#I watched Grian's first and then found out Taurtis' was first! Ah
sysig · 5 years
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February? Time to watch Halloween episodes from three years ago
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mystilotls · 4 years
Tokyo Soul AU: Chapter one
Song: Cabinet Man
Tw: Implied gore, implied death, violence, shipping
This is for the peeps who don’t watch TS, these chapters are for the plot of this au.
also PLEASEEEEEEE send me asks ( @ask-mystis-aus ) im opening an “ask the characters event with drawn reactions so-
Enjoy, (no grammar check, we fail like men)
Long ago in a dimension where time doesn’t exist, where every up is a down, Where space is irrelevant, and when Cthulhu ruled with his army of demons, inflicting terror and darkness to all.
However, there was one soldier in the army that seemed more powerful than the rest.
This demon went by many names but to mere mortals, he was referred to as Necro. 
Necro could manipulate all, even the dead, Necro could summon anyone or anything at will, Necro possesses all knowledge of any dimension he sets foot in, and most importantly, it is dangerous to make a deal with him. For if you shake his hand, the consequences could be dire.
Demons found Necro’s powers to be too catastrophic and after a long war between them, Necro, and Cthulhu, the demons of the realms were victorious.  
Cthulhu was banished to R’lyeh where he built up the once fallen empire he had.
As for Necro?
Necro was trapped in a spellbook, and to add insult to injury, his prison was labeled as the “Necronomicon”. The Necronomicon was banished to a far void, where it was rare for anyone to even find it.
 Even when the Necronomicon was found, He is forced to share his wisdom of the dimensions he has traveled to and or harmed. He watches as wars break and mass genocide all from trying to obtain him.
 He loves watching but he vows, one day, someone will free him and he will return. 
“That’s the book we need!” a voice had exclaimed, it seemed to have belonged to a young man with an accent that is different from his colleagues 
Necro had gotten up from the corner he normally sat in, at first spending unbearable moments with nothing but dribbling fools constantly grabbing your cell and splattering blood of their former friends on you can get irritating, but since there was nobody to bother him, he often learned to meditate and ignore his surroundings.
Until now. 
However, these mortals seem like a change of pace for once. Necro crawled over to where the seeing eye is and looks out to see a bag of flesh grabbing his cover, he tries to remember what lifeform this was and had come to the conclusion that these were creatures from the Earth dimension. Necro never was able to take over this world but he heard stories that the smartest creatures...humans were just as if not more as primitive than the other idiots he had slaughtered like the sacks of meat they are.
These humans seemed like no exception.
Necro looked back and thought this was too easy, none of these fools know what the Necronomicon truly is.  All the easy to watch as they destroy themselves. Just a simple compliment or a simple suggestion and he already knows there is going to be delicious anarchy everywhere. 
Necro watched as he was being held by the obvious animal hybrid of a human and a long-eared rat humans call rabbits.  Necro could easily tell behind the dirty rabbit beanie this mortal calls a disguise.  
“It called the Necronomicon” “good eye, genius” Necro mumbled hearing the echo of the freak holding his book and wonders Since he looks like a freak in his dimension, would he be an easy pawn and not clash with his army.  He eventually got his attention drawn to the young man from before. 
“Oh no, no! No, I’m out” Necro watches from the seeing eye and grins wickedly. This human is smart enough to know his left from his right yet dumb enough to fall for all types of manipulation
He is perfect.
~ Necro groaned listening to them babble on about nothing that interests him. He then chuckled when his “friends” started to insult him. This is just too easy. He had been talking to the rabbit hybrid but his insults were to no avail. Meanwhile the blond, the rabbit had broken him so much that a simple insult or a compliment could make him all his. 
“As ugly as a wart too,” Necro said, loud enough for all of them to hear and he got the blond’s attention. Great, now to add gas to this unstable fire.  
He tries to hide his grin as the rabbit hands over the Necronomicon to the blond. This pawn seemed easier to control since the rabbit is too broken and too wrapped up in his own fantasies, it would just be a waste of time. 
  Necro was grabbed out of his thoughts when he was spat on by the blond. 
“Well that was a bit unnecessary” Necro mumbled
 “This is too boring and such a waste of time to try and get out of this damn book,” Necro thought as he just laid in the void. If only he had his actual body, then he could just watch as Cthulhu’s armies could mow down all these useless souls. Watching as they beg for mercy but then vaporate mid-sentence, at least then it would be a little fun. 
He got up and floated around in a sitting position. He thought it was time to try something different
“Take out the nurse. End him” Necro whispered in the blond’s ear. He saw the rabbit’s ears perk up and walk to the other young male.
