#I swear to god im usually like. pretty neutral about body horror
the-acid-pear · 7 months
Man I am getting ready to play DSaF 3 again and I just can't get over what Harry told me. That's unironically the most horrifying "I have no mouth and I must scream" shit I've seen because while the things being done (personality changes, emotional and physical restrictions, radical changes to their bodies, memory wipes; all this against their will) isnt something i've not seen before the fact that this is done so regurlarly and is treated as such a common practice that has been going on since the 70s and run by the fucking equivalent to McDonalds is so blood chilling to me.
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reapiing-souls-blog · 7 years
Tagged by: my lovely @ryu-no-kokoro​
Name: Gabriel Reyes Nickname(s): Gabe, Reaper Age: I mean- technically he stopped aging after he became undead so im gonna say maybe early-mid 40s but idk Species: Formerly human- now a wraith
|| Personal ||
Religious Belief: Agnostic w/ a god complex Sins: Lust / Greed / Gluttony / Sloth / Pride / Envy / Wrath Virtues: Chastity / Charity / Diligence / Humility / Kindness / Patience / Justice Primary Goals In Life: Bringing down both Overwatch and Talon. Vengeance and becoming the most powerful being he can. Languages Known: English, Spanish, Portuguese (Speaks, Writes/Reads) & Japanese, French, German (Speaks, reads a little bit) Secrets: A lot. Quirks: Taps his fingers a lot when in thought, usually against his side, hip, or his mask Savvies: ?????
|| Physical ||
Height: 6'0″, or 6'4″ with boots Weight: 170 lbs i guess?? Idk i never thought about this but eyy its in the ideal range for a 6'0 man with a larger frame Scars/Birthmarks: A few across his body, battle scars. His major one however, is a quite large one from his forehead, across his face, to his jawline, from the resurrection.  Abilities/Powers: Body is composed of smoke, rather than actual flesh- hence why he can turn to smoke. His weaponry is made out of smoke, and he can control his smoke- making it bend to his will. He can often sense souls within people. He also possesses the ability to drain bodies of their life substance if he wishes to do so, making the victim unrecognizable.
|| Favorites ||
Favorite Drink: Coffee or Tea Favorite Pizza Topping: Pineapple Favorite Color: Black Favorite Music Genre: Everything pretty much. Favorite Book Genre: Mysteries or Thrillers. Favorite Movie Genre: Horror, Thrillers, Romances/Romcoms.
Favorite Season: Autumn Favorite Butt Type: Yes. Favorite Swear Word: All of them Favorite Scent: Fresh rain, pumpkin coffee, fallen leaves- anything that reminds him of autumn.  Favorite Quote: "Maybe I got mine, but you'll all get yours." 
|| Fun Stuff ||
Bottom or Top: Usually tops but doesnt mind being a bottom. Sings In The Shower: Sometimes. If hes alone. And its more quiet humming than anything. Likes Bad Puns: Y e s. Morality: Lawful / Neutral / Chaotic / Good / Gray / Evil Build: Slender / Scrawny / Bony / Fit / Athletic / Herculean / Babyfat / Pudgy / Obese / Other. Favorite Food: Homemade curry, or Bola de bolacha Theme Music: UHHHH. Probably. Deception, XO TOUR Llif3, & Look what you made me do Their Opinion On The Mun: “All she does is sleep or play videogames. She really needs to do something with her life- I mean come on. Im plotting a whole revenge scheme here and she does nothing. I guess she's okay though.”
Tagging: Steal from me & tag me!
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