#I think a meme post inspired me but I lost that image
panco-1812 · 1 year
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Funny Kirb meem. Let him swear.
Translate : At 7 years old I said : “Hey friend, don’t be like that. It makes me mad, and I don’t like it“ But now I said : “Fuck you.“
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shut-up-merlin · 2 years
A year ago today, I posted the last chapter of my Arthur Returns fic, so I feel like celebrating by sharing it with you. Again...
A Little Unsteady by Saltedkiss
"I’m tired,” Merlin said quietly as he stared into the flames. “I feel like an old man, even though I don’t look the part. I can’t even remember how long I’ve been wandering around. The lands around me are changing and I just... don’t.”
He knew Freya was looking at him, but couldn’t bring himself to meet her eyes.
“I’ve lost my magic. I’ve lost - ”
Just hearing the name was enough to make his stomach clench. Freya threw another piece of driftwood onto the fire, allowing him some time to gather his thoughts.
“I’ve lost my purpose. Even if he ever returns, what use would I be? I couldn’t even protect him with my magic, how could I ever be enough without?”
After fifteen hundred years of waiting for Arthur's return, with little more than his own mind for company, Merlin's memories of his life in Camelot have faded almost entirely.
All this time, Arthur has been watching from behind the veil, desperate to find a way to help Merlin restore his magic. When Arthur finally makes his way back into a now unfamiliar world, he'll soon learn times have changed since he's last set foot in Albion. Retrieving what's been lost might not be as easy as he'd once thought...
Writing this fic has brought me so much joy. It’s my take on what happens after diamond of the day. As it did to so many of us here, that episode left me utterly broken. Anyone who isn’t in the fandom might think I’m exaggerating. You’re reading this post so you know I’m not. So I decided to fix it. To give our boys a happy ending. Even if the road to this happy ending would be covered in capital-A-angst.
A part of the show’s finale kept replaying in my mind. The “I don’t want you to change. I want you to always be you.” Over and over and over again. What if that’s why Merlin lives forever? What if that’s what happened? And I went with it. Started writing. The story starts right after Arthur dies in DOTD, but the first part I wrote was actually the scene in which we see the state Merlin is in after 1500 years of being haunted by images he’d rather forget but never really can. My Merlin in this story is a broken mess, much like I was after the finale. Slowly healing him throughout the story did the same for me.
This story has inspired beautiful gifsets, memes and a moodboard by my dear friends and cheerleaders @camelotsheart @forever-rewatching-merlin and @shana-rosee and one of the story’s scenes has been brought to life by Fynnian on AO3
A Little Unsteady means so much to me, and every single comment is cherished and reread more often than you’d think possible. So this is me, one year later, sharing it with the world. Again.
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Aight, my turn to give you numbers for this Daydream ask game thing
2, 7, 17, 18, 19, 26, 28 (I hope this isn't too much)
i haven't gotten many asks so this many numbers is perfect!! :D extremely long post ahead be warned
2, 7 — the super happy life of akemi ōtani (samurai warriors fictparacosm)
17 — most/all of them
18 — queerer things still
19 — yttd paracosm 2 (yttd fictparacosm)
26 — most/all of them
28 — loust (lost fictparacosm)
2. if your paracosm had a popular fandom, what do you think it'd be like?
since it's a blanket paracosm it encompasses every daydream i have about the koei warriors games ever, but here are some highlights (mostly lowlights) of this hypothetical fandom:
only focusing on the few romantic ships despite it being primarily a platonic/familial relationship-focused paracosm
chikurin-in being assigned as lesbian because she's mean even though she's canonly pan and ace (which would also ensue some Discourse)
people will find akemi annoying and ditzy unfortunately :(
kanbei's disabilities (his blindness in one eye + his bad leg) after being freed from imprisonment will be ignored entirely
modern au tattoo shop/flower shop with kanbei and hanbei (this is a positive. i think this would be cute. sw5 definitely, sw3 and 4 maybe but it's hard for me to imagine that kanbei having tattoos when he looks inches away from death. a needle on his body would simply make him pass away)
7. imagine your paras have at least a basic knowledge of driving (or even just like, cars). can they parallel park?
assume this is a modern au 👍 i'm only gonna do the four main paras that this paracosm takes its name from, because otherwise i'd have... a lot of characters to do...
AKEMI: confidently believes she can parallel park, results vary but skew towards being dogshit. she will absolutely hit the car in front of or behind her at least once, and will even use it as a way to adjust. she has gotten several notes left on her windshield because of this. she continues to try despite the haters. go girl!!
CHIKURIN-IN: parallel parking was the first thing she wanted to master specifically because she knew akemi would never ever be able to do it and then she would have to. is very good at it, but is also a bit aggressive about pushing her car into the tiniest spaces possible just to prove she can. she also insists on complete silence while parking and if you even breathe too loud she has to halt the process to yell at you for breaking her concentration.
YOSHITSUGU: he puts on so little airs about it and is so chill that people assume that he can parallel park. he can't. he avoids it at all costs and will park blocks away from where he needs to be just to avoid doing it. he is at peace with this, and it drives everyone who knows him well crazy.
TAKATORA: can parallel park just fine, but angrily curses like a fiend while doing it such that you would think he's trying to adjust over a minefield. being in the car with him is like doing math homework while your dad yells, "WHAT'S 6 TIMES 7?!?!?!" at you as you sob onto your worksheet. the back of the passenger seat has permanent indentations from how tightly he grips into it when he turns to stare out the back. oddly enough, he is not prone to road rage?
17. make one of those "[blank] spoilers without context" memes for your paracosms. then explain it (or don't :))
i made this a while ago (which inspired this question) so here you go (plus a gif i was gonna add into the original image, but it downgraded the quality by a ton)
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18. who is your second favorite para, and why aren't they your favorite?
hm this is hard! i think maybe rory is my second favorite only because he has the least opportunity for angst? however he's very comforting so he's high up on the list. enya is probably my fave because they are rife with drama and angst (and bonus: the two of them interact a lot because he's a very chill and nice friend to them)
19. what would your paras' typing styles be like? do they use lots of emojis? sign off each text like a letter? type with lots of weird spaces and ellipses?
again using the four main paras for this and not the whole cast
MONA: definitely uses texting emoticons as a little garnish. something like: "hi mom ^_^ what's for dinner? :0 love you <3"
RANMARU: uses emojis sparingly because he doesn't really get what they mean. the end of his text will always be something like "what does 💀 mean mona am i gonna die. why did you send me 😭 are you okay"
EMIRI: she loves emojis and they punctuate nearly every text. lots of these -> 🥰☺️💛👏🥺😂
SHUNSUKE: He texts all properly like this, and it's very weird. Corporate businessman core. Occasional red heart emoji. ❤️
26. FREEBIE! drop some long-winded lore or some memes or whatever you want ^▽^
i edited this tweet for mona a while ago because it fits her so well LMAO
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28. for fictparacosms, do your daydreams affect how you perceive the media and/or the fandom?
absolutely lmao. i have paracosms for tv shows (namely 1) the arrowverse combined agents of shield and 2) lost) and i have a paraself in both of those, so whenever i watch them internally i'm like "where am i and why does no one care about me in canon >:("
and poor sawyer got hit with the OC-ification beam the hardest (new boyfriend and adopted child) so whenever in canon he's like "i'm doing what i need to do to survive... i can't connect with anyone emotionally... ghhhhh" i'm like don't worry baby go cry jags about it into your bf's shoulder and stop your kid from biting people <3
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gatlocke · 5 years
Author's note, personal head canons, memes, and general thought processes that occurred to me while writing this Christmas story. You don't need to necessarily read them to understand the fic. The author's note was just getting too long on archiveofourown, and I don't actually like leaving a lot of notes. So, I just decided to make a private, unlisted post dump about it if anyone was curious.
Some of these head canons, I've already written out before because I tried writing Ben 10 fics in the past but always deleted them. Never really liked the directions they were going in, or I just lost the plot completely sometimes and forgot where I was going with the ideas. So, if you've already read these, then my bad. I figured I'd just dump them here anyway. I'm not arguing that any of these are true to canon, they're just daydreamed half-thought out scribbles. Don't take any of them seriously.
Author's Notes and Headcanons:
Title comes from lyrics by The Killers.
Fic is set in an alternate universe, where Ben and Kevin are career criminals. Instead of getting the Omnitrix like in canon, Ben can manipulate mana like Gwen and has a color scheme more similar to his mom's than his dad's: purple and blonde instead of green and brunette.
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That thing about Carl and Sandra Tennyson being hippies:
In Alien Force, Eon was retconned into being an Alternate version of Future Ben instead of a Chronian, which kind of sucks.
Even Eon thinks being an alternate Ben really sucks; that's why he spends so much time trying to destroy all the alternate versions of Ben Tennyson. When Eon was displaced from time, he became aware of just how many versions of his universe there were. It gave him an existential crisis. He doesn't even consider himself to be an alternate "Ben" anymore but Something Else™ entirely. There is nothing else like him. He's just Eon and that's that on that.
My interpretation of him is that it's like how Luigi was originally just a recolored Mario but later became his own character.
Identity crisis aside, I'm fond of the idea that he retained anodite characteristics because in his universe, he didn't have an Omnitrix either, inheriting grandma Verdona's abilities instead. His powers are just less refined than Gwen's. While her shields are smooth and controlled, his are unstable and untamed like lightning.
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Because of Eon's lack of finesse with mana manipulation, and the fact that his brain is scrambled by time shenanigans, he's always burning through his human form. Unlike Verdona, who can hold onto her human appearance for an extended period, Eon's form is always fluctuating because he can't even remember what his face looks like after centuries. That's why he sometimes looks normal human man, while other times he resembles a rotting corpse.
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Paradox smelling like "burned ozone." According to this post, in the Warhammer 40K books, the description of ozone is used "to describe the smell of something coming out of the warp. For instance, a terminator teleporting in." So, that's what I used as inspiration for his scent. It's a pale blue gas that people describe as smelling like chlorine.
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HC Eon smelling like space comes from this, which I guess smells like alcohol and raspberries. Not sure if I 100% believe that, but I tried to describe it as best I could.
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Vacuity Village doesn't have a description in canon, so I tried to think of the most confusing stuff about it. All I know is that it's Paradox's house and it doesn't have to make sense. From the Wiki:
"Vacuity Village, also referred to as The Depository, is a place in the Null Void where those who no longer fit into any timeline go to live in peace."
Paradox wants Eon to move in with him there but he refuses 😔.
