#I was trying to think of the funniest play for tumblr high to put on. so many pastabilities
sporesgalaxy · 1 year
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I always wish I had more ideas for Spamton Jr. and @sparkerinparadise 's Suzy Sparker having drama class together bc I LOVE that for them
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bitchslapblastoids · 16 days
Let’s get some spoiler free posts on the dash! What do you love about dnp? (Be sure to tag #phan #dan and phil for the fandometrics <3)
Love this method of engineering and architecting our shared tumblr experience. Way to go anon!
Oooooooh what do I love about them oh noooooo I’m about to talk for sooooooo long.
Ok. Well part of what I love is kind of out of their control, and that’s the sprawling epic love story that has played out in this incredible hyperdocumented multimedia archive of the journey from puppy love —> real love —> guarding and protecting that love —> choosing one another consistently through stages of life —> working through incredibly hard life challenges together —> cracking open the shell encasing their love in order to share it more and more with the world. It’s just so beautiful to have witnessed. Seeing how they have grown around one another, adapting to match one another’s best traits and draw them out of eachother, god. Something special.
I love that dan is exceedingly vulnerable and open about weird, tough shit. I love that he’s really thoughtful about what he puts out into the world. Like, he cares about his contributions a lot and how he spends his precious time on this planet. It matters to him, and I appreciate that it matters.
I love that Phil is exceedingly generous in his view of others; he seems to see the light in people and the humor in hard moments and he seems to move through things with kindness and grace. He also projects such a secure sense of self. He knows who he is, what works for him, and he isn’t interested in pretending to be anything else.
I think they’re both really superb examples of living with mental illness. Phil is socially anxious and health anxious as all shit, but look at him!!! Look! At! Him! Dan manages chronic depression along with a whole fuckload of trauma, and look at him!!
They don’t mask much (I don’t think?), they’re just wonderfully, openly weird and celebrate their quirks. They candidly speak about their mental health shit but don’t let it stop them from living full, brave lives.
They are so respectful of their audience and really treat us as individual humans. They speak to us like people, they right their wrongs whenever possible, they have a brilliant ability to draw their audience into their content, they make people feel seen, they build so much creative work around what the audience gives them, and it’s really fucking cool how innate that has been for them from the start. They also just get it. They get internet culture, they get their fan base, and we’re lucky that they get it.
I think they’re so funny and are at their funniest when they aren’t trying too hard. Their banter is hilarious. The fainting during haircut story?? “I thought you were doing a little dance!” Dan’s hammock bracelet story?? “I was squinged up like a locust, like an accordion.” so funny!!!! They are so funny.
They have really taken the high road throughout their careers. They don’t talk shit, they stay out of drama, they treat others with decency and kindness, and they seem to be wonderful bosses too (such a good trait). When there have been endless opportunities for them to get dragged into pettiness or rightfully snap back at people, they have handled themselves with such grace
They understand the gravity of having influence. Despite obviously gunning for internet careers, they didn’t necessarily choose to have a significant influence on loads of young people, much like how most digital stars didn’t go into making digital content considering how much responsibility comes with a huge audience. It’s something I think kinda smacks a lot of people over the head as a sudden realization once their audience grows large enough. Some people then rise to that occasion and others don’t. Dan and Phil did.
They model creativity, kindness, collaboration, inclusivity, bravery, not taking yourself too seriously, self-growth and self love. It’s beautiful. All jokes aside, they are not terrible influences whatsoever. Look at the fan base they’ve cultivated! People found a home in them.
Also, they are hot.
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fishwithtitz · 1 year
4 11 13 15 17 21 28 31 36 51 55
Dang, that's a lot! <3
4. what are you looking forward to?
I am getting married in Ireland in June. My wedding will be a dark/ethereal vintage romantic vibe and I'm literally getting married at Dunluce Castle. A dream!
5. are you listening to music right now?
Nope. I'm enjoying the complete silence of my house :)
13. how do you feel right now?
I started antibiotics last Wednesday and I'm feeling so much better. I'm starting to get more of my writing out and I think it's reaching more people, so that brings me joy!
15. personality description
Growing up, I was VERY outgoing and outspoken but I've mellowed a ton. I've been told I come off as shy and a little intimidating until you get to know me. I have always had a love for the unusual things in life and have been able to see beauty in darkness. I was the odd one out (didn't have a ton of friends growing up). I love and care fiercely and I will do anything for my friends and loved ones. I think I'm the funniest person to exist even though I'm probably not.
My students describe me as sassy (I love to roast them) and see me as a second mom haha.
17. opinion on insecurities.
I'm not really sure what this one means, but I'm going to answer it as if it's my opinion on my own insecurities.
I'm insecure about my body. I have the typical hourglass figure (big hips/thighs, big tits, small waist) but I also have hip dips so anything form fitting is a no go. I grew up in the late 90s/early 00s diet culture and have yo-yoed in weight since I was a kid. I had an almond (step)mom and I still feel shame around food. It's something I'm working on in therapy. I have so much pride and respect for Gen Z and their movement of body acceptance and positive body culture. It's something I wish us millennials had done when we were younger.
21. age and birthday?
August 13th; I’m 31 going on 85
28. i’ll love you if…
You are kind and genuine. You leave me comments on/reblog my work (because as much as I say I write for self-satisfaction, I also love recognition like anyone else and I have a really low self esteem when it comes to my writing). You take me out for coffee. You have a good sense of humor (extra points if it's dry or dark).
29. 3 random facts
I had to be treated for the plague in my 20s (yes, the literal bubonic plague)
I used to be a top writer on a fanfic website when I was 13 (early 2000s) and I cringe thinking of the shit I put out 😂
*trigger warning for injury* I have seen/smelt burning flesh (like, flesh melting off someone's body) as a result of an accident in high school. I still get jumpy around explosives. 10/10 don't recommend.
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill?
I'd like to be a published author that gets to share their thinking with the world (and ngl I'd love to do an international book tour).
I want to get back into music/playing piano (I'm too scared to try and don't even know where to start).
I want to travel more (ideally to Europe). It's so expensive and I'm poor and landlocked.
51. starsign
Leo Sun, Sagittarius Rising, Aquarius Moon
55. tumblr friends
@copiasghoulfriend @copias-juicebox @anamelessfool @portaltothevoid @katyaoaksdottir @the-lisechen
In response to Get to know me, pick some numbers post
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wayward-sword · 3 months
I'm glad you think being a creep is funny. It just goes to show that you're aware of being a stalker. You don't care about the feelings of others, and you're going to continue your behavior without getting help. Go fuck yourself you narcissistic prick.
Well, since you've opted NOT to go calling me an ableist slur this time around (Kudos for that, bud. I'm real proud of you for being able to compose yourself for once), I'll deign to answer this one directly:
I dunno where all this talk about me being a "stalker" is coming from, but considering I block most folks I don't want to have any association with and ignore them as much as possible, it's a bit telling that you're looking obsessively at my blog to see whether or not I'm biting the bait you're putting out.
Sounds like if anyone's doing any stalking here, it's you. And considering I've kept your previous ask on hand, I'll be sure to correct that issue forthwith. Of course, I'm sure there's nothing stopping you from using a proxy service of some sort or making a new sockpuppet account to circumvent any blocks I apply, but hey, it just goes to show your own desperation towards attempting to harass me.
Thanks for playing along, chief. Have a good one.
Gonna also stealth update this post for the sake of transparency. Below the following Read More is a screenshot of the initial anonymous hatemail message I received, and I am Read More'ing it specifically for the comfort of others because this individual, as I mentioned earlier, has been legitimately, unironically ableist towards me in their initial ask and also referred to me by a derogatory slur as a result (which, I'll admit, I could care less about, but I feel like it goes to show the quality of this person's character by referring to me as such):
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Like, I've never once blamed anything on my autism? Ever? And I was uncomfortable for years stating that I had autism until the last therapist I saw formally conducted a professional test to give me what was probably the third or fourth autism diagnosis I've received in my life. That one, I felt, was definitive enough, and my therapist helped me work through some of my communication shortcomings in order to accept my condition. Note: My condition apparently USED to (and I suppose in some practices still is) be referred to as "Asperger's", but that therapist in particular stressed to me that most psychological practices are trying to officially move on from that word in particular and, instead, file it under a general umbrella of "low level autism" (meaning, essentially, high-functioning, whereas "high level" would indicate low-functioning). The logic of it was explained to me such that too many people were thinking "Asperger's" was like a disease with no recovery and it wasn't conducive to patients' mental health to use it as a diagnosis, not to mention Asperger's sufferers have apparently been discriminated as such to such a pronounced extent that it just seemed "better" overall for the mental health community to try and move away from that term.
I've also... Never started shit with anybody on here? Before now, the first and only major conflict I've ever had with another mun is a certain guy who got REALLY mad that I became friends with Shay, and that's a whole bucket of worms to get into (which I believe I've talked about before on here).
The funniest thing of all here though is the fact that I do leave people alone and my mutuals can attest as much. Like... I must have shown this hatemail to all of my friends who are still active here on Tumblr and every last one has been like, "Kinkoz doesn't even do anything though??" You'd think, with how I've posted my follower/following count to show how ACTUALLY small my reach is and how much I notably stick to my own lane that this much would be blatantly obvious to anyone and everyone.
Like, what do I even have to gain by harassing people (like this anon is doing)? I just block and move on, man. I've got better things to do with my time than deal with all of that frustration. I'll fully admit that I enjoy the occasional schadenfreude, but I don't really do that whole thing of trying to tear someone else down myself in order to make myself feel better. I've had that sort of shit done to me enough times in my own life and upbringing that I don't dig doing it to others. Outside of teasing and joking, I'd much rather try to uplift people than to push them down, because that's realistically the only way we'll all get through this life better.
While I am greatly amused to have even gotten this anonymous messages in the first place, it's also kinda sad in a way. This person clearly hasn't figured out their own priorities in life if they're so paranoid about someone like me that they have to make things up like this. It must be nice to live in so sheltered and entitled of a life. That's also not counting the fact that most of this person's insults are contradictory to one another, like... Yes, I am definitely making up my autism. I'm also taking fiction way too seriously as someone who is lying about my own autism. I am also a freak stalker obsessive person and DEFINTELY not autistic as a result.
Although I will say that, oddly enough, the most complimentary thing they've had to say about me here is that I "scare" people. Like, shit, I hope I do. And that's not for any of the nonsensical "creepy stalker person who likes making people uncomfortable" reasons, but because hopefully, if I'm scary to others, it SHOULD ward away others like this anon from attempting to start shit with me.
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
8 Anti LO Asks
1. the thing is like even the poets we draw from get critiqued too. a lot of people thought hesiod was an evangelist with an agenda to push, homer (if they existed) was often lampooned for contradicting lines and spending too much time making lists than developing the story, aeschylus and euripides were both seen as biased and cynical and were often mocked, along with many more, and yet LO fans think their kiwi tumblr fave is somehow above all of them and shouldn't be critiqued? Get over yourselves
2. the problem with the 'make your own story" argument is that, assuming you try to retell hxp at least, youll have LO fans attacking you for "stealing" from rachel, who in turn never promotes or supports other retellings unless it adheres to her worldview (such as OSP). say what you will on punderworld or ficlets, but they always prop up lesser known creators with their platforms, meanwhile rachel when tasked with helping others (like Lets Play) she made it about herself. that speaks volumes.
3. a lot of LO fans think antis are just randomly haters but that's not true. Most of us were once devoted fans who couldn't ignore all the issues anymore and who still remember when it had promise and effort put into it, not the rushed husk it is now. It isnt just blindly hating it, it's being annoyed & disappointed of what could have been and how much the comic has declined and how the fans refuse to acknowledge its faults. How would we know how badly its gone down if we weren't fans once?
4. idk man i wouldnt tell people who dislike lo to make their own comics because those end up being way better. reylos did the same thing to disney over how badly they hated the last star wars movie and now their fanfics are becoming NYT bestsellers. just saying.
5. Maybe I'm dating myself here but one of the funniest parts of fandom used to be the most devoted fans calling out the bad stuff in what we liked and discussing it, because it was fan to pick it apart and clown on it. IDK why now LO fans and people like them are so convinced they can only mindlessly praise with no dissent and all critique is invalid. It's basic critical thinking skills that one can like something and still acknowledge the flaws. It's a bad look to admit you can't do so IMHO.
6. lo fans really need to get off this high horse that lo is perfect and therefore can never be criticized. even the best pieces of work ever have actual things to critique within them, and lo is not somehow better than all of them  to not be critiqued as well. its an ever growing list of issues lo keeps adding up because of who is behind. sorry, rachel, if you want sole credit for the writing and art, you have to own all the critiques too, and the fans needs to accept it. 
