. You’re supposed to view the, as people—people who are young and inexperienced regarding their position in life. Venti and Zhongli act like people in the same way—the only difference is they have more experience and have had the time to accomplish more feats as original members as the Seven
Again, it’s not that I don’t think there’s criticisms to be made. Genshin to me sets up Ei to be a character who requires a lot of self reflection/growth and thought with handling her moral dubiousness, and then out of desperately worrying she won’t be likable enough, seems to bend over with trying to insist on Ei being palpably appealing while not following through on a lot of what her character really needs to feel well handled. (I feel they barely even address Ei needing to rebuild trust with her people and it’s only more clear when you now see Furina spend a lot of time handling something similar despite doing less um, government oppression thsn Ei did for instance HDJNDJDJ. But I guess me pinning where my personal dissatisfaction with her writing comes from is another post in of its own and more based in general issues with Inazuma vs viewing it as misogynistic writing alone) The trend of not letting a female character grapple with her morality and try to push her being livable at the expense of addressing her complexity does honestly feel it falls into a misogynistic writing trends. I am really bummed out with Ei’s execution when genshin has proven through other characters along with Nahida and Furina they are capable of handling a character like her writing wise imo
But I really think, again, if someone thinks none of genshin’s women are engaging or interesting, or that Nahida and Furina aren’t taken seriously enough narratively while seeming to not really understand the intent of the characters’ writing, or want to take them seriously unless they’re cool/girlboss-y enough, I feel it may say more about their ideas of handling women in fiction than it does about genshin. I get personal preferences and not being really into a character, but people so frequently frame it as a possibly misogyny pattern with how genshin writes the female archons and I can’t help but disagree. I think sometimes people don’t consider what the story is trying to say with the characters vs what they think is cool or want (and of course what we all think is cool or may want/expect narratively is always informed by our own biases). There’s a level of subjectivity in how you can interpret writing and narratives of course but they’re just not interpretations I feel fit into what’s presented in the text !
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sabh0 · 4 months
Is skk abusive? Other than the name calling and banter that I just don't take seriously, I've seen people say that Dazai is abusive since he planned for Chuuya to be tortured in stormbringer and didn't help because it would be boring, despite having the ability to do so. There's also the whole manipulating the sheep thing.
I've also seen people say that Chuuya is abusive because of how violent he is, how he punched Dazai to wake him up in Dead Apple and called him inhuman(? Ngl, I don't remember that part) and because Chuuya shot him more times than necessary in Meursault.
Personally, I struggle to see them as abusive r toxic, if only because of how much they trust and understand each other, and how they rile each other up for fun without letting it actually impact their relationship, but I may just be biased? What do you think?
Ok im just gonna say - dont take this post ad some 100% real wisdom or anything. It's just my personal opinion and it's definitely biased as well because of how much these two mean to me but yeah
I wouldn't call them abusive in relationship terms because all that banter and most of their fights are just, as u said it, unserious.
They're both fucked up a bit tho, so yeah there's definitely some toxic behaviours anyway.
Dazai manipulating Chuuya to join the sheep always made me real sad, but if you think about it more - Dazai knew The Sheep aren't any better for Chuuya. Plus if not like this, Mori would get Chuuya to join PM anyway in one way or another, since it was a plan from the beginning.
Dazai planned the whole 'helping Verlaine' thing to buy time so the PM forces could get ready to protect Mori and Chuuya later. That's mafia they're in - lives are not equal. Also Dazai wouldn't put Chuuya in danger he knew the other wouldn't be able to deal with. Either way, his whole yapping about wanting to see Chuuya being tortured is yet again that stupidly weird banter of theirs. After all, he's trying to find him and literally stop him from doing something he would regret. (Sab is trying to make some points but that still doesn't make whatever Dazai did something good. Just sayin. I just don't feel it's a black or white situation.)
I said it some time ago but lord, Chuuya is not abusive. Look, he knows when it's alright to fight Dazai and when he should stop himself not to hurt him. Even if they fight, he never does it seriously. Basement scene? He could've very well just punched Dazai without warning there. But instead he literally invited him to fight - and Dazai very much agreed to that sht with a smile on his lips. They're just very much not okay in the head on both sides. Later when Chuuya actually got angry, he himself threw his knife to the ground, which only shows he doesn't really have any intent of hurting Dazai seriously (In the manga. In the anime they changed it for whatever reason and he did strike him with the knife. But anime skk is just. Anime skk.).
That Dead Apple argument is so funny bc??? Chuuya was literally UNDER CORRUPTION AT THE TIME??? Corruption literally makes him lose control. He could kill a person with one touch. Instead??? Corruption Chuuya in dead apple somehow managed to hold himself back just enough not to actually hurt Dazai. Also, Dazai f knew he's gonna punch him anyway. I mean, bro kinda deserved it atp tbh /j
Cant really tell much about the shooting thing in Meursault - i stil have no f idea if these were even real, considering the fact Dazai is moving normally and there's no wounds/holes/blood visible on him or his clothes. These were probably just a play like the whole headshot thing?? (Tho dazai's scream and expression after that arm shot say otherwise),, really don't know, call it a better impression on Fyodor or Chuuya actually paying Dazai back for the other times
Ok so ,looks at all that sht i just wrote and tried to still excuse it somehow, I wouldn't call them abusive anyway just bc I've seen actual abusive relationships in real life and that's just uhh different in a way i cant really put my finger on,, there's some toxicity simply from the fact they're emotionally constipated and won't talk things thru like they should but,,, welp. Tbh i see most of their usual fighting as something unserious that both of em r okay with. Usually when they actually get into an argument about something it's because one actually got hurt by the other's words (for example that scene with Chuuya punching Dazai after he made jokes about Colonel's death). And they apologize without really apologizing, too (Dazai going to find Shibusawa and trying to take revenge on Colonel's death and later Chuuya going to rescue Dazai and saying to 'wait for him').
Unpopular opinion but i honestly feel that in the future they could very well form a normal, healthy relationship. They just really need to talk. Bickering and calling each other names for fun isn't imo really a form of abuse, when both sides know it's not meaning to hurt the other fr (if it was, then me and most of my friends would be fr abusing each other unfortunately) (and I don't feel abused even if we call each other names and say we hate each other, while watching cat reels together at the same time) (consider this some sibling-like stuff)
If nothing of whatever i just said makes sense, don't eat me please, it's just really hard for me to explain what i really think without being able to just talk for 5h straight while considering every ppint of view
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graceblackthron · 3 months
What is your unpopular shadowhunter opinions 👁️👁️
okay let’s get to this *cracks knuckles*
i think clary and simon being parabatai kinda ruined for me. one thing i appreciated is that their friendship hadn’t need a magical rune binding them forever to be the kind of codependent best friends they are. their friendship was the core of tmi and it was so beautiful the sacrifices and how far they would go for each other that for me it was like a proof that you do not need to be parabatai to reach that level of love and connection with each other. them not needing a parabatai bond was the point, so when they became parabatais i was like meh. and their friendship lost their uniqueness.
thule. i hate everything related to it! it’s one of the reasons i still hate qoaad so much. it feels so unnecessary and forced. i know other dimensions concept has been introduced since tmi and it fits the whole fantasy stuff so i never minded that but parallel world? now you’re just pushing it. and the whole dystopian world we are shown in thule is so unserious to me. janus plot feels stupid as fuck and also this is one of the reasons i can’t care for ash like seriously the whole thing is just so dumb.
i never liked wessa individually sorry. only scenarios i can like wessa is in herongraystairs. which is not the case with jessa and heronstairs because i love both relationships individually and together as poly. but yeah wessa has never been my cup of tea
but this is not new actually. i’m not a fan of cc’s main couples ever. i have always preferred the side couples (but not always) or queer fanon ones, they always feel more natural whereas with the main couples i can’t help but feel like cc is trying too hard to tell the audience how perfect for each other they are instead of letting us see it for ourselves. i think kitty is the only main couple i’m actually seriously invested and i think it’s because they started as a side couple first.
i know everyone loves novellas about their favorite characters but i wish we had novellas from characters that aren’t already main/secondary characters in the sagas. like i wish we could get a novella about jonathan shadowhunter or just characters that are mentioned but not already shown.
people will call me bias but grace is truly by far one of the best characters in tsc (i would even dare to say her best female character at all) and i think a big part is because she wasn’t tied to a romance
which leads me to this point. i don’t think romance necessarily strips characters of their own individuals arcs (because there’s big exceptions: magnus. jem. jessamine. simon. to name a few) but a lot of the time, especially with main couples, the characters do end up feeling very reduced to romance only and it’s quite annoying.
i really wish julian had became a villain sorry that was such a wasted opportunity.
tessa and her powers feel so underutilized when she’s canonically one of the most powerful characters in the verse.
the parabatai to lovers trope should’ve been given to a mlm or wlw ship. listen the implications it would’ve had!! the metaphors and allegories for homophobia through the whole forbidden love punished by law. how you’re allowed to be the closest and have the deepest bond but also aren’t allowed to be romantic because it would be viewed gross (that talk between emma and sarah) and a perversion of the parabatai bond. THE POTENTIAL WAS RIGHT IN FRONT OF CC!!!! i hope one day she tries or makes a novella about queer parabatais because it’s such an opportunity icb she fumbled it. idm if they die either because it would make it more tragic and i love that
i don’t want magnus or tessa to lose their immortality. personally i love the tragedy immortal x mortal romance brings and i think immortality in general is such a sad but at the same time beautiful concept, it brings the questions “is it worthy to love if it brings you pain later?” and for me the answer will always be yes. so i ate it up.
for the sake of my sanity i need that theory of dead shadowhunters coming back to life in twp to be FALSE. i’m sorry i can’t do it it sounds too much like a wattpad fix it fic. i don’t want it!
there’s honestly a lot more these are the ones i could remember as for right now so i apologize but yes, i have a lot
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dynafight · 6 days
I just realized I never shared my genius idea for Todoroki’s hero name, even though I was super excited and proud about it! The last chapter of bnha revealed that Todoroki never chose a hero name. Or, rather, chose to use his given name as his hero name. Which I think is pretty disappointing ngl, so I wracked my brain trying to come up with a better name, one that fits his personality and his quirk, and came up with:
Pro Hero “Soba”
waitwaitwait hear me out, I actually put a lot of thought into it!!!
