#I thought silence of the lambs was ok
sophistikitten · 1 year
have most hannibal fans seen silence of the lambs
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marias-wonderland · 1 year
Which Hannibal is hotter
Or 1991
Or 2001
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The one who sexually awakened me at the age of 12 (aka: 1991 version)
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fangirleaconmigo · 7 months
Lambert and the Tribute
Ok. Hear me out. You know how there is the porny/smutty trope of the witcher who saves a family/town from a dangerous beast? And the towns folk are like, well, we don't have (or want to spend) money, so, here is our young sexy innocent but eager son/daughter as a tribute? *cue porn music*
So as usual last night, I was thinking about blorbos and shit instead of sleeping, and was like...how about we turn that trope around a bit? (not that there is anything wrong with it, I just like fiddling with tropes)
I present to you my concept, and I'm using Lambert for this because as I thought of it, I could hear his voice in my head.
So, Lambert comes back from the hunt, exhausted, out of breath, bruised, cut up, but triumphant.
He stands in front of the penniless farmer with the gnarly severed head of a beast. He has saved all of their lives. Because of him, life continues.
But the poor farmer is clearly distraught. He is a young man, early twenties, and is like...thank you so much Mr Witcher sir, we are mighty obliged. But sadly, tragically, we have no money. The harvest was lost, and we are hungry as it is.
The poor farmer tries to explain. Sir, I would gladly offer you my sexy and eager but wide eyed and innocent daughter as tribute, but tragically, my kids are too young to be sexy tributes. Mr. Witcher, they simply aren't reproductive age yet.
And the farmer is standing there, just anxious as hell about what the witcher will demand instead, like, will it be his young bride? His beautiful raven haired wife? They're basically newlyweds still and so very much in love. He can't abide the thought! He's racking his brain, is there anyone young and nubile and teen of aged in the next town???
And then he realizes fuck, WORST OF ALL, I hope this fucker doesn't want the law of surprise because that never ends well. Inside, this man is screaming, please do not take my kids in any capacity.
But isn't that what witchers ALWAYS want??? Children to make into MUTANTS????
So this poor (in every sense of the word) guy is stammering and angsting, but Lambert isn't paying any attention to him. He literally has not said a single word to him. He's not even looking at him. He's leaning a little to the right and looking past this guy, over his shoulder.
The farmer starts to get annoyed. Mr. Witcher, he thinks, I'm struggling here, help me out a little.
Lambert drops the nasty monster head with a thunk and turns back to the guy. Lamb is not particularly put out. He knew this family was poor. But still. This doesn't have to be for nothing.
He wipes the bloody sweat off his forehead with his arm and nods behind the man.
"What about him? He game?"
The farmer looks like his brain has just blanked out. He stares in silence. He slowly turns and looks behind him. Then he turns back to Lambert, waiting for him to laugh or to clarify. Lambert just stares at him expectantly.
"Well?" Lambert asks.
The penniless farmer is like.. "You---you want...m-...m-"
The young farmer doesn't wanna say it because that can't be right and he doesn't wanna embarrass himself. But Lambert is not helping him out at all. He's just looking at him like he's an utter dumbass, just waiting for him to get his shit together. "Spit it out, man."
Farmer tries again. "Mr. Witcher, sir. Are you saying that you want...my... FATHER?"
Lambert looks back at the object of his fascination. An older man is working, hauling bales of hay, loading them up in a wagon. And this man is like, mid-fifties, barrel chest covered with gray hair, full beard, inhospitable expression, overalls, dusty boots. He's thick, muscled and hard, he's covered in sweat, he's got calluses, he looks exactly like a man that's been busting his ass in the fields for more than a few decades.
As Lambert stares at the father, his expression starts to look a little hungry. "Is that your pops?"
"Uhhh yes?' The farmer's voice kind of screeches into a higher register.
Lambert shrugs. "Ok, well yea, your pops then. Ask 'im if he's game. Go ahead. I ain't got all day."
The young farmer just swivels, his eyes still in disbelief, still thinking he's going to humiliate himself. He wants the ground to open up and swallow him. He is starting to think maybe his youngest kid would make a good witcher after all. But Lambert is waiting and doesn't look perturbed. He doesn't look like he's kidding.
"Uh, dad?" The farmer is well, well into adulthood but his voice still cracks. But his dad hears.
The big older guy drops his bale and turns around. His eyes are sharp and hard. "Yep?"
The young farmer swallows. "Yes, um, father, the witcher here saved us."
"Obliged." The older man's voice is low, gravely, and he sounds like a man who does not suffer fools.
Lambert nods, an eager twinkle starting to gleam in his eyes. "Glad to help. It's what I do."
The young farmer continues, "And well, you know, we don't have any money to pay him. What with the bad harvest and all."
The dad nods, waiting. He's quiet too, not helping the young farmer out at all. So the younger farmer soldiers ahead. "So, father, he, the witcher that is, was wondering, um, if you would, um, want to be the uh..." he takes a breath and tries to say it fast, "tribute."
The young farmer almost faints from mortification. He's waiting for his dad to laugh at his idiocy. To shout at him. To kick his ass.
But what the Dad does is slowly raise his eyebrows. Then he turns purposefully towards Lambert. He switches his weight a little to one of his hips, and just quietly begins to look Lambert up and and down, assessing him with extreme interest. He is silently just raking his eyes from the top of Lambert's head down to his toes.
Lambert's grin gets wider, like it gleams, because at this point, he knows he's in. If the man is checking whether he is his type, then well, he's good with men. And Lambert just knows he'll be this man's type. Why wouldn't he be for fuck sake?
When the older man's gaze gets to his crotch, Lambert gives his prick a cocky little squeeze and licks his lips.
The older man grunts, and if the young farmer didn't know it was an interested noise, he certainly does when his father gives Lambert a wink. "Name's Abe, young buck."
The young farmer whispers several prayers for the gods to deliver him from this moment.
"Hi Abe," says Lambert, just eager and smug sounding as shit.
Abe takes his gloves off and hands them to his son as he passes him. He only says three words. "Don't wait up."
Lambert chuckles to himself, and there is a little hop in his step as they walk off together, since he is already anticipating the cock in his ass and could not be more overjoyed. Abe slides his hand down Lambert's trousers and squeezes his ass possessively.
