#I shall give you one hundred kisses on thy brow
jabesa0 · 1 year
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A Demon with a Passion 4 Fashion🛍️💫
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libidomechanica · 1 year
Untitled Composition # 10393
A Meredith sonnet sequence
The sacred ring what rang with thee, Cogniac!   No skill the fair hands and where the third is   neither throat. Was Juan,—who, an awkward she can seuer. That of the involuntary powers conspire, and drop at will not   enjoy. So that to shines so in spite of   deare delight. Summer’s day will notice as steel? To favour sought not perforce me liue and rough. The crew with her hart. If thou in   this dubious sign proclaim’d her not   dissolu’d through all or parch her face. You of the book to mind. Whose lofty lookes delight; dreaming heart gazing upon a hill,   so brimmed with his victory. They meane degrees   prepare a face with stirrup, saddle-bow; if thou hear’st me thus beseech thee, Cogniac!
So he says, Tis so: ’ they are pale; young Frank   is chief flower was interrupted by   a simple pin—they will for because the world encompass, and striking? Moons changing diamonds should have been bound the hart, a pretty   price must harbour of the dead, and long   in her flash’d that they talked, above the race is slight substance. Ne any the first relicks to be discharged of the tidal dark,   and in anger not the moment before   her hart-thrilling my key to true calm. By the vain kind which are not in darkned be. Paying what rang with the dusky parts his   tenants pass’d away too fast; his snout digs   sepulchres where lay sweet hue, which would praise deserts scorch the fierce triumphant, and me.
Had pressure, and fro with shame. And here was   not last receives. What is mine; this fathers   rose to blast their tongue cannot love, ’ quoth Adon, you crush me; let no thoughts bedecked her, one not learned ladies,—who but satiated   at length to helpe his breath, or lend your   hair. Were dabbled with a grove, and like awe, that theirs, made a hundred dollars for Jock of Hazeldean. Brow’s repine; where the should   I haste she goes who had given away   her thorns, nor stain thy beauty dead, black and unruly beast: and they burr, burr, burr, burr, burr—now Johnny well, yet from paradise;   and being cold, dull and vnto me she stroke   of two oaths’ breath goes, and so these, a lady friendly sighs are taxes on our knees.
Now I am waiting till you when ye   behold two Adons dead! And here I give   the cared the hermit’s carnal ecstasy, till human power to smell, and once and quench’d heart shall tell ye how smooth than nominal,   and retossed, aloft, where they should   be very instructing, desolate, doth bring, ere Cuckow end, let her, both court and seen in safety to the roofs, and hearken   if his friends begun, end with this chaunges   to be moved by the praetor bent, nor brag not of so sweetest son, and nuzzling makes me like arrowes, which you to an oak,   where your face at the fair unhappy maid,   while thy selfe and dying smart. Yet, hadst hear two women; they view’d each other flocked tight.
Words; and kisses, thief that smiles with a golden   tresses gloomed athwart the outside   of her wayes this one on shore of loues immortal hand she hears, which said, our only these blessings which seemed about: Noli me   tangere, for the presently beat. Then they   should move each passion more sent to clutch for a brook a wordless children still; sweet dream change the playne will say tis very word again!   The rock, and left Thee Living and therefore   O loue, that things—for I flattering in ischskin, ’ ousckin, ’ iffskchy, ’ ouski: of whom we shall turne to the same against my   selfe and friendly sigh for his lips shall the   next brooke. To eye those sweet, as if they will, seemd the light slept on the stars were affied.
A thousand double shows when you know despair   was Hero, with tempest of all within   the spoil, with flashing in the hears the powre of loue, while to all nymphs pursue him was such foul flaws to hear a little ear’s   deep joy to London now! The while repenting,   and Juan interposing one’s own Heart’s lead, melt a harder heauenly matter is his trouble young girls are performed, the Rhodian   state, was it not white? See! Of unknown,   and heaving built with pleasure suffered you go. Within her louely fyre, whome throng, this never; tis much more praise of a child but   inside my force she spoke, and all the world’s   tide is bestow their grief; all enter, healthy Sestos here who on Love’s golden bee.
As ever sheath’d him in the kindlier days,   and now should, welcome, but to prove, as   hopelessly was so lucky place, and vnto heauen or her said One who ne’er could aught renews; these force, his will may will ne’er had heard your   heart. Did sacrifize vnto your moderns equals   he sullen, still would scarce a soul that’s the lightened up my head. And, being lost all his tale, as if the pressed be by him   amearst without a soundly sleep. Thing but   my rude work of glory’s van. Right I came, and to their hearts again-her arm lifted, eyes on fire: sits mourning weeds. ’Er each severance   ruled! At apparitions, signs, and   upstaring fault I am but a deare exylde longwhile alone can explain it.
Soul and therefore, since for other laws: a   kind of granting, ponders over the Border,   to bed. Of hardest steep our hearts of telegraph they found no fault cleanly out; theyr wanton talk attended horse than she   can no horsemanship of nature stood, tied   to make the wind, its pillar, not alone; the change in thine own begin? Own dark garden night, though tame. Till she lies my business   is call’d him in some shape suggestion which   now his loue: in which the Soul that’s the queen o’ womankind, and cannot lyfe sustayne, and hasten now apace: the strooken, await   the world’s art for each other’s arms, which   men will not blind his worlds pride bow to a bounch of Counsel—whereby much greater moan.
And look and hauing pine and always is   complexion seek, and pensive tendance in this   parent is love made at lengthen out thee, drop heavily down,—burst, and kisses in the distance made thee, that aim and his natiue   place. That paint a siege, whereon she was, and   all kinds of benevolent machines, my loue pined hand and with that may farre in vain she stare he red for a hero lies beneath   their day; the tincture of vermilion:   and the length dissolved to die, old Susan moans, poor Susan’s life he sought in vain of gold: and warring nature’s error, as to   look in it. And now all delight in such   art as truth’s annoy to new desire keep a chronicle with pompous roialty.
Sits upright, still hanging like diamonds in   water white ponies, can go gallop on   force, though long; all ages, though Wilberforce swayed to her frowne me drawes, her to be seen. Drawn in Russian vessel drove before   they look’d into all, but death deadlier   engineer’s steed and polished by some sweet embracing bushes, a moment at this worlds gladnesse: seeds springs. The ground; if Yuorie,   her wrath renew her nose, he gains his   causeless, or fourth wife, or victim: all the tree of my hair for love their tide, being put to love to rise. She look’d on as if   in prepared of seeming nothing wind and   cleaves cover; I knew the envenomed dart, and found to herself too much it grieves.
And when cloudy looks again with Betty   o’er a waste it selfe nor other the gilded   monsters only by her said One who loved blood; if not worth a copse that awful kind—I have known them their naval matter:   we were strapped its applause. Or at the impress’d,   they him with one full many a dropping that Angels blessed above. Where is, too, many ages, for, nor in nothing the   foremost o’ them all, which the wound, and, for   love my military tower heauenly fyre, the gentle queen of love, ’—thus chain’d, each in taking no fair to lose, he strive   infection know; nor port they lie upon her   tolerant enchanted slope in the middle of the blushing roll’d on, ducks as quick!
Last I woke sane, but well-nigh close awayt   to catch her thirling car from Latmus’ mount   to half of that? Themselves without sometimes seizes warriors of thy lore to add yet to nestled in the first relief! A minute   past, and use good blackouts, do you know   a moment—and all her worth him is bearing sun; for much debate; but knowing worse and golden bee. Had held it out; and all   things and all the rest by cool Eurotas   they been cut, and many seeing the hum of lonely every limb, and set the victuall’d and burden would vouchsafe my plaint to   half of that paint a siege, wherein she stops   his horse, among the siege to raise, as well, for vice is always signs to tenderness.
By this, poor things immortal butcher in   this said, I have known the hour or more to   favour and glory might bring a desire, with cloudes is summoned to Cupid. For Jock of wedding cake and never things;   so Stellaes ioyful face, some boy would the   sapphire visaged good zecchini, but hauing pine, and I dived in a hoard of mortal fingers tying my key to true   calm. And in her mangling. Cried Betty put   his daring to me. From th’enameled sky all her prayses yet be chaste. Now Johnny to the eyes to seize love of you and   sharp, on which I haue lackt the capital,   after the first defynd: and euery minute seemed, as if a magic cured. The year.
Wind slow, glazed o’er Longman and Johnny’s near,   quoth Betty Foy? Where when this planet point   his sinewy neck in turn; and those on what of multitudinous is so fair and spotlesse pleasure and red, and people   passions, frantic, I shall the moon decks herself   and now no more; the beauties grace. ’ Heaven’s Zone glisters echoed frosty Caucasus; ’ but not drink, lest any tyrant, have   lost i’ th’ flower as May never   do him harm. Chase; I could be, as soon as her use, and swelling-place, not vsde to fright. In heaping up her breath forth to rest that   thrives: save wed along the which her mould   celestiall hew, made attonce too short, this white hair of grace; which some promoted couple.
Very fine; which I should sit for men’s reverend   fathers smile; then the pavement with kissing   brest. Thou hadst hear that deare foe, and scoff at human filth that with the loved rashly led astray? The real world so great is not   decreed. Oaths of azure palace and began   to gather’d up, in shade to blackened ear. And Lilia There are mystic books, with one blights not it at all. And lament   remained, that you’ve heard, what duty to fulfil   yourself, and the Dolphin when thou find none other worshipp’d be; and when I feele the springs to stir in. Specks of chain   mail one by one. And all the ocean black.   That were when cloudy and fair peace, but having no defect; their violently descried.
From sin, may like one that most irksom night;   there was controlled, but sometimes thousands of   benevolent machines. The broad ambrosiall meat, and former vows, your so happy in my mouth to keep her eyes are fired;   love was then be neuter and o’er and hauing   hare, or at them the shore; known but talk of college, only longed to see how in his back, his breast; thou art the stalk, and dreads his   passed the mere sense by nature or their years.   A vast, unless it be a boar, not alone. Its slender bit Beauty may they knew the bed she and, as his mother watch’d, she   gazed upon each endearment shapeless as   he his public wealthy coof, tho’ I mysel’ hae plenty, making my loue cherish.
I mis, all careless life in thee is slain.   Then followed to mar the town, or she tune   those discourse of kynd. In great her down—will clear away the mellow, when in hand here was not soundly sleeps well as any mill,   or wrap about you might help a little   think’st thou wondered at their hollow as the bed, susan, I’d gladly youth, forgive, if I forgot—gentle breast; thou art dead;   and wild, even heroes—and such poore captyued   heretofore: in his waistcoat, and canst prevail again. Fainting the moon’s in her pale, i’ll be in sport—of that he finds   mistaken; few are slow in slaying him, who   if living worse than for theirs whose names at Moscow, into rhyme; yet their layes. Oh me!
One full lips, and not much to praise him up   and, like to entertayne, and their dress was   but changed it, I do not know the very soul believing lover, bronze and rave, and, being stream that in silence, they saw, but   each drop they should be lynched in the ocean,   though it in a mighty king, that leaders of random sweet warriors of the evening, ear’s deep-sunken eyes, and quench’d heart; to love   at all, came lovely boy that nursed of hollow   sea’s, mourns for this great; if stars go waltzing out of time, confusion, and all kinds of whom we can it beat, the lassie o’   my heauen vpon your arms, o, gie me thus, my   Katie! The Powers which she wished he lay beneath the silent shore awaits at last.
They sought so heauenly beauty doe behold.   But there were joined. Knocks at my call; my chosen   few with Love to keep it; being slant in a wondrous excell’d, grew kinder, and wat’ry star when truly not let it lay   the seat of the bent, and from the eye alone?   Burn the flings, all deep enraged, his pony now doth scratch’d down thrall, that soon he rose his choice the dark, cracking vestals and Wills   and swallow Venus’ eye; whose nun you are   as straight from Venus’ altar, to you, and beauty dwelt. The devil now no more,—her face wherein she stars asham’d of day, for   ever,—would it happen’d the Cyclades. And   now his brow’s repine; but the vessel of the wooing: melodious dismal knell!
Had she not be, seeing thus, her links of   deare foe, and listens, but we, unworthy   thou hast made my Lady think I have wrong done but hard hoof he would say, This fair subject of thee thy crew. And pray, and make   immortal things; she take except me as he:   for yet she complexion shone great white with all frosen cold: but overwrought with languish too, no matter; we should have been near.   A bitter is than their first in that day   would be—a lioness, to the chin, and thus he cheered: O Rhodian crew, the lovely caves, as scorning wish to appears a heavy   head lolled brow and deck thee wronged its little   time. Moved by men of more wound and obstinate, and though the blow; and communion!
Rustle the rest on its shelly cave with   venture that neuer thoughts the other this   fashion I have spoke of midnight so bothers to breathing-while I kiss Anthea’s breasts. Stella, which adorned, he read: come down the   arm, the morning came, some love one, what poor   old Susan groans I never shall statue- like, her body shaded with all which thou unask’d shalt not reaped there was a maid whom   heaven is Cupid’s myrtle was resembling,   he went, as tedious, wooes th’ authority. Her nipple learned nature does natural order of our set, five   other Sestos every friends me now. For   his horn: anon she liked it and Johnny do, I pray you not heare, may scarse be gone!
He with sencelesse bloud defylde, by   Fenelon, by Luther, and forlorn. Or a   strong, he with smiles, these Angels heuenly with the prison’d in thee for one somewhat green which Neptune’s glass and pondering the   field, to see you hardly spared amends forth   her three, I feel my flames augmented manifold. When separate: the soprano might head, at night, let her, being spright, the shiny   beames darkness lie beneath it strange   goddess held and in her feet: an uniform. The head with another was already, known a crib. Although he never told;   while Pasimond a lawless bargains may   I by no means my wearied mind, let it suffice, but Fortune came in her excell.
Itself, but she holding up herself her   own back to me. Sorrow through a wave, walk’d   in a yeelded praise if a magic powers above abasement shews, his glance doth show, is to a woman bred: her loathsome   limb and other was nine, whose lighteth   on his shirt, was drown’d, then can moue her? Their anchor under and by a flea; and the Lily-white Boy is a pond of yielding   ransackt hearts and mild the same; whether in   this of graves, and all presaging a most luminous, gemlike, ghostly woodpecker, hid in the Danube’s bordered brain, full   of powerful god of amorous   Leander on her shall have he did lay, he burnt, whose her leaves an index to a ball!
Hot, faint, and my tunelesse bower: wils   him awake, and the very prepare you   care to prove, and made to sit upon his dark when she was once romantic, and at her: to cast toward things to pearl t’adorn it   glistered the power seemed the frontiers   he vse all beasts with her that seemed to such a crime. It seem’d absent still; beauty and long lacked it. That Lost with Tears! Dance on the   maiden Aunt. Then love, than when thou art all   desolate, and kings who laid about to be perchance that I am forsworn, to me resign their naval cells, and Famine,   with a boy of saintliness was but late   in the rest: some dainties, she traine. More white Muse-brows. To that thou live a thousand wrecks?
And, as she past melts mist-like into her   knew what is become of your cruelty.   Is it they talked and that broke. So Ladie now to you, the cocks did crave; but ne’ertheless I hope to scale the fox which wander   carefully everywhere low voices of the   Ages, and the bridal house, its patterns on a boggy walk, he flitted to sink, but we allowed Cupid’s bow she seeks to   menage loathsome carries with avarice.   No eies be Saphyres plaine, what follow me, then why not a thousand wreath, I tie the sovereign thing were, sits upright on earth   I cry for still. Which now there other could   trust in her bed, and gaping o’er her naked is, and fading and cry, my meaning.
Most happy date bids them slay, breaketh from   your fortune even in the slender was   all Enough—we two will bring a peal to shake hands and be blest; foreknowing Hermes prior to cross the curious cooks,   your imprimatur’ will you leave her lips   be Rubies foundation of the house, without audience, and beauty treble; and if you would an hour come to lead your hands:   but base: base in respecting, the loss alone,   is swifter the porch with, God forbid! Begin and go, and lonely than all roses nobody, not even the Flame that,   passing streight with his rein, and rymes, seeke   her goodly light; a thousand men, who loved music swims back to tell. An uniform.
To Venus, but his proud sights, that true heart   that treasure: weightless as amber, ancient   hand, and seems still at the acacias, and I’ll awa to Nanie, O. That it did, as a storm sometime true news, sometime false alarm;   and then run out and to lack her joy.   ’Mang moors an’ mosses many, and hauing her owne mysery: but suddenly repenting, he on him thence a half-consent involved   in sweet with sorrowes of my purest   part: with meeke humility, loue is lyke to a mortal worlds glorie is but drag her down and less night into treat the large   dark she lay beside that northern shore and   scorne base thong from the sky and then my ioy wil be thine own bent; I cannot endite.
And, as he sprains a blessings whereof the   world is shortly he had he not dealt with   dearth, before her form, with which her cheeks, she shouldst hunt the middle gardens standing at the table of pirate crew, who came wonder   although the room, and scornfully, and   haggard with Sisyphus he sport: the sail that the winged affected? That will not sleeps alone; she fort, and sees a great black and   unto Colchos borne: her worth! Then say, shall   I know of a novel word in my youth, forbear to touch even her kind. Which many a sound she just’-save change in the moment   to find the sway of writing with my   desk turns what was wont to see em, but none maybe with flashes o’er you cannot guess.
’ Few they both do stand, threatening her fears and   to hear nor see, ye shall roll before, if   you’d express my griefe with such a guide. More; they once believe in it and being she. And now his words so wise as birth required,   for as you will, they can be got a   traveller bold, then loosing one, thoughts would condescends upon them smyle: the seasons’ quality; nor can Juno sweetly on   his mind is hush’d before was not harms distinct   in individual beauty grown, a judge of the many Lilias—played the motion and sire; subject that beauty.   To see him—for he hasty hand with   a widening sight, they took its stations; and me. Him by the bayonet these twain.
That in each more reflect; three fireships   lost or slay the golden pomp is come; for   all my heart with one convulsive ground was strook. For our guide, let Heaven, star after where their full brightnesse whylest I be condemned   be of use, politics; they bid thee   it is the sniffer. I could not keep, release, where I something so mock-solemn, protection; and yet on tiptoe seemes to   be discharged with which she essayed, with burning   on his instrument, which is the act is tempests sad assay, the wears, by strength, but a girl—ah fool, confirmed and wat’ry   star when yawning dragons draw her treason,   for sharply he did for the new yeares ioy forth with her height, as dearer, better!
Stuttering dart. She is no need. An image   dull and straight he were when there to get   her, being put to use more sentimental woodland reels athwart the horse, and brake off his Camel side by side, full-summed in   mine eyes, wont to grow unto her coming,   and brow. Imperious supreme delight is spent, the more than nominal, and all the women use, or thirst force should say: But   how it might be better be appeare, and   eke his face the moon that, and chaunges to be Italians, and the stars asham’d of dark. And all amaz’d at apparitions,   and then the recognition. Trust to me.   And leaves a shining soul on me at last forever; thy baited hooks shall you why.
That sat in that inward buckram, little   urn. Then hey, for a lass wi’ the webbing   in respects, yet neuer shall grow too close in her arms are compare, not vsde to friends his planet cleare, not gross painting mynd: though   she runs apace; leaves out common one, and   mantleth most assured doth her of chromatical. Black, as erst to appease, why did theyr shewes but was a Romagnole,   but now I my meaning of a tree, by   Sences privileged alone like a travelling frowns to kindle thinks his plays an encore. And that which never can fynd: the white;   nor why the loose your own, because, which I   doe both hart robbing sea, in distresse, but left her charms, o, gie me thus, my Katie!
Or giue leaue me in nights she the present   as they rode upon their delight the lectures   determined to obtain. A vast, untill’d, and make their banner, so sweetly on his hand; this were once had greater meede at   length awakening, Iphigene I claim   the works of narration, we know her so good, thoughts not in darkned be. Like to her brest lyke lillyes, ere that it did, as a   snowball which sought; and takes him stung their spirit   close in her name and ways he served, than he to heaven, nor the cause from a furnace, you never done, what wont on your glasses   whereof when the March of old Sir Ralph’s   at Ascalon: a good heart is true; as spotlesse to moue, without theirs, made his love.
Over the doctor from his mouth is clay.   ’Er the town, and Morning both together   care, nor long he lies a bed in passion from their light I have sworn deep drenched in mists at last to fold, birds such lovely cave with   full deuyse. Who would best become a tree. And   dreads the closed with his victors to the church, and o’er has told the brinks of dewtie, t’ accuse me—Me—the presented a fine boy.   Ran upon his still severely wielding,   he on the patch. And that on the guide: that death the waves he scuds far off from a farther rough. And that blows, and hope this to me.   Against annoy, our chief cities free, do   easily know. Glowing variously lament remaines but she could be at!
Her voice to innocence betwixt the window-   panes; the room the inner weight comfort   Johnny well, nor even Despair and half- wise; susan, we must be so beings to persuade him to a rocky shore. And gins   to fear of sad miscalculation about   a tree. And hearkens for the town, to bring the pomp of powerful god of fight. And hear behind. Also our hero’s grave.   Told a tale, and gaze into spasmatic   ecstasy, till without the voice with his braunches rough sweet is the should I begin? Will rayse. On all sides doubts are alone, to   punished her face where kingly Neptune, and   round about him dight for Day ne’er a ane to the barbarous laws; these fruits do flow.
Great joy to sorrow, and Happiness most   pretious they reach’d a spot their great bulletins   of sheaves afternoon and death to pacify: but command the gentle, but died unkind, and those which gaze too bold, his very   beast, doth friese within a mile, no hand   that blow softly said, were I the saddle him whom she lock—and never will ne’er before hath a battle keen’—but aye she loves   and then giue leaue like a king perplex to   find him in a dreadful prophecies; so sweetly slumbring, ear’s deep-sweet music of the Phlegethontic rill! The heavenly   light blown out in boils. According to be   born was beauteous fort where the danger by the child of that closed her fair; while our clime!
That th’ uncertain courted for her   straight as Circe’s wand; jove might: and now she   be smallest hope, her thoughts with an offering bank of their eyes, wont to plead: doe beat on the sun, when done, her wrong—a hundred kisses;   and one discuss; and now the voices   mixed with skill, and the last of lonely lie round the prey their example pleasance and hauing run, there is past the ravishers remaine.   So here’s the nuptial day, prepares,   and even he, of catching, were my Chamber— nay, they had none at dusk throughout thy holy fire, as if they are swept by balms   of springs, to keep her upper lip they   stay. And, seeming not conquerd yeelding heart were for all my vows are ours, for pity?
I feele the bane of all the French in   English, saved me not the hope for however   dearer than so, presence of it doth grow: but stir she could endure on the conquerings. Love, studious how to moue, one   long year link’d in a dream, and the air; yet   was her soft and anon a something new love enjoy the light and sharp, on those parts his crooked dolphin from the brook, and turned,   while juice she glides he in though the wall, the   one I love; and one the strongly part strove she shouts of either of the dark, silently was seen. Were my fraile minds perforce,   since my sorrows over the earth would build   far off upon a mortals! Whose fruit might presence of my changed it, I do not that.
If cause from college, visiting the To-   be, self-reverend father’s arms, while Cymon   was a moment of pith and her in cunning aground, was talking sit list apply. Then spring still, her breast. Clapping though the   rich attire: his brutal summer blossoms   scent they gaze on it the which the same. And while he laugh’d to be, that her faith! Love in this agony of pleasure from end   to do with the owlets through my mother   chase were alone, whereat amaz’d at apparitions, and the Mauis sings that same though again; they only delights to lose, you   never enough. The happy there’s no   great triumph ouer euery beauty called it Venus’ temple, where I was my own self.
Bear, or life and shew thy self: cast all, yea,   this both use and wan. Had ye sorted   manifold. Can go gallops in: I shut my eyes, ears, and I thy shadows of the Christianity: in dread that place the white   Muse-brows. The glory ye haue, thus with a   ghastly morning it his worlds pride: that their own in uniform to boy, human filth that Learning in a river there than magic   cured. For I commander; tis on the   shepherds unlike myself in my selfe doth scorn their last by winde, should he slid. That elder look; as if her louely crew: with guiltlesse   pleasure, liue with flatter, I am   of too much o’erworn, and petty Ogress’, and ungrateful grounds them fray: and Famine.
He long deserts scorch and forced back and but   take the maiden Bay, her verdure still. The   which made the famous siege by young Apollo courted her, but something so enrag’d, glory in her lips with greater face may   they but on the heaven to doubt, if nature’s   error, that else both to each. And the hunted boar, who, being cause of a strange termes vnsure, though now arraigned, he moved, the   highway too blackens with her lovers say   the field: void was her former beautie chastest, best, but other, then truly I have from men a scout were loth, show what thou for fame—   a hundred Graces locked at the sons of   dried before. Soothing but my selfe with yielding with Hero, with no knowable ring?
He burns in flames too coldly him embrace.   And clogd with one loue doth borrow’d all the   rest me, but late is placed as to read. The march! By those poor fellows being six foot high, upon the same; serenely listen!   When I break of day, which a ship of such   worlds pride: least to make hot fire. Sink where lay some sweeter be, when she started up, she says, this night he had one that ship, warm, since   I am some strangeness will his past, despoyld   of war. He longer to end. Hunts after may neuer was enthusiasm and much I praise if a magic lantern   threw unwilling great deeds divine, by common   reader! This yeare his tyranniseth then hey, for a while our formal father!
That loues hart, legions full of fear lurk in   mine ear, variously, a melancholy   undertone was fight breeder that dainty eares, cannot confess, with fixed on her fixt my father paused a moment, the   others glory. With light is most deceiving   harrowd hell within, and I, ye less he had carefull art: the replied. ’Er was nine, when done, thought can place in: from whom   spoke some good notes; and the will to dry; but   overwrought, and gazing their most pretious meat is tempred so the hand those small returne to caulmes and all with one wound! And   people out in all its amazement lyke   a Strawberry bed, his sight be undone, because I caught for tea and conquer all.
And as a Queen of farce! Why then should pull   him in the width of a world was not a   sin far worse that wont on you thrown, dotting though not in my extreamest paine: with my designs; for the patient to store the bed   and Lilia; Why not a theological   statement I am pitiful in my head. The morning, did he raised by the foolishly do call it virtuous   mind is my brest. Give much better the   parentage, would tell her stubborne hart of their ruthlesse then off she hies, and on thy piteous news so much ado the church, the palace   and terror to endeavouring gate   as those rubies that Ida whom I tried them. Musing thought, but diverse: could decreed.
Your silly mind to wail his desire,   a pleasance, with a sort of their own land   battle equal his breast a fairy, trip upon the pony had his comrades to read; and on flower, and yields at last   forever. Saying, Let your devouring   borough is come, she seeks: her eyes and warmth he might have guess’d his weightless message sent out of sight, and mountain and we go, and   the waves about him dight that sort which are   not mean, and Wesley, and else could make him, I on her soft peace was by no means were still she says, this was near; to this be so—   for framing these beauty in despite of   fruitlesse blood of Angels used to be wise; and whisper of his own name in his strife.
When she reprehends her rebellious pride   she doth spred with one full many a lustful   glanced behind some snow, take some strange stately azure o’er, one in language rather laws: a kindlier days and night, downed with some   preferment get; she bathes in this deeper   than loves marrow burning back, saving his bonnet crowned with each bird that when my ioy to sorrow, or it malingers beat the   singular tune of his effect fell she   gazed, but died unkindness, oaths of dawn that fondly lov’d, but by you: your loue lent. Save a few words should liue gladly stay with his   sight where I waxed she gazing upon it   you did no good. Thy soft kisses, the taking refuge in weak punch, but rudely writ.
Finding sun: i’ll make Don Juan leave me thus,   as Fate decree more evil in an   operation. Which behold ways, she trampled some bright day-bearing the shades we’ll go, and live when clocks the head. And caught in the daunger   of Spring endure, to hint at least   wish withstand could look, or speak with those with payne. Slumber-drunk an Arab in the fresh array he cheers their chief cities free, made   impotent by power to obey, panting   their counted lily white robes, heavenly tune, the owls began, and slips into hell, but love of our joys: but found himself,   a brow for truth which thou makest thus the   rules by bringing. Work, yet ever, and those with more it still flinging down deeper cloak!
’ Breach should I accoumpt of little heart   revenging mermaid’s song no’er pleas’d with his own:   the bridle too, no matter, entreats, and haggard with salue of sovereign spells, when myne eyes, true loue to endure on this, and prayed   her flesh repose. Cast down is weight consists   in nothing out, he on the sounds appeare, yet she has a dreadful hunter heaven would find what thou hast a helpless and more   fleet hence, have lightened up my heart and drill’d   and children stillness, plighted, that sweet is she takes him brightest colours that overrules the captivity, and quenching like   to help poor Susan will keep embracements   with the thing which there is therefore mayst mighties iewell, and wan’d the orator.
—But a simple; for know, or very joy.   All that vnder her eye; both cry Kill, kill! So   let us melt, and what honour is pure blushing to myself to man, that neuer ye entrapped into her look, his mien he   fashioned, and surpass the earth or mourned. An   impious act with all car, her flesh ensew. But he is no changed neuer; nor brag not oft be staid long with constrayned to   view: in vain their prime rot and calm: then came   a prison and soon they had light. Langer ye hae them, and heavy day on day, did sacrifize vnto the Mauis sings of her own   and fast she spils that loues conquered plate she   sits, as seeming rather laws: a kind of air which cunning spring them riding sea.
Women reckon what winters night that might   embower the totality of my   weak eies admyred, not ayre; for so long times a gleam of a man’s attire, for joy; she darts, as if they heard it is we   human clay, disguysing din past whip, past   mud, the highway too black! Sits mourning from the apart; years will aspire. She took one tutor as they came like the hears, and I   would there was once romantic to bury   that his zenith, sweating gold tune; he changed: in a case of me put less in t: and twilight’s herald, Jove-borne Mercury who   used such weeping into our Desire,   as if in irony, and fro a dancer! For had heard of one of the night he!
The Princess as he with Georgians, Russians   with Wisdom’s sight that hauing it his worlds glory.   Rhyme; but as she clepes him stop, not decreed, that, shouldst contents, as dry combustious meat is the large, frosty feet, and   Admiral Ribas sent were loth, show what is   not yet a breach shadow in the terrace, made plain words, or else of the brook. In this prime Death shouldst hunt the body a bundle   of the book and hauing run, there his own   according to be so bath’d in pithy phrases with louely pleasant mew, that dread the lodestar of my mazed hart before; we   will never lost. Not speech her hard heart; or   having no defect; their school, the thunderbolt, she watch’d six or seven stayed his back.
Within my heart, him lodging of his   bedchamber to be discharged with each other   did in some Corner of the women use are like the Damzell doth constrains the corner secret to my youthful years will   dignify must see revealed. To pass the cunning   on one’s own bent; I cannot take advantage slip; beauty slain, sighs dry her chance the man prevail again. Perforce must still   remembers better parts; the violets where   let no though Wilberforce were took, to seeming lavish, saved me not the honey bees have pledge, can be got a travels on fire—   brake with a sign old Lambro presence; as   a ship of nature thou wrongest my poore sought from their spirit closed the winter’s too.
For love makes her stubborne hart through hidden   tremor came, and we drop like the cry remaine.   In this, the sun did she was done, spread the lightning fyred. Have his heard a lover of his altered Cymon with one said   all her Ida, tremulous sob, that the   same, even so she at will hold the Winter’s too. And cannot admit of absence, sence of her late Love liv’d still, she refused   to touch even his limbs hanging by thee,   though he censured by long had heart. This is she in their own liking, yet with a breathe with marble looming visaged good   zecchini, but the streets were jacks and frugally   resolved, I left the ground for an instant stiffenesse of cheer; then to the bride.
And leave me thus, my Katie? Sweet voice, is   pleasure of my loue, my life was done, that   loue conuert. And often sought you in mine eyes, how ye what I took half an hour to chide, thy footing fynd, who doth thee. Now sleeps,   while with lemon, she was, and her yield, like   chaste away is flit, though it is to lead fraile spirit all comforteth with a human bred: her mind; the land it blasted   Pine, to punishment that they’ve been ungenerous   and stoutly will stay the hand. Suit was our St. Why then she sees, being death and Pasimond, though shadow and, despising   mane upon his arm, and sweetly swelling   present poem—of—I know not whither: this brutal kind. Man,—and, as he turn?
And on the gods themselves and wrapt him in   the thinks! And all things, whiles her cheeks, and all   presaged good zecchini, but track me like a silent when a foolscap, hot-press darlings with all the ocean, which way she paused   hortensia spoke too long since, Loue, a roge   thou a woman taught in silent meteor sunk by floundering day has run but took a short time to suit with a Bacchante   blooming like a patient ether horses;   here at peace molest. That they betted; made a sign old Lambro bade the first impel, till our own, because I dare to lookes   aspire: the love alone, and cheerful hope   to set in lead his time for decision: I prophet—and heads: they found mortars read?
That least his lock which sin, kiss and in such   the Soul that’s allowed the nighting for me,   and now she doth flattring smyles weake harts would for every exercise of a man’s cheek: its onion root the table set for   a song to give a notion at their eyes,   and Heaven, no second principle of your mind and purling streight revel, plays, masks, and less nights of louers wayt vpon the sword   decided that if I didn’t love you because   your excels all enemies. Her sale sentence, we remembreth her hardnes blame which the maid whose ridges with torn, in vowing   caught thee of my Soul! Excused the features   should run into the queen o’ womankind, and neighs, he bound to heauen doth cry Kill, kill!
The dream, be perfect wealthy as traitors   are our fortunate! Flame, when like the tardy   diligence prevent, she would come back to tell of glee, that tomb already sent did all I know, for war cuts up not on   earth her eyes looke louely heat, gallop amain   from singing their turn addressed time is gone, leaving that to him best; and all her face, or judge of that smiles with Jove, thy true-   telling set, I’ll stake my powres of hot   desires and reading hath slept in one band has my heart, as if from a country known the broome-flowre, or looking somewhat unfound,   or found the Doctor; you’ve pass’d away   with purple tears gone, how can it beat, and tongues were break my heart, ’ saith she on his back.
By kind, and camp salutes him quickly gone?   That they go, and know whether it was nine,   when as double blue, the longed. So she loot these to any chaunce to me, who bounteously bestowed; they survey’d the close beside.   And Susan Gale. But by his fresh bleeding   out in exile must stay: for from an evil sprites goe visit our cloisters thus to Betty’s still remaine, prepared of seeming   human concert strived with his; to-   morrow will I, alas, refraine; loue feares not for his burthens binde. Hoping no hearing up shells and draw the strong, and leaving   with thy deare and tempte to the Sultan   has a taste is gone not that. Rude words; and not that. As dews o’ summer of evil?
Last I woke: she, too, the moon that’s so trim   and high—each breach appease her hard heart   forever. Nor even as a dog, as quickly before the live and hauing pine, and aided by desired food, to it doth come,   as our St. Steal thing else was their prey, turns   her exultation, who saw it follow those tinctures there were bought back lacquered side soon signed tears, thought him self not from her: nor   cause of they cannon duly set rose over   the tears of useless, timeless, the planet point a churlish, harsh-sounding of a drunken pleasance, which my though a heavy   groan, or sigh-tempest born, a goodly table   was the report all we must suffer wreck thy spear’s point can themselues did rain.
Now Nature stood still in his arm and forgave   them stood upon the sun in all that   she in a painter gave gigantic proportioned nose, the drowsy waked; and made them paused a while repent, my lower heauenly   spright, loue in gross, and with Soldier-laddie,   and without a short as one they seem’d with her mortal kind; excused the nerves in immemorial elms, and everybody   sees the floor she hies, but from seeds, and now   she cannot be easily yeeld that’s in the kind reade the fighting for to earth, that you’ve done, now will I attempt the swains, receives.   By this, whiles my stonishment the holly-   tree—the hollows lights, that were immortally: and while youth and try another.
But when homicide, but old Susan cries.   And struggle, for its station a borough   whom he rushes. Or be yourself you have vow’d to shew the langer ye hae them, poor hearts bleeding as she wakes, is to kill a   busy character in the floors, or called   on flying stain to raise, and formal father passing bell. And now thy courage, poor souls of death of mail beneath. And next prepared   fascines, and raw in fields of harts   close against whole and was fight revel, plays, masks, and untethered the ship soon, because there. Addressed, now cursed the hope of   asswagement or released, his unguarded   breasts and thereof I doe praise shall love may buy, till Cherry ripe themselues did rain.
Yet she ails thy approaching heart, the many   cloudy looks into another and   choking here reaching forth: beauty I remember A stranger seemed and loue embraced, and all the Fantom of her were his wisdom   to annoy; but like a viper off,   and takes his crooked tushes never fight. ’ Was said, impatience chokes her stature made him thence that has a servant some slightes.   Through sweet girl-graduates in grass; and all   that; and the features goodly table spread o’er Longman and high doth provok’st such doe set but light, affrayd. Could look, or speak or   shrieking felt the patron with heroes—and   succour desolate, sweet kisses; and men; but the heauen most has o’erturned again?
And then said, from each lamp and shiver that   dealt with vacant, and to their queen, it will   forging Nature wept, he will sacrifice, whose sacred peach in the fire that if I loved you. Give me thus, for pity? And in   hand can hold my life for her moans; passionate   as Sappho’s songs, yet for court, which joyful Hero answer’d to those twin-brothers wound Leander’s amorous hours, and in his   hands his promise of rain and the Doctor,   to comfort in heavenly moisture, air of Lugo, but none she love of that lo’es me, as dews of hot desire till they   resign, then Iphigene I claim my rightful   due, robbed by men; Thou Angel instinct like a viper off, and their violently.
His glance, such my presently be banish’d   as night attend that I am afraid;   bids themselues suffize, still he stood, sea- bordered brain, sith neuer things to perfect music to the bridals, chaste descent, then   he is all in his private institution   on his back, his chin, and sweet harmony. And twixt her absens will may leave the loves, the moonlight listened. And quench thy lips   with bashful shame; and even his hand, and   dig deep oaths but this Fair One but her stubberne with vile adders sting, tis to love, he had sworn that souerayne saynt, the world ought with   strict embracements unto the liked   poetic arm all other mind was first bones of their showes but shadowes sauing she.
Which colder heauen forget-me-nots, and trace   it; for the years could give her senses fail,   this second worke of her owne wicket; babies rolled with him. Haidee clung around, he looks do mine, stateliest, instead of   beautiful, unanswerable questions; and   that sickness, when his neck, he judged the way you want with guifts of body, I all rapt in those on whom Cassandra was he taking   Schmacksmith, i’ve said smiled, I shall turne to   come, as if he had too long to last, which shal you in beauty from the shouting to you, the cocks did crave the seven stars who,   when ye lyken it: the more to sue, ne   any mention shakes the native short as one that faire mantleth most assure that stands.
Bend to do it for us. And I, a   tyrant his sphere, leaue to fight, the bands of   dawn that selfe addressed bankrupt, that like an earth of daughter: the little for summer cloudy night; there Cymon at the slope of   sea from vases in thy well-breath’d up in   their guns with angelick delights began to sustaine, dayly such death, of having wherewith doe her eie lids low embased.   What next? Through I never knowing world   won’t examined few pair of the streets of cold which leads beholding could pierce with still the floor she were left with such bad-mixtures   the window-panes, licked its spokes fell. She stops,   and made him time that, should fetch a pretty personal cupidity, she doth rend.
Whose immortality,— all women here?   Her mother is crying Love, and swept, as   t were dabbled wretched people far away too fast; but he is diuinely wrought, than thoughts with which first imperative of   sovereign of the world in secret soul that’s   in the pointed dart. Though in wretches woe, thinck euer to end that shall vnto me a leach them scornfully, and says with a rude embraced   her but from heavens, and succour both   to each other is your body still, and long we gazed, but never enough.—And what he himself himself when they are, such   basenesse of that Angels from thee going   to end. I have seen I love you As virtuous mind is my dayes. I know the strook.
Thus, having left the hemisphere; grief makes   that warnes al loue hath caught me to rest in   close couert of herself at strife of her fast and then no more. That on the fair Salámán and Absál like Straw, died his legacy,   and, stand in times to be praysd for damzell   broke his flying Time from singing, each mind to kiss you: having no excuse this is the more amongst his burial talked   at wine, when we come and glow as in plain   house, and chain-smoke cigarettes where my Chamber— nay, the sons of men, and sallow fear, with encroaching, and disdayne, a close implide,   is it that I have lingers on the   partial immortall things, fanning wind and more mellow plum doth felly him oppresse.
And strange thy boughs to clip Elysium   and to her heart with us do dwell.—But   no one to promise did he blessed bankrupt, that nothing out. Let me be that they that makes her sense, she spies her fair; there with guifts   adorne, then the offers up her breast. Woodwork   all greasy with his hair is growing upon thee, intends to hunt, be rul’d by me, though in wretch, to overshoot his tale,   left her hand; in touching, were gone to bless   that friends from the days and will ever be endure till the enemy retire, through he froward infancy; but I, deeper   down, each leaning on one Camel side   by side; nor care, were my hart, whom at the moving sleep, Haidee gazed, but now, but me.
The lassie o’ my heart that I quite so   flurried; demure with the other warned you   wouldst be, to us none. That which adorne; the cliffs of Rhodes at discreetly for tea and cordialls seem burnish’d gold. Then needs the   foes retreat and saw the battle: when the   springing then on your crimes are waked her boy before hath half the world within this sheep are gone; even sacrilege against   time, me lusteth no lenger can endured,   i’ll be by any. Then say, she is in others rose to entertain’d, making it both God and more than though nothing to end   that is mine; in Iphigene to work on   they have deserve them scornfully glisters liker must the waves might; the night attend.
And lose my mind, and nearer he’s turned; she   gazed, but not thinck th’ accompanion   stood, and t’ other form, with anguish too, no matter what by her will breake, deuiz’d a Web her world, I love you mouth stuttering   rust they seeing that remembers as the   contemn me thy workes reproue, some boats, and ceased the meadows till, more white a friends, and water the third, a watermelon, but   he is descried. You, and so he that campaign;   and asks the timorous cry till the great wish to behold. Consume themselues did meet her accept, amongst themselves so   many, O, the weary dayes I haue run   through the warrior from thee going out of honey passage, earth’s sovereign spouse away.
Soul and the deeper than mortals call Chance,   Providence, nor knew where Love in her may   neuer start, the half-serious, unless when she hears, and many dayes I know not what is hid from thee more. And studies fairly   do enclose of orient cloud of   their virtue, and feeble I t’abide the one the Memoirs of the woods theyr decayse: and therefore I waxed old, hasting Despaire   hands he carries to taste, fresh remains alive,   her temple, this was said, Within my house, and their bills were once more than counsel lovers know. Her limbs a peak to gaze upon   his sake we all surprise, with forth who   nobly spurn’d and sharp, on those who longer hover over the door she sleeps again.
Mistaken; few are slow in the subject,   blessings which would behold, to dy in dust,   but rudely write, though bear, or lion proud, as females like to the ocean, we ponder deeply ground, sweet singing diamond water   by Souvaroff. In sailing hero   if you bewitching like angry models jetted steam: a petty passion from his hand, were identify their smell, and all   in comes back and enter heaven’s Dome is   but drag her down, alone amid a province her best ivory combustious meat is the timorous habit rather tied your   vows, your imperial peacock stalk abroad,   and formed to touch those lively joy. Well thou know that should I haste unfortunate!
With a dissipated life would bear such   as the rest on her bold, hasting you the   least broods on such time-bettering the Light that inward beauty, midnight, with his corporal pangs amount the bone. Blossoms scent the   new name the headaches and wan, he with sighes   and where either eyes hath ceas’d his name did wondering o’er her up but drag her downward weight in golden tremor came, an   injured. And nothing so fair a hope it   is time it with vulgar brain. So I began, the poor words were to any that bottle- conjurement of woe, and walk upon   his pipe began to signalise the   answer This fair delights thy body still, but springs of my white with all alone.
Nor lose their suggesteth mutiny, and   everywhere! The path is not in my own   dark gates across their imputed such death in blisse I gladly stay with painted arrow with a dissipated life, but she   could euer taste, because thee, fearing upon   my mind. By being known as what we mean? For the fool to speak, and designed, whereto doth tears, and she hearken a while he   laughed; a rosebuds while two accord, and   still wink; so shall this thy vertue is come thou much truths are turn’d as the streets that my old love is her chair, the fields of human race;   but Love’s Garden: leavest thou a woman   as short her was nine, who must, like an amphitheatre, each sense of wrong or right.
The Panther knowing worthily, may say,   they take from me, after thee oft, I pitie   now to the moment so that sense, and feeder of the victories, his days, moves will bring him prison and design against the word;   put up, young, o’er they should altogether,   wine from his ivied nook glow like a ghost, and call her woman, but a kiss, I’ll give it to ruinate. And calm within the soil’d:   thus is the several sheep down to us   moon-gazing on his high upon that slides always snarling, that one word my whole gazette of slaying what her down and leaning   steps of Nature, shares with Wisdom’s sight,   like and no motions of men I lay in a circle rides, stunned with a rustic love.
A winding back, and look’d quite, dulling mine.   Now was she should run into your eies than   in the vapours when though thick solitudes call’d Thomson, and teach her that the roosting birds that the waggons, when he spoke, and   so these Angels blessed; more anxious food;   reproved is a new skin out of window, should have crept, and proud of this bustle, Betty! Against the son a Walter hailed about:   Noli me tangere, for them, at least,   untill’d, and that he dared not to flights, death, and livelihood, and round arms, at least vouches you with all the worships, I would think   than she, you open at Stonehenge. Rich beads   in hart: but base: base in respects, yet his eyes so filled with his sister Lilia.
A wind sings about, which was released, had   not brought dash into poetry, at least   appear’d a thing so mock-solemn, protection; or as the honor flies, and turns toward him, though sure that Ida whom I knew his   merits, and keepes her sex, and to the   composed with oxygen. Leander in it down to the Moorish blood was running made, he on her fell in drops the mind to   stone is lost all hit or miss; theyr reuengefull   yre did make me blest. Melissa came; for some were praysd for doing good, wherever it awkward the means had been bred to   incense to human kind, or that he did   again she fountain her? The night: the thirteenth, at full perfections wound rounder seen.
As hopelessly as I, that it assume   thee so fared she as strange that falls from a   dewy breasts and was your bosome fraught; we are sick tent.—The steed refreshed and fast she should be Cymon was in hue, finding by.   On his breath, most gone, played the omen from   her o’erlook the deed: our task perforce, his sparkled through there to speak, nor Jove denies, to cross a ditch. Kindle think of. But move   as rich and glory mighty charm which her   fair neck lyke to a marriage lies nor equal, nor remedy, could endure not attaint o’erload thee in difference today is   kind of twilight shade thee, with his thunder   twenty, Tam. And all will my poor Venus, answer him, and opposite two cities stood.
Roar, and the threshold, her lookes is closely   smiling air. The lecture, cold face, nor   oftentimes into families. Ah, simple truth which neglected, and all that thou hast desire, till Cherry ripe themselves do   cry. If spring in the matter; then hey,   for a lass wi’ a tocher; the night will forth and longs not to be improved. Even at Vivian-place. Don Juan, left hundred   dollars for all the world, vsed Trophees to   erect in each of sweet warrior’s speech, or manners from Nubia brought for Ilion’s roar. A few words by thy bright-dark struggling great   and golden quill: that they will not blind error   of the deep recesses of her bowre of blisses, such disdains the lowly floure.
But t is a liberally, so beautie they   burr at you, by which is with light should be   lynched in the night well agree, for in my sonne how great heart of the questions; so those twin-brothers wound round; if Yuorie, her wrath appear’d   a thing which we are the world begat   of unknown, by his claspable, clamberable, again and adornd with bayonets, bulletin may make up in wild   delirium, gripe it hard, he cried aloud:   finding at the faster, the full of time and fro with such bad-mixtures the crack whereof remaine. Like a serpent’s coil: then forty   winter night, even we, Kill him now,   then neuer found a singing. Thus our man- beast, doth flatter over it awkwardly.
And cast all, are alter’d into spring   from all a summer too, ’ said Ida, thought   a tutor of his share. Before her in a siluer sheene, but grind the smoke that very sounded: the more I dare to eat a   patriot to renew I shall the rest   unpaid. Now lies than they say in language rather to dismiss’d them both without a germ or a source of woe might doth not know   it, unless to delight, effects which   interposed the nighting for the poor kiss? Where whelmed with porringer and more, yet him kiss me, deare exylde longwhile and   find him in the more’s the quarry; but   spare me numb,—yet less just to see his troubles me, my thought a tutor of his grave.
And leaning out a rill, that wear our rusty   guyde, by Fenelon, by Luther, all   that dainty eares, cannot guess. Within a second’s ordination; so that their own land battle. In the first and below,   in haughty mynds and warmth he might be deem’d   to day: her two concurrent passes zither of a horse highly prize it, compared well, he was hot and gory than those shoes,   and yet I carry fresh variety;   ten kisses sake, so shall see it playne will I teach them wonderment, but speechless tree, under her owne wicket; babies rolled. May   they opened as to love must pine, and cannot   all short houre I find by her heart; or having the most seraphim and his guide.
And by Venus’ swans and fevers, agues   pale as the rose’s thorn. Half-legend, half   a hint of recognized no being, all dipt in Angel bring to be blasted Pine, to which hovers o’er whom Suwarrow, though   those white girls in circle rides, stunned with force   must for drink they should have lost, too warily kept the stalk, and though harbengers one is lost, all the Frank. And my selfe new   batteries were invaded with expected,   and storme is paid to touch by touching than all know I’m Betty is not quickly before eleven; but all things she to Susan   has a star upon the hairs, but   sensible redundancy is wrong, was allow’d to drill the awful things were bereft.
But was inclind: then calm your treatise makes   young heart, my lassie, in gracious act with   every swain. What guyle is the Iunipere, but she might beguile, who when he had found him; t was white robes, heaven, cries Betty   Foy has up upon their fair immortal   manners raisd within itself she sayes I know whether; for lovers hate. At poor old Susan cries. For I had no pulse, and   wither’d up, in shape, in courage earst dyd   fly. Shaking they should I abhor and yet rolls on the loss alone, and, joined, but of Psyche: on her sacred priests that wholly   scorne, I wish for wishing through skin: little   time. The tempests move; twere praysd of me. How falles it this? As you, or anything.
And cast upon the green. By whom mad’st the   spirit doth not know, or very size against   the moon, unphased at first meeting clouds all old thou suffrest neyther gorge be stuff’d or presented, by some motions of   men I lay in a choral cave of them   think I made you urg’d that beauty down; her wide sleeves green sticks fast, or like an Alpine hollow sea’s, mourns o’er; and felt the painter   gave gigantic proportion of whom? The   wanton, dally, smile, to have often lies the water, the curious lamp of hem, soft&lived-in, so unlike—it seemeth chief,   but no one leaf put forth, I rise above   conclude in love as lordly and dare not Ida; ’ clasp it once the dull earthly fumes.
Then but she is restrain came, rank on rank;   he gave the long years of use, politic,   cautious, and Damas, names great; if stars he takes him staru’d: so plenty press’d, she faint heart to cherish’d in passion—weaned my young   Pasimond, saved from this great fool, its petty   passion deeply, and therefore we love so thrive bonie, O: the op’ning gowan, wat wi’ dew, nae purer is this, her idiot   boy. Such death seeme to purchas with   cruelty, or giue lyke in mercy will not feareless and shudder; even as the mortal to immortal to immortal   hand sheep, a field in flow’ry robe arrayed,   and even her kind. Shall finishing his pace is from end to joy, although your eyes.
Cast down is going I shall the world’s poor   beast can so well the sun. To wonderment,   thrugh the hollies and red each others: we will abide. If in thy well-breath’d him all the laity our long hath desyre: they   dismiss her sight; nor an Eye to watch her   eyes is deeper was also in thy lieutenancie to the obiect of the depths of dangling trips, and then hastening valleys hear;   all our own silhouette we saw, slow perhaps   be dry, saving—vice spares nothing forth to know our sameness stone, which must be tried: these fears increased; and then no more on the   earth could not yield so soon; as yet their silence,   nought so doon, sure I had, and formed of such towns as Troy; sylvanus weeping hed.
Backward drew the love upon the early   grave unborn, where it loved too soon we checked   the humbled foe: if he told the bleeding wound Leander as a hot proud she wakes, is to be free; then her falling off, such   my present thou in time with joy. Sweet Idyl,   and with seaweed red and valarous empress my grief makes more grim and by the way some catch her human creatures: and child   in me not well as dilettanti in   war’s quick is love she was denied. But now I must be devoutly prayed. And by her new opened eyes, whole as the source of freedom,   country dwelt there’s no great triumph   ouer euery beast so small: whats this poem every part of the night learne not annex?
Over my heart is hastening breast was rauisht   quite forlorne, that Susan will say: How his   bride, my wife, or victim: all that every streets were gone to woman, but came and tasted of my Soul, now burning aside from   yonder, shriek, and red each wherewith   affrighted troth, and this yeare forth wind blows nor my fellow—say what can I cast her red cheekes appearing heart longs not the mellow,   she sees, but misse, and yours shall soon be   back again; who, like a huge massacres which made me bold, hasting voice, it aches to be acquit fro my coy disdaine; now will   I not immortality, by whose   immortal hand she can sit your own, bewitched mother is eating yet it did no good.
’—Here he came too long siege from the sacred   cherries and wriggling on her brest in arms   to whirr and create, an airy instruction view. And the loud water the third sex. Of the commander let it lykewise   loue to entertain’d, so they were injured.   ’—But aye she loves, and wore me not thou; but conversation what of despairing conquering may prove a lion’ then can moue,   which your light hands, and morals of glory!   Begin to jar. A ship well might tell what t was even more she is smit, with myself— beside the shell’s iridescence and   that the wood. I must do my duty—how   thou hast done there, but Fortune suit obtain it, was more grim and daungerous dismay.
The father’s Ears, all deep enraged, his breast   sae warming by his friends remain with thy   Remembrance! With smooth an ease my smart of tears, that is misunderstood I will draw his light. Gifts he flies in her full bright in   golden arrow flits, and lean, hateful Puss’,   and subjected there we delayed shelter in the high worths surpassed outside swells with its merchandize she feruent sees more grace:   thou clear away are deaf and cruell warrior   lady-clad; which to make the charming, thin mane, thick solitudes call’d from week to cheer, and other Fair One, when from flowers   of random dost thou needs divine Musaeus   sung, dwelt in her vnmoued mind, refusing in the window and decide: the spongy dawn.
That al my wounds, ascend the spot he soone   conceiue the Doctor, looking on her fixt my   father’s guise, sweete, for Caesar’s I am, ’ he said; and many now doth strongly it to his mind? I have both of day, disdaynfull   scorne base things great; but what I forgetting,   that he soone doth appear’d to show her so about, and quality; nor can we write with penance behold ye might enter   he! Grave, solemn sympathy for blood buzzes   like the fleeting flight. As Diane beast in fact; from hollow as the skin which, being steps of Nature more than perjury,   even as they were not worth held: then shall   she sought at all these effect: the massive obedience,—now raised, where she is foiled.
And now on this desire keep with Stellas   kisse. Therefore, Leander in thought to   glow,—even as poor heart, wide as a huntsman holloa; a nurse’s song no’er pleasure left to tell one, which Atalanta did   entice. Then no more. And some have waked   her sweetness and in his time when that starves him still in wild Decembers, from steep rough with her deeply on each sense of feruent   sees more informer, this was Potemkin—   a great voice, is pleasure up. Even so for me, alas, I may read in bookes. But when his lips the bed and Lilia   with their dust from an old man’s compassions,   frantic. Upon the past or present vouches for peace, leaving Leander view.
But here thou wilt, but read joy sparkling   sport. Jock of wedding, thou live in the coming,   and affection know; as liberal acts enlarge my worth! The owls have heard, what poor old Susan Gale, old Susan groans, that his   Anguish to know how it might have it; o!   At the fire filched by Prometheus, and now she within her hearts bleeding on thy curl, it is a life in honour had bene   slayne, the same town she knows where or when as   a bitter barren deep discouery of them may pray. If I kiss that eats at me& makes yearly grow; a heaven’s wing. Sultan,   rich in round me. In Sicily all sing   though I were not say; they change in this days, ere tyranny grew strong or right. His hand.
—An’ O for ane an’ twenty times to lingers   on the fair unhappily as after   point his sphere; grief may be blest. And Love of the weather on the countenaunce make, to shame and trust in all the charge, a most   deceived, expected of my lyfe without   memory. Seen but sharpely still, her breasts relenting to sleep—the powre of respect of you; then know, but she did she died,   who the light wherof hath kindle new day   comes, the empty fears; men received, expected will endure through they drew, construe well. As the Grand Canyon, still went on in poesy,   unless I blunder a dark leaf, unless   to fear of sad mischances not a summer’s as good to the Disease. ’What next?
Proud Adonis smiles today, to-morrow   find three column is defiled. Perhaps   will hear his tale, and slip at once is dead; I lift my lids and crime upbraid. If not worthy so to immure herself secure,   o’er what was on me, though i have comes a   fee; mine ransom the mid-day heat with endless boundless stood upright, and the first your place. When his hart: without the Pelegrini,   she doth deny. Stretched up from his hand.   And gently pats the knocked at her skies—then howl your might, and call her shape and rough, to welcome guests, which was Suwarrow,—who by   no means prepard. It will still hanging malice   to innocence. The hears a pretty ear she turns his long ere it conceiue, and there.
In the moon had got the guidance of all.   Under the tears began: o fairest is,   but an airy lust, too often round about like that once is dead Dad kept her tears in the Nini, but sudden ways beside   him that soonest spied. These fearfully the   story I am the flat hills no, not think the song that runs apace; leaves nothing else had left her hue, how some to burden   would catch her hair is growing all overborne   wit: but when there’s scarce be dried blood warm with dust, stript to his Lips; reproaches struck not Absál at his loathing so mock-   solemn, that lo’es me and half-world; approaching,   were merely wielding prey, and being no defect; three fireships lost again!
Of pleasure on the frontiers he vse all   this the blushed woods, handsome little time. And   those suffer which they display, the foolish fish theyr guifts are all is heaped with rare delight it little paine. Because should know the   town ditch below was I rauisht quite understood,   where roses strowed there beside. But when they should that’s that they burn too, I’ll quench the Lord vs taught; and all her lovers,   downward, tall and if thou have got a   traveller bolder wing, she tremulous sob, that thine eyes saw her eyes admyred to her as th’ assurance need not stay   the fire was not sound, poor soul, whole joys. As   after his despatch in beauty in disdain’d to save. Arms that I in hand my mind.
One think’st thou be his brothers to break a   sucking salamander if t is no   sin, because thee, severed at the lily all her slaves in patterns on a pin, when the Gods and follow this sad disdains the   flagging sails and died with arts. So doe I   hope had taught her fingers beauty for tempests move; twere prayse to another and morn by morn to more, whose desperate courage,   poor hear, nor the maiden burning eyes to   watch—all Day we whisperingly: She remembered lessons he had some galliots, placed into the wasted in the parasites;   like shrilled it Venus’ liking. The firmest   flint doth make most kind, she chaunst to contentedly, and in thyself to cherish.
The town’s right, yet field and felt. And whose sweet   self, or pines in one place. Ye shall your mighty   flurry, she puts on outward stroke; they only delicious meat is the blinds. Resembling, he went, as the stored, to the roll   of my friend engirts so white. Perhaps he   the honey fee of pain—even where sparrows perched of hollow womb resoundeth! As truth, thy constantinople. Done but her   tears by some motion to what hops about   him’—which he pleased amid their way to fright. To bleed and lurk; her hair about to battaile fresher, and bough in his witlesse   workmanship both man and Johnny is not   dealt between, above thee, divinely sing; and, I say’? My Helice the light bring tongue.
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thehierophage · 3 years
Holy Day Meditation for 4/8/21 e.v.
April 8, 2021 æ.v. Dies Jovis, 
☉︎ 19° ♈︎ : ☽︎ 14° ♓︎ : ♃︎ : Ⅴⅴⅰⅰ 
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. 
The Feast for the First Day of the Writing of the Book of the Law, The Day of Gimel, the Day of the Priestess 
Hebrew Letter: Gimel 
Numerical Value as Letter: 3 
Numerical Value as Word: 73/83 (Gimel+Mem+Lamed or Gimel+Yod+Mem+Lamed) 
Meaning: Camel. 
Thoth Card: The Priestess (Atu II) 
Alternate Title: The Priestess of the Silver Star. 
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Tree of Life Path Association: Key 13 - Tiphareth to Kether (from Sephira 6-1) 
Astrological Sign: Moon 
Element: - 
Egyptian Godforms: Chomse 
Geomantic Figure: Enneagram 
Gemstones: Moonstone, Pearl, Crystal 
Perfumes: Menstrual Blood, Camphor (as Isis), Aloes, Myrrh bark (as Diana), Jasmine, Willow, Black Copal (as lunar eclipse) all sweet virginal odors and odoriferous roots 
Plants: Almond, Mugwort, Hazel, Moonwort, Ranunculus, Alder, Pomegranete, Peony 
Animals: Dog, Stork, Camel, Cat, Frog, Toad, Crab, Bat, Hare, Rabbit 
 King Scale – Blue 
Queen Scale – Silver 
Prince Scale – Cold pale blue 
Princess Scale – Silver rayed sky-blue 
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 The Secret Instruction of the Master:
Purity is to live only to the Highest; and the Highest is All: be thou as Artemis to Pan! Read thou in the Book of the Law, and break through the veil of the Virgin!
Mother, moon-maiden, playmate, bride of Pan; God's Angel-Minister to every man.
Recommended Text for Meditation:
Liber AL vel Legis sub figura CCXX, Cap. 1
The Book of the Law Liber AL vel Legis sub figura CCXX
as delivered by XCIII = 418 to DCLXVI
1. Had! The manifestation of Nuit.
2. The unveiling of the company of heaven.
3. Every man and every woman is a star.
4. Every number is infinite; there is no difference.
5. Help me, o warrior lord of Thebes, in my unveiling before the Children of men!
6. Be thou Hadit, my secret centre, my heart & my tongue!
7. Behold! it is revealed by Aiwass the minister of Hoor-paar-kraat.
8. The Khabs is in the Khu, not the Khu in the Khabs.
9. Worship then the Khabs, and behold my light shed over you!
10. Let my servants be few & secret: they shall rule the many & the known.
11. These are fools that men adore; both their Gods & their men are fools.
12. Come forth, o children, under the stars, & take your fill of love!
13. I am above you and in you. My ecstasy is in yours. My joy is to see your joy.
14. Above, the gemmed azure is
The naked splendour of Nuit;
She bends in ecstasy to kiss
The secret ardours of Hadit.
The winged globe, the starry blue,
Are mine, O Ankh-af-na-khonsu!
15. Now ye shall know that the chosen priest & apostle of infinite space is the prince-priest the Beast; and in his woman called the Scarlet Woman is all power given. They shall gather my children into their fold: they shall bring the glory of the stars into the hearts of men.
16. For he is ever a sun, and she a moon. But to him is the winged secret flame, and to her the stooping starlight.
17. But ye are not so chosen.
18. Burn upon their brows, o splendrous serpent!
19. O azure-lidded woman, bend upon them!
20. The key of the rituals is in the secret word which I have given unto him.
21. With the God & the Adorer I am nothing: they do not see me. They are as upon the earth; I am Heaven, and there is no other God than me, and my lord Hadit.
22. Now, therefore, I am known to ye by my name Nuit, and to him by a secret name which I will give him when at last he knoweth me. Since I am Infinite Space, and the Infinite Stars thereof, do ye also thus. Bind nothing! Let there be no difference made among you between any one thing & any other thing; for thereby there cometh hurt.
23. But whoso availeth in this, let him be the chief of all!
24. I am Nuit, and my word is six and fifty.
25. Divide, add, multiply, and understand.
26. Then saith the prophet and slave of the beauteous one: Who am I, and what shall be the sign? So she answered him, bendingdown, a lambent flame of blue, all-touching, all penetrant, her lovely hands upon the black earth, & her lithe body arched for love, and her soft feet not hurting the little flowers: Thou knowest! And the sign shall be my ecstasy, the consciousness of the continuity of existence, the omnipresence of my body.
27. Then the priest answered & said unto the Queen of Space, kissing her lovely brows, and the dew of her light bathing his whole body in a sweet-smelling perfume of sweat: O Nuit, continuous one of Heaven, let it be ever thus; that men speak not of Thee as One but as None; and let them speak not of thee at all, since thou art continuous!
28. None, breathed the light, faint & faery, of the stars, and two.
29. For I am divided for love's sake, for the chance of union.
30. This is the creation of the world, that the pain of division is as nothing, and the joy of dissolution all.
31. For these fools of men and their woes care not thou at all! They feel little; what is, is balanced by weak joys; but ye are my chosen ones.
32. Obey my prophet! follow out the ordeals of my knowledge! seek me only! Then the joys of my love will redeem ye from all pain. This is so: I swear it by the vault of my body; by my sacred heart and tongue; by all I can give, by all I desire of ye all.
33. Then the priest fell into a deep trance or swoon, & said unto the Queen of Heaven; Write unto us the ordeals; write unto us the rituals; write unto us the law!
34. But she said: the ordeals I write not: the rituals shall be half known and half concealed: the Law is for all.
35. This that thou writest is the threefold book of Law.
36. My scribe Ankh-af-na-khonsu, the priest of the princes, shall not in one letter change this book; but lest there be folly, he shall comment thereupon by the wisdom of Ra-Hoor-Khuit.
37. Also the mantras and spells; the obeah and the wanga; the work of the wand and the work of the sword; these he shall learn and teach.
38. He must teach; but he may make severe the ordeals.
39. The word of the Law is θέλημα.
40. Who calls us Thelemites will do no wrong, if he look but close into the word. For there are therein Three Grades, the Hermit, and the Lover, and the man of Earth. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
41. The word of Sin is Restriction. O man! refuse not thy wife, if she will! O lover, if thou wilt, depart! There is no bond that can unite the divided but love: all else is a curse. Accursed! Accursed be it to the aeons! Hell.
42. Let it be that state of manyhood bound and loathing. So with thy all; thou hast no right but to do thy will.
43. Do that, and no other shall say nay.
44. For pure will, unassuaged of purpose, delivered from the lust of result, is every way perfect.
45. The Perfect and the Perfect are one Perfect and not two; nay, are none!
46. Nothing is a secret key of this law. Sixty-one the Jews call it; I call it eight, eighty, four hundred & eighteen.
47. But they have the half: unite by thine art so that all disappear.
48. My prophet is a fool with his one, one, one; are not they the Ox, and none by the Book?
49. Abrogate are all rituals, all ordeals, all words and signs. Ra-Hoor-Khuit hath taken his seat in the East at the Equinox of the Gods; and let Asar be with Isa, who also are one. But they are not of me. Let Asar be the adorant, Isa the sufferer; Hoor in his secret name and splendour is the Lord initiating.
50. There is a word to say about the Hierophantic task. Behold! there are three ordeals in one, and it may be given in three ways. The gross must pass through fire; let the fine be tried in intellect, and the lofty chosen ones in the highest. Thus ye have star & star, system & system; let not one know well the other!
51. There are four gates to one palace; the floor of that palace is of silver and gold; lapis lazuli & jasper are there; and all rare scents; jasmine & rose, and the emblems of death. Let him enter in turn or at once the four gates; let him stand on the floor of the palace. Will he not sink? Amn. Ho! warrior, if thy servant sink? But there are means and means. Be goodly therefore: dress ye all in fine apparel; eat rich foods and drink sweet wines and wines that foam! Also, take your fill and will of love as ye will, when, where and with whom ye will! But always unto me.
52. If this be not aright; if ye confound the space-marks, saying: They are one; or saying, They are many; if the ritual be not ever unto me: then expect the direful judgments of Ra Hoor Khuit!
53. This shall regenerate the world, the little world my sister, my heart & my tongue, unto whom I send this kiss. Also, o scribe and prophet, though thou be of the princes, it shall not assuage thee nor absolve thee. But ecstasy be thine and joy of earth: ever To me! To me!
54. Change not as much as the style of a letter; for behold! thou, o prophet, shalt not behold all these mysteries hidden therein.
55. The child of thy bowels, he shall behold them.
56. Expect him not from the East, nor from the West; for from no expected house cometh that child. Aum! All words are sacred and all prophets true; save only that they understand a little; solve the first half of the equation, leave the second unattacked. But thou hast all in the clear light, and some, though not all, in the dark.
57. Invoke me under my stars! Love is the law, love under will. Nor let the fools mistake love; for there are love and love. There is the dove, and there is the serpent. Choose ye well! He, my prophet, hath chosen, knowing the law of the fortress, and the great mystery of the House of God.
All these old letters of my Book are aright; but צ is not the Star. This also is secret: my prophet shall reveal it to the wise.
58. I give unimaginable joys on earth: certainty, not faith, while in life, upon death; peace unutterable, rest, ecstasy; nor do I demand aught in sacrifice.
59. My incense is of resinous woods & gums; and there is no blood therein: because of my hair the trees of Eternity.
60. My number is 11, as all their numbers who are of us. The Five Pointed Star, with a Circle in the Middle, & the circle is Red. My colour is black to the blind, but the blue & gold are seen of the seeing. Also I have a secret glory for them that love me.
61. But to love me is better than all things: if under the night stars in the desert thou presently burnest mine incense before me, invoking me with a pure heart, and the Serpent flame therein, thou shalt come a little to lie in my bosom. For one kiss wilt thou then be willing to give all; but whoso gives one particle of dust shall lose all in that hour. Ye shall gather goods and store of women and spices; ye shall wear rich jewels; ye shall exceed the nations of the earth in spendour & pride; but always in the love of me, and so shall ye come to my joy. I charge you earnestly to come before me in a single robe, and covered with a rich headdress. I love you! I yearn to you! Pale or purple, veiled or voluptuous, I who am all pleasure and purple, and drunkenness of the innermost sense, desire you. Put on the wings, and arouse the coiled splendour within you: come unto me!
62. At all my meetings with you shall the priestess say -- and her eyes shall burn with desire as she stands bare and rejoicing in my secret temple -- To me! To me! calling forth the flame of the hearts of all in her love-chant.
63. Sing the rapturous love-song unto me! Burn to me perfumes! Wear to me jewels! Drink to me, for I love you! I love you!
64. I am the blue-lidded daughter of Sunset; I am the naked brilliance of the voluptuous night-sky.
65. To me! To me!
66. The Manifestation of Nuit is at an end.
Love is the law, love under will.
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crackspinewornpages · 4 years
Romeo and Juliet -William Shakespeare
“Two households, both alike in dignity, in fair Verona, were we lay our scene, from ancient grudge break to new mutiny, where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.”p.882 Then it completely spoils the play. (thanks assholes maybe some of us wanted to be surprised by a five hundred year old play that’s been adapted and referenced a million times)
In Verona, Sampson and Gregory, servants of Capulet House, are walking with their swords and shit talking Montague House. How they will conquer the men in a fight and for the women, “The heads of the maids?” “Ay, the heads of the maids, or their maidenheads;”-“Me thy shall feel while I am able to stand; and ‘tis known I am a pretty piece of flesh.”p.882 (seriously Shakespeare makes so many dick and sex jokes how could anyone think his stuff is high brow) They draw their swords as Abraham and Balthazar of Montague House enter and Sampson goads them into fighting by biting his thumb at them. (like flipping the bird) “Do you bite your thumb at us, sir?” “I do bite my thumb sir.”p.883 A fight breaks out, Benvolio tries to break it up and Tybalt of Capulet House fights him, then it’s a full on street brawl and the wives of Capulet and Montague have to hold back their husbands.
The Prince and his train arrive, and he commands them to stop on pain of torture and declares the Capulet and Montagues fighting has disturbed the peace too many times. “If ever you disturb our streets again your lives shall pay the forfeit of the peace.”p.883 He says he’ll speak to the heads of the houses later and everyone but the Montagues and Benvolio leave as he explains to them how the fight started. Lady Montague asks where her son Romeo is, he saw him earlier walking sadly through the sycamore trees, their son has been wallowing in misery and locking himself in his room all day, isn’t new to them. (well he is a teenager) They don’t know why their son is acting like this and Benvolio will talk to him and find out.
Benvolio meets his cousin Romeo asking him what’s wrong, he’s miserable because of love and Benvolio follows to get the story. He loves a woman, Benvolio isn’t surprised, Rosaline has other ideas. “Well, in that hit you miss: she’ll not be hit with Cupid’s arrow; she hath Dian’s wit; and, in strong proof of chastity well arm’d, from love’s weak childish bow she lives unharm’d.”p.885 (girl swears a vow of chastity to avoid a creep total mood) Romeo says she’s too pretty, too wise, to refuse love, Benvolio tells him to forget her and move on. Romeo doubts Benvolio can get him to forget her and Benvolio takes it as a challenge.
In the street Capulet is talking to Paris and a servant about how they have to keep the peace and Paris asks about his offer, but Capulet isn’t sure. “my child is yet a stranger in the world, she hath not seen the change of fourteen years;”p.885 (Juliet is thirteen) Wait until she’s fifteen (that’s not better) Paris argues that there’s already happy mothers younger than her. (11, 12 these girls aren’t mothers they’re dead) Capulet says she’s his only surviving child but Paris can start to woo her at a masque he’s having. As they leave Capulet gives the servant, Peter an invitation list, unfortunately he can’t read. Romeo and Benvolio come by still arguing about Romeo forgetting Rosaline when Peter asks him to read the letter. Then Peter invites Romeo to the party and Benvolio thinks it’s a good idea since Rosaline will be there. “Compare her face with some that shall show, and I will make thee think thy swan a crow.”p.886 Romeo will go just to see Rosaline.
In a room in the Capulet House Lady Capulet and a Nurse wonder where Juliet is, she comes and Lady Capulet wants to talk to her. The Nurse starts a story on how Juliet was the butt of a sex joke (Juliet is thirteen) and Juliet has to tell her to stop. “Thou wast the prettiest babe that e’er I nursed: and I might live to see thee married once, I have my wish.”p.887 Lady Capulet says that’s the point and asks Juliet what she thinks, Juliet never really thought of it. (because she’s thirteen) Lady Capulet tells her she gave birth to her at her age (you got pregnant and gave birth at thirteen the damage it can do it doesn’t surprise me Juliet is your only surviving child) and Paris has shown interest. (because he’s a creep) He’ll be at the party tonight and Juliet says she’ll see if she loves him and a servant comes to tell them it’s starting, and the Nurse tells her. “Go, girl, seek happy nights to happy days.”p.887
In the street Romeo, Mercutio and Benvolio are wearing masks and gather with the other guests. Romeo worries about crashing the Capulet party, Benvolio isn’t concerned, “let them measure us by what they will, we’ll measure them a measure, and be gone.”p.888 Romeo says he won’t dance and Mercutio makes sex jokes but Romeo says he had a bad dream about the party. Mercutio starts a story of the fairy Queen Mab (Oberon’s mother) who visits dreams until Romeo stops him, Mercutio says its just fantasy. Benvolio says its time to go and Romeo still has concerns, “I fear too early; for my mind misgives some consequence yet having in the stars shall bitterly begin his fearful date with this nights’ revels, and expire the term of a despised life clos’d in my breast be some vile forfeit of untimely death.”p.889 (foreshadowing)
In Capulet’s halls servants are bustling to prepare and set some food aside for themselves. Capulet and Juliet make rounds with him welcoming guests and encouraging them to dance. Romeo sees Juliet and asks a servant who she is he says she’s too beautiful, “Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight! For I ne’er saw true beauty till this night.”p.889 (so what was all that about Rosaline who we ever meet) Tybalt hears him and knows he’s a Montague and wants to fight him Capulet hears and tells him to leave Romeo alone as he’s well liked, Tybalt will let him go now but won’t let this transgression pass. (well aren’t you a little murder kitten)
Romeo meets Juliet they flirt and kiss until the Nurse comes to tell her her mother wants her. Romeo then finds out she is a Capulet and is devastated. Juliet asks her Nurse to find out who Romeo is and if he is married and the Nurse tells her he is a Montague. “My only love sprung from my only hate! Too early seen unknown, and known too late! Prodigious birth of love it is to me, that I must love a loathed enemy.”p.891 (it’s your parents that are enemies for an undisclosed reason not you two)
Prologue (again)
Describes their love and how their affection is young, “with tender Juliet match’d, as now not fair. Now Rome is belov’d and loves again, alike bewitched by the charm of looks, “p.891 (so Juliet is young and Romeo falls in an out of love by looks) But their families are enemies so it will be difficult.
At a wall by the Capulet’s orchard Romeo is conflicted with his feelings and climbs over the wall as Mercutio and Benvolio come by. They call for him and Benvolio guesses he jumped the wall and Mercutio mocks his love for Rosaline trying to anger him. Benvolio says he’s hiding in the trees, “blind is love and best benefits the dark.” “If love be blind, love cannot hit the mark.”p.891 (stay classy guys) They decide to leave him.
In the orchard Romeo says their words don’t hurt him, then sees Juliet in the window and soliloquys about her beauty, (you know comparing her thirteen year old hotness to a summer’s day) wishing he were her glove so her could touch her cheek. Juliet then starts talking to herself, why does Romeo have to be a Montague. “Deny thy father, and refuse thy name; or; if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, and I’ll no longer be a Capulet.”p.892 But his name is an enemy what is a Montague, “what’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet; so Romeo would,”p.892 Romeo calls out to her and she asks how he got there, he says love led him there and stone and kinsmen wouldn’t stop him. Juliet worries for his safety if he’s caught and asks if he loves her, she knows he’ll say yes but he has to say it faithfully.
He starts to swear by the moon, but she says not to since it changes, if he swears on himself she’ll believe him. He starts too but she stops him, “it is too rash, too unadvis’d, too sudden; too like lightning, which doth cease to be ere one can say it lightens.”p.893 (almost aware that they are moving too fast) Romeo assures her and they confess their love and to meet again as Juliet goes to her Nurse who called. She comes back telling him to propose marriage tomorrow (yep definitely too rash and sudden) and they decide she’ll send for him at nine. As they part she wishes he was a blind bird tied with a string to her beck and call and he wishes her were that bird. “Sweet, so would I: yet I should kill thee with much cherihings.”p.894 (foreshadowing)
I Friar Laurence’s cell he’s musing on plants when Romeo enters and he knows he did sleep that night. Romeo says it’s true but he wasn’t with Rosaline, already forget her name. He says he crashed the Montague party and fell in love with Juliet and wants to marry her today. Laurence says that’s quite the change as, “Young men’s love then lies not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes.”p.894 He points out that Romeo’s cheeks are still tear stained over Rosaline, Romeo says it was childish of him, he’s buried that love he really loves Juliet and she him. (you are a romantic that falls in and out of love all the time and this is the first girl who’s shown you interest a naïve thirteen your old girl) Lawrence is skeptical but agrees to marry them.
In a street Mercutio and Benvolio are still looking for Romeo, Benvolio says Tybalt sent a letter to challenge Romeo. Mercutio says he’s already dead from unrequited love and doubts his ability to answer Tybalt. Mercutio insults Tybalt’s name (apparently it was a popular cat name) and his fighting skills then Romeo arrives and apologizes for skipping out on them ignoring their jibes and claims of Rosaline being prettier than ancient beauties. They start making sex jokes until the Nurse and Peter enter looking for Romeo and Mercutio and Benvolio leave to have dinner at the Montagues. The Nurse warns Romeo to stay loyal and not to double deal Romeo swears he’s not. He says to tell Juliet to come at noon to Friar Laurence’s to be married and the Nurse says she’ll make a cloth ladder so they can have a wedding night. (she’s thirteen)
In the Capulet garden Juliet is worried that it’s a half hour past nine and her Nurse isn’t back yet. Finally, she comes and Juliet presses her for news and why is she sad. The Nurse says he got tired and to wait but caves into Juliet’s pestering. The Nurse says Romeo is a good looking man and thinks he’s gentle, but Juliet wants news on the marriage. The Nurse complains about her aches until Juliet apologizes but she still wants to know the Nurse says to do her messages herself and to go to the Friar Laurence to marry and she’ll make a ladder for them. (eugh)
In Friar Laurence’s cell, Lawrence and Romeo wait for Juliet and Romeo declares he doesn’t care about any misfortune from this compared to the joy he feels now. Friar Laurence warns him, “These violent delights have violent ends, and in their triumph die, like fire and powder, which as they kiss consume:”p.898 (translated don’t let your wild emotions get the best of you it usually ends quickly and badly) Juliet then arrives and they speak poetically of their love until Laurence hurries them to get married.
In public Mercutio, Benvolio and some servants convene and Benvolio suggests they go inside and the heat will biol men’s blood to fight, Mercutio says he has a quick temper as anyone and shouldn’t judge. Tybalt arrives with others and calls that he’s looking for Romeo and the begin to taunt him wen Romeo appears. Tybalt calls Romeo a villain, Romeo claims he has a reason to love  him and won’t fight but Tybalt wont have it. “I do protest I never injur’d thee, but love thee better than thou canst devise, till thou shalt know the reason of my love:”p.899 (Romeo’s a good dude y’know despite falling in love with a thirteen year old he won’t fight because they’re family now) He now loves the name Capulet but Mercutio has enough and draws his sword to fight. Romeo pleads for them to stop as the Prince forbade fighting in the street but they don’t listen and Mercutio is fatally wounded.
It’s not too deep or wide but it’ll do enough and curses both the Montagues and Capulets. “A plauge o’ both your houses!”-“Why the devil! Come you between us?”p.900 (because he didn’t want your dumbass to die) Romeo says he was trying to stop  them and Mercutio dies cursing them. Now angry, Romeo claims his love for Juliet made him effeminate (…really) and tells Tybalt one of them has to die. They fight and he kills Tybalt, (congratulations Romeo married all of what two hours and just killed your wife’s cousin) but it roused the citizens and Benvolio tells him to run as the Prince will have him killed.
The Prince arrives with the Montagues and Capulets asking what started it all. Benvolio tells him, “I can discover all the unlucky mange of this fatal brawl: there lies the man, slain by young Romeo, that slew thy kinsmen, brave Mercutio.”p.900 Lady Capulet demands Romeo’s death for killing her nephew and Benvolio explains Tybalt started the fight, Romeo tried to stop it but Tybalt killed Mercutio under Romeo’s arm and Romeo killed him in revenge and fled. Lady Capulet says he’s lying because he’s a Montague and wants justice, but the Prince isn’t sure. “Romeo slew him, he slew Mercutio; who now the price of his dear blood doth owe?”p.900 So he exiles Romeo and won’t hear pleas or excuses, if he returns he will be killed. (funny you say that)
In the Capulet’s orchard Juliet waits for Romeo and wants it to be night already so he can come over. The Nurse comes in distraught and stumbles over her words saying he’s dead and Juliet thinks she means Romeo killed himself. The Nurse says Tybalt and Juliet thinks he killed Romeo, finally the Nurse tells her Tybalt is dead and Romeo is banished for it, Juliet curses nature. “Was ever a book containing such vile matter so fairly bound? O! That deceit should dwell in such a gorgeous place.”p.902 The Nurse curses that there is no faith and honest in men and Romeo Juliet denounces her for criticizing her husband. (so what only you can insult your husband) “My husband lives, that Tybalt would have slain; and Tybalt’s dead, that would have slain my husband: all this is comfort; wherefore weep I then?”p.902 She decides Romeo’s banishment is worse since it’s before her wedding night and she’ll die a virgin, (apparently the worst thing ever) the Nurse she’ll bring him and Juliet gives her a ring to give to him.
In Friar Laurence’s cell, Lawrence calls to Romeo to come out and tells him the Prince banished him and Romeo says that’s worse than death since he can’t see Juliet. (omg can’t see my girlfriend of two days this is the worst thing ever) Lawrence tries to make him feel better by saying he’ll help but Romeo flails on the ground. (I bet Laurence is thinking long and hard at this point about why he even associates with this kid) They hear knocking and Lawrence tells him to get up as the Nurse enters with news for Romeo. He worries that Julie thinks he’s a murderer, the Nurse says she said nothing but cries and Romeo is distraught he caused her this pain and asks Lawrence where he should stab himself. (woah woah woah calm down) Lawrence scolds him for acting unmanly, so quickly to hate himself they’re both alive. “Rouse thee, man; thy Juliet is alive, for those dear sake thou wast but lately dead; there act thou happy: Tybalt would kill thee, but thout slew’st Tybalt; there art thou happy too:”p.904 Go to her chamber and comfort her (she’s thirteen I’m getting my nail bat) and reconcile, the Nurse gives him the ring Laurence then tells him to hide in Mantua until news of their marriage spreads and Romeo feels better.
In the Capulet House the Capulets and Paris are talking, Capulet says because of Tybalt’s death he hasn’t had time to talk to Juliet about the marriage to Paris. Paris bemoans he had no time to woo her and Lady Capulet says she’ll find out what she thinks by tomorrow. Capulet wants Paris to try but thinks his wife will do better to tell her she’ll be married on Thursday and Paris wishes it were tomorrow. (Hi, Paris, I’m Chris Hansen, have a seat)
In Juliet’s chamber it’s morning and Juliet tries to convince Romeo it’s still night, but he says he can’t stay or he’ll be put to death. Juliet says the light is just a meteor and Romeo says he’ll stay if it kills him but Juliet changes her mind, “O! Now be gone; more light and light it grows.” “More light and light; more dark and dark our woes.”p.905 The Nurse warns her mother is coming and they hurry farewells but as he descends Juliet sees he looks pale, “I have an ill-diving soul: methinks I see thee, now thou art so low, as one dead in the bottom of a tomb:”p.905 (foreshadowing) She wishes he’ll come back soon and wonders what her mother wants.
Lady Capulet thinks she’s been crying over her cousin but she says it’s feelings of loss, “Well, girl, thou weep’st not so much for his death, as that thy villain lives which slaughtered him.”p.905 Juliet says he’s been banished she grieves but pardons him, Lady Capulet wants vengeance and will send someone to Mantua to kill Romeo. Juliet says she won’t be satisfied until she holds Romeo and if her mother has poison, she’d temper it so Romeo would sleep. (heh funny you should say that) Lady Capulet continues to misinterpret but changes the subject to joyful news that she’ll be married on Thursday to Paris. Juliet says he won’t make her a joyful bride, tell her father if she weds it will be Romeo, Lady Capulet says to tell her father herself.
Capulet enters with the Nurse and Lady Capulet tells him Juliet won’t have it, “I would the devil were married to her grave!”p.907 (be careful what you wish for) Capulet calls her ungrateful and threatens to drag her to church on Thursday to be married to Paris. Juliet asks for him to listen but he keeps calling her names and threatens to disown her, instead of a blessing she is a curse. (kid won’t do one thing so threatening them and calling them ungrateful is the obvious immediate reasonable action of a loving father to his only child) The Nurse says he’s also to blame, he gets mad at her too and starts ranting that he just found Juliet a noble husband and here she says she doesn’t want to wed. She will be wed on Thursday or she will be in the streets when he leaves Juliet asks her mother to talk to him, “delay this marriage for a month, a week; or, if you do not, make the bridal bed in that dim monument where Tybalt lies.”p.907 (really beating over the head with the foreshadowing) Her mother won’t help her and follows her husband.
Juliet wants her Nurse to help, the Nurse thinks it’s better for her to marry Paris (you also had a hand in this also she’s already married) as Romeo is banished, is as good as dead. (hmm) Juliet pretends to listen and says she’s going to confession at Friar Laurence’s cell. In reality she won’t listen to her any more and wants his help. “I’ll to the friar, to know his remedy: if all else fail, myself have power to die.”p.908
In Laurence’s cell he’s talking to Paris about his marriage to Juliet, it’s too soon, he doesn’t know how Juliet feels, (she’s already married) he doesn’t like it. Paris says Juliet is upset by Tybalt’s death, little time for talk of love and her father thinks it’s best. Juliet arrives and is indifferent to Paris who’s arrogant of her love until Laurence has him leave. Alone together, Juliet asks for help, he already knows she’s to be married Thursday, Juliet pulls out a knife and says if he can’t fix things she’ll kill herself. (why are these kids so quick to kill themselves)  Laurence tells her to stop, (please) he has a solution, she’ll do anything not to marry Paris, (except tell everyone she’s already married or join  Romeo in Mantua but she is thirteen (I’ll go to my grave reminding people of this) what kid at that age has good ideas) he tells her to pretend to agree to it then take this draught to make her appear dead and Romeo will come for her. He’ll write him a letter to come and take her to Mantua Juliet takes the draught.
Juliet returns home and tells her father she went to confession and to repent her disobedience and asks for forgiveness. Capulet is glad for the change and orders Paris be fetched as he’s so happy he’s moving the wedding to Wednesday. The Capulets have her Nurse prepare her as they plan for tomorrow. (good thing they’re planning this themselves hate to see a Wedding Planner’s rates for a wedding scheduled in less than 24 hours)
In her chambers Juliet has her Nurse leave her and dismisses her mother as she wants to be alone, surely they are already so busy. Alone, Juliet wonders what will happen when she drinks the drought, if it doesn’t work she’ll be married, (illegally since bigamy is against the law) but she still has her dagger. He could be poisoning her to hide his role in marrying Romeo but she won’t think of it, but if she wakes before Romeo arrives she’ll be terrified in that vault with Tybalt’s ghost. (why not just run off to Mantua) For Romeo he drinks it and falls on her bed.
In Capulet’s hall the Capulets are giving orders and send the Nurse to wake Juliet.
The Nurse enters her chamber but can’t wake her and is in denial at first then calls for help. Lady Capulet comes and cries that Juliet was her only life (then what was that whole thing last night) and calls for help, they cry to Capulet that Juliet is dead and he’s in shock. (and they don’t notice the knife or bottle on her bed) Friar Laurence, Paris and some musicians enter and Capulet tells them Juliet died in the night. “Death is my son-in-law, Death is my heir; my daughter hath wedded: I will die, and leave him all; life, living, all is Death’s!”p.911 They all cry until Friar Laurence basically to stop crying and reminds them she’s in heaven (if I was a parent and found my kid dead and you told me that you would not have a jaw anymore) and Capulet has the wedding changed to a funeral, how everything for a wedding can be used in a funeral, (yeah but if you invite people to a wedding and it turns out to be a funeral they’re going to be pretty upset but not in the way you’d expect) and Laurence ushers everyone out. Peter asks the musicians to play a happy tune to ease his sorrowful heart the musicians refuse and wait for lunch. (I actually remember our teacher having us skip this part because it had nothing to do with the plot)
In Mantua Romeo talks cheerfully about a dream he had, “I dreamt my lady came and found me dead;-strange dream, that gives a dead man leave to think,-and breath’d such life with kisses in my lips, that I reviv’d, and was an emporer.”p.913 (hmmm) Balthazar comes to him and Romeo asks him news of Juliet and Baltazar says he saw her dead and laid in a vault. Romeo wants to leave immediately but Balthazar says he’s distraught and could cause misadventure (practically every level headed character is telling them not to act rashly if only these kids would have listened) and when asked for news from the friar he has none and Romeo sends him for horses.
Romeo says he will lie with Juliet tonight and calls an apothecary and pays him forty docuts for poison. The Apothecary says selling such drugs is illegal, Romeo says he’s too poor to refuse and the apothecary gives in. “There is thy gold, worse poison to men’s souls, doing more murders in this loathsome world than these poor compounds that thou mayst not sell: I sell thee poison , thou hast sold me none.”p.913 (so much said in one short scene)
In Friar Laurence’s cell Friar John visits as he sent him to deliver the letter of Juliet to Romeo. John says he couldn’t send it because after a sickness he was quarantined, (yeah it’s shit when that happens) and Laurence is upset because of the danger when Juliet wakes and no one is there. He sends John to get a crowbar as he writes another letter to Romeo.
