#I was waiting for him to say “oh listener!” in the dubbed version lol
sofiiel · 9 months
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I loved the YYH remake (they did so well with the character's mannerisms!) I watched the subbed and dubbed. The actors really got into character, which had me grinning. Like Kudos to Kitamura on nailing the Yusuke run. (Hiei's sped-up ninja run made me laugh. anime ninja runs rarely look serious live-action.) Also, Hongo friggin NAILED Hiei. They did nerf Hiei, his character wasn't written to come off as powerful as he was in the anime.
Botan felt true to the character in the subbed, while the dubbed felt like a new take on the character, but I adored both versions. I mean...She was my favorite when I was little.
But I would have 100% vouched for different hairstyles.
Don't get me wrong the costume department did a good job on the hairstyles - they looked good. (the rest under the cut to save dash space)
However, personally, after seeing hundreds of cosplayers dress as these characters, I've seen many options on executing the hairstyles from the original anime that would have made it feel more like the original character design.
They also hold up pretty well with stunts, as we all know, cosplayers can get physical while LARPing.
Unless they were going for more realism, then I totally get it, but the realism was gone when people started booty-hopping over cars 🤣😂😆
I loved it. It was so much fun to watch this remake. My younger self would have been happy with this aswell.
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Sk8 2 - 8 | Kemono Jihen 2 - 3 | Wave!! 2 - 5 | Back Arrow 3 - 6
Sk8 2
What’s with the filter over the recap?
These dance moves are cool (a derpy kind of cool)…but I’m seeing them all with the volume off (due to background noise), so I’ll have to find out what the audio is like later. Update: Rude-Alpha! Someone I actually do know!
I was worried about Truck-kun causing another Isekai Incident ™ there…phew…*wipes sweat off brow*
Is Langa…left-handed, perhaps? Or are left-handers not necessarily better with their left foot?
Langa’s mother’s so funny! It’s rare to see a mother who isn’t dead or just not talked about in anime.
Why is it that parody Sailor Moon transformations always happen with the buffest dudes possible…? That’s why it’s rare to get something like Boueibu, where it takes itself (semi-)seriously.
Lately, the urban aesthetic is cool. HypMic, Akudama, IWGP and now this…
Langa is 17. *takes notes on eligible bachelors, LOL*
“A huge family only embarrasses you.” – *nods*
I see! Although I don’t know anything about skateboarding, I can relate to him when he’s fixing a board up for Langa because I can see it’s Reki using his passion for a friend.
Oh, that’s why they call it Sk8 the Infinity…!
I keep calling it “wiping out” in my head when I watch…I’m no surfer, but I guess I’m more used to surfing lingo.
Hitori piledriver = piledriver by oneself ( I guess…?).
Sk8 3
I’ve never heard of this Takuma Nagatsuka (voice of Miya Chinen). He sounds like Kohei Amasaki…
Hmm…normally skateboarders wear protective gear, right? Couldn’t Langa have gotten some of that (now that I think of it)?
I guess this is also Reki’s pride as a board mechanic on the line here…never saw it that way until I thought about it like that.
I think I remember reading a comment once about Bakugo and Midoriya from BnHA – about how Bakugo seemed sluggish in his progress because he’d been training his Quirk from day 1, while Midoriya was trying to catch up. I think Chinen is in a similar situation.
I think what Chinen has is stability, above all others.
There’s a piece of paper in the back that has “supoort” (sic) written on it.
Chinen’s not…“smiling with his eyes”, you call it. In retail, you learn how to smile with the eyes even when it’s fake.
Kemono Jihen 2
Inari? Like the fox shrine?
So Shiki is a spider-guy and…what is Akira? I’ve heard whispers he’s a yukiotoko, but I don’t know at this point in time.
Kabane’s kinda short, LOL, even in comparison to Akira.
Shiki is definitely Bakugo, Spider Version…LOL.
Oh, BnHA came out in 2014 and Kemono Jihen in 2016 (manga).
Oh, that drip apparatus. I’ve only ever seen it in real life, I think – my dad uses one for his coffee.
Kemono Jihen 3
…hmm, I don’t think I’ve seen much set in Shinjuku. I think there’s Mayonaka Occult Koumuin, part of HypMic…and that might be it.
I laughed at “small meeting room”.
Apparently “biddy bait”, according to Urban Dictionary, is meant to mean “a lure for hot women”. I don’t particularly like Urban Dictionary, because the editors who make these definitions are clearly biased in some way or another while writing their definitions, unlike an actual dictionary.
Aw, come on! Why is it fire from the tail?! Fire from the mouth like a dragon is cooler!
Kabane’s getting ahead of himself! (LOL)
Just noticed Kon’s hoodie has a design that says FOX, but the X is inside the O.
…thank goodness for Shiki’s hand…
Akira’s been a bit of dead weight recently, so I hope he gets developed soon.
Back Arrow 3
I wonder if Shu Bi is asexual and/or aromantic…?
“…inherited the spirit of the former sheriff…” – That’s Atlee’s job…oh wait. It’s about the undies again…
This is fishy…this whole “paradise is beyond the canyon” thing.
Ooh, I get the feeling Shu Bi and Arrow will either come to blows with each other or fight on the same side…
Sk8 4
I wonder if episode 8 will look weird in the titles…? I mean, it will be “Sk8 8”…
I would think Reki’s straightforward emotions would be spiky shapes.
I knew women were something objectified by S, but…Langa, the deuteragonist? That’s new.
It just hit me: This would be so good with a dub…!
*Langa casually eats 10 burgers* - LOL.
“This has gotta be way too late!”
So now an anime character has stolen a motorcycle…LOL.
Back Arrow 4
The title of this episode seems to be “Is Today Yesterday’s Tomorrow?”, the service’s title that I’ve got in front of me is “Does Genius Come When Least Expected?”
This map reminds me of +Anima’s continent.
I seem to remember Boueibu was constructed as half an episode of idle talking, half fighting. Why do I bring this up? Because Back Arrow seems to be constructed similarly, episode-wise.
The reason I like the hot-blooded mech series and not the serious ones…is stupid things (<- I mean that affectionately) like Shu Bi pulling out a phone in a world like this.
What’s with the shot of Elsha’s butt…? I know it seems somewhat justified, considering the position her Briheight’s in…but the leery angle is a bit annoying.
…I keep thinking Bit will get a Briheight one day and he’ll be like Zenitsu – powerful only when he doesn’t know it.
Shin Fusui, right? “Ren Sin” kinda makes sense, given we didn’t know any better, but so does “Ren Shin”…Sin as a first name though…? Anyways, it’s Shin Fusui, Kei Suiitsu, Nen Kasei and Ko Chisen. Their names match their elements.
I never realised how skimpy Kei’s outfit was until she was without her Briheight on the ground…eesh, women and their skimpy outfits in this universe…
Wave!! 2
I’m going to differentiate this anime from the other Wave (Wave, Listen to Me) with 2 exclamation marks…also, I’m not able to mark this episode down until 4 episodes have gone, or until AniList makes a TV entry for this. Update: AniList did eventually make an entry for the TV version (i.e. the version I'm working off) of this anime.
Nalu was playing an invisible ukulele even in the bath, LOL.
I noticed Masaki keeps his corgi between his legs so that the dog doesn’t run away. That’s probably only a thing dog owners do, because I don’t think anyone inexperienced with pets would know if they could do such a thing.
Why do I get the feeling the symbol on one of Masaki’s shoulders is (meant to be) Rip Curl…?
I read some of the 4koma for this series (found on the website) and…Sho’s so cute, envying this ‘warm family”. Nalu still has his ukulele, even at the dining table, LOL.
LOL, random rainbow. Every time I read subs about Masaki extolling surfing, I’m reminded of what I call “translator’s high”. It’s the feeling of working under deadlines and being inspired to churn out a high-quality release.
…well, this is a surfing anime. I should have known this would talk about places that get lots of hot weather and big waves (like Australia) because Joel Parkinson is from Tweed Heads, Sydney.
Who’s Jojo Pardinen?
Why does Masaki call Tanaka “Murphy”?
Wave!! 3
Oh, so that man is Masaki’s dad…Right.
The real spirit of characters is shown after they’re defeated…that’s my thoughts, anyway.
I know what a repechage is…in fact, I learnt about that through the FP and M manga.
Oh! It’s “Nalu”, but written “Naru”.
Wave!! 4
Is there a 3rd place in these competitions?
Wait, so the guy in the pink shirt is Masaki’s dad, but then the Hawaiian shirt dude owns the shop. Am I right on this now…?
There is a magical girl called Sally, IIRC, and the description does match.
LOL, I like how the teacher is so indecisive.
Back Arrow 5
Shu Bi’s so pretty…I had my eyes on him from the beginning and now that’s paying me back tenfold.
I wonder if Shu will ever get a Briheight…? (I wanna see it!)
Back Arrow 6
Pretty boy farms!!! It sounds like abuse in a sense, but it also sounds like a dream (?!)
Bit reminds me of Sousuke (Classicaloid).
Oh, so the funky gold hat-thing with the purple ribbon is what the head diviner wears.
LOL wut…his name is “Bruh”? *tries to hide stupid smirk on face*
Wait, if it’s a pretty boy farm, how do you produce new pretty boys without women…? *scratches head*
Question: What is Gote’s conviction?
Wave!! 5
Kadomatsu (the bamboo), huh? Must be New Year’s. Likewise, the bush warbler (uguisu) means it’s spring.
Sk8 5
Milk, straight from the carton…*sigh* Boys… Update: (This is referring to how guys are typically shown chugging straight from the carton. As you can tell from the comment, I don't particularly like it.)
I like how suddenly, all the barriers come down for these guys, even though Kaoru said at one point they shouldn’t be coming down.
Battle of Ganryujima.
Sk8 6
…this woman Reki has the hots for is going to be a dude…that’s normally how this joke works.
Oh well, that was also a funny moment.
“Dangerous stuff is forbidden.”
Hiromi in a swimsuit is…vaguely disturbing.
Kamata? Y’mean, she has the word for “scythe” in her name and she’s a “mantis woman”? Makes sense.
Even on their day off, the Sk8 crew are fun to be with.
Sk8 7
Whoa! Straight to the OP!
…I’m suddenly scared. What if Langa’s mother gets put in danger…? (Like in Kanon.)
Sk8 8
I want Langa to punch Adam. In the face. Now!
…is Snake…Ainosuke’s butler? I can sort of guess from the hair…and the matching theme [of Adam, Eve and the snake in paradise]…
It is the butler!
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ae0nx · 4 years
I honestly don’t feel like I have anything important or profound to say... which is weird cos I feel like a lot happened... But, in case you don’t wanna go through the whole recap then just know my reaction as a whole is a simple EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
- I literally looked at the screen cap for this episode on Funimation and squeeeee-d (cos it’s my boyyyyy) so that makes one squee, so far
- A Kyo cat cafe? Cutteeeee - a hopeful thought, be it unrealistic
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Oh, look it’s my favourite platonic ship
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How Bakugou of you, Kyo (yes, I know which character was created first: don’t @ me)
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Hmm... IS he now, Uo? 👀 Everyone’s in love with Tohruuuuu 🎶 I get it, man.
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- The opening song is catchy as fuck. Much summer. Much modern pop. Much greatness.
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Kyo... your face... you’re smiling... 😳I can’t stand that I smile every time Kyo smiles. He deserves every happiness!
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(He know he sexy)
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THIS IS THE CUTEST FUCKIN THING. I... My heart... how many squee’s are we at, like 3? I want a spin off manga of kitten!Kyo and Kazuma antics.
- Gonna be honest, I really liked the framing of Kazuma’s ‘how interesting’ scene much more in the manga. I understand that the anime wanted to make it a ‘catch it if you don’t miss it’ moment instead... but I guess it’s more of a difference in the way you digest manga and anime than anything really
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Ouch. I’ve just realised how much I never really read into the fact that Kyo had depression back then. I feel like this is a half finished thought, so I’ll just peg it on the board for maybe another episode...
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I see I’m not the only one who’s into platonic/familial ships. 
KUNIMITSU! I saw a headcanon post a while back in the tag that was about Kazuma and Kunimitsu being in a relationship and Kyo just being hilariously hetero and clueless that he doesn’t catch on to it. If someone could link me, I’d happily link it in this post.
I love this ship but I also lowkey kinda ship Hana and Kazuma (mainly cos I’m invested in Hana being Kyo’s stepmother)
- Laura Bailey is so freakin good as Tohru when she’s teasing Kyo. SO GOOD.
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...but ANYWAYS 😭
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Oh no, not Kyo’s fake ass daddy... take me back to the last scene
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Although, I really like the room they’re in! I wonder who’s room it is. If it’s Kyo’s mum’s sperm doner’s room, it gives an interesting background to him; especially when Kazuma notices that he shuts his senses off to the world or to change itself. Also, fascinatingly, the room doesn’t really suit what he appears to be on the outside (kind of in the same vein as Yuki). The aesthetic of the room feels very relaxed and perfect for easy listening. And yet, the person who owns it (still not sure if it’s actually his room) is so anxious and the music is loud, energetic jazz music and the light coming in from the window is blaring RED. And then the record being stuck on a loop? Says a lot without saying much. It’s a gorgeous scene. If he wasn’t so vile about Kyo, I’d almost feel sorry for him. The man is obviously traumatised...
But also awful. Sorry 👎🏾
I’m sure there’s so much we could find out about Kyo’s ‘dad’ that’d be so interesting but it’s almost like Takaya-sensei and/or the director of the anime just said ‘let’s not get into it’ and laid everything you needed to know in the background and even less in the storyline haha
Also, I’m not sure who is the English VA for Kyo’s biological dad but they even sounded a bit like Kyo (especially when he shouted), I wonder if that was a conscious decision? It’s great!
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Lol in the English dub, Kazuma just straight up says that Kyo is his child but I feel like the sub is more accurate to Kazuma’s character. It’s very characteristically subtle while making a bit of a jab at the same time.
I did like the English dub version too tho for lawls
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You know what... this episode was a great way of getting me re-adjusted to the fluff and emotional instability of watching Fruits Basket, much more than last week’s episode actually. 
I know it’s just gonna get worse than this later on.
Idiots <3
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Kyo, stop being effortlessly attractive. Stop it. 
*whispers* I love them so much.
- And then, the moment is ruined by Shigure. Figures.
- But surprisingly, he was actually kinda helpful? Even if him putting the explanation in the terms of laundry was condescendingly in-character... I do wonder if Kyo wishes he had as good of a way of calming Tohru down. I guess they were both going through similar troubles so Kyo didn’t quite know what to say. Maybe he’ll get his time to shine later... who knows...
- However, this moment of Kyo mentioning to Tohru that he might not be able to take over the dojo was so matter of fact and it makes me excited and sad and intrigued for when we get to really dive into Kyo kind of accepting his ‘fate’. I think that’s why he kinda-sorta brushed off Tohru’s personal worries of the future. He understands that she’s worried but I also think Kyo is confident that Tohru’s capable of overcoming these particular worries and stresses compared to the situation he’s in.
I really enjoyed watching this episode! There was so much squee for me to handle and I loved every second of it. I’m still surprised I had so much to say about the Kyo’s Dads scene. I’m just so happy the anime is so creative in such a thoughtful and intellectually respectful way and I’m so happy we’re finally getting the rest of this manga animated!
Can’t wait for next week!
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darkpoisonouslove · 5 years
Winx Club Season 2 Thoughts (4kids) Part 2
Since my thoughts are a bit scattered with this season and the post was getting long, I decided to separate them in two posts. You can find Part 1 here. This part picks up from 2x14:
- Ugh, pls no. Diaspro. Dammit.
- She’s making laws about fashion? What are this girl’s parents doing and why are they allowing this? She has them as confirmed later on in the episode so why is she making laws when she’s apparently not responsible enough to be given that power?
- Ooh, weather spells. Those look really good. I already said this but I am so happy that we get to see them have classes and learn new magic. It’s really cool and I am so totally here for it!
- Why isn’t Stella going with them?
- I can’t stand Sky’s parents. They are absolutely terrible. And the way Samara shouted at Bloom... jeez, rude! I know you’re a queen, but my god, have some fucking manners, will you? Sky turned out spectacularly considering these two are his parents. (So I might have a theory that he’s adopted.) Probably because they just left him to the servants to look after him which was most certainly his lucky day bc he was raised by good people. I am not even sorry for all this bitching. Erendor and Samara are the fucking worst and you can’t convince me otherwise.
- Also, to keep at this, he was about to introduce his girlfriend to them and they’re just there like “I hope he falls in love with Diaspro again”. Why are you such horrible people and parents?
- Seriously, Bloom? Why would he want to introduce you to his parents if he wanted Diaspro? Ugh, I can’t anymore with this.
- Oooh, nice! I see Bloom and Flora have learned some things in Griselda’s classes. And Brandon didn’t turn into shredded cheese so that was great too.
- Why the sudden change in Diaspro? I mean, not that I mind. She could be such an awesome character if they would just give her a proper arc and character development, and let it stick too. It was just weird. Might have been just Flora’s influence. I would love to believe that. And the fact that Diaspro isn’t heartless and actually listened when the Wrong Righters put things in perspective for her. Btw can we talk about how amazing her design is and how beautiful she is? (Also, Chatta don’t encourage her.)
- Even Sky admitted his parents are terrible. “They’re not usually that nice”? Boy, I feel so sorry for you, Sky.
- Damn, I love how Musa defeated Stormy! And those were the runes Palladium taught them about. That’s awesome! I love!
- Wow. That was some makeover there with Stormy.
- Brandon is giving out kisses? And Stella agreed to that? Wow, okay. Stella is feeling very generous today. XD
- Poor Musa! It’s hard when parents are being like that. I get that he is still grieving but damn, that doesn’t mean he should make her cry. And threatening her to withdraw her from Alfea and her friends. That’s just cruel.
- Ahh, some clarity has finally been shed into the princess matter. So she’s unofficially a princess. Okay. I got it now.
- Aww, that dream seemed pretty bad. Poor baby. And that part about “everything in me is music” and her resolve to do what she loves... I’m fucking crying! *sobs* Why is it that Musa and Layla always get the rawest arcs?
- Wow, Codatorta is all black-tie? XD
- Seriously, how did Stella let her go out on stage with that outfit?
