#I went on a bit of a rant
dteamain · 2 years
I have never seen someone be on the receiving end of so much gross hate and negativity on the basis of misrepresented information as dream. I also have never seen a fandom who helps perpetuate the negativity as much as dreams.
I promise this will be constructive criticism. I see people pull negative posts about dream with the most out of pocket views and blast them on the tl or dash, and while yes you are right for saying that negative post was out of pocket or yes you have a great counter point to dream neg that proves their point wrong, however by putting that post on blast you are showing it to a much larger audience now. Lots of times these dream neg posts will have low interaction and then bam a more known person from the fandom will put the post on blast and interactions sky rocket. Not only that but some of these fans have dream follows. Like imagine him scrolling his tl and all the recent posts are you pointing out everything negative people think about him. God I could not imagine being dream.
Here is what you can do instead:
Block people who post neg and move on. If you see neg start rbing or rting /pos posts. (You see neg about dream leaving mcc, share that post about him being the best coach for newbies, or that post about his friends saying they want him to do more mcc’s since they haven’t had a chance to team with him yet, or that post about his past teammates complimenting him in helping them enjoy the game) this ensures the neg stays on the shit side of the internet where it belongs and allows fans to see sane posts and for god’s sake it clogs dreams tl with /pos instead of neg.
A general rule of thumb is if you read a neg post and within the first two sentences there is blatant misinfo move on, it’s not worth your time. Nothing any fan can say or do will change someone’s mind when they don’t even care enough to properly look into what they are complaining about. That’s the thing, they simply do not care. They don’t care about you or Dream or anything anyone has to say they just want quick clicks and attention.
If you really need to rant about a dumbass post, do it with your friends, in the DM’s, on discord, whatever just don’t give the neg publicity. That’s what encourages people to continue to post unfounded neg. If you really have no one to share your frustration with, I fucking volunteer, I’ll shit talk the idiots with you, anything to stop this perpetual cycle of neg going around.
There is so much positive and wonderful things to share about dream and everyone around him so let’s please focus on that.
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What if: when Lance was revived by Allura instead of it just being a singular event that bore no further consequences (other than trauma) to Lance, his quintessence was screwed up?
(So, quintessence. The essence of all life, energy and vitality. Certain species are more in tune with quintessence and are able to control and interact with it. This includes Alteans. There is a limited amount of quintessence within everything. This amount dictates the lifespan of the creature. The longer the lifespan, the greater the quintessence held within them, and the less likely they are to succumb to injuries and illness.)
When Lance was brought back, instead of his quintessence remaining stored within his body 24/7 with no regeneration or leakage, the containment type thing was broken. Quintessence is constantly ebbing in and out of his very being. His lifespan is greatly increased to near immortality, at times the quintessence flow can greatly weaken to the point where his body may collapse, and he gains the ability to manipulate it to his will. However, this ability does not come without danger. To use this ability he must widen the flow, allowing more quintessence to leave and enter him. This makes him extremely unstable and susceptible to collapse and quintessence overflow or quintessence deficiency.
Quintessence Overflow: when the amount of quintessence within an entity far exceeds the physical limitations of its being. This can cause emotional instability, susceptibility to illness and injury, spontaneous injury, high risk of poor moral choices (such as murder, arson, thievery, etc), increase of negative thoughts, etc.
Scientific explanation: human brains create and release chemicals responsible for maintaining and creating emotions. Quintessence, while it is an energy outside of most physical limitations, effects the chemical and hormone releasing cells in the brain. If there is too little quintessence it may cause the brain to attempt to fill in the gaps by releasing excessive chemicals including serotonin, dopamine, endorphins, and oxytocin. Resulting in manic episodes of pure euphoria, and a loss of inhibitions. However, if there is too much quintessence the brain may try to create more room for it by releasing less chemicals than is healthy. Resulting in depression, self-loathing, an increase in murderous/suicidal thoughts, and more illegal tendencies.
