#I should chibi more often for sure
seyaryminamoto · 5 months
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Fic-to-Art #40: Chibis!
As I was going to have a rather busy month, and I did indeed, this time around the prompt in Patreon was for chibi art! I don't do this style nearly as often as I would like to, but it tends to be a bit easier to make art fast this way. Even so, it was a little bit challenging for the typical reasons: XIN LONG! That dragon always kicks my ass, as is known :') but it was a fun piece to work on for sure. It's always wonderful to revisit old times.
So we've got Sokka and Azula on a happy flight with Xin Long, well above the clouds... so that Ozai can't really see what's going on. This would reasonably be set around Part 2, ergo, Zhao can see what's happening and Ozai cannot because he's willfully blind to everything that isn't convenient for him x'D
At any rate! Hope you guys like this one. If you'd like to be part of the creation of these pieces, a $1 Patreon pledge is enough to make you eligible for prompt voting and suggestions, as well as reading Gladiator snippets 6 days before the next chapter is released!
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thedarkdisgrace · 5 months
skk threadfic from my twitter 🧵
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Imagine skk thought a mission was done, Chuuya is bandaging Dazai up since he got injured as a “calculated risk” per usual but there’s someone left and they take a shot at them. Chuuya moves in the way on instinct but he’s still touching Dazai so his ability doesn’t activate.
Dazai doesn’t hesitate with his own weapon & the threat is dealt with. But now Chuuya is severely wounded & trying not to pass out from the blood loss just in case there are even more of them. Dazai’s still injured & he calls the extraction team because they need to get there NOW.
Chuuya’s blood stains his hands while tries to keep pressure on the wound that’s *still* bleeding too much & Dazai bitches at Chuuya for being so stupid to take a shot that was aimed at him with NLH nullifying his ability.
All while thinking about where he miscalculated. They knew the number of enemies, there shouldn’t have been more, did they get sloppy? They should’ve triple checked before taking care of Dazai’s own wounds.
Chuuya’s still fighting the blood loss, offering short responses to all of Dazai’s complaints.
A smirk plays on his face & Dazai’s irritation spikes because /what/ is he smirking for?
Dazai shifts his hands to get better pressure on the wound. “Has Chuuya’s tacky hat finally eaten the last of his braincells? Why are you smiling right now?”
A little blood trickles from his mouth as Chuuya chuckles. “Don’t get to see you sweat like this often.” He murmurs. “Nice to not to see that stupid mackerel face sometimes.”
Dazai knows his masks are useless around Chuuya, as much as he despises that fact.
So, he shoves aside the deeper implication of Chuuya’s words even as heat rises in his cheeks.
“The slug is delirious, he should focus on staying conscious instead talking nonsense.”
Chuuya only chuckles again, causing more blood to push against Dazai’s hands and he hisses for Chuuya to stop it.
“Chuuya doesn’t seem to be taking this very seriously, does is his chibi sized brain not understand the situation?”
He hears a token growl from Chuuya but it’s barely loud enough to exit his throat. “‘m not worried.” He manages to push out.
Dazai huffs. “Ah, so Chuuya’s hat really *did* eat his brain. I did warn him about that, this is what happens when you don’t listen to your master. Clearly Chuuya needs more training since he-”
“‘Samu” Chuuya interrupts, voice low & raspy & Dazai slightly jolts at his given name.
He meets Chuuya’s eyes & though clouded with exhaustion, they still shone sharp & unyielding.
“Samu.” He repeats, moving his hands to cover Dazai’s, still pressing heavily against the wound. “‘m not worried.”
With their eyes locked & few words exchanged, Dazai understands. They never really did need much to communicate a lot all at once, did they?
With mild surprise & a reluctant fondness reaching to grasp his heart he can’t help the small smirk of his own forming across his face.
A loyal dog indeed.
With a trust that’s so embedded in them that it somehow runs deeper than the blood in their veins.
His partner.
Always so confident, even now. Even like this.
Because /soukoku/ never fails.
Dazai lifts one hand from beneath Chuuya’s, still pressing against the wound & begins to unwind his bandages from his wrist.
“You think…i want your…dirty ass bandages…on me?” Chuuya asks, managing to raise an eyebrow with some effort.
Dazai gasps, feigning offense even as he reads between the lines of that insult.
(Back up will be here soon, are you sure you want to take them off?)
“What kind of owner would I be if I didn’t take care of my dog when he’s injured?”
(Don’t worry about that, idiot)
“Besides,” Dazai continues quickly, not giving Chuuya a chance complain, “as if my bandages are any worse than bare my hands digging into your open wound, Chibi.”
Chuuya grimaces as that. But Dazai sees his skin turning pale.
“You used our extra bandages on my leg, i could unwind those if you would prefer.”
“Shut the fuck…up..mackerel.”
Dazai gently pulls away Chuuya’s blood soaked clothes and begins wrapping up the wound with the bandages he pulled from his arm. All while doing his best not to aggravate the wound any further.
Chuuya’s abs are flexing with every move, every touch & Dazai can’t help but wish they could’ve gone home, where he could appreciate those abs moving pleasantly above him instead of in pained spasms.
Home. It’s a concept Dazai never thought would be within his comprehension.
Not truly, anyway. Not for someone like him. Someone buried in darkness with an endless wish for death.
Though he imagines Chuuya’s apartment might be close to what someone might consider a home. Along with whatever this thing /is/ between him & his partner.
It has been over a year & a half since the King of Assassins incident & it’s been around the same length of time since he all but moved into Chuuya’s apartment. They still bicker constantly & there’s nothing Dazai loves more than getting under the hatracks’ skin…
But there are /moments/.
Moments where they’re more than the roles they’re forced to play.
Moments where they’re just…them.
Though he would never admit such a thing out loud, there’s comfort in the routine they’ve established over that time. Their lives are ones filled with blood and pain and death.
Yet, there is a place where it doesn’t have to be *just* that darkness.
Who would’ve thought something so mundane would help hold his interest in his world?
Now, Dazai would prefer they get a chance to get back there. So when the shouts of mafia reinforcements reaches his ears, he’s quick to toss commands at the grunts as they approach.
After ensuring Chuuya wouldn’t bleed out on the way, they’re taken to one of the mafias medical facilities for treatment. Dazai complaining about Chuuya’s stupidity the whole way there.
After Dazai’s leg was fitted into his cast he, of course, found his way to Chuuya’s room.
And of course they nearly drove the doctor’s crazy with their constant bickering. They should be /resting/, afterall.
But later, if a nurse happens to find the two of them passed out, heads leaning against each other in Chuuya’s hospital bed…well, that’s no one’s business.
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jojo-cafe · 11 months
Is it okay if I request the members of passione from Golden Wind reacting to a stand user whose stand is legitimately a HUGE teddy bear?
Hello!! Sure! Here's your coffee, enjoy your drink!
Bucci Gang with a reader that has a teddy bear looking stand
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Giorno Giovanna
Giorno finds its appearance interesting, although he isn't very shocked by it, as he just presents himself. 
"Hello, I'm Giorno Giovanna," he says as your stand opens for a hug, and he complies. 
If a small part of the teddy stuffing happens to come out, Giorno turns it into a butterfly or ladybug that goes either to you or your stand.
Sometimes, he will bring home little flower crowns he made for your stand, as well as small flowers, which look adorable due to the size difference between your teddy and the flowers. 
Giorno brought home a little silk magenta bow—the color of his suit— to place around your stand. 
He stitched a little flower and a ladybug somewhere on your teddy.
When Giorno arrives home from an exhausting mission, he isn't much for talking, avoiding contact since he's stressed and interactions could make him snap easily. On those days, sometimes you surprise him with your stand in his room so that he can relax (even if he isn't as attached to it as much as the others are) On those days, you are greeted by the sight of a ladybug on your stand's nose the next time you see it.
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Pannacotta Fugo
At first, Fugo is curious about it, asking you questions about its abilities and why it has that appearance. 
