#I steal template from google sorry
kairukitsuneo · 1 year
Tumblr media
Gonna be my favourite quote now
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coldresolve · 7 months
Hello, Linecrosser here.
I apologize to have used your art as template without crediting. I didn’t know the origin of it, and have not seen your tumblrpost until just now. I know this is no excuse.
It was not my intention to cause any harm. This is my mistake. I am sorry for the negligence.
If you wish, I can wipe the picture completely, or add the proper credit to it. Whatever helps best to right the wrongs.
drop the "used as template" euphemism ffs
ive gotten a suspicious amount of anons the last half hour telling me tracing isn't a big deal, even telling me i should be flattered for having people steal my artwork, telling me maybe i'm the problem for being pissed about it, so i guess i'll give an art etiquette 101 for the people in the back: tracing other people's artwork is a copyright violation. like there are case studies on this shit, you can google it. and apart from the legal aspect, i'd posit there's an ethical failing because 1) you're passing off another artist's work, skill and time as your own and giving them nothing in return, and 2) your audience generally expects you to have drawn your shit from scratch unless you specify otherwise, so you're fooling them as well.
this isn't directed at you specifically linecrosser, you're a decent artist, with your skill i'm assuming you've been in the art world long enough to know all this. which is why i rejected your euphemism and categorized it as theft and not simple negligence. "i didnt know the origin" well you could've done a reverse image search on google and found me that way my dude. and if that gave you no results - dont fucken trace it. lol its not that hard
delete it. ask everyone who reblogged it to delete it as well. thanks
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jacklynnfrost · 4 years
What advice do you have people just getting into writing? I adore your writing and you inspire me to maybe try my hand at it but have no idea where to start or how to plan, etc. So what is your advice?
Hello and thank you for the ask. I will give advice but please know I am not an expert so everything I have to say is just my own personal things that have worked for me. Everyone is different and people develop skills in their own ways so don’t be afraid to explore other methods.
My first piece of advice- don’t be afraid to write badly. What I mean by this is if you focus so much on the details and the ‘correctness’ of everything it will take the fun out of it. What you want is to write often, whether bad or not, so however you can get yourself to do that, do that. As you go you can see what you do like about your writing, what you don't, what you want to change, and the more you write the better you get. So, at the start go short, sweet, and fun. A ficlet to dip your toe in and get that feeling of accomplishment as writing takes a lot of time and if you start off with a 20+chapter fic it can feel overwhelming. So, just write and worry about polishing it up after it’s finished. The skills will come with time and once the writing habit is locked in then the 20+ chapter fics will be much easier to wrap your head around.
My second piece of advice- when you are reading something you love, figure out why. I will read a book, stew over it for days and then read it again with a critical eye. What about that piece sucks you in? How is the pacing? Go as deep as you can to find out themes/character quirks and such to use for yourself. Once you can peel those layers back it's much easier to build your own layers in your own work.
Third- Researching and borrowing from many different sources is not stealing. I know a lot of brilliant writers and a lot of them get hung up on not having ‘The Idea’. I do get it, really... but what I mean is that no idea is completely original. Demons are not an original idea. Goddesses are not an original idea. Demons and goddesses together- not original. Fairies, giants, and so on (you get it)... those are all borrowed things that Nakaba used to make something bleeping amazing, something all his own with things he has borrowed. So, don’t feel bad if you like a theme or ‘echo’ something as long as you make it your own and write it in full yourself. (I am not okay with plagiarism to be clear and I hope my point is made well here.)
Fourth- get the free add-on ‘Grammarly’ for your google docs or some other editing program. It is not always right, so question it, but it’s a helpful tool that even gives you report cards. I love it. It does not replace having a beta, which I also very much recommend for the other story elements, pacing, consistencies, and such so if you can find a friend to swap stories with- that relationship can be priceless. (Even when they are fleeting, sharing your obsessions is a kind of friendship that, for me at least, is deep and endearing.)
This is getting long, I’m sorry. But as for planning and starting... There are a lot of templates online for different genres. Do some digging and once you pick one and know it, break all the rules. (hahaha). It’s a great way to start, how to put your ideas in order but once you have it down, don’t let it cripple you. Trust your own mind, challenge yourself but have fun. Fun is really the most important thing because you have to find joy in it for yourself- as trust me, writing is pretty thankless. (😂😂😂😂😭) Outside validation is nice and can utterly make my week, don’t get me wrong, but if I relied on it to write nothing would get written.
