#I think they've learned that going in front of the security cam gets my attention
scoriarose · 4 months
This is why it's so important to talk to your pet snakes! She got startled by the sound of the lid of her baby bin closing, but the moment I start talking to her, she immediately relaxes- her posture changes, she starts tongue flicking, and starts moving around again. Even if you don't think your snake can understand what you're saying, they will learn to recognize your voice, the tone of your voice, and trust you if you tell them they are okay. I've only had Sakura for a week and she already has this reaction to my voice.
With Scoria, when she was in blue and couldn't see me she was very scared because she couldn't see what was touching her- but by that point I regularly talked to her so much she knew my voice. She was basically blind, but once she heard my voice she relaxed because she knows I am her protector and I keep her safe.
Sakura doesn't know me well enough yet, and she's still getting use to the sights and sounds of our home. With how flighty she is, I'm hoping I can use this experience to help others who have more timid/skittish snakes with my experience.
Her sister Scoria is very eager to play with her, she saw her in her baby bin, and will always look to Sakura's bin when she is out. We've got to wait until he quarantine period is up, and Sakura has time to settle in, but I'm hoping they will be good friends. I will only let them play together during play time as I've read Hognoses are solitary and cohabitating them outside brumation can lead to one eating the other- which happens with mating sometimes.
But during playtime I never take my eye off my girls, and will ensure they are both happy and relaxed before their first official meeting will happen.
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