If it ever rips a stitch or two, Fugo would certainly like to help sew it again, as it will give him a chance to learn more about your stand. But it also becomes a kind of therapeutic activity for him. So, after a fight, when your stand has lots of rips and stitches open, Fugo likes to sew it together. He also enjoys talking with your stand while he stitches it.
"We're done stitching. That was more than the last time, [stand name],"
He says, patting your stand as it stands up, opening its arms, offering a hug that Fugo obliges and accepts.
"Y/N should buy a stitching kit for you"
Fugo always checks to see if the stitching is holding up and if it doesn't have any rips. Although Fugo likes it, he isn't a fan of lying down or sleeping on it, but he still enjoys spending time with it.
As we all know, Fugo has anger management problems, and if you let him, he'll use your stand to help with his anger. When angry, whether at someone else or your stand, Fugo will sometimes hit your stand, usually with punches or slaps. Unfortunately, if Fugo has a sharp object around, he will use it on your stand. Luckily, it doesn't let Fugo hurt itself or you.
Although Fugo enjoys spending time with it, its large body and lack of size awareness don't make him the most agile of stands. So, Fugo sometimes gets very angry at it for knocking things over and bumping into people. 
Fugo stitches a little chibi Purple Haze face on it.
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Bruno Bucciarati
Although everyone has a soft spot for your stand, Bruno is the one who actually takes the most care of it, as he tells you when a stitch is loose, the fur is dirty, or when there's a rip in it. 
He absolutely loves to run his hands through its fur when relaxing.
Bruno, as the Capo, is a very busy man. Often, his stress builds up, whether it be from a mission or taking care of the other 6 children gangsters, and he just needs a moment to be vulnerable. Although he doesn't show it very easily, as your relationship progresses, he asks if you can "lend" your stand sometimes. He goes to more private places, hugs them, vents, or cries, letting his emotions out. 
After having many of his hair clippers stolen by Narancia to put on your stand, Bruno gives one for your stand to use. He also sews a zipper from Sticky Fingers.
Bruno also likes to talk with your stand.
"Good morning, Y/N, and you too, [stand name]," he says, caressing its fur.
It has also made Bruno cry a couple of times. On days when he was very stressed, it just offered a hug, and Bruno reciprocated, shedding a few tears, proceeding to thank it.
In fights, both your stands make a good team, as Sticky Fingers can open your stand and place any valuable or sensitive items inside it, protecting them. 
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Leone Abbacchio
At first, Leone pretends not to care that much. In fact, while the two of you don't have much of a connection, Leone won't have many reactions or interactions with your stand. But as your relationship evolves, Leone will slowly but certainly loosen up with your stand.
He will start out by caressing its short fur when away from others or laying his head on its shoulder. Even if sometimes you are away (you can still tell what is going on, as you can feel it). He then starts to get more physical, laying his head, then his torso, and slowly relaxing.
Let's agree, that man doesn't get much sleep for whatever reason it may be, so he frequently takes a nap on your stand when no one is around (although you can feel it). 
When Abbacchio comes back home drunk, he lays down and sleeps on it.
Overall, as your relationship progresses, Abbacchio feels more and more comfortable with your teddy. So, when he's already comfortable talking about his problems, he goes to your teddy, hugs it, and rants about his problems, which you can hear. 
There are very few wine droplets on your teddy bear from those nights Abbacchio comes home drunk.
Sometimes, when away from you, he likes to use Moody Blues to lay on it and find some comfort."
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Narancia Ghirga
Certainly, the one who has the most fun with it.
Narancia was very excited the first time he met your stand. He ran towards it with arms open, jumped, threw himself at it, and hugged it as it fell back. "It's so soft!" he exclaimed, caressing the teddy bear's fur.
Narancia loves its fur and really likes to tug and play with it, making silly patterns. 
He also enjoys sleeping on it and uses it as a sofa and a pillow. He's definitely attached to it 24/7 and even tries to give it food, shoving it into its stitched and sewn mouth.
Narancia also has a lot of fun trying to dress your stand, putting it in shirts that are huge and still too small, and placing little hair accessories on its fur, such as bows and hair clips (he even stole some from Bruno to place on it). He and Mista do this together.
Narancia saw Fugo stitching on your stand, so he and Fugo spent some time together, as Fugo tried to teach him to stitch. After some stabs on the cheeks and hands, he is able to stitch a poorly drawn plane with "Aerosmith" written on the side.
Like Abbacchio, your stand is a source of comfort for Narancia. That's why he's constantly hugging it, seeking the attention and care he didn't really get in his younger years.
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Guido Mista
At first, Mista is very scared and untrustful of it, but soon he loses his fears and grows to like it very much. When he first sees it, he's very shocked and scared.
"HEH!? WHAT IS THAT!?!?" he yelps the shock causing him to make his figure smaller and take a few steps back.
'It is just [stand name],' you say as Mista approaches the teddy bear, placing a hand on its eyelids and opening them, inspecting it with a very investigative face. He furrows his eyebrows and, when he is done, crosses his arms in front of his chest.
'Yeah, but it's so strange that-' Mista stops mid-sentence as he's embraced by your stand's hug and falls along with it, laying his head on its belly.
'Y/N!!! What are YOU... doing?' The last word is said softly as Mista relaxes and snuggles against your stand.
'Okay, it isn't that bad,' he says as he finishes snuggling and is now finally relaxed. You let out a small laugh. 'I told you.'
After meeting your stand for the first time, Mista talks to it, even if it doesn't answer back.
'You know, big guy, at first I didn't like you, but we're on good terms, yeah?' Guido says, with his head laid on your stand's belly.
After fights and just overall tiring days, Mista likes to sleep and rest on your stand. The Sex Pistols also really like your stand; they like to play on it, climbing on it and using it as a slide, and, just like Mista, sometimes rest on it. The Sex Pistols like to sew with loose strings on your teddy bear.
He and the Sex Pistols are deffinetly the reson for most of your stand's rips and loose stitches.
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cocogum · 7 months
Yugo’s handsomeness has actually been pointed at before.
I’m sure we all collectively decided by now that older Yugo is officially a hot ass god-king that still needs to get tortured every once and a while.
But did you know that his looks are also considered to be very good-looking and an unspoken fact in the World of Twelve?
I’m not kidding.
If you think YOU find him good to look at, then you haven’t seen how they say it.
But since you didn’t seem to think you heard a single Twelvian compliment his face (cuz Yugo just grew his body RECENTLY) before, you probably think I’m just spewing random bullshit out of my ass.
Like I said, his looks are good ones but it’s an unspoken fact between people who have seen his older face before.
And who have seen it besides the eliatropes?
The Brotherhood of the Forgotten. And who addressed his handsome face? We learn it from the Brotherhood again. Or rather, through Toxine.
In season 3, we get to learn how Toxine and Echo do not quite share a good relationship.
But what is essential to remember here, is that we also get to learn that Toxine is jealous of Echo. She doesn’t like how she gets to have a higher position than others and has a comfortable role to “slack off” while the others are doing all the hard work.
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But when she says those exact words, she brings Oropo into the mix and the way she mentions him is so out of the blue, that it now makes a lot more sense.
She not only says his name but she says “beautiful” right before it.
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We know Oropo constantly takes off his hood when he’s around the members of the Brotherhood of the Forgotten. Judging from what we’ve been able to see, he took it off around Coqueline, Black Bump, Echo, and Ush.
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So who’s to say Toxine has never seen his face before? He had definitely showed it to her at least one time. Or else, that comment of hers wouldn’t have made sense.
The only reason why we only see these specific flashbacks with the hood off is because these four members have shared personal moments with Oropo. Given Toxine’s behavior (and just general vibe), she wouldn’t be the type to have personal moments like these with him (or with anyone for that matter) so she simply must’ve seen his face when he was doing his daily speeches to the group.
In short, Toxine considers him to be “beautiful” aka attractive. Echo sleeps with Oropo constantly. That already makes two people that considers him attractive.
And the way Toxine calls Oropo makes it sound like his attractiveness is unspoken but she deliberately decided to mention it like it was a fact rather than an opinion. You can tell by her tone of voice as she says it.