- Why do they always have to use their parents against them? I am so mad about this. But awwwwwwwww at the singing part! And look, Riven is hyping people up. And he met her dad. And her dad is okay with her singing. Awwww! (Just so you know, I am still crying.)
- You gotta love the animation mistakes, though. Faragonda started out next to Saladin, then she was a seat away, and then she moved over an entire row. Nice one! Why is no one looking for continuity?
- Aww, Stella and Layla hugging Musa. And then the song with Stella was cute!
- I couldn’t find the 4kids version of 2x16 (meaning I couldn’t be bothered to look for it more extensively because it was late and, of course, I will watch the creepiest episode right before going to bed) so I watched the RAI dub and I won’t be going into any detail here. This is pretty much the one episode that has been sealed into my brain ever since I was little. I always loved it because it was so nicely creepy (though, I am not sure how exactly I handled it when I was a child (I’m not exactly big on horror if you haven’t grasped it already since the episode isn’t really that scary but I still find the part with the “three sisters” kinda scary with the way they talk and Winx being cornered by them)). I liked the way the legend was built and that with the mirrors cracking was actually kinda cool. Also, I love the moment everyone starts fawning over Winx’s “costumes” and Mitzi can’t get any attention. And yeah, good lesson that the way you read the signs may not be true to what they’re actually pointing to.
- (I already talked quite a bit for 2x17 and 2x18 last year when I rewatched them so I will not go into that much detail about them either... Or will I?)
- And even despite that, I absolutely can’t not mention that scene with Griffin and Faragonda in the beginning of 2x17 bc it is so goddamn dramatic and extra and Griffin just teleported to Alfea to make a 20-second scene (I counted them because, yes, I am that obsessed with this scene) and then disappeared again. I love!
- Lol, Ediltrude and Zarathustra, I can’t. They are so obviously sisters. I don’t get it, though. If Cloud Tower doesn’t take well to intruders, why did it let the Trix take over it and was kinda helping them even before they started sending energy in its veins? Is it because they’re witches and studied there so it doesn’t consider them intruders? Also, I love how the thing about Cloud Tower being a living organism has never come up before nor did it ever again.
- Aww, poor Mirta. But hey, she and Lucy finally fixed that friendship. That was actually kinda cute. I liked it. Lucy didn’t have to be such a bitch even if she was feeling betrayed but I actually get it so... All is well when it ends well, right?
- Stormy really doesn’t know how to manage her emotions, does she? Someone get her some therapy, please. She’s going to explode if she keeps bottling everything up.
- Aww, poor Lucy. The way Stormy blasted her. I feel really bad for her. And she was so scared (rightfully so). Somebody help her. (and get her therapy too)
- I am not really a fan of the catfight spell idea. I think they could’ve just let Winx disagree simply because they disagreed. They are friends but they can have different opinions. They don’t have to be under a spell to have a reason to argue.
- Oh, so Griffin can sense there’s someone at her door but she can’t fucking tell when some other shit is happening at her school. Makes total sense.
- Poor Lucy, though. She was so scared.
- What the heck was Stella doing anyway? She was just sitting around without doing shit. Was that the genius plan, hon?
- Okay, why did Bloom decide she could handle the Trix on her own when all of Winx couldn’t really beat them together?
- Yeah, Griffin can put a spell that the Trix can’t get through around the Heart of Cloud Tower but she can’t send her own energy into its veins to make Cloud Tower itself kick them out. Makes perfect sense.
- Layla and Musa actually teaming up with the witches was really cool. And they would’ve won too if the Trix didn’t get the statues to fight for them. (I actually liked the witch lounge btw.)
- Seriously, look at the Trix’s powers. How do Winx keep getting away from them? Darcy can legit blind people with that optical darkness spell. How have they not won with ease yet? But yeah, why destroy her immediately when we can wait for her friends to show up and save her? Sounds good.
- “Is that Miss Griffin?” Can’t you see? Of course, it is.
- I gotta say that at least she was smart enough not to put the Codex with the Heart. Because as we saw, that was way too easy to figure out
.- “Forget about them” Yeah, so they can try and kill you. Nice one, Flora!
- Why is Stella so bitchy in these episodes? What is the problem, Stella? Why can’t you just chill? Aaaand... Now they’re trapped. Great!
- Can we talk about the fact that Griffin’s plan saved all their lives? So yeah, “wicked”. Right. Never mind they would’ve died otherwise. Although, why the hell didn’t she take the other teachers with her? Surely that would’ve made getting control of the tower back easier. Why doesn’t anyone do anything smart dammit?
- So Darcy can make herself look like Griffin but she can’t make herself sound like Griffin? Is that it? That’s what I’m getting from this scene because she didn’t try to talk to Lucy and Mirta.
- “We’re in the classroom that belongs to that weird witch teacher.” Which one? I think they all fall under that category so you’re going to have to be a bit more specific.
.- Poor witches. Getting eaten by their own school. I hope Griffin will get them some therapy after that.
- Oh yeah, now the Trix are stronger. Even though they were losing against Layla and Musa in the previous episode.
- How will going back to their dorm rooms help when the entire tower is going insane? This doesn’t make any sense.
- Oh, look! Just a simple deduction was all it took to figure out the location of the Codex. Easy peasy, right?
- Yeah, let’s do convergence when we don’t fucking know what we’re trying to do. Nice one, you guys! Also, poor Discorda. But why does Cloud Tower have a pixie? This is so weird. Though, kinda good I guess since they’d been trying to make out the witches all evil and having a pixie there is a step in the right direction.
- Yeah, just keep blasting without focusing your energy. ‘Cause that’s totally effective. Also, ugh, why Avalon again?
- Aww, Bloom saw Marion and Oritel. And of course she doesn’t remember the dark force in her dream. It would’ve been so easy.
- Why the hell would Bloom listen to Locket, you know? (I mean, she had a point about Locket trying to look into people’s hearts but still.)
- Poor Timmy. He doesn’t know what to do and now that. At least he’s not mad at Bloom. (In all fairness, it wasn’t her fault.)
- And that makeover didn’t do much good. But of course not, when Avalon lied to them about what they should do.
- Bloom, I know you’re not yourself, but for the love of everything sacred, stop destroying the books! This is hurting me!
- Damn, she got shrunk. And is still causing trouble.
- Oh, that chase in the pages of the book was actually kinda cool.
- I think Winx should have just put their everything into stopping her earlier. i know they didn’t want to fight her but it was obvious they wouldn’t be able to get through to her and that she was spelled big time.
- That with the pixie kiss was kinda weird but cute. And yeah, sure, Bloom is grateful to Locket for sticking with her but still won’t listen to her about Avalon. Will it kill you to be a little more mindful of the man?
- Okay, that vacation idea was so random. Although it looks like it was necessary. They just didn’t stop fighting.
- Yeah, sure the boys can’t socialize. Who is even watching to make sure that they won’t? Please.
- Ugh, Avalon, the absolute bitch. Of course he’s pretending to be poisoned.
- Aww, that Riven and Sky friendship moment was really cute. And Sky lying to him about Musa but then hitting the actual tree Riven was warning him about. XD And Layla beat them both, lol.
- Palladium blushing like that at Avalon. Hmm... I wonder what he needed that love potion for. I hope he knows that that isn’t exactly ethical.
- Okay, so how the hell did they have time to sew their suits together? That just doesn’t make sense but okay. At least they stopped fighting.
- And of course, why the hell would anyone tell them that such a thing as Charmix exists? That is totally not relevant. Not to mention that they should’ve gotten it earlier. Bloom should have gotten hers back in season 1 when she learned who she was and accepted it and Musa should have gotten her at the concert in Red Fountain. But of course, that only appears now. I mean, makes total sense.
- Yeah, it’s a realm free of magic but because your Gloomix multiplies your magic, you’ll still have some. That’s just... not how it works. If it’s a realm free of magic, there shouldn’t be any magic. Otherwise, it simply is a realm that consumes your powers but if you can find a way to keep them above a certain level, you can still have them.
- Okay, but if I was Layla, I would feel bad about Stella feeling bad but I wouldn’t blame myself. She couldn’t have known. It’s not that she’s bad at friendship. But hey, at least Stella told her how she feels and she got her Charmix.
- Okay, yeah, Darcy has the power of mindcontrol but they still haven’t won. Yeah, makes perfect sense.
- Aww, it was sweet of Brandon to talk to Musa about Riven. And she told him how she felt and got her own Charmix. That was cute.
- “My lips kinda hurt.” Smooth one, Brandon.
- And they’re at the edge of a cliff now. Damn what a (literal) cliffhanger of an ending.
- Oh, no. Poor Layla just fell off the cliff like that. And now she can’t climb back.
- Well, at least the Charmix reloads itself quickly. Even if it also gets exhausted quickly.
- Aww, Layla also got her Charmix. That was actually a very heartfelt moment. It almost made me cry.
- And Tecna finally admitted her feelings for Timmy. Now if only Flora can do the same with Helia.
- Aww, the pixies are sick. Poor babies.
- Real Avalon at last. Fucking finally. Also, that spell was super freaky but it’s got me thinking about what you’d have to do to perform it... And now I’m getting ideas here.
- Oh, they’re getting special training for the Charmix now? Never mind that they weren’t even told that thing existed. Makes so much sense. (I don’t know why I’m surprised anymore.)
- I know Faragonda was trying to encourage Flora but it felt more like she was scolding her and was being disappointed by her tbh.
- Awww, Griselda said she’s proud of Flora! That is so cute! Also, I love how even Griselda can see that Helia is so into Flora but Flora herself can’t.
- Oh, pixies are born from the flower of life? That’s... kind of weird but okay.
- Flora finally told him! Great! I can’t help it at the moment when she yelled after him and then was like “Opps, he heard me. What do I do now?” XD And she also got her Charmix. That’s gotta be one of the best days for her.
- You mean Faragonda never asked to see the letter she sent to Avalon even though she is well aware Darkar is out there and is doing literally everything to get his hands on the Codex? My god, what epic dumbassery, I can’t. Seriously, they could’ve just handed him the Codex, it wouldn’t have been much worse than what they’re doing now.
- What does he want? Gee, I don’t know. The Trix were after Bloom and Avalon’s been preying on Bloom since the very beginning (and they even figured out he was the one who turned her evil) but what the hell could he want? Beats the hell out of me. At least Tecna finally put it together. And, of course, it is too late.
- Poor Stella, running around with that glass of water like that.
- Aww, the pixies want to go too. That’s... probably not the best idea but it’s not like they can do anything about it.
- Poor Brandon! I think Sky would be scared, too, if he’d been through what happened to Brandon. (Not that he wasn’t already. XD)
- Tecna a few episodes ago: “Just because I come from a technology-based realm doesn’t mean that I don’t have emotions.” Tecna in this ep: “Consider me your new computer.” Amazing.
- Aww, that dragon was kinda cool. Too bad it tried to kill them.
- Oh, look! Flora’s got this! Nice! And we saw her Charmix.
- Brandon probably shouldn’t have said that about Sponses (did I even get his name right?) But they were in luck there with Sky’s attack taking out both Amentia and the guard.
- Okay, Stella’s plan wasn’t completely solid but they still pulled off that emergency take-off so... that’s okay.
- And Bloom is dark now. He just literally sent darkness into her heart, wtf.
- Oh, damn! The Trix really upgraded these monsters. But now they’re drained, I kinda feel bad for them. I know they’re evil but dammit, they worked for their rewards and they aren’t going to get anything because Darkar is like that. Why is he so obsessed with Bloom? This is getting creepy again.
- Awww, Riven is being so supportive and such a team player! I love this! Can we let this fucking stick goddammit?!
- Oh, damn! Helia absolutely pulled off that rescue! Nice!
- Awwwwww, Griselda being there like “Our kids” is literally the most adorable thing ever! I love. And thank fucking god Faragonda finally decided to go help. It was about damn time. (Especially considering the stupidity with Avalon. (I am still not over that.))
- Hey, the convergence is working this time! Cool!
- Aww, Saladin can’t go with them bc of health issues. :/ (Though, pretty convenient that they had to take Codatorta considering what happened later on.)
- That goodbye was so cute! Brandon with that cheesy line! XD And Helia and Flora’s first kiss! But hey, what do you mean Tecna and Timmy don’t get a kiss? I know they already kissed once but give them a proper goodbye at least. And I am absolutely ready to cry over Riven and Musa!!!! He finally admitted his feelings! And that hug! I also liked the Layla and Sky moment, however short it was.
- Damn, Kerborg is... That thing. I liked him more as a... bat (thingy?). And they are in trouble but at least the teachers showed up on time this time. (kind of)
- Yeah, “completely under control”, sure.
- “The ultimate power couple”? Um... Ew?!
- And they’re splitting up. But eh, it all works out so... good for them.
- I gotta admit I am not a fan of that thing with the colors that Stella did. It felt like she couldn’t be useful for anything else so they just shoved that in there. Nice one, you guys. Also, what do you mean that they don’t have straight As? After the shit they go through, how can anyone write them any mark different than A tbh? I mean, they saved the universe. What more do you want from them?
- The boys are catching up with them, too. Nice.
- “His confidence is bigger than his abilities,” Well, yeah, you’re not wrong there. XD Also, aww, damn! :/ They just killed Kerborg. So sad! (Alexa play Despacito.)
- Oh, damn! That Trix convergence is... creepy. But kinda cool. I like it.
- Riven sacrificed himself for Musa! (Could’ve just pushed her out of the way but anyway.)
- And Sky dropped the L word. And it had the desired effect. His speech was actually rather cute. I liked that part about him feeling the goodness of her heart when she healed him back in Red Fountain.
- Griffin and Faragonda’s shield is holding up well. Their convergence is also super powerful.
- Speaking of convergence, that was some amazing sync between Winx. And they wiped him off the face of the universe. I love how nobody is talking about the fact that they just killed a guy. Granted a very possessed guy, but still.
- Aww, Faragonda and Griffin toasting together was so cute. “Griffy”. I can’t. XD Same for Codatorta and Knut arm wrestling.
- I am so happy for Layla and that she finally has friends. Also, look at her being all matchmaker with Riven and Musa. Aww, and Piff said her first word!
- Tecna and Timmy and Helia and Flora were so cute! And of course we can’t forget about Stella and Brandon who are the king and queen of cheesy romance. XD (I love them! They are so made for each other.)
- Aww, Bloom gave Kiko little wings! That was so adorable. Also, good to see him again. And I do believe that was her first kiss with Sky (honestly, I don’t pay much attention to them). But they just had to hijack the photo like that.
This season was definitely better than I expected. Did it have a shitton of stuff that didn’t make sense? Well, yes. But was it engaging? Mostly. I would’ve loved it more if Avalon and Darker weren’t pissing me off so much but there was some solid action and heartfelt moments. Also, Layla is really cool and I’m glad they decided to include her and that she found her place in the group. I don’t really love the Charmix as much as I used to when I was little but damn if the Gloomix doesn’t still rock hard! And you gotta love the actual classes we got to see! So I actually liked this quite a lot.
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atopearth · 4 years
Final Fantasy VII Remake Part 1 - Avalanche, Flower Girl & Childhood Friend (CH 1-8)
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The long awaited remake!! Jessie is sooo pretty btw, I love it! I’ve always liked Jessie since the original because of how nice she was to Cloud, so it’s nice to see that they put so much effort into her looks. Biggs looks pretty cool too, but he’s such a silly guy haha. Most of the first chapter was pretty much like the demo so nothing much to say about it besides that I like the Japanese dub much more than the English haha. Btw, I’m playing on normal mode~ Barret is so aggressive and a bit annoying now that you can hear him though LOL. I have to say though, the camera is soo annoying in this game lol, it frustrates me so much. And the boss in the reactor has so much life, it was a tiring battle lol. Otherwise, great nostalgia! I still remember so well in the original when Jessie gets her leg stuck and you have to free her~ In the original, you kinda had to go to her to yourself, whereas in this remake, they force you into the scene of freeing her which is good!! Because lmao, I legit didn’t realise she was stuck in the original game and totally ignored her and went back up the elevator, and what happened?! I was stuck and couldn’t get out of the reactor without her, and I couldn’t go back to save her because it didn’t let me backtrack!! So yes, nice memories, I felt so bad though, I legit left her there to die LOL. Anyway, despite Heidegger and them contributing to the destruction of the sector, it is true that it was because of Avalanche’s actions that made all these people die or get injured, since Heidegger probably wants to pin on them how much of a terrorist they are to the masses.
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Sephiroth appearing is so awkward btw, but I think what irks me is that the menacing part of him isn’t shown very well. Doesn’t help that Those Chosen By the Planet (what I think to be Sephiroth’s theme) doesn’t have the same threatening feel to it imo. Aww I felt like the train scene with Barret shooing off the Shinra people was done more seriously than the original, and I feel like it also shows how rash and sometimes naive the Avalanche group is. I felt like the scene was funnier in the original because Barret was being aggressive and scared them away lol. Anyway, not sure what those things flying around Aerith are (dementorssss!), but nice flower lol. I found it sooo cuteee how Cloud so naturally gave the flower to Tifa though, like dang, my heart swooned! Tifa is so beautiful btw~ Interesting that she rented a room for Cloud, guess it was unnecessary in the original since you’re running around everywhere already, whereas in the remake, Cloud is going to be earning money joining the neighbourhood watch (killing monsters) and doing odd jobs haha. Honestly though, seeing Barret dote on Marlene was so sweet, I always found it heartwarming how much he loved and cherished her. Lmao when she ran away from Cloud since he was a “stranger” lol. Nice to see all these different materia though, looks like it’ll be fun to try them!
