#I watched it with friends during Halloween and so of course I HAD to draw them
strawberri-draws · 2 years
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Batman forever is peak cinema 🙏
68 notes · View notes
yoonguurt · 10 months
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Summary: Christmas this, Christmas that. The “Most wonderful time of the year” is not how Y/N would describe it. Sure, it used to be a magical time full of happiness and love, but she let that belief go years ago. Christmas is all about how much money you spend on someone and making yourself look good to outsiders. Snow is wet and everything is cold during this time of year, makes everything gross. Her best friend is tired of having The Grinch as a roommate, especially when he remembers what it was like when she loved Christmas. This year, he finally decides that it’s time to bring the magic back into her life. Maybe that magic will bring a little love with it.
Pairing: Bang Chan x fem!reader
Word Count:9,603
Genre/themes/au: fluff, smut, a tiny bit of angst; friends to lovers, roommates to lovers; it's a Christmas fic, yall.
Warnings: parental abandonment, masturbation(f), unprotected sex(NO! BAD!), fingering, oral (f rec), daddy kink (it just kind of happened ok), allusion to a hand kink but I didn't really act on it. I think that's it, but let me know if i missed something. My work is 18+ minors are not tolerated here. Be gone, child.
Walking through the front door, the sound of Christmas music and the blinking of festive lights hits your senses immediately. ‘God dammit, Chris. It's literally the 1st.’ You love having your best friend as a roommate, you really do, but his holiday spirit is not something you enjoy at this moment. 
When he goes all out for New Year's? All good. Valentine's Day? Fuck yeah, let's it chocolate. Halloween? Yes bitch, let's get spooky. But Christmas? It's a no from you. That's where you draw the line. 
His voice floats through your ears as he sings along to whatever annoying song is on. ‘At least it's not All I Want For Christmas is You.’ The beautiful tone of his soft singing almost brings you out of your grumpy mood. Almost. You love his voice, it does things to you. It makes you happy and relaxed. It also turns you on, but he doesn't need to know that. If it weren't for the fact that he's so into this damn holiday, everything would be perfect. 
“You're letting the heat out. And stop looking so mad, you knew this was coming.” His words draw you from your thoughts and you squint your eyes at him in a glare. By the bright smile on his face, he obviously doesn't care about your death stare. You toss your backpack aside, kicking your shoes off with a sigh. It’s been a long day of classes and assignments and you really just want to sit on the couch and watch true crime.
Chris has a pep in his step as he walks to the couch, throwing himself down on the cushions and opening his arms wide. He knows what you want, of course he knows. He tilts his head toward the spot beside him, a soft smile replacing the beaming one he had when you walked in. Your feet shuffle across the carpet as you make your way to him, promptly plopping down next to him and letting him wrap his arms around you.
Chris is your person. He may not have been in your life from the start, but the 2 years he has been has solidified his place for years to come. He's your best friend, sometimes you think he may even be your soulmate, but you don't have the courage to tell him just how deep in you are for him.
You met Chris in freshman year of college, having shared the first class of the semester together. You had taken the seat next to you, immediately giving you the beautiful smile he seems to almost always have. Now, you are in no way a shy person, not even close, but being the focus of his wide smile never fails to bring a blush to your cheeks. It's been like that since day one, you're just better at hiding it now. 
One class turned into three that semester and the two of you clicked immediately. He's a bit more outgoing than you are, but not by a whole lot. He just has an aura of comfort and it reeled you in and you haven't been able to get rid of him sense, not that you want to, anyway. You're down bad. 
At the beginning of sophomore year, the two of you opted for getting an apartment together rather than staying in the dorms. It just made more sense that way. You got to live off campus with your best friend, and you had someone to split the rent with. 
The sound of a movie beginning to play on the tv jolted you from your thoughts. Eyes flicking up to the screen, a groan immediately left your throat without much thought. A hand rubbing up and down your back reminded you of the comforting presence beside you. “A Christmas movie? Really, Chris?” You can feel his mood shift and you’re filled with a small amount of guilt. You know he loves Christmas, he loves holidays in general, but Christmas always puts him in a particular cheery mood. But he also knows how much you detest the holiday. But then again, he has always been willing to do things he hates just because it’s something you want to do. 
The weight of his arm disappears from your body and your head snaps up to face him. ‘Great. I’ve finally pushed him into anger.’ You know that he isn’t angry with you, but the little voice in your head can’t help but override your rationality. The two of you sit in silence for a while, both of you focusing on the images flickering across the tv screen. You’re not as much focusing on the movie as just having a place for your eyes to land. You can tell that Chris is in thought, he’s unusually quiet. There is a tension in the air, thick with guilt and worry. 
By the time the movie is, what you assume, half way through, Chris reaches forward to press the pause button on the remote. The scene stops in the middle of a conversation and the looks on the characters’ faces brings a small snort from your nose. It’s always been a game between the two of you. Someone pauses a movie or show randomly, trying to find the best funny face someone on screen is making. You turn to the man beside you, ready to talk about the game, only to see how serious his face is. 
“I’m not going to ask why you hate Christmas so much, I already know that.” The mention of the reason for your Grinch-like attitude makes you wince, though you try to hide it. That obviously doesn’t work because a warm hand finds its way back around your shoulders, giving a squeeze of reassurance. “But I am going to ask that you do me a favor.” Your heart races at his words. You give him a nod, letting him know that you’re listening. “Give me until Christmas Eve to change your opinion.”
That is not what you were expecting. You thought he’d ask you to keep your holly jolly hating thoughts to yourself. You had no idea how he even thought he could change your mind. Hating Christmas had been a part of you since before you met Chris. It wasn’t your whole personality, that would be awful, but it was well known amongst your friends that you and Christmas didn’t get along. Chris was one of the only people in your friend group that knew the exact reason. You love your friends and as much as you trust them, you don’t want to deal with the looks. You had worried about that when you told Chris, but he hadn’t looked at you like other people would have. Of course he hadn’t. He was Chris. He was perfect.
“What do you mean?” You mentally rolled your eyes at yourself, it felt like a dumb question. Your best friend’s gaze held no anger, and didn't make you feel stupid for asking. He just gave you a soft smile, his hand coming to push your hair behind your ear. “Give me 23 days to make Christmas a happy time for you again. Three weeks. We’ll do two small things a week, and one big thing on the weekend. Today is Friday, so the first big activity can be tomorrow. There are two more weekends between now and Christmas Eve. The last big thing will be on Christmas Eve. If your thoughts on the holiday aren’t changed by midnight on Christmas Day, I’ll tone down the holiday cheer next year. Deal?”
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“Alright.” You can see that he senses the hesitancy in your voice, but he doesn't say anything. Just reaches his hand out towards you, waiting for you to take it in a handshake. ‘This is certainly going to be interesting.’ You have no idea what he could possibly have planned, but you're curious.
You slept in the next morning, which felt amazing. You honestly expected Chris to wake you up early for his big adventure, but you were damn glad he didn't. Taking your time in getting up, you finally crawl out of bed to brush your teeth before emerging from your room. Your first stop would be the kitchen, you need coffee. As soon as you hit the end of the hallway, a mug sat on the counter, still steaming. You couldn't help the smile that graced your lips at the sight. 
Chris had made a habit of setting your coffee out for you before he went to the gym. It was a small thing, but it always made your heart skip. Now that he wasn't home, you could let yourself stew in your feelings. You aren't sure when your feelings for him had changed, you just knew that they had.
Maybe it was last month when he had stayed up all night taking care of you when you had the flu. Maybe it was last year when your boyfriend had broken up with you and he had made a blanket fort in the living room and watched Disney movies with you. Perhaps it was a month after starting school and you had to miss a week of class, only to come back to a set of notes he had taken for you. You couldn't be certain.
You bumble around the apartment, looking for things to do. You had to admit, even though you hate Christmas and anything to do with it, you were excited to see what Chris had planned. You doubted he could actually change your mind, but it was better to not tell him that.
Thinking back to your life before Chris, your thoughts landed on the reason you hate this goddamn holiday. Your father. Waking up on Christmas morning only to find him nowhere in sight and your mother in shambles. You were sixteen. He had left a note explaining that he had found a new life, one that didn't include you or your mother. Prick. That had solidified your hatred. You struggled to pick up the pieces of your mother’s broken heart, and after a while you had succeeded, but there was still a void.
She had eventually remarried once you had gone off to school, and while she was happy with the way her life turned out, you were still angry. Still hurt. Still hated Christmas. You love your stepfather dearly, but the memory of that shitty Christmas morning still reigns supreme. 
The jingling of keys brought you out of your angry thoughts. The door opened and there was your best friend, the object of your unknown affections. He was still sweaty from his intense workout. ‘Fuck. He really is going to give me a heart attack one of these days.’ Your stomach was doing flips. He looked so good. Biting your lip, you admire him for a moment longer before calling out to him.
“Thanks for the coffee.” He turns to you, eyes wide, obviously startled. You suppress a giggle, knowing it would only make him pout at your amusement. “No need for thanks, pretty girl.” There goes your stomach again, your heart joining its waltz of emotion. Pet names aren't a new thing for him, it's something he's done for months now, but it still affects like it had the very first time. 
“So, what's the big activity you have planned?” You watch as he kicks off his shoes, making sure to place them neatly on the shoe rack you keep next to the door. He tsks at you as he makes his way to stand in front of you. “Nope. Not a chance. It's a surprise.” An immediate pout comes across your face, causing a loud laugh from the man in front of you. Your pout only deepens. Before you realize what is happening, Chris reaches forward, squishing your cheeks in his hand and leaning closer. “No pouting. I'm gonna shower and we can go.” He lets go of your face and leans back, smirking a bit as he turns and walks down the hall. “Make sure to wear something warm!” His loud voice rings out through the apartment, and you sigh, getting up to go get dressed.
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This is not what you expected. To be fair, you don't really know what you expected, but an ice skating rink wasn't it. Chris must be able to see the confusion on your face, because he laughs and reaches for your hand. “Ice skating is an important part of the holiday season.” This is news to you. 
His hand doesn't leave yours as he pulls you towards the small building that houses the skate rentals. After a moment of waiting in line, you step up to the counter, pulling your wallet out to pay. “The hell do you think you're doing?” Chris has a serious face as he looks at you with furrowed brows. “Paying?” You didn't mean for your words to come out as a question. He shakes his head adamantly, gently pushing your arm back. ‘Should have known. Always has to pay.’ Every time he does this, your mind briefly wonders if you're on a date, but you always shake that thought away. 
Stepping onto the ice is always a little scary. It's not like you've never gone ice skating, but you always feel a bit rusty after not going for a while. You watch as Chris glides around the rink once before making his way back to you. He's so graceful as he skates. It's like there's nothing he can't do. His arms reach out towards you as he comes closer, beckoning you to start moving in his direction. 
Both of his hands clasp yours, pulling you into his chest. Despite the temperature, he's warm. He's always so damn warm. You pull your head back to look up at him, his eyes already focused on you. Getting lost in his eyes is so easy. It's like second nature. Your gazes stay locked for what feels like forever before you break the contact first, both visually and physically. 
As you shuffle backwards on your skates, you notice Chris drop his arms to his side. You're looking at your feet so you don't notice the disappointment that crosses his face. You turn, slowly skating off, trying to get the hang of it again. 
Chris joins you only a second later, giving you a slight nudge. “Wanna race?” He's wearing his signature smile, an eyebrow cocked. This is a bad idea. You know this is a bad idea. That doesn't stop you at all. “You're on!” You're moving forward before you finish the sentence.
“Are you ok?” Uninjured, yes. Mortified, also yes. Chris helps you off of the ice as you nod. You got too confident. He had been closing in on you almost immediately. Then, a child moved into your path. Down on your ass you went. “Need to step off the ice for a minute?” You give him an affirmative, you just need a little bit of a breather. 
The two of you step off the ice, not even bothering to take your skates off, you don't plan to be off the ice long. Chris walks you to a bench, making sure you're sat and comfortable before he walks away. He doesn't speak before he leaves, leaving you confused. You watch his back as the distance between you greatens, watching him stop and a tiny stand at the edge of the area.
He comes back with two cups in his hands, handing one to you. “Hot chocolate?” He nods, giving you a big smile, and the butterflies fly away again. “Figured it'd help warm you up, since, y’know, you ate shit and now your ass is cold.” His tone is teasing and a smirk plays on his lips. You give him a playful shove, telling him to shut up and his laughter fills the air. “Gonna need a massage?” His eyebrows wiggle and you almost spit the drink out. Once you finish your drink, he grabs your hand again, leading you back to the ice. The next two hours are filled with laughter and teasing as you skate hand in hand. 
You dream of ice skating with Chris. The holiday spirit creeps at the edge of your soul.
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It's four days later that you come home to notice things are different. The tree is gone. You have a brief moment of giddiness, immediately feeling bad. You told yourself that you're going to try. It isn't fair to Chris if he goes through all of this trouble for you to refuse to try.
“Chris? Are you home?” You hear shuffling coming from the back half of the apartment. The Adonis of a man comes from his room, gray sweatpants hanging low on his hips, pulling a black muscle shirt over his head. You can see the ridges that adore his chest and stomach. It makes your mouth dry and your panties wet.
“Great, you're home. It's time for the first small activity.” You look around, trying to figure out what he has planned. It takes a bit, but you finally notice the Christmas tree messing put on top, not in, it's box. Your eyes flicking to your best friend, raising an eyebrow in question. 
“Yepp. First up, we put the tree up and decorate it together.” You suppress a sigh. This used to be one of your favorite things to do for Christmas, second only to baking cookies. You give him a small smile and a nod and the way his face lights up makes every grievance you have about doing this fly out of the window. 
Chris sets the tree up while you sort the decorations and untangle the lights. He had tangled them back up so you could get the “full experience.” Admittedly, that made you the tiniest bit happy. Just that he had thought of everything, even something as small as untangling lights. After he has the tree in its place, he steps away and grabs his phone, turning it to the radio station for the college. You give him a side eye and he laughs. “I may be off today, but I still support my team.”  The radio station is Chris’ baby. He’s always loved music, he says it has helped him through his darkest times. 
Of course Jisung is playing Christmas music right now, you suspect Chris had something to do with that since it isn’t a normal occurrence this early in the month. Footsteps coming your way clue you in that he has decided to make his way over to where you are. His arms come around you from behind, giving you a soft squeeze. He breathes a soft laugh into your ear as he watches you fight the strand of lights. “Here, let me help.” He rests his chin on your shoulder, his nimble fingers making quick work of the knots. You can’t help but focus on the way his hands move, god you want them inside of you.
The next hour or so is spent making sure every ornament is in the perfect place, not too close together, but not too far apart. The music, which has since switched from Christmas tunes, plays softly in the background. Every now and then, Jisung’s voice cuts through the speaker, usually to make some sort of joke or answer a question that was sent in. You’re distracted with making sure the tree is perfect that you don’t notice the way your roommate stands off to the side, watching you intently, a smile on his face and his eyes twinkling.
The rest of your week drags on. Your thoughts are muddled and all over the place. You’ve been happier than you normally are this time of year, and you know Chris’ plan is working. You can’t tell if it’s because of doing the activities you haven’t done in years, or if it’s because you're doing them with him. You think it may be the latter, though. Friday finally rolls around and after classes and your shift at the campus bookstore, you’re absolutely beat. You trudge through your front door, set on getting a shower and going to bed. 
Chris should still be at the radio station, he tends to work later on Fridays. It occurs to you that some self care may be in order, you could definitely use a good orgasm to make you feel better. With your mind made up, you grab your pajamas and your waterproof vibrator, quickly making your way to the bathroom. 
The steam from the hot water fills the room and it instantly makes you relax just a little. Your shoulders are loosening up more every second you spend undressing. The stream of water hits your skin and an involuntary sigh escapes your lips. You stand under the falling water for a few moments, letting the warmth seep into your skin. Almost absent mindedly, you reach for your vibrator, clicking it to the lowest setting.You run your free hand down your body, stopping at your breast to fondle and pinch your nipple. You let a soft gasp and you bring the toy to your clit, just barely grazing it, teasing yourself. 
The more tension that escapes you, the more you indulge yourself. You replace your vibrator with the shower head, the pressure hitting just the right spot. You slide the toy through your folds, down to your entrance, sliding it into your pussy slowly. The sound you make is louder this time, and you aren’t worried about the noise. It’s just you in the apartment and you need this. You fuck yourself faster, making sure to keep the pressure on your clit as you change the angle of your hand so the tip of the vibrator hits your sweet spot. 
Your orgasm is approaching faster than you thought it would, but you’re absolutely fine with it. Clicking the vibration setting up one notch, you throw your head back against the tile of the shower wall. You release a drawn out moan, your hips bucking slightly into the toy, chasing your high. Right as the dam is about to break, you click the setting button to the highest setting. You crash head first into your orgasm. Whimpers and whines fall from your mouth as you ride out your high, biting your lip to keep yourself from moaning out your best friend’s name.
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The next day comes earlier than you thought it would, mostly because you’re woken up to a loud voice. “Good morning, pretty girl! Rise and shine.” ‘Choke, you happy bastard.’ You feel bad for your immediate thought, but as you roll over and take a look at your clock, you feel slightly less bad. “Christopher. It is 8am. What the actual fuck?” The only response you get is a smile and the feeling of blankets being ripped off of you. You fix your gaze on him, giving him the harshest death glare you can manage at this time of day, which doesn’t appear to bother him a bit. “Up, woman. We have things to do. If I don’t hear the sink running in 5 minutes, I’m dragging you out of bed myself.” ‘This is going to be a long fucking day.’ 
Your hands are on the handle of the shopping cart while Chris holds on to the basket. He directs the cart himself, you’re essentially just there for appearances, you guess. He stopped to get you a coffee, a peace offering, which you had accepted. But that doesn’t mean your mood has drastically improved. He looks great, he always does, but today he’s glowing more than usual. ‘Stupid, beautiful, perfect man. How are you this chipper this early? You barely sleep.’ 
You watch as he grabs drinks and snacks, still having no idea what is going on. He had refused to tell you anything on the drive to the supermarket, didn’t want to”ruin the holiday spirit surprise”, whatever that means. Once he deems there are enough items in the cart, he directs the two of you to the checkout counter. You don’t even bother pulling out your wallet, knowing it wouldn’t do any good. Chris pays, oblivious to the way the cashier is making googly eyes at him. 
After loading everything into the car, he opens the door for you, giving you a peck on the forehead. That causes you to duck your head to hide the blush that forms across your cheeks. You watch as he jogs around to the trunk, opening it and digging around for a second before he closes it and makes his way to the driver’s door. He turns to you as he’s buckling his belt, his voice soft. “Take yourself a nap, pretty. We have a bit of a drive ahead of us.” You give him a look, one which he ignores. ‘Where the hell is this crazy man taking me?’ You doze off before you can even think of a possible answer.
“Y/n. Wake up. We’re here.” The gentle swaying of your body coaxes you awake, your eyes automatically squinting to avoid the sun. Chris is already out of the car, already holding your door open. He takes your hand and helps you out of the car, pausing to let you stretch. He silently takes your hand, tugging gently, urging you to follow him. Your nose meets his back as he stops suddenly. You let out a tiny huff, rubbing your nose while he apologizes. “I’m sorry! I just forgot something!” He takes your hands away from your face to inspect you, making sure your nose isn’t bleeding, and presses a soft kiss to the tip. “Can you close your eyes for me? Please?” You do as he says without hesitation. “Good girl.” You shiver.
When you finally come to a stop, you guess that you must be inside somewhere. You can’t feel the sun on your skin, and the temperature has dropped slightly. You hear him shuffling around and as much as you want to see what’s going on, you keep your eyes closed. When he finally comes back to you, he grabs both of your hands and pulls you a little further forward. He drops your hands, and you feel him behind you, wrapping you up in his warmth. “Open.” You slowly lift your eyelids, both confused and in awe by what you see.
You’re in a barn, a blanket thrown across the ground. Pillows lay on the blanket, surrounded by the snacks and drinks you had gotten at the store. Everything is facing a wall, where a large projector screen hangs, the title screen for A Christmas Story paused on the screen. You hate cheesy Christmas movies, even when you liked Christmas. A Christmas Story is different, you could watch it all year round. Tears prick the corner of your eyes. No one has ever gone through such great lengths for you. “Chris…” Your voice breaks off and your best friend pulls you back into his chest and sets his chin on your shoulder. “Come on, let’s lay down. I brought an extra blanket to cover up with. I know how easily you get cold. There’s also more pillows in case the ground gets too hard.” You quickly spin around in his arms, latching your hands around his shoulders in a tight hug. “Thank you.” You feel him place a soft kiss on your hair. 
Feeling happy and content, you press play.
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“What has you in such a good mood?” You direct your attention to Hyunjin. He’s looking at you like you’re some sort of impostor. “What do you mean? I’m just in a good mood.” He scrunches his face like he’s just smelled something awful. “Y/n, it’s December. Today marks exactly two weeks until Christmas. In the two years I have known you, you have never just been in a good mood for no reason this close to Christmas.” 
He’s right. You know that he’s right. You aren’t usually in an outright bad mood, but you certainly aren’t in a good mood for no reason. “Maybe I’m just having a good day.’ Your words come out in a mumble, you know they don’t sound convincing. “This wouldn’t have anything to do with a certain Aussie, would it?” You knew you shouldn’t have told Hyunjin about your feelings for Chris. In your defense, you didn’t tell him. He just seemed to read your mind and then you couldn’t deny it.
“Shut up.” You’re grumbling now, not liking that you’ve been so easily read. You can see the smug grin on Hyunjin’s face. He knows he’s hit the nail on the head and you just want to smack him. “We made a deal. He’s trying to get me over the Christmas hate. I’m not saying it’s working,” It is. “I’ve just been having alot of fun. You watch your friend’s eyes widen before the cocky smile is back on his face. “You guys are so gonna fuck.” That one finally earns him the smack.
 It’s Thursday by the time you realize you haven’t had your small adventure this week, and you're surprised how sad you are about it. You’ve been pouting for two days because there has been no holiday fun. That thought alone makes you want to vomit. You definitely did not expect this. You? Wanting to do Christmasy stuff? Yuck. 
The bookstore is quiet, which isn’t unusual, but it gives your thoughts too much power. Is it time to let go? You assume it is, but you aren’t sure if you’re fully ready. It sounds dumb, but if you stay angry, you focus on that instead of the hurt. It’s starting to fade, though. Finally. You’ve thought for years that if you just pretended that Christmas didn’t exist, you’d move on. But, you guess you were going about it the wrong way. Maybe you do need to embrace the season. 
The bell above the door rings, signaling that someone has entered the store. You face the door, seeing your best friend walking in, stomping the snow off of his shoes. You give him a wave, a bright smile on your face, getting larger the closer he gets to you. “You don’t have much longer, right?” You shake your head, tilting it slightly to the side. He reads you like a book. “It’s time for our second mini adventure.” Your heart feels lighter.
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There’s flour everywhere. It’s in your hair, it’s in his hair, it’s on the ceiling. The kitchen is a mess.
As soon as you had gotten home, Chris led you to the kitchen, where an array of cookie cutters were laid out on the counter. You didn’t even try to hide your smile. “Welcome to Bang’s Bakery.” You let out a snort at his customer service voice, his giggle filling the air around you. “We got snowmen, gingerbread men, Santa. You name it, we got it.” You immediately drift toward the metal shaped like a snowman, while Chris grabs the Santa cutter. 
The first batch of cookies turned out…not the greatest. You had gotten lost in a dance party, letting them stay in the oven for too long. The second batch was better, but had almost zero flavor. The third batch is where things took a turn. 
You had spilled the flour while trying to pour it into a measuring cup, a cloud coming from the plop it made on the counter. Chris let out a howl of laughter as he noticed your face covered in the remnants of the cloud. This just wouldn’t stand. No way. You hadn’t even taken a millisecond to think before reaching into the bag. A puff of flour hit Chris directly in the face. That shut him up. Briefly. He recovered quickly, a sly smile coming to his face. ‘Oh god, what have I done?’ 