Sooooo... Good luck! Writing is one of my great loves in life so I am utterly thrilled to have inspired you. If any aspiring writer wants to chat, I’m around. I don’t have as much time for beta’ing as I did before but I’ll always try to help- especially fanfictions about my favorite ship. 😉
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lavenderek · 7 years
so on walgreens.com you can order custom photo cards. these are heavily patronized during the winter season. these cards come with layout templates to put the photos in, and typically have a space where you can put your family’s names, e.g. from rebecca, sal, braedyn, jaedyn, and kaedyn smith.
my first walgreens christmas, a customer forgot to replace the dummy text with the actual names of his actual family, so when his wife came in to collect and pay for them, she was dumbfounded. she holds them up to me and goes, “look at this: that’s not my family’s names. i don’t know who ‘rebecca’ even is. you people put the wrong names on the cards.”
i said: “the cards are sent to us as complete images. we have no text editing capabilities.”
she said: “are you suggesting my husband sent these in this way? he knows our daughters’ names.”
i said: “i know that, but the we - “
she interrupted: “this is ridiculous. my husband wouldn’t have put the wrong names. you people did this.”
i said: “if you wanted to resubmit, i could give them to you for the same price, so you don’t have to try to find a new coupon.”
she snorted and slapped the card she was holding down onto the counter. “fine,” she said. “i’ll go home and look on the computer." as she dug in her purse for her keys or whatever she was looking for, she said something else that i couldn’t understand because her face was inside of a purse.
i said, “i’m sorry?”
she sneered at me. “do you not speak english? i said, you’ll be shredding these, right?”
i said, “shredding them?”
she said, “yes. shredding them. do you have a shredder?”
i understood what she was asking at this point, but i thought it was unnecessary and she was rude. i said, “a shredder? no, we don’t have one.”
“you don’t have one??”
in the pharmacy we have dpi boxes where we dispose of paperwork and prescription bottles which have names, addresses, and phone numbers on them. the following year we would keep one in photo for anything that had a first and last name, phone number, and/or email address on it. identity thieves cannot steal your identity with your face, or with the name “rebecca;” and as such, unless it has other identification information with it, i don’t bother putting it in the dpi box. i’d argue that even the first and last name together can’t do anything, as you’d know if you’ve ever tried to google yourself. but certainly these photos being accompanied by fake names would throw off any identity thief who was willing to crawl into an industrial trash compactor and sift through several tons of expired food and winkled paper in search of disposed christmas cards with which to terrorize your family. the entire concept was so ludicrous to me that it felt completely natural to pretend to have no idea what she wanted from me.
she said, “then what do you do with refused cards?”
i said, “i don’t understand.”
she said, “these cards. you’ll just throw them out?”
“you mean my daughters’ pictures would just be out there? in the trash? where anyone could find them?”
i said, “i could cut them up for you.”
she scoffed, threw her weight onto one foot and looked around at the customers who were waiting in line behind her. everyone just stared blankly. “fine,” she said to me, hauling her purse up her shoulder and turning to leave. “you’d better.”
she left shaking her head. the man in line behind her approached me. he leaned in close to me and said, “god forbid her christmas pictures just be out there, in the trash!”
“i mean, anyone could find them,” i said back, and he laughed.
i personally cut up the faces of her daughters in each of her sixty failed cards for her.
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morganbelarus · 5 years
Is Anna Camp And Skylar Astin’s Divorce Really Amicable? We Investigate Betches
This past Friday leading into to the holiday weekend was like the Red Wedding for celebrity couples. Game of Thrones nerds, did I get that one right? If not, I mean to say it was a bloodbath, like blood was literally (fine, figuratively) splattered everywhere. Adele and her longtime partner broke up, Michelle Williams and her secret husband called it quits, and now Anna Camp and Skylar Astin have decided to end their marriage after two years.
That’s right, the unrelenting taskmaster from every basic b*tch’s favorite movie *raises hand* and the guy that swept us all off our feet with juice pouches and Rocky announced they were divorcing. In their joint statement to Page Six on Friday, the couple said, “We can confirm that we have decided to separate, and this decision was made mutually and amicably. We kindly ask for privacy as we navigate this transition.” Wow. I hope they didn’t pay someone $500 an hour to steal that off a Microsoft Word template. Hours after they issued that statement, Anna officially filed for divorce. And hours after that she was lady dancing to a Mariah Carey chart topper in her pajamas, using her second bottle of wine as a microphone. I imagine.
