#I shake whenever I think about leaving 👍
crabussy · 2 years
god it’s so impossibly hard leaving a place you’ve ached for so hard for three whole years
I get on the plane tomorrow. wish me luck I’m a fragile little animal
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delfiore · 1 year
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pairing: ona batlle x fem!reader
synopsis: without ona, you find other ways to fill the hole in your heart, as the consequences of your own actions come back to haunt you.
word count: 7.0k
a/n: holy shit is this one long. some more cameos for the plot who are all good bros to our dumbasses in love 👍
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2018, 5 years ago.
You always hated it when your hands shake after adrenaline rushes. It felt debilitating, like you weren’t able to make rational decisions because all you could think about was trying to hide your trembling hands.
When your coach called you into his office, you were still cradling your right hand, the other pressing an ice pack to the bruise starting to form on your right knuckles. The way he pointed with his head for you to follow him—doing so without a word—reaffirmed that you were definitely in trouble.
It was a warm day in May, and yet you had two training sessions to complete. You were drenched in sweat afterwards, your body warm and buzzing like a furnace. Definitely not a good day to be pissed off.
Coach Dennis sat in his chair behind his desk, his hands folded in front of him. His lips were curling and jutting out like they always did whenever he was concentrating or trying to look angry. It made him look like a fish.
A silence followed, and then he spoke. “Are you aware of what you did?”
You clenched your jaw to stop yourself from blurting out something sarcastic. “I punched a teammate, Coach.”
“You’re aware that that could get you released, don’t you, Y/N?” He asked. “NYCFC has zero tolerance for violence within the first team, much less the youth academy.”
You lowered your head. Your hands were shaking much less now.
“May I ask why you did it?” Coach pressed further when he didn’t receive an answer.
So you told him. There was a group of girls that had been picking on you for years now. You were never the biggest or strongest, so you used your techniques to weave the ball through defenders, to make you stand out, and it pissed them off.
“So you punched one of them.”
“They were cornering me.” You said simply, looking up at him for the first time since the meeting started.
The man sighed and covered his nose and mouth with his palms. You might have reduced his lifespan by a decade right then.
“Y/N, I know you. I know you will stand up for yourself, and I expect nothing less from you, but this kind of behavior will not and cannot fly here. That’s why I’m telling you this, because I know you’ll be special one day.”
“Those girls are bullies, Coach. They don’t deserve to be here. You should be punishing them!”
“They will get their punishment in due time, but you still punched a teammate,” he said firmly. “You did what you thought was right, but violence is never the answer. You can’t punch your way out of everything.”
“Are you kicking me out?” You asked, trying to remain stoic, yet you were fiddling with your fingers.
“No. I’m blocking your Dallas offer.”
FC Dallas had been one of the top scouts that have had their eyes on you, and you had been working extra hard to impress them. This was your chance to break into their first team, and it was gone.
“You can’t do that!”
“Yes, I can.” He pressed.
“Coach, please—”
“Thank you, Y/N.” He cut you off. “You may leave.”
Leaving Dennis’ office, and walking down the hallway, your eyes caught Sara—the girl you punched—sitting in the infirmary, her face tear-stained, red, and blotchy. She had always looked at you with disdain, but now there was a fear in her gaze as she caught yours from far away. When she did, you got a better look at the damage you’d done to her face. You suddenly felt that shame you should have felt back in the office.
“Yo, Y/N,” you heard someone call when you were outside. “I heard about what happened.”
“You’re gonna lecture me, Gio? ‘Cause Dennis already did.”
“No, man. I was gonna say how badass that was,” he grinned.
A slow grin spread on your face. You shook your head, as Gio put his arm around your shoulder and you walked to the cafeteria.
You met Giovanni Reyna a few years ago when you first joined the academy. In a training session where both the boys and girls participated, you were paired with him for finishing drills. With a hard tackle, he’d almost put you in the hospital. Ever since then, you had been stuck to the hip. He was the first friend you made and the longest friend you’d ever had.
You’d stay another year at NYCFC, honing your skills, and avoiding another run-in with your bullies until the transfer window was near. You were still waiting for FC Dallas to call back, as you had for a year now. It was the only place you wanted, and while you knew it was risky to do so, it was your gateway to Europe through their partnership with Bayern Munich.
“Sara is going to the Red Stars, did you hear?”
“Dylan’s going to Orlando Pride.”
“I heard Hope and Mary-Anne are going to Roma and Lyon!”
You had tried to block out the gossip in the cafeteria, but it made you doubt yourself. What did they have that you didn’t? Yes, you weren’t the tallest or strongest, but neither were Messi, Xavi, or AguĂ«ro. But maybe that was just it; you were not Messi, Xavi, or AguĂ«ro, and you would never be.