Some things I took from other fandoms, such as Vutalamine crystal. That's a Starwars property, not Ben 10, but idfc since it's fanfic. It's not even a crystal, the image of Eon sucking on one like a cigar was just funny to me. From the wiki:
"Vutalamine had other effects which made it lucrative to individuals from many different walks of life, including a calming influence which allowed the user to process information clearly and make better decisions, slowing of breathing and circulation, and reducing tremors and steadying limbs."
I figured Eon could use something to calm his head down enough any time he needs to sit down and focus.
I am not a math person at all, so don't come for me if I'm getting this wrong, but the equation thing is supposed to be Paradox mathematically calling Eon special to him. I found the equation "∃=1" which is supposedly a representation of "The Uniqueness Quantification," or "the property of being the one and only object satisfying a certain condition." I thought that was pretty cute for Eon and Paradox somehow. This is how I imagine Eon's new helmet to look like on either side of the chin. if it's too ugly, feel free to reimagine it in your head as way cooler, with hotrod flames and sexy anime ladies with large breasts:
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my cringe paradeon mixtape
Miscellaneous Memes
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Anyway, I hope you like my story. This concludes my effort posting.
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counttwinkula · 2 years
i gotta say that one of my least favorite things about the modern internet is the ease with which people just accept that an image exists without any thought of its provenance
like, the most obvious cases of this are when an illustration gets turned into a meme and spread across the internet without the consent of the creator
how many times have you seen the original form of a viral image spreading around tumblr with people reacting in shock and awe, "that's what the original said?"
and here's an example that makes my blood boil: remember the iconic "one fear" comic?
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do you remember when someone removed the artist's signature, and then dozens of edits were spread with the words "one big meme" in its place?
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it's like someone was out there trying to make my point for me: that once the image goes viral and becomes exploitable (as we called it back in the encyclopedia dramatica days) the artist's identity gets filed off of it
but the other half of this issue, which is the part that really just confounds me altogether, is better represented by the sculptor izumi kato. if you don't recognize the name, you may recognize a very specific photo of his work:
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this photo of a work by kato (untitled, 2004) accompanied the original SCP creepypasta. in the years since SCP-173 was first posted this photograph and depictions of the character it inspired—a character whose physical appearance was taken directly from kato's art—has been spread far and wide across the internet's horror communities
(yes i know the SCP website has removed the image from the official website and i applaud that decision)
unlike teen comix, where any viewer immediately, if unconsciously, knows that this is a drawing and that therefore someone drew this, i think that the public does not have that same awareness when it comes to photographs
as many art critics have noted since the advent and spread of photography, the photograph occludes not only the concept of authorship (which is beyond the scope of this post), it also alienates the viewer from the idea of context—the image exists for its own sake, separated from the subject of said image
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the internet is built on weird images spread without any sort of context, and i get that. i also know that i'm the kind of person who thinks about this stuff and not everybody is
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(chris sharp, fire hydrant jack, ca. 2007)
what just makes me crazy is how people seem so willing to look at a picture and just think "i guess that exists" without taking a moment to think "someone must have made that"
and what irks me is how many blogs here—beloved blogs with tons of followers—repost and reblog this content without any thought put toward attribution when the item in question is obviously an art object. the blogs that come to my mind, and i do not say this with any malice, are ones that reframe the subjects of these photos within a D&D context, placing the focus on their "bit" and entirely eclipsing the artists whose works their blogs rely upon for content
the issue of attribution has become even more urgent because the efficacy of google's reverse image search function has plummeted
i cannot tell you how many times i have scoured the internet for any sort of image source for a work of art, wading through scores of pinterest and tumblr links, before suddenly finding the artist's name—or before declaring the whole matter a lost cause
that was when reverse image search was still useful, and nowadays for whatever reason (i am not knowledgeable enough to say why or how) it has ceased to be useful altogether. i have no idea what alternatives we have, and so i really think it falls on us to try to apply some code of ethics to this matter
i'm not saying i only reblog attributed images, i know that's basically impossible, but i am imploring people to at least think twice about this, and i am asking blogs with big follower counts that rely on other people's images to think about the impact they have on further distancing the art from its creator
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donfadrique · 1 year
For the fanfic ask meme: J, M, Z :-)
J: Write or describe an alternative ending to [insert fic].
Hehe, it was in the Zorro fandom for the first  time that I wrote an alternate ending to my fanfic :) A reader asked me 'what would happen if...'—and I wrote an alternate ending. But if the original fanfic, my main Zorro fanfic, 'The Curse of Monterrey', is supposed to be long (it's in progress), then 'The Whip' is short. In fact, this is an etude. I'm very happy when readers understand why I wrote this whipping scene without sex, why Zorro lost his temper—I always liked to read (and write) psychology genre (and liked passion, emotions). And in the original, this little fanfic is written in a rather poetic style, I usually don’t write like that now.
And I think this is not the first such experiment ;)
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
I'm not sure I've understood the question correctly, so please correct me if I'm saying something wrong. If I'm not mistaken, I should talk about my stories/drafts/ideas that I don't write now because I write Zorro fanfics.
So, I have 4 long unfinished stories, three original ones (the first one is partly inspired by the Hornblower TV series, but it mostly about our time and the time of William Shakespeare, the second tells about the events of the Napoleonic wars in France, Europe and the Russian Empire, and the third, in the genre of mystical realism, at the beginning is similar to  'Dangerous Summer' by Hemingway, that is, in its first part there is a lot about bullfighting, but this story goes back to the time of the plague pandemic in Italy in the 14th century, and I was inspired by the French fairy tale 'The Raven King' for my major character) and one AU-crossover (Mikhail Bulgakov's novel 'The Master and Margarita' about an alternative image of the devil + the film 'Van Helsing' with Hugh Jackman + angels, demons, gods, historical figures).
I also have plots for the story about America in 1931 (mafia, arms trade, love triangle), the post-apocalyptic one a bit in the style of Stephen King's 'Dark Tower' and the plot of AU fanfic about Vlad Dracula, in which all parts of the franchise, including Van Helsing (2004) are mixed.
Oh, and I also have an unfinished fantasy story that is a gift to a friend of mine, but I have not published it anywhere *facepalm*
Z: Major character death–do you ever write/read it? Is there a character whose death you can’t tolerate?
Yes, I definitely read about it and one of my major characters will die when I finish my original historical novel. (When I wrote short stories or fan stories in medium size, I always had only one story in progress and I always finished it. But when I began to write long stories... :)
For now I can't tolerate the death of Captain Monastario, perhaps :) And Diego's death too, of course.
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loveiswhat23 · 1 year
If I were a boy
If you were a boy and you wanted to use a good hearted girl for your own benefit, how would you do it?
I’d start by liking her pictures on social media. That simple like or the heart will cause her to think about me. She will then go through my profile pictures, likes, posts etc. But she will think about me.
I would make sure that I share funny memes so she sees that I’m humorous, but also inspirational quotes and images, So she’d think I have been through a lot and hurting her would be the last thing that I would do.
I would post things to make me seem sensitive and patient.
Id swipe up on her pictures and compliment her any chance I get.
And when I get the chance, wed start a conversation that would later lead to going out.
AS we get to know each other I would make sure to listen and look her in the eyes. I would pay attention, ONLY IN THE BEGINNING, I would make sure to make so many jokes and create memorable inside jokes. Wed come up with Phrases only you and I would know. I would be so gentle and attentive. Man so attentive that when I’m gone you will feel it in every inch of your body. In every crevice of your heart.
And when you’re hooked, I’ll start to back away. I’ll stop texting you good morning. I’ll stop texting fast. There will be some days where the most you’ll get out of me will be a snap chat picture of me downing a twisted tea when I know you’re at home waiting for me to pick up for that cruse I promised you. You will begin to crumble at the thought of me being with someone else. Your confidence will start to shake and your self-esteem will start to shatter.
And when I disappear, you’ll be left wondering what was wrong with YOU! Meanwhile, I will be looking for my next victim and the only thing that you gained from me was lost hope and a higher body count.
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from the bottom of my heart thank you all 5,000 posts in just 3 years is a massive achievement so much has happened in that time! i’ve made friends, lost friends and improved alot over time! 
charlie’s not going anywhere anytime soon and hell even if some things don’t go well it will keep going strong! april 5th 2023 will be his 4th birthday and 2024 will be his 5th birthday and trust me he’ll be around for thoes too! 
but 5,000 posts is the goal i’d like to celebrate today and heres hoping to another 5,000! 
down below are people included in this image who have been a big part of charlie’s history and i wouldn’t be here without them so thank you everyone and ... STAY CURSED 
https://www.instagram.com/aj_pog_/ ((they made the photo of myself i used in this image))
https://www.youtube.com/c/VoicesInTheDarkness ((dyl in the dark))
@not-robert it’s robert owned by my close friend jack 
@chuck-the-fanboy it’s chuck owned by my close friend charlie!
both jack and charlie have been in my lives since at least 2020 maybe sooner they are both extremely close friends and i am glad to have them in my life they’ve helped me so much 
@gemnis-trash-fazbenders ran by a great friend named owl! i’ve known them well before charlie existed jeez it’s been such a long time i can’t even remember!
but they are a wonderful friend and also run this blog from time to time! which i find pretty neat too! ((it’s also canon to the story!))
@official-sk8ter-mangle charlie’s old daughter mangle an old relic of charlie’s past but someone i still hold dear 
@adeptfrank we’ve had at least one interaction on our blogs together but even so we’ve kept up to date and talk from time to time! they are a pretty rad person
@balloon-boy-gang-official a blog that doesn't get the attention it deserves this person despite the low activity stays determined and active! only interacted once but they seem pretty cool!
@tired-t-rex a long time friend as well! and a real vet around the blog even making charlie a wonderful gift for his 1st offical birthday gotta love red vs blue!
@casmoswhitewall a new person around the blog but still important! they are the owner and creator of the imposter charlie! and a lovely person in general
@journalistsobssession our interaction is one that i’ll remember dearly they are one of the few people who kept charlie his orginal size and also made a fantastic meme about him in the process ((also i love their verion of ghostface super pog!))
@directdogman what can i say about doggo? an amazing guy and hell without him charlie wouldn’t exist in the first place! a huge inspiration and even if charlie eventually separate's from his origin i’ll still have doggo to thank for inspiring me to create!
hell within days of creating charlie’s blog doggo was there and that meant everything back then and still does
@scp-wiki-offical sadly no longer active but they were an important part of charlie’s history and even if they don’t remember him i remember it all because of the interaction we had charlie is at least known by the scp community! so thats a step up in my book! plus the person who ran the blog was a real sweet heart 
@issactikket might not have interacted much on this account but i’ll never forget our first interaction of confusion and fear i’ll be supporting them thru and thru we’re still friends and talk thru discord!  
