#I ship lokius but it's oke
namakaless · 11 months
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crescentmel · 1 year
the problem is that i love sylvie to death and i adore her character so much but like whyyyy does this always have to end in a couple they’re better off the way they were in s1e3 i miss that friendship 🫠
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technicalthinker · 11 months
I feel like debating who Loki was talking to when he said "For You" in the last episode, is missing the point of the scene. And people referring to it as "cowardly" and a "no-homo" moment is just?? Baffling to me tbh because like;
First of all, it is obviously intended to be to both of them? If they only wanted to make it about Sylvie, Mobius wouldn't be there. If they only wanted to make it about Mobius, Sylvie wouldn't be there. If they wanted to make it about everyone they would've just framed it more equally, he does do it for all his friends ("for all of us"), but they have that scene to highlight these two specific relationships. The framing is quite clear, they have him take a last look at all of his friends before going down the stairs, but Mobius and Sylvie runs after him to have a final significant moment.
Which absolutely makes sense and is consistent with the show we have seen so far, s1 and s2 combined, which is what I love about it. And it was to be honest a surprise! Going into this season, I had little hope for Loki/Mobius interactions, just didn't want to expect too much since S1 had a lot of their connection, but that could've been it. I was shocked when s2ep1 was full to the brim with Loki and Mobius scenes? And then they kept reinforcing every week that they care about each other, is a funny duo to watch, and are important to one another.
And despite this, I expected the rug to at some point be pulled, especially compared to Loki's relationship to Sylvie. No matter people's personal viewing on the show, she is still cited as a love interest by showrunners and is just portrayed as that by the narrative a lot of the time. Sidelining that, even in s2 when the romantic hints are more vague, she's still a very important person in Loki's life. She played a central part of the plot and Loki's own character development of understanding himself.
So to me, I was surprised seeing Mobius and Sylvie side by side in the end. Both being framed as The important people in Loki's life. Then, however you wanna see in what ways they are important is up to you, but they are the people he keeps coming back to for advice and self-reflection. You can frame it as "oh it should've been only been Mobius and they added Sylvie to downplay it", which, I just disagree with (If they wanted to go for explicitly canon Lokius they needed to set that up even more earlier in the season but that's a post for another day). Sylvie is still like, a constant in the narrative and driving force of s1, even if s2 changes things around a bit, and imo it would be inconsistent if she just vanished here. I guess I am used to media that downplays a meaningful dynamic between two dudes in more aggressive ways, which they absolutely could've done, and would've taken me out of the story to be honest... but they didn't, Mobius and Sylvie got to be side by side in the end and that imo validated the Loki/Mobius dynamic way more than downplays it.
TLDR; The "For you" was for both Mobius and Sylvie because why would you frame it that way otherwise, and having them side by side like that validates Lokius way more than downplays it in a "no-homo" way considering the full context of the show.
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gooberthemalice · 11 months
I get it
Sylvie has suffered
Her life was taken away from her
She wanted revenge and to live her life
I supported her
I even rooted for her success
Hell, I was even ok with the Loki romance which some in the fandom had a problem with.
But now after season two I just can’t help but to feel so frusterated with her.
She won’t listen to anyone
She won’t hear reason or cooperate until her own timeline is literally tearing itself apart
She’s so unecessarly rude to those whose just trying to set things right.
Despite Loki’s effort to try to convince her to not kill HWR she STILL wouldn’t listen even when the WHOLE TIME AND SPACE DEPENDS ON IT MEANING SHE STILL WOULDN’T HAVE A LIFE TO LIVE IF SHE KILLS HIM.
No matter how much trauma you have, it’s still NOT an excuse to ruin everything for everybody else!
Sorry for the rant. I’m just bitter because of the ending of season two. As beautifully tragic as it was, I just think Loki deserved better than that outcome.