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Okay, the side quests were pretty useless but I guess it helped to gain experience and get me used to the combat system a bit more. Honestly though, playing as Tifa is much more fun than Cloud haha. Doesn’t help that Tifa is such a cute beauty~ Am I the only weirdo taking non-stop screenshots of her because she looks so good in every angle? LOL. When Tifa asked what kind of clothing suits her best, I wasn’t really sure, but I guess I would like to see something mature haha. I can see why Tifa would have doubts about what Avalanche is doing though. I mean, sure she agrees with their ideals and goals, but the way they’re doing it isn’t exactly the “best” way to do it since it involves a lot of casualties. So, I’m kinda glad that Cloud kinda advised her in his own way that she should really follow her heart and to not do it if she isn’t able to. Oh and that darts game at Seventh Heaven? Yeah, I sucked at it LOL. Anyway! Jessie feeling bad about the bomb she made causing such unprecedented destruction on the city is understandable, so going to grab a weaker reagent is something she’d do. Nice that she got Cloud to come along with her, but it was also pretty cute that Biggs and Wedge kinda knew what she was up to. Didn’t think about the idea of the Avalanche members having families, so knowing that Jessie seems to have a warm family that would turn on the light every night waiting for her to come home is kinda sweet yet saddening. On the other hand, that motorcycle chase lmao, I was so terrible at it, I legit nearly died hahaaha. Roche was a crazy guy man, it felt so difficult to catch up to him and deal some damage lol. Like how does he do all these crazy stuff with the motorcycle?! Honestly, it makes me think of a motorcycle version of SSX (that snowboarding game where you do tricks) because, I’m surprised he and his bike are intact lol.  Although, in a sense, it did seem easier than the original game though, I mean, I used to legit miss the targets reallyyyyyy badly in the original hahahah. But yeah, it was nice to have that mini game I guess, I just didn’t expect it right now lol. BUT, the highlight of the motorcycle chase here was definitely Jessie hugging Cloud from behind on the motorcycle and feeling so comfortable and safe with him around. I honestly felt it, but then again, who wouldn’t feel safe with Cloud?! He’s so reliable and cool!
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Honestly, I never would have thought Jessie would be an actress at the Gold Saucer! That’s an interesting back story. Kinda saddening though, that when she finally got a starring role, her dad collapsed in a Mako storage (since he was a maintenance supervisor for Shinra) for half a day and got Mako poisoning, so now he’s in a comatose state. I guess it’s understandable how one thing led to another for Jessie to join Avalanche, but I feel devastated for the mother. It’s a tough life but there’s still the hope and happiness of seeing Jessie return home when she can, but…that’s not going to happen forever.. Well, well, that diversion Cloud had to do alongside Biggs and Wedge was not fun! But it was cool to see Ifrit haha. Honestly think the highlight was seeing Cloud warm up to Biggs and Wedge after this little mission, not only did he get to see that Wedge is willing to put his life on the line for Cloud even though they just hired him for these missions, he also got to see how passionate they are about their reasons for being in Avalanche. They really should count themselves lucky that another sub group of Avalanche was there to bail them out though! Anyway, Cloud smiling was so cute. Lmao when Wedge called Cloud “aniki” after the mission hahahah, it’s so adorable. I love how Cloud tells Wedge not to call him that every time he does it hahaha. And it was so cuteee when Cloud quietly said he hopes Jessie’s dad will get better soon, he cares!! It’s so sweet! 
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Oh, btw LOL at the random grandma that noticed all the commotion from Cloud/Avalanche and thought it was Wutai attacking Shinra again, so she said she’d join in since she used to fight against them when she was young loll, chill grandma!! It’s quite cute how Biggs and Wedge can tell that Jessie is interested in Cloud, so sweet how they look out for Cloud instead and say she’s not serious though hahaha. Omggg, Jessie giving him a hug as extra payment for helping out on the mission was so cuteeee, I love her. She’s so forward and honest, but so cuteee. I loved how she said she’d make pizza for him. Biggs overthinking was really adorable, but Cloud telling him to prioritise resting up for tomorrow was nice to see. He has such a soft spot for them all now, it’s so heartwarming. It was so considerate and kind of Cloud to offer to listen to Tifa’s worries, I loved how casually he said it.
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No idea what those spectres are, but OMG!! CLOUD PRINCESS CARRYING JESSIE?! Yes, my heart squealed🥺🥺🥺 That Shinra Middle Manager guy on the train is so passionate and loyal to them, it’s pretty admirable tbh. He’s obviously scared of Barret but he’s unafraid to voice his opinions and views to him, Shinra sure has passionate workers. I loved the jumping out of the train part!! Cloud held Tifa close and protected her🥰 On the other hand, I really didn’t need the corny part where the Shinra Middle Manager was shocked that Barret and them would protect the others on the train though, I think if we just see him being impressed and kinda acknowledging them, it would have been fine lol. Anyway, is it just me or are the normal monsters harder than the bosses?! Like seriously lol! Or maybe I’m just too reckless tbh because I legit just roll around and attack hahahah. Yes, that’s how I roll. Oh btw, I forgot to say, but I’m kinda sad that we never got to go downstairs at Seventh Heaven!! That’s like my favourite part! I loved the interactions between everyone at Avalanche there, oh well I guess… We kinda got the interactions through Jessie’s story instead I guess.
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Going through Sector 5 was legit tedious lol, but it was cool to see holograms of the President and Heidegger, and the boss!! I’m not sure if I really weakened the boss by taking away the right stuff, but I just kinda took all the big bombs and some programming cores and it was relatively easy. Btw cowboy Tifa is adorableee! Aerith and Cloud reuniting at the church and squashing his flowers wasn’t as magical as it felt in the original imo (even though it was HD T_T). And I also feel like Aerith was more cooler in the original in my memory haha. Reno definitely looks better as a bunch of pixels than in HD LOL, I’m sorry Reno, you’re my favourite boy ever in FFVII but I hate his close up look here hahaha. Although I think it’s mainly because his open shirt look is very...ugly LOL. Make him cool not tacky! The Turks theme wasn’t as clicky sounding(?) as well so I think it kinda lost how cool the soundtrack was imo, but oh well~ And dang, I legit found the battle so difficult with him hahahah, I probably should have used more magic etc to deal with him but far out, his lightning attacks lol. I’m kinda sad they kicked out rolling the barrels to save Aerith from the Shinra soldiers though, I used to just let Aerith fight them, and I think it would have been cool if they let Aerith fight them, since it kinda showed that even though Aerith is physically weak, she’s still got a lot of guts and resolve to fight against people stronger than her imo. Instead, we get that stupid chandelier thing and the hand bars that had superrr clunky controls, it wasn’t fun at all! 
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Cloud and Aerith talking and bonding throughout their little trip on the rooftops to escape was cute, I love how she answered that the Turks might have been after her because she would be a great SOLDIER candidate (since the work Turks does includes scouting for SOLDIER) hahaha. The princess carry Cloud did to catch Aerith when she fell was cute, but it was done so purposefully that I couldn’t like it as much as I wanted, Jessie’s one was much more natural and sweet. But it’s Aerith so I’ll take it, because dang is it beautiful~~ I wish they showed how Aerith was trying really hard to catch up to Cloud and was like out of breath by the time they got to the sector lol, I found that cute in the original. Anyway, I also miss Aerith using her staff to smack monsters, the sound was so iconic lmao. I guess it’s understandable that they changed her skillset to be shooting magic out of her staff but still🥺 Rude on the other hand looks pretty cool! I wonder if they’ll mention how he likes Tifa and they’ll add it into the battles so that he won’t attack her hahaha. Oh yeah, forgot to mention it, but did Cloud see Aerith die in those visions he had? Not sure if I’m into how it’s all going right now, but hmm kinda weird.
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Elmyra doesn’t look as gentle as she did in the original, kinda sad~~ But I still think it’s hilarious how pushy Aerith is and how much she does things at her own pace lol. I hope we get to do the tiptoe thing at night like in the original where Cloud tries to run off in the middle of the night when she forces him to stay at her house for the night haahha. Shiva was pretty easy! I’m proud of myself hehe! Legit just Fira her to death until I could summon etc hahaha. Not sure how I feel about that intern being able to make summon materia though, I always felt like summons were spirits of nature that you kinda make a contract with, so artificially creating them feels weird. I honestly feel like more effort was put into Tifa than Aerith when it comes to the expressions and their faces imo. I always imagined Aerith to look very energetic, happy and kind, but in a lot of the scenes, her face looks very stern and you can’t see the kindness in her eyes, whereas with Tifa, there’s lots of details in every expression she makes. Sigh, it’s pretty saddening since Aerith is my favourite girl… Btw lmao at the Leaf House drawings of the cactuar, tonberry, chocobo and moogle hahaha, so cute but ugly lmaoo. Hahahaha there’s such a thing as fat Chocobo candy🤣🤣🤣 Moggie is weirdddd looking lol, did not expect that. Whack-a-box was a pretty boring game tbh, Gunners Gauntlet in FFX-2 is way better imo. Maybe there might be more stages later? I do appreciate how easy it was to get 30,000 points though haha, I’m still salty over the jump rope in FFIX lmao, no way could I ever do more than 50 of those jumps hahaha. Okay, don’t judge me, but I farmed moogle medals with the game by leaving it on while I played other games on my phone lmao. Man, those side quests were difficult to do with Aerith, I really hate her skillset right now lolll. I guess that’s normal though? Since, in the original, I found this part really difficult at times because she was so weak lmaoo. The fight with Rude was much easier than with Reno though! Maybe it’s because Aerith was there just to heal me hahaha. Anyway, I really like how careful and protective Rude and Reno are with Aerith. I feel like you can feel that a lot of it is related to their work as the Turks, but at the same time, they honestly feel that Aerith should take care of herself better by not running around so much lol. Btw lmao at Cloud carrying that flower basket hahaha. When Aerith was talking to the flowers and saying that they don’t respond to her no matter how much she talks to them, I found it really cute that before they left, Cloud asked to the flowers to respond to her some time since she’s so sincere haha. Cloud is such a big softie, it’s adorable. Just saying, but Aerith running up the stairs to clean the guest room for Cloud was so cute, I’m dying. Cloud’s mum looks pretty! Lmao, the tiptoeing out of the house is actually hilarious. I just took one step and hit a bucket and it made the loudest noise ever hahahaah, of course Aerith could hear! Lmao, I failed twice and they removed the buckets so you don’t need to dodge anything hahahha. I’m sorry I suck okay?! Although I always found it hilarious in the original that you can actually see Aerith jump out of bed and run super fast to push you back into your room hahaha.  I’ve always loved how Aerith pops out and surprises Cloud that she noticed him leaving without her. Does Cloud’s tears mean subconsciously he remembers her death? Is this FFVII 2.0? A sequel? Are we reliving FFVII alternate universe so we can save Aerith this time?
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Overall, the remake has been relatively fun so far. The camera is rather clunky at times but it’s okay I guess. The story is pretty linear and won’t let me walk around and explore unless it wants me to though, I swear that warning sign is so obnoxious I want to punch it! So yeah, it can be rather frustrating when I’m looking for treasure chests, like I’m constantly being called out for going to the wrong way hahaha. Let me live my life, guys! Everything looks great and I really enjoyed the extra bits with Jessie tbh, I think that was my highlight for these 8 chapters haha. I hope everything will continue to be as beautiful and interesting. I’m not a fan of the soundtrack though, it feels a little too electric? Techno? I don’t know how to describe it but it feels weird haha. Also weird to see/hear different theme songs and stuff at vending machines, because it just..doesn’t suit the atmosphere lol, anyway I’m just picky, it’s still cool. I really like Jessie’s Theme though!
But yeah, I really loved that the remake added the part where they go to back to Jessie’s home etc. I found it really sweet and comforting to see that Jessie had a family, and that Biggs and Wedge got along with her mother so well. I think the extra bonding and interactions between Avalanche and Cloud will really make the lost of them that more painful and dramatic. I think some people think Jessie seems too “thirsty”, but I think she’s great because of how forward she is, and how subtle but also honest she is about her feelings. She’s never completely direct about it, but she’s obviously attracted to Cloud and I think it’s really cute, mainly because she can see how cold he may be on the surface, but also how soft he is on the inside. I think my favourite moment with her was when she hugged Cloud on the motorbike so comfortably, it honestly felt like (from her perspective) that she found someone she could really rely on and believe in when she’s in trouble and I thought that was really heartwarming. Otherwise, wow, the shipping with Cloud and the girls is SO STRONG, I’m starting to think it’s a visual novel where I can pick the girl I like lmao. Honestly though, you can tell how much it’s catering to older fans who love the girls. The fanservice is blatant! But it makes for great screenshots so yay~! But seriously, the dementors and Sephiroth appear too much, it’s frustrating, especially the ghosts/spectres.
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randomoranges · 5 years
Over the summer, I watched Good Omens in Italian and made a post about it to compare and contrast
And then I did the same with French and FINALLY got around to make sense of my notes. Here they are, enjoy the laughs.
Good Omens in French is Bons Présages which is a literal translation.
French shows/movies/books always seem to do literal translations of things (see Harry Potter)
Crowley’s name goes from Rampant (something that CRAWls) to Rampa.
 God, although voiced by a female sounding actor, is referred as tout puissant (male) and not toutE puissantE (female)
 At least Crowley and Aziraphale use tu around each other instead of using the formal vous. (Listen, the number of shows/movies where 2 characters are friends, but because of the age dynamic they get downed to vous – it’s annoying. I’m glad 6000 yrs of friendship meant they could use tu.)
 Agnes Nutter’s last name is Barge
 The way Crowley greets Hastur and Ligur “hey salut les gars” it’s so casual lamao
 When they’re going through the deeds of the day Crowley goes on to say “oké vous allez adorer – j’ai fait bugger tous les réseaux” he sounds so pleased
 Ciao remains but (according to my old notes – I don’t remember but this is what I wrote like this summer) apparently they go on to say that it means poule (chicken) and not food (so the ciao –chow pun is lost)
 The person from hell who comes through on Crowley’s radio (I was never sure who that was supposed to be) but anyways, that person, they use darling and in French it was translated as mon choux, which is cute and also really funny.
 The Japanese bit was not translated (so it’s still Michael Sheen we hear say the one Japanese line)
 French also does not have another word for cookie (cookie and biscuit – which is funny because in French the word used for cookie is biscuit) ANYWAYS so Sister Mary L says cookie but with a French accent.
 Aziraphael sounds like Azirafal.
 When Aziraphale asks Crowley what he wants to do next (or whatever the line was) and Crowley goes des litres, des fleuves, des océans d’alcool (litres, rivers, oceans of alcool)
 The drunk scene deserves a special mention
 Personal opinion: but Crowley’s VA grows more on you than Aziraphale’s VA. They both sound much younger than D. Tennant and M. Sheen. Sometimes the French VAs don’t... fit lol and fall a bit flat.
 Aziraphale’s “oh doux Jésus”
 Their voices as Nanny and brother Francis were sad.
 Warlock’s voice at age 5 was also sad.
 However warlock calls Nanny “Nounou” and that’s cute
 When Nanny sings the lullaby in French – bless them they tried lamao
 When Aziraphale does the practice magic trick to Crowley, Crowley goes on to complain and say “c’est toi que j’vais faire disparaître” and it’s a gem
 JEANNOT LE LAPIN BLANC (when Aziraphale presents his white rabbit) it’s a Gift.
 The Them = les Eux
 In her cottage = dans son cottage (did you even try)
 When God asks Aziraphale for the sword and Aziraphale describes it as it’s “machin coupant très aiguisé”
 Aziraphale uses vous for God, but God uses tu.
 John and Virtue Device à John et Virtue Bidule (another one of those literal translations.)
 Ok but this one annoyed me. Anathema’s name got changed to Anatheme and like sometimes I get it it’s cause of the way words are pronounced so when you dub you gotta find things that fit the movement of the lips as much as but Anatheme does NOT fit with Anathema. ALSO IT’S THE PERSON’S NAME. LIKE. (Re: see Harry Potter again.) aNYWAys.
 Dick Turpin gets changed to Jesse Janes ????
 Grow better is “et vous les filles, continuer de POUSSER” (so the plants get referred to as “girls”)
 Mme. Tracy’s line about the refined gentlemen (or whatever it is) is aux gentlemen avertis.
 Du beebop.
 When they return to the convent Crowley says “j’me demande où sont passés les nuns” he could have sais soeurs insteand of nuns.
 Aziraphale tells Crowley “tu es un gentil garçon » (you are a nice boy)
 Oh lord heal this bike à oh seigneur, réparez ce vélo
 Angel is sometimes mon ange and I’m die. (My angel.)
 The scene in Rome when Crowley asks “qu’est-ce que vous avez à boire?” He sounds So Done
 My dear fellow = mais mon cher camarade (my dear comrade lol)
 When they’re complaining about horses during the Shakespeare scene = oh aye aye les chevaux ça fait mal aux fesses
 Headquarters = maison mère
 The whole Bastille scene with the Jean Claude is lost because they’re already talking French
 Another transformation of angel is angelot (small angel)
 The description of the head cutting machine is une énorme machine coupeuse de têtes
 Pear shapped = boudain (really not the same thing.)  
 Obviously = manifestement
 During the Blitz scene, when Aziraphale is Super Proud he double crossed the Germans he goes on saying “vous vous petes faites pigeonner! Allez, hop, hop, hop”
 The German bit was kept as is
 When Crowley is tap dancing through the church, the French VA makes some key noises
 You go too fast for me = Tu roules trop vite pour moi (two things; the delivery of the line falls flat and tu roules is literally a driving reference so it’s like more car feeling than like moving in life)
 When Anathema offers the Them lemonade they translated it to citronade, instead of limonade. And I don’t get it.
 Wicked = mortel (Deadly)
When Shadwell mimics Aziraphale’s pip pip it’s something along the lines of hop hop hop espèce de tonton Suisse ????? I’m never sure what he says, but just – it’s a riot.
 I don’t even like you = je ne t’appréci même pas (I don’t appreciate you)
But then Crowley’s you dooo is tu m’adores which, is you adore me and I lost it.
 I’m soft = je ne suis pas un guerrier (I am not a warrior) and wow, okay, not the same, not the same impact. 0/10
 Michael sounds more like Mi-ka-el and meh ok.
 When Crowley talks to God when he’s having a minor existential crisis it – doesn’t deliver as much.
 Adam uses vous for Anathema
 When Pepper realises whales have got the good life she says “oh purée, j’ai trop envie d’être une baleine” (France French expressions are sometimes a whole riot on their own)
 Avocado was changed to amandes (almonds and I don’t know why)
 One big avocado = ce sera bientôt la fin des amandes (it’ll soon be the end of the almonds) re : ??