The younger farmer just stands there with his jaw dropped. He had no idea whatsoever that his dad has this side to him. That man silently and stoically raised a family of seven children with his dearly departed mother, rest her soul. All his father ever did was work. You think you know a person. Honestly.
Lambert and Abe are long gone, and the son is still standing there in shock, when his beautiful young bride comes out of the house with a toddler on her hip. "Where did father go?"
The young farmer always likes that about his bride, she calls his dad father. "Yes. Heeee, um, went to pay the witcher for his services."
The young bride is surprised, she didn't know that father had money after the poor harvest they'd had, what with the locusts and all that. But oh isn't that a nice surprise, she thinks. "Well how generous of him. What a kind and giving man father is."
The young farmer puts his arm around his beautiful bride and pulls her in tight. "You know what my darling," he says, "it didn't seem like he minded in the least."
---the end
(and if any of you talented writers out there wants to write the sex scene, I would pledge my eternal friendship and love to you)
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finniestoncrane · 5 months
Here is me requesting my birthday maxi smut honestly im thinking maxi threw some stuff together for a little surprise for her ! And ( he actually does give her a real gift) but the best part comes in the bedroom....
Pun not intended 🤣
I Got You Something
Maximus x Fem!Reader, word count: 1k ay happy birthday!! i love maximus, he's just the softest, sweetest little lamb and the strangest little bug ever and i am obsessed with him and how he'd learn how to be a good boyfriend to someone ;-; 🧡 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: fluff, lil bit of smut, oral sex mostly!!
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"You're paying attention, right? Because I really can't see anything..."
"Yeah, yeah, I got you! Just a little... further...Oh, shit, watch that pile of... what is that?"
Your feet kicked something soft in front of you and you recoiled, caught in Maximus' arms.
"Max! Can you just uncover my eyes, please?"
"No, almost there. Just a little further..."
As sweet as the gesture was, you almost regretted telling Maximus that it was your birthday. He was so keen to impress, so determined to make sure you still retained a semblance of your old life, of some goodness. He wanted you to keep that optimism, the kind that made you excited for something like a birthday, something he'd never really been all that fussed by.
More importantly, he wanted to be a good boyfriend.
So he kept his front pressed to your back and guided you over the miscellaneous debris that he had neglected to clean out of the way when he found a safe enough space to set up for your surprise. And then, when you were past the door frame, he removed his hands from your eyes and practically squealed.
"... ok, tah-dah!"
When your vision returned, you found yourself in an empty room, the view from the window suggesting it was on the outskirts of the settlement you and Max had been staying in for the past couple of weeks. On the walls there were tiny triangles of stained fabric, tied together to form bunting. In the corner, a bed with the cleanest sheets you'd seen in months and a dresser with an assortment of your favourite snacks. And in the centre of the room, two dining chairs and a wobbling table, upon which there was a strange looking package.
"Max! This is..."
"It's not great, I know, but... Happy Birthday!"
You could tell that your silence was worrying him, so you choked out whatever words could come to you first.
"Maxi... this is amazing."
The effort he'd put into making the space look at least a little welcoming, and a tiny bit liveable, had rendered you almost entirely speechless, unable to express to him how much it really meant to you.
"You sure?"
"Of course! It's... I love it. It's amazing. Thank you."
Reaching up to him, you cupped his cheek as you pressed a kiss to the other, beaming a bright smile at him before you gestured to the package on the table.
"And this?"
"Oh, right! Your present."
"My present?"
Your eyes widened, excited at what you had suspected had been a gift.
"It's not really like... We don't- didn't... do birthdays in the Brotherhood. But I know it's a big deal for you so..."
He reached for the gift, pulling out a chair for you and placing the parcel in your lap once you were seated. As you looked closely at it, you could make out some of the design on the paper. Singed edges of old comic books, scraps from books, all held together with some strips of duct tape. It upset you to even unwrap it, as you thought about the effort he had gone to, so you tore the paper away gently, admiring your gift once you had revealed it.
"Oh, Maxi, this is so sweet."
You held an almost pristine souvenir mug with the Nuka-Cola logo on the front. There was no way of knowing how he'd managed to find it up here, or how much he might have had to spend to get it from a trader. It was perfect.
"It's not great... it's... I'm sorry, it's crap."
"It is not! I love it!"
"Wow, really? Because I had a back-up if you didn't-"
Your ears pricked up, eyes focusing on his sweet, flushed cheeks as your pupils dilated.
"A back-up? You mean there's another gift?"
Maximus stammered over his words, nervously scratching at the back of his neck, flustered by the intense focus you were now giving him.
"It's more of a... like a surprise."
"Well, show me!"
With a renewed excitement, Max took your hand and guided you from the table to the bed, slightly giddy in the way he practically skipped over to it.
"Ok, lie down."
You raised an eyebrow with an excited smile, but did as he asked, letting your body sink into the busted bedframe and watching as he sank to his knees at the bottom of the bed. His hands, shaking with nerves, skimmed up your thigh and grabbed your hips, pulling you down the mattress closer to him. You let out a squeal of shock, giggling as he hooked his fingers into the waistband of your pants, pulling them down your legs and taking your underwear with them.
You sat up on your elbows, looking down at him with a grin so wide it almost hurt your cheeks.
"Are you really doing this?"
"Yeah... I've been practising."
He raised his eyebrows, his lips forming a sweet, proud smile.
"Yep, I've been practising."
"I don't even want to ask how..."
"Then don't, just let me show you."
With your lower half completely exposed, your pants and underwear placed in a small heap next to where Maximus knelt, you felt your body warming with arousal, anticipation spreading through your veins as you felt him leaning in, his warm breath on your thighs, then against your cunt.
And then, his tongue, hot, wet, pressed flat against your lips, forcing the tip between then, spreading them apart as he dragged the muscle up and down over your entrance, teasing it as he reached the top. He had been practising, and he’d obviously learned a little bit about anatomy somehow.
“Max… Max, this is… it’s so good…”
He paused for a moment, smiling happily, a sense of pride in his work.
“It is… you taste good… better than anything I’ve eaten out here…”
You gripped at the sheets as he returned to your body, lips enclosing over your pussy as he sucked and lapped, moaning with satisfaction at how you tasted, how you felt against his face, thighs pressed against his cheeks. And with the innocent joy he always held for these intimate moments together, he wondered if you’d let him do this again for his birthday.