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imposterogers · 11 months
“"I think platonic is the word. I think we don't see enough platonic, healthy, beautiful relationships between men in TV. And I think that is why that relationship was so beautiful and disarming to people, is because how often do you see two men being able to open up and actually speak about their feelings? And I think that that was something in that first episode, that Mobius was able to do really beautifully. He was basically saying, "I see you, I see the pain that you're in. I see the bad things that you did. That's ok. I'm not judging. Let's talk and find a way to you becoming the best version of yourself," and I think that was exciting." — Loki Exec. Producer on Lokius ship
the amount of no-homo-ing marvel studios does w/ every project is beyond me 😭 the “can’t we see healthy friendships” excuse only works so many times guys (did this w/ stucky, sambucky, carolmaria, etc)
"we don't see enough platonic, healthy, beautiful relationships between men in tv" AS IF MARVEL HASN'T BEEN RUINING EVERY SINGLE PLATONIC HEALTHY BEAUTIFUL RELATIONSHIP THEY CAN GET THEIR HANDS ON SO PPL DON'T CALL THEM GAY...................................................speechless
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mobius-m-mobius · 3 months
ok that beauty and the beast au has got me thinking: what other fairytale aus could fit lokius? I was thinking maybe sleeping beauty but if u have other ideas I’d really wanna hear them :)))
Yoooooooo Sleeping Beauty is an unreal fit!! 😍
I mean you know I instantly think of everything in context of Mobius lol, therefore my first thought was Loki "waking" him up to the truth of the TVA but honestly Loki's interest initially hinges on Mobius surprising him at every turn while Mobius was smitten from the start so instead I LOVE the thought of Mobius hearing rumors of a prince cursed in eternal slumber that everyone's given up on and most almost seem happy to be rid of??
Then when he starts studying up on the situation (analyzing Asgardian lore or something) he's swept up in awe over Loki's power and depths of their magic, notices details others overlooked about their wit, motivation, sense of humor, etc, and ends up telling Loki's prone self all about how amazing he really is when he finally finds him! Ofc being Mobius, he's happy sitting there being good company for a while until Loki wakes up, cleaning up the place a little while recounting some of his favorite stories from Loki's life, wishing he could've been there to see them in person while Loki started off being insanely annoyed at this commoner who dared barge in making assumptions about their life and is now captivated by such genuine kindness that's seen right through them in a way no one ever has before 😭
Not only that, but in spending so much time there Mobius has inadvertently let slip details of his own life as well and it paints for such a lonely and self-deprecating picture that the desire to tell him how incredible he is and lucky anyone would be to have him in their life might just be enough of a pull to wake up 🥺💖
Sorry for rambling there but I genuinely can't get enough of how well EVERY story or trope works for Lokius, their power as a ship will forever be unmatched! As for other fairy tales this is just off the top of my head but maybe a Cinderella AU where Mobius is meant to infiltrate a ball at the palace to get info on Odin and ends up meeting Loki who can instantly tell he isn't meant to be there but curious enough about his motivations and relived to be spending time with someone new that he shadows him for the night under the guise of using whatever dirt there is on Odin for his own benefit when really it's just nice to finally enjoy spending time with someone until he becomes desperate to figure out who Mobius is once all that's left of an unexpectedly perfect night is the fading glow of a time door 👀👀
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Loki S2C5: a bit of a rant about Loki's feelings.
This got long skdk but bare with me cause I need to talk about them. The romantic undertones are making me INSANE.
No cause i am CONVINCED that Loki just realized he's in love with Mobius in this last chapter, s2c5. We know that this is a chapter of deep self-realization for Loki, since he reveals out loud what he truly wants: for his friends to stay, not being alone. So we already know this is a deep dive into Loki's feelings, into what he truly wants, into what his selfish desires are. "It's ok to want things". And Loki wants things. Which things, exactly?
This is easy to answer with all the romantic undertones this chapter had. For Sylvie being his love interest, there is very little S*lki content in this chapter. Y'know, the chapter where we're diving down into Lokis' true wants and feelings. You think this would be the perfect occasion to deepen into his and Sylvie's relationship, but instead, the ship stays in comatose as part of their only scene together in this chapter centers around Mobius. Around Loki bringing up Mobius and focusing on him and focusing on how he should have a chance to choose between the TVA and his life on the timeline. You don't have to be a genius to know that this hides Loki's desire to be chosen. More specifically, to be chosen by Mobius. And I know he also wants the rest of his friends to do so. But he doesn't focus on them, not on Sylvie. But on Mobius.