He was on you before you knew it, fighting you for the bag of flour. There was no way you were going down without a full fight. You had snatched your arms back, turning to make a run for it. The flour stuck again. There was a white patch on the floor, which had somehow gotten mixed with some form of liquid. Your feet slid out from under you, causing you to hit the floor. The bag flew into the air, turned upside down and covered both you and Chris. 
He slid to the floor beside you, both of you in hysterics. Your sides were hurting from laughing so hard. “Y’ok?” His question came out in between him trying to catch his breath. You couldn’t even answer, too lost in the joy you’re feeling. He goes silent all of a sudden, his hands coming to cup your face to get your attention. You stare at each other, neither of you speaking. His eyes dart between yours and your lips. Just as you both lean in, his phone rings, You jump apart as he gets up to answer. “Bin needs me at the station. I’m gonna shower and head out.” You give him a stiff nod and he turns to walk down the hallway.
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The weekend brings rain. Rain brings this weekend’s activity inside. Chris won’t tell you what he had originally planned, all he told you was that he had to make due with what he had. That explained absolutely nothing. 
A Christmas movie marathon. That was the backup plan. There was a slight disagreement on whether or not Die Hard is a Christmas movie, ‘it is’, but Chris disagrees. ‘He’s wrong.’ After that minor setback, the marathon is in full swing. The two of you are cuddled up under a blanket and you each have a mug of hot chocolate while Home Alone plays on the screen. Neither of you have brought up what happened after the flour fight, you aren’t even sure how you approach the subject. 
You somehow move from cuddling side by side to you laying on his chest. You aren’t complaining, it feels right. It feels like this is where you are supposed to be. Your eyes start to get heavy when Chris starts to play with your hair. Your nose is filled with his cologne and your heart is full of love.
Time seems to both speed up and slow down the closer you get to Christmas. Four days. That’s all you have left. It feels good to not be dreading the day. You feel more light and carefree than you have in years. Chris had texted you earlier today, giving you strict instructions.
Cutie with a booty: lay a sheet down on the living room floor and make sure to wear comfy clothes that aren’t super important to you. No, I won’t tell you what we’re doing. Don't even ask.
So here you were, sitting on the floor in an old shirt from highschool and some ripped sweats you’ve been meaning to throw away, waiting for Chris to get home. Just as you’re about to call and ask where he is, you hear a key enter the lock. Chris comes in with shopping bags full of stuff, though you can’t tell what it is. “I hope you have your crafty cap on!” You look at him like he just spoke gibberish.”My fucking what?” The man snorts so hard that he almost drops the bags. 
He sets all of the bags down on the sheet, plopping himself down afterwards. He reaches over, grabbing the bags and dumping the contents onto the sheet. Glue stick, cotton balls, glitter. All kinds of arts and crafts supplies, along with two plain red stockings. “We’re decorating stockings for each other. And no, you can not draw a penis on my stocking.” ‘Damn, He got me.’ You’re immediately hit with what you want to put on his stocking, confident that he’ll love it. 
The two of you work in silence, both concentrated on your art. Chris is using a lot of glitter and  a lot of black marker and you honestly have no idea what he could be doing. Looking down at your creation, you cringe slightly. You are in no way an artist, but you’re hoping he’ll at least be able to tell what your vision is. You grab your phone, needing a reference picture. Chris looks at you briefly, a disapproving look on his face.  “Calm down, I just need a reference picture.” His look changes to confused, but you just wave him off.
An hour later, both stockings are ready and hiding behind your backs. “I'll go first. This is about you enjoying Christmas, after all.” He reaches behind him, the stocking in his hands when they come back to the front of his body. He hands you the fabric and you observe it. Your name is written across the top in purple glitter, a heart on each side. In the center sits two penguins. They're facing each other, holding each other’s flippers. In between them is a pebble. You want to cry. You do cry.
“Chris. It's perfect.” He scoots toward you, his thumb coming to wipe away your tears. “Aww don't cry.” You let him know that it's a cry of happiness as you pull yourself together. It's your turn now and you turn slightly grabbing your gift. You extend your arms, watching him take in what you've made.
LIke him, you’ve written something across the top, but it isn’t his name. ‘RooBoo’ is written in blue glitter, with pink layering over the top. You’ve used the gold glitter to attempt to draw a kangaroo, though it doesn’t really look like one. Same goes for the koala. In between the two animals, the shape of Australia is drawn and shimmering in green and gold. You bite your lip anxiously, waiting for his reaction. Nothing happens. He just stares. You start to worry that he doesn’t understand what it’s supposed to be, or worse, doesn’t like it. 
All at once, he surges forward. He buries his face in your neck and wraps his arms around your waist. He just stays like that, not moving, not saying anything. You bring your arms around him, rubbing his back. You can feel moisture on your neck and it’s only then that you notice his soft shudders. “Chris?” You try to pull back to get a look at him, but he tightens his grip so you can’t go anywhere. “You have no idea how much that means to me. Thank you so fucking much.” His voice is barely above a whisper, but you hear him anyway. You place a kiss on his forehead and you two stay that way for a while longer.
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Christmas Eve. The last day of your little deal, you’re beyond ready to admit to Chris that he had won during week two, but you want to see what his final surprise is. Knowing him, he’s going all out for this one. He’s out all day, and you’re pacing around waiting for his return. Around 6:30pm, you get a call. It’s short and to the point. “Be ready in an hour, dress cute but warm. I won’t be home until it’s time to pick you up. See you then, pretty girl.” He doesn’t even give you a chance to answer, he just hangs up. How dare he only give you an hour, you have to shower, do your hair, pick an outfit, there’s no way you can do all of that in an hour. 
You manage to do it in 50 minutes, which you are very proud of by the way. Your hair is down, nothing fancy, but you know that Chris likes it like this. Your outfit is simple, a red and striped sweater, jeans and a coat. It may not look like the warmest choice, but you know you’ll be warm enough. There’s a knock on the door, which you find odd. Opening the door slowly, a mess of brown curly hair comes into view. Chris stands at your shared door, a bouquet in his hand. His hair is in its natural state, your absolute favorite look on him. He’s absolutely breathtaking. All you can do is stare. “Are you ready to go, sweetheart?” ‘Oh. Oh, that’s a new one.” Your heart beats in triple time, your stomach is a roller coaster. A nod is literally all you can manage. Your brain is telling your feet to move, your feet are not listening. 
You finally will yourself to move, with much help from Chris since he took you by your hand after putting the flowers in a vase with water. The elevator ride is tense, but not in a bad way. You want to latch yourself to his side and never leave. And like he tends to do, he somehow reads your mind, pulling you into him and placing a kiss on your forehead, this one lingering a little longer than usual. When the doors open, he doesn’t remove his arm from your shoulder as he takes a step. Through the glass door of the lobby, you can see snow lightly falling. It’s beautiful.
A slight breeze hits your face as you step outside. You swivel your head, looking for Chris’ car. “We’re not driving anywhere, pretty.” You look at him, confusion written on your face, causing him to giggle and tip his head toward the park not far from your apartment building. ‘Oh! A walk in the park!’ You smile at the thought of just walking hand in hand around the park in the snow. Though, you’re just happy to spend Christmas Eve with your best friend. A small pang of hurt rushes through you at the thought that he is still only your best friend. Maybe you’ll finally confess at midnight.
Just outside the entrance to the park, there is a horse drawn sleigh. There are people circling around it, and as much as you want to pet the horse, you don’t want to fight your way through a crowd. Chris seems to have a different idea, though. He pulls you directly to the sleigh, letting go of your hand long enough to tell the driver his name and show the man his ID. He takes your hand again, leading you to the side of the sleigh. “After you.” You stand there gawking at him for a moment, his smile never faltering. He helps you into the sleigh, lifting the blanket that’s placed on the seat so the two of you can slide under it. 
The view of the park tonight is unlike anything you have ever seen. There are Christmas lights strung up through the trees. Soft instrumental versions of Christmas songs play through the speakers placed around. There are families playing in the snow, lovers dancing around the lake. The whole park is a magical place. “What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” His voice draws your attention to him, making eye contact. “Chris, this is amazing. Everything is so beautiful. How did you do this?” His smile widens at your words. “I cheated a little. There was an ad at the radio station. We were supposed to be the first to announce it. I called and booked the first ride before I read the ad.” Your laughter is the loudest sound in the park, but you can’t find it in yourself to care. Of course he used the station. 
He slings his arm around you when your head lands on his shoulder and brings you closer to him. You’re close to sitting in his lap at this point. “Chris.” “Y/n.” You speak at the same time and you both giggle. You playfully argue over who should go first, and Chris finally takes the spotlight. 
“I said that I was spending this month trying to get you to like Christmas again, and I meant that. But that was a minor part of everything I’ve done. I wanted you to know what it’s like to be loved, genuinely loved, on Christmas. I know this time of year is hard for you, and understandably so, but I want you to know that you have someone who is here for you. You have someone who will never leave. You have someone that loves you more than words could ever explain. I love you, Y/n. I just wanted you to feel that love.”
You have no words. You have tears, but no words. You have tears, no words, and your lips on his.
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You feel like you're floating. Are your feet on the ground? You don’t know. You can feel your hand in his, but you can’t feel your feet. And you aren’t bothered by it. Because you can feel his lips on yours. You walk through the doorway of your shared apartment, giving each other sweet kisses. It’s only when you’re fully inside with the door closed that the kisses deepen. Chris cups your face with both of his hands, one sliding up to run through your hair. You’re already in bliss. He pulls back slightly, his breath fanning across your lips. “Tell me how you want this to go, baby. We can stop here and have dinner, or we can go to my room.” You have never uttered a sentence out faster. “Your room, please. I think we’ve waited long enough, yeah?”
Before you realize what’s happening, he swoops you up into his arms, carrying you bridal style to his room, pressing his lips to yours the entire way. He doesn’t even bother closing the bedroom door behind himself, immediately moving to place you gently on his bed. You scoot yourself further up, beckoning him closer. He slowly crawls onto the bed to hover over you, his right handing coming back to your face as he leans down to kiss you again. His left hand makes a home on your hip, rubbing slow, soft circles with his thumb. There is no urgency in your shared kisses, only the need to be close and show each other the love that you feel.
You kiss until both of your lips are swollen and red and Chris finally pulls back, just to admire you. “You are beyond beautiful. I love you so much.” His words are quiet, like he’ll break the magic moment if he speaks any louder.
 “I realize I haven’t told you how I feel yet.” You take a deep breath, preparing yourself to spill your feelings. “You are the kindest, most genuine person I have ever met. You go out of your way to make sure that everyone you care about is taken care of, even if that means not taking care of yourself.” You pause briefly, giving him a look. “We’ll talk about taking better care of you later.” He giggles as he presses a kiss to the corner of your mouth. “When we met, I had no idea how important you would become to me, and now that I know, I never want to not have you here. And I’m not worried that I’ll have to deal with that. You have given me more hope and love than I ever thought possible and I am so fucking in love with you.”
The kiss you receive in response is softer than the others and you aren’t sure how that is possible. You can feel every ounce of care this man holds for you in the barely there kiss. It makes your head spin. Slowly, his lips travel from yours down to your neck, sucking softly at the skin. You arch into him, gasping at how good it feels just to have his lips on you. His kisses travel lower, stopping at the edge of your sweater. “Can I take this off of you, babygirl?” You clench around nothing at the pet name, and of course Chris notices. He notices everything about you. 
You give him a nod and his hands slowly pull the sweater over your head, his eyes locked on yours as he removes it completely. Out of instinct, your hands move to cover yourself, but he grabs them before they make contact with your breasts. “Please don’t hide from me, my love. I want to see all of you. You’re so pretty.” Something churns inside of you at his compliments and you will yourself to keep your arms down. He trails his eyes down your chest, zeroing in on the fabric of your bra. He lifts his eyes back to yours, a silent question swirling in his brown irises. You give him a firm nod, not wanting him to sense any hesitation. You have no hesitation.
You reach around and unclasp your bra, bringing the straps down your shoulder until the garment falls onto your lap. “Fuck.” His voice is strained and you can hear the lust in his tone. But you can also hear the love. His hands rise to your chest, thumbs flicking over your nipples slowly. You let out a soft moan, biting your lip. His touch doesn’t linger for long, moving down to the top of your jeans. “Do you still want to keep going, baby? We don’t have to.” You love how he checks in with you before doing anything, it makes you feel so comfortable, like your comfort is more important than his desire. And you know that that is exactly how he feels.
“Chris, please.” The whine in your voice seems to do something to him because he groans as he begins to unbutton your jeans. While his hands are occupied removing you from the confines of your clothes, his lips press against your stomach. He takes his time with you and even though you’re soaked at this point, you don’t dare try to rush him. You can tell that he wants to worship you, and you intend to let him. His lips touch every new piece of skin that is revealed, not wanting to leave any part of you untouched. He leans back to take in the view of you. Your hair is slightly messy from his hands running through it. Your cheeks are flushed as you lay there in only your panties. You buck your hips up at him once and his hands immediately move to take the ruined fabric off. 
Once you’re bare beneath him, you gain a little confidence, spreading your legs so he can see your core. He outright moans at the sight. You can see his cock straining against his jeans, it’s big, that much you can tell. Your hole clenches at the thought of taking him, and again he takes notice. “What dirty thoughts are you thinking to have you clenching like that, babygirl?” The name makes you clench again and he smirks. “Oh? Y’like that do you? Like when I call you babygirl?” You spread your legs further apart as give him a nod, another groan coming from the gorgeous man in front of you.
“Yes, Daddy.” You stiffen. You have no idea where that came from. Never have you called a man daddy in bed, but for some reason, it felt so right that it just slipped out. Chris growls at that and you know you’ve found a weak spot for him. “Look at my pretty baby, all wet for me. Daddy’s gonna take good care of you, babygirl.” He lowers himself to the floor, grabbing at your ankles and slowly pulling your core toward his face. “Still good, baby?” Another nod from you and he presses a kiss to your clit. The contact has you arching into him, your obvious pleasure making his tongue dart out of his mouth to taste you. 
You try to keep your moans down as he devours you. You have a hand in his hair, not pulling, simply running your fingers through it. He alternates between circling your clit with his tongue and slipping the muscle inside of you, ending the pattern with a suck to your clit. The pleasure is overwhelming. It’s too much and it’s not enough. Your moans increase slightly in volume, until Chris stops his lovely attack on your pussy.
“Let me hear you, baby. I know you can do better than that. I heard you in the shower, you sounded so fucking beautiful. The best song I’ve ever heard.” You know you should be embarrassed, but you aren’t. His words only cause a new wave of arousal and a loud moan to escape you. “That’s it. There’s my good girl.” Another clench. Chris chooses this moment to slide a finger into you, curving it instantly, looking for the soft spot inside of you. He knows he’s found it when you buck your hips up and groan and he moves his face back down to lick at you more.
The combination of his tongue and fingers turn out to be deadly. You’re rapidly approaching your high. “Chris, please. I’m so close.” He picks up the pace of his fingers, pressing into your sweet spot on every thrust. Your moans flow out of you now, even if you wanted to stop them, you wouldn’t be able to. “There we go. Come on, babygirl. You can do it. Cum for me, cum for Daddy.” Your vision blurs, stars explode from your peripherals. Chris helps you ride out your orgasm before slowly pulling his fingers from you. “Can you open up for me, sweetheart?” Your mouth opens without you having to tell it to, and his fingers find their way onto your tongue. “Suck. See how good you taste.” You obey him without pause, moaning at the taste of yourself on his fingers.
He pulls his fingers from your mouth, moving them down to the button of his jeans, while the other hand reaches towards the nightstand for a condom. You reach out and grab his wrist, shaking your head. “Wanna feel you. All of you.” You can see his eyes glaze over with lust, but he still asks if you’re sure. You nod, you don’t think you’ve ever been so sure of something in your life. He moves with a little more haste as he kicks his pants off. “Holy shit.” You didn’t mean to say the words out loud, but one look at his cock has your mouth watering, but it also has you wondering if it’s going to fit. He has one hand slowly stroking himself, moving closer to your cunt, sliding himself through your folds. “Relax for me, love. All you have to do is relax and let me in.”
He pushes into you slowly, a deep, drawn out groan coming from his throat. A high pitched whine leaves you at the same time, a harmony of pleasure. Once he’s fully sheathed inside of you, he pauses, not moving. “Fuck, baby. You’re so tight. Fit me perfectly. Cunt was made for daddy’s cock, huh?” All you can do is nod and whine, and bring your legs to wrap around his waist. You manage to buck your hips slightly, trying to get him to move. He pulls his hips back slowly, pulling out until only the tip of his cock is resting inside of you. He shoves his cock back into you all at once, not too roughly, but making sure to hit deep. 
Your body moves into a deep arch at his thrusts, all hitting the spongy part inside of you perfectly. You’re already working your way to another orgasm. “Feel so good, baby. So glad I get to have you like this. Love you so much.” His thrusts start to speed up and you can tell that he’s holding himself back, wanting you to finish one more time before he lets himself go. “I’m close, sweet girl. Think you can come for me one more time? Come with me this time?” Tears are pricking the edges of your eyes and you quickly nod. “So close. So close, Love you. So close.” Your words come out jumbled, but you think Chris understands. He speeds up a little more, the both of you moaning in time with each other. Chris leans down so his mouth is right next to your ear. “Now, baby. Come now. I love you. You can do it.” You cum with a cry of his name, your pussy clamping down on his cock sends him into his own orgasm, groaning as he fills you.
You’re both panting by the time you come down. Chris slowly pulls out slowly, watching his seed dribble out of your spent hole. His hand twitches like he wants to push it back inside of you, but he doesn’t. He turns and leaves, you can hear the faucet running in the bathroom. He comes back with a warm cloth, carefully cleaning you up and adding a kiss to your forehead. He helps you up, walking with you to the bathroom so you can pee. When you emerge from the bathroom, he’s standing by the door with a bottle of water. He really is perfect.
Once you get back to his room, he gives you a shirt of his to wear to bed. “Need me to go get underwear from your room?” His thoughtfulness makes you smile. “Nah. Don’t need ‘em.” He smirks at that, knowing that you mean that this will lead to morning sex and he’s all for it. He joins you on his bed again, pulling you into his arms. “So, it’s midnight. How are you feeling about Christmas?” You’re silent for a moment, thinking of what you want to say. Pulling back to look at him, you smile.
“It’s the most wonderful time of the year.”
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starseneyes · 1 year
Chenford - Lucy Chen / Tim Bradford - The Rookie - Season 5 - Ep 22
"Under Siege" AKA "Who in the Writer's Room Likes Horror?"
It's a bizarre day. If you love Chenford, then you need to know what's going on with the WGA - Writers Guild of America. They are striking for a fair wage and basic protections.
WGA members craft this ship and show we love so much, so please show solidarity for them as they fight for not only their future, but for future generations of writers.
SPOILER ALERT: If you want to remain spoiler free, I have no bloody clue why you're here. I can only assume a friend told you to check this out as a cruel joke. First off, dump that friend. Second, buckle up. It's about to get spoilery!
All good? Great! I can't wait to dive in.
Arrest Me... but make it SCARY
A bit of a different vibe for our opening tonight. No, this isn't Chenford-direct. But, it's important to know the vibe of this episode going in.
If any of you are Avengers: Infinity War fans, you might recall the Wanda / Vision relationship, and their whole sequence where they were ambushed. Originally, it was a lot longer, and had more of a horror movie vibe.
I loved that they went outside the box on that to play with genre throughout the movie.
I feel like The Rookie is playing with that a bit. It's been a while since my heart pounded during an episode.
In all honesty, it was probably Day of Death that last had me on the edge of my seat... and I watched that after I started Season 5 with near-canon Chenford.
Yes, I'm spoiled. Yes, I think OG Chenford fans deserve medals for their patience.
Speaking of which, your patience with me is likely wearing thin... let's get to the Chenford.
"Hey I heard it was Thornson."
Tim and Lucy show up together, and I'm having flashbacks to the two of them bailing out her UC buddy in the dead of night. These two know how to get moving when it matters.
Tim and Lucy immediately separate on their separate missions. That didn't work out too well for Celina and Aaron, but it looks like Chenford survive the night.
Look, I have a lot of ship trauma. "Leaf on the wind" anyone? Yeah, I've got ship trauma.
"A blood drive has been set up at the hospital. If you can do so, please volunteer at the end of shift."
I'm reminded of the fact that Tim Bradford regularly gives blood, so I'm heart-warmed that he's the one who gets to deliver the news to the team.
"Those are not store-bought Halloween masks."
It struck me immediately that Lucy is sitting front row like a Rookie.
Yes, I know that they are packed in there, so somebody has to sit up front... but it's Lucy, so it feels symbolic. As though she is sitting in the Rookie spot in Celina's honor.
"Hey. We heard the good news about Aaron. Unfortunately, none of our CIs have heard anything about a gang targeting the cops."
I know it's a little detail, but I love Tim and Lucy showing up together everywhere.
Of course, someone on Twitter called out the 4x01 parallel to them showing up at Wesley's together after I initially watched the episode. And they're so right. It's another parallel among many in this episode tonight!
"I hate to say it, but this is not gonna break tonight."
This one I spotted immediately the first time through—it's another night where he's sending everyone home because there's nothing more to be done... just like when they lost Jackson.
And I have to wonder if the intentionality of these parallels is to confirm or subvert expectation.
Like, are we supposed to see this similar sequence of events as an omen of doom? Or are we drawing these parallels with the intent of intensifying the torture before the cathartic release of Aaron's survival?
I guess we'll find out together in Season 6.
"I can't lose another."
Oh, Grey. Poor Grey. I guess I wasn't the only one having flashbacks.
Tim and Lucy Embrace
Tim knows Lucy is having that same flashback. There are too many similarities, too many things tying them all back to Jackson and the loss they all endured.
Angela about to give birth. Someone targeting them. An ambush and a shooting.
Yes, Aaron has a chance at making it. But the weight of this moment is not lost on this team who has suffered too much loss before.
Lucy and Tim step into the apartment, and they barely make it past the door before they're in one another's arms.
It's wordless. Tim motions to Lucy, and it reminds me of the hand motions when he offered to carry the War Bags after their last ride together.
Tim and Lucy no longer need a shorthand... they don't even need words.
He knows what she needs without her asking, and she knows what he's offering without a word spoken.
Back in Season 4 Episode 1, Tim asked what she needed. She asked for the hug. Now he knows what she needs in this moment as easily as he knows his own—some semblance of comfort in the horror of history repeating.
QUICK EDIT: Upon rewatch, I find I didn't imagine his "Come here" the first time (another call back), so technically he did use words... but they weren't needed.
Tim holds Lucy in his arms—so similar to their positioning in 4x01—but that's where the similarities end. Because Tim and Lucy of Season 4 no longer exist.
Everything has deepened between them since then. And while, yes, the hanky panky is fun... the trust is what they both need here.
They can't trust that everything will be okay. But they trust that with one another they are truly safe. And right now, they both need that comfort.
"It's okay," he whispers as he holds her, wishing it were true.
Tim kisses Lucy's forehead as he holds her, rubs her arms, and tries to offer some comfort as she leans against him, sobs overtaking her... like the first time he held her in Day of Death.
I know that we're going for the 4x01 parallels with how this is shot and staged, but I see the DOD ones, too. This is where they are safe when nowhere else feels safe.
Tim's hand cradles her head as he holds her. And much as this hurts like hell, this moment is important.
Tim and Lucy are one another's safe place. With each other, there are no pretenses or pretending, anymore. They no longer hide from one another or themselves.
They've embraced the beauty of who they are together, and while there will be many moments of joy... the sorrow is a part of the journey.
Tim and Lucy have had their share of it, true. But this is the first time they've traversed it as boyfriend and girlfriend. And the impact of enduring possibly losing another officer and friend to an ambush is too much.
Does being together make it easier? Hell, no. Is there a slight comfort in knowing you're not enduring it alone? Oh, yes.
"No we know. We ran your prints ... you don't get out of bed for less than 20K a day. Who hired you?"
Tim and Lucy are very good at what they do, and I love how they are supporting one another and building upon each other.
I miss them riding together, but we see what makes them great—they both think on their feet and they are sensational at the "yes, and".
