#I stole the idea from “boyfriend getting beat with frying pan asmr”
seong-r · 7 months
Taehoon seong as your boyfriend (bf getting beat with a frying pan insert, ft.piano)
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Taehoon walked in front of you, hands in his pockets. You donned his green bomber jacket, feeling the chill of the air on your skin.
"My bike is around the corner." Taehoon turned to look at you. "We'll ride it to the arcade."
He didn't ask if you wanted to go or not. He knew you'd follow him anywhere. Earlier that day, your teacher had called for you after class.
"You're our top student, desperate/loser." He smiled at you. "Could you try and help your classmate turn his grades around? For extra credit?"
You hadn't bothered to ask which classmate it was, and replied simply. "Yes, sir." Extra credit was extra credit. The deal was, raise the target students grades to a passing level, and you would get extra credit/a letter of reccomendation to your choice college.
When you found out it was seong taehoon you had to tutor, you were simply mortified. He shot down every attempt you made to tutor him. He offered to get you lunch unexpectedly, and when you asked what you'd be eating, he replied: "a knuckle sandwich."
You decided to follow him around after school, bag full of books, and when he called you a stalker, you didn't deny it. "A stalker who wants you to get good grades, heart emoji."
"Did you just SAY heart emoji?" He made a face at you. Or so you assumed, it was hard to tell when he didn't have visible eyebrows.
But alas, you carried on in trying to get your extra credit. So now you were on the back of his bike, arms wrapped around his shoulders.
"riding around free, its so nice." He seemed to be zoning out. "Thank god theres no frying pans flying around"
"argh" a flying frying pan hit him from the side. The bike toppled over and you floated to the ground, golden y/n hair splayed across the ground.
More frying pans flew in, seemingly sentient. "Argh, ow, flying frying pans." Taehoon flopped around as the frying pans hit him, denting themselves.
Taehoon grabbed a frying pan midair and began to duel with the leader frying pan. The frying pan introduced itself. "I am
YOSUKATA Carbon Steel Wok Pan – 13,5 “ Stir Fry Pans - Chinese Wok with Flat Bottom Pow Wok "
"I dont speak english, bitch!" Taehoon hit the frying pan with all his might. Yosukata screeched. "Hitting me with my own child!? Shes just a baby!"
"Yeah, well babies are ugly." Taehoon kicked the frying pan away, and squared up with his bare hands-i mean feet. "So she probably deserved that."
Suddenly, a piano fell from the sky, killing Gayhoon. The frying pans floated away, having fulfilled their destiny. You sat in shock.
Taehoon was dead. You walked slowly to his body, and grabbed his hand carefully. Then, you lifted his whole arm and slipped his backpack off him. Sitting cross legged, you filled out all his homework.
"There. Now ill get my extra credit."
The end.
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