#I will never stop drawing z stacks <3
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This is so old, why have I never posted this?
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monicashipslokius · 3 years
Soulmates, Actually Pt 4
(read part 1/part 2/part 3)
A sharp, shrill alarm blares before the sun has even risen, rousing Loki from a perfect slumber. Loki groans their disgust, but it’s muffled in the meat of Mobius’s shoulder.
“Easy, sunshine,” Mobius says, and the infernal man is actually trying to move.
Loki grumbles louder. Mobius, chuckling, eases Loki away from him and onto the pillow instead. It’s not the same - too soft and not nearly warm enough. Loki clings tighter around Mobius’s waist in retaliation.
“We talked about this,” Mobius says. “I have to go back to work today.”
Loki huffs in frustration as they let Mobius remove their hold and lower their arms to the bed. The pillow is a poor replacement.
For a moment, Mobius brushes Loki’s hair back away from their face. His fingers linger, feather-light, at the edge of Loki’s cheekbone. Too soon, the touch is gone.
“I’ll be back at six pm sharp.”
Loki rolls onto Mobius’s side of the bed and falls asleep again.
When they awaken, the sun is bright and the sheets are cool. Loki’s stomach rumbles. They groan as they pull themself out of bed and finally face the day.
The long, lonely day.
A week has passed since Thor’s departure - a week of Loki and Mobius redecorating and cuddling and learning each other.
They bought six plants of varying sizes, new drapes the color of the ocean, and a soft bedspread to match. Mobius fixed up the broken bathroom door, and Loki hung a few new art pieces and string lights.
The La-Z-Boy they arranged in front of a small boxy television set became a fast favorite.
“What did I tell you?” Mobius said the first time Loki relaxed deeply into the recliner. “It’s the perfect throne.”
Mobius may not understand color palettes, but the man knows comfort.
“It will do for now,” Loki told him, not wanting to give too much away.
Mobius’s smile never wavered. “Mmhm.”
Now, Loki drags themself to the kitchen to make a sandwich. Ten minutes later, they are perched on the recliner, plate on their lap, watching soap operas on television.
Claudio is surprised to find that his fiance Regina’s twin sister Georgina has been behind all of his misfortune, but the plot twist has Loki rolling their eyes.
“Amateurs.” Loki bites into an apple slice.
The hours tick by. Loki watches the anchor-shaped clock that hangs in the kitchen - much of their new decor has an ocean theme. But the more Loki watches the clock, the slower time seems to pass.
Time flew by with Mobius here. But without him...
After the soap operas, the courtroom shows begin. And then the news programs. Loki walks laps around the apartment while listening to the weather forecast for the third time - partly cloudy with a 30% chance of rain. The cost of gasoline is skyrocketing. The local high school football team might make county finals, whatever that means.
At quarter to six, Loki thanks the cosmos. Finally. Mobius will be home and put an end to this monotony.
Loki cleans up a bit, dusting some crumbs off the arms of the recliner. They place the plates in the sink.
Then, because they don’t want to appear too eager, they grab a book and stretch out on the bed.
Six o’clock comes and goes. Mobius does not arrive.
By seven, Loki is annoyed.
By eight, they are angry.
By ten, they are concerned.
Dubuque seems relatively safe. And Mobius has lived here alone for a long time before Loki.
But Loki has enemies. Many, many enemies. All of whom would be more than happy to get their hands on their soulmate.
Mobius is probably fine.
But what if he’s not?
At eleven, they are examining the photo of his office building that Mobius keeps on the dresser. Mobius had taken them to see it in the past week, though they hadn’t gone inside. It wasn’t too far a walk, if they recall. Loki is certain that they could find it again, even in darkness.
So they change into a black suit and hurry out the door. The Dubuque city streets are barren this time of night. Loki encounters no one on their trek to the office - until they barge through the front door and are stopped by a security guard.
Loki promised Mobius that they would not hurt anyone, so instead they create a projection of themself to distract the guard while they themself head toward the elevators. Following the signs for the data analytics department, they ride the elevator to the fourth floor.
They step off the elevator into a darkened field of cubicles. Each is the same - small desk, computer, and chair. All are empty. But Loki isn’t alone here. They follow a light through the cubicle maze and come to one that is occupied.
Mobius has a foot-high pile of files on his desk. He’s tapping at his computer keyboard with the index finger of each hand and peering at the small monitor.
Mobius jumps, then clutches his chest. He exhales when he sees Loki standing in the opening of his 3ft x 4ft cell. “Give a guy a warning next time.” He smiles. “But it’s good to see you. How’d you get here? Security let you in?”
Loki only frowns at him. “You said you’d be back at six.”
Mobius’s smile loses some of its brightness. “I have to work a little late. Next time we go out, we’ll get you a phone so I can call and let you know -”
“’A little late?’ Mobius, it’s been hours. I thought you were...” They won’t give name to their truest fears. That Mobius had been kidnapped or killed. Or perhaps that he had finally seen the true darkness in Loki and left of his own free will.
Mobius shakes his head. “Come on, Loki. It hasn’t been that long. It’s only...” He glances at his monitor. “Midnight? That can’t be right.”
“I assure you that is accurate.”
Mobius sits back in his squeaking chair, and rubs his hands over his face. “I’m sorry...” He releases a drawn out sigh and his whole body droops. “Boss was cheesed that I bailed on the conference. I have a lot of work to make up.”
The stack of folders towers over Mobius’s slouched shoulders.
“Would it helped if I -”
“You can’t kill him,” Mobius says.
Loki closes their mouth. Tries again. “He needn’t be killed. I could simply... frighten him.”
Mobius shoots Loki a flat look.
“Fine,” Loki says, disappointed. “But what is your intention? To stay here all night?”
Mobius side-eyes the folder mountain. “I’m going to have to.”
Mobius sighs. “Loki -”
“This is a place of employment, Mobius, not a living space.”
“It’s my own fault. I should have come back sooner.” He rubs at the corner of one eye. “Maybe I should have stayed at the conference.”
The words stab Loki between the ribs.
“Magicking away was not my best idea,” Mobius says. “I shouldn’t have run from my responsibilities. I’ll never catch up on this work.”
More stabs, a thousand tiny cuts.
“So you regret everything,” Loki says, fighting hard to keep the hurt from their voice. They are disappointed by their own surprise, their own pain. They had thought Mobius was different. They should have known.
Thor was wrong when he said no one could hold Loki’s interest. It was the other way around. Loki protected themself by leaving before the other could get bored. They should have done that here.
But they thought...
Mobius is supposed to be their perfect match.
“No, hey,” Mobius jumps from his chair. That’s all it takes to put him in Loki’s space. Loki takes a step back. “That’s not what I meant. I don’t regret everything, just some things.”
“You regret coming with me when we escaped.”
“N-no,” he says, but not without hesitation.
“You could have stayed. They weren’t chasing you. You could have told them I brainwashed you and gone on with your day.”
“That’s not what I’m saying.” The bags are heavy under Mobius’s eyes. He’s tired, Loki knows that - but Loki’s tired too. Sitting, waiting, stressing.
The room sparks with tension. Loki’s pain festers under their skin.
And Mobius regrets.
Loki takes a breath, searching for calm. For understanding. For their soulmate. “Come home,” they say, “And we can continue talking in the morning.”
Mobius exhales again, too sharp. He places his hands on his hips and looks at that damned pile of folders again. “I can’t go anywhere.”
“Mobius -”
“This is my life, Loki,” Mobius tells him. “Data analysis is my life. You have to understand that.”
Something dark in Loki’s chest snaps clean in half. “This is your life. This.” They wave a hand around. “This tiny box in a sea of tiny boxes. Where everyone else has left you here in the dark. Where your employer buries you under papers so deep that you cannot find your way out of them. Is all this extra work truly because you left the conference? How often would you work late before I arrived?”
Mobius looks away, and Loki knows they’re right. The answer, too often.
“Are you at least receiving additional benefits for all this extra time spent here?”
Mobius still won’t look at them.
“They are taking advantage of you, of your loyalty, and you are letting them.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” Mobius snaps, the sharpest he’s ever spoken to Loki.
Loki stands taller. They’re used to anger, to cutting words, to pain - more than they were ever used to kindness.
“I am trying to protect you,” Loki says.
“I don’t need protection from my job.”
For one wild moment, Loki thinks of grabbing those folders and tossing them across the room. They dream of throwing Mobius over their shoulder and saving them from this drab place and its tan carpet and eggshell walls.
Instead, they insist, “No, you do. You owned three photos when I first met you: one of your parents, one of a jetski, and one of this office. Can you not see how depressing that is?”
Mobius face hardens.
“You are meant for better things than this. When was the last time you even rode a jetski? Or had fun of any kind?”
“I’m an adult. I don’t need fun.”
“That is absurd.”