So since Oropo is considered to be attractive, the same should be said for Yugo because he’s a part of Yugo. People often confuse Oropo to be Yugo at first (it happened with Amalia, Adamaï, Chibi, Grougaloragran, etc.) (for those who don’t know why I mentioned Chibi and Grougal, please watch the Oropo special episode). Even though I personally don’t see how these two look physically alike in any way, shape or form, I’ll have to take their word for it.
Therefore, this is why Yugo’s handsomeness is a widely known fact among the people who know how he looks when he’s older.
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noroi1000 · 1 year
Honored One Shot no.15 - @mc-reborn
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Flowers for my Woman
Summary: Gojo guessed you were in a bad mood. He started sending you flowers while he was at work.
Warning: Perverted Gojo
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"Good morning. I have flowers dedicated to (l/n) (y/n)." Said a young boy in a yellow flower shop uniform.
You stood by the open door of the house and looked at the dark roses you like so much. All nicely decorated and prepared for you to take it.
Gold decorative paper around the flowers, green and blue ribbons for more color. Flower petals sprinkled with small particles of glitter for an even better effect.
A young boy handed you a bouquet and asked you to sign the acknowledgment of receipt of the flowers.
"Thank you very much. I've got a car full of flowers, so I'll be going now."
You watched him with more open eyes as he smiled as he walked over to the car to check the address for the next order.
You looked at the bouquet curiously, wondering who it was from.
To finally see how a little chibi card hangs on the ribbon with the face of Satoru in a blindfold who sends you a heart.
You smiled knowing he always knows your favorite things.
Satoru always picked your favorites. Always the best. And he very often had a feeling when you were having a bad day.
And because life plays tricks sometimes, he knew he had to be there for you when you needed him. Especially after a hard day and after all the unpleasant, bad times you can go through in life.
That's why you were so happy that he sent you beautiful flowers. But you wonder why he did it. After all, he will come home to you in the afternoon. So why did he send it?
Or maybe he'll be back later today and wanted to give you a present as an apology? Well, that would be sad because you were really hoping that he would come home and you could spend the whole evening with him. Your mood with him will definitely improve and everything will be so perfect. You are sure it will.
You love him, and you love him because he always thinks of you.
"Uhm, Miss?"
You looked at the young boy who was nervously looking at the list.
There were all the addresses he's supposed to deliver the swapped flowers to.
It's all computer generated after someone places an order. Perhaps it was a bug or something else. But there were the same addresses everywhere. The same address. The address where he gave you the flowers. This is your address.
Your home.
Did they have a bug in the system?
"Most of the flowers I have have been marked for delivery to this address..." he said, pointing to a sheet of paper.
You looked there and indeed. Your address was on the card.
Either they made a mistake or Satoru ordered more flowers than he should have... More than one bouquet. It was a whole car of flowers!
"Could I see a bouquet? I think I know how to check it." You said and put down the bouquet you already had.
The boy led you to the car and pulled out the strangest bouquet in the whole delivery.
Yes... Until everything was for you. There was no doubt... Satoru just wanted to give the supplier a heart attack so that he would think he had broken something.
You saw a bouquet of white and black flowers. And also blue ones. Among the blue ones were black and white roses. And that thing formed the shape of his blindfolded face.
You smiled nervously and looked at him.
"I don't think there is a mistake here." You said calmly and pulled the bouquet to your chest.
You really need to talk to him about this...
"So I'll start pulling out the flowers. Should I put them indoors or outside?"
"You can help me bring this home."
So after a long time of pulling bouquets out of the car, you were finally alone.
You've been going through all the bouquets. From the pretty but simple ones to the most sophisticated and exaggerated ones.
They all had something to do with your boyfriend. One was arranged as his face, the other had a sticky note. Everything was different.
But you can be sure that no matter how it looks, when he comes home you will thank him and have a nice evening with him.
And in the meantime, you arranged the flowers in vases so you wouldn't have to throw them away so quickly. It's so pretty. And it was certainly expensive. You do not want to get rid of such a gift from him. Because you like it.
A few bouquets in the living room, a few in the bedroom. Each cupboard had a vase or pot of flowers on it. And it added to the surroundings quite a nice look. It's not empty, it's not that much either. This adds natural beauty and charm.
You couldn't help but think of Satoru with the flower on his ear looking at you in such a cute and loving way.
Speak of the devil. As soon as you started thinking about him that way, he showed up.
The front door opened and he ran over to you and wrapped his arms around you from behind.
"What was the reason for your bad mood?" he asked and started kissing your neck softly.
His lips nibbled your neck gently.
"How did you know I was in a bad mood?" You asked, placing your hand on his hair as you let him do what he wanted.
He was now acting like he was hungry for love and touch. His body clung so tightly to yours.
"You don't send me a heart emoji like you always do when I send it."
You laughed.
"Did that help you understand that I'm in a bad mood?"
"Yes. You know... You never forget to send me a heart."
"Aww, okay, baby boy. Next time I promise I'll send you hearts."
"What do you think of flowers?" he murmured into your ear, his lips hooking over your sensitive skin.
"Did you need that much?"
"I wanted to see your smile."
You turned to him and stood on your tiptoes to kiss him.
"I'm smiling, baby."
He smiled harder.
"I know." his fingers circled your waist.
And then you reached into the pink bouquet and pulled out one flower, putting it behind his ear.
"You're cute more. I'm handsome." He leaned in to you again, pulling you tighter into his broad arms. "Are you in a good mood now?"
"It depends on what you want." he hummed, tracing patterns on his uniform. He put his mouth to your ear.
"I've been wondering since morning what it's like to fuck you when there are flowers around."
You felt a slight shiver run down your spine.
So there was a hidden meaning behind his innocent behavior.
"There are flowers in the bedroom too." You purred, staying close to him.
"Do you want me to fuck you hard or sensual?"
"No matter what I choose, you choose hard."
"Because I know you love the feeling of my big cock hard and deep inside your tight pussy. Flowers for my Woman were to make you feel better. Now you make me feel better, baby~"
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fishyizm · 2 months
getting nuis and nesos from japan
from a guy that looks at listings as a hobby and owns a few nuis
this post is mostly about project sekai since i see alot about how people don't really know much about merch from japan and looking at this stuff is kinda my hobby lol
getting stuff from japan is pretty good since its wayy cheaper, especially right now since yen to usd is really low rn (unsure about other countries currency sorry) usually prsk stuff is scalped to the point where its better to get it from japan even with the proxy fee lmao (the price for wanting merch for something popular)
getting merch from japan is actually really easy through proxy services, which will order things for you in japan and then ship them to you in the country you reside. i use mercari (a secondhand market) through buyee but there are other proxy services too, you should probably do some digging to find out which ones best for shipping to your country and area. i like buyee but it only takes foreign paypals so that can be a downside
if you want to find merch for a specific character i reccomend looking up how the chracters name is spelled in kanji/however its spelled in game (the spellings are usually on the wiki in the character info panel, you can also get them in game but its easier to copy paste) you can look it up in english but you might get prices aimed at american audiences and machine translation is famously terrible with names. if youre looking for merch from a less popular thing then you can look up the thing's name but thingsll usually be listed under character names
once you have the name you can put ぬい (nui, plush) or ねそべり(nesoberi, those laying down ones.) there are probably other kinds but these are the ones i look into lol
if you want fast results you can go to the recommended tab in the top right but if you have the time i reccomend sorting by lowest price and digging through untill you find what you want, whichll probably give you the best price
for project sekai specifically if you want cheap plushes be a fan of leoni, momojan, or anhane lol popular character merch is anywhere from 1.5x to 3x more expensive than unpopular characters. even so itll be less expensive than english ebay lol. under the cut i have the usual pricing ive seen for prsk plushes but it all depends since mercari is basically japanese ebay, so this is only for old merch and crane game prizes. if you want more recent merch im sure theres people who buy lots and resell, i dont have any reccomendations for project sekai but i know @/enstarsgoods on twitter does this for enstars
(rant i did on this post's tags about nui pricing) [the chibi eye nuis r anywhere from 600¥ ($4) to 2000¥ ($14) depending on if its a guy/niigo or not (lmao) and nesos get up to 7000¥ ($45) (for guys) (i saw some of the girl ones listed around 4000¥ [$26]) and nesos arent listed (as) often. idk anything about the dot eye nuis and nuigarumis since i dont like how they look (lol)
keep in mind that these r resales so theyre a bit more expensive than if u just ordered one when they were in stock like nesos r originally only ¥2750 ($18) but r scalped to hell especially on english ebay]
on top of the price for the goods youll buy you also have to pay japan shipping (usually this is included but sometimes it isnt, it is on every listing if this is the case or not as well as the price) as well as a conversion fee per item which isnt much (i got away with 900¥ ($6) in total for 5 items) and shipping from japan to your country (for me it was ¥2300 [15] but i live in a very easy place to ship to so it may cost more for you) this is about the same as ebay shipping cost wise (for me at least)
i dont really know what people do with their project sekai nuis (except blend?? burn?? milk copypasta irl..) but with enstars people usually put cute clips in their hair and blush them which is super cute. people also make nui costumes that you can buy. you can search ぬい服 (nui clothes) and usually put the type of nui you have's origin/size (since they can be different demensions) people don't make them for project sekai nuis but im sure there are outfits available in that size/patterns around somewhere
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Hey! New fan here. I'm not quite sure where to start. There's so much content. Any tips?