Undoubtedly, soba is Todoroki’s fave food, right? When trying to relate to/get to know Inasa, he asks him how he feels about soba. (and is disappointed when Inasa says he likes hot soba lol). I like to think that it isn’t the first time that he used the topic of soba to alleviate tension. And it’s my opinion that asking what Touya’s fave food was, and finding out it was soba, was a very choice to show that the two brothers have more than Endeavor in common lol
But taking it a step further, Todoroki comments that he prefers cold soba, even though soba can be eaten cold or hot. Todoroki can also use his quirk to be both cold and hot, although he prefers to use cold. (or he used to, at least. unsure if he still holds that preference but w/e. His ice wall move was a classic go-to for a good chunk of the story). The comparison between his fave food and his quirk is pretty funny imo. (using this logic, it’s also pretty ironic that Inasa used to admire Endeavor and prefers his soba to be hot)
Finally, I find the juxtaposition of a guy who looks like -_- all the time yet has a deeply unserious hero name to be hilarious. It also feels like another way to spite Endeavor, whose hero name and whole personality showed how seriously he took being #1, only to have his prodigy be a top hero with the hero name ‘Soba’. And as my friend pointed out… the big three having the hero names “Loser”, “Narcissistic Keyboard Smash*”, and “Noodles” is really fucking funny
(*don’t @ me, I love Bakugou, but the guy has the longest hero name in the entire series. I could write a whole post about ‘great explosion murder god dynamight’. I might do that another time ngl)
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cursedvibes · 10 months
Idk if I’m the only one who feels a bit sentimental about ch240-243. It’s just got me thinking about how there’s actually someone for everyone. Like you know how people might think they’re weird or they’re being perceived as strange and off-putting by those around them but, in fact, there will ALWAYS be someone who matches your vibe and celebrates your individuality. What a beautiful thing connection is.
I’m not even sure if it’s intended by Gege but the last 7? chapters have been greatly influenced by themes of loneliness and connection and (in my opinion) Takaba and Kenjaku are no exception. Both somewhat lonely in what they do, in what they’re passionate about, both are misunderstood and perceived as “weirdos” by those around them, finding each other and being able to connect through comedy, giving each other what they longed for (Kenny’s “it’s been centuries since my heart danced like this” and Takaba’s “my dream stage… I don’t want this to end”). It’s just… wow?
Also I saw a little analysis about how there are two roles in Japanese comedy-duos, basically one person is telling the jokes and acting weird and the other is acting more serious by fending off the partner’s jokes, so in ch.243 it was Kenny and Takaba, respectively. Takaba’s talent as a comedian shone through as he’s generally more serious and his previous attempts to act as the one who cracks the jokes all the time led him to failure (ch241). But now, thanks to Kenny taking up the “unserious” role he was finally able to finesse his performance. This is such a unique battle out of everything we previously had… “I don’t want this to end” me too Takaba… me too…
P.S. im kinda manifesting that one day you’ll write a fic about these two 🥲 I absolutely adore your works
There's always someone out there who matches you perfectly and it might be the person you least expect, like Japan's worst terrorist or a depressed comedian. Sometimes it also might take you a millennia to find that person, but that makes it all the more worth it when you do.
No but seriously, I totally understand you. It's amazing how Gege managed to build up such a deep connection between Kenjaku and Takaba and thereby not only gave us some much needed further characterization for one of our main villains, but also fleshed out someone who used to be only a comedic side character. Although the fact that Takaba would have more depth was already foreshadowed in his introduction. If anything, him becoming a comedic sidekick was more surprising.
The focus on loneliness, love and being able to connect with other people in the last chapters was very intentional I think and I honestly like how much the approach to these themes differs between Kenjaku and Sukuna. Besides my problems with the Gojo vs Sukuna fight, those topics were brushed on there, but not really explored in depth. Until we got Takaba vs Kenjaku. The main difference here and what allowed us to get a deeper understanding of the themes and how they relates to these two characters is that contrary to Sukuna's fights, Takaba and Kenjaku's fight was more a dialogue where they both discussed their feelings on building connections and became a better person through it. Both of them learned something new (also about themselves) and came out of it as changed people. It's not just one person barraging the other with their issues or slapping their egos around.
Yorozu vs Sukuna is very self-serving. Yorozu is lonely and she thinks having Sukuna by her side will help her, but she is ultimately not interested in really connecting to him, she just projects her own issues onto him. She says herself that having his corpse would be enough. She wants to own him, her attraction to him is because she sees herself in him and her love is a love of herself, there isn't really anything romantic or sexual to it. Similarly, Sukuna has no interest in her either. The fight is only there so he can try out the new CT he just got. Both are essentially in their own world and while it is nice that Yorozu makes a weapon for him, they don't actually connect. Yorozu wants to teach Sukuna her understanding of love, but he already has his own and neither of them budge on their positions or make concessions.
Gojo vs Sukuna is a bit difficult to summarize because it's kinda all over the place and we don't get much from either of them in terms of character development or thoughts in general until the last chapter. Still, it's again someone trying to build a one-sided connection to Sukuna, wanting to teach him love and failing. I would say Gojo is a little more successful than Yorozu because at least Sukuna acknowledges him and says he will remember him. Gojo says he didn't manage to reach Sukuna and teach him "love", but he left an emotional impact. Sukuna changed Gojo to a degree, but only so much as in he killed him and thereby shoved him off the pedestal he put himself on and what kept him from having equal relationships with people. Bit late for that and it won't actually have any long-lasting consequences for Gojo because well he's dead, but it's something. Ultimately, there is no change in Sukuna's character however. There is a physical impact on him from the fight, but not much in terms of emotions. He isn't forced to reconsider any of his positions, he isn't challenged in his character. If anything it only got reinforced because he's confirmed to be "the strongest".
Kashimo vs Sukuna is another instance of someone coming with their issues to Sukuna and pressuring him to fix them. Kashimo wants to build a connection to Sukuna and I think they are actually more genuine with their intentions than Yorozu, but there is still a one-sided connection. Their relationship isn't balanced. Sukuna is supposed to give out wisdom, but Kashimo has nothing to offer him and while it is nice that we got a deeper look into his philosophy, there is nothing he really gained from his interaction with Kashimo. We are learning new things about Sukuna, but he doesn't. I think this will only happen when we get to Yuuji vs Sukuna because Yuuji affects Sukuna on a deeper level than any of the other three. He's the only one that can meaningfully challenge Sukuna because they would finally leave the premise of Sukuna's whole worldview (strength) behind. But we'll see.
Takaba vs Kenjaku is very different. If we were to compare it to the formula of the previous fights, Takaba comes up saying "Let me teach you about love (comedy/fun)" and Kenjaku's response is "Oh I've actually been dying to hear about this. Give me your best shot." Since the start of the Yuki fight Gege has put more emphasis on showing us that Kenjaku is essentially just bored and lonely. They want to connect to people, that is the easiest way to entertain them as well and they don't actually enjoy entertainment without having anyone to share it with, but they and their longstanding goals are what's hindering them. Their plan distanced them from their closest friend and left them quite desperately searching for new companions. Their plan also motivates them to kill Culling Game players, despite them seeing it actually as a waste of potential. That's how they entered the fight. They want to be entertained and they want a new friend. Takaba offers that to them.
I think initially Takaba's offer wasn't entirely sincere, just a ploy to distract them. He might've been already interested in Kenjaku's motivations for causing all this suffering, but he didn't actually expect them to connect so well and so quickly over their shared interest in comedy. First, Takaba gets challenged however. We learn he wants a partner just as much as Kenjaku. He can't enjoy comedy anymore because he needs a partner to succeed in his performance and deep down he is actually just searching for someone who understands him. Due to getting so fixated on performing successfully and pushing himself to lean into types of performances he doesn't actually like that much (playing the funny man), just for the approval of others, he also ended up pushing the people he did perform with away. He couldn't take any criticism and only continued further down the wrong path, leaving him depressed. A less extreme version of how Kenjaku tended to isolate themselves and subconsciously worked against their own interests.
Kenjaku makes him realize what he actually wants, that he has to change himself, his approach to comedy and that he needs to actually try to connect to people and not shy away from it in fear of criticism. This is already different from the previous fights. They both have an investment in the other and want more than simply beating the other person into following their worldview.
Then we get Takaba forcing Kenjaku to reflect on themselves and what they actually want. Despite how persuasive his CT is, Kenjaku's realization that they are having fun in playing around with these silly scenarios and that they for once are actually enjoying the Culling Game for what it is (a chance to meet interesting players, not just a stepping stone for something greater) doesn't seem to be fake. The nature of his CT also makes them realize that if they want to survive they have no choice, but to open themselves up a little bit and cooperate with each other. That's when both of them finally reach their true goal.
They have to work together because that's the only way Takaba can fulfil his wish to perform comedy with a partner, someone he actually connects with and who understands him. It also provides Kenjaku with the friend they have been looking for. Someone equal (as a comedy partner would be, Takaba is able to keep up with their imagination, just how they countered his made-up scenarios earlier), who won't bore them. As Kenjaku said afterwards, they actually had fun, despite the quite mundane scenario. There was cursed energy involved, but what made them actually enjoy the show was the trading of jokes and improvisations they both had to keep up with. It doesn't need some world-shattering CT to entertain Kenjaku, they just previously lacked that connection that would make them appreciate the entertainment they are getting more.
As you said, the positions they take during the show is important here too. They started out with Kenjaku as the straight man and critic and Takaba doing goofy antics as the funny man. Both roles that don't really suit either of them, which is also part of why Takaba never managed to be funny in the past. During the show Takaba is finally able to make his true personality shine and have people understand and like him, despite how he can come off as quite serious. Kenjaku on the other hand was able to be as silly as they want to be. They kept that part of their personality down previously because it would only distract them from their goal and fulfilling their carefully curated plan. We see the evidence at the end of the chapter. As soon as Kenjaku gives into that part of their personality and gets lost in their performance with Takaba, they get taken out and their merger plan is compromised. By indulging in what they actually want, they lost control over their proclaimed long-standing goals (probably, we will see how things develop).
I've seen Kenjaku's "you were super funny" compared to Sukuna's "stand proud", but that doesn't quite work, I think. Sukuna is comparing Jogo to himself and complementing him for how much he managed to measure up, while Kenjaku is commenting on how they enjoyed their fight together or more specifically the comedy show. They reassured Takaba that he is funny, but they don't view it as him having measured up to some standard they set. That is primarily because they could only achieve that goal together. Their comedy relied on a partner and they both only had fun because they had each other. Alone it would be meaningless. The entire point of their stand-up show was that the "fight" wasn't a competition anymore.
Takaba and Kenjaku were able to become partners and form a connection because they were actually able to open up to each other and take the other's personality and character into consideration. That's what differentiates them from the previous three fights and is also why they were successful where Yorozu, Gojo and Kashimo failed.
Kenjaku is open to change and new experiences and after some convincing embraces the connection they are being offered, while Sukuna stays almost completely closed off to others (with the exception of Uraume it seems).
It really was a great fight and it's very unfortunate that it is over and ended the way it did. We'll see how things develop. I would be really interested in seeing if and how Kenjaku's connection to Takaba might influence them in the future and how they will approach their merger plan. Currently it seems like Yuuta kind of ruined all the progress in terms of character development they made thanks to Takaba, but who knows...
If you're interested, I did write a fanfic about the two, where I also vented my feelings about their relationship a bit :)
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kyluxtrashpit · 6 months
Hiya! I hope you're doing well. I made the Hottest Star Wars Man Poll, so when your posts about it were brought to my attention, I felt I should probably reach out.
The polls are just for fun. I make them with no agenda, and I run them with no agenda. I've received messages talking about bots before, but I never wanted to get into the weeds about it.
