#I would imagine Sunny makes Leo dance
mugimugitmnt · 8 months
Chapter 1
(Also on Wattpad under the name @/darknesssings, my own original work)
Michelangelo smashed away at the buttons on his controller, tiny beads of sweat forming on his forehead as digitally fought against the evil video game orc, concentration blurring his surroundings. Raphael sat promptly behind him, on the couch, sipping on day old soda, spilling sarcastic remarks, "You suck at this game, I coulda beat this guy 5 minutes ago." Mikey rolled his eyes, delivering the final blow before the villainous orc fell over. "Oh yeah, that's how you do it," Mikey jumped up and wiggled around the living room, showing off his 'VICTORY' screen.
    Leonardo sat quietly in his room, his little corner of the sewer. He softly hummed as he sat in his meditative state, breathing as deeply as his lungs would allow him. Donatello also sat silently in his makeshift lab, scribbling along on his notepad, complex equations that didn't make sense to anyone but him. Soft melodies drummed out of a radio by Donnie's side, barely loud enough to carry its sound out into the main living space.
    Master Splinter has long been gone, a heavy slumber claiming him on a particularly cold day in New York. It still pulled at the turtles heartstrings, but they no longer cried streams at the very thought of their father. "Death is not permanent, for as long as you all remember me, and my teachings, do I live enterally." Leo repeated his father's words to him and his brothers, most days it remained as the subject of his meditations.
    April and Casey had also moved along in their lives, in different ways of course. They had married and moved into a nice house in Manhattan, their careers in media and law enforcement had taken them further than what either of them would have ever imagined.
    Life is good. That's what they all would say. Shredder had long been defeated. Life is good. The Krang and any other violent life force had long been exterminated on planet earth. Life is good. If you asked any of the turtles boys, they would all say, "Yeah, totally, life is good."
    Life is boring. They were mutated turtles, 6 feet tall, dangerous in any range or capacity. If anything, some would say the most dangerous creatures on earth. Intelligent and overwhelming strong, armored and trained. There wasn't anything they couldn't do. Ironic, since there was literally nothing they could do. Living life, consisting of beating up pickpockets in the darkness of a trash riddled alley way, coming into their honestly odorous and pungent sewage home, to eat old freezer food, never to see the light of a nice sunny day in a New York park, was not living life.
    But here they sat, almost 30 in age, and no prospects at ever joining a society. They had all come to terms with it, sorta. It still bothered Leonardo that he wouldn't ever get to see the rural waterfalls in Yosemite or Brazil, or feel the mist against his face with a bright rainbow painting the above sky. It still bothered Raphael that he'd never be able to spar with anyone else besides his brothers, that he would never feel the rise of an adrenaline rush at the threat of a new opponent. It still bothered Donatello that he would never be able to show off his scientific findings to the outside world, having to hide behind an alias online in odd forums to share his chemical reactions and formulas, but he would never win a Nobel Prize. It still bothered Michelangelo that every person he talked to online would never know his true form, and he would have to settle with the idea he would never dance with someone else, like in those cool hip hop YouTube videos, never feel the rhythm of a song in a studio.
It still bothers them.
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achliegh · 3 years
British V-Sign
Punk Rock Leo? If y’all want a series of this you will have to let me know because I like this, but it also reminds me of something a 12 year old would write. (Cringe)
TW/CW: Swearing, Drinking, and a blowie in the bathroom lol, if there are others let me know I can’t think of anything else.
Sergei was on the phone with someone. Everyone else was in the shower or getting into their game day suits. Everyone was a little bummed because they just lost against the Rangers, 3-0. It stung but with Kasey being their only goalie and having a pulled thigh muscle makes it hard on the team.
Sergei was pulling on his blazer, he laughed into the phone and nodded as if the person on the line could see him. No one really paid attention, usually people get calls in the locker room from family, then again Sergei was speaking English. Suspicious.
“I will let them know! The whole team got it!” He hung up and whistled for everyone's attention. When all eyes were on him and mostly dressed he made his announcement. “Okay, I have the entire team invited to go to a free Punk Rock concert!”