Gio was leaving too, there had never been any doubt about that; his dad was a U.S. legend, and it was only natural that he’d give the best to his son. Besides, Gio might have been the next best thing after Christian Pulisic skyrocketed to fame within the past few years. The boy’s move to Borussia Dortmund was almost imminent, and people had been whispering about it for weeks, but you were the one he told first.
“When do you leave?” You asked, picking at the food on your tray. Gio and you were sitting outside having lunch.
“Beginning of June,” he said.
“I’m happy for you,” you muttered, voice cracking quietly, but a small smile remained on your face.
“I’m sorry, Y/N.”
“Don’t be sorry. This is a good thing,” you smiled, nodding as you grabbed his hand over the table. “I’ll just miss you a ton.”
“Hey,” Gio searched for your eyes. “I have no doubt that you’ll be scouted soon. I know it. I know you have what it takes to be at the top, whether it’s in Europe, or here.”
Your best friend left less than a month later. You had wrapped your arms around him so tightly and hid your face in his neck, afraid you might bawl like a baby the last time you saw him on the training ground. But you didn’t cry then.
You did cry, though, when Coach Dennis called you into his office again a week later. This time, instead of expressing his disappointment in you, he hugged you tight, congratulated you, and let you read the email that Portland Thorns FC sent to request a transfer for you to their first team.
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2023, present.
“You ever thought about what you’d be doing if you weren’t playing football?”
You had just drifted off a bit when the voice next to you spoke. Furrowing your eyebrows, you wondered how she wasn’t absolutely battered.
“Don’t know. Never had a plan B. Didn’t want to.”
“Right. But I feel like, I go to training, I kick the ball, people come and watch me, and then when I go home after, I don’t know who I am. It’s like . . . I’m nothing without the footballer.”
You didn’t expect your hookup to be opening up to you like this. You’d only just met her a few hours ago at a club. You had played against her a few times in the league but had never spoken to her face-to-face. Though not the best on the dance floor, she made an excellent dance partner in bed.
“Well, having a personality is overrated nowadays anyway.” You replied, closing your eyes again. “Nobody cares who you are until you fuck up on the pitch, so just don’t fuck up on the pitch.”
“Easy for you to say,” she huffed. “You have your starter place at City guaranteed.”
You ignored her and turned to the other side. A few minutes later, you heard the sheets shuffling, then the sound of a zipper. “This was fun,” she whispered before you heard your bedroom door opening and closing.
No barks, it meant Bratwurst was asleep, luckily for your ears. Most people you had been bringing home he had been barking at. You wanted to think it was him being protective over you, but he would bark at your teammates too when they would come over, except for one person.
Ever since you came back from the World Cup much earlier than you had anticipated, you liked to find company at clubs and parties. In your time of need, you’d found that you preferred sporadic ones, fewer complications, and headaches.
You were also invited to events; award shows, the British Grand Prix, and a few fashion shows. Those you never really bothered with, but they were chances for your stylist to go crazy with the outfits (which you never complained).
The only good thing to come out of those, however, was seeing Gio again at Paris Fashion Week. The moment you saw him, you gladly accepted it when he brought you into a tight hug, feeling like that 13-year-old again when you first met. You kept in touch over the years, but your schedules were always too different to ever meet up. But it was as if no time had passed, and the only thing that kept you both from talking till morning was that Gio needed rest for his rehabilitation training the next day.
“I’m going on a trip to Ibiza soon with a few friends. You should come,” he said.
“I don’t know, G. I wouldn’t want to impose.”
“You wouldn’t. I want you to come. There’s someone I want you to meet.”
“Just because you have a girlfriend now doesn't mean you’re allowed to set me up,” you smirked and shoved him.
“I’ve seen the stuff that came out about you, Y/N,” he sighed. “Is it true?”
“I’m not doing anything illegal if that’s what you’re asking.”
“That’s not what I meant. About you being seen at clubs day in and day out. What is this really about, Y/N?”
You know Gio wanted the best for you, even though sometimes he was too stubborn to admit it. You were too, but you loved him to bits. Maybe that’s why you two fit together so well.
“I let someone close to my heart, and it fucked me over.”
Gio nodded softly. “Well then. Just consider it a vacation. She’ll still be there though.”
“And you won’t make me go out with her?”
“As if I can make you do anything.”
Unless you were legally prohibited or physically unable to, you would never turn down a proper party. So there you were, on a yacht in Ibiza with your best friend and several other people in his entourage. Gio, that little shit, though having promised not to set you up, was elbowing you at a woman the moment she set foot on the yacht. Anyone with eyes would say that she was beautiful; curly hair, plump lips, and soulful eyes you could get lost in.
Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad. It didn’t hurt to try.
You went over to the bar where she stood and ordered a drink. Glancing behind your shoulder, you noticed Gio sending you a big thumbs-up.
