#I think I said something like this to dr3 a while ago? but I didn't explain The Vision at all
delulujuls · 6 months
aussies do it better | op81, dr3
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heeeeey (louder than anyone else) im serving today the koala bear and the honeybadger duo and im hoping y'all will like it!
at the beggining i was hoping for making this a smut but it turned out so wholesome, even though im thinking about still making it smutty, maybe in second part?? idk lmk if you like this one and if you would like to have more of them in a maybe spicy way
anyway pls enjoy and have wonderful day x
summary: sometimes we forget that the best things are often at our fingertips, danny ric being the best wingman possible, pastry boy being pure babygirl
warnings: cheating on a reader (but not them they could never)
pairing: bff!fem!reader x oscar piastri x daniel ricciardo
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"Guys, quick break," Oscar announced, stepping aside and setting down his paddle.
"In the next set, we play together, we'll show them how it's done properly. In a Aussie style," Daniel said, grabbing some water and taking a few sips, to which Oscar chuckled, wiping his hair with a towel. It was a pleasant, warm evening. Oscar, Daniel, and a few friends decided to take advantage of the last free day before the frenzy of the home Grand Prix and relax in the company of friends. But Oscar's thoughts were far from relaxed. When he picked up his phone and saw a few missed calls from Y/N, his friend, his smile instantly faded, not escaping Daniel's notice.
"Something wrong?" he asked, glancing at him attentively. Piastri, still focused on his phone, just shook his head.
"I have no idea, but I hope not," he replied, quickly typing a message to his friend.
"Sorry for not answering. Is everything okay? Should I call back?"
He didn't have to wait long for a reply, as it came seconds later.
"No, nothing happened. I just wanted to talk for a moment."
Seeing him nervously tapping on the keyboard, Daniel approached him and glanced over his shoulder.
"Translating to our language, something definitely happened. She just decided not to bother you," he said, scanning through their recent messages from a while ago. "Girlfriend?"
"No, a friend. A close friend."
"Then you should call her back even more so," he remarked, looking meaningfully into Oscar's eyes as he raised his head to meet his gaze. Oscar returned his gaze to the phone in his hand and after a moment's hesitation nodded.
"I'll be right back; start without me if you need to," he informed, then quickly clicked the camera. As he left the court and stepped outside, the girl picked up. She was hastily wiping her cheeks, but it was futile, as Oscar easily noticed her distressed state. It was evident she had been crying.
"Hey, what happened? Why are you crying?" he asked, concerned, gazing attentively at his friend. After his question, she just shook her head and buried her face in her hands. A sob escaped from his phone.
"Y/N, please tell me why you're in such a state," he calmly requested, though his heart was pounding like crazy. He had no idea what had caused his friend to be in such a state, and the fact that he was on the other side of the globe and couldn't just come over to check on her only amplified his worry.
"Mattias," she managed to squeeze out just one word, but it was enough for Oscar to know what had brought her to tears.
"What happened? Where are you?"
It was clear that the girl was outside. It was dark, and she was walking briskly, her face illuminated only by the glow of her phone held in her hand. Her hair were messy and her mascara was smudged on her cheeks.
"I'm waiting for an Uber. I'm coming back from Natalie's birthday party, the one I told you I didn't want to go to."
"You ended up going?"
"Yes, and it was a mistake," she replied, sniffing. "Mattias was there too. I didn't even know he got an invitation. Turns out he did, and on top of that, he was having such a great time he forgot he had a girlfriend."
Oscar didn't even realize when he started nervously pacing, waiting for his friend to continue.
"I went there," Y/N continued, her voice trembling "after all, it would be stupid if I ignored my friend on her birthday. Then suddenly someone comes up to me and asks if I'm Mattias' girlfriend, and I answer yes. And he says I guess not, since on the balcony he's been kissing someone else. And he was actually making out with some girl! When he saw me, he looked as if he had seen a ghost. It didn't occur to him that I might be at my friend's fucking birthday party!"
"Did he react in any way?"