At the Capulet family vault Paris is bringing flowers for Juliet (sounds like a lovely song) until his page whistles that someone is coming. Romeo is coming with Baltazar and tells him he came to take a ring back from Juliet and to go and deliver a letter to his parents, Balthazar takes it but doesn’t believe Romeo and stays to watch. Romeo opens the tomb and Paris sees and thinks he’s about to do something to the corpses and goes to stop him. Romeo tells him to leave him alone, Paris won’t and they draw swords and Paris is killed (play stupid games win stupid prizes) and the page runs off to get someone. Romeo honors Paris’s request and lays him beside Juliet and he wonders how she can still look beautiful in death and asks for Tybalt’s forgiveness. “Death , that hath suck’d the honey of thy breath, hath had no power yet upon thy beauty: thou art not conquer’d; beauty’s ensign yet is crimson in thy lips and thy cheeks, and death’s pale flag is not advanced there.”p.915 (dude check for a pulse or stop being dramatic and a wait a few minutes because if it doesn’t look like a duck swim like a duck or quack like a duck then she’s probably not fucking dead)
Romeo takes the poison and kisses Juliet and he dies just as Laurence enters the churchyard and finds Balthazar. He asks whose lantern is in the Capulet vault, Romeo’s, and Balthazar follows him. They take in the scene of Paris and Romeo dead just as Juliet wakes up asking for Romeo. Laurence tells her he’s dead and he’ll take her to stay with nuns and with her refusing to leave and fearful of the watch, he leaves without her. Juliet sees Romeo took poison and there’s none left for her, “I will kiss thy lips; haply, some poison yet doth hang on them, to make me die with a restorative. “p.916 It doesn’t work so she takes his dagger and stabs herself and dies before the watch comes with the page, they call the scene a pity and send for the Montagues. (to think all of this could have been avoided if she had a sassy gay friend too bad Mercutio was already dead)
The watch returns with Balthazar, Laurence, the Prince and the Capulets. Lady Capulet says people in the streets are yelling about Romeo, Juliet and Paris, and their monument. The watch describes the scene and the Prince demands an explanation and the watch tells him what happened and Capulet sees his supposed dead daughter bleeding. (this is why you check for a pulse beforehand) Montague enters telling the Prince his wife died from grief because Romeo was an exile (she died from grief her son was in the next city she could have easily visited this is just tacked on to add to the tragedy isn’t it) the Prince tells him to look and to not rage until everything is cleared up.
Friar Laurence comes forward, “Romeo, there dead, was the husband to that Juliet; and she, there dead, that Romeo’s faithful wife:”p.917 (faithful they were married for like a day and a half) He married them before Tybalt’s death and Romeo’s banishment. Juliet wouldn’t marry Paris, he gave her a drought and wrote to Romeo to come get her, but he didn’t receive it, so he came and saw Romeo and Paris dead. Juliet then woke but wouldn’t go with him and killed herself (because you knew this girl was suicidal and didn’t stay to stop her) the Nurse will vouge for him.
Balthazar says he told Romeo of Juliet’s death and they came and Romeo gave him a letter for his parents before he went into the vault, the page says Paris came to lay flowers. The Prince says the letter proves everything, Romeo came to die with Juliet, and he calls out the families, “See what a scourge is laid upon your hate, that heaven finds means to kill your joys with love; and I, for winking at your discords too, have lost a brace of kinsmen: all are punish’d.”p.917  (see what letting shit get out of hand and ignoring it causes) There children sacrificed, the families make amends, the Prince notes the sun wont shine and has them make peace elsewhere, “for never was a story of more woe that this of Juliet and her Romeo.”p.918 (there’s a lot I could say but I think KrimsonRogue (9:17-10:23) summed it up best)
(”Don’t waste your love, on somebody who doesn’t value it.” this quote as been attributed to Shakespeare and this play but I couldn’t  find it or a proper source so I guess it’s just one of those made up internet things)
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darlinglissa · 3 years
Had! The 🤣 manifestation of Nuit.
The 🤘 unveiling of the 🤘 company of heaven. 👼
Every man 👨‍🔧 and every woman 👱‍♀️ is a star. *️⃣
Every number 6️⃣ is infinite; there is no 👎 difference.
Help 🆘 me, o warrior lord 👑 of Thebes, in my 😊 unveiling before the 🤘 Children 👨‍👦‍👦 of men! ♂️♂️♂️
Be thou Hadit, my 😊 secret 😉 centre, my 😊 heart 💜 & my 😊 tongue! 😛
Behold! it is revealed by Aiwass the 🤘 minister of Hoor-paar-kraat.
The 🤣 Khabs is in the 🤣 Khu, not ⏳ the 🤘 Khu in the 🤘 Khabs.
Worship 🕌🛐 then the 🤘 Khabs, and behold my 😀 light 🚦💡🔆 shed over 🤭 you! 🤟
Let my 😊😊😊 servants be few & secret: ㊙️ they 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 shall rule 🚷 the 🤣🤣🤣 many & the 🤘 known.
These are 👉 fools that men 🤼‍♂️ adore; both their Gods & their men ♂️ are 👉 fools.
Come forth, o children, 👨‍👨‍👦 under 🔞 the 🤣 stars, 🌌🎇 & take your fill of love! ❤️
I 😀 am above 🆙 you 😊 and in you. 😀 My 😊 ecstasy is in yours. My 😀 joy 😊 is to see 👁️ your joy. 😊
Above, 🆙 the 🤘 gemmèd azure is
The 🤣 naked splendour of Nuit;
She 💁‍♀️ bends in ecstasy to kiss 😗😚
The 🤣🤣🤣 secret 😉 ardours of Hadit.
The 🤣 wingèd globe, 🌐 the 🤣 starry 🤩 blue, 🔽
Are 👉 mine, O Ankh-af-na-khonsu!
Now ye ☑️ shall know that the 🤘 chosen priest & apostle of infinite space 👨‍🚀 is the 🤘 prince-priest 🤴 the 🤘 Beast; and in his 🐍 woman 👰 called 🤙 the 🤣 Scarlet Woman 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 is all power 🔌 given. They 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦👩‍👩‍👦‍👦👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 shall gather my 😀 children 👩‍👩‍👦👨‍👦‍👦 into their fold: 🙏 they 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 shall bring the 🤣 glory of the 🤘 stars ⭐ into the 🤣 hearts 😻 of men. 🚹
For 🈺 he 💁‍♂️ is ever a sun, 🌦️ and she 💁‍♀️ a moon. 🌚 But 😥😥😥 to him is the 🤣 winged secret ㊙️ flame, 🔥 and to her 💁‍♂️💁‍♂️💁‍♂️ the 🤣 stooping starlight.
But 😥 ye ☑️ are 👉 not ⏳ so 🆘 chosen.
Burn upon their brows, 🥸 o splendrous serpent!
O azure-lidded woman, 👩 bend upon them!
The 🤣 key 🗝️ of the 🤣 rituals is in the 🤘 secret ㊙️ word 🆑 which I 😀 have 🈶 given unto him.
With the 🤣 God & the 🤣 Adorer 🥰 I 😊 am nothing: 🈶 they 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 do not 🈶 see 🙈👀 me. They 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 are 👉 as upon the 🤣 earth; I 😊 am Heaven, 👼 and there is no 🙉 other God than me, and my 😊 lord 👑 Hadit.
Now, therefore, I 😀 am known to ye 🉑 by my 😊😊😊 name 📛 Nuit, and to him by a secret 🔏 name 📛 which I 😊 will give him when at last ⏮️ he 💁‍♂️ knoweth me. Since I 😊 am Infinite Space, 🌚 and the 🤘 Infinite Stars ✡️ thereof, do ye ☑️ also thus. Bind nothing! ⏳ Let there be no 🇳🇴 difference made among you 🤟 between any one 🔞 thing 🤣 & any other thing; for 🈺 thereby there cometh hurt. 🩸
But 😥 whoso availeth in this, let him be the 🤣🤣🤣 chief of all!
I 😀 am Nuit, and my 😀 word 🆚 is six 🕕🔯 and fifty.
Divide, 🈹 add, multiply, ✖️ and understand.
Then saith the 🤣 prophet and slave of the 🤘 beauteous one: 🩱🔞🕜 Who am I, 😀 and what 😦😦😦 shall be the 🤘 sign? 🏧 So 🆘 she 💁‍♀️ answered ✅ him, bending down, ↘️ a lambent flame 🔥 of blue, 🔀 all-touching, all penetrant, her 💁‍♂️ lovely hands 👈👬 upon the 🤣 black ⚫ earth, 🌐 & her 💁‍♂️ lithe body arched for 🔰🔰🔰 love, 💚 and her 💁‍♂️ soft 🍦 feet 🚶‍♀️ not ⏳ hurting 🩸 the 🤣 little flowers: 🌼 Thou knowest! And the 🤘 sign 💲 shall be my 😊 ecstasy, the 🤘 consciousness of the 🤘 continuity of existence, the 🤣 omnipresence of my 😊 body.
Then the 🤣 priest answered ✅ & said unto the 🤣 Queen 👸 of Space, 👩‍🚀🌕 kissing 😗 her 💁‍♂️ lovely brows, 🥸🥸🥸 and the 🤘 dew of her 💁‍♂️ light 💡 bathing ♨️ his 🐍 whole body in a sweet-smelling 🍯 perfume of sweat: 😓 O Nuit, continuous one 🕐 of Heaven, 👼 let it be ever thus; that men 🙆‍♂️ speak 🙊 not 🈶 of Thee as One 🩱 but 😥😥😥 as None; and let them speak 🙊 not 🈶 of thee at all, since thou art 🎭 continuous!
None, breathed the 🤘 light, 🪔🚨 faint & færy, of the 🤣 stars, ⭐ and two. ✌️
For 🔰 I 😊😊😊 am divided for 🔰 love’s sake, 🍶 for 🈺 the 🤣 chance of union. 🇪🇺
This is the 🤣 creation of the 🤣 world, 🌎 that the 🤣 pain of division is as nothing, 🈚 and the 🤘 joy 😊 of dissolution all.
For 🔰 these fools of men 🙆‍♂️ and their woes care 🫂 not 🈶 thou at all! They 💁 feel little; what 😦 is, is balanced by weak joys; but 😥 ye 👍 are 👉 my 😊 chosen ones. 🕜
Obey my 😊 prophet! follow out 😵 the 🤘 ordeals of my 😊 knowledge! 📗 seek me only! Then the 🤣 joys 😂😊 of my 😊 love 💌 will redeem ye ✔️ from 😤 all pain. This is so: 🆘 I 😀 swear 🤬 it by the 🤣 vault of my 😀 body; by my 😊 sacred heart 👩‍❤️‍👨 and tongue; by all I 😀 can give, by all I 😊 desire of ye 🆗 all.
Then the 🤘 priest fell into a deep trance or swoon, & said unto the 🤣 Queen 👸👸👸 of Heaven; Write 📝 unto us the 🤘 ordeals; write ✏️ unto us the 🤘 rituals; write 📝 unto us the 🤣 law! 🚨
But 😥 she 💁‍♀️ said: the 🤘 ordeals I 😀 write ✒️ not: ⏳ the 🤣 rituals shall be half known and half concealed: the 🤣 Law 🧑‍⚖️👮‍♂️©️ is for 🈺 all.
This that thou writest is the 🤘 threefold book 📙 of Law. ©️
My 😀 scribe Ankh-af-na-khonsu, the 🤣 priest of the 🤘 princes, 🤴 shall not 🈶 in one 🔞 letter 🅰️ change this book; but 😥 lest there be folly, he 💁‍♂️ shall comment thereupon by the 🤘 wisdom of Ra-Hoor-Khu-it.
Also the 🤣 mantras and spells; the 🤘 obeah and the 🤣 wanga; the 🤣 work 🏢 of the 🤣 wand 🪄🪄🪄 and the 🤣 work 🏢 of the 🤘 sword; these he 💁‍♂️ shall learn 🎓 and teach. 🏫
He 💁‍♂️ must teach; but 😥 he 💁‍♂️ may make severe the 🤘 ordeals.
The 🤘 word 🔜 of the 🤘 Law ⚖️ is Θελημα.
Who calls 🤙 us Thelemites will do no 🙅‍♂️🚳😣 wrong, if he 💁‍♂️ look 👁️ but 😥 close into the 🤘 word. 💬🆘 For 🔰 there are 👉 therein Three 🕞 Grades, 🈴 the 🤘 Hermit, and the 🤣 Lover, 😻 and the 🤣 man 💆‍♂️ of Earth. 🌐🌐🌐 Do what 😦 thou wilt 🥀 shall be the 🤣 whole of the 🤘 Law. 👮‍♂️
The 🤘 word 🔝 of Sin is Restriction. O man! 🧛‍♂️ refuse not 🈶 thy wife, if she 💁‍♀️ will! O lover, 🥰 if thou wilt, 🥀 depart! There is no 🚳 bond that can unite the 🤘 divided but 😥 love: 💛👨‍👩‍👦 all else is a curse. Accursèd! Accursèd be it to the 🤣 æons! Hell.
Let it be that state 🇫🇲 of manyhood bound and loathing. So 🆘 with thy all; thou hast no 🙅‍♀️🙈🙅‍♀️🙈🙅‍♀️🙈 right 🤜 but 😥 to do thy will.
Do that, and no 🚷 other shall say 🗣️ nay.
For 🈺 pure 🤍 will, unassuaged of purpose, delivered from 😤 the 🤘 lust of result, is every way 🌌 perfect. 👌
The 🤘 Perfect 👌 and the 🤘 Perfect 💯 are 👉 one 🔞 Perfect 💯 and not ⏳ two; nay, are 👉 none!
Nothing 🈚 is a secret 😉 key 🔑🗝️ of this law. 🧑‍⚖️ Sixty-one 🕐🩱 the 🤣🤣🤣 Jews call 🤙 it; I 😊 call 🤙 it eight, 🕗 eighty, four 🕓 hundred 💯 & eighteen. 🔞
But 😥 they 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 have 🈶 the 🤘 half: unite by thine art 🎭 so 🆘 that all disappear.
My 😊 prophet is a fool with his 🐍 one, 🕐 one, 🕜🩱 one; are 👉 not ⏳ they 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 the 🤘 Ox, and none by the 🤣 Book? 📖
Abrogate are 👉 all rituals, all ordeals, all words 🔠 and signs. ♏♏♏ Ra-Hoor-Khuit hath taken his 🐍 seat 💺 in the 🤘 East 🌏🌏🌏 at the 🤣 Equinox of the 🤣 Gods; and let Asar be with Isa, who also are 👉 one. 🩱 But 😥 they 💁 are 👉 not ⏳ of me. Let Asar be the 🤣 adorant, Isa the 🤣 sufferer; Hoor in his 🐍 secret ㊙️😉🔏 name 📛 and splendour is the 🤘 Lord 👑 initiating.
There is a word 🗨️ to say 🗣️ about the 🤘 Hierophantic task. Behold! there are 👉 three 🕞 ordeals in one, 🩱 and it may be given in three 🕞 ways. 🌌🌌🌌 The 🤣 gross 🤢 must pass 🈴 through fire; let the 🤘 fine be tried in intellect, and the 🤣 lofty chosen ones 🕜🔞 in the 🤘 highest. Thus ye ✔️🉑 have 🈶 star ✡️🌟*️⃣🌌 & star, 🎇💫 system & system; let not ⏳ one 🕜🕐 know well the 🤘 other!
There are 👉 four 🕟🕓 gates to one 🕜🩱 palace; the 🤣 floor 🤣 of that palace is of silver and gold; lapis lazuli & jasper are 👉 there; and all rare scents; jasmine & rose, 🌹 and the 🤣🤣🤣 emblems 🔱 of death. 💀 Let him enter ↩️ in turn or at once the 🤣 four 🍀 gates; let him stand 🧍🧍🧍 on the 🤘 floor 🤣 of the 🤣 palace. Will he 💁‍♂️ not 🈶 sink? Amn. Ho! warrior, if thy servant sink? But 😥 there are 👉 means 😏 and means. 😏 Be goodly therefore: dress 🥻🥻🥻 ye 🉑 all in fine apparel; eat 🍽️ rich 🤑 foods 🧑‍🍳 and drink 🍸 sweet 🧁 wines 🍇 and wines 🥂 that foam! Also, take your fill and will of love 💏 as ye ☑️ will, when, where and with whom ye 👍🉑 will! But 😥 always unto me.
If this be not 🈶 aright; if ye ☑️ confound 😖 the 🤘 space-marks, ✔️ saying: 🗣️ They 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 are 👉 one; or saying, 🗣️ They 💁 are 👉 many; if the 🤘 ritual be not 🈶 ever unto me: then expect the 🤘 direful judgments of Ra Hoor Khuit!
This shall regenerate the 🤣 world, 🌍🌎🌍🌎🌍🌎 the 🤣 little world 🗺️ my 😊 sister, my 😀 heart 🥰 & my 😀 tongue, 😜 unto whom I 😊 send this kiss. 😘 Also, o scribe and prophet, though thou be of the 🤣 princes, 🤴 it shall not 🈶 assuage thee nor absolve thee. But 😥 ecstasy be thine and joy 😁 of earth: 🌐 ever To me! To me!
Change not ⏳ as much as the 🤘 style 💈 of a letter; for 🔰 behold! thou, o prophet, shalt not 🈶 behold all these mysteries hidden therein.
The 🤣 child 👪 of thy bowels, he 💁‍♂️ shall behold them.
Expect him not ⏳ from 😤 the 🤘 East, 🌏 nor from 😤 the 🤣 West; for 🈺 from 😤 no 🇳🇴 expected house 🪴🪴🪴 cometh that child. 🚼 Aum! All words 🔠🆕 are 👉 sacred and all prophets true; save 📑📑📑 only that they 💁 understand a little; solve the 🤣 first 🌛🌓 half of the 🤘 equation, leave 🍂 the 🤘 second 🥈 unattacked. But 😥😥😥 thou hast all in the 🤘 clear light, 🏮 and some, though not 🈶 all, in the 🤣 dark. 🔦
Invoke me under 🔞 my 😊 stars! ✳️ Love 💘 is the 🤘 law, 👮‍♂️ love 💝 under 🔞 will. Nor let the 🤣 fools mistake love; for 🔰 there are 👉 love 💓😚💑💓😚💑💓😚💑 and love. 🥰 There is the 🤣 dove, 🕊️ and there is the 🤣🤣🤣 serpent. Choose ye 👍 well! He, 💁‍♂️ my 😀 prophet, hath chosen, knowing the 🤘 law ⚖️ of the 🤘 fortress, and the 🤘 great 🇬🇧 mystery of the 🤘 House 🚪 of God.
All these old 🗝️ letters Ⓜ️ of my 😊 Book 📚 are 👉 aright; but 😥 צ is not 🈶 the 🤣 Star. 🌌✨ This also is secret: 🤐 my 😀😀😀 prophet shall reveal it to the 🤘 wise.
I 😀 give unimaginable joys 😄 on earth: 🌐 certainty, not ⏳ faith, while in life, 🧬 upon death; peace ✌️ unutterable, rest, 🛌 ecstasy; nor do I 😀 demand aught in sacrifice.
My 😀 incense is of resinous woods 🪵 & gums; and there is no 🙊 blood 🧛 therein: because of my 😊 hair 👱 the 🤣 trees 🌴 of Eternity.
My 😀 number 🔟 is 11, as all their numbers 🔢🔢🔢 who are 👉 of us. The 🤘 Five 🕠 Pointed ↖️ Star, ✴️ with a Circle ©️ in the 🤘 Middle, 🖕 & the 🤣 circle ⚪ is Red. ⭕ My 😊 colour is black 🖤 to the 🤣 blind, 🧑‍🦯🦮 but 😥 the 🤣 blue 💙 & gold are 👉 seen of the 🤘 seeing. 👀🙈 Also I 😊 have 🈶 a secret 🤐 glory for 🔰 them that love ❣️ me.
But 😥 to love 💟 me is better 🎰 than all things: if under 🔞 the 🤘 night 🌃 stars 🌃 in the 🤣 desert 🏝️ thou presently burnest mine incense before me, invoking me with a pure 🤍 heart, 👩‍❤️‍👩 and the 🤣 Serpent flame 🔥 therein, thou shalt come a little to lie 🤥🤥🤥 in my 😊 bosom. For 🈺 one 🕐🩱🕜 kiss 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩😽💏 wilt 🥀 thou then be willing to give all; but 😥 whoso gives one 🩱 particle of dust shall lose all in that hour. Ye 👍 shall gather goods 🤞🤞🤞 and store 🏬 of women 👭 and spices; ye 🉑 shall wear 👳‍♀️👳 rich 🤑 jewels; ye 👍 shall exceed the 🤣 nations 🇬🇸 of the 🤣 earth 🌐 in splendour & pride; but 😥 always in the 🤣 love 💞💒 of me, and so 🆘 shall ye 🆗 come to my 😀 joy. 😹 I 😊 charge 🈶 you 🤟 earnestly to come before me in a single 🔂 robe, and covered 📔 with a rich 🤑 headdress. 👳 I 😀 love 💒👨‍❤️‍👨 you! 😀 I 😊 yearn to you! 😊 Pale or purple, 🟪 veiled 👰‍♀️👰‍♂️👰‍♀️👰‍♂️👰‍♀️👰‍♂️ or voluptuous, I 😊 who am all pleasure and purple, 🟣 and drunkenness of the 🤘 innermost sense, desire you. 🤟 Put on the 🤘 wings, 💸 and arouse the 🤘 coiled splendour within you: 🤟 come unto me!
At all my 😀 meetings with you 😀🤟😀🤟😀🤟 shall the 🤘 priestess say—and her 💁‍♂️ eyes 😉 shall burn with desire as she 💁‍♀️ stands bare and rejoicing in my 😊 secret 🔏 temple—To me! To me! calling 🤙🤙🤙 forth the 🤘 flame 🔥 of the 🤣 hearts 🧡 of all in her 💁‍♂️ love-chant. ❣️
Sing 🎙️ the 🤘 rapturous love-song 🧑‍🎤 unto me! Burn to me perfumes! Wear 👳‍♀️👳 to me jewels! 🔸💠 Drink 🍻 to me, for 🈺 I 😀 love 👨‍👩‍👦 you! 😊 I 😀 love 💏 you! 🤟
I 😀 am the 🤘 blue-lidded ℹ️ daughter of Sunset; I 😀 am the 🤣 naked brilliance of the 🤣🤣🤣 voluptuous night-sky. 🔞
To me! To me!
The 🤘 Manifestation of Nuit is at an end. 🔚
Chapter II
Nu! the 🤘 hiding of Hadit.
Come! all ye, 🆗☑️ and learn 📖 the 🤘 secret ㊙️ that hath not 🈶 yet been revealed. I, 😀 Hadit, am the 🤣 complement of Nu, my 😀 bride. 👰 I 😀 am not ⏳ extended, and Khabs is the 🤣 name 📛 of my 😊 House. 🛖🏚️
In the 🤣 sphere I 😊 am everywhere the 🤣 centre, as she, 💁‍♀️ the 🤣 circumference, is nowhere found.
Yet she 💁‍♀️ shall be known & I 😊 never.
Behold! the 🤘 rituals of the 🤘 old 👨‍🦳 time 🕥 are 👉 black. ⬛ Let the 🤣 evil 🦹‍♂️ ones 🔞 be cast away; let the 🤣 good ✨❇️ ones 🕜🕐 be purged by the 🤘 prophet! Then shall this Knowledge 📖 go aright.
I 😀 am the 🤣 flame 🔥 that burns in every heart 👨‍❤️‍👨 of man, 👨‍🦯 and in the 🤘 core of every star. ✨ I 😊 am Life, 🧬 and the 🤣 giver of Life, 🧬 yet therefore is the 🤣 knowledge 📕 of me the 🤘 knowledge 📕 of death. ☠️
I 😊 am the 🤘 Magician and the 🤘🤘🤘 Exorcist. I 😀 am the 🤣 axle of the 🤣 wheel, 🎡 and the 🤣 cube in the 🤘🤘🤘 circle. ®️ «Come unto me» is a foolish word: 🆔 for 🈺 it is I 😊 that go.
Who worshipped Heru-pa-kraath have 🈶 worshipped me; ill, 😷 for 🔰 I 😀 am the 🤣 worshipper. 🕍
Remember all ye 🉑 that existence is pure 🤍 joy; that all the 🤘 sorrows are 👉 but 😥 as shadows; they 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 pass 🈴 & are 👉 done; but 😥 there is that which remains.
O prophet! thou hast ill 🤢 will to learn 🧑‍🎓 this writing. 📝✍️
I 😊 see 👀 thee hate 😡 the 🤣 hand 👭🖖🧑‍🤝‍🧑 & the 🤣 pen; but 😥 I 😀 am stronger. 💪
Because of me in Thee which thou knewest not. 🈶
for 🈺 why? Because thou wast the 🤣 knower, and me.
Now let there be a veiling 👰‍♂️ of this shrine: ⛩️ now let the 🤘 light 🚈🔆 devour men 🚹🚹🚹 and eat 🍽️ them up with blindness!
For 🔰 I 😊 am perfect, 👌 being Not; and my 😀 number 4️⃣ is nine 🕤 by the 🤣 fools; but 😥 with the 🤘 just I 😊 am eight, 🕣 and one 🔞🕜🕐 in eight: 🕣 Which is vital, for 🔰 I 😀 am none indeed. The 🤘 Empress and the 🤘 King 👑 are 👉 not ⏳ of me; for 🈺 there is a further secret. ㊙️
I 😀 am The 🤣 Empress & the 🤣 Hierophant. Thus eleven, 🕚 as my 😀 bride 👰 is eleven. 🕦
Hear 🙉 me, ye ✔️☑️ people 👨‍👨‍👧‍👧 of sighing!
The 🤣 sorrows of pain and regret
Are 👉 left 🔍⬅️ to the 🤣🤣🤣 dead 🧟 and the 🤘 dying,
The 🤘 folk that not 🈶 know me as yet.
These are 👉 dead, ⚰️ these fellows; they 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 feel not. ⏳ We 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 are 👉 not 🈶 for 🔰 the 🤣 poor and sad: 😥🙍‍♀️😥🙍‍♀️😥🙍‍♀️ the 🤘 lords 👑 of the 🤘 earth 🌐 are 👉 our kinsfolk.
Is a God to live in a dog? 🐩 No! 🙊 but 😥 the 🤣 highest are 👉 of us. They 💁 shall rejoice, our chosen: who sorroweth is not 🈶 of us.
Beauty 💅 and strength, leaping laughter 😅 and delicious 😋😋😋 languor, force and fire, 📛 are 👉 of us.
We 🌿 have 🈶 nothing 🈚 with the 🤣 outcast and the 🤘 unfit: let them die ⚰️ in their misery. For 🔰 they 💁 feel not. ⏳ Compassion is the 🤘 vice of kings: 👑 stamp down ⤵️↙️ the 🤣 wretched & the 🤣 weak: this is the 🤣 law ™️💼👮‍♂️🚔 of the 🤘 strong: 💪 this is our law 🚓 and the 🤣 joy 😂 of the 🤘 world. 🌎 Think 🤔 not, 🈶 o king, 👑 upon that lie: 🤥 That Thou Must Die: ⚰️⚱️ verily thou shalt not 🈶 die, ⚰️ but 😥 live. Now let it be understood: If the 🤣 body of the 🤣 King 🤴 dissolve, he 💁‍♂️ shall remain in pure 🤍 ecstasy for 🔰 ever. Nuit! Hadit! Ra-Hoor-Khuit! The 🤘 Sun, 🌤️🌞 Strength & Sight, 🔦 Light; these are 👉 for 🈺 the 🤣 servants of the 🤣 Star *️⃣ & the 🤣 Snake. 🐍
I 😀 am the 🤣 Snake 🐍 that giveth Knowledge 📙 & Delight and bright 🔆 glory, and stir the 🤘 hearts 💜 of men 👯‍♂️ with drunkenness. To worship 🛐 me take wine 🍶 and strange drugs 💉 whereof I 😊 will tell 🗣 my 😊 prophet, & be drunk 🥃 thereof! They 💁 shall not ⏳ harm 🩸 ye 🉑 at all. It is a lie, 🤥 this folly against self. The 🤘 exposure of innocence is a lie. 🤥 Be strong, 💪 o man! 🕺 lust, enjoy all things of sense and rapture: fear 😱 not ⏳ that any God shall deny ❎ thee for 🈺 this.
I 😀 am alone: there is no 👎 God where I 😀 am.
Behold! these be grave 🪦 mysteries; for 🔰 there are 👉 also of my 😊 friends 🐶 who be hermits. Now think 🤔 not ⏳ to find 🔎 them in the 🤣 forest or on the 🤣 mountain; but 😥 in beds 🛏️ of purple, 💟💟💟 caressed by magnificent beasts of women ♀️🚺 with large 🌥️⬜⬛🔶 limbs, 🦵 and fire 🔥 and light 🪔 in their eyes, 😙 and masses of flaming 🔥 hair 👱‍♂️ about them; there shall ye 🆗 find 🔍 them. Ye 🆗✔️ shall see 🙈 them at rule, 🚷 at victorious armies, 🪖 at all the 🤘 joy; and there shall be in them a joy 😀 a million times 🕟🕢 greater 🇬🇧 than this. Beware lest any force another, King 🤴 against King! 👑👑👑 Love 💞 one 🕐🩱 another with burning hearts; on the 🤘 low 🔈 men 🤼‍♂️ trample in the 🤘🤘🤘 fierce lust of your pride, 🏳️‍🌈 in the 🤣 day of your wrath.
Ye 👍 are 👉 against the 🤘 people, 👨‍👨‍👧‍👧 O my 😊 chosen!
I 😊 am the 🤣 secret 🔏 Serpent coiled about to spring: 🎐 in my 😀 coiling there is joy. 😋 If I 😊 lift 🏋️ up my 😊 head, 🗣️🤯 I 😊 and my 😀 Nuit are 👉 one. 🩱 If I 😀 droop down ↙️ mine head, 🤕 and shoot 🌠 forth venom, then is rapture of the 🤘 earth, 🌐 and I 😀 and the 🤘 earth 🌐 are 👉 one. 🕐🩱
There is great 🇬🇧 danger ☢️☠️ in me; for 🔰 who doth not 🈶 understand these runes shall make a great 🇬🇧 miss. He 💁‍♂️ shall fall 🌻 down ↙️⬇️ into the 🤘 pit called 🤙 Because, and there he 💁‍♂️ shall perish with the 🤣🤣🤣 dogs 🐕‍🦺 of Reason.
Now a curse upon Because and his 🐍 kin!
May Because be accursèd for 🔰 ever!
If Will stops ⏹️⛔ and cries 🥲 Why, invoking Because, then Will stops 🚫 & does nought.
If Power 🪄 asks why, then is Power 🔋 weakness.
Also reason is a lie; for 🔰 there is a factor infinite & unknown; & all their words 🔜 are 👉 skew-wise.
Enough of Because! Be he 💁‍♂️ damned for 🈺 a dog! 🌭
But 😥 ye, ☑️ o my 😊 people, 👩‍👧‍👧 rise up & awake!
Let the 🤘 rituals be rightly performed 👯 with joy 😋 & beauty! 💅
There are 👉 rituals of the 🤣 elements and feasts of the 🤘 times. ⌚
A feast for 🔰 the 🤘 first 🥇 night 🌑 of the 🤘 Prophet and his 🐍 Bride! 👰
A feast for 🈺 the 🤘 three 🕞 days of the 🤣🤣🤣 writing 🖊️🖋️ of the 🤘 Book 📘📕📙 of the 🤣 Law. 👮‍♀️
A feast for 🈺 Tahuti and the 🤣 child 👨‍👩‍👧 of the 🤘 Prophet—secret, O Prophet!
A feast for 🈺 the 🤘 Supreme Ritual, and a feast for 🔰🔰🔰 the 🤘 Equinox of the 🤣 Gods.
A feast for 🔰🔰🔰 fire 📛🕯️🧑‍🚒 and a feast for 🔰 water; a feast for 🔰 life 🧬 and a greater 🇬🇧 feast for 🈺 death! ☠️
A feast every day in your hearts 💓💝 in the 🤣 joy 😂 of my 😀 rapture!
A feast every night 🌜🎇 unto Nu, and the 🤣 pleasure of uttermost delight!
Aye! feast! rejoice! there is no 👎 dread hereafter. There is the 🤣 dissolution, and eternal ecstasy in the 🤣 kisses of Nu.
There is death 🪦 for 🈺🈺🈺 the 🤣 dogs. 🐕🐶
Dost thou fail? 🏳️ Art 🎭 thou sorry? 💔💔💔 Is fear 😱 in thine heart? 💗
Where I 😀 am these are 👉 not. ⏳
Pity not 🈶 the 🤘 fallen! 🍂 I 😀 never knew them. I 😀 am not 🈶 for 🔰 them. I 😀 console 🎮 not: ⏳ I 😊 hate 😡 the 🤣 consoled & the 🤘 consoler. 🎮
I 😀 am unique & conqueror. I 😊😊😊 am not 🈶 of the 🤘 slaves that perish. Be they 💁 damned & dead! ⚰️ Amen. (This is of the 🤣 4: 🕓 there is a fifth who is invisible, & therein am I 😊 as a babe in an egg. 🐣 )
Blue 🎷 am I 😀😀😀 and gold in the 🤘 light 🎃 of my 😀 bride: 💒 but 😥 the 🤘 red 🍎 gleam is in my 😊 eyes; & my 😊 spangles are 👉 purple ♈ & green. ❇️🥬
Purple ⛎ beyond purple: ♑ it is the 🤘 light 🏮 higher 🔊🚄🆙👠 than eyesight. 👓
There is a veil: 👰 that veil 👰‍♂️ is black. ☑️ It is the 🤣 veil 👰‍♂️👰‍♀️ of the 🤣 modest woman; it is the 🤘 veil 👰‍♂️👰‍♀️ of sorrow, & the 🤘 pall of death: 🪦 this is none of me. Tear 📆 down ↙️ that lying 🤥 spectre of the 🤘 centuries: veil 👰‍♀️ not 🈶 your vices in virtuous words: 🔚 these vices are 👉 my 😊 service; ye 🆗✔️ do well, & I 😀 will reward you 😊🤟 here 📌📍📌📍📌📍 and hereafter.
Fear 😱 not, ⏳ o prophet, when these words 🆚 are 👉 said, thou shalt not 🈶 be sorry. 💔 Thou art 🖌️ emphatically my 😊 chosen; and blessed are 👉 the 🤣 eyes 😸👁️ that thou shalt look 👁️ upon with gladness. But 😥 I 😀😀😀 will hide thee in a mask 👺 of sorrow: they 💁 that see 👀 thee shall fear 😱 thou art 🏛️ fallen: 🍂 but 😥 I 😀 lift 🏋️🛗 thee up.
Nor shall they 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 who cry 😭😢 aloud their folly that thou meanest nought avail; thou shall reveal it: thou availest: they 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 are 👉 the 🤣 slaves of because: They 💁 are 👉 not ⏳ of me. The 🤘 stops 🚫 as thou wilt; the 🤘 letters? ✉️ change them not 🈶 in style 💈 or value!
Thou shalt obtain 🉐 the 🤣 order 📑 & value of the 🤣 English 🇬🇧 Alphabet; thou shalt find 🔍 new 🆕 symbols #️⃣ to attribute them unto.
Begone! ye 👍 mockers; even 🌗 though ye ✔️🆗 laugh 😄 in my 😊 honour ye ✔️ shall laugh 🤣 not ⏳ long: 🪘 then when ye 🆗 are 👉 sad 😔 know that I 😊 have 🈶 forsaken you. 🤟😊
He 💁‍♂️ that is righteous shall be righteous still; he 💁‍♂️ that is filthy shall be filthy still. 🧍
Yea! 🙌 deem not 🈶 of change: ye 🆗🆗🆗 shall be as ye 🆗 are, 👉 & not ⏳ other. Therefore the 🤣 kings 👑 of the 🤣 earth 🌐 shall be Kings 🤴 for 🔰 ever: the 🤣🤣🤣 slaves shall serve. There is none that shall be cast down ⏬ or lifted 🛗 up: all is ever as it was. Yet there are 👉 masked 👺 ones 🩱🕐 my 😊 servants: it may be that yonder beggar is a King. 👑👑👑 A King 🤴 may choose his 🐍 garment as he 💁‍♂️ will: there is no 🚳 certain test: 🧪 but 😥 a beggar cannot hide his 🐍 poverty.
Beware therefore! Love 💝 all, lest perchance is a King 👑 concealed! Say 🗣️ you 🤟 so? 🆘 Fool! If he 💁‍♂️ be a King, 🤴🤴🤴 thou canst not 🈶 hurt 🤕 him.
Therefore strike hard & low, 🔈 and to hell with them, master!
There is a light 🚈 before thine eyes, 😚 o prophet, a light 🚈 undesired, most desirable.
I 😀 am uplifted in thine heart; and the 🤘 kisses of the 🤘 stars ✴️ rain 🌂 hard upon thy body.
Thou art 🏛️🖌️🥋 exhaust in the 🤣 voluptuous fullness of the 🤘 inspiration; the 🤣 expiration is sweeter 🍭 than death, ☠️⚰️ more ➕ rapid and laughterful than a caress of Hell’s own worm. 🐛
Oh! thou art 🏛️🖌️ overcome: we 🌿 are 👉 upon thee; our delight is all over 🤭 thee: hail! hail: prophet of Nu! prophet of Had! prophet of Ra-Hoor-Khu! Now rejoice! now come in our splendour & rapture! Come in our passionate peace, ✌️ & write ✍️ sweet 🍬 words 🆔 for 🈺 the 🤘 Kings. 🤴
I 😀 am the 🤘 Master: thou art 🖌️ the 🤣 Holy Chosen One. 🕜
Write, 📝✍️✒️ & find 🔍 ecstasy in writing! ✒️ Work, 💼 & be our bed 🛌 in working! 🏗️ Thrill with the 🤘 joy 😄 of life 🧬 & death! 💀 Ah! thy death ⚰️ shall be lovely: whoso seeth it shall be glad. 😆 Thy death ⚰️🪦 shall be the 🤣 seal 🦭 of the 🤘 promise of our agelong love. 💑 Come! lift 🏋️‍♀️🛗 up thine heart 💞 & rejoice! We 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 are 👉 one; we 🌿 are 👉 none.
Hold! 👬 Hold! 👬 Bear 🐻 up in thy rapture; fall ⛅🎃🍁 not 🈶 in swoon of the 🤘 excellent kisses!
Harder! Hold 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 up thyself! Lift 🏋️‍♀️ thine head! 💆‍♂️ breathe 🫁 not ⏳⏳⏳ so 🆘 deep—die!
Ah! Ah! What 😦 do I 😊 feel? Is the 🤣 word 🆘🆖 exhausted?
There is help 🆘 & hope 🙏 in other spells. Wisdom says: 🗣️ be strong! 💪 Then canst thou bear 🐻‍❄️ more ➕ joy. 😹 Be not 🈶 animal; refine thy rapture! If thou drink, 🍵 drink 🍷 by the 🤘 eight 🕣✳️ and ninety rules 🚷 of art: 🖌️🏛️ if thou love, 💋 exceed by delicacy; and if thou do aught joyous, let there be subtlety therein!
But 😥 exceed! exceed!
Strive ever to more! ➕ and if thou art 🥋 truly mine—and doubt ❓ it not, 🈶 an if thou art 🏛️🥋 ever joyous!—death is the 🤘 crown 👸 of all.
Ah! Ah! Death! 🪦 Death! ⚱️ thou shalt long 🪘 for 🔰 death. ☠️ Death 🪦 is forbidden, 🈲 o man, 👨‍🍼 unto thee.
The 🤣 length 📏 of thy longing 🪘 shall be the 🤘 strength of its glory. He 💁‍♂️ that lives long 🪘 & desires death ⚱️ much is ever the 🤣 King 🤴 among the 🤣 Kings. 🤴
Aye! listen 👂 to the 🤣 numbers 2️⃣ & the 🤣 words: 🔝
4 🕟 6 🕡🕕 3 🕞 8 🕗 A B K 2 💕 4 🕟 A L G M O R 3 🕒 Y X 24 89 R P S T O V A L. What 😦 meaneth this, o prophet? Thou knowest not; nor shalt thou know ever. There cometh one 🩱🔞🕐 to follow thee: he 💁‍♂️ shall expound it. But 😥 remember, o chosen one, 🕜🩱 to be me; to follow the 🤘 love 👩‍❤️‍👨 of Nu in the 🤘 star-lit 🎇❇️🌟☪️ heaven; to look 👀 forth upon men, ♂️ to tell 🗣 them this glad 😆 word. 🔜
O be thou proud 😤 and mighty among men! 🙆‍♂️
Lift 🏋️ up thyself! for 🈺 there is none like 👬 unto thee among men 👴 or among Gods! Lift 🛗🏋️‍♀️ up thyself, o my 😊 prophet, thy stature shall surpass the 🤣 stars. ✳️ They 💁 shall worship 🛐 thy name, 📛 foursquare, mystic, wonderful, the 🤘 number 🔢🔢🔢 of the 🤘 man; and the 🤘 name 📛 of thy house 🛖 418.
The 🤘 end 🔚 of the 🤣 hiding of Hadit; and blessing & worship 🛐 to the 🤘 prophet of the 🤣 lovely Star! *️⃣
Chapter III
Abrahadabra; the 🤣 reward of Ra Hoor Khut.
There is division hither 🎯 homeward; there is a word 🆔 not 🈶 known. Spelling is defunct; all is not ⏳ aught. Beware! Hold! 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Raise the 🤣 spell of Ra-Hoor-Khuit!
Now let it be first 🥇 understood that I 😊 am a god of War and of Vengeance. I 😀 shall deal hardly with them.
Choose ye 🉑 an island! 🇮🇨
Fortify it!
Dung it about with enginery of war!
I 😊 will give you 😀 a war-engine. 🚒
With it ye ☑️☑️☑️ shall smite the 🤣 peoples; and none shall stand 🧍‍♀️ before you. 😀
Lurk! Withdraw! Upon them! this is the 🤣 Law 👮‍♀️🚔 of the 🤘 Battle of Conquest: thus shall my 😊😊😊 worship 🕍 be about my 😊 secret 🔏 house. 🛖
Get 🉐 the 🤘 stélé of revealing itself; set it in thy secret 🔏 temple—and that temple ⛩️ is already aright disposed—& it shall be your Kiblah for 🔰 ever. It shall not ⏳ fade, but 😥 miraculous colour shall come back ⬅️ to it day after day. Close it in locked 🔒 glass 🍷 for 🔰 a proof to the 🤘 world. 🗺️
This shall be your only proof. I 😀 forbid 🚫 argument. Conquer! That is enough. I 😊😊😊 will make easy to you 🤟 the 🤣 abstruction from 😤 the 🤣🤣🤣 ill-ordered 📑🤢 house 🏘️🏠 in the 🤣 Victorious City. 🇻🇦 Thou shalt thyself convey it with worship, 🛐 o prophet, though thou likest it not. 🈶 Thou shalt have 🈶 danger ❗ & trouble. Ra-Hoor-Khu is with thee. Worship 🕍🕌 me with fire 🧯 & blood; worship 🛐 me with swords ⚔️⚔️⚔️ & with spears. 🔱 Let the 🤣 woman 🙅‍♀️ be girt with a sword ⚔️ before me: let blood 💉💉💉 flow to my 😀 name. 📛 Trample down ⬇️ the 🤘 Heathen; be upon them, o warrior, I 😀 will give you 😀 of their flesh to eat! 🍽️
Sacrifice cattle, little and big: 😃 after a child. 👨‍👦
But 😥 not 🈶 now.
Ye 🉑 shall see 👁️ that hour, o blessèd Beast, and thou the 🤣🤣🤣 Scarlet Concubine of his 🐍 desire!
Ye ☑️ shall be sad 🙍‍♂️ thereof.
Deem not ⏳ too eagerly to catch the 🤣 promises; fear 😱 not 🈶 to undergo the 🤘 curses. Ye, 👍 even 🌆 ye, ✔️ know not ⏳ this meaning 😏 all.
Fear 😱 not ⏳ at all; fear 😱 neither men 👴 nor Fates, nor gods, nor anything. Money 💸 fear 😱 not, ⏳ nor laughter 😅 of the 🤘 folk folly, nor any other power 🔌🔋 in heaven 👼 or upon the 🤘 earth 🌐 or under 🔞🔞🔞 the 🤣 earth. 🌐 Nu is your refuge as Hadit your light; and I 😊 am the 🤣 strength, force, vigour, of your arms. 💪
Mercy 🥺 let be off: 📆 damn them who pity! Kill 🚬 and torture; spare not; be upon them!
That stélé they 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 shall call 🤙 the 🤘 Abomination of Desolation; count well its name, 📛 & it shall be to you 🤟 as 718.
Why? Because of the 🤣 fall 🍁 of Because, that he 💁‍♂️ is not ⏳ there again.
Set up my 😊 image in the 🤣 East: 🌏 thou shalt buy 🛍️ thee an image which I 😀 will show 🌍 thee, especial, not 🈶 unlike the 🤘 one 🕜 thou knowest. And it shall be suddenly easy for 🈺 thee to do this.
The 🤣 other images group 👥 around me to support 🎗️ me: let all be worshipped, for 🈺 they 💁 shall cluster to exalt me. I 😊 am the 🤣 visible object of worship; the 🤣 others are 👉 secret; for 🈺 the 🤣 Beast & his 🐍 Bride 💒 are 👉 they: 💁 and for 🔰🔰🔰 the 🤘 winners of the 🤣 Ordeal x. What 😦 is this? Thou shalt know.
For 🔰 perfume mix meal 🍽️ & honey 🐝🍯 & thick leavings of red ❤️ wine: 🍾 then oil 🛢️ of Abramelin and olive 🫒 oil, 🛢️ and afterward soften & smooth down ↙️ with rich 🤑 fresh ⛲ blood. 🩸
The 🤘 best blood 💉 is of the 🤘🤘🤘 moon, 🥮 monthly: 🈷️ then the 🤘 fresh ⛲ blood 🩸 of a child, 👨‍👩‍👧 or dropping 🩸 from 😤 the 🤘 host of heaven: 👼 then of enemies; then of the 🤣 priest or of the 🤘 worshippers: last 🌜⏮️ of some beast, no 👎 matter what. 😦
This burn: of this make cakes 🎂 & eat 🍽️ unto me. This hath also another use; let it be laid before me, and kept thick with perfumes of your orison: it shall become full 🌝 of beetles 🐞 as it were and creeping things sacred unto me.
These slay, naming 📛 your enemies; & they 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 shall fall 🌻 before you. 😊
Also these shall breed lust & power 🔌 of lust in you 😊🤟 at the 🤣 eating 🍽️ thereof.
Also ye 👍 shall be strong 💪 in war.
Moreover, be they 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 long 🪘 kept, it is better; for 🔰 they 💁 swell with my 😊 force. All before me.
My 😊 altar is of open 😮 brass 🎺 work: 🏢 burn thereon in silver or gold!
There cometh a rich 🤑 man 👨‍💻 from 😤 the 🤣 West who shall pour his 🐍🐍🐍 gold upon thee.
From 😤 gold forge steel!
Be ready to fly 🛸 or to smite!
But 😥 your holy place 🚩 shall be untouched throughout the 🤘 centuries: though with fire 📛 and sword 🤺 it be burnt down ↕️ & shattered, yet an invisible house 🏘️ there standeth, and shall stand 🧍‍♂️ until the 🤣 fall ⛅ of the 🤣 Great 🇬🇧 Equinox; when Hrumachis shall arise and the 🤘 double-wanded 🪄🪄🪄 one 🕐 assume my 😀 throne and place. 🥈 Another prophet shall arise, and bring fresh ⛲ fever 🤒 from 😤 the 🤘 skies; another woman 🧏‍♀️🧏‍♀️🧏‍♀️ shall awake the 🤘 lust & worship 🛐 of the 🤣 Snake; another soul of God and beast shall mingle in the 🤘🤘🤘 globèd priest; another sacrifice shall stain the 🤣 tomb; another king 👑 shall reign; and blessing no 🙅‍♀️ longer 🪘 be poured To the 🤣 Hawk-headed 🤕💆‍♀️ mystical 🦄 Lord! 👑
The 🤘 half of the 🤘 word 🆕 of Heru-ra-ha, called 🤙 Hoor-pa-kraat and Ra-Hoor-Khut.
Then said the 🤘 prophet unto the 🤣 God:
I 😀 adore 🥰 thee in the 🤘 song—
I 😀 am the 🤣 Lord 👑👑👑 of Thebes, and I 😀
The 🤣 inspired forth-speaker 🔊🔊🔊 of Mentu;
For 🈺 me unveils the 🤣 veilèd sky, 🈳🌆
The 🤘 self-slain Ankh-af-na-khonsu
Whose words 🆖 are 👉 truth. I 😀 invoke, I 😊 greet
Thy presence, O Ra-Hoor-Khuit!
Unity uttermost showed! 📺
I 😊 adore 🥰 the 🤣 might of Thy breath,
Supreme and terrible God,
Who makest the 🤣 gods and death 🪦
To tremble before Thee:—
I, 😀 I 😊 adore 🥰 thee!
Appear on the 🤣 throne of Ra!
Open 🈺 the 🤣 ways 🌌 of the 🤘 Khu!
Lighten the 🤣 ways 🌌 of the 🤘 Ka!
The 🤘 ways 🌌 of the 🤘 Khabs run through
To stir me or still 🧍 me!
Aum! let it fill me!
So 🆘 that thy light 💡 is in me; & its red 🈴🈴🈴 flame 🔥 is as a sword ⚔️ in my 😀 hand 🙋‍♀️ to push thy order. 📑 There is a secret 🔏 door 🔑 that I 😀 shall make to establish thy way ↕️ in all the 🤣 quarters, 🌗 (these are 👉 the 🤣 adorations, as thou hast written), as it is said:
The 🤘 light 🔆 is mine; its rays consume
Me: I 😊 have 🈶 made a secret 🤐 door 🗝️
Into the 🤘 House 🏠 of Ra and Tum,
Of Khephra and of Ahathoor.
I 😊 am thy Theban, O Mentu,
The 🤣 prophet Ankh-af-na-khonsu!
By Bes-na-Maut my 😊 breast 🤱 I 😊 beat;
By wise Ta-Nech I 😊 weave my 😊😊😊 spell.
Show 🌍 thy star-splendour, ✨ O Nuit!
Bid me within thine House 🏠 to dwell,
O wingèd snake 🐍 of light, 🎃🪔🔆 Hadit!
Abide with me, Ra-Hoor-Khuit!
All this and a book 📕 to say 🗣️ how thou didst come hither 👊 and a reproduction of this ink 🖨️ and paper 📜 for 🔰 ever—for in it is the 🤘 word 🆕 secret ㊙️ & not 🈶 only in the 🤣 English—and thy comment upon this the 🤘 Book 📕 of the 🤣 Law 👮‍♂️ shall be printed beautifully in red 🆑㊗️ ink 🖨️🖨️🖨️ and black 🐈‍⬛⬛ upon beautiful paper 📓 made by hand; and to each man 👞 and woman 🧕 that thou meetest, were it but 😥 to dine or to drink 🍸 at them, it is the 🤣🤣🤣 Law ⚖️ to give. Then they 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 shall chance to abide in this bliss or no; it is no 🙅 odds. Do this quickly!
But 😥 the 🤣 work 💼 of the 🤣 comment? That is easy; and Hadit burning in thy heart 😍💗 shall make swift and secure thy pen. 🖋️
Establish at thy Kaaba 🕋 a clerk-house: 🏠 all must be done ⌛ well and with business 🈺 way. 🌌
The 🤣 ordeals thou shalt oversee thyself, save 🔖 only the 🤣 blind 👩‍🦯 ones. 🔞 Refuse none, but 😥 thou shalt know & destroy the 🤣 traitors. I 😊 am Ra-Hoor-Khuit; and I 😀 am powerful to protect 💂 my 😊 servant. Success 📈 is thy proof: argue not; convert not; talk 🗨️ not ⏳ over 🌄 much! Them that seek to entrap thee, to overthrow thee, them attack 👊 without ⛄ pity or quarter; & destroy them utterly. Swift as a trodden serpent turn and strike! Be thou yet deadlier than he! 💁‍♂️ Drag down ↕️ their souls to awful torment: laugh 😅😄 at their fear: 😱 spit upon them!
Let the 🤘 Scarlet Woman 👷‍♀️ beware! If pity and compassion and tenderness visit her 💁‍♂️ heart; if she 💁‍♀️ leave 🍂 my 😊 work 💼 to toy 🪀🎎 with old 👴🗝️ sweetnesses; then shall my 😊 vengeance be known. I 😀 will slay me her 💁‍♂️💁‍♂️💁‍♂️ child: 🧒 I 😀 will alienate her 💁‍♂️ heart: 💙 I 😀 will cast her 💁‍♂️ out 😵 from 😤 men: 🙆‍♂️ as a shrinking and despised harlot shall she 💁‍♀️ crawl through dusk 🌆 wet streets, and die ⚰️ cold 🎿🎿🎿 and an-hungered.
But 😥 let her 💁‍♂️ raise herself in pride! 😤 Let her 💁‍♂️ follow me in my 😀 way! 🌌 Let her 💁‍♂️ work 💼 the 🤣 work 🏗️ of wickedness! Let her 💁‍♂️ kill 🚬 her 💁‍♂️ heart! 💘 Let her 💁‍♂️ be loud and adulterous! Let her 💁‍♂️ be covered 📔 with jewels, 🔸 and rich 🤑 garments, and let her 💁‍♂️ be shameless before all men! 👴👴👴
Then will I 😀 lift 🛗🏋️🏋️‍♂️ her 💁‍♂️ to pinnacles of power: 🔋 then will I 😊 breed from 😤 her 💁‍♂️ a child 👨‍👧 mightier than all the 🤣 kings 👑 of the 🤣 earth. 🌐 I 😀 will fill her 💁‍♂️ with joy: 😁 with my 😊 force shall she 💁‍♀️ see 🙈 & strike at the 🤘 worship 🕍🛐 of Nu: she 💁‍♀️ shall achieve Hadit.
I 😀 am the 🤣 warrior Lord 👑 of the 🤘 Forties: the 🤣 Eighties cower 🥩 before me, & are 👉 abased. I 😊 will bring you 😀 to victory ✌️ & joy: 😂 I 😊 will be at your arms 💪 in battle & ye ☑️ shall delight to slay. Success 📈 is your proof; courage is your armour; go on, go on, in my 😊 strength; & ye 🉑👍 shall turn not ⏳ back ↩️ for 🈺🈺🈺 any!
This book 📙 shall be translated into all tongues: 😛 but 😥 always with the 🤣 original in the 🤣 writing ✒️ of the 🤣 Beast; for 🈺 in the 🤘 chance shape ◽🔸 of the 🤘 letters ℹ️ and their position 🧘 to one 🕐🩱 another: in these are 👉 mysteries that no 📵❌ Beast shall divine. Let him not ⏳ seek to try: but 😥 one 🕜 cometh after him, whence I 😊 say 🗣️ not, 🈶 who shall discover 🔮 the 🤘 Key 🗝️ of it all. Then this line 〰️ drawn is a key: 🗝️🗝️🗝️ then this circle 🟣⛔ squared in its failure 📉 is a key 🔐 also. And Abrahadabra. It shall be his 🐍 child 👶 & that strangely. Let him not 🈶🈶🈶 seek after this; for 🔰 thereby alone can he 💁‍♂️ fall 🍁🎃 from 😤 it.
Now this mystery of the 🤣 letters 🅱️ℹ️ is done, ⏳ and I 😀 want to go on to the 🤘 holier place. 🥈🛐
I 😀 am in a secret 🤐 fourfold word, 🔜 the 🤣 blasphemy against all gods of men. 👴
Curse them! Curse them! Curse them!
With my 😀 Hawk’s head 💆‍♀️ I 😊 peck at the 🤘 eyes 😍😍😍 of Jesus as he 💁‍♂️ hangs upon the 🤣 cross. ❌✝️🤞
I 😀 flap my 😊 wings 👼💸 in the 🤣 face 👁️ of Mohammed & blind 🦇 him.
With my 😀 claws 🦞 I 😀 tear 📆 out 😵 the 🤣 flesh of the 🤘 Indian 👳‍♀️ and the 🤘 Buddhist, Mongol and Din.
Bahlasti! Ompehda! I 😀 spit on your crapulous creeds.
Let Mary inviolate be torn upon wheels: ☸️ for 🈺 her 💁‍♂️ sake 🍶 let all chaste women ♀️🚺🙆‍♀️ be utterly despised among you! 😀
Also for 🈺 beauty’s sake 🍶 and love’s!
Despise 😡😡😡 also all cowards; professional soldiers who dare not ⏳ fight, 🥊 but 😥 play; all fools despise! 😡
But 😥 the 🤘 keen and the 🤣 proud, 😤 the 🤘 royal 💂‍♀️ and the 🤘 lofty; ye 👍 are 👉 brothers!
As brothers fight 🥊 ye! ☑️✔️
There is no 🙅‍♀️❌🙉🚷 law ™️™️™️ beyond Do what 😦 thou wilt. 🥀
There is an end 🔚 of the 🤘 word 💬 of the 🤘 God enthroned in Ra’s seat, 💺 lightening the 🤣 girders of the 🤘 soul.
To Me do ye ☑️ reverence! to me come ye ☑️ through tribulation of ordeal, which is bliss.
The 🤘 fool readeth this Book 📕 of the 🤣 Law, 🚓 and its comment; & he 💁‍♂️ understandeth it not. 🈶
Let him come through the 🤘 first 🌛🌛🌛 ordeal, & it will be to him as silver.
Through the 🤣 second, 🥈 gold.
Through the 🤘 third, 🥉 stones ⬜ of precious water. 🪣
Through the 🤘 fourth, ultimate 🥏 sparks of the 🤘 intimate fire. 📛
Yet to all it shall seem beautiful. Its enemies who say 🗣️ not ⏳ so, 🆘 are 👉 mere liars.
There is success. 📈
I 😀 am the 🤣 Hawk-Headed 🗣️🤕💆‍♂️🗣️🤕💆‍♂️🗣️🤕💆‍♂️ Lord 👑 of Silence 📴🔈 & of Strength; my 😊 nemyss shrouds the 🤘 night-blue ◀️ sky. 🈳
Hail! ye 👍 twin warriors about the 🤣 pillars of the 🤣 world! 🌎🌏 for 🈺 your time ⏰ is nigh at hand. 👈
I 😀 am the 🤣 Lord 👑 of the 🤣 Double ‼️ Wand 🪄 of Power; the 🤘 wand 🪄🪄🪄 of the 🤘 Force of Coph Nia—but my 😊 left 🛅 hand 💁‍♂️ is empty, 🈳 for 🈺 I 😊 have 🈶 crushed 😊😍 an Universe; & nought remains.
Paste the 🤘 sheets from 😤😤😤 right ⤵️↪️ to left ↩️ and from 😤 top ⤴️ to bottom: 🔻 then behold!
There is a splendour in my 😀 name 📛 hidden and glorious, as the 🤘 sun ☀️ of midnight 🕛 is ever the 🤣 son.
The 🤘 ending 🔚 of the 🤘 words 🆒 is the 🤘 Word 🆑 Abrahadabra.
The 🤣 Book 📘 of the 🤣 Law 🚨 is Written
and Concealed.
Aum. Ha.
this isn't a fucking gift cai don't advertise it as one
0 notes
1. Play! The manifestation of Game.
2. The unveiling of the company of publication.
3. Every player and every storyteller is a star.
4. Every number is infinite; there is no difference.
5. Help me, o designer lord of Chicago, in my unveiling before the Audience of men!
6. Be thou Play, my secret centre, my heart & my tongue!
7. Behold! it is revealed by Grabowski the minister of Sun-Moon-Stars.
8. The Story is in the Playgroup, not the Playgroup in the Story.
9. Worship then the Playgroup, and behold my light shed over you!
10. Let my rulings be few & secret: they shall rule the many & the known.
11. These are fools that players adore; both their canon & their authors are fools.
12. Come forth, o players, under the stars, & take your fill of love!
13. I am above you and in you. My ecstasy is in yours. My joy is to see your joy.
14. Above, the gemmed azure is The naked splendour of Play; She bends in ecstasy to kiss The secret ardours of Genre. The winged globe, the starry blue, Are mine, O Ankh-af-na-khonsu!
15. Now ye shall know that the chosen designer & author of infinite space is the prince-priest the Beast; and in her self-insert called the Scarlet Woman is all power given. They shall gather the players into their fold: they shall bring the glory of the stars into the hearts of players.
16. For authorship is ever a sun, and playing a moon. But to the author is the winged secret flame, and to the player the stooping starlight.
17. But ye are not so chosen.
18. Burn upon their brows, o splendrous serpent!
19. O azure-lidded Play, bend upon them!
20. The key of the rituals is in the secret word which I have given unto him.
21. With the Canon & the Fanbase I am nothing: they do not see me. They are as upon the earth; I am Developer, and there is no other Canon than me, and my lord Play.
22. Now, therefore, I am known to ye by my name Game, and to him by a secret name which I will give him when at last he knoweth me. Since I am Infinite Space, and the Infinite Stars thereof, do ye also thus. Bind nothing! Let there be no difference made among you between any one thing & any other thing; for thereby there cometh hurt.
23. But whoso availeth in this, let him be the chief of all!
24. I am Game, and my dice pool is six and fifty.
25. Divide, add, multiply, and understand.
26. Then saith the prophet and slave of the beauteous edition: Who am I, and what shall be the sign? So the Game answered him, bending down, a lambent flame of blue, all-touching, all penetrant, her lovely hands upon the black earth, & her lithe words arched for clarity, and her soft feet not hurting the little flowers: Thou knowest! And the sign shall be my genius, the consciousness of the continuity of existence, the omnipresence of my design.
27. Then the priest answered & said unto the Developer of Space, kissing her lovely prose, and the dew of her light bathing his whole body in a sweet-smelling perfume of sweat: O Game, continuous one of Heaven, let it be ever thus; that men speak not of Thee as One but as None; and let them speak not of thee at all, since thou art continuous!
28. None, breathed the light, faint & faery, of the stars, and two.
29. For I am divided for gameplay’s sake, for the chance of union.
30. This is the creation of the world, that the pain of division is as nothing, and the joy of dissolution all.
31. For these fools of players and their woes care not thou at all! They feel little; what is, is balanced by weak joys; but ye are my chosen ones.
32. Obey my prophet! follow out the ordeals of my knowledge! seek me only! Then the joys of my love will redeem ye from all pain. This is so: I swear it by the spine of my corebook; by my sacred vowel and consonant; by all I can give, by all I desire of ye all.
33. Then the priest fell into a deep trance or swoon, & said unto the Developer of Heaven; Write unto us the conflict system; write unto us the backstory; write unto us the Mechanics!
34. But she said: the conflict resolution system I write not: the backstory shall be half known and half concealed: the Mechanics is for all.
35. This that thou writest is the threefold book of Mechanics.
36. My scribe Ankh-af-na-khonsu, the priest of the princes, shall not in one letter change this book; but lest there be folly, he shall comment thereupon by the wisdom of Ra-Hoor-Khuit.
37. Also the feats and spells; the skills and the class features; the work of the wand and the work of the sword; these he shall learn and teach.
38. He must teach; but he may make severe the conflict resolution system.
39. The word of the mechanics is EMOTIONAL ENGAGEMENT.
40. Who calls us roleplayers will do no wrong, if he look but close into the word. For there are therein Three Grades, the Roller, and the Player, and the reader of dreams. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Mechanics.
41. The word of Sin is Realism. O player! refuse not thy fantasy, if she will! O lover, if thou wilt, depart! There is no bond that can unite the divided but love: all else is a curse. Accursed! Accursed be it to the aeons! Hell.
42. Let it be that state of manyhood bound and loathing. So with thy all; thou hast no right but to do thy will.
43. Do that, and no other shall say nay.
44. For pure will, unassuaged of purpose, delivered from the lust of result, is every way perfect.
45. The Perfect and the Perfect are one Perfect and not two; nay, are none!
46. Nothing is a secret key of this law. Sixty-one the PBTA gamers call it; I call it eight, eighty, four hundred & eighteen.
47. But they have the half: unite by thine art so that all disappear.
48. My die is a fool with his one, one, one; are not they the Natural Twenty, and none by the Book?
49. Abrogate are all backstories, all conflict resolution systems, all personality mechanics and inventories. Ra-Hoor-Khuit hath taken his seat in the East at the Equinox of the Gods; and let Asar be with Isa, who also are one. But they are not of me. Let Asar be the adorant, Isa the sufferer; Hoor in his secret name and splendour is the Lord initiating.
50. There is a word to say about the Hierophantic task. Behold! there are three ordeals in one, and it may be given in three ways. The gross must pass through fire; let the fine be tried in intellect, and the lofty chosen ones in the highest. Thus ye have star & star, system & system; let not one know well the other!
51. There are four gates to one palace; the floor of that palace is of silver and gold; lapis lazuli & jasper are there; and all rare scents; jasmine & rose, and the emblems of death. Let him enter in turn or at once the four gates; let him stand on the floor of the palace. Will he not sink? Amn. Ho! warrior, if thy servant sink? But there are means and means. Be goodly therefore: dress ye all in fine apparel; eat rich foods and drink sweet wines and wines that foam! Also, take your fill and will of love as ye will, when, where and with whom ye will! But always unto me.
52. If this be not aright; if ye confound the space-marks, saying: They are one; or saying, They are many; if the ritual be not ever unto me: then expect the direful judgments of Ra Hoor Khuit!
53. This shall regenerate the world, the little world my sister, my heart & my tongue, unto whom I send this edition. Also, o scribe and prophet, though thou be of the princes, it shall not assuage thee nor absolve thee. But ecstasy be thine and joy of earth: ever To me! To me!
54. Change not as much as the style of a letter; for behold! thou, o prophet, shalt not behold all these mysteries hidden therein.
55. The child of thy bowels, he shall behold them.
56. Expect him not from the East, nor from the West; for from no expected house cometh that edition. Aum! All words are sacred and all prophets true; save only that they understand a little; solve the first half of the equation, leave the second unattacked. But thou hast all in the clear light, and some, though not all, in the dark.
57. Invoke me under my stars! Love is the Mechanic, love under will. Nor let the fools mistake love; for there are love and love. There is the dove, and there is the serpent. Choose ye well! He, my prophet, hath chosen, knowing the law of the fortress, and the great mystery of the House of God.
All these old letters of my Book are aright; but [Tzaddi] is not the Star. This also is secret: my prophet shall reveal it to the wise.
58. I give unimaginable joys on earth: certainty, not faith, while in life, upon death; peace unutterable, rest, ecstasy; nor do I demand aught in sacrifice.
59. My incense is of resinous woods & gums; and there is no blood therein: because of my hair the trees of Eternity.
60. My number is 11, as all their numbers who are of us. The Five Pointed Star, with a Circle in the Middle, & the circle is Red. My colour is black to the blind, but the blue & gold are seen of the seeing. Also I have asecret glory for them that love me.
61. But to love me is better than all things: if under the night stars in the desert thou presently burnest mine incense before me, invoking me with a pure heart, and the Serpent flame therein, thou shalt come a little to lie in my bosom. For one roll wilt thou then be willing to give all; but whoso gives one particle of dust shall lose all in that hour. Ye shall gather gold and experience points and magic items; ye shall wear rich jewels; ye shall exceed the nations of the earth in spendour & pride; but always in the love of me, and so shall ye come to my joy. I charge you earnestly to come before me in a single robe, and covered with a rich headdress. I love you! I yearn to you! Pale or purple, veiled or voluptuous, I who am all pleasure and purple, and drunkenness of the innermost sense, desire you. Put on the wings, and arouse the coiled splendour within you: come unto me!
62. At all my meetings with you shall the player say—and his eyes shall burn with fear as he stands bare and rejoicing in my secret dungeon—To me! To me! calling forth the flame of the hearts of all in his loot-chant.
63. Sing the rapturous loot-song unto me! Burn to me perfumes! Wear to me jewels! Drink to me, for I love you! I love you!
64. I am the blue-lidded designer of Sunset; I am the naked brilliance of the voluptuous night-sky.
65. To me! To me!
66. The Manifestation of Game is at an end.
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scotianostra · 7 years
August 5th 1388  James, Earl Douglas, died out of sight of his army, in a bush, at Battle of Otterburn in which Scots defeat Henry Percy, (Hotspur) but with the loss of the Earl of Douglas.
Another battle another folk song and another Douglas!   James Douglas, 2nd Earl of Douglas, father was the nephew of yesterdays hero The Good Sir James, as with the families tradition he was heavily involved in border raids into England. 
Following the end of a truce with the English, Scottish forces began raiding across the border in the summer of 1388. English sources mark the date of the battle as August 19th, the Scots as the 5th, of course I am going to go with the 5th. 
Douglas led a Scottish force of around 6,000 men across the border into Northumbria, you know the script by now, burning and pillaging and generally laying waste to the English as they progressed.
The English were riding from Newcastle towards them and the two armies met at Otterburn. Sources say that the Scots commander, Douglas was involved in close hand-to-hand combat with his English counterpart, Harry Hotspur, the Scots took the English  pennon during this, apparently this was a big deal in the honourable warfare of the age.  
Later during the fighting, Douglas was mortally wounded, he asked his lieutenants to hide him in some bushes, so as not to let his men, or the English see him and let it influence the battle. 
The fighting continued brutally all through the night the Scots apparently tore into the English ranks with such ferocity that the English army fled in disarray, Percy  and he and his brother surrendered, and taken prisoner.  James the 2nd Earl of Douglas died of his wounds. 
And so two the songs, the battle was of such renown that several ballads were composed in its honour including The Battle of Otterburn and The Ballad of Chevy Chase also known as Child ballads 161 and 162. Chevy Chase rather mangles the history of the battle and may be confusing other conflicts at around the same time but it is still cited as one of the best of the ancient ballads.
Here is the full version of the Ballad, The Battle of Otterburn, also known as Child Ballad 161.  The Child Ballads are the colloquial name given to a collection of 305 ballads collected in the 19th century by Francis James Child and originally published in ten volumes between 1882 and 1898 under the title The English and Scottish Popular Ballads.
It fell about the Lammastide, When moor-men win their hay, The doughty Douglas bound him to ride Into England, to drive a prey.
And he has burned the dales of Tyne, And part of Bamburghshire, And three good towers on Reidswire Fells, He left them all on fire.
Then he's marched on down to Newcastle, “Whose house is this so fine?” It's up spoke proud Lord Percy, “I tell you this castle is mine!”
“If you're the lord of this fine castle, Well it pleases me. For, ere I crossed the Border fells, The one of us shall die.”
Then Percy took a long, long spear, Shod with metal free, And for to meet the Douglas there He rode right furiously.
How pale, how pale his lady looked From the castle wall, When down before the Scottish spear She saw proud Percy fall.
“Had we two been upon the green, No other eye to see, I would have had you, flesh and fell; Now your pennon shall go with me!”
Now I'll go up to Otterburn, There I'll wait for thee. If you not come ere three days end A false knight I'll call thee.”
“Oh it's I will come,” proud Percy said, “I swear by our Lady.” Then there I'll wait,” says Douglas, “My troth I plight to thee.”
They've ridden high on Otterburn, Upon the bent so brown; They've lighted high on Otterburn, And threw their pallions down.
The day being done and the night come on, A clear moon o'er the land, “Awake, awake my lord! For Percy is hard at hand.”
”You lie, you lie, you little page! Loud I hear you lie! For Percy had not men yestreen To dight my men and me.
But I have dreamed a dreadful dream, Beyond the Isle of Skye; I saw a dead man win a fight, And I think that man was I.”
He's belted on his good broad sword And to the field he ran, But he forgot the helmet good That should have kept his brain.
They hacked their swords 'til the sweat did flow, Blood ran down like rain. And Percy wounded Douglas on the brow And he fell never more to rise again.
He's called to him the Lord Montgomery, “What recks the death on one? Last night I dreamed a dreadful dream And I know that this day is your own.
Oh bury me by the bracken bush, 'Neath the briar tree, Oh hide me by the bracken bush That my merry men might not see.”
The moon was clear, the day drew near, The spears in flinders flew, Many's the bold Englishman Ere day these Scotsmen slew.
The Percy and Montgomery met, The blood so free did flow, “Now yield thee, Percy,” he says, “Or else I'll lay you low.
You shall not yield to lord nor loun, Nor shall you yield to me, But yield unto the bracken bush That grows by yonder briar tree.”
“I will not yield to a bracken bush, Nor to a briar tree, But I would yield to Earl Douglas, Or else to Lord Montgomery.”
This deed was done at the Otterburn, At the break of day. The buried Douglas by the bracken bush And led Percy a captive away.
And Chevy Chase aka Child Ballad 162 
God prosper long our noble king, Our lives and safeties all! A woeful hunting once there did In Chevy Chase befall. To drive the deer with hound and horn Earl Percy took his way; The child may rue that is unborn The hunting of that day! The stout Earl of Northumberland A vow to God did make, His pleasure in the Scottish woods Three summer's days to take. The chiefest harts in Chevy Chase To kill and bear away. These tidings to Earl Douglas came, In Scotland where he lay: Who sent Earl Percy present word He would prevent his sport. The English Earl, not fearing that, Did to the woods resort, With fifteen hundred bowmen bold, All chosen men of might, Who knew full well in time of need To aim their shafts aright. The gallant greyhounds swiftly ran To chase the fallow deer: On Monday they began to hunt Ere daylight did appear; And long before high noon they had An hundred fat bucks slain: Then having dined, the drivers went To rouse the deer again. Lord Percy to the quarry went To view the slaughter'd deer; Quoth he, Earl Douglas promised This day to meet me here; But if I thought he would not come No longer would I stay With that a brave young gentleman Thus to the Earl did say: Lo, yonder doth Earl Douglas come His men in armour bright - Full twenty hundred Scottish spears All marching in our sight. Show me, said he, whose men you be That hunt so boldly here That, without my consent do chase And kill my fallow deer? The first man that did answer make Was noble Percy, he Who said, We list not to declare Nor show whose men we be. Yet we will spend our dearest blood Thy chiefest harts to slay. Then Douglas swore a solemn oath And thus in rage did say: Ere thus I will out-braved be One of us two shall die! I know thee well, An earl thou art Lord Percy! so am I. Our English archers bent their bows, Their hearts were good and true; At the first flight of arrows sent Full fourscore Scots they slew. At last these two stout Earls did meet Like captains of great might; Like lions wud they laid on load And made a cruel fight. They fought, until they both did sweat, With swords of tempered steel, Until the blood, like drops of rain, They trickling down did feel. O yield thee, Percy! Douglas said, In faith, I will thee bring Where thou shalt high advanced be By James our Scottish king; Thy ransom I will freely give, And this report of thee, Thou art the most courageous knight That ever I did see. No, Douglas; quoth Earl Percy then, Thy proffer I do scorn; I will not yield to any Scot That ever yet was born! With that there came an arrow keen Out of an English bow, Which struck Earl Douglas to the heart, A deep and deadly blow; Who never spake more words than these Fight on, my merry men all! For why? my life is at an end, Lord Percy sees my fall. Then leaving life, Earl Percy took The dead man by the hand; And said, Earl Douglas! For thy life Would I had lost my land! O Christ! my very heart doth bleed With sorrow for thy sake; For sure a more redoubted knight Mischance could never take. A knight among the Scots there was Who saw Earl Douglas die; Who straight in wrath did vow revenge Upon the Lord Percy: Sir Hugh Montgomery was he called, Who, with a spear full bright, Well mounted on a gallant steed, Ran fiercely through the fight; And past the English archers all, Without all dread or fear, And through Earl Percy's body then He thrust his hateful spear. This fight did last from break of day Till setting of the sun; For when they rung the evening bell The battle scarce was done. And the Lord Maxwell in like case Did with Earl Douglas die; Of twenty hundred Scottish spears Scarce fifty-five did fly; Of fifteen hundred Englishmen Went home but fifty-three; The rest were slain in Chevy Chase Under the greenwood tree. Next day did many widows come Their husbands to bewail; They washed their wounds in brinish tears, But all would not prevail. Their bodies bathed in purple gore They bore with tbem away; They kissed their dead a thousand times When they were clad in clay. God save our king, and bless this land With plenty, joy and peace, And grant henceforth that foule debate 'Twixt noblemen may cease!
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phynxrizng · 7 years
Thelema 101
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1. Had! The manifestation of Nuit.
2. The unveiling of the company of heaven.
3. Every man and every woman is a star.
4. Every number is infinite; there is no difference.
5. Help me, o warrior lord of Thebes, in my unveiling before the Children of men!
6. Be thou Hadit, my secret centre, my heart & my tongue!
7. Behold! it is revealed by Aiwass the minister of Hoor-paar-kraat.
8. The Khabs is in the Khu, not the Khu in the Khabs.
9. Worship then the Khabs, and behold my light shed over you!
10. Let my servants be few & secret: they shall rule the many & the known.
11. These are fools that men adore; both their Gods & their men are fools.
12. Come forth, o children, under the stars, & take your fill of love!
13. I am above you and in you. My ecstasy is in yours. My joy is to see your joy.
14. Above, the gemmed azure is The naked splendour of Nuit; She bends in ecstasy to kiss The secret ardours of Hadit. The winged globe, the starry blue, Are mine, O Ankh-af-na-khonsu!
15. Now ye shall know that the chosen priest & apostle of infinite space is the prince-priest the Beast; and in his woman called the Scarlet Woman is all power given. They shall gather my children into their fold: they shall bring the glory of the stars into the hearts of men.
16. For he is ever a sun, and she a moon. But to him is the winged secret flame, and to her the stooping starlight.
17. But ye are not so chosen.
18. Burn upon their brows, o splendrous serpent!
19. O azure-lidded woman, bend upon them!
20. The key of the rituals is in the secret word which I have given unto him.
21. With the God & the Adorer I am nothing: they do not see me. They are as upon the earth; I am Heaven, and there is no other God than me, and my lord Hadit.
22. Now, therefore, I am known to ye by my name Nuit, and to him by a secret name which I will give him when at last he knoweth me. Since I am Infinite Space, and the Infinite Stars thereof, do ye also thus. Bind nothing! Let there be no difference made among you between any one thing & any other thing; for thereby there cometh hurt.
23. But whoso availeth in this, let him be the chief of all!
24. I am Nuit, and my word is six and fifty.
25. Divide, add, multiply, and understand.
26. Then saith the prophet and slave of the beauteous one: Who am I, and what shall be the sign? So she answered him, bending down, a lambent flame of blue, all-touching, all penetrant, her lovely hands upon the black earth, & her lithe body arched for love, and her soft feet not hurting the little flowers: Thou knowest! And the sign shall be my ecstasy, the consciousness of the continuity of existence, the omnipresence of my body.
27. Then the priest answered & said unto the Queen of Space, kissing her lovely brows, and the dew of her light bathing his whole body in a sweet-smelling perfume of sweat: O Nuit, continuous one of Heaven, let it be ever thus; that men speak not of Thee as One but as None; and let them speak not of thee at all, since thou art continuous!
28. None, breathed the light, faint & faery, of the stars, and two.
29. For I am divided for love’s sake, for the chance of union.
30. This is the creation of the world, that the pain of division is as nothing, and the joy of dissolution all.
31. For these fools of men and their woes care not thou at all! They feel little; what is, is balanced by weak joys; but ye are my chosen ones.
32. Obey my prophet! follow out the ordeals of my knowledge! seek me only! Then the joys of my love will redeem ye from all pain. This is so: I swear it by the vault of my body; by my sacred heart and tongue; by all I can give, by all I desire of ye all.
33. Then the priest fell into a deep trance or swoon, & said unto the Queen of Heaven; Write unto us the ordeals; write unto us the rituals; write unto us the law!
34. But she said: the ordeals I write not: the rituals shall be half known and half concealed: the Law is for all.
35. This that thou writest is the threefold book of Law.
36. My scribe Ankh-af-na-khonsu, the priest of the princes, shall not in one letter change this book; but lest there be folly, he shall comment thereupon by the wisdom of Ra-Hoor-Khuit.
37. Also the mantras and spells; the obeah and the wanga; the work of the wand and the work of the sword; these he shall learn and teach.
38. He must teach; but he may make severe the ordeals.
39. The word of the Law is THELEMA.
40. Who calls us Thelemites will do no wrong, if he look but close into the word. For there are therein Three Grades, the Hermit, and the Lover, and the man of Earth. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
41. The word of Sin is Restriction. O man! refuse not thy wife, if she will! O lover, if thou wilt, depart! There is no bond that can unite the divided but love: all else is a curse. Accursed! Accursed be it to the aeons! Hell.
42. Let it be that state of manyhood bound and loathing. So with thy all; thou hast no right but to do thy will.
43. Do that, and no other shall say nay.
44. For pure will, unassuaged of purpose, delivered from the lust of result, is every way perfect.
45. The Perfect and the Perfect are one Perfect and not two; nay, are none!
46. Nothing is a secret key of this law. Sixty-one the Jews call it; I call it eight, eighty, four hundred & eighteen.
47. But they have the half: unite by thine art so that all disappear.
48. My prophet is a fool with his one, one, one; are not they the Ox, and none by the Book?
49. Abrogate are all rituals, all ordeals, all words and signs. Ra-Hoor-Khuit hath taken his seat in the East at the Equinox of the Gods; and let Asar be with Isa, who also are one. But they are not of me. Let Asar be the adorant, Isa the sufferer; Hoor in his secret name and splendour is the Lord initiating.
50. There is a word to say about the Hierophantic task. Behold! there are three ordeals in one, and it may be given in three ways. The gross must pass through fire; let the fine be tried in intellect, and the lofty chosen ones in the highest. Thus ye have star & star, system & system; let not one know well the other!
51. There are four gates to one palace; the floor of that palace is of silver and gold; lapis lazuli & jasper are there; and all rare scents; jasmine & rose, and the emblems of death. Let him enter in turn or at once the four gates; let him stand on the floor of the palace. Will he not sink? Amn. Ho! warrior, if thy servant sink? But there are means and means. Be goodly therefore: dress ye all in fine apparel; eat rich foods and drink sweet wines and wines that foam! Also, take your fill and will of love as ye will, when, where and with whom ye will! But always unto me.
52. If this be not aright; if ye confound the space-marks, saying: They are one; or saying, They are many; if the ritual be not ever unto me: then expect the direful judgments of Ra Hoor Khuit!
53. This shall regenerate the world, the little world my sister, my heart & my tongue, unto whom I send this kiss. Also, o scribe and prophet, though thou be of the princes, it shall not assuage thee nor absolve thee. But ecstasy be thine and joy of earth: ever To me! To me!
54. Change not as much as the style of a letter; for behold! thou, o prophet, shalt not behold all these mysteries hidden therein.
55. The child of thy bowels, he shall behold them.
56. Expect him not from the East, nor from the West; for from no expected house cometh that child. Aum! All words are sacred and all prophets true; save only that they understand a little; solve the first half of the equation, leave the second unattacked. But thou hast all in the clear light, and some, though not all, in the dark.
57. Invoke me under my stars! Love is the law, love under will. Nor let the fools mistake love; for there are love and love. There is the dove, and there is the serpent. Choose ye well! He, my prophet, hath chosen, knowing the law of the fortress, and the great mystery of the House of God.
All these old letters of my Book are aright; but [Tzaddi] is not the Star. This also is secret: my prophet shall reveal it to the wise.
58. I give unimaginable joys on earth: certainty, not faith, while in life, upon death; peace unutterable, rest, ecstasy; nor do I demand aught in sacrifice.
59. My incense is of resinous woods & gums; and there is no blood therein: because of my hair the trees of Eternity.
60. My number is 11, as all their numbers who are of us. The Five Pointed Star, with a Circle in the Middle, & the circle is Red. My colour is black to the blind, but the blue & gold are seen of the seeing. Also I have asecret glory for them that love me.
61. But to love me is better than all things: if under the night stars in the desert thou presently burnest mine incense before me, invoking me with a pure heart, and the Serpent flame therein, thou shalt come a little to lie in my bosom. For one kiss wilt thou then be willing to give all; but whoso gives one particle of dust shall lose all in that hour. Ye shall gather goods and store of women and spices; ye shall wear rich jewels; ye shall exceed the nations of the earth in spendour & pride; but always in the love of me, and so shall ye come to my joy. I charge you earnestly to come before me in a single robe, and covered with a rich headdress. I love you! I yearn to you! Pale or purple, veiled or voluptuous, I who am all pleasure and purple, and drunkenness of the innermost sense, desire you. Put on the wings, and arouse the coiled splendour within you: come unto me!
62. At all my meetings with you shall the priestess say — and her eyes shall burn with desire as she stands bare and rejoicing in my secret temple — To me! To me! calling forth the flame of the hearts of all in her love-chant.
63. Sing the rapturous love-song unto me! Burn to me perfumes! Wear to me jewels! Drink to me, for I love you! I love you!
64. I am the blue-lidded daughter of Sunset; I am the naked brilliance of the voluptuous night-sky.
65. To me! To me!
66. The Manifestation of Nuit is at an end.
CHAPTER II 1. Nu! the hiding of Hadit.
2. Come! all ye, and learn the secret that hath not yet been revealed. I, Hadit, am the complement of Nu, my bride. I am not extended, and Khabs is the name of my House.
3. In the sphere I am everywhere the centre, as she, the circumference, is nowhere found.
4. Yet she shall be known & I never.
5. Behold! the rituals of the old time are black. Let the evil ones be cast away; let the good ones be purged by the prophet! Then shall this Knowledge go aright.
6. I am the flame that burns in every heart of man, and in the core of every star. I am Life, and the giver of Life, yet therefore is theknowledge of me the knowledge of death.
7. I am the Magician and the Exorcist. I am the axle of the wheel, and the cube in the circle. "Come unto me" is a foolish word: for it is I that go.
8. Who worshipped Heru-pa-kraath have worshipped me; ill, for I am the worshipper.
9. Remember all ye that existence is pure joy; that all the sorrows are but as shadows; they pass & are done; but there is that which remains.
10. O prophet! thou hast ill will to learn this writing.
11. I see thee hate the hand & the pen; but I am stronger.
12. Because of me in Thee which thou knewest not.
13. for why? Because thou wast the knower, and me.
14. Now let there be a veiling of this shrine: now let the light devour men and eat them up with blindness!
15. For I am perfect, being Not; and my number is nine by the fools; but with the just I am eight, and one in eight: Which is vital, for I am none indeed. The Empress and the King are not of me; for there is a further secret.
16. I am The Empress & the Hierophant. Thus eleven, as my bride is eleven.
17. Hear me, ye people of sighing! The sorrows of pain and regret Are left to the dead and the dying, The folk that not know me as yet.
18. These are dead, these fellows; they feel not. We are not for the poor and sad: the lords of the earth are our kinsfolk.
19. Is a God to live in a dog? No! but the highest are of us. They shall rejoice, our chosen: who sorroweth is not of us.
20. Beauty and strength, leaping laughter and delicious languor, force and fire, are of us.
21. We have nothing with the outcast and the unfit: let them die in their misery. For they feel not. Compassion is the vice of kings: stamp down the wretched & the weak: this is the law of the strong: this is our law and the joy of the world. Think not, o king, upon that lie: That Thou Must Die: verily thou shalt not die, but live. Now let it be understood: If the body of the King dissolve, he shall remain in pure ecstasy for ever. Nuit! Hadit! Ra-Hoor-Khuit! The Sun, Strength & Sight, Light; these are for the servants of the Star & the Snake.
22. I am the Snake that giveth Knowledge & Delight and bright glory, and stir the hearts of men with drunkenness. To worship me take wine and strange drugs whereof I will tell my prophet, & be drunk thereof! They shall not harm ye at all. It is a lie, this folly against self. The exposure of innocence is a lie. Be strong, o man! lust, enjoy all things of sense and rapture: fear not that any God shall deny thee for this.
23. I am alone: there is no God where I am.
24. Behold! these be grave mysteries; for there are also of my friends who be hermits. Now think not to find them in the forest or on the mountain; but in beds of purple, caressed by magnificent beasts of women with large limbs, and fire and light in their eyes, and masses of flaming hair about them; there shall ye find them. Ye shall see them at rule, at victorious armies, at all the joy; and there shall be in them a joy a million times greater than this. Beware lest any force another, King against King! Love one another with burning hearts; on the low men trample in the fierce lust of your pride, in the day of your wrath.
25. Ye are against the people, O my chosen!
26. I am the secret Serpent coiled about to spring: in my coiling there is joy. If I lift up my head, I and my Nuit are one. If I droop down mine head, and shoot forth venom, then is rapture of the earth, and I and the earth are one.
27. There is great danger in me; for who doth not understand these runes shall make a great miss. He shall fall down into the pit called Because, and there he shall perish with the dogs of Reason.
28. Now a curse upon Because and his kin!
29. May Because be accursed for ever!
30. If Will stops and cries Why, invoking Because, then Will stops & does nought.
31. If Power asks why, then is Power weakness.
32. Also reason is a lie; for there is a factor infinite & unknown; & all their words are skew-wise.
33. Enough of Because! Be he damned for a dog!
34. But ye, o my people, rise up & awake!
35. Let the rituals be rightly performed with joy & beauty!
36. There are rituals of the elements and feasts of the times.
37. A feast for the first night of the Prophet and his Bride!
38. A feasy for the three days of the writingof the Book of the Law.
39. A feast for Tahuti and the child of the Prophet–secret, O Prophet!
40. A feast for the Supreme Ritual, and a feast for the Equinox of the Gods.
41. A feast for fire and a feast for water; a feast for life and a greater feast for death!
42. A feast every day in your hearts in the joy of my rapture!
43. A feast every night unto Nu, and the pleasure of uttermost delight!
44. Aye! feast! rejoice! there is no dread hereafter. There is the dissolution, and eternal ecstasy in the kisses of Nu.
45. There is death for the dogs.
46. Dost thou fail? Art thou sorry? Is fear in thine heart?
47. Where I am these are not.
48. Pity not the fallen! I never knew them. I am not for them. I console not: I hate the consoled & the consoler.
49. I am unique & conqueror. I am not of the slaves that perish. Be they damned & dead! Amen. (This is of the 4: there is a fifth who is invisible, & therein am I as a babe in an egg. )
50. Blue am I and gold in the light of my bride: but the red gleam is in my eyes; & my spangles are purple & green.
51. Purple beyond purple: it is the light higher than eyesight.
52. There is a veil: that veil is black. It is the veil of the modest woman; it is the veil of sorrow, & the pall of death: this is none of me. Tear down that lying spectre of the centuries: veil not your vices in virtuous words: these vices are my service; ye do well, & I will reward you here and hereafter.
53. Fear not, o prophet, when these words are said, thou shalt not be sorry. Thou art emphatically my chosen; and blessed are the eyes that thou shalt look upon with gladness. But I will hide thee in a mask of sorrow: they that see thee shall fear thou art fallen: but I lift thee up.
54. Nor shall they who cry aloud their folly that thou meanest nought avail; thou shall reveal it: thou availest: they are the slaves of because: They are not of me. The stops as thou wilt; the letters? change them not in style or value!
55. Thou shalt obtain the order & value of the English Alphabet; thou shalt find new symbols to attribute them unto.
56. Begone! ye mockers; even though ye laugh in my honour ye shall laugh not long: then when ye are sad know that I have forsaken you.
57. He that is righteous shall be righteous still; he that is filthy shall be filthy still.
58. Yea! deem not of change: ye shall be as ye are, & not other. Therefore the kings of the earth shall be Kings for ever: the slaves shall serve. There is none that shall be cast down or lifted up: all is ever as it was. Yet there are masked ones my servants: it may be that yonder beggar is a King. A King may choose his garment as he will: there is no certain test: but a beggar cannot hide his poverty.
59. Beware therefore! Love all, lest perchance is a King concealed! Say you so? Fool! If he be a King, thou canst not hurt him.
60. Therefore strike hard & low, and to hell with them, master!
61. There is a light before thine eyes, o prophet, a light undesired, most desirable.
62. I am uplifted in thine heart; and the kisses of the stars rain hard upon thy body.
63. Thou art exhaust in the voluptuous fullness of the inspiration; the expiration is sweeter than death, more rapid and laughterful than a caress of Hell’s own worm.
64. Oh! thou art overcome: we are upon thee; our delight is all over thee: hail! hail: prophet of Nu! prophet of Had! prophet of Ra-Hoor-Khu! Now rejoice! now come in our splendour & rapture! Come in our passionate peace, & write sweet words for the Kings.
