#I want another one of them pink haired gremlins
scoups4lyfe · 2 years
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major props to her for even warning the enemy LOL
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:D....is this how she gets to Japan?
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dumbseee · 6 months
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dabi had one weakness, and it was you.
dabi x fem!reader.
warnings: bad english/grammar :p, mention of murder, violence.
genre: angst.
note: i want touya to have a happy ending :( / maybe i’ll do a part two.
you met touya in kindergarten, his mother was close to yours and introduced you to him because he was too shy to make friends by himself. you immediately handed out your tiny hand towards him with your biggest smile, while he looked at it with wary eyes. he looked up at his mother who nodded towards you and he grabbed your hand. that sealed your friendship with touya todoroki. ever since, you two were inseparable, always with one another and you still remember his gorgeous smile.
your mother was the one to break the news to you, she sat you down on the couch and muted the tv. you could feel that something was wrong, you saw how red and swollen her eyes were and when she took your hands, you felt her hands tremble slightly. when she told you that touya had passed away in a fire accident, you cried for weeks. you couldn’t sleep at all, your sleep was ruined by nightmares, you could hear touya’s screams, his cries for help. you wished you could’ve helped him, your quirk could’ve been useful since you could control water. but you were just a kid, how were you supposed to help?
years had passed and you still thought about touya, you stil kept the teddy bear he gifted you for your sixth’s birthday and you still hugged it tightly at night. sometimes you’d even talk to the sky, asking him if he had a good day up there or if he was watching over you from heaven. well, little did you know that touya was actually looking after you, but he was way closer to you than you thought.
when touya became dabi, he wanted to forget about his past, his only focus being taking his revenge on his father and destroying the hero society. but you kept popping up in his mind, he couldn’t forget you nor could he ignore the little voice whispering your name in his head. it wasn’t hard for him to find you, even years later, he quickly learned that you graduated on top of your classes, and became the number two’s hero, hawks’s personal assistant. when touya saw that, he laughed, apparently fate wanted these two to meet again. of course, touya needed hawks anyway for his plan, but you being his assistant was a major plus.
when he saw you for the first time in years, his breath got caught up in his throat as he witnessed how you blossomed into a gorgeous and confident woman. touya fell in love with you the minute he first saw you, back in kindergarten, but when he saw you again after so many years of being apart, he fell ten times harder. your hair had grown a little longer, now falling down your waist, your smile was still the prettiest sight he’d ever seen, your eyes still had that light in them, the light he’d been longing for since he left, and your laugh was still his favourite melody. he was completely down for you, he couldn’t stay away from you for too long, he needed to hold you, talk to you, take you. you belonged to him, and he couldn’t stand the fact that anyone could look at you, be close to you, meanwhile he had to hide in the shadows of the night, away from you.
touya followed you back home almost every night, he needed to make sure you made it safely inside your apartment he already broken into, when you were at work. he grinned when he walked into your room, it was so you, pictures of friends or family decorating your walls, painted a light pink while your bed was perfectly made. touya let himself fall on your bed, crossing his arms behind his head while he looked at the ceiling. if he closed his eyes he could hear your laugh, he could imagine a world where you two got to be together and live happily ever after, move in together, get married and have a ton of annoying gremlins running around and calling him dad. touya didn’t even feel the bloody tear that rolled down his scarred cheek. he let a dry laugh leave his lips. he could never have that life and be knew it.
as touya stood up and was ready to leave before you could comeback, he noticed the old teddy bear he gave you when you two were still innocent little kids. his eyes widened at the thought of you still thinking about him, after all these years. maybe you loved him too? maybe you were still looking for him? touya knew his family told the world that their eldest son tragically passed away in a fire, but he knew you couldn’t have fall for this stupid story. you were clever enough to know that he couldn’t have died like that. he couldn’t have left you behind, how could he? lost in his thoughts, touya didn’t even hear the sound of keys and the door opening before closing in a rather loud "thud". that sound made him regain his senses, for a second he considered staying there, in your room, waiting for you to come in and see him. but it wasn’t the right time, he’d comeback, and he’d comeback for you.
when you walked into your room, you frowned when you saw your bed all wrinkled up and your teddy bear on the floor. the faint smell of cigarette, wood and whiskey laying in the air as well. you opened the window but was surprised to see it slightly opened already. have you left it open this morning? you shrugged it off, you left in a hurry so it could’ve been the case. you started to strip away from your clothes, to take a quick shower, while touya landed on his two feet, he looked up at your window and grinned to himself. you never forgot him.
you noticed some strange changes in your life lately, the weird smell you smelt in your room a few weeks ago, kept coming back and you wondered where it could come from. you didn’t smoke so why would your room smell like cigarettes? same goes for alcohol, you never drank even a drop of whiskey, so why would it smell like it? your teddy bear kept moving places, you even considered your apartment being haunted, the idea kinda creeped you out, you hated ghosts. but it couldn’t be that, ghosts didn’t exist and even if they did, dead being couldn’t have a smell. you also had this weird feeling of being watched, no matter where you were, in a crowded room at work, in the subway, even in your room, you felt eyes on you and it scared you shitless. what if you had a stalker? what if a crazy serial killer was after you and you’d end up on those true crime documentaries? you shook your head and laughed at your own paranoia.
you turned around in your bed and smiled softly at your teddy bear, you grabbed it in your hands and lift it in the air. "you must think, i’m going insane hm?" you mumbled, a vague image of touya appeared in your mind, it was an old memory of him when you had scraped your knee pretty badly and touya carried you on his back till you arrived at your house. nobody was there so he went to look for a bandaid and helped you. he stayed with you till your mother came back from grocery shopping, even though it would make his father upset. without noticing it, a single tear rolled down your cheek. you cleared your throat and hugged the teddy bear, tightly against your chest. "i miss you so much, touya." you were curled up on your bed, hugging your last souvenir of touya and cried yourself to sleep. meanwhile, in the league’s hideout, touya is lying down on his bed, a hand behind his head and the other holding his phone. he had hidden a small camera inside the teddy bear when he sneaked into your apartment once. as weird as it sounds, touya only wanted to feel closer to you, hear your voice, you always slept with the teddy bear in your arms, which made him feel like he was actually laying next to you. "i miss you too, doll."
the next day, you came back from work, exhausted and frustrated from the bad day you had thanks to one of your coworkers. you were on the phone with your friend, letting out all your frustration. "seriously what is wrong with him? he always single me out during meetings, talking about how my ideas aren’t that good, how dare he? i’m way above him on the food chain, he tends to forget that a lot." you got into your room, smiled at your teddy bear, an habit you picked up a while ago, you removed your jacket and immediately put it back into your dresser. you put your hair up with a claw clip and sat in front of your vanity, removing your earrings while your friend was agreeing with you. "right? he’s so full of himself and does he think i don’t hear all the disgusting things he says about me to tanaka? this motherfucker really thinks i don’t see him looking under my skirt? ugh! i hate him so much, yuri!" you hummed in response to your friend’s answer, "you’re right, maybe i should tell hawks? he’s so sweet, i’m sure he’d help me out." you quickly ended the call after that, eager to wash yourself and eat before jumping on your sofa to watch your favourite comfort show. what you didn’t know is that a certain unstable fire villain heard everything and would take matters into his own hands before fuckass hawks could do anything.
when you went back to work the next day, something was going on and you felt it the second you walked into the building. one of your coworker quickly grabbed your arm to tell you the news. "terushima is dead!" he went straight to the point and your eyes almost came out your sockets. "he got killed by the villain dabi, you know him right? apparently he recorded the whole thing and poor terushima suffered so much, it was a terrible sight." you couldn’t speak, truly stunned by the news, what were the odds? you basically cursed him out a few hours ago and now he was dead? killed by no one but the infamous dabi? thinking about the villain made you shiver. "and that’s not it! dabi also tortured tanaka to have informations on terushima! he went to him first then went to terushima. tanaka is still at the hospital but apparently he’s alive." you felt nauseous all of a sudden, you took a step back and immediately ran away from your poor coworker, even as he called your name, you ran outside, inhaling fresh air as you felt sweat cover your forehead, your whole body was shaking from shock. you wouldn’t mourn terushima, he was a pain in your ass, and tanaka was nothing but a dirty pig as well. but the fact that you talked about these two men just yesterday and now one was dead and the other was at the hospital. the coincidence was too much for you, you called in sick and went back to your apartment.
you kicked your shoes and immediately went to the fridge to take out a fresh bottle of water, downing it almost entirely. you frowned when you saw a piece of paper sitting on your table. it was a handwritten note, you felt shiver down your spine as you read it.
"they won’t bother you anymore."
you let the note fall on the ground, your legs felt like jello now and you had to grab the counter to steady yourself before you could join the note on the floor. you struggled to breath as you now understood that the call you made yesterday and what happened to terushima and tanaka wasn’t a scary coincidence. the note wasn’t signed but you knew who left it here, dabi. dabi came here, dabi heard you, dabi took revenge for you, dabi knew you. but why would he do that? why would he take a liking to you? how could he even notice you? you were scared now, a villain was after you and you could be his next victim soon. you quickly grabbed your phone and started to dial hawks’s number. he was your boss but also your friend, he’d help you. but as you were about to dial the last digit, you felt a presence behind you. and you remember not closing the door. you swallowed the lump in your throat and slowly turned around, your eyes widened and you let out a small cry as you recognised dabi, in all his glory, hands in his pockets, his expression unreadable as he stood tall in your living room. he closed the door with his feet and looked at you.
"w-what are y-you doing here?" he came for you, he was going to murder you in your own home. you saw dabi chuckle and you almost fainted when you saw him take a step closer to you. he didn’t answer you, his eyes were weirdly familiar to you, a turquoise blue, same as touya’s. the thought of your old friend made you realise that you’d soon join him in the afterlife and somehow, the thought comforted you. dabi was now in front of you, a few inches separating you two as he looked down at you. "it’s been a while, y/n." his voice was deep, a little hoarse and you saw him smile softly at you. what the? thee dabi smiling? you were dreaming, it had to be a dream! or a nightmare. "i didn’t think you’d keep that old teddy bear for so long, but i’m glad that you did." and it hit you, almost instantly as the words left his mouth, you realised.
touya todoroki was in front of you. your touya.
silent tears immediately started to roll down your cheeks as you looked at his pretty eyes, his gorgeous turquoise orbs you so often thought about how nice it would feel to drown in them. silence fell upon you as your mind was spinning, you felt your legs give up on you and dabi was quick to grab you, both of his hands on your waist, yours pressed on his chest as you were still lost in your thoughts. you let a hand slowly stroke his cheek and he leaned into your touch, closing his eyes and letting out a sigh of relief. you quickly removed your hand, which made him frown. "t-touya?" your voice broke at the end of his name. "it’s me, y/n. i never left." now you were nothing but a sobbing mess, you didn’t know how to handle this. your touya was standing in front of you and you didn’t know how to take it. touya didn’t come back as the joyful and cheeky kid, he came back as a demon called dabi.
"you’re not my touya." you mumbled, pushing him away from you, you moved away so you were now giving your back to the door, just in case you had to run. touya felt his heart explode at your words. "how- how could you do this? what happened to you? what happened to the kid i used to know? this isn’t you. it can’t be!" you yelled, years blurring your vision, but you angrily wiped them away. of course, you weren’t aware of the trauma touya had to go through. "i can explain everything." he simply said, taking a step closer to you, this time you didn’t move away. "you can explain what? killing dozens of innocents? joining the league of villains? you’re literally one of the main instigator of this fucking league!" you pushed his chest, clearly still angry and touya couldn’t hold that against you. he just wanted to hold you, soothe you, tell you that everything would be fine. but touya couldn’t do that, because he didn’t know how to do that, he didn’t know how to react in these type of situations, no one ever comforted him, beside you. which explain the insane amount of patience he had right now, he knew he wouldn’t hurt you, he would never forgive himself if he did.
"i want you to leave." you said, looking up at him, eyes full of rage but also sadness. you were devastated, you dreamed of this moment, you never really believed that touya died in that fire. you always felt like he was still out there, doing god knows what, well you were right, but at what cost? touya felt anger and frustration build up inside of him, he wanted to yell at you, tell you that he had no choice, he had to continue with his plan, he had to take revenge, he had to. "not before you listen to me, then i’ll leave." you crossed your arms against your chest and gave hime the sign to continue. "the number one hero, endeavor." just saying his name made him want to burn this whole place, but you were here. touya took a deep breath and all of a sudden, he was back in kindergarten, in front of a pouty y/n who was waiting for an explanation as to why touya had broken your favourite doll. the memory almost made him smile, but now he was in front of a y/n that despised him and his actions, your beautiful eyes lacked their usual light, you threw daggers at him and he felt them stab his already broken heart. "you know what," he lift his hands up as surrender and headed towards the door. "you should take a day off tomorrow and watch the news." he smiled at you before leaving your apartment.
you couldn’t believe it, the moment he closed the door, you fell on the ground. bawling your eyes out, your heart yelled at you for not hugging him, not telling him how much you missed him, how hard you prayed for this day to happen. but your brain praised you for doing the right thing. touya did died in that fire, dabi was what remains. and dabi wasn’t your friend.
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oh-stars · 8 months
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Love is showing up when someone doesn’t ask.
a @steddielovemonth prompt | 1257 words | CW: N/A | Rating: G
“What time will you be home?” Eddie asks, perched on the couch like a bird, elbows on his  knees and sitting on his heels, toes straining under his weight. He feels like a little gremlin, body needing a way to expel all the energy his boring day off built up while Steve’s been at work. 
Steve sighs and adjusts his tie in the mirror by the door. “If all goes well, eight?” 
Eddie groans and falls back, limbs flailing. “If they expect you to go to school after hours, they should at least pay you,” he says, face squished into the fabric. It’s miserable being on different schedules. He’s been working at the plant until the construction is done on his shop, which means weird hours and being completely off rhythm with Steve. He barely sees the man! 
“Tell me something I don’t know,” Steve huffs as he smooths down his shirt, walking towards him. He carefully bends over to kiss Eddie’s pouting lips, laughing at him. God, Eddie’s so glad this man is his. He’s too precious to let go. “I’d stay if I could,” Steve says softly. “You know I hate going to these things.” 