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yourlocaleldritch · 1 year
Something that really annoys me is when a piece of media will include a queer character in it to tick off a diversity box. Because a lot of the time the characters queerness will be mentioned and then just won't be developed further. Sometimes it gets mentioned once and then won't be mentioned ever again. It makes my blood boil. Like, if you're going to include a character so your piece of media appeals to a queer audience and then proceed to not write that character well, then I don't fucking want it.
If you aren't going to do proper research and ask queer people about their experiences, and ensure the character is portrayed in a way that isn't offensive or bad representation, then don't write queer characters at all. If you're going to include a queer character purely to profit off a community with limited representation, then don't include queer characters in your price of media at all.
And if you're a company that decides a piece of media is 'too queer' for your brand, don't make it anyway so a fan base forms around it and then cancel it because it 'doesn't fit the company brand'. If you don't want to tell queer stories then don't, but don't decide you want the price of media to be queer and then change your mind. That's downright shitty.
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niran-kisser · 2 days
tw rant
whats up with the weird misogyny in some fics?? like i get that ur all “so thirsty” but some of what ive seen is just so weird
why are you showcasing this kind of objectifying desire? and treat it as if its a good thing?
mischaracterizing characters who respect women and people in general just to make them scummy men who see the reader (mostly afab/fem aligned y/n’s) as some kind of fleshlight who doubles as a punching bag
if ur that masochistic… okay then
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fellshish · 4 months
A bad writing teacher can really mess you up even if you know they’re wrong
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gbirrd · 1 month
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1/9 - Babs Gordon tarot card designs for Complete Candor by @vexfulfolly as part of the @batfam-big-bang
Read the fic here!
Other cards:
1-Babs 2-Cass 3-Bruce 4-Tim 5-Damian 6-Jason 7-Duke 8-Steph 9-Dick
Image ID
Image 1:
A design of "The High Priestess" tarot card. It has the texture of recycled paper and reads "THE HIGH PRIESTESS". A symbol of an eye is visible behind the numeral "II".
Barbara Gordon sits in her wheelchair facing forward with a laptop that has a glowing Oracle symbol on it. Her glasses are the same green as the symbol. The bottom part of a clock face is visible behind her, illuminating her in a pale yellow.
Image 2:
A design of "The High Priestess" tarot card. It has the texture of recycled paper and reads "THE HIGH PRIESTESS" upside down. A symbol of an eye is visible behind the numeral "II".
Barbara Gordon sits in her wheelchair facing foward with a laptop that has a glowing Oracle symbol on it. She has taken her glasses off and is holding them in her right hand to reveal pupil-less white eyes. Semi-transparent green eyes form the shape of her Batgirl cowl over her face and a large neon green eye glows brightly behind her, backlighting her in the same green. The entire design is upside-down.
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speakofthedebbie · 18 days
nonononono cuz i feel like being a hater rn-
some of yall, lemme rephrase, A LOT OF YALL are adults. you have so. much. better. things you could be doing like: going to school, paying the bills, and cuz some of yall are parents, taking care of your kids. but nooooo, nonono, youre gonna log onto youtube.com, twitter.com, what have you and complain about a crackship. that no one thinks is going to become canon. on the internet
i usually dont like when people try to make us minors seem like little babies who cant think for themselves but lemme say this: if TEENAGERS, MOTHERFUCKING TEENAGERS, can be more mature about FUCKING PIXELS that PEOPLE WHO HAVE MORTGAGES TO PAY, there is a SERIOUS. FUCKING. PROBLEM.
thank you for coming to my ted talk
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just learned that David Jenkins’ first show, People of Earth, aired for two seasons and was greenlit for a third, and he scripted the entire third season before the network changed its mind and cancelled it. That is fucking maddening actually.