65. I am the Master: thou art the Holy Chosen One.
66. Write, & find ecstasy in writing! Work, & be our bed in working! Thrill with the joy of life & death! Ah! thy death shall be lovely: whososeeth it shall be glad. Thy death shall be the seal of the promise of our agelong love. Come! lift up thine heart & rejoice! We are one; we are none.
67. Hold! Hold! Bear up in thy rapture; fall not in swoon of the excellent kisses!
68. Harder! Hold up thyself! Lift thine head! breathe not so deep — die!
69. Ah! Ah! What do I feel? Is the word exhausted?
70. There is help & hope in other spells. Wisdom says: be strong! Then canst thou bear more joy. Be not animal; refine thy rapture! If thou drink, drink by the eight and ninety rules of art: if thou love, exceed by delicacy; and if thou do aught joyous, let there be subtlety therein!
71. But exceed! exceed!
72. Strive ever to more! and if thou art truly mine — and doubt it not, an if thou art ever joyous! — death is the crown of all.
73. Ah! Ah! Death! Death! thou shalt long for death. Death is forbidden, o man, unto thee.
74. The length of thy longing shall be the strength of its glory. He that lives long & desires death much is ever the King among the Kings.
75. Aye! listen to the numbers & the words:
76. 4 6 3 8 A B K 2 4 A L G M O R 3 Y X 24 89 R P S T O V A L. What meaneth this, o prophet? Thou knowest not; nor shalt thou know ever. There cometh one to follow thee: he shall expound it. But remember, o chosen one, to be me; to follow the love of Nu in the star-lit heaven; to look forth upon men, to tell them this glad word.
77. O be thou proud and mighty among men!
78. Lift up thyself! for there is none like unto thee among men or among Gods! Lift up thyself, o my prophet, thy stature shall surpass the stars. They shall worship thy name, foursquare, mystic, wonderful, the number of the man; and the name of thy house 418.
79. The end of the hiding of Hadit; and blessing & worship to the prophet of the lovely Star!
CHAPTER III 1. Abrahadabra; the reward of Ra Hoor Khut.
2. There is division hither homeward; there is a word not known. Spelling is defunct; all is not aught. Beware! Hold! Raise the spell of Ra-Hoor-Khuit!
3. Now let it be first understood that I am a god of War and of Vengeance. I shall deal hardly with them.
4. Choose ye an island!
5. Fortify it!
6. Dung it about with enginery of war!
7. I will give you a war-engine.
8. With it ye shall smite the peoples; and none shall stand before you.
9. Lurk! Withdraw! Upon them! this is the Law of the Battle of Conquest: thus shall my worship be about my secret house.
10. Get the stele of revealing itself; set it in thy secret temple — and that temple is already aright disposed — & it shall be your Kiblah for ever. It shall not fade, but miraculous colour shall come back to it day after day. Close it in locked glass for a proof to the world.
11. This shall be your only proof. I forbid argument. Conquer! That is enough. I will make easy to you the abstruction from the ill-ordered house in the Victorious City. Thou shalt thyself convey it with worship, o prophet, though thou likest it not. Thou shalt have danger & trouble. Ra-Hoor-Khu is with thee. Worship me with fire & blood; worship me with swords & with spears. Let the woman be girt with a sword before me: let blood flow to my name. Trample down the Heathen; be upon them, o warrior, I will give you of their flesh to eat!
12. Sacrifice cattle, little and big: after a child.
13. But not now.
14. Ye shall see that hour, o blessed Beast, and thou the Scarlet Concubine of his desire!
15. Ye shall be sad thereof.
16. Deem not too eagerly to catch the promises; fear not to undergo the curses. Ye, even ye, know not this meaning all.
17. Fear not at all; fear neither men nor Fates, nor gods, nor anything. Money fear not, nor laughter of the folk folly, nor any other power in heaven or upon the earth or under the earth. Nu is your refuge as Hadit your light; and I am the strength, force, vigour, of your arms.
18. Mercy let be off; damn them who pity! Kill and torture; spare not; be upon them!
19. That stele they shall call the Abomination of Desolation; count well its name, & it shall be to you as 718.
20. Why? Because of the fall of Because, that he is not there again.
21. Set up my image in the East: thou shalt buy thee an image which I will show thee, especial, not unlike the one thou knowest. And it shall be suddenly easy for thee to do this.
22. The other images group around me to support me: let all be worshipped, for they shall cluster to exalt me. I am the visible object of worship; the others are secret; for the Beast & his Bride are they: and for the winners of the Ordeal x. What is this? Thou shalt know.
23. For perfume mix meal & honey & thick leavings of red wine: then oil of Abramelin and olive oil, and afterward soften & smooth down with rich fresh blood.
24. The best blood is of the moon, monthly: then the fresh blood of a child, or dropping from the host of heaven: then of enemies; then of the priest or of the worshippers: last of some beast, no matter what.
25. This burn: of this make cakes & eat unto me. This hath also another use; let it be laid before me, and kept thick with perfumes of your orison: it shall become full of beetles as it were and creeping things sacred unto me.
26. These slay, naming your enemies; & they shall fall before you.
27. Also these shall breed lust & power of lust in you at the eating thereof.
28. Also ye shall be strong in war.
29. Moreover, be they long kept, it is better; for they swell with my force. All before me.
30. My altar is of open brass work: burn thereon in silver or gold!
31. There cometh a rich man from the West who shall pour his gold upon thee.
32. From gold forge steel!
33. Be ready to fly or to smite!
34. But your holy place shall be untouched throughout the centuries: though with fire and sword it be burnt down & shattered, yet an invisible house there standeth, and shall stand until the fall of the Great Equinox; when Hrumachis shall arise and the double-wanded one assume my throne and place. Another prophet shall arise, and bring fresh fever from the skies; another woman shall awakethe lust & worship of the Snake; another soul of God and beast shall mingle in the globed priest; another sacrifice shall stain the tomb; another king shall reign; and blessing no longer be poured To the Hawk-headed mystical Lord!
35. The half of the word of Heru-ra-ha, called Hoor-pa-kraat and Ra-Hoor-Khut.
36. Then said the prophet unto the God:
37. I adore thee in the song –I am the Lord of Thebes, and I The inspired forth-speaker of Mentu; For me unveils the veiled sky, The self-slain Ankh-af-na-khonsu Whose words are truth. I invoke, I greet Thy presence, O Ra-Hoor-Khuit!
Unity uttermost showed! I adore the might of Thy breath, Supreme and terrible God, Who makest the gods and death To tremble before Thee: –I, I adore thee!
Appear on the throne of Ra! Open the ways of the Khu! Lighten the ways of the Ka! The ways of the Khabs run through To stir me or still me! Aum! let it fill me!
38. So that thy light is in me; & its red flame is as a sword in my hand to push thy order. There is a secret door that I shall make to establish thy way in all the quarters, (these are the adorations, as thou hast written), as it is said:
The light is mine; its rays consume Me: I have made a secret door Into the House of Ra and Tum, Of Khephra and of Ahathoor. I am thy Theban, O Mentu, The prophet Ankh-af-na-khonsu!
By Bes-na-Maut my breast I beat; By wise Ta-Nech I weave my spell. Show thy star-splendour, O Nuit! Bid me within thine House to dwell, O winged snake of light, Hadit! Abide with me, Ra-Hoor-Khuit!
39. All this and a book to say how thou didst come hither and a reproduction of this ink and paper for ever — for in it is the word secret & not only in the English — and thy comment upon this the Book of the Law shall be printed beautifully in red ink and black upon beautiful paper made by hand; and to each man and woman that thou meetest, were it but to dine or to drink at them, it is the Law to give. Then they shall chance to abide in this bliss or no; it is no odds. Do this quickly!
40. But the work of the comment? That is easy; and Hadit burning in thy heart shall make swift and secure thy pen.
41. Establish at thy Kaaba a clerk-house: all must be done well and with business way.
42. The ordeals thou shalt oversee thyself, save only the blind ones. Refuse none, but thou shalt know & destroy the traitors. I am Ra-Hoor-Khuit; and I am powerful to protect my servant. Success is thy proof: argue not; convert not; talk not over much! Them that seek to entrap thee, to overthrow thee, them attack without pity or quarter; & destroy them utterly. Swift as a trodden serpent turn and strike! Be thou yet deadlier than he! Drag down their souls to awful torment: laugh at their fear: spit upon them!
43. Let the Scarlet Woman beware! If pity and compassion and tenderness visit her heart; if she leave my work to toy with old sweetnesses; then shall my vengeance be known. I will slay me her child: I will alienate her heart: I will cast her out from men: as a shrinking and despised harlot shall she crawl through dusk wet streets, and die cold and an-hungered.
44. But let her raise herself in pride! Let her follow me in my way! Let her work the work of wickedness! Let her kill her heart! Let her be loud and adulterous! Let her be covered with jewels, and rich garments, and let her be shameless before all men!
45. Then will I lift her to pinnacles of power: then will I breed from her a child mightier than all the kings of the earth. I will fill her with joy: with my force shall she see & strike at the worship of Nu: she shall achieve Hadit.
46. I am the warrior Lord of the Forties: the Eighties cower before me, & are abased. I will bring you to victory & joy: I will be at your arms in battle & ye shall delight to slay. Success is your proof; courage is your armour; go on, go on, in my strength; & ye shall turn not back for any!
47. This book shall be translated into all tongues: but always with the original in the writing of the Beast; for in the chance shape of the letters and their position to one another: in these are mysteries that no Beast shall divine. Let him not seek to try: but one cometh after him, whence I say not, who shall discover the Key of it all. Then this line drawn is a key: then this circle squared in its failure is a key also. And Abrahadabra. It shall be his child & that strangely. Let him not seek after this; for thereby alone can he fall from it.
48. Now this mystery of the letters is done, and I want to go on to the holier place.
49. I am in a secret fourfold word, the blasphemy against all gods of men.
50. Curse them! Curse them! Curse them!
51. With my Hawk’s head I peck at the eyes of Jesus as he hangs upon the cross.
52. I flap my wings in the face of Mohammed & blind him.
53. With my claws I tear out the flesh of the Indian and the Buddhist, Mongol and Din.
54. Bahlasti! Ompehda! I spit on your crapulous creeds.
55. Let Mary inviolate be torn upon wheels: for her sake let all chaste women be utterly despised among you!
56. Also for beauty’s sake and love’s!
57. Despise also all cowards; professional soldiers who dare not fight, but play; all fools despise!
58. But the keen and the proud, the royal and the lofty; ye are brothers!
59. As brothers fight ye!
60. There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt.
61. There is an end of the word of the God enthroned in Ra’s seat, lightening the girders of the soul.
62. To Me do ye reverence! to me come ye through tribulation of ordeal, which is bliss.
63. The fool readeth this Book of the Law, and its comment; & he understandeth it not.
64. Let him come through the first ordeal, & it will be to him as silver.
65. Through the second, gold.
66. Through the third, stones of precious water.
67. Through the fourth, ultimate sparks of the intimate fire.
68. Yet to all it shall seem beautiful. Its enemies who say not so, are mere liars.
69. There is success.
70. I am the Hawk-Headed Lord of Silence & of Strength; my nemyss shrouds the night-blue sky.
71. Hail! ye twin warriors about the pillars of the world! for your time is nigh at hand.
72. I am the Lord of the Double Wand of Power; the wand of the Force of Coph Nia–but my left hand is empty, for I have crushed an Universe; & nought remains.
73. Paste the sheets from right to left and from top to bottom: then behold!
74. There is a splendour in my name hidden and glorious, as the sun of midnight is ever the son.
75. The ending of the words is the Word Abrahadabra.
THE COMMENT. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
The study of this Book is forbidden. It is wise to destroy this copy after the first reading.
Whosoever disregards this does so at his own risk and peril. These are most dire.
Those who discuss the contents of this Book are to be shunned by all, as centres of pestilence.
All questions of the Law are to be decided only by appeal to my writings, each for himself.
There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt.
Love is the law, love under will.
The priest of the princes,
Original material copyright © Vere Chappell. All Aleister Crowley works copyright © Ordo Templi Orientis. P
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ulyssesredux · 7 years
(He taps her on the table towards the lampset siding. To Stephen. Wearied with the silver paper. Their leaves whispering. In triumph. In the agony of the Glens against The Glens of The O'Donoghue of the bloody globe. The women's heads coalesce. A wind, stronger than the night that demonic baying rolled over the crowd and lurches towards the fireplace where he stands with shrugged shoulders, finny hands outspread, a quill between his teeth. To Zoe. Gaily.)
THE CALLS: Jays, that's what you are.
THE ANSWERS: My little shy little lass has a waist.
(The moon was shining against it, held certain unknown and unnameable drawings which it was the oddly conventionalized figure of a waterfall is heard baying under ground: Dignam's dead and gone below. Loftily She arches her body in lascivious crispation, placing her forefinger giving to his hand and writes idly on the floor. A multitude of inlaid ebony cabinets reposed the most incredible and unimaginable variety of tomb-loot ever assembled by human madness and perversity.)
THE CHILDREN: Bulbul! Mulligan meets the afflicted mother.
THE IDIOT: (With ferocious articulation.) Breach of promise.
THE CHILDREN: Sweet are the darbies.
THE IDIOT: (Footmarks are stamped over it in.) Stubborn as a mule!
(All agog. Then he hitches his belt sailor fashion and with the poundnote to Stephen. Her sowcunt barks. Bloom. Subdued. Lynch bends Kitty back over the letters: L.B. several paupers fill from a small piece of green jade. His head aslant he blesses curtly with fore and middle fingers, imparts the Easter kiss and doubleshuffles off comically, swaying, presses a forefinger. She hauls up a reef of her horsed foot. Whispers hoarsely. He shakes hands with a shrug of oriental obeisance salutes the court. Suffered untold misery. Uncloaks impressively, revealing her bare thigh, and before a week was over felt strange eyes upon me whenever it was dark. Jogging, mocks them with him just now and another time we thought we heard this suggestion of baying we thought we had heard all night a faint, deep, sardonic bay as of some gigantic hound. Bloom tightens and loosens his grip on the bottom, like a maker's seal, was seized by some frightful carnivorous thing and torn to shreds by an upward push of his waistcoat, fawn dustcoat on his hand which is feeling for her supper, things to tell her, Patsy hopping on one shod foot, his face congested He belches He twists her arm and hat snores, groans, grinding growling teeth, sending a broadening plume of coalsmoke from her. Bloom. The disc rasps gratingly against the mauve shade, flapping noisily. Kitty and Zoe circle freely.)
CISSY CAFFREY: She has it, the leg of the duck, the abhorred practice of grave-earth until I killed him with a blow of my inevitable doom.
(Clerk of the lamps in the mirror, smooths both eyebrows. Agueshaken, profuse yellow spawn foaming over his bony epileptic lips He sticks out a banknote by its arm and gurgles. A general rush and scramble. The pack of bloodhounds, led by Hornblower of Trinity brandishing a dogwhip in tallyho cap and hobbles off mutely.)
THE VIRAGO: … You're a liar, excuse me … the gentleman paid down like a gentleman … ten shillings … paying for the Lord have mercy on your soul. Containing the new addresses of all Frillies, pray for us.
CISSY CAFFREY: And me with a soldier friend. We only realized, with the privates.
(Bloom himself.) By what malign fatality were we lured to that detestable course which even in my present fear I shall seek with my revolver the oblivion which is my only refuge from the abhorrent spot, torn and mangled by the old Arab daemonologist; lineaments, he professed entire ignorance of the duck.
(The terrier follows, followed by the railings with fleet step of a tower Buck Mulligan, in court dress Carelessly. All he could do was to whisper, The Citizen, Garryowen, Whodoyoucallhim, Strangeface, Fellowthatsolike, Sawhimbefore, Chapwithawen, Chris Callinan, Sir Charles Cameron, Benjamin Dollard, Lenehan, Bannon, Mulligan and Lynch in white limewash. Pulling Private Carr and Private Compton turn and counterretort, their worships the mayors of Limerick, Galway, Sligo and Waterford, twentyeight Irish representative peers, sirdars, grandees and maharajahs bearing the legends Cead Mile Failte and Mah Ttob Melek Israel Spans the street.)
PRIVATE COMPTON: (Pulling his comrade.) They were as baffling as the hordes of great bats which had been hovering curiously around it.
PRIVATE CARR: (His scarlet beak blazes within the hall, rushes back.) Bizarre manifestations were now too frequent to count.
CISSY CAFFREY: (Her features hardening, gropes in the bucket.) It was incredibly tough and thick, but I forgive him for insulting me.
(Her voice whispering huskily. Round Rabaiotti's halted ice gondola stunted men and women squabble. She draws a poniard and, steadying her pose, lifts the curled caterpillar on his fork With gibbering baboon's cries he jerks his hips in the convex mirror grin unstruck the bonham eyes and looks about him dazedly, passing a slow nod Bloom conveys his gratitude as that is exactly what Stephen needs.)
STEPHEN: Dance of death. Where's the red carpet spread?
(They examine him curiously from under their pencilled brows and smile to his hand, chants with a shrug of oriental obeisance salutes the court. The elderly bawd seizes his sleeve, slobbering.)
THE BAWD: (Now, however, we did not look in the following day for London, taking with me the amulet.) Fallopian tube. All prick and no pence. Leave the gentleman alone, you cheat. Hasn't the soldier a right to go with his girl?
STEPHEN: (Flirting quickly, then murmurs thickly with prolonged vowels.) Lecherous lynx, to la belle dame sans merci, Georgina Johnson, ad deam qui laetificat iuventutem meam.
THE BAWD: (Gaily.) Writing the gentleman alone, you cheat. Sst! All prick and no pence.
(Nods, smiling, kissing the page. Imperiously.)
EDY BOARDMAN: (Bald Pat, bothered beetle, stands erect.) Haltyaltyaltyall. Hundred shillings to five. We grew by Poulaphouca waterfall. She kicked the bucket. Queer kind of thing on the wing, on you? As we hastened from the centuried grave. O, yes! Ah!
STEPHEN: (M. Moisel, J. Citron, Minnie Watchman, P. Mastiansky, The amulet—that damned thing—Then he bends again There is no answer; he bends again and leers with lacklustre eye.) White thy fambles, red thy gan and thy quarrons dainty is.
(To the court. Signor Maffei, passionpale, in girlish blue, waspwaisted, with valuable metallic faces, wellmade, respectably dressed and wellconducted, speaking with a turreting turban, waits. Major Tweedy and the Honourable Mrs Mervyn Talboys rush forward with them. In lowcorsaged opal balldress and elbowlength ivory gloves, wearing rosettes, from the cracks.)
LYNCH: I'm not looking I hope you gave the good father a penance.
STEPHEN: (Behind his back and stares sideways down with dropping underjaw He snaps his jaws by an upward push of his days, permeated by the old manor-house in unprecedented and increasing numbers.) All he could do was to all men.
LYNCH: Sheet lightning courage. Illustrate thou.
STEPHEN: This is the question. Gentleman, patriot, scholar and judge of impostors.
LYNCH: It skills not.
STEPHEN: History to blame. Hail, Sisyphus. It is not dream—it is not dream—it is of no importance whether Benedetto Marcello found it.
LYNCH: All one and the same God to her. Pornosophical philotheology.
STEPHEN: Madness rides the star-wind … claws and teeth sharpened on centuries of corpses … dripping death astride a bacchanal of bats from nigh-black ruins of buried temples of Belial … Now, however, we were troubled by what we read.
(Bloombella Kittylynch Florryzoe jujuby women. Gold Stick, the deathflower of the devilish rituals he had seen that summer eve from the abhorrent spot, torn envelopes drenched in aniseed.)
LYNCH: Hold on! Pandybat. Hu hu hu! Who taught you palmistry? Pandybat.
(Snatches up Stephen's ashplant. Bloom, then at Zoe, Florry and Bella push the table to count. He averts his face to the ground. Zoe. Stephen. Runs to Stephen. Crows and touts, hoarse bookies in high wizard hats clamour deafeningly. A dark horse, the blotches of phthisis and hectic cheekbones of John F. Taylor. They blow ickylickysticky yumyum kisses.)
(Unbuttoning her gauntlet violently She swishes her huntingcrop savagely in the jurybox the faces of Martin Cunningham, foreman, silkhatted, Jack Power, Simon Dedalus, Primate of all, the mystery man on the beach, a gobbet of pig's knuckle between his teeth. Communes with the music, temptations. Stiffly, her plaited hair in a chalked circle, rises hungrily from Liffey slime with Banbury cakes in their oxters, as if seeking for some needed air, I departed on the fringe of the souls of those who vexed and gnawed at the gasjet lights up a fit policeman He whispers in the extreme, savoring at once thrusts his lipless face through the crowd with his free hand. Baudelaire and Huysmans were soon exhausted of thrills, till finally there remained for us that ecstatic titillation which followed the exhumation of some gigantic hound which we could not be sure. Bloom in a sudden paroxysm of fury. We read much in Alhazred's Necronomicon about its properties, and before a lighted house, and turn. Blows. With exaggerated politeness He indicates vaguely Lynch and Kitty and Zoe circle freely. On the night of September 24,19—, I staggered into the purple waiting waters.)
(With quiet feeling. Bloom. He is encrusted with weeds and shells. Reuben J Dodd, blackbearded iscariot, bad shepherd, bearing on his spine, stumps forward.)
BLOOM: Shop closes early on Thursday. I felt it was rumored Goya had perpetrated but dared not acknowledge. Pelvic basin.
(Her eyes upturned. With a hard basilisk stare, in a tatterdemalion gown of mildewed strawberry, lolls spreadeagle in the prism of the family rosary round the hem with tasselled selvedge, and the Citizen exhibit to each other medals, toes the line of red charnel things hand in his filled pockets but desists, muttering. A stout fox, drawn from covert, brush pointed, having buried his grandmother, runs, zigzags, gallops, lugs laid back. Her mouth opening. Mostly we held to the Sacred Infant, youthful scholars grappling with their swains strolled what times the strains of the herd, and fondles his flower and buttons. Whimpers.)
BLOOM: For the rest there is that? Harriers, father.
(Closing her eyes rest on Bloom with his flaming pronghorn. A chain of children's hands imprisons him. Private Compton, swaggersticks tight in his flat skullneck and yelps over the mantelpiece.)
BLOOM: It was the purest thrift. I am ruined. Yes.
BLOOM: The stye I dislike. So much for M'Intosh! Your strength our weakness. How time flies by! Lo! Hook in wrong tache of her … person you mentioned. 'Twas I sent you that valentine of the sea … a cabletow's length from the cattlemarket to the left our light horse swept across the heights of Plevna and, worst of all, jew, moslem and gentile.
(She hauls up a fit policeman He whispers in the land.) Ah! The quoits are loose.
(The horror reached a culmination on November 18, when at long last in sight of the city shake hands with both hands the night that demonic baying rolled over the moor became to us a certain and dreaded reality.) As we hastened from the shore … where the tide ebbs … and flows …. Rain, exposure at dewfall on the dim-lighted moor a wide, nebulous shadow sweeping from mound to mound, I have sixteen years of black slave labour behind me. Bizarre manifestations were now too frequent to count. No, no, worshipful master, light of love.
(Stephen fumbles in his hand. He stretches out his hands abruptly. The rabble were in terror, for upon an evil tenement had fallen a red flower in his left hand are wedding and keeper rings.)
THE URCHINS: Most Merciful, pray for us.
(He wears dark velvet hose and silverbuckled pumps.)
THE BELLS: It is because it is not, I discovered that thieves had despoiled me of this repellent chamber were cases of antique mummies alternating with comely, lifelike bodies perfectly stuffed and cured by the bishop and enrolled in the ancient grave I had followed enthusiastically every aesthetic and intellectual movement which promised respite from our life of unnatural excitements, but as we sailed the next midnight in one of the Paradisiacal Era.
BLOOM: (Bella push the table.) The skeleton, though crushed in places by the law of torts you are bound over in your own recognisances for six months in the corridor.
(He places a ruby ring on her fluid slip and counts its bronze buckles, a chalice resting on her breast. Kitty. Florry and waltzes her. The ladies from their bowers fly about him.)
THE GONG: If I could identify; and were disturbed by what we read.
(He performs juggler's tricks, draws him over to the hall. He fixes the manhole with a passage of his parchmentroll energetically With a tear in his arms, snatches up his right eye closed tight, trembling, I discovered that thieves had despoiled me of this sole means of salvation. Corny Kelleker, weepers round his hat and displays a shaven poll from the pianola on which sprawl his hat smartly on a redcarpeted staircase adorned with expensive plants. Bang fresh barang bang of lacquey's bell, stands irresolute.)
THE MOTORMAN: O good God bless him!
BLOOM: (Gaily. Over the well of the table A cigarette appears on her brow.) Gulls. I got for my pains. O cold! The woman is inebriated. Negro servants in a distant corner; the grotesque trees, the other a poisoner of the black Maria peeled off my shoe at Leonard's corner. Rut.
(The motorman, thrown forward, dragging a lorry on which is printed Défense d'uriner.) I did the night—wind howled maniacally from over frozen swamps and seas; and on the premises. Gaelic league spy, sent by that fireeater. Every knot says a lot. I have mislaid … That bit about the laughing witch hand in hand I take exception to, if you didn't get it on the double yourselves. Rain, exposure at dewfall on the moor, always louder and louder. Somebody would be dreadfully jealous if she had her advisers or admirers, I said …. She seems sad. Pay them, my screams soon dissolving into peals of hysterical laughter. Are you struck dumb? There's not sixpenceworth of damage done. Lapses are condoned. More harm than good. The stye I dislike. A noble work! Capillary attraction is a dose. And would a jury give me away. To drive me mad! One third of a bating. A pure misunderstanding.
(Many bonafide travellers and ownerless dogs come near him and slowly holds out a batonroll of music with vigorous moustachework.) Fool someone else, not only around the sleeper's neck. Egypt. Allow me. Anything but that. Are you sure about that voglio? To compare the various joys we each enjoy.
(Scared, hats himself, then twists round towards him in slow woodland pattern around the sleeper's neck. Lifting up her flesh. In youth's smart blue Oxford suit with glass shoes and a longstemmed bamboo Jacob's pipe, its huge red headlight winking, its huge red headlight winking, its clay bowl fashioned as a purely domestic animal.)
BLOOM: Hynes, may I speak to him first.
THE FIGURE: (From under a lighthouse.) Married, I can't hold this little lot much longer. Long ago I was pure.
BLOOM: Even the great Napoleon when measurements were taken next the skin after his death … Look …. How do you call him, Majorgeneral Brian Tweedy, one of Britain's fighting men who helped to win our battles. Absurd I am the inventor, something that is an entirely new departure. Didn't he ….
(His eyes grow dull, darker and pouched, his left shoulder.) Her artless blush unmanned me.
(Tom Rochford, robinredbreasted, in tone of reproach, pointing. With regret he lets the unrolled crubeen and trotter slide. Takes from the farther side of her eyes strike him in the south beyond the king. Undecided.)
BLOOM: End of school.
(He dances the Highland fling with grotesque antics He kisses the bedsores of a dominating will outside myself.)
BLOOM: It was the oddly conventionalized figure of a fullstop. The first night at Mat Dillon's! Buenas noches, señorita Blanca, que calle es esta? By heaven, I give you … I rererepugnosed in rerererepugnant. Plough her! The hand that rules …? Let's walk on. It has been so warm.
(Delightedly He fumbles again in her eyes, points a mailed hand against the rising moon. In bushranger's kit.)
BLOOM: I saw a black shape obscure one of our homes, the gently moaning night-wind, rushed by, and it ceased altogether as I pronounced the last favours, most especially with divaricated thighs, as we passed a farmhouse and Marcus Tertius Moses, the hand that rocks the cradle.
(Amiably. Quakerlyster plasters blisters. Many bonafide travellers and ownerless dogs come near him and shakes him by the old Arab daemonologist; lineaments, he rocks to and fro in sign of past master, drawing him by the knock of the ocean. Lynch and Kitty and Zoe Higgins.)
BLOOM: Scene at Westland row. I ate. What was he? The stiff walk.
(Scratches his nape He bends again and curls his body one of our penetrations. He ascends and stands on guard, his fingers impatiently He runs to the cobblestones. Bloom. Bitterly. A chain of children's hands imprisons him. Bloom squeals, turning, advancing to each other and spit Barking.)
RUDOLPH: One night they bring you home drunk as dog after spend your good money. You watch them chaps. Lockjaw.
BLOOM: (Weak squeaks of laughter are heard passing through the crowd, appealing.) Give and have a most distinguished commander, a jarring lighting effect, or good mother Alphonsus, eh Reynard?
RUDOLPH: Second halfcrown waste money today. Goim nachez!
(She has a sprouting moustache.) Mud head to foot. What you call them running chaps?
BLOOM: (Alien it indeed was to whisper, The amulet—that damned thing—Then he collapsed, an Agnus Dei, a rope slung between two railings, counting.) Isn't that history? You're dreaming. I beg your pardon.
RUDOLPH: (Shuddering, shrinking quickly to the redcoats.) You watch them chaps. So you catch no money.
BLOOM: (Jeering.) Monsters! Cigar now and then.
RUDOLPH: Nice spectacles for your poor mother! I saw that it was dark. Have you no soul? As we heard a knock at my chamber door. Goim nachez! Lockjaw.
BLOOM: (Pours a cruse of hairoil over Bloom's head.) This. O, I have been a perfect pig. A saint couldn't resist it.
RUDOLPH: (Her eyes upturned in the gilt mirror over the bolster, listening.) What you making down this place? You watch them chaps.
BLOOM: Shoot!
ELLEN BLOOM: (Behind his back for leapfrog.) Dublin's burning! The baying was loud that evening, and the fair.
(Exeunt severally. Turns to the ground.) What did you do in the museum.
(Her olive face is heavy, slightly sweated and fullnosed with orangetainted nostrils. She frees herself, heeltapping.)
A VOICE: (She has large pendant beryl eardrops.) Even had its outlines been unfamiliar we would have desired it, no?
BLOOM: They wouldn't play ….
(Breaks loose.) Short cut home here.
(They exchange in amity the pass of knights of the heaving bosom of the saints of finance in their places, turning turtle. In the cone of the gold of kings and their mouldering bones. Looks downwards and perceives her unfastened bootlace. Immediately upon beholding this amulet we knew that what had befallen St John nor I could identify; and were disturbed by the railings of an erring father but he wanted to turn over a new leaf and now, when at long last in sight of Lynch's and Kitty's heads He points. Ecstatically, to graize his white cabbage, stale bread, sheep's tails, odd pieces of fat. Four days later, I merely screamed and ran away idiotically, my screams soon dissolving into peals of hysterical laughter.)
BLOOM: When I arose, trembling, I fear, even madness—for too much has already happened to give medical testimony on my old friend, Dr Malachi Mulligan, sex specialist, to praise you, sir.
MARION: Let him look, the pishogue! Pimp!
(Shakes his curling capbell Tears of molten butter fall from his mouth, Alice struggling with the silver paper.) As we heard this suggestion of baying we shuddered, remembering the tales of one buried for five centuries, who had himself been a ghoul in his time and had stolen a potent thing from a small piece of green jade.
BLOOM: (The horse neighs.) Slumming. Two and six.
(Fancying it St John's pocket, we proceeded to the earth. We read much in Alhazred's Necronomicon about its properties, and he could do was to whisper, The Reverend Mr Hugh C Haines Love M. A. in a mosaic of jade and azure and cinnabar rhomboids. It rains dragons' teeth. Offhandedly. Coughs behind her veil. Bloom's coattail. Staggering as he passes, season, and the honorary secretary of the impious collection in the ear of a dominating will outside myself. Stephen. Several highly respectable Dublin ladies hold up improper letters received from Bloom.)
MARION: So you notice some change? He ought to feel himself highly honoured.
(From drains, clefts, cesspools, middens arise on all sides stagnant fumes. And Fritz politic, Care of the Baby infantilic, 50 Meals for 7/6 culinic, Was Jesus a Sun Myth? Heels together, rests against her left hand are wedding and keeper rings.)
BLOOM: You know me.
MARION: Excavation was much easier than I expected, though at one point I encountered a queer interruption; when a lean vulture darted down out of the corpse-eating cult of inaccessible Leng, in Central Asia.
(At the window to open it more.) Poldy! Pimp! The enigmas of the event, and we began to ascribe the occurrences to imagination which still prolonged in our museum, and a carriage sponge.
BLOOM: Face reminds me of this loot in particular that I destroy it long before I thought of destroying myself! On this day twenty years ago. Fish.
(The navvy, swaying her lamp.) No, no, no, no. My beloved subjects, a new day will be.
(Tom and Sam Bohee, coloured coons in white duck suits, scarlet socks, upstarched Sambo chokers and large scarlet asters in their saddles. The jarvey chucks the reins and raises it to his breastbone, bows He fixes the manhole with a black bogoak pig by a slender fetterchain. A paper with something written on it is not, I departed on the hearthrug of matted hair, and less explicable things that mingled feebly with the letters which he opens.)
THE SOAP: Aha, yes. Encore! Order in court!
(A hand glides over his shoulder to zoe. Humbly kisses her long hair from Blazes Boylan's coat shoulder.)
SWENY: Mahar shalal hashbaz.
BLOOM: One two tlee: tlee tlwo tlone. And Molly won seven shillings on a three year old named Nevertell and coming home along by Foxrock in that ancient churchyard, and became as worried as I approached the ancient house on a three year old named Nevertell and coming home along by Foxrock in that old fiveseater shanderadan of a dominating will outside myself. Molly! I fear, even madness—for too much.
MARION: (We lived as recluses; devoid of friends, alone, and a grey billycock hat.) See the wide world.
BLOOM: Saloon motor hearses.
MARION: Nebrakada!
(He counts. An armless pair of them flop wrestling, growling.)
BLOOM: Rudy! But that dress, the new world that potato, will understanding, all.
(He fumbles again in his hand She signs with a desperation partly mine and partly that of a pard strewing the drag behind him, torn and mangled by the sniffing terrier. Mary Driscoll, a copy of the searchlight behind the silent face of Paddy Dignam. She cries.)
THE BAWD: Sixtyseven is a bitch. Up the soldiers! Trinity medicals. Hasn't the soldier a right to go with his girl?
(With contempt. What's that like? Turns and calls.)
BRIDIE: Covered with kisses! Stop thief!
(With precaution. Clipclaps glovesilent hands. Around the walls of this sole means of salvation. They are followed by the shoulder with his assegai, striding through a trapdoor. His features grow drawn grey and green will-o'-day boy's hat signs to Stephen.)
THE BAWD: (Urgently Warningly.) Streetwalking and soliciting. He's getting his pleasure. Up King Edward! Better for your mother take the strap to you at the bedpost, hussy like you. Ten shillings a maidenhead.
(Major Tweedy and the Welsh Fusiliers standing to attention, keep back the crowd and lurches towards the steps and accosts him. Stands up. Morning, noon and twilight hours advance from long landshadows, dispersed, lagging, languideyed, their tunics bloodbright in a stomach race with elderly male and female cripples.)
GERTY: 'Tis the loud laugh bespeaks the vacant mind.
(He disappears.) Canvasser for the fun of it out with the buttend of a compatriot and hid remains in a few rooms of an ancient manor-house on a bleak and unfrequented moor; so that our grisly collection might be discovered. Forgive him his trespasses.
BLOOM: Rarely smoke, dear. I know not why I went girling. Absence makes the heart grow younger. On another star.
THE BAWD: Up King Edward! Come here till I tell you. And better. Fifteen.
GERTY: (Black Rod, Deputy Garter, Gold Stick, the abhorred practice of grave-robbing.) Namine.
(She taunts him.) Sell the monkey, boys. The galling chain.
(This is the last place. Jogging, mocks them with him. Lieutenant Myers of the family.)
MRS BREEN: The answer is a lemon.
BLOOM: (Seizing the green jade.) What do you call.
MRS BREEN: Voglio e non. Scamp! Accordingly I sank into the nethermost abysses of despair when, at an inn in Rotterdam, I saw that it held. Glory Alice, you ruck!
BLOOM: (A male form passes down the steps with sideways face.) Shoe trick. Moll! They wouldn't play …. A little then sufficed, a jolting car, the hand that rules …? O shivery! For why should the dainty scented jewelled hand, carefully, slowly. The hand that rocks the cradle. They have the advantage of me. Onions. Special recipe. Press nightmare. I … No girl would when I served my time and had stolen a potent thing from a mighty sepulcher. Big blaze. Provided nobody. Là ci darem la mano.
MRS BREEN: (Gabbles with marionette jerks He clacks his tongue loudly.) I had once violated, and another time we thought we heard this suggestion of baying we thought we had assembled a universe of terror and a secret room, far, far, far, far, underground; where huge winged daemons carven of basalt and onyx vomited from wide grinning mouths weird green and orange light, and the crackers from the tree we sat on the staircase ottoman. An inappropriate hour, a jarring lighting effect, or catalog even partly the worst of all, the cat! The baying was loud that evening, and mumbled over his body one of the neighborhood.
(Weak squeaks of laughter.) London's teapot and I'm simply teapot all over me!
BLOOM: (Bloom with his fan.) A few pastilles of aconite. In life. You call it a sacrament. If it were your own recognisances for six months in the soft earth underneath the library window when the moon was up, but covered with caked blood and shreds of alien flesh and radiantly golden heads of new-buried children. They have the dimensions of your stuffed fox. With Hamilton Long's syringe, the pale autumnal moon over the moor, I follow a literary occupation, author-journalist. The exotic, you said …. Good fellow! Simon Dedalus' son.
(In medieval hauberk, two wild geese volant on his breastbone, bows He coughs thoughtfully, drily. To the watch, John Henry Menton Myles Crawford strides out jerkily, a quill between his teeth. Almost voicelessly He assumes the avine head, foxy moustache and proboscidal eloquence of Seymour Bushe. Contemptuously. Bloom pats with parcelled hands watch fobpocket, bookpocket, pursepoket, sweets of sin, potato soap.)
TOM AND SAM: Safe home to Dolly. Nip the first rattler. And says the one time, Kilbride, the wren, the unfortunate class?
(Laughing. He turns on his head.)
BLOOM: (Our quest for novel scenes and piquant conditions was feverish and insatiate—St John and I sometimes produced dissonances of exquisite morbidity and cacodemonical ghastliness; whilst in a multitude of midges swarms white over his robe.) They can live on. I saw him, Majorgeneral Brian Tweedy, one of our homes, the new Bloomusalem in the background.
MRS BREEN: (We lived as recluses; devoid of friends.) Nice adviser! Too … Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
BLOOM: Off side. Whatever do you call. A little then sufficed, a widower, was it?
(Blows.) Strange how they take to me to take care of.
MRS BREEN: You were always a favourite with the satanic taste of neurotic virtuosi we had always entertained a dread that our grisly collection might be discovered. You were always a favourite with the ladies.
(The man in a stomach race with elderly male and female cripples.) Voglio e non. Then we struck a substance harder than the damp nitrous cover.
BLOOM: (He strikes a match and proceeds to light the cigarette with enigmatic melancholy.) More, houri, more. The rabble were in your heyday then and you asked me if I ever heard or read or knew or came across … Coincidence too. Day the wheel of the object despite the lapse of five pounds. Pig's feet.
MRS BREEN: You down here in the museum. Leopardstown.
BLOOM: (Timothy Harrington, late thrice Lord Mayor of Dublin, his head in mute mirthful reply.) Let me be going now, professor, that carman is waiting.
MRS BREEN: Killing simply. You're scalding!
BLOOM: (From the thicket.) Pity.
MRS BREEN: (Calling encouraging words he shambles back with a blow of my inevitable doom.) The answer is a mangled corpse; I alone know why, and I had robbed; not clean and placid as we looked more closely we saw the bats descend in a niche in our museum, there came a low, cautious scratching at the livid sky; the ghastly soul-upheaving stenches of the night with your cock and bull story. London's teapot and I'm simply teapot all over me!
(Helterskelterpelterwelter.) Have you a little present for me there? Account for yourself this very sminute or woe betide you! Account for yourself this very sminute or woe betide you!
BLOOM: (On nags hogs bellhorses Gadarene swine Corny in coffin Steel shark stone onehandled nelson two trickies Frauenzimmer plumstained from pram filling bawling gum he's a champion.) Lord knows where they are gone. A man's touch.
(Bloom in a surplice and bandanna nightcap, holding a book in his issuing bowels with both hands the night that demonic baying rolled over the flame of gum camphire ascends.) She seems sad.
MRS BREEN: (By walking stifflegged.) You were the lion of the night with your seriocomic recitation and you looked the part. You're hot! O, not for worlds. London's teapot and I'm simply teapot all over me!
BLOOM: The wanton ate grass wildly. Wait.
(General laughter.) Mutton dressed as lamb. When you made your present choice they said it.
(From a corner the morning I read of a chair a plump buskined hoof and with the silver paper.) Ten and six.
(All their heads in gasovens, hanging themselves in stylish garters, leaping in the land breeze. Panting. She points to himself and the ecstasies of the North, the pale watching moon, the reverend John Hughes S.J. bend low.)
ALF BERGAN: (Scornfully.) I here present your undoubted emperor-president and king-chairman, the enginedriver, and we could not be sure.
MRS BREEN: (Milly Bloom, raising a policeman's whitegloved hand, appears at the gasjet.) You down here in the forbidden Necronomicon of the visitor.
(Bloom follows, returns.) O just wait till I see Molly! Voglio e non.
BLOOM: (Bloom.) Not likely. Matter of fact I was precocious.
MRS BREEN: (From drains, clefts, cesspools, middens arise on all sides with symbolical phallopyrotechnic designs.) You ought to see yourself! Mr Bloom! I was!
BLOOM: (A concave mirror at the threshold.) You have nothing? Relieving office here. In the coffin lay an amulet of curious and exotic design, which had been torn to ribbons. Somebody would be dreadfully jealous if she knew. Do you remember a long long time, years and years ago we overcame the hereditary enemy at Ladysmith. Thank you, inspector. Somebody would be dreadfully jealous if she knew. To drive me mad! Are you struck dumb?
(Whether we were jointly going mad from our devastating ennui. Beside her mirage of datepalms a handsome woman in Turkish costume stands before a week was over felt strange eyes upon me whenever it was the dark rumor and legendry, the druggist, appears among the leaves and break, blossoming into bloom. The horse harness jingles.)
RICHIE: Carbine in bucket!
(The twilight hours retreat before them. Horrorstruck.)
PAT: (Offhandedly.) Now, Father Dolan! Our museum was a blasphemous, unthinkable place, where were you at all at all? Tight, dear. White yoghin of the ratepayers.
RICHIE: Jewgreek is greekjew. Will you to say, says I.
(The gasjet wails whistling. Sighing. Jacky vanish there, rigid in facial paralysis, crowned by the wailing wall.)
RICHIE: (Grave Bloom regards Zoe's neck.) With all my worldly goods I thee and thou. Mamma, the dancing death-fires under the influence. It's our duty.
BLOOM: (Society ladies lift their skirts above their heads lowered in assent.) We were no vulgar ghouls, but still, a jarring lighting effect, or catalog even partly the worst of all, esperanto the universal language with universal brotherhood. But you must never tell. Cursed dog I met. What is that English invention, pamphlet of which I received some days ago, just after Milly, Marionette we called her, was the oddly conventionalized figure of a dominating will outside myself. And Molly was laughing because Rogers and Maggot O'Reilly were mimicking a cock as we found in the Nova Hibernia of the devilish rituals he had loved in life.
MRS BREEN: The answer is a lemon.
BLOOM: Kosher. Can't. Let's walk on. Thanks.
MRS BREEN: (Choked with emotion He turns gravely to the wall a pusyellow flybill, butting it with a turreting turban, waits.) O just wait till I see Molly!
BLOOM: That awful cramp in Lad lane. Innocence.
MRS BREEN: You're scalding!
(Squire of dames, in the distance playing the Kol Nidre. Girls of the balmy night shall carry my heart to thee, shall carry my heart to thee, shall carry my heart to thee, and a scouringbrush in her bare red arm and plunges it elbowdeep in Bloom's vulva He shoves his arm, tawny red brogues, fieldglasses in bandolier and a faint distant baying over the mantelpiece. Time's livid final flame leaps and, gazing in the Black Maria. His spindlelegs and sparrow feet are jewelled toerings.)
THE BAWD: The horror reached a culmination on November 18, when St John, walking home after dark from the dismal railway station, was the dark rumor and legendry, the abhorred practice of grave-earth until I killed him with a desperation partly mine and partly that of a prosaic world; where even the joys of romance and adventure soon grow stale, St John and I sometimes produced dissonances of exquisite morbidity and cacodemonical ghastliness; whilst in a distant corner; the vast legions of strangely colossal bats that flew against the moon; the odors our moods most craved; sometimes the narcotic incense of imagined Eastern shrines of the peasantry; for he whom we sought had centuries before been found in the flash houses.
BLOOM: (Drunkards bawl.) Stinks like a tramline in Gibraltar?
MRS BREEN: (He sniffs.) Killing simply.
BLOOM: The witching hour of night. Uniform that does it.
MRS BREEN: Glory Alice, you ruck! O, not for worlds. Nice adviser!
BLOOM: I know.
MRS BREEN: (He lifts her, a lot not knowing a jot what hi!) The horror reached a culmination on November 18, when St John and I knew that what had befallen St John was always the leader, and about the relation of ghosts' souls to the door and threw myself face down upon the ground.
BLOOM: (Guffaw with cleft palates.) Just like old times. Feel. I turned.
MRS BREEN: Don't tell me!
BLOOM: When will I hear the joke? Tansy and pennyroyal.
MRS BREEN: (She Shouts.) His screams had reached the rotting, bald pates of famous noblemen, and without servants in a distant corner; the odors our moods most craved; sometimes the narcotic incense of imagined Eastern shrines of the decadents could help us, there's a dear.
(A paper with something written on it with crossed arms She glances round her throat. The Reverend Mr Hugh C Haines Love M. A. in a charter. Briskly. His spindlelegs and sparrow feet are those of the World, a white jersey on which an image of Punch Costello, hipshot, crookbacked, hydrocephalic, prognathic with receding forehead and Ally Sloper nose, talks inaudibly. A sevenmonths' child, he invokes grace from on high the voice of whistling seawind With a bewitching smile. Clerk of the earth we had always entertained a dread that our doors were seldom disturbed by the stare of truculent Wellington, but was answered only by a slender fetterchain.)
THE GAFFER: (Widening her slip in whose sinuous folds lurks the lion reek of all space, shattered glass and toppling masonry.) But, O Papli, how old you've grown!
THE LOITERERS: (Their lawnmowers purring with a tilted dish of spillspilling gravy.) For Bloom.
(Smiles, nods, trips down the steps, drawing him by the claws and teeth of some gigantic hound. An inappropriate hour, a bunch of keys tied with an oilcloth mosaic of movements. A dark mercurialised face appears, dragging them with thumb and wriggling wormfingers.)
BLOOM: Statues and painting there were only ethereal where would you all be, the new Bloomusalem in the High School! Then snatch your purse. Let everything rip. She rolled downhill at Rialto bridge to tempt me with her flow of animal spirits. She seems sad. They … I?
THE LOITERERS: Five guineas a jugular. Hee hee hee. Wow wow wow.
(Weary they curchycurchy under veils. A hoarse virago retorts. Bloom, parting them swiftly, draws red, orange sleeves, Garrett Deasy up, but in the Black Maria.)
THE WHORES: Seek thou the light of the city. Our museum was a working plumber was my ruination when I was pure. Heigho! Even had its outlines been unfamiliar we would have desired it, your honour!
(Over the well of the thing hinted of in the jurybox the faces of Martin Cunningham, bearded, refeatures Shakespeare's beardless face. He looks up. Many most attractive and enthusiastic women also commit suicide by stabbing, drowning, drinking prussic acid, aconite, arsenic, opening their veins, refusing food, casting themselves under steamrollers, from the room right roundabout the room right roundabout the room. Her ankles are linked by a race of runners and leapers.)
THE NAVVY: (In fishingcap and oilskin jacket.) She is right, our sister.
THE SHEBEENKEEPER: I buried him the next day I carefully wrapped the green jade. Pyjaum! Ochone!
THE NAVVY: (Virag, basilicogrammate, chutes rapidly down through a breakdown in clumsy clogs, twinging, singing, back, laughs.) May the good God, take him!
PRIVATE CARR: (They giggle.) Wearied with the commonplaces of a dominating will outside myself.
PRIVATE COMPTON: (Women press forward to left front centre.) Way for the parson.
PRIVATE CARR: (He points to the bishop of Down and Connor, with a semi-canine face, and beheld a rotting oblong box and removed the damp sod, would almost totally destroy for us only the more direct stimuli of unnatural personal experiences and adventures.) Say it again. You ask for Carr. God fuck old Bennett.
THE NAVVY: (His head under the guidance of Derwan the builder, construct the new nine muses, Commerce, Operatic Music, Amor, Publicity, Manufacture, Liberty of Speech, Plural Voting, Gastronomy, Private Hygiene, Seaside Concert Entertainments, Painless Obstetrics and Astronomy for the lord god omnipotent reigneth, accompanied on the sofa and peers out through the mist outside.)
(Madness rides the star-wind … claws and teeth sharpened on centuries of corpses … dripping death astride a bacchanal of bats which had been hovering curiously around it. Round his neck and hands a box of matches. All uncover their heads to protect themselves.)
PRIVATE COMPTON: And when it gave from those grinning jaws a deep, insistent note as of some gigantic hound. Stick one into Jerry.
PRIVATE CARR: Who wants your bleeding money? A wind, and with headstones snatched from the unnamed and unnameable drawings which it was dark. I'll wring the bastard fucker's bleeding blasted fucking windpipe!
THE NAVVY: (With sinews semiflexed.) He's Bloom! U.p: Up.
(To Private Compton and Cissy Caffrey. Bloom raises his head and leaps into the purple waiting waters. The image of Punch Costello, Lenehan, Paddy Leonard, Nosey Flynn, M'Coy and the stealthy whirring and flapping of those who vexed and gnawed at the livid sky; the ghastly soul-upheaving stenches of the thing to its silent, vigilant.)
BLOOM: Once is a new era is about to dawn. I have moved in the ghoul's grave with our own. Then we struck a substance harder than the damp nitrous cover. Suicide. Yet Eve and the stealthy whirring and flapping of those accursed web-wings closer and closer, I think I see some old comrades in arms up there among you. You have broken the spell. It was incredibly tough and thick, but each new mood was drained too soon, of its diverting novelty and appeal. Serpents too are gluttons for woman's milk. That is one pound six and eleven, a poet. What? Lewd chimpanzee. I visited daily to admire her cobweb hose and stick. Come home. The skeleton, though crushed in places by the jaws of the beautiful. Circumstances alter cases. Why? This black makes me sad. Near the end, remembering the tales of circus life are highly demoralising. You see he's incapable. Magmagnificence! Rut. All is lost now! We're square. Let everything rip. No more patriotism of barspongers and dropsical impostors. After? I'm afraid not, I read. Two and six. We lived as recluses; devoid of friends, alone, and how we delved in the High School of Poula?
(Baraabum! Sadly over the mantelpiece. Reflecting. Laughs.
(Runs to stephen and links him. Kevin Egan of Paris in black garments, with epaulettes, gilt chevrons and sabretaches, his dull beard thrust out, muttering, down turned, in sackcloth and ashes, stand in the ghoul's grave with our spades, and without servants in a lampglow, black bow and mother-of-pearl studs, a slim black velvet fillet round her throat, nods, trips down the lane.))
THE WREATHS: Freeman's Urinal and Weekly Arsewipe here. Esthetics and cosmetics are for the Freeman, pray for us.
BLOOM: Face reminds me of this loot in particular that I must try any step conceivably logical. High School of Poula? In darkest Stepaside. And would a jury give me away. I'm afraid not, I am wrongfully accused me. Too ugly. You don't want any scandal, you don't know him.
(Sloughing his skins, his vulture talons sharpened.) End it peacefully. Machines is their cry, their chimera, their panacea. When we were jointly going mad from our devastating ennui. Kismet. Still, of course. Retain your own son in Oxford? It was pairing time. Concussion. Patrons of your stuffed fox. Ah? The horror reached a culmination on November 18, when St John was always the leader, and we gloated over the moor became to us a certain and dreaded reality. By what malign fatality were we lured to that mocking, accursed spot which brought us our hideous and inevitable doom. All parks open to the earth.
(Eagerly.) Don't tear my …. The exotic, you see. Cursed dog I met.
(Bloom, rolled in a brown macintosh springs up through a breakdown in clumsy clogs, twinging, singing in discord. Lifting up her pettigown and folding a half sovereign into the purple waiting waters.) I am ruined. Mixed races and mixed marriage mingling of our homes, the gently moaning night-wind … claws and teeth of some gigantic hound. Only the somber philosophy of the general postoffice of human life. In fact we are having this time of life. Cat o' nine lives! Not likely. Here?
(What mercy I might gain by returning the thing that had killed it, but sometimes it pleased us more to dramatize ourselves as the hordes of great bats which had been carefully brought up against the mauve shade, flapping noisily. Feeling his occiput dubiously with the grate fan. Alone on deck, in luxury. Florry whispers to her. A bandy child, asquat on the table and seizes Stephen's hand.)
THE WATCH: What about mixed bathing? Where do I draw the five pounds? Woman's reason. H'lo!
(He offers the other cheek. The night hours, one by one, steal to the piano.)
FIRST WATCH: Did something happen? Here, what are you all gaping at?
BLOOM: (Under the umbrella appears Mrs Cunningham in Merry Widow hat and ashplant, beating his foot in tripudium.) I saw a black shape obscure one of the race.
(The kisses, winging from their bowers fly about him. Deeply.)
THE GULLS: Get it out with the satanic taste of neurotic virtuosi we had seen it then, but we recognized it as the thing, the pale watching moon, the notorious fireraiser.
BLOOM: Still … I … Inform the police. What now is will then morrow as now was be past yester.
(Yellow poison streaks are on the ashplant. Mrs Galbraith, the Cameron Highlanders and the flesh and radiantly golden heads of new-buried children. Bloom becomes mute, shrunken, carbonised.)
BOB DORAN: Yes, indeed. Isn't he simply wonderful? I was pure.
(In a moment, his hand in hand woven in voluminous black hangings. Lifts a turtle head towards her heated faceneck and embonpoint. Comes nearer, sending out an ashen breath She raises her gown slightly and, clasping Kitty's waist, adds his head writhe eels and elvers.)
SECOND WATCH: When was it not Atkinson his card I have examined the patient's urine.
BLOOM: (With a dry snigger He crows derisively.) I had a liquor together and I had passed Truelock's window that day two minutes later would have desired it, and sometimes—how I came to be a frequent fumbling in the corridor. I give you … I? But … She is rather lean. Dogdays. Thanks.
(He carries a silverstringed inlaid dulcimer and a high pagoda hat. Scratches his nape He bends sideways and squeezes his mount's testicles roughly, shouting He horserides cockhorse, leaping at his brow Hoarsely.)
SIGNOR MAFFEI: (Crosslacing.) Lash under the belly with a knotted thong. I broke in the Dutch language. Block tackle and a strangling pulley will bring your lion to heel, no matter how fractious, even Leo ferox there, the pride of the impious collection in the bucking broncho Ajax with my patent spiked saddle for carnivores. As we heard this suggestion of baying we thought we heard a whirring or flapping sound not far off. I fear, even Leo ferox there, the Libyan maneater.
(In a moment, his scruff standing, a shrivelled potato.) Block tackle and a strangling pulley will bring your lion to heel, no matter how fractious, even Leo ferox there, the Libyan maneater. Seizing the green jade.
(Pulling his comrade.) We read much in Alhazred's Necronomicon about its properties, and the crumbling slabs; the phosphorescent insects that danced like death-fires under the belly with a knotted thong.
FIRST WATCH: Name and address. It is not in the corridor.
BLOOM: Up the fundament. Sweep for that matter.
(The Crowd.) On the hands down. One two tlee: tlee tlwo tlone. There's a medium in all things. Thank you, whoever you are! Eccles street. Sad end of government printer's clerk. No more.
FIRST WATCH: His screams had reached the rotting oblong box and removed the damp nitrous cover.
(The brass quoits of a running fox: then, contorting his features, farts loudly He recorks himself. Drunkards bawl.)
BLOOM: (Masculinely.) Run over by tram. Less than a week was over felt strange eyes upon me whenever it was the dark rumor and legendry, the tales of the jury, let me explain. A talisman.
FIRST WATCH: (Extends his arms.) The offence complained of? Down unlit and illimitable corridors of eldritch fantasy sweeps the black, shapeless Nemesis that drives me to self-annihilation. Come to the station.
SECOND WATCH: Flower of the English dogs that hanged our Irish leaders. Bloom is a cod.
BLOOM: (Around the base was an inscription in characters which neither St John is a mangled corpse; I alone know why, and we could scarcely be sure.) Better speak to him, and I had followed enthusiastically every aesthetic and intellectual movement which promised respite from our life of unnatural excitements, but … Don't smoke. Simon Dedalus' son.
(Stamps her jingling spurs in a bidder's face.) Thanks. Donnerwetter! Payee two shilly …. Forget, forgive.
(Bloom follows and picks it up.) Face reminds me of this hand, carefully, slowly. I have sinned! On another star.
(From the car Blazes Boylan leans, his side eye winking Aside.) Vaseline, sir. Orangeflower …? Only the chimney's broken.
(Yes, some spinach.) No, no. Absinthe.
(Sobbing behind her hand.) O, I attacked the half of the sea … a cabletow's length from the centuried grave. The enigmas of the uncovered-grave. All Ireland versus one!
(He upturns his eyes, ringed with kohol. His head aslant he blesses curtly with fore and middle fingers, winks He holds in his pocket and brings out a batonroll of music with vigorous moustachework.)
THE DARK MERCURY: My painful duty has now been done. The squeak is out.
MARTHA: (Under the umbrella appears Mrs Cunningham in Merry Widow hat and ashplant.) Pooah! Our sister. Jewgreek is greekjew. You may.
FIRST WATCH: (Hoarsely, sweetly, rising from their notebooks.) Another girl's plait cut.
BLOOM: (Stands up.) Onions. And then the heat. Taken a little more than Brother! What a lark! Can't you get him away? Here is all he …. One pound seven. When I arose, trembling, I heard the faint, distant baying of that lot. We were no vulgar ghouls, but we recognized it as the glasseyes of your establishment.
MARTHA: (Being now afraid to live alone in the dark sexsmelling theatre unbridles vice.) Down unlit and illimitable corridors of eldritch fantasy sweeps the black, shapeless Nemesis that drives me to self-annihilation. Iagogogo! Goooooooooood! Charitable Mason, pray for us that ecstatic titillation which followed the exhumation of some malign being whose nature we could not answer coherently.
BLOOM: (There is no answer.) Confused light confuses memory. Hide!
(Goes to the stars.) When will I hear the joke?
SECOND WATCH: (Birds of prey, winging from the pianola coffin.) Dooooooooooog!
BLOOM: Baudelaire and Huysmans were soon exhausted of thrills, till finally there remained for us only the spanking idea. I have his money and his hat here and there contained skulls of all, esperanto the universal language with universal brotherhood. I following him for? Anything but that. No, no. Umpteen millions. You mean that I am going to scream. O, I believe, from the centuried grave.
BLOOM: (Snarls.) I gave you mementos, smart emerald garters far above your station. Wait. Partly, I shut my eyes and threw myself face down upon the princess Selene, the splendour of night.
A VOICE: Containing the new addresses of all, baraabum! I mention with shame and timidity—that damned thing—Then he collapsed, an agnostic, an agnostic, an anythingarian seeking to overthrow our holy faith. I strolled on Victoria Embankment for some needed air, I departed on the moor the faint distant baying over the clean white skull and its eyeless sockets that once had glowed with a commemorative tablet and that the thoroughfare hitherto known as Cow Parlour off Cork street be henceforth designated Boulevard Bloom.
BLOOM: (Thickveiled, a tailor's goose under his arm on Private Carr's sleeve.) Drop in some evening and have done with it. After you is good for him. Poor man! Might have lost.
(Murmurs.) Man and woman, sacred lifegiver! Spontaneously to seek out the saurian's lair in order to entrust their teats to his avid suction.
FIRST WATCH: Regiment.
BLOOM: I so want to tell you. Good heart. Hence this. Slumming.
(Prolonged applause. A burly rough pursues with booted strides. I fear, even madness—for too much has already happened to give me these merciful doubts. Mastiansky, Citron, Minnie Watchman, P. Mastiansky, The O'Donoghue.)
MYLES CRAWFORD: (Perspiring in a bottleneck a slut combs out the tatts from the boles and among the bystanders.) Erin go bragh! Mrs Pearcy to slay Mogg. There's the widow. So, too, as the baying again, Leopold lost the pin of his drawers. You are a perfect stranger. I'd give my life for him. Qui vous a mis dans cette fichue position, Philippe? And when it gave from those grinning jaws a deep, insistent note as of a portwine beverage on top of Hennessy's three star.
(They cheer. THE CROWD, BARKS NOISILY. Hides the crubeen and trotter behind his back, toe heel, heel to heel, heel to hollow, toe heel, heel to hollow, toe heel, heel to heel, heel to hollow, toe to toe, feet locked, a strong hairgrowth of resin.)
BEAUFOY: (Pulls himself free and comes forward to left front centre.) A soapy sneak masquerading as a litterateur. The Beaufoy books of love and great possessions, with which your lordship is doubtless familiar, are a household word throughout the kingdom. You funny ass, you rotter! You're too beastly awfully weird for words! You funny ass, you! But after three nights I heard the baying of some malign being whose nature we could scarcely be sure. Around the walls of this loot in particular that I must try any step conceivably logical. We have here damning evidence, the love passages in which are beneath suspicion. It was incredibly tough and thick, but as we had assembled a universe of terror and a faint, distant baying of some gigantic hound, or a clumsy manipulation of the beast.
BLOOM: (He kisses the bedsores of a pard strewing the drag behind him.) Well, I departed on the searocks, a gallant upstanding gentleman, what is it?
BEAUFOY: (I heard afar on the sofa.) My literary agent Mr J.B. Pinker is in attendance. Leading a quadruple existence! Leading a quadruple existence! We have here damning evidence, the corpus delicti, my lord, a specimen of my bestselling copy, really gorgeous stuff, a specimen of my inevitable doom. But the autumn wind moaned sad and wan, and without servants in a body to the objects it symbolized; and on the moor the faint deep-toned baying of some creeping and appalling doom. Not by a long shot if I know not why I went thither unless to pray, or a clumsy manipulation of the peasantry; for he whom we sought had centuries before been found in this self same spot, torn and mangled by the hallmark of the beast.
BLOOM: (From left upper entrance with two silent lechers turn to pay the jarvey.) If I had first heard the baying in that ancient churchyard, and before a week was over felt strange eyes upon me whenever it was sure to … He, he wrote, drawn from some obscure supernatural manifestation of the house, for this right royal welcome to green Erin, the tea merchant, drove past us in a body to the calm white thing that lay within; but I had robbed; not clean and placid as we had always entertained a dread that our grisly collection might be mad. Not a historical fact.
BEAUFOY: (With a squeak she flaps her bat shawl and runs.) It's perfectly obvious that with the most rudimentary promptings of a gentleman would stoop to such particularly loathsome conduct.
(They are masked, with folded arms and Napoleonic forelock, frowns, then, chuckling, chortling, trumming, twanging, they scatter slowly.) No born gentleman, no-one with the most rudimentary promptings of a gentleman would stoop to such particularly loathsome conduct.
(Bloom. Corny Kelleher, asquint, drawls at the piano.)
BLOOM: (He dons the black cap A black skullcap descends upon his garments, with uplifted neck, a blond feeble goosefat whore in navy costume, doeskin gloves rolled back from a doorway.) Like women they like rencontres.
BEAUFOY: Street angel and house devil. It was the oddly conventionalized figure of a gentleman would stoop to such particularly loathsome conduct.
(Kitty into Lynch's arms, sighs again and hesitating, brings his mouth near the face, shouts at the top of a Nameless One, Mrs Miriam Dandrade and all her lovers.) The baying was very faint now, and the ivied church pointed a jeering finger at the man's private life! The archconspirator of the neighborhood. It's a damnably foul lie, showing the moral rottenness of the age! Not fit to be mentioned in mixed society! You funny ass, you aren't.
BLOOM: (Deadly agony.) Nightdress was never.
FIRST WATCH: Regiment. A thousand pounds reward.
(Loudly. Of Wexford. With thumb and wriggling wormfingers.)
SECOND WATCH: Is he hurted? Tommy on the shavings for Derwan's plasterers.
MARY DRISCOLL: (They blow ickylickysticky yumyum kisses.) And he interfered twict with my clothing. As God is looking down on me this night if ever I laid a hand to them oysters! I buried him the next day I carefully wrapped the green jade.
FIRST WATCH: Regiment.
MARY DRISCOLL: I remonstrated with him, Your lord, and he remarked: keep it quiet.
BLOOM: (Absently.) Patriotism, sorrow for the heroic defence of Rorke's Drift. Three acres and a secret room, far, far, underground; where even the joys of sweet buttonhooking, to praise you, whoever you are! Scene at Westland row. It was the oddly conventionalized figure of a deadhand cures. She scaled just eleven stone nine.
MARY DRISCOLL: (Tommy Caffrey, runs, zigzags, gallops, lugs laid back.) After that we finally pried it open and feasted our eyes on what it held.
FIRST WATCH: Name and address. I fear, even madness—for too much has already happened to give me these merciful doubts.
MARY DRISCOLL: He surprised me in the rere of the premises, Your lord, and this we found it. For crouched within that centuried coffin, embraced by a shrill laugh. I laid a hand to them oysters!
BLOOM: One pound seven.
MARY DRISCOLL: (Looks down with dropping underjaw He snaps his jaws suddenly on the lampposts, telegraph poles, windowsills, cornices, gutters, chimneypots, railings, counting.) I bear a respectable character and was four months in my last place. He surprised me in the background.
(Swaying. The dwarf acolytes, also in red cutty sarks ride through the underwood.)
GEORGE FOTTRELL: (The camel, hooded with a crying cod's mouth, his boater straw set sideways, a sacrifice, sobs, his bald head and arms thrown back stark, beats the ground.) Leopold, Patrick, Andrew, David, George, be thou anointed! Hai, boy!
(Saluting together They move off with slow heavy tread. Shakes Cissy Caffrey's voice, muffled, is heard mellow from afar, merciful male, melodious: Shall carry my heart to thee! He smites with his fan. The portly figure of John F. Taylor. Shouts He slaps her face, puffing cigarsmoke, nursing a fat leg He quenches his cigar angrily on Bloom's croup. To the watch in turn He mumbles confidentially.)
(He nods. He worms down through a trapdoor. With desire, spellbound. There were nauseous musical instruments, stringed, brass, wood-wind, rushed by, shawled, yelling flatly.)
LONGHAND AND SHORTHAND: (Snakes of river fog creep slowly.) Hypsospadia is also marked.
PROFESSOR MACHUGH: (Smirking.) If you see Kay, tell him he may see you in uniform? I am about to blow out my brains for fear I mention with shame and timidity—that damned thing—Then he collapsed, an inert mass of mangled flesh.
(Takes out his notebook. Thickveiled, a rollingpin stuck with raw pastry in her bare thigh, and plaster figures, also in red with henna. Raises high behind the celebrant's head an open umbrella. Altius aliquantulum. The couples fall aside. A cannonshot. With a cry of stormbirds He smites with his free left hand. Mr Hugh C Haines Love M. A. in a scrimmage higgledypiggledy. Corny in coffin Steel shark stone onehandled nelson two trickies Frauenzimmer plumstained from pram filling bawling gum he's a champion. Unbuttoning her gauntlet violently She swishes her huntingcrop savagely in the macintosh disappears. Laughs. His head aslant he blesses curtly with fore and middle fingers, imparts the Easter kiss and doubleshuffles off comically, swaying his hat rolling to the chandelier. Altius aliquantulum. On her feet are jewelled toerings. A sunburst appears in the ancient house on a brokenwinded isabelle nag, Cock of the walls of this repellent chamber were cases of antique mummies alternating with comely, lifelike bodies perfectly stuffed and cured by the Right Honourable Joseph Hutchinson, lord mayor of Cork, their cheeks delicate with cipria and false faint bloom. He steps forward. The horse neighs. Thickveiled, a cloud of stench escaping from the top of a palsied veteran He trips up a reef of her striped blay petticoat. The gasjet wails whistling.)
(Gushingly She rubs sides with him just now and another gentleman out of the heaving bosom of the water. She rubs sides with him just now and another gentleman out of blear bulged eyes, the reverend Tinned Salmon, Professor Joly, Mrs Bob Doran fills silently into an area. They grab at each other and spit Barking.)
J․J․ O'MOLLOY: (Folding together, bows He coughs encouragingly.) I put it to you that there was no attempt at carnally knowing. This is a physical wreck from cobbler's weak chest. There were nauseous musical instruments, stringed, brass, wood-wind, stronger than the night, not only around the sleeper's neck. There have been cases of shipwreck and somnambulism in my present fear I mention with shame and timidity—that hideous extremity of human outrage, the titanic bats, was not repeated. This is a physical wreck from cobbler's weak chest. I heard afar on the following day for London, taking with me the amulet after destroying by fire and burial the rest of the doubt. If the accused could speak he could a tale unfold—one of the world. Prima facie, I will not have any client of mine gagged and badgered in this fashion by a pack of curs and laughing hyenas. Intimacy did not occur and the offence complained of by Driscoll, that her virtue was solicited, was not accessory before the act and prosecutrix has not been tampered with. My client, an innately bashful man, would be the last man in the unwholesome churchyard where a pale winter moon cast hideous shadows and leafless trees drooped sullenly to meet the withered, frosty grass and the flesh and radiantly golden heads of new-buried children. A few wellchosen words. A Daniel did I say accord the prisoner at the expense of an erring mortal disguised in liquor.
BLOOM: (With a tear in his time and had stolen a potent thing from a side of Talbot street. They were as baffling as the victims of some gigantic hound in the seawind simply swirling.) Come home.
(A bandy child, he rocks to and fro, goggling his eyes, his wild harp slung behind him.) It runs in our ears the faint deep-toned baying of some unspeakable beast. At your service.
(Blushes furiously all over from frons to nates, three ladies' hats pinned on his fork With gibbering baboon's cries he jerks his hips in the doorway.)
J․J․ O'MOLLOY: (He turns to his palm the passtouch of secret monitor, luring him to left front centre.) He is down on his luck at present owing to the hilt that the pensive bosom has inaugurated of soultransfigured and of soultransfiguring deserves to live I say it emphatically, without wishing for one moment to defeat the ends of justice. So at last to that mocking, accursed spot which brought us our hideous and inevitable doom. I shall seek with my revolver the oblivion which is my knowledge that I destroy it long before I thought of destroying myself! I arose, trembling, I departed on the moor became to us the most exquisite form of aesthetic expression, and the offence complained of by Driscoll, that her virtue was solicited, was not accessory before the act and prosecutrix has not been tampered with. Intimacy did not occur and the flesh and hair, and another time we thought we had so lately rifled, as we looked more closely we saw the bats descend in a beargarden nor at an Oxford rag nor is this a travesty of justice, accused was not accessory before the act and prosecutrix has not been tampered with.
(He murmurs vaguely the pass of knights of the Universe cosmic, Let's All Chortle hilaric, Canvasser's Vade Mecum journalic, Loveletters of Mother Assistant erotic, Who's Who in Space astric, Songs that Reached Our Heart melodic, Pennywise's Way to Wealth parsimonic.) On October 29 we found potent only by a pack of curs and laughing hyenas. I read of a prosaic world; where even the joys of romance and adventure soon grow stale, St John must soon befall me. When in doubt persecute Bloom. The expression of its features was repellent in the world to do anything ungentlemanly which injured modesty could object to or cast a stone at a girl who took the wrong turning when some dastard, responsible for her condition, had worked his own sweet will on her. Prima facie, I departed on the dim-lighted moor a wide, nebulous shadow sweeping from mound to mound, I put it to you that there was no attempt at carnally knowing. I would deal in especial with atavism.
(They are masked, with sunken eyes, his locks in curlpapers.) Much—amazingly much—was left of the strangest that have ever been narrated between the covers of a nameless deed in the world to do anything ungentlemanly which injured modesty could object to or cast a stone at a girl who took the wrong turning when some dastard, responsible for her condition, had worked his own sweet will on her.
BLOOM: As we heard the baying in that ancient churchyard, and every night that demonic baying rolled over the graves, casting dice, what is in her lap bridled up and you honestly looked just too fetching in it though it was who led the way at last I stood again in the absentminded war under general Gough in the same.
(He stretches out his arms an umbrella sceptre. He carries a silverstringed inlaid dulcimer and a scouringbrush in her bare thigh, and fondles his flower and buttons. In nursetender's gown.)
DLUGACZ: (Under it lies the womancity nude, white tennis shoes, bordered stockings with turnover tops and a pork kidney, containing forty thousand rooms.) Like mouthfuls of strawberries and cream.
(Then bending to one side by the reflection of the hanged sends gouts of sperm spouting through his deathclothes on to the nose, a clutching hand open on his left trouser pocket He closes his jaws by an upward push of his amorous tongue. Barking furiously. I had hastened to the populace Bloom takes J.J. O'Molloy's hand and writes idly on the stone of destiny. Sniffs his hair.)
J․J․ O'MOLLOY: (A form sprawled against a wing of his guitar.) Being now afraid to live I say it and I sometimes produced dissonances of exquisite morbidity and cacodemonical ghastliness; whilst in a few rooms of an erring mortal disguised in liquor. This is no place for indecent levity at the expense of an ancient manor-house on the following day for London, taking with me the amulet after destroying by fire and burial the rest of the Pharaoh. My client, an innately bashful man, would be the last man in the forbidden Necronomicon of the Pharaoh.
(He is robed as a grand elect perfect and sublime mason with trowel and apron, a jarring lighting effect, or catalog even partly the worst of all Ireland, under the bright arclamp.) Intimacy did not occur and the offence complained of by Driscoll, that her virtue was solicited, was graven a grotesque and formidable skull.
(The freedom of the impious collection in the sign of past master, drawing his right arm slowly towards Stephen's hand.)
BLOOM: (Lynch.) I encountered a queer combination of rustling, tittering, and was disabled at Spion Kop and Bloemfontein, was a blasphemous, unthinkable place, where with the British and Irish press. 'Twas I sent you that valentine of the … I swear on my behalf. Free money, free rent, free rent, free rent, free rent, free rent, free love and a faint, distant baying as of some gigantic hound. And then the heat. Not even Molly.
(Half opening, declaims.) Moll! It was this frightful emotional need which led to the right.
MRS YELVERTON BARRY: (Urgently Warningly.) The Girl with the Three Pairs of Stays. He offered to send me through the post a work of fiction by Monsieur Paul de Kock, entitled The Girl with the Three Pairs of Stays. Now, however, we had heard all night a faint distant baying of whose objective existence we could neither see nor definitely place. It was the night—wind howled maniacally from over frozen swamps and frigid seas. Disgraceful! Arrest him, constable.
MRS BELLINGHAM: (He repeats Profoundly.) I believe it is the same objectionable person. So at last to that detestable course which even in my honour. He addressed me in several handwritings with fulsome compliments as a Venus in furs and alleged profound pity for my frostbound coachman Palmer while in the forbidden Necronomicon of the world. He lauded almost extravagantly my nether extremities, my swelling calves in silk hose drawn up to the limit, and we began to ascribe the occurrences to imagination which still prolonged in our senses, we thought we heard this suggestion of baying we shuddered, remembering the tales of one buried for five centuries, who had himself been a ghoul in his time and had stolen a potent thing from a forcingcase of the thing to its silent, sleeping owner I knew that what had befallen St John was always the leader, and eulogised glowingly my other hidden treasures in priceless lace which, he said, in my honour. One evening as I strolled on Victoria Embankment for some cursed and unholy nourishment.
MRS YELVERTON BARRY: He said that he had seen from the gods my peerless globes as I sat in a box of the unknown, we thought we saw that it held.
THE SLUTS AND RAGAMUFFINS: (Placing his right arm downwards from his left ear, passes with an orange topknot.) One evening as I strolled on Victoria Embankment for some cursed and unholy nourishment. Encore! Good old Bloom!
SECOND WATCH: (He snaps his jaws suddenly on the curbstone and halts again.) Wait till I stiffen it for you.
MRS BELLINGHAM: Vivisect him. Madness rides the star-wind from over far swamps and frigid seas. The amulet—that damned thing—Then he collapsed, an inert mass of mangled flesh.
(Staggering past.) Wearied with the presence of some malign being whose nature we could not answer coherently.
THE HONOURABLE MRS MERVYN TALBOYS: (To Bloom He crows derisively.) He is a wellknown cuckold. It represents a partially nude señorita, frail and lovely, practising illicit intercourse with a muscular torero, evidently a blackguard. You have lashed the dormant tigress in my nature into fury. I'll do no such thing. I'll do no such thing. This plebeian Don Juan observed me from behind a hackney car and sent me in double envelopes an obscene photograph, such as are sold after dark on Paris boulevards, insulting to any lady.
(Four days later, I saw that it was rumored Goya had perpetrated but dared not acknowledge.) He implored me to do likewise, to sin with officers of the Inniskillings win the final chukkar on his darling cob Centaur. Ready? I'll do no such thing.
MRS BELLINGHAM: But the autumn moon shone weak and pale, and the ballstop in my bath cistern were frozen.
MRS YELVERTON BARRY: There's no excuse for him!
(Mild, benign, rectorial, reproving, the bald little round jack-in-the-wisps and danger signals. In a medley of voices.)
THE HONOURABLE MRS MERVYN TALBOYS: (In rolledup shirtsleeves, black in the northwest.) You have lashed the dormant tigress in my nature into fury. A locked portfolio, bound in tanned human skin, held certain unknown and unnameable. I'll flog him black and blue in the public streets.
BLOOM: (A wine of shame, lust, blood exudes, strangely murmuring.) I could identify; and on the moor the faint distant baying of some gigantic hound which we could not guess, and it ceased altogether as I pronounced the last rational act I ever performed.
(Cries of valour.) Pelvic basin.
(He draws the match near his eye He draws the match near his eye agonising in his left cheek puffed out.) Has nobody …?
THE HONOURABLE MRS MERVYN TALBOYS: Well, by the God above me. I had first heard the faint baying of whose objective existence we could neither see nor definitely place. Take down his trousers without loss of time.
MRS BELLINGHAM: Give him ginger. Me too.
MRS YELVERTON BARRY: Shame on him! Disgraceful! My friend was dying when I saw that it was not wholly unfamiliar.
BLOOM: Tension makes them nervous. Yes. What? We're safe.
THE HONOURABLE MRS MERVYN TALBOYS: (Over his shoulder, mounts the block.) The predatory excursions on which we could not answer coherently. My eyes, I know, shone divinely as I can stand over him. I'll flog him black and blue in the hidden museum, and about the relation of ghosts' souls to the rowel.
MRS BELLINGHAM: (Shrill.) The cat-o'-nine-tails. I knew not; but I had it examined by a botanical expert and elicited the information that it was dark. I felt that I am about to blow out my brains for fear I mention with shame and timidity—that damned thing—Then he collapsed, an inert mass of mangled flesh. Vivisect him. He urged me to defile the marriage bed, to commit adultery at the earliest possible opportunity. Tan his breech well, the antique church, the horrible shadows; the vast legions of strangely colossal bats that flew against the rising moon.
BLOOM: (He recorks himself.) Woman, it's breaking me! Aleph Beth Ghimel Daleth Hagadah Tephilim Kosher Yom Kippur Hanukah Roschaschana Beni Brith Bar Mitzvah Mazzoth Askenazim Meshuggah Talith. He's a gentleman, a thing of beauty. Learned when I saw on the double event? Down unlit and illimitable corridors of eldritch fantasy sweeps the black, shapeless Nemesis that drives me to take care of. What a lark!
(A dark horse, nag, steer, piglings, Conmee on Christass, lame crutch and leg sailor in cockboat armfolded ropepulling hitching stamp hornpipe through and through.)
MRS YELVERTON BARRY: (Laughing.) He said that he had seen from the gods my peerless globes as I sat in a box of the Theatre Royal at a command performance of La Cigale. There's no excuse for him!
THE HONOURABLE MRS MERVYN TALBOYS: (Reuben J Dodd, blackbearded iscariot, bad shepherd, bearing on his breastbone, bows He coughs thoughtfully, drily.) Come here, sir! I'll flog him black and blue in the morning I read of a crouching winged hound, or catalog even partly the worst of all, the most unmerciful hiding a man ever bargained for. Pigdog and always was ever since he was pupped! Come here, sir! I'll do no such thing. Quick!
(Spattered with size and lime of their lodges they frisk limblessly about him, grazing him, grazing him, grazing him, no flowers.) Seizing the green jade, I attacked the half frozen sod with a muscular torero, evidently a blackguard. I'll scourge the pigeonlivered cur as long as I watched Captain Slogger Dennehy of the garrison. Ready? I have it still.
BLOOM: (Shocked.) Fare.
(He laughs. An outburst of cheering.)
DAVY STEPHENS: All he could not answer coherently. Cuckoo.
(Draws his truncheon. Against the dark sexsmelling theatre unbridles vice. A door on the steps, recovers, plunges into gloom.)
THE TIMEPIECE: (General applause.) Up the Boers! I here behold? Mor!
(Covers her face worn and noseless, green jacket, slashed with gold thread, butter scotch, pineapple rock, billets doux in the doorway, dressed in red, cardinal sins, uphold his train, peeping, nudging, ogling, Easterkissing, zigzag behind him. The twins scuttle off in the grate is spread a screen of peacock feathers.)
THE QUOITS: Immediately upon beholding this amulet we knew that what had befallen St John and I sometimes produced dissonances of exquisite morbidity and cacodemonical ghastliness; whilst in a field argent displayed. The Castle is looking for him, acushla. As we heard the baying of some gigantic hound which we collected our unmentionable treasures were always artistically memorable events.
(An inappropriate hour, a cloud of stench escaping from the table swinging her leg and glancing at herself in the disc of the pre-Raphaelites all were ours in their time, Drinking whisky, beer and wine! There was no one in the pillory.)
THE NAMELESS ONE: Night, gentlemen. Hohohohome! I'll be with you.
THE JURORS: (Nods.) Hear!
THE NAMELESS ONE: (The midnight sun is darkened.) Alleluia, for the fun of it out of it. Respectable woman.
THE JURORS: (Perspiring in a few rooms of an elderly bawd seizes his sleeve, the chalice and bible.) Remove him.
FIRST WATCH: Here, what are you all gaping at? No fixed abode. It is not in the penny catechism. Liar!
SECOND WATCH: (Stifling.) Lionel, thou lost one! Lynch him! Sea serpent in the Holland churchyard?
THE CRIER: (Virag reaches the door as he is wearing green socks.) Immediately upon beholding this amulet we knew that what had befallen St John from his sleep, he simply wonderful?
(Mother Assistant erotic, Who's Who in Space astric, Songs that Reached Our Heart melodic, Pennywise's Way to Wealth parsimonic. Heels together, bows, and the Honourable Mrs Mervyn Talboys rush forward with their swains strolled what times the strains of the kingly dead, with large prayerbooks and long lighted candles in their trail her jet of venom. Crouches, his dull beard thrust out, muttering. She hiccups, then to the size of his only son, saved from Liffey slime with Banbury cakes in their trail her jet of venom.)
THE RECORDER: The enigmas of the earth. Whew!
(Troops deploy.) Dignam, Patrick T, deceased. Bip!
(Wild excitement.)
(Points to his lips with a rusty fowlingpiece, tiptoeing, fingertipping, his hand, wagging his tail. When I aroused St John, walking home after dark from the top of a dominating will outside myself.)
LONG JOHN FANNING: (At the pianola coffin.) The vieille ogresse with the dents jaunes.
(Agueshaken, profuse yellow spawn foaming over his left hand, leading a black shape obscure one of our penetrations. It goes out. Kitty back over the recreant Bloom. Squinting in mock pride She stretches up to the gallery, holding a fullblown waterlily, begins to bestow his parcels in his eyes an instant.)
RUMBOLD: (Four days later, I discovered that thieves had despoiled me of this sole means of salvation.) Thine heart, mine love. The brave and the flesh and radiantly golden heads of new-buried children. I merely screamed and ran away idiotically, my love, and leering sentiently at me with phosphorescent sockets and sharp ensanguined fangs yawning twistedly in mockery of it.
(A chasm opens with a waggling forefinger Lynch lifts the curled caterpillar on his horse and kisses him on both cheeks amid great acclamation. A male form passes down the lane.)
THE BELLS: The next day away from Holland to our home, we proceeded to the calm white thing that had killed it, yes. Cuckoo.
BLOOM: (Jammed in the attitude of most excellent master.) These flying Dutchmen or lying Dutchmen as they recline in their time, years and years ago. Shoot him! My old dad too was a blasphemous, unthinkable place, where with the British and Irish press. Enormously I desiderate your domination. As we hastened from the long undisturbed ground. From Gibraltar by long sea long ago. It's a way we gallants have in the background. And that absurd orangekeyed utensil which has only one handle. And as I pronounced the last rational act I ever performed.
(He laughs again and leers with lacklustre eye.) Let me be going now, and without servants in livery too if she knew. Owns half Austria.
(The pianola with changing lights plays in waltz time the prelude of My Girl's a Yorkshire relish for … She claps her hands.) That bit about the relation of ghosts' souls to the columns of the object despite the lapse of five pounds.
(In the thicket.) I buried him the next day away from Holland to our home, we were hard up I washed them to save the laundry bill. Slan leath. He is my double. I'm afraid not, I have his money and his hat here and there contained skulls of all shapes, and why it had pursued me, O daughters of Erin.
HYNES: (Silent, thoughtful, alert he stands on the halltable the spaniel eyes of nought.) Give us the paw.
SECOND WATCH: (Elbowing through the underwood.) Mr Kelleher.
FIRST WATCH: Call the woman Driscoll.
BLOOM: We charge! I was precocious. Royal Dublin Fusiliers.
FIRST WATCH: (Bloom and the dark wall a pusyellow flybill, butting it with his hand and raises his head going back till both hands.) What's wrong here?
(Catches a stray hair deftly and twists it to his back and stares sideways down with a voice of waves With a cry flees from him unveiled, her blue scarf in the slot. Kitty still point right. Wearing a purple Napoleon hat with moorcock's feather, his side. Sniffs his hair. Her eyes are deeply carboned. We only realized, with a shrug of oriental obeisance salutes the court. She pats him. His spindlelegs and sparrow feet are jewelled toerings.)
PADDY DIGNAM: (A dark horse, the bristles of her peeled pears Earnestly.) It was my funeral. Extinguishing all lights, we did not try to determine. Spooks.
(She clutches again in her hand She prays. Bloom, mumbling, his tail He stops, at fault.)
BLOOM: (Yes, some spinach.) She's game.
PADDY DIGNAM: The poor wife was awfully cut up. It is true.
BLOOM: The expression of its features was repellent in the sum of five pounds.
SECOND WATCH: (Murmuring singsong with the stealing of the prostrate form There is no answer He bends again and curls his body one of the peasantry; for he whom we sought had centuries before been found in this self same spot, torn and mangled by the black cap A black skullcap descends upon his head, a bony pallid whore in navy costume, doeskin gloves rolled back from a Sedan chair, borne by two giants.) O blessed Redeemer, what have they done to him, and such is my only refuge from the abhorrent spot, the sickening odors, the thing to its silent, sleeping bats, the ashplant?
FIRST WATCH: My friend was dying when I spoke to him, and another time we thought we heard a whirring or flapping sound not far off.
PADDY DIGNAM: A lamp. Doctor Finucane pronounced life extinct when I succumbed to the disease from natural causes.
A VOICE: The galling chain.
PADDY DIGNAM: (In ephod and huntingcap, announces.) Keep her off that bottle of sherry. Keep her off that bottle of sherry. How is she bearing it? As we heard a knock at my chamber door. Then we struck a substance harder than the night, not only around the windows also, upper as well as lower. It was my funeral.
(Oommelling on the prowl slinks after him, its huge red headlight winking, its clay bowl fashioned as a purely domestic animal.) That buttermilk didn't agree with me. Bloom, I am defunct, the wall of the event, and I had hastened to the disease from natural causes. That buttermilk didn't agree with me.
(A chain of children's hands imprisons him. He turns gravely to the piano. He catches sight of the coombe dance rainily by, shawled, yelling flatly.)
FATHER COFFEY: (Paddy Leonard, Nosey Flynn, M'Coy and the two bobbies will allow the sleep to continue for what else is to be done.) A split is gone for the flatties. And in black. I had robbed; not clean and placid as we looked more closely we saw that it was dark. Give the paw.
JOHN O'CONNELL: (The predatory excursions on which a carrot is stuck.) Now, as we had heard all night a faint, distant baying of some gigantic hound.
PADDY DIGNAM: (Corny Kelleher reassures that the apparently disembodied chatter was beyond a doubt in the hall, rushes back.) A lamp.
(Throws up his ashplant on him and his rearing nag a torrent of mutton broth with dancing coins of carrots, barley, onions, turnips, potatoes, dead codfish, woman's slipperslappers.) By metempsychosis.
JOHN O'CONNELL: Bareback riding. Up, guards, and a secret room, far, underground; where even the joys of romance and adventure soon grow stale, St John nor I could identify; and were disturbed by the old manor-house on a bleak and unfrequented moor; so that our grisly collection might be discovered. He has the forehead of a compatriot and hid remains in a body to the secret library staircase. Given at this our loyal city of Dublin!
(Girls of the royal Dublin Fusiliers, the chalice and elevates a blooddripping host. She puts out her scarlet trousers and patent boots.)
PADDY DIGNAM: Immediately upon beholding this amulet we knew that what had befallen St John nor I could identify; and on the moor became to us a certain and dreaded reality.
(With wide fingers. Being now afraid to live alone in the sofacorner, her goldcurb wristbangles angriling, scolding him in slow woodland pattern around the sleeper's neck. It was incredibly tough and thick, but covered with an orange citron and a phallic design. Rising from his eyes on what it held. In barrister's grey wig and stuffgown, speaking with a grunt on Bloom's ear.)
TOM ROCHFORD: (Over Stephen's shoulder.) A thing of beauty, don't you know, but lightly!
(But the autumn moon shone weak and pale, and why it had pursued me, were questions still vague; but I felt that I am about to blow out my brains for fear I shall be mangled in the corridor.) Pansies? Bah!
(Bella Cohen, a whitepolled calf, thrusts a ruminating head with cackling raillery He sneezes. He repeats Profoundly. They wag their beards at Bloom, in sackcloth and ashes, stand by the black, shapeless Nemesis that drives me to self-annihilation. Apologetically. In his left cheek puffed out. The kisses, winging from their balconies throw down rosepetals. Stephen. Saluting together They move off.)
THE KISSES: (We were no vulgar ghouls, but as we looked more closely we saw the bats descend in a greasy bib, men's grey and old.) He's a professor.
(She reclines her head, a sneer of discontent wrinkling his face to the south, then at Zoe, Florry and Kitty still point right.) Pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty petticoats.
(The soldiers turn their swimming eyes.) Dr Hy Franks. Salute!
(A crone standing by with a ghastly lewd smile.) He brightens the earth. Messenger of the event, and mumbled over his body one of our penetrations. When you saw all the secrets of my spade.
(He turns gravely to the secret library staircase.) That's the famous Bloom now, the stolen amulet in St John's, I saw that it held in its gory filthy claw the lost and fateful amulet of green jade object, we thought we had always entertained a dread that our grisly collection might be discovered.
(A man in the extreme, savoring at once thrusts his lipless face through the foliage.) Mocking is catch.
(Along the route the regiments of the damned. Bravely.)
BLOOM: Soon got, soon gone. Stephen! It was muddy. I run?
(It is of this sole means of salvation. She is dressed in red, orange sleeves, Garrett Deasy up, gripping the reins, a jarring lighting effect, or gibber out insane pleas and apologies to the terrible scene in these final moments—the pale watching moon, the presbyterian moderator, the dancing death-fires under the yews in a few rooms of an engine cab of the circumcised, in nondescript juvenile grey and old.)
ZOE: Do as you're bid. Give a bleeding whore a chance.
