#I would have posted a pic of the orb things you have to Force push around in the tombs for JFO (I forgot what they're called)
hurricanek8art · 1 year
I'm really excited for Ahsoka Ep5 tonight, but my brain keeps drifting back to those ruins from the premiere and I gotta get it out in a post before the new episode probably takes over my every thought.
I love the ancient tech in this show. I mean, yes, the map is like straight out of Treasure Planet so I will always love it for that, but the tech just looks so Zeffo! I wonder if it was intentional. Like I think a lot of the design for Force-related stuff we see now is influenced by Rebels and TCW and stuff like the compass from The Last Jedi (which Filoni designed, so it basically all goes back to him) but the potential in-universe explanation for why this ancient Dathomirian site and technology seems so reminiscent of the Zeffo (to me at least) fascinates me.
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We know there's a Zeffo sage tomb on Dathomir, so the cultures had contact at one point. Did Dathomir intentionally take design influence from Zeffo culture, like how ancient Roman architecture took heavy design inspiration from Greek architecture for their building facades and then it evolved into its own thing? Or was there like a whole cultural exchange there? Were there Dathomirians that studied the Life Wind and Zeffo that dabbled with magick?! I feel like Eno Cordova. I WANNA KNOW MORE ABOUT THE ZEFFO DANGIT. WERE THEY LIKE RAKATA/KWA CONTEMPORARIES OR DID THEY COME BEFORE? AFTER? DID ONE'S STUDY OF THE FORCE INFLUENCE THE OTHER? I WANNA KNOOOOOOOW.
(I could write an entirely different essay post about how much I love Fallen Order/Survivor, but the hyperfixation gremlin is focusing on Ahsoka right now so I can't articulate at this moment beyond I LOVE JEDI FALLEN ORDER/JEDI SURVIVOR)
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comicteaparty · 5 years
August 19th-August 25th, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from August 19th, 2019 to August 25th, 2019.  The chat focused on Rainy Day Dreams by Mariah Currey. 
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COMIC TEA PARTY- WEEK LONG BOOK CLUB START! Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Week Long Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on Rainy Day Dreams by Mariah Currey~! (http://rainydaydreams.mariahcurrey.com/)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Remember, though, that while we allow constructive criticism, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic. Below you will find four questions to get you started on the discussion. However, a new question will be posted and pinned everyday (between 12:01AM and 6AM PDT), so keep checking back for more! You have until August 25th to tell us all your wonderful thoughts! With that established, let’s get going on the reading and the chatting!
QUESTION 1. What has been your favorite scene in the comic so far? What specifically did you like about it?
QUESTION 2. What wish do you think Tristin wanted to make with the orb? Similarly, what do you think Tristin’s backstory is in general? Lastly, what do you think the orb actually is given it’s considered a high crime to try and take it?
1. My favorite scene... Honestly? Probably when young Mara realized how to actually control her power for her own defense. Just... Let it roll off ya... http://rainydaydreams.mariahcurrey.com/comic/page-454/ 2. Honestly. I think she was honestly thinking it would help get her home, and was gonna use that wish to open a portal back. I dunno how she got lost in this world, but aaaaa. Oh well. The orb probably has some very powerful properties - maybe it can fudge with reality somehow? Or it keeps reality stable in the area it's in? I dunno that it ultimately matters too much though.
QUESTION 3. At the moment, who is your favorite character? What about that character earns them this favor?
QUESTION 4. What sordid things do you think Michael was involved with in his past, and why did he choose to turn a new leaf now? Also, do you believe that Michael will eventually tell Tristin he’s a vampire? If so, how will that conversation go?
