#I too am also stuck in the maze
freedomfireflies · 11 months
Summary: An extra for 404*
The one where you and Harry find yourselves lost in a corn maze together.
Word Count: 7.5k
Content Warning: 18+, smut, exhibitionism, size kink, Daddy kink, enemies dynamic, Harry being a little bitch 🫶
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“Oh, absolutely not.”
Harry smirks as he turns to you, hands sliding into his hoodie pocket. “Gee, thanks.”
“No, I’m serious, I’m not getting stuck with you,” you argue, glancing toward the rest of the group that’s already heading inside the corn maze. “Seriously, please. Anybody else. I will take literally anybody else.”
“Well, you don’t get anybody else,” Harry snorts, much too smug for your liking. “You were late.”
“Yeah, and I was late because I was fixing your mistake,” you remind him. “It took me three hours to recode that sequence. And I’m still not finished—"
“Right, because it wasn’t a fucking mistake, Princess. The way I designed it was going to help it run three times more efficiently than the way Prescott suggested. And you just fucking undid it—"
“You weren’t asked to make it more efficient. You were told to do it the way the client wanted—”
“Well, the way the client wanted it was slow and stupid—”
“And you would be the authority on slow and stupid.”
Harry’s eyes narrow while his lips press into a thin line, looking quite incensed. “Very mature. Are we going in or what?”
“Fine,” you agree through a heavy exhale, shoving past him to head toward the entrance.
You have no idea why you even agreed to come in the first place. Sure, the idea of getting a few coworkers together for some fall fun was sweet, but truth be told, you don’t really care about any of these people outside of the office. You don’t care to see them, or get to know them, or hang out with them.
And the one person you do know happens to also be the one person you can’t stand.
Corn mazes are fun. Even pairing up to do them together is kind of exciting.
But with him? You’d rather get lost.
“All right, here’s your map,” the kind, older woman at the table says, handing you a piece of paper. “Answer the questions at each fork and follow the path according to your answer.”
You nod your understanding and offer a quick thank you before slipping past the tent and toward the beginning of the maze. The setting sun casts shadows across the field as you both make your way through the stocks.
You feel a sense of adventure as you make your way to the first checkpoint. Taking in the lingering scent of kettle corn somewhere off in the distance, and the excited chatter of the other people inside the maze. It’s exhilarating, and you feel a sense of purpose as you stride forward. Spurred on by a need to win – to do better than him.
And you hear Harry subtly huff from somewhere behind you, clearly annoyed with the way you’ve left him behind. “Real fucking mature,” he scoffs, and you can practically hear his eyes roll. “We’re supposed to be a team, Tinkerbell. You know, work together.”
“Well, I don’t want to be on a team with you,” you retort. “And we’ve never worked well together. As is evident by your complete lack of common sense and understanding of the system we’re trying to design.”
“Oh, this shit again—"
“Yes, this shit again. You’re costing us time and money by trying to prove you’re so much better than everyone else—”
“Well, I can’t exactly help it if I am, now, can I?”
You feel your expression fall as you spin on your heel to face him. “You’re fucking annoying, is what you are. It’s not my job to clean up after you. Okay, I’m not your mother, I’m not your babysitter. I am your equal. And it’s about fucking time you start treating me like it.”
Even in the dark, murky space, you can see a certain glimmer in his eye. One that challenges the frown on his face.
He studies you for a moment, eyes searching for a response. “Careful what you wish for, Princess.”
With that, he shoves past you and forges ahead into the maze. Leaving you to stare at his back with a glower.
You’re both silent as you approach the first fork, offering nothing more than looks of indignation and huffs of apathy as you raise your map and scan the question. 
“What does WWW stand for in a website browser?” you read aloud before snorting. “World Wide Web. C.”
An easy question. You both know the answer, and there's no way he can argue with you.
So, instead, he says nothing. Merely glancing over the paper almost skeptically before heading toward the third row.
Pocketing the trivia questions, you chase after him. “So that’s how it’s gonna be, huh? The silent treatment?”
Harry’s back stays to you as he slips between the stocks. “I’m not giving you the fucking silent treatment; I’m not twelve.”
“Then why aren’t you talking to me?”
“Because you’re a fucking brat.”
The vicious way he sneers the word sends a certain reaction down your spine, but you brush it away just as quickly as it appeared. “I thought I was your teammate.”
“You said it yourself, we’re not a team,” he retorts. “You’re not my babysitter, and you’re not my mother. Unless what you were really trying to say is that you want me to call you Mommy.”
You feel yourself hesitate, confused, and slightly startled by the suggestion. “Ew. Why would I want that?”
You see his shoulder lift and fall in a shrug. “I don’t know. You’ve always been a kinky little thing. Maybe it gets you off.”
“Oh, fuck you, I don’t have a mommy kink. Especially not with you.”
“Fine, a daddy kink then. Don’t think I forgot how eager you were to say it last time—”
“That was for you,” you hiss, once again glaring at his hooded back. “Okay, I was trying to see if you liked it, and you did—”
“Of course I did. It’s hot.”
“Sure, yeah. But I’m the kinky one?”
“I never said I wasn’t. I’m just saying, if you want me to call you mommy…all you have to do is ask.”
You come to the second fork, forcing the conversation to a halt as you feel your heart hammer in your chest. “Whatever. Let’s just get this over with.”
You unfold the map and search for the next question. “What is cynophobia?”
“Easy. Fear of cats.”
“That’s ailurophobia, you dipshit. Cynophobia is a fear of dogs.”
“Dipshit. Classy. No, that’s real nice, Tink. Very romantic.”
“Well, it’s true. Look it up.”
“Can’t,” he says calmly. Confidently. “There’s no service in here.”
“Oh, yeah? And how do you know?”
“Cause I’ve done this before. Many times.”
Your eyes narrow. “Seriously?”
There’s a brief pause before he says, “She used to love it here.”
Your heart instantly drops into your toes, grimace untwisting as you glance toward the ground. “Oh.”
Another shrug. “Point is, I can’t look it up. So…pick whichever. I don’t care.”
Swallowing thickly, you gesture toward the second exit. “B. The answer is dogs. My brother used to have it when he was younger.”
And for the first time all evening, it’s Harry’s turn to look surprised as he nudges his glasses further up the bridge of his nose. “You have a brother?”
“Yeah. Didn’t you learn that from my file?” you tease, and you notice his lips twitch up into a smirk.
“Not exactly.”
“Yeah, well…I don’t really talk about him. He doesn’t live here, he lives back home. After my dad left, he stuck around to take care of our mom.”
You see a flash of sympathy streak across his expression, but you’re brushing him off before he can comment.
“Anyway, it’s B,” you repeat, walking toward the middle row. “If you don’t believe me, then go your own way.”
For a moment, Harry hesitates, almost as though considering it. Then, he sighs, and begrudgingly follows your lead.
This time around, you’re both quiet. Listening to the sounds of everyone else further on in the maze laughing, or talking, or squealing with excitement.
A few scattered lamps help guide you through the dark labyrinth. You can see the wind move through the corn stocks. The way they rustle as they sway with the breeze, adding an element of eeriness to the already spooky scene.
Furthermore, the night air is beginning to grow cold. The fall chill nipping at your skin and reminding you once more that it’s no longer summer as you shiver and pull your jacket further around your body. 
“Should have brought a real coat,” Harry comments, almost haughtily, and it makes your eyes roll. “It’s October, Princess. Can’t wear booty shorts and flip flops anymore.”
Despite the fact that you’re wearing neither of those, you still feel the need to scoff, “Well, of course it’s not cold to you. You’re already dead inside.”
“Ooo, ouch. You got me. Sick burn, Tink. Real sick.”
His flippant response makes your skin crawl. “You are so fucking annoying, do you know that?”
“And you’re a fucking brat, do you know that?”
“I’m not a brat, I’m just right.”
“Sure. Whatever you say.”
“Yeah, it is whatever I say, actually. I’m the one with the fucking map.”
To prove your point, you wave the paper in the air before stopping beside the next checkpoint.
“What are the names of the four women on the show, The Golden Girls?” you read, eyebrows furrowing in thought. “Uh…I know Rose is one of them.”
“And Betty White,” Harry adds.
“No, her character. Not her,” you huff. “And I’m pretty sure Betty played Rose, so that’s only one.”
“Well, excuse me for trying to help,” he scoffs before glancing over the multiple-choice answers. “Then it’s probably A or C. Those are the only ones with Rose in them.”
“Well, we have to pick one. Okay, we can’t do both—”
“Yes, I fucking know that, Tinkerbell. I’m just narrowing it down—”
“Well, maybe be less condescending about it.”
“Fine,” he nearly snaps, angrily stabbing at the map with his finger. “A. Dorothy, Rose, Blanch, and Samantha.”
“No, that doesn’t sound right. I don’t think they had a Samantha. It was…it was something else. Either Sophia or Sarah.”
“Well, you have to pick one. You can’t have both,” he repeats mockingly, and you begin to glare. “Besides, statistically, it’s more likely they switch up the letters with each guess. We’ve already done B and C. Next should be A.”
“Really? That’s your reasoning?”
“That’s my reasoning. Take it or leave it.”
And you don’t like it. You don’t feel convinced by it. But you decide – just this once – to put your faith in his incessant need to be right. To trust him and his judgment.
You nod once. A curt gesture of good will as he sighs gratefully and takes off toward the first row. 
An eerie feeling follows you as you trail behind. Perhaps an ominous warning to turn around. That something is about to go wrong.
At first, you shake it away. Equating it with your distaste for the man before you.
But soon…you see the real reason why.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” you groan when you’re both forced to a stop by a dead end. “See? What did I tell you?”
“Fuck off, you didn’t tell me shit, Princess. It’s a dead end, not death,” he huffs. “We’ll turn around and try again.”
“Can we? We passed like two other rows and now I can’t remember which way we came.”
“Well, that’s not my fault.”
“Oh, bite me, Harold.”
“Just tell me where.”
You feel your heart race beneath your chest. Spurred on by adrenaline, slight fear, and the brisk cold air. “Can you please stop being so infuriating?”
“Can you please stop being such a bitch?” he replies cooly before his eyes flick down toward your shivering frame. “You’re shaking.”
“Yes, I know,” you grit through clenched, chattering teeth. “It’s cold. And don’t you dare make another joke about flip flops. I don’t have the energy to slap you.”
That arrogant smirk returns. “Cute. Told you, you should have brought a coat.”
“Well, I didn’t,” you hiss. “So can we please just get the fuck out of here before I freeze to death?”
Harry’s eyes roll, but you notice his grin grow as he sighs and lifts a hand toward the collar of his hoodie.
In one fluid motion, he’s slipping the sweatshirt up his torso and over his head to hand to you. Dangling the dark fabric between your bodies as you stare at it incredulously.
“Take it,” he grumbles, waving the material in your direction. “And don’t fucking say I’m never nice to you.”
Stunned, you blink quickly. “What…are you doing?”
“Just put it on,” he huffs, gesturing toward you again. “Cause, if you die out here, I’m not dragging your body back.”
Your eyelids narrow into small slits while you cautiously reach for the hoodie. “Seriously?”
“Seriously.” Once you’ve taken it, he uses his knuckle to shove his glasses back into position. “Like you said, I can’t get cold. I’m dead inside.”
You smile at this before pulling the cozy jacket over your head. It smells…good. It smells like him. Radiating heat and the faint scent of his cologne. 
Truth be told, it feels like a warm hug. Something you can’t imagine Harry ever giving you on his own. And a part of you feels…relieved. Relaxed and almost…enamored. Perhaps even grateful.
“Thanks,” you murmur, snuggling against the fabric before slipping your hands into the pocket. “You didn’t…have to. I know being nice isn’t your thing.”
He snorts, turning now toward the tall lookout platform just beside the dead end. “Whatever. Maybe we should go up and see if we can see the exit.”
With that, he turns toward the stairs and begins the trek up. You rush after him, trying hard to see the steps without much light, and thankfully making it to the top in one piece as you begin to look around. 
It’s beautiful. Absolutely stunning, the design lit up by the soft glow of the moon. An almost romantic touch, although you shake the thought away. You can see a few groups spread out throughout the rest of the maze, but most of them are already making their way out. Having figured out the riddles much quicker than the two have seemed to.
You pout. “Nuts.”
“Yeah,” he agrees in a low grumble. “Okay, we’ll…we’ll turn around. Maybe you were right. Maybe it was C. We can try that next.”
It’s strange to hear him admit you could have been correct, and you can’t help but smirk as you nod. “Okay.”
You follow Harry down the other side, focusing your attention on your footing as you take each step one at a time.
But once you’re toward the bottom, your tennis shoe suddenly catches on a rogue nail, and you begin to stumble. Body falling forward before you can even reach for the railing.
Instantly, Harry – who’s already made it back to the ground – reaches out for your arms, slipping his hands beneath your elbows to help steady you and catch you just in the nick of time. Sparing you from a rather embarrassing fall.
You gasp as you’re flung forward, allowing yourself to settle in his embrace for support while you work on your balance and place your feet back where they need to be.
And once you’re sure you’re sturdy, you take a deep breath, and straighten up.
“Shit,” you whisper, lashes fluttering from the rush of adrenaline, and the feel of his touch. “I hate these shoes.”
You expect a snarky quip, but instead, you see his expression twist from behind his glasses as he glances over your face. Hands still glued to your arms. “Are you all right?”
A bit stunned by the soft and rather gentle tone of voice, you nod once. “Yeah. Sorry, I’m…sorry. I should have been looking.”
He seems confused by your apology but chooses to ignore it, instead watching you closely as if monitoring your reaction. “If you wanted me to hold you, Tinkerbell, you could have just said so.”
Despite yourself, you laugh, cheeks growing warm as you push yourself out of his arms. “Fuck off.”
“Fuck off? Or fuck me?”
“Ha. Very funny.”
“Maybe I’m not being funny,” he argues. “Maybe I mean it.”
“Oh, really?”
You snort. “Harry, come on. This would be the last place to fuck.”
“Yeah, why. What’s wrong with it? It’s dark. Secluded. There’s the element of getting caught, which I know you like.”
“Harry,” you repeat, almost doubtfully. “We…there’s no place to even do it. It’s way too exposed, and cold, and dangerous. We’d be better off just fucking in my car.”
“If we can even find our way back to your car,” he retorts teasingly. “Besides, I thought you liked danger.”
You gaze at him with suspicion, feeling that odd racing return to your chest. “You’re not being serious, are you?”
He shrugs. “I don’t know. Maybe. I wasn’t at first, but…it’s not a bad idea.”
“Please. You can’t be that horny that you have to fuck me every time we see each other.”
“Okay, well, I’m not and I don’t,” he scoffs. “It’s just…different.”
“Oh, really? Why?”
Another shrug, but this time, he’s stepping closer. Those soft, green eyes dancing down your body as if drinking you in. Indulging in the sight of you. “I don’t know,” he repeats, a bit quieter. Thicker. “There’s just…something about you, in my clothes. It’s…it’s good. You look good.”
The look in his eye is primal. Breeding a new sense of desire deep within the pit of your stomach. You shift under his lustful gaze, fingers curling into your fist from inside the pocket.
“Thanks, I guess,” you manage to say, noticing the way he continues to move closer. “It is comfy.”
“Good,” he mumbles, still studying your stance before dragging his attention back up to your face. “And you’re warm?”
“Getting there.”
A short nod. “You know…there are other ways of heating you up.”
The sneaky remarks are back, and even though you can feel your legs squeezing together from the suggestive tone of voice, you grin. “Yeah?”
“Mhm.” He finally reaches you, fingers outstretching for the front of his hoodie. Moving up your chest almost innocently before slipping around the back of your neck. “Want me to keep you warm, Tink?”
And you want to tease him a little longer, make him wait. Suffer.
But he’s too good. He’s always been too good at catching you off guard and luring you into submission. The way he speaks, the way he looks at you, the way he pulls you closer with the palm of his hand. You can practically taste him. Can smell him everywhere. Feel him in places he’s not even touching you.
And you need it. You need him, you want him. Right now, more than anything.
“Yes,” you exhale, almost shakily. “Yes, please—”
He surges forward, lips connecting with yours almost violently. Stealing the rest of your plea before you can make it.
You can’t breathe. Can’t do anything but whimper as he sucks on your tongue and presses his fingers harder against your head. Trapping you against his mouth until you feel dizzy. 
And he’s so warm. A stark contrast to the brisk, autumn air. And he’s soft in a way you hadn’t anticipated. Inviting. As though he’s been waiting his whole life to lay his mouth to yours.
“Har—” you gasp when he pulls back to nip at your bottom lip. “Har, please—”
You sound deranged. Wounded, almost, and so goddamn pitiful. You’re tugging on his shirt, trying to yank him impossibly closer. Tilting to the left for a deeper angle and raising up onto your toes in order to taste him fully.
“Easy,” he whispers, and it’s so very strained. Like he’s using what little strength he still has to speak to you. “Easy, Princess. S’okay, I’ve got you.”
It’s possessive the way he talks to you. Commanding you to listen. Insisting that your pleasure is his. That your wellbeing is in his hands.
He’s not a caring man by nature. At least not to you. But in moments like this, his dominance takes control. Turning him into a desperate man eager to care for you. To protect you and keep you safe.
Perhaps it’s a more caveman mindset. The idea that he needs to look after you. That you’re his to keep and care for.
But right now…you adore it. Feel safe in the idea of submitting to him.
“Please,” you try again, breathless and desperate as you cling to his strong frame and beg him for something only he can give you. “Harry, please…hurts.”
There’s a teasing glimmer in his eye, brightened by the reflection of his glasses. “Yeah? Is it achy, Tink?”
You nod quickly, grabbing onto his other hand to slide it down your stomach. Right toward where you need him most.
And he lets himself be moved, watching with intrigue at the way his fingers are dragged toward your thighs. Smirking rather sadistically while pressing his palm against your pussy with fervor.
You whine at the subtle friction, already attempting to grind down against the heel of his hand as he meets your pace with soft strokes of his own. 
“There you go,” he murmurs, watching your hips before returning his attention to your face. “Feels good, baby, yeah? Like to use me, don’t you?”
Another quick nod, and you sigh contently when he presses his lips to your cheek. Placing open-mouthed kisses along your jaw and down your neck.
“Har,” you try again, nuzzling closer. “Har, they’re…they’re gonna see. Can’t…can’t do it here—”
“Yes we can,” he replies calmly. And the soft, secure tone of voice instantly turns your insides to jelly. “Promise I won’t let them see, okay? Gonna keep you to myself.”
He removes his hand from your pussy to place it on your hip. Guiding you back until you feel your body connect with something hard. You glance around just long enough to find that it’s the wooden frame of the lookout. And he keeps you trapped there as he hides you both beneath the structure, tucking you away from any prying eyes that might pass.
“There,” he says, grinning to himself at the eager look on your face. “Now Daddy can see just how wet you really are, hm?”
You can tell he’s using the nickname sparingly. Tentative of your reaction as he waits to see how you might feel about it.
And truthfully, you hadn’t anticipated liking it as much as you do. Especially in this moment, when he’s giving you everything you’ve ever wanted. It’s like music to your ears, orgasmic just to listen to.
You swallow thickly and nudge your nose against his cheek. “Yes, Daddy.”
He tenses beneath your touch, cursing against the shell of your ear before he whispers, “Show me.”
He returns his hand to yours, allowing your fingers to interlock as you shakily guide him toward your jeans. 
After a bit of maneuvering, you get the zipper down, and help slip his hand inside your underwear. Straight down to your cunt as his fingers glide through your folds until he can find what he’s looking for. 
“Oh, Tink,” he coos almost sympathetically. Stroking your pussy as you move to grip his wrist excitedly. “S’all wet, isn’t it?”
“Yes, Daddy,” you mumble, leaning your head back against the wooden board for stability. “Hurts.”
“I bet,” he tsks, sliding his middle finger toward your hole. Circling it once before glancing over your expression. “Need something to fill you up, hm? Get you warm again?”
You hum your agreement, tugging his touch further into you as he chuckles and steps closer. “Please…”
“What, baby? What do you need?”
You whimper again and roll your hips against his fingers. Needing the friction of his thumb against your clit which he refuses to give you.
“What do you want, hm?” he mumbles, dipping down to ghost his lips across yours. “Just ask…and Daddy will give you anything you want.”
And in this moment, you know he means it.
“Want you…to fuck me,” you exhale, reaching now for the curls lying against the back of his neck. “Please, Har. Need you to fuck me. Make it better. Make it go away.”
“Is that right?” He slips a finger inside, and you feel your insides twist as you gasp and squirm against the pleasurable touch. “Need something bigger, yeah?”
“Yes…yeah. Please. Please, Daddy.”
He smiles again before slipping his hand from inside your jeans to help tug them down your legs. Yanking almost furiously until they’re settled near your ankles. Allowing him just enough room to slip between.
