#I truly miss being obsessed to fandoms instead of this hell of life
chajonas · 2 years
When I said I want to romantizing my life, I mean the happy little smile, walking in the city, reading book, drinking coffee, talking with friends, having Lavender Haze as the background music, NOT this vulnerable little MC who cry on her way home, full of depressing thoughts when she's alone, can't do anything productive and just staring at her bedroom wall while this is me trying is playing somewhere.
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thestrangesthell · 6 days
Afterlife Jobs and Civil Service
Seen a few theories and "plot hole" accusations flying around after Beetlejuice Beetlejuice and thought I'd add my own hypothesis on what the deal is with jobs in the afterlife.
This will contain spoilers for Beetlejuice Beetlejuice.
TW: This post will discuss suicide. Please only proceed if you are comfortable.
The short version: I think (for the most part) jobs are a choice and available to those who need to hang around due to unfinished business (even if they themselves don't know what that is). I think those who commit suicide do have to work for some time as it wasn't their time to die yet. They can't just board the soul train and move on to better plains. Instead, (and though rather sour in the mouth), they're met with the shock that it isn't over. This is Beetlejuice, after all. Death and life is hard.
Now, for the long version (and it really is long), read on!
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Despite the fact I do personally think it's canon that those who commit suicide end up having to work (at least for a while) in the afterlife, we can't believe that purely because Otho said so. Firstly, the guy is living, pompous and has zero evidence for that statement. Secondly, he's not a credible source. He may have been "one of New York City's leading paranormal researchers until the bottom dropped out in '72," but his interest in anything can be boiled down to obsession with image and aesthetic more than a desire to get into the nitty gritty.
What we as the audience do see is people working in the afterlife that could have died by suicide.
There's the Road Kill man ("Thanks, I've been feeling a little flat!"), Juno (*who I will come back to) and most obviously, Miss Argentina. These people are working and likely (if not outright confirmed) died by suicide.
It's a weird thing to pick up on, but what about the skeleton workers?
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Besides being a great visual gag, there's not really a clear indication of death by suicide here. We could, of course, suggest they died this way and have since been "worked to the bone" - as this is the Beetlejuice franchise after all, and lord knows pun-based humour is...well, pun-damental - but no other ghosts seem to have permanent alterations to their state. In the Beetlejuice universe, once you're dead, you're stuck that way. (Unless you get your soul sucked that is).
Well, that clears things up, right?
Maybe not.
For a long time, a lot of us in the fandom accepted the whole "in the afterlife they become civil servants" thing because, well, that was what we were told. But with the recent instalment of Beetlejuice Beetlejuice this is now dubious.
Betelgeuse himself.
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Betelgeuse was largely assumed by many to have died by suicide. Various headcanons over the years include strangulation, hanging, poison, drowning, electrocuting himself - the list truly goes on. part of his charm is the mystery. But with the sequel, it is suggested that he died by poison from another. Delores.
Why is this an issue?
Well, if Betelgeuse didn't commit suicide, why was he Juno's assistant?
I have two theories for that.
Firstly, in line with this entire post - he died after Delores poisoned him and then chose to work up from the bottom to become Juno's assistant. He claims himself that his heart was pretty much blackened before he met Delores, so what's to stop him from wanting to take over in the afterlife after finding himself there ahead of his time? He probably feels robbed of life and hella opportunistic. It would support the theory of unfinished business and explain the random jobs we see him doing in Beetlejuice Beetlejuice. From Guide to working Immigration, man's got one hell of a resume.
Then there's my second theory, which muddies the waters quite a bit.
We didn't actually see him die after he was poisoned.
I'll let that fester for a bit...
Ready to move on?
Let's talk about *Juno!
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Juno, my beloved.
Despite recent questions surrounding her cause of death, I do personally feel the cut on Juno's throat was self-imposed. The issue fans have with how deep the cut is can be answered fairly reasonable. This is more practical rather than an effort for believability. Beetlejuice is high camp and smoke pouring from the throat of a ghost only adds to its ridiculousness. Plus, it helps back up my theory that those who commit suicide are required to do some type of work in the afterlife to make up for their shortened time on earth.
The reason I believe this is that Juno seems to really hate her job - or at least hate the crap that comes with it. If she had chosen to be a caseworker, (or been given a job similar to what she did when living), we'd perhaps see her be a little more understanding to everything that was going on. Instead, she's burdened by her paperwork, sick of having to deal with issues from baby ghosts and their "routine hauntings," and the poor woman is constantly haunted by the knowledge that Betelgeuse is out there.
(While we don't know their history, we do know that Betelgeuse ended up with a bit of a liking for Bio-exorcisms. I don't think she believes him evil any more than she considers him a nuisance, so we can only assume he got caught up in trouble that threatened Juno's line of work, leading to him getting fired.)
The real reason I can suggest that jobs are largely a choice are the recent additions to the Beetlejuice universe. I'm talking about Richard, Wolf Jackson, the Shrinkers, the Janitor and all of Wolf Jackson's squad, (plus a handful of others). They all have jobs, with some having more legitimate jobs than others.
This is where my theory really comes into play.
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I think all of the above characters (possible with the exception of the Shrinkers) chose their jobs. Why? They have unfinished business - just as Barbara and Adam had unfinished business in Beetlejuice.
(Of course "they found a loophole and moved on" but this is more-so to explain their necessary absence in Beetlejuice Beetlejuice. From a lore perspective, they could very well still be haunting the house for another 89 years. I (like many others now) believe the loophole was unfinished business. They had the family (Lydia) that they wanted all along and when she moved on with her life, they felt complete. Next stop: The Soul Train and The Great Beyond.)
When looking at these new characters, here's what I theorise for each of them:
Richard - Unfinished business: a family reunion. Richard died in the Amazon, away from Astrid and likely didn't get a proper goodbye. After saving her, thus seeing her once more, he could move on. It's possible too that he's not going to move on after Beetlejuice Beetlejuice due to waiting on more family to see again. But we don't know that, so I'll keep it short.
Wolf Jackson - Unfinished business: "keeping it real." Wolf Jackson seems slightly in denial about his situation. Janet has to continuously remind him that he in an actor because he gets too into the bit he's currently doing. I think the man gets completely convinced he is a spy/detective/investigator/whatever it is he is hyper-fixated on becoming. He's method, dedicated to his craft and won't move on until he feels he has fulfilled every cast-type possible for his range. He's gunning for a Gross-cer.
Wolf Jackson's squad (including Janet) - Unfinished business: supporting cast. Judging by how useless they all are, I'd hedge bets that they are actors too, waiting for their "big break" or recognition to feel satisfied with life (or death). In the Toonverse, celebrities are canon. If these universes are more aligned than previously thought, this could be a possibility.
The Shrinkers - Unfinished business: think big. These poor sods got on the wrong side of a witch doctor (although I really do think a certain B-man is to blame for this). We saw what happened when the portal to the living world opened. Those suckers saw a bid for freedom and went for it. I'd wager that they're somewhat forced to work for Betelgeuse. Maybe he's promised them 'head' (not that kind) if they do his dirty work. After all, he got his head back to normal size. Who's to say he hasn't promised them the same if they work for him? (Let's hope they read the fine print in that contract).
The Janitor - Unfinished business: a taste for revenge. To be honest, I think this guy either died by suicide or totally on accident. Either way, it was from ingesting something toxic. He's got a hankering for bleach and chemicals, who's to say this was just in death? I think he was content working in the afterlife, consuming these deadly toxins with zero repercussions.
Much of the same can be said for the Dry Cleaner. People need their clothes cleaned, he was good at it in life. Why not carry on if you're not ready to go?
Speaking of ready to go...
All aboard The Soul Train!
Another key point in Beetlejuice Beetlejuice is that (aside from Astrid, who was semi-forced to board), The Soul Train is something you board when you're ready to depart. Maybe some people are forced here and there, as there are guards stationed, but we are also reassured that Hell is an option for those who do truly fucked up shit.
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(It's worth noting also that The Soul Train has other stops. The Pearly Gates, Elysium and another stop (my memory fails), all of which were DELAYED. Time works differently in the afterlife; maybe some people get jobs because the wait is truly an eternity.)
WOW, you made far! Congratulations for enduring my ramblings, here's a beetle for your trouble 🪲
After all that, here's what we do know:
If you died within a certain radius of your home, you're left to haunt it for 125 years.
If you died by suicide (and if Otho is correct), you have to work for an unspecified amount of time as a civil servant in the afterlife.
If you died via a horrific accident (Wolf Jackson, Janet and Richard), jobs are there for you and you don't even need the credentials to back up your experience.
You cannot leave the afterlife unless you are confirmed "dead dead", board the soul train, attempt to swap souls with a living person or get sent to Hell.
In summary:
Jobs are available in the afterlife. There's no expectation to "work" but there's not much else to do. If you're not ready to leave the afterlife, (perhaps you're still processing death, waiting for loved ones to meet you on the other side or even enjoying the weird and wonderful atmosphere), why not get a job?
Well...unless you're forced into one by a horny poltergeist. But that's a whole other post.
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But hey, what do I know? I'm only living.
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nikethestatue · 5 months
Did I genuinely miss something in the SJM books? Because why am I seeing so many posts about how Cassian is toxic and Nesta should've ended up with Eris and Lucien is the best character in the series ...
Is this because Nesta giving up the mask in HOFAS? And Cassian not stopping Rhys from yelling at her?
Listen I love Nesta but that was dumb as hell? And Nesta can defend herself so not sure what Cassian was even supposed to do in this situation? He stood by her when she nearly bit his head off like 4000 times, he loves her, and he HAS defended her countless times.
What is with this fandom? The cherry picking is insane?? Also why have they latched onto these background characters like Eris and Lucien and Gwyn and put them on this weird pedestal instead of our main group?
Nobody is saying the IC are saints but ... they are the main protagonists of this story?? This is so weird to me that people are truly treating THEM like the bad guys here?
Some Nesta stans have somewhat of a weird attitude, and they feel like Cassian was supposed to grovel perpetually at Nesta's feet. Always take her side. Always support her.
And yes, part of me understands it. You want to have your MMC supporting and being very devoted to the FMC. However, the IC and Cassian arent EVIL and they didn't 'imprison' Nesta. They dealt with this escalating issue imperfectly, but the best they could. What would be the alternative? Allow Nesta to self-destruct completely? Yes, it's similar to the concept of rehab and yes, it's not ideal, but you do what you can.
Cassian is rough. He is written as rough n tumble kind of a dude. A man's man. Yes, his approach isn't delicate, and sometimes thoughtless, but I always felt that putting him against the IC and questioning his loyalties is never fair. Cassian's known Nesta for 1 year. He's been part of the IC for all of his life. He wouldnt just drop everything and take Nesta's side in everything, and just shrug off the IC.
The only thing that bothers me personally, is the way he is obsessing over Mor. I dont know why this is necessary, but I am not interested in that dynamic at all. It's weird and unpleasant.
But no, to me, it would be entirely unbelievable if Cassian took Nesta's side in everything and disregarded Feyre's and Rhys's orders.
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maple-the-awesome · 1 year
We'll Meet Again...I Know When || Chapter 26
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x GN Reader
Words: 3,544
Overview: Given your old-fashioned personality and obsession with all things 1940s to 1980s, it’s no wonder that most people refer to you as an ‘old soul’ who would’ve rather lived back then than in the modern era. Little do they know, you already did, but with your previous life as Hollie Stark cut short, you’ve been left with some…unfinished business, to say the least. Top of your list? Finally getting to marry your thought-to-be-lost fiancé.
Series Masterlist 🤎 Marvel Masterlist 🤎 Fandom Masterlist
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T'Challa shows you all to where Vision will be kept in one of the safest and best hidden facilities within Wakanda. Even if his location is discovered here, this lab rests on a tall mountainside, so in theory at least, no massive spaceships will be able to land. They'll instead be forced to go miles out into some fields where your own army will be waiting, effectively putting a comfortable distance between enemy and friend (if all goes according to plan, that is).
"Shuri, this is (Y/n)," Although the overall mood of the room is rushed and laced with stress, Bucky seems to find a temporary distraction from it all as he drags you over to the Wakanda Princess seconds after she finishes talking with T'Challa. You've seen her before, of course, sometimes in the background of your shared video calls with Bucky, yet this is the first time you've officially gotten to speak directly to each other.
"Sooo, I take it you're the one I have to thank for going through the torture of teaching this old man how to FaceTime?"
"Unfortunately. It was a true test of patience if I've ever had one!" The young girl groans dramatically, but her mocked annoyance quickly melts away into a similar smile as your own, "Although I must say, that hell was preferable compared to listening to him mope about you all the time."
"Mope, eh?" You smirk, glancing at Bucky who grumbles.
"...I didn't 'mope'..."
Shuri takes no shame in embarrassing him, in fact she's eager to keep it up, "Yes, he moped aaall the time! Day in and day out, just wandering about my lab pouting about 'his (Y/n)' and how much he misses you. It was to the point that I couldn't get any work done! Finally, I got so tired of it that I gave him that tablet to talk to you with - just like turning on cartoons to distract a toddler!"
Bucky glares at Shuri, his cheeks a red hue, but you simply laugh while snuggling up to his arm, "Well, I suppose I can't judge. I was pretty mopey myself back then. I'm honored to be missed."
This makes him smile bashfully, however you don't miss the way his shy joy fades into a more dejected stare as soon as you look up with a teasing flutter of your eyelashes only for him to quickly dodge your gaze.
While he makes no attempt to move his arm away from you, that distant look on his face doesn't exactly make your actions feel welcomed, thus you're quick to step away, putting a safer space between the two of you. If it wasn't for a more dire situation being at hand and the fact that this room is filled with people, many of whom you either don't or barely know, you would've asked him what's on his mind, yet you end up storing the question in the back of your mind for later instead.
There, you nearly forget about it while trying to focus on Vision's neutron connections as Shuri scans them. In her opinion, while Tony and Bruce did well enough to make Vision functional given the whole 'Ultron time-crunch' they were racing against, in a moment like this where the stone needs to be fully removed, they did a pretty...shit job, to be nice. Even Shuri, with her seemingly endless intelligence, estimates that it'll take her quite a bit of time to get this task finished without accidentally causing any circuit failures.
"How long do you need?"
"As long as you can give me."
Sometimes it feels like the universe truly is against all of you. Seconds after Shuri's sentence, Okoye receives an alert that something has entered the atmosphere. You swear, you can hear a collective inhale as everyone already assumes what 'something' must be, however no one reacts too outwardly aside from that, in fact the whole room is rather calm as they move to the large windows overlooking a vast amount of land beyond the mountainside, eyes tilted towards the sky in preparation for an attack to rain down upon your heads.
"Isn't there a dome covering most of the city?" Bucky asks, appearing to be relatively relaxed given the situation. He must have faith in their systems. Going off all the wonderful technology you've seen thus far in Wakanda, you wouldn't be surprised if they do have some super high-tech way to keep Thanos out.
"Yes, but it stops just before those trees out there," T'Challa answers.
Outside, giant ships collide with seemingly nothing in the air hundreds of feet above; the dome Bucky must've been referring to. This facility itself must have excellent soundproof walls, though, because even as those massive spacecraft crash into an explosion of flaming pieces that would surely be booming enough to make your heart leap, you hear nothing. Regardless, your heart does spin a bit as you witness several ships safely land in the forest where the dome ends one after another until you can no longer care to keep counting; that won't make you feel any better.
"We're out of time. We must destroy the stone now," Vision decides, or at least attempts to.
"Vision, get your ass back on the table," Natasha orders, her voice stern which makes it clear she won't be taking any objections.
"We'll buy you time," T'Challa announces calmly, glancing at Steve who gives him a slight nod before turning to the rest of you.
"(Y/n), you stay here and help Shuri get that stone out of Vision's head as quickly as possible. Wanda, once they do that, you blow the thing to hell, got it?"
You both nod without hesitation, after which you turn on your heel, accidently walking directly into Bucky's chest. His hands find themselves on the sides of your arms, pushing you back to look into your eyes, "Don't leave this lab."
"I won't," You almost follow with a snarky remark, something along the lines of you being capable enough to follow simple commands, but by the time you take in a deep breath, you find yourself with no strength to be ornery, "Preferably you wouldn't either...but I'm guessing that's not an option here?"
He frowns and shakes his head, "...I gotta help."
"...I know you do," You whisper before throwing your arms over his shoulders and bringing him into a tight embrace only comparable to the one you gave him not even an hour ago upon reuniting...It hasn't even been a full hour yet and he's already going off on his own again, "You come back to me, James."
Bucky scolds into your hair, his warm breath brushing your skin, "Didn't I come back the last time?"
"I think I technically came to you," You close your eyes and sigh, "...But I'm sure there must've been some point where you've come back to me...Let's just make it a habit. You'll go off for a little bit then get your ass your right back here so that I don't have to start missing you too much."
"How about I return so quickly you don't even have the chance to start missing me, huh?"
You shake your head, the movement restricted due to your face being pressed so closely to his chest, "...Impossible. I'ma gonna miss you the second you step away from this hug, Sarge..."
Bucky frowns, holding you a bit tighter. Everyone else is filing out of the room one by one in a hurry. He should really be following them, however there isn't a single bone in his body that actually wants to. He'd much rather stay here in the labs even if he wouldn't be of any help. At least he'd be able to keep a watchful eye over you to ensure no harm comes your way.
Truthfully, he doesn't like that Steve brought you here. You'd be much safer in New York, not mixed in with all this 'possible end of the world' crap. Now you're right in the middle of it and will be working in the exact same spot Thanos will be aiming for. Bucky wouldn't want to offend you or anything, but you're not exactly going to be a threat to any of those aliens if they come knocking. Then again, that's exactly why Steve brought you here. Your skill lies with your smarts. You can help get that stone destroyed without costing Vision. Bucky just prays it doesn't cost you any. He's already lost Hollie. He can't lose you, too.
"This is absolutely adorable and all - I'm really happy for you both, but we're kinda in the middle of something here," Shuri rolls her eyes while tapping away at her hologram to get everything set up.
Clearing your throat, you reluctantly step away from Bucky, although you keep your hands together and give him a serious look, "I mean it, James. Come back or else I go out there looking for you, and if it comes down to that, you know I'll be pissed. Between Tony and you, my hair might turn completely white by the end of the day."
"Trust me, darling. I already spent two years away from you. I ain't looking to add to that any time soon," Bucky whispers, slightly dipping his head yet stopping himself short during the action.
Oh, how much he wants to just kiss your forehead at the least. That's not so bad, is it? One could argue it's merely a display of platonic care, understandable given these stressful circumstances. Still, it feels a bit too intimate to justify. He's tempted, but not confident. Ashamed, but somewhat selfish. He hasn't seen you for two years, after all - Well, he's seen you over video calls, however that hardly counts.
Maybe you've come here because Steve asked. Maybe you're here to save the world because despite your nonchalant attitude, you've always had an heroic heart. Of course, Bucky likes to believe you just came here for him. He wanted to believe that, anyways, when you first ran over with that beaming smile and leap right into his arms.
You've stuck by his side, rarely giving anyone else the time of day despite being in this miraculous country that's right up your alley. It's all been obsolete in comparison to Bucky who you look at as if he holds your entire world - a glittering to your eyes and dreamy grin upon your lips that make up an expression he hasn't seen in decades.
It makes Bucky bitterly wonder if you look at your fiancé the same way. No, that look would surely be different. Whoever that man is, he must not hold your entire world, he must be it. After all, he has to be truly something spectacular if you love him. You choose him, after all, judging on the fact that you've proudly been wearing a ring on your finger since arriving here.
Bucky can't ignore his hate for that cold chill whenever it brushes his skin when holding hands. Forget Steve bringing you, what kind of fiancé lets his one-of-a-kind partner risk their life in a place like this? If it were him, even if an ordinary civilian with no powers whatsoever, he would still be following you to the pits of hell just to ensure your safety...Some fiancé you have...
"Hmm?" He blinks, realizing that he's been spacing out a bit.
You're frowning at him, your eyes holding a precious amount of concern for your 'friend', "...You're certain that you're okay? You don't have to go out there if you don't want to. I won't let anyone make you -"
"- No...No, I'm good. I just..." He trails off, finally saying 'to hell with it' and lifting your hand to press a gentle kiss to your knuckles. Fuck what your fiancé might think. As far as Bucky's concerned, he's been through enough with you to at least earn a knuckle kiss, "Be safe."
"I will. I'll stay right here until you get back," You then let your famous smirk tug at your lips - the one that never fails to strike his heart, "This would be a good point to remind you: you owe me an in-person tour of Wakanda and I expect to be able to pet every single goat you own."
"I look forward to it."
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From bad to worse is how the whole ‘fighting Thanos and protecting Vision’ fiasco went, although in the beginning, you focused primarily on the task of helping Shuri with whatever she needed. A double check of her calculations? An extra hand? The passing of a specific tool? You were there, glad to have something better to do than chew on your nails. Together, you worked fast - as fast as you both could without risking a mistake that could possibly harm Vision.
