#I was thinking about how Blaze isnt supposed to be from the future even in 06.
beheeyemite · 9 months
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Someone else.
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asmodeus-archives · 6 months
Sentimental Moment In Your Arms
SMIYA- Maylor Fic Teaser + Explanation
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This fic is a pre? PRE apology for a future fic in ‘the works’ “Don’t You Hear My Call” <which is a sad/angst fic I suppose it’s very upsetting either way) like WE apologize ahead of time if yall do read Don’t You Hear My Call when it comes out.
Sentimental Moment In Your Arms - (taken from the lyrics of One Year Of Love - A Kind Of Magic)
[tags will be included when we actually post it, but it does have some innuendos to sex but is very fluffy with some angst we guess]
[quick note, my friend and I snagged a new writing buddy for us, he’s given us a lot of ideas and new ways to write and even written some scenes for us for this fic. The dynamics of this new third member is I am the main writer, Aj is the beta reader and poem writer, G is our newest second writer who checks up my work and has written LAVISHING scenes for this fic and Don’t You Hear My Call]
—- “He’s having another one, isnt he dear?” Freddie’s voice nearly stung into Brian as the curly haired male hadn’t noticed Freddie was awake enough to notice, but looking toward him, he could tell Freddie hadn’t exactly been asleep either- it was almost like the two had become their loves sentry’s over the tours and years together, protecting and watching over Roger and John for any sign of distress to be there and even watched over each other at times with being the eldest two.
“They seem to be constant on tours.” Brian’s features furrowed at his own words, he knew it wasn’t just the tours themselves- maybe for the most part- it was the pressure from management and even the fans to keep the shows hot, entertaining and lavish. His hand still twirls a few locks of blond to keep Roger grounded in some way, even while deep in sleep.
“You need to sleep too darling, you already know that though.” Freddie reminded, almost like a parent scolding a child- after all he was the eldest of the four it was more or less a given he must act as such- not all the time though since Brian had always been the more mature one in perspectives.
“I know. At night it’s peaceful, with no distractions for a while at least, which gives me time to truly think clearly and understand how far we’ve come… how we’ve gone from scrappy college kids to here.” Brian hummed, it had been only seven or so years since he first met Roger- five years since Deaky became their permanent bassist- three years since Deaky and Freddie finallt bloody stopped with those longing looks, wishful words, teasing and all that to finally confess, and in that same year- Roger had come to him in the flat Brian shared with Freddie while the latter had been out with John- how that memory came back was quick and vivid- he hadn’t thought of that night in a few weeks, even now he felt that pang in his chest from seeing those once blazing blue eyes having lost any real life more of like a blank stare with no hint of a realization about what was infront of him —-
This should be out actually late tonight or well early morning, assumably 1:30 am based on schedules and packing. So 12 hours from this post .
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corysmiles · 3 years
Oh ok! Didnt expect such excitement lol. Its not to deep of an idea, but it centers around Phil and Ranboo mostly, but we can absolutely involve the others in the shinanigens in the future. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Heres the set up:
In Phils season 2 hardcore world he throws a trident into the void not knowing loyalty wouldnt save it from that, and in S4 hardcore world he builds a giant trident in endlantis with the lore that what happened was the void warped the trident he threw in and made it giant.
Then in S3 he looses his world really fast because a glitch happens when he goes to the end, where he looses control of his character and is pushed into the void.
Also a lot of the builds in S4 involve giant deities or giant structres along side regular sized things.
Its a "minecraft is real life with respawns and stuff" but when a player makes a "new world" they arent creating it, theyre just getting sent to a random location thats supposed to be uninhabited but on rare occasions they end up in a strange place with signs of previous life beyond the usual.
If a player does "hardcore" world they will either be sent to a new world or spat back out to the hub between worlds if they die and try to respawn
So heres the idea,
Phil does his usual hardcore world stuff, he stays in touch with his friends with communicators, texting and voice calls and stuff. He can leave and visit them, but he often gets really focused in hardcore worlds and spends extended amounts of time in them.