Mobius’s brows draw together. “Listen, not all of us could be born into royalty, and just go around doing whatever we want all the time.”
Born into royalty. A fresh sting, not one Mobius could know would hit so hard. But it does all the same. Loki steps backward from the force of it.
Mobius unhooks his arms. “Loki -”
Loki shakes their head. Mobius watches them, confusion replacing frustration, followed quickly by concern. He lifts his hand, but Loki steps back again, further out of reach.
“It’s fine,” Loki says, lying. “Stay as long as you like.” They bury the pain down deep. It’s familiar, an old, hated friend. “I wouldn’t dare dream of treading on your unhappiness.”
Mobius drops his hand. “I am happy. I am perfectly happy.”
“Good,” Loki says.
“Great,” Mobius says.
They stare hard at each other. Loki refuses to look away first.
When Mobius finally does, turning back to his cubicle and his chair and the stack of folders, disappointment floods through Loki.
They don’t wait to be dismissed, they turn and leave on their own.
Loki does not return to the apartment. Instead, they walk and they walk and they walk. They almost hope to be accosted by vagrants, so as to release some restless energy in a fight, but they see no one. They reach a river and follow it into a forest.
They sit along the riverbank and watch the sunlight crest over the trees.
Maybe they shouldn’t have surrendered the scepter. With the tesseract, they could have traveled anywhere. Now they are limited to the distance of their own two legs. Not that they would know where to go anyway.
The only place they want to be is back at the apartment with Mobius.
It’s evening when they eventually make their way back there. Their stomach growls, and they’re thirsty and tired. With some food and a good night’s rest, perhaps they could leave again with a plan this time. Hire a taxi to an airport and take a plane. Find a city of decadence and lose themself for a few decades.
They don’t expect Mobius to be home. It’s only shortly after seven, far too early for his beloved late nights. Yet as they place the key into the lock and start to turn, they barely have time to remove it before being yanked forward into the apartment and into a crushing embrace.
“Don’t leave me,” Mobius says. His arms are sure around Loki’s waist. His nose is buried in the crook of Loki’s neck and shoulder. His words are muffled by Loki’s forest-dirty suit coat. “I’m not happy. I haven’t been in a long time. Not until you. And not without you.”
Loki sags into his arms, and he holds tighter, keeping Loki upright. Keeping them safe. They close their eyes and let the warmth of Mobius’s body chase away the chill of the Iowa evening air.
“You scared the hell outta me,” Mobius says, voice shaky. “I looked for you everywhere, but I kept checking here. I kept hoping you’d come back. I’m so sorry.” Mobius leans back. He reaches up and cups Loki’s face between his palms. Gently, he rubs his thumbs over Loki’s cheekbones. “I want to be good for you.”
“How could you think you’re not?”
Regret shines in Mobius’s eyes now, more than it ever did during their argument. “I hurt you. I don’t want to ever do that again.”
Loki places their hand over one of Mobius’s on their face. “I hurt you, too, I suspect.”
“No, everything you said was right.” He swallows. “Work’s all I had for so long, and when I was back there, and they started piling it on... Everyone else in that office has always had someone, so before I would take on the extra work myself. It was better than coming home alone. It’s a hard habit to break. Loki, I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to do this.” But Loki still wants to hear it. Each of Mobius’s words are a balm over their pain. Mobius keeps going. He doesn’t even stop for breath.
“I lashed out at you, and I only did that because you were right. And I didn’t want to hear it. But then you were gone.”
“I’m here,” Loki says. “I’m here now.”
“I am a lousy soulmate.” Mobius smiles, but it’s too soft, too sad. “After so long alone, I don’t think that I know how to be with somebody. But I want to learn. I want to deserve this, with you.”
“Mobius,” Loki says, and their mending heart threatens to break again. “I am no great prize.”
Mobius starts to laugh. “I’m trying to be serious, Loki.”
“I am too,” Loki says, and whatever Mobius sees on their face stops the laughter. Loki studies the softness in Mobius’s gaze, the adoration, the great care, memorizing as much as they can, in case this is the last time they see it. “I’m a monster.”
Mobius, voice flat and unamused, says, “Be serious.”
“I was not born to royalty. Not like you think,” Loki says and waits. Dread rolls over them in waves, but Mobius does not react more than a slight cant of his head. “I’m not...” It would be easier to show him, but Loki can’t. If they do, Mobius will change all of his sweet words. He won’t stand to share this small apartment with them any longer, and Loki will be back on that riverside. “How you see me is not... how I am.”
Mobius is patient. Mobius waits. Maybe Loki wasn’t wrong about Mobius after all. Maybe Mobius, like them, is imperfect and a little afraid but trying.
Slowly, Loki pulls Mobius’s hands from their face so as not to burn him with the cold of their skin as they lift the glamour that hides their Jotunn form.
They want to look away, to hide from the horror they are sure to see on Mobius’s face, but simultaneously are too desperate to see any and every reaction.
Mobius’s eyes grow wide. His lips part. He blinks a few times.
“Loki,” Mobius says, and Loki braces for fresh heartache. But then he smiles, real and true and bright, a lighthouse in a lifetime of hurt. “Blue like the ocean.” The adoration never dims from his eyes. “You are beautiful.”
Mobius insists he doesn’t care, but Loki only feels comfortable again with their glamour restored.
“Either way,” Mobius says, and sends Loki off to the bathroom to shower and change. “I’ll have dinner ready by the time you’re done.”
When Loki leaves the tiny bathroom in their silk pajamas, they find the small two-person table lit by candlelight. Mobius stands beside it, wearing one of the dark suits Loki picked out for him at the store, with a deep green tie that’s slightly askew.
“What’s all this?” Loki asks.
“I know we’re soulmates, and our fates are destined and everything,” Mobius says, tugging at his collar. A bit of pink dusts his cheeks. “But some things should be done the old fashioned way. I want to win your heart, so I thought...” He clears his throat. “I want to wine and dine you. Properly.”
“Ah.” Loki slides further into the room, heart lighter than it’s been in the past forty-eight hours. All the lingering hurts are mended. And Mobius looks delectable in that suit, just as Loki thought he would. Loki strides right up to him, reaches out, and adjusts his tie. “You are attempting to seduce me.”
Mobius’s cheeks redden. He glances away for the briefest of moments before his eyes return to Loki’s face.
“You are everything a guy could want,” Mobius says. “More than I ever dreamed.”
Loki finishes fixing Mobius’s tie, but leaves their hands flat on Mobius’s chest. Mobius takes one and brings it to his mouth. He places a kiss to Loki’s palm.
Loki shivers, but not from any cold.
“Loki,” Mobius says, giving so much weight to the name - things unspoken, maybe not ready to be said, but are known - so known, and ready to be shown.
Mobius leans, and Loki stays very still, waiting, wanting but so, so afraid.
Mobius stops just out of reach. His breath hot on Loki’s lips, he asks, “Can I kiss you?”
Loki swallows all their fear and whispers, “Please.”
Mobius closes the distance and presses their lips together.
Fireworks ignite in Loki’s chest. Their heart thunders. Their hands itch for more, so they grab Mobius by the shoulders and hold, clinging, ruining the new suit and not caring at all.
Mobius cups Loki’s jawline, guiding them closer, tilting gently, positioning Loki just as he wants them. Loki goes willingly, opening their mouth as Mobius licks his way inside.
They should have done this long ago. They should do this all the time. This should never, ever stop.
Loki moans as Mobius’s fingers comb into their hair. Mobius breaks for air, tilts his head, and comes back for more. Loki holds Mobius so close, they are certain their heart beats straight into Mobius’s chest.
It’s perfect, passion incarnate, and Loki wants so much that they -
Loki’s stomach growls. Loudly.
Mobius smiles against Loki’s lips.
Loki groans as Mobius plants one more soft kiss and pulls away.
“Wining and dining time,” he says with a wink.
Loki is both endeared and annoyed. “I will have more of this.” His stomach grumbles again. “After dinner.”
Loki doesn’t miss the flush of Mobius’s cheeks, even as his easy smile returns. “It would be my absolute pleasure, and I mean that.”
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drazzilder · 3 years
A Hellish Encounter
By Drazzilder 
Chapter 19: Birthday 
It’s spring and you are turning 35 today. Normally birthdays never meant anything to you. The most you got in the facility was a prepackaged cupcake to celebrate. You couldn’t even celebrate while on the run for obvious reasons so it’s nice to finally celebrate it. Enji has been very silent about the day except for asking if you want anything special. You don’t really want anything for your birthday, you are just happy to have everything you have now: a family that loves you.
The morning starts off not too different than normal. You get up and start cooking breakfast like normal but there looks to be new pots and pans with matching cooking utensils. Enji must have heard your surprised voice because he came down faster than normal.
“Happy Birthday (Y/N).” he says with the biggest smile.
“Thank you Enji. I love it!”