"Of course," the girl snorted, "baby, it's not what you think, we were just talking, I didn't have my hand in her panties at all! Fuck, of course not!"
"Hey, calm down," Oscar said, knowing his friend's emotions well. "How long until your Uber arrives?"
Y/N calmed down for a moment and glanced at her phone, swiping through her notifications.
"3 minutes."
"Alright, the most important thing is for you to get out of there and be home soon. Don't hang up until you're inside, okay?"
"Why me, Oscar? What's wrong with me?" she asked, looking back at her phone. Despite the thousands of kilometers between them, as Oscar looked at the screen of his phone and saw his friend's sad eyes, he felt as if she were standing right in front of him. The downside was that he couldn't hug her and provide the physical support she needed right now.
"It's not your fault, Y/N. It's not your fault at all."
Despite his words of support, Oscar knew that his reassurances were just empty words. He talked to his friend until she got home and let him know she was safe. He offered to continue talking until he noticed her condition had slightly improved, but it was clear she was exhausted.
"I think it's best if I go to bed," she said softly. He heard the sound of keys turning in the lock and the rustle of things being put away. "Although I doubt I'll be able to sleep."
"You should rest," Piastri agreed, nodding. "Text me as soon as you wake up, okay?"
"Sure, but then you'll be sleeping, it's 9 hours' difference," she replied, returning her gaze to the screen of her phone. "Besides, you have more important things to deal with tomorrow."
"Nothing is more important than you," he said, but she just scoffed and shook her head. "Nothing, you hear me? I'll keep the sound on while I sleep, call if anything happens in the meantime. Okay?"
Y/N sighed and nodded.
"Thank you, Osc. It's good to have you here."
Piastri smiled warmly at her.
"Of course I am."
When the call ended, Oscar sighed deeply and rubbed his face with his hand. When he returned to the court, the match was already underway. So, he sat on the bench and clenched his phone in his hand, trying to gather his thoughts somehow. His heart ached at the thought of his friend and what she had gone through. He had known Y/N since their school days when they shared a desk. A friendship had easily developed between them, and they had become practically inseparable. Despite Oscar's busy lifestyle and constant travels, they had managed to maintain constant contact, meeting as often as possible. In such situations, however, their friendship, separated by kilometers, could not cope.
"It's everything alright?" Daniel interrupted Oscar's thoughts, approaching him after the set ended.
"Long story," Piastri sighed.
"I'll gladly listen, considering I'm out and Blake is subbing for me in this set," he replied, sitting next to him and wiping his face with a towel.
For some reason, Oscar began to tell him about what he had just learned over the phone. He and Daniel weren't exceptionally close, sure, they were buddies on the paddock, sometimes playing padel together, but Oscar had never thought of confiding in him about anything. But perhaps this situation overwhelmed him a bit, and he needed advice on how he could help his friend.
"How long have you known her?" Ricciardo asked, when a moment of silence fell between them.
"Over six years, we met back in school."
"For your age, that's almost a quarter of your life," he joked, but after a moment, he looked at him with a slightly more serious expression. "Do you like her?"
"She's my friend, of course, I do."
Ricciardo snorted and shook his head. "Yeah, I figured, but I mean, do you like her?"
Oscar blinked several times, and it wasn't until Ricciardo emphasized the penultimate word he said that Oscar understood what he meant.
"We're friends, I never, uh—," he stumbled a bit, not knowing how to respond.
"So I guess that means yes," Daniel grinned widely, seeing his reaction. "You should invite her here. It would be good for her to occupy her mind with something else now. And she'll appreciate being able to talk to you face to face, not just over the phone."
"I don't know if she'd want to fly all this way just to see me," he replied, causing Daniel to look at him indulgently. "She's never made me feel like I'm anything more than a friend to her."
"Maybe this is the moment to show her that she's had the right guy in front of her all this time," he said, getting up as the set ended. "Cause Aussies always do it better, right?"