@ask-noelleholiday a real sweetheart and one of the only deltarune blogs i’ve interacted with and anyone who can put up with charlie is a peach in my eyes they also have a really pleasing art style!
@dasabucket one of the first damn people i interacted with and i can never forget them! thankfully we still keep in contact! and i love their lil bubblegum animtronic simon! a real blast from the past 
@jack-o-phantom met them in October 2020 and are still fast friends who i’ve had multiable interactions with over the past 2 years we’ve known eachother! i think the first ask i sent them was something about who’s worse charlie or william afton hehehe nothing but good memories!
@vsemily the legend themself! a relic of the past but an important one! they were the one who in response to charlie made a comic that i still go back and look at! they are someone who has inspired me deeply much like doggo 
they never give up and stay truth to themself plus their own projects and content i love to see! and we might not talk much but they are one amazing person
@lemonysakuras a few interactions here and there i love their oc rowan and had to include em! we’ve had plenty of interactions in the past and i am sure we’ll have even more in the future
@cook-ie-chip the creator of charlie’s blue prints and one of the first dsaf blog’s i interacted with back when they were still posting content for it! she’s basically my sister at this point and i love and care for her deeply 
@fishymom-art defiantly one of the most fun people i’ve interacted with another person i’ve known for about 2 years and defiantly has one of the best charlie designs i’ve seen drawn a close friend and we still support eachother to this day 
i wish i could say more i am just not the best at words lol
@animdude-official ... they might be gone from tumblr but they will never be forgotten! a hero in the fnaf community and a real legend untill the end! i am glad we got the chance to interact when we had the chance 
their are many more people of course but these are most the people that i mostly still keep in contact with! all played a huge part in my life and i am sorry for anyone i forgot to mention but rest assured your still important!
one more time i’d like to say thank you and see you on the flipside!
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neoculturetravesty · 3 years
We met in online class - Part 4
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Image taken from here. Originally had this image in mind but Tumblr won’t let me upload it. 
Pairing: Renjun x Reader Genre: College AU, romance, fluff, angst, maybe humor???? Warnings: Strong language Word Count: 4.3k
Navigation: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | You are on Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Last Part
A/N: Happy Easter to all who celebrate it!
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It’s funny how quickly people form habits without really meaning to. You don’t realize you have a new favorite word till someone points out you’ve been using it so much. You don’t realize you’re addicted to caffeine till you get headaches from withdrawals. You don’t realize you can’t live without dessert till the sugar crash hits. And in the same way, Renjun didn’t realize he had gotten used to your company till he’s waiting outside your lecture hall with an almost expectant inclination to see you. 
A lot of it had to do with who you were as a person. You had pretty much infiltrated Renjun’s life, even though he still kept you at an arm’s distance. One day, he had walked into the library and found you with Jaemin, while the two of you had your heads together over a laptop and a huge gift basket in the making on the table. Jaemin wasn’t the kind of person who invited a lot of new people into his life; so he must have really trusted you because it wasn’t the last time Renjun saw the two of you together. 
But worse than Jaemin was Donghyuck. Renjun was pretty sure that since you’d asked him out, you had probably hung out more with Donghyuck than with him. Almost as if seeing Renjun was just an excuse for you to hang out with him, as you had often joked. It was as if the two of you were kindred spirits, long lost best friends who had finally found one another. Donghyuck would invite you everywhere, get up to no good with you in tow; and before Renjun knew it, the two of you were even planning parties together. Neither Donghyuck nor you needed Renjun as an excuse to hang out with one another anymore, and it amused him. A part of him wondered if Donghyuck was playing along to help his bigger cause. But his friend always looked so genuinely happy around you that any ulterior motive he might have seemed to have been forgotten. 
“Why can’t the sun always be like this?” you said as you laid on the grass using your backpack as a pillow. Your hand was reaching out over your face, your fingers wiggling as you played with shadows.
While you soaked in the sun, Renjun chose to sit under the shade of a tree, sketching away in his book, completing his assignment before his next class.
“You wouldn’t appreciate it as much if it were always like this.” Renjun replies, not looking away from his work. He much preferred paint over charcoal, but he had to admit that the scratching sounds it made against the grains of paper--coupled with the chirping of birds and gentle ruffling of leaves around him--was really relaxing. As was your company.
“Hmm. But it’s still nice to see it without fine dust couture. I like seeing it fully in the nude.” you say, a soft, funny smile on your face while your eyelashes cast shadows on your cheeks.
“Pervert.” Renjun accuses, smiling as he drew. It just makes you laugh and lay sideways to face him. You prop up your head on your hand.
“I’m the sun, Huang Renjun. Now draw me like one of your French girls.” you say in a comical voice and Renjun actually laughs without reservation. 
“Do you have any more classes?” he asks, fixing his black and gold rimmed glasses over his nose.
“Nope. I’m done for the day. Yeri’s supposed to pick me up, so I’m just waiting for her call.” you say, rolling onto your back once more, resuming your dance with the shadows.
Renjun hums a reply as he sketches, but really, he’s thinking that he hadn’t formally met Yeri. At least not yet. He had just had two very awkward run-ins with her the couple of times he had been to your apartment. Come to think of it, he hadn’t been to your place since that last time. And you had never been to his place at all. 
It wasn’t on accident, though. All of it had been by Renjun’s really convoluted design. He had met a few of your friends on campus in the passing, sure. But you were more a part of his life that he was yours. That is exactly what Renjun had planned. Lately, however, that plan seemed to be fading away into the ether. Slowly but surely dispersing from memory till it was more or less abandoned. 
Because Renjun did not realize that he had adopted you like a habit. Any time he saw a witty meme, he had to send it your way because you would text back with an equally witty reply that scratched Renjun’s intellectual itch. Any time Jisung would bring home a baguette, he would take a picture for you with a caption like ‘Francophile life going strong’. The two of you had even developed a silly game where you would look at different marketing taglines and wonder if it would still work to sell condoms. 
‘Nike. Just do it.’ Renjun had once texted.
‘That is a low hanging fruit, Huang Renjun.’ you had replied.
‘Okay, true. But how about Imax: Thing big.’ he had texted back.
‘Hmm, almost but not quite. I need something stronger.’
‘BMW: Designed for driving pleasure.’ he had actually found himself scrolling through a long list of taglines while his assignment laid forgotten.
‘Oof. Now you’ve found the sweet spot. Keep going.’ Renjun had smiled at your reply and had found himself hurriedly looking for something better.
‘Geico: So easy, a caveman could do it.’ 
‘Mmm, didn’t think you were a kinky boy, Huang Renjun. Go on…”
Renjun had actually laughed out loud, making Jisung look up at him quizzically and replied ‘1010 Wins: you give us 22 minutes, we’ll give you the world.’
‘Yessss! Right there, right there!’
Renjun hadn’t even realized he was grinning wide and standing up from his desk, a list of taglines open both on his laptop and his phone while he scrolled to find the perfect response that would make you happy. ‘Rice Krispies: Snap! Crackle! Pop!’
‘So close, so close, I am almost there!’
‘Washington Post: Democracy dies in darkness.’
Renjun had actually belly laughed at the entire conversation. He didn’t remember the last time he had laughed this way because even Jisung was looking at him with an amused smile, asking “What’s so funny?”
So yes, Renjun had adopted you like a habit. But it wasn’t just through text. When you weren’t the one waiting for him on campus with a couple of cups of coffee in hand, he found he would go looking for you. You would spend all your free time together, just like this. He would find himself missing you on days he didn’t get to see you. He found himself disappointed when you didn’t have time for him because you and Donghyuck were on a very important mission or you had to meet your friends or you had extra work that was demanding your attention. You had just inserted yourself in his life in such a manner that Renjun didn’t even notice.
Perhaps you had nothing to do with it, but Renjun’s life had been treating him pretty well, too. Maybe he was more inspired these days, because his work was getting better and his professors were noticing. His painting instructor had held him back after class one day and offered him an internship at his studio. While it wasn’t huge, it was enough that Renjun had thrown his fist in the air in celebration as soon as he had left class. And you were the first person he texted and he was glad he did because you had texted back a freakout that made him grin like an idiot. You had come to see him as soon as your own class had ended and you had flung yourself in his arms and had jumped around excitedly before dragging him along so you could buy him an artist’s apron as a present. 
“Do you have any more classes?” you ask him as you stare at the evening sun through your fingers.
Renjun’s about to reply when he is interrupted by the sound of your phone buzzing in your pocket. You fish it out and sit up, telling Renjun “Hold on…” before answering it. “Are you here, Yeri?” 
Renjun goes back to scratching away in his pad, thinking. Maybe he should introduce himself now when Yeri comes to pick you. But what would he say? ‘Hi, I’m Y/N’s friend?’ Everyone on campus knew that the two of you weren’t exactly just friends. It was thanks to your stunt during that one online class, where he’d met you. ‘Hi, I’m Y/N’s boyfriend?’ But he wasn’t that, either. While the two of you had become pretty comfortable in each other’s company, you hadn’t really done anything, or had any serious talk about what you were. You two always found yourself tiptoeing “the line”. Actually, no. It was Renjun that tiptoed that line. After his two failed attempts to kiss you, the conversation had just not taken that turn ever again. You two hadn’t leveled up on the PDA front, either. Sure, you had cuddled into him in the back of the cab that one night, and he had half-carried you to your apartment till Yeri took you from the doorstep. But you didn’t seem to remember any of it, so it was basically back to square one. Sure, you had hugged him in joy when he had gotten the internship, but did it really count when the two of you hadn’t even held hands yet? Aside from the innuendo-filled condom tagline talk, the two of you hadn’t really done anything that would constitute as… something a couple might do.
“Okay, but how long would it take?” you’re saying into the phone, a gentle crease growing between your eyebrows. Whatever you heard back must have been distasteful because you grimace. “Okayyyy, Yeri, I’m hanging up now!” you say pointedly and groan, laying back into the grass.
Renjun chuckles “All good?”
“Yeri has brought home a ‘distraction’.” you say, making air quotes, and a face like you’ve tasted something sour. “I’m banished from my own home for the evening.”
Renjun looks up. 
He thinks about his next words carefully. “Um… what are you gonna do?”