7. sorry, LO fans, but we are allowed to critique a work that gets so much privleges that even other webtoon creators dont get (seriously, the majority stull have to live off commission work while working on a full time comic) meanwhile rachel gets away with bad writing, cliffhangers that aren’t resolved for years, worsening art, and her bad and entitled attitude all while the company constantly promotes her while the majority of their catalog doesn’t, she has a full team rushing work for her while she at best does sketches and the occasional banner art, and gets her a bunch of media deals that the rest won’t ever get even a scrap of, all while already being a well off, privileged white woman who cries to her thousands of fans when her ego is bruised because more and more people are noticing her shitty politics and morals put into her work and are rightfully calling it out. at the very least you’d think someone in such a high rank at one of the worlds biggest media houses would actually put in the effort to make the best product she can and respect the people and culture she’s making bank off of, but she’s not and frankly does not seem like she ever will. She quite literally said it’s HER story and she’s allowed to do what she wants with it, and has spoken over Greeks time and time again that their input doesn’t matter over her personal feelings and thoughts. you don’t see other people in her position who also made bank (such as Rick Riordan or Madeline Miller) treat Greece and it’s people so awfully as her, her fans, and her product do, yet she gets all the excuses in the world while the above mentioned and others work on their mistakes and try to always put their best products out there, all while respecting Greece and it’s stories and even giving platforms to the underrepresented, meanwhile Rachel herself can’t even keep colors in line or keep designs on model while her writing gets more and more nonsensical, with her status only going to enrich herself and her ego while the rest are clinging to survive. God willing, maybe another mythology webtoon will be picked up to give her some competition and actually force her to put in the work for the rewards she earned off the backs of others, and that can’t happen soon enough.
8. NGL, kinda funny that LO Stan defends it by claiming people who dislike it are just “hacks like the woman behind 50 shades” like … uh … you know LO is ripped off from 50 shades, right? Like quite literally, it’s almost point for point exactly the same as 50 shades, down to the CEO with mommy issues and BDSM mixed with weird obsessions over a college girl’s virginity and a jealous ex who is into it versus the pure MC. Rachel is literally the hack ripping off 50 shades that that stan is claiming antis are. Wild stuff.
Anyway both the 50 shades woman and Rachel owe Stephanie Meyers a lot of money Bc they both in turn just ripped off Twilight anyway lol
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allies + eje human au headcanons
I had to look up what eje meant, which was Axis in Spanish 🌮 (there's no sombrero emoji, and I'm mad about it). This is mostly a college Human AU, but there's still some future stuff in there. Enjoy the longest list of Headcannons in one post lol
Human AU Hetalia!
Has rich parents, but doesn't tell anyone, and somehow his big house that everyone parties at doesn't give it away.
The only person who knows is Japan, and that's specifically because Japan's dad works for America's dad.
Is a college student, hoping to go for some kind of music degree.
A first year.
Black T-shirt and jeans. Has a plaid button up for everyday of the month, usually has it tied around his hips.
Has like, one basic tux and refuses to wear anything but converse or airwalkers.
Space nerd #1, except he's more into what's beyond our boundaries, and loves the constellations.
One of the most popular kids, and no matter how hard you try he's not easy to hate.
Gives off dumb college kid energy even though he's one of the A+ students.
His glasses are for show. It was meant to be a rebellious thing since Canada use to get bullied about his own glasses, now it's just an esthetic.
Skate boards and plays the acoustic guitar in his free time.
Jeans are usually missing the knee section.
Once set off firecrackers in a metal trash can as a school prank.
Last year of college, majoring in history after failing his cooking classes.
Graphic tee central. We are unsure how many he has but he's up to 43 different shirts worn on campus.
Usually has his earbuds in, listening to punk rock.
Has an ungodly amount of bracelets. His favorite one is a black snap bracelet with little pirate skulls.
Was practically raised by his older brothers.
Lives alone, but is secretly an amazing writer.
Has a Tumblr blog he writes spooky stuff on.
Top of his class, but can be a dummy if he's put on the spot.
No one is sure how he's been allowed to take nothing but art classes. No English, or science, just art.
Is also a transfer student, he's probably the second richest thanks to daddy.
Is the school stud, despite not sleeping with a single soul, and is actually extremely nervous about dating, and is just more comfortable with playful flirting.
He wants to be a fashion designer, or Model. Mostly a Designer.
Loose shirts and tight pants.
Has a weird obsession with belt sashes.
Plays violin like a god, and is a senior.
Another senior in college.
Had the unfortunate event of being in the same cooking class as England before Arthur decided to switch degrees.
Still hangs out with him and Japan.
One of the few who is taking advanced classes, and is literally everyone's tutor.
Going for a Degree in Cooking. Wants to be a head chef.
His parents are over seas, but he promised to get them to America as soon as he can.
He wears a lot of colorful shirts that is always tucked into his pants.
Most of which look like bowling shirts, but he likes to add little Chinese patches to them. Has a signature jean jacket that is overwhelmed with patches.
Has a panda beenie baby keychain, so everyone knows exactly who it belongs to when he losses his keys.
Very quick to panic, and hates to admit he's wrong.
Third and final transfer student, along with Japan, and France.
Poor confused child is trying so hard.
He's kind of shy, and is fully aware his social akwardness creeps everyone out.
Almost cried the day America and Prussia adopted him into the cool kid circle.
His broken english is probably the biggest turn off for the people at school. It's why no one really talks to him, mostly because they can't figure out what he's saying most of the time.
Biggest sweetheart though, and is painfully smart, but do to the english thing he's stuck in the average classes, but China comes swooping in and his english gets almost fluent by his third year.
He doesn't own a single thing tech, minus a flip phone, but somehow knows all the hot keys on the computer to every program, and it's only because he's lazy about it and it's the funniest thing.
Space nerd #2 but knows more about the planets and can name every single moon, and knows the history of space discoveries by heart.
Secretly a hopeless romantic, and doesn't realize he reads England's blog.
Is pretty much a closet goth, but likes bright colors too much to be seen in all black.
Knows way to much about torture devices and learned very quickly that gets you out casted in a school setting.
Isn't upset that he doesn't have many friends, but somehow attracts all the little kids from the grade school.
He likes his northface sweater, and loose pants. But his shirts are pretty colorful, and he likes collecting shoelaces.
He spends a lot of time in the woodwork shop, creating amazing figures and such.
I can feel the dissapointed stares of Matt not being a photographer. Welp, guess he also gets a degree in art then.
Second year, Because he skipped one year in college.
Clothing style is long sleeves and vests.
He likes feeling fancy, and owns an endless amount of beanies.
One of the few people who talks to Russia.
His locker has a snot ton of polar bear stickers that everyone stuck to it, and he loves it.
Is baby but can kick butt in the wrestling club after school.
Has a tiny white Pomeranian that he rescued from it's mother who wouldn't take care of it, probably because the puppy was the runt of the litter.
Has a Harley Davidson and it's been painted black with the aurora on it, making everyone think it was his non-existent girlfriend's or something. Now it's a running joke.
He's not a jock, but he's friends with them.
Military Dad.
Is usually found hanging out in the gymnasium on breaks. It's quiet and no one is going to bother him. Usually.
Senior, and so ready to get the heck out of college.
Ladies love him, but he really hates the attention, like please help him.
Style wise he's pretty basic, but really loves his camo print.
Has owned countless doggos, and only attracted so many girls the day he walked to school with a fluffy poodle that France Hijacked for the day.
Doesn't ever go to dances after the first one and everyone tried to get him drunk, to no avail.
Had out drank some of the dumber students to shut them up.
Can be mean if you persistently pester him for dumb stuff, especially if he's already said no.
He's into construction and is working on a degree in Construction Management.
Exchange student number 3
Degree in technology is what he desires.
Style = Geek, but like a stylish geek.
Him and Canada are in photography class together.
Japan is also part of the cool kids, but only when they're about to do some dumb stunt, and need a camera man.
Doesn't mind, loves watching them make fools of themselves.
Has a rebellious streak, and tends to be a complete sass.
As soon as something seems to go bad, he gone. He's heading towards the door. Been in detention once, and that was it.
Why does everyone go to him for advice when china is literally down the hall?
Rich kid #3 and his parents are traditional and are having a crisis over their son's rebellious attitude.
Is a first year, and is oddly enough, going for a degree in history.
Really likes antiques and old artsy stuff.
Has a few shared classes with France, and they pretty much own those classes.
Rivals America's charisma, but isn't as popular due to:
Being seen around France, and not doing dumb and entertaining crap like america.
Gets picked on a lot Because he doesn't understand you can't be nice to the Jock's girlfriend without everyone thinking your flirting, even though you just needed directions on your first day of school.
Germany is now his bodyguard and he was kind of like "???" But they get closer the longer they hangout.
Fancy shirt man, like hand me downs from his Italian father. So they're really nice, and a lot of eye melting patterns.
Gets attached to people easily, and is sensitive when he gets taken advantage of during assignments, but toughs through it because he has too.
Has two cats literally named Mona, and Lisa.
Has cried at least once at school because he's a soft guy, but he gets a thicker shell the older he gets and learns to just laugh off other people's stupidity.
Protective older brother gooooo
Second year in school, and his first year made him want to eat brinks.
Doesn't know what degree he wants, but settled for a degree in cooking.
Shares his brother's shirts practically and it confuses everyone Because, didn't Feliciano wear that shirt last week?
Immediately thinks people don't know washing machines exist Because of this, so his sass factor is high up there.
Doesn't really have friends, and also does not care. He's a bit of a lone wolf and needed something to do.
The amount of not caring attitude contrasts his high grades and his teachers are painfully confused by it.
Will jokingly tell people to fight him at McDonald's, and almost fought someone but literally laughed, and suggested they got something to eat instead.
He's somehow, in a bizarre and unwanted sense, everyone's brother which is just...
No one understands him, but they like him, and he doesn't know why and it kind of bugs him.
He's usually in the front of the school daydreaming about, god only knows what...
Is the epitomy of the "she doesn't even go here" joke from mean girls, except he does go to that school.
Why did he need a degree? Oh yeah, Because work places don't care what kind of paper, you just need a paper.
Rival friendship with america, and Russia has had to step in to break up petty fights.
He's not sure why he's part of the popular kids since he's so fricken chaotic and obnoxious. Or so he thinks.
Genuinely a sweet guy in his last year, desperately wanting a degree in mathematics. Like, no one understands why mathematics until he starts pulling card tricks from his pocket that deals with it, and blows everyone's mind.
He is also head of the newspaper club.
Has the style of a teenage band member and will not apologize for it.
Has hijacked the schools speaker system to blast evanescence, which gave a huge boost to his friendship with Russia, since the big fellow shares Prussia's taste in music.
Can eat a whole ghost pepper without batting an eyelash, and this is only Headcannon and a worthy note because he became sick the day after and the whole school had "in loving memory of Gilbert's stomach" posters all over the place.
Teacher's are very much done with his harmless antics. They're noticably stupid pranks, but only to the point it's annoying.
Like he managed to make all the teacher's computer backgrounds as Brad Pitt wearing a sombrero. There's no joke, and no punchline. It's just a poorly Photoshopped sombrero?
Races his brother to school every morning, and afternoon. Cops have stopped them at least twice due to other bystanders getting freaked out.
Him and Romano don't mix well, but try to leave each other alone.
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lovedinapastlife · 4 years
Brace yourselves! Opinion ahead! Skip if uninterested or anxious about cast commentary and ramblings. This is not aimed at anyone who still enjoys this particular cast member unless you’re curious why people don’t like them. I don’t think any less of someone for enjoying this person in the past or present bc they can put up a good front. I get that Hollywood’s weird. I try to avoid that stuff. But in this case, I couldn’t. I hope you can either respect or ignore where I stand with my opinion. I know we’re all human and make mistakes, but one cast member in particular has bounced out of bounds in a professional setting for years now, so that’s the one I’ll be commenting on. If you want to comment on someone else or defend them, make your own post, live your life, love stuff that’s healthy for ya. 
For the love of bughead, I’ve kept my mouth shut about problematic behavior of an actor for a while, because they are separate from their character. But in this fandom in particular I feel like people project their love of this character onto this person, whereas for me, I struggle with the opposite problem of finding it harder to support this actor’s work bc of their atrocious behavior. I don’t condone it. I don’t want to appear to condone it. How do I do that and still participate in fandom that may use his image with a clear conscience? My current answer is to make at least one post (this one) denouncing the actor. I’m not sure if a lot of us are THINKING it and not saying it, but I want to make my stance clear between the divide. At one time, I was happy with a character he played - both in the public and on Riverdale. But the rose-colored glasses were smashed and I’m disgusted on a regular basis by the way he treats people. His tumblr “chameleon/cheating” post from years ago came rearing back into my mind as how sick and selfish a person he could be. Look it up if you’re curious and have a strong stomach.