And then, the chapter is FILLED with romantic undertones between Lokius. Apart from Mobius' obvious attempts to flirt with the hot brunette client (real), we have Loki fixing his hair and jacket before going to talk to Mobius and stuttering all over the place while doing so. Loki remembering word by word what Mobius said about jetskis once. Loki basically confessing his feelings for him, letting him and us know that Mobius is the person who helped him see in himself something he couldn't (aka, Mobius is the reason why he became softer. Aka, Mobius is to Loki what Jane is to Thor, and not Sylvie). We have Mobius attempting to sell Loki his wife's former jetski, obvious romantic parallel. The romantic parallels between the two are all over the place.
And if it wasn't clear enough that this chapter is all about Loki's reflection on his wants and needs (that will culminate in him finding his glorious purpose as the god of stories), at the end we have him finding out how to control his time slipping. "It's about the who". Exactly. The "who" is extremely important. And who has Loki been caring about the most during the whole chapter? Who had his main focus? Who was the person who he was displaying different tendencies around? Who got more screen time around Loki? His love interest? No, Mobius. Tho at this point, they could be the same thing.
And the fact that he realizes that it's about the who after looking into Mobius' eyes for a full 10 seconds is completely telling. I'm so sure that he knows he loves him, and he knows he does so in a romantic way.
Cause, speaking from a narrative standpoint, isn't it just so tragic yet so fitting? That he finds out and admits his true feelings for Mobius once Mobius has forgotten him? Bc I'm also very sure that Mobius has known his own feelings for a LONG time, personally I think things clicked in his head in s1c4 when he was drowning in jealousy. Cmon, this man basically tried to enjoy a date with Loki in s2c3. He knows he's in love. At least he knew, bc now that Loki has realised that Mobius is his Jane, that it's about the who, that he's allowed to want; he's just forgotten him. And Loki's seen him die in front of his eyes again. And there's a way too real possibility of him choosing this life over Loki.
But maybe, he can rewrite the story. Maybe, he doesn't have to lose every time. Maybe, just maybe, he is allowed to want and have and be happy.
Unless Marvel wants to be a BITCH and doesn't give them a happy ending. Which, yeah. Probably.
Do I think Lokius will be canon? Not at all lmfao. But I do think that if they're doing all of this as a mere coincidence, wow. They just wrote one of the greatest love stories in the mcu without intending to. But if they're doing all of this just for queerbaiting, also wow, cause they're gonna throw away something so perfectly built for both Loki's and Mobius' arc just for nothing bc "two men bad".
But, yeah. Whatever happens next week, they're gay idgaf
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trutrustories · 11 months
Part 3: 1893
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Since we're only a few days away from the last episode, I decided to COUNT DOWN everything we´ve got so far ( that can be interpreted very easily as romantic ) and discuss what the actual fuck is going on with second season. Because even though I shipped lokius practically from S1E2, I absolutely did NOT expect this kind of development. (Not that I´m complaining)
Warning: This is gonna be LONG post, lots of screenshots, lots of SPOILERS, lot of "oh-my-god-they-so-cute" language, and little bit of meta.
I originally thought that this post would be everything at once, but since I have just too many screenshots this time around, I´ll have to split it. so every post will be one episode. Color coding means:
IIIIIIIIII = anything, that coud potentialy be just acting choice.
IIIIIIIIII = everything else (tzn.: whatever was written, and/or carefully prepared by filmmakers. )
side note: I already wrote, about how amazing it is, that Mobius is unable to fight but fights anyway and how beautifuly, and ridiculously brave he is HERE. But this is about Loki/Mobius interactions, so I´ll try my best not to talk about THAT. (Even when I´m really happy, that s2 continues with this formula and Mobius is still his completely defenseless while aggressively brave self. I love him, btw.)
Episode 3, here we go:
22) matching suits part 2 anyone, who work on those costumes: I want to kiss you all!
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23) Another exhibition of touches:
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the challange name is: "how close we can get, before we sink into each other"
24) "And they lived happily ever after..." They had some lokius fan in the editing room, I´m telling ya! This retro movie style transition... THAT is my roman empire...
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like seriously? what is the purpose of this? I can´t wrap my head around it. someone just thought that it is really crucial to end this scene with two of them in a circle. OK.
but WHY?