Despite the room being covered in windows and the pull you continuously felt towards them, you refused to take a peek at the commotion outside. You kept your back turned to them instead of giving into that desire, not daring enough to concern yourself with the others because that would only make you worry and worry only results in mistakes; mistakes you couldn’t afford.
As much as you attempted to ignore it, you could tell the war out there wasn’t going well based on Wanda’s actions. She was possibly the only person in the room more anxious than yourself, being rather fidgety from the start while fretting every second over the robot she loves. Her pain was understood, but you did have to shoo her aside eventually when her hovering became a nuisance. After that, she took to standing by the windows, growing increasingly concerned about the battle happening outside until she suddenly rushed out of the room with little explanation. You didn’t truly need one to conclude her reasoning, though.
They’re struggling out there. Even from the mountain lab, you could hear the distant echo of war growing louder…Bucky and all your friends were in danger and all you could do was suck it up while continuing to work, hoping Shuri and your own efforts wouldn’t be in vain. So much for that…
It became impossible not to worry when shouts and grunts were heard right beyond the lab doors, alerting everyone inside that you, yourselves, were officially in harm's way. As the attacker fought his way into the room, you had drawn your taster and rushed at him as soon as he passed through that doorway. Unfortunately, if trained warriors couldn’t stop that alien soldier, then you probably should’ve known then that your own chances were very low, yet that didn’t stop you from trying your best to land a hit.
As anyone could’ve predicted, each attempt ended in failure as his movements were just too quick and skilled compared to yours. Within a few swings, you were thrown back into Shuri who was about to abandon her work and help the fight. Instead, her mission was put on pause as both of you hit the ground hard. Even when she pushed herself up and tried shooting at him with her own advanced weapon, the blasts were simply swatted away like mere flies until she was knocked over yet again.
The attacker raised his sword, attempting to swing at her, however you managed to grab her waist and pull her out of the way in the nick of time, although to spare a deadly slash of an alien’s blade, the two of you tumbled off the balcony where you luckily took most of the impact.
It wasn’t much distance considering all the other heights you’ve had to leap from and you’d rather protect the young princess than yourself any day, but after sitting up, you were quick to realize you have at least one broken rib from that experience. Still, a broken rib is better than either of you sustaining life threatening injuries.
You aren’t sure what happened with Vision or the battle after that. When you were finally able to stumble to your feet with Shuri’s help, you could only see a destroyed battlefield outside, being too far to make out any specific fighters in it. Seeing as the window glass had been shattered, you could assume Vision went out there, but whether that was by his own freewill or forced by the alien attacker, you were left guessing; the answer would be unknown for a stretch of time that felt like hours.
Hours of sitting around wondering whether you should go down there to warn anyone. Hours of praying everyone you love and hold dear to yourself are safe, not among the rumble or flames you fear below. Hours of just waiting for something, anything…Then it came…
It happens quickly, allowing you no time to process the events as dreadful and terrifying as they may be. You’re not even sure Shuri or anyone else had a chance to realize it. One minute you were back at the window biting your nails while hopelessly waiting for any sign of good fortune. Maybe a voice on your earpiece - one sweet and whispered belonging to Bucky as he assured you of his safety. Hell, you would’ve also taken Tony butting-into the scene, giving some cocky joke to announce his arrival before magically showing up to tip the scale in everyone’s favor…What you got instead was a sound - you’re not sure what - that turned your head just in time to see floating dust particles disappearing in the faint light right in the place Shuri had been standing seconds ago.
You don’t know what actually happened - how can you? You’re confused, wondering where she went and why she left without saying anything. Then, when you hear cries from the hallway and you fear something else is wrong - possibly another attacker here to finish you all off - so you round the counter cautiously to see with your taser in hand.
You’re horrified to see a man disappear into dust before your very eyes, gone within a flash without so much as a peep from himself, only the screams of his fellow guards who watch on with as much terror as you do. Witnessing such a thing makes reality sink in. A silent voice connects the dots and makes your heart drop completely into your stomach…Vision -…Thanos…He won…
It’s instinctual after that - racing down the halls with cheeks drenched in tears as you realize you just can’t get your legs to run fast enough no matter how much you try to work them! Maybe you’re sobbing, maybe you’re screaming. To be honest, you can’t hear anything let alone yourself, your ears are too numb against the thoughts that overwhelm your head.
'Gotta find Bucky! Gotta find them all! I can't lose them again! I can’t stand to lose them again - not when I just got them all back!’
Of course, luck has never been on your side, has it? Here you are, trying to get somewhere as quickly as possible so it only makes sense that you have to trip on the way. Being so muddled and scared, your reaction time is delayed, too, causing you to almost hit the floor before catching the wall just in the nick of time to save yourself from a nasty faceplant.
Preferably, you would’ve gotten right back to your feet and started running again without any concern of scraped knees, however while suffering the worst spell of dizziness you think you’ve ever felt in your life (including both of them), you’re forced to instead kneel there for a second or two, shakily catching your breath to heal your nauseous stomach. You do recover eventually, though, and waste no more valuable time standing. You practically throw yourself up onto your feet then, hurrying around the corner to -
- Hitting a solid body, some of your worst fears leap to the controls, pulling you backwards where you instantly reach for your taser in preparation of fighting this assumed enemy. Be it that alien guy, Thanos himself - you don’t care! Terrible fighter or not, you plan to risk it all, not willingly to let anyone stand between you and finding your loved ones.
The gentleman in front of you doesn’t appear violent; probably a fortunate thing for you since it only takes him - or rather his cape - a half a second to rip the taser from your grip. After that, the man merely gazes down at you with a tired expression, “I take it you’re (Y/n) (L/n)?”
“Ummm -” You look behind yourself as if the shadows stretched on the floor will answer for you. When they don’t, your eyes cautiously return to this strange man who doesn’t dress like any of those Children of Thanos guys. Compared to their dark gothic tones, he wears too bright of colors to be a dictionary definition villain - then again, Thor has happily shown you pictures of his brother, so who knows?
“- Great!” The man, whoever he may be, doesn’t even wait for your answer. He just claps his hands together with sarcastic joy before turning slightly. With his back half facing you and hand held out, he makes a circular motion, leading bright sparkles a few feet in front of you both which soon make an opening to a settling completely different from this cold hallway.
As if such a magic trick is the least bit impressive, he turns back to you and nods his head towards the portal rather simply, “Your help is needed.”
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asterjennifer · 2 years
I loved "eternal paradise" and found it an interesting dynamic too and the characters fit!! 💖 Would you be willing to do one with the same dynamics of death wish mc with suit saeran or unknown? Have a great day Jenni
🎀 Oh, thank you very much for the compliment ^\\\^ But honestly? I believe Unknown fits better because he actually understands that feeling. 🎀
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© dbsal2ek on Twitter
Withered Gate
Fandom: Mystic Messenger
Pairing: Unknown x Reader
Category: Angst
Warnings: Abuse, self-harm, drug use, unhealthy coping mechanisms, sexual fantasy, obsessive behavior, suicidal thoughts, near death
Word count: 3387
Author's Note: Don't get me wrong, Suit would understand, too. But Unknown is another kind of understanding.
Summary: There you go again, nothing but a failure to your own kind. It's the first time someone gets it.
And it's him from all people who saved you.
A complete waste of time you had to become throughout your years. When did it go wrong? There had been a chance someday and it's no surprise you missed it. Maybe you could've been a doctor instead, a lawyer to achieve justice in this society drowning in filth. But what you've become wasn't pretty, if anything, it's a mistake. Especially now, after getting rescued by your very own Savior with a cleansing ceremony. That pain's nothing in comparison to the shame of your incompetence. The fact she's wasting her time on dirt like you, worrying for someone unworthy, it's agonizing.
She spoke the prayers, smooth as butter, delicate like a mother worried of her only child. And yet so knit in their meanings. It didn't matter as you could neither understand nor move forward without causing disturbance. Your mere existence's enough prove to show that some life on the earth should be erased and left to rot without batting an eye. After scratching your fingernails wound on the hard concrete floor in the basement, she promised to help you upward again. Her methods seemed controversial to some Believers, however, you're a part of the faithful ones.
Not that it changed your worthless being, rather the only vow you were ever given in times of misery. Life contained the demons in your head. Fighting them felt almost pointless as they found their ways inside over and over again, there's no escape route planned in your destiny. What have you done in younger years to deserve infinity torture? Ending as the biggest disappointment that ever saw the light of day. You didn't own anything to speak otherwise, not with the straining past glued to your back like an incurable disease. Futile was it praying to your Savior, which you came to learn the hardest way possible.
Shouldn't they take you out the next day? How come you're still laying on the rough ground in lonely company of distant screams? Did she truly forget you? Were there more important matters at hand, things worth her attention instead of tending a useless waste of space? Your breath came out ragged, the fire flaming up your lunges made it difficult to take in the ice-cold air of the underground. Sluggish your finger scratched, clawing at the nothingness under your exhausted body. What were you good for? Like this, all you're useful for was wiping the corridors clean like the damn rag you were.
Dying would've been less painful, you thought half conscious. If an overdose could've prevented any more harm or your attempt to hang yourself wouldn't have been prohibited by the Savior, maybe you'd be free by now. Whatever waited after death, if it's your very own hell, it must've been less painful than the life of a nuisance. She wasn't coming.. the realization let the last few tears behind your eyes roll down, making the floor wet. She forgot you, that's the only explanation. Didn't she promise you'll be one of the main Believers? The ones worth of a place right by her side? Didn't she assure you that your cleansing would bring forth new strength and therefore love?
She told you you're one of the most faithful, and with faith came Paradise. But this wasn't anything warm, bright nor nearly affectionate. You wheezed out the fever running down your forehead, overheating your skin the same moment it cooled down your temperature. At this rate, you'd pass away. Then again, wasn't it better? Would your absence not become less responsibility for your Savior? How she needed to babysit your every step was beyond embarrassing. Somehow, you found the strength to crawl to the wall. Like a sick animal that's ready to be fed to the enemies.
As a bait, you laughed dryly with what's left of your vocal cords, you still held a purpose.. Mother had been right to reject you early on, Father did well by hitting some sense into that empty brain of yours. The rest's blurry, past memories were difficult to recall as time in Mint Eye passed by the windows outside. She said she understood your pain like no other, so where was she? Why did she leave you all by yourself down here? What have you done wrong? You'd beg for forgiveness only if your voice's working. Whatever it must've been surely was fixable, right? All these failures sticking to your name, who were you kidding.
No chance in hell you're capable of repairing all the damage you've done. It's deserved to suffer such a death. Better off dead! You repeated like a mantra while using the last strength to sit up against the wall. Better for the Savior, better for all the Believers who were forced to bear your presence for years in a row. Better for your parents, not that they're interested where you went, anyways. Better for the space and resources you shamelessly took away. Die in a ditch, be gone all alone! You lifted your shaking hands to your hairline, digging your bloody nails into the flesh until there's hair torn out.
It almost didn't register as your brain's too wrecked to pay attention to more than one abuse. The huffs leaving your lips quicker than before when you cursed yourself. Why were you born hated? Why did nobody care at least a little bit? Even your Savior, someone who you trusted would never abandon you came to leave you behind like trash. A hideous, awful bug didn't deserve to breathe air in the first place. You pulled your knees on, crying silently into them as your head's heavier than steel. The pain ached in your bones, it burned down your lunges and left your stomach to twist. It's a wonder you didn't puke yet.
Do everyone the favor and vanish! The nasty voice in the depths of your mind sneered maddened. Remove yourself if that's the only thing you can do right, every soul out there's gonna be grateful for your unnecessary sacrifice. The Savior gave up on you, you knew this would happen eventually- »Don't die right now.« A distant noise resembling commands reached your ears muffled. Someone took hold of your wrists, taking out the fingers out your messy hair. A touch that thoughtful? Were you finally dead, perhaps? »Hey, listen to me!«
There it was again, a voice ordering you around. »Huh..-« You ended up coughing instead, acid rising up your throat immediately. »Fucking-« Once you leaned forward into the stranger's arms, it felt like someone's wrenching your guts out. Funny, considering your mouth didn't even part to throw up. Afterwards the already fuzzy scene blacked out.
You woke up with a steady pounding hammering at your skull. Brand new pain you haven't yet the privilege to practice. The little light alread too much to handle, therefore your eyes stayed shut. Weren't you supposed to die down there? How's the surface you laying on so soft? Heaven? No, a devil would never reach heaven's gates. »Good. Thought you died down there.« A frown rushed over your brows, trying hard to make out the words spoken at the left side. Who was it? You couldn't tell. »Don't even try to get up, you'll black out in no time again.« A male, that's taken for granted.
You hummed rough, wanting answers as to what happened back then. The stranger sat down at the edge of the mattress; you felt the shift better than needed. »You're a lucky bastard, you know that? If I wouldn't have fucking seen you, you'd be dead by now.« He sounded irritated, which's fair. You probably disturbed his workflow. »Anyways. Once you're back to your feet, you owe me.« The stranger said, a sudden feeling of ice hitting your forehead like a flat hand. »Ngh ..!!« It hurt, yet the fabric's more calming than alarming. Since you flinched, the stranger clicked his tongue behind his teeth. »Don't move! It's just a wet washcloth so don't whine.«
For a moment your brain emptied itself. A washcloth...? Why was this man carrying for you like this? Did the Savior send him? Million questions haunting your pounding head, sadly nothing of your voice left to ask. »It will take around three days before you can get up. Don't even try beforehand, or I do the job the elixir has almost done.« In addition to his annoyance, he seemed acquainted with the effects. You could vaguely remember that particular voice, too. »Goddamn it.. I'm busy hacking but have to play a fucking nurse now. Great.. Just fantastic.« The sarcasm poked better than a knife, right into your heart. Oh no, hacking?
He must've been a part of the information team, which meant he's not just a nameless face keeping the building lively. There's no stopping the new wave of tears that decided against your permission to drip down your face. You gathered a little power to reach up and place the back of your hand over your eyes. It wouldn't hide away your pathetic reaction, but it's something. Now you bothered one of the high ranked Believers with your weakness. Not only the Savior's obligated to babysit your ass, even strangers pitied you enough to alleviate your pain. A disgrace for Mint Eye.. So worthless in all aspects of life.
»I'm sorry...« You managed to choke out, the stranger seemed surprised to hear you talk at all. »I don't even wanna hear it, seriously.. What are apologizing for, being half dead!?« You shook your head as far as the aching in your muscles allowed it. »Wasting y-your time... I'm sorry.« What other could you offer than an apology? You didn't have anything, you were nothing. The stranger sighed, it narrowed your throat with shame. »Should worry about yourself for now, idiot.« He countered dry. »You're responsible for the wounds on your hairline. I can't even count how much hair you tore out your damn scalp.«
A bottle was held against your lips without warning, smelling of the elixir they poured like water the other night. »You vomited it all out when I caught you, but your body's used to it. You need at least some amount.« So you did puke after all? Hopefully you didn't make the guy's clothes dirty. At first you're uncertain, would your stomach bear another drop of elixir? However, the stranger growled low. »Just take the damn thing..!« Not wanting to burden him further, you parted your dry lips and let the bitter taste slide down into your mouth. At first you gagged, yet he's skilled at keeping your head up by force. »You thank me for it later, believe me.«
Having no strength to resist, you let him do as he pleased. After finishing the bottle, hearing you choke and retch more, he seemed satisfied. »Don't think too much about it.. It was the lightest dose we have. It should stay in.« The clearer his words became, the more attractive he sounded. You tried to blink and somehow succeeded in keeping your eyes open. »Well, good morning is what I would like to say..« He smirked, holding in a chuckle as your eyes widened in horror. Oh god.. Oh dear god it was Mr. Saeran from all people. »Guess it's too fucked for that, huh.« The humor passed you by completely, too deep in shock.
It was him who rescued you? The most important Believer and right hand of the Savior? That man pulled you out of the gutter? The blood ran dry, leaving your face paper white, similar to his own. »What.« He raised an eyebrow at your reaction, picking up the tension that's obviously written all over your face. »Never seen an angel before?« This time he did laugh out loud. A raw noise that lingered in your ears. »Damn, you look like a deer caught in headlights. Relax.. Unless you want to faint again.« Only then the fact your mouth's open reached your consciousness. Embarrassed, you closed it and tore your stare away.
»Now you're shy? After literally collapsing in my arms? That's bullshit.« You shook your head, panic added itself to the list of hurt inside your chest. »Wh.. How- I mean.. Why..« Unable to form sentences in such a state, Mr. Saeran rested his head on his hand. »Why..? Maybe because you were dying. And honestly? I'm not gonna let that happen if I can avoid it.« He leaned down, a bowl with water at his feet that you missed until now. »You're too cute to rot down there.« He proclaimed amused, surely it's just a stupid joke to cope with the dead mood making the air thick. But your heart jumped regardless, the blood quick to color your cheeks red. He called you cute.
When did you earn your last compliment? Far too long ago. »But for now you need to stay in bed, as I said. If you're lucky, you're back on your feet in three days. But looking at your condition..« He stopped himself, letting his ocean eyes wander over your shape. You could practically feel them see through the blanket and clothes; the thought caused you to shiver. »I'm not sure about that. I know how close on the edge you were.. I was there myself. So take it from someone with a lot of knowledge.« You dared to look at his face, curious now that some life has returned to your soul. His face's delicate, having dark circles under his eyes from all the late nights he pulled through.
But otherwise, he's really pretty. Especially his eyes colored like the sky. »You were there...? I'm sorry.. You don't deserve that.« The walls of the room were painted a dark color, somehow it appeared much more unique, unlike the rest of Magenta. This place's supposed to be united in everything. »Only people like me deserve it.« It came out mumbled, not wanting to leave it unsaid while not trying to press into his potential sympathy towards you. He took the washcloth off, cooling it down inside the bowl. »Whatever you did, getting cleansed was hopefully a lesson.«
The windpipe cut off air by that statement, tears forming at the edges of your eyes for the countless time. Should you tell him? Was that even of interest to him? You mumbled into your hand regardless. »Tried to end my life.. But Savior said I can't.« Silence followed to what you haven't revealed to another soul, the guilt grew tighter with every confession. And yet, as pitiful as you were, you found no solution to shut it off anymore. »I think.. I think she forgot me...« Luckily you swallowed the sob that wanted out. »I-I guess.. I guess nobody-.. « It's too painful to finish the sentence, despite them burning on your tongue.
To be heard for once, for someone to know at least a bit of the struggles you're facing. No! You scolded yourself in the same strict tone the Savior often used. He's not there to hush your whining, that he saved you's more than you could've ever requested. It didn't matter if nobody cared. Don't be a burden, don't annoy him with useless complains- » You're the one other Believers talked about.« You frowned confused, letting a whimper fall over your lips once he placed the washcloth on your neck next. »They said there's someone who tried to hang themselves. I guess that was you, wasn't it.« Afraid to nod, you stayed stiff. Would he yell at you?
Or lecture you like the Savior did? Mr. Saeran let his arms hang over his legs, the leather jacket not covering the big tattoo he has. This step had been a big inspiration for other Believers to catch up and get tattoos as well, you remembered the that time well for some reason. »That bad, hm?« He asked, although it's a simple question, you lacked the competence to comprehend correctly. Therefore, you answered with nothing. »Listen, I'm really fucking busy. You can stay in my room until you're okay again,« He started off, the hit of reality dragged you through the mug. It was his room you're resting in.
He brought you to his own private walls, placing you down into his bed. There it was, that loud thunder created by your fast heartbeat. Mr. Saeran stood up from the bed, kind enough to either not point out your flaming cheeks or skilfully ignore it. »I'll be in my office. Try to cool the washcloth here and there. Your body's gonna deal with fever for a while.. Also.« He took out a fresh water bottle from the nightstand, putting it beside you. »Drink like you're crawling through a desert. You won't notice as much, but you will dry out real quick. Keep track of that for your godforsaken health.« He waved his hand, taking steps already to go finish his tasks at hand.
You tried to make mental notes, drinking and cooling a fuck ton's priority for the time being. »If I find you trying to kill yourself in my room, we'll have trouble. Got it?« The sudden intense stare with which he looked back at you had you nod mindlessly. An expression impossible to read. »Yeah..! Yes, no- I.. I will be good. I promise..« Then a smile formed on his lips, just for you to witness. »Good doll. I come check on you when I'm finished. I try to remember food. Can't promise shit though.« He turned; the smile audible in his voice. Circling his index finger playfully. »Just stay put for me.« With that, he closed the door.
You forgot to blink, wiping the tears it accidentally brought to the surface. You pressed your hands to your racing heart. He called you doll. That was pet name, right? He called you by a pet name. He asked that you stay put for him, didn't he? For him? Was it some kind of implication that he cared, at least to some degree? He saved your life, there's some kind of sympathy playing in your advantage. He said you are cute, so maybe he liked your looks. But right now, too? You didn't want to imagine your reflection inside the mirror. He carried you despite how nasty you must've been down there, all the way up to his room.