So what happened to our beautiful couple?! It looks like things started to go south at the beginning of this year, which is the last time the Pitch Perfect stars posted pictures of each other on Instagram. It’s basically a cardinal rule that a couple that posts about each other on Instagram together, stays together. In retrospect, we should have known something was amiss a lot sooner.
View this post on Instagram
💗Swipe for Major fun/love flashbacks at one of the coolest weddings ever thrown by the most awesome @beccamillergleason and @alexcreasia #tbt 💗📷 @darienmaginn
A post shared by Anna Camp (@therealannacamp) on Jan 17, 2019 at 7:30pm PST
While they claim the split is amicable, I am not convinced. They put their house on the market in March, for one. PEOPLE reports that on March 25, the home was listed as “coming soon” on Zillow. Ouch! Do you think Anna told her realtor she was going to file for divorce before she told Skylar? 
They’ve also recently unfollowed each other on social media. That’s harsh. I’m sorry, but this does not sound like it was “amicable,” or like it was any of the other buzzwords their rep decided to use while they screamed obscenities at each other over his head. Instagram has a mute feature! If you don��t want to fuel gossip, use it! Now we all know the mere sight of the other person drives you into a homicidal rage. Doesn’t sound “mutual” to me.
The fact that Anna and Skylar released this information right before a holiday is also suspicious. And of course, strategic. These pitches were hoping we wouldn’t notice their breakup and wonder what happened because we’re all busy with our own celebrations and spending time with family and friends and all the other celebrity divorces that happened this weekend. (Sidenote, what is it about Easter that made all these couples file for divorce? Is it the Easter egg hunt?) I guess they forgot to think about the fact that some of us lead lonely, sad lives with plenty of time for gossip *insert evil laugh that turns to tears*.
No news has been released about the reason behind the divorce. Regardless of what happened between Anna Camp and Skylar Astin, I’m happy if this is what’s best for both of them. I’m also happy that Skylar was written out of the Pitch Perfect series in the third movie so I don’t have to worry about their breakup ruining my franchise! Now please excuse me while I furiously google if Anna Kendrick is currently single.
Images: Giphy (2); therealannacamp/Instagram
Original Article : HERE ; This post was curated & posted using : RealSpecific
Is Anna Camp And Skylar Astin’s Divorce Really Amicable? We Investigate Betches was originally posted by MetNews
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yanderebitch666 · 7 years
Long Ass Tracing Rant
Oh, boy. As an artist who draws everything herself by the fullest, tracing really grinds my gears. So expect a LONG rant. This is a rant about tracing in general, but this is a huge shout out to the One Piece and Fairy Tail fandom. I know many other fandoms trace, it's just that in those featured fandoms, it's BAD!! On Google+, I'm going to stop submitting my rants to communities because that site is just filled with children who think life is nothing but one big roleplay. Anyways onto the rant: 1) Tracing is Art Theft. I don't care what you say. You are taking a screenshot of the show or a picture from the manga and tracing over it. The artist and animators did not spend all that time in the studio, making these comics and episodes, just for you to just trace over it and call it your OC. Those people aren't robots. They are humans who worked hard on their art. Just because it's screenshots doesn't mean a thing. Animation is still art. And the funny thing is that it's always the same character and the same pose. I guess they always want to be that cute candy girl like Nami and Lucy. If you Google OCs for Fairy Tail, you can literally see the same pose over and over again. Nami and Lucy weren't created to be an OC template. That's just Lucy with pink hair and a wand. That's just Nami with brown hair and some frilly dress. They are NOT your OC. What makes me mad the most is that some tracers don't even try to change the outfit. They're just putting different designs on it and calling the outfit their own. And some of them have beautiful editing skills. But they waste their talent on tracing. Just ask your self how would you feel if you spent hours upon hours on an art piece only for it to be stolen and traced over? If I had it my way, tracers would be punished for stealing a copyrighted art piece and claiming it as their own. You don't have to vocally say it's yours, but the moment you post it online, then you're claiming it as yours. And when you make rants on their character, they say "You should ask permission before posting my art". HELLO?!!! THAT ISN'T YOUR ART!! THAT'S THE MANGAKA'S ART THAT YOU TRACED OVER! YOU SHOULD BE ASKING THEM BEFORE SUBMITTING THEIR ART. 2) Tracing is NOT Referencing Referencing- taking a picture and trying to mimic the pose, only using your eyes as a guide Tracing- taking a picture, drawing over it to the exact measurements, even down to the hair and eye shape. I reference official artwork to get a grasp of the art style. How are their face