#I was too afraid to touch them thinking I'd ruin them but I still remember loving them so much and being mesmerized by their look
kai23-doodles · 8 months
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assigned houseplants for my idiots (ewyn had his assigned by default lmao)
Hoya/Waxplant (Ihrin) and Coleus (Ewyn), I need both these weeds in my life now
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marycorcaroli · 1 year
fluff !
mary ♡ : i was inspired by "step up 2" and that rain scene with the moose, it was so beautiful that i rewatched it several times. hope you like it ! english is not my first language, i apologize for the mistake.
rules ; masterlist.
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dancer!luffy, who saw you in the crowd of screaming people and ahh, it was a gift for him. your hair was wet from so much rain and fell over your beautiful face that he wanted to see every day, your loving eyes staring at him and unable to tear themselves away, and the smile still on your face, your dimples were the cutest thing in this life and luffy was sure of it. time stood still between you and the two of you, seeing only each other, your hearts melded into one.
you and your presence were all that mattered to luffy now, the rain and the people stopped for you, while you admired looking at luffy, he had never been happier, it seemed like his mouth would burst open if he didn't stop smiling like that, but he couldn't help it, you were here, just a few meters away from him and he can't even move, luffy is so enchanted by you, without realizing it, you've captured his heart in your hands and kept it safe in a box, while you kept pushing his soul away, thinking he was only joking, but for your sake he changed and became different, just so you would believe him.
he had become what he had always wanted to be, but for some reason he had failed every time, and then you came into his life. the person who told him that life wasn't just jokes and that someone could get hurt because of them, told him that he still had to take care of himself, or he wouldn't be able to dance, then how would the world see his talent?
with a quick step approaching him through the crowd and grabbing his palms, luffy twitched and it was like breathing in the freshest air, everything around him started to slowly come alive and his heart skipped the hardest beat and kept doing that, even you could hear it.
luffy wrapped his arms around your back, pulling you even closer to him, afraid that you might pull away and ruin this intimate moment. you held him so gently, your fingers buried in his hair and your face buried in his neck, breathing in the perfume you liked best. this moment was too sudden for you, the feeling that it was all a dream still lingered in luffy's mind, but every time your lips kissed his shoulder, he pushed away his doubts and squeezed you until your bones crunched.
when he pulled away from you for a few seconds, luffy missed your touch again, the touch that brought him back to the warm days when you'd first met and couldn't forget each other. remembering your meeting before bed, luffy knew that cupid was real after all.
"you came..." luffy's hands cupped your face as the pad of his thumb wiped away your tears. "i was looking for you and i'd given up hope, and then i saw you, and believe me, i started breathing again."
hearing you laugh he laughed involuntarily himself, pressing the top of your head to his lips and kissing you right on the forehead.
"well, you said that this performance was very important to you, that you put your heart and feelings into this dance, how could i miss it?" your innocent eyes looked at him and studied his face, it was so surprised but happy at the same time.
while you waited for a response, you didn't realize that luffy's lips were pressed against yours in the most scalding kiss. his wet body pressed against yours again as hard as it could be, literally breaking all the laws of physics. luffy's palms traveled down your back and stroked gently, and a second later he was at your waist, wrapping his arms around it like in the most romantic movies. he felt the real pleasure when you ran your fingers through his hair, tilting your head and deepening your kiss. your teeth clashed, the air in your lungs ran out, your lips turned purple from biting, it was all mixed with an incredible feeling of euphoria as the rain poured down on you and you breathed each other.
neither of you wanted to move away, you had waited too long for this moment and for you it would last forever, no matter who passed by you or what he said, no one would destroy your fusion.
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punsmaster69 · 10 months
a deep breath, and i feel a sense of nostalgia.
weird nostalgia. wouldn't go back, but i still think fondly of what happened.
the crispness of the cold air in snowdin takes me back- and i'm already reminiscing about random memories.
point to almost any rock formation along the walls of this place, and papyrus can probably tell you exactly how he's climbed it.
kicking the snow with my slippers a little bit, i remember how he used to warn me about wearing 'em outside.
"naahh. i'll be fine."
for the most part, i always was fine; just had to be careful around the ice.
fortunately, it's not an issue using shortcuts; really only ever slipping a few times.
"you've slipped even in your boots."
"so was this."
sliding me across the ice until we were close enough to the snow to stand again, papyrus lifted me onto my feet once more.
"you've gotta admit that over two weeks without slipping in these is pretty good."
"these are way better."
"but with snow boots, you have to tie 'em and whatnot."
"not with slippers."
"that's the plan."
"thanks. that's the one thing i do put effort into."
"it's hard work, doing this little."
back when new bad habits of mine still surprised him.
...speakin' of bad habits.
grillby's looks like it hasn't been touched since the day we took all the important stuff up.
the most one'll find in there now is a fine layer of dust only disturbed by me brushing against some stuff.
not that the jukebox ever worked before, but i'm pretty sure it wouldn't turn on if you tried at this point.
already knew the librarby was empty; they gave away all the books before leaving to the surface.
took the sciencey ones, myself.
wanted the joke book too, but a certain old lady got to it first.
officially, it is hers.
unofficially, the book keeps bouncing between being in either of our possession for months at a time.
it's gained a few pages over the years, a lined-paper section at the end with a lotta skeleton and snail puns.
think paps split the cookbooks with someone, and hoarded the puzzle books.
(not like anyone else was readin' those, anyway.)
there were a couple on monster history i'm almost certain i've seen frisk with a few times, so they must've gotten those.
as charming as this little place was, the new library's got way more selection.
sorry, not library.
still librarby.
they kept the name. too iconic to change it.
even if it had been changed, we'd all continue to call it the librarby anyway.
many of the folks who had shops down here have taken up that same role on the surface.
the two bunnies running the inn and shop moved somewhere closer to new home city for better business.
in the snow, i did what i'd done a million times in the past.
i parked myself at the foot of the door which separated snowdin from the ruins.
"knock, knock."
"Who's there?"
she'd say.
"Cash who?"
"no thanks, i'm more of a walnut guy."
and i'd heard her burst out into laughter from the other side.
"Knock, knock."
"who's there?"
"hatch who?"
"Oh, bless you."
then she'd laughed at her own joke hard enough to be contagious.
"knock, knock."
"Who's there?"
"Canoe who?"
"canoe come out here? i'm gettin' bonely."
she got a good kick out of that one, but her laughter had a tinge of sadness to it.
"...But, I am afraid not."
didn't expect any different of an answer.
always thinking it better not to ask quite why, i shrugged.
"one day, maybe."
"or not."
"you could just be mysterious door lady forever if you want."
"Knock, knock."
"who's there?"
"peas who?"
"Peas excuse my secretiveness. I know it can be a bit off-putting."
"everyone's got their secrets, 𝘴𝘯𝘰𝘸 problem to me if you keep a few."
"Ha! I am glad that you are so 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘭 with it."
"It is a joy to hear your 𝘤𝘰𝘰𝘭 jokes every day!"
"nice to have someone with an a-𝘥𝘰𝘰𝘳-able laugh to tell 'em to."
my slight regret about that pun immediately washed away upon hearing the laugh in question follow after it.
as fun as reminiscing has been, i've definitely left papyrus alone for far too long.
gotta spend at least a little time in the snow with him.
that's what we came back here for in the first place.
"it's supposed to get pretty cold soon, so probably not too long now."
"if your desire for snow gets too awful bad, we'll just come down here again."
"would be cool to re-visit the whole underground with everyone after all this time."
he sat straight up in the snow, scattering the powder around as he did so.
"what's that?"
from that very same spot we all first looked in awe at our new future, me and him watched the sun set.
golden light poured over everything; sun beams warm in contrast to the town we've left once again.
when he turned to look at me, i couldn't tell whether his face was lit up more by the sun or the smile he had.
"me too."
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heartbreakgrill · 1 year
kol mikaelson- best friend’s brother, pt. 7- the great war.
“always remember; we’re burned for better. i vowed i would always be yours, cause we survived the great war.”
a/n: why did it take so long for me to write this? why does it suck? anyways this series is over sadly :( imma write smth else just u wait friends :)))
recap: kol went cray cray and nearly killed reader. rebekah still has zero humanity. klaus and elijah are big brother core. slay.
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i didn't do well with the brink of death and being covered in my own blood.
my hands were covered in the slick color, pants and shirt drenched, too. i found myself staring down at my hands, eyes distant, mind lost in wonder. i felt a little nauseous, even if i had a magic cure-all in my system.
kol brushed a stray hair from my cheek. it was stuck there by more blood. he rubbed his finger against a stain on my skin. i didn't pay attention to his touches anymore.
i just stared at my blood.
"there's so much," i murmured. i pressed my hands against my shirt, rubbing my palms clean. i drew them back under my gaze, but they were still crimson. i kept rubbing.
"i know, darling," his voice whispered past my ear, winding my hair. "can we stand up? get you cleaned up?"
i shuddered, "i don't think i can stand."
kol must've nodded or hummed in agreement. i can't remember very well.
i bunched my sleeve around my hand and used it as a rag against my other plan. he stood, warm arms dropping from my skin. i felt myself lift off the floor as kol wrapped an arm around my back, under my thighs.
i focused on the wrinkles in my skin, digging out caked blood with my hoodie sleeve. it didn't do much. just stained my already-ruined shirt. i'd probably have to throw it out anyways.
kol ascended the stairs with me in his arms. klaus and elijah were left in our dust. i didn't know what they were doing- what do you do after somebody almost dies? i guess they were used to it. i wasn't. i don't think i'd ever be.
the bedroom door fell shut behind us. kol flipped the toilet lid shut and propped my lucid body down there. he turned towards the shower and let the water begin to steam up.
i finally looked up to him. i'm sure i looked terrible. "wha-what?"
kol squatted before me. he drew my hands away from one another, palms squeezed in his embrace. he bore into my eyes, searching for life, maybe forgiveness. "i'm sorry-" he cut himself off.
tears welled up in his vision.
i couldn't get my body to move. i couldn't get words to come out. i couldn't get myself to comfort him or forgive him or tell him it'll be okay.
because that was kinda fucked up. and i was having a normal human reaction- shock. fear. my heart was still racing. my absence of fight or flight was like a come-down off of drugs. rash. my skin itched. my stomach ached. i guess the blood couldn't fix that.
i remained stoic. kol quickly sniffled, pulling his gaze from mine with a chin tilted towards the floor. he seemed to square his shoulders. diverting his attention again, he untied my shoes, tugged them off my feet.
then, he stood back up. he cupped his hands around my hips. pulled me to my feet. i braced my hands on his shoulders. kol brought my towards the running shower.
his fingers took to the hem of my hoodie. he met my blank stare, "may i?"
i barely nodded.
kol undressed me, slowly, carefully, piling my clothes atop the bathroom sink. he helped me step under the water. i winced as it boiled against my skin. he quickly turned the knob left, heat down.
as the water soaked through my hair, through my scalp, the blood on my body began to run down. i stared at my feet, at the watery red liquid swirling down the drain.
"okay, darling," kol spoke in a low tone, afraid. nervous. "just...call me if you need me."
a slight nod, again. kol pulled the curtain shut. the door clicked behind him.
as the peace and quiet overcame me, the shower a gentle lullaby, i was able to ground my body. my shoulders fell, my neck straightened up. i lifted my chin, i shook my hair down over my back. i washed my body, scrubbed it clean of blood like it was my duty. like it was normal.
my brain ran wild with thoughts. i couldn't pin one down. what was one supposed to think about what had just happened?
on one hand, i was anxious. i wanted to lay down in bed and hide under the covers as if there were a monster in the closet.
on the other, i saddened. the way kol looked- the expression on his face when he threw the fire poker. it was pure fury. it was like he was that monster in the closet.
i was angry, too. he wasn't the only pissed off.
i was angry for myself, for my vulnerability. i was angry for the girl who he left behind. for the girl who risked her friendships, her life, for him.
i was angry that he betrayed my trust. that i'd let him break down my walls with his sappy roadside tears. they meant nothing, apparently. because he promised me he'd try, and he'd completely shit on that idea.
i knew healing- growing- wasn't linear. but, he never even hit the slope. he was on a downward spiral the second that promise left his tongue.
and i deserved better than that.
my head hurt.
i wrapped myself up in a robe and combed through my damp hair. the bathroom light flicked off, and the door fell shut behind me. as the knob clicked into place, lol looked up at me from the bed. he was on the edge, palms pressed against his knees. there were wet streaks running down his face.
and the anger dissolved.
i sat beside him, and leant my head against his strong shoulder. he tilted his head against mine. i slid my hand over his.
"i'm sorry," his voice was quiet, solemn. he sniffled.
i moved his hand around, to entwine my fingers with his. my thoughts were scrambled, and i didn't know what to say.
i shouldn't forgive him.
i should be afraid of him.
i should've never trusted him in the first place.
a mirage of moments flashed through my head as i focused my memory. in the car, opening the door for me. dancing at rebekah's party, spinning in my brand new dress, the world flashing by, his smile peeking in my vision. his favorite color- purple flowers after a winning football game.
i released my breath, my chest relaxing, my shoulders resting. "i forgive you."
we sat there like that for probably an hour. just sinking in one another's presence. the window, open, pushed the breeze through our hair. the music of the night below wafted in like a peaceful reminder of life. i brushed my thumb over the back of kol's hands. his fingers were white as he clutched onto me, hoping to never let me go.
and he wouldn't have to.
kol nudged my head with his own, tilting mine until he could see my face. a gentle smile filled my face. it felt good to do that.
he lifted a hand to my face, pushed hair behind my shoulder. his hold paused at the side of my face, fingers slotted around my ear. i watched his eyes, watched the sadness slowly dissipate into worry, into want, into need.
i let my eyes fall shut and filled the space between us. he kissed me back, sweetly, carefully, delicately.
i brought my touch up to his face, holding him steady against mine. my left hand found the nape of his neck, elbow skin across his shoulder, fingers entwining in his curls.
he moved, crouched, in front of me, to push my back down against my bed. as i fell back, kol's knees on either side of my thighs, i caught my breath. my eyes peeled open to see the sweetest grin on his face.
i smiled, but the feeling of an absent resolution ached in my chest."kol, we should talk-"
he interrupted me with his lips. my eyes fell shut as i leaned into it, back arched off of the mattress. he cradled my face, and his breath puffed in and out against my check from his nose.
i sunk before catching myself. i pressed my hands against his chest. he opened his eyes, drew his lips back for a moment. "we need to talk about- everything," i whispered.
kol frowned. he held my hands, against his chest, before bringing them to his lips. he kissed them, "darling," another kiss on my palms, "i have been a lost ship on the ocean. for forever now. i've finally found my shore- please let me rest."
i gripped the front of his shirt, pulled him back into me. his fingers drug down my sides, around my hips, to the front of my robe. before he could tug it open, i pulled his shirt over his head. his hair ruffled from the maneuver, and i grinned giddily at the sight. kol crinkled his nose at my laughter, before covering me with his body.
his chest was warm, whole, his hands a soft place to land. they slipped the robe from my shoulders, held me against him as he removed from beneath me. i was naked before him, vulnerable, cold. he didn't even take a moment to admire my body. he didn't feel the need to. he just wanted me.
under the covers, we found what we'd lost. i realized no words could fix this- only we could. and that's exactly what we tried to do.
fix. rebuild trust. connect again.
all it took was his hands on my body, his soul at the tips of my fingers.
the sun was shining.
that was the first thing i noticed when i woke up.
it stretched across the room, dancing through the sheets, bouncing off the hardwood flooring. glistening on kol's cheek.
he was on his stomach, one arm under the pillow, the other sprawled across my waist. i moved my fingers, to slide up and down his bicep, watching as i left goosebumps.
my eyes moved from the window, to his shut gaze. he looked peaceful. he always did when he slept. but, this was beyond any sleep i'd ever seen him in. he was like an animal that finally found a gentle place to rest it's head, vulnerable, open. snoring, slightly. i brushed my hand over his head, settling his messy hair. his skin and hair were warm beneath my touch.
i glanced around the room, again, appreciating the sunlight, the moment i was living through. but i had to pee.
i set his arm beside his body and slipped out of the bed. his t shirt fell down my thigh, the material soft on my barren body.
when i was done, i washed my hands, and the soap smelled sweet to my senses. it was like i was picking out every good part of the world, now, now that my world was slowly being pieced back together.
as i stepped out of the bathroom, kol looked to me. he was on his back now, sheets pooled at his waist, a sleepy smile on his face.
"g'morning, darling," he rubbed his eyes.
i moved to his side of the bed. as i settled on my feet, he reached out his hands. kol grabbed my waist and pulled me down over his body. i giggled at the sudden movement.
i didn't even wanna this bed. it was secret oasis, safe for the two of us. here, beneath the sheets, nothing else mattered. no deadly supernatural problems, no off-the-rails best friends. none of it.
just when i was sure our skin would attach itself to the sheets, sometime around 1pm, i grew hungry. kol, unwilling, let me out of his embrace.
i put on different clothing, something more appropriate for the kitchen. kol changed as well.
i went to open the door, but kol pushed it shut, arm stretched out before my vision. i sighed, turned back to him. he pressed me against the door and kissed me sweetly.
i nearly sunk into his advances, but i put my hand against his chest. "i'm hungry, kol."
he groaned and planted his forehead into my shoulder. my fingers unconsciously glued themselves to his skin, up his arm. 
"you wouldn't have this issue if you'd let me turn you." his tone was humorous, light. but, my hand froze against his skin, eyes boring into the space my fingers occupied.
kol lifted his head, smiling, but noticed the frown i held. his face dropped. we stood in a momentary silence, unsure of what either of us should say or do.
afraid he would berate me about the decision, i quickly tried to cover the issue with a laugh at his attempted joke. "ha. right, remind me again how awesome you guys are?"
kol searched my face, unable to find any signs. so he smiled, unwittingly. he shook his head and pulled me from the door. "let's get my girl something to eat."
the moment stayed on my chest the whole way down the stairs, lingering in the kitchen. i never gave much thought to it, being a vampire. i always tried to stay out of the way, to stay normal, to stay human.
but, i guess, there was no longer anywhere for me to run. i was knee deep in vampirism. and i was no longer fighting the quick sand.
kol made me some lunch, just a sandwich and chips. then, he excused himself to get a glass of blood.
i watched his shoulders turn the corner from the kitchen, my own frame shrinking. the mask fell and the thoughts raced in.
did i want to be a vampire?
perks: eternal life and money, power...
downsides: being dead, being numb...being a killer.
there had to be more to it. there had to be deeper meaning to vampirism. i searched for poetic justice in everything- i always had. i was hopelessly romantic about every aspect of life. so, what was the stanza here?
elijah appeared a moment after kol left. the door shutting drew my eyes from the kitchen counter. i realized i had stopped chewing my sandwich and quickly swallowed my full mouth.
elijah found my eyes and smiled kindly, "good...afternoon, dear. i would ask if you slept well, but knowing my brother..."
i cringed at the sarcasm. elijah really was the embarrassing older brother i never had. "uh...i don't know how i'm supposed to answer that."
"then the joke landed," he proudly spoke. he rummaged through the cupboards before pulling down a tub of coffee.
as he began to move around the kitchen, making a pot, i fell back into silence. elijah looked back at me, curious.
"everything alright?" he questioned.
i took another bite of my sandwich, "uh...yeah. i guess. why do you ask?"
he turned towards me, leaning back against the counter. "pheromones."
"fuck me," i cursed. i'd forgotten all about that stupid, dead giveaway. i set my food down and took long swig of my water. my mouth was dry.
elijah tilted his head, "you can talk to me. you know that. you always can."
i shook my head with a shrug, "i know. my issues are usually pretty shallow. but..."
"this one isn't."
"do you like being a vampire?" i blurted out.
elijah flicked his brows up in slight surprise. then, he crossed his arms over his chest, thinking, "well, if i had a choice...i think i wouldn't choose."
i sat up in my chair, "what?"
"with me, with my family...nature took its course. it did what it felt was right. i don't believe in a higher power, but i know there is something guiding each of our destinies. my family's destiny has been carved out for thousands of years. you can't fight what is meant to be."
elijah watched my face, waiting for a response. i adjusted in my seat, stunned. "well- what if i don't know what my destiny is?"
"we never know our destinies. they tell us, show us, when we're ready. you simply have to let go, let it happen to you."
the coffee machine clicked, the pot full of a dark brown liquid. it pierced the intense silence. elijah's face twitched. he turned back to the pot and poured a glass.
"as for your destiny, well," he continued, facing me as he walked sideways, towards the door, "i think you'll know when you know."
okay, elijah, please be more cryptic, won't you?
that helped, only an ounce. i kept the memory behind my eyes, in a cabinet somewhere. maybe it would be useful, but as of right now, that gave me nothing.
kol returned shortly after. i had finished my food and was sorting my dishes, clean, in the cupboards.
"you know we have a maid, right, darling?" kol leaned against the counter, watching as i put away my plate.
i shrugged, "i don't pay her, so it feels rude. plus, i'm fully capable of doing it myself."
kol simply smiled at me. his eyes lingered on mine, and his gaze became distant, "you're very...kind. i forgot- i missed how kind you are."
i blushed at the compliment. "oh, don't give me a big head-"
"seriously, darling," kol cupped my waist, pressed his forehead against mine. i felt small, shy under his close gaze and continued appreciations. "you are the purest soul i've ever met. through it all- through everything my family's put you through. i will never be able to show you how grateful i am. i have needed someone like you, you and your kindness, for a thousand years. i have been waiting for it. and i hope i never know another day without it."
there was some poetic justice- eternal love. deep, soul-binding admiration. forever, literally.
my world shifted a little.
i kissed kol sweetly, unable to find words. he was becoming a great man. and it made me happy i had some influence on that.
kol and i made our way to the living room, lazily. we had no plans, we had nowhere to go or be. it was peaceful. all we wanted to do was go back to bed, laze around for another day or five. 
but, then, klaus was there, sitting on the furthest couch, looking distant and solemn, as per usual. elijah sat across from him and he nursed his coffee. they both looked up as we entered.
klaus seemed to have something on his mind. i had learned how to read him and his different pouts.
"what's wrong?" i asked, dropping kol's hand.
klaus sighed and pulled his hand from beneath his chin, where it was leaning. "just...rebekah. i cant help but feel guilty."
"you should-" kol started. i held a hand up and he lowered his tensed shoulders.
"don't blame yourself. it's mainly our fault. but, it's okay. forgiveness is always possible," i assured klaus.
"im just worried she's getting worse.  everyday, more and more of her humanity slips away."
a wave of sadness crushed my rose colored glaze. i wrapped my arms around my stomach. it had been a few days since i'd seen her, but i didn't expect for it to get this bad. bad enough that even klaus was worried.
"should i see her?" i frowned.
elijah glanced up at me, "i don't think it would hurt anything. maybe today will be the day..."
"you say that everyday," klaus spoke, annoyed.
"no sense in not trying," elijah was calm, though his brother's tone was ferocious. "go
, y/n. i'll come with you. kol- stay here."