“The Necronomicon wants us to kill Dr. Nurse, dude!” 
“And you want to listen to a TALKING BOOk” 
Necro sucked air through his teeth, he may not listen to him now but he soon will. He looked through the seeing eye and saw 
Cthulhu, in the body of some sort of walking creature that apparently lives in their water, all he knows is that this animal shouldn’t be walking on land.
Grian held the Necronomicon during his date with Silly. It was more of a peer pressure date (he liked Silly in a sisterly way) but he was confused. He thought he was with Taurtis.
 Taurtis comes to his bed every night for cuddles and Tuesdays are a day when they can be all alone, but was Taurtis just using him to relieve tension, just his constant play toy for him to use while he goes dating other girls? 
Taurtis keeps claiming that he is just taking the girl out for a date so she can help him “get his hair back” but the half-shaved head works for Taurtis. However, he is growing his hair back and that’s all that matters.  
Suddenly, this cursed book ripped him away from his thoughts. The Necronomicon had been whispering to Sam yet Grian was the one to have to listen. While Sam went to go get Jorje from Mr. Chupa, Grian looked and saw many shadows of arms grab for Grian’s. They wrapped around him before reaching for his face, cupping his cheek before grabbing for his throat.  His eyes went white as he gasped for air.
Grian screamed before tripping and falling to the floor, panting heavily. Silly had rushed to help him up. He looked at his hands to see the shadows gone and all of the students and Mr. Chupa stare at him in confusion. 
“Grian, are you oka-?” Silly’s gentle question of worry was interrupted when Grian got up and ran upstairs, Silly could see him with eyes of fear and worry. 
Grian ran into a bathroom stall before slamming the door. He threw the Necronomicon and opened it to see the undecipherable font which is on every page. He growled before ripping the pages right out of the book, ignoring all the pained grunts from the disembodied voice. Using the sound of torn paper to encourage him. 
“Why do you do this, why do you put up with what you do. Cthulhu told me you wanted to go home, that’s not what you really want. I may be a book but I can read you like an open one. You just want respect, You just want to be loved, You want to be wan-”
“SHUT UP!” Grian screamed as he threw the damaged book on the floor, huffing as he glared into the seeing eye which he couldn’t tell if it winked or blinked. 
“I’m not just a book you know” Grian gasped as he heard a whisper right in his ear, nobody was behind him but he could feel a weight on his shoulders as if someone was trying to be comforting. It sent shivers through him as he shook it off. 
“I can give you respect, I can make people listen to you, I can help you get all the power you deserve” Grian pushed against the door. His eyes wide as he tries to get his bearings straight. This isn’t the weirdest thing by a longshot but something about this made him uneasy. He looked down to the seeing eye and saw red. 
“All you need to do is-”
Grian stomped on the eye of the book and kept stepping on the cover. He heard a chuckle and soon laughter 
“Well, thats all I need, Thanks for the invite~”
A dark mass appeared from the seeing eye before it rushed into Grian’s lungs. He fell and hit his head on the bathroom floor, passing out.
Taurtis was starting to be concerned about Grian, he just stopped talking for the rest of the day, he wouldn’t even look at them or let go of the Necronomicon. Taurtis waited for Grian to come out of the bathroom so they could cuddle, he sleeps better on a bed than a mat but he feels more comfortable with another human next to him
Meanwhile, Grian looked at his hands before looking in the mirror, seeing his reflection gaining red pupils and sharp, dagger teeth
“Ah, It feels great to have a body again” Grian chuckled before hearing the bathroom door knock.
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zeejax · 5 years
(shakes tin can) spare npc grian lore, cent?
ah FUCK yeah okay so
according to the one hour build swap with taurtis, grian was trying to summon the ultimate builder via a spell he found. it involved using a formation of rustic houses. so npg is grian-confirmed to be a demon. however, he’s also supposed to be a robot???? there’s an intro clip grian did once where he was working on npg like a robot, and npg has said stuff like “this is not in my code,” so like... i derive from that.
anyway onto headcanon land:
-grian’s original Ultimate Building robot was a complete failure. theoretically, it was great— it had everything grian knew about building coded in, and it was physically very capable of carrying through, but it had no ai. it couldn’t identify what kind of build would look best where, it couldn’t account for location or terraforming, it couldn’t understand any flexibility and would simply leave gaps in builds if the designated block was unavaiable. it couldn’t learn. then, one way or another, he stumbled across the summoning thing. he used it and the empty vessel of npg to create a consciousness (unfortunately... well, it didn’t exactly work out)
- physically, npg is uncanny. he looks just enough like grian to catch you off-guard, but the differences are unsettling once you start to notice. just the slightest hint that he’s made of metal with a grian disguise plastered on top. he’s a tiny bit larger, more imposing, capable. his facial expression is almost static. it’s a constant grin— time to learn how to build a rustic house :) !— but sometimes you can see the demon in his eyes, in the slight strain of his smile. real grian has blemishes and scars and even a bit of discoloration— he’s very alive. npg doesn’t have any of that. he’s almost a “perfect” version of grian, or what you could imagine grian thinks would be a better version. stronger, scarless, all smooth skin and intimidation.