However, as the discussion about bots is bigger than I realized, I guess now is as good a time as any to speak about it:
My opinion is that the spikes in Hux votes are a mere side-effect of the poll being passed around the internet and bringing in new voters in droves. As your Anon mentioned, @tomatette's edits might's also pulled in waves of people who voted for Hux out of fidelity to her.
I'm fine with the campaigning. As long as the vote is ultimately achieved by a human clicking on the vote themselves, it's alright by me. Hell, I always reblog 'propaganda' I particularly like, and I even requested some Anakin propaganda when he was in his elimination round. It's all fun and games to me.
If anyone is using bots, I'm asking nicely for them to please stop. I'm going to pull the 'I'm not mad, I'm disappointed' card on anyone botting. The polls are all strictly unserious things, so I hope that nobody is taking them too seriously.
Hi there! Sorry the nonsense has reached you, honestly lmao. I just wanted to make a post cause I was upset about the possibility (and, as I've said, I don't have rock solid proof, just suspicions based on observations by myself and others, so like. If people don't agree with me, that's fine, it's all good - I just wanted to speak out in case it was happening like, as a kyluxer, I don't want people to think that if someone is botting, that's something we as a fandom are chill with). I honestly didn't expect it to get quite this much attention either but here we are. I also want to make it clear to both you and my followers that I don't put any blame of anything on you - you're just making fun polls and that's it, you're not responsible for what people do or what drama may arise
I do agree it's possible someone just got a bunch of people to vote within a small window of time, like anything is possible, always is. I just feel like some of the increases I saw, observations from others, and things I've heard are enough to warrant suspicion. If people do or do not agree that there's a reason to think it happened, that's their choice and I'm not going to insist that my word is law and they have to believe me. I don't have receipts, I was just expressing myself and I do appreciate amicable discussion even if my mind has not been changed as of yet
But yeah I agree, propaganda and making funny edits and posts - that's not at all what I was referring to in terms of 'cheating', but somewhere it seems that got mentioned in the discussion? (3 separate people have brought this up to me lmao, like thinking I'm accusing them but I am NOT and no one better be out there accusing them either without actual evidence beyond 'oh you posted about it' cause that's a shitty thing to do) and I also want to make it clear I am not against propaganda fun. That's all just part of it. If people are mad about that, that's their problem and they should use blacklist more liberally. And if people are saying I'm saying that, then those people are either lying or are at 'how dare you say we should piss on the poor' levels of reading comprehension lmao
But yeah, I'll post this publicly, but let me know if you want it taken down and I'll delete it - I appreciate you reaching out and I'm sorry you had to deal with this, that was definitely not my intent when I made the post. I just wanted the botting, if it is indeed happening (and if it's not, all the better, I am just not yet convinced it didn't happen), to stop
And lastly, because of some of the DMs I've received: if you, the person reading this (not you the asker), are sending hate or harassment to people based on my post, FUCKING STOP IT RIGHT THE FUCK NOW, you're no better than the bad actors I was initially referring to
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bcofl0ve · 1 month
I'm seriously asking why do they hate Kaia so much that every time she breathes they make negative comments? Did she do something to Austin that made him feel embarrassed? or something else? bc I see this hatred is so forced.
i've been kicking about the fandom for 2+ years now and haven't quite figured that out myself lol. if you ask *them* she's an embarrassment to him, but their proof of that comes from the voices in their head. nor do i really buy the "well cindy crawford bad!" excuse either. we don't choose our parents. kaia is her own person, who yes has privileges bc of her parents, but is very clearly trying to be known for herself. if you put cindy's career trajectory side by side with hers, it's already quite different. if anything i'd wager austin thinks the whole library science thing is pretty damn cool. i know i'm proud of how it's all developed and i'm just a fan!
the blunt truth is that she committed the mortal sin of being the reason austin isn't single. the people who spend every waking hour shitting on her would hate anyone that made him "unavailable", nepo baby or not. they can deny this until they're blue in the face, but it's true. if he ever does get with anyone else they'll all put their foot in their mouths about how it was /kaia/ alone that was the issue and i'll be there with a bull horn screaming i told you so!! lmao.
*but* (assuming you're a newer fan, sorry if i'm wrong and you're not!) as someone that has been here for a while i will say it's gotten significantly less hostile towards her in the fandom as a whole. the last half of 2022 i would go as far as saying it was the popular opinion to be snarky about her. i rib one of my very best fandom friends, who adores kaia as much as i do now, for her tweets in dec 2022 when austin went to the celine show w/ her family (after a couple weeks where we thought they might have split) bc what she was saying then doesn't even sound like it's coming from the same person haha. there used to be someone kinda like the club chalamet lady in the twitter fandom that eventually got bored and left which helped cool the temperature.
but i also think most people either a) came around or b) started keeping their snark to themselves around january 2023, when kaia popped up around award show events to support him (there's a veryy cute video of them kissing after he won his golden globe, will reblog it later) and went with him to lisa marie presely's funeral. both things which made it clear that maybe, just maybe she wasn't the unserious little model fling some people thought she might be. there were a few fucking insane loonies who whined about how he should've brought his sister to the funeral, but they were very much a minority and got told off for that nonsense.
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valyrfia · 1 year
Contract anon back again! I am here to rant about Ferrari and their unseriousness.
WHAT ARE THEY DOING? Charles said that he didn’t even have talks with Ferrari yet (to renew his contract). If what he’s saying is true, that means that Ferrari STILL doesn’t see his importance to the team. If that’s the case, I know he loves Ferrari but he seriously should start evaluating his options. I don’t know where else he would go, but this is just ridiculous. He should have been the number one driver since 2021. The other option of what’s happening is that they want to appease Sainz, and are purposefully making Charles look unstable and look like a damn fool to do so. If they want to appease Sainz that badly, then it makes me think bad things about Vasseur and his “prioritization” of Charles. I’m so pissed off.
Anon, I'm so glad you're back. I'm really not sure what's up with the contracts here and trust me I'm as pissed as you.
Charles should've been promoted to n1 as soon as Seb left (considering he was still technically and obviously n2 all the time that Seb was with him in Ferrari and still performed better than Seb) that's obvious. All that aside, the first half of 2022 when he was not only a serious competitor for the WDC but actually leading it over Max and Lewis should've been a serious lightbulb moment for Ferrari. Carlos is nice, I like him fine but he's not the same talent Charles is. He would actually make a very good n2 in my opinion, but he (understandably) has an ego that makes a n2 position difficult to accept. Add in Mattia Binotto's obvious bias against Charles/towards Carlos (ie. Silverstone 2022 and developing a car for 2023 that suits Carlos's style over Charles's) and Charles is stuck in an awful position with that ridiculous team. I think it goes without saying that any other driver would have left Ferrari by now, but Charles has this blind faith in Ferrari that leaves them with the negotiation power when in reality, Charles would get insane deals out of Red Bull and Mercedes (that I think would rival The Sir Lewis Hamilton's current deal). Ferrari have become complacent in their ownership of Charles, and they need to realise what they've got in front of them.
Ferrari at the moment are the least organised of the principal teams to the extent that even the tifosi agree that they are an embarrassing team to support. I stand by what I've said in previous asks, which is that if Charles decided to leave Ferrari and join RBR or Merc, he would bring a good portion of the tifosi with him. I don't think Charles realises this though so I need someone to tell him.
Selfishly, I would love to see Charles consider Red Bull if only because I think him and Max have similar driving styles and a championship fight between both of them in the same car would be epic. Realistically, Charles could step easily into the Merc N1 seat once Lewis retires. Both Christian and Toto have been vocal about Charles's ability (moreso than Charles's OWN TEAM PRINCIPALS, may I add) and how they would pay a lot of money to have him driving for their teams. I just need Charles to take off those red-tinted glasses he wears and actually have a good look at his own career and life and realise that Ferrari isn't going to give him a championship anytime soon and then decide whether he wants to gamble on possibly winning one WDC with Ferrari, or go and win a few elsewhere then come back to Ferrari later in his career.
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demonsfate · 1 year
ashdkfk so true!!!! You are absolutely right on everything!! Boy it is SO refreshing to read opinions like yours because I feel like many people love to bring the same thing about "but Jin created a war--" WELL. Actually! that wasn't Jin. idc what Harada says, but at least he saw the huge mistake he made and is now kinda fixing it on T8. I really like DJ but.. he's *not* Jin. But yeah, I'm not surprised someone said that about Josie :/ ... I've read other things re the female characters, especially about Xiaoyu and Asuka. Whenever someone says they're generic or smth I go "Can't read suddenly idk". As you said Tek has lots of unserious stuff. And it was one of the things that bothered me on 7 bc the Mishimas had their serious storyline while the rest were like,, for the lulz.. I don't think they even bothered to do more than that.
Also the thing you said about Heihachi took me out lmao. I wouldn't be surprised if they bring him back, SOMEHOW. But thank you! Tbh I get hyped whenever I see your posts getting hyped over T8 (if that makes sense?? my English sucks) love how you write Jin! I can’t wait for the game. Hopefully, it will be as great as it looks. I need it like yesterday lol. Btw, I'm starting to think I should go by "hype anon" or something(??)' (I'm going to stop talking now this is way too long I'm sorry! :| )
Thank you!! And YEAH - it's easy to look at a character, and poor writing, and see that it's something the character wouldn't do, and say "this isn't the character lol." But the Tek fandom just CAN'T seem to wrap that around their head!
I like DJ a lot, too! But totes, he's not Jin!
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Now it seems like we now have 'em both referring to each other as different people! And well, I guess ppl forgot this - but even in TK2, we saw Kaz fighting against Devil Kaz. Which may just be seen as symbolism - but in TK4, Devil Kaz even refers to Kaz by name, asking what he's doing. (And plus Heihachi didn't recognize Devil Kaz as Kaz.) So because of this, I always saw DJ and Jin as different people - just habiting the same body. I also find this concept to be much more interesting than trying to claim DJ is just "Jin but evil!11!!1 his dark desires!!1!!!" Just because that concept if sooo generic and overused for fighting games. Mortal Kombat has their revenants which is just that, and Street Fighter as Ryu and Evil Ryu. And since I wrote in the MK fandom once - I already wrote that concept and I'm bored with it. Jin and DJ being enemies who are forced to share a body is very fascinating to me.
So, that's also why I roll my eyes when I see ppl say that TK6's writing is "justified" because DJ represents what Jin really wants. (Fuck off with thaaat.) And even if somehow, someway, Jin did go "dark." I don't see him behaving like DJ. I see Jin behaving more angrier and aggressive - but not sadistic and maniacally laughing and stuff.
Funny thing is - I actually wasn't too happy with Xiao's depiction in the Bloodline anime because I felt they made her more generic than she is in the games. XD Imo, not many of the Tek characters are "generic." Yes, they all have tropes. (Xiao's the bubbly schoolgirl, Jin's the stoic main character.) But like, many characters are built upon established tropes. It's how they're written and how they actually act with those tropes that make them unique. I really don't see how Asuka's generic. Even if she can be a bit pointless to her family's story, she can be entertaining as a character personality wise imo.