Eddie sighs, giving him a small smile as he touches up the few strands of Steve’s hair that were betrayed by his hairspray. “I know,” he says. “I could always come with you.” 
Steve shakes his head, cheeks pink. “Thank you, but you, uh, really don’t want to go to a boring PTA meeting. All they’re going to do is fight over which classroom should get the crayons.” 
“I’d go for you, Steve,” Eddie says. He sighs again and pushes Steve away. “Go so you can get back.” 
“I love you,” Steve says, stealing another kiss before he finally stands up. 
“Love you too,” Eddie says, smashing his face back into the couch. “I’ll be here, rotting away until you return, my sweet knight.” 
Steve shakes his head and grabs his wallet and keys off the coffee table. Then he’s gone, with the rumble of the Beemer and the faint sounds of David Bowie announcing his departure. 
Eddie lasts a whole three minutes before he’s shooting up off the couch and pacing around the living room as he thinks of something he could do to occupy his time. He’s done about as much housework as he could manage for the day, he doesn’t think he could practice anymore today or write at all with how depleted his creative juices feel, and he knows nothing good comes on TV on Tuesdays in early January. 
That’s how he ends up piddling about Steve’s desk. Steve keeps all his papers that need to be graded meticulously organized, with the ones that are fair game for anyone to grade (aka the ones with scoresheets) in the blue folder. On days where Eddie’s brain was too much, when he couldn’t even look at his guitar without feeling pain or pick up his pencil to be creative in any fashion, he needed something to do to get the excess brain energy out. Robin’s much the same way, so Steve started setting aside his pop quizzes and multiple choice tests in the blue folder for either of them to grade if they needed. Otherwise, he’d get to it eventually. It’s mindless enough to calm their brains, they feel good helping Steve, and it helps give Steve more time to focus on the essays and presentations that need more time to be graded. It’s a win win all the way around. 
The blue folder isn’t as full as normal, but there are a few worksheets Eddie can take care of for Steve. He reaches for the sticker book and the purple pen (Steve’s signature grading color) in the mug Wayne gave him that’s an apple with a little worm for a handle that he uses as a pencil cup. That’s when he sees the PTA flyer. It’s jam-packed with information and minutes from the last meeting, but in big, bold letters at the bottom of the flyer, Eddie reads:
Join us to honor this year’s Teacher of the Year, Mr. Steve Harrington, eighth grade English. 
Eddie puts down the blue folder, the pen, and the flyer. He’s still for exactly one minute before his body goes into flight or fight mode. Within ten minutes, he’s dressed in his nice date clothes and his hair is tamed back into a tight bun, threatening to snap the band. 
Time crunch or not, he drives like a bat out of hell. He has plenty of time to get to the school, they live close enough, but he needs to make a few stops first. All in all, he gets there right as the principal is starting the meeting. 
He tucks himself in a corner in the back, watching the whole thing patiently. The problem is, he can’t really see Steve. Eddie cranes his neck and bounces on his toes, trying to find a way to make it to one of the seats in the center of the auditorium, closer to the stage. 
His opening comes after the chorus does a performance, when the parents at the front scurry their students away before the meeting can continue. First off, rude, but it works in Eddie’s favor. Steve’s award is next and Eddie isn’t missing this. 
Eddie slips into the front row as the principal starts shifting gears, whispering to the vice principal as the crowd settles. 
She announces Steve to a polite applause, but that’s just not good enough for his Steve. 
His palms ache with how hard he’s clapping, just shy of letting out a loud ‘whoop’ – and he’d do it if it wasn’t for the pretty way Steve’s face and ears are pinkening up. Their eyes meet as Eddie beams. 
“Hi,” he mouths, trying so hard to not vibrate out of the seat. 
Steve’s smile softens as he gives a wave of appreciation to the crowd, eyes darting back to Eddie. As the principal sings Steve’s praise and when she hands over the microphone for Steve to say a few words, Steve’s eyes never leave Eddie’s. It isn’t until a few of his students get up to speak that Steve finally looks toward the speaker, his shy smile turning into one of pride. Eddie knows he could care less about the words themselves (it’ll be later tonight that Steve will have a crisis and finally let the kind words sink in, where he’ll cower into Eddie’s body and panic over how much these kids trust him), but rather seeing how brave his kids are for speaking to a crowd this big and doing it so well. 
The award is the last part of the meeting, so after another round of applause, everyone is dismissed. Eddie jumps up to meet Steve at the bottom of the stage. 
“You didn’t have to come,” Steve says as he jumps down. 
“I wanted to,” Eddie says. “I’m proud of you,” he adds as he bumps their shoulders together. 
“I’m just doing my job–”
“Stop,” Eddie says kindly, “you deserve this.” He grabs Steve’s hand and gently tugs him toward the exit. “C’mon, I’m taking you to dinner to celebrate.”
“What about my car?” 
“I’ll drive you to work tomorrow.”
Steve’s blush is even stronger up close, but he doesn’t fight Eddie. And it’s an absolute privilege to watch as Steve gets all shy again when Eddie presents him with flowers once they’re at the van, stammering his thanks as Eddie kisses his cheek swiftly. 
Ao3 Link
Thank you @lady-lostmind 💜
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shares-a-vest · 2 years
At first, Eddie and Steve keep their relationship a secret. It isn't because they are embarrassed, nor do they even think their friends will be disapproving. It's simply because they happen to be friends with the most annoying, overbearing busy-bodies on planet earth.
It was bound to happen, all of them being so involved in each others' lives to the point that it's probably a serious co-dependent situation that someone (or Nancy) should study with science or some shit. But being bonded by unimaginable terrors from another dimension will do that.
Anyway, the pack of gremlins are always around, always demanding attention, always in the way of Eddie and Steve. So Eddie takes it upon himself to tease the dumbass twerps who remain oblivious to his relationship with their favourite babysitter.
Case in point: Dustin, Will and Lucas have been driven around all damn afternoon by Steve, mostly wasting time and wingeing about him not providing them with enough fun despite the fact they were now living in the near ghost town. All the while Eddie rides shotgun, watching his boyfriend become increasingly annoyed as the likelihood of a date night dwindles with each passing second.
“Our problems would be solved if Steve would just drive us into the city,” Dustin whines, staring at the back of the driver’s seat like he wants to burn a hole in it El-style.
“Absolutely not!” Steve argues as he pulls into the Wheeler’s driveway.
“Eddie?” Dustin asks, voice sickly sweet as he leans in between the front seats. “Can you drive us?”
“Gee, Henderson, love that I’m your last resort,” Eddie scoffs as he continues picking at his nails.
He slumps back in his seat, bracing himself for the same argument Dustin has had with Steve for the past week. That is unless he speeds this up a little and gently teases Steve while he's at it...
“Anyway,” he continues, drawing out his words as he dares a glance at Steve who merely rolls his eyes. “I’m busy.”
“Busy with what?” Lucas asks, more accusatory than curious.
“Nothing,” he responds, waiting on bated breath for more queries.
Steve slowly turns his head and he can’t help but give a teasing wink that leaves his boyfriend white-knuckling the steering wheel.
“It’s a Saturday. There’s no Hellfire because you are keeping us waiting on whatever torture you are concocting," Dustin insists, jostling Steve’s seat with every word and earning a series of grumbles from their chauffeur. “And you don’t have work.”
Eddie shrugs. “I have a date.”
At that, Dustin launches forward, an inch from Eddie’s face.
“You don’t date!” he shrieks.
“Do so,” Eddie says, shifting in his seat to square off with his young friend. “I have a life outside entertaining you dorks. Also, Henderson, that is the meanest thing you have ever said to me.”
He mimics sniffling and uses his index finger to simulate a tear running down his cheek as he pouts.
“So, who’s your girlfriend?” Dustin demands, his eyebrows disappearing up under his cap.
“Yes, do tell,” Steve adds, narrowing his eyes at him as he turns off the ignition, challenging.
Will remains silent in the back seat, despite Lucas opening the rear passenger door at the sight of Mike standing at his front stoop, waiting.
“Oh, you know…” Eddie begins, gesturing with his hand as he searches for some generic details. “Nice… hates her parents, which gives me ample opportunity to do my ‘bad boy boyfriend’-schitck… Very pretty… Great hair! Like, the best... Has a great rack.”
He nods at that last one before twirling a lock of his hair and crossing it over his face.
“You shouldn’t talk about girls like that,” Dustin shoots back, ever the goody-goody. 
His words almost conceal a huffed laugh from Steve that only Eddie seems to catch. Truthfully, he can’t help but giggle too, mostly because despite being the brainiac of the century, Henderson of all people, had remained completely oblivious for months now. Also Steve's cheek has turned pink and that's worth him being smug about.
“Says the person who takes dating advice from King Steve,” Eddie counters.
He reaches over to run a finger up Steve's arm and lingers just enough. It makes Steve, already biting his lip from the nickname, squirm in his seat.
“And I have a girlfriend because of it!” Dustin retorts, adjusting his cap with a proud flourish and patting Steve on the shoulder.
It makes him jump, likely remembering that three of his kids are in the back of the car cramping his style.
“Alrighty,” he splutters, giving one of those rousing dad-slash-gym teacher claps that Eddie finds oddly authoritative in a hot way. “Out of the car, assholes.”
Dustin looks at Steve, incredulous as if it’s some great offence to be dejected from the car when they have reached their destination. Steve just raises his eyebrows in defiance at their young friend. He really does look cute when he's grumpy.
The boys huff and exit, taking the loss this time around. Steve watches as they walk towards the Wheeler’s front door and gesticulate wildly as they talk. Mike looks at the car with his signature stink-eye and takes a step forward. Steve promptly fires up the engine.
He intentionally revs the car, giggling as the kids jump at the sound.
“So, where are you taking me on a date?” he asks, rolling the car along and veering away from Mike before he can ask a damn thing.
“I thought we could watch movies at my place,” Eddie shrugs, offering his go-to plan.
“That isn’t a date!” Steve shrieks.
Eddie can’t help but grumble at the foiled idea. He gives Mike the finger as Steve peels out of the driveway, ranting about all the activities he steadfastly considers not a date.
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Accidental Targ
Scene I: you guys into roleplay or what? | Masterlist
Daemon Targaryen x Modern!Reader
Summary: There was a party at the old castle ruins which raised the talk of an old urban legend. As the lore goes, upon the strike of midnight, for one whole minute, the arch, which used to be the entrance to the castle gates, would be a portal back to the height of the Targaryen dynasty. Of course, that complete and utter rubbish.
Word Count: 4k+
Warnings: fem!reader, time travel au, descriptions of reader's hair, incestuous gremlin!daemon, crackfic, typos. etc.
A/N: The lore of this is actually based off an urban legend from the high school i went to, which is like 400+ years old, thus the ruins and portal back in time HAHAHAH Tagging: @pinksirensong @aralezinspace @sloanexx @deniixlovezelda @targaryenmoony @risefallrise @slavyanskiyahui @fan-goddess @daemons-kelitsos
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The truth is, maybe I was a little too drunk to remember exactly what happened between the grinding in front of the DJ booth and game of dare or die, but I do know for a fact that I was incredibly lost. I recognized none of the landmarks that I stored in my head, and by the looks of it, I had wandered so far from the party I was now at the renaissance fair in town. Fucking Libby.
I pull out my phone from my tiny, glittery clutch bag and sling its gold chain around my shoulder. I go through my contacts and begin to ring Libby, heaving as I walked through the square.
The sound of the bustling people filled my ears. The night market was very much alive; it both gave me comfort and great anxiousness.
A bunch of people holler at me, calling me princess and my lady. I ignore them and continue in silence.
There was suddenly a wet squelching sound that snapped me out of my focus. I freeze in my spot, "fuck." I let out a groan and pull up the flare of my pants, "ohh fuckkkk."
These hot pink gogo boots were brand new! And now they were hot mess gogos, caked in fucking mud.
I tug up my shimmery and equally pink bell bottoms, doing my best to evade the rest of the mud in the area. I tread carefully, not wanting to further ruin my clothes or slip and fall on my ass.
I blow my hair out of my face. They really just had to add mud for the authenticity, huh? I comb through my silver hair after I get through the brown sludge.
Where the fuck is Libby?
I feel another wave of anxiousness creep up on me as I grow acutely aware of the people staring. I stand by the side of the street and stare at my phone. I release a breath and feel an ominous atmosphere thicken around me. I look around, catching a bunch of eyes staring back at me, and shift uncomfortably. I furrow my brows and clutch my purse and phone tightly, deciding I did not feel safe in this area. I begin to walk again.
I curse my phone when I see the no signal notification and cautiously put it back in my rhinestone bag. I adjust my leather jacket and wrap my arms around myself.
"Fucking hell, Libby," I mutter to myself as I muster courage to make it though the crowd so I can eventually get out of it.
I brush my locks back and wipe the sweat building at my nape.
I reach a less congested place and stand by a pillar next to a building. I observe the people in their old timey clothes and costumes, not a single other person dressed in modern clothing. I figure it was cause it was pretty late and they must be closing up their booths any time now.
I tug the collar of my silver halter top and turn to the side. Immediately, I spot a butch man, clad in armor and a cloak. I stare at him for a moment and think, wow, that's a really good costume. I find myself deciding he was pretty good looking too. I instantly look away when he catches me starting.
I clear my throat, wrapping my arms around myself. My jacket tightens around my arms. I clutch my bag in my chest again.
Wait, if he's dressed like that, does that mean he's, like, a guard or something? Maybe I can ask for his help to look for Libby.
I clear my throat and steal a look again, and to my horror, the man is making his way towards me.
In my panic, I shift and face the opposite direction. My flight response kicks in, but before I could bolt, he comes to my side and speaks.
"Speak your name and business, stranger."
I pull my head back and look to the man. He stares at me as brush my bangs away from my face. Why's he coming off so strong, "what?"
The man looks at me through his stupid helmet and furrows his brows, "speak your name and business," says he, rather threateningly.
Hold on. Is he for real? If this was supposed to be part of his weird-ass dialogue for his roleplay thing-- or, heaven forbid, a pickup line, dear gods, it was not about to work on me.
My initial response was to be extremely hostile, but after taking a deep breath I decide against it. I hit him with an uno reverse as raise a brow, "what's your name and business, soldier?"
His dark brow quirks at that. He says nothing for a moment.