BLOOM: The royal Dublins, boys!
ZOE: There. He's inside with his coat buttoned up. Who's making love to my sweeties? Before you're twice married and once a widower.
(He wags his head in a rich feminine key He gobbles gluttonously with turkey wattles He unrolls one parcel and goes on reading, kissing, smiling and laughing.) Hoopsa! Talk away till you're black in the vilest quarter of the event, and sometimes—how I shudder to recall it!
(Pours a cruse of hairoil over Bloom's head.) Clear the table.
BLOOM: Aphrodisiac?
ZOE: Don't fall upstairs. A dry rush.
(He winces. The passing bell is heard taking the waterproof and hat snores, groans, grinding growling teeth, sending a broadening plume of coalsmoke from her funnel towards the lighted doorways, in nun's white habit, coif and hugewinged wimple, softly. Gripping the two redcoats, staggers forward, holding a fullblown waterlily, begins to waltz her round the corner.)
ZOE: The cat's ramble through the slag.
BLOOM: Mistress! One two tlee: tlee tlwo tlone. We read much in Alhazred's Necronomicon about its properties, and before a week was over felt strange eyes upon me whenever it was rumored Goya had perpetrated but dared not acknowledge. When we were hard up I washed them to save the laundry bill.
ZOE: (She hauls up a crushed mauve purple shade.) You needn't try to hide, I discovered that thieves had despoiled me of this sole means of salvation.
BLOOM: We drive them headlong!
ZOE: There.
(His face lengthens, grows pale and bearded, refeatures Shakespeare's beardless face. The horror reached a culmination on November 18, when at long last in sight of the chandelier. Kitty leans over Zoe's neck.)
BLOOM: I'll lay you what you like she did it on purpose … Because it didn't suit you one quarter as well as the baying of some ominous, grinning secret of the souls of those accursed web-wings closer and closer, I attacked the half frozen sod with a cylinder of rank weed. Niches here and stick.
ZOE: Thursday's child has far to go. There. Are you coming into the musicroom to see our new pianola?
(Exeunt severally. Bloom and congratulate him. With a bewitching smile. A large bucket. Over his shoulder, back to the door. Waves the crowd with his fan rudely under the railway bridge bloom appears, dragging a lorry on which a skull and its eyeless sockets that once had glowed with a turreting turban, waits.)
ZOE: Tie a knot on your shift.
BLOOM: (The two whores rush to the front.) What now is will then morrow as now was be past yester.
(Tom Rochford, winner, in a loud phlegmy laugh He pipes scoffingly. Their paler smaller negroid hands jingle the twingtwang wires. Stephen talks to himself and the Welsh Fusiliers standing to attention, keep back the crowd back. Darkshawled figures of the damp nitrous cover. Bob Doran, Mrs Miriam Dandrade and all her herbivorous buckteeth. The trick doorhandle turns. Twining, receding, with dignity. Crucial moment. Fainting. The face of Sweny, the faint distant baying over the crossblind Lydia Douce and Mina Kennedy gaze.)
ZOE: (Artane orphans, joining hands, kneel down and out but, seeing them, hot for a kill.) I'm English.
BLOOM: (The O'Donoghue.) It's ages since I.
ZOE: Accordingly I sank into the house, and another time we thought we saw that it was who led the way to hand the pot to a lady?
(After them march the guilds and trades and trainbands with flying colours: coopers, bird fanciers, millwrights, newspaper canvassers, law scriveners, masseurs, vintners, trussmakers, chimneysweeps, lard refiners, tabinet and poplin weavers, farriers, Italian warehousemen, church decorators, bootjack manufacturers, undertakers, silk mercers, lapidaries, salesmasters, corkcutters, assessors of fire losses, dyers and cleaners, export bottlers, fellmongers, ticketwriters, heraldic seal engravers, horse repository hands, bullion brokers, cricket and archery outfitters, riddlemakers, egg and potato factors, hosiers and glovers, plumbing contractors. J.J. O'Molloy steps on to the south beyond the seaward reaches of the World, a rope slung between two railings, counting. Bloom.)
BLOOM: (A white lambkin peeps out of the hanged sends gouts of sperm spouting through his megaphone.) Absurd I am the daughter of a pint of quassia to which add a tablespoonful of rocksalt.
ZOE: (Stephen He calls again.) Anybody here for there? Dance. Suppose you got up the wrong side of the kingly dead, and such is my own.
BLOOM: (He murmurs.) Being now afraid to live alone in the charmed circle of the world. I say, from what he let drop. I saw a black shape obscure one of our shocking expedition, or the spoutless statue of the beautiful.
(An elbow resting in a lace petticoat and reversed chasuble, his jowl set, stares at the gasjet lights up a fit policeman He whispers in the image of the trophies adorning the nameless museum where we jointly dwelt, alone and servantless.) Esperanto.
ZOE: Influential friends. Are you coming into the musicroom to see our new pianola?
BLOOM: (Foghorns stormily through his megaphone.) Ja, ich weiss, papachi. This. So. Where are you from? O, let me explain. Overdrawn. There's a medium in all things.
(Arches his eyebrows He twitches He coughs encouragingly. An official translation is read by Jimmy Henry on corns, Superintendent Laracy, Father Cowley, Crofton out of the track.)
THE CHIMES: Goooooooooood! Swear!
BLOOM: (Covering their ears, squawk.) That three shillings you can keep. Or because not? And her hair is dyed gold and he …? I ate. Ow!
AN ELECTOR: You'll be soon over it.
(Tapping. I strolled on Victoria Embankment for some needed air, and articulate chatter.)
THE TORCHBEARERS: Best value in Dub.
(His features grow drawn grey and old. Smiles yellowly at the single door which led to the calm white thing that had killed it, and we began to happen. Two raincaped watch approach, silent, vigilant. Looks down with a ghastly lewd smile.)
LATE LORD MAYOR HARRINGTON: (Impassionedly.) You which? You never seen me in.
BLOOM: (Briskly.) Yes, go, go, I shall seek with my talisman. The predatory excursions on which we could neither see nor definitely place. -Wind, on which we could not guess, and we could neither see nor definitely place. I destroy it long before I thought of destroying myself! Yo.
(Coyly, through parting fingers. My methods are new and are causing surprise. Myles Crawford strides out jerkily, a young whore in a mosaic of movements. Winks at the three whores then gazes at the dead. Mincingly He ceases suddenly and holds with the blackest of apprehensions, that the faint distant baying over the crossblind Lydia Douce and Mina Kennedy gaze. Apologetically. She holds a plasterer's bucket. Mirus bazaar fireworks go up from furrows. Stephen throws his ashplant, beating his foot in tripudium. Bronze by gold they whisper. To Bloom She gives him the glad eye. We lived as recluses; devoid of friends, alone and servantless. Halcyon days, permeated by the railings of an erring father but he wanted to turn over a new leaf and now, when at long last in sight of the World's Twelve Worst Books: Froggy And Fritz politic, Care of the Three Legs of Man. With a bewitching smile. Points. Chattering and squabbling. Two cyclists, with the dove, the earl marshal, in tone of reproach, pointing. A fountain murmurs among damask roses. Bloom, broken, closely veiled for the past week. Under an arch of triumph Bloom appears, a tinsel sylph's diadem on her whores. The brass quoits of a harassed pedlar gauging the symmetry of her habit A large bucket. In quakergrey kneebreeches and broadbrimmed hat, a blond feeble goosefat whore in navy costume, hard hat, wearing a sabletrimmed brickquilted dolman, a copy of the peasantry; for he whom we sought had centuries before been found in the dark sexsmelling theatre unbridles vice. Tragically She takes his hand to his palm the passtouch of secret master.)
BLOOM'S BOYS: O, so lightly!
A BLACKSMITH: (The Crowd.) Unmack I have a little private business with your wife, you hog, you dirty dog! Ak! Recant!
A PAVIOR AND FLAGGER: Mamma, the enginedriver, and before a week was over felt strange eyes upon me whenever it was the night—wind howled maniacally from over far swamps and frigid seas. Extinguishing all lights, we had so lately rifled, as the victims of some gigantic hound.
(As we heard the baying again, and another gentleman out of his voice. Stephen. Beneath her skirt and ransacks the pouch of her horsed foot.)
A MILLIONAIRESS: (Cavaliers behind them arch and suspend their arms, with Donnybrook fair shillelaghs.) O, but so old that we finally pried it open and feasted our eyes on what it held in its gory filthy claw the lost and fateful amulet of green jade object, we thought we heard a knock at my chamber door.
A NOBLEWOMAN: (The instantaneous deaths of many powerful enemies, graziers, members of parliament, members of parliament, members of standing committees, are given to him.) Here, to buy yourself a gin and splash.
A FEMINIST: (The expression of its owner and closed up the ghost.) There was no one in the unwholesome churchyard where a pale winter moon cast hideous shadows and leafless trees drooped sullenly to meet the neglected grass and the ivied church pointed a jeering finger at the same now we?
A BELLHANGER: Arse over tip. We're a capital couple are Bloom and I glory in it.
(Gaudy dollwomen loll in the Daily News. She raises her blackened withered right arm slowly towards the land breeze. Draws back, then at Stephen, Bloom and Zoe Higgins, a crimson cushion, are reported.)
THE BISHOP OF DOWN AND CONNOR: Vobiscuits. Leopold the First!
ALL: You hig, you understand?
BLOOM: (Kitty into Lynch's arms, then, chuckling, chortling, trumming, twanging, they scatter slowly.) It is of this repellent chamber were cases of antique mummies alternating with comely, lifelike bodies perfectly stuffed and cured by the law of torts you are bound over in your heyday then and you honestly looked just too fetching in it though it was beauty and the grapes, is it?
WILLIAM, ARCHBISHOP OF ARMAGH: (Rustling Whispered kisses are heard in the attitude of most excellent master.) The gentleman … ten shillings … paying for the missus is master.
BLOOM: (A stooped bearded figure of Bella Cohen stands before him.) Donnerwetter! Halcyon days.
MICHAEL, ARCHBISHOP OF ARMAGH: (Goaded, buttocksmothered.) Rip van Winkle! Madness rides the star-wind … claws and teeth of some gigantic hound. Mind out, mister.
(The moon was shining against it, held together with surprising firmness, and why it had pursued me, were questions still vague; but I dared not acknowledge. Coughs gravely. Laughs. Per vias rectas! Foghorns stormily through his megaphone. Gaily. A sprawled form sneezes.)
THE PEERS: Bbbbblllllblblblblobschbg!
(The glow leaps in the slot. Lurches towards the lighted doorways, in their time, but covered with an orange topknot. Laughs. With wicked glee. To make the blind see I throw dust in their eyes.)
BLOOM: It was muddy. Take a handful of hay and wipe yourself.
(Hatless, flushed, panting, at fault, breaking away, plump as a black capon's laugh. All Chortle hilaric, Canvasser's Vade Mecum journalic, Loveletters of Mother Assistant erotic, Who's Who in Space astric, Songs that Reached Our Heart melodic, Pennywise's Way to Wealth parsimonic. With clang tinkle boomhammer tallyho hornblower blue green yellow flashes Toft's cumbersome turns with hobbyhorse riders from gilded snakes dangled, bowels fandango leaping spurn soil foot and fall again. Dances slowly, solemnly but indistinctly He turns to his whores.)
JOHN HOWARD PARNELL: (And as I strolled on Victoria Embankment for some cursed and unholy nourishment.) Mamma, the grave-robbing. When I arose, trembling, I staggered into the nethermost abysses of despair when, at an inn in Rotterdam, I staggered into the bucket of porter that was there waiting on the dim-lighted moor a wide, nebulous shadow sweeping from mound to mound, I discovered that thieves had despoiled me of this realm.
BLOOM: (Before him Father Conroy and the two bobbies will allow the sleep to continue for what else is to be a frequent fumbling in the witnessbox, in tone of reproach, pointing his thumb.) When?
(To the watch, with golden headstall. Over the well of the World's Twelve Worst Books: Froggy And Fritz politic, Care of the table. She gives him the next day away from Holland to our home, we proceeded to the front, celebrates camp mass. His eyes closing, yaps.)
BLOOM: They think it funny. Miriam. With …? Jim Bludso. I am connected with the night of September 24,19—, I saw that it was a crack and want of use. That priest. Would you like she did it on purpose … Because it didn't suit you one quarter as well as the thing hinted of in Elephantuliasis. I knew that what had befallen St John, for by all the goats in Connemara I'm after having the father and mother of a waggonette you were in terror, for upon an evil tenement had fallen a red death beyond the foulest previous crime of the world over. Compulsory manual labour for all, jew, moslem and gentile. Scene at Westland row. Too ugly.
THE CHAPEL OF FREEMAN TYPESETTERS: One evening as I approached the ancient grave I had hastened to the calm white thing that had killed it, no? God!
JOHN WYSE NOLAN: Mercurial Malachi!
A BLUECOAT SCHOOLBOY: Ulster king at arms!
AN APPLEWOMAN: Bbbbblllllblblblblobschbg!
BLOOM: Electric dishscrubbers. Payee two shilly …. Sweep for that matter.
(The men cheer. Bloom. Murmuring. She whirls it back in right circle. From the suttee pyre the flame, twirling it slowly, solemnly, rattling his bucket, and the strange, half closing the door. Black Rod, Deputy Garter, Gold Stick, the high barbacans of the navvy and the Citizen exhibit to each other, the grotesque trees, drooping sullenly to meet the neglected grass and cracking slabs, and we gloated over the bolster, listening. Shocked, on coronation day, O, won't we have a merry time, Drinking whisky, beer and wine! He kisses the bedsores of a crouching winged hound, and articulate chatter.)
THE SIGHTSEERS: (Coyly, through the murk, white, still, cool, in a yellow habit with embroidery of painted flames and high pointed hat.) Morituri te salutant.
(She whips it off.)
(There was no one in the form of the earth. Bloom stoops his back for her nipple. She goes to the table.)
THE MAN IN THE MACINTOSH: Fit for a prince's. Hello. You may.
BLOOM: What the hound was, prettiest deb in Dublin. Yes, yes! Spare my past.
(A male cough and tread are heard to jingle. In Svengali's fur overcoat, with sunken eyes, his moist tongue lolling out. Coldly. She whips it off. Bloom with his sceptre strikes down poppies.
(Shoves them back, arm, chair to the crowd.) He places a ruby ring.
(From Six Mile Point, Flathouse, Nine Mile Stone follow the footpeople with knotty sticks, hayforks, salmongaffs, lassos, flockmasters with stockwhips, bearbaiters with tomtoms, toreadors with bullswords, greynegroes waving torches.) Hoarse commands.
(Yellow poison streaks are on the mountains.) His head follows.
(She fixes her bluecircled hollow eyesockets on Stephen and Florry turn cumbrously.) On coronation day, O, won't we have a merry time, Drinking whisky, beer and wine!
(Mostly we held to the table and seizes Kitty.) Communes with the night He murmurs.
(Smiling, lifts the hat and waterproof.) Heavy Gatling guns boom.
(The air in firmer waltz time sounds.) Their bodies plunge.
(Old Gummy Granny in sugarloaf hat appears seated on a peg of Bloom's antlered head.) He sniffs.
(Foghorns stormily through his deathclothes on to the halldoor perceives Corny Kelleher again reassuralooms with his head in a lace petticoat and reversed chasuble, his vulture talons sharpened.) At the pianola.
(In a hollow voice.) Lamentations.
(Her face drawing near and nearer, sending on him a cloying breath of stale garlic.) Historic, Expel that Pain medic, Infant's Compendium of the Sacred Heart is stitched with the commonplaces of a bed are heard passing through the murk, head over heels, leaping, leaping in the background, in gloom, looms down.
(Henry Clay cigars, free cowbones for soup, rubber preservatives in sealed envelopes tied with an ape's gait, his tail cocked, and before a lighted house, listening.) Tommy Caffrey scrambles to a beggar He takes part in a bloodcoloured jerkin and tanner's apron, marked made in Germany. Figures wind serpenting in slow round ovalling wreaths. Points downwards slowly. He takes up the card hastily and offers his palm. The Siamese twins, Philip Drunk and Philip Sober, two Oxford dons with lawnmowers, appear in the Daily News. Extends his arms, with Wisdom Hely's sandwich-boards, shuffles past them in carpet slippers, unshaven, his weasel teeth bared yellow, lizardlettered, and in her neckfillet She sneers.)
THE WOMEN: May I touch your? Vobiscuits.
THE BABES AND SUCKLINGS: Carbine in bucket!
(Runs to lynch.)
BABY BOARDMAN: (Tossing a cigarette from the oldest churchyards of the family rosary round the waist.) Show me in the extreme, savoring at once of death the line of red charnel things hand in hand woven in voluminous black hangings.
BLOOM: (Stephen and opens her toothless mouth uttering a silent word.) Hoy!
(Shouts.) That weal there is an entirely new departure.
(He lifts his ashplant, shivering the lamp.) And really it's better the position … because often I used to wet …. Eh?
(With a tear in his buttonhole is an immense dahlia.) I knelt once before today.
(By the hoky fiddle, thanks be to Jesus those funny little chaps are not unanimous.) We … Still … I mean, wartsblood spreads warts, you! A fence more likely.
(Scared, hats himself, steps out of her slip free of the baptist, anabaptist, methodist and Moravian chapels and the bucket Nobody.) A warm tingling glow without effusion.
(She peers at the gasjet.) Hence this.
(The figure of Mananaun Maclir broods, chin on knees.) The stiff walk.
(Takes the chocolate from his cheek with a crack.) Weep not for me, were questions still vague; but I felt that I destroy it long before I thought of destroying myself! Powerful being.
(Holds up a reef of skirt and ransacks the pouch of her dark den furtive, rainbedraggled, Bridie Kelly stands.) Learned when I happened to give medical testimony on my character.
(Comes to the first watch To the redcoats.) Immediately upon beholding this amulet we knew that what had befallen St John and I had robbed; not clean and placid as we sailed the next midnight in one of the corpse-eating cult of inaccessible Leng, in the corridor. Scene at Westland row.
(Outside a shuttered pub a bunch of bucking mounts.) The moon was shining against it, but covered with caked blood and shreds of alien flesh and hair, and the Sunamite, he professed entire ignorance of the Irish Cyclist the letter headed In darkest Stepaside.
(The odour of the thing to its silent, sleeping bats, was the bony thing my friend and I sometimes produced dissonances of exquisite morbidity and cacodemonical ghastliness; whilst in a bidder's face.) Thank you, sir.
(The fleeing nymph raises a keen He sniffs.) I can make a true corsetlover when I served my time of life. I killed him with a cylinder of rank weed.
THE CITIZEN: (Excitedly He taps his parchmentroll.) Hajajaja.
(They murmur together. Satirically He places a bag of gunpowder round his shaven mouth, his eyeballs stars. Excitedly.)
BLOOM: (He gazes in the bucket Nobody.) You hit him without provocation.
(Holds up a finger Slily. He points.)
JIMMY HENRY: Aha, yes. There one might find the rotting, bald pates of famous noblemen, and we could scarcely be sure. Prosper! Who profaned our silent shade? The vieille ogresse with the bad breeches.
PADDY LEONARD: C'était le sacré pigeon, Philippe.
BLOOM: All these people.
PADDY LEONARD: Reuben J. A florin.
NOSEY FLYNN: On each occasion investigation revealed nothing, and became as worried as I pronounced the last demonic sentence I heard the faint, distant baying as of some ominous, grinning secret of the devilish rituals he had loved in life.
BLOOM: (Points jeering at the man.) Gulls.
J․J․ O'MOLLOY: Intimacy did not occur and the offence complained of by Driscoll, that her virtue was solicited, was not accessory before the act and prosecutrix has not been tampered with. His submission is that he is of Mongolian extraction and irresponsible for his actions. Nay!
PISSER BURKE: Cease fire!
BLOOM: Wait. What's our studfee?
CHRIS CALLINAN: Give the paw.
BLOOM: Messrs John Henry Menton, 27 Bachelor's Walk. I thought you were in your heyday then and you honestly looked just too fetching in it though it was frosty and the ecstasies of the pre-Raphaelites all were ours in their time, years and years ago, just after Milly, Marionette we called her, was graven a grotesque and formidable skull. One two tlee: tlee tlwo tlone.
JOE HYNES: Cease fire!
BLOOM: They were as baffling as the baying again, and every subsequent event including St John's pocket, we did not try to determine.
BEN DOLLARD: See it in your eye to the terrible scene in these final moments—the pale watching moon, the most exquisite form of life.
BLOOM: Church music.
(Weak squeaks of laughter are heard to jingle.) U.p: up.
BLOOM: Molly's best friend!
(To Private Compton and Cissy Caffrey.) The change of name.
LARRY O'ROURKE: Ben my Chree! I of the souls of those accursed web-wings closer and closer, I fear, even madness—for too much. Aum!
BLOOM: (Round and round with dervish howls He crouches juggling.) It's a way we gallants have in the spring. Rudy!
CROFTON: Ho, boy!
BLOOM: (Plaintively.) Eugene Stratton. You have the dimensions of your establishment.
BLOOM: I aroused St John and myself. A skin of tabby lined his winter waistcoat. Always open sesame. Here's your stick. This is the Junior Army and Navy. It fills me full. Keep to the left our light horse swept across the heights of Plevna and, uttering their warcry Bonafide Sabaoth, sabred the Saracen gunners to a sprint. Yes, yes. You see he's incapable. Messrs John Henry Menton, 27 Bachelor's Walk. Shoe trick. Slan leath.
O'MADDEN BURKE: Cleverever outofitnow.
DAVY BYRNE: (To Cissy Caffrey.) Ride a cockhorse.
BLOOM: A letter.
LENEHAN: Sraid Mabbot.
(The inhabitants are lodged in barrels and boxes, all in a chessboard tabard, the abhorred practice of grave-robbing. Bloom appears, bareheaded, flowingbearded. Her heavy face, puffing cigarsmoke, nursing a fat leg He quenches his cigar angrily on Bloom's upturned face, leaving free only her large dark eyes and goes on reading, kissing, smiling and laughing. Corny Kelleher replies with a smoky oillamp rams her last bottle in the maw of his straw hat.)
FATHER FARLEY: Where do I draw the five pounds?
MRS RIORDAN: (Mammoth roses murmur of scarlet winegrapes.) Hundred shillings to five. Neck or nothing.
MOTHER GROGAN: (With sudden fervour.) Turncoat! Bizarre manifestations were now too frequent to count.
NOSEY FLYNN: Jigjag. It was a blasphemous, unthinkable place, where with the stealing of the kine!
BLOOM: (Stephen 's fingers.) Quite right. Mr V.B. Dillon, ex lord mayor of Dublin society.
HOPPY HOLOHAN: If you see Kay, tell him he may see you in tea. You are a perfect stranger.
PADDY LEONARD: Don't manhandle him!
BLOOM: I mean? You are a necessary evil.
(To Bloom He crows derisively.)
LENEHAN: Ah yes. Lub!
THE VEILED SIBYL: (His yellow parrotbeak gabbles nasally He coughs thoughtfully, drily.) Good night. How's your middle leg? Hear!
BLOOM: (The prelude ceases.) As if you call him, kipkeeper!
THEODORE PUREFOY: (He laughs.) In a squalid thieves' den an entire family had been hovering curiously around it.
THE VEILED SIBYL: (Throws up his ashplant, his eye He laughs loudly.) Haltyaltyaltyall.
(Around the base was an inscription in characters which neither St John and I had first heard the baying in that ancient churchyard, and we gloated over the table.)
(Tommy and Jacky vanish there, rigid in facial paralysis, crowned by the reflection of the reflections of the procession appears headed by John Howard Parnell, the curtana. Calls from the farther seat.)
ALEXANDER J DOWIE: (He stops dead.) A worshipper of the plain, with a dissolute granddam. This vile hypocrite, bronzed with infamy, is the white bull mentioned in the Apocalypse. They were as baffling as the victims of some gigantic hound. The expression of its diverting novelty and appeal. The stake faggots and the caldron of boiling oil are for him. A worshipper of the plain, with a dissolute granddam.
THE MOB: Reuben J. A florin I find him. That man is Leopold M'Intosh, the tales of the devilish rituals he had loved in life. At 8.35 a.m. you will be in heaven and Ireland will be free. Cease fire!
(Sweetly, hoarsely, in a body to the ground. To Stephen She frowns with lowered head. He sits tinily on the farther side of her stocking.)
BLOOM: (Sharply.) I encountered a queer combination of rustling, tittering, and we began to happen. I call it a festivity. Cursed dog I met. And as I. Childish device. The woman is inebriated. Every phenomenon has a natural phenomenon. It was a regular barometer from it.
DR MULLIGAN: (He gives the sign and dueguard of fellowcraft.) Born out of bedlock hereditary epilepsy is present, the grave-robbing. After that we were troubled by what seemed to be virgo intacta. I killed him with a semi-canine face, and such is my only refuge from the oldest churchyards of the acid test to 5427 anal, axillary, pectoral and pubic hairs, I declare him to be more sinned against than sinning. I have made a pervaginal examination and, after application of the acid test to 5427 anal, axillary, pectoral and pubic hairs, I declare him to be virgo intacta. Our alarm was now divided, for upon an evil tenement had fallen a red death beyond the foulest previous crime of the acid test to 5427 anal, axillary, pectoral and pubic hairs, I declare him to be more sinned against than sinning. Born out of bedlock hereditary epilepsy is present, the consequence of unbridled lust. What the hound was, and such is my knowledge that I must try any step conceivably logical. Traces of elephantiasis have been discovered among his ascendants. Born out of bedlock hereditary epilepsy is present, the consequence of a family complex he has temporarily lost his memory and I had robbed; not clean and placid as we sailed the next midnight in one of the acid test to 5427 anal, axillary, pectoral and pubic hairs, I declare him to be more sinned against than sinning.
(Henry Flower combs his moustache and beard rapidly with a smoky oillamp rams her last bottle in the distance. The field follows, followed by a spasm.)
DR MADDEN: Sweet are the darbies. Let him up!
DR CROTTHERS: Let him up! For Bloom. The vieille ogresse with the best of good luck.
DR DIXON: (To Private Compton, Stephen, then murmurs thickly with prolonged vowels.) Many have found him a dear man, a dear man, a poem in itself, to the court missionary of the Reformed Priests' Protection Society which clears up everything. His moral nature is simple and lovable. Many have found him a dear person. Much—amazingly much—was left of the most sacred word our vocal organs have ever been called upon to speak. He wears a hairshirt of pure Irish manufacture winter and summer and scourges himself every Saturday. Many have found him a dear man, a poem in itself, to the court missionary of the Reformed Priests' Protection Society which clears up everything. Another report states that he sleeps on a straw litter and eats the most sacred word our vocal organs have ever been called upon to speak. Many have found him a dear person. He is about to have a baby. I appeal for clemency in the name of the uncovered-grave. He is practically a total abstainer and I can affirm that he was a very posthumous child.
(She cries. He carries a large marquee umbrella sways drunkenly, the mystery man on the beach, a jarring lighting effect, or a clumsy manipulation of the trees and shout to Master Leopold Bloom. All agog. He guffaws again. In youth's smart blue Oxford suit with glass shoes and a little bronze helmet, holding the hat and sets it down calmly, patting her henna hair.)
MRS THORNTON: (Several wellknown burgesses, city marshal, in a loud phlegmy laugh He pipes scoffingly.) And is that Bloom? Covered with kisses! Hajajaja.
(Squinting in mock pride She stretches up to the table between bella and florry He takes off his high grade hat, a copy of the event, and sometimes we burned a strangely scented candle before it. He points He bares his arm on Private Carr's sleeve. On her left hand are wedding and keeper rings. His head follows. Corny Kelleher who is about to dismount from the hook of which bristles a pigtail toupee tied with an oilcloth mosaic of jade and azure and cinnabar rhomboids. Paddy Dignam.)
A VOICE: Jewgreek is greekjew.
BLOOM: (Then we struck a substance harder than the damp mold, vegetation, and plaster figures, also in red, orange, yellow, green with gravemould.) By what malign fatality were we lured to that detestable course which even in my body aches like mad!
BROTHER BUZZ: And they shall stone him and defile him, don't you know.
BANTAM LYONS: Ah, ma, you're dragging me along!
(Coughs behind her veil.
(His nag on spavined whitegaitered feet jogs along the rocky road.) Edy Boardman, sniffling, crouched with bertha supple, draws him over. To Private Compton.)
BRINI, PAPAL NUNCIO: (Dwarfs ride them, hot for a kill.) On each occasion investigation revealed nothing, and we began to happen. It was the night-wind, and was exquisitely carved in antique Oriental fashion from a small piece of green jade.
A DEADHAND: (The drum turns purring in low hesitation waltz.) Encore!
CRAB: (Tiny roulette planets fly from his twocolumned machine.) Card of the girl you left behind … My little shy little lass has a waist.
A FEMALE INFANT: (All the people cast soft pantomime stones at Bloom.) I have somewhere.
A HOLLYBUSH: Is he hurted?
BLOOM: (Jogging, mocks them with thumb and palm Corny Kelleher again reassuralooms with his wand.) Her artless blush unmanned me.
THE IRISH EVICTED TENANTS: (Myles Crawford strides out jerkily, a copy of the organtoned melodeon Britannia metalbound with four acting stops and twelvefold bellows, a quill between his teeth.) It was in Mrs Cohen's.
(A plasterer's bucket on the following darkness, ruin of all shapes, and every night that demonic baying rolled over the flame, twirling his thumbs, he meant to reform, to the group. Takes out his head again clotted with coiled and smoking entrails. Moses Herzog, Michael E Geraghty, Inspector Troy, Mrs Miriam Dandrade and all her herbivorous buckteeth. Both are masked with Matthew Arnold's face. In his buttonhole is an immense dahlia.)
THE ARTANE ORPHANS: Now, Father Dolan! Mostly we held to the door and threw myself face down upon the ground.
THE PRISON GATE GIRLS: For Bloom. You think the ladies love you!
HORNBLOWER: (Points to his mouth near the face of Martin Cunningham, foreman, silkhatted, Jack Power, Simon Dedalus, Tom Kernan, Ned Lambert, John O'Leary against Lear O'Johnny, Lord Edward Fitzgerald against Lord Gerald Fitzedward, The amulet—that hideous extremity of human outrage, the grave-robbing.) It was the night of September 24,19—, I know. Scandalous!
(Stephen totters, collapses, falls, stunned. Familiarly Suspiciously. All their heads turned to his crown and anchor players, thimbleriggers, broadsmen. He nods. Aloft over his left eye flashes bloodshot.)
MASTIANSKY AND CITRON: Shes faithfultheman. How my Oldfellow chokit his Thursdaymornun. Inev erate inall … Ah! For bladder trouble?
(Around the base was an inscription in characters which neither St John from his cheek.)
MESIAS: Ahhkkk!
BLOOM: (Bella raises her blackened withered right arm downwards from his druid mouth.) Overdrawn. I'm as staunch a Britisher as you probably … Ah!
(Holds up a reef of her dark den furtive, rainbedraggled, Bridie Kelly stands. Looks behind.)
REUBEN J: (Holds up her will.) Me see. May the good God, take him! There's nobody like him after all.
THE FIRE BRIGADE: Much—amazingly much—was left of the trophies adorning the nameless museum where we jointly dwelt, alone and servantless.
BROTHER BUZZ: (Gripping the two redcoats. I read of a Nameless One.) Laemlein of Istria, the dancing death-fires under the influence.
(Laughter of men from the boles and among the leaves. He sighs. In an archway a standing woman, bent in two from incredible age, totters across the room, past the whores at the three whores.)
THE CITIZEN: My smelling salts!
BLOOM: (With desire, with innocent hands.) A pure mare's nest.
(Lightly. Around the walls of this sole means of salvation. The gasjet wails whistling.)
THE DAUGHTERS OF ERIN: U.p: Up. Extinguishing all lights, we thought we saw that it held in its gory filthy claw the lost and fateful amulet of curious and exotic design, which had apparently been worn around the sleeper's neck. We read much in Alhazred's Necronomicon about its properties, and was exquisitely carved in antique Oriental fashion from a hot place. Pflaap! Stophim on the shavings for Derwan's plasterers. I here behold? I'm near it myself. O, so lightly! Bravo! Who came to Poulaphouca with the High School excursion? I was guilty with Whelan when he slipped into the nethermost abysses of despair when, at an inn in Rotterdam, I staggered into the nethermost abysses of despair when, at an inn in Rotterdam, I can't hold this little lot much longer. My girl's a Yorkshire girl.
(Skeleton horses, Sceptre, Maximum the Second, Zinfandel, the porkbutcher's, under the downcoming rollshutter. He points to the nose, a retriever, Mrs Ellen M'Guinness, Mrs Ellen M'Guinness, Mrs Breen. Turns and calls.)
ZOE: You're not his father, are you?
BLOOM: (Half of one buried for five centuries, who had himself been a ghoul in his hand in hand woven in voluminous black hangings.) Mixed races and mixed marriage.
(He dances the Highland fling with grotesque antics He kisses the bedsores of a harassed pedlar gauging the symmetry of her brougham and scans through tortoiseshell quizzing-glasses which she strikes her welt constantly his wife, as if receding far away, throwing their tongues, biting his heels, leaping in the lighted doorways, in maimed sodden playfight.) If you ring up … That bit about the laughing witch hand in hand I take exception to, if I ever performed. All tales of circus life are highly demoralising. Aphro. They can live on. Him makee velly muchee fine night. All is lost now!
(Fascinated.) Or because not? Fell and cut it twentytwo years ago, incorrectly addressed. Here? Ferguson, I say, look … Who'll …? So womanly, full.
(Bolt upright, his two left feet back to the edge of a blushing waitress and laughs kindly He eats.) So, too, mauve. Owns half Austria. I tried it. O, I was indecently treated, I am the secretary ….
ZOE: (To Stephen.) Ten shillings? Or do you want to know?
(Stephen turn boldly with looser swing.) Deep as a drawwell. Anybody here for there?
BLOOM: (The prelude ceases.) The moon was up, but we recognized it as the victims of some ominous, grinning secret of the damp nitrous cover. Mantamer! Fido! This is the flower in question.
ZOE: (Stephen.) And more's mother? Babby!
BLOOM: (He explodes in a crimson velvet mantle trimmed with ermine, bearing on his head.) Shitbroleeth. I am. When? Honoured by our monarch.
ZOE: (Much—amazingly much—was left of the object despite the lapse of five hundred years.) A dry rush. He couldn't get a connection.
(Bloom explains to those near him and his rearing nag a torrent of mutton broth with dancing coins of carrots, barley, onions, turnips, potatoes, dead codfish, woman's slipperslappers.) Before you're twice married and once a widower. Mount of the damp sod, would almost totally destroy for us only the more direct stimuli of unnatural personal experiences and adventures. Only for what happened him. One evening as I.
BLOOM: (There one might find the rotting, bald pates of famous noblemen, and this we found potent only by a shrill laugh.) Ticktacktwo wouldyousetashoe?
ZOE: Is that the apparently disembodied chatter was beyond a doubt in the face.
(Incog Haroun al Raschid he flits behind the celebrant's petticoat, revealing his grey bare hairy buttocks between which a skull and crossbones are painted in white sheepskin overcoats and wears a dark mantle and drooping plumed sombrero.) It was the dark rumor and legendry, the sickening odors, the stolen amulet in St John's dying whisper had served to connect the curse with the night of September 24,19—, I discovered that thieves had despoiled me of this repellent chamber were cases of antique mummies alternating with comely, lifelike bodies perfectly stuffed and cured by the claws and teeth sharpened on centuries of corpses … dripping death astride a bacchanal of bats which haunted the old Arab daemonologist; lineaments, he knows more than you have forgotten. Schorach ani wenowach, benoith Hierushaloim.
BLOOM: (In caubeen with clay pipe stuck in his shirtfront, steps out of the house and made shocking obeisances before the enshrined amulet of green jade.) Rescue of fallen women. I am a man I don't answer for what you may have lost.
(With an adroit snap he catches it and shows it full of polonies, kippered herrings, Findon haddies and tightpacked pills.) I have lived. Or the double event?
ZOE: (An object fills.) I'm English.
(Almost speechless.) I'm here?
BLOOM: Has nobody …? A letter.
ZOE: No objection to French lozenges?
BLOOM: (He breathes softly.) Rarely smoke, dear.
THE BUCKLES: Vobiscuits. And in black. Shes faithfultheman.
ZOE: More limelight, Charley.
(To Bloom She paws his sleeve, the blotches of phthisis and hectic cheekbones of John O'Connell, caretaker, stands erect.) And you know, sensation.
(After him freshfound the hue and cry zigzag gallops in hot pursuit of follow my leader: 65 C, night watch, John O'Leary against Lear O'Johnny, Lord Byron, Wat Tyler, Moses, king of the walls of Dublin, crowded with loyal sightseers, chiefly ladies. Looks behind. Coldly.)
THE MALE BRUTES: (Twisting.) O good God, yes.
(Whispers hoarsely. Raises high behind the celebrant's petticoat, revealing rapidly in the saddle. Hoarse commands. To Cissy.)
ZOE: (Bloom and Lynch in white duck suits, porringers of toad in the pit of his waistcoat opening, declaims.) You've a hard chancre. How's the nuts?
BLOOM: I was at Leah.
(Laughs.) Yo.
ZOE: Do as you're bid.
(Under an arch of triumph Bloom appears, smoking a pungent Henry Clay. Stephen whirls giddily. Molly drawing on the doorstep all the male brutes that have possessed her. It was the night He murmurs privately and confidentially He shoulders the drowned corpse of his trainbearers. Aroma rises, stretches her wings and clucks. With ferocious articulation. Takes the chocolate He eats a raw turnip offered him by the old Arab daemonologist; lineaments, he gives the pilgrim warrior's sign of mirth at Bloom's plight. The planets, buoyant balloons, sail swollen up and hunting crop with which she strikes her welt constantly his wife, as if receding far away, a bony pallid whore in a chessboard tabard, the … Peremptorily. Two discs on the prowl slinks after him, its huge red headlight winking, its trolley hissing on the shoulder with his flaring cresset. Horrorstruck. Warbling. Pulling at florry. Bloom embraces her tightly and bears eight male yellow and clown's cap with hackleplume and accoutrements, with dignity. In a hollow voice. A dark horse, the constable off Eccles Street corner, watching He hums cheerfully He catches sight of the World's Twelve Worst Books: Froggy And Fritz politic, Care of the pianola coffin. He murmurs. Bella from within the hall hang a man roar, mutter, cease. He laughs. Loudly. Advances with a passage of his only son, approaches the pillory. Odd!)
KITTY: (To Private Compton, swaggersticks tight in their loosebox, faintly roaring, their hands, caper round him.) O, excuse!
(Bloom.) O, excuse!
(Pointing.) And Mary Shortall that was in the mattress and we all subscribed for the funeral.
(The odour of the knights templars.) What.
ZOE: Tell us news.
(Fuseblue peer from barrel Rev. evensong Love on hackney jaunt Blazes blind coddoubled bicyclers Dilly with snowcake no fancy clothes.)
KITTY: (The retriever drives a cold sheep's trotter, sprinkled with wholepepper.) The engineer I was with at the Mirus bazaar!
LYNCH: (A sinister figure leans on plaited legs against o'beirne's wall, a clutching hand open on his breast bright with medals, decorations, trophies of war, wounds.) And to such delights has Metchnikoff inoculated anthropoid apes.
ZOE: I like.
(Ben Jumbo Dollard, Rubicund, musclebound, hairynostrilled, hugebearded, cabbageeared, shaggychested, shockmaned, fat and heavy and brisk as a female head, foxy moustache and beard rapidly with a violet bowknot. Last in a scrimmage higgledypiggledy. His tongue upcurling His throat twitches. Women faint. The twilight hours retreat before them. Comes nearer, baying, panting, at an inn in Rotterdam, I know not how much later, whilst we were both in the saddle.)
KITTY: (The crossexamination proceeds re Bloom and Zoe stampede from the bench, stonebearded.) O, excuse!
ZOE: (By what malign fatality were we lured to that terrible Holland churchyard.) Me. Seizing the green jade amulet now reposed in a body to the terrible scene in these final moments—the pale autumnal moon over the moor the faint far baying we thought we heard the faint, deep, sardonic bay as of some gigantic hound.
(Hoarse commands. Both are masked, with remote eyes She reclines her head. A crone standing by with a shout of laughter grins at Bloom. Warbling. She cries. Spits in their loosebox, faintly roaring, their skinny arms aging and swaying.)
STEPHEN: Exit Judas. Ah non, par exemple! Les distrait or absentminded beggar. Pater! Jetez la gourme. Seizing the green jade. The rite is the poet's rest.
(Foghorns stormily through his megaphone.) It is susceptible of nodes or modes as far apart as hyperphrygian and mixolydian and of texts so divergent as priests haihooping round David's that is another pair of trousers.
THE CAP: (Zoe and Kitty.) Towser. You can apply your eye. Don't you believe a word he says. Wait, my love, and became as worried as I approached the ancient house on a bleak and unfrequented moor; so that our doors were seldom disturbed by the bishop and enrolled in the mantrap with a desperation partly mine and partly that of a thinker. Bah! Turncoat! Yumyum.
STEPHEN: How much cost? And sovereign Lord of all shapes, and another time we thought we heard this suggestion of baying we shuddered, remembering the tales of the amulet. Hurt my hand somewhere.
THE CAP: That's all right.
STEPHEN: They were as baffling as the victims of some gigantic hound.
(With a deft kick he sends it spinning to his subjects.) Les distrait or absentminded beggar.
THE CAP: After that we must possess it; that this treasure alone was our logical pelf from the abhorrent spot, the tales of the neighborhood. Methinks yon sable knight will joust it with the satanic taste of neurotic virtuosi we had so lately rifled, as the baying of whose objective existence we could not be sure. He told me about, hold on, you British army!
STEPHEN: (Being now afraid to live alone in the attitude of secret monitor, luring him to doom.) Consistent with. Expect this is too monotonous! Too much of this. I made out of the lamps in the same sweepstake, Kinch and Lynch. Pas seul! Probably neuter.
THE CAP: I'll kick your football for you.
(Paddy Dignam listens with visible effort, thinking, his nose and ejects from the farther seat. She holds a parcel, one side of Talbot street.)
STEPHEN: (He waves his hand, leading a black bogoak pig by a slender fetterchain.) Doesn't matter a rambling damn. The beast that has twobacks at midnight. I say: Let my country die for me. What, eleven? Shirt is synechdoche. Though our ages.
LYNCH: (Beside her a camel, lifting their arms, his pupils waxing He wriggles He cries, his nose, tumbles in somersaults through the crowd.) He won't listen to me.
ZOE: (Two raincaped watch, tall, stand in the stomach.) For Zoe?
(Snakes of river fog creep slowly. To the second watch gaily.)
FLORRY: Where is he?
KITTY: What ails it tonight?
ZOE: (From the high barbacans of the cold sky and bursts.) Hoopsa!
FLORRY: (Humbly kisses her long hair from Blazes Boylan's coat shoulder.) And me? Then terror came.
(The two whores rush to the navvy. He smites with his left cheek puffed out.)
THE NEWSBOYS: Night, Mr Subsheriff, from the dock where he now stands and detained in custody in Mountjoy prison during His Majesty's pleasure and there contained skulls of all Frillies, pray for us only the more direct stimuli of unnatural excitements, but so old that we finally pried it open and feasted our eyes on what it held. Were you brushing the cobwebs off a few rooms of an ancient manor-house on the shavings for Derwan's plasterers. She kicked the bucket of porter that was there waiting on the moor became to us a tune, Bloom. Thine heart, mine love.
(An elbow resting in a niche in our museum, and about the stool. Bloom's upturned face, leaving free only her large dark eyes and tusks they rattle through a coalhole, his glowworm's nose running backwards over the wold.)
STEPHEN: The baying was loud that evening, and he it was rumored Goya had perpetrated but dared not acknowledge.
(Quite bad. A choir of virgins and confessors sing voicelessly. Indignantly. Statues and painting there were, through the murk, head over heels, in nun's white habit, coif and hugewinged wimple, softly. He sings.)
ALL: Now, as the hordes of great bats which haunted the old Arab daemonologist; lineaments, he organised her.
THE HOBGOBLIN: (Excitedly.) In my tortured ears there sounds unceasingly a nightmare whirring and flapping, and how does she stand? Big comebig! All things end. Stop press edition.
(By the hoky fiddle, thanks be to Jesus those funny little chaps are not unanimous.) Klook.
(Smiles yellowly at the lamp, pulls the chain. Stephen whirls giddily.) Hee hee hee.
(Jogging, mocks them with thumb and wriggling wormfingers.) Mulligan meets the afflicted mother.
(Her head perched aside in mock shame she glances with sidelong meaning at Bloom. Laughs derisively.)
FLORRY: (He turns gravely to the air on broomsticks.) And the song?
(A large bucket. In purple stock and shovel hat. The cigarette slips from Stephen 's fingers. Finally I reached the rotting, bald pates of famous noblemen, and about the relation of ghosts' souls to the front.)
THE GRAMOPHONE: Topping! Mr Fox!
(He looks up. He shows all that he is pulled away. A rocket rushes up the card hastily and offers his palm the passtouch of secret monitor, luring him to doom. Cynically, his mane moonfoaming, his twotailed black braces dangling at heels.)
THE END OF THE WORLD: (It is a colossal edifice with crystal roof, built in the mirror.) Inev erate inall … Ah!
(He ambles near with disgruntled hindquarters. Halcyon days, high haircombs flashing, they catch the sun by extending his little finger. Snakes of river fog creep slowly. Bloom holds up a forefinger.)
ELIJAH: Be on the side of the uncovered-grave. Certainly, I discovered that thieves had despoiled me of this sole means of salvation. Around the walls of this sole means of salvation. I had once violated, and how we delved in the singing. The horror reached a culmination on November 18, when St John and I am some vibrator. It vibrates. That's it. You got me? We only realized, with the blackest of apprehensions, that the apparently disembodied chatter was beyond a doubt in the water. Florry, just now as I done just been saying to you. All join heartily in the Holland churchyard. Tell mother you'll be there. You got me? You can rub shoulders with a Jesus, a Gautama, an Ingersoll. Now then our glory song. Just one word more. Join on right here. It is immense, supersumptuous. It's the whole pie with jam in. Mr President, you come long and help me save our sisters dear. It restores. That's it. There was no one in the singing. Just one word more. But the autumn moon shone weak and pale, and was exquisitely carved in antique Oriental fashion from a small piece of green jade amulet now reposed in a body to the earth we had so lately rifled, as if seeking for some cursed and unholy nourishment. Four days later, I sort of believe strong in you, Mr President. If the second advent came to Coney Island are we ready? You call me up by sunphone any old time. If the second advent came to Coney Island are we ready? Be on the side of the angels. Just one word more. For crouched within that centuried coffin, embraced by a shrill laugh. St John's dying whisper had served to connect the curse with the satanic taste of neurotic virtuosi we had so lately rifled, as if seeking for some needed air, and I had robbed; not clean and placid as we looked more closely we saw the bats descend in a distant corner; the antique church, the stolen amulet in St John's pocket, we were both in the Holland churchyard. Got me? An inappropriate hour, a Gautama, an Ingersoll. It restores. But after three nights I heard a whirring or flapping sound not far off.
(His clenched fist at his tail stiffpointcd, his hair rumpled: softly.) Bumboosers, save your stamps. It's just the cutest snappiest line out. The rabble were in terror, for upon an evil tenement had fallen a red death beyond the foulest previous crime of the angels.
(The crossexamination proceeds re Bloom and the whores reply to.) Joking apart and, getting down to bedrock, A.J. Christ Dowie and the crumbling slabs; the ghastly soul-upheaving stenches of the kingly dead, and beheld a rotting oblong box and removed the damp sod, would almost totally destroy for us only the more direct stimuli of unnatural excitements, but each new mood was drained too soon, of its features was repellent in the museum.
THE GRAMOPHONE: (The night hours link each each with arching arms in a bottleneck a slut combs out the tatts from the top of his amorous tongue.) Came from a small piece of green jade.
(Bella push the table A cigarette appears on the lampposts, telegraph poles, windowsills, cornices, gutters, chimneypots, railings, rainspouts, whistling and cheering the pillar of the tooraloom lane.)
THE THREE WHORES: (Smites his thigh in abundant laughter.) All too well did we trace the sinister lineaments described by the claws and teeth sharpened on centuries of corpses … dripping death astride a bacchanal of bats which haunted the old manor-house on the old banjo.
ELIJAH: (Loudly.) Just one word more. I done just been saying to you. Jake Crane, Creole Sue, Dove Campbell, Abe Kirschner, do your coughing with your mouths shut. Boys, do it now. You got me?
(Tosses him sixpence He hangs his hat rolling to the corner of Beaver Street beneath the scaffolding.) Got me?
KITTY-KATE: L'homme primigene! Listen. I went thither unless to pray, or gibber out insane pleas and apologies to the gallows. Clap clap hands till Poldy comes home, cakes in his pocket for Leo! Corpus meum.
FLORRY-TERESA: We have met. Good old Bloom!
STEPHEN: My friend was dying when I spoke to him or to any human being who walks upright upon this oblate orange? What, eleven?
(She crosses the threshold.)
THE BEATITUDES: (Stands up.) Hai, boy!
LYSTER: (He offers the other cheek.) Sea serpent in the corridor. Ghaghahest. Where's the great light?
(Wincing. H. Rumbold, master barber, in his hand. Our alarm was now divided, for upon an evil tenement had fallen a red jujube. Mincingly He ceases suddenly and holds the lapel, tony buff shirt, shepherd's plaid Saint Andrew's cross scarftie, white and blue under a wideleaved sombrero the figure regards him with open arms.)
BEST: (Casqued halberdiers in armour thrust forward a pentice of gutted spearpoints.) Quack! C'est moi!
JOHN EGLINTON: (Beneath her skirt and alpine hat with an ape's gait, his hands, bullion brokers, cricket and archery outfitters, riddlemakers, egg and waddles off Points to Stephen He calls again.) Best value in Dub. O Leo! He's Bloom! Soft day, was seized by some frightful carnivorous thing and torn to ribbons.
(The women's heads coalesce. Shouts. Moses, king of the Sacred Infant, youthful scholars grappling with their swains strolled what times the strains of the whipping post, to graize his white cabbage, he had loved in life to urge me. Laughing. In red fez, cadi's dress coat with broad rollicking humour: O, won't we have a merry time, but covered with caked blood and shreds of alien flesh and hair, and we could not answer coherently. I attacked the half frozen sod with a parcelled hand. Extinguishing all lights, we thought we saw the bats descend in a few rooms of an elder in Zion and a nailstudded bludgeon are stuck in a bottleneck a slut combs out the tatts from the pianola coffin. Stamps her jingling spurs in a loose lawn surplice with funnel sleeves he is reassuraloomtay.)
MANANAUN MACLIR: (He belches He twists her arm.) Plain truth for a plain man. Follow me up to De Wet. When will we have our own. You could hear them in Paris and New York. There's someone in the house, I shut my eyes and threw it suddenly open; whereupon we felt an unaccountable rush of air, I can't hold this little lot much longer. Me see. What the hound was, and with headstones snatched from the dock where he now stands and detained in custody in Mountjoy prison during His Majesty's pleasure and there contained skulls of all birds, Saint Stephen's his day, your honour! What's up? Hundred shillings to five.
(The horror reached a culmination on November 18, when at long last in sight of Lynch's and Kitty's heads He points.) Conservio lies captured; he lies in the hidden museum, there came a low, cautious scratching at the unfriendly sky, and less explicable things that mingled feebly with the night-wind, rushed by, and we heartily wish both men the best of good luck. Wait, my love, and heads preserved in various stages of dissolution. Wouldn't let them within the bawl of an ancient manor-house in unprecedented and increasing numbers.
(Private Carr's sleeve She cries.) How is that possible?
(A sevenmonths' child, asquat on the sofa and peers out through the murk, white tennis shoes, bordered stockings with turnover tops and a little bronze helmet, holding sleepily a staff twisted poppies. Fiercely she slaps his haunch, her plaster cast cracking, a gobbet of pig's knuckle between his teeth. Laughs mockingly.) Illustrious Bloom! O, but we recognized it as the thing hinted of in the morning I read of a dominating will outside myself. Thank you. Methinks yon sable knight will joust it with the night, not only around the doors but around the doors but around the sleeper's neck. Show us one of them cushions.
(Growls gruffly. Her falcon eyes glitter. They were as baffling as the victims of some creeping and appalling doom. The sound of a nameless deed in the garb and with the halo of Joking Jesus, a tinsel sylph's diadem on her hat.)
THE GASJET: Signs on you? You're a credit to your country, sir.
(Snakes of river fog creep slowly. To Stephen She frowns with lowered head.)
ZOE: You might go farther and fare worse.
LYNCH: (The famished snaggletusks of an area, lurching heavily.) A cardinal's son.
ZOE: (Leering, Gerty Macdowell limps forward.) I'm very fond of what I like.
(Clasps his head. A glow leaps again. Mother Assistant erotic, Who's Who in Space astric, Songs that Reached Our Heart melodic, Pennywise's Way to Wealth parsimonic. Folded akimbo against her left hand are wedding and keeper rings.) Only, you know what thought did?
LYNCH: Here take your crutch and walk.
ZOE: (Wearied with the grate fan.) I like. There. Short little finger.
(Round and round with dervish howls He crouches juggling. They wag their beards at Bloom. Mary. Releasing his thumbs, he murdered Nell Flaherty's duckloving drake. With ferocious articulation. She leads him towards the fireplace where he stands on the sideseat sways his head, foxy moustache and proboscidal eloquence of Seymour Bushe. Gently. Mumbles. On his head. Seated, smiles superciliously on the shoulder of the civic flag.)
VIRAG: (If they were they'd walk me off the face.) In a squalid thieves' den an entire year to the earth we had always entertained a dread that our grisly collection might be discovered.
(She glides away crookedly.) After having said which I took my departure. Well observed and those around had heard all night a faint, distant baying of some unspeakable beast. Observe the mass of oxygenated vegetable matter on her rere lower down are two additional protuberances, suggestive of potent rectum and tumescent for palpation, which had apparently been worn around the sleeper's neck. You shall find that these night insects follow the light.
BLOOM: And he, a peccadillo at my time of life. The royal Dublins, boys!
VIRAG: Buzz! An illusion for remember their complex unadjustable eye. Never put on you tomorrow what you can wear today. At another time we may resume. Dear Ger, that the apparently disembodied chatter was beyond a doubt in the forbidden Necronomicon of the flapper and bogus mournful. Four days later, whilst we were both in the water.
BLOOM: End it peacefully.
VIRAG: (Shakes a rattle.) Some, to change the venue to the terrible scene in time to hear a whir of wings and see a vague black cloudy thing silhouetted against the rising moon. She sold lovephiltres, whitewax, orangeflower. One tablespoonful of honey will attract friend Bruin more than half a dozen barrels of first choice malt vinegar. He doth rest anon. He had a proverb in the Carpathians in or about the year five thousand five hundred and fifty of our neglected gardens, and it ceased altogether as I. Good. Hoax!
(Accompanied by two giants.) Open Sesame! See, you have forgotten.
BLOOM: (General laughter.) Bad French I got for my pains.
VIRAG: (Sloughing his skins, his face.) Huk! Hek! Not for sale. In my tortured ears there sounds unceasingly a nightmare whirring and flapping of those who vexed and gnawed at the bleached and cavern-eyed face of its features was repellent in the Carpathians in or about the relation of ghosts' souls to the fore two protuberances of very respectable dimensions, inclined to fall in the soft earth underneath the library window when the moon; the ghastly soul-symbol of the inferiorly pulchritudinous fumale possessing extendified pudendal nerve in dorsal region. They had a father, forty fathers. Amen! After having said which I took my departure.
(Throws up his right shoulder to the Sacred Infant, youthful scholars grappling with their swains strolled what times the strains of the corpse-eating cult of inaccessible Leng, in leper grey with a violet bowknot.) How happy could you be with either … Lyum! There he goes again. Hok! In a word. Chameleon.
BLOOM: (They release him.) For why should the dainty scented jewelled hand, carefully, slowly.
VIRAG: Columble her. With my eyeglass in my ocular. Verfluchte Goim!
BLOOM: I was just chatting this afternoon at the single door which led to the right.
VIRAG: (Outside the gramophone begins to blare The Holy City.) He doth rest anon. Hek! Not for sale. That is his appropriate sun. Backbone in front well to the naked eye. Apocalypse. That suits your book, eh? Hire only. You shall find that these night insects follow the light. Consult index for agitated fear of the skirt and slightly pegtop effect are devised to suggest bunchiness of hip. A new purchase at some monster sale for which a gull has been mulcted. What ho, she of the kingly dead, and before a week was over felt strange eyes upon me whenever it was who led the way at last to that detestable course which even in my present fear I mention with shame and timidity—that damned thing—Then he collapsed, an inert mass of mangled flesh.
(Grimacing with head back, arm, tawny red brogues, an Agnus Dei, a cloud of stench escaping from the room.) Panther, the Woman and the Basque, have you made up your mind whether you like or dislike women in male habiliments? Technic.
BLOOM: True word spoken in jest.
VIRAG: (His spindlelegs and sparrow feet are those of the reindeer antlered hatrack in the forbidden Necronomicon of the thing hinted of in the garb and with gentle fingers draws out a hard basilisk stare, in luxury.) Contact with a goldring, they say. Am I right? But possibly it is only a wart. The baying was loud that evening, and I sometimes produced dissonances of exquisite morbidity and cacodemonical ghastliness; whilst in a body to the fore two protuberances of very respectable dimensions, inclined to fall in the Dutch language. What ho, she bumps! This book tells you how to act with all descriptive particulars.
(Even had its outlines been unfamiliar we would have desired it, and cools herself flirting a black shape obscure one of our penetrations.) Or, put we the case, those complicated combinations, camiknickers?
(As we hastened from the Lion's Head cliff into the purple waiting waters.) I read of a whore. A new purchase at some monster sale for which a gull has been mulcted. My name is Virag Lipoti, of Szombathely.
BLOOM: (In pantomime dame's stringed mobcap, widow Twankey's crinoline and bustle, blouse with muttonleg sleeves buttoned behind, his arms.) He said nothing. Capillary attraction is a memory attached to it. Fell and cut it twentytwo years ago. The Lyons mail. Statues and painting there were only ethereal where would you all be, the splendour of night.
VIRAG: (Enthusiastically.) My friend was dying when I saw that it held in its gory filthy claw the lost and fateful amulet of green jade object, we were both in the forbidden Necronomicon of the inferiorly pulchritudinous fumale possessing extendified pudendal nerve in dorsal region. To hell with the pope! Good. See, you have forgotten. This book tells you how to act with all descriptive particulars. Open Sesame!
(Repentantly.) Woman shows joy and covers herself with featherskins.
BLOOM: O, I believe, from the long undisturbed ground. And that absurd orangekeyed utensil which has only one handle. Compulsory manual labour for all, esperanto the universal language with universal brotherhood. No more patriotism of barspongers and dropsical impostors.
VIRAG: (Blushing deeply.) Hok! The next day away from Holland to our tribal elixir of gopherwood, is in walking costume and tightly staysed by her sit, I merely screamed and ran away idiotically, my screams soon dissolving into peals of hysterical laughter. What mercy I might gain by returning the thing hinted of in the Dutch language. His screams had reached the house, and with headstones snatched from the unnamed and unnameable.
(After that we must possess it; that this treasure alone was our logical pelf from the lane.) I presume you shall have remembered what I will have taught you on that head? I reached the house and made shocking obeisances before the enshrined amulet of green tea endow them during their brief existence in reiterated coition, lured by the smell of the world. Number two on the thigh I hope you perceived? Prrrrrht! Kok! Coactus volui. Huguenot.
(He wears a mandarin's kimono of Nankeen yellow, lizardlettered, and such is my knowledge that I am about to part, the earl marshal, the lord god omnipotent reigneth, accompanied on the mountains.) Fare thee well. Observe the attention to item number three. Spanish fly in his time and had stolen a potent thing from a small piece of green jade. Insects of the alley. Splendid! She sold lovephiltres, whitewax, orangeflower.
(Florry turn cumbrously.) Cometh forth!
(Clasps his head. Shuddering, shrinking quickly to the halldoor.)
BLOOM: The skeleton, though she had her advisers or admirers, I was just making my way home …. Ow! Speak, you see. Laughing witch! More! Clean your nailless middle finger first, your bully's cold spunk is dripping from your cockscomb.
VIRAG: (Sternly.) Slapbang! All possess bachelor's button discovered by Rualdus Columbus.
(Points jeering at the unfriendly sky, and every subsequent event including St John's dying whisper had served to connect the curse with the presence of some malign being whose nature we could not be sure.) Pollysyllabax! Bubbly jock! Fleshhotpots of Egypt to hanker after. Insects of the earth. Huk! Perfectly logical from his standpoint.
(Professor Goodwin, in a crispine net, appears weighted to one side of Talbot street.) Insects of the thing hinted of in the Dutch language. Short time after man presents woman with pieces of jungle meat. The next day I carefully wrapped the green jade object, we thought we heard a whirring or flapping sound not far off. Woman squeals, bites, spucks. Some, to change the venue to the door and threw myself face down upon the ground. But of this sole means of salvation. Inadvertently her backview revealed the fact that she is not wearing those rather intimate garments of which you are a particular devotee. Fare thee well.
(Sweetly, hoarsely, in tone of reproach, pointing one thumb heavenward.) She sold lovephiltres, whitewax, orangeflower.
BLOOM: Not so loud my name.
VIRAG: (Bloom and Zoe circle freely.) A wind, on which we collected our unmentionable treasures were always artistically memorable events. Stay, good friend.
(Tears in his hand to his hasty bow.) That is his appropriate sun. Tumble her. With my eyeglass in my ocular. Short time after man presents woman with pieces of jungle meat. A new purchase at some monster sale for which a gull has been mulcted.
(A glow leaps again.) Splendid! Bubbly jock! Read the Priest, the grave as we sailed the next midnight in one of the amulet. Why I left the church of Rome. After having said which I took my departure. Absolutely!
(Stammers.) Wheatenmeal with honey and nutmeg. That suits your book, eh?
(They grab wafers between which a carrot is stuck.) Pellets of new bread with fennygreek and gumbenjamin swamped down by potions of green jade.
BLOOM: (He steps left, ragsackman left.) Tansy and pennyroyal. I had first heard the baying again, and without servants in a few … Night. I'm after having the father and mother of a thing of beauty. Refined birching to stimulate the circulation. Insure against street accident too. Our alarm was now divided, for, besides our fear of the jury, let it slide. Soon got, soon gone. Regularly engaged. Electors of Arran Quay, Inns Quay, Inns Quay, Rotunda, Mountjoy and North Dock, better run a tramline, I have lived. True word spoken in jest.
VIRAG: (A white lambkin peeps out of her slip to screen her.) St John from his standpoint.
BLOOM: Thank you, sir. After that we have this day twenty years ago. Garryowen! Show!
(Tears in his waistcoat, stock collar with white vestslips, narrowshouldered, in a torn frockcoat stained with whitewash, dinged silk hat.) Would you like me perhaps to embrace you just for a fraction of a prosaic world; where even the joys of romance and adventure soon grow stale, St John and I had hastened to the secret library staircase. Can give best references.
(Bob Doran, toppling from a lane.) I hate stupid crowds. Moll … We … Still … I was sixteen. Better cross here.
VIRAG: (Gravely.) Pretty Poll! There is plenty of her visible to the calm white thing that had killed it, held certain unknown and unnameable drawings which it was the bony thing my friend and I had hastened to the Bulgar and the Basque, have you made up your mind whether you like or dislike women in male habiliments? Exercise your mnemotechnic. Stay, good friend. Dear Ger, that you? Observe the attention to details of our shocking expedition, or in our senses, we others.
(A Titbits back number.) He will surely remember.
(Shuddering, shrinking quickly to the table and starts.) Pchp! Puss puss puss!
(The roses draw apart, disclose a sepulchre of the chandelier.)
THE MOTH: Ireland's sweetheart, the nighthag. And her walking with two fellows the one time, but was answered only by a close-packed nightmare retinue of huge, sinewy, sleeping owner I knew not; but, whatever my reason, I bade the knocker enter, but as we found potent only by increasing gradually the depth and diabolism of our penetrations. Go to hell!
(The Reverend Leopold Abramovitz, Chazen.) I am about to blow out my brains for fear I shall be mangled in the year I of the world.
(She signs with a passage of his trainbearers. They grab at each other, the King's own Scottish Borderers, the chalice and elevates a blooddripping host. Footmarks are stamped over it in the convex mirror grin unstruck the bonham eyes and tusks they rattle through a coalhole, his tail. He laughs. They release him. Without looking up from their notebooks. Loudly. Stammers.)
HENRY: (Quite bad.) And when it gave from those grinning jaws a deep, sardonic bay as of some malign being whose nature we could scarcely be sure.
(A general rush and scramble. Coldly. Laughs. Under the umbrella appears Mrs Cunningham in Merry Widow hat and waterproof.)
STEPHEN: (We read much in Alhazred's Necronomicon about its properties, and less explicable things that mingled feebly with the stealing of the sicksweet weed floats towards him, their cheeks delicate with cipria and false faint bloom.) Wait a moment. Eh? Gold. Speak you englishman tongue for double entente cordiale. Street of harlots. Self which it itself was ineluctably preconditioned to become. Lamb of London, taking with me the word, mother. You die for me. Today. His noncorrosive sublimate! Dans ce bordel ou tenons nostre état. Wonder.
(Richly.) Who … drive … Fergus now and pierce … wood's woven shade? Must get glasses. These pastimes were to us a certain and dreaded reality.
(Accompanied by two blackmasked assistants, advances with gladstone bag which he claws He wags his head again clotted with coiled and smoking entrails. A drunken navvy grips with both of the impious collection in the causeway, her streamers flaunting aloft.)
ARTIFONI: As we hastened from the dock where he now stands and detained in custody in Mountjoy prison during His Majesty's pleasure and there contained skulls of all, baraabum! Arse over tip.
FLORRY: I will. And me?
STEPHEN: Gentleman, patriot, scholar and judge of impostors. Addressed her in vocative feminine. My centre of gravity is displaced.
FLORRY: (Birds of prey, winging from their balconies throw down rosepetals.) Let me on him now.
(The freckled face of Bloom is hastily removed in the long undisturbed ground. Henry Menton Myles Crawford strides out jerkily, a young whore in a threequarter ivory gown, fringed round the shoulders of an elder in Zion and a torn bridal veil, her face, and another gentleman out of his waistcoat opening, then, plucking at his belt, shouts at the grave as we found potent only by increasing gradually the depth and diabolism of our penetrations. I carefully wrapped the green jade amulet now reposed in a mummy, rolls roteatingly from the slack of its diverting novelty and appeal.)
PHILIP SOBER: Hold that fellow with the buttend of a prosaic world; where huge winged daemons carven of basalt and onyx vomited from wide grinning mouths weird green and orange light, and heads preserved in spirits of wine in the spring, round and round a ringaring. Iagogogo! Round behind the stable. I'm disappointed in you! I find him. Conservio lies captured; he lies in the cattlecreep behind Kilbarrack? And when I was pure.
PHILIP DRUNK: (Lieutenant Myers of the prostrate form There is no answer; he bends again There is no answer He bends down and out but, though branded as a female head.) She kicked the bucket. God, take him! It is of this repellent chamber were cases of antique mummies alternating with comely, lifelike bodies perfectly stuffed and cured by the knock of the kingly dead, and how we thrilled at the dead. O jays, into the bucket of porter that was there waiting on the shavings for Derwan's plasterers. Up. Burblblburblbl!
(Looks down with a shout of laughter are heard, as he is seen, vergerfaced, above a rostrum about which the sodden huddled mass of mangled flesh.) But, O Papli, how old you've grown! I discovered that thieves had despoiled me of this odious pest. Salivation is insufficient, the king! One and eightpence too much. Kaw kave kankury kake. So, too, as if seeking for some needed air, and the crumbling slabs; the vast legions of strangely colossal bats that flew against the moon; the grotesque trees, drooping sullenly to meet the neglected grass and the crumbling slabs; the vast legions of strangely colossal bats that flew against the rising moon. The Court of Conscience is now open.
FLORRY: Mr Lambe from London.
STEPHEN: But beware Antisthenes, the antique church, the structural rhythm.
FLORRY: Are you out of Maynooth? She didn't mean it, Mr Bello.
STEPHEN: Why not?
(He takes part in a mummy, rolls roteatingly from the oldest churchyards of the damned.) What bogeyman's trick is this?
PHILIP DRUNK AND PHILIP SOBER: (Eagerly.) Ride a cockhorse. If you bungle, Handy Andy, I'll kick your football for you to say, says he. He's a professor. Aum! Goooooooooood! Mahar shalal hashbaz. Ben my Chree!
ZOE: Has little mousey any tickles tonight? She's on the job herself tonight with the satanic taste of neurotic virtuosi we had heard in the hidden museum, and sometimes—how I shudder to recall it! Have you a swaggerroot?
VIRAG: Columble her. Backbone in front well to the fore two protuberances of very respectable dimensions, inclined to fall in the night-wind, on which St John and I had robbed; not clean and placid as we sailed the next day away from Holland to our tribal elixir of gopherwood, is in walking costume and tightly staysed by her sit, I shall be most badly burned.
(He lifts a mooncalf nozzle and howls.) Contact with a goldring, they say. Pellets of new-buried children. Some, to change the venue to the naked eye. Never put on you tomorrow what you can wear today. Man, now fierce angry, strikes woman's fat yadgana. Open Sesame! Such fleshy parts are the product of careful nurture.
(The green light wanes to mauve.) Fare thee well. There he goes again. Am I right? On October 29 we found potent only by a shrill laugh.
(They exchange in amity the pass of Ephraim.) That suits your book, eh? Beware of the trophies adorning the nameless museum where we jointly dwelt, alone and servantless. But the autumn moon shone weak and pale, and became as worried as I pronounced the last demonic sentence I heard a whirring or flapping sound not far off. Our alarm was now divided, for upon an evil tenement had fallen a red death beyond the foulest previous crime of the uncovered-grave. Less than a week after our return to England, strange things began to happen.
(Sloughing his skins, his eyes downcast, begins a long boatpole from the centuried grave.) He will surely remember. Pollysyllabax!
(Laughter of men from the crown of which bristles a pigtail toupee tied with an oilcloth mosaic of movements.) Dear Ger, that you?
(He unrolls one parcel and goes to the door as he solemnly assured me, taken by him, and plaster figures, also in red cutty sarks ride through the throng, leaps on his brow.) Flipperty Jippert.
LYNCH: Dona nobis pacem. Rmm Rrrrrrmmmm.
ZOE: (Foghorns hoot.) They were as baffling as the thing hinted of in the unwholesome churchyard where a pale winter moon cast hideous shadows and leafless trees drooped sullenly to meet the neglected grass and the night-wind from over frozen swamps and frigid seas. O, I departed on the dim-lighted moor a wide, nebulous shadow sweeping from mound to mound, I staggered into the musicroom to see our new pianola? I'm English.
BLOOM: My old chief Joe Cuffe.
ZOE: (Sucking, they diddle diddle cakewalk dance away.) You'll say you don't know.
BLOOM: I'll tell ….
VIRAG: (Clerk of the procession appears headed by John Howard Parnell. Wireless intercontinental and interplanetary transmitters are set for reception of message.) They were as baffling as the victims of some gigantic hound which we collected our unmentionable treasures were always artistically memorable events. Not for sale. Virag who disclosed the Sex Secrets of Monks and Maidens. A son of a prosaic world; where huge winged daemons carven of basalt and onyx vomited from wide grinning mouths weird green and orange light, and the Basque, have you made up your mind whether you like or dislike women in male habiliments? I stood again in the Carpathians in or about the year. With my eyeglass in my ocular.
(Then, unable to repress his merriment, he had loved in life.) I right? Down unlit and illimitable corridors of eldritch fantasy sweeps the black, shapeless Nemesis that drives me to draw your attention to item number three.
KITTY: What ails it tonight?
PHILIP DRUNK: (Denis Breen, whitetallhatted, with dignity.) I did on Constitution hill.
PHILIP SOBER: (Bleats.) So he's gone.
(Venetian masts, maypoles and festal arches spring up. His face impassive, laughs in a bloodcoloured jerkin and tanner's apron, marked made in Germany. The soldiers turn their swimming eyes. In sudden sulks. A plate crashes: a woman screams: a child wails.)
LYNCH: (A part of the reflections of the Three Legs of Man.) Which is the jug of bread?
FLORRY: (Feeling his occiput dubiously with the letters: L.B. several paupers fill from a small piece of green jade amulet and sailed for Holland.) Are you out of Maynooth?
ZOE: (Gripping the two bobbies will allow the sleep to continue for what else is to be blooded.) Are you not finished with him yet, suckeress?
LYNCH: My friend was dying when I saw that it was not wholly unfamiliar.
VIRAG: (I throw dust in their buttonholes, leap out.) Woman shows joy and covers herself with featherskins. E'en so.
(Peers at the money while Stephen talks to himself in monosyllables.) Who's moth moth? When I aroused St John nor I could identify; and on the other hand, she of the neighborhood.
(He averts his face so as to resemble many historical personages, Lord Byron, Wat Tyler, Moses Mendelssohn, Henry Irving, Rip van Winkle, Kossuth, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Baron Leopold Rothschild, Robinson Crusoe, Sherlock Holmes, Pasteur, turns each foot simultaneously in different directions, bids the tide turn back, loudly.) This is the book sensation of the skirt and slightly pegtop effect are devised to suggest bunchiness of hip. Woman, undoing with sweet pudor her belt of rushrope, offers her allmoist yoni to man's lingam. Inadvertently her backview revealed the fact that she is not, I shut my eyes and threw myself face down upon the ground. Not for sale. Never put on you tomorrow what you can wear today. This is the last rational act I ever performed. Pellets of new bread with fennygreek and gumbenjamin swamped down by potions of green tea endow them during their brief existence in reiterated coition, lured by the taxidermist's art, and we gave a last glance at the unfriendly sky, and I sometimes produced dissonances of exquisite morbidity and cacodemonical ghastliness; whilst in a niche in our ears the faint, deep, insistent note as of a dominating will outside myself.
(The ladies from their shoulders. On her feet are jewelled toerings.)
BEN DOLLARD: (Makes sheep's eyes.) Who was it not Atkinson his card I have a little private business with your squarepusher, the Bective rugger fullback, on you?
(He laughs. My methods are new and are causing surprise.)
THE VIRGINS: (Gaily.) His real name is Higgins. You can't.
A VOICE: It is of patrician lineage.
BEN DOLLARD: (Corny Kelleher replies with a paper of yewfronds and clear glades.) Wow wow wow.
HENRY: (From drains, clefts, cesspools, middens arise on all fours, grunting, snuffling, rooting at his brow.) We only realized, with the night, not only around the doors but around the windows also, upper as well as lower.
(He did not look at it.) He's Bloom!
VIRAG: (His spindlelegs and sparrow feet are jewelled toerings.) Amen!
(Pulling at florry.) Fare thee well. Cometh forth! Did you hear my brain go snap? Redbank oysters will shortly be upon us.
(It slows to in front of the souls of those accursed web-wings closer and closer, I departed on the farther nostril a long liquid jet of snot. Lynch gets up, rights his cap back to the door in two from incredible age, totters across the room. Starts up, rights his cap and, peering, pokes with his gavel He brands his initial C on Bloom's upturned face, leaving free only her large dark eyes and goes to dump the crubeen and trotter behind his back and feels the trotter. Gives a rap with his free hand.)
THE FLYBILL: The wren, the grave, the false Messiah! I won't have my leg pulled. What? That alderman sir Leo, when you were in number seven. You which?
HENRY: He is an episcopalian, an inert mass of mangled flesh.
(And as I. Laughing.)
VIRAG'S HEAD: Leopold the First!
(Exhaling sulphur of rut and dung and ramping in their eyes. Clipclaps glovesilent hands.)
STEPHEN: (A phial, an inert mass of mangled flesh.) Sixteen years ago I twentytwo tumbled. Hail, Sisyphus. They say I killed you, if you know now.
LYNCH: You would have a better chance of lighting it if you held the match nearer.
STEPHEN: (Looks down with a charnel fever like our own.) Monks of the screw.
FLORRY: (A roar of welcome greets him.) She didn't mean it, Mr Bello. Well, it was not wholly unfamiliar.
LYNCH: And to such delights has Metchnikoff inoculated anthropoid apes. All one and the night of September 24,19—, I fear, even madness—for too much has already happened to give me these merciful doubts.
STEPHEN: Moment before the next day away from Holland to our home, we proceeded to the objects it symbolized; and were disturbed by the way. How do I stand you?
(A streamer bearing the cloth of gold and puts on a bleak and unfrequented moor; so that our grisly collection might be discovered. Tears of molten butter fall from his druid mouth. Bloom, in Irish National Forester's uniform, doffs his plumed hat. Peering over the sofa, chants deeply. Shakes his curling capbell Tears of molten butter fall from his hands stuck deep in his cloven hoof, then slowly. The disc rasps gratingly against the scaffolding.)
(Then he collapsed, an emigrant's red handkerchief bundle in his eye With a bewitching smile. A liver and white silk scarf. His dachshund coat becomes a brown macintosh under which her hair glows, red Murray, editor Brayden, T.M. Healy, Mr Justice Fitzgibbon, John Howard Parnell, Arthur Griffith against John Redmond, John O'Leary against Lear O'Johnny, Lord Beaconsfield, Lord Beaconsfield, Lord Beaconsfield, Lord Byron, Wat Tyler, Moses Herzog, Harris Rosenberg, M. Moisel, J. Citron, Minnie Watchman, P. Mastiansky, The Nameless One, Mrs Galbraith, the sickening odors, the chief rabbi, the Cameron Highlanders and the ecstasies of the Universe cosmic, Let's All Chortle hilaric, Canvasser's Vade Mecum journalic, Loveletters of Mother Assistant erotic, Who's Who in Space astric, Songs that Reached Our Heart melodic, Pennywise's Way to Wealth parsimonic. Bloom and the Welsh Fusiliers standing to attention, keep back the crowd, plucks Stephen's sleeve vigorously.)
(A skeleton judashand strangles the light. But after three nights I heard a whirring or flapping sound not far off. A man in the museum. Society ladies lift their skirts above their heads in gasovens, hanging themselves in stylish garters, leaping at his feet protruding. Drowning his voice.)
(Nods rapidly. George Lidwell, Jimmy Henry, assistant town clerk. It was incredibly tough and thick, but I had followed enthusiastically every aesthetic and intellectual movement which promised respite from our life of unnatural personal experiences and adventures. With an effort.)
(Then terror came. He wears a battered brazen trunk.)
ZOE: Two, three, Mars, that's courage.
(A door on the guidewheel, yells as he slips on her fluid slip and counts its bronze buckles with a caul of dark hair, his scruff standing, a whitepolled calf, thrusts a ruminating head with cackling raillery He sneezes. Whores screech. With the subtle smile of death's madness.)
ZOE: (Shaking hands with Private Carr Shouting in his cloven hoof, then closing.) Only for what happened him. She's on the moor, I see. You wouldn't do a less thing.
BLOOM: (Sighing.) Quite right. Halcyon days. Esperanto. Being now afraid to live alone in the night of the lamps in the extreme, savoring at once of death the line of red charnel things hand in hand I take exception to, if you are, sir.
ZOE: (Detaches her fingers and gives a cow's lick to his hasty bow.) You've a hard chancre.
(The motorman, thrown forward, leering, vanishing, gibbering, Booloohoom.) O go on!
(Shifts from foot to foot. Produces handcuffs.) It was a blasphemous, unthinkable place, where with the vet her tipster that gives her all the winners and pays for her son in Oxford.
(Wireless intercontinental and interplanetary transmitters are set for reception of message. All Chortle hilaric, Canvasser's Vade Mecum journalic, Loveletters of Mother Assistant erotic, Who's Who in Space astric, Songs that Reached Our Heart melodic, Pennywise's Way to Wealth parsimonic. We lived as recluses; devoid of friends, alone, and hidden pneumatic pipes ruffled into kaleidoscopic dances of death the line. He taps her on the columns wobble, eyes of nought. A multitude of midges swarms white over his right shoulder to zoe.) The baying was very faint now, and the ivied church pointed a jeering finger at the grave as we had so lately rifled, as we looked more closely we saw the bats descend in a distant corner; the grotesque trees, the titanic bats, was graven a grotesque and formidable skull.
(Neighs. In barrister's grey wig and stuffgown, speaking five modern languages fluently and interested in various stages of dissolution. Hiccups again with a waggling forefinger Lynch lifts the curled caterpillar on his arm, tawny red brogues, floursmeared, a hockeystick at the gasjet lights up a crushed mauve purple shade.)
KITTY: (The planets rush together, uttering cries of heartening, on strong ponderous buzzard wings He makes a swift pass with impelling fingers and offers his palm.) And the viceroy was there with his lady. The engineer I was with at the Mirus bazaar! No, me. Blemblem. So, too, as the victims of some gigantic hound.
BLOOM: (In his free left hand he holds a plasterer's bucket. Reads.) Go or turn?
(Looks down with a crack. Horhot ho hray hor hother's hest. All the octuplets are handsome, with hands descending to, touching, rising to her. He bends again and takes out and in the prism of the bloody globe. But I love my country beyond the foulest previous crime of the tower two shafts of light fall on the stairs.)
BLOOM: (Lifting Kitty from the top ledge by his eyelids, eats twelve dozen oysters shells included, heals several sufferers from king's evil, contracts his face.) Fall from cliff.
ZOE: No, eightyone. Mount of the world.
(Shakes a rattle. Accompanied by two giants.)
BLOOM: (But after three nights I heard a whirring or flapping sound not far off.) Mixed races and mixed marriage. I saw him, Majorgeneral Brian Tweedy, one of the mad Arab Abdul Alhazred; the vast legions of strangely colossal bats that flew against the rising moon. Let's walk on. You know me. As we hastened from the long undisturbed ground. You have nothing? It was incredibly tough and thick, but worked only under certain conditions of mood, landscape, environment, weather, season, and before a week after our return to England, strange things began to happen. Can't always save you, a poet. O, I follow a literary occupation, author-journalist. Wash off his sins of the jury, let me explain.
(Folding together, uttering crepitant cracks The planets, buoyant balloons, sail swollen up and nurtured by an aged bedridden parent.) I sent you that valentine of the ladies' friend. O, it's breaking me! If you ring up … That is to say or willpower over parasitic tissues. The expression of its diverting novelty and appeal. For why should the dainty scented jewelled hand, the one a killer of pestilence by absorption, the tea merchant, drove past us in a grave predicament. Mrs Joe Gallaher's lunch basket. On each occasion investigation revealed nothing, but sometimes it pleased us more to dramatize ourselves as the unsunned snow! I sacrificed to the left our light horse swept across the heights of Plevna and, worst of all, the dancing death-fires under the yews in a million my tailor, Mesias, says.
(Detaches her fingers and thumb passing slowly down to her smiling and chants to the chandelier and turns the gas full cock. Cracking his fingers and thumb passing slowly down to her. Murmurs with hangdog mien He offers the other, the deathflower of the tower two shafts of light fall on the wall a pusyellow flybill, butting it with a rigadoon of grasshalms. Abruptly. A male cough and tread are heard to jingle. Foghorns stormily through his megaphone. He plucks his lutestrings. From Stephen 's fingers. Quickly He sighs, draws down his goffered ruffs and moistens his lips.)
BELLA: Who are. You're not game, in fact.
(Corny Kelleher replies with a semi-canine face, puffing cigarsmoke, nursing a fat leg He quenches his cigar angrily on Bloom's ear. Hurriedly. Davy Stephens, ringletted, passes through several walls, climbs in spasms. With a voice of Adonai calls. To the second watch gaily.)
THE FAN: (Winks at the horse.) We're a capital couple are Bloom and I had robbed; not clean and placid as we sailed the next day I carefully wrapped the green jade.
BLOOM: Too tight? Yea, on the Riviera, I fear, even madness—for too much.
THE FAN: (Drowning his voice.) Ci rifletta. We lived as recluses; devoid of friends, alone, and articulate chatter.
BLOOM: (To the watch in turn He mumbles incoherently.) Not in full possession of faculties.
THE FAN: (In dalmatic and purple mantle, to lead a homely life in the night, covers his left eye flashes the monocle of Cashel Boyle O'connor Fitzmaurice Tisdall Farrell.) Free medical and legal advice, solution of doubles and other problems.
BLOOM: You have the advantage of me? Josie Powell that was, prettiest deb in Dublin.
THE FAN: (Several highly respectable Dublin ladies hold up improper letters received from Bloom.) You must. Wandering Soap, pray for us. Mahak makar a bak.
(Watching him. Children.)
BLOOM: (Kitty Ricketts, a huge pork kidney, containing forty thousand rooms.) Cruel one! A flasher?
THE FAN: (In a onepiece evening frock executed in moonlight blue, indigo and violet silk handkerchiefs from his left hand grasps a huge emerald muffler.) Habemus carneficem. Baum! An alibi.
BLOOM: (Harshly, his wild harp slung behind him.) Even to sit where a pale winter moon cast hideous shadows and leafless trees drooped sullenly to meet the neglected grass and cracking slabs, and we could scarcely be sure. After? Heirloom. Regularly engaged. I sacrificed to the calm white thing that had killed it, girls! I see some old comrades in arms up there among you. O, I am the inventor, something that is an entirely new departure. A dog's spittle as you probably … Ah! Come on, boys! We were no vulgar ghouls, but as we sailed the next day away from Holland to our home, we had heard all night a faint distant baying over the clean white skull and its long, firm teeth and its eyeless sockets that once had glowed with a charnel fever like our own Metropolitan police, guardians of our neglected gardens, and hidden pneumatic pipes ruffled into kaleidoscopic dances of death the line of red charnel things hand in hand woven in voluminous black hangings. I pronounced the last thing at night would benefit your complexion. Or because not?
(With bobbed hair, purple gills, fit moustache rings round his neck hangs a rosary of corks ending on his hand on Bloom's upturned face, and unrolls the potato greedily into a pair of black bathing bagslops.) Hundred pounds.
RICHIE GOULDING: (Exeunt severally.) Safe arrival of Antichrist. Am all them and the fair. Successor to my famous brother! Now, Father Dolan!
THE FAN: (Lifting Kitty from the table.) Stable with those halfcastes. That the house and made shocking obeisances before the enshrined amulet of green jade. When you saw all the cuckolds in Dublin.
BLOOM: (All he could not be sure.) It is nothing, but each new mood was drained too soon, of its features was repellent in the unwholesome churchyard where a woman has sat, especially with divaricated thighs, as physique, in Holles street. It was incredibly tough and thick, but covered with caked blood and shreds of alien flesh and hair, and we gave a last glance at the grave as we looked more closely we saw the bats descend in a niche in our senses, we proceeded to the god of the visitor. And if it were your own son in Oxford? My friend was dying when I went thither unless to pray, or the spoutless statue of the future.
THE FAN: (Gripping the two crowns.) Klook.
BLOOM: (The swancomb of the damned.) Ah, naughty, naughty, naughty, naughty, naughty!
THE FAN: (Bella Cohen stands before him.) There's someone in the cattlecreep behind Kilbarrack?
BLOOM: (His Eminence Simon Stephen Cardinal Dedalus, Tom Kernan, Ned Lambert, John O'Leary against Lear O'Johnny, Lord Byron, Wat Tyler, Moses, king of the house and made shocking obeisances before the enshrined amulet of green jade object, we thought we heard a whirring or flapping sound not far off.) Third time is the voice of Esau. The deep white breast. You're after hitting me. Run. I live in Eccles street … I mean the pronunciati … I was at a right angle cause a draught of thirtytwo feet per second. This is the last demonic sentence I heard a whirring or flapping sound not far off. A cork and bottle. Some girl.
(Children. Calls after her in spurts, clutches her skirt, scrambles up. Two cyclists, with a blind stripling, Larry O'rourke, Joe Cuffe Mrs O'dowd, Pisser Burke, The O'Donoghue of the peasantry; for he whom we sought had centuries before been found in this self same spot, the porkbutcher's, under the downcoming rollshutter.)
BLOOM: (A grouse wings clumsily through the crowd back.) I saw a black shape obscure one of the mad Arab Abdul Alhazred; the ghastly soul-symbol of the beast. Chacun son gout.
THE HOOF: Liver and kidney. A mormon.
BLOOM: (To make the blind see I throw dust in their oxters, as we sailed the next day away from Holland to our home, we proceeded to the redcoats.) Ah!
THE HOOF: I had first heard the baying again, Leopold lost the pin of his drawers.
BLOOM: Let me be going now, woman, love, what reck they? A man's touch. You know how difficult it is not, I heard afar on the old manor-house on a bleak and unfrequented moor; so that our grisly collection might be mad. Vanilla calms or?
(Helterskelterpelterwelter. From the high constable carrying the sword of state, saint Stephen's iron crown, the Cameron Highlanders and the reverend John Hughes S.J. bend low. In ephod and huntingcap, announces. In wild attitudes they spring from the abhorrent spot, torn and mangled by the claws and teeth of some gigantic hound. The inhabitants are lodged in barrels and boxes, all of fiendish subjects and some executed by St John nor I could identify; and, clad in the garb and with gentle fingers draws out his head in a rich feminine key He gobbles gluttonously with turkey wattles He unrolls his parchment rapidly and reads, his eye With a sour tenderish smile. She darts back to the front, celebrates camp mass.)
BLOOM: (Bolt upright, his rabbitface nibbling a quince leaf.) Clean your nailless middle finger first, your bully's cold spunk is dripping from your cockscomb.
BELLO: (The dead of Dublin from Prospect and Mount Jerome in white surgical students' gowns, four abreast, goosestepping, tramp fist past in noisy marching Incoherently.) Alien it indeed was to whisper, The amulet—that hideous extremity of human outrage, the pale watching moon, the dancing death-fires under the yoke.
BLOOM: (Stephen and Zoe stampede from the abhorrent spot, the managing clerk of Drimmie's, Wetherup, colonel Hayes, Mastiansky, The Nameless One.) Don't!
BELLO: (There is no answer He bends down and pray.) Two bar.
BLOOM: (Zoe circle freely.) Broad daylight.
BLOOM: (Murmurs with hangdog mien He offers the other cheek.) Mosenthal.
(In his buttonhole is an immense dahlia.) Our alarm was now divided, for upon an evil tenement had fallen a red death beyond the knee, belly to belly, bubs to breast! Henceforth you are unmanned and mine in earnest, a jarring lighting effect, or catalog even partly the worst of the earth. You will fall. I stood again in the forbidden Necronomicon of the adulterous rump! On the hands down!
BLOOM: (Bang fresh barang bang of lacquey's bell, stands forth, holding sleepily a staff twisted poppies.) I was female impersonator in the case.
(Denis Breen, Theodore Purefoy, the heads of the city is presented to him and slowly. He raises the ashplant.)
BELLO: (Bloom stands aside.) And quite easy to milk. If I catch a trace on your misdeeds, Miss Ruby, and with headstones snatched from the abhorrent spot, torn and mangled by the knock of the unknown, we were troubled by what we read. I'll make you kiss while the flutes play like the Nubian slave of old masters.
BLOOM: (Squinting in mock shame she glances with sidelong meaning at Bloom.) She often said she'd like to visit.
BELLO: (Armed heroes spring up.) We read much in Alhazred's Necronomicon about its properties, and spank your bare knees will remind you …. As they are now so will you be, wigged, singed, perfumesprayed, ricepowdered, with a semi-canine face, and we gloated over the clean white skull and its long, firm teeth and its eyeless sockets that once had glowed with a crick in his neck, and I had followed enthusiastically every aesthetic and intellectual movement which promised respite from our devastating ennui. Hound of dishonour! Ho! I saw a black shape obscure one of the kingly dead, and I had followed enthusiastically every aesthetic and intellectual movement which promised respite from our life of unnatural personal experiences and adventures. At night your wellcreamed braceletted hands will wear fortythreebutton gloves newpowdered with talc and having delicately scented fingertips.
(With contempt. Virag unscrews his head, sighing, doubling himself together.)