And once your cunt is on display for him, he stares at it with a certain mesmerized admiration. Allowing himself to enjoy you before he reaches for his own belt and tugs it free.
Once he’s managed to pull his cock out, he reaches again for your hips. Squeezing them once before turning you around.
His arm slips around your middle to keep you secure and you grin lazily as you rest yourself against his chest.
“Gonna hold you, just like this,” he whispers against your cheek, and you feel the tip of his cock trailing against the curve of your ass. “Keep you warm.”
The hand against your ribcage is gentle. Keeping you steady as he attempts to hold you close.
“Deep breath, Tink, okay?” he instructs next, nudging the crown against your dripping hole. Warning you of his next step. “Know it’s a lot, but you always take me so well, don’t you? Gonna take me again?”
You grab onto his arm, nails scraping down his skin as you whine, “Yes. Yes, I’ll take you. Just need it, Har, please—"
“Okay, all right,” he shushes, nudging his cheek against your temple. “Need you to relax, okay? Are you relaxed, baby?”
And you think you are. Mentally, anyway. You’ve never felt so comfortable in someone’s arms. Under their influence and control. Even despite the cold air nipping at your thighs and the outside threat of getting caught, you feel at ease. Adrenaline coursing through your veins as the sounds of people somewhere else in the maze float toward you. Reminding you of where you are. What could happen.
“Tink,” he warns, sliding his cock through your folds in wait. “I need you to relax for me, okay? I really don’t want to hurt you.”
“No?” you manage to retort, and you catch his smile out of your peripheral. “Thought you liked to hurt me.”
 “I do,” he agrees, lips following the shell of your ear. “But not like this. Don’t wanna split you in half.”
“Maybe I want you to,” you breathe, reaching back for his neck. “Maybe I need it, Daddy.”
He chuckles almost darkly before pressing his mouth against your heated skin. “I’ll remember that.”
With that, he drops his hand down to your cunt, circling his fingers around your clit until he feels your body unwind. Allowing him just enough room to begin pushing his cock in.
“There you go,” he sighs, both of you groaning when you feel how easily he slips in. “So fucking good. Take me so well, don’t you? Always do, I know. Relax, baby. It’s okay, I’ve got you.”
The burn is almost overwhelming. Demanding your focus and attention as you feel him stretch you open, forcing your walls to accommodate his size.
“Hey,” you hear him murmur, his palm coming up to cup your jaw. Thumb sweeping across your parted lips. “Are you breathing? Gotta breathe, Tink, come on. You know better—”
“I know,” you gasp, sucking in a greedy gasp for air before you suck in his finger. “I know, Daddy, m’sorry.”
He hums his approval before allowing himself to sit inside your warm mouth. “It’s okay, know it feels good, hm?”
“Mhm,” you agree around the large digit, allowing your tongue to settle him on your tastebuds. “More.”
“More?” he repeats, using his other hand to squeeze your hip. “Want more, greedy girl?”
“Please," he echoes thoughtfully. "Greedy Girl has manners, how precious.”
There’s a slight air of condescension and teasing to his response, and you feel yourself flutter around his length.
His grin grows. “You like that, baby?”
You manage one more weak nod as you press yourself against his body, squirming in his hold while his cock pushes in to the hilt.
“There,” he exhales, groaning some before falling still. Allowing your body to adjust to his size. “You okay?”
“Yes…yes, m’okay. Please move, please…please, Daddy—”
“Okay, all right,” he agrees coarsely, readjusting his stance before returning his arm to your stomach. Just beneath your chest. “Need you to be good, okay? Just listen to Daddy’s voice and do what I say.”
“I will. I will, I promise.”
“Good.” He begins to pull back. Dragging his cock through your quivering hole as you moan his name.
But such a loud noise isn’t quite what he had in mind, his other palm reaching up to smack across your mouth to silence you.
“Uh-uh,” he grunts, pausing the rhythm of his hips until he’s sure you’ll obey. “None of that. M’keeping you for myself, remember? Can’t let them know.”
You make an incoherent noise against his hand before writhing back against his cock. Needing more friction and movement that he refuses to give you.
“Unless that’s what you want, Greedy Girl,” he whispers into your neck. “Want them to see what I do to you. The way I make you fall apart…the way you beg for my cock. Even when you hate me.”
The idea sends a shiver down your spine as you groan his name and claw at his wrist.
“Is that what you want?” he murmurs between sharp thrusts. “S’it why you keep this pretty pussy so nice and tight for me? Cause you want them to know that it’s only me? That everything…everything…you do is because of me?”
Your eyes roll back, either from annoyance or pleasure. But it’s blissful, this feeling. This hard fuck, this angry connection. 
And yet, this infuriating man is oddly tender with you. Holding you close and helping you find your release, despite the way he goads you.
“Do you, Tink?” he asks again. “Do you want Lucas to see? Want them all to fucking see what you do to me?”
His nails are scraping down your ribcage, pulling you taut against his chest as he drives his cock as deep as it’ll go. Hips meeting your ass as he releases your mouth to hold onto you again, keeping you still.
“Tell me,” he says between deep breaths. “Tell me you’re mine. Tell me you only cum for me—”
“My greedy little whore. My dirty fucking princess.” His tone is angry. Dissolving into something feral as he begins to pound into you with a harder force. Nearly knocking the wind from your lungs. “Not his. Mine. Always mine—”
“Yours,” you repeat between soft whines. “Yours, Harry, you know that—”
“Yeah?” He holds you tighter, allowing you no room to squirm as he nears his release. His pace becomes faster and sloppier the closer he gets. Allowing your warmth to soak him, draw him in. Using you as nothing more than a toy. A means to his end. “Then prove it.”
Even without much extra stimulation, you can feel yourself getting closer to the brink. Harry has always had this innate ability to get you there without much more than a few pumps of his cock. Perhaps it’s his size or his technique. The way he knows exactly where to thrust in order to hit the right spot and make you see stars. 
And maybe there’s a part of you – albeit small – that enjoys the idea of being good for him. Of coming on his cock (or his tongue or his fingers) just so he can watch. So he can feel what he does to you.
Maybe…you just want to be good for him. At least in moments like this. To know that you’ve earned his approval, his praise. That such a brilliant man has devoted his time and attention and body just to you. 
That you’re worthy of his time.
Worthy of him.
It’s almost degrading to think about and yet…it makes you clench. Pussy clamping down on his beautifully thick cock until he groans and nuzzles his nose against your neck.  
“Shit,” he hisses, rhythm stuttering as a shot of pleasure rolls through him. “Tink, if you’re gonna do that, I’m gonna cum.”
“Good,” you answer instantaneously. “Want you to. Need you to, Daddy, please—”
“No,” he huffs, and he stills for only a moment as if attempting to refrain from falling apart. “No, need you to cum first. Daddy needs to feel you cum first, okay? Come on, baby, gotta give it to me—”
You mewl helplessly, drowning out the rest of his instruction. You’re close, and you know it won’t be much longer until it overwhelms you.
And there’s some part of you that feels…disappointed. Saddened by the idea of things going back to how they normally are. That he’ll take himself from you – take his cock from you – and return to the maddening man you can hardly tolerate.
Maybe subconsciously, you try to hold off. Keep your orgasm at bay so you can keep him just a little longer. So you can appreciate the caring man behind you and the way he’s so desperate to put you first.
He’s quite wonderful when he’s not being an ass.
“Tink,” he grunts, hand moving up toward your jaw. You feel his palm press to your throat, and you swallow thickly against his skin. “Baby, I want you to cum. Wanna feel you. What do you need? Hm? Wanna play with your pretty button for me?”
You nod pitifully and allow your own fingers to move down toward your cunt. It’s wet and achy and swollen so much it almost hurts to touch. But you release a strained breath, nevertheless, appreciating the sting of overstimulation as you writhe in his hold.
You can feel your body beginning to overheat the closer you get. Helping warm you up from the October chill still biting at your skin. And the sounds of your friends aren’t far behind. Perhaps looking for you, waiting for you both to exit the maze and continue on with your evening.
But you don’t give a damn about anybody else right now. Just him.
Something you never thought you’d say.
“Getting closer, yeah?” he hums against your ear, fingers tightening around your neck. “I know. Fucking shaking, baby, you’re okay. I got you. Just let it happen, let go.”
There’s something about his voice. About the feel of his glasses against your temple. About the way he makes you feel safe and secure. The way he effortlessly brings you to the edge and promises to catch you when you fall.
You know he hates you. And yet you also know that despite this loathing you share, you’re still his priority. That he’ll put your pleasure first, no matter what. That he wants to be good.
“Har,” you whimper through a high-pitched whine. “Shit, please—”
“You close? Gonna give it to me? Make Daddy happy?”
The reminder of the nickname makes you moan, a bit softer than before, but still rather lewd. And Harry tsks from behind you, once again sliding his palm up to your mouth.
“Dirty fucking princess,” he grits before he’s suddenly slamming himself into you. “Can’t ever do what she’s told, hm? Just loves to disobey me. Wants to get caught. Wants to be my greedy little girl—”
My greedy little girl.
That’s what does it for you. His possession, his mark, his claim. Reducing you to nothing more than this thing he uses for his pleasure. An object to be had.
In any other moment, you’d chastise him for it.
Right now, it’s everything you need to hear.
You cum on his cock without much choice. Pleasure unfurling like the petals of a flower in spring. For a moment, the overpowering sensation is all you can comprehend. Just ecstasy, a weightless euphoria. Lifting you up and dropping you back down.
He curses when he feels it, offering you quick murmurs of praise before he’s grabbing onto your hips with both hands and yanking you back. Using this leverage to drive his cock in in sharp thrusts before he’s following. Releasing himself into you with a groan as you gasp and grab onto one of the beams for support.
Thirty seconds pass of heavy breathing and lingering whimpers before you both fall quiet, chests heaving and legs still shaking.
He doesn’t pull out for at least a moment or two, merely holding onto your waist as he works to gather himself together.
“Shit,” he finally whispers, and you feel the subtle stroking of his thumb against your tender skin. Right over the bruises you’re sure to find tomorrow. “You okay?”
“Mhm,” you hum weakly, nodding once. “Really good, actually.”
“Yeah? Good. You needed it.”
You feel your lips pull back into a smile. “Oh, did I?”
“You really did.”
“Right. Even though you’re the one that fucks me every time you see me.”
You hear him scoff as he finally – and slowly – pulls out. Allowing your muscles to unwind as you release a deep breath. “I’m doing you a favor,” is his reply. And it’s laced with a condescension and haughtiness that you know all too well.
“Oh, is that what you’re doing?”
“Yes.” He tucks himself back into his briefs before crouching down to reach for your jeans. Pulling them back up your legs with a strange amount of care, despite his snarky attitude. “I do a lot of favors for you.”
You turn around while he steps back and readjusts his glasses. “Was getting us lost one of those favors?”
A strange, almost sadistic kind of grin begins to stretch across his face. “Maybe.”
You hesitate. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
He shrugs once before backing out of the lookout as you rezip your jeans. “It means…maybe I knew this was the wrong way.”
“…I’m sorry?”
His hands shove into his pockets while his sly smile seems to mirror his satisfaction. “I just figured it wouldn’t hurt to do some…exploring.”
“Oh, you have got to be kidding me,” you nearly gasp, striding after him so you can swat your hand across his chest. “Are you fucking serious? You got us lost on purpose?”
“We were never lost, Tinkerbell. I knew exactly where we were."
"Yeah? And where are we?"
"Taking a detour."
“I cannot believe you,” you murmur, staring at him rather incredulously. “God, you are so fucking horny, it’s insane.”
“Oh, relax,” he snorts. “I didn’t take you back here to fuck you. I just thought you’d wanna see the top of the maze.”
“And you couldn’t have just asked?”
“Would you have agreed?”
You consider this. “…all right, maybe not. But you’re still a fucking ass.”
“Yeah,” he agrees coyly. “I know.”
You keep your stern glare, but your grin is playful. “Whatever. Does this mean you know the way out?”
“I do,” he says. “There’s a shortcut. Cassie and I used to cheat and use it all the time.”
The revelation of her name makes your breath catch. You hadn’t expected him to reveal something so personal, and there’s a part of you that isn’t quite sure what to do with it.
You can tell he hasn’t realized his slip, because he’s still smiling at you like he’s waiting for you to get the joke. To laugh with him.
But there’s something else in his eye – something beautiful and reminiscent. Excited. Like the mere mention of her name has calmed him. Reminded him of a better time. A happier place. 
Reminded him of someone who isn’t you.
“I see,” you manage, choking the words out as you glance toward the dirt beneath your sneakers. Avoiding his eye. “Well…great. Get me the hell out of here, please.”
He studies you for a moment. You can feel his eyes boring into your profile, as though attempting to work out just what changed in your demeanor.
Then, he runs his tongue over his bottom lip, and says, “Yeah. This way.”
With that, he maneuvers back through the large stocks of corn and leads you through the intricate labyrinth. Weaving his way along the path and bypassing each checkpoint with ease, almost as if he’s done this a hundred times.
You imagine he has.
You reach the exit in only a few minutes, and relief washes over you as you catch sight of your car in the distance. Your means of escape and your excuse to leave him behind. 
“Thank God,” you mumble as you both slip out from the corn and back into the light. “That was…excruciating.”
“Oh, was it?” he teases. “Really? All of it?”
“Yes, all of it,” you snort, but you feel rather amused as you glance over his expression. “Let’s never get stuck in a corn maze together again, agreed?”
“Agreed,” he replies, but there’s a certain playful glimmer in his eye. “We can just fuck the old-fashioned way. In your car.”
“Gee, great.”
You both fall silent as your quippy remarks die down. Looking at each other like you’re waiting for someone to break the spell. To return you both to your anger and your rivalry. To poke fun at the few moments of intimacy and understanding you shared and release you from this strange yearning.
You decide to be the first, clearing your throat as quietly as you can while reaching for the collar of the hoodie to slip it off. “Uh, well…thanks again. For letting me borrow this.”
He blinks, momentarily puzzled – or perhaps…disappointed? – as he watches you pull it from your body. “Yeah. No problem. Just bring a fucking coat next time.”
“There won’t be a next time, remember?” you retort, tossing it over. 
He catches it with one hand, and smiles. “Right. And thank God for that.”
Another lull, the two of you continuing to stand in the dimly lit parking lot as you wait for him to say goodbye.
And suddenly, you realize…you don’t want to go. You don’t want to say goodbye. That you feel…safer when he’s around. More relaxed and at ease. Even when you’re griping with him or resisting the urge to put his head through a wall, he’s still…comforting. A forceful and reassuring presence that you otherwise feel lost without. 
Because you remember who he was before…Cassie. You remember his kindness and his ability to make you laugh.
And you know that he’s still that person. He’s still trying to take care of the people he feels closest to, even when he doesn’t mean to. Even when he doesn’t realize.
You know why he pushed you away. You know why he’s created such a vast, unyielding distance. And you can’t exactly blame him.
But the version of him that automatically thinks to care for you…that’s the version you’re drawn to. That’s the version you don’t want to say goodbye to.
“What?” he asks, grinning again as his head cocks. Seeming to notice the shift in your expression. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
You hesitate, lashes fluttering as you work out a response. Wondering just how much you can share…and how much of it is real. “Nothing, I…this was just…”
He waits, brow raised. 
Your lips clamp. “Nothing. I’m just thinking about all the fucking work I have to do when I go in tomorrow, thanks to you.”
And you can see he’s unconvinced, eyes flicking between yours as if looking for the real answer. But he waits a beat before his smile fades and he asks, “Why did you really come tonight?”
A bit caught off-guard by the question, you blink. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, you could have partnered with anyone else. If you really wanted,” he explains, slowly stepping closer. Forcing a hitch in your throat. “Could have left me behind. Gone ahead. But you didn’t. Why?”
And there it is. That hint – that almost undetectable trace – of vulnerability behind the usual arrogance. He’s giving you the chance, offering you an opportunity for truth.
And maybe you want to take it. Maybe you want to confess and unburden yourself of this weight that’s settled on your shoulders. 
The truth teases the tip of your tongue, laden with consequences.
But just before you can offer him the real answer, there’s a distant laugh from one of the groups back in the maze. Interrupting the moment and stealing what little courage you had left.
Your lashes flutter quickly as if shaking yourself from a daze, and you step back. Forcing distance between your bodies in an attempt to find clarity. 
Harry watches you go, expression hard and etched with frustration, while you swallow thickly and spin on your heel. 
He doesn’t call after you as you race to your car. Doesn’t insist on an answer or try to make you stay.
He merely stands there beneath the warm hue of the streetlamp, allowing you to run away, and disappear into your car before fleeing the scene.
Leaving him behind. 
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Previous Part:
~ Always*
~ 404 Masterlist
~ Freaky Fun Masterlist
~ Main Masterlist
~ Blurb Masterlist
Amazing divider by @firefly-graphics! 💞
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glassica · 2 months
Notes: M!yan transmigrator x Gn!reader reincarnator, isekai, jealousy, mentions of violence
Continued from Second Male Lead, with a different yan.
"Looks like someone got rejected huh?", your best friend tucked head to the side, eyes full of mischief, didn't bother pretending to sympathize with your loss for a bit. This was why you dreaded seeing him so much. You knew well he would just make fun of your miserable love life.
"Shut up! He didn't. I just realize that I'm no match to the heroine!", you groaned, shooting an icy glare at your friend, "Honestly how am I supposed to compete with the universe's favorite?! I know she's the main character but still... isn't it too unfair for us extras?"
"Unfair only for you, I actually have a blast there. Crazy how relaxing life is when you not aiming too out of league.”
He laughed and teased you senselessly, but inside the man was breathing sighs of relief. You didn't want to know what would he do to the second male lead had you two become a couple. Nothing much, just some little stabs on the chest and limbs ripping apart maybe...
At first he was so scared seeing himself transported to this world. He knew about the isekai stuff, but applying those knowledge to reality was a different story. He had no clue about the worldbuilding nor the plot, thus struggled desperately to blended in high society. Besides, he couldn't tell anyone about him belonging to different world, he would be called crazy and outcasted from all circles.
So it was a miracle that he met you, another soul stuck in same situation. Because you had read the series and been living there since birth, you were able to provide him with necessary information about the novel. Through you, he learned about the Kingdom, the protagonists, the future events, etc. in addition to all the etiquette and secrets of nobility. At one point, you confessed to him about the second male lead, the love of your (now and previous) life.
Who you pined after was none of his business, yet the man found himself growing unbearably irritated the more he heard about that name. Your best friend always bore a bitter grin on his face whenever you gushed about your crush, sometimes he sneaked in snide remarks, suggesting the second lead was probably just a mediocre guy. “If he was really charming like you made him out to be,” your friend argued, “he should’ve been the hero instead of getting shoved outside midway to be honest.” You huffed, who he thought he is to downplay the man of your dream like that? And why did your friend like belittling your feelings so much?
No. He didn’t look down on you at all, he just hated the fact that you were paying attention anyone but not him. He couldn’t accept the sight of you longing for another man when he was right there. The one who was aware of your deepest secret, the one who witnessed all your goodness and uglies, the one who could share your struggles of adapting to new world. He knew you the best, obviously he was the right choice for you.
And perhaps the man should admit deep down, he was also terrified of the future without you. You had come and guided him through the puzzling maze of noble life, be there for him when he was on verge of giving up everything. He had been acquainted with your lovely presence, no way he would let anyone steal it away from him. Little dirt on hands wasn’t a bad price to pay if that means you would be chained forever to him.
You might be a worthless extra in their story, but always the main character in his story.
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ilovejeongintoo · 3 months
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𝔸 ℝ𝕚𝕤𝕜 𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕥𝕙 𝕋𝕒𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘
!WARNING NSFW Content ahead! !MDNI!
Genre: Fantasy, Rich man Yunho x Thief Reader, Warnings: Handcuffs, implied mafia?, implied yandere behaviour, unprotected sex(smh), slight praise, name calling (dear) Wordcount: 3353 Not proofread
Yunho drives me mad, he's just so...ugh, there aren't words that are worthy enough to describe him. Also I wrote this at like 2 am.
Summary: A thrill-seeking burglary, driven by a craving for adrenaline, you break into the grand Jeong Estate to steal a priceless necklace. Equipped with skills from past heists you're dressed for stealth, the owner unexpectedly decides to make an appearance and punish you in his own way.
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Out of all the things that you would do, this one was probably the craziest, no this is the craziest idea ever. Sure, you've done stupid things before but this one was going to take the cake, even if you were fully prepared.
Your mother had always told you, this hobby of yours would get you in trouble. For her you were a "normal" kind of adrenaline junkie, bungee jumping, paragliding, rock climbing, something that was in a controlled environment but would still get your heart racing. Your blood pumping. When that didn't satisfy you anymore though, you turned over a different leaf, starting with cliff diving and some urban exploring, graffiti, crimes that's what this hobby of yours turned into. Especially little crimes that involved stealing something, from a store, a jacket, a purse your hands were quite skilled at the task and the feeling you got from it was just too addictive to stop.