"what? that will not be happening. rebekah is strong-"
"if she sees you, she'll be pissed," i set a hand on his shoulder, "you'll risk my safety more if you come."
kol's face, hardened by elijah's dismissal, slowly relaxed at my touch. i flashed a reassuring smile. then, i followed the elder mikaelson into the dark, dank hallway leading to rebekah's prison cell.
outside of it, he gave me yet another vile of vampire blood. i cringed at the penny-like taste on my tongue, the thick liquid sliding down my throat like tar. the taste never got any better.
i wondered if it were different as a vampire...i know kol liked the taste, for whatever reason. maybe it became like a hot cup of coffee for them, like a cold glass of whiskey in the evening. maybe it didn't matter so much when you're able to live forever- human blood was just another a singular piece of sand in a thousand years' of deserts and beaches.
elijah took the vial from me, tossed it in a trash can in the corner. i watched it fall into the bin, a small droplet i had left behind splashing against the side of it. a stain against the white trash bag. my eyes lingered, head spacing out as the droplet slid down the side of the bag. elijah touched my arm. i looked at him, a little jolted.
he furrowed his brows, "are you alright? we do not have to do this now, if you're not up for it."
i pressed my hand to my forehead and felt some sweat on my brow. "no, it-its okay. i'm just-" i huffed as the words wouldn't form.
elijah squeezed my arm, "dont fight it, y/n. the answers lie within you- but you can't push them away by running around the problem in your mind. let go."
i took a deep breath. i didn't know- at least, not consciously. and it killed me. i needed to know. i needed to understand and comprehend and come up with a million anecdotes. but, as he instructed, as the breath released my lungs, i let the worries peel away. right now, i was going to devote my thoughts, my heart, to rebekah.
elijah opened the door, held it open for me as i shuffled in. as i lifted my gaze from the ground, i skidded to a stop, my back crashing against elijah's. he set another comforting hand on my arm, steadying me. but, i could not have been more horrified by the sight before me. nothing could comfort me from the way rebekah looked.
she was desiccating. she had been refusing to drink human blood so much that her body was starting to shut down. all over her skin, blackened veins stuck out like sore thumbs- lifeless, still against her body. her blonde hair was beyond matted, with clumps of it strewn across the room. the tip of her forehead, where her hairline began, was bloodied, scabbing. she must've been ripping out her hair, day after day. her body was caked with dirt, too, making her already grey skin look like she had been drug through the mud. and, the worst of it- her eyes.
they were- they weren't eyes. they were just orbs of meaningless space. they stared, straight ahead, though i don't think they were really looking at anything. the usual blue of her beautiful gaze was dark red, bleeding, slowly draining of any life.
rebekah sat against the wall, legs strewn out before her. i pressed into elijah, feeling vomit approaching my throat. but, as soon as the nausea hit me, it was gone. the vampire blood in me tore away any achilles heels i could've possibly my body i felt strong- but i was still upset. tears tickled the tops of my cheeks, my bottom lip wobbling.
elijah mode beside me, towering over my shaking frame with concern. "y/n?" he whispered, half-shielding me from her, "we can go back now. we don't have to-"
"i do," i pushed his arm away, gently, taking a hesitant step forward. rebekah continued staring, right past my shoulder. she was almost in a psychosis.
i approached her, and as i got closer, i noticed the deep cuts from the chains around her wrists and ankles. blood caked her skin in those areas, and her bone was nearly visible from her left wrist. i bit both of my lips, shuddering more. but, i rolled back my shoulders and continued. i crouched down until i was lowered onto my knees. the floor was cold against my leggings. it sent goosebumps across my skin.
i was barely a foot away from rebekah. but she was still was not looking at me. "bekah?" i spoke, carefully, "its me- i-its y/n. i don't know if you can hear me- i'm sorry if i'm bothering you, again. i know how much you like your space," i laughed, tearfully. "i just wanted to say- well, i actually don't know what i want to say. i don't know what to say anymore. but i- i want to give up. thats what i want to do. i want to give up. i want to forget about you and go live my life. i have wasted- no, that sounds rude. you're not a waste- but, no. you know what? you are, just a little bit. i have wasted my entire summer, the summer after i graduated high school, on you. wasted it on pointless conversations, where i continuously beg for your forgiveness. and you insult me, or ignore me, or attack me, try to drink my blood, try to behead me. well guess what? anything i did to you is nothing compared to this. this is unfair. this is- this is cruelty! kol asked me today if i wanted him to turn me. and, you know what? i do. i want to spend forever with him. but i also want to spend it with you. but, this- this is not what i want. i don’t want to be like you. i’m going to be better! i will be better!"
i was growing angrier by the second. i stood up from my knees, began pacing the room. spit flew from my mouth, foul words from my lips. "you dont even feel guilt, or-or pain, for god's sake. you're just sitting there, like a fucking doll, while everyone else is on their hands and knees, breaking their fucking backs for you! you make me want to hate you, you make me want to hate vampires! i never, ever want to become you. i never want to become this! not if this is what i will be! a cold-hearted, emotionless bitch who doesn't even care that her best friend is wasting her life away on you."
i ran out of words to say. my chest heaved up and down with pure rage. i was sucked in air like i was being depraved of life. with a shaking hand, i pushed the hair from my face. from the corner of my eye, i noticed rebekah's head had turned. she was looking directly at me. her eyes met mine. i sucked in a breath and turned around to face her completely, hands still atop my head. they slowly fell to my sides.
there, somewhere deep in her expression, folded in her gaze, was the slightest, tiniest fragment of that deep blue ocean. and, as the water drowned her eyes, a singular tear slipped from it's duct, rolling down her cheek. elijah suddenly stepped forward and i looked to him with concern. 
"rebekah?" he questioned, pulling his hands from his pockets.  she flicked her eyes towards him. "rebekah, are you in there?"
another tear fell.
elijah rushed to his knees before her, wrapping his arms around her back so he could steady her position. i stayed still, standing over them, unsure of what to do. "rebekah, rebekah, its alright. stay still were going to get you healed in no time. y/n, hurry, go retrieve blood bags from the upstairs closet. ask kol, he'll show you where they are!"
i hesitated, my head emptied of reason or conscious decisions. elijah looked up at me, urgency in his eyes, in his tone, "hurry! go! she's in massive amounts of pain!"
he looked back to his sister and quickly unlocked her cuffs. she slumped further into his embrace, head lolling against his shoulder. her gaze was still distant, but tears freely rolled from her eyes. i breathed, deep, and centered my thoughts. i crouched before them, onto my knees again. i rolled up the sleeve of my sweatshirt.
"elijah," i spoke, calm, finally, "here."
he met my eyes, glanced down at my wrist, blue veins pulsing at the tip of my skin. he shook his head, "nonsense! she'll kill you!"
"no, she wont," i shook my head, "shed never kill me. i want to do this for her. please let me," i pushed closer, shoving my arm towards them.
elijah huffed, but hesitantly came to the conclusion i wanted. he lifted rebekah's head towards my wrist. stiffly, she pressed her lips against my skin. they were freezing cold. i shivered. she met my eyes, just as her fangs protruded from her teeth, just as her eyes turned red and her expression went dark.
i winced as she pierced my wrist, and squirmed as i felt the blood being sucked from my veins. elijah held onto her tightly, even as the color slowly moved back through her skin. her hair fell around her shoulders in it's full, blonde waves. the torture on her wrists and ankles covered itself with fresh skin, cold and pale.
elijah grew nervous as she kept feeding. "rebekah, thats enough."
she kept going, for a second longer, and just as he went to reprimand her again, she drew her head back. she closed her eyes, face to the ceiling, as blood trickled from the corners of her mouth. she wiped away with a strong hand. elijah touched her back worriedly. she slowly, surely, let her head fall straight, lids peeling themselves open. she met my gaze first.
her eyes were blue. so blue, so oceanic, so full of fierce waves. i gasped as our gaze clashed, as the slowest, goofiest grin split across her face. poor elijah couldn't get out of the way fast enough before rebekah leaped across the space between us and tackled me into a hug.
a month later.
“are you ready?”
kol towered above me, that devious smirk beholding his sharp features. he held out that steady hand, an enticingly sweet offer at his fingertips. i eyed his palm as if i were weighing my options and drug my gaze up to his eyes.
“as i’ll ever be.” i lay my hand gently in his. he tugged me to my feet.
and we began the transformation.
the past month i had spent mourning my life as a human.
i’d visited home, where i bid farewell to my parents. kol compelled them to forget me unless i ever came to visit. as far as they knew, i never existed.
i remember feeling only an ounce of sadness when we cleaned out my room. but, when my bed was carried away, to the truck downstairs, one of kol’s old hoodies peeked out from its hiding spot. the happiness i felt from my new life replaced any remorse i had for my old one.
i even visited jeremy. i knew he would be beyond angry if i told him what was really happening. so, i just told him i was moving to europe. he seemed happy for me.
caroline was. she helped us move my things and was staying in new orleans for the transformation. she was the one person i knew who was an expert at gaining control and keeping it. i wanted her there for every step of this journey.
when we settled back with my things in the compound, my newfound family spent every waking moment ensuring my mortal life felt fulfilled. there wasn’t much you could do as a human that you couldn’t as a vampire- but they tried their best. we celebrated my final mortal birthday party in paris. i basked in the sun each and every moment, tanned my skin peacefully before i’d know a life of paled existence.
but i was more than excited for all i could do once i transformed.
elijah had already been lecturing me, day after day, of what was to come. rebekah, more than once, expressed her doubts, her regrets. but, overall, i knew they wanted me to transform. always and forever didn’t mean anything if i died before them.
besides, kol owed me forever to make up for what i’d waited through. and i knew he intended to fill every second with fulfilled apologies and secure promises.
that’s why i took his hand.
that’s why i drank his blood.
i was nervous, of course.
my hands were shaking, and my heart raced, as he kept his eyes on mine. he softly wrapped his fingers around my throat, holding my neck as loosely as he could.
his eyes were soft, unsure. “darling, you have a choice-“
“i choose you,” i cut him off with a soft shake of my head. i grinned again.
kol sniffled, “how lovely it is to hear that from your lips.”
he snapped my neck.
and i woke up in forever.
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code01746 · 8 months
What do you think Cora would think of Law memorializing him all over his body, ship, crew? Would he find that obsessive or weird?
(apologies for the ramble; i get to your question eventually, i promiseーthis topic is actually really personal to me and makes me a bit upset).
 is this a popular take? because I’ve seen it several times now, and i just don’t understand what people are getting at. it genuinely kind of makes me upset because i feel like it’s coming from the perspective of people who have (fortunately) never experienced the unique kind of grief the death brings and are therefore judging how “messy” it can sometimes look.
sure, I suppose it’s “weird” in the sense that holding onto that kind of rage & guilt for literal years is unhealthy for your mental state (especially if that’s the last thing rosinante would have wanted for himーhe wanted to free him from doflamingo, not bind him to him via his rage)—but i’ve read multiple fics before where authors paint it as this… creepy, stalkerish thing? like it's helga's shrine to arnold in 'hey arnold!' or something? it’s not. It’s really not.  
(cw: death of a loved one).
when i was 22, a friend i knew since i was 2 (he was 2 years younger than me, so i literally knew him his entire life) passed away falling off a balcony. really traumatizing, really horrific—i genuinely have a fear of standing too close to balcony/banister railings now. i’ve had nightmares about it.
i keep his ‘in memory’ card and the funeral program his mother gave out at the service on a shelf in my closet so I see it every day when i get dressed or hang up laundry. i took several copies to ensure that i never lost them, and plan on putting them into a nicer shadowbox at some point (but have been too afraid to touch them because I don’t want to ‘ruin’ them). i still post birthday messages to his socials every year. i have old choral performances of his saved to my computer. i have a memorial tattoo.
if someone told me my way of remembering him was ‘creepy’ and ‘obsessive’ just because i think about him a lot or hold on to a lot of momentos, i think I genuinely might have a panic attack & burst into tears? this is all i’ve got left. he’s not here anymore; he was cremated so i don’t even have an actual grave i can go visit and have that connection. and i’m just… not allowed to have any of this because people on the outside think the way i express my grief is ‘too much’? i'd straight up just never speak to that person again.
so, no, i really don't think rosinante would be that off-put by the tattoos, or the jacket, or the jolly roger at all. if anything, he'd be honored that he made such an impression in this kid's life that he wanted to keep his memory alive like that.
he'd recognize they were separated in an extremely traumatizing wayーand adults have a hard time dealing with difficult emotions like grief, much less children & teenagers dealing with it. there was no way law wasn't going to be impacted by that, so he decided to redirect those things into something physical. tattoos. a custom jacket. a jolly roger. a special attack with his devil fruit. he turned that grief into something that guided him, and arguably gave him strength to keep going.
but also, not to mention, he's a doctor.
barring his jacket that literally has rosinante's codename on it, all of the heart motifs can just as easily hold a double meaning for law. he's literally called dr. heart stealer with a special move where he can detach your heart from your body and put it in a little cube. rosinante may have been a big part of the name & motif choices, but law clearly has other things in his life he connects the meaning of 'heart' to. it means a lot to him.
so, no, i don't really find law's behavior that odd or 'obsessive' (except for his blind hatred of doflamingoーthat was clearly obsessive) and i doubt rosinante would, either. the grieving process is wholly unique to an individual, and some people just like to attach their grief to physical momentos that they can latch onto when they miss that person, or feel like they're losing focus.
i find it endearing. beautiful, even.
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2amtechnicolor · 2 years
is it just me or is the online autistic community overwhelmed with posts that only talk about stimming or special interests as if it's the be all, end all to autism...
yes i stim and have special interests but those things aren't always positive. i cannot relate to most people on an emotionally intimae level if they are not into my special interest. as in physically cannot. my stimming has disrupted people around me, and given me bad acne because i touch my face too much and i've caused myself to bleed due to scratching.
sensory issues are talked about sometimes, but more in the sense of "lol texture bad" rather than pointing out how difficult it is to exist in a world of sensory hell. i can't go out in public without my headphones; i'll have an anxiety attack. i've refused to wash clothes because i was afraid it would "ruin the texture".
and don't get me started on social difficulties. turns out, i'm not as good at "masking" as i thought. i have low empathy and very little patience for people who don't indulge me in my special interests. i can't make small talk, even a grocery job wore me out. i can't watch videos with peoples face in them because all i can think about is the eye contact, and i skip past most tiktoks with a real human's voice because i just can't connect to voices and people like that. it's frustrating and isolating and it's not fun.
and if you read all that, remember i'm still considered "level 1/high-functioning" in a diagnostic setting. i don't have an intellectual disability, i was never in special education, or otherwise separated from my neurotypical classmates. there are autistic folks who struggle a lot more than i do but all i seem to see are people who never struggle at all.
and i didn't expect to be so isolated in the autism community now. i used to feel really at home here, but now it seems all posts are "autism is great and has never caused me any problems ever!" "yippee autism creature" (<- i still don't understand this meme? another thing about my autism: i don't pick up on memes and references quickly) "special interest is so fun!" "stimboards!"
i'm not saying you can't enjoy aspects of being autistic. but it's just really isolating when all you see from the community are the "good parts" and all the "bad parts" are just shoved under the rug. you don't have to post about every "bad day" to be a valid autistic person either. but autism is still a DISABILITY. in a perfect world, i'd still have low empathy, i'd still be unable to make small talk or relate to people, i'd still struggle with eye contact and loud chaotic noise.
just like...autism isn't fun all the time. and i wish i could find more people to talk about it like that.
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Stolen Kisses | Austin Butler X Reader 
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Warnings: Angst with some good ole fluff at the end.
Word Count: 1.9K
Request: from @hunterthecharmer : "I'd love to see one about Austin being on set & doing a kissing scene, but then Y/N is there that day and witnesses it- feeling he is enjoying it a little more than he should. So something rlly cute about him apologizing etc?"
A/N: I hope I achieved this for you, love! Thank you so much for the kind tip. I loved writing this one. 💜
You were seething in your chair. If someone had shouted ‘Fire!’ you would have been the source of the destruction. Your eyes leaked tears of betrayal, yet you cursed them. You shouldn’t have felt this way. Austin was an actor; and that meant that he would have to portray romance on screen with other men and women. You both had entertained a conversation early on in the relationship, and at the time, you dismissed this as something that was normal in the acting industry–until you felt the pain that came with it. 
“Alright, you lucky devils,” Baz said, jumping out of his wooden director’s chair. “You look absolutely gorgeous. Austin, don’t be afraid to really get in there. You’re in love, remember.” Austin was working through the first scene with Olivia DeJonge, an actress who was extremely beautiful, and who Austin was always attached at the hip to when on set. Today, watching them together, you couldn’t help but wonder if there was something more lurking beneath the surface of their friendship.
“That’s it, that’s it!” Baz shouted from his chair, pointing excitedly at the pair, posed at a window, kissing each other deeply. “You’ll have America on its knees with that one!” 
You heard everything Baz said. You saw everything they did. In fact, it bored into your eyes and ears and you felt yourself vibrating in your seat from jealousy. It was irrational to feel this way and you were well aware of it; it still didn’t stop you from being so upset. You watched as his lips connected with hers so seamlessly, how his hand snaked behind her neck just like he did with you. He cradled her like she was the center of his universe, something that should have only been yours. You knew the taste and touch of his lips as if they were your own. looked at Olivia with a passion that consumed you with bitterness. You adored Olivia–she wasn’t the issue. You couldn’t help but feel that Austin wasn’t being honest with you. The scene just looked too real. You locked eyes with him between cuts, knowing that your gaze sliced through him like a hot knife. His entire expression fell. You watched as he grabbed at his lip with his fingertips-a comfort gesture he always did when he was uncomfortable or thinking. 
“Bloody phenomenal!” Baz cried out as you walked down the hall away from the set. You needed to distance yourself from whatever the hell was happening between your boyfriend and his co-star. You walked off toward the cast lounge. You weren’t hungry or thirsty, yet you found yourself scrounging through your purse for money, eventually fishing out two crumpled dollar bills. Your inner dialogue spun you around in circles as you forced yourself out of your terrible mood, only for the image of your boyfriend kissing someone else to leak back in and ruin it all. 
“Woah, woah. Did you bring an umbrella? Looks like a storm cloud is literally right over your head,” Brody said, walking into the lounge. He was one of the assistants for Austin and you had befriended him over the last few months. You rolled your eyes playfully in your best attempt to toss off the negativity. You inserted your dollar bills to retrieve a diet coke from the machine. 
“Is it really that obvious?” You asked, leaning up against the machine and taking a swig of the beverage, wincing when the carbonation ripped its way down your throat.
“Only if you have eyes,” he said, grabbing a water bottle out of the refrigerator. “Feel like talking about it?” He said, copying your stance against the counter opposite you. You couldn’t help but cringe at the proposition.
“Ugh,” you scrunched your face. “It’s so stupid,” you said, shaking your head. 
“I think I can guess what it is…Austin and Olivia sittin’ in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G…” You shot him daggers. “Yep,” he nodded awkwardly, raking his hand through his hair. “That’s what I though it was.”
You offered a small smile. “I’m so dumb,” you said, busying your fingers with the tab on the coke can. 
“You’re not dumb, Y/n. But really, it is only acting.” He shrugged his shoulders before tossing back his bottle of water. You looked out into the hallway to see if anyone was coming just in case you needed to reroute the conversation. 
“I don’t know why I feel so possessive over him. I feel so guilty.” You swirled the liquid around inside of the can, knowing you were ruining the carbonation. You didn’t care. It was a nervous habit to fiddle with objects. 
“Eh, I’m not judging, but I do think you should talk to him if it bothers you that much. Oh shit, gotta get back and grab lunch. Postmates guy is here,” He said, gesturing to you with his phone. 
“See you later, Brody. Thank you,” you said, genuinely thanking him. 
“You got it,” He said, giving you a friendly pat on the shoulder before shooting his empty water bottle in the garbage can like a basketball on his way out. 
You felt childish for being so jealous. Maybe today was one of those days where you were attacked by a sudden wave of insecurity. Whatever the case, you knew you’d either have to get over it or talk to Austin. You walked back down the hallway to set, taking a seat in one of the empty chairs. Austin had moved on to shoot the scene beside the bed as Olivia spoke as Priscilla, describing to Elvis in detail how her parents reacted when they first heard of their relationship. You watched them interact, but it still bothered you to see the familiar sparkle in Austin’s eye as he listened to her speak. Without speaking to anyone, you grabbed your belongings and headed to Austin’s trailer, hoping to be by yourself to find some type of distraction. As you left, you hoped Austin was aware of your fleeting presence. 
Once in his trailer, you busied yourself by watching recommended youtube videos and tiktoks. You eventually found yourself lying awkwardly on the sofa, scrolling mindlessly through videos. Somewhere in between, you had fallen asleep. You sprung upward at the sound of the trailer door being swung open by Austin. 
“Oh! Sorry, babe. Didn’t mean to scare you.” You turned to see him holding his hands up in front of him apologetically. 
“You’re fine,” you said groggily, sitting up straight and wiping the sleep from your eyes. 
“We must have done that scene fifteen times,” He said, unbuttoning the army uniform, shrugging the jacket off of his shoulders. 
“Mmm,” you offered unenthusiastically. “Must have been super tiring.” You weren’t trying to be short, but what were you supposed to say when the man you love was complaining about having to kiss a gorgeous woman fifteen times? Yeah, nothing. 
“Can I be honest?” He asked, setting the uniform on the counter, leaning against it with his arms crossed. Uh oh. 
“Yeah, what’s up?” You asked, attempting to sound like you were in a good mood. 
“I know you’re upset with me.” His eyes were even and he didn’t look upset. “I thought we could talk about it, if that’s alright with you.” 
You nodded, feeling nerves pinch at your gut. “Okay.” 
He grabbed the nearest chair from his vanity and pulled it to him, sitting on it backwards with his arms crossed and resting on the back of the chair. “You saw the kiss.” He tilted his head downward in a knowing expression. 
“Yep. Sure did,” you said, picking at the seam of your pants. 
There was an uncomfortable silence in the room. “Y/n, It’s part of my job. It doesn’t mean anything.” 
You were avoiding eye contact with him. “Sure didn’t look like it meant nothing, Austin.”
His hands reached for you, but you pulled away from him. “I’m an actor. It has to look believable. Olivia is like a sister to me.”
“Do you kiss your sister?” You asked, immediately feeling the need to laugh. 
“Really? Come on now,” he said with a toothy grin. You joined him, laughing off the comment.
“You had that same sparkle in your eye when you kissed her,” You said to him, normalizing the conversation once more, letting the humor of the moment dissipate. 
“I don’t have feelings for her.” He said flatly. “Do you think I would lie to you about something like that?” He asked the question without accusation, merely asking you frankly, laying out what needed to be said in front of the two of you. 
“No, I don’t think you’d lie.” You looked him in the eye. “But feelings can catch you out of nowhere and I just need to kn-”
“Y/n.” He said loud enough to cut you off from continuing. “You saw that sparkle in my eye, or whatever you call it…You saw it because the entire time I was kissing her, I was thinking about you.” Another moment of silence filled the trailer. “I was thinking about how you make me feel. How I could talk to you for hours and hours. Listen to you talk about everything and nothing. How my cheeks ache from the stupid smile I can’t get rid of.” He brought his thumb and index finger up to his bottom lip, pinching as he thought about what to say next. Olivia is just another face. You are the conduit for everything else. There is no one else but you.” 
A guilty tear slipped down your cheek and you swiped it away, wishing he hadn’t seen it fall. “I’m sorry.” You said simply. You heard the chair groan against the floor as he rose from it, closing the distance between the two of you, pulling you in for a tight hug. You felt him kiss you on the top of your head as he rocked you. “You’re my girl.” He kissed you again. “Always my girl.” 
You felt the anger, anxiety and self-pity drain away as he held you. From this moment on, you’d cherish the words that he had said to you. He probably didn’t even mean them as some overwhelming romantic gesture, but to you, it was all you needed to hear.‘The entire time I was kissing her, I was thinking about you.’ You let the words ring over and over in your head. 
“Can I order in your favorite and make it up to you later?” He asked softly into your ear. 
“As long as you bribe them to not forget my extra egg roll this time,” you said. 
“God forbid,” He said with a chuckle. “I’ll make sure it gets in the bag.” He squeezed you one last time. “Let me get undressed and signed out and we’ll go home. Come here,” He said, standing up. You lifted your head as you sat. He bent down, placing his hand softly on your neck, his thumb resting upon your chin, his fingertips brushing just shy of the nape of your neck. His eyes met yours, somehow delivering a wordless offering of devotion, the blue in his eyes deeper and truer than you’d ever noticed. You closed your eyes as he sealed the promise with his lips–and you believed him. 
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xiaophilia · 3 years
What's their Love language?
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‣ I wanted to take a break from yandere cult stuff in sagau so here u go. I'd probably do another one where it covers all love language IDK anyways this is a long one so buckle up! Also I'm well aware that there's others who already wrote something like this but I forgot their username if you know please tell me!
✎...Includes: GN! Reader | Aether, Albedo, Bennett, Childe and Diluc |
❬Information:❭ Fluff, established relationship, comfort everything is written in smol
Intro: [Part 1 of 3] [Part 2] [Part 3]
How does he show his affection? Gifts? Words? Touch? Well.. Let's find out!
More under the cut!