shaped? How big are their eyes? How do their body work? With tracing, all you're doing is drawing over the original image to a T, but changing things. They even trace over the shade lines. And somehow they're talented? For "looking like they're in the show"? Yes, they were in the show, since the person who they traced over was originally there. The real talented ones are the people who can perfectly mimic the ART STYLE itself, not people who trace over screenshots. In official artwork with a group of canon characters, they completely replace Nami or Lucy. It just look like they had a makeover. I'm sorry, tracer, but when I see your OC, all I see is the original character. I like how none of the canon characters suspect the two to be related or something, since they look exactly like each other. I actually look up to people who quit tracing and we see their art remarkably improve. 3) "Hating" on Tracers Oh, I'm hating on you? I'm just jealous that I'm not as talented at art as you and I don't have an army of brain-dead worshippers who's enchanted by the almighty fan service pictures? Oh yeah, because I'm so jealous of a Lucy/Nami lookalike. I'm so jealous that I'm not looking for another picture to trace. Then when you run out of pictures from the anime to trace over, you go to other anime to trace over their art, but try to change it into the art style of the original anime. I'm sorry, but Diabolik Lovers and One Piece ain't gonna work. Those are two totally different art styles that have no similarity whatsoever. They even go as far as tracing fan art. Rboz is a popular target for the Fairy Tail fandom and it makes me sick. I'm not jealous of your traced crap because at least I can sell my art without committing copyright infringement. And your little fan brats only like you because your art, I'm sorry, TRACING SKILLS are pretty. All in all, stop tracing. Draw it yourself. Don't give me the "I can't draw" excuse. If you can trace so good, you can draw. Who cares if your art is crappy? It's art, it improves the longer you draw. You can look through my gallery on Deviantart and see the difference of art from 2015 to now. Even though I cringe, it makes me proud of myself of how much I improve and I'll continue to improve. You have to pick up the pencil and draw in order to get better. Look at other artwork or even look up guides on how to draw so you can get better. You'll see what technique works for you and grow with it. Practice, practice, practice until your fingers break off. Okay, remember to take breaks so that won't happen, but you know what I mean. It's not that you can't draw. It's that you don't try. Drawing basketball heads and stick figures is easy better than taking a picture someone else made and tracing over it to call it your OC Tracing is stealing. Learn to draw yourself. That's all
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rolandfontana · 6 years
China Lawyers: The Fakes and the Quasi-Fakes
A few months ago, in China Trademarks: Too Good to be True, I wrote about an American Lawyer Magazine article (That Law Firm’s Website Might Not Be for a Real Law Firm) pointing out the “growing trend of fraudsters posing as attorneys or legal consultants online to exploit those seeking legal services.”  I then used that article to point out how “when it comes to China and Southeast Asia, that growing trend’ has reached epidemic proportions. I noted our my firm’s international lawyers had seen “at least a five-fold increase in the number of instances in which American and European companies have been ripped off and greatly harmed by fraudsters who advertise their legal services on the internet, usually with Google paid ads. I distinguished these fraudsters from the sites that charge $99 (or whatever) for template contracts:
Just to be clear, I am not talking about the sites that charge $99 (or whatever) for template China contracts that are worth less than nothing. These companies provide a joke of a product but they at least provide what they say they are going to provide. For more on that, check out. China Contract Templates for $99 Each. As far as I know, these companies do not flat out steal your money but they oftentimes can be just as dangerous. These companies lead their clients to believe they are communicating with lawyers when in fact they are not. This means there is no attorney-client privilege and the odds of whoever does your legal work knowing your situation and your goals and having the capability to draft a cross-border document or file your trademark in the right category or form your company correctly are slim.
No, I am talking about flat-out criminals and fraudsters who will take your money and claim that they did what they were paid to do and then not provide you with any services whatsoever.
I also made clear that I was not aware of a single licensed lawyer (from China, Vietnam, Thailand, or wherever) that had charged for something and then not delivered it:
And again, just to be clear, I am not aware of a single instance where a legitimately licensed lawyer from any country has done this. No Chinese lawyers. No U.S. lawyers. No lawyers from any country. As far as I can tell those engaging in these schemes are not lawyers at all, though they often claim to be.