His over-the-top golden cloak flows back, as does my platinum hair when a gush of wind blows. I make a face when I catch a whiff of something rank. I rub my nose and push my curls back behind my ear. I re-pin one of my golden clips to keep my tresses in place.
The solider shifts in his spot. "I am not a solider--" ok, not a soldier, "I am an officer of the city watch," he shakes his head, "Ser Harwin Strong," he raises his nose, "and my business is your business."
I pull my head back. My jaw slacks.
I clear my throat.
Why he kinda-
I sniffle, very much not at all expecting that response. Well, I guess maybe his pickup line kinda works... And well, I mean, he kinda cute so-
I tell him my name and then tell him I lost my friend after a round of dare or die and now I'm looking for her.
"Dare or die," he repeats rather seriously.
I shrug and shake my head, "it's just a stupid game."
He hums, "and your friend, she is as... strangely dressed as you?"
I raise a brow again, tightening my crossed arms, "says the man in armor and a gold cape."
Harwin makes a face.
I chuckle softly. Not expecting that, were ya?
I huff. Ok, my bad. I know these renaissance people really get into it, and, yeah, I mean, he was right. I was in a glittery silver halter top, hot pink bellbottoms and gogo boots with a leather jacket and a bedazzled clutch. I was an LSD trip. He had his schtick and I had mine.
"Yeah, no, eh," I look around, "she's in black skinny jeans and a fuchsia, like, off-shoulder situation. It's pretty hard to miss her, which is why I have no idea why I can't find her anywhere."
"Off shoulder?"
I turn to him as he mutters this.
I give him a look then motion, "yeah... like, it's cropped here," I move my hand by my shoulders, "and it has ruffles and-- OH! Also she has blue hair!" I raise a finger, "it's really, really hard to miss her."
Harwin looks at me like I just told him my friend was secretly Hannah Montana.
I am about to respond when suddenly we snap to the side as someone calls out, "Lord Strong." A man in a grey cloak nods at Harwin and turns to me, "you're looking for someone, yes?"
I blink at the man with a hood, trying to get a better look of his shadowy face. Immediate no.
I slowly nod though after he stares too long. I don't like the fact I can't make out his face.
Hood man tilts his head and walks off.
I stand still in my spot as he makes his way down an alley.
What the fuck was that? Tsch. Am I a dog? Did he honestly think I'd suddenly follow him just cause he tilted his head to the side?
I turn to Harwin and with a sour look. He looks back at me and tilts his head to the side. Not him too!
I huff in disbelief, "you want me to follow him?"
Harwin makes a face, "it would be wise if you do."
"Why?! What, is he-- does he work here?"
"In the marketplace," he looks around and shakes his head, "no."
I think for a second. I huff, "is he one of those people that do the lost and found things. Can he help-"
"OI!" a voice cuts me off. We turn to the side again and hood man is back. He quips, "do you want to find your friend or not?!"
Well why didn't he just say so?
I nod and shrug simultaneously, finding myself following after him this time around. The things I do for love. I mean, it's a renaissance fair! They... they're just a bunch of weird nerd guys that have never felt the touch of a woman.
I gulp. Okay, maybe not the soundest explanation as to why I think I won't get kidnapped.
For someone who wants to be followed, he sure moved like he wanted to lose me. I jog up behind him and grab his arm, "slow down! I've been on my feet for hours."
He slows then stops. He looks at the arm I was clutching.
I release a sigh, "do you have a name, manager?"
He turns from his arm to me with a scowl, "what?"
He pulls away just as I release him. I clarify, "do you work at, like, HR?"
He stares at me for a moment. I stare back, vaguely seeing his face from the shadow of his hood. He somehow looks familiar, like... like a less hot version of Matt Smith. He turns front and walks off again, "and what would HR be?"
I huff and follow after him. The whole in-character thing was really getting on my nerves. I rack my brain for what HR's equivalent would be in this day and age. I shake my head, "I don't know... public servitude? Public Relations? Okay, no, that's PR-"
Hood man eyes me, "PR..."
I slow my pace as I think. He rolls his eyes and grabs me by the wrist, dragging me as he takes us off to wherever it was we were headed.
"Good government?" I said questioningly.
He snorts, "good governance, you say?"
I look up at him and find a small smirk on his lips, "well, actually, I said-"
He mutters, "I am certainly not one of those."
"... okay... ... Mr. Edgelord."
He shoots me a look but does not respond.
He takes me to a dark backstreet and for some reason, I didn't think it strange up until we entered. The place, I kid you not, was a brothel. From the moment we stepped in, there were people making out and getting way further than second base in front of my very pure, unwilling eyes.
This was it, wasn't it? Would it be in bad taste to say at least I died in a cute outfit? No, wait, you're right. It would be in great taste. Purr.
Immediately, my hand goes to my eyes and I choke out a squeak, "oh dear fuck, is this legal?!"
Hood man turns to me and stops for a moment. He drags me again, "are pleasures illegal where you're from?"
I peak through my fingers, finding that we were headed for a flight of stairs. "For fucks sake, this is the dangerous type of pleasures, sir," I struggle as I try to keep my eyes closed and opened all at once.
"How dull," he looks over to me once as we go up the stairs, "danger is a form of respite."
I make a face, "yeah well-" I gasp when I nearly miss a step. Hood man yanks me up so that I don't fall. I sheepishly look up at him and was about to thank him, up until I see a bunch of dudes going at it on the second floor. I cringe, continuing my train of thought, "--tell that to STDs."
"STD..." he mutters under his breath.
Hood man takes us to a room that is empty, save for a woman with long dark hair. She looks at us as we enter, then turns to our joined hands. Upon catching this, I pull my hand away.
Hood man turns to me then to her, "show her the girl."
The dark haired woman side steps and immediately I gasp, "Libby!"
I run up to the low bed she was laid upon. I brush her damp bangs back and she immediately groans.
"Your friend was drunk and nearly attacked by some men," the woman explained, "they backed off when I told them she was one of mine."
"Homaygosh," I look over my shoulder and pant, "I- thank you for helping her."
Her expression softens a fraction. She mentally notes the reaction.
I look back to Libby and adjust her pink top. "She's a ditzy drunk," I sigh, brushing her damn awful blue hair, "which was why I followed after her. I didn't expect her to come this far."
"Far you say. Where are you from?" the man asks.
"We came from the party in the old castle ruins."
"Party?" she says just as he says, "ruins?"
I turn to them and stand, "yeah, the old castle up the cliff," I point to nowhere. I look between them and huff when they look at me wordlessly.
The woman turns to hood man. They speak to each other telepathically it seems.
I release a breath, "okay. I get it. You guys are into roleplay. It was a-- celebration dance... event."
They turn back to me.
"Thank you again for helping her," I turn to Libby, back to the woman, "what were your names?"
I offer a smile to hood man as I introduce myself.
He does not offer me the same courtesy.
The woman places her hands in front of her, "I am Mysaria," she says and I smile at her. She smiles back then turns to him. We both look at him for a hot second.
Hood man does not respond.
"Okay then..." I shift awkwardly in my spot, "well, thank you, Mysaria and... sir...."
"What house do you belong to?" he utters.
"What," I pull my head back, "house?"
He does not clarify but looks at me expectantly.
I make a face and think for a moment. What does he mean? I am hit by a sudden realization. But surely he doesn't mean this? "Uhm... ... ... Gryffindor?"
"Gryffindor?" his face contorts in thought.
I nod slowly, "that is what you mean, right?"
Mysaria crosses her arms, "where does house Gryffindor hail?"
My eyes pinch in confusion. I raise a finger, "like... which part of Hogwarts do they stay?" What the- "I don't know! This is entirely too nerdy for me to understand. Also, I was never really a potterhead."
"Potter head?" hood guy asks.
I roll my eyes and sigh, "okay," I wave my hands, "since we've already broken the forth wall and you've broken characters-"
"Characters-" he mutters.
"-can I borrow a phone? Mine says no service," I lean towards Libby and begin to shake her awake, "or if any of you are heading back to the city, can we just hitch a ride?"
Libby groans as I shake her.
I hiss, "girl, get your ass up."
The man scoffs then chuckles. He walks over to me, "girl, I think you are sorely mistaken."
I straighten up and involuntarily squeak when I find him right next to me. He is so close that I finally see the color of his eyes, even though the room was quite dim.
"OCA4," I blabber.
He knits his blonde brows, "what?"
I step back, cursing myself for remembering that stupid fact from grade 6 biology, "you- you have violet eyes," I gulp, "it's a recessive trait."
The man blankly stares at me for a second.
Great. I've really done it now.
He narrows his eyes then looks me once over. "Issi ao doru-borto?" he mutters. Are you stupid?
"Hey!" I raise a brow, "I am not."
His expression slips. He is evidently shocked, "you know High Valyrian?"
Mysaria's eyes widen.
I place a hand on my hip, "I'll have you know, I took High Valyrian as an elective, but everyone knows what doru-borto is."
I turn back to shake Libby again, but instead, I am snagged by the arm. Hood man yanks me towards him and mutters, "gūrogon nyke naejot se pryjata."
I twitch as alarms go off in my head. Instead of shaking him off though, my mind buffers at the barely recognizable words. I try to make sense of it and slowly translate, "take me... ?"
He tilts his head and completes it, "take me to the ruins."
I pull my head and arm back. He does not release me. I clench my jaw at this. I huff, "you can't miss it. Just go up th-"
"I want you to take me there."
I begin to get increasingly agitated, defensive, and tired, "look, sir," I place my hand on his iron grip and push him off me, "I really appreciate your help, but we should get goi-"
"You will not go anywhere with your companion unless you take me to the ruins which you speak."
I freeze at his words. I stare at him, taking in his stoic expression. His look was as serious as explosive diarrhea. I feel my entire body flush with dread. I look to Mysaria for help, but it was instantly clear by her expression that if there were sides, she was on his.
I shudder and pull the hand I had atop his, finding no point in trying to free myself from his clutch, "so what?"
His brows furrow. A challenge?
"I take you there," I word carefully, "and then I come back, and you let us go?"
He takes in my expression. He scans my hair as it slips from my shoulder. He looks at the golden pins by the top of my head then releases me. I rub my arm as he brings his hands in front of him. He shifts on his leg.
I clench my jaw, "well?"
"So be it," he retorts.
"So be it?" I scoff, "swear it."
He tilts his head and narrows his eyes. His lips curve slightly, "what?"
"I need to hear you say you will not harm her," I add, turning to Mysaria as I say this, "please."
Mysaria's face softens though she knits her brows. Hood man laughs and it makes me glare at him. Mysaria looks to the man as he says, "I swear."
"On your life," I quip mindlessly with an air of fake confidence though my heart was pounding. I was well aware that if he intended to do us ill, no amount of words would save us. Still, it was good to hear it.
In all honesty, I am surprised when he retorts with, "on my life and my honor."
I find myself shaking my head, "okay then."
"OK..." he repeats slowly.
I do as he says, since I don't really have much of a choice.
I lead the man, or rather he leads me out of the grimy establishment (my poor eyes), and then I lead him up to the ruins.
The walk is silent, as I am no longer keen on fostering any type of relationship with him.
He stays a few paces behind me but I can very much feel his lingering presence.
As I do my best to retrace my steps, I slower each passing 'landmark', or lack thereof. We pass a church that was way smaller in my memory, and the large oak tree I was looking for was nonexistent.
Eventually, I come to terms with the fact I was lost and just try my best not to show it as I navigate the landscape through instinct.
When I was about to fess up, I glanced upon a building I knew for sure had scaffolding when I passed it earlier today. See, aint no way they finished the renovations that quickly.
I pick up the pace, following the directions I remember taking and my breath hitches. My jaw drops and my eyes widen at the sight of the full blown fortress before me. What the fuck.
I let out a breath to calm myself but I can no longer mask my panic.
"Who are you really?" hood man mutters.
I snap to my side and clutch my chest as the man steps closer. He pulls me toward him by ripping at my dangling purse. I helplessly topple forward.
"Are you a dreamer?" he reaches out to my face and brushes my silver hair back, "emagon ao rēbās rȳ jēda?" Have you walked through time?
I pull away from him and swat his hand off, "don't touch me!"
He recoils as I glare at him and catch my breath. He pushes his hood down, revealing his face and long, alabaster hair tucked behind his cloak, "and why wouldn't I? Blood of my blood."
What? I pull my head back and wrap my arms around me as I step away. This man is insane.
"Ēza iā nādrēsy hen ñuha lentor issare āzma isse Gryffindor?" Has a bastard of my house been born in Gryffindor.
My body flinches when bells begin to toll.
He takes my panic to his advantage. He grabs me by my arms and forces me close. My boots skid as I come to an abrupt halt. My hands dart to his chest, "I-I don't know what you're saying."
He presses closer to me, uncaring of how my palms repel against him. The bells ringing put me further on edge.
"Where were you born, little dove?" he mumbles softly but I find malice in it.
I feel my eyes begin to water as my breath strains. I don't know why he asks me this, and I don't know why I answer, "K-King's Landing."
He lets out a deep chuckle and nods, "how many years after the Conquest?"
"What?" I shake my head, "why do I have to-"
"Kesrio syt aōha dārilaros epagon." Because your prince asks.
"Dārilaros?" I mutter lowly.
The bells stop ringing. Suddenly, I remember that stupid urban legend about the castle arch. Wait. I look at the man's face and risk looking over to my shoulder. As I turn my head, I see the locked gate with the same motif of the arch I went through as I chased after Libby when she was dared to go through the stupid thing.
I chuckle manically. No. NO. That's fucking insane. Realistically speaking, portals that open at midnight are not real! It's stupid! Nonsensical!
And also, yeah, if people say the ruins has an arch that'll take you back two thousand years, maybe don't go through it. I mean I didn't! I- I was following Libby! I-
He hums and nods, "kessa, dōna run, iksan aōha dārilaros," he brushes my hair back. Yes, sweet thing, I am your prince.
My eyes widen. Is he being for real? Be so fucking for real right now.
I open my mouth but I do not respond. Suddenly, it's like I'm back in high school, giggling with my seatmate over the pictures of the Rogue Prince. What the fuck.
He takes in my expression and smirks.
He howls in laughter, "very good-"
"What the fuck?!"
"-you know me even where you're from," he smirks.