You groan once more and say “I’m probably going to crash at Lia’s till my exile is over. So inconvenient!”
“You could come over to mine.”
Renjun didn’t know how it happened, how he found the courage to think it and then actually say it out loud, but now there’s no going back because the two of you are walking down the hallway to his place. He doesn’t know why, but his throat is a little dry and he peeks over his shoulder to see that you seem a bit nervous as well. He takes a deep breath and decides to break the tension.
“Here we are.” He says as he punches in the code. He holds the door open “Hello, MTV. Welcome to my crib.”
It works because it makes you smile. “So, this is where the magic happens.”
“Mhmm, but I hope to God my roommates have at least attempted to clean it up some, because I did text them a head’s up.”
“Lead the way, Huang Renjun.” you say and he does. He walks you into his living room where Jisung is currently sitting, playing video games. The smell of something delicious makes his head turn towards the kitchen where he finds Jaemin.
“Hey, Y/N!” he calls out then wipes his hands on a towel before coming in to give you a hug. 
“Hi, Y/N!” Jisung says without looking up.
Renjun is amused and a little confused. Perhaps you and Jaemin got even closer while he wasn’t noticing, but Jisung? When had the two of you met? By the looks of it, Jisung was comfortable enough with you that he wasn’t even minding his manners and greeting you properly. Probably because he was too busy dwindling his thumbs on his controller furiously. 
“Damn, Jisung, you’re really going at it, huh?” you say to him easily.
“Mhmm. I would’ve been doing even better if Jaemin hadn’t interrupted and kicked me out of my own room because you were coming over.”
There is a two second silence before Jisung’s audience of three begins talking at the same time.
“Jisung!” Renjun yelps, bringing his fingers to the bridge of his nose.
“Oh, no, we aren’t going to like… do anything--” you find yourself explaining at the same time, face heating up.
“Jisungieeee!” Jaemin also sings out to scold, yet he grins as he mock-chokes the boy.
“You are so dead.” Renjun gives the back of Jisung’s head a death stare.
“Nooo, our Jisungie means well, don’t you, Jisungie?” Jaemin coos while Jisung dodges his kisses.
Renjun shakes his head and places a hand to your arm to guide you along. “Let’s go.”
“I’ve made food if you crazy kids get hungry!” Jaemin calls after you and it’s the most animated he’s been in a while.
His friends being, well, his friends was probably worth it because Renjun is feeling a lot better as he brings you into his room. It had been a while since he had brought a girl over and looking about, he can tell that his mates did a good job at hastily cleaning it. 
“Damn, Huang Renjun. You’re a clean boy.” you’re saying as you look about. “I thought you’d be the artfully messy type.”
Renjun grins as he runs his fingers through his hair. “We can mess it up together if you’d like.” But Renjun mentally smacks himself in the head as soon as the words leave his mouth because you’ve looked up at him and quickly looked away, muttering something awkwardly.
“I… I didn’t mean that. I just meant with like, paint and, like…” Renjun blows air out of his mouth and then your eyes meet. Before you know it, you both are giggling at each other because the awkwardness is probably making you a bit delirious. 
Renjun watches as you take a deep breath to stop the giggles and turn to start looking around. “Oooh. Mr. Fancypants is a tea connoisseur.” you say as you run your hands over his teabag display box. 
Renjun chuckles “Do you want me to make you some?”
“Sure. Let’s have tea, Mr. Fancypants.” you take a seat on his wheelie chair and your eyes go to the artist’s apron you had bought him that is currently hanging on an easel. You give it a fond smile.
“What flavor would you like?” Renjun asks as he puts the kettle on and sets up two mugs.
“Umm… I don’t know tea. I’m a coffee drinker.” you reply, your fingers tracing over the pictures he had at his desk.
“I’ll make you a simple chamomile, then. I’ve seen you and Jaemin enabling each other’s coffee habits and I don’t approve.” he knots his eyebrows.
“Oh no, no, no. Jaemin is on a different level. I took a sip of his coffee by mistake once and my entire life flashed before my eyes. I don’t know if that boy drinks coffee or straight up cocaine.”
Renjun bites his smile because he’s still holding onto the look of disapproval. “That would explain the random spikes and falls in his energy.” he says as he pours out the water in the mugs and seeps the teabags. “Here you go.” he sets your mug on the desk and takes a seat on his bed.
You take a sip “So, which one is your bunk?”
“Top.” Renjun also wants to make an innuendo but he stops himself because the awkwardness surrounding the fact that you and him are alone in his room has only just subsided with the tea.
“Isn’t the bottom bunk more comfortable?” you muse as you drink. You seem to be enjoying your tea because you haven’t set it aside yet.
“Of course it is. It’s why Jisung has it.” he comments, cocking his eyebrow. “And I sleep here on this bed.” He pats where he’s sat.
You grin as you sip then quickly wipe your chin as some tea spills through your smile. “Where do you keep all your paintings?”
“In the studio. On that top bunk. Behind that door. At my grandma’s house.” he lists off on his fingers.
“Why behind the door? If I had your talent, I’d basically cover every bit of my wall in my art. Like the most egomaniacal artist in the world.” you fantasize, looking up at the ceiling.
Renjun chuckles. “I kinda like my space to be a bit cleaner, you know? Because I’m always around art. It kinda helps with my imagination, having a clean environment. It’s almost like a clean canvas.”
“Interesting.” you’ve said and it sounds like you genuinely mean it. “It’s still a bit sad. All the work you’ve created should have a home. It shouldn't be hidden away behind doors or on top bunks.”
“You can give some of them a home if you’d like. If you have space, I mean.” Renjun gives you a fond look. You haven’t replied but you’ve set your mug down and looked at him with a very tender look in your eyes. You stand up.
“I wanna see your bed.”
Renjun grins. “Be my guest.”
“Ooooh.” you make an excited squeal, almost like you're about to enter Dexter’s Laboratory. You plop yourself on it and bounce up and down, almost as if to check the pliability of it.
“So this is where the magic happens.” you giggle and then Renjun finds your gaze moving to a picture frame on his headboard. “Is that your grandma?”
“It is.” Renjun smiles as he watches you pick your feet up and make yourself comfortable.
“She looks exactly like you.” you say, looking back at him with an affectionate look.
“A lot of people say that. People in school used to think I’m adopted because I looked nothing like my parents.” Renjun scoots back to sit next to you.
“Are you close to your parents?” you ask gently, looking at him.
Renjun looks away. 
The two of you hadn’t had that many deep conversations. And anytime you did, he had found a way around it so that nothing was shared, nothing was learnt. 
But no one had ever asked him that… not in so many words. He finds himself shrugging and responding before he can stop himself. “Nah. They don’t even talk to me. They’ve never really cared.”
“How do you know that, Renjun?” you’re asking him in a very soft voice. The kind of voice that has Renjun sharing more than he wants.
“They pretty much abandoned me very young,” Renjun laughs ironically. “They would fight all the time, you know? Like, they really would go at each other one moment then make up the next moment. They kind of forgot they had a son.” Renjun finds himself saying while his eyes fixate on a loose thread on Jisung’s bedsheet. He realizes he’s warm and comfortable and that’s when he notices that you’ve put an arm around him.
“That must have been so hard, to go through that.” you’re speaking to him so softly and your head and your body is angled towards him, giving him all your attention while Renjun talks into the abyss. 
“They were just like… kinda dysfunctional, you know? They fought like crazy and I had to hide away so I wouldn’t hear them. And then the next day, they’d be in each other’s arms like nothing happened. They would pretend like everything was all right. Like the trauma they gave me meant nothing.”
You’re not speaking anymore, only listening. Your hand around him has started to gently stroke his arm. Your other hand softly combs through his hair.
“It was such a vicious cycle and they wouldn’t stop. I think they were kinda addicted to it. They would’ve been happy living like that with each other if it weren’t for me.” He had never shared so much with anyone. But now that he had started, it was difficult to stop.
“Renjun…” you say empathetically and pull him into you. Renjun pauses for a moment, but decides to give in. What did it matter, anyway? He rests his head on your shoulder.
“If it weren’t for my grandma, I wouldn’t even be alive, you know? She saved me from all of that and took me in. She raised me. It wasn’t even her responsibility, but she raised me.”
You are holding him to you and soothingly stroking his hair when you say “Then I think your grandma is the luckiest person in this world. Because she got to see you grow up to be such a good man.”
Renjun feels a lump in his throat grow and before he knows it, there are tears stinging in his eyes. You turn your head and press a kiss into his temple and slowly rock him. It was odd, being here like this, because Renjun realizes that this was the first time you had kissed him. But more than anything else, it was the first time someone had held him like this. 
The last time he remembered being held was probably when he was a child, and it had been his grandma. No one since had held him in their arms to listen to him, to comfort him, to love him without any conditions. No one had tried to take his pain away without wanting something in return. The thought puts more tears in his eyes and he finds himself leaning his weight into you. 
He allows you to hold him and comfort him and coo at him. You’re speaking to him gently but Renjun isn’t hearing your words. He’s only concentrating on the soothing sound of your voice and how melodic it is. He liked hearing you talk. He’s concentrating on how you’re rocking him, and how the movement is slowly lulling him. He liked how warm and soft you were and how protective your arms were. He liked the smell of chamomile on your breath. Had you enjoyed chamomile? He thought you had. Maybe you would’ve enjoyed a different flavor more. Renjun decides he should make you an Earl Grey next time; it would probably be better suited to your caffeine tastes. Maybe you wouldn’t like Earl Grey as much either, but it would be nice to discover that bit about you. He’d make you try all the flavors till he learnt which one your favorite was. 
“How come I never saw your cat?” He asks sleepily after you’ve been quiet for a while.
“Hmm?” you ask, confused.
“Your cat. Galbi. How come I didn’t see him when I came over?” Renjun can feel your smile against his temple.
“Oh. Yeri had dropped him over at the vet’s that day. Do you want to meet him?” you ask him.
“Yeah, it would be nice to meet him.” Renjun says and brings an arm up to cuddle closer into you.
“Okay. Next time you come over, you can meet him… shoulder gangster Renjun.” you’re only whispering at him now as you tease him.
“Mmm.” is the only reply Renjun can manage as he chuckles lazily. He didn’t even feel like killing Donghyuck for telling you about that because he feels so good like this, in your arms. Renjun hasn’t even noticed that you’ve laid him down till he realizes how horizontal he is.
