#I want to hold your hand handclaps my beloved
pauls1967moustache · 1 year
Oh yeah I’ll 👏👏 👏👏 tell you something 👏👏 👏👏 I think you’ll understand
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justlostinautumn · 5 years
Playing House 8
Clint Barton x OC (Alexandra Knight)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
Fury calls in help on a long hall mission that requires Clint to play house with someone he doesn’t know and has never met. Alexandra likes to work alone and isn’t one to play well with others. Nick and Alex have a past together and now Nick is asking his old friend to help out with the monitoring and infiltration of some HYDRA agents. But, not everything is as simple as it seems. Nick isn’t the only old friend Alex has on the team.
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I woke up to the feeling of Clint holding me close, even after everything he saw yesterday he still wanted me. I picked up my phone and saw that it was almost 3am, I knew there was no way I was going to be able to go back to sleep so I managed to disentangle myself from Clint and crept out the room. I notice I was back in one of his shirts and panties, I tiptoe back into the room and snatch my bra a slip it on under the shirt and I sneak down the hall.
“FRIDAY?” I look up.
“Yes, miss.” The AI responds.
“Is anyone up?” I sigh trying to figure out where everyone is.
“Mr Barnes is in the gym do you want me to tell him you are looking for someone?” The Ai asked.
“No!” I whisper shout. “Can I access the roof?” 
“Yes, miss.” She confirms.
“Thank you.” I smile.
“You are very welcome.” I can hear the smile in the AI’s voice, I will have to congratulate Stark on his brilliant AI.
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Once I got to the roof I sat there and looked out to the city watching it lighten as the sun began to rise. By 6am I realised yesterday could have been worse, they could have pinned me down and thrown me in a cell in the raft or worse. I decided I wanted food so I headed down to the kitchen and rummaged through the cabinets pulling out ingredients for pancakes, fruit salad and waffles. Making the batters for both the Waffles and Pancakes, I decide it’s been a while since I have baked and found the stuff for a chocolate cake, victoria sponge and coffee and walnut cake.
I loved baking because it kept my mind on track, kept my focus as I let the batter rise in the fridge and I put the last of the cake batter in the tin and into the oven I notice it is about 8am and I get to work quickly cutting up the fruit. All while doing this I was singing Dreams by The Cranberries, You Will Be Found from the play Dear Evan Hansen, Woke Up Late by Drax Project and many more, dancing around the kitchen.
“Do you think she knows we’ve been watching her for the last hour?” Sam asked.
“Yes.” Bucky and Nat said together.
“Pancakes or Waffles?” I ask looking over my shoulder and smirking at them.
“I thought Fury told you about being considerate of others?” Clint smirks at me.
“I put a bra on.” I smile at him batting my eyes and I can see him soften.
“I don’t think that’s what he meant Princess.” Nat cooed at me.
“Oh well! He’s not here.” I smile at Nat.
“Whos not here?” Nick asked as he walked in.
“Give me your shorts!” I point the spatula at Nat and she laughs.
“Kitten,” Clint calls and throws a pair of my gym shorts at me and I slip them on quickly.
“Nice to see you clothed,” Nick smirks at me.
“Are you doing unannounced drop-ins to make sure I am clothed at all times?” I turn around and put my focus on the pancakes and waffles which are stacking up. 
“Maybe.” He laughs and I knew he was. He was worried I would distract them enough so I can slip out and disappear, yesterday must have thrown him. I put breakfast on the table with a pot of tea and coffee and I lean against the counter with an apple and coffee in each hand.
“I’m not going to disappear this time. Stop frowning you might actually start ageing.” I stare him down and he looks surprised.
“I wouldn’t blame you if you wanted to leave.” Nick looked at me like a wounded puppy.
“Are you giving me an out?” I tilt my head and frown. I notice that Nat and Bucky stiffen in their seats with looks of worry and sadness on their faces and Clint is now stood next to me with his arms wrapping around my waist.
“Yes.” Nick nodded and several hisses are heard in the room.
“I had time to think about it Nick, if I was going to disappear I would have left this morning at 3am when I was on your roof.” I pull out of Clint's arms and bent over to take out the cakes from the oven and let them cool on the rack, preparing the icing to go on each one.
“Is there anything you can’t do?” Tony asked.
“I don’t know, I normally do it to the point that I can do it without thinking... it was apart of my training. If I couldn’t do it they punished me and then I kept doing it until I did it without error. I still work that way minus the punishments for mistakes.” I smile at Tony as he looked shocked I was so open.
“Why be open now?” Steve was curious.
“Because you’ve seen me at my worse and you sat and ate the breakfast I made you.” I raised an eyebrow at them.
“Poisoning doesn’t seem like a you kinda thing to do,” Sam spoke up and Nat and Bucky gulped.
