#I still think coruscant's technical pronunciation is bad
I just found out how scion is pronounced and I'm not surprised but I'm still disgusted
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captainderyn · 6 years
Emeldir Deryn: A Masterpost
I said all the way back on Rielay’s Masterpost that I was going to do Emeldir to go along with her, so here he is. All the info you could ever want about the other half of the smuggler duo!
Credit to @therron-shan for the character sheet!
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Preliminary Info: Name: Emeldir Deryn Nicknames: Em, Deryn, Captain, Kid (by Rielay only) Alias(es): Captain Emeldir Deryn, the Voidhound (does being future King-consort of Dubrillion count as an alias?) Age: 20 when the class story starts.  Born: I can’t do years lmao so 10 years before the Sacking of Coruscant Gender: male Species: human Affiliations: Technically the Republic, various smuggling circles, eventually the nobility of Dubrillion/Dubrillion itself.  Occupation: Crewmember/co-pilot on Rielay Taqq’s ship the Promise (ages 18-20), captain of the Phoenix/smuggler (ages 20-23), smuggler/republic privateer (ages 23-onwards), king-consort of Dubrillion (unknown)
Physical: General Description: “He’s secretly three jawas in a trench coat and or is a wookie on stilts, the jury is still out on that one. *muffled bickering off the holo feed* consider it revenge for your description of me, kid! No, for the record, he’s an honest kid, probably better than the smuggling lanes deserve. He’s done a lot of good for the Republic and even those outside of it and I am proud to call him my idiot in crime, even if he did lose his ship that I got for him that one time. (”Let it go Taqq, that was years ago!’-Emeldir, off feed)”  --Captain Rielay Taqq Height: 6′4
Weight: I have no idea--maybe somewhere in the 180s range?
Hair: Chestnut brown that pulls auburn, grows straight. For a long time he kept it shaggy but in the latter half of his career (think Hutt Cartel/SoR) he cut it short/er. When he takes back Dubrilion with Risha he may let it grow again a bit, it depends on whether or not Risha will tackle him with a pair of scissors if he does.  Skin/Fur: On the tanner side of being Caucasian.  Scars/Birthmarks/Etc.: 
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Those on his face (Two bold ones vertically and horizontally across the right side of his face (looking at the pic its left but..whatever) with two fainter ones alongside those. Then he has a scar/s on his left leg from an old surgery to his knee he needed to have during the class story line after a job gone wrong. Then there’s a peppering of others across his body from other various mishaps but they aren’t note worthy. 
**EDIT: That old injury to his leg left him with a slight off-ness in his gait. Not quite a full force limp but if you watch him walk/run there’s a hitch and irregularity that sometimes flares up worse than other times. 
Tattoos/Markings: N/A
Cybernetics: N/A Handedness: he’s right handed.  Style: Think classic smuggler, a good pair of trousers and some manner of tucked in, plain shirt under a lightly armored jacket--Not the orange one that he is in all the time. It’s most likely a brown one with blue accents or a black one. Not orange--and a hardy pair of boots. 
If he’s off the job he tends to chill around in regular old space!jeans and a long sleeved shirt or sweatshirt if he won’t die of heatstroke. He loves his sweatshirts (and Risha loves to steal his sweatshirts) and a lot of them come from different locations that they’ve been to. 
Other: He has a very noticeable Coruscanti accent! According to google that means he speaks with a Received Pronunciation (an accent form of British English). So..I guess mix that accent with the cadence/deepness level of the in game voice actor and that’s pretty close. While Rielay talks fairly loud in comparison, Emeldir speaks more softly like the only people who need to hear what he has to say are the one’s who listen, though he will raise his voice if he needs to. 
Thanks to working so much with Rielay (and just in general tbh) Emeldir walks rather slow. Or rather, walks slow for someone with his stride. It drives Risha, who walks fast and on a mission, crazy that her husband ambles along unless it is a matter of great importance. 