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xf-cases-solved · 1 month
i've been doing my xfiles rewatch, but i've also been watching twin peaks for the first time with my partner (v weird that i haven't seen it before bc it's very much My Type of show, but w/e), and silence of the lambs was already my favorite movie. so since my personal aesthetic is apparently very specifically honed in on creepy and weird early 90s entertainment centered around fbi agents, here's a collection of random crossover thoughts i've had while watching these things, in no particular order:
-twin peaks, xfiles, silence of the lambs, except all the characters are shifted one plot to the left, so you have mulder and scully trying to figure out the death of laura palmer, clarice assigned to the xfiles division, and dale cooper having to make a rapport with dr. hannibal lecter
-separate thought: if mulder and scully met dale cooper, mulder would be absolutely delighted, and scully would want to put his head on a slab. this would just make mulder more delighted
cooper would be very pleasant to them both, but would find mulder's lack of self-care unsettling. mulder would be trying to talk about the case when cooper would interrupt him to tell him to try the mulberry pie and take a moment to savor it
he would also be able to follow scully's reasonings and would know all the references to scientific studies she makes, and would be like, "very clever! you're very intelligent!" not in a facetious way, he'd mean it genuinely, but then he'd still insist that his dream will lead them to the killer and she'd want to rip her hair out
-cooper to m&s, apropos of nothing: so how long have the two of you been in love?
-scully would not enjoy twin peaks. too rustic, too weird, too many affairs to keep track of
-mulder would love it for all the reasons she hates it
-if clarice and scully met they would get to know each other carnally, obviously. msr can still exist, but mulder has to be ok with being cuckolded by special agent clarice starling
he can watch sometimes, if wants ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
-agent crawford would have one (1) conversation with mulder and would immediately write him off as insane and never talk to him again
-crawford and scully would get along fine
-clarice and cooper would be buds, bc even tho cooper is fucking weird, he would be very enthusiastic about how clever she is, and would talk her up constantly, and clarice would appreciate the validation and kindness (besides, she's pseudo friends with hannibal lecter, cooper's idiosyncrasies are nothing in comparison)
-hannibal lecter wouldn't be able to manipulate mulder, but he wouldn't be that impressed by him either. it would be a mutual disdain. they could potentially have a hannibal/will graham-esque relationship but eh
-as badly as a "quid pro quo" scene between scully and hannibal would slap, i can't imagine scully giving hannibal anything to work with. she wouldn't stick around to play games; she doesn't have time for it and would never be able to regard him as anything besides a monster
mulder would agree to take on the puzzles, and hannibal might give them to him, but he'd taunt him and send him on wild goose chases more than he does with clarice, bc mulder doesn't have anything he particularly wants, but he is vaguely curious to see if he can figure it out. (mulder WOULD figure it out, but only with the addition of scully's analysis and theories, not hannibal's direction alone)
-hannibal would not talk to cooper lol. cooper would figure out who buffalo bill is anyway, tho
-nobody at the fbi in the xfiles universe would know how to handle dale cooper. skinner especially would be very -squints- about it, bc he'd get results, but would just be so fucking Weird™️ about it, but in such a different way than mulder is weird
-the lone gunmen would be very sweet and protective over clarice. they would be very confused and vaguely unsettled by cooper
-clarice would be skinner's dream agent bc she would listen to him and value his input and rarely punch him in the face or hold him at gunpoint
-while i can picture clarice getting the hang of the xfiles, i have trouble picturing her in twin peaks (tho, do note that i haven't seen all of it so mb that would change)
-this isn't a headcanon so much as a v obvious observation, but they are all so fucking hot, what the fuck??
-final thought: dale cooper, clarice starling, dana scully, and fox mulder = dream blunt rotation
anyway those are some of the things i think about in my spare time
the end
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ineedtopost · 5 months
Paolo stories and rumors and their sources
Ok, so in the last 23 days i've been talking to @nate-acmilan a lot and he really likes having sources for everything I tell him about Maldini. This has led me to two things, one, that others most likely want the sources to these stories, and two, I have found many sources for these things because of it. Also i've found a lot of random things too:
Rumors (Fully sourced)
So the first story I have a source for is Maradona saying that Paolo is too pretty to play football, which i'm pretty sure everyone has heard at some point. So basically I had another source for this, which is this one: https://arcobaleno2006.wordpress.com/2005/02/23/made-in-milan/
But then just before I posted this Nate sent a better one which is funnier and from a few years before: http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/988261.stm
2. Ok so this one isn't really a rumor or story but basically I am just going to assume everybody is curious about a source for Paolo liking coca-cola, so besides the pictures with him always having it I also have a source, which is just the magazine I got, because the others are taking super long to get here:
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Though, there was another source for this but I don't remember, but it was among the ones for this list anyway. But his liking of cola is mentioned sometimes at random when people talk about him.
3. I think that everybody has different interpretations of what happened at his first training session, but what I originally heard was that Cesare just left him there and came back later, which is true. Also, he wasn't there for Paolo's debut match either, though to be fair it wasn't known it was going to be his debut. This source has both of those:
4. I don't know if this is known a lot or not but Paolo didn't graduate high school, he only got up to a middle school diploma. But I knew this, and of course was asked for a source, so here it is:
5. Also, I don't know if everyone has heard of this but I'm assuming some of you have, and it's Paolo liking Silence of the Lambs. Some sources say it's his favorite, some not, but I think this is where that idea originally comes from:
For this section I have one thing so I won't be numbering it, but basically I have heard that Armani wanted Paolo to Model for him, at some point in the 90's. And I always thought that this took place in the late 90's, but actually it was apparently in 1994 when he said this, according to this:
However I have nothing else to go off of for this, so it's still semi-true because I haven't seen a direct quote from Armani.
Ok, so this section is just random things I found in my research and one of them is that, at least back in the day, Paolo walked on his tippytoes when he wasn't wearing shoes. It comes from a book where the author interviewed Paolo himself, and Adriana and Billy and Cesare and Ambrosini and Ancelotti etc., so I believe it to be true:
You can just download it from there for free. That in particular is on page 177-178.
2. This is something else that comes from that book, which is that as a kid his mom made him do gymnastics and guitar. This is from page 25.