“With all the cooking you do for the family, I thought some new tools would be nice for you.”
You give him a big hug and kiss his cheek. “It’s perfect. Did you want anything special for breakfast?”
“Why are you cooking? It’s your birthday, I should be cooking for you.”
“Remember the last time you cooked eggs?” you say squinting at him.
“Fair point… I’ll be happy with anything you cook. Don’t forget your going out today with Shoto and Natsuo to the mall to get them new school clothes.”
“Sounds like fun to me.” You smile.
After breakfast, you head out with the boys to go shopping. As soon as the front door closes, Enji and Fuyumi get to work. After some phone calls, a truck comes to the house. Package after package enters the house and start to fill the living room. A 4-foot-tall cake is delivered to the house and placed in the dining room. The last package is so large that it can’t fit in the house so Enji has the workers crane into the backyard to hide it.
“Dad, I know you love (Y/N) and all but don’t you think this is a bit much?”
“He told me he has never had a birthday celebration before so I wanted to make it special. I already missed the past few birthdays.”
“He looked happy just to get pots and pans. I just hope you don’t overwhelm him.”
“He will be fine. What’s next on the list?”
“Ok, let’s keep going.”
The shopping trip is lasting a lot longer than you initially thought it would. Shoto and Natsuo are having a hard time deciding on what to buy. They go from store to store, being indecisive the entire time. Even your patience is wearing thin as the day goes on.
(Y/N): “Can you please just decide on something.” You say in an exasperated tone.
N: “Shoto, what do you think of this?” he says holding up a punk style jacket.
S: “I don’t know, doesn’t really look like you.”
Z: “Ok, now I’m even getting annoyed. If you two don’t pick something, I will make you!” he says as your eye starts glowing brighter.
N: “Just give me a little more time.”
(Y/N): “FUCKING HELL! It’s been 4 hours! I already know that you’re here to keep me away from the house.”
S: “There goes the surprise.”
N: “Did you use your mind reading powers on us?”
(Y/N): “I didn’t have to; you’re here taking forever while your father and sister are at home. It’s obvious. Just tell me how much longer we have to wait.” You say covering your eyes with one hand out if frustration.
S: “Dad said he will text us. What about it being a surprise?”
(Y/N): “I can act when I need to. Can we just stop to get something to eat, Zaheer is getting restless inside of me?”
Z: “This is torture, even for a demon.”
After some lunch and waiting some more, you finally get the text message to come back home. You take the train home to give them more time if they need it. Whatever is going on seems to be taken care of because nothing looks amiss at the front door. However, that all changes when you open the door. Confetti cannons go off as you’re blinded by the paper. Enji and Fuyumi come out as she shouts “Happy Birthday!” You do your best try to act surprised but you are more shocked at everything that is going on. The living room is stacked almost to the ceiling with presents, there are streamers and balloons everywhere, and the birthday cake looks like it might catch fire with the number of candles on it.
Fuyumi grabs your arm and pulls you to the giant cake. “Quickly, blow at the candles and make a wish!”
After blowing out all the candles, with some effort, you look at everything. “You didn’t have you do all of this.”
Enji hugs you. “Well, I wanted to do this for you. You have a lot of presents to open so you better get started.”
(Y/N): “All of those are for me?”
F: “Yea, I think dad went a little overboard. There is about 200 presents.”
“A little?” You say looking at the massive stack of gives. You start with the closest one. Its small but when you open it, it’s a Rolex watch. You look at Enji who has a smile on his face.
“I saw you looking at it one day. After we left, I ordered it immediately.”
“Enji…. I love it but you didn’t have to do this. Are all of the gifts this expensive?” You say in shock.
“Not all of them but nothing is too much for the person I love the most.”
As the day wears on, you open more and more gifts. Designer clothing, shoes, electronics, knives, and anything else you had your eyes on was a present. After all the presents were open, you eat some cake. Between the five of you, you barely made a dent in the cake that could serve 250+. You’re getting more annoyed at this point when Enji says there is one last gift. Everyone heads outside and you see a cloth with a bow on top of a large preset. When you pull the cloth off, it’s the sports car you have been looking at for a while. You are at your breaking point when you finally speak.
“Kids, can you leave your father and I alone for a little bit.”
After they leave with some questioned looks. “Did you have a good birthday, (Y/N)?” he says with a faint smile.
“Enji…. I can’t accept all of this.” You say looking at the car.
“What do you mean? I got you everything you wanted.”
“But I don’t need all of this stuff.”
“Fuyumi told me to get whatever you like. I told her some of the things you looked at and she said that’s a good way to get what you like.”
“That is a good way to do it, but did you think about what you were buying?”
You say coming towards him, holding his hand. “Enji…. why would I need a car?”
“You have been searching that car a lot and I saw you look at it in person when it drove up next to us one day. I thought you really wanted it.”
“But I can teleport…”
“Oh… that’s what you mean.”
“I appreciate all of this, I really do, but it’s too much. How much did this cost?”
“More than I want to admit.” He says turning away from you.
“Ok, can you tell me how many credit cards you maxed out for this?”
“5…” he mumbles.
“And how long have you been working on this?”
“3 months….” He says realizing the problem.
“You didn’t have to do this much for me. I know what you were trying to do but you don’t have to make up for all the birthdays I missed. The pots and pans and maybe some cupcakes would have been more than I ever had before.”
Looking at the car: “I just wanted you to be happy.” as he squeezes your hand harder.
Putting a hand to his face to turn it to you: “And I am. Just being with someone I love on my birthday really is enough.”
With a sigh. “What do you want to do now?”
“I’m more than happy with everything I got before breakfast. I love cooking for you, making your favorite meals after a hard day’s work to make you happy. That to me is more special than any watch or pair of shoes. Let’s make some calls and see what we can return, does that sound good?”
Looking down, “What about the car?”
“Now hold on… maybe we could keep that. I think it’s a little weird for the number 2 hero driving an average family sedan. Why don’t you use this as your daily driver? Well, if you can fit in it.”
“I can, I tested it when I bought it. It’s really nice.” He says rubbing his chin in thought. “It would make a better impression than what I have now.”
“Plus, we can use it for when we want to go on trips just for us and the kids can use the sedan for their own use.”
“That does sound nice.”
Sitting down on the ground: “Come here, let’s lie down and watch the sky. I could use a little relaxation after all that craziness.” You say patting the grass next to you.
“I’m sorry if I stressed you.”
“You didn’t. Just relax with me for a while.”
You both lay down and hold hands. You both just watch the clouds go by as the day slowly turns to dusk. Throughout that time, you talked about the family, about the craziness of how Enji bought everything and brought it home. Finding out how much Enji had to do to make all of that happen makes you love him more, putting in so much effort for you. You both laughed at the thought of what to do with all that cake. When the sun finally set, you both went inside.
F: “Is everything ok? You were out there a long time.”
E: “Everything is fine, we discussed about today.”
S: “Something wrong?”
E: “We will be returning almost everything.”
N: “I knew it. He didn’t like any of it.”
(Y/N): “No, I appreciate all of it and I love that Enji put so much effort and time into this but I really don’t need all this stuff.”
N: “Even the car?”
(Y/N): “No, your father will be using it as his new car.”
N: “Can I use it every once in a while.” He says with a childish grin.
E: “No.”
(Y/N): “Hold on Enji, maybe we can discuss that on another day.”
N: “Really?”
E: “Don’t push it. Right now, let’s just pack everything up. I’ll arrange everything to be picked up tomorrow.”
After packing up, you ask for one last thing: a bath. He draws the bath and you both enjoy a nice soak. You tried something different and Enji rested his head on your chest this time. Even though your smaller than Enji, you manage to find a good position for both of you to be in. Running your fingers through his hair, he hums and rumbles in pleasure as you gently scratch and massage his scalp.
“I can see why you enjoy this so much; I could get used to this.”
“We can do this again in the future. It’s kind of nice giving the affection for once.” You say as one of your hands goes down to rub slow circles over the warm skin of his chest.
“I know the morning wasn’t the best but did your birthday finish better?”
You think for a moment still running your fingers through Enji’s hair. “I think it was perfect.” You say before kissing the top his head.
Next Chapter
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arecomicsevengood · 5 years
The New World by Ales Kot and Tradd Moore. Credit where it’s due, this was not only a lot better than the last comic by Ales Kot I read, it was maybe the best thing I pulled out of a bargain bin. This is largely due to Tradd Moore’s art. His art is slick, sort of in the vein of James Harvey. There’s this sort of HD sheen to it I assume comes from working digitally, where the characters don’t lose definition as they’re drawn smaller. This cartoonishness stops the book and its overt politics from lapsing into pretentiousness or didacticism. It does make the book feel very cute, where even as the narrative seems like it’s copying Transmetropolitan it feels like it’s for younger millennials or Gen Z. For a book taking place in the future, the young protagonists sure do relate to their parents in a very 2018 way, and it kind of feels like YA. It seems as if the author’s optimism about the future comes from certain trends among current youth, though in turn I find the protagonists annoying. I respect that the book has two protagonists and gives ample time to both of them, as it tells its Romeo-And-Juliet-style story. There’s a confidence to the storytelling, a sense of knowing how much real estate to allocate to a moment, that I admired; and there is always something of visual interest happening. I would gladly pay up to two dollars each for the issues I don’t have (2 and 5) to complete my reading experience.