“So, you are the one Gio keeps raving on about,” said the woman next to you. Her eyes were really pretty.
“I guess so. That’s me,” you let out a laugh, albeit shakily. “Am I everything you dreamed of and more?”
It was her turn to laugh. “He definitely mentioned your confidence, yes.”
“Well, then I’ll definitely keep you around for sure. But just so you know, I do other things besides kick a football around and look pretty doing it.”
“Oh? Like what?”
“I guess you’ll have to find out for yourself,” you smirked. “I’m Y/N,” you extended a hand.
“Leena,” she took your hand in a firm handshake and raised her drink to you.
You took a sip, and watched her behind the glass, only to notice that she was looking back at you as well. “So, how did you know Gio?”
“I worked with him on a couple of photoshoots. I’m a photographer,” leaning against the bar with her drink, she smiled and pushed a few strands of hair behind her ear. “He was really nervous, said he didn’t like getting his picture taken. Luckily, I used to work with kids and animals back home in Finland, so making a full-grown man laugh for his headshots wasn’t too hard.”
“You’re from Finland?”
“Mmhm. I go back and forth between London and Manchester now, though.”
“Interesting,” you nodded inconspicuously. “I play in Manchester. Nice city.”
Before you knew it, the sun had started to go down, and it was time to drive the yacht back to port. As you all made your way to the exit to disembark, you waited for Leena before offering your hand to help her down the ramp.
Your group was to head into town, and have some dinner before going to a local music festival to finish the night off. It was dark by the time you arrived at the venue, and you wasted no time in immersing yourself in the music. Gio and the others were long forgotten, and you found yourself enjoying your time with Leena much more than you had anticipated.
You told her about your job, and she asked about the World Cup. As much as you hated to talk about it, having declined several interviews and podcast appearances in which mentions of the tournament were inevitable, you told her everything she wanted to know.
She was so attentive and listened, even though you knew she didn’t follow the sport, and for that you were thankful. It has been a while since you talked to someone about how you felt and have them listen so wholeheartedly.
“Do you ever miss home?” You asked once the both of you had taken a break from dancing.
“Sometimes, but right now my wanderlust is bigger than my homesickness. I want to see everything the world has to offer.”
You swirled your martini on the standing table. “I’ve been away from home for so long, I don’t really know where home is anymore.”
“Well, I think home is where you make it.” She lay a hand on your bare arm, caressing it slowly. “If you’ve already made a home at this age, what else is there to do?”
Your eyes trailed along her arm up to her face. Your heart slowed, and the music seemed to have faded in the background. Despite the chaos of the festival, several drunk people dancing next to you, and your friends have already disappeared somewhere, you suddenly had an overwhelming urge to kiss Leena.
But it wasn’t her that you wanted to kiss, not really. You wanted to kiss her because it reminded you of familiar feelings, to have someone in your corner that you didn’t have to pretend to. But of course that was all based on a lie.
As she reached into your martini to pick up the olive pick and held it out for you, you bit down gently on the fruit and let her pull the pick away. You smiled bashfully.
“I’ll go get us some more drinks,” you cleared your throat. “Do you want some fries too?”
You needed to get out of there before you did something you regret and ruin a good thing, again.
The bartender was off once you’d given him your order. Whilst waiting for the drinks, you looked around for familiar faces and spotted Gio and a couple of his friends “dancing” to the music in one corner, clearly quite inebriated.
You turned around and wished that you didn’t. It was Ona, looking at you like you were some sort of alien.
“Ona,” you breathed.
“Hi. What are you doing here?”
“I’m here with friends.” Now would be a good time for those drinks, bartender.
She nodded. “How are you?”
“Fine,” you said too quickly. “Congratulations by the way, on winning.”
“Oh, thanks.”
“You guys deserved it. No matter who’s trying to take it away from you, you did, and you should celebrate it,” you meant it and tried to force a smile that adequately expressed your sentiments. Needless to say, it would be easier to be saying this to one of her teammates, anyone but her.
You remembered the night she broke your heart, the night when you left your heart by the sidewalk as you trekked all the way home on foot.
That was three months ago, and with all the distractions you’ve indulged yourself in, somehow it still ached.
The bartender handed you your drinks just then, and you were off.
“Y/N, wait.” You closed your eyes. “I’m sorry . . . for what I said, how I said it.”
“No, I think you made your point very clear, Ona. Have a good rest of your trip.”
“Y/N, I did feel something too! I did!”
Ona felt like biting her tongue at the look you gave her when you turned around, the two glasses of Negronis dangling in your fingers by your side. She had almost regretted it when your lips trembled, and your chest rose and fell as if an implosion was imminent.
You took a large step towards her and exhaled. “You don’t get to do that. Not after I’ve tried to do everything to forget you. You can’t do that.”
