#I think I’ve realized my mom has actually become an even crazier conservative than she used to be
People at my sister’s fast food job have been telling her she’s privileged bc she has rich parents but my siblings and I have never been rich in the sense of our parents give us money. My oldest brother is the kid they’re most proud of bc he has a well paying job (manipulating financial markets) and he got the job bc my mom helped him get it. Even tho he’s the kid closest to them, with the least complaints about their parenting, it’s not like he was necessarily a silver spoon kid either. He worked as a pizza delivery guy full time to get himself thru college. Our parents could have paid for us to get educated and stuff but they didn’t. They’ve always used money as a tool against us ever since we were little kids. Like guilting us over how much money they spent on us. My mom threatened to make me homeless as soon as I turned 18, and she didn’t do anything to help me prepare for the real world. I ended up dependent on them for a couple years until I could figure out how to fend for myself, but I was paying for the majority of my expenses soon enough. I probably could be as rich as my brother, who recently bought a house, if I’d sucked up to them more and taken any kinda evil job that came my way. But i haven’t accepted money from them in 4 years because I don’t like the strings that come with it and I didn’t like who I was when I was dependent on them. And even back when I did need their money, I was never rich. I have around $7,000 total right now, and that is the most money I’ve ever had in my life, but also I’m in a lot of debt, so you know. I’ve never just been able to have whatever I wanted. I was provided for well as a kid, that was a privilege, but since I turned 18 I’ve often struggled to have the money to feed myself. My adopted sister has been through a lot more than I have and she’s dealing with all sorts of financial, personal, and physical problems, but people at her job think she’s got it made bc every once and a while my parents help her with a car repair, which they then use to guilt and emotionally blackmail her. 💀
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