#I sent two email to their admissions email and a counselor for the specific campus location I wanna attend
galariangengar · 1 year
STRESS STRESS STRESS!!! The one community college that cleared me for Pharmacology is giving me an error when I try to register for the class, even though I already submitted a prerequisite form and my transcripts! I’ve tried calling their admissions office AND their counseling office, BUT NOTHING! I sent an email and I’ll leave a voicemail right now but HHHHHH I AM VERY STRESSED AND ANXIOUS RIGHT NOW!
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scholasticbabe · 6 years
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Hey babes!
I've been silent for a little while as I get ready for college and I realized that there's a lot of college related stuff that i'm doing that absolutely no one talks about and it's still a pretty important part of the college process, so I decided to share the  8 things no one tells you after you get into college, to open up the conversation about what happens after you reach that checkmark of getting into college
Group Chat: there will more than likely be some sort of group chat or Facebook page for you incoming class and they're usually super lit! Everyone is hyped on going to college and people will be making intro post ( for my school everyone made intro post when they joined the Facebook group) if you have anxiety issues like me, this will probably be a big deal for you but my advice is not overthink it, i just wrote random facts about myself in bullet format; This introduction time is also a good opportunity to scout potential roommates! more than like there’ll be someone interested in at least one of the things you listed and then you can spark a convo. Please note: for the group chat, everyone is going to be putting their best foot forward so don't go to college with any insta-besties you met in the chat, wait to go there and grow connections organically, because I promise you there are gonna be a lot of inactive chat members that you'll probably be better friends with.
Accepting financial aid: oh so you think once you get it, it's yours? Well think again! Something I sure as heck didn't know is that after the whole process of committing to a school you will still have to accept or update any financial aid you got. THIS IS SUPER IMPORTANT, luckily you will probably have a bit closer to school to do it (as in the summer) but you will probably need to confirm and accept any scholarship or loans they gave you, this will probably both DIGITAL (some kind of portal) and PAPER ( your original acceptance package). Don't be the person who forgets to accept their financial aid please, I beg you!
Summer homework: ugh! I know it sucks but something i've been having to deal with that absolutely no one told me about is those cute little assignment you have to do before moving in, don’t worry they’re not any class assignment but there still a bit tedious and annoying when you're trying to enjoy your summer, for me i had to do two VERY LONG AND TO BE HONEST, BORING courses on sexual assault and drinking on campus, im not sure if this is required for every school but i'd bet the majority of schools have this. I also had to write a essay about what I my biggest goal i want to accomplish for my advisor but i have to admit that one want so bad. Just beware and stay sharp BECAUSE A LOT OF THESE ASSIGNMENTS HAVE DEADLINES.
Picking a roommate: Now to the fun part, I’m sure a lot of were actually excited to pick a roommate and start coordinating and all that jazz, but i'm sorry to admit the roommate matching process is a lot less glamorous than it looks. You probably won't meet your bestie in the group chat and pick each other on the next day (and you probably shouldn't either way) but more than likely you'll have some sort of roommate matching portal and if your really unlucky you might have a random roommate assignment. For me I had to log into a site called please don't snore, complete a little survey and then I was matched with about 20 people (each color coded green for great match, yellow for good match etc.) and I had about 8 green matches and then I had to begin the unfortunate journey of reaching out to everyone. The process sparked my anxiety like crazy because a lot of people were away for vacations and such and were hard to reach, so there was a lot of inconsistent communication. I spoke to a few of other people in the group chat and we all agreed that we spoke to about 4 or 5 of our matches before committing to a good one. I personally talked to four persons before I found my roomie! It wasn't instantaneous and but it was still pretty special.
Picking classes: I have good news for this one! I don't know how they do it at every other school but a pretty standard process is for you to have a meeting with an advisor/counselor and have them work with you to choose your classes, so if you were worried about not knowing what to do or choosing the wrong classes or missing requirements, you're in luck! The process is pretty stress free (for the first semester) and to be honest your first year classes are pretty easy to pick because they're usually just a bunch of general-ed classes and one or two major specific classes. Colleges tend to streamline the process for freshman because they know we’re clueless so you can stop panicking now!
Room assignment: this is pretty much like hogwarts, room assignment splits the pack and you'll start to see that harmless rivalry . For the most part, room assignment for freshman year are usually random (as far as I know you don't have to pay for nicer dorms) which creates tension among freshman because everyone usually has a dorm in mind that supposed to be the best freshman dorm, but ultimately the choice is usually out of your hands (which can be both a good and a bad thing). The good news is that no matter what you'll have a community, either you'll bond over the fact that you got a good dorm or over the fact that your dorm assignment suck- you'll never be a alone. P.s I got the newer residence hall woot woot!
