#I usually watch multiple but I'm very sick today
royalarchivist · 2 years
Snifferish: The range of like, Christmas sweaters to like, skimpy Santa in these skins, I’m -- look at Scar’s skin!
Phil: [silently losing it] That doesn't leave much to the imagination king.
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itsmrshamilton · 2 months
Kiss it better | LH44
A/n: I've been on a break, but I had this idea, so i thought I'd pop in, post it, then disappear again.
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"Ugh, I can't breathe. I think I'm dying." He moaned.
You rolled your eyes and carried on folding and packing the clothes you'd brought into the bedroom. It was a chilly Sunday morning with grey clouds covering the sky. You wanted to get the chores done quickly so you could make yourself a cup of tea and sit down to work.
Usually, Lewis would be up doing laundry as he enjoyed ironing, but today, he was still in bed moaning and groaning about a stuffy nose he's had since Friday.
"Lewis, I love you, but you've been sick for two days already. Why are you still moaning about this?" You sighed to yourself.
"Because I'm dying! Im suffocating right before your very eyes! You're watching your husband die!" He exaggerated. You could hear him rolling about dramatically in the bed behind you. This grown man.
You packed away the last pair of socks before turning to him with your hands on your hips. He grinned sheepishly at you from his position on the bed. Tattooed arms and legs sprawled out. On his bedside table were piles of cups, bottles of cough syrups, and nose spray bottles. Enough to treat more than one sick person.
"What is with grown men and acting so dramatic about the flu? You're so close to overdosing on cough meds." You pointed out.
"Overdosing? I'm healing myself. I'm doing the best I can to play doctor to myself because my beautiful wife doesn't want to help me." You watched as his lips folded softly into a pout. The dramatics.
"Your beautiful wife spent all night making you tea and clearing your tissues." You reminded him and sat on the bed beside him. His hands immediately went to your waist and pulled you on top of him. You squealed. "Lewis!"
"I just need cuddles to make me feel better. And kisses." He whispered. You propped yourself up on your forearms so you could look down at him. Despite the dark eyebags, red nose, and uncombed hair, he was still the most beautiful man you'd ever seen. He pouted even harder at your hesitation, and you lifted an eyebrow in mock sternness. "Please."
"You're going to get me sick." You sighed but relented and pressed a kiss to the tip of his nose.
"And here," he pointed to his forehead. "Headache"
You pressed a kiss there, too.
"And here." His eyes. "Here too." His cheeks.
"It definitely hurts here." His chin.
You were giggling at this stage. How ridiculous this man was.
"Oh and here. This place really needs a few kisses to make sure it feels better." He puckered his lips and closed his eyes in anticipation.
You laughed at him but proceeded to lean forward and plant multiple kisses on his lips. You were definitely going to be sick after this. His arms tightened around your waist.
"Ah, see! I feel better already!" He rolled you over so he was on top.
"I can tell!" You exclaimed as he started pressing kisses to your neck. "You look well enough to get up and help me with chores." You squirmed in his hold
He immediately deflated and sighed into the crook of your neck. You giggled softly and placed your hands on either side of his head to pull him up to you.
"One last kiss to make you feel better?"
"Yes, please." He murmured before capturing your lips in a sweet kiss. You pulled away and pushed his shoulders to get him off you. He groaned in protest.
"Let's go, old man. I've still got the kitchen to do, and then we can cuddle on the couch." You stood up and left the bedroom.
"Can we cuddle naked to make me feel better?" He called out.
💌 💌 💌 💌 💌 💌 💌 💌 💌 💌 💌 💌 💌 💌 💌
Thanks for reading. Be sure to interact before you leave.
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tinydefector · 5 months
hi!! 🐈 first time asking for a request on a blog huhu so I hope I'm doing it right 😭
mind if I slip in a fluffy request with coppy prowl? him being more handsy and just overall touch-starved than usual with their human and he's embarrassed of asking for the touches so he's got this disconcerting look on his face + a hundred yard stare when their human is close
Klik Away pt3
Heheheh this worked a little to well for the part three and since you lot made me a simp, enjoy some simpy touch staved Prowl.
Warnings: swearing
Word count: 2k
Prowl masterlist
Nearly a week later, Prowl had gotten used to the human's presence well enough, still having arguments with them here and there but most times they kept to themself or hassled Green while he worked. "Prowl, can we go out today, I'm getting sick of being locked up in here" they state softly. They look up at the enforcer with pleading eyes. One more Luna cycle that's all he would have to wait to be rid of the human.
Prowl cycled a ventilation as he registered his human's request, systems conflicted. He didn't need to be chasing them around if they got lost while out in the city, but he also could see they were getting rather agitated being locked up for so long. 
One lunar cycle remained until they would no longer be under his care. 
"Very well," he agreed at last, calculating most protected opportunities for their enrichment and safety. Rising carefully, Prowl lifts them up before carrying them to the door, once outside he transforms. 
His engine purred low as seatbelts strapped the human safely inside the cabin. "Remain still and do not interfere with vehicle functions," Prowl instructed calmly. "We will explore briefly before returning by duskfall, don't try anything"
He Guided them through less populated streets at a crawling pace, enjoying fleeting wonder lighting tiny eyes absorbing alien scenery. Yet enjoyment lingered in his system watching them as they pressed up against the window. They were ecstatic, eyes watching the scenery of the city, market in awe, it was like nothing they had ever seen before, nothing like earth and nothing like the warehouse they had been kept in.
 "Woah I didn't realise everything was so... big" they state softly.
Prowl's engine purred in quiet amusement as they vocalised awe at the sights. Cybertronian towers on vast scales inconceivable to humanity,  no wonder such vistas stunned one so young and unfamiliar with alien marvels.
"Yes, our world differs vastly from your tiny backwater planet," Prowl rumbled agreeably. 
Slowly navigating less crowded areas finding a decent spot to stop so that they could wander the markets.
Don't be a dick!" They huff while lightly slapping his steering wheel. As they climb out of his alte mode they look around in fascination, they stay close to him as he transforms and stands at full height. He bends down to lift them up before he starts walking with them.
Prowl cycled an irate ventilation at the organic's impudence, doors flicking irritation.
" Watch it, and Remain still," he instructed gently, "Do not squirm or endanger yourself through careless movements."
Striding through orderly thoroughfares, Prowl narrated landmarks in slow, simple terms ensuring his human was securely held. Others stared at the unlikely duo, many pointed and whispered as they watched them stride through the marketplace. 
 Strangers found strange peace as they navigate the market's, The two of them draw many optics as they argue softly between themselves, the human pointing at things and asking questions and Prowl reluctantly answering,  he has to on multiple times catch them from slipping off his arm. "What are those?" They call out. 
“ Energon vendors, they supply different types of energon and tops” he states, the stalls overflowing with glowing cubes, spiels of alien beverages music, their eyes dance across the many pretty coloured cubes. “Do different colours taste different?” The inquiry. Prowl gives a nod as he approaches the stall. He stops to talk to the vendor and it's the first time they really listen to him speak cybertronian, it's very different from when he speaks to them. a cube of energon with a silver liquid added into it is passed to him. "What's that, I know its energon but what is in it?" They ask, they know what it is but they are curious over the other stuff added into it.
Prowl accepted the glowing cube from the vendor with a polite nod. Sipping the fuel gradually across his glossa, he savoured the blend of it. “This is a standard mid-grade energon blended with gallium, it's how I enjoy energon," Prowl explained evenly, angling the cube for tiny eyes to perceive colours swirling within." The bright glowing Pink fluid “ “ occasionally i like having iridium and strontium to boost fuel efficiency and spark potential. every more rarely ill have high grade with crushed crystal" he watches as their eyes land on another stall. 
“ thats a Self-repair kiosks, it's where bots go to get new or spare parts,nanite, mesh patching, solvents for mending”  
“ that stall is Cultural archive filled Holobooks narrating millennials, these days they mainly recount the war to newer bots, puzzles to help enhancing logical processing” 
Prowl scolds as he looks away from said stall. “Don't like history?” They perk up in a teasing tone. “You wouldn't like it if it last millions of years either Rabbit” he grumbles before walking down another pathway. 
“ that's Upgraders, Body modifications, weaponry installations, plating polishes,” the stall is rather large gleaming under neon signs, it showcases shiny and polished gear. “So is it like a car wash or do you like remove your plating and put on new plating?” 
“you buy new plating and can trade in older models, markets don't have washes, those are reserved for housing or as you would call it a wash house” he confirmed while taking another mouthful of his energon. 
Prowl gives a slight nod to another bot who returns it to him before continuing patrol. 
“ Those are Enforcer dispatch, Fellow security forces patrolling, making sure we don't have circuitors, thieves and other dangers around.” The next stall he points to is filled with what looked like air conditioning. 
“ Climate regulators, we use these to regulate temperature, cybertronian naturally run a lot hotter than your species and are prone to melting without regulation” . It's fascinating learning for the human before their eyes meet another stall, they give a puzzled look before speaking up as they point towards it. “What's that?” 
The stall is filled with Sleek forms, ads playing that look very similar to adult shop banners. Prowl is quick to cover their eyes, hissing out before walking another direction. “Hey!” They grumble trying to look under his servo. “I am not taking you into an interface stall” he nearly snarls. They drop the subject quickly. 
 Its quiet between them for a long moment before he speaks up again “foreign collectors'' he motions towards the stall. Another cycle closer to reality hits him, did humans even know what interfacing was, had he just caused a scene over something they didn't understand.  
His processor noted their interest light upon spying stalls overflowing with alien fruits, grains and flora. Amusement tingled Prowl's circuits to witness how their eyes seemed to like up in awe.
"Those vendors trade planetary Flora harvested from the crystal gardens, or off world planets" he advised, angling a pat towards the stall. 
"They have those bugs you get for Green" they state while trying to climb onto the table, they look around at a few of what look like fruits. Prowl's scanners swept the crawling insectoids within bins, analysing nutritional values for his pet. Optics inspected wriggling broods at his mere fraction of size, some glistening and hardy, others feeble and malformed. His logs assessed ratios ensuring they were the right dietary requirements her. 
"These appear suitably Green's" Prowl concluded to himself, optics flicker to his companion who looks over the fruit's, he calls out, catching the merchant's attention. 
Once he had received the container he reaches over and grabs a few of the fruits to add to the collection. “add them to my account”. 
The human gasps as Prowl picks them back up along with the container of food for Green and a small collection of the fruits for the human. "Hey I was looking!" They grumble as he halls them closer to his chassis as he takes off walking again. Storing the newly bought stuff in his subspace storage. He finished his cube of energon, discarding it in a bin before using his servo to keep the human steady against his chassis.
Amusement tingled through Prowl's frame as his tiny passenger grumbled irritably from being moved, too quickly distracted by alien environs surpassing tiny comprehension. "Forgive the disruption, Rabbit," Prowl soothed gently. Striding through thinning crowds, Prowl gazed down at miniature eyes peering back without fear, curiously tracing armoured plating of his face. his engine thrummed a low, protective purr. 
It's a peaceful trip back, Prowl ends up walking the full trip back, Striding through emptying streets towards the hab dome His small company ended up snuggled against his body, eyes flickering occasionally. They continue softly chatting as they point out at the building asking about what they were. Arriving within the sealed complex, he prodded the giant doors aside and strode gratefully into the quiet safety of shielded walls. Spying Green curled upon a pile of fabric. playing idly, Prowl extended a digit just brushing his the Flyt's head in greeting before angling optics downward. 