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yuri-is-online · 6 months
RESIDENT ACE STAN HERE AND QKJFIWKFKWKDNNF IM FOAMING AT THE MOUTH 😭🩷 that being the closest confession you'll from him is so ??? You being a part, a staple even, of his life?? That's not even a confession thats a proposal basically (im delulu) i love him so much and i love the way you write him !! Like my ur my actual fave ace writer here im 🩷🩷🩷
*cradles this ask gently in my hands* I love you so much annon thank you TᴖT
“You can be a part of that life too you know?!” It’s not the closest to a confession you’ve ever gotten from Ace, but it’s certainly the loudest.
See just saying Ace wants you to be a part of his life isn't really anything new. More explicit than "it'll be easier to take care of a certain magicless someone" sure but you could brush that off. But when Ace gets worked up about something he starts talking. And he tends to tell the truth when he does. So that's why I had him go on that little rant he does, he loves Yuu so much he wants to make sure they're taken care of, if that meant going home then he had to let you go... but now that it means you have to stay that means he has to make sure you know in no uncertain terms you're not alone. You have someone who cares about you more than he fully understands. It drives him crazy so he says what he thinks can be passed off as normal friend stuff (who wouldn't be there for their bros???) but the way he says it makes it clear about how he feels. It is sort of a proposal in a way, he doesn't see a day of his future without you in it but well. Ace can be a bit stupid sometimes. I don't think he fully realizes the implications of what he's suggesting... he just wants to live in the same house as you, go on long walks, maybe do some fun stuff every once in a while (without anyone else but he just says Deuce because he's easy to make fun of), and hey in order to do that he's got to do boring stuff too. He liked going grocery shopping with you, how lame.
You really have always had me.
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crustyfloor · 6 months
seen a interesting post on Twitter regarding the pencil line from Till, that said that this line signifies that Ivan WAS on Tills mind, especially since this was a incident that happened when they were young, and that this was his way of saying "I see you"
Really now....truthfully I didn't know how else to read pencil.exe other than Till just wanting his pencil back, but hearing this I feel like my eyes were opened
Ivan has been said to have a perk for stealing Till's things and giving them back to him like an evil secret Santa, and I always found it odd why he was never told off for it, Till is smart, and has been smart since he was a kid, surely he would catch onto the fact that all these trinkets of his were stolen and just so miraculously found by Ivan? I think the dude just genuinely didn't mind, letting Ivan humor himself since at least he wasn't gatekeeping his stuff. And so the pencil, why would he have such a care for it anyway? well, the goodbye cards were made when Ivan and Till were ultimately about to be separated, I think their relationship may have strained a bit after they all passed,(?) something had to happen because the way Till was about the pencil was the most indirect question alluding to a direct statement I've ever seen. Till was so utterly focused on Mizi but a part of him did want to keep Ivan close when they were kids, why this was the way to regard that? why he couldn't do anything else? well, I guess this was just the most kid Till with his mixed feelings about Ivan could do, because even if he saw Ivan as a nuisance i myself am sure that he considered Ivan a close friend despite Ivan thinking he didn't.
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I also found some context and it stated that Till already had his pencil back. Ivan had found it for him, so whats with mentioning it now? I think that was Till's attempt to get Ivan to talk to him again and explain himself so that Till could swing in and try to build their friendship back. Ivan was always on Till's mind and he cared deeply about him, the pencil was only an excuse to say "I see you, I will always remember you." but Till just didn't have the greatest methods of getting that across to Ivan,
And I assume they never did approach the topic of the pen so Ivan and Till never got the chance to talk again and steadily grew apart, and here we are now. but at least we have some idea that Till didn't really hate Ivan or something, this is a plausible take on the deeper meaning of pencil.exe imo.