AND YEAHHH - I may also be in the minority who didn't completely hate the TK7 story like many people do. But I def agree they fucked the other characters up completely. Like yeah, I still have gripes about the TK7 story - but at least it was taken seriously. And Heihachi did stuff and was taken seriously again. (Unlike you know, in TK5 and TK6 where he has endings of him sending his family to... Space to kill them.) But my God, I finally got around to unlocking all the character endings a few months ago and TK7 probably has the worst character endings - maybe even worse than TK6 (if not just as bad. As TK6 wasn't all juvenile humor, but a lot of them was just short 30 seconds of Nothing Happening) I'd say Miguel probably had the best ending - if it didn't remind of TK6 and made me angry because of that.
I feel like they will bring back Heihachi - even just to be in the roster, and not alive. Just because even if the character is dead - players still liked his style, and therefore, enjoyed playing as him. I feel like they could pull a Kazumi, and have Heihachi in a flashback, and thus he can be in the roster because of that. Lots of people are saying "they could make clone or robo Heihachi - or even a new apprentice!" But really, I think Flashback Heihachi is most likely. Honestly, I wouldn't really mind if TK8 brought in a lot of "dead" characters as DLC. Like they're just DLC, and most Tek characters have no impact on the story anyway (LOL) So... what would be the big deal? It'd be nice to see Jinpachi or Ogre again.
Don't worry about your English! You haven't said anything that was unclear to me yet, so it's been all good! And thank you soooo very much about that!!! I love writing this character, and I love my concepts - so it's always joyful to know others do, too. <3 And I really like talking to you about the games! As said, it gives me an excuse as well to ramble all my ideas! Which is funny bc you were worried about going on to long, but now I'm going on way too long. xD
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unwillingwriter · 5 months
Unserious [Drake & Josh]
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Pairing (Technically): Drake & Josh (Platonic)
Ages: 18
Summary: Drake Parker is a very unserious person, whether it’s by choice or coincidence which makes people like Josh or Megan want to strangle him. Here are some occurrences of him being such.
A/N: Originally Posted on A03, I do not own Drake and Josh. Rightful owner to the characters and sitcom is Dan Creepy Schneider and Nickelodeon productions.
Drake Parker is an unserious person, an unserious person who downplays a lot of things. Whether it’s school and his grades, getting grounded, not remembering a girl of the week name, or importantly her eye color for some reason: seriously what’s so important about remembering such a small thing? Okay, maybe remembering a name isn’t such a small thing… but still! Eye color shouldn’t be that big of a deal in his opinion besides, he did remember Michelle’s eye color! Or was her name Sydney?… no no it was Cassie!
Anyway! Drake's point is!! He did remember her eye color. They were a deep sea blue with small hints of swamp green surrounding the pupil, melting into the blue like oil and water— see he could be poetic— and remember a simple eye color, so he didn’t understand why a cup of soda was dumped onto his head, for!.
“You’re wrong,” Josh says after making a buzzer sound that mocks one from a game show when the contestant says the incorrect answer. He sounded eerily close to one that Drake thought he had a buzzer under the counter that he was wiping down with a rag.
Drake squints at his brother as he picks apart his sticky hair, wincing when he seems to rip apart a knot that somehow formed, streaks of dried orange crush coloring his face.
“How am I wrong?” Drake asked, wiping his face with a damp paper towel Josh kindly gave him with his signature half smirk he gets when something happens to Drake. Only small things, of course, Josh isn’t a sadist. Aside from the doom buggy accident— but he wasn’t happy about the fact that he got hurt he was happy and excited about the endless possibility of Drake getting in trouble with Audrey and Walter. But of course that blew up in his face and had to take care of Drake for two weeks.
“First of all, her name isn’t any of those. Her name was Rochelle and second of all her eyes were green” Josh replies as he stacks the candy in an orderly fashion.
“Yeah, that’s what I said,” Drake says in a Duh tone, finishing up with cleaning his face and looking at the orange stain that seeped into the paper towel.
Josh stops stacking, looking towards his brother with a raised brow.
“What?” Drake questions.
“Do I still have soda streaks on my face?” he continues, touching his face in search of a sticky substance. Josh shakes his head at Drake, in both disappointment and amusement.
Drake never fails to amaze him.
“No, you still got stupid all over your face though,” He says with a shrug.
“Oh okay,” Drake smiles, then frowns.
“Hey!” He squeaks out, voice cracking.
Josh laughs, getting a damp paper towel thrown at him, the material smacking him in the nose and falling to the floor.
“Ew, I don’t want your Drake cooties!” Josh grimaces as he leans down in his station, picking up the discarded piece of tissue between his index and thumb fingers. Throwing it into the small waste bin under the corn dog machine. Josh’s personal touch, beat going around the counter every time.
It was Drake's turn to laugh.
“Cat-like reflexes my butt” He snickers, trying to run his fingers through his hair. Flinching when he feels small bits getting ripped out his skull saying a string of ow’s and owies.
Josh rolls his eyes at Drake.
“Where did you get that kind of eye color from anyway?” Josh asks, genuine curiosity peaking.
“I don’t recall any of your past girlfriends having those”.
Drake shrugs his shoulders, both not knowing or caring.
“Beats me, hey wanna watch a movie with me? It’s terrible movie Tuesday” Drake says with a small grin on his face, eyes sparkly. As if he didn’t just get soda dumped on his head just three minutes ago and had a huge dark stain on his brown shirt, hair sticky with the smell of orange crush soda.
Josh gave his brother a face.
“I’m working,” Josh says, his tone screaming ‘duh isn’t that obvious?’.
For Drake Parker?, Nah.
“When do you go on break?”
“In ten minutes but-”
“And how long is your break?” Drake cuts in.
“An hour, but Drake-”
“Perfect, then you get to start your break early. Ain’t that awesome?” Drake asks with a smile on his face as he hops over the counter grabs Josh by the bicep and drags him to Theater One where DragonBall Evolution is playing.
“Drake if Helen finds out”
“She isn’t gonna, she never finds out that Gavin sleeps on the roof and he still works here. Crazy Steve is crazy and still works here. You work the hardest out of them both without having something mentally wrong with you, so if she fires you it’s her loss man— you put out 110% all the time and that’s way too much for a simple position.” Drake practically rants, while he drags his stepbrother through the double doors ignoring the blonde employee whose name he doesn’t care about remembering. If you work at the Premiere and you’re not Josh he’s not remembering your name.
Josh smiles at his brother, a soft somber secret smile that he only shares with Drake if the teen happens to say something that ruffled his feathers in a good way.
“Wow Drake, that's a pretty nice thing to say…”
“Besides, if she fires you, no more free tickets for me. So I’m hoping she doesn’t find out.” Drake adds, snorting through his nose.
Aaaaand moment ruined.
Josh could feel a familiar throbbing in the side of his head. Eye twitching. He thumps Drake in the back of his head with his free hand, not too hard but hard enough. Drake lets go of Josh's arm when they reach aisle three, rubbing the back of his head.
“Ow!” He groans glaring at his brother.
“What was that for?!”
“For being you,” Josh says bitterly, Drake thumps him on the back of his head in return making Josh cry out, rubbing the back of his head. He huffs.
“Headaches!, you give me headaches!” Josh shouts as he points at his temple, a big frown on his face. Drake keeps the glare.
They stare at each other for a while till they scream in sync and collide with one another, the shadows of their bodies big on the walls of the theater as the commercials on the giant TV play, illuminating a gentle white then blue light. Drake knocks a few hits in Josh’s head till his brother picks him up and practically body slams him on the floor, Drake swears he sees stars. A blossoming warmth of pain took over the back of his head, sinking through his brain and shooting out to the front of his forehead. He’s pretty sure his head connected with the arm of one of the theater chairs before he hit the ground while he and Josh are having a slap fight on the floor.
If Josh wanted, he could’ve been a wrestler. Screw the fancy science shit and math and some other smart stuff Drake has no idea about and doesn’t care for.
After some time Josh tries to help Drake get his head out from the chair he manages to get his big head stuck in between, trying to unclip the backboard of the chair. Drake lets out a strangled sound.
“Got it yet?” The teen wheezes out.
As he says it, Josh loses his grip and its normal weight squishes Drake's neck making the boy sputter out air.
“Ack!— Josh!”
“Shit— Sorry— why did you try squeezing through there?!” Josh hisses out, loud explosion sounds echoing through the empty theater while two teens looked like absolute buffoons. Josh hooks his finger around a piece of metal on both sides of the seat, pressing his thumbs against the metal button that’s used to change the height of the seat.
“I’m skinny!” Drake throws out there as if it changes anything and it doesn’t make his grand idea any stupider.
“Yeah, Skinny, not small. You’re not five Drake” Josh bites back. His legs are on both sides of Drake's body as he pulls on the backrest, digging his finger into the metal ball ignoring the burning pain that printed into his skin— turning red.
“You scared me okay! you hit my rib”
“Because you kicked me in my nuts!”
“Well excuse me for saving the world from tiny Joshies” the Guitarist wheezes, his face turning red while trying to pull his head out. Seriously though, what was he thinking?
“Think I’d be returning the world a favor if I leave you stuck here?” Josh asks in a calm voice, threatening, evidence somewhere within’ his voice but his continued action on getting the backrest off his brother's neck meant something else.
Drake keeps his mouth shut.
After successfully getting Drake unstuck after about fifteen odd minutes (with the help of Crazy Steve— if Drake claims that he didn’t pee a little on himself out of fear, he didn’t) the boys managed to finish the rest of the movie after an hour, after that hour Josh went back to work and after two more hours Drake waited for Josh to finish up work so he could drive him home.
Silence filled the car, while they cruised down the road passing streetlights and freeways. After a bit, Drake starts to snicker to himself as he pulls up to a red light drumming his fingers against the wheel. Josh cranes his neck to look over at his stepbrother. His brows drew together with a small smile creeping onto his face, the corners of his eyes crinkling a bit.
“What’s so funny?” He asks his voice light and joyful.
“Oh, nothing it’s just that, my head being stuck in between the seats reminded me of something,” Drake says, talking under his breath like he’s embarrassed, which is news to Josh— Drake doesn’t get flustered much, he makes it his mission to make others flushed.
“What did it remind you of?” His brother questions, seeing the way his head tilts a bit in his preveal vision. The street light casts a soft glow on his face.
“Don’t hit me.”
“I’m not gonna.”
“You don’t know that”
Josh snorts through his nose.
“Just tell me.”
“Well… it kinda reminded me of this porno where this smoking hot mom gets stuck in the dryer and her stepson or was it son in law?… anyway he supposably tries to help her get unstuck but of course, it’s a porno so the plot doesn’t make sense, and she could obviously get out by herself and him fucking her doesn’t make sense with how it’s supposed to help her predicament but— anyway I’m getting sidetracked— my point is—.”
“You have a point?.”
“Shut up— anyway— my point is that me getting stuck like that just gave me that image, the only difference is that you actually helped, not saying that you wouldn’t have but— I mean— I’m gonna stop talking” Drake finished with a huff feeling as if he’s digging a grave for himself the more he talks, eyes still on the road, feeling the burning gaze of his brother on the side of his face.
Silence fills the car again, Drake could feel his cheek start to color. When is this light gonna turn green for crying out loud?