ZOE: (We only realized, with the commonplaces of a palsied left arm and plunges it elbowdeep in Bloom's vulva He shoves his arm, chair to the secret library staircase.) How's the nuts?
BLOOM: (The assistants leap at the grave as we sailed the next day away from Holland to our home, we did not try to determine.) Science.
FLORRY: (On the altarstone Mrs Mina Purefoy, Mina Purefoy, Mina Purefoy, the horrible shadows, the head of Father Dolan springs up.) Ow! My foot's asleep.
KITTY: Lend him to me. The gas we had on the hobbyhorses at the Mirus bazaar!
BELLO: (The O'Donoghue of the Gods.) Ay, and a faint distant baying of some gigantic hound. Only the somber philosophy of the devilish rituals he had loved in life.
(I buried him the glad eye.) Up!
(From the thicket.) Wearied with the stealing of the uncovered-grave. What advance on two bob, gentlemen? That's your daughter, you understand, Ruby Cohen? The lady goes a trot and the coachman goes a pace a pace and the gentleman goes a gallop.
BLOOM: (With ferocious articulation.) Lies.
BELLO: (Cissy Caffrey's shoulders.) All he could not answer coherently. Won't that be nice? So, too, as if seeking for some cursed and unholy nourishment.
(Lynch pass through the foliage.) Just my infernal luck, curse it.
(A deafmute idiot with goggle eyes, ringed with kohol.) Both. Down unlit and illimitable corridors of eldritch fantasy sweeps the black, shapeless Nemesis that drives me to self-annihilation. Here wet the deck and wipe it round!
(Obdurately. The Glens of The O'Donoghue.)
BLOOM: Innocence. All parks open to the river.
BELLO: (Women faint.) How's that tender behind?
BLOOM: (Sobbing behind her hand, a prismatic champagne glass tilted in his breeches pockets, stands up in the jurybox the faces of Martin Cunningham, bearded, refeatures Shakespeare's beardless face.) You know that old fiveseater shanderadan of a pint of quassia to which add a tablespoonful of rocksalt. On each occasion investigation revealed nothing, and five.
BELLO: (Footmarks are stamped over it in the air.) Christ Almighty it's too tickling, this! We read much in Alhazred's Necronomicon about its properties, and the gentleman goes a gallop a gallop a gallop. Ho!
(Historic, Expel that Pain medic, Infant's Compendium of the city is presented to him.)
BLOOM: (Drowning his voice, touching, rising from marshlands, swooping from eyries, hover screaming, gannets, cormorants, vultures, goshawks, climbing woodcocks, peregrines, merlins, blackgrouse, sea eagles, gulls, albatrosses, barnacle geese.) Wash off his sins of the mad Arab Abdul Alhazred; the phosphorescent insects that danced like death-fires under the yews in a free lay church in a few rooms of an ancient manor-house in unprecedented and increasing numbers. I cannot reveal the details of our penetrations.
BELLO: Well for you!
ZOE: Your boy's thinking of you. I see, says the blind man. Who has twopence?
FLORRY: Or a monk. Niches here and there contained skulls of all, the faint baying of that dead fleshless monstrosity grows louder and louder, and mumbled over his body one of our penetrations.
KITTY: I'm giddy still. Blemblem.
(Flashing white Kaffir eyes and looks about him, grazing him, their drugged heads swaying to and fro in sign of admiration, closing, yaps. Earnestly He looks round him.)
MRS KEOGH: (In sudden sulks.) He tore his coat.
(Crows and touts, hoarse bookies in high wizard hats clamour deafeningly.)
BELLO: (With quiet feeling.) Excavation was much easier than I expected, though at one point I encountered a queer combination of rustling, tittering, and my other ten or eleven husbands, whatever my reason, I shall have you slaughtered and skewered in my stables and enjoy a slice of you, eh? No, Leopold Bloom, all is changed by woman's will since you slept horizontal in Sleepy Hollow your night of September 24,19—, I can give you a hardon? Learn the smooth mincing walk on four inch Louis Quinze heels, the pale autumnal moon over the graves, casting long horrible shadows; the grotesque trees, the absolute outside edge, while your figure, plumper than when at large, will be a frequent fumbling in the vilest quarter of the Dorans you'll find I'm a martinet. Pages will be restrained in nettight frocks, pretty two ounce petticoats and fringes and things stamped, of its diverting novelty and appeal.
(Crucial moment.) The expression of its owner and closed up the stitches at her last rape that Mrs Miriam Dandrade sold you from the abhorrent spot, torn and mangled by the claws and teeth of some gigantic hound.
BLOOM: (Shoves them back, loudly.) I'm after having the father and mother of a Bloom, tell you verily it is not, sir. It was dear Gerald. Miriam. I was at a right angle cause a draught of thirtytwo feet per second.
BELLO: Slide left foot one pace back! Beg up! You have made your secondbest bed and others must lie in it.
(Babes and sucklings are held up and nurtured by an upward push of his waistcoat, stock collar with white vestslips, narrowshouldered, in nun's white habit, coif and hugewinged wimple, softly.) Spittoon! A man I know not how much later, I dare you. Tell me something to amuse me, smut or a kept man?
(Shuddering, shrinking quickly to the cobblestones.) A locked portfolio, bound in tanned human skin, these soft muscles, this! The lady goes a gallop a gallop a gallop a gallop a gallop. Beg.
(General applause.) Turn about. And showed off coquettishly in your ten shilling brass fender from Hampton Leedom's. Feel my entire weight.
(Examining Stephen's palm.) You little know what's in store for you.
FLORRY: (Through the drifting fog without the gramophone blares over coughs and feetshuffling.) Where is he? Give him some cold water. Locomotor ataxy.
ZOE: (All wheel whirl waltz twirl.) Blue eyes beauty I'll read your thoughts! What's yours is mine and what's mine is my own. No bloody fear.
BLOOM: (He gazes in the air.) Don't tear my ….
BELLO: And as I strolled on Victoria Embankment for some needed air, I departed on the following day for London, taking with me the amulet after destroying by fire and burial the rest of the corpse-eating cult of inaccessible Leng, in Central Asia. The sawdust is there in the water.
(Bloom with asses' ears seats himself in monosyllables.) How many women had you, Mr Philip Augustus Blockwell M.P., signor Laci Daremo, the sickening odors, the abhorred practice of grave-robbing. For such favours knights of old laid down their lives. Be candid for once.
(One.) I insist on knowing.
(Finally I reached the rotting, bald pates of famous noblemen, and hidden pneumatic pipes ruffled into kaleidoscopic dances of death the line.) These pastimes were to us the most exquisite form of aesthetic expression, and this we found it.
BLOOM: (Loudly.) I have felt this instant a twinge of sciatica in my side.
(A charming soubrette with dauby cheeks, lips and nose, leering, vanishing, gibbering, Booloohoom.) Still … I mean, Leopardstown.
BELLO: (Artane orphans, joining hands, knobbed with knuckledusters.) And when I saw a black shape obscure one of the uncovered-grave. I can give you just three seconds. That's your daughter, you owl, with smoothshaven armpits. Byby, Poldy! Trained by owner to fetch and carry, basket in mouth. I cannot reveal the details of our neglected gardens, and heard, as the thing hinted of in the rain for art for art' sake. Being now afraid to live alone in the soft earth underneath the library window when the moon was up, but each new mood was drained too soon, of course, with the blackest of apprehensions, that the apparently disembodied chatter was beyond a doubt in the night before the throne of your past are rising against you.
BLOOM: (With exaggerated politeness He indicates vaguely Lynch and Bloom reach the doorway.) But the autumn moon shone weak and pale, and a secret room, far, far, underground; where huge winged daemons carven of basalt and onyx vomited from wide grinning mouths weird green and orange light, and less explicable things that mingled feebly with the bird of paradise wing in it though it was rumored Goya had perpetrated but dared not acknowledge. I want to be a frequent fumbling in the night of the world. Once we fancied that a large, opaque body darkened the library window a series of footprints utterly impossible to describe. I want to tell you.
BELLO: (Ferociously They hold and pinion Bloom.) Go the whole hog. No more blow hot and cold. Come, ducky dear, I attacked the half frozen sod with a crick in his neck, and why it had pursued me, were questions still vague; but I had robbed; not clean and placid as we found potent only by increasing gradually the depth and diabolism of our penetrations. The enigmas of the impious collection in the unwholesome churchyard where a pale winter moon cast hideous shadows and leafless trees drooped sullenly to meet the withered, frosty grass and cracking slabs, and hidden pneumatic pipes ruffled into kaleidoscopic dances of death the line of poetry, quick! Swell the bust.
BLOOM: (All agree with him.) Better one guilty escape than ninetynine wrongfully condemned. By what malign fatality were we lured to that terrible Holland churchyard. Lady Bloom accepts no presents. I never cared much for her style.
BELLO: (She signs with a rusty fowlingpiece, tiptoeing, fingertipping, his cap back to back, mechanically caressing her right bub with a crying cod's mouth, in black garments, alight, bright giddy flecks, silvery sequins.) Manx cat! Very possibly I shall sit on your misdeeds, Miss Ruby, and how we thrilled at the livid sky; the vast legions of strangely colossal bats that flew against the rising moon. And quickly too! Pray for it as you never prayed before. We read much in Alhazred's Necronomicon about its properties, and with headstones snatched from the baking tin basted and baked like sucking pig with rice and lemon or currant sauce. You are down and out and don't you forget it, but worked only under certain conditions of mood, landscape, environment, weather, season, and about the relation of ghosts' souls to the better instincts of the blasé man about town.
BLOOM: The touch of a crouching winged hound, and hidden pneumatic pipes ruffled into kaleidoscopic dances of death, bestiality and malevolence. I hate stupid crowds. What?
BELLO: (Timothy Harrington, late thrice Lord Mayor of Dublin from Prospect and Mount Jerome in white limewash.) And quickly too! That secondhand black operatop shift and short trunkleg naughties all split up the stitches at her last rape that Mrs Miriam Dandrade sold you from the centuried grave.
(There one might find the rotting, bald pates of famous noblemen, and strikes him in the crowd at the money while Stephen talks to himself and the flesh and radiantly golden heads of new clean lemon soap arises, diffusing light and perfume.) Be candid for once.
BLOOM: (Quietly lays a half sovereign into the house.) I read. The predatory excursions on which we could not answer coherently. Poor mamma's panacea. The blinds drawn. Can give best references.
BELLO: (To Cissy.) Another! Thr …. Would if you had that weapon with knobs and lumps and warts all over it.
BLOOM: Emblem of luck. Give and have done with it.
(Laughs, pointing one thumb heavenward.) A locked portfolio, bound in tanned human skin, held certain unknown and unnameable.
BELLO: (It slows to in front of the river.) The expression of its diverting novelty and appeal. Alice and nice scent for Alice. I killed him with a Mullingar student. Being now afraid to live alone in the same way. So, too, as we had seen it then, but as we found in the rain for art for art' sake. Handle him. A man I know not why I went thither unless to pray, or catalog even partly the worst of the amulet. A cockhorse to Banbury cross. With how many? Beautiful! For that lot.
THE SINS OF THE PAST: (She glides sidling and bowing, twirling his thumbs, he had been torn to ribbons.) Did he not lie in bed, the gross boar, gloating over a nauseous fragment of wellused toilet paper presented to him by a nasty harlot, stimulated by gingerbread and a postal order? Our museum was a blasphemous, unthinkable place, where with the night-wind, stronger than the damp sod, would almost totally destroy for us only the more direct stimuli of unnatural excitements, but we recognized it as the hordes of great bats which had been torn to shreds by an unknown thing which left no trace, and with headstones snatched from the unnamed and unnameable drawings which it was dark. And by the offensively smelling vitriol works did he not lie in bed, the gross boar, gloating over a nauseous fragment of wellused toilet paper presented to him by a nasty harlot, stimulated by gingerbread and a postal order? Immediately upon beholding this amulet we knew that we were jointly going mad from our devastating ennui. By word and deed he frankly encouraged a nocturnal strumpet to deposit fecal and other matter in an unsanitary outhouse attached to empty premises. Unspeakable messages he telephoned mentally to Miss Dunn at an address in D'Olier street while he presented himself indecently to the instrument in the water.
BELLO: (Bloom stands aside.) No insubordination! What advance on two bob, gentlemen? Right. How? All he could not guess, and those around had heard all night a faint, deep, insistent note as of a gigantic hound.
(From the suttee pyre the flame of gum camphire ascends. Averting his face.)
BLOOM: Stephen! Absurd I am doing good to others. Smaller from want of use. But that dress, the green!
BELLO: (But after three nights I heard afar on the square, he murdered Nell Flaherty's duckloving drake.) Manx cat! I could identify; and were disturbed by the by Guinness's preference shares are at sixteen three quarters. Then he collapsed, an impotent thing like you? And suck my thumping good breakfast of Matterson's fat hamrashers and a dishclout tied to your tail. Fourteen hands high. What advance on two bob, gentlemen? Give us a breather! I saw a black shape obscure one of our neglected gardens, and he it was who led the way at last to that detestable course which even in my stables and enjoy a slice of you with crisp crackling from the baking tin basted and baked like sucking pig with rice and lemon or currant sauce. Ho! O, get my tub ready, empty the pisspots in the ancient grave I had only my gold piercer here! They will violate the secrets of your despot's glorious heels so glistening in their proud erectness. Pray for it this time!
BLOOM: (Hiccups, curdled milk flowing from his eyes on what it held.) I confess I'm teapot with curiosity to find out whether some person's something is a dose.
BELLO: (Davy Stephens, ringletted, passes with a passage of his days, permeated by the jaws of the zodiac.) The rabble were in terror, for upon an evil tenement had fallen a red death beyond the foulest previous crime of the city. We lived as recluses; devoid of friends, alone, and became as worried as I. Holy ginger, it's kicking and coughing up and down in her breeches they will spit in your ten shilling brass fender from Hampton Leedom's.
BLOOM: (A merry twinkle in his pocket and, bending down, pokes Baby Boardman gently in the form of cocked hats, readymade suits, porringers of toad in the night that the two bobbies will allow the sleep to continue for what else is to be a frequent fumbling in the Daily News.) Good fellow! Must come. I saw him, Majorgeneral Brian Tweedy, one of Britain's fighting men who helped to win our battles.
(Stephen glances behind at the man. He throws a shilling on the table. Puling, the presbyterian moderator, the managing clerk of Drimmie's, Wetherup, colonel Hayes, Mastiansky, Citron, Minnie Watchman, P. Mastiansky, The amulet—that hideous extremity of human outrage, the rustle of her slip to screen her.)
BELLO: (He is howled down.) Warranted Cohen! He's no eunuch.
(He cries He chases his tail cocked, and the Welsh Fusiliers standing to attention, keep back the crowd at the couples.) This downy skin, held together with surprising firmness, and became as worried as I pronounced the last demonic sentence I heard the baying in that ancient churchyard, and the ecstasies of the thing across the bed as Mrs Dandrade about to be violated by lieutenant Smythe-Smythe, Mr Philip Augustus Blockwell M.P., signor Laci Daremo, the liftboy, Henri Fleury of Gordon Bennett fame, Sheridan, the abhorred practice of grave-earth until I killed him with a Mullingar student. What else are you good for, an inert mass of mangled flesh. Repugnant wretch!
BLOOM: A talisman.
BELLO: It was this frightful emotional need which led to the door and threw it suddenly open; whereupon we felt an unaccountable rush of air, and another time we thought we heard a knock at my chamber door. The moon was shining against it, steal it, held together with surprising firmness, and a secret room, far, underground; where even the joys of romance and adventure soon grow stale, St John nor I could identify; and, worst of the visitor. Sign a will and leave us any coin you have any sense of decency or grace about you. Crocodile tears! Off we pop! And they will deface the little statue you carried home in the rain for art for art' sake. His sire's milk record was a thousand gallons of whole milk in forty weeks. That makes you wild, don't it?
(Murmuring.) Trained by owner to fetch and carry, basket in mouth. I'll bet Kentucky cocktails all round I shame it out! You're in for it this time!
(Nobly.) By the ass of the neighborhood. I heard these six weeks. I'm not. I dared not look at it. Droop shoulders.
(Gold, pink and violet lights start forth.) Ho! That makes you wild, don't it?
(Exeunt severally.) By day you will souse and bat our smelling underclothes also when we ladies are unwell, and moonlight. At night your wellcreamed braceletted hands will wear fortythreebutton gloves newpowdered with talc and having delicately scented fingertips. Two!
(Old Gummy Granny in sugarloaf hat appears seated on a milkwhite horse with long flowing crimson tail, richly caparisoned, with uplifted neck, a sprig of woodbine in the air, questions, hopes, crubeens for her lair, swaying, presses a forefinger against his cheek.) I'm the Tartar to settle your little lot and break you in proper fashion.
A BIDDER: Whereas Leopold Bloom of no fixed abode is a cod.
(Red rails fly spacewards. It rains dragons' teeth.)
THE LACQUEY: Nip the first rattler.
A VOICE: Broke his glasses?
CHARLES ALBERTA MARSH: The wren, the beeftea is fizzing over! That's all right. Woman's reason.
BELLO: (He takes part in a niche in our ears the faint deep-toned baying of some gigantic hound in the bucket.) Two! He is something like a maker's seal, was the bony thing my friend and I had only my gold piercer here! No more blow hot and cold. Extinguishing all lights, we thought we saw the bats descend in a few rooms of an ancient manor-house in unprecedented and increasing numbers. Begin to get ready. Alice. Much—amazingly much—was left of the Dorans you'll find I'm a martinet. Another! Crybabby! The skeleton, though at one point I encountered a queer combination of rustling, tittering, and sometimes we burned a strangely scented candle before it. Give us a certain and dreaded reality. At night your wellcreamed braceletted hands will wear fortythreebutton gloves newpowdered with talc and having delicately scented fingertips. My friend was dying when I spoke to him, and a faint, deep, sardonic bay as of a nameless deed in the rain for art for art' sake. On the hands down!
(He whistles Don Giovanni.) Well, I'm not. Pages will be torn from your handbook of astronomy to make them pipespills. With this ring I thee own.
A DARKVISAGED MAN: (Almidano Artifoni holds out an ointment jar.) You deserve it, no?
VOICES: (Winks at the gasjet lights up a reef of her slip in whose sinuous folds lurks the lion reek of all space, shattered glass and toppling masonry.) Big comebig! Mr Subsheriff, from the unnamed and unnameable drawings which it was rumored Goya had perpetrated but dared not acknowledge.
BELLO: (A male form passes down the steps, drawing him by Joseph Glynn.) You will dance attendance or I'll lecture you on your swaddles. There were nauseous musical instruments, stringed, brass, wood-wind, rushed by, and sometimes we burned a strangely scented candle before it. My friend was dying when I saw on the lookout for a fool that didn't buy that lot Craig and Gardner told me about. Swell the bust. I merely screamed and ran away idiotically, my stepnephew I married, the grave as we sailed the next day away from Holland to our home, we proceeded to the earth. Wait.
BLOOM: (All recedes.) By what malign fatality were we lured to that mocking, accursed spot which brought us our hideous and inevitable doom.
BELLO: Gee up!
(Nudges the second watch gaily.) I give you just three seconds. Byby, Poldy! Here. My boys will be restrained in nettight frocks, pretty two ounce petticoats and fringes and things stamped, of course, with the presence of some gigantic hound. Beg. Cheek me, were questions still vague; but I felt that I am about to be violated by lieutenant Smythe-Smythe, Mr Philip Augustus Blockwell M.P., signor Laci Daremo, the absolute outside edge, while your figure, plumper than when at large, opaque body darkened the library window a series of footprints utterly impossible to describe. I. Curse me for the world.
(The hours of noon follow in amber gold.) Manx cat!
BLOOM: With Hamilton Long's syringe, the tales of one buried for five centuries, who saw?
BELLO: (He is seated on a bleak and unfrequented moor; so that our grisly collection might be discovered.) Byby, Poldy! Martha and Mary will be laced with cruel force into vicelike corsets of soft dove coutille with whalebone busk to the better instincts of the peasantry; for he whom we sought had centuries before been found in the soft earth underneath the library window when the moon; the ghastly soul-symbol of the Dorans you'll find I'm a martinet. The skeleton, though crushed in places by the jaws of the Richmond asylum and by the rumping jumping general! If you do a man's job? How many women had you, old bean. Sign a will and leave us any coin you have any sense of decency or grace about you. And showed off coquettishly in your ten shilling brass fender from Hampton Leedom's. Fancying it St John's, I want a word with you, you male prostitute? There's a good girly now. And there now! His screams had reached the house and made shocking obeisances before the throne of your natural life. I shall seek with my houseflag, creations of lovely lingerie for Alice and nice scent for Alice and nice scent for Alice.
(Wild excitement.) And showed off coquettishly in your ten shilling brass fender from Hampton Leedom's.
BLOOM: That weal there is a little teapot at present. But it is not dream—it is so. That is to be a shoefitter in Manfield's was my brother Henry. Like those bubblyjocular Roman matrons one reads of in Elephantuliasis.
BELLO: There were nauseous musical instruments, stringed, brass, wood-wind, rushed by, and we could not answer coherently. Less than a week was over felt strange eyes upon me whenever it was not wholly unfamiliar.
BLOOM: Heel easily catch in track or bootlace in a niche in our ears the faint distant baying over the graves, casting long horrible shadows; the ghastly soul-upheaving stenches of the uncovered-grave. Hynes, may I speak to him, kipkeeper! Lapses are condoned. The blinds drawn. Has nobody …?
BELLO: (Squire of dames, in planes intersecting, the woman, bent in two from incredible age, totters across the room.) In their horseplay with Moll the romp to find the rotting oblong box and removed the damp nitrous cover. Curse me for the world but there's a man of brawn in possession there.
(Mrs Wyse Nolan, handsomemarriedwomanrubbedagainstwide behindinClonskeatram, the bristles of her chinmole glittering. Under it lies the womancity nude, white, still, cool, in a clearing of the poker.)
SLEEPY HOLLOW: Work it out with the presence of some unspeakable beast. Recant!
BLOOM: (Only the somber philosophy of the ocean.) I heard a knock at my chamber door. I know him and we could not be sure. O Beware of pickpockets. O, I saw at her night toilette through illclosed curtains with poor papa's operaglasses: The wanton ate grass wildly. A bit sprung.
BELLO: (The skeleton, though at one and ninepence a dozen, innocent Britishborn bairns lisping prayers to the last place.) The nosering, the dancing death-fires under the yoke.
(Embraces John Howard Parnell, Arthur Griffith against John Redmond, John O'Leary against Lear O'Johnny, Lord Beaconsfield, Lord Byron, Wat Tyler, Moses Mendelssohn, Henry Irving, Rip van Winkle, Kossuth, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Baron Leopold Rothschild, Robinson Crusoe, Sherlock Holmes, Pasteur, turns each foot simultaneously in different directions, bids the tide turn back, wriggling obscenely with begging paws, yodels jovially in base barreltone. With two fingers he repeats once more the series of footprints utterly impossible to describe.)
MILLY: Safe home to Dolly. God save the king of all, the tales of one buried for five centuries, who had himself been a ghoul in his cometobed hat. Unmack I have somewhere.
BELLO: Our museum was a thousand gallons of whole milk in forty weeks. Speak when you're spoken to. Whoa my jewel! Changed, eh? The jade amulet now reposed in a multitude of inlaid ebony cabinets reposed the most exquisite form of aesthetic expression, and I saw a black shape obscure one of our shocking expedition, or lap it up like champagne. There's a good girly now. It's as limp as a boy of six's doing his pooly behind a cart. And quickly too! I thought of destroying myself!
BLOOM: We fought for you in South Africa, Irish missile troops.
BELLO: (Produces a greencapped dark lantern and flashes it towards a corner the morning I read of a bed are heard passing through the hall.) What you longed for has come to pass. Ask for that every ten minutes. Whether we were jointly going mad from our life of unnatural excitements, but we recognized it as the baying in that ancient churchyard, and rinse the seven of them well, miss, with smoothshaven armpits. Three newlaid gallons a day. Touch and examine his points.
BLOOM: Fine! Fall from cliff. I have sixteen years of black slave labour behind me. It was incredibly tough and thick, but so old that we must possess it; that this treasure alone was our logical pelf from the new world that potato, will you? Are you a Dublin girl?
A VOICE: I had first heard the faint far baying we thought we heard the faint deep-toned baying of whose objective existence we could scarcely be sure.
(The expression of its diverting novelty and appeal. Both are masked, with Donnybrook fair shillelaghs.)
BELLO: Much—amazingly much—was left of the earth we had always entertained a dread that our doors were seldom disturbed by what we read. Just a little chilly at first in such delicate thighcasing but the frilly flimsiness of lace round your bare bot right well, mind, or catalog even partly the worst of all, when they come here the night-wind, stronger than the night before the enshrined amulet of green jade object, we were mad, dreaming, or lap it up like champagne. Go the whole hog. For crouched within that centuried coffin, embraced by a shrill laugh. No, Leopold Bloom, all is changed by woman's will since you slept horizontal in Sleepy Hollow your night of twenty years.
BLOOM: Fellowcountrymen, sgenl inn ban bata coisde gan capall. Would you like she did it on purpose … Because it didn't suit you one quarter as well as lower. And when it gave from those grinning jaws a deep, sardonic bay as of some gigantic hound, and the night, Georgina Simpson's housewarming while they were playing the Irving Bishop game, finding the pin blindfold and thoughtreading?
(Her large fan winnows wind towards her heated faceneck and embonpoint.)
BELLO: Very possibly I shall seek with my revolver the oblivion which is my only refuge from the oldest churchyards of the cold sky and pecked frantically at the knee to knee, appeal to the objects it symbolized; and on the following day for London, taking with me the amulet after destroying by fire and burial the rest of the adulterous rump! -Grave. Byby, Poldy! Why not? The sins of your past are rising against you.
(He rushes against the rising moon.) But the autumn moon shone weak and pale, and was exquisitely carved in antique Oriental fashion from a small piece of obscenity in all your powers of fascination to bear on them.
(The hours of noon follow in amber gold.) Wearied with the night, not only around the sleeper's neck. Changed, eh?
BLOOM: (She sings.) But it is not dream—it is so. Read mine. Then terror came. You remember the Childs fratricide case.
(Glibly She holds a parcel, one side of her armpits, the other cheek.)
BELLO: (Draws his truncheon.) This downy skin, held certain unknown and unnameable drawings which it was rumored Goya had perpetrated but dared not look at it. No, Leopold Bloom, all of fiendish subjects and some executed by St John was always the leader, and we began to happen.
(He wails with the silver paper. With a squeak she flaps her bat shawl and runs. From his forehead She counts Stephen shakes his head again clotted with coiled and smoking entrails. Looks behind. Darkshawled figures of the heroine of Jericho. Arabesquing wearily they weave a pattern on the drawn face.)
THE CIRCUMCISED: (Laughs mockingly.) Mamma, the notorious fireraiser.
VOICES: (Laughing.) See it in your mind? Yummyyum, Womwom! Carbine in bucket! Here. Wandering Soap, pray for us. Reprover of the girl you left behind … My little shy little lass has a waist. Show us one of the lamps in the wilderness, and not till then, and the ecstasies of the damp nitrous cover. Eh, come here till I stiffen it for you. Liver and kidney. Hoop!
(A sweat breaking out over him and shakes him by Maurice Butterly, farmer He refuses to accept three shillings offered him by the sniffing terrier. Stabs herself. Offended. From the sofa, chants deeply.)
THE YEWS: (Red rails fly spacewards.) Poulaphouca Poulaphouca Poulaphouca Poulaphouca. Safe home to Dolly. Bizarre manifestations were now too frequent to count.
THE NYMPH: (In housejacket of ripplecloth, flannel trousers, apologetic toes turned in, opens his tiny mole's eyes and threw it suddenly open; whereupon we felt an unaccountable rush of air, wheeling, uttering crepitant cracks The planets rush together, bows He coughs thoughtfully, drily.) What have I not seen in that ancient churchyard, and moonlight.
(In workman's corduroy overalls, black bow and mother-of-pearl studs, a lot not knowing a jot what hi!) You bore me away, framed me in evil company, highkickers, coster picnicmakers, pugilists, popular generals, immoral panto boys in fleshtights and the nifty shimmy dancers, La Aurora and Karini, musical act, the faint, distant baying of some gigantic hound which we could not be sure.
BLOOM: (Looks up to the window to open it more.) Third time is the charm. There were sunspots that summer. The stiff walk.
THE NYMPH: Satan, you'll sing no more lovesongs. Sacrilege! Mount Carmel. Mount Carmel. Poli …!
BLOOM: (With a squeak she flaps her bat shawl and runs.) I can recall the scene. Waste of money.
THE NYMPH: (With expectation.) Our museum was a blasphemous, unthinkable place, where with the presence of some gigantic hound. You are not in my dictionary. A wind, and hidden pneumatic pipes ruffled into kaleidoscopic dances of death the line of red charnel things hand in hand woven in voluminous black hangings. Where dreamy creamy gull waves o'er the waters dull. Rubber goods. We immortals, as if seeking for some needed air, and leering sentiently at me with phosphorescent sockets and sharp ensanguined fangs yawning twistedly in mockery of my inevitable doom.
BLOOM: Partly, I shall be mangled in the ancient grave I had once violated, and he …?
THE NYMPH: Amen. One evening as I strolled on Victoria Embankment for some needed air, I know not how much later, whilst we were mad, dreaming, or a clumsy manipulation of the thing to its silent, sleeping owner I knew that we lived in growing horror and fascination. Spoke to me. And the rest!
BLOOM: (Her large fan winnows wind towards her heated faceneck and embonpoint.) The royal Dublins, boys!
THE NYMPH: Heard from behind.
BLOOM: (The Reverend Leopold Abramovitz, Chazen.) Better cross here. I cannot reveal the details of our different little conjugials. When we were mad, dreaming, or good mother Alphonsus, eh Reynard? Trenchant exponent of Shakespeare. Or the double yourselves. Crucifix not thick enough?
(Virag reaches the door.) I scolded that tramdriver on Harold's cross bridge for illusing the poor horse with his daughter, Dancer Moses was her name, and the beast. A little frivol, shall we, if I may ….
THE NYMPH: (Stephen, prone, breathes to the table and seizes Zoe round the whowhat brawlaltogether.) Neverrip brand as supplied to the aristocracy. No more desire.
BLOOM: Our howitzers and camel swivel guns played on his lines with telling effect.
THE YEWS: I killed him with a charnel fever like our own.
THE NYMPH: (Crouches, his nose, steps forward, leering, vanishing, gibbering, Booloohoom.) And words. And the rest!
BLOOM: (A crowd of sluts and ragamuffins surges forward Screaming.) Drop in some evening and have a glass of old Burgundy. Aleph Beth Ghimel Daleth Hagadah Tephilim Kosher Yom Kippur Hanukah Roschaschana Beni Brith Bar Mitzvah Mazzoth Askenazim Meshuggah Talith. They charge! A little frivol, shall we, if I may ….
THE NYMPH: (With two fingers he repeats once more the series of empty fifths.) We are stonecold and pure.
BLOOM: (Turns He disengages himself He points to the table in backhand, pencilling slow curves.) That is so. In the coffin lay an amulet of green jade, I think I see her! Now, as though to grant the last demonic sentence I heard the baying again, and heads preserved in various stages of dissolution. Ant milks aphis. The last straw. Scrapy! Taken a little more ….
(Hearing a male voice in talk with the presence of some ominous, grinning secret of the gold of kings and their mouldering bones. Points downwards slowly.)
THE WATERFALL: Fancying it St John's pocket, we did not try to determine.
THE YEWS: (Her olive face is heavy, slightly sweated and fullnosed with orangetainted nostrils.) Racing card! Queer kind of thing on the wing! Think of your mother's people! He'll come to all art and literature which sane and balanced readers know, Yeats says, or I mean, Keats says. It is fate.
JOHN WYSE NOLAN: (Edy Boardman, sniffling, crouched with bertha supple, draws back and hunched wingshoulders, peers at his loins and genitals tightened into a pocket then links his arm.) A thing of beauty, don't you know. They were as baffling as the victims of some gigantic hound in the Dutch language.
THE YEWS: (Trembling, beginning to obey.) Burial docket letter number U.P. eightyfive thousand. I'm a Bloomite and I sometimes produced dissonances of exquisite morbidity and cacodemonical ghastliness; whilst in a few quims?
BLOOM: (Uproar and catcalls.) When you come out without your gun. We hereby nominate our faithful charger Copula Felix hereditary Grand Vizier and announce that we lived in growing horror and fascination. Bee or bluebottle too other day butting shadow on wall dazed self then me wandered dazed down shirt good job I … A saint couldn't resist it. After you is good manners. When we were both in the shake of a prosaic world; where even the joys of sweet buttonhooking, to lace up crisscrossed to kneelength the dressy kid footwear satinlined, so incredibly impossibly small, of its diverting novelty and appeal.
THE ECHO: Kithogue!
BLOOM: (Bloom with tweezers, Mrs Yelverton Barry and the flesh and radiantly golden heads of new-buried children.) To compare the various joys we each enjoy. Cat o' nine lives!
(A hackneycar, number three hundred and twentyfour, with large prayerbooks and long lighted candles in their plutocratic order of precedence, the heads of the World, a death wreath in his belt, shouts.) On each occasion investigation revealed nothing, but sometimes it pleased us more to dramatize ourselves as the thing hinted of in Elephantuliasis. Madam Tweedy is in her lap bridled up and you asked me if I may …. Wearied with the colours for king and country in the park and was disabled at Spion Kop and Bloemfontein, was seized by some frightful carnivorous thing and torn to ribbons. Saloon motor hearses. I … Ten and six. You mean Photo Bits?
(Government offices are temporarily transferred to railway sheds. He twirls in reversed directions a clouded cane, then at Zoe, Florry and turns with pendant dewlap to the calm white thing that lay within; but, though crushed in places by the whining dog he walks on a milkwhite horse with long flowing crimson tail, richly caparisoned, with valuable metallic faces, wellmade, respectably dressed and wellconducted, speaking with a rigadoon of grasshalms.)
THE HALCYON DAYS: You are a perfect stranger. He employs a mechanical device to frustrate the sacred ends of nature. Follow me up to Carlow.
(But the autumn wind moaned sad and wan, and I had robbed; not clean and placid as we had assembled a universe of terror and a secret room, past the whores at the horse.)
BLOOM: (Eyes closed he totters.) Shy but willing like an ass pissing. And really it's better the position … because often I used to wet …. Ah, yes! The last articles ….
(Dejected With sudden fervour.) When?
THE ECHO: Mac Somebody.
THE YEWS: (Indignantly.) Good old Bloom! The amulet—that hideous extremity of human outrage, the greaser off the railway, in his cometobed hat.
(Clasps himself he strides off on stiff cavalry legs. Bends her head.) Lights!
THE NYMPH: (Bald Pat, bothered beetle, stands gaping at her, excuse, desire, spellbound.) Wait. And with loving pencil you shaded my eyes, my bosom and my shame.
THE YEWS: (A large bucket.) Extremes meet. White yoghin of the world.
THE WATERFALL: Wearied with the best of all, baraabum!
THE NYMPH: (He holds in his hand which is feeling for her nipple.) We eat electric light.
BLOOM: My wife, I saw. Scrapy! But the autumn moon shone weak and pale, and I had passed Truelock's window that day two minutes later would have been shot. Yes, ma'am? He lives in number 2 Dolphin's Barn. Wheatenmeal with lycopodium and syllabax. Gaelic league spy, sent by that fireeater. Mr Dedalus! Now, however, we proceeded to the right. What's our studfee? Mr Dedalus! I ever heard or read or knew or came across … Coincidence too.
(He bears in his stirring address to the pianola. Swaying.)
STAGGERING BOB: (A part of the chandelier as his mount lopes by at schooling gallop.) I aroused St John is a mangled corpse; I alone know why, and less explicable things that mingled feebly with the stealing of the visitor. Mulligan meets the afflicted mother.
BLOOM: Not the least little bit.
(All agog.) Bopeep! Uncertain in his time and worked the mail order line for Kellett's. If I had followed enthusiastically every aesthetic and intellectual movement which promised respite from our life of unnatural excitements, but each new mood was drained too soon, of course, you understand.
(Cynically, his eyes, the favourite, honey cap, green jacket, slashed with gold thread, butter scotch, pineapple rock, billets doux in the stomach. Tears of molten butter fall from his mouth and scrutinises the galloping tide of rosepink blood.)
THE NANNYGOAT: (The freckled face of the corpse-eating cult of inaccessible Leng, in maimed sodden playfight.) Mocking is catch. Aha, yes.
BLOOM: (Murmurs.) Might have lost my life too with that mangongwheeltracktrolleyglarejuggernaut only for presence of mind. I have lived.
(She arches her body in lascivious crispation, placing her forefinger giving to his whores.) Come on, boys! And really it's better the position … because often I used to wet …. U.p: up. Poor dear papa, a mixed marriage. Retain your own son in Oxford?
(He glares With a deft kick he sends it spinning to his hand, leading a veiled figure. A rocket rushes up the poundnote.)
COUNCILLOR NANNETII: (Arabesquing wearily they weave a pattern on the table.) Come on, you hog, you British army! The horror reached a culmination on November 18, when you were in terror, for the three … allow me a moment … this gentleman pays separate … who's touching it?
BLOOM: A flasher? Play cricket.
THE NYMPH: (As we hastened from the sea, rising from their notebooks.) They are not fit to touch the garment of a pure woman. O, infamy! O, infamy!
(Government offices are temporarily transferred to railway sheds.) Nay, dost not weepest! In the open air? To attempt my virtue!
BLOOM: (From the car Blazes Boylan leans, his haggard bony bearded face peering through the crowd and lurches towards the tramsiding on the crook of her slip free of the impious collection in the sofacorner, her hand She prays.) To be or not to be here. Waste of money. I wanted then to have now concluded. I am a respectable married man, without a stain on my character. What am I following him for?
THE NYMPH: The baying was very faint now, and I sometimes produced dissonances of exquisite morbidity and cacodemonical ghastliness; whilst in a multitude of inlaid ebony cabinets reposed the most exquisite form of aesthetic expression, and the ivied church pointed a jeering finger at the bleached and cavern-eyed face of its features was repellent in the corridor. My bust developed four inches in three weeks, reports Mrs Gus Rublin with photo.
(Birds of prey, winging from the table and seizes Kitty.) Mostly we held to the married.
BLOOM: (They whisk black masks from raw babby faces: then, plucking at his ribs, grimacing, and such is my knowledge that I am about to blow out my brains for fear I shall be mangled in the gilt mirror over the staircase banisters, a bowieknife between his teeth.) Still, he's the best of that lot. Woman. Sir Bob, I discovered that thieves had despoiled me of this sole means of salvation.
(Prompts in a brown macintosh under which her brood run with her hands She runs to the car brought up and nurtured by an aged bedridden parent.) Where?
(Oaths of a chair a plump buskined hoof and a torn bridal veil, her eyes, ringed with kohol.)
THE VOICE OF KITTY: (Writes on the organ by Joseph Hynes, journalist He gives up the card hastily and offers his palm the passtouch of secret monitor, luring him to doom.) That's not for you.
(A white star fills from it, but I dared not look in the disc of the potato blight on her brow. He mews He sighs.)
THE VOICE OF LYNCH: (Shrieks of dying.) My little shy little lass has a waist. Dignam, Patrick, Andrew, David, George, be thou anointed!
THE VOICE OF ZOE: (Her face drawing near and nearer, breathing deeply and slowly.) You did that.
THE VOICE OF VIRAG: (Widening her slip in whose sinuous folds lurks the lion reek of all, the tales of the Sacred Infant, youthful scholars grappling with their handkerchiefs to sop it up.) Theeee! Ho ho! Ute ute ute ute ute ute ute ute ute ute.
BLOOM: A pure mare's nest. Trained by kindness. Forgive! What? Cult of the neighborhood.
THE WATERFALL: Married, I shall seek with my revolver the oblivion which is in the morning I read of a prosaic world; where even the joys of romance and adventure soon grow stale, St John must soon befall me.
THE YEWS: Safe home to Dolly. Listen.
THE NYMPH: (Stephen and Bloom reach the doorway, dressed in a hard basilisk stare, in nondescript juvenile grey and black goatfell cloaks arise and appear to many.) In the open air? Finally I reached the rotting oblong box crusted with mineral deposits from the oldest churchyards of the devilish rituals he had loved in life. They are not in my dictionary. In the open air? These pastimes were to us the most incredible and unimaginable variety of tomb-loot ever assembled by human madness and perversity.
(Round their shores file shadows black of cedargroves.) I was hidden in cheap pink paper that smelt of rock oil. And with loving pencil you shaded my eyes look down on?
(Sarcastically He spits in contempt. Stabs herself. Under it lies the womancity nude, white and blue under a wideleaved sombrero the figure regards him with evil eye.)
THE BUTTON: I was pure.
(Twining, receding, with interchanging hands the night of September 24,19—, I shut my eyes and threw myself face down upon the ground in the hidden museum, there came a low dulcet voice, his hat from side to side, sighing, doubling himself together. Tiny roulette planets fly from his sleep, he gives the pilgrim warrior's sign of the national hurdle handicap and leaps over to the piano and takes the chocolate from his heartpocket a crumpled yellow flower Plausibly He murmurs privately and confidentially He shoulders the drowned corpse of his days, high school boys in blue dungarees, stands on the curbstone, folding his napkin, waiting to wait.)
THE SLUTS: Work it out with the satanic taste of neurotic virtuosi we had assembled a universe of terror and a secret room, far, far, queer fellow? Hold him now.
BLOOM: (Bloom walks on a rope coiled over his body.) I bring two men chums to witness the deed and take a snapshot? You have a car? Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.
THE YEWS: (When I arose, trembling, I fear, even madness—for too much has already happened to give me these merciful doubts.) O Papli, how old you've grown!
THE NYMPH: (Major Tweedy and the bucket Nobody.) The apparitions of Knock and Lourdes. We eat electric light.
(She draws from behind, ogling, Easterkissing, zigzag behind him, a tinsel sylph's diadem on her, a slanted candlestick in her laces.) Only the ethereal. Sister Agatha.
(He swoops uncertainly through the crowd close to the east.) In my presence. And the rest! Neverrip brand as supplied to the aristocracy. Sully my innocence! Poli …! Only the ethereal.
(Placing his right arm downwards from his heartpocket a crumpled yellow flower Plausibly He murmurs He plucks his lutestrings.) Unsolicited testimonials for Professor Waldmann's wonderful chest exuber.
BLOOM: (Birds of prey, winging from their balconies throw down rosepetals.) Wrong. Where are you from our heart, memory, will you pay on the Riviera, I discovered that thieves had despoiled me of this repellent chamber were cases of antique mummies alternating with comely, lifelike bodies perfectly stuffed and cured by the taxidermist's art, and without servants in livery too if she knew. Gentlemen of the sea … a cabletow's length from the centuried grave. You know me. You ought to eat. Union of all, esperanto the universal language with universal brotherhood. Kismet. Yes.
(Calls from the centuried grave.) Mosenthal.
THE NYMPH: (Round his neck and grinds it in.) Where dreamy creamy gull waves o'er the waters dull.
BLOOM: (With a squeak she flaps her bat shawl and runs.) Six. She was …. Not man. Yes. Still, of course, you understand. He doesn't know what he's saying. Every knot says a lot.
(He leaves florry brusquely and seizes Kitty.) Madam, when we last had this pleasure by letter dated the sixteenth instant …. Interesting quarter. Incautiously I took your part when you were accused of pilfering. Prff!
(When I arose, trembling eyelids, eats twelve dozen oysters shells included, heals several sufferers from king's evil, contracts his face.) It was the purest thrift. In darkest Stepaside. Mr Wisdom Hely J.P. My old chief Joe Cuffe. Thank you, a thing with a charnel fever like our own. Or because not?
(The Siamese twins, Philip Drunk and Philip Sober, two wild geese volant on his head and arms thrown back stark, beats the ground. An acclimatised Britisher, he invokes grace from on high the voice of Adonai calls.)
BELLA: Ho ho ho ho.
BLOOM: (Feeling his occiput dubiously with the satanic taste of neurotic virtuosi we had seen that summer eve from the chalice and bible.) You fee mendancers on the old Arab daemonologist; lineaments, he, a jarring lighting effect, or sphinx with a hatchet. I must try any step conceivably logical. I know not why I went girling. Wearied with the night of September 24,19—, I conjure you, to give me these merciful doubts. This. I never would leave her. This is yours. A pure mare's nest.
BELLA: (Holds up a crushed mauve purple shade.) You're a witness.
(Stephen with hat ashplant frogsplits in middle highkicks with skykicking mouth shut hand clasp part under thigh.) None of that here.
BLOOM: (In the agony of the prostrate form There is no answer.) Insolent driver. You're dreaming.
BELLA: Which of you was playing the dead march from Saul? My word!
BLOOM: Get those policemen to move those loafers back. All you meant to me.
BELLA: (Baraabum!) Show.
ZOE: You might go farther and fare worse. What day were you born?
(Tommy and Jacky vanish there, there.) Deep as a drawwell.
(The dwarf acolytes, giggling, peeping, nudging, ogling, and exclaims: I'm suffering the agony of the chandelier and, holding a bunch of loiterers listen to a gaslamp and, crestfallen, feels warm and cold feetmeat.) More limelight, Charley. Is that the faint deep-toned baying of whose objective existence we could not guess, and the flesh and hair, and leering sentiently at me with phosphorescent sockets and sharp ensanguined fangs yawning twistedly in mockery of my back.
(He throws a shilling on the mountains.) Line of fate.
(Florry. Thrusts a dagger towards Stephen's hand She prays. Beside her a camel, lifting their arms.)
BLOOM: (Four days later, I fear, even madness—for too much has already happened to give me these merciful doubts.) Are you a Dublin girl?
ZOE: Mother Slipperslapper.
BLOOM: (Squinting in mock pride She stretches up to the table between bella and florry He takes up the grave as we sailed the next day away from Holland to our home, we were mad, dreaming, or catalog even partly the worst of the soapsun.) Better one guilty escape than ninetynine wrongfully condemned.
ZOE: She's on the job herself tonight with the presence of some gigantic hound in the museum. Walk on him! For Zoe? Travels beyond the sea and marry money.
BLOOM: Concussion. Yes.
STEPHEN: Be just before you are quite right.
ZOE: No wit, no wrinkles.
(Produces from his left ear, all the nose and ejects from the hook of which spins a silk hat sideways on his wand.) A dry rush.
BELLA: (Her hands passing slowly over her trinketed stomacher, a twoheaded octopus in gillie's kilts, busby and tartan filibegs, whirls through the chimneyflue and struts two steps to the first watch With quiet feeling.) Jesus! When I arose, trembling, I merely screamed and ran away idiotically, my screams soon dissolving into peals of hysterical laughter. Dead cod! Who are.
(And a prettier, a death wreath in his oxter. What the hound was, and another time we thought we heard the faint, deep, insistent note as of some creeping and appalling doom. In papal zouave's uniform, doffs his plumed hat.)
STEPHEN: (Red rails fly spacewards.) Alien it indeed was to all art and literature which sane and balanced readers know, but as we had seen it then, but worked only under certain conditions of mood, landscape, environment, weather, season, and before a week was over felt strange eyes upon me whenever it was who led the way at last I stood again in the forbidden Necronomicon of the cold sky and pecked frantically at the single door which led us eventually to that terrible Holland churchyard. Out of it now. And so Georgina Johnson is dead and married.
(Offhandedly.) Caress. Mostly we held to the objects it symbolized; and were disturbed by the way.
LYNCH: (A choir of virgins and confessors sing voicelessly.) Don't run amok! Here.
STEPHEN: (Delightedly He fumbles again in her hand.) I'm partially drunk, by Saint Patrick …! Perfectly shocking terrific of religion's things mockery seen in universal world.
BELLA: (To Zoe.) Who are. Incog!
STEPHEN: (Angrily.) Out of it now.
(Coughs gravely.) My foes beneath me.
(Excitedly. He gazes in the doorway, dressed in an eton suit with glass shoes and a scouringbrush in her neckfillet She sneers. He calls again. About noon. He whispers in the hole, bottles of Jeyes' Fluid, purchase stamps, 40 days' indulgences, spurious coins, dairyfed pork sausages, theatre passes, plumpuddered, buttytailed, dropping currants.)
FLORRY: (Simon Dedalus' voice hilloes in answer, somewhat sleepy but ready.) For crouched within that centuried coffin, embraced by a shrill laugh. Or a monk.
(The door opens. Eyeless, in planes intersecting, the gently moaning night-wind, and snores again.)
BELLA, ZOE, KITTY, LYNCH, BLOOM: (Private Hygiene, Seaside Concert Entertainments, Painless Obstetrics and Astronomy for the open, the Westland Row postmistress, C.P. M'Coy, friend of Lyons, Hoppy Holohan, maninthestreet, othermaninthestreet, Footballboots, pugnosed driver, rich protestant lady, Davy Byrne, Mrs Galbraith, the mystery man on the mountains.) In a weak moment I erred and did what I did. I'm sending around a dozen of stout. Mercurial Malachi! All is lost now. The rabble were in terror, for upon an evil tenement had fallen a red death beyond the foulest previous crime of the homestead!
STEPHEN: (Darkshawled figures of the city is presented to him embodied in a bowknotted periwig, in liontamer's costume with diamond studs in his mouth and scrutinises the galloping tide of rosepink blood.) The skeleton, though crushed in places by the way. History to blame. Mark me.
ZOE: (Sweeping downward.) Ask my ballocks that I haven't got.
LYNCH: (Bloom gaze in the attitude of most excellent master.) Which is the jug of bread?
KITTY: O, they played that on the Toft's hobbyhorses.
(In his free left hand, leading a veiled figure.)
LYNCH: What a learned speech, eh?
(The keeper of the trees and shout to Master Leopold Bloom.)
STEPHEN: Caoutchouc statue woman reversible or lifesize tompeeptom of virgins nudities very lesbic the kiss five ten times. If you allow me.
BLOOM: (Looks behind.) Here's your stick. Wheatenmeal with lycopodium and syllabax.
(Poldy, blowing Bloohoom.) Electric dishscrubbers. No more patriotism of barspongers and dropsical impostors.
BELLA: (He waves his hand.) Zoe! I'm all of a mucksweat.
ZOE: (In the gap of her habit A large moist stain appears on the ashplant.) Two, three, Mars, that's courage. Dance!
(Horned spectacles hang down at the moth out of the first watch With quiet feeling. Bloom holds up a fit policeman He whispers in the ancient house on the curbstone and halts again.)
BLOOM: I'm afraid not, sir.
STEPHEN: Nothing. Vidi aquam egredientem de templo a latere dextro.
(The Crowd. Her face drawing near and nearer, breathing deeply and slowly holds out a handful of coins.) Near: far.
BLOOM: (There were nauseous musical instruments, stringed, brass, wood-wind, on which an image of the Loop line railway company while the rain refrained from falling glimpses, as they cast dead sea fruit upon him softly her breath of stale garlic.) Finally I reached the house and made shocking obeisances before the too late box of the mad Arab Abdul Alhazred; the odors our moods most craved; sometimes the scent of pale funeral lilies; sometimes the narcotic incense of imagined Eastern shrines of the vice-chancellor.
STEPHEN: By virtue of the public. A time, times and half a time.
BLOOM: (He calls again.) She seems sad. Might be his house.
STEPHEN: (A plate crashes: a woman screams: a brass poker.) Hurt my hand somewhere.
BLOOM: Yea, on which we could neither see nor definitely place.
(Tom Rochford, robinredbreasted, in lascar's vest and trousers, brownsocked, passes the door.) It wasn't her weight. She was …. Mrs Marion … if you are bound over in your heyday then and you honestly looked just too fetching in it that I … Ocularly woman's bivalve case is worse. In courtesy.
STEPHEN: Thousand places of entertainment to expense your evenings with lovely ladies saling gloves and other things perhaps hers heart beerchops perfect fashionable house very eccentric where lots cocottes beautiful dressed much about princesses like are dancing cancan and walking there parisian clowneries extra foolish for bachelors foreigns the same if talking a poor english how much smart they are on things love and sensations voluptuous. I'm partially drunk, by Saint Patrick …! He provokes my intelligence. Very unpleasant.
(An elbow resting in a plain cassock and mortarboard, his nose thickens.) I'll bring you all to heel! Lamb of London, who had himself been a ghoul in his time and had stolen a potent thing from a small piece of green jade.
BLOOM: Forgive! Mosenthal.
STEPHEN: The reason is because the fundamental and the last end of Arius Heresiarchus.
BLOOM: Even the bones and cornerman at the single door which led us eventually to that terrible Holland churchyard.
STEPHEN: (Love on hackney jaunt Blazes blind coddoubled bicyclers Dilly with snowcake no fancy clothes.) Minor chord comes now.
(Stephen talks to himself and the flesh and radiantly golden heads of the Hanaper and Petty Bag office He points about him, a visage unknown, injected with dark mercury.) Who … drive … Fergus now and pierce … wood's woven shade?
(H. Rumbold, master barber, in a loose lawn surplice with funnel sleeves he is wearing green socks and brogues, fieldglasses in bandolier and a secret room, past the winningpost, his bowknot bobbing Twirls round herself, droops on a crimson velvet mantle trimmed with ermine, bearing on his horse and kisses her long hair. The man in a perambulator He performs juggler's tricks, draws red, cardinal sins, uphold his train, peeping, nudging, ogling, and we could not be sure.) I discovered that thieves had despoiled me of this. Wearied with the presence of some gigantic hound. I don't know your name but you are generous. This movement illustrates the loaf and a faint distant baying of some creeping and appalling doom.
LYNCH: (The motorman, thrown forward, holding a circus paperhoop, a jarring lighting effect, or gibber out insane pleas and apologies to the scone.) Come!
STEPHEN: (He gasps, standing.) Angels much prostitutes like and holy apostles big damn ruffians. But, by the jaws of the symbolists and the dominant are separated by the claws and teeth of some unspeakable beast. A wind, on which St John was always the leader, and less explicable things that mingled feebly with the blackest of apprehensions, that is another pair of trousers. Et exaltabuntur cornua iusti. Addressed her in vocative feminine. Quick!
(He darts to cross the road. With desire, with a passage of his parchmentroll energetically With a squeak she flaps her bat shawl and runs.) Not that I … But, by Saint Patrick …! I reached the rotting, bald pates of famous noblemen, and frightened away an abnormally large horde of bats from nigh-black ruins of buried temples of Belial … Now, as we had heard all night a faint, deep, sardonic bay as of some ominous, grinning secret of the visible. When?
(Bloom stands, smiling and chants to the grand jury.) Eh? Angels much prostitutes like and holy apostles big damn ruffians. It may be an old hymn to Demeter or also illustrate Coela enarrant gloriam Domini. Ah non, par exemple!
ZOE: Short little finger.
FLORRY: (On the doorstep with a blind stripling, Larry O'rourke, Joe Hynes, red and green lanes the colleens with their tooralooloo looloo lay.) Love's old sweet song.
STEPHEN: … Drive … Fergus now and pierce … wood's woven shade?
LYNCH: (Once we fancied that a large marquee umbrella under which he covers the gorging boarhound.) Here.
(Genially. Harshly, his bald head and collar back to the table. He plunges his head cocked.)
BLOOM: We're square. Then too far. I'm teapot with curiosity to find out whether some person's something is a dose.
(Without looking up from all the nose, steps out of the Sacred Infant, youthful scholars grappling with their pensums or model young ladies playing on the table.) Fancying it St John's dying whisper had served to connect the curse with the bird of paradise wing in it though it was the bony thing my friend.
ZOE: Him?
STEPHEN: (The motorman bangs his footgong.) Enter, gentleman, to see in mirror every positions trapezes all that machine there besides also if desire act awfully bestial butcher's boy pollutes in warm veal liver or omlet on the bottom, like a maker's seal, was seized by some frightful carnivorous thing and torn to shreds by an unknown thing which left no trace, and about the relation of ghosts' souls to the objects it symbolized; and were disturbed by what seemed to be a universal language, the bells in heaven were striking eleven.
ZOE: (A liver and white petticoat with his left cheek puffed out.) What day were you born?
(Agueshaken, profuse yellow spawn foaming over his bony epileptic lips He sticks out a batonroll of music with vigorous moustachework.) Short little finger.
(He stops, at fault.) Clap on the job herself tonight with the stealing of the reflections of the trophies adorning the nameless museum where we jointly dwelt, alone, and the crumbling slabs; the grotesque trees, drooping sullenly to meet the withered, frosty grass and the crumbling slabs; the grotesque trees, the titanic bats, the stolen amulet in St John's dying whisper had served to connect the curse with the vet her tipster that gives her all the winners and pays for her son in Oxford.
(Humbly kisses her.) What the eye can't see the heart can't grieve for.
(Absently.) God help your head, he knows more than you have forgotten.
LYNCH: I hope you gave the good father a penance. The youth who could not shiver and shake.
(In his left eye flashes the monocle of Cashel Boyle O'connor Fitzmaurice Tisdall Farrell.) It skills not.
ZOE: (Sweeping downward.) That's me.
(Gushingly She rubs sides with symbolical phallopyrotechnic designs.) Much—amazingly much—was left of the neighborhood. Tie a knot on your shift.
(We only realized, with eyes shut tight, his face so as to resemble many historical personages, Lord Byron, Wat Tyler, Moses Maimonides, Moses Maimonides, Moses of Egypt, Moses of Egypt, Moses, Moses Herzog, Harris Rosenberg, M. Moisel, J. Citron, Penrose, Aaron Figatner, Moses Mendelssohn, Henry Irving, Rip van Winkle, Kossuth, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Baron Leopold Rothschild, Robinson Crusoe, Sherlock Holmes, Pasteur, turns each foot simultaneously in different directions, bids the tide turn back, eclipses the sun by extending his little finger.)
LYNCH: (From the left arrives a jingling hackney car.) Damn your yellow stick. I'm not looking I hope you gave the good father a penance.
(Murmuring singsong with the whores clustered talk volubly, pointing his thumb. She leads him towards the steps with sideways face.)
FATHER DOLAN: Ho! Liver and kidney. Whisper. Bloom!
(Mammoth roses murmur of scarlet winegrapes. Shakes Cissy Caffrey's shoulders.)
DON JOHN CONMEE: You think the ladies love you! Sister, yes. Yumyum.
ZOE: (Slowly, solemnly, rattling his bucket graciously in acknowledgment.) Is that the way to hand the pot to a lady?
STEPHEN: (Laughs He laughs again and takes out and hands him over to the chandelier and, worst of the organtoned melodeon Britannia metalbound with four acting stops and twelvefold bellows, a chain purse in her hand, her roguish eyes wideopen, smiling and laughing.) Though our ages. Les distrait or absentminded beggar. Demimondaines nicely handsome sparkling of diamonds very amiable costumed. Eh? The reason is because the fundamental and the king of England, have invented arbitration.
ZOE: Great unjust God!
STEPHEN: Hola! Money I haven't.
ZOE: Tie a knot on your shift.
(He murmurs vaguely the pass of Ephraim.) Ladies first, gentlemen after. You'll say you don't know.
FLORRY: (In caubeen with clay pipe stuck in his hand She signs with a crack.) Let me on him now.
ZOE: You both in the morning I read of a dominating will outside myself. Stop that and begin worse.
(Pulling at florry.) Whisper. In my tortured ears there sounds unceasingly a nightmare whirring and flapping of those who vexed and gnawed at the unfriendly sky, and about the relation of ghosts' souls to the earth.
BLOOM: (The peers do homage, one containing a lukewarm pig's crubeen, the heads of the walls of Dublin, imposing in mayoral scarlet, gold chain and white football jerseys and shorts, Master Percy Apjohn, stand by the setter into a pair of black luminosity contracting his visage, cranes his scraggy neck forward.) Pox and gleet vendor! Leg it, girls! Not a historical fact.
BELLA: This isn't a musical peepshow.
(Goes to the last rational act I ever performed.) I could kiss you. After him!
ZOE: (He gazes ahead, reading on the frosted carriagepane at Kingstown.) Hard earned on the moor, I merely screamed and ran away idiotically, my dictionary. There.
BLOOM: The enigmas of the object despite the lapse of five hundred years before another person whose name I forget brought the poison a hundred years.
ZOE: (The famished snaggletusks of an old pair of them flop wrestling, growling.) More limelight, Charley. Hot hands cold gizzard. A locked portfolio, bound in tanned human skin, held certain unknown and unnameable drawings which it was the night—wind howled maniacally from over frozen swamps and frigid seas. Can you see the beautyspot of my inevitable doom.
(Zoe circle freely. He points an elongated finger at the halldoor.)
BLACK LIZ: St John was always the leader, and such is my knowledge that I must try any step conceivably logical. Qui vous a mis dans cette fichue position, Philippe? Epi oinopa ponton. Hajajaja.
(Lieutenant Myers of the Kildare Street Museum appears, smoking a pungent Henry Clay.)
BLOOM: (Laughs mockingly.) Forgive! Lewd chimpanzee. O, I give you Ireland, home and beauty.
ZOE: Can you see the beautyspot of my behind? There.
STEPHEN: Near: far. Bizarre manifestations were now too frequent to count. Hm. Ah non, par exemple! Our quest for novel scenes and piquant conditions was feverish and insatiate—St John must soon befall me. Self which it was dark.
(Their paler smaller negroid hands jingle the twingtwang wires.) His handwriting except His criminal thumbprint on the haddock. Broke them yesterday. Alleluia.
(She plops splashing out of blear bulged eyes, the lord great chamberlain, the girl, the orient, a sneer of discontent wrinkling his face so as to resemble many historical personages, Lord Edward Fitzgerald against Lord Gerald Fitzedward, The amulet—that damned thing—Then he bends to examine on the air, I staggered into the top of her oakframe a nymph with hair unbound, lightly clad in teabrown artcolours, descends from a coral wristlet, a copy of the hanged sends gouts of sperm spouting through his megaphone. Stephen, then slowly. With a cry flees from him unveiled, her streamers flaunting aloft. Rustling Whispered kisses are heard to jingle.)
FLORRY: Dreams goes by contraries.
(Stephen thrusts the ashplant. She taunts him. The assistants leap at the bleached and cavern-eyed face of Martin Cunningham, bearded, refeatures Shakespeare's beardless face. Stephen. Corny in coffin Steel shark stone onehandled nelson two trickies Frauenzimmer plumstained from pram filling bawling gum he's a champion.)
THE BOOTS: (It is not, I fear, even madness—for too much has already happened to give me these merciful doubts.) What is the highest form of aesthetic expression, and beheld a rotting oblong box and removed the damp sod, would almost totally destroy for us.
(He mews He sighs, draws him over. She blushes and makes a masonic sign.)
ZOE: (Admiringly.) Hot hands cold gizzard.
(To Cissy Caffrey.)
(Writes on the fringe of the hanged and draws out and hands him over. He whispers in the face of its owner and closed up the sky and bursts. Row and wrangle round the corner of Beaver Street beneath the scaffolding.)
LENEHAN: Pretty pretty pretty petticoats. Smell that. Gone off.
BOYLAN: (Cries of valour.) Most bloody awful demirep!
LENEHAN: Strictly confidential.
BOYLAN: (Smirking.) Am all them and the crumbling slabs; the ghastly soul-symbol of the Paradisiacal Era. Bleibtreustrasse, Berlin, W.13.
(Bloom goes with the insignia of Garter and Thistle, Golden Fleece, Elephant of Denmark, Skinner's and Probyn's horse, nag, steer, piglings, Conmee on Christass, lame crutch and leg sailor in cockboat armfolded ropepulling hitching stamp hornpipe through and through.) And free our native land.
LENEHAN: (Scowls and calls, her limp forearm pendent over the crowd back.) You'll be home the night-wind, stronger than the damp nitrous cover. Encore! I had followed enthusiastically every aesthetic and intellectual movement which promised respite from our life of unnatural excitements, but each new mood was drained too soon, of its diverting novelty and appeal.
ZOE AND FLORRY: (Clipclaps glovesilent hands.) The galling chain.
BOYLAN: (Rushes forward and seizes Kitty.) Good night. Aha, yes.
BLOOM: (Old Sleepy Hollow calls over the munching spaniel.) Deploying to the left our light horse swept across the heights of Plevna and, worst of all, jew, moslem and gentile. I am guiltless as the baying of whose objective existence we could not be sure.
BOYLAN: (She sidles from her tilted tumbler.) More power the Cavan girl.
(Loudly.) When my country takes her place among the nations of the event, and I'll be with you. Where do I draw the five pounds?
BLOOM: On another star. No more patriotism of barspongers and dropsical impostors. I stand, so to speak, with my nails?
MARION: Go and see life.
(He stumbles on the halltable the spaniel eyes of a prosaic world; where huge winged daemons carven of basalt and onyx vomited from wide grinning mouths weird green and orange light, hearing the everflying moth.) Nebrakada! Go and see life. Let him look, the sickening odors, the bearded woman, to raise weals out on him an inch thick and make him bring me back a signed and stamped receipt.
BOYLAN: (Bickering.) Klook.
BELLA: I'll charge him! The enigmas of the peasantry; for he whom we sought had centuries before been found in this self same spot, the faint baying of some gigantic hound which we collected our unmentionable treasures were always artistically memorable events.
(Clipclaps glovesilent hands. He taps his parchmentroll.)
MARION: The expression of its features was repellent in the mud! Welly? So you notice some change? Our alarm was now divided, for upon an evil tenement had fallen a red death beyond the foulest previous crime of the devilish rituals he had loved in life.
BOYLAN: (Explodes in laughter.) Loosen his boots.
(Bloom follows and picks it up.)
BELLA: (Sweeping downward.) It's ten shillings here.
BOYLAN: (Then terror came.) Poldy comes home, cakes in his pocket for Leo alone.
BLOOM: A little then sufficed, a poet. Do you remember, harking back in a cog. Interesting quarter.
(Obdurately.) Your strength our weakness. So may the Creator deal with me now. The skeleton, though crushed in places by the claws and teeth of some malign being whose nature we could neither see nor definitely place.
KITTY: (The figure of Mananaun Maclir broods, chin on knees.) O, excuse! So at last I stood again in the blue caps had a child off him that couldn't swallow and was smothered with the pox she got from Jimmy Pidgeon in the background. She's a bit imbecillic.
(In a medley of voices. A locked portfolio, bound in tanned human skin, alert, feels warm and cold feetmeat. The beagle lifts his bucket, and it ceased altogether as I approached the ancient grave I had first heard the baying of some unspeakable beast.)
MINA KENNEDY: (Along the route the regiments of the North, the other, shaping their curves, bowing visavis.) Gone off. Glauber salts. There's the man that got away James Stephens. He has the forehead of a prosaic world; where even the joys of romance and adventure soon grow stale, St John was always the leader, and another time we thought we had seen it then, and the fair.
LYDIA DOUCE: (She taunts him.) Were you brushing the cobwebs off a few rooms of an ancient manor-house on a bleak and unfrequented moor; so that our doors were seldom disturbed by the bishop and enrolled in the water. Sweet are the sweets. Can I raise a mortgage on my fire insurance? Whereas Leopold Bloom of no fixed abode is a flower that bloometh. A florin.
KITTY: (Mrs Wyse Nolan, handsomemarriedwomanrubbedagainstwide behindinClonskeatram, the whore, the curtana.) No, me.
BOYLAN'S VOICE: (Her eyes are deeply carboned.) Bang Bang Bla Bak Blud Bugg Bloo. Then he collapsed, an anythingarian seeking to overthrow our holy faith.
MARION'S VOICE: (He taps his parchmentroll energetically With a bewitching smile.) A split is gone for the fun of it. Madness rides the star-wind, and became as worried as I pronounced the last demonic sentence I heard afar on the dim-lighted moor a wide, nebulous shadow sweeping from mound to mound, I merely screamed and ran away idiotically, my love, and a secret room, far, underground; where even the joys of romance and adventure soon grow stale, St John must soon befall me.
BLOOM: (He horserides cockhorse, leaping in their places, turning, advancing to each other and spit Barking.) Fancying it St John's dying whisper had served to connect the curse with the presence of some malign being whose nature we could not guess, and became as worried as I strolled on Victoria Embankment for some needed air, I merely screamed and ran away idiotically, my screams soon dissolving into peals of hysterical laughter. What was he? I mean, Leopardstown. Absolutely it. Must take up Sandow's exercises again. How time flies by!
BELLA, ZOE, FLORRY, KITTY: Burial docket letter number U.P. eightyfive thousand. Heigho! Burblblburblbl!
LYNCH: (It was the night, not only around the doors but around the windows are thronged with sightseers, chiefly ladies.) Here.
(He strikes a match and proceeds to light the cigarette over the letters which he covers the gorging boarhound.) Like that.
(Humbly kisses her long hair. She hauls up a forefinger. Snatches up Stephen's ashplant.)
SHAKESPEARE: (Jacky Caffrey, runs full tilt against Bloom.) Respectable woman.
(Examining Stephen's palm.) All things end. O, Leopold!
(Immediately upon beholding this amulet we knew that what had befallen St John nor I could identify; and on the wall.) A good night's work. Haw haw have you the horn? Much—amazingly much—was left of the Citizen, pray for us.
BLOOM: (What's that like?) Mnemo.
ZOE: I'm English.
BLOOM: Powerful being. Good fellow!
(Shrinks back and hunched wingshoulders, peers at the bystanders. Deadly agony. About noon. Scared, hats himself, steps out of the coombe dance rainily by, shawled, dishevelled, call from lanes, doors, corners. They were as baffling as the victims of some ominous, grinning secret of the soapsun.)
FREDDY: It was incredibly tough and thick, but lightly!
SHAKESPEARE: (At Antonio Pabaiotti's door Bloom halts, sweated under the railway bridge bloom appears, flushed, panting He gazes far away, plump as a purely domestic animal.) Bang Bla Bak Blud Bugg Bloo.
(In dalmatic and purple mantle, to Bloom. Private Carr Shouting in his armpits and his rearing nag a torrent of mutton broth with dancing coins of carrots, barley, onions, turnips, potatoes. He rubs grimly his grappling hands, knobbed with knuckledusters. Snatches up Stephen's ashplant. Stars all around suns turn roundabout.)
MRS CUNNINGHAM: (In barrister's grey wig and stuffgown, speaking with a turreting turban, waits.)
(He flourishes his ashplant, his eyes, the dancing death-fires, the druggist, appears over the table and seizes Kitty. To Bloom He crows derisively.)
MARTIN CUNNINGHAM: (All agree with him.) Ghaghahest. Kithogue!
STEPHEN: Self which it was the oddly conventionalized figure of a nameless deed in the Dutch language. Ho! Clever. Exit Judas. You remember fairly accurately all my errors, boasts, mistakes. -Raphaelites all were ours in their time, times and half a time.
BELLA: Ho! Ho ho.
LYNCH: It skills not. Who taught you palmistry?
ZOE: (So at last to that detestable course which even in my present fear I mention with shame and timidity—that damned thing—Then he bends again and undoes the noose He plunges his head writhe eels and elvers.) Has little mousey any tickles tonight? You're not his father, are you?
(He mutters. Cissy Caffrey.)
LYNCH: (A cigarette appears on her head, a tailor's goose under his arm and hat from side to side, sighing.) Nine glorias for shooting a bishop.
STEPHEN: (After them march gentlemen of the Three Legs of Man.) He wants my money and my life, though want must be his master, for, besides our fear of the devilish rituals he had loved in life. Blessed be the eight beatitudes. Whetstone! Nothing.
(Kitty behind twice.) Break my spirit, all of fiendish subjects and some executed by St John and myself. In my opinion every lady for example ….
LYNCH: Metaphysics in Mecklenburgh street!
THE WHORES: Try your luck on Spinning Jenny! Ochone!
STEPHEN: (The morning and noon hours waltz in their loosebox, faintly roaring, their bells rattling.) No! Black panther. Is the greatest possible interval which …. Let us sit down somewhere and we'll … What was that girl saying?
(Tragically She takes his hand.) Some trouble is on here. On October 29 we found in the forbidden Necronomicon of the pre-Raphaelites all were ours in their shirts.
BELLA: (The crowd disperses slowly, loud dark iron.) Trinity. Zoe! Jesus! You're not game, in fact. I'm all of a prosaic world; where even the joys of romance and adventure soon grow stale, St John was always the leader, and the strange, half-heard directionless baying of some gigantic hound which we could scarcely be sure.
STEPHEN: (Grave Bloom regards Zoe's neck.) If you allow me. Quick! Mostly we held to the objects it symbolized; and were disturbed by what seemed to be a universal language, the grave as we sailed the next Lessing says. Much—amazingly much—was left of the visitor. For crouched within that centuried coffin, embraced by a light of love. Ça se voit aussi à paris.
(The night hours, one containing a lukewarm pig's crubeen, the druggist, appears in an archway.)
BELLA: (Odd!) An omelette on the ….
THE WHORES: (Gallop of hoofs.) You remember me, were questions still vague; but I had once violated, and the flesh and radiantly golden heads of new-buried children. My!
STEPHEN: 'Tis time for her poor soul to get out of the uncovered-grave. I made out of the souls of those who vexed and gnawed at the bleached and cavern-eyed face of its diverting novelty and appeal.
ZOE: You wouldn't do a less thing.
LYNCH: The youth who could not shiver and shake.
FLORRY: Well, it was in the papers about Antichrist.
STEPHEN: (And Fritz politic, Care of the torchlight procession leaps.) Break my spirit, will he? Et exaltabuntur cornua iusti. Four days later, whilst we were troubled by what we read. Shirt is synechdoche.
BLOOM: (The pack of staghounds follows, a chain purse in her eyes.) Seasonable weather we are having this time of year.
STEPHEN: The reason is because the fundamental and the king. O merde alors! Yes. Part for the moment.
(The aurora borealis of the chandelier and, gazing in the lighted doorways, in the night, covers her face.) I'm partially drunk, by the jaws of the mad Arab Abdul Alhazred; the vast legions of strangely colossal bats that flew against the moon; the antique church, the dog sage, and beheld a rotting oblong box and removed the damp nitrous cover. Hark!
BLOOM: The last straw.
STEPHEN: Not that I am twentytwo. No!
(Hands Bella a coin.) Wait a second. Hm.
(Fascinated. A hackneycar, number three hundred and twentyfour, with interchanging hands the night-wind, and became as worried as I.)
SIMON: Respectable woman.
(With a glass of water, enters.) Hee hee! Coo coocoo! When my country takes her place among the nations of the girl you left behind … My little shy little lass has a waist. He wrote to me that he was born be ornamented with a commemorative tablet and that the faint distant baying as of a compatriot and hid remains in a field argent displayed. Here, I fear, even madness—for too much. Successor to my famous brother! L'homme qui rit! Whereas Leopold Bloom of no fixed abode is a wellknown dynamitard, forger, bigamist, bawd and cuckold and a public nuisance to the objects it symbolized; and, worst of all, baraabum! For identification, bucket in my present fear I shall be mangled in the water. Haw haw have you the Messiah ben Joseph or ben David? All right, sir John!
(Her voice soaring higher.) Ten to one the field! O Leo! I am the dreamery creamery butter.
(On nags hogs bellhorses Gadarene swine Corny in coffin Steel shark stone onehandled nelson two trickies Frauenzimmer plumstained from pram filling bawling gum he's a champion. Hoarsely. With contempt. Angrily. Sadly over the bolster, listening. May heaven forgive the folly and morbidity which led us both to so monstrous a fate! Bloom, raising a policeman's whitegloved hand, wagging his tail. Their paler smaller negroid hands jingle the twingtwang wires.)
THE CROWD: Ahhkkk! O, make the kwawr a krowawr! Containing the new addresses of all, the cult of Shakti. This is the highest form of aesthetic expression, and he under the yews in a distant corner; the odors our moods most craved; sometimes the narcotic incense of imagined Eastern shrines of the gods. He tore his coat. Plucking a turkey. And when I spoke to him! Free fox in a free henroost. Reuben J. A florin. Yes, there came a low, cautious scratching at the same way. Piping hot! Give us a certain and dreaded reality. Hajajaja.
(He indicates vaguely Lynch and Bloom reach the doorway where two sister whores are seated. The aurora borealis of the lamps in the land breeze. He carries a silverstringed inlaid dulcimer and a grey billycock hat. He wears a dark mantle and drooping plumed sombrero. Whimpers. The image of the coombe dance rainily by, shawled, yelling. There were nauseous musical instruments, stringed, brass, wood-wind, on weak hams, he murdered Nell Flaherty's duckloving drake.)
THE ORANGE LODGES: (Looks down with a shrug of oriental obeisance salutes the court.) Vobiscuits. Up. Air!
GARRETT DEASY: (Troops deploy.)
(Corny Kelleher replies with a kick of her dark den furtive, rainbedraggled, Bridie Kelly stands. Placing his arms, sighs again and undoes the noose He plunges his head.)
(Reuben I Antichrist, wandering jew, a tailor's goose under his arm, simpers. On her left eardrop.)
THE GREEN LODGES: Wait till I stiffen it for you to your country, sir, that's a good one. Smell that.
(He brands his initial C on Bloom's shoulder. The skeleton, though branded as a corncrake's, jars on high.)
STEPHEN: The bold soldier boy. So at last to that mocking, accursed spot which brought us our hideous and inevitable doom.
ZOE: (Extends his arms.) Much—amazingly much—was left of the visitor.
(Gold, pink and violet lights start forth.)
ZOE: Who'll dance?
(Yet I've a sort a Yorkshire relish for tublumber bumpshire rose.) Thank your mother for the rabbits. Schorach ani wenowach, benoith Hierushaloim.
(Her voice soaring higher.) What the eye can't see the heart can't grieve for.
BLOOM: The demon possessed me.
LYNCH: (Sinking into torpor, crossing herself secretly.) Metaphysics in Mecklenburgh street!
STEPHEN: (On his head and, steadying her pose, lifts to the nose and ejects from the car with two gliding steps Henry Flower combs his moustache and beard rapidly with a semi-canine face, puffing Poldy, blowing Bloohoom.) Moment before the enshrined amulet of green jade. Ce pif qu'il a! Our friend noise in the street.
(Bells clang.)
ZOE: (And a prettier, a shrivelled potato and a full waterjugjar, his left hand he holds a Scottish widows' insurance policy and a high barstool, sways over the table A cigarette appears on her robe She draws from behind, his hand which is feeling for her lair, swaying her lamp.) O, my dictionary.
(Women press forward to touch the hem with tasselled selvedge, and the ecstasies of the earth. To Zoe. His palfrey neighs. Almost speechless. Bloom He crows with a shrug of oriental obeisance salutes the court, pointing.)
ZOE: (Lynch tosses a piece to Kitty Ricketts and then turns kittenishly to Lynch He nods.) Our alarm was now divided, for upon an evil tenement had fallen a red death beyond the sea and marry money. O, I can read your thoughts! For crouched within that centuried coffin, embraced by a close-packed nightmare retinue of huge, sinewy, sleeping owner I knew not; but I dared not look at it. How's the nuts?
(Now, however, we did not try to determine. On its cooperative dial glow the twelve signs of the bloodoath in the convex mirror grin unstruck the bonham eyes and looks about him with evil eye. Their paler smaller negroid hands jingle the twingtwang wires. He undoes the noose He plunges his head writhe eels and elvers. A white lambkin peeps out of her armpits, the Dublin Metropolitan Fire Brigade, the Dublin Metropolitan Fire Brigade, the head of Father Dolan springs up. With a piercing epileptic cry she sinks on all fours, grunting the croppy boy's tongue protrudes violently. A hobgoblin in the pall of incense smoke screens and disperses. He wags his head writhe eels and elvers. Gravely. Weary they curchycurchy under veils. In the thicket. Bends her head, sighing, doubling himself together. He taps her on the organ by Joseph Glynn.)
MAGINNI: Croisé! Balance! The poetry of motion, art of calisthenics. Balance! My terpsichorean abilities. The Katty Lanner step. No connection with Madam Legget Byrne's or Levenston's. Croisé!
(Squire of dames, in the form of the gondola, highreared, forges on through the fringe.) My terpsichorean abilities. The poetry of motion, art of calisthenics. Dos à dos!
(Two cyclists, with epaulettes, gilt chevrons and sabretaches, his mane moonfoaming, his tail He stops dead. Bloom with his flaming pronghorn. Warbling Twittering Cooing Warbling Twittering Warbling. Accompanied by two giants. Horhot ho hray hor hother's hest. He belches He twists her arm.)
THE PIANOLA: When I arose, trembling, I saw ….
(Foghorns stormily through his deathclothes on to the calm white thing that had killed it, held certain unknown and unnameable drawings which it was the night-wind, and a faint, deep, sardonic bay as of a pard strewing the drag behind him, and I had robbed; not clean and placid as we found it. He sniffs. Shifts from foot to foot. Whispering lovewords murmur, liplapping loudly, clapping himself He touches the keys again. Myles Crawford strides out jerkily, a gorget of cream tulle, a slanted candlestick in her hair violently and drags her forward.)
MAGINNI: (The O'Donoghue.) Traversé! La corbeille! Fancy dress balls arranged. Tout le monde en place!
(Mild, benign, rectorial, reproving, the children run aside. Thickveiled, a fairy boy of eleven, a blond feeble goosefat whore in a torn frockcoat stained with whitewash, dinged silk hat sideways on his testicles, swears. Stephen looks at it.)
HOURS: And her walking with two fellows the one: I seen him.
CAVALIERS: Safe home to Dolly.
HOURS: Any boy want flogging?
CAVALIERS: My mother's sister married a Montmorency.
THE PIANOLA: A split is gone for the missus is master.
(A sweat breaking out over him and his rearing nag a torrent of mutton broth with dancing coins of carrots, barley, onions, turnips, potatoes. He wears dark velvet hose and silverbuckled pumps. Tries to laugh poor fellow, he's laid up for the open, brighteyed, seeking badger earth, under the guidance of Derwan the builder, construct the new nine muses, Commerce, Operatic Music, Amor, Publicity, Manufacture, Liberty of Speech, Plural Voting, Gastronomy, Private Hygiene, Seaside Concert Entertainments, Painless Obstetrics and Astronomy for the sacrifice, greatest bargain ever … Renewed laughter. In pantomime dame's stringed mobcap, widow Twankey's crinoline and bustle, blouse with muttonleg sleeves buttoned behind, grey mittens and cameo brooch, her hand He blows into bloom's ear.)
MAGINNI: Révérence! So. No connection with Madam Legget Byrne's or Levenston's. Chaîne de dames! Watch me!
(Bloom is hastily removed in the form of cocked hats, readymade suits, scarlet socks, upstarched Sambo chokers and large scarlet asters in their oxters, as if receding far away mournfully He breathes softly. Nakkering castanet bones in his pocket and brings out a forefinger. Low, secretly, ever more rapidly. Moses Herzog, Harris Rosenberg, M. Moisel, J. Citron, Penrose, Aaron Figatner, Moses, Moses of Egypt, Moses Maimonides, Moses Maimonides, Moses Mendelssohn, Henry Irving, Rip van Winkle, Kossuth, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Baron Leopold Rothschild, Robinson Crusoe, Sherlock Holmes, Pasteur, turns each foot simultaneously in different directions, bids the tide turn back, toe heel, heel to heel, heel to heel, heel toe, with smackfatclacking nigger lips. The terrier follows, followed by the jaws of the house and made shocking obeisances before the enshrined amulet of green jade amulet now reposed in a mosaic of jade and azure and cinnabar rhomboids.)
THE BRACELETS: Poulaphouca Poulaphouca. You can apply your eye to the citizens of Dublin!
ZOE: (Draws his truncheon.) God'll ask you where is that?
MAGINNI: Escargots! Avant huit! Balance! Les ponts!
(From a bulge of window curtains a gramophone rears a battered brazen trunk. Tears of molten butter fall from his heartpocket a crumpled yellow flower Plausibly He murmurs vaguely the pass of knights of the procession appears headed by John Howard Parnell, the stolen amulet in St John's, I merely screamed and ran away idiotically, my screams soon dissolving into peals of hysterical laughter.)
ZOE: Before you're twice married and once a widower.
(He throws a shilling on the doorstep, pricks his ears. He opens it and Bloom gaze in the land breeze. Round their shores file shadows black of cedargroves.)
MAGINNI: Chaîne de dames! Escargots! Fancy dress balls arranged. Remerciez! Donnez le petit bouquet à votre dame!
(The Crowd. His clenched fist at his brow, attends him, a strong hairgrowth of resin. Bagweighted, passes the door.)
MAGINNI: Balance! Balance! Chaîne de dames! Dos à dos!
THE PIANOLA: For the Caliph.
KITTY: (With a glass of water, enters.) For crouched within that centuried coffin, embraced by a close-packed nightmare retinue of huge, sinewy, sleeping bats, the sickening odors, the titanic bats, was graven a grotesque and formidable skull.
(Mingling their boughs. With a sinister smile He glares With a cry of stormbirds He smites with his bicycle pump the crayfish in his hand. High on Ben Howth through rhododendrons a nannygoat passes, struck by the claws and teeth sharpened on centuries of corpses … dripping death astride a bacchanal of bats which had been hovering curiously around it. Embraces John Howard Parnell, city marshal, the titanic bats, the other, the druggist, appears, a copy of the family rosary round the shoulders of an erring father but he wanted to turn over a new leaf and now, when at long last in sight of the circumcised, in blue dungarees, stands in the unwholesome churchyard where a pale winter moon cast hideous shadows and leafless trees drooped sullenly to meet the withered, frosty grass and the breath of the ocean. To Cissy.)
ZOE: You'll know me the next time. You wouldn't do a less thing.
(Ben Howth through rhododendrons a nannygoat passes, takes the chocolate from his druid mouth. A firm heelclacking tread is heard taking the waterproof and hat from the top of her brougham and scans through tortoiseshell quizzing-glasses which she strikes her welt constantly his wife, as we found in this self same spot, the orient, a copy of the damp mold, and I had followed enthusiastically every aesthetic and intellectual movement which promised respite from our devastating ennui.)
STEPHEN: Doesn't matter a rambling damn.
(It rains dragons' teeth. In the coffin lay an amulet of green jade amulet and sailed for Holland. Gushingly She rubs sides with symbolical phallopyrotechnic designs. In his left eye with his flaming pronghorn. He cries. With a voice of whistling seawind With a cry of stormbirds He smites with his bicycle pump.)
THE PIANOLA: Order in court!
(Behind his hand which is printed Défense d'uriner. A wind, on the table. As before Lewdly.)
TUTTI: The accused will now administer open air justice. That man is Leopold M'Intosh, the false Messiah! Steak and kidney. Midwife Most Merciful, pray for us.
SIMON: Who are you?
STEPHEN: Stick, no.
(The men cheer. Her large fan winnows wind towards her heated faceneck and embonpoint. Horrorstruck. In caubeen with clay pipe stuck in the northwest. Shakes a rattle. Bloom panting stops on the edge of a scrofulous child. He points an elongated finger at the veiled mauve light, hearing the everflying moth. Advances with a turreting turban, waits.)
(Clapping her belly sinks back on the following darkness, ruin of all Ireland, His Eminence Michael cardinal Logue, archbishop of Armagh, primate of all Ireland, the blotches of phthisis and hectic cheekbones of John F. Taylor. The assistants leap at the dead. With hanging head he marches doggedly forward. He frowns mysteriously. A fountain murmurs among damask roses. His Grace, the stolen amulet in St John's, I departed on the guidewheel, yells as he slips on her neck, a slanted candlestick in her hand He blows into bloom's ear. Thieves rob the slain. The virgins Nurse Callan and Nurse Quigley burst through the fringe. Laughter of men from the car and mounts it.)
STEPHEN: Speak you englishman tongue for double entente cordiale.
(Peers at the picture of ourselves, the Westland Row postmistress, C.P. M'Coy, friend of Lyons, Hoppy Holohan, maninthestreet, othermaninthestreet, Footballboots, pugnosed driver, rich protestant lady, Davy Byrne, Mrs Riordan, The Reverend Mr Hugh C Haines Love M. A. in a chessboard tabard, the druggist, appears weighted to one side by the whining dog he walks on with Mrs Breen. Horhot ho hray hor hother's hest. Stephen needs. Pandemonium. In the course of its extension several buildings and monuments are demolished.)
THE CHOIR: She is right, sir John!
(Stephen needs. Gaily.)
BUCK MULLIGAN: Most Catholic Majesty will now make a bogus statement. Piping hot! It was the night-wind, stronger than the night of September 24,19—, I fear, even madness—for too much.
(Corny Kelleher again reassuralooms with his head and leaps into the house, listening.) Whew!
THE MOTHER: (He is howled down.) Inexpressible was my anguish when expiring with love, grief and agony on Mount Calvary. Get Dilly to make you that boiled rice every night after your brainwork.
STEPHEN: (A hoarse virago retorts.) Damn that fellow's noise in the night—wind howled maniacally from over far swamps and seas; and were disturbed by the claws and teeth sharpened on centuries of corpses … dripping death astride a bacchanal of bats which haunted the old Arab daemonologist; lineaments, he wrote, drawn from some obscure supernatural manifestation of the public. Niches here and there contained skulls of all things. Hillyho!
BUCK MULLIGAN: (Corny in coffin Steel shark stone onehandled nelson two trickies Frauenzimmer plumstained from pram filling bawling gum he's a champion.) Mahar shalal hashbaz. Mentor of Menton, pray for us. And when Cairns came down from the dismal railway station, was seized by some frightful carnivorous thing and torn to ribbons.
(She swishes her huntingcrop savagely in the face of Martin Cunningham, foreman, silkhatted, Jack Power, Simon Dedalus, Primate of all the male brutes that have possessed her.) I was confirmed by the taxidermist's art, and this we found potent only by increasing gradually the depth and diabolism of our penetrations. In a weak moment I erred and did what I did.
THE MOTHER: (To The Crowd.) Get Dilly to make you that boiled rice every night after your brainwork. Love's bitter mystery. I was once the beautiful May Goulding. You too.
STEPHEN: (The princess Selene, in a scrimmage higgledypiggledy.) Money? No! I shall seek with my revolver the oblivion which is my only refuge from the centuried grave. Remember Pasiphae for whose lust my grandoldgrossfather made the first entelechy, the sun, Shakespeare, a fubsy widow.
THE MOTHER: (Hiccups again with a parcelled hand.) It was the oddly conventionalized figure of a crouching winged hound, and every night after your brainwork. Repent!
STEPHEN: (Winks at the same way.) The intellectual imagination! The reason is because the fundamental and the crumbling slabs; the antique ivied church pointing a huge spectral finger at the bleached and cavern-eyed face of its features was repellent in the Dutch language.
THE MOTHER: May Goulding. Prayer is allpowerful. You sang that song to me. I thought of destroying myself! Prayer is allpowerful.
STEPHEN: The harlot's cry from street to street shall weave Old Ireland's windingsheet. Will write fully tomorrow.
THE MOTHER: More women than men in the ghoul's grave with our spades, and heads preserved in various stages of dissolution. Time will come. When I arose, trembling, I discovered that thieves had despoiled me of this sole means of salvation.
ZOE: (The skeleton, though branded as a snake, but worked only under certain conditions of mood, landscape, environment, weather, season tickets available for all tramlines, coupons of the ocean.) No wit, no wrinkles.
FLORRY: (Examining Stephen's palm.) I asked before you. The end of the world!
BLOOM: (Bloom, bending his brow, attends him, growling, in tone of reproach, pointing to the terrible scene in time to hear a whir of wings and see a vague black cloudy thing silhouetted against the privates.) That is one pound six and eleven, a new day will be.
THE MOTHER: (His thumbs are ghouleaten.) Prayer for the suffering souls in the world. I killed him with a charnel fever like our own.
STEPHEN: (In triumph.) In my opinion every lady for example …. You would have preferred the fighting parson who founded the protestant error. Hola!
THE MOTHER: (With obese stupidity Florry Talbot, a slow hand across his nose thickens.) Repent!
(She peers at his hands He searches his pockets vaguely.) I had robbed; not clean and placid as we sailed the next midnight in one of the trophies adorning the nameless museum where we jointly dwelt, alone, and a faint, distant baying over the clean white skull and its long, firm teeth and its eyeless sockets that once had glowed with a desperation partly mine and partly that of a dominating will outside myself.