Moonshine by Brian Azzarello and Eduardo Risso. The four issues I got from this were all from late in its run, and I basically couldn’t make sense of it at all. I kept thinking scenes were flashbacks but maybe they weren’t. It seems like the cast is pretty large but I have no idea what any of these character personalities are. I don’t think knowing what was going on would’ve made me care, but Eduardo Risso is worth looking at, he has a similar approach to moving the “camera” around a sequence as Jose Munoz but a much slicker line and consistently dynamic layouts. Azzarello can write in a way that allows this style to manifest, but  this one has a dumb high concept. Each of these issues contained a preview of some other, pretty terrible looking, Image Comic, like as the “value-add” for buying the single issues which doesn’t add to the value at all. The first issue of The New World threw in a self-contained short story by comics makers who don’t have an Image project, which is much cooler.
Xerxes by Frank Miller. Found 4 out of 5 issues of this and initially thought this the most exciting find of the day, but it’s beyond bad. Heavy on narration, with drawings that could maybe be interesting if the computer coloring wasn’t so overpowering and uninteresting, but I think most of the underlying drawings are pretty bad too, really pared back and simplistic and not much in the way of engaging sequences here. It’s more like the illustrations to a book that is really just the outline of a book. Definitely feels like you’re reading the work of a brain falling apart from age and alcoholism and while it’s kinda interesting on that level, it’s honestly one of the worst comics I’ve ever read/struggled to read. It’s unreadable.
Dominion: Conflict 1 by Masamune Shirow. I never read Ghost In The Shell or Appleseed, so these 3 noncontinuous issues are the first I’ve read by Shirow. He’s a good cartoonist. I’m surprised by how dense and fast-moving this is, seemingly fitting a complete book into what would probably be less than 150 pages. The sci-fi world it’s about involves cops driving around in tanks, and I don’t think this is being offered critically, there’s that weird right-wing dismissal of pacifism and praise for might that seems pretty sincere. There’s also catgirl androids in this, and a lot of the like “superdeformed” or “chibi-chibi” style, (are these the words I mean for this trope, where the characters turn into the muppet baby versions of themselves?) alongside super-detalied urban landscapes and depictions of tanks. Something that is interesting about manga published in the U.S. in the nineties is how I feel like I’m being presented with “anime” in its purest form. I know what to expect, and I recognize the exoticism that was a part of the initial appeal, though at this point it has shaped a subculture’s minds enough for me to know it’s not for me, even though I can appreciate it as being well-done.
Head Lopper by Andrew Maclean, issue 8. This comic is not for me, and I can’t really read it, due to my distaste for fantasy stuff. I’m also not really a fan of his linework, though his having a cartoony style and probably liking some of the stuff I enjoy makes me want to like it. It feels like a toned-down version of Orc Stain, which I don’t like either.  I know I called Xerxes unreadable, but this comic makes my eyes just glaze over. With Xerxes I made an effort and felt “what the fuck is this” as a result, this I “get” intuitively what it’s going for and cannot make myself care. I read the first issue of this a few years ago and didn’t like it then either.
Thief Of Thieves by Brett Lewis and Shawn Martinbrough: Total outlier in the stack, in that I bought this for the writer, Brett Lewis. Me and many other people consider his comic Wintermen really good, but this is him doing the finale to a series that was I think created by Robert Kirkman and drawn consistently by the same artist, whose art is functional but not particularly interesting. The scripting is ok enough but obviously I only kind of understood it, as it deals with long-running characters I have no investment in. Ideally Brett Lewis would just be able to do creator-owned stuff. Anyway, I found most of this final arc, all except for the final issue. I’ve only read the first 2 issues but am posting this because I don’t think my take will change that much,
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doctormelapples · 7 years
all the a s k s
Here you go homie:
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk?More milk, get them slightly soggy cinnamon toast crunch 2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day?One of my favorite feelings tbh 3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books?Receipts,,,,,, I doggy ear them from the bottom 4: how do you take your coffee/tea?Tea, STRONG, Maybe with a lil honey 5: are you self-conscious of your smile?I cover my face with my hand when I laugh, if that is the connection 6: do you keep plants?A goal of mine is to keep plants 7: do you name your plants?I totally would, I named everything 8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings?Photography??, Writing? 9: do you like singing/humming to yourself?I do all the time. Apparently I hum when I work, but I don’t often notice 10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach?Um side? Idk I just asked the only person who has seen me sleeping in the last three months, she said I can’t make up my mind 11: what’s an inner joke you have with your friends?SharkBecks,, #rip, Crab walk,, In this Denny’s tonight,,,, whipping in response to an attack on your person 12: what’s your favorite planet?Uranus 13: what’s something that made you smile today?I went to coffee with my ride or die and that was fun 14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like?The walls would be brick for sure, wood floors, shit ton of rugs, plants everywhere, we stole the plants from cafes, small windows, maybe circular, you know that nasty looking gross pale blue fridge, looking nasty and old, that one, and we found a bright red couch on the side of the road, it’s perfect, string lights, and the occasional lamp, old fashioned lightbulbs, warm light, yellow and orange lights, a mix of framed and not framed posters, bean bag chairs for parties, Cupboard space, only used for mugs, paintings and art, and photographs, polaroids, all over the fridge, cupboards with pins and magnets, probably some salt crystals, salt lamps, some rose quartz stuff, candles everywhere. It’s a study apartment, so all we have are two really big beds in the middle of the beds, THROW PILLOWS EVERYWHERE, too many pillows,, polaroids hanging from string lights on the ceiling, BOOKS EVERYWHERE, stacks everywhere, corners= books, top of the fridge=books, vanity made of several different old mirrors, hanging cubbies for our shoes, we share all the time anyway, no floor space, fashion racks for all of our clothes, we mix, cuz we always share clothes anyway 15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is!Did you know Venus is the hottest planet, not mercury, even tho it’s closest to the sun? Also NASA is fake and nothing is real? 16: what’s your favorite pasta dish?Lasagna 17: what color do you really want to dye your hair?PINK BLONDE WITH DARK ROOTS, AND PINK 18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up.Something I did? Welcccs, I said welcccs In the gc once,,, never lived down, Pronunciation: Whelc-k-kz I also said pipin’ ass tea, so 19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it?Lot’s 20: what’s your favorite eye color?Green 21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces.I have a bag, that I got recently, it’s black leather looking, and I have a white puffball on it, and I love her, Victoire, is her name. 22: are you a morning person?YEET NOPE 23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations?Sit and contemplate the fact that literally nothing is real and nothing matters. Or go to the park with my friends 24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets?No, tbh 25: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into?I broke into a closet once 26: what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit?My grey hightop converse 27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor?Sour Apple 28: sunrise or sunset?Sunrise 29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing?Anytime @thumper-darling sits in a comfy chair she immediately snuggles up with the arm of the chair for a hot mo 30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared?Yes, shall I tell the story?? Send me an ask and I’ll tell it 31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks.I love socks, I like weird socks. Sleeping with socks on is of the devil. No fuck off, I have this pair that is a strawberry, one sock is the right side, and one is the other half, and I love them, I also have lime ones like that, and I have lots of different, polka dotted ones that I can wear as mix and matched 32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends.I went on an adventure to a city a lil out of the way, and it was like exactly 2:54, I have it on a video, and it was lit, we walked around the city, at 3 in the morning, and got passed by 4 different police cars, we made up a plan to tell them who we were, but neither of us really think straight ever, so it was a damn mess. 33: what’s your fave pastry?I love a good strudel 34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it?I got my fav stuffy on my seventh birthday, sophie, a white dog that glowed if you pressed her hand, My mom snuck up to my attic room that I shred with my sister, and handed it to me, It felt like it was exactly midnight, but it was probably only like 10, and she glowed and I love her. She sits in my closet and watches over me now. She stopped glowing a few years after I got her. Her lights died, after so many battery replacements 35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often?I love them, so much, but I don’t have many. I would use them all the time, if I had more. 36: which band’s sound would fit your mood right now?I got my rose scented candle going, I got my main lights off, and I’m listening to my drunk friend breathe over the phone while she reads probably It by Stephen King, let’s go with,,, alt-J, does he count? Or Wild Party? The 1975?? IDK 37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean?I think better in messy, but I do like clean 38: tell us about your pet peeves!Do I have pet peeves? People telling other people that I’m “in a mood”, touching my stuff without asking, someone making offhand comments about something without explaining themselves, DONT TOUCH MY HAIR 39: what color do you wear the most?Pink? Black? Pales, neutrals essentially. 