"You're a really good cosplayer!" I wrangle out of his grip, "and this- this is a really elaborate set!"
Daemon the cosplayer lets me break away and I wipe my face as I snap some sense to myself, "I must be dreaming-"
"Mmm, a flattering thought," he laughs
"-I'm fucking roofied!"
"But, I assure you, I am very real."
I shudder as I pant and pace around. This can't be real. I look up to the wall. But this fucking castle is so fucking real. I grunt and walk over to it. I hiss and pull my hand back when I touch the stone; it was as if it burned me.
No. No. No! This is a renaissance fair! A- a medieval cosplay event! A fucking- a fucking-
"Gīda ilagon," he mutters, grabbing arm.
I turn to him as I brush my hair back in frustration. I whimper, "what?"
"Calm down," he strokes my arm, looking at the clip that slipped off my head, "I will not harm you."
I raise my brows at his words.
"After all," he grabs my clip and readjusts it in my hair, "what kind of forbearer would I be if I harmed my sweet little girl?"
I hang like a pirated CD, "I beg your pardon?"
He chuckles, stroking my cheek.
I feel an immense heat crawl up my face in realization, "y-you think--" I'm a Targaryen?!
Aint no fucking way.
I laugh nervously, "right."
That's why he's been helping me?!
"I must say, I am happy to know the princess lives in excess," he brings his hands to the collar of jacket and pushes it away. He takes in the glitter of my halter top and smiles when finds the skin of my shoulders, "very good."
I shriek and shove him off.
He chuckles as he recoils, raising his hands in surrender.
I wrap my arms around myself as he takes in the rest of my outfit. Oh my gosh, man doesn't know about plastic.
When his eyes dart back to my face, I realize he must think my golden clips were actual gold. I mean, thank you?
"I took you to the place," I quickly sputter, "I'm going back and leaving with Libby now."
He gives a lopsided grin, "I see no ruins before me, princess."
I shiver. I'm in danger.
Suddenly, I think about how Daemon was said to be misunderstood, that most of the things he did, historically, were out of love. He wasn't actually a bad person-
"You said you weren't going to hurt me," I mutter.
"No," he chuckles, "what I want to do to you doesn't have to hurt."
My eyes widen. I raise my hands, "Prince Daemon, please-"
"All in good time," he smirks and undoes the ties of his cloak by his collar.
My heart races, "no- please-"
"Shhh," he shakes his head and throws his cloak over my shoulders, "on my life and my honor," he ties the string around my neck, "no one shall touch a hair on your head," he smirks, "none but I."
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theglamorousferal · 14 days
Persephone's Binding Part 12
Hardcover/Anger Management ship Sacrificial Bride au
AO3 Prompt Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
"Ellie!" Danny shouted and then sped towards the source of the surprise attack. The person he tackled had the sides of her head shaved with a short mohawk the same snow white as Danny. She had four black studs in one ear and three studs on the other side that were teal, orange and pink. She was in black and white winter gear that had studs and spikes on her coat, gloves and boots.
She giggled as they roughhoused in the snow. She was about the same height and build as Danny and that prompted Jason to ask Jazz. "She's the clone sister, right?" He turned to where she had been standing to find she wasn't there. He glanced around to see her standing to the side speaking with Frostbite in quiet voices. Frostbite's face was full of concern. He handed her a bag, set his hand on her shoulder, then turned to go back to the exam room.
Jason watched as Jazz's shoulders rose and then slumped. He approached her, "Jazz?" Her shoulders hiked to her ears. "Is everything okay?" She turned around quickly and she had schooled her expression to seem casual and at ease.
"Nothing you need to worry about. Just Regent stuff. Did I hear Ellie?" She sped past him, securing the bag on her shoulder. He narrowed his eyes, but let the issue drop.
"Yeah, is she the clone sister you were telling me about?"
"Yes she is! She must be here for her shots, it's been roughly three months I think." She cupped her hands around her mouth and shouted in the direction of the flying figures, "Hey, big sis wants a hug you gremlins!" She handed Jason the bag before she was tackled into the snow by two black and white blurs. Laughter broke from the pile of figures and after a few moments Jazz's hand shot out from the mass.
Jason helped her stand leading to them suddenly standing very close to each other and Jason looking up into those perfect teal eyes with flecks of luminescent gold swirling in them. Some of her hair began to float about them before twin coughs startled them both enough that they stepped away from each other.
Jason glared at Danny who put on a smile of innocence perfectly mimicked by Ellie. Jazz brushed the snow from her coat before reaching out for the bag. "So, Ellie, are you planning on staying for a little while before heading out again? Also where's Dante?"
Ellie blew the hair that had come loose from her mohawk out of her eyes before responding. "Yeah, I was planning on sticking around for at least a week since I heard about this whole 'sacrifice' thing." She seemed to bare her teeth at Jason before rolling her eyes. "As for Dante? Him and Skulker bet each other that they could break outta Walker's first a few days ago, I give them another day or two before we see them at all."
"Cool, so Ellie, this is Jason, he's the one who got sacrificed, we are still doing some research on what ritual was used so we can figure out how to break it so we can send him back to his home dimension."
Danny's innocent smile turned to a smirk. "I mean, we still gotta figure out which one he's from to be able to send him back. That could take a while. I say we make the most of it. Once Johnny's done with your bike, we'll do a little tour of my favorite places in the Realms. Probably can get that shard that's messing with your core taken care of too. I'm sure that Pandora would be willing to remove it if you agree to spar with her and introduce her to the Amazons you know once we find where you're from."
Jason's glare had changed to a smile, he turned to Jazz. "Maybe we can take a day and go to the Boardwalk?"
She had a wistful look on her face. "I wish I could, but duty calls I'm afraid. Which reminds me, we should head out soon. Ellie, are you coming with us?"
"Yeah, Frostbite cleared me this morning, I was just waiting for y'all to show up. I already put my backpack in the Speeder."
Jazz smiled. "Great, let's head out then, I have something that I need to take care of when we get back."
The other three watched as she marched herself towards the ship. They shared a look. Danny looked away first, biting his lip as he followed his sister. Jason and Ellie traded confused and alarmed faces before following.
The return trip was spent discussing places that Danny and Ellie wanted to show Jason while Jazz slowly reduced her white-knuckled grip in the wheel.
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babybluebex · 1 year
kicker | joseph quinn blurb
just a little blurb about pregnant!reader and dad!joe feeling your baby kick for the first time :) i know i haven't been very active recently and i apologize about that, work and school are killing me. hopefully i can crunch out some more blurbs and just be able to post something more frequently lol
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“Joe,” you called, craning your neck to direct your voice down the hall. Joe had been in his office for most of the day, in various meetings and studying scripts, and, even though you wanted him to focus on his work, this demanded his attention. “Joe!”
“Yes, lover?” your boyfriend called from down the hall, and you pressed your hand to your swollen belly, excitement bubbling in your chest. 
“Come here!” you told him. “The baby’s kicking!” 
You heard Joe quickly scoot his chair out from his desk and pad down the hallway in his socks, and you grinned when you saw him, curls spilling messily onto his forehead, his glasses perched on his nose. “C’mere,” you directed him, ushering him close to you. Your movie was all but forgotten as Joe crouched on the floor next to you, and he slowly reached his hand out for your tummy. 
“M’nervous,” Joe said softly. 
“What?” you asked. “Why?” You rubbed your belly, feeling the fluttering kicks again, and you smiled down at yourself. “It’s just your baby kicking, don’t you wanna feel it?” 
“I do,” Joe said. “But… What if something’s wrong? Does it hurt?” 
“Not really,” you told him. “It just sorta tickles, really, feels like the butterflies. If something was wrong, I think I would be able to tell. He’s just moving around, baby, that’s all.”
Joe’s dark eyes were big and wide as he swallowed thickly, and he settled his warm palm on your belly, the same stretched skin that he dutifully massaged cocoa butter into every night after your bath. Joe was already an amazing father, attentive and sweet and understanding— if you wanted something, he would get it; if you wanted cuddles, he would give them; if you gave him a list of chores to do, things you could no longer do yourself, he would do them. And he never complained. He did everything you asked him to without a single word otherwise, and it made your love for him grow more and more every day. 
The moment Joe’s hand touched your skin, that ticklish butterfly feeling came back, and you watched Joe’s face fall into one of glee, his eyes bright and a grin on his lips. “Oh, wow,” he said softly. “Hi there, Baby. It’s me, it’s your daddy. Can you tell?” Another kick landed on his palm, this one firmer, making you jump a little bit, and you tittered out a laugh as Joe let out his signature gremlin chortle. “You’re a kicker, huh? Leave your poor Mummy’s ribs be.” 
“Too late,” you grimaced in jest, and you settled your hand on top of Joe’s, lightly taking his fingers into your grasp. “Oh, Joe. That’s your baby in there.” 
“Our baby,” Joe told you, his eyes falling onto yours with a gentle gaze. “We made him together.” 
“I know,” you said softly. Another kick hit his palm, and Joe leaned forward and kissed your belly, taking in your sweet perfume before he parted. “I love you so, so much. My darling boy.” 
“Aw, hell,” Joe said, his cheeks turning pink with the praise. “Thank you, lover. I love you too. And you too, Little Man.” He kissed your skin again, and you ruffled up his hair as your son kicked again. “I wonder if he can tell it’s me.”
“Probably,” you answered. “It sure seems like he knows. He wasn’t kicking too much before you came, just once or twice. But now he’s kicking up a storm.”
Joe’s cheeks went even darker, now with the tips of his ears, and he said, “I can’t wait to properly meet you.” 
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The Little Smiling Mermaid (Chapter 8)
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Guess what kind of feral edgelord gremlin has eight legs and one bad attitude? 🔮 Also double the musical numbers, double the fun! :D
As Damien rested under a tree to take his mind off his blunder, his eye briefly caught Pim, plus a reluctant Alan and Glep, all swimming off with the unscrupulous eel taking them somewhere. Damien closely inspected with open ears as they swam farther, catching wind that he was taking them to see a miracle worker who could grant one's heart's desire, and in Pim's case, legs. Knowing right away that something was a miss, he followed the party in an attempt to set right what he did wrong. "Pimberly, no!" Damien cried, catching up from behind. Pim whipped his head back and shot the nastiest glare he ever gave towards him. "Look, I know we've been distant for so long, but you gotta believe me, I tried to tell him not to destroy-" Pim furiously chewed out Damien: "You left me behind like Amy did and joined in with the rest of the family ostracizing me and Graham for years and NOW you want to have anything to do with me? Not to mention snooping around and revealing where I was hiding!? IS THIS JUST A SICK JOKE TO YOU!?" Damien backed away, not used to the usually sweet and passive mercritter just now unleashing his wrath. "Pimberly...It wasn't my choice...I tried to stop it...please don't follow this guy, I have a sneaking suspicion you're getting tricked!" he fruitlessly pleaded, Pim replied before swimming off in a huff, not looking back: "Why don't you go tell our father? You're good at that!" Damien stayed in place, witnessing the headstrong Pim trail off once again, before his conscience nagged at him to at least quietly follow and make sure his littlest sibling wasn't getting into trouble.
Charlie woke up in the twilight hours of the night, after one peculiar dream where he was about to propose to Mipnessa in front of his friends, family, and nameless background peons until the mysterious rosy-haired stranger emerged from the sea in a sparkling blue dress to lure him away with her beautiful voice; Next thing he found himself breathing underwater and the beautiful mystery lover he swam with turned out to be a mermaid. Charlie immediately recalled the time-around these hours was when he first met the pink maiden. Suddenly having a hunch he might get another change to reunite with “her”, Charlie carefully tip-toed outside to run out to the beach side near his castle, observing closely on every corner, yet still no sign of the mystery critter (yet). Perhaps “she” was angry over “her” cloak being given away to someone else, or maybe “she” was just waiting for the right time to save him again. Feeling overwhelmed, Charlie had to let it all out: “All I ever wanted was the open sea and sky.... freedom from the life I always knew... now all I am is haunted as days and hours roll by, all I ever think about is you…” Charlie felt the wind blowing in his face and the waves becoming stronger as he poured more of his feelings into his song: “There you are, over me, taking me with your song... to wild uncharted waters~ Miles beyond the sea! I was darkness-bound, I had almost drowned 'til you came around, and you found me!! Now I am on the shoreline but I'm still lost at seaaa! in these wild uncharted waters, come find me...again...” Suddenly it all came back to Charlie, the wild party that went off the hook and lead him to that fateful encounter, oh how it started to rev up his adrenaline. “All I do is wonder who you are and where you'll be~ In my mind, your melody goes oooon~ stronger than the undertow~ The night you rescued me, silhouetted by the rising dawn~” Vivid flashbacks haunted Charlie's memory, it all became clearer now: the loving, gentle critter who sang to him after saving his life juxtaposed to the sting of guilt he felt over how he just-so happened to be Mipnessa's suitor. How's he gonna explain this dilemma? "Oh, over you...I cannot get over yooou in wild uncharted waters beyond where man can see~ when your eyes outshine the horizon line~ and you're finally real, here beside me~ Now I'm right here on the shoreline~ I'm right where you left meee! And your voice is like a siren that guides me to wild uncharted waters~ alone, just you and meee! And I hope you're there in the open air~ There's no map or compass to guide me! No time may change the shoreline but time will not change meeee~!" Charlie faced the roaring tides, singing one last passionate vent of frustration and love: "If it takes my life, I will finally find you aaaagain!~ In uncharted waters, come find me aaagaaaain!!!~"
"Well, what are you waiting for? Come on in." An ominous voice echoed from inside a freaky-looking cavern fashioned out of a long-dead sea beast's remains, with crop of long spindly vines to have long-claimed it's dominance over the massive corpse as a long period of time passed, much of which made some admittingly cool-looking curtains. As Pim (hiding Alan and Glep in his hair) slowly proceeded, he felt as if where stringy little hands trying to reach out to him, as he turned around he was surprised to find that some of the vines decorating the cavern where seemingly trying to hold him back from potentially making a decision he'd regret for all time. Pim had finally caught a glimpse at the fabled sea witch himself, lounging on an anemone sofa and casually watching a couple bicker on his crystal ball. The sea witch casually muttered: "Oh yeah, and don't go lurking in my doorway like that, that's just annoying." Pim swam inside the witch's room and curtsied, "I'm sorry, I don't mean to be a bother...My name is-" The witch sassed back: "Honey, you're a critter that needs no introduction! I know all about you! You're the little scamp who fled from that ever-burning shipwreck of a palace!" Pim felt creeped out. "How do you know about me?" The witch let out a bold laugh, getting off his sofa and putting on some theatrics as he swam around Pim with a doting voice: "I'm kinda like your guardian angel watching over you, making sure everything would lead to you finding me so I could make your biggest dream come true...they call me Grim around these corners." Pim greeted: "Thank you helping me, Grim." Grim got down to business, further elaborating: "Now, then, you're here... because you have a thing for this land critter, this uh...Prince fella?" Pim replied: "Not only that, but because the surface is such an amazing place and I'd love to further explore it! My father always told me it was cruel and uncaring, but from what I've seen it's gorgeous and full of life!" Grim couldn't help but remark: "You must be real easily-amused, because from what I've seen, it's more boring than dangerous....not that I blame you. That land critter is quite a catch, isn't he?" Pim grinned and nodded in agreement. "Well, angelfish, the solution to your problem is simple! The only way to get what you want is to-" "-become a land critter myself!" "Woah there, bloke, did I ASK for you to cut me off?" Pim bowed his head in regret, "I'm sorry." Grim put his finger under Pim's chin and pushed it up so they'd meet eye-to-eye, only for the shy critter's pupils to trail off. "But, of course I can do that, that's what I do! It's what I live for: to help poor little bastards like you who have no one else to turn to!" The music started up, Alan and Glep (plus Damien spying in a blind spot) anxiously anticipated what this magician had up his sleeve.