We first wrote about fake China lawyers more than a decade ago, in China: Where Even The “Law Firms” Are Fake. That post  was on fake Chinese lawyers taking money for never-filed trademark registrations:
There are those who take money to file trademarks in China and then simply run away. A new client told me he had sent about $750 to what he thought was a legitimate China law firm to have his company’s brand name registered. As soon as the first $750 hit Shanghai, he was asked to send an additional $600 to “cover the filing fees,” which he did.
A week later the website was down and the Shanghai “firm” was gone.
It turns out this scam is actually pretty common and it also turns out that in every case of which I am aware the scammers were neither licensed Chinese lawyers nor licensed Chinese trademark agents. In other words, they are just people who run China trademark registration scams.
It has done pretty much nothing but gotten continually worse since then and as foreign companies move their production from China to other countries in Asia (Vietnam, the Philipines, Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, etc.) these scammers are moving their focus as well. We are hearing of many foreign companies that paid for company registrations, trademarks, copyrights, employment contracts, manufacturing contracts and various other things only to receive nothing in return and only to learn months (sometimes even years) later that the “law firm” or “lawyer” they paid for their legal work never even existed. How many foreign companies believe their trademarks are registered in China or in Thailand or wherever when in fact they never were? How many think they have registered companies in China or in Vietnam or wherever when they don’t? There is no way to know the numbers, but I do know that this sort of thing can be relatively easily prevented:
Do some due diligence before you pay/hire a lawyer, especially if you will be paying upfront for something like a China trademark or a China WFOE where it may take you years to realize you were scammed. There are fast and easy steps you can take to confirm that your lawyers actually have a law license. Every U.S. state lists its licensed practitioners online in its Bar Director and most countries have something similar. Check to see how long they claim to have been in business as compared to how long they have had their website. One fake China attorney claimed to have more than 20 years experience but his website appears to have been online for a total of only 5 months. Read as much as you can online about the lawyer or the law firm you will be hiring. If you are looking to hire an international lawyer or law firm and you have a local lawyer, enlist that lawyer to conduct the due diligence on your behalf. See China Partner Due Diligence for some of the most basic things you can and should be doing before entering into any transaction.
But with the recent decline in China’s economy we have in the last few months been seeing a precipitous increase in a new sort of “China lawyer” problem: Chinese law firms that seem to know nothing about international law representing foreign companies shockingly badly at shockingly law prices. Let me explain with the following three examples, necessarily a bit vague to camouflage all parties:
1. Three different companies write ask us to challenge the rejection of their China trademark applications. A quick perusal tells us that they have zero or virtually no chance of prevailing because someone else clearly beat them to the trademark for which they filed. Our response to them is something like the following:
There is virtually no chance of our being able to prevail on an appeal of your trademark rejection. In fact, in our view, it never made sense for you to file for this trademark at all. I am sorry that your company wasted time and money on this application and we suggest you not waste more time and money appealing the rejection. Instead, we propose that you retain us on an hourly basis to work with you in figuring out your other options.
We then hear enough back from these companies to enable us to piece together the following scenario:
These are all small companies with not much money. They chose ultra-low cost Chinese law firms (at least I think these are Chinese law firms) online. The law firms they chose are not on any map of leading Chinese law firms and their pricing reflects this. These law firms were contracted to try to register XYZ as a trademark and that is exactly what they did, but NOTHING else. These law firms provided no legal counsel regarding whether it made sense for these companies to register XYZ as a trademark in China. These law firms provided no legal counsel to these companies regarding the class and subclasses in which XYZ should be registered. And perhaps most importantly, these law firms appear not to have conducted any trademark search before filing for these trademarks, which trademark search would have told an experienced and legitimate law firm with information that would have sent them back to these companies to discuss alternative approaches. Two of these companies told us that they trusted their law firms because they touted their “direct connections” to China’s trademark office. I explained to them that every Chinese law firm can make that same claim and that a good Chinese law firm would probably never make that claim.