You grabbed the washcloth and pressed it to your lips like a little kid. »He's so nice...« You whispered to yourself, feeling how alive you could be. When have you ever burned comfortably? This was brand new, he made you feel like there might still be a purpose to this useless life. Was he helping you to gain something in return? That's really irrelevant. He tended your pain, but above all, he understood it like no one else. If he'd been there, that's the connection you're seeking since forever. You smiled, taking hold of the blanket he wrapped you in next.
For a moment you hesitated, buried the shame deep down though because you pulled the blanket up to your face and closed your eyes. He smelled oddly sweet, that's really cute. Maybe if you're good to him, he'll be willing to keep you company. Was it appropriate to picture it vividly? You never tested these skills. However, there might be a slim chance you could function as a plaything for him. Then you'd have back purpose, another person in the world looking you in the eye and seeing the person within. It sent a cold shiver down your spine, making your heart hammer all over again.
Maybe.. if you're good and become what he liked to have, he'd use you. A broken giggle followed the thought of excitement. You laid down, keeping the blanket to your nose and lips. Maybe she didn't care like the rest of the world, but he might be different. He maybe could make use of you and praise you for being good. Would he praise you? Call you cute again? Pretty, even? Call you his doll and touch you accordingly? Take care of you? Could you bring him pleasure and prove you're worth something? The more the thoughts circled, the more you wanted to beg for him to give it a try. Now it's clear as the sky that she wasn't the one. He was your very own Savior.
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aerltarg · 3 years
Maybe this is a stupid question, buuuuut:
I just can't imagine a world that Rhaegar comes back from the Trident, wins the war and becomes king. No, I'm not a anti Rhaegar, matter of fact I like him very much, I'm just can imagine how would Lya, little Jon, this whole affair, would settle in the capital. The norm that fics (at least those I read) tend to follow is to make Rhaegar:
1. A douche, paranoid and destiny-obessed king.
2. Completely incompetent, aloof monarch, that deep down has a heart of gold, but can't really be understood.
I mean, isn't he supposed to be a scholar since he was a kid? What's are your thoughts about it?
oh, yeah, i can totally understand this! it's is the whole point in canon actually, "the wrong man came back from the trident". you would expect a hero win against his antagonist and have a happy ending w his lady love but it doesn't happen. instead the subversion happens to them with rhaegar being killed by robert who becomes obviously a shitty king and lyanna dying after him. they were never supposed to have happy ending, they were created as tragic and doomed and dead from the beginning for the whole plot to start, jon to have his parentage mystery and dany to take the passed baton as the last dragon, prophesied savoir and the heir who has to carry entire house on her back now.
as for the realistic rhaegar wins aus that's the difficult question. tbh we just don't know enough abt their situation, plans and wishes. you see, e.g. in agot we can be right in ned's head and see his motivations, what he was thinking abt, what he was planning, what he was hoping to do. but if his story was told the way rhaegar's was i bet he would have his own crowd of haters and ~intellectuals~ jumping out every two seconds w their "hot takes" how actually all hints abt what rlly happened (ned being a good man w his own sense of honour, justice and experiences affecting him and the deal w cersei's children) doesn't matter and he was an ambitious prick, planned to grasp the power by being joffrey's regent and make his daughter sansa queen. (you can actually insert there any bullshit and still don't reach the level of stupidity of such "hot takes" this fandom loves so much lmao). also he would be blamed to the hell and beyond for being too stupid and not foreseeing the future and actions of other ppl bc ofc after everything happened it's so easy to say what was so obvious to notice. also they would say that the deaths of his men and horrible fates of his kids are 100% his fault and even straight up say he killed them lmao. i can rant abt it for hours so yeah. this is a situation w too many unknown variables bc it depends too much on actions of too many characters we don't know enough abt. the only thing it's possible to tell for sure is the fact that there couldn't be any perfect solutions since things got too complicated at this point.
such fics as you've mentioned tho are just a part of this dumb fanon where rhaegar is "too prophecy obsessed"/"incapable of love"/shrodinger's rhaegar both smart and stupid at the same time/whatever/all of this combined lmfao. the man was notably intelligent from the early age as you've absolutely rightly mentioned, his guesses abt himself being tptwp have nothing to do w egocentrism as some parts of the fandom would want us all to believe unless he wouldn't be so reasonable abt it and later on, after so many years, wouldn't have changed his mind and thought his son could be tptwp.
and literally fuck all antis that think you shouldn't consider prophecies that hold real power in this fantasy world lol. you know, aegon the conqueror was said to be motivated (or at least partly) to unify westeros by the prophecy and still got the treatment of perfect/maximum close to perfect figure of a leader everyone should look up to from the narrative and grrm. prophecy obsessed much, huh? i don't even talk abt all these parallels between him and rhaegar grrm put there not for bitches to ignore them completely! and i will never get tired of reminding that dismissing prophecies is UNWISE for targaryens of all people. the house whose story is built on the dream of young daenys and her father aenar that listened to her despite common sense (or what local "anti magic"/"anti prophecies" clowns consider to be common sense). targs would be as dead as the rest of dragonlords if not for daenys the dreamer. who else in the world has as many reasons to take prophecies seriously as them?
yet antis out there act as if rhaegar is one dimensional weirdo whose every character trait is abt mf ~prophecy obsession~. like how can they miss one of the main points so badly?? the game of thrones distracts ppl from the real danger beyond the wall, yk, the one rhaegar was aware of and meant to deal with. there wouldn't be such a problem if he became king and had as many years of head start before ice zombies apocalypse as ignorant bobby b did. rhaegar had to die just for westeros to sink in shit and our main heroes to save everyone to make this story more epic LMAO
so yeah, too many ppl portray rhaegar as this one dimensional robotic creature without any knowledge of what feelings are idk even for what reason. it seems these ppl can't read for real bc rhaegar was not only intelligent af as well as dutiful ("it seems i must be a warrior" but "he loved his harp more than his lance") but also. ugh emotional?? my boy had constant emo sessions w brooding at ruins of summerhall, sleeping out there beneath the stars all alone and writing songs that made all women cry. does it sound as someone who "isn't capable of love" lol? folks act as if he was completely heartless from the day he was born (bc he didnt play w other kids ig??) but in reality their emotional range is less than the one of a spoon in comparison to rhaegar's lol. i'm not even gonna address the horrible attitude of demonizing him for his implied depression, vile clowns never listen to themselves when they talk abt targaryens and their "madness".
tldr; these fics are mostly lame af and suck at characterization if they're making rhaegar like that lol. anyway his character isn't abt being a good or a bad king, it's abt being a would-be-king for characters in books and readers in reality to sigh over his tragic aura and pretty aesthetic abt how it could've been. however, grrm clearly doesn't write rhaegar as evil or incapable as some parts of the fandom would want to try to persuade others. realistically speaking in the scenario where he wins there couldn't be any perfect decisions but it's a territory of speculations on thin air and lit nothing more since canon doesn't provide us with enough information to rlly theorize anything instead of building biased headcanons some ppl call "analysis".
but remember what barristan said about rhaegar while practically watching him all his life, from a literal baby to the man grown:
“I know little of Rhaegar. Only the tales Viserys told, and he was a little boy when our brother died. What was he truly like?”
The old man considered a moment. “Able. That above all. Determined, deliberate, dutiful, single-minded.” (ASOS, Daenerys I)
“Prince Rhaegar’s prowess was unquestioned, but he seldom entered the lists. He never loved the song of swords the way that Robert did, or Jaime Lannister. It was something he had to do, a task the world had set him. He did it well, for he did everything well. That was his nature. But he took no joy in it. Men said that he loved his harp much better than his lance.” (ASOS, Daenerys IV)
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On the rating of 10, how do you rate the writing of each legacies characters, why and who deserves better? What aspects should be improved?
I updated some of the opinion for clarity and also added Finch because I forgot her originally
I'll just make a list and go down it and I'm sorry in advance I love responding but I'm horrible at grammar/punctuation and also I might tend to ramble but I'll try to be as concise as possible. It should also be noted anything I state that might possibly relate to ships is a personal opinion and I have nothing against any ships/characters gay or straight/Good or Evil. However would it be said that I definitely mean more towards the gay/Badass with a Golden heart side of shipping with any fandom.
Hope Mikaelson- As of now I would rate her writing at about a 6. And I only say that because as we know a majority of her characters personality slightly has always but this season especially related to her relationship with Landon. And I wish we would see the Badass Tribrid Hope we've been promised since season 1 I mean sure there are no lack of examples of her bravery and martyrdom. But I am tired of her always feeling down on herself and like she's a cosmic mistake when it has literally been proven by Lizzie's wish in season 1 that their life would be infinitely shittier without her. What they can do to improve it is have her focus on friendship and herself instead of trying to always focus on Landon. She deserves more than just to be a boy obsessed character I mean she's the daughter of Klaus F****** Mikaelson for Pete sakes she literally descends from the most powerful supernatural family ever to exist and is rightfully the most powerful being on the f****** planet.
Note: I found Handon's relationship cutesy in season 1 but now not so much especially since they use him dying as a plot line way too often it just doesn't have the same effect that used to***
Josie Saltzman-As of now I would rate her writing at about an 8. I like how her character at least for a while had her own storyline going off the mystic falls High School plotline and how she lived with delena because it was a good call back for us TVD fans but I think it could have definitely lasted longer than a few episodes. We all know it was just used as a lot device to introduce Ethan as a series regular and as an introduction for her to Finch's character. But overall I feel throughout the seasons she has experienced at least some personal growth as exhibited even in 3x15 where she admitted she has to stop saying sorry especially to Lizzie for not always jumping to do what she needs / she wants all the time. Whereas before Android AU version aside because she literally had to do what she was programmed to do. She has an exhibited that she's starting to do what she needs to do for Josie before others most of the time or she's trying to. And as far as her relationship to Finch well I don't see them being endgame I have no problem with them and I do see Finch being one of her major loves of the series that teaches her whatever lesson she needs that leads her to whoever her endgame love is. With her relationships I will always miss Posie and I wish they could get Lulu back at least just for one episode. Also I feel these last two episodes of the girls being a trio they have a really Been serving Hosie with the looks but also I feel like in general Josie and Hope have been really in f****** tune. In conclusion I just don't know because Kaylee's acting skills and just turning general I would rate a billion she could choke me and I would literally thank her.
Lizzie Saltzman-as of now I would rate her at about a 7. I feel as if she has had great personal growth over the series and hell even this season. I also like hell despite everything in her life especially her eternal struggle with her mental illness she is always trying to do better and not just for herself but mainly for others and some people would say that's not good but I like it because it truly shows what she stated in 1x03 during the gargoyle incident that she never wants to be the bad or evil one. She has all this s*** thrown at her being called broken, being seen as the lesser than sister, and not to mention the absentee parents. Yet through all this she manages to only get stronger especially once she builds a genuine friendship with hope. However what I will say is that I don't like the regression of her friendship with Hope in correlation to her progress of especially her mental illness. And what I mean by that is it's almost been shown that once she had even the seeds of a true friendship with Hope that Hope would never give up on her hell not but like even an episode or two into their newly formed friendship in S1 Hope went to Josie when she Lizzie was on the verge of a bad episode and "sweet" Josie was basically like fuck her she needs to fall on her ass for once and Hope ass was appalled y'all she was like Lizzie can't control her brain chemistry and was so defensive/protective it's like once they got over that hurdle that mainly Josie gave them everything clicked into place and they were almost instant bff's. So for them to do so good in season 2 and then it seems like it showed especially in these last several episodes black magic incident to bring Landon back aside that Lizzie's old issues of resentment and jealousy towards hope are starting to come back and I don't like that because the more Lizzie had A Friend in Hope it seems like the better she got at coping and doing better mentally.(sorry if this has been a confusing several sentences). And no by that I do not mean that Lizzie is mental progress has solely relied on Hope but I do think it has helped significantly for her to have a true friend. Also let it be noted now out of every ship though I should Hosie too HIZZIE is my #1 ship on Legacies two phenomenally beautiful woman also the enemies to friends to lovers trope *chef's kiss*which might be plausible as I always wondered what they meant in the Hosie crush confession scene of season 1 when Josie said that she always went after everybody josie liked hinting that Lizzie might be at least bisexual or maybe that was just what Josie perceived at like 12/13 years old. Also on the note of relationships Mizzie was a cute concept at the beginning but I do love the fact that MG is finally finding himself and standing up for himself but he did also do it and I kind of a******-ish way towards Lizzie. And that's all I can say for her. Actually I could probably write a novel on this women and also Hizzie but I won't lol.
Alaric Saltzman- As of now I would give him a rating of like a 4 . In the last several episodes I think he's been trying to make progress at being a better person but that's about all I can say I'm not an anti. But he definitely will not be winning the father of the year award anytime soon and like many people have pointed out he was a great guardian to Elena and Jeremy so he has the potential in parenting he obviously just ain't using it or lost it over the decades. I don't hate him but I do believe they're doing a discredit towards the better man he was in The vampire Diaries especially at the beginning.
Landon Kirby-His writing is like a 3. He is just there to be arm candy for hope. Until the last couple episodes where he became this for once realistic not optimistic hardened badass he literally brought nothing to The season other than someone for Hope to obsess over. And to be someone that they repeatedly kill for shock value even though it literally shocks no one anymore. I don't hate his character but he doesn't tickle My Fancy as much anymore. His character has a lot of potentialy especially if they ever bring back in his Phoenix side and truly explore it beyond his almost endless ability to revive and being a "Bird Boy" lol. I mean truthfully they're doing him a disservice Aria is a phenomenal actor who could take his character places if they just let him be more than a basic ass plot device. Also can we talk about how gorgeous of a man Aria is especially in these last few episodes looking love it and fine as f***.
As it has become apparent to me I ramble too much and I just don't have the capacity as it is now almost 1:00 in the morning my time to do anymore characters in depth so I will be doing a simple excerpt for the rest now that I have done the main 5 people.
Kaleb Hawkins- His writing is a 8. I do like how he's coming to himself over the years and is a a right hand man to Alaric now instead of being just a uncontrollable vampire(the only hate on this part not towards Kaleb but Alaric is that it shows he will virtually mentor/uplift almost any teen that ain't his own daughters). Though in my opinion he always kind of had a point on some things especially about the hypocrisy of Alaric in season 1 especially on the bmood drinking thing. Him and Mg's relationship is awesome I'm glad they made up in the last episode and our brothers again. Also I was rooting for him and Cleo I think they would be a cute little couple. Also I need his backstory immediately especially after saying to Cleo the last time he was vulnerable he died I need to know how he turned.
Milton Greasley(MG)- His writing is a 9 the season. I say that because he is really came into his own and stopped being the punching bag. Though I think the idea or used to think at least that him and Lizzie would be cute together I am proud of him for standing up to Lizzie finally even though I liked him always being there for her I was tired of him being a fallback for her when it didn't work with whoever however I do think he could have went about the rejection a little bit gentler especially with how he knows of Lizzie's emotional problems. And don't even get me started on Alyssa that was just a disaster that should have never even been brought to fruition her cheating with Jed was probably the best thing that could have happened. I liked his little side adventure with Ethan though I do think they could have wrote it a little better I was sad when he had to compel the memories away like they still could have been friends he just couldn't have known about the supernatural stuff also I'm still not convinced Ethan won't become supernatural later in the series if he stays on. And that's all I have to say on that one love my baby.
Jed Tien-His writing I can't really give a writing I don't think it's horrible but I do think overall they could give him a better plot line as a series regular other than just being used for the comical relief eye candy/mentioning how he's the alpha. Though it was funny the whole pool tournament to decide who was alpha will Finch was just exactly that so bad it was laughable. However I do respect the fact that he even admitted to her that he knew she threw the game and that he is a genuine man of his word and has become better over the series from like this dumb jock stereotype to this genuine dude the Alyssa incident aside. He is a cinnamon roll and I will protect him at all cost.
Ethan- Again as he just became a series regular this season and barely showed up in his premiere season. I will not be rating him in any traditional sense. His writing is not totally horrible I liked his adventures with mg they could have been written better and they still could have let him be MG's friend without supernatural knowledge instead of compelling the friendship completely away. And I am still not convinced he will not become supernatural in some way depending on how long he stays in the series truthfully it's actually almost inevitable unless they go the whole route of making him the Matt/Token Human of the show which I really hope they don't I mean he can stay human but don't make him a supernatural hater.
Cleo-her writing is 10. I say that because she has been a phenomenal character and I've never seen the actress before but she is obviously phenomenal as well. I like her whole connection to Malivore and how it's a legitimate one that seems to be interwoven with the story that's already been presented and add something new. I also like how she tried and really wanted to genuinely be friends with all the characters especially hope but at the same time she was also very realistic and new probably and truthfully the only way for Malivore to be defeated was for Hope to Go full Tribrid and she wasn't above actually trying to murder hope to save herself and just get rid of Malivore which I can't blame her.
Malivore-after the end of season 3 / the first couple episodes of season 4 which were supposed to be the original ending to season 3 I better never hear the name again I am so tired of it this should have ended like at least a season ago at this point it's dragging on. This was supposed to be a monster of the week type of series which is okay me personally I have always appreciated having one big bad of the season and then a couple of minor baddies that get their characters arcs and take a few episodes to defeat or something as like a B or C plot. Point being is that this character and plot line has gotten stiff as can be. To be honest I think half of us aren't even here for plot line anymore we just want to see which of our ships get together.
Finch-I am loving her character and I do think she's cute with Josie. Also I stan anyone who is a sarcastic b**** Queen. I think it's nice how her will backstory was different than the traditional one but also I hated how sad it was like she literally didn't even know what she was doing. Though I will say calling Lizzie the "evil" twin that she can fight me because you don't talk about my blonde cinnamon roll like that is based on one impression from something that was only meant and done out of a good place and Lizzie's heart trying to find out her backstory. But other than that I have no real qualms with this character and it is too early to have a real in-depth analysis/opinion of her.
Thank you for reading this long rant hope I answered your question well enough if not PM me on anything specific.