I love getting to see the professional side still fires so beautifully between them. It's a feat I feared fumbled, but I'm freakin' psyched it fared fine.
Oh my goodness, that's way too much alliteration. But, I'm leaving it. It's ridiculous and it makes me smile!
The Trip Wire
Another commonality with Season 4 Episode 1. Gee wiz, we're going for lots of references with this one, and that leaves me curious about the intention... and whether there's a common thread that we're somehow missing that leads all the way back.
Or, I'm reading too much into it because I'm weird. I can roll with that, too.
Tim joins up with Lucy outside the house where she asks him for clarity that none of them have. What the hell is going on!?
"We should move on." "What? No."
Love that Lucy still stands up to Tim at work.
Look, even when he was her TO and then her supervisor, Lucy never shied away from speaking her mind. In this case, she sees something they're missing. And she's not going to let them miss out on an important piece of the puzzle.
"You think it's personal?" "I mean, look, if I was gonna go to the extreme of targeting police officers, why not take out some of my enemies along the way?"
And with that, Lucy BadAss Chen cracks the case. No, I don't know if that's her legal middle name. But it should be.
My brain immediately goes back to Tim accusing her of a social media obsession that happened to crack a case back during one of the Documentary episodes.
There's no skirting around this one—it was all Chen.
"I'll take Moran." "You're not going by yourself." "I'll go with her."
Alright, Fierce Protector. You do you.
"You should be out kicking doors with Metro." "I'm good." "I don't need you protecting me."
Well, damn, I thought it was just me! I thought I was gonna be the only one in this Meta calling out Tim in the Protector role, but I guess my on-screen bestie had to chime in, too.
Also, bringing back "Good" in this scene, which truly feels like their word, and I love it.
Tim will always have Lucy's back. He knows that she is capable and strong, but he's also her boyfriend and spent a lot of time as her TO and then Supervisor. Worrying about her was a part of his job, and now it's an ingrained part of his life.
He's not trying to undermine her independence or capability. He simply wants to be close because then he knows she is safe and doesn't have to hold his breath wondering.
"So, clearly what you're saying is you need me protecting you." "Clearly. You know me so well."
It was pinging my brain, and I couldn't figure out why until someone pulled out the DOD GIF on Twitter and I started slow-clapping like a sports movie.
Yes, of course! When Lucy woke up in the hospital to find Tim by her side... as he is, now.
I kept seeing DOD parallels in this episode, and I'm strangely comforted that others did, too.
Plus, a return of "Clearly", which has been another of Tim and Lucy's words. "Clearly, Ashley's gotta go." "Clearly this isn't working out."
"I'm happy it's you at my six." "Back at you."
Major "We protect each other" vibes, and I bloody approve. Look, we know that Tim is a Fierce Protector. But he also knows that his girlfriend is a kick-ass bad-ass.
Now, we enter into a fight scene that is a bloody masterpiece.
Yes, I wondered why they emptied their clips at the Riot Shields, but I'm not a cop, so I don't know if there's some logic behind it I don't possess. Other than that... this fucking rocked.
Like, literally. I couldn't have been the only Xennial rocking out when Janes Addiction started playing! Someone go hug the Music Supervisor, Music Coordinator, Screenwriter, Director, or whoever threw that track out there, because it's bloody brilliant.
Tim and Lucy are working together, talking it out as they go. And we see all that time they've put into building their communication is really on display, even in a bloody battle.
"We stand a chance, but only together."
Hell, yeah, Lucy! I've been saying that all season. No, not in terms of having the high ground (rest in pieces, Anikan Skywalker's limbs), but in terms of getting through this thing called life.
Tim and Lucy stand a chance of surviving as Chenford through end of show only if they work together.
And on-the-screen in this particular moment, the same holds true.
"Pull not push, copy that."
Love. Them. Look at Tim taking the word of his capable wife and putting it into practice.
Tim and Lucy are literally fighting for their lives, here, and they are fighting together. When one's on the brink of being overwhelmed, the other is there.
Lucy delivers a strike to free up Tim. He takes on several at once, and she goes for the shield. I was screaming, "Hell, yeah, baby girl!" like the big sister I am to my on-screen bestie because she was crushing.
Tim is the master of pepper spray, I swear. He's used it in many creative ways, but super smart to go straight for the eye-holes on the masks to try to penetrate.
Lucy's close to losing consciousness when Tim rips the guy off of her, repaying the earlier favor of her freeing him up. It's a literal give-and-take... in a fight for their lives. This is bloody brilliant.
Nolan finally makes it up there, and Tim helps Lucy through the door to the stairwell, literally shielding her with his body.
Once inside, Tim has his hand on one of his favorite places—Lucy's leg. But this isn't a sexy-time touch. This is the, "Thank God you're alive" touch. If they hadn't worked together, that could have ended very differently.
"I have Bradford and Chen secured upstairs."
Chen and Bradford, sir. It's Chenford. Not Braden.
"You should be on your way to the hospital." "We'll go after."
At least Tim is saying he'll go. Like, seriously, this guy is the king of avoiding medical attention. And too often when he's gone in, he did so knowing nobody was waiting for him on the other side.
Now, not only is he willingly going to go in with his girlfriend, he knows that they'll leave together. Look how far our boy has come.
A Glance
Our last moment of Tim and Lucy is just a glance... a subtle glance between the two of them where that wordless communication comes in.
They've always have this layer to their relationship—communicating without a word. But it's so much deeper, now.
And as we reflect on the end of a season, I have to say it's been incredible to witness their growth alongside y'all in real-time.
This season has been an absolute roller coaster, and my first with all y'all! I started with 5x01, had to catch up, and have loved this whole journey.
Thank you all for being so welcoming to a late-comer like me. And thank you for reading!
Remember, love one another. Give yourself grace. Don't worry about "perfect" because it doesn't bloody exist. Go after your dreams. Fuck Fear. And believe in yourself, always.
And if you're not ready to believe in yourself... know that I believe in you. And I'm always rooting for good things to come your way. You've got this.
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TW: Smut. Semi-public sex. Language. Horrible puns (Sorry, but it HAD to be done) ;)
SUMMARY: A fateful Halloween Party leads you to act on your attraction to JJ. 
Anonymous asked:
I don’t know if you’re still making Halloween fics but if you are I had this idea of Sarah taking the pouges to a kook Halloween party, JJ decided to dress as a pirate, and one of her friends (kook!reader) also went as a pirate and they both kept flirting with each other until they can’t handle it anymore and hook up in one of the bathrooms upstairs
“Nice costume, princess…” JJ addressed you as he was the last of the pogues to make the entrance behind Sarah, almost disinterested in being present until noticing how you were both dressed as bandits of the sea. Of course where his costume had been more of a cartoonish humor made up of what he had at home, your attire was purchased from a high end boutique, complete with a corset bodice and a skirt wide enough to keep every single person at bay if you wished it. But even if that may have been true for a few in attendance, JJ was certainly not among them. In fact, you made it clear from the second your eyes met once he arrived that you were anything but a prude. 
Through a series of Halloween based games, both immature and explicit, your eyes wouldn’t budge for longer than a few seconds before always returning to one another. But as drinks began to slur both of your inhibitions enough to keep from playing coy, these seductions drew more public and therefore more reckless. 
“Sorry…” You slipped between him and the bar of the kitchen, having removed the large skirt in order to dance, and standing before him in a more sexualized version of your costume. You pressed your butt up against him, your body fitting perfectly in the space between you as you would feel him already hard at your back. 
“Jesus…” He groaned as you moved in a tortuous sway before feeling him already hard at your back. 
“I’m so sorry…just hard to fit into those tight little spaces sometimes…” You feigned ignorance before turning with the small plastic sword drawing his eyes to your lips as you brought it to dance on the bottom of your mouth. But where you had expected him to remain in place or even drag you to the closest closet to make good on his reputation as a quick but thorough ‘fuck’, you watched him move closer to you, a hand on each side of your hips as you were pinned against the counter. 
“Just haven’t found the right person to fit then, hmm?” He stole a chip from a bow behind you as your eyes continued as he made his way further into the party. 
The next moment of seduction would come during a dance between Sarah and Kiara. Dressed to accentuate their own best features, your costumes were a talk of the party of both envy and compliment, as JJ’s focus was on the way you seemed to dance solely for him. And you were, not caring of the other Kooks staring you down as if you were the last piece of candy in the bowl, as he noticed this, which sent him sitting closer to the edge of the couch, his elbows on his knees as he leaned into you as if to invite you to keep going. 
“Here sweetheart…” JJ drew your attention to him as he pulled a piece of hair behind your ear as you now moved to him for reprieve after your dance. 
“You should have danced with me…”
“I preferred watching you.”
“I noticed.” By now Sarah and Kie had joined you, sitting between you and him, as you would stare at each other once again before eating the pieces of fruit set on the tray between you, fingers brushing and everyone rolling their eyes at how shamelessly obvious you two were being but refraining from commenting, before you were then in motion in front of him as the remaining pogues and Sarah would move back to the dance floor. 
“Got a little something…” You drew your finger across his bottom lip and jaw, collecting the juice of the strawberry, and leading it between your lips, before pulling it behind your lips. A moan and a roll of your eyes was all it took for him to take you into the direction of the nearby bathroom. But as he worked on locking the door, you were already at the vanity, skirt hiked enough to show the thong awaiting his fingers, as he would cock his jaw. 
“Shit…A girl who knows what she wants…”
“That a problem, JJ?” You asked, swaying your hips as he moved closer. 
“Just hope you know what you’re getting yourself into…”
“I’m well aware, Maybank. Think YOU can keep up?” His brow raised for only a moment before he moved behind you, not caring for chivalry or even a word of kindness before he pulled the straps of your corset down to reveal your breasts. He watched himself fondle you in the reflection shared by you both. 
“So soft…” He smirked before kissing your neck, leading those devilish lips around your jaw and to your mouth, a grip through your hair from a far hand having taken you against him until you led the interaction deeper with a French kiss. 
“JJ…I’m so wet…” You moaned against his lips as he validated this for himself as he set his hands between your thighs, continuing to massage your breast with his second hand while teasing kisses, only to pull back as you groaned. 
“You aren't lying there, sweetheart.”
“I never lie about being horny. Maybe about coming-” You laughed as he nodded before taking hold of your jaw and turning you until his lips fell at a rest to your ear. 
“Well you won’t be able to lie when I’m done with you. Gonna have this poor little costume stained with how fucking hard you’re about to squirt for me.” You bit your bottom lip in excitement before feeling him pull your skirt up enough to tease you with a cock he had swiftly revealed to the space behind you. 
“Been wanting you all night…And I’m expecting you to take every bit of me after teasing me like that-”
“Then what are you waiting for?” You inquired as his eyes pulled to a rise before he thrust into you, forcing you to bend over the vanity, as he was quick to return you against his chest. With a hand set across you as if it had been a sash, you were taken hard against his torso while he moved slowly inside of you. 
“You had everyone watching you down there…and you love it don’t you?” You nodded, “So why don’t you let them hear you, huh? Got so many of them hard with those little dance moves and now I’m the one between your hips…Let ‘em know how I am the one-”
“Good girl…”
“I wanna be your good girl, JJ-”
“Yeah? Then keep taking me like this and you’ll be my favorite girl.” Your eyes rolled as he kissed your neck. The way you moaned and the feeling of your clench around him was enough to set him in a murderous pace. 
“Still wanna be my good girl?” You shook your head, making his eyes narrow towards you.
“Your favorite.”
“Yeah? Then you’re gonna squirt for me…do it while telling everyone whose cock is making you stain this overpriced little costume and I’ll make it feel even better the second time…” You nodded, clutching the sink as he bent you further forward, a hand to your clit furthering your sensations into pleasure as you cried out for him. 
“You want me to come too?”
“NO? That's selfish…” He teased. 
“Not yet…Not inside…”
“Please, JJ!” You groaned as he nodded, bowing his head into the back of your shoulder as you were against his chest once again. 
“Fuck…” He breathed in amusement to your plea before you suddenly released that pent up cum across his hand and over the counter of the vanity before taking a moment to recover. But only long enough to control your tremors enough to move onto your knees for him. 
“You REALLY want to be my favorite, don’t you?”
You nodded. 
“You already were the second I saw you in this costume…But now you aren’t just my favorite girl…you’re just MY girl…being on your knees fucking decided that…and with my cum on your face-” You shook your head. 
“I swallow, J-” You took him behind your lips before he could object or retaliate in any capacity, your eyes fixated on him as he took your hair firmly as you were not in need of any guidance. You knew exactly how to bring him to his edge, an edge that made you gag and tear up as badges of honor, while you watched him buck into you. 
“I’m gonna come- so fucking good baby, I’m gonna come-” You nodded, digging your nais into his thigh, before ultimately releasing as he pulled you back up to him. 
“I mean it…you’re mine now…” He explained with a grip to your jaw as you slowly nodded. 
“Then why are we still here? I want to know if everything I’ve heard about you is true, J-”
“And what HAVE you heard?”
“Well I already know how fast you can make a girl come…ruined costume to prove that.” He smirked, “But I wanna know how you are with that tongue of yours…because you already know how I am with mine, only fair don’t you think?”
“I think I love you.” He teased as you turned to brush his lips with your own. 
“Just wait, Maybank, you’re gonna be obsessed.”
“Arrgh…” He taunted in reference to your costumes, “Already am, sweetheart…”
Taglist: @hopebaker @iovdrew @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets @lovedetlost @trikigirl271 @maybankslover @slut4starkey @slvtherinseeker @obxiskewl @obxxrxfes @bluesongbird @slut-era @ailee-celeste @rafesbae @pankhoeforlife @pankowperfection
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e-vay · 1 year
Here's a new assembly of asks, assorted by topics so you can browse only what interests you:
Anon Asked: Have you ever watched The Nightmare Before Christmas? I was wondering if you watch it during Halloween or Christmas or do you consider it as both for the two seasons?
A: I LOVE THAT MOVIE!!! I consider it appropriate to watch for the last quarter of the whole year haha.
Anon Asked: Do you sometimes envision you and your husband as Sonic and Amy?
A: I do not, we really aren't anything like them. Ryan is very quiet and humble and shy. And yes I am forward and romantic like Amy, but unlike her, I'm an annoying little gremlin LOL!
Anon Asked: Have you ever watch 'Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles'? You MIGHT like it amd I highly recommend you watching it ( but don't force yourself if you don't want to)
A: I've never actually watched it properly, but I've watched compilations of it and I really enjoyed what I saw! I love the art style of it and I like how all the turtles are unique. Plus Ben Schwartz, c'mon!
Anon Asked: Hi e-vay, have you ever played life is strange?
A: Hi! YES! I loved that game. Nana always said that she was Chloe and I was Max haha. I didn't play the sequel though.
Anon Asked: Here’s some positivity to counter that negative ask you got! What’s your favourite thing about your new style? *grabby hands* Gimme all the details!
A: I appreciate that. Honestly, I didn't purposely "change" the way I draw; art just evolves over time ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Besides, I still think my style is MY style. I feel like the characters are more on-model and expressive and don't look as flat as I used to draw. If people don't like my art anymore that's fine. I like it, so really that's all that matters.
Anon Asked: EVAY I AM DISTRAUGHT, I've been perusing your blog looking at fanfics but I keep coming across some posts that I can't access anymore like ones by kbspeeding :( Do you know of any way to read them?
A: I know, it breaks my heart, too :( To my knowledge, there's no way to access the posts of anybody who has deactivated their accounts. I wish that wasn't the case because I sincerely miss her work, but I have to respect her and others' decisions to remove their content.
Anon Asked: What do u think of the amy rose ballerina hc? I think it’s so beautifully graceful and fits her so well💗🩰?
A: I'm not sure what specific headcanon you're referencing, but I definitely believe she knows ballet! Especially her idle animations in the Boom games. That girl knows how to dance.
Anon Asked: Do you like sonic unleashed or have you ever played it?
A: I never had the chance to play it, but I love the story and I love what I've seen. I am hoping they'll re-release it for the PS4 (or PS5) so I can finally play it!
Anon Asked: If you don’t mind me asking, what do you think of Barry the Quokka, the protagonist from The murder of sonic the hedgehog? If you don’t know anything about them what do you think of their design?
A: Of course I know the trash bin king! I like his design a lot. He's super cute and I love a nervous wreck of a character. I also loved that he was just this totally normal dude who has to spend an afternoon with the most insane group of friends ever.
Anon Asked: If you had to choose, what is your favorite and your least favorite sonic game?
A: I always have a hard time answering this because there are so many styles of games and I think some are better at certain aspects than others. For example, I think Frontiers had the best writing and actor perfomances. I still think Sonic Adventure 2 has the best gameplay and replay value. And Sonic the Hedgehog 3 is my favorite of the classics because I think it's the most visually perfect and the gameplay is a lot of fun. But if I have to choose, I guess I have to go with SA2 because I never get sick of it. My least favorite is Sonic Spinball haha I suck at it.
@tonyrockstar15 asked: Hey E-Vay, have you thought of making your own Sonic Fan-Cartoon?
A: I kind of already do that with my comics :) I would love to make animations, but unfortunately I just don't have the time to do that kind of thing regularly.
Anon Asked: Do you think sonic does his taxes?
A: He has no income! But if he did make any money, I'm sure Tails would make him do it (and by that I mean, file his taxes for him because he's worried Sonic will do it wrong)
@twistedchaos101 asked: Hey, What is your expectation for the new Sonic Frontiers DLC?
A: Sweet, sweet content! By the time I'm writing this I've already played some of it and I LOVE IT! UGH, Sonic Team has been so good to us in 2023! 😭💙
Anon Asked: Hey E-Vay! Big fan of your art. I was curious to know what’s going to happen with the Hell Hath No Fury comic? Will it be continued or left up to fan interpretation following the Shadow page?
A: Thank you so much! I will finish it. It won't be left up for interpretation. I just have to get to it.
Anon Asked: Is there a possibility that everyone I mean Sonic,Shadow,Amy,Tails, Aurora and so on have some mental illness? I now that Shadow does have PTSD at some point, but does anyone else have some specific mental illness? Btw love your art ✨
A: Thank you so much for the compliment! I'm not a professional so I don't feel right diagnosing anyone with anything, even if they are fictional characters. I personally suffer from anxiety and depression so I can speak to that, but I don't think I am the person to comment on anything else.
Here are some fun questions I received from @pccyouthleader about Aurora that I wanted to share:
Q: What are Aurora’s primary and secondary love languages?
A: I had to take the Love Language quiz as Aurora. I got her primary as Quality Time. Physical Touch and Acts of Service were nearly tied for second.
Q: Does she like practical jokes? I remember you saying at one point that sometimes she acts without considering the reactions.
A: Yes! She loves a good prank, so long as it doesn’t hurt anybody. Sometimes she doesn’t realize that not everybody enjoys a practical joke though.
Q: Is Aurora competitive?
A: She is, because she feels like she’s got a lot to prove. But not to the point where she’s going to hurt a kids feelings just so she can say she won at something. She’s always going to let little ones win.
Q: Do she have a guilty pleasure?
A: She loves reading romance novels and sometimes she writes friend-fictions like Amy does in Sonic Boom or Tina in Bob’s Burgers hahaha
Q: What quality does she most value in Shadow?
A: She loves how he is unapologetically himself, if that makes sense. Despite what he was created for, he is his own man/hedgehog and he’s forged his own path. Even when others try to put him down or break him, he knows who he is and he doesn’t back down and she’s in awe of that.
Q: Pet peeves?
A: Closed-mindedness is the main thing. Whether that’s about something important like accepting somebody for who they are, or something small like not willing to try a type of food for the first time. She doesn’t understand how people can be like that and it irks her. She also hates when people agree to something and then they flake out haha
Q: If she were shopping, what type of store would she choose and what type of item?
A: One of those record stores that has a little bit of everything. You go there for music and movies and books and they always have fun, quirky gifts. Even though the world she lives in is futuristic, she can appreciate classic things and finds them fascinating. Otherwise yeah she’d love a thrift shop because there’s always strange stuff in there. Wherever she shops, she can’t leave any store without getting something silly that she found cute.
Q: What is her most and least favorite chore?
A: Her favorite chore is spring cleaning, where everybody rummages through everything and downsizes stuff. She likes it just because of the things she’ll find that she’s forgotten about or never knew was in the house. Her least favorite chore is laundry. It’s boring and it never ends!
Q: Outside of swimming and singing, what others hobbies does she have?
A: She loves to dance, that’s a big one. I’ve also joked in the past that she’d do really well if Shadow ever brought her to a gun range, so with that in mind she’d find things like laser tag and paintball super fun
Q: I remember you saying she hadn’t traveled a lot, so if Aurora could choose anywhere to visit, what place would she most like to see?
A: She’d love to go to outer space. She’d never been to space before meeting Shadow. But she also gets that it’s a “ridiculous” dream since she hasn’t even explored all of her own planet yet. Honestly she would be happy to travel anywhere, she wants to see the whole world and beyond. She wants to experience the most of life.
Q: What is her favorite fairy tale?
A: Thumbelina. She could see herself in that story a lot: a small lady who is loved but doesn't really fit in anywhere, and gets whisked around by others trying to control what she does with her life. In the end she's rewarded for her kindness and finally finds where she belongs.
@nerdk7 asked: Don’t know if you answered this question, but how did Shadow propose to Aurora? Was it sweet? Chaotic? Or both?
A: I can't reveal that yet! 🥰 I want to keep it a surprise!
@mod-bubamon asked: I have a question about cc...maybe a few im sorry I'm kinda obsessing over how adorable she is tailsxcc for life We know cc can indeed feel,but can she feel pain? Does she know about the ai art and apps? How does she feel about them? I'm sure that in winter mobians fur coats grow thicker. So did cc somehow implement that into her body? Also how much more cuddly would she get when tails fur grows out? Sorry for all the questions out of nowhere, I've been a fan since I've started tumblr a while ago.
A: Please don't ever apologize for questions. I'm happy you're so interested! And especially glad you enjoy CC! When she was in her original "drone-like" form she couldn't feel pain but she could feel fear. When she builds her Mobian body, she engineers it so she does have all kinds of feeling-receptors, including pain. Not that pain is enjoyable to her, but it's important for her to be able to have as much of the Mobian-experience as possible. I wasn't expecting AI Art to pop off the way it has so I never thought to include it in my work. CC is beyond the AI form now though, she's a full on person. Just like Sage became a full person, beyond just her programming. So I think she and Sage have the ability to create their own forms of art from their own minds. I think I've address something similar in the past: CC has the ability to just play music from her body like a speaker, but she preferred to learn how to play an instrument because she wanted to experience the art form properly. CC didn't think to include a winter coat for her Mobian body, but upon snuggling with Tails she'd definitely add that to her list of future modifications! He's the fluffiest of them all in the winter so he'd be so snuggly and warm and lovely. Thank you for following me!
@firerush asked: What does Aurora think of her Werehog form? What does she think of Shadow's or even Sonic's if that's canon?
A: She likes that she's finally tall, but other than that she doesn't like how she looks. She's very self-conscious about her werehog form. But she loves how Shadow and Sonic look as werehogs.
@jhyannarqq768 asked: How would you think if Aurora was the project while shadow was a mortal one? And i just wanted to ask how would you think if there's a another universe that Aurora it's he imortal and shadow it's the mortal?
A: Well, if she was the project she wouldn't be Aurora. She is the creation of Sonic and Amy so without them she wouldn't exist :) As far as her being immortal and Shadow being mortal: If Shadow was engineered in the 50s and he wasn't made immortal then they never would have met. He would have passed away long before she ever came around.
Anon Asked: How good of a fighter is Rory?
A: She is average as far as physical combat. She's better at diversions and dodging, using an opponents' energy against them. If she was playable in a game, I imagine she'd have a lot of QTE actions that allow her to dodge a boss and make them tire themselves out before she uses her light powers to damage them. While she attended the Young Heroes program she learned combat, but Sonic never wants her in harms' way so he instructed her to always try to distance herself from enemies so she can use her long-range light powers. But she won't back down from a fight if it means she can protect someone else.