“You clearly don’t know me, but I didn’t poison the food there would be no guarantee I could keep the ones I care about alive.” I shrug.
“Then why not eat the pancakes?” Peter was nervous.
“Because I wanted some cake.” I look at him like it is obvious.
“You know you can have both.” Clint brushes some of the hair from my face.
“Overindulgence makes you spoilt if you are left wanting something you’ll work harder for it.” I smile at him.
“You're not going to have a slice of cake?” Clint frowned.
“Delayed gratification, it can drive you to do your best. Think of something you really want and hold back until you achieve your goal. It’ll make it so much more rewarding, love!” I smile my lips brushing his as I talk and I pull back and walk out of the kitchen leaving perfectly iced and decorated cakes.
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I changed into some gym clothes and I walked through the kitchen they noticed the bag and Nick knew what I was about to do.
“What you doing?” Steve asked as he watched me walk to the lift.
“Training.” I simply said stepping into the lift, the lift went down to one of the training rooms and I knew I had Marcus to thank when I walked into the room with all my beloved equipment. There were mats for sparring and tumbling, a range of gymnastic equipment, usual gym equipment, punching bags and my favourite things aerial silks. I drop her bag and walk over to the material to get a feel of it and it’s soft and water-like, it is purple in colour and I smirk.
I hear the ding of the lift indicating they have made it to the training floor and their heavy footfalls sound down the hall as they run in my direction. My lycra shorts and sports bra allowed me maximum movement. I walk to the mats and started to stretch ignoring the prying eyes, after loosening up my muscles I opt to work on my dancing form. Walking to my bag I pull out a pair of well-loved point shoes and strap them up my calfs flexing my foot once on I test out the feeling by going onto my toes and I sigh, it’s almost like relieving in a strange way. Going to my phone I put on Can You Hold Me and let the music take me away.
I forgot about the world and I just let my body move on its own, I didn’t have to think about where I needed to move next. I had done this so many times I didn’t have to do anything. I felt a hand grab me and I opened my eyes to see Bucky and he spun me continuously around him. I spun away and I nodded at him and ran at him and he grabbed my waist and lifted me above his head and spun us around bringing me back to the floor where I finished the dance opposite him slightly bent down in a bow. I looked up from my lashes as the song began again. He smirked at me and I shake my head walking over to the silks, I peel off my slippers and wrap my foot at the bottom and climb up and start my dance with the silks. Gasps are heard from below as I spin down and am left hanging upside down arching around the room in a slow circle. I pull myself up and unwrap myself from the rest of the silks and slid down until I land on the floor softly.
“That’s new,” Bucky smirks.
“Well, Barnes I didn’t have someone to jive with.” I laugh as I pull on my trainers.
“You can jive?” Tony looked shocked.
“Oh yeah he can, but maybe next time.” I laugh patting his chest and I look over to Clint.
“But, we wanna see Barnes dance.” Sam pouted and I laughed.
“I’d love to see if he can still move, but I need to see how Clint moves,” I smirk at him.
“He has two left feet.” Nat giggled and Clint gives her a dirty look and I laugh.
“We can work on that, but I’m thinking more combative.” I walk over to my bag and pull out two blades and unsheath them and spin them in my hands.
“Are those...” Bucky started.
“Had them since I was eighteen, parents gave them to me.” I inspect the blade, it was the first Vibranium weapon I was given. It was a gift from Wakanda to my parents a peace offering they were more than happy to take.
“How? They are Vibranium.” Tony looked at them in amazement.
“Wakanda wanted nothing to do with Project Zero and what it would bring so they made a deal with my parents. It’s how I know T’Challa and Shuri so well, I helped train them when they were younger and still to this day.” I smile at the fond memories I have with them.
Jailhouse rock starts to play and I laugh and look over to a smirking Natasha. I shake my head and continue playing with my swords.
“I may be passible with swords but I am not going up against you with those,” Clint spoke up I put them down and walked over to him patting him and then over to Nat taking my phone and put HandClap on. 
“Don’t worry you have your own.” I pulled a bag out of a cabinet and threw it to him. He pulled out the swords and spun them in his hands.
“I could get used to this,” Clint smirks.
“Hang around with me more often you’ll get all the good toys.” I laugh as I bring my sword down quickly and he was just fast enough to block me.
“That was rude.” Clint pouted.
“Sorry, did you want me to announce I was going to attack you because I hope you know the enemy won’t” I smirk at him leaning in and putting more weight on the blade he brings the other one forward in a stabbing motion and I deflect it. I pull back as I feel him lean more weight on the blade and I sidestep pulling my blade away and allow him to stumble forward.
“Does anyone ever win against you?” Clint asked.
“I don’t remember the last time I lost a fight,” I smirk at him raising both eyebrows.
“I think you need to be knocked down a peg or two Kitty.” Bucky laughed from behind me.