Ona opened her mouth to say something, but she knew anything she said would only add to your fury.
“I hope you’re happy by the way.” You said mockingly. “Seeing that you got what you wanted. Winning the World Cup, moving back to Barcelona. Hope you’re happy. Bye, Ona.”
She watched unmovingly as you walked away from her, back to a table where a woman was waiting, and pulled her towards the crowd to dance. She found herself returning to her group, not being able to get the image of you swaying behind the woman with your arm around her neck out of her mind.
What kind of sick joke was the universe playing to make her see you right when she was supposed to be enjoying her days off? Maybe it was her punishment, having broken your heart then practically fleeing the country immediately after.
“Where’s the drink, Ona? You were supposed to get us some,” Lucy questioned her when she came back.
“Oh, sorry. I thought I saw someone.”
“Oi, is that Y/N? Y/N!”
“No, please don’t.” Ona grabbed Lucy’s arm, and quickly pulled it down.
Realizing Lucy didn’t know about it, she knew she was going to have to tell her one way or another. Surprisingly, Lucy didn’t laugh or tease her about it after hearing the entire story. They were back at their hotel, with another bottle of wine passed between them, and Ona told her new teammate everything.
“You were under our noses the whole time, and we didn’t even realize,” Lucy snickered with a shake of her head.
“Yeah,” the night had taken a toll on her, and Ona started to feel the effect of the alcohol as she lay staring at the ceiling. “Have I made a huge mistake? Letting myself be involved in all this.”
“Obviously, but the heart wants what it wants. Trust me,” the brunette took another sip from the bottle. “It is a hard situation, but she needs space, as much as you can give her so she can heal.”
“Sounds like you’ve been through it before,” Ona smirked and poked her with her elbows.
The older woman only laughed. “Something like that.”
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As hard as it was to accept the truth, Ona had to move on. She didn’t have a lot of time to mope around, however, before she knew it, the season had already begun. Barcelona had always been a place to return to, and the team needed someone who had Barcelona in her DNA to complete the defense.
It was all going swimmingly, too much so even. The season started out slow, but they grabbed the wins when they needed them. Then it was time for the Champions League draw. Barcelona had been drawn into a group with RSC Anderlecht, AS Roma, and Manchester City.
Just her luck. She’d have to see you twice before the year ended. Barcelona would be going to Manchester first.
With her chance encounter with you in Ibiza still fresh on her mind, she joined the queue for warm-up, looking up every once in a while in case she spotted you. When she did, you were standing by the sideline talking animatedly to your other former teammate Keira. She tore her eyes away before you could notice her, and swallowed that uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach.
“Longing for your American girl?” Mapi said with a smirk.
“Shut up,” Ona mumbled, jogging away to do stretches. “I knew Lucy would blab.”
“So Lucy knows? I was just making an educated guess from the way you keep making those sad puppy eyes at her.”
“At who?” Ingrid appeared from behind.
“Y/L/N,” Mapi raised her eyebrows at her girlfriend with a smirk, and Ingrid gasped excitedly.
“Oh my god, Y/N Y/L/N?! You guys would be so cute together!”
“Guys, come on. We have a match to play,” Ona groaned and begrudgingly jogged away. Just before she started her sprints though, she snuck one last glance at you, when you briefly looked back. As if having been burnt just by a look, you quickly said goodbye to Keira and went back to your half to continue warming up.
“Do you think they were already together?” Ingrid whispered at Mapi.
Mapi sighed, “Definitely.”
Ona started that match on the left, as Lucy also started and occupied her usual right side. You were playing on the right this time to allow Lauren Hemp to be on the left wing. It meant there would be none of her usual duels with you.
Ever since Lucy’s slip-up in the World Cup final, Ona knew she had been more cautious in defense and stayed back most of the time. It gave her the opportunity to set up passes deeper whilst also keeping you at bay, the tactic Ona herself used at United and one she knew you absolutely despised.
Sure enough, you stupidly went up against only one of the best fullbacks in the world. Your dribbling and speed were to your advantage, and Lucy—with all her experience and knowledge of your play—easily controlled you at the flanks. So you tried inverting inside, and Lucy followed you too, if not Irene did.
Man City was pressing high, giving the offense plenty of opportunities in the box, but Barcelona was better in defense. It was only when a precise lofted ball was sent past the back line, that Lucy was trailing after you. You went down just outside of the box. As everyone was getting ready for the free kick, you were still on the ground. Your ankle had been stomped on by Irene during the struggle.
Ona quickly jogged over and put her hand over your shoulder, “Y/N, are you okay?”
“Don’t put your hands on me,” you seethed, swatting her hand away, just as the physios came over and sprayed your ankle. Just moments later, you were able to stand up, but you never spared her another glance.