It felt nice. Being held by someone, being protected by someone, being comforted by someone. Your hands haven’t stopped soothing him for a single moment ever since they started. Renjun hadn’t even noticed that you’d put the covers on him. Or that you were kissing the top of his head till he feels the warmth. It all felt so nice. He barely registers that your shirt is wet from his tears. All he feels are the relaxing patterns you’re drawing onto his skin. It’s the last thing he feels as he drifts off. And though you're gone in the morning, Renjun can swear this is the most sound sleep he's slept in many nights. He feels a thousand times lighter, like someone had lifted a heavy weight off of his chest and he was finally breathing fully. 
He smiles as he grabs his phone and sees your name right on the top of his notification list. He reads your message:
‘Hey, shoulder gangster. Sorry I left without telling you but you were sleeping so soundly, I didn’t want to wake you. I wanted to ask you something AND YOU CAN TOTALLY SAY NO. But my brother’s hosting a spring art festival of some sort at my parent’s house this weekend. A lot of his artist friends from his company will be there. Do you maybe wanna come with me?’
And there it was. 
Yes, it was funny how quickly people form habits without really meaning to. And in his new habit, Renjun had forgotten the real reason he was with you in the first place. 
Eyes on the fucking prize, Renjun thinks as his reality comes crashing back on him.
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Copyright © 2021 NeoCultureTravesty. All rights reserved.
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mettywiththenotes · 3 years
320 bits I wanna talk about
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Iieda looks like he’s doing the *inhale* before the BOI IF YOU DON’T- meme. Something along the lines of “BOI IF YOU DON’T GET YOUR ASS BACK TO UA-” kind of thing lol.
He holding something in definitely. Maybe charging up for an attack? Idk but he sure seems concentrated
Actually, Iieda seems kinda considering. Maybe he’s weighing up if he should join in the fight, as if he’s asking “Will I have to fight Midoriya, if it comes down to it? Or can the others handle this?” Something tells me he doesn’t want to have to weigh in on the fight. Maybe tear into Izuku verbally, but fight? No I don’t think he wants to do that
But also, I find it interesting that that black panel of text is under him and then it cuts to Bakugou yelling at Izuku. I mean, it could very well be Bakugou thinking that, but if that’s so, then why is Iieda the first person we see?
So, I think it’s Iieda thinking that. Tensions are rising, it seems. I’m expecting his turn to be full of a lot of emotion, or at least trying to get across to Izuku that he feels betrayed but mostly just wants Izuku to come back home.
I don’t really know what’ll happen with Iieda exactly, but I’m totally interested to see what happens
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I know Bakugou has problems with his emotions and words and stuff, but I also think here he’s trying to anger Izuku in order to get him to fight back, maybe so he’s more angry than flexible in a fight, so the end result would be Izuku getting too angry to predict anything and eventually tripping up, and that’s when 1A could capture him.
The one thing to remember about Izuku is that allowing him to think is going to be the opponent’s downfall. We saw in the Kacchan VS Deku 2 fight that Bakugou knew this and so kept attacking as much as possible so Izuku wouldn’t have time to think. Which worked, because Izuku is great at analysis, so making his “Win” attitude [getting competitive therefore putting more energy into attacking than strategy] come out over his “Save” attitude [you’re my friend and I want to help you] is kind of a weakness of his. That’s kind of one of the reasons he lost that fight.
Then again, maybe Izuku has improved since then? I don’t really know but I think enough time has passed for him to have maybe improved more on that so idk we’ll see
I really love Bakugou’s expression in that bottom screencap lol
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His wound!! All bandaged up!! I wonder if there’s a scar there or smthg :O
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I know Enji or Bakugou probably gave them details about the multiple quirks but I still find it wild that everyone just knows now
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KOUDA! MY SWEETHEART! I’m glad he’s getting a part in this too, along with Sero. Two of them who didn’t really hang around Izuku but still want him to come back :’)
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Sero and Black Whip! Finally! I mean it’s not much but it’s still better than nothing
Also, seems like Sero is trying to taunt Izuku to get him to attack him maybe [same as Bakugou feeding into Izuku’s competitive side] soooo idk Sero following Bakugou’s lead? Maybe :)
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Look at how,,,, innocent Izuku looks,,,,, *head in hands* AND SERO TEACHING HIM!!
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I knew this lil moment would come bite me in the ass at some point, I knew and yet I’m still tearing up goddamn
That “I thought she was going to tell me its a useless hobby” bit really drives home how Izuku’s friends are 1A, that he loves them and they were the only friends he’s ever had [except Bakugou but he was a bully at the time so I’m not really gonna count him for back then]. HOW many people before UA had gone around and told Izuku his taking notes hobby was useless? SHOW me the people!
I, mettywiththenotes, will NOT allow anybody to slander one of my own!
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I know it’s like the only moment Izuku and Ojiro shared, with the sports festival thing, but it’s still really sweet that Ojiro sees that Izuku stood up for him
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*head in hands*
Shouldn’t this kid be more worried that he’s likely going to get kidnapped?
“Yeah this super evil villain guy has decided he wants to kidnap me and take me away, but like nbd guys really, that’s why I left in the first place! So I wouldn’t be a burden!” Somebody get this kid a fucking therapist or some shit
This is kind of a chilling and pretty scene though. The rain falling above Izuku and him looking down with these piercing green eyes likely being the only light between them. Good stuff.
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Satou! Aha I like how he’s pulling all the stops, such as “I WON’T LET YOU BORROW MY INGREDIENTS FOR ERI!”
Also let’s appreciate that Satou caught Ojiro and Jirou and managed to land on a freaking traffic light. The balance on this kid! Very well done
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Kaminari putting Izuku in a headlock! How cute :)
Be cuter if they weren’t trying to subdue a martyr-complex cryptid from killing himself, but still
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Does Shouji have some kind of support-item?? Or could he always do the stretchy thing?? Or I guess maybe he’s just stretching his arms out like branches [like he usually does] and using them as more like a capture weapon rather than his usual stuff. I don’t think we’ve ever seen him use his heteromorph body and quirk for anything other than the 5 senses, though I could be wrong
Also Shouji remembering what Izuku said at the training camp, I’m so glad! Shouji always seems like the kind to be so protective over his friends, so I’m glad he remembered that. Then again, Izuku did compare them to freaking ALL MIGHT, but if the nice analytical kid in your class who knows your limits and strengths says you could basically beat A GOD, then that’s definitely one for the memory scrapbook lmao
“It’s nice and dark here, Dark Shadow.” Who said that?? Kami or Izuku?? I just have this mental image of Izuku being shrouded in darkness and trying to keep his eyes open from falling asleep haha
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Tokoyami remembering that from all the way back then!! It makes me think that not only have Bakugou and Izuku been watching each other, but that Izuku has always had everybody’s eyes on him! Which is true, he’s inspired everyone! It goes both ways; Izuku loving his friends, and them loving him back :’)
Kami telling him to take a bath lmao I love it. Finally somebody said it
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*ugly sobbing noises*
This kind of segment, with a mask falling, a space in-between and a reveal, reminds me of Compress’ reveal :) In that, the person is hiding their identity and then when the mask comes off, they reveal who they truly are underneath
While Izuku is of course determined to go after AFO and is quite the fearsome powerhouse, I really think when he takes off that mask, he’s showing who he really is underneath - a scared little boy who just wants everyone to be happy
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“The burden placed on you... it doesn’t allow for tears, right?” He sounds so sassy here.
Kind of like saying “Oh you look upset. But that’s weird, I thought Heroes weren’t supposed to cry.” Lol it really shows here how pissed Shouto is at Izuku
But then he relents from that snark and is like “Hey, come on, we’ll share this burden. I’m not letting you go it alone, remember that we’re all here.” :’)
I love when Shouto is sassy and passive aggressive but I also love it when he shows that soft side of him
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Okay, this is something I really love.
Tsuyu didn’t join the Bakugou Rescue Squad because “they would be just like Villains breaking the rules”
But here she is, learning from that regret of hers and coming right back to make sure Izuku isn’t the one struggling. She wants to be a part of this rescue squad and pick up where she left off :)
Tsuyu has always struggled with her regrets. It was shown after Kamino when she cried, but for me, I only realised this fully during the Joint Arc when she had her regrets about not making better decisions and not being quick enough [I think that was it].
“I won’t cry in such a flurry” reminds me of “I want to live a life without regret” and so that’s what she’s saying here. This won’t be another regret of hers. She wants to do her best to save her friend
“When scared, you’re allowed to tremble when it’s tough, you’re allowed to shed tears. That’s how you become a Hero like in the comics.”
I feel like that quote piggybacks off of Shouto’s “Heroes cry too”, in that, this is now 1A comforting Izuku. This is them fully coming up to him and telling him that they can help, and that he’s allowed to feel sad about his situation. Shouto’s quote was the teaser, while this entire chapter [and the rest that come to follow] is the main course.
And this is exactly who Tsuyu is. Reassuring, comforting, someone dependable. It says a lot that she’s come from not going to help in Kamino, confessing her feelings and crying about it, then coming back in a similar situation and offering her help - that she’s not willing to just let an opportunity go to better herself. I think I remember reading a few posts on her crying after Kamino and saying it was “performative” or that she just “wanted attention” or smthg like that, but I think she’s really just quite an honest person, and here she is making a great show of how she won’t let something like her guilt slow her down from being the hero she wants to be.
[A part of me feels like this is also a little more evidence with the whole People Not Caring About Bakugou’s Feelings Of Helplessness but like. I digress. It kinda counts but at the same time, it’s not what is going on at the moment.]
Seeing everyone try to reassure Izuku was lovely, and I can’t wait for the rest. I’ve seen a lot of people waiting more for Bakugou’s portion of the battle [AND YEAH DUDE ME TOO] but I really feel like Bakugou’s won’t come until like 2 chapters later or something.
Cause, if this chapter is anything to go by, we’ll probably get through Mina, Mineta, Kirishima, Hagakure and Aoyama next chapter, and then we’ll move onto the “more important” conflicts which will be Iieda and Uraraka, and if their segments are chocked with tension drama and tears, then Bakugou will have a whole chapter to himself hopefully.
Which means we’ll probably have to wait 2 more chapters until we get that sweet, sweet Bakugou chapter :( I hope I’m wrong and it comes sooner than predicted but whatever
I know for some people, that’s all they want, but personally I love these little bits that reflect on the background characters. As someone who isn’t really obsessed with the background characters but also likes them enough to appreciate their development/the little moments they have, I gotta say I really liked this :)
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grimmradiance · 4 years
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Inspired by @feralphoenix and their deities of Hallownest tag meme, here's a callout post for all of us who got hyperempathetic over one specific character who's in like four scenes.