“Drake… you are the most unserious person I know…” Josh says, voice soft and quiet. Soft out of disappointment or amusement? Drake doesn’t know. He can’t really tell sometimes.
Drake side-eyes Josh. Josh is looking dead at him.
When the light finally turns green, Drake doesn’t hesitate to start driving again. After some time when the boys reached the curb of their house, Drake noticed that Josh's eyes were deep sea blue with specks of swamp green around his pupils.
He doesn’t bother to think about why he confused Rochelle’s eyes for Josh’s.
Drake Parker is an unserious person, so when Josh tells Drake that he’s gonna start working out again. Drake couldn’t help but laugh from the top of his loft, looking down at his brother who was wearing his old gym clothes with dumbbells by his black sneakers. Josh's jaw slack eyes squinted searching for the secret joke Drake seems to only be aware of.
“What’s so funny?” Josh questions, his eyes squinting more to the point Drake couldn’t make out the color anymore.
“You wanna work out,” Drake says, still laughing a bit, his cheeks heating up from how hard he was smiling. His hand gripping the neck of his guitar, one leg kicked over the other like a weird-looking P.
“Yeah… Why is that so funny?”
“I just don’t see why you would want to, you fucked up your foot last time. It looked like an angry grape that disliked being attached to you” Drake laughs, imagining Josh's messed up foot from two years ago.
“The only reason why my foot got messed up was because you shot me with your potato launcher!” Josh explains, flailing his arms in a wide motion trying to make Drake see the bigger picture.
“Which you gave to Megan, thanks a lot by the way” Drake replies sarcastically.
“I didn’t trust you with it” Josh huffs as he begins to bend over to grab the dumbbells readying himself as the instructor on the TV speaks.
“And yet you trust our evil prankster little sister with it instead, Ah yes ‘cause that makes perfect sense Josh” Drake scoffs not understanding Josh's logic sometimes, he was supposed to be the smart one out of them.
“Why are you working out anyway? you look perfectly fine to me” Drake shares, facing his attention back down on his guitar as he messes with some of the strings, trying to find a new tune. Singing a few words in his head as he strums along like there’s no issue.
“Because I’m getting big again” Josh lifts the barbell on the count of three holding the object above his chest and holding his breath.
Drake snorts “Yeah, sure, and I’m malnourished— Breathe Josh”.
Josh gasps, taking a deep breath. Soon dropping the barbell, without crushing his foot this time taking lines of air through his nose and out his mouth.
“You know what malnourished means— actually scratch that, you know the word malnourished?” Josh asked, sounding genuinely shocked. Which makes Drake roll his eyes in subtle annoyance and irritation.
He knows those words probably mean the same thing but he doesn’t care much about that little fact.
Yes, he does.
He knows his grades are shit but Jesus Christ a little faith would be nice.
“Ha ha you’re so funny,” he says giving Josh a sarcastic smile as he looks up from his guitar, flashing all his white teeth. It was Josh’s turn to roll his eyes.
“Anyway as I was saying, you look fine to me, sure you’re getting chubby around the face but so what? You look fine man so if someone is giving you a hard…” Drake slowly stops talking when it hits him, he starts to squint at Josh who seems to think the floor under them is interesting now.
“Is someone… making fun of you dude?” Drake asks as he stares at his friend, tilting his head.
Josh looks up to meet Drake's eyes, opening and closing his mouth trying to get words to come out only air leaving his lips as he sputters.
“Who?” Drake asks.
“No one I just wanted to—.”
“You’re not big Josh, you just got a bit wider that’s all,” Drake says his brows drawing close to each other, he lays the guitar on his bed, leaning forward making the box spring squeak from the shifting weight. “So I’ll ask again, who’s making fun of you?” Drake says with more authority.
“No one.”
“Ah yes ‘cause I’m supposed to believe that after three years of building confidence and wanting to lose weight on your own accord and reaching that said goal someone didn’t manage to Wiggle their way into that large head of yours after you gained the slightest bit of weight from eating— which by the I don’t see at all, so I don’t know what they're seeing” Drake speaks. It didn’t make sense to him, Josh looked fine, he was just getting fat in his cheeks, and that was mostly because Josh started to eat unhealthy for the last week.
After Mindy broke up with him, again.
And Drake asked Megan to ship her to Australia, again. Josh didn’t need to know that of course.
“Drake” Josh sighs, eyes closed while he rubs his temple.
“Come on man— don’t look at me like that— Josh— hey! don’t walk away from me!” Drake calls after as he hops down from his loft chasing his brother out of their room.
It took three weeks, including some help from his devious little sister. But Drake found who was making his brother feel shit about himself, like yes okay. When Drake first became brothers with Josh he thought he was a geek— a nerd sure and he would make fun of him for it but he never once made fun of Josh for his weight, he understood how self-conscious he was about it even when he would seem confident with it. How he would walk the halls with that big goofy smile that Drake came far to adore, smiling himself when he would see it. It was an innocent sweet smile, it was better than Drake’s and his mischievous smile along with his charming one, he won’t tell that to Josh out loud of course— he still has a reputation to uphold.
What was saying?
Oh, right!
Drake never made fun of Josh for his weight, and he found out who was the jack-off who had been making fun of Josh’s newly gained weight— which again, wasn’t bad! He’s only a little wider! And has chubby cheeks again! he’s a fucking semi teddy bear!.
Clark Housewhite was the asshole's name, he was a senior with no brain— which leads to his first question, who the hell has a last name like Housewhite? What was his ancestor’s thinking? Drake stood by his locker looking for the tall brunette, Drake had Chemistry right now but couldn’t bring himself to care for which he knew he’s gonna get an earful from Josh and their teacher for later. Clark usually went to the bathroom around this time and that was the perfect time to strike.
Drake was in the middle of clipping his nails when he heard the sound of heavy boots hitting the floor, making Drake's head shoot up, flicking his head to the side to move his bangs out of his face. He’s taller than Drake gave him credit for but hey, fuck it.
Drake clears his throat when Clark nearly passes him. Clark stops in his tracks and slowly turns towards Drake, Drake’s still leaning against his locker as he watches the jock's eyes meet his. The guitarist gave the larger gentleman a smooth smile.
“Clark, can I talk to you for a second?” Drake requests, holding onto the strap of his backpack as he pushes himself off from the lockers not breaking eye contact.
“Um… sure? Whatcha need dude?”.
When Josh got home he instantly rushed upstairs to tell Drake something, shouting a quick hi to his parents over his shoulder as he stormed up the stairs greeting Megan who was in the middle of exiting her room, screaming when Josh nearly ran her over, calling him a boob. Josh wasn't phased, he was more attentive in telling Drake the news not being able to do so sooner since Drake disappeared from school around chemistry. Josh throws open their room door with a giant grin on his face.
“Drake you won't believe what happened, some moron thought it was clever to start a fight with Clark Whitehouse— which by the way is a weird last name but hey, anyway, he had the meanest black eye ever. No one has ever once landed a hit on him, whoever did has a mean fist—.” Josh said excitedly while he was setting his book bag down on his bed taking out his textbooks and assignments that were due in a week, stopping mid-sentence when he looked up toward his brother's bed dropping a textbook on his mattress when he took in Drake's current appearance. Drake's back was pressed against the wall of his bed, arm in a sling and cast, face battered and bruised a split lip— his left eye swollen shut, the right almost unscratched but also closed. Did he fall asleep like that?
Josh slowly walks over to Drake’s bed climbing the ladder. He was careful to not make too much noise if his brother was sleeping.
“Drake,” he says softly, Drake doesn't react. Josh places a hand on Drake's ankle, softly shaking him.
“Drake?” he says, keeping his voice gentle. Drake groans in response, slowly opening his eyes— well eye… his good eye.
“Wha?…” he asked, his voice groggy and filled with exhaustion.
“You were the wise guy who got into a fight with Clark?…”
Josh smiles, that knowing smile that has Drake avoiding eye contact. Which makes him grimace in pain.
“Thank you, Drake” he smiles warmly.
“I have no idea what you're talking about,” the teen said in a monotone voice, not looking at Josh still, ignoring that kind smile he knows he doesn't deserve half of the time. His heart drummed in his ears.
Josh shakes his head climbing up the rest of the ladder to help Drake lay back on the bed. It was the least he could do for the guy after getting his butt kicked by a guy who was twice his size. Drake grumbled a thank you, hissing when he twisted incorrectly.
Josh doesn't question how Drake knew it was Clark, but later when he brings up a can of doctor fizz for Drake and sees Megan sitting on the bed near her brother brushing his bangs from his face in a gentle manner, it helps with his hypothesis on how Drake found out. A smile creeps on his face when he hears Megan say something about shipping Clark to Ohio by tomorrow morning, watching Drake give the young girl a lazy smile, shoulders shaking in weak laughter while he says something to Megan that he can't quite hear but judging by Megan's pout. Drake said no. Megan lifts Drake's hand slowly and carefully— his good hand and presses a soft kiss on his red knuckles, blowing air on them.
If Josh's memory serves him correctly, he remembers Drake telling him a story about how when Megan and himself were kids– when Megan still loved him he claimed— when Megan would get hurt and cry and run to her big brother for comfort, Drake would kiss her booboos then blow on them, and gift her with a huge smile and ask ‘Pain Gone Meg Meg?’ and she would nod and hug him tight. Seeing the way Drake's eyes get glossy, he could tell the motion brought back those memories.
Josh silently backs away from the room leaving the Parker siblings alone, it was always nice to see the two get along. Maybe not when they're messing with Josh.
Drake is an unserious person, just not with Josh’s weight apparently.
Drake is an unserious person so when Megan ends up telling Drake about some dude named Jacob Reff who broke up with her— seriously what's with dudes and having weird names?
He busted out laughing, one hand on his stomach and the other on his knee. Wheezing, tears in his eyes as his laughter continues— lungs burning from his joy. Almost cackling. Megan stares at Drake, still sitting on the couch of their living room, her puffy red eyes squinted at him, watching the way her brother seems to lose it over her pain. She guesses it's deserved.
Drake coughs and hacks a couple of times, Megan raises a brow while he does. Drake wipes a tear from his eye, seeming to get himself under control. Clearing his throat as he pats his chest.
“I’m sorry, I'm sorry,” he says trying to keep a straight face but snickers nonetheless, shoulders shaking as he breathes heavily from his nose.
“You done?” Megan asked, her tone annoyed.
“Nope,” Drake answers truthfully as he resumes laughing all over again. Megan huffs as she wipes her tear-stained face.
“Did he finally find out that you're a she-demon in disguise of a thirteen-year-old?” Drake questions, taking deep breaths. Shit his side hurt from laughing so hard. Megan glares at him, a strangled sound making itself known in the back of her throat as she stands from the couch, walks up to her brother, and kicks him in the knee hard replacing Drake's laughter with a grunt.
“You are such a boob” she bites out, masking her hurt with anger as she brushes past Drake and towards the stairs to hide away in her room.
“Hey, it's not my fault you decided to date some idiot with a stupid name. He didn't deserve you anyway!” Drake calls after her, but his words fall on deaf ears, Megan is too mad to hear her brother's stupid words. He's a jerk. He never takes anything seriously.