 You smell like poo = vous sentez vraiment la merde
 Crowley’s I’ve got an old friend here = tu tombes mal, j’ai d’la visite (I’ve got visit)
 Uriel tells Aziraphale “ton p’tit copain aux lunettes fumées” which is your little boyfriend with the dark sunglasses lamao
 Bandes de..... méchants anges! = you bad angels! It sounds more petulant though.
 The whole wrong shop allusion is lost in translation
 You stupid man = espèce de crétin
 Oh fuck = oh merde (really not the same intensity lol)
 The emotion and distress in the dire scene is l o s t . L
 When Crowley is in the bar and he asks for another bottle he asks for la p’tite soeur which means the little sister.
 When Crowley is like Aziraphale is that really you (when his ghost-spirit-nebulous appearance shows up in the bar) it sounds more disbelieving? But like in a what the hell is going on and less in awe/relief??
 Get a wiggle on = remuage des fesses (fesses is butt)
 Pollution sounds very young.
 The 3 other horse people use vous for death
 They had the French VA of Aziraphale say the spreichen ze deutsch bit and He Tried.
 Wahoo = woow
 Not just the southern pansy, THE southern pansy bit = pas simplement une tantouze sudiste, mon chéri, je suis LA tantouze sudiste
A)     He sounds so very pleased with himself
B)      And flirty?? Come hither??
C)      It’s perf
D)     Tantouze sudiste = a vulgar term for a homosexual man
 Shadwell uses vous for Mme. Tracy
 Cowwley = Rampra (when Lisa the insurance girl calls)
 Car = caisse
 When Adam yells his life to get evil out of him or whatever, in the flashback sequence when Ms. Young speaks to Adam when he was born, she speaks to him in French (not like in the Italian version where they just – did not translate that bit.)
 Crowley sounds very suave when he tells Aziraphale in Mme. Tracy’s body that he’ll take care of it when the military dude won’t let them through.
 Dagon à je suis présent not présente (so Dagon uses male words?? pronouns??)
 You were a good car – t’étais une caisse d’enfer
 Kick/lick some serious butt à brouter quelques derrières
 When Aziraphale tells Crowley they should wait before offing Adam the exchange is hilarious
It’s Aziraphale: Peut-être qu’on devrait attendre (maybe we should wait)
Crowley : Qu’il ait le droit de vote? (That he could vote?)
 Vous vous êtes rien vous êtes trop naz, Pepper
 I believe in peace, bitch à Moi je crois en la paix pétasse LOL
 They only buzzed Beelzeebub’s voice for their last line before Satan appears
 Crowley at Adam ok mon garçon
 Adam uses vous for Satan his dad, but then uses tu for him for t’es pas mon père lol
 Le truc cest que tas pu dcamp mon vieux – moi non plus dailleurs
 Their voices when they’re pretending to be each other
 Tickity boo à tout va très bien
 Je te rappelle que je suis un putain d’archange (I’m the archangel fucking Gabriel – or whatever that line was lol)
 Shut your stupid mouth and die already à Tu vas te la fermer ta grande bouche et te décider à mourir
 Beelzebu : il est revenu à ses origines – il a changé de bord instead of he’s gone native
 Miiichael mon pot, tu m’fais un p’tit miracle j’ai pas de serviette à When Aziraphael as Crowley asks Michael for a towel.
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thanatosbananatos · 5 years
The Ultimate EruHan Meta
Oh boy.  
So, I feel that first, I must preface this long-ass meta:
First, bless your heart if you read this.
Second, this is just for funsies. Yeah, for some reason, I find this kind of shit enthralling!  I have no idea why.  Regardless, this is not meant to shit on EruRi shippers, LeviHan shippers, or anyone in-between.  This is simply something I've been wanting to do.  Erwin and Hanji have a very underrated relationship, and I've wanted to highlight it for a long time. Years.
I also use “she” pronouns in this meta, but I think Hanji can have whatever pronouns.  Isayama has said it doesn't matter to the story, so run wild.
This ship is incredibly important to me, and I hope to share my feelings with the fandom in a light besides incessant fangirling and stupid art.
OK.  Let's do it.
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I have read through the series thus far (right now, it's late April of 2019) completely in Japanese, and I've done my best to read through English translations of each chapter as well.  Why Japanese?  Well, I'm an elitist.
Just kidding.
There's actually a very specific reason that I prefer the Japanese to the English, and it has to do with the linguistic structure of the languages.  In English, there are certain things that we cannot change in our writing to emphasize something--the word “I,” for instance, is always “I,” and “you” is always “you.”  Right now, as I type this, I realize how limited the written English language is.  I can only show you emphasis by bolding or italicizing the words, and even then, there are things left up to interpretation.  
Japanese is quite a bit different, and though there is plenty of ambiguity used in this language (trust me, I've done studies lol), there are also parts that are more specific than in English.  There are, for example, numerous ways to say “I,” “you,” and other pronouns depending on the speaker, the listener, and other circumstances.  
It's because of this that I prefer Japanese dubs and prints of anime and manga, respectively.
The last time I went to Japan, I came home with the first 14 volumes of Attack on Titan in Japanese, and this was the shit that dragged me into EruHan.
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As is the case with most Americans, I assume, I saw the anime before I read the manga, but it was not until I read the manga that I started to ship Erwin and Hanji.  Why?
I'll explain the details later, but one of the biggest reasons is that the bulk of their interactions occur in what will be season two and beyond.
However, they do have really important interactions in season one, aka chapters 1 through 33 of the manga.  Those moments serve as a great base for what to eventually expect in the latter chapters, when all of the heartbreaking shit happens. c':
We never know for sure how Erwin and Hanji met, but we know that at some point, Erwin came to trust Hanji enough to consider her to be a competent Squad Leader, and eventually considered her as one of his right-hand men, along with Mike, and after a few years, Levi, too.  Hanji's squad has a specific focus:  to study Titans as closely as possible.  It seems like a pretty dangerous job, but Hanji is a dangerous person in general.  
Erwin is generally known as a strategist both in canon and in the fandom, but for a strategist to do their job, they have to have facts to base their plans on.  As we learn later, Hanji is the source of those facts.
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One of the most glanced-over scenes in the entire first season is when Erwin and Hanji are leading the Corps back to the wall after failing to secure Annie in her Titan form.  Hanji questions Erwin's decision to send Levi off only after making him refill on gas and blades; Erwin reveals that his plan was based on Hanji's information in the first place.  
In other words, Hanji is someone that Erwin trusts implicitly.  
But, we see the same thing with Hanji toward Erwin when they corner Annie in Stohess.
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If you recall, Erwin and Levi are with Nile and the other Police soldiers during the rampage--Erwin left Hanji to call the shots.  Again, proof of trust in her abilities as a leader.  
However, I find it hard to believe that Hanji would have followed Erwin's plan if it had been anyone else besides Erwin that proposed it.  Why?
Think of how much destruction the fight in Stohess caused.  It's almost inexcusable, considering that in the end, Annie seals herself up and is useless as a test subject to Hanji and her squad.  Hanji's first job is actually not a soldier, but a scientist; however, she trusted Erwin enough to not only agree to his plan to stop Annie at all costs, but also enough to be the one to carry out the dirty work.  
Additionally, Hanji questions EVERYTHING.  As a scientist, it's only second nature.  I've admittedly seen a lot of people shitting on Hanji for questioning Erwin from time to time, but NEVER should it be interpreted as insubordination or disrespect.  Rather, Hanji is trying to acquire more information from Erwin to gain knowledge of as many perspectives as possible.  And, by questioning Erwin, Hanji serves as a double-check system.  Levi tends to follow Erwin blindly, whereas Hanji will question him almost as a test--as if to ask, “You sure? You thought it through?  OK, then let's go.”
When thinking of all of this in anime context, there's one more thing I'd like to point out:
The first OVA, Ilse's Notebook.
In this particular OVA, most of the focus is on Hanji (thank god), and it expands upon what is briefly shown in the manga when Hanji, Levi, and his squad find the journal lying around.  The OVA starts with Hanji basically drooling over the idea of capturing a Titan--and no, it's not just because she's obsessed with the Titans themselves, but because she's obsessed with answering the many unanswered questions in their world, of which, the Titans are often the subject.  However, when she confronts Erwin with the idea of capturing one, he turns her down--according to the dialogue, this isn't the first time they have this discussion, either.
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But, perhaps you noticed Hanji's argument to Erwin?  When he mentions the lives they've lost in the Corps?
“Without making any sacrifices, we can't gain anything!”
Doesn't that sound familiar?  
“Someone who can't throw something away can't change anything!”  
Armin said something similar--do you remember whose ideals he based his quote on?
But, maybe, also Hanji's?
It is entirely possible that Hanji and Erwin have had the same thinking from the start, or that one of them influenced the other.  
We don't really know for sure, since we've yet to receive Hanji's backstory (Will it even happen?  Sigh), but regardless, they think similarly.  OK.  That's a thing.
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As I mentioned previously, the bulk of their very important and often overlooked interactions are from season two (i.e. the Clash of the Titans arc) and onward in the manga/anime, up until...that thing called the serum bowl that none of us like to talk about.
If you recall, at the tail end of season one, Erwin was briefly arrested by the Military Police, then released.  Once again, you'll notice that Hanji is the one calling the shots, along with Mike.  Erwin has effectively split them up (presumably Erwin, I'm actually not sure if it's confirmed that he was the one to send Mike's squad to watch the 104th?), with Mike doing the physical work, and Hanji being left to the strategic end of things--to a point.  I mean, it's not as if Erwin is completely out of commission at that point (unlike Levi lmao). Instead, he's working on his “big” project--to overthrow the government and get those traitors out of here--from more of a behind-the-scenes perspective.  So he surely knew that things would get crazy on Hanji and co.'s end, yet he trusted her to follow through and lead the Corps while he worked separately for a while.  
He doesn't think to check in on her, either, until the report about Wall Rose and the traitors finds him.  I'm sure he didn't quite predict all that, especially because Reiner himself was flying by the seat of his pants lmao.  He hears that Hanji and company suffered injuries, and that Eren has been taken away, along with Ymir, so obviously, being the Commander and all that jazz, he goes to check in on the Corps soldiers atop the wall.  Until he arrives, Hanji does not move--it's only when she hears Erwin's arrival that she moves, and it's to talk strategy.  
This admittedly brings up something else I want to talk about with them: both Erwin and Hanji are so goddamn willing to put everything and everyone else first besides their own well being.  
I know a lot of EruHan writers play with this trope, but we didn't even have to add it in.  It's there.  All the time.  
I think Erwin is especially obvious, considering how far he was willing to go to reach his goals, and his dream.  However, Hanji is the same way when it comes to obtaining knowledge.  And, both of them want to win.  They are fighting to win.  In season three, Erwin refers to himself as a gambler--the same is definitely true for Hanji, if not even more so.
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So, Hanji gets her ass in gear long enough to tell Erwin what she can, and once again, using the information Hanji gave him, and not straying from it once, Erwin formulates a plan, and the Corps sets off.
Erwin did not stray from her information, used it to fuel the plan, and lost his arm in the process.
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Flash-forward to Erwin in the hospital.  Beardwin.  
Wait, no omg.
Go back to when they brought him back to the hospital.
We don't see that, right?  No, we don't.
But you know who else would've been in the hospital receiving treatment for burns and possible concussion, etc.?
Hanji probably saw the direct results of her instructions to Erwin.
Now flash-forward to Beardwin.
Remember, back about forty years ago when you first started reading this meta? Remember what I mentioned how the Japanese language has different types of pronouns?  It also has different kinds of politeness.    
In the Japanese version of the scene where Beardwin does the creepy-ass smile, Hanji enters the room speaking pretty casually, like “hey what's up Erwin--oh shit Pyxis is here too” might as well have been the actual translation.  Her speech goes from casual to formal the second she sees Pyxis. Of course, up to this point, Hanji had always used casual speech with Erwin, but the stark contrast to how she speaks to Pyxis, who is a pretty easy-going guy around the Corps veterans, just drives home the fact that they are familiar with one another. 
In addition, we once again see Hanji give Erwin information, and boy howdy.  Does he take it and run with it.
So begins the Uprising arc.
This is the arc that just pushed me face-first into EruHan, to be perfectly honest.
This is also the arc where the language usage is the most important.
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At this point, the three veterans (Erwin, Levi, and Hanji) are split up for a little while.  Levi and Hanji are sent to watch over the 104th while Erwin does his thing (again).  However, Hanji has a little “side project”--she is still keeping watch over Pastor Nick, until the Central Police murder him.  She and Levi torture them, and that's a thing.
Due to the heavy focus on Historia and Eren, things are kind of quiet for the vets for a while, until Eren remembers some information from a dream, and yet again, Hanji brings that information to Erwin for him to put to good use.
This is one of the most important scenes in the arc, and for this ship.
First, note how calmly Erwin receives the flustered Hanji.  He offers her food and water without question and immediately listens. (An aside:  Erwin is probably one of the most patient characters in the series.)  After explaining everything, Hanji then asks Erwin, “What should we do?” (Another aside:  Don't forget how much these vets trust Erwin.  Ever.)
Erwin's at least one step ahead of everyone at all times, of course, so he has an answer, but part of that answer is pretty startling: Erwin names Hanji as the next Commander of the Survey Corps.  He then promptly leaves, with Hanji staring after him (be still my heart) and is soon arrested once again.
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This is a scene that I can't help but dissect, simply because there's just so much there.
I'm also going to be bitter for the rest of my life that the anime strayed so much from the manga in this arc generally, but that's not the focus right now.
So, okay, remember the pronouns example I gave earlier?
Hanji uses “watashi,” Levi uses “ore,” Armin uses “boku,” etc.  Most of the characters are very consistent with pronoun usage, and most of them default to either “watashi,” simply because they are in the military, methinks.  
Erwin, however (and unsurprisingly), is one of the characters who changes his pronoun usage.  In fact, he is the one who changes it the most that I've seen so far in the series.  He switches frequently between just two, “ore” and “watashi,” but what does this mean, exactly?  What is there to gain from knowing the details behind his pronoun usage?
We see Erwin using “watashi” most frequently in two situations: he uses it in formal situations as the “Commander” towards people like Zackley, Pyxis, etc., and he uses it when speaking with a “softer” demeanor, such as early interactions with Eren.  
Erwin uses “ore” as a Commander might--with authority.  It also seems to be his go-to generally--in other words, if he did not have any social obligations to worry about, no public faces to protect, he would use “ore.”
So, toward Levi, Erwin uses “ore” pretty much exclusively.  After all, though he respects Levi, he has no reason to be gentle or keep face--in other words, no reason to use “watashi.”
However, toward Hanji, Erwin almost always uses “watashi.” (I should also note, he uses “omae” with “ore” and “kimi” with “watashi” accordingly.)  The speech is more familiar, gentler almost.  I wouldn't have given it much thought if it weren't for the one time he does use “ore” toward Hanji.
That time happens to be when he names her the next Commander of the Survey Corps.
So, why the change?
If you recall, that scene takes place with them talking one on one about the note that Eren has left for Hanji to read regarding his memories of a conversation between Ymir and Bertholdt.  Erwin eventually has summons--ones that he is sure will lead to his arrest, and he then names Hanji his successor.  
To me, after seeing all of their interactions, I think that Erwin definitely shows some favoritism toward Hanji and holds a soft spot for her.  After all, if you think back to the OVA, Hanji was the one to really prove herself and stand toe to toe with him.  I think he admires such stubbornness, for reasons we can only speculate now.  
When I think about how he previously had spoken to Hanji, it was always so...intimate?  Like, “I value this person and their opinions.  We are close.”  Using “ore” breaks that down and instead builds a wall between them.  It's like he was saying, “I'm serious.  This isn't a joke.  You have to listen to me this time.”
It's worth noting that I've spoken to a few other Japanese fans about this part, both EruHan shippers and not, and everyone seems to agree that it seems like he did it for the sake of seeming authoritative, to make sure that this time, Hanji would listen without questioning him.
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Of course, after the fact, Hanji questions it.
And I think that just drives my point home.
If you think back, or rather, forward in the manga, we see Hanji get handed a lot of shit--from Eren, the general populace, supposed allies.  After one particular event, where Eren grabs Hanji and treats her like a piece of trash rather than his own Commander, Hanji escapes with humor, but behind closed doors, she feels frustrated and lost.  
“Erwin, this was your one mistake...  Why did you make me the Commander...?”
Erwin did not want Hanji to double-check him.  He did not want her to question him like she normally did.  He just wanted her to listen to him and take the order, so she did.  So it's even more natural for her to doubt it now.  She didn't get that chance in the first place--Erwin took it away from her, and she let him, because she trusted him explicitly.  
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We hear about it constantly with Erwin and Levi, but don't forget:
Erwin and Hanji's relationship is also built on trust.
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So, let's go back to after the political arc--they decide to go back to Shiganshina, and we have what has come to be known as the serum bowl.  Yay!  Sounds fun, right?
But it's important to dissect for the sake of this fucking essay.  
I'm gonna skip straight to the good stuff--it comes down to a choice between saving Armin or Erwin.  Levi is pretty much set on giving it to Armin--until a soldier brings Erwin's body back, and he's clinging to life.  Eren and Mikasa get hysterical, they fight, and it looks like Mikasa is gonna straight up become THE Ackermann, until someone interrupts them.  
It's Hanji, and she's injured and all alone.  At this point, she's lost Moblit and part of her vision, and now she could lose Erwin, too.  This person she trusts and respects probably more than anyone in the world might die.  I think it affected her on more than just a personal level too, obviously--the Commander she entrusted her life and well-being to is on the brink of death, and she is supposed to somehow take his place.  
Hanji obviously takes Levi's side, insisting that Erwin should  be the one who gets the serum and a second lease on life.  She pulls Mikasa away, holding her closely, and tells her that she understands what she's feeling, what it's like to lose someone you care about.  
But, “Erwin is the hope of humanity.”
Those are Hanji's words.  They're heavy.  So fucking heavy.  
If you questioned the respect and trust and love in their relationship (even just platonically) before, at that point, you really can't anymore, unless you decide to be in complete denial.
However, if you're caught up with the manga, you know how it goes--Erwin pulls a last minute “stunt,” then retires (cough) as Armin is given the serum and transforms into a Titan.  Levi chooses Armin in order to let Erwin die as a human and not as a monster, and tries to talk himself through the choice out loud.  