Image description under the cut because Hoo Boy
[Image description: a series of three images making up a long page labelled "Tag Yourself: 'that's my emotional support minor character' edition". Each entry is a picture of a Hollow Knight character with a variety of traits listed underneath them.
Image one contains the following entries:
Cloth, labelled "OHO!" with the following traits:
-would love to get hugged to death
-got to Godshome and promptly rematched the Traitor Lord for vengeance
-@Team Cherry hug button when?
-probably also loves Lace or God Tamer
-will solo Traitor Lord just to keep her safe
-probably wlw
-mlm/wlw solidarity with NYEH
Jiji, labelled "Beegees" with the following traits:
-visits Jiji just to say hi :)
-probably also loves the Seer
-loves his little chant and his little skitter
-would rather hike all the way back to Jiji than fight a Devout for their Shade
-wants Jiji and the Snail Shaman to be friends
-"dadship ended with TPK, now Snail Shaman is my new dad"
Tiso, labelled "NYEH" with the following traits:
-Spiral of Ants by Lemon Demon
-still mad about the Pantheon of Hallownest fakeout
-"he won't die if I don't talk to him :)"
-emotionally invested in at least three Tiso Lives AUs
-"Tiso isn't stupid and here's my proof"
-probably mlm
-mlm/wlw solidarity with OHO!
Image two contains the following entries:
Brumm, labelled "Bubblegum" with the following traits:
-either loves or hates Grimm (or both)
-panicked when he disappeared before the NKG fight
-if they read Homestuck they're still mad about Gamzee
-official Grimmchild parent
-Grimmikin echolalia
-blanket nest
-let them rest
Lemm, labelled "Lemon" with the following traits:
-grumpy old man rights
-has probably read Stag Beetles and Broken Legs. multiple times.
-most likely to be a history major
-give me lore. give me LOOOOOORE
-probably a spoonie
-probably reading or napping rn
-wikipedia hole
Myla, labelled "BABY GIRL BABY" with the following traits:
-sat in the Crystal Peaks entry listening to her sing for way too long
-always gets attached to random NPCs
-parent friend
-thinks about Everyday People in any fantasy kingdom
-eat the rich
-uses the alternate Crystal Peaks entrance whenever possible
Iselda, labelled "BAPANADA" with the following traits:
-*sigh* bapanada
-"Cornifer go home your wife is worried
-stops in even when there's nothing to buy
-would love to be Held
-most likely to actually use map pins
-has fallen into Deepnest while looking at their map
Image three has the following entries:
Bretta, labelled "Barrette" with the following traits:
-chills on the bench with Bretta to be nice
-wants the Hunter's Journal to stop making fun of her
-self-shipper rights
-probably wants to tuck her into bed
-hasn't finished Grey Prince Zote because they like having her around
-@Team Cherry show me the Forbidden Bretta Fanfiction
The Hive Knight, labelled "BZZT" with the following traits:
-uses Hiveblood even when it isn't that helpful
-will play the Hive Knight theme if given the aux cord
-extensive Hive society headcanons
-save the FUCKING bees
-grabby hands at any Hive lore
-always bows to Grimm
The Broken Vessel, labelled "Kinnie" with the following traits:
-has a Vesselsona
-will kill TPK with their bare hands
-cried at the end of the Broken Vessel fight
-and the Lost Kin fight
-and the Birthplace cutscene
-probably stans the Hollow Knight
-lives for "the siblings are all okay" AUs
The Grey Mourner, labelled "oh, waiiii" with the following traits:
-recluse rights
-feels super bad when the Delicate Flower gets hurt
-probably also loves Dryya
-has probably written Five Knights fic
-has completed her sidequest more than once
-very tired
End description.]
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laufire · 4 years
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[ID: two pictures from Black Sails side by side; one of Madi and Silver standing on the beach of the Maroons island’s together, another of Idelle and Max in Nassau’s beach. They include a title “Black Sails Rarepair Ficathon”, and a link, “laufire.dreamwidth.org”. Click on the image for better quality.]
(Finally had time for this! Also, I’m not adding links because tumblr’s tags have a terrible track record with that. Just go straight to my dreamwidth page, you’ll find what you need there)
Flint-Silver, Flint-Thomas, and Flint-Silver-Thomas are NOT allowed in any form. Silver/Thomas can be allowed as long as it does NOT include any of the above. Polyships including the first two will be allowed, as long as they’re genuinely about the poly relationship and all its members (i.e. Silverflintmadi, silverflintbones, flinthamiltons, etc. etc.).
Any other ship is game, canon or not, romantic or platonic pairs, etc.
Fills other than fanfic are welcome (fanart, manips, fanmixes, etc.).
NO crossover ships. This is supposed to be about the characters from the show and their dynamics.
For that same reason, after thinking it over, NO RPF either.
Any length, genre, rating etc. is allowed. There are no restrictions to content other than those already stated, but warnings must be added as needed (follow the ao3 archive warnings criteria and warn for anything potentially triggering, basically).
No attacks or slander against any of the participants will be tolerated. I can’t do anything for stories already posted before something like that happens, but that person will be banned from any future rounds or other events I might run, and they won’t be allowed to continue on this one.
There will be a thread for voicing doubts or clarifications as needed.
Post as many prompts as you want, ONE PER REPLY ONLY. Preferably, post the prompt as the tittle of the reply, for easier visibility, and any suggestions or do-not-wants in the body. (/) for romantic or sexual relationships, (&) for platonic, (&/) for if you'd like either. The format to follow (you will see examples as I’ll post a few prompts of my own now), for ease, will be:
-Anne/Max + “I have lost myself in the sea many times with my ear full of freshly cut flowers, with my tongue full of love and agony.” (a Federico García Lorca poem, if anyone’s curious).
Suggestions: any rating, no archive warnings, canon setting.
-Jack & Max + post-series rescue
Suggestion: Max stops the executions. Preferably POV Jack, background romantic pairings welcome, rating up to T.
-Any/any + hurt/comfort sex
Suggestions: any rating, any content, canon setting, only fic.
You can post prompts even if you don't have a dw account (though it's easy to make and free, if you want one). I'd advice to sign with your ao3 or tumblr handle then, if you want to identify yourself to prompters or promptees.
It can be posted directly on the comments, on any other platform with a link (just make sure it allows for anyone to view it, please), etc. In those cases, use the tag “Black Sails Rarepair Ficathon” for me to find them.
I’ve created an ao3 collection for anyone who wants to use it. If you don’t have an ao3 account, I have a few invitations available, and I’d welcome anyone who’d offer to hand one if needed.
I’ll make a thread to link to the filled prompts. DO NOT REPLY TO IT, I’ll update it myself. There’s no end date, but after there’s enough fills, I’ll link to a new post with a more comprehensive masterlist.
Feel free to post fills even if they’re not the first response to a prompt. The more rarepair content, the better.
You can also specify that you’ve only posted a prompt to fulfill it yourself and that you don’t want answers to it.
I’ve often wanted a section in prompt memes like this for those who’d been inspired by a prompt, but what they want to write isn’t what the prompter asked for exactly or contradicts it (i.e. a higher rating, in an AU setting when they asked for canonverse, they only want to write it themselves, etc.). Gift exchanges are supposed to be more tailored for the recipient, they “own” the prompt so to speak, but comment ficathons feel more “for everybody”. There’ll be a section like that, and I’ve decided to call it “the undesirables” because I live for drama.
Other than that, just have fun ^^
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thenightling · 4 years
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Figured I’d share this immature, moronic, and “hehe, that’ll show ‘em” meme that quarktrinity sent in my asks.  
Funny how they send memes as a “win” instead of actually replying to anything I actually said about the deliberately out-of-context Wonder Woman post I dared question and went out of my way to watch the film of to see for myself.  
You assumed something was racist because that’s what you were told online with some deliberately out of context gifs and images.   That’s like assuming Captain Marvel is sexist against women because of cherry picking scenes where the character had to deal with sexism.
   And for those who missed it here is my reply that is getting me called racist.  
1.   Here we see Wonder Woman rescuing a few Middle Eastern children and this post calls her a “White Savior.”  She saved white characters earlier too.  In this scene she was in the Middle East for the context of the plot.  Lots of things were going on and she is the superhero.  Superheroes are saviors, that’s kind of the entire point.   Would you prefer the children die?  Or just that a random non-superhero save them?  Also the actress is Israeli and Jewish.  But sure... “White savior.”...Or is the “problem“ really that a Jewish woman playing an (according to DC comics) bisexual Greek Pagan woman rescuing Islamic children that actually is what made you uncomfortable?  Funny how this looks like thinly disguised bigotry masquerading as “concern about racism.”
The same people complaining about this rescue scene would have also complained if Wonder Woman was only rescuing white people or do you prefer when people “stick to their own kind” and “only care about their own race”?  Casual racism disguised as “woke” is “fun” isn’t it, folks?  Racial segregation disguised as woke is still racial segregation. 2.  The Oil Baron / Prince talking to Max Lord is loosely based on real political figures from the 1980s just as Max Lord is at least partly based on Trump and there is even a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it Freddie Mercury look-a-like.  Lots of characters in Wonder Woman 1984 are based on actual famous political and pop culture figures of the era.  If a character is inspired by a real person it is stupid to pearl clutch and scream “RACIST!” for making a close allegory of a real person who actually lived in 1984.  Learn your history, kids. 3.   This post shows a deliberately out-of-context POC man wishing for Nuclear weapons.  This is deliberately misleading. And shame on the person trying to trick you with this.  In this scene (in context) people all over the world were making wishes, many of them horrible, including a white man wishing a woman drop dead. Another man wished to be a king.  Lots of bad wishes were being made.Earlier in the movie a white character wished for nuclear weapons too but this stupid, out-of-context, post deliberately leaves that important detail out. Context is important for a reason. You let yourselves get tricked. The main antagonist is modeled after Trump.  And he is a pretty awful guy until the ending shows a sympathetic side to him and he renounces his choices in order to save his son, because the man was still capable of love, and realized what was more important than his mad ambitions.  But I suppose that wouldn’t set right for a lot of people, the idea of redemption...
Don’t lie about a movie, or spread misinformation, or leap to conclusions, if you haven’t seen it for yourself and don’t know the context of these scenes. Some of us actually saw the movie.  This is like when I saw an angry Tumblr post circulating, pissed off that  Marvel’s four part Vote Loki comic “did away with Loki being genderfluid.”  Thousands of reblogs from people who never actually read the comic.  Not only was it wrong but Loki spent half the story in woman form.