If you still love him, compartmentalize, enjoy whatever hair he has left before his bad habits mess that up, too. Gaze upon the old gifs of him making heart-eyes or wearing sharp suits, tie him to the character he plays, whatever floats your boat. You can ignore my opinions, some of which are based in fact with interviews, others based on speculation grounded in his public and private behavior that we’ve seen on social media. I’ve read the love blogs and the hate blogs and done my own research since joining fandom. Below is a ranty list why I think he’s an unprofessional, controlling nightmare that I’d like to kick to the tundra where the bears will be the supreme predator and only the penguins will pose for his photographs.
- The hill he wanted to die on as an “Archie comics fan” was Hotdog’s breed. He dug his heels in so much that RAS said they literally didn’t talk for three days. And Mr. Showbiz since diapers didn’t realize that certain dog breeds are harder to train? Come on! It was a stupid power move where he aggressively denied the showrunner to test his boundaries, then tried to play it off as nothing.
- Constantly derailed interviews, disrupted or dismissed costars answers. ComicCon was the most obvious and obnoxious but he’s done it forever, even to flirt. He berates journalists for asking normal questions on a regular basis and constantly disrespects them or tries to make people uncomfortable with sex, “integrity”, weird noises, hair poofs, etc. Always wants to be the coolest, funniest, smartest, most interesting person on the panel, though he treats people like they don’t deserve his presence.
- "Couldn’t stay away” from a costar who was much younger and inexperienced in the industry who initially didn’t show interest in him and stayed in while he partied, then kept it fairly under lock and key until he could control the narrative with a high-profile date and “romantic” title attached to him when he was going to be in a romance movie and could use her for promotion. Not saying he didn’t love her, but for someone concerned with being used, he sure knew when to pick his moments to play the relationship to his advantage. Rarely endorsed his gf’s work outside of “bragging” of how he claimed her, but always promoted certain other people, especially as gf got more prolific. He also publicly taunted his gf when she was working and he had time off in bouts of passive-aggressive bad behavior
- Risked cast and crew by gunning the car during setup of scene - now banned from driving anything onset bc the people at the top couldn’t trust him. Anyone else banned from general behaviors bc they can’t be trusted? Mm no. Oh, and didn’t his gf have to do his makeup for a while because he wouldn’t sit still for anyone else? He posted videos of him biting at makeup brushes and made fun of his costar for doing homework onset. Is he a toddler or a nearly thirty year old “professional” who’s been in the business since diapers?
- Did he ever call off his stans when they attacked his coworkers for kissing scenes with him? Every time a costar made a joke about him, he’d snap back that he was more popular than them and start making personal attacks. It’s like no one’s told him he’s mean instead of funny or charming bc they want to like him, what he was, who he plays on TV, or just avoid confrontation with his stans (and maybe him). People have made comments (and not really in jest) about guys who liked Lili should be careful, bc they wouldn’t want to get on C’s bad side. There was some weird social media behavior there, too, like he was trying to intimidate people who showed aesthetic/romantic interest in her by following them. His whole modus operandi of “stealing people’s phones to make ugly selfie photos is immature and invasive, though it may not harm anyone, it’s still unprofessional that he did or does it so regularly
- Generally one of the only cast members who never promotes the show on sm and makes it obvious he thinks it’s beneath him, despite it being the thing that shot him back into the spotlight/casting offices in general. Makes fun of his young fans or people who actually enjoy the madness of the show, then halfheartedly tries to “win” them back with “baby” content so “studio santas” will still cast him.
- Refused to do a scene because it was cold outside! His costars were in their underwear, and if it was that bad, he did not protect any of them. Then, he bragged about his “special exception” for laziness and unprofessionalism in an interview! Wow! What a catch! /s
- Side note: when his girlfriend costar was so cold her words were slurring in a scene with him, he took no such stance, had her stick her head in the snow for his "art," etc-- oh, also did a whole photoshoot in one of the coldest countries known to man, then posted pictures of himself warming his balls and treating a tall model like a sideshow. Super unprofessional, and marketing himself to the same “immature” young audience he claims to be too good for instead of high fashion as he claims.
- Parties with and photographs extremely young, usually scantily clad girls in the industry that any mature person has no business hanging out with, especially in compromising settings. He likes a lot of suggestive or nude female model pics and meets up with these girls/courts them for “networking” and “portfolio building.” Then, the posts rarely go up, he attempts to have sex with them, and dictate what they can say about the experience or their “working relationship” *cough* Then, he tracks down and berates when their friends call him out on it  (whether they want to brag about or cancel him). All this while pretending to be an advocate for models in the public eye. He gaslit former girlfriends about his behavior with models -- I won’t go into ALL the abuse his exes have blatantly and subtly accused him of, but it’s bad stuff, and I believe it. He has said that photography is incredibly sexual to him, basically a kink. If he loves landscapes so much, why isn’t he liking those photos all over the place? Or male models? He liked dog pics for a while, but it’s been mainly girls posing “sexy” for a long time. Signs all over social media point to him being a narcissistic, abusive, cheating addict in more ways than one
- Despite his “no nudity” stance bc of how much models get taken advantage of, he photographed a model topless with clothes over everything else, and has since gotten more bold about sexualizing his models (ass shots of them bent over in bikinis, outtakes of a horse shoot where the model looks like she’s turned on, etc)
- don't even get me started on how gross and predatory he is for sliding into a no-name instamodel's dms fora huge power discrepancy, hiring her for "portfolio work," parading her around as a new plaything, then posting photos trying to recreate memories with his ex to hurt her/replace memories/mock the universe/take control/whatever
- Promotes smoking and drinking, even in places it’s banned with precious art!!! Mr. Photographer and former Met intern knows better! He may not value his lungs, of his life, but it’s clear he has no respect for anyone else. Per twitter, he bumped cocaine at the Met Gala, if not other parties. And let's be real, the bloat, the company he keeps, and his manic behavior indicate substance abuse. During a pandemic, either didn’t wear his mask at all or slung it around his neck like a scarf, went to bars, hosted parties at his absent friends’ house until his face was swollen and his eyes lost their light. He even climbed into a washing machine like a 19 y.o. fratboy and risked serious injury, then posted it. For what? A cry for help? He thought it was funny? What does this say to his younger fans? Or studio santas, for that matter? He’s physically aging way out of the only market he had a strong foothold in for a year or so there, but emotionally is regressing or stunted or falling into some seriously troublesome addictions that may be inherited.
- Makes borderline or blatantly racist, sexist, rude comments on social media, then mocks anyone who takes it seriously (wtf was his tumblr experiment btw??? and cameraduels?? c’mon, it’s all control freak nonsense he uses to demean people bc he's an angry, bitter man). Oh, but he also deletes comments and blocks people who call him out for being an egotistical predator? He couldn’t even mute his mic or stop messing around when “lending his channel” to someone during a serious time of social justice. He taunted his ex when she shared that their relationship was abusive. Whether you believe her claims or not, that was incredibly insensitive.
- Only spoke out against harassment when trolls leaked his address with threats. I won’t go into the full rant about his “thoughtful” breakup post, but the timing and phrasing is majorly suspect. It had cover-up written all over it. It appeared he was attempting to control the narrative after his ex’s interview on a book where an ex of hers (probably him) is painted as an emotionally abusive addict.
- Did I mention his clear disregard for other people? Yes? Okay, how about this: the cast and crew are busting their ass, running at least six feet away from any showrunners at any given time so as to limit covid exposure, especially bc one of the cast is PREGNANT, and this jerkbag is disregarding their sacrifice so his ego can get stroked (and yes that’s a pun bc he’s a creepy gross abusive pos in my mind at this point) and he can go to petting zoos and get tea and crumpets and whatever else his former preteen star heart desires. No amount of hugging Mickey Mouse in photoshopped images is going to clean up the mess he made. The boy needs real therapy and a crew that doesn’t enable him.
I would love if they could recast him like they do on soap operas and see how he fares without this show “holding him back” from whatever ridiculous role he wants next, assuming anyone will cast him after this.
In short: that weak-jawed letch lost a fan. I’m sure he can spare me, but I pray he can salvage a few braincells after all this and sober up before he destroys himself and the hard work of others.
Um... yeah. No need to @ me if you disagree. You’re welcome to make your own posts or live your life however is needed via 2020 ^-^
Have a great day!
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entertainment · 5 years
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Entertainment Spotlight: Adam Faison, Everything’s Gonna Be Okay
Actor Adam Faison stars in Freeform’s new series, Everything’s Gonna Be Okay. You may also recognize him from Into the Dark, HBO’s Here, Now, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., The Fosters, and Grace and Frankie. On the film front, he currently wrapped production on the upcoming Netflix film Yes Day, opposite Jennifer Garner. Adam took the time to answer some of our questions. Check it out:
What’s an issue that you’d love for the cast to tackle in an upcoming episode of Everything’s Gonna Be Okay?
Maybe Alex and Nicholas experimenting with opening up their relationship! It’s something that I, and I think many others in the queer community have experienced, so I feel it would resonate with a lot of people to see an atypical relationship depicted on screen.
Did you pull from any of your own experiences in your portrayal of Alex?
The relationship with Matilda and Alex is one that mirrors the one that Kayla and I have in real life! We got very close over the filming process: we’d run lines every Sunday on FaceTime, go to the Museum of Death because she is very into true crime and the paranormal (I got nauseous afterward which she still asserts is because I had dairy that day and I am lactose intolerant), and help each other with self- tapes (she is “very method” and one time for a scene she used a real “Kill Bill” style sword and another time she used a literal dead trout she bought from Ralph’s. Peep my IG for receipts). All this is to say that we got very close, so it naturally made it easier for us to connect on camera. I love her very much.
Do you have a favorite character arc from season one of Everything’s Gonna Be Okay?
I think the arc in one of the later episodes where Nicholas and Alex get a call from Matilda that she wants to host a threesome at the house. It’s a genuinely hilarious moment because these pseudo parental figures really fumble to try and figure out what to tell her.
Can you take us through a typical day on set?
Oy! Okay ready?
Wakeup, report to set.
Head to the dressing room to change and retrieve shooting “Sides” (an excerpt of scenes from the episode script that you will shooting that day)
Camera Blocking rehearsal (for the director/ DP/ heads of department to see how to scene will look so they can plan accordingly for their respective technical aspects).
Meet the bugs. So, if there are bugs in a scene we do a rundown with our groovy bug wrangler, Diana Terranova, wherein she gives us the low down on how to handle those particular insects. For example, tarantulas like to be cupped upside down in a hand because they feel safe that way and they like human warmth.
Run lines for pacing with other actors/ maybe director while waiting for cameras to finish setting up.
Get called back to set.
Rehearse for the camera again full out.
“Last looks” HMU touch-ups.
Break for lunch.
Look for “entities” on set with Kayla’s ghost hunting equipment.
Maybe play guitar and sing in my dressing room.
Report back to set for “touch-ups.”
Shoot again.
What’s the funniest photo that you have on your phone right now (either share or describe it)?
“We met at Starbucks. Not at the same Starbucks but we saw each other at different Starbucks across the street from each other.”
If yk yk ;)
Do you have any fun facts about the making of Everything’s Gonna Be Okay that fans would be surprised to find out?
That all the sex scenes are real. Lol jk. Um. I guess that any quirks that we have IRL, Josh loves to put into the show. He loves that honesty. Like for example, I as Adam tend to mimic people’s mannerisms and vernacular when I am around them for an extended period of time. Lilia, who plays Drea on the show, told me it’s called “echolalia.” So Josh noticed this and when we're in argument scenes he would have Alex slip and say things that Nicholas would say. For example in episode 4 I say “bloody socks!” and in episode 8 I mirror the way he says “funny!” in his accent. It made for some really fun and genuine moments between our characters.
If you could have a conversation with any character that you’ve played in the past, who would you talk to and what would you talk about?
Josh from The Fosters. I look back and I can see that I was so married to my choices, I couldn’t be free. I wish I could’ve told myself to trust my instincts more, have fun, and just respond truthfully in the moment.
Describe each of the following in one word: Who you are, what you value the most, and what you’d be if you were a food item.
Sweet potato fries
What’s next for you?
I did VO [voice over] in a doc called P.S. Burn this Letter Please about unearthed letters between drag queens in the 50s/60s that’s premiering soon! I'm so excited to be a part of telling that untold queer history. And other than that, just living life. Soaking up the “joie de vivre” as one of my high school friends Chelsea King once said in a paper before she passed. I revisit that paper every year and it gives me new meaning each time I read it. I think right now for me it means playing more music, writing more poetry, and just taking in the sun more. It's cheesy but I actually stop and smell the roses these days. Have you ever done that? If not, you should really try it :)
Thanks for taking the time, Adam! Catch up on Season 1 of Everything’s Gonna Be Okay, now on Hulu. For more Everything’s Gonna Be Okay content, check out the Everything’s Gonna Be Okay Tumblr!
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highwaydiamonds · 3 years
Um. Excuse me. You had cancer??
Yeah... I mean I guess I really haven't discussed it much on tumblr. I have a little bit, but only in vague ways, or rarely made veiled references in tags.