And after a stupid night with an even more stupid idea from your friends you were here now, a block down from the biggest estate in the city. The Jeong Estate.
The idea was stuck in your brain like gum on your shoe and you wouldn't leave until that itch inside of you was cleansed. The worst thing was, this was completely solo, from the planning, to going through with this.
It was simple really, sneak around the cameras, hopefully find some open entrance, if not you'd get entry in some way. You learned a few things about security systems from rich homes like these, they all worked the same, so you'd be able to deactivate it, you just didn't know for how long, that's why that was as a last resort.
You honestly looked like a burglar, the dark leather jacket, black jeans with an old black t-shirt and a black cap. In case you were somehow caught, they wouldn't recognize you.
You just had to get in, find something worth taking and then get out. And that undetected.
Interesting enough the whole layout of the mansion was on the internet, you guessed they like to brag about their wealth and how many bathrooms one could possibly need.
There were multiple interviews taken in the house, pictures of the outside, inside, around it, with a little bit of smart thinking you'd be able to sneak past any cameras where they wouldn't be able to detect you.
Because of their huge security set up, they didn't think to have any guards, the place completely empty, anyone that was going to try anything had a death wish. And you wouldn't pass up on the thrill of escaping that mansion with a little souvenir that you'd pull out and brag to your friends about.
You could already imagine the dumb, shocked faces they'd pull when you got back. You stepped out of your car, combat boots hitting the ground, you only got a small bag, as to not make your form any bigger. You decided the back was safer to gain entry, less cameras more blind sports as well, with the huge maze-like garden blocking your silhouette from everything, combined with the darkness of the night, this was going to be a walk in the park. your heart was racing though, not even inside yet. You checked various doors and windows hoping someone left at least one open with a house this big, poor luck.
You guess that meant plan B was officially going to commence. You whipped out your phone connecting with the security system in a matter of minutes with the closeness, there seemed to be a manual lever hidden just close to you, that was the only thing you couldn't find amongst the endless photos taken of this place. You opened a small metal box being faced with a control panel, thankfully each button had some words on them, not making you guess what each does. You clicked one and then another to confirm it, the cameras immediately losing their red recording light, and the alarm presumably being off now.
You grabbed a rock off the expensive looking assortment next to a little pond and smashed it against a glass door. Sliding your hand in and turning the knob, it slid open, and you were officially in. No going back. You gulped the nerves hitting a little harder, but your excitement burnt even more. Turning the lamp on your flashlight, you snuck around a little, figuring out which hallway you were in, looking at a few vases, might take one of those.
But you were actually on the lookout for a particular door, leading to a secret treasure room. The Jeong family apparently liked collecting stuff a lot, paintings, statues, jewelry. You were going to go for a specific necklace, only one in the world and it was here, so close to you. You moved further down, passing high chandeliers and a set of stairs. The doors couldn't be missed, big embroidery and golden accents making it stand out even more than everything that you've seen here yet, however that was possible. You pushed it open, startled of it not being closed. There wasn't anyone inside, thank God.
You looked around the room, in awe. It was filled to the brim, to each treasure a sign explaining it was from or what it symbolized. As you watched each one with interest your eyes landed on the glass in the middle of the room, encased in it was the necklace you were here for. What you would be taking home. You walked up to it, your boots squeaking a little on the oak wooden floor.
You pressed your gloved fingers onto the glass, admiring the piece inside. You would obviously have to break it and then sneak out again. You brought some equipment just for this, obviously they didn't have normal glass around these national treasures. You got a laser cutter for a pretty dime, and you'd leave with something worth every coin spent on this device. You put your bag down, going through it, setting up the little machine, turning on the flame and testing it a few times. You were just about to cut it when you heard some noise.
Which wasn't you for sure. You immediately panicked a little and turned the thingy off reaching for your bag and pulling it behind the counter of the necklace, hiding behind it. There wasn't any reason that someone would just come in here. Or was there?
You were mentally going through every scenario that was about to happen. Your palms sweating, heart bursting out of your chest. You had to calm down a little or you'd make stupid decisions right this second. The racing of your little heart was promptly stopped by the door creaking open, the clanking of shoes evident in the spacious room. Definitely dress shoes, definitely someone that lived here. It was okay. They didn't know you were here. They were probably just having some weird midnight museum tour here. This was probably just some rich person behavior, going to your own treasure haven at the dead of night, yeah, must be it.
The steps grew closer and thus louder. You prayed they wouldn't walk around the counter and see you, briefly you regretted ever coming here but you did get what you wanted, a thrill.
You held your breath when the sounds of those shoes stopped. Listening intently for what was about to happen and staying alert. Just when you were trying to get ahold of your breathing again, there was some fast movement, a click, a shove, and you were on the ground. Looking up, you saw your one hand cuffed to a bar embedded into the counter. And some very shiny looking shoes, that were now directly in front of you. You moved your gaze slowly up, black slacks, further there was a simple shirt and a black tie. Who the hell wears those in their own home? And finally, a rather young-looking dude, you'd have expected a man in his fifties by the clothing choice. The black-haired man didn't looked like he was in his mid-twenties, slightly older than you.
Your bows furrowed at that. His deep voice was the next thing that shocked you as he leaned down, setting himself on his haunches.
"Now what do we have here? A little mouse lingering in my house." There was no way that this was the Jeong Yunho, he was just way too… young, for a successful multi-millionaire. You didn't realize that you haven't responded.
"I was wondering what crawled in when I heard some noises, you ought to be more careful than that." He smiled mockingly.
You were trying to keep your gaze away from him, not wanting him to catch even a single glance of your features, he might just let you go. Who are you even kidding? Fat chance, you were lucky if you made it out of here alive now, genuine fear setting in.
He kept trying to move his face to yours, obviously wanting to look at the intruder that snuck in, but you just turned in the other direction. Having enough of your attitude he gripped your jaw in his hand, your free one trying to pry him off of you. He turned you to him and knocked the hat off your head.
You stared into his eyes, not wanting to get intimidated no matter how much money this guy had. You wouldn’t be intimidated by a pretty, rich boy that was born with a silver spoon.
"Happy now?" You questioned. His hand left your face.
"Oh, so she does talk, and she's got some fire." That grin just wouldn't leave his face, it was so goddamn punchable even if it was a shame to ruin.
Maybe violence was next on your hobby list of crimes. If looks could kill, he would be buried six feet under, your glare was burning a hole through his face.
"So, to what do I owe the pleasure of you visiting my home?" Any words that came out of his mouth made you want to shut him up. If it was with a fist or a kiss you honestly didn't care.
"Why don't you take a guess?" You wouldn't answer anything with a guy like this squeezing you into a little corner. Which was risky to say the least.
"Well… judging by the get up and the fact that I found you here, means you were planning on stealing something." No shit sherlock, for what other reason do people break in.
You gave him a deadpan look.
"Oh, come on, this is the most interesting thing that has happened here in a while, usually, people get caught by the alarm or cameras before even making it inside."
"Makes me wonder how you made it this far." He looked you over, studying you, analyzing.
This was probably the best time to convince him of letting you go, somehow. "Look, I'm sorry okay, this was stupid, I'll pay for the broken glass and just leave."
"See now, that just won't work. I can't just "let you go", that'll just make me look bad if it comes out that I just let little thieves like you come and go."
"I have to set an example." What the fuck does he mean by that?
You hadn't even thought about what kind of people lived here, for all you could know this was some secret mafia family that built their empire on corpses. Sure, sounded like it.
"I promise I won't talk; I won't do this again."
"You really expect me to believe that?" He raised a perfectly plucked eyebrow.
"Trust me, I'll make sure you won't." Now that sounded like something a killer would say, you were fucked, so fucked.
"Please, look, I have family, friends, please just let me go." You looked at him a little pleading, fuck your pride and not getting intimidated. This was beyond anything.
You shook the cuff slightly, trying to slip your hand through it in any way. "Look I'll pay or whatever, j-just don't kill me." He seemed in thought about something, his tongue poking the inside of his cheek and then he stood up, your eyes following his long, slim figure.
"No." He curtly replied.
Okay fuck him and fuck reasoning with this asshole.
"I'm gonna cave your face in when I get out of these handcuffs, I swear." You glared. His smile grew again, this fucker was getting some sick satisfaction of seeing you seething in anger.
"Ouuu there's that fire that I was beginning to miss, you were begging so nicely a second ago." He twirled a stand of your hair. He grabbed at the cuffs unlicking it from the bar, getting your hopes up of being free when he clasped the now free shackle to your other hand. Your hands now cuffed in front of your body, he pulled at the chain holding them together.
He stood up, dragging you with him. "Girls like you only learn the hard way, don't they? Lucky for you, I know just how to handle your type." Anything he said sounded so suggestive, you don't know if the fear was activating some hidden side in you, or if his attractiveness eliminated any red flags in the situation. He tugged you along, crossing room for room way too fast for you to keep track of where you were and therefore not making you figure out where he was taking you, until he hauled you into a dimly lit room. A bedroom, okay woah, this was turning into one of your fantasies real fast.
"I'm feeling generous today, it's not every day where a pretty thing just turns up at my doorstep, so I'll even remove these." The restraints from your wrist fell to the floor, your hands massaging your wrists. "I'll let you off the hook" But? There had to be some twist. "You'll spend the night here, after all you wanted to be here." Yeah, to steal something, not to fuck a loaded dude.
You did consider it, he wasn't bad looking. But that fucking attitude was just so aggravating. "And what makes you think that I would just agree to that?" Your arms crossed in silent protest.
"Maybe the fact that you wouldn't land yourself in jail."
"You kind of interrupted my work so It's only fair that I get a little bit of a compensation for being so nice."
Oh, hell to the no, not this guy, nu uh. He looks like someone that would brag about this for centuries to come. You whipped around ready to leave; "I'll just turn myself in."
"Come on, didn't you notice the tension between us, are you that oblivious?"
Of course, you had noticed, from the first second you realized his hands were way bigger and that he was towering over you, had you thinking dirty. Like if he had just bent you over the glass in the other room. Or the hallway wall, or this bed. God there must be something wrong with you. Some adrenaline induced arousal that activated since you were caught.
You didn't notice yourself stopping nor did you notice Yunho moving up behind you until his warm breath hit your ear.
"Right, you did notice. I'll even gift you a little something to take with you, or you can leave with nothing right now."
He brushed the hair from your neck, kissing it slightly. You could just leave now, but his offer was too tempting. You whipped around, grabbing him by the tie and pulling him in for a kiss, before you could second guess your decision making.
He pushed you against a nearby wall, caging you in. He was so fucking big it felt suffocating in an intoxicating way. Like all your senses were filled with Yunho only.
The movements were rushed buttons falling off, his tie almost getting ripped apart. Your shirt and jacket being discarded in a matter of seconds. You called his name in between kisses, desperate to get him to move faster.
Only one of your legs was out of your jeans when he stuffed you with his fingers, you were hoping that your legs kept their strength, and your knees wouldn't buckle. It was getting increasingly difficult, the more fingers he added, the harder he thrusted, the deeper that he hit. You tried your best to hold onto his shoulders. You took notice of the large bulge pressing against his slacks and slipped your hand in. You stroked him making him bite his lip a bit, his brows furrowing in pleasure. Groans were the only things you could hear besides the wet squelch of your pussy. When your knees were going to give out, he pulled his hand from you, reaching over, grabbing a familiar object, clicking it onto you again but lifting your arms making you wrap your cuffed hands around his neck, your hands holding onto him. He lifted one of your legs getting closer to your body while his other hand moved down and pulled his length out of his pants.
A pretty thing from top to bottom, with just the perfect curve. Fittingly big for his stature. Your favorite part was when he started rubbing it against you, getting it wet, a vein that ran along his cock brushed your clit at the perfect angle. It made you cry out just a little louder for him.
"I might just keep you in my treasure room dear, you just make such cute noises."
You couldn’t tell if he was joking or not, not that you cared at this moment. When he slipped himself inside that's when you almost came on the spot, your insides were clenching so much around his length. Wrapping around him, it was so so warm. And when he started moving it was even better, the drag of your ridged walls pulling him back in when he pulled out.
"Yunho, Yunho, god ah."
His thrusts reached deeper than your fingers every could, than any man before him could. Yunho kept thrusting while alternating between playing with your boobs and circling your clit with his thumb.
"You're gonna kill me, you know that? o-my fucking god." He groaned after each thrust. Your stomach became so warm and tingly, it was only a matter of seconds before you'd cum all over his cock. It was after a particular calculated thrust up into your g-spot that had you seeing stars, tightening your arms around Yunhos neck and letting out a pornographic moan. The squeezing of your pussy had him coming just a moment after, not giving him the chance to pull out, not that he wanted to.
He spilt himself into you, driving aftershocks from your orgasm out of you. His thrust slowing down, to ride out his own, until his hips stopped.
He pulled back, your hole opening and closing a little and making cum dribble out of you.
"Can't have you waste that." He pushed some of it back in with his fingers. You moaned in hypersensitivity. Your legs completely gave out after that and he picked you up, carrying you over to the bed that would have been the more ideal place.
He untangled himself from you, you grumbled at the loss of contact. You just heard the click of the cuffs, your eyes closed in contentment, too tired.
He continued staying at your side, bringing you a glass of water, and pulling the blanket over you, making you fall asleep faster than you'd ever think was possible. Considering you were still in a stranger’s house, said stranger was inside your guts just a moment ago, so couldn't really call him that.
This definitely wasn't part of your masterplan, but you wouldn't change a thing.
When you woke up in the morning, Yunho peacefully sleeping next to you, you quietly dressed yourself and excited the mansion. Not forgetting to take a price, in the form of his ring and a note that read: "If you want your souvenir back, call me."
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lowkeyrobin · 6 months
can you do a gally x reader where its like a lovers to enemies to lovers??? thanksss 🫶
thank you for requesting!! I hope you enjoyed bc this genuinley rotted my brain bc I spent way too much time overthinking it 💀💀 ; HOLY SHIT POST WRITING ROBIN HERE.... uh I didn't see the first lovers bit I am so sorry 💀 I actually apologize bc idk how to fix it now LMFAO ; also ending is rlly dumb but jsjskdndns ; send tmr requests please 🙏🙏🙏
GALLY ; i don't want to be your enemy anymore
summary ; a little enemies to lovers trope with Gally because why not
warnings ; language, guns, knives, WCKD stuff
word count ; 1.6k
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Being stuck in that peaceful, dystopian Hell with Gally for three years was enough to make you rethink every single life choice that could've probably led you there, which wasn't much considering most of your memory had been erased. But, after escaping the maze, WCKD, fighting against Mother Nature in the Scorch and the Cranks, making it to the Right Arm, raiding a WCKD train, and a no-plan-plan to storm the Last City, you never thought you'd see Gally again, for better or for worse.
You two had never gotten along whatsoever, prior to, or post Thomas entering the Glade.
Gally would always do anything and everything just to piss you off. From the frequent physical fights to dehumanizing and undermining you for whatever reason, it never stopped. You were truly enemies, always out to get each other back or glare at each other from across the entire Glade.
He thought it was dumb for you to be awarded the graciousness of being a Runner, for whatever reason. Builders didn't have a lot going up in the membrane and he just proved it, constantly. But, sometimes you'd do the same, you weren't any better than him, just short-tempered, you supposed.
All those wasted nights sleeping in the Slammer over fighting, all the alcohol wasted due to throwing it all over each other. You both had a fire burning in your hearts to just kill each other, but in a way, it was fun. It was fun to piss each other off and get a reaction, and to just yell and scream your emotions out at each other. Toxic enemies, perhaps.
Minho though, good Lord. He always had to tease you, his fellow peer, about it.
"Oh, you're so in love with Gally" and "You look at each other with hearts in your eyes." You couldn't go a day without him bringing it up at least twice.
But now, you were trying to get Minho back from WCKD, and that's all that mattered. What did matter was that Gally was fucking alive.
Of fucking course, just your luck.
How he wasn't dead was beyond you, considering you watched Minho impale him with a spear.
You thought for a moment he was working for WCKD, considering he killed a small child last time you saw him, and he and his buddies basically kidnapped you and your friends. But, he took you guys back to some Rebellion setup hideout just outside the city, considering you couldn't get into the walls, now knowing there were microchips in your necks tracking your every move.
You stuck back while Thomas spoke to Lawrence, the guy in charge, turned half-Crank. You didn't want to be anywhere near Gally while he took Thomas down, so you stuck with the others, silently looking for reassurance in each other.
༘⋆₊ ⊹★🔭๋࣭ ⭑⋆。˚༘⋆₊ ⊹★🔭๋࣭ ⭑⋆。˚༘⋆₊ ⊹★🔭๋࣭ ⭑⋆。˚
The sun sets rather quickly, and you, Newt, and Thomas join Gally into sneaking into the city through a train tunnel. That in itself was its own thing. You don't even know why you agreed to come with them, considering you were being led by Gally, but, alright then.
He takes you three on a little tour of the city, showing you all the bright lights and the building that towered over the rest, WCKD's headquarters.
You're perched on a balcony, looking over at the building from afar. A telescope rests on the ledge of the wall, Thomas looking through it. Gally stands on his left, and then Newt and you on the right.
Newt looks over at you, sensing your discomfort from a mile away. "You okay?"
You nod, arms crossed as you look out into the city.
Thomas looks up and over at you two, telling you to look through the telescope to look into the windows of the building. Apparently, he'd seen something of interest. The blonde steps forward, looking through the lens as Thomas stands next to him.
Gally looks to you, a weird kind of look in his eyes. You shrug, silently asking what he wanted. He mouths a little message that he'll talk later, probably wanting to get back before doing so.
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After returning, you find your way onto the rooftop, needing some alone time. You'd forgotten about Gally looking at you entirely, needing to clear your head over seeing him again and being shot at as per usual earlier. The fact WCKD was able to track you was what had you slightly scared. I mean, what if they were able to see you right now, trying to take a breath all alone on the rooftop?
You don't hear Gally sneaking up on you, but when the footsteps become closer and closer, you quickly turn your head back to see him a few feet away. He apologizes for running up on you, seeing the way you quickly turned around in defense mode like you were scared or something.
"I just came out here to talk, about earlier" He explains, sitting down next to you, although making sure to leave some room between the two of you.
"What's to talk about?" You ask, looking up over the walls of the city in front of you.
"I dunno, to apologize, and try to make amends, I guess" He answers with a little snark, "I'm not asking for forgiveness, but if we're gonna work together, I'm not acting like your enemy anymore, okay?"
You take a second to actually look at him, noticing his freshly buzzed hair and his desperately needed growth spurt, mentally and physically. You slowly nod and turn away, looking back up at the walls ahead.
He exhales through his nose, a little frustrated. He wanted an actual truce, knowing you. "Y/n, I'm serious. I'm not bullshitting, I don't wanna be that stupid kid a year ago that had fun fighting and making fun of you, I want to work on the same team. I don't wanna be best friends, but I don't wanna be your enemy either"
You bite the inside of your cheek, trying to conjure up a response.
"Yeah, fine"
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"Initiate phase four"
You and Gally await as Newt rounds up all the kids, keeping a close eye on Thomas forcing Teresa to give them intel and directions. Thankfully, she was halfway on your side.
Newt and Thomas send you two off with the children, all under the age of thirteen or so, directing them down to the bottom level of the parking garage where Brenda awaits. You're dressed in the slightly uncomfortable WCKD guard suits, you in the red variation like Newt, Gally in the grey like Thomas.
Once they were safe on the bus with Brenda, the two of you quickly scurried away to get lost in the crowds and hopefully meet back up with Newt and Thomas soon. You make sure your gun has the safety on while in your belt, deciding to work with handguns tonight, while he decides to go for the more bulky, electrical type of gun this night.
Somehow, Gally with a gun was kind of hot, but you'd never admit it aloud.
You power walk down the streets, making and pushing your ways through the crowds, fake patrolling the bottom layer of the WCKD tower, awaiting a message from Thomas. He tries to strike up some small talk as you also await Lawrence to bring the corporation down, since the Rebellion would never be stopped by just a few seventeen and eighteen year olds plus their forty year old father figure friend. Another plus, to properly destroy WCKD wasn't a bad idea, so the idea commenced with a very certain plan.
"Y'know, I didn't expect to see you again, like, if I ever saw you guys again. Not in a rude "I thought you would've died" way, but I didn't take you as one to try and take down the government and shit. You're a tough shank though, I'll give you that, " He speaks, speaking calmly, trying to give you that reassurance once more that he genuinely wasn't trying to start anything.
You nod, "Never thought I'd see you again either, but it's kind of relieving, to be honest. You changed in a good way. A really good way." You lightly smile, giving him a little shoulder nudge. "And don't worry about the past, it doesn't matter anymore, I couldn't care. Just... got a little scary seeing you again I guess" You shrug.