His passenger remained in peaceful recharge, tiny breaths puffing relaxed against ancient plating keeping them warm.Prowl deposits his items onto the 'kitchen' bench
Prowl cradled the human closer, striding towards his berth with strange contentment curling his spark, puzzling his processor at fleeting peace, he arranged the human upon berth cushions with utmost care, ensuring to gently wrap them in their blanket, fragile limbs securely for continued recharge undisturbed. 
Retrieving datapads loaded with pending reports, Prowl settled upon the floor nearby to scan logs and organise filing through the coming off-cycles, continually monitoring tiny life signs within, he wouldn't admit it ever but some small part of him worried over them in the cold room. 
Sideswipe mocks him for his "distractions" over comm. Yet Prowl snaps at him for his words but doesn't argue or defend himself; simply he hangs up so he can continue his reports. Green chirped contentedly as she curls up against the human sleeping on the bed. 
Prowl worked through the part of night cycle, Despite steel discipline perfected over millennia on the battlefield, Prowl found himself defeated by the strange pull tugging him toward where small life forms slumbered peacefully. Heaving a ventilation, the Enforcer gathered datapads and rose, striding to his berth. 
Laying gingerly so as not to disturb rest, Prowl retrieved work and centred it upon armoured plates, their body nestled closer as his engine purred low. Strange ease washed over him, Comm lines engaged fellow officers without disrupting the human, Prowl reviewed reports scrawled across datapads balanced upon humming chestplates. At times powerful digits brushed delicately  against the form sleeping beside him. 
Prowl's engine idled into stunned silence as they nestled closer still in peaceful recharge, their face pressing into the warmth of his side, His programming stuttered, confronted by such delicate vulnerability expressed without fear against plating forged through vorns wading raging battlefields. No creature so soft and fragile should trust so completely in servos designed solely for destruction. 
Yet this small being sensed no danger, merely comfort, Trust was Prowl was attached. 
His engine finally crooned deep vibrations so long stifled, the deep purr had them clinging to him. Face pressed closer. He relished fleeting peace redefining his role however contradictory to function. Too soon, reality demanded separate paths to resume.
"Primus I don't think I can let you go now" He whispers against their skin.
Prowl's vocalizer emitted a staticky murmur. His systems ached for the soft touch they provided, the banter, they challenged him in so many ways. Yet Prowl grieved, releasing tender buds nurtured from unlikely seeds sown through fleeting chance alone. Programming struggled comprehending how a mere human had done this to him.  
Tiny breaths echoed trust against ancient cabling deafened rationality. Here, together, strange peace reigned. Yet bitter facts compelled reality. One Luna cycle was all he had to cherish this, less he convinced them to stay, but even then what was the need for humans to permanently stay on Cybertron, what loopholes would he have to exploit just to keep them by his side. 
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kodydrs · 1 year
- make ‘em jealous
a/n : WHERE MY BLUE LOCK BABES AT?? This is a one-shot I wrote abt 2 years ago and it was originally on Wattpad but got removed 😭 I do hope it gets love on here
warnings : cheating!reader, cheating!Rin, aged up!Rin, oral (m. receiving), p in v, riding, cheating, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, not proofread, I’m bad at tagging
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Y/n & Rin had dated for nearly a year when she caught him. 1 week off their 1st anniversary. She just wouldn't have expected such a thing to happen with Rin.
'Rin?' Y/n called from the door. After dating for 11 months, Y/n had learned it was usually OK to let herself in. Rin's parents had even gone through the extra work to get her an extra key. 'Rin?'
She took off her shoes and left them at the door, walking onto the carpet in her socks. The house was silent, except for the Itoshi family cat which brushed against her legs.
'Hello, hun.' Y/n cooed, picking up the black feline. 'Where's daddy at?' The cat meowed quietly and headbutted her chin. 'Well, that isn't very helpful.'
Y/n laughed, kissing the cat's head before putting it back down on the carpet. The cat meowed again and walked down the hall towards Rin's room. Y/n smiled, following the animal. As she got closer to Rin's room, she could hear the quiet shuffling of fabric and that confused her. 'What's he doing?' Without a sound, she peered through the crack of his door, her heart dropping and blood running cold. F/n? F/n with Rin? Y/n grabbed her mouth to prevent noise from coming out and she watched silently. Watched as her best friend made out with her boyfriend.
She felt sick. It wasn't until she saw F/n straddle his waist that she finally looked away.
'Fuck. Fuck. What the fuck is going on?' She shook her head as if it would erase what she saw. As if it was just something she was imagining.
'Fuck… Rin~' Y/n's whole body froze hearing her friend moan.
'That dumb bastard.' Y/n looked up, seeing Sae standing at the bottom of the stairs. 'I told him she had to keep her out today.'
'Y-You knew?' Y/n whispered. Sae nodded.
'She's been coming around for a few weeks now. Usually when you're away for school trips or he's at some soccer event.'
'So this isn't the first time?'
Sae shook his head. 'Nope.'
Y/n sworn you could've seen her heart shatter. But she stood up, wiped her face, and with every intention of interrupting them, she turned to their door. She didn't make it because Sae grabbed her waist and pushed her against the wall on the other side of the hall.
'S-Sae? What are you doing?' She still whispered, but a hint of urgency in her tone.
'Don't let them know you're here. Let Rin do his thing. It's his problem.'
'So you think I should just let them have sex as if I'm not even here?! That sounds like a mighty fine idea.'
Sae leaned down till she could feel his breath on her ear. 'Make him jealous.' A shiver spiked down her neck.
'W-what do you mean?' She stuttered.
'You know what I mean.' He whispered, gently kissing her neck. She sighed, her back arching so her ass pressed against his crotch. The soft groan that came from his mouth was ecstasy. 'Let's go upstairs.'
Y/n nodded, following him quietly. Sae's room was different from Rin's, although it had the same design. While Rin's room was overloaded with soccer, Sae had minimalistic posters of artists and movies. Y/n noticed 2 posters in particular that she liked the most. It was a poster of the band, TV Girl, and one of Howl’s Moving Castle. Sae wasn't exactly the type of person you'd expect to have photos of bands and films, but it was a nice touch.
'Do you like their music?' Sae asked after noticing her staring at the poster a little too long. She nodded with a smile.
'They’re an amazing band. And Howl is a beautiful boy.' She smiled. Something about this room made her forget about her problems downstairs.
'Do you like beautiful boys, Y/n?' Sae leaned against his door frame while Y/n was on the bed. She blushed pink but nodded.
'I think most people are pretty in their own way, but there's a few that cut above the rest. just happens to be one of them.'
'Mhmm. Is Rin a pretty boy?'
She hesitated, thinking about what she saw downstairs. 'No. He was, but people lose their beauty if they lose their respect.'
Sae nodded, walking over to Y/n and caging her between his arms. 'So am I a pretty boy?'
She didn't have time to answer before he pressed his lips on her. She reciprocated his movements, both falling into sync. Y/n gripped the hem of his shirt, pulling him closer to her. She could've sworn Sae smiled.
They parted eventually and Y/n looked up at the red-head. 'Do you want me to blow you?' Sae's expression remained calm and he shrugged.
'If you want to.'
Y/n nodded, switching positions with Sae so he was sitting on the bed and she was in front of him. She patiently sat in her knees with her hands gently resting on her lap while Sae undid his jeans.
Y/n swallowed hard when his erection sprung out. He was longer than Rin, but they were about the same in girth.
'It may seem embarrassing to admit, but I do live with Rin, so I know I'm bigger.' Sae said, the usual softness to his voice as if he were talking about the weather.
She nodded, a sign she was agreeing with him. She shuffled forwards and placed her hands on either side of his pelvis before sucking on his tip. Sae watched, admiring her when she started taking more of him.
Y/n hollowed out her cheeks and relaxed her throat each time she took more of Sae's member into her mouth. She could already tell it would hurt her gag reflex, but she could ignore that for now. All she could focus on was Sae.
He moved a hand down to the side of her head and tucked the fly-aways behind her ear. He left his hand there, not forcing her to take more, but to steady her.
Her nose skimmed his crotch and she started moving back and forth. Sae sighed at the feeling of his cock moving down her throat, hot and wet.
Y/n wasn't your typical off the streets whore. She knew how to give a proper blow job. Sometimes she gets creative, going in different rhythms or humming at exactly the right time to send the vibration. She was changing up this time. Instead of constantly taking as much of him as she could, she would slowly reduce how much you had until she would just be lapping at the time before thrusting herself back down and starting again. This was driving Sae mad.
'Y/n…' He groaned. 'You're such a pretty girl.' She hummed, the vibrations making him flinch. 'Such a pretty girl.'
He gently pulled her off, leaning down to her level. 'Will you be a good girl as well and ride me?'
She stared at him, her lips glistening with saliva and pre-cum, but nodded. Sae moved back so he was leaning against the headboard and watched Y/n remove her sweats.
She stood at the end of the bed for a minute before moving next to Sae and straddling his waist. She clenched her lower areas when his cock hit her ass. She carefully lifted herself above him, then slowly let herself down. Her pupils dilated and she bit her lip to suppress a moan.
'You alright?' Sae asked, cupping her face. She nodded.
'It just hurts a little.' She winced. 'So just give me a minute.' Sae was patient. He didn't make her move or do anything she didn't want to. He just waited, pressing a kiss to the back of her hand.
'You're doing amazing, Y/n.' He whispered. She smiled and began moving. A jolt sent her whole body in shock when she went down.
'It's too fucking big.'
Sae threaded their hands together, continuing to kiss her hand while she squeezed his.
'Fuck~' She sighed, playing with her shirt hem with her free hand. 'It's hot.'
Sae picked up what she'd put down and shimmied his hands up her side. Her shirt followed, the male tossing it somewhere in the room.
'You look pretty hot like this, Y/n.'
'Mhm?' She hummed. Her stomach felt so tight. She looked down at Sae. 'Take your shirt off. It's unfair that I'm here ass-naked while you still have your clothes on.'
Sae laughed. It was a rare sight to see either of the Itoshi brothers laughing, but it was even rarer for Y/n to see Sae laugh. He obliged, pulling off his shirt and throwing it with hers. She took a minute to admire his anatomy before moaning loudly when he hit her sweet spot.
'Hmm? There, is it?' He grunted, gripping her waist. Y/n wasn't prepared when Sae thrust up into her, making her moan loudly. She was quick to cover her mouth, hoping that anyone else in the house hadn't heard.
'Are you embarrassed, Y/n?' Sae smirked. 'Are you embarrassed that Rin might hear you doing it up here with me?'
She shook her head quickly. 'N-No. He deserves it if he hears me.' Sae chuckled softly. He held her waist tighter and flipped them so he was on top of her.
'You won't mind me making you scream then, will you?' She gulped.
Sae Itoshi was known for his flawless appearance and cold personality. Y/n had realized after not long being around him that his personality was more of a lukewarm temperature. But seeing and hearing him now. The words that came from his mouth. Suddenly he was as hot as the sun.