“You like Punk? Sergei, why did I never know about this?” Dumo walks over to stand next to his friend and puts a hand on his shoulder. Sergei punches him in the arm slightly and rolls his eyes.
“I don’t really care for it, but an old friend of mine's son plays and has a concert at the Barclays Center. I thought you would like to go, maybe cheer up.” He smiles that sweet smile he always puts on when he wants to do something but not go alone. Most of the team agrees, Sunny and Sirius decide that concerts aren’t really their place and decide to stay at the hotel.
Everyone went to the hotel to change into something more comfortable. Finn knocked on Logan's door because he was taking forever. Finn didn’t really know what to wear to a punk concert so he went with his normal ripped black skinny jeans and a white shirt and some white tennis shoes. When Logan finally opened the door the room was a mess as expected, he shook his head as Logan held up two shirts for him to pick from.
Logan was so indecisive that Finn being his best friend made all his decisions for him. Once Logan was dressed in a Metallica black and white tie-dyed shirt with the sleeves cut off and some light wash baggy and ripped jeans, he threw on his stupid boots that weighed like 20 pounds but Logan took everywhere.
Everyone was waiting for them by the time they walked out of the elevator, the usual chirping about being late ensued as everyone piled into the vans waiting for them. They were expecting some small concert hall with a couple of mediocre bands that would sound great after a few drinks. Instead everyone but Finn was taken aback when they pulled up outside one of the biggest concert halls in NYU. Sergei went first and gave the bouncer a word. He let them through without hesitation. Leading them into a taped off area of the mosh pit.
“Sergei who the hell do you know!?” Finn was looking around so confused but also in awe. “Do you have a past we don’t know about?” Sergei laughed and shook his head, patting Finn a little hard on the back.
“Nope! You remember the travelling Junior Professional teams I used to coach.” Some of the older players nodded while Logan and Finn shook their heads. “Well I used to coach Eloise Knut’s son. He was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis last year as he was on the road to recovery from a torn ACL. He used to just do music for a hobby but now it’s his whole life.” Sergei shrugs as Finn and Logan gawk at him. Dumo snaps a picture of the two and sends it to the group chat.
“You mean Eloise Knut the absolute hockey LEGEND!” Finn looks at Logan then back at Sergei. “You’re shitting me.” Sergei shakes his head again as the lights start to dim and the band comes out. They all turned to face the stage, it was too dark to see anyone clearly but they knew people were up there.
Suddenly, a spotlight shines down on an angel, a giant angel. He’s tall built blonde with a green streak over his left temple missing with his beautifully golden angel curls. The mop of hair suit his face, a mesh shirt tucked into some bagged Black torn to shreds jeans and four inch platform boots. His golden skin glowed from under the light with a cloud of twinkles on his face that must be piercing's that can’t be seen from this far away. They also notice some black smudges around his eyes.
Logan is suddenly very thirsty. He got even thirstier when this angel opened his mouth. The songs were amazing, they were punk and crazy but also not anything he ever imagined. Everyone around them was dancing, drinking and laughing. Whooping when the angel from the stage came closer to sing directly to the group and pointed at Sergei before waving at him with the sweetest smile.
He was close enough Finn could make out his piercings, a septum a simile, an eyebrow and so many in his ears. What took his breath away is when the angel had been focusing so much on his bass solo that his tongue poked out of his mouth… and it was pierced.
Finn and Logan both took big gulps of water at the same time, then gave each other pointed looks saying ‘You too?’ They both nodded and looked back on stage. Standing so close the back of their hands were touching. There had always been an unspoken thing between them but unspoken was always unspoken unless they were slightly inebriated somehow. So they never did anything around the team. But, this angel was pushing them close and closer to having to drink.
Once the performance came to an intermission Logan and Finn shared a look. Then they told the team they were going to the bathroom. Being told to be safe they made it to the bathroom, luckily it was empty. Logan had Finn pinned to the door in a matter of seconds.
“Please tell me you saw that gorgeous man!” Logan was dropping to his knees and undoing Finn’s belt and jeans before Finn could even process what was happening. A shocked moan was ripped from his throat as Logan swallowed him down with no hesitation. It didn’t take long for Logan to pull an orgasm from Finn. Logan loves going down on Finn so making him finish was easy, without even being touched. Logan stood back up as Finn was fixing himself. He washed his hands and splashed some water on his face.