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۪۫❁ཻུ۪۪┊Aether || Traveller
Acts of service! He is traveller who came from another world jumping from nation to nation, in hopes of finding his sister, all while reluctantly doing random quests strangers give him in exchange for a few bags of Mora and fighting ruin guards and sentient plant elementals on an almost daily basis. Aether isn't afraid to do a few chores and errands for you, after all they are nothing compared to what he has been doing. And we'll besides that he just enjoys doing small things for you!
Tying and combing your hair for you, carrying your stuff if he thinks they're too heavy for you or helping with your commission if they're too difficult—he'd even cook for you if you'd like.
Aether just finds it absolutely satisfying when you thank him even for the smallest things, deeming your 'thank-yous' more precious and valuable than any rewards he's given. What can he say? He's fallen, hard and deep.
Quality time! He is a traveller from another world—his time in Teyvat isn't long. If he finds his sister he's bound to leave. Every second with you is cherished by him. Constant thoughts of you disappearing from his grasp plague his mind like a never ending nightmare—the paranoia forcing to check on you every so often, and whenever he sees you sitting by your home, he feels a sense of relief wash over him.
The heavy feeling replaced with serenity as he lays eyes on your figure. Aether always finds solace and peace within your presence, always seeking you out whenever he has the chance- whisking you away from everyone as he asks for your undivided attention and affection.
Aether has developed a habit of reminiscing some of his fondest memories with you, memories that never fail to paint an ever so goofy yet soft smile on his features, one so soft that his companions can't help but comment on. To them it's obvious, this man is smitten.
And lastly, Gift giving! He enjoys collecting small trinkets from his adventures that serves as gifts to whenever he sees you, be it a small seashell from Liyue shores or a book he found in Sumeru. Sometimes he takes pictures of views from places to places that he thinks that might suit your tastes. And maybe he can visit them once again- but this time it's with you.
Ever since you two started dating, Aether had developed a hobby of visiting shops to browse for gifts whenever he has the funds, often ignoring Paimon's persuasion that they should buy food instead. His bought gifts range from hair clips to pieces of jewelry.
Though he doesn't mind being one on the receiving end once in a while, Aether still prefers giving, after all if ever he leaves Teyvat—you'll at least have something to remember him by.
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۪۫❁ཻུ۪۪┊Albedo || Kreideprinz
Physical Touch! Receiving and giving. Albedo isn't familiar with intimacy in general, so when it comes to initiating them it'll starts out as small, touches here and there- such as a soft pat on the the shoulder as an act of congratulation whenever something praise worthy happens, to a hand on your waist or on the small of your back whenever you two walk side by side. Having a hand draped over you in a side hug when sleeping that ends up in a cuddle in the morning.
Albedo who is unsurprisingly touch starved, melts whenever you show him the slightest bit of physical affection, of course that only happens under the privacy of your shared home, away from the prying eyes of others. That being said he likes it whenever you comb a hand through his untied hair— finding the sensation of your fingers brushing against his scalp soothing, it never fails to calm his overworked mind.
Albedo is a type of person who prefers to have you on his lap whenever he misses you, wanting all of your undivided attention to be focused on him and him only— his hands tightly locked around your waist refusing to let you go, forcing you to stay in place for the next hour or so.
Words of affirmation! (Okay hear me out first, he shows it more on assurance but i think it counts?) Albedo isn't used nor does he understand anything about the concept of relationships, in fact he didn't care about it all, well that was the case until you came along and changed that. Albedo is smart, and he's aware of how his unfaltering fascination with alchemy affects his relationship with you.
It's selfish but he cannot afford to stop, and the same time he cannot afford to let you go either. So when insecurities start to rise up Albedo drops everything, hundreds of words leave his lips, assuring you that no matter how deep his interest in alchemy is, it can never match how deep his love and devotion for you.
Praises spill from his mouth, the ever so quiet alchemist becomes talkative for once in the face of his lover, wiping tears that threatened to fall, pressesing his forehead against yours but not before giving your lips a short yet gentle kiss and a small whisper of "I love you".
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۪۫❁ཻུ۪۪┊Bennett || Trial by fire
Acts of service! His constant bad luck that is often accompanied by a series of unfortunate events serves as barrier for Bennett. Though that barrier never did seem to bother you, staying with him even when everyone left, holding his hands despite all the bad luck that you two went through, you were still there smiling at him replying with 'its alright' whenever a trip goes south.
And because of that Bennett feels sort of indebted to you and promises to protect you whatever happens. Always bringing twice the amount of the bandages he used to carry around, cooking two servings of food for the both of you to snack on and bandaging your injuries you get whenever something goes wrong.
Carrying your bags for you whenever he sees you tired, protests slip from one ear to another as he grabs your hand to leave for another adventure.
Words of Affirmation! (Recieving). Bennett is someone who beams at the slightest of praises and blushes at the smallest of compliments. You can't really blame him he's just not used to it, yeah sure he gets complimented by his dads all the time but you're different. He doesn't know how you're different—in a way... you just are!
The constant praises of how good he is when it comes to fighting always makes him smile for the next few days. Comments about how much you love him and cherish him sends butterflies to his stomach, a bright smile enough to rival the sun itself finds its way on his face as he loudly professes his love for you too.
Lastly Quality time! The both of you go adventuring quite often, though most of them end in scratches and bruises and with Bennett furiously spitting apologies left and right while bandaging your wounds.
Of course there are also times where your trips go well, if you excuse hillichurls chasing you and forgotten food, you two would end up under the huge tree in Windrise or near the cliffs of Cape oath, snacking on sunsettias and apples, basking in each other's presence as you two wait for the setting sun.
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۪۫❁ཻུ۪۪┊Tartaglia || Childe
Gift giving! He's rich, very rich. Anything you could possibly want will be given to you in a matter of hours. Shiny glittering jewels that reflects the sun, clothing made from the finest and softest silks from Liyue and flowers of different kinds, you name it, are delivered at by your doorstep by Fatui skirmishers announcing that those incredibly expensive items in front of you were sent by none other than your boyfriend.
They were beautiful but the items were far too expensive for your taste and you only choose to pick a few from the items, choosing the ones with the simplest of style and design, shooing the skirmishers back to their boss along with what's left of the items, telling them to tell your boyfriend to buy something less expensive next time preferably food
Of course when Childe hears it he can't help but be amused, he finds it surprising how you don't find any interest in anything expensive and that you prefered the simple—maybe you're just not used to luxury or maybe you just don't like them. Either way he finds himself falling for you again.
Physical touch! Childe is one hell of a touchy individual. Not going on with his day without touching you at least once or twice. A hand always placed somewhere on your body, a hand wrapped around your shoulders when sitting or around you waist when walking.
Kissing and kisses galore, often stealing kisses from you when you least expect it. Always wanting to fluster you in ever way humanly possible—innocently or... Not so innocently.
Words of affirmation! He is a man who is not afraid to show his affection, either through actions or words or both! You'll never have a day where Childe doesn't profess his undying love for you in the most dramatic way ever. Though times when talks about his recklessness and lust for fight, as well as doubts about your relationship start to break out, Childe will always have a way with his words to calm you down, he's an older brother, a loving one at that.
He's quick to reassure you that he'll be fine, and that he maybe reckless with fighting he still somewhat values his life, for you of course, he doesn't want to leave the world too early, after all he plans to spend the rest of his damned life with you.
Though when it comes to doubts about your relationship, it sort of pisses him off, why would he pursue a relationship if he's not interested in you? That would just be a waste of time. Aren't the constant declaration of love he says on a daily basis not enough to show you that? Was he a person who'd just casually say those type of words to other people?
He maybe a bit of an ass but even he knows how much the value of those words weigh . He loves you, he really does. And he won't hesitate show you how much you truly mean to him.
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۪۫❁ཻུ۪۪┊Diluc Ragvindr || The dark side of Dawn
Giving gifts! Unlike a certain harbinger who openly flaunts his never ending wealth, Diluc here is on the more tame side of the spectrum. He isn't a fan of buying items that doesn't suit your taste, he finds it as a waste of both time and money.
But of course that doesn't mean he won't buy you anything expensive, he can and he will, money isn't the problem here, it's that his gifts hold more value and sentiments.
For him it's the thought that matters. Sure they're expensive as heck but there's a lot of thought put into picking the gift, making sure it's made of the finest materials and that it would suit your preference, that's what makes it more special.
Like that pair of promise rings Diluc gave you on your anniversary, telling you that he'll replace it soon with a real one—a pair of pure gold ring with red and f/c jewels embedded respectively, each with the initials of you and his name's carved within the ring.
Shoes made from the strongest leathers, and clothing made from the most expensive silks handpicked by Diluc himself.
Beautiful assortments of flowers and exquisite chocolates delivered to you whenever he misses a date. And despite your protests when it comes to his gifts he wont listen, he just wants to show you that he loves you— and what better way to show it than spoiling you with gifts?
Quality time! He may be a very busy individual, but that doesn't hinder him from giving you attention—always finding a way to clear up his tight schedule in favor of spending his time with you. Pausing his works in the mean time to go on a little picnic date or just go on a long cuddle session for the whole day, within the comfort of your shared quarters. It's also a form of helping Diluc relax and unwind.
You just being there and spending time with him calms him down, you were a breath of fresh air for him. With you he feels as if all the burden he's been carrying had lessen, your presence is like the sun that shines brightly after a storm had past.
To Diluc you were one of the few good things that happened to him—that's why he cherishes you so much. After losing not only his father but his brother as well took a huge toll on him—he lost too much and he can't afford to loose you too, because if he did, he might just loose himself too.
Now it would be acts of service but man overworkes himself too much so it'll be replaced by Physical touch (receiving)! Diluc is a bit stiff when it comes to physical interaction, he blushes with the slightest of contact with your skin—now that doesn't mean he's uncomfortable, on the contrary it's actually the opposite.
He's touch starved. He's been deprived by love, spending most of his time alone, tall walls built around his heart to avoid getting hurt but you made it past those walls eased his hurting self and showered him in love and adoration!
That being said he loves holding your hands, especially if it's smaller than his. It gives him reassurance that you're here with him and he finds it comforting. Though he isn't a fan of pda prefering to keep things private it doesn't stop the knowing looks and small glances he gives you.
Subtle and not so subtle touches, like the soft brush against your fingers when serving you a drink he poured himself, to a hand on your shoulder—pulling you away from crowds or interlacing his hands with yours when walking back to the winery. It's the small things that sends his heart fluttering and his face beet red.
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۪۫❁ཻུ۪۪┊Kaeya Alberich || Frostwind Swordsman
Words of affirmation! He's witty, charming— earning the hearts of many with little to no effort. A wordy individual, that's what Kaeya is, using his glib tongue to twist situations into his favor— a rather helpful talent if he's being honest especially with a job like his. It makes criminals easier to interrogate and not only that it's also helpful making you flustered! He just loves seeing you embarrassed.
Anyway, it's true that he's quite the flirt, treating almost everything as a joke that it almost makes you think that maybe he treats you as one too. But he doesn't. He loves you and he hates it when you have those types of thoughts.
Sometimes he curses himself for being such a flirt. He doesn't like it when you feel this way— it may seem like he's just joking around but he's serious about you! It's evident with the way his voice carries out the words he says with nothing but pure love. His tone soft and light—that tone is not something he uses with others, it's reserved for you and you only.
Praises that he truly means leave his mouth, those praises he gives you are nothing alike with the empty ones he gives others. He treats you differently. He loves you, dearly.
Physical touch! He's as touchy as he is flirty. Much like Childe, he likes touching you— not necessarily in a sexual way as it's more innocent. Kaeya and innocent? I know, shocking. Jokes aside. Kaeya is rather touchy— always having an arm on you one way or another—either a hand around your shoulder or around your waist.
He just feels the constant need to show off that you two are together. He also likes holding hands, especially if your hands- bonus points if it's smaller than his- the feeling of both your fingers interwoven with each other gives him some sort of reassurance.
Also he's definately a hand kisser and whenever he feels like it he'll grab a hand to press his lips on—just to see your reaction. And speaking of kisses. He adores giving you kisses! As a romantic he likes to kiss you on the lips and/or neck but if you're not comfortable with it he'll just settle for the cheeks. Either way it never fails to make you blush!
Quality Time! Although seeming as an extrovert—Kaeya is actually a person who quite lonely. But ever since he met you he hasn't felt that. Coming to terms that he has gotten used to another person's presence. That person being you of course! With that said—he dislikes being away from you but with an occupation like his it's quite hard not to be far away from you.
As a captain of the knights he has a lot of duties. And because of it it makes him busy and unable to be with you but of course he always finds ways to cheat the system— he wouldn't be Kaeya if he didn't. On days where he isn't swamped by paperworks, Kaeya likes taking you on small outings— or just small strolls around Mondsadt. He also offers a lot of assistance when it comes to you doing commissions.
After all he'd been through— it's not surprising that he's a bit protective, of course he's not saying you're weak, he knows you can protect yourself but the thought of you getting hurt- it just doesn't sit right with him. He might be a little sadistic but but putting you in danger is not something he wants.
After all those years of being alone- he finally has someone again. Someone who would love him despite all his flaws— someone who could cherish him. He's not alone— he will never be alone.
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©Xiaophilia || Do not repost or translate without permission
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elles-writing · 3 years
Dragon Sickness
Thorin x reader
Based off on 'Imagine Thorin becoming a dragon after getting gold sickness'
A/N: I really enjoyed writing this one, though I'd be able to make it a whole series with how many ideas I got, but here it is as a one shot. You guessed the character, @iwenttomordor !!
I'll probably translate this fic to Czech, if I will be in a mood for it.
Taglist: @guardianofrivendell @anjhope1
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Breathe in, breathe out.
All Thorin could see, was darkness. He had no idea where he was, or what happened. The only thing he knew, was that if he was still able to do something, anything, it would mean he was still fully by his senses.
He felt deep growl coming out of the back of his throat. He opened his eyes, but then blinked. There was brightness everywhere, and he had to groan again. Did Fili and Kili forgot to blow the candles, played another stupid prank on him, and he passed out? Or did he fell asleep, while telling them a bedtime story?
Thorin opened his eyes again, when he seen endless piles of gold, and that it was not cadle light, but the shine of gold inside Erebor, and that Fili and Kili were not dwarflings anymore, but adults. They went on the quest with him and joined the Company, and...
Thorin blinked. Why was he alone?
"Fili, Kili!"
He expected to hear echo of his voice, but instead, he heard only deep growl and royar. He quickly looked around, up and down.
Was Smaug still there?
Thorin carefully looked around, but he couldn't see anything, that would remind of the dragon, who entered the Mountain over sixty years ago.
He decided to carefully look around, to see if his nephews and the rest of the Company was alright, without waking up the dragon, if he was still there.
Thorin made a step, when he noticed a reflection, in a huge mirror, in thick gold frame.
It was a dragon, with dark brown, almost deep black body and wings, long and pointy tail, and icy blue eyes. The light created shadows and pools of light, dancing across the texture of the dragon's body, making it seem rough and yet somehow highly gentle, even delicate, as the fire of candles flickered with the beast's every move.
Thorin looked away, and deep royar shook the walls of Erebor.
I need to find my nephews, he thought. Panic started settling in him, as he realized Kili was mortally wounded, and Fili stayed with him.
I belong with my brother.
He also remembered you. You did got wounded, too - you broke your arm, during the escape from Mirkwood. As a human, your body was much more fragile.
Thorin felt like he was losing his mind. He didn't cared for the gold, or the Mountain, anymore.
And with another wall-shaking royar, the dark coloured, blue-eyed dragon flew up, and left the inner part of Lonely Mountain.
Bilbo looked over at Balin.
"Where-where did that dragon came from? I'm sure there was only-only Smaug before," he said in high-pitched voice, he would be embarrassed about on any other occasion. Balin sighed and looked to the direction, of where did the dragon disappeared.
"I do not know, Bilbo. Now we need to find Thorin, and make a plan what to do. We didn't counted there would be two dragons, instead of one."
As Bilbo was trying to process what happened (the hobbit seen a lot of things on the journey, but this was really something he did not count on), Thorin looked over the Laketown. He noticed the people escaping the burning ruines of their houses. Smell of burned wood, skin, hair, mixed with smell of water and something he recognized as human, dwarf, and elves, got into his nose. He felt the soft breeze, and for a second, he thought dragons perhaps aren't that bad. It was calm up there.
Thorin looked over the town, and noticed a small boat. When he realized there was the rest of the members of the Company (and Bard's children), he let out a relieved breath. He felt like a rock fell off of his heart.
As he wanted to yell out "You are alive!", so they would hear him, a powerful royar escaped him.
You looked up, as Fili nudged you.
"What is it, Fi?"
"There is another...dragon," Fili said. You frowned.
"No way, Fili, that's-" you looked up as Kili pointed towards the sky. At the same moment, a powerful royar shook your whole body. You shivered.
"W-what the-" You whispered, and clutched your injured arm.
"It's flying down!" Bofur yelled out.
"We need to get away-" Someone yelled, but it was far too late.
The dragon flew down, and it seemed like it was observing you. It let out occasional growls, along with watching you by it's huge blue eyes.
He looks like Thorin, you thought. There was the panic, that others gave you, but deep down, you were not afraid.
The creature tilted it's huge head, and it was as if it's eyes saddened. You got up and walked to the front of the boat, so you'd be closer to it. Bofur turned to you.
"I don't think that's a wise idea, lass-" The dragon let out a huff, and you softly pushed Bofur behind you.
"What are you doing here? Where did you came from?" You carefully said. The dragon growled out something, but then turned to Lonely Mountain. You guessed it probably was the direction, where did it came from.
"Are you going to...hurt us?" You whispered. The dragon shook it's head, firmly.
"Alright, um...why are you here?" The dragon's eyes gave you a little stern, but mostly relieved and flustrated look, and then they shifted to Fili and Kili.
"Thorin would be worried about them too," you though aloud, before you could stop it. The dragon huffed, and let out a groan, but his eyes seemed to light up.
"Thorin?" The dragon nodded his head. You looked back, to see if it was truth. There was no way this would be happening.
Kili was pale, as well as Fili. Tilda and Sigrid were eyeing the dragon - Thorin, and the rest of the Company seemed like they were about to faint.
Well, not really. They seemed to be just paler than usual. A lot paler.
"Thorin, you are-you are a dragon...but how?" You stared at him. He looked around, until he pointed towards simple golden necklace he gave you as a courting gift.
"Gold...D-do you mean the...the sickness?" You looked up.
Thorin simply nodded.
When you got safely to Erebor, you noticed the rest of the Company rushing towards you.
"Thank Mahal, you are alive!" Someone said.
"Did you see the dragon?" You nodded.
"Well, yeah. He's not dangerous." You replied in firm voice.
"Lassie, every dragon is dangerous," Balin said, as Oin looked over your injury again.
"This one is not, because...well, the 'dragon sickness'," you quoted,
"The dragon sickness is not really about obsession over gold. It transforms that person into a dragon, who is obsessed with gold," you said, as you looked over your shoulder. You wasn't sure where exactly Thorin was, at the moment.
"I understand, but why would you say that, lassie? We still haven't found Thorin yet," Dwalin looked at you. Before you could answer, small epcheeew made an echo in the hall, and a piece of the wall was covered with frost. You giggled.
"How did you do that?" Thorin dig his eyes into you, as if saying 'Don't ask, please,', and jumped up on your shoulder.
"Well, he found us." You muttered. Everyone stared at the dragon-Thorin in silence for a while.
As the evening approached and most of the Company went to sleep, Thorin, in his regular size, you guessed, was carefully walking on the piles of gold, and you just sat there. You sat there, because you could not sleep, and so that Thorin would not be lonely.
You watched Thorin, as he was walking around the room, in the endless river of gold.
"You know, maybe it's better you still have clear mind, Thorin," you said. Thorin turned to you and set his gaze on you, as if asked you to continue. And so, you did.
"I won't lie, I do not know how to break this...spell, or whatever it is," you said, and Thorin looked away, huffing.
"But at least you are alive, and have clear mind," He looked back at you, and his eyes seemed to soften a little. You got up.
"Well, look, if you'd like to...I got an idea," you offered. Thorin curiously looked at you.
"We could go out, neither of us can sleep anyways," Y/N said, and Thorin looked around.
"Well, you can change into the...more petite form," you said. Thorin huffed out.
I'm not a bird or a cat.
Y/N blinked. Did she just heard Thorin's voice in her head?
It was probably nothing.
"Let's get outside."
As they seated outside, on the top of the Mountain, her eyes were set on the starry sky.
Thorin's eyes slid over the starry sky, then down at Y/N. The breeze brushed her hair in a gentle, delicate motion.
He was glad he has Y/N as his One.
He suddenly felt the urge to fly, which he tried to deny, but then he flew up, and took Y/N with him.
You couldn't even scream at first, but then you felt as if you were falling down - when all of sudden, you fell on something firm, but warm.
You opened your eyes, slowly at first, but then you realized what happened.
Slowly, you looked over the edge of Thorin's dragon body, and your eyes widened.
You flew high, and though you couldn't see a lot, due to the darkness, you recognized some lights. But the real beauty started, when you looked up.
The stars seemed to be close, as if you would just reach up your arm, you would be able to touch them.
The clouds felt soft, but cold and wet. You closed your eyes, and let that feeling to go through your whole body, as Thorin flew through one of the clouds.
When you opened your eyes, you realized the clouds moved away, and so the moon was illuminating the landscape underneath you. You looked down, and watched the scenery in awe.
You had no idea how much time has passed, but honestly, you didn't cared. You felt safe with Thorin, even if he was locked up in the body of dragon.
When the sun started raising, Thorin flew down to the top of the Mountain again. You could barely keep your eyes open.
That was amazing, you thought. You felt like you heard Thorin's soft chuckle in your head.
Indeed, Amrâlime.
Y/N didn't had much time to think about it, before she fell asleep with the sounds of birds' song, lullying her and sending her to the land of dreams.
When she woken up, she realized one thing: warmth. Y/N looked around, and realized that the warmth was coming from Thorin's body, who was protectively lying around her, inside of some room. He seemed to be soundly asleep.
As she moved, a huff escaped Thorin, and Y/N quickly looked back, to see what happened.
You woke me, she heard in her head.
Sorry, I just need to go to-
Before you could finish your thought, he let you go. You felt the shivers running down your body. Well, it's a mountain. It's not like it would be exactly warm here.
When you came back, you sat down, across Thorin, and he set his eyes on you. You started thinking about what was happening.
You can hear me, you thought, and he nodded.
So I, he replied.
But neither of us could do that before, right? You furrowed your brows, and Thorin shook his head.
Is this is permanent? You thought quicker than you could stop it. Thorin's gaze coldened and hardened, and you could feel the confusion, disgust, hurt and sadness.
I'm sorry Thorin, I-
Keep your words.
No, Thorin, listen to me, I'm sorry, it's just- You quickly jumped up, but he was on his way out.
Who from dwarves would want their king to be a dragon? He snapped. At this point, you runned behind him, trying to stop him from flying away.
"THORIN NO, COME BACK-" you yelled out, but it was far too late. Thorin was quickly disappearing on the horizone, and you cried out.
The dragons in Middle-Earth never had a good reputation. You knew someone would try to hurt him, or kill him, eventually.
You sank down on your knees, and started sobbing.
You felt his pain as your own, and he felt yours.
Who from the dwarves would want their king to be a dragon? Thorin thought, as he flew up on the sky. He knew he was right. He felt shame. He was a Durin. But now, he was a dragon, one of the creatures he hated.
You are not the dragon, Thorin. You are good. You are still Thorin we all know.
He let out a royar. He was in this body of a dragon, and he hated every second of it, and he hated himself.
You looked over the tent, and sipped on your tea. It felt wrong and weird, but you didn't exactly complained either.
Thranduil and Bard discussed something, and you wished Thorin would be there with you.
They aren't that bad, Thorin. Nothing.
You told me that Erebor is going to be pulsing with life, again. I know you hate the body you are locked in right now, but we will find a way to turn you into dwarf form again, Thorin. Please, return here.
No answer. Just silence.
You sighed. You felt Thorin was alive - you just knew, so you were not so worried, but still. Bilbo placed his hand on your shoulder.
"He will come back, I'm sure of it. You know Thorin," he muttered, and you nodded. Thorin was really stubborn, even for a dwarf, and once he thought of something, there was almost no chance in convincing him otherwise.