3. Last, I know that Paolo used to have a website but I don't think any of us have actually seen it. But I found an archived version of it recently:
Ok so that's it. I don't know if there is anything else I forgot, but obviously if you want to ask about any stories or rumors do it because I might have sources for that as well. And no, @kvaradonaa, I still have not found the source for Paolo and Sheva sleeping in the same bed, which I know is devastating but I haven't seen anything about it since that one time. So yeah, but I also did this because no gatekeeping and also because those new magazines are taking forever to get here and I am bored.
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tennessoui · 1 year
Miss Kit I just watched Moulin Rouge for the first time and while there's lots of obikin possibilities my mind immediately jumped to mobi-wan watching it because he'd been told he looked like the lead and HATING it. Satine should CLEARLY go for the duke??? He has everything and can provide for her and what's wrong with wanting to own someone you love??? When christian tells the duke she'll never love him he HISSES. Pretty bird is never allowed to watch this film.
Rex, known romantic, tearing up as the credits roll: god, what a movie! it’s so tragic don’t you think ?
Cody, unmoved, but secretly a fan of all the singing and thought it was a comedy: sure.
Mobi-Wan: a movie filled with avoidable mistakes and strategic errors.
Rex: yeah! The tragedy of Christian and Satine so close to being fre—
Mobi-Wan: no. The duke made countless mistakes. He should have killed the interloper the second he saw him with his beloved. Not to mention he allowed her to keep her job? He should have stolen her away and locked her up where no one would ever look at her without his permission again and then every time he allowed her out into the world again it would have been seen by the girl as an act of benevolence and she would have eventually loved him for it. Amateurs, all of them. A comedy of errors almost.
Rex, fighting the urge to commit physical violence: ok I think no more romantic movie nights. I don’t think our relationship would survive it.
Mobi-Wan: I would hardly call that a romanc—
Cody, known shit-stirrer: let’s watch silence of the lambs next
Mobi-Wan: is that another romance movie?
Cody: for you? Probably
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strangerwheelerthings · 8 months
Can you write an angsty hurt/comfort fic about the wheeler siblings?
Mike was screaming at her. He was screaming himself hoarse as he tried to get her to leave. He threw an action figure at the wall beside her. When that didn’t make her flinch, he stepped forward, intent on shoving her out of his room. On any other day, she would have left long before it got to this point, grumbling about her weird brother with clear anger management issues. Not now. Today she would stand her ground. She wasn’t going to budge an inch.
For the first time, in far too long, she saw the pain in her brother’s eyes.
For the first time, she paid attention to more than his words, and worked to understand where all this frustration was coming from. It wasn’t rooted in anger like she’d thought for so long, but in pain and fear buried deep below the surface. 
His reaction to their father’s words over dinner had finally unlocked something. The puzzle pieces all came together at once, making her sick to her stomach at the realization. Not the realization of who her brother was, but the realization of how little she’d stepped into the role of supportive older sibling throughout the last few years.
The blindness was gone, and she determined to never let it creep in again. She was not going to sit back and watch her little brother self-destruct alone. She’d go down with him if it came to that, but he was going to know he was loved if it was the last thing she did. He was going to know that his hurt and anger at the world was justified and understood. 
No eleven year old should have ever suffered the heartache and trauma that he had. No child should have had to shoulder that alone, to pretend it never happened just because some Government Agent Assholes had declared it so. No little boy should have to suffer their father’s repeated homophobic remarks at the dinner table, making him feel so ashamed and scared that he struggled to admit his sexuality even to himself. 
No, none of this had been acceptable. It could not go on this way any longer. Something had to change, and that something started with her opening her own heart back up to a sibling relationship with him again. 
His voice had broken under the stress, and he went quiet. She knew this was not by choice. His tone was cold as ice as he strained to make himself heard. “Get Out. Please.”
“Not yet.”
She stepped forward to snake her arms around him before he could register her intentions, and pulled him into a hug.
“What’s wrong with you? Let go of me, weirdo, and get out of my freaking room!” He tried to pull away, but didn’t quite escape her grasp. He could have, if he had truly wanted to, she knew. 
“I love you no matter what. You know that right?” She tried to put every ounce of sincerity she could into those words, desperate for him to really hear her and believe. Desperate to squeeze past those solid walls between them that they’d both been responsible for.
“Uh, yeah, sure, whatever.”
She released him, and stared directly into his eyes, needing him to fully understand. “There is nothing you could do or be that would ever make me love you less. I don’t think you understand what that means.” She smiled weakly, half joking but entirely serious as she continued, “I would bury a body for you. I would create a body to bury, to keep you safe. Something as small as who you love would never even faze me.”
He sucked in a startled breath. His mouth opened, but no sound escaped. Silence reigned for a number of moments.
Welp, that was probably more than enough vulnerability for the night for both of them. Small steps. She patted his arm awkwardly, then backed out of the room. “Anyway-” she rushed out, “Just wanted to let you know that. You can talk to me about anything. Ok, goodnight. Sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite.” She shut his door in his face before rushing to her own room. She was emotionally spent, and embarrassed by her fumbling attempts to support him. She felt as adept as a newborn lamb. Hopefully something she’d done had gotten through to him.
Her sleep was restless, but when she awoke the next morning to a note under her door, her heart lightened considerably.
“You too - Mike”
|—---------Hug #2-----------|
For a moment, Mike could only stare. He was shocked speechless at the overwhelming despair in his sister’s voice.
“I didn’t know!” Nancy wailed, tears streaming down her face. He had to strain to understand her through the hiccuping sobs. “I didn’t. I didn’t know…”
He stumbled back a step when she collapsed against him unexpectedly. His arms instinctively circled her as she clutched his jacket sobbing into his shoulder. 
“I- I just wanted to be a rebellious teenager for once in my life. I didn’t mean to kill her. I didn’t! I promise. Please.” She was begging, pleading to some unknown God or being to relieve her of all the guilt and pain, yet unwilling to part from it if they did exist. She didn’t believe herself to be worthy of the release.
Mike had no freaking clue what to do. He hadn’t even been present for whatever triggered the start of this breakdown. He’d found her staring at a bleeding hand, glass covering the kitchen floor at three in the morning, not moving. Her eyes stared vacantly, even as her head turned in his direction at his entrance.
“What’d you do?” he’d asked,originally more tired and grumpy than worried at the sight of the mess. 