As much as it stung, she clenched her jaw to stop the tears and got ready for the free kick.
Barcelona ended up winning 2-0, a stellar start to their UWCL campaign. While Ona went to shake hands with several players from the opposition, she looked for you, seeing you walk towards the stands. You took pictures and signed for some people, even gave a little kid your shirt, but she saw the way you lit up when talking to someone in the crowd. Upon closer look, it was the woman you were with in Ibiza.
Your smile was blinding as Leena was led down the pitch towards you. “Hi,” you breathed. “I didn’t think you’d come.”
“Of course I did. You gave me tickets, remember?” She brought you in for a hug. “I’m sorry you lost, but it was very entertaining. I took lots of pictures.”
“Of me, I hope?” You smirked.
She rolled her eyes playfully. “Keep dreaming, Y/L/N.”
Smiling slightly, you brought her in for a side hug. “Thank you for coming,” you kissed Leena’s cheek. “Means a lot.”
Ona was watching the entire interaction, fuming on the inside. Lucy and Mapi knew to steer clear of her path once they returned to the dressing room by the glower on her usually affable face.
SportsPro Media: Y/N Y/L/N Seen ‘Smiling’ After Man City Lost to Barcelona in Women’s Champions League Group Stage “Fans have taken to social media to criticize the winger, 21, after she was seen smiling and conversing with fans at the stands after a 2-0 loss to reigning champions Barcelona. The criticism came after several of Y/L/N’s teammates on the USWNT were also condemned for their overt optimism after barely making it out of their group in the Women’s World Cup this summer. Among the critics was former USWNT international Carli Lloyd. Y/L/N was also seen getting more than friendly with her rumored girlfriend, whom the winger was spotted on holiday with in Ibiza alongside U.S. men’s team’s Gio Reyna after a shockingly early World Cup exit. [
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When the second round of the group stage came around, you were much better prepared. Though you were playing away in Barcelona, Man City were preparing to win. You were definitely training to do so, so when the starting XI lineup was posted on the door in the dressing room, you were stunned when your name wasn’t on the list. You had been benched before—it was all part of the game—but only during less important games or for your own recovery, but never during an important game like this.
“Gareth, can I speak to you, please?” You said, gritting your teeth when the gaffer opened the door in his office.
“Of course,” he gestured for you to follow inside. “Take a seat.”
You remained standing. “Why am I not starting for the Barcelona game?”
“I’m doing what I think will be best for the team, Y/N.”
“By benching me? You need me!”
“Easy, Y/L/N. No one is above the club, and I don’t appreciate your tone,” Gareth’s tone was despicably calm, yet no less menacing.
You took a deep breath to compose yourself. “I want to know why, in an important game such as this one.”
“It seems . . . that you might have a personal reason as to why you want to start this game, but I have to rotate the squad and—”
“Wait, wait, wait. What do you mean? What personal reason?”
Gareth sighed. “I’ve been informed that you’ve had a personal relationship with one of Barcelona’s players that didn’t end too well.”
“So? What does that have to do with anything?” You all but yelled.
“I’m making a decision that I deem best for the club, and you and every other player will listen because I am in charge!” Gareth had never yelled, not like this. It made you flinch. “I will not have my players’ private life bleed into the performance of the team. Now, you can either support my decision or I will have you removed from the squad traveling to Barcelona, and replace you with someone else who will put the team above their own interest.”
Your mouth is sewn shut, just by the sheer shock at what the manager had just said. You stormed out of his office without another word, slamming the door open to mask what you were truly feeling inside. It wasn’t fury—you were beyond that—it has turned into fear of being replaced; fear of being left behind.
Man City drew that match, and it was just enough to send the team to the quarterfinals, having done it entirely without you. Gareth had made up a bullshit excuse to the press to make you stay home.
Your agent, Toni, was much more furious for you, saying what he did breach the contract you signed and that you should be taking action. In the five years they have been your agent, you have never had to endure that much legal talk over a club issue before. You’d be amused at their passionate rambling if you weren’t already nursing a headache.
“I think you should leave, Y/N,” they finally said after getting off the phone.
“What?” You furrowed your eyebrows. “But where would I even go? I don’t have any offers yet.”
“You will, once the news comes out that you’re looking to leave the club. You only have one year left on your contract anyway, plenty would seek to employ you.”
You had been through this before. The waiting after letting it be known that you wanted to leave was the worst, but you weren’t just a nobody anymore. You were Y/N Y/L/N, and you would have it your way one way or another.
“Alright, then.” You nodded firmly. “Let’s have a talk with Gareth. I’m not gonna scurry out of this club like a rat.”