When he throws his trident into the void he doesnt think anything of it when it doesnt return. He just thinks its gone forever. But when he falls into the void in his next world, he "dies" and respawns, but instead of being given the choice to go to the hub or a new world the void isnt gonna let him go so simply. He feels it effect him to his very core, unaware how long hes falling for, before it spits him back out into a new world. He checks himself over and finds nothing different, and he still has access to the hub, so he just treats it as he usually would and goes back to getting set up in the new world.
This world is weird, he keeps stumbling across things that dont belong in a "new" world. Like endlantis, the void cube, etc. The blaze empress and the skeleton of the ender king are bigger then any creature hes ever seen but the blaze empress's guards are him sized so he doesnt think anything of it. But they arent the only thing that are weird, he tells the others like Techno and Will about how strange everything else here is. Some plant life is normal, but a lot is as giant as the deities to. And theres also just random giant structures that normally would be him sized are the exact same level of giant. He even found the trident he thought was lost forever in endlantis, but now its HUGE! The void must have done that to it. Luckily the void didnt do anything to him, other then kill and force him to respawn here.
But then after a couple of months Techno asks him to come visit, he wants to catch up in person. So Phil prepares to leave to the hub where his piglin friend will he waiting for him. And when whats outside his world waiting for him?
A gigantic hub.
Phil freaks out, all those things in his world werent big, he was tiny!! The void did change him after all! After barley managing to catch a giant Technos attention and he helps Phil calm down, they realize that the void must have done that to the rest of the things in Phils hardcore world that didnt line up in size. Phil was just the first player to fall into that world. They end up going back to Phils world to try and figure out how to fix him, but Techno remains his full size and cant hope to fit into Phils tiny base. So he heads back to try and find awnsers elsewhere, and Phils just kinda stuck tiny now.
But I did say Ranboo was involved didnt I? >:)
Phil tries to go back to normal life after failing to find awnsers on his own, but he cant stop looking at the world with new eyes. These aren't giant, hes tiny. Him, that tree, that cow, all small enough to sit in Technos hand. When Wilbur and Tommy hear about this they try and visit but encounter the same problem of being too big for any of Phils spaces and usually go home before long. Phil meanwhile starts searching Endlantis for any possible answers. The End is the place closest to the void, it should help him, right?
And after venturing deeper into endlantis farther then hes ever gone, he meets a giant ender creature. No like, actually giant. This ones big enough that hed be able to pick a regular human child up like a teddy bear, Phils only the size of his pinky. Hes scared of him at first but it turns out hes actually friendly! His name is Ranboo, he wears a crown, and is a prince. The son of the late Ender King and this destroyed kingdom. His father was evil so he doesnt really feel loss that hes dead, but he has been lonely ever since he hid deep enough into the end that the water wouldnt reach him. Phil promises to come back to visit him, quickly growing fond of the young giant prince.
After visiting enough times Ranboo asks if he can come back with Phil. He doesnt like it in the deep corners of the end, its too lonely. Phil tries to explain to him that his base will be far too small. But Ranboo assures him that will be fine. And then right in front of his eyes, Ranboo shrinks down to Phils size.
Ranboo explains he prefers his full height, but has been able to size shift for as long as he can remember. Phil comes to the conclusion this must be because as the prince of the realm, hes closely enough tied to the void that he can control its effects on him. But he cant do it for other things. So he agrees to help Phil try and learn out how control the voids powers to so he can get back to his regular size to.
-❤ anon
Oh yes!! This au idea is so cool :0
I love the idea of Ranboo just going around with Phil to figure out how to fix his size. And also it would be pretty useful for Phil to have a giant friend who can get into all the huge buildings that spawned around the world (and get the trident)
Question though, would Ranboo be able to visit the hub with Phil? Or is he stuck in this specific world because he was born there???
(Also any name ideas for this new au?) :] 💙
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pinkletterday · 6 years
The Flash 5x4!!!