SO, get a drink, get a snack, because this is a bit of a saga, and you already know I am longwinded at the best of times. I'm going to do like Vizzini said, and go back to the beginning. I hope you're ok I'm making this public Shells, it seems easier to? And I'll put this behind a cut because I really do wax on ( and on).
It's the end of August 2018 and i appear to have gotten some kind cold/respiratory infection. I'm at work the first day of it and it feels like a cold. No big deal. (Also this is all pre-COVID so no I didn't have COVID). The next day I feel really awful, so I call off work, and figure all I need to do is rest and I'll be ok. Turns out, NOPE. The next day I feel worse- now I can tell I have a bit of a fever, my appetite was basically, " eat one baby carrot and my appetite is exhausted." Finally, I get to the point that I am having trouble lying down - as in I am becoming short of breath when I try to lie flat (sorry if I am using the wrong word - lay/lie was always a grammar issue that eluded me.) So, I decide, ok, i will be sensible girl and go get medical attention. But I am stubborn and feel the ER is overreacting, so I go to urgent care. i park in the front row of urgent car parking, but by the time I reach the intake desk I have to put my head down because I am so winded and a bit lightheaded.
They take one look at me and tell me, point blank, "we're getting a squad for you to take you to the ER." I say, " what? no, I don't need that, this is not that big a deal." They counter, " you could barely walk in the door and you you are having significant trouble breathing. We don't have the ability to see you here." So, for the first time in my life I have to go via ambulance from urgent care to a free standing ER.
I get to the ER - where they decide, OK, lady, you're a mess. Let's get some chest x-rays and we're gonna slap some IV fluids and I can't even recall if they immediately put me on IV antibiotics or not. But after two hours there they informed me, " hey.... So, we think you need to go to the hospital-hospital not the freestanding ER." I tell them well you better hand me my laptop ( I'm that bitch who takes the laptop with her juuuuust in case I am stuck in the hospital. you never know.) Because i am not going to a hospital until I figure out if they're in my health plan. I do so and then for the second time in my life, all in one night because sometimes I am an over achiever i guess, I go via ambulance to the hospital.
They admitted me and over the next few/couple/ hours ( it was hard to tell) I progressively felt worse. I had trouble breathing if I didn't sit absolutely straight up, and at that point I hadn't gotten good sleep for around 60 hours or so. Me being me I started to get teary and panicky, because I was so tired and wasn't sure what to do. I called for the nurse and she came in and then within the next half hour your girl got taken down to the ICU. By the time we arrived down in the ICU I was really getting panicky. My mom died in the ICU ( different hospital but still) and I knew the fact they took me down there was no laughing matter. I started to think about, " ok is this what death is like? this isn't what i thought it was going to be - this is panicky and scary and not all white lights and peace."
The next thing I knew - it was two days later, and I woke up intubated. Did you know that you can be conscious and intubated? I did not. I'll speed things up a bit here. I spent a total of 8 days in the ICU - I had one hell of a case of pneumonia, and there were a couple of other diagnoses thrown in ( nope, not cancer. promise, we will get there.) . The nurses I had were AMAZING. I was intubated for about 6 of those 8 days. Then I got weaned off of it. Funniest moment on the ventilator: Physical therapist comes around and says, " Hey let's get you up and walking, you think you can?" I nodded and shrugged my shoulders to try and communicate, " sure, ok!" It went totally fine, but there were nursing students, residents, other doctors and who knows who else looking out of rooms and over desks at the two of us just y'know... *walking down the hall*. I gestured to the people because it was just flipping weird. I had an audience at the exact time NOBODY wants an audience and it confused the hell out of me. PT advised me, " there aren't too many times ventilated patients are ambulatory. You're a bit of a curiosity so people want to see."
Once I got out of the ICU and was put back on a regular floor, I got to meet with other doctors re those other diagnoses I mentioned ( chronic things I just have to manage) I also mentioned that it had been a really long time since I had been to a GYN and as had been noted in the ICU I spotted quite frequently ( I have never, ever in my life been regular period-wise and it just got weirder over time, but I just didn't really consider it. So I asked while they were setting me up with new practitioners ( my previous doctor had retired) too please set me top with a gynecologist.
So I'm out of the hospital by September 10th, 2018. The gyro appointment occurs i want to say by mid- to late September. I go in and meet her and she's lovely. While I'm up on the table she says, " hey let's do all the things and get a uterine biopsy!" I say, " excellent, do the things!" We agree it's likely going to be nothing but hey we're smart people and we will play it safe. Huzzah Gyno visit accomplished! (if I were a gamer I'd make some kind of ladybits achievement unlocked now, but I'm not a gamer.)
Two or so weeks go by - or however long it takes to get those test results back (some of these spans are lost in the mists of time). Dr Boyle calls me and apologizes that the test results that she was sure would be nothing... they are not nothing. Turns out, it's endometrial cancer.
At that point you could have knocked me over with a feather. Shells, I wanted my mom to be there so badly, I can't even express it. She would have understood how I felt - she'd been there with her breast cancer. But at the same time, I was glad she wasn't there? I remember how heartsick my mom was to tell Grandmommy when Mom got cancer. I didn't want my mom to have to hear that news, to worry about that. Dr Boyle advised me that she would be referring me to a good oncologist and i should hear from them in a week or two.
Thus began MRIS and PET scans and ultrasounds, and blood work etc. The oncologist diagnosed that he figured I might be stage three, but it depended on my lymph involvement. It brought back memories of when Mom was diagnosed and when she told me she was stage three. I asked my Dad later, "what does that mean?" He told me, " there are only four stages, so what do you think?" This time around I knew what it meant. So, we put me down for surgery November 9th, 2018. That's two days before my birthday - so I joked that I was getting my cancer out for my birthday - hooray! My best friend actually flew in from texas for my surgery ( my best friend is a SAINT, and I love her more than pearls and rubies.)
Best surgery story from this experience: For my total hysterectomy (uterus and ovaries go sayonara and then also two signal lymph nodes in the chain of nodes on either side of the pelvis to se if there is any lymph complication.) I had to be tilted back - so with my head down to move as many organs away from the uterus etc during the laparoscopic procedure. I knew this going in, However, when I woke up back in my hospital room I looked at Bestie and said, " I hurt in places I didn't expect to hurt. Oh wait. My shoulders hurt because they're not used to being weight bearing, but the procedure was laproscopic - so why the heck does my vagina hurt?" Bestie in one of her best moments ever says, " I know why." I replied, " wait, YOU know why MY vagina hurts?!" She said, " yep. So your surgery was supposed to take 3-3.5 hours ended up taking 5 hours instead. Your uterus was really big. The oncologist told us they need up having to cut it in half to pull it out of you." bestie admitted she joked with the oncologist that it was like I had just birthed a baby, he looked back at her (NOT laughing) and said, " yes, that's basically what she did." I laughed so much at that ( i mean i was also well medicated, but still) I told Bestie, " I had a Uterus! Let's call it George!" ( In retrospect I am disappointed in myself that I misgendered my own uterus, I should have called it Georgina.)
So, after healing from the surgery, by about January of 2019 I started two courses (each with a few rounds) of chemo. First came what the doctors and I called "low-pro" chemo - that we did along with radiation. Honestly, though i was making a heck of a lot more bathroom trips, you wouldn't have generally known I was sick. Most of my coworkers had no idea. I just was a bit more tired than usual. After the low pro rounds - then we moved to the bigger guns. Radiation was done but I moved to more significant chemo drugs, This wasn't because things were bad - this was the plan all along :) But I knew the "high-pro" chemo was going to make me lose my hair. THAT was a psychic struggle. I cried so much knowing that was going to happen. I got hats and caps and I even got a very nice wig. I mean, I planned as much as a girl can plan when she hears that news. I even preemptively cut my long hair. It was about half way down my back at that point. So I went in and asked the stylist please braid it and put it in between two hair ties - and then cut it - so i could keep my braid. I couldn't do locks of love anyway as it was colored, and I know it's selfish, but I wanted my hair. So, the hair went from half down my back to a face framing bob. then I just waited. And then in a few weeks it happened. I could put my hands through my hair and easily, painlessly pull it out. I am not a cute bald girl. That's when people KNOW you have something going on.
I was very lucky though, there ended up NOT being lymph involvement, and even the high pro chemo didn't make me nauseous or lose appetite. I did have HORRIBLE bone pain usually the first week after chemo ( i'd get it every three weeks). I learned a hell of a lot from that. I also was able to get some meds to help alleviate it a bit, and I took time from work when the pain was at its worst. But I have never experienced pain like that - where no matter what I did - no position changes helped. Even ice packs or heat pads didn't help or do much. It was just a waiting game, a painful waiting game. Oh also - I learned that IV benadryl is nothing like oral benadryl. IV benadryl is like walking right into a brick wall made of sleep. That stuff knocked me the hell out right quick - amazing.
Right before COVID started and the world shut down I got the flu because my immune system was in the toilet- and so I spent another week in the hospital and except for the bone pain that comes with chemo, you know what is worse than chemo injections? POTASSIUM injections. Among other things, my potassium levels were low and so I got those injections with other meds. Those suckers HURT. they BURN, and so i spent a week in the hospital only to eventually come out and find out the world was starting to shut down from COVID. Not my job at that point, but my oncologist told me, " GO HOME - YOU KNOW YOU ARE IMMUNO COMPROMISED - DON'T STAY AT WORK." So, I went home until about a month after I finished chemo.
Since finishing chemo it's been about scans, which have gone ok so far... I'm not willing to talk about the R word. I just think I'll have to be careful the rest of my life - My mom always said, "once you've gotten cancer, you always have cancer." So, maybe it's the anxiety talking, but it's kind of like waiting for the other cancer shoe to drop. In the mean time though, it's business as usual - try to find good stuff in the midst of the hot mess. Cancer has been a crisis but not a reason to lose my sense of humor. I've needed it more than ever :)
So, sorry for the SERIOUSLY LONG ASS answer, but sometimes it's just better to lay it bare. I'm not ashamed of this stuff. It's been a lot. It's been a journey... It still is... it's part of the rest of my journey, which i hope isn't over by a long shot yet. I don't believe things happen for reasons - the world is WAY too absurd for that in my opinion, BUT good gravy have i been able to learn so much from this whole three ring circus. I'm not grateful for cancer, but I am grateful for the lessons.
Thanks for checking in, Shells. You're a complete sweetheart.
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apopcornkernel · 4 years
which of your fics...
tysm for the tag @deinde-prandium!! ive been putting this off for so long kfjghsd
…did you think would get a bigger reaction/audience than it got: when i first posted it, i was honestly really proud of paris in the rain. it’s got a good amount of kudos, actually, but i’d hoped it’d garner a little more since 1) ladynoir and 2) ladynoir under umbrellas
…received more attention than you expected it to: on tumblr, its definitely the language barrier (isn’t that high). like, i’d expected maybe a hundred at most? but now it’s at 1k notes and @theanxiouscupcake even made me some delightful fanart for it ;-;;;;;;;
…is your funniest: i’d say it’s a tie between X Æ A-12 and the 2nd chapter of somniloquy
…is your darkest/angstiest: oh boy, dark and angsty are two different things. darkest is definitely this missblang songfic (no other sadness in the world would do, please heed the tags) i wrote for a challenge, and angstiest is sentimental trickster, a marichat oneshot (i am Begging you to read it while playing the song i linked in the notes please)
…is your absolute favorite: ughhhh so hard to choose,,, but currently my favorites are lucky (we’re in love) and shortest route!
…is your least favorite: a crack-ish fic that was the first one i ever wrote. don’t bother looking for it, i removed it from my works page bc i really did noooooooot wanna see it
…was the easiest to write: surprisingly enough, the language barrier was pretty easy to write. like, yeah, there was a chinese part in it, but thanks to me being chinese it wasn’t exactly hard?  plus pleco always has my back. anyways what im trying to say is i wrote that in like an hour and then bam, done
…was the hardest to write: ughhhhhhhh ok so the answer to this hasnt even been posted yet. it’s a 15k cinderella-ish thing but the THING IS. i made the horribly dumb decision of making them enemies bc of a misunderstanding and ITS BEEN FOREVER AND I STILL CANT POST BECAUSE I HAVENT RESOLVED THEIR CONFLICT PROPERLY. i hate myself for making it this complicated
…has your favorite line/exchange/paragraph (share it): ohhhhhhhhhhhh i have a lot but uh i’d say this snippet from lucky (we’re in love) is the best:
And Ladybug lit up—there was no better word for it.
Her face glowed in the moonlight, silver on her skin and rose in her cheeks. She smiled so bright that he swore her teeth gave off their own light. And her eyes. They sparkled like little stars, filled to the brim with happiness.
He could stare at her forever, wondering what secrets were held in those eyes as deep and blue as the ocean. Wondering if maybe, just maybe, her eyes were not just filled with joy, but also with affection.