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artpoint420 · 5 years
Melvin and the Silent Diagnosis for a Brilliantly Broken Psyche
Hypothetical Diagnosis Insecurity masked with narcissistic tendencies characterized with compulsive obsessions driven by blatant autism, and no that is not an immature insult I test extremely highly for Asperger's myself Here's the Evidence: (I will state before hand that Melvin-borg is a completely separate character in my mind, and thus will not be included in this particular theory.  Melvin decided not to turn out like him, so they are canonically separate characters) He is obviously and frequently inspired by George and Harold, but his deeply embedded fear of rejection makes him dangerously bitter, and it doesn't help that everytime he breaks out of this protective shell, he is rejected or betrayed once again. It’s important to note that while he may be high-functioning (aka: Aspergers) he is still Autistic. That’s because Asperger’s is not a form of autism- it is autism. Period. And any kind of autism or mental attypicality left untreated can develop in to many, many other severe mental disorders, or, in general, make life a metric heck ton harder and complicated than it already is. I also need to confess that I test highly positively for autism myself as well as being an INTP female (Myers-Briggs Personality Test). Not to brag, but all that combined with my naturally creative nature makes me rare af, but it also means I can't communicate or handle stress #liketheothergirls, so that has lead me to being/feeling bullied and ostracized.  I also have anxiety and depression issue which run in my family, and mild insomnia, and may or may not be relapsing into an eating disorder. Paired with psychical problems like acid reflux and severe neck tension, health, whether psychical or mental is of uttermost importance to me.  It suffices to say, autism is not easy to deal with and if not taken care for properly a person, especially if not made at least aware of what autism truly is, it can truly ruin their life. Combined with the neglectful nature of his parents (at least in the books) I and many others in this fandom truly believe Melvin is at least autistically coded. Not only does this fit the archetype of his character but it also fits the theme of the books to a TEE. At its core, CU, of all things, is a children's book series, about living your best life despite not being “normal.” Even characters like the teachers or Mr Krupp who strive for “normality” are shown to actually have deeply repressed creativity, or, in some cases, deep trauma from their own childhoods. It suffices to say that I resonate deeply with Melvin. Say what you want about him or me, I was able to relate to him the second he spoke his first line in the second book. Sorry to turn this into a long vent, but I feel it is best to use myself to support this theory as well as harder evidence, even if it is mostly a means of self-therapy. To start, we both are obsessed with school even to a detrimental degree. Ever since head-start (Pre-K but a million times better), these "book-smarts" were the first thing I ever truly excelled at. When the other kids bullied (or as I now know as teasing) me, I would lose myself in a stack of homework or a book 2-3 grades past my grade level (this is before I drew or wrote as a main hobby). Similarly, Melvin is rarely seen without a book or gadget, just like me. We both over analyze things and hide our feelings. We both have intense crushes on others but are terrified to dare express them, or do but to nothing but awkwardness. We were both science kids, and fascinated by words and/or numbers alone (I still am just in a more artistic way). We both struggle to communicate and relate to others. We both have a unusual sense of humor and are highly observant of surroundings all the while missing what’s in front of our noses. We both have interests that quickly spiral into obsessions and dropping the obsession only when sick of it. We both practice similar forms of stimming. We both not only thrive but crave control and structure with the world around us, even to the point of being "control freaks" and creating odd habits, routines, and rituals regardless of whether they are necessary or make sense. We both have an intense fear of intimacy and rejection to the point of practicing self-isolation and in some cases self harm or other unhealthy coping methods (seen with Melvin over eating sweets or over working himself. For me it’s disordered eating or self flagellation, something I have all but completely dropped but still) We also both tend to see ourselves as inferior to others and attempt to mask those feelings with a superiority complex (I feel bad for my siblings but I didn’t know what I was doing, and no it was not abusive just sibling rivalry and I’m the oldest anyway, and we are country kids and understand “rough-housing” =/= using each other as a punching bag, but accidents happen I'm sorry) We both seem to become easily overstimulated and have explosive mental and emotional breakdowns when things just . . . become too much However the harsh divide between male and female and fictional and nonfictional means we both present certain traits differently. Whereas he presents a more linear line of thinking my mind is overwhelmingly sporadic. Also, I have over sensitivities to touch and light (and sometimes certain noises, but not anything not normal? Wfk.) But maybe he does have oversensitivity but I can't think of an example off the top of my head. Enough about me however. I know Melvin and autism has been done to death.  Hell, I just did it to death.  My actual theory is more on the inner mechanisms of his mind and predicting how he will develop should the series allow for full character development. Also, similar to my Krupp theory, I will be listing his crimes out and give him a proper sentence for his age and maturity level (which will be light as I am sympathetic to his plight).   This is already getting too long, so Imma try to finally get to the point.  Characters with autism are honestly a mixed bag, sometimes there as standardized as my mystery Daddy Sherlock Holmes and other times they are as subtle as Pearl or Peridot from Steven Universe (has Rebbaca Sugar confirmed this? sorry). Honestly, it does distress me that autism is almost always used to have an evil genius character or some weird side character for brownie/ diversity points. (this makes me a bit hypocritical I guess, considering my own stories. I guess tropes are tropes for a reason) And while Dav Pilky May not be subtle with his scholastic politics or humor his one spectacular tool in his writing books has always been, when it comes to his characters, showing instead of telling. This is something I latched on to even as a kid, and I was already thinking up theories on the characters before I even knew character theories were a thing.  Like what happened to Harold's Dad (hint, hint).  Why was Harold's sister rarely used?  Does Mr Krupp actually like their comics (a now accepted theory, but not just min? And many many others I'm probably never gonna write.  It took until how long in the books to reveal George and Harold have ADHD? Before that they were simply described as being as smart as Melvin but just in different ways. Personally I feel that autism is inverted ADHD. This is an opinion I’ve recently formed so if I’m wrong bloody attack me in the comments. Anyway, Melvin presenting autism makes him the perfect foil to George and Harolds’ more sporadic antics. The only true difference between autistic folks and ADHD folks is that those with autism tend to crave a structured environment full of rules, and set goals to achieve, while such an environment is HELL to children with ADHD (aka:George and Harold). (Even though if with adults they can trust, children with ADHD thrive in structured environments if they are surrounded by adults or authority figures they can trust.)  I know some will tell me ADHD is on the spectrum, but I just learned this like actually the other day and don’t fully understand it.  My prediction is that Melvin will eventually and naturally mellow out if just because staying so high strung all the time is a huge waste of mental energy.  I know good as hell I had to.  Also, he mellowed our in the books and went from a screeching revenge exacting lil narcissistic white boi prick to a person who simply wants to pursue his interests and even helping George and Harold (selfishly, but help nonetheless). He even went from enjoying the fame and attention of hero-ing to realizing it did not fufill him. Indeed quite the opposite.  His true passion lay in solving world problems through science, and I don't think the ending for him in the books could have been any more perfect considering his character.   In the Netflix show, similar to how I think Krupp's personalities are merging, I believe that Melvin will eventually become more like his Broski alter ego (which I calmly demand more of).  Overall, given that this show needs to go back to the status quo more often than not, I don't think his core character will ever change, and it doesn't need to.  Multiple times throughout the series he's been shown to crave friendship from George and Harold, despite audibly hating him . Textbook Tsundere, I know.  He will form a friendly rivalry with George and Harold, I have almost no doubt about that, taking the season 1 finale, season 2 finale, season 3 first episode, and halloween special into consideration. (Yeah, if someone will send me clips I will give them my eternal gratefulness) To conclude, because by god this is long, Melvin is, SHOCKER, just a little kid.  A little kid who likes muffins and dolls and has big hopes and dreams.  A little kid whose love for science and unrecognized creativity is channeled into making inventions that are even more impressive than those of Professor P (sorry P).  But he is a little kid with his own needs and stuggles which at this point remain unmet.  His parents are canonically neglectful, I cannot repeat that enough times.  The effects of neglect are a hell-hole of its own regardless of growing up with undiagnosed autism.  But that's just a theory- Alright, that was a banger, I guess next up is Melvin-borg since writing this has given me some interesting ideas for him.  Let’s see how long this hyperfocus train will go!
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nadziejastar · 5 years
It's sort of amazing the difference between the fan interpretation of RAX and how they interact in canon. In Days they're super dysfunctional, border on being toxic, and their friendship was unsustainable from the start even if they didn't realize it. In fanon they're a picture perfect family who can never be torn apart. And the KH3 went with the fan interpretation instead of acknowledging any of their issues.
I totally agree. I think the reason is that the fandom tends to be very young. It’s a big reason why Akuroku became so popular, IMO. Young teens tend to misinterpret unhealthy obsession (like Axel’s) as romance and true love. And the Sea-Salt Trio’s dysfunction also was also overlooked in a similar manner.
I gotta be honest. I feel pretty uncomfortable with the general interpretation of the Sea-Salt Trio in this fandom. It’s just so bizarre to me how Roxas and Xion’s friendship with Axel was put on such a pedestal and how his relationship with Isa was pretty much ignored by almost everyone. It’s just…amazingly unrealistic if you think about it. I think it’s a testament to how young the fans are, in general.
Axel’s relationships truly aggravate me, because he was written a LOT differently than Sora or other simplistic characters. I know that the target demographic for Kingdom Hearts is pretty young. And in the end, I think Axel’s character was a victim of that. Nomura tried to write him very authentically at first.
But his characterization was dumbed down to fit in with a largely tween/teen audience and their preferences. I don’t say that to be disparaging to younger fans or anything. But, had KH3 not been a Disney property, and had it been targeted to a slightly older audience, I think Axel and his relationships would have been handled a LOT differently.
I definitely think the Sea-Salt Trio was VERY misunderstood by the fandom. Axel has known Saïx for at least 10 years. Probably more. Even before their backstory was explained, you could tell they have been through hell together in the organization, without anyone else to trust besides each other. Axel was willing to do all of his dirty work. 
Then Axel meets Roxas and Xion. Two kids who—let’s be honest—are about on the level of your average fifth grader. Not a bad thing. They’re just very naive and childlike and he obviously can’t be 100% himself around them. Do people really think Axel is gonna replace his best friend so easily with two kids he’s known for less than a year? Apparently, yes. Let’s look how absurd it is.
Day 75
The Genie we met in Agrabah said he and his friend Al are "inseparable." Axel told us best friends can be inseparable even if they're not always together, but it sounded like he wasn't too sure about it himself. I thought Axel knew everything. Oh well...
At this point, Axel spent quite a while at Castle Oblivion. He hasn’t even gotten to know Roxas that well, and he’s only known Xion for a few days. It’s totally realistic that he’d say he doesn’t have a best friend. He sounds like he knows what it’s like to have a best friend, though. He just doesn’t have one anymore.
Day 96
Roxas: I just…want these days to last forever. Hanging out, the ice cream, the sunsets…
Axel: Nothing lasts forever, man. Least of all for a bunch of Nobodies. But you know, we’ll still have each other…even if things change and we can’t do this anymore.
Roxas: Yeah?
Axel: As long as we remember each other, we’ll never be apart. Got it memorized?
Roxas: Ha ha, wow, Axel. That sounded ridiculous.
Axel: What? I thought it was pretty deep.
Not even two weeks later, he’s acting all touchy-feely about the time they spend hanging out together. Roxas and Xion make fun of him because even they know they’re not really that close, lol. They hardly know each other at this point. If you read between the lines, you could tell that he was thinking about Saïx here, too.
Author: Axel
I feel like I’ve been spending more time talking to Roxas and Xion lately than my old friend, Saïx. This has to have been what it was like, friendship.
But if that wasn’t obvious enough, the report clears up all doubt. He WAS thinking about Saïx. The message I got was: Lea and Isa had a very close relationship as humans. They were the ones who were really inseparable. 
Axel misses that and, the more he remembers it, is desperate to fill the void. Every time he mentions “best friends,” it relates back to this. But this concept went “whoosh” over 90% of the fandom’s head. It baffles me. I really just don’t get it. Again, I have to think it’s due to the fact that this series skews really young. 
Day 118
You Changed, Not Me
Author: Axel
Talking to Roxas and Xion always brings back memories of my human life, back when I was a kid. It’s a weird sensation. I ought to be able to share all this with Saïx, but I just don’t feel like it anymore. It’s strange, but I’m content with just missing what’s gone. I’m not the one who changed. You did.
Anyways. Three weeks later. Axel is very hung up on the past. He sounds like a heartbroken lover (because that’s exactly what he is, if you ask me). The reason Axel spends so much time with Roxas and Xion is because Isa changed.
Day 150
Too Precious to Lose
Axel and I talked for a while about the things we can’t bear to lose. Axel thinks that for Nobodies, it’s our pasts, because that’s all we have to remember the pain of losing something. I don’t remember my past, but the idea of losing the present–Axel or Xion–scares me.
A month later. Axel comes back from Castle Oblivion yet again, and he’s even more nostalgic for the past than last time. I bet Axel’s time at C.O was gonna be featured as a blank period in BBSV2. But whatever. He couldn’t bear the thought of losing his memories of the past.
The reason Axel treasured his memories so much was because it’s all he had left after losing something. OBVIOUSLY it’s because of his relationship with Isa. I mean, duh. It implies a pretty special connection between Axel/Lea and Saïx/Isa for him to feel that way, especially considering how mean Saïx is to him.
I’m not trying to trash Axel’s feelings for Roxas and Xion, either, or make them out to be unimportant. They were important to him, for sure. But they absolutely did not reach Isa’s level of importance to him. No fucking way. Not. Even. Close. Especially not on Day 150. By the end of the story, Axel couldn’t bear to lose Roxas and Xion because they were all he had to fill the void of Isa.
That’s not to say that he didn’t care about them as friends, or that he was just using them. It just means that I don’t think Axel really would want to be “inseparable” with Roxas and Xion once he was mentally and emotionally healthy. He’d want to be friends with them, of course, but not hang out every day like Hayner, Pence, and Olette. He’s not on the same level as Roxas and Xion. And that’s fine.
Terra: Protect the things that matter… Right. My friends matter to me, too. So, I still have things that I have to protect.
To use a comparison, Riku was very important to Terra. I LOVED the connection between them. Other than Lea and Isa, one of the things I was most excited to see in KH3 was Riku and Terra reuniting (yeah…). They had a very special bond. Riku helped comfort Terra when he was down. But. Riku was NOT as important to Terra as Aqua and Ven were. Even if Terra had spent a whole year with Riku, he still wouldn’t be as important to Terra as Aqua and Ven.
Roxas and Xion being portrayed as the most important people to Axel is as ridiculous to me as Riku being portrayed as the most important person to Terra. It would be weird if 99% of the fanart out there depicted Riku as Terra’s best friend and Terra’s reunion with Riku got more spotlight in KH3 than his reunion with Ven and Aqua.
That’s how I feel about the Sea-Salt Trio. I really liked it for what it was in Days. A complex, morally grey friendship between an emotionally damaged adult and two innocent kids. But I really don’t like the overly saccharine, cutesy, cuddly, one-dimensional fandom version of it, where Axel is treated like he’s on the same level as the two teens. It’s a testament to how young the fandom is that people really thought Lea would be “meh” about reuniting with his childhood best friend who’s been possessed for 10 years, and be waaaay more excited about getting to eat ice cream with two teens every day once again. 
Day 172
What’s Love?
On my mission at Beast’s Castle, Xaldin told me about "love” and the special power it has over people. I tried to ask Axel about it, but his explanation didn’t make any sense to me. Every time I ask him about this kind of thing, he tells me I need a heart to understand. It’s like he’s dodging the questions.
Axel tolerates severe emotional abuse from his possessed best friend because he loved him back when he was normal. He copes by with his extremely shitty life by living entirely in the past, through his memories. Hanging out with two kids helps him remember his old life, back when he was happy. God, he was such a fascinating character. Such wasted potential.
Day 193
Best Friends
Xion's awake now. The three of us were gonna go get some ice cream after our mission, but she passed out again, so we had to take her home. I talked with Axel in her room until she woke up. He said the three of us were best friends—inseparable. 
Axel said he had no best friend on Day 75. Now it’s Day 193. That’s only 119 days. That’s less than four months!! He gets in a fight with Saïx, who, once again, says he’s changed. A very sore topic for Axel. Then immediately afterwards, he says these two kids are his best friends.
If I was gonna compare it to real life: Let’s say Lea and Isa were two normal high school kids who were kidnapped and raised in a gang. Axel is a 25/26 year-old former gang member. He’s got blood on his hands. He’s a good person deep down, but he’s seen a lot of shit. Then he meets these two fifth graders. This adult gang member, with tear-drop tats and everything, suddenly starts calling these two fifth graders his best friends. He wants to spend all of his time eatig ice cream and playing Minecraft with them.
If this was real life, would anyone say how cute it is that they are best friends? Two kids who he had to teach the concept of “best friends” to? NO! No, they’d say that’s unhealthy and weird and that the guy needs therapy. Because it IS unhealthy and weird. Perhaps it easier to see that as an adult. Perhaps it’s easier to see it in a romanticized way when you’re young.
The Sea-Salt Trio was, in a way, Axel forcing the label of “best friends” on two kids in an attempt to cope with the heartbreak of his loss of innocence. It did have genuine cuteness and sweetness. Of course it did. Axel was not a predator or anything. Roxas and Xion loved him. Axel loved them. But…it wasn’t as cutesy and wholesome as people make it out to be. At least not from Axel’s end. It wasn’t JUST a cute wholesome trio. 
That’s what made it so good. It was complex and grey. Axel never went against the organization, even though he could have if he really wanted to. It got to the point where he nearly killed both Roxas and Xion, just because he couldn’t bring himself to go against the organization. And the reason he couldn’t go against the organization was because of Saïx. Yes. Axel came thiiiiis close to killing both Roxas and Xion for a sociopath who treated him like shit. Their friendship was very dysfunctional and had a lot of kinks to work out.
Again, I’m not trying to denigrate the bond Axel had with Roxas and Xion. It was still genuine and sweet, in a sad and messed up way. I can still appreciate the cuteness of it.
But I hated the Sea-Salt reunion in KH3. Because it only focused on the most one-dimensional, saccharine and cutesy portrayal of them possible. They didn’t have to talk about anything. It was just instant hugging and ice cream, now they’re best friends forever. Everything played up to the max to manipulate people’s emotions. None of their issues were worked out and they had no better understanding of each other than they did at the end of Days. Honestly, even though Roxas and Xion got the red carpet treatment compared to Isa, the resolution to their trio was just as pathetic as Isa/Lea’s duo. 
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drewandhardy · 6 years
1. What is your favorite Nancy Drew game and why? Ghost of Thornton Hall! My Nancy Drew Holy Grail. This game just does everything right. The backstory of the Thornton family is beautiful and terrible and is the backbone of this game. The cast of characters are amazing. Clara, Wade, Harper -- all tragically complex and interesting. I’ll even throw Frat Boy Colton a bone here and say he added something to the story. Harper is straight up modeled after Helena Bohnem Carter in every role ever (though she most closely resembles Bellatrix Lestrange, probably). I absolutely loved hunting through the graveyard and reading old books to find out more about this family, their past, and this bizarre little southern island they live on. (Side note: Do tiny pieces of real estate like this exist off the coast of Georgia? Okay, I have consulted GoogleMaps and it appears they do. Making a note to visit.) The setting is just gorgeous, in the dreary, creepy way you would expect it to be. It reminded me of the abandoned town of Spectre from Big Fish. In fact, the whole thing has an eerie but beautiful Tim Burton-esque vibe to me. You have some amazing spaces to explore, including locked doors and hidden tunnels to boot. Puzzles are on point. Every puzzle in this game is going to help you advance the plot; nothing is sending you on benign errands. This was just seriously an awesome game. It’s the first ND game I’ve played in the Blahunka era, and it really opened a door to some of my other series favorites.
FIN, DDI, SPY, and TRT probably round of my top 5. 
2. Have you played all 32 games in the series? If not, which ones haven’t you played? If yes, which one did you play first? I played MHM first, back in the day. Nothing like a little Abby seance to turn you on to a series. 
Though I’ve been play since I was a wee baby jr. sleuth, I really rediscovered the series about 3 years ago. Still haven’t hit some of the more clunky sounding ones: White Wolf, Venice, Twister, Ransom, Medallion (started it but I can’t get through this gd game). I also still haven’t played DED or ASH but definitely looking forward to those. 
3. What is your favorite line from any character in the series? Because I’m fresh off of SPY, I’m going to say “Be good. Be a little bad.” 
4. If you could change the ending to any game, which one would it be (no spoilers, though)? Less jet packs.
5. Which game is your least favorite, and why? I mean, SCK is obviously not the biggest thrill, but damn I really hated fucking Castle Malloy. I thought I was going to love this concept: An upcoming wedding at a dilapidated castle in Ireland, where the groom suddenly goes missing?! SIGN ME UP, I SAY. But I really ate my words. This game is such a tedious slog to get through. Kyler, the bride in question, sits on her ass reading her damn book while you go on a wild goose chase for her husband. (Wild goose chase is hardly even figurative: there’s a damn chase-sheep-give-them-mohawks puzzle for christ sake.) The puzzles are long, and you frequently have to hunt down several missing pieces before you can even start said puzzles. The ending has to be some of the most bizarro, half-baked writing the Nancy Drew series has ever seen. Not to mention, the final sequence was one of the most infuriating things I’ve ever experienced (and I’m not even certain that this is hyperbole). I blew myself up approximately 35 times before - in a fit of rage - I Googled what nuanced methodology I needed to master in order to simply lift a bottle. 
6. Which character is your favorite? Why? Oy, probably Dagny. But give me dem Hardy Boys any day. Also, Hilda Swenson. And Renate (CAP). And Viv (DOG). I tend to enjoy the old eccentric ladies. 
7. Which character is your least favorite? Why? I’m pretty sure Holt Scotto (DDI) is part of the alt-right, so.
8. How do you feel about the whole Nancy/Ned vs. Nancy/Frank situation? Do you ship her with someone else? Who, and why? Patiently waiting for Nancy and Frank’s love story to arise in MID. 
9. Do you have any fun headcanons about any of the games or characters? DAN is based off of The Devils Wears Prada. 
10. If you could visit any of the locations of the games, which ones would they be and why?
That absolutely wild underworld set in LIE (someone explain why you build an elaborate set UNDER the stage instead of on it...)
Dry Creek (SHA)
Thornton’s bouge island
All the cool Pacific Northwest locations in DDI -- lighthouse, island, whale cave, etc
Wickford Castle
Royal Palladium 
The Train
11. Did you read any of the original Nancy Drew books? If yes, do you like them? If no, would you consider reading one? I have not! But absolutely. Someone recommend the best one to me!
12. What is one thing any good detective can’t live without? Locked shit.
13. Which game had the best soundtrack? I really liked the Irish-y jig music in DDI and HAU. 
14. What is one thing you wish HER would’ve included in any of the games (a conversation, interaction, location, feature, etc.)? I want a decent explanation of what happened in past-Germany in CUR. As in, we know who’s responsible for the monster games in present day, but they sure as shit weren’t alive in the olden days. 
15. Do you have any ideas for a future game? What is it? Maybe a game base around the witch trials or something?
16. How long does it take you to finish a game from start to finish? Depends! Replays I can usually do in a single sitting, but first plays will take me a few days. 
17. Did any of the games scare you? If yes, which ones? If no, why? Hell yeah, MHM scared the shit out of me when I was little. That “I see you” is like straight out of the Chamber of Secrets. Now that I’m an adult, some of my scariest thoughts are routed in my family falling apart. GTH and SAW and SPY definitely get to me in a psychological way. Thanks Blahunka, you twisted human.
18. Why did you join the Nancy Drew fandom here on tumblr? I have no real-life humans to talk these things through with, so thank you for being my internet humans. 
19. What is your favorite Nancy Drew joke (from in-game or even floating around the internet)? In game, it’s gotta be the mom jeans shade from SPY. On the internet, all of the “It’s Locked” puns. 
20. Who is someone in the clue crew you’ve always wanted to get to know? All of ya!
21. What are three unpopular opinions you hold about the games? 1. CUR is overrated. 2. LIE is underrated.  3. Lukas > Jane Penvellyn any damn day. I love playing Monster and hate playing damn “Go Dig.” 