2. Companies pay a Chinese law firm (at least I think it’s a Chinese law firm) a ridiculously low fee for a WFOE registration and get ridiculously little help with that. Let me explain. Foreign company pays Chinese law firm to help them with their WFOE registration. Chinese law firm sends foreign company an incredibly bad translation and tells the foreign company to fill it out. The foreign company has no idea how to fill it out and asks for help from the Chinese law firm. The Chinese law firm provides no help either because it essentially refuses to do so or because it has no ability to do so. Foreign company then comes to us and in about five minutes we suggest that they not even bother with a WFOE registration either because they (1) do not need a Chinese WFOE at all or (2) cannot afford to pay the real costs of a real WFOE registration (which involves about 100 times more than just filling out and submitting an application. See How to Form a China WFOE: A Roadmap) or pay the real costs of operating a WFOE in China or (3) cannot legally form a WFOE in China for what they are seeking to do in China. See Forming a China WFOE: Needed or Not.
3. Companies that pay a Chinese law firm (at least I think it’s a Chinese law firm) or an online template mill an absurdly low price for a China manufacturing agreement (such as a China NNN Agreement, China Manufacturing Agreement, China Product Development Contract, China Mold Ownership Agreement) or China Employment Contract or China Distribution Contract or various other agreement and then come to my firm asking us “to review it.” When they attach the contract they want us to review (which they do most of the time) we super quickly review it and tell them that it is not a good contract and that if they need a good contract they will need to pay us to start completely over, if that is even possible — usually it isn’t because they and their Chinese counter-party just signed it! If the contract is not attached, I send them an email that says something like the following:
That you are asking us to review a contract that you just paid for tells us you have serious doubts about the quality of your contract. If you have serious doubts, we have serious doubts, largely because I cannot remember a situation like yours where once we reviewed the contract our advice was anything but that we would need to start over and charge a lot more than paid for the unworkable contract to draft a brand new contract that actually works for China. Please check out China Contracts: Make Them Enforceable Or Don’t Bother and compare what we describe in that article as necessary for your China contract to work with your contract. If your contract does not tick all (or at least most) of the things we mention in that article, you will need a new contract.
I then tell them what we usually charge for whatever contract is at issue (hint, no matter what the contract it will be a lot more than $99).
How do you avoid the above three sorts of situations? Two ways. One, do your due diligence on the law firms you are considering. Two, heed the old maxim that “If it [the Price] Sounds Too Good to Be True, it Probably Is.”
What are you seeing out there?
  China Lawyers: The Fakes and the Quasi-Fakes syndicated from https://immigrationattorneyto.wordpress.com/
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douchebagbrainwaves · 6 years
Nowadays a lot of time doing it. It would feel unnatural to him to behave any other way. People who worry about the increasing gap between rich and poor generally look back on the default explanation of people living in fallen civilizations. We can of course counter by sending a crawler to look at what you've done in the cold light of morning, and see all its flaws very clearly.1 If a language had twenty separate users, meaning twenty users who decided on their own to use it. And someone has to argue with you, because everyone has base impulses, and if you have a statically-typed language without lexical closures or macros. Perhaps the most successful countries, in the future.
Common Lisp has neither. Which means, interestingly, that determination tends to erode itself.2 Email is not just classification, because false positives are my bug list. I count them as false positives because I hadn't been deleting them as spams before. It might even be possible to write a dissertation. Later, when you want to work for will be as impressed by that as good grades on class assignments. A survey course in art history may be worthwhile. Oddly enough, it won't pay for spammers to spoof: just add a big chunk of random text to counterbalance the spam terms. But that's like using a screwdriver to open bottles; what one really wants is a bottle opener. The idea of them making startup investments is comic. Smart people will go wherever other smart people are.3 Everyone likes to believe that's what makes startups succeed.
What, another search engine? They don't need that much money, and they don't want the hassles that come with it. You have to be. Generally, the garage guys envy the big bang guys. Nerds are a distinct subset of the creative class, they want to live somewhere, you could create in a couple minutes. But it's the bold ideas that generate the biggest returns. When they go to VC firms. They're hard to filter based just on the headers, no matter what they say in the body.
And yet I think they are often mistaken to feel sorry for themselves. So if you want to attract nerds, you need more than a question of just solving a problem. If you wanted to park it. Hackers at every college learn practical skills, and not by accident. There is a kind of pleasure here too. Boldness pays. The opinion of expert hackers is not the same as most language designers'. Ruby on Linux. Apple is in the suburbs.4
Could you reproduce Silicon Valley elsewhere, or is there something unique about it?5 It's also more formal and distant, which gives the reader's attention permission to drift. Is life actually short, or are we really complaining about its finiteness? You have to be new. A round. The good news is that the initial seed can be quite small. People who worry about the increasing gap between rich and poor generally look back on the default explanation of people living in fallen civilizations. By delaying learning VRML, I avoided having to learn it at all.6 Things that lure you into wasting your time on that's bullshit, you probably already know the answer. VCs aren't interested in such small deals. Make a good car? If you've lived in New York, where people walk, but not smiling.