It was LITTERALY used only once! (I´m sorry, but as someone, who works as an editor, this just driving me crazy 🤒🫠)
25) Loki and Mobius enjoying popcorn:
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I have several things to say here:
ever heard about when one person is "forced" to have fun for the first time, and to try new things by the other person, and he´s protesting and is all about work and serious matters, but secretly loves it and is visibly relaxed and happy? - Because I´m sure this is some bloody romantic comedy trope, that everyone have seen about hundred times!
"Oh look, you have a piece of food on the chin, let me just…"
I know I already said this somewhere, but, this is the moment, where in my language suddenly (completely randomly) switched from formal way of speaking to each other to intimate way of speaking to each other. (I´m Czech, btw, and I have no idea, what happened in that recording studio but it had to be interesting)
26) Also... Bickering like married couple (part 3)
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27) "You know sometimes I forget, that you are one of them... Blows my mind!"
Mobius being Loki´s fan.
Also yeas. Loki is one of them. God. And Mobius is a small, normal dude. JUST A HUMAN. Analyst, even! And they´re eating popcorn together.... also Loki will do whatever Mobius wishes
28) another "let´s be as close as we physically can" challange
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Loki can´t keep only eye on him. he needs hands, because reasons
29) Mobius supporting Loki in using magic...
... or I should say Loki using Magic, whenever Mobius wishes, because...
"Will you handle this please?" "Gently!"
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And on top of that... not him, explaining, what just happened, to the public, by: "The amazing Loki, everyone! He´ll be here all week! 🥳🥳🥳"
who the heck asked, Mobius? stop showing off with your magical boyfriend
30) Victor/Ravonna - the most transparent mirror ever:
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THIS scene? Are you kidding? Ravonna running towards Victor: "Mr Timley! are you okay? And Mobius running practicly at the same time towards Loki with: You allright?" and both helping their man up on their feet?! IN SYNC! this is too much.
31) THE BIKE THIS. this is the most GREENLY green point, I can think of. Someone had to have this vision. This idea. And put it in to screenplay. Someone had to find the bike. Someone was shooting this. Camera is moving around them. And they were all like GREAT idea, let´s have them riding tandem bike while chasing Ravonna and Timely, that makes complete sense! (even when we have Loki chasing Brad USING MAGIC one episode back) anyway... ever heard about "let´s do this crazy stupid thing - absolutely not - and then they do the thing" trope?
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32) Loki going with Mobius, not even thinking about it anymore.
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And to think, that I was expecting something like S01E03 (Lamentis episode)! Once again, I wasn´t prepared for amount of Lokius content I was actually served. What a surprise! 🤯
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gyarucoded · 10 months
sorry but this post just pissed me fr, i need a moment to talk. basically i freshly became a valcarol shipper (they kinda been the only thing i've been thinking of ever since i saw the marvels-) and i came across this as i was looking up stuff abt them and...
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...sorry but like? what is the point of pitying the two pairing together when they are both getting the same awful mistreatment by marvel and d*sney??
sure i don't deny, there are some inviduals out there who purely ship them out of fetishizing or that there are misogynists (mostly thowards sylvie obv) cuz no fanbases are perfect but literally tf does that got to do with wether the ship is queerbait or not..? where is the colleration exactly? 2+2=fish ?
using "two characters that have been called queer on social media" as counter-argument is so esp weird as if loki isn't canonically bi...my brother in christ, the same way brunhilde is. like op's really going nowhere 😭
let's look over facts: 1. valcarol has good chemistry, kissed on cheeck, shipped by cast, one's canon bisexual in the pairing and had a line cut out due it confirming the two's relationship to not loose homophobic audiences, 2. lokius has good chemisrty, one's canon bisexual in the pairing, has a theme titled after their ship name, constant romantic under-tones & pararrels with f/m canon ships, shipped by cast, they had to rewrite the entire 5th ep bc of something "controversial" *cough* cheeck kiss *cough* bc they r "basically trying make the relationship canon without loosing homophobic audiences" yes. (SORRY IF I LEFT ANYTHING ELSE OUT BTW)
so looking all over these i can only wonder where this whole narrative comes from 😵‍💫
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but i'll say: it lokius is queerbait ! valcarol is queerbait !
anyways if we not gonna be besties at least let's not trying to be so competitive and use a fairly similar ship and invalidate it just to "prove a point" ok plsss🙏 🫶
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Loki Season 2 Ep. 1 Thoughts:
(Heavy Spoilers)
Ok so I have a lot of thoughts and are basically all over the place so I'm gonna be putting in them in somewhat chronological order (Unlike Loki's current situation hehe)
They really HAD to put more of Loki's heartbreak over Mobius not recognizing him? Loki creators probably: "I know we're gonna bring the duo back but let's make 'em suffer just a bit more in the beginning".