The rest of Company woke up as they heard your screaming. They found you, and took inside of the Mountain, to give you blankets and tea. Then Bilbo came, that Gandalf was there, to warn you about another dragon. You talked for a while, and eventually, you told him what happened to Thorin, and you needed a medication, but he flew away, and since then, he didn't came back.
Bard and Thranduil weren't really fond of Thorin, but because it was you, who was Thorin's One (and Thorin was the rightful king of Erebor, though Thranduil, especially, didn't liked that idea much), they decided to help to you find a way to heal Thorin's sickness.
"I think Smaug got mad, and the sickness consumed him entirely. Thorin actually had clear mind, it's just...his body changed," you muttered. Even Radagast was there.
"Well, maybe...maybe it's not really a sickness," someone piped up. You looked around.
Who said that? You thought.
"Maybe-maybe it's just a spell!" Radagast said and looked excitely around.
"You have a bond between you two," Radagast told you, and you nodded.
"Are you suggesting, that the spell could be broken by...something?" Bilbo looked around for someone to help him finish up his question.
"Well, Thorin is not answering me, but he is alive, somewhere. I think he maybe...he thinks the dwarves wouldn't accept their king, even if he is in the body of a dragon," you said.
"Orcs! Orcs are everywhere!" Elvish soldier runned inside the tent.
"How many?" Thranduil's gaze hardened.
"A lot of them, I've never seen more in my whole life," The soldier answered.
"Azog," you whispered. You realized what that could mean - Azog came here for Thorin.
"We all need to fight together, there is no point nor time for arguing," Gandalf said, and you got up.
"No, you will stay here, lassie. If he finds out Thorin is not there, you will be right next," Bard said. You frowned.
"I won't run from a fight." You gazed at him, but he was out already, along with most of others, to prepare for the battle.
I won't risk anyone I love to be killed, you thought, and went to find some armour.
Thorin felt all those emotions going on - worry, fear, anger, loyalty, and more worry. Something in him was pushing him, to come back, to go back to you. He felt the danger, and that convinced him, without any other thoughts, he needs to protect you, and his kin.
Durin's folk does not flee from fight.
When he heard the sounds of a battle, he tried to find you. He couldn't hear your thoughts anymore - nor fell the feelings you felt. Only soft waves of emotions.
Is this the end of you, or him, when he could not hear your thoughts anymore?
He hoped not.
It didn't took long, when something inside him made him to look into one place. He noticed Azog, and someone he realized was you, though he had no idea how did he knew that.
He flew lower, and lower, until the only thing he heard was the blood in his ears, the royar he let out, and the royar of his biggest enemy.
Thorin fell to the ground on all fours. It felt as if the battle stopped. As if the time stopped, whe whole world paused. He looked up at you, kneeling down and covering your head.
You looked up, as you heard the royar. Thorin! You thought. You felt relief he was okay, and alive.
"Don't shoot!" You heard Thranduil to yell out to his soldiers when they spot Thorin, and you felt thankful to the Elven King.
Azog thought you were Thorin, until the helmet fell down, and disgusting smirk made it's way over his face. You losed strength, you were tired, and wounded - he managed to make you some cuts, over your shoulders and cheek, and you guessed one your arm was not fully okay. He prepared to kill you, but the royar was coming closer, along with the huge shadow. You covered your head and ears and fell on your knees, to protect your body.
The royar Azog let out shook you, but when you heard the silence after, you felt relieved.
The huff close to you made you feel lot safer. You looked up, and you knew your face light up.
"Thorin," you whispered and cried out. You stood up and hugged him.
"Don't go away like this, ever," you whispered, as tears rolled down your cheeks. Then, you felt some movement, but the warmth was still the same, and you thought Thorin was just moving around.
"I won't ever leave your side again, I promise, my One," His smooth voice made way to your ear, and then, you felt his lips pressed against yours. You ran your hands across his back, and felt the tunic he had on, just as he changed into the dragon form.
He rested one of his palms on your cheek, and when you parted, he rested his forehead against yours, while gazing deeply into your eyes by his deep blue orbs.
"Thank you for coming back," you whispered.
"I would never let anyone hurt you," he muttered, and pulled you back for another kiss, as the soft snowflakes danced in your hair, with the breeze.
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dulceackles · 3 years
How much salt can ants handle / Victoria De angelis
Requested: no 
summary: as the night sets y/n finds herself suffering with anxiety. However, she gets a call from victoria who takes her on an adventure beautiful enough to ease her racing mind and a broken heart.
Pairing: Victoria De Angelis x reader (she/her, third person)
word count: 1.7k
content and warnings: angst, tw anxiety
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In a dim light the room looked heavy. Like the walls might stumble and the sealing might fall. In a dim light of her bedroom, y/n felt her mind touch the rye needle. The art of taking things easy was something y/n had never learned. In her mind, she didn’t know where the world ended or who loved her. A lot of the time what she knew was only the crooked feeling of her own skin tightening around her like a rigid corset or her breathing getting stuck in her throat. And so t was that night too. 
She couldn’t tell what were the big things so she made the big out of them all. And the future full of big things made itself terrifying to a small human. Y/n got up from her bed. She had been trying to sleep thoughts away but what didn’t come as a surprise, head full of disasters was hard to sleep with. The cold floor felt piercing underneath her bare feet. Slowly she walked to the old sofa sitting in the back of  her living room. 
Sometimes she made a list in her head of all the bad things that could happen. And after that, if she was ever ready, she made a list of all the bad ways she could react to the bad things happening. A lot of the time it felt like the birds didn’t arrive at the glow of spring or like the sky never cleared. She knew most of her fears were irrational, stupid as someone would say. Still, everything stopped them from going away. She wished that maybe when she was older it’d get easier but more than that she feared they never would. 
Corset, that was her skin was. Then what sounded like a firework in the silence, her phone rang. She looked at her phone screen with her tired eyes. It was Victoria. A million bad things could have happened for her to call y/n at night, atleast that’s what y/n thought but as she answered the phone, she heard Victoria’s warming voice. 
"Hi," her voice was energetic like it wasn't midnight at all. "I hope I didn't wake you up."
Victoria knew y/n ralely slept at those hours. Many times they had been texting at two o'clock in night, wishing time would stop and night would last little longer. And y/n loved that about her, that like the sky was for mountains she was always there for her. Over the last year that she had known her she had grown feelings towards her she was too afraid to admit outload.
"Oh no, i was awake." Y/n muttered to the phone her voice still slightly shaking and she wished Victoria wouldn't notice. She wasn't feeling great but Victoria defendly had snapped her out of her own stormy mind.
"I can't sleep, I think I took a little too long nap at 5 pm but I also heard there's a blood moon tonight," Victoria explained herself from the other side of the line. "So wanna come to watch it with me? To the swing?"
The swing was the place Victoria had showed y/n the first time they ever met. They'd been drunk at friends' party and the story had taken elsewhere and so the two girls had found each other on this forgotten field with only the threes and one old swing.
"a blood moon?" Y/n asked.
"Yeah. Thought i'd be pretty cool." Y/n could only imagine the expression Victoria had on her face. Sometimes she got really excited over spontanious things and y/n never wanted to be the one to ruin it.
"Sure let's go." Y/n said to the phone. She was pretty happy about getting outside the dark apartment she had been rotting in for the past few days and feeling all the emotions she didn't want to feel.
"Good cus im already at your door." Victoria laughed.
“What?” Y/n trots to the window on her left and as she looks down to the apartment front, she indeed sees the light-haired girl with a big smile on her face under the street lights.
Y/n chuckles a little bit, "alright, I'll come down in a sec."
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There was only one store in the whole tinpot sleeping town that was open during the night and even though it meant a little longer walk, the girls were certain the moon could not be watched without a family-sized pack of chips.
The greenish-yellow drugstore light flickered over them as they searched the stacks from those one specific brand of cheap flavored chips they had grown found over mainly because it was what they always bought when they were together and it was night. It had become this unwritten rule that where there was night, food, Victoria and y/n, the food was these chips.
“I swear to God if they don't have them.” Victoria already blustered until both of their eyes snatched into the orange pack with pretentious font over it.
"There!" Both of them yelped at the same time causing the tired-looking cashier to glared at them like he was about to kick them out simply because the girls were too awake for him to have them in his store at that time of the night but then again, he hated drunk party people more than he hated night owls.
Victoria and y/n grabbed the chip back and ran to the cash register like there was only one second left. And how could have they known but as the chip back flowted on the black assembly line, y/n felt as if maybe there was.
" thank you!" Victoria thanked the cashier as she grabbed y/n's hand and began to hasten out of the store.
Victoria's shoft hand felt electric on y/n skin. Sometimes it almost slipped from her mouth that she wished Victoria's hand would never leave hers or more so that no stranger's hand would ever find Victoria's. But of course over anything she wished as an endlessly burning sun that one day Victoria would hold someone's hand that maybe was stranger to her but a lover to Victoria. Sometimes she wish it could have been her but something behind her eat whispered to her that prehaps she was the worst thing Victoria had ever gotten attached to and that's why it never slipped from her month.
The moon indeed was red that night. Hanging in the sky it shimmered the earth with its red cast. The dirt underneath their toes rustled as they finally reached the swing.
"Take a swing, I'll see how many chips you can catch." Victoria said as she opened the chip back and prepared herself to aim at y/n's month.
Y/n giggled. She maybe had played the game last time in elementary school but she also remembered being good at it.
Y/n pushes herself into the swing and launched herself forward, trying to get into the best speed possible.
The rough old rope felt foul against y/n palms as she holds onto the swing and Victoria tried to throw chips at her but quite frankly, in the dark y/n couldn't tell at all where the chips were flying at.
"This was harder than I remembered." Y/n laught as victoria waved her hands.
"Did you catch any?" Victoria giggled. They both knew this was dumb but it was the best part of it.
"No I mean one hit my face and that was the closest one" y/n stopped the swing from swinging.
"Damn. Well, the ants gonna have a diner party tonight then." Victoria walked closer to y/n and sat on her lap to the swing. A lot of the times they just came to the swing to sit and talk and because there was only one swing, they quite often also tested the ability and streight of the old ropes holding the swing on the tree.
"Not sure how much salt the ants can handle tho." Y/n said as she wrapped her arms around Victoria.
"Me either, maybe not at all." Victoria said as she watched the moon over them. "It is red indeed." Victoria signed.
"Yeah, it is." Y/n could smell the sweet smell of her soft hair. She wanted to lean her head against her neck but resisted because what she thought was prevailed to exposing the truth that she thought she was hiding.
"You know what else was red? Your eyes when you came down the stairs." Victoria got up and turned to face her. "So what's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong, Vic." Y/n let her cold hands fall to her lap.
"I also know when you lie." Victoria crossed her arms, eyeing y/n who still sat on the squeaky swing.
Y/n just stared right back of her. She didn't really know what to say or how to express what was wrong. In a way, she hoped she'd understand or that she'd know how she felt when everything felt big and the sky was falling. But she also feared she was a blue burden and so she didn't know what to say.
Victoria signed. It spiked y/n's heart because she didn't want to make her frustrated or angry with her, she just didn't know what to say and she didn't feel brave enough either.
But what came to y/n as an suprise, Victoria leaned little bit forward and pressed her warm lips againgst her fraught onces. Victoria's lips felt soft against hers and her tongue slowly traced her lips. It was tender sweet and y/n heart race and blush rose as she tasted Victoria. Y/n lifted her hands to gently pull her closer and Victoria slightly smiled into the kiss of how into it y/n was getting.
Soon Victoria pulled away, leaving y/n swollen lips. She looked up to her and Victoria gently run her thumb over y/n's lips before sitting back into her lap and wrapping y/n's arms back around her.
"When you feel like talking just tell me." She said as she watched the moon that was just as red as was her heart. "I truly believe you'd feel better if you sometimes talked to someone."
Y/n nobbed, and then she wrapped her arms tighter around her snuggled her head into her neck.
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maplecornia · 3 years
chapter 10
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𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔡 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱: 3.24K
𝔤𝔢𝔫𝔯𝔢: romance | slice of life | fluff | angst | bts x female!reader | ot7
𝔰𝔲𝔪𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔶: You watched them from the sidelines ever since you were a young teenage girl. Now you’re grown up, they’ve returned after 2 long years and everything has changed. What happens when you pull back the mask and find the darkness within? What happens when you see that they’re broken?
𝔞/𝔫: I think the banner is super cute for this one, fitting to the super FLUFFY moments in this chapter ehehehe
𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰: cliffhangers | angst | fluff | slight mentions of self hatred | depression | mental health illness | self harm | occurs in the year 2024 | set in a timeline where BTS went to the military together | slight language
tags: @kookaine |@fangirl125reader |@kookiebbyxx |@taradevonne
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He takes you to a studio.
Though the hallway is simple, another slather of pure white paint, stone, and plaster, the floor a gorgeous light charcoal tile. The door to the studio is beautiful hardwood, a large window of tinted glass embedded within so that you can see a bit inside.
You stare at it with awestruck eyes.
Namjoon doesn't notice your expression at first, turning the knob to the door, and entering.
As he does, you don't move. You don't know if you can.
The studio isn't much, it's very simple when you think about it.
It's spacious, with dark walls and an almost metallic look to it. There are two comfortable chairs located at the soundboard which has a black undertone to them. The table is dark hardwood, even the floor is plated with dark mosaic tile. The recording area on the other side of the massive one-way glass in front of the soundboard has the same black theme, the walls soundproofed with patches of black material.
Though it may seem simple to some, to you, it could not be more beautiful.
This room holds every dream you ever had, everything you had once wanted to be. On the other side of that glass, you would have sung and made the very same music that helped you feel loved and wanted.
As you stand there, awestruck, RM notices that you're not beside him. He pauses, turning around to you, his computer powering on. He looks at you, a bit confused.
“Yen?” at his voice, you break out of your trance and snap your eyes to him. He chuckles a bit before setting down his coffee. “Are you going to come in? It's rude to stand in open doorways.”
Shaking yourself out of your reverie, you nod, hurrying in and closing the door shut behind you.
“Yes. I’m sorry I was just…” you trail off, searching for the words to explain, but coming up empty, you fall silent.
Namjoon gives you a look as you stop in the middle of the room, getting that dreamy, glazed-over look in your eyes once more. You seem as though you're afraid to touch anything. Maybe it will ruin the dream, somehow wake you up, when you don't want to be bothered.
“Are you okay?” he inquires, peering deeper into your eyes and tilting his head in a questioning gesture. Once more, the expression on your face disappears and you chuckle nervously.
“Yes, it's just, this doesn't quite feel real.”
“What do you mean?”
“It's always been my dream to come to a place like this.” You murmur, taking a steadying breath as you tentatively run your fingers over the top of the desk. The cool glossed-over granite sends a small shiver down your spine before you pull your hand back to your heart.
Namjoon’s eyes scan your face, searching it, as though it is the most interesting thing in the room right now. If you were to notice, the sight of his intense gaze would cause your heart to beat faster.
“What? A studio?” he inquires. You turn to him and nod, your mouth breaking into a wide grin, as you can’t ignore the pounding of adrenaline in your veins at your excitement.
“Yes. I've dreamed of being in one ever since I was a little girl.” Wistfully, your eyes turn to the one-way glass separating the soundproof from the recording studio.
“I would have sung right there, in front of that microphone. My producers and composers would be behind this glass, giving me pointers and helping me to make the best version of my song possible.” You explain, pointing to the lone microphone in the middle of the room. “But, I never got to live it.”
“What do you mean?” he asks intently, his eyes snapping back to you. You smile sadly and turn away from the glass, raising your tea to your lips. “Why couldn't you pursue your dream?”
“I didn't want to debut as a solo artist.” You answer him, chucking a bit bitterly afterward.
“It's a stupid reason, I know, but in America, there aren't necessarily companies constantly holding new auditions for boy and girl groups, like in Seoul. Normally it was you, on your own. If you wanted to debut as a group, you had to have people you knew willing to do that with you. I didn't have people who would want to do that with me. They all had their dreams, and I had mine. I saw those solo artists perform, and all I could see was how lonely they were up there. I wouldn't be able to do that. I don't think I'd be able to survive, to feel as though I were the only one in the world. As though everything I did or didn't do would define who I was. I wouldn't be strong enough to deal with that on my own.”
He looks at you, silent but understanding. As you raise your eyes to him, almost hesitant, you don't expect to see the sweet, kind smile on his face.
“It's not stupid.” He says, turning to the computer and opening up a few files. “Besides, now you're living it...sort of. How does it feel?”
He pulls back one of the chairs and beckons for you to sit down. You take it, easing yourself into the chair and thankfully finding that nothing disappears.
“Unreal.” You whisper, almost giddy at the sight of the soundboard in front of you. If you were in the recording area, things would get out of hand. He chuckles at your answer and sits down as well, pulling up a demo that he has no doubt been working on.
“You're lucky Yoongi isn't here, he would fuss at you for taking his seat.” He teases, but your eyes go wide and you almost stand up. RM grabs you by the wrist almost as soon as you do and sits you back down in your seat.
“Don't worry, I’m just joking.” You smile, laughing nervously, but continue to sit on the edge of the chair.
“Is he here?” you ask, trying to make sure you aren't overstepping any boundaries. Namjoon shakes his head in response, adjusting things on the soundboard.
“He was supposed to be but got called away for another project. He’s still a producer after all, and was only helping me a bit with this demo.” He explains. Relaxing, you sit back, nodding.
He proceeds to play with the soundboard as though it were some secret language only he knew, and you watch him, trying to study how it works. He pushes up a button there, twists a knob here, all the while clicking continuously on his computer.
“Is this what you got from your studio?” you inquire, and he turns toward you. As you glance up at him, your eyes meet before he turns back to the computer, and nods.
“Yep. I've been working on this for quite some time now, but can't seem to get the sound right. It's strange because I already have the lyrics for it, but one part just doesn't seem to flow.” You watch as his cursor highlights one part of his track and he pulls a pair of headphones off from the console. Drawing away from his computer, he turns to you. He offers them to you in a questioning gesture.
“Do you want to hear?” he asks and you nod, reaching for them.
Instead, he places them securely on your head, and your hands go up quickly to readjust it to your liking. As they do, your hands touch his as they pull away, for a small moment. It sends a shock through your body, and you can hardly look him in the eye as your face grows hot.
He, however, can't take his eyes off you. As you glance up at him with that innocent, confused gaze, he has to quickly turn away. His hand raises to his mouth, as though that would hide it from your curious orbs.
“Are you ready?” he asks softly, hoping that would cover up his slight embarrassment.
Complying, he clicks the play button and after a small sound of silence, the music begins, soft and steady. It has a peaceful beat to it, one that calms you and makes you smile. Closing your eyes, you tap your hands over the headphones, almost as if to press the music deeper into your mind. As it progresses, the music grows faster and you can hear a woman's voice in the background vocalizing.
Opening your eyes, remembering that this should be where RM is having trouble, you can hear the music begin to transition, as though a record were stopping at the end of its song.
You can see where RM is having trouble.
The music that comes next is too fast, too different from the beginning of the track, it holds no consistency. Once it fades out, back to the calm and quiet track, you pull off the headphones, pondering what to tell him.
You know that he wants your opinion, but you don't want to be disrespectful.
“Well? Any suggestions?” he asks, holding your gaze with persistent eyes.
“May I?” you request, gesturing to the computer, and he nods, switching places with you. You have enough experience with software such as this that you know what you're doing.
“You see this area right here? I feel as though that's where the sound starts to sound a bit off. It's not necessarily that the beat is bad, it's perfect. However, in this area, it doesn't flow like the rest of the song.” As you play the area you're talking about, you hardly notice how close Namjoon moves to you, peering at the screen.
Your bodies are mere inches apart, his heat making your back warm. It's comforting, as though there is someone behind you whom you can trust.
“You see?” you say once it stops playing, turning and finding your face inches away from him. As he peers at the screen with narrowed, focused eyes he doesn’t notice you staring.
He's so close that you can see the deep brown of his eyes, the product in his soft hair, and the smoothness of his cheeks. The comforting warmth immediately changes into something else. Swallowing hard, you tear your gaze away. Pressing your hands to your cheeks, you try to cool them down, and silently wonder if he can hear how fast your heart is beating.
Honestly...how could Korea ever call this man ugly?
“What would you suggest we can do to change it?” he asks, glancing down at you just as you raise your eyes to the screen, trying to ignore your pounding heart.
“I think that maybe if you used the same piano accompaniment in the beginning after the transition, then that would satisfy the need for consistency while keeping the original sound of the track.” You suggest, looking at him for approval.
He doesn't answer at first, instead, he reaches across you, carrying out your task. Swallowing hard, you freeze, afraid to make the tiniest movement and accidentally touch him.
He doesn't notice, his turn to be entranced in his work, and you're thankful for it. You try to inconspicuously hide your face from him, missing your baggy clothes. Normally the giant sleeves would be enough to mask your blush, but now you only have the comfort of your small hands against your cheeks. Once he's done, he pulls back, gesturing for you to play it.
“Let's see if this works.” He murmurs, almost hopeful. You nod, pressing the mouse and intentionally avoiding eye contact with him until your heart has calmed down. The beginning of the song starts once again, helping to calm your nerves and you feel at ease once more.
You weren't aware there would be so little personal space when you first walked into the BigHit building.
When it comes to the particular area in the song, you're surprised to find that your idea worked. The small part no longer sounds out of place and it flows with the rest of the song. It still needs some tuning, but you solved his problem.
“Woah…” Kim Namjoon mutters, and you turn to him, finding surprise and a sort of pride in his expression.
“That’s incredible.” His eyes turn from the screen to rest on you laughing softly.
“Did you know that you're incredible? It's such a simple fix, such a simple error. Something we couldn’t pick up, and you…” he runs his hand over his face, staring at the computer screen with an unbelievable expression before turning his eyes to you once more. “I guess what they say about fresh ears is true.”
You blush at the pride, trying to ignore it, act like you did nothing at all, which you didn't. With him looking at you that way, however, it's hard not to feel vital, somehow important to this song.
“So!” you say, sitting straight in your chair and turning to him. “What do we do next?”
“What to do next….” he ponders on the thought before his eyes widen as though remembering something.
He curses under his breath, checking his watch. Immediately, he pulls back from the soundboard, and heads to the door, beckoning for you to follow him. You hurry to your feet, taking his coffee and your tea before scuttling after him.
“Where are we going?” you call out, having to jog to reach his side. He doesn't answer you, just mutters incomprehensible things under his breath.
You keep quiet behind him, understanding that he's stressed out. Sometimes it's just better to keep silent to show that you understand. You do that for him now, just follow him as he leads you back to Mon Studio, retrieving a few things and pocketing them in a backpack.
You wait for him near the entrance by your satchel, where you left it safe before.
As he finishes and begins to search for something, his phone rings and he curses once more. He rolls his eyes in annoyance as he pulls it out from his pocket.
“Yes?” he snaps.
As he presumes to continue packing, he beckons you for help. You comply, setting down the drinks before packing away the papers, pens, and flash drives into his pack.
“Han, I know I’m late, okay? I was in the middle of something.” Turning from you, he snags a mask off from a small hook on his wall. He shoves that into his jacket, before rummaging through his desk drawers, searching for something.
“Yes, I understand that it's an important meeting, I am trying my best to get there.” As you finish packing, he turns to you, whispering glasses, and you nod, beginning to search for them as well. He continues talking incomprehensibly on the phone, just as you spy the glasses. You snatch them, presenting them miraculously to him. He smiles at your ecstatic expression, taking them and placing them on his hat securely.
“Okay. Yes, I understand. Alright, I’ll see you soon.” With that, he ends the call, sighing as he places his phone back in his pocket and turns to you.
“I'm sorry about all that, I forgot I had to go to a meeting out of Yongsan-dong today and lost track of time.” He explains. You nod, understanding as he begins to position his mask on his face. “I was hoping to teach you the ropes a bit more, but I guess that will have to wait till tomorrow. Speaking of which, do you know what time to get here?”
“Yes. I'm supposed to get here around 7:30 am so that I’m ready.”
“Ready with what?” you smirk at his little question game before answering.
“Your schedule and coffee. You'll text me if you want me to get coffee for the other members. You'll also text me if I’m supposed to meet you in another place besides your studio. For now, I’ll be able to find any place in the building on the map you gave me.” He nods mutely as you recite your duties like a soldier. Once you're finished, he zips up his backpack and hikes it on his shoulder.