Y/n leaned up, kissing him slowly while he thrust into her cunt. Rough moans and grunts mixed in their mouths, both feeling their climaxes building. She'd long forgotten about her boyfriend fucking her bestfriend downstairs. Now, her attention was only on the male inside her.
Sae had caged her in, one hand on the headboard while the other was beside her head. She'd wrapped her legs around his waist to help him focus on that one spot, and her nails scratched at his back, leaving marks that'd be red for the next few days.
Her back arched off the bed as she whimpered into his mouth. She pulled away. 'Fuck. Fuck. Sae. I'm gonna cum.' She moaned.
'Just a little longer, OK?' He asked, stroking the side of her face. She nodded shakily.
'P-Please don't cum inside.' Y/n begged. He nodded.
'Of course not.' She smiled lowly, resting her head on the pillow and focusing on delaying her climax.
She gathered handfuls of the sheets beneath her, her whole body being shaken from the inside when she came. She felt Sae pull out and cum on her stomach a few seconds after. Her vision went white momentarily, but when she came to, she stared up at him with hooded-eyes. He kissed her slow and gentle before getting up and retrieving a warm cloth to clean her up.
'Hey, Sae.' Y/n whispered, lying on the bed.
'You're a really pretty boy.'
He scoffed, helping her sit up and get dressed.
'Whatever you say, Y/n.'
A few hours later, Y/n and Sae sat at the kitchen table drinking coffee while talking about whatever when Rin and F/n came out laughing.
'Hey, Rin.' Y/n welcomed joyfully. Both froze, staring at her with shock. Rin looked from her to Sae and back to her.
'Y-Y/n. I thought you had classes today?' He stuttered.
'I did. But I finished and I've been here for about 3 hours.' She smiled behind him at her best friend before taking a sip from her mug.
'Oh. Ok.' Rin couldn't come up with a lie. He's put himself into a hole. 'F/n was just helping me with something.'
'Mhm.' Y/n nodded, placing her cup on the table. 'Was that something your raging boner?'
Both flushed red. Y/n just smiled. 'I'm breaking up with you, Rin.'
'What?! You can't do that!'
'I can do whatever I want.'
'Y/n.' F/n finally spoke. 'Please don't break up with him. I don't know what I was thinking. You guys are way too perfect for each other to break up.'
Y/n stood up and walked over to her friend, taking her hands. 'It's OK, F/n. You can have him. At the end of the day, I got the better Itoshi.' She winked and moved back to her seat.
Both Rin and F/n stood speechless, Rin staring at Sae. Y/n finished her cup and murmured, asking Sae if he was done with his. He nodded and she took both cups over and rinsed them.
'Anyways, I think that's me for the day. I'll let you 2 sort it out yourselves. Oh, and F/n?'
'Don't ever talk to me again ♡.'
Y/n left the house and walked down their street before turning back to see Sae standing on his balcony.
'See ya next time, Pretty Boi.' She shouted.
'It's bold of you to assume there'll be a next time.' Sae grinned. Y/n shrugged. She was his problem now.
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beesmygod · 5 months
today is webcomics day. i am bea and i make "A Ghost Story" - part 1: pre-gaming
webcomic day is a yearly celebration of the art form concocted by the screentones podcast team as a way for people to see how the sausage gets made. my webcomic "a ghost story" has been running for over 10 years, and yet i still don't think i can say i am good at making a webcomic. regardless, the comic is getting made because otherwise i become very, very sick in the head. today i would like to share with you the process of making a page of "A Ghost Story" from start to finish. either this demystifies the process or will make you think im so cool and strong for doing this 2x a week. instead of reblogging this one post until it gets very long, i will be posting individual updates that i will then compile and post on my personal website. block the tags now if you HATE comics and want them to EXPLODE.
if you have any questions, even things like "what the fuck are you even talking about" feel free to ask. i want to feel confident in what i make again and i think sometimes interrogation from an outside source is really
that said, let's get started. wait just kidding i want a cup of coffee first, hold on.
ok now im ready. i have a big glass of water. i have coffee. i have a headset for the parts of work that don't involve typing words. i can't type words and listen to some streamer babble in my ear at the same time, so it has to be instrumental music or nothing. i just took my meds so they should kick in after about 30 mins. i woke up late today, which is weird and annoying. but maybe i can work late instead.
first off, i need to know where i'm going beyond this one page. if i dont know where im going with something, then i usually create something that sucks that i have to deal with later. hold on my internet died, i have to reset the router. ok, anyway.
what's rattling around in my brain is that not only do i have to deal with maxine's current predicament, i am also dealing with multiple plot elements i need to wrap back around to from the previous chapter. luckily, im about to put maxine down for a nap, which means i can get back to those other elements:
i need to finish the exposition from the three ankou characters for this story arc establishing their motivations as the oppositional force in the story. the "villain" is not these three specifically, but their boss. they need to have a loose understanding of what's going on in order to communicate this to the audience. god this started turning into a huge ass paragraph so i'll just keep it short there.
we've jumped back to before jack's horrible day from the first chapter of this storyline so we have to make our way back toward that and then lapping it, which means wrapping up his various open threads like:
feeding victoria and learning something new about her
finding out alice is a very exceptional employee who is getting many awards
watching valdo call lily while interrupting her during something personal to ask her for help with maxine's situation.
jack meeting with valdo and lily the day after they first met so jack can just tell them straight up that lily has 4 sisters she doesnt know about.
help that girl with her poltergeist problem. remember that. i've had jokes for this rattling in my head for like 4 years. im going insane.
and also the fucking tilberi!!! that has a point its going somewhere!!! there's a larger menace here!!!
other things to set up the climax of this storyline. sexual tensions, hints at larger emotional problems not immediately evident to the reader
lots of moving parts. and i feel like im moving in slow motion to get to them. i can see them all weaving together in my head, its the process of putting that onto paper that's proving difficult.
ok that took an hour starting and stopping. -_- let me write the next part as i keep brainstorming on how to approach this page. taking a "rubber duck" approach to this might help. heres an image from the last page i worked on (i have a 5 page buffer rn so the site does not match the finished pages) to get us semi-situated.
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also because images will help people understand what skill level we're working with here. i need to be able to communicate an idea to the audience; if the art also looks good on top of that, then that's just an added bonus. but the ability to communicate my ideas is sometimes hampered by my lack of artistic skill or comics language ineptitude. like those speech bubbles kind of fucking suck but at a certain point you have to just hit print on what you're working on in order to keep your already glacial pace.
webcomics is a tightrope act where you're also spinning 4 plates at once. the trick is to keep the audience from realizing how many actually fall or how wobbly they all are. the act sucks but technically its not a failure.
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knightyoomyoui · 11 months
Nayeon x M/F Reader - "No Problem"
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Yes. I have finally decided that I will officially end my book once all of the remaining one-shots set to be released are completely done. I can't keep to focus on this book alone for longer because you know, there are other stuffs that I need to prioritize. I'm sorry guys and while it's still early, I just want to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation for all of your love with my book. It's been fun creating multiple alternate universe TWICE fanfics to all of you and to explore all the types of storylines I had to encounter on creating each. Really, thank you so much.
Also, since I've said a month ago that I'm going to start using my hobby of writing stories as my sources of income, so again I'm not forcing everybody to donate but if you can, please feel free to do so as your additional support for my works. Here's my Ko-fi account where you can drop your donations or ask for a commission. You can check it out on my Tumblr profile too! 
Alright, now let's kickoff Set 6 with this gender neutral reader x Nayeon fic one-shot! I hope yall enjoy it even though it's short (which probably will be the same for most of the other fics included in the line-up) unlike the usual lengthy works that I used to write before.
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Aside from his/her parents, Nayeon is most likely the only other person who is completely informed about YN. She is able to catch every aspect about YN, including your mannerisms, your tendency to become quickly distracted when concentrating on anything, your favorite kinds of clothes, and much more. But amongst all of it, having known YN for over a decade, she is already largely acquainted with your personality.
She could still recall those times when, due to her exceptionally good memory, she discovered every new mood you placed yourself in, regardless of whether it was appropriate or not. She didn't care about all of that, though, since the important thing is that it won't alter the fact that you have formed a kind personality, which complements your attractive appearance and is one of the main reasons she fell in love with you in the first place. Speaking of your personality, here's the issue; Nayeon is now experiencing difficulties with it. The cause? The YN she has been exposed to is very different from what you have been demonstrating to her.
Away from your usual goofy and lively personality, instead Nayeon would rather end up spotting you coming home every night with a gloomy, tired and unimpressed demeanor.
Those preserved Nayeon suspicious of your current behavior and attitude. She acknowledges that she isn't accustomed to this kind of treatment from you and that it makes her upset, but she also thinks there must be a cause for her lover's abrupt change. She is eager to get this information as soon as possible since she is sick of watching her dearest YN treat her coldly. Nayeon called a friend and coworker one day when you were gone from the house again for work in order to get some information that would be helpful to her.
A deep masculine voice owned by someone she couldn't even process up to this day that he really does, with how this guy sports a babyface and with a very slim body the moment she first met him once at your birthday party. "Nayeon-noona! Hey how you doing?"
"I'm fine Felix, how about you?", she greeted back.
"Doing good so far. Why did you call?"
"Uhm I just want to ask you something... about YN." Nayeon said, her heart thumping fast. She doesn't know why her nervousness is increasing the more she gets through the conversation.
Perhaps, she doesn't want the main possibility she has in mind to come true. No. She's afraid. She knew both her and YN were happy in their relationship and she has done everything. She's hoping that YN wouldn't go that far.
"Sure, go ahead... although I miss seeing that idiot already." Felix chuckled behind the phone.
"Wait, you two haven't seeing each other yet? I thought you two are there together at work right now?" Nayeon confusingly asked.
"Noona, wait you didn't know about it yet?"
"About what?"
Felix sighed and clicked his tongue, cursing for YN on what you have done. "So YN didn't tell you about what happened?"
Nayeon's hands are trembling, her throat starts to become dry, arms shaking in tense as she has no clue what Felix is referring to that you haven't even dared to speak out to her already.
"Felix, I don't know what you're talking about. Cut to the chase, what the hell happened to YN?"
Felix remained silent for a while before he finally answered Nayeon's wondering.
Later that evening, around nine o'clock, Nayeon is waiting impatiently for YN to get home in the living room. She then heard a call on her phone, and fortunately it was her husband/wife YN, telling her that you had purchased takeout for dinner. They finished their meal a few minutes after you got home. You greeted Nayeon and saw that she wasn't in the best of moods—in fact, she seemed colder than your love—when you went to give her a kiss. It was awkwardly silent throughout supper. You were about to go into the bedroom while Nayeon was cleaning the dishes when she called your name, causing you to stop in your tracks because she wanted to talk to you.
"Can we talk for a moment, please?" She asked while wiping her hands dry.
"I'm listening." You leaned at the door frame.
"There something you're not telling me about, isn't it YN?" Nayeon crossed her arms. You went speechless, silently hiding how guilty you are of her accusation.
"H-how can you say so? And why would I, Nay?"
"I don't know, I should be the one asking you that now." Nayeon shrugged. "Because I know exactly why."
She couldn't help but to emit a snort and a smirk at your look. "Ahh... the typical lying YN. Eyes popped then blink fast."
"I called your friend Felix. He told me about what happened to your workplace."