Oscar pondered Daniel's suggestion for a long time, but when he went to bed, he decided to offer his friend a visit to Melbourne. Before he went to sleep, he sent her a message with an invitation, honestly not knowing what reaction to expect from her. Of course, he assured her that he would cover all the costs of her transportation, but he still wasn't sure if she would agree to travel such a distance just to see him.
When he woke up in the morning and picked up his phone, he had to rub his eyes in amazement several times. She agreed immediately. She even asked if she could fly to him on the fastest plane, to which he naturally agreed. As a result, she was already at the airport the next evening. Unfortunately, Oscar couldn't pick her up personally, but someone was willing to offer their help on-site.
"Hi, you must be Y/N," Daniel's wide smile and his Australian accent were the first things to greet the girl on the new continent. "I'm Daniel, and it's a pleasure to meet you."
She nodded, returning his smile and shaking his outstretched hand.
"It's very nice to meet you too, and I'm sorry Oscar roped you into this," she replied as he silently took her suitcase. "I could have taken a taxi."
"Absolutely no need to apologize, I'm just glad I could personally welcome you to our beautiful country," he said with a smile. It was past midnight, and Y/N wondered where her newfound companion got so much energy from. "First time in Australia, am I right?"
"Yes, I've never been here before. Actually, it's only the second time in my life I've flown on a plane."
"Really?" Daniel looked at her in shock, and she just shyly nodded. "And Oscar managed to convince you to take such a trip?"
"Actually, I was very excited about the invitation," she admitted, but at one point, she bit her tongue. However, when she glanced at Daniel again, she got the impression that he wouldn't be too concerned about some stranger girl occupying him with trivialities. "A lot has been going on with me lately, and I'm glad to have a reset here."
"I'll gladly join as your local guide and mood lifter," he offered, opening the car door for her. "Of course, if you're up for it and if Oscar is willing to share his best friend."
The girl chuckled, genuinely for the first time in a few days. She eagerly nodded at his proposal.
"I'd love to. And I don't think Oscar will mind."
The journey passed in lightning speed with a conversation that looked like they had known each other for ages, not just a few dozen minutes. When Daniel parked in the driveway, Oscar was already standing in front of the house, waiting for his friends.
"Everything you've learned from me, you haven't actually learned from me," Daniel said, throwing a quick glance at Oscar, which brought a smile back to the girl's face and her hasty nod. Both got out of the car, and Daniel, without taking no for an answer, took her bags. The girl smiled even wider at the sight of her friend, who started walking towards her. She hugged him tightly without a word, and he closed her in a tight embrace.
Daniel smiled at the sight and just raised his thumb. Oscar returned the gesture.
The trio entered the house, and Daniel left the girl's things in the living room doorway before stretching.
"I'll be off," he announced, looking around at them. "It was very nice to meet you, and I hope we'll see each other again soon."
"You can stay if you want," Oscar offered. "We probably won't go to bed soon anyway, and I owe you a beer for today."
"I definitely won't be able to sleep anytime soon, despite the hour," the girl added, checking the time on her phone before shifting her gaze to Daniel and Oscar. "But I have the least to say because it's not me facing the home Grand Prix in a few days."
"Well, why not, gladly," Ricciardo replied, agreeing to the suggestion with a smile.
Shortly after, the three of them were sitting on the terrace. The evening was pleasant, so they decided not to disturb Oscar's family and spend time outside. The conversation was already flowing smoothly, and with each subsequent beer, any inhibitions and barriers disappeared more and more. At some point, it looked like a meeting of three close friends after years.
"He acted like a complete dick," Daniel summed up Y/N's story, taking a sip from the can he held. "Look at it from a different angle, you could have skipped this party and not confronted him. He would probably cheat on you behind your back if he wasn't already."
Oscar looked at him meaningfully, not wanting him to further distress her. However, she seemed to come to terms with the whole situation. She certainly looked better than she did a few days ago when she tearfully talked to Oscar on the phone.
"Possible," the girl sighed, holding her own can. Her head was a bit fuzzy, but she liked this state better than feeling sadness. "Oh God, how could I be so stupid."
"It happens to the best of us," Daniel smiled reassuringly at her.