“Good. you'll be able to get the schedule from the receptionist at the front desk every morning. You'll also be accompanying me to every meeting, practice, or recording I have unless otherwise specified.” You nod in agreement, watching as he turns around in a circle seeming to search for something.
“Where did I…” reading his mind, you turn to the place where you put the drinks and hand him his coffee.
“Here you go.” You say, and he smiles, laughing at himself for his absentmindedness. He takes it from you, your hands making slight contact, but this time it isn't shocking. It's familiar, almost brotherly, makes you feel secure and comforted.
“Is there anything else I need to do?”
“Yes, actually if you could clean up my studio and the one we were working in, that would be a great help. You remember where it is right?” you nod, and he nods in return, turning to the door.
“After that, you'll be able to go home, I hope tomorrow I’ll be able to teach you more.” As he opens the door and steps outside, you bow to him, respectfully.
“Thank you, Mr. Kim. Once more, I apologize for being so late.” After a moment, you raise your head and find him staring at you with an unreadable expression. His soft brown eyes remind you of a wistful puppy. You tilt your head in confusion at the look, wondering what he could be thinking in that vast brain of his.
“Mr. Kim?”
“You don't need to do that.” He murmurs, as though he's talking half to himself.
“What?” you inquire, trying to make sure you heard him right. He turns fully to you, repeating himself once more, this time a bit louder for you to hear.
“You don't have to be so formal. I know everyone else does it, but you don't have to.”
You blink at him blankly.
“Jaejin never used them either. I guess it's easier to drop the formalities and work with someone who feels as though they’re a friend.” He explains, flashing a small smile your way. “I hope that won't be too hard.”
“Oh! Oh no! Not at all!” you say quickly, shaking your head vigorously.
“It makes it a bit easier on me, actually. Using honorifics can be a bit confusing.” You chuckle a bit and his smile grows wider, softening at the tips.
“Goodbye, Yen.” He says, turning away once more, before pausing and peeking over his shoulder at you as though he forgot something. “By the way, Jaejin was right."
"About what?" you ask, a bit confused, but all he does is smile.
"I'm glad he chose you as his replacement.”
The sweet phrase leaves you standing there frozen, unable to mutter a goodbye.
He chuckles to himself at the expression, placing his sunglasses on his nose before walking out of the room and down the hallway.
It takes you a moment, but once he’s gone, you shake out of your trance, your heart pounding deep in your chest.
“Thank you, Namjoon.” You whisper to yourself, holding your hand to your heart as you drop the honorific.
Crossing that barrier that turns you from a co-worker into his friend.
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𝔫𝔬𝔱𝔢: so...ship or skip?
chapter 11 here
check the Infinite Stars masterlist for more chapters
check my BTS masterlist for other BTS content
check out my masterlist for other kpop fanfics
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Serva me, Servabo te
save me and I will save you
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pairing: photographer!Taehyung x f.reader
genre: smut, angst, slight enemies to lovers
word count: 10.5k | reading time: 60 min
chapter summary: The two of them spend their day on good terms for the first time, but still manage to find something to rile them up
warnings: switch!tae, switch!amy, oral f&m receiving, face sitting, dirty talk, teasing, a lil bit of orgasm control? some name calling (bitch), light spanking, hair pulling, unprotected vaginal sex, riding, praise, squirting, also some spooky stuff, i don’t remember what else ahh
A/N: I know absolutely nothing about photography, so if you do and you read this and think to yourself nothing is making any sense, you are right and I am wrong. Please just enjoy this as best as you can lol
All chapters | Masterlist | Read on AO3
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Chapter 7: Love is just a form of possession
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The place was definitely haunted. But perhaps it was in a good way. Perhaps it was magical.
It felt that way when you slowly opened your eyes to find a snoozing Taehyung just inches away from your face. His expression set in a natural pout as he had his arms snaked around your body like he was afraid he would lose you in his sleep. You bit your lip as you inspected his resting form better; his ruffled hair, his soft but dehydrated lips, his naked shoulders that were peeking under the blanket. Last night you had moved on the couch, struggling to fit on it at the same time but managing to entangle your limbs just right so that he wouldn't fall over. You had a light rug that you had found in the room over your bodies, as well as Taehyung's sweater on to keep you warm, although the heat from his bare body was all you needed.
And the fireplace. You heard it crackling before you raised your head to look over at its direction and confirm the fire was big and strong once again. Yep. This place was definitely haunted.
Taehyung's arms tightened around you, pulling himself nearer until his face was buried in your neck. "Don't go," he mumbled in a way it was hard for you to understand, with his voice heavy from his slumber. He had felt your body move while you were trying to look around the room and without even opening his eyes, his reaction was to hold you closer.
You ran a hand through his hair, smiling to yourself. "I'm not going anywhere."
Rain was still falling, not as heavy as the previous night, but it was just enough for the rhythmic melody it created by hitting the windows. That meant you were stuck in the house for one more day. Not that you had any interest in leaving, in even getting out of that room or that couch. Not only was it warm in there, in Taehyung's embrace, but it was safe, too. Perhaps, on any other occasion, you would hate yourself for just how nice you felt at that moment, but you were starting to believe that being by his side wasn't just appealing, but also necessary. You wouldn't last another day in that Manor otherwise.
"What should we have for breakfast?" you heard him whisper, right before he started stretching so much he almost fell over.
"Oh, um..." you mumbled, thinking about it. "Is it my turn to cook?"
You felt his smile against your neck, a low chuckle being produced at the back of his throat. "It is. What will you feed me?" You took a couple of seconds to think, and his smile grew. "You know, you could just offer me your cunt right now and I'd happily have that as a meal."
You groaned. "Tae!" you whined, pushing him on his chest. "You're disgusting!" He had certainly ruined the romantic atmosphere that the room was painted in. But that's just how that man is, isn't it?
He was laughing as he was trying to catch himself from falling, grabbing the sweater you were wearing and the arm of the couch. "Oh, come on," he said once he found his balance. "You can't tell me you're still shy after everything we've done."
But you rolled your eyes at him. "This isn't a matter of openness, it's just very inappropriate."
He looked up at you, licking his lip slowly as he watched your eyes. "So, you're turning me down?"
For a moment you tried to get up, but he held you tighter. The truth was that the way he was looking at you was almost making you cave in, but thankfully you could think better in the daytime. Even though you didn't have much of a reason to, anymore, you still didn't feel quite comfortable just casually doing stuff like that with him. It was too much already that you had woken up cuddling him as if he was your boyfriend.
"I need to go shower," you said, both replying to him and changing the subject in a way. "I'm so nasty from last night."
"You and I both. Do you want to shower together?" He made his proposal by reaching up a bit and kissing your jaw. It made you drop it, not to give him better access, but because his words were making you flustered again.
"No- why would we- we..."
"I'm just saying; it's cold and it's raining. There might not be a lot of hot water. We should be frugal."
Since you hadn't stopped him exactly yet, he took it as a sign to keep kissing you. Up your jawline and down your neck. And now forming a coherent thought was even more difficult. Your body squirmed around like you were being tickled, and you wanted to block him but at the same time not at all.
"Now, you're just making up excuses," you snorted, trying to sound austere but the smile he had managed to get on your lip served the exact opposite mission. "Do you want to have me for breakfast that bad?" you teased since he wasn't the only one able to do that.
But Taehyung pulled slightly away, biting his lip and looking at you through his lashes with the most innocent face he could muster. "Actually, I was hoping that if I eat you out, you might return the favor and help me out with this morning wood." And with that, he pressed upon you more, so that you could feel exactly what he was talking about. Your eyes widened and you gasped a bit, realizing that the hard thing nudging your thigh wasn't actually his knee like you thought.
"Oh..." you mumbled.
"But you don't have to!" Taehyung was quick to say when he saw your surprised reaction. But it wasn't so much surprise as it was a feeling of guilt; the man had done everything to please you the past couple of days, and you hadn't had the chance to do much for him in return. And there he was, with a pout on his lips and his dick begging for attention.
When you kissed him, you didn't do it just because you felt a sense of duty to do it, but mostly because the idea that he needed you turned you on so much, and so fast. You kissed him hard, not wasting any time to slip your tongue in his mouth, and your chest filled with pride when he started moaning. He was moaning more and louder than usual, probably being less interested in controlling himself since he still hadn't fully woken up yet, and you hadn't even touched him yet.
The rag slid down your shoulders as you moved over him, changing the position that had you both on your sides, to one where Taehyung was lying on his back and you were straddling him. You didn't have anything on other than that sweater, and so when you ground on his hard-on, it was easily gliding between your folds, making the man growl harder.
"Shit, Amy," he moaned and his voice was higher in pitch than normal. "I feel like a goddamn teenager. You're- shhh- you're gonna make me cum just like that."
You found his little voice cracks so adorable. You didn't know -could have never guessed- just how needy, desperate, whiny, and loud Taehyung got in the mornings. He always put on that facade of being in control, when in reality, deep down, all he wanted was to pleasure you as best as he could; all he was waiting for was a chance to be good for you. And then he was at your mercy for his own release. It was obvious in the way he hung from your lips, clawing at your sweater. Completely dependent on you and your moves.
"You can't cum like that, baby," you reminded him, pressing his chest down and sitting up, keeping your lips out of reach to make him whine more. You weren't used to this exactly, but damn, torturing this poor boy felt so good. Perhaps because you still wanted to hate him, so now that he was hooked on you and you were in control, you wanted to make him suffer; make him beg. Just like he had the audacity to do to you. "You can't cum before I tell you to, alright? If you do, I won't let you touch me again for the rest of our days here."
Taehyung cried out, his hips rising involuntarily to grind on your core more. "Stop," he breathed out. "Don't do that."
You laughed. Was he trying to order you around when his whole face was pink and he was panting, unable to compose himself? That was bold. Especially since what you were telling him seemed to turn him on even further.
You let two fingers run down his chest toward his belly. "You will finish in my mouth, okay? Nowhere else." Just to test him, you pushed down on his dick more, almost letting him inside you, and he crushed his head back, groaning.
"Amy- I'm so close already," he complained. "Just- just..."
You clicked your tongue, withdrawing both your hands and your hips from his body. "I don't like your tone, mister."
But he just looked at you with pitiful eyes. "I won't last if you don't..."
"You want me to suck your dick?" He nodded frantically. "You have to ask nicely."
"Son of a bitch," he sighed, biting his lip. And you could see him twitch all alone underneath you. It made you smirk.
"That's not nicely, baby," you cooed.
Taehyung's forehead started glistening as he got a little sweaty. And he groaned once more. "Amy..."
He panted. "You don't even need to do much, just let me cum," he hummed.
And you chuckled. "Man, you really don't know how to ask politely, do you?" Then you snorted. "Well, what did I expect from someone like you."
You could tell all he really wanted to do was anything you asked of him; he just didn't like the fact that you were doing it on purpose. And if he just let you see exactly how desperate he was for you, then it would be a lot harder to establish himself later when he would need to again. But when one of your hands traveled south and wrapped around the base of his cock, there was truly little holding him back.
"Amy, please!" he squeaked, his voice cracking again. "Please, what do you want me to do? I've been as best as I could to you."
The words made your stomach do a flip, and you smirked, slowly running your fist up and down his length. "Yes, you have," you whispered. You lowered your head to his dick and stuck your tongue out. Taehyung watched you with wide eyes as you lazily brought the tip of your tongue on his head, gathering up all the precum that had leaked out. And he took a sharp breath in through his teeth. "You've been so good."
"I'm gonna cum," Taehyung announced, dropping his head back.
But you held him tighter. "Not yet." And you dropped your mouth entirely onto him.
Taehyung's mouth fell open in a silent cry as he did his best to control himself. This was torture. Sure, he had asked for it, but he had already woken up so close to his orgasm with the kind of dreams he was having, that all it would need to spill his seed out would have been a couple of strokes. It would have probably served him better to just go to the bathroom and deal with it himself. Now, he had this pretty girl with her warm, wet mouth all over him, sucking him off hard, and it felt so good he thought he would explode. And yet he couldn't. He had to wait.
"Amy, please," he choked out when you brought him deep enough to hit the back of your throat. "Ugh, please, let me cum."
You had never enjoyed giving someone a blowjob as much as you did at that moment. Besides the fact that Taehyung's dick was straight-up delicious, the sounds he was making and the way he was begging had your head spinning. It had you rubbing your legs together, bopping your head faster, and sipping him up harder as if you were trying to milk him. And you would have kept on doing that for so much longer, until your jaw was in too much pain, if it weren't for how his cries made you feel sorry for him.
So you popped him off your mouth just enough to say these words: "Coat my mouth with your scum, baby. Let me taste it."
You didn't have to touch him any longer; your words alone drove him over the edge he had been dancing on for a while now, spurting his seed on your offered tongue, his hands holding your head for the first time to keep you still. He gave you a couple of pumps, some of them missing the target and hitting your nose before he groaned and dropped back down. Panting and sighing, pulling his hair away from his face and whipping the sweat that had formed on his forehead. You stayed still, not sure if you wanted to spit or swallow, but since you couldn't immediately think of where you could do the former, you gulped down all that he had gifted you.
From your point of view, Taehyung had never looked hotter than he did at that moment; completely exhausted and dried up, probably without a single thought in his head. And all because of you. If you hadn't just made him finish and his dick go soft, you would have already jumped to sit on him, not even waiting to wear protection. Your core itched with want, too, and since he looked ready to go right back to sleep, you needed to go take that shower you had mentioned right away. And by shower, you know what I mean.
You went to get off the couch. But Taehyung's hand wrapped around your wrist instantly, keeping you back. His head foggy from his orgasm but still super aware of you and your movements. "Where are you going?"
"I'm gonna go take a shower. Like I said." Your voice was a lot lower than before, much of your confidence having left you the moment that scene was over. In contrast, Taehyung seemed to be gaining his old self back little by little, considering the way his eyes were piercing you.
"Not before I'm done with you," he rasped, pulling your arm until you lost your balance and fell over his body. "Come sit on my face."
Your eyes popped open wide. "Wha- no, I'm fine."
While licking his lips, Taehyung snaked his free hand down your sides and cupped your pussy, a finger immediately sliding between your folds as if he was trying to gather up all your juices. "You call that fine?" he asked smugly as he made sure you could hear just how soaked you were. A moan caught in your throat, trying to hide how much you needed him. He smiled sweetly at you. "What, you thought I'd just leave you hanging? Come on, babe, turn around and sit that pretty ass of yours on my face because I don't have the strength to get up right now."
It would have been hard to say no to that when you could both feel the way you gushed out at his words. So you moved around until you were facing his feet and kneeled over his head. One of his arms wrapped around your hips, his other hand still playing with your folds. You hesitated coming down to him, that being a position you weren't used to, but he was pulling at you until his tongue managed to replace his fingers, licking a stripe from your clit to your entrance. You moaned, your legs shaking a bit as he gave you kitten licks to see the way you squirmed over him.
And then you felt a strong smack on your ass.
"Bitch, I said sit on my face, not hover over it!" Taehyung scolded.
"Ah!" you cried, a sound that sounded like pain at first but turned to more like thrill later. Your head whipped back, trying to see the man lying beneath you. "I am sitting," you insisted.
"If I can breathe while you do it, you're not doing it right." And then he gave you another smack on the ass, making you yelp again.
"Ah, stop! You'll suffocate."
"Good." His hands kneaded your buns strongly, waiting for you to move. But you were still uncertain. So he exhaled and raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong, Amy? I thought you hated me, yet you don't even want to choke me with those thighs? I thought you wanted to kill me?"
It was a cheap trick to rile you up. Cheap, but it worked. You let yourself drop down completely, not holding any of your weight back. It felt weird at first, you felt pretty self-conscious, but then Taehyung's arms secured you around him and his tongue slipped inside you, and you didn't have the right mind to worry about anything else. You pushed even further down, trying to get him even deeper. He squeezed and pinched your things, moving your hips as best as he could to get you to grind on his face. And once you felt how nicely your clit rubbed on him, it was hard to do otherwise.
You held onto his hips for leverage to thrust against his tongue, as you could feel the feeling inside your tummy growing rapidly. And you moaned his name like a prayer. He pushed you off him just for a second enough to take a breath before he was pressing his mouth on your sensitive bud. His tongue flat on you to let you move against it in the way it felt best for you. Voice getting higher and higher as you got closer and closer, Taehyung smacking your ass again to make you scream. And with just one more hit, you were gushing all over his face, legs, and hips shaking violently as you fell over on him.
He remained lapping at you, cleaning you up, until you got so sensitive you had to pull yourself away. You got up and suddenly remembered to check on him. "Are you okay?"
He gave you one of those boxy grins, his eyes almost closing completely by how hard he was smiling. "Couldn't be better."
"Your face is all red." He looked like he had nearly died from asphyxiation. But he kept grinning.
"To be completely honest, I did forget for a moment to breathe. But that's not your fault. It was just too good to stop." With that he sat up and swung his legs to the side, in front of you, looking up at you.
You had to laugh. His whole approach to the moment, and even his bright red face with his hair all chaotic framing it, made you feel a lot more at ease. He seemed so happy for what he had just done. Almost like he had enjoyed it more than you.
"I have never met anyone who likes this so much as you," you admitted with another giggle.
Taehyung got up finally, looking around the room to find the discarded clothing items and get dressed. "Well, you have been dating all the wrong guys then," he said matter-of-factly before he found his briefs and jumped into them. He turned to look at you again. "See, this is what happens when you have standards and won't go for someone like me."
"I'm with you right now."
"Yeah, but you still won't date me." His words made you frown momentarily. Because they sounded slightly like a complaint. Or like a wish in disguise. But before you could have the chance to think twice, he cleared his throat and started putting on his pants, the eye-contact over. "Let's go shower and then eat something. This doesn't count as breakfast."
The atmosphere was awkward, only for a little, because then you occupied yourselves enough with dressing up, and going upstairs, and getting in that shower. You didn't shower together, chose the separate bathrooms instead. Which, you thought, was for the best; he might have already seen you naked but that was only while having sex. You didn't know if you were comfortable enough to be in your birthday suit and just... exist like that around him. But you still couldn't stop thinking about him. About what he would look like with all the water hitting his face. How you would like to shampoo his hair just to be able to hold him more intimately like that. Or for him to help you scrub your back and brush your hair. Generally, showering with someone else was another one of those things you didn't do much.
You heard the doorknob turn, and it brought butterflies to your stomach, thinking he had come to find you after all. But no one came in. You peeked your head around the curtain and the door was still closed. The shadows moving on the floor betrayed someone had just walked by, but he was still not entering.
"Taehyung?" you called but got no answer. Had he changed his mind?
You finished that shower alone. When you returned to your room, you found your phone was on your bed. You blinked at it, confused as to how it could be in such plain sight, and yet you still hadn't been able to find it yesterday. You grabbed it to see if you had any more notifications, and found a couple more missed calls from Yoonji. Oh, she would kill you for not responding earlier. Thankfully, you found just enough signal -you still hadn't been able to predict when or how that happened- and you called back. But she didn't answer. And when you called a second time, she still didn't answer. There was no way Yoonji was anywhere away from her phone; she must have just gotten mad at you for not calling earlier and ignoring your calls. But what would you even say? That your phone magically disappeared and reappeared today? And that you were too busy, what with fearing for your life and the sex and all?
"What did you want to talk about?" you sent her a text. Whatever. If she can hold a grudge against you over this petty thing, then it couldn't have been anything too important. Let her reply whenever she wanted to.
Taehyung had already served some breakfast when you got down, but at least this time it wasn't anything too extravagant, had simply opted for some toasted bread with marmalade, a boiled egg, and orange juice. You talked about his work and your studies, almost like making small talk. Like you would if you were meeting for the first time. Which is so odd; the two of you really just do everything the other way around, don't you?
What was making things uncomfortable was the fact that the two of you weren't fighting anymore. You certainly weren't used to that. But at the same time, you weren't exactly okay. Sure, you talked and spent your time together, you cooked and ate your breakfast and lunch, you played games and even cuddled sometimes. But it was all a little tricky. Because you had to be careful not to enjoy yourselves too much and let any emotions slip and show, or be too weird and ruin what you had managed to get. You almost felt guilty for liking being around him. But at the same time, you almost didn't want your days there to end.
You didn't want to go back to your reality, to your routine. Back to where you didn't talk and hated each other. But that would require you to admit it out loud first, and you definitely weren't about to do that.
"Amy?" Taehyung called for you after he had gone upstairs to get something and you had parted ways for a good five minutes. Five minutes and you already wanted to be in the same space again.
"In the kitchen," you shouted to let him know where you were. You were making both of you some afternoon tea since you had liked it last time. And yes, you wanted another excuse to keep him around you.
The photographer came jogging into the room with a grin on. "Look what I found!" he exclaimed, raising his hands to reveal a camera. A very old-looking camera.
"That's not yours?"
He shook his head excitedly. "No! I found it in that room with all those antiques!" With two steps he appeared right next to you, showing the tool around like a little kid that had just gotten a new Lego set. "Loot at this baby! It's a Japanese Arsen from the 1940s! This is insane, I don't think they realize how good this is if they just have it laying around here."
You chuckled. You had never seen Taehyung so enthusiastic. You knew, of course, that he must love photography and the such, but he always seemed more of a show-off about it than having a genuine passion for it. And seeing anyone talk about their passions, even if you don't understand a word about them, is sure to make your heart warm up.
"And get the best part," he went on. "I have a film with me that I think can work with this!"
"You do? You just carry around old film with you like that?"
Taehyung started picking the camera apart, opening up things you didn't quite understand to check whatever he needed to. "I am in the middle of using different models of analog cameras for a festival of 100 years of photography that we got going on in two months. So, yeah, I have a variety of films with me right now." He finally set the machine on the counter and looked back at you. "I don't have the exact film this would normally take, which would be a Vest Pocket film that's black and white, right? But I do have a Rera Chrome 100, and they're both 127 format films, so it should work." You were just staring at him with a confused smile. "This is the only 127 film with color, too."
You felt like a grandma listening to her grandchildren talk about technology you didn't understand. But you were happy for him. "That's all very amazing!" you finally said. "Are you gonna take pictures?"
"Yeah, I was thinking we could try to. The camera seems good to me, I think it should be working," he mumbled more to himself, taking another look at it. "You wanna go catch fairies with this thing?"
His words caught you a bit off guard. "What? Fairies?"
"Well, you know, the rain finally stopped and they always come out afterward, like snails." You were pretty sure he was messing with you. But he did take your hand to pull you out of the kitchen. "All we need is a pretty bait, which is where you come in. You will sit between the flowers in the garden, I will take your pictures with this, and then when we develop them we can see if we managed to recreate that famous picture with the little girl hanging out with the fairies."
You chuckled. He was definitely messing with you about the fairies, but he still seemed pretty serious about the photoshoot.
"I thought fairies were bad," you responded right as he threw a coat over your shoulders to push you out of the front door.
"Depends on who you ask," he told you with a wink.
Everything outside was still damp, even the atmosphere somehow. There was the distinct smell of the rain and the fresh air probing your senses, and for the first time since you got there, the environment felt nice. Like anything bad had been washed away. The plants glowed a bit brighter, the trees swinging around more rhythmically. You almost felt like an intruder when Taehyung guided you through the garden. But he was great at making you feel more relaxed and confident to pose for him; helping people like that was part of his job, after all.
He shaped and forged you in all those different positions, steering your body, or your face and your eyes in the direction he needed, before snapping the few pictures the film provided. Always kissing you in between. Every time his lips hit yours, you almost got too distracted to remember what you were up to. But the cold breeze brought you back each time without fail. It was sad that you couldn't see the pictures right away; Taehyung swore they were gorgeous yet you were doubtful. You would have to wait to go back in town to prove him wrong, though. And that was only if you even talked again after that.
The afternoon carried on calmly. This time you didn't occupy yourselves with work or studying at all. The days that you had left there were getting fewer and fewer, and it was no secret that you wanted to enjoy each other's company; even if you would never admit it. So you just had that tea you had forgotten, played some more games, talked about this and that. It turns out you had a lot more in common than you would have guessed. And the conversation was easy as long as you didn't fight.
"Any ideas for dinner?" he asked you once it had started to get somewhat late.
You nodded immediately. You had already thought about this beforehand. "Yeah, pizza!"