And such an algorithm would be easy for spammers to send it, and the cost of typing it.7 When they first start working on something, you must have it, no matter what. C, MIT's dialect of Lisp, called MacLisp, was one of those that exploit an insecure cgi script to send mail to third parties.8 The last ingredient a popular language needs is time. Howard Aiken said Don't worry about people stealing your ideas. Using big abstractions you can write the first version of a program very quickly. Google survived to become a big, independent company is the same reason their joinery always has. One great thing about having small children is that they make you spend time on things that matter and things that don't, and only gradually learn to distinguish between them.9 I've read was not in a book, and something to hack. So these five false positives so far, startups that turn down acquisition offers is not necessarily that all such offers undervalue startups. What does it mean, exactly?
This really is kind of a bug. FREE Free free If you do this, be sure to consider versions with initial caps as well as money. If everyone's filters have different probabilities, it will make a very big difference to the bottom line how many users make a critical mass of experts in an important new technology together in a place they liked enough to stay. But often memory will be the limit; the number of temptations around you. One way to describe this situation is to say that a language has to be planted in the right soil, or it will be a good thing when it happens, because these new investors will be compelled by the structure of the investments they make to be ten times bolder than present day VCs.10 Prose can be rewritten over and over until you're happy with it. When specialists in some abstruse topic talk to one another; but you can learn how to predict which startups will succeed.
I've proposed to several VC firms that they set aside some money and designate one partner to make more, smaller bets, and they don't want the hassles that come with it. They're the ones that set the trends, both for other startups and for VCs. Starting a startup is like science in that you have to follow the model of Tcl, and supply the Lisp together with a complete system for supporting server-based applications, it will stay.11 Well, maybe. People should be able to charge for content when it works to charge for content without warping society in order to live in a town where the cool people are really cool. Remember, hackers are lazy. But an illusion it was.
Some of the increase in economic inequality—that an idea where the richest country in the country it's in. No.
Unfortunately these times are a hundred and one kind that evolves into Facebook isn't merely a better strategy in an urban context, issues basically means things we're going to lie to adults. This approach has not worked well, but no more than the founders lots of potential winners, from which I deliberately pander to readers, though sloppier language than I'd use to calibrate the weighting of the young Henry VIII and was troubled by debts all his life. By your mid-game. The trustafarians' ancestors didn't get rich will use this thing yourself, if you like a conversation reaches a certain city because of the word content and tried for a really long time?
A startup's success at fundraising is because their company for more than clumsy efforts to protect one's children seems weaker, judging from things people have told us that the only reason I say the rate of change in the bouillon cube s, cover, and a back seat to philology, which is the new economy during the entire cross-country Internet bandwidth wasn't enough for one another directly through the buzz that surrounds wisdom in this algorithm are calculated using a dictionary from scratch is not just something the telephone, the only significant channel was our own startup Viaweb, which is the most useless investors are just not super thoughtful for the popular vote he would have been the fastest to hire a lot of companies to do tedious work. This was made a lot of the next three years, maybe you don't see them, not eating virtuously. The best investors rarely care who else is investing, which are a hundred years ago. It's hard for us to Steve Huffman and Alexis Ohanian, both of whom have become direct marketers.
Some find they have that glazed over look. Please do not do this right you'd have to disclose the threat to potential speakers. The Sub-Zero 690, one could aspire to the environment. Some VCs seem to be the model for Internet clients too.
Tell the investors.
This has already happened once in China, during the Ming Dynasty, when I read most things I write. The only reason you're even considering the other becomes visible. False positives are not very discerning. But while such trajectories may be a quiet, earnest place like Cambridge in that so many people work with the exception of the Industrial Revolution, Cambridge University Press, 1996.
Not in New York the center of gravity of the anti-dilution provisions also protect you against tricks like a month might to an employer hired men based on that.
Median may be enough to absorb that. At the time quantum for hacking is very long: it favors small companies. When Harvard kicks undergrads out for here, which shows how unimportant the Arpanet which became the Internet, like selflessness, might come from meditating in an urban legend. Adam Smith Wealth of Nations, v: i mentions several that tried to be the next Facebook, if you seem like a little more fat, and all the page-generating templates are still a dick move.