@jordanjoebanana asked: Can the Shadora kids turn super when they have all the emeralds or is it only just Shadow,Aurora,and Sonic?
A: All the kids can go super except for the third litter (Cinder, Diamond and Boon). Those three aren't able to use chaos emeralds at all. The family does not know why.
@mysticalsuitfury asked: What led you to create a child for sonamy and naming her aurora?
A: I always make fan kids for everything I'm obsessed with. If you knew me from my Naruto days, I had a huge world of Naruto kids. So naturally I wanted to give my favorite couple of all time (Sonic and Amy) a kid! As far as the name, Aurora is my favorite name in the world. Ever since I saw Sleeping Beauty as a child, I've loved that name. So I gave my favorite name to the child of my favorite couple. Also I think it suits her personality: Colorful, cheerful, hopeful.
@twistedchaos101 asked: Aurora speaks how many languages?
A: She only speaks English.
@aurorathehedge6 asked: How old is Ruff and T-Bone since Aurora is now an adult and have kids?
A: Ruff is 8 years younger than Aurora and Tumble is 12 years younger than Aurora. For most of my comics where Aurora is not yet married, she is 20 years old.
@animeartbros asked: Do Aurora Piper and Blitz hang out much?
A: Piper and Blitz are constantly bickering so a girls' day out tends to involve a lot of yelling and picking on each other haha. It involves a lot of Aurora going "Girls, remember, your sister is your best friend for life. You don't know how lucky you are to have siblings! TT_TT Please stop fighting."
Anon Asked: Has shadow ever taught any or all of his kids how to use a gun and if so how did Aurora feel about it? | And another Anon asked: If Shadow tells his children where babies come from, I am sure that he taught them how to 'defend yourself' with a gun at a very young age ... or at least tried haha I see sometimes short comics in which Shadow tries to teach Cream how to use a gun and I can imagine that this mf would totally try to do the same with his children. Would Shadow succeed if he tried this or would Aurora stop him?
A: Gun-wielding is a part of Shadow's identity so I'd never take that aspect away from him. And Aurora actually enjoys shooting too (targets, not people!) so she doesn't feel weird about that topic. However, I believe that they are huge proponents for RESPONSIBLE GUN OWNERSHIP so they keep all their weapons securely locked up and unloaded at ALL TIMES. And Shadow wouldn't teach the kids how to shoot until they're MUCH older and responsible enough to handle such a dangerous weapon. But you'd better believe he trained them well in marksmanship via laser tag and paintball as kids!
Anon Asked: Hi! I noticed that in your Aurora-comics Sonic grows a mustache as he gets older - what made him come to that decision? And what does Amy think about it???? What about kissing Sonic with a 'stache? I, personally, think he kind of resembles Eggman so, I'm not that big of a fan but that doesn't matter! I'm more interested on their POV. I still love the way you draw them, btw. And it's really sweet to see them together through the passage of time 🥰
A: Hi and thank you so much! Honestly, the reason I gave him a mustache was just to make him appear older haha. I tried multiple ways to age him up but the mustache was the most effective. Originally, I wanted to give him something more distinguished but I ran into two problems: 1 - I didn't want people mistaking him for Uncle Chuck. 2 - I don't see Sonic taking the time to properly sculpt a mustache/beard, so I gave him something rough and simple haha. I have drawn him deciding to grow it out and Amy's reaction to it :) Amy loved it, then didn't like it, then went back to loving it because now she gets the most ticklish, delicious kisses! 🥰 The good thing about hair/fur is that it's not permanent! You can always change it :)
Anon Asked: Omg ur feeding us so WELL with the content I honestly can’t picture actual sonic canon anymore without Aurora like she is completely canon in my mind I love her so much!! Also I have a kinda weird question, if Aurora saw a gay or lesbian couple out in public as a little kid and she was curious about it, how would sonic or amy explain it to her?
A: Aw, thank you! Well the Sonic franchise has been feeding ME well this year so I have the energy to nourish you all hahaha. I'm so happy you accept Aurora 🥰 I like to think that Sonic and Amy are very accepting and loving people and would raise their children to believe that too. Also, Aurora is VERY used to seeing public displays of affection from her parents, so if she saw two people kissing or holding hands in public, no matter their gender, she'd be bouncing up and down "OOH ARE THEY IN LOVE?! ARE THEY IN LOVE??" and Sonic and Amy would be like "That's right, Tiny!"
Anon Asked: What have been going on in Aurora's mind when she was a baby?
A: I'm not sure babies think about much 😉 Just general thoughts of "Mom, Dad, Food, Joy, Sleepy" But hey I could be wrong!
Anon Asked: Out of curiosity, I know that you ship Shadow + Aurora together (and I’m okay with that)… But what if the Time-Travel Adventure never happened?… What if Shadow never went on a Big-Space Adventure and stayed with the Others?… What if he was there to watch Aurora grow up, with the Others?… What would their relationship be like, if that happened?… Would Shadow become like Aurora’s Uncle or be like a Teacher/Mentor to her, in the ways of combat?… Or would they somehow still have a romantic relationship, instead of platonic? 😇?
A: Even if Shadow never left, I don't imagine he'd spend much time with Aurora as a child. He and Sonic are not friends, and though I'm sure he'd consider Amy a friend, I don't think they're close enough for him to want to be actively involved in their kid's life. I don't think he'd even be actively involved in Ruff and Tumble's lives if he was on-world the whole time. It'd be more of a "Oh... hey kids... just here to see your mom... goodbye..." He'd likely be more of an idol to Aurora and she wouldn't mean anything to him. That being said, I do believe in soulmates, and again Shadow is immortal so he does not age. So I believe that once she's grown up, that's when he starts to really see her for who she is and that attraction would come later in life, but that would not happen while she was a child obviously.
Anon Asked: What was the scariest movie that Aurora ever saw and how exactly did it end?
A: Aurora does not like scary movies so she avoids them haha. Sometimes she'll agree to watch a classic horror movie with Shadow because he likes that kind of thing but she still finds it terrifying haha. Aurora can sort of handle movies like Wolfman or Dracula but not anything more intense than that. She couldn't sleep for days after "Night of the Living Dead (1968)"
Anon Asked: i appreciate the effort you went thru compiling all those asks. felt like a free readers digest that was nice to read through! …and now here are more questions 😈 1- how does grandpa sonic feel about shadow’s shadoralets? i wonder if he jokingly calls em faker and lil fakers sometimes haha. 2- whats it like having amassed long time followers of your art stuff? (ive been around since the ol 2009 days)?
A: I'm so happy you enjoyed my last set of asks, Anon. I hope you return and see your question here! Grandpa!Sonic is wayyyy more accepting of his son-in-law at this point and doesn't hold (much) ill-will towards him. However he does revel in the fact that Shadow doesn't know a moment of peace now that he's got a million children haha! But he loves his grandkids to death and so does Grandma!Amy. I did an old comic (having a hard time finding it right now) where Sonic has a dream about his future grandkids and when he wakes up he calls them "Tiny Fakers" but he would never actually call his grandkids that. They're his family! I appreciate that compliment and I can't believe you've been following me for so long! I'm honored (and blown away haha!). Honestly though I don't really think about the concept of having "followers" all that much. I just look at it as I'm here having fun drawing silly things and I've been lucky enough to have other people come and enjoy it with me. I'm very thankful for the support, especially to those who have tagged along for as long as I've been online.
@tatablue2004 asked: Do you like silvaze?
A: I like it enough, but I don't actively seek it out. I'm mostly indifferent to Blaze and to Silver as characters so I'm not that invested. But I do think they're cute.
@chrismantike asked: What’re your thoughts on the shadaria ship? A: 👎
Anon Asked: Sonadow yes or no?
A: Yes! I like them having a bickering, sassy relationship where they still annoy each other but they actually really care about each other.
Anon Asked: How do you feel about Sonic x selly? Would you ever draw them? Maybe for a time travel thing or a space rip or something??
A: I believe you're asking about Sally Acorn. If so, no I do not ship it and I won't draw it. If you're referring to another character, then I'm sorry but I don't know who that is.
Anon Asked: What do u think of amy being sapphic in any shape or form?
A: That's hard to say, since we've only ever seen Amy have eyes for Sonic. I'm not against it, though.
Anon Asked: In your universe, have Sonic and Amy had any suuuper big fight in the marriage? If so, what would it be like for them and how do you think it’d “affect” their relationship??
A: I mostly avoid heavy topics and fights because we get enough of that in other media and I like most of my art to be a safe place people can go to to just get a good boost of feel-good serotonin! So for my main storyline, they get into little arguments and bicker over small things because all couples do, but I try not to ever put them in a giant blow-out fight that will alter their relationship. That being said, the biggest disagreement I ever have them going through is in Aurora's Time Travel adventure (which still hasn't been published yet, sorry!). Sonic adamantly believes Aurora should not risk her life and time travel in that story and Amy disagrees. This will put tension between them for awhile, but ultimately they will be okay.
Thank you all for the questions! There are way more but I don't have the mental capacity to answer any more at this time lol
Evay QA Bulk Post 1
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kimium · 1 year
Movie night at NRC!!!! What is each Housewarden’s favourite movie, and why? (Anime, cartoon, live action, musical, anything goes as long as it’s a film!!)
Hello friend! I love this ask! I'm going to do my best to not just pick anime movies, as tempting as it may be.
Let's get started!
Riddle - To Kill a Mockingbird
One of my favourite classical books, I think To Kill a Mockingbird is a fantastic choice for Riddle. First, the naive thoughts and feelings of the children at the beginning mirrors Riddle's character: he was brought up sheltered and kept away from knowing the world. Next, the trial part of the film would intrigue Riddle due to his love of rules and laws. Of course, he'd be absolutely furious with the "sham trial" but that just shows that while Heartslaybul rules are weird and nonsensical, they still function as rules.
Leona - Murder on the Orient Express
I thought long and hard for Leona's and in the end I think Murder on the Orient Express is a film he'd like. Leona, while putting on lazy airs, is very smart and calculating. He'd probably enjoy watching the mystery unfold and be delighted with the twist ending.
(My runner up for Leona is Pirates of the Caribbean but only because in the Halloween event his dorm were pirates.)
Azul - Chicago
While I know Chicago started as a Broadway, there is a film adaptation. Anyways, I think Azul would like this Broadway/film because it has it all: murder, banger songs, and using the law to your advantage so you're not convicted. Truly, those women have the hearts of shrewd business people. It also has a dangerous sexy element to the film (sexy as in the women look good as they kill their husbands) and that's something Azul would love.
(My runner up pick for Azul is The Godfather because mafia intrigue along with the film being considered a Classic? Sign Azul up.)
Kalim - Up!
This film has two things I think Kalim would like: adventure and friendship between two unlikely people. I think Kalim would love watching Russel and Carl grow closer as they travel to Paradise Falls. I also think the whimsy of flying a house with helium balloons would delight Kalim. Of course, he sobs uncontrollably during the opening of the film to the point he needs several tissue boxes. Still, the heartwarming journey and the happiness at the end will keep Kalim watching the film over and over. Also, I think an animated film suits Kalim.
Vil - Amadeus
For Vil I think he needs a classical film that focuses on the arts. Amadeus also has a play adaptation (one I read while in school) and Vil absolutely loves plays. Anyways, the film is a fictionalized story of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and the fictional rivalry with Italian composer Antonio Salieri. As the two are competing as composers and showing how their abilities in the craft are superior to the other, I think Vil would relate. Especially with his rivalry towards Neige. The film also has amazing cinematography which Vil would eat up.
(Bonus: Rook is absolutely captivated by the passion of the rivalry and will talk hours about it in great poetic detail.)
(Also desperately wanted to say Wicked for Vil but since the film is only in the works and not released, I couldn't pick it.)
Idia - Summer Wars
Naturally, I had to pick an anime movie for Idia. Summer Wars feels like the best choice for two reasons: the movie has a central theme of family and technology. While the technology is social media/every day usage based, the fighting element and the card game that helps them win in the end is right up Idia's alley. Also, the animation is so fluid and seamless with bright visuals and beautiful colours. Just what you'd expect from a Mamoru Hosoda film!
Malleus - Inception
What I think draws Malleus to this film is the element of dreams VS reality. I think he'd find the way the film portrays dreams and diving through dreams to find information delightful. The film also has some of the coolest imagery imaginable along with interesting characters. The inconclusive ending would keep Malleus thinking and pondering the film, potentially wishing to rewatch it so he can see if he can pick clues up.
There you have it! Here are my picks! I hope you like them friend! Let me know what your picks are! I'd be delighted to see what you think!
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clarktooncrossing · 1 year
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HEY THERE PEOPLE OF TODAY AND ROBOTS OF TOMORROW! IT'S ME, CLARK! There is a madness deep in the dark catacombs of Castle Clarkenstein. For years these claustrophobic corridors have been the home of the ghoulish giraffe himself, watching as the world passes by. He prefers it this way. It gives him more time alone with the voices. The voices tell him many strange things. Yet they always come back to one: make more monsters! Everyday they tell him this. Everyday he is unable to comply. Hey, being a mad scientist on a budget means he can’t afford the fancy scientific equipment needed to breathe life into newborn abominations. Guy’s gotta afford pizza somehow. Luckily, he has discovered a way of sorts to please the voices. During all those years of watching, Dr. Clarkenstein noticed a particular pattern. Every night during October saw artists posting new pictures based on peculiar prompts. Many of them based on children of the night. While the spotted specter might not be able to craft new zombies, he can sure as heck sketch’m! As such, I provide this friendly warning to you all now: Be afraid. Few people can survive the horrors that are DUDELZ of the Damned!
By that I mean I decided to do my own take on Sketchtober this year just minus the prompts. Anybody gotta problem with that? Tough, cuz I already drew this crap so you might as well check it out.
Octoberfair has returned to Clarksburg! Based on the German festival of a similar name, adults are invited to partake in food and beer sampling while the kids run around and play. Since this is an Americanized version of the event, naturally the events lean heavily on Halloween theming more than fall itself. Hence carnival attractions like The Haunted House, Down the Zombie, a FEARis Wheel, and of course the Creepy Corn Maze! It’s here we find Bumper and Xena, the two out to have fun as Crocie feeds on pumpkin-spiced funnel cake in the main tent. Bumper would’ve stayed with his fat friend for it not for Xena presenting her pal with a wager. Should he escape the corn maze before her, without the aid of any of his phantom powers, he may pick their Halloween costumes for this year. Having the perfect costumes in mind, Bumper accepted his alien friend’s terms, thinking this would be a piece of pumpkin pie. About a minute in was enough to prove the little ghoul wrong. He was constantly set upon by scare actors whenever he wasn’t lost in the paths of corn. Just as the floating marshmallow was about to throw in the towel, a rustling noise made its way through the stalks. His fear was immediately replaced by interest when the source of the noise turned out to be a black cat named Kiki. Like always, it didn’t take long for Bumper to befriend the feline, who led Bumper out of the maze. Xena followed close behind, congratulating her best buddy on a job well done. When asked how he did it, the ghost revealed he had some help. Yet when he turned to introduce Xena to Kiki, the cat was gone. What happened to her?
Who knows, cuz she’s not gonna be a recurring character. Sorry folks, the Samp Gang doesn’t need a pet. Their quota of mostly silent, largely adorable companions has already been met by the giggling lil’ ghouly himself. Adding a cat to the mix would just complicate things and draw attention away from our main four heroes. If I’m feeling nice I’ll have Kiki pop up in future Halloween pictures, but for now I just wanted to draw Bumper being friendly to a black cat. Personally I’ve always thought it was weird how they were associated with bad luck when they’re such adorable fuzzballs. Considering Crocie’s stories are about finding kindred spirits in the most peculiar places, I figured a black cat would fit the bill nicely. Of course I had to name it after one of my favorite cartoon witches, but I had trouble deciding on either Luz or Kiki. Only after I ran the names and sketch by my friend @the-pale-servant did I settle for Kiki. I hope you all enjoy her and this DUDEL!
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mrultra100 · 2 years
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Ultra's End-of-Year Recap: Electric Boogaloo
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Given how little I think of just how much more insane things can get with each passing year, I really wasn’t expecting how my blog was gonna go in 2022, but after joining an ask blog (Kudos to @another-silly-mixels-blog ), now having little more than 80 followers on here, being a major player in spreading the good word on what’s basically the biggest event in paleomedia in the last few years, and my writing and art skills getting significantly better this year…
I should really give these things more thought, huh? Regardless, I should still celebrate all of the good that came tumbling towards this silly blog of mine. Just like last year, I’m capping off ‘22 with a special ‘lil recap of the biggest events to happen to the Ultra Barrier Reef (And that’s a far better name than what this blog was named originally). Seriously, alot has happened this year, and I really couldn’t be more thankful for all of the support I’ve gotten over the years, both from fans and close friends of mine. You are all amazing! I know I said something like it last time (Maybe?), but consider this my early Christmas present, from me to you.
I posted 1,622 times in 2022
209 posts created (13%)
1,413 posts reblogged (87%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
@mrultra100 (That's me!)
I tagged 1,027 of my posts in 2022
Only 37% of my posts had no tags
#ultra ramblings - 243 posts (Again, I had alot of stupid things to say this year)
#pokemon - 234 posts (Since TWO mainline games came out in the same year, this tag was bound to increase, more than usual)
#prehistoric planet - 140 posts (Anyone remember Alien Worlds? I don't, so watch PHP instead. Make Hank proud)
#pokemon scarlet and violet - 119 posts (Are these games fairly buggy? Yes, yes they are. That still isn't gonna stop me from enjoying what's basically Sun and Moon, but ramped up to 11)
#halloween - 119 posts (Still 2Spooky4U)
#ultra-ween - 116 posts (This was the first time since 2019 that I partook in a monthly drawing challenge. One hell of a trip, lemme tell ya)
#bugsnax - 89 posts (While not as big as all of the Pokemon stuff, the Bigsnax DLC sure did help this one grow a bit)
#my artz - 88 posts (Probably my biggest achievement this year; My art has gotten BETTER)
#johnny test - 60 posts (I'm pretty sure that the 2021 revival is now dead in the water, no thanks to Netflix's legal fucknuttery. Sure as hell ain't gonna stop me from getting ideas for my own hypothetical reboot. Also, there sure were alot of V-Marys tossed around)
#mixels - 56 posts (Part of it involved me joining an ask blog dedicated to this show. It's as fun as it sounds)
Longest Tag: 101 characters
#give me a cinderella stuffing her face with food and a feral fairy godmother who contemplated murder!
My Top Posts in 2022:
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When people are making so much fanart and memes of your show, it gets slingshotted into the spotlight, you know you’ve made it as a spiritual successor to one of the biggest cornerstones of paleomedia.
Also, Ken Ham can cry me a river.
177 notes - Posted May 29, 2022
It still boggles my mind that, of all things to happen this year, we got femboy pterosaurs. I'm all here for it, especially if it makes out-of-touch creationists drown in their own tears. Ken Ham must've made a whole ocean of them at this point.
Managed to snag one of the 15 second teasers!
211 notes - Posted May 19, 2022
I understand that this was posted during the PHP hype train, but how did this blew up? Not that I'm complaining or anything, I'm just curious.
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"It is a lovely morning in Late Cretaceous Mongolia, and you are a horrible Deinocheirus"
240 notes - Posted March 2, 2022
Of all the many pieces that I made over the course of the year, this might just be my crowning jewel.
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CHINCHOU (Unovan Form)
Angler Pokemon
Ability: Shadow Tag/Lightning Rod- Prankster (HA)
“First found within the Unovan abyss, this variant of Chinchou has evolved more bioluminescent lures to attract prey. Not only can these lights attract prey, they leave them in a daze, as if they’re under a trance. When its prey gets close enough, Unovan Chinchou delivers a powerful discharge that stuns them. It’s said that the main source of Unovan Chinchou’s bioluminescence is souls, preferably, the souls of its prey.”
Abyssal Lure Pokemon
Ability: Shadow Tag/Lightning Rod- Prankster (HA)
“Due to the extreme circumstances of the deep sea, along with competition from other Pokemon, the Chinchou of the Unova region evolve into Stomighturn. Having grown in size, Stomighturn uses the same hunting techniques as its previously-evolved form, only with much more bioluminescent lures. Along with a long barbel that hangs from its lower jaw, parts of Stomighturn’s own skeleton now appear on the creature’s hide, being charged with 1.21 gigawatts of ghastly electricity. This strange beast now requires living prey, as it’s been known to swallow them whole, both their body and soul, with its elastic stomach being capable of trapping prey. This species was first discovered when scientists came across one while testing a bathysphere”
Unovan Chinchou evolves into Stomighturn when at level 27
After seeing @bogleech talking about how Chinchou was a better design than Lanturn, I decided to make a regional form for the lil’ guy, along with adding a new evolution that does both the it and the creatures that it’s based on justice.
258 notes - Posted March 29, 2022
How can you screw up making a deep-sea fish? Some chump at GameFreak somehow messed it up when they made Lanturn a thing, so I just had to do my own take on it.
My #1 post of 2022
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513 notes - Posted April 22, 2022
If I can be honest with myself, this whole was my Prehistoric Planet Arc. It basically was for alot of people, let's not kid ourselves.
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At the end of the day, this was one of the biggest years for the Ultra Barrier Reef. Given that the blog is turning 5 next year, who knows what's gonna happen next? Well, that's the fun part. Down in these shitpost-infested waters, you never know what surprises could bubble up to the surface.
Speaking of surprises, I got an extra-special piece coming up to cap the year off. While you should expect to see that in the next few days, things are gonna be a bit slower for the rest of the year (Mainly due to me taking some time off.).
With all of that said, thank you all so much for the continued support, and I'll be rising back up from the depths next year. Happy Holidays, folks!
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cafedanslanuit · 3 years
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♡   —   pairing: eren x reader
♡   —   tags/warnings: mentions of cheating and alcohol. side aruani and yumihisu. honestly just a feel-good fic, with humour and fluff <3
♡   —   a/n:  honestly, this is the most “romantic comedy” fic i’ve ever written and i love it <3 shout out to @ofoceansandtombstones​ that beta read this one mwah thank u
♡   —   masterlist
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There was an ill taste in your mouth that wouldn’t go away, no matter how many drinks you had. And you already had more than a few. From your spot on the table, you could see your friends dancing and having the time of their lives. You really wished you could join them. Nevertheless, you had wasted all your energy forcing a smile and clapping along during the ceremony. Once you had arrived at the hotel reception with the rest of the guests, you had slid a bill to a kind waitress and told her to keep the drinks coming. 
Ymir and Historia were dancing in front of you. Stoic, sour-faced Ymir couldn’t help but smile as her sweet girlfriend twirled and giggled, her cheeks red and eyes just the tiniest bit unfocused. Next to them, Sasha, Jean and Connie were owning the dance floor, moving in sync to the happy music. A grin formed on your face as you saw Connie lifting Sasha up and her almost falling to the floor. Jean was holding his stomach as he laughed loudly.
On a nearby table, Mikasa looked over at them, a small smile on his lips. She was sitting next to her girlfriend, who was holding her hand as they watched their friends dance. You saw her girlfriend leaning over to her and whispering something in her ear, to which she chuckled. It was so strange -and so beautiful- to see Mikasa laugh that it took you aback. And apparently, also the girl she was with, because her lips slightly parted as she watched her in awe.
“How’s the party animal doing?”
You looked up and saw Eren staring down at you with a funny expression. He was wearing black dress pants and a white shirt. The first two buttons were undone, and he was carrying his suit jacket over his shoulder and a beer on his other hand.
“Someone’s gotta keep an eye out for everyone,” you replied with a shrug. Eren scoffed and took the seat next to you on the empty table, leaving his jacket on the nearest chair.
“I mean, I know attending your ex’s wedding isn’t bound to be a good time, but you’d think you would try to put on a happy face.”
You rolled your eyes. “Hey, at least I’m here.”
“After Mikasa tried her best to convince you during a whole week,” he said. You turned your head to Eren, eyes wide open. “What? Of course she told me.”
“That little… That’s it, I’m going to tell her girlfriend about that one time Mikasa got drunk with us,” you muttered angrily, standing up. Eren was quicker and pulled you back to your seat.