“If you join Barnes, I will still whop both your asses. I may even let Tasha join in.” I laugh and I can sense Bucky’s hesitation.
“Two on two after you test Barton’s abilities with a blade,” Nick shouts and I can help but laugh.
“Bring it, Barton! I may even let you be on my team to beat both Barnes and Romanoff!” I smile at him and he laughs. He brings it that is for sure his movements more precise and fierce, he definitely knows his way around the swords. Against anyone else, I am sure he would win but I manage to disarm him and have in a hold that would ensure his guts would be on the floor and his throat would be slit.
“I’m impressed, Barton.” Marcus clapped.
“I don’t think she’s had a work out like that in a long time.” Nick laughed as I  sheathed the two blades and gulped down some water. They were right this was the first time in a long time someone really pushed me to be better... well besides Barnes.
“So... I passed.” Clint looked at me hopefully.
“Yeah, you did amazingly. To be honest, better than I thought you would have Darling.” I smile at him as I walk over to him with some water and pass it to him.
“What else do you wanna see Kitten?” Clint smiled at me and I couldn’t help but smirk and bite my lip as I racked my eyes over him and hum.
“I’m warning you now.” Nick’s tone was serious and I looked over at him with Puppy dog eyes.
“I want to see everything you can give me.” I look up at Clint through my lashes and he grabs my hips dropping the bottle and pulling me close and growling in my ear.
“Behave Kitten.” He nipped at my earlobe.
“But this is more fun,” I whine as he pulls away.
“Nick and Marcus look ready to lock you in a room until the mission.” Clint laughs and I look at Nick and Marcus stern faces. I then look over to the Team who looked uncomfortable other than Bucky and Nat who was smirking and a plan formed in my head.
“Okay.” I shrug walking away from Clint and over to the team. I walk over to Nat and Bucky and take each of their hands.
“What are you doing?” Clint growled.
“Going to have some fun,” I smirked at him.
“You’re mine,” Clint states firmly and I can’t help the giggle that escapes my lips.
“Nick said I couldn’t kiss, nothing about anything else.” I knew I was grinning, I heard the gasps of the other Avengers and felt the hands of Bucky and Nat on my body.
“Hands off,” Clint growled and pointed at the two with one of his blades and I couldn’t help but smirk. I felt the firm grip of Bucky’s metal arm shift me behind him and I knew what was happening and the smirk dropped.
“Stop!” I growled loudly, Bucky froze and everyone looked at him even Clint stopped.
“Threat,” Bucky growled.
“No. We are okay, I promise. Clint, is a friend remember, he’s Bird Brain or is that Sam?” I tilt my head looking at him and see him relax.
“That’s Sam.” Bucky grits out taking a deep breath.
“Soldat, you need to stand down... please.” I rest my head against his chest and feel him hug me.
“I don’t know what happened. It’s just the whole thing triggered something.” Bucky squeezed me and I let out a shaky laugh realising what he was talking about.
“A memory. It triggered a memory, I didn’t think that would happen. I am sorry.” I pulled back and looked at Buck and everyone else dropping my head and walking out the room and get into the lift.
“Where to?” FRIDAY asked.
“The roof, please don’t tell them where I am,” I speak softly feeling guilt wrap itself around me.
“Yes, Miss.” FRIDAY answers.
“FRIDAY please call me Alex.” I look at the ceiling.
“Okay, Alex.” I smile and nod.
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Once we get to the roof I walk to the edge and sit down and look out to the busy city. The memory of Bucky protecting me flashes to my mind, I knew he would ask questions... questions like why did he protect me? Who was it from? When? I didn’t want to think about it let alone have an audience when telling him. 
“I didn’t think that would happen.” I sigh as Clint comes and sits next to me, I knew they would figure it out where I ran to.
“We know.” He looks out on the New York skyline with me.
“I’m not going to talk about it, if that’s why you are here you may as well leave.” My voice is cold.
“Will you tell Bucky?” Clint looks at me I can feel his eyes on me, as well as the rest of the Team. I knew Nick, Marcus and Maria was here too.
“I don’t even think I could tell my own reflection.” I finally look at him and he sees the brokenness in me.
“It can’t be that bad.” Clint goes to touch me and I flinch back losing balance and fall backwards away from the ledge and I stand up quickly.
“I may have said my parents were worse than HYDRA, but I meant in what they made me do. What HYDRA did to me was worse than anything my parents would ever dream of doing to me.” I growl at him.
“What did they do?” Clint growled I could see his rage at the thought of them doing something to me.
“You can’t make me talk about it,” I shout at him and turn my back to him and I was faced with Bucky and I couldn’t stop the tears as the memories flash in my mind. 
“Kitty...” He spoke softly.
“Please don’t make me.” I sniffed and shook my head. I turned when I heard Clint heading my way and he wrapped his arms around me and I let go and sobs wracked my body.
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