It took a moment for her to react before all hell broke loose and she completely fell apart. It became quite clear quite quickly that Nancy was not grounded or aware enough to talk out of it. She was lost in her own world of pain and memories, and it was all he could do to keep his arms around her as she shook. 
His brain kept fumbling as it attempted to adapt this scene into his understanding of his sister. She was always so uptight and bossy. She worked hard at her job and at school, and he’d always been a little jealous of how well she’d handled everything since the first Upside Down incident. He’d never seen her cry. Not since she first learned about Barb's death. 
He’d always assumed that she had moved on. She’d worked towards justice by taking Hawkins Labs down and then lived her life. She never seemed scared when monsters attacked. She became quieter after, in some ways, but that was all he had noticed. 
The girl crying in his arms on the kitchen floor was not that unstoppable girl. She was broken and small, and so overwhelmed. He held her as the sobs eventually sputtered off to quiet weeping, and then finally silent stillness. She wasn’t asleep, that much was obvious through the tension still present in her body. She didn’t say anything, just sat there, unmoving. 
At some point. He gently pushed her back enough to see her face. Her eyes were dull and unfocused. She’d detached from reality in an entirely different way, exhaustion shining through easily. Seeing her then, after truly coming to understand how not ok she was, it scared him how familiar this expression was. He’d seen it hundreds of times, not always so overt, but still plain to see. Except he hadn’t seen, had he. He’d glossed right over, taking it to mean anything from disinterest to simple tiredness. He’d assumed that Nancy’s pain would look like his, and when it hadn’t, he’d never looked deeper. 
After who knows how long, he eventually guided Nancy back up to bed, before finally stumbling back to his own. His original goal of a midnight snack was long forgotten. Despite his own exhaustion he didn’t sleep, simply stared at the ceiling, lost in thought. He didn’t know what to do with this revelation, but he did know he would be far more observant of his sister than he’d ever been before. 
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unstable-cherub · 3 months
after watching I Saw the TV Glow twice in one weekend, i have done some more reflecting, and i think a huge reason i loved it so much, is because it's probably the first time I've ever seen a horror movie where the integral horror the audience is supposed to balk at isnt the character's deviance from the norm. i know horror movies will reflect society's fears, so its no surprise that even as recently as like 10 years ago, u didnt rlly see gay/queer characters in horror movies. When they did appear, they were always the villain and the big reveal always showed up as "this person is a wacko psycho killer who ALSO cross dresses ?! 😱" and its like,, is the cross dressing supposed to be the worst offense here lol,, a la silence of the lambs, psycho, etc.
And then u have the more recent gen z type movies where they do include gay people in their cast to be more inclusive, and sure its a step up, but a lot of the times they wind up being a rlly flamboyant comedic relief type caricature of a gay person. and its like, ok, fine flamboyant gay people do exist, but can we have a gay person who isnt there just to make sassy remarks that a lot of the times arent even that funny and just border on cheesy? this movie is the solution, and i will even go so far as to say this movie is Get Out for queer people 🤔
anyway here's my initial impression of it from the first time i watched it:
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stunie · 1 month
hellaurrr evie !! I hope you're doing alright ♡
I just wanted to pop in and send u the psychological thriller of the day hihiii!!
-> silence of the lambs (1991) .. creep level : 8/10
[ 🎀 ]
hellloooo my lovely 🎀 !!! hope you’ve been awesome ((: it’s been really hectic bahahaha i’m officially moving back in tomorrow !! gonna be a long trip > <
PSYCHOLOGICAL THRILLER OF THE DAY ?!? OH I LOVE U SO MUCH AAAAA i watched the trailer !!! this looks so good hello ?!?! adding it to my watch list !! once i’m settled in, ima watch n update u on my thoughts !! WAIT OK LEMME MAKE A TAG:
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fitrahgolden · 10 months
Lilies and Soap: 12 - Steady Me
[NOTE: So sorry for the delay if anyone was waiting for this! I hope you like it. Thanks so much for reading it.]
“Nothing is holding you here
And yet you stayed”
“Admit Defeat” by Lilies and Soap.
Lyrics by K. K. Sharma.
Kate didn’t say anything, just continued writing, even when featherlight touches tickled her right above the waistband of her knickers.
Kate’s resolve started cracking as she couldn’t hold back a chuckle at the whine Anthony’s voice was turning into. She took the pen light out of her mouth and turned it off.
“Go to sleep,” she whispered, aware of the other people around them that were doing just that on the Heartful Travellers tour bus as they motored along the Eastern Seaboard, three months into their international tour. “We have, like, four hours.”
“You aren’t sleeping.”
“Doesn’t mean you can’t.”
“Yeah, it does.”
Kate sighed and felt around above her to put her notebook away in a little pocket on the wall of her bunk. Anthony, of course, had his own bunk, but Anthony, of course, never slept in it. “Just tell me which bed you’ll actually be in so I know which side to avoid like the plague.” Benedict had sighed once they landed in the US and were settling in.
Kate tucked them in under the covers and turned toward Anthony. It was completely dark, so she couldn’t see him, but she easily found his cheek with her hand and rubbed her knuckles against it.
“There. Happy?”
About a minute of silence passed.
“We really should be sleeping, though.”
“I know, Tony. That’s what I said.”
“You know what–”
“What? You don’t even know what I was going to say.”
“You were going to say getting off will help us to go to sleep.”
The silence that followed was easy to interpret.
“I fucking knew it.”
“It really would, though.”
“The bus is so quiet, Tony.”
“Then we’ll also be ‘so quiet.’”
“I don’t know how well that’s been going so far.”
“I think it’s been going brilliantly. Everyone seems to still like us.”
“Doesn’t count.”
Kate sighed, almost unconsciously moving one her legs over Anthony’s. Reflexively, he grabbed behind her knee.
“You know I’ll make you feel so good, Lamb.”
“Mmm, I do.” The thought was already relaxing her, if she was being honest.
Anthony slid a hand into Kate's underwear.
“Christ, baby. How long have you been like this?”
“I was writing about it, if you must know.”
He kissed her then, rolling so he could prop himself up on his other arm. “And you weren’t going to do anything about it?” he inquired as his fingers moved expertly in and outside of her, a testament to how familiar Kate’s body was to him by this point.
“Try that again?”