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decaffeinated-heads · 5 months
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Just Metal man
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ganondoodle · 13 days
(probably very problematic opinion on the english voices in totk
watching skittybitty's totk video for the 27864269th time and i STILL get jumpscared by the english voices, anytime anyone ever opens their mouth it just sounds like they took some random person they caught on the street to monotonely voice a line in one take, and sometimes one of them rly likes to pretend their are doing a voice but it just sounds like a little child imitating their granpa or someone trying to overact to their toddler, its especially sad for ganondorf, its hard to hear any of them for me but gan i start laughing and have to skip it bc thats NOT gan, thats me doing my worst evil guy impression, or zelda, thats not zelda talkign thats me doing a sarcastic uwu lil princess voice
to be clear, i have nothing agaisnt the people voicing them and i know people like the guy doing the gan voice but none of them fit at all and none feel like they are actually coming from the character, much more so you muting your TV and talking over the people on screen making shit up as you go for shits and giggles, i dont know what happened here, why are these SO bad, i listen to plenty of movies and games and whatnot in english and i only ever had a similar problem with the english voices of ghibli movies -though that could be bc im jsut so used to the german ones, which are fantastic- or maybe an extremely old game that was just weird on its own even
i take no pride in hating the voices, espeically knowing how badly voice actors are treated and often replaced with some shitty celebtrity, but i truly do not get why they are so bad, the voices themselves never rly fit, and even if it would be passable, they are all speaking in a way where it either sounds like they are some guy sitting next to you reading a line for the first time or overemphasizing so much it sounds like someone playing pretend with toddlers
and its not in an indie game where the devs did their best to voice people themselves bc they didnt have the money, this is nintendo, how is it still like that, bc even the ones returning from botw, are STILL just as bad, i dont know if that can all be the fault of the actors, its so weird to me
and it makes it even harder for me to believe that people take this game as seriously as they do or as emotionally affecting bc a, if not THE, biggest part of the fandom is made up of english speakers who would probably never even think about trying a different language
...anyway, i needed to say that at some point)
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moldy-flowers · 2 months
Naruto au where Jiriya comes back to Konoha to adopt Naruto like he promised to do but somewhere along the way they get Tsunade back in the village and Tsunade becomes Sasukes caretaker (She adopts him but neither are comfortable calling eachother mother and son yet so they stick with "The Lady in my house who cooks bad" and "the brat who doesn't appreciate good meals when he sees them")
Then at some point when Naruto and Sasuke are genins Jiriya and Tsunade get married and now Naruto and Sasuke have to live together. There's a really emotional scene of Sasuke having to say goodbye to his old home and its like "oh god its really all over they're not coming back I'm not coming back I can't just leave them behind I need to let go but I just can't do it" and Tsunade calls Sasuke her son for the first time and he totally doesn't cry!!!
Forest of death but Sasuke Sakura and Naruto already know who Orochimaru is, Sasuke knows absolutely not to trust him so the curse mark doesn't really affect him too horribly but it does lead for a lot of tension in the group. Also after being the girlboss she was born to be Sakura decides she can't be protected anymore and bc Tsunade is like, right there she asks her if she can be trained and Tsunade says yes obv. Hiruzen dies purely because i hate that guy but Orochimaru also dies to Jiriya and Tsunade also because I really really hate him too.
Theres the time when Kisame and Itachi visit Konoha and Itachi hears Naruto refer to Tsunade as his mom and Sasuke as his brother and hes GOT to know what's going on so he spies on them and learns that Sasukes been adopted but he sees this moment of Tsunade announcing she's pregnant (what a shocker she was 🤏 that close to never having to worry about pregnancy ever again but Jiriya just couldn't keep it in his pants for another 2 years, the manwhore.) And itachi sees Sasuke realising he's gonna be an older brother and being super happy about it saying he's gonna be the best big brother ever (Hades hangs his laundry on the bar its so low all he's gotta do is not kill everyone and he's already better than Itachi) and Itachi is like "ah man but how's he gonna get stronger there's no hatred in there i need him to do my suicide for me!!!" But Jiriya noticed he was there and confronts him a little later but see Jiriyas a little smarty pants and has been living in Konoha for years and always knew there was something fishy with the massacre and danzo so Jiriya just bluffs his way to the truth (Phoenix is that you?) And he's like "look Sasukes ur brother but he's my son now, he has enough nightmares and enough trauma and enough trust issues to last him a lifetime feck off and if you wanna die so bad then kill yourself and don't use your brother as a tool for ur suicide" <- I may be projecting a bit but ANYWAYS Itachi and Kisame have to leave Konoha bc Naruto is under watch by Kakashi, Tsunade and Jiriya and they are NAWT winning that fight.
