#I think the latter
especially-the-beans · 6 months
Is alice being actually followed by mr bonzo... or has she developed paranoia after exploring the magnus insitute, just like red canary?
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yousignedupforthis · 6 months
Do we think there's secret messages in the album booklet like old times or it's just a lil promo thing
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mirkwood · 5 months
do yall think melkor wears an undershirt under his armor or is he a tits out kinda guy
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armandyke · 2 years
can’t decide if it would be funnier for diegolila to consistently be their cunty selves even with the baby around or to be so so normal and cheery with the baby and then immediately switch back to being cunts when she’s gone
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cepheusgalaxy · 8 months
The Snow White One - tag: sw wip
Genre: Fantasy adventure
What is it about: Snow White is a princess called Rosanne who has a Perfect Princess persona (called Snow White). Her mother passed away five years ago or so and her father is deeply grieving her. Rose convinces her father to get married again so he'll have someone to help him to rule the kingdom since he is clearly struggling to do it as it is. They throw in a ball a la Cinderella to choose the new queen and they end up catching the attention of a manipulative noble named Katarina von Waldeck who wants to use the Palace's gold to restructure the whole economic system and instaurate capitalism in the kingdom. (She is the Evil Queen.) Rose and her closest friend find this out and try to stop her, but then the Queen finds out that they know her true intentions, and when they get to know that she knows that they know, they run away. Now they try to gather allies to take down the queen before she does something terrible like, idk, killing the king, or worse, capitalism.
Who is in it:
Rose (she/her) - Main traits: Kind, calculist, stoic. She is the heir and only princess of Araxacy, and a perfectionist. She is a very selfless person and always acts with the big picture in mind. She is veeery smart and a very good actress, and also knows how to read people well and get them on their side. She sometimes acts in a purely strategic way without considering someone's feelings and is sometimes she gets afraid of what she is capable to do, so she tries to compensate with her Perfect Princess persona: aka "princess Snow White", her popular title, a princess of the people, a kind and mercyful and perfect and pure soul. What everybody wants.
June (he/him/?) - Main traits: Skeptical, silly in an edgy way, stoic(/unfriendly). June doesn't have a surname. His parents kicked him out of home a few years ago and without many options, he started to work at the manor of the Lady of where he lived. -> Note: Araxacy is a big country with a federal government. That is, there is the Big Central Power (the Palace) and each area of the country has some autonomy and is ruled by a landlord or lady. The territory where June lives are the Von Waldeck lands, whose lady is Katarina von Waldeck (the to-be Evil Queen). He was a servant (I even have all the Von Waldeck's manor internal logistics in a doc lol) at Katarina's manor and when she got married, the Estate and the territorry were passed down to her sister, and June was one of the chosen servants to go to the Palace with her. When he started working there, he and Rose became literal best friends cuz both were very loney and are around the same age, and later, found out Katarina's secret and ran away. It was a little hard to believe his friend when she found out, and at first, he was on Katarina's side, since after all, she was the one who took him under her wing and had been kind of a projected mother figure to him after he lost his home, but lastly, he believed Rose and they both ran away. He may be a little grumpy and bitter but at his core he's a very gentle person.
Katarina (she/her) - Main traits: Manipulative, charismatic, opportunistic, smart. The Evil Queen. She is a very oportunistic and calculist person, always acting on her own interests. She has some allies from outside the country AND if she wasn't That Evil she would be a great ruler: During "the crisis", when the king could barely, like, do his thing, all of the territories were left on their own, and Katarina's was one of the most prosperous of them all. She knows how to get what she wants, how to manipulate, gatekep, gaslight and girlboss people and how to deal with politics, the people and money. But she is very very selfish. Even if their moral alignements are very different, Katarina and Rose kind of share this trait (i did that on purpose lol): Even if Rose's morals completely bring to zero her chances of doing such a thing, they both evaluate people and can be very calculist and manipulative if they want.