“You and Armin broke up a year ago. Why are you so upset he’s moving on?”
Before you could answer, the music stopped and the dance floor erupted in applause. Eren and you watched as Armin and Annie walked in between their guests, greeting everyone as they made their way to the bride and groom table, covered with a pearl cloth and decorated with the finest flowers. Every detail screamed elegance and you knew Armin had been the one to decide most of it. It had his taste written in every napkin and strategically placed flower.
Armin’s smile was almost too big for his face and if you had to guess, those small red marks on the external corner of his eyes meant he had been crying just a few minutes ago. You rolled your eyes. So sentimental. On the other hand, Annie’s smile was far less noticeable, but for someone who always repressed her public displays of emotions as much, that little smile must have felt heavenly to her new husband.
Husband. You took a big gulp of your drink.
“I’m telling you this because I care for you,” Eren said, redirecting your attention to him. “You’re looking like a petty ex.”
“Rather be petty than a cheater,” you shrugged, finishing your drink. You gestured to the waitress and she immediately walked to you, handing you a full glass. Thanking her, you wasted no time in taking a sip.
Eren’s eyebrows were deeply furrowed. “What do you mean?”
“Armin never told you why we broke up, right?”
Eren scooted his chair closer to you and you bit back a laugh.
“He said you just weren’t good together,” he said, trying to remember his friend’s words. “And you said something similar when I asked you back then. Where does this ‘cheating’ thing come from?”
You let out a long sigh. “Maybe it wasn’t cheating. Not by definition, at least. But when your boyfriend starts dating someone else a week after you broke up a two-year-long relationship and he gets engaged four months later… you draw your own conclusions,” you explained, taking another sip of your drink and making a grimace. “Fuck, this one’s strong.”
After not getting a response from Eren for a long moment, you finally turned to look for his emerald eyes. You could almost see the numbers flying around his mind, trying to make sense of everything you had just told him. It was endearing.
“Wait, no-- wait,” Eren gestured at you with his hand. He stopped himself again and took a sip of his beer. “The first time Armin told me about Annie was in February. I remember it clearly. We were shopping for Mikasa’s birthday gift and then he went to pick something for Annie. And you guys broke up around Halloween, that’s the time I found you crying-- in Jean's backyard during our costume party.”
“We had a big fight at that party. We hadn’t broken up,” you clarified with a smirk. “He broke up with me after Mikasa’s birthday party. The same party he convinced me not to attend.”
Eren’s face dropped once all the pieces clicked together. He turned his body to look at the bride and groom table, where Armin and Annie were taking a sip of their champagne glasses and talking to each other enthusiastically, while the rest of their guests kept dancing.
“That son of a bitch,” he breathed out. You burst out laughing at his reaction. “No, I mean it! I really thought you had broken up during that Halloween party! You didn’t upload any more photos together, I don’t even remember even seeing you together--”
“I told you, we were fighting and… not in the mood for photos or public dates. Most of those months were spent at his apartment, fighting over really, really stupid things or just not texting each other for days,” you explained. “Honestly, when he broke up with me he made the decision I was too afraid to take. He was right, we weren’t good for each other anymore. But... fuck,” you chuckled icily. “I wish he would have broken up with me before getting with Annie.”
Eren listened in silence, his eyes still on his friend. You gave him time as you kept drinking, your gaze drifting to your friends again. You really wished you could have the energy to join them and forget Armin and Annie. It was true you didn’t love him anymore, yet seeing them together only made you remember how you had been fooled by someone you thought loved you the most.
You had had many dates ever since, but no one ever stuck. It was fun, getting someone’s attention for a couple of weeks, but then you couldn’t help but ghost them, putting up shitty excuses like wanting to focus on yourself and not having enough time to spare with them. You had lost so many amazing opportunities with both boys and girls that a couple of months ago you had decided to stop dating at all. It was lonely for sure, but at least you didn’t find yourself feeling guilty for not being able to open yourself up emotionally for someone else.
“Want to get back at him?”
You turned to Eren so fast you almost hurt your neck.
“I have an idea. Just play along,” he explained, standing up.
“Eren, hey, what are you--”
“Everybody! If you could give me a minute please!”
You watched horrified as your friends started turning to you and Eren, confused at the commotion. Eren kept waving his hand, gathering more and more people’s attention, Armin and Annie included. He even gestured to the DJ to lower the music and she complied. In a few seconds, all the guests of the party were looking at you, who was still sitting down with a confused expression, a drink in your hand. Once he deemed enough people were looking at him, you saw him fumbling with his hands nervously.
“Eren,” you called for him again in a whisper, but all he did was take the drink you had in your hands and put it on the table.
“Sorry for interrupting, I know a lot of you were having a lot of fun dancing. But all I’m asking is one minute of your time. I hope that’s okay with you guys,” he grinned back to the bride and groom table, where they were as confused as all the guests around. “I have something really important to say.”
“Eren, no, you can’t tell them about--”
“No, no, give me a moment,” he hushed you again. The DJ walked to both of you and handed an inalambric microphone to Eren.
You didn’t like how devilish his smile turned.
“Great, thanks, this is much better,” he told the DJ, who just kindly smiled at him. “Anyway, I don’t want to take much of the bride and groom’s time, so I’ll try to be concise. The thing is…” he said, turning to face you. “I love you.”
Your mouth flew open as you heard multiple gasps coming from the guests. Yet, you couldn’t bother with looking anywhere but Eren’s eyes. What was he doing? Since when did he have feelings for you? If he wanted to say something, he could have easily said something a few minutes ago, when--
Just play along.
Your questioning glare turned into a big smile and you noticed Eren softly nodding at you.
“You already know how much I love you. Honestly, I never get tired of telling you so. And hiding our love from our friends has probably been the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. Sorry about that, Mikasa,” he said, gesturing to the woman.
You could imagine your friend’s dumbfounded face, but you knew better than to turn and check for yourself. You knew you wouldn’t be able to hold in your laughter.
“So I’m here in front of all our friends and some other guests I don’t know to ask a simple question.”
In a swift movement, Eren got down on one knee. Your hand flew to cover your mouth, trying your best to hide any trace of laughing on your face. The flash of the cameras startled you for a moment, but that only meant Eren’s plan was working. The excited murmurs and squeals only fueled Eren, as he pulled up a ring and showed it to you. You immediately recognized it as one of the rings he had been wearing a few moments ago. 
“Would you marry me?”
A huge, honest grin made its way to your face and you nodded quickly. You grabbed the microphone Eren was holding and spoke right into it.
“Yes, I’ll marry you!”
You hadn’t listened to a crowd erupting in applause and cheers as loud as the guests at Armin’s wedding when Eren slid his ring on your finger. Once again, the flash of the cameras were right into the both of you as you leaped into his arms. He stood up while holding your body close to him, even giving you a small spin and you buried your face in the crook of his neck.
When he finally put you down, the music resumed and all your friends began running to the both of you.
“You’re fucking crazy,” you whispered to Eren, holding his face between your hands. He laughed.
“Kinda ruined the reception, huh?”
“When the fuck did this happen?” Jean inquired as soon as he reached you.
“Dude, why didn’t you tell us?” Sasha whined, with a small pout. “But congratulations!” she quickly followed, hugging you tightly. As you hugged her back, you felt someone taking the hand that was now wearing Eren’s ring.
“This is one of your rings,” she noted, shooting Eren a dirty glance. He lifted his hands in surrender.
“Hey, I didn’t plan this! But I will get her a prettier one soon,” he said, winking at you. You laughed and shook your head.
“Nah, I like this one,” you replied. You shared a knowing grin and soon it was Connie’s turn to hug you.
While you were hugging your friend back, you saw in the corner of your eye Armin getting up from the table and starting to walk to both of you. Your smile immediately vanished from your face and once Eren caught it and followed your eye trail, he understood the reason why. You heard him mutter a curse before he pulled you from Connie’s embrace.
“Well, we’d love to stay, but my fiancée and I want some time alone.”
“C’mon, you haven’t told us yet how you got together!” Sasha complained.
“Next time, we promise,” you hurriedly assured her.
Eren picked his suit jacket from the table and before Armin could reach your group, you quickly walked away, exiting the hotel. Eren whistled to a taxi and you jumped inside, telling the man behind the wheel to drive. Loud laughter filled the vehicle as soon as it began moving.
“How-- how did you even have this idea?” you asked him, holding your stomach as you laughed. “Dude, Armin looked so upset, we totally stole his thunder.”
“That was the plan,” Eren shrugged, a winning smirk on his lips. “Knowing the gang, everybody’s going to be talking about us and the engagement for the rest of the party.”
“Remind me to never have you as an enemy,” you chuckled, leaning back on the car seat. Letting out a long sigh, you took off Eren’s ring and handed it to him.
He shook his head. “Nah, keep it. As a souvenir of today,” he winked.
“Thank you,” you smiled. You put the ring on your thumb this time, since it was too big for your ring finger anyway. “You didn’t have to do this at all, and yet--”
“It’s okay,” he assured you.
“No, really. It’s just-- I’ve been having a tough time since the breakup,” you admitted. “To have you doing this for me means a lot. Makes me feel someone really cares for me. I never said anything to anyone back then because Annie is also a part of the group and I thought…”
Eren leaned his head towards you.
“You thought…?”
“I thought you would pick her too. It’s stupid, I know,” you shrugged, turning your head to Eren. “But Armin had just broken up with me and a week later he was already in public with Annie. Back then, I thought everyone knew we had just broken up and if no one had said anything was because they didn’t care. So I just… stopped hanging out with all of you as much as I did before.”
“Yeah, I noticed that,” he muttered.
“You did?”
Eren nodded. “That’s why I asked Mikasa to pressure you into coming to the wedding. I hadn’t seen you in a while.”
“You could have just asked me to hang out, you know,” you teased him. Eren chuckled, pushing some of his loose hairs behind his ear.
“I think we know by now I don’t take the conventional route.”
“Yeah, all of the guests know that too,” you quipped, making both of you laugh.
This time, when the laughter came to an end, you realized how close your faces were. Your noses were almost brushing as you both were lying your heads on the back of the car seat. You looked into Eren’s emerald eyes and noticed he wasn’t looking away from yours either. Was it the alcohol that made his cheeks turn a lovely shade of pink? If it was, then you could say the warmth crawling up your face was its fault too. It had to be the alcohol, or else, you would have to also ponder about the reason your heart was beating out of your chest at having your friend so close to you. He was handsome, he had always been and you knew this. But why were you losing all your composure just now?
A brief look at Eren's lips gave your thoughts away and, in less than two seconds, he was pressing his lips against yours.
For a spur-of-the-moment kiss, as you thought this one was, it was rather soft. Eren kissed you as if he thought you were the most expensive and fragile thing he had ever seen. But of course, this was just a product of the adrenaline and the fact that -as far as you knew- he hadn’t been dating anyone as well, right?
Your small theory crashed and burnt when you felt his hand softly cradling the side of your face. No. This wasn’t an adrenaline kiss, neither one that you gave without a thought. Maybe it had been unprompted and maybe you hadn’t seen it coming, but it sure as hell seemed he did. Eren’s lips gilded against your with ease, revealing a soft tenderness you didn’t know he possessed. You kissed him back, matching his rhythm as you softly pressed your hand against his chest.
Eren pulled away from you softly, and if his longing eyes were any indicator, a bit reluctantly.
“Hi,” he breathed out, making you grin widely.
“Hi,” you replied. You gently caressed his cheek with the knuckles of the hand that was previously resting on his chest. Eren took it and kissed your palm, making your heart flutter.
“Sorry to interrupt kids, but where are we heading?”
The voice of the taxi driver startled you, making you pull away from Eren. He chuckled at your reaction and then looked back at the man.
“Take us to that pizza place near the central park. Gotta have a celebratory dinner with my fiancée,” he said cheekily, taking your hand into his. You squeezed his hand back, his ring digging a little on your skin.
“So young and engaged already? Congrats!” the driver said, turning left and heading towards the direction Eren had given him.
“Thank you!” you smiled brightly at Eren while he took your joint hands to his mouth and placed a kiss on your knuckles.
A part of you knew you weren’t taking that ring off anytime soon.
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ghost-of-a-vulture · 2 years
Techno has a special place in my heart.
He was the first myct i watched. I began watching him shortly after i switched schools, and had lost all my friends.
It was weird, because at that time he was streaming on the dsmp daily.
His streams always started when school had ended, or around last hour, and because i was virtual i would tune in to the streams while wrapping up my day, then spend the rest of the afternoon drawing with the stream on in the background.
I quickly picked up several little quirks from him due to spending so much time watching him, such as saying "bruhhh" or "yooooo" in daily conversation. He introduced me to Wilbur, tommy and ranboo, who, while i liked, weren't my favorites. Technoblade claimed that spot.
Every upload and stream brought me so much joy, i always had to stand up and stim a while before i watched it. I drew som much fanart, i had so many headcannons. I customized a pig plush to be a Techno plush. I dressed as him on Halloween. [The crown rests on my lamp, the axe and cape hang from the back of my door]
So of course, his death hit me hard.
The moment i found out is probably one of the most vivid memories i have. I couldn't say anything. I just. I just watched. I saw Floof walk up to that chair and part of me knew it was over, Techno was gone. The pictures of Wilbur and Phil and others hanging out with him broke me. I remember clutching my favorite stuffie and sobbing.
My parents know how much he ment to me, and have told me that they're willing to donate to charities or buy merch that would help his family and other sarcoma patients. [I have no income of my own, sadly.]
At the time of his death i had been in the hermitcraft fandom a few months, and i wasn't as interested in dsmp anymore. Im also going to a new school, and the anxiety over what people might think if they know i like dsmp, mixed with a sort of guilt that maybe they're right, i am supporting horrible people, has driven me away.
While i remain subscribed to a few dsmp members, i haven't been watching their videos. Part of me doesn't care for it anymore.
Im sure I'll still keep up with lovejoy, and i may watch Wilbur rant about ace race during mcc, or check out the occasional tommy or Ranboo upload, but i think im done here.
Technoblades death was the final nail in the coffin for an interest that i was already falling away from. I was already thinking about officially "leaving" but after the news broke about Techno, i really have no reason to stay. Lore seems to be slowing down, and Tech was one of the main reasons i was there anyway, so it seems appropriate to leave now.
I don't hate the dsmp, i have nothing against it, im just moving on. It feels bittersweet. This fandom has brought me into new communites and has helped me make new friends [and maybe cope with some trauma along the way]
I honestly don't think I'd still be here if not for Technoblade. He helped me so much. I miss him a lot. I feel like i carry a little bit of him with me with the little quirks and phrases i picked up from him, and i wont let that die anytime soon.
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farfromharry · 3 years
Hey how r u? Would you be able to write the blurb for prompt 25 with either Arvin or Peter you can pick which ever. And you can make it boyfriend or roommate whichever works best!!
Summary: peter isn’t a fan of your idea to spend halloween in a scary location, even though he’s a superhero who’s meant to be brave; you just don’t understand.
peter parker x reader
w/c 464
To say he was a superhero, Peter Parker wasn’t exactly the bravest of the bunch. If anything you were much braver than he was, hence why you were the one to suggest such a bold idea for Halloween to your friend group.
Mj of course was more than open to the idea, she loved the whole concept and was actually quite excited. Ned didn’t protest, but you could tell from the look on his face he wasn’t itching to accept your suggestion.
Peter however, oh he hated it. It was arguably the worst idea he’d ever heard someone have. Usually your boyfriend loved the things you proposed, he was always the one convincing others that they’d be fun, but now he couldn’t stand by you for this one.
“I don’t think this is a good idea,” he voiced, drawing your attention to him, pout on your lips. Usually the man couldn’t resist those puppy eyes, falling at your feet and doing whatever it was you wanted him to. But he was standing his ground on this one, there was no way he was going to end up like the man that looked like Thor in that one movie.
“Why not?”
“Let me get this straight. You want to go spend Halloween in a cabin in the woods?” he questioned. Your eyes were still flashing with that childlike excitement at the idea.
“Yes,” you confirmed. He sighed, shaking his head. He thought maybe if he slowed it down a little, tried to let it sink in, then it’d hit you. But maybe he was wrong, maybe it had already hit you and you just weren’t concerned.
“A cabin… in the woods… during Halloween.”
You were now the one looking at him like he was crazy, eyes flickering to Mj and Ned to see if they were seeing what you were.
“Correct.” He didn’t understand how you weren’t seeing the problem. You’d seen the movie with that exact title, Peter knows cause he watched it with you, so you both knew how a cabin in the woods turned out for them.
He lifted his hand up to press the back of his hand against your forehead, just to check that you were feeling a normal temperature. Being sick would probably confirm why you were being so strange.
“Do you want to die?”
You huffed. “Stop being dramatic, we’ll be fine. Do you forget you’re a literal superhero?”
He mocked you, slouching like a child and crossing his arms across his broad chest. “Still doesn’t mean I want to get chased by some killer.”
Mj decided she was going to be the one to put a stop to your childish bickering, just not in the way Peter hoped. “So it’s settled, cabin in the woods it is.”
peter parker taglist → @call-me-baby-gir1​ @parkerlovebot​ @icyhollands​ @sinisterspidey​ @siriuslyslyslytherin​ @musicalkeys-blog​ @itstaskeen​ @tpwk-grande @zspideyy @spideyssunshine @givebuckyhisplumsnow @lowkey-holland @hollandcrush @wizkiddx @sannie-san-shine @sonnydoesrandomshit @hopeless-romantic-baby @thehumanistsdiary @dummiesshort @itsbieberxholland @lillucyandthejets @piscesparker @bvttercupbby @spideyspeaches @celestialholland @captainamirica @tomsirishgirlx @lou-la-lou @slutforsr @tayyx @annathesillyfriend @paninipress @lovableparker @whoeveniskendall @hollandswife @sunwardsss @dhtomholland @scarletspideyy @tomhollandismyhusband1996 @just-lost-inbetween-worlds @multixfandomwriter @magicalxdaydream @hallecarey1 @avengers-hamiltrash @writingrem-blog @aayaissaa @jacksnoodles @edmundspevensea @lovehollandy12 @peterbenjiparker @tomshufflepuff @the-girl-in-the-chair @prancerrparkerr @tom-softie @rqmanoff @nellabellaa @miraclesoflove @marvelobsessed10031917 @samaraaaaa @hogwartsmarvelmommy @elishi03
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doctorbeth · 5 years
Stripes the 50 year old tiger
This will be a longer post, because it’s all about the details, and there was a lot of going back and forth with photos and emails to get Stripes and his stripes just right.  So be sure you’re comfy when you sit down to read it. :-)
Stripes person first wrote to me back in December about her tiger, Stripes, and his companion RedEye the snake.  Both were starting to feel their age, but as she said,
“ As you can see Stripes is in the most need of repairs. Personally, I’m guessing that a full recovering is needed, but I’m certainly no expert and will follow your advice.  Here are some pics which show Stripes fur disappearing and soon he will be bald.  Amazingly he has no damage that I can find. His ears need some stuffing, but they have never been tall, firm standing Teddy Bear ears.”
Here are the diagnosis photos she sent:
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As you can see, his belly section was pretty good, but his furry parts were wearing and fading.  His person really wanted his fur recovered, in an orangier rather than tanner fur, and she opted for him to have a spa too.
Here he is in his bubble bath:
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Once he was dry, he got restuffed and of course, got a heart with a bit of his original stuffing.  Here’s his heart being made:
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Then it was time to choose furs.  As some of you know who’ve been reading for a while, usually with tigers we use a solid fur of the preferred background color, then add the stripes by hand afterwards.  Here were the best fur options:
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His person opted for the orangier, furrier one.
Stripes got recovered, and some smaller wounds on his belly were sewn.  Then, it was time for hand striping.  I did some basic  striping, and then sent photos for feedback:
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His person’s first response was:
Beth, you’ve made me cry at work.  I’m absolutely over the moon with Stripes new look!!!  Holy cats he’s looking beautiful!!  You are AMAZING!
But I was asking for striping feedback, and she happily provided it:
The stripes.  Thank you for being so conservative. :) I would like to add some more stripes. I’ve included an updated pic that shows where I would like some stripes added.
Tail:   Could you put 2 stripes in a ring pattern around the tail? They continue the black spots you started. I also noticed with other Gund tigers that the ring was painted at a slight angle or sprayed as 2 “halves”, not a straight ring that looked like a raccoon’s tail. (pics)  I know that there was more black at the tip of the tail, but I don’t think the whole tip was black.
Back Leg:   I’ve continued your 3 spots into stripes.
Body:  I’ve added 2 stripes, but if you will notice stripe #2 is in the shape of a ‘V”. (I remember this detail as a child)  The stripes do NOT have to line up with the fabric underneath.  They didn’t before.  :D
Face: I’ve added a short stripe above Stripes’ right eye. This detail always gave him a slight serious look without being mean. (not a lot of slant to the line, if any) I have always loved this detail about him.  And I’ve elongated the stripe on his forhead.
Beth, I’m pretty sure we will be adding some more stripes to the back, especially his head but I thought we might tackle this bit first.
She closed with:
Again, I just absolutely can’t thank you enough for your beautiful and loving work on my best friend. I have been showing people the before and after pics for the last 5 hours.  I’m so happy!!!
So back to drawing stripes on Stripes I went.  Here are the next batch of photos:
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Stripes person was thrilled:
Stripes looks spectacular!!  I mean he is just awesome with the stripes that you’ve filled out.
She wanted just one more stripe.  She sent a photo, but it was in another format, so I won’t put it here, but she also described what she wanted very well:
So I just have 1 more stripe for you.  If you look at my pic, you will see that I’ve drawn a line over the small black dot that is on his forehead.  In the last pic you sent me you can still see that it’s just a spot and not a stripe.  Could you lengthen that spot into a stripe for me?
Please note the position. When you are seated facing Stripes, this stripe includes/starts at the black spot and runs towards the right.  You have a pretty stripe that’s higher on the head already placed on the left so this one goes off to the right and is the same length as that one.
Adjustment made, I sent another photo (you can see the printout with her line instruction next to him):
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Her response:
Perfection Achieved!  I’m so so happy!!!!   How many exclamation points can I put in an email to show you how perfect Stripes is!!
So Stripes got packed up and headed home to a grateful human and snake.  Here he is at home with his pal, RedEye:
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His person was soooo happy!  She wrote a very long thank you, with a history of Stripes and RedEye, and I don’t want to edit it, so I’m copying it entirely here for you to read.  But you can skip it if you want and just know she was happy!
Hi Beth,
Sit back and relax.  This may be a little bit of a long happy read.  :D   Please feel free to use any content or pics from my emails for your blog.
I waited anxiously for Stripes to arrive.  Yes, my husband signed for the box and I couldn’t wait to get home!
And so the moment has arrived.  I brought Stripes best friend Redeye in from the bedroom to help me open the package. We open,  I close my eyes dig in past the packing peanuts and pull out our best friend.  Oh My Goodness!  He is beautiful! bright! and colorful! He practically glows! I see his face. Yes, yes! It’s Stripes!  I see the same face I’ve gazed into and loved for 50 years. And that’s when the tears start. Crying, mouth open in shock but my husband says he’s never seen me happier.  ..After many long years, I can finally cuddle my friend again.
Beth you have given me back something I thought I would never have again.  I love Stripes so, but I couldn’t, didn’t dare to pet him or cuddle him. I had to be so gentle, so afraid that I was doing more damage to him. But now all that is over!  I can sleep with my buddy by my side. I can take him on vacations again!  I’m tearing up just writing this.  I can’t express my joy…absolute joy over the work you have done. Stripes looks like a beautiful and bright toy again.  Thank you Beth.  Thank you so very much.
…And I’ll be sending Redeye to you some time in February.  I’ll be sure to email you first to start the process.
And here’s a little history about Stripes.  Stripes was a Christmas present in 1969. I have always loved tigers and I was in deep love the moment I saw him. He has enjoyed play tea parties with me, and watched drive-in movies sitting in the back window. He has looked over the candy hauls that I collected during Halloween and been in a beautiful oak tree during the crisp dry autumn. (Carefully placed on a towel, but he needed to experience a tree. He is a tiger after all.)   He has been with me in Japan for a year and traveled all over the US northwest  looking out of a train window. And he has done all these things with Redeye by his side.
