#I wonder who her favourite was?
nevesmose · 5 months
Crunching Bones and Numbers: A Nostramo Mathpost
Stand well back Night Lords fans, I'm attempting to use mathematics.
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Just how much time did Nostramo have to endure suffer love the brutal effective redemptive actions of its murderer monster king? How long was Konrad actually there to have an effect on them?
This is all going by GW's timeline of the Heresy which can be found here btw.
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Let's intepret this as generously as possible by saying that the 792.M30 date given here refers to the scattering of the primarchs rather than some other point earlier in Big E's fun little project.
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So baby Konrad gets yeeted over to Nostramo. Does he toddle out of his little primarch pod and immediately choose violence?
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Probably, yeah. We can imply some implications from Perturabo's primarch book which is fairly clear on his growth and capabilities.
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So we can interpret this as a """""baby""""" primarch still appearing as an older child and being capable of doing their primarchey tasks either right at the start or very close to it.
So again, in order to be as generous to him as possible, let's assume that Konrad arrived on Nostramo in 792.M30 and immediately started night hauntering.
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896 - 792 = 104 years. Hmm. That's quite a long time, but not immensely long by 30 / 40K standards even for normal humans. Turning back to Perty's book we can see that Calliphone who grew up with him in the 790s is still alive, albeit very old and reliant on augmetics, when he destroys Olympia in 004.M31 which puts her at a bit over 200 years old.
During the same scene she also mentions that Andos "refused the medicines of the Emperor" and died 90 years before then, which still means he lived to about 110.
So taking that as a baseline for a minimally-augmented human in a privileged social class with good access to healthcare and so on, Konrad was on Nostramo for about one aristocrat's natural lifetime.
That's not that long when you're trying to single-handedly overturn millennia of entrenched corruption and hopelessness with extreme violence as your only tool.
Even if we use half that lifespan because Nostramo is Nostramo, that's still about 50 years. Putting it in chunks on a timeline, your parents could've been adults when the Night Haunter came and your kids would be adults after he left. Sucks to be that particular generation in the middle though.
Looking at it that way, I feel like it makes some sense for Nostramo to have gone back to its old ways pretty soon after Konrad left. It didn't spend that long being forced out of them to begin with.
I also really enjoyed this part:
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I just love the idea that Calliphone has been Watching and Judging the primarchs this whole time and has a personal ranking of best to worst. She could've fixed him, 300k word Curziphone fic coming soon.
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grondds-and-roses · 2 months
My favourite thing about AOT is that when Eren first met Armin and Mikasa, he scared the hell out of them
Like imagine this: You just had the worst day of your life. A bunch of kids beat you up/ you watched your parents get killed then you got kidnapped and out of nowhere a creepy little kid in a red scarf shows up and he is like “yo, wanna tatakae and be my bestie forever :)”
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Cheetah, cheetah, ghostling eater
Well this wasn’t something you saw every day, Danny thought inanely as he stood frozen, in front of a crouching were-cat being with her hand deep into some guy’s chest cavity, her mouth red with blood.
“Uh,” Danny intoned, honestly at loss for words. “Can we pretend i didn’t see that?”
The woman snarled like a jaguar and booked it after him on all four.
Danny was man enough to admit he let out the highest pitched shriek he’d ever shrighted as he ran for his life, the woman-cat in hot pursuit.
“Tender meat,” The thing growled and Danny figured it was high time he put an extra pep to his step.
“Nope, nope, nope, nope,” Danny mumbled to himself as he weaved through the trees and did his best not to trip on the uneven forest floor. Yet, despite his best effort, the scary woman was gaining ground, and he could practically feel her breath on his ankles.
Then, like a boon of all boons, Danny broke through the thickest part of the forest, and found himself at the edge of a high cliff. 
“Not today Satan!” He exclaimed then, with zero hesitation, Danny launched himself into the air.
He felt the lightest graze from what he assumed was the woman’s claws just missing his arm, and then he was airborn. And then, he was careening towards the earth at breath-taking speed; it was a good thing he didn’t need to breathe, thought Danny, as he broke the canopy roof. 
Now that he was finally out of sight, let himself transform, just in time to phase through the forest floor and take off again, this time making sure he was fully invisible.
“Well, that was fun,” Danny mumbled to himself as he flew off, as far away from the demon-cat-lady as possible.
The plan to fly over to remote and exotic locales for a fun camping trip with Sam and Tucker was most definitely a bust. At least, they were definitely crossing out Sudan as an option. Danny was not sleeping in the same country as that, no way, no how. 
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river-of-wine · 3 months
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master-missysversion · 6 months
People don't acknowledge enough how messed up tenrose could get, but i lovvvve messed up relationships. Can you imagine a universe where the plan in Doomsday was successful? I think a lot of people imagine this as "they would be happy and in love forever", but can you imagine them coming down from the adrenaline high and the the stress of the situation. And now Rose has to deal with the fact that she abandoned her mother. That she'll never see her mother again, and that her mother will never see her again?
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lopposting · 29 days
The original waltz, "Fascination", written in 1904, and quite fitting to the game: composed by a man who had italian origins, but written in france.
Do you ever think he imagined people still like his song?
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endlesslytired · 7 months
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worstloki · 1 year
While I do feel Thor should have insecurities about Frigga preferring the adopted son over himself it’s a given presumption that his involvement with Odin overshadows that largely enough for it to not be mentioned much. But it shouldn’t be unless Thor doesn’t respect his mother at all.