You sighed. That's it, Nayeon has already have an idea about the tight situation you are going into. As much as you want to keep this from her longer, you have no other choice but to stop the pretending and clarify things to her.
"All I need is a confirmation from you, YN. Tell me, was that true that you really got fired?"
Embarrassed and scared, YN slowly gave the answer Nayeon has been waiting all day long. "Yes... I got fired. WE got fired."
"Then where the hell do you really go whenever you left the house for the rest of the day. So after all these time, you've been fooling me? You've done it for like what, for the past three 3 days? Not to mention, today's your 4th!" Nayeon slightly raised her voice. "
"Because I was looking for a job elsewhere, Nayeon!" You fought back, defending yourself to cleanse out the intense atmosphere clouding the two of you. Nayeon remained shut, allowing you to take the turn as you continue speak your side.
"Yes, we got fired. Our boss decided to retire his company, had our contracts result to get terminated and we have no other choice but to look for a new job. Some of us were disappointed, enraged, hard to their feelings, while some of us... I don't know, contented. But I'm different from both of them, I took that loss heavily within me, Nayeon."
"The day after we got fired, I immediately moved, searched everywhere around Seoul, just hoping that I could atleast encounter one. But... until now, I'm still unsuccessful." Your breathing became raspy as your voice cracked at how you're draining yourself everyday with long walks and travels only to result in failure.
"I didn't tell you because I was scared that when you find out that your boyfriend is now jobless, you may rather see the same as what I could look at myself: unreliable, a disappointment, and I'm scared that I might end up unable or lacking to fulfill my responsibility to give everything that would make my girl happy."
Your eyes has finally released each teardrops of its own, streaming down to your cheeks. Nayeon's heart broke even worse at this vulnerable sight of yours while listening the struggle you were currently facing alone.
"I couldn't find any, Nayeon. I'm getting more desperate. I'm sorry if I had to lie and keep it from you."
Nayeon stepped closer to you and hugged you for comfort, calming your emotions down as she let you take your time to steady your breathing.
"I'm sorry if I looked like I was mad at you, I really thought you were cheating behind my back or whatsoever, but my heart was always right. I knew you could never do that." Nayeon smiled thankfully as she rubbed your back gently.
"And here you go again, I told you to stop overthinking yourself about what would I think negatively of you. I won't ever gonna look at you like that!" She scolded you like a mom. "I knew you were always doing your best, for us. I've been seeing that from you since day one. I couldn't belittle you for something I know you will always be great of, and that's for being such a hardworking and committed boyfriend to me."
Nayeon leans away from the hug and wipes the tears off in your face. "You really didn't have to hide those troubles of yours away from me, because anytime I would offer my hand to assist you. Just remember that if you're low sometimes, I would always be the one to lift you all the way up when you're feeling down. So please, be free to be honest next time okay?"
"Okay." You understandably nodded, a soft delighted smile appeared in which you haven't had for almost a week. Nayeon cupped your cheeks and pulled you closer for a heartwarming kiss to finally settle things off between each other tonight.
As they went to their bed to get some sleep, Nayeon remained awake for a while, as she forms a plan in her mind.
The next day, YN was supposed to leave again early to look for a job but he decided to give it a rest because even him couldn't deny that he got tired of moving everywhere. As he and Nayeon were eating a breakfast, Nayeon took your attention by calling your name.
"I thought of something last night and I just want to share it to you."
"That is?"
"Since you couldn't find a job yet, why don't we start our own mini business for now?"
You paused from almost drinking your cup of coffee in your hand. You stared at Nayeon who is grinning at you with her cute bunny teeth showing up, matching the brightness of the sunny morning outside.
"You serious?"
"Yeah. I'm up to it. I mean that's something I can you join you to also. In that way, we can have some more time together plus that could be like my other way to spend my time around and not just staying in this house." Nayeon nodded before taking another spoonful of her food. "But first, I want to hear it also from you. Do you agree with me?"
You pouted your lips and think deeply, but not in a way where he has to pick a choice. You were rather like, visualizing how could it end up for you and her business once you two achieved to start one, and you hoped the most that it would be successful.
"I'm not against it at all." You shook your head. "We could do that, I could use some of my remaining savings from my previous work to add on our target budget." Nayeon was happy with your volunteering.
"Is there anything you wanna consider for us to try?"
"I have one." Nayeon bounced her eyebrows before she continues to finish her breakfast.
A few days later, YN goes with Nayeon to locations where they can find whatever they need. They began by looking through a rental property that was unoccupied in Seoul. They paid a fair price for it, satisfied with the layout and amount of space. They then proceeded to a Home Depot store to purchase decorations, tables, chairs, and other items, all of which were delivered to their location. In addition, they went grocery shopping and purchased a blender, milk, and a variety of fruits. Lastly, they mostly concentrated on assisting one another with the preparation and décor of the entire space. A week later, Nayeon and YN visit their newly founded small business, which they had just completed setting up. Courtesy of Nayeon's idea, it was a natural fruit juice and shake shop.
She said that she wants to sell a product that would give refresh, sweetness, and availability for everyone to try while at the same time, ensuring their customers that they also have a product which will be good for their health.
They looked above to read the sign of their shop's name.
"Alcohol-Free?" You wheezed and glared at Nayeon.
"I mean, we're not selling any alcohol right?" She sniggered.
"But did you really had to make it more obvious?"
"Humor and creativity, YN. We have to aim at those additional points." She formed a gun gesture in her hand and imitates shooting bullets from it.
You hissed and lowered your head, hiding your laughter at Nayeon's silliness.
"Ah, finally it's done! Ooh I can't for us to open it soon!" Nayeon clapped excitedly like a little kid that was about to receive a reward from her parents.
"That's why now you should learn how to make a milkshake properly already."
Nayeon slapped your shoulder at your teasing, a stinging pain irritates your skin. She pouted and grunted like a grumpy granny. "Who among the two of us who couldn't even slice fruits properly huh?"
"Jeez okay, I surrender." You chuckled. Nayeon is still sulking beside you, looking away with her cheeks puffing out and arms crossed. You then took this opportunity as your alternate words of saying sorry to her.
"Thank you for all of this, by the way.  Honestly speaking, this looks amazing Nayeon. You really don't have to go with this much effort..." you felt Nayeon swiftly stabs a deadly glare at you, that won't gonna happen again twice so you continued and fixed your words carefully. "... but I couldn't express how overwhelmed I am with your help."
Nayeon immediately switched her look at you who is glancing the exterior of the shop with glimmer in your eyes and a satisfication in your smile. "With you on my side, managing our very first business together; I just wish the best for us. I hope that many will love this."
Nayeon hooked her arm around yours and pressed her head on your bicep. "I wish the same too. Let's do well, and we will get through that."
She looked up, staring at you. "This is why you have to share your worries with me. Don't make it complicated by yourself, okay? We both love each other, and that would simply mean that there will be no problem for us to overcome anything."
You gratefully kissed Nayeon on the lips to before both entered the fruitshake shop with hands holding together to check the inside next.
Months later, YN and Nayeon's business quickly gained success and popularity, as a result of the large number of daily visitors who were complimenting the shop's appealing design, cozy atmosphere, and natural tastes of their products.
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axailslink · 2 years
I'm sorry
Shuri Udaku x poc FEM reader
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This is a comfort fic if you've ever felt replaced by a friend or lover well here you are.
Summary: the reader feels very lonely due to the constant spending time with Riri it's breaking the reader's love for Shuri and Shuri notices maybe a bit too late when the reader decides to lock herself away from the world.
You don't want to get up today not just to see them you can't stand it you hate how selfish you feel about it but you just can't stand it the way they have fun and she makes her laugh. You've been together for two years you used to make her laugh like that every little thing you did made her laugh now someone else was doing the job. It's annoying you're sick and tired of it.
Staying in bed was the only option no one could see you glare them up and down and you could hide from all of your emotions. You could honestly forget about it as you're surrounded by the warmth of Shuri's smell and blankets. The warmth of her bedroom causes you to sleep... All day. You forget there are other people in the world just for today you don't eat, you don't use the bathroom, you don't drink water you just lay in bed and forget all your worries.
While you're pretending all of your worries have gone away Shuri's panicking her bedroom door is never locked and she can't get in. She's constantly knocking and kicking at the door "baby! Baby please tell me you're okay" she can't lose anyone else she just can't do it she can't go through that pain again. Shuri calls your kimoyo beads but you don't answer you don't want to experience those feelings again you want to do everything you can to just to forget about them to act as if they don't exist. Because if they don't exist you can't feel the pain. Okoye pushes Shuri aside and hits the door repeatedly with her spear it only bounces off and vibrates causing her to lose her balance "someone open the damn door please" Shuri's a mess but you can't hear anything you're relaxing you're unbothered. However you haven't been to the bathroom all day and your body was screaming at you for multiple reasons this just happens to be the first one you listen to. You slowly get up and open the door surprised to see Shuri, Okoye and Riri. Okoye sighs a breath of relief while Shuri flies to you immediately making you lose your balance causing you to grab onto the door. You can see Riri is in tears she's torn up too and you caused this. You gently pull away "I'm sorry I didn't mean to. I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I'm just selfish sometimes and locking myself away seemed better than dealing with my problems." Shuri watches as you gently push past them and run to the nearest bathroom all the feelings come rushing back as the little voice in your head notes they came to help you together.
Why does it still hurt? Why is your mind conjuring up these things? Shuri came to your aid without question and so did Riri they both care about you a lot. Shuri is the love of your life she'd never do anything to hurt you and Riri's your best friend she loves you just as much. You hear the bathroom stall crack open causing you to look up and it's Riri not Shuri which only makes you roll your eyes "we're sorry whatever we did we're sorry please don't punish yourself or shut us out." You only blink as a reply before pushing her out the stall and locking it you seriously had to use the bathroom. When you're finished you hear multiple feet one walking pattern you recognize way too quick it's Shuri. Shuri crawls under the stall which is something she would usually never do she'd say "that's so unsanitary" but she doesn't as she grabs you in a hug. "This is not your fault I hurt myself I conjured up these ideas about you and Rir-" Riri peaks underneath the stall "what the hell did I do?" You sigh as you let it all spill out "you both just look so happy together without me. Riri you make her laugh uncontrollably and Shuri you just- I'm sorry" you choke on your words as they come out but Shuri only hugs you. "You're being so emotional right now but let me remind you of something you make me laugh every day. Every day and I love you for that you're a god send you've not only done the duties of a girlfriend but you perform them as if you're my wife. So what she makes me laugh? She can never make me laugh as much as you do? She can never love me like you do." "Yeah what she said! We love you girl! And we would never hurt you we're so sorry." You laugh at Riri's finger peaking through the hole to further explain her point.
Shuri kisses your forehead and opens the bathroom stall where you see Okoye's worried face first "ulusapho (family)” is all she says causing an immediate smile to warm your face. You wash your hands and the women walk you out of the bathroom Shuri notices your staggered walking, shortness of breath, dizziness and unbalanced figure. "What have you eaten today my love?" You don't answer because you know she's going to be pissed you can sense the anger boiling in her body but she replies calmly with a smile "then let's get you showered, something to eat, and maybe a bit of water you look colorless." Riri notices that too and replies "I didn't know people of color could look colorless" you smack the back of her head causing her to yelp and for you to smile.