“Yeah” Finn is still trying to catch his breath as he finishes his belt. “I saw him.”
They get back to the team without drawing too much attention to themselves, again standing so close to each other but this time their pinkies are linked. Finn is all bright smiles the rest of the night while Logan is a bit more shy than normal. Blushing at the slightest joke.
Once the concert ended and everyone crawled back into their respective beds they still couldn’t get that boy out of their heads.
The next morning on the car ride to the airport Finn tapped on Logan's headphones and showed him his phone. He has typed out a tweet that had Leo (They eventually got his name from Sergei) tagged.
“I’ve never been to a Punk concert but @peanut made me fall in love <3” It had a picture of him and Logan, and another that was just Leo. Logan was tagged on the side. Logan nodded, smiling and clicks post for Finn.
What they weren't expecting was a response when they landed.
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sparklingpax · 3 years
Hmmmm... Starscream, and Leonardo!
Hi!!! Yes!! I can definitely do these two <3 And aaaa sorry I left this tab open and forgot about it >///<
Starscream (I'm assuming from TFP?)
First impression: (Given that I was like, 5 or 6 when I saw TFP, cut me a little slack on the simplicity of this jdsjsdsdj) "The King of being Sly" and also "sharp claws, sharp claws, so COOL!! OWO" Interestingly enough, I had no particular feelings for him as in 'hating' or 'liking' his character, I just liked his claws and the Way he moved and talked :3 So.....well, I guess contradicting myself two seconds ago that would classify as: I liked him when I saw him, and also acknowledged fully that he was So Evil but that was ok >:)
Impression now: PRETTY MUCH THE SAME AS BEFORE EXCEPT NOW I LOVE HIM AS ONE OF MY FAVORITES OF THE SHOW AJSDJSDKFSj Starscream hhh 💖 Also I still adore his claws and figure <3
Favorite moment: Oof, there are many to choose from....
Every time he used his claw fingers as weapons of some kind
Every single time he did that epic thing where he jumped off a surface and near the ground, transformed, and bolted straight back up into the sky, leaving a clean, perfect trail of smoke...AHHHH
The Entirety of the episode "Thirst" because Starscream (and KO) and their dynamic was just *chef's kiss* 💝
Idea for a story: I know these have been written before but like. Any kind of scenario where Starscream gets to enjoy some recreational activity, maybe where he just goes on a nice, long flight on a clear, sunny day--maybe even goes to another country...just flies around in peace, stops and sits on a rock somewhere and watches a city of people down below, contemplating life.........sure, he reminds himself how easy it would be to go down there and destroy everything because he is more powerful than those puny humans could ever be!! And yet.....he just sits there and watches those people walk around and live their lives, intrigued for even just a little--after all, Lord Megatron didn't give him orders to destroy that city, now did he?
........SORRY ITS CHEESY, maybe even slightly ooc, but jsJSDH o///o I want Scream to be happy :3
Unpopular opinion: Probably not unpopular, but I've seen some people say that Starscream's character was inconsistent and written badly,,,,and I,,,,,disagree so fully with that???
But that's kind of it, and I don't think that many people think that, so.....I'll leave it at that--
Favorite relationship: Hmm......Starscream and Knockout dont come for me please I said this already but they have the perfect dynamic AA
Favorite headcanon: As you can tell by my story idea, that Starscream has recreational activities he tries to do when he can, and that they include Just Flying Around in Peace amongst other things (idk where I saw that one but I did see it somewhere and I love it ok--)
In conclusion, Starscream q///q 🥺💗💖💕✨
Leonardo (TMNT 2012)
First impression: OK so my first episode of TMNT 2012 was actually the last five minutes of "The Enemy of My Enemy" because I was just flipping through channels (and I was a third grader :D). I got that bit where he and Mikey were talking and Mikey was like "It's like when I found out that Leprechauns aren't real," to which Leo just stares at him and says, "You didn't know they're not real?!" (as Raph and Donnie sign frantically for him not to say that) and instantly, Mikey looks horrified: "LEPRECHAUNS AREN'T REAL???"