Kate didn’t need to see him to know his smile was smug as hell.
“You’re already talking too much,” she gasped out.
“I’ll shut up. I’ll shut up, promise.”
After a few more months of travel, Kate, Anthony, and Benedict were back in London for the final shows of the tour, and Kate and Anthony opted to just stay in their flat, craving the comfort of being at home, even if just for a few hours everyday, until the tour officially wrapped.
Anthony’s eyes opened slowly as he realised someone was knocking loudly on their front door. Kate started stirring on top of him. They had been asleep in the middle of the day, aided by the blackout curtains in their bedroom.
“What…?” Kate rasped out, practically still asleep.
“It’s gotta be Ben.”
Anthony got up and jogged to the door so the knocking would stop and maybe Kate could go back to sleep.
It was, indeed, Benedict.
“What the actual fuck? Is everyone OK?” Anthony rubbed his eyes as Benedict walked past him unbidden. “Ben.”
“Everyone’s fine,” Benedict nonchalantly fell onto the sofa in the living room.
“Then why the hell are you waking us up? Why aren’t you asleep?”
“Eh, you were getting up soon anyway.”
“In, like, two hours–”
“And I was awake because Grammy nominations were just announced.”
“Oh. Um–”
“Did something happen?”
Anthony turned to find Kate tying her robe as she padded into the dim living room.
“Sure did,” Benedict beamed. “You guys are now and will forever be Grammy nominated songwriters.”
“What?” Anthony and Kate seemed to say in unison.
Benedict looked between the two of them. “Song of the Year, dummies! You’ve been nominated. Congratulations, and all that.”
“Oh, shit,” Kate managed to get out.
“Um…” Anthony ran a hand over his face. “Which, uh, which–”
“Hyde Park, which you both have credits on. So cute. I’m guessing your phones are on Do Not Disturb because LMG is going crazy. Our families, as well.”
Kate and Anthony smiled dumbly at each other, unsure of what to say.
“Well, clearly, you two are overcome. So, I’ll leave you to process the information.” Benedict got up, hugged and gave each of them a kiss on the cheek, and started making his way out. “I’ll see you in a few hours.”
“Um, bye?” Kate scrunched up her face.
“Don’t think this means you guys aren’t meant to be writing for the next one, by the way. No resting on laurels.”
Anthony rubbed his eye. “When will we get to rest on laurels?”
Benedict didn’t turn around as he shouted “Never!” before the door slammed shut behind him.
The pair looked at the door for a few long moments before Kate leaned against Anthony.
“Um, can we ‘process’ later?”
“Yeah. Think you can go back to sleep?”
“Nope. Let’s lie down, though.”
“Yes, please.”
They linked pinkies as they headed back to their room.
“Congratulations, Tony.”
“Congratulations, Lamb.”
“But don’t stop writing. Not even for a day.”
“Don’t you worry about me. How many do you already have for the next one?”
“I swear. What about you?”
“Tsk, tsk, Tony. Tsk, tsk.”
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Between the complimentary tickets Kate and Anthony individually received, and the ones they were able to purchase, the entire Bridgerton and Sharma clan were able to make the trip to California and attend the Grammys. It was utter chaos, securing the flights, the hotel block, transportation, and everything else involved in managing an international trip for thirteen people. But, somehow, on the evening in question, everyone was there in one piece.
Benedict was able to sit with Kate and Anthony, and for the most part, it was a fun event–until the time for their category was closing in. Before she knew it, Kate was hearing the presenters.
“And the nominees for Song of the Year are…”
Kate sank down into her seat, one hand squeezing Anthony’s, the other pulling on her necklace.”
“It’s not going to be us.”
“We’ll see. Who knows?”
“Me. I don’t want to go up there.”
“Anthony Bridgerton and Kathani Sharma, for ‘Hyde Park,’ performed by Lilies and Soap.”
“We might have to go up there, Lamb.”
“Shut up.”
“I’ll be right there with you.”
“You’ll be right here with me because we’re staying put.”
“And the Grammy goes to…”
“Breathe, baby.”
“Anthony Brid…”
Kate’s heart was pounding, and all the blood was apparently being rushed to her ears. She was vaguely aware of Anthony pulling her up to standing, and Benedict hugging her. Anthony wrapped an arm around her, kissed her temple, and said, “Congratulations, Lamb. Let’s go. I’m right here,” his mouth directly by her ear so she could hear him.
The walk up to the stage was a bit disorienting, but Anthony kept her moving in the right direction with his confident strides. As they approached the mic, their award was offered to them, and Anthony took it as he and Kate received handshakes and hugs from the presenters.
Then things got quiet stunningly fast.
“You go first, Lamb.”
With Anthony’s soothing hand running up and down her back, Kate turned toward the audience, and was thankful that the stage lights were so bright that she couldn’t really see anyone in front of her unless she focused. So, she didn’t.
[“I won’t pretend I could possibly thank everyone in so little time, so I’ll just say… Amma, Mummy, Edwina. Appa… Appa, Appa, Appa–I love you so much. Thank you for…ah, everything. How do people do this? And thank you to my second family, the Bridgertons. And Tony. Everyone else, I’ll thank you when I can breathe, I promise.”]
The Tamil came out rapidly in what felt like one breath, and then Kate moved a step over so Anthony could say something. She looked at him and, though it was hard to be sure with the bright lights, she thought there were tears in his eyes.
“To everyone who made this possible… I don’t want to say ‘you know who you are,’ but… Well, you know who you are, and I will shower you with gratitude before the end of the night. Fine, yes, Ben, we are forever in your debt, thank you. Anyway, for these few seconds, I just want to say… Mum, I think Dad would be really proud of us–all of us. Thank you for the love you two surrounded us all with and…I’m happy with where we are now. Truly. I hope you are, too. Thank you. Oh, I quickly have to thank Lamb right here,” he pulled Kate as close to him as felt possible and looked directly at her, “And I should warn you that I’m extremely keyed up in the best possible way, and I’m probably going to ask you to marry me in a minute. Let’s go.”
Again, Kate couldn’t hear anything over the wild cheers and applause as Anthony led them off stage. She would have thought she misunderstood the last thing he said, but when a camera stayed trained on them even after they were fully backstage, she figured she must have at least heard that correctly.
“Is that alright, Lamb?” was all Anthony said once they had been stopped for their backstage interview.