I know others have covered this but also want to spread this headcanon/theory: Even though past Mobius doesn't know Loki ,and probably got his memory erased afterwards, It's still an interesting theory that maybe his interactions with Loki then might have somehow stuck with him and made him want to look into Loki a bit later.
Miss Minutes is with Ravonna right? I feel likeMinutes is probably the only tool/weapon that might give the former judge some leverage.
Casey! Casey not just being a comedic guy but actually a massive help is really nice. He (Present Casey) immediately saw Loki in pain/trouble and decided to help him without much question.
So...X-5 and D-90 weren't what I was expecting, they're kinda switched actually from what I was expecting. I thought X-5 would be a friend to Mobius and kinda con-artist and D-90 was a massive jerk who would side with Ravonna...But hey, I'm all for D-90's redemption.
New Judge is great. Screw Ravonna!...Where's Ravonna?
Apparently she was in on HWR's plan from the beginning...Guess she is a big bad after all. Also, why was she so great to HWR? Like in the comics they were couple but things seem to have taken a different turn in the MCU.
Look, I get it if you don't ship Lokius but...You have to admit was really nice to see Loki get some support from Mobius (And B-15, don't forget her stopping Ass-5) and then Mobius trying to calm/ground Loki while the poor dude is really going through it. AND even later, Loki and Mobius trying to make the other calm down and not to worry about their problems.
IF you do ship Lokius. We're either getting fed well or being clowned upon. Either way, let me just enjoy these two for a bit.
Why has no one talked about the weird fact that O.B.'s memory doesn't seem to have been erased but Mobius' has? Also, is O.B. like a TVA secret? Why the hell is no one in the TVA visiting him! How is he able to keep track of time in the TVA?!
Ok so that guidebook O.B. made, Loki still has it right? Like in a trailer clip he is flipping through an orange book, that's the guidebook right?
I love how Mobius is still thinking about whether he'll lose his skin or not till the very last minute lol. We know he's always was gonna pick saving Loki no matter what, but you'd totally still be worried about the skin thing.
I think Loki was pruned by either Future Sylvie or Future Loki. I think Future Loki and Sylvie came up with a plan to make sure Present Loki got pruned and survived. Also...Sylvie growing out her hair to have 50/50 hair colors is making me more of Bi idiot than usual.
While I enjoy the comparison to the Sam/Bucky roll to Lokius I think there is a key difference: FaTWS played this for comedy while this was played for relief that the characters are ok. And Sam immediately told bucky to get off while Loki probably just thought Mobius's suit was too heavy. (Yes, I'm wearing clown makeup, what about it.)
Finally, And I know how controversial this is: I don't think Loki is looking for Sylvie for romantic reason (OR more accurately, not the sole reason). She is literally about to be hunted down and probably killed and was the last one to see what happened in the Citadel. Even if he did feel betrayed by her, he still would probably want to save her.
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gloriousburden · 7 months
ok i’m truly not trying to put anyone on blast or be rude like no disrespect to op i genuinely apologize for using them as an example but i literally cannot take it anymore. can lokius shippers who are only semi critical of the loki series at best pretty please with a cherry on top stop putting shit technically approving of the series/it’s characters in the ANTI loki series tags… like i’m so serious it’s one of only tags we have left. keep this shit in the loki series criticism/critical tags because clearly you guys are not exactly ANTI loki series if you ship lokius/think the series could be redeemed, or if you approve of any of the characters in any way, shape, or form. you’re just a little critical of certain things that happened/did not happen in it
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like in what world is arguing in FAVOR of any ship from the series considered ANTI loki series… you guys have your own tags as well as the normal loki tags that got taken over by your ships/ship war bullshit. PLEASE use them instead of ours and i mean this in the nicest way possible
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MY THOUGHTS on Episode Three
Ooooh Victorian era Lokius?