He nods. "Yeah, it's fine. Uhm... fuck, sorry" He says, trying to find the right words, "I'm not saying this like, to try and weird you out or distract you but I feel like to not hate each other anymore, we need to be open-"
"I like you too, if that's what you're getting at." You shrug, stopping in your tracks as he does. "If not, then sorry, kinda jumped to conclusions." You awkwardly chuckle, double checking your safety again.
He nods, "Cool. We'll talk about this later then?"
"Why not now? Under the soon to be burning building?" You joke with a light laugh.
"I missed that laugh" He mumbles
"Hey, hey, calm down now" You chuckle, shoving his shoulder, "We have a mission, here. We're children at war, Gally"
"The mission can wait a moment" He suggests, giving you a look, awaiting approval.
You dramatically roll your eyes with a smile, accepting his move before quickly pulling him in for a little kiss. You dragged him by the strap of his WCKD vest, almost making him fall on his knees for you.
"Now come on, we gotta go find some people to get in formation with and get to Newt and Thomas" You nod sideways, pulling your mask back up.
"Yeah, yeah, let's go"
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elenamegan14 · 8 months
Yandere One Piece - Irish/Nordic Fae Folk Myth X F!Reader - Pookah!Luffy
PROLOGUE Pookah - a mischievous yet friendly fae, capable of shapeshifting into any form as they please - malevolent ones included. Legends have told that anyone lucky or unlucky enough to get a ride from Pookah will experience the wildest travel of their lives. 
You barely have the time to calm yourself when the Pookah circles you around like a wolf waiting for its prey to move. You’ve been here for a few minutes and already you encountered a fairy folk! Fortunately, luck seemed to be on your side - Pookahs are not relatively dangerous unless you treat them with care. 
However, Pookah’s personality is proven to be quite a challenge,  considering this one has the childish personality of a hyperactive boy, drunk with too many candies. Also, he seems to be the talkative type too, jumping around whenever you tried to side-stepped him. 
“A human! Sweet! Haven’t seen a human for a while! I mean, on my side anyway. My brothers saw humans all the time because they got permission for it, but I don’t!” The Pookah grumbled, “They said that I need to practice more on my human transformation, but I think it’s perfect!” He gestured towards himself, forgetting about his longish furry ears and tail. 
“I… see. That’s very nice, but I have to go.” 
Frustratingly, Luffy seems to follow you around, not giving you a moment of rest. It did not help that he had no sense of personal space, always coming in inches close to you - a new toy that he had never seen. 
“By the way, my name is Luffy! What’s yours?” 
You are about to instinctively answer but a particular warning from your parents hit you on the head. An iron-clad superstition rules that any good children must follow to survive Grand Line if they happened to stumble upon it. 
Never tell them your real name, Y/N. That’s how they control you - words have more power in the fairy world than in the human world. 
Frowning, you turned your head away from Luffy, “You don’t need to know.” 
“Aw, you’re no fun! What am I supposed to call you then? Seaweed? Meat-girl? Oh! I can call you… ‘Wet Blankie’! Because, you know-” 
“Alright, I got it! Call me any way you like but you’ll never find out what my name is!” You boldly asserted, keeping to yourself that you can endure the humiliation of being weirdly dubbed for now. 
“Fine!” Luffy stuck his tongue out, “...wet blankie.” he added the last part with a laugh, earning him a scowl. 
Hurriedly, you walked at a faster pace, hoping to leave the Pookah to his ministrations 
“So, whatcha doing here? Are you going somewhere?” “No, I’m lost! I don’t know where I am, what time is it…” You trailed mournfully, “I even started to lose my way around this place.” 
“Oh well, Grand Line can be a maze sometimes. Heck, even my friend, Zoro got lost here plenty of times… and he’s a native!”
A certain name from Luffy’s speech puts you into a standstill horror, “Grand Line? As in… THE Grand Line? I’m here in THAT Grand Line?” 
“Dang, no need to say three times. But yeah, you’re in Grand Line! You’ll love it! There are so many fun places here - there are so many interesting things happening around here-” 
A shudder of panic courses through your body, “No, no, no, no, no! I’m not supposed to be here! My parents told me to stay away from this place! That’s where the fairy folks live, I’ve heard stories of what they’ll do to humans! I have to get out of here!” 
Unbeknownst to you, Luffy studied you a little more carefully than the first time he met you. As if he can sense something beyond your appearance. 
“That’s… an interesting way to put it,” Luffy droned, “Somehow, you felt different than other humans who fell here.” “You mean there are other humans besides me here?” “Great!” You raised your hands exasperatedly, “I’m lost in this god-forsaken forest,  I can’t find my classmates, and I’m supposed to be home right now! But I’m stuck here! This sucks!” You sobbed
“If you like to… I can give you a ride,” Luffy smiled gently, “I know my way around Grand Line, I can take you to the entrance.” You gasped indignantly at his idiocy, “Are you mad? I can’t trust fairies - that’s the third most important rule that everybody knows!” Luffy’s eyebrows raised in confusion, “Really? Then what’s the second one? I mean, you did tell me the first rule is-” 
“-not to reveal my real name to a fairy, I KNOW. You KNOW,” You repeated the rule as if you were schooling a first grader, “The second rule is not to eat and drink anything that the fairies offer.” 
“What?!” Luffy jumped in horror, “That’s a terrible rule! You can't do that! Everybody has to eat! Who made that? This is the first time I’ve ever heard it!” 
You rolled your eyes in irritation, “Not if you’re a human. They’ll be bound to the fairy world forever if they eat anything in here, and I still want to go home.” 
“Not if I can ask the bigwigs to change it!” An optimistic grin burst from Luffy’s face, “I mean, I managed to change a few rules after causing some trouble from time to time again. Which reminds me - I need to hide from my grandpa - he is so pissed off after I destroyed the palace’s garden the other day.” 
“You do that while I’m searching for any entrances here,” you murmured, slipping by Luffy.
“Alright, suit yourself!” Luffy shrugged nonchalantly. 
Time passed, and you still need to find an entrance. You felt as if the forest was keen on making you even more lost on your path - each shrub seemed to change, pebbles moving out of your marked gaze, not giving you the slightest hope of any exit. What makes matters worse is that you estimated that the sun will set soon. The risk of falling under the clutches of the fairy folk increases with each second you have wasted. 
Just as you circled anguishedly around the rock for the fourth time, Luffy popped back again, keeping his irritating grin at your hopeless attempt. “You know, I still can help-”
“Oh, alright!” You snapped, realizing that it’s futile to rely on your own… for now, “But be warned - I have ways to kill you if you break your promise. Got it?” 
“Sure thing! I can still take you on if you do! Shishishi!” Luffy innocently chuckled - you felt tempted to smack his head at his indifference. 
In just one breath, Luffy transformed himself into a creature that wasn’t a horse but not a mammal either. It was more of like… a rabbit-horse. You were hesitant to approach him but Luffy casually grinned again, lowering his back before. 
“Hop on! Don’t worry, I’ll make sure that you won’t fall!” 
“I’ll make sure of it too.” You murmured, climbing onto his back. 
Luffy is proof that all legends about Pookah giving their passengers the wildest ride of their lives are true. As you let yourself settle in, Luffy sprints at a breakneck speed - so fast and rough that you must hang onto his neck for your dear life. You didn’t even try to utter a scream, only small whimpers in fear of biting your tongue. 
So many thoughts ran through your head. Is it a mistake to trust Luffy? How much time had passed - hopefully you would only miss a day or two. And will you make it out of here? You can almost imagine yourself running through the exit out of Grand Line, ignoring any of Luffy’s farewells and just stomping straight to Stelly and Sarie, giving them the beating of their lifetimes at the dining hall. There was also a huge hope that you would be reunited home again with your parents, maybe you could explain why you had lost your iron earrings and being in the Grand Line in the first place-
Luffy suddenly came to an abrupt stop. Before you can recollect yourself, Luffy turned back into his default form, unaware that he let his occupant fall behind his back. 
You quickly rose to your feet, nursing your sore arm, “W-Wha? Why did you stop-?” 
Luffy’s eyes grimaced, “Someone’s in our path. Look.” Luffy pointed towards a figure in a near distance. 
It was a male fairy - an intimidating one at that. Build impressively in a visage fit for royalty, but contains plenty of rebelliousness on the side. Freckles adorn his face like stars and black, wavy hair frames his fiery visage. Behind his back are a pair of transparent, fiery wings that almost resemble that of a hawk. By mortal standards, he is… magnificent.
Your blood ran cold. You recognize the mark on his wings from the illustrations that your mother once drew. She is an impressive artist, painting one bestiary after another with near accuracy. There was no doubt that right in front of your mortal eyes was the son of the Fairy King himself, Portgas D. Ace.
The very same one who thinks burning mortals who pissed him off can be considered normal in Grand Line. 
“Wha- what is he doing here? H-H-He’s not supposed to be here-” You stammered. 
“Who’s not here who?” Luffy stared at you in question.
“That fairy! Ace! I heard stories about him - he’s dangerous! We have to go!” You furiously shook your head, already searching for a hiding spot. 
Upon looking at the fairy in question, Luffy’s face lightens up, “Oh, yeah! You’re right! That’s my brother! OII! ACE-!” 
You felt your heart drop at this revelation. Brother. He just has to be Luffy’s brother - why not? It didn’t help that Ace’s attention was stirred by Luffy’s ruckus. Rushing to Luffy’s side, you grabbed his arm as tightly as possible. 
“No!” You pleaded, shaking, “Don’t let him see me! I can’t be seen by a fae folk, especially him!” 
“What? Why not? I know Ace very well, he won’t hurt-” 
“Luffy, please.” 
There was a slight hesitation when Luffy analyzed the fear in your voice. It was a gamble, whether or not Luffy would listen to you. Pouting always works, that’s how you got a leeway from the authorities if you happen to be in any sort of problem - like that time you accidentally broke Mayor Woodlsap’s window for a lighter punishment from him. You put your best one yet, coupled with a doe eye that made you seem helpless and innocent. 
A few seconds later, Luffy solemnly nodded, “Okay, I won’t tell him that you’re here. Just hide wherever you can, alright? I’ll come and get you when he’s gone.”
You didn’t think twice and made a run for the nearest bushes and rocks that concealed your entire body. Your head peered out upon the two fairy brothers conversing after Ace made his way to Luffy. 
Everything about Ace is breathtaking. His beauty is every bit as true as the stories told by swoony-eyed village women. You also have to remind yourself - thanks to your father’s stern warnings time and time again - that Ace is also well-known for his trickery. He is a fairy that would burn humans into a pile of dust or turn them into trinkets if he fancies. 
The fact that Ace is unpredictably harmful.
It felt like forever when you counted until five minutes passed by, trying to make out what Ace was saying to Luffy. He seems to whisper something into Luffy’s ears, but the distance is far too wide for you to listen. So you rely on your eyes instead, observing Luffy’s face slowly form into an enthusiastic expression as Ace conversed excitedly with his brother. 
You silently breathed in relief when Luffy waved goodbye to Ace, gently coaxing you out of the hiding spot, “He’s gone, don’t worry.”
“What are you talking about with Ace?” You brushed off the dirt in a hurry and climbed to Luffy’s back once more. 
“Noooo….thing?” Luffy innocently answered - you rolled your eyes. 
“Okay, fine. How far are we to the edge of the entrance?” 
“Won't be long now. We just need to make a BIIIG dash straight there…” Luffy pointed straight at a cluster of trees. 
“Alright,” you nodded, “Let’s go.” 
You barely notice a sliver of Luffy’s dark grin as he runs with all his might towards the clearing. You ignored all the branches, the leaves, and the force of the wind that blinded you - all you care about is reaching the end - to home. 
A bright light blinded you at the end of the path. When Luffy stops and lets you off his back carefully, you slowly adjust your eyes to the new surroundings. 
But it wasn't the entrance as you might have hoped. 
It was a lakeside. 
A lakeside that is also full of various fairy folks - bathing and playing and hanging around one another. 
It dawns on you that Ace had persuaded his brother to lead you to a trap. 
“Hey, guys!” Luffy shouted, dragging you towards them, “I brought a new friend!” 
A green-haired demon-like fae folk sighed exasperatedly, getting out of the water, “Luffy. How many times do we have to tell you not to bring any more weird people-” 
That’s when his eyes landed on you. 
Everything went quiet. Several eyes gazed upon you in interest for a few seconds. 
And then it exploded into elated chatters. 
Oh no. 
“Luffy…” A blonde nymph-like man with swirly eyebrows eyed you as if his birthday came early, “You didn't tell me that you caught a human girl.” 
His statement brought an ominous wonder to the rest of the occupants in the lake. 
“Somehow, you know how to lighten our day, Luffy.” A fae with a top hat chuckled, already getting up from his position, and making his way carefully around you. 
“Come little human, would you like to join us…?” A pretty maiden with long dark hair and piercing blue gaze, a Huldufolk, she recognized, put down her book, and extended her arm at her. 
“Listen up, I want her first.” A large troll with red hair quipped, taking in your fearful form. 
“Mind your turn, Eustass-ya,” Another fae, dark and attractive, scanned your visage, “It’s been a while since I have a human to play with. The last one didn’t last long on my table.” 
An overwhelming sensation flooded your brain - the fae folks sauntered towards you closely, each with every step you took back. Luffy’s reckless decision had earned you a cold, hard target from every fae folk on your back. In a split second, you did the only thing you could think of.
You ran. 
Several cries of “Come back!”, “Play with us!” rang all across the field. But you did not listen. No, not when every mere form of danger is right by your footsteps. 
Hurt. Sickened. Betrayed. These are the only things that are in your mind. Oh, how foolish you are - no matter how good his intentions are, Luffy is still a fairy who plays tricks upon humans - and now you are his next victim. 
Your mind is made up in determination when Luffy springs before you again, trying to explain something. By now, you have already pulled out the cross from your bag and brandished it upon Luffy who backed away. 
“I shouldn’t have trusted you,” You growled dangerously, hovering the cross like a weapon.
“Wait! What’s-your-name, I can explain-!” 
“Oh, you have already explained enough! Now begone!” 
Luffy drew a wicked grin, “Yeah, I was planning to take you back…” Luffy circled you in a predatory manner, “...but my brother Ace had better plans.”
Luffy effortlessly dodged the cross that you had swiped at him, “GET AWAY FROM ME! I wasted enough time with you around! I’ll go home myself!” 
“I like you, you’re interesting. Join my pack.” You gasped - Luffy’s arms started to stretch like rubber, coiling onto your other weaponless arm. 
“I refuse!” You hissed, trying to escape from his bond. 
“Then I refuse your refusal!” Luffy starts to lose his calmness, and he holds you even tighter, “Please Wet blankie! What’s-your-name! I promise you, they are not going to hurt you-!” 
“Go away!” You screeched with all your might, pushing Luffy away and hoping that your cross might make a nick on him. You kept running, you could care less if Luffy begged you to stop, you can't simply look back. Perhaps you assumed that Ace summoned himself right next to Luffy, his eyes boring at your running form. He grabbed Luffy by his shoulder, in a regality fit for a king.
“Don't let her go, Luff,” Ace spoke, honeyed and full of dark intent, “All of us had waited years to have her back. We can’t lose her now.” 
“No…” Luffy nodded, “I won’t. We’ll get her.” 
There is nothing worse than to run from fairies and get lost again in their forest. Exhausted as you are, there is no willingness from you to yield from their relentless pursuit. You are going home, and that is final. 
Then your nose picked up a salt-like scent. The ground is becoming more coarser as well. You finally realize that as you are busy fleeing for your life, you end up on a sandy beach. Not too distant from you is an ominous cave on the seawater, far too eerie to enter. 
And yet, as if curiosity overrides your logic, you decided to take a closer look at it instead. 
“Come here…” You jumped. There was a faint voice coming from the cave. So you know how to play this game. You firmly planted your foot into the sand, ignoring the voice that keeps persistently trying to coax you inside. 
You crossed your arms and looked away.
The cave lets out a guttural growl - something comes out. You kept your fingers clenched onto the cross as a creature, a merman-like being, swims out, and reaches near you. Aside from his long hair, a striking feature of him is his strange triangle-shaped eyebrows that frame his sharp eyes. 
“Must you be so stubborn, child? I know what was going on here, and I am here to help.” He drawled. 
Basil Hawkins, the Marmennill, is here to lead you.
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dutifullylazybread · 3 months
Hi Darcy!! Love your writing so much!
Since you're opening up Headcanon requests, I was curious: What do you think Rolan's nightmares contain? Same for Cal and Lia maybe?? I love how you alluded to Rolan's nightmares with how he wakes up "choking on his own panic" I always think Rolan's nightmares are either about his mother, Lorroakan, or both! I can't wait to hear your thoughts!
Thank you so much! 🥹 I had a blast reading through your fics the other day—so thank you for sharing such lovely writing with all of us.
So this was a really interesting thought exercise for me. I was a little nervous to start this headcanon list, because I wanted to do these three characters justice.
I have done my best to pull from nightmares I have had, and I have also conducted research to make sure I am not working solely from one point of view.
Content warnings: Nightmares as a result of living through some pretty terrifying experiences, parental death/finding deceased parent (mentioned at the end of all three sections) and discussions of past abuse (found in Rolan's section).
Nightmares - Cal, Lia, and Rolan
Cal dreams of falling.
To be specific, he dreams of when Elturel descended.
The reason I say this is because I came across this MtG card illustration of the Descent into Avernus, and it has stuck with me:
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So when Elturel descended, would it really be too surprising if some people lost their footing and fell off the edge?
As Elturel is dragged into Avernus by these chains, cityfolk are being ripped off of the ground. If they can’t grab onto something stable enough to hold fast while the city descends, or if they aren’t flush to the side of a building, then they are likely flying off of the edge.
Cal had been running errands for the general store that he worked at when Elturel descended. Were it not for the sturdy building he found himself pressed up against, he might not have survived the Descent.
Now, he frequently dreams of falling into the River Styx. He doesn’t usually wake up when he hits the water, but he will dream of staring up at the city, and he can’t move. He can’t swim to the surface.
Cal also dreams of Moonrise Tower’s dungeons. He remembers the smell of rot and death, and he remembers the sounds of things moving around in the shadows.
When these nightmares take a turn for the worse, he manages to get out of the prison cell, and he starts searching for Lia. He knows something bad has happened, but he can’t find her.
He, like Rolan, dreams about finding their mother's body.
Lia dreams of Zariel. My personal headcanon is that, when Elturel was pulled into Avernus, Lia was likely in the city’s square (Shiarra’s market). This would be a place where there would be a lot of people, especially when the Descent occurred. So after the city was pulled into Avernus and chained above the River Styx, Zariel landed in the city square.
Zariel would have made this appearance to 1) scare everyone shitless, 2) to show off the forces under her control, and 3) to make it clear why she chose to drag Elturel into Avernus. She would make it known then and there who was at fault, because she would want to sow dissent amongst the people of Elturel.
And Lia, who had been in the midst of training, was right there. Perhaps paces away from Zariel. And she brought a detachment of her devil army with her. 
Lia dreams about fleeing the marketplace. She never looks behind her, because she fears either Zariel or her devils will be there, at her heels.
While she runs, she searches for Rolan and Cal, calling out for them but receiving no answer.
She tries to find her way home, but as she flees, the city’s streets become almost maze-like. 
And, at a certain point, she feels like she is running in place. The street stretches out in front of her, her legs are moving under her, but she simply can’t gain enough traction to push herself forward.
She will usually wake up just as she feels something grapple her from behind.
If her nightmares turn into sleep paralysis, she might dream that Zariel is in the room with her, watching from the shadows cast by her wardrobe.
When Lia dreams about their mother, she dreams about trying to run towards her but never reaching her. When having these dreams, she feels like, if she can't reach her, something very, very bad will happen.
So I agree with you that Rolan dreams about Lorroakan. There are indeed instances where he just relives Lorroakan's abuse as a flashback.
He also dreams about getting lost in the Shadow-Cursed lands. He wanders through the forest, calling for his siblings.
If he dreams of Elturel, then he dreams of running through the house, calling out for Cal and Lia and their mother. No one answers. 
It’s like he is moving through a strange haze. He is looking everywhere, but he knows that no one is there. He can hear chaos outside of the household, and it makes him panic.
Something is banging on the front door. He cannot find his family, but he knows he needs to before whatever is outside gets in.
I do headcanon that their mother died before Elturel was returned to the material plane, but she was alive prior to the Descent. 
Rolan and Cal found her body.
In his nightmares, Rolan rushes out into the garden, thinking that he might find Cal or their mother there.
The garden wrapped around the house. And when he immediately steps outside, he is struck by this deep, sickening dread. He knows something is wrong. He wants to go back inside, but he is compelled to keep walking forward. He remembers looking for his mother out here before and finding something horrible.
He wants to go back inside, but he can’t.
Before he rounds the corner to where the flowerbeds are, he wakes up.
