#I think Joan or Binder were accused of doing a black face too but I'm not sure and I haven't seen any prove of it
waru-chan8 · 1 year
are there any problematic motogp riders i should know about or avoid?
Hi anon 👋👋. oh boy I'm going to get so much hate for this
You all people need to stop putting riders into pedestals and thinking they are perfects because they are not. They are humans, and they all have faults (some more visible than others). Also what someone considers problematic might not be for others. Like for example, Vale and Marc are both experts in manipulate the media to suit their narratives and that can be a red flag for some people. Or maybe Aleix being too direct can be seen as negative because his mouth has put him in so much trouble.
Anyway said this here (under the cut for those who want to avoid it) it is what I remember at the moment. If anyone wants to add something, feel free to do it.
First of all we have a lot of riders and engineers living in Andorra that is tax haven (Aleix, Pol, Rins, Fabio Q., Iker, Joan, Brad, Miller and The Team Suzuki ECSTAR crew used to live there, also Maverick used to live in Andorra (apparently he went back to Roses after having his daughter)). And Rossi also used to live in London and got in troubles for that.
Then we have the misogynistic comments from Miller (he said something of mocking a friend every time he lost in a race against María Herrera, the borderline treatment Vanessa, the Inside Pass host get from him and the mockery) and Pecco Bagnaia who said 'I was like a women in my period complaining ad moaning' after he broke his leg. Oh and don't forget Miller called other riders princesses for complaining about their bike instead of just riding it.
And we have racist comments from Yamaha's test rider Cal Crutchlow who refused to shake hands with an Asian fan during the pandemic and said something about all of it (pandemic) being because someone eat something he shouldn't. Probably there is more, but I don't really remember. And the worst part is that his team manager, Lucio Cecchinello covered it all. Lucio is also not a saint, he treats differently Rins than he does with Nakagami (brought Rins to his museum and told him to get a podium because it will be X (I can't remember probably 50 or 100) podium of the team, but I can't remember him doing it with Nakagami. There's also Gelete Nieto (Moto2 team manager (Correos Prepago Yamaha VR46 Master Camp or something like that)) who literally said that Asian riders do much worse that the European ones.
Then we have Fabio Quartararo, who had endangered himself and other riders by riding with his leathers open and throwing the chest protector in the middle of a race track while there was a race going on. And when celebrating a victory, we throw a golf a ball where there was still bikes on track.
And Pecco Bagnaia during the 2022 summer got drunk in Ibiza, got in the car and had an accident (crashed it into a roundabout) and only got a slap in the wrist. He also dedicated a special helmet to Dennis Rodman (if you don't know him, go and read his wiki page). There something less controversial about him, but still put him as a red flag. When he doesn't get what he wants, he goes to the media and cry and gets it. He also believes no one can race him on a race on the race track and never will admit his mistakes. And because we are on the Pecco topic, Ducati just put all o this under the rug and gives him whatever he wants. Ducai actually banned one jorno for commenting on one of this thing because it annoyed Pecco.
And let's not forget Johann Zarco, the dirtiest rider of all! He is like a kid on the track, when he knows he is going to lose and he doesn't want to and got the wired crossed, he does dumb stuff to endanger other riders. He recently had an incident that ended in red flag, and was the cause that Maverick and Vale where reborn during Race 1 in Austria 2020. And previously he tried to grab the break of another rider at the end of a race (last lap, after the final corner) because he knew he was going to lose de to the slipstream (Zarco was fighting for the championship that year and winning that race would have helped him)! Fortunately nothing happened in there but it could have ended in disaster.
And the ex-riders:
Dani Pedrosa, actually spend a night in jail for cheating on a boat exam and got arrested. He apologised immediately even if it wasn't necessary.
Aspar (MotoGP legend and Moto2, Moto3 and MotoE team owner) and Jorge Lorenzo got in trouble with the Spanish public tresor.
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