He'd long fallen head over heels for her, and it had only grown with each and every thing she did. The way her freckles spread across her cheeks like constellations he'd gladly spend a lifetime studying. The way her eyes crinkled up when she smiled at him. The way she stood up to akumas, fearless and confident in her strategies.
...ngl if i quoted all the things i loved abt that fic we’d be here all day because lucky (we’re in love) is probably my magnum opus
…would you recommend to someone reading your work for the first time:  lucky (we’re in love) or patronizing the patisserie! it sums my personality up well: ladynoir and fluff. (and i will never not insist that lucky was my peak)
…are you most proud of: once again... lucky (we’re in love). look that was the best ive ever written, and probably will write. i can only hope i can live up to my own standards in the future KJGHDHTY
tagging @inkjackets @theladyfae @theanxiouscupcake @kitten-noire and if you’ve already been tagged just ignore this whoops kfdjhstrh
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For the ship thing. Sorikai or Akuroku. Dealers' choice on the faves.
Here’s akuroku (better late than never? 😅) 
1. How do much do I ship it?: Never heard of it/ Notp / Dislike / used to ship / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / IS IT CANON YET?
2. What non sexual activities do they like to do together?
Axel and Roxas are both daring and adventurous, and I love the idea of them traveling to new cities and worlds together. They befriend the locals, explore both major tourist destinations and obscure holes-in-the-wall, dare each other to try new activities, taste all the local delicacies and end every day together climbing as high in the city as they can, watching the sunset, and eating something sweet. I also think Axel and Roxas would really enjoy music. They would seek out performances and festivals, and figure out a way to get music from different worlds on their Gummi phones to share with friends and listen to at home. Roxas would be thrilled to have the chance to help Axel train with his keyblade, and of course, Axel would still have combat pointers for Roxas. With Axel’s fire power it would be cool if they learned to forge their own weapons, keyblades included. 
3. Who does chores around the house?
The Organization has military-like cleaning standards, so both of them are pretty tidy. Bigger tasks, they would put off until they reach catastrophic proportions and then have to tackle them together. For example, the sink has been leaking for weeks, Roxas has been mentioning it every now and then, and Axel has been saying, “yeah, yeah, we’ll get to it” but they don’t get to it until the bathroom floods, and then they are both soaking wet, wrenches in hand, switching off between trying to fit under the sink and make sense of the directions. 
4. Who’s the better cook?
Axel’s kind of a natural in the kitchen because he has such a good sense of temperature, but his taste is not for everyone, since he especially enjoys foods that are spicy, crispy, salty or ice cold. He tends to do more cooking than Roxas. Roxas is initially comically terrible in the kitchen, but he’s a quick study and gets pretty good practicing with Axel, Xion, and Sora. He especially likes making breakfast and desserts. 
 5. Who’s the funniest drunk?
Roxas. With his strong dose of good sense out the window, there is very little Roxas won’t do including dancing on the table and public karaoke. Axel is right there with him, but would generally participate in most of the activities sober, as well. Roxas is also an “I LOVE YOU, MAN” kind of drunk toward anyone and everyone, and has been known to hug even the likes of Riku. 
When Axel drinks too muc,h he spends the vast majority of his time hitting on Roxas and/or trying to get him home to their bed, (to be fair, he is usually successful), and the rest of the time being even more acerbic and catty than usual. 
6. Do they have kids?
I think considering both of their pasts, they would want to wait a while, but later on down the line they would be interested in taking in a kid or two that needed them. They would be sweet, if unconventional dads, and their kid would be a sweetheart but kind of a pistol.
7. Do they have any traditions?
One - Regularly revisiting a certain clocktower to eat ice cream or meet up with friends or have important conversations or just to get away from the stressors in their lives for a while. Two - Dreaming of the beach. They do actually go every so often, but they are -always- talking about making plans to go to the beach when they have a day off or wishing they were on the beach. 
8. What do they fight about?
I think both of them are insecure being part of Team Light. They don’t completely feel like they’re “good guys” after their pasts working for the Organization. Axel thinks Roxas has nothing to feel guilty about because he’s the one who’s always had the most conscience, and Roxas doesn’t think people are hard enough on him when he spent so long doing what the Org asked without question. Axel doesn’t think he’s good enough for Roxas, and Roxas has to regularly reassure him that yes he does want to be with him even though he’s done terrible things, and that he understands why Axel did them and that Axel has changed and believes he can be better. He loves Axel and sees all his best qualities and gets frustrated when Axel doubts that. Roxas also gets upset if Axel tries to keep anything from him, even when Axel is just trying to protect him, so Axel tries to be as open and honest as possible, though it doesn’t always come naturally. 
9. What would they do if they found their pairing tag on tumblr? (If they have one)
I think their initial reaction would be wild laughter. They would spend a ridiculous amount of time looking through it, debating its accuracy, and making plans for future activities based on ideas in the tag. Roxas would be a little embarrassed at first but get over it. Axel would be fascinated at first, but then a little impatient to get back to what they could be doing in reality. 
10. Who cried at the end of Marley and me?
(I’ve never seen Marley & Me, I’m just going to assume a very cute dog dies)
Roxas. Axel had to hold him, rub his back, and reassure him it was just a movie and real dogs don’t die, that would be cruel and horrible. Axel didn’t cry. Obviously. He just had something in his eye.
11. Who always wins at Mario kart?
It’s a pretty even competition if all parties are playing fair. Sometimes they cheat and distract each other with kisses and touches, and Axel tends to be the more distractible of the two, which Axel still considers a win-win situation for them both. 
12. One thing I like about this ship?
They have an actual relationship that I got to watch grow and evolve throughout the game. Axel was the only Org member remotely nice to Roxas when he didn’t have anything or anybody, and Roxas helped Axel from totally losing himself by reminding him what it was like to see the world through fresh eyes and to care about another person. They have fun banter, they spend time together, confide in each other, they miss each other when they’re gone, and they have a strong undying loyalty toward each other. I also love the clock tower moments in general, escaping the harshness of their reality to steal time together watching the sunset while romantic music played and comforting and confiding in each other. 
13. One thing I don’t like about the ship?
Retcon aging = Fandom Drama™ Like, please let me ship this ship I’ve been shipping since I was a kid in peace. 
14. The song I would say fits them?
So many, but recently: Hell and Back (Maren Morris) & Daylight (Taylor Swift)
15. Another headcanon about the pairing? (Free space)
I headcanon that after training with Roxas, (or trying to protect him) Axel would also be able to dual wield keyblades like he does his chakram. 
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1. How do much do I ship it?: Never heard of it/ Notp / Dislike / used to ship / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / IS IT CANON YET
Fun fact: I started out as maybe and moved to the ship category while writing 
2. What non sexual activities do they like to do together?
Grass is Greener Verse: 
Theater, as shocking as it is that they can fixate on something where the eyes aren't on either of them. Well, there is the pre-show ritual of Kairi talking about how well she would have done as a stage actress. Vanitas more often takes a supportive rather than sarcastic response to this, and tells her she should go to some open auditions. It's far from too late. She's young, hot, and talented (He presumes the last one, but he'd never bet the opposite...and after he sees the one movie she did and some of the commercials...he'll just keep his mouth shut on talented). Sometimes, she'll beam, call him right, and make plans she doesn't follow through on. Sometimes she's noncommittal. Sometimes she'll glare at him, deciding he's just trying to end conversation or mock that she is all talk. Post-show there's also talk--this time from both of them--about how they could have done better in certain roles, which is a couples bonding activity all on its own. HOWEVER, these types of fantasies are not why they love plays. They think is an engrossing form of storytelling, that make worlds come to life and put you in them more than movies or tv. Also, they are simply dramatic nerds at heart.
They also play tennis. Primarily doubles, though you would be foolish to play against them, but they enjoy competing with each other too.
Rock climbing, but at an indoor rock gym. Anyone who asks them if they are training for something/ever planning a trip receives incredibly incredulous looks and scoffing. Not because of the potential danger, because of the very idea of them out in the wilderness...though sometimes Kairi will counter this by mentioning that one summer she worked for her father's, now Axel's, landscaping business. That was getting dirty in nature. Vanitas's response to this is not for this headcanon space
A more canon-verse approach (what do you mean Vanitas not joining the guardians of light post-kh3 is not canon?): There is a lot of sparring. Vanitas helps Kairi advance her keyblade training and just plain get out some of the anger in the grief of losing Sora. Van doesn't go easy and Kairi likes that. Kairi helps Vanitas with any gaps in education without talking down, pitying or even mentioning his strange upbringing, or, the worst, comparing him to Roxas or Xion (because he has identity issues too). I'm not even talking traditional education, though that too if he wants, but education on social situations...which he's not a complete idiot about. He's actually really good at reading people. He just needs a little guidance on what way to use the info, because he only has like five moves and not every situation calls for "taunt" or "threaten loved one". Kairi makes him a much better manipulator. Thanks Kairi. There's also a lot of snuggling, because I say so, that's why. I just see them both as a bit yearning for physical reassurance in their lonely spells, and also the least likely to say it for their own different reasons, so they read it in each other and  just give each other what they need but won't ask for.
Read More before this gets too long
3. Who does chores around the house?
Grass is Greener: Neither, as much as it can be helped. It's a stand off about most of the regular chores, and periodically they have a cleaning service come through that is more thorough than either of them are. More often than not, Kairi is the one that "breaks" over keeping the kitchen clean, and Vanitas about cleaning bathrooms and straightening living areas. Vanitas is very neat as a habit, and Kairi likes her surroundings to show a little bit of how she likes chaos--she just is grossed out by dirty dishes, grease stains, and food crumbs. Cooking is a bit of a fifty-fifty with both preferring quickly assembled meals. Laundry is taken down to nothing-to-wear levels, and then it's whoever needs something first. Though sometimes this all goes out the windows, and Kairi goes through "Look, I'm a fifties housewife" sprints where suddenly everything's spotless and she's cooked a three course dinner and did it all in a cocktail dress because she didn't realize you're supposed to change into the dress after. 
Kinda-canon: Vanitas. He has a lot of pent up emotions and sometimes you have got to stress clean or cook. Kairi would help, but the arrangement of Vanitas doing the lion's share and it seeming to help him definitely works for the self-described lazy bum.
4. Who’s the better cook?
Grass is Greener: Vanitas. Kairi is a bit careless following recipes and doesn't have the innate "cooking sense" in regard to estimating amounts, flavors, heat, or time to freestyle. Vanitas, when he does cook, tends to get really serious about it even though he prefers the simple to assemble, like I said in the last answer.
Kinda Canon: Kairi. Vanitas is slow to adjust from the “food is only fuel not pleasure” mindset and Kairi starts out with a base of her adoptive parents having taught her some things. Vanitas has a sharp learning curve though, bullying Little Chef into helping him (because he's not going to lose) and not realizing that the bullying is what makes Little Chef more reluctant and ensures Remy doesn't teach him all the secrets he does to others.  Anyone can cook, but if you're mean you are taught to cook less well. Once Kairi gets Little Chef tutelage, it's all over.
5. Who’s the funniest drunk?
Grass is Greener: Both and neither in a way. They both have a very high tolerance. They tend to act out more on purpose out of the excuse than act out because of a truly altered state. Alcohol isn't magic. It just lowers inhibitions and neither has those to begin with. If I had to choose though, Kairi is a funnier drunk, because Vanitas's mean streak becomes more developed the drunker he is, whereas Kairi's mean streak, when she chooses to have one, is more practiced and purposeful cultivation instead of a natural harshness.
Kinda Canon: Vanitas. He is not prepared, and once he loses his filter everything spills out, and it's a lot less ugly than some people expected. Kairi just gets giggly and slightly louder, but otherwise doesn't change.
6. Do they have kids?
Grass is Greener: :) :D  Listen. Listen. If Shaky was the one who carelessly put "I don't think it fits me the way it used to" on the Vanikai picture she drew. SUPPOSEDLY this was done for cleavage and for the "help you take it off" joke but I know a dangled plotline when I see it. 
Kinda Canon: That partially depends on the state of the worlds and how many other keybearers there are when they are older. Even in a stable universe, I don't see them having kids young and it being a long discussion of whether they want kids at all, not the least because of the implications of Vanitas's powers and whether they are only his or would be passed down--what could happen to an infant that could summon Unversed and not know how to retract them even if they were loyal especially if it would be hurt by them being vanquished. I see them adopting orphans from other worlds and saying fuck world order more than having kids naturally. 
7. Do they have any traditions?
Grass is Greener: Annual trip to Vegas to recreate the way they met under new created identities.
Kinda Canon:  Vanitas calls every tradition he's introduced to stupid without fail. Vanitas also gets VERY into every holiday, and Kairi is all too happy to indulge. Then, he starts nudging her about teaching him more dumb holidays. Their tradition becomes ALL THE TRADITIONS. They celebrate holidays from every world and from every religion if there's a way to do it respectfully--and if it's not appropriate to participate, then they just learn about it as much as they are permitted--and then they look up and celebrate obscure or "made up" things like Leave a Zucchini on a Neighbor's Porch Day.