40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what’s it’s story? does it have any meaning to you?I don’t actually really wear jewelry 41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving?The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making 42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it!Coffee Chaos, it’s a blessing. I actually have two, to be realistic. Espresso Milano has the aesthetic, the vibe, but Coffee Chaos’ coffee is just better, so 43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with?I watched stars with some of my photography classmates, the other day, we were shooting on location, and it was Night™ 44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything?I don’t know her!!!!! WAIT JK I had a dream about Taehyung the other day, idk man it was pretty damn serene, can you believe that tae is the most beautiful man in the world 45: do you trust your instincts a lot?Always, if my vibes don’t jive w u hecks off 46: tell us the worst pun you can think of.The only puns that currently reside in my soul rn are in Korean… wolwol…. How bout: I’m going to bed,,, Mind if I Slytherin 47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe?FUCKING COTTAGE CHEESE 48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today?My mom being mad at me,, debatably. 49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought?I love Record Storesssss,,, a happy place, tbh 50: what’s an odd thing you collect?I used to collect bottle cap tops, like izze tops, Snapple tops, etc. I’m tryna collects pins/buttons now tho 51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them?I associate tipsy by J-Kwon with @thumper-darling 52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far?I dig some snazzy The Floor is me me z, nothing but respect for my president, right in front of my salad, the ditty.its, he protecc he attacc, etc there were some good memez this year 53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them?I’ve only seen heathers out of all of these and it was the play, it was pretty hecking good. 54: who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face?My aunt at my cousins funeral. 55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point?Honestly whom knows, once I painted my hand bright green, but for no reason so there’s your answer 56: what are some things you find endearing in people?I like it when people smile while reading, 57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics?Lit,, get lit, if you don’t dramatically reenact the lyrics did you even listen to bohemian Rhapsody? 58: who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why?@thumper-darling is the wine mom, and the vodka aunt. She’s an alcoholic. Rip 59: what’s your favorite myth?One of my faves 60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?I do, but I don’t often retain names,,,, rip, one of the first ones I memorized was the jabberwocky by lewis Carroll 61: what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received?I gave a mcdonalds happy meal toy away once as a gift, and once I got a whole ass gum wrapper legitimately 62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind?Love me some juice. I favor Apple Juice, but no o n e else in the house drinks apple juice so all we ever have is orange juice. 63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be?Stacks, my music, yes, but theses books really be out here, overflowing from my shelves, so we got stacks, and any organization they had is now gone. 64: what color is the sky where you are right now?The sky is dark rn, cuz it’s night, but during the day this week it’s white and grey cuz it’s Rainy Week™ in Michigan rn. 65: is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with?I can list a good few people. My old classmates, from my old school. That would be nice 66: what would your ideal flower crown look like?My most ideal flower crown would have flown pink stained roses, vines with thorns, small white and pink flowers, be really extra in the center like a crown. 67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel?Serene, content 68: what’s winter like where you live?Slushy, sometimes we get lots of snow, sometimes its lacking, 69: what are your favorite board games?I love clue, I got a doctor who version for xmas last year, best gift in years ngl. I also love risk; world domination, and a new fav: Truth Bombs™ Created by Daniel Howell and Phillip Lester available anywhere they sell games, for example: B&N where you can pick up The Amazing Book is Not On Fire at the same time, and while you’re at it, check out Dan and Phil Go Outside. 70: have you ever used a ouija board?FUCK OUTTA HERE FUCK OYOU MEAN FUCJBOI NO 71: what’s your favorite kind of tea?I dig some good ol’ Bengal spice, I dig strong spicy tea 72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it?I mean, yes, but do I write shit down? The answer is no 73: what are some of your worst habits?Picking at my nails, making internal commentary on Everything around me @ a l l t I m m e s 74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns.They really out here, at all times. They tend to be the loudest of the group, and they honestly bring the party. Story telling skills level master, You can’t beat them, They’re just so good at telling an entertaining story, even if it isn’t entertaining. Sometimes doesn’t have good days, and that’s okay. 75: tell us about your pets!I have two dogs, Maddie, and Arenal,, Maddie is a boxer lab mix, and she’s allergic to like literally everything 100% ,,, except cats. Arenal is a white blonde golden retriever and he’s the laziest mf I’ve ever met 76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t?A literal Photography assignment, idk why I procrastinate on these, I love doing them. 77: pink or yellow lemonade?Pink! 78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub?HATECLUB FUK U 79: what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you?My promposal last year was pretty dang cute, rip that tho. 80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why?I didn’t get to chose, they’re kinda a milky white, I don’t mind it to much, its not bad 81: describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of.doe eyes, at their finest, and that’s what I got 82: are/were you good in school?Not really, like I’m pretty average tbh 83: what’s some of your favorite album art?I really loved Young The Giants “Home of the Strange” CRUISR’s album art is all pretty aesthetic, Anti was good, I liked “Bleak” by Froth, “Cult of Personality” by Varsity, and like tons others 84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones?Yeah! I want to get a lineart tattoo of a swing set, with wildflowers growing specifically yellow and red flowers with light blue ink for the swings, I want to get something to do with Scorpio, and I also want an vertical ellipses in my inner elbow 85: do you read comics? what are your faves?Not really, But I have read Archie comics my whole life, Betty n Veronica, I looked at the new Riverdale ones, it’s pretty okay. You can’t really beat the go comics tho. and I own some snazzy local artists comics, those are my faves 86: do you like concept albums? which ones?I guess so,, I don’t really go out of my way to recognize it tho. I like Hospice by The Antlers, Of course Lemonade, does channel orange count? Idk, I had to look up a list of concept albums to say which ones I liked. 87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives?Breakfast Club, Men in Black, Star Wars, Harry Potter, (all) the og Wizard of Oz, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Hocus Pocus, ET, LOTR, um and more for sure, but idk right off the top of my head 88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy?I suppose there, are but I couldn’t tell you the name 89: are you close to your parents?I’d say I’m like relatively close to my mother, but not so much my dad 90: talk about your one of you favorite cities.Just one? It’s either Chicago or Stratford, let’s go w Stratford, Ontario, okay. There is a lot stuff going on in the summer over in stratford, they have the Stratford Shakespeare festival and the theatres in the area are beautiful as shit. I haven’t been there while it’s not going on, but I gather it’s a very touristy sorta town. They have ups and downs in streets, it’s not big enough to get lost, but you can still lose yourself in the different shops and cafes. 91: where do you plan on traveling this year?The year is almost over, but it would be nice to visit my family who live hours + hours away. I want to go down to the capital and go to my favorite shops in the city I used to live. 92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch?I’m lactose intolerant 93: what’s the hairstyle you wear the most?Probably a half up pony tail 94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday?My friend Jalee, her birthday was the 21st and she is exactly 3 weeks and 3 days older than me. 95: what are your plans for this weekend?I have a halloween party I might go to, or else I’ll be at my dad’s house this weekend. 96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot?I procrastinate a lot,,, I have pressed the damn remind me later button so often,,, 97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house?Oh shit I can’t remember my Myer briggs, maybe I should take the test again,,,, okay hold on…. Okay: ENTP-T Scorpio, Slytherin, 98: when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it?Maybe this summer? I love hiking, It’s one of my favorite things to do 99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them.Suburbia by Troye Sivan, Growing Old on Bleeker Street by AJR, Trapdoor by twenty one pilots, Body Gold by Oh Wonder, Sea by BTS, Art Exhibit by Young the Giant, Titus was Born by Young the Giant, actually that whole album Home of the Strange by Young the Giant. 100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why?5 Years into the future, I never wanna go back. Unless I could change events, in which case I’d go back.
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 Internet shopping is actually becoming much more well-known. Acquiring products online has come to be one thing also your grandparents perform. Among the traits to take into consideration when buying rugs that are up for sale is that you can easily not simply stroll into the shop and also find the item to see to it is okay. Therefore there are a few points to take into consideration before buying rugs for your house online US.
 There are a range of rugs to buy online. Whether you are searching for a hand-made carpet or even a maker made rug or even whether you would love to get a present day or even a vintage rug all various types and also dimensions are actually readily available.
 First and foremost determine the measurements of the carpet you would as if to buy through assessing it out in the room you would love to obtain it for. You may do this by reducing an aged sheet to the required dimension as well as quick around the space up until you receive the intended effect. If it you prefer a rounded rug you can easily make use of electric tape to mark the edge out. Or you can cut pieces of paper as well as place them until you acquire the correct size as this is actually one of the absolute most essential points to consider when buying a carpet.