You might be asking why this is at all significant for my first impression of him....well I decided right then and there that Leo was a Dork and I liked him a lot.
To this day, I can't make sense of this or why that one scene there made me think that, but well, I can't figure myself out anyway lmfao--
So long story short: I liked Leo on sight, and maybe three or four episodes later, I cemented that opinion for sure in my mind, and also found him highkey attractive o///o 💙 In fact, he was my favorite for a short period of time ^w^
Impression now: LEO MY BELOVED 🥺🥰💕
He's officially my second favorite now!! I stil think he's adorable, but like adorkable kind of cute ;w; BUT I also see him as a great leader, a good character with meaningful development. He remained attractive to me and I've always thought he was cool.
Also he was and still is the definition to me of That Friend everyone calls responsible who Is Kind Of but sometimes you find that friend trying to eat three hotdogs at once and reconsider that and I Know this makes no sense but I stand with this idea lmfao
Favorite moment: BATTLE WITH SHREDDER IN TE SEASON 2 FINALE (which had a sad ending and it makes me sad every time I watch it but also GO LEO GO, SHOW THEM WHAT YOU'RE MADE OF)
-"Imagine if they knew who they were working for!!" *proceeds to Kraang Impression accurately* "..." and then he just laughs nervously and they return to planning an infiltration to TCRI
-and many other because there are 6 seasons and I'm forgetting a lot of moments I'll be sad later I didn't remember at first--
Idea for a story: Hmmm.......Leo attending a Comic Convention and disguising himself as a human, because that would be funny but also lowkey cute >w< And!! It would be just him....idk, but it feels like something fun and that would result in him being a Happy Turtle~
Unpopular opinion: Um...........I didn't love those outfits/battle armor/whatever those were that he (or the other turtles tbh) had for both the forest thing in season 3 and then the black ones they had for the end of season 5; like it was only in a few scenes and it wasn't awful by any means but.....eh......
Favorite relationship: His dynamic with Master Splinter as the eldest and most responsible son, and then the dynamics with his brothers, especially with Raph because they fought a lot, but by the end of the series, they kind of saw eye to eye most of the time....that was just so well-written imo, I enjoyed it :D
Favorite headcanon: Ok, at the moment I can't recall one I've seen, so I'll just tell you one of mine: Leo actually likes onsies (those pj things) and owns a few because they're comfy and kinda cute :D but he's kind of embarrassed of this because he just knows his brothers will never let him hear the end of it if they were to find out, especially Raph--
Thanks so much for the ask!! :)
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jacksvnshine · 5 years
Stray Kids Rising and Midheavens | My Guesses
I haven’t made a post in a while and Stray Kids stole my heart at the beginning of 2019, making this a cute way to celebrate my first year with the boys~
Disclaimer: These are not confirmed and purely my own theory and opinion. Feel free to share your own guesses and opinions with me; I’d love to get a discussion going!
Chan | Sagittarius Rising | Virgo Midheaven
Sagittarius Risings are adored for their bright demeanor, their wide smiles and infectious laughter. With an athletic frame to match also, I feel Chan fits this rising sign best. He always tries to maintain an optimistic attitude and sees it as his duty to spread cheer and relief to everyone around him. His Sun and Moon could also be possibly placed in his 11th House then, further showing his altruism and selflessness towards both loved ones and strangers as he sees the world, on a whole, as his community. A Virgo Midheaven would make his priority in his career to be to help others. Chan is always trying to spread positive and empathetic messages through his music and vlives and is incredibly honest about dark topics that a lot of idols shy away from. He is incredibly kind and selfless, working himself tirelessly to help his fellow members and his fans. The combination of sunny and energetic demeanor with a hardworking ethic and kind heart for everyone around him has me believe Chan to be a Sagittarius Rising and Virgo Midheaven and we truly don’t deserve this sweetheart.