…I really have to pee, but I can’t pause this
Fuck it I’m going to pee
Oooh old timey marvel theme
I really want those Loki trading cards I saw at Target today…
I hate her but I love her
what is Miss Minutes up to?
Minutes is kinda funny
Timely was a… candlemaker?
why the ominous music? Mid season interesting stuff?
Baby it’s alright you’re doing great you’re so smart I’m so proud of you
I’m so happy that he’s important
Haha memories
Loki and a horse
Oh no
Mobius is so excited about the World’s Fair it’s adorable
Why is the ghost clock haunting the midway what the hell is happening
I would’ve been happier if Loki had enjoyed the Cracker Jack
Uh oh Norse stuff
Loki do you miss your family
Is it just me or did Ravonna look that lady up and down
You just wanna drink with Loki, Mobius. 
Loki looks so anxious
is that the loom?
Why is Timely so awkward
Loki looks so scared…
Uh oh
Does this mean that Ouroboros created the loom and Timely stole it?
Timely is so much like me tbh
He’s neurodivergent I can tell
Oh god he’s actually awesome 
I wanna put him in my pocket 
why did they touch Ravonna 
This is a scam
He’s got a stutter… that’s lovely :)
He’s gonna bolt with the money isn’t he
You don’t wanna do that big man
Uh oh he just poofed him away
This is awkward
Oh he’s chasing him
I’m actually rooting for timely ngl
Why does this feel like an old silent film… 
You can call people on the tempads?!
yeah Loki tell her
Is Ravonna a Lokius hater?
yeah listen to Loki
But Renslayer didn’t work with the TVA there
Sylvie you poor thing
This is going nowhere just throw someone off the Ferris wheel
Oh this feels like the first finale
yeah Syl 
is it weird that I kinda ship Renslayer and Timely?
Smooch you idiots!
is Miss minutes jealous?
that’s not-
I wanna keep Victor in my pocket 
*saxaphone music*
this makes very little sense but I’m ok with it.
I don’t like this version of miss minutes
Miss minutes sounds weird right now. I don’t like the look of it. The sound of it. 
That tone of voice 
Does Miss Minutes think she’s HWR’s lover?
Ravonna please she was being manipulative
Mobius sweetie
Loki is about to lose his shit on Ravonna for being mean to his boyfriend
Loki don’t you dare be in love 
Sylvie stab me instead
Sylvie listen to Victor please
Victor babyboy 
Sylvie stop it
oh two hot women battling it out in going to 
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beauspot · 11 months
Loki Matters a Lot to Me *Long Post*
If you go on my page you’ll see that I’ve never posted about the Loki show or Lokius before so you might be wondering why now that the show is (probably) over? I always liked this show, and I considered myself a fan but coming out of it I wasn’t shipping anyone.
Don’t get me wrong I enjoyed the dynamic Loki and Mobius had but I was just happy to have Loki alive so I savored that. Also I sensed some history with Mobius and Ravonna which I still think exists. I found all of the characters interesting. That includes this season but something about season 2 was different for me and I couldn’t figure out why.
Why did this show affect me so much? Why did this second season affect me so much? And particularly why did this ship, Lokius, affect me so much?
To understand where I'm coming from you should probably understand that first of all I am queer and even before I knew I was queer I had a want for queer representation. For me oddly enough it started with Owen Wilson in Night at the Museum. Jedtavius was a pairing I didn't even realized I shipped til I was older. The enemies to lovers thing was so cute and it pretty much got confirmed in the last movie.
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(Just inconspicuously having your cowboy character quote Brokeback Mountain no big deal.)
I enjoy a good ship. As I got older however I began to crave real queer representation and I was lucky enough to find it in places like Steven Universe
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And Adventure TIme
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Then as I reached my mid to late teens I was able to see films like Brokeback, But I'm a Cheerleader, First Girl I Loved, The Miseducation of Cameron Post etc. Seeing these made me feel more secure in my sexuality.
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Of course along the way I got dragged into non canon ships some of which were queerbait like Stucky or even worse, Stormpilot/Finnpoe.
