#I will indeed adjust to eating meat again in such an emergency bc kinda hard to find plants to munch on in the middle of winter jdfkgsd
wolfygraveyard · 4 years
Early Grey Tea, Italian Soda, and..Caramel Macchiato.
Gonna answer these slightly out of order since the first one alone is going to turn this into a long post.
Italian Soda: Describe your dream date
djdkekdj ok but in all seriousness, I'm perfectly content with something super casual. Could just be as simple as chillin' on the bed watching Netflix or smth. Or straight up napping together hfjgkgk
If we were to be going out, then probably visiting the game stores at the mall or smth idk.
Caramel Macchiato: You’re travelling the entire world but you can only take one person with you. Who do you take?
My mom. Been living with her for almost 25 years, we’re basically BFF’s on top of being business partners at farmers markets & craft shows, she’s a lot of fun to go on adventurous trips with, and overall deserves all the best things in life.
Early Grey Tea: The inevitable Zombie Apocalypse is upon us! What’s your plan of action?
So you see... I'm pretty damn sure I have a decent chance of surviving a zombie apocalypse. Gonna go ahead and put this under read more because my answer is loooong.
TL;DR for those who are curious but don’t wanna read it all: in between my location, the tools we have, the resources we have, and all of our combined skills, my plan of action would be to hunker down and tough it out with the people I live with.
I live way out in the middle of nowhere where there's very few people, and we've got a well established "you scratch my back I scratch yours" type of mentality in this small rural community.
We have a huge metal garage, a couple of campers, a barn, several vehicles, and another property a bit further down the road. We absolutely have multiple places where we can stash food. We're accustomed to stocking up big time so we don't have to go into town very often (ESPECIALLY since this pandemic started. Frank is immunocompromised, so we want to go to town as infrequently as possible). We have a well on both the main property and the other property I mentioned; the other property's well NEVER runs out, even during droughts, so we won't have to worry about water. Also I have enough melee weapons w/ reach for everyone in this house (an axe, a sword, and a flail). Also we have a lot of guns fjdjdjdj
Frank is the resident handyman in this household who knows everyone and their mother. As long as he doesn't have to deal with modern computerized shit, he can fix whatever goddamn vehicle or appliance you throw at him. He's built this house, the garage, the barn, has dug up wells, etc etc. He owns pretty much all the tools he needs to do all this stuff, and could totally barter his skills in exchange for any materials or food we might need. Also most of the guns belong to him so you can bet your ass he's going hunting to bring back food for us.
My mom? She is a super woman. She's been watching a lot of shows on prepping and survivalism for years now and probably has a pretty good grasp on what we would need in a situation like this. You can bet your ass that she's the most likely to know exactly which wild plants are edible and which are not, and she knows how to build a sustainable garden where you literally just plant and walk away. No watering necessary, the plants take care of themselves. She's super knowledgeable on natural remedies, is hella crafty and is always experimenting with different projects, and has the sleep schedule of being some weird mix of day and night watch to make up for whenever Frank and I are asleep. Can I just say... Resident medic who so happens to also be able to make clothes and weave baskets and provide us with plant based foods?
As for me? Well... I'm a fast learner who is often going back and forth with who I'm helping out. I enjoy helping Frank with his building projects, and I enjoy gardening and picking wild leaves & flowers with mom. I'll lend a helping hand wherever the fuck I'm needed because I can. I'm a pretty good shot with a gun, too, and have exceptional balance; I could totally see myself being the night watch perched up on the roof looking out for intruders. Tbh I'd probably be the jack of all trades here or smth.
Also, Frank and I would absolutely be the main zombie killers of the group. I think the two of us would be capable of doing it even if we didn’t want to simply out of necessity. Mom probably wouldn’t be able to handle it at all if the zombie was somebody she knows jdgljgs
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