Goal.com: Y/N Y/L/N Looking for Man City Exit After Tension With Boss Gareth Taylor “Sources within Man City are saying the American winger could be on her way out of Manchester this summer. The player has reportedly ‘fallen out of favor’ with City gaffer Gareth Taylor after ‘expressing her vexation over lack of playing time’. The 22-year-old was left out of the squad traveling to Barcelona for the 4th group stage match of the Women’s Champions League altogether and has since featured in significantly fewer matches for the Citizens. Several European clubs are reportedly keen to sign Y/L/N, but she could also be making a return to the NWSL for what could be a record signing in the women’s game yet. [
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Though you were scared, it was much easier to let go of a burden that you have been carrying around for so long.
Which was why you had agreed to come to a concert with Leena when she had asked you. You would let yourself have fun and connect with someone without being scared anymore because what Ona did to you had nothing with who you were, and you sure as hell weren’t going to pay the price for it.
Needless to say, you and Leena had a great time. You were been walking back to your car in the parking lot when you saw a flash. You sighed and walked Leena towards the passenger side.
“Get in the car. Don’t come out, okay?” You told her with a smile, which was quickly wiped off once you saw the photographers approaching.
“Y/N, are you leaving City? Where do you think you’re going next?”
“Did you have a fight with Gareth?”
“Y/N, are you going to Barcelona?”
You entered the car with an exasperated sigh. Your breathing became heavy as you attempted to start the car, and your hand started to tremble.
“Hey, it’s okay,” Leena spoke softly. “Don’t let them get to you.”
She placed a hand over yours and squeezed it softly. Finding her eyes, you nodded gratefully, and drove away, trying your very best not to run those imbeciles over.
You went back to her apartment where you both ordered some takeout. Over a movie, you talked about anything and everything.
It was like that with Leena. Somehow, she has made you feel okay with pouring your entire heart out in front of her, her caring eyes and encouraging silence taking away your doubts about looking like an emotional fool in front of her.
But the moment you saw her eyes dart back and forth between yours, then down to your lips and leaned in, you froze. You wanted this, only because it would be good for you, but you couldn’t do it.
“I’m sorry, Leena. I-I—” Jumping out of the couch, you stuttered like a broken record. Of course, she would have read it like that, you couldn’t blame her. You didn’t quite know what you wanted, but all you could think about was how different it was to kiss Leena than it was to kiss Ona.
“I’m sorry. I can’t do this, I’m sorry.”
She didn’t try to stop you. In fact, she didn’t say anything at all. She might as well have been just as shell-shocked as you were by your reaction. You bolted out of there as quickly as you can, like a coward.
Unsurprisingly, Leena hasn’t tried to contact you. You couldn’t blame her, you’d be pissed at yourself too. It seemed everyone was pissed at you these days.
Chloe approached you once in the weight room to ask if you were leaving. You could only offer her an apology, but she brought you in for a hug. You would miss her the most.
Meanwhile, Toni was working tirelessly on your next move, and all you could do was train and be the best footballer you could be while you waited. Even if Gareth didn’t deserve your effort, your teammates did, and you owed it to them to give it your all until the day you left the training ground for the last time.
There was only one destination you had in mind, but going there would mean having to confront your serial one-night stand that you were possibly in love with, who also didn’t share your feelings.
You couldn’t let that deter you from ascending the football hierarchy, though. You couldn’t, and you won’t. You would do it one way or another because it was where you deserved to be. You would show Gareth that he was wrong about you.
“I can’t believe you’re going to Lyon! That’s crazy, Y/N!” Gio said over the phone. He was the first person you told and was ecstatic when you did.
“They still haven’t sent anything official yet, but it’s looking like it, yeah.”
“Well, what happened to the Barcelona deal?”
“My agent was flipping out when I said no, but then this deal came two days later and now they’re flipping out again but for a good reason.”
“That’s awesome, dude! I’m happy for you!”
“I don’t know, I just—I feel like I’m not there yet or something. Lyon wants me, but they’re freakin’ Lyon!”
“Hey, I know all about imposter syndrome, alright? But you can’t let that keep you from playing at one of the best clubs in the world.”
“Don’t let Dortmund hear you say that,” you smirked.
“Eh, we know where we are. That’s why we sold Erling and Jude,” Gio spoke. “Point is, they want you. They clearly see how good of a player you are. So get your ass over to France and show them that!”
“Yeah,” you nodded. “You’re right.”
“Alright, gotta go. But hey, let’s go for a drink next time you’re in town. Hopefully, by then, you’re a Lyon player.”
You ended the call and got up to go take a shower. Just before you went to the bathroom, though, your phone rang again.
Grinning, you picked up again, “Look, if you’re telling me you’re gonna set me up again, I swear to god, Gio.”
But you didn’t hear Gio’s voice or teasing laugh. Instead, there was a shaky sniffle on the other side.
You checked the caller ID, and it was an unknown number. From Barcelona.