--But let’s face the facts, in the last few years my friend was disappearing before my eyes. There was good fortune that his seams were okay but the fur was coming off. His stripes were completely gone in areas. He was looking more yellow everywhere. And I dared only to pat him. That’s when I began to search for help to restore my friend and so I found Realms of Gold on the internet.
Beth has been wonderful, corresponding with emails and working out details by sending pictures back and forth. She listened to my input and was absolutely amazing at applying the stripes in the right places. We actually discussed exactly where to put them.  :D  I trust Beth’s skills so much that I will be sending Stripes best friend Redeye along soon.  He was amazed and so happy with Stripes look, that he can’t wait to go to Realms of Gold!
Okay Beth, this may be a little serious but I wanted to express my honest feelings, and let you know why this has been so important to me.
With my 2 stuffed animals loosing hair and looking tired a sobering thought occurred to me. If something happened to me, what would happen to them? We have no children to give them to. We can’t donate them because being so worn out, no one would take them. And the thought that they might end up in a garbage bin was too much. Of course for me, my goal was to pet, play and enjoy them again.  That goes without saying.  But now, seeing Stripes beautiful bright colors, I am happy and secure in knowing that years from now, I can donate or will him to a children’s home where he will continue to be loved. (I have several friends who grew up in orphanages and we think it’s a wonderful idea.)
Thank you so much Beth!!!!!!
I don’t know about all of you, but that made me smile all day. :-)
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choco-cherry-chunk · 2 years
Norman and Otto take Rosie out trick or treating when she’s 7, and she insists that not only do her dads have to wear costumes too, but so do all four actuators (individual costumes too because of course they each have their own personality). I can see Norman going for the least scary costume ever, due to his history with the Goblin and not wanting children to be afraid when they see him. I can also see both men being reluctant to wear costumes and going the easiest route like wearing cat ears or a fake moustache, so Rosie compensates by going all out for the actuators. 1/
2/ So she and her dads are walking down the street, all four actuators decked out in sparkly boas and ties and tiny hats and antennas. Flo is a witch with a pointy hat and a cape, Larry is an alien with antenna and google eyes glued all over his claw, Moe is a snake with sparkly scales stuck all over him and a forked tongue taped to his claw, and actuator!Harry is flower with each part of his claw (temporarily) painted a different colour. They all get their own Halloween bags too. Otto argues that this is too much, since the actuators don’t eat. But Rosie is a clever girl and knows this will net her four times more candy, so she insists that the actuators have to have the FULL Halloween experience and that includes getting candy (her dads know exactly what she’s doing but let her get away with it and make plans to ration her haul between the three of them). Rosie is either dressed as Spider-Man, a scientist, or a dinosaur.
YOU. HAVE. ME. SO. SOFTTTTTT. Oh my God, this is delightful!
I am just imagining Norman feeling adamant about taking Rosie at first; one of the few good memories he has with Harry as a child was taking him trick-or-treating through their apartment building (this being pre-Oscorp days) and the fun the boy had was immeasurable. And initially, Otto plans to sit it out. Everywhere he goes, even with efforts to hide his actuators, draws people's attention, and he doesn't want that for their daughter on that's supposed to be a special evening. But Norman does not want her to be disappointed, and she knows she will be much more saddened if Otto says he isn't coming along. So Otto ends up agreeing, only for Rosie to not only want him there, but to do something to draw even more attention to the actuators.
Otto tries his best to deny her, he does. But the request is so innocent and it really isn't harming anyone. Even the actuators seem like they want to get in on the fun. So he gives in, watching her spend mornings before school scribble her ideas on paper during breakfast and weekends constructing shapes that will inevitably become something he can't yet recognize. She refuses his and Norman's help because "it's a surprise", and letting them know would let Harry, Larry, Flo, and Mo in on it. So they keep back.
On Halloween, Rosie gets an early dinner so she can get the actuators ready while Otto eats. He remains still as she tapes and pastes and paints (with washable paint, Norman assures him) her four friends until they are nearly weighed down by her work. Both her fathers compliment her efforts and cite specifically well done pieces. They are genuinely proud; their daughter is more of an artist than either of them.
Norman settles on some vaguely animal-centered accoutrement and Otto simply puts on one of his own hats with the claim that he's Indiana Jones. I'm imagining Harry joining them at some point or seeing pictures and saying he remembers his father wearing something much scarier when he was a kid but that "this is good too". But when they go out, Otto is initially super concerned about his actuators, only for endless children to stop and gasp at them, initially complimenting Otto on his costume (after all, I have to assume that most kid of trick or treating age by this point wouldn't be as familiar with "Doc Ock"). Rosie is quick to jump in and explain the costume of each actuator with fascinates other kids - some who know her from school, others who have no idea of who she or her fathers are. They unintentionally form a group of children and parents, some standoffish with Otto and Norman when they fail to pull their children away, others falling into easy "parent-safe" conversations with them. Norman and Otto are nervous at first, but eventually feel at ease as they see how good a time Rosie is having, and how even the actuators are enjoying time with children. Hell, maybe this is when they consider another, should the two have more than one kid.
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loserholland · 4 years
𝐏𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 | 𝐃.𝐌
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Pairing ➺ Draco Malfoy x Slytherin!Reader
Warning ➺ Flashbacks are italicized, talks of the dark mark, smut towards the middle, implied smut, swearing
Word Count ➺  8,310
Summary ➺ Their relationship had always been in the grey area, what happens when they start to realize they want more?
A/N ➺ This takes place three years after the battle of Hogwarts. There are occasional flashbacks, and yes this is based off of Positions by Miss.Ariana Grande *insert monkey covering eyes emoji* Your last name in this is Avery (deriving from the sacred 28)  ENJOY! so sorry it’s a day late!
✿ 𝓟𝓮𝓻𝓶𝓪𝓷𝓮𝓷𝓽 𝓣𝓪𝓰𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽 ✿ - @loveyathreethousand @killerqueen-gunpowdergelatine @spideyyypeter @lou-la-lou​@babebenhardy @rivervixenbaby @acklesholland @zabdisamor @keepingupwiththehollands @sweet666pea @sspider-parker @jackiehollanderr @caro0512 @thewinchesterchronicles @cporter003 @kisses-holland @spideysnugget @cryszus @sunflowerharrystyles @peterunderoos @ohbabycal @laucontrerasv​ @spider-mendes​ @jessybellsworld​ @quaksonhehe​
☁ 𝔇𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔬 𝔐𝔞𝔩𝔣𝔬𝔶 𝔗𝔞𝔤𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔱 ☁ - @beiahadid​ @capkatie​
@iloveyou3000morgan @random-things-i-love
*The strike through your name just means I couldn’t tag you, please message me if anything*
☞  Masterlist  ☜
Avery Manor, the second largest estate next to the Mafloy Manor. The grand victorian manor was in the Avery family for the past 100 years, passed down from generation to generation. The Avery’s were known to host the most extravagant galas. Each theme was always something extra, meaning the dresses that (Y/N) wore was talked about for days on end.
Halloween was drawing in close, which meant another ball. It’s been nearly three years since the Avery’s have hosted a ball. The last ball they held was before the return of Voldemort. Now with him dead, (Y/N) parents could finally breath. Before his return, they wanted out of the dark lords plans. Moving on with their lives, having (Y/N) and her older brother Ryan. 
If Lucius hadn’t lost the prophecy, the Avery’s would’ve played host to all the death eaters. (Y/N) parent’s had left her and Ryan out of the dark lords plans, agreeing that their kids would attend the meeting but not take the dark mark.
(Y/N) never minded attending death eater meetings only because she knew she was there to ensure no harm comes to her family. The other reason she didn’t mind attending these meetings was because of Draco Malfoy.
Prince of Slytherin.
Correction, was the Prince of Slytherin.
𝘏𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘦
𝘐'𝘮 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘩𝘰𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘐 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘱𝘦𝘢𝘵 𝘩𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺
(Y/N) was the only person who knew Draco carried the dark mark, he had no choice but to take it, he was the only child of Narcissa and Lucius. 
There were nights where she and Draco would go up to the Astronomy tower and watch the stars in silence, comfortable silence. Words weren’t needed to show how grateful Draco was to have (Y/N) there for him. With Harry hot on his tracks, plus the heavy burden he had to carry out, sitting in silence with (Y/N) calmed him. She never tried to pressure him into talking about what he was thinking, she’d just sit there with her head on his shoulder mumbling facts about the stars above. 
“This years halloween theme, saints and sinners!” (Y/N) mother exclaimed in excitement, it was quite an understatement to say she was excited to host yet another one of the Avery’s grand galas.
“I’m guessing you and father will be sinners and Ryan and I will be saints?” (Y/N) snickered, earning a light scowl from her mother “Correction you and Ryan will be the sinners, the little devils you two are!”
𝘉𝘰𝘺 𝘐'𝘮 𝘵𝘳𝘺𝘯𝘢 𝘮𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘮𝘢𝘮𝘢
𝘖𝘯 𝘢 𝘚𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘢𝘺
𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘢 𝘭𝘰𝘵𝘵𝘢 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦
𝘖𝘯 𝘢 𝘔𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘢𝘺 (𝘈𝘩, 𝘢𝘩)
𝒴𝑜𝓊'𝓇𝑒 𝐼𝓃𝓋𝒾𝓉𝑒𝒹. 𝒯𝑜 𝒿𝑜𝒾𝓃 𝓊𝓈 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒜𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎'𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝓃𝓊𝒶𝓁 𝐻𝒶𝓁𝓁𝑜𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓃 𝒢𝒶𝓁𝒶. 𝒮𝒶𝒾𝓃𝓉𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒮𝒾𝓃𝓃𝑒𝓇𝓈, 𝒪𝒸𝓉𝑜𝒷𝑒𝓇 𝟥𝟣𝓈𝓉. 
“Draco dear, I scheduled a suit fitting for tomorrow. We’ll be attending the Avery’s gala.” Narcissa spoke, ever since the war it’s as though a thousand weights had been lifted off the Malfoy’s shoulders. With Voldemort dead, they were free from his grasp. 
The Avery’s were long time friends of the Malfoy’s their kids spending summers at either the Malfoy’s or the Avery’s manor. Narcissa and (Y/M/N) often joked that Draco and (Y/N) would later be married in life, the two were best of friends. He won’t forget how (Y/N) walked with him not wanting him to feel alone reminding him that she was there for him and understood how he felt conflicted. Harry laid dead in Hagrid’s arms well- so we thought. 
“Draco! Draco.” Lucius shouted his voice stern but tired, (Y/N) knew her parents wouldn’t force her to do what she wouldn’t want to do so they stay silent within the crowd of death eaters. 
Everyone’s eyes were on the platinum blonde haired boy, wondering what his next move would be. “Draco, come.” Narcissa spoke causing Draco to swallow the lump in his throat but before he could descend down the many broken steps of Hogwarts (Y/N) entwined her hand with his.
“We’ll go together.” she mumbled giving his hand a light squeeze.
From that day forward the Malfoy’s and Avery’s were done with the dark lord. They were glad he was finally dead.
There were soft pecks against his window, it was a gray screech owl that belonged to no other than (Y/N). Dropping the rolled up message into his hands, the owl quickly left. Unrolling the parchment wondering what she had wrote him now. 
𝘚𝘰, 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘣𝘦 𝘢 𝘴𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘵 𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘳?
He snickered lightly padding over to his desk to write back, the pair had always wrote to each other. Sometimes they’d aparate into each others rooms whether they were in school or at home for the summer. This only started because of Draco, during his sixth year he encountered many nightmares; most relating to the task he had to complete. Other nights he was well restless, staring at the mark that rest of his left forearm.
One of the benefits the two had was having their own dorms. Which many students envied, nicknaming the two Prince and Princess of Slytherin buying their way through Hogwarts. 
“(Y/N)?” a soft voice spoke, the girl laid fast asleep unaware of the platinum blonde haired boy standing in her dorm. Slowly he moved towards her beside tapping her shoulder causing her to stir around a bit. Her (Y/H/C) was a bit disheveled from her constant tossing and turning.
“(Y/N).” Draco spoke once more causing her to jolt slightly, “Hm?” she mumbled rubbing her eyes lightly, her vision was still a bit blurry but she knew it was none other than Draco Malfoy standing beside her bed. Slowly she moved to the left side of the bed allowing Draco to slip under the covers.
He sat upright waiting for (Y/N) to do the same, she moved her hair out of her face swiping the back of her hand across her mouth. “Couldn’t sleep?” she questioned glancing over at Draco, his eyes focused on his left arm. 
She placed her right hand over where the mark laid, her heart ached for Draco. Of course she couldn’t say anything because she never had the mark, she couldn’t sympathize. All she could do was reassure him everything would be okay and everything would be over soon.
Sometimes Draco talked about how it burned, ached, and how much he wanted to scrub it off. There were times where he did try to scrub it off and (Y/N) was quick to stop him from bruising his pale skin even more. It was as though their souls were connected. She could sense when he was in trouble, sense when there was something wrong.  
There were days where he would mumble about how much he hated wearing long sleeves, how he felt as though he was suffocating drowning deeper and deeper in his own thoughts. The moment he reached his dorm he’d rip off his robe and tug at the sleeves of his dress shirt finally being able to breath.
“Nightmare” he mumbled pausing for a moment unsure if he should continue, “You don’t have to tell me if you aren’t comfortable Dray, I understand.” (Y/N) moved her hand down to give his hand a light squeeze giving him a warm smile.
“Wanna go for a walk? Or, head to the Astronomy Tower?”
Draco shook his head lightly “We need sleep, we have a potions exam in a few hours.” he mumbled causing (Y/N) to snort loudly, “Dray we both know even if you had zero sleep, you’d still pass that exam.” he rolled his bright gray eyes playfully before settling into bed.
𝗜 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗱𝗮𝗿𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴, 𝗶𝘁'𝘀 𝗮 𝘀𝘂𝗿𝗽𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗲.
- 𝗗.𝗠
“That git.” (Y/N) mumbled placing the parchment into her desk draw along with the many other letters and notes he had written to her over the past seven years. She didn’t start saving his letters till their sixth year of Hogwarts.
I guess you could say (Y/N) fancied him. She grabbed a new piece of parchment, grabbing her quill to quickly write another note before she headed to find her perfect dress. 
“Ailée, to Draco.” she spoke to her beloved screech owl watching as she took flight to Malfoy manor.  Ailée quickly dropped the note off before flying back, Draco picked up the note Ailée had placed on his bed unrolling it to see what else (Y/N) had wrote.
𝘕𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥 𝘯𝘰 (𝘕𝘰)
𝘕𝘰 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘦, 𝘣𝘢𝘣𝘦
'𝘊𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘐'𝘭𝘭 𝘣𝘦
The night had finally came, the manor was a lively as it could ever be. Chatter and laughter echoed through the room, (Y/N) stood near her bedroom window awaiting for Draco to arrive. She had accompanied her family early greeting their guest as they arrived but headed up to retouch up her makeup. 
Finally she watched as the Malfoy family step out of the long black limousine, (Y/N) gave herself one last look in the mirror before heading downstairs quickly catching the eye of everyone there.
“There she is!” her father spoke happily, (Y/N) bowed lightly “Good evening Mr and Mrs.Malfoy, Draco.” Narcissa gasped loudly taking both of (Y/N) hand’s into her’s. 
“My dear you look amazing! Never fail to steal the spotlight don’t you agree Draco?” 
She wore a deep red satin slip dress with black heels, her hands decorated with a few rings one of them being the family ring. A beautiful gold snake ring that wrapped around her ring finger with emerald eyes. Her makeup was simple, mascara with a deep red lipstick. 
(Y/N) smiled widely at Narcissa glancing at Draco who remained speechless. Narcissa always loved (Y/N), she saw her as her own daughter and hopefully future daughter-in-law.
He swallowed the lump in his throat, admiring the Satin red slip dress she was currently wearing her red lips to match the dress. “You look amazing (Y/N/N).” Draco responded earning a small smirk from (Y/N).
“Why don’t we get a drink? You look flushed Dray.” (Y/N) grabbed his hand leading them away from their parents. The two were dressed as opposites, (Y/N) a sinner and Draco a saint. But the two both knew they should be dressed in red. Before she turned the corner to enter the kitchen, the two were in her room Draco had apperated them there. 
Draco was quick to press her against her bedroom door, his hands wrapped around her bare neck a part of him had a feeling she didn’t wear a necklace because she wanted his hands wrapped around her throat. 
“We were suppose to get you a drink Dray.” (Y/N) spoke in a fain voice, looking up at Draco innocently. This wouldn’t be the first time the two have been caught in this situation. One night (Y/N) was in Draco’s dorm, though Voldemort was back both their parents wanted the two to continue their last year at Hogwarts
Draco was being well, Draco. Distant, cold, silent. He had been grumbling all day today and every time (Y/N) asked if he was okay all he’d say was “I’m fine” or “Didn’t you ask me that already?”
“You need to open up sometime soon Draco! The more you keep it all bottled up, the deeper you’ll drown.” (Y/N) shouted her arms flailing around in anger, Draco mumbled “Muffliato.” not wanting anyone who passed by his dorm to hear their scream fest.
“I’ve told you, I’m fine! Nothing is wrong!” he massaged his temple with his index finger and thumb.
“Merlin Draco! Put your ego aside for once! You know I’m right, one day you’ll explode!”  Deep down he knew she was right. She’s always right, but he didn’t want to tell her that she was right. Maybe it was his pride and ego that stopped him from giving in and opening up. Maybe it was because he never spoke about his feelings before. Sure he talked about his nightmares, but that was all. 
“You can’t keep brushing this off, be honest with yourself and me! You put up this cold exterior, pushing people away. Why? Is it because daddy didn’t love you enough?”
“You better shut your mouth Avery.” 
“Or what Draco? You’ll tell your father? Is that all you do? Run to your father to get rid of the problem instead of addressing it yourself? Why are you too much of a c-”
It all happened in a flash, Draco’s hand wrapped around her throat pushing her against his dorm door. (Y/N) body hit the door with a thud, the air in her lungs knocked out of her. She didn’t expect him to do this, anything but this. Her body felt hot the feeling of Draco’s cold rings made her stomach flip, the tension between the two so thick you could cut it with a knife.
“Go ahead (Y/N), finish your sentence.” 
Draco’s beautiful gray eyes were now a deep black the devil was surely dancing behind them “What? Basilisk got your tongue?” (Y/N) only smiled widely before saying, “Just because you have your hand wrapped around my throat, doesn’t make you any less of a coward.”
Crashing his lips into her’s, adding on more pressure to the side of her throat causing (Y/N) to moan out loudly. All the tension the two had built up inside of them was released that night, it was nothing but rough Draco’s dorm reeked of lust.
𝘚𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶
𝘊𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘬𝘪𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘐'𝘮 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘥𝘳𝘰𝘰𝘮
𝘐'𝘮 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘖𝘭𝘺𝘮𝘱𝘪𝘤𝘴 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘐'𝘮 𝘫𝘶𝘮𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘱𝘴
“You look ravishing darling.” Draco mumbled his breath fanning over her lips, one slight move her lips would be on his. “You don’t look too bad yourself Dray.” her hands brushed over his shoulders admiring the white velvet suit. After the war Draco had gotten a bit more fit, not that he wasn’t before but he has definitely changed over the past three years.
A good change.
(Y/N) smirked pushing him back lightly,  “Now, let’s go shall we? Dinner will be served soon.” 
𝘒𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘮𝘺 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘪𝘯𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘐 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥𝘯'𝘵 𝘥𝘰 𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘐 𝘸𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘥𝘰, 𝘴𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶
(Y/N) was in a deep conversation with Pansy, the two talking about Pansy’s recent travels around Europe. Every so often she’d glance at Draco a smile tugging at her lips with every glance, sometimes she felt like a lovesick school girl. Their conversation was interrupted by Theo asking Pansy to dance, in which she gladly accepted. Leaving (Y/N) to her lonesome. Draco got up from his seat walking around the round table to where (Y/N) sat, he stuck his hand out to her 
“Would you like to go for a walk?”
The beautiful silver light kissed their skins, the night was quiet, the sky was clear, a cool gust of wind swept between the two causing (Y/N) to wrap her arms around herself. Draco quickly removed his dress jacket, draping it over her shoulders.
“You should’ve taken a jacket.”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes playfully, “Well in my defense I didn’t think it would be this cold.” she shoved her shoulder lightly against his earning a small chuckle from Draco. Even with these heels, she was still a bit shorter than him it’s always been like this. 
Their hands brushed against one another with each graze electricity coarsed through their veins, a pink tint painted their cheeks. (Y/N) laced her fingers with his, Draco’s hands were always cold but she never minded it all that much. 
She led the two down into her mother’s most prized possession, her rose garden. It varied it different colors from; red, white, yellow, pink, and even lavender. “Let’s dance.” (Y/N) said gleefully, placing her right hand atop of his shoulder whilst her left was already intwined with his right hand.
Placing his left hand on her waist, the two swayed from side to side. (Y/N) slowly rested her head against his chest allowing her eyes to flutter shut. Draco began to hum a low melody, rest his chin atop of her head. A smile painted her lips, this felt like deja vu. 
𝘗𝘦𝘳𝘧𝘦𝘤𝘵, 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘧𝘦𝘤𝘵 𝘠𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘰𝘰 𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘦 (𝘠𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘰𝘰 𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘦)
“How long have you been up here? I didn’t see you in the Great Hall.”
(Y/N) quickly wiped the tears from her cheeks glancing to see Draco standing atop the stairs. She didn’t need to look in the mirror to know her makeup was a mess. Draco however looked amazing, the girl he had asked from beauxbatons was lucky to have him as a date. He was wearing that same old smug look on his face, one she knew all too well. If she admitted to what had happen, she knew Draco would say “I told you so.” or “I was right wasn’t I?”
“I just um, needed fresh air.” 
Draco moved to stand next to her, shrugging off his dress jacket to drape over her shoulders, she fixed her gaze to the ground. (Y/N) didn’t want to admit that Draco was right, he had pestered her about having McLaggen as her date. The two didn’t talk for two weeks because she was annoyed at the fact that Draco was making comments about her date, she was’t complaining or criticizing his date so why did he feel the need to do that to her?
“You only come up here to think, when something is bothering you, or if you’re sad. So which is it? Or is it all three?”
(Y/N) cleared her throat, “Shouldn’t you be with your date?”  attempting to change the subject. Draco chuckled lightly, “I could ask you the same thing.” she licked her lips closing her eyes for a brief moment. 
“I’ve been up here well- the entire ball. I um, caught McLaggen snogging a a girl from Ravenclaw.” (Y/N) mumbled, finally looking up at Draco giving him a small smile tears blurring her vision. She chuckled lightly wiping away the fallen tears, “So, go ahead and gloat you were right.”  Draco pulled her into a tight hug, McLaggen didn’t know what was coming for him the next day. 
Draco pulled away from her, extending his hand out for her to take. “It’s only right for you to have your first dance. The yule ball doesn’t happen every year does it?” she gave him a warm smile taking his hand. His left hand rest on her waist, while her right hand was on his left shoulder. 
There was that same bubbly feeling again, the feeling that made her feel like a lovesick puppy. As if she was under some kind of love potion, she had been trying to push away this feeling. (Y/N) was unsure of what she felt towards Draco, the two were best friends since well birth. 
𝘉𝘶𝘵 𝘐 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘵𝘪𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘳𝘶𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘍𝘶𝘤𝘬 𝘪𝘵, 𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘐'𝘮 𝘳𝘶𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘺𝘰𝘶 (𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘺𝘰𝘶)
“You look amazing tonight. Red is a beautiful color on you, it’s Mcgagging lost. But, you know I’m always right.” (Y/N) let out a light laughter slapping Draco’s chest playfully as she rolled her eyes. 
“You don’t look too bad yourself Dray.”
It was during that exact moment she knew she loved Draco, it was that exact moment she knew she had feelings for him.
She smiled against Draco’s chest, she loved it when he’d hum to her or even when he’d sing. But that was on very rare occasions usually when he thought (Y/N) was asleep. “I have ever mentioned that red is a beautiful color on you?” his chest vibrated as he spoke causing (Y/N) to pull her head back slightly looking into his beautiful gray eyes.