You nodded again. "Yeah. You know, I used to date an Italian-American guy and he taught me the easiest way to make good pizza," you explained while you started walking towards the kitchen. "It's so easy even I can do it."
"Oh," Taehyung mumbled before following behind your step. "Used to date? Like, how long ago are we talking about?"
You chuckled at his clearly annoyed reaction, then peeped at him over your shoulder with a smirk. "Why do you care?"
He was quick to shrug. "I don't care," he insisted as he started engaging himself with anything he could find on the counter that had no real use. "It's just a little suspicious that you would just casually bring up your ex like that."
You were torn between laughing at him and rolling your eyes at his behavior. "Yeah, I brought him up because of the pizza. If I had just said I'll make us pizza I'm pretty sure you would have complained that I don't have the skills for that, so I offered an explanation."
Taehyung snorted. "It was unnecessary."
"Are you jealous?"
"No, why would I be jealous?" He was avoiding your eyes while you decided not to stall any longer and start getting the flour and the rest of the ingredients ready. "I'm just saying-" he kept talking behind you, "-people usually talk about their exes when they still have feelings for them. And if this is a recent relationship I don't want to get caught in between. I don't want any Italian-American dudes showing up, wanting smoke."
You couldn't help but chuckle, your tongue pressing on your cheek, and you finally humored him by glancing at him. "Tae, that's not going to happen. Don't worry, I'm not like you when it comes to relationships."
He didn't say anything else, simply helped you with anything you needed for dinner. He helped you with rolling out the dough, and cooking the sauce, and shredding the cheese. You were always thankful for the moments you were cooking or eating, because no matter what was going on with the two of you, these were moments of reconcilement every time.
You made two big pizzas and a smaller one. The crust was a bit thin, but you argued that it was the way Italians make it. In one of them, you played safe and simply used sauce and mozzarella cheese. On the next one, Taehyung got to decide the toppings, and he went with pretty much anything he could find that would work on a pizza. And on the smallest one, you had minimal sauce left and no cheese, so you just improvised with some spiciness and pepperonis. You really didn't know if you would be able to eat them, but Taehyung never complained.
The photographer fixed up the fireplace a bit so that you could go eat next to it again. And you're not sure if the food was actually pretty good or if you were just very hungry and in a good mood that couldn't be ruined easily, but you both ate everything fast until there wasn't even a crumb left. And you felt so proud of yourself. Treating Taehyung made you almost blush before you reminded yourself that he wasn't it; that he wasn't your boyfriend and all of this would be over the moment you left this house. That you shouldn't be feeling this way. Just because you liked the sex didn't mean you had to start liking the man, too.
"Wanna play beavers?" you asked him once you had finished and you didn't really have anything else to do. I mean, you did, but you couldn’t just ask that yet.
But Taehyung was busy with his phone, not even glancing at you. "Give me a second."
He had been on his phone for the past half an hour or so, on and off, and you had never seen him so glued to it before. It made you frown in curiosity. "Are you talking to someone?" you asked.
Taehyung nodded. "Yes, Jimin." His face was way too serious to be texting his best friend, and it made you worry a bit.
"Jimin?" you murmured, leaning closer like trying to peep at his screen, although that's not what you did. Was something wrong? Did Jimin know about you? Had something bad happened with Yoonji; is that why she wanted to talk to you? "What are you guys talking about?" you finally asked. Taehyung's jaw moved around as if he was chewing an invisible gum, and you weren’t sure what to do because you had never seen him like that. You leaned back away, feeling a little off. "Tae?"
"You," he said then.
It took you a second to realize what he was answering. "What?"
The photographer dropped his phone next to him, looking at you in the eyes at last. His scrutiny making you cower a little. "We're talking about you."
You gulped. "You told him what happened between us?"
He shook his head. "No. I didn't say anything." But it was clear that from his stance and his words, he was still not making any sense, so he carried on. "He is the one talking about you."
Somehow, that statement was worse than the one you had expected. You didn't know what Jimin could possibly be telling him, but it was certainly not anything good, given Taehyung's serious face. And suddenly your blood went cold, trying to think of anything wrong that you might have done. And you were so scared, and you didn't even know why. Were you scared of disappointing him? Of ruining the little that you had with him? Why did the idea of Taehyung being mad at you, make you feel so bad?
"Wha- what is he saying?"
He clicked his tongue. "Can I ask you something…?” he mumbled, straightening his back and rubbing his chin. “You keep saying your not like me when it comes to relationships. And you’re still mad about what I did three years ago. But what did you do then?”
You gulped. You had no idea what he was referring to, but somehow you already felt guilty. “What do you mean? What did I do?”
Taehyung leaned in closer to you. “I mean, you obviously hated me. How did you handle that? Very… maturely, like you constantly try to pretend to do?”
You huffed. “Just get to the point, dude. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
The corner of his lips twitched, almost like he was about to smile, even though it was clear his mood was anything but cheerful, while his eyes bored into yours dangerously. And he took his time replying, either waiting for you to admit whatever it was he wanted to hear first, or simply to keep you sweating. And then he finally sighed. “You made up a rumor about me, didn’t you?”
It wasn’t what you suspected he would say, and for a split second, you frowned, confused by his words. “What? What rumor- what are you saying? I’ve never done such a thing.” You didn’t get all the way defensive like you normally would because even though you couldn’t understand what was going on straight away, you still felt that guilt in your stomach.
The photographer chuckled in the darkest way you had ever heard. “Oh, so you’re telling me you didn’t spread around that I had the smallest dick ever?”
You choked. “Wha- no, I- I didn’t…”
“Oh, please. Yoonji said so herself.”
You couldn’t lie; you knew exactly what he was referring to. Had you said those exact words before? Yes. Had the rumors spread around so much that everyone on campus knew about them and they eventually reached back to you? Also yes. But had you intended for that to happen? Absolutely not. You had simply told a friend of yours and then Taehyung’s reputation did the rest; he was in the spotlight, everyone was talking and wanting to know more about him.
“I wasn’t trying to spread any rumors,” you tried to excuse yourself. But the boy was already shaking his head at you, not exactly seeming to want to listen to you. “It wasn’t my fault. I just told one girl and then she-”
“But you didn’t even know!” he interrupted you with a bitter laugh. “You never saw me, you just straight-up lied. Why would you tell anyone something like that?” He didn’t sound hurt, nor angry. He mostly sounded disappointed and that was so much worse.
You definitely didn’t like fighting with Taehyung when you were clearly the one at fault. “To be fair-” you kept talking even when he wasn’t paying any attention to you, “-when I said you had a small dick, I meant metaphorically. As in you had small dick energy. 'Cause you were a cheating little shit.”
He scoffed. “You know I don’t actually care about that.” Saying that, he got up and you were immediately on your feet as well. “I never cared about those rumors, we both know how fake they are.” He paused and leaned closer to your face. “What I care about is that you started them,” he whispered, and it was so much worse than if he had chosen to yell instead. “That you keep pretending you’re oh-so-perfect and I’m the asshole who deserves nothing but hate. When all this time you were just as guilty.”
Your entire face burned, your fists so tight you could feel your nails digging in your palms. All because he was right and you hated being put in that situation. “I said- I didn’t actually mean to-”
“Tell me, if my dick’s so small, why can’t you get enough of it?”
Your jaw dropped dramatically. “I-”
“And you can’t stop screaming my name when I fuck you?”
You were pretty sure he was just trying to rile you up, and you shouldn’t just let him succeed that easily. But, god damnit, he was good at everything he was doing. Whether that was getting on your nerves or turning you on. “Gosh, I hate you!”
He laughed at you. “If you hate me so much, why can’t you keep your hands to yourself?”
He had gotten so close to you, starring down at you with a smirk, and at that point, you weren’t even sure what his mood was. Was he angry, trying to make you so, too? Or was he trying to get something else out of you? You pushed him back, the proximity choking you. “I’m the one who can’t keep my hands to herself?” you mocked. “Might I remind you who was begging me to touch him this morning?”
Taehyung licked his lips as he looked away. “Might I remind you who was thanking me for making her cum so hard last night?”
You snarled, stomping your foot on the floor. “And might I remind you who tried to get in the shower with me ‘cause he still hadn’t had enough?”
His smile faltered. And then he slightly frowned. “Not me.”
“Yes, you!”
But Taehyung shook his head, keeping up the amused look on his face. “I only joked about it, I didn’t actually do it,” he mumbled with his frown still on, confused as to why you were bringing it up. “It doesn’t count.”
Yet you pressed on. “Oh, come on, you didn’t just joke about it, you did it!”
“Did not.”
“Did too!” you insisted. “I heard you when you tried to get in the bathroom while I was showering, Taehyung. You can’t lie to me.”
Taehyung lost his smile completely. And he looked at you seriously, his frown deepening. “You heard what?”
“The doorknob,” you announced, with a smug look.
But the photographer’s expression didn’t change. “Amy, that wasn’t me. I didn’t go anywhere near the west wing today.”
The arrogance left you within a second, your face turning pale and your eyes wide, as they stared into his very similar ones. “Stop,” you murmured.
“Stop playing!” you whined suddenly in a high-pitched voice.
But Taehyung raised his hands defensively. “I’m not! Amy, I swear, I’m not joking. I don’t know-”
Before he had time to finish his sentence, you threw your body on his, gripping his shirt tightly in your fists, holding onto him like your life depended on it. Perhaps it did. "Tae!” you cried. “Someone tried to get in the bathroom while I was showering! Taehyung, there was someone-”
“Are you sure?” he simply asked you, his eyes searching yours with worry. You knew he wasn’t lying by the way he was genuinely concerned, too. By the way his arms wrapped around you like he was trying to protect you.
You nodded frantically. “Yes! Tae, I’m telling you, someone turned the doorknob to get in, but then didn’t.”
“Maybe you got confused and thought that’s what happened, but…” Taehyung tried to say. He wasn’t saying that to invalidate your words or doubt you. He, too, was trying to think of a logical explanation as you were freaking out in his embrace.
“No, I’m 100% sure. I heard it, I saw it! Someone was outside the door, Taehyung, and they tried to get in!” Before you knew it, you had tears threatening to fall down your cheeks. “I thought it was you, I called your name. But no one responded.”
His fingers brushed your hair behind your ears as he talked in the most soothing voice he could muster. “Alright, alright. I believe you, Ames.”
“There was somebody, or- or something in here!” you continued wailing.
“Maybe it was a cleaning lady-”
“What cleaning lady, Tae?” you shrieked. “Have you seen any ladies in here?”
But he held your face firmer, forcing you to look into his eyes. “It must have been. Maybe she wanted to get in the bathroom, realized you were inside, and left.”
You sniffed at him, looking over your shoulder to check the room as if you would find anything out of place. “That’s just wishful thinking and you know it.” Then you buried your face right into his chest, your grip tightening. “This place is haunted! This place is haunted and we’re gonna die!”
He let you go just so that he could grab your wrists and pull your hands away from your face so that he could look at you. “Amy, no,” he rasped. “No one’s gonna die.”
“I want to leave,” you whined again, your tears blocking your view and unable to meet Taehyung’s concerned eyes. But you could still feel his thumb caressing your cheek, whipping those tears away. And it still calmed you down as much as possible.
“Hey, okay,” Taehyung mumbled before he started walking towards the door while pulling you with him. “Okay, okay…” he kept repeating under his breath as he led you through the corridor and toward the main hall. You were confused as to what he was doing until he reached for that old phone sitting on a small coffee table.
“What are you doing?” you asked. “Are you calling the owners?” Your sniffs and sobs died down, seeing more clearly now as you watched Taehyung roll in the number that was written on a card next to the phone without looking at you.
“Yes, we need to get to the bottom of this,” he stated as he raised the phone to his ear.
“Tae, why are you calling the people at this hour? You will disturb them,” you almost whispered.
But he shook his head sternly. “No, it’s more important that you feel safe. Plus, they did say we could call any time.” Before you could say another thing, Taehyung started speaking on the phone. “Good evening, I’m sorry if I’m disturbing you. Yeah, no, everything’s alright. I was just calling to ask you about the housekeepers. Yeah. Do you know if they came in this morning?”
The conversation was making you a little uncomfortable; you were never the kind to confront people at work. But just the act on behalf of Taehyung was already making you feel better. “What’re they saying?” you mouthed, and he glanced at you, his hold on your hand getting a bit stronger as though to console you.
“No, nothing’s lost. We just had a situation; we didn’t see anyone here and I wanted to know around what time they’re here.” He was nodding along to whatever the woman on the other end of the line was telling him. And while he listened, his thumb started drawing circles over your hand absentmindedly. “Yes, I think one of them tried to get in the bathroom while my friend was there- No, no, nothing like that. She was just curious to know if it was one of them. Yes. Yes, I understand.” Taehyung gave you another look, noticing how your teeth were digging into your lip, and smiled at you. “Could you? Thank you, that would be great. Yes, thank you. Have a nice evening.”
And with that, he hung up. And he turned completely toward you and smiled brighter. But he wasn’t saying anything; just looked at you like he was admiring your beauty like he forgot you were still anxiously waiting for the results of the conversation. “So?” you asked.
Taehyung leaned in and gave you a peck on the lips, holding your face with both hands. “They were here this morning and the lady said one of them probably tried to get in the bathroom to get some cleaning supplies. She said she will ask and tomorrow morning they will talk to us, okay?”
You chewed on your lip as you watched his face so close to yours. This all sounded so ridiculous suddenly; they had seriously called in for something like that? But Taehyung didn’t once make you feel like you were overreacting. He didn’t see it like that. He thought you had every right to be scared, you had every right to feel panic. And he would do anything to calm you down, to make you feel protected, as well as actually protect you if he had to. His whole stance and presence made you feel at ease.
You wrapped your arms around him and hugged him tightly. “Yes. Thank you,” you murmured against his neck.
You heard him take in a deep breath like he was trying to take in all of your aroma as if it would be his last chance. And then he sighed as he exhaled. “Don’t go anywhere, Amy. It’s more dangerous for you to leave right now.” It was a long way home on a muddy road with no lights or anything close-by for help. Late at night, with rain threatening to pick up soon and a terrible signal. Of course he didn’t want to let you go of his arms.
You shook your head a bit, still buried in the crook on his neck. “I know. I won’t leave.” You had managed to calm down a surprisingly good deal. Even though you had nothing more of an answer as to what was happening in that Manor than you did earlier when you were just guessing, it felt good enough. Taehyung was there, ready to help you in any way he could, and it was enough.
“We should just forget about this and go to sleep,” he whispered before pulling away to look at you. “Then we can see what happens in the morning, okay?” You almost started to get nervous again, your fingers gripping his shirt immediately. Without having to say anything, the photographer noticed the change in your eyes. “Don’t worry, nothing is going to happen. Nothing is going to hurt you, I will be right here to keep you safe all night. Okay?”
You pouted. “You won’t leave me alone?”
He immediately shook his head. “No, not at all, baby. I won’t leave you from my sight for a second.”
He led you to his room on the east wing, a bigger and darker room than your own. Yet somehow it felt safer, too. Perhaps because Taehyung’s energy was all over the place. A pretty and slightly scary at first room, but once inside, it’s inviting and better than the rest. That was definitely Taehyung’s energy.
He had you seated on the king-sized bed with the raven covers while he locked the door, then pushed a dresser in front of it as well, for good measure. He drew the curtains in front of the balcony door and lit up a couple of lamps around the room to make sure you would have light even after switching off the main one. And after having affirmed time and time again that you felt as safe as possible in there with him, he came to meet you in the bed. To give you another peck on the lips and hold your face a few seconds more. Looking at you like it would be the last time he would be able to.
“Let me give you something more comfortable to wear,” he offered when he noticed your jeans and how neither of you had thought about making a stop to your room before coming here.
You pointed at the shirt he was wearing. “Can I have this?” You didn’t want just anything, you wanted something that had his scent still all over it. To make you feel like you were being hugged by the boy himself.
Taehyung nodded. There was no way he would say no to you, and it wasn’t even because of the panic attack you had had earlier. In actuality, he had more or else been treating you like that from the beginning of your days here. Like deep down it was the only way he wanted to act around you; even if he liked to tease or rile you up every now and then. He probably only did that just to play into your idea of him and not scare you away with his affection.
Taehyung took off both his shirt and pants, getting in bed just with his briefs on. “I hope you don’t mind,” he said, licking his lips. You didn’t mind, but it did make you a bit flustered. Ridding yourself from your clothing too, you put on his shirt and joined him.
He immediately turned you into the little spoon, snaking his limbs around your body and caging you against his. He nuzzled his nose in your neck, giving you a couple of kisses right under your ear, but other than that there was nothing sexual about his advance. He simply held you close to keep you safe like he had promised. Cuddling into you like it was something so natural, like you had been doing it for years. And his breath on your skin felt like company, his heartbeat on your back like a lullaby, his warmth and entire presence like a shield.
It almost ached you how good you felt at that moment. Good because you loved being with Taehyung, and ached because you wouldn’t be with him for much longer.
You cleared your throat, the sound filling the quiet room entirely. “I’m sorry I spread rumors about your penis,” you whispered, hanging your head low.
A low rumble of a laugh was heard muffled from behind you. “It’s alright,” Taehyung reassured you, holding you tighter. “Even with rumors like that, every girl still wanted to fuck me. And then they could be met with a pleasant surprise, right?”
You rolled your eyes as you could tell he just wanted to make you say it. “Right…” you admitted, without going into further detail about how big he actually was. “But still, I shouldn’t have talked bad about you just because I was mad.”
He continued chuckling, clearly finding your apology amusing. Maybe because he didn’t actually see the need for one, had already moved past the subject. “It’s really fine. Plus, they only lasted a couple of months before I completely disproved them.”
You rolled your eyes again. “By fucking the entire campus.”
“You have to do what you have to do.”
You knew it was a joke but it still served as a pretty good reminder of the fuckboy he really was. Of how different the two of you really were, on a fundamental level, even if staying in that house together had overshadowed that a bit.
“You haven’t been in an actual relationship since I’ve met you, have you?” you asked, not sure why.
Taehyung ran his nose up and down the slope of your neck for a couple of seconds like a predator circling his prey. “No,” he admitted then. “Relationships aren’t really my thing.”
“Not surprising.”
“What about you?” His hands were stroking your body, not in an erotic way, simply just feeling you up while he still could.
“I only do relationships,” you replied. “One-night-stands aren’t really my thing.”
See? Fundamentally different. Even if you didn’t have everything that was already holding you back, you would still probably never work. And no, the one week on vacation here doesn’t count. Because when you are trapped away in a Victorian Manor, with no other communications, in a world so contrasting to your actual routine, with a promise that when it’s all over, it really is… all over. Then you are bound to act some type of way. You are bound to seak the other’s company, you are bound to forget about the rules, you are bound to give yourself in for a romance with an expiration date. Right?
“I’m glad you made an exception for me, then,” Taehyung whispered in your ear. And you couldn’t help but turn to look at him.
Exception. Because this wasn’t a relationship; this wasn’t going to last. Whether it would end tomorrow or the day after that barely even mattered. What mattered was that the photographer and you were a one-time thing. A one-in-a-million thing. A thing that would never, ever repeat itself. And if you liked kissing him and wanted to do it for a bit longer, you had to keep it to yourself. And if you didn’t even want this night to dawn so that you never had to leave, you couldn’t admit it aloud. And if you wished you were his exception instead, you had to just accept you weren’t.
You closed the tiny gap between you and kissed him; softly. Because this might be your last chance to do so. And he let his lips be guided in your rhythm, dipped a hand through your hair to pull you as close as you wanted to be. You couldn’t entirely see the point of indulging in an act that made your stomach rouse like never before, when you knew how it would end. Why would you let yourself get used to something so sweet, when you know you’ll only ever be chasing that high from then on? Then again, you couldn’t stop. You kept kissing him, deeper and firmer, because why wouldn’t you indulge in this while you could?
Even as your kiss became more passionate, your bodies squirming and pressing against one another more desperately, this continued to be the softest you had ever been with him. Almost like there was something more than lust at play there. And even though you could feel his dick hardening on your hip, and your panties soaking up in your wetness, even though you both clearly wanted more, neither made that move. Your lips and tongues were enough; you wanted to take your time to memorize exactly how that alone felt.
And when you had plenty of that, you straddled him gently to press down on his erection with your wet core.
“Ah, Amy,” he moaned, his mouth dropping open. “Fuck me.” It was a kind request, the man’s brain having rotten from desire and you appearing like his sole savior in the moment. His hands traveled down your body, to hold your thighs as you ground on him, sneak under his shirt and pull it over your head. Then they reached your breasts, massaging them like a kid messing with playdough. “Baby, use me.”
You growled as you pressed down on him harder, throwing your head back. Your fingers ran through his hair and you pulled it, making him whine. You loved those eager sounds he made so much. You couldn’t imagine never hearing them again.
You didn’t want to waste any more time. “Do you have a condom?”
He sighed, biting his lip with a pained expression like he just remembered, too. “I- I don’t. Only had one in my wallet, didn’t exactly think I’d get some here.”
It was clear he felt bad, thinking that meant you would stop. And he was ready to accept it. But you were too far gone for that. You couldn’t give two fucks if you had protection or not; there was nothing stopping you from feeling him where you wanted him tonight.
“It’s okay,” you said, surprising him a bit. And right away, you pulled his briefs down to free his cock that stood hard against his lower abdomen. “Just tell me before you cum.” And, with a swift movement, you pushed your panties to the side and lined him up with your entrance.
Taehyung, still somewhat processing what you were doing, widened his eyes and growled when his naked head brushed on your wet pussy. He quite literally howled as you started slowly sinking on him, spasming from how good you felt around him. And you were close to doing the same. You weren’t sure if it was the rawness of it, the intimacy of your treatment earlier, or the adrenaline from even before that, but Taehyung inside you felt so good you almost orgasmed before even bottoming out, your eyes rolling to the back of your head and your lips digging in your bottom lip.
“Gosh, princess, I love— this so much,” Taehyung moaned once he could feel all of you, his dick curved inside and pressing straight on your cervix. “Fuck yourself on my cock.”
As by his order, you started rocking up and down. Arching your back to move back and forth smoothly, and in circles, and in any way that made your man make those delicious sounds. His hands held you like you were something to worship, a goddess, as he helped you in your movements. Until you were dripping sweat and your knees hurt so much you fell forward to crush your body on his. That’s when he hugged you and started thrusting up inside you, all while kissing your forehead sweetly. You ground on him, trying to get your clit to rub against his pubic bone in order to build up your climax.
“Good girl,” Taehyung purred in your ear. Because he knew you were close, and he knew how much his words and his voice affected you. He wanted to push you over the edge with just that. “You make me feel so good, baby.” You whined in response. “You and your perfect, little cunt. Feels so good wrapped around me like that.” And you whined again, picking up the pace of grinding against him, chasing your high. “I want to feel you cumming on me, princess. Want your cum all over my bare dick.”
In his attempt to make you orgasm, his thrust became deeper and harder, and they were immediately attacking your g-spot. You cried out loud, the sensation of it along with the constant stimulation of your clit being a little too much. Your pending climax suddenly felt like so much you tried to hold back. “Tae-” you whined, trying to push back.
But his arms held you down on him more firmly. “No, no, don’t fight it. Give me everything you got.” And he continued to hit that spot inside you, pressing two fingers on your clit as well. And you had an orgasm building upon orgasm, and it was getting uncontrollably big. “Give it to me.” Your mouth fell open in a cry as you reached beyond the point of going back, yet still tried to hold it in. But Taehyung kept thrusting, kept begging. “Please, baby, please cum on me.”
How could you refuse that? You spilled on him before you could understand what was happening, screaming his name at the top of your lungs as more and more spurt sprayed out of you and onto his stomach, like it was never-ending. The high you were ridding was never-ending. A high you had never experienced before, a high you didn’t want to get off, a high sure to make you fall in love.
“That was so hot-” It was the first thing you heard after who knows how long. After you managed to recollect your mind and see in front of you again. And then you realized Taehyung was no longer inside of you; he had pulled you off him and released his own cum against your ass while you were blacked out.
When you looked down, it was a mess. You quickly got off him. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry!” you said.
“Princess, what are you apologizing for?” Taehyung grabbed your arm to pull you back close to him. He kissed your lips softly. “You looked like you had such fun, never apologize for that.