Whatever it is Im going to deeply empathize with and love both of them.
Idk who this stupid af bitch is running straight into a blazing hail of fireballs and trying to take selfies but I hate her.
Iris. Iris. Baby. Hahahahaha Nora knows what a disaster her Mom is in the kitchen. I love you sfm Iris.
Hey Nora this version of your Mom just met you so hold back on the teenage sass, okay?
Ok this isnt funny anymore my heart is aching for Iris.
Young lady sit back down and eat that breakfast your Mom made for you.
"Make you a banana" lmaoooo this is why Barry does all the cooking. Gawd I love the domesticity.
I love that Iris can't cook. It just adds to her perfection. I guess I really am a fool in love, huh?
Oh God this guy. Shut up shut up shut up. Did this buffoon just call Cisco Ramon not brave???
I wish Ralph would take the lead here. That's right, I like Ralph now. This season is magic.
I would find this softball thing adorkable and hilarious if it wasn't for the fact that Barry is literally the Flash. It doesn't make a lick of sense. Would have been much more interesting if Barry had turned into a star athlete overnight and everyone just boggled.
Otoh it provides an interesting (read: hilarious) look at their dynamic growing up. Their different dorknesses cancel each other out.
I am irked. Why is the Flash a hopeless athlete? HE CATCHES KNIVES OUT OF THE AIR. How does he just switch off his co-ordination?
Kinda nice seeing all the ladies together like that though. Cecile is a gift.
NORA IS A GAY THIS IS NOT A DRILL WE HAVE A BABY QUEER IN THE HOUSE aaaaaand you are seriously trying my patience here. Be rude to your mother one more time. See how that goes.
Oooh Momma Bear is on the case! *hearteyes*
See, Baby Giraffe is already better at this than The Fraudulent Frenchie.
I hate to say it but based on that lumberjane chic I think we have another queer in the house. But this one we don't want.
Loool "like her size extra small". I hate to say it but thats a way better reason for her codename than "excess" ugh.
No it was different because she never knowingly put the people she was writing about in danger you asshat. God I wish you weren't so pretty.
Another black man wrongly accused. What up, America.
...Joe what. You guys. Jesse Martin looks bad. IS HE OKAY I AM SERIOUSLY CONCERNED.
Momma coaching Baby through speedster things! Because Barry taught her that one time she was a speedster. I can't handle this. My heart.
She FINALLY thanked her! Iris's smile.
My girls. I can't.
Also. Iris West, ace reporter, always better than fake hoes. Watch and learn, padawan.
Am sad we're not getting any Cisco Ramon. I hope Carlos is enjoying his mini-vacay. Otoh, I really like that Caitlin is included in the West-Allen circle this ep.
I wonder why Nora doesnt call Cait and Cisco Aunt and Uncle. They must be the godparents.
It's okay Ralph. Some leads don't pan out. If Shitloque was an actual detective he'd know that.
But I love that the heroes of Central City can walk around in public and interact freely. Oliver's team would need to break in and scare the bejesus out of some poor unsuspecting sod.
NORA IS A DISASTER LESBIAN CONFIRMED. Or probably a disaster bi like her Dad. I AM LOVIN' THIS.
Fuck I love that Iris never even blinked when Nora said Spencer was cute. She probably sussed it way before. I love you Momma West-Allen.
Oh no oh no I was right. Iris pulled a Joe West. Goddamn it. I mean I get why, I get how traumatized and scared she must have been but IRIS NO YOU DON'T LIE TO YOUR CHILDREN TO PROTECT THEM. Remember how you felt when your Dad did that to you?
I am legit heartbroken, you guys. I really wanted to be wrong. I blame Joe West's goddamn patriarchal shitty parenting for perpetuating this cycle of lies.
I swear to God if this show tries to justify lying and manipulating your kid again I'm going to give up on it. It's triggering as all fuck (I still havent recovered from S1 and 2) and I need Iris to be held accountable when she fucks up, not let her turn into another Fefe who can do no wrong.