1) My favorite scene is probably the one where Tristin, after sneaking out to get gifts for Mara, bumps into Mara. http://rainydaydreams.mariahcurrey.com/comic/page-330/ I just found it to be an immenseoly touching scene since Mara doesn't get mad, she just gives Tristin a hug. Meanwhile, Tristin grew as a character and actually acknowledged a lot of faults. And the way Tristin worried really was presented in such an identifiable way that I super related, so honestly, it kind of made me feel better about some anxieties I generally have since everything worked out fine. 2) Honestly I kind of feel it was for something serious. Like Tristin wants to bring someone back to life. Wish her family out of debt cause someone is sick and dying and all the medical bills are killing them. Cause I definitely get the impression that despite Tristin's general go-lucky attitude, there's some serious secrets being kept in the closet that when they come out, Tristin will try to laugh and brush them off as no big deal (even though they're a big deal). Meanwhile, I bet the orb basically follows genie logic. In that you have to be damn specific with your wish or else whoops, you undid the fabric of reality cause you couldnt work things good.
Oh, that was an enjoyable scene too, Rebel! Tristin is kind of an anxious mess, and this world hasn't been real kind to her, either...
3. I think my favorite character is probably Aldus, honestly. Aldus is a cinnamon roll. Too good, too pure for this world. Made a mistake, but was happy to at least own up to it. 4. ....AHAHAHAHA I think Tristin finding out he's a vampire is inevitable. I think she's probably going to not... be too into that... Unless she gets her hands on a copy of any book which features hawt vampire boys and ANGST. And then that'll just... that'll be a thing, I'm sure. I think Michael's past is another story though. There's probably a trail of bodies to help illustrate the point...
mariah currey
Aldus is such a good boy~ TuT Also, I'm just here lurking and enjoying your responses (。・ω・。)ノ♡
Heya~ And yes, Aldus is kind of the best, I think. Mara's a close second, but... Aldus is such a precious boy. :3
I've only gotten through the first 14 chapters but I'm loving the comic so far! My favorite scene was actually the tall tales from chapter 6. I love seeing cute little slice-of-life interactions like that between main characters - it really fills their personalities out! My favorite character is Mara. She's just so cool, and I love how she's transitioned from this mysterious aloof figure into being a parental/sibling figure for Tristin.
1. What has been your favorite scene in the comic so far? What specifically did you like about it? Favorite scene so far has been the Academy Trio's training/mission montage. The why; I love Mara and Aldus' friendship, but adding in Desmond really hit me good. Friendship is my jam. 2. What wish do you think Tristin wanted to make with the orb? Similarly, what do you think Tristin’s backstory is in general? Lastly, what do you think the orb actually is given it’s considered a high crime to try and take it? At this point I haven't really considered Tristin's backstory actually. It's weird but I like taking Tristin for what she is here and now, and not thinking about her past. 3. At the moment, who is your favorite character? What about that character earns them this favor? Mara, hands down. At first it was Michael- but the academy stuff sent Mara to the top of the list hardcore. Her growth in her past is amazing, but thinking about her at the start of the story in juxtaposition is really interesting. You get to see layering of character developments for her. It feels much more real as believable person. 4. What sordid things do you think Michael was involved with in his past, and why did he choose to turn a new leaf now? Also, do you believe that Michael will eventually tell Tristin he’s a vampire? If so, how will that conversation go? Sordid things? I have no question Michael is a tortured soul with actually no guilt. He may have been mildly involved in Tabitha's stuff in that he was forced to do things against his will. But no way did that soft boy do bad things with joy, I figure he left because she finally pushes him too far. As for Tristin, I think Tristin will approach him but I don't think he will hide it at this point. He's trying to open himself, he wants to be apart of the group, but Michael is just too much of an emo kid to let things go.(edited)
mariah currey
It's only mild spoilers, but the next chapter is gonna be all about Michael's secrets spilling out all over the place. I'm so excited to finally be getting to it
I can't wait to see how wrong I am lol
QUESTION 5. What has been your favorite illustration in the comic so far? What specifically about it do you like?
QUESTION 6. What do you think happened to Desmond, who Mara cared about deeply? Is he alive somewhere, or is he dead? If alive, why hasn’t he returned? If dead, what do you think exactly caused him to die?