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irregularjohnnywiggins · 11 months
Part of my vision for the Ideal DC Trinity dynamic is that:
Diana and Bruce, within about 5 minutes of meeting each other, come to the conclusion that they're never going to be as close as Clark and Bruce or even Diana and Clark, largely owing to some fundamental differences in worldview (I refer you to 'Batman is a person from a dystopia who believes the world can be better, Wonder Woman is from a utopia and knows it can be') that mean they're rarely going to have deep conversations with each other without some form of fight or disagreement.
That being said, there's one aspect in terms of 'friendship with Bruce' where Diana has the edge over Clark, because to Diana Gotham is like a fun day out with some light exercise thrown in - what, a gothic-deco nightmare city filled with murderers and mad scientists and cursed about twenty separate ways? Bring it on, she grew up in a palace with a gateway to Tartarus in the basement - whereas to Clark it's an eldritch nightmare that he takes every effort to avoid.
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obsessed with their different reactions to being called starcrossed lovers
#im gonna pretend mattie didnt die and visits them sometimes back in toronto#it's such a cute dynamic they have#the two evil (affectionate) sisters who just loving teasing laura#also one of my favourite things abt this show is the choreographing they do for the static camera#i bet it's so annoying to have to think about but i love watching them all move so coordinatedly through the frame#somehow still making it look natural#also i know laura is the storyteller one and i dont really know enough abt romanticism to make any definitive claims abt carmilla#but having scrolled her blog a bit to figure out her tastes in music and art#i wonder if theres a part of carmilla that kind of enjoys being starcrossed. or doomed in a sense#or maybe she that she wouldnt have CHOSEN this story necessarily but that she has resigned herself to it#on account of her vampire nature#and sees a certain beauty in it#that all her romances are doomed#idk. im still figuring her out#also im reinterpreting that exchange mattie and carmilla have in this scene#carmilla calls mattie a utilitarian which is probably right#mattie then callls her a nihilist and carmilla corrects that to existentialist#and mattie says absurdist at best#but those arent designations like back and forth as i had read it before#it's just carmillas philosophy theyre arguing about. i THINK. or maybe it's both of them#putting a pin in that until ive read more books#also kind of obsessed with how laura and danny and maybe the other humans are so quick to ascribe a morality to the vampires#based just on the 'shes a vampire!!' while obviously by necessity the vampires have spent wayyyyyyyyyy more time thinking abt their ethics#or maybe not by necessity for all of them but to mattie and carmilla it definitely seems like a necessity. or inevitability#they mustve spent countless hours over the centuries talking abt this if they can joke abt it in this way now#and in different states too like i can imagine distraught Im A Monster type conversations but also just sort of academic debates and also#carmilla reading some new book that has come out and mattie being like what newfangled thing are you into now#i guess utilitarianism was also newfangled at some point. theyre both older. but you know#carmilla is a poet. dont know if she writes poetry but she looks at things in a poet's way i think#also dont think shes entirely a romantic but i do think some of her tastes lean more toward the romantic
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vimbry · 5 months
lifting ideas is so good within reason tbh.
like, obviously not including the entitlement of plagiarism/copying something wholesale, ripping off wips people shared with you, or works usually done by marginalised creators and taking their popularity through a more "palatable" image (I feel these go w/o saying, but I know better than to not add a million caveats in throwaway statements).
but just a little pinch of inspiration, without the worry of "oh this person already did this idea I like first, so I must make up something entirely original". impossible. release yourself from the deviantart forbidden closed species colour palette/name/pose theft mind-set.
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grinchwrapsupreme · 9 months
nothing I love more in a secondhand book than a note written to someone in the cover
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thebirdandhersong · 1 year
all shall be well :')))) ALL SHALL BE WELL
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dkettchen · 1 year
everyone please repeat after me: 👏 gnc-ity is in and of itself queerness, it by itself qualifies you as part of the community, being queer is about not conforming to the oppressive system that is gender roles in any capacity and literally nothing more or less specific than that 👏
also more importantly: I propose that instead of coming out, queer celebrities should simply *reveal* that their cisheterosexuality was actually just a marketing ploy by their corporate overlords to try and stoke controversy and make money off of them pretending to be cishet, I think this will solve many problems and be very entertaining to me personally
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Am I doing better because I'm back to reading angst and crying?
Am I doing worse because I'm back to reading angst and crying?
Who knows!
Certainly not me.
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puppybearuniverse · 9 months
thinking about the tragedy that is never truly getting to be close with my family. i feel guilty about it sometimes. but then i remember how hard I've tried, my entire life, to connect. and i remember the things they did to me in return. and i remember that it's okay not to have a relationship with them.
#especially my sister. we were so close when she was younger.#then she fell down the alt right pipeline#then she got better! and we got along really well!#and now she lies and schemes and manipulates like it's her job. almost everyone i know fell victim to her wake in some way#and it sucks you know? because i feel like i knew her heart. but one day she just changed.#trying to kill me for having a friend over while she was at work was my last straw.#i spent years and months begging her to spend any amount of time with me. and when she entered her manipulate era i tried to distance#but i still felt so much love for her. i still felt the need to have some connection.#and then came november. after a month of me being gone - one of the first things she did was try to kill me.#because i had a friend over. while she was at work.#now i feel a dislike for her like i would anyone who acted so horribly.#i feel disgusted when she talks to our mother all sweet like she doesnt lie to her every day.#growing up she was the favourite and anyone can tell.#as an adult she uses that as best she can.#she's been watching total drama lately. i can hear it from her room. it used to be my favourite show when we were young.#i wonder if she remembers. i wonder if she cares.#it's so strange to feel the way i feel about all of this.#i want her to mourn our relationship the same way i do. i want her to remember that i tried and she had every chance to reciprocate.#i don't know. it's all so complicated. and sometimes it still hurts.#wiggle
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