Why do people feel the need to lie like this?“ Do you ever read the books you burn?” - Clarisse from Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. Next time you want to feel victorious, actually address what is being said.   The moment a child responds with a meme instead of conversation I feel they’ve lost all effort of proving whatever point they think they have.
Remember, “memes” in response to actual well-thought-out rebuttals doesn’t suddenly make you right or “win.”
Here’s a meme for you though.
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I watched the film to see if the context of those images and gifs was accurate and it was all lies by omission.   We are human beings, we shouldn’t be tricked with careful wording and out of context snip-its like victims of faeries in a folktale.
Much like those who used out-of-context bullshit to claim Neil Gaiman is homophobic (before they discovered J. K. Rowling actually IS Transphobic) I will remind you.   If something truly is racist, homophobic, or bigoted, then you wouldn’t have to lie about the content to make your point.
Same rule as the witch hunts where men used fake blades to make it look like the accused women were magically not bleeding.  If you have to lie to prove your accusations, chances are the accusations are false.
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1863-project · 3 years
11 and 22 for the drawing ask!
[Art meme]
11. artist(s) that influenced/inspired your art style
It's been so long now since I started, oh my gosh. I know as a kid I learned from whatever anime was on TV, and I also would mimic artists I found online who are sadly since lost to memory (we're talking early 2000s here, when I was in middle school). There was one website that posted a variety of people's Nintendo fanart back then, and I remember using it to learn from when I was 12 or 13 or so. (There were also a few cursed drawings on that website - namely one of a bishounen Waluigi and an MS Paint image of Wario eating a pie - that I had the foresight to print out because they were funny, and I still have them.)
22. what are you best at drawing/doing (ex: youre good at lineart, or drawings hands, etc.)
I like to think I'm pretty good at facial expressions, actually. There is one expression in particular that friends will note I've got down pat, but the reason why is embarrassing. Of course, my friends very much know that reason and love to affectionately troll me over it.
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currywaifu · 4 years
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𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞: muse 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩: miyoshi kazunari/reader 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: sfw 𝐰𝐜: 3.1k words, 1 image
𝐚𝐧: got back to writing again~ how much kazu-speak is too much? sorry this took a while, but I finally got over my writer’s block!
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When your phone vibrates the exact minute your class ends, you know the text can only be sent by him. As the people around you begin to step outside the lecture hall, you find time to read your boyfriend’s message before heading out as well.
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With Kazunari being a year above you, in a different course more so, there were times during the week where the two of you could barely catch a glimpse of each other. Projects were beginning to pile up for both of you, and with his acting to consider you initially didn’t want to bother him, but…
Just as you picked up your bag, your phone lights up again.
Wah, where r u??? I mish u already beb 💓💕💞
Stifling a giggle, you send back a text before quickly shuffling out of the classroom.
Kazunari always made the effort to put time into your relationship and give you affection, regardless if it was eating together during mutual breaks in between classes or sending each other cute messages and memes on social media.
Of course as cute as his selfies were nothing could beat physically being beside him and hearing his voice in person, so who could blame you for picking up your pace and rushing to where you knew your boyfriend was.
He’s seated on a bench when you spot him, fiddling with his phone. Before you could call out to him whips his head to face you. Instantaneously his lips break into a smile and from the lift of your cheeks you know you’re the same.
“Heyho☆ You looking for someone?” Kazunari says as you approach him, a teasing grin settling on his face. “You look a little lost~”
“I’m here for Kazu, my boyfriend!” You reply, lifting your hand and placing it atop of his head. “He’s this tall, and… oh! Super handsome, too. Have you seen him?”
Holding back a laugh, his eyes dart from left to right before sighing. “Unfortunately, he’s nowhere to be found. Aw, but you look totes adorbs~♪ Should I steal you away from this Kazu guy? I’ll def sweep you off your feet☆”
Before you know it Kazunari pulls you into his arms, the spontaneity a surprising but warm feeling. You wrap your arms around him as well, smiling against his sweater as the two of you hug while swaying left and right.
“Alright, that’s enough, Casanova.” You say the moment the hug gets too tight, slowly escaping his embrace.
“I want more though~” He whines, reluctantly letting go of you. He didn’t actually look upset if the glimmer in his eyes was anything to go by. “Well, I needed your help with something anyway!”
Anticipation bubbles up within you, expecting a new piece he needed help with, or maybe something for you to critique. After all, your admiration for his work was one of the reasons the two of you had gotten so close in the first place.
“I’ll do my best, Kazu-senpai!” You beam at him, throwing in the honorific to potentially catch him off-guard. Needless to say, it worked splendidly.
“Senpai?! You haven’t called me that in forever!” Kazunari was buzzing with excitement, grabbing one of your hands to swing it around. “Ahhhh- it was so, so cute every time you called me that! I was like, OMG—”
You roll your eyes. “I know, you’ve said that how many times?” Nevertheless, every time he mentioned it the more fond you grew of him.
“Kazuuu,” you squeeze his hand “come on, we have something to do, right?”
Not letting go of your hand for even a moment he leads you along the hallway, eventually stopping outside one of the classrooms.
“So, like, you can totally say no if you want but I’d be hella happy if you helped me out with this.”
You frown slightly, a little befuddled on what kind of request he’d be asking of you. “Kazunari, you don’t have to beat around the bush. I’ll understand.”
Nodding and looking more sure of himself, Kazunari continues. “I’d like to paint you.”
You tilt your head in confusion. “Don’t you already do that without asking me? I’ve seen your sketchbook, I’m totally okay with it.”
“This is different. I need to submit a painting of something or someone that’s my muse, so I wanted you as my model,” he explains, silently watching your expression change as you grasp the whole situation.
Avoiding his gaze, you look away from Kazunari. “Muse? So- so that means inspiration, right?” You stammer slightly, imagining how frazzled you must look already. “Wait I’m- are you sure it should be me? I’m not really…” you trail off, unsure of what reason you were going to give at the end.
When he says your name you look back up at his face. “I’m being legit here, you inspire me more than you know. It won’t feel right to paint anything else when you were the first thing that popped into my mind.”
Your eyes widen at his serious declaration. It’s not everyday Kazunari gives you such a straightforward and earnest compliment to that degree. Despite your initial embarrassment, your heart swelled up with joy; watching his shoulder’s ease up made you realize that he was probably waiting for a reaction out of you. At this point, it was impossible for you to reject his request.
“If you’ll still have me, then you can paint me.”
Kazunari’s eyes light up again, expressive and sparkling, before opening the classroom door to lead you inside. “Thank you, and like obvi! Why wouldn’t I wanna show off my sunshine to the world! My baby! My go-“
You let out a huff of amusement as he continued to spurt out pet names for you. Looks like he was back to normal?
When he lets go of your hand you finally take the time to absorb the room. It was obvious it was an art-centric classroom, from the numerous easels, art supplies, and artsy clutter scattered around the room. You wouldn’t have noticed such a difference between this and the other “painter occupied” rooms if it wasn’t for the set-up right smack in the middle.
It made for a pretty picture- loads of white offset by its nature orientedness. A few potted plants (you weren’t sure if they were real or not) were strategically placed along the area. The white fabric was hung and draped atop what was probably a bunch of easels used as a base frame. Similar cloths were set on the floor, a pillow placed on top.
You have a good feeling, a hunch if you will, that you were meant to stay there; if that wasn’t enough proof, an easel with a blank canvas was positioned directly in front of the space.
“When’d you even get the time to set this up? Are we even allowed to be here?” You question, a little surprised how everything has already been prepared.
“Friends from the photography dept helped me out~ Plus I’m lowkey besties with the prof so it’s ayt as long as we clean up.” He replies, grabbing one of the spare fabrics on the table.
“Can you remove your jacket?” Kazunari steps closer to you; as soon as you unzip the garment and throw it aside he wraps the plain, white material around your shoulders like a makeshift shawl or blanket.
You know it’s for the portrait, but there was something domestic about the simple act that made your heart race. He stepped back, smiling at you and looking self-accomplished.
“Huhu I can’t- my baby’s so pretty? How is this possible? Like an angel, no, a deity!”
“My venus~ wahh, I need so many pics? Do I have enough space? Do I post on InstaBlam or-”
“Kazu!” You interrupt, your cheeks flaring up in embarrassment. It was literally a white drape! Still, it was always nice when he complimented you, no matter how extra he went about it, so you didn’t have the heart to complain— after a year, you knew he was always genuine with his praise to you.
“We should probably start with the painting, right? We don’t wanna stay too late.” Kazunari perks back up and you briefly watch him choose between paintbrushes before you sit down on the floor.
How do models figure this shit out? Where does your leg go? How do you angle your face? How much tilt was too much tilt? Even the way you sat down was suddenly making you conscious— should you sit cross-legged or on your heels? Legs stretched out or tucked in?
You fidget in place, picking at the stray threads of the cloth beneath you. Should you just let Kazunari do his magic and hope he somehow makes you look good? After watching him from the corner of your eye he drops his paintbrush back in the mug.
“Beb, the vibes are off. I was being legit when I said you looked good, but you look like you’re thinking too hard.”
“Sorry, I can’t figure out what pose works.”
He crouches down in front of you, quietly looking over your awkward form. His hands take action in moving your body, nudging the arm that laid limp on your lap to lay flat against the floor behind you. Then his palms are on your legs, positioning the left thigh atop the right so that your knees faced front and the soles of your feet faced the side.
‘Okay, don’t be weird about it’ you tell yourself, despite hyper-focusing on the ghosts of Kazunari’s fingertips barely seeping through your jeans as they settle on your chin, gently moving your head to the side and tilting it downwards.
Kazunari narrows his eyes, simply staring at your face without a word being uttered. A part of you almost wants him to break into his trendy-speak again if only to give you time to shake off your sudden bashfulness.
“We Gucci! You still look distracted though… oh! Can you think about something that makes you happy?”
Maybe it was because he suggested it, or maybe it was because he’s your boyfriend— either way, the first thing that popped into your mind was Kazunari.
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Settling into university was tough, but you had worked so hard to get accepted into Veludo Arts that you could look past the taxing work handed by the professors. Aside from the workload, you came to really enjoy studying here— you learned first hand how talented your peers were, and that motivated you to work harder.
During one of the campus’ exhibits your eyes were immediately drawn to the canvas with a Japanese painting style. Even from afar you could tell the artist was incredibly talented, but the closer you got the more you were able to see the tiny details and how purposeful every stroke was.