"I admit that in the past, I've been a little nasty~ They weren't kidding when they called me a real sunnovabitch! But you'll find that nowadays I've mended all my ways! Repented, seen the light and made a switch True? Yeeees~ And I fortunately know a little magic, It's a talent that I aIways have possessed! And here lateIy, please don't laugh, I use it on behalf Of the miserable lonely and depressed-" Grim couldn't help at make a side-glance with a snark- "Pathetic."- before continuing his song. "Poor unfortunate soooouls~ In pain, in neeeeed~" He conjured up an image of two of his past clients, a weakling shrimp and a brunette mermaid with lovely green eyes and freckles, both of which looked down in the dumps. "This one longing to be stronger, that one's a pretty lonely girl! And do I help them?" He altered the images to make it so that not only they where happily wed, but that the shrimp possessed a true "Alpha Male" physique. "Yes, indeed!" Grim made the images vanish, continuing: "Those poor, unfortunate souls~ So sad, so true! They come flocking to my cauldron, crying: Spells, Grim, please! And I help them? Yes, I do! Now it's happened once or twice, Someone couldn't pay the price..." Everyone witnessing Grim got increasingly nervous. "...and I'm afraid I had to rake 'em across the coals!" Grim grinned menacingly, before he waltzed across the room and wrapped his head around some curtains: "Yes, I've had the odd complaint! But on the whole I've been a saaaaint~ To those poor unfortunate sooooouls!!" He took Pim by the hand to his cauldron in preparation for the spell.
"Now, here's the deal...." Grim conjured another image, a silhouette of Pim happily skipping around with legs. "Listen closely...I'll make you a potion that'll give you legs for just three days, take it or leave it, before the sun sets on the third day, you've got to get dear old Princie to fall in love with you! All you need is a kiss of true love to seal-the-deal and make you a land critter permanently!" Pim gulped, asking: "...and if I don't?" Grim made the image vanish as he hissed: "You'll dissolve into seafoam, never to be seen or heard from again." Alan cried out: "NO!" before the vines grabbed his mouth. "Have we got a deal?" Uneasy, Pim opined: "If I become a land critter forever, I'll never see my friends again." Grim reassured: "But, you'll have your man, and your family will finally get off your back!" Pim realized how safer he'd feel with them, especially his father, out of the picture. Grim expounded: "Life's full of tough choices, innit? Oh yeah, one more thing: we haven't discussed the subject of payment! You can't get something for nothing, you know." Pim admitted: "I don't have any-" before Grim ultimately cut him off, wagging his finger: "Oh nonono, I don't ask for much really, something so insignificant that you won't even miss it! What I really want from you is....your voice." "...my voice?" "You got it, Pinkie! No talking, singing, zip." "But without my voice, how can I talk? I don't even know sign language and I guess I could write on paper-" Grim rolled his eyes and snapped out: "COME ON! You poor unfortunate sooooul!! Go ahead, make your choice!" Grim immediately got to work tossing ingredients in the cauldron as he prattled off: "I'm a very busy critter who doesn't have all day! It won't cost much, just your voice! You poor unfortunate sooooul! It's sad, but true~ if you want to cross a bridge, my sweet, you've got to pay the toll! Take a gulp and take a breath and go ahead and sign the scroll!" Gnarly presented the scroll to Pim, who hastily wrote it down to the horror of Alan, Glep and the stealthy Damien. Gnarly swam up to Grim and whispered: "Boss, we finally tricked the boy!" Grim belted out with a miraculous spin as the potion was completed: "THE BOSS IS ON A ROOOOOOOOOLL!!! THIS POOR UNFORTUNATE SOOOOOOOOOOOOUL!!!!" Gnarly opened a book of spells, black leather-bound with a gilded sigil, turning to a particular page Grim read off: "Paluga, sarruga, come winds of the Caspian Seaaaaaaa~ Now rings us glossitis and max laryngitis la voce to meeeee!!!!" Grim, looking like an unhinged madman pointed towards Pim, commanding: "Now...sing." Doing as he was told, Pim sang like the last time, but instead the deep admiration and jealousy where replaced with uncertainty, fear and hoping for the best. Pim helplessly witnessed his own voice escaping his mouth, entering Grim's iconic seashell necklace to be sealed for lord-knows how long. Grim once again reassured, yet with a tone less faux-comforting and more intimidatingly: "Don’t worry, I’ll keep it safe and soundless here with me..." Emerging from the cauldron was a small glass vital that Grim caught with one of his tentacles, presenting it to Pim. "On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate that?" Pim opened his mouth, until realizing what he just traded for the potion, so he raised his stubby hands with all his fingers up on the left and only one finger up on the right. "There you go, now slug that sucker down! Bottom's up!" Pim opened the bottle and drank from the tiny vessel until there was no more...all of a sudden Pim started glowing as sparks of light started bursting around him, it was as if fireworks got set off in the room, then he suddenly felt a sharp pain slash at his tail, as if a sword was slicing him in half. He wanted to scream in pain but he could no longer feel his gills as all of a sudden the poor critter could no longer breathe underwater. Scared out of their wits, Alan and Glep immediately rushed over to lift Pim and guide him out of Grim and Gnarly's lair and upwards towards the surface.
Damien couldn’t believe what he bore witness to, his littlest sibling, let alone any mercritter for that matter, successfully gaining legs and becoming a land critter. Still, he didn’t trust Grim nor Gnarly one bit. He sprang out of his hiding spot to confront them. “You! What have you done?!” Gnarly quipped: “Hey boss, another costumer.” Grim joined in: “Well if it isn’t all-brawn and no-brains himself: the Fresh Prince of Meeplantica?” Damien scowled, demanding: “I’m NOT letting my littlest sister turn into sea foam!” before slumping in a rare vulnerable disposition, groveling: “…I’ll do anything to prevent such a thing….not my Pimberly…” Grim grinned, asking: “Anything, you say?” Gnarly immediately piped up: “Shave your head bald and eat dirt, then will spare-“ Grim cut his dimwitted henchman off by wrapping one of his tentacles around his face, prattling off: “As I meant to say, I’d be delighted to spare your little Pimberly! But first, you must fulfil a super important task! It'll be hella difficult but don't fret! It's all gonna work out in the end..."
Everything had been a blur to Pim ever since he took that quaint little potion, all of a sudden being underwater like he always had been his entire life now felt completely alien to him, not to mention he had to get used to swimming without fins, let alone gills. Just in time for the break of dawn, Pim dramatically emerged from the sparkling waves while flipping his rosy curls back, taking his first breath of fresh air as a land critter before being lead by his two brave friends to a nearby shore. Alan served the former sea Princess some pep talk in his usual air of monotone sass: "Come on now, Pim, you just have to put your back into it!"
✨ Chapter 9 Arrives September 6th ✨
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afewproblems · 2 years
A Clear and Present Threat of Tongue
Sooooo this idea shook me like a rag doll and wouldn't let me go until I got it all out, this is a Steddie Stranger Things New Girl AU taking place during the first kiss episode between Jess and Nick. But its waaay longer and more angsty than I anticipated. So.
It’s all Gareth's fault in hindsight. 
As his best friend and confidant, Gareth really should have taken Eddie’s feelings into account when he suggested a party out loud in front of everyone.
Not that the party was a particularly bad idea, parties had been prime money making opportunities in the years before - although that had certainly dwindled, what with the murder accusations and earthquakes. 
And Eddie was trying to make it a point of avoiding dealing around the kids or Hoppers disapproving glare.
So no, it wasn't so much the party.
Steve had taken it upon himself to host, as per usual, and everyone had been invited. The gremlins, Nancy and Jonathan, Argyle, Gareth, Jeff, and Robin of course without question. Gareth brought Megan Walsh with him while Robin brought another underclassman, Vickie something, she seemed cool - a little quiet for Eddie's taste but that wouldn’t be the only reason she didn’t do it for him.
Nah, Eddie was looking for something a little taller, louder, with big brown eyes and plush pink lips he wanted to sink his teeth into and an ass that wouldn’t quit even if he begged. 
And Eddie didn’t beg.
It was an end of summer pool party that had extended beyond the warm sunshine and moved into the main house when the last few rays had swapped for the cool twilight of the evening. 
There had been no shortage of food and drinks and a few tokes in the garage from the decent Cali strain Argyle had brought with him. The kids had gone to bed one by one leaving the rest of them to move down to the basement as Steve had put it, ‘to keep the noise to a minimum while the little shits sleep’.
The combination of weed and beer had them floating in the sweet-spot, not that everyone had partaken - Argyle and Jonathan stuck to weed only while the girls nursed their beers.
Eddie, Gareth and Jeff were the only three that were on the floor and feeling alright by the time midnight had rolled around. 
“We should play a game,” Gareth says, blurting out the words from his place on the floor, he’s grinning a little with glazed eyes and wild hair splayed around his head like a halo.
And this, this should have been Eddie’s first warning. 
Now Uncle Wayne had a great rule, a fantastic rule, ‘Nothing good ever happens after midnight kiddo, remember that’.
Eddie should have listened to the old man.
Jeff hums lightly from the floor and Megan perks up at the idea, shifting up to the edge of the couch, trying to catch Gareth's glazed eyes.
"What kind of game?" She says, her voice lilting and curious, Eddie smirks and elbows Gareth in the side.
Gareth huffs out a groan at the contact and rolls slightly to level a glare at the metal-head, Eddie raises his eyebrows and darts his eyes from Gareth to Megan before raising a single eyebrow. 
Go for it man! 
Gareth cocks his head, a confused expression pulling at his brow as his red eyes pan from Eddie to the other side of the room and back again. 
Nowhere near Megan.
Just as Eddie makes to turn to wherever Gareth is looking, a small grin blooms on his best friend's otherwise lax face, the bassist sits up with a groan and shakes out his own wild mane of curls.
"Truth or Dare?"
"Choice game brochacho," Argyle laughs from the loveseat he's laid out across, Jonathan nods with his eyes closed. Everyone seems pleased with the situation if the chorus of 'sure's', and  'sounds good,' is anything to go by. 
Even Steve - who Eddie can’t help but notice has also stuck to beer most of the night and seems slightly tipsy as he wanders over from the far side of the room and drops onto the floor beside him. 
Steve says a quiet, 'cool,' as he brings his one knee up to his chest to lean on.
He smells of spice and pine tonight and Eddie fights the urge to curl against him.
Nancy volunteers to go first and picks dare, surprising everyone except for Jonathan and Steve, who laugh as Robin stumbles her way through crafting the perfect task for Nancy to perform.
Vickie whispers into Robin’s ear which elicits a delicate blush that settles over Robin’s cheeks and ears as she settles back against the couch with a soft smile.
“We dare you to do a cartwheel!” Robin crows, laying out her palm towards Vickie who immediately gives her an unapologetic high-five, Eddie rolls his eyes and nudges Steve beside him. 
“I expected better than that coming from Buckley,” he says just slightly over a whisper level if the death glare Robin shoots at him is any indication, Steve snorts and takes another sip of his drink.
“She’s just warming up Munson, you better watch out or you’ll paint a target on your back,” Steve stage whispers back, winking as he turns his attention to Nancy who has cleared a pathway next to their little circle to attempt her cartwheel. 
Eddie swallows and tries to fight down the blush that threatens to creep over his face. 
Fuck. He is so unfairly pretty. 
Steve's hair is remarkably untidy this evening, and his ears are slightly pink from the alcohol, and his stupid perfect jawline makes Eddie want to bite something - preferably Steve. 
He’s wearing one of his little polo’s, a light yellow number that accentuates his bright brown eyes and the dotting of moles and freckles dappling his face. 
Oh yeah, Eddie’s a goner. 
Nancy manages to half somersault and land on all fours before jumping to her feet in an Olympic pose that draws a mix of laughter and applause from the group. Eddie watches as Steve puts down his drink and politely claps as he smiles indulgently at Nancy, Eddie frowns slightly as he tamps down a flicker of jealousy that builds in his chest. 
He misses Robin stand up and stride towards Nancy before leaning in to whisper in her ear with a predatory grin. Nancy’s eyes drift from Robin to Eddie and back again, she nods once and turns back to the group, her facial expression betraying nothing. 
“Oh dude, you’re in for it now,” Steve murmurs to Eddie as Nancy and Robin resume their seats in the circle.
“What?” Eddie says as Nancy clears her throat and smiles at him, it's cutthroat and shark-like and Eddie is suddenly reminded why he’s always found Nancy intimidating.
“Eddie, truth or dare?” Nancy says in a silky voice, Jonathan seems to freeze at the tone and attempts to catch his eye, shaking his head like a mad-man and slicing a finger across his throat again and again, while Steve laughs softly beside him.