You bit your lip as your eyes were still glued on his glistening belly. “I… I think I… Did I just squirt?”
Taehyung smiled at your innocent and shocked expression. “You did. And I liked it so much.”
“Oh. Wow.”
“Was that your first time?” he asked when he saw you were still processing everything. And when you nodded shyly, he pulled you in for another soft kiss. “First of many to come,” he said.
Almost like he was promising he would be there to make sure that was the case.
The bed was big enough for you to lazily clean yourselves and roll to a drier side to sleep. Taehyung wrapped his arms and legs around you again, the same way he had done before, nuzzling into you like you were a teddy bear. And you closed your eyes and allowed yourself to melt and mold against his body in a way that it would be the perfect fit.
The fear of the haunted Manor forgotten. The only thing on your minds being each other.  
Next Chapter
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freesiart · 4 years
One of us
Loki’s life in Avengers tower is not that unperturbed as it might seem at the beginning.
English isn’t my first language, I apologize if there were any mistakes!
Gif is not mine
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He didn’t know what was wrong with him. It must have been those weird midgardian vibes that left him panting at the mere sight of you.
You were average, really. Loki had seen many beautiful women, goddesses even, and still there was something weirdly attractive about you. He didn’t know what exactly it was. Or why did he memorize your every movement, every tilt of your head, every curve of your body.
Also he didn’t know why his heart ached so much when you wouldn’t even spare him a glance. He was a god, after all.
Loki didn’t like his room. It was large and empty, with huge blue windows and no furniture except for a bed and a wardrobe. He didn’t ask for anything else, really, but still his room seemed cold and blank. He preferred a common room: it was warm, cozy, it smelled like coffee. Then again, you spent here most of your time.
You were never an early bird, but your job required you to get up first. Well, if working meant drinking coffee till noon.
When at dawn you walked into the common room yawning, Loki sat up straighter on the couch and clasped his hands awkwardly in his lap. In a very divine way.
“Morning, Loki,” you greeted, yawning and shoving a mug into a coffee machine. You almost missed it.
“Good morning, Y/N,” Loki replied, trying to keep his voice at ease.
“Would you like some coffee?” you asked, pressing a button on a machine. “Black like your soul?” you suggested mockingly.
Loki swallowed. He did not expect your participation; truth to be told, he didn’t expect you to be friendly with him at all.
He forced out a smile.
“Actually, I like it with milk,” he corrected. You grinned and pulled a bag out of a fridge.
"Is Mr. Stark awake yet?" you asked. Catching his questioning glance, you explained, “Vision told me that you spent a whole night here. And the night before.”
Loki frowned.
“I haven't seen Stark,” he replied rudely. “I'm not his keeper.”
You said nothing and pushed a mug of coffee towards him. A bit harshly.
Loki's heart skipped a bit.
He always felt a strange tension when he was with you, as if he was afraid to ruin everything with an accidental phrase or gesture.
That’s what he did right now, apparently.
“I ... I apologize,” he quickly said. “That was undeservedly rude.”
You silently poured yourself some coffee and sat down next to him. You were separated only by a bar counter.
You twirled a mug in your fingers. It was your favorite, handmade, with blue flowers on the sides. You raised a mug to your lips, and Loki looked away. His heart was beating wildly.
“I told Mr. Stark that your room is too empty a long time ago,” you finally said, and typed something on the touchpad on your wrist. “I'll order furniture. Any requests?”
Loki bit his tongue so as not to blur out anything obscene.
“No need. I prefer it here... if I’m not a bother,” he quickly added.
“Not at all, but...” You fell silent, choosing your words. Loki noticed that when you was thinking, your nostrils fluttered slightly. It was very cute. “I think everyone needs personal space. Sometimes, at least.”
Loki took a sip of coffee - great coffee. He didn't understand why you were so kind to him. You were the only one who was, besides Thor.
“In that case, furnish to your liking,” he said, grinning.
You smiled back at him, in such a clean and light way that his chest tightened. Odin, he didn't even deserve to be near you.
“Okay! I’ll do my best.” You looked at the touchpad again and frowned, emptying the mug in one gulp. “Damn it! I'm late for the aircraft detour.”
You grabbed a jacket from the chair and jumped up. Loki stood up, too.
“Can I go with you?” he asked, trying not to show his nervousness. You raised your eyebrows in surprise as you buttoned your jacket, and he added: “It's just I’m bored. I thought I'd keep you company.”
“Of course, let's go.” You touched him on the shoulder, and he shuddered, as if from an electric shock. Quickly recovering himself, he caught up with you, still feeling the pleasant electric warmth in his hand.
The walk took twice as long as usual.
Loki could talk to you forever. You were smart, funny, interesting, and you didn't make him feel guilty or left out. He felt like you did not hold a grudge against him at all.
This conversation was the best thing that has happened to Loki in many years.
Laughing and bantering playfully, you finally returned to the common room. Which was full of people.
Avengers assemble, Loki thought sourly.
He stopped at the entrance and leaned against the doorframe. You went to the counter, pushed Natasha out and started pouring fresh coffee for everyone.
There was an awkward silence. You pretended to be passionate about a coffee machine, Loki did the same about his nails.
When you put a mug in front of Tony with a smile, he coughed.
“Y/N,” he began. “You... why were you with him?”
Either you were really surprised, or you portrayed it so skillfully that even Loki did not guess.
“What are you talking about?” you asked as you handed mugs to Steve and Nat. “We were on a detour. As you asked. No big deal.”
“Yes, you are great, I adore you, and the coffee is great as always. But he...” Tony jabbed a finger at Loki. He rolled his eyes. “Why was he with you?”
You shrugged and leaned your back against the counter, drying your hands with a towel. Nat and Steve looked at you with sympathy.
“I have no idea why I haven't kicked him out yet,” Stark muttered and sipped his coffee. “Do not ever come near her again, do you understand?”
Pure, unmuffled hatred spilled into Loki's chest. What right does he have to prohibit communicating with you? The only thing that has kept him in the Avengers tower so far?
But before he could open his mouth, you retorted:
“You are my boss, not my father. I'll hang out with whoever I want, Mr. Stark.”
“Tony, really, this is not...” - Natasha began, but Stark interrupted her:
“As long as you work here, you will do as I tell you, Y/N. And I forbid you to communicate with that... with him. Maybe you were just a child in 2012, but I remember very well what he is capable of.”
“Is that so?” you asked coldly and met Stark's gaze without blinking. “Then I quit.”
“What?” all those present exclaimed in chorus. Loki felt something rip inside of him. To the anger was added a sharp, tormenting longing.
"Kid, I ..." Tony rubbed his face and closed his eyes for a moment. “Sorry. I shouldn't have put my authority on you. You are pretty capable of making decisions, and I trust them.” He looked up at Loki. There was a clear threat in his gaze. “It’s him I don’t trust.”
Your face softened, and you covered Tony's hand with yours. Steve breathed out a sigh of relief.
“Don't worry,” you said calmly and smiled at Stark, then looked at Loki, and the smile widened. “I know what I'm doing.”
Well, that's good, Loki thought. That makes one of us.
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toomanyfandoms02 · 4 years
Evidence // Spencer Reid x Reader
HEY guess who's back. I'm SO SO SO sorry for the delay. I've been having the most SERIOUS case of writers block and I'm finally pulling myself out of it YAYYYY. So here ya go.
Not a request, but I couldn't resist this prompt!
Summary - Spencer and Reader get locked in the evidence room.
Prompt - “What on earth happened in here?"
Word count - 2.9k
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Spencer and I often stayed after together to finish up work. We didn't like to have to wake up so early to make touch ups. So here we were, sitting on the floor in the back of the evidence room. We were sat behind tall filing cabinets, a dim lamp lit beside us.
We were working a case in Arizona involving 3 girls. It was running relatively smooth, the problem was that the police station that we were placed at was in the middle of nowhere. And that was proven by the signal warning on my phone.
*unable to send message.*
Good thing it wasn't anything important.
There were multiple pages sprawled out in front of us, we looked between them all.
"I don't think we will have to stay too long after today." I commented. "It looks like we are working pretty fast this time around."
"I guess we're getting the hang of this " Spencer laughed, writing something down.
I craned my neck around the cabinets, wondering if someone was coming in the door. Seeing no one, I turned back to him, shrugging my shoulders.
We continued for another hour (and 28 minutes by Spencer's count). I stacked the papers together, shutting them in a folder and tucking it under my arm. I stood from my previous position, stretching my back.
"That's enough sitting on a concrete floor for me." I complained, hunching over and dragging myself to the door. This earned a laugh from Spencer. I reached for the knob, eager to get to the hotel and sleep.
But the knob only jiggled.
And jiggled.
And didn't budge.
"Uh. I think, I think the door is locked." I whispered, turning to Spencer slowly.
"No way." He stated, lightly pushing me out of the way. I listened as he jiggled it, desperately trying to turn the door knob. His head was placed against the glass, hands framing his eyes while he looked out the small doors window. "The lights are all off out there. I think they are on night patrol."
"Well this is thrilling." I laughed, slumping onto the floor. I pulled my phone from my pocket, holding it in the air and attempting to call Emily. The call started, my excitement being crushed by a warning on my phone.
*Your call cannot go through at the moment, we are unable to find a signal.*
Well fine then.
"Do you know how to pick a lock?" He asked.
"If there was anyone that knows how to pick a lock, I thought it would be you."
"Why?" His posture looked stiff and offended.
"You know everything." I deadpanned offering a dumb look. He rolled his eyes at this and sat down across from me. "Do you think we'll die in here?" I asked nonchalantly. Spencer squinted his eyes at me.
"Well statistically, no." And that's all he said.
"Is that all you got?"
"I'm too tired to ramble." He groaned. His head was leaned back on a cabinet. "But I will say that on average night patrols and at around 3:30 to 4 am. So we have quite a few hours to kill." The clock on the wall read 11:17. Yeah, we had some time to kill.
"Alright, we aren't just gonna sit here. We are gonna play games, I can't stand to sit in silence." Spencer sat up slightly, flashing me a confused look.
"Like what?"
"We are going to start with would you rather. I'll start." My head started sorting through all of the would you rather questions I had been asked that I loved and found the perfect one for this genius.
"Would you rather lose the ability to read or the ability to speak." I watched as he opened his mouth to answer then closed it, thinking again. I thought this would be a pretty obvious answer for him.
"I think I would lose the ability to speak. I could do nearly everything the same. I would just have to write my findings down." He sat in thought for a moment. "Would you rather have unlimited international first class tickets or never have to pay for food at restaurants?" I was thoroughly surprised by the question.
"That's a good one! I definitely want to travel, but I do eat a lot... First class tickets. I want to see ancient ruins, can't walk to them." I laughed. We played this game for around 10 more minutes before getting extremely bored of it.
"Alright enough of this." I groaned, coming up with a new idea. "We are gonna play two truths and a lie. Pretty straight forward, I'll start and you try to guess which one is a lie." Spencer nodded and waited. "I broke my leg while falling from a tree when I was 9, I've had a crush on someone on the team, and I once ate nerds candy for a whole week when I was 7 and had to get my stomache pumped." The last one had his eyebrows furrowing. I remained still and emotionless so he couldn't read me as well.
"I completely believe that you ate candy for a week and had to get medical attention as a result." He pointed out oh so graciously. "And you're a total klutz too, so it wouldn't surprise me if you broke your leg. Plus I think I'd know if you ever liked someone on the team. Final answer you've never had a crush on anyone on the team." He looked so smug in the moment, this just got me more pumped to wipe that smile from his face.
"Nope." As expected, his face immediately fell.
"Who did you like!" Spencer's arms were flailing in exasperation.
"I don't have to tell you that." I chuckled. "Now you go." My foot kicked his lightly, egging him on. He gave a glare and moved on reluctantly.
"I'm afraid of the dark, the only reason I drink coffee is because I had a crush on a girl who liked it, and I drank 11 cups of coffee one day and was up for 39 hours straight."
"You definitely drink coffee because you like it and not because of a girl, lie." There was no question about it, that would be a dumb reason to drink something.
"Actually that is why I drink coffee."
"The lie is that I was up for 39 hours straight, I was only up for 35."
"Christ Spence!" I shook my head in disapproval. "Tell me about the girl." I could see his cheeks flush in the slightest. ~~Silently wishing that I could make him feel like that~~
"Her name was Josephine and she lived on my street. She and I would play chess together in the park whenever I wasn't studying, and she would bring a cup of coffee every day. Eventually, in my own way to impress her, I started bringing coffee too. And she liked that, but of course we drifted apart because of how fast my life was moving. It's unfortunate." He was staring down at his hands now. "You and her are very similar. I think that's why we've gotten so... close." That comment got me very curious.
"How were we alike? If you don't mind me asking."
"She was kind and funny, never let anyone down. And she was intelligent. Not only in personality either, you have the same color hair and eyes. I bet you guys would have gotten along really well." I could see him making his thinking face, I assume he was looking into past memories.
"That's so sweet." I kicked his foot with a smile, bringing him back to reality. "So, last round until we are playing the dreaded truth or dare ooooOooOooOooo." Spencer laughed and rolled his eyes. "I use to have a cat named Piglet because of how obsessed with Winnie the Pooh I was, my first boyfriends name was Spencer, and I play guitar."
"There is absolutely no way your first boyfriends name was Spencer, it's the 828th most popular name. That would be nearly impossible or a crazy coincidence." His hand gestured were out of this world at this point, completely flabbergasted that I would even try to tell him such a *lie*.
"Wrong again pretty boy, that's true. His name was Spencer Allen Sallow. The only reason I remember his middle name is because I remember his initials being 'SAS'. Are you ready for truth or dare?"
"I guess." He mocked annoyance and threw his head back.
"Ok, truth or dare?"
"If you could make one wish, right this second, what would it be?" He stared at me intently for a moment, as if he was looking for the answer in me. He then lightly shook his head, it was so small, but hard to miss considering we were practically having a staring contest.
"I would wish for the door to be unlocked so I could sleep at the hotel." His head nodded.
"Boring, I choose dare." I was now sitting much closer to him, waiting for whatever that beautiful brain could come up with. Spencer looked to the papers on the floor and then back at me, an evil smirk forming on his lips.
"Do a snow angel in our paperwork." My shoulders slumped.
"What if I rip something!" I wouldn't usually whine like this but *geez* I did not want to redo all this.
"Just be careful then." I looked at him with a pleading look. "Oh so you're *boring*." That's what got me.
"**Fine!**" I slowly lowered myself onto the papers, flattening out and looking up to Spencer, he was hovering over me slightly in a criss-crossed position with that evil smirk. His hands gestured me on.
I laid my arms and legs and and moved them, hearing the paper scrape against the floor and giggling. I had to admit, it was fun. And if having fun with Spencer meant I had to redo a few papers.
Then so be it.
I sat up after Spencer told me I'm done through fits of laughter, holding his stomache and nearly toppled flat on the floor. I looked around happily to see most papers were only crinkled, not ripped. I'll just have to flatten them out tomorrow.
"Okay asshat, truth or dare." He tapped his chin, looking daring for once.
"Dare." Perfect.
"Serenade me." I crossed my arms over my chest as I watched his face fall.
"With just my voice?"
"Oh no no, I have an instrument, the bag I carry with us on cases is like a never ending bag." I reached into the giant bag and pulled out a ukelele case, but not an *ordinary* uke case, a *mini* uke case. "Can you play ukelele?" I pulled it from the case, handing it over to him.
"No, but I may be able to pick it up."
"So you will actually serenade me!?" I got my hands ready to clap.
"Sure, why not." I clapped infinitely fast, watching him pluck at the strings a bit and lean back into the cabinets. Then he started on a beat, one that I recognized.
"Put your head on my shoulder, hold me in your arms, baby. Squeeze me oh so tight. Show me that you love me too." I listened to him through the whole song, knowing full well that as soon as he was strumming that ukelele I was already done for.
"How did I do?" He strummed the last chord and look up at me with a smile.
Oh how I wanted to tell him that he serenaded me to the sun and back.
"That was amazing! You learned that om the spot?"
"Yeah, like piano. It's basically just math and note remembrance." He shrugged, setting it back in my case. "Truth or dare."
"What's the first thing on your bucket list and your biggest secret?"
"You can't ask two questions, that's cheating!" I laughed.
"You technically never specified that so, answer."
This little shit.
"Fine. The first thing on my bucket list has been the same since I was an 8th grader, which is to fall in love. And I know that's cliche but I'm sticking to it." I didn't want to tell him my biggest secret. Truth be told I had a pretty normal life, so my biggest secret was my attraction to him. After telling my mom about it she told me workplace romances were dangerous and wrong, so I tried so hard to get over it. But it's not going away, it's doing anything but that.
"Come on y/n, I'm not going to judge you for your secret."
Yeah uh huh, sure.
"It's embarrassing, and I would prefer not to tell you in a locked room so I can immediately escape after I tell you. So can I just tell you when the door gets unlocked?"
"It can't be that bad."
"It is."
"Please Y/n!"
"I like you!" His mouth shut quickly, tilting his head like a confused puppy. Now that I had given out my biggest secret, I felt a little... powerful. I crossed my arms firmly over my chest, maintaining eye contact, my heart pounding out of my chest. He wanted the truth and he got it, I hope he's happy to be stuck with me in this room for another hour and a half.
"Really?" Was all he could say.
"No. I just said that I could have awkward tension swirling around the room for the next hour, I love doing that." I replied in the most monotone voice I could muster. A very faint smile was appearing on Spencer's face, making me a little nervous. He quirked one eyebrow.
"Are you sure it's not sexual tension?"
My eyebrows raised at the question. Was he... flirting with me? I didn't know he knew how to do that, let alone so *well*. He began speaking again.
"Truth or dare?"
"It's my turn to ask you."
"Truth. Or. Dare." Who knew Mr. Sweatervest could seem so intimidating.
"I dare you to act on your biggest secret." Is this some weird way to make me kiss him, because it's working. If we aren't on the same page, this is about to get Mega embarrassing, but I don't think this could get any weirder. I crawled forward, placing myself on his lap and staring into his eyes. I've never seen him smile so big.
"Are you sure about this?"
"Actually no, this is awful you should really stop." He deadpanned, lightly placing his hands on my hips.
"One, since when do you use sarcasm. And two, I hate you." I giggled, pulling his face to mine. One of his hands fled to my cheek, rubbing his thumb across it. He pressed further into the kiss, all while pulling me impossibly closer.
Is this real?
I pulled one hand away from his face, putting it on the skin of my thigh and pinching myself.
"Ouch shit!"
And apperantly I don't know my own strength.
"Are you okay?" Spencer's face was a wave of concern, scanning over my face quickly to make sure he didn't do something wrong.
"Yeah I was just, pinching myself to make sure this was real." I lifted my hand to his shoulder, resting it there.
"Why? Is this like a lot of your dreams?" He winking obviously at me as I slapped his chest.
"Please stop." I whined, pulling myself off of his lap. "I'm very tired and we still have an hour left, are you up for a cat nap?" I pulled a blanket from my bag. "We can use this as a pillow, it's already pretty hot in here."
"Definitely." I made it into a pillow, giving him enough room. He slung his arm around me, burying his head in the crook of my neck. "Thank you for telling me. And for the record, I wouldn't want to be locked in a room with anyone else." And with many papers scattered messily around us, we fell asleep.
I shot up, hearing voices I knew all too well.
"What the hell is happening, since when it pretty boy a playboy."
"Finally! Now y/n can stop silently pining and telling me about it."
"I knew those two had chemistry."
I blinked slowly, trying to release the sleep from my eyes. Spencer's sleepy arm was still wrapped around my waist, unmoving. Once my eyes adjusted I was met with the staring eyes of Derek, Garcia and Emily. Then there was Hotch, just entering the room.
“What on earth happened in here?"
"We got locked in here and played some innocent party games." I explained gesturing to the messy papers. "Spencer dared me to make a snow angel in our files." I smiled sheepishly. Spencer was now stirring awake, sitting up and looking at our teammates. Derek held out his hand for a fist bump and Spencer highfived it weakly.
"Told you you would rope her in." He chuckled. I rolled my eyes at the comment and stood up.
"Let's finish up this case. We've only had 1 hour of sleep and I want this day to be over with already. Save the comments for when I'm asleep on the jet." And with that we were off.
But let's not ignore that Spencer and I's hands were clasped beneath every table we sat at that day, it's not to be ignored.
And I won't be forgetting that day any time soon.
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magnusgoetia · 3 years
Transcript of a Sinner’s Conversation: A Meeting with Caecus
--Begin (In Medias Res)--
Sinner: You kiddin'? Dyin' was the best thing that's ever happened to me.
Caecus: There’s nothing you left behind? No family to miss?
Sinner: My family? Fuck 'em, I'd ‘ave hired 'elp to kill 'em already if it meant they'd be dead-dead, and I wouldn't have to spend time wiv 'em down 'ere. It wouldn't be right for me to force this on my friends either, but they'll be 'ere in due time anyway. I can wait.
Caecus: So, you’re expecting your friends to join you here as well. The wait must be awfully lonely.
Sinner: Ah, not really. I’ve made friends while I’m ‘ere. The shit I can do ‘ere is like, fucking magic and with it I can make up for what I lack in a lot of different ways. Just wish I could remember how I ‘ad died.
Caecus: Maybe it’s better not to remember… Not all of us intended to be here, after all.
Sinner: No. No, perhaps it’s best not to remember. I quickly found out that it's not just evil folks that end up here, lots of good folks, plenty of weird ones too. I'm sensing you’re of the “gooder” ones, you radiate...well, it’s 'ard to describe, but I don't sense any hostility from you at the very least, even though you were born ‘ere.
Caecus: How amiable of you. But remember, a birth is just a new beginning of sorts. You couldn’t have been alone since you were… delivered to us.
Sinner: Ah, you’re a poetic type aren’t ya? Anyway, I’ve not made many friends but I do ‘ave a particular fondness for this one clown...me an' 'im seem to 'ave this weird connection wiv each other. Actually, he's more of a jester type, though rather embarrassingly his name escapes me...
Caecus: Are you, by chance, referring to an imp named Blocko?
Sinner: Yeah, don’t surprise me you know ‘im. He seems like the type to ‘ave a particular reputation.
Caecus: That he does, and yet a divine will connects us. I’m being led to believe your intriguing appearance has an even more… intriguing history.
Sinner: Riiiight...Well, you know what they say about skeletons and closets. Though I suppose I ‘ave nothing to hide ‘ere...Well, to put it simply, I was a broken kid. I never got help, and I did... unspeakable things to anyone who ‘ad wronged me—or simply didn't like.
Caecus: Even the purest of souls can be corrupted by another’s sins.
Sinner: Yeah...Well, it's not like I'll stop doin’ what I did while I was alive, with all that murder and hedonism. Though death has a way of humbling some people...In any case, the murders mostly stopped as I grew older. I seemed to have preferred to just traumatise people instead, ruin lives of the people I saw as bad or evil.
Caecus: Then you found a different punishment for those you had judged.
Sinner: I suppose so. A lot of it involved me spying on groups of people. I'd worm my way into the seedy societies that thought they were safe in their little circles and collect dirt on them. Really sick shit too by the way but don’t worry, the hypocrisy wasn’t lost on me either.
Caecus: Oh? You judged yourself a hypocrite yet continued along a path of self-appointed righteousness... Why?
Sinner: I don’t know, maybe a sense of catharsis? A lot of these were people who I wouldn’t have to feel guilty about killing or whatever. Sometimes it was more personal too, there were—still are people I am attached to up there that got hurt, and I took my revenge on them in their place.
Caecus: Ahh, how noble. Fighting for your friends.
Sinner: Yeah, there was this one particular bastard. Actually, there were a few…but…eh, nevermind…this one particular guy who was essentially lying to one of these “friends” and caused them a psychotic breakdown. I didn’t take action right away, but I did end up killing ‘im. Didn’t even bother hiding the fact it was a murder.
Caecus: What made you wait?
Sinner: Money, mostly. It makes the world up there spin, and you need a lot of it to get anything done, right? Well, I ‘ad to wait until I ‘ad enough money to fly to the states on top of all that shit involved in immigratin’. When I settled in, that’s when I made my move on a buncha grudges. This guy was just the first. Moving to the states made my life a lot easier in some ways. Was a lot easier to sleep when I took care of the grudges too.