8. What do they fight about?
Grass is Greener:  What you would expect. 
Why do you take criticism like a personal attack?
What do you do all day? versus Why are you never home? 
Were you flirting with the waiter? 
Did you even want the baby? Was it a relief when I lost it?
Kind of Canon: Imagine Kairi saying in the same tone as Belle in Disney's Beauty and the Beast "Well you should learn to control your temper!"
No, really, it's mainly about Vanitas being "mean" to people...and then sometimes it's about Kairi doing the same and then blaming him as a bad influence.
9. What would they do if they found their paring tag on tumblr? (If they have one)
Grass is Greener: The flippant answer is that they are really confused about this whole Disney crossover with weird swords thing, and why they are teenagers in so many of these pictures. Don't even get them started on the skirt over the muscle suit paired with the motorcycle helmet Vanitas sees himself put in. When he wears a skirt he has a lot better style, especially if Kairi helps put together the outfit.
But let's take this in a different way. That one bad movie Kairi did is actually gaining a small cult following now years after its release. Someone does a "What Happened to Kairi Emberson? The Answer Will Shock You!" clickbait. The answer...is not shocking but enough people see a photo of Kairi, fine as ever, now Kairi White and looking so happy with Vanitas, and the pair get an objectively creepy because the next few pictures are pulled from social media they don't lock, but well intentioned few people finding and posting more cute pictures of the,  and they become a sparse tag and one that is half joking, but a RPS all the same. Kairi pretends to hate this, but is not so secretly really flattered. Vanitas genuinely hates it.
Kinda-canon:  Kairi loves it. Vanitas is fascinated despite himself. Everyone else is disappointed because they expected flustered denials or anger at those that portray them wrong, but Van and Kairi both just think it's cool.
10. Who cried at the end of Marley and me?
Grass is Greener: Neither. They roasted it for filth. They cried about it much later. Vanitas in the shower, and Kairi the next day when she was over at Xion's, saw her dog Elmo, and it all busted loose.
Kinda Canon: Vanitas. Cue a discussion about how movies work, how they are not real, and Vanitas snapping that he knows that until there are now multiple types of Unversed to take care of. Kairi gently cuddles both her man and the Unversed until equilibrium returns.
11. Who always wins at Mario kart?
Kairi in all universes. Vanitas doesn't care in GiG, but in canon there is a shout of "Rematch and this time it counts!" despite it being the 100th rematch
12. One thing I like about this ship?
That they have potential to understand each other more than people who technically know them better, or at least the concept of being seen a certain way and having a different "certain way" that everyone thinks it would be better if they grew toward instead of just being allowed to be. Princess of Heart and Agent of Darkness aren't really so different after all.
13. One thing I don’t like about the ship?
When it's clear that it's a fill in for people who want Soriku but can't think of anyone but Sora for Kairi, and so pick "other Sora." There's not anything wrong with that outright, and this isn't me annoyed with pair the spares (though that can rub wrong if it is handled wrong or I'm in a mood to make a point about how not everyone needs a romantic relationship), but annoyed with the reduction of Vanitas to "edgy Sora"
14. The song I would say fits them?
Grass is Greener:
Sibella, and I'll quote a verse and a half because clearly this isn't already long enough.
"You are vain and you are heartless and yet
I can feel in you a shade of sadness
That's barely detectable
That I still want you at all
I may live to regret
You're deceitful
You're delectable
You see the fate of a man
Who has had the misfortune
To spend his life caught in your sway
I see Sibella
My Sibella
And I like her that way"
It works both ways. Change whatever pronouns you want.
Kind of Canon: I...don't know. I can't think off the top of my head. 
15. Another headcanon about the paring? (Free space)
Grass is Greener: Even though they think they met in Vegas, they had crossed paths before and probably more than once. I don't have specific headcanons (yet), but this may be something if I ever write the other 20 bazillion Grass is Greener scenes for various characters and relationships that I want to do first.
Kind of Canon:  Kairi makes her own version of the suit and borrows Vanitas's helmet sometimes to do things she would never "get away with" as herself. Vanitas blesses this, helps her with the suit, and hands over the helmet after kissing the visor for luck. He also exposes her as a fake Vanitas by showing up at the worst time on purpose.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
surveys by seachaange
What do you do when someone is talking to you about something you don't care about? I listen and try to ask questions or add my own input so that they can see that even though I personally don’t care about the thing they’re talking about, I’m invested in them.
What is the best pizza place in your neighbourhood? Erm, we don’t really have a lot of independent pizza joints, actually. Most of the ones I see are chain restaurants like Pizza Hut and Domino’s. The best pizza I’ve had is from Vu’s at Marco Polo, but it’s been a whileeeee since I’ve had their food. Mama Lou’s pizza is also good.
Do you have Photoshop installed on your computer? I do but I only had it installed for school. I have no personal interest to learn it.
Are there any teachers you have that you are close with? I wouldn’t say that. I’m kinda chummy with one of my English teachers from high school - like he knew about me and Gab and supported us, I show my support for his art, we greet each other every now and then, etc - but we’re not ‘close.’
Do you have friends that play field hockey? No.
What about soccer? Not friends but I do know a number people who play football, yeah.
Do you think homosexuals are leading a bad lifestyle? This question aged like milk, didn’t it...
What do you think of the iPad? I remember when it blew up like crazy. It was such a revolutionary thing back when it was new, so much so that my dad even felt the need to buy one. It was fun when the hype lasted; but nowadays I don’t know people who would still seek out an iPad other than artists and law/med students, lmfao.
Do you put lotion on after you get out of the shower? I don’t.
Do you have any concerts on dvd? A lot, but they’re of concerts from a time when DVDs were still a thing. I haven’t had a new DVD in around 7-8 years.
Do you still have a VHS player? I think my parents have thrown theirs out already.
Has anyone ever given you a promise ring? No.
Do you send postcards to people when you go on vacation? I don’t. But aw, this made me remember when Jo did a summer exchange program in London and she sent postcards to Aya in the few months that she had been away. I thought that was sweet.
What do you think is the most comfortable shoe? Out of the pairs I have, my Onitsuka Tiger shoes for sure.
Have you seen Lady Gaga's music video for Telephone? That was suuuuuuch a big deal when it came out. Yes, I definitely have and I must’ve watched it a thousand times. Also rude, Beyoncé was in there too lol
If so, what do you think of it? It was so creative and a lot of fun to watch, especially for 2009 when artists weren’t exactly daring with music video concepts yet. I can’t believe they never collaborated again since.
What do you think of the septum piercing? It’s great.
Do you frequently skip class? Depends on my interest in the class/the professor, OR how tired I am that week. I skipped my psychology elective a lot because I didn’t think the instructor was all that great; and as much as I loved every single one of my history classes, there were a few sessions I voluntarily had to skip because I wasn’t doing mentally well. It really depends.
When you're really thirsty, what do you enjoy drinking most? Water. Anything else wouldn’t be able to quench my thirst as well.
What do you find inspirational in the world? I think it differs based on what I need to see at a given time, I guess. At this point in my life, I like hearing from people who have risen from their trust and abandonment issues, because it’s what I’ve been going through as well. I probably never would’ve found something like that inspirational, say, 6 months ago, so it really depends.
When hanging out with your bf or gf, what do you like doing most? I’m a very ‘let’s spend time in silence’ type of person. I cherished it the most when my ex and I would go to a coffee shop and work for hours, in complete and comfortable silence; or when I would be driving and no words would be exchanged for nearly the entire ride. Even though I stay quiet, in those moments I’m actually very happy. Of course new experiences are great too, but I personally enjoy the conventional ‘boring’ stuff the most when with a partner.
What do/did you think of your high school? Teeming with homophobia, bigotry, and just your typical Catholic gatekeepy judgmental environment. I look back at high school fondly because of the friends I made, not because of the toxic environment they nurtured in there.
What is the dirtiest rap song you have ever heard? I don’t listen to a lot of rap. But as an 11 year old listening to Nicki Minaj’s Itty Bitty Piggy, I was immediately traumatized lmao. I still can’t listen to that song.
What about a dirty song in any other genre? Uhhhhhhhhh probably Drunk in Love?? Lmaoooo I’d die for Beyoncé a million times but I always skip that song. My asexual ass just can’t deal.
What is a genre of music you simply can't stand? One of them is techno.
What is, in your opinion, the best way of dealing with a break up? Being kind to yourself.
What flavour of Doritos do you like best? I’ve only ever tried the nacho cheese flavor, but I love that one.
Where do you do your grocery shopping? I don’t do the grocery shopping in the family but my parents usually do it at SM or at this local store we have nearby.
Would you ever go to a comedy club? Yes, with a friend so I’d be more comfortable.
Do you think Victoria's Secret is overpriced? I haven’t been in one of their stores in a while, so I can’t really say.
Do you still have a VHS player? Again, I don’t think so.
Do you have a tumblr? :))))))
Why is it that photography is becoming a trend? So this survey was made in 2010 and I can definitely confirm it was a crazy huge trend lol. Even I got into it and asked my parents to get me a DSLR back then. Anyway, I think it was because during this time, DSLRs had been slowly becoming a thing? and they were kiiiiiiiinda cheap - at least cheap enough to be accessible to a large amount of people - so it allowed people to play with different styles that were very unfamiliar at the time, like light painting, fisheye, close-ups, etc. And then at one point everyone had DSLRs and it just wasn’t as enjoyable anymore because everyone was doing the same kinds of trendy shots lol.
What is the funniest movie you have ever seen? I’m gonna go with The Proposal - Sandra Bullock was gold in that movie.
Did you watch American Idol this past season? No. Do they still air new seasons of that?? I stopped watching when the same guitar-playing, country-singing white men kept winning.
If so, how did you feel about the winner? It’s been more than a decade since I last cared for the show.
Don't you hate it when one of your earbuds stops working? Sure.
Do you have a normal landline, or do you use MagicJack? Holy shit I have not heard of MagicJack in a goddamn WHILE lmao, what a throwback. We had one, I’m pretty sure...but I never knew what it was for.
Do you even use a house phone anymore? Landlines are still common in the Philippines. Are they not in other countries? Hahahaha.
Would you ever consider dating someone who lived across the country? If I loved, trusted, and was committed to them enough, yes.
What was the most expensive restaurant you've ever eaten at? I wasn’t able to track the name but I’m pretty sure it was the fine dining restaurant in our cruise trip that my parents treated me to for my birthday.
Do/did you take foods classes in high school? My school didn’t offer such a class, but we had home economics and we were occasionally taught how to cook and bake certain dishes.
Do you have a tattoo? No, not yet.
If you do, describe the pain you went thru when getting it done. Eugh this is what I’m scared of :((((
Do you enjoy making hemp necklaces and bracelets? I’ve never tried.
Have you ever watched the show Strangers With Candy? I’ve never even heard of it before, I’m sure.
What is your favourite bookstore? Fully Booked, because their collection is expansive, always complete, and they let you take a book of the shelves and read it if you’d like.
Have you ever used torrents? Mostly throughout high school. I did use a torrent to download Midsommar recently, though.
How can we tell if you are in a bad mood? I go quiet.
How are you when you're in a really good mood? Complete opposite - I will be bubbly and chatty, especially in instances when I’m not really expected to be.
Are you nice to everyone, even people you don't like? Yes.
When you're bored in class, what do you do? I seldom found myself bored in class because I’m constantly furiously taking notes. But if the prof themselves are very boring and there’s nothing to take notes about, I go ahead and check my social media either from my phone or laptop.
Would you rather go to Lollapalooza, Warped Tour, or Bonnaroo? As a teenager, I had always wanted to go to Warped Tour. As I’ve gotten older, though, the lineups for Lollapalooza have appealed to me more. Plus it’s in Chicago, soooooo a million more brownie points for that.
Do you have anything that is autographed? By who? Yeah, I have an autographed poster of AJ Lee. It was my most prized possession and I even placed it on a big picture frame and had it up on my wall for yearsssssssss, and then my mom had to take it down because of course it’s my mom and of course she had to do it.
Can you sleep when it's really hot? Welcome to summer months in the Philippines.
Do you know anyone who works at McDonald's? I think Carley does, but idk if that’s changed in the last few months. I don’t stay updated about her life, haven’t been for years.
Do you have a debit card? Yes.
What bank do you (or your family) use? I am not sharing that lol.
Would you ever hitchhike? I think I’m mostly open to it, though I will say I’ve read enough stories about murders that involve hitchhiking that make me a little scared of the idea, hahah.
Have you ever been kayaking? We did a boat thing in Palawan a few years ago but I’m not sure if that was kayaking or canoeing. Anywho, the experience was breathtaking.
Do you have a problem with swimming in a pond or lake? In the context of my country, yeah, because our natural bodies of water aren’t exactly...the cleanest, lmao. I’d feel much more comfortable swimming in a private beach.