Irae (she/her) - Main traits: Playful, careful, ambitious. Some countries away from Araxacy, there is a county named Tibai, whose economy is centred around the sea. All the story is set on this continent, and Tibai is one of the biggest countries on it. Irae is a corsair pirate under the comand of a noble house: She was formerly an outlaw pirate who was pretty famous and at one point, instead of trying to take her down, the Lily House decided to hire her and bring her to her side. Irae accepted, beacuse if not she'd be a little screwed, and now she works partially as some law-enforcement, but she also has the legal pass to do most of what she wants. She meets June and Rose after they ran away, cuz she was sent to catch some thieves, but then she decided to help them out, partially cuz she has a big heart, partially cuz she thought Rose is very very cute, and partially cuz she knows she can get something out of the situation. She is a very lightmooded person and althought she is not very wise she's streetsmart and has a charm that takes most people down. Also, I'm still detailing her backstory but she became a pirate because a territorrial dispute amongst some noble houses caused a civil war and her hometown was destroyed in the process. She lived in the streets for a while.
Cauan (he/him) - Main traits: (...) His backstory is gonna have some changes, but overall he is the prince of the other big big country on the continent, a place rich in both gold and technology advances (simple stuff like aluminium prosthetics and very neat vehicles and experimental eletricity). He is not very fleshed out yet.
Phillipp (he/him) - Main traits: Humble, optimistic, a little naive. Philipp is Rose’s father and the king. He’s a caring parent and wasn’t born in the royalty; he was a marquis who married Rose’s mother, the long gone queen, and outside of that I still don’t have him very fleshed out.
Note A: Cauan's original name in Portuguese is Cauã but I decided to adapt it since Cauan is pronounced (?) similarly in English.
Note B: Also, some of the character's names are inspired by what seems to be the origin of Snow White's story, an old gossip about a noble family from some hundreds of years ago.
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viola-ophelia · 2 years
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am i the top related blog in the john andre tag because of the sexyman poll? or am i just the most prolific andre-poster in general slkfjskdjfhdks
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when you suddenly start acting like a different person and you're like "oh shit am i a different person"
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canisalbus · 5 months
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bloobydabloob · 13 days
i think dirk and jade hanging out would be really great in your style, actually.
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My cybernetic future furryfriends
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xxplastic-cubexx · 22 days
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throws these at you
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lylahammar · 4 months
Hi ✋ I have a little Marcille theory/headcanon (which honestly could possibly be canon) to share
I often see people characterizing her as the person who wears inappropriate clothes to a hike, like the girl who doesn’t know how to handle herself outdoors. And I always thought, why is that?? She’s shown to have been kinda an outdoorsy kid
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I still think that characterization that people give her is incorrect BUT only partially. I was thinkin about it more and I think that Marcille is a reformed agoraphobe. She grew up playing outside all the time, until her father died and her mother said the worst thing possible to her daughter dealing with that trauma lmfao
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Marcille became terrified of death, not just for herself but for others. I’ve seen people joke about how her early life timeline doesn’t have much on it, and I know part of that was because her backstory hadn’t been revealed yet when the adventurer’s bible was written so it was avoiding spoilers, but also. Maybe she actually didn’t do much before going to magic school?
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When she met Falin, she was confronted with a kid who was just as, if not probably more outdoorsy than she was as a kid
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And she actually got panicked by it! This interaction reads at first like Marcille being a prissy nerd who doesn’t go outside ever, which is why I think people often mischaracterize her that way, but it reads a lot different when you realize she actually used to be outdoorsy herself and is just a (probably recently) traumatized girl with a horrible fear of anyone around her dying
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Anyways, it’s very clear that Falin’s carefree attitude and podunk knowledge helped her get past the worst of her fears, and now Marcille’s able to travel and go on adventures again. Which, again, makes their love hit even harder. And also the terror Marcille feels at the idea of Falin dying. Top yuri couple of all time moment
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calmbigdipper · 2 months
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I believe Fugo and Trish would be besties in the most awkward way possible
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my alarm is still activated
the sound of my phone is on
but I slept through it and woke up an hour and a half later
two theories :
1. It rang but I was so out of it that I turned it off, fell back asleep and I have no memory of it
2. The demon under my bed was in a silly goofy mood
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idolomantises · 4 months
I'm ngl i kinda wish people wouldn't look at a character I create, see that they're mean, and then immediately assume by default they're actually super tragic and a sad woobie. And I'm not even saying this to be like "people need to appreciate 2-dimensional villains!" because I don't agree with those people either.
It's like if a character is a jerk, it either needs to be justified with a sad backstory, or they need to be a saturday morning cartoon villain. it can't just be a part of their personality.
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tinartss · 7 months
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this guy…
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rookflower · 10 months
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starting a petition to end this dichotomy in warrior cats designs forever
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