Hanji, however, has her eyes only on Erwin, and she is with him until his last moments of...pre-retirement...
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Okay, but here's a thing I really want to point out.
Flocke, the dumb bastard who brought Erwin's life back (he's not dumb for doing that, btw), is the one who brings up the notion that it should be Erwin who receives the serum, because only Erwin had the capability of becoming a monster who could save them.  That thought scared Levi, who held and continues to hold Erwin in very high esteem, and is what essentially pressed him into giving Armin the serum instead.  
Do you think that thought scared Hanji?
Though we never hear one way or the other, I really don't think so.
When has Hanji ever feared the Titans?  
No, it's not even just that--Hanji saw the Titans as equals.  She saw them as just a different kind of human, really.  
Think back to Sawney and Bean, wayyyyy way back.  Think about how she recognized their personalities, respected them, and loved them as the way that they were.  And she had no idea what the truth behind them was.  She had no idea at that time that they were humans.  
Think about how she treated Eren as a Titan shifter (before he started being ...whatever he is now).  She respected him, was kind to him, and she didn't even know him.
I think it's safe to say that  her relationship with Erwin would not have really changed.  She would have probably respected him even more than before.
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...There's honestly so much more I could say about the ship on micro-levels, but I wanted to hit these big points because not only are many of them lost in translation, but they are highly underappreciated.  I get tired of seeing them left out of the main fandom, when it's such a delightful, wholesome ship that has plenty to work with in both canon and AUs.
But, if you're interested in hearing the smaller things, hmu.  I think about this ship all the damn time.  Everyone should have some level of appreciation for it.  
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Ayesha Liveblogs Naruto Shippuden S20 (Pt. 3)
I wonder if going after Karin’s Tsukuyomi bulb was happenstance or whether Tobirama went “I smell an Uzumaki” and had at it
“Just be quiet for a bit” How dare you speak to your father this way Sasuke, Kakashi does nothing but love you
Mirai as a baby is an absolute unit and I love it
Shikamaru, getting down on one knee in front of Temari: Will you not marry me?
You know what. All these dreams are extremely realistic. I buy it. A teenage boy would totally dream about kicking his friends’ asses for fun even if he had the opportunity to do anything in the world. 10/10 believability 
Sai dreams about being told he has a nice smile and being twirled around by Naruto my boooooy 😭😭😭😭😭😭
“[My Sasori transformer] will be the guardian deity of the Sand” Kankuro pls
Omg Temari’s dream is so cute she wants her little brothers to need her
God the fact Gaara’s dream is about having a happy childhood PICK UP THE PHONE RASA I JUST NEED TO TALK
“Madara, don’t you dare talk about the Uchiha. The only one who has that right, is my big brother.” But he did... murder them, Sasuke. That is a thing that happened. My dear. My dude. He done did it.  
Having read Itachi Shinden none of this should be shocking but FUGAKU REALLY YOUR SON IS FOUR WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS
“Listen Itachi, never forget this sight” well he sure won’t now that you’ve given him CHILD PTSD FUGAKU
“We finally have peace, and we must do our best to maintain it” Hmmm.... must you, Fugaku? Is that a thing you must do?
“What is life, anyway?” Damn my existential dread didn’t kick in at least until I was in school, Itachi
Sasuke was such a weird-looking newborn I love him
I wonder how the English dub will deal with the mild implications of inc/est between Itachi and Izumi
Please Mikoto your son is like 6 why are you having him babysit
God I am so used to every version of Itachi having the voice of a grownass man that hearing a child-like voice even when he is 6 is almost off-putting lmao
Full offence Obito but why do you have to be such a little bitch
“Oh good, I knew that you’d be alright” HE’S 6 FUGAKU
Why is Naruto just sitting in a basket on top of his father’s grave??? Who let you do this? Hiruzen what is wrong with you??
“I’m glad that you didn’t die” an accurate representation of Itachi’s social skills at all ages
DFhsdjfhkdsjhfk I love that Itachi has accidentally become these kids’ leader 
AHHHHH I guess that’s Hana next to Itachi I wanna see the cat ninja and dog ninja fight 
“If the fighting can be stopped, I’d like to stop it” Shisui <3 
Itachi’s sweet tooth is so goddamn cute ahhhh what a little nerd
“I mean, [ladies] are clueless” “How dare you insult my woman” Turns out the alcohol this cat was drinking was Respect Women Juice
God I love Minazuki-sensei he’s such a mess
“No they blew away in the wind” guess Itachi hasn’t picked up his snitching tendencies yet lmao
Baby Sasuke has acquired a younger voice too I guess. It is real late in the game to be establishing these lmao
Obito. I’m. Stop???? Please. Is this how Kakashi felt during the war
God I love Shisui the tiny ninja detective they really have left off some of the cooler aspects of being a shinobi in all the wild and flashy jutsu like during the Land of Waves arc when Kakashi kept noticing relatively mundane clues
“Shisui picked up on how I felt right from the beginning” welcome to empathy Itachi
“I’ll hand this intel over to Lord Hokage, and he will deliver a just and fair judgment” I like this ANBU vs. ROOT dichotomy but bold of you to assume Hiruzen won’t ultimately let Danzo do whatever he wants lol
Damn what the shit how does Shisui know who the foundation already isn’t he like 12 
The animation of this arc is nice but also so weird they really did make Itachi and Shisui’s eyes like half of their face
These wholeass adults getting between by two prepubescents lmao 
“A teleportation jutsu has no mass” wait WHAT I have so many questions Shisui what does that MEAN 
“I want to you to think of me as your older brother” HELL YEAH HE DOES
Ffgdfkghkjh what an abrupt voice change between age 8 and 11 Itachi
How many times have they animated these same goddamn Itachi scenes 
Holy shit it’s like they tried to tell the story of the Itachi Shinden novels and then got bored halfway through gfkhgfkhgkjh
“I’m exhaAAAUsted from my mission” Itachi pls why say it like that
“You have the Mangekyo as well?” Fugaku had a friend???? Unrealistic. Blocked
Genjutsu but I don’t remember that either ?!?!?! Doesn���t Fugaku spend all of Itachi Shinden being emotionally distant and sending Itachi mixed moral messages
Who is the Fugaku hater on this storyboard staff lmao I’m crying
I have a lot of thoughts about this art direction honestly why is everything in the shadows why are the character models so weird why is Itachi suddenly outside in the lightning for his murder discussion meeting instead of inside the council room if you had to shout over lightning people could hear you 
“I challenge you to the high jump” “You’re no match for me” Sasuke you’re the most obnoxious seven-year-old in the world I love it
“There’s something that I’d like you to help me with” a very casual opener when you’re proposing the murder of your entire clan but okay
They really leaned into the horror movie aesthetic huh fair enough 
I have some objections to register about Izumi’s death like both options are weird but at least in Itachi Shinden she wasn’t humiliated by Obito begging for Itachi to save her she had a degree of awareness and it was an impactful if strange scene
Cute new ED but also the idea of Tobirama giving anyone a fistbump amuses me immensely 
“Who would’ve thought that that scuzzy bearded jerk would’ve been able to use a taijutsu like that” RUDE but also ‘scuzzy’ jhfjghkjhfgj
Omg that’s so funny they literally gave the former owner of Zabuza’s blade the same voice
This doesn’t make any fucking sense how could Juzo have the executioner’s blade when Zabuza would be like 21 when Itachi was 13 oh my god 
“The Hidden Mist doesn’t keep any prisoners” unsurprising but interesting
Is this meant to imply that Juzo is killed and then Zabuza immediately finds the sword and starts a coup because that’s hilarious
Wait how does them fighting the Mizukage make any sense isn’t Yagura under Obito’s control lmao who wrote this
Did Itachi just.... accidentally cripple the Mizukage omg [Zabuza screams in the distance]
Hahahaha I know it’s supposed to be evil but it’s really funny that Kakuzu killed his partner for being too slow
“I wouldn’t know how to cater to your moods” kjfhgkdhfgjh Kakuzu just got wrecked by a thirteen-year-old LMAO 
“I’m not sure what to do with you... whether to kill you right now or find a way to use you” KILL OROCHIMARU, ITACHI, IT’S GONNA SAVE YOU A LOT OF TROUBLE 
Why the hell would Kabuto be hanging out near the Akatsuki anyway isn’t he in a long term infiltration of the Leaf Village lmao or can Orochimaru summon him like a snake
On what basis does Pain decide these partnerships did Kisame and Sasori take a babysitting course or smth
The cutaway without the “This... is art” scene is almost funnier because it implies Itachi just had to flash his eyes at Deidara and Deidara was like, “HELLO AKATSUKI I AM HERE”
“I wouldn’t mind giving you a taste of my art” [insert ninja sex joke about Deidara’s mouth hands here]
Deidara really should not be old enough to be here by this point in the narrative but this entire arc has been wacky timeline wise
Man it must be fucked up to fight a puppet version of your own corpse
“What I really wanted... was to get a hold of Itachi’s body” you are the definition of stranger danger Orochimaru
From what I remember the video games had Kakuzu and Orochimaru approaching Hidan and not Konan and Itachi but I’m game for any Orochimaru erasure lmao
 I’m pretty sure all of that blood was Hidan’s?? World-building whomst
“He licked Kakuzu’s blood” did he though?? Show me his wound Itachi
OMG they’re really heavy-handed with Leaf!Itachi as if we did not just watch a bunch of episodes of Itachi caring about his village like honestly look at this:
Kisame: So even you have feelings for your birthplace, is that it?
Itachi: No. Not at all. [Sasuke, I hope that you’re safe.] 
(Me too Itachi 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭)
“It’s been a long time... Saaasuke” could you say his name a little less weirdly please Itachi
You really can’t get mad at Kakashi for teaching Sasuke chidori Itachi like maybe if you would murder less people Kakashi would feel a little less overprotective
God was the only point of animating and voicing these scenes again so that Itachi could mentally apologize every twelve seconds? You know what fair enough, anxiety and depression be like that sometimes
“You still have people who’ll protect you” Oh plot twist Itachi was actually writing a “Nice” list instead of a “Naughty” list and Kakashi, Jiraiya and Naruto are all on it
Oh yeah I kind of forgot that this was all supposed to be like a 5 minute span for Sasuke’s flashback of Itachi’s entire life lmao
You know.... it’s real unclear to me how Obito wakes up from his trance lmao he may not be in a cocoon but he’s certainly exposed to the light
“Be careful. We’re surrounded on all sides by four of his shadows” “Yeah I know that” Yeah, Naruto knows it, but Sasuke’s warning where the Shadow Madaras are entirely for Kakashi and Sakura’s benefit BC HE WORRIES MY BABY BOYYYY
“This chakra is even way stronger than Ten-Tails” I really heard “Tenten” there and I was like, wait what did I miss with Tenten kfhkjhgkjhg
“They’re turned into White Zetsu” I hate this nonsensical bit of world-building it made more sense and felt less weird when they were Hashirama clones like what the fuck
Oh I can’t believe this is making me feel almost bad for Madara did Zetsu really edit the Uchiha Stone Tablet’s Tsukuyomi section to say “Peace Plans” ain’t that how like the CIA entraps people 
“Hashirama... where did I go wrong” We’d need a lot more time than you have to unpack that Madara
“Countless nights passed” I mean. Was it countless nights. Because I think it was. A couple hours. This war arc spans like two days. I have spent more human hours on this arc than they’ve spent ninja hours in this war
“I can’t believe such a person existed” neither can I Sasuke it’s almost like she was invented specifically for this arc
For real Obito no offence but like why aren’t you dead it just doesn’t make much sense khkjfdhkjhgkjh
Hmmm not 2 be that gal but Kaguya’s voice is v pleasant on the ears 
“Sorry to be so rough with you, Obito” Kakashi. You loving, kind, dumb bitch. He stabbed you THREE TIMES in the past two days you really owe him like -1000 apologies
“This is also one of those times where your body just moves on its own” SASUKE CALLED OUT FOR LOVING HIS COMRADES
“I’ve got to get to Naruto” I love your dedication Minato but I feel as though the loss of both of your arms makes helping more difficult
Kakashi is not NEARLY as surprised about this levitation thing as he should be. I think as this point he’s just like. ‘This might as well happen’
All other things aside Kaguya’s really fun to look at damn
Okay okay okay not to look for too much logic in this ninja show but don’t both Naruto and Sasuke have Six Paths chakra why can only Naruto float is a metaphor for Sasuke’s fall from grace
“I am Kaguya’s child” I can only imagine a Game of Thrones-eque shadow flying out the hooha situation
“Just before the seal took hold, she gave birth to me, in order that she could be restored” I can only assume Kaguya fucked Bitterness and Regret and you know.... fair enough
I gotta tell you Zetsu being the primary narrator of this arc is jarring
Tenji seems kinda nice it’s a shame something terrible will probably happen to him
Say what you will about SP’s animation inconsistencies they can animate some beautiful-ass skies
“Is there anything that you desire” Get u a man like Tenji
Fellas is it gay to sit under the stars with your handmaiden who adores you in comfortable silence
“Even now you’re not scared. That just makes me like you more” take a shot every time a man is Like That (bah dum tss) 
“Do Not Touch Me,” wow Kaguya mood
I will clarify I said that BEFORE she exploded the men gkhkjfhgkhh
Tenji, that Aino lady is your subordinate are you really gonna leave her with the creepy That man u are not the man I thought you were
“Just tell him, and I’m sure that Lord Tenji will forgive you” to be fair Aino you could’ve elaborated u were just like ‘yup she killed them’ and left it at that
When life gives u lemons use people as fertilizer for ur infinite lemon tree I guess
Are you telling me 1) Gamamaru has existed since the DAWN OF CHAKRA and 2) He knew all about this Tsukuyomi shit just like. Kept it on the DL. WHAT KINDA WORLD-BUILDING
Okay but for real did the Otsutsuki clan stem like.... all the clans, because there’s the Kaguya clan (through Hamura I guess?), and the Hyuga clan definitely through Hamura, and then the Senju, Uchiha, and Uzumaki through Hagoromo like just how many people did your kids sleep with and for that matter how long ago was this
“A real talking toad! Think people would like it if we caught it and took it home?” Why are Hagoromo and Hamura the cutest things in the world this is the sibling content we deserve
“You’re just a snake oil salesman, and not a very good one” oh I think I love Hamura oh no I would love a character who gets stuck on the moon 
Take a shot every time a woman exists to die and make a man sad 
“She fell in love with the ruler of this land and in time she became pregnant with the two of you” notice that at no point does Gamamaru say they got married can u believe Kaguya invented premarital sex
You know none of this goes against mine and Sloane’s Kagumo theory
“How can you see so far into a toad’s heart that clearly” Gamamaru and Hagoromo’s interactions are killing me
How much time has passed for Hamura’s hair to grow that long
Tenji doesn’t even appear in this flashback about love and betrayal it’s just Kaguya being bitter bc her gal Aino died they were in lesbians together
Every so often I’m reminded that Kishimoto has a twin brother and I wonder what he thinks about making the twins fight
“You enabled me to awaken the mangekyo sharingan and rinnegan” how do u even have words for those things. Didn’t they just happen right this moment
Wow this is all very Little Shop of Horrors, Momma feeds the tree with people juice and in turn it wants to protect her from harm
“We won’t be that far apart,” said Hagoromo, just as his brother was about to teleport to the moon
Side note: Maybe ur crops were failing bc without the moon the tides are all out of whack and you know, the moon was apparently just invented right now
“Time passed, and so did Hagoromo” I love this particular literary device
“Time after time I’d approach the reincarnates of Indra and Ashura” okay so we’re supposed to be down for not only regular reincarnation in Naruto but Indra and Ashura ONLY BEING BORN TO THE SENJU AND UCHIHA CLANS REPEATEDLY WHAT WHO WROTE THIS
Does this mean that people Naruto and Sasuke every 50 years????You’d think the Land of Fire would just. Get used to it
“Just with that alone, a thousands years passed” well at least we have some idea of how much time it’s been since Kaguya era lmao 
Ur telling me that this horseshit happened bc Tobirama doesn’t know to leave dead bodies well enough alone
This montage of Zetsu taking credit for everything Madara and Obito did is not appreciated lmao take some responsibility for your actions!!!!
I’m gonna keep harping on this for the rest of the war honestly like where is the ACCOUNTABILITY
“So your teen rebellion continues” LMAO UR NOT WRONG
“I know that this could be our last hurrah, but we gotta give it our best shot” not much of a plan Naruto sweetheart but fair
Tag urself I’m Kakashi’s look of despair at his hormonal students
“And Sasuke? Sorry that my sexy jutsu didn’t work” I was not prepared for the sincerity with which that line was delivered
The Sad Old Man™ energy radiating off Obito is... Immense 
“I want to thank you for helping me out. And for helping Sasuke” “No, there’s no need to thank me” this is the first time Obito has been right about something since the age of 13
“I’m not going to waste time on speeches,” said Obito, in the middle of a dramatic speech 
Minato..... how did you chop the branch.... with no hands to pick up a kunai???????? What kind of yoga contortion was involved
What I imagine the subtext of this scene to be:
Hagoromo: New old son!!!! I am dad now
Hashirama, whose dad was Butsuma: [choking back tears] Okay
Tobirama: I also hate our father
They’re all taking to this “demi-god pops out of the bottom half of dead ex-comrade” thing pretty well but to be fair they’ve had a complicated day
38 notes · View notes
randomnameless · 7 years
Chapter 7 - Darna to Alster!
Seliph finally finishes this Naga forsaken map and says good bye to the Desert.
(joking, FE4 happened before FE5 so FE5 is the retcon game but)
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Ares wants to talk to his friend - the reason why he turned blue to begin with 
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but an idiot is here, blocking the doors.
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so the only thing he can do in this situation, since he’s grey and can’t move, is talk to the guy.
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don’t ask that
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no “it is I, Ares the Black Knight”? Vengeance leaves no place to theatrics.
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uh... yeah? Siggy couldn’t kill Eldie even if he wanted, he didn’t have the stats for that!