Does anyone in your family go hunting or fishing? Nope. But maybe some of my relatives living in the US do?? Idk for sure.
What do/did you do when someone you barely knew asks you to sign their yearbook? We don’t really practice that. Only the really expensive, bougie, international schools here that have foreign students to begin with do that, I think.
In high school are you/were you in the plays and musicals? No.
Do you have a birdbath in your yard? No, we don’t.
Is the house you live in old or new? It’s fairly new; we had it first built in 2005 and we officially moved in 2008.
Where do you go when you need a new pair of sneakers? Depends on what brand I’m in the mood to buy.
Do you make New Year's Resolutions, or do you not even bother? I typically don’t.
Most annoying commercial? Haven’t been paying attention to them lately.
What does your favourite bathing suit look like? It’s just a simple black bikini but its overall shape and design is super cute and chic.
Do you like Silly Bandz? No.
If you do, how many do you have and what are your favourite shapes?
What do you think of My Super Sweet 16? I never watched it because I feel like I’d only get stressed if I did.
Do you have mini-blinds in your house? I have pull-down window shades in my room, not blinds.
Do you rent your home or do you own it? My parents own it.
What is your favourite song right now? Trigger by Hayley Williams.
Do you use Firefox? Nope.
Do you have a pool in your backyard? We don’t.
Do you have a gym membership? No.
Favourite field trip you've ever been on? Freshman year of high school when we went to two museums :)
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seven-oomen · 4 years
Hi, Ben!  I’m glad your day went well and you’ve had good luck with your therapists so far!  Thankfully today was not as bad as they’d feared (hence why they had me come in early), so it was mostly just a very long day, but not an especially stressful one.  I spent most of it channeling my somewhat dormant Tetris skills to redo aisles to fit out all the new crap they’ve been sending for the holidays, actually.  Which I generally tend to enjoy, as long as customers stay out of my way (sadly this is not often the case.)  Hopefully since we’re past the traditionally worst days, and one of the managers is back from vacation, my schedule should go back to normal for a little while.
The new preview is adorable, even if my entire knowledge of Phineas and Ferb has been gleaned from Tumblr posts (I was always more of a Cartoon Network girl.)  I look forward to learning along with Peter.  XD  And I look forward to all of the cuteness, even if they are being idiots.  XD  (Poor Mel - “I think this is worse than high school.  How the hell is this actually WORSE than when we were in high school?  Jfc.”)
And I’m pretty proud of the mountain ash thing, too, even though I’m sure I’m far from the first to think of it.  XD  And may I offer the suggestion of back-seam fishnet thigh highs?  That way they could leave them on, and also offers the option of a garter belt.  And because I’ve accepted that I’m absolutely shameless for clothes sharing, I feel like their tops are some ratty old college ones of Peter’s that they found in the vault/Noah’s attic/Chris’ storage unit, that didn’t make it into any of the memory quilts.  They’re 90s tees, so they’re already kinda short and boxy, but they cut them off even shorter, trim the sleeves and remove the collar and open up the neckline until it reveals most of their neck and collarbone area.
Peter just comes home one day and Chris is bent over the island top making notes in a cookbook, the toe of one leather boot occasionally scuffing the floor, hips idly swaying as he works.  Peter’s eyes just lock onto him like a laser, fervently following a line from the pointed tips of his heels, up the seams of his stockings and the straps of the garters that hug and highlight every line of toned muscle, to the blatant invitation printed across the graceful curve of his ass, like it’s his own personal treasure map.  A herd of elephants stampeding through their living room couldn’t distract him from a view like that, so he sure as hell doesn’t notice the half-circle of mountain ash just inside the doorway to the kitchen until he quite literally faceplants against it.  Chris hears his noise of pain and confusion, and just nonchalantly glances over one shoulder like “oh, are you finally home?”
Desperately attempting to play off his reaction, Peter finally manages “It’s not nice to tease, Christopher.”
“Why am I getting full-named?  You don’t think I laid that line myself, do you?”
 That’s when Noah comes sashaying past in a matching outfit, closing the circle of the ash line before Peter can react, heels clicking gently against the wooden flooring.  He spins and hops up to sit on the island next to Chris, leaning back on his hands and crossing one knee coquettishly over the other, his cropped sleeves just barely clinging to those sturdy shoulders and doing absolutely nothing to conceal the flex of his arms, thigh highs cradling nearly every inch of those long, long legs, one heel tapping lightly against the island, smirk equal parts mischief and pure, unadulterated sass.
“What can I say?  We thought it was only fair that you get to at least look at your gifts.  We just weren’t entirely sure you deserved to touch."  He turns his smirk down to Chris, who’s got a nearly matching expression at this point, and Chris tosses his book off towards the far counter as he climbs up onto the island with Noah, and they proceed to make Peter both very, very glad that the island is more than big enough to fit two grown adults, and very, very irritated with himself for his own distractablility (though really, who could blame him?  he’s just grateful that Noah included a dining chair in the circle so he has something to collapse into.)  (…so I perhaps should have included a warning that I’ve had wine.  Sorry, not sorry?)
Uhhh…*clears throat* moving on…  I saw the post with those littering clips, and that would be hysterical to see.  Like, Chris doesn’t even have any cleaning products with him, he just tugs down his sleeve over his hand and starts polishing the guy’s side-view mirror and the driver’s side windshield while giving his not-threatening-you-but-I’m-definitely-threatening-you speech, while Noah just casually pulls out a ticket book and starts filling one out.  And oh god, that lady is lucky Peter didn’t put his entire foot through the door.  XD  It would be absolutely impossible to tell if Ben was being sassy or completely serious.  Peter would be so proud.  And why can I hear Julio screaming out "GOOOOOOAAAALLLL!!!” at the top of his lungs because they used to do shit like that as kids and he just can’t help himself?
And I love the idea of them watching stuff together (shows, movies, whatever.)  In the case of The Witcher, I feel like Derek would be part of the super into it group with Stiles and Allison, and they’d all be sitting there having intense discussions about it after each episode and somewhat wishing everyone else would be quieter.  XD  Anytime Chris or Noah tries to get up because someone needs a refill or a snack, Peter tightens his grip and sends one of the kids to get it instead, flashing his eyes and backing it up with a bit of alpha command if he needs to.  He rarely has to though, whoever he calls on mostly just rolls their eyes and mutters under their breath about how embarrassing the three of them are, but does it anyway.  The other two always make sure to profusely thank whoever it was, rolling their eyes with grudging acceptance at Peter’s antics.
Since this got unexpectedly long, and it is now later than I thought, I’m gonna try and wrap up.  XD  I hope that today is another good day, and that you have a good experience with the other therapist on Wednesday, too, no matter who you end up going with.  And I’m glad you’re enjoying what you’ve written so far, because everything I’ve seen of the next chapter I’ve loved.  Take care!  *Hugs!*
I’m really glad to hear your day was not as hectic as it could have been. Though I hope things further calm down and that the relief of your manager coming back will set things back to normal. Because it sounds like things have been brutal.
honestly, I’m loving every single second of your wine induced babble and kept giggling while reading it, so apology accepted but very much not needed please keep going XD.
Now it is kinda late here and I have my other therapy appointment in 12 hours so I’m gonna keep it short. But there’s another little preview and I wanted to share this gem. (I hope it comes across as cute.)
Peter’s face was currently torn between a look of disgust at said vegetables and pure adoration for both him and Chris and it was honestly one of the funniest tormented faces he’d ever seen on their mate. Far funnier then that time they’d locked him out of a make out session while at the mall. Back when they were teenagers and horny and sassy all the time and when they didn’t have children or responsibilities.
Hope work’s okay and you’re doing okay, me and Mo are giving you lots of hugs and encouragement at least. <3
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mediocre--writing · 4 years
If you want to request from these prompts just pick a character and however many prompts you want (ex: A14 would be Angst #14, etc.), along with anything else you would like in the one shot/story (like a summary or something idk).
Thank you for finding my blog (and hopefully liked/enjoyed them)!
Disclaimer: I got these prompts from other Tumblr posts and Pinterest, but I forgot to copy who I got them from, so if you find some that are yours, just tell me and I’ll give you credit :)
“I can’t do anything right.”
“Please don’t cry.”
“Why are you awake right now?”
“Why are you lying to me?”
“Wake up! Please wake up.”
“Forget it, you’re a fucking asshole.”
“Don’t you ever do that again!”
“Is that blood?” “…..No?”
“Please don’t lie to me again, I can’t take it.”
“Do you even still love me?”
“Nobody’s seen you in days.”
“Why are you awake?”
“I’m worried about you.”
“Can you shut up for once in your life?”
“Holding everything in doesn’t help, you know.”
“Are you hurt?” “No.” “Then why are there bruises all over your face?”
“If you don’t hug me right now I think I might fall apart.”
“Leave! Me! Alone!”
“I think we should break up.”
“You aren’t who I thought you were.”
“I don’t even know who you are anymore!”
“Why can’t you look at me?”
“What’s wrong?”
“You want to be with him/her/them, don’t you?”
“You promised you’d change!”
“Am I not enough for you?”
“What is so wrong with me?”
“I’m sick of trying.”
“I don’t want to be just friends.”
“I can’t trust you anymore.”
“I can’t even look at you.”
“Your problem isn’t me, your problem is __” (Fill in the blank)
“I’m always wrong, aren’t I?”
“You said this time it’d be different.”
“Please give me a chance.”
“I’m pregnant.”
“I wish I’d never laid eyes on you.”
“I don’t love you anymore.”
“We can’t keep this up forever.”
“You make me feel so small.”
“Don’t leave me like this!”
“Don’t ever call me again.”
“Talk to me, please.”
“Don’t push me away.”
“This is your son/daughter.”
“I think I need a break from you.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I can’t promise you anything.”
“It’s better this way.”
“The baby… it’s yours.”
“After all this time, and you still can’t look me in the eye?”
“I can only blame myself.”
“I was only pretending.”
“It wasn’t your fault.”
“This is all because of you!”
“I don’t feel the same way.”
“Just go!”
“Please stay.”
“What don’t you telling me?”
“It’s okay, you didn’t know.”
“Don’t tell me to keep calm!”
“I’m keeping the baby, with or without you.”
“I need to be alone.”
“Stop calling me.”
“I can’t remember why I ever loved you.”
“Don’t apologize; I know you don’t mean it.”
“I can’t believe what you’ve done.”
“I don’t need you, I’m fine on my own.”
“All I wanted was a happy ending.”
“Mistakes are easily made at the moment. Apologies are not.”
“I don’t want to feel this way anymore.”
“My emotions have been turbulent for so long, I’m not sure how to react.”
“My heart tells me to kiss you, my head tells me to walk away.”
“I don’t want material belongings! I want my heart back!”
“Until you can return the time I wasted on you, I don’t want anything to do with you.”
“Grief is natural they say. So is death. I don’t want either.”
“You can’t look pretty and dangerous at the same time. Not yet.”
“Kill everything dear to you and then you will know how it feels.”
“I don’t hold people close. It makes it easier for them to hurt you.”
“Don’t touch me. Your skin is poisonous.”
“Why won’t he/she/they call?”
“I’m dreading her/his/their call, I’m not ready.”
“I don’t like this, it feels weird.”
“Kill my feelings, kill my soul. Kill everything I am.”
“Don’t call me, I don’t want any contact with you.”
“Please don’t talk to me, I’m dealing with some stuff.”
“It’s not working out. We’re not working out.”
“Hey, I’m leaving for good. I’ll…see you around.”
“How could you do this to me?”
“I don’t think so.”
“Not this time!”
“I never want to see you again.”
“Wanna bet?”
“I know you and this isn’t you.”
“You betrayed my trust.”
“Get out!”
“Maybe I’m better off alone.”
“You don’t get to tell me what to do.”
“I’ll die without you.”
“I never loved you.”
“Go with me?” “As long as you hold my hand.”
“Is there a reason you’re blushing like that?”
“Have you seen my hoodie?” “Nooo.” “You’re wearing it, aren’t you?”
“Have you always been this beautiful?”
“OH, you’re jealous!”
“Can we stay like this forever?”
“Please just kiss me already.”
“I think you might be my soulmate.”
“Sleepover? Please?”
“Are we on a date right now?”
“I think I’m in love with you.”
“He’s so pretty I think I’m gonna faint.”
“Are you flirting with me?” “You finally noticed?”
“Am I your lock screen?” “You weren’t supposed to see that.”
“I missed you so much.”
“Do you think the moon is jealous of how pretty you are?”
“I’m here for you.”
“I wish we could live together already.”
“Quit stealing all the pillows!”
“You want a bite?”
“Give me a second and I’ll show you.”
“You’ll play this game with me, won’t you?”
“What should we name him/her?”
“Have you ever played in the rain?”
“Is it hot in here or is that just you?”
“Why are your feet so cold?”
“Ride the Ferris wheel with me?”
“There’s room for two/three!”
“Stop that, I’m ticklish!”