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m30wk1ttycat · 5 months
failed attempt
contains: mentions of newt's attempt, i dunno what else to add. summary: newt broke his leg, you're trying to comfort him. warning, this is kinda short.
stuck 2 years in this maze, he was getting tired. tired of trying every day to find an exit. he highly doubted there even was one. he's told you about it, how frustrated he is about having to be a runner, knowing he's stuck in this place, possibly forever.
but never once did you think it'd get so bad that he'd attempt. well, you didn't know he attempted. you just knew that he broke his leg. minho told you after you saw him help newt out of the maze. said he probably fell or tripped badly, broke his leg and all.
when the med-jacks deem him as stable enough for visitors, you rush to see him. he laid there, huddled up in a cot, his fractured leg propped up on several pillows, staring off into nothingness.
you peek your head in, walking into the room. "newt?" you call out. hesitantly, he looked at you, giving you the faintest of smiles. this wasn't the happy, cheerful newt you knew. not anymore. his bright aura? not so bright anymore.
"hey," he muttered, looking at you as you walk in. that was all he said, just a quiet "hey".
concerned, you kneel down beside him. you on the floor, newt laying in the cot.
"here, snuck in some food," you say, putting the water bottle and a sandwich you got from frypan on the table next to the cot. "how's your leg?"
he only shrugged, whispering a "thank you" softly, not sure how to continue the conversation, or if he even should.
"my leg's fine.. just hurts, is all," he answered.
his face was rather dull and expressionless when he glanced at you. he sighed, whispering. "you're here to tell me how much of an idiot i am, i take it?"
"why would i do that?"
"the whole glade probably thinks i'm some kind of klutz, and an idiot now. they pity me, i can see it on their faces." he hated being pitied, but somehow, hated himself even more for jumping off like that.
he cut you off before you could even finish your sentence. "why are you here, y/n?"
why wouldn't you be here?
"checking up on you," you answer, shifting your position uncomfortably.
he looked at you, studying you. to see if you were lying. you had to be lying, right? why would you check up on him? yes, he was your best friend, you were his safe place, but he still felt insecure about it, never believed a single "i love you" that you uttered.
"what for?" he asked, trying not to seem so irritated.
"i'm worried, why wouldn't i be checking up on you, newt?"
"i dunno," he frowned. he felt trapped. not only was he - along with the others unfortunate enough to step foot in the glade - trapped in the glade, the maze, but he was also trapped in the med hut, unable to move his body whatsoever without being in pain.
"minho said you broke your leg," you say, and you immediately regret saying that, as his response is rather.. harsh.
"yeah, well, forget it, y/n." he turned away from you, rolling over onto his side, going back into staring blankly at the wall.
you nod, frowning. you look away, seeing that he turned away from her. he was frustrated, you were frustrated. mad at yourself for even deciding to open her mouth, while he was mad about the fact that he did such a thing.
"hungry?" you ask, trying to switch up the topic by asking a question or two. "brought you a sandwich."
"no," he mumbles. then, he added, almost as an afterthought: "just want you to go."
again, you nod to his request. you swallowed the lump in your throat, getting up from the floor. "okay. night, newt," you say. just before you left, you look at him from across the room. "love you."
just as you left the room, he whispered a soft "i love you, too" but it wasn't like you could hear, already having left the med hut. now he was there, laying in the cot, alone, staring at the empty space where you sat before, just moments ago.
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petrichor-idyllic · 2 years
Hi! I'm nervous this is my first requests and you have already so many Minhoxreader so if you don't want to don't do it! but I was wondering if you could do a scenario with a more calm, mother like reader rather than the usual spice and fighting one? (Although those are really good too!) where Minho has a big crush and the others like to tease bc reader is dense. I really like how you portray everyone so thank you so much in advance! Hope you have a great day 💕
I am honoured to be your first request- don't be nervous, I will try my best to give you what you want :))
With some recent attempts, I am realising that I clearly have a character type that I write lol, so these type of asks allow me to add some variety.
Also, I am assuming that this is fem!reader because you used the word "mother" instead of "parent", though if I'm wrong let me know and I will change this to be a gender neutral reader.
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SUMMARY: See above. Fem!Reader x Minho. Takes place before the arrival of Thomas. More movie based.
You were the first Glader to arrive in the Maze, and the only girl. With the help of Alby and Newt, you run the Glade. You take your job seriously and are the mother-figure of the Maze. Though, your business has led to complete oblivion on your end, especially when it comes to the Keeper of the Runners- who is desperately trying to get your attention.
WARNINGS: Inappropriate language, mild thirsting/simping from Minho, teenagers attempting to flirt.
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You have the entire Glade under your thumb.
It wasn't by choice, more like circumstance above anything else, but you rose to the role.
The first month in the Glade was surreal. You didn't know anything; where you were, who you were, why you were there. It was just you and a dumb dog- you'd named the dog Buddy, but the future Gladers prefer to call him Bark.
Back then, the Glade was nothing more than an empty field. You left the safety on the first day, only to chicken out when you heard growling somewhere in the depths of the walls.
Fuck that.
You jumped out of your skin the first time the Doors closed. You thought at first you were trapped inside, but you quickly learnt that the Doors are your friends. They're keeping the Grievers out.
After a couple of days of laying in the grass and playing fetch, you ventured out again. And again. And again. You spent your nights building some, admittedly not very stable, structures after it rained one night, and the trees in the Deadhead didn't make for great shelter.
You'd figured out pretty quickly that this was a strange and elaborate punishment for one person. Maybe it was a dumb hope, but you woke up everyday, for thirty days, praying someone else would join you. Sure, you felt selfish, but you didn't want to live in fear in isolation anymore.
But you would, you could have- if you had to.
You learny in that long month, that you're a strong person- level headed, calm and smart.
But still when Alby popped up in the Glade, you were thrilled that you weren't on your own anymore, even if you were stuck with a panicked teenage boy.
Then Nick. Then Newt. Then Minho. Then Zart. Wiston. Gally. Jeff. Clint.
Boy, after boy came up and the dawning feeling that you were left in a sea of testosterone wasn't a problem you'd anticipated. Not only that- you were the captain of it. Of course, doing this on your own isn't an easy task, so, you enlisted Alby as your co-leader. And Newt as your second-in-command after you lost Nick.
The first year was rough. It took you forever to sort out roles and rules and how the place should be ran, but it took more trail and error than you wanted.
But eventually, with more boys and will power and all the time in the world, the Glade became a fully functioning mini-civilisation.
All because of you. And Alby, but mainly you.
He's a nice foil to you- sometimes aggressive, physically intimidating and willing to hurt people when necessary. He's not scared to enforce the consequences of breaking the rules.
By comparison, you come across as a more of a mother figure- nurturing and collected, helping Gladers with their problems and making sure things run smoothly.
You hand picked the Keepers yourself. Some more obvious than others, but your best decision by far was making Minho Keeper of the Runners.
He's perfect for the job. In the early days, you were in charge of the Maze- you had the most experience with it, after all. But Minho far exceeded your skills- fast, smart, observant and strong. He shows promise where the other Gladers lack it.
He's also the only Keeper you let pick his men. Anyone can garden or slaughter animals if they're up for it; you just dictate what they're best at. After all, you can do it all- you had to when you were on your own.
But Minho is better than you at Running. And you can see that, so why should you or Alby say otherwise?
Obviously, you get the final call. But you very rarely question his judgement. Even arguing and shutting down Alby when he does.
Maybe that's why Minho likes you. You hold him highly and with more respect than most. Obviously, it's not exactly unheard of for Gladers to have crushes on you. Minho is no different.
Well, except he kind of is.
Normally, the crushes die as fast as they start when they realise that you're busy and emotionally unavailable. But not Minho.
He's always been attracted to you- your stability and skills. You juxtapose his reckless actions and quick thinking with your deep consideration and calming atmosphere.
He'd watched boy after boy fail to impress you, when you're so naturally impressed by him that he doesn't even need to do anything. You respect him for what he does, and the feeling is mutual.
Though, you're a bit dense.
It's probably because you're always getting hit on, or maybe you're used to Minho's naturally flirty personality, but no matter how hard he tries to hint at something more, you remain oblivious.
In fact, you are the only person that has failed to notice that he's completely smitten with you.
"Earth to Minho," Newt clicks his fingers in front of his friends face, "anybody home?" Him, Minho, and Ben sit at one of the makeshift dining tables, all in a row.
Minho swats his hand away. "Shuck off, man."
"You could always just tell her, yanno, instead of staring at her like some kinda freak."
"Yeah," Ben chuckles, "and we need some entertainment- watching you get rejected could definitely provide that."
Newt leans around Minho to punch the boy in the arm. "Shut your bloody mouth, shank."
"What? She rejects everyone."
"Yeah, but she likes Minho."
"She does?" Minho sparks up, looking at Newt and raising an eyebrow.
"Well, not like-likes, I mean she might, but I just mean that she respects ya- you guys, yanno, get along, init."
Minho pulls his lips into a thin line. "Great, thanks, Newt- real eye-opening."
"Well, I'm just sayin'. If anyone has a shot with her, it's you, mate."
"What are you shanks talking about?" Minho just about jumps out of his skin when you approach. He didn't even see you leave his sight because he was too distracted by the conversation to even realise you'd snuck up behind them.
"Oh, uh, nothing," he tries to play it off.
"We were talking about you, actually," Minho shoots Ben a stern glare, only to get a wink in response.
"Oh, yeah?" Your tone is playfully and unassuming. "I'm nothing, am I?"
"No, that's not what-"
"Have you guys even eaten yet?" You blink at the empty table in front of them, immediately distracting yourself from whatever they were saying.
"Uh, no," Newt clears his throat, "we were waiting for the queue to die down a bit. But-"
"Well, I'll get you guys something to eat," you put your hands on Minho's shoulders, making him jump as Newt and Ben exchange a knowing look. "Can't have my best Runner going hungry now, can I?"
He looks up at you like you're the stars and the world combined. Like an old stray dog admiring it's owner whose given him everything and nothing could ever compare to what he's witnessing. You're so close and warm and your goal is always to support him. And the other Gladers of course, but he desperately wants to believe that it's him above all else.
And you haven't fucking noticed.
You walk away, making your way over to Frypan's Station and ignoring his complaints as you slip behind the counter, taking your time to make the dishes yourself.
"Dude," Newt scoffs. He's never been more entertained than watching Minho watch you. It's like seeing a whole other side to his friend. "You're shucked."
With Newt's, and Ben's (but mainly Newt's) advice, Minho had decided to pick up to hintsa and flirting. Except despite being naturally quick and witty, you make him nervous and stuttery.
And you're still oblivious.
"Hey, (Y/N), you look good today."
"Oh, thanks, Minho. Someone's in a good mood today."
But he keeps trying.
"Hey, do you wanna eat together later- feels like I barely see you."
"Oh, yeah, that'd be great; I'll get Alby to join us- we can discuss your progress on the Maze."
And again.
"New Greenie up today, you reckon you'll be able to take a break from baby sitting to have a drink with me?"
"Oh, yeah, maybe. If I'm not too busy. Oh! It might be a smart idea for you to tell the Greenies about the Maze- might help them understand a bit more- good idea!"
And again.
"Yo, Newt said you got some new clothes from the Box, haven't seen you in them yet- I bet you'll look great, as always."
"Pfft, shut up, man- they'll be the same as all the rags I normally wear."
And again.
"You know, I'm so happy to have you as a Leader. You're incredible at it; Alby should think himself lucky to have you helping him make choices."
"I'm only doing my job, the same as everyone here. You don't have to praise me for that."
And- well, you get the picture.
It's been months. Literally, months since he decided to up his game, and he's about to start ripping his hair out.
So, after returning from the Maze one night, he's had enough. He doesn't even bother going to the Map Room. He immediately asks where you are and marches over to your hut.
The knocking at your door startles you. You were simply changing your shirt after an incident helping the Slicers.
"Hey, (Y/N)? You in there?"
"Minho?" You pull your shirt over your head and grab the door in a hurry, opening it. "Is everything okay? Shouldn't you be-?"
"I need to talk to you," he blurts out, stunning you slightly.
"Right, okay. Yeah, of course, come in." You step aside and he he pulls his lips into a thin line, internally attempting to psyche himself up for what he's about to do.
He slips past you and you speak. "Do you want me to shut the door, so we can talk in private?"
"Uh, yeah, please."
"Okay," you nod, shutting it behind you and turning to face him. "What's going on?"
"I don't- shuck, okay, I just- I mean-"
Concern dances across your face, stepping towards him at his flustered state. "Is everything okay? You seem stressed; you know you can tell me anything, Minho. That's what I'm here for. Has something-?"
"I like you!" He snaps, throwing his hands up.
You blink, confused. "I, uh, like you, too? I mean, you're one of our best and you're very important here."
"No!" He groans, hands flying to his hair in frustration before he calms himself. "I don't mean... I mean I like-like you, like as in I think I might even be in love with you. A-and I've been trying for so long to hint at it, but you just- either you're ignoring it or you genuinely haven't noticed- but I have to know, okay? You can reject me and things can go back to normal, but I can't go on like this."
You stand in shock.
Okay, so, you may or may not have also developed a crush on him. Your higher affections towards him haven't been because you just thought he was great at his job, but because you do have stronger feelings towards him.
You're just busy and have created these rules for yourself to not date anyone. And since Minho has never flat out said it like most boys confessed to you- you have genuinely remained oblivious.
"Why aren't you saying anything?" Minho asks, pulling you out of your trance. "Shuck, you're not saying anything. Shit. I'm sorry, let's uh, let's just forget this ever happened and-"
You step forward, catching him off-guard as he turns to face you more. "You like me?" Your voice is soft and almost gleeful as his eyes flicker to your lips.
He sighs. "Of course, I do. How could I not?"
You hover in front of him, feeling nervous for the first time since you came up in the Box. Your noses brush for a second before you have the courage to move in.
Pushing your lips against his, he kisses back immediately, his hands coming to your waist, pushing in the years of feelings he's been tormented with.
After a few seconds, you break.
"Take it you like me, too, then?"
You smile at him, giving a small smile before kissing him again.
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Back again with more Minho whilst fighting through my illness. I've got a break off of work coming up so I should be able to write some more, so expect some more requests.
Hope you enjoyed :))
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shiny-jr · 2 years
sorry, I don’t speak italian
Warning: Yes, this will probably be a yandere thing if I continue it. Not really anything like that in this part at least. Gender-neutral reader.
Characters: Grim, Riddle Rosehearts, Chenya.
Summary: When you awake in a world that’s very much like twisted wonderland but each dorm is it’s own kingdom, you have many questions that require pressing answers. It’s truly a shame that no one here understands you, and you cannot understand the strange language either.
Note: Did I not-so-subtly insert my other au? Ya. Anyways, I was just writing this just cause. As always, Heartslabyul ends up as the test subjects, I always start a series with them. So, if this garners enough attention and people seem to like it, well, maybe I’ll continue it. Who knows? Oh, and don’t think too much of the title. I literally couldn’t come up with anything else and when that popped up in my head, I laughed since it came from a specific non-twst reference. Might change it later. 
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Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to stay awake playing on your phone. Yeah, it wasn’t such a good idea in the beginning anyways because you had things to do in the morning and you had just sacrificed your previous slumbering hours for more time to play that disney-gacha game on your phone. But it wasn’t that big of a deal. At least, it wasn’t supposed to be that big of a deal. That is until you fell asleep with your phone in your hand, and woke up someplace that wasn’t within the familiar safe confines of your bedroom.
The sweet floral scent of flowers greeted you as you awoke, and when your eyes opened you were surrounded by tall towering green hedges. The grass was a vibrant green and surprisingly soft, it had provided a place to lay. It was no wonder you didn’t wake up immediately. Disoriented and confused, you looked around, finding none of your belongings and nothing of interest on this thin path. It seemed that the only thing you had on you were the clothes on your back, not even your phone was present.
You had to wonder if this was some elaborate trick or surprise, or even a dream within a dream. But when you pinched yourself and shook your head frantically, it all but confirmed that this in fact was not a dream. So the question remained, where were you? There appeared to be no one else around, so all you could do was carefully walk about. The more steps you took, the more twists and turns you found, which made it clear that this was a hedge maze. Every few minutes you would stumble upon a very small clearing, boxed in by more hedges, where bushes of red roses grew in multitude. Within one bush you spotted rustling, making you curious but also placing you on edge.
Was it a huge bug, or some other wild untamed animal? Next you heard cackling in a somewhat familiar voice within the bush. This caused you to raise an eyebrow and hesitantly put your hands on the leaves, pushing the little branches across so you formed a small opening you could peer through. That’s when you saw it. Gray fur, small blue flames, a forked black tail swishing happily. “Grim…?”
“Hm?” The said feline stopped burying his face in the large slice of tart, which he probably stole because why else would he be hiding, and gazed up at you. Around his cheeks and stuck to his whiskers was the red jam, making him look like he stumbled out of a crime scene. As he licked his whiskers clean and wiped off the rest of the jam with his paw, instantly his blue eyes lit up, and you swore the little fire on his ears grew a little more as he broke out in a huge toothy grin. “Yuu!” Instantly he shoved the rest of the tart in his mouth before jumping out of the bushes and into your arms, surprising you as you stumbled back a bit and held him tighter so he wouldn’t fall. 
You stood stunned as he happily nuzzled into your arm that cradled him, awkwardly patting down the fur on his head as you spoke, “Uh, sorry to break it to you, but I’m not Yuu. Well–– I kinda am, but not really? I sorta play as Yuu, but I’m not really them. Does that make sense?”
“Huh?” Grim stopped and peered up at you in confusion. “Eh, Yuu, hsta nowr tih uo? Yh ra a ginkase ll ewid?”
“What…?” You stared right back at him, apparently just as confused. Slowly you lowered him down to the ground, watching as he slowly began to spout nonsense and get more worked up the less you responded.
“E nac elebvi sth! Uo yanfli ocm acb na uory laitkn esru ewid! Tso laitkn ile aht! D uo kon sut oh gon e deati? Ou ocm acb riugn y casn mie, na uory laitkn ile n iena!”
“Uh…” You watch him drone on and on in that alien tongue, not able to understand a word he’s saying as he points to you, then him, then gestures to the area around them. Finally, after a moment, you stopped him mid-rant and shook your head as you lifted your hand. First, get the basics out of the way. Gently you poked him and spoke, “Grim.”
Grim stops speaking, only briefly before he looks at your hand and mutters, “Hta ra uo dnio…? Uory iuyrsoel tastrin t frea m ot. Ra ou Yuu orm aenoth patle?”
You ignore his offhand remark and then point to yourself. “(Y/n).”
The feline blinks at this, gesturing to himself as he slowly connects the dots. “Grim, na…” His paw presses against your chest. “Yuu.”
“No, no, no.”
You shook your head, to which Grim copied the movement and mocked. “No, no, no!”
You couldn’t help but let out a small laugh before shaking your head more slowly this time as you repeated your actions from before. Point at him, then at yourself, again and again, at least three times. “Grim. (Y/n). Grim. (Y/n). Grim. (Y/n). Do you get it now?”
Grim’s little paws hold your hand in place as you point to him, before he points at you with a single claw. “(Y/n)?”
“Yes!” You exclaim, watching as his tail swished back and forth.
“(Y/n)!” He repeats louder, looking quite pleased with himself when you begin to pet his head.
“You got it, Grim.” With one arm you supported his weight, and with your freehand you scratched a spot behind his ears softly, careful not to accidentally hurt him.
The feline purred in contentment, his nails digging into your sleeve but not touching your flesh. The cat nuzzled into your arm, closing his eyes and mumbling, “Yuu r (Y/n), sonet remett! E kon uory teh! Uory te en eh ebn gaitin fo!”
“I have no idea what you just said.” You sighed, still puzzled at how to proceed from here. But currently, Grim seemed more focused on the attention rather than conversation. He wouldn’t be answering your questions anytime soon, so without much of a choice, you continued walking along at a much slower pace, now relaxed that you weren’t alone.
That was when, only after a few minutes, you eventually stumbled upon a much larger clearing where there was chatter and people. Various peoples in strange yet extravagant red, white, and black outfits were among the roses, sharing tea and pristine white tables and taking turns playing what looked like croquet with flamingos as mallets and hedgehogs as balls. Then, one by one, they began to notice you, stopping whatever they were doing and not-so-discreetly whispering about you. You didn’t know what they were saying, but you knew when someone was talking about you.
Grim looked on edge now, clinging tightly to your arm as his bright blue gaze scanned the multiple faces of people.
Your unease is only increased tenfold when various soldiers of red and blue appeared in clanking armor, and you spotted the familiar bright red hair and wide gray eyes of a certain tyrant as he’s known in the game. And his face–– he looked so serious as he was staring straight at you, shouting something in the same alien tongue Grim spoke in, while pointing at you with his golden staff. Immediately as soldiers were making their way towards you and Riddle seemed to be after you for some reason, you could only think about that one twisted wonderland fic you found by accident and read due to pure boredom. Who was it by? Tiny junior? Wily junior? Whatever, that didn’t matter. The important part was, the fic was about the cast being all violent and on the attack because they believed the main character was some imposter! You couldn’t help but think what if it were the same here? Why else would Riddle be leering at you so fiercely and sending soldiers after you?