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Poor Graine. Here you see miscommunication at its finest, granted, given how Eldie ignored his wife/son to run to his sister’s side and Siggy’s help, I understand why Grainne never got the true side of the story. Her version, and I believe the version of most Agustrians is “Siggy led an invasion in Agustria, Eldie died while defending his homeland and his King” which isn’t that far from reality actually! I love how Ares calls his mother “noble” and not just, my mother. Seliph is of course completely clueless, no one bothered him to keep him in touch with the Augstrian campaign - Aidean what were you doing?
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uh... well, i’m sure they hold no hard feelings against each other because they were knights and knights simply do what they’re told, if they hate someone it’s the king who orders them to fight, but Eldie wasn’t totally happy at Siggy’s invasion/occupation. Hopefully Siggy went all “i’m just listening to orders i’m trying to write a letter to Azmur don’t worry” and Eldie believed him. If Chagall wasn’t such a douche the blame could be shared, but hey, we have the most perfect scapegoat so let us all blame Chagall, it makes the Augustrian campaign less catastrophic.
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haha Seliph doesn’t understand a thing, Ares is the son of dad’s friend so we can be friends, right? It’s still kind of insensitive to call Ares’ lifelong grudge a “misunderstanding”, OTOH it’s clever because Seliph isn’t calling Ares’ “noble” mother a liar to his face!
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Genealogy of the Holy War : sons must pay for the grudges of their fathers? S
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Subverted here, Ares drops his grudge. If only we could have asked Brian or even Scipio to do the same :) But their dads had ugly sprites, so they couldn’t be Siggy’s friends so we don’t give figs about them :)
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Not totally subverted though, Ares still has doubts and will murder Seliph if he lied.
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i cringe a little at this line from Seliph tbh, the fate of the world resides on your shoulders (lel) because you’re the only Naga alive (lelel) F!Lewyn said so, and you’re willing to die just to please Ares? Seliph no :’(
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hey you know what you could have met him when you were 3 weeks old if Eldie wasn’t such a douche and didn’t ignore his son and wife. During the occupation he could have sent them to say “hello” to Siggy and his family (or invited them at his place) before Chagall became a douche, but no, Eldie never gave a crap about his family - save for Raquie.
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Once he is finished with Seliph Ares pushes him and runs to find his true friend
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Here she is! He worries about her, how cute.
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Ares apologises and calls himself a fool, poor Ares. And Lene confesses that she isn’t alright but she still trusted him even after he made himself a fool with that “killing Seliph” nonsense.
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Daw! Why IS didn’t give them any lover convo?
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Of course he won’t! He will take you home to Agustry! and then you’ll be eaten alive by the agustrian court
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“are you the guy Ares wanted to kill?”
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“Ares told me about you, he said “move imbecile i have to rescue Lene” when i tried to talk to him earlier”
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No dancers in Isaach? 
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i don’t know if that would be the word i’d use. Seliph is flustered seeing scantily clad women. Granted, any scantily clad woman would have been captured in Dozel!Isaach so...
and now for the retcon: Raquie’s children!
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“who are you random knight?”
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what are you talking about? Wait you didn’t knew you had a bro? But in FE5...
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that’s understandable - save the part where Lewyn only tells you now that you have a sibling but fig that guy.
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off screen, crawling after Shanan and Oifey because they said they could only carry one child and that one child was Seliph
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hoho, so Nanna’s Leonster born, it fits with the timeline. The thing that doesn’t is Nanna still ignoring she has a bro :’(
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is it me or FE4!Nanna seems to miss Raquie more than FE5!Nanna?
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??? I thought you said you didn’t know you had a bro and now Raquie told you she left to meet him in Isaach??
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Poor Nanna, she waited to see her, she had no mother figure during all those years
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only kaga knows
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she took her horse and fled with her horse in the desert with figging sand and it’s not like Quan did the same mistake but no 
meanwhile, two cousins chat
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at least - well yeah at least because he had to backtrack to Darna and it took around 15 turns or something (thanks Naga for Lana’s warp staff)
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prelude indeed, since Arvis hired Travant and co to assist in his coup
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bad Leif, you forget how Travant first set your home in flames and only afterwards Blume arrived. You were sleeping during Finn’s history time or what?!
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“my knight Finn” sounds... not strange, but I can’t see FE5!Leif calling Finn “his knight”. Finn is his father figure, he is Finn, not a knight. Heck I doubt FE5!Leif would even call Carrion and co “his knights”. August/Dorias would.
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this is so... well, not strange because in FE5 Leif says retaking Leonster was his dream (Finn’s dream) but before chapter 6 he was happy living as a peasant in Fiana with his sisters (and Jugdral’s best mom) killing pirates. Maybe that’s not something you can tell to your kingly cousin, so it’s better to say that he wanted to fight since the beginning...
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pff would you have helped against Raydrick when he stoned Eyvel - i mean when Dorias and co tried their multiple attempts at murdering Blume in his sleep? I don’t think so but it’s something Seliph has to say. He doesn’t have to apologise per se but... Well, the way Leif told his story we could think we should be berating Seliph/Siggy for the BBQ’s aftermath that impacted Leonster - in that regard Seliph HAS to apologise.
but this vision, of course, throws Travant in the “ignored” trashcan.
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But Leif quickly apologises, it wasn’t his intention to put the blame on Seliph. It’s squarely his fault. RIP Dorias :’( (well Miranda has to share the blame too)
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?? Of course he was worthy of being dubbed a knight of Nova he was a crusader. But Leif bragging about being the son of Quan? Heck, that’s something Finn/Dorias would say “don’t lose hope prince you’re the son of quan”, the words of support Ced shared with him when he was down! FE4!Leif is so... confident and assertive, it’s super... weird considering my only Leif experience was FE5!Leif.
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It’s so weird that I don’t recall FE5!Leif saying something like that, or reclaiming himself of Quan’s legacy even once. 
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“Marty, Othin, pack your things we’re going with Seliph now. Lifis too.”
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“But Lord Leif, we’re returning to Fiana now” “don’t you dare i said we’re leaving.” Haha, restoring honor to Granvalle? It’s not about stopping the child hunts and stopping Loptyr’s resurrection? this is so un - FE5!Leif - like! remember the guy who screamed about honor and glory? he would have said those lines!
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uh... sure, Quan helped Siggy a lot. And given how Quan died for/because/ during his quest to help Siggy, their deaths are linked.
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Indeed, but i can’t totally ignore the fact that maybe Ethlyn, even if she wasn’t a Chalpy anymore, wanted to restore her “birth” house’s name clean too, and was also worried about her dad - who didn’t even mention her but that’s how we roll in Jugdral daughters are worthless.
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Again, Seliph apologises. Not for Leonster’s fate, but for Quan and Ethlyn on the behalf of his dad.
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yes, the stories August told me said that Siggy manage to pierce Arvis’ plans before everyone else! He was a wise man!
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As do I? What about “don’t hate the people, only the evil in their hearts?” “oh fig it”. 
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pff hahaha if only you knew what were your dads’ last wishes! it was only about restoring chalphy’s good name!
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he already said he was going to lend you his scrubs!
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“damn that new blade shoots beams of light it’s so cool!”
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“I GAVE YOU THOSE RIBBONS!” “hilda did and told me to hang myself with them it’s not a kindness”
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hey look, it’s the imperial princess!
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“Fear me else I’ll tell everything to daddy and he will Valflame you to oblivion”
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but i thought Julius wanted to throw his party there? You can’t just rewarp in it, it’d be lame!
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Wow no mercy for Blume? But yeah, per Aidean’s history lesson, when a baron escapes he will return to piss you off again until you kill him.
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it could have been helped if we put men to block the exits, re you really a strategist? or maybe Blume just rewarped when Ares was busy screaming his finishing line for the finishing blow...
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??? They’re happier than the Isaachians you fred from Danan’s rule? I honestly can’t believe it.
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a real hope, not a joke like Leif’s failed attempts^^
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yeah, they’re all stronger than you. Even your wife Larcei!
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“have you seen that kid with Leif’s group? She can steal stuff with a magical staff!”
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“just as planned and if you don’t i have a backup plan involving a minor character with naga blood”
lol Julia isn’t part of any plan.
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Shield Hero 11 - 13 | Price of Smiles 12 (FINAL) | Morose Mononokean II 12 - 13 (FINAL) | Spec Ops Asuka 11 - 12 (FINAL) | My Roommate is a Cat 12 (FINAL) | Mob Psycho 100 II 12 - 13 (FINAL) | Yu-No 1 | Fruits Basket (2019) 1 | We Never Learn 1 | Kimetsu no Yaiba 1 | Kono Oto Tomare! 1 | Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin 1 | Fairy Gone 1 | Rendai Utena 1
Notably, Sarazanmai’s first ep isn’t here, but it’s a huge contender for making my spring watchlist.
Shield Hero 11
Okay, someone’s trying to remind me of Goblin Slayer, aren’t they…? *grumble grumble grumble*
I wonder if Naofumi has a Thunder move like those guys…?
Why isn’t Raphtalia, who was cursed by Rage Shield, affected, but Filo, who was eaten by the zombie dragon, is???
Price of Smiles 12 (FINAL)
Is Huey…not an a$$? Is he just really tsundere…?
Fingers don’t move that way, Layla…
Post-credits segment. Keep watching…
I feel like making Stella and Yuki meet off the back of Layla’s death was a bit much and pushing the button together was a bit…much-er, if that’s a concept. Anyways, see you next time!
Morose Mononokean II 12
The Cobweb = Above the Spider (by literally translating that ep title, that is).
I’m finally listening to Koura’s voice. Koura sounds like she’s always teasing Itsuki…
Jinja = Shinto shrine. That nuance is missing from the translation.
Why did that one track (when Itsuki was escaping) sound like Mission Impossible…?
What’s an analeptic? I can’t seem to pause the video…Update: Apparently my ad blocker was stuffing with the pause button. Also, an analeptic appars to be a restorative drug, or describing a drug as restorative.
Rippou sounds so enthusiastic (sarcastic) when Shizuku offers to make him tea.
Spec Ops Asuka 11
Wat. A girl in Thailand going “nya”? Update: Uhh…apparently the girl in Thailand…was Peipei??? Wuh???
Hmm…I never actually put 2 and 2 together regarding karate and the whip. It makes sense in retrospect, though.
“…sever the…” – Sever the…what, exactly?
I thought human!Giess didn’t exist anymore under that armour…so seeing him surprised me.
Sometimes I feel like I sympathise with Chisato more than Asuka or Kurumi…that’s how developed Chisato is.
Mob Psycho 100 II 12
Serizawa is playing Bomberman.
I like the symbolism of the umbrella as a “light”.
My Roommate is a Cat 12 (FINAL)
The ep title is “Kimi to Boku to” (You and I and…). Presumably it should end with “everyone else”…or something.
Wait, wasn’t Subaru’s umbrella handle round before??? It’s straight now!
What a waste of a perfectly good umbrella!
Somehow I knew Subaru would go to Nana once he needed cat knowledge.
*Subaru rescues Haru* - *cue Lion King song* Ahhhhhhh ze ban yaaaaaaaaaaa…or something like that.
Why is it that I want a dub for this so…darn…badly???!!! Wait…*record scratch* it already has one. Scratch that.
Shield Hero 12
“I can’t stop trembling,” Raphtalia says as she stands there, still as a statue…geesh.
I’d assume there’s a Meteor Shield in there for Naofumi as well…?
Come to think of it, we never learnt that weapon merchant guy’s name until now, huh? Elhart. I’ll try my best to remember it.
Spec-Ops Asuka 12 (FINAL)
Twin-headed Dragon Peipei, huh?
Morose Mononokean II 13 (FINAL)
*Fuzzy gets punched away* - Fuzzy, noooooooo!
In the same way Mob became a so-called “bishonen” for s2 ep 5 of his show, Hanae became kind of hot – but also kind of weird – for the finale.
Notably, the “Ashiya” Abeno is referring to is only Hanae…not Sakae at all. Hmm.
Mob Psycho 100 II 13 (FINAL)
“Bishonen” Mob returns!
I keep getting the feeling that Mob will sacrifice himself this episode. It’s a very Mob thing to do, but…I worry about him, because without him we have no show.
*explosion* - I wanna yell “KANEDAAAAAAAAAA!” Is that appropriate for this scene?
I LOLled at Dimple wearing Serizawa’s chunk of hair, haha.
Anyways, that was way too fun (and way too worrying at the end). See you next time!
Yu-No 1
Okay, first episode of this particularly meager season…coming right up!
I’ve never had to watch an ep on phone for subs before…I much prefer a bigger screen.
Okay…as soon as I heard Potato-kun say “Panties?” I knew I was in for a bad time. I’m watching based on the title and the series image, not the fact it’s based on an adult VN.
I can’t believe we have to be told about these ladies from the guys first…I feel sorry for Yuki.
I-Is Arima-mama the kind of person one would call a “MILF”…? I dunno since I don’t swing that way.
Seriously, how long ago did Potato-kun’s father die??? (I know his name is Arima Takuya, but…he’s “Potato-kun” to me, even as a joke.)
Potato-kun is so obviously following his…pen island, so to speak.
Ah, Potato-kun. The only time you make me laugh is when you humiliate yourself on public news. Thank goodness this show isn’t particularly lewd…yet.
It’s like Grand Blue…only with less drinking.
Seriously, why does Yuki call Potato-kun “boss”???
The one time I hear the name “Neumann”, it’s this time travel show, of all things…*remembers von Neumann architecture* Yup, that’s where I remember his name from. By the by, Googling “Neumann space” yields this site on travelling to the…stars? Wrong frontier, folks.
Okay, that was probably the least exciting way to pull off a big reveal like that. Drop.
Shield Hero 13
To be honest…I like Rise better…
“You’re are surrounded.” – I know you’re in a hurry to sub your content, CR subbers, but seriously?????
It’s always funny to see Motoyasu get a good socking from Filo, LOL.
Fruits Basket 1
I have zero experience with OG Fruits Basket outside 1 episode I didn’t really finish (but finishd the entire manga and may have caught a tiny bit of it - not enough to mark on anyone’s anime list as “complete” - while it was on TV), so…this’ll be interesting.
This is exactly as I remember it! Beautifulllllllllllll…so beautiful I wanna cry…(Keep in mind I binged most of the manga years ago, so it’s getting harder and harder to remember the exact story every day.)
Holeeeeeeeeeeee…sugar. I just realised how old Fruits Basket is! Also, rumour has it Motoko has differently coloured hair in the OG version, but I didn’t watch (or didn’t remember) that part, so…I don’t have a standard to hold her up to, really. Plussssss…I love how Motoko and her Prince Yuki fanclub are like Mean Girls. The reason I had to check up how old Fruits Basket is is because of that comparison. Mean Girls is from 2004, thereby being 5 or 6 years younger than Fruits Basket.
The angelic “ahhhhh” in the background really sold how good Tohru’s food was (for Hanajima).
This CGI fan is going to haunt me until the end of my days, isn’t it…?
Ouch…I think I just realised why Fruits Basket is so powerful (at the part where Tohru is working hard at her job). It resonates strongly with those who are lost in life. I found I couldn’t really relate when I first read it though, which may have been attributed to the fact I was…what, 13?...at the time.
Shigure, you a$$!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wanna kick you for laughing at poor Tohru!!!!!!!!!!!
Photorealistic clouds…no. I think that Indian festival with the dye (I don’t remember which one it is off the top of my head) happened to my eyes…(i.e. my eyes…my poor eyes…)
I didn’t think Vickeblanka was capable of doing slower songs. This song’s kinda nice…but only because I heard the last few seconds of the ending (the rest was obscured by background noise and I don’t have time to play it again).
Between the comment about Shigure and the comment about the clouds, I was internally bawling about how stupid and spoilt I’d become. This is the power of Fruits Basket!
We Never Learn 1
Hmm…I thought the manga of this (or what I saw of it, at least) was kinda vanilla, so…this’ll be an experience, one way or another.
Yuiga’s face game is spot-on, LOL.
Aw, this show encourages the growth mindset…how cute. *does Kaguya-sama face*
The eyecatch is about what classes the main trio are in, but Furuhashi is taking it as related to boob size…*sigh*
The sign just says “library”. There’s no need to contextualise it more than that…
Yup, this is vanilla like ice cream…
Come to think of it, why did I pick this series up? I’ve read the manga parts that correspond to this episode…Well, I remember when this series was still new. I think it was that it was refreshing to see these guys so gung-ho about uni, because recently I’ve been in doubt about my own future (and to tell the truth, I’ve been thinking different things about what I want to do at different stages of my life anyway). I’ve literally only settled on the things I’m doing because I suck at everything else, but I can do whatever I put my mind to…for most things I try. Much like Fruits Basket is for those who are lost in life, We Never Learn is an affirmation that you can change your future…or something like that, anyway.
…The disembodied mouths creep me out…anyways, this show isn’t bad, it isn’t 100% a keeper either (unless I get co-opted into a collab for it). It’s just squarely in the middle.
Boob grope…eesh. That brought down the keeping factor down a little.
Kimetsu no Yaiba 1
[big chunk of information redacted because it’s me stressing over what has to be done before I go overseas...and also it reveals I had a collab for this lined up, which I’m trying to keep a surprise at the time this post went out]
To be honest, I don’t like 1st person cam.
Hmm…there’s more CGI than I’d like to admit is in here…
I remember reading a while ago that the “Tan” in Tanjiro is the word for “charcoal”.
Take = bamboo, and he’s a woodcutter kid. LOL.
This is exactly as I remember it! It’s kinda cool, since the smelling thing is obviously foreshadowing.
I remember I didn’t quite get the idea that Nezuko was growing in size in the manga…well, now I just did.
Oh-hoh-hoh-hohhhhhhh! Giyu Tomioka, me boy! There he is!
I didn’t know Giyu Tomioka was basically a ninja, LOL.
This is definitely one of the better series out there this season. It might not be the best due to its sheer amount of shonen trappings, but it’s still dang good! (I like Giyu Tomioka already, but now that I think of it, I’d like to see Lightning Boy in action within the show and not just the OP…hmm.)
[Sarazanmai 1 is not here because I saw it at the anime club first. I do intend to cover subsequent episodes here though…]
Kono Oto Tomare! 1
I find Funi’s video player unwieldy, to be honest. Maybe it’s because I’m too used to CR’s…
Oh! It seems like the Defence Club has a legacy now!
Surprisingly, this is very funny…!