"The worst thing is, you told me many times that he's not the right guy for me, that he's not a good person at all," she continued, now looking at Oscar, who was sitting next to her. Daniel, sitting in the chair opposite, looked at him meaningfully, but he had his gaze fixed on the girl. "And I still thought I knew better. I'll never question your instincts again, Osc. Never."
She said, then hugged him tightly. Oscar returned the hug, rubbing her back. "It doesn't matter now. It happened, and that's it."
"You said he's not the right guy for you," Daniel began, and Oscar looked at him at the moment when he released his friend from the hug. He shook his head slightly, knowing where he was going with this. But this train couldn't be stopped. "Is there any guy you think would be right for you?"
The girl thought for a moment, turning the can in her hands. However, alcohol placed a certain thought in her head, which made her smile. She just nodded in response, raising her gaze to the man sitting opposite her.
"Oh, you're flattering me," Daniel laughed, taking another sip of beer.
"For the past few minutes, I've been noticing that I kind of like Aussies," she added, glancing at Oscar. He was so shocked when she subtly announced that she liked Daniel in an unexpected way that he didn't even notice when her gaze lingered on his lips. However, Daniel noticed it perfectly.
"And you, Oscar?" Ricciardo asked, stretching his legs out in front of him, a moment after he took another sip of his beer. "Do you have anyone in mind?"
Piastri almost choked on his beer when he finished it. His cheeks were instantly flushed, and it had nothing to do with the alcohol he had just consumed. Y/N raised her gaze to her friend's face, curious herself about his answer to the question, as Oscar had never shared his romantic affairs with her, even when she repeatedly asked about them.
When he, embarrassed, couldn't utter a word, Y/N's gaze returned to Daniel, and she decided to answer for her friend. "Oscar probably hasn't met the right person yet," she said, taking a sip of beer. "He's never told me that he likes any girl, even when I asked hundreds of times. Recently, I even started asking if it's not a girl, then maybe a boy? After all, there's nothing wrong with a relationship with two boys or two girls. And Lando," she looked at her friend again, "he's quite charming. And it seems to me that you two have a good relationship."
"Landoscar? Oh definitely, I've been thinking about it many times myself," Daniel interjected, pointing his finger and agreeing with her words.
Oscar, seeing how they were encouraging each other, knew he had to act. And since words got stuck in his throat, and he didn't know how to defend himself, he silently touched his friend's cheek and turned her head towards him, kissing her. Despite her shock, she returned the kiss. Daniel smiled. He felt like giving himself a high-five.
After a moment, Oscar pulled away from his friend. His heart was pounding like crazy, and her questioning gaze wandering over his face didn't make it any easier for him to gather his thoughts.
"You, Y/N, I like you," he finally said. "I've liked you since you invited me over to work on a biology project in eleventh grade. We were just starting to be friends, and I already felt something more for you. Nothing has changed since then."
"Why didn't you ever tell me?" she asked, looking at him, but he lowered his gaze.
"I always felt like I was more of a brother to you than potential boyfriend material,"
"Oscar…," the girl sighed, looking at him indulgently. "Do you know how many broken hearts you would have saved me if you had told me earlier?"
Oscar looked up at her. And just as he felt like an idiot when he decided to make his bold move, now he was wondering if there was a chance she felt the same way about him.
"I thought I was just your friend. And that you didn't want someone who couldn't keep up with your pace of life. After all, why would you need a girlfriend you couldn't have by your side?"
"I would spend all my money to have my girlfriend by my side,"
After these words, silence fell. Oscar and Y/N looked at each other in silence, and Daniel, sitting next to them, pressed the cool edge of the can to his lips and watched the whole scene with bated breath.
"Do you want us to be together?" the girl asked after a moment. She decided to put everything on the line.
"Yes, Y/N, I want us to be together," he said, looking her in the eyes. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier and spared you so many broken hearts. But I assumed that a long-distance relationship would break your heart even more."