3) My favorite character is actually probably Tristin. I kind of feel like Tristin is the underdog of the story who is just expected to be happy, go-lucky, and kind of irresponsible. And while that's probably true, I also think she's the glue that holds the family together since Mara and Michael both have a penchant to take care of her and both seem to care most about what she thinks. 4) Michael probably, ya know, did the typical vampire stuff. Murdered some people, drank some blood, punched someone in the face for looking at him funny. Think like a super angsty rebellious teen. As for why a new leaf? Honestly, I think he just grew up and grew out of it and decide it was boring and not getting him anywhere. And as for him telling Tristin he's a vampire, yes. I feel that's inevitable. I'm actually kind of expecting a twist here. Like Tristin is like "wait youre a vampire? that was the secret? seriously?" and just overall sees it as no big deal since Michael hasn't eaten her. I think there'll be some awkwardness, but I think it'll be harder on Michael than Tristin. Tristin seems more the type to be anxious just from the idea of secrets as opposed to concerned about the secrets themselves.
QUESTION 7. Which characters do you enjoy seeing interact the most? What about their dynamic interests you?
QUESTION 8. What was your reaction to Mara’s bullying situation at school, and/or what did you identify with most about it? What is a message we can take away regarding bullying given what happened to Mara?
5) Definitely the bottom panel from here http://rainydaydreams.mariahcurrey.com/comic/page-250/. I love the touch of color added here cause it makes the wall picture seem more ethereal since nothing else uses that much color. I also love the angle cause it gives it this sense of grandeur that really makes you kind of feel how others probably feel seeing the pic. 6) I'm gonna be optimistic and assume Desmond isn't dead and has instead been trapped somewhere. Like in some other world and can't get a portal home or something like that. So while Desmond wants to return, he can't. Only I hope it doesn't turn into one of those things where Desmond can only come back by trading places with Tristin, forcing Mara to maake the most impossible of impossible choices.
@RebelVampire What if Desmond got trapped on Earth, in the same way Tristin is trapped here? And some nice family took him in! Anyway, I'm finally caught up! For number 8 - thankfully I don't identify with it much, but the feeling of literally everyone being against you is pretty universal regardless of the specific type of bullying. As for lessons - the big takeaway in my mind is that if you see a victim, try to talk to them. Even if you're not able to stop the bullying, a friend is a valuable thing to be.(edited)
@snuffysam Wait didn't Tristin mention a brother? What if the plot twist is that it's an adopted brother and it was Desmond the whole time.
Whimsy Machine
1) Favorite Scene? I'm going to second the training montage scene with Mara, Aldus, and Desmond. It's a great upswing from how hard things started out, still has a lot of struggling together, and feels like it could be a high fantasy adventure story. 2) The Orb? Full disclosure: I'm privy to spoilers, so I'll skip the speculation questions.
3) Favorite Character? I have a running joke that Tabitha is my favorite character and she's misunderstood, but she is just a very bad baby. I really like the weird side characters, like Kadri, Kiara, Freya; the tenants; the shopkeeps in town; I think they do a lot to really round out how strange The Nameless World is. But of course I love the main trio. And Romeo. I just love them all. 4) Michael's a Vampire? I really like the tension between Michael and Tristin. They're very good foils for each other and the undertone of dangerous secrets is a good balance to the swooning Tristin and like when Michael gets cocky and smug because he thinks he's in control.
Whimsy Machine
5) Favorite Illustration? It's an older one, but I really love what pages 33-34 represent: http://rainydaydreams.mariahcurrey.com/comic/page-33-and-34/. As a contrast to the first time Tristin looks out at the auction house and sees all the monsters, she gets to explore a safer, more contained area on something closer to her own terms. She gets to see first hand that things are actually weird and often scary in this world. We also get to see that Mara already has an apparent history of collecting misfits. 6) Is Desmond Okay? ....I'm sure he's fiiiine.