Hmm…this seems like a show where you should ship people, but there doesn’t seem to be enough of a connection between anyone that I can see anyone shipping. I guess that’s why this thing is basically a shoujo in appearance, huh…?
By the way, who’s “Nadeshiko”? Takezo…?
Do you guys even know what a koto is? If you do, that’s great, but if you don’t, you’re going to have to infer…that’s a bit nasty for an ancient instrument the West doesn’t know about. Then again, this clearly isn’t something made for the West.
I’m wondering why the culprits confessed so easily…
Well, that was…alright. I went “aw” more than I expected and laughed more than expected. It’s not going to top the other shows I’ve got though.
Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin 1
For some reason, I’m just not used to calling this show “Midnight Occult Civil Servants”…that sounds clunky. That’s why I’m calling it “Mayonaka” for short…oh yeah, right now Funi is undergoing maintenance which is why I had to shuffle Mayonaka forward. I was meant to be doing Fairy Gone in this slot, to be honest with you.
Hmm…*thinks about time talking with Plyasm* *thinks about how Seo trid to kick this Reiji Kyoichi person* I see a resemblance here…with the kicking and all…Update: There is a guy called “Reiji” in this show, I just read “Kyoichi” wrong because I was trying to type up comments here.
Somehow it never actually occurred to me that Seo was a gender-neutral name. I’m normally quite good with these things…or maybe it was Ply keeping me up late that’s making me not notice…or even the fact I’m not listening to Seo’s voice, since that’s sometimes a hint to a person’s gender in particularly ambiguous cases (I’m currently not listening to the audio). Update: Okay, that’s definitely a man’s voice coming from the effeminate-looking Seo.
Oh yes…I forgot to mention, this show does an awful lot of telling and not showing.
I keep noting this episode is set on April Fool’s Day…what a day for pranking, huh?
I’ve seen a Cait Sith in anime before…so there’s a dog version too (Cu Sith), huh?
Tape? That’s so mundane…then again, I guess this is what happens when you have boring jobs in interesting places, huh? Reminds me a lot of my own stabs at this kind of story.
This is…angel-tengu Romeo and Juliet…
Now this is the real Reiji…I think?
Ohhhhhhh crab balls…these CGI angels look terrible.
I never thought cherry blossoms could look so terrible…urgh.
I’m of two minds when it comes to this show – on the one hand, I like its plot (it’s better than Charlotte in this field, at least). It’s a bit cliched, but it might lose against competition like Sarazanmai or even Kono Oto Tomare. On the other hand, its visuals are kinda…ugly.
Fairy Gone 1
Fa-Fanatica…? What sort of name is that??? (That’s not a good sign if I question the first name on the screen now, is it?)
Lay Dawn, would you please…lay down? (Okay, that joke only works with a particular pronunciation of “down”, but you get the bad pun…right? Right?)
So this is Spec-Ops Asuka without the huge boobs, I expect? That would make Fairy Gone at least 10 points (on my anime list) better than the thing I’m comparing it with.
I think the tiny symbols under most of the credits are stylised English, although I was looking at a credit for a guy with the surname Yamamoto and it wasn’t quite working.
The CGI is one of the better efforts I’ve seen, but still slightly obvious.
Veronica’s run reminds me of Akira from Devilman Crybaby. You know the one GIF of him running while leaning forward at an impossible angle? That one.
Post-credits scene…keep watching.
This is another anime Jesus…(the first one was Kagura’s dad in Ga Rei Zero.)
Rendai Utena 1
(Update: This was an anime I had to watch via VPN. Notably, the last time I resorted to one was B Project...however, no one remembers that but me, so the last big time I had to use a VPN was for Sakamoto Desu Ga?.)
Uh…yeah. This is the one Buddha anime this season. But before you run off, screaming about how blasphemous I must be to Buddhists, I’ll have you know I was originally not intending to watch this…if you know me well enough, you’ll know I like bishies. Only after I compiled my to-watch list for this season did one of the star bishies show up and convince me to watch…yeah, now you can run away screaming. (Oh and if you’re interested as to what image caught my attention enough to make me watch a show…it’s the top image on this CR page – not the thumbnail, the other top image.)
Okayyyyyyy…for a show about bishies, you sure aren’t capturing me right now with this plight of a salaryman.
Aw, dangit. I actually liked the few moments this was a zombie anime! Give me High School of the Dead, but with bishies instead of jiggly-boob girls! *shakes fist at cloud*
Oh, great…I can’t even tell who’s who around here. They even had little name cards and everything! So much for my great memory…*grumble grumble* But hey, at least I recognise some names…not from being Buddhist, but from other anime. I mean, Miroku is the guy from Inuyasha and Fudo Myouou is the guy who inspired Okurikara in Touken Ranbu, yeah?
Uh, hey. Isn’t sloth meant to be a vice? Isn’t “lounging around” a vice???
Another thing. I get the feeling that putting these guys in tracksuits is just trying to coast on the success of Touken Ranbu. Touken Ranbu is nice, but only because I was familiar with the source game and a bit about the fandom. This? I have no such basis.
Lotus Head – Bonten – his nagging is starting to get on my nerves already. I came for Taishakuten, not you!
Yeah…even in Touken Ranbu, they have washing machines. Convenience, but also…vice in terms of that old-timey Buddha stuff, I guess…? Update: Actually, I thought about it and I don’t think they’ve ever shown a washing machine in Hanamaru, but I think they might’ve had a fridge.
Wait, wait, wait…the bird was a bishie tooooooooo?????????????? I think that’s the biggest bending my brain’s going to get all premiere season (for this season)! Even more so than the entire debut of Sarazanmai!
Wait, wait, wait…Bonten likes porridge?! D’ya mean “congee” or “oatmeal” kinda porridge? I can’t tell because I’ve got the volume off, but if it’s the latter then Bonten wouldn’t have known about it. Update: It appears to be the latter. How Bonten would’ve ever known about porridge…I don’t know.
New aesthetic – Taishakuten’s hair. I like me a man with a ponytail (which is why I fell hook, line and sinker for him in the first place), but his hair done up like it is in the bath…*swoons, then goes back to normal* That is all.
What’s up with Paomi anyway…? And…this is kinda petty if the central conflict is just getting Shaka to get off cooking duties. That’s too low a conflict for even Hanamaru, methinks.
So…you introduce all these Buddha guys and then expect me to care about some human who doesn’t even have a name? Wuh…?
Okayyyyyyy…I’ve never seen an earthquake that was that fast before.
Wait, wait, huh???????? The guy who voices Taishakuten is…Choreo (Brave Beats)??????????? Oh no, I should’ve listened to it! Anyways, I’ve decided I’m dropping it, simply because if I want Taishakuten only for his looks, I can just find a wallpaper of him.
0 notes
mysticdragon3md3 · 5 years
MD3 watches Carole & Tuesday season 1 part 1
9:34 PM 9/1/2019 Carole and Tuesday ep1
Watch Shinichiro Watanabe and Studio Bones go fully into revolving a series around music.  
I was going to say something about how this entire exposition dump is too blunt, that everything is falling into place too easily. But not only is it the natural thing for these 2 characters to do when they're introducting themselves to each other, but the tone of these scenes are really nice.  Just the thing for someone who's been watching almost exclusively iyashikei for a while now.  
I'm surprised they're using actual terms like "Google" and "INstagram".  I wonder if there's a real Instagram account named "carole_and_tuesday".  Well, if Netflix didn't, the fanbase will have.  
I like that the episode begins with narration explaining that Carole and Tuesday will become famous musicians.  Because if the tension of the episode/series is based on already knowing their ending of their story, then that means, it won't hurt me to have already seen some spoiler scenes from later in the series.  ^-^  
That ending theme really sounds like a Cyndi Lauper or at least a 1980's song, with all that synthesizer.  Tuesday was talking about her earlier in the episode.  Do I have to go research Lauper to understand future references?  
9:59 PM 9/1/2019
Carole & Tuesday ep2.
Is there a setting on Netflix that automatically lets me always see the ending and opening credits?  I just don't feel complete when those opening songs and ending themes get skipped.  And often, I can't scramble for the remote in time to ensure I get to watch the credits.  I'm pretty sure there's science behind the benefits of staying for credits and easing back into the next episode with an opening song.  I mean, that whole Interest Curve theory works pretty well for overall plots, scenes, videogame rising tension, Star Wars, Haikyuu, etc.  I need that cool-down after a story for an optimal experience.  That's why I always stayed in movie theaters during credits, even before the MCU.  
I forgot to note during ep1, but I like the future-ized version of vocal synthesizers liek Hatsune Miku, and there's this whole company that has had exclusively virtual/artifical singers for its entire successful history so far.  Did that Tao guy mention the name of his company?  
I also liked that Angela's mom is going to represent that Stage Mom archetype and how that's destructive and contributes to the cliche of "child actors" ending up badly.  If we're going to have a series about the entertainment business, it's good to at least mention that.  
Oh yeah...Did Carole's uni-wheel skateboard exist before the real life version that's been advertised on YouTube lately?  
Something tells me Tao's business is going to be a better example of the highly manufactured music process, than Black Mirror's "Rachel, Jack, and Ashley Too".   These chats that Carole and Tuesday have, while her owl gets sleepy, are realy soothing.  It's reminds me of iyashikei genre's tone.  And Carole's seiyuu has a soothing voice that's also more interesting that just the typical bishoujo voice.  
So the title is based on Bruce Springsteen's song.  
Carole wants to try a grand piano, and I was thinking of those pianos inside shopping malls.  But would malls even still exist in the future?  LOL  And why is there a piano in a place called "Mars Immigration Memorial Hall"?  Sounds like a federal administrative building.  ...Except for the "Memorial" part.  Yeah, what would a building like that be for?  Maybe a piano will make sense there when I see it.  
DJ Ertegun is getting a pretty big introduction.  Ok, I'm curious.  Did he produce that talent show I've seen spoiler clips of?  
I feel kind of bad for Carole's security guard friend, but I like that one of the people in charge of the venue is cool with them just using the piano.  LOL  
Did I mention yet that I really like the music in this series?  The songs I've seen in spoiler clips, anyway.  
LOL  omg Roddy recorded them running from the security guard too.  LOL  ^o^!
omg and he totally uploaded it.  LOL
I'd be funny if anyone, not just people with more computer experience, but I mean idiots like me, could so easily use facial recognition software, find someone's Instagram, and just use the geotagging to find anyone.  
I know it's cliche for the has-been agent/manager/scout to find a new talent and it gets him out of his self-destructive patterns, but it's still nice.  I'm glad to see Gus not drinking his liver to death and picking fights.  
I really should stop after ep2, but I'm really curious to see how they'll deal with a manager out of no where.  
10:43 PM 9/1/2019
Carole & tuesday ep3
Tuesday's brother sounds really familiar.  I know that the bishonen/biseinen voice is a common archetype, but still.  Is that Takahiro Sakarai?  He voices Cloud in Final Fantasy VII.  Or maybe...No.  Not deep enough for Hikaru Midorikawa.  That's just wishful thinking for my old favorite.  
I feel bad for Tuesday's brother.  I don't know how, but there's a sense that he feels bad about how their mom treats her.  Maybe it's camera lingering on his reponses to her, like he's hesitating to go along with her commands.  Maybe that kind of direction implies he questions her and is reluctant to follow.  Well, if not, then that completely askewed fireplace behind him in this ep's early scene definitely is saying something.  
It's really funny how this pizzeria scene used reading Wikipedia as not just exposition but showing everyone's funny reactions.  Just like when people read a real Wiki!  LOL  I hope more movies do this kind of integration of believable internet use.  
"Teen Vogue"?  
It's funny now durian has become the popular flavor.  
Is the currency "oolongs"?  LOL  That's really close to "woolongs" from Cowbow Bebop.  I wonder why they didn't go ahead and use "woolongs" as a direct reference.  
Ok.  This laundromat scene and a random stranger getting involved in their unfinished song, is pretty endearing.  ^____^
I just realized that everyone is walking around with these AI pets, like the All-Mates from Dramatical Murder.  
It's the partially-shredded Banksy!  LOL
I thought he expected them to do a nude drawing of him or something.  Now does he think they're athletic trainers?  ...Groupies.  He thinks they're groupies.  Ok.  That was a lot of weird misdirect.  But I guess that confusion is teh point of this scene.  LOL  
She's actually burning her sheet music?!  I'm pretyt sure Ertegun was being metaphorical.  So are they portraying Tuesday as the oblivous literal type?  Or was she trying to activate the fire sprinklers to get back at his insults?  
They're pretty lucky that everyone takes their shenanigans well.  
This "running again" running gag is starting to grow on me.
So Ertegun mentioned, like Tao, that he also constructs his music from computer-analyzed trends.  So is this the theme of this series?  Music by computer calculations vs music by humans?  
They're funny.  ^____^  Turning back at Ertegun's house just to yell at him without him even hearing.  I wonder if they're going to go the old fashioned route of gigs at bars, like Gus was talking about.  
11:12 PM 9/1/2019
Maybe I can watch ep 4 without taking so many notes.  I just want to watch it.  
11:13 PM 9/1/2019
Carole & tuesday ep4
Good gobs, this series is much harder to stop watching than Violet Evergarden.  Proably because Violet Evergarden was a cry fest and that's easier to drop.  I can't do that much crying all the time!  At least Carole & Tuesday is soothing and fun.  
Roddy is still there. LOL
Isnt' there something wrong with it if it's only 19 oolongs?  
Ziggy likes Tuesday now.  ^u^
Ooh, poor Ziggy.  
Heh.  Maybe I don't actually want to stop writing reactions.  ^^;;;
This whole episode is uneasy.  You know they're not actually going to be able to make this crazy music video.  That direction AI robot is going to turn out to be worthless.  And in any case, a big action music video doesn't fit their type of songs.  It's like going up the roller coaster, waiting for the fall, when you don't liek roller coasters!  x~x!  Ok.  After this episode, I'll call this binge a night.
This montage of them trying on clothes woudl be a good music video for them.  
I wonder why they didn't start with giving the robot budget restrictions or any kind of limitations first, before it told them what was possible.  
I really like that Marie is just so casually asking these young people if they have boyfriends or girlfriends. You never see that in anime!!!!!!!!!!! ;u;  It's usually a big deal and used for comedy because of the heteronormative expectations!!!!!  but here, she's just being normal about it!  ;U;!!!!!!!!!!!!  I'm so happy!!!!!!!!!  
I don't collect Gunpla, but I call figure collection abuse!  lol
Why is this robot talkign out loud to itself?  
Dude, the bartender is super stressed, watching Gus and Marie.  Do they have a history of big arguments that could wreck his bar?  O_o???
Just say "congratulations" if you're going to burst in like that.  LOL  Takes the edge off your eavesdropping.  LOL
"I hope you're happy this time."  Awwwwwwwwwwwwww~  That's so sweet.  ;u;
Who's that random dancer in the video? LOL
Wait a sec...The car was blown up?!?
Where is the AI scammer getting returned to?  
Ok, that was funny at the end.  Maybe I can stick around for another episode.  ^^;
11:42 PM 9/1/2019
I'm going to switch to dub, so I can get some stuff done in these 20 minutes before 12am.  o~o;  
11:46 PM 9/1/2019
Carole & tuesday ep5
Wow.  Roddy's dub actor is Michael Sinterniklaas?  ...Or maybe Yuri Lowenthal? ...Hm...  Then again, there are so many new dub actors that I often find myself confusing older A-listers I'm familiar with.  ^^;  
Wait.  The dub Tao said "woolongs"!  So it's a direct reference to Cowbow Bebop in the dub!  
"You're not as cool as you used to be"?  Really?  *That* cliche?  Listen, I've liked a lot of tropes used in this series so far, but that was mean and hackneyed.  
Only 1 song?  Good.  They only have like 3 songs.  
So the Martian environment caused Angela's mom to become androgenous?  Is that why the media lost interest in her as a child actor, once she hit her 20's?  It always creeps me out how when these child actors turn 18/legal, everyone give this sense like they're leering at him in anticipation.  I guess once Angela's mom wasn't able to transition from child actress to "specifically-female sex pot" they gave up on her career.  That's kind of weird, huh?  When child actresses get old enough, as soon as they're legal, everyone expects them to sell sex with their image, even when they just _barely_ became old enough.  I don't pay enough attention to non-geeky entertainment media, but are male child actors expected to become sex symbols as soon as they turn 18 too?  That's kinda sad.  
Well, Roddy explaining to Beth why likes their music, explains why he's sticking around.  
How did Tuesday's luggage find her?  ^.^
I like how cool Carole's landlord and Tuesday's brother are being about leaving them alone to continue pursuring music.  
12:16 AM 9/2/2019
Carole & Tuesday ep6
It's funny how they're all hanging out at Carole's place all the time now.  
Well, that Skip guy was pretty cool.
Oh~  Skip was talking about Crystal forgetting the type of music she originally wanted to play.  I thought he was talking about himself or something.  First time I saw this clip of him talking to Crystal, he said "it's your song".  I thought that meant he wrote it for her.  But now hearing the same line dubbed, I finally understood it means that Cyrstal wrote this song and it was her original sound, that she's forgotten now that she plays music that sounds more like manufactured pop.  
Is that why they call alcohol "liquid courage"?  ^^;;;;;;;;;
Oh, they really did write a faster song just for this festival?  No, wait.  This is that laundromat song.  ^_^
Wow.  They're really throwing stuff at them while they play.  I feel like I've seen this portrayed only once before in an idol series, but then it had that stereotypical "somoene stands up for the protagonists" moment.  It's kind of refreshing for this more realistic portrayal, then the encouragement come in a more practical way.  
Aw, Crystal is giving them a pep talk.  There are so many nice mentor figures at this festival.  ;u;  
12:37 AM 9/2/2019
I should stop here and go to bed.  ^^;
It occurrs to me that I keep expecting an episode preview, full of joke narration, like you usually hear after an ending theme.  LOL  I guess Netflix really does expect you to binge everything.  ^^;;;  No need for previews and omake, huh?  
Ok.  I'll save ep7 for tomrrow.  
Good series.  ^____^
5:03 PM 9/2/2019
Carole & Tuesday ep7
I'm so glad all these video essays on YouTube have been teaching me to pay more attention.  Or else I wouldn't have noticed how round-table Gus/Carole&Tuesday/Roddy are together, in contrast to Tao/Angela/Angela's mom.