 If you are deciding on a carpet to go under a dining-room dining table it is best to draw all the seats out to the posture they will reside in when everyone rises to stand up. In this way you will definitely not possess the situation where the seats pull at the sides of the rug. If it is a rug you desire to acquire (that is actually where the rug matches many of the space) after that it is actually better to leave behind a border of floor around your rug to offer it a structure that appears really good.
 Picking the right colour and also pattern of carpet for your room is incredibly significant as this are going to take the interior decoration of your area with each other. There are no set guidelines to opting for the colour apart from you carry out certainly not want your rug to encounter various other furniture in your space. Lots of people pick one primary colour with 1 or 2 added colours that compliment its own environments. There are usually 3 different patterns to rugs for you to pick from these are curvilinear which is styles with rounded lines or even swirls, visual which ordinarily features pictures of scenery, animals etc or mathematical that is actually comprised of squares, squares or just ordinary lines Buy Rugs Online.
 Do your study to begin with by looking at the a variety of types that there is available. Some types of rugs that are on call are actually Indian, Persian, Oriental, Tibetan among others. You recognize what your preference is actually as well as you are going to often see one thing you like that is actually of a certain style therefore make a keep in mind of it and also seek that specific type of carpet.
 Think about additionally obtaining a carpet pad. Carpet pads are actually handy for a wide array of causes. Once you have your rug properly positioned in addition to the pad it will definitely stop the carpet from lining or even slipping up. If you receive pads that are water-resistant this can stop colours bleeding by means of to a lighter rug below in case of a some spillage. It can also aid to moisten the influence of folks strolling creating the rug feel soft as well as bouncy. Some rugs can easily scratch laminate and also lumber flooring after a time frame of time therefore utilizing these pads can easily additionally prevent this problem.
 Do You Buy Home Furnishing Accessories Online?
 Getting property outfitting accessories like window curtains, rugs rugs, restroom rugs, paddings, pillows and bedroom pieces on-line nowadays is actually much easier done than stated. Likewise, obtaining points like draperies as well as drapery rods, upholsteries, flower holders, exemplifies, lamp colors, candles and candlestick holders, wall structure time clocks and also desk emphases from internet sites is actually hailed as an excellent possibility, also. The web has become a shopaholic's den as well as it is actually tempting and all at once aiding the ideal purchaser decorate his residence along with a contact of flair as well as luxury US.
 Due to the raising amount of internet buying destinations, their assurance of high quality and also originality, and free home shipping, the nonprofessional is craved selection and say goodbye to worried of acquiring these factors on the web today. In contrast to what many of us utilized to assume earlier, the online getting process, beginning coming from the choice of factors to the purchase procedure, is actually rather risk-free. Along with A to Z details of the item set down to ensure the customer does not possess any type of confusions at the rear of his mind, it is completely secure and also devoid of inconveniences. The best difficult factor, the repayment that is, could be carried out online or even COD (cash money on shipment) to lay to rest his fears of acquiring ripped off. To include in that, if the customer isn't satisfied with the product or even really wants to trade it with one thing else, he has the liberty to obtain it altered/ traded. Explanation enough for the hideaway to make use this medium of shopping, isn't it?
 One of the most significant main reasons why much more individuals are coming to be a component of this band wagon is these on-line outlets are thinking of numerous type of residence furniture all under one rooftop and also along with things that matches with the modern male's personality and his changing way of living. Your business is going pretty significant these times as well as the range that is being actually used is actually genuinely amazing. The latter possibly types yet another reason that hordes of shoppers are crowding towards it. Along with distinct as well as cutting-edge residence decoration emphases like farmers and also vegetation stands, bookends, hearths and also accessories, space divider panels, topiaries and also silk vegetations, portable fans, wood coops, ancient finials, rustic wood wine dog crates as well as doorstops on the listing, it isn't tough to understand why people are taking on-line shopping truly Buy Rugs Online.
 So the following time you assume of carrying out up our home along with a touch of difference or acquire residence accents, carpetings rugs and bed pieces online, need not think twice. Certainly not just will you come to discover a new globe of craft yet likewise spare on your own unneeded fuel cost, long lines up and shocking negotiating with insolent shopkeepers.
 Tips on Caring For Your Area Rugs and also Carpets
 The market value of your location rugs and rugs will, certainly, rely on their high quality, size, style as well as design. Nonetheless, whatever they have actually set you back, they are an asset worth keeping as well as cleaning well. There are actually pair of causes for that. Firstly, the stack of a rug or even carpeting can easily hold bunches of filth, dust, termites and other particles and pests. Frequent cleansing will certainly assist to always keep such infestations and particles to a minimum, which is actually really good for your household's residential wellness. The second thing is, the carpet will definitely certainly not only look much better however its lifestyle will be actually kept.
 If you buy your place rugs coming from a trusted resource, you ought to have directions on cleansing, and it is crucial to follow those if you intend to preserve the carpet fit. Regular vacuuming, a minimum of once a full week, is actually usually an excellent basis. Nevertheless, at normal periods it is actually advisable to have your rugs and rugs properly cleaned. It is most effectively to pick a provider or even professional with a sector standard license, like IICRC.
 Most of us possess mishaps, so occasionally you have some urgent cleaning to to. I keep in mind years ago I had actually kept postponing enhancing our bungalow in England, so I decided it was most effectively to take a full week off job, and also for my wife to take our 2 year outdated child away. Coming from 7am to 10 or even 11 pm daily I was actually paint, completed with the bar on the last time. Near 11pm, it was actually all carried out, and the last comb stroke had been made.
 On the cocktail lounge floor was actually a new and also very costly carpeting. I removed all the covering which I had actually placed down to protect from coating spatter. During the entire full week, I possessed not put any sort of coating in the inappropriate area. Whatever had headed to brilliance Buy Rugs Online.
 I had forgotten however, that I had actually left a huge container of paint on the step ladders, which I had certainly not but do away with. Along with tiredness collection in, I awkwardly brought down the pot of coating. The lid was not on it, and I enjoyed in terror as the coating spilled out around the new carpet. I am going to always remember that instant.
 Remarkably, I carried out certainly not sputter a term, continued to be calm, and went to obtain fabric as well as an excellent source of water. I had no chance of steering clear of a tarnish, however yearned for a minimum of to improve the wreck. I undertake wiping up as well as at that point cleansing as well as I could. When I went to sleep, I was actually very thrilled at how is looked, but was counting on an office cleaner to become essential the upcoming day.
 I possessed an additional shock the upcoming morning. I recognized where the paint had actually been, and it was actually a great deal of coating, maybe two litres or two. I moved toward the bar with panic, waiting to see how the damage looked in sunlight. I never ever carried out discover that stain; certainly not a sign of it.
 In that instance the blend of quick activity, high premium modern-day carpeting, as well as the finest water based cream coating, were actually sufficient to save our carpet, and also my humiliation. My other half came back, as well as I carried out admit, yet she might not discover a discolor either Buy Rugs Online.
 A Brief History of Rugs and also Carpets
 Today's rugs and carpetings are a mixture of creative concept, cultural varieties and also theological associations that household and area members ascribe to. As a matter of fact, rugs and carpets have been given the family members line as antiques only for their artistic structures. This manual traces the history of rugs and carpets with the productions. Keep reading to discover of the sources of that carpet or even rug adorning your living-room today.
 Very early forms of rugs.
 Rugs were actually some of the earliest developments of very early guy. There prevailed use rugs in Persian, Oriental, as well as South western side regions. The pioneer rugs were primarily produced coming from harsh pet hides as well as were actually without creative or even fashionable touch evident in today's flooring treatments. It is actually coming from these sketchy floorings that contemporary rugs grew coming from.
 Master of Persia Spring carpet.
 Springtime Carpet of Chosroes had through the Persian king existed around 550 BC. The hand-knotted carpet was actually constructed from great wool, gold, cotton, silver and a collection of jewels. It turned up excessive of one tone and also assessed 400 feet lengthwise as well as 100 shoes width. The imaginative carpet was nonetheless damaged when the Persian empire was attacked by Arabs. Various portion of the rug still exist in various leading galleries worldwide.
 Fifth Century Siberian rugs.
 Another of the earliest kinds of modern time rugs, appropriately called Pazyryk Carpet, was found at a Pazyryk funeral site in Siberia. The creation and also use Pazyryk carpets dates back to the 5th century. The rugs were hand-knotted and featured a vibrant make-up of colours and also various other creative concepts. Compare to earlier forms of rugs, the Pazyryk carpetings were actually crafted from thread as well as had an exceptional work of Scythian fine art Buy Rugs Online.
 Chicago encouraged rugs.
 Chicago was actually among the first worlds to produce hand-woven carpetings. They featured a distinctly stylish style that featured geometric designs over unbalanced or even Ghiordes gatherings that made all of them well-known planet over. Chicago carpets were inspired by Persian and Anatolian designs which are actually taken into consideration to be the cradle of contemporary carpets.