Emeldir was born and raised in the upper levels of Republic City on Coruscant. He grew up splitting his formative years between the Senate Tower with his mother Adrianna Deryn--more on her later--and the ship hangars of his father Chridan Deryn’s business. He was a happy kid, had a good life, and was excelling in his academics and friendships. 
Then when he was ten years on the Empire attacked, blockaded, and sacked Coruscant in what became known as the 0 ATC Sacking of Coruscant. His mother--a sitting Senator at the time--was taking hostage alongside the other senators not killed in the initial attack for the two days of Imperial occupation. Emeldir and his father were trapped in the Upper Level near the Senate Tower where they lived, unable to even get cross sector to reach Emeldir’s grandparents’ home. The Sacking affected him deeply and for awhile he faltered in his school work until he was only continuing to do well in his english/reading and history/social studies courses that he found interesting. His group of friends dwindled to a select few and he tended towards stress and nightmares on the regular. 
By the time he hit his secondary education he hit high school he had mostly shed that dark period, though his friend group still remained small and his interest in academics still showed strongly in his English and history courses, with the others kept decent on principal. It was in those four years that he found his interest in Galactic politics and galactic history and started taking more interest in his mother’s work around the Senate and local Coruscant government. After his secondary education he was presented two good paths with an opportunity to pursue an education that could put him on the tracks to get into government himself, or  a track that could land him a spot as an officer in the Republic military. While he didn’t know what he wanted to do he took up helping his father with his business while dabbling in some higher education courses to test the waters. It was in that year that he met Captain Taqq during her trouble with Chixi the Hutt. 
The Captain was faced with a dilemma and where she was quite close to losing her ship and was at the time crew less. As Emeldir was tasked with doing the preliminary work on her ship he offered to help her keep it. That week of helping her with local jobs on the sly earned him her gratitude and she offered him a spot on her ship. Lured by the idea of such great freedom and adventure Emeldir put aside the paths laid in front of him and took up a spot as co-pilot on the Promise. 
After a year and a half of working with Rielay Taqq she helped him get his own ship and he started building his reputation on his own as Captain Deryn. After a few steady months of work where he had built up his name with the help of Rielay he took the faithful job with Rogun the Butcher and the rest is recent history. 
Emeldir is really everything you would not expect from a smuggler. Yes, he’s got a sharp wit and an attitude of snark with a quick draw/reflexes. But he’s soft and kind hearted with a want to help people and do good. He’s got the honor code of a knight in shining armor and is more likely to put helping people above his own credit earnings. 
He’s a Republic patriot with the knowledge that it has it’s flaws and he wants to work to fix them and is fascinated with why things work the way they do. He’s quite intelligent and wants to follow those pursuits of knowledge that come with so much travel, and sometimes that gets in the way of his work because no.
To the people who he chooses to be in his circle he is intensely loyal and lively, but those outside of it get a more reserved individual who is more straight to business and guarded. 
(I still suck at describing personalities. Please just go and read anything under Taqq and Deryn or Questionably Legal and you’ll get it.)
Quirks:  -A lot of the times when he is solo-ing a mission he maintains contact with either someone on the Phoenix or Rielay. 
-Whenever he enters/exits the bridge of the Phoenix he will tap/put his hand on  the frame. What started as making sure he wasn’t going to whack his head on the frame has become an affectionate gesture towards his ship. The door frame into the bridge is the shortest, so that’s where it originates from.