A/n: I'm sorry if this is a bit too personal and sad but I needed this I needed to let this be written. So please enjoy it. Also I didn't go over this at all and I don't want to so any errors just ignore them I guess.
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emeritus-fuckers · 1 year
It's me again ✨
Could you write something about staying in bed and watching movies on a super cold rainy day with the papas(not just old nihil for once😂)? It's cold af today and my anemic self is suffering 🫠 and being delusional is helping yk💅🏽
The moment I saw your request, I immediately thought of Nihil. This one's short because I'm sick - Jez
Rainy days in bed with the Papas
He's not too much of a movie fan, to be honest. Manages to fall asleep during the darkest, goriest scenes purely because they don't really catch his focus.
He enjoys very few movies. His favorite is Les Miserables. Mainly because it's entirely sung.
He walks around and hums the songs later while working.
Prefers to read or solve crossword puzzles or sudoku and stuff like that. He enjoys reading to you or when you read to him.
Might bake with you if you ask nicely.
Will drape his robes over you if you're cold. And wrap you in a blanket.
Multiple blankets.
Makes you many hot herbal teas.
Acts more like a dad than lover on days like these.
Gets a fucking headache. Cures it with whisky.
He might be a bit grumpier than usual, he's not a fan of weather like this.
Cuddle the old man, he needs it.
If you two decide to watch movies, he's gonna be really fucking picky about the movie.
He won't tell you what he wants, it's just a matter of you listing titles and him saying no to every single one of them until you finally find something he's willing to watch.
He probably picked something completely stupid, but absolutely not admit the movie is shit.
The movie totally was shit.
Bro's gonna take it personally if you decide watching movies is more important than he is.
It's a rainy day, one of the very few days he gets to only pretend to work instead of actually working!
And you wanna watch a movie instead of doing other fun things? Really?
Don't get me wrong, he's fucking soft for you, he'll give in.
Will do some light groping from time to time as you cuddle.
If you tell him to stop or that you're uncomfortable with it, he stops and apologizes. He's pervy, yeah, but he's not a fucking creep.
Lots of kisses and hugs! He's touch starved!
Copia loves movies! He's got a full collection of his favorites waiting for days like that, just so he can cuddle with you and watch them.
The only one actually focused on the damn movies.
And the only way to distract him is to start touching him.
It's like a little game for you, how much he'll squirm and try to focus on the movie until he gives up watching and gives in to you.
Might get pouty afterwards of he really liked the movie.
Loves to play video games with you on days like these. And he has a perfect excuse, too! What else are you guys supposed to do, after all?
Unlike someone (ekhem, Terzo, ekhem), he's fucking sane about it.
Old Nihil
Only picks ancient movies from his youth that no sane person ever heard of.
And it's the most ridiculous movie ever, something that would totally get cancelled for being offensive nowadays.
If you tell him you don't like it, he might give you some shit about you not appreciating good movies.
Make a cute pouty face at him and his opinion changes completely.
In the end, he lets you pick the movie. Spends the entire time staring at you, dreamingly unless he's startled by a loud noise from the film.
Forgets about the noise within three seconds, goes back to staring at you. Fucking simp.
(The day I don't call Nihil a simp is the day I die)
Young Nihil
Kinda like Terzo, not interested in movies in the slightest.
Way more of an attention whore, though.
Literally whines about you liking a movie more than him.
And he whines like... A lot.
Enough to give up to movie idea completely.
He's gonna have a shit eating grin on his face when he "wins" your little argument.
And he will win. Kinda.
You get upset with him and don't talk to him for a few hours until he makes a joke that he actually kinda likes it.
Smack him and he's gonna laugh, claiming he knew that would get a reaction and that it was planned.
It was not planned, he's just a jackass who doesn't think before opening his mouth.
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AITA for accidentally causing a falling out in our friend group?
I (19) made some friends in college. One of these was J (19M). Throughout the year, small issues built up with him. Notably him constantly (albeit not maliciously) misgendering me. However, he has only known me to go by they/them pronouns since we met, so I don’t see why after nearly a year of knowing him he still couldn’t get them right.
As well as him having very aggressive body language while having conversations/arguments, which always made me very uncomfortable, but he never actually did anything, so I thought it was fine.
The turning point was one night when we were all hanging out, me and my friend M (19F) were talking about how unfair it is that guys can take their shirts off when it’s super hot outside and somehow it got to us talking about how boobs are technically secondary sexual characteristics and shouldn’t even be sexualized by society as much as they are.
J argued with us. The actual opinion on this argument is not important here nor what makes anyone the asshole, but essentially it boiled down to me saying that, if it was hot enough, I personally don’t think it should be wrong for me to be shirtless. He then told me to prove it by taking off my shirt. I said no. There were five other people in the room with us who would not consent to that and it wasn’t hot in the room.
After I explicitly said no to taking off my shirt, he doubled down. Said if I didn’t take it off my argument had no holding and that he was right, which made me uncomfortable. I didn’t feel like I needed to strip in my friend’s dorm to prove a point for a disagreement that really wasn't that serious and I didn't like that he pressured me to after I said no the first time. I can’t remember what I said in response, but the disagreement ended there thanks to the show we were all about to watch starting. However, it made me very uncomfortable for the rest of the night.
Later that night, we went out to get some food like we usually do and sat around in a circle talking. Two of my friends went up to get more food while the other three were having their own conversation which led to J and I talking. 
Now, some context: I’m autistic and I have sensory issues which make it difficult for me to eat food. There have been times when I’ve gone the whole day without eating, or maybe even multiple without, and I often stick to foods that are "safe" and won’t make me feel sick (most aren’t very nutritional/healthy).
I'm very aware of my difficulty eating and how unhealthy it is. I had been going back to my house every weekend in order to eat something other than the college food and even bought some vitamins to try and keep myself from getting severely malnourished.
That being said, I didn’t get a chance to eat much that day, and going out with them was my first genuine meal. After eating a meatball sub I got, M gave me her leftover grapes and I offhandedly said to J “I think these are the healthiest thing I’ve ate today.” 
And his response to me saying this was “You are so strange. You’re aware of how unhealthy you are, yet you never change.”
For the record, he doesn't know the specifics of my difficulties with eating. I’ve only vaguely mentioned it’s hard for me to eat and that I’m not able to eat a lot without feeling sick. Still, it felt really insensitive, very out of nowhere as we weren't having a serious conversation at all, and hurt my feelings. I got visibly upset at this and responded with a very bitter “Yeah” and immediately dropped the subject because it's not something I enjoy talking about. (This was also not the first time he has made comments about my self-care habits in such a way and while I believe he says them with good intentions I have stated multiple times it makes me feel worse).
I didn’t want to make a big deal out of nothing, so I texted my friends after we all headed back to our dorms about what happened. Both him telling me to take off my shirt and the comment on my eating and asked if I was making a big deal out of it by being uncomfortable and upset. They told me that both things were extremely rude (and that the shirt thing was technically sexual harassment, though I don’t want to call it that) and that I was justified in being uncomfortable. They then mentioned that they had their own issues with J being a little too aggressive in the past that they had brushed aside, but they felt that what happened to me justified talking to him about his behavior.
We tried our best to avoid an argument. We just wanted to have a civil conversation about it as we all genuinely care about him. But when I confronted him about my issues and H brought up the problems she had been having (which consisted of him being too aggressive, guilt tripping the others when he was told to back off, and not respecting her privacy in her dorm) he got very defensive. It escalated into an argument between H and J that escalated to H deciding to cut ties with him due to him refusing to listen.
A few hours later, J sent me and H a genuine apology, which we accepted. I thought things were fine between us, although there was lingering discomfort as there would be with most big arguments. When the semester ended he sent us all messages that he didn’t feel welcome in the group and that he thought it was better to cut ties permanently and wished us all well. 
I kind of feel like it’s my fault and that I caused unnecessary drama without meaning to.
What are these acronyms?
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aphroditesmoon · 1 year
if you are still accepting requests, please could we have one where reader has to care for a sick (and stubborn!) boromir?
let time heal
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boromir son of denethor ii x reader
warnings: mentions of battle, wounds, being sick
a/n: hope it's to your liking<33
You could hear a loud crashing sound accompanied by a sound of a man cursing loudly as you're mixing up the porridge for Boromir.
He is relentless, convinced that he should be there in battle despite his conditions.
"You can't even walk straight, better to sit tight where you're at." You yelled out from where you are.You heard no reply, but the very image of his scowl is conjured to your mind, fished out a small smile from your face.
When you've arrived back to his bedside, he's in the same position before you left as if he had never even attempted to escape your nursing. "Do you ever do as your told?" You tease whilst trying to fight the porridge off of his hand to feed him yourself.
"I'm not a child, I'm the captain of gondor." He states plainly. "No, you're sick. That's what you are. Now own up, here comes the choo choo-"
His mouth remains closed, and eyes glaring at you through your soul. You're sure if he hadn't broken three ribs and twisted his arm, he'd have strangled you for that.
"You're not funny." He snaps. "The wounds are on my ribs, not my fingers." You give no reply, shoving the spoon in his mouth. He eats it depressingly.
After a long gruesome eating session for him, Boromir finally relaxes and stops fussing to try and get up. You assume he's just embarrassed to be nursed like a child, but after the blow he'd received from the orcs, his injuries were not minor. And he knew that as much as you.
Night time came, the clouds starts to darken slowly, and per his begging, you tried your best to help him up to sit outside of the corners of your house, to view the sun setting and stars rising.
You help him down on the bench and he mutters a thank you as he slumps againts the walls of your house while you indulge yourself by leaning your head on his shoulder and closing your eyes, the proximity allowing you to hear every breath he inhales and exhale.
When you finally open your eyes, you found Boromir already staring at you, eyes tired but so awake as he gazes down upon you. You keep the gazing intact, both of you enjoying the comfortable silence of mutual understanding of eachother.
"You're looking worse than me, you know?" He speaks finally, softly.
You raise a brow at him and let out a short laugh. "If that was somewhat an attempt to make me allow you to travel back to minas tirith on horseback, it's is a lousy one. Those broken ribs will remain broken if you don't let time heal it." You chided.
He shook his head, eyes free of any grudge. "Yet will time heal my heart if anything had befallen my friends, and I could not be there to protect them?"
"Boromir, you can't save everyone." You sighed out. He was silent then, almost as if you had struck him speechless with a sword
He blinked out of his trance and looks away from you, eyes enchanted by the stars now. "No, but I could try." He whispers out.
You grinned to yourself, watching his hopeful face try to capture the night's beauty with his eyes. "Look at you, so keen to save the world, yet you won't even let me try and save you from dying." His face snaps towards you and you notice his usual frown making it home again. "Protect me from what? the dangers of holding a spoon with my own hands?" He asks challengingly.
"From tripping over nothing and banging you head on window frames." You answer easily, recalling the multiple times it happened today only.
He rolls his eyes and looks back to the sky, failing to hide the small smile at the corner of his lips. "That was one time." He mumbled to himself.
It was not one time.
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>I Just Like The Cold.
Chapter Three
Multiple POV's
TW, Drowning.
I'm so sorry this took forever, I've been on my other Tumblr and forgot completely about this account 😭.
Also I'm tryna etch myself back into my twilight phase and writing always helps.