“Uh, Pft, Dare Wheeler,” Eddie says with a scoff and a wide grin, he stands up and starts stretching his arms across his chest, before cracking his neck and shaking out his shoulders, “just need to loosen up first here,” he claps his hands together, “okay what sort of gymnastics you got for me miss Nancy?”
Jonathan smacks his face into his hand in the corner while Robin giggles to Vickie, Eddie catches a few muttered words, but nothing concrete. Judging from the red face and ‘O’ shaped mouth that Vickie sends his way, it's definitely not good. 
Nancy clears her throat and waves her hand to catch his attention again, “eyes this way Munson,” she says slyly, and Eddie is suddenly sweating. 
“Eddie Munson, I dare you to take the person sitting closest to you into the spare bedroom for seven minutes in heaven. 
No one says a word for a moment. 
Eddie wishes for the basement floor to open and swallow him whole. He stares at the plush fibers of the rug, wondering if it would be at all possible to smother himself by pushing his face into the carpet. 
He absolutely refuses to look at Steve. 
The only person sitting beside him. 
He should have listened to the old man. 
Eddie paces the small space again and again, its five steps from wall to wall and it does nothing to ease the tension in the room. He tries to figure out how to tamp down the seemingly permanent flush that has stained his face since the two of them were pushed into the room. 
The door has been unceremoniously slammed shut behind them and a chorus of eight voices chant, ‘Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!’ over and over outside their temporary prison.
Damn Gareth for suggesting this stupid game, damn Nancy and Robin for conspiring against him and damn himself for his ridiculous delusional fantasy. 
Steve Harrington would never want to kiss someone like him, even if he did swing that way.
This was stupid and awful, damn everything.
Steve scoffs from his position on the foot of the bed, startling Eddie slightly.
“What is the big deal,” Steve sounds much more sober, and a lot more tired now that it's just the two of them, “lets just suck it up and french a little?”
Eddie nearly feels himself short-circuit at the words. 
He resists the urge to smack his head into the door and slowly turns on his heel to face Steve. 
His expression is bored, if slightly irritated to be stuck in this situation, but his arms are draped loosely on the bed and his shoulders are relaxed.
Huh. Not nervous then, but there is something else…
Eddie sighs and scrubs a ringed hand across his face, "Okay fine, but don’t say suck it up and french a little--"
"Do not complain to me Munson," Steve grumbles, his voice suddenly tight, "this is your fault. Let’s just do this," he shakes his hands out, Eddie notes the slightest tremor that runs over his left hand but it disappears the longer Eddie's gaze remains on it.
"Okay, okay, no, Steve this is not a big deal," Eddie says, his tone is light but gentle as he crosses over to the bed, he holds out his hands for Steve to take. 
Steve's eyes travel from his hands to Eddie's face, and back again. His expression flickers once before shuttering into the same bored expression from earlier. Steve clasps his hands once and squeezes them briefly before letting go and standing up to face Eddie.
"Right…not a big deal, let's just do it," Steve mumbles as he breathes out, he closes his eyes briefly and Eddie's never been this close before, he can count the freckles on his nose, "just do it Eds".
Oh god, oh god, he’s about to kiss Steve Harrington, this is fine, it's fine. It’s just a stupid party game, he can do this, he can be cool.
Eddie takes a deep breath, and raises his hands to grasp Steve by the shoulders before smoothing them down his arms, he leaves them loosely wrapped around his biceps, and Okay who the Hell gave him the right?
He licks his lips and swallows his nerves, he can do this, he can do this!
Steve frowns, “Why are you licking your lips?” his voice pitched with confusion.
He can’t do this. 
“Should I not?” Eddie manages to say without stuttering, he coats his voice with false bravado as he rolls his shoulders and widens his stance, “you want dry lips Harrington?”
Steve scowls, “No”.
“Then I’m just licking them to make them better!” 
A pinched expression blooms over Steve’s face at the sudden rise in volume in Eddie’s words, he resists the urge to wipe the clammy sweat from his hands and instead lifts them from Steve’s biceps to his shoulders before placing his hands on the sides of Steve's face. Eddie’s fingers curl up into his hair behind each ear and Eddie swears for a moment he can feel Steve tilt his head into his hands -just slightly. 
“Ready?” Eddie murmurs, the earlier bravado gone as his eyes dart back and forth between Steve’s own. He’s looking just slightly up at Eddie, the barest hint of a smile playing on his lips.
“Ready,” Steve affirms with a small nod that jostles Eddie's hands.
“Okay,” Eddie breathes out through his nose slowly, “1, 2 -- I’m actually not going to do a count,” he lets go of Steve’s face, it’s too much, it’s ridiculous and Eddie feels as though he’s about to fly apart at any moment.
Steve doesn’t move but his eyes trail after Eddie's hands as they fall from his face before coming back up to meet Eddie’s gaze, “Okay?”
Eddie swallows, it feels like glass going down, this is not how he saw his night going, “That's not my style, when I kiss, I don’t, I don’t count down…”
Steve snorts and smiles slightly, biting his lip as he says, “Okay”.
Eddie breathes in sharply as Steve releases his lip to speak, he shakes his head once and reaches out with slightly unsteady hands, to grip Steve’s face once more, “Ready?”
Steve nods again, “Yes,” he’s looking up at Eddie with those warm brown eyes and long lashes and Eddie feels like he's going to faint.
Just move, he thinks to himself, just kiss him and then he can leave, never darken the door of the Harrington house again. He can pretend this never happened and go back to pining from afar. 
Eddie steels himself and tilts his head as he leans in slowly, he sweeps his thumb across Steve’s cheekbone, he can do this, he can do this. He continues moving forward as Steve suddenly rears back with a gasp.
There’s a slight tremor in his voice, as Steve says, “I’m, I’m sorry, you can’t do that…”
Eddie jerks backwards, “What did I do?” he cries out, he flings his hands away from Steve’s face, holding them up in something akin to surrender. He wracks his brain, running through the last thirty seconds, trying to think of what could have freaked Steve out this badly.
“Your fa-” Steve starts before clamping his mouth shut with a sharp click. He’s curling in on himself now, one arm slides up from his side to grasp his other arm.
It’s Eddie’s turn to stare.
“Were you, were you going to say my face?” Eddie says quietly, stepping back from Steve entirely, his now empty fists clench and unclench at his sides. There’s a flicker of anger an hurt in his chest, what the fuck did that mean?
They stare at each other for a moment, Eddie waits for Steve to elaborate but all he gets is a silent grimace.
“Yeah,” Steve says weakly, after a beat, his eyes anywhere but Eddie’s own, “you just…you can’t do that with your face dude”.
"Don’t call me dude right now," Eddie growls, breathing in deeply through his nose, this whole situation has been fucked from the start and he can't take it anymore. He's done.
“Okay, yeah, okay,” Eddie mutters before crossing the space to the closed door and pounding the flat of his palm against it, “Let me out of here!”
Behind him, Steve sighs as he moves over to the wall of the spare bedroom and slides down it until he’s seated with his legs splayed out. 
But Eddie doesn't care, he doesn't. He had prepared himself for this, he knew Steve wouldn't possibly feel the same way and now it was definitive. 
That didn't stop it from stinging.
Eddie growls as he tries for the handle again and the brass does nothing but rattle rather than turn.
“Why does this door lock from the outside? That can’t be safe,” Eddie mutters to himself as he turns away from the door to face Steve once more, he leans back against it and breathes out a sigh as the chorus of, ‘Kiss, Kiss, Kiss’ renews itself with vigor just outside.
Steve sighs again and raises both hands to rub down his face before dropping them heavily to the floor on either side of him, he stares at the wall for a moment before his expression flattens again. 
He looks up at Eddie with determination in his eyes before bringing his legs up to stand. 
“Okay,” Steve says softly, as he steps towards where Eddie is leaning against the door, “let’s just do this already, just kiss me--”
“No.” Eddie firmly huffs, he crosses his arms in front of his chest and nearly knocks his head against the door as he realizes there is nowhere else to go, “I don’t--I’m not gonna kiss you”.
Steve pauses in his approach, he seems so much smaller than normal, and Eddie hates every moment of this.
“Look, I’m sorry, okay?” Steve says quietly, he reaches up to pinch the tip of his nose and clears his throat, “you said it yourself, it’s not a big deal. If you don't want to do this that's, it's fine, you know how stubborn they are, I don't think they meant to lock the door--”
“I can’t--” Eddie cuts across him but Steve is still talking.
“I’m sorry that you got stuck with me,” Steve bites out, running a hand through his hair as he steps backwards now, away from Eddie, and sits on the end of the bed, “and I’m sorry that I got all weird just now, but--”
Eddie just can’t take it any longer.
“No Steve,” he says shrilly, not caring if the assholes outside the door are listening, not caring if the Loch Nora neighbors can hear him, not caring if the kids upstairs wake up, “It's, I just can’t, not like this!”
It takes a second for the words to register, they seem to float between them for a moment before each man registers what’s been said.
Steve stills on the bed, he doesn’t even look like he’s breathing, “What,” Steve says softly, “what, what does that mean?” 
Oh Fuck.
“Nothing,” Eddie blurts out, his heart is racing, the air is stale and thin in the basement bedroom and Eddie feels like he can’t breathe, “I didn’t mean it like, I just, we can’t like that because it's not, you know?”
Steve stares at him from the bed, “...what?”
Eddie has to leave, he can’t be in this room anymore, pinned to the door by a pair of soft brown eyes that have pinched in the middle into a confused and terrible frown.
“If you’ll excuse me,” Eddie says quietly, briskly walking past Steve and the bed as he moves towards the far wall with the single window.
“Where are you going? Eddie!” 
For the second time that night Eddie finds himself wishing he had listened to his old man. 
Attempting to climb out the window of the basement spare bedroom may not have been his best plan; as he hoisted himself up to the ledge, which was already up a good five feet at least, and popped the screen off, deaf to whatever words Steve was hissing at him, Eddie found himself sitting halfway in a window-well. 
About two feet from the open ground above.
And that was before his studded belt caught on the window ledge. 
“Fucking hell,” Eddie grits out as he shifts backwards only for the belt to wrench him back into place, no, no, no, this couldn’t be happening.
He hears a sigh behind him along with a low string of curses as quiet footsteps move away towards the far side of the room. Seven knocks sound on what he can only assume is the door in a strange pattern that halts the chant from the basement sitting room. A muffled voice he can’t quite make out says something that Steve responds to.
“Open up the goddamn door Buckley or I’ll never cover another morning shift again, we have a situation in here,” he says in a small, defeated voice. 
It all happens fairly quickly after that. 
Between Jeff, Nancy, and Argyle’s careful maneuvering they manage to extricate him from the window and lower him back to the floor. Nothing had prepared Eddie for the hot, tight feeling that would fill his chest as Argyle and Jeff snicker and high-five once he is back on solid ground. Nancy is smiling but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes as she looks from Steve and back to Eddie, expression slowly morphing into one of concern.
Robin is standing with Steve, both of them lean against the far back wall by the now open door. They seem to be having an intense whisper fight that ends with Steve storming out back into the main sitting room. 
Argyle knocks into him, suddenly draping an arm over Eddie’s shoulders and snatching his attention away from Robin and Steve. He herds Eddie forward on slightly unsteady legs to follow the rest of his rescue party as they all make their way out of the spare bedroom.
“That was freakin’ hilarious dude,” Argyle says with a warm laugh and bright, slightly hazy eyes,  “I mean Steve, Steve, he tried to climb out the window instead of kissing you, can you believe that?”
Steve stiffens from his new position on the loveseat but shakes his head after a beat and laughs; the sound rings hollow, a pale imitation to his usual beautiful laugh, “Eh, Robin just gets to add another tally to the ‘You Suck’ board, that’s all man”.
Argyle laughs and claps Eddie’s shoulder lightly one last time before moving towards Jonathan and Jeff, the trio grab a lighter from the coffee table and head back upstairs for another toke.
Robin and Nancy go back to join Vickie on the couch, their heads bent together in conversation, both girls looking up at Steve from time to time. 
Steve, meanwhile, is steadfastly staring at the floor.
I’m an idiot, Eddie thinks miserably to himself as he takes a seat on the floor next to Gareth who doesn't seem to have moved since his suggestion of Truth or Dare. 
"Hey man," Gareth says, turning his head slightly to see him better, "how'd it go?" 
Eddie says nothing, pinching the bridge of his nose with two fingers; he wants to tell Gareth about how much of a disaster the night was, how he's ruined everything way more than he could ever dreamed of and he still didn't get a kiss out of it.
"That well huh?" Gareth hums as he sits up and brings his legs in to sit cross-legged. 
The party has wound down significantly at this point, Steve has disappeared from the basement and Nancy has loudly announced she is leaving if anyone needs a ride home. Robin and Vickie trail after her with Megan not far on their heels, she sends an irritated glare their way, most likely directed at Gareth more-so than himself.
"Weird," Gareth mumbles, dragging his arm across his eyes clumsily, "I figured that would'a worked, with all the puppy-dog eyes he's been givin' you lately".
"What, uh, what?" Eddie says sharply, he must have heard him wrong or the weed has finally gotten to them, Gareth did not--
"Oh man, yeah I figured the Truth or Dare would totally give you an opening dude, you seemed on board?" 
Eddie's heart is racing now, his palms sweaty, what the fuck is he talking about?
"I mean you should've seen Harrington's face when you went in, all sunny an' shit, it's that Doe face you're always talking about--" 
"Gareth!" Eddie hisses, his face burning and shoulders tight, he stands up startling the other man as he paces the now empty sitting room.
He takes a deep breath and then another, bringing his hands up to press into his eyes roughly. 
"Okay, okay, so you're telling me," he says slowly, dropping his hands to his sides, "that you think Steve, Steve Harrington," he points a shaky finger to the ceiling, "is in to me?"
Gareth blinks, his eyebrows slowly climb into his wild curly hair, "Uh yeah dude".
He says it like it's the simplest thing in the universe. One plus one is two, the sky is blue, and Steve Harrington has feelings for one Eddie Munson. 
And suddenly, the words from earlier, the brittle broken sentence Steve uttered in their temporary prison, makes much more sense.
"I’m sorry that you got stuck with me". 
Steve thought Eddie had been stuck with him? 