‘The devil truly is in the details’ you thought, looking at the exhibit label card beside the painting.
“Miyoshi Kazunari, 2nd-year student…” you read out loud, wondering if he had more works you could look at around the school.
“I heard my name just now~♪ Could it be, I have an admirer?” You immediately turn around to face a guy with blond hair and green eyes, keeping steady eye contact with you as he grinned.
Cute as he was, you might have totally ignored him if you hadn’t absorbed what he said.
“Hello, you’re Miyoshi-senpai, then?” You ask, trying to hide your disbelief at how he just popped up out of nowhere. Had you been staring at the painting that long that you lost awareness of your surroundings?
“The one and only~♪ You like the painting?”
Abandoning your bewilderment you immediately shifted into admiration mode. “Definitely! I thought the sparse use of colour was genius, particularly how certain parts of the painting got bolder colours than others. Not only that but the title! You think it’s literal at first, but it’s actually a double entendre! I also-“
Your rambling gets caught off by your new acquaintance chuckling, looking infinitely amused by you. You feel pinpricks on your cheeks, deliberating if you had gone too far with your praise or not.
“Kouhai, you’re so cute~♪ If you ever need help, just DM me, alrighty? I’ll always answer ya piko☆”
It had started out with you asking for his advice or to borrow materials, but somehow someway a couple of selfies and hundreds of DM stickers later the conversation shifted to topics unrelated to art.
You had eagerly begun looking forward to seeing the green circle beside his icon as he logged in to tell you about his day, whether it be something he did at Mankai or some crazy shenanigans with his friends.
Becoming close friends with Kazunari, to getting asked out by him, to dating him— you’d be lying if you said the past two years would be just as enjoyable if he wasn’t there to celebrate with you.
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The sound of your name made you escape your daydream, being met with the sight of the blond in front of you.
“Were you calling me for long?” You ask, smiling as he pets you on the head.
“Nah, but aside from some deets the painting’s done now!” Even though the easel was turned to you, you still stand up to take a closer look.
Leave it up to Kazunari to make a human look so… pure? Angelic? How’d he even make you look so good? It was almost as if he had put a dreamy filter over you. As expected, even though he said there was still work to do, the tiniest of details were present— from the creases of the fabric hung behind you to the slight discolourations of the monstera plant beside you.
However, easily the most impressive thing about the whole portrait was the look on your face. The slope of your eyelashes as they shaded your eyes— averted with a faraway look to them, as though enchanted by something unseen to the viewer. The corners of your lips lifted your cheeks, a closed smile holding onto words unspoken.
So that’s what you looked like in love.
“What were you thinking of here, my muse?” Kazunari breaks the silence, and when you turn to face him you notice he’s not looking at the painting. You don’t break the eye contact.
“Were you… musing about me?” He teases, though it’s a little lacking in spirit. You don’t fail to notice— neither the lower timbre of his voice nor the gentleness of his eyes escape you.
Even with all his eccentricities, you and Kazunari aren’t too dissimilar when it comes to love.
“Yeah, I was thinking about you.”
The look on his face was something you wish you could capture in a photo or painting yourself, a medley of unpreparedness, joy, and adoration. You can’t stop your small laughter when he literally clutches his chest.
“OMG my heart, I’m so? You’re so?” He takes hold of the cloth around your shoulders and pulls you closer until the only thing you can focus on is the brilliance of his green eyes. You could look only for a few seconds as he stretched his head forward and pressed his lips against yours.
The kiss was sweet and inviting, not unlike the first they shared months ago. Kazunari’s lips were warm and he tasted faintly of the candy he always liked to stock in his bag. After a moment, he brings both hands up to your cheekbones, cupping your face like he was savouring you.
Then he drops his chin, breaking off the kiss and pushing you away a fraction, so he could look into your eyes.
“Sorry,” he says with a small laugh, “Just can’t believe that expression was all for me, you know?”
You pout, poking his side. “And who else would I think about? I only have one boyfriend, Kazu.”
“Oh? Does that boyfriend happen to be a good kisser?” Kazunari asks playfully, his eyes crinkling with mirth, “I bet I’d be a better kisser~”
“Is that so?” You reply with a raised eyebrow, slowly erasing the distance until you were but a breath apart from touching. “Would you like to prove it?”
The intimacy of the moment was both strange and wonderful. You tilt your chin slightly and he immediately took it as the cue to lean in and kiss you again, drawing your lower lip between his with a light suction. If the first was gentle if not a little energetic, this time he kissed with an unexpected passion and confidence.
It was clear that missing each other plus the accumulation of little moments this afternoon led to this moment.
Kazunari traces one hand over your cheek, down your shoulder, back up again. His fingers come to rest at the back of your neck, sending a slight shiver down your spine, his thumb playing idly along your jaw as he works his mouth against yours and in the back of your head you realise the fabric on your shoulders had slipped some seconds ago. Eventually, you pull yourself closer, until you were flush against him.
Kazunari releases your mouth and starts kissing down your jawline. He presses his upper body over yours as he settles in to tease and nip at your earlobe, murmuring your name, the sensation against your ear making your whole body tingle.
You could only whimper in response as he attacks the outer shell of your ear, beginning to get overwhelmed by his warmth and his smell and you burrowed against his sweater, trying to lose yourself in all of it. At this point, you were just trying to steal as much of Kazunari’s loving warmth as you could.
You tighten your grip on his clothes when he grazes his teeth against your neck; then his lips were on yours again and you readily opened up to him, swirling your tongue against his.
When the need for air came desperately, you took to a slower pace until eventually coming to a halt, loosening the grip you had on him. You don’t immediately open your eyes, collapsing against chest once more to catch your breath. You only look back up when Kazunari lets out a loud snort that turned into a fit of laughter.
“I forgot we were still on campus for a sec,” He says, gently squeezing your forearms. You step backward, making yourself look presentable, though it serves a bit of a task without a mirror to guide you.
“We should probably clean up and leave.”
Kazunari lets out a thoughtful hum, and you can already see the grin creeping upon his lips. “Yeah, we def should… unless?”
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king-ofthe-ruckus · 4 years
I was wondering:
Do you think Jeremiah and Jerome would use tumblr? And how would there blogs be called and what would they look like (what posts, popular, self-created posts or just reblog, with comments, etc.)?
Idk, this question is random, but somehow i can't get it out of my head.
[ 2/2 : It's me again, that person who asked what the twins tumblr blogs would look like lmao: I thought:- jeremiah would probably post/reblog murder cases or science things- but i don't know what jerome would do ]
Okay, I love this idea so much, because, Jerome is without a doubt in my mind, on the weirdest side of tumblr, he’s one of those people that have the strangest made up stories, and odd quotes, he’s probably used in a lot of incorrect quotes. And just, he’s one of those oddly presence people despite no one knowing literally anything true about him. It’s just know that he probably has a friend named Jonathan, and a consistent, but probably made up friend named Jervis [ because he always ends up in fakest sounding stories ]
So now that I got that out of the way, I think the people Jerome would follow would be a lot of miscellaneous blogs, like ones that post tiktoks and other that are just strange [ think @thatsbelievable ] and probably a lot of meme blogs. he probably follows a few trauma recovery-centric blogs, because, as much as he hates to admit it, the random quotes telling him he’s worth something just makes him smile, and sometimes he really needs that his tumblr would probably have the generic background and a selfie of him and jonathan. He reblogs/post in spams between the hours of 3am-7am before going silent for a few days then usually comes back with a wild story of “”“finding his long lost twin”“” His tags are all over the place. No version of coherency on this blog, but he has several side blogs [ one for anarchy posts [politics], one for venting because he doesn’t like putting non-funny things on main, and then one for his art, because i really like the idea of Jerome having some artistic talent [ i really like him being a make up artist and making these really fun designs ] that side blog also has some photos of Jonathan’s hair that he braid and added sparkles to. ] Jerome just gives of a lot of chaotic energy, but if you ever see him interacting with his mutuals [ which he defines as people who he follows and follows him back and they continuously have good interactions on each other posts and you can see he puts a lot of energy and work into and actually cares about his online presence. And since i personally think of him as having ADHD, i think he definitely hyperfixates on his tumblr, which is why i almost debated him having a background image, but i really think he just likes he default red brick cartoonish background. ]
Jeremiah actually has a really large following as well because he got tumblr hold himself accountable for his studying when he was younger, and it also gave him good inspiration, so he’s heavily involved in studyblr, probably follows a lot of recovery-centric blogs, and this is just a personal headcanon of mine, but i believe that he has a bad relationship with food, and so he follow disordered eating blogs as well. His notes are extremely minimalistic, and he post blurbs for himself of what he read, enjoyed eating, and studied that day. He’s always extremely careful of what he puts in there so no one could figure out any personal information, and he is very good about tagging. A very good easy to understand system in place. He doesn’t follow that many people [ between 30 - 50, he consistently go through who he follows to unfollow them if they a.) change their content b.) are in active or c.) finds himself no longer enjoying their content ]. His blog is actually surprisingly aesthetically pleasing. His profile picture is a light photo, maybe of a piece of notes and pencils/pens he’s using and square that lines up with the blueprints he has a background. His bio is bare but concise [ “engineering studyblr. studying for undergrad/grad/whatever applies. tags.“ [ and the tags connects to a master list post of his organized tags: his own notes [#mine.], reblogged notes [#study me. and by the #[subject like STEM, arts, etc,.]], studying tips [#tictacs], quotes [#words], photos [#a thousand words], and then on for non-study related thing, like the true crime [ #tw murder ], and science, i see him really enjoying space and psychology, so he follows studyblr of those, but random facts are tagged under [ #scifi ]. I personally don’t imagine him having any side blogs, just because i don’t imagine him really enjoying social media beyond it being a way to focus his energy on something that he has a hard time focusing on, and serving as a distraction whenever he needs it, but he prefers mazes as distractions, or creating dream buildings and combining his favorite architectural types [ i saw this one like eco-brutalism i think it was called, i don’t know it was like a forest over took a city, but a safe and controlled way, i can’t think of the correct name, and i probably saw it on pinterest ] and i pretend like his idiotic idea of living in the forest with he idiotically sized bunker [ @alexanderwesker was talking about it in Discord [ they may have posted it to, if so i’ll link it, but it’s late and i’m tired ] and honestly, the bunker, it’s- it’s so bad, so now i’m pretending like it’s an intentional choice, to some extent XD ]
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