Oscar lowered his head. He wasn't lying. The truth was that one of the reasons he didn't confess his feelings to the girl was that he already found it hard with a long-distance friendship, let alone having the possibility to see his girlfriend once a month or less. Oscar had countless layers of love within him. However, he was afraid that if he turned on the tap, he would cause a flood, injuring not only her but also himself.
"Come here," she whispered softly, pulling herself closer to him and hugging him tightly. He closed his eyes and embraced her just as tightly, burying his face in her hair.
"Surely you'll be happy with such a guy," Daniel spoke up after a while, smiling. "If not, you know where to find me. However, Aussies always do it better."
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the-ghost-lovwr · 5 months
Dumb little crush - Dr3
Part 2
Summary: Y/n is Max's sister , you love going to see Max's race every time you can .When you go see your brother race, you also have eyes for another driver .You always thought of it as a dumb crush you never expected for him to feel the same .As time passes by, you start talking and knowing more about him . He might be interested in you or he' just being nice ?
Warnings: Not proofread (probably a lot of mistakes ) ,angst
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You and Daniel went to a Cafe together ,it was a nice an quite place which you both liked going to. You would always have long chats and laugh at eachothers stories . This was you and Daniel's safe place where you could talk and nobody would judge you, it was just the 2 of you.
One day after you and Daniel left the cafe ,he hugged you tight. He was going to be busy for a few weeks, and it would be a while before you could see each other again . He hugged you and kissed you in the forehead telling you to meet here again as soon as he was back.You smiled and went back home ,you were kinda sad about the fact that he was leaving but you would still text him everyday.
You were in your bed thinking about your day, but you couldn't get Daniel out of your mind .You remembered how a few months ago you would just admire him from afar, thinking he would never be this close to you . You still thought that you shouldn't completely fall for him even though you had already.You were overwhelmed with your own thoughts ,so you just went to sleep .
You woke up to the sound of your phone ringing. You saw the screen, and it was max calling you .You answered quickly,it was weird for Max to be calling you early in the morning.
"Y/N!, are you dating Daniel?!"
"What?!,what are you talking about"-you had just woke up and your brain was still kinda fuzzy .You opened your eyes wide when max asked that ,why would he think that ,he knew you had a crush on Daniel but you were just friends .
"Haven't you seen the report?"-
"No , I just woke up , can you chill down "
"I'll send you the link , so you can read it"
*report *
F1 news
We've seen these two closer these past week .Could this be a confirmation?, y/n verstappen ,Max vertappens younger sister and an influencer with Daniel Riccardo an f1 driver . Y/n known for being a super shy and serious girl, and Daniel is known for being a chaotic guy. How are these two going to complement. They are complete opposites ,but if we have to be honest, they look super cute together.
You decided to ignore this and not even respond to any questions.You were going to wait for Daniel's reaction .
Daniel was busy doing some shootings and doing some interviews,he was unaware of the picture that was leaked of him and y/n ,so when the reporter asked about him and y/n having a relationship it took him by surprise,he didn't know how to react , he too was confused about his feelings for you he couldn't answer something he didn't know, he thought about it for a few seconds before answering .He went with a safe answer and said you and him were just friends.
"She's a super sweet girl,and we just clicked in that way,"said Daniel to the reporter
People were disappointed hearing this, and so were you, but you knew it was going to happen. Even if you didn't want to feel this way, you had already fallen for him .It was not just a crush anymore. You stopped texting Daniel as often. Your text got dryer as the weeks passed .You started ignoring him .You weren't mad with him . You were mad at yourself because no matter how many times you repeated yourself, it was just a dumb little crush. Deep inside, you knew it wasn't. He was just a nice guy who enjoyed talking with his friend . You had to get your thoughts together, but Daniel wasn't of much help . He was so sweet and kind ,he made you doubt if he was flirting or being nice. You had to clear your head out, so you decided to completely ignore him for a few days and get your thoughts together.You were also worried you didn't want Daniel to be affected , you felt like the rumors were going to be a problem for him .
You were ignoring Daniel's texts and calls .He started to worry about you. Since he wasn't in Monaco, it was easier to avoid him until race week .You always went to see Max Race , and you were proud of your big bro being successful.You never missed a GP, and you weren't going to miss one just because of this.