 The surge of stack carpet interweaving in Chicago.
 While the Asian and the North African nations had actually presently developed rugs by 900 ADVERTISEMENT, it's certainly not until 1000 ADD that European nations took hint. Yet in comparison to the Asians use rugs as cool protection apparel, Europeans from areas including Spain, Venice, and Germany used rugs during the course of special occasions like wedding celebration and also area celebration. The design of the rugs, particularly those coming from Spain, was actually intensely replicated from Chicago, Mesopotamia and Persia styles as a result of to their near distance. An extensive large number of European countries were presently creating their very own rugs by 18th and 19th century. It's in fact claimed that much of the aristocracies and also property managers had their rugs substituted on everyday manner.
 Modern carpetings.
 Traditional carpeting designs continue to motivate the contemporary carpeting layouts around the planet. While the effect of very early guy workmanship has actually tapered off greatly for many years, the striking designs from the past proceed to influence today's assembly-line production of carpets. The principal concentration currently though is producing rugs that incorporate aesthetic value in any kind of home setups. As rug creating industries remain to climb, you can count on to view much more uplifting rugs enriching ranches in the area.
 Purchase Carpets Online - Large Variety at Low Prices
 It is actually regularly an individual's goal to enhance his property along with stunning write-ups as well as family products like stylish light shades, ancient household furniture, developer series parts and also beautifully developed rugs. Carpets are actually one of the greatest possibilities to help make the floor of property appearance elegant as well as advanced. Carpets include a beautiful touch along with giving your house a properly created look.
 If you are actually expecting buying rugs then you ought to purchase carpetings online. Getting rugs online makes you stumble upon a loads of design and styles that will leave you spoilt for choices. There are different forms of carpets available online for you to decide on kind including tufted carpetings, interweaved carpetings, standard weave carpetings, needlefelt carpets as well as addicted rugs.
 A tufted rug is actually one where a single colour yarn is made use of in the manufacturing. After the development from the yarn, passing away or even printing of the carpet is actually made with a design that will certainly draw in the customers. Like carpeting is actually somewhat lower price than the various other carpetings. An interweaved carpet is actually interweaved on a loom using several colored anecdotes. With making use of an amount of tinted yarns ornate styles are helped make during the course of the development. As these rugs are created in a lot of colors and also complicated concepts they are actually normally expensive. Carpetings that are actually accessible online are normally offered in affordable price. Thus, purchase carpets online so that you can easily enhance your home in much less cost than expected.
 Standard weave carpetings are actually created due to the upright interlocking of the cover and the horizontal grain strings. Other wide array of carpetings consists of the needlefelt carpets. These carpets are actually looked at to become very progressed as they are actually produced due to the electrostatic tourist attraction in between the person fibers. This procedure creates them strongly long lasting and is actually primarily used in hotels and resorts and also business arenas. Hooked rugs are hand crafted rugs as well as are actually extensively offered. These carpets are crafted by taking towel bits from cotton or wool with the nets of durable fabric.
 Checking out the websites online will certainly provide you the particulars of the buildings of the rugs such as their kind, price as well as the spot where it is actually created. Alongside the above selections you may likewise discover excellent range in wool, silk as well as artificial fibers' rugs that will definitely go best along with the shade of the wall surfaces and also other products in the area.
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theworstbob · 7 years
yellin’ at songs, week twenty-five
capsule reviews of the pop songs which debuted on the billboard hot 100 the weeks of 30 June 2007 and 1 July 2017
30 June 2007
87) "Teenagers," My Chemical Romance
Y'know, I find Welcome to the Black Parade mostly disagreeable, but heck if this song ain't a bright spot, insofar as a song about bringing concealed weaponry of some kind to school is a "bright spot." (Hey, I dunno, if you have to add a disclaimer to the video saying "violence isn't the answer," you should consider a different song for the single? Just a thought, don't wanna backseat record executive, here, but that seems bad.) Like, apart from the "under your shirt" line, it's kind of a perfect angsty vibe, not Linkin Parky fml angst, more angsty in that eternally adolescent sense of "all adults are robots and I will never conform," it channels that really well, and it has a dope guitar solo. I don't think I've mentioned a guitar solo being fun, and I can't tell if that's because I don't typically care about guitar solos or this is the first memorable guitar solo we've gotten, but either way, best guitar solo of the project so far. I am spending a lot of time on this song because I'm like 60% sure it's gonna be the only song I like this week. (spoilers: it isn’t!)
93) "Imagine," Jack Johnson
You know what's another thing about "Teenagers?" Like, even before I ever listened to Welcome to the Black Parade, I could draw a line from "Welcome to the Black Parade" to "Teenagers." I could make sense of how "Teenagers" would fit in a narrative that began with "Welcome to the Black Parade," how that kid would become angry and sullen and start scaring adults. I wish more singles had some sort of thematic throughline, like I don't necessarily mean Future should write a rock opera, I mean that I should be able to get the sense that like "Shape of You" and "Castle on the Hill" are from the same album. But maybe I'm just projecting, maybe I'm stuck in MUSIC WAS BETTER IN 2007 mode when, as seen here, it clearly fucking wasn't.
94) "Shawty," Piles ft./T-Pain
wait hold up is that the "shawty, yeah-e-yeah, yeah" from the start of "i'm on the boat." did t-pain start all his features with "shawty yeah-e-yeah yeah" and i'm just noticing it now, or did t-pain reuse a run. anyway, piles is the goat: grossest of all time. he drops bars that would make yachty wince. like, this is just the first verse: "i pointed at the donk & told her this s'posed to be yours/showed her a couple stacks and told her i'd let her blow it" what body part is the donk in this context. if piles calls his dick 'the donk' i might throw up, especially since he believes being able to suck on it is a wonderful privilege. "i taught her how to talk to me while she take pipe" well, communication is key to any healthy relationship, i'm glad piles understands its importance "i gotta train her, now she suck me with ice" oh okay that's cool, yeah no, women need to be trained to give pleasure, i get it, totally, chill attitude that was the first verse. piles is the worst. i can't believe we squandered this hook and the "bust it baby, pt. 2" hook on this gross gross boy. oh hey second verse "member she used to run from me, now she like pain" cool. coooooooooooooooooooooooool. what a song!
no updates to the 2007 top 20 week but we’re gonna publish the top 20 because i didn’t last week and you may have forgotten 20) "Get Me Bodied," by Beyonce (5.26.2007) 19) "Lip Gloss," by Lil Mama (6.9.2007) 18) "I Don't Wanna Stop," by Ozzy Osbourne (5.26.2007) 17) "Stolen," by Dashboard Confessional (4.21.2007) 16) "Beautiful Liar," by Beyonce & Shakira (3.31.2007) 15) "Cupid's Chokehold," by Gym Class Heroes ft./Patrick Stump (1.13.2007) 14) "The River," by Good Charlotte ft./M. Shadows & Synyster Gates (2.10.2007) 13) "Say OK," by Vanessa Hudgens (2.17.2007) 12) "Alyssa Lies," by Jason Michael Carroll (1.13.2007) 11) "Never Again," by Kelly Clarkson (5.12.2007) 10) "Can't Tell Me Nothing," by Kanye West (6.16.2007) 9) "Get Buck," by Young Buck (4.14.2007) 8) "And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going," by Jennifer Hudson (1.13.2007) 7) "Thnks fr th Mmrs," by Fall Out Boy (4.28.2007) 6) "Candyman," by Christina Aguilera (1.13.2007) 5) "Because of You," by Ne-Yo (3.17.2007) 4) "Umbrella," by Rihanna ft./Jay-Z (4.28.2007) 3) "Beautiful Flower," by India.Arie (6.16.2007) 2) "Dashboard," by Modest Mouse (2.17.2007) 1) "The Story," by Brandi Carlile (4.28.2007) i still enjoy all 20 of these songs. alright, 2017, low bar for ya. maybe you wanna clear it?
1 July 2017
16) "2U," David Guetta by ft./Justin Bieber
There's something I really don’t like about Justin Bieber saying "Watch me speak from my heart when it comes to you," and then having that line immediately followed by an EDM drop. Like is the drop supposed to be a substitute for words? Is the drop supposed to communicate what's in Justin Bieber's heart? Because all I hear from the drop is "what a nifty drop I am!" But this feels less like a criticism than it does like pedantry. It's OK. David Guetta is a proven programmer of pop music, and this is another solid song that he has made that I wouldn't have been able to pin to David Guetta if I listened to this blind.