The next day at school Megan walks towards her locker to get her books for homeroom after she collects her items she readies herself to start heading to homeroom stopping dead in her tracks when she hears rattling from around the intersection of lockers, on normal days Megan would mind her business but for some reason this time she wanted to see what the commotion was. Megan walks towards the corner peeking her head around the corner, eyes landing on Jacob who was struggling with getting his locker open. Megan wanted to duck back behind the corner of the lockers and carry on with her day, seeing Jacob filled her with unwanted pain and resentment, an old saying from Drake floating in her head.
"We're Parkers, we don't get our hearts broken. We break them instead” That was after a girl Drake liked— someone he actually saw a future with broke his heart. Amelia Tomson. Megan hated her. And still hates her, she feels she's the thing that set a change in her big brother's personality, not just their father who walked out on them.
Megan didn't like this feeling, this angry twisting feeling in her chest, continuing to watch Jacob struggle with his locker, the preteen sighed about to walk away but gasped at what happened next. It all happened within a second but for Megan? That shit was in slow motion.
When Jacob finally managed to get his locker open, his jet-black hair was suddenly covered in deep red liquid spreading out from the impact, painting the area around him, from the inside of his locker to the floor to a bit of the ceiling. Other students stopped and gawked at Jacob. Megan's jaw was unhinged, deep brown eyes wide as she stared. She looked past his profile looking at the note that was taped on the inside of his locker door, seeing a small handmade gadget that even a five-year-old could make. Megan read the note.
“I heard that you like red”.
Megan looks at the floor noticing a sharp pencil discarded on it, catching a red glimmer on the tip, a purple rubber band loosely wrapped around the metal part of the eraser— wait— her brain stops for a second, a rubber band, a makeshift gadget that looks like a slingshot, a sharp pencil preferably sharpened to a shorter length, odd liquid… all that was missing was… Megan looks up towards the ceiling above Jacob's locker. And yep there it is!, a ripped blue balloon that was securely taped by three layers of tape on the mouthpiece. There was only one person she knew who would pull such a thing, who taught her that prank when she was only four and it had her laughing for days that she advanced into her own with a paintball machine.
Wait… if Drake did this doesn't that mean that he…
Jacob screams in disgust. “Raw fish!!” the boy yells as he runs down the hall taking chunks of meat out of his hair and racing to the bathroom. His face was stained with droplets of liquid, the smell of raw seafood following the boy. Megan scrunched her nose laughing to herself, if Megan was guessing the right fish that her brother picked, Jacob wasn't gonna get that smell out of his hair or off him anytime soon.
Since the show was sadly over, Megan starts to head to homeroom, slowly stopping when she remembers what Drake said last night, what she blocked out when she was aggravated at him for being an ass.
‘He didn't deserve you anyway!’ Drake's voice echoes in her head, bringing a small smile to her face.
When Megan returns home and walks down the hallway towards her room, she stops and turns on her heels heading towards Drake and Josh’s room, she enters the room unannounced, Josh is doing his homework on his bed and Drake is sitting on the couch messing with his guitar like he usually does on Friday afternoons. He seemed to be playing something somber at the moment, it's a blurry memory but she believes their dad used to play that tune. Megan silently walks up from behind towards her brother, wrapping her arms loosely around his shoulders, pressing her cheek against the top of Drake's head, tightening her arms just a bit around him, and pressing a kiss on top of his head after. His hair tickling her nose, smelled a bit like lavender, he must borrow Josh's bath soap.
Drake presses a hand on Megan's arm, softly rubbing it as if this isn't something new for them.
“You alright Megan?” he questions cautiously, like something was gonna happen like Megan was planning something and it was gonna happen after his baby sister either let him go or didn't. The thought made Megan laugh a bit, smiling.
“Yeah, I just love you,” she says in a soft voice, one Drake and Josh aren't used to. It makes Drake uneasy but that doesn't stop Drake from… comforting his sister?.
Megan gives him one last squeeze before she releases him, messing with his hair, and walks out of the room without another word.
Megan wasn't too far, she could still hear her boobish brothers talking.
“Is she sick?” was the first thing Josh asked
“I don't know… is a piece of my hair missing?” Drake followed up which made Megan snicker, of course, Drake would worry about his hair.
“I feel like I just got the touch of death… if I die bury me with my guitar,” Drake says, sounding a little freaked out.
Megan rolled her eyes fondly at her idiot brother, but in her own way, she loved and adored him. Josh as well but you get what she means.
Her amazing, unserious brother. Who can get pretty serious when he wants to.
Drake Parker is an unserious person. And it bites him in the ass. But truthfully, he feels like this time it's not even his fault.
Drake rubs his eyes tiredly from beneath his glasses—don't laugh at him— his head hurts and so does his body, his brain feels like it was on a stove in a pot filled with boiling water. It felt too stuffy for him. Drake Parker, musician and singer a teen who could write nearly a hundred songs within a day couldn't write a simple fucking essay on what gives his life meaning and what brings him peace and warmth when he feels like he's gonna sink into the depth of darkness that creeps in the back of his mind like a toxic ex that would visit him in the debts of night, that would attack him on the day a certain deadbeat left his and Megans life forever, shit the giraffe on his back burned from thinking about him.
A lot of people would say and claim that Drake was a free spirit, he gets through life with his charm and good looks alone. But he knows the hidden message behind those words. He's nothing special and no one special, so what if he can sing and play the guitar, even the drums? That's not gonna help him in the near future…
What if his dream doesn't work out… it's not like he had a backup plan, he wasn't like Josh or that creature that wears a skirt, Mindy.
School wasn't made for Drake, so what would make him believe that he could survive college?
Ugh, when did he get so depressed? Jesus.
What was he doing? The blurriness begins to clear up after he blinks a couple of times meeting with the blank page of his paper, oh, right, his essay…
Something that makes him happy… Something that gives him meaning and that warm feeling. He could always write about music but that feels like an obvious statement that would land him a big fat F anyway with Ms. Hayfer and her booger-infested nose. Truthfully it doesn't matter what he writes, he’ll get an F either way since the old bat just fucking hates him that much, even when he does get the answers right. It's amazing that for the past four years, none of the teachers ever noticed that he was practically failing at a class not because he was simply bad at it but because a sad pathetic woman who needs to get the attitude screwed out of her or something hates his guts for no real reason.
The next thing he knew his notebook was flying across the room from his bed toward the door, which for some reason Josh decided to walk in at the worst moment ever, the black school notebook hit Josh right in the bridge of his nose making Josh face switch from that happy go
lucky look to a look of pain, groaning as he held his face, Drake flinched when it hit Josh, grimacing at the sound of impact.
“Ow, dude what was that for?” Josh questions, pain in his tone and irritation ringing somewhere in there. His eyes are hard as they stare at Drake then ease up when he watches the expression on his face. Drake's eyes were red and puffy, bitterness swimming in those dark brown eyes, cheeks red, the vein in the center of his head bulging out.
Josh leans forward picking up the abandoned book, striding across the room towards Drake’s bed.
“Sorry, why was your face where my book was going?” was the first thing Drake said when Josh reached the ladder, rubbing his eyes beneath his glasses again, and letting out an uneasy breath. His head was throbbing.
Josh ignores the comment, more concerned about why his brother looks like he is on the verge of crying, Drake wasn't one to cry. Hiding his more troubling emotions with charm and charisma, bad puns, and childish games.
“Wanna talk about it?” Josh questions, handing Drake back his notebook, the musician gratefully taking it from his hold mumbling a thank you as he tosses the book somewhere on his bed. Running his fingers through his hair pushing his bangs back.
“No, it doesn't matter man”
“You assaulted me with a notebook and my nose hurts”
“How was I supposed to know you were gonna open the door as soon as I threw the book?”
And they were bickering. It only lasted three minutes due to Josh climbing up the ladder and pressing his hand over Drake's mouth to shut him up.
Drake's eyebrows go up to his hairline, squinting at Josh after.
Josh removes his hand slowly, not breaking eye contact, eyes laser-focused.
“Gonna ask again, what's up?”
“This stupid essay man, it's half of my grade and I have no idea what the hell to write. It's not like it matters regardless since Ms. Hayfer makes it her life goal to make mine a living hell— failing me every chance she gets. Might as well not write anything at all” he says, his face going through the motion of every emotion he's feeling at that exact moment— Josh watches with an unchanging expression.
“No! It doesn't matter, Josh. No matter what I write I'm gonna get an F and fail and go to summer school then fail summer school and repeat the twelfth grade as you are at some big shot college like Stanford or Yale or Harvard or whatever smart college for brainy yacks like yourself and that creature along with Craig and Eric and not be my manager anymore ‘cause you'd be busy doing something better for yourself and forget all about me as I'm some loser who couldn't graduate on time because I didn't take school seriously and some sad teacher has it out for me!” he blurts out as he shoots up from his bed-hopping off the side of the large platform, landing gracefully on the floor with a thud. Heading towards the door slamming it behind him when he exits.
What… What just happened?
Josh was left stunned.
Drake Parker is an unserious person, so when he receives his diploma from Ms. Hayfer herself he has the biggest shit-eating grin on his face, his burgundy cap snug on his head, the tassel tickling his ear. Hand on the other side of the diploma, that his teacher seems to be having a hard time giving him, a small game of tug a war happening between them, Drake manages to rip it out of her hold with one last firm tug, his smile never changing. Ms. Hayfer gave him a bitter forced smile, making Drake wanna double over in laughter, enjoying the struggle the witch was going through watching him graduate on time— which is mostly thanks to Josh who made sure he didn't give up after his little break down a month ago.
“Say it,” he says, a smile still present on his face.
Ms. Hayfer lets out an annoyed sigh, her face souring.
“Congratulations” she mumbles
Drake cups the back of his ear leaning to her a bit mocking an innocent look.
“I'm sorry I didn't quite catch that, mind repeating that?” Drake asks, puckering his lips the way Josh does when he knows he's being a little shit. He could hear his peers behind him snicker at his silly comment.
“Congratulations for graduating Drake Parker,” she says, sounding like she was choking on the words as she said them.
Drake's arms shoot up in the arm as he does his battle cry reaching pitches no other normal human could reach. Cheering.
“WOOHOO! I MADE IT BABY!!” He cheers happily making everyone laugh, bowing to the audience, the laughter growing.
Right as Drake is about to step off the stage, he hears it before he sees it. A high-pitched whistle then a wet splat, his jaw drops when an orange paintball hits Ms. Hayfer right in the side of her face, making her cry out, small drops landing on her black blazer that had gold stripes. Drake couldn't hold it in, he let out a high-pitched laugh pointing at the woman with his diploma, the auditorium filled with laughter from students and families. He runs off the stage before she can even grab him, laughing the whole way down the steps, circling the stage cheering, family, educators, and students joining in his cheer as he races to his assigned seat, high-fiving Trevor who sits next to him. Drake notices Josh a few rows down smirking, following Josh's view he notices Megan who wears the same smirk down in the audience, holding something small and silver in her manicured hands.