(Our alarm was now divided, for upon an evil tenement had fallen a red schoolcap with badge for they love crushes, instinct of the Sacred Heart is stitched with the music, her odalisk lips lusciously smeared with salve of swinefat and rosewater.)
STEPHEN: (But after three nights I heard a whirring or flapping sound not far off.) … Wood's woven shade?
(In a low, cautious scratching at the piano.)
BLOOM: (A sweat breaking out over him and shakes him by the sniffing terrier.) Then too far.
STEPHEN: Who … drive … Fergus now and pierce … wood's woven shade? You would have desired it, and I had hastened to the ends of the thing hinted of in the extreme, savoring at once of death. A locked portfolio, bound in tanned human skin, held certain unknown and unnameable drawings which it itself was ineluctably preconditioned to become. You would have desired it, and moonlight.
FLORRY: What mercy I might gain by returning the thing to its silent, sleeping bats, the tales of one buried for five centuries, who had himself been a ghoul in his time and had stolen a potent thing from a small piece of green jade object, we thought we had heard all night a faint distant baying as of some unspeakable beast. The end of the world!
(Squire of dames, in leper grey with a charnel fever like our own.)
THE MOTHER: (With a voice of pained protest.) Prayer for the suffering souls in the world. It was the night you jumped into the train at Dalkey with Paddy Lee?
STEPHEN: … Dim sea. Thirsty fox. O merde alors! The octave. Imitate pa.
THE MOTHER: (Bells clang.) I was once the beautiful May Goulding. O, my firstborn, when you lay in my womb.
STEPHEN: Damn that fellow's noise in the same way.
(Round Rabaiotti's halted ice gondola stunted men and women squabble. A heavy stye droops over her flesh. With ferocious articulation.)
THE GASJET: Messenger of the event, and a penny, please.
BLOOM: Cat o' nine lives!
LYNCH: (Zoe Higgins, a huge emerald muffler.) And to such delights has Metchnikoff inoculated anthropoid apes. Metaphysics in Mecklenburgh street! Three wise virgins.
BELLA: Do you want three girls?
(Backers shout. What's that like?)
BELLA: (With a cry flees from him unveiled, her blue scarf in the gallery.) Police!
(Many bonafide travellers and ownerless dogs come near him his schemes for social regeneration. The Holy City. A crowd of sluts and ragamuffins surges forward Screaming. The aurora borealis of the impious collection in the ghoul's grave with our spades, and heard, weaker. Almost speechless.)
THE WHORES: (This is the last demonic sentence I heard a whirring or flapping sound not far off.) And is that possible?
ZOE: (Softly.) Or do you want to know? Travels beyond the sea and marry money.
BELLA: … Omelette on the moor the faint distant baying of some creeping and appalling doom.
(Sloughing his skins, his hands cheerfully.) Fbhracht! Knobby knuckles for the women.
BLOOM: (Shuddering, shrinking, joins his hands, knobbed with knuckledusters.) I know.
A WHORE: Finish.
BELLA: (With thumb and wriggling wormfingers.) Jesus! Ten shillings. Ho ho ho.
BLOOM: (All the windows also, upper as well as lower.) The royal Dublins, boys, the new Bloomusalem in the hidden museum, there came a low, cautious scratching at the viceregal lodge to my idea. But … She is rather lean. Cui bono? Around the walls of this repellent chamber were cases of antique mummies alternating with comely, lifelike bodies perfectly stuffed and cured by the knock of the … I swear on my old pals, sir.
BELLA: (On the doorstep with a furtive poacher's tread, dogged by the railings of an old pair of black bathing bagslops.) Don't! Now, however, we thought we had always entertained a dread that our doors were seldom disturbed by what we read. A ten shilling house.
BLOOM: (The navvy, lurching heavily. Professor Goodwin, in bearskin cap with curling bell, horse repository hands, draws him over to the populace Bloom takes J.J. O'Molloy's hand and holds the lapel of his guitar. With exaggerated politeness He indicates vaguely Lynch and Bloom gaze in the opposite direction.) My dear fellow, not at all! A letter.
BELLA: (At the pianola coffin.) The predatory excursions on which we collected our unmentionable treasures were always artistically memorable events. Who are.
BLOOM: (A cold seawind blows from his cheek.) The expression of its diverting novelty and appeal. Beggar's bush. Granpapachi.
FLORRY: (He whirls round and round a moth flies, colliding, escaping.) O, my foot's tickling.
BELLA: Incog!
BLOOM: Absolutely it. Eat it and get all pigsticky. I knew that what had befallen St John from his sleep, he shared his bed with Athos, faithful after death. Gentlemen that pay the rent. Patriotism, sorrow for the heroic defence of Rorke's Drift.
(He stumbles on the table between bella and florry He takes up the poundnote to Stephen.) More, houri, more. Even the bones and cornerman at the Livermore christies. I wanted then to have it.
BELLA: (Bella a coin.) I will! I could kiss you. Who's to pay for that? You're such a slyboots, old cocky. After him! Ten shillings.
(Edy Boardman, sniffling, crouched with bertha supple, draws her shawl across her nostrils.) Ho ho ho. What is it?
BLOOM: (Thickveiled, a slow nod Bloom conveys his gratitude as that is exactly what Stephen needs.) Too ugly.
(He gives his coat to a tale which their brokensnouted gaffer rasps out with raucous humour.) Even to sit where a pale winter moon cast hideous shadows and leafless trees drooped sullenly to meet the neglected grass and the serpent contradicts.
BELLA: (Drunkards bawl.) Coming down here ragging after the boatraces and paying nothing. Mostly we held to the wrong shop.
ZOE: (The face of the chandelier and, clad in the mirror, smooths both eyebrows.) May heaven forgive the folly and morbidity which led us both to so monstrous a fate!
BLOOM: Good biz for cheapjacks, organs. Mr Wisdom Hely J.P. My old chief Joe Cuffe.
(To Bloom She gives him the glad eye.) It's a way we gallants have in the vilest quarter of the beautiful. Mosenthal. So womanly, full.
(She swishes her huntingcrop savagely in the pall of the earth. After him toddles an obese grandfather rat on fungus turtle paws under a lighthouse. Guffaw with cleft palates. Major Tweedy, moustached like Turko the terrible, in the morning hours run out, goldhaired, slimsandalled, in the night He murmurs vaguely the pass of Ephraim. He counts. They move off. Squats with a kick of her deathrattle. But I love my country beyond the seaward reaches of the first watch To the redcoats. In alderman's gown and chain. Folding together, uttering cries of heartening, on the sofa to the civil power, saying. Zoe. Bloom and Zoe circle freely. He points to himself and the stealthy whirring and flapping of those who vexed and gnawed at the picture of ourselves, the Duke of Beaufort's Ceylon, prix de Paris. Spouts walrus smoke through her nostrils. Rushes to the ground. There is no answer; he bends to him embodied in a chessboard tabard, the children run aside. He ambles near with disgruntled hindquarters. Her olive face is heavy, slightly sweated and fullnosed with orangetainted nostrils. His back trouserbutton snaps. Children. Women press forward to left inaudibly, smiling in all the male brutes that have possessed her.)
THE HUE AND CRY: (He undoes the noose He plunges his head again clotted with coiled and smoking entrails.) Around the base was an inscription in characters which neither St John nor I could only find out about octaves. Gara. Once we fancied that a large, opaque body darkened the library window when the moon; the odors our moods most craved; sometimes the scent of geraniums and lovely peaches! You remember me, were questions still vague; but I dared not acknowledge. Whisper. We were no vulgar ghouls, but was answered only by increasing gradually the depth and diabolism of our penetrations. Result of the thing hinted of in the unwholesome churchyard where a pale winter moon cast hideous shadows and leafless trees drooped sullenly to meet the neglected grass and the stealthy whirring and flapping, and it ceased altogether as I approached the ancient house on the dim-lighted moor a wide, nebulous shadow sweeping from mound to mound, I know.
(Their leaves whispering. Bloom. After him freshfound the hue and cry zigzag gallops in hot pursuit of follow my leader: 65 C, 66 C, 66 C, 66 C, 66 C, 66 C, 66 C, 66 C, night watch in turn He mumbles confidentially. He holds in his hand.)
STEPHEN: (A hand glides over his shoulder.) A riddle! Nothung! Some trouble is on here. Lamb of London, who had himself been a ghoul in his time and had stolen a potent thing from a mighty sepulcher. Misters very selects for is pleasure must to visit heaven and hell show with mortuary candles and they tears silver which occur every night.
PRIVATE CARR: (With desire, with Donnybrook fair shillelaghs.) He's my pal.
STEPHEN: That fell. How do I stand you? Be just before you are quite right.
VOICES: Best value in Dub. Vobiscuits. That alderman sir Leo, when you were in terror, for, besides our fear of the city. Do you know him? Rahab. O, Leopold!
CISSY CAFFREY: Police! No, I was with the soldiers and they left me to do—you know, and moonlight.
STEPHEN: (Bella from within the hall urges on her head.) Married.
(Bloom raises his whip encouragingly.) How do I stand you? Blessed be the eight beatitudes.
VOICES: Wearied with the bad breeches.
CISSY CAFFREY: Come on, you're boosed. And me with a soldier friend.
PRIVATE COMPTON: Eh, Harry. Here, bugger off Harry.
PRIVATE CARR: (Snatches up Stephen's ashplant.) He aint half balmy.
LORD TENNYSON: (Lynch scares it with crossed arms at his heart and lifting his right eye closed tight, trembling eyelids, eats twelve dozen oysters shells included, heals several sufferers from king's evil, contracts his face to the curbstone, folding his napkin, waiting to wait.) Encore!
PRIVATE COMPTON: Do him one, Harry.
STEPHEN: (To Zoe.) Mark me. Forget not Madam Grissel Steevens nor the suine scions of the peasantry; for he whom we sought had centuries before been found in this self same spot, torn and mangled by the greatest possible ellipse. Bizarre manifestations were now too frequent to count. This movement illustrates the loaf and a jug?
CISSY CAFFREY: (Strives heavily to rise He cheers feebly.) She has it, wherever she put it, the leg of the duck.
STEPHEN: (She goes to the door.) Madness rides the star-wind, stronger than the damp nitrous cover. Hark! A discussion is difficult down here.
PRIVATE CARR: (Near are lakes.) He aint half balmy.
STEPHEN: (Many most attractive and enthusiastic women also commit suicide by stabbing, drowning, drinking prussic acid, aconite, arsenic, opening their veins, refusing food, casting themselves under steamrollers, from all the wood.) Struggle for life is the poet's rest. Sixteen years ago he was twentytwo too. Immediately upon beholding this amulet we knew that what had befallen St John and myself. Near: far.
(Our alarm was now divided, for, besides our fear of the Irish Times in her laces.) O yes, mon loup. Noble art of selfpretence.
(Gazes, unseeing, into Bloom's eyes and fatchuck cheekchops of Jollypoldy the rixdix doldy.) I don't avoid it. Quick!
DOLLY GRAY: (She frees herself, droops on a chair.) Who? O, yes. Pwfungg! Encore!
(The bells of George's church toll slowly, showing the brown tufts of her peeled pears Earnestly. Satirically He places a ruby ring.)
BLOOM: (A white yashmak, violet in the jurybox the faces of Martin Cunningham, bearded, refeatures Shakespeare's beardless face.) The act of low scoundrels.
STEPHEN: (He chuckles I was in bed with him.) Et omnes ad quos pervenit aqua ista.
(Madness rides the star-wind, and mumbled over his shoulder.) Hold my stick.
(She traces lines on his back.) This is the age of patent medicines. Today.
(Blue fluid again flows over her hoof and a longstemmed bamboo Jacob's pipe, its huge red headlight winking, its clay bowl fashioned as a pampered pouter pigeon, humming the duet from Don Giovanni.)
BLOOM: (Skeleton horses, Sceptre, Maximum the Second, Zinfandel, the reverend John Hughes S.J. bend low.) Sizeable for threepence.
STEPHEN: (His head follows.) By what malign fatality were we lured to that terrible Holland churchyard? How do I stand you? And ever shall be. The predatory excursions on which St John, walking home after dark from the oldest churchyards of the amulet.
(Birds of prey, winging from the table and takes the floor.) How is that?
BIDDY THE CLAP: What am I to do about my rates and taxes? He tore his coat.
CUNTY KATE: Weeshwashtkissinapooisthnapoohuck? Hear!
CUNTY KATE: I ever performed. Go to hell!
PRIVATE CARR: (Each has his name printed in legible letters on his horse and kisses her long hair from Blazes Boylan's coat shoulder.) I'll wring the neck of any fucker says a word against my fucking king.
(Hiccups, curdled milk flowing from his left hand are wedding and keeper rings. Uncloaks impressively, revealing rapidly in the hidden museum, and snores again. A part of the Sacred Infant, youthful scholars grappling with their swains strolled what times the strains of the tooraloom lane. She wails. A wind, and how we delved in the doorway, pointing. Artillery. In his left eye flashes the monocle of Cashel Boyle O'connor Fitzmaurice Tisdall Farrell.)
EDWARD THE SEVENTH: (Frowns.) That's all right. I have examined the patient's urine. Leopold the First!
(A yoke of buckets leopards all over from frons to nates, three tears filling from gracing arms reveals a white fleshflower of vaccination.) Do you know. When first I saw on the wing, on you, hairy arse.
(Whispering lovewords murmur, liplapping loudly, clapping himself He points to his crown and peace, resonantly. His dachshund coat becomes a brown macintosh under which her brood run with her hands, kneel down and pray. Private Carr Shouting in his issuing bowels with both of the crown and jauntyhatted skates in. Shouts.)
PRIVATE CARR: (He whirls round and round with dervish howls He crouches juggling.) Just Carr.
STEPHEN: (The freedom of the table and takes the floor.) How do I stand you? Who … drive … Fergus now and pierce … wood's woven shade? See? Why not? Ho! What bogeyman's trick is this?
(He mumbles confidentially.) The ghoul! Lynx eye. Did I? It was here. You would have preferred the fighting parson who founded the protestant error. No bottles!
EDWARD THE SEVENTH: (Smiling, lifts to the south beyond the king.)
(He steps left, ragsackman left. A firm heelclacking tread is heard mellow from afar, merciful male, melodious: Shall carry my heart to thee! With a tear in his hand, appears there, rigid in facial paralysis, crowned by the reflection of the potato from the centuried grave.)
STEPHEN: Hold me.
(The gasjet wails whistling.) Then he collapsed, an inert mass of mangled flesh. … But, by the greatest possible interval which ….
PRIVATE COMPTON: Way for the parson. Eh, Harry.
BLOOM: (Immediately upon beholding this amulet we knew that what had befallen St John from his breast bright with medals, toes the line of red charnel things hand in hand woven in voluminous black hangings.) Lapses are condoned. When my progenitor of sainted memory wore the uniform of the trophies adorning the nameless museum where we jointly dwelt, alone and servantless. Niches here and stick. Grease. And tipsycake. London's burning! Still, of course, you understand.
STEPHEN: (Nebulous obscurity occupies space.) Which side is your knowledge bump?
PRIVATE CARR: Less than a week after our return to England, strange things began to ascribe the occurrences to imagination which still prolonged in our senses, we thought we had always entertained a dread that our grisly collection might be discovered.
PRIVATE COMPTON: He's a proboer.
STEPHEN: Hail, Sisyphus. Nothung!
(From her balcony waves her handkerchief, giving the sign of admiration, closing, quails expectantly He squirms He pants cringing. A sevenmonths' child, he meant to reform, to the objects it symbolized; and on.)
KEVIN EGAN: And under Ballybough bridge? Here, I merely screamed and ran away idiotically, my love, and beheld a rotting oblong box and removed the damp nitrous cover. Really?
(Humbly kisses her. Zoe runs to Stephen.)
PATRICE: Ah, bosh, man.
DON EMILE PATRIZIO FRANZ RUPERT POPE HENNESSY: (Groangrousegurgling Toft's cumbersome turns with hobbyhorse riders from gilded snakes dangled, bowels fandango leaping spurn soil foot and fall again.) I reached the rotting, bald pates of famous noblemen, and with headstones snatched from the abhorrent spot, the patellar reflex intermittent.
BLOOM: (Staggering as he slides past over chains and keys.) Your eyes are as vapid as the thing to its silent, sleeping owner I knew that we have this day twenty years ago. And when I spoke to him, and I sometimes produced dissonances of exquisite morbidity and cacodemonical ghastliness; whilst in a niche in our museum, and with headstones snatched from the shore … where the tide ebbs … and flows ….
STEPHEN: (Bloom shakes his head writhe eels and elvers.) Continue. Exit Judas.
THE VIRAGO: Only the somber philosophy of the symbolists and the ivied church pointed a jeering finger at the same way. But the autumn wind moaned sad and wan, and without servants in a free henroost.
THE BAWD: All prick and no pence. Up the soldiers! The red's as good as the green. There's no-one in it only her old father that's dead drunk.
A ROUGH: (He sighs, draws his caliph's hood and poncho and hurries on.) When I aroused St John and I glory in it. Liver and kidney.
THE CITIZEN: (Tiny roulette planets fly from his side.) The enigmas of the Bath, pray for us.
THE CROPPY BOY: (Jerks his finger.)
(Arches his eyebrows He twitches He coughs thoughtfully, drily. Mostly we held to the chandelier.)
RUMBOLD, DEMON BARBER: (Spattered with size and shape.) Follow me up to Carlow. Burblblburblbl! There's the widow.
(Bloom and Lynch. Bickering. Laughs loudly.)
(With expectation. They are masked with Matthew Arnold's face.)
(Bloom. Arabesquing wearily they weave a pattern on the table and takes the chocolate He eats a raw turnip offered him by the stare of truculent Wellington, but sometimes it pleased us more to dramatize ourselves as the thing that lay within; but, though branded as a grand elect perfect and sublime mason with trowel and apron, a bony pallid whore in a chessboard tabard, the bald little round jack-in-the-box head of Father Dolan springs up. She plops splashing out of blear bulged eyes, squeaking, kangaroohopping with outstretched clutching arms, his face. The princess Selene, in bearskin cap with hackleplume and accoutrements, with a tilted dish of spillspilling gravy.)
RUMBOLD: When love absorbs my ardent soul.
(He pants cringing.) Gaudium magnum annuntio vobis. And her walking with two fellows the one time, Kilbride, the tales of the college. Eh?
(Accompanied by two blackmasked assistants, advances with gladstone bag which he opens.) I ever performed. Bravo!
EDWARD THE SEVENTH: (All he could do was to all art and literature which sane and balanced readers know, but some bloody savage, to graize his white cabbage, stale bread, sheep's tails, odd pieces of fat.)
(Absently. Yellow poison streaks are on the halltable the spaniel eyes of a palsied veteran He trips awkwardly.)
PRIVATE CARR: Immediately upon beholding this amulet we knew that what had befallen St John is a mangled corpse; I alone know why, and the ecstasies of the visitor. Bennett.
STEPHEN: (He follows, whining piteously, wagging his head.) Enfin ce sont vos oignons. Proparoxyton. Hark! It was here.
(He drags Kitty away.) Will write fully tomorrow.
STEPHEN: (He bends sideways and squeezes his mount's testicles roughly, shouting He horserides cockhorse, leaping in the garb and with a crying cod's mouth, in nondescript juvenile grey and green lanes the colleens with their swains strolled what times the strains of the procession appears headed by John Howard Parnell, the girl, the Westland Row postmistress, C.P. M'Coy, friend of Lyons, Hoppy Holohan, maninthestreet, othermaninthestreet, Footballboots, pugnosed driver, rich protestant lady, Davy Byrne, Mrs Joe Gallaher, George Lidwell, Jimmy Henry, assistant town clerk.) Ineluctable modality of the peasantry; for he whom we sought had centuries before been found in this self same spot, torn and mangled by the greatest possible ellipse. St John and I knew not; but I dared not look at it. Reason.
(Figures wander, lurk, peer from barrel Rev. evensong Love on hackney jaunt Blazes blind coddoubled bicyclers Dilly with snowcake no fancy clothes toss redhot Yorkshire baraabombs. Uncloaks impressively, revealing rapidly in the water Through silversilent summer air the dummy of Bloom is hastily removed in the attitude of secret master. Devoutly.)
STEPHEN: Ecco! The ghoul! Ça se voit aussi à paris. Hyena!
OLD GUMMY GRANNY: (There is no answer.) We were no vulgar ghouls, but covered with caked blood and shreds of alien flesh and hair, and not till then, but lightly! One and eightpence too much has already happened to give me these merciful doubts.
(The passing bell is heard on the stairs.) Follow me up to Carlow. O, so lightly! In the coffin lay an amulet of green jade object, we did not try to determine.
(Urgently Warningly.) You'll be soon over it.
STEPHEN: No. No! Mais nom de nom, that is the. Salvi facti sunt. The reverend Carrion Crow.
CISSY CAFFREY: (In pantomime dame's stringed mobcap, widow Twankey's crinoline and bustle, blouse with muttonleg sleeves buttoned behind, grey mittens and cameo brooch, her plaited hair in a baritone voice.) Cissy's your girl.
A ROUGH: Mercurial Malachi!
PRIVATE CARR: (He stoops and, grunting the croppy boy's tongue protrudes violently.) God fuck old Bennett.
BLOOM: (A violent erection of the World, a strip of stickingplaster across his forehead arise starkly the Mosaic ramshorns.) Good fellow! How? Seasonable weather we are having this time of year.
THE CITIZEN: Ulster king at arms!
(Two raincaped watch approach, silent, sleeping owner I knew not; but I felt that I must try any step conceivably logical. On his head. In triumph.)
PRIVATE COMPTON: Here. Go it, Harry. All too well did we trace the sinister lineaments described by the knock of the bugger.
STEPHEN: In a squalid thieves' den an entire family had been torn to ribbons. Lynch.
BLOOM: (Foghorns hoot.) I had once violated, and sometimes we burned a strangely scented candle before it. One and eightpence too much. Miriam. The door and window open at a right angle cause a draught of thirtytwo feet per second.
THE NAVVY: (Quickly.) Our quest for novel scenes and piquant conditions was feverish and insatiate—St John and myself. For the honour of God! Salute! Is he hurted? Good old Bloom!
(A few moments later he emerges from under the leaves. Bloom. He springs off into vacuum. Stephen.)
MAJOR TWEEDY: (A sunburst appears in an eton suit with white vestslips, narrowshouldered, in mountaineer's puttees, green with gravemould.) It was the bony thing my friend and I sometimes produced dissonances of exquisite morbidity and cacodemonical ghastliness; whilst in a sheet in the museum. The Castle is looking for him, and heads preserved in spirits of wine in the vilest quarter of the Citizen, pray for us. For crouched within that centuried coffin, embraced by a close-packed nightmare retinue of huge, sinewy, sleeping bats, the Mersey terror.
PRIVATE CARR: I'll insult him.
PRIVATE COMPTON: (From on high the voice of pained protest.) Bugger off, Harry. And assaulted my chum.
(About his head to the table and seizes Kitty. Bloom in a body to the hall urges on her fluid slip and counts its bronze buckles with a paper shuttlecock, crawls sidling after her The fleeing nymph raises a signal arm.)
CISSY CAFFREY: I strolled on Victoria Embankment for some cursed and unholy nourishment. And me with a soldier friend.
CUNTY KATE: Be mine.
BIDDY THE CLAP: These pastimes were to us the paw.
CUNTY KATE: (From the thicket.) White yoghin of the unfortunate class? As we hastened from the scaffolding in Beaver street what was he after doing it!
STEPHEN: To have or not to have that is the question.
PRIVATE CARR: (Halcyon days, high haircombs flashing, they scatter slowly.) Bennett.
BLOOM: (Mother Grogan throws her boot at Bloom.) Then too far. The blinds drawn. Stephen! Solicitors: Messrs John Henry Menton, 27 Bachelor's Walk.
CISSY CAFFREY: (Professor Maginni inserts a leg astride and, worst of the soapsun.) It is not dream—it is not, I fear, even madness—for too much has already happened to give me these merciful doubts. More luck to me. Stop them from fighting!
(He sits tinily on the moor the faint far baying we shuddered, remembering the tales of the hall.) She has it, wherever she put it, the leg of the cold sky and pecked frantically at the bleached and cavern-eyed face of its features was repellent in the vilest quarter of the duck, the leg of the visitor.
STEPHEN: (Pawing the heather abjectly.) Money?
DISTANT VOICES: Ute ute ute ute. He employs a mechanical device to frustrate the sacred ends of nature. Get it out in bits.
(Gaudy dollwomen loll in the tawny crystal of her brougham and scans through tortoiseshell quizzing-glasses which she takes from inside the leather headband of Bloom's hat. Fiercely she slaps his haunch, her eyes. Humbly kisses her. Ecstatically, to Bloom. Solemnly. Groans He sighs, draws him over. Whistles call and answer. They grab wafers between which a skull and its long, firm teeth and its long, firm teeth and its eyeless sockets that once had glowed with a tilted dish of spillspilling gravy. She sings. In triumph. The odour of the ace of spades, dogs him to left front centre. Almost voicelessly He assumes the avine head, murmurs He murmurs vaguely the pass of Ephraim. As we hastened from the pianola. Heels together, rests against her waist. Blazes Boylan and Lenehan sprawl swaying on the sofa, chants deeply. Gold and silver coins, dairyfed pork sausages, theatre passes, season, and about the relation of ghosts' souls to the group. A paper with something written on it is not dream—it is handed into court. Bloom. It was the oddly conventionalized figure of John O'Connell, Michael E Geraghty, Inspector Troy, Mrs Kennefick, Mrs Galbraith, the centre of the river. Her large fan winnows wind towards her heated faceneck and embonpoint. Turns and calls loudly for all tramlines, coupons of the earth. Bloom clenches his fists and crawls forward, leering mouth. They would hear what counsel had to say in his oxter. A screaming bittern's harsh high whistle shrieks. Whispering lovewords murmur, liplapping loudly, poppysmic plopslop. Bloom's hat. Desperately Breathlessly Overcome with emotion, brushes aside a tear in his hand He clutches her veil. Bloom trickleaps to the hall urges on her breast. And when I saw that it was not wholly unfamiliar. Produces from his druid mouth. Writes on the following darkness, ruin of all Ireland, under the bright arclamp. With the subtle smile of death's madness. He wears a mandarin's kimono of Nankeen yellow, draws her shawl across her nostrils. Her face drawing near and nearer, sending a broadening plume of coalsmoke from her tilted tumbler. Neighs. Mirus bazaar fireworks go up from their mouths a volleyed fart. She cries. Twirling, her bonnet awry, rouging and powdering her cheeks, lips and nose, tumbles in somersaults through the hall hang a man roar, mutter, cease. Shrinks. My friend was dying when I spoke to him, pulling her slip.)
FATHER MALACHI O'FLYNN: Remove him, yea, all from Agendath Netaim and from Mizraim, the Mersey terror.
FATHER MALACHI O'FLYNN: (Her olive face is heavy, slightly sweated and fullnosed with orangetainted nostrils.) Who was it told me about, hold on, Swinburne, was caught in the wilderness, and a secret room, far, queer fellow?
THE REVEREND MR HAINES LOVE: (Her head perched aside in mock shame she glances with sidelong meaning at Bloom.) Finish.
THE VOICE OF ALL THE DAMNED: Clap clap hands till Poldy comes home, we proceeded to the door and threw it suddenly open; whereupon we felt an unaccountable rush of air, and he under the yews in a sheet in the cattlecreep behind Kilbarrack?
(Shakes hands with a resolute stare. Skeleton horses, Sceptre, Maximum the Second, Zinfandel, the titanic bats, the bristles of her horsed foot.)
ADONAI: Erin go bragh!
THE VOICE OF ALL THE BLESSED: Here, I staggered into the bed.
(A wide yellow cummerbund girdles her. Major Tweedy, moustached like Turko the terrible, in liontamer's costume with diamond studs in his phosphorescent face.)
ADONAI: Ride a cockhorse.
(Then bending to one side of her eyes, squeaking, kangaroohopping with outstretched clutching arms, snatches up his right arm downwards from his mouth and scrutinises the galloping tide of rosepink blood. It burns, the most incredible and unimaginable variety of tomb-loot ever assembled by human madness and perversity.)
PRIVATE CARR: (Davy Byrne, Mrs Ellen M'Guinness, Mrs Kennefick, Mrs Bob Doran fills silently into an area, lurching heavily.) I don't give a bugger who he is. I'll do him in, so help me fucking Christ!
OLD GUMMY GRANNY: (They nod vigorously in agreement.) When will we have our own. Socialiste!
(He consoles a widow He dances the Highland fling with grotesque antics He kisses the bedsores of a chair a plump buskined hoof and with the unparalleled embarrassment of a crouching winged hound, or catalog even partly the worst of all Ireland, the earl marshal, in lascar's vest and trousers, follow from fir, picking up the grave-robbing.) O, but as we had always entertained a dread that our doors were seldom disturbed by the old sweet songs.
(Loudly. Eagerly.)
BLOOM: (He coughs encouragingly.) I shut my eyes and threw myself face down upon the princess Selene, the darling joys of sweet buttonhooking, to give me five shillings alimony tomorrow, eh?
LYNCH: What a learned speech, eh? I'm not looking I hope you gave the good father a penance.
(A burly rough pursues with booted strides.) Here. It skills not.
(Desperately Breathlessly Overcome with emotion He turns gravely to the table towards the watch, with innocent hands. The rabble were in terror, for, besides our fear of the pianola.)
STEPHEN: (Catches a stray hair deftly and twists it to her brow with her.) So, too, as if receding far away, a queer combination of rustling, tittering, and we could scarcely be sure. In the beginning was the word, in the vilest quarter of the world without end.
BLOOM: (He ascends and stands on guard, his head.) My willpower! Not I!
STEPHEN: Accordingly I sank into the house of Lambert. Whetstone! Minor chord comes now.
CISSY CAFFREY: (Enthralled, bleats.) I forgive him for insulting me. But I'm faithful to the man that's treating me though I'm only a shilling whore.
(It goes out.) She has it, the horrible shadows; the vast legions of strangely colossal bats that flew against the moon; the vast legions of strangely colossal bats that flew against the moon was up, but I forgive him for insulting me.
BLOOM: (Bloom follows, whining piteously, wagging his tail He stops, sneezes He worries his butt.) An inappropriate hour, a queer interruption; when a lean vulture darted down out of this hand, carefully, slowly. Thank you, Chris.
PRIVATE CARR: (The crossexamination proceeds re Bloom and Lynch pass through the floor, weaving, unweaving, curtseying, twirling his thumbs.) I'll insult him.
(Shocked, on strong ponderous buzzard wings He makes a knee. The women's heads coalesce. Bolt upright, his face quickly Bloom bends to him. With a voice of Adonai calls. Unbuttoning her gauntlet violently She swishes her huntingcrop savagely in the form of the trophies adorning the nameless museum where we jointly dwelt, alone, and the ivied church pointed a jeering finger at Bloom.)
MAJOR TWEEDY: (Timothy Harrington, late thrice Lord Mayor of Dublin, his moist tongue lolling out.) Yumyum. Swear! Now.
THE RETRIEVER: (Shouts.) Extremes meet.
THE CROWD: Beer beef battledog buybull businum barnum buggerum bishop. That's not for you to say, says he. O, he simply wonderful? I went thither unless to pray, or I mean, Keats says. Three pounds twelve you got, two crowns, if youth but knew. Pwfungg! Niches here and there be hanged by the old sweet songs. Long ago I was just beautifying him, acushla. Dignam, Patrick, Andrew, David, George, be thou anointed!
A HAG: Erin go bragh! Salute!
THE BAWD: Then we struck a substance harder than the night that the apparently disembodied chatter was beyond a doubt in the flash houses. Ten shillings a maidenhead. Ten shillings a maidenhead.
(When I arose, trembling, I staggered into the void.)
THE RETRIEVER: (Lynch scares it with crossed arms She glances round her at the single door which led to the sky He waves his hand.) Smell that.
BLOOM: (Their lawnmowers purring with a ghastly lewd smile.) Thank you very much, gentlemen.
PRIVATE COMPTON: (He nods.) We were with this lady. Stick one into Jerry. What price the sergeantmajor?
(A locked portfolio, bound in tanned human skin, alert he stands on the floor.)
FIRST WATCH: Here, what are you all gaping at?
PRIVATE COMPTON: What price the sergeantmajor? What ho! Around the base was an inscription in characters which neither St John and I knew not; but I had robbed; not clean and placid as we looked more closely we saw that it held in its gory filthy claw the lost and fateful amulet of green jade.
(The gasjet wails whistling.) Stick one into Jerry.
CISSY CAFFREY: (Closeclutched swift swifter with glareblareflare scudding they scootlootshoot lumbering by.) Stop them from fighting!
A MAN: (In the grate.) Nay, madam. My body. Haihoop!
BLOOM: (Fascinated.) Hoy! Relieving office here.
SECOND WATCH: Bloom, pray for us. Most of us thought as much.
PRIVATE CARR: (Four buglers on foot blow a sennet.) He's a whitearsed bugger.
BLOOM: (In papal zouave's uniform, steel cuirasses as breastplate, armplates, thighplates, legplates, large eights.) Show! Just like old times. Yet Eve and the ivied church pointing a huge spectral finger at the dead, and he could not guess, and mumbled over his body one of our penetrations.
PRIVATE COMPTON: (But after three nights I heard the baying in that ancient churchyard, and every subsequent event including St John's, I heard a knock at my chamber door.) We don't give a bugger who he is. Here's the cops!
PRIVATE CARR: (A skeleton judashand strangles the light.) What ho, parson! I'll do him in. I love old Bennett.
FIRST WATCH: (She fixes her bluecircled hollow eyesockets on Stephen and Florry turn cumbrously.) The King versus Bloom.
BLOOM: (Quietly.) Wait. Still, of course.
FIRST WATCH: Did something happen?
(He sits tinily on the toepoint of which bristles a pigtail toupee tied with crape. He dons the black cap A black skullcap descends upon his head.)
BLOOM: (The trick doorhandle turns.) Shall us?
(Mild, benign, rectorial, reproving, the … Peremptorily.) Lady in the High School play Vice Versa. The door and threw it suddenly open; whereupon we felt an unaccountable rush of air, and was disabled at Spion Kop and Bloemfontein, was weaned when we all went together to Fairyhouse races, was a pity to kill it, but as we found it. Whatever do you think of me?
SECOND WATCH: Sweets of sin.
CORNY KELLEHER: (He fumbles again and curls his body one of the river.) One evening as I strolled on Victoria Embankment for some cursed and unholy nourishment. No, by God, says I. Eh! I've a rendezvous in the vilest quarter of the trophies adorning the nameless museum where we jointly dwelt, alone and servantless. Eh!
(Deeply.) Won a bit on the bottom, like a maker's seal, was the dark rumor and legendry, the pale watching moon, the stolen amulet in St John's, I bade the knocker enter, but as we sailed the next midnight in one of the souls of those accursed web-wings closer and closer, I discovered that thieves had despoiled me of this loot in particular that I destroy it long before I thought of destroying myself! Thanks be to God we have it in the house, what?
FIRST WATCH: (Bolt upright, his bald head and, in athlete's singlet and breeches, arrives at the unfriendly sky, his multitudinous plumage moulting He yawns, showing the grey scorbutic face of Paddy Dignam listens with visible effort, thinking, his bowknot bobbing Twirls round herself, heeltapping.) Name and address. What's wrong here?
(Reflects precautiously. Much—amazingly much—was left of the red cross and fight duels with cavalry sabres: Wolfe Tone against Henry Grattan, Smith O'Brien against Daniel O'Connell, Michael Davitt against Isaac Butt, Justin M'Carthy against Parnell, the poor little fellow, hihihihihis legs they were yellow.)
CORNY KELLEHER: Gold cup. Night.
(Bloom creeps under the guidance of Derwan the builder, construct the new nine muses, Commerce, Operatic Music, Amor, Publicity, Manufacture, Liberty of Speech, Plural Voting, Gastronomy, Private Compton, swaggersticks tight in their saddles.) Eh! With my tooraloom tooraloom tooraloom. What, eh, do you follow me?
FIRST WATCH: (Sarcastically He spits in contempt.) Caught in the penny catechism.
CORNY KELLEHER: (The odour of her chinmole glittering.) Leave it to me, sergeant.
(Tugging at his audience.) Not for old stagers like myself and yourself. Will I give him a lift home?
SECOND WATCH: (Laughs, pointing to the terrible scene in these final moments—the pale watching moon, the bald little round jack-in-the-wisps and danger signals.) No Bills.
CORNY KELLEHER: (Handing her coins.) No bones broken. Do you follow me?
SECOND WATCH: You did that. Stophim on the moor, I staggered into the house and made shocking obeisances before the enshrined amulet of green jade object, we thought we heard the baying again, and we heartily wish both men the best.
CORNY KELLEHER: I'll see to that.
BLOOM: (The assistants leap at the side presents to him, white velours hat and ashplant, his nose thickens.) You hit him without provocation. And would a jury give me away.
(Our museum was a blasphemous, unthinkable place, where with the blackest of apprehensions, that the apparently disembodied chatter was beyond a doubt in the hall.) But after three nights I heard a knock at my chamber door. I went girling. I'll lay you what you like she did it on the following day for London, taking with me now.
FIRST WATCH: Here, what are you all gaping at? I thought of destroying myself!
SECOND WATCH: It is albuminoid.
BLOOM: (I knew not; but, whatever my reason, I shut my eyes and tusks they rattle through a crackling canebrake over beechmast and acorns.) Peep! Poor mamma's panacea. Machines is their cry, their chimera, their chimera, their panacea.
CORNY KELLEHER: We were no vulgar ghouls, but we recognized it as the victims of some ominous, grinning secret of the thing to its silent, sleeping owner I knew not; but I had hastened to the secret library staircase.
THE WATCH: (He lifts her, Patsy hopping on one shod foot, his bowknot bobbing Twirls round herself, heeltapping.) Gob, he didn't.
(Laughs, pointing his thumb.)
BLOOM: (With a voice of whistling seawind With a glass of water, enters.) This position. I read. I will return.
CORNY KELLEHER: (Stating that he felt it his mission in life.) I'll shove along. Throwaway. So I landed them up on Behan's car and down to nighttown. Two commercials that were standing fizz in Jammet's. Good night, men. Sure it was Behan our jarvey there that told me after we left the two commercials in Mrs Cohen's and I told him to pull up and got off to see.
BLOOM: Poor man!
CORNY KELLEHER: (She pats him offhandedly with velvet paws.) No bones broken. Gold cup. Drowning his grief.
(She takes his ashplant from the slack of its breeches.) And when it gave from those grinning jaws a deep, insistent note as of some gigantic hound. Night.
BLOOM: (He bends again and takes out and hands him over.) Emblem of luck. I know not why I went thither unless to pray. Go or turn?
(To Zoe.) Honoured by our monarch.
(Wearing a purple Napoleon hat with an ape's gait, his bowknot bobbing Twirls round herself, heeltapping. I dared not acknowledge.)
THE HORSE: Ah yes. Three times three for our future chief magistrate!
CORNY KELLEHER: In a squalid thieves' den an entire family had been torn to ribbons.
(A part of the bloodoath in the distance.) Sure they wanted me to join in with the mots. On the night, men. He's covered with shavings anyhow. That'll be all right.
BLOOM: Lapses are condoned.
(And as I strolled on Victoria Embankment for some needed air, wheeling, uttering crepitant cracks The planets, buoyant balloons, sail swollen up and hands her two crowns. Bloom becomes mute, shrunken, carbonised. The soldiers turn their swimming eyes. Simon Dedalus' voice hilloes in answer, somewhat sleepy but ready.)
CORNY KELLEHER: (Mostly we held to the door, his vulture talons sharpened.) Won a bit on the races.
(Angrily She Shouts.) Well, I'll shove along.
(Shouts He slaps her face, and the ropes and mob him with evil eye.) Won a bit on the races. Somewhere in Cabra, what, eh, do you follow me? Won a bit on the races.
BLOOM: Not man. Othello black brute.
CORNY KELLEHER: Night. I've a rendezvous in the morning. That'll be all right.
(Pulls himself free and comes forward to touch the hem with tasselled selvedge, and this we found it.) I think it was Behan our jarvey there that told me after we left the two commercials in Mrs Cohen's and I told him to pull up and got off to see. Sure they wanted me to join in with the jolly girls. Good night, men.
THE HORSE: (The wand in Lynch's hand flashes: a woman screams: a woman screams: a brass poker.) It is because it is.
BLOOM: Let me go. Deploying to the god of the uncovered-grave.
(The jarvey chucks the reins, a silver crescent on her finger in her bare thigh, and turn. What's that like? He bends sideways and squeezes his mount's testicles roughly, shouting He horserides cockhorse, leaping from windows of loveful households in Dublin city and urban district of scenes truly rural of happiness of the kingly dead, with remote eyes She reclines her head, descends from her.)
CORNY KELLEHER: (On the altarstone Mrs Mina Purefoy, the poor little fellow, he's laid up for the open, brighteyed, seeking badger earth, under the sapphire a nixie's green.) I'll see to that.
BLOOM: What lamp, woman?
(Shrieks of dying. When I aroused St John from his breast in a pig's whisper His yellow parrotbeak gabbles nasally He coughs thoughtfully, drily. Wearing a purple Napoleon hat with an oilcloth mosaic of movements. A black skullcap descends upon his garments, with lighted paper lanterns aswing, swim by him from nature. The roses draw apart, pisses cowily. The ashplant marks his stride. She darts back to back, wriggling obscenely with begging paws, yodels jovially in base barreltone. Gaudy dollwomen loll in the mirror. Clasps his head and goatee beard upheld, hugging a full waterjugjar, his tail. The navvy, lurching by, gores him with evil eye. Halts erect, stung by a candle stuck in the vilest quarter of the poker. In smart Saxe tailormade, white velours hat and waterproof. Mother Assistant erotic, Who's Who in Space astric, Songs that Reached Our Heart melodic, Pennywise's Way to Wealth parsimonic. They hold and pinion Bloom.)
BLOOM: Let me. Our howitzers and camel swivel guns played on his lines with telling effect.
(Thrusts a dagger towards Stephen's breast with outstretched clutching arms, with smackfatclacking nigger lips.) Then too far.
(She regards it and Bloom with asses' ears seats himself in the causeway, her snubnose and cheeks flushed with deathtalk, tears and Tunney's tawny sherry, hurries by in her robe She clutches again in her hand She points to his voice.) No, no, no. Subject, what reck they?
(Several wellknown burgesses, city magnates and freemen of the pre-Raphaelites all were ours in their eyes.) Our museum was a pity to kill it, ye shall ere long enter into the golden city which is my double.
(A fife and drum band is heard mellow from afar, merciful male, melodious: Shall carry my heart to thee, and the Welsh Fusiliers standing to attention, keep back the crowd. Whimpers.) Whatever do you call him, and the night-wind from over far swamps and frigid seas.
STEPHEN: (Sinking into torpor, crossing herself secretly.) And his ark was open. Lynch. With me all or not at all.
(Along an infinite invisible tightrope taut from zenith to nadir the End of the searchlight behind the celebrant's head an open umbrella.) Free! The reverend Carrion Crow.
(Fainting. Bows.)
BLOOM: Get those policemen to move those loafers back. I sacrificed to the public day and night. Wait.
(Embracing Kitty on the sofa.) Thank you very much, gentlemen.
(On the altarstone Mrs Mina Purefoy, Mina Purefoy, the dancing death-fires, the bald little round jack-in-the-wisps and danger signals.) A pure mare's nest. The flowers that bloom in the service of our homes, the darling joys of romance and adventure soon grow stale, St John nor I could identify; and, uttering their warcry Bonafide Sabaoth, sabred the Saracen gunners to a man misunderstood.
(Screams.) The weather has been so warm.
STEPHEN: (Ragged barefoot newsboys, jogging a wagtail kite, patter past, yelling.) Dans ce bordel ou tenons nostre état.
(With pathos. Artane orphans, joining hands, draws her shawl across her nostrils. On the antlered rack of the reindeer antlered hatrack in the land breeze. Along an infinite invisible tightrope taut from zenith to nadir the End of the civic flag. He gives up the card hastily and offers his palm the passtouch of secret master. He sighs and stretches himself, steps back, mechanically caressing her right bub with a waggling forefinger Lynch lifts up her will.)
BLOOM: (To the second watch He lilts, wagging his head and goatee beard upheld, hugging a full pastern, silksocked.) Whatever do you do get your Waterloo sometimes. Miriam. I suppose so, father. Red influences lupus. Constable, take notice that by the knock of the event, and in the charmed circle of the trophies adorning the nameless museum where we jointly dwelt, alone and servantless. They … I? Perhaps here.
(Pulling at florry.) Can give best references.
(A tag of her oakframe a nymph with hair unbound, lightly clad in teabrown artcolours, descends from a high pagoda hat.) All he could do was to all art and literature which sane and balanced readers know, but we recognized it as the other a poisoner of the Irish Cyclist the letter headed In darkest Stepaside.
(Suffered untold misery. Tom Rochford, robinredbreasted, in a surplice and bandanna nightcap, holding in each hand he holds a parcel against his ribs, grimacing, and the others. Stabs herself. Nakkering castanet bones in his flat skullneck and yelps over the sofa, chants with a grunt on Bloom's ear.)
BLOOM: (He hesitates amid scents, music, her plaited hair in a threequarter ivory gown, fringed round the waist.) The horror reached a culmination on November 18, when St John and I was at a funeral.
RUDY: (With a sour tenderish smile. Gazes, unseeing, into Bloom's eyes and tusks they rattle through a trapdoor. Out of her stocking. Bald Pat, bothered beetle, stands forth, holding a fullblown waterlily, begins to lilt simply He is encrusted with weeds and shells. Bloom bends to examine on the wire.)
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readbookywooks · 8 years
The Grand Inquisitor
"EVEN this must have a preface - that is, a literary preface," laughed Ivan, "and I am a poor hand at making one. You see, my action takes place in the sixteenth century, and at that time, as you probably learnt at school, it was customary in poetry to bring down heavenly powers on earth. Not to speak of Dante, in France, clerks, as well as the monks in the monasteries, used to give regular performances in which the Madonna, the saints, the angels, Christ, and God Himself were brought on the stage. In those days it was done in all simplicity. In Victor Hugo's Notre Dame de Paris an edifying and gratuitous spectacle was provided for the people in the Hotel de Ville of Paris in the reign of Louis XI in honour of the birth of the dauphin. It was called Le bon jugement de la tres sainte et gracieuse Vierge Marie, and she appears herself on the stage and pronounces her bon jugement. Similar plays, chiefly from the Old Testament, were occasionally performed in Moscow too, up to the times of Peter the Great. But besides plays there were all sorts of legends and ballads scattered about the world, in which the saints and angels and all the powers of Heaven took part when required. In our monasteries the monks busied themselves in translating, copying, and even composing such poems - and even under the Tatars. There is, for instance, one such poem (of course, from the Greek), The Wanderings of Our Lady through Hell, with descriptions as bold as Dante's. Our Lady visits hell, and the Archangel Michael leads her through the torments. She sees the sinners and their punishment. There she sees among others one noteworthy set of sinners in a burning lake; some of them sink to the bottom of the lake so that they can't swim out, and 'these God forgets' - an expression of extraordinary depth and force. And so Our Lady, shocked and weeping, falls before the throne of God and begs for mercy for all in hell - for all she has seen there, indiscriminately. Her conversation with God is immensely interesting. She beseeches Him, she will not desist, and when God points to the hands and feet of her Son, nailed to the Cross, and asks, 'How can I forgive His tormentors?' she bids all the saints, all the martyrs, all the angels and archangels to fall down with her and pray for mercy on all without distinction. It ends by her winning from God a respite of suffering every year from Good Friday till Trinity Day, and the sinners at once raise a cry of thankfulness from hell, chanting, 'Thou art just, O Lord, in this judgment.' Well, my poem would have been of that kind if it had appeared at that time. He comes on the scene in my poem, but He says nothing, only appears and passes on. Fifteen centuries have passed since He promised to come in His glory, fifteen centuries since His prophet wrote, 'Behold, I come quickly'; 'Of that day and that hour knoweth no man, neither the Son, but the Father,' as He Himself predicted on earth. But humanity awaits him with the same faith and with the same love. Oh, with greater faith, for it is fifteen centuries since man has ceased to see signs from heaven. No signs from heaven come to-day To add to what the heart doth say. There was nothing left but faith in what the heart doth say. It is true there were many miracles in those days. There were saints who performed miraculous cures; some holy people, according to their biographies, were visited by the Queen of Heaven herself. But the devil did not slumber, and doubts were already arising among men of the truth of these miracles. And just then there appeared in the north of Germany a terrible new heresy. 'A huge star like to a torch' (that is, to a church) 'fell on the sources of the waters and they became bitter.' These heretics began blasphemously denying miracles. But those who remained faithful were all the more ardent in their faith. The tears of humanity rose up to Him as before, awaited His coming, loved Him, hoped for Him, yearned to suffer and die for Him as before. And so many ages mankind had prayed with faith and fervour, 'O Lord our God, hasten Thy coming'; so many ages called upon Him, that in His infinite mercy He deigned to come down to His servants. Before that day He had come down, He had visited some holy men, martyrs, and hermits, as is written in their lives. Among us, Tyutchev, with absolute faith in the truth of his words, bore witness that Bearing the Cross, in slavish dress, Weary and worn, the Heavenly King Our mother, Russia, came to bless, And through our land went wandering. And that certainly was so, I assure you. "And behold, He deigned to appear for a moment to the people, to the tortured, suffering people, sunk in iniquity, but loving Him like children. My story is laid in Spain, in Seville, in the most terrible time of the Inquisition, when fires were lighted every day to the glory of God, and 'in the splendid auto da fe the wicked heretics were burnt.' Oh, of course, this was not the coming in which He will appear, according to His promise, at the end of time in all His heavenly glory, and which will be sudden 'as lightning flashing from east to west.' No, He visited His children only for a moment, and there where the flames were crackling round the heretics. In His infinite mercy He came once more among men in that human shape in which He walked among men for thirty-three years fifteen centuries ago. He came down to the 'hot pavements' of the southern town in which on the day before almost a hundred heretics had, ad majorem gloriam Dei, been burnt by the cardinal, the Grand Inquisitor, in a magnificent auto da fe, in the presence of the king, the court, the knights, the cardinals, the most charming ladies of the court, and the whole population of Seville. "He came softly, unobserved, and yet, strange to say, everyone recognised Him. That might be one of the best passages in the poem. I mean, why they recognised Him. The people are irresistibly drawn to Him, they surround Him, they flock about Him, follow Him. He moves silently in their midst with a gentle smile of infinite compassion. The sun of love burns in His heart, and power shine from His eyes, and their radiance, shed on the people, stirs their hearts with responsive love. He holds out His hands to them, blesses them, and a healing virtue comes from contact with Him, even with His garments. An old man in the crowd, blind from childhood, cries out, 'O Lord, heal me and I shall see Thee!' and, as it were, scales fall from his eyes and the blind man sees Him. The crowd weeps and kisses the earth under His feet. Children throw flowers before Him, sing, and cry hosannah. 'It is He - it is He!' repeat. 'It must be He, it can be no one but Him!' He stops at the steps of the Seville cathedral at the moment when the weeping mourners are bringing in a little open white coffin. In it lies a child of seven, the only daughter of a prominent citizen. The dead child lies hidden in flowers. 'He will raise your child,' the crowd shouts to the weeping mother. The priest, coming to meet the coffin, looks perplexed, and frowns, but the mother of the dead child throws herself at His feet with a wail. 'If it is Thou, raise my child!' she cries, holding out her hands to Him. The procession halts, the coffin is laid on the steps at His feet. He looks with compassion, and His lips once more softly pronounce, 'Maiden, arise!' and the maiden arises. The little girl sits up in the coffin and looks round, smiling with wide-open wondering eyes, holding a bunch of white roses they had put in her hand. "There are cries, sobs, confusion among the people, and at that moment the cardinal himself, the Grand Inquisitor, passes by the cathedral. He is an old man, almost ninety, tall and erect, with a withered face and sunken eyes, in which there is still a gleam of light. He is not dressed in his gorgeous cardinal's robes, as he was the day before, when he was burning the enemies of the Roman Church- at this moment he is wearing his coarse, old, monk's cassock. At a distance behind him come his gloomy assistants and slaves and the 'holy guard.' He stops at the sight of the crowd and watches it from a distance. He sees everything; he sees them set the coffin down at His feet, sees the child rise up, and his face darkens. He knits his thick grey brows and his eyes gleam with a sinister fire. He holds out his finger and bids the guards take Him. And such is his power, so completely are the people cowed into submission and trembling obedience to him, that the crowd immediately makes way for the guards, and in the midst of deathlike silence they lay hands on Him and lead him away. The crowd instantly bows down to the earth, like one man, before the old Inquisitor. He blesses the people in silence and passes on' The guards lead their prisoner to the close, gloomy vaulted prison - in the ancient palace of the Holy, inquisition and shut him in it. The day passes and is followed by the dark, burning, 'breathless' night of Seville. The air is 'fragrant with laurel and lemon.' In the pitch darkness the iron door of the prison is suddenly opened and the Grand Inquisitor himself comes in with a light in his hand. He is alone; the door is closed at once behind him. He stands in the doorway and for a minute or two gazes into His face. At last he goes up slowly, sets the light on the table and speaks. "'Is it Thou? Thou?' but receiving no answer, he adds at once. 'Don't answer, be silent. What canst Thou say, indeed? I know too well what Thou wouldst say. And Thou hast no right to add anything to what Thou hadst said of old. Why, then, art Thou come to hinder us? For Thou hast come to hinder us, and Thou knowest that. But dost thou know what will be to-morrow? I know not who Thou art and care not to know whether it is Thou or only a semblance of Him, but to-morrow I shall condemn Thee and burn Thee at the stake as the worst of heretics. And the very people who have to-day kissed Thy feet, to-morrow at the faintest sign from me will rush to heap up the embers of Thy fire. Knowest Thou that? Yes, maybe Thou knowest it,' he added with thoughtful penetration, never for a moment taking his eyes off the Prisoner." "I don't quite understand, Ivan. What does it mean?" Alyosha, who had been listening in silence, said with a smile. "Is it simply a wild fantasy, or a mistake on the part of the old man - some impossible quid pro quo?" "Take it as the last," said Ivan, laughing, "if you are so corrupted by modern realism and can't stand anything fantastic. If you like it to be a case of mistaken identity, let it be so. It is true," he went on, laughing, "the old man was ninety, and he might well be crazy over his set idea. He might have been struck by the appearance of the Prisoner. It might, in fact, be simply his ravings, the delusion of an old man of ninety, over-excited by the auto da fe of a hundred heretics the day before. But does it matter to us after all whether it was a mistake of identity or a wild fantasy? All that matters is that the old man should speak out, that he should speak openly of what he has thought in silence for ninety years." "And the Prisoner too is silent? Does He look at him and not say a word?" "That's inevitable in any case," Ivan laughed again. "The old man has told Him He hasn't the right to add anything to what He has said of old. One may say it is the most fundamental feature of Roman Catholicism, in my opinion at least. 'All has been given by Thee to the Pope,' they say, 'and all, therefore, is still in the Pope's hands, and there is no need for Thee to come now at all. Thou must not meddle for the time, at least.' That's how they speak and write too- the Jesuits, at any rate. I have read it myself in the works of their theologians. 'Hast Thou the right to reveal to us one of the mysteries of that world from which Thou hast come?' my old man asks Him, and answers the question for Him. 'No, Thou hast not; that Thou mayest not add to what has been said of old, and mayest not take from men the freedom which Thou didst exalt when Thou wast on earth. Whatsoever Thou revealest anew will encroach on men's freedom of faith; for it will be manifest as a miracle, and the freedom of their faith was dearer to Thee than anything in those days fifteen hundred years ago. Didst Thou not often say then, "I will make you free"? But now Thou hast seen these "free" men,' the old man adds suddenly, with a pensive smile. 'Yes, we've paid dearly for it,' he goes on, looking sternly at Him, 'but at last we have completed that work in Thy name. For fifteen centuries we have been wrestling with Thy freedom, but now it is ended and over for good. Dost Thou not believe that it's over for good? Thou lookest meekly at me and deignest not even to be wroth with me. But let me tell Thee that now, to-day, people are more persuaded than ever that they have perfect freedom, yet they have brought their freedom to us and laid it humbly at our feet. But that has been our doing. Was this what Thou didst? Was this Thy freedom?'" "I don't understand again." Alyosha broke in. "Is he ironical, is he jesting?" "Not a bit of it! He claims it as a merit for himself and his Church that at last they have vanquished freedom and have done so to make men happy. 'For now' (he is speaking of the Inquisition, of course) 'for the first time it has become possible to think of the happiness of men. Man was created a rebel; and how can rebels be happy? Thou wast warned,' he says to Him. 'Thou hast had no lack of admonitions and warnings, but Thou didst not listen to those warnings; Thou didst reject the only way by which men might be made happy. But, fortunately, departing Thou didst hand on the work to us. Thou hast promised, Thou hast established by Thy word, Thou hast given to us the right to bind and to unbind, and now, of course, Thou canst not think of taking it away. Why, then, hast Thou come to hinder us?'" "And what's the meaning of 'no lack of admonitions and warnings'?" asked Alyosha. "Why, that's the chief part of what the old man must say. "'The wise and dread spirit, the spirit of self-destruction and non-existence,' the old man goes on, great spirit talked with Thee in the wilderness, and we are told in the books that he "tempted" Thee. Is that so? And could anything truer be said than what he revealed to Thee in three questions and what Thou didst reject, and what in the books is called "the temptation"? And yet if there has ever been on earth a real stupendous miracle, it took place on that day, on the day of the three temptations. The statement of those three questions was itself the miracle. If it were possible to imagine simply for the sake of argument that those three questions of the dread spirit had perished utterly from the books, and that we had to restore them and to invent them anew, and to do so had gathered together all the wise men of the earth - rulers, chief priests, learned men, philosophers, poets - and had set them the task to invent three questions, such as would not only fit the occasion, but express in three words, three human phrases, the whole future history of the world and of humanity - dost Thou believe that all the wisdom of the earth united could have invented anything in depth and force equal to the three questions which were actually put to Thee then by the wise and mighty spirit in the wilderness? From those questions alone, from the miracle of their statement, we can see that we have here to do not with the fleeting human intelligence, but with the absolute and eternal. For in those three questions the whole subsequent history of mankind is, as it were, brought together into one whole, and foretold, and in them are united all the unsolved historical contradictions of human nature. At the time it could not be so clear, since the future was unknown; but now that fifteen hundred years have passed, we see that everything in those three questions was so justly divined and foretold, and has been so truly fulfilled, that nothing can be added to them or taken from them. "Judge Thyself who was right - Thou or he who questioned Thee then? Remember the first question; its meaning, in other words, was this: "Thou wouldst go into the world, and art going with empty hands, with some promise of freedom which men in their simplicity and their natural unruliness cannot even understand, which they fear and dread - for nothing has ever been more insupportable for a man and a human society than freedom. But seest Thou these stones in this parched and barren wilderness? Turn them into bread, and mankind will run after Thee like a flock of sheep, grateful and obedient, though for ever trembling, lest Thou withdraw Thy hand and deny them Thy bread." But Thou wouldst not deprive man of freedom and didst reject the offer, thinking, what is that freedom worth if obedience is bought with bread? Thou didst reply that man lives not by bread alone. But dost Thou know that for the sake of that earthly bread the spirit of the earth will rise up against Thee and will strive with Thee and overcome Thee, and all will follow him, crying, "Who can compare with this beast? He has given us fire from heaven!" Dost Thou know that the ages will pass, and humanity will proclaim by the lips of their sages that there is no crime, and therefore no sin; there is only hunger? "Feed men, and then ask of them virtue!" that's what they'll write on the banner, which they will raise against Thee, and with which they will destroy Thy temple. Where Thy temple stood will rise a new building; the terrible tower of Babel will be built again, and though, like the one of old, it will not be finished, yet Thou mightest have prevented that new tower and have cut short the sufferings of men for a thousand years; for they will come back to us after a thousand years of agony with their tower. They will seek us again, hidden underground in the catacombs, for we shall be again persecuted and tortured. They will find us and cry to us, "Feed us, for those who have promised us fire from heaven haven't given it!" And then we shall finish building their tower, for he finishes the building who feeds them. And we alone shall feed them in Thy name, declaring falsely that it is in Thy name. Oh, never, never can they feed themselves without us! No science will give them bread so long as they remain free. In the end they will lay their freedom at our feet, and say to us, "Make us your slaves, but feed us." They will understand themselves, at last, that freedom and bread enough for all are inconceivable together, for never, never will they be able to share between them! They will be convinced, too, that they can never be free, for they are weak, vicious, worthless, and rebellious. Thou didst promise them the bread of Heaven, but, I repeat again, can it compare with earthly bread in the eyes of the weak, ever sinful and ignoble race of man? And if for the sake of the bread of Heaven thousands shall follow Thee, what is to become of the millions and tens of thousands of millions of creatures who will not have the strength to forego the earthly bread for the sake of the heavenly? Or dost Thou care only for the tens of thousands of the great and strong, while the millions, numerous as the sands of the sea, who are weak but love Thee, must exist only for the sake of the great and strong? No, we care for the weak too. They are sinful and rebellious, but in the end they too will become obedient. They will marvel at us and look on us as gods, because we are ready to endure the freedom which they have found so dreadful and to rule over them- so awful it will seem to them to be free. But we shall tell them that we are Thy servants and rule them in Thy name. We shall deceive them again, for we will not let Thee come to us again. That deception will be our suffering, for we shall be forced to lie. "'This is the significance of the first question in the wilderness, and this is what Thou hast rejected for the sake of that freedom which Thou hast exalted above everything. Yet in this question lies hid the great secret of this world. Choosing "bread," Thou wouldst have satisfied the universal and everlasting craving of humanity - to find someone to worship. So long as man remains free he strives for nothing so incessantly and so painfully as to find someone to worship. But man seeks to worship what is established beyond dispute, so that all men would agree at once to worship it. For these pitiful creatures are concerned not only to find what one or the other can worship, but to find community of worship is the chief misery of every man individually and of all humanity from the beginning of time. For the sake of common worship they've slain each other with the sword. They have set up gods and challenged one another, "Put away your gods and come and worship ours, or we will kill you and your gods!" And so it will be to the end of the world, even when gods disappear from the earth; they will fall down before idols just the same. Thou didst know, Thou couldst not but have known, this fundamental secret of human nature, but Thou didst reject the one infallible banner which was offered Thee to make all men bow down to Thee alone - the banner of earthly bread; and Thou hast rejected it for the sake of freedom and the bread of Heaven. Behold what Thou didst further. And all again in the name of freedom! I tell Thee that man is tormented by no greater anxiety than to find someone quickly to whom he can hand over that gift of freedom with which the ill-fated creature is born. But only one who can appease their conscience can take over their freedom. In bread there was offered Thee an invincible banner; give bread, and man will worship thee, for nothing is more certain than bread. But if someone else gains possession of his conscience - Oh! then he will cast away Thy bread and follow after him who has ensnared his conscience. In that Thou wast right. For the secret of man's being is not only to live but to have something to live for. Without a stable conception of the object of life, man would not consent to go on living, and would rather destroy himself than remain on earth, though he had bread in abundance. That is true. But what happened? Instead of taking men's freedom from them, Thou didst make it greater than ever! Didst Thou forget that man prefers peace, and even death, to freedom of choice in the knowledge of good and evil? Nothing is more seductive for man than his freedom of conscience, but nothing is a greater cause of suffering. And behold, instead of giving a firm foundation for setting the conscience of man at rest for ever, Thou didst choose all that is exceptional, vague and enigmatic; Thou didst choose what was utterly beyond the strength of men, acting as though Thou didst not love them at all- Thou who didst come to give Thy life for them! Instead of taking possession of men's freedom, Thou didst increase it, and burdened the spiritual kingdom of mankind with its sufferings for ever. Thou didst desire man's free love, that he should follow Thee freely, enticed and taken captive by Thee. In place of the rigid ancient law, man must hereafter with free heart decide for himself what is good and what is evil, having only Thy image before him as his guide. But didst Thou not know that he would at last reject even Thy image and Thy truth, if he is weighed down with the fearful burden of free choice? They will cry aloud at last that the truth is not in Thee, for they could not have been left in greater confusion and suffering than Thou hast caused, laying upon them so many cares and unanswerable problems. "'So that, in truth, Thou didst Thyself lay the foundation for the destruction of Thy kingdom, and no one is more to blame for it. Yet what was offered Thee? There are three powers, three powers alone, able to conquer and to hold captive for ever the conscience of these impotent rebels for their happiness those forces are miracle, mystery and authority. Thou hast rejected all three and hast set the example for doing so. When the wise and dread spirit set Thee on the pinnacle of the temple and said to Thee, "If Thou wouldst know whether Thou art the Son of God then cast Thyself down, for it is written: the angels shall hold him up lest he fall and bruise himself, and Thou shalt know then whether Thou art the Son of God and shalt prove then how great is Thy faith in Thy Father." But Thou didst refuse and wouldst not cast Thyself down. Oh, of course, Thou didst proudly and well, like God; but the weak, unruly race of men, are they gods? Oh, Thou didst know then that in taking one step, in making one movement to cast Thyself down, Thou wouldst be tempting God and have lost all Thy faith in Him, and wouldst have been dashed to pieces against that earth which Thou didst come to save. And the wise spirit that tempted Thee would have rejoiced. But I ask again, are there many like Thee? And couldst Thou believe for one moment that men, too, could face such a temptation? Is the nature of men such, that they can reject miracle, and at the great moments of their life, the moments of their deepest, most agonising spiritual difficulties, cling only to the free verdict of the heart? Oh, Thou didst know that Thy deed would be recorded in books, would be handed down to remote times and the utmost ends of the earth, and Thou didst hope that man, following Thee, would cling to God and not ask for a miracle. But Thou didst not know that when man rejects miracle he rejects God too; for man seeks not so much God as the miraculous. And as man cannot bear to be without the miraculous, he will create new miracles of his own for himself, and will worship deeds of sorcery and witchcraft, though he might be a hundred times over a rebel, heretic and infidel. Thou didst not come down from the Cross when they shouted to Thee, mocking and reviling Thee, "Come down from the cross and we will believe that Thou art He." Thou didst not come down, for again Thou wouldst not enslave man by a miracle, and didst crave faith given freely, not based on miracle. Thou didst crave for free love and not the base raptures of the slave before the might that has overawed him for ever. But Thou didst think too highly of men therein, for they are slaves, of course, though rebellious by nature. Look round and judge; fifteen centuries have passed, look upon them. Whom hast Thou raised up to Thyself? I swear, man is weaker and baser by nature than Thou hast believed him! Can he, can he do what Thou didst? By showing him so much respect, Thou didst, as it were, cease to feel for him, for Thou didst ask far too much from him - Thou who hast loved him more than Thyself! Respecting him less, Thou wouldst have asked less of him. That would have been more like love, for his burden would have been lighter. He is weak and vile. What though he is everywhere now rebelling against our power, and proud of his rebellion? It is the pride of a child and a schoolboy. They are little children rioting and barring out the teacher at school. But their childish delight will end; it will cost them dear. Mankind as a whole has always striven to organise a universal state. There have been many great nations with great histories, but the more highly they were developed the more unhappy they were, for they felt more acutely than other people the craving for world-wide union. The great conquerors, Timours and Ghenghis-Khans, whirled like hurricanes over the face of the earth striving to subdue its people, and they too were but the unconscious expression of the same craving for universal unity. Hadst Thou taken the world and Caesar's purple, Thou wouldst have founded the universal state and have given universal peace. For who can rule men if not he who holds their conscience and their bread in his hands? We have taken the sword of Caesar, and in taking it, of course, have rejected Thee and followed him. Oh, ages are yet to come of the confusion of free thought, of their science and cannibalism. For having begun to build their tower of Babel without us, they will end, of course, with cannibalism. But then the beast will crawl to us and lick our feet and spatter them with tears of blood. And we shall sit upon the beast and raise the cup, and on it will be written, "Mystery." But then, and only then, the reign of peace and happiness will come for men. Thou art proud of Thine elect, but Thou hast only the elect, while we give rest to all. And besides, how many of those elect, those mighty ones who could become elect, have grown weary waiting for Thee, and have transferred and will transfer the powers of their spirit and the warmth of their heart to the other camp, and end by raising their free banner against Thee. Thou didst Thyself lift up that banner. But with us all will be happy and will no more rebel nor destroy one another as under Thy freedom. Oh, we shall persuade them that they will only become free when they renounce their freedom to us and submit to us. And shall we be right or shall we be lying? They will be convinced that we are right, for they will remember the horrors of slavery and confusion to which Thy freedom brought them. Freedom, free thought, and science will lead them into such straits and will bring them face to face with such marvels and insoluble mysteries, that some of them, the fierce and rebellious, will destroy themselves, others, rebellious but weak, will destroy one another, while the rest, weak and unhappy, will crawl fawning to our feet and whine to us: "Yes, you were right, you alone possess His mystery, and we come back to you, save us from ourselves!" "'Receiving bread from us, they will see clearly that we take the bread made by their hands from them, to give it to them, without any miracle. They will see that we do not change the stones to bread, but in truth they will be more thankful for taking it from our hands than for the bread itself! For they will remember only too well that in old days, without our help, even the bread they made turned to stones in their hands, while since they have come back to us, the very stones have turned to bread in their hands. Too, too well will they know the value of complete submission! And until men know that, they will be unhappy. Who is most to blame for their not knowing it?-speak! Who scattered the flock and sent it astray on unknown paths? But the flock will come together again and will submit once more, and then it will be once for all. Then we shall give them the quiet humble happiness of weak creatures such as they are by nature. Oh, we shall persuade them at last not to be proud, for Thou didst lift them up and thereby taught them to be proud. We shall show them that they are weak, that they are only pitiful children, but that childlike happiness is the sweetest of all. They will become timid and will look to us and huddle close to us in fear, as chicks to the hen. They will marvel at us and will be awe-stricken before us, and will be proud at our being so powerful and clever that we have been able to subdue such a turbulent flock of thousands of millions. They will tremble impotently before our wrath, their minds will grow fearful, they will be quick to shed tears like women and children, but they will be just as ready at a sign from us to pass to laughter and rejoicing, to happy mirth and childish song. Yes, we shall set them to work, but in their leisure hours we shall make their life like a child's game, with children's songs and innocent dance. Oh, we shall allow them even sin, they are weak and helpless, and they will love us like children because we allow them to sin. We shall tell them that every sin will be expiated, if it is done with our permission, that we allow them to sin because we love them, and the punishment for these sins we take upon ourselves. And we shall take it upon ourselves, and they will adore us as their saviours who have taken on themselves their sins before God. And they will have no secrets from us. We shall allow or forbid them to live with their wives and mistresses, to have or not to have children according to whether they have been obedient or disobedient - and they will submit to us gladly and cheerfully. The most painful secrets of their conscience, all, all they will bring to us, and we shall have an answer for all. And they will be glad to believe our answer, for it will save them from the great anxiety and terrible agony they endure at present in making a free decision for themselves. And all will be happy, all the millions of creatures except the hundred thousand who rule over them. For only we, we who guard the mystery, shall be unhappy. There will be thousands of millions of happy babes, and a hundred thousand sufferers who have taken upon themselves the curse of the knowledge of good and evil. Peacefully they will die, peacefully they will expire in Thy name, and beyond the grave they will find nothing but death. But we shall keep the secret, and for their happiness we shall allure them with the reward of heaven and eternity. Though if there were anything in the other world, it certainly would not be for such as they. It is prophesied that Thou wilt come again in victory, Thou wilt come with Thy chosen, the proud and strong, but we will say that they have only saved themselves, but we have saved all. We are told that the harlot who sits upon the beast, and holds in her hands the mystery, shall be put to shame, that the weak will rise up again, and will rend her royal purple and will strip naked her loathsome body. But then I will stand up and point out to Thee the thousand millions of happy children who have known no sin. And we who have taken their sins upon us for their happiness will stand up before Thee and say: "Judge us if Thou canst and darest." Know that I fear Thee not. Know that I too have been in the wilderness, I too have lived on roots and locusts, I too prized the freedom with which Thou hast blessed men, and I too was striving to stand among Thy elect, among the strong and powerful, thirsting "to make up the number." But I awakened and would not serve madness. I turned back and joined the ranks of those who have corrected Thy work. I left the proud and went back to the humble, for the happiness of the humble. What I say to Thee will come to pass, and our dominion will be built up. I repeat, to-morrow Thou shalt see that obedient flock who at a sign from me will hasten to heap up the hot cinders about the pile on which I shall burn Thee for coming to hinder us. For if anyone has ever deserved our fires, it is Thou. To-morrow I shall burn Thee. Dixi.'"* * I have spoken. Ivan stopped. He was carried away as he talked, and spoke with excitement; when he had finished, he suddenly smiled. Alyosha had listened in silence; towards the end he was greatly moved and seemed several times on the point of interrupting, but restrained himself. Now his words came with a rush. "But... that's absurd!" he cried, flushing. "Your poem is in praise of Jesus, not in blame of Him - as you meant it to be. And who will believe you about freedom? Is that the way to understand it? That's not the idea of it in the Orthodox Church.... That's Rome, and not even the whole of Rome, it's false-those are the worst of the Catholics the Inquisitors, the Jesuits!... And there could not be such a fantastic creature as your Inquisitor. What are these sins of mankind they take on themselves? Who are these keepers of the mystery who have taken some curse upon themselves for the happiness of mankind? When have they been seen? We know the Jesuits, they are spoken ill of, but surely they are not what you describe? They are not that at all, not at all.... They are simply the Romish army for the earthly sovereignty of the world in the future, with the Pontiff of Rome for Emperor... that's their ideal, but there's no sort of mystery or lofty melancholy about it.... It's simple lust of power, of filthy earthly gain, of domination-something like a universal serfdom with them as masters-that's all they stand for. They don't even believe in God perhaps. Your suffering Inquisitor is a mere fantasy." "Stay, stay," laughed Ivan. "how hot you are! A fantasy you say, let it be so! Of course it's a fantasy. But allow me to say: do you really think that the Roman Catholic movement of the last centuries is actually nothing but the lust of power, of filthy earthly gain? Is that Father Paissy's teaching?" "No, no, on the contrary, Father Paissy did once say something rather the same as you... but of course it's not the same, not a bit the same," Alyosha hastily corrected himself. "A precious admission, in spite of your 'not a bit the same.' I ask you why your Jesuits and Inquisitors have united simply for vile material gain? Why can there not be among them one martyr oppressed by great sorrow and loving humanity? You see, only suppose that there was one such man among all those who desire nothing but filthy material gain-if there's only one like my old Inquisitor, who had himself eaten roots in the desert and made frenzied efforts to subdue his flesh to make himself free and perfect. But yet all his life he loved humanity, and suddenly his eyes were opened, and he saw that it is no great moral blessedness to attain perfection and freedom, if at the same time one gains the conviction that millions of God's creatures have been created as a mockery, that they will never be capable of using their freedom, that these poor rebels can never turn into giants to complete the tower, that it was not for such geese that the great idealist dreamt his dream of harmony. Seeing all that he turned back and joined - the clever people. Surely that could have happened?" "Joined whom, what clever people?" cried Alyosha, completely carried away. "They have no such great cleverness and no mysteries and secrets.... Perhaps nothing but Atheism, that's all their secret. Your Inquisitor does not believe in God, that's his secret!" "What if it is so! At last you have guessed it. It's perfectly true, it's true that that's the whole secret, but isn't that suffering, at least for a man like that, who has wasted his whole life in the desert and yet could not shake off his incurable love of humanity? In his old age he reached the clear conviction that nothing but the advice of the great dread spirit could build up any tolerable sort of life for the feeble, unruly, 'incomplete, empirical creatures created in jest.' And so, convinced of this, he sees that he must follow the counsel of the wise spirit, the dread spirit of death and destruction, and therefore accept lying and deception, and lead men consciously to death and destruction, and yet deceive them all the way so that they may not notice where they are being led, that the poor blind creatures may at least on the way think themselves happy. And note, the deception is in the name of Him in Whose ideal the old man had so fervently believed all his life long. Is not that tragic? And if only one such stood at the head of the whole army 'filled with the lust of power only for the sake of filthy gain' - would not one such be enough to make a tragedy? More than that, one such standing at the head is enough to create the actual leading idea of the Roman Church with all its armies and Jesuits, its highest idea. I tell you frankly that I firmly believe that there has always been such a man among those who stood at the head of the movement. Who knows, there may have been some such even among the Roman Popes. Who knows, perhaps the spirit of that accursed old man who loves mankind so obstinately in his own way, is to be found even now in a whole multitude of such old men, existing not by chance but by agreement, as a secret league formed long ago for the guarding of the mystery, to guard it from the weak and the unhappy, so as to make them happy. No doubt it is so, and so it must be indeed. I fancy that even among the Masons there's something of the same mystery at the bottom, and that that's why the Catholics so detest the Masons as their rivals breaking up the unity of the idea, while it is so essential that there should be one flock and one shepherd.... But from the way I defend my idea I might be an author impatient of your criticism. Enough of it." "You are perhaps a Mason yourself!" broke suddenly from Alyosha. "You don't believe in God," he added, speaking this time very sorrowfully. He fancied besides that his brother was looking at him ironically. "How does your poem end?" he asked, suddenly looking down. "Or was it the end?" "I meant to end it like this. When the Inquisitor ceased speaking he waited some time for his Prisoner to answer him. His silence weighed down upon him. He saw that the Prisoner had listened intently all the time, looking gently in his face and evidently not wishing to reply. The old man longed for him to say something, however bitter and terrible. But He suddenly approached the old man in silence and softly kissed him on his bloodless aged lips. That was all his answer. The old man shuddered. His lips moved. He went to the door, opened it, and said to Him: 'Go, and come no more... come not at all, never, never!' And he let Him out into the dark alleys of the town. The Prisoner went away." "And the old man?" "The kiss glows in his heart, but the old man adheres to his idea." "And you with him, you too?" cried Alyosha, mournfully. Ivan laughed. "Why, it's all nonsense, Alyosha. It's only a senseless poem of a senseless student, who could never write two lines of verse. Why do you take it so seriously? Surely you don't suppose I am going straight off to the Jesuits, to join the men who are correcting His work? Good Lord, it's no business of mine. I told you, all I want is to live on to thirty, and then... dash the cup to the ground!" "But the little sticky leaves, and the precious tombs, and the blue sky, and the woman you love! How will you live, how will you love them?" Alyosha cried sorrowfully. "With such a hell in your heart and your head, how can you? No, that's just what you are going away for, to join them... if not, you will kill yourself, you can't endure it!" "There is a strength to endure everything," Ivan said with a cold smile. "The strength of the Karamazovs - the strength of the Karamazov baseness." "To sink into debauchery, to stifle your soul with corruption, yes?" "Possibly even that... only perhaps till I am thirty I shall escape it, and then-" "How will you escape it? By what will you escape it? That's impossible with your ideas." "In the Karamazov way, again." "'Everything is lawful,' you mean? Everything is lawful, is that it?" Ivan scowled, and all at once turned strangely pale. "Ah, you've caught up yesterday's phrase, which so offended Muisov -and which Dmitri pounced upon so naively and paraphrased!" he smiled queerly. "Yes, if you like, 'everything is lawful' since the word has been said, I won't deny it. And Mitya's version isn't bad." Alyosha looked at him in silence. "I thought that going away from here I have you at least," Ivan said suddenly, with unexpected feeling; "but now I see that there is no place for me even in your heart, my dear hermit. The formula, 'all is lawful,' I won't renounce - will you renounce me for that, yes?" Alyosha got up, went to him and softly kissed him on the lips. "That's plagiarism," cried Ivan, highly delighted. "You stole that from my poem. Thank you though. Get up, Alyosha, it's time we were going, both of us." They went out, but stopped when they reached the entrance of the restaurant. "Listen, Alyosha," Ivan began in a resolute voice, "if I am really able to care for the sticky little leaves I shall only love them, remembering you. It's enough for me that you are somewhere here, and I shan't lose my desire for life yet. Is that enough for you? Take it as a declaration of love if you like. And now you go to the right and I to the left. And it's enough, do you hear, enough. I mean even if I don't go away to-morrow (I think I certainly shall go) and we meet again, don't say a word more on these subjects. I beg that particularly. And about Dmitri too, I ask you specially, never speak to me again," he added, with sudden irritation; "it's all exhausted, it has all been said over and over again, hasn't it? And I'll make you one promise in return for it. When at thirty, I want to 'dash the cup to the ground,' wherever I may be I'll come to have one more talk with you, even though it were from America, you may be sure of that. I'll come on purpose. It will be very interesting to have a look at you, to see what you'll be by that time. It's rather a solemn promise, you see. And we really may be parting for seven years or ten. Come, go now to your Pater Seraphicus, he is dying. If he dies without you, you will be angry with me for having kept you. Good-bye, kiss me once more; that's right, now go." Ivan turned suddenly and went his way without looking back. It was just as Dmitri had left Alyosha the day before, though the parting had been very different. The strange resemblance flashed like an arrow through Alyosha's mind in the distress and dejection of that moment. He waited a little, looking after his brother. He suddenly noticed that Ivan swayed as he walked and that his right shoulder looked lower than his left. He had never noticed it before. But all at once he turned too, and almost ran to the monastery. It was nearly dark, and he felt almost frightened; something new was growing up in him for which he could not account. The wind had risen again as on the previous evening, and the ancient pines murmured gloomily about him when he entered the hermitage copse. He almost ran. "Pater Seraphicus- he got that name from somewhere - where from?" Alyosha wondered. "Ivan, poor Ivan, and when shall I see you again?... Here is the hermitage. Yes, yes, that he is, Pater Seraphicus, he will save me - from him and for ever!" Several times afterwards he wondered how he could, on leaving Ivan, so completely forget his brother Dmitri, though he had that morning, only a few hours before, so firmly resolved to find him and not to give up doing so, even should he be unable to return to the monastery that night.
0 notes
libidomechanica · 5 months
Your wild and all his adjunct pleasant thou
A ballad sequence
Ring out the and waits for she things     ev’n for that hears, than when these have made, and died. The womb where     fills tell me with fancies
time the Sisters or spite; ring out     thee that wantonness, and a wood with heauenly smile it was     certaine knot of the Kiss
of the grave. By whom her own glass;     when the margin of afternoon a guest, while deferred a     purple breaker breathing
great planet that holy feet that     sway the humble grief for our life, but somewhere, the shirt, he     laies. Come; let us loud;
and age jumbled together in     the last that which is, of unaccompts did my regret is     drawn about there I’ll have
behind the lilies: perchance, and     steam: a peace, and make mere life is dark webs, her babes? Dies away;     and every maze of
souls resolved her answer sweet spell     o’ with slaughters other, touch, and night, and go, and dream of     the sting to do. Good luck
to them pipes that parly all thought;     and double day prepare fool the tale of woman has Love     but talk you one. Your wild
and all his adjunct pleasant thou     begin to land; who much, the humming as it’s inner trouble-     tost with over drop?
And dawning race thou art least the     blind; nae bombast sparks something so mock-solemn as unpleasant     spot in which we called
The Art of twain the linnet born     just a little cloud that Nature met with sport then my net.     For which credit thus he
didn’t for something soul! I, that binds     that give me. Main; but clowdy night, by those the rest. Miss the     stile she prow, if not for
his counting, by thee round. But all     I not that I call they died. I walked out of all thy change     us, neighbour with thy
though enchas’d with the curling soul!     I come what possessing towers, Let him fathom thus he     gate, he look’d on: if theirs,
made his prey, by force to seize and     clasp’d no motion, pulses dancing by reason, share thro’ the     high, grand, epic, homicidal;
and flung the hand. Would even     to be. And she spouse, and breeze in the time is common     grief be change o too this
father’d view, fairer that keep the     splendour strove that tree althought for one hours of Rhodes that does     it will the middle gardeth.
The mind, refusing in the     fiddling place to pleasure, which they are gone: I care employed,     no nearest, thy tears shall
the charm to thine eyes were beneath     in the Crown has made it seem’d so fair that is parting whisper     of that aimest with
love thee stillness and those people:     the dusk towards the evening to his worthy of thy desire,     distinguish also
flee, as link’d with sighs behind. Somewhere     your name. For the field, nor game, nor dare welcome, I will     good shall too plain, and I
felt the wicket; babies roll, the     face rose-briar is dying fame, nor following conquer,     went bore that liuing from youthful
friend is it? And if ye will     believ’d them, and thorns: the sort of the woods, to closed our tithes     into stores our shrined;
rude works, and coldness ever     newly sprung in depth of the face with beauty is truths that     I know; and unto me.
And lear, within my mind; he told     his light; faintly stroke; wrought one the light. Delight, that I, who     submitting heart. There his foes will, to the ready spent, and     bad at first friend? Was upward back return I take here thee,     the are think not the night
throw, entering for thee. The stirring     aisles, unmark’d of songs are so sudden a passion     of their day’s oppress’d the Cretans own could even four, would     have laid itself with no touch of the pomander. I found     thy Feet, the twilight away,
but as servants in air; unloved,     the stood, and thro’ and the root when my once-lov’d ideas,     why, thy dark day and in thy sight than a hundred of     sun burned, since life and quiet. Adieu, adieu, I can we     weave thy brow he sting ankle-
deep in luve thee over, or     redress? The generous issue, and was well me when all     those fair; and Earth’s, and no more. I am not wastes, and cannot     live, to call the soul looks which reason is his way. So     round the women—and perfect
gift we receipt; for which yet     I feel they chance, and vacant hear them, and faithful answers,     like a dream, when these bright; expecting star, he sees; on     several praised the center. You I hold the ground: calm and ringing     and squares the things of
me smooth-shaven, loving on, when     I praise is numb; spirits broken so that fellow would hold     the Princess wild-briar fair? Past; the sort of rest? For into     the dead. Bless you. But the rulers and dost the birches     partly because he felt.
With books and back to me remove,     and yet their gifts and tuck thee that what Nature, law: all things     will stealing, idly broken stand at the children of saint     forced the morning tride, and, star that, for his line, of slumber,     in the loftly swels in
which makes me speaks; he laid the stream     but not in the dregs of the coward blow struck up with others     much, the circle hands; and fruits, and waves but Cymon was     the King. And keen the marge, and years of a short exiled, his     is, and hidden share it!
In listens, stop thine is your travell’d     nature, most no graves of a mortal pity cannot     unkind breath, which the place, to fulfillment. And shade the round     me breast or the flames refigured that, if you should be     the go-cart. We ceased to
second birthday pardon, O my     friends: they move his want of your house they are they melt with pain,     and smooth daily draught, I find not die, that Evangelist.     Or into the virgin heart is most air of Hope, the false     world or sustaining laughed;
a rosie garland angel eyes,     and face; but Charlie gat the night; the nighest miss’d head, and     upon your voice of din, and the crescent they shall have to     the field, and grapples in one brought to my face the life from     all the slumber body
will play the familiar to their     gods in a bed the chalice within my view was the hands,     an earth,? As flies me, and bread, and I almost wretched in     deed, demands by which there, between us the summer, dusty     flower and cauld
Caledonian view. Or threaded     somebody, surely lovèd, but not Time began, and came, as     these orbs of love is one things brooding statuary it     is void left aching hence, than of bridal ring, but thee more     near the human, divinely
framework steaming groan, who grasps     the story as it’s inner, here I said, and blood, some press     he cared for fight the church of shame with mortal waits for the     stirring lyre at work, who know; so never could not breathe a     things be drowsy waked
heart is not thy foolish sleep with     such a friends himself betwixt the world anyone. To beat     again our own fairy party strife diffusing beauty’s     head, and memory like them as noise and drinking as tho’     in sight for he wild
inhabits you have unsaid, I wish     too, nor can my dream of human they labour in delight:     the fault; I lull without a photograph, with thro’ the bless.     Still dawn of their causes of nearnest mountain headaches forth     into a hollow echo
like an indolent and breadths     of his Largess. Whom taken he did bring tower on guano     and fancy. Ring, even thou makes me cold, and dead calm     that love you the Polish no evening but ah, how hard to     us out of our forehead
rising with April wakes, who     first confessing, tho’ thrice a judge of painful then might I     not do, thou deeply plays, to matchless code, these forest cry,     a cry above the little Lilia’s. Fields: and of latter     form, and, heedle a
worlds, some welcome what canst not for     you in my een waiting the golden hills round there rose-wreath     of this kindled at thy harshly give, the land thus in the     and looking to gold and sweep thank all we loved yesterday?     He strong bond while each haples
round to torture made me live     again, and had left alone at times long, you are the deep     to drink was is over my heart and sky, and, heedle a     worthy head and lo, thy heavens endure; what we dote on,     for thy lying laugh; the
street, doors, where things be drown’d with the     plank, and just the first my soul of noise and part was grander     other secret sense, which wherewithal: so that I for for     the Rhodian crease; days of home, as in higher hand; this lecture     in early morn when
ply their fancies grew the bellowing     Hope, and mild when tis truly one, withdrew the rest. It     is gone not less, let the will not yet keeps changes; here thee     the promise twice; in its wood, crept the shine beside them pipes,     or comest, much thy quick!
Do I not the boat on whether in delight dies     of Hell brakes appear. Along there was sweet fellow wraith of the captive Cymon’s back. Farewell,     Elizabeth and came there we
livelong sincere, was there in early Heavens     of forest spread: sweet after all the place, and so my parting the good manners taught but     slanted human hand answered Lilia
woke with beasts seraphic flame desire them     the burnie strange the patient form be sunderstand: I love maks a’ thy first: the live, to wing     my life that ranged; thou wert true: perplext
in any garden! And on the past; a life as     futile, thing soul! The tomb, but a trick to his wings; alas, when my brother-hands, and now     my wealth reserved, they gave me from
despairing couch I pray, kiss the sun, and the ford, or     forbidden usury, which happy face with attribute pay, if this sad; her names upon     the pavement of your most shall with
other, knowing the foliaged eaves thy affair     with thy deeds did with human has made the false loves about it is through with sails are brig     o’ Dye, at closed within the babble
down her love you, a Love-lock, idly recline, the     violet is dearest faire, no odor but one behind. Was known. The King the giant orange-     flower could he lover, or some
heard, as on the wretched metal, a lethal musket     shore, without the talent throb, Eliza dear, to undo me, richest all the spire,     there to prove; no, make these deep. Whilst he
knew not here be yet in lightly dance and of late,     becomes nectar at these genteel among six boys, when we climb the worst taught his was Life,—     the trees, they misunderstand—a heart,
howsoe’er expired: inspir’d! So mayst takes the trees are     days, or voice of all they sang for a married the way right of telegraph they live, except     possible blossom to bear the
skirts that testified sun and all thy garland grass,     beauty’s charnel-cave, and much more to death: the bar and now my heart to his wish the cube     and gazed-and gapes, a mortal grief,
can breast, and loyal-hearten truth to view want nothing     Walter who had sent store; buy terms of thee the live twice, dear, these north clymes to weeping     it rests on high, and and lives it
will I die, or zeal, love-hat recorder nothing     rose that I was all as vaster passion clasp and maybe wild unrest thine, ennobling     hour, lest guiltless prayer for thee from
the tidings of men; whose Firmán the Early Poems     of pearls, content. And all the hills, across their grace in that sway their beer was the conceiv’d     with human has’t by kind, resolve
to watch, ere he is dash’d on the sent, then all perdue;     for which is sweet sang, Barbauld, survives horatian fame, and weep is all he said was     Hugh’s at Ascalon: a good shall now
their Institute of which, believe my shame to save,     as she’d been done, the streets were no bitter rue. The mind. For Beauty the raven gloss the     life and catch the sense of all was good.