-When flying he has a habit of keeping a bit of a running commentary to himself. Whether that’s commenting on various things that are going on with his ship (like “oh well there goes those maintenance lights I’ll need to check that..) or commentary on the flight/state of the hyper lanes/how other people are flying if they’re in populated space.  Disorders: Uhh...I guess you could point towards some form of PTSD but I haven’t it enough to comfortably go into detail. Addictions: N/A Strengths: He’s quite intelligent and good at talking people down in jobs, he’s got a big, kind heart and an innate sense of good, thanks to Rie’s teaching he’s a good shot.  Weaknesses: Despite the fact that he’s intelligent he is extraordinarily good at charging headlong into situations instead of stopping and thinking, he’s got a big, kind heart and an innate sense of good, he puts the people he cares about above his own self or the state of his job. He tries to help everyone. Sometimes if people don’t understand what he’s saying intellectually he gets frustrated and short.  Likes: Having a strong base of people he can trust, good and honest people and jobs, flying his ship and being with his crew/family.  Dislikes: Working dishonest jobs or jobs that he’s lied to about, awful people as an umbrella term, the Republic v Empire war, most interactions in Hutt Space.  Phobias/Fears: Losing everything he’s worked for including his ship, his family, and his home. A repeat of the Sacking of Coruscant, failing at his work, disappointing the people around him. Hobbies: Making bad puns, playing his space!violin, dancing with Risha around their ship/home, occasionally getting into Huttball, reading when he’s got the time. Interests: Politics, history, music a little bit, learning about his crew and their backstories tbh.  Favorite movies: He usually hands control over to his crew which has let to him  enjoying a wide variety of things.  Favorite music: Space!Lindsey  Stirling type stuff that he doesn’t need to worry about lyrics to and softer alternative rock.  Favorite books: Certain history based books that aren’t overtly biased or filled with needless fluff, fantasy genre books.  Favorite TV shows: Again, a wide variety thanks to tossing the remote to his crewmates, though huttball is his own occasional choice. But that depends on if he’s in the mood for it, usually he just follows the big games.  Skills/Talents: Playing his space violin, he’s a very good pilot as well, I suppose he’s got a talent for talking with people and a knack for thinking through social/political issues the same way Rielay thinks through mechanical ones.  Habits: Going onto the bridge and staring out the viewport when he needs to think, pacing when he’s thinking/stressed, playing space violin when he’s stressed, speaking through problems out loud to himself uhh...that’s all I can think of right now.  Morality/Ethics:
He always helps people before he helps himself. He will put others above his own wants/needs/desires and help the little guy without fail. Even so he draws the line with keeping the people in his inner circle safe--they come above everything. 
He has a strong morale compass that he follows to a t and he doesn’t tend to deviate from it, even if Risha rolls her eyes and complains that he missed out on a great opportunity because of it. 
Google tells me he’s lawful good. 
Goals: Short Term:(through SoR) Keep his team’s moral high, keep the Republic and Empire representatives from killing each other, try to keep from dying and to hopefully defeat the Emperor. 
Long Term: Help Risha take back Durbillion! Then help Risha stabilize Dubrillion! Hopefully work with the Republic Senate to allow Outer Rim words better representation in the Galactic Senate.  Motivations: His morale compass, what he believes is right and the best course of action. In some sense what is the best for the greater good, but also what is best for himself/and his family at the time.  Other: According to google he is an  ENFP-A type personality which makes sense. He’s likable and charming and can get people to rally around him. It’s what makes him so alluring to have in a political position--he’s motivated by the people, people take to him, and he isn’t pushed by greed. 
Relationships: Sexual/Romantic Orientation: He’s bisexual. Relationship History: Not really existent. He had a few “relationships” of the “oh we’re dating”, hand holding type and one in his last year of secondary school that faltered once they went their separate ways. 
Reputation: "Oh he’s Risha Drayen’s guy.” 
Family: Adrianna Deryn: I said we’d get to her! She is a Coruscant political figure. For a long time she worked in the local city council in varying positions until serving on the council itself. From there she was elected to the Deep Core Coalition as one of the Coruscant senator’s Associated Planetary Representative. From there she was elected to a seat on the Senate and served for her two terms of six years, with the second coming to a close during the Sacking of Coruscant. After that she was kept for another 2 years before the Senate finally turned over and reelected almost all seats. She was always very close to Emeldir, as he was her only child, but also because he took after her quite closely, though she was surprised when he went off to become a smuggler. 
Now, however, she sees what good he’s done and would not have had it any other way. Though she does worry for him and cringe at the danger he puts himself in for others, the Republic, and his work. 