“Is it alright that you’re going to ask me to marry you?” she laughed, feeling herself relax just a little for the first time in an hour.
“Yeah,” he said quietly, looking earnestly at her despite the reporter waiting to talk to them.
“Yeah, Tony. It’s alright.”
“You’re going to say yes, then?”
“I’m going to say yes.”
Anthony blew out a breath he was apparently holding. “Thank fuck.” He kissed her hard before turning towards the reporter, who understandably didn’t seem to know where to start.
“Dance with me, Lamb?”
Anthony extended his hand to Kate, who was sitting at the end of their hotel room bed. As soon as they had opened the door, she stumbled towards the bed, eager to take off her shoes, cursing Benedict for making sure they went to at least two Grammy afterparties. “It’s not my fault that Anthony keeps making declarations of love on television,” he’d said, “We’re going.” And, of course, their families had wanted to celebrate–both the win and the proposal–once the trio got back to the hotel. All of them were still awake, despite the late hour, which really shouldn’t have been a surprise.
“Only if I can keep my shoes off,” Kate sighed.
She slid her hand into Anthony’s, and he pulled her up to him, placing his other hand on the small of her back.
“I’m keeping mine off,” he shrugged.
“Good,” she murmured as she laid her head on his shoulder.
They rocked, slowly turning in circles as Anthony hummed.
After a few minutes, Kate asked, “What is that?”
“Not much yet. Been stuck in my head for a while.”
“I like it.”
“Then we’ll work on it when we get home.”
Kate joined in on humming the fledgling melody, occasionally adding a note here and there.
“Hey,” Anthony whispered.
“I have a question for you.”
“I was told you did, yeah.”
“In a way, it feels like it’s years overdue.”
Kate subtly shook her head. “Mm, I think everything worked out the way it was supposed to.”
“You don’t feel like we wasted so much time?”
“We’ve loved each other this whole time, Tony. We didn’t waste anything.”
“Hmm.” Anthony swallowed as he considered it from that perspective.
Kate raised her head to look at him.
She kissed him chastely before saying, “Just ask me.”
Anthony laughed as he reached in his pocket.
In one hand, he held a ring box. His other hand grasped Kate’s.
“Why am I so nervous? You’re a sure thing.”
Kate pushed his shoulder. “Arsehole,” she muttered, smiling.
Anthony opened the box, revealing a large solitaire diamond in a white gold setting shaped to look like a water lily, the band sporting leaves along the sides.
“Let’s continue to not waste anything, then. Will you marry me, Lamb?”
They both laughed at how quickly she answered. Anthony slid the ring onto her finger and kissed her knuckle.
“Should we take a picture?” Kate asked. “Our families have been asking about it for hours.”
“Eh, I can’t hear them anymore, and the threads have quieted down. I think they’re all finally asleep.”
“Sleep. That sounds good.” Kate blinked slowly.
“Mmhmm. Let’s do it.”
“I love you, Tony.”
“Me, too, Lamb. I love you, too.”
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“Find me
Bring me home safe
Hold all of me in your hands
Make sure I’m alright
Steady me
Steady me
Steady me
You’re the first person I found
When I didn’t know I was looking
So steady me, my Darling”
"Steady Me" by Lilies and Soap.
Lyrics by A. E. Sharma-Bridgerton and K. K. Sharma-Bridgerton.
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pissditching · 1 year
ok official skinamarink review time because it is rare i feel so strongly about a movie that i feel the need to write about it.
it sucked. a lot of horror sucks, so that's nothing special, but at least sucky horror is still fun. there's still an air of camp to it that makes it worth while and you can at the very least get a couple of laughs out of it. this movie had none of that. it wouldn't be that bad on its own but i saw picrew pfps talking about this movie like it was the next silence of the lambs only to sit through an an hour and 40 minutes of static with scattered loud noises and, with literally 6 minutes to go, a singular glimpse of a mildly unsettling children's toy phone, baby's first photoshop tutorial: removing objects from photos compilation, and the same blood (?) splatter reversed and replayed a few times. i thought i was about to watch a person get skinned alive the way people were talking about this movie. but why is that? i think i have an answer. you know how when babies fall down they cry like its the end of the world because that's the most pain they have ever felt in their little lives? i do not think some people have ever felt genuine fear and, to them, this is the scraped knee that sends them wailing. would be 2/10 but the way the pov camera was executed was so piss poor it gets a 1.

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Ok so I recently started getting really into the idea of a role swap au and I thought of something which was a perfect crossover of 2 of my biggest hyperfixations rn. The Hannibal books and doctor who
So I was thinking of what capaldi!master would be like and I thought it would be perfect if he was like hannibal Lecter. Cold, calculating, terrifyingly intelligent, and oh so cruel.
The gomez!master would be super geeky and hippie-ish but with a hyperactive spark to her. Like she wears lots of tyedye and her hair is like michelle Gomez's natural frizzy curls. Like if the costume designer just took a blow dryer to Michelle's hair and said "done!" For reference this is what her natural hair looks like.
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Shed wear super baggy puff pants and loose colorful shirts and maybe some wacky glasses or hair accessories.
Now the capaldi!master. Hes a really interesting beast.
I imagine his hair to be a lot like peter when he played in The Devils Hour. Sorta more sharp and sculpted than his doctors hair.
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I imagine hed be very much like hannibal Lecter, specifically Anthony Hopkins' version. He stands inhumanly still, almost never blinking. And when he does blink, its robotic, almost reptilian. He walks in a way that looks like hes floating, his body never bobbing in the slightest.
I imagine hed be very interested in dance and ballet, like waltzes and stuff like that. He would have incredibly graceful body language, to an almost unnatural degree. Hed be obsessed with the fine arts and classical media. Hed like to quote Shakespeare a lot as well as other famous historical writers like Plato and Socrates. He enjoys quoting Sun Tzu's The Art of War, Macbeth, Othello, and Hamlet among many philosophical texts. He especially likes quoting Frederick Nietzsche cus of course this edgy bastard would.
He wears shoes that can be used as ballet shoes but youd never know until he suddenly goes en pointe and starts slowly waltzing with himself when he gets bored with listening to you.
I specifically imagined what the capaldi!master being in the vault would be like. I immediately compared it to hannibal lecter in the cage in Silence of the Lambs. He reads a ton, dances, recites entire Shakespeare plays from memory, and draws. Maybe he even sings too 👀👀.