22. Do you have any fun theories about any of the games? I really think that if Blahunka stayed on, we would have gotten a Nancy/Ned break up at some point, and then a Nancy/Frank relationship later on. 
23. Who was your favorite animal character featured in the games? Whale friend from DDI. 
24. Do other people in your life know about your love for Nancy Drew? Yes! I’m constantly trying to get others to play!
25. How long have you been playing these games? Since about 2001. 
26. What’s your favorite in-game backstory/history?
Ballad of Dirk Valentine and Francis Humbert; it’s truly the beating heart of SHA and the greatest love story in the series history. 
The random hilarity of all Jake Hurley’s famous friends in TRN (he’s basically Tahani). Like, they seriously worked the Lincoln Assassination into this shit?? It’s amazing. 
TRT, but more for the Wickford story than for the Marie Antoinette story. (When I played this as a child, I became obsessed with Marie Antoinette as a result of this game. I was too young to realize how ridiculous it is that Marie Antoinette’s tower was mysteriously in Wisconsin. I’m now too old to see through that ridiculously convenient pothole.)
Mickey Malone, his bombass girlfriend Vivienne, and his cool speakeasy. 
Everything about the history of the Thorntons. 
27. What is your favorite cut scene? Oh my god that damn junk shop in CRY. WHY WHY WHY.
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julia-sets · 6 years
Summergen 2018 Recs
Okay, so this is a loooong post because Summergen was so amazing that my recommendation could just be the masterlist. But maybe some people wanted some actual pointers, so these are my faves from this summer. There are a lot and honestly I probably missed a few (it’s hard to remember with so many great fics!)
The Room Upstairs Summary: Sam comes back from hell, but he’s inside-out and all wrong, and Dean can’t fix him. A heart-wrenching look at a Sam who comes back really, truly broken.
Chick Lit References Summary: “This is just typical,” Dean says angrily. “Cas puts us in a yurt, and you won’t let me leave because you think we need this to ‘fix us,’ but here’s the thing, Sam, next time you’re mad at me, maybe you should try this thing called talking instead of going straight to chick lit references that will soar over my head.” Sam and Dean working through things post-Michael in a story that’s alternately hilarious and sad and touching. The author does a good job of capturing how the boys often talk past each other, but at the end finally reach some common ground. Sleeping With the Fishes Summary: Dean won’t rest until Sam sleeps. Season 7-era fics are rare in fandom and this one makes me wish that wasn’t true. It captures so much of what I liked about that season. Sam is not sleeping and struggling. Dean is generally broken but trying. 
Death Unhinged Its Jaw Summary: death unhinged its jaw and swallowed them whole, only to spit them back out again after. This was the fic that was written for me and hooooooly crap did it deliver. I don’t want to say too much, for fear of spoiling it. Please read this. Saving Him from Hell Summary: Dean was stone number one Another bit of canon that’s under-developed: Sam in between seasons 7 and 8. This fic is a look at his devastation and all the messy complexity of the brothers’ relationship. It’s an Experience Summary: Claire is working through some feelings about the death of a certain angel. When Jack tries to help, they both realize something new. The author captures both Claire and Jack’s voices so very well and their bonding is incredibly sweet. Sadly probably won’t get as much attention because it doesn’t focus on the boys, but it deserves more love. Sweet Dreams are Made of This Summary: Pre-series fic dealing with Sam going to Stanford. Another one I don't exactly want to spoil. Another awesome look at some pre-series time. I could see this slotting into canon perfectly. Freeport, Illinois Summary: June, 1998. John has left Sam and Dean in a small Illinois town while he is working. Two teenage boys, not much money, and time to kill…  Perfectly characterized pre-series fic that looks at the boys’ hardships but doesn’t get maudlin about it.
Black Coffee in Bed Summary: Breakdown in Nebraska, and the mornings after. I’m a sucker for anything about the episode Breakdown, which I loved. This one is gorgeously atmospheric.
Open Sky Summary: Magda lives, and ends up spending some time at the bunker. Magda lives! This is a very sweet story written in Magda’s POV that uses her staying with them to explore some of Sam’s issues.
Fledgling Summary: When four-year-old Emma arrives the Bunker, Sam wonders exactly what it is that Cas brought him—what he made without his soul. This is written like a bit of a fairytale. Kidfic is normally not my thing but I really appreciated Emma, especially as Sam learns how to care for her and then learns where she came from.
 Wintering Summary: Dean is hurt on his first hunt and lets Sam take care of him. Short and sweet bit with pre-series Winchesters.
Sicko Summary: Now fully human, Jack navigates the realities of both past and present. Wonderfully explores Jack adjusting to being human, learning more about Lucifer and Sam.
scenes from a highway at the edge of night  Summary: Birthdays are also anniversaries. Don’t want to spoil anything, but ranges from sad to bittersweet.
pain is a well-intentioned weatherman  Summary: When Dean gets home from apocalypse world, Sam is on traumatic brain injury protocol. He was fine when Dean left. He was fine. How many Sam Has a Head Injury fics will I read? Answer: all of them.
Misplaced Summary: Dean facilitated a divine family reunion and God’s sister gifted him John Winchester. The world is upside-down—but they’ve rescued Sam, and doesn’t the world somehow (always) hinge on him? For the prompt: Season 12 Au where John was brought back to life instead of Mary. For a short piece this one hits hard, hinting at all the very messy ways that John’s return would be difficult.
These are the days of miracle and wonder (this is the long distance call) Summary: Sam Winchester's life has been touched by many things - love, loss, fear, hope, pain, and always, in the background, witchcraft. Holy shit it’s witch!Sam! I love witch!Sam. I especially love this witch!Sam, which reimagines the entire show a little bit and works so well and is so touching and sweet and sad.
At first I was afraid Summary: Three months after Michael leaves Dean's body, Sam wants to take on a case. Woah. This fic is amazing. It takes place in a soon-to-be-AU Season 14 and explores some of the lasting consequences of Michael but also how they fit into some of the show’s ongoing, unexplored Issues. And have I mentioned that it’s fantastically written and in character?
Wreckage Summary: It’s a slow procession out the front door of the Bunker that first week until it’s just the two of them left. Jack wants to comfort Sam after Michael takes off with Dean but doesn’t know how, and Sam is obsessed with how to get his brother back, no matter what the cost. I’m a sucker for more Sam and Jack content. This one is incredibly sweet and ends with another thing I love, which I won’t spoil.
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ashinan · 7 years
again I went the sappy soft route because Keith’s birthday deserves soft, that boy deserves all the soft, so please enjoy this offering to the Voltron fandom. happy bday, space sweetheart.
home isn’t a place
The mission had gone well for once; Keith had slipped under the radar and planted the bug before the sentries had completed their second rotation. All information was being forwarded to the Blade. The trip back to the base was equally quiet, Keith settling in his seat as he set the flyer to autopilot. Another day, another mission, another stretch of time where Keith was left alone with his thoughts. Biting his lip, he flicked on the console, feeding it through a proxy before selecting the Voltron Coalition promotional videos.
The volume was muted, but Keith knew the words anyway. He’d watched the vids near obsessively, though it did little to fill the ache in his chest at acknowledging his team moving on without him. Shiro leapt into frame, striking a silly pose, and Allura followed after. The sequence was one well known: they would soon pick up the boxed forms of the Voltron Lions and defeat a papier-mâché Zarkon. Flashes of light flared across the screen. Keith tucked his feet up on the seat, chin resting on his knees as he took in his team. Exuberant. Content. Hilarious.
He scrubbed at his eyes.
The ship docked with a quiet hum and Keith shut everything down, wiping the consoles and tugging up his hood. As he swung down, Vrei was waiting for him, leaning against the far wall. Her hood was down, the sharp contours of her face cast primarily in shadow and elongating her nose. She’d decided on a slick salt and pepper Mohawk apparently. She perked up when Keith approached her.
“How’d it go, shortstuff?” she asked, reaching out for the data stick Keith handed her. “Injuries? Fatalities? Vex was surprised when everything remained quiet on the emergency comms.”
“Ha ha,” Keith deadpanned, smiling beneath his mask. Vrei ran her claws under Keith’s hood, scratching at the crown of his head, and Keith leaned into it. “Everything was fine. That should be enough data to tide Kolivan over for at least a few days.”
Vrei chuckled, tapping Keith’s hidden nose. “Have you learned nothing, kit? Leader is never satisfied. He’s always finding ways to make us more miserable.”
Tugging Keith along with her, Vrei led him further into the base. Other Blades wandered by, greeting them both with soft words or nonverbal nods. Vrei kept up a one-sided conversation, her voice low and calming, enough that Keith swayed more than once as fatigue settled in. Vrei caught him by the back of the neck, tucking him close to her side as she continued to talk, the rumble of her voice settling over Keith like a blanket.
The Blade sleeping quarters were close by. Vrei steered them toward it, even as Keith protested over missing the briefing. She scoffed at him, cuffing him gently, before offering to take the information to Kolivan herself. It wasn’t often that Keith was grateful for a break, too afraid of his own thoughts to truly want for quiet, but he leaned against Vrei in thanks. She laughed, pleased and purring.
Pausing at Keith’s assigned quarters, Vrei tugged the hood down and tapped at Keith’s forehead. The mask dematerialized. “Let’s get a look at that pretty face.” She tilted his chin up, glowing eyes scanning his features for anything damaged. Keith allowed it, clenching his jaw to stifle a yawn. Satisfied, Vrei nodded. “Now, there’s a comm and package in there for you, came in on the wire while you were undercover. Get some sleep, and for star’s sake take a shower. We’ll see you at meal prep.”  
“Yeah, yeah,” Keith said, smiling when Vrei dropped her nose to Keith’s forehead before shoving him gently toward the door. It swished open, the dark interior fuzzily lit, before sliding closed behind him.
The Blade had provided him with quarters fit for Galra, not for humans. Well, not the human that Keith pretended to be. In the far corner was a makeshift ‘bed’, a collection of blankets and stuffed pillows that Keith had assembled into something comfortable. The Blade slept with small comforts, though Vrei and Vex had actively collected blankets and pillows from the other Blade members to gift to Keith when he’d first arrived. The gesture had endeared Keith to the both of them.  
Along the side wall near the refreshing room were a series of buttons and sliding panels, housing multiple Blade suits, the soft training outfits, and the only remaining clothes Keith had brought with him. Placed on one of the haphazardly arranged pillows was a comm unit, and beside it a sizeable metal container, tall enough that Keith would have to hop to sit on it.  
Sighing, Keith flopped down onto the bed, picking up the comm unit. If it was Kolivan sending him out again, then there was no point changing just yet. Swiping through to the messages, he scrolled by the general reports from other Blade, searching for anything from Kolivan. Instead, his fingers froze over a message from Voltron.
Sitting up, Keith opened it and tilted the comm unit down, allowing the holo projection to appear in front of him. Hunk and Pidge appeared first, faces too close and squished side by side, before Pidge shoved at Hunk’s cheek and the two of them stepped back. Lance squirmed his way into view. Shiro rolled his eyes behind the three of them, Allura at his side, and Coran yelled from somewhere off frame. With a sigh, Shiro yanked everyone into place, enough that the screen was viewing them all.
Keith scrubbed at his eyes again, balancing the comm unit on his knees as Coran slipped in beside Allura and they all shouted a greeting. Keith smiled, giddy warmth blooming beneath his breastbone. They talked over each other, voices a cacophonous mess that rang in Keith’s ears and settled his muddy thoughts, kicking his heart up. Pidge leapt forward, grabbing the camera and swinging it to her face.
“Listen, Keith, you have to tell Lance that he can’t keep running Red into asteroid fields. She’s going to eject him.”
“She is not!” Lance snapped, shoving Pidge down and out of sight. Her squawk of rage was muffled. “She loves me just as much as Blue does, thank you very much. But dude, dude, she is fast as hell. How you keep up is beyond me.”
Keith laughed, pulling the screen closer. His friends talked over each other, run on sentences bumping into fractured name calling coalescing into everyone just babbling about what Keith had missed. Shiro stood behind them all, a soft smile on his face as his gaze bounced from the group to meet Keith’s eyes, giving a slight wink when Hunk and Lance argued over the finer points of Lion tailgating. Keith reached up and touched the hologram, exhaling sharply when his fingers slid through and the image wavered. It distorted further as his gaze blurred; he dropped his head, hiding his eyes as he listened.
“We’ve sent you a package,” Allura said, talking over the squabble of Pidge, Lance, and Hunk. Keith glanced up. “Apologies, a ‘care’ package. We hope you enjoy it.”
“I threw in some puzzles and baked you some things. Hopefully, they’ve kept.” Hunk lifted a hand, counting off. “Cookies, a cake of some sort, those weird veggie stalks you’re into – oh! I found some seasoning and oils and managed to make some chip like combination. They’re killer.”
Pidge popped up. “Video games. Hunk and I finagled together a portable system with some of the older Earth games. It should keep you from getting too bored between missions and help keep you from becoming all work, no play. We know how you get.”
“General care products,” Lance drawled, hanging between Pidge and Hunk. “You’re stupid bad at actually taking breaks, my dude, but you gotta try the stuff I sent you. It will change your life, I promise.”
Shiro stepped forward, placing a hand on Pidge’s head. “There are a few extra items in there from all of us, just things to show we’re still thinking of you. We hope your missions are going all right.” Shiro’s voice dropped, soft and wistful. “We miss you around here. Come visit when you can, okay? You’re always welcome home.”
Ducking his face down, Keith thumbed over the hologram, uncaring as it wobbled. Home. The image froze on all their faces, open and earnest and loving, tinged blue and smiling for Keith. He smiled back, wiping at his wet cheeks as he laughed. His chest was warm, the hollow ache filled and covered completely.
Hitting replay, he balanced the comm unit on a pillow and stood, poking at the metal container. As Lance and Hunk went into the particulars about a move they used on a Galra fleet that caused a chain reaction, the container opened with a hiss of displaced air. Wrenching the top off, Keith removed the bumper sheet.
Quietly, reverently, Keith unpacked the box. When the recording stopped, he restarted it, drowning in the humming cadence of his friends’ voices. Inside, he found Hunk’s gifts, puzzles of various colours and sizes, containers filled to the brim with fresh baked goods and recipe cards in case Keith wanted to recreate them. He popped a chip into his mouth, groaning in surprise as barbeque exploded over his tongue. He shoved three more into his mouth before wiping his fingers off on his suit.
The console Pidge talked about was tucked into an incredibly soft towel, its pattern a vibrant red slashed with black accents. The console was palm sized and compact, but when unfolded amounted to a screen about the size of a small TV with a holographic keyboard. Pidge hadn’t been kidding about the games: there were over six hundred and thirteen titles. Each game was completed with a high score and Pidge’s name. Keith grinned. Challenge accepted.
Lance’s gift was wrapped up in an elegant gift basket, tied with a ribbon and crinkly tissue paper. Rolling his eyes, Keith sliced through the thin paper with his knife, startling at the flood of scent that immediately rushed him: trees after rain, fruity bubble bath, a woodfire crackling. Breathing in deep, Keith dropped the basket on the bed and dug out the rest of Lance’s items. A robe made of silken fabrics and brilliant red, a strange device that Lance had scribbled ‘FEET’ on, and a small shaving and haircut kit.
Beneath, blankets pillowed the bottom. When Keith yanked them free, he was startled into recognizing his own blanket from his room back on the Castle. A single pillow, fluffy and slightly indented, rolled out onto the bed. His pillow. His favourite one. Wrapping the blanket around his shoulders, Keith arranged the pillow into his makeshift bed, squishing his fist into the material and laughing dizzily.  
Once satisfied, Keith peered into the bottom of the container. There were a series of smaller boxes, arranged carefully. Unpacking each was an adventure, Keith nearly toppling into the crate as he unearthed each one. The packages were tied off with different coloured ribbons, likely symbolizing each Paladin. There was another box, thing and long, at the very bottom. Deciding ‘fuck it’, he leapt into the container and tossed it out, snickering at the image he likely made. Shiro would get a kick out of it for sure.
Climbing out of the container, he settled back on the bed, tucking his blanket beneath his thighs as he collected the gifts. He started with the green one, tearing into it and finding a small earpiece placed delicately upon foam material. A note was attached to it from Pidge, scrawled instructions that Keith glanced over before fitting the ear piece in. A thin holographic appeared over his right eye, frequencies scrolling by. She’d gifted him an encrypted space cell phone.
The yellow gift was heavy and tall, enough that Keith had to rise to his knees just to rip it open. Inside were holopads upon holopads, and a small machine with a note from Hunk attached to it. Glancing over it, Keith raised a brow and removed his knife from its sheath, dropping it into the machine with aplomb. It beeped, the top closing, and hummed quietly while Keith waited. When it was complete, the machine beeped again, top opening. The blade was pristine. Only Hunk would develop a blade cleaning machine. Keith chuckled.
The blue and pink ribboned gift was smaller, though no less bulging. When Keith opened it, blankets popped out, spilling over his lap. The fabric was ridiculously warm, thick and comfortable. The note was a mixture of Allura and Lance’s style, sentences running over each other, but the sentiment was the same: space was cold and Keith needed proper insulation. His heart warmed.
The final gift, the thin, black box, Keith unwrapped carefully. Inside was a smaller box and a shimmering blade made of silver hued metal. The sword was double edged and gleaming, ending in a wicked tip. Gold accents burnished the metal; purple and gold fabric twined around the handle. Keith’s mouth went dry. Gently, he drew his fingers over the side of the blade, expecting the cut but only finding a dull edge. Decorative, likely, but could be used if sharpened. Excited, Keith hefted the blade, dazed by the balance and ease with which it settled in his palm. He settled it in the cushy blanket and picked up the smaller box, shaking it slightly.
When he pulled the black ribbon aside, Shiro’s note was the first thing he saw. Beneath it were a series of packages, all garbled with alien languages. Glancing over the note, he laughed at Shiro’s rambling excitement about alien rations that didn’t taste like sawdust bound with Elmer’s glue, as well as the second request for Keith to come home. As he dug through the package, eyebrow raised at some of the pictures on the labels, his fingers brushed hard glass. Tossing most of the ration packages beside him, he unearthed four small glass frames.
Frames with pictures.
Gently, Keith ran his fingers over the edges of the glass. Each picture was of him with another Paladin: caught between Lance and Hunk hugging him, Pidge on his back demanding rides, Allura pushing his mouth up to make him smile. Shiro with his arm wrapped around Keith’s neck, tugged close and head thrown back in laughter. His fingers shook. Stars above, he missed them. His friends. His family.   
Sucking in a breath and shoving his palms against his eyes to halt the tears, Keith collected himself. Once he was certain of his composure, he reached for the comm unit. Clicking over to a reply vid, he set it up so that his face was no longer in shadow, the blanket clear on his shoulder. Contentment softened the bruises beneath his eyes. With his gifts around him, he hit record and smiled.
“Thanks for the message and the presents, guys. I miss you all too.”
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kazziemuse · 7 years
Hey Arnold! The Jungle Movie - Review!
My History with Hey Arnold!
Hey Arnold! It’s about time! Before I dive into the Jungle Movie itself, a note from history and the person writing this review. At the time of this writing, I am 29 years old. Yes, I am a late 80’s baby! And with that, I grew up in the 90’s…When we didn’t all have cell phones, the internet, online multiplayer gaming, and going outside to explore was daily life. What else was good about the 90’s? The cartoons…and, one specifically? Hey Arnold.
I remember at the time, Hey Arnold was a new thing in 1996. It would air during a two-hour time slot dedicated to after school cartoons called CITV. My Nan would pick me up from school at 3:00pm, and we would be home by 3:30pm, just missing the first cartoon. That was ok though, because beyond all else, my favorite by far was Hey Arnold. I used to sit with my Nan watching, and because Hey Arnold was SUCH a real-life show, it got my curiosity running wild. There was so much in this show that grabbed me, that taught me and that made me feel certain emotions for the first time. I would spend hours thinking about episodes and bugging my nan with questions about what we just saw. It must have driven her crazy.
In the many years that I watched CITV after school, not many cartoons from that time period stood out to me as well, apart from of course…Hey Arnold. And, I have fond memories of watching it with my Nan who, sadly passed away in the year 2000. I was 12 years old.
Hey Arnold “concluded” a few years later. And while I still loved the show, I was starting to move onto other things. Still waiting for TJM which, never came. In those early days of dial up internet, it was hard to find information if you didn’t know what you were doing. And thus, I entered my teenage years with the Hey Arnold book closed…But, for how long?
Fast forward to my early mid-twenties. OMG life, right? Real life? This sucks. Crisis after crisis…Let’s try and dive back into something that gave me some good feelings and thoughts. I know! I will dive back into some cartoons…Lets rewatch some childhood favorites, such as Recess and Hey Arnold.