Oh, oh he loves them.
After the ceremony, students are standing with their families outside of the school hugging one another and cheering. Drake was just finishing up hugging Audrey and Walter— squeezing his little sister for the first time since forever— she let him— pressing a firm kiss on the crown of her head, earning himself a soft punch to his rib, making him laugh.
He hears him before he sees him.
“Hug me brotha!!” Josh says in that weird goofy voice he does like he's making an announcement. Drake curled his head so fast that he could feel the muscle in his neck sprain. Eyes wide and bright racing to Josh in max speed practically jumping in his arms and hugging the other tight, as Josh held him up in the air hugging him just as tight, like when they were fourteen and first became brothers and instead of screaming out of fear, Drake screams out of excitement and pure joy. Josh proudly held Drake up in the air, Drake for once not caring if anyone saw them, this moment was one that he will forever remember. And he had no issue with that.
“We made it dude!”
The sound of a camera going off happens, but neither one could care less. Just happy. Giant smiles on their faces.
March 8th, 2015, Drake Parker is twenty-four and is still a very unserious person. Not by choice, he came to realize that on his own. Maybe a little .
Drake was currently sitting in a leather seat, elbow resting on the arm of the chair, mouth kissing his knuckles, attention fully on the stage before him. He could feel his heart jackhammering against his chest plate, threatening to break through and let itself known to the world like some scene out of a horror flick. Now he wants to watch a horror movie when he goes home. Nice.
Drake counts back from ten all the way to one, practicing his breathing exercise that his therapist taught him after his car accident back in 2008. Drake takes a couple of deep breaths, flinching— nearly jumping out his skin when he feels a gentle hand rub his arm in a soothing manner.
Drake opens his eyes again looking towards his left where his little sister was sitting, Megan was looking at him with a gentle expression. Smiling at him in a way that reminds him of their mother— which he’s thankful for— kind tender eyes on her newly mature features, it feels like it was only yesterday that she was nine and tormenting him and Josh. Drake looked past Megan to see their parents talking in hushed tones but they seemed happy enough, unaware of how nervous their son seemed to be. Drake closes his eyes for a moment again, exhaling and opening his eyes again. He nods towards his sister, she returns the gesture removing her hand folding them together on her lap, her posture remaining straight. Smoothing out her white dress after a bit, checking herself out in her compact mirror checking if she had any loose strands of hair in her high ponytail. Putting it away when she doesn’t find any. It almost makes Drake laugh.
And she says he’s obsessed with his hair, little brat.
Drake shakes his head, paying attention to the stage again. Listening for who won a Grammy from each category of music.
That’s right you heard him. Drake Parker is sitting in a chair at the Grammys in Hollywood. When Josh got the call and told Drake, Drake couldn’t believe it. He still can’t.
He never thought he would officially meet the queen herself, Beyoncé!. And don’t get him started on the Princess of Pop Britney Spears. When she first spoke to him on the red carpet Drake felt as if he was on cloud nine, and when she hugged him, it was all over— Drake thought he was gonna pass out, if Josh was with him he knew his stepbrother would’ve laughed at him. Especially if he got to witness how red he turned when Beyoncé told him he was so handsome.
If anyone was to ask Drake if he was a Yoncè and Britney fan instead of just rock and roll— the blues, a bit of jazz and classical music, the last one thanks to Josh. He will deny it till the day he dies and just say he respects them and their craft.
Drake clicks back into focus when he sees Bruno Mars walk up to the podium after Selena Gomez performance, clapping along with the crowd, even though he has not a single clue what she sang.
“Thank you Selena for that wonderful performance” Bruno Mars says, with his charming smile clapping with the audience, his tan skin somewhat red from the beating lights.
“And now with great honor I would like to announce the Grammy winner for best selling song for rock, number one best seller, top of the charts on build boards!” Everyone holds their breaths, Drake tenses up in his seat watching as Bruno opens up the golden envelope, his smile never changing.
“And the Grammy goes to… rising star Drake Parker I Found A Way!!” Bruno announces with a cheer, Drake jaw drops as everyone else around him cheers, clapping the starting intro of the song starts playing. Drake looked around, his mind not keeping up, Megan was shaking his arm in excitement telling him to go. Drake stands cleaning his throat as he fixes his black suit and navy blue tie adjusting his circular glasses that framed his face perfectly— Megan’s personal touch. The navy tie, Josh’s idea. The shiny dress shoes his mother helped with.
Drake hugs Megan who pats his back, pressing a soft kiss against his mothers cheek and shakes Walters hand with a big grin on his face pulling away as he walks out his row and down the aisle towards the stage fixing his side bangs as he walks up the steps of the stage walking towards Bruno, accepting the Grammy in one hand shaking Bruno’s hand in the other side hugging him stepping up to the mic. Looking at the hundreds rows of celebrities, staring up at him and smiling at him in encouragement.
“I… heh” Drake clears his throat, a watery smile climbing his face.
“Shit I honestly don’t know what to say it’s just that— I didn’t think I would win y’know? I didn’t think I would make it, thought I would have to wax surfboards and probably work at a run down diner that no one really knows about but has the best pie” Drake says, laughing a bit, causing the rest to laugh with him.
“I.. listen I downplay a lot of things and I take a lot of things unseriously but this? This moment right here? Is the most serious thing that has ever happened to me, besides becoming a big brother, becoming a brother to someone else and having to share my room for five years with that person. Actually making it through high school and graduating on time”
Drake wipes his eyes from under his glasses.
“Stupid tears”. That earns another chorus of laughs.
“Sorry sorry, anyway this Grammy doesn’t just count as my achievement and success. This Grammy counts as an achievement for the best manager and step brother in the whole entire world. Josh Nichols who sadly can’t share this moment with me tonight since he had a highly important test today— get that degree bro. I wouldn’t have made it up till now without you brother thank you! I love you!” Drake holds the Grammy up with a giant smile, tears running down his cheeks freely, voice cracking.
“To all the people that didn’t in believe me, fuck you I made it you hating ass bitches, special shout out to my English teacher Ms. Hayfer and the creature that wears a skirt and claims she’s a girl Mindy Crenshaw. Much love to my biggest haters couldn’t have done this without ya either” He chuckles, everyone claps and cheers.
“And Josh if you happen to be watching, I would say I’m sorry but come on… we both know I’d be lying. Thank you Hollywood and my family goodnight!” He finishes off, walking off the stage as his song plays again as he holds up his Grammy while the people laughed and cheered making his way back to his seat.
Was Drake Parker still an unserious person?, yes. Was he still petty after a couple of years?. Yes.
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poisonmaximoff · 3 years
BELATED FATE (Elizabeth Olsen x FemReader).
The whole story: here.
Chapter 5. Close to her
Elizabeth's POV:
We entered the restaurant and immediately went to the second floor, sitting down at the free table by the window that was showing us a magnificent view of the sunny, quiet street. We didn't talk much on the way here, and it seemed like we were both in our own thoughts. I ordered some random salad I saw on the menu, and she ordered risotto with chicken and spinach.
"Do you like italian cuisine?" I asked to start a conversation.
She looks up from the window and a small chuckle escapes her mouth. "I like literally any food that I see on my way." She doesn't look like a foodie, so that surprises me a little, but I enjoy learning little details about her like this one.
Curiously narrowing her eyes, she asks: "Why did you only order a light salad, are you on some type of the diet or something?"
"Yeah, something like that." Little does she know, I just lost my appetite recently due to constant exhausting self-digging and a feeling of being lost and incomplete.
"But why? You look already amazing and you have a perfect body!" She instantly says and I catch a glimpse of regret in her eyes. "Or does it have anything to do with health issues?" I'm so sorry if I'm being neglectful, I didn't mean to" she stars gibbering and over-gesticulating. 
"It's okay, it's okay, calm down. I just have this fasting days sometimes to detox my body." I'm a professional of making up lies for literally no reason.
"Oh, I get it, I'm constantly trying to have couple of those, but then like screw it and go to McDonalds." I was about to say that she doesn't care about her organism, but then suddenly remember that I used to eat junk food from time to time too. And she's a grown person, who can take care of herself. She definitely doesn't need me to make sure that she eats normal food.
But I just can't ignore the urge to ask her something. "Do you often cook homemade food? I mean something healthy, like soups or side dishes?"
"Did my mom send you to babysit me?" she answers me with a counter question, but her eyes show me all the unseriousness of the question.
"Well, she pays me a fine sum for this, so...But for real, do you?" I just need to know.
"Don't judge me please, but I actually can't cook at all and mostly eat takeaways and order deliveries" she says shrugging and fidgeting in her seat.
God, why are we so different, but I still feel so drawn to her, needing to know every little detail about her, even if I don't find it has anything to do with my interests? Although maybe it's much deeper than that.
"What are the most important and valuable things in a relationship for you?" I don't understand why I jumped so abruptly from one topic to another, and I didn't even have enough time to fully realize what exactly I was going to ask.
Her face becomes visibly confused and she looks away from me for a second, pressing her lips together. I was about to apologize, but she didn't let me.
"Sincerity, loyalty, trust and ability to accept each other's drawbacks. People don't need to have a lot in common to be in a healthy relationship. The main thing is to have a common picture of shared future and readiness to support each other. I'd like my partner to respect my opinions and wishes without trying to impose their point of view. Relationship...it's about acceptance I guess and constant working towards better understanding of each other. Emotional bond is way more important for me than sexual intimacy, for example. I mean of course it's a very pleasant pastime and a perfect opportunity to show your love and affection to your partner, but it's not the main thing in relationship."
I'm pleasantly surprised that she didn't laugh it off and seriously answered my question, especially in such a detailed way. Now I'm starting to understand what special I see about her and why I feel so connected to her. She just perfectly described my own position regarding the topic.
Y/n's POV:
El's question took me by surprise, but I decided to answer it honestly. When I noticed that she had quieted down and stared at the table, I already regretted my decision. Shit, I probably got carried away too much.
"Did I take it too far?" I ask hoping that she just comprehends everything I said.
"Oh? I'm sorry, what was that?"
"Did I say something wrong?"
"No, on the contrary, you described everything exactly as I'd have done it. I'm just surprised that we after all have something in common" she clasped her hands in the lock and gave me an adorable smile.
I'm actually very glad that she shares my opinion al least regarding one thing. Maybe I shouldn't worry so much about the fact that we don't have many common interests.
During lunch, we talked a little more about relationships between people and our social circles. Then it was time to go to the next meeting, which our partners moved to a restaurant twenty minutes away from the place we just were in.
"If only I knew that we're supposed to go to restaurants, companies and just talk to people, then I asked to be your assistant much earlier" I grinned at her and was met with her soft smile.
"Trust me, it's much more than that. I'd be in love with this job, if everything was like you described."
"You don't like your job?"
"Not like I don't enjoy it at all. Sometimes it's just too stressful and having no clear work schedule makes it hard to plan things like personal trips, for example. I can suddenly be called for a meeting or business trip and I have no choice but to accept it and do my job, you know."
"Wow. I didn't think about it from that side. It must be terribly uncomfortable to cancel your plans because of this and realign it with someone else's."