Steve thought Eddie had been stuck with him?
The soft looks, small touches, and blinding grins, each tiny moment over the last few months tumble and fall together.
Oh God…
"...I am an idiot," Eddie whispers as he turns on his heel and makes his way to the stairs.
"Yeah! Get him dude!" Gareth calls after him as he flips back into the plush carpet with a laugh. 
Eddie wanders the dark main floor, tiptoeing through the living room, avoiding a sea of sleeping bags and pillowed heads of the kids as he goes, there is a faint light ahead of him coming from the staircase to the second floor. 
He makes his way up, careful to avoid the fifth stair as, 'it always creaks,' and the last thing he needed was Dustin, or Max, or, Ozzy forbid, Mike, interrupting.
Eddie maneuvers down the familiar hallway, and halts when he gets to Steve's room. The door is slightly ajar and, at last he’s found the source of the soft yellow light spilling down the hall and stairwell.
Eddie tips the door open, wincing at the piercing creek of the hinges as it slowly swings open revealing Steve sitting on the edge of his bed with his head in his hands. He doesn’t look up as Eddie steps into the room. 
“Hey Stevie,” Eddie says softly. 
He stuffs his hands into his pockets, suddenly unsure how to proceed, and awkwardly stands in the doorway, the wall to wall plaid threatens to burn his retinas but he holds firm. 
There are a few things in here Steve has clearly placed himself, the plush area rug covering up most of the chic parquet flooring running through the rest of the house. A new yellow duvet that clashes with the red plaid wallpaper, but it's Steve's choice for once. The picture of the car has been replaced by a small cork board, it's covered from top to bottom in Polaroids of Steve and the kids, candids of Robin and Eddie, posed silly pictures of Jonathan and Argyle after a smoke session, and a few of Nancy and Jonathan sitting in the Byers kitchen at Thanksgiving, almost collage like but for the pins holding them in place.
The room has transformed over the last few months, and it never ceases to make Eddie smile.
“Hey Eds,” Steve sighs after a long beat.
He looks up to meet Eddie’s gaze, that same blank expression from earlier tonight painted on his otherwise handsome face. 
Eddie swallows, his heart rate ticking up once again as soft brown eyes hold him in place, if he chickens out again he swears he'll fling himself down the stairs, creaky step be damned.
He opens his mouth only for Steve to speak, slowly, quietly.
"I'm sorry," Steve murmurs, his voice cracking around the words, "if that was weird today, for you".
Eddie manages to keep his face impassive as he nods, but his heart aches at what he hears, “Yeah, I mean, no it wasn't weird, just…”
Steve sits with his shoulders squared and his spine straight, stiff and still even in his own bedroom, but with each word that leaves Eddie’s mouth the line of his body slowly begins to curl in on itself.
“Just, different”. 
Steve nods as his arms come up to wrap around himself again, he swipes his right hand up his bare arm up to the sleeve and down again and Eddie wants nothing more than to wrap him up in his own arms. 
Steve eventually puts his hands on his knees with a muffled clap and stands up, padding across the carpet towards the door, towards Eddie. 
"Well that's not the worst thing someone's called me so I'll take it," Steve says with a smirk, his big brown eyes pan between Eddie's own as though searching for something, he nods to himself.
“Oh yeah?” Eddie ventures, leaning against the open door frame, linking his ankles together as his weight shifts to one foot. 
He can’t have this, someone as kind and funny and good as Steve saying these things, thinking that Eddie thinks them too. 
Enough is enough.
Steve snorts, tipping his face down. A lock of hair falls into his eyes and once again, Eddie's fraying resolve finally snaps.
He pushes himself off the door frame with his shoulder, stepping into Steve’s space, and reaches out with one hand to card his fingers into Steve’s hair, pushing it out of his face.  
Steve freezes at the sudden touch and proximity, "What, Ed-"
The words are lost as Eddie leans his head down and captures Steve's open lips for a kiss. 
He feels Steve stiffen slightly in his arms. 
Eddie moves to pull away, cursing his own stupidity, but as he tries to pull away, Steve curls his arms around Eddie's neck and tilts his head, stepping closer into his arms.
And it's fireworks. It’s hearing Dio for the first time all over again, it’s finding out he was going to be staying with Wayne permanently. It’s jamming out with Gareth and Jeff and losing themselves in the music.
It's Steve.
Eddie brings his hands up to curl over Steve’s cheek and into his hair once more, he brings his fingers into tangle with the soft waves and gives them an experimental tug, startling a small moan out of Steve.
Eddie smiles into the kiss and takes the opportunity to lick into his mouth, letting his tongue slide over Steves, he tastes slightly like beer but Eddie doesn’t care because he’s finally kissing, and kissing, and kissing him. 
Eddie breaks away after what feels like an eternity, leaning away just far enough to place a small kiss on Steve’s nose and both cheeks, which have slowly turned a pretty pink, the arms wrapped around his neck tighten slightly at the contact and Steve’s eyes flutter closed. 
“I meant something like that,” Eddie whispers before leaning in again, swallowing a laugh that escapes Steve with another soft kiss to his smiling lips.
"I thought," Steve mumbles, chewing his bottom lip with harsh teeth, "I thought I messed it all up downstairs," the words are wet as Steve sniffs once and tips his head onto Eddie's shoulder.
Eddie slips his hands down from Steve's face to bring him in closer, wrapping his arms around his waist, "you didn't mess anything up, I've been wanting to do that for a long time,” he whispers in Steve’s ear, earning a hitching laugh. 
“Me too Eds,” Steve mumbles into the fabric of his shirt, he pulls back slowly and tips his head up to meet Eddie’s gaze, “I think, I’ve been wanting to do that since you woke up in the hospital”.
“Sorry I took so long sweetheart,” Eddie murmurs against his lips, a smile tugging at the corners of his own.
Steve hums and closes his eyes before running his nose back and forth against the tip of Eddie’s own, “Well,” he says softly, “I can think of a few ways you can make it up to me”.
Eddie laughs brightly and kicks the bedroom door shut with a snap.
Maybe his Uncle Wayne wasn’t always right.
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scoups4lyfe · 2 years
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crosswise101 · 1 year
Pankcakes and cuddles
A short Red Son x GN!Reader fic :3 (also note that I'm not used to writing fanfiction so this one might suck)
It was a new break of dawn when you decided to lock him in your arms possessively as you snuggled into his chest, he was supposed to make breakfast for both of you but it ended up in a never ending cuddling session in the comforts of your own bed.
"Let go of me you insolent gremlin... I have to cook breakfast so you won't starve to death..." Red Son muttered irritably as he tried to push you away, but you just won't budge.
"Nooooo I want my daily dose of cuddles though," You whined as you push yourself unto Red Son futher, looking up to his gaze with puppy dog eyes hoping that he would fall for it.
"We've been cuddling for half and hour now." He deadpanned, completely ignoring your effort to make him stay with you in bed.
"...Doesn't matter I want you." You said, stubborn against the idea of Red Son leaving for something that is totally not important.
"W-why you little- ugh!" He groaned, you could tell that you left him flustered because of your words by him just stumbling upon his words.
"I'll just be in the kitchen if you need me..." Red son muttered off before gently pushing you off of him completely this time. Though it was surprisingly easy, this made you wonder why he didn't just push you away earlier.
He climb off the bed and went out of your room, now it's just you alone.
"Noooo It's too cold, come back my personal heaterrr" You whined some more as you flail the covers of your bed, you were never a morning person to begin with. You caught yourself staring at the ceiling of your room afterwards, still not planning on abandoning your comfortable bed.
Though that beg to differ when you smelled freshly made pancakes from your kitchen, fuck. You groggily stood up from your bed as you set off to consume those remarkable scrumptious pancakes.
You peaked from the side of the door that leads to the kitchen, the first thing you notice that Red Son was in an apron, the pink one that you bought for the giggles that is.
"So the little gremlin decided to leave their territory." Red Son said with a small smirk, despite facing back from you and being preoccupied with the pancakes he still could feel the chaotic energy radiating from you.
You chuckled at that his remark before walking towards the stack of pancakes that Red Son had taken away from the hot frying pan, your eyes dazzling as you were practically drooling because how perfect the pancakes looked.
"Don't think about touching those, I'm still not done with this batch." Red Son bluntly said which made you pout.
"Awee, maybe just a little nibble?" You practically begged as you eyed him and the pancakes that as placed in front of you at the same time.
"Someone has to eventually do the taste check so-"
"Don't you dare think about it."
"Oh but I am."
Before Red Son could ever stop you, you took a small piece from one of the pancakes with a fork and quickly consumed it. His expression dropped completely as he watches you happily chew his pancakes.
"These are really good!" You complimented with a big goofy smile on your face.
"For the love of- Augh fine go gobble them up for all I care." He said with a huff went back to flip the pancakes that was still on the pan, though he couldn't help but feel the warm tingling sensation in his heart when you complimented about his cooking.
You look at him for a moment before an idea popped into your mind, you took another piece of one of the pancakes you had just now and placed it in your mouth, you tapped on Red son's shoulders to grab his attention.
"What is it now? If you're looking for the maple syrup it's in the fridge- Hmmp-!" He froze in place as you suddenly went in for a kiss, he could taste the sweetness of the pancakes from your lips. His face was set ablaze and his fiery tied up hair flickered though he did nothing to push you away.
The kiss was short as you pulled away, smiling at him innocently as if you didn't do anything to possibly cause him a heart attack.
"The pancakes were sweet no? though would've gone great with maple syrup..."
"I-I- Wha- W-Whydidyou-"
"Oh, Firecrack your pancakes are burning."
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upsidedownwithsteve · 2 years
Promptober: Day Twenty One
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Steve Harrington x fem!reader 805 words.
“Hey, remind me again why we’re doing this?” 
You looked over your shoulder to see Steve squinting at you under the bright sun, blue skies and the October chill making the day a perfect autumn crisp. 
But Steve hated the cold, so your boyfriend was scowling, bundled in layers of a sweater and a smart coat that Eddie always poked fun at, a scarf that was wound around his neck not once, but twice. 
He looked unbelievably adorable, but his mood suggested that he wouldn’t appreciate you telling him that. His arms were crossed, holding his coat tighter to his chest as he followed you through the lines of trees, stepping over fallen fruit that had started to rot and soften. 
You smiled at him, hoping to soften his grumpy demeanour. “I told you, babe, Joyce and Mrs Sinclair wanted to make some pies, so…”
You gestured to the orchard, each tree weighed down with apples, some green, some brilliantly red and some inbetween. You shifted your basket to your other arm, reached out to inspect one on a low hanging branch and plucked it with a satisfying grin. 
“Yeah, no, I got that part,” Steve sighed, taking bigger strides to catch up with you. “I just don’t get why we’re the ones that are here.” 
You turned, pouting when you saw his arms were still crossed, brow creased. His cheeks and nose were pink with the cold and the wind had picked at his hair as you both walked through the farm, the brown strands looking soft and a little wild.
“Because Mrs Sinclair is working late shifts before the holidays and Joyce is taking your kids to the fair with Hopper,” you said it like Steve should’ve been grateful, as if it were a favour for a favour and when Steve scoffed like you knew he would, you grinned. 
“Babe, they’re not my kids,” Steve grumbled, finally uncrossing his arms to take hold of the basket full of apples that he realised must’ve been getting too heavy for you. “They’re gremlins and they’re an inconvenience and somehow, even at fourteen, they’re always just a little bit sticky—”
“You were the one who promised those gremlins a trip to the fair in the first place,” you reminded him, trying to sound stern. But Steve had stepped closer and was pushing a cold hand to your neck, fingers and thumb cupping your jaw as he pouted at you. “Don’t try and distract me, Harrington.”
Finally, a grin. Your favourite version of the boy because he smiled and lit up and it was like summer had returned, just for a moment or two. 
“I know,” he sighed, “but I stupidly agreed to work more shifts and when I finally get out all I wanna do is go and see my girl,” he leaned down, nudged his nose to your cheek with more affection than you could handle. “S’that so bad of me?”
A kiss, another, a line of them pressed sweet to your cheek, finally landing at the corner of your mouth until Steve grinned. Your eyes had closed without you even realising. 
“You’re a menace,” you told him, a whisper full of fondness. It hurt how much you liked this boy. “If you wanna spend time with me, why’re you complaining now, huh?”
Steve leant his forehead against yours, the basket an unwanted obstruction between you both. He pressed a soft kiss to your lips, smiled when you lifted your chin for him so he could give you another and another and another. 
“It’s really fuckin’ cold,” he all but whined and his complaint made you laugh. 
“I’ll warm you up when we get home, okay?” It was a promise that you made sound as dirty as you could, voice lowered, looking at the boy through your lashes. “How’s that sound?”
Steve pretended to think it over, thumb smoothing over your cheek, a touch that was so full of love that it made your stomach tumble. 
“Make it the back of the car and I won’t complain again.”
You gasped, trying to sound scandalislised, as if you hadn’t spent far too much time under and on top of the boy in the backseat of his BMW. 
“Steve Harrington, you’re filthy,” you whispered but you were grinning and so was he. 
“And so are my new boots,” he grumbled but the smile was still there and his arm was needling around your neck to pull you into him again. 
Another kiss, cold noses pushed to cold cheeks, longer this time, a soft, slow slant of his mouth over your own that made you sigh into him. He hummed at your noise, smiled against you when you tried to chase the kiss for more but Steve pulled away, laughing. 
“C’mon pretty girl, there’s apples to be picked.”
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ts1m1kas · 7 months
Original Ask: this time its based in liverpool, our scottish gremlin being set up to go on dates by james milner ( cause of course its milly ) and he hates all of them until one night, his date doesn't show up ( or so he thinks ) so he goes to a bar to drink when he spots the reader who unknowingly is his date, it turns out the reader had been caught up with something that she forgot the date 🫢 (@findingnemosworld)
Word Count: 596 words
(author's note: nemo never fails to send the best requests ever !! i know robbo isn't everyone's cup of tea, but i love writing for him 🫶)
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It was well-known that Andy and James were good friends. Throughout their years at Liverpool, they had gotten very close, which resulted in them telling each other everything. So, when Andrew came to James and told him he was struggling in the dating scene, he was eager to help the Scotsman find the love of his life.