Angela *better* have her own category.  I can't imagine having American Idol and suddenly back-in-the-day Miley Cyrus show up as just a regular contestant.  C'mon.  
I know I sound like an old fogey, but I really like when modern media shows people streaming their life.  Because it's actually happening, and there was such a long time when movies/shows would go to lengths to not show technology even when it's become a daily part of life, just for fear of free product placement.  Seeing Pyotr streaming himself and everyone say he's "Instagram famous" may make this bit dated in 10-20 years, but I feel like it's a better representation of now, vs just avoiding portraying it all together.  
Is that native Maritan at the auditions a reference to Space Channel 5?  LOL  Naw~  LOL  
"I won't do things like that anymore. It happened because of the medicine's side effects.  I'm stable now."  Did this just get even darker than "stage mom" drama?  o~o!
Ok.  Physical abuse.  As long as it doesn't go into incest sexual abuse territory, I think I can handle this character development.  
Also, Angela's mom looks like she used to be her dad?  That photo looked very male-presenting.  I thought she was her mom, who just looked/sounded "manish" because of the androgenous effects of the Martian environment?  
I really like how this whole cast works together.  It's really sweet and warm.  I know that this scene of Carole, Tuesday, and Gus running into Roddy are supposed to portray that but in a bittersweet way, like Tuesday is contemplating all of this warmth going away if her identity is discovered through the Mars Brightest audition, but let me just enjoy it as a "slice of life" moment for now.  ^-^  
Oh, Tuesday was sad about not knowing much about Carole's background.  Wow, I feel like there was only 1 moment for that setup. I totally thought she was afraid of this found family of hers being taken away when her identity is revealed.  Ah, well.  Let's see where this goes.  
Carole *is* cool and to be envied.  ^_^
Time for a song!  I thought that if Tuesday was going to keep feeling so sad, they'd have to vent it in a song.  lol
I like how just random people get involved with Carole & Tuesday's lives.  I just watched a spoiler clip of one of their future concerts and looking at the background "finger snappers" I thought they totally found those guys on the street and asked them to snap their fingers for their song.  LOL  But isnt' this guy teaching them special handshakes the same guy from the laundromat?  o.o?  That was funny.  LOL
Ah, so this is about Tuesday learning to be "bold" like Carole.  
Dog race betting!?  ;o;
Ack.  TV crews.  
Oh, this is about Tuesday not needing the sunglasses anymore.  
5:43 PM 9/2/2019
Carole & Tuesday ep8
The heck?  That's a lot of doing BEOFRE asking!  Even if it's 2 seconds late, that's too late!  o~o!  
Cybelle is always liking their Instagram posts.  lol  I was just reading this [https://twitter.com/_le_hibou/status/1168178112007458818] "To people who follow artists: It may not be obvious but artists do notice followers who regularly interact or reply to their art!! I don’t always know the proper way to respond but I do know who all my “regulars” are if you will lol"  Reminds me that I recently had someone who often likes my IG posts, come meet me in real life and have so many expectations...Now I keep worrying about having said all the wrong things, just being a disappointment, and not having helped enough.  @_@;  
That's mean, Gus.  Don't just assume Angela is going to embarass herself.  Even if we didn't have all these background scenes of her singing well, don't say junk like that.  ~.~;
Ah, when death metal becomes the classical music of old fogeys...  ^____^
"I feel like I've gained their approval to exist."  Sheesh.  To think someone ouwl dsay it so directly and so casually.  o_O
When I first saw this YouTube clip of Pyotr performing I couldn't stop marvelling how this seems like it's completely hand-drawn.  Remember when all the idols shows started to just CGI all the performances and it looked horrible.  Like compare UtaPri's first season vs 3rd.  Or the earlier Idolmasters vs the recent ones.  It's amazing to me that anyone is fully hand-animating this anymore.  
Ok.  I'll admit.  I've been watching "Bulldog Anthem" repeatedly even before starting to watch this series.  I just like opera mixed with modern music, ok.
Was Gus the one squeezing his hand nervously when the announcer mentioned that Carole & Tuesday don't use AI to compose their songs?  
I thought it was weird to choose between different music genres represented by each contestant.  Like I love death metal, and fushion music, and pop is fun too.  But I love that whole acoustic singer-songwriter genre.  ^_________^
It's weird that they're judging OG Bulldog on his identity lies, vs his singing.  Is that how these music audition songs go?  I don't really watch those.  I mean, it's off-putting after he called everyone in the audience/judges fake and made up so many outrageous things about his background, but his song was still nice.  
But maybe that's the contrast represented between OG Bulldog vs Carole & Tuesday.  Bulldog was building this whole identity/persona to sell along with his music.  Whereas even the judge noted how Carole & Tuesday were presenting their music in and of itself alone.  I guess that was the point.  
Maybe it's been a long time since I watched battle anime or the martial arts genre, or Pokemon, but do rival always start introducing themselves to the protagonists by telling them they hate them?  The latest rival I remember being really nasty about their introductions was Yuri Plizetsky from Yuri on Ice.  I guess I'm too accustomed to the old fashioned formalities of martial arts anime, where you send a letter of challenge and formally show your opponent respect, even if it annoys you that they offer you genuine challenge.  In fact, it's because martial artist characters usually recognize the importance of being challenged, that they revere their worthy opponents and recognizing someone as a "rival" was always a sacred thing.  Even rival who hated each other like Ryouga and Ranma are still very respectful towards each other.
And talk about Shadow projecting.  If anyone is the "amatures who get carried away with themselves" it's definitely Angela.  I mean, she can sing, but everyone recognizes her as a model and is calling her a music amature.  
6:25 PM 9/2/2019
Carole & Tuesday ep9
Cybelle's really storng on the stalker vibes.  
omg Did the guest judge just get killed?
Did Cybelle just bite Tuesday?????  O~O!!  This is getting into extra weird levels of stalker!  ;o;
I'd feel kind of hyprocritical if I don't admit that Angela's songs are nice.  Even though I said that OG Bulldog's background doesn't effect the quality of his song, knowing how nasty Angela has been for most of this series has infused watching her performances with bitterness.  But her songs are nice, in and of themselves.  
I'm glad Tuesday was able to reject Cybelle so soon.  And I'm glad Cybelle lost, so her creepiness can exit the series sooner.  But I'm afraid a violent stalker subplot is going to start.  o~o!
6:49 PM 9/2/2019
Carole & Tuesday ep10
Ertegund judging Carole & Tuesday.  I should have seen that coming.  
Is this what they call "emotional blackmail"?  When someone threatens to suicide or hurt themselves if some girl doesn't like them?  Notebook stuff?  
So I didn't react much on ep10 because I was trying to multi-task.  I even tried switching to dub.  But I'm switching back to sub for ep11.
7:54 PM 9/2/2019
Carole & Tuesday ep11.
I guess Angela is doing the sleuthing in the background for this ep.  
These pre-song interviews are fine in fiction, but I can't believe if they do it right before in an actual show.  Then again, reality TV really over-inflates drama where ever they can.  ~.~;
I want to get an album of Carole & Tuesday and listen to it before I sleep.  ^___^
Ertegun taking cheap shots.  Tuesday DID preform.  
I can't help but deflate the stakes in this Mars Brightest arc since Carole & Tuesday started so low, that any kind of exposure seems fine.  And I like lower stakes for an iyashikei-like tone.  Anyway, look how hyper stressed all the overly ambitious characters are, who absolutely have to win or lose everything.  I'm fine with middle stakes.  
I like that Catherine stated her judgement as "If you asked me who I'd want to hear again...".  That's an interesting factor.
Again, I'm glad Carole & Tuesday keep running into people who are just cool with all the craziness that follows them.  Pyotr could become a nice side character.  And apparently, his stakes were also low enough that all he really wanted was some exposure.  He's already IG famous anyway.  
Are they really going to leave the crime pinned on Angela's poor manager?  
So much for low stakes and low ambition.
At least this show always resolves its issues quickly.  So far.  
Blocking is really nice in this scene.  Them sitting on opposite sides of this weird bench, really makes them seem far apart.  Appropriate.  Gotta remember this technique.
Dude, is Carole going to get a bad injury too?  o_o
Oh, yeah, she still didn't give Teusday her birthday gift.
8:27 PM 9/2/2019
Carole & Tuesday ep12
Well, I'm looking forward to the last-minute escape in a week, to get to Mars Brightest.
Always running with Carole.  LOL
"I should have brought her back no matter what she thought."  Hang on, Gus.  That should be "I should have tried to bring her back and ask her again what she thought."  
I'm glad Tuesday's brother Spencer is cool.
Already sent the instruments to the venue?  Gonna be cutting it close, huh?  ^o^
That's packing a lot of "endearing backstory motivation" into one scene for a so-far less palatable character.  I guess this really is the last episode of this season.  Is there a 2nd season of Carole & Tuesday?  
MOre cool random people they meet on the street.  LOL
Oh wow.  Angela's manager came back.  Aw.  Forgiveness is wholesome.  ^______^
I'm glad they're not driven by ambition.  That's fine for martial arts anime and battle anime, where winning represents something about honing your skill.  But I think Carole & Tuesday are more about just having the chance to sing and enjoy music.  
It's like, "You can have all the high-production concerts and collaborations with Ertegund.  Carole & Tuesday are here to play good music."  
Even got that jerk Ertegund to cry, huh? LOL  
Wait a sec.  Does Netflix USA not have season 2 up yet.  Because I've seen clips on YouTube that weren't in this season.  Wow.  I heard about Netflix withholding episodes but this is just weird...Or maybe that was nother streaming service?  
I guess that's it.  I'll go re-watch the spoiler clips on YouTube then.  
9:03 PM 9/2/2019
"Flying Dog" was involved with Carole & Tuesday?!  They worked on my favorite Sengoku Basara 2009 series!  *O*!  
Ok.  So season 1 was split into 2 parts.  And these 12 eps I just watched were part 1 of season 1.  And there's a part 2 of season 1 to come.  And season 2 is teh one that's iffy about production.  
9:08 PM 9/2/2019
Wait a sec.  Ertegun is freaking Mamoru Miyano?!  LOL!!!!!!!!!!  Well, after Tamaki Suoh I'm convinced he does "over dramatic self-agrandizing" characters well.  LOL  Isn't the manager of Zombieland Saga like that too?  
Roddy is freaking Miyu Irino?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  *O*  I guess he finished his hiatus abroad.  O.o  Wait!  That means whenever there's a Ertegun/Roddy scene, it's Riku and Sora together again!  LOL
Megumi Hayashibara is in this series too?!?!  *u*
Oh, Watanabe is the supervising director with someone else doing the usual directing?  
Looks like season 1 part 2 is still airing in Japan. Netlflix is probably going to wait until the season is done before they send it to Bang Zoom Entertainment for dubbing, AND THEN it'll be on Netflix.  
0 notes
froggybangbang · 8 years
@ashes-and-dust​ tagged me (eons ago) in a thing that starts personal and then degenerates into tv show stuff?? and... well here it is
1.) Why did you choose your URL?
You must all know this by now, lol. Okay so 1-I’m French Canadian, a popular insult for us by the English is “Frog” and I highly believe in claiming back insults.2-The first online url I had (well second. I had wolves has my special interest back when I was 12 so ‘wolfy136′ was the first, fleeting url I got) was after I joinned the HP fandom, with my favourite character, thus Lunard136/Lunard1 was born (that’s moony. my wolf special interest faded in the background but it’s still there to show lol). I started going to other websites than HP ones and I was starting to feel like that url wasn’t good for those so I thought long and hard about something I could be me and not fandom related so I wouldn’t have to change it again (because change is good but I hate it) and I came up with “Froggy”. Only to find it was used already. I was tired of the old 136 so I decided to had something about me in the url, something about my temper (I’m definitely a fire sign) and added the “bangbang” because I catch like a barrel of powder. (you dirty mind you if you thought I’d use it as a sex reference! Shame on you! except lol yeah I knew how it sounded and I was fine with letting people who don’t know me think I’m a nympho. what better way to hide I’m not really all that interested in sex, which is weird and not normal, right? right.)
2.) What’s your middle name?
Very few Quebecois have one, those who are afflicted by the old tradition, weather because their parents are religious or because it’s a tradition and nobody questions it have (for girls) Mary Godmother’sName FirstName LastName (for boys) Joseph Godfather’sName FirstName LastName. That’s the format and absolutely nobody goes by the first two to the point that my passport doesn’t even show them because I was told not to put them in if I’m not using them (???!!!? but okay!) anyway my are Mary Diane Kristine LastName
3.) If you could own a fairytale/fictional pet, what would it be?
I’d love a tiny dragon? I’m pretty sure I said “I want a X now!” a few onth ago but I can’t remember what it was... But honestly if I can, in my life, befriend a corvid that’s like. the dream goal. It has been for ever.
4.) Favourite colour?
hmmm I really love orange. every shade but especially the dark burnt one. I also like dark green, dark blue, dark teal and dark purple a lot? I’ll go with orange
5.) Favourite song?
That’s.... not something I can answer. Honestly how can you pick one? IDK I really love In Hell I’ll be in Good Company these days? I really love Phillip Glass’ Violin Concerto No.1 2nd Movement if you prefer no voice. Also Dream Fragment from the Chrono Cross OST because I’m a sucker for music box.
Here are a few of my Spotify playlist, for those interested.
A Little Bit of Everything is pretty much all the songs I like and remember to put on spotify (if spotify has them. They lack in Quebecois music)
Music Rec is songs that you might not know about that exist and you should listen to them, but this doesn’t get updated very often
RN is the playlist that keeps changing. My current obsessions are on that one
In the Summertime are songs for a nice warm summer day with a light breeze and a hammock (or something. maybe a few friend in the backyard and a beer.)
And Sunday Mornings is the playlist I’m listening to mainly on sunday mornings (It’s playing right now) because it fits the vibe of a sunday morning when you start your coffee and still might have an eye glued down
6.) What are your top three fandoms?
errr I’ll go with HP, 1D (*glares at @ashes-and-dust​*) and....hmm. I’m not really active in any of the others anymore. but I guess Sherlock?(though Pacific Rim or Cabin Pressure also fit third place but I think I still read more sherlock fic than I do PR or CP)
7.) Why do you enjoy Tumblr?
This hellsite is my main place for interacting with sensible human beings. I also LOVE *those* posts. you the ones where one person asks a questions/ places a random thought and then.... it just. takes a life of its own? and everyone knows them? The Guam Cookie post is one. The many Aliens finds Humans Weird also. but then there’s the smaller ones like just. They are exactly the kind of stuff I’d be saying with my (ex? maybe?)friend in Rimousky like you say something, and they add something in a deadpanned way that is bviously exagerated/insane and then you add on it and they add on it until you are at the stage that you won’t be buy mayo because, really, having to marry someone from an island so you could get away with murder is much too much effort. That’s why I love tumblr.
ugh I very rarely watch tv anymore these are hard.
1. Merlin
2. Doctor Who (until season 5/6 anyway. Moffat killed it)
3. Torchwood
4. The X-Files (haven’t seen the reboot but I’d love to!)
5. ...... Sherlock (I guess? But I still haven’t watch the last xmas special nor the last season? Moffat killed it?)
hmmmmm..... *shakes the Ponds, Martha Jones and Dona Noble in her hand to see which will get out* I’m going to go with Dona. I’m not so in your face, but I really relate with her and she had an awesome friendship with 10, not afraid to give him a good earful if he went overboard.
Shit idk. I mean Uther and Morgana where mean shit but I loved their characters for what they were..... I’d say between Uther and Mordred? idk. 
Oh shit. Dude do you have any idea how many episode there is of the xfiles?? I’m going to go with the one on the boat, because that’s the one that popped into my head right now (immediately followed by that black and white one when Mulder meets the Gunmen for the first time... that CELL PHONE OMG) and any moment when Scully and Mulder have SASS going on.
The first season is the best without a doubt. I’ve loved the second season but in the first one the story were even more concentrated on one story per episode and it was very well thought off and they didn’t overdo it yet, which they tented to do afterwards, as well as letting more episode be one story and not following canon anymore. I’m actually sadden at my lack of consistency at following Elementary.
Oh. er... Ianto/Jack. but. like. I don’t like to think about that because of children of the earth.
I know it sounds weird but I really see Arthur and Gwen as bromance who agreed to marry because throne? They have a great chemistry but I just don’t buy it.
The first episode I’ve seen was on TQS with the french dubbed version of the first episode we see the guy that can dislocate every bones in his body to crawl in small places. then I got hooked and rented the VHS of the series, bought books of the series, the official magazines, unofficial biographies (my gosh is the internet cheaper) and watched every episode (at some point switching in the English version on Fridays) until Mulder got abducted. Tried to watch that season but didn’t care to not miss an episode... then I just... forgot to tune in. so that’d be since.... according to WIKI the first episodes in French were in 1994 and “squeeze” is the third one.
Because of Doctor Who.
Grahhhhh okay I’m going to go renewed series because fhjdsahlsb and it’s still hard but I think I’ll go with David Tenant. Tough Karen Gillan is good too. Oh! fuck and John Simm fuck I forgot John Simm and Life on Mars! damn. Okay John Simm
You drive a hard bargain. I’ll go with the X-Files; 4
as in proportionally? because I’ve see all of them, but I *think* merlin has more episodes? Though I’ve watch Torchwood more often I think?
I’m not sure I’d like to be anyone on the x-files that sounds like a very dangerous life. although wait no not true! one of the gunmen! They have the coolest job in the series.
*stares* Not like that. 
HAHAHA well. YES, mainly because IT IS a thing between DW and Torchwood.
The Master and Donna? If, you know, the Master got his murdering tendencies in check. idk I’m not good at pairing people. I pick and chose those who exist in the fandom.
Damn.... I mean Andrew Scott alone.... but then it got cringey... but I don’t particularly like Gwen but I’m pretty sure it’s not the casting..... I’ll go with Torchwood.
I do not know Merlin’s Soundtrack well enough to comment on it and I think the X-files’ is pretty lacking, but Sherlock has some very good music, the Irene piece is on of my favourite.
Blergh. I don’t want to tag because lazy. go ahead and give me the answers, though. Especially the music ones I’m always interested in finding new music!
0 notes