“Hello?” You said, unsure.
“Hey, Y/N. I just . . . just needed to hear your voice.”
You sighed because you knew exactly who it was. You had etched the cadence and tone of her voice into your memories during the many nights you’ve spent together.
“It’s Ona, by the way.”
“I know,” you nodded. You didn’t quite know how else to carry on this conversation. “I heard Barcelona’s beautiful this time of year.”
“Yeah, it is,” she said, sniffling again. “You should see the beach at sunset. It’s great. I go and sit there almost every night.”
“Are you drunk, Ona?”
“No, no. Maybe a little bit. Just a little bit though. I had two glasses of wine. Or else I wouldn’t have the courage to be doing this. Just like I didn’t have the courage to tell you that I had feelings for you too. Have, I still do.”
You closed your eyes and shut off the water. Then she said it again, “I have feelings for you, Y/N. I think about you all the time. And I know you might be with someone now, but I just can’t . . .”
She started crying again. “I can’t go on without telling you anymore.”
“This is incredibly selfish, what you’re doing, Ona.” You were close to tears too, hearing how much this hurt her.
“I know. I’m sorry I fucked it all up. I’m sorry for hurting you. If I could take back everything I said, I would. I’m so, so sorry.”
You took a deep breath and sat back down on your bed. “I forgive you.”
“Yeah. I was selfish too,” you said quietly. “You should go to sleep. You have a Champions League final to play tomorrow.”
You ended the call before you or she could say anything else.
“Shit,” you mumbled and threw yourself back onto the bed. This was exactly why you had to say no to Barcelona, even though it was your dream to play for them. Alas, it started to feel like a mistake.
You dialed Toni. “Hey, um, please don’t kill me for asking this, but could you reach back out to Barcelona and tell them I’m very interested?”
“I knew you’d pull some shit like this so I’ve stalled them. They don’t know we’re negotiating with Lyon, and would probably be fine with setting up a call soon. It’d be a headache to handle Lyon, though.”
“That’s why you’re the best agent in the world, right?” You smiled sheepishly.
“We’ll see, Y/N. We’ve got some leverage for now, but it’s not guaranteed that Barça won’t say no.”
“Thank you, Toni!” You hung up the phone.
ESPN: Barcelona Completes Signing of Y/N Y/L/N from Manchester City on World Record Transfer Fee “Manchester City W.F.C. has agreed to sell USWNT winger Y/N Y/L/N to Barcelona on a £485,000 record fee. This transfer surpasses Keira Walsh’s own move to Barcelona from the Sky Blues in 2022 with a fee of around £400,000. The signing of the summer was finally completed after several clubs have been reported to enter the race. Olympique Lyon was also close to acquiring the 22-year-old’s signature, but the deal broke down in late June when the player repeatedly expressed her interest in joining the Catalan giants. A technically gifted forward, Y/L/N can play on either side as a winger, and occasionally as an attacking midfielder for the national team. Her impending arrival at La Blaugrana would provide a boost in attacking power to an already impressive Barcelona side. [
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“Jesus, you look like someone murdered your mother or something. Liven up, please.” Mapi smacked her Ona on the shoulder.
“I’m just a little nervous to see her again,” the younger girl muttered, fiddling with her fingers.
She could hear voices outside the dressing room getting closer. At the sound of your voice, her ears trained. She remained facing her locker, trying to occupy herself until you came in. She really felt like throwing up.
You greeted Aitana first with a quick hug, Marta too, then Lucy brought you in for a spin and released you for Keira to go in for the hug.
You said hello to Mapi and Ingrid, both of whom hugged you tightly.
Then you were in front of her. She had expected you to not even look at her, after what she had said over the phone. But you smiled a genuine smile, the one you used to give her whenever the world was a little too hard to bear.
Ona remembered everything. From the sheer hatred and resentment to the lust and sleepless nights under the sheets, to the longing and heartache she endured away from you.
“Welcome,” she whispered quietly, afraid you might not reciprocate her greeting.
Instead, you pulled her into you and held her tightly.
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a/n: i’ve decided to add some lore for our y/n, lmk if you like it, if you don’t like it, if you think it’s too long and you just wanna get straight to the smooching :)) there’s more to come but now the stakes đŸ˜Œâ˜ïž are higher now that we have some info on what makes y/n ticks. i’m going back to college this week so updates might come later but yeah pls let me know what you think!!