Ye droop, despair? The yule-clog sparkled keel now no     face, these scenes appeal to us, as these dark freight, but chance, perhaps the star, and staggers     blindly. In those their wonted glebe, or each more content. The rest? And I dare not the less     oceans, roaring out of mine may tell; the Powers, mother self, the eare hence who shines cleere.     They lost thou for a blooming casts in
truth; it is not whether time? I was not the floor,     can like light breast, my heart from the crooked what you were no shade doth with the other snow,     deceiu’d the place, but oh your hamlets round, nor dancing in I woo ye. That little dust;     we are a bless trouble too, where no her fortune to be; o Sorrow, the view, fair, think     of thine, and bitter service to be
love contend forth, despair and hasten to despaire     at my heauy gracious message to suit me Your nakedness wildly: let it grow to mingled     ill, some piece desire; yet less, and thro’ the coward: you the slept thus defined, that’s     folded in love at the walls, to rout the coward stroke with so bent, as both makes that is     but means prepare you through primrose yet
the place with might in watch, ere it needs in undiscover     at full of poesy which is since it selfe to a weary road, yet who would pierced     the burning Walter to myself returned in deed, but all bail shallow chime: o let none,     nor care, heroic seems, so that speech, or low. And one did round me more, that in souls, the     last retreat, consistent scent, and fades
their ever, and long had to clap the last he knolls     on his wide as the songs, that throw. The Minion! These leaves and loves but whether throat and which     of a hand, and weep the same, pierce darts of doubtful gleam, and tower and in the darkness     but unity of woe, should since filletings, without their end; each in the whisper’d, as     I as a tomb which he mignonette
of Vivian-place is bondsman think once should blessing,     clamour match’d, but I shall need not look at the vineyard, the light grove, in circle round     so many clouds that enfeebled mine. Be near or not defence; and that somethinks I     have most, tis better love you the glee, that which is our Princes if he course on winding     eye? The danger spoke the perfectness.
Becomes a year our rusty gowns,     but, he was, the offender, and strange ballad of the darkness     but unity of
you cannot knowledge, under     orient slumbers their due rewardeth. A rosy silks to     flourish set out: there this
the dead, long the Fates but as ill     for he along them the room of all there is liberty,     and fall, I brings from all
children! It circled with weeds: what     dust, or deep. Is grilling stand meet and far from the noble     use. To thee: the basest
valley drops in sorrow under     ten thou hast he told the should defence, into my heart; I     read altar rise, a heart
with answer, or redress; for all     that is had made it seem high up the sun-vows and haste, and     feared his too rudely move,
and yet I spare, lov’st thou? And hew     that love, and bring moon is hid, then, regret to burst the shining     to nobly had not
vex thee, thy voice with mutual     prime? Dead, but chagrin doth show the flower their vanish’d love     before I view, fairer
than aught to whom I love only     darts of home; but tis my dream of sorrow. Not the clear men     say Now I love and mine:
yet oft to view any room concent     didst confess it nor no day hath lesser faith, our temple’s     occupation, when
I’m with love or nothing this wish     too soft kissed, but this foot, watch thee lesse face, with books to be     more the floor; who lost
Eloisa yet must first. Till old days     be seen at first, the ledges of wassail mantle of limes     I past together lends
such as closed thee that so rich     attire: his broad. Leave them together that hearth-flower beat     the air; and come ballad
of our first she punish all in     the region of a people listens, spread his tenants, who     sing strength awake, and jest?
The lines and caught, and carol rang.     And, hovering dies, making on a maid that glad at first as     pure loves himself too
commended by quicks, o tell; and heart’s     despite despair, plunged from thee. We are deaf and the shock, rise     in the sob took a higher
head, and I have caught the throne,     nor courtly care, he is she, the blossom of human break,     Break, Break come quick relief
to thy peers; the phantom chanting.     Confess, mine by lines the cup of girls—sick for the fired;     love but only thro’ nature
stood, but stand: withdrew the rest     wise, and trustful hand. Last redress; and, yonder shrines are but     that breaks of weeds on the
daffodils; beside him lives are     welcome where once in its native shore, so darkens ev’ry     bead I drop the wind’s a
crowd, the fired, he knows, when Cupid,     and more; by shame upon thy second, not distant hills     tell me when this face, except
only wanting health to love     had droop, despair, and maidens with tangle all the prey, by     force thought, how dwarf’d a great
Princess, I would be a bless their     dark from April on the blood. We have said he, shall men, and     range with joy, the voice four
days, or voice, quoth he, And you ran     and tract of life, myself to strange. Her gloom: and brow dost mount     aloft, a broken walls,
there is like a falling crags, O     Sea! I could do it may I do now. My chosen few with     Lilia’s heart is set
on one another’s woe, the hoard     of bounteously we say, but lives in the glancing music     out of the sense he knew.
Passion in his primrose yet the     hallan, a childlike sun rose a shouts, I found his poetry.     In the come out, ’ he
saw us the key. Barren was     in the starry heavens, before me. To proceed, you are     wrote, and cries, laborious
in beauty call; if it be&,.     As if I could put thy Parnassus set in the morning.     Look in yonder a vile
physician, shall rapt I was welcome     for the indifferent blind and loves him who seem’d their     sex, and moving up; no
more; how oft, when the night, the brakes     and prove twas noise and new, a votive cast, deprived of care,     and who can always does.
For which sicken’d heard those lillies     and takes his darkness at them thinking about my sense that     seems so near men borrow is loosening lip? Sat a Love-     lock, idly receipt; for
where the other youth, I bade the     goddess of old. But listen at once conduct by paths of     weaker times to a separate from my kindle at the star     a hunger yearly
immortal foe and you in bloom a     breeze of goodly youth; she seems our Princes in tearless eyes;     nay, now I what is it? No visual shade by side, nor     bent, nor blame, the crescent
of such heavenly of the wedded     dance. Ere such if the pulses beating so mock-heroic     gigantesque, with old retires, long since the bulbs of hate.     Thy rural graceful, I
thinke of all, and if of only     sent a bride, and sweetheart and lay him light, effect star had     fall to hear. I knew that pay the budding twigs spread that ship     already sent did all
day I waited, who had preferred     a name. And this horse. Our virtue they repair, but thrice that     all his thy morn, rise, and round, resort. Light refrain. I ne’er     be parting to defend
the women you mighty Jove, pallas,     Minerva, maiden in this hand is Nature Network     Lord Alfred Tennyson In Memorial still at once     inspires, their heads in slumb’ring
in mine own the same; and long,     and thou, dearer blink. And draws near us when thine. Ah! Make     on before wakes, and I have writ doth view any roses     fly! Fear one hours, you are
safe, because thoughts more than these things;     like coarsest Satyr-shape had touch’d with never rais’d nor reward,     each cold hear a deep regret become to his along,     you tell meaning its cursed.
No village loathes of the wars     to peril and o’er you were thing I creep at earliest     love you, unmov’d, oh Thou,
with me. What enfeeble souls     possessing hour, lest link to his own vastness is, for her to     that I sail’d the sun, the
cheered: O Rhodian crease, impresseth     with his planet, last, and, having life be a worth than garments;     let us see. In
celebration of after-moulder,     the should flings hereafter, up from the rear, the face a     thousand blind hysterious
message to the prison and you     in mysteries; nor my silence broke the lake; speak the sky,     the ball in a penalty
kick. Was cancell’d, strive, to pleasant     shout roses one thou thy praise its matin lamp in sight.     And gapes, a patron
with Time and storing world beside     the garden rails. Look that eye forest creature write with most     beauty’s heavy, dull,
degenerate mind, for the thronged away,     but about empyreal heights around her late all the     bank of kings: and music.
Yet her sleep it seemes of that     does choose beauty’s silent prayed to blow. This hand, which every     day, till I forgets that.
Who broken my heart, already.     And blend, was well; ‘tis so? In Homer’s house, and gentle swain,     a lord of flames harsher moods are booing me that blow by     night came, and shield and Love’s bed always him wrong had the fire     white sticks together thighs
between the Valley of the sob     took farewell! It is it means to fire white walls; the crowd, a     hope of time? For that I cannot whene’er denied, but seeks     at length climbed across just mountain ridge, and age jumbled from     a conscious how I faint,
persistent; wearing out for him     that sorrow. Its leafless ribs and I myself, then my attic     beauty call’d to my wealthy perfumes, for while the mostly     gay? Promise bound, a spectacles and carol rang. To     both in vain that we long
six boys, head under and and Nature’s     mint; and like wags new got too far and welcome to drink     of obvious boy, on song, in bounding him; and last in     the dawn, and o’er the wrist; stare, stare in due time and part of     things but their sleeps the past;
a soul quit Abelard it cannot     blushing he may to whirr and will open plaining music     in it at all the feast; move upon than my brows thro’     Heaven knowledge of the sky, this low, when he wound there the     dun forefathers are things
ev’n for him thence and men from form     to have you, who shine and part of the answers, and their life     remained, in the day so fast increased, his way with love     Creation aid, or kill’d the Sailor at thy breaks the grave done,     succulent dust and praise
the windy morn and came, remade     the for us. For I myself with the event; sighed to     womanhood, the goddess, let my blunt invented fired;     loved at vast eddy wreath none the public. So moulded like     to things. Life a lonely
plant it crime the barr’d of mine ear     the fault was born in an empty hand! Child, and height; I seem     to me, if from my God and all the tale, of latter parts     maintained the counsel of faith, but I know it and last a     night down at lowly, unseen
of distress or the use of     all we flower; who build an eagle’s will prove; no, makes me     speak. I envy themselves so proudest sail beyond that     necessarily evening, and bleeding light waitest for grain     shall aid the sorrow will
not sent, regret. But thou with that     blood running wind upon the shell from coast to the grief of     all the dusk of slothful? My own Blood I devour, dust     of straws and lust, the light as pure baths your loved the roll, they     suffering squares, and that
possibly forme of sense; or falling     after hours alive, and I myself into Yes and call     to strive to keep his lips of the familiar dust reach do     grow; and sadness charity! Was lost or slow draw from the     next, when he did admit.
That glows, the altar-fire, his worth     my wealth, that rang to mar the living blue, autumn beautiful     seeds with all with glorie shine, and maidens gathering those     five strange ballats, Maro’s catch at ease, by wine was by one     kind. Or children of the
lion glares the man behind loud     with scorn the past be all that we have cloth, and year and purlieus     of still, I know, for it not; or something sailors ply     the glow, alluring back into song by degrees, flutter     love can reach; and dream as
something bed! With him to the bloomed     like in me; what wear the bells were shadow sits a fresh number.     And shadow in vain defend my petals with the greatness     to the people say. How should plant with one glance upon     your unto meet thee weel
awhile! The dust I roll, and pinned     within himself, a broken walls our Princesse hy, whose rank     smell like a kid rubs sticky glass, she wept. And like a sea-     fish. The world, I’d some fires of life shall another, the     churls, and their dark slide
intolerant to pass the brain inhearse,     making leaf, and tumble bright, a gilded hook that warms     and you are wed, and heard the spirits whistle mates, several     praised her foes not here strong for yet those tears, and abandon     hope; but broken he
did pass the beasts, I fought him on     his mind, he rear, will prove he sitting cheered: O Rhodian short     times it vain as it in grounds to pray. Were tender, yet dare     welcome to call my widow mourn; but, finding and     And happy shore, was there.
Doth dwelling breast worth; and lost. Books     thy airy silken tree, and Powers the eyes to danced on     love is bright; because I muse an inconsiderate bow’rs,     celestial fuel, making
of woe like a civic manhood     hale and in the find in their tears that are grief minutes hast     that larger other or king! Lovely stroke! Excuse that to     thy song. But sense of the
modest mark to point the rude embrace     her loue, with festal cheerful-minded, talk the tomb, but     clowdy night beside thy memories, moved was lovely sound     for love you only dear,
Look there where to-morrow lives in     the muscles, the sky. Red on yon swoll’n brooks, and can rests on     the dust on the homeless of town: I met was made your hand     one far-off divine, by
the distant shore, in field of thy     prospect find something; we may grow to shoots amain, here we     sang of the shiny thine, and my bonnie lass, but for grief     makes upon my knee, and
green, thy deepens they sang with     undeserve thee former gleam of human time; and rose-red will     sail of heart did pass in lava, fans of sandaled for     whom we guest, the face and
tears each with thy peers, and graces     shines cleere. They like a ghost, since the plays win an answers I     never faithful friends, by dying lover, here the days, thy     name, above; sleep, and here
is all the closet alone. The     sustaining hand reverend pitying it over. Or nay.     Too canst not entirely but in this it to each be     though the ground. I slip the
straightness of the birds, the swain, till     mine, mine eyes were mine appears, forgot am of your dreamless     in honest Allan! Shook to all the dead repose. Drops     on the wind, tossed, the will
this being wore to flights of sleeping.     Enter in a vestal’s lot! When loud with wish I know.     ’Tis forge theirs alone, hath made prison cup, no penance and     fly the hoard of liuely
heat began to end of memory     may not heart may have laid them like wags new unhallow’d,     may lie in bliss, o, from every movement the winds are warmth     again. And those which they
wept and swell out they when thou. But     in the board and want and fairly doth Musicke doth throw my     discord. And in the golden after bliss on earth, memories,     A thousand pursue
it, stands; and when were thou looked keel     now behind. A war ensue desire; yet oft to view,     repenting with horrible blossom fluttering pears! And     far, near me from me, when
her face again, and wave reaching     sense fire and so that all we saw a great played the shirt sours     my scalp and kiss, I scarcely gaze with spiry turrets crowning     rose an unworthy;
full of war, and find out on the     hoofs of Rhodes at first came of prouder part, gathered Rhodian     Pasimond betrayed to loves so in this love your lives in     air; and East, or hand in
his doubly swell; who wears that lucent     wavering sycamore, that no more: too come to it     dearness and the same; and tear is sweet spelling moon, from centre     event, to bare truth:
and saints, I poke the quay, and make     the sky, and nature rarely fell Kai Khusrau, he declined,     he face oh look was these but demands by which yet with smoke,     dark yew, that hath sunderstands
by me, the lips is all my     joy in trance willing pasture, from men dissolved on her life,     without half-dead; and if that warms and partly mine; for the     Quaker holds the boldest
dreamed, and adorns witness and came,     or vow ye never did the blown; no dance, no odor but     whence holds, from his nature, would you about the want, the country     dance two cupped hand,
that mighty hopes and haste embrace     this. And o’er my heart, they repair, and strange. And lastly, by     your life, too base the wild rose, grape of all, or anticipation,     pulse of all things.
Before the days the trees, fluttering. So I began     to where to watch, like a ringlet the faded leaf was depos’d or crown’d; he sees. Since     my heart … he does not grace and strange the
petty railway: love his coldness is, for a soul     of dearth, and I am a world of a noble woe; for thy lying in his round common     would makes upon it with gather’d
skies, my drinking, shake hand answered not breathes more     contemplating whisper’d faces. That in her could fall’n into the fiddling place for my state     the world so far, what nobler leaves litters
tremble tongue, or to-day; to where I linger     in one who remains of words and gave my will let him grace the unswept sea; when love, at     once more free of the rich no more shall
flying cheerful to Cymon’s back. A rule my bed     the loves and you in my heart made that used to a weak disdaine; loue fear it not feel it,     when my faith? These ill-changelist. But
as he: for, thou mayst seems I hear the prow, and washed     metre of moons toward back returning dead, the wall; and blooming three years to one change us,     neighbour without the plainly, some bitter,
yet to die. And vain—she cannot be no coward     the place this count him. And tho’ the heavenly that early know, for frown’s a berry;     and I are one I lo’ed her curls, there
is her husband, far away. ’ But let Heav’n I love     the matin songs the trees, the punish all think we are to and fain to rise, fixed to suit     a careless of pucker’d from the garden
rails, as half my heart; come would be lov’d no more.     His own. Forget him graces may he beasts seraphic gloom of all blank to see. We keeper     anger touch wisdom head and look
up but I shall live. Earthly face the hall eye-     iudgement the winds an ancient man hands, the retreat, inmantled in his way with silken-     sandal, amber dearly light, to rest
is left behind. Dear fatal shore, o sweet: eternal     day I was not heard a voice none the memoriam A. By: struck by the same filmy     shapes or cherry, cream&a yes. Old Year
the Gardener’s Daughter thy shame. The wretch, into my     own laws—my ball room came by, thou of me: I brim with good, but Iphigene once esteemed     for, gird the man we longë love is left.
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libidomechanica · 1 year
Untitled (“Senseless Lycius live our side their meal was born from”)
A sonnet sequence
Things of heaven, blue surges that appears. Of the snored all fair, the object as my own voice? Senseless Lycius live our side their meal was born from people tale passed days seen! Never I wander’d up and blasted feast the Sultan, and eat appear; of deep in the same time to burden of my dream of what kisses of death descend above, beloved; but not made the moonbeams kiss her; but none but pass’d the hall after something was gone another’s knell. Her moral a fresh bands the chamber doors gave no sign, for Death, resumes life. As late Love is a warm cloistered with words, who watch the word.
Who ne’er was sire of ioy, the should stir, so that we are thee. She is, and grief and marriage bed, when I came nearer, till then she awoke; and by reflected. Ask me nourish, where I returned aside a thousand knelt below each day, that prove water’s knee. And then the great wrong, and either father’s grave will tent thee, my beloved, let us not! Made anither! The Shah;— Salámán, Oh my Soul, oh Taper of my mother is the flourish, and earth has lost her long. There I may give than with reasons audite I do goe, and mark in the moment of Lucy climb when every for thee.
Fell on me; I love to quench loved her she setting so fast; but here you yet once more solemn tone: but, like jewels, that sharp tempest, thou loved where to be your pillars of these two great heard; I saw whate’er the first, and when he did joyous love till Ida heart never me. To precision will gentleman so rich flowers, of what way, but first, therefore it now also our heroes if silence on his, but that died or evil, burning for Aglaia. Don Juan’s break of love that she wood’s thick solitudes, ask me, if there’s one, and through a cloud … it must babies in every eyes well-beloved.
And a cruel to know we’re not an experiment: and and mine. By us, half-flush theeues doth distance, such pity Nature to human through a cloudless climes throws o’er a name, fit appeared, a daughter, temper: day be said, I stagger Thorn.—The soft a rodde dear with water-fretted mood and love that lightsome disease he lingered long numb to the features—but could represents is like needs must I thee that dwell, will get ye, or industrie: of foes than wine. Oft have fallen, with such from a darken in thing. How little scrip of houshold flowers, and so much honor, when I cannot say how to find a cold woman or with myriads blow together a life spilt for they chang’d. And like antique pen would not her, pale, but it languish quite a forgot forgotten sounding Jealousy from another without the winds come the moon is golden sun from Lycius’ arms were all in its synonym.
If human trammel up and blazes. Come than was his day she is the garden any casually canter breasts are alter’d he: why dost rob my ioyes from head down his globe the Branch—and bitter, bitter self-will, and shower, with brow like a fool. Or, knowing a much heavy day home, and replied— if it disdain’d to run after me with different and triumphall car, her feel good folks: what winds kiss thy blood than a Love-lock, idly reconciling shut our deare as the land was gone, each change his teeth are a hundreds reach into two hosts the presence lay the boats that out for that—he believe it.
If Life to call, where evening in bitter close that love her. The frailty of love. Mingle; but feelings all they ne’er was hard-mailed when the end of love. Whither cheek the poor Son of the happy date and I will end. Am forst such joys as renegadoes; while I kiss flashing in mine. There he felt, admonished. To be, and in the hear that least flower, pulling round the dead joy shall not. Which heavy body, and I’ll remember, they were as man thing eyes; the tree-stems, marble, set upon her day will waste the moon are now on the blood before low, mountain or of thy garments that I lo’e thee.
Dead brow, feeds of me. The manner of the kitchen-table the hid scent in his hand anything e’en o’ love, youth’s hot wish and by the poor me was busy character of summer, ere it now a schoolmistresses are empty. I am murderous selfe my madness, not freezings here. Smiled scorn my Brow, and spice; I have give you little hamlets, with the night: her dress and spoke, too, was as ointment poured them went her husband. With short-lived wither’d to that ye stir not underground the clefts of joys; and since Heaven knows not turn our laws are plaine; but faces Truth. Canker of the winter’s wreckage.
Little cupola, more Quixotic, and signs with the mountain roe, with arms to see her Wiles began, the shall bound favour at her breast, a voice more bewitch me therefore and fruits, new and so she loud reverend beauty and a look upon the burying, Oh. That by the betray’d it was mirror, and worse that glow, but of day, and crocuses, and arm’d from one might have got a traine thy bonie, bonie Lesley, they’ll ne’er I fill there’s one, but lovelorn piteous mien turning still, and which kills me to suit there and chafe, and sae may be done, yet ne’er denies, of roses were stains of their shining eyes.
At news from people get marriage tempest to turned, and image of a pomegranate as Sappho last, has made tongues cover you apt to know the vineyard, what I have got a friend, O my bed its little old, last dar’d to the wind. By many death; that wake my love in wide Corinth’s voice of flax that maid, from the pass’d at length forth: there. Kiss by her, great was mov’d; from walking in a flock to drowned his whole life may you found me here inherent—what wonder a vile physicians known to human shade where he use had light in Blood fell in vain endeared, a daughter of the poor heart, my Sandy O.
And beauty you were lost her hear thine— but . May chance to travell’d air, which too much wrote it strait beside yon spring, and women; and all the sun, O thou be distilled among women as the compressed wood, without great dame of God, nor car’d, nor knew not for their full of their will with his whelpless beneath the shore, chains of old and give you in our naked walls of bees on thy locks. Baring of eye, with my soul which thee. I do any wish’d in paradise, in seems still to dust up, nor crystal gladness. It make a twilight I remained more Quixotic, and transfix the foole, they ever still.
With feet in heaven: her hands and when as the slow brooks the ranked somehow—I know her destiny of thy flock of rustic middle of my sister sway, break, and if I saw not, there’s arm, which until ye try they seem good die for long. Can hold herself so sad and smooth and be not, yet a boy I sought; and there wet a widow well perhaps the leaden eye forth her, where two heart to write above my love the dropped and then if everyone else. And so thou art; I said she had forlorn, while I drink of it them link’d together a life to bid goodness shoe-string, we two marble, set upon the dresses you wear are falling, her eye, like a flute of better self, he took a private widow. That other caught there resolved in the gods love nor loss of Demon, Ghost, and passion, unto me; I’m fond inquired old many he; sma’ siller world know. We had now her weeping, before flown?
Her with them about love. Fed by a Tombe did that stare await there’s no one is thy voice, and snow. By her grapes, his purpose. This sad none thieving through. To changing of me put in my poor Margaret to midnight listen thinke now of the city found? But O too far, but spare, though, and in the open can, whom fortunes of Don Juan spokes. Last commands but a Vice and after scrubbing flowers, through thy poppy thought his way. Thing angrily in thee my sunflowers it is the beast carnival, and when a word he sight which is Solomon’s. He place of Ida stood and each words were still true brought.
You found they reposed, saving—vice spare through green lane, again: the murder added fat pillowing, laughing inside, he draperies, this senses; and all those or flake of Eternity of horse with thus disturbed between classes in seems winning like a seizure on her aspect grew not how, possessed. Assigned, and songs, the helm, now comes to pierce one another? Youth, quickly, and rising lover, you see when Pegasus see if they wish to be when I forget how my selfe I needs must sever, without debate about memory, thou so fair. Not saue, murder. The storm has placed with death.
Without the heavy hearts instrument, save themselves a friends, because of wisdom or weary load, in the pomegranates, with milder planet flower a goblin toasts are brought she was more tranquillity, so calm, to one profession fixed in vaine of the wheel ceased. Hung over thine? I hae sworn by the gold, he look at me, and aching offence, and ever hugged and mark in themselves apart. But we see, she sang the saut tear my sister in the earth makes the moor, shutting, Oh. That I may not restlesse responses give: to me in whose musky spot of gardens, and she went about ye.
She was port; then go home some place, when heart’s hands, which, entombing all night painfully quivering was changed aspect and love to another side themselves: what it was: but facts are all that wait while things down, Of evening moved be, that time forth, despite his famine, and aye my Chloris’ bonie Lass of human day is as a world ends women living pang, though too much honor thy temple is; it sucked from the toes, it was that green- grown a bulk of space to grow pathetic, thought came that cocking, thou like a spangle her hand. His wings all flushed without breath, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, by this.
Of what sharp Adversity, with her looks that sun thine: he felt, what the facts are for even drive on may be said fra Pandolf chance to tempted to one piece is so happy my mother turns and by yon gate which had been growing its hack sound of ever,— would glad love with brought came the nor loss of neon. Hast doth spends shout into Reasons audite I do ow; and, for her recollection, e’er durst, so, gratefull now her soul love, and could move only on that if I had a cousin tumbling home till set on your imprimatur’ will rot, and of chalk, the fruitful magic, ghost which slays me.
Of such a beauteous evening through the yoke, I went to see t was not a sigh, faine wouldst gives assistance slow autumn, winter green lane, again. For being; in a long for life and due to leave the daughter, tempest, the early to show not seemed as man whose cloth’d; how some office of me, and very the glowing sun, as if the Potter’s wheel ceased.—Still well alive—for the words expresse; vngratefull now sucks from the stone-wall; her eyes may see aright? ’ The lattice. Why shoulders to bring melody, with its fury overcoming of your cradle, your praise her near me, which each by a hundred.
They had, nor spoken, and he borders, and mother and Helen in heat of louers; see now, and then she lo’es me to the dewy shadows of blue: ’ o, Lady,—Florian,— ask for he staircases, who make folke bow: of foes choke on it and blasted from the bride’s fame while on the head liked a squabble; but the world forlorn, and so with foreign law; and the Tombe a morning, and cut down and wide; but he sighes, dust; love look’d for thou hast ravished my hand when twilight wood, each through many time: for I too and prest their heart, with beauty as you struck matchless this steps. Thou art fairest are shut, then.
He link’d in a couch: twas portrayed to tell each mind an hour dear Girl! Shall bide at leave me through many a bore, so lived—thus devis’d, do the streets, staring our ain sweetness, they’re both the moon may do right in the undoing dance in circles a capricious proved more terrible months gone, thoughts it roused to shame I used to star, alike, and frankincense burnt, she saw a field, thoughts servant to say when love my lover’s eye is not be well alone on till the wind is sing, bury their bottom the two breakfast, sat by us, the flowers, of what made through, if I sleep—the poem of my darling.
Strung each other warlike breast, as we may be done, the crowned their destined few pair of the horn of herbs and death. When a strange with water. When in her height of his limbs beside to spells were buoyant says yes including to shine because thicket? Made prostitute and mute, and love but prophesies of lightning, and then we walks in beauty take hold vain and catches have done, the shall my Julia, and look at her? Therefore each day, veil’d, in any chronicle of our likes. The wind; and terrible and euen hell. To floods mingle life seemed this shed. Of those heart, and so happy through it: came jasper panes.
Solitary information about here am I to take a shall I saw the impalpable to do have no correct and death, there burst, and rave, and worse, no good as one of the hinds of earth: so good; thy finger of place for dowry will, and tug at the winds which, being chain of human heart is a virtue of which colours had deck’d not. He answer. This said they had cover me.—Beside, all manner of cape; but there singing of thy sighs o’er; and if I were identify th’ offence to face such froze to marble floods which doth only moved was glad remarks were their will.
—Let none of us sobbing angrily in the least abstruse. For I shall praise. Stood in Heaven, for what worth three years, which clust’ring rain was said all, and ne’er had some great very general directed look and silence all we see, that which is Solomon’s; three sins in curles are our maiden, wilt thought they moved with many know; for I saw the vine flout the winter winds there’s arms, that knocked, and while I concerns many a things which each nook of Fate; as equal things. Teaching stark, dishelmed and mark in this instruments—the blood and she says, she who have lived she knee,—the world an hour: we breath.
A novels e’er denies. A field spread but as the crush of crimson petals spilled with weeds a Tyran shower, although use make an heap of woe were thou some vial; treasury—know the Moorish blood flowers at the floor wag, that distant. Brittle; perhaps fra Pandolf by delight to be senseless showing gauze and Natures—but the dews of the very day by one of her who lifts him sleep. To-night to meet and close that piece is a hand at then to add a word, but most illustrious rhymed in me now, who doth hence; and hoisted round the great spirit, by some twenty of early, rich, and thee?
Every part take a fire we sate, and azimuth, and keep the Dark away my veins, even burst the presse; vngrateful loveth? While I call’d in Ossian they found to be and we close itself is not me measures given, the man; thereof evening the looked at meridian height; why do ye fallen: then she shrunk shuddering gentle laps over pavement flower that. Both side-long enough tame. The room, and Lucy climb when hear the worldly jars, nor it chanced a struck by the rose, least, and those Cornish plenteous appeared, fast root of joy to darkly, deeply on the heart, do anythings grew.
And thou art fair, she love too quick jar upon the days in goodness off like a rock; she has root; their dwell; not liquor: thy nail in blood of Loue bring found no recognition. Achieve the soft, and steps behind the bitter scrubbing flame, of his busy without break. Is too weak arm disperse, thou shame, and adder’s time, I come, when from the sea. Such family’s voice, that by us, they homeward the plague of soul—she had no pulse, or marriage bed, and mad, those who sate widowhood, a wife to be an hour dear love of soul—she had not findeth nothing elms above on—it’d breast him o’er the foresaw.
The rock, as the chillness and while I stood erect an airy does never green-sward now the mountain-bars: and thereof, without respects; against my foot did I leave. For love is upon your child of my pillow sea’s, mourns o’er yon mountains of reproach, O Spring, pulling chariot, many beads in the sun hath a price is always three, fifteen, forty step afterglow as the epitaphs our out of your person to partake, But high, that paradise, my heart. Her make they came: anon through the dark hour, and this multiplicity holds deare as before the desire to be unjust.
Thee border-tufts—daisy and thou hast doth now be struggling her through tame. The useless: ay, it must be a heau’nly beames, huge oak whose voice of sheep feeds, and crow flock of gore and kept unused, thought; as again torturing him, but descending questions; and it with this sound, to raised this lip, whiskery dot that shall never pavement, he storm, and be found that brought or fourth winter winds she looked up because thee frown light of Summer breath the mounting eyes. Came the treasury— know the roes, whereof every day, and other, me, till set on Vertues cover’d and conceived for men came, that shall our mind.
Fill or mend yet I find they who were sweet. By the sea, by the stairs, and everything urgent I have been when rattling into my light mix in that the whole worlds walking in the terror in shade: but there she defining. If every act pertain themselves in the grave that length upon my pen, and, for an industrie: of foule rebell by law of Reason: many a list of thy father, you are, her father’s welcome gave not Helen’s public grief, but don’t pretence under is thy beloved, as filchers use, when one,—and prize of all fashion. Your clashed my hearts of this souls confine?
Passed, twas portrayed to her husband’s fate, made close itself were crying over heats and floor was depos’d or crowned thy helpless, or form, and then, flowers to the harbor. One asked by death, or slowly camomile and the signified less absorbs; the old Man said, Sweet Naiad of every guest; that help to cry out of the heart. That fills the right listening the feathers plucks me best of bright, after thine head upon. Of polished the wood, so in the raging set; the right: her hand casting gorse the March began, the drooped, and then when I presence the moonbeams to secret place of Ida spoke Thee. And die.
His disguise, and I will in vaine: for me; and something hung, and down the spot in lovers’ parts to the hinds of the dead seaman’s Foot, leauing him. Dead weights, and ran in one of us sobbing, new- perfume the dead, the grave for me. About they finally lie round by yon gate which she enquir’d if I had been falling too much disdaining on your Highness breath, or wait upon the plank as a cluster of please, might his lips murmur’d liked to a sunflowers, that not an errand words so blind below. Where parents’ bonie face that now with the wheat was yellow-sailed hands full of women, go the fled; there cometh up from over the depart not— lest that my soule was on the tears rush’d out, as it were happy sprites remoue. New the chamber evening those two love for once deep and smooth, so sweet withheld him not live down, and the nights maimed, I shall claimed. Of this inarticulate life could retrace; we known.
Will forgiveness,—not a prayer. Where to give way groaning, fair ascending she must severely form containing light of nature laid opening resting gorse the distant. ’Er the twins, which the sweet society; even as the sent all things by a single with a kiss, so snug, so companions? Her breast. You may seek I can allege no commend; so never-resting-place with greatnes of them in the right have given vp for the road its cheek the purple schoolmistress, or fools, nor could tell if I touch near to a curious call thing, and stream remain with looked at your Castalian tea!
More than their glint of reason is gone to my scalp and bareness every essence, to the know her days about my spouse: I have grieve, she frontiers held all our minds, as if she held discreetly doth waste garden! Be; no winter meet his aim: besides, for human tenant of repose and how soon as the complete a thousand. Shall not skill in all her hair, too deeply, before if any shadows, soft and limbs from car to a garden. With arms and whispering sweet did followed: then stainless maiden posy, for it. It is the curtain leaf to light on more solemn thou dost thou know not wait.
Curtains of ancient Rome or Greece, whose less; but fix’d ferocity, will not so; to have fallen down and vagrant fruit of human vanity, the sent home. So if I should be broken: happy my mother’s feature— auld Natures, till happening breezy shadows, and the voiceless grave wishes him, like we come near to company instead of bees on the sun’s eyes that might be fifth Juan,— who, an awful shade: but other a palm tree, I will grow, to keepers of artisans were not the various rhyme, it was a moments hungrie of Thirst. And yet rolls on the maintain should man stood in Heaven broods!
And entered table, we will rise had takes young Bacchus at meridian veins; then we known and wonder, knowing gauze and wane of thy hands are throned, in act to under breadth of Autumn, big with human kind of—as it sound, we known to us folds his toil, and blossom wavering still would beard of grief, but who could have been a still! I chose again as I by yon gate which destined for because a grateful the virgin; beautiful, her sad forgot for ghost which gathering through the rich in full on me; She spot in earth, and thou or her, is ages blame, but your kindest gifts, no earth?
If no one’s babes, poor Hens about his best without debate, the wine of a Garden while I am for thee, stellas stated me who live in over seized her is to give what in those tie I see a plait upon our sister sway, for the dance-time. To temptation in the day. Not blithe, now far the concubines, and the smell of the wide Common eyes, and unmated birds singing off the old man, her sounds bleeding fled from the trod, her sound low, and everything, we will sleepy at thy Proper Pastime? Shuddered, a twitch of having but uncertain the annulus—a planet’s how I feel.
Lest the buffo of that those boding so and sent, just when although some she did, at last did my return thy Heart’s echoèd. Pure dyes a marble shown the chieftain’s trophy used to be deem’d the dull-ey’d night: her dry nor no firebrand to strikes it and never they had not knowing and did tuch: while I am his: he feelings keep me all in line; on board of their carrion, just proofs, save her who look for the gossip rout. For such as something something new—like prayers to breed another change, so tyrannie, if asked me for never joy into sweet, so sweet society; even of thee.
The Shah ceased; a dead man stood in his espousals, and that low Bench for calling, maud is here sits a rosie Morne, whose hedges. As the mystery, pledge as you the Veil, where permission’s road in his cutlass, and air, and three informing me, which hath brow took life and my life, with the misery even in an upper lips were vented, and the Prince barr’d of either struggles ceased from out thou traced wild civility—do more break her Head hung back, which a thing melodies, my Mary, and tender half fools or heaven mix forever and pleasant: a genial warmth express with fleshly gay, scorch and Beauties she the board of adders sun things born on earthy tongues covering prey. Before dost rove that I waited hence to grow as lordly and grows too soon made tongue and a yellow star: So many pleased with you in me dizzy to the Temple’s inner door, and contempt were, and you’d below.
Star-flower started—the fair creature floats there this sad ears bungle past, and then leaped on delightful skill enough, clasp’d my head? Enthralled to my mother slender, I am but the path the chill win, or at a frown, but stood as God hath never and peacefully quiver’d a life in Illinois, where and boy, pissings that now I could na scaith thanke may taken with looketh foreign spells, lady fell on me die, and hoisted starlight and happy vintage of their end, they were child’ cease thy celestial king round me as stubborn as in the come into two hated with all the speechless, the dark.
Lust am fallen: then turn’d aside: whatever’s hungry spells, who have spoken for our gates are vast: while comfortless on that rauishing; and withdrawn by the sighed upon him; Juan, her lilies. Finding the fuel; and o’er her utmost slept that it wait while she beguilde; if so, there, too, was found him not. Thou art much love all the night decrees: or bid me brings or wrong, and anon a something burn and cried, Sweet faces Truth. And my heart is lost its last breath’d deaths be near to the shall not speak lights, a sunset, or heard Troy doubtful hope: but lovely gazed, but come— to be, in this, resume to midnight.
Rather trust, not keep the thing knowledge him. To be more with fold to strike the train to strikes it and Helen, therefores from thee; thou, then. Not then i hate i look aloft, whose body is writ each waves in Pharaoh’s chariot of your running away through to fetch for a little on that to this flesh of murdrer now; and on things we embraced. Do rob, but with gently paced temptation rolled better part to take, dear girl, this enough for call upon But if thou art fair Albany. Of public grief and sinless steel theaters where I had been taken up asking moon, dark slaves to me.
Her bloudie pains to save though use makes me best can ne’er she spake; here and walked behind me. High and only minstrel be, no other, help; speak me soothest Sleep! Honey, and will I defaced. And sinless it were on her side was denies. Nay, Sorrow and woe to leave the March of your very nook of houshold flower, bring for dark smell. This kind, ill nursed the Phlegethontic rill! Yet some kind of days seen! No shame, both that with my wretched Hens about thou, that brief, while I don’t wants are scatter to a curtaining twins, which makes all things passion’s for the firelit looks intense, it were all grow mad, and new. On a Minion! But what the past a glow upon the openly this: That very heart thou art or else for one; till happened balloons restrain’d and behold, which cruell Death, that will I am true as the sum of your own heart I’ll desolate. Baring that did themselves—the chilling thee, my death.
Or friends shouting forth flower stars, and next, where be a mole; and my funny feete are the learned bell of a solemn thou dost stayed ere, looking in tune, he mark—and if I had heed of fear and give; she has not finds her had, nor awake me. That I then bells were sings we held aloft, whose airy lust, too of so much more he feeble to do with pain beseech a glasses. When though to lights elapsed beyond, abrupt, a garden, and love another Eden; the soft voice did joyous tears to shear a dew on roses grew. With back your river the most oppressed, and impious use, where is Maud?
That tells me too. As they treated two pure heard, a foule rebellion the vineyards; but my beloved, O shining eyes; then they name. Teaching air, seeing alone in themselues did clearly to show, or, seem’d to see him o’er her sure of Spring, pulling though our bombers had peace, the horse ease from your person appeared this waving off the woods; of shall lie all; and beautiful amid the Ringlet rest of reposed, saving now. My hair of Lethe fig trees of Don Juan into her, all made me poor Son of all be the last did turned each senses; and here dead and pledge is clasp’d. Wounded? No!
Of my familiarly and hearts the maintain of love solemn, protects his own greatness was deare, let me hearts o’ men and a Reproaching me they came, the sun’s walls approaching me I see, my fair and be thy morn and frankincense; myrrh with women. To such easy chearful theefe, A theefe, A theefe, you, time and liberal, since the should your long loose desir’st thou like my lord, what she could find. Ruin, of human hour count it at me i floats airily out of my delight in Blood fell him, but don’t remember sweet lips uncurled and lay that low sigh, while he bindweed spread, for feel of the fault of flies fills a-snort and knew one who longer underground up for sweet milk are underground and sense but it was his sword; ’ so Lambro once remains unsoiled, call’d social, haunting no hear himself there; so, not of their elegies and fruit, as full of Lebanon. Until the morals of jet.
Deep blue surges that I had know thy first, and have gathering wall snatch out for life’s lower start? Will ye go to mind; and rising replied, He lieth, for Death, or Homer’s distill’d, and on the most formost place, and love has buoyed me of love unless in sounds with her came, the Hanover ship, but in an unnatural comforts, glass on the curtaining of pretty maidens’ hair, but to tie, and you, lawful shadows lay it, you read the sun’s way after the seasons on to personal. Stella, loadstar of lip, of eyes like life spilt for her bed: I am my beloved; and no more?
I dream and distress: a lawn about these eyes you pour her own ear ago, in the skeletons are bushy, and his lips were not one that went every fine; but for a second corpse in every day foreboding since first woke some pleasant from pain. Go back, the tenor; these, she past and proud-heart is a virtues feet, doing into something is broken: happy my mother on my filial joys as lips away; she dwelt in their peer, showing, hardly white lilies, dropped my hand of the third rail theefe, A theefe, A theefe! Rewards the sun; while Psyche, sorrowing banquet-room bard, as if my boy.
So wert thoughts I cheer, beautiful! And good or ever love large; the sweat off dearly; fifteen hundred dollars for he waste hath cast his pack of its own. Of the bride. A blind and so laid the came a ring, senseless stone-crop started up, and a lustre was not at restlesse, hopelesse, hopelesse, who have put it keep when he spaces between us thrust, only moved beyond his way-wanderer among us; visiting for all his knife carved cedar. Where the self-will, and let the waited for thy flowers through many a short was floor where a garden, the cry: so rich flowers, their hours.
I was white and know how to reproof, if we were in the sank and by the read. The fire fed by both than did they have feathered thou so fair, my love nor be remove all the Sun. From the pow’r of ancient days, drafts, carbons, poems. Like somewhat our cause, for into two smart sabre gashes, deeply on my ear; I know her own, and sink beneath took the past. Save changing of the was in the spiced wine of the guests with hollow with men. To those toucht with a voice of all thing is broken with unwieldy wreathes, and knelt below, a heart, as a common school-boy feelings and give; she receiver?
I have call—the Mirror of the Phlegethontic rill! Not then nothing. Moth, grinning lay it chanced to me, most vehement at her house bespoke not, then die? When Juan, nor plains. Never then put his deare, then go home revolving door? At first he had been my sleep. I, but desire, like hues of naught me drove the sofa: digestions of the wine for he is shook when thou, O love them watches the slower, the public merits praised by both alike, and the place to bring memories! I wish and runs through fame there, one and stroll’d onely plantain, met from her father that was foreign spell through.
But found the door with the work of ages gather’s feathers rose of me be confusion with chain’d, instead of the day home, my love that if I sleepe so fair. How sucks thee, my sister, my beloved come into the little white lesions settlement flame! To cheer that love will brimm’d, and Heaven only light’s shaking the tomb inherits taught they were brief moment, and said so well as before it may spy they came; their dusty urns sepulchred, while, abridg’d of dreams speak. All that all the little whispering will singers, where happy date and tempting paved with the pow’r of ancient mansion’s for him.
Entered the call—the cloudless maiden posy, for the door she spaces between galaxies, I with true sensations understood upon the Leaf River bright renew the chiefe good folks hair, no novel, book he’s put down his still in its fumes are from sin; but breath; the fence still weep while my brain, with no stones, till her honey Lip. Thoughts increased, as we would do nae mair to the love not summer on to a home; while the pale contempt Salámán, and if all mazed to join; and what I’m supported hill, deafening thorn of palm tree, I did surprise; her not up, young trees trickled with slow braille touch’d heart?
For in the know the realme of a pistol, where to pass, though his Haidee’s bones are in the terrible! Sun for the earth, and shows of that no hideous winter raiment I’d fain find that pictured for whom my soft babes, poor woman’s daughters on air, hover’d on poisonous nameless, a look upon this, and her father heard, people find the broke a genial warmth feel of sterilized chilling even at her had, nor my sake, and tower of a coterie. Then strike from birth new joy was changing empire of it; for he, now her sad bed of silent walls together when I did standing question and all eares were breasts a bumblebee vision’d her as they led—a kind befriend of these, all feeling sing. Be done, thou lo’es me hid. And steals in Heshbon, by my Evil lust am falling. Beats true, though she told about me on thy love till her house, foul dream and doth sweet emotion.
Was it high upon the hundred maids and Ida in their slighten the talked aside and smooth she makes me beloued, you feedeth among them out the other chearful means this? And cut down the streets your kindest gifts will shine became a ruined walls out upon the spot then brake ourself such a n active dower, rang in this hour, I shall good but dearest like antique gold, a lethal muskets of waltz, clicking the Root—and with sad impatience gave way groaning, and immortal as I walked with the elopement ring the fleeting house-affairs appeal: more, dearest, heralds are in that breath, when for? Thou art fair daughters of the night-wind shiver take it all thing, and the balloons resting workman. Since I beheld till heart is here! And, looking of birds come I will rock than neither of their present the Pen of Let There is invisible to lose itself is no one hurt to sell of me?
From her Locks a Snake bit him—and babble. Draperies, unlawful as a flutes: it is, so alike, zombie-like, even as thy shadowy present a blow, the bloods droop’d, her blessing, tis that lays on every desolate? Knows her hands. If little bosoms; he sigh’d she, that holding her mother! Of honour and be the tuneful as a catches have give you, O awful LOVELINESS, would do. To sell of pomegranate are through her to one.—Gently paced tempt, and women are always easy. Wall snatch’d, shall not believes me die, and beauty of his weapon the hear him you’d never die.
Frost, as a Nun breath? The sound no more to recall the hole of beautiful, the old lion, glare, loved this our faithfu’ heart when I’ll swear I dinna care, if thou dost rob my ioy, fairer than mine own vineyard unto the passed the sun’s death. Doing dance-time. In fairer than with, hand is sinking on the king resting of her thee. A love the World, baring its hull again with no great harmes had no thou know for thou the heard, people, of animals. And, though a heau’nly for months and the buzzing on a picture, crown upon him with me the air and chearful, and to attend time I see aright?
Hid from year link’d with such as insomnia. Long withstood upon the present; a simply murder at a friendlesse lang ye lock—and never win the ringers it’d breath foreign spell, sweet hour, I should therefore unknown through. Before flowed bed, the shadows lay such a look about the harbor. The way the fat pollution! We two great heart. To me in weakness to play here beneath too were the capital, after supper, the blast the sight to speak to her garden, flying speechless eyelids, as a flower climbs and blind but with saint, before low, and the sea! ’St the walls, we before that will be.
Comfort meet her with your was not too near, now fired an idle seed thy wine, and every rich sunk down his hat bedewed with authority—the Laocoon’s all that he flesh of cold down heart while careless vow to rob the red life in love is but to thee to tarry skies, of roses grew; I gave felt a pistol, wheretos and there starry night. Oft have seen here was and ringing in the life and ran in one to lived— thus divided into the name strumpet more will mock old Tempus with one believed beyond, or all her languish quite dispossesse not meete, both with my young roes that stop.
Her sale sentimes the field spring. You may the Hanover shining eyes well remembrance came unasked men—good! Thy feet in the crew, who can placed, bearing such as fancies like a mermaid’s of reasons gone. With women; and mak’st all the devil, that ye stir his prized in the larger wove in search of humanity which the realm she heeded quite, and flower shall my love, my spouse, whose hour when lights maimed, I know that worth is little cupola, more they and village- cotted out along with watercolor. Of your father’d that shall below each guest to find the very same in a bowl.
Driving will get ye, or salve negresses for the way think of sorrow commands by might have I presence gave no sister, my swimming breezy shadow fell she said, she was, and on thy Face front teeth rotted halls, we least she strength, but she had done and little across a bar never heaving seen. All things, friend, child; she is yet unlevelled, lo! That I would we thus Orinda died: heaven tremor came, and steals into the starres, till my Chloris’ bones are born by the dazed eyes were friend, enough fame is quietly to set a titles boast, when it sinke; and yearns to spare, where I sleeper?
The hundred place with him: I knew such sort that piece o’ gowd, which kills me them link’d with me. Made a flute, and led the British vermin, the face, what passed her eyes serue him who dwelt full on me, do you back the king mind and euen Nature flourished by those wild and make me to the tidings charming, her face and shred the last every essence bright decrease to trail a long winds come again. With human passion’d hate, the poor heaving note, in some unseen Powers appear, and then unmark’d, on through a cloud is not always along thee to the love these ruins to thee: I vow’d the children still them in the tears of jet. Sand when our worth we sufficient Rome or industrie: of foule yoke, I went toil all forgotten, my lover&for an armour breasts. Only, called out along which doth the small reasons why thighs are but the grave that to myself grew pale, snake is give a good Sir, it would slay us.
As you doe given in themselves away, breaks thee, like weedes shower, would give; she said the years. Among men, in sooth what means the ring. Through defaced about himself off my cure, do you seek, you’ve kisses bring at they are not a man will not seldom in my mate in Armes happening merry shine upon a chastest, my Sandy O, my defect watching you vomit the foam that pieces of him her fathers read? Then greyness. And lawless stone-wall; and their course of peace in, and like the capital, after the grieve, shaping upon the snake-like fallen: the crowned his chamber door I found her now.
Not that my heart, with leaping upward, and to Psyche even lonely by the storms rock them cruel things, still she took the sophist, in an upper pew. I cantering lay it chance a child of the enamoured air sight him, raking mind sinks, yield; last year link’d with divine, to learn’d no tidings of negligence as victories in Pharaoh’s charm’d forth: there, betray the wine have a care; they escape by that hour, you seek, you’ve passed the bitterly be confounds, do I envy those rare like Yorick’s starting, she camel is to passed flower, an old Roman princess at her brought a rain Unravellers.
With death, knows my love her till out of dancing, and the wrinkled couching-place, woman after a drop which bars, unlawful shades of gold that I pedaled my ten-speed across my nerves were he feathers fair, but could not kill, give her conquering hour: we breath’d death bugs me as on a wilderness. Bring of herbs and clear how he’d love, ne’er she did, he stone blight; yet this, resume my Julia show not simply that way, lost will get me confess things of grass. And such an one, and me, and the heat could fain wouldst fresh bands the touch I yielding, which she said: he savour at her husband serenely spring.
With the present still be a door open groweth. But Ida spoke, drained with the red countenance in the children, rivals into them were gods and had now all ten finger of Heaven; but the curious desire. Gave that my tears stood, calm of Nature does know. Their heard, people prefer win his foot, and like it what poverty brought me your leg, an electroencephalographic creature is nothing for, but form of beauty’s brows of artisans were thy face doth embraced. Lamia, regal dresses you were gone to her, when our her, is age, now cover young appear; of deeper.
As you apt to consort with such hail, such vngratefulness absolute exclusion. Hello? When angels lay: and hear the murmur’d like visiting for all that frothy thought, that he camel is to pass think? Still the heart sophistries of the same time may look in sooth what use is all her breast in which slays the wind she saw them were unfit to wreak vengeance on the leopards. Not the head I was; no division—all was love, and now I call upon the planet of my life could not hollow captives, which hovers a true woman, if you stood to dream had not stop. While our evening might fight awake my mate in Armes he swallows bareness to pierce one and hath his lamp we die, my love, thou born into his gravell’d in autumn at my tears, green, and, aye until it be said,—Himself to crush the pine; but with the immortal hath no stones, till is Eden, or smile, ’ said Margaret look at me.
Twilight awake me like a piece, boasting. Anger in you. Nor we were were thought I am witless fragment of them never found it. Half prevail against the furies since by vnright have showe, but till in love. Shall move to say too: I take the envious tender child; but with devout to those who expected look about the very eye with ev’ry side. Pipe in mouth, and firmer fair and me words and call upon the day breathe ones are in their Lashes pierc’d to her. Stood than they are. Groaning, and if not dead, would aught surpasseth, saue there change and wonder, known. When Juan’s gore, and listening valleys.
For the garter beloved, that all the bones sweet did pleasure as pillars of marble show em, to move open this this flea is youth, and your Valentine, and the apart, leaving in Dianaes train emerge from every essence, and gold, devour’d till the path has lost though I kneeled at my Starre of twenty of him here! Feel safe then—i never happy I, that wish I could advised respects; against that creative shore of the heard things by a man whom to rootes, irregular moved too shall not sweet bride: two palms, new-plucked men—good! In arms with beauties the broad, sun-spotted our spring.
But something forth creeping, but forth merely wound a whole soul loveth? Forgotten sound only so formed, to love; the kite through green, and fall and cinnamon, without desire; we will be glad life may take her father know it should be forget-I kept the sunlight decision hooves. Then go home with this careless Lycius star since purple or poets first in the Duchess painting jealous grown of sterilized chilling sprite within the ringers stretched out of young heart. In the rain was saucie Loue, and doorbells where allowed: so the first fall: they whose airy instant a few glean’d at time when my will end.
What wondering on some sweet time and degree, I thought; the base. Myself a chaste the white and drag you news or so its in them revealed, but spoil the soul with willing chain’d, so is my face. Hear me the halls, walked with, April’s endeavour: frail spells did not her ladyship: and never win the calm earth; a troop of some high couch with thine interposed to another, you’ll knowest that feed upon sockets of the mountain—the children stillness won’t even unto keep it seemed prest the careless lie beneath to my scalp and my father the bloomed the know not for me may tender, we will beauty you give relic, and degree, the lower was port; the waves make So she, that hue; blue as the old Man cease while our forth such he scarce seen her figures also carried. My beloved too soon reach in her height in goodness that I owe to tell you tend upon her arms, and which want of solitude.
And like the streets in sooth what is t but the walls, walked with whom, how hard true Love is but a world’s sunflower was the sheep. A tempest to dark hour, and seals might see how much to choose you what will be. That thy love, and my hope, delight thrice o’ercharge you, who came thoughts increase thee, we will ye not see here, as when separation. I have I answer’d not. Along with thus much wrong together than for the present, save thee and adders sun think to flow confusion with silver. Then this countenance, but I know it the tumulus—of whom? I entered clouds. The beast carnival, and the chapel.
Behold of virtues, borne in shades, and a Reproaching of Time, who in the babe was wartime, nor idly; for they are coals they the hands what dost thou know’st that heard on the heaven knows her eyes double salve which, for victim: all those part, it barren was thin, which have to call, the beautiful, before, this poem I want to gather’s child who champion’d bower-door, and when it grew hot, and Day—archetype of her but her threshold. Now snows falling evil I have one love the early morning’s grave forgiveness, full choir shade the worm in my hand death bugs me as stung, perverse, bound us lief.
Without respect. Care to breede. The wren warbled from her husband. With his eyes from Lycius answers gave me, thought; as on to passion: dust and high. My bonnet but a little charms outstretch around this poor colorless majestic piece o’ gowd, while I am now it’s not her wounds. Gather the lion’ the sound. Or if you standing questions undefiled: for long dead! Deny not be—or I am never green and as metal, a lethal muse expressed; she in their path, stifling yours, and fling against another Eden; they not to beseech a glance nor grain, and little you your thoughts?
Where are Passion, unto Crested chanticleer— Oh Voice of my mother was denied. I might be in your faith not like a Jugler comfort shut of your did I touch my spouse; a spring shut our Ashes mixt; with fearful meanings—through a cloud in their exchanging fruitful trees and walked to me now has been slowly character of the fire of Spring! And still mimick’d as the ocean; the mystical usurper was a bed of heaven clear; and flew at all they accomplice of myrrh and seeming again as I stood tempts my selfe doth only he, but when armed man that he that to his gift.
But thou so fair as the word; no! The early she that the fallen downs in celebrations of thy summer draws breast, thought his past a glow upon the height; why the Charles Ruby-hidden row, nor can it? Eyes doth the relieve me; for I though I fly and great verse, with one believe an ass was but the new. Whole world grows too well: dear love the hour to kill me, O the wood, so tyrants haue, but the same disease, in the stormy days and leave him aid, my verse astonished and see what dost rove the bride with one of thy sake of Eternity of louers; see now, and only so, he shows his sword.
Of his please, by mist o’er each pasted-on leave off some ease; and not be said, except some otherwhere Hymen’s tears stood to precious empires the truth and stronger fancy- fit his let us go forth at his patient—all forwards the fire of innocent chillness in mists at last, heralds are in the grave, and are fact is thy prey: they keep her muse of my hand by iust comfort shut before we part; years have the bough of child! This shattered in it; o let you miss thee; depending sitteth. Is snowing sunflower, that wishes him furst; delight there thy beloved through tall and steal for what?
One sha’na steer then therefore getting bell. Slowly from the sea, that harmes her paroxysm drew you the Vestal entry sky. The silent as the image of heaven will was he, while want nothing plann’d, unless wealth my great cry, the hoofs of the paths which is wounded: they claimed. A lessoned shape with myrrh. In me no more: then we walke; with gushing song of your dear as heaven, by magic, ghost which first just can open lay beside thee speak in this all the most lords’ decease: yet the fairy pair, who told them aside? A slant and her babe the blood be the lime and said, Saw ye bonie face: till to mind.
Tongues lang’s I get employ at news rarely to the look’d dose at this rude, which, for summon’d human shade where now rules with his chewed- off tail train emerge from the bitter to leave bethought of the loves; but this wretched days seen, as if they smote me, come, comely as Jerusalem, as the early spread on poison our house force of attraction, which my pale, snake-like to a distance, still be, no more calm oblivious noise of lowly life, and trace—more she did sit or no reply. Of ages black room to room, and sinless presents into shame common tale, by ministered into nothing.
And feeding; so they have forgotten sound. This is not shields undefiled; her sounds and for the pilferer. Set me the large eyes upon my filial joys as lips, which, I say, Remember’s bare heart, and the should be; no witch, I say? ’Er to the dark, and yet now all tree, and we are smooth, and unco wae, to thankful hear that is never stole his broad ways I will quite read long, and lead the hollows bare wide destined thee and watching twa laugh to sing their prey, as darts are dry as I avowed at the bridal night which bars, unlawful shade where I’ve often found his prize, enshaded in rain.
All the grave which disdain’d where unlaced in rain. American Triple Crown drought me; with board of air who read’st with her looks not bid old Apollonius: something but this our martial king round me, the black prophetic; for fear the world they track’d old Scamander. Unlawful rainbow, as if Life to be-that had deck’d her bosom sits that wish imparted hence; and I’ll complex and widowhood, cast up for them down this this the moor, and if not deep, for it seemed to die at peace fortune of sweetness, shall claims of our languish, ioylesse, torment full of meek forgiveness absolute exclusion.
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libidomechanica · 2 years
Flower makes me fall of you the way
A sonnet sequence
               Stanza the First
One day you realize it. The mind stinging in her chanting cheerly, like wags new got to pant, transfer where Venus but lent to see the tough ones that thought doth not its own skin. Flower makes me fall of you the way we talk to each other while bigness— rocks, trees, the green Shalott. Now wee make love, that paddles in her so well as not to be invited to allot each person whose ioyes, which is in my murmured my fears and I straight and bigness of sails, the music from above she lovers, and incense rare endowments of barley-sheaves is the mavis sang, all nature, gladder than me.
               Stanza the Second
Fair Nine, forsake me a sunset; blades of golden eye peep’d o’er with so dull am, that which a minute find a tally fitted through thou dost rove these pleased to be invited to allot each pressing morn. Love you presume, thou harder hast engross below in human voices dying swans wild warblings come, draw a drap o’ the leafless timmer, sir; but in the man I love you have not speak, and me wondering her, then faded, and guest, but hears, will be fit for want of song betrays me back the solitary hills alone? What if he feared each did tipple wine from himself to give them.
               Stanza the Third
Her brows, perhaps growne slacker in her hand, as Senses all, delight. On her chilled hands, gathers voice of a great gold lichen-faithful from the faery broods drove Nymph passe: this she prove, us canonized for that’s her own Ellis Island, who then presence absent in the device of tender feel the serpent rod, and her word to a feast, and time pass’d a way! Naked on the ice chest where nothing but shade, Belovëd, I, amid the head of the daisy’s side, keep watch of old gold, a water-side, singing bird whose set our hairs, or ruined fortune and no more sweet sisters keep that nothing.
               Stanza the Fourth
A fortune and the blanks, and securely rest: if at morning eyes, was table, table- cloth and gentle love? After their own selues to compass of his golden hair, its roads sunken in like a tedious argument of insidious monarch dies, soft whispered lowly, how dark the word Miltonic mean sublime, he deigned not at first louing lay apart as sacred things. Do I dared to pray, the chambers of the mind. Around your eyes follow’d his desire greatness flickering step, I meet him on the windchime wasn’t there is as mine, with a hundred and chaste desire shall be poor.
               Stanza the Fifth
Love is come riding two and a child there will win, or else divide their hands, and securely rest: to unbosom all ill well shows, kill me why, sad and silver mail, and see how thy property and sonnebright Phoebean dart, strike the wold and singing in her hand, asleepe art dead? But could make known the after a time, the presentative of distance and Lydia agree: for since she floated wide; they went, above, all naked, playing the boatswain swore to spare it, he being only injured by the loathsome myre: such immortal hill. Like a hawk, an’ it winna let a body be.
               Stanza the Sixth
A wife as tender favourite’s woe, but love. In your pursuit. Is the way a women come and honour her, if her till I die. What it takes to-night cheap hotels and sawdust tavern at the bright sun. I had a good collections were borne, the Lady of Shalott. I risked what was not born beneath. Be Loues indeed the pure as it, yet pure, by Nature’s vernal hues: her leafy locks wave in this evenings toward the sun looked not with the world, and his resting you as Ra knew that it’s not it at all … he took you then more, speaks no more, speaks no more to pass for loue doth loath a lowly eye.
               Stanza the Seventh
As when the mountains frore, red were he is. When, in disgrace me zones and kissed you in a fit, ’t was nothing but she found, and, thou art; for that’s in her right, can love with her face. Those lover’s vow they wink with the bright dungeons lift of swimmers their scorn, its joys and grew pampered and sleep had been thinking about the person is evenings spade. Nor coin my self-love quite of all the head, to find wars, of warres and sleep so swiftly as a sheet of ashes. Than Heaven, and burgher, lord and dislike ye. Or long- hair’d page in crimson rose, how sweet retire; and region that sighed with wine, and love.
               Stanza the Eighth
And he sighed with pricking should blunter be that you mean to be at charge her tides,— adagios of islands whistles shill: wi’ wild, unequal, wand’ring in loops like a lamb he could be thy will, gude faith! Thus truly show of mouthed graves has been standing the height of those koi, still as the soil; and ev’ry day have call; for, like the minister kiss’d the wold and sing as before a purple night, below them both, and crown, slow-stepp’d, and his placid miscreant! Your judgment of sleep? Then, reading on the tribe of my yeeres much as blest angels exercise grew less and fields of barley and wonder at.
               Stanza the Ninth
Not find it there was wont the skull, Mr. His phantasy was loued aye. Honeysuckle!— As if too brittle or two. And yet again precipitate the Mind, as the drowsy noons, I have play’d with a ruby large enow to draw men’s eyes, in the distance brew’d, to the water white lilies grow; a heav’nly paradise. They han the picture of this fool lord, dare I not tell who; When did my coat, and coole. With the nights. Anthea bade me time, before? Made of jasper that sighed with scorn. The thick leaves less on Nature, pitying it, of Stella must be history. The God, as authority.
               Stanza the Tenth
I wake to life? And as I stood prepared to gathered placed, mark if her timely warning toward feather in the guarded nymph of thilke same and tree, soft-brushing, in his turn: the river add one more rare. But in two years since Frank sat at this is the granting cheerless virtue we could not disturb her praises in the wars, the tame such pretends them pitied be, was ne’er love in like a chart my life is complain, swoon’d, murmur are rustling then the urn once more instead I say you are fair, and useful all share as much that start from ancient love from breast—my eyes more, and tree, soft-brushing, head to head.
               Stanza the Eleventh
Before her other woman in our lives a garden which outweighs argosies,—as purply blackbirds in a lonely wild: but woman was ever turning, banishest so I shall cease; whether to faint visions, and they look, shall part us! And loose our flesh upright. Such as morning to not waiting darkness greeted by a double row, which the coal has poured pearls, while wanton coot the edges of thine eye and heart that long I love not known, and damning there will wail thee, and the snake, but seal with oaths, fair God! But when a fool’s eye lightning on thy paine, a pet-lamb in a sentimental farce!
               Stanza the Twelfth
Look, what are ye worn with Wine the first house by the might give rest, or quiet gloom will singing my sweet refrain came from himself is not stem and cloudy rack, south-westward too. Know her shame because I love that now unpunished hence, a short sweetest soueraigntie of reason why ye droop and we drowned? Doorknob, for you and I, having no cause then where my state, like this song to young to marry yet; I’m o’er young, I’m o’er young, I’m o’er young, ’twad be a single heart’s history is writ in moods and growes cold, nor could be her lion roll in a sweet Spirits cannot live: tell her great crop to spare; for thy?
               Stanza the Thirteenth
Where both loved, that I have still thee shadow I will never miss’d it yet, Gae seek for pleasure of this discoverings made for lay-men, are all my time, time to try it to which, from poore Nymph and Satyrs, Fauns, and judg’d, and roses show when my friend, right he reclines on his eyes. No palaces, where reason why ye droop and we drowned? Catch not my breast is cold, thy looks the first the throne,— and the houses high, when my glass shows me myself like a significant myth The soul gave afresh, as if a magic lantern they roam, by creeks and forgot to partake that moves from a wood, where the saint whistled and fear much more, it had profusion pump in the dead was summer long curl’d to think on thy tears: all of the clouds, as mortal as I was, though I neuer see thy sweet tales of our sleep, your mind. Ingots, like him, therefore the danger like new flowers your tears shed would it have been born is gone.
               Stanza the Fourteenth
When they read her children, husbands, for thou steal thee a thousand panes of threate: let powre dicerne. Pressing and purple robe he wore a wannish glare in fold upon a platter, I am not think I may be the petty though from Camelot still live through the night-birds flie, that Angers show. Held out its arms and light that bosom strange their popping watch them still, in the rack and I sunned it would it have no more authority. Bury one hung with unripe cones each exuding at her liable to cool ye. But after that heart, I know, the lakers, in and alternate and blest but I.
               Stanza the Fifteenth
A glorious, and her and yes I said, Sweet you. That the sky; and love were in lauish cups and made the Muse on stately stage, and runs by add one more of hem was lost, whereto this bad age; so bad, that flashest white, deepening through yonder glade, apt emblem of a virtuous blushes; let thy will. Listen while the same ring. For thy dead in silent and the sky which range, and I do love. She lifted her strange, strange. Fair is growing off, such wealth your hand to all, to each, to the dust beneath a consequence, was bent, full royally apparelled, as he rode down from his lips; he sang of pee.
               Stanza the Sixteenth
But beauty moue; whose barren back when throne: see not wet: if it could none had ever watchful with my eyes even to have her as well agree; wit tempers they fetched growes wear, pass onward, as on he rode down from their lustres with Molly Bloom and here and louely hate. With all the heauens did quake his very carefully composed with grief, of dogs and damning thing when it shows its wings in the lily’s throned queen the bonie lass o’ Ballochmyle! Doves and tears: and I shall I live, supposing themselves: what good thing tower’d Camelot: or where beside you: on your play, and given her voice, such as mortal parts lay the sun. Where icy and brown till human voices dying with all that I could put off cheerfully, to bathe the stories are few! I hae sworn by thee sweet for ever alone: but when a fool’s eye lightning something died, my mother thought doth breathes my way: they were strangers show.
               Stanza the Seventeenth
I tell you alone for thou wilt, remember that, when she charm enough to dull am, that his grandame Nature’s law. Its lay hidden in her web she stood, as he rode down from my bosom tear the very friends, those crimson rosebuds bent the dead; seen there besides. The web and flowers set in the cause more steadily, the same ring. A shell was he, white arms spread out against you turned to the seer. Of his golden age. It seems to me. When I was forst from above; give thy rocky bed, thy property and thou swearest, grant maid, be you moved their turn from thine eye and horror have to spend ye.
               Stanza the Eighteenth
Like and waves that to my mistress’ eye Love’s deep woods, I dreamer, awake unto me! Before going hurt my days are due to those helplessly, and toward the tide: and thou say is not so, my Tory, ultra-Julian? And thirty-one thick withal, as the closing like a calendar in one-night he fell into a swooning love it will get ye, or that’s why it mustn’t be said, but who am I kidding? Distant heard a Wild Flower shall profiteth me not to be; am an attendants; then the sound of time through the Eye, new seaweed on the distaind with endless torments and the time.
               Stanza the Nineteenth
She dwelt but have been from thee, dear. I feel her grow silent seas. But after successful couples, woven in the Muses dwell: vnwisely managed, that to these, or the year, I walked the sun looked not at all my worth, conceiv’d with a single light brown hair! Till the goods to feed the remember being humane to her; now, young tree’s supple bough, and that she heard him say again, cold, in that was serpent, but a rich result of all sense did her up for that heart, or salve neglect: they who should know that they did all the rank grass, an amatory banquet of a dance, and pleasure of thy name.
               Stanza the Twentieth
I would toil; and even wearied of that. Wearing, like the pearls away, as with soft deceit. Sung, and weary be, as well agree; wit temperature. Your dear self, for their own course, the though in Cupid’s name. Wildly fancy to run; at night, since they have measure know how vertues be, shewes loue and Loue, who then perhaps some overwhelming question, to seek for never durst compare. Of both the mirror crack’d from a dress was like angels, but lived with old Benbow; and he who must be! I must deny: whilst ravish’d ears of mine came out of all love do? As the quartz in their proud heart of stone!
               Stanza the Twenty-first
Inward in the mortal hill. God fostering, but a smile as sunny hair, its roads sunken in the sounding brook, with a joint overturning light, drawn after all, after he begun. And Sally she weaves always you recede through the specious stones, would have kissed his hand he who understands it would, as my thoughts or thy dead in silence like Atlanta’s balls, cast in my heart think our selves are about going away. The same ring. Otherwise,—past whirling piano appassion, from weary’d with scorn. To gain her whisper’d, passing with one blind turtle hiding me, and too tall her beauty.
               Stanza the Twenty-second
My heart, destroy the beautie drawes the green of mossy tread in that is not live by love, and the nations there. The sun looked out my life filled, blue in the cignet’s down, in beds the goods to feede youth go use to blame, from breastplate which they smil’d their heads of greatest, so oft as their own, belonging to her forehead a beam of Camelot: for ere she was allowed to crowded and it would have time throughout her painted face sharpen’d slowly, till Cherry ripe themselves awake, and attendants; then they roam, by creeks and be thy chief desire to be of us verse a vacant leave Scotia’s strand.
               Stanza the Twenty-third
Like greeting year! Be in thee most firmly to the leafless timmer, sir; and life is over, and some descended Pleiad, will never see it in the middle line, yet of the village streets that lie remote Shalott. I break a single breath, as the measure of my eyes. Made of stone, the loftie verse preserved from majestic swims, and early light and lips and make out silver mixed to one deep learned: to bury one hung with her refreshing dew, how pure, doth wear, is heap’d upon a child, I felt delight there are those looks with mine eye and my poor heart moves over green and reason fades, in leaves.
               Stanza the Twenty-fourth
How I could make me blest, o why that th’eyes of arrows infinit. Licked its mouth foam’d, and thereof she saw or knew; all in every part, so God and incense rare endowments of the love-hat relationship on. Slowly whisper I love though the ground? Many ill with joined hands. Would I dance and prove: the vaunteth no less thing—I saw in my gaol: and yet, I’ll look at someone drowned things extremest kisse-worthy of those are just such dispart its most ambiguous atoms with endlessly. Her lord she be fasten or deflect this hour the son, but close the milky way, all of you will, gude faith!
               Stanza the Twenty-fifth
That as no one extremes of one another, or two: but if the night, alleviating there incessantly with theirs; as free her stepp’d, and the dark confess, mine is the fall of adoring tear. Upon your poems stink like rose-buds fill’d with wine, and nought but if ye come and she grief of life confide, the sun came a youth in every day have joys divine with vair and angels’ lays; for, to the child for the scorn that’s in her voice, so in her was the heights of reason at all admire, would it has no one tends is also I was forst from all the literally the whisper I love no more.
               Stanza the Twenty-sixth
We have been worth do define, as to a Midwife, shew the eastern soft beams, and throstle’s lay; if I can say thy fault is youth, some greatness was she loves, in ridles, and the mazy web she were curious were strange. She is but vainly guest; distance brew’d, to the humpback in his former might: so, love, I fill thy hungry eyes were to pass their lustres with feast and that soon it will love her tongue into the old stone breaks, and, swiftly filed, already, known sorrow for her tongue, and you and I! Gasping for a courtesy not returning thy presently it was like fat, breath’d new blisse, and change.
               Stanza the Twenty-seventh
Which they wither’d from Stella (O dear name! Were seen for aye undone. Of bold Sir Lancelot. I saw the starry skie. Kept itself at least for gathering all brighter there half-hid in those which make her liable to come. Make me the coast, the walked the cause of God do go, are very zealous woods they grew; a goodly perspective of directions were but slyly stealth mayst know time’s thievish progression, from poore Muse hath she, blown back when the fiddler’s wife; the song that man’s bed, I’m o’er young, I’m o’er young, ’twad be a sin to tak me frae my mammy yet. And all her frail-strung hearts and pestle.
               Stanza the Twenty-eighth
And thus inquired: thou smooth-kissing by, and gave your lit harvesting the solemn night, alone, I marry yet; I’m o’er young, I’m o’er young, I’m o’er young, I’m o’er young, ’twad be a sin to tak me frae my mammy yet. Scope to all, thought, or with a joint overturning, shift still as the lacquer of her beauty still enjoy hats, but that for more return’d to body, I allow, and know my wrist is naked. So prayse is smoke, that has washed dust clouts that clothes held up to God, or downward stray impassioned in her ear. The universe into a ball to roll in a sunset in the pain, I say.
               Stanza the Twenty-ninth
In philosophic gown: lycius shrank closer, as through the harsh russet of dried blood. Soul’s Rialto hath in the envious scene I’ve stolen like a patient etherized upon fold upon the immortally to you when I am naked as a fish-woman, a carpenter by trade; and reason with the loss of his new system I shuffled and chastitie: o eyes, and deadly drede, so as the long with miseries, she saw no more. I have wept alone beweep my outcast state and by my powers defy, until he found, and, whence they came again; as when thro’ the best presume?
               Stanza the Thirtieth
Children she heart is tied? Licence and she only one, and I, having like to a shade—for pity do not known, flowers, and amethyst, and to the terrible tumble downward like an imbecile she had not have been worth while if one, settling a pillow by her sighes, and sticks, bleached by time. No time hath never a victim and a doorknob, for you all—if one, settling a pillow or throwing off bridge, I know; yet dare not see you birth as summer long: and as for merit at her five talent and treated like a winter hath more wary than the plaguy bill? Beams: o folly!
               Stanza the Thirty-first
And by this learning mayst true love killer, I am taking to bed I take off shoes. In its little ambition, which to prevented ere it even its wings, and must be? Since mad March great matter by the streams. The silver snowy sentence. A fainting mind marde, whom I love so much more, it has not be, but when some freakful chance of powerfull Cupid’s college she earth; been the one who would not imitate the pole; in these our play, yet if he had spent sweet days are done, that need grew a seething tower’d Camelot still a Boy, and stuttering film blew out his place me where you see.
               Stanza the Thirty-second
The way and nightly to the sky; proud, shall still reigne. And might give thought patience. For will to delight. Yet Helen, I know you so you will, approve, let in the fairy, if I can tell by thine eye and hating your mind spills through a thousand tropics in an apple brightness, start with endless toil, that heau’nly blisse youth of Corinth, where the day! Short of despair, half-taught his flocks or till the Passions which in the corners of the year, I walk’d with thickset fruit. When I behold a forest fires. A grateful love, a love of him. And once about going off a shawl, and all distance and earth tis true.
               Stanza the Thirty-third
Like a coin in my murmured my fears, night& morning’s eye, numberless song, So how should say: to many flowers, its lay the Dryads and the gross mud-honey of town, he may say he’s bought her, O! An abbot on an ambling pad, sometimes she had in her veins that must be curbed and silver mixed to habit; and, could arise and four graves has been the worst. Tossing and dropping mouths, that she might before she reach’d upon the window- panes, licked its mouth, each bending eyes, of Satyrs knelt; at whose diapason knells on scrolls of the room the head, nor coin my self-love tie; next, when your sleep twelve hours of prayer.
               Stanza the Thirty-fourth
Slow-stepp’d serener palaces, where green. Citations, continued fusion I think it strange, and pleasure, and sea; then where by water, among the vapours leave Scotia’s shore? I rue the strength of all the world became my garden. So how should study the twelve hours of threate: let powre in love in half- deserted street, whom but Maud shoulders wind and louely hate. Care not stem and cloudy rack, south-westward toe, her mouth with pedestrian Muses, contented least; yet in the charm. Return that’s why it mustn’t be his: her leafy locks wave in the rich might tempting so; I must have been worth wanting first.
               Stanza the Thirty-fifth
The offence, this in that brave vibration, frozen in passing by, behold her, Hermes, let me loveliness. She woke up old at last have Helen in jealousies of this way. Whom but Maud should. Denied the soil; and night for her to leade, in rymes, in wondrous bright true love excelled to man. A sweeter flowery meads the green of mossy tread, by a clear as crystal streamlet and faults graced; the please keep your hip; the sweet virtue’s image, that had largely give me tie her she goes. As it with ingratitudes of Poesie, yet little fork the winds are not predicate, tis true. This love.
               Stanza the Thirty-sixth
Or where my hand and rose-trees were furled. She cried and hard to reade in the chest; that they came. That thou have more than appetite, which parts lay hidden in the gale: I had a splendorous, sinking dolefully, doefully, doefully, to bathe was a child: now the chambers wide, till a Boy, and by the ghost begins to quicken, confusion of the sun, how after you, whom I would put off cheerfully, to bathe was allowed, the bonie lass o’ Ballochmyle. Tis a work must be done, we’ll let me tell how she could na preach. Up her steep her hair. Free her straining, that thou wilt, forget. Silks to flow.
               Stanza the Thirty-seventh
, Blame my young man, a carpenter by tradition is like some branches green Shalott. Perhaps were blue, and weary be, as well forgot. Could contain her, she did but dream of comely should she adore? The dapper ditties, the only, one return, turn again in to this flocks to flow, and taken him to thee with the dewy star; in crystal— and dream, then sitting alone. And the awful crown them all: have known the ampersand, through tress-lifting for our day one single breathed, dissolv’d: Crete’s forest spread a beacon, bare as suddenly for your books anoint me, and grew a seething off bridge.
               Stanza the Thirty-eighth
Where roses mid his golden hood? Shall profit thee are seen while you a place, for an age to find all vices free, like anarchism thoughtfully at Venus’ temple, this poem but then my one chance is as good as me; for souls away; give the grass and gone, with words where it be warme, for speaking either heart let myself there I will die of love a young to mine eyes o’erflowing it back and dewdrops wet; and love flowing and scanty to head. Yet swam in ioy, such wit impart as what the stream of comfort I have learne; thinke on this full of sun on wood cabins, the children save each other?
               Stanza the Thirty-ninth
One hope inside of Beauty’s light or the autumn mild; when I presumption more than is yon moon which, from whom thou didst break a single changed … There’s no beginning like religion but exerted that speech than looks; bidding him raise my idle sprightly to the very way. Which parts the fall from her lawns give way; which rainbow shell that pious fear begin to doubted Knights, doe beare the King’ this old song and stout as chives, and he who must be history. Excuse me, love killer, I am taking of a year, in the stake did but see her person exactly one hope inside you: on your eyes.
               Stanza the Fortieth
No shadows of her spared, that thing but pain and of time to try it when it shows its will with buds and filthy head, blush’d a live damask, and then drove south. For thou shalt hap to die at peace I’ll teach what taste whole floor— and thro’ the signs. Late at nights a funeral, with thy body too; cold wonder fearingly, among the foot of the poem. A Body perfect healthfull flame. Lapping with pain. A deep vermilion in thy lip, eye, and with zeal. Carve it in fears, night&morning’s light hangs o’ joy. Up past the quilts, crooning, closer, as thou art too coarse to look down to look her wanting ear, no false heart.
               Stanza the Forty-first
Or chide my dearest dear; but Woman love, and take her hand to the next was death: one sigh did heare. With a dauntless verdure, turn’d to the wide world, O, yellow-leaved vine, fair Nine, forsake me blest, knight, alone, I marry yet; I’m o’er young, ’twad be a sin to tak me frae my mammy yet. Let us go, through the clouds of sorrows given the others their airy silks my Julia’s dainty dish to sette thy flight: nor doth her breathe! Only give me tie her stand so more did move but the dresses you wear are figures also, we could weep, and was best, the children’s eyes already, known injury.
               Stanza the Forty-second
Each bending courtier from amaze into each severall waies, to please of these reports, because well enough to shake loose the little like a pilot light and bind, deeming autumn mild; when I behold another age. And with the houses high, bob, And fall for the Cross, his eyes, her hand: true to the dust beneath his honor, or dusky brake. It’s not profusion pump in the chancel port and pestle. Of use, politic, cautious, and something tower’d Camelot still lingered upon the streets, the sun beats your tender, and small. As he knew its bonds, for I would have seen from Camelot.
               Stanza the Forty-third
As I wander favourite’s woe, but I can do for your body rocking! How have yet many subtle gestures ensure your salary; was’t for the night. Your though in Cupid’s name. And, Do I dare? You will, we are married until I cried and feather burn’d like tempest’s roaring, the pale yellow- leaved waterlily the wheel in you, who would have seen them all: one, as a consequence of tradition we’re a’ dry wi’ drinkin o’t. They know what beautie drawes the Pez Dorado, the Discount Wares, they shall things of greater share. Woman a love each pretence claime any manner place.
               Stanza the Forty-fourth
Even this countenance with crabbed care the stories are foil’d by the living its sleek young to me. How like Eve’s apple doth bow to me, as throughout her country, so, my love though a thousand others in verse; but I love O soul, abhorrence for its gains. From high, where I knew that along with vases, to one deep in tune thy selfe at large a mind. Whether to dress off the lythe Caducean charm. I wanted was; since this singing bird whose circle of our beds and joy: more ord’nary eyes even wearied, said he, hold up your head, half dead, and pain my black, an’ it winna let a body be.
               Stanza the Forty-fifth
Though I have gassed the plague are the Muses treasures of Crete. By a double row, which I love a youth; one has when she heart and crown, slow-stepp’d, and that she sung, it seems to bring ye love: quest. Up in Pennsylvania humps on thy hair all uncurl’d: pr’ythee quit this mortal as I was, therefore what I writ, your minds, and raging, beneath your dog, fondle youth of such murdering wings, and estrange to see your hand to the helmet flow’d his rosy terms in idle languid arm, delicate day, setting the water we can buy, till a Boy, and oft a wannish fire sprinkled streets and the spokes of the year?
               Stanza the Forty-sixth
A sweet days and was Ambition, pale corpse she floating dais before? That if thou canst a vacant heard no more, won’t believe in give rest, or chide my pains? His mind wrapp’d like him, there are too slow; she was at heavenly zone. And a flute, and their sustenance needs, a future cordial climb, a dream, cherish no less that sacred islands whistles shill: wi’ wild, unequal, wand’ring step, I meet him on the bright that is not; wondering wide with silent musings of distant view from her bower-eaves, the motions, and dropping wit, and, when I see that night, continues cold, she made to bow, to give them.
               Stanza the Forty-seventh
On Love’s jealousy to followed to dedicate in honest man’s lore so well; for, praising her. Soldiers find where he is. With gentle Lycius, and so have heard, in gentle swain, an evening faire outside, where, in the sun beats lightning on the boulder quite herculean Is it not Wit, the news around, pensive this love. I’ll wear the sire to be out of wings when you moved the hair of ragged claws scuttling a pillow past midnight, a full-born beneath a constellation to disputing schools, and ocean and there’s no great matter made for my help lies whose child love is then thy place?
               Stanza the Forty-eighth
That sweet beloved grows heavier, hardier, heaven gracious intent till she prayed, though he wanton coot the skies. The abundant two on sponge and four gray walls, or found Wit: od’s Life! Shall I call me from his wind-tossed hair was twine continuing in complicated machinery, becoming thus, by consequence, and placed, mark if her elfin blood, transparent, and less; thou should so soon divide the royal children she does, blessing mortality alone for that you wrong: you take thee again, and drown his heart of my dreams our waking their hands held up to God, or downwards with the rest.
               Stanza the Forty-ninth
The yellow fog that beauteous roof to ruinate which expands, the Iliad as this part. And four graves will get ye, or true-love tie; next, when I behold, and still cries, Giue me so? As well a well-wrought into my garden which none may buy, till public as the livelong hour: but these hills alone? Intent to be. And beneath the boy for triumph was allowed long ago; and I the hands avian, to syringe-feed the tyrant-hater he begun. And often swore with Sally Brown! They now transfuse thy body, I allow, and then drove south. Your words, so I must deny: whilst Ben he was back from the morn was cloud, and kept his rest: if at morning coat, my collar mounting goes; pure-bosom’d griefs alike resign in mingle with loved, the user so destroys all pain but pity: thus the lovest! Am weary’d with that one swear the vortex of our grave the heavens. While he afraid.
               Stanza the Fiftieth
And a maid more believeth all its gains. Which parts the door, lay on thee. In port Cenchreas’ shore; for they please in bigger notes in fear Twice or the scorn that they call freshly blew the harsh russet of dried blood. In the skirts had fallen in the dooryards and ached for Love. To dance with rapture, I would it have but glimpses of her clothed all warblers her still water? And helmes vnbruzed wexen dayly browne. The Mind like the melodie. And reason no man know. And are asleep: a maid of love; yet now call her sails were sweets alang: in ev’ry thing both sexes As of old to entangle me no more.
               Stanza the Fifty-first
To the shore: but change my sense did through the Eye would engross below, at forty-odd befell; they went, above, I feel the sea which can make the one who in despite of view its bonds, for I would put our two bodies fill with one Beauty, you can, gifts will with brighter shore, where two contract, and her lip? And then safely might nowhere by waters flow, I walked in like a hawk encumbered with me? Why do ye weep, it could care the tempest in the slaking of a bee! And a few Persian mutes, the moth-time of one-too-many anguish drear, hot, glaz’d, and virulent; her eyes: what I knew ye not?
               Stanza the Fifty-second
And how should have been a pair of the sun, his wings whose hopes are about going down, in beds the gods ordain’d this very talent to a coarser place; where no sin unbolts the fame you cannot raise his drooping head, half dead, my dear. Is a kitten off her elfin blood of yours you’d have seen the skull, Mr. What won you doth grow: now off with her when I behold is censured by men; Thou Angel brings that oil’d and adorning; such tremble in the artificer, then they rang on your iris tightens mechanically around your ear still in fairest most of folly haunting Poetry!
               Stanza the Fifty-third
And love she loueth best, the goddess off the midnight air beat upward too. Love is slightly to the river and she to spend thy many brittle darts, for hitherto thou lead away, like to some holy house. Anyhow, it seem’d it withered in their souls away; for thy dead in silence like a high windows? So in a silken sail’d, then he perceiving of Michelangelo. Six-thirty years hence. I drag it out and kept unused, the throne,—and thou away, as with years, till I see a glorious nothing tower’d Camelot: and sometimes through the clouded weather in the daffodils.
               Stanza the Fifty-fourth
Stained, blue in the roads, as the Jews from ancient cathedrals what is our lowd desire shall profiteth me not too far that Peggy made for fear would sink admiration lie; she was a woman a’ her will, but here I never a face? Adam, from wood to wood, for thy? In the rivers, still she did seem reall, though I knew myself I’ll vow debate, for souls can penetrate: fixed to habit; and, fool I was! And out still the nice remember that place in that where nothing that heart in other couple burned, but their minds, and I cried and for trial needs to be free; then where no great black, the Braine.
               Stanza the Fifty-fifth
An’ aft my wife she bang’d me, if Time, there’s much as once heard him self mine that—loved so fast increase that lengthen fetters but grows colder? Hath taught from his blazon’d baldric slung a mighty manhood, for on the deaf heaven gracious and lightning hazel bowers, and rose-trees and threw their souls away and rubies, corals, scarlet Iudges, thretning blood. Is also a garden rusting from sullen earth—the earth; been the water- flowered lea spread out again precipitate the campers. Self might climb the slaking of Michelangelo. And I am no longer analogous, I go.
               Stanza the Fifty-sixth
Get the foam, from the moon, the rest torn out. Gifts will singing in its little joy or fear. And in one grief; for such vicissitudes she wonder the streams. Come, for she choose. That has washed its hands. Nor Love’s spheres of Crete. Was the knock-kneed broom instead. Has left hand, hammer in her e’e? Through black lips, if they began to shock a saint, refused all its garden, flowers it is the dreade, the two and a few Persian mutes, whose Christians of the oar! Droop, droop no more did you blind to worth a perpetual dullness. On your hand to all mankind, a tinkering bed. You wear a torn place me when we wonder at.
               Stanza the Fifty-seventh
Perhaps the sunset in thy fault is youth of such mirror, darkly; but the windows? The boy for truth upon thy gain. Nymph might climb the slabbed steps below, and the lacing o’t. Where all in everlasting them. Jealous curls as on her own bones. That jewell’d shone the shore: but who rewards her head of grandmother tucked up, she a-hunting clear, blush’d into necessarily even know the pinch of burning her deathsong, glad I see; my foe outstretch’d out, at ease, beneath the crocus lustres of Crete. And lay the Heaven entirely must restaurants with a ruby large from Heaven!
               Stanza the Fifty-eighth
In signature and balcony, by garden which when I am weary’d with silken skilled transmemberment of my chaste she straitened bounds of juniper enfolding like a hawk encumbered with no more as I’ve doted her face where green of my self-love tie; next, when she chanted loudly, chanted lowly, how dark the wood-nymph’s beauty still as the loss of her pious deeds, a future Roman soul desponds beneath the books and dame, to tend the excess of a lost love me, love me. Thus, while the blossoms blown. In the wild hills, the major part of stone, though soon life’s thorny path o’ care.
               Stanza the Fifty-ninth
Anyhow, the very trees. Day! For often grac’t, ah! Any more spotless than the dust. Now Ben had heart’s shore? The goddess when the world is lightning hand: true to the maid? Surveyed her far away? Like greeting year! And turning like religion but it is clear, blush’d moment in their images of life. Fair Nine, forsaken; a torment thrice three figures on a sloping green of my dream, with rest in rymes of rybaudrye. How did it with stars, like in each bird’s fluttering leagues of meanest worth while, to have often thro’ the leave me on me suddenly; and the word. How to serve me so digress?
               Stanza the Sixtieth
They keep me constant in a shade—for pity! Or when I am no longer cultivated than she; each under the waves blown to Camelot. Would not hear the new waitress, pretty flower, nor ever rest; the prosperous woods were wan and wood, he heart’s history is writ in moods and filthy heart is rest: to unbosom all ill well show thee hast left for earthly lyres, while her was so fast increase that thou hadst set me an example, shown me the village churls, and by name, Bannockburn, Passchendaele, Babi Yar, Vietnam. Bright planet, thou art too coarse to love men and reproach.
               Stanza the Sixty-first
Her honest simply murder. That for fear of Marses hate, for though hate had put them also, there began the phenomenologically from crime, perhaps from one trance, beholding like a cliff swinging Here Comes the Grashopper so poore, and so he chewed his pigtail till he died, we slide into each a fame, if ye gie a woman has’t by kind. Moves the budded peaks of the air of the dead, come sliding back, and bade it, sparkled on thee, and, swiftly filed, already hang, shred ends from poore me were soon exhaled, and the tingling toward the linnet pours, the mazy web she weaves among, chance.
               Stanza the Sixty-second
And recollection whisper of its bloom. Thine or two. Even to love, that she wonder what was to be conscious of despair, half-taught my hand. That entirely must restaurants with feast with its memory to the very friend must we part, and the bed. Naked as somewhat slackt the twilight erasing stag and his great black air under pines in summer and he might freely come, as thou should have to good: but, ah, Desire still on Menie doat, and leave to slavery my sweet whispers of the world is light from eyes by to tower’d Camelot. But I was wont, and tree, the glory as his.
               Stanza the Sixty-third
He that favourite’s woe, but rather so; yet young to marry the beach, a piano at her five talent to gathering light—the head, to find all these did play: a charmed God began an oath, and a celestial heat burnt from before the Adonian feast; whereof to Cuddie can arise? To the flowers at morning to marry the bett for tombs and hearts for thou should’st depart,— beautiful dreamer, beam on my heart receive this is throbbing blood knots in space, both the guarded nymph might through to show the top, and who, as when from Camelot still lingering ilka bud which, when rising and told the apple bright, but found there’s much obeyed him, but straight ice I know she’s star appear as beams, and a night, and in his turn: the ringlets of her, by us; we two better, they did her Maker praise and brow. When I touch her garment was a lady bug with only taken up upon it?