Re-watching the Hey Arnold series as an adult was like watching a different show entirely. The emotion, the truth about how life can be so cruel, the real world problems these characters faced and most of all, Helga’s undying love for Arnold which of course, I shipped immediately. After finishing the Journal, I was devastated to find out the story of TJM being cancelled. I researched, signed the petitions and with little hope of Hey Arnold ever coming back…I counted my blessings and moved on into other fandoms, which would consume the next 5-6 years in terms of obsessions.
It wasn’t until about two years ago, I stumbled across the news that TJM would happen. And honestly? I was excited but not ecstatic. I had moved on and completely obsessed with other fandoms. More TJM information started to fly around, and I slowly started to become obsessed again. It’s only really in the last year or so, that I have re-watched the whole series, followed the news and subscribed to YouTubers. And with that, I’m hooked again.
Leading up to The Jungle Movie
So, with my history with Hey Arnold covered, was that really important? Yes! Because like many of fans, it’s a story of growing up with this show and how returning to the things you loved can bring back the same happiness. But now it’s time to dive into The Jungle Movie!
Where to begin? Craig gave us so much insight to this movie to get one internally screaming! But, at the same time, he didn’t reveal too much as to give us the whole plot. The balance was truly perfect. We would have the answers that we wanted. Where are his parents, and would Arnold and Helga ever be?
SDCC 2017. The first sneak peek is shown and boy! I remember that afternoon so well. My heart was skipping beats watching. Look at this! Look at the animation, how spot on the voices are, look at how true they are to the original characters. It felt like an absolute dream! No revival can be this good? Can it? The more and more footage and screenshots that got released…The more and more I got obsessed and excited. Honestly, at first I wasn’t too keen on Arnold and Helga’s animation. I felt at times it was too different from the main series, especially Helga. That point aside, we were still getting The Jungle Movie soon! And I’m sure it’s not going to ruin anything for me. Hell, it might even grow on me!
In the leading months and weeks to TJM being aired, it had become my main obsession again. Craig’s weekly to daily Instagram posts became something I kept checking my phone for; the previews got me running from my desk at work to a toilet, so I could watch and fangirl in private. This was amazing! I knew this ship would soon be canon! But also, we would find out the answer to the biggest Hey Arnold Mystery of all time: Arnold’s parents.
By now, I was part of Facebook groups, being as active as possible in YouTubers live streams, meeting other fans at ComicCon, and the best part…Making friends within the Hey Arnold community. I was so ready for The Jungle Movie.
The Jungle Movie
As a 10-year-old watching the show back in season 1, I would’ve had a glass of orange juice. Now, as a 29-year-old watching the premier of The Jungle Movie for the first time, I had a glass of wine in hand. The movie kicked off, and the palpitations in my heart were disturbing my comfort. But I didn’t care, Arnold was back on my screen for the first time in many years.
The first dream sequence was painful and emotional. He finds them, but they keep leaving him? This must be a huge fear for him. The wine is needed and straight away this film is grabbing me, it had my emotions from the first scene. Buckle up girl…It’s going to be a long night! Arnold subsequently wakes up, and the main plot of the film is evident. But, this is a cartoon! Cartoons are meant to be funny! Luckily, Hey Arnold has that balance of comedy and emotion, because here enters Grandpa and Grandma to smooth over that first hill of feels. The boarders haven’t changed apart from a slight change in voice, but nothing that’s upsetting. And a pig eating bacon? No I quite agree, that is not ok haha!
With Arnold meeting Gerald on his stoop with friendship thumb wiggle, accompanied by familiar backing of jazz music, it’s apparent that Hey Arnold has kept that original vibe. And I couldn't be more excited to see what was in store! Like bumping into Helga in the next scene. Classic! Helga’s introduction into the movie was our typical old Helga. Leaving her temporary home at the beeper emporium while arguing with her father Bob.
The Jungle Movie has aged with the current time in terms of technology. The characters are only a year older from the original series. Beepers (or, pagers as they are known here in the UK) are not a ‘thing’ anymore with the ever-growing cell phone industry. A small but clever gag was Phoebe explaining what a beeper actually was to our younger audience watching. On another note, Bob’s company is failing as beepers are now obsolete. You get what you deserve Bob!
We see our main characters bump into each other just like tradition. Helga’s behavior hasn’t changed (thankfully). She is still love struck, but quickly raising her defensive walls (shout out to Francesca Marie Smith for keeping her character so true). But one thing that really struck me about this encounter was Arnold. He was reacting to her differently as he would in the original series. Instead of his normal frustration at Helga scolding him, he just smiles, offers to help her up and laughs to her attempts to push him away. “Whatever you say, Helga” with an almost flirtatious look on his face. Wait WAIT, why is he acting like this? Is this a call back to him knowing her feelings after the confession at FTi? Very interesting!
We move onto what seemed like a classic episode of Hey Arnold. Arnold and Gerald working as a team to win a contest. Helga scheming to help then win in a hope to win his affection, and ultimately them winning leading onto the main plot of the movie. I thought this was an incredibly clever call back. It was like being back in that Hey Arnold magic. It felt so true and pure to the original series.
Arnold Shortman, A 10-year-old signing his passport and confirming a long term mystery of his surname. Which was right under our noses for the last 20 years. So, Mr. Shortman, you promised your Grandpa not to search for your long lost parents. Your grandma is hilariously dressed up as a Jungle explorer. Keeping her wacky antics is nothing but a pleasure to watch. Are you ready to go? What could possibly go wrong?
Olga is coming! What could possibly be worse for Helga? Again, the writing stays true to the original show. Helga living in Olga’s shadow and being neglected by her father in favor of Olga. Sad but true. I feel that the amount of neglect Helga experiences from her dysfunctional family reflects on the way she feels her emotions so strongly. She has a lot of love to give and just wants to be loved in return. She is so used to disappointment and neglect which is why she puts up her defensive walls and bullies people away. She doesn’t want to get hurt. The only thing she can express is anger. I feel that is why it is so difficult for her to show the real love filled Helga. She is expressing herself in the only way she knows possible that will keep her safe. But over time we see her brave enough to let her true self seep through…More on this later!
We see our favorite class of PS 118 saying goodbye to parents and loved ones. A huge call out to Mr. Simmons, who is saying goodbye to his gay partner. We don’t see LGBT awareness much in cartoons. As someone who is part of the LGBT community myself, I felt this was a very warming addition. Thank you Craig and team! On the subject of Mr. Simmons… How hilarious was he with his agenda? From the fictional city of Hillwood, to the fictional country of San Lorenzo, my friends, welcome to the jungle.
Here we are guys, after how many years, speculation and imagination…We are finally here with Arnold and his class in San Lorenzo! But remember to be at the docks at 3:00pm to catch the boat down river. Our captain is Eduardo; anything suspicious about him? Many of us from the get-go were suspicious about “Eduardo.” Now here he is, in front of us ready to pilot this boat, and straight away he is fixated on Arnold. And what the hell did he say about tuna anyway? (Yes, I know it was Fortune ;)) Sure, it COULD be his parent’s best friend. We don’t actually have any recent images of him and he may have aged…I mean…He seems friendly, welcoming and genuine. So far anyway, right? But we all know…this “Eduardo” fellow has a huge part to play and we all know it’s not going to be in Arnold’s favor.
It’s our PS118 students as funny as they were 15 year ago. And, I for one am so happy to see them keeping us entertained with their old antics. Arnold, however, is away from his friends and with “Eduardo,” speaking of his parents and hoping to find some answers. But remember, he promised not to go looking for them and Arnold is a boy of his word…right?
I felt Arnold was more out of character than anyone in this movie. But who can blame him? He has the opportunity that he has waited for his whole life: to find his missing parents. With such an opportunity, Arnold takes a risk under false assumptions, which inevitably leads himself and his friends to danger.
Speaking of Arnold being out of character and his development…something stuck out to me and few other fans about his behavior towards certain friends. We see Arnold obviously concerned for his friends’ safety and how he is struggling to keep composed after he is sworn to secrecy by “Eduardo.” Gerald, his best friend of whom Arnold never hides anything from, is the first to confront him. And to my shock, Arnold hides the truth even though Gerald is not oblivious to the fact something is going on…Arnold?
Instead, Arnold opens up to Helga…HELGA. And poor Helga…she has struck up the courage to finally (and again) confront Arnold about her feelings. Hoping that her efforts to get him there to San Lorenzo had nudged at his heart strings, Helga is frustrated when Arnold opens up about his fears of getting his friends in danger while he plans to look for his parents. Again, he opens up to Helga, and not Gerald. Is this maybe a sign of his feelings and trust in her?
We can understand Helga’s frustration and feels of rejection when Arnold dodges out again of her confession. Even though technically, they were having two completely separate conversations. Helga takes this as the last straw. To all of our gasps, she gives up all hope of Arnold retuning her feelings and destroys the most precious thing in her possession since day 1: her heart shaped locket of Arnold. Devastating right? Brainy?
The vibe of the movie is certainly starting to take a turn into unfamiliar territory. Craig Bartlett said, “Friendships will be tested,” and I guess, these are those tests. When you think things couldn't go anymore wrong for our gang, well…it does. They are attacked by river pirates. Eduardo, claiming Lasombra is behind the attack, tells Arnold to hide and forget about his friends…hmm…still trust him, Arnold? By this point, any trust I had in this guy was completely gone.
Epic sword battles, fights and rapids. Our PS 118 friends take the most dramatic journey of their lifetime. Clinging on for dear life, we are all on the edge of our seats hoping that no one falls overboard…Even Curly, who is having the time of his life up on the crows nest. After a rough ride, we end up ship wrecked. We can breathe a sigh of relief that no one is thrown overboard, apart from poor Eugene. But who didn’t see that one coming? But never fear, He’s ok! As he is his own lifeboat.
With some truths coming to light about Arnold being involved with why the attack happened, trust and friendships begin to suffer. It was heart breaking seeing Arnold being avoided by his friends…Only “Eduardo” there to help him up during their long-suffering hike to the safety of the camp. But for me, Rhonda absolutely stole the spotlight here… Come one, We are all Rhonda…taking selfies, refusal to part with one’s luggage and being absolutely traumatized at the thought of hiking through the jungle. Her reactions and deliverance had me laughing so hard. That is certainly something I would like to see more of in Hey Arnold future.
The montage of our PS 118 class traveling through the jungle was a chance to demonstrate some of our characters individually. It was fun to see Nadine having the time of her life collecting weird and wonderful bugs, Sid crying on the floor after the unfortunate demise of his beetle boots (good call back there), and Rhonda struggling to just do…well anything. These kids never fail to make me laugh, even today! They all have something special and individual about them.
We are about halfway through the movie now, and if you made it this far, thank you for sticking with me! Now, let’s move on to what we have suspected all along…“Eduardo,” right? Wrong…if you didn’t suspect something of this guy, then go back and watch again, because this guy had something about him from the get-go. Our “Eduardo” is actually none other than the film’s villain…Lasombra. DUN DUN DUNNNNNN.
We then learn the true intentions of the class trip to San Lorenzo. It was all a scheme conducted by Lasombra just to get Arnold there. Unfortunately for our football headed amigo…he’s already put a lot of his trust in this guy. And he was wrong to trust someone who won’t give out a Wi-Fi password.
As the story continues, I felt nothing but mixed emotions. I found myself laughing, and then soon wiping tears from my eyes. We have so many sad moments that tug at our heart strings. Helga’s monologues expressing her love for Arnold have always been some of the most rewarding scenes from the whole Hey Arnold series. The writing and deliverance from Francesca is nothing short of spectacular, and let’s face it. We’ve all been there! Arnold giving up whilst in-prisoned hit me so hard. His voice was full of regret and defeat. Arnold, the boy who is always so optimistic, has given up.
It takes Helga to talk him out of his depressive state, and to accept the challenges ahead of them. Helga is already sticking to her guns and coming out of her comfort zone to assist Arnold. Seeing her comforting him and really being there to offer her support, which Arnold accepts is just so heart-warming! A sign of things to come with these two? Maybe.
Secret pathways, using beepers to create a homing beacon, and a pig eating shrimp cocktail in first class? The only thing missing from this movie is violence…wait no, it’s got that as well. I was surprised to see such brutal deaths of Lasombra’s guards. Although it’s kept fairly ‘clean’ with no blood (thankfully), we do see a guy getting hit by multiple arrows, one guy plummet to his death, and another bunch of guys getting crushed by rocks. That’s quite a few on screen ‘implied’ deaths. Who said TJM had no action?
I doubt this movie could mess me up more than it already had, but boy was I wrong. The emotions were about to kick into overdrive, and I have only had 1/4 bottle of wine left by the time Arnold, Helga and Gerald had found the Green Eyes. The answers to all our questions of the past fifteen years were soon to be revealed. As a long time fan of the show, it was so special getting to see these mysterious beings for the first time. The way they acted, spoke, lived and looked was something one could only imagine for all this time. Not only were we about to get our answers, but so was Arnold.
The hidden city of the Green Eyes was absolutely spectacular. The animation and the amount of detail put into this habitat was an eye saw which dropped jaws. We soon learn of the heartbreak that happened to this society: the adults were all asleep…for the past nine years! While nine years of sleep sounds like a luxury to most of us, joking aside, for these kids they have been functioning on their own for all that time. We start to learn about the final moments recorded of Arnold’s parents: the murals. WOW, was this hard-hitting. It’s the first sign of his parents that this poor kid has had in years, and you can tell just how desperate he is for answers.
The final pieces of the puzzle were starting to fall in place. It was just down to Arnold to do that final act. The problem being, it’s still a puzzle. And Arnold has no idea what to do. Before he can even start to figure it out…yep, what we were all waiting for: Lasombra.
Now, how many of you expected a young chief to throw a blade at Lasombra…A BLADE. I mean how badass was that? Followed by our trio and gang of Green Eyes kicking the wind out of this guy, unfortunately he was armed with a sword, and no one wants to go up against that unarmed. So, we all know what’s going to happen now. Lasombra is going to take what he came for with Arnold in tow.
Dragging an unwilling Arnold by his side, Lasombra reaches the (classic) rickety old wooden footbridge with the certain death plunge below. As they cross, we see Helga and Gerald appear behind them. Despite Arnold’s warnings and pleads, Helga and Gerald continue without any considering for their own safety. I mean wow, this thing is hanging by a thread, and these two kids are attempting to cross just to save Arnold. Can we get a round of applause for completely bravery and loyalty here? But this is a cartoon, that bridge won’t snap right? RIGHT?
Arnold has a dilemma in front of him. He has to solve this puzzle fast before his friends plummet to their deaths. OK that’s cool…it’s not like I’m already on the edge of my seat or anything. Arnold faces the Corazón with his amulet in tow. Sweat pouring down his head and full of determination to save his friends, we see his green eye tracing the steps needed to unlock the treasure inside. Once unlocked, Arnold is pushed to aside and Lasombra looks directly at the heart of gold in all of its pure beauty. Unfortunately for him…he is not as pure and ends up with a poisonous dart in his forehead.
Screaming in pain and heading for the cliff edge which, he inevitably falls off, (yeah byeeeee). Arnold is finally free to help his friends who are still clinging on for dear life. Our hero slips, falls and only just manages to grab onto the same plank Gerald and Helga are clinging onto. Now, top up that glass of wine here guys, because this is where is I almost downed a whole glass. Arnold and Helga meet each others eyes and they just widen. You didn’t need any dialog to know what was going through their heads here. Arnold was finally seeing Helga for her true self, her bravery, her loyalty and that she really does love him. Here they are about to die, and all of this is too late to act upon. They just stare at one another waiting to die, talking only with their eyes. Would somebody please throw them a life line before I jump at my TV?
That life line is finally delivered from the REAL Eduardo, and I can finally breath. There is hope! One thing that grabbed me about what happens next, while Eduardo starts explaining what has happened and how he has been following them. Helga is taken in by the Corazón. Now, I remember back in The Journal, Miles stating to not to look directly into it because they say it’s too sacred. But yet here is our girl Helga…mesmerized and staring directly at it with her hands placed on her heart. No poisonous darts being fired at her. Yes…I was worried for a moment there.
Of course, Lasrombra isn’t dead and climbs his way back up the mountain to finish what he started. With the two fully grown adults getting into a fight over a mustache, pushed and thrown. Helga is the first to run in to assist dragging a bag to place over Lasrombra’s head and using her fist “Old Betsy” to smash him in the face a good few times. This girl is just outstanding and an overall badass. Unfortunately, we see the Corazón fall off the cliff edge to be lost(?). Lasombra finally meets his ends once the poison takes its final effect and he once again falls to his death. “He died like he lived, full of poison.” 10/10 for the sass there Eduardo.
From one heart wrenching scene to another. Now, with Eduardo in tow, he is able to translate the native Green Eye’s language. Once back at the hidden city, Arnold is finally told his parents are there, and that the Green eyes will take them to where they lie. Um, Excuse me? Where they LIE? Could that mean? No…you can’t do this to me…after all these years and the last hour of pure emotional feelings. You’re now going to tell me they are laying there peacefully? I honestly by this point was on invested into the story being told that I hadn’t put two and two together like most of you have already. Instead, I was off my sofa bitterly nose to my TV in suspense to finally find out what happened. As Arnold entered the room, seeing them there pale-faced, sleeping so peacefully hand in hand…I whispered no to myself while a stream of tears started running down my face. I was literally Arnold by this point. After all those years here they are…And here is Arnold seeing them for the first time.
“Are they-?” No, It’s the sleeping sickness. OF COURSE! Wait that means…they are alive? They are alive? I actually laughed as I let out a small laugh in relief. And no, I really didn’t catch on that they had caught the sleeping sickness, not in 15 years. As it was explained that the Corazón was the cure, my heart fell again. But no, it can’t end like this, There HAS to be a way right? Seeing Arnold crying over his parents’ lifeless bodies while Helga and Gerald look on in complete shock was heart breaking. But of course, our girl Helga has a solution.
I honestly didn’t know how Helga would fix this. They knew what they needed and what they had to do. But, they had lost the Corazón. When Helga approached Arnold with a possible solution, I fully expected her to hand him the Corazón. I thought maybe she had taken it while she was staring at it. That was the only thing my mind could muster in those few seconds. I never expected her to open out her hands and present Arnold her golden locket with his picture in. That object that has been a huge symbol of her life for so many years, she is sacrificing so much in that one moment. It’s not only her most precious possession, it’s her true identity. Everything she has kept hidden and inside for so long was out on offer to help Arnold.
This selfless act was causing more and more tears to flow from my eyes. I later thought about this more in depth and theorized the following: Helga mentions her locket is just gold plated and it’s not pure of heart. Now, how would Helga know the Corazón was a pure heart? And anything in its place would need to be pure? Because she stared into the Corazón and felt that pureness. This is why I think she didn’t get a poisonous dart shot at her. Because of that connection with pure hearts, and Helga’s heart is a pure as they get.
Helga doesn’t think highly enough of herself to feel that her locket will work. It takes Arnold to give her that push in confidence and guys, this couldn’t have been more cuter or tear jerking if they tried. “I think your heart is more pure than you know.” He finally understands her.
Pure hearts, loyalty, dedication, love, friendship, determination and Brainy being a saint in retrieving Helga’s locket got us to where we are now. We are about to witness what we have all wanted from Hey Arnold in so many years. Helga’s locket worked, and the cure rains down upon those in deep slumber. Butterflies start to flourish as the cure takes effect. Does that mean? Arnold runs to his parents’ chamber with the most dramatic heart sobbing music in the background. This was it, finally the moment we had all be waiting for, his parents…Arnold parents, of whom have been missing for nine years with no contact. In front of Arnold eyes, they wake from a deep slumber and the first thing they see is their baby. Hey, Arnold. His eyes replicate my own as he runs towards them. He did it, and I couldn’t be more happy even though I was a sobbing mess with no wine left.
The story was concluded. The mystery which lingered for over a decade was now solved. Arnold stood with his parents and celebrated along with the Green Eyes. Miles and Stella’s work was finally complete. It’s a sight we all wished we could see for so long. But our hero wasn’t there? And even after just being reunited with his parents, Arnold noticed Helga sneaking off. Helga was trying to retrieve her locket, which I thought was both a funny and sweet touch. Because after everything, that locket still symbolizes so much to her. After being interrupted by Arnold, Helga still tries to put on her tough girl front and hides her true self still, but Arnold is no longer blind to who Helga really is. With his words, we know that Arnold is seeing through her, seeing the real Helga and finally, after seeing her being so brave, loyal and willing to give up so much for him, he is ready to accept her love.
Even though Arnold didn’t outright say how he feels about Helga, I am a true believer of actions speak louder than words. We have seen how Arnold has acted towards Helga his entire movie. He silenced Helga, she literally had no come or no way out for the first time ever. His act of confirming how he feels about her is sweet beyond words. He takes her hands and offers her a mutual kiss like a true gentleman. The two of them share a moment with their lips locked, and it couldn’t be more beautiful. I was almost angry when Gerald walked interrupted the moment.