Whimsy Machine
7) Favorite Interactions? Tristin interacting with everyone and the world has been fun to see. It feels like she goes in steps of wildly overconfident, humbled by the reality of the situation, emboldened by experience, and then wildly overconfident again... Seeing Mara's interactions with peers in her past versus now is a super cool comparison, especially since we see Mara and Aldus talking as adults first, then we get a new context with all their backstory. 8) Mara's Bullying? This is a difficult but, I think, very important chapter. Silent bystanders in situations of bullying have so much power to intervene. We find out later that many of the students didn't agree with Saava and what he was saying and doing, but their inaction positions them as complicit in both Saava and Mara's eyes. Since they were quiet, it was up to Mara to have an enormous amount of strength to fight the bullies, the system, the whole culture around it. It could've been so much easier for her if she had gotten that support—or even if the bystanders had not gone along with Saava—before the breaking point.
QUESTION 9. What sorts of art or story details have you noticed in the way the comic is crafted that you think deserves attention?
QUESTION 10. Who exactly do you think Astrid was, and how do you think she managed to amass so many followers to her cause to the point of causing a war? Why are followers of her resurfacing now of all times?
7) The characters I enjoy seeing interact the most are probably Tristin and Mara. They're both very different from each other, while at the same time wanting to do right by each other. While at the same time not really revealing much about each other (at least until recently). And it's such a contrasting yet cohesive relationship that it's endearing to see them together making their situation work. 8) My reaction to Mara being bullied was actually one of surprise. Given how well-respected we see Mara is now, you wouldn't imagine she would be the sort of person to be bullied. Like she doesn't even remotely fit the stereotype for person you'd expect to be bullied. But I think that's a good thing as well, since I think that's a good message to take away from the comic. A good lot of people have experienced bullying at some point in their life, even the people you don't think would be bullied. So it's good to be kind and respectful and not automatically assume someone had a perfect life just cause they don't fit what is usually shown for bullying situations.
9) The use of different outfits. It is always refreshing to see instances where its noticeable that the characters are changing outfits a lot. Makes it feel like they're actually living their life and that clothing is a survival thing that needs to be addressed. 10) I think Astrid was probably someone like Tristin maybe. Wanted the orb, whoops got trapped, but then someone took pity on her. As for how she amassed so many followers, I assume generally what politicians do: lots of grandiose speeches saying, "I can fix everything." Cause while Mara may seem to have a high opinion of her world and think it's not that bad, I think at least vampires would beg to differ since they seem pretty looked down on. And we also saw Mara's school situation so, ya know, I think it's less rosey than she makes it out. As for why the followers are resurfacing, who knows. Maybe they got new info, or maybe they were just bored and needed something to do after the 100th game of go fish.
QUESTION 11. What do you think are this particular comic’s strengths? What do you think makes this comic unique? Please elaborate.
QUESTION 12. Why do you think Mara tried to obscure herself so drastically after the war that she was apparently a hero in? Do you think Mara will be able to solve the mystery of the thefts, or do you think she’ll struggle from being out of practice?