Hello there, I'm so sorry, it took me an eternity to answer you...
First of all, welcome to the fandom! When it comes to managing the gigantic amount of BTS content that exists, I can only advise you to take your time: navigate the content, watch what catches your eye, and leave the rest, maybe for later. For a long time now, Big Hit has aimed to offer a variety of fan experiences so no matter who you are, you can find something you really enjoy. Maybe it'll be the documentaries following the group during world tours or the cooking game with chibi versions of the members, it's up to you.
I'll try to give a few tips depending on what you may be interested in:
1 - You're here for the music
YouTube, streaming apps, and albums are your friends!
An easy start is the Hybe playlist since it has all their main tracks. Then if there's a song you really like, you can try and go for the album.
If you want more info about a song/album, you can check my blog post about it, it should have lyrics translations, filming places, a list of the referenced works and nods to other things, as well as some more trivia.
Then it's time for the documentaries (they're listed here among other shows) and the special performances to witness unique versions of your favorite songs paired with incredible choreo. Lastly, collaborations with other artists complete their discography.
2 - You're here for the members' personality:
Their variety shows, behind-the-scene videos, and socials are the way to go!
The iconic one is of course Run BTS!, which started in 2015 and is still going strong nowadays with the Run Jin! version, a show packed with laughter, treason, and games no one understands. But the true OG remains the Bangtan Bombs (Eng trans). Each video is a time capsule of the boys at each point of their career.
Once you've gone through all that free stuff (should take you some time though), the paid content is the logical next step: from the adventurous Bon Voyage to the relaxing In The Soop, you once again have the freedom of choice.
3- You're here to collect:
Merch and characters are the rabbit hole you're looking for!
BTS merch, products advertised by BTS, HipHop Monsters, BT21, TinyTan, you can buy them all! If you're like... super duper rich
4 - You believe there are rabbits baking cakes on the moon:
Welcome to the theorists' world (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ a.k.a the BU.
It's pretty much dead now, some people expect new things for 2025 but there's no guarantee. It's a fiction set up in the BTS MVs that then got extended through web comics, novels, and a web series.
That should be it. I didn't mention a lot of things (the Festa, the solo works, the DVD packages…) but it should cover your bases and it's mostly free and easily available. I think you'll naturally come across the rest during your time in the fandom (there are tons of compilations and curated extracts). I think that's one of the nice things about BTS, you always discover something you had never heard before even when you're an experienced fan!
To stay up-to-date, don't hesitate to follow official accounts, as well as a few translators. You can also check r/bangtan on Reddit, there are often new fans asking for help/recommendations there, it's probably more complete than what I could come up with on my own.
And of course if you want to ask something else, I'm still here (and promise, I'll try to answer sooner)
See you! 💜
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tklpilled · 2 years
again and again and again
not to brag, but dazai is good at a lot of things. he won’t quite say he’s the best at it all, but he’s nearly an executive for a reason. dazai takes great pleasure in the fact that, at the top of the list of “things he’s exceptionally great at”, annoying chuuya nakahara is first. he’s always coming up with more ways to mess with him, and you can’t blame him—chuuya gets so pissed and it’s so fun to make him mad. often, these things involve stealing chuuya’s things, like his hat or the belongings that dazai can find around the redhead’s apartment when he’s not there. 
a new idea pops into his mind one day, one that he’s rather excited to try out. he’s seen chuuya’s friends jab him in the side as he flinches and shoves them off, a smile tugging at his lips before it’s taken over by a scowl. dazai can’t not take notice of it. it’s the perfect idea, really; chuuya gets annoyed and dazai gets to torture him. 
“chuuya!” he coos, throwing his arms around his shorter partner. 
“get off of me,” chuuya grumbles, pushing at his arms, but dazai holds on tighter.
“chibi’s so mean,” whines dazai, dramatically burying his face in chuuya’s shoulder. he brings his arms down to chuuya’s waist, giving it a few squeezes and trying to play it off as an accident. he’s just experimenting, after all.
chuuya jumps, but has no other reaction. “go away.”
well, that won’t work. dazai gives up on subtlety—not that he had much to begin with—and wriggles his fingers into chuuya’s sides, above his hips.
chuuya squeals this time, hands shooting down to grab dazai’s wrists. “wh-whahat the hehehell?”
so chuuya really is ticklish. this will be very fun.
he wanders up to chuuya’s ribs, kneading into them, and since chuuya is trapped in his arms he has no choice but to just laugh. 
dazai is still pressed into his shoulder. “poor chuuya,” he hums. “you’re so giggly, it can’t be good. maybe i should tickle all the giggles out of you.”
chuuya squeaks, sounding all high pitched now. “shihihit, stop ihit! i’ll k-kill y—dazahai!”
dazai smirks, digging his thumbs into the soft parts of chuuya’s hips, earning loud cackles as chuuya squirms desperately in his grasp. 
“i swehehehear!” wails chuuya, but whatever he’s swearing is lost to a stream of snorts and wild laughter. 
“cute,” dazai murmurs.
ah. he didn’t mean to say that aloud—hell, when did he start thinking that at all?
he squeezes chuuya’s hips again in the hopes that he’ll forget about it. 
it isn’t that dazai never noticed before; with all of his staring, how could he not? but it’s only in the summer, when he and chuuya are spending a bit of time in the sun, that he decides to point them out. they’re becoming more obvious.
“chuuya has freckles.”
chuuya glares up at him. “yeah? what about them?”
dazai doesn’t answer him, just continues voicing his thoughts. “lots of them.” they’re scattered all over chuuya’s cheeks and across the bridge of his nose, and although he can’t see them now dazai knows that they trail down to his shoulders. 
he gets the urge to touch them.
“hey, asshole! what are you—”
dazai reaches out, cupping chuuya’s face in his hand and running the tip of his thumb over the freckles on his cheeks. chuuya falters and falls silent, and dazai feels the warmth in his face beneath his hand before he sees it turn red. he’s not sure why chuuya’s blushing. 
“b-bastard. cut it out,” chuuya stammers, looking to the ground after a few moments of eye contact. dazai doesn’t want to stop, though. he keeps tracing chuuya’s cheek, and he’s not doing anything to keep him there but chuuya doesn’t make a move to get away. they’re so close, dazai realises, when did their faces get so close? 