Even if you said you were going to ignore him for a few days, it ended being months since the last time you saw Daniel you had avoided him so much, he stopped trying .You felt bad for ignoring him that way, but in the end, it kinda worked .You fully convinced yourself that you didn't feel anything for Daniel anymore.You were going to apologize you Daniel before the Japan GP started . You wanted that good old friend back, and you felt bad for ignoring him.
You walked through the paddock searching for Daniel. You walked towards the RB garage , you were nervous . How would Daniel react .you were ignoring him for the past months he would probably be mad or at least have some kind of resent. You didn't actually explain anything to him .You looked everywhere but didn't see Daniel anywhere, so you decided to leave and look for him later .
You had been looking for him all weekend, but it looked like now he was the one avoiding you . You needed to talk to him and apologize ,you decided you were going to wait for him on his garage . The race went well, and he finished p5 . You were so proud of him. He returned to his garage. Everyone was celebrating it had been a good race, and he hadn't had one of those in a while. He didn't notice you immediately, but then he saw you standing in the corner of the garage . His eyes widened when he saw you.He didn't expect you to be waiting for him at the garage . The minute you saw him, it was clear that those feelings had not faded ,you felt butterflies on your stomach like the last time you saw him . You smiled at him ,at this point, you were anxious. You didn't know how he would react . He simply smiled and signaled you to follow him to his driver's room. You walk behind him without saying a word ,he wasn't talking either . You got to the room, as he closed the door you hugged him from behind and said
"I've been looking for you all weekend"-you said in a low voice
"I know, though since you didn't respond to any of my messages the past months you wouldn't want to see me at all"-
"Im sorry I jus-"
"You just what y/n , you ignore me for months and then expect for me to act as if nothing happened "-said Daniel raiding his voice
You were on the verge of tears , your face was red, and you felt a knot on your throat. You knew you were in the wrong and you were sorry but you didn't know how to express it .
"Im- I'm sorry daniel"-your voice was cracking it was obvious you were going to cry
Daniel turned around to look at you finally and hugged you tight .
"Why did you ignore me all of a sudden? )I was sad , I missed you ," he said, sounding a bit hurt
"I didn't want to put you in a hard spot with the rumors,"you said, still trying to hold back from crying
"Still - that's no reason to ignore me "
"I like you Daniel"-you blurted out
Daniel, who was still hugging you ,he looked like he had stopped breathing ,you pulled out of the hug and look at him directly in the eyes and said it again
"I like you, daniel," you continued saying, "I ignored you bc I wanted to forget this stupid crush I had on you ,and I thought I did, but I realized It was all for nothing the moment I saw you on the garage," you said with a shaky voice ,the tear falling down your face .Daniel brushed the tear off your face without saying anything. He looked at you .
"Y/n...."-he stayed silent for a few seconds ,"I don't see you that way. You're a really good friend, and I care a lot about you "-
"Oh- no ,no, it's ok ,I'm sorry for making this uncomfortable,you know I have to leave "- you started walking away ,you felt so stupid .Why did you say that if you knew he wasn't into you.
"Y/n ,please just promise me your not gonna ignore me anymore ,I still want us to be friends"-said Daniel grabbing you by the arm before letting you go
You smiled softly and replied "Don't worry Daniel, I won't ignore you anymore ,I didn't want to make the rumors bigger "- you said while trying to walk away
He loses the grip on your hand and lets go of your hand . You walked away from the garage quickly, trying to cover your face. You knew reporters would bother Daniel and you with questions if they saw you leaving his garage crying. You left the paddock without even congratulating your brother. You felt stupid and embarrassed for saying that to Daniel. You went to your hotel room and curled up in the bed . You just accepted the fact that Daniel and you could never be more than just a friend . You knew something like this would happen, but you still wanted more than just a friendship with him . This feeling you had for him , you were going to repress it . You were just going yo pretend it wasn't there and not ruin your friendship with Daniel.
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