5. What has been your favorite illustration in the comic so far?  What specifically about it do you like? http://rainydaydreams.mariahcurrey.com/comic/page-281/ I really like how it's pulled back in after we see it at the party. But also just a very good illustration. There's a lot of good art in here, I love the chapter covers and in-between arts too. 6. What do you think happened to Desmond, who Mara cared about deeply?  Is he alive somewhere, or is he dead?  If alive, why hasn’t he returned?  If dead, what do you think exactly caused him to die? DESMOND- dear sweet Desmond, what a whirlwind. Hate, love, gone. I get the feeling he isn't dead, but won't return. Something mystical and magical is a foot. 7. Which characters do you enjoy seeing interact the most?  What about their dynamic interests you? This is a very tough question, I think I like the starting trio in the form of "The adults are talking." Tristin's interjections cut the serious time conversations between Mara and Micheal that I just eat up too hard.(edited)
8. What was your reaction to Mara’s bullying situation at school, and/or what did you identify with most about it?  What is a message we can take away regarding bullying given what happened to Mara? I felt it hit home, not in the exact same way though. Just in that it was hard to be around people because they weren't in it for me. I never really felt like I had a core set of friends until later in school, much like Mara finally becoming buds with Aldus and Desmond. Message would be something along the lines of "Learn to be okay with/by yourself." 9. What sorts of art or story details have you noticed in the way the comic is crafted that you think deserves attention? Lots of good threads and opens ends to keep you wondering if/when they will reappear. The artist isn't afraid to just draw it out. What I mean is, I see a lot of comics having a hard time with nondynamic images, and Mariah just goes for it. If they want this shot to happen, it's gunna happen. 10. Who exactly do you think Astrid was, and how do you think she managed to amass so many followers to her cause to the point of causing a war?  Why are followers of her resurfacing now of all times? Astrid I feel, is going to be a relatable villian, one with a cause we find out is very sympathetic to the reader. The resurfacing is probably because she's not actually gone- I have a feeling she is embedded somewhere, like maybe a stuffed bear or something? '(edited)
11. What do you think are this particular comic’s strengths?  What do you think makes this comic unique?  Please elaborate. It's unapologetic. This comic does what it wants, goofy moments? Check. Love stuff? Check. Action? Check. Slice of life? Check. The list could go on. But I think very few comic artists let themselves be free with what they do. And it's not always easy to do, not every story fits for it- but I think more stories could add elements of other writing/art genres to theirs like RDDs does. 12. Why do you think Mara tried to obscure herself so drastically after the war that she was apparently a hero in?  Do you think Mara will be able to solve the mystery of the thefts, or do you think she’ll struggle from being out of practice? I think Mara hid herself because "war is hell" and she's actually a very in tune person. I think if she had to do things under orders that she didn't agree with, it would affect her. She didn't run away at school, so she would have to commit some pretty terrible things she wouldn't want to be tied to anymore. I think she may struggle at first, but shes got a full team right now. She's likely to do fine.(edited)
QUESTION 13. What are you most looking forward to in the comic? Also, do you have any final thoughts to share overall?
QUESTION 14. Overall, what relationship problems do you see Tristin, Michael, and Mara having given Mara’s reactivation status? How might Tristin and Michael help or hinder her in regards to her job?
11) I think the comic's strengths are characters and mystery. There's a lot of long game mysteries going on, yet the fact the characters hide things about themselves never feels unnatural. So while the drive to find out the answer to mysteries is strong, it always feels integrated into the story. its never there just for the sake of the comic having mysteries, so each answer feels like just getting to know someone. 12) Honestly, Mara was probably just exhausted. It sounds like she had a huge role in everything, and any sort of fight can be really draining. I get the impression this was a brutal war, especially for a world that apparently doesn't have these issues, so I think she was mostly just tired. Wanted to take a well-earned nap and not be bothered. As for solving the mystery of the thefts, it'll probably be a walk in the park and mostly just take a while cause ya know, investigations of this sort just take a while. its just the nature of them.
13) I am looking forward to learning more about Tristin cause I definitely think there's more than meets the eye and I think whatever we learn about Tristin is gonna make Mara and Michael see her in a different light. 14) I feel like Michael and Tristin are gonna be more concerned for Mara's safety than Mara will be. So will kind of hinder her by hovering going "Mara no that's dangerous." But at the same time I think it'll balance out cause Mara probably does need some people there to hang on and tell her to slow down and that she doesn't need to do everything herself, etc. etc.
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about Rainy Day Dreams this week! Please also give a special thank you to Mariah Currey for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked Rainy Day Dreams, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: http://rainydaydreams.mariahcurrey.com/
Mariah’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/mariahcurrey
Mariah’s Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/mariahcurrey
Mariah’s Gumroad: https://gumroad.com/mariahcurrey
Mariah’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/RainyDayMariah
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