“Put your finger here while I go get the tape.”
“Here’s my number!”
“You want chocolate or vanilla?”
“Your hands are so warm!
“Are you sure you’re not tired? Because you’ve been running through my mind all day.”
“You’re sweeter than candy.”
“You smell really nice.”
“Your hair’s so soft…”
“You’re my new pillow.”
“Can I rub your back?”
“If nothing lasts forever, will you be my nothing?”
“I think I love you.”
“Can I kiss you?”
“Hold my hand.”
“It’s not morning yet.”
“Stay for a little longer…”
“Of course I’m happy! How far along are you?”
“You’re so beautiful.”
“I’ll always be here for you.”
“You are my love.”
“You were right here all along.”
“Do you want my coat? It’s really cold out here.”
“You don’t need keys to drive me crazy.”
“Do you want to get dinner sometime?”
“Call me whenever… no really.”
“You’ve got flour on your cheek.”
“Sorry… your hair was in your face… thought I should move it so I could see you better.”
“You don’t have to leave so soon.”
“You could put your feet in my lap, you know.”
“I wouldn’t change a thing about you.”
“Shut up and kiss me.”
“We’re pregnant!”
“Are you science? Because I’ve got my ion you.”
“We could try cuddling.”
“Stop being so cute.”
“Are you okay?”
“Our relationship is the most important thing in my life.”
“You can sleep, I’ll keep you safe.”
“Don’t worry. I’ll take care of everything.”
“I want to eat yogurt with you.”
“Can we make a cake? I like cake.”
“I like your rainbow shoes.”
Please hold me. It’s been a day.”
“I’ve never felt such love.”
“The moon is high tonight, it frames you well.”
“I want to dance through an army of fireflies with you.”
“Stars pale in comparison to you.”
“My heart hurts when I see you and I find myself drunk on the pain.”
“I would give up everything for the chance to see your laugh again.”
“Monster Inc. was onto something, your smile and laughter run my entire world.”
“I dedicate this nail to you when I paint them.”
“All I want is to sleep by your side.”
“Cover me in badges of your love.”
“I’ve never enjoyed anything more than a hug from you.”
“You look yummy.”
“My hand was made to fit into yours. That’s all there is to it.”
“I didn’t get soaked wet through walking to your house for you to say no to pizza. I have been too. I know you’re sad, so let me in.”
“This might sound so creepy but I want your skin. It’s so pretty.”
“You just dropped love into my heart and that’s all I needed.”
“We only have one room left for the night…”
“We can make this work, I know we can.”
“I love you so much that it physically hurts.”
“God, I’m never leaving your side again.”
“you’re an idiot, but you’re cute.”
“I’m asking you on a date, idiot.”
“Listen, I really don’t like you, but you have kittens, so I’m going to be over a lot.”  
"Would you STOP coming in through the WINDOWS, it scares the hell out of me every TIME!“
"Listen, we have very thin walls and I heard you crying in the shower, are you okay?”  
"I was very good friends with the guy that lived here before you and basically I was over here a lot and… well, old habits die hard, can I stay?“
"If you set the alarm off in the middle of the night ONE MORE TIME I SWEAR I WI- wait why were you even cooking at 3 am?”
“Hey, I locked myself out can I use your phone?” “You locked yourself out too?”
“All I do is drink coffee and say bad words.”
“Quit touching me, your feet are cold!”
“I think I just ripped my pants.”
“Sharing is caring, now give me the hoodie!”
“Can I pet your dog?” “Do I know you?”
“Did you seriously just get your foot stuck in a toilet?” “Maybe.”
“If I die, I’m haunting you first.”
“But I’ve never told you that before.”
“Stop being grumpy, it’s lame.”
“So, uh, I locked the keys in the car.”
“Is the cat in a onesie?” “Uh, no?
“Can we please stop running? I think I’m dying.”
“You come here often?” “Well, I work here. So I think I’d have to say ‘yes’.”
“Aren’t we supposed to be working?”
“Give me attention.”
“Okay, so maybe I didn’t see that coming.”
“I’m too sober for this.” “You don’t even drink.” “Maybe I should start.
“At least you’ll die doing what you love; Walking into danger.”
“Here are some cookies and some very bad news!”
“I have forgotten everything I’ve ever learned.”
“Let me keep that promise.”
“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.”
“Why am I always the funniest when no one is around to hear it?”
“Can you stay still for the next 20 minutes? No, I’m not drawing you.”
“Oh no, I feel bad- SYKE, no I don’t.”
“Next problem… we might die.”
“Wow, that was a great comeback.”
“Who is running this thing?!”
“You are aware that the walls aren’t people, right?”
“Hey, go fill up your human needs.”
“Yeah, keep making jokes. That’ll win the war.”
“Yeah, I can see how hiding behind a rock is a much better strategy.”
“I think… everyone deserves a chance to prove themselves.”
“I can’t help that I’m curious.”
“I know you. You’re a terrible person. But as the judge here, I will look at you in the unbiased way you don’t deserve.”
“The mountains are calling and I must skedaddle.
“Who says ‘nincompoop’?!”
“Things fascinate me. Why wouldn’t they, when you stop to give them thought?”
“Are you always so easily convinced?”
“Look, it’s difficult for me to isolate what I hate about you the most because there is so much to hate.”
“That’s an order. Obey.”
“Look, I don’t want to swear but; What. The frick!”
“As the most amazing person in the room, I’ll gladly accept that.”
“Now power down, sass robot.”
“The art of not being an idiot is extremely challenging for me.”
“That’s troubling.”
“Tell your story. Become words, become ideas… you never know what or who it’ll affect.”
“Can I climb on your shoulders?” “Why?” “To get a better view.”
“Stop trying to take pictures and enjoy yourself.”
“Listen! They are playing our song!”
“Jesus, are you crying?”
“Just get them out of the car before you kill them.”
“I’m not going to drop down from the balcony!”
“Someday somebody’s going to mistake your snoring as a helicopter.”
“You couldn’t have bothered with a little heads up?”
“Call the stupid prick and tell her what’s happening.”
“Oh me? I’m just in my pajamas, making sure that nobody bleeds out in the hallway.”
“You are looking less confident every minute.”
“I am admittedly bored, but I barely can do anything about it now can I?”
“Oh God, it’s you.. would it be weird if I asked where your sister is?”
“How would you describe the moment with one word?” “Naked. Very, very naked.”
“I’ve never seen you in my life and you just threw up on my shoes, who do you think you - oh gosh, you’re now unconscious.”
“You’re talking to me but I can’t hear you over the sound of my sniffling nose.”
“You look so pretty while you’re coughing your lungs out.”
“I feel really dizzy and hot - and oh - oh when did I end up on the floor?”
“We thought you just had a common cold, why is the doctor saying what you have is terminal?”
“Hold on, we’re coming.”
“I won’t let you fall.”
“Hey, it’s me, it’s just me.”
“Oh god… what did they do to you?”
“Can you stay awake for me?”
“Who gave you permission to fall asleep?”
“I’m going to make that sick bastard suffer for what he did to you.”
“Don’t look” / “Look at me”
“Here, you might need something to bite on…”
“I thought I’d never get to see you again.”
“I know you can’t talk, but I just want you to know that I’m not going anywhere.”
“I’m not leaving you here!”
“Hold my hand.”
“You’re so cold…” / “You’re burning up”
“I know it hurts, I’m sorry.”
“I’ve got you.”
“Please be okay.”
“I’m sorry I failed you, I should’ve been there.”
“Just keep pressure on it.”
“Please don’t leave me, I can’t do this without you.”
“I just need more time.”
“Wish me luck.”
“I just don’t believe in coincidences.”
“Ok, I have a fear of balloons.”
“Change is not good for me.”
“I have to stay awake.”
“Hold on, what did you wish for?”
“If we can just get passed this last door.”
“I can never trust someone who thinks puppies, are evil masterminds trying to take over the world.”
“That’s my name, too.”
”Walk with me?” “Sure. Not like I have a broken leg or anything..”
”Do you like her?” “No! She just makes me realize how much anger issues I actually have”
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slut4cashton · 5 years
Hot tub Cockwarming A.I
The boys have been home from tour for about a week and in an effort to get everyone together crystal, Sierra and I decided to host a pool party and bbq night at Ashton and I’s house. After the boys had eaten everything us girls had made and lying in the sun all day the night approached fast and all 7 of us found ourselves in the hot tub as the moon sat high in the sky with beers on our hands. The respective couples say next to each other cuddled into each other’s sides beside Calum and seeing him by himself made me a tad sad but he didn’t seem affected by the lack of a partner in the slightest. The boys told stories to us about where they had gone, the people they had met and the funniest things fans said to them. While they were conversing with each other ashton leaned down to my ear while snaking is arm around the bottom of my back whispering, “thank you for this baby”
I looked up at his soft yet rugged face placing my hand on his scruffy beard and lightly kissed his soft lips, “anything for you.”
We started to have your own conversation quietly. Ashton has told you how much he’d missed you, missed your lips, the touch of your skin, being in you. When he said that an idea came to me, i had remembered reading this fan smut on tumblr about something called “cockwarming” and this could be the perfect setting to try it. The water bubbling so thickly you couldn’t see below it’s surface and everyone was already so close to each other no one would think anything about you on Ashton’s lap.
You leaned into his ear “have you heard of cockwarming” he blushed a bit and shook his head yes. He took my hand and placed it in his shorts so i could rub him a few times so he was hard enough, when he let out a low moan, that he played off as a cough, i knew he was hard enough. I go to sit on his lap while he pulls himself out of his shorts and pulls the bit of my bikini aside and slides him self in. I hold my breath as not to give anything away, i feel him lean his head against my back and i can tell he wasn’t hiding it in his face very well when Calum spoke up “Ashton mate, you feeing okay?” Which led to the remaining four people in the tub to look our way, Ashton responded, trying not to stutter, “yay I’m good I just got a slight cramp in my calf” thankfully everyone bought it and continued talking. I slid the rest of the way down my back flesh with Ashton’s chest and the night continued. I got worried every time someone looked at us, that they might see but honestly it just added to the excitement of it all. Ashton was telling us about how when he had meet a fan they just said “hey daddy” and he got so flustered he didn’t know what to do and as he told the story he still blushed, the boys laughed about it and talked about how there were a lot of fans who referred to Ashton in the matter. “Is that so?” I said turning my head to look at his eyes. Soon enough the boys started going inside to change into dry clothes and it was just Ashton and I left, Sierra peaked outside “are y’all coming inside? We’re gunna start a movie.” Ashton was kissing the back of my neck so I responded “We’ll be in in a minute, just don’t wait up for us” and Sierra knew exactly what that meant. As soon as she was no longer in sight Ashton took your hand and put it on my stomach and i shivered at what you felt.
“Do you feel that baby? That’s me inside you.” I let out a small moan feeling Ashton’s hard cock nestled so far in me. “Ash, please can you fuck me now?” Without hesitation he removed himself, I immediately felt empty. He turned me around placing me between his legs and kissing me while he grabbed both sides of my face. I broke it “As much as I want this to be as long as we can we kinda have to be fast we have guests inside.”
“Oh fuck them, daddy wants his princess.” I loved when he was like this but we did have guests. “Ash,” he looked at me “Daddy, I’m serious we have to be fast.” I said rubbing his shoulders. “Fine princess but I wanna take you from behind.” I put myself against the wall and set my knees on the stone bench under the water. His hand lands on my ass and he unties the sides to my bikini, I see them start to float beside me and I’m anxious to have him in me again.
“God princess you’re beautiful.”
“Daddy fuck me, please.”
He rubs his hands together “with pleasure baby”
He puts himself in me and I can’t help me I moan rather loudly, “Princess we do have guests.” He thrusts into me the warm water splashing and adding resistance to his hips making him work for his high. It isn’t much longer till I’m close enough to my high, my walls start to clinch around Aston’s hard cock “daddy, I’m close” I whine out to him. His thrusts start to get sloppy as he says “cum for me my princess” and just before I let go I hear the sliding door open and I lock eyes with Calum as I scream “fuck yes daddy right there!” I couldn’t hold it back as the ecstasy waved over me and I felt Ashton hit his high. I couldn’t leave cals eyes as my face contorted during different stages of my high. He looked embarrassed but he couldn’t move. I finally got through it and laid my head on my hair and when I looked back up he was gone. I start to lightly laugh, Ashton sat next to me handing me my bottoms “Calum came outside.”
He looked at me sideways as if to ask when “when I climaxed” I told him finishing the knot on my bottoms, “God lucky someone saw that, you look the most beautiful when you come undone on my cock.” He kissed my check but I slapped his shoulder “Ashton, that’s your best friend I don’t want him seeing me like that.”
“Okay princess I’m sorry, I’m just saying don’t blame him for staring when you’re just so damn gorgeous.” And then he smiled that sweet sweet smile and we headed in side where we were guaranteed awkward looks from Calum and light teasing from the rest.
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