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darlin-collins · 1 year
whose fainting?
shaw pack
David: unexpected but my man is going DOWN right at the end,nursers had escorted his ass out because they ain't got no space for 6'9 man to faint in the room,he doesn't like to talk about it
Asher: had to leave for a few minutes otherwise he will faint but held on good 👍 rubs in David's face whenever possible
Milo: actually didn't and stayed the whole time, sweetheart is so proud ,they bring it up whenever giving birth is mentioned in conversation 10/10 would recommend
solaire clan
Vincent: almost did! holding his breath so hard the doctors had to physically shake him and tell him to breathe ,cried so hard too you'd think he's the one that gave birth
Sam: man was probably side by side with the doctor helping him,if not ,my dude is right beside you telling nursers n healers left n right while reassuring you and holding your hand, either way,he👏is👏 not 👏fainting 👏
Porter (I know he still ain't here but let me have this): oh he going down ,he is crying, heaving, sobbing EVERYTHING,then he will faint half way through, won't wake up until after you're done too, pathetic,would not recommend DO NOT TAKE HIM WITH U HE WILL JUST MAKE IT HARDER ON EVERYBODY
Fred:byeee byeeee he would fall just like he did in wonderworld-
Gavin: won't faint,will actually be so calm, reassuring and supporting ,it made everything go easier 200/10 take him along
Damien: he knows what's happening,he knows what's going up ,he knows what's going down,and he's going down with it I tell you,he just,like Vincent,held his breath too long that he fainted, unlike Vincent,he wasn't crying,he was very calm on the outside,so no one noticed that his breath stopped until he let it out and went out beside it , take him but be careful of his breathing
Huxley :he would cry ,he would cry so hard,but not faint,you need him by your side,he can't just faint and leave,take him if you don't mind crying
lasko: bro would faint on the ride to the hospital,do not take him
avior: would Dance on the dridge of unconsciousness but snap out of it for you,take him with u bc he be very reassuring
vega: *side eyeing u so hard* this is your choice?? he won't faint if that's what u want,but he won't do nothing other then stare at u
cam: would need a moment but other then that ,take him and be assured that you won't regret it
brachuim: bro has seen death ,you really think he would faint?? no you wouldn't,but he did anyway
project meridian
James:grab him and take him with you 10/10 won't faint and will reassure you every step of the way
Anton: he will not faint but he will cry so hard so please be prepared for tears and sobbes with your soft supportive words ,do take with you though it's anton we all love Anton
Marcus: he Will probably leave you on read if you tell him( both irl and if you call/text him)
Aaron:bye bye bitch he is gone halfway through
Elliot: surprisingly held up the whole way
Ivan: out like a light the moment the child start showing
Blake: bro is in some kind of cult where they kidnapped literal demons, giving birth ain't shit
goerdi:he was here and he was gone
hush: he's seen "scarier" shit , would probably ask you dump questions till you kick him out
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elesketchii · 1 year
im the marston family enjoyer anon, and i would loooove to read all of your hcs about them!! (so,, whenever you've got the time 👍)
shaking them around inmy head okok. misc marston family hcs slash shenanigans slash character studies?sort of?? because they occupy so much space in my brain
- occasionally, jack will read one of his many adventure novels aloud to his parents. on a stormy night they might sit in front of the lit chimney, as jack dramatically reenacts the tales from his books. it’s in moments like these where they feel like a normal family, all their worries and past traumas washed away
- jack has always liked playing with his mother’s hair, braiding and decorating it with pretty flowers he’d pick especially for her. one day, though, he asks his father if he could try braiding his hair instead. at first john was hesitant, but he ended up giving in because he knew he’d been kindof a deadbeat to his soon for the past 4 years, and he wanted to make amends with him more than anything.
jack soon found that his fathers hair would be tricky to work with, though
compared to abigail’s softer curls, john’s hair was thinner and greasier..(this loser is afraid of water he does Not shower god bless) safe to say jack’s attempt at giving his father a little makeover was unsuccessful. he did, however, give john a flower crown, which he ended up tying around his hatband
- abigail is the big spoon. john would rather die than admit to anyone that he’s a little spoon and abi teases him for it all the time.
- jack loves writing little stories and acting them out with his parents using props and shitty homemade costumes. hes been a theatre kid since before he’d even been to a theatre in person. despite mostly being interested in writing novels, he finds screenwriting an intriguing profession as well, and definitely considered it as a possible future career
- john has had this habit of putting on a tough, manly persona ever since he was little, mostly because that’s the version of him that dutch always wanted to see. when he met abigail, though, something within him shifted. suddenly he can’t keep this act up very easily anymore. he hates admitting it but he feels very vulnerable around abigail, and he absolutely detests himself for that. i like to think it’s why he acted so hostile towards her and jack in the first few chapters of rdr2.
after they leave the gang, though, he realizes that he doesn’t have to put up this act anymore. slowly but surely, he becomes more open with abigail, which came as a surprise to her, not that she complained much. she likes that softer side of him much more, but she knows if she tells him that he won’t take it lightly. she prefers to show him through smaller gestures, though part of her thinks he might be too stupid to get the message that way lol
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