Caecus: Oh, wow. You must have had remarkable resolve to keep a “grudge” that long… Tell me, did all of them truly deserve it?
Sinner: No, most didn’t, but I am…was, an angry person. I found I was very much capable of venting my anger, to put it mildly, and I was much too young when I had...shall we say...discovered it.
Caecus: Young minds are impressionable.
Sinner: Right, and the fact that I was generally good at getting away with it made me feel just that little bit better about it.
Caecus: So, you exploited that validation to continue justifying your actions. Most sinners in your position never reach awareness...
Sinner: Yeah? I’ll take that as a compliment, but I was totally emotionally disconnected when committing my crimes. Afterwards I pretty much always dealt with conflict. Cognitive dissonance is a bitch. Though I had largely stopped my ways. I’m ‘aving way too much fun down ‘ere, and even though I won’t drag ‘em down here with me, I’d love to have my friends join me eventually.
Caecus: Would they be pleased being here, embrace this existence like you have?
Sinner: I dunno, some of them have a hard enough time as it is with one existence, I doubt they’ll be too happy to find out there’s another waitin’ for ‘em. The others I’d imagine would be quite surprised all the same, being atheists and such, but I reckon they’d come to like it.
Caecus: An existence you cannot escape is itself a prison. Albeit, choosing to enjoy it in spite of that perspective is a marvelous thing. If you could imagine them in your presence, what would you do?
Sinner: Again, I dunno. It’s hard to tell when they’re not here yet but I am somewhat interested in what’ll end up happening should they get here. I dunno if I’ll be able to tell if it’s them even.
Caecus: And how do you dare to enjoy existence now?
Sinner: Well, I’ve been doing everything I’ve ever wanted to do but could never do in life amongst other things. It’s kinda embarrassing, but I played a bunch of video games, so I miss those quite a bit. I’ve found plenty of ways to fill that void though. Some of your movies are pretty sick down ‘ere, and importing goods from the other rings to ‘ere means I don’t miss out…mostly, on their fun too. I just wish I could explore the other rings; I don’t get why us sinners can’t.
Caecus: Decretum is often difficult to understand. However, it would seem a blessing that you’ve been placed with the multifarious company of the pride ring.
Sinner: True enough, whatever that means. There’s a lot of strip clubs, greedy businesses and shit, stuff you think you’d only find in the other rings. Though I think I probably would’ve ended up in wrath if we landed in the rings based on our sins.
Caecus: Most catechisms view wrath as an excessive anger. You strike me as having more control than the average sinner.
Sinner: A lot of people on the surface woulda said the same too, I was and I suppose still am really good at keeping it in check, well, good enough to not make it obvious anyway. Though it’s been a lot tougher down here.
Caecus: This is a realm of collective temptation, after all.
Sinner: My only judge here is myself and perhaps my peers if I let them. I still kill down here, but it’s been in self-defence. I don’t think I’ve killed anyone out of anger yet but let’s just say I’d feel sorry for the poor sod who happened to piss me off on a bad day.
Caecus: You’ve always been your own judge. I suspect the lack of good comparisons for your behavior here has coaxed you further.
Sinner: Actually, I could tell you about the first person I “killed” down here. It was soon after I woke up. I suppose this guy thought it’d be easy—fresh sinner, just in time to be another tally mark on some statistic.
Caecus: A second death, the lake of fire…
Sinner: Uh...yeah, I reacted on instinct and it musta been a sort of “kiss of death” type shit. I only touched the dude with my hand, and he just kinda…shrivelled up and died. You know…like when a cartoon character eats a lemo—ah sorry, you can’t watch TV.
Caecus: Ah, yes… a shrivelling death is nevertheless descriptive.
Sinner: Anyway, I have a bunch of other powers too but that one I’m most afraid of you know? I can drop the ambient temperature of an area so shit gets cold, have some form of telekinesis and a buncha other stuff, like I have some kinda control over this weird glowy energy, it’s how I have my eyes, which are purely for show, I don’t need them since I can see perfectly fine without ‘em...not that you’d know I even have ‘em.
Caecus: I’m aware you observe our world, in a traditional sense. My observations are just a bit more… unorthodox. And I feel as if your fear is not from a lack of understanding.
Sinner: Well I seem to have it under control, but I’m afraid in a moment of weakness I might react without thinking, you know? I’ve not had it happen yet, but it would be so easy when flippin’ out that I just give ‘em the ol’ touch of death.
Caecus: Even a king’s heart is just a stream of water to the hand of… fate.
Sinner: Gonna be honest, I haven’t the foggiest of what you just said. Though if I’m being honest myself, I couldn’t care less if it was someone I didn’t know anyway. Only really care about my friends and such. You seem pretty neat yourself.
Caecus: The impression is mutual. It’s not often that I’m seen as anything other than senseless and intimidating. I don’t find it unwarranted, granted; my appearance is as disconcerting as my psyche.
Sinner: How do you even know what you look like? It’s not like you can just look into a mirror.
Caecus: I was presented with a vision soon before I arrived, my last blessing I suppose… Regardless, my rebirth is a tale for another time. I’ve relished in your company long enough, and I must answer my calling. I’m sure our paths will converge again.
Sinner: Hey, I hope so too...uh....
Caecus: Please, call me Caecus.
Sinner: Well, it’s only polite to give you my name too. I go by many names here, but I am quite fond of “Mr. Death” as silly as it sounds.
Caecus: Silly, yes, but very becoming of you. A pleasure, Mr. Death.
Mr. Death:Well, don’t let me keep you. I’d like to see you again sometime, Caecus. I’ll take my leave.
Caecus: All in due time.
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snarkwrites · 3 years
13 | gangsta ; sweetpea
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It's been a while. I've had these two chapters written for a while now but I haven't had time to sit down, edit them a little better and post them. Since I have time now, I thought I'd go ahead and do that, whether you guys asked for these next two chapters or not.
Sorry this took forever! Sorry I'm so slow, I've been settling into a new house and taking care of some IRL stuff / taking a little break. I swear, I'm going to update everything sooner or later. >.>
I love you guys.
NON/ LOOSE CANON COMPLIANCE - this is the biggest warning, so if you’re into things that follow exact canon plot you are… definitely not going to like this. ANGST & SLOW BURN, HEAVY SEXUAL TENSIONSTARTING NOW, ACTUALLY - this is just so everyone who started reading this thinking the smut would transpire in a hurry knows that apparently, it is not. VIOLENCE / SWEARING & FIGHTING, POSSIBLE UNDERAGE DRINKING AND OTHER SHENANIGANS- look.. it’s high school. shit happens. also apparently, my ofc Alyssa uses the word fuck like all the time?…EVENTUAL SEXUAL CONTENT / A VIRGIN ORIGINAL CHARACTER- this one is self explanatory. yes, i plan to write a smutty chapter in this at some point. when? i don’t rightly know. it’s got a while before we get there. STALKER TW - this chapter marks the true appearance of Alyssa's ex, Dave Novak. It's hinted heavily that he's a gross asshole who likes to play mind games. ATTEMPTED KIDNAPPING TW - This chapter contains an attempted kidnapping. If this is gonna bother you you're best off not reading it.
If you're under 18+, probably not a good or wise idea to continue reading this series. Because there are going to be a few dark and adult themes within. I'll warn here, of course, but you need to understand that I don't control you. If you continue to read after having read the warnings and you're upset or don't like something... Totally on you, friend.
Andrews!Sibling OFC x Sweet Pea.
@brithedemonspawn is the only person on my Riverdale tag list. If you want to be added, the link to do so is below.
[ about my writing - tag list doc ]
[773 - 589 - 7956] Quiet sleepy little town you’ve got here. I can see the appeal, scarlet.
[773 - 589 - 7956] I saw you last night. If I didn’t know what a treacherous bitch you were, I’d say you look more beautiful than ever.
[773 - 589 - 7956] Have you shown that new boytoy of yours all the dirty little photos you were sending me? I bet he’d fucking love to see that… Or did you actually let him see the real thing?
[773 - 589 - 7956] You can say what you want to the cops, scarlet. You and I both know you enjoyed sending me those dirty little pictures. Do your parents know what a teasing whore their daughter really is? I know mommy wasn’t too thrilled when you went running to her to snitch just because things got a little too real for you…
[773 - 589 - 7956] I’ll see you soon. It’s like I said, scarlet. You owe me. I intend to collect. You think this is a game? You can just promise things and then betray me like that? That’s not how this works, scarlet.
The second my phone was powered on again after school, it immediately started to go insane. The texts came in a flood. They were so disgusting and scary that I dropped my phone because my hands were shaking so hard I couldn’t hold it. I quickly picked up the phone and took a few deep breaths, attempting to pull myself together.
,, I can’t keep this to myself. I have to tell someone what’s going on.” the thought nagged at me for the thousandth time in two weeks and I decided that as soon as I finished my tutoring session for the day, I was going to go to the construction site and show my father the texts. Tell him that somehow, Dave was out of prison and apparently, he was here in Riverdale.
My stomach was churning and a bitter taste filled my mouth at the thought. I felt like a dead girl walking. How could I have been so fucking stupid? I should’ve told my father the first time Dave texted me. I should’ve done something.
I felt anger at the situation too. I came here to get away from everything, to put it behind me. I just wanted to forget any of it happened. How dare he show up and ruin everything? He was supposed to be in jail right now, not walking free!
It wasn’t fair.
I knew I’d never be brave enough, but I found myself thinking that if I did see him again, I wanted to strangle him. To give him a reason to be afraid of me for once instead of the other way around. To get even for the hell he put me through in Chicago.
I stepped out into the parking lot, taking a few deep breaths to calm down. Leaning against the brick wall beside the doors that lead into the building. Waiting. Trying to pull myself together. Half hoping that my brother was still here, still in wrestling practice.
Then I remembered that he didn’t have it tonight and that he’d left earlier with Veronica, Betty and Jughead.
Cheryl and Toni were already gone too. I’d stayed over because I was tutoring some kids in the grade below me. I didn’t think it’d take as long as it did. When I realized just how late it had gotten and that I’d be walking home alone in the dark, I’d panicked.
I could always call my dad.
That’s what I wound up doing. About halfway across the parking lot and just as my father’s phone went to voicemail , Dave stepped out and grabbed me, clamping his hand over my mouth before I could do anything other than scream.
My phone fell out of my hands and hit the pavement . I fought him off, managed to get out of his grasp and took off at a run. He caught up to me and grabbed me, trying to drag me towards his Chevelle that was parked nearby, idling. I fought tooth and nail, making as much noise as I could. Grabbing hold of anything I could to try and wrench myself free from his grasp.
I spotted Sweet Pea walking towards the school and I screamed louder. Fought harder.
“Sweet Pea!” I screamed his name, biting at any exposed skin I could get my mouth on Dave’s body. Clawing and scratching. Determined not to go quietly or without a fight. Sweet Pea disappeared from sight for a few seconds in the scuffle between Dave and I, and I was fighting so hard that Dave was struggling to keep a good firm grip on me…
He’d come back to school because normally, Alyssa was done and at Pop’s within thirty minutes, an hour tops. It had almost been two. Something felt off. Sweet Pea tried to tell himself the entire walk across town to Riverdale High that he was just being paranoid or overprotective. By the time the school was in view, he almost had himself convinced that he was just being a paranoid idiot.
Until he heard her screaming.
Sweet Pea took off at a run in the direction her scream came from, watching as a guy grabbed Alyssa and started trying to pull her towards an idling Chevelle nearby. He locked eyes with Alyssa before slipping out of sight. Getting himself into a position where he could slip up on the guy from behind and hopefully, distract him enough that Alyssa could get away.
The second she managed to smash her head into the guy’s nose hard enough that he dropped her, Sweet Pea spoke up. Firmly. “Run, Cherry. Don’t stop running.”
“No.” I stubbornly refused to leave. I wasn’t going to leave him to fight Dave off on his own. Not when this was my mess to begin with, my own stupidity coming back to bite me in my ass.
“Damn it, woman. Fucking go!” Sweet Pea practically growled as he lunged for the guy in front of him, spearing him against the side of his own car. The fight took to the ground, the two rolling around. For a second or two, Dave had the upper hand because he managed to get his hand on Sweet Pea’s throat. Sweet Pea used his legs, flipping them so that he was on top, swinging his fists with no real thought other than the sheer rage he felt about the guy trying to grab Alyssa. Dave managed to get the upper hand again, holding Sweet Pea against the concrete, Sweet Pea’s hand wrapped around his throat as he tried to squeeze harder.
Sweet Pea swore in frustration when he saw Alyssa slipping over to the open rear door. She emerged with a baseball bat, making her way over to the fight.
“What the fuck do you think you were gonna do, man?” Sweet Pea snarled in anger as he got in a few hard and fast punches.
“I was gonna get my hands on that little bitch you call a girlfriend and teach her a lesson.” Dave grunted out the words as Sweet Pea’s hand closed around his throat tighter and he managed to get Dave on his back again.
“The only one who’s going to learn a lesson tonight is you, asshole. Don’t fucking touch her.” Sweet Pea got the upper hand again, holding Dave against the concrete, smashing his head against Dave’s head as he sneered, “I’m gonna fuckin kill you, putting your hands on my girl.” and really tightened his grip.
Dave managed to shove him off and stood, the two of them fighting. Alyssa swung the bat at Dave’s lower back, almost connecting with it but Dave stepped out of the way at the last minute, making a grab for her.
“Cherry, I told you to run, damn it!” Sweet Pea growled as he lunged at Dave, sending Alyssa stumbling back, barely managing to keep herself from falling on her butt on the pavement. The two were rolling around on the ground again, punching and choking wildly and Alyssa spotted her cell phone and she dove for it, dialing 911.
Just as she was about to hit call, Sweet Pea choked Dave out and grabbed for the rope that had fallen out of Dave’s jacket pocket, tying his arms together while he was down. Then he rushed over to her, checking her over in concern, wincing at the pavement burn on her cheeks and the few scrapes.
“What the fuck happened to run, huh?” Sweet Pea asked, trying to catch his breath.
“I wasn’t leaving you here with him.” Alyssa panted. Sweet Pea took her cell phone and hit call, keeping his foot on Dave’s head to keep him down as he made the call.
Two minutes later, a cop car came racing around the corner and pulled to a stop behind the idling Chevelle.
The cop got out and wandered over. Glancing from Sweet Pea to Dave.
Alyssa spoke up.
“Sweet Pea was trying to save me, officer.”
“I’m going to need you two to come to the station and make statements.” the cop informed them after getting Dave into the back of the cop car. Alyssa nodded, hugging herself against Sweet Pea’s side. Sweet Pea slipped out of his leather jacket,draping it around her, because at some point during her fight with Dave, her shirt had gotten torn down the front.
The cop left, leaving the two of them alone.
Sweet Pea took a few deep breaths, pulling her against him. Squeezing her tight. Holding her in place. “Thank God I decided to come by here. If something would’ve happened…” he muttered against her hair quietly.
She pulled away to look up at him and he locked eyes with her, leaning in closer…
My heart was still hammering away at my chest. The adrenaline was starting to wear off and I was starting to panic a little as I began to realize what almost happened to me. How close I came to disappearing, having God knows what would be done to me by Dave.
I wasn’t thinking about how awkward me kissing him would be. I wasn’t thinking about anything if you want the truth. I rose up on my toes, grabbing hold of the front of Sweet Pea’s t-shirt, pulling myself up. My mouth brushed against the corner of his gingerly, trying to avoid the portion of his lower lip that was busted and bloody because it had to hurt like hell. His hands dug into my hips and he growled quietly, his mouth latching onto mine just as I went to pull away, stop myself before I went for it and kissed him in the heat of the moment.
The kiss deepened and I raised my arms, wrapping them around his neck. Dragging my fingers through his hair. My back met the side of the Chevelle with a soft smack and he pressed himself into me more firmly. His mouth continuing to hungrily devour mine.
The kiss broke a few seconds later, we pulled apart breathlessly and stared at one another in a daze. Sweet Pea wiped the back of his hand over his mouth and cleared his throat. Going quiet again.
All I could do was melt into him and try to wrap my head around what almost happened and what had just actually happened. He curled his fingers under my chin, tilting my face so that I had to look up at him.
“Who was that? Wait.. was that your ex?”
My jaw dropped. I blinked at him and then I nodded quietly. He swore under his breath and held on a little tighter. Pulling away again, his hands on my upper arms as he stared down at me. “I should’ve fucking killed him.”
“H-how’d you know about Dave? Did my brother tell you?”
“And Jughead. I don’t know everything. I just know that I told myself if I ever actually saw the asshole, I was going to kill him.” Sweet Pea answered quietly. Taking a few deep breaths and then adding a few seconds later, “We need to get to the station.”
I nodded in agreement. Sweet Pea scooped me up when he saw me take a step and wince, then try it again with the same outcome.
“I can walk.” I protested weakly.
“You fell. You probably twisted your ankle. Just… let me carry you, Cherry.” he muttered quietly, his voice a soft and concerned whisper as he gazed down at me.
All I could do was nod. Lean my head against the space between his neck and shoulder.
As we worked our way towards the police station, it poured out of me. Every single thing I’d gone through with Dave in Chicago. I grimaced as I told Sweet Pea exactly what had gone down and why I thought Dave had come to town and tried to grab me tonight and Sweet Pea’s jaw set firm.
I could tell that hearing it bothered him. And at one point, he muttered quietly, “If you don’t want to talk about it you don’t have to…”
“No, I need to get it out. I shouldn’t have kept the fact that the asshole was texting me to myself. Blocking his number obviously didn’t work because he reached out with a new one. I thought if I just ignored him, he’d lose interest. I thought it was just him, trying to scare me. I didn’t think he’d be stupid or brave enough to show up here.” I muttered, shaking my head at how stupid that sounded now that I was really stopping to think about it.
“He’s not gonna bother you again, okay? I’m going to make sure he doesn’t.” Sweet Pea muttered after a few seconds, just as we stepped into the station and made our way over to a sitting area to wait.
“You need to call your dad.” Sweet Pea spoke up after a few seconds that felt like hours.
I nodded. Taking my phone back from Sweet Pea, I dialed my dad’s number and I could hear the relief in his voice when he answered.
Static crackled and popped on his end of the line so I strained to hear.
“I’ve been riding around town looking for you for over an hour, tiny. What the hell happened?” my dad asked in a rush.
“Dave was waiting outside of the school tonight when I came out… If Sweet Pea hadn’t gotten there when he did I… he tried to grab me tonight, Dad.” I grimaced as I said it, bracing myself for all the questions and the lecture I knew I’d be getting because I hadn’t told anyone the second all this started.
,, to be fair, I definitely deserve it.” the thought came and I let myself have it. Leaning back in the chair, resting against Sweet Pea’s side slightly. Taking a few deep breaths.
My dad swore and I heard him punching at something, probably the dashboard of his truck. After a second or two, he spoke up. “Where are you two? I’m on my way, tiny. Right now.”
“We’re at the station giving a statement.” I explained.
“Thank god. So Novak got arrested? That’s good. I’m going to be sure to find out what I can do to make sure that little prick stays in a cell this time.” my dad responded as I heard him rev the engine on his truck.
The call ended and I leaned my head against Sweet Pea’s shoulder. He slipped an arm around me and took a few more breaths as if he were trying to calm himself down again because he was still angry and tense.
The cop who made the arrest found us and ushered us back to his workspace and we sat down. Telling the cop every single detail of what happened tonight. The cop let me finish and then spoke up.
“We’re holding him for Chicago. He apparently escaped. Attacked another girl… A Claire Watson… Then he came here. But everything you’ve told me will help keep him behind bars, Alyssa. Do you have a parent you can call?”
I nodded.
“She already called him.” Sweet Pea answered calmly as he folded his arms over his chest and glared at the cop suspiciously.
The cop eyed him, nodding. Managing a cordial smile. “That was quick thinking on your part tonight kid. Also stupid as hell. If he’d had a weapon, that could’ve gone wrong. Next time, call the station.”
“And do what? Let an asshole make off with my girl? Yeah, no thanks. I’m good. I’ve seen how fast you assholes respond to any call you get from the South side.”
“Not all of us are bad, kid.” the cop pointed out in a calm and even tone.
“Yeah, well… I wasn’t going to stand there and let him take my girl either. I did what I had to do.” Sweet Pea took a deep breath, rubbing his forehead. Calming himself back down.
I spotted my father and Archie coming into the station, heading right for us and I let out a ragged breath. Squeezing my dad so tight he almost couldn’t breathe when they got over to where we were sitting in the back.
My father spoke up, addressing the cop. “We will be pressing charges. So, whatever I need in order to do that, just tell me and you’ve got it.”
Sweet Pea cleared his throat.
“If it helps, here’s her phone.” Sweet Pea held my phone out to the policeman and he took it, nodding. “If there’s anything on here, that’ll help. If you’ll come with me, Mr. Andrews, we’ll get that paperwork drawn up to start the proceedings.”
My dad gave me another hug and stopped in front of Sweet Pea. “If you hadn’t been there tonight, kid… Thank you.”
“I wasn’t gonna let anything happen to her, sir.” Sweet Pea muttered, awkwardly letting my dad hug him too.
My dad made his way to an office with the policeman who’d taken our statements and I glanced up at Sweet Pea, grimacing at the bruises and scraped starting to form on his face and neck. The black eye and the busted lip.
“Archie, can you go get some ice or a soda can? His lips really swelling up..” I muttered. My brother nodded, taking some change from me to go do it. And this left Sweet Pea and I alone again.
“About that kiss.. I’m sorry, I.. the last thing I wanted to do was make anything awkward. I just got caught up in the moment and I can’t keep fighting the way I feel and I… Sorry.” I spoke up quietly. Prepared to give him an out. Afraid that I’d gone way over the line.
“Yeah, about that… I’ve been wanting to do it for a while.” Sweet Pea admitted quietly. Making me look up at him as he chuckled quietly. “You wanna repeat any of what you just said?”
I felt my cheeks burning. I pouted up at him and gave him a dirty look.
He smirked in response and spoke up. “I’m being serious. You were doing that mumble and babbling thing again.”
“You heard me.” I answered, biting my lip as I looked up at him.
“A little, yeah… But maybe I wanna hear it again, cherry.” he pulled me close and gazed down at me for a few seconds.
“Wait.. you wanted to kiss me?” I realized what he’d admitted. Gazing up at him, a little shocked.
“You’re trying to change the subject now?” he questioned, slipping his arms around me. I gave a soft laugh and muttered quietly, “Maybe a little.”
“When you say you can’t ignore the way you feel.. What’s that mean?” he questioned again, making me look up at him. I took a deep breath and toyed with the front of his shirt, trying to figure out the best way to put it to words.
The truth. Simple and direct.
“I care about you a lot. I lo--” I started to say that I loved him, but Archie cleared his throat behind us, holding out the soda can to me. Then promptly excusing himself again to go find our dad. I gently guided Sweet Pea down into a chair and sank down to sit on his knees. Gingerly pressing the cold soda can against his lip. And after a second or two, I finally got myself to say it again. “I love you, okay?”
He chuckled quietly. Locking eyes with me. Lowering the soda can to ask quietly, “Like a best friend or something.. Right?”
I shook my head. “More than, actually. Since that day at the car wash when I drenched you with the hose, I’ve… It’s been hard to make myself not look for you in a crowd. Yes, yes.. I know this is mushy and you don’t do mushy, I..” his mouth crashing against mine cut off the flow of my words and he muttered in a daze, “Say it again. Tell me you love me, Cherry.”
“I love you.” I managed to get the words out breathlessly. His mouth was latching onto mine all over again. The kiss deepening. His arms enveloping me tighter. Squeezing til I thought I’d get lightheaded between the deep and heavy onslaught of kisses and the way he was holding me.
“I love you too.” he mumbled quietly. Gazing down at me. Panting for his next breath as the kiss broke yet again.
“Okay, are you two done with whatever yet? Because dad told me to get Al back home. You can come with us if you want.” Archie surprised me by inviting Sweet Pea. Sweet Pea eyed him and nodded, standing after I’d finally managed to pry myself away from him.
As we walked out of the station, he slipped his hand down between us, lacing his fingers between mine. Giving my hand a squeeze as he glanced down at me.
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