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°Reader's POV°
I felt the beads of sweat dripping down my face. I tossed and turned, and my face twitched with irritation as my eyes refused to snap open from this dream. It was a simple dream. One that if I were still allowed to friends with him, I wouldn't complain, but as I'm not permitted to go anywhere near him, the only way I can hear his voice and be as close to him as I want, is in my subconscious.
He was just sat there. On a cliffside, overlooking a beautiful sunset, his head was slightly tilted as he watched the cotton candy looking clouds float through the sky. Sunsets were rare in Forks, which was probably why he was sat there, admiring it. No one else was there, until I appeared, and sat down next to him. He smiled in my direction and he put his arm around my waist. I took the opportunity and rested my head on his shoulder. But with each breath, and every blink in the sun's direction, he withered away slowly. Like a dying rose, but with it's thorns still pricking me.
"I just can't.." he said, as his face was the last of him to wash away, and I was left alone again.
I sat up, gasping for air, letting the much needed oxygen fill my lungs. I opened my curtains to see the dark of the night, the only light being from the moon and shining stars surrounding it.
Sighing, I sat back down on my bed, begging my mind to let him go. He didn't want to know me. And that hurt.
Thinking about it, I'm being pretty dramatic. It's just how in the dark I am about it all. He didn't give me an explanation of any kind. The only thing I've heard is that it's 'for my own good' or for my 'safety' but I don't get how I'm in danger. If he had just given me a reason, sure I'd still be sad that I can't be...friends with him, but I wouldn't be in a state like this. I just need answers, my mind can't comprehend the not knowing.
It was morning before I knew it, and I was running on very limited sleep. Before Emmett got to my house I met myself in the mirror, and stared at my reflection. I looked so..sick. Almost like death had greeted me like an old friend. The bags under my eyes, they hung low like anchors, anchors on one of those old fashioned war ships.
However, before I could throw myself a lifeboat, a knock at my door pulled me from my thoughts.
As I went down the stairs, a picture frame of the Rez hung by the doorway, I'd never noticed it before, but it reminded me that Seth had invited me to go swimming later today, and that lifted my mood.
I unlocked my door, grabbing my backpack. "Hey.." Emmett said, that same goofy grin smeared across his face.
"Hey Emmett" I threw him a sheepish smile, the same sheepish smile I'd been giving him over and over. He probably knew by now that it wasn't exactly a genuine smile but he met me with the same mentality everyday, being that he could make me feel better with his jokes. Now, while the jokes would make me chuckle any other time, I was too numb.
Almost like routine, I climbed into the back of Emmett's jeep as he switched the radio on, pulling away from my house.
We arrived at school and I hopped out of the jeep, thanking Emmett like usual as we walked up the steps. Emmett would drive so fast that the three of us, myself, Emmett and Rose, got to school maybe 10 minutes before the rest of the students.
We wandered through the not so densely populated corridors of the school.
"You seem a bit more cheerful today Y/n" Emmett commented.
"yeah..well Seth invited me over to La Push to go swimming" I smiled, and not a fake one.
Rosalie stopped herself from laughing by biting the inside of her cheek.
Emmett raised his eyebrows. "Swimming? It's getting colder..are you sure?" Emmett asked.
"Yes. I'm sure. I like the cold, it's refreshing. I'd rather be freezing cold than boiling hot" I admitted.
"..Well, just be careful okay?" he said, worry lacing his words.
"I will." I said, as students began to file in through the doors.
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°Jasper's POV°
Each and every school day without talking to her feels like hell. I don't even need to be here, why am I here? I've graduated high school so many times. I mean, surely there's a better way to spend eternity than going to school over and over again?
Or maybe it's this school. Forks High School. Granted, this is only the second time we've been to this school, but both times one of us has...gotten invloved..with a human.
Shaking my screaming thoughts, I walked over to Edward's Volvo, and waited for him and Bella to finish class.
I leant against the hood of the car and without warning, I was paralysed by her all too familiar scent. The very scent I was craving. My eyes glued to her figure as she skipped past the car, not even blinking in my direction as she tugged Seth over to her car, her hands clinging to his wrists. Embry and Quill followed not too far behind, laughing at her antics.
"I actually can't wait, I've been needing to get out the house so bad!" I heard her. Her voice, sculpted to please my ears so delicately. My still heart tugged at its strings, begging me to call it quits and just go over to her.
Go over to her and just sweep her of her feet, both litteraly and figuratively. I want to hold her tightly in a hug that she can't escape from, I want to cradle her in my arms. I want-
I want her.
I felt a dread as I watched Seth hold the car open for her. It wasn't someone else's dread, it wasn't an artificial dread that I had moulded to place on someone. It was my own. My own dread, my own jealousy.
Seth was a great person. He was so kind and his heart had room for anyone. Can't say the same for other members of his pack..but Seth was a good egg. If that's the case, why in this moment am I wishing upon his downfall?, why am I praying for something to happen?
"Maybe cuz you're in love with her?" Edward asked, as he and Bella walked up to the car, arms linked.
"Shut up."
"-and don't you dare do anything to Seth." Bella said, inferring.
"I wasn't going to.." I muttered. "I actually like Seth." I said, rolling my eyes as I recalled the number of times his other pack members made this eternal life a little tougher than it had to be.
"I think everything's gonna turn out fine!" Alice smiled from beside me, appearing from out of nowhere.
"Oh will it now?" I asked, as we all piled into the Volvo.
"Yep!" She said, optimistically, he smile wide.
"Oh..tell me Alice, when does Jasper decide to...get over himself?" Bella asked, turning to face me from the passenger seat, earning a chuckle from Edward who was supposed to be focused on not hitting students as he pulled away from the parking spot.
Alice also giggled at Bella's remark. "Oh aren't you so funny and confident now that you've got everything you want?" I sassed.
"Don't hate the player, hate the game" She said, with her hands up in surrender, a playfull smile tugging at her lips.
Not too thrilled I risked my life for her. But y'know...we move.
I could sense Edward in my head. 'What?' I thought, bitterly.
"Jasper, if you're that worried about her going to La Push, I can get Renesme to go down there. Just to keep an eye out for her." He said.
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°Reader's POV°
Seth sat next to me in my passenger seat, giving me directions to the La Push beach, while Embry and Quill sat in the back squabbling.
My eyes stayed glued to the road however, and their voices soon muffled as my thoughts began to drown them out.
I spotted Seth at the bottom of the steps, and as we walked across the car park, Embry and Quill joined us. I saw him. Leant against Edward's Volvo, not a care in the world. I'll bet he hadn't given me a thought since he walked off in that hallway. He didn't know just how much this ignorance was cursing me, just how much his cold shoulder was making my heart ache. I couldn't let him see how bad this was effecting me, I just couldn't. I grabbed Seth's wrist and skipped past him to my car. "Someone's eager" Seth commented. "I actually can't wait, I've been needing to get out the house so bad!" I said, truthfully. I fought against the urge to glance in his direction, the hope that he was looking this way slowly persuading me. I instead thanked Seth as he opened my car door for me, and I climbed inside.
"Is she in some sort of trance-" I heard Embry's voice from outside my car. Visions of Jasper fading as I felt someone shake my shoulder.
"Y/n?" Seth pulled me from my thoughts, the harsh wind easing it's way into the car through my now open door.
I shook my head and turned to face him, as he was leaning inside the car, his hand still resting comfortably on my shoulder. "Shit, sorry I zoned out" I said, laughing slightly as I got out the car, in attempts to lighten the mood.
The others cracked a smile as they ran ahead, taking off their tops as they ran into the sea. I smiled too, taking off my jacket and leaving it in the car, next to my bag of spare clothes and my shoes. "I'll race you!" I said to Seth already speeding off.
The waves just managed wash over my feet when Seth grabbed my waist and we both fell into the water, thankfully it was a little deeper than I expected, so I didn't hurt myself.
I smiled as I rose the surface again, splashing Seth when he turned in my direction. He grinned as he dove under the water, swimming beneath me, before standing back up, with me on his shoulders. I wobbled, as he began to walk about.
"Seth!" I laughed. Like..actually laughed. For the first time in a while.
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°Renesme's POV°
I sat on the cliffside, looking down at the four of them. Laughing loudly and splashing each other. I could hear their racing hearts from here, as they used all their energy.
She was fine.
Uncle Jas really just has to get a grip. Apparently it was the same with Dad? Why can't men just..
"What you doing up here Ness?" Jacob said, sitting next to me.
"Always the questions..never 'Hey Renesme!' or 'Hey Nessi'. Just a question for every minute I'm not attached to your hip huh?" I asked, a small smile tugging at my lips.
His lips curled up too. "Sorry."
Jacob was honestly the best friend I could ask for. I tried to hang out with the rest of the pack, to get closer to them, but Jacob just gives better company, well for me anyway. I've known him since I was born, (now given my complicated ageing process, it hasn't been that long) but that's besides the point. The point is, Jacob's like the brother I'm never gonna have.
(A!/n: bit of Jacob character redemption there for you)
The laughing died down, along with the splashing, and my head whipped back round to the four of them down at the shore. Only three of them visible and only three heartbeats audible.
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°Seth's POV°
Y/n dived under the water again. I don't know what she was gonna do this time, she'd been diving under and doing the most random shit for the past five minutes, making the three of us laugh until our ribs hurt.
She was still under the water.
I saw her body beneath the surface of the waves, laying still. Was she serious? Was this a prank or something? I reached into the water and dragged her above the surface. She wasn't breathing.
I picked her up, and ran her over to the shore, placing her down gently. I've never done CPR, so I panicked. I frantically felt around her neck for a pulse but I couldn't find it. My breathing quickened, and just as me and Y/n have talked about, That ugly feeling hit.
Not now Seth, she needs you.
Before my brain could overthink anymore, Jacob and Renesme appeared.
"What happened!?" Nessi asked, her voice cracking in worry, as she knelt down to Y/n.
"We were just playing around and then she went under water but then she didn't come back up so I dragged her out of the water and-"
"-Seth!" Jacob cut me off.
I snapped my eyes over to him. "Just go get Carlisle, just in case, quickly. I'll do CPR." He said, joking Renesme.
I ran off, hearing the thuds as Jacob attempted to get the water from her lungs. The thudding faded the further I got into the woods and I phased, racing over to the Cullens'.
I ran through the woods, going tunnel vision. I could hear my own heart pounding in my chest, the thud reminding me of Jacob's palm compressing against her chest.
I leaped out of the trees and onto the road infront of thier house, Carlisle, Edward and Alice meeting me outside. "Seth.." Edward said, Bella soon appeared by his side. "Seth?" she repeated.
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°Edward's POV°
Seth struggled to stay on his feet as he breathed heavily, I could see the panic behind his eyes.
'It's Y/n she's not breathing. Jacob's trying to do CPR but he said to get Carlisle, I'm not sure he knows exactly what he's doing!'
Thankfully, Jasper had gone hunting with Emmett so I didn't need to worry about him hearing.
"Carlisle, it's Y/n." I said, expressing my worry.
"Y/n?" He questioned, appearing from the house at my side. "As in Jasper's supposed singer?"
"Yes! I'll go with you, but don't tell Jasper." I said.
Carlisle nodded to me, and sped off, Seth following close behind him. Just as I was about to kiss Bella goodbye, I heard Jasper's raspy voice from the trees.