You don't get a school supplies list: listen you're gonna be on your own for this one. No one states implicitly what supplies to bring to college and I can almost guarantee that you won't get a school supplies list, your best hope is playing it by ear and from what I can tell with upperclassmen- the only supply that is a must is a computer and that's pretty much all they tell you. I'm gonna be real with you chief...You probably won't even know your textbooks until like a week before you get to college or your first day of classes, so if you’re used to being the overachiever and getting your stuff super early, well.. Good luck Charlie.
Your .edu email will be your lifeline: Once you get that student email, it's over for yall hoes. After everything is said and done, and you've completed all your paperwork and all that fun stuff, you'll probably get an email instructing you on how to set up your school email and when I tell you will be an official college student ™ I'm not joking, all your emails from school will now be sent to this email and you will have to check it religiously. But there's also the fun part, you are now eligible for college discounts! ALot of sites allow you to get discounts if you present your school email and it's just a glorious time. You gotta rack in those discounts while you can!
..and there you have it my sweets! A little more insights into the AFTER  part of college admissions. It seems like most people go radio silent after that get accepted and I know that while I was in the app process I wish I knew what came after, so I hope this hope this helps some of you guys out!
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markstucker · 2 years
YCBK 253: Why campus tours keep Presidents up at night
    (09:15) Mark and Susan discuss a July 10th article by Adam Platt that appeared in the Twin Cities Business Magazine,  entitled, “Why Campus Tours Keep Presidents up at Night”. The article looks at how the college tour is such a high stake game that it is a source of concern for Presidents.
    (59:00) Our question from a listener, comes from Cadence, a student a Stuyvesant HS in NYC. Cadence sent in two questions about interviews that we will answer over the next two weeks:
  If I am asked, what other schools are you applying to, how am I supposed to answer that question.
  (01:26:21) Our interview is with Heath Einstein, the Dean of Admissions. In Part 1 of 3, Mark and Julia discuss the following:
Part 1
  Welcome and Greetings
Julia shares how she met Heath
Heath gives his backstory
Heath answers the question, “Who is TCU”
How does the mission at TCU impact the educational experience
I find that both TCU and SMU are at times challenging for students to consider as a goof fit for their college list if they don’t identify as Methodist or Christian , how would you answer the question, why should I consider TCU if I don’t identify as a Christian?
The mascot at TCU is a “horn Frog”; what is a Horn Frog?
TCU is known for its School spirit, the Horned Frogs, where does this come from and how does it impact the student experience?
TCU is also known for friendly people and a strong sense of community, same question, where does this come from and what does this look like?
Describe the TCU campus?
  The TCU interview with Dean of Admissions, Heath Einstein will also serve as our college spotlight. 
(01:38:56) The recommended resource is  https://www.studentloanplanner.com/blog/ This is the work of Tyler Hornsby, who we have interviewed on our podcast. This is the best source Mark knows of to follow the student loan forgiveness and all other student loan options.
  Please send in your questions either on Twitter at @YCBKpodcast using the Messages tab (this is our preference) or via email at [email protected] for the 27 admissions interviews we are doing in the summer and fall. Our interviews are with the following people at the following schools:
Confirmed interviews you can still send in questions for our guests: Bard-Mackie Siebens Mercer-Kelly Holloway Rice University-Tamara Siler American University-Andrea Felder Pitzer College-Yvonne Berumen Chapman University-Marcela Meija-Martinez Connecticut College-Andy Strickler* Trinity College-Anthony Berry* College of the Atlantic-Heather Albert* Spelman College-Chelsea Holley* Scripps College-Victoria Romero* Saint Louis University-Daniel Wood-(Interview is about transfer admissions, Daniel is a transfer counselor) Colby College-Randi Arsenault* University of Georgia-David Graves* Washington University St Louis-Ronne Turner
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  Follow Mark Stucker on Twitter to get breaking college admission news,  and updates about the podcast before they go live. You can ask questions on Twitter that he will answer them on the podcast. Mark will also share additional hot topics in the news and breaking news on this Twitter feed. Twitter message is also the preferred way to ask questions for our podcast:
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  Check out the college admissions books Mark recommends: https://yourcollegeboundkid.com/recommended-books/
  Check out the college websites Mark recommends: https://yourcollegeboundkid.com/recommended-websites/
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    If you want a college consultation with Mark or Lisa, just text Mark at 404-664-4340 or email Lisa at [email protected]. All they ask is that you review their services on their website before the complimentary session. Their counseling website is: https://schoolmatch4u.com/
Check out this episode!
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