Grim gazed up at you with wide eyes, jumping out of your arms and tugging at your socks in the direction of where you came from, away from the people. There was an urgentness in his tone as he tugged harder, making you even more frightened. “Ocm n! E dot wan aht ryaz Riddle t eg sh sahn n uo ty! Ev lraby senp yn mie tih uo!”
That sounded like a hurry up, or he’ll kill you, to you. So you immediately began running after the sprinting feline, shuddering when you heard Riddle’s shouts grow louder and more frantic. Just as you began to worry if you could outrun those soldiers chasing you, Grim stopped and breathed those magical blue flames, covering your path and sealing the way behind you, preventing anyone from following due to the fire. You heaved a sigh of relief as the cat jumped on your back, cackling and taking the free ride, leaving you to do all the running until you could run no longer. Your legs had grown tired, you were out of breath, the commotion from earlier had long since faded the further you had gotten.
It was getting darker. You slumped down in the shade of a rose hedge to hide from the setting sun’s light and tucked away from view. You should be safe, for now at least. Grim slid into your lap, looking a bit worried, muttering something of what you assumed were either words of comfort or an apology for making you do all the running away. He placed a paw on your cheek, but you managed a hesitant tired smile. At least he hadn’t tried to kill you. For now you had one feline––
Your eyes trailed up to a floating upside down head that eventually materialized into an odd looking man somehow on top of the hedges and swinging down to see you at eye level. With yellow eyes, messy hair of all types of purple shades, and… purple cat ears…? A cheeky type of grin appeared on his lips as he continued to gaze at you upside down, and he spoke in a cheerful singsongy type of tone. “Ra uo sot~? Oh…!” He paused, his pupils going wide until his grin widened and he spoke more enthusiastically, “Yuu!!”
Another feline…?
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theimaginethinker · 10 months
Beyond the Walls (Gally x Female! Reader)
Chapter Warings: Language, Violence, Death, Use of Y/N
Chapter 1: Introduction
I stood at the gates of the maze with Harriet and Sonya waiting for the walls to open.
“To tell you both the truth, I’m ready to get out of this icy hell.”  I told the girls with a little laugh. Looking around the spring, seeing girls get up to get ready to go to work.
“Us too.” Harriet said back to me, rubbing her hands together.
“Well, look at this way we do get another girl today.” Sonya interjected with her joyful glee she always seems to have.
 “Well, a newbie for Ximena to welcome into our lovely Spring.” I said sarcastically and tightened my laces. The gates start to open, and I turn to the girls standing next to me. “I’ll see y’all later.”
“Stay safe” They yell at me as I take off down the corridor.
(7 hours)
“Hey, let me go” I yelled as men dressed in all black clothing carried me away. I had just found a way out and when they came out of nowhere to grab me. They put me in an all-white room, reminding me of when it snows in the Spring.
“Hello Y/N. Do you know who I am?” A woman much older than me in all white asked me. She was a little taller than me with blonde hair and a few wrinkles in her face. Her skin is fair with some color in her cheeks. Her hair was pulled back tight making her round face pull back with it.
“Should I?” I asked.
“No, you should not. But you found a way out faster than we planned.” She sat down in a chair across from me. “And we can’t have you go back in. So, we are going to put you through another test while we wait.” she told you with a smile. A smile I didn’t like, one that told me that the ‘test’ wasn’t going to be one that I’ll like.
“What is tha-” I started before I felt a prick in the side of my neck, and everything went black. When I awoke, I was in the hottest place I ever remember being in. Looking around all I see is sand, blue sky with a hot sun, and what looked like a building in the distance. “Well, this is different.” I said to myself, I put my hands in my pockets to find a piece of paper. ‘Survive. Find Safe Haven.’ is all that is written on it. Great.
Time skip (A week)
“Come on this way.” A man told me leading me down a tunnel underground. I had been in what these people have been calling the Scorch for about a week before these men found me. And decided that I was worth keeping after I was able to steal from them without them noticing, and that I was from WCKD.
“Lawrence, we found this WCKD Immune walking around the scorch. What should we do with her?” The man said, not mentioning I easily steal from them. Another man stood next to a plant that held flowers. The man turned to me showing that he didn’t have part of his nose. He stared me up and down, thinking.
“We could sell her back to WCKD. Bet they pay good money for an immune.” The man told the man who found me. No. I’m not going back to those people ever, if I go back terrible thing will happen.
“Or I can help you. I used to do the maze and I was also a medic in my maze. I’m one hell of a problem solver and a great negotiator. I can do anything you give me and help any way I can. Plus, I stole from your man without them noticing” I said quickly to not be sold back the WCKD. “Something this guy forgot to mention, probably to save his humility.” Both heads quickly turn to me then they look at each other. 
“Why were you in the Scorch by yourself?” The man asked me as he waved to me to come closer with his hand.
“I found my way out of the maze quicker than WCKD intended. They didn’t know what to do with me, so they stuck me in the middle of that waist land and told me to find a way. That was it. I wanted to go back for my friends, but they grabbed me before I could do so. Guessing so I couldn’t go and get the rest of them out, ruining whatever plans they have.” I explain to them.
“We keep her. Train her. She is going to become a great aspect to our cause.” He said, giving me a small smile. “She is not afraid to stand up and talk. We can use that to make alliances. She may also be able to help us with WCKD compounds.” He went back to his roses. “Jasper, get her a place to rest and new clothes.” the man nodded at me to follow him. “What’s your name sweetheart?” He asked me.
“Y/N.” I stopped and turned to him.
“Welcome to our world Y/N. You can call me Lawerence.”
“Thank you.” I gave Lawrence a nod before going back to following the man named Jasper.
Time Skip (4 months)
“Okay, this should be Maze Trial A. An all-boys group, from what we have gathered, they escaped just a few days ago. So, the compound should be abandoned.” I told my group as we got out of our vehicles. “What we are here for is information we can use, and any weapons left behind. But stay sharp. We don't know if WCKD has put any hidden sensors or anything like that.” We open the door with our guns ready. Walking in I see two bodies on the ground. The first one I came to was a boy no older than 14 years old, curly hair and a round face. God why does it have to be the younger ones. I pulled my mask off after feeling his pulse looking at the gunshot wound in his chest. His skin was cold and the was no pulse, not even a shallow one. “He's gone.” I told them moving to the older blonde headed looking boy, who looked to be my age. I hear a few curses from the men towards WCKD as I walk over to the other boy. He had a spear in his chest. Checking his pulse, I could feel a very light pulse. “He’s not thought. I need help over here, we got a live one.” I yelled out.
“Y/N he’s not going to make it.” The other medic of the group tells me.
“We need to save him, if he's immune. He’s worth saving.” I told him. “I need everyone else to spread out and search the compound. We move out in 30.” I yell out to everyone else as we get to work on the boy. Slowly getting him back stable and the spear out of him. That's when I notice his vines and start searching, seeing a needle looking thing next to me. “Hey, he’s been stung. I need the antidote.” I yell out, and he starts to shake. He gains some sort of consciousness back as he opens his eyes up some, looking at the other medic before looking at me. We lock eyes I give him a small smile. “Don’t worry we got you.” I told him as his eyes closed.
Time Skip (A few days)
I sat in my living area, being of a higher rank gives me a better space. Being a good friend to Lawrence gives me an even better space. I’m going over the files that were collected from our Maze A mission. Information left behind was more than we expected as WCKD usually wipe everything. I guess they didn’t have time to wipe everything, just the info on the test subjects that were being held and tested in the maze. I was focused on the task at hand when I hear a cough coming from my sleeping space. As I was the one that wanted to save the boy, I had to be the one to take care of him. One of the rules made by Lawrence. Getting up I walk over to see him already sitting up in my makeshift bed.
“How are you feeling stick?” I asked. The boy immediately jumped up and looked at me. Getting into a fighting like stance.
“Who are you, where am I, and how did I get here?” he questioned. I put my hand up to stop him.
“My name is Y/N. You're in my apartment, in a safe compound just outside the last city. We saved you from WCKD compound Maze A, a few days ago and brought you here to heal. And just so you know we are not WCKD nor selling you back.” I told him, walking farther into the room.
“How can I trust you?” He asked angrily standing up, walking towards me and towering over me. Something I didn’t take too kindly to, but it was kind of hot. Well, I can emit that the boy is a little cute.
“Because WCKD decided that they were going to take me. A female who spent the time of her life that she could remember in a frozen hell and throw her into the middle of the desert. Just because she finished one of their trials too quickly. The same female who saved you after the other medic in her group told her that it might not be worth it. That same female who gave you her bed to recover in, has been watching over you and who’s been changing your bandages for the past few days.” I say to him before turning around to walk out of the room. “You’ll meet with Lawrence in an hour, he is the boss around here. And you're welcome for saving your life.” I said as I walked away. “Oh, your new clothes are on the chair.” I called behind my shoulder. I told someone to inform Lawrence that the boy was awake.
A few minutes later the boy walks out now dressed in black pants and a gray hoodie. And if I was to tell you the truth, the boy is cute. With his short but not shaved hair and warm brown eyes. He was skinny but still built, most likely from the food WCKD gave them to eat. “You hungry?” I asked and all he does is nodded his head. I get up heading to my small kitchen, as he follows me. I make him a plain meat and cheese sandwich and he quickly eats it. Making me have a small smile which he gives back.
“Um…” he starts getting my attention. “You said something about WCKD, were you a part of it at some point?” He questions as I sit across from him at the small table.
“I’ll tell you, but you have to tell me your name first.” I told him.
“Gally.” He said very quickly as I chuckled at it.
“Hello Gally. Well, I’m just like you, a test subject of WCKD. I was put into a maze to be tested on. I got out too early and so they put me in the middle of the desert.”
“You said you came from a frozen hell. The maze I was in  wasn’t frozen, and it was all boys. Well, we were all boys until.” he cut himself off.
“They made our maze different. Yours was more of a heat and humidity type environment. Mine was cold and icy. I mean we had to use ice skates instead of running the maze because it was just covered in ice. They probably did it to see which environment worked better for whatever they were needing it for.”
“And then were you all girls or?”
“We were all girls, when I was there­.” I replied as there was a knock on my door. “That's the cue. Time to find out your fate Gally.” I told him with a smile as I walked him to where Lawrence was. “You’ll be fine. And don’t stare.” I said with a smile, and he just looked at me confuse before walking in.
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dnftopia · 5 months
dnf + guilty as sin lyric analysis (delusional version)
I was validated by 1 anon so Now i need to do this. Its very crazy (WARNING!)
My boredom's blown deep This cage was once just fine Am I allowed to cry?
this part is soooo pre-meetup dnf. "my boredom's blown deep / this cage was once just fine" reflects so much on both of them -- dream having to watch all his friends meet george from across the world while being stuck in his house for years, and george being bored in london while also barely leaving his flat.
their cage was "once just fine" because we know that before they realized that they wanted to live together and just wanted george to visit, they were fine being across an ocean. But once the visa application started they expressed pretty clearly how much it affected their mental health to be apart from each other -- hence "am i allowed to cry"
I dream of cracking locks Throwing my life to the Wolves or the ocean rocks Crashing into him tonight, he's a paradox I'm seeing visions, never mad or bad or wise
"i dream of cracking locks" might as well be a metaphor for the visa aka their lock to the door keeping them apart. and "throwing my life to the wolves or the ocean rocks" is clearly a metaphor for controversy or the general public (the wolves). at the same time dnf are apart they're also becoming increasingly famous, dealing with newfound controversy and criticism.
"crashing into him tonight, he's a paradox" -- use of the word paradox makes me feel like there's some differing use in the meaning of the word "crashing". like the painful feeling of crashing against ocean rocks (controversy) versus crashing against him being comforting (dnf relying on each other for support and love). and "i'm seeing visions" -- wanting to be with each other sooo badly it encroaches on both their waking thoughts and their dreams
What if he's written mine on my upper thigh only in my mind One slip and falling back into the hedge maze Oh what a way to die
this is pretty clearly a "what if my feelings are unrequited" type thing to me. what if i'm his but he doesn't see me as his? one slip (i.e. a slip of the tongue revealing too much of their inner feelings) could ruin everything. Which like. in any friends to lovers relationship i feel that's a very real fear
I keep recalling things we never did Messy top lip kiss
How I long for our tryst Without ever touching his skin How can I be guilty as sin?
yeahhh more pre-meetup dnf longing for their eventual meeting. without ever meeting each other, and without george ever seeing dream's face, somehow they still want each other
I keep thesе belongings locked In lower casе inside a vault Someone told me, "There's no such thing as bad fights, only your actions talk" These fatal fantasies given way to labored breath taking all of me
they keep their feelings locked up Ohh my dnfies. "there's no such thing as bad fights, only your actions talk" is like an actions matter more than words thing or alternatively could be flipping the saying "keep fighting the good fight" on its head a bit. again "fatal fantasies" of what could be post-meetup consume both of them so fully it's difficult to focus on anything else
We've already done it in my head If it's make believe Why does it feel like a vow? We'll fold apart somehow
THIS ONEEE. "we've already done it in my head ... / why does it feel like a vow?" Like come on. we know dnf have had many conversations about their future together and they're both fully committed to staying together as long as they can. the question for them is whether the other person feels that platonically or romantically
My bed sheets are a blaze I screamed his name Building up like waves crashing over my grave Without ever touching his skin How can I be guilty as sin?
Yeahh. dont need to go into detail on this one because we all get it. #DNFESEX!
What if I roll the stone away? They're gonna crucify me anyway
aside from the Dresus comparisons. "rolling the stone away" in the context of christianity symbolizes rebirth and an intrinsic change. To me it could be seen as a metaphor for coming out publicly . "they're gonna crucify me anyway" -- we literally saw this happen with dream in real time. he doesn't come out and he's accused of queerbaiting, he comes out and people invalidate him and call him names LIKE. This hurts me
What if the way you hold is actually what's holy? If long suffering propriety is what they want from me They don't know how you've haunted me so stunningly I choose you and me, religiously
even if they face vitriol and public scrutiny DNF WILL ALWAYS CHOOSE EACH OTHER TO THE POINT OF RELIGION!
Thats it the end. Thanks for reading peace and love Please support me and my crazyisms
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masiethewriter · 1 month
Honored Eternal Path of Demise CH. 11 - Expected Betrayal
“There is nothing that can help us!” Luo Binghe suddenly roars, loud enough that Shen Qingqiu can’t help but take a step back. “We are stuck here with no way out and no matter what I do you keep acting like-” “Acting like what?!” Shen Qingqiu harshly interrupts. Finally Luo Binghe turns back around, ready to unleash his anger on a fighting target. “Like I am nothing but a beast that you wouldn’t rather see beaten to the ground than-” He suddenly stops. Looking right at Shen Qingqiu, his voice cuts off as his eyes widen.  Shen Qingqiu takes that as the warning that it is. 
First Chapter ~~ Previous Chapter ~~ AO3 Link
Loose rock crunch underneath their shoes. The rain has lightened to a drizzle, with the clouds beginning to part. Not too long from now they will clear a path for the moonlight to shine through. Shen Qingqiu expects himself to be back inside the mansion by then. 
Far ahead of them, they can see the first signs of the gate. They are nearing a part of the game that Shen Qingqiu only remembers too well. 
It could have been interesting for him to experience this part of the game which is usually reserved for Ning Yingying. When first playing the game, the tutorial had seemed like a promising start of something great. Teaching the player the obvious game mechanics as well as foreshadowing a few others. 
How to crouch and pick up items is knowledge required for the player to progress. Having to find a hidden way underneath the fallen tree and the labyrinth of bushes are more discreet as lessons go. Investigation is key even when seemingly at a dead end. Walking into the dark always carries a risk that could be deadly. It is these lessons taught by the game that Shen Qingqiu has been following from the beginning.
And soon they will reach the next lecture where the most dangerous game mechanic of all will be introduced - The chase. 
Shen Qingqiu does his best to postpone this for as long as he can. If Luo Binghe is a transmigrator, this is the perfect time to lure him into the hands of the Killer. His suspicion that this is a trap only grows as they get closer, so he needs to be prepared. The more time he has to do that, the better.
Shen Qingqiu is also uncertain how it will all play out. Back when playing the game, once he reached the corpse, the rest of this section would play out in a cutscene. 
If he remembers correctly, the sequence of events will be as follows: after being horrified by their dead classmate, Luo Binghe and Ning Yingying will get attacked by the Killer. Somehow they will become split up, with Luo Binghe urging for Ning Yingying to run. The only way for her to go will be back towards the mansion. Using the flashlight, she will guide herself back through the maze. Right afterwards it will break down. Before she can act, the Killer will appear and in her shock she will drop the flashlight and run. It is first when she is past the fallen tree that the cutscene will end and the player has to guide her inside and to the safe room. 
The rest of her story, Shen Qingqiu is quite familiar with by now.
How cutscenes are going to work when made into reality, he doesn't know. His assumption would be that they... don't. That the triggers will still be there, but that he can act them out as he wants.
Of course, Shen Qingqiu would not like any force taking over and controlling his actions. He has not had any limits to his free will since waking up in this game and he prefers to keep it that way. But he can't help the apprehension he feels at having to play out the cutscene himself. It is up to his own skills to survive this meeting with the Killer. 
Also, with Luo Binghe being an unpredictable complication, his calculations are not in his favor. But that does not mean the math has no other solution. He will just have to find another way to add up the numbers.  
Luo Binghe is only a few steps behind him. Upon seeing the gate, he had reacted appropriately positively and tried to hurry them up. Shen Qingqiu had to act extra stubborn and point out the danger they might be in not to have him run ahead. Even now, Shen Qingqiu can still feel his restless energy and has to force the both of them to keep a steady pace.
If Luo Binghe is truly playing another game, he is playing it well.
As they near the gate, Shen Qingqiu can't help the swe he feels as it towers above them. It is made of dark iron, only visible in the darkness thanks to two lights melted into it. The metal is thick and smooth, formed in a way so it is impossible to climb. Neither is there any way to squeeze through the bars. The gate functions as a perfect barrier between them and the outside world.
And lying against this locked cage of theirs is the dead body of someone who was once the classmate of Luo Binghe and Ning Yingying. 
It is still not recognizable for what it is. From their current distance it rather looks like an oddly shaped rock or strange shadow. Luo Binghe has certainly not realized what it is yet.
"That must be the way out!" he exclaims and this time Shen Qingqiu can not stop him as he runs past him. "Come on Senior, let's hurry up!"
Shen Qingqiu does not hurry up. In fact, as the lights on the gate begin to reveal the colors and features of the strange shape, he finds himself slowing down.
There are many interesting views a person like Shen Qingqiu can look admire if he so chooses. 
He can stare up at the unbelievable height of the gate and marvel at the sheer power it seems to emit as clouds glide by behind it. 
He can look into the black void off the road, through the deep darkness in which the weakest light of a lamp post far away shines through.
He can look back the way they came, smaller bushes along the road harmless versions of the poisonous kind they passed not too long ago.
Many directions for Shen Qingqiu to look at. Each and everyone is preferable to that of a dead body.
After the last session he has seen enough of other people's corpses. 
He can hear the moment Luo Binghe realizes what lies by the gate. A loud gasp of horror. As Shen Qingqiu looks towards him, he sees an expression of pure shock and terror.
Luo Binghe is covering his mouth with both hands, backing up towards Shen Qingqiu. Never takes his eyes off his deceased classmate. His breathing has quickened and a tremor runs through his entire body. 
As Shen Qingqiu looks over at the body, he can't help but feel... not as affected. 
Oh, it is horrific, don't get him wrong. His throat tightens up and he has to take deep breaths as his body shakes from something other than the cold. But the sheer heartache he felt as he saw Ning Yingying was so much more devastating than... than this person he doesn't know at all.
He knows from the others perspective, this used to be a human being. But he himself never got to know them as such. In the game, this corpse functioned as nothing more than a trigger for a cutscene. Forgotten as soon as it was out of frame. No personality, no backstory, no relationship to any of the characters besides their classmate status. 
Slumped against the wall, huge gash in their chest and intestines spilling out, it is more the grotesque gore that is making Shen Qingqiu nauseous than anything else. Because... Because this is not a real person. Because no matter how many resets, in every single one of them, this person will be dead before the game has even started.  
Essentially, they are mechanically no different from that of a piece of furniture.
"Senior Shen, this is..." Luo Binghe begins before he hesitates. Looking between Shen Qingqiu and his dead classmate, he swallows thickly as he continues, voice deeply serious. "We are not alone here, after all."
"We are not," is Shen Qingqius dark answer. 