He walked out with Emmett, wiping blood from his mouth. "Don't tell Jasper what?" he asked.
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°Jasper's POV°
Edward stared at me, unable to speak. I could feel his worry, and his panic. I looked to Alice and she felt the same, her sympathy tangling with Edward's apprehension.
"Don't tell me what?" I repeated.
"Guys what's going on?" Emmett said, as he began to walk inside. "Has Jacob been over or what? It stinks" He said, before he froze in his tracks on the steps.
And my thoughts froze too. We came to the same conclusion. That smell. It wasn't Jacob.
"Seth was here." I said, steeping forward. "Was she with him? Is she okay?, don't tell me she's somewhere in these woods." I rattled off questions, getting closer and closer to Edward.
"Eddie, just tell me. Where did Carlisle go, I thought I saw him speeding off with a wolf but I shook it off, now I'm enclined to not doubt what I saw, where did they go?" I asked.
The closer I got to Edward, the more on edge I felt Bella become. "Jasper.." she said.
I turned to face her. "Is Renesme not back yet?" I asked.
"Seth was here." Edward finally said, he let out an unessecary puff of air. "And he asked for Carlisle because.." he trailed off, still debating wether letting me in on the information was a good idea.
"Because what Edward?" I felt a new kind of anxiety seeping in, it infiltrated my anger, turning my voice shaky instead of stern. At this point, I think I already knew. The string of information peiced itself together the moment I realised Seth was here.
"Y/n. She-"
I needed no more information. I turned on my heal and ran through the forest, ducking and diving between branches. She can't be hurt. If she's hurt, or dead, or worse than I won't be able to live with myself.
She went to La Push to quote “get out the house” If I didn't cut her off, she wouldn't be needing a distraction. She wouldn't have been there.
My thoughts were so loud on the run to La Push, I'm almost certain Edward still heard me. I didn't want to be friends with her anymore, because deep down I knew how much my stone heart called for her. I knew how much her blood tempted me. I knew that I'd already fallen in love with her. Yet, in my attempt to remove myself from her life, and she from mine, the tugging feeling of desperacy grew stronger within my dead soul.
They say eyes are the window to the soul, and the soul is what makes someone live. Well...the dying fire in my soul was only reignited when her eyes greeted mine. She added fuel to the flames, in so many ways. She made my still heart feel as though it was skipping beats. She made the hunger, longing at the back of my throat, cry out for her. She made me feel again. Her emotions were so strong, the strongest I've ever felt from anyone, I could feel them all the time, even when I knew nothing of her whereabouts. But, in that moment, I felt nothing from her. I felt nothing but my own trepidation.
I remember the first time I saw her.
There was: Anxiety, Depression, Arousal (the classic), Embarrassment, Jealousy, Confusion, Panic. The all too familiar everyday emotions of high schoolers invaded my very senses, until a new scent hit my nose like a tidal wave and snapped me out of working order. My head sprang up as I abruptly stopped talking with Rose and I scanned the halls. That roaring flame of hunger was racing back into my throat, and I felt nothing but instant panic as this person's scent was sending me into orbit. Breathing had become a forgotten practice, not that I needed to do it anyway. My eyes darted to everyone in the halls, no one's face matching the beauty of the scent controlling my actions. I almost didn't notice Alice's hand on my shoulder attempting to calm me, as I still hadn't found the source of the alluring smell.
Until my eyes landed on her.
Her features matching her intoxicating scent all too well. My eyes were locked on hers, everything beside her was blurry and I couldn't look away. Her eyes giving me a new kind of oxygen to breathe. I sensed Edward inside my mind, reading my thoughts and that was enough to pull me out of my trance. I was able to walk away, down the hall before I ended up hurting someone. And by someone, I meant her.
I pushed my initial thoughts of her away for as long as could, before my non-beating heart took over and decided that not much harm could be done if I became friends with her. But, much to my dismay, seeing her shining eyes everyday was enough for her to take over my every thought. My each and every thought.
I got to the beach, a small crowd surrounding her. She lay still on the sand. Lifeless. Her eyes were closed and her lips were blue.
Not like this.
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°Reader's POV°
I couldn't see anything but black. I couldn't think. I couldn't feel.
But for some reason, I could hear.
"How long has it since she was under the water?" I heard Dr Cullen's voice.
"About three minutes.." A man said. I heard a dog bark, as if it was disagreeing. Now surely I was starting to hallucinate.
"Scratch that, maybe five" The man corrected himself.
I could feel ice cold fingers at my neck.
"She's alive, move out of the way Jacob." Dr Cullen said, as he placed his freezing hands slightly higher up on my chest than this 'Jacob' had them earlier, and he started performing CPR.
I almost didn't want to wake up, the kind light surrounding me was welcoming me with open arms and I felt loved for the first time in a long time. Everything was bright, shiny and sparkling - it was like a celestial glow. I felt content and peacefuI. Dr Cullen kept trying to resuscitate me, but my body wasn't allowing it.
"C'mon Y/l/n" His voice echoed around me, the southern drawl non-mistakeable. "What have I said to you about getting distracted?" he said, reminding me of the baseball game. I couldn't think of anything before his voice, but now, I was invaded with visions of our forgotten friendship.
A thud against my chest.
"You gonna keep those beautiful eyes away from me forever, hotshot?" he said.
A thud against my chest.
"This isn't it. You know it's not"
A thud against my chest.
"You're not done, this isn't how we end. Not after I tried to keep you safe."
A thud against my chest.
"I miss you so much" he said, weakly.
One last thud and I was gasping for air, coughing up sea water. My rapid breathing felt familiar but the strain around my chest didn't, I could feel where the water had been, it was like it was still clawing at the sides of my lungs. My vision was blurry, and I couldn't make anyone out.
No one but him.
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calicodreamer · 7 months
Lets make this clear. So, First of all I'm only covering two episodes today (ADHD POOR IMPULSE REGULATION LETS GO).
Secondly, As an apology for my silence in my never ending quest to get through all GAZILLION of the Sun and Moon shows episodes, you can have two posts in a short amount of time.
Typically warnings for Spoilers, even though this is really early on into the series, I am like, a good few episodes in? So its probably good to spoiler warn outside of the tags.
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This episode took a lot less time  for me to eventually watch due to how the last episode treated me. Frankly, I was expecting a lot more cringe than what I got, so I was excited to watch the next episode and got over the “No clicky clicky” mental block.
And I was hoping this two wouldn't cringe, and there was no intro! So My hopes were high!
And sorely misplaced. I had to physically throw myself out of my bed and to my computer to type this down so I could not click off the episode.
But like Sisyphus I am bound, and here I continue with my efforts to continue this short series.
Instead of their usual icons they have little pop up things, depending on who’s POV it is. 
So the episode opens with Sun and Moon arriving at the restaurant so Sun can go on his date with Roxanne. The restaurant is empty, Roxanne is there with her Dommy Mommy voice, and Gregory is also there (For some fucking reason, and he sounds terrible), and Roxy thinks she’s going on a date with Moon -
Oh poor Sun
But they decided to Just roll with it, and Sun takes Gregory to help him with this date for his brother. 
Sun is VERY large compared to Gregory, and I am enjoying it greatly. 
So they feed them (Roxanne and Moon, who is currently having an awful time on his date.) Pancakes, and then Sun finds a Duck (Who is actually a Goose) and tries to get Gregory to help him cook it. And he does? This is fantastic
(I am suffering)
“What are your hobbies?” “Science, the occasional murder, something serious.” Moon you are the only thing getting me through this
Sun admits to Waterboarding the Goose to kill it, Moon has a legal system in his head. 8 minutes in, I don’t wanna live here anymore. The only thing thats keeping me going through this episode is typing this
Actually the episode ends up fairly well, Sun and Roxanne agree to go on another date after Moon gets sick of having to put up with this facade being that Moon doesn’t even really like Roxanne, who gets huffy about it., which is cute, and If I wasn’t spoiled, I’d be rooting for there relationship
I was told this episode involved a murder attempt, and y’know what its okay for me to be wrong.
12:22 Sun and Moon TRANSFORM into ECLIPSE in VRCHAT
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This is the introduction of Eclipse, and he just shows up to be a dramatic little fucker for a while, and bite at Moon because he’s a petty little bastard. Like - HE REALLY hates moon for some reasons.
Eclipse girlies this is the start of your buffet.
There isn’t a traditional intro, but still an Intro that I find less cringe, which is essential just Moon being like “I’m worried about Sun ™, Let me go check on him.”
and then Sun shows up and is like, “Lemme be real suspicious, and act not like Sun at all, and also gaslight Moon.” 
Moon is also getting STEADILY fed up with Not sun for a good while.
The episode starts with “And now I know that's not Sun-” which is like a KILLER LINE - I am paraphrasing the original part of that sentence.
We are introduced to another personality, and he has a killer sense of theatrics, like - I am ENJOYING this guy. He’s such a little stinker.
“Your right about the code.. Even the smallest portion of it…” _ GO WHITE BOY GO
Moon being over protective and angsty, and the first bit of Eclipse being just a part of Moon that evolved after he left Sun’s original body, which relates to this theory that I have regarding the multiple different personalities that just happen to pop up within Suns original Code, But we can get there eventually.
“People like to call me Eclipse.” Babygirl What people? we just met you.
Moon being worried about his brother for ten minutes, and I LOVE Eclipse’s voice. 
The VR models glitching around During these super serious moments are funny.
The also canonically have an editor, there is a whole other dude here, AND children in the day-care
So Like, Eclipse has been running around unchecked in Suns body for 24 hours, and Moon Loses his shit because he couldn’t tell the difference. Poor Sun has no idea what’s happening, because he wasn’t conscious when Eclipse was in the drivers seat. 
“He’s OUR eclipse.” Good line Moon Voice actor very good.
Moon feeling guilty mark one
They’re doing a good job at building up Eclipse as a threat, Poor babies
And the fact that Moon still remembers sharing a body with Sun and how much he didn’t like that
Also they have a home that isn’t the day-care and I don’t know how I feel about that (They do have like, Bunkers, and whole other house)
So my final thoughts: This is the beginning of less happy fun times and constant drama, and like, screw you wiki, lying to me about the suffering of Gregory - Even though he deserves it for his awful voice.
Moon and Sun - Still a duo that I enjoy. Though it should be Noted that Moon is much more tolerable when he's not stressed. It doesn't look like either of the boys have any real coping mechanism's right not for dealing with any emotion that they don't like. Sun looks to be internalizing most of his issues right now, while Moon is largely explosive and externalizes most of his emotions - Probably because he wasn't always able to.
More to Come
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Hi Sass! Hope the packing is going well :)
I saw your WIP list and was wondering what the 2 Tumblr ones were about.
Also, has there ever been a time where you've had difficulty transferring a plot point/idea into any of your fics? Like, the way you wrote it didn't turn out the same as what was inside your head the first time.
Hi!! Packing is...going as well as you'd expect. I have accumulated a lot of stuff in two years so it's kind of like...1) how the fuck am I going to pack this all away without it being ridiculous to carry down a flight of stairs and 2) why the fuck do i own so much shit
Anyways. As for the two tumblr prompts, they're both Killer and Healer mafia aus (from when I got that sudden urge to write mafia aus) that @gem2117 sent to me. She always sends me multiple prompts so I can choose whichever one I want to work with, but her prompts are always so good so I usually end up doing all of them.