“that tickles, asshole,” chuuya mumbles. dazai says nothing, but he curls his fingers where they rest at his jawline. chuuya scrunches his shoulder up, flashing the sweetest smile dazai’s ever seen. it’s gone in an instant, but in that instant dazai has decided he wants to see more. he lightly tickles across chuuya’s neck and there’s that dumb smile again, this time paired with even sweeter giggles and it makes dazai’s chest swell. 
chuuya manages to last a couple minutes before he finally grabs dazai’s hand and pulls it away. he glares at dazai, still smiling, still holding his hand—they’re holding hands, and it’s making dazai feel warm.
he’s quick to pull his hand out of chuuya’s grip.
dazai doesn’t really have a past to speak of. he met a member of the mafia, joined said mafia, and now he’s here. that’s all anyone needs to know and that’s all that really matters, because there wasn’t much of anything before that. so, between his lack of human interaction before and now being a dangerous mafioso, no one is affectionate with him and no one ever has been for as long as he can remember. there’s chuuya, but that’s less affection and more dazai clinging to him to be annoying; there’s nothing more to it than that.
point is, dazai doesn’t receive any physical touch and he never has. so when chuuya asked if he was ticklish, he didn’t mean to lie. 
he just didn’t know.
“not ticklish my ass,” huffs chuuya as he pins dazai’s wrists to the bed with one hand, the other clawing at his ribs.
“chuuya!” is all dazai can cry out, because the sensations are clouding his mind too much to come up with anything proper. he’s almost convinced to stop tickling chuuya so much if it’s this embarrassing—but the keyword here is almost. the more sensible side of him wants to tickle chuuya even more now, knowing just how embarrassing it is. “it—” dazai turns and hides his face in his arm. “ihit tihihickles!”
he knows it’s stupid to say, even before chuuya snorts at it, but all he can focus on is how bad it is. he didn’t think it would make him feel so helpless. it’s not even just the tickling, either; that’s most of it, but the fact that chuuya is pinning his wrists, kneeling over him, looking at him with such a flustering smirk—dazai can’t form a coherent thought no matter how hard he tries.
he’s given up trying to deny his feelings. instead, he’s moved on to ignoring them. it works well most of the time, but. fuck. 
“chuuya—sohomewhere ehehelse!” he pleads, tugging weakly at his arms. chuuya laughs, but he’s nice enough to move away from his ribs. his kindness doesn’t last, though, because he moves to dazai’s stomach and it’s somehow worse.
he’s giggling now, all stupid and childlike. he hates it. “st-stohohop!” he wails, and chuuya does.
“i was only getting started,” sighs chuuya as he releases dazai’s hands, but he doesn’t let him up, staying where he is.
dazai wraps his arms around his torso protectively. “y-yohou—i don’t have stamina like you do.”
chuuya grins. “maybe i should tickle you more. build up your tolerance.”
dazai can feel heat creeping down his neck as he shoves chuuya off and sits up. “i’ll kill you,” he says, but the next time chuuya tries to tickle him, he lets him.
chuuya is drunk.
his tolerance is absolute shit for how much wine he buys. dazai’s learned to deal with it by now. it isn’t too bad, his speech slightly slurred and cheeks flushed, but not much more. dazai’s dealt with worse. 
he’s managed to drag chuuya back to his apartment, and he’s now trying to convince him to sleep. he knows chuuya’s schedule now, and he has to work the next night. he’s been trying to explain this for a few minutes now but chuuya is still very much awake.
dazai can’t help but sigh. he’s dealt with chuuya when he was passed out, cleaning the blood and dirt off of him after corruption and bandaging him up—and despite his size, chuuya is heavy when he’s unconscious. it was still easier than this is turning out to be.
he eventually decides he’s had enough and grabs chuuya by the waist, preparing to take him to his bed by force. chuuya squeaks, and it’s so cute it almost makes dazai forget about the reason why he does it in the first place.
“chibi’s still ticklish,” he murmurs mostly to himself, tightening his hold around chuuya and pressing his fingers into his sides. chuuya gasps and squirms and bursts into happy giggles and oh, wow, dazai thinks his heart might explode. he rests his chin on chuuya’s head and lets chuuya laugh into his chest and it reminds him of when they were sixteen.
“mmmph—dahazai!” chuuya whines.
dazai smiles, although chuuya can’t see. “maybe if you’d listened to me.”
chuuya only whines more at that but nothing else. dazai figured out early on that chuuya never hated when he tickled him; he’s observant, and chuuya wasn’t very good at hiding it anyway. he supposes some things never change.
“fihine, i-i’ll go, dammit! yohou’re such an—hic—ahasshole!” 
dazai lets up at that. tickling him would be a good way to tire him out to make sure he actually goes to bed, but he doesn’t want to overwhelm him. chuuya’s nearly passed out now anyways, so dazai drags him to bed with little cooperation. chuuya is asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow.
dazai smiles fondly. chuuya’s always looked so peaceful when he sleeps. when he’s awake he’s always on edge, or at least has the hint of a scowl, but now there’s not a trace of any of that. dazai has the horribly overwhelming urge to kiss him.
he brushes chuuya’s hair out of the way and softly presses his lips to his forehead, hoping that chuuya really is asleep or at least that he’ll forget it by morning.
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real-life-senshi · 1 year
This is @the Keiko haters out there.
(And yes I am venting coz this needs to be said)
I went and rushed to get the old clip of Keiko and Kotono in the variety show subtitled because I learnt Keiko was receiving some hate for landing the Sailor Cosmos role, and I think that is absolutely stupid and trash especially when no one has actually seen her performance yet because THE FILM HASN'T even been released! (NO, one line from a trailer does NOT count.)
While Keiko is primarily a TV show and movie actress, this is not her first rodeo voice acting in animation films.There was also The Magic Tree House (2012) and Anpanman: Dororin and the Transforming Carnival (2022).
Just because someone wanted another VA, possibly a more recognized or acclaimed VA to voice Sailor Cosmos doesn’t give them the right to bash the actual voice cast chosen by the producers.
Besides, people saying Keiko took the role from Kotono is such bullshit??!!!! Kotono is already voicing Usagi and Chibi Chibi, like that’s already such a big part of the film? Kotono is amazing, but at some point there is only so much on screen chemistry that can be achieved doing lines against a different variation of your own voice?!!!!!
The fact that Kotono took the extra step and said Keiko is “brave” and “thoughtful” on Twitter? You bet they all monitor the public’s reaction and Kotono is making a stance to show her support by recognizing the work Keiko has put in voicing Cosmos.
Kotono and Keiko have so much respect for each other and have a good, positive relationship! It’s very possible Kotono had a hand in Keiko landing the voice acting offer. (No, I’m speculating, there’s no source, but often big time cast members are asked for their opinion before production crew sends out offers, like RDJ had a hand in Tom Holland getting Spider-man.)
Just, fucking grow up people. Keiko shouldn’t have to apologize for a job offer she received that she’s excited and was already nervous for. Girl has so much love and respect for the Sailor Moon franchise she went and asked her live action Senshi team for thoughts when she received the offer because she wasn’t sure she should take it. She was practically gushing talking about the opportunity, about Kotono and about the live action in the stage greet event Q&A!!!!
I get being critical of her performance if she didn’t necessarily meet your expectation, but give her a chance to prove herself!
She was phenomenal and, dare I say, the best part in the live-action. She’d definitely have given 120% in her voice work, that I have no doubt!
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triplethewinds · 1 year
skk au
Where they’re drawn to each other in every life from the first life they meet, vowing to “never cross paths again” but if they do to make sure their lives won’t ever be the same without each other (in the “worst” way possible). Sometimes both of them remember. Sometimes they don’t. Most times it takes meeting for Chuuya to remember a stinky fish and an irritating near irrefutable voice, and blood. there was always so much blood because he had to go and play a self sacrificing role.
And fewer times Dazai will know Chuuya, acting as if he does when he really doesn't remember at all, just that the man is alluring and that irritates him. Unfortunately, it's frequent for them to miss each other, feeling deep down a gaping hole where something, someone should be.