The adventure was over. Arnold wakes up in his bed and he is immediately concerned. Oh no you don’t, do not tell me that was all a dream. I am screaming profanity at my TV whilst a near identical scene is played from the beginning of the movie. Was that really all a dream? Please for the love of raspberries no. Please, please no. Arnold’s eyes widen and fill with tears when he thinks that it was indeed just a dream. But they wouldn’t do that to us…and in come Miles and Stella with breakfast for our forever moaning group of boarders. We have never seen Arnold so happy, Wide smiles and dancing on the spot at the sight of his parents back home. I must admit, I really did hold my breath for a second there!
Seeing Miles and Stella home and comforting Arnold is something I never thought I would see. And here it was. It was the sweetest conclusion and satisfying conclusion to the longest story. I would love to see them spend time together, but it’s the worst day of school. Repeating from one of the first scenes of the movie, we see Arnold and Gerald meeting Helga and Phoebe on the corner. But THIS time, things are a little different. There’s no classic bumping into one another. Gerald and Phoebe lead the way hand and hand leaving Arnold and Helga wondering if they should follow suite. While Arnold does attempt this making Helga (and all of us watching) swoon. Helga still ups her defenses and grabs her hand back. I can understand why people would questions her actions here, but I’m kind of happy they left that part of Helga in. This is still her character and she is not going to change overnight. She still keeps her guard up and she has a lot to learn in accepting Arnold’s effect in public. Still, the fact that she smiles as she walks off is a huge development. And don’t worry folks, Arnold isn’t put off by her…he runs after her with that same flirtatious smiley face.
A nice final touch is Arnold’s parents missing him and offering to walk him to school. That final look from Arnold as he enters his school with all his friends and Mr. Simmons declaring he still has a job after the jungle ordeal…that look in his eyes, looking back at his parents looking for him, waiting for him. And that smile knowing that they are never going to leave him again. THAT my friends is how you end a movie.
Nothing is perfect, but the Jungle Movie sure offers some closure. Every time I watch this film, I notice something new. The amount of detail in the background is admirable. They are like paintings. The texture, the colour, the ambience of them is just beautiful. The background animation of characters is incredibly detailed. Instead of just having a still image, I constantly found background characters to be animated and reacting, especially Helga.
The music in this film was gripping, and well suited for the story. A mixture of classic Hey Arnold style Jazz and hip-hop. South American Latin, full orchestral pieces. The emotion was most certainly intensified with the music backing. Hats off to Jim Lang. In cartoon revivals, one thing that is difficult to recreate are those voices. I can honestly say the returning cast and new cast did an absolute fantastic task of both recreating and advancing the characters. It was like watching an old and new show at the same time.
Overall, The Jungle Movie was everything an old school fan like myself could have hoped for. I am not only incredibly satisfied with what we have been given but, I am also thrilled for those who worked on this project for so many years. The creator, Craig Bartlett and his team and the fans who campaigned to make this happen. It’s a fine example of determination, love and appreciation for one another, which isn’t expressed much in today’s world. I am so happy with The Jungle Movie, and I finally have my closure from this epic story.
I can bet, if my Nan were still around today, she would be the one asking me all the questions. And, while I type up my final words, I feel a small part her sitting with me for the first time in many years.
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sweetwriting · 7 years
How about #71 and timkon(your story are wonderful)
That’s so sweet of you to say this ^^ thank you. I’m sorry it took so long but there’s a part for which I felt like I needed quite a few different PoV and, you know, Holidays timetables XDCategory: Gen/Pre-SlashGenre: Angst / Fluff / FriendshipFandoms: DC Comics, Teen Titans v3, Red RobinContinuity : Post-Crisis/Pre-FlashpointSummary : Prompt Tumblr n°71: « I just did some calculations and I’ve been able to determine that you’re full of shit ». TimKonOr when someone has to come out to someone else and things don’t happen like you’d expect them to.Word Count : 4210 Warning: Internalized Homophobia (the irony when the persons comes out as bi-sexual)To read it on AO3Thanks to my Betas: chonaku-things, @thattimdrakeguy and @emelinewriting  
Tim had arrived at the Kent farm over three hours ago. He loved going to Smallville, it was pretty peaceful despite the few abnormal cases here and there. Of course Tim was a city person at heart but he couldn’t deny the soothing effect the place had on him every time he just step foot out of the Bat-Plane (he was still trying to get one of his own). However, unlike what he had come to expect during his past few visits, he hadn’t seen hide nor hair of his best friend ever since. Or rather, he had gotten a quick hug he barely noticed and a swift “I gotta finish a few things and I’ll be all yours” and no sign of life since then.
It was very strange because the routine usually went like this: Tim finished his patrol around 3 AM, he took his plane and let it lead him to the farm on autopilot. Since he made sure to go at a “cruise pace”, it took him over four hours to get there and he used the opportunity to sleep a little before arriving. He would then help Conner with his chores -not that he needed it but it became fun when they did it together and it forced Conner to work without using his powers too much. The amount of help Tim was allowed to give mostly depended on whether Conner had school or not because Conner had to be finished before his classes started. They would then go get breakfast with Ma and simply talk about the weather or Tim’s work with his Neon Knight Program or Conner’s school friends or anything under the sun.
At first, he had tried to go help but every time he reached one of the “chore check points” as they called them, Conner disappeared. So Tim gave up. He obviously would have been worried had he not heard Conner in the distance or seen Ma roll her eyes when she had seen Tim try to run after the noise.  However, it did frustrate him.
It was the seventh time Tim spent a big week end at the Kents’. The seventh time in over three months. He was starting to spend almost as much time here as he did in Gotham and he hadn’t felt this good in literal years. Whether it was reconnecting with his best friend (or him being alive in the first place), having much more downtime in a quiet setting, or simply being around Ma, it did wonders for his health (mental or otherwise). He and Conner usually left for the Teen Titans’ tower after Conner had finished school, or after they had lazed around depending on their mood (the official time they were supposed to be there was Saturday morning since the training sessions started at 6 sharp so they had time). Then they returned to Smallville on Sunday nights and Tim left for Gotham the day after. He was close to patting himself on the back for finding such a great way to organize his time. Still, the change was really frustrating.
Tim had never been a very patient person…quite the contrary to be honest. He had learned to act as if he were patient and was usually good at fooling people into thinking he was but the truth here was that Ma seemed both amused and pitying at the sight he gave her with the small twitching of his eyes, and fingers and his body in general, itching to go ask his supposedly BFF “what the Hell” was going on for him to chose to ignore Tim the way he was.Ma had been a great host (as opposed to her nephew/son) and while talking about the latest “news” in their lives (How was Dick fairing?, How was their relationship?; Had Alfred’s patience with all of the Bats finally gone thin enough for him to snap? or Was Cass going to come back home in America for good), they had made hot chocolate and eaten some cookies. It was truly nice of Ma to deal with him like this and he felt awful for being distracted but he had come to spend time with Conner and the boy’s absence was starting to get on his nerves.
It took another hour before Conner deigned showing up again and dared ask them if they hadn’t missed him too much. At which point he froze and said he had to go buy something somewhere (he had mumbled so low Tim hadn’t been able to really make out what Conner had said) and before Tim could tell him he was coming with, Conner had disappeared. Again.It was becoming really, really frustrating.
It took two more hours for Conner to come back and Ma had to force him to stay.She had asked Tim to get the waffle iron down in the basement, obviously, so she could talk to his best friend as she had watched Tim’s good mood at finally seeing his BFF face to face after a few weeks, sour with each passing minute of Conner’s running away from him.Tim decided to wait a few minutes before going back. He took the time to give up his badly kept façade and let his insecurities to the forefront of his mind (not that he had managed to keep them away in the first place but he had managed to mostly ignore them in favor of talking with Ma)
Mostly, it was about reviewing what he could have done during their last meeting to make Conner want to run away from him like that. Had he really done something worth his best friend avoid him? As far as he knew he hadn’t acted differently from the way he usually did. But what else could it have been? On their last mission, Tim had behaved the same way he usually did: running in with what some would call a half-baked plan but Tim called an adjustable plan. No one had gotten especially hurt. He had used Conner’s name instead of his code name but it was far from unusual (and Conner was as bad with his). After that, they had come back to Smallville and watched TV while Tim fell asleep on the first episode of Cissie’s character on Wendy the Werewolf Stalker. Was this why Conner was avoiding him? Because he fell asleep during Wendy? On an episode with Cissie in it? But that wasn’t possible. Conner had never held a grudge against Tim’s lack of passion for the show (he liked it just fine, but didn’t see the point of obsessing over it), he was also less obsessed himself than he had been a few years ago. He actually missed it a little.So maybe not acting differently was the problem.Had Conner gotten tired of dealing with Tim’s issues? Of Tim’s refusal to see a therapist?No. He would have told him. A big part of their friendship’s strength was their ability to communicate about everything whether they needed it or not even if they had needed a little push sometimes (though that was mostly at the beginning of their friendship and when Conner had come back, or really, when Tim had come back).Or was it Conner who did something he shouldn’t have? And he was afraid, ashamed or embarrassed to tell Tim? But even then, their “problem solving” communication still applied.
He was broken out of his introspection when Ma called for him. He went up the stairs to see that Ma had already left and Conner’s upper half was spread on the kitchen counter, face hidden in his arms. Tim’s eyes lingered on them for a few seconds, thinking that if Conner kept on getting bigger without getting taller he would end up looking like a mountain made of muscles with eyes on the mountain top.Tim had to force himself to keep from snorting but Conner must have heard something as he lifted his head slightly so his left eye was above arm level before promptly falling back in.
Tim rolled his eyes and put the waffle iron on the table before placing himself on the opposing side of the table so he would be face to face with his best friend. He waited a few second but Conner didn’t seem to want to come out of his shell.It sobered Tim quickly enough. The little smile that was growing on his face disappeared and he started probing Conner :
“What’s going on?”
“Nothing,” came Conner’s muffled reply.
Obviously, he wasn’t going to make it easy for Tim. And he would have tried to be patient. Really. But he had been waiting for Kon for six damn hours. He had been patient enough. So he lifted an eyebrow and replied.
“Well as you told me the last time we had a “talk” ” he said sarcastically, air quoting the word, “I just did some calculations and I’ve been able to determine that you’re full of shit”.
Tim paused and waited for Conner to react, but nothing. Nothing happened. So he took a deep breath.
“You know, if you didn’t want me to come, you could have just told me. It would have saved us both time.”Conner lifted his head, looking as if the thought hadn’t even entered his mind as if he hadn’t thought it would occur to Tim, even if Ma had probably mentioned it? Tim continued.
“I’m pretty sure Ma had other things to do than entertain your guest you know. So if I did something, just tell me.”
Tim barely had the time to finish his sentence that Conner’s hand shot out of his shell-like position to hold onto his wrists. He looked panicked as he started to try and reassure Tim.
“Woah dude, stop right there. You didn’t do anything” then mumbled, “Well, not really”.
This was something that Tim didn’t know how to take. He decided to keep it in a corner of his mind as he asked one of the only other routes the problem may have taken.
“Did you do something?”
Conner cringed slightly and Tim knew he had hit the nail. Then Conner noticed his hands were still on Tim’s forearms and took them back swiftly as if he had been burned. Touch had never really been a real issue between them. Even in their “bro-est” moments they never hesitated to at least grab each other’s arms or at the very least stand in the other’s personal space.  And yet, Conner seemed highly embarrassed, both by Tim’s “accusation” and his own actions, which meant that Tim was going to have to ease Conner in. He put his own hands on Conner’s wrists.
“Conner, hey, it’s okay. It’s just me, you know there’s nothing you can’t tell me right? Even if you’ve suddenly become some sort of man-eating zombie.”
The young man in front of him now looked downright uncomfortable and escaped Tim’s hand, putting his own on his knees. Tim was completely at a loss. Luckily, and despite his reaction, Tim’s little speech seemed to have convinced Conner to start talking.
“Actually, it’s something that you could, kind of, maybe, judge a little…”
Now at this, Tim felt affronted and obviously started to look it as Conner started talking faster.
“Not in a mean way, well kinda, but I mean, there are a couple of stuff you’ve been known to be slightly judgmental about and I, I’m just…I’m prettysureI’mBisexual”.
Tim stopped for a second. Not especially out of shock because he would have needed to actually hear Conner’s word as he had both mumbled and lowered his voice. He couldn’t help a slight smile at Conner’s childish behavior, despite the frustration he was feeling.
“Conner…I know you think I won’t be able to judge you if I can’t hear you but it’s not the solution. If you’re not ready to tell me, it’s okay, I can wait. I just don’t want to let things fester otherwise we both know we’ll never deal with it.”
Conner seemed to calm down slightly at that and took a deep breath.
“Look, it’s not so much that you’re judgmental about this subject in general so much as in an “it’s okay as long as it doesn’t happen to me” kind of way and I’m your best friend so if it happens to me you’re kinda concerned too and I’m afraid it’ll weird you out and make you uncomfortable and….Ok. Here goes. I’m pretty sure I’m bisexual.”
Conner seemed out of breath and averted his eyes and, Tim wanted to tell him it was okay, that he wasn’t weirded out or anything but…he was appalled to find out that he was. At the same time the thoughts that should have and did run through his head like “wasn’t Conner Straight? When had he realized he wasn’t? How had he realized he wasn’t?” went silenced by the shock.But as the seconds ticked by, he saw his best friend shrink on himself and preparing himself to leave, obviously thinking something along the lines of “I knew it was going to end up like this” and Tim was horrified at its truth. And before he realized it, his hands grabbed Conner’s right arm.
Conner looked up, surprised, and Tim cringed a little, lifting his hands, which in turn made Conner cringe and, really, there was way too much cringing for Tim’s tastes and he hated that he was responsible for it.He didn’t know what to say. So he settled for the truth.
“Look, you’re right. I’m weirded out.  But that’s not you that makes me cringe. It’s the fact that I’m weirded out in the first place.” He paused and tried to catch Conner’s eyes, wanting to hold onto his best friend. So his hands went back to Conner’s forearms, holding on for dear life. “Conner, you know you’re the most important person in my life. I mean technically Bruce and Dick are too but with how things are between us, they’ve definitely left 1st place right now. So I might need time to adjust. In part because I have questions like, how did you realize? ‘cause as far as I know, you’ve always been as straight as I am…Though this probably doesn’t work anymore.” Tim could hear himself babble and tried to get back on track.“Look the point is, it’s good. I obviously have an issue, and I realize that now so I can work on it. And if my best friend isn’t a good enough reason for it, then what is? You know, aside from being a decent human being.”
And Tim’s grip tightened more and more around his friend’s forearms. Because one of Tim’s biggest fears was losing his best friend again, in any shape or form and he wasn’t going to let anything, be it a problematic point of vue, get in the way of one of the best things that had happened in his life. And bonus point, Conner seemed to have relaxed a little. At this moment he looked like he needed a hug so bad and, damn, he was already uncomfortable with the idea of giving hugs in the first place (he liked receiving them, loved it even but wasn’t used to initiating them) and this was worse. Why was it worse? Why was it such a big issue for him? It’s not like he really cared who others were attracted to so why was he so uncomfortable when it touched him if it didn’t come from girls, even if it was actually about his best friend. And he was so lost in thoughts he hadn’t realized it when he started speaking.
“Can you give me a hug? I mean I know technically you’re the one who needs it but you know I’ve never really been able to, go for it, and…”
So yeah, Tim hadn’t realized he had started talking until he was engulfed in a bear hug and while it took him longer than usual to relax and return the hug, he still did and that’s what had scared them both, the question they had wanted to know the answer to. Would Tim ever be able to actually get over it? Would things ever truly be okay between them and, if the hug meant anything, it was that it would happen soon enough.
As Tim and Conner settled on the couch a dozen minutes later, Conner kept his hold on Tim while trying to let it be slightly loose, as if to reassure himself his best friend was not going to run away from him. Now that they were in a more comfortable position, Tim started asking some of the questions that had been running through his head.
“So…How and when did you realize you were Bi? Because you’ve always worn your straightness to the point of being quite sexist.”
Conner pretended to think about it, or at least, Tim pretty sure he was pretending as it had probably been quite the concept to think about.
“Well I knew I had a bad case of the Bi when I started being attracted to the AssHat”, Tim rolled his eyes at Conner’s awful pun and was almost mortified by the fact that he actually got Conner’s joke about Zachary Zatara. “Because it couldn’t have been anything else…maybe except frustration. I think I might have started to notice it before I died, without actually noticing it you know. It was that time I said I didn’t want to hold hands…”
Tim startled a little at that and tried to lift his head to look at Conner’s face but merely went from his arm to his chin.
“Oh, that’s why? It was pretty surprising because you never seemed to care before, on the contrary, you were pretty proud to get to show off.”
Conner laughed slightly.
“Yeah I didn’t use to, to be fair you were way more scrawny, no offense”.
Tim smiled wryly, which Conner couldn’t see. He was pretty sure his best friend knew the smile was there though since he continued.
“So as you’ve realized I mostly noticed I wasn’t straight after I came back. And before you ask, the reason I started acting weird last week instead of, well any time before, was because I realized I’m really, truly completely attracted to guys the same way I’m attracted to girls. As in, even my friends are no exceptions…except Bart but that’s for other reasons. And that’s because I noticed you had, in fact, gotten attractive when you fell asleep on my shoulder. It was really embarrassing to think of my best friend as, as hot as Rose is you know”;
Okay so, right moment, wrong conclusion. Tim was ashamed to admit his shoulders stiffened at the mention but he retaliated by holding onto Conner harder. His best friend who had frozen at Tim’s reaction seemed as satisfied as one could be by the situation as he continued.
“So I started acting weirdly as soon as I woke up the day after but since there had been an emergency with the Riddler, you were already gone. And you know it just got weird because it was fine as a “distant” kind of attraction. ‘Cause it’s one thing to make out with strangers, it’s another to realize your closed ones are also susceptible to attracting you. And then it made me question things, like would I end up treating you guys like I do girls? Which, in turn, forced me to reflect on everything Cassie or Roxy ever told me about how sexist I was.And since we’re talking about that, you know I spoke to Huntress that time we helped out against Ra’s Al Ghul and apparently your White Knight syndrome was pretty bad back then. I mean you still have it but in way more nuanced.”
Tim frowned and detangled himself from his best friend in order to actually look him in the eye.
“What do you mean White Knight Syndrome ?”
Conner looked back (and down, damn his height) at him, surprised.
“You didn’t know? That or Knights in Shining Armor are usually used when guys think that, girls need someone to help them because they’re girls, and of course the guys have to be the ones to help them. Like, you know when you see a guy and a girl argue you almost always automatically assume the girl’s being aggressed and fly to her rescue. That one has always been a biiig pet peeve of Cassie.Some of it is hard to notice because you’re naturally paternalistic with almost everyone…Except me ‘cause I kept telling you off”.
They paused in order to settle themselves again, Tim’s face laying on Conner’s right shoulder while Conner held onto him, both trying not to look at each other too much. Neither was willing to complain though and there was no better way either of them could think of for Tim and Conner to get used to each other again. Also, they both loved hugs and that definitely helped.Then Tim startled.
“Wait, if that’s the case then how come no one ever told me?”
Conner looked at him like he was an idiot, or tried to. Tim wasn’t exactly in a position that made it easy for Conner to look at him. It took a few seconds for Tim to get its meaning then he added:
“I meant the sexist thing, not the paternalist one. It’d be hard to forget all our arguments about that back in Young Justice. Not that I’m complaining since they’re probably part of the reason why we’ve become best friends.”
And that was true. It also added the bonus of satisfying his best friend. Or at least, his shoulders relaxed. Not the rest because he didn’t seem to want to let go, as if he was afraid Tim’d run away. It was weird but he did still want to run away a little and that was even weirder so he forced himself to settle his head back on his Clone Boy’s shoulder before starting to slightly relax again.
“Well for Huntress, and most adults I suppose, it was fun to watch baby you think they needed your help, in a very endearing way”, Conner tried to prevent his snicker but couldn’t manage as he detangled himself from Tim to look at the pout he was sure the Wonder Boy would be showing. He continued nonetheless.
“As for the others, it’s because you often end up being right so I don’t think they really notice it besides ‘Damn Rob’s being his paternalistic self again. Double Damn he’s right again!’”
Now Tim was just trying to hide himself in Conner’s chest, becoming more stressed out by the minute.
“So I’m homophobic, sexist? What next? You’re gonna tell me I’m racist?”
Conner stilled for a second before forcing Tim to look at him.
“You’re not racist. You are, however slightly xenophobic. But that’s mostly about food so I’m not sure if it really counts. Still, it’s shocking for someone who’s seen you eat pretty much anything you get your hands on.
If it helps, I’ve been known to be way worse than you on the xenophobic part, especially when I lived in Hawaii. I could be pretty awful you know…Plus the sexism thing. I’ve gotten better over the years, but I admit I kind of went backward on that after Tana’s death.”
“Yeah, I remember.” Tim paused before asking “Is there anything else I should start introspecting about and working on ?”