Jesus Christ Iris, trying to force a conversation with Nora by invading her privacy and ignoring her need for space is not okay. BOUNDARIES, girl.
Oh okay but she's holding herself accountable thank fuck. I mean, Barry's right she can't be blamed for what she might do in the future but IT'S STILL WRONG.
I was actually shaking. Friendly reminder that survivors of parental abuse and manipulation are also watching this show, some of us with CPTSD.
"What if my Dad did something like that to you"?? Er. Iris? Remember when he lied to you for twenty years about your mother being dead and you didn't talk to him for six months?
Oh here we go. You've stood there like a gormless beanpole for three episodes without so much as trying to intervene Barry and this is how you choose to comfort your wife. Not "yes, it's a bad thing and we can't know what led you to the choices future you made but in the here and now you know not to. We can learn from the future and make different choices, Iris."
...I just meant for frightening Caitlin, but he actually wants to be punched?
Ooooh that was satisfying! Pretty sure her form was all wrong but can't argue with the results.
I love how fucking competent Iris is??? She knows how to use the entire STAR Labs tech arsenal. Although that Vibe device kinda defeats the whole purpose of breechers. It's like if they had a device lying around that could give just anyone super speed.
Not sure how Spencer thinks XS can kill Flash. One's a n00b and the other is veteran.
Wait, Baby Flash can do what now?
I don't like that they had to dumb Barry down so much to give Iris a chance to shine. A couple can both be competent at the same time! It's called being a power couple! Not one-half Idiot Ball couple!
So her phone got powers? Huh??
Ah yes. Dark Matter. More multi-purpose than Quantum.
Okay cool Ralph is getting his due. "Less right" LOL
"That puts meta-human powers in the hands of anyone" kinda like having a Breeching device, no?
We have meta-humans, meta-phones, meta-daggers (a tech dagger??) HOLY SHIT WHAT IF THE DARK MATTER HIT A HOME DEPOT?? How many people now have meta-vacuum cleaners? Meta-dishwashers?? Meta-can openers??
Oh God. No. Not this.
No. You do not lie and manipulate your kids to protect them. You do not do that. Love is no justification.
Don't Barry don't. Stop stop.
I can't watch this. FUCK YOU.
No, cry all you want. I have no sympathy for either one of you callous asshats. You fucking destroyed that girl. Fuck Joe West for having raised you to think this way.
Yeah no Joe West is not who you want to go to in these matters, Nora.
I don't even care about Cicada anymore.
I should have known this show would never get any less gross.
Look, I was fully prepared to be sympathetic to Iris, traumatized, alone and single mother to a meta-child in a dangerous world to have made some bad decisions. And I do empathize. But I wasn't prepared for present-day Barry and Iris to justify and rationalize that shit. I thought they were going to say "That was a bad thing your Mom did. I'm sure she thought she was protecting you but she may have lost sight of how much it hurts to have your choices taken away from you. But I'm not that woman, Nora. I know I could never bear to see you hurting like this. I can still make better choices. Please give me a chance?"
Not "No I am your Mom and everything I do is right and good because I love you, I'm sorry if you feel hurt about it but them's the facts."
They did this when Barry and Joe lied to Iris all through S1, when Joe lied to Iris about her mother. This show is still all about apologia for lying and manipulation because LOVE AND GOOD INTENTIONS AND TO PROTECT YOU BY DISRESPECTING THE FUCK OUT OF YOU AND TAKING AWAY YOUR AGENCY.
Parental love is not a justification. Most abuse takes place at the hands of parents who really believe they're doing it for their children's protection. Please never say "your parents have every right to hurt you to protect you because they love you". Do you even care at all.
I'm not okay. Gonna take a break from fandom for a while. Can't deal with people taking Iris's side to protect their Westallen feels. Fuck both of them.
I'm posting this but please don't engage me to argue about it. Massively triggered.
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