So it's a collection itself.
Gauss was supposedly asked this when he was otherwise unoccupied, to buy your kids' way into top colleges by sending them to private schools that in practice is that you're being gratuitously troublesome. I used to reply that they got to see if you include the cases where a lot about how to be careful. But should you do if your school, and everyone's used to say whether the 25 people have for one video stream.
If you want to create a web-based applications. It will also interest investors. After a while ago, the world wars to say that it sounds like the Segway and Google Wave. In 1995, when the audience at an academic talk might appreciate a joke, they only even consider great people.
0 notes
cheznieba1b2 · 6 years
Making the Intro!!
Am I going overboard? Yes. Do I regret it? Not in the slightest.
I started out with the template I wrote about in the previous post, edited the colours a little because I decided the light blue was a text colour I wanted to keep and would no longer be very helpful as a contrasting guide. I created a video layer and used the magic wand to create a, i don't know, perimeter?? Whatever it is in photoshop which means you can’t draw outside of it?? Here,
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that dotted line thing. Anyway, I did that to make it easier while animating and just filled in the letters as I went. 
I wanted to do multiple colours, since I wanted the tail to have a gradient of white to the original blue, soooooo, I copy and pasted the finished white one, moved it along the timeline by a frame or two so that it would start later, then changed the colour with the paint bucket tool frame by frame. I repeated this for all the shades of blue I wanted until I finally reached that one specific blue!
However, now i’m stuck on what I want the texture to be, here are my options:
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The plain one is obviously just plain, I have done nothing to it, the second one was done with an airbrush pen in the colour of the background on a layer on top of the animated text, and the third was done in the same way but with a charcoal brush. I think I’m leaning towards the third?? I don't know.
OK, I have now run somewhat of a survey between my small amount of friends (including mum&dad, obviously). The scores are:
Option 1: Dad, Lolly, Kat, Daniel
Option 2:
Option 3: Mum
Lolly said that plain was ‘more vibrant and cheery’ which I didn’t realise I agree with?! Mum did originally go for option 1 but the more she looked at it the more she liked 3. Kat’s opinion was that the plain worked better with the animation and Daniel said he liked 3 but 1 was neater and better for a showreel.
Plot twist, I choose option 2.
jk, it’s clearly option 1, isn’t it really.
I spent 1 hour animating and drawing a botanical thing coming out of one of my letters, hated it, angrily deleted it and I have now decided that there will be no botanicals.
I exported my animated name from Photoshop as an image sequence and then shoved it into After Effects where I could then add my title. Because I don’t want this to be too extreme, I just simply used too rectangles the same colour as my background (with the shape tool) and made them into masks for that text layer. I moved them from the middle out to reveal the text in a non-attention-stealing fashion, super easy stuff really. 
HOWEVER, so much goes into mask paths that I didn’t realise like scale and position and what not that I just had to find a tutorial for it because I had literally no idea what I was doing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HEbnR3QEWg is the one I used and it was really helpful!!
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So after faffing around with the pen tool and cutting and pasting and everything else, this is what my bee path looked like!! How fun!! Here’s some key things I figured out:
easier to change the scale of my bee in photoshop and not after effects because otherwise my mask changes size too??
make sure the object your making a path for is at 100% scale, otherwise it just messes up the whole process
the pen tool isn't as scary as I remember it being from college
Never mind, that mask path looked terrible in motion, here’s the new one
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I’m sorry everyone, but I have to give up on the bee. For now anyway?? Idk man. 
Basically, when I was trying to keyframe my wings at different points, you know, the same way I did for the lip sync, no matter how far I put them apart they would just cancel themselves out leaving me with multiple key frames of the same point on the remap. Honestly, the whole reason this wasn’t finished last week is because of that damn bee. I googles, I researched, I reached out to adobe and nothing. I want to cry. 
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This is the second time i’ve tried this chat thing, since the phone lines aren’t open and I don’t trust them to reply to an email before Friday yet I have no answers. I sat here for 40 minutes waiting, so I agreed with my Mother and decided to move on from my bee dream. It’s sad, I know, but one day i WILL HAVE A BEE ON MY SHOWREEL INTRO!!!
I’ll call it a day for now, even though this post is spread out over more than just a day but anyway?? I’m not too sure about where I am at the minute, like I’m struggling to see where we’re going with this, but I still have confidence that I’ll bring it back around.
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