However, date after date had gone by, and none of the women had made Andy feel special. He had started to lose hope in ever finding someone when he got a text from James;
‘Get ready, found you another bachelorette ;)’  
Andy pulled on a nicer outfit, checked his hair, and sprayed some cologne onto his neck. Once he was happy with his appearance, he checked his phone again to find the details of his date. Setting off to the restaurant, the nerves began to hit.
Andrew had sat at the table alone for 25 minutes before he decided he’d been stood up. Standing up and tucking the chair back under the table, he headed towards the door.
“Hi there should be a table under Robertson? I know I’m quite late, I hope he’s still here.”
At the mention of his last name, he looked up and walked in the direction of the young woman.
“She’s with me.” Andy said, nodding at the waiter.
“Thank goodness, I didn’t want you to think I had stood you up.”
“No worries, shall we go sit down?”
She nodded at the suggestion and followed him back to the table that Andrew had previously been sitting at.
“Again, I’m so sorry I’m late, the traffic in my area was so bad.”
“Don’t worry about it. It was out of your hands. You’re here now. That's all that matters.”
“I love your accent. Are you Scottish?”
“Yeah, born and raised. Only moved down here for work, what about you?”
“I’ve lived in Liverpool my whole life. I currently work in a café. My dream is to work in football media or journalism, though.”
“I could probably put in a good word for you.”
All of a sudden, it dawned on her. “Oh my goodness. You’re Andy Robertson. As in the Liverpool footballer”
Andrew laughed. “That’s my name, don’t wear it out. Speaking of names, you haven’t told me yours.”
“I’m Y/N. Y/N L/N to be more specific. Sorry, I just can’t believe I’m on a date with Andy Robertson.”
He smiled, “I’m really nothing special, just a regular man.”
“But you are, though. You’re so talented. And funny. And very handsome.”
“You’re not too bad yourself, lass.”
Y/N face flushed pink at his words, and the conversation continued. The pair flirted back and forth while getting to know one another. Drinks kept flowing, and before they both knew it, the sky outside was dark, and it was time to call it a night.
The pair exchanged numbers with the promise of meeting up again soon. Feeling bold, Y/N leaned up and pressed a gentle kiss to Andrew’s lips. He kissed back, the contact soft and barely there.
When they parted, they split ways, both walking home with a smile. When Andy got home, he pulled up James’ number and shot him a quick text:
‘You picked a good one mate, think she’s the one.’
He turned his phone off and got into bed with a smile, his heart filled with optimism for the first time in months. Y/N, in her own home, unknowingly mirrored these movements, the same feeling of optimism enveloping her as she drifted off to sleep.
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ramu-ego · 2 years
hi! Raichi anon here!! can’t believe am doing another one but here I am!!! This isn’t really a request, more like a ‘hehe silly idea’ thing you can think of/look at
Raichi with those o ring gags, his tongue and teeth just out in the open, all shiny and dripping with spit. Imagine just playing around in his mouth and making an absolute mess on his face. He would make little groans, whines and attempts of growling but dude probably gets off by all the wet slushy noises from you just toying with his mouth.
+ bonus if you just fuck his mouth with a strap with the o ring!!! Your honor I am down horrendous for this sharp teeth gremlin :’o
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(nsfw) Raichi Jingo :: xfemdom!Reader
oh my god you don't understand i saw this before going to bed last night and was frothing over it all night, I just- YES so much YES ♡ - askbox open cw: fem!Reader, dom!Reader, bdsm toys, lots of spit, lowkey body inspection kink, oral sex, face fucking, sexual themes, unedited word count: sloppy drabble/thirst idk character(s): Raichi Jingo
DNI :: minors, blank blogs + m!Reader blogs
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Fingers pinching the fattiest part of his tongue had Raichi's eyes fluttering to the back of his head and a gurgled moan pass his forced open mouth while you continued your inspection. From slipping your fingers along his twitching pink tongue. To rubbing your fingertips against the smoothest to the pointiest part of his teeth. All you had to do was hook your fingers in the stainless steel o-ring of his gag to pull his head back to where you wanted.
"So spitty..." You muttered, swiping a wet finger along his bottom lip to collect the globs of saliva pooling there before dribbling down his chin, "Like I need to plug you up or something..."
Raichi fussed with incoherent words that you couldn't make out. Utter gibberish spilling from his cranked open jaw. You smiled at him ignoring his noises as you slipped your spit covered fingers down the center of his tongue again. Deeper now until it touched near the back of his throat. Leaving the man to groan like a strung out whore needing a fix. Moving his head to feel your fingers down against the back of his throat for some kind of relief. His cute attempt to deep throat your two fingers not going unnoticed.
"Aww look even your body wants me to plug you up so you quit making a mess everywhere..."
Slipping your fingers back past the o-ring had Raichi greedily lavishing them with his tongue. Unable to swallow but not caring as he swished his tongue over every inch of your fingers he could. Licking them clean as any excess spit simply dribbled down his chin and neck without care. Messy spit covered mouth begging for more than just a couple of fingers prying around in his mouth.
Quick to be rewarded with more than just fingers. You looped a spit covered finger in the o-ring and lead Raichi like a stubborn bull to the bed as well as onto his knees between your feet like a dog. His eager tongue rewarded with the cold silicone of a dildo when you held it up for him to lick for good measure. Guiding him to the tip of it still by the o-ring until Raichi got the hint and leaned forward into the toy. Letting the bulk of the jelly cock head disappear in his mouth.
Sloppy wet noises over throwing his broken up moans. You could release your hold on the o-ring and let those wet fingers card through his short blond hair as he slobbered all over your toy. Beads of his spit rolling down the shaft only to have him frantically lick up and down to catch it all. More and more drool making it past his persistent tongue until your fingers and the harness were slimy and wet with it. Raichi's flush cheeks and lewd noises not enough for himself apparently when he kept wiggling his hips trying to take more of the toy in his mouth to no avail. Nothing slipping on your strap and freeing up your hands couldn't alleviate.
Just a little bit of help needed for the poor needy thing. Holding Raichi still with both hands groping a fistfuls of his cropped hair on the back of his head. Your hips rutting up a little to press the strap on against his tongue as an invite. And just like your fingers you guided the toy deeper down his throat the second he wanted it. Rightfully plugging up his normally loud mouth with your strap. His eyes growing watery and fluttering to the back of his head in momentary ecstasy. Raichi held still very obediently as you pushed the toy deeper in his throat like he'd been wanting.
"That's my baby girl..." You cooed as his teeth visibly grazed the sides of your toy, "Good thing it's fake or else I'd be so mad at these pointy little teefers..." You let your grip on his hair loosen. Guiding your hands down until you held the sides of his head and thrusted your strap down his throat. Eliciting a wonderful gag and slurp noise from the blond seconds after his throat bulged with your toy. Raichi quickly trying to lick up the mess with the toy still in his mouth and his own drool overflowing past the edges of the stainless steel o-ring, "But too bad I can't fuck your throat full of my cum though."
Raichi moaning over the head of your strap was limp as you held his head and began rutting yourself into his open mouth. Watching that blissful fucked out expression come across his face. Tongue lulling out the side of his mouth and spit covering his cheeks and your strap. Throat bulging every once in a while when you shoved it in deep to remind him what he was doing. Raichi's lewd noises filling the room until you didn't have to hold his head at all and he was doing all the work. Cute and desperate for a load he wasn't going to get. Raichi forced himself down on your strap, gagging and drooling just to go back down on you. Slurping up the mess best he could until it was just too much.
Enjoying his mouth too much until you had to stand up for a better angle. Holding his head steady as you encouraged him to lick the slimy tip of your strap before plunging it down his throat. Holding it there a second while you admired Raichi's fucked out, spit covered expression and let your hand drift over the bulge in his throat. Feeling his throat close and and adam's apple twitch when he tried to swallow around the cock in his throat. You pushed it to the limit until you pulled out and he gasped only to desperately lean into you for more. Cock hungry slut with no end in sight. You'd let him slurp up his mess on your strap until he begged for a break like a good girl.
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luimagines · 1 year
Dream Jester!Reader is quite the character as the Chain are gonna quickly find out. Now neither Legend or they go into full detail about Koholint but explain enough to the heroes on how the two met each other.
Legend: Apparently when I lost consciousness at sea, I had been over a Dream Point. Spots that are heavily connected to the Dream World and quite easy for someone to fall through.
Sky:...I guess I better be more careful on where I nap from now on.
Reader: I'm pretty sure I can still fish you out even in the Waking World. Legend, Tulip would've fit better, was a special case as ALL of him went through than his mind.
The dream jester likes to call the Vet various nicknames that usually revolve around his lovely pink hair. A personal favorite being Tulip as it's their favorite flower. Legend calls them nicknames like Joker, Dream but he uses Jest the most. A well earned name since the dream jester likes starting mischief.
They have no neck and wrists so Reader definitely used that to scare the shit outta some Links. Everyone learned to never leave their bags or pots unchecked as the dream jester will hide their head or hands inside. The Chain learned Hyrule shrieks like a girl once he saw a disembodied head scream back at him from his bag.
Reader does have some of their powers despite being in the real world. One such ability is flight as not even five seconds later after recovering did they decide to casually float.
It's a natural ability that doesn't need magic so Reader rarely interacts with the ground since they're more comfortable in the air. Catching them nap while floating is a common sight for the Chain and something Legend already used to.
Wild: I wonder if they're comfy like that.
Legend: Jest compares it to napping on a cloud.
Sky: *tries not to be jealous*
Combat wise, Reader's abilities are more...set up than offensive. They make it easier for the Chain to take out monsters that are either difficult to hit or are in a large group. Once such ability is Paraloop, where anything they circle around get clung together and strung along like a magnet.
Great against more vicious monsters such as Lynels as it's hard to attack when being squished between objects or other monsters like a sandwich. Another technique is Drill Dash where Reader spins and moves faster akin to a drill. Not only does this make them more difficult hit but it packs a nasty punch.
Their most unique ability is Dualize, where Reader can assimilate with someone. A technique they often perform with Legend during his adventure on Koholint. In an outsider's point of view, it looks like Legend vanished when in reality he's sharing Reader's body and power. Their voices sorta overlap in this state too.
Reader/Legend, dualized: It's Showtime folks! You better keep up! *pulls out a now flaming Fire Rod*
Wind: That's so cool! I want to dualize next!
Sky: Let me do it too! You don't know how much I missed flying.
Overall, Reader fit quite well with the Chain as a fellow oddball and gremlin. Although the guys wished Legend gave them some warning to their antics. Then again, he wouldn't as they get to experience the same insanity that Reader drags him into.
...The only thing I thought of while reading this, was that when Reader is napping in mid-air that one of the chain (mostly likely Legend, come on) takes their fishing rod and hooks it onto their belt. The Link in question then straps his fishing rod onto his back and stat walking, dragging Reader with him as they travel so they don't have to wake up.
Tempted to say that one of them attaches Reader to either Hyrule or Wild so they have a pin point if either one of them wanders off. (Like those videos where they put the balloons on people while in the store so they can spot them easily. XD)
I doubt either party would appreciate it though so it would have to be in secret and make it fast.
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the-wild-ego · 1 year
Hi, im caught up on hw finally >:D
I am known outwardly to be kind of stoic tbh (masking emotions etc) but tend to be more childish in nature in the end. Doll collection, MOnster high....littlest pet shops...haha
I also have like a trillion art based hobbies, including doll customization. On one hand cause its cool, on the other because i get to behead dolls and cut their hair off and scare my neighbors when i spray paint them and hang them up.
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Anyways, iplier or battles r my fav tbh
you dont have to do this one if you dont want, just thought i could give you some funny gremlin elements to work with.
So, I'm a little biased with this one, because I know you love Dark. However, I really can't see you with anyone else. hahaha.
I don't think Dark would mind your childish nature; I think he would actually lean into it. It could turn out to be a stress reliever for him... Now this Dark might end up being a little OOC, but I don't think you'd mind that. ;P
Anyways enjoy this crack-ish fic with Dark;
It was just one of those days. Work, work, contracts, keeping up with his counterparts, it was.... frustrating sometimes. Even egos got a case of 'the Mondays' every now and again. This time, though, there was not an end in sight. All Dark could hear was the never-ending ticking of a clock that wasn't even in the room. Which is what led him to your room. There was ticking coming from behind your door, or something akin to ticking. It was rhythmic and loud.
"Kitten, can you please-" Dark started as the door creaked open. Walls filled with art supplies, dolls, different colors of yarns and twines. And you sitting at the desk in your room, using a small hook to pull hair up through a paint-stripped doll head. Now, Dark knew you were an artist, and he knew that you customized dolls, but that wasn't what was strange to him. It was the several dismembered dolls laying half-dressed on the floor. "Are you alright?"
"No." you gave a blunt reply. Dark was used to this as well, knowing you'd speak with him when you were ready to talk about it. So instead, he went to pick up the dolls that were strewn about.
"I wish I could do what you do to dolls, but to actual people..." Dark huffed, setting the dolls down on your desk. He raised an eyebrow at the blank look you gave him.
"Why don't you?" you ask simply, to which Dark's mouth drops open the slightest bit. Very rarely was Dark thrown off, but you had that power to say the most outlandish things to him.
"Well-..." Dark cut himself off, trying to compose himself quickly. "It's just too messy."
"Then do it to the dolls, it'll make you feel better." you smile, looking less tense than before. With the hair done, you sit the head down to work on the rest of the doll. Dark said nothing to this, knowing whatever came out could possibly offend you. That was the last thing he wanted to do.
Instead he went to your wall of dolls and picked one with hot pink hair, envisioning that it was that fool Wilford. He felt a spike of anger and quickly ripped the head from its body, but his strength snapped the dolls body in half. Dark couldn't help but smile at that. The crunch of plastic was more satisfying than he wanted to admit.
He turned around to show you the remains, like a child presenting during a show-and-tell. The crumbled pieces hit the floor and scattered across the floor, but you were focused on the crushed body.
You frowned at that, "Dark, I still need to use those! Don't crush them!"
"I'll buy you as many as you want..." Dark smiled innocently, shrugging as he discarded the broken doll and picked up another one, this one with neon green hair. The color set Dark off a bit and as he turned to you with a sinister grin, he couldn't help but ask...
"Can I do another?"
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