It's one day, a day where Chuuya's feet carry him to wander as he often does to clear his head, which never works and gives him a lot more to think about and ends up visiting a family grave. One of the many remaining structures scattered across the country in honor of wealthy families of the past. He doesn't bother with history ( in the kindest way possible) he is just too busy thinking about sciences and his own present to worry about mistakes made by other people long ago. He's not one for visiting graves unless he feels like he needs someone to confide in.
Yet he wanders around with a few other visitors, marveling over the structure and the well-kept grounds and trying not to wallow in his own self destructive thoughts. This is how he finds himself standing in a preserved, forgotten section, where the only thing identifying someone's past is a small portrait, what would rival a photo.
Faded as if gone through a life worse than the person who owned it, but the figures the faces of two people are unmistakeable. And it could very well be a trick of his own eyes, his mind aching for a change, something interesting even if it is a new thought he could get carried away into if he let himself, but one of those faces looks like... his own.
Once the thought presents itself it roots into his mind. As crazy as it is, he is certain of this paper that has survived centuries. It's drawn by a rushed hand, desperate to capture the image of a person slipped through their fingers. Just another tug of his heart in a direction he is familiar with but doesn't know. A person. Reasonably, he isn't all that sure about his own logic of, "If that is me and I am here, then the other guy must be here too" but he always trusts his gut if no one else.
It wasn't like he had a reason to unbury the other side of his soul when he wasn't around. A misplaced name lost to history, their past lives but not to his very core. Chuuya doesn't want to remember what happened, just that they lost each other like he has lost people before in his current life. It hurts so, if he ever finds Dazai again he isn't letting him go.
Cue many unsuccessful, half-hearted attempts to find him. (To find each other, unknowingly.)
When Chuuya hears his voice before remembering his face, it is at a zoo. The brunet's eyes are brooding, his voice spilling with over the top cheer and accompanied by his friends. Chuuya isn't afraid to approach him at all after meeting his gaze a handful of times. And it helps that Kyouka, holding his hand instead of Kouyou's recognizes one of the people he is with, because Chuuya might have made a bit of a fool of himself. He hurried up to Dazai when he drifted away from the group to stare into one of the enclosures.
"There you are!" it's the only thing he can think to say that's appropriate since— "Um...?" The man looks around, certainly startled. "You must think I'm someone else." Chuuya prepares himself for all sorts of heartbreak. He isn't immune to it. "No. I know who I'm talking to, shitty mackerel." "Mackerel?! Ha. Do your eyes need checked, chibi?" There's no way around it. That voice is his. The boring, uncreative insults are his. Chuuya didn't need to see him to know it. The man might not remember Chuuya, but he stares wide-eyed because Chuuya knows his name; his expression proves Chuuya correct. Dazai worries he has a stalker, teasing as he asks if Chuuya is. "What! No, no you're— you... I know you. Fuck. You, you don't remember me." "It'd be pretty hard to forget a guy like you." It isn't meant as an insult or a flirt. Dazai's brain fails to catch up with the words leaving his mouth.
Dazai doesn't want to continue the encounter— the outing. It is a very bad day for him, not even his friends could help if they were aware completely. Not even this stranger, who knows his name and steals his attention violently by just existing in the same space as him. When asked by Atsushi if he is alright, he just hums and jumps at the opportunity to look at the seals. Thus it becomes a joint trip, because Atsushi knows the guy's younger sister (?). Chuuya, his brain supplies, probably because he was told his name. Not any other reason at all.
From there it's Chuuya helping Dazai to remember him, or to rebuild whatever was between them in this new life. Sprinkled with notes and flashes of distant lives once lived.
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You could just provide the correct warnings for your Targ Ocs and put at the top that you are not cool with Targcest and the like and that just including it for continuity. just a suggestion because i would love to hear about your Targ ocs
Honestly… good idea.
I’ll post them in response to this ask too then because why not
Warnings: Targcest, twincest -none of which I agree with but if you’re gonna targ, targ hard- and special little snowflake syndrome
I actually wasn’t gonna post about them any more unless I figured out how to draw dragons so I could draw theirs. But… I’m gonna anyways.
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(Info on them below the cut + chibi faces for them)
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They were made in like 20 minutes on the discord server like I have put no thought into this at all. It’s just for fun. Hate them? Sure, go ahead. But I don’t care
These are Elaena and Aenar Targaryen (literally just chose canon targ names lmao), they’re twins and they’re targaryens and you know how that’s going down already.
They’re Alicent and Viserys’ kids, idk where in the order they’d fall but they’re assholes no matter how old they are.
Both of them have like… issues. Severely.
They grew up kind of hating eachother. Of the eggs given to them as babies, both of them came from a diseased clutch. One never hatched, and the other one was deformed with bicephaly, and assumed to die soon. They both argued over who’s ‘fault’ it was, and when the surviving dragon showed to be healthy despite its deformity, they both argued over who got to bond with it.
Of course, because it had bicephaly (two fucking heads) it meant that it could bond with both of them. Because both heads kind of function as separate entities, despite sharing a body. This made riding dangerous, especially for Aenar, as Elaena bonded with the dominant head and he bonded with the more submissive head.
Despite this, Aenar rode their dragon the most, and ended up getting injured his first time trying because the other head threw him off. It left him with a scar, but he got back on anyway just to just of stick it to Elaena that he was better at riding than her on a dragon that loved her more. He was still bleeding though and like mildly concussed, so he almost fell off again. Elaena helped him off and cleaned him up because she didn’t want blood getting on her dragon, and he’s an asshole so he wiped a bunch of the blood on her.
This, due to fucked up and gross reasons, lead to a lengthy love affair between the pair, sometimes including other people if they felt like it, and generally just them being gross.
Elaena’s the perfect pretty little political pawn. She’s basically used by her family to get them more power and she complies because that’s what she was raised to do. She mostly wears green, and a lot of jewellery, and the green is because Aenar’s eyes are green and they’re weird and twincesty together. She was a germaphobe as a kid (hence Nar wiping blood on her in vengeance, and her dislike of blood being on her dragon) but she grew out of it with time. She still likes to be neat and clean, and portray herself as the ideal of a Targaryen woman even if she’s not quite that. A lot of comparisons would be made between her and Nyra, simply because she’s what the greens use as an example of how Nyra ‘should’ behave. She has a lot of piercings bc I said so.
Aenar refuses to marry, and rebels a lot more openly than his sister in that regard. He’s a dragon rider or he is nothing. He keeps his hair as long as he can grow it, often styling it similarly to Elaena’s, and wears a lot of dark purples (again to match her eyes). He can be incredibly violent, though does not portray this openly, and enjoys himself his ruffles on his clothes. He encourages Elaena’s more fucked up habits and even started a few of them, and no matter who she marries he makes sure he’s the most important person in her life - he is her twin, after all. The only reason he’s neutral in the dance is because he’s too busy being a little freak to realise that politics is happening around him.
I will leave the more fucked up stuff for like… later… because an intro post is not the place to get into Elaena’s bad habits and Aenar’s weird little perversions. But these are the basics.
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tornioduva · 8 months
A little reflection on the Hazbin Hotel "situation"
First of all, i'm not really a fan of any of Vivziepop work, mainly i followed helluva boss out of curiosity and because sometimes they had really neat ideas.
that said, i ended up seeing all ofher stuff anyway, uhuh. i discovered her at the times of her sheika music videos, and, while not my cup of tea, i remained interested in her style of doing things, because of how unique it was. When the pilot for HH came out i saw it, and, as i said, HB too, plus all the covers and fan content.
So, this is my situation. i'm not really interested in her work and in her as a person, but i know her, her creations and all the stuff people made about them and talked about her, even if i didn't want to uhuh. You could say "just avoid everything Vivziepop related if you're not interested in her, her works and any discourse regarding all of it". i'm lazy, ok? the internet recommends it to me, i oblige. this is my curse.
Now, where i want to go with this.
Last week i rediscovered a video essayst i really liked, Neverknowsbest, and i put his latest two videos on while working and doing house chores. both are pretty relevant to this discussion, but i want to redirect you to one in particular:
Even if you don't want to see it, the gist of it, and what of it i want to use in this post is:
We are obsessed with overwhelming failures and explosive successes, there's no room for just experiencing something, thinking of it as mediocre, or even bad, but then just moving on, while still enjoying, or loving even, the couple of good ideas it in it.