- his mannerisms are off putting as well. grian is clumsy but he moved smoothly, animated and with lots of personality. npg is jerky, limited, too slow and observant with the ability to move just too fast. it’s almost like how hermits like biffa or doc move. however, npg never fully did learn how to, well, learn. not in practical ways. so his movements are just as calculated and unnatural as they were the first time he stood, never having the capabilities to adapt and learn naturality. overall, it’s easy to mistake him for grian at first glance, but the longer you look...
- that is, excluding the wings. grian has wings— complex and delicate insect wings. of course, those are new upon his arrival at hermitcraft. npg out dates them. grian wishes he could take comfort in the fact that he can fly and npg can’t, but the thing somehow has levitation abilities. grian knows he didn’t impliment anything that should allow npg to hover as he does, but ever since he summoned npg’s consciousness, well, a lot has changed.
- (sorry to focus SO MUCH on how npg looks but) it’s pretty easy to see that he’s largely a robot. his charging port/power button is located on the back of his neck for easy access. his pupils are obviously camera lenses if you look closely. even more obvious is that grian never bothered to put a “skin” over the areas covered by clothes— everywhere excluding his neck, head, and forearms are exclusively mechanical.
- grian is 100% afraid of npg. he bosses npg around and shoves him in closets, but sometimes npg disobeys and it makes grian nervous. he knows npg is built to be stronger and faster than himself, and he knows absolutely nothing about whatever the fuck is inside the “vessel.” it’s not terrifying, per se, since it seems that the thing is just really into rustic houses, but it is a little nerve wracking whenever he just finds npg’s closet empty. anyone else who’s met npg either thinks he’s adorable or legitimately horrifying. no in between.
- their relationship isn’t all bad, though. for a while, grian spent a lot of time with npg, testing and checking his abilities. he found that npg had developed a slight personality, liking and disliking things outside of rustic houses. they talked (or tried to). once, npg even hesitated before refusing to build anything but a rustic house! grian considers that a milestone. “npc grian” was originally an affectionate name.
- similar to evil x, npg wanders about the worlds that grian resides in, silently bumbling about. grian isn’t really sure if he’s actually getting out, because he’s always in his closet when grian checks, but he’s very suspicious of the rustic houses cropping up.
- in his current world, hermitcraft, npg hasn’t made many appearances. although, some hermits have remarked about a strange grian guy they’ve briefly run into. usually they spot him and assume it’s grian, but gradually notice how... off he seems. they go to approach, but as soon as the figure senses them, it floats away faster than they can match. the next time they visit the area, an entire rustic house has impossibly appeared there. grian’s kinda embarrassed of npg, so he doesn’t let slip what the thing is. it’s on area 77’s hit list.
- aside from getting his fix of rustic houses, npc grian does venture out for other reasons. for example, there’s this red guy who isn’t like the other hermits. he seems to always find npg, and gives him tips on how to hide from grian’s friends. he has a weird voice that sounds similar to how npg’s voice used to sound before grian made his voicebox more realistic. his name confuses npg because it’s the same name he has stored in his memory card for one of the hermits, but the person assures him that he isn’t the same being as the hermit. npg tries, but being able to understand isn’t in his code. he just calls the guy “friend.” being polite and friendly is in his programming! the friend seems amused by npg’s fixation on rustic houses, and likes to ask and suggest things as he watches npg build. he even lives in some of npg’s houses! it makes npg very happy because rustic houses are meant to be lived in. the guy doesn’t seem to build much, so npg gets a willing participant in his Rustic House Tutorials.
- now you may ask, how did grian build a functional, complex robot??? he can’t do even basic redstone! well here’s where it gets complicated. grian’s other worlds have had advanced electronics, much more delicate and intricate than redstone. a very different energy source and style. the closest thing to that in hermitcraft is doc, scar, iskall, and biffa’s bionics, but they’re still a very different system than what grian and npg know.
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