She gave me a sad smile, nodded and said that it's necessary to get used to it, because it becomes a significant part of your life.
I love the way Elizabeth's posture and facial expression change when she turns on her "professional mode". It's like two different people, which is quite intriguing. We approach two men who are already waiting for us at a table in a restaurant and shake hands with them one by one. One of them is short and plump, while the other, on the contrary, is tall and thin brunette wearing stylish glasses.
"Good to see you again, Miss Olsen" says the first man to Elizabeth, bringing her hand to his mouth to give it a small kiss. Gross. Do men really believe that they can win a woman's full affection only through such gestures of attention?
"Nice to see you too, Mr. Garcia."
"Let me introduce to you my assistant Jacob" he says and points to the guy sitting next to him. When I turn my head to look at him, I see that he's already staring at me and gives me a shy smile when I notice it. Elizabeth's eyes flick between me and Jacob and then she introduces me to men.
The negotiations are quite intense, I'm trying to participate, but quickly lose the thread of the conversation, so now I'm just sitting and listening to them. Something touches my hand and I see that Jacob passes me a piece of paper folded in half. Not quite understanding what it means, I unfold it and read: "Such a beautiful girl and all bored. I would love to entertain you whenever you want. How about tomorrow at 6 p.m. at the «Richelieu»? My phone number is on the back." Did he just ask me out after knowing me for like half an hour? Not that I'm not attracted to men at all, but when such gorgeous woman like Elizabeth sits next to me I can't even imagine going on a date with anyone else.
I flick my eyes between Jacob and the note, noticing that El went quiet for a few seconds. I raise my eyes at her and meet a second-lasting burning look before she continues speaking. Another two hours later, Mr. Garcia finally agrees to the terms that Elizabeth offers him and they sign a contract. Seeing her so smug and proud of her work definitely warms my heart.
During goodbyes, Mr. Garcia kisses her hand again, and Jacob does the same to mine, then smirks and winks at me, what doesn't go unnoticed by El. Her features hold a cold expression, so I can't tell exactly what she's feeling right now.
She reached the car without changing her stoic face, and when we got into it, she just silently stared at the wheel before breaking a silence a minute later.
"What was that, Y/n?" she asked in relatively calm and low voice.
"What exactly do you mean?"
"Did he invite you on a date or something? During a damn business meeting?" a bright edge of irritation is in the sound of her voice.
"Why are you so mad about it, El?" I'm trying to remain calm, though I don't understand why the hell it could bring her to such reaction.
"So he did. You know, you could arrange a personal life during your free from work time, Y/n. It's terribly unprofessional" her voice dripping with annoyance while she refuses to look me in the eyes. I don't understand anything, it's not even my fault that he did it and now she's doubting my ability to hold myself professionally. I already disappointed her on my first day.
"El, look at me please" she doesn't move. "Miss Olsen, please give me a minute of your attention" she rolls her eyes, but still turns her head so she could meet my gaze.
"You know that I couldn't telepathically tell him to not pass me this note, right?" I'm trying to talk to her as calmly as possible, not provoking her on another wave of negative emotions. "He did what he did and I left the note there. You're right, it would be totally unprofessional to arrange some date during a negotiation. Besides, I have no interest in him or anyone else yet."
Her features visibly relaxed and the previous anger disappeared from her eyes. "You left it there?" she clarified.
"Yes. I'd never agree to go on a date with a person knowing only his name, and especially during working hours. Can we go now?"
I see her mood instantly improving and she finally starts the car. It was an actually long and a bit exhausting day, so I feel unusually tired, even though it's a pleasant tiredness. Elizabeth noticed my small yawn and gently asked: "So, where are we going?"
"Home. I just want to finally get home."
"I literally don't know where you live, Y/n" she says with a small laugh.
Oh shit, I must be really tired. I tell her my address and she promises to take me home safely. My mind habitually replays today's events. She is so different with me and during work. Memories of her perfect posture, her confident tone when she spoke to people, her slightly furrowed brows and clenched fists when they didn't agree to her conditions... All of this I find super-attractive for some reason. But with me she is usually so indulgent and patient that sometimes I get lost because of the contrast she shows me. I feel a little guilty about the situation with that goddamn note, even though I definitely wasn't able to prevent Jacob's actions. Just seeing her upset about something related to me is definitely not what I want. I love her smile and will do my best to see it more often.
Soon we arrive at our destination. Elizabeth gets out of the car and walks around to open the door for me. What a gentlewoman.
"I didn't know you live in the high rise, Y/n" she says and lifts her head to look at the huge beautiful building with many windows.
"It has always been my dream, so my parents made me this gift for the 20th birthday" I say and fond memories arise in my head. I couldn't be more grateful for everything they have done for me.
We walk along the parking lot, past the reception, where I greet Ms. Anderson, and get into the elevator. I press the button for the top floor and soon we find ourselves at the door of my apartment.
"Well, here we are," I say with reluctance to say goodbye to El so quickly. "Maybe you'd like to come in?" I add with a hint of hope.
"I'd love to, Y/n, but unfortunately not today. I promise to definitely come visit you another day, deal?" She looks at me apologetically and I nod to her, hoping she didn't say it out of pure politeness.
"Of course, El, goodnight then, drive home safe."
"Goodnight, Y/n, I will" she says with a last smile and heads for the elevator, and I remain standing at my door staring at her back.
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sanjiafsincedayone · 7 years
Reply about Dorobou Neko post
“Interesting post but one fan doesn’t speak for many. Not all LuNa shippers care what SaNami fans want to think since each side have their own opinions. Just like LuNa shippers say “Pirate Queen” none of them take it seriously but it isn’t without notice since Nami has been shown twice at Luffy’s side on a throne. Plus with Oda’s line in a SBS about Nami’s “queenly” nature. I have a feeling that Nami’s epithet will change soon. Her previous one doesn’t apply much now and the focus is on weather.
Overall, if you feel that this misunderstanding of Nami’s epithet from one person towards your fandom should warrant this LAP to the LuNa community then I will be the first to say, “Sorry but this never crossed my mind nor do I care but please continue to enjoy your ship till the end!” Enjoy the climax of this arc SaNami fans it’s been a great ride with you! “
Thank you for your reply Yagamitaichi7! You are absolutely right! One or a few fans does not speak for many or all, which is why I posted this just as much for the SaNami fans as for the LuNami fans. I definitely do not think all LuNa shippers agree with what I brought up in my post. Far from, and I want to remind other SaNami shippers about that too! But I still wanted to explain our point of view, simply to clear the misunderstanding. And because it’s something that I personally don’t want other fans to think about the SaNami fandom, no matter how few they may be.
If you don’t care then that’s great! Shipping is after all something easily done without caring about other ships, so clearly this message might not interest or concern you. Despite this you took the time to write a reply. I appriciate that. Thanks! :)
Haha in all honesty, I would continue to enjoy your ship and not let ONE user’s opinion bother you this much. I don’t think much of the “LuNa community” really cares about this particular topic. Just sit back , enjoy your ship, and enjoy the One Piece arc 👍
Thanks for your reply. I do enjoy my ship and the One Piece arc very much, but I can't help it that this particular topic bothered me more than usual. And maybe if it was just one user I really would have ignored it, but it's not. So I at least wanted to try and explain it properly since I feel the view that was spread doesn't at all apply to what SaNami shippers think and feel.
If LuNa shippers really don't care about the topic then that is great. But I still wanted to reach out and maybe someone would read and understand. It was a post for both SaNa and LuNa shippers, so maybe a lot of it didn't really concern the LuNami side, but still. I'm sure it's easy to ignore it if you don't care.
Honestly, i never think sanji look as nami as a prize or anything. Sanji respect all woman! But then again he lust for all woman. There is a misunderstanding between shipper. I am LuNami fans, but i never though sanji look at Nami as a prize My opinion is just ignore some rude shipper. Every fandom, every shipper has some people who is very rude until they talk shit about other ship. It will only makes them hurt you more. I meet some rude sanami fans too. But i always ignore them. Try ignore
I already replied to this once, but apparantly it got deleted somehow... Either way, I am glad to hear that you don’t see Sanji that way. Or that you don’t think that SaNami shippers see Nami that way
Usually I do ignore rude shippers, there are ones in every shipping community and most of the time it’s easy to just don’t say anything. But in this case the way the SaNami shippers were incorrectly interpreted and the issue itself bothered me since we do not look at Nami like this at all. I simply felt like trying to explain it properly in case anyone, (shipper or not actually) wanted to really know what we meant.
Also I’m sorry you’ve met rude SaNami shippers, but sadly that’s seems to be the reality of shipping, or any fandom. Either way I’m glad you replied. Thank you! :)
So in other words you just want another gag moment for your ship? Shouldn't you look for more special moments between them instead something that you yourself call "nothing serious" or "as a joke"?
Well, the post isn’t really about what I want. It was about other people misunderstanding that particular subject and about speculations that the SaNami shippers have made. But I also explain that my guess is that Oda would use it, if he uses it, in a most likely joking kind of way. Obviously I don’t know if, how or when it could happen, but that’s my guess as of right now...
Of course I also want serious moments for my ship, and I’d say we’ve had quite a lot of special moments between Sanji and Nami this arc. And of course I would more than love to get even more.
Also, even a joke and a gag can count as a moment, it’s just a different kind of moment. Either one is good and I have plenty of both serious and unserious SaNami moments that I really love.
Thanks for your reply. :)
Thank you. I found a post talking about nami being a "toy" for sanji recently in the Sanami tags and I felt a bit powerless since I haven't got the time to defend something I personally enjoy...
I'm glad I could help, though it's sad that you had to feel that at all to begin with. This was another reason for why I wanted to write the post, so I'm glad it at least worked at little. And even though I tend to only do it once in a while when I feel that things are getting out of hand I want to defend both SaNami and it's shippers when I can. I won't fight for every little thing, because mostly it's about different opinions, but I sometimes I just can't stay quiet. ^^'''
I hope you can keep on enjoying SaNami in peace~ Thank you so much for your message, it means a lot! :)
All this time I thought Cat Burglar was given to Nami cause she steals treasures‚ I have no idea it means that.
Fighting over who's right and wrong is pointless cause in the end, Sanji, Luffy and Nami's fate are at Oda's hand :)  He knows what he's doing and at least respect him for making the three of them with unique personalities and also, just enjoy the ride until the end
You are right, it’s all in Oda’s hands and in the end he might decide to not make any ships happen at all. Shipping is supposed to be fun, so fighting about it definitely seems like a waste of time. Speculating about romance and shipping in general is a lot about personal opinion after all.
I also agree Oda has done a good job with these three characters and their personalities. Oda’s portrayal of characters is one of the things I love the most about One Piece.
And lastly, of course Nami’s name was given to her because she steals treasure. It’s just that it can have a double meaning which Oda has used because he enjoy’s puns and hidden easter eggs. :) Thank you for your replies. :) Let’s keep on enjoying One Piece!
Also, if you want yet another explanation from yet another SaNami fan I think @dixxymouri had a pretty good reply on this post. (You don’t have to read the whole post if you don’t want to, just the answer.) ^__^
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