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The malicious part about all of these ships is the teams behind them waving these pairings out in front of people like a dog with a bone, hoping to draw them in to get their money knowing they had no intention of following through.
And I have become disillusioned with that. I have also become annoyed with fans of straight ships that oppose those queer ships acting like we're reaching.
I bring this up because there is a certain segment of sylkis(not all) and on a broader scale fans of straight ships that have this sense of persecution because fans of a queer pairing don't like their ship. It's weird and I am tempted to say it stems from homophobia. If you simply don't enjoy a ship that's fine. There are queer ships I despise, but try and assess where that hatred comes from.
There is a language that conveys romance and it seems like only when there is a minority involved do you guys become unable to understand it. This is an issue within most fandoms when it comes to not only sexuality but race in popular ships. For example, The Bear fandom in regards to Chef's Kiss, but I digress.
When a character feels the need to constantly touch another character that signals something, when a character fixes themselves so they look nice before they see another character that signals something. The way they talk, the way they act, how they are with and without one another says A LOT.
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So why is it when we point these things out we get called delusional? Why do I feel like I'm going crazy every time I speak with someone about a queer ship? And why do I always feel the need to justify it?
Straight, white, pairings never have to justify their existence. They just are. Sylvie and Loki can fight, yell at one another, hurt one another, literally be the same fucking person and people will find that ok, but suddenly when people see Loki fixing himself before he meets Mobius we can't see love in that(you’re telling me this isn’t how someone acts when they see their crush unexpectedly)? We can't see loss in Mobius when he can't even do his job anymore now that Loki is gone? We can't grieve what could have been even if we find Loki as the God of Stories cool?
Mobius is the first person in probably thousands of years to tell Loki he’s not evil and he can be good if he chooses to be. We see how much this means to him. From this point on Loki is attached to Mobius like a puppy. Mobius becomes his person. I find something so refreshing about Mobius calling Loki out but then also offering him a path to redemption. He doesn’t let Loki slide, because he cares about him enough to know he can be better and Loki deserves to be better for himself.
So I was bothered by the way the finale was set up. I know they have the conversation about “the burden of glorious purpose” and often I am honestly a supporter of not everyone gets a happy ending even if they “deserve” it in a storytelling sense. I find the tragedy in that intriguing, but this didn’t feel good to me on a personal level. I didn’t walk away from the finale feeling sad but fulfilled, I walked away from it feeling miserable and empty. And I recognize that I attach myself to characters more than the general populace but I don’t really care? This hurt.
Loki wanted nothing more than for somebody to be there with him, to be for him, to love him and instead he ends up alone. Mobius ends up back in his timeline but he can't go back to his life. A version of him is already there and our Mobius doesn't even remember his children. Mobius doesn't smile at the end because he isn't happy. He's alone. They are alone and realistically there's a high chance these versions of them will never see each other again.
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Does Sylvie seem bothered by that? No. She's ready to go live her life. And there’s nothing wrong with that, she took the gift Loki gave to her but Mobius is clearly, deeply hurt by Loki being gone. Because they found purpose in each other. In the order and chaos.
Having watched Good Omens and Our Flag Means Death season 2(along with the movie Bottoms starring Ayo Edebiri which everyone should watch 😁) in the same year I have become quite used to seeing queer rep in my mainstream shows. As the years have passed more and more queer characters are able to take center stage. So even though I knew Disney's track record I still held out hope because even the writer and composer saw the potential in Lokius.
Tom and Owen did too somewhat, but at the end of the day actors don't write the shows.
I think what bothers me most is that Loki is the first queer character in the MCU, we've seen him struggle and grow and learn to love and finally last season his queerness was made explicit (more than in Thor Ragnarok where he like fucked the Grandmaster or something). And they immediately paired him off with a version of himself.
Loki isn't gay so I'm not saying he had to end up with a man or anything you can be queer and end up with someone who is a gender different than yours my issue is a broader one which is, this story wasn't made to validate bi/pan people who date the opposite sex or whatever it was made to close Loki off to any other possibilities. One of those being Mobius.