70) "Love Galore," by SZA ft./Travis Scott
Worth pointing out that the first autocomplete result for love galore is "love galore travis scott," which is cool. I'm also gonna cop to having this album in my library but letting it sit because there's so much else I have to get to and this wasn't a priority. This song doesn't move the album higher in my queue, but it does have me excited to get to it. This is a dope song, this portrait of an awful relationship neither party much wants to be in, but are staying together because they love each other, whatever that means. SZA regrets hooking up with Travis Scott, Travis Scott admits he was only looking for ass and titties, they both operate independently of one another, but there's love, so there's that. And then the end, when that extremely pleasant bass line disappears, there's that single note on the keyboard and SZA going "woah," then that beat switch into SZA saying "I came here to have sex with you, and if it weren't for that, I wouldn't be here," that's just so cool, like this song is complex and intricate and it does the thing "4 AM" did last week where the music occasionally goes out of tone and it does that thing to great effect. SZA's dope. I'm excited for whatever time I get to spend with her in the future. ...OK. OK, fine, I'll fucking leave this nice dark place and go to countrydudetopia.
79) "Do I Make You Wanna," by Billy Currington
Time for a YAS REWIND, because remember last week when we talked about how many people have made it from the 2007 Hot 100 to the 2017? THIS IS RELEVANT TO THAT, because Billy Currington just became the 29th member of the Decade Dance Party! We will share the full list later in this post, because there are only 10 songs this week and most of them blow so I'ma give you some other #content this week, but it's worth noting right here that 9 of the 29 members of Decade Dance Party are country dudes. You drive down enough dirt roads, you're gonna get stuck in the mud at some point. This is a song in which Billy Currington asks his girlfriend if he makes her feel complete and safe, which is either incredibly arrogant or pathetically needy.
89) "Escapate Conmigo," by Wisin ft./Ozuna
HELL YEAH LATIN POP. Gosh, the renewal of Latin pop as a thing we listen to has been one of the best things about doing this silly thing. Like, all the Latin pop is my second favorite thing about YAS, just ahead of Kendrick week but, let's be real, a million miles behind Ashley Tisdale's cover of "Kiss the Girl." This is such a nice song. The beat bounces nicely, Wisin's flow is like "what if Lin-Manuel Miranda rapped in Spanish and was also good" (like maybe it's been a while since I heard that dude rap, but they sound so very alike), and it has one of the best mis-translated lyrics of the year with "My supergirl/The one whose smiles steal me/Tremendous wolf." Tremendous wolf. I adore that.
93) "What Ifs," by Kane Brown ft./Lauren Alaina
I see you, dude. First off, this dude's voice is incredible. Like, after listening to dude after dude either whispering softly over EDM or bleating twangily over the country beat, hearing this dude belt was An Experience. I wish the production would calm down a little bit, like this dude and Lauren Alaina could have made this song an epic ballad on their own, but nah, gotta have the electronic drums spoil a perfectly good opening guitar line, gotta have the standard pop/country things choke the life out of what could've been some cool moments. This dude's a lot like that Luke Combs fella from a few months back, not stylistically or anything, just in the sense that I bet he's cooler than he is on this song, and I trust he's not just some bro country yutz, but I'm not in any rush to check out what else he's got, despite how appealing the song title "Used to Love You Sober" is.
95) "It's a Vibe," by 2 Chainz ft./Ty Dolla $ign, Trey Songz & Jhene Aiko
This was also OK! As stated, this song was a vibe, and gosh darn, if it didn't do much more than vibe, though. A fun way to kill three minutes, a less than fun thing to listen to if you're charging yourself with the task of coming up with some unique point to make about it for to generate likes and the whatnot. S'a'ight, y'know? I'm supposed to write, what, 100 words about something thats'a'ight? I mean, I don't have to, no one ever asked me to and they clearly don't want me to, but like. It's a vibe! It's another one. Fuck it, I don't, sigh, just give me the country dudes and let's get out of this actually-pretty-decent week.
100) "It Ain't My Fault," by Brothers Osborne
OK. OK! OK, hell yeah, no, I'm sorry for calling you country dudes, 'cuz hot damn, this was great. Like, Chris Stapleton gets a lot of hype for making classic country music, but he only makes the sad slow acoustic country music, and like Johnny Cash had "Folsom Prison Blues" and "A Boy Named Sue," y'know? Not to compare this song to those, but this is uptempo classic country, this is classic country with got damn STOMP, and it's dope as hell.
Two new songs in the Top 20 for 2017! 20) "It Ain't My Fault," by Brothers Osborne (7.1) 19) "Slide," by Calvin Harris ft./Frank Ocean & Migos (3.18) 18) "Felices los 4," by Maluma (6.3) 17) "Now & Later," by Sage the Gemini (2.25) 16) "Love Galore," by SZA ft./Travis Scott (7.1) 15) "Bad Liar," by Selena Gomez (6.3) 14) "DNA." by Kendrick Lamar (5.6) 13) "It Ain't Me," by Kygo x Selena Gomez (3.4) 12) "Craving You," by Thomas Rhett ft./Maren Morris (4.22) 11) "That's What I Like," by Bruno Mars (3.4) 10) "Chanel," by Frank Ocean ft./A$AP Rocky (4.1) 9) "Strangers," by Halsey ft./Lauren Jauregui (6.17) 8) "Either Way," by Chris Stapleton (5.27) 7) "Run Up," by Major Lazer ft./PARTYNEXTDOOR & Nicki Minaj (2.18) 6) "Green Light," by Lorde (3.18) 5) "ELEMENT." by Kendrick Lamar (5.6) 4) "Despacito," by Luis Fonsi ft./Daddy Yankee (2.4) 3) "Issues," by Julia Michaels (2.11) 2) "iSpy," by KYLE ft./Lil Yachty (1.14) 1) "Hard Times," by Paramore (5.13) I bumped “Selfish” this week. I have no idea how that happened. 2017′s slowly becoming stacked, and/or I’m an idiot.
Who won the week?
2017. Like? 2017.
2017: 13 2007: 12
Yooge opportunity for 2017 to widen this gap, too, so I’m stoked for a solid two weeks of Chainsmokers songs and memes. Anyway, THE IMPORTANT THING.
The Decade Dance Club
30 people have made or been featured on songs that charted in the years 2007 and 2017. They are: 1) Daddy Yankee (”Impacto,” “Shaky Shaky”) 2) Dierks Bentley (”Free & Easy,” “Black”) 3) Luke Bryan (”All My Friends Say,” “Fast”) 4) Gucci Mane (”Freaky Gurl,” “Make Love”) 5) Jason Aldean (”Johnny Cash,” “Any Ol’ Barstool”) 6) Lil Wayne (”Sweetest Girl” (feat), “Running Back” (feat)) 7) Missy Elliott (”Let it Go” (feat), “I’m Better”) 8) Maroon 5 (”Makes Me Wonder,” “Cold”) 9) Nick Jonas (”Year 3000″ (w/jobros), “Bom Bidi Bom”) 10) DJ Khaled (”We Takin Over,” “Shining”) 11) Beyonce (”Get Me Bodied,” “Shining”) 12) Jay-Z (”Blue Magic,” “Shining”) 13) Linkin Park (”What I’ve Done,” “Heavy”) 14) Rihanna (”Umbrella,” “Selfish” (feat)) 15) Josh Turner (”Me & God,” “Hometown Girl”) 16) Rick Ross (“We Takin Over” (feat), “Trap Trap Trap”) 17) Faith Hill (”I Need You,” “Speak to a Girl”) 18) Tim McGraw (”I Need You,” “Speak to a Girl”) 19) Miranda Lambert (”Famous in a Small Town,” “Tin Man”) 20) Enrique Iglesias (”Dimelo,” “Subeme la Radio”) 21) Flo Rida (”Low,” “Cake”) 22) Kenny Chesney (”Beer in Mexico,” “Bar at the End of the World”) 23) Paramore (”Misery Business,” “Hard Times”) 24) Miley Cyrus (”Nobody’s Perfect,” “Malibu”) 25) Blake Shelton (”Don’t Make Me,” “Every Time I Hear That Song”) 26) Shakira (”Beautiful Liar,” “Me Enamore”) 27) Rascal Flatts (”Stand,” “Yours if You Want It”) 28) Trey Songz (”Can’t Help But Wait,” “Nobody Else But You”) 29) Billy Currington (”Good Directions,” “Do I Make You Wanna”) 30) Wisin (”Sexi Movimento,” “Escapate Conmigo”)
Shout out to Wisin for making the list, too! So that’s 30, out of hundreds, who have had a career on the pop charts that spanned a decade. Specifically, the last ten years, there’s a few folks who’ve charted in 2017 that didn’t chart in 2007 despite being things back then, such as Darius Rucker, Eminem, John Legend, Mariah Carey, and Pharrell Williams. There’s also some folks who hit in 2008 that have hit in 2017, your Katy Perries and Ladies Antebellum, that cannot make this list because, hey, it’s kind of a dumb list. But music is dumb, and this list should illustrate how hard it is to last in the music business (unless you’re a dude who makes country music), which is why it’s vitally important we spend hours and hours dissecting Lil’ Yachty lyrics.
0 notes