"What should we do? If we leave- If we just leave Ning Yingying might be in danger!" Luo Binghe worries and moves as if he is about to turn around and run back to her. Only Shen Qingqius hand on his arm keeps him still.
"She is in no greater danger than when we left her. Also look closer. The blood is fresh."
Shen Qingqiu does not need to explain what he means. Immediately Luo Binghes guard is up, looking in every direction. So far it is just the two of them. Still, the rustling from the trees and howling of the wind suddenly fill them both with much more dread. Shen Qingqiu because he knows what is about to happen. Luo Binghe possible the same.
Shen Qingqiu does not want to get near the corpse, but there is a sick piercing curiosity that moves him forward. Slowly he moves closer, kneeling by the body to study it. His only excuse for his actions is that Ning Yingying would have done the same if she was here, though for more sympathetic reasons.
The boy is around their age. His face youthful and pale, lips tinged blue. He wears the same school uniform as the rest of them, a badge on his chest confirming him to be a junior like Luo Binghe and Ning Yingying. Ignoring the cause of his death, there are no other signs of a struggle. He likely got killed right here by the gate, unable to do anything but fall over and die. 
The slash on his chest starts at the hip and reaches across to his armpit. Blood still spills out in a steady flow, mixing with the rain and mud. The wound has split deeply enough that chunks of meat and intestines have fallen out, still releasing heat as they lay in a pile in his lap. Covering his mouth and nose, Shen Qingqiu has to swallow a couple of times in order not to empty his stomach. 
This is undoubtedly the third most disgusting thing he has ever seen in his life. Ning Yingying’s corpse and the horrible bathroom taking first and second place.
"-must have been surprised when it happened," Luo Binghes voice suddenly interrupts his musings. "But this means we have no idea if there are others who have been kidnapped like us. Hopefully no one else has been hurt."
Wait, what did he say? Shen Qingqiu missed the beginning, was he talking about his classmate here? Now that he thinks about it, he doesn't actually remember their name... He's certain Ning Yingying has mentioned it more than once before, but he can't for the life of him recall what it is. The original goods would definitely have known, so that is kind of embarrassing actually...
"The faster we leave, the faster we can get help," Shen Qingqiu answers while making a mental note to better listen next time this guy gets named. 
Luo Binghe simply agrees. He no longer looks as terrified, dark determination instead taking its place. 
He turns away and marches to the gate. Standing beside it, his smaller frame compared to its great height make him appear almost insignificant. Like he is just a small matter to easily withstand as it continues its purpose in life. A purpose that is in perfect conflict with what they are trying to achieve. 
Luo Binghe reaches out towards the gate handle. Every muscle in his body is taught. Hesitation keeps his movement slow. 
As he finally grasps it, a tremor curses through his entire body. It is as if he has been hit by lightning and just barely manages to keep his hold. He lets out a painful breath, eyes big as he looks out at their freedom. Then he grits his teeth and pushes.
The gate does not move. Even against Luo Binghes strength, it is an immovable force. Made in such a way as to give them a hope that will never come to be. 
Luo Binghes reaction is understandable. After having seen the actual danger that they are in, the need for getting out has become desperation. First he tries to pull, as if he just got the direction wrong. Then he puts more force into it, the strain of his muscles visible through his drenched sleeve. 
"Let us out!" he growls as he puts both hands on the handle. His movement can no longer be considered push or pull, but pure violence as he tries to force it to move by his hands. 
The gate stands still. It does not rattle for even a bit. Shen Qingqiu simply looks on, knowing that they will never get out. He does not try to stop Luo Binghe. He simply observes him as the rage of the other grows. 
This does not appear to be the actions of a fellow transmigrator luring him into a trap. This appears as the expected behavior of a scared young man finding himself caught in a horrifying situation. Fear and anger blinding him, keeping him from giving up in a fight he has already lost. 
Seeing Luo Binghe like this, Shen Qingqiu can only feel pity. Because in the end, he knows exactly how he feels.
"God dammit!" Luo Binghe curses as he releases the gate with a final kick. Hands yanking at his hair, he steps away, taking in huge gulps of air. Seeing him so vulnerable to his own anger, Shen Qingqiu decides to finally interfere.
"We should get back to Ning Yingying," is all he says. Standing back up, he does not bother trying to wipe off the mud on his pants.
It is as if Luo Binghe suddenly remembers he is not alone. His movement freezes, though he does not turn around to face Shen Qingqiu. Instead he hunches his shoulders, fists clenched tights enough that his knuckles turn white.
"And what are we going to do? We are stuck here." Luo Binghe hisses.
"Which is why I suggested not relying on only one solution to our predicament. Now we know this was a waste of time and can act accordingly."
"What are you even-!? How can you act like this? Are you not at all affected?"
Not liking the disgust in Luo Binghes voice, Shen Qingqiu can't help but defend himself. 
"Of course I am affected. But staying here is not going to help Ning Yingying and it is certainly not going to help us."
“There is nothing that can help us!” Luo Binghe suddenly roars, loud enough that Shen Qingqiu can’t help but take a step back. “We are stuck here with no way out and no matter what I do you keep acting like-”
“Acting like what?!” Shen Qingqiu harshly interrupts.
Finally Luo Binghe turns back around, ready to unleash his anger on a fighting target. “Like I am nothing but a beast that you wouldn’t rather see beaten to the ground than-”
He suddenly stops. Looking right at Shen Qingqiu, his voice cuts off as his eyes widen. 
Shen Qingqiu takes that as the warning that it is. 
"Senior Shen!" Luo Binghe calls out, but he is already ducking down. The gust of heavy metal slashes right where his head was a second ago, tearing at his hair. He throws himself away, sliding in the mud as he turns his back to Luo Binghe. Turns around so he can face the Killer.
By now he is more intimate with that devilish grin and the cold edges of the axe than he has been with anything else. It's a simple weapon, but through many, many sessions, he has been shown many, many different ways that it can take a life. Especially his life.
And while he hasn't gotten to see behind the mask since that one time, he honestly considers that a blessing. He found that he prefers the constructed grimace above the real face any time.
His many confrontations with the Killer has left him more skilled in the art of avoiding the deadly weapon. So as it swings down, he is already back on his feet, stepping out of its reach. Not even a second can be spared to check up on Binghe.
The earth is slippery with mud, even on the rocky road. Soundlessly the Killer charges forward. Shen Qingqiu jumps to the side, but is unable to keep his balance. As he falls, he feels the sharp edges of rocks cut into his palms.
Luo Binghe is behind him and for a second Shen Qingqiu worries that he will get caught instead. But looking back, Luo Binghe is just as capable at evading the Killer. 
In fact, as the Killer slashes at him, he manages to lead him back towards the gate. A particularly brutal swing of the axe aims for Luo Binghes head, but he ducks just in time for it to hit the dark iron instead. A dull clang rings out and for a second it appears as if the force is enough to shake the Killers hold loose.
They are not that lucky. Shen Qingqiu is back on his feet, but Luo Binghe is stuck with the Killer between him and the road. Realising this, his eyes meet Shen Qingqiu's. He calls out only one word:
Shen Qingqiu turns. The command rings in his mind like white noise. Every instinct in his body screaming at him to get away. Pure survival takes over as he begins to run. 
Running back the way they came. Running back towards the mansion. Running back to where he is meant to be. 
He only manages a few steps. He stumbles as he is hit with sudden realisation. 
Luo Binghe is staying behind. Luo Binghe is trying to distract the Killer. Luo Binghe is risking himself to allow Shen Qingqiu to escape.
This can not be a trap.
In fact, this is the exact same course of action that would have happened if Ning Yingying had been here. The same panic at the Killer's appearance. The same forced parting as the Killer stands in the way. The same sacrifice for the survival of another. 
With this realisation, Shen Qingqiu can no longer deny the lack of proof that Luo Binghe is also a transmigrator. The only exception has been his invitation for Shen Qingqiu to join him. With anything else, he has behaved exactly as Luo Binghe the NPC would. 
Shen Qingqiu hesitates. He was so certain Luo Binghe was trying to lure him to his death. But when looking back, he can find no reason for it. He made the choice that Luo Binghe must have malicious intentions, with no actual reason to back up this belief. 
And now, this innocent boy is staying behind just so he has a chance to run away. 
Shen Qingqiu should run. Luo Binghe can't die. It is definitely better for him to be in the Killers focus. No matter how their fight turns out, he will manage to get back up and continue the game. There is no reason Shen Qingqiu should worry. He has already played through the entire game, reaching every route and ending, with Luo Binghe staying alive to the end in every single one. 
Luo Binghe is the last character he should ever have to worry about. 
But Luo Binghe can get hurt. He can still be beaten down and defeated. He is not immune to becoming damaged enough that the game can reasonably push him out of the narrative for a while.
There must be a reason for why he doesn’t return back to the mansion right after meeting the Killer.
He may be safe from death. But no matter the argument, one simple reason makes it all mean nothing. 
While thinking of Luo Binghe fighting with the Killer, Shen Qingqiu can not get the image of Ning Yingying’s desecrated corpse out of his head. 
He turns back around. He sees the broad back of the Killer as he corners Luo Binghe. He  tightens his grasp on the only item he holds in his hands. Then he swings his arm back, putting all his strength into it as he throws the item at the Killer.
The flashlights sails through the air. With a harsh crunch it hits the Killer right in the back of his head. It splits into pieces as it falls to the ground.
The Killer stops. Slowly, he turns towards Shen Qingqiu. Even through the two small holes of the mask, he swears he can see the rage building. 
It is first now he realises that he certainly does not prefer for the Killers' attention to be on him.
It is too late. The Killer only needs to take a few long steps for Shen Qingqiu to be back in his range. As the axe aims for him once again, Shen Qingqiu can only return to the same deadly dance, steps cruelly memorable by now.
Back and forth the axe swings. Shen Qingqiu continues to evade. One jump leaves him on his knees. Before the Killer can chop him up, he takes a handful of mud and throws it in his face.
For the first time ever, the Killer lets out a yell.
The sounds are not understandable as words. But they do not hide their madness. Shen Qingqiu freezes, a chill running down his spine.
He never imagined the Killer's voice to sound so light. so... childish?
He has no time to put more thought into this. He forces himself to move and with the Killer’s brief distraction he allows himself to look back towards Luo Binghe.
Luo Binghe is gone.
Dread fills him as he looks back and forth. But Luo Binghe is nowhere to be found. 
He has abandoned him.
Shen Qingqiu does not have time to curse him out. The Killer has wiped the mud off his mask. As they face each other, Shen Qingqiu knows there is nothing that will keep him from becoming prey once more.
He has nowhere to run. He has nowhere to hide. He is caught in a fight he is guaranteed to lose. He has sealed his fate and now this will be the shortest session Shen Qingqiu has experienced so far.
If only he had never agreed to follow Luo Binghe outside. 
The force behind the axe has grown with the rage of the Killer. Each swing more deadly than the next. At the same time, Shen Qingqiu’s realisation has weakened his resolve. He is not able to dodge as quickly. He has lost his footing and is stumbling through every dodge. 
Finally, he falls. Rain continues to fall upon him as he looks up. Once again the Killer towers above him. As the axe is lifted high above his head, Shen Qingqiu finds the movement to be almost elegant. It is a second too late he realises he needs to move out of the way as the axe falls.
The axe is just as old. As rusty. Just as badly maintained. Dull and blunt. So it is more the force that splits Shen Qingqiu’s foot apart than its sharp edge. 
Shen Qingqiu just barely manages to avoid having his head carved in. but it comes with a price. He is not able to get away in time. The burning pain that rushes through as his leg is cut open is unimaginable. His answering scream just as horrific. 
His eyes are blurry with tears as he gasps for breath. 
He can't breathe, he can't breathe. 
The agony is too great, too ravenous, as it devours him through his leg, eating him whole. 
Is his foot even still connected to the rest of him!?
An answer is given as the axe gets wrenched out of muscle and tissue. A second scream leaves Shen Qingqiu, pitch in perfect symphony with the wail that comes from his nerve endings. 
He is going to die. He is going to die again. that he knows. 
But why? Why does he have to go through this suffering before it happens?
This time he has no chance of dodging the Killer. He can only lay and wait for the axe to finish its work. This time he can't even look up at the huge frame. He is only just barely able to keep his head from drowning in the mud. This time, as the shadows of a deadly tool being lifted high above cover him, he closes his eyes and turns away. 
Just because it is inevitable, does not mean he has to face it.
The wind howls. The trees crackle. Rain pours ruthlessly down on them. Not even the light from the moon peeks through to provide mercy.
A scream. Light and harrowing. 
Not Shen Qingqius. Someone else's. 
He looks up. What he sees shocks him.
With a loud thump, the axe has been dropped. Instead, the Killer holds both hands against his mask in an attempt to protect it. With a howl he steps away. 
Luo Binghe follows. 
Using his jacket as protection, he holds a heavy branch. Leaves full of sharp edges and thorns along its sides. Once more he swings it at the Killer, right as his face. Unable to see, the Killer is incapable of avoiding it. This time, the branch gets stuck between his arms and face. He shrieks as he tries to shake it off. 
Luo Binghe takes this as their chance and lets go. 
He does not run away. Instead, he goes straight for Shen Qingqiu. Using his strength, he pulls him up before he can even protest. But as his feet reach the ground, he is unable to hold in a cry of pain. Luo Binghe quickly reacts and looks down to see his stump of a foot.
Shen Qingqiu can't walk. But for whatever reason, this does not cause Luo Binghe to abandon him. 
Instead he throws his arm over his shoulder. Standing together, he keeps them balanced. And as quickly as they can, they run away into the darkness, followed only by the anguish screams of the Killer.
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brutal-nemesis · 5 months
E&T: Deep in the Bowels of Gluttony
I am forcing more CAVE WHUMP into your enclosure (with an added dash of inspiration from my favorite national park that I can never visit ✨)
Suggested Vibe: Duma’s Scourge from Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia (youtube)
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Ingredients: a lot of gore. eating is involved in the goriness if you couldn’t tell. it is also very gross. Wow! Oh and there is a little bit of burning
By the time Erebus finished crying, his hand had grown back.
He hadn’t even realized it at first, too caught up with gut-wrenching sobs to be aware of anything else besides how much his head hurt, how hard it was to breathe, how terrified he was to be in this strange place all alone, how he might never make it back home, or even back to his cell, how hopeless he felt, how-how-And then he’d noticed the stump of his left hand, no longer ending in a jagged tear, little strings of skin dangling off of it, but a-it was growing, it had to be, those little white nubs poking out of the mass of muscle had to be the bones of his hand, bones that had definitely been…Before he knew it he was crying in earnest again, his body’s sudden strange capability to repair itself overshadowed by the trauma of the past hour, fear and exhaustion replacing awe and relief, because even if he could heal, it didn’t change the fact that he was stuck here, now saddled with the possibility that not even death could set him free.
If there was one good thing about this world, it was the fact that he was more alone than he’d ever been, and no one knocked on the door to interrupt his crying, no one commented on the redness of his eyes or asked him if he was okay too soon after he’d started to calm down. He caught his breath slowly, peacefully, washing the tears off his face using the fresh water from one of the pools near the sea, scrubbing the dried blood from his perfectly healed arm, revealing a ring of scar tissue around his wrist. The thought that neither of these hands were the ones he was born with almost sent him into another spiral, but he shook his head and put it out of his mind. That was enough for today. 
Today…Frowning, he looked up at the sky. Its blackness hadn’t changed in the slightest since he’d arrived here, and something told him it wouldn’t anytime soon. Even back in the windowless cell, he’d had meals and Neteri’s visits to help him keep track of the passage of time, but now there was just…nothing. It was all down to whatever cycle of waking and sleeping he fell into, and given how tired he was now, he was ready to get that started. 
Walking back to his pack, left at the base of the cliffs, he noticed his leg was no longer in pain, either. Once he arrived, he pulled the knife out and used it to slice the stitches still woven through his flesh, wincing a bit as he pulled the thread out. The holes left behind healed quickly enough that he could ignore them and busy himself finding a good place to lay his bedroll for the…night? For now. 
He ended up settling down along the cliffside, too afraid to lie out in the open despite how quiet it was here, and it wasn’t long before his exhausted body gave in to sleep.
When Erebus woke up, the sky was the same empty black as before, and it was impossible to tell how long he’d slept for, but he felt rested enough despite the circumstances. So now he was just supposed to…wander until he found something? He considered flying to get a better idea of what was around, but he decided it would be better to save his strength for the next fight. Since crossing the sea was out of the question, he headed back into the rocky maze he’d first arrived in. Eventually, he found himself at the entrance to a cave, a gaping hole in the side of the mountain rising even higher than the cliffs around him.
If the demons were tied to elements like their counterparts, the dragons, then whatever one was tied to the element of earth was definitely in that cave. His instincts screamed at him not to go into the dark, cramped space where his wings likely would be more of a hindrance than a help, but if he was going to get out of this place, then he’d have to go in eventually. So best to get it over with while he was here.
Erebus had never been inside of a cave, but he’d heard about how beautiful they could be, and…how dangerous. But he’d be okay. He could heal, for some reason. He’d be fine. He could handle this. He had to.
Burying his doubts, Erebus headed inside the cave, almost immediately tripping over a small, rounded protrusion of stone. They littered the ground, and the ceiling, too, their lengths varying. He’d have to take care to avoid them, then. 
Soon enough, though, the ground began to slope downwards, and the dim gray light streaming in from the cave’s entrance began to fade, not enough for even his new eyes to see with. It wasn’t long before he was stumbling along in the dark, unsure how much progress he was making, or if he was even headed in the right direction. He could be a couple steps away from a dead end, for all he knew. Or even a cl-At that moment, Erebus’s boot caught on a rock, his desperate grasps for something to catch himself on meeting empty air, and now he was falling, spinning, bouncing off the uneven stone, everything was slippery enough to slide out of his grasp but hard enough to break his bones, faster and faster until-
Cold. Deep cold, water, he was underwater, he had to get to the surface, had to find it in this spinning dark void, no way to tell which way is up, which way is death, swimming flailing reaching-his hand broke the surface, and he worked his way up desperately, his sodden clothes and heavy sword making it difficult, but he made it, he breathed, he coughed, he dragged himself out and laid on the bumpy stone next to the water’s edge, panting as his body throbbed and stung with a hundred cuts and bruises. Of course he hurt himself before even finding the demon. Of course. If only he had some way to know if he was even going in the right direction, but no, he was just supposed to stumble around in the dark.
One of his horns hurt, and upon poking at it gently, he found that the tip had broken off, exposing the tender flesh inside. Not like they served any purpose, besides telling him where…wait. What he wanted most was to get out of here and go home. To get out of here, he’d have to fight all the demons. Starting with the one hidden somewhere in this cave. So, by that logic, what he wanted most was to find the demon in these caves. He closed his eyes, not that it changed anything, and drilled that thought into his head. He needed to find that demon. Wanted to. Had to.
Erebus couldn’t help but smile as his horns started to tingle ever-so-slightly. 
It took some time to get used to navigating the cave based on the feeling in his horns. The changes in sensation were rather subtle, so it was difficult to tell immediately after changing course if he was heading the right way. It would have been much easier if he could take a direct path, but the twists and turns of the cave forced him to switch directions constantly, sometimes leading him to dead ends or passages he was too large to squeeze through. Progress was slow, but he was making progress, he was, the tingling was stronger now, his scrapes and bruises from his fall earlier had healed, and his clothes were beginning to dry, despite the cave air being rather cool.
Well, now that he thought about it, the air had grown warmer than when he’d first entered. He’d been so freezing from his wet clothes that he hadn’t realized it until now, but it was definitely getting warmer. That had to be a good thing, right? It wasn’t getting any lighter, unfortunately, so he was still stuck feeling his way along through the darkness, nothing but the tingling sensation in his horns to guide him, but at least he wasn’t shivering as much anymore.
It was getting warmer and warmer, hot now, and humid, the stickiness of the air reminding him of summers back home. Were caves supposed to be this hot? He’d been grateful for the warmth at first, but now he was sweating profusely, the thick, moist air making it somewhat difficult to breathe as he clambered up slopes and squeezed through small gaps, the feeling in his horns growing so intense he was starting to get a headache, made even worse by the slightly rotten smell that was starting to permeate the air.
Erebus stopped at the edge of some sort of drop-off. It was impossible to tell how far down it went, only that it was longer than his arm. He’d been scared of this, of having to fly while blind. Out of breath, he sat to rest for a moment, letting the slight breeze cool him off a tiny bit, wishing it didn’t smell so rancid.
The air was moving, pulsing past him in a hot wave, and then a cooler gust in the opposite direction. It was rhythmic, over and over, back and forth, in and…in and out. 
Breathing. It was breathing.