“Hm, I think you have. Didn’t you tell me that the night of the yule ball?” Draco lifted their hands that were intwined signaling for (Y/N) to twirl. She let out a small giggle as he dipped her, before pulling her back up. He looked between her beautiful (Y/E/C) and red painted lips, intoxicated by your beauty. 
They wanted nothing more than to feel electricity coarse through their veins, to fill that sense of ecstasy that euphoria. It was as though they were each other’s drug never having enough of each other. 
Their relationship was something they never really touched subject on, they were in the grey area. I guess you could say they were friends with benefits, but they did what couples do: go out on occasional dates, buy each other stuff, sleepover, travel. Yet they never got around to what this entire relationship is. 
(Y/N) used her free hand placing it on the back of Draco’s neck giving into that feeling of need and lust, it was as though time stopped when the two were together. That same electric feeling coarsed through their veins a feeling they knew all too well. It was a beautiful feeling.
𝘚𝘢𝘪𝘥 𝘣𝘰𝘺 𝘐'𝘮 𝘵𝘳𝘺𝘯𝘢 𝘮𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘮𝘢𝘮𝘢 𝘖𝘯 𝘢 𝘚𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘢𝘺 𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘢 𝘭𝘰𝘵𝘵𝘢 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘖𝘯 𝘢 𝘔𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘢𝘺 (𝘈𝘩, 𝘢𝘩)
“Draco dear! Where are you?” 
The two quickly pulled away from one another stepping away from each other, as pink painted their cheeks. Draco’s lips were now a bit red thanks to (Y/N)’s lipstick, she giggled at the sight. The two walked out of the rose garden to see Narcissa standing on the graveled path, “Ah there you two are! So sorry (Y/N), we’re going to call it a night. But we’ll see you sometime next week for dinner possibly? Your parents will fill you in!”
“Same time tomorrow?” Draco whispered the same smug smirk tugging at his lips.
“Wouldn’t miss it.”
This little rendezvous of theirs started no longer than a few months ago. It was a spur of the moment idea, the two wanting to get out of the house so- they decided to rent a room at some muggle hotel and well the night was long.
Very long.
Usually they’d meet up after Draco was done with class, he was studying to become a healer. He never needed to work both of them were trust-fund babies, but they had their own goals and ambitions to fill. (Y/N) was underway to becoming the potions teacher at Hogwarts. If Draco hadn’t gone into studying to become a healer, he would’ve also fit as the potions professor.
“Hi, I have a room under the name Isabelle Johnson.” 
The two never stayed at the same hotel, it was always different. Tonight they’ll be staying at The Langham. She always used the same name though, different hotels but same name.
“I have you for a Junior suite Ms.Johnson is that correct?” 
(Y/N) gave the young woman a nod of approval awaiting her room key, “I have another guest coming, my husband Tom Johnson will be coming by later. Is it okay if you leave an extra key for him?” The receptionist nodded typing in the computer leaving a note to herself or to anyone else who may check Draco in. Once (Y/N) got the keys she headed up the elevator to the suite.
𝘕𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥 𝘯𝘰 (𝘕𝘰) 𝘕𝘰 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘦 𝘣𝘢𝘣𝘦 '𝘊𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘐'𝘭𝘭 𝘣𝘦
She had been in one or two relationships before this whole friends with benefits with Draco. She had dated Cassius Warrington for merely a six months, the two came to a mutual agreement no hard feelings when it came to the break up. Then she had dated Terence Higgs, that break up was rough. He was so “in love” with (Y/N) but she never felt the same way. There was something the two boys had asked her before they had broken up. 
It was something she pushed to the back of her mind, when the two had asked her that question she was unsure on how to answer them. Maybe it was because of Draco and her feelings towards him. Or maybe it’s because she simply didn’t feel the same way. Draco wasn’t one to ask her about her relationship, if anything he’d just ask how Warrington and Higgs were doing but nothing more.
“Thank you for meeting me Cassius.” (Y/N) spoke, offering him to take a sit across from her. She had asked him to meet at this muggle café in London, it was small, minimalist. The air was damp, the same clouds casted over gloomy London, the smell of fresh rain filled the streets. The two had been dating for nearly six months, but doing those six months she felt as though she could never meet him halfway. 
Once the two got their orders silence engulfed between the two, she sighed lightly it’s best for her to start the conversation. I mean she did ask for him to meet her here. 
“I’m not going to be rash. But, for the last few months I’ve felt distant from you, which is not your fault really it’s mine. I never met you half-way for much, turned you down to go on dates. I just feel as though, I don’t love you as much as I thought I did.” 
Cassius sighed twirling the mini spoon around his now empty tea cup, he had noticed how distant she became but just hoped that she would come around. But, a part of him knew the love she had for him was not as strong as it was before. It was like the flame on a candle wick, most of the wax halfway gone leaving the flame to burn whatever scraps was left.
“I-um knew for a while now.. I just held onto to hope. But, I don’t want you to be in a loveless relationship, neither should I. We can still be friends though.” (Y/N) placed her hand atop of Cassius giving it a soft squeeze, “This is a mutual breakup, we can both agree if anyone ask we came to the conclusion together.”
Terence was harder, Pansy had set the two up on a blind date. He had just gotten out of a relationship with some girl from Hufflepuff, a girl from their year of course. 
It was harder to get out of that relationship because not even three weeks in he claimed to have loved (Y/N). A part of her knew he was still hurt from just recently getting out of a relationship, she also knew when he said I love you he didn’t address it to her. Merely because there were times when the name of his ex-girlfriend would slip past his mouth. This never bothered her as much as she thought it would do, if anything it was eye-opening.
The night she had broken up with Terence, she sat with him as he cried. She sat there and told him if him and Hannah were meant to be, they’d find their way back to each other eventually.
The question both boys asked before she had left them, that had her laying wide awake at night was:
“Is it because of Draco? Are we breaking up because of him?” 
Sure, the two were close. They were best friends. She had broken up with the two because she was not in love, she didn’t feel the same way. But a part of her knew Draco could’ve been a contributing factor.
The sound of door creaking open brought her out of her thoughts glancing over at the clock to see Draco was a bit later than usual. (Y/N) smirked standing from the bed to meet Draco halfway, “You’re later th-”
“Strip and get on the bed.” 
This hasn’t happened in a long while, her stomach turned in excitement as she clenched her thighs together. Draco slowly walked up to her wrapping his fingers around her throat, “Do I need to repeat myself?” (Y/N) smiled at him innocently before shaking her head.
“Good girl.”
𝘚𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘊𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘬𝘪𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘐'𝘮 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘥𝘳𝘰𝘰𝘮 𝘐'𝘮 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘖𝘭𝘺𝘮𝘱𝘪𝘤𝘴 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘐'𝘮 𝘫𝘶𝘮𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘱𝘴 𝘒𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘮𝘺 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘪𝘯𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘐 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥𝘯'𝘵 𝘥𝘰
It had been a long day for Draco, usually because some other trainees may have been being complete douche bags or patients would give him glares, and some healers may have been degrading him due to having the mark. He was use to the mark, sometimes forgetting it’s there. So when he’d roll up his sleeves to his elbow the mark was visible. 
His eyes wandered over her naked figure, usually she’d shy away from his gaze but it made her feel more confident and proud. Draco stood at the edge of the bed, his hands shoved into his front pockets not hiding his visible bulge. Usually when he has a long day like this, she’ll let him do whatever he wants. To an extent of course, he knew her limits as she knew his.
Nights like these left her unable to walk the next morning, next few days to say the least. Along with many, many marks and bruises. She never minded though. Nights like these made her feel alive, the way his hands wrapped around her throat, or the way he’d kiss her, mark her all over her chest.
“Are you gonna let me do whatever I want tonight?” His beautiful grey eyes were far gone it was much darker and almost black. (Y/N) nodded leaning up on her elbows, “Anything you want Draco, I’m yours.” sometimes she question herself, was her heart talking or was it her head. Was love talking or was it just purely lust?
Draco’s hand moved to her cheek brushing his thumb against her cheeks his rings were cold against your hot cheeks. That only fueled your desire, you loved his rings one caught your eye. You had recently given it to him to show how proud you were that no matter what was thrown at him at work he was still able to keep himself under control.
You had stopped by Saint Mungo’s meeting up with Draco for lunch, something you tried to do as much as possible to keep his spirits up because you knew many of the healers there along with patients would have a lot to say about having a Malfoy treat them.
She played with the velvet green box in the pocket of her trench coat, inside was a beautiful Garden silver snake ring on the inside of the ring she had gotten his initials engraved. He saw her sitting inside the waiting area sighing in relief, just the person he wanted to see.
Walking in he placed a kiss to the crown of her head, “Let me get my coat and we’ll head out.” (Y/N) nodded in approval watching him turn the corner. A soft scoff caught her attention, she glanced to see a woman who seemed to be no older than forty-five reading the daily prophet.
“May I help you?” (Y/N) never meant to come off as rude but she knew it was witches and wizards like her that made Draco want to quit becoming a healer. The woman glanced at (Y/N) placing the prophet down.
“Are you dating him? Do you know who he is? A death eater dear!” 
(Y/N) scoffed lightly it’s been three years. Three years! Yet still people bother to talk about how Draco was a death eater, only judging what they see. “First off, he’s not a death eater! Voldemort is dead! And yes I know who is he! That’s my best friend and I am honestly sick and tired of you people bashing him for his name! You should not be judging someone you-”
“(Y/N)” Draco placed his hand on her shoulder giving it a small squeeze, “let’s go.” she picked up her purse brushing her hair out of her face turning on her heels in anger walking away from the waiting room.
“Have a great rest of your day ma’am.” Draco spoke before catching up with (Y/N). The lady was left speechless and embarrassed of her actions from earlier. (Y/N) was tired of people degrading Draco of his name and past, hoping that one day they can all just move on. 
Draco finally caught up with her. He knew how much it angered her when he’d tell her about what he had encountered at work. He tried to not let it bother him as much, trying his best to just let it go and forget about it. The mark was like a bad stain that he was stuck with.
(Y/N) turned around to wrap her arms around his neck, “I’m so sorry Dray.” his brows furrowed in confusion as to why she was apologizing he pulled back slightly placing his hands on her cheeks. Using his thumbs to brush her tears away, “You don’t need to apologize. Thank you for defending me, I really appreciate.” she gave him a small smile remembering the box in her pocket.
“I um, have something for you.” 
She held the box between the two causing Draco to smirk, “Are you proposing Avery?” (Y/N) rolled her eyes playfully “You wish.” he took the box into his hands opening it to see a beautiful silver snake ring. Carefully he picked it up watching as it glistened in the sunlight, he noticed a small engraving in the ring noticing it was his initials.
“I know you go through some much with patients and well people like- that witch so I wanted to get you a gift to remind you that you’re strong and it doesn’t matter what other’s think.” she watched as he slipped it onto his middle finger noting that it fit perfectly.
“Thank you (Y/N/N). I love it.”
𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘐 𝘸𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘥𝘰, 𝘴𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘊𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘬𝘪𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘐'𝘮 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘥𝘳𝘰𝘰𝘮 𝘐'𝘮 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘖𝘭𝘺𝘮𝘱𝘪𝘤𝘴 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘐'𝘮 𝘫𝘶𝘮𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘱𝘴 𝘒𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘮𝘺 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘪𝘯𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘐 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥𝘯'𝘵 𝘥𝘰 𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘐 𝘸𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘥𝘰, 𝘴𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶
“Say it again.” he whispered as he slowly leaned forward. 
“I’m yours.” 
The kiss was rough and sinful  their teeth clashed against each other Draco’s hand moved around her throat causing (Y/N) to let out a low moan. He pulled away moving kisses down her neck before pausing for a second. 
He quickly undid his tie “May I darling?” (Y/N) smiled “You can do whatever you want sir, take me how you would like.” Draco smirked wrapping the satin material over her eyes tying it behind her head. 
“Such a good girl. Now, lay back I’m gonna go fetch something.”
(Y/N) did as she was told laying back her head coming in contact with the puffy pillow. She heard the door shut, she didn’t want to take her blindfold off but she was unsure of where he had gone. A few minutes later the door opened back up, (Y/N) didn’t dare to move not wanting to anger Draco more than he already was.
Draco placed the glass of ice onto the night stand, he leaned over pressing a chaste kiss on the corner of her lips causing her to gasp lightly. This was the first time he had blindfolded her, everything was heightened now that once of her senses was blocked. He finally placed his lips on hers, this kiss was different it was slow and passionate unlike earlier. 
(Y/N) felt Draco pull away slightly as she lifted her head in attempt to find his soft pink lips. He took an ice cube from the glass and placed it between his teeth, slowly he grazed it over her chest watching her face contour in pleasure. This was also new, and it had her wondering where did he learn this from?
He grazed the ice cube over her nipples watching as her chest rose and fell, he dragged the ice cube further down the valley of her breast watching as it left a trail. Her body felt as though it was on fire, she could feel Draco trailing the ice cube up and down her inner thigh wanting nothing more than for him to just put his mouth to different use.
Her breathing was heavy chest rising up and down ever few seconds, she gripped the sheets. His long fingers played with your juices teasingly, as his tongue brushed against your sensitive nub – at this point she could hear her heart beat pounding in her ear. Silently begging for more, wanting him to just get straight to the point.
She couldn’t see his face but she knew he had a smug look, that git. Draco finally gave in wrapping his lips around the bundle of nerves causing (Y/N) to gasp loudly. Unsure if she could move, she kept her hands to the side trying her platinum blonde. In her past two relationships they could never compare to what Draco makes her feel with every touch she felt euphoric, entranced, under his spell. 
The mixture of his fingers vigorously pumping into you as his warm mouth nurtured your clit, he was entranced you couldn’t see it but he adored the way your squirmed under his touch. The way you bit your lip and threw your head back in pleasure. It was truly a beautiful sight.
That same familiar knot formed in her stomach, she bucked her hips against his mouth chasing her high. Draco pulled away before she could even reach it causing her to whimper in disapproval. He began to remove his dress shirt leaning forward to kiss her red lips, tasting herself on his lips. The sound of his belt unbuckling was music to her ears.
“Draco please, I want to see you.”
He leaned forward untying the knot, her eyes fluttered open adjusting to the light of the room leaning forward to press kisses onto his bare abdomen helping him undone his belt. Draco placed his left hand around her throat, “Just lay back for me darling.” her eyes glanced over to the mark. It wasn’t a deep jet black, it was now a bit of a charcoal gray. She knew he had been finding remedies to get it removed or to at least make it fade. Whatever he was doing was working. 
(Y/N) nodded laying back into the soft white sheets watching as Draco removed whatever garment of clothing he had left reaching into his back pocket to grab the gold foil quickly unwrapping it to place the latex onto his shaft.
His mouth travels through your neck, nibbling at the sensitive skin, as a low moan escapes from your lips. The sound seems to have ignited something deep inside of him, he finally enters you, your eyes shut once more and you see stars. He started off at a slow pace, your hands reached around to running them up and down his back feeling how tense his muscles were.
“Let go Dray, be as rough as you need to be. I can handle it.” 
He picks up the pace and holds one of your legs above his shoulder. His hips thrust into yours and you hide your face in the crook of his neck, leaving open mouthed kisses along the sensitive skin. His scent intoxicates you, a sweet mixture of his cologne and sweat. Slowly he brought his hand up to wrap around your throat, her eyes rolled back in pleasure one of her hands wrapped around his wrist.
They were a mess, their moans and pants painting an unholy symphony he removed his hand from her neck allowing the two to trade places. (Y/N) was now sitting atop of him, he laid back placing his hands behind his head. 
“Go on darling, get yourself off.” 
𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘐 𝘸𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘥���, 𝘴𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘊𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘬𝘪𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘐'𝘮 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘥𝘳𝘰𝘰𝘮 𝘐'𝘮 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘖𝘭𝘺𝘮𝘱𝘪𝘤𝘴 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘐'𝘮 𝘫𝘶𝘮𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘱𝘴 𝘒𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘮𝘺 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘪𝘯𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘐 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥𝘯'𝘵 𝘥𝘰 𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘐 𝘸𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘥𝘰, 𝘴𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶
(Y/N) smirked as she bounced, creating a steady rhythm, one that suits the both of you. Draco has one of his hands gripping your waist tightly, guiding you as you ride him and pushing you down harder. Your hips roll against his, creating a refreshingly sinful friction. His other hand travels up your torso, finding your breasts and playing with your nipples, taking his time with each of them.
She leaned forward pressing kisses onto his chest and moving up to his shoulder biting the exposed skin causing Draco to hiss in pain and pleasure. The obscene sounds of skin against skin fill the room, as you bounce on his shaft. You can feel the familiar bubble of warmth grow on your lower abdomen and his name falls from your lips like a spell. No matter how many times they’ve done this, she was still left speechless.
(Y/N) wrapped her hand around his throat tugging him up, he sat upright wrapping his arms around her waist pulling her flushed against his chest as they reached their high. Their lips moved against one another moving in-sync, the two were a panting mess. Her hand dropped from his throat moving both hands to grip his shoulders.
𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘐 𝘜𝘴𝘶𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘥𝘰 (𝘠𝘦𝘢𝘩) 𝘉𝘶𝘵 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘐 𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘢 𝘒𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘢 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘰
“Come on darling let go.” Draco rasped brushing her hair out of her face, he kissed her once more watching as she buried her head into the crook of his neck riding out her high, Draco following not too long after.
“I love you.” (Y/N) mumbled as she rode out her high. 
Draco heard it loud and clear, watching as (Y/N) rolled off of him. She didn’t mean it, I don’t think she did. He was panicking, not wanting to bring up the subject. He wasn’t even sure if she heard herself say it, maybe it was the sex. She didn’t mean it.
(Y/N) rolled over to an empty bed, usually the two would just sleep over and leave together the next day. This was different, she noticed a note sitting on the nightstand with her name on it. 
𝙃𝙖𝙙 𝙩𝙤 𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙡𝙮, 𝙄 𝙣𝙚𝙚𝙙 𝙩𝙤 𝙡𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙖 𝙜𝙞𝙛𝙩 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙢𝙪𝙢'𝙨 𝙗𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙝𝙙𝙖𝙮 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙪𝙥.
Her brows furrowed in confusion, this wasn’t the usual Draco. Did she say something? She began to rack her brain, unsure of what she could’ve said to have Draco running out the door. 
“Incendio.” she mumbled watching as the note began to burn, what did she do wrong?
It’s been a month since the two had last met, a month. (Y/N) had sent him notes the first two weeks since their last meet up yet Draco never wrote back. After the two weeks she stopped, still unsure of what she may have done. However, she was sure tonight she’d finally get the answer. The Malfoy’s had invited the Avery’s for dinner, something that was long awaited.
“(Y/M/N), (Y/F/N) come in! Ah! I see we only have (Y/N) tonight.” Lucius spoke as they walked into the Malfoy Manor. Before it use to be so dark and dreary, now it was bright, lively, warm and welcoming. 
The last time she was back at the Manor was way before Narcissa had given it a makeup. She loved to wander the many halls of the manor, (Y/N) walked the halls admiring the portraits of the Malfoy family. She stopped in front of a portrait with Lucius, standing to the left of Draco whom sat in a grand chair Narcissa to his right and his Aunt Bellatrix not too far from Narcissa.
Just then a pair of cold hands covered her eyes, “Harry?” (Y/N) questioned sarcastically earning a low scowl from Draco. She knew the two were now good friends, but she also knew just what to do to push his buttons. 
“You wound be Avery.”
(Y/N) smiled brightly as he moved his hands to wrap around her waist, resting his chin on the crown of her head. She was still staring at the family portrait, Draco seemed so sad, the color from his face drained from all the stress that was onto him. 
“You look much happier now.. did you know that?” her voice was barley a whisper, loud enough for the two to hear. Draco smiled at her lifting his chin slightly to rest on her shoulder, “It’s thanks to my mum, and well to you-”
'𝘊𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘮𝘦 𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘐'𝘮 𝘥𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘵𝘰𝘰 (𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘐'𝘮 𝘥𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘵𝘰𝘰) 𝘠𝘦𝘢𝘩 𝘐'𝘮 𝘥𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘵𝘰𝘰 𝘚𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶
She turned around resting her hands on his chest, “mostly you honestly. You stuck with me no matter what the circumstances were.” (Y/N) smiled pressing a kiss to his pale cheek. “I know, I’m the best! Now, let’s get lunch I’m starved.” Draco chuckled at her comment watching as she pulled away from his arms.
He loved her. He really did but, he was also afraid. He’s never had a relationship before, sure he may have had girls drooling over him and well shagged a few but it was never anything serious. But (Y/N)? He knew he loved her, but he just felt afraid. 
(Y/M/N) smiled, “Yes! Ryan is off on a quidditch match.” (Y/N) admired the beautiful chandelier that hung in the foyer, her eyes moved from the ceiling to the marble floors. Narcissa did an amazing job.
“Draco’s in the library dear.” 
She turned her attention away from the ground and back to Lucius giving him a warm smile, “Thank you Mr.Malfoy.” she knew the manor like the back of her hand.
The library was one of her favorite room. The amount of books that decorated the shelves, it could honestly be a book store. (Y/N) walked the halls quietly not wanting Draco to get up and leave before she could ask why he left to suddenly. Once she reached the library she quickly closed the doors muttering “Colloportus.”
“Muffliato.” she mumbled watching as Draco stared at her with wide-eyes,  “Incarcerous.” Draco watched as roped wrapped around his wrist, he tugged at them slightly watching as (Y/N) smirked in satisfaction. She wanted answers and if this is the only way she was going to get them so be it.
“Why did you leave Dray?” 
Draco tugged at the restraints huffing slightly, “Didn’t you read the note?” (Y/N) glared at him “Of course I read the note! But seriously? Your mum’s birthday passed! And, you haven’t been answering any of my notes.” 
He stalked over to (Y/N) wrapping his hand around her wrist, “You don’t get to come into my house and make demands, let alone integrate me!” 
(Y/N) scoffed loudly, “Then just answer my question! Merlin Dray, you were always one with the dramatics. You always make things complicated!” Draco ran his fingers through his hair tugging at his roots. He paused, I make things complicated? 
“I make things complicated? Wow (Y/N) very clever, at least I was not the one who said I love you.”  Her head whipped towards Draco. What did he just say? She blinked a few times, processing what he just said.
“Come again?”
“We had something good going on (Y/N/N), I thought we agreed no feelings.” (Y/N) rolled her eyes, “We never agreed to anything! All we did was hook up and went from their! You and I both know we’ve been beating around the bush. Avoiding the subject as to what we are. So maybe I do love you-”
He watched as she sat down, “I have loved you for the last seven years Draco. The night of the yule ball, that’s when I knew I loved you that’s when I knew I had feelings for you! But instead of telling you I pushed that feeling away afraid you wouldn’t feel the same way. Then we had this whole rendezvous which made me question what we are, but I want more! I want to be able to tell Pansy I don’t need to go on blind dates anymore, I don’t want to go into another relationship knowing I don’t truly love that person. So tell me now Draco, what is it that you want to do?”
Draco cupped her fast brushing the tears that had stained her cheeks, “I left because honestly, I was afraid, I still am. I don’t want to fuck up and treat you badly as my father did me. I have never been in a relationship before, nor did I know what love felt like. But when I’m with you I forget about all my worries. You’re my light (Y/N), you always have been. I love you too much to loose you.”
(Y/N) rested her forehead against his watching as he took both your hands into his peppering kisses over the back of your hand, “Please forgive me love, I’m so sorry.” she let go of his hands so she could wrap her arms around him instead burying her head into the crook of his neck.
“I forgive you Dray.” She pulled back to place a soft kiss onto his lips, wiping the tears from his pale cheeks. After seven years she finally admitted her true feelings for her best friend.
“Why don’t we ditch this dinner and I take you out on a proper date?” (Y/N) giggled nodding in approval, unlocking the library door the two walked hand in hand to the dining room noticing their parents were having a drink and chattering among themselves. 