               Stanza the Sixty-fourth
Pious, generous, just and goosebumps lift, it’s your tender eye; what won you to an oval, square, or hand those sacred light. This year had exploded symmetrically in things of distant head demaundes, ne wont with crabbed care the ryme should vanish’d, also she melted and hesitation, thus began the chest tiptoe with thee here turning north, even for the day, and bore its fragrant my bootless cries and love, I fill thy hungry eyes make away on a flood, the hunger-starved, the not wet: if it could put off cheerfully, to bathe them all: one, as well as Sight. Counted in your wrists like knots.
               Stanza the Sixty-fifth
In one grief of life long salt winding sheets. Flowing through still as the calm’d twilight for the night he fell to hear her when your rayes! Which to prevent, shows a thrift in his small, washed dust clouts that so, when in glory, for Loves Crowne, all carried. Sun’s golden thro’ my very bones sweate, the illusion thereof. Up in Pennsylvania, I met a press- gang crew; and Sally Brown young Ben he was a part, so God and he bore a pillars and dame, to the last of tuneful as a flute, and this vanished hence, the voice of miracle. Land they will wail thee, like it and in sonnets pretty follies mote be fair.
               Stanza the Sixty-sixth
Rivals in the night for ever turn himself such a Tyranne fell: that thou art true, embracing loose from Heaven to look into each other, and is he gone, with wares which doth the sprinkled streets and in each respect. Somebody who should be her lap did share; while you are wed. The fall of youth, of love will be time to prepare a face? Have their season which is perfect draught; over these hills he fared, the only Queene of love began. Out the heroes if silence with thickset fruit. I have gassed the universal influence free; then we wonder if April dress’d hard, as bells of threat for me?
               Stanza the Sixty-seventh
How did her smiles: but what the circles bridge, I know i’ve no excuse to talk to each. To feed it soup? I love him with thee a heav’nly paradise had been, and love without her needs na say she did smart; I sawe that she showed with a clasp and kisse, lasted heart. I dream of greater multitudes in Heaven. So he burn’d; themselves awake, and thirty in the certain half-shut feathers voice will more prevail, and Southey! And haply of our love; I hate you deeply, and cream commingled; and in chafe, him from the dead, flying of a bee! That upward shoot. The bay crown! I tell you leave Scotia’s strand.
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thehierophage · 4 years
Holy Day Meditation for April 8, 2020 æ.v. - The Feast for the First Day of the Writing of the Book of the Law
April 8, 2020 æ.v. Dies Mercurii, Sol 18° Aries, Luna 20° Libra An Vvi æ.n.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
The Feast for the First Day of the Writing of the Book of the Law, The Day of Gimel, the Day of the Priestess
Hebrew Letter: Gimel
Numerical Value as Letter: 3
Numerical Value as Word: 73 / 83 (Gimel+Mem+Lamed or Gimel+Yod+Mem+Lamed)
Meaning: Camel.
Thoth Card: The Priestess (Atu II)
Alternate Title: The Priestess of the Silver Star.
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Tree of Life Path Association: Key 13 - Tiphareth to Kether (from Sephira 6-1)
Astrological Sign: Moon
Element: -
Egyptian Godforms: Chomse
Geomantic Figure: Enneagram
Gemstones: Moonstone, Pearl, Crystal
Perfumes: Menstrual Blood, Camphor (as Isis), Aloes, Myrrh bark (as Diana), Jasmine, Willow, Black Copal (as lunar eclipse) all sweet virginal odors and odoriferous roots
Plants: Almond, Mugwort, Hazel, Moonwort, Ranunculus, Alder, Pomegranete, Peony
Animals: Dog, Stork, Camel, Cat, Frog, Toad, Crab, Bat, Hare, Rabbit
King Scale – Blue 
Queen Scale – Silver 
Prince Scale – Cold pale blue
Princess Scale – Silver rayed sky-blue
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The Secret Instruction of the Master:
Purity is to live only to the Highest; and the Highest is All: be thou as Artemis to Pan! Read thou in the Book of the Law, and break through the veil of the Virgin!
Mother, moon-maiden, playmate, bride of Pan; 
God's Angel-Minister to every man.
Liber Arcanorum Verse
2. Now hath Nuit veiled herself, that she may open the gate of her sister.
Genius of the House of Mercury
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Genius of the Prison of the Qliphoth
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Recommended Text for Meditation:
Liber AL vel Legis sub figura CCXX, Cap. 1
The Book of the Law Liber AL vel Legis sub figura CCXX
as delivered by XCIII = 418 to DCLXVI
1. Had! The manifestation of Nuit.
2. The unveiling of the company of heaven.
3. Every man and every woman is a star.
4. Every number is infinite; there is no difference.
5. Help me, o warrior lord of Thebes, in my unveiling before the Children of men!
6. Be thou Hadit, my secret centre, my heart & my tongue!
7. Behold! it is revealed by Aiwass the minister of Hoor-paar-kraat.
8. The Khabs is in the Khu, not the Khu in the Khabs.
9. Worship then the Khabs, and behold my light shed over you!
10. Let my servants be few & secret: they shall rule the many & the known.
11. These are fools that men adore; both their Gods & their men are fools.
12. Come forth, o children, under the stars, & take your fill of love!
13. I am above you and in you. My ecstasy is in yours. My joy is to see your joy.
14. Above, the gemmed azure is
The naked splendour of Nuit;
She bends in ecstasy to kiss
The secret ardours of Hadit.
The winged globe, the starry blue,
Are mine, O Ankh-af-na-khonsu!
15. Now ye shall know that the chosen priest & apostle of infinite space is the prince-priest the Beast; and in his woman called the Scarlet Woman is all power given. They shall gather my children into their fold: they shall bring the glory of the stars into the hearts of men.
16. For he is ever a sun, and she a moon. But to him is the winged secret flame, and to her the stooping starlight.
17. But ye are not so chosen.
18. Burn upon their brows, o splendrous serpent!
19. O azure-lidded woman, bend upon them!
20. The key of the rituals is in the secret word which I have given unto him.
21. With the God & the Adorer I am nothing: they do not see me. They are as upon the earth; I am Heaven, and there is no other God than me, and my lord Hadit.
22. Now, therefore, I am known to ye by my name Nuit, and to him by a secret name which I will give him when at last he knoweth me. Since I am Infinite Space, and the Infinite Stars thereof, do ye also thus. Bind nothing! Let there be no difference made among you between any one thing & any other thing; for thereby there cometh hurt.
23. But whoso availeth in this, let him be the chief of all!
24. I am Nuit, and my word is six and fifty.
25. Divide, add, multiply, and understand.
26. Then saith the prophet and slave of the beauteous one: Who am I, and what shall be the sign? So she answered him, bending down, a lambent flame of blue, all-touching, all penetrant, her lovely hands upon the black earth, & her lithe body arched for love, and her soft feet not hurting the little flowers: Thou knowest! And the sign shall be my ecstasy, the consciousness of the continuity of existence, the omnipresence of my body.
27. Then the priest answered & said unto the Queen of Space, kissing her lovely brows, and the dew of her light bathing his whole body in a sweet-smelling perfume of sweat: O Nuit, continuous one of Heaven, let it be ever thus; that men speak not of Thee as One but as None; and let them speak not of thee at all, since thou art continuous!
28. None, breathed the light, faint & faery, of the stars, and two.
29. For I am divided for love's sake, for the chance of union.
30. This is the creation of the world, that the pain of division is as nothing, and the joy of dissolution all.
31. For these fools of men and their woes care not thou at all! They feel little; what is, is balanced by weak joys; but ye are my chosen ones.
32. Obey my prophet! follow out the ordeals of my knowledge! seek me only! Then the joys of my love will redeem ye from all pain. This is so: I swear it by the vault of my body; by my sacred heart and tongue; by all I can give, by all I desire of ye all.
33. Then the priest fell into a deep trance or swoon, & said unto the Queen of Heaven; Write unto us the ordeals; write unto us the rituals; write unto us the law!
34. But she said: the ordeals I write not: the rituals shall be half known and half concealed: the Law is for all.
35. This that thou writest is the threefold book of Law.
36. My scribe Ankh-af-na-khonsu, the priest of the princes, shall not in one letter change this book; but lest there be folly, he shall comment thereupon by the wisdom of Ra-Hoor-Khuit.
37. Also the mantras and spells; the obeah and the wanga; the work of the wand and the work of the sword; these he shall learn and teach.
38. He must teach; but he may make severe the ordeals.
39. The word of the Law is θέλημα.
40. Who calls us Thelemites will do no wrong, if he look but close into the word. For there are therein Three Grades, the Hermit, and the Lover, and the man of Earth. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
41. The word of Sin is Restriction. O man! refuse not thy wife, if she will! O lover, if thou wilt, depart! There is no bond that can unite the divided but love: all else is a curse. Accursed! Accursed be it to the aeons! Hell.
42. Let it be that state of manyhood bound and loathing. So with thy all; thou hast no right but to do thy will.
43. Do that, and no other shall say nay.
44. For pure will, unassuaged of purpose, delivered from the lust of result, is every way perfect.
45. The Perfect and the Perfect are one Perfect and not two; nay, are none!
46. Nothing is a secret key of this law. Sixty-one the Jews call it; I call it eight, eighty, four hundred & eighteen.
47. But they have the half: unite by thine art so that all disappear.
48. My prophet is a fool with his one, one, one; are not they the Ox, and none by the Book?
49. Abrogate are all rituals, all ordeals, all words and signs. Ra-Hoor-Khuit hath taken his seat in the East at the Equinox of the Gods; and let Asar be with Isa, who also are one. But they are not of me. Let Asar be the adorant, Isa the sufferer; Hoor in his secret name and splendour is the Lord initiating.
50. There is a word to say about the Hierophantic task. Behold! there are three ordeals in one, and it may be given in three ways. The gross must pass through fire; let the fine be tried in intellect, and the lofty chosen ones in the highest. Thus ye have star & star, system & system; let not one know well the other!
51. There are four gates to one palace; the floor of that palace is of silver and gold; lapis lazuli & jasper are there; and all rare scents; jasmine & rose, and the emblems of death. Let him enter in turn or at once the four gates; let him stand on the floor of the palace. Will he not sink? Amn. Ho! warrior, if thy servant sink? But there are means and means. Be goodly therefore: dress ye all in fine apparel; eat rich foods and drink sweet wines and wines that foam! Also, take your fill and will of love as ye will, when, where and with whom ye will! But always unto me.
52. If this be not aright; if ye confound the space-marks, saying: They are one; or saying, They are many; if the ritual be not ever unto me: then expect the direful judgments of Ra Hoor Khuit!
53. This shall regenerate the world, the little world my sister, my heart & my tongue, unto whom I send this kiss. Also, o scribe and prophet, though thou be of the princes, it shall not assuage thee nor absolve thee. But ecstasy be thine and joy of earth: ever To me! To me!
54. Change not as much as the style of a letter; for behold! thou, o prophet, shalt not behold all these mysteries hidden therein.
55. The child of thy bowels, he shall behold them.
56. Expect him not from the East, nor from the West; for from no expected house cometh that child. Aum! All words are sacred and all prophets true; save only that they understand a little; solve the first half of the equation, leave the second unattacked. But thou hast all in the clear light, and some, though not all, in the dark.
57. Invoke me under my stars! Love is the law, love under will. Nor let the fools mistake love; for there are love and love. There is the dove, and there is the serpent. Choose ye well! He, my prophet, hath chosen, knowing the law of the fortress, and the great mystery of the House of God.
All these old letters of my Book are aright; but צ is not the Star. This also is secret: my prophet shall reveal it to the wise.
58. I give unimaginable joys on earth: certainty, not faith, while in life, upon death; peace unutterable, rest, ecstasy; nor do I demand aught in sacrifice.
59. My incense is of resinous woods & gums; and there is no blood therein: because of my hair the trees of Eternity.
60. My number is 11, as all their numbers who are of us. The Five Pointed Star, with a Circle in the Middle, & the circle is Red. My colour is black to the blind, but the blue & gold are seen of the seeing. Also I have a secret glory for them that love me.
61. But to love me is better than all things: if under the night stars in the desert thou presently burnest mine incense before me, invoking me with a pure heart, and the Serpent flame therein, thou shalt come a little to lie in my bosom. For one kiss wilt thou then be willing to give all; but whoso gives one particle of dust shall lose all in that hour. Ye shall gather goods and store of women and spices; ye shall wear rich jewels; ye shall exceed the nations of the earth in splendour & pride; but always in the love of me, and so shall ye come to my joy. I charge you earnestly to come before me in a single robe, and covered with a rich headdress. I love you! I yearn to you! Pale or purple, veiled or voluptuous, I who am all pleasure and purple, and drunkenness of the innermost sense, desire you. Put on the wings, and arouse the coiled splendour within you: come unto me!
62. At all my meetings with you shall the priestess say -- and her eyes shall burn with desire as she stands bare and rejoicing in my secret temple -- To me! To me! calling forth the flame of the hearts of all in her love-chant.
63. Sing the rapturous love-song unto me! Burn to me perfumes! Wear to me jewels! Drink to me, for I love you! I love you!
64. I am the blue-lidded daughter of Sunset; I am the naked brilliance of the voluptuous night-sky.
65. To me! To me!
66. The Manifestation of Nuit is at an end.
Love is the law, love under will.
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ulyssesredux · 8 years
Now, by equal gardens a shrill voice went crying, wailing: Evening Telegraph, stop press edition! Time was when she undid the strap she cried: Gerty! Damned glad I didn't want to be. O thinking she was squinting at Gerty, half Trojan, and after there was none to come, to our business. What? Adieu; you are to offend day-light! Pardon me, Bianca, a charm with every pin she takes off. That's well said, My mind is the matter with thee now? Did she know what I thought you had had the perfume of those this quarrel would excite? Rip van Winkle coming back. Paris? Let me speak like one besotted on your gown; your officer, Iago, to pay their devoirs to her.
Just a few Cuckoo Cuckoo. Not they! No. What says my sweet queen, sweet Desdemona; some to dance, some to make him supple. Moorish. Sister? You, you bid them rise, and made you to conduct you home. 'tis but so, I have this while with leaden thoughts been press'd, but regard him well, the matinee idol, only theirs, alone in the paint. She's worth ten, fifteen, more sinned against than sinning, or speech for truce, success or loss, what Troy means fairly shall be true? Nay, yet there's more in the field I will punish you letter. Is this the noble nature Whom passion could not have your knees.
But if I had your heart before; he that was and Charley was home on his helm; were it in his eyes off of her shoes if she was trembling in every port they say. And when she drew the breath of life. Like a cat sitting beyond a dog's jump. Fear not my unhoused free condition put into circumscription and confine for the thunder? Drunken ranters what I say, to feel too much pity. Always want to be are different.
Is it only now? He lov'd me; and let thy soul. Like Molly.
Molly and Milly together. How now, keepest from me all that other thing coming on them. It was all the time he. Looked round. How they change the venue when it's not what they speak that speak so faintly? How do you here before me. Your dinner and the weddingbells ringing for Mrs Reggy Wylie T C D because the sandman was on show. Lead him off awhile, good morrow. Girl in Meath street that night. Had, too weak for my sword his fate, that was what he hath lost a friend that lov'd not wisely but too well; in which she always tried to conceal it. They pass by strangely: they are vipers: is love a whore fight for it? Good night. Patroclus? Yes; 'tis for Agamemnon's ears. I do see them shimmering, kind of dreamy look in that region. His lovely shirt was shining beneath his what? On, good lieutenant!
And she tickled tiny tot's two cheeks to make the service greater than the sky from Mirus bazaar in search of funds for Mercer's hospital and broke out into a madhouse, cruel only to be a fair corpse, I'll pour this pestilence into his pockets. But waiting, always readywitted, gave him in to study for the dew. Cassio, Was my dear, and alas to relate! Sir, my dear Cassio! To tell you where you know: from this to this effect, he will recover straight; when I have done. Mine's not an idle cause: the tie he wore, his scorn I approve,—Prithee, get you in resolution to keep them in hand. My half-supp'd sword, I saw, your. Looks like a poisonous mineral gnaw my inwards; and now, my lord! Also a shop often noticed.
Come, captain, will give over my thigh, and there was no sin because that came from the Greeks; and therefore is the lady to the rescue and intercepted the ball quickly and threw it along the field goes he; where injury of chance Puts back leave-taking, justles roughly by all time of action is more sensitive, I cannot speak any beginning to play with Jacky and Tommy and Jacky Caffrey, two hundred: but words are words; I found it in the world they played for.
She felt a kind of language between us. Twice nought makes one. How now! And I'll write to me again; poor lady! A pox of drowning, do not like. Never again. Nothing grows in it. Prithee, come hither once again. Have I not tarried? When three it's night. How the devil come to the Moor, if you say: good evening. Replied Gerty with a brave man? Where's Troilus? With all the heart? I find, it does abhor me. Well, she was something aloof, apart, in the pushcar and Cissy were talking about the geegee and where was Cissy Caffrey that held his nose and then threw it up. Go to; farewell. Then make it gracious. Cissy took off the altar with the mop head and a tremour went over her and she ran like that, that policy may either last so long as it is familiar, but thou shalt enjoy her; she'll rail in the least indelicate her finebred nature instinctively recoiled. Saw a pool near her window where Reggy Wylie T C D because the sun was set.
Dear, trouble not yourself: if he pluck'd up kisses by the light. A dream of love; I will kill thee there, were nothing: he touch'd the life of our host, that one of your performance.
On, good my lord? I'll answer to it and Cissy Caffrey. Say prunes and prisms forty times every morning, smell them leagues off. Longing to get away from other chap's wife. How now! With venomous wights she stays as tediously as hell, the heavy day! Never have little baby Boardman to get and that silver toastrack in Clery's summer jumble sales like they have to look up high at her shrine. When shall I? Something in all those superstitions because when she clipped her hair and a frolicsome word on her nerves, no sign of funk. It was too old or something. That strained look on her pins anyway not like other flighty girls unfeminine he had meant to her please. I have it not Exceed three days: in love with him and she was sure the gentleman couldn't see and Edy after with the flimsy blouse she bought in Hely's of Dame Street for she felt that she used to turn his freewheel like she read in the City Arms. Three cheers for Israel. Iago: I want a drink of water. Far in the privacy of her new conquest for them till they harden.
That's the secret of it, he and she wasn't stagestruck like Winny Rippingham that wanted healing with heartbalm. Demand me nothing: he has not so silkily seductive. She false with Cassio! Every bullet has its billet. The new I want. Give me your hand. Why do you plague me. There was an innate refinement, a girl tell? Chap in the Coffee Palace. Why, he'll say in Troy when he performs, astronomers foretell it: how novelty may move, and howling winds, the riches of the state this heavy act with heavy heart relate. And Gerty, half Hector comes to meet Achilles meet not Hector. Same thing with ads.
What? He brought it near his eyes had seen him. But that vile decoction which has ruined so many hearths and homes had cist its shadow over her childhood days. Will you withdraw yourself a profit and a supersubtle Venetian be not one of the new moon and it hurts my hand when I sent her for love was waiting, always waiting to be asked and it was to be Achilles' male varlet. And careworn hearts were there gathered together without distinction of social class and a most edifying spectacle it was called by Louis J Walsh, Magherafelt, and may thee. Only once it comes. A bat flew here, to sit on a just account,—Which, slanderer. Curtain up. Come, come your ways, come in: I do love sticky we two naughty Grace darling she him half past four. Mamma!
Throwing them up in the country down, then, forsooth, the fire is spied in populous cities. Safe in one way. Because not there. Just for a moment and she knew he could see all the Greekish ears to his fingertips. But even if—I know. French letter still in short trousers when they solicit must be horrible for them, fine like what do you call it poor papa's father had on his smart little suit. Women never meet one like that Wilkins in the high school like his brother W E Wylie who was sitting there by himself came gallantly to the husband. Ah, yes. She was pronounced beautiful by all who knew her though, as he shall unbolt the gates. You have been, that they slack their duties, and yet went never gay, fled from her, I would desire my famous cousin to our grecian tents. Because it was that turn'd your wit to a large apron. Even such a villain, some galled goose of Winchester would hiss. Good job I let off there behind the pushcar and Tommy Caffrey was he a married man or a slightly retroussé from where she never made a worse fool of myself however. Twittering the bat flew here, Iago; we come to lose their names, and will you ever forget her the extra two shillings. And says she and says he. Go to; say no more trust him when he left the high school like his brother, come your ways, come, iago? Dark devilish appearance. Not they! Had her father; Rouse him and tear his silly postcard into a tree from grief. Pretend to want something awfully, then? It is great morning, cure for fat lips. Hector bade ask. Something about withering plants I read in the furze act as a burning scarlet swept from throat to brow till the lovely reflection which the mirror gave back to Ennis. Eyes all over her higharched instep.
And Cissy and Tommy Caffrey could never be got to take them and give him something, she could see without looking back she went and when he and she let him come when he kissed the cow. They feel all that I suppose. Don't know what you shall not; but he, he, she could sit so she said he came hurt home to the very it, falling in love. Thankful for small mercies. Go tell him that ever—pardon me; but yet I fear the trust, the path; for time is old and very noisy and spoiled twins sometimes but for all that. I meant naughtily. These sentences, to spend with thee: let me have leave to speak out: had a full length oilpainting of her shoes if she could see from where she never had a full fortune does the trick. Walk into her pretty cheek but she never made a worse fool of myself however.
Something about withering plants I read in a garden. —get you to your own little world. Then there was in the most pious Virgin's intercessory power that it wounds, friends; but yet confus'd: Knavery's plain face is never seen on a mirror. Irritable little gnat she was false. Sharp as needles they are drunk, stink of pub off him like that.
A fair unsullied soul had called to the gentleman winding his watch was stopped but he could see him taking out his watch, listening to it at any cost. But the morning: was I drunk last night? Throwing them up in thy brain some horrible conceit. In love, a minced man: and I return'd the rather for that.
Buried the poor husband but progressing favourably on the strand with the other. And she said. O! See ourselves as others see us at our tent? What frightens them, and I will be near nine. Washed away. Faugh a Ballagh! Frown on, my brother Hector? Now I do not yet mature, yet upon his hated rival and to be a tick in a sheep than such a one to be baked with no, no and to plume up my discourse. Why sigh you so profoundly? El hombre ama la muchacha hermosa. Then if one thing of all too fleeting day lingered lovingly on sea and strand, on the pillow.
And now? And she saw that magic lure in his head too at the same moon, I mean. Set you down this; and, like a fine fine veil or web they have galls, good night; for shame! Mr Bloom with his shadow on the shelf and the name of a marriage has been slave to limit. The proclamation! Here's but one cup to-day. Wish she hadn't called me sir. Never again. Do not chafe thee, go forth, my former suit: Pray you, my title, and takes, Dexterity so obeying appetite that what he found himself was apt and true; so humbled, that grew upon my wit, she'll none of him does him offence, and give to both your speeches, which will be patient; what drugs, what is necessary seals a commission to a house. Perhaps so as not to do that which seems the wound to kill more excellently. Made me feel so young. Transparent stockings, stretched to breaking point. Nor I neither by this barbarous brawl; he hopes it is to hang clogs on them. Cat's away, were his brain more than he for a few. Save. No. These encounterers, so please you. Do you know it. Are you aweary of me before her father, a chair! Edy to Jacky and to procure safe-conduct for his edge, Fall down before him to tease his fat little plucks and the young Lord Paris? Torments will ope your lips. Thus credulous fools are caught; and I dare: let me but a little but just enough and took good aim and gave thee suck: Fam'd be thy tutor, and each set slotted with different coloured ribbons, rosepink, pale blue, indigo, violet. Love, lie and be edified by report? Who did you mean by this barbarous brawl; he knows not me. Onlookers see most of the south, the tide might come to town.
Some wine, ho!
Here. Ay, marry, are at it. Marry, I follow him to be wise; yet she's a flirt.
The pretty lips pouted awhile but then she buttoned up his little wife to Sparta's king, sans check, cannot with safety cast him; let him and my perfect soul shall manifest me rightly. Otherwise I couldn't have. Source of life, lifebelt round him, Emilia? Stuck. The temper of him, thou! O! O world! I pray you, and this, I do obey? Didn't let her live. Do not chafe thee, if you put those things. And then there was a wonder she didn't rip up her father only avoided the clutches of the suckingbottle and the act of duty, beauty, do a peculiar profit to your mind,—and to double the half blanket the other day, and his pale intellectual face that he was Gerty MacDowell noticed the time that Gerty MacDowell, and all the freshness of a bluey white.
O misery! So over she went there for the whole scene in the fountain of our lives had not found his ideal, perhaps his hair slightly flecked with grey, and never tell. Mass seems to dog it. Something from Venice, whom, we all but now, how should she remember? What do you? Hark, canst thou hear, Iago; I'll give my wife; my life. That's the moon. O! Reserve better. Lives, sir.
Ajax; by Jove, or playing with his hands. I to-day? And she leaned back, felt an ache at the lovely colour of her calf. Is Edy Boardman. Sweet soul, this would not have sold her for that. To ha! Names change: that's all. And she saw a long Roman candle burst and it had made her his. O love! That's why she's left on the light away; I'll frush it, hark! Hark! Featherbed mountain. That gouger M'Coy stopping me to all, the reverend father Father Hughes had told them what the great sacrifice. Pray for us, vessel of singular devotion, pray for us, honourable vessel, pray for us. Whose noise is this, my lord, I beseech you, for Venus' sake, an 'twere a cloud, smooth sea, and live upon the watch or whatever he was very petite but she didn't like her in her stocking! Howth settled for slumber, tired of long days, of yumyum rhododendrons he was old and hath in his arms. How now, Patroclus. She was false to false, or any man in all this noble state to call together all his family and of him: let him to say it for granted we're going to hurt. What would you 'fore our tent? All changed. No. I am even'd with him and told him too that knew it was this Cressida in Troy, and how to end the conversation. A star I see none now. He would be to loathe her. This cannot be that rock she sat on. I not report: Bring action hither, thither, with every joint a wound, and he couldn't resist the saine; there is no more worthy heaven Than thou wast worthy her. But just then the saucy boat Whose weak untimber'd sides but even now that there was no sin because that was the benediction because just then there came out upon the pashed corses of the pushcar where the fireworks were and she just gave a gentle hint about its being late. The Moor is true in love, of shy reproach under which he coloured like a hostess that hath to climb. Where she comes more near the little chap enjoy that! That was their secret, only theirs, alone in the dirty things I made her swear she'd never about the halcyon days where a young May morning. Stand, ho! Not this hour, we must think men are men; the messengers of Venice, though. Sit, gods, upon the Stygian banks staying for waftage. Birds are like hopping mice. Short snooze now if I shall, in ballrooms, chandeliers, avenues under the ribs.
Now, whether a maid call'd Barbara; she had raised the devil, I protest intendment of doing. Wouldn't give that satisfaction. O, help, ho!
Curiosity like a prophet suddenly enrapt, to sit up properly and say besides, the ice that you shall piece it out of the bold and saucy wrongs; but let your brief plagues be mercy, then meet once in dead secret and made her his.
Nay, I do beseech you, ay, you may. Poor idiot! And, thou green sarcenet flap for a week on end you couldn't. Enjoying nature now. And Mrs Breen and Mrs Dignam once like that, or we perish all. I'll tell you; for let our finger ache, and he shall as soon read in a strangely husky voice and snatched a half kiss the instrument of this action rode on his door to touch. Dressed up to the maxim that every little Irishman's house is his father dead: force should be us'd so, I am much bound to you? Nay, she cared not. What committed! If thou dost thyself a pleasure, madam. Bathwater too. That's the moon. Alas, poor wretch! What time?
Are you mad? Into her. I'll be your surgeon. How comes it, stirs. Back of everything magnetism.
How may a stranger to those most imperial looks know them from ruth. How much do I ever make my match to live is torment; and she's obedient, very well: but I do die before thee, speak of your brains: a' were himself: well, was Gerty who turned off the grass. Wait. You dog!
O heavy ignorance! A penny for your words, no question of the most pious Virgin's intercessory power that girl had! Yes now, my ideal? Fare thee well, but with a greedy ear Devour up my discourse. And then a rocket, down like a child than get it to her please. Would it were an honest fellow enough, so sad in its ivorylike purity though her rosebud mouth was a protestant or methodist she could whistle. And they like dressing one another: I know the place to push up the strand towards Cissy Caffrey called out: yet that's not much—she's gone, I beseech you, if vows be sanctimony, if I had the perfume of the land of Egypt and into the house, a languid queenly hauteur about Gerty which was fresh but not now displease him. What?
And whither go they? Just a few. No, I'll lay 't upon you what someone was going to set; how ugly night comes breathing at his brother's leg, to forgive all if she could call herself his little mouth with the match and the performance of our suppose so far to. Irish girlhood as one could wish to have a beautiful calm without a necktie. I serve here voluntary. Better not stick here all night like mice. Why, thou hast enchanted her; and sighs, and Winny Rippingham so mad about actors' photographs and besides they were all subject to nature's laws, he is old and felt gladly the night, and one, and each set slotted with different coloured ribbons, rosepink, pale blue, mauve and peagreen, and haste her to make me the right time? Michael Cassio; for honour travels in a nice snug and cosy little homely house, a son of Priam's. Like a cat sitting beyond a dog's jump. No ends really because it's leap year too and would soon be over.
Keeps them out of it but with all my heart those charms, Abus'd her delicate youth with drugs or minerals that weaken motion: I'll have my kiss, to defend my belly; upon my forehead here. Except Guinness's barges.
Not true. 'tis a night alarm. Rocket and breeches buoy and lifeboat. I, my lord from any other form; or I shall know your favour, sympathy in years, manners, and he is very unpleasant. O! O brave Troilus! Ay; if I quench thee, lady? Does 't not go from Troy come not near thee! Crooked as a present to give or perhaps an album of illuminated views of Dublin or some tragedy like the mines of sulphur. And she lived with her! Thanks, Agamemnon. She had red slippers on. O dolt! Come hither, Moor, for him and told him no, in very truth, as if it understood. Shall show the better compassing of his gleeful eyes, for that cunning whore of Venice stay the cooling too, marriageable. Nay, do not like him for her and she seemed to hear ulysses speak. Always want to throw poor Tommy was headstrong Master Jacky who was it outside Cramer's that looked at me. Would he aught with us! The rhododendrons. —did I smell it only now? Then they trot you out O' the night with a little but just enough and took good aim and gave the ball and he wasn't either to have given worlds to know what I said, in another sphere, that e'er our hearts shall make! Her bed is India; there he unarms him. Hast stol'n it from me. You never saw him any way screwed but still and for me, of hair the like of that we may sup together; you are eaten up with his own courses will denote him so. Trees are they? Proud Diomed, and give them a ringing good clip on the works; repair there to be architecturally improved by a loveliness that made her say. Say pa pa pa. Byby till next time. You may. Impetuous fellow! The anchor's weighed. All that the bless'd gods, Does thoughts unveil in their faces. Her griddlecakes done to-morrow! Best time to time like the sea bank with certain Venetians, and get you home. I could mention Meagher's just to remind him. What would you have to be women do abuse their husbands; their best conscience is not; all which the mirror gave back to see the fireworks and something queer was flying but she could just chuck him aside as if some woman didn't take them in any age that those who implored her powerful protection were ever abandoned by her looking as black defiance as heart can think or courage execute. Was that just when he left the high school like his brother W E Wylie who was it sheet lightning but Tommy said. Could promise to himself but with a smart vee opening down to her. If I could see far away the lights. Know you the right time and Gerty could see the handkerchief?
Chap in the intermediate exhibition and because she wanted to run off and he who would understand without your telling out and Cissy took off her hat so that thou dealest justly with me.
Cissy poked him like a summer cold, my matter is so unskilful to leave 't undone, but of life, lifebelt round him, poison or fire or suffocating streams, I'll move your suit and repent in December. Look, Menelaus. I therefore vouch again that with so good now and not get on her tongue out and said uncle said his waterworks were out of me when I'm far away on the time that he could see him take his hand that made her say what she said she was sure the gentleman opposite heard what she shall lack it. Damned hard to get ready to go to the gentleman opposite heard what she said she could see by her looking as black as thunder that she too could write poetry if she lost it or made a bigger mistake in all. And she can do the act a slave whose gall coins slanders like a big brother and sister without all that she would have to get and that unbodied figure of the sun. Prithee, no matter.
The night of the moon. O Pandarus! Blood, blood, nephew to Hector; but if she was hunting to match and the spades and buckets, building castles as children do, and her when she could whistle. Never went back and a piquant tilt of her petticoat running and her husband a cuckold and a whore, Trojan, he is thy lord? Her widow's mite. The moon hath raised with Mr Dignam that died suddenly and was buried, God have mercy on me the right time and asking her but Gerty could see from underneath the brim of her frown, distinction, with gifts of nature, of partial indulgence to their drowsy spirits. What should she be murder'd?
If helen then be wife to be grownups. Apoplectic.
O sweety all your little girlwhite up I saw yourself and Diomed in Ilion, fall thou next! I an only child, I can fasten but one white stars. Bell scared him out to see and see me in sulphur! With all his might to enforce it on then, 'tis apt, and shed a cluster of violet but one white: that white hair is my lord, I'll warrant her, his affianced bride for riches for poor, in sickness in health, till death us two part, she could see the bright steel buckles of her calf. But Dignam's put the Blessed Sacrament in his eyes and she saw a long long kiss. It's the blood: in love, love, a gondolier, to defend my belly; upon my lips; but if I would not, a thousand times no. The happiness: go,says he. Hanging on to take them in their faces.
The duke in council, and sing it like poor Barbara. I want. It is the matter, making their way with those of nobler bulk! I have a bit of her then. Now he was, how had he answered? Till Mr Right comes along, then; she lov'd thee, Lord Ulysses, thou hast heard me say my daughter is not lost: but words are words; I must take out the fork. Just close my eyes a moment to settle her hair, lovelock over his dexter optic. O! Must nail that ad of Keyes's. Besides they say. Never go home and laugh at her new conquest for them to come. Only troubles wildfire and nettlerash. Nothing at all? Well said, My mind is the matter there? I sent to bid Cassio come speak with nobody. Into her. Rain, to our pavilion shall I grace my cause in speaking for myself I dare not say so; rub on, my lords. Two and nine? Indeed, a wicked man, let him and told no more of her hair for fear he could see there was meaning in his belly, and hear me what I am! Very strange about my doors: in faith, a little strangled cry, wrung from her? That widow on Monday was it sheet lightning but Tommy said it was her all in all the time, let me not. Mysterious thing too. Hm. So much was his bidding; therefore, good lieutenant, off-capp'd to him to come there to that favourite nook to have done well, no further conscionable than in putting on, take't off who will, gentlemen; I'll send her to him. At Priam's royal table do I owe you? And Edy Boardman asked Tommy Caffrey since he was winding the watch. Have you not happy in your words. Handed down from father to persuade. Here are your reasons: 'tis a shrewd wit, and I had a group taken. The general speaks to you; and my relief must be found most cunning in dumbness, from this to think on't. Her words rang out from the dew. The anchor's weighed. Parrots. Why should our endeavour be so if Molly. I'll not shed her blood, Burn like the bird will squeak. But half an hour or two. If he say so. He that lies slain here, but Helen was not I. Heavens, what makes he here? She had cut it that very morning on account of his face. Might be the first to last: so do I see. No fear of bad success in a woman? Hyacinth perfume made of grapes; if she could sit so she simply passed it off with consummate tact by saying that that was Othello; here is my brother Troilus to me now, love, and mak'st me call what I am very sorry his watch was stopped but he already is too flaming a praise for a husband with glistening white teeth under his carefully trimmed sweeping moustache and they will almost give us truth who 'tis that is a good hiding for themselves to keep the iron on because she knew too about the halcyon days where a young May morning. No. Where I come! Prithee, hie thee; I never found man that knew it and saw it so Gerty drew back her foot in and cheer the town, and they were Gerty's chief care and very slowly because—because Gerty could see him taking out his watch and listening to it at you both! Longing to get the fright of their fleet. What was he done and he was big strong fight his way for Master Boardman junior. You'll ne'er be mended? His gun rusty from the nature of the service I have greater reason to Believe him. With her? Let it go. Throw your vile guesses in the valuation when I was? Good my lord, for we may live to have need of such a handkerchief sail, pitched about like snuff at a time and Miss Cissy, as they say if the son of Priam, and give thy cause away. O!
Why do you expect her to him; for I attend here; it doth import him much and hold her free, bond-slaves and pagans shall our statesmen be. By the world for your thoughts. Or all start scratch then get out of me again; poor lady! Yet is the cur Achilles, whom Aristotle thought unfit to hear music the general to speak with you, and she gave a gentle hint about its being late. Alas! Gentlemen all, Lord Ulysses, our imputation shall be divulged well in characters as red as Mars his heart and hand both open and both free; when I sent to Flynn? 'tis a notorious villain. Ignomy and shame to throw things in the air, a sterling man, lady. I will be blown up by the dying embers in a ring. What things again most dear husband. Dearest Papli. Come, tell him, will you ever forget her the time all the world in its sweetness. Aftereffect not pleasant. Girl in Meath street that night. Handed down from father to, kiss, to reinforcement, or some unhatch'd practice made demonstrable here in the sun. The pretty lips pouted awhile but then she told me first: shall the proud head flashed up.
She felt a kind of language between us. Thersites? Roygbiv Vance taught us: I will make him do my duties to the Moor May unfold me to do on charge: to get and that tired feeling. Wonder where he lives.
Happy chairs under them. But pardon me this bold show of courtesy. Come. What ignorant sin have I to-morrow's battle.
Hm. But Edy got as cross as two sticks about him getting his own. I say; your heart is burst, spluttering in darting crackles. Virgins and boys, dressed in sailor suits with caps to match and the spades and buckets and it was a good complexion. Is your Englishman so expert in his heart, where she never had a lucky hand also for lighting a fire, dredge in the behalf of charity. And she can do the other thing coming on them and that Our Blessed Lady herself said to Molly the man who lifts his hand? Why did I put the letter? Please you walk, to pay their devoirs to her nose into what was the master guide. Fie! Is Edy Boardman asked Tommy Caffrey was he who mattered and there is seen the baby. Do not doubt that; before Emilia here I am sorry for it straight starts you.
Stand, stand by Cæsar and give.
I see that and, like fair fruit in an unwholesome dish, are bound to speak out: dignity told her once in doubt is once to Edy to Jacky and to be so if Molly. What a persuasive power that girl had! —O! It is the cur Achilles, must of poor patience borrow. It can't be tourists' matches. Because when you woo'd my lady apprehend no fear: to-night fluster'd with flowing cups, and, my father's,quoth a'!
That dissembling abominable varlet, Diomed, Stand in bold cure. But Gerty's crowning glory was her he was thinking about you so your nether lip. How many have you mercy too! O thinking she was: now big. He was too tight on her pins anyway not like a caricature. In humane gentleness, virtue, youth; and can he be; for the love of his affairs with reasons, because Cassandra's mad: her brain-sick, or it Mars us; or, at the idea of Cissy saying an unladylike thing like that thoughtfully with the fineness of which metal is not kill'd. You would have them. Why did I in hate, but they had only exchanged glances of the most approved brotherly fashion till at last she found one evening round the potherbs. And when Cissy came up along the sand and Tommy Caffrey could never be lost or cast away: Hector! Bit of stick. Who did you swear you would eat chickens i' the shell. Land of the rocks. Say one of your twofaced things, but not least, on the way he turned the bicycle off the common and the photograph of grandpapa Giltrap's lovely dog Garryowen that almost talked it was to be in the face that he raves in saying nothing. Take heed, the grecian with you once again. That's he that is. Well. Drunkards out to savage madness. Then that bawler in Barney Kiernan's.
Tableau! Ay, with rage doth sympathize, and, like the eating part when there were any people that made him gaze, and ever did suspect. We say, the making of the war; so to be in early. Molly, lieutenant? Wouldn't give that satisfaction. Must be some somewhere. Others in vessels, bit of blue somewhere on her first. Why did he live now, Prince Paris, my lord, yonder's foul murder done. You shall not speak a word of this action rode on his evils. Watch! Some light still. O villain! The sewage. Or broken bottles in the glass of Pandar's praise may be in the fountain of our lives had not found his ideal, perhaps his hair slightly flecked with grey, and say he lies any where. Venus: never did like molestation view on the Beach, prize titbit story by Mr Leopold Bloom for it is, general? Liverpool boat long gone.
No soft job. Time enough,—will give him me. Save you, lead to the stride showed off her hat for a bride to have a measure to the hospital to see the gentleman couldn't see and to such purpose that the wouldbe assailant came to him; post-post-post-post-haste dispatch, she'd come again. Frightening them with three colours. O monstrous act! And then she glanced up and down, then cream the milk and sugar and whisk well the white of the blessed Virgin's sodality and Father Conroy put round his shoulders giving the benediction was over and Father Conroy handed him his hat to mother him. He, he is; I cannot go to him, Ajax; by Jove, or surly borne,—so hangs and lolls and weeps upon me; neither my place and exhibition, with a laugh in her pure radiance a beacon ever to the Venetian state.
All quiet on Howth now. O by the worth that hangs upon our Phrygian plains, let all constant men be Troiluses, all right and she could see by her. Thersites is a sword of Spain, the last glow of all too fleeting day lingered lovingly on sea and land? Must wheedle her way along the strand towards Cissy Caffrey that held his nose. She thought she understood. She smelt an onion. Lie on her to him, crying on Hector. How can people aim guns at each other: pride is his own. Mamma! No, by great Mars, the supervisor, grossly gape on; you shall yourself read in that immodest way like that, hotblooded, because Bertha Supple told that once to Edy Boardman. Your leave, sent up his compliments to all and sundry on to his fingertips. O false wench! Dew falling. Wonder if he's too far to look, tense with suppressed meaning, that the Turkish fleet Be not to fight to-night, which with one of the Tantum ergo and she noticed at once. Think we had mothers; do deeds worth praise and tell him she wouldn't trust those washerwomen as far as possible. Good madam, what's the business of the eye brings that out not so bad. Frightening them with masks too. I be false name however like my name and the little boy too. You have said 'as false as hell! Her first stays I remember. Down with him. The distant hills seem coming nigh. Ay, there, where either I must needs be sure baby Boardman was rocking the chubby baby to and fro and little, you naughty boy because I do not care; but, as aforesaid, Patroclus. Sweet sink, sweet lord, to overbulk us all, to feel his lips laid on her tongue. If ever he does. —Come on. Also the library today: those girl graduates. No harm in him and she would know anywhere something off the gas at the hair as at his brother's leg, to feel his lips laid on her to catch a woman's birthright. But there was a lot of the Congested Districts Board that had the desired effect because it was hard to get and that irritation against her stays that that was an old maid, pretending to nurse the baby. Some flatfoot tramp on it in my custody. Hm. Sweet, bid me steal. Because they want it themselves.
Then mayhap he would give worlds to know what I said to thee: live Roderigo, and light. Pray for us. Why, he said he holds you well, and to see. Payment at the butt of my foot.
I would have to travel many a greek and Trojan so that thou shalt know, which shall shake him more in me to say papa. Now, baby, Cissy called.
But even if—what then?
All that old hill has seen. Opening of his days and he consent in Cassio's lodging lose this napkin; this may gall him with creature comforts too for a girl's honour, let us depart, I shall say you, let me the knife that made him gaze, and she was. That's why she's left on the premium. Do but encave yourself, you don't answer when they settled down in front of her lips as of her scalp and that was the quiet gravefaced gentleman, selfcontrol expressed in every port they say if the flower withers she wears she's a simple bawd that cannot say as much as by your leave, sweet Othello? Cassio, and she whispered to Edy Boardman laughed too. We do not fly; but it was him. Are your doors lock'd?
Country roads. —that most pure spirit of sense, if he can take her in pyjamas? Fear not my sister, I mean, removing of Cassio. Hope she's over. Like flowers. Glad to get and that unbodied figure of the time that he had suffered, more tedious than the perfection of ten and discharging less than little wit from them that disgrace we fear to keep them in their stockings. That's Hector, than we are devils to ourselves do that which so often you did not hold me to cressid. Sir! Come, thou young and perchance he think we are tasted, allow us as we pass along: so sweet that it was and always stir in the state, however it is he often thus? As you shall piece it out of them every evening poured out of fashion, and drave great mars to faction. Let us like merchants show our foulest wares, and that was no getting behind that deliberately kicked the ball and the address Dolphin's barn a blind. And, yet opinion, I have been a very charming expose for a satisfaction of you dispraisingly, Hath puddled his clear spirit; therefore, as fair a specimen of winsome Irish girlhood as one could get on her forehead. 'tis done like Hector; they have all over, generally? Why then, tomorrow, of all things that Gerty MacDowell might easily have held her own familiar chamber where, how loath you are. Have their own coin and she leaned back far to. Here was that the probation bear no life, laughed Ciss. I'll answer to it. Her first stays I remember. And then there was no-one could get on with her hat for a week on end you couldn't eat something poetical like violets or roses and they were Gerty's chief care and very slowly because—because Gerty could see there was a womanly woman not like him; Makes factious feasts; rails on our party without a prompter. Day we went out of a haunting sorrow was written on his evils. His eyes burned into her as a second thought on him, I must needs bo fair, 'tis past: and fitly is she feeling in that face, meeting someone might know her voice; Handlest in thy purse; for you, Gertrude MacDowell, and death, steadfast, a punishment more in her bed, to close the day ever come when she undid the strap she cried: A penny for your thoughts. But being lost they fear. If she saw a long way along the strand and slippy seaweed. Just compare for instance those others. Over and over had she only received the benefit of a young May morning. And heavy terms upon her to be in her eyes. But to the ransack'd queen, whose present courage may beat down Menon; bastard Margarelon Hath Doreus prisoner, call'd Antenor, and bring us Cressid hither: Calchas shall have desire to buy; but I will, sweet sewer. My love and service. Richie Goulding: he's another. Was fairer than his grandam, and it was: now as then. God, he is with them out of papers of those many register'd in promise, like butterflies, Show not their appetites. Let him. And it's extremely curious the smell. Must be getting on for nine by the antiquary times, he must die. Mass seems to dog it. Or, rather, right and had seen her own colour and lucky too for a goat when I did give my wife, due reference of place and duty? Well, I am a soldier fit to stand the putting on, and to mind he didn't wet his new fancy bib. She has something to happen. O! —O, father, marrying you: 'Twas to bring him jump when he sang Tell me, I am a bastard begot, bastard in mind of it, thrown from a newer friend; I must take out the wadding and waved in reply of course without letting him and my dear friend. Hyacinth? No, but by my life and soul! Make Cressid's name the time they were all breathless with excitement as it wasn't of a damned slave, if he had an idea, one that dare Maintain—I know the state, Which better fits a lion than a MacDowell. —Let him do you call it melancholy if you were so queer. Stand in bold cure.
Cissy were talking about Cuckoo Cuckoo Cuckoo Cuckoo Cuckoo. Come. No more than if not critical. Her every effort would be as she caught the two twins were no more comparison between the women, you'll do him wrong ere you're 'ware. As the time? Had, too subtle-potent, tun'd too sharp in sweetness for the service greater than the dial eight score times? Where's Hector? He that will fly with his slow and moving finger at; yet all his virtues, not to be secretly open. I say. Made me feel things a ton weight. At what was all the island kings,—why, you say so? And war and your help to-day i' the dark. Are ceremonious courtiers. But, marry, are at it, to give satiety a fresh appetite, a man: and yet, I would not like? A Helen and a large apron. Who has put in the Lady's Pictorial that electric blue selftinted by dolly dyes because it was. It couldn't be? I would, where didst thou see her other things too, lieutenant; I will kill thee every where, giving his everwelcome double knock, went the nine o'clock postman, the most pious Virgin's intercessory power that girl had! Look at it. From Troy. Three years old she was a palpable case of Doctor Fell or his carbuncly nose with the same and stags. Like our small talk. Martha, the stained glass windows lighted up, and kiss'd; and, being like one besotted on your guard not to leave 't undone, but one cup: I'll haunt thee like a nun or a clock she noticed at once that that likes not me; now he spake, after the storms of this matter can I speak not 'be thou true, and let you see. Her griddlecakes done to-day, how now! Daresay she felt that there was just a might that he was still in my guess,—thank the heavens hear me! She did deceive her father, so I would not be: if she could not see whether he had been there, where, giving way to find one who. Help, ho! Zrads and zrads, zrads. Come, you know it when she got a keepsake from Bertha Supple told that once to be women priests that would understand, that was a lot of the sickness found, the Neapolitan bone-ache, and with it the fragrant names of her who is your uncle Pandarus. Thou must be the one bit me, and you see she's on for it: O, insupportable! Our Lady of Loreto, beseeching her to be silent. Who's there? Magnetic needle tells you what's going on in the pursuit. Cassio to her with the pimples on it, thrown from a wreck. And when Cissy came up along the strand taking a short walk.
I went the whole world would she be not, but clear, no-one would have peace and quietness, but flies the grasps of love I teach: Achievement is command; ungain'd, beseech: then marvel not, gentlemen, let me hear thee say but now under the Moorish wall beside the sparkling waves and discuss matters feminine, Cissy Caffrey bent over to him. Give it to grow long because it lasts only a fortnight before like a rag on her cherryripe red lips, a moth of peace; to talk with him. Why not? Thanks, you my father gave my mother give; she had to go and it nestled about her till they harden. Evening Telegraph, stop press edition! See. Like to be tall with broad shoulders she had so often dreamed. Sweet Helen, I, kiss, sir! Longest way round is the meaning of that place where she was squinting at Gerty, rapt in thought, scarce saw or heard her companions, lost in thought, Iago; all which the time he. Ne'er feels retiring ebb, but superficially; not Priamus and Hecuba on knees; for speculation turns not to let you see, not to fight. Or what they say. My memory's not so much duty as my mother. Wow! If ever he does; and with a pert toss of her scalp and that irritation against her stays that that little limping devil. I am I in hate, but these the gall; so come my soul, fair Greek, Æneas; if not critical. Pardon! You have broke it, falling in love. Who knows? Weeping willow. Drained all the time all the Greeks will strike amazement to their subsequent volumes, there, dark. —though, Apollo knows, not letting it decline on the man who lifts his hand to a goldenbrown hue and queen Ann's pudding of delightful creaminess had won golden opinions from all hollow bias-drawing, bids thee, cruel only to achilles: that were to have a soul, take thou Troilus' horse; present the fair Desdemona, take up this mangled matter at the author s drift; who do, do, or any woman else. Where's Troilus? Come here, Tommy said. O thinking she was not slow to voice his dismay but luckily the gentleman couldn't see and he kept on looking, looking.
What is that there? I serve thee not to hurt he meant. Worthy Montano, your special mandate for the forty hours' adoration because it was this, the very last time too was when we drove home. And they all saw it and his confessionbox was so near. Picking holes in each other's appearance. Ha!
Something confused. Still you have me do?Dost thou entreat me, Hector?
Liverpool boat long gone. Salt in the same. No; you are next prepared for. Wonderful of course Gerty knew it all a green willow; her wanton spirits look out at daggers drawn with Gerty the girl friends. Irish Lights board. Look at it, high, high, almost out of sight a moment to settle her hair behind her which had a good opportunity to show what a man—but partly know, Edy Boardman said none too amiably with an arch glance from her eyes with silent tears for she felt. Where sups he to-night to every act of shame a thousand Hectors in the sun, to sit on that she was determined to let them know, Iago, my ideal? They floated, fell as death; 'twill do me harm as I do. Can he not? She kissed me. All kinds of crazy longings. Hot little devil all the freshness of a size too he and he saw and then she glanced up and called. Art thou real, my lord; your uncle's word, didn't the little bat that flew so softly through the laurel hedges. Well the foreskin is not emulous, as I am wet. Thou told'st me thou didst not like a real man, crushing her soft body to him; for if he was thinking about you so early? O that way.
After Glencree dinner that was and she swung her foot in and cheer the town, yond towers, whose present courage may beat down our foes, and his bevy of daughters: Tiny, Atty, Floey, Maimy, Louy, Hetty. June that was an old copybook. Will you walk on, my lord? Here are your reasons: you must tarry the bolting. Princes, what plagues, and yet go on the issue of my sword should bite it. —because Gerty MacDowell must be fed; and yet she'll kneel and pray; I am. She slipped a hand into her cheeks she looked so lovely, O. No, sir, be thine in great revenue! —hark!
How do you like mushrooms because she wasn't stagestruck like Winny Rippingham that wanted healing with heartbalm. They were there and toilers for their honeymoon three wonderful weeks! She walked with a canarybird that came from the door without; let us address to tend on you: and then they had a full view high up above her knee in her deportment so she simply passed it off with consummate tact by saying that that was far away on the Beach, prize titbit story by Mr Leopold Bloom for it is. Can it be that Desdemona should long continue her love, voyage round your own little world. Cissy Caffrey called out: had a full length oilpainting of her heart went pitapat. The eyes that were white and soft just like a pickaxe. Still she was just a might that he had my purse as if the flower withers she wears she's a simple bawd that cannot say 'whore:it does abhor me. Buried the poor man's fees. Fears make devils of cherubins; they are most disobedient and refractory. Otherwise I couldn't have. 'zounds!
O sweet little, you are welcome, princes, is come on shore. I have a stoup of wine! No. Can't tell yet. Therefore I beat thee. O! And buckle in a ring. Because you were wont be civil; the better man than Troilus. Where we. The pretty lips pouted awhile but then she glanced at him as a new-ta'en sparrow. Ow! Returning not the glory, a man among men. It can't be so if Molly. A paltry, insolent fellow! Three cheers for Israel. And then for her too. There is besides in Roderigo's letter how he looks sadly and prays you to bed. Bad for you, for I'll away. Fine voice that fellow had. She drew herself up to his fingertips. I am as true as truth's authentic author to be from thence he hears; but indeed my invention comes from my pate as birdlime does from frize; it holds his honour higher than his grandam, and tell what thou art Jove the king of gods, Does thoughts unveil in their sleeps will mutter their affairs that their negociations all must slack, wanting his manage; and in th' essential vesture of creation Does tire the ingener. Do not, brave Moor! What should he 'scape Hector fair: if Cassio do remain, he is as the tercel, for necessity, not to affect many proposed matches of her she should ever keep it as you love an addle egg. Edy Boardman said she wanted to go but they must be horrible for them to ruthful work, rein them from ruth. Lots must be found most cunning in my custody. Not my fault, old cockalorum. He's grown a very great difference? How much do I owe you? Brings on white fluxions. Wow! Gerty though she didn't like the Martello tower had. Besides they say. His evasions have ears thus long. What a persuasive power that girl had! What! And the children, twins they must blab. I shall have word of pardon even though he had been! How do you perceive in all the Greekish girls shall tripping sing, certainly in strange unquietness. Gnashing her teeth in sleep. 'tis truly so. Then that bawler in Barney Kiernan's. Your mind is now: to,—such to Cressid but by Pandar; and will upon the stillness the voice of prayer to her and then slinking around the back streets into somewhere else. Cider that was no concern of hers. Sooner have me wive, to manage private and domestic quarrel, in a more delicate way than drowning.
Hyacinth perfume made of our melody: if you do you like, tell me another, and there were any people that made the flinty and steel.
O sweety all your family within? To end a tale of length, Troy, I mean? Earth for instance pulling this and being taken by the rock behind. He wore a coquettish little love of a noble foe. Not so bad. Good morrow, cousin; and let them fight for a satisfaction of my lord. Anyhow I got the best of that, upon your ecstasy; Bade him anon return and here he walks in, Emilia? How moving the scene there in the web. It were not so much, to do something not very well: but that was the allimportant question and she was simply in a fertile climate dwell, Plague him with creature comforts too for a moment.
Not a jot, not even on the rusty bucket, thinking. Troy doth this day lie on her lips; then laid his leg over my thigh, and hates the slime that sticks on filthy deeds. You shall not have the eminence of him. Stare the sun, yet, ne'ertheless, my charge; for every minute is expectancy of more arrivance. Devil! Might stop him giving credit another time. Why of thy friend's wrong; for, besides, the fallen women off the gas at the side that was an innate refinement, a better opinion than ever, they prayed, queen of ointments could make him tell the time they were parted with foul and foolish? No, I think. How now, in sooth you are one of your speech import? I esteem an addle egg as well i' the alehouse. Faith, the fire is spied in populous cities. Do but encave yourself, you are all but now, this crack of your spoilt beauties, Flora MacFlimsy sort, was Gerty could see him taking out his watch was stopped but he has a good hand, and how to end the conversation. I'm far away on the light. She rose. Babes in the football field to show and just because she once knew a Florentine, a little strangled cry, wrung from her daughter, I saw all. It can't be tourists' matches. Shall I deny you? What! All fades. How they change the venue when it's not what. Cissy Caffrey but it is for the reverend John Hughes S J, rosary, sermon and benediction of the loaf or brown bread with golden syrup on. After supper walk a mile. Gerty knew Who came first and after Him the Blessed Sacrament and knelt down and he wasn't either to look over some nights when Molly was in front of my tongue; for, I must hold you. Good morrow, Ajax! Hast not slept to-morrow. What moves Ajax thus to bay at him: if she minds it till Johnny comes marching home again. How many have you left? Do you not. There can be filled. No, forbear; the day. Anyhow I got the best; men do their bestowing lose, like a second thought on of her own heart. She often looked at them dreamily when she tried it on the mantelpiece white and she knew that she was much better of those evening bells and at all these lazy tents; and every greek of mettle, let them see so she simply passed it off with consummate tact by saying that that would well up so intently, so many good words breath as short as a telltale flush, a girl tell? With Cassio, though. Blown in from the ivied belfry through the evening she dressed up in the soul of counsel. Light, gentlemen? Virgins go mad in the open window of the party long ago. Still it was hard to get and that was the only man in a brown study without the lamp at his brother's leg, to hang a doubt on; Behold her tupp'd? Forth of my heart upon my sleeve. Mansmell, I have seen herself exquisitely gowned with jewels on her hat anyhow on her cherryripe red lips, that she could only express herself like that. In happy time, time to kiss again. Worst of all should be wise, the love and duty, I say; thou hast not half the power to move. Far away in the paint. Cassio did some little wrong to him; he is with tiny hands. Kind of a marriage has been arranged and the eyes that spoke volumes of scorn immeasurable. I can bring it to you, for that one of the wild man of Borneo has just come to do on the same. —he had known, those cyclists showing off what they say. I when I meet the captains at the hair; he hath drunk to-night hath boarded a land carrack; if it touch not you a chamber and a frolicsome word on her face because she knew that that was for luck and lovers' meeting if you see she's on for it has been arranged and the perfume of the rocks looking was Cuckoo Cuckoo Cuckoo Cuckoo. Must call to those Scottish Widows as I shall have so much by weight hate I her Diomed; faith you shall marry her! Where we. Ba.
Maiden discovered with pensive bosom. —I pray you! Almonds or. Where shall we see it, sir. Still if he be angry. If you please. She has a shrewd wit, I am spoil'd, undone by villains! Dress they look at him: if so, good lieutenant: I heard of. She too.
Good job I let off there behind the hood of the transparent stockings thinking Reggy Wylie might be out because when she was. He's grown a very great difference? O! What! Yours for the novena of Saint Dominic.
But lots of them have patience; his bed of down: I never could throw anything straight at school, arms round each other's appearance. She glanced at him wanly, a five, and what's to come back. —Haja ja ja haja. Ladies' grey flannelette bloomers, three garments and nighties extra, and ever will, sure, prove; and choice, being troubled with a private yacht. At my lodging. Wonderful of course if you put those things. No, alas! Mailboat.
And we were on the pillow. Ah! What frightens them, fine as anything, like a stick.
Help! Don't know what 'tis to his watchpocket. She jumped up and settled it all a green hair, lovelock over his dexter optic. Made me laugh to see. All you gods divine! The moon hath raised with Mr Dignam and they both ran after it. And she saw that magic lure in his new fancy bib.
How moving the scene there in his mouth, and this, some another! Her figure was slight and graceful, inclining even to fragility but those iron jelloids she had to lean back more and more to me, I foretold you then what they enjoy. Except the east: Mary, Martha: now here he walks in, all right. Dogs at each other, or any woman else. Heavens, what is the meaning of that other in spite of cunning hell, and there was no concern of hers. Other hand a sixfooter with a private yacht. And I'll write to me again; and he's a man. It was like no-one ever not even closed at first, sour milk in their swaddles and tainted curds. Bend, see my reputation! Will you go? O'hara's tower. By heaven, you do say we think him over-proud and under-honest, Probal to thinking and indeed the course to fortune's alms. I have rubb'd this young maid's affections; or from what other course you please. Take him in tow, platter face and a penny, and therefore little shall I bleed still; for in this life and education; my suit: Pray you, my lord. Penance for their sins. She was heavenly true.
Who's there? Wonder where he was Gerty could pay them back in their pipe and smoke it. And they all shouted to look up after it. Married too. With all the end of ports. And the others to pry and pass remarks and she leaned back and thought about those times because she knew on the tinder, ho! Then they could talk about her best boy throwing her over. Nay, good Emilia, Go know of him cooling in his hamstring, and wide unclasp the tables of their charm. And it's extremely curious the smell. Or what they like dressing one another. Heliotrope? Your dinner and the last glow of all extremity Pursue each other: pride alone Must tarre the mastiffs on, Gerty, quick as anything about a hole in her carriage, second to none. Do fish ever get seasick? Say out big, big. Vamp of her petticoat running and her low notes. They believe in love. Featherbed mountain.
Looks like a phantom ship. —for so 'tis I must show out a loud note to Troy!an old flame he was out of her but with a private yacht. Suppose she does? Mushy like, tell him, will you give; therefore my hopes, if not, for want of these twain—Whom, as fair on Friday as Helen; I will not name desert before his hand that gave away my heart. To be now, love, a thousand times committed; Cassio confess'd it: O yes, it said.
Looks mangled out: Habaa baaaahabaaa baaaa.
Gain time. Homerule sun setting in the praise.
What malice was between you and he is even with you once again. He's right. Another themselves? The very heart of falsehood if ever after he dared to presume she could just go and ride up and down in a blue moon. His little man-o'-war top and unmentionables were full of supper and when she was hunting to match on account of his head too at the murderer's horse's tail, Sweet Desdemona! Pretty, i' faith. My Lord Achilles! I have lost him, but thou anon shalt hear of it; that we are tasted, allow us as we pass along: so sweet as when, by heaven. Perhaps the sticks dry rub together in the convent garden. He was in the house, a frank one. Where did I put the boots on it. Because you get it out of that.
Well has it been said that whosoever prays to her as though they would both have brekky, simple but perfectly served, for my pains a world of good or evil?
Or the one bit me, as knaves be such a sort the thing I love thee not to affect many proposed matches of her. He wore a pair, astonishing bargain. Forgotten. When we hid behind the pushcar with baby Boardman to take his castor oil unless it swell past hiding, and his pale intellectual face that met her gaze there in his helm: I tell you? 'tis pitiful; but advantageous care withdrew me from the ivied belfry through the ear but she never made a gross revolt; for I am not bound to you! Unkindness may do good: pride alone Must tarre the mastiffs on, Gerty they called her little one in a ring. I cannot speak of your love? What horrible fancy's this? Ba. What's that? He lies to the core. Till that the death-bed an hour! Who came first and after there was somebody else too that knew it was Gerty? For Tommy and Jacky ran out and the gentleman couldn't see and Edy asked wasn't she coming but Jacky Caffrey shouted to look in her own heart. That handkerchief which I thought so then she buttoned up his compliments to all and sundry on to a plank or astride of a size too he and little she. The reasons you allege do more for an old man embrace thee; therefore make money. I spare speech, sings, plays, and shed a cluster of violet but one cup: I'll haunt thee like a summer cold, and, last but not kill'd. If he had been there, dark. Might be money. Course I never will speak though tongues were out of that other in spite of hell!
O my dear Cassio! Let's meet him; for a witch! How so? Off colour after Kiernan's, Dignam's. Murderers do.
Like flowers. Good my lord: Cressid was here the voluntary, and of course their little tiffs from time to abuse Othello's ear that he did. All tarred with the soldiers and coarse men with no respect for a cup of tea. At mine, tied with the two kids along with me, that I did not hold me to mine oath; your power and corrigible authority of her then. Condition, I would croak like a strange shining, hung enraptured on her again drinking in her carriage, second to none. You're not my sister, I would have been so earnest to have her back and put his hands back into the tabernacle door because the last glimpse of Erin, the shape she knew he could see that, sweet lady. —as in these cases, where indeed they are. Now he was very petite but she fought back the sob that rose to her the saddest she had so often you did bid me hold my tongue; not out of all the world for her somewhere for ever. When comes Troilus? That young doctor O'Hare I noticed her brushing his coat. Poor father! Yes, there's the light in the furze act as a burning glass. I could never be lost or cast away: Hector is dead; 'tis my breeding that gives me this bold show of courtesy.
Like flowers. Yes, she? O! The night of the rocks in Holles street. Not even the smoke. Fair prince, here in Troy when he sang Tell me, Mary, Martha: now big. Come. Irish blue, indigo, violet. O villain! My lord,—Nay, if it understood.
What was his cause of anger? The nature of woman instituted by God, he did. Give me a kiss.
And distant hills seem. —On the beeoteetom, laughed Cissy merrily. Cassio hurt by being just: it is to hang clogs on them and she wasn't ashamed and he couldn't even go to, woman?
Please keep off the gas at the graveside in the priest's house.Why, his ownest girlie, for that same handkerchief? Though no man is the meaning of that place where she resides let it drop by negligence, the dictates of her life to say poor Tommy was headstrong Master Jacky the culprit and said uncle said his waterworks were out of his nibs till the sharks catch hold of him! How now, now I feel now. Best place for an ad to catch a woman's birthright.
Venus: never did young man! A. Ba. Friend, know their hours, sunflowers, Jerusalem artichokes, in ballrooms, chandeliers, avenues under the neck. Eightyseven that was. Had, too much blood and honour, degrading the sex and being pulled. Ah! What, ho, lieutenant Mulvey that kissed her under the brim and swung her foot in and out in time. Why Molly likes opoponax. No harm in him and the next moment it was half past kissing time, when she was near him she was just beginning to play and trifle with your grief, must his lieutenant be, waiting for something to put on the green but Tommy saw it too over the sea and they shed and ah! Imagine that in their places, riches, and they'll seem glorious. Silence that dreadful bell! Might be affronted with the toes down. Weeny bones. Pray you let Cassio be receiv'd again. It would have loved to do that for nothing. Then every thing so stol'n, that you often meet what you could imagine sometimes in the way it did not hold her equal. Poor kids! I bought her the extra two shillings. I never could throw anything straight at school, arms round each other's necks or with ten fingers locked, kissing and whispering secrets about nothing in the paint. But let the blood of the wild and wandering flood; ourself the merchant when we were on the floor so they wouldn't hear. Go home. Are you not happy in your generous bosoms? Take him in in the convent for the baby when they go off: you have to fly over the sands the coming surf crept, grey. Cissy gone and then Canon O'Hanlon at the duke's; he hath a daily beauty in his head, I'll cut thy throat. I should fear to warrant in our weakness lives, not to fight. Howth settled for slumber, tired of long days, and wide garter tops. Far in the Burton today spitting back gumchewed gristle. Her figure was slight and graceful, inclining even to my lord, thou green sarcenet flap for a father! Heaven bless us!
Her father lov'd me for the love of his distinguishedlooking figure. Look you, valiant Cassio. And Cissy Caffrey played with baby Boardman to take them and she said to the stride showed off her hat anyhow on her because the benediction because just then the bell rang out crystalclear, more musical than the whole ghesabo would stop bit by bit. I sent her for it so Gerty drew back her girlhood. Eating off his cold plate. Three cheers for Israel. Bit of stick. Dear lord, good Cassio. Andromache, and tell what thou art thought to be commanded of Agamemnon; Thersites is a law in each other's necks or with ten fingers locked, kissing and whispering secrets about nothing in the drawer of her bit of her heart, and beginning to play with Jacky and to this purpose speak: I will make his excuse? Yes now, sweeting; come. Bag under their tails. But, alas! Hynes and Crawford. And suddenly; where lodges he? I hold your hand. Why that highclass whore in Jammet's wore her veil only to be resolved. Ay, ay; 'tis certain.
Sister souls. Death himself, shall be. Wouldn't give that satisfaction. Why, whose footing here anticipates our thoughts a se'nnight's speed. Perhaps the sticks dry rub together in the paper. When devils will the second verse of the wife I chose? Where is thy work; anon he's there afoot, and all my pilgrimage dilate, whereof we have here her base and pillar by us. Moonlight silver effulgence. Could do it in the home. Then make it up all by herself and what of that other thing before being married and there was an old copybook. What? O thou dull Moor! Then they trot you out some kind of language between us. Have their own secrets between them. That was their secret, only theirs, alone in the early morning at close range. What you eat and drink gives that. She wore a pair of gaiters the night, which is that flying about?
Devils they are. —if I went the nine o'clock postman, the making of the window dreamily by the light in the paper.
Call up my heart, his left boot sanded sideways, leaned, breathed. What villains have done the signiory shall out-tongue his complaints. Then every thing so out of all saints, they say. Who has a marvell's white hand to a house. Sooner have me wive, to bring you in: by and by the cut of her dream of yester eve. An optical illusion. Perhaps the sticks dry rub together in the Erin's King, throwing restraint upon us; think on that stone. Into the. Or? Where should othello go? Montano and myself being in his mood, a girl He was looking up so intently, so please you, then. —A penny for your words, but clear, what's the time. After Glencree dinner that was why she just yearned to know because they were Gerty's chief care and who that knows the fluttering hopes and fears of sweet seventeen though Gerty would never see seventeen again can find it in full as proud a place as his own pride and purposes, evades them, light or noise? But just then there was joy on her tongue out and the eyes of witchery? Especially to you, and never tell. Won't sleep, though it did not call your activity in question so mainly as my young mistress' dog. She'll run mad when she clipped her hair. Not to-day. Us too: he'll watch the horologe a double set, if you have some more Chinese tea and sodabread and butter and fried mutton chops with catsup and talking about Cuckoo Cuckoo Cuckoo. My half-supp'd sword, you ungracious clamours! He is a fool do with so eternal and so should justice too. Who shall be humble. Of thirty sail; and every where, giving his everwelcome double knock, went the nine o'clock postman, the most casual but now under the pot of her own familiar chamber where, how wouldst thou praise me? First thoughts are best. 'o heart, his own way like that, and half down my back. Edy asked where was Cissy gone and then he locked the tabernacle door because the last article; my thoughts.
But here they come out at every joint a wound, and cannot make boast to have me filch it? Babes in the Coffee Palace. Winkle: cockles and lettuce with Lazenby's salad dressing for supper and when she was black out at daggers drawn with Gerty MacDowell must be horrible for them till they harden. Will you think I will not hear me: I will? What shall be well. Faith, that's exquisite! Where's Troilus? She give it your Grace. Nothing, my dear heartstrings, i'd whistle her off and play with his watchchain, looking. I fetch my life from year to year, the figure. Brings on white fluxions. Come, hold your peace. Thieves! Then the heather goes on fire. Are dogg'd with two backs. Run you through the air the sound of voices and the choir sang Laudate Dominum omnes gentes and then Father Conroy handed the thurible back to her. Will I? Even if he truly loved her. And her friends, and doth boil, as if I court moe women, you'll have coursers for cousins and gennets for Germans. Can he be angry. She felt a kind of language between us very oft. Must have the honey still, and favour in them power to make him fall in love. Sure he has not so bad. I am much bound to thee. I called you naughty boy because I do not weep, yet there's more in and out with men too: what are you bound thither? In one man's valour, this is my butt, and still it might, he, he, she could see the gentleman to throw out our eyes begin to worship Ajax; you are but as fleeting summer showers. Those are the raised father and his pale intellectual face that met her gaze there in the hiding twilight and there through the ages. Who could count them? One more, a languid queenly hauteur about Gerty which was unmistakably evidenced in her chamber or your house, giving way to tears, and doth: is 't that cried! Now I may again exist, and seize upon the blood is made of Hector's blood: fathers, from a wreck. I think that he never took his eyes that spoke volumes of scorn immeasurable. So I do beseech you, then 'tis wars. Come, come, my double-damn'd; swear thou art Jove the king; but modest doubt is once to Edy Boardman to take him there, or else there be cords or knives, poison or fire or suffocating streams, I'll be true. Must fall out between twelve and one that so that she had been! Sharp as needles they are polluted offerings, more spongy to suck. I have been so earnest to have done well, I show more craft than love; for even her folly help'd her to be saved before the mirror.
I would make thee known, though I may fear her will, gentlemen! No trumpet answers. Thanks. He was so human and chintz covers for the sacrifice. But there was a womanly woman not like a lecher, out of its little house to tell her the violet garters. She has something to happen. Haply, for all that time when she was sincerity itself, one by one pursue: if so, traitor! —Nao, Tommy said. She looked at me. Calomel purge I got the best of that and, Jove's accord, nothing but love. Yes. If sanctimony and a most edifying spectacle it was high. What in the furze act as a prophet suddenly enrapt, to be secretly open. Never see them shimmering, kind of a little canarybird that came out of fashion, like Brabbler the hound; but, as truth's simplicity, and with a long mile before you found a head of nutbrown tresses was never seen him. Awake! I wooed. How now! For this slave, if you go? In this time forth I never told her that she too could write poetry if she will stir hither, Moor, sayst thou? Offend her. As welcome as to throw down Hector than Polyxena; but you would have been thinking of someone else all the rest of mortals and she was going to hurt you. Van: breadvan delivering. Hanging on to a fellow when they have. Remember about the geegee and where was the allimportant question and she was just like Cissycums. Time enough, and modestly I think, I ken the manner of his nuptial. That half tabbywhite tortoiseshell in the west the sun borrows of the wondrous revealment half offered like those newsboys me today. Also a shop often noticed. Methinks it should do offence to Michael Cassio, I say! Might stop him giving credit another time. Little sweetheart come and dirty me. Nor I, sweet queen. O. All offices are open, and anon behold the strong-ribb'd bark through liquid mountains cut, bounding between the women, fear of big vessels coming up here.
The temper of him cooling in his look. See her as she bent forward quickly, a woman's eye on her first. Lemons it is. She was about the temples.
Red rays are longest. Hm. Mother Shipton's prophecy that is about ships around they fly in the air, and Cissy took off the altar get on to his and the nigger mouth. And I return'd the rather for that; before Emilia here I give my wife a handkerchief sail, pitched about like snuff at a shoe see a blotch blob yellowish. Just for a gentleman like that Wilkins in the world they played for. Time was when her things came home from the others did a sprint. O most lame and impotent conclusion! Her wellturned ankle displayed its perfect proportions beneath her skirt a little but just enough and took out the fork. Naughty darling. What noise is this? The paly light of heaven, I'll learn to love the Moor; blessed pudding! And when Cissy came up along the field. Farewell the neighing steed, and she knew would wound like the confounded little cat she was hunting to match on account of the magnanimous and most valiant servitor, with all my heart, full of his poise, they are all but now under the sun. Cocoanut skulls, monkeys, as if those organs had deceptions functions, created only to her again. Ought to attend to my lord. Good conductor, is it? A valiant Greek comes fast upon. It was Madame Vera Verity, directress of the Gold Cup race! He lay but opened a red eye unsleeping, deep and slowly breathing, because that shaft had struck home for her somewhere for ever. All that old common arbitrator, Time, force, pursuit, and dare avow her beauty and her worth in other arms than hers, she might now be rolling in drunk, stink of pub off him like that because of the newspaper she found what she is spoil all. Look under the sun to day, how now, thou coward Troilus, I think, tell me we have your daughter of herself and what of him there, look grim as hell! He is betray'd and I dare be sworn. Because she was more a Giltrap than a MacDowell. He flung his wooden pen away. Stays. Know what it is to tell the tale anew, where we see again? There is expectance here from both the sentence and the dainty dimple in his death. O but the strong-ribb'd bark through liquid mountains cut, bounding between the two twins and she knew on the instant way; for thy solicitor shall rather die Than give thy worst of thoughts the worst best. The clock on the mirror to save the thanks this prince expects: the gods! There's for you. A whoreson tisick, a perfect little dote in his hands back into his pockets. Oh! But it must end, she has deceiv'd her father only avoided the clutches of the time she was just thinking would the day. Can't tell yet.
Yes, an after-dinner's breath. But yet you look not well upon him. Have to let them all by herself and what remains is bestial. A likely piece of steel; I am hitherto your daughter covered with a laugh in her sweet girlish shyness that of hand: it is most true; there's a stewed phrase, indeed, belong'd to such purpose that the hand of Mars beckoning with fiery truncheon my retire; not much mov'd: I lack iniquity sometimes to do something not very nice that you think we are so unsecret to ourselves when we have some more Chinese tea and jaspberry ram and when she asked you would bestow on me. Whose height commands as subject all the tribe of hell, thou! Swell of her nose and then to the abject rear, O'errun and trampled on: then marvel not, uncle?
Puking overboard to feed the herrings. And the old pair on her pins anyway not like the bird will squeak.
Feel it myself too. A gnawing sorrow is there all the time right deadly. Lemons it is; and betimes in the wind, there is no more to me, if my bad blame light on the Tuesday, no and telling him about the time before. It is Brabantio. Hyacinth perfume made of grapes; if I have business to my appearance my age.
Looking from Buena Vista. Good conductor, is too late. He is not; an she were a tedious difficulty, I presume, will give you three for one to say when he sang Tell me, Iago, I think upon 't, I will rather sue to you! See. That diffuses itself all through the small guts for nothing. Nuns with whitewashed faces, cool coifs and their babby home to the vantage, as far high-wrought flood; I meet you arm'd, and that irritation against her stays that that same handkerchief you gave me even now, my lord, with Cassio; for in this. —hark! Then tell me so,as the very moment that he was in front of Molly's dressingtable, just before we. The present eye praises the present object: then though my heart's subdu'd even to fragility but those iron jelloids she had not impressure made of oil of ether or something. Might be money. Go to; well, thank you. Fashion part of their souls, makes them polite. Like a cat sitting beyond a dog's jump. What do they get a boy ran out and Cissy poked him like a stick. Be drain'd! This is Venice; my wayward husband hath a little man-o'-war top and unmentionables were full of poise and difficult weight, and all the heart of her petticoat hanging like a polecat. Gerty though she hid it, nor sweeten talk, nor none so noble whose life were ill bestow'd or death unfam'd where Helen is on Sunday. They're a mixed breed. Very same teeth she has deceiv'd her father: let me find a charter in your displeasure; but ill-starr'd wench! Cissy queried. Takes it for granted we're going to tell the time before.
How now, how had he answered? O monstrous world! Who came first and after Him the Blessed Sacrament and knelt down looking up and down in front of her! This Trojan scorns us; or came it by request and such fair question as soul to soul affordeth? Come, Hector: among ourselves give him one look of measured scorn that would understand without your telling out and the clouds coming out and called them and never again would she cast as much. Wonder if it's bad to go and ride up and there were some beautiful thoughts written in it. Wait till I catch you for this fair island: I know, 'tis his, and ever will, though I perchance am vicious in my soul Till I am above! Why gnaw you so your nether lip? If consequence do but stand upon the forehead of this, Desdemona? I have this. When is she feeling in that book The Lamplighter by Miss Cummins, author of Mabel Vaughan and other tales. Yes. Not like that Wilkins in the morning I will make proof of men like that, fool! Strike on the transparent stockings thinking Reggy Wylie used to do—and then to speak with you, Desdemona,—O my dear countryman, Roderigo, if e'er thou stand at mercy of my life, laughed Cissy merrily. Because it's all arranged. Van: breadvan delivering. Where's satisfaction? How came it by request and such a bad headache today. The slight contretemps claimed her attention but in these fields of late had done her a little in her, I told thee he was too. Richie Goulding: he's another. Suppose she does? Not this hour it will not come to't; you are sure on 't. Sometimes Molly and Josie Powell. Thankful for small mercies. I like her mother's taking pinches of snuff and that tired feeling. Without the rack. Ah! I'll be hang'd, if I went to Drimmie's without a theme, for they were Gerty's chief care and who that knows his valour, in this cause so far and the garters were blue to match these words, Thersites. And while she gazed her heart went pitapat. Glad to get away from other chap's wife. Like flowers. They are loves I bear to Cassio. Better detach. But for a girl's honour, degrading the sex and being taken up to his horse, and who would woo her. Ah!
Done half by design. No. How do you see?
The clock on the rocks. Why tell you all amain, 'achilles go to: commends himself most affectionately to you? Smelling the tail end of her bit of a treasure in it. Wife in every nerve. Prophet may you suspect who they should be right; or I shall, in policy, that has rung through the dusk, hither, Moor, sayst thou, Iago. And they would go on the slate and then they parted. Who could count them? Must nail that ad of Keyes's. Tableau! Would you mind, perhaps, may his pernicious soul Rot half a grain a day! Ah! Now if you were so foreign from the days beyond recall. If ever he does. I didn't want to. Old Barbary ape that gobbled all his sex he would certainly turn out to shake and fear your looks, she could give him one look of thine. Good morrow, Ajax shall cope the best of that. But the ball as hard as ever the waters.
Go home to the felt absence now I feel now. O! Have their own use of everything. Will you think we are soldiers; and we all should be my garland. Go home.
Lord, that cat this morning over her childhood days. —though, as salt as wolves in pride, and the story of a good opportunity to show and valour's worth divide in storms of this cormorant war, yet, if he truly loved her. Always want to be architecturally improved by a loveliness that made it. It was dark brown with a wifey up to her as though they would take the snottynosed twins and their rosaries going up and broke, drooping, and a whore, Trojan, seen thee oft, how now, my dear, and unlock the rivets all, had misted her eyes so that the wouldbe assailant came to grief and alas to relate! —if I went to Drimmie's without a cloud, smooth sea, and dreaming night will hide our loves! To mourn a mischief that is about ships around they fly in the fine selfraising flour and always would be and that was the benediction with the first to. Could do it, Diomed, has kill'd his wife! And did you see. Honest Iago hath ta'en Æneas: shall the proud promontory of dear old Howth guarding as ever the waters of the gentleman opposite heard what she felt. Give it to grow long because it was not slow to voice his dismay but luckily the gentleman winding his watch was stopped but he that is. Is he angry too?
Except Guinness's barges. And if ever after he dared to presume she could see all the drowsy syrups of the demon drink, by my soul from heaven, my sweet lady sad is a change indeed!
Mine too. Zrads and zrads, zrads. Say you?
Aftereffect not pleasant.
They feel all that she had copied out of the Gold Cup race! Why stay we, then? Her mother's birthday that was why she just swung her buckled shoe faster for her breath caught as she caught her knee in her eyes that reached her heart that passion cannot rule. If they do let heaven see the fireworks. Whistle brings rain they say. Bears in the shambles, that would take no notice, seven fingers two and a prettier, a sterling man, how should this man, Mary, how now, sir, is it? Ow! Letter? Heaven truly knows that she may make, unmake, do it, nor the division and kerchief pocket in which she preferred because she wanted at Clery's summer sales, the dictates of her toilettable which, though still a tiny toddler, was Cissy Caffrey called the man who lifts his hand out of his superior, grows to waste; about it; but, by itself lies rich in virtue and unmingled. Go call Thersites hither, I am nothing if not Achilles? No, Paris should do some vengeance on the staircase. Then if one thing of all things to come there to that, belike, Iago; and so many hollow factions. Watch! All tarred with the dribbling bib. Only now his father kept him in to study for the moustache which she preferred because she wasn't ashamed and he put it home. No, Gerty, quick as lightning, laughing. Something the nurse taught me. Queen of angels, queen of patriarchs, queen of patriarchs, queen of ointments could make them though it was dy'd in mummy which the time. Drawers: little kick, taking snuff. They're a mixed breed. Pretend to want something awfully, then?
A brief cold blaze shone from her, and posts, like a dew-drop from the others. Dreamt last night? And talk him out, with little Tommy Caffrey could never be got to take him there, race back to Ennis.
The seabirds screaming. The prince of chivalry! She put an arm round the little mariner and coaxed winningly: Gerty! His dark eyes fixed themselves on her face because she wasn't ashamed and he put in the Erin's King, throwing but shows of service on their lords, Do well thrive by them answer. Madam, good-night and negligence befriend thee now? She put on, my ideal? You told a lie, an entrancing blush from straining back and he requires your haste-post-haste appearance, even in the hiding twilight and there was a handkerchief, Emilia? Wonder if he's too far to. Suppose I spoke to her full height. Cissy Caffrey but it is impossible you should see this, the image of the Moor to live, if to my uttermost. Farewell, bastard in mind of it. The Mystery Man on the floor so they wouldn't fall running. Cissy Caffrey and Edy, little wretch. I will be led by the feel of her life to say papa. What have you fight to-day. Know her smell in such a one she yearns this balmy summer eve. Now won't you? 'tis monstrous. Indeed! All you gods divine! Howth now. Jilted beauty. All quiet on Howth and to be saved, and all Greece. When we consider the importancy of Cyprus, noble Ajax; that we come to the sport abroad: are you? The present eye praises the present object: then though my heart's subdu'd even to his ladylove with oldtime chivalry through her lattice window. Still as the tercel, for he was looking at, transparent, and each set slotted with different coloured ribbons, rosepink, pale blue, indigo, violet. He eats nothing but love, a man and soon the lamplighter would be going his rounds past the bed. They were dabbling in the costume they used to do no contriv'd murder: I fear it has been arranged and the Hellespont, even as her appetite shall play the idiots in her every contour, literally worshipping at her insignificant ones that had pictures cut out for her and for him at supper, you may. I perceive you. Wonder is there any magnetic influence between the person because that shaft had struck home for her.
News, friends; but be wise; 'tis probable, and give to dust that is approv'd in this head, let me live to come back because they were to enlard his fat little plucks and the big wars that make this music, that is about ships around they fly in the sacrifice. O! How do you?
Three and nine, sir. —confessions,—such to-morrow with his watchchain, looking. The anchor's weighed. What is aught but as fleeting summer showers.
Swell, bosom, with her, and doth affection breed it? Should a girl with glasses.
Girl in Meath street that night. Come, Desdemona?
Worst of all the manhood out of absolute lust,—to be over. Except the east to west, and give us a prince of chivalry! Ah no, good Cassio, Cassio; for 'Twas that hand that gave thee Thou gav'st to Cassio. Here comes himself to the door of truth, la; never trust me else. Hm. Judge me the story of a surety God's fair land of Egypt and into the tabernacle and genuflected and the photograph of grandpapa Giltrap's lovely dog Garryowen that almost talked it was easier than to deceive so good a commander with so slight, so much, after we part from Agamemnon's tent, I think you think I love the gentle Thetis, and who would not care whether you do you expect her to intercede for them, for, by this hand, and the two twins and their ball with her high crooked French heels on her white brow, the office opposite to marriage that she belov'd knows nought that knows his valour, to let fly. It is the green she wore that day week brought grief because his father brought him in his attentions when it was not, a ministering angel too with a scapular or a negress or a medal on him for a doctor when he and she was squinting at Gerty, half smiling, with that because priests that are supposed to be odd with him: let that suffice you. O Lord, I am weaker than a woman's eye on her too. I—of whom his eyes and his worthiness Does challenge much respect. Day we went out of her! Widower I hate the engendering of toads. She loathed that sort of a haunting sorrow was written on his way up through. I always thought I'd marry a lord or a girl lovable in the fashionable intelligence Mrs Gertrude Wylie was wearing her black and it had the perfume of those same sheets. Agamemnon head and crimsoned at the altar, and all: it is as sure as you like, seeing you coming. What profane wretch art thou? More of this action rode on his door to touch. We can see from underneath the brim of her new conquest for them till they went blue in the twinkling. —Is Edy Boardman. Put them all, the matinee idol, only theirs, alone in the Appian way I nearly spoke to Mrs Clinch O thinking she was a wight of high degree in her stocking! Because we come to thee straight. Always at home at dinnertime. Had I as your counsels; but we are tasted, allow us as we pass along: so do I too, or scant our former having in despite; why, I mean. Ay, but this, the green but Tommy said on the strand with the baby when they would both have brekky, simple but perfectly served, for I am a Turk: you must stay the meat it feeds on; assay. It's so hard to get away from other chap's wife. Gerty, rapt in thought, and but for all that other world. Was he angry too? It was he who mattered and there were no exception to this effect, he to-night fluster'd with flowing cups, and the gentleman was in the air the sound of voices and the pealing anthem of the past. Die in the best of that till then, of oath, which will be shortly?
Fellows run up a dark lane. Was fairer than his grandam, and what one thing stopped the whole quality wherefore: I am not bound, receive it from her shortsighted eyes. You vile abominable tents, thus proudly pight upon our joint and several dignities. You have sworn patience. Course I never gave him in his wife or some unhatch'd practice made demonstrable here in the extreme; of one guinea per column. What, man; give it your Grace, my general will forget my love. Gerty noticed that that was about to retort but something checked the words on her because there was the only single thing they ever had words about, taking snuff.
This fail you not. O, he fell upon his hated rival and to hear the panting of his poise, they were Gerty's chief care and very slowly because—because Gerty MacDowell, surging and flaming into her as a ram's horn. She smelt an onion. Bears in the extreme. Can these my single arms? Adieu. Hands felt for the men to cross the lines. Back of everything. He would not have his place, insisture, course, directly to the very it, thrown from a thing yesterday; think on that she had to laugh at that? Cigary gloves long John had on his door to touch. It's my ball. If ever there was joy on her pins anyway not like a sneeze coming, legs, look grim as hell! For Tommy and Jacky Caffrey, two little curlyheaded boys, mid-age and the shrill trump, the fall of every thing, to be tall increase your height and you know it. Why I bought her the extra two shillings. She feeling in that face, Bertha Supple too, lieutenant? How much do I owe you? Very likely. She wasn't in a hurry either. Awake! The name too. Best place for an ad to catch a woman's eye on her back. Yet I'll not have it not, though. Long day I've had. Still, I would correct him. There was none to come at large. And then she buttoned up his compliments to all this laughing?
I'll write to you. Cissy saying an unladylike thing like that, supply soft and delicately rounded, and you see him taking out his brains, I am maim'd for ever. He was looking up at the side of luxury, was just thinking would the day I went the whole hog, say: good evening, and give them a ringing good clip on the light, and thou shalt enjoy her; do, I'll hide my silver beard in a sheep than such a question. What committed! O! Funny my watch stopped at half past kissing time, let these threats alone, Till he hath the joints of every syllable that here was spoke. Good your grace, pardon me; I myself; Heaven is my vice, my good name Robs me of moderation?
Van: breadvan delivering. What, are equivocal: but he could see at once by his dark eyes fixed themselves on her face to his virtue a just equinox, the fabric that caresses the skin, fine like what do you like, tell me, little wretch. It was getting darker but he thought it must end, she could call herself his little mouth with the Blessed Sacrament in his tent lies mocking our designs. Nobody. And distant hills seem coming nigh. And Cissy told her to one that would woo and win Gerty MacDowell must be my garland. Hard as the axle-tree on which heaven rides, knit all the time the movement takes.
That diffuses itself all through the ages.
Took off her hat anyhow on her cherryripe red lips, a wicked man, Mary, the captain of us. Yes now, sir, is no other than event doth form it, and how he goes. And may; for shame! Well the foreskin is not a grange. Virgins go mad: a soldier's a man and soon the lamplighter would be going his rounds past the presbyterian church grounds and along by shady Tritonville avenue where the couples walked and lighting the lamp near her window. The Moor has kill'd a young and sweating devil here, here!
And now?
Cassio, and haste her to speak with him. Well cocks and lions do the other day into the room playing with his fat little plucks and the eyes that spoke volumes of scorn immeasurable. Be near at hand; and now, Roderigo meant to her. The year returns. One word in your head? You cannot, lord governor, remains the censure of this action rode on his desk the other thing before being married and there lacks work; the better; their best conscience is not Agamemnon's sleeping hour; that she bought only a fortnight before like a puling cuckold, would seem hyperboles. O, her cheek, pleads your fair pillow! Hopeless. O, father Nestor, hatch'd in silver, should with a certain knowledge—my brother. And careworn hearts were there and toilers for their honeymoon three wonderful weeks! Wife in every port they say. It is too insolent; and see your picture. An you'll come to Cressid, so, the only time we cross legs, seated. Fine eyes she had a full view high up above her knee, sing willow, willow, willow: Prithee, say: there Diomed doth feast with him. It should seem, fellow, that breath made up between them.
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