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Rewatching season 1 this decision is exacerbated because there are moments where they could have had him flirt with a man like when he was D.B. Cooper and boom we have on screen rep, but they decided “nah let’s just have him say it one time and then never acknowledge it again.” Again I want to reiterate, you can be queer and not be in a same gender relationship, but this is a television character. We don’t know their innermost thoughts like we’re reading a book we have to take them at their actions and we never got the opportunity for our first queer character to express that(at least in his own show because remember the grandmaster, but somehow that feels worse).
The executive producer recently came out and said Loki and Mobius were always meant to be platonic because they were trying to dismantle toxic masculinity by portraying “platonic male friendships”. A phrase I have grown to hate over the years because ALL WE EVER SEE ARE PLATONIC MALE FRIENDSHIPS. This is another parallel with issues I have with The Bear in which the cast and crew were like “why can’t women and men just be friends?” but only in reference to the black girl. Back to the topic at hand though.
Have you ever met a queer person who acknowledges they’re queer once and then never talks about it again? Especially someone with as much showmanship as Loki? Does that make sense to anybody? Even if he ultimately ended up with Sylvie(which I wouldn’t have liked but I digress) that would have been enough for me.
But instead we had this troubled character give up everything and everyone they love to sit on a throne they didn’t even want so that their friends could have a choice. So that they could have a life. And again I can find beauty in that, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it. And I won’t pretend I do.
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🥀End of Post🥀
sidenote ouroboros is so autistic tell me i’m wrong. he’s literally an autistic with no experience of ableism just pure autistic sunshine.
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aurysbooksnstuff · 11 months
Ok y’all I gotta know
Or comments!
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chonkymoth · 11 months
good omens 2: hey neil,,, where was my gentle romance? what was that ending?? jfc. i am left ruined. binged heartstopper (twice) as therapy. was still hopeful for ofmd
ofmd s2: wow! this season has been grea— hey what the FUCK?! my fav character dies and i'm in denial (if lucius can survive against all odds + buttons can turn into a fucking bird, then i'll easily stay delusional)... yk what, it's ok I'll watch loki be a chaotic little shit to recover, it's not like my ship will have much traction anyways in canon haha
loki s2: is spoonfed lokius every episode?? and everyone else, even non-shippers, is seeing it too so it's not just me reading into shit?? i'm foaming at the fucking mouth. gods, please let me have a win here
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p4nishers · 10 months
Hi there my friend. I’m not sure if anyone have already asked about this but I really want to know what the top five reasons why Lokius is a great ship to you. Of course there are more than five reasons. But if you can name only the top five ones, what would they be?
oh i've been waiting for this one. ok so they wont be in order or anything bc i simply cannot rank them but here we go:
the fact that loki has never had someone like mobius before meeting him. never had someone care about them and see them while knowing them so deeply and wanting to know them more and more and being able to sit in their presence without judgement. it's like they changed each other so much and gave each other another chance in their own different ways and a friend can absolutely do that for you but it's just so romantic with them
they just know each other so well and they dont use that knowledge against each other. like all their arguments are just arguments, they're only hurtful when they make it personal and that only happens bc they just care SO MUCH. like mobius in s1ep4 cared enough to be hurt that loki left him and he cared enough to be jealous at sylvie and loki cared enough to be hurt by his "betrayal"
loki falling asleep in mobius' presence in the SECOND EPISODE when they made it clear they dont sleep around ppl they dont trust. in fact i think this was the only time we ever saw them sleep. like if that doesn't tell you everything you need to know idk what does
the fact that mobius studied loki for SO long and knew everything about them but upon meeting them he didn't treat him like a tourist attraction or some fictional character, they just treated him like a person. as tom said, mobius is able to be detached from loki's drama and not because he doesn't care, but because he sees beyond it and knows it's just an act. he knows a mask when he sees one.
the devotion they have for each other. the way the first thing on loki's mind was to search for MOBIUS when sylvie betrayed them. and they searched in places they visited TOGETHER!! the fact that they didn't give up even when it was clear mobius didn't remember them and the fact that mobius checked his tempad and immediately wanted to look for loki when casey said they were back. the devotion it took for loki to not give up on mobius when he didn't remember them ONCE AGAIN because they couldn't do it without him by their side. they could have, they just didn't want to. the devotion in the sentence "it's about who". they're able to save the multiverse for mobius, they love him that much.
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