The first one is where Jiang Yuelou gets assigned from his boss to take out a target and said target is Chen Yuzhi. Now for this one, I'm not really sure where I'm gonna go with it...it's gonna be a mob hit, obviously but I'm thinking that Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi are both going to be assassins or maybe Chen Yuzhi is on the run from another triad/yakuza (I do like the idea of making him yakuza/former yakuza, like I did in my fic The Past Comes Knocking). Idk, all I know is that I'm going to have Jiang Yuelou abandon his boss's orders and protect Chen Yuzhi at all cost. (And maybe Chen Yuzhi protects him in return when Jiang Yuelou's boss decides to retaliate because those who don't follow orders get snuffed).
As for the second one, that one is where Chen Yuzhi does his first kill and Jiang Yuelou comforts him. I'm thinking for this one, Chen Yuzhi might be going home and stumbles upon Jiang Yuelou being attacked (or Jiang Yuelou comes running towards him beaten and bruised) and as they're trying to escape, the people who attacked Jiang Yuelou try to attack them. Chen Yuzhi, of course, is a healer, not a fighter so he's doing his best to try and avoid getting hurt and manages to knock out one of the attackers before noticing that the other attacker is going to kill Jiang Yuelou if he doesn't do something, so he takes the knife his attacker tried to use on him and stabs the other attacker (either in the neck or in the abdomen, idk). After he does that, he feels very sick because he just took a life, that's the opposite of what a doctor's supposed to do, until he remembers that Jiang Yuelou is there and still injured. He takes the man home, bandages him up/takes care of him, all the while trying not to be sick. Cue comfort.
(It's funny, I literally had no idea what the fuck I was going to do with either of these prompts until literally this ask)
As for your other question, yes. The Red-Light District went through three different drafts (the third one being the final one that I went with). I had like...the first paragraph sort of figured out but after that it just wasn't...giving. So I actually watched a few episodes from my favorite TV "The Cleaning Lady" to give me inspiration (as I had always wanted to write a fic based on a couple of episodes from that show) and then the fic became what it is today. And I'm very happy with it.
Soul Bound was another fic that turned out differently than I had originally expected. Remember, this was the one where I thought about doing a boss/subordinate soulmate au but then I realized that I know jackshit about office work/office life so I decided to do an enemies to lovers, xianxia, inspired by The Journey of Chongzi au where Chen Yuzhi was an immortal and Jiang Yuelou was the demon king and they were soulmates and neither of them was happy about it.
I'll Be There For You was also another fic that turned out differently. I had started writing the outline one way and I was like...no, I don't like that. And then I scraped the outline and wrote a whole new one, which was much better.
I'm sure I have other fics that I could think of, but these are just the four off the top of my head that I know were different originally in my head than on the page.
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chainofclovers · 2 years
@talldecafcappuccino and @itsagutthing tagged me! 💖
3 ships: Is this a trick question? I'm currently deep in my brain writing a Ted/Rebecca/Keeley/Roy story which means I am thinking about that ship and also Ted/Rebecca, Rebecca/Roy, Rebecca/Keeley, Roy/Keeley, Ted/Keeley, Ted/Roy, and I THINK that's everyone? (That pretty much covers Ted Lasso except obviously Beard should be a part of any and all things, I'm just not writing about him literally today.)
First ever ship: I don't really remember the first true ship I had, but I remember going on the Big Block of Cheese archive and reading basically everyone paired with C.J. because I've always been me? This would've been early-mid high school. And then the first ship I genuinely shipped in an interactive fandom way was Miranda/Andy.
Last song: Some jazz thing we were listening to while doing the crossword last night that I didn't recognize
Currently reading: I'm reading A Gentleman In Moscow by Amor Towles. To the extent that I have a book type this is not my usual fare but it's come highly recommended by multiple family members and I received it for my bday. So far so good
Last movie: A DELIGHTFUL rewatch of It Happened One Night. The bisexuals of 1934 must've been going absolutely wild for this movie, omg
Currently consuming: Just ate some cheese and crackers
Currently watching: What We Do in The Shadows (so good but slow-going because I don't *crave* it the way I crave lots of TV), L Word Gen Q (this season is extra bad, right? I feel slightly like I'm just doing my queer duty but it's very fun!), always reruns of Taskmaster, and I'm gonna start the new Madre Solo Hay Dos today
Currently craving: Nothing, for once in my life. I'm sick with a bad cold/fever thing so food is utilitarian. I'm excited about soup, I guess? Thanks, soup! Always there for me - I tag...um... @thesumdancekid @theodore-lasso @freetobegrace @ohtendril @majolination @chilly-flame @cassiopeiasara @dollsome-does-tumblr @howiehamlin and absolutely anyone who wants to do this, I've not been paying much attention to tumblr lately so I don't know who is on here today and I could only remember a handful of names that were already tagged
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neuroborreliosis · 8 months
the night before last, i added cefdinir 300mg to my antibiotic regimen. i'm now taking that, plus bactrim 160mg, twice a day each. i'm still taking all the other stuff.
i feel sick. i always feel sick, but i feel even more low-energy these last few days. the nausea from the antibiotics surprisingly hasn't been too debilitating, but another side effect has emerged and proven somewhat unforgiving. i noticed that i'm extremely irritated most of the time. little things have been pissing me off, like someone leaving a mess in the sink, or someone walking past the tv while jules and i watch rupaul. little things like that. like someone forgetting to wipe down the stove after cooking. normally, i'm neurotic. normally, i'm anxious about cleanliness and messy kitchens trigger my ocd. probably because i used to get punished for leaving messes as a child. probably because i had it pounded into me that you clean up after yourself, right away, every time, or else. but i'm not normally so outward about it. it's like i've got a short fuse that keeps getting shorter.
yesterday, i was so annoyed by the mere presence of other people that i had to go upstairs to take a bath, to be alone. the sound of multiple conversations happening at once was grinding at me. it's cold upstairs, since we usually only have the heat on in the basement to save money. but i brought my space heater and my himalayan salt lamp into the bathhroom, plugged them in, ran the bath water. added hibiscus epsom salts, let it get full of hot water and got in. i added a rose petal bath bomb to the water. the bath bomb and the salts were gifted to me by violet, who waas preparing to move and couldn't use them in time.
i brought my book into the bath and just read for a long while, relaxing into steamy precious solitude. i'm reading a memoir by Suleika Jaouad called "Between Two Kingdoms: A Memoir of a Life Interrupted" about her experience as a young adult with leukemia. it's pretty intense, but it's also super cathartic to read of other young peoples' experiences with debilitating illness. it makes me feel both grateful for what i have, and less alone in my suffering.
i'm so grateful that i've been able to read lately. the memoir is the second consecutive book i've read in just a few weeks. whenever i'm not able to rest as much as i need to, my fatigue and brain fog get so bad that i can barely read, let alone write. i think because i've been able to rest, pace myself, and not overdo activity (thanks, stable living situation!) i actually have some mental energy stored away that i can use to read, and to write, and even to draw/paint a little! i haven't had this happen in a very long time. it makes me feel less like a useless sick fuck. i get to do some of the things i hold dearest.
i stayed in the bath for hours, i think over 4 hours, adding more hot water whenever it started to get lukewarm. i read for a long while, then i thought about how frustrated i was by how frustrated i feel, and i called my mom. she's a nurse, so she knows about these things. she seemed to think it made sense that an intense antibiotic regimen would lead to mental difficulty, considering it would destroy my gut biome, and as we know, gut health is strongly correlated with mental well-being. we talked about my health, she asked if i've been pooping (sorry this gets gross, but it's a part of my everyday reality, so i'm going to talk about it) and i told her yes, i pooped today, but before that it had been three days. three days is better than five or six or seven, which is often how long i go between bowel movements. but it's still not great. i still have to plunge after every shit, because they're so hard. my shit is so hard that it literally tears open my butthole every time i go, so i have these really painful and itchy hemorrhoids that never have time to heal fully before they're exacerbated by the next bowel movement. the other day, i got some hemorrhoid cream, but it made the itching so horribly intense that i kept scratching - the digging scratch, the really deep scratch - every time i went to pee just to try to get some relief. i stopped using the cream. my mom thinks i'm probably allergic to one of its ingredients.
while we're talking about poop, i'll recount possibly one of the sweetest things dillon has ever done for me. yesterday, early in the day, i took a big ass shit. i went to go get the plunger from upstairs, to bring it down to the basement bathroom. when i got back downstairs, dillon asked if he could see my poop. i knee-jerk responded, "no!" but then i thought about it, and i agreed. he wanted to make sure there was no blood or worms or anything really bad in my stool, he wanted to make sure nothing more than really bad constipation was happening. i know this seems weird, but it's honestly one of the cutest things a partner has ever done for me. that's real love right there. and spoiler: he still loves me after seeing my monster poop.
after about three hours in the bath, dillon came to check on me. he hung out for a while, sitting on the toilet telling me how cute and hot i was. i said "i'm in my element. i never wanna get out" and he responded, "so don't!" as he was leaving to go back downstairs i said "do we still have any annie's mac n cheese?" and he said he would check. about an hour later, i came downstairs all squeaky clean - except for my hair, which is so tangled and i did not have the energy to deal with that - and dillon was at the stove, making me a whole box of mac n cheese for myself!! so cute. so gay. i love him.
i'm feeling the mental exhaustion come on, so i will stop writing here. but i'll keep coming back for updates! maybe later today, but more likely i'll update again tomorrow.
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theyetch · 1 year
I'm out sick today, because everyone's catching things now that school is back in full swing, and of course I did something better than homework.
Now, I don't know how many of you people (you people being the two humans that will end up seeing this post) have watched the YouTube videos of one individual named Hoser. But just in case you haven't, here's a quick run-down:
This guy makes insanely insightful videos about geopolitics and goings-on in non-america nations. Usually not foreign policy, just their internal affairs. Now, one of the things that make his videos so recognizable is that he uses little animal dudes to represent the countries. This serves a dual purpose of
a) making the videos more engaging and giving your eyes something to focus on, and
b) funi.
This guy has a very specific style that he draws the little animal dudes in: it tends to be the national (or emblematic) animal of a nation, and has that nations flag kinda drawn onto it. Like this:
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So, having made a fake nation a few months back just for the fun of it, I decided a good use of my time would be to make my own little animal dude, like so (and the flag for reference):
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But that's just how it started. You see, I still had multiple hours that I could be using to get homework done, and you know we can't have that here. So, I spent the rest of my time (not a few hours, but maybe one) creating a fake thumbnail for a fake video that he fake made ((he did not make a video)). I was pretty happy with how it turned out, especially since I put in the effort to find the font he used and his drop shadow settings and all, so you'll be seeing that later as well.
This was all well and good, but how was I supposed to reach maximum heehee (to myself and only myself) if it didn't ACTUALLY look like a video?? The answer is that I wasn't. So more homework wasn't done, more time was spent, and I ended up with this (plus an actual video of his for reference):
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Yippee!! I did it!! And now I have nothing to do yet again.
Also, if you haven’t watched this guy’s videos, i strongly recommend giving them a try, especially if you’re a Big Nerd like me.
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