The two caught Narcissa’s attention first, she gasped loudly nearly dropping her glass as she brought her hand to her mouth “Is it finally happening?” (Y/N) watched as Draco tried to hide his blush, “Well not yet, but Draco asked me out on a date then, we’ll go from there.” Narcissa smiled widely “Go ahead! I’m sure we can turn this family dinner into a double date?” she looked between her husband and the Avery’s whom agreed. The two stood outside the manor, unsure of where to go next. 
“So, does this mean you’re going to be a Malfoy?” 
(Y/N) slapped his shoulder playfully, “If that’s your way of a proposal remind me to say no.”
The two were finally happy, after what they had gone through in the last five years? They deserved it, especially Draco.
338 notes · View notes
The Great Upheaval of Percy Weasley: Black Lingerie
Percy Weasley x OC
Summary: Accidental insults lead to study sessions and answered questions
Warnings: angst, some public making out (still a bit tame, but don’t you worry ;) )
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black lingerie -n- you said you matched it to the color of your heart but as I undressed your soul I knew you had lied
“We’re going to get right into it,” Lupin announced as he passed back the pop quizzes from his first class. Percy glanced down at the paper, almost perfect marks. More surprising, was at the top of his paper, beside his name was Wilton. He looked around in panic.
Had he written that?
Was he already blowing their cover?
“Some of you may have already noticed, but there is a name beside your own. That individual scored the closest to you on the pop quiz, and consequently will be your dueling partner for the rest of the year. Now there will be no need to change seats,” he added as students began groaning about their partners. He wanted to look back and see Elle’s reaction, but he wasn’t sure he really wanted to know.
He had always been a little hesitant of the girl. She had ‘bad news’ written across her forehead in the same thick liner he had never seen her without. And there were of course the rumors he tried not to put much stock in. Somehow, now that he knew her, she was more intimidating than before, and smarter, and more of an enigma.
Funny how that works out, isn’t it? He knew that while she looked like Halloween, she tasted like May Day. He knew what her skirt felt like in his hands, and he knew that the space between her thighs were warmer than any sweater. He knew how she kissed, and yet he didn’t really know anything about her.
“Hey, head boy,” she said, startling him out of his thoughts. He turned to find her standing behind him, arms crossed with an amused expression, “Are we going to practice or are you going to keep staring at your test.”
“Nonverbal spells. Weren’t you paying attention?”
“I guess not,” he muttered, and she rolled her eyes before beckoning him to their corner. “I didn’t know you were second in the class, congratulations,” he offered as he followed her. He didn’t know why he had said anything about the grade, it was without tact, but he certainly hadn’t expected her to laugh coldly. A shiver ran down his spine while he placed himself the correct number of paces away, pulling himself together as he tried to shake out the distraction. By the time he was ready, she was already pointing her white, slender wand in his direction. She looked nonchalant and unprepared, but he could tell from the tightness in her wrist she would begin as soon as he did.
He flicked his wand, aiming to disarm her, but she blocked it with ease. He went again, determined to keep her on the defense. They were entirely silent as she gracefully defended every attack he had to offer.
Then he switched from simple disarming to jinxes.
She didn’t miss a beat. Her defensive charms grew stronger until not only were they protecting her but pushing him backwards. They stepped into another group’s area, but it didn’t really matter, their silent lightshow had already captured the rest of the class’s attention. Percy even caught sight of Lupin watching them from where he had been helping another group. His back hit a desk as she advanced, something dangerous in her eyes. Using his wand, he whisked it towards her in a desperate attempt to slow her, but she hopped onto the desks surface. She stared down at him, looking like pure power. She threw her first jinx, and then another, and another, almost quicker than he was able to throw up shield charms.
Sweat dripped down his forehead, stinging his eyes, but she didn’t look like she was tired at all. She looked like she had just entered the ring and was prepared to destroy whoever tried to face her.
That just so happened to be Percy.
He could feel the spells getting more dangerous, pushing against every counter curse and defense with no remorse. He stumbled over a chair and hit the ground. Quiet, cool, calculation turned to a smile as she hopped down from the desk, wand still raised. His wand had fallen out of his hand and whatever spell she decided to cast was going to be the end of the duel. She raised it and he scrambled for his wand in a last-ditch effort to keep it going, but a shield formed between them before either could make a move.
“That class, was an excellent demonstration of dueling,” Lupin said, clapping as he stepped forward. He spoke quietly to Elle, but from where Percy lay, he couldn’t hear, he could only see the angry look Elle’s face soften before seizing up again. She opened her mouth the argue, but Lupin must have said something to keep her quiet, because she instantly shoved past him and around the shield charm.
Lupin was chuckling as he helped Percy from the ground, offering him a ‘good job’ before dismissing the class. Percy turned to look for Elle, but she was already there, shoving a piece of parchment into his chest.
“I’m number fucking one,” she snapped before marching away, Dinah doing her best to keep her stride. Percy pulled the parchment from his chest and glanced at her test, a perfect score. His stomach dropped at the sudden explanation. He had become the pompous ass she knew him for by simply assuming she was beneath him. She had certainly proven him wrong, and now he was going to be lucky if she bothered to ever look at him again. As he packed away the books that had been strewn across the floor during their duel, promising himself he would apologize the moment he got a chance.
Which he hoped would be Transfigurations.
He slid into his seat at the front of the classroom and watched as Elle and Dinah whispered in the back of the classroom, the poor lad who had taken Elle’s seat dripping with boredom.
“Ms. Wilton, take your seat,” Professor McGonagall called as she entered the classroom. The girls laughed for a few moments, before Elle slid off the desk and practically swanned to her seat.
“Elle,” he whispered but she ignored him, not that he blamed her. She took her notes and ignored every possible thing he did to capture her attention. When class ended, she jumped up as quickly as she could manage. All he could do was run after her.
“Elle, Elle,” he called down the corridor after the pair. Suddenly, Dinah whirled around while Elle continued to look away.
“Are you looking to get your ass kicked again, because I promise I won’t be as nice as my friend,” Dinah snapped, drawing her wand. The hallway around them seemed to freeze, almost every pair of eyes seemed to stare at the badge shining brightly on his chest. Even Dinah seemed to flicker as she remembered who she was speaking to, but it only lasted a moment before she inched closer, sticking the tip of her wand against the gold.
“I’m sorry, Elle,” he announced, doing his best to ignore Dinah’s glare, “It was a stupid arrogant thing to say, and I’m sorry.” Much to his relief, she turned around, lowering Dinah’s arm as she did so.
“I’ll meet you in Herbology.”
“Do you not think I can handle a Weasley?” she snapped. Had it been any other time, Percy would have felt indignant, but he was going to take every sort of verbal abuse she had to offer if it meant she was going to forgive him. Dinah glared at him one more time before turning on her five-inch heels and marching away. “And the rest of you, get to class before the Head boy has to take house points.”
No one moved, points and orders meant almost nothing when a fight was about to break out.
“Go,” he yelled into the silent corridor. A few beats passed before begrudging feet shuffled away, leaving them alone in the corridor. “I’m sorry-.”
“I heard.” He shifted nervously, desperately thinking back to everything he knew about her. He had never groveled before, and before that moment he was sure he never would.
“I want you to study for our N.E.W.Ts with me. I only want to study with the best, and that’s clearly you.” He took a small step back as she narrowed her eyes, waiting for the jinx that was sitting on her tongue to lash out.
“Alright, library at six?” He blinked, and then again. He couldn’t believe it; he was still alive, and she had agreed. She waved her hand in front of his face, “Earth to Percy?”
“Yeah, six.”
“Don’t be late,” she ordered before offering him the smallest little grin. It disappeared as quickly as it came, and she whirled away, hurrying off to her next class. He watched the two braids down her back wave him goodbye. Frankly, they were the only thing that stopped him from watching her hips instead.
He shook the image of skirt swishing back and forth, coughing, and checking to make sure that no one had noticed his moment of weakness. When he was satisfied there was no one hiding behind corners, he briskly made his way to the common room. If he was going to keep up with her, he needed to be a little ahead.
The trip, that should have been quick and without interruption, was hijacked by none other than Fred and George. They were rushing around a corner excitedly, but when they saw him their excitement quickly dropped.
“We heard you were getting beat up,” George announced.
“But you seem free of bruises,” Fred finished, both approaching him skeptically, searching for the nonexistent contusions.
“I don’t know who told you that, but I am not getting beat up.”
“So, Dinah Baker didn’t pull her wand on you after Transfiguration?”
“And Elle Wilton didn’t send everyone away so she could absolutely pummel you into the ground?”
“She didn’t send everyone away to pummel me,” Percy snapped and both boys sagged in disappointment.
“That’s too bad. It probably would’ve been the most action you ever got.”
“Yeah, probably the first and last time a girl ever put her hands on you.”
“I’d let Wilton pummel me, she’s a right babe.”
“Very true, Fred, very true.”
“And that rack of hers.”
“I heard Davies ran into her during the rain once, claims he could see right through her shirt.”
“Black lingerie?”
“Black lingerie.”
Percy was fuming. He wanted to interrupt, to punch one of them, but he remained still, doing his best to keep his breathing even. Attacking his brother was not how a head boy should behave, and there was nothing more suspicious than defending a girl he barely talked to in public.
It had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that they had piqued his curiosity about the under-workings of Elle Wilton’s wardrobe.
“Last year she patched me up after Quidditch practice, and I swear she was all over me.”
“Are you sure that wasn’t all the painkillers?”
“Are you two done?” Percy asked as casually as he could manage. They both turned to look at him. It seemed they had forgotten he was even there. “I have things to attend to, and if I catch either of you sneaking into the girl’s dormitory, I will not hesitate to take fifteen points from you both.” The twins rolled their eyes before pushing past him.
He took a deep breath and promised himself not to think about black lingerie.
And it worked too, until six when she arrived in the library, not wearing her uniform. It wasn’t ridiculous, but it certainly wasn’t what he was used to. He should have called her over, raised his hand, anything, but he couldn’t stop staring long enough to control his motor skills.
The flared plaid had been traded for a solid black skirt that was much tighter… and much shorter. The combat boots and fishnets were still present, but they seemed more dangerous than before. The neckline of her top was high, and the sleeves were long, but the red fabric was so tight it didn’t really leave much to the imagination. He shifted beneath the desk as he rose a hand, hoping to catch her attention without drawing too much to himself. Her eyes landed on his and she grinned, pushing towards the table he had chosen.
She sat down, pulling out her books as she went. He tried not to stare, he really did, but could anyone really blame him, when she looked like that, and when he knew that if he asked she was going to let him touch… that.
“You changed,” he blurted, and then prepared himself a Draught of Living Death right there. His big mouth had already gotten him in trouble once today, and here he was blurting out whatever came to mind. She looked up from her bag and smirked.
“It is technically the weekend; you’re not going to take points from me, are you?”
“What? No, I just noticed.”
“Thank you for noticing then.” Somehow, he had survived. “Also, I want to apologize for what happened in Lupin’s class, my temper got ahead of me.”
“It was my fault, I shouldn’t have assumed, and trust me, I won’t underestimate you again. That was excellent magic, I wasn’t kidding when I said I want to learn from the best.”
“Oh,” was all she said, and for a moment he thought she might be blushing, “I hope I live up to your expectations.”
“I’m sure you will.” She was definitely blushing now. “Shall we get into it?” he asked, doing his best to save her and she quickly nodded, burying herself into her charms essay.
They both worked for hours, only speaking to ask questions about something that had been mentioned in class, or an odd concept discussed in the book; and it was enjoyable. Percy had never once considered that one day he would enjoy sitting across a table from Elle Wilton as they studied. He wasn’t even convinced she studied before today, but now she was sitting across from him, a stain on her lip from where she held her quill as she slunk deeper into thought.
Suddenly, she slammed her book shut and stood.
“Want to come to the restricted section?”
“You need a note?”
“I have a permanent note, plus we’re in advanced Defense Against the Dark Arts, that’s automatic admittance.” She slid past Madam Pince, offering her a smug smile to which she responded with a glare. It was clear they were not one another’s biggest fans. She pushed through the gate and began perusing the shelves, clearly looking for something.
“What are you looking for?”
“Unforgivable Curses.” That did not exactly answer his question.
“Any book in particular?”
“No, anything that focuses on their creation will be perfect.”
“What for?”
“Lupin’s essay.”
“What’s your topic?”
“Why Defense Charms are useless against Unforgivable Curses. It has something to do with how they were created, but our book isn’t specific in what manner, so I’m hoping that…” she explained, trailing off as something caught her eye. She took a step back and pressed up on her toes. “Yes, that’s got to be it.” The book she was pointing at was silver, the words “Unforgivable Curses” emblazoned into the side with dark black ink.
It was a few shelves higher than she could reach, but that didn’t stop her from trying, or her skirt from rising up her thighs as she stretched for the desired book. Percy reprimanded his wandering eyes and reached for it over her head. He barely brushed the bottom of the spine but managed to pull it down without too much effort. She turned around, taking the book from his hands, staring up at him as she leaned against the shelf, smirking all the while.
He wasn’t quite sure what she was smirking about until he realized what it would look like if someone turned the corner. His arm was stretched above her, gripping the shelf as he leaned over her, a leg situated between hers. He jumped back and she had the audacity to laugh.
“Don’t act as if we’ve never been in that position before,” she teased as he sputtered with indignation.
“We’re in the library.”
“Yeah, not a church.”
“Anyone could see.”
“It’s the Restricted Section, how many people come in here on a busy day, let alone a Friday?” She was smirking at him again, always smirking when she knew she was about to win. Though, in this case he wasn’t inclined to stop her. She crooked a finger forward and he obeyed, hovering over her once more, leaning down to capture her lips in his. She responded wholeheartedly, wrapping her arms around his neck. His hand slipped to her skirt and he might have let it wander beneath it if Fred and George’s voices didn’t fill his head with the conversation from earlier.
‘Black Lingerie,’ they seemed to repeat, until suddenly he was sure their voices weren’t just in his head. He pulled away, and sure enough just outside the Restricted Section were his two very loud brothers.
“Those idiots again. I already had to fight them off once today. They were convinced I beat you up earlier,” she groaned as she pushed Percy away, fixing her skirt as she marched towards the entrance. He followed her, but she pressed a hand to his chest, stopping him in his tracks. “Just wait here, they’ll be gone before you know it.” He hid in the shadows as she pushed her way back into the main portion of the library.
“Where’s Percy?” one of them, who he could only presume was Fred, yelled over Madam Pince’s insistent hushing. “You’ve killed him, haven’t you?”
“He’s looking for a book, which often happens in a library. Not that either of you would know anything about that.” A beat of silence passed before his brothers burst into laughter.
“And you do? C’mon Wilton we know you’re only here to beat him up in private.” Percy could practically hear Elle’s eyeroll.
“If I go get him, and prove that he’s not dead will you leave?”
“Only if you kiss me too.” Percy was ready to charge out after her now, but from the way the library grew decibels quieter, he had a good feeling that she was going to take care of it. Another beat of silence passed before her voice filled the air. It was low and dangerous, and even Percy was a little worried for his younger brother.
“If you ever insinuate anything like that ever again, I will make sure the next morning you wake up in Timbuktu thinking you’re a French salesman who recently donated his prick to a local charity, do you understand me?” A beat of silence passed. “I can’t hear you.”
“Yes,” his brother whispered and then the atmosphere returned to normal.
“Excellent, now do you still want to see Percy or are you feeling ready to retire for the night?” Scampering footsteps followed her question and before he knew it, she returned to where he had been listening. He blinked at her and she smiled, dragging him further into the dark aisles of the restricted section.
“Where have you been all my life?” he stuttered, and she laughed before pushing him against a shelf and pulling him down to meet her lips.
“Wait, wait,” he gasped pushing her away.
“If you’re really the uncomfortable about the library we can go.”
“No, no that’s not it.”
“Then what is it?” Percy swallowed nervously, but he was sure if he didn’t ask, he was going to keep hearing their voices.
“Do you wear black lingerie?” Thankfully, she didn’t seem at all put out by the question, he wasn’t sure if he wanted to end up as a French salesman.
“Not today, but sometimes, why do you ask?” she laughed.
“No reason,” he replied, swooping down, and kissing her before she had time to ask any more questions. She responded with zealous, and he smirked against her lips. He was sure he had just found another surprise about the enigma he was holding in his arms, a surprise he was excited to witness all on his own.
Taglist: @andromedasstarship​ @danadeacon​
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elysianslove · 4 years
hi! how have you been since the hell that ensued after halloween is?
also could you do a batboys college au? like their major and how the reader would meet them and all that jazz? 👉👈
hi anon!! i’m not sure what ur talking about @ the halloween stuff hvsdhjs but! here are the batboys hc’s! i’m not very familiar with duke thomas’s character enough to write about him tbh, so he’s not included here :( but if you want me to add him let me know!! i hope you enjoy!!
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dick grayson
out of all the batboys i really didn’t know how to choose a major for him
i think he’d do law tbh, specifically criminal law 
his main motivation to become a police officer in bludhaven had been to be able to help people in any way he can 
i forgot if it’s canon or not but he does realize how corrupt it is and he quits but that’s another thing we won’t get into that lmao 
anyways yes let’s just stick with law 
meeting you ! 
he shares one or two courses with you
one that’s really early in the morning 
and one that’s later on in the afternoon 
dick is like a magnetic okay
anywhere he goes people are just attracted to him
like literally he will breathe 
but someone call the ambulance there’s a person that’s passed out bc of how beautiful he is
but this is an 8 am class 😃
so there’s no way ur awake enough to notice him
coincidentally he sits next to you one time
and this is the one time
you decide
yeah lemme just fkn sleep is uni even worth it 
dick definitely notices right away but he doesn’t say anything 
he thinks you look so cute passed out on your desk like this 🥺
when the professor signals the end of the class, he watches as people file out and then he just leans over and nudges you slightly 
you nearly punch him bc he scared you ❤️
he just laughs and goes “class is over” 
you just sigh like the guilt starts to hit you and your heart begins to sink
and he sees your disappointed face and just goes 
“i took a lot notes. i can share them w you?”
lifesaver in every single way dick grayson 😻😻😻
you had another class that you had to run to and you were rushing
he was like “dw i’ll just give them to you whenever i see you next” 
and you 🏃🏻‍♀️ outta there
imagine ur surprise when u enter class at 12 pm and he’s there in all his glory 
after the lecture is over, he walks up to you as you’re packing and asks if you want to go to the coffee shop nearby 
to take his notes of course
and you finally register just how handsome he is 
so obviously you say yes wtf
and the rest is history 😼
he asks you out, properly, pretty early on tbh 
so unfazed lmfao 
now you take naps on his shoulder instead of the desk 💞💞💞
soooo into pda 
kisses u when he first sees you
when you’re parting ways
when he feels like it
straight up cuddles w during lectures i’m not even joking 
it’s disgusting how cute you two are 
gets you coffee for all those 8 am classes u have w him hehe
study dates always turn into karaoke sessions somehow don’t even ask lmao
jason todd
english literature 
this is a collective agreement right? 
definitely english literature 
i dont even think he wants to go to uni but he’s going to waste time plus this is bruce’s money 😏🤑
your major doesn’t necessarily have to be english literature as well
but you share one class
and my god 
you two disagree on everything
like every little thing
at this point if he says something and you slightly agree internally you’ll still say some opposing shit 
that’s kinda what draws you to him 
at first you genuinely had nothing against him
but then this kind of rivalry developed for no specific reason 
but it was fun
and he was hot
so seeing him get flustered or angry made him even hotter somehow 
but then
but t h e n
you’re not sure if your professor like ships you or something
so you’re assigned a debate topic on one of the books you’d discussed in class/one of the books you’ve read outside, and within each group are the two sides for and against 
not only were you in the same team as jason, but you were on the same side as him
so you had to work with him
the audacity of the professor omg 
but jason needs this course 
well you don’t but it’s too late to back out now 
you two meet in the campus library after deciding on a book with the other two of your team
you two work so well together 
like insanely well
during the debate you destroyed the other team 
spoiler alert 
doing so well with jason kinda made you like hot and bothered 
seeing him in his zone
sexy <3 
what i mean to say is
you both end up making out in some storage room lmfao 
or hate sex 😏
professor has a phd in matchmaking 🤔😻
i think you two don’t admit you like each other
bc you’re both stubborn as fuck
but eventually you’re literally on his lap on his couch and it just hits you
and you lean back and go
“wanna go out w me” 
and he just shrugs and goes “sure” and pulls you in for more kissing hehe
he’s not v good at the boyfriend thing tbh
you have to chase him around and be like “sir!!! did u forget about me huh!!!”
he doesn’t mean to i promise
he gets all blushy and flustered once he realizes 
only ever into pda if he’s insanely jealous 
will straight up make out w u regardless of where u are or who ur with lmfao 
he’s still getting used to the little intimacies and all 
debates in class are so much more fun now cause he finds it so hot when u get all riled up hehe
that eng lit professor is so happy for you two omg
tim drake
okay i also couldn’t really decide for him
but maybe he’d study something like physics (or maybe computer engineering/computer science) 
idk u have to have a death wish to wanna major in physics so tim’s major it is
i’m not sure how it works for every other uni but my uni requires 6 credits of sciences to graduate 
so let’s say for the sake of this hc u take like just the first level of physics to get 3 credits 
you’re struggling 😃👍🏼
so you like approach your professor with a few questions before the quiz 
but tim is also there
and he kinda makes small talk while you two wait outside the office
and he asks why you’re here
you show him
and he’s like “oh i took this course w the same professor as well, i could help?” 
it’s like an angel had descended from the heavens for you personally 
you take his number and decide to meet up with him after a few hours 
he’s of so much more help than your professor would’ve been, even if ur prof is a really nice and smart person 
and he’s super like
patient with you? 
also he pays for all the coffee and snacks you’re getting after you already get them 
ur like bruh i didnt 
dont pay pls
and he’s like no im loaded let me 😼
swooning <3 
and guess what!! 
you ace the quiz out of some miracle
first thing you do is text him and he congratulates you 
and then
bc ur not blind and tim is so fucking cute
you’re like “can i take u out to thank u” 
tim’s brain stops working but ! 
he does say yes eventually 
he becomes your designated physics tutor + your amazing boyfriend
being with tim is so like
it’s a very relaxed time 
lots of study dates! and cafe dates! all hours of the day whether the sun is up or not 
into pda but to a certain degree 
like yes of course have a kiss pretty baby 
but also it will only be a small peck
any time anyone passes by like common rooms you two will be there snuggling on the couch, one or both of you completely passed out 
damian wayne
business major 100% 
or a bsba econ major, which is basically the business side of economics 
he has to take over his father’s company one day duh 
also i genuinely think damian would excel in this field 
he’s a very keeps to himself kinda guy in uni
like you only ever see him in your common classes and then he just
anyways there was this party that everyone was going to, and damian wasn’t planning to
but dick accidentally read some groupchat’s messages and was like are u going
damian went 🏃🏻‍♀️
but dick was like go and try to make friends !!!! 
and dames cant say no to his big bro 🥺 so he goes
stays in a corner on the settings app the entire time
like half an hr in he just leaves and is walking home/back to his dorm when you come like rushing up to him 
you’re zooming 
and then you just latch onto his hand and lean up to press a kiss to his cheek, whispering in his ear “this person’s been following me for like 15 mins just please go along w this” 
he kinda stiffens but when he does notice that there’s a person eyeing you he slips his arm around your waist and just carries on walking
he walks you to your home/dorm and is like
so awkward 
but it’s okay ! ur a people’s person enough for the two of you 
you thank him so much over and over 
and then you’re like 
“can i take you out on a real date?” 
and then he becomes ur real boyfriend hehe
is still super stiff but it’s only bc he’s so hyper aware of how attractive you are
and i’m super positive he doesn’t have that much experience with dating so 
you hold the reigns 
but he’s a great boyfriend all in all tbh 
super attentive, super protective, and so loving 
isn’t into pda especially on college campus but he does like subtle pda
things like linking your pinkies or giving you his hoodie to just parade around campus hehe
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end note; i’m sorry if these feel rushed or anything like. i used to be an avid writer for the batboys, but i just haven’t been feeling it lately. i still love to write from them bc i know these boys so well eeeeppp. anyways feel free to request some more!!
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