I might add to this later but I hope yall like it as much as me :3
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inafieldofdaisies · 2 years
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Five songs that remind you of the Seeds (outside of the game's OST) | Tag seen from @direwombat | Leaving the tag open <3
*I thought to include a snippet of the lyrics too when available
John Seed:
Kleptomaniac by DEZI
I'm a parasite I do anything to feed my appetite I'm gonna make this Hell look just like Paradise Sacrificial lamb, you think you've seen the light
Am I sadistic, do I do it on purpose? Antagonistic, am I making you nervous?
I crave the self-indulgence And I blame it on compulsion And I try to fight the urges But underneath the surface I'm a kleptomaniac
I'm gonna take it all And you're ok with that
Saints by Echos
You were standing there like an angry god Counting out my sins just to cross them off Saying that my tongue was too loud to trust And that my blood couldn't keep you
My dear, you're not so innocent You're fooling Heaven's gates So you won't have to change You're no saint, you're no savior
Looking at the Devil by Seibold
I like the taste of the poison I like the rush of the pain
I come alive in the darkness You know that I love the game While there's a snake in the garden No one's safe
See you bleed by Ramsey
I just wanna see you bleed Open you and set you free
Luci by ZAND
He's got a great big smile and cheekbones cut like knives But I know he's real ugly inside
Think there's gonna be a showdown Between my new hot friend and I My pocket knife is cutting up the ropes now Gotta try, gotta try I think there's gonna be a showdown Between my new hot friend and I 'Cause in the end, the ultimatum is that one of us has to die Not I
Jacob Seed:
Will you fight by Klergy, Beginners
Your time has come Can't tell hell from the sun When it's all said and done Who will you become? When nothing's as it seems Don't let 'em bring you down on your knees When nothing's as it seems Who will you become?
Will you run or will you fight? When the war comes
The Hunter by Sam Tinnesz
There's no rest for the fallen Oh we're burning the fields You're the snake in the garden And you're under my heels
Who's gonna save you Who's gonna save you now When the hunter comes
World Gone Wild by UNSECRET, Sam Tinnesz
Feeling the tension Pushing at the seams There's no way to stop this You can't stop this
The pressure is building It's getting hard to breathe No end to the madness
Four, three, two, one There's nowhere left to run
It's a world gone wild
Here come the wolves by Lola Blanc
Hеre come the wolves They're coming to get ya I run through the woods I'm not gonna let you go I'm baring my teeth, I'm ready My tongue is a sharp machete
Fighter by Jung Youth, Sam Tinnesz
I can feel the desperation All my dogs can smell the fear If you ain't ready for the belly Why you even coming here They been waiting for the end Before the game even begins And I've been fighting for my soul For my family for my friends I ain't ever giving up
Faith Seed:
River by Oh, be clever
I used to keep my dark a secret I used to keep my heart in pieces He said he liked me better as a mess He said he wants to save me from myself
Mermaid by Skott
Believe me, it is true You know that I would jump too Ooh, into the blue, into the blue It's proof, because we got nothing to lose And there ain't nothing to prove You know I'd jump with you
All I need by Roniit
Embrace me, I swear I'll be safe, I'll show you the way, open the gates I'm careful and believe me I'll stay I could be all that you're looking for
You're aimless, but you gotta be brave
Her & The Sea by CLANN (instrumental)
Chimerical by Roniit (instrumental)
Joseph Seed:
Reborn by Galleaux
I'm watching in silence Burying all I've lost Let this be the end Let me start again
Let the fire burn it to the ground Feel the world of ashes as it crumbles down Breathe the smoke, breathe it in Don't stop until it cleanses my sins
And I am reborn
And so It Begins by Klergy
You've been waiting Looking off into the night Search the horizon Watching out for smoke and fire You knew this day would come You aren't the only one And so it begins
The Beginning of the End by Klergy, Valerie Broussard
Reckless behavior is looking at a man Like he was a savior
Blind leading blind Everything looks darker When you close your eyes
Deity by Demo Club, TENDER (for the life of me I can't find the full lyrics, and I don't wanna guess them bcs TENDER be mumbling at times)
Shepherd of This Flock by JT Music (it's inspired by FC5 so ofc I'm including it)
Who found you while you were lost? When blind, who helped you see? Cuz I'm the shepherd of this flock I guide my righteous sheep Of your sins, I'll see you washed Then I'll set your soul free The word of God is one you trust So thank God He speaks through me
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transmutationisms · 1 year
ok wait so the first time i watched nbc hannibal i was like 16. and as a kid i wasn't allowed to watch most tv or movies and i had a lot of constraints on my exposure to pop culture in general. so i had no idea what thomas harris's books were about, had never read so much as a summary of silence of the lambs, and didn't know the name hannibal lecter. so i thought hannibal was like, a stylised police procedural with gay european chefs. and also i didn't really know how to parse meaning in visual media, because again, my exposure had been so limited. but so there i am, watching season 1 of hannibal alone under the covers after everyone's gone to bed, snorting hydrocodone, and i'm literally like hang onnnnnn waaaittt just a second. i think hannibal might be involved in these crimes? i think the show might be implying he murdered someone? and yes i did believe i was the specialest boy in the world. i understood the themes
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m34gs · 2 years
Just woke up but like, what if people just, oh I don’t know…let other people enjoy the fiction they enjoy and didnt make snap judgements about their character because they happen to find something interesting.
Like bruh. Do you think because I like slasher films I’m about to go Michael Meyers on everyone’s ass this Halloween? Because I like Saw, do you think I’m gonna build an intricate torture trap every time someone acts unethically toward others? I enjoy Hannibal and Silence of the Lambs, but I’m not about to start sautéing people for lavish dinner parties, ffs.
Like damn, it’s fine if you don’t like something, feel free to avoid it, but you know what condemning people for enjoying fictional media shows me? That you’re without the capability to think critically or separate fiction from reality.
And yeah, sometimes people like the questionable characters and the depraved or dark parts of fiction…for no reason other than “it’s interesting”. And you know what? That’s ok. If you ain’t got nice shit to say to them then maybe go fuck off and ask yourself why what others enjoy bothers you so much and why you think you gotta be the Thought Police from George Orwell’s 1984.
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