I don't like most of her work, i have heavy criticism of helluva boss, i agree on aaaaall the discussions about character design, and if half of the things people are saying about her as a creator, project director and person are true...then there is a very good chance i don't like her either uhuh.
that said, i think HH and HB should be treated as what they are: simple slef-indulgent shows about stupid/shitty people. this premise alone does not hold promise of quality, or good ideas; what it does hold is the desire of the creator to explore what it is fun and interesting for and not much else, and that i think is ok.
The fact that every HH episode so far has been met either with heavy criticism as if it promised to be the best adaption of the bible, or as the pinnacle of representation of traumetic events, to me is kinda stupid. not counting the prerelease discussion. You want to hurt the show? ignore it, stop talking about it, do what everyone did to that Lotr amazon show, make it lose money.
As i said, i do not particularly like HB and don't tink i would recommend it to anyone, but it is on the same level as a lot of shows i watched growing up, just with more swearing and trauma sprinkled in. And while saying this, i can recognize some parts of it that are really good, like some of the jokes, line delivery, sometimes animations and often the songs (i listened to a lot of covers of that one stolas song, uhuh).
All this to say, please, do not let the internet consume you uhuh. use all this energy for things that are truly bad, not things that are mediocre at best. That is unless you were one of those who funded the show, then you have every right to complain if your money is in it.
Plus, i wrote "situation" because, as usual, i'm sure all the fuss i've seen is mostly a minority on twitter or somwhere else, since already a friend of mine not correlated with this stuff at all out of nowhere told me he watched it and liked it, so.
P.S: i decided to use a banner for these rant posts so to make them more interesting, i hope you like it uhuh. also, anyone who tells you drawing chibis is simple is lying to you.
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melon-dot-com · 11 months
The chaos of thoughts are below. Have fun ig. I definitely did. I'm free. Whose gonna be bothered. Whose gonna stop me. My city now.
[Contextual info: Watching something new]
So I'm watching The Apothacary Diaries. It seems to be pretty new with only 3 eps so far. Unless the site I'm using is just behind. It's also in dub which will make it not as caught up. I really like it so far and I'll be honest I was very close to not watching it. I saw it on the website I use and was hesitant. Not for any specific reason, I just have trouble starting new things. But I kept getting this nagging feeling I should give it a try.
I even had to make myself watch the next ep becuase part of me was like well I'm not quite investeddd. What if I just did something elseee. Almost distracting myself with non-commital entertainment like usual. Like playing casual games or watching youtube. But then I got that feeling again, that I should stick with it and that it'd be worth it.
[General info: Maomao]
Maomao is the main character- AKA the cute determined chibi here. When she is giddy and happy they show her with blushy cheeks, cat mouth, and cat ears. Often wiggling the cat ears and body swaying. She is very animated. Sometimes it's just that; a little cute and exaggerated features. But sometimes it's like here where it's full blown baby chibi moment. And it's so adorable… if I think abt it too hard it's likely I will perish.
[Maomao: Main passion and expertise]
She loves well. Apothacary related things. It's not just her specialty but she loves doing it and always wants to learn more. Personality wise she is relatively calm, a bit disgruntled, secretive, and independent, until the opportunity for remedy creation and other related things come up. Which brings about a joy she is hardly able to contain.
Honestly she is pretty relatable but my area is more like psychology and analytics. Physics and crafting. Grief and how we approach death/s… I find her passion yet seriousness about being an apothacary to be refreshing and relatable. I have a love for knowing and understanding of strange things as well! And just things that don't get much attention otherwise.
She especially likes testing out poison and venoms on her arm. And she, presumably, uses this to gather information on how to create an antidote or remedy for them. She does it on the same arm every time, which while I suppose makes sense as to not mess up other body parts… I can't see it being as effective on scarred skin. Though for all I know that's the point and doesn't actually effect the observing process. It's not like I'd actually know.
Also she does address at some point that she isn't as sensitive to poisons since she did it for so long. I'm just not sure about skin related irritations.
[The testing scars]
She wears a strip of guaze or guaze-like material around the arm she kept testing on to hide it's scars. Probably to not alarm people or to seem unsightly when she is working. I don't think she cares that much about it herself though or is even self conscious outside of maybe being fired for it. It's the result of her passion and hardwork after all. If someone judged her for it I doubt she'd change her mind about it. The women that showed concern for her when she was younger didn't seem to phase them from continuing.
[TW: About the testing itself]
Honestly TW for the flashbacks of her doing the poison and venom testing. It's brief but her arm is real messed up. Particularly if you have cluster related phobias or trypophobia. Which I find those tend to go hand in hand. I might go back to try and timestamp the moments so others are aware… Even though I get kind of itchy just thinking about it. Ugh.
[Dynamic with other main character]
So there's this important guy- uhhh. Emperor's son. Don't know if that has a name. He may also be a set of multiple sons. I don't normally watch things in this setting I know nothing. Clearly. sdjfsjd
As you can see I forgot his name but he subtly.. well not so subtly, tries to get Maomao's attention. In his own words he said he thinks he'll try at seducing a bit. It sounded more in the context of getting her enamored wth him rather than full on seduction. AKA no actual motive to get with them or in bed with them. At least it sure seems that way for now with how nonchalant and carefree he is about it.
[General info: other main character]
He is your usual fancy boy with a sort of graceful arrogance. He looks pretty but truthfully does not awe me like the women in the show. They are SO so pretty and cute. One of the high class ladies is of course especially dressed up. She seems a bit playful and cheery in a teasing way and has lovely pink hair in an updo with accessories. And I'm like… ahh my heart…
Fancy boi (I am lazy and will get his name later sorry fancy boy :( ) doesn't lack attention but he does find it a bit odd that Maomao doesn't seem flustered by his presence and even off put by him. At some point he finally makes a quiet comment about "Why don't you react'' (Something like that)
[That one scene from the gifset: fancy boy is into it]
I think afterward- my memory gets mixed up so maybe it was before the above. He talks to his… main guardsman? iirc. They talk a bit about some current problems they are facing and then fancy boy says that he is intrigued by how she doesn't react the same as the others. And then gets all chibi-happy about it like ahh I've never been treated that way before <3 all blushy and content. Then his guardsman, as if he just heard about a private side of him, goes alright well I'll take my leave now-- and slides out of view.
[Circling back their dynamic]
I got sidetracked but wayy in the beginning of Maomao and his encounters. She notices his directed glances, obvious casual posing, and getting a little too close in personal space. She is, reasonably, disgusted and disturbed about it. Probably the right reaction to a person in power clearly focused on you.
There has already been a moment though, where she was little grumpy and weirded out by him getting close behind her. But not outright disgusted like I saw before.