“Not that I know of. For the sexism stuff you should ask Cassie, or Cissie or one of your sisters rather than me though”
Tim could only acquiesce to this. Conner was obviously not the best person to ask on that particular subject. Maybe they should ask Cissie and Cassie to plan a lesson on this.He had settled back against Conner, the both of them so drained out by the evening that they were starting to fall of sleep when Conner said in a low voice :
“You know that thing with Zatara happened a couple of hours before I saw you when you came back to Gotham. To tell you the truth, that was the first time I found you consciously attractive so I thought it might not have been a good idea for me to return the hug. But then I rationalized it as simply being still shocked by my attraction to that asshole in a top hat, so it was just me transferring that attraction on you because as a person you’re way less repulsive than he is.”
Tim lifted his head to look at Conner with a deadpanned look.
“Thank you, Conner.” Before smiling and shaking his head. “You’re an idiot.”
And he closed his eyes as he settled back, content that his best friend had enough faith in him to come out despite his issues and even if the day had brought its fair share of bad news about his own behavior, he knew it was only going to be for the better on the long term.
Author’s Note: Fun Fact n°1: Tim canonically (as in: it was said in the 2011 character guide) “visits Superboy in Smallville when he wants to get away”. I mean, I despise how they characterize him as a genius (apparently it’s a post 2010/11 thing ‘cause Tim was never called a genius beforehand except for that one time in a newspaper (but I doubt the journalists knew Tim was heavily trained by the Batman)) and ’m also mad that they say “sharp detective skills” used to discover Bruce’s identity when in reality he had a good sense of deduction/induction but it’s the trauma that really allowed him the discovery. (The also legit say Tim and Kon’s friendship started in TT and like…Plz DC stop trying to erase that time of their lives).
Fun Fact n°2: This is based on IRL events from when one of my friends had their best friend come out to them. And when I say based on I mean it’s almost plagiarism.And Spoiler Alert: they have now been dating for 6 years and are happily living together in a drama free, loving and supportive household -which is the both of them and their cat and their dog and their hamster. And that’s what I want for Tim and Kon (for anyone really, everyone deserves a happy and healthy relationship).You know, I often see fanfics about people being entirely accepting or rejecting of people coming out but I rarely see this. When the person is, in theory, pro-equality and truly believes in it but grew up in a hostile environment and they end up having this sort of avoidance reflex. Especially when it comes to homophobia, the person’s always thinking it’s wrong because it’s what they learned and, it is a common type but I thought the kind I wrote here is also dangerous even if it’s more easily surmountable. Plus you know the hug-otherapy (calinothérapie as my friend calls it) was just too adorable to pass out on.
Fun Fact n°3: Kansas’ an hour behind New Jersey so it’s not that I suck at maths XD
Fun Fact n°4: I think the obvious choice for the prompt would be Kon. But I like contradictions so I felt like Tim should say it because…Well, it does fit even in a lesser way. In the end, I felt like I should have them both say it (or, you know, have one of them say it while clearly stating the other’s the one all the readers would have expected).
Ironically I had written most of this when the discourse about Tim’s sexism came out on Tumblr and I applaud the coincidence XD.
BTW I’m still looking for more Betas so if you’re interested don’t hesitate to send me a message
I hope you enjoyed it
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echoslammin · 7 years
Trick or Treat 2017 Exchange Letter
Dear Trick or Treater,
Echoslammin here. This is my first time participating in an AO3 exchange, and I am so very excited!
Please do not feel overly pressured by my prompts. They are merely suggestions based on ideas that came into my head on the spur of the moment. Also, if you feel less than lukewarm towards any of my pairing preferences, please feel free to do something more general. I adore all of these games, and if you're a mutual fan, I'm sure whatever you come up with will be great!
I'm not at all picky as to receiving fic vs art or tricks vs treats. My prompts are open to interpretation for whichever category you prefer.
Super Dangan Ronpa 2 | Liar! Uncover the Truth & Office Deception | Overwatch
DNW: Character bashing, issue fic, Sonia or Gundam being shipped with characters other than each other, Mercy shipped with anyone except Pharah, futa, excessive mention of body fluids and odor in smut
General likes: Humor based on character foibles, crossovers between any of the requested fandoms, video game references of all sorts (memes, poking fun at quirky mechanics, etc.), characters enjoying food together, smut - both explicit or implied
Kinks: Mutual admiration, blushing, couples undressing each other, D/S with praise kink, oral sex, one half of a pairing getting brainwashed/possessed and their partner trying to get through to them with potential dubcon (I think this works particularly well with Dangan Ronpa Despair personas or Devil!Mercy/Possessed!Pharah), I also really love just plain vanilla smut
My tastes generally lean towards fluff and romance, but don't be shy if you'd rather deal with darker themes. I don't consider myself particularly squeamish. All I ask is that you steer clear of my DNWs.
Super Dangan Ronpa 2: Sonia Nevermind, Gundam Tanaka, Ibuki Mioda, Twogami, Chiaki Nanami
As a foolish fool who never got around to playing Dangan Ronpa until 2017, I have to say that I greatly regret having missed out on all the fandom activity over the last several years. That said, I am quite hyped for the upcoming release of Killing Harmony and getting emotionally destroyed all over again.
I am most invested in the SDR2 characters and would love to see your take on them! The two that particularly stole my heart are Sonia and Gundam, and I do ship them. Intensely.  I feel that their relationship has spectacular potential for development in both AU and canon settings, and would love to see them get the spotlight.
I also adore Chiaki as an individual and find Heir Guitar to be truly delightful.
I am most familiar with the DR 1&2 game canon, but feel free to incorporate other source materials like the DR3 anime, Ultra Despair Girls, or Danga Ronpa Zero.
I would love to know what people think Gundam was talking about re: a trip for two to an amusement park in Hell. I know the punchline of that joke was about Sonia's not-so-virgin blood, but seriously, what was the plan?? Alternatively, dates featuring any Halloween-themed setting would be nice
Couples cooking or dining together with mention of how Gundam loves pumpkin or Twogami's discerning taste in fast food
Traditional autumn festivities in Novoselic with your gracious hostess Princess Sonia Nevermind (IIRC her birthday is on Oct. 13th)
Crossover with your favorite horror game. Starring Chiaki, of course
Liar! Uncover the Truth & Office Deception: MCs, Kazumi Kagami, May Akutsu, Reina Miyata 
As soon as I saw this otoge listed in the tagset, I know this exchange was an opportunity I couldn't afford to miss. Since downloading this app on a whim a few months ago, it has become a borderline obsession of mine. In my opinion, the colorful cast and snappy dialogue have made it worth subjecting myself to an inordinate amount of Flirt Time. I adore the MCs, both the feisty takoyaki-obsessed wedding planner and her Office! counterpart the beleaguered cat-loving workaholic. Anything that develops their relationship (romantic or otherwise) with any of the characters listed above would be fantastic.
I can't be the only one who felt that the ending of Office Deception was unsatisfying on a number of levels. Would love to see your headcanon as to how things could have gone differently.  
If writing fic, one thing I prefer is that MC remains nameless. Feel free to just stick with "she/her, they/their, the wedding planner/the leader of D-Team" throughout the narrative. No need for "___"s or a filler name.
Anything referencing Kazumi's career as a mystery writer
Uncover the Truth MC gets assigned to plan a Halloween or occult-themed wedding and the typical shenanigans ensue, complete with an ~Investigation Portion~
In true otoge fashion, Liar! has its share of grisly Bad Endings. It would be fun to see these explored these or see how you would have written/drawn them instead. I have to say, I would have preferred more of them to turn out like Office Deception's 6th Liar Bad Ending (if you know what I mean...) 
Overwatch: Mercy
Angela Ziegler is a character that I simply adore. I love how she portrays the classic Kind Healer archetype while still having her own unique quirks and the occasional line of snark. Rocket Angel is my Overwatch OTP, but since Pharah is not on the nom list, I certainly won't push the issue.
I do like slice-of-life stories and general doctor-patient interactions with the rest of the cast.
I am naturally a big fan of Devil/Witch Mercy, whether it's shown in a "cute costume" or "Mercy is an actual devil/soul-stealing witch" way 
I'm having trouble coming up with anything besides very general prompts for OW, but please know I would be happy with virtually anything Mercy-centric.
If any clarification is needed, my askbox is always open and available to anon messages.
Many thanks to you, and best wishes this fall!
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victorineb · 8 years
Fic Recs Mega Post
Whenever I write one of these posts I’m struck by the sheer amount of incredible writing talent in this little fandom of ours. It is quite astonishing, and it’s a privilege to get to read all of this wonderful work. Below there’s a small selection of the fantastic stuff I’ve been reading recently, featuring gods, monsters and feral jungle men - and that’s just for starters!
Storms (series) by @lovecrimevariations (KareliaSweet): This frankly astonishing series starts out in barnstorming but fairly innocuous style in Where Are The Storms I Was Promised, in which Will Graham, famous monster hunter, is called to deal with the Wendigo that’s been terrorising an entire town. And then it proceeds, over the course of a further six instalments, to document the beautiful, bloody, often painful course of the relationship between Will and Hannibal, constantly deepening and recontextualising the ‘verse as it goes. Reading this series is almost like watching a really good magic trick – every time you think you’ve got its measure, it pulls something new and surprising out of its hat. And it’s not just flash and sparkle either, the writing is utterly beautiful, the characters are perfectly captured and it is both deeply funny and enormously moving (I was genuinely weepy a number of times throughout). Plus, it also features a majestic, powerful, do-not-under-any-circumstances-fuck-with incarnation of Bedelia, who is worth the price of admission all by herself. Seriously, she was my favourite part of this whole series and I love it beyond any sense or reason. If you have any love of writing whatsoever, read this series, it is a masterclass.
You’ll be in my heart by @starkaryen: Based on the totally beautiful art (here and here) by @camilleflyingrotten, here Will is a scientist on an expedition to find and study gorillas. Instead, he ends up finding Hannibal, a mostly-feral man who lives in the jungle, has an adopted gorilla family, and takes an immediate shine to Will. Who, because this is Will and Hannibal, finds himself taking a shine right back. And all is rosy in Camp Hannigram, until Jack damn Crawford sticks his nose in (like always) and threatens Hannibal’s way of life. As befits the utterly gorgeous artwork, this fic is just lovely from start to finish. It features a particularly adorable version of Hannibal – the scenes in which he indulges his obsession with Will’s safari hat are nothing short of precious – and a charmingly earnest Will. It’s a simple, innocent bit of loveliness, which is rather refreshing in this dark and sophisticated fandom of ours XD.
(Also, if you’d like a little more Tarzan AU, this time with an A/B/O flavour, check out Hannizan by @hotsauce418, which is just pure filth and utterly wonderful with it XD.)
We, the common by @thelongcon23 (thelongcon): A retelling of the show (and beyond) in omegaverse style, this fic alternates masterfully between Hannibal and Will’s POVs as the omega becomes fascinated, obsessed, and ultimately falls in love with the alpha. The result is that while the course of events remains largely the same         (Will still gets framed and gutted, and they still go over the cliff in each other’s arms), others change drastically (the way Will locates Hannibal in Florence, for instance, gets a very clever omegaverse twist). And their relationship after the fall? Well, I can pretty much guarantee you’ve never seen it go down quite like this before. If you’re looking for fluff, I suggest you go elsewhere, but if you’re after passion, intensity, and that terribly Hannigram sense that love and cruelty are not mutually exclusive, this is the fic for you. The writer has a firm grip on the characters’ voices and motivations and is uncompromising and incisive in their betrayal of both. This is not necessarily an easy read (particularly towards the end, when Hannibal gives Will a reckoning of his own) but it is a compelling and fascinating one.
Cookies by @desperatelyseekingcannibals (TigerPrawn): Now, those of you who are after some fluff, here’s some of the best around. Tiger’s non-cannibal AU is an absolute treat, full of emotional idiots, kick-ass women and a totally adorable kid (and I don’t say that lightly cos kid!fic ain’t my thing!). It all starts when Will accompanies his daughter Abigail as she goes door-to-door selling cookies for charity and finds himself face to face with the ever-so-handsome Doctor Lecter. And then somehow, before he knows it, Will is agreeing to a date in exchange for Hannibal buying all of Abby’s stock, and soon finding that he might have stumbled into a real relationship. Not that it’s smooth sailing, of course, this is still Hannigram we’re talking about! It is my deep and ardent belief that Hannibal dreams of being a romcom when it grows up and with this utterly charming, romantic, as-sweet-as-its-name-suggests fic, that dream is made a reality. Anyone who’s ever wanted to see Will Graham and Hannibal Lecter fall in love the old-fashioned way (you know, without all those annoying stints in prison and near-fatal injuries), treat yourself and read this fic. I guarantee it will melt even the most dark and twisted of hearts.
Picture Imperfect by @shiphitsthefan: Will Graham is a very special alpha – unlike many of his sex, he can be trusted not to turn into a hormonal animal around omegas. It’s how he’s made his career as a photographer. That is, right up until he’s in a room with concert harpsichordist Hannibal Lecter and everything goes to hell when they scent each other and can barely keep themselves from ripping their clothes off and bonding right there and then. Seems like they’re true mates and it’s only a matter of time before they give into their urges – so Will, being a decent and respectful alpha, has to get this courtship show on the road before that happens. Well, mostly before that happens. Given the UST inherent to the plot, this is every bit as intensely, stupidly hot as you’d hope, but it’s also a really clever, thoughtful exploration of the omegaverse concept, set in a ‘verse in which omegas are the ruling gender, a nice reversal of the usual a/b/o setup. Plus it has an almost indecently adorable version of Hannigram, in which progressive Will and traditionalist Hannibal attempt to conjoin their lives so that they can get on and shag already! Smart and sexy a/b/o is one of our fandom’s greatest strengths and this is truly just an exemplary version of it.
Space Invader II: A Very Darko Sequel by @devereauxsdisease: A sequel to the utterly wonderful Space Invader (and if you haven’t read it, I’m begging you, go remedy that this instant), this return to Dev’s Spacedogs ‘verse sees Adam and Nigel still ensconced in blissful coupledom. So blissful, in fact, that it’s making Darko wonder if he might want some of that relationship stuff for himself. Cue the appearance of a certain sassy lab tech last seen working for the FBI. That’s right, Beverly Katz is alive, in town and about to rock Darko’s world XD. This is just an utter joy to read, stuffed with Dev’s trademark mix of fantastic dialogue, heartfelt emotion and wickedly dirty jokes. And best of all is her way with the characters, all of whom are wonderfully loveable and who work beautifully together. I spent the whole fic marvelling at the way in which these disparate characters come together and feel like they were always meant to be that way – they make a lovely, entertainingly weird family and are never less than an utter delight to spend time with.
Forgemaster by @llewcie: Valhalla Enchanted by way of the Greek gods now, in this peerless piece of sweetness by the lovely Llew. Char and Ella are the new Dionysus and Aphrodite (in this ‘verse, the gods can retire and be replaced) and live like brother and sister, i.e. bickering, winding each other up, pushing each other’s buttons... They particularly like making bets, which winds up with Ella making Char agree to three dates with Hephaestus, being played in this fic by One Eye. Given that One Eye is unsociable, ragged, and constantly dirty from his forge, Char is less than impressed with his companion and says so… somewhat unfortunately within One Eye’s earshot. So when, despite himself, Char finds himself falling for the blacksmith god’s charms, he’s got a lot of work to do to convince One Eye that he’s worth the trouble! Llew has the charm turned up all the way to eleven in this gorgeously frothy, funny little comedy of errors, with a sweetly vain version of Char melting under the steadily growing appeal of One Eye’s gentle strength. If you need cheering up for any reason, this fic should be your first port of call.
Pure Imagination by @constructfairytales (beforethedawn and Destinyawakened): Stranger Things was one of my favourite shows last year (admittedly it’s no Hannibal, but what is?). It was smart and weird, and as an 80s baby it pressed every last one of my nostalgia buttons, from soundtrack to costume design. So, of course, it was with nothing but delight that I started this crossover AU, in which Will is police chief of the town where young Will Byers goes missing and Hannibal is the psychiatrist he brings in to counsel the traumatised community. And I wasn’t disappointed – this is a fantastic blend of Hannibal’s surreal romanticism with the full-on monstery weirdness of the ST ‘verse, with plenty of unexpectedly but pleasingly fluffy Hannigram at the centre of it. Though it follows the basic plot of ST, having Will and Hannibal involved inevitably shakes things up (Will’s empathy is given a brilliant twist) and predictable this certainly ain’t. Instead it’s fun, thrilling and playful, with at least one story development that genuinely had me on the edge of my seat. And did I mention the Hannigram? Cos, yeah, there’s no slow burn here. Our boys are goners from the second they meet and the intensity of their connection is all kinds of wonderful.
The Estate by @bokuno-jinsei: Amusingly, the tags on this fantastic fic eventually turn into a short plea for Will Graham to stop thinking so much (a plea which anyone who’s written the over-analytical little shit will know is hopeless). Fortunately, Will clearly paid no attention, and so we readers are treated to this charmingly introspective piece of canon divergence. So, Hannibal gets as far as sitting Will at the dinner table in Florence. But, before he can get out his bonesaw, he seemingly has second thoughts and so Will wakes some time later to find himself ensconced in the last place he expected to revisit – Lecter Castle. Where, he finds, Hannibal has decided to change the game between them: if Will agrees to see if they can live together, Hannibal will cease any attempts to change or influence Will. So the pair find themselves as the unlikeliest of roommates as Will wrestles with his demons, his desires and, inevitably, his feelings for Hannibal. Anybody who enjoys intense conversations, brewing sexual tension and Hannibal in waders (yes, really), step this way, you’re in for a treat.  
Inevitable by Vulcanmi: I do adore canon divergence. And I have a weakness for prison fics (love Hannigram falling in love while incarcerated). So this fic is entirely my jam. It picks up in the second half of s3: Hannibal is in jail, Will is “happily” married to Molly, and Jack is still desperate to have his pet empath back on board to deal with the Tooth Fairy. Except in this ‘verse, Will decides not to give into Jack and remains with his family, far away from Baltimore. In order to make it up to his former boss, though, Will writes a letter to a certain inmate, suggesting that he offer his services where Will cannot. Of course, it’s not the last letter Will ends up sending to Hannibal. Not by a long shot. And we all know what happens once Will gives Hannibal an inch… (hey, I didn’t mean that kind of inch, you filthy perverts!). Though it starts out as an angsty exploration of Will’s determination to separate himself from Hannibal, somewhere along the way this fantastic fic transforms into a twisted yet adorable romcom, as our murder muffins confront their feelings and try to figure out whether there’s any version of the world in which they might be together. And, frankly, it’s an utter delight to read. One for those (*raises hand*) who like their hurt/comfort 20% hurt and 80% comfort.
Inside the Imitation by @belladonnaq (Belladonna_Q) with artwork by @reapersun: A confession. I’ve never seen The Thing (because I’m a scaredy-cat who doesn’t watch anything that could remotely be described as scary. “But Vic, isn’t Hannibal scary?” Yeah, yeah, I contain multitudes, now hush mango, I’m working). However, I’ve never let ignorance get between me and my Hannigram and so I jumped headfirst into the The Thing/Hannibal crossover which, fortunately, works utterly brilliantly with absolutely zero knowledge of the film. So, once again Jack Crawford finds reason to call upon the services of Will Graham and Hannibal Lecter. Except this time, it’s not in order to investigate the Minnesota Shrike, but a strange case with its roots in a decades-old tragedy in Alaska. Soon things turn weird and monstery and Will and Hannibal find themselves reluctantly (well, as ever, Will’s reluctant, Hannibal’s thrilled) investigating a burned-out government building with something truly frightening at its core. This is thrilling, clever and wonderfully creepy, a fantastic reframing of canon (especially the Hannigram) and tons of fun throughout. I have to admit, I did not see the twist coming in this fic (though that’s possibly because I’m a dim bulb when it comes to plot) and it was delivered brilliantly, turning everything on its head and upping the stakes for our beloved murder muffins. Oh, and make sure to check out @reapersun’s fabulous artwork that accompanies the fic, it’s staggeringly gorgeous.
The Marriage of Heaven and Hell: Volume 2 by @fragile-teacup: A continuation of the marvellous The Spaces Between series, this picks up a little after volume one, with our boys enjoying Argentinian high society. Unfortunately, while the end of the previous instalment hinted at full-blown murder husbandry, it quickly turns out that Will and Hannibal haven’t quite sorted out their feelings to anyone’s satisfaction (you’re shocked, I can tell). Fortunately, we’re pretty much out of slow burn territory here and the idiots manage to get their act (mostly) together just in time for some ghosts to rear their perfectly-coiffed, millionairess heads and throw a spanner in the works. This sequel continues the achingly lovely tone of its predecessor, with romance a-plenty amongst bouts of emotional idiocy and bloodlust. It’s sweet and tender without compromising on the intensity and darkness of our beloved boys and builds their relationship with care and patience, allowing for a believable building of trust and love between them. It is, in other words, a treat to read in every way, so get yourself to ao3 and have at it!
As ever and always, if I’ve miscredited anyone or if there are bad links, please let me know and I’ll correct it ASAP. Happy reading, lovely fannibals!
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