Chridan Deryn: The owner of a well known Deep Core ship security and modification business. He’s a first generation Republic citizen, with his father having been from Ziost and his mother from somewhere in the Mid Rim out of Republic territory. While he’s done work for smugglers such as Captain Zavia Torelli and Captain Taqq his work has long since expanded into contracts from the Republic military and other ship companies. He was the one that told Emeldir to follow wherever his path led him, whatever it may be and was the first to come around to that being smuggling. He took an immediate shine to Emeldir’s crew. 
Rielay Taqq: She counts as family tbh. She is 100% family who am I kidding? Emeldir’s best friend, mentor, and family who he met on Coruscant in the way described in his Background section. (Fun fact: they actually met for the first time when Rielay was working with Zav just prior to the Sacking! Rielay was 17 and Emeldir was 10; neither of them really remembered it eight years later). They are essentially grafted at the hip, as is a running joke, would die for each other or do anything for each other and are a well known duo in the smuggling world. 
Esrin, Fashira and Zasharr: All of @delavairesslegacy​‘s kids who are associated with Rielay are also associated with Emeldir because well..see above. He gets along well with them. 
His crew: I won’t go into each and every one of them, but he’s on good terms with all of them (though things are a little tense with Gus), and he’s closest with Corso and Risha out of them all. 
Ugh he needs friends. Huh. There’s probably people I’m forgetting. 
Enemies: Anyone from Skaavak to Rogun the Butcher to Senator Dodonna and uh...Darmas? I guess  Actavarus as well, though they’ve yet to meet face to face. Other than that he doesn’t have a huge list of enemies coming for him. He’s a pretty well liked guy in the smuggling world. 
Love Interest:
Risha, Risha is his love interest, the love of his life if you ask him. He’s head over heels for her and woulnd’t want anyone else to call his wife. They’ve seen each other through thick and thin, through near death scenarios and disasters and been each other’s rock through it all. And they’ll continue to tackle every challenge life sets in their way, from Dubrillion onward. 
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Affiliations: Describe their ship:
The Phoenix: The sister ship to Rielay Taqq’s the Promise (Same  XS Stock Light Freighter model, though a newer year) though it’s heavily modified by the hyperdrive Risha put in, the modded out engine, shielding systems,  and uh...I can’t remember what else she added, it’s been literal years since I played the main story. Google has failed me. While the exterior isn’t as noticeably changed the exterior yellow detail paint has been repainted to blue. The interior however has been personalized with a little of every crew member’s flair and become a home away from home for them all.
Role:Captain Faction Loyalty: He’s smuggled for the Hutts and for the Republic, though his main loyalty is to the Republic.  Famous Jobs:
His work in stopping The Voidwolf over Corellia
Exposing Senator Dodonna’s  and Darmas’ treachery
Finding Nok Drayen’s treasure, making it out of that location, surviving the Voidwolf’s flagship. Aiding in winning Corellia’s independence. 
Helping save lives on Makeb and evacuate civilians, Ziost...defeating the Sith Emperor on Yavin IV and then again a bit later on because wow he can’t stay dead until he’s killed twice, huh. (Organizing the team that helped defeat the emperor a second time, that comprised of both Empire and Republic blood)
Weapons/Specs: Two blaster pistols: A modded up Mk-3 and a standard Yavin Targeter MK-3 that he takes very good care of. He tends to fight more aggressive than not when given no other choice the the situation escalates beyond being able to talk it down. 
Other Biographical Info: Birthworld: Coruscant Homeworld: Republic City, Coruscant and eventually Dubrillion Where is/are their stronghold(s) located?  Where do they consider home?
He owns a small/medium-ish sized apartment in the Senate District of the Mid/Upper levels of Coruscant. That’s where he and Risha call home in the off time between missions. Eventually when he and Risha take back Durbillion it moves to the Palace district of Durbillion I guess--I need to start headcanoning on that! Familial Background: Heh, I already covered this, see above in his Background section :’) Other Info: While not necessarily worked into either of our canons there is an AU sort of situation where Emeldir and Risha meet @spectrum270‘s Prin and Risha in an alternate reality and it’s a fun time. 
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