That said, she probably thought about maybe not reacting negatively toward one of the people she works for. Or just upper class people in general for that matter. Idk if the creator/s thought about that though and it might just be showing the viewer that she's a little more familiar with his weirdness now. _ End / 11/12/23 / 22:16
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syrupspinner · 3 months
i didnt beat Affogato
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they keep calling this magenta-haired lady a bleeding heart
so this games premise is that you're a witch that runs a coffee shop. don't worry it's not cozy. instead you go into people's mind palace and play a reverse tower defense game (tower assault?). I think this is done really well, especially considering how novel it is. the difficulty pacing is a bit spotty (more on that later), but I think it provides a decent challenge overall, especially by the halfway point. I am a little complacent with my cards, though. the game encourages you to switch up your loadout by introducing new cards that synergize really well with certain approaches, like the moon-sun-high priestess[!] deck where you shuffle your cards in and out. but once I fully leveled up some bread-and-butter cards like strength and the world there aren't a lot of combos that don't work well. but hey, that's a good thing! level up and approach with your favorite units instead of relying on the predetermined winning combo. I always value build freedom in an RPG, and this does really well. also, the gameplay itself is just so unique and interesting.
the first thing you'll probably notice about this game is the persona inspiration. you spend time progressing visual novel side stories (with an in game calender) with the NPCs to power up your tarot based rpg minions. personally, I'm one of those people that are super invested in the persona series, but I've mostly experienced it through letsplays and longplays and that kinda thing. the furthest I got was in 4, and that was pretty underwhelming, but I digress. I'm not sure how well this was implemented... I didn't finish any of them until the endgame, and this seemed pretty in line with how the difficulty progressed, but that means I didn't really get a chance to play around with the units you get as a reward. that said, the stories are all still really well written! natalie's felt a bit meandering in the beginning, but most of them felt really directed as fun little side stories that fit the theme of a devil mystery. also, the grand plot with Sera's whole demon shards thing is great, love the episodic nature where you meet new characters and it sets up new gimmicks for the rpg gameplay, great stuff. the dialog can be a little... meh at times, but I found it charming a good 70% of the time, which is a passing grade last I checked
the third genre this game employes, beside visual novel and reverse-tower-defense-rpg is... coffee minigame. honestly, it seemed a little half-baked. you have to make coffee for your social links pretty often, but people usually just want an Americano or sometimes a mocha. seeing all the weird drinks on the menu and the dedicate spice submenu made me excited to play around with orders kinda like VA-11 HALL-A, but people are usually just straightforward about wanting simple drinks, with like one or two exceptions in the whole game. I'm glad it's there, because the coffee shop makes for a good way of justifying Affogato (the character) getting dragged into drama so much and it'd feel a little awkward if there was no interactivity, but I feel like it was ultimately underutilized.
also the art style is cute. I love the chibi tarot guys and the talksprites... honestly the best way I can describe it is like, they look like they were designed like they should been tweening after a 4/5 star gacha pull, but that's not a bad thing per se? they're detailed and have a pretty stylistic feel by anime standards (no shade to anime, but you know what I mean), but it's weird to break the association in my brain.
I also wanted to talk about the voice acting! it's available in both Japanese and Chinese (I assume Mandarin). I don't listen to a lot of spoken Chinese, so it was actually pretty neat! I liked picking up on little linguistic idiosyncrasies, like how they have to pronounce it "Affojato" since Mandarin doesn't seem to have a hard g sound. also, the voice acting just did a good job at fitting and emphasizing the characters. mephista totally stole the show for that, but it helped with stuff like recognising that Dave was meant to be suave and handsome in a way that can't really be conveyed with text without going overboard. so, well done chinese voice actors!
okay. last thing i wanna talk about here - i think the game is good, and you should play it, but there is one level i have been stuck on for days. without spoiling too much, its the level you play with eva after you collect all the shards. its bizarrely hard. im playing on normal difficulty and there are so many things that are designed to kill you instead of challenge you. the level is so big and there are so many of those stupid laser enemies that i could not have any units survive long enough to kill all five(!) boss targets. i have been stuck on this level for days after spending no less than like half an hour on the hardest levels before this point. i had to switch to easy mode, and i think it is a failure on the game's part that it couldnt properly balance the default difficulty.
in addition to that, i only managed to complete 3 out of 5 of the games' social links. the only problem with this is, im not sure how youre supposed to do that with everyone? im pretty sure the game literally doesnt give you enough time to fully level everyone. i only opened the store like twice, and those were both in the morning and the only time you can advance the social links is the evening. i extended every chapter as long as i could by avoiding the boss to keep talking to people, and i still didnt have enough time. now ill need to do an entire second playthrough if i want to get the related achievements, including the one for collecting all the witch cards. i am incredibly dissapointed
the plot took such a weird turn at the end there too, so much stuff about sera just came up out of nowhere, and the turn the chapter takes is so sudden and unfitting in my opinion. it felt like when a show is told that this is gonna be their last season but theyre already halfway through writing so they need to cut stuff and write in stuff thats lets them have some finality
all this worked together to really sour this game for me right at the end. also i lost my save file but i dont hold it against this game, that was my fault. if this was any other game id power through from the start and try again, but this just has too many unfun caveats that im just gonna move on
if this game still sounds neat to you, by all means check it out. this is all just my opinion, and you might click with the game a lot better than i did. the core of the game is pretty solid, its just the execution that ruined it for me, but even that was forgivable until the end. im gonna see what befun studios puts together in the future, maybe a sequel where they iron out some of the flaws would work really well?
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mysticdragon3md3 · 8 months
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And that's the end of the first GSCFanWeek!
Day 1, Collection Showcase:
I separated templates by Nendoroid, Figma,Pop Up Parade, and Swacchao. Still a few to unbox. Some back row Nendos got hidden in a couple double layer display boxes. I should make more figure risers.
Day 2, The One That Got Away:
Some of these got away because I got into a series late, they weren't being sold thru GSC US, I took too long to decide, or I just needed to skip to save my budget. But now these haunt me! I actually have a MUCH LONGER list of figures I wish I could have gotten or had to let get away. These are just a few.
Day 3, The One That Started It All:
Figma Miyuki Takara was my first high-end figure. Before her, I only bought gachapon and Play Arts. But I was wandering around Comic Con, and as often happens at non-anime cons, there wasn't much I was interested in buying and I felt kind of bad for not buying loot. But I ran into a booth selling Lucky Star Figma. So I tried buying high-end figures for the first time. (I don't count Play Arts, because they're not like the $45+ Play Arts Kai line. I got a lot of my Play Arts around $20.) Then I got into Sengoku Basara and found they had Nendoroids. I LOVE "tough shonen characters" being turned into cute chibi!🤣💖I originally only wanted Sanada Yukimura but the store also had Date Masamune. So I got them both at the same time💙❤️
Day 4, GSCfiguresIRL:
I always wanted to share this pic of the time I took my Nendoroid Date Masamune to Los Angeles Tanabata, and there was a kazari from Sendai with Date Masamune on it! Also I just love sharing my Tanabata nendography🎋💖I don't often get to share it on GSC contests or features, because I often mix parts/accessories, especially for Tanabata when I take Nendoroids off of their usual bodies to put them into the Nendoroid More Yukata set. These tanabata photos are from multiple years of LA Tanabata, spanning from 2016-2019.
Day 5, Good Smile Spirit Day:
Cheers! Here's to more figures from Good Smile Company!🎊🎊🎊 Originally, I wasn't sure what concept to use for a photo of "your figures celebrating GSC and another year of exciting figures". But I thought Miku is the closest Nendoroid I have to a mascot for GSC. So I used my latest Miku. And of course, I wanted to use the GSC acrylic standee that they gave me for being one of the winner of the figure photo contest to get our pics exhibited in GSC's Anime Expo booth. Honestly, when I saw that acrylic standee of their logo on an event's menu, it was one of the things I reeeeeeeeeeeally wanted, enough to make me feel bad I was still quarantining and not attending conventions. So I was so very happy when they just included it in the package of my photo, printed on the canvas that they displayed at their Anime Expo booth. I was so happy! So this photo is just a big party, a toast to Good Smile figures.
Post GSCFanWeek:
I'm sorry that I wasn't able to post something on each day of this past week's events. But real life and other commitments took priority. I know that decreased the exposure that my photos would get, so I do feel kind of bad for spending as much time/effort on them as I did. But the new photoshoots I did this past week, I think came out well. And I love answering these type of collecting questions, making me nostalgic about my collecting journey, and giving me an opportunity to record some memories. <3
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paulinawoodpecker · 9 months
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Ramirez gives Tad his Backpack
Ramirez: oh. Yeah. I forgot to give you something. *hands tad his backpack*
Tad: hey! I have been looking for that. Thank you.
Ramirez: maybe you should put your stuff in there.
Tad: um sure…
Ramirez: also you need these. *hands him more stomach pain medicine and pills*
Tad: seriously? More?
Ramirez: you need to feel better.
Tad: but I don’t like how it tastes.
Ramirez: *in anime chibi mode* medicine is medicine! And you need to take it often!!
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