Skip to shippuden era Sasuke v/ Itachi fight but Itachis been skipping out on his meds!! (He did it because he's a nerd loser guy who thinks "oh man sasuke isn't angry or filled with hatred and overall living a really terrible and unfufilling life he's probably so weak i need to stoop down to his level") Oh no so hes really super sick and Sasuke has picked up a lot from Tsunade so he knows Itachis time is near and although Sasuke really wants Itachi dead he's like "fuck it, dude you absolutely ruined my life and gave me trauma I'm never ever going to recover from sometimes I still wonder if my friends or family are going to turn around and kill me do you know how fucked that is why the hell did you even do that I don't want some bullshit excuse tell me" like he absolutely chews that loser (derogatory) out and Itachi is like, "kk ill tell u everything" and Sasuke is RUINED and he takes like a long 30 minutes of silence between the two just sitting there for Sasuke to go like "Itachi, I don't... think I forgive you. But I understand why you did it. I would have done it too" And its very emotional!! That moment is all Itachi needs bc he was sort of barely clinging onto life as it is and now that he's got peace he can finally die and they share a really sweet moment before he goes :(
And when Sasuke gets home and cries, (this time he can admit it cause he's a big boy now and understands it's okay to feel) to Tsunade he calls her his mother for the first time and its so ahaishahabnabsjsjnd
Anyways they all lived happily ever after the end no wars no nothing all over bye bye
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lidoshka · 2 years
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@feanorianweek Day 7: Miriel
Maybe Miriel wasn’t there physically, but she was present every small struggle and every tiny moment of joy in her grandchildren’s lives.
♡(ꈍ ᴗ ꈍ✿)
(part of the now camed “Eramos Felices y no lo Sabiamos” series, a.k.a. 5 times a Feanorian was not appreciating the moment and 1 time one did + 1)
°˖✧ Happy Feanorian Week! I hope you enjoyed it!! ✧˖° 
@feanorianweek Día 7: Miriel
Tal vez Miriel no estaba físicamente ahí, pero ella estuvo presente en cada momento de conflicto y cada momento de alegría en la vida de sus nietos
♡(ꈍ ᴗ ꈍ✿)
(parte de la recién bautizada serie “Eramos Felices y no lo Sabiamos" a.k.a. 5 veces que un hijo de Feanor no disfruto el momento y 1 vez que sí + 1)
°˖✧ Feliz Semana de Feanorians! ✧˖°  
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thebonejunky · 2 years
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mybrainproblems · 1 year
It's just kind of.... Odd. How dismissive so much of the spn fandom is about the writers who worked on the show. Treating them like they're talentless hacks and proverbial monkeys at typewriters but the thing is that they wrote the thing you love.
Actors will make changes to delivery or tweak lines when filming but ultimately, they are bringing words to life off the page. Words that were written by writers. I am not trying to devalue actors (bc they are also talented professionals), but they are building off of what the writers have created and are breathing life into it -- it's a collaborative partnership.
When a show runs as long as spn you're bound to have absurd coincidences like the villain of 07x12 telling Dean (on the in-universe date of 5 Nov 1944) that his future is covered in black ooze only to have 15x18 and the confession air on 5 Nov 2020. You can have happy accidents like casting an unknown actor in a guest part who is so good that he then goes on to play that role for 12 years. But to dismiss all of the themes and longer narrative arcs and every story decision as the result of writers banging on typewriters with no consideration?
You're devaluing the labor of creatives when you say everything was an accident and nothing was planned and you're playing right into the hands of networks and studios who are trying to screw over and underpay the creatives who they've made their money off of.
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