If-if Erebus could feel its breathing, and the intense heat from its body, its stench, then it must be close, just off that ledge maybe, after all this time wandering around in the dark he’d finally found the next demon. With renewed energy, he stood and drew his sword. He’d have to approach this carefully, making sure he didn’t fly straight into the wall instead of hitting his target. After waving his hand over his head and not feeling anything above him, Erebus carefully took flight. It was difficult to move so slowly in the air, especially as he started to head down, but he didn’t want to risk falling who knows how far and landing on who knows what. 
Feeling his feet catch on something, he tried to land, but the ground beneath was slippery and almost gave way beneath him, causing him to fall for the second time today. Thankfully, he landed on something soft, though it was weirdly wet and sort of slimy, like…Erebus cried out and scurried back, but everything he touched was the same, squishy and warm and smooth and…and…It was flesh. All around him. He-he’d somehow flown into the demon’s mouth, he must have, its breath was rushing by him with even more force now, the nauseating scent of rot all around him. He had to get out. He just had to fly up. He could do this. He’d be fine. 
But…where was his sword?
He’d dropped it in his panic, like an idiot, and now he needed to find it. He wouldn’t stand a chance against the demons without it, and then he’d never be able to go home, never see another person again, he couldn’t accept that, he had to calm down, had to focus. He wanted that sword more than anything. It was his way out.
His stomach sank when his horns told him his sword was below him.
There wasn’t any choice but to fall further into the belly of the beast in order to kill it.
He took his time lowering himself, but it was more difficult than before. The heat was making his head throb, not to mention the toll all this flying was taking on him. Being unable to glide was putting a lot more strain on his wings than he’d realized, and though he couldn’t quite feel it through the sheen of sweat covering his face, he tasted the blood dripping out of his nose. By the time the buzzing in his horns peaked and his hand wrapped around the cool hilt of the sword, the world was starting to spin, and he all but collapsed next to the blade, which had buried itself partway in the fleshy ground. 
Erebus didn’t know if he had the energy to stand. The heat and all of that careful flying had sapped all of his strength, leaving him sprawled on the hot, soft flesh of the demon’s insides. Was this it? Was he just stuck here until he fell further and ended up digested? The healing he had for some reason was slow, probably too slow to keep up with stomach acid. He breathed in deeply as the slightly cooler air coming in rushed past him, trying to calm himself down. The demon’s breaths were deep and long, so they were difficult for Erebus to match perfectly, but he tried anyway, the less rancid-smelling air coming in making him feel a little better somehow. But why would…memories of dust, Neteri’s forehead against his, the puff of her breath against his cheeks. Sharing breath. He was sharing breath with this huge demon, gaining a little of its life force as he did so. 
Once he felt well enough to stand, he did so, holding onto his sword for support. He could do this. After bracing himself as best as he could, he started to pull, wincing at the awful squelching sound the blade made as it slid out of the flesh it was buried in. It came out with a sickening pop, squirting what Erebus could only assume was blood all over him. Some of it even landed in his mouth, and it…it tasted good. Really good, like a rich, meaty stew. 
His empty stomach started to growl.
This was a demon. Not a person.
He hadn’t eaten in over a day.
No one would ever know.
He needed energy.
Hands shaking, he pulled out his knife.
Just a little bit. 
It was warm, wet, chewy, almost rubbery, the texture making him gag slightly, but he didn’t care, not when it tasted this good, buttery and savory, little hints of spice dancing through it, shifting from one flavor to another, and he was powerless to stop, grabbing more and slicing it off, shoving it in his mouth before he’d even finished chewing the last bite, his hands and face slick with that delicious blood, the perfect sauce to go with his meat, the fingers on his right hand had grown claws at some point, and now he was tearing away at the walls with his hand, ripping chunks off with his teeth, continuing to slice and shred long after he’d eaten his fill, even as the ground below started to shake, a guttural roar drowning out the sounds of flesh tearing and blood dripping, the force of it sending Erebus to the ground, snapping him out of whatever trance he’d been in.
What…what had he just done?
How could he be sure there wasn’t anyone else out there in the blackness? 
He could feel the ghosts of his parents watching him, watching their son turn into the monster he looked like. 
He had to get out of here. 
The walls shifted and pulsed as the demon’s breath sped up, roars and moans sounding out so loudly around him it made his head hurt. Its mouth might be closed now, trapping him inside. He’d have to find another way. Or just…make his own.
A large section of one of the walls had already been ravaged, cut and torn away during his frenzied eating, so he resumed work on it, slicing away chunks with his sword now, tossing them to the side instead of bringing them to his mouth. Progress was faster when he could focus, but it was almost impossible to tell how far he’d come, how much he’d carved away, how close he was to breaking through the skin. He came across a more rubbery section and ended up having to almost saw away at it, blood spurting all over him as he went, as if he wasn’t already covered in it. How whole body felt so sticky and sweaty and gross, and all he could think about was washing off somehow after he got out of here.
Blood was flowing out steadily now, coming out with more and more force, and soon enough it was all Erebus could do to hold onto his sword, his anchor buried in the fleshy wall, praying he wouldn’t get swept away by the jet of hot, sticky, delicious-smelling blood. H-he must’ve cut into a major blood vessel. Those shot blood out like crazy, from what he remembered. Maybe this would be enough to kill the demon? Then he’d just be…trapped inside its corpse. For now, it was still very much alive, its roars and moans starting to get louder, more desperate.
All of a sudden, the ground beneath him lurched, and Erebus’s sword slipped out of the cut it was in, sending him tumbling backwards, the river of blood sweeping him away before he could try to stand up, stab the floor, do anything to save himself, but he had to, he couldn’t fall any further down, couldn’t lose the tunnel he’d carved out in this sweltering blackness, couldn’t sink into the sea of blood and digestive acid that was likely waiting for him below, he had to stop somehow, the sword was too long, his wings couldn’t generate lift, nothing to do but desperately scratch at the slippery ground below, dig his claws in, deeper, deeper, deeper, hold on, arm trembling with the effort, he couldn’t afford to let go, to fall, the blood was coming with less force now, the tremors not as frequent, just a little bit longer until…
The great beast fell silent, fell still, its blood merely trickling by now, dripping in imitation of the water in the cave surrounding it. 
Erebus dragged himself to his feet, coughing up blood. He’d tried to keep his mouth closed during the whole ordeal, but some had still made its way in. Was the demon actually dead? It was hard to tell for sure, but he supposed it didn’t matter. He had to get out of here regardless, and any other escape route besides his tunnel was out of the question. Nothing to do but resume work, then, and hope he could get out of here soon.
Time crawled by as Erebus hacked away at the wall, and just when he was starting to think he wasn’t headed towards the surface of this thing’s body, his sword met with a different sort of resistance than before. It wasn’t like the blood vessel, more stretchy and tough, but he was pretty sure he was able to poke through, and soon enough he’d made a gap large enough for him to squeeze through. He didn’t realize how hot it’d been in there until he was sitting outside it, the cave air unbelievably refreshing after being swallowed up by that rancid heat. 
After feeling around a bit, Erebus decided he must be on the demon’s back or something. The slope down was pretty steep, enough that he wasn’t sure he could walk down effectively in the dark. His wings were still exhausted from flying earlier, so…scooting down very carefully it was. For the first time today, he was able to move downwards at a reasonable pace, not having to be careful of random rocks jutting out of the floor or ceiling. He was starting to get a bit excited to leave these caves and be able to see again. The water in the sloth demon’s domain would be perfect for washing all of this blood off of him, and there were few things he loved more than feeling clean. Already, he was starting to realize everything he’d taken for granted in his previous captivity.
He’d taken light for granted, too, and the moment he saw it, the moment he could see at all, he teared up a bit, but that might have just been because it was bright. Navigating the rest of the way down the demon’s body was much easier now that he could see, and it wasn’t long before he was back on solid ground, nearly running towards the cave exit. Finally. 
The dark, starless sky was a welcome sight, almost as beautiful to him as the small pools of water a little ways away. He was lucky this exit dumped him out closer to the water than the entrance he’d originally gone through had been. Curious, Erebus looked down at himself, and couldn’t help but wince in disgust. He was covered from head to toe in blood, most of it dried to a brownish-red, cracking a bit around his joints, little pieces of the demon’s flesh caked on here and there. His hair was sticky and matted with it, and the coppery, still tempting tang of it was all he could smell and taste. He’d never been so revoltingly filthy, and he was secretly glad no one was here to see it. 
It was a quick walk to the nearest pool of water, and while it looked a bit different than the other little pools from before, he paid it no mind. Water was water. He fell to his knees in front of it and stuck his hands in, ready to-HOT! Erebus pulled his hands out of the fiery water, screaming as they burned so intensely he could feel it in his very bones. All he could do was lie on his side and wait for them to heal, tears streaming from his eyes as he wailed. None of the water in the sloth demon’s domain had even been warm, so why was it nearly boiling all of a sudden? Unless he wasn’t…
“You really wanted to make a good first impression on me, didn’t you, intruder?”
Blinking away tears, Erebus looked in the direction of the familiar voice, his blood running cold when he saw who had spoken.
It was Shiori.
Tags: @dramaticcollapse @thehopelessopus @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @galaxywhump @as-a-matter-of-whump
@mnmlover2002 @tears-and-lilies @yet-another-heathen @rippedjeansandfadeddreams @starnight-whump
@unicornscotty @thebewilderer @kixngiggles @itallstartedwithharry @inky-whump
@redstainedsocks @lonesome--hunter @his-unspoken-words @susiequaz12 @its-mysweetlittlesecret-blog
@whumpasaurus101 @patheticlittleguy @jadeocean46910 @whumpinggrounds @pumpkin-spice-whump
@suspicious-whumping-egg @befuddled-calico-whump @whump-in-the-closet​ @pumpkinsncoffee​ @aryox
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seat-safety-switch · 1 year
The world is changing now. Soon, it will leave me and all the knowledge I accumulated during my life behind. It's not too late for me to get into the permanent record, though, with this information about a long-lost art of car ownership. I speak, of course, of the car stereo installation.
Nowadays, car stereos are largely an extension of your phone. And why shouldn't they be? Your phone can access any music you desire, conjure up pornographic visions from the ether itself, and tell you how to get out of the corn maze that you and your borderline-sentient 1979 Firebird Formula have gotten stuck in during your latest secret-agent shenanigans. Car manufacturers make terrible stock stereos, and so it just makes sense for them to step aside and turn them into "big screen that phone makes go."
It is for this same reason that, before the ubiquitous smartphone era, we wanted to swap the stereos in our shit-box Hondas. In the late 90s and early 00s, new standards were coming out practically every weekend. You didn't want to be the dope with an AM/FM/Tape combo when it was possible to be the brave technologist who accidentally bought a stereo on sale that only understood uncompressed Mini-Discs and the Diamond Rio 600. You could go to the store and buy a "head unit" (car stereo dweeb speak for "car stereo") and jam it into the dashboard, yourself. Sure, there were semi-professional installers out there, usually working at that very same store. Those installers cost money, though, and surely you can connect between 15 and 200 wires together in a way that doesn't burn your car down, right?
Wiring a stereo wasn't really that hard. It was just one of those death-by-a-thousand-papercuts deals. You pull out the old stereo, a task which ranges between "annoying" and "holy shit I don't think my car will ever go together again." Then, you unplug it from the wiring harness. They call it a wiring harness, because you get whipped by it and still somehow enjoy the experience.
It's at this point that the driveway-installing amateurs are separated from the driveway-installing pros. A smart person gets a little plug-in wiring adapter that translates from the car's wiring to the stereo's wiring. Someone who forgot to buy the little wiring adapter from the stereo store, and doesn't want to go back there because their car is torn into a million pieces, decides to hack and slash, twisting and soldering the car into the stereo permanently. This works too, but it will be a problem in about two weeks, when the MP3-CD player you just spent your paycheque on becomes obsolete, and is replaced by a Tokyo-24-HotSauce-WMV-DVD player.
Now comes the harrowing. You have just made your car's stereo harness much, much longer, and also likely much fatter. You gotta cram that shit back in the hole it came out of, ideally without getting in the way of anything else inside the dashboard. This is the point at which you must decide whether you will spend eight more hours routing wires, potentially re-doing the wiring work you just completed, or explain to your significant other that the heater controls only go two-thirds of the way to "cool" now. You will pass through this crucible and emerge a stronger, angrier person. You will have opinions on electrical tape for the first time in your life. Your neighbours will call the cops to have you killed after you swear loudly enough to wake their babies. The cops will laugh as you nearly pass out from heat exhaustion underneath your dashboard.
And in the end, you will be able to play an MP3 file from a burned CD. Congratulations. It was all worth it, until you go over a slight bump and the damn thing skips a bunch. I hear the new ones on the shelves now have a bigger anti-skip buffer. And those stock speakers, well, they sound like shit, now that you have this fancy new stereo blaring 64kbps Napster rips through it. Maybe pick up a new amplifier while you're at it, and an upgraded alternator to handle all that new current demand, and...
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brainyrot · 6 months
Chews on your screen. Any new fanfic updates? (No rush no rush)
Sorry if it's kinda short! I got lost in playing poker and blackjack on the speakeasy!
"bendy! Ugh- cussing stardust. Where the hell is he?!"
"did you even had to say that in front of him?! Now who knows what he could've doing! Or happening to him! Last time he went crazy! He almost killed all of us because he thought Boris was dead!"
"Sorry it slipped from my mouth okay?! stop with the blaming game because it ain't working toots! You're only making things worse."
"And where are we even going? This place is a maze! We'll never find him!"
"There's an elevator! Should we use it?" Suddenly mugman pointed out in the middle of the argument, racing along with the others to who knows where.
"And how are we gonna use it mugs? We don't even know where the hell bendy is!" The cup shouted, stressed and nervous for everyone's well-being. His chest already hurting, his body begging him to stop and breathe.
"I don't know! The only options are going down by the stairs or by the elevator, and to not waste any energy or encounter any threats I say we go with the elevator."
"He's got a point Cuphead.."
"Fine! Fine we'll use the elevator, which floor?"
"Just, pick one who cares." and so he did. Random floor.
tense. So much tense. Panting, nervous sighing, worried faces. All for a small demon that disappeared.
"It should be easy to find him, last time he was as big as a whole ship!" That's also true.
"let's hope he ain't too mad,," he mumbled to himself, the wheezing cup.
"oh bendy.." the feline watched as the floors went by, until it stopped to one.
A desert. nothing but ink, not even furniture.
Just some wooden planks and ink, and some..sense of danger. But it's always been like this since they've been stuck here.
But something doesn't feel right.
"Stay behind me." He said. "I'll quickly check." He said.
But once one foot was outside of the elevator, an inky hand grabbed him right arm, the one he uses to shoot. "ACK—UGH- WHAT THE C-" a giant smirk, melting face, and a faint, growling laugh.
"..I..am the ink...demon..." He whispered, loudly enough to be heard from the walls. "and you.. must be those..pets..that have been screaming around all..day." he examined the hand, gripping it so hard it felt like it was gonna break.
another finger gun appeared, trying to be scary. Funny.
The girl was shaking, the cat was too, but knew how to hide it.
"Ugh..-i-..be-..let- go-" it felt like black hat was holding his hand, a sea of memories coming back to him.
"Wh- who are you?!" Mugman asked, out of panic, I don't think he hard him talk before.
"I..am who you know..as..bendy." he laugh at his own name, at their faces. At how dumb their were.
"And this hand is coming..with me."
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elysiumblue · 1 year
Pick a card - Good thing that's happening soon 😁
Hi. Here's a general reading providing you message about a good thing that's going to happen soon. I feel that this reading is some sort of news you need to know right now too so maybe it's a mix of two lol.
I did this reading because I felt that my readings here are too intense. However, the messages I got this time is also intense so 💀💀💀 The good news may not sounds that "good" at first, but I'm sure that it's a positive thing that needs to happen to bring positive energy in your life.
Also, it's a general reading, so just take what resonates, and leave the rest behind. Don't force things to fit if it doesn't make any sense for you at all!
👇🏻Pick a color that you felt drawn to👇🏻
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And find the corresponding reading for you below!
Pile 1
Oops... some of you may not like this news now. The good thing that is going to happen to you is... you will get out of draining, toxic, or even abusive relationship really soon. It can be all sorts of connections but I can feel its more towards romantic relationships. Although I can feel that some of you probably don't want this to happen, I can see that you already know that something is really off about your relationship. So, if this is not the case for you, then this pile may not be your pile.
The existing relationship makes you feel really stuck and you have no idea how to get rid of it. Although you are suffering right now, some of you may still want to cling onto this connection because you don't want to think about how to deal with the consequences, or even how to escape from this connection. Some of you also make yourself believe that it's better for you to continue tolerating their nasty behaviours. However, no matter how hard you trying to convince yourself that things are working out really fine, some thing will happen unexpectedly and destroy your connection. But I don't really feel that it's that unexpected, as I can see that the negativity has already built up for a long time to the point that it's impossible to continue building.
By getting out of this connection, you will have a lot of time to be alone. It may sounds scary for now, but the time for solitude will actually be a very empowering experience for you. You will realize that you don't have to work that hard to get emotional support from others, as you are capable of taking care of yourself. It will be a transformative experience for you, and you will learn what is true love, as well as how to love yourself after the time of being alone.
Also, to be honest, the connection probably already met a dead end long time ago. You tried lots of method to make things work, but things never worked. I guess that's why some of you decided to be delusional, thinking that things are perfectly fine, in order to cope with the situation. It's really feel like a fucking maze and you are constantly trying to find the way out, but you can't. The event that will happen soon will lead you out of the maze, like literally send you to the exit. You will gain lots of clarity, and able to come up with new ideas, as well as new perspectives, when you get rid of the situation that drains so much of your energy. And I will be sure that you will understand in the future that things are not fine at all right now.
It may be a scary experience as it can be shocking and unexpected. However, I am very sure that the event that's happening in the future is exactly what you need, and what you low key wishing for. It'll bring so much positivity to your life, which will be 100x more than the nasty feeling of experiencing the sudden event at first.
(Despite the title, I really feel that this song is indicating that you have lost yourself for so long. With the event, you will be able to meet yourself again, and it'll feel so good for you.)
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(And when I was tidying up the cards for your pile, the 7 of swords showed up. I feel that you will seriously question if the future event is good for you in any way. It may even feel so painful for you to experience the event. However, as the imagery of this card suggests, the event is a necessary step of creating the beautiful artwork that the person is drawing. An incomplete drawing always look ugly, but if you endure the "disgust" from the unfinished artwork, and continue working on it, you will receive a beautiful artwork. Everything will worth it when you see how gorgeous the finished work is.)
Pile 2
I can see that you are worrying about something right now. There's something that you really want to do, but you feel that you lack the skills to do it. However, it won't be like this anymore real soon! I can see there will be a person helping you to make things work in the future. They can be a new person or a person you already know. For some of you, the event may come in the form of a random thought, a random inspiration, or even a random dream that you happen to remember.
The event that is going to happen soon is literally a dream come true. It's really like finding THE missing piece of the puzzle, because I can see that you already have everything for the thing to work, except that one spark to start the engine. Yes, you literally have everything you need right now.
Damn, maybe this reading is the one missing thing you need lol. If you are thinking that you lack the skills, I can see that you actually have the skills you think you're lacking. If it's a new concept or knowledge that you think you're lacking, you actually have that in your head right fucking now.
The major problem you're having right now is that you're worrying too much, and also you have like a millions thoughts floating around in your head right now. You really just need that one spark, that one push to make everything into order, and boom, it's done. No additional thing needed except that one hit. Good luck on the thing you're thinking about because you will succeed.
(Yeah. This is the perfect metaphor. You literally have the whole domino sorted out and all you need is that one single push to make a good show. And that one push will happen soon!)
Pile 3
Bruh. The good news for you is you will receive a blessing in disguise of something you absolutely don't want to happen right now. I can see that you are trying to make some innovations, bringing some new ideas, or suggest some changes. You will face a huge obstacle that prevents you from doing the thing you want to do, or a very clear sign showing that you should stop what you're doing right now. It may even be intimidating or infuriating for you at first, but I am sure that you will thank this event for happening in the future.
Judging from the energy of the reading, it seems that you lack the ability to actually do the thing you want to do. You will probably make a mess if you decide to do it. It's a case that you fucked around and unable to find out, or find out something you absolutely don't want to happen. (Yeah, something that's worse than a huge STOP sign telling you to stop what you're doing right now.)
Besides of the fact that you are not capable of pulling the thing off, I can also see that it's unnecessary to go against the flow for now. I am sorry if it's offending you, but I really don't see any positive outcome from carrying out the things you're thinking about. And I am not the type to deter people either, so I am really expressing my honest opinion, with the energy I read from this reading. You will find things to be 10 times better if you make peace with the current situation, instead of going against it.
(Well, I cannot find a song that's directly pointing out the message of this reading so I just share the last song played while I'm typing this. Also, the next song in the queue is about something burning. I take this as a sign that it'll be really dangerous for you if you proceed with what you're wanting to do, ignoring the big STOP sign.)
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