Alternative Guess: Capricorn Rising
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Minho | Gemini Rising | Pisces Midheaven
This boy is such a tease so it can be easy to place him as a Scorpio Rising, especially with all his Scorpio personal placements. However, I felt his unpredictable nature fit Gemini more. One minute, he’s chatty and joking along and then completely shuts up the next. Air risings are also mistaken for flirting when often it is just their sense of humor, and Minho is the master of teasing and creating tension only to laugh right in your face when you actually get flustered. Gemini Risings are associated with having more narrow or dainty features due to Mercury influence, and Minho is a very pretty boy whose features are less intimidating but rather delicate (his hands are almost as small as Felix but everyone seems to forget that lol). Gemini Risings have a sense of mischief to them, with innocent smiles that look as though they’re plotting their next prank. Not the sultry smirk, but the naughty child’s grin. A Pisces Midheaven may pursue careers in the arts and they often have a natural flair for creativity, being able to tune into their imagination and sensitivity to the world around them. They are talented artists and musicians and we all know how great of a dancer Minho is!
Alternative Guess: Scorpio Rising
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Changbin | Scorpio Rising | Leo Midheaven
Changbin’s deadpan neutral expression and intimidating presence has me convinced he’s a Scorpio Rising. Each Scorpio Rising I know has deep, intense eyes and strong bone structures with prominent jaws and chins, which we all know is one of the things that his members like to tease relentlessly. They’re always shrouding themselves in dark clothing too; “I love dark”. His Mars and even Pluto could be placed in the 1st House also, adding to his scary yet sexy image. He’s the kind of person that leaves an impression on others, usually one of intimidation or superiority and it has been noted by the members that he stood out particularly in training for his intensity and dedication. Mars in the 1st can also indicate someone who is athletic and this little fluffer right here cannot get enough of himself and his muscles (I hate him and he’s my bias ffs). Mars in the 1st can also indicate someone who tends to get injured often as they are rough or careless with themselves, and Changbin is too clumsy for his own safety sometimes. A Leo Midheaven would have him pursue creative or entertainment careers and I think that one is self-explanatory! It also shows that he has a confident and amicable public image, making him popular with his peers and desired by those outside his social circle, which we can see in his friendships with other idols such as Wooyoung from Ateez. He wants to be a leader or role model to others, to set a good example and constantly push himself to become even better. Essentially, a born entertainer who seems to flourish most in the spotlight.
Alternative Guess: Aries Rising
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Hyunjin | Pisces Rising | Sagittarius Midheaven
Though he’s known for being just a little bit overdramatic, I believe Hyunjin could be a Pisces Rising with his Pisces Sun in his 1st House and Mercury and Venus conjunct the Ascendant. This would explain his dreamy visuals and animated expressions that we all love dearly. Pisces risings always have an ethereal beauty to them, with their eyes noted for being especially captivating. Stares so intense but not in the same way as a Scorpio, no, Pisces risings look as though they’re lost inside their daydreams. Maybe its just me but Hyunjin almost looks sleepy sometimes, as though he is hypnotised by something. He has a grace to him, beautiful without even having to try, and that Venus conjunction alongside Pisces would only make this stronger. A Pisces rising is sometimes labelled shy but I believe that if his Sun were placed here too, it would explain his confidence and bubbly nature. Hyunjin’s giggles are addictive and a Mercury conjunction would make for someone much like a Gemini rising in that they can be lively and expressive, which he also seems to have no problem doing too with his inability to hide his excitement or disgust at anything, which we love him for.
Alternative Guess: Leo Rising
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Jisung | Leo Rising | Gemini Midheaven
This boy stumped me as I was deciding between Leo or Aquarius. I settled on a Leo Rising thus an Aquarius Descendant. I felt this suited Jisung as he is labelled as one of the most extra members who if you can’t see, you can definitely hear singing in the background. Needless to say, this boy can be very loud and lively yet insecure and unsure of himself also, needing validation from others as he puts on a show to entertain everyone (note: skz pls give him the reactions he wants T-T). I also think that his Moon could then fall into his 8th House, and despite how bubbly Jisung is, he does have his moments where he lets his guard down and we see how much he has been holding back emotionally. Only recently he opened up about his distress with crowds but there have been other moments where he has revealed personal worries, such as the time he discussed his experience with depression and how he uses it to try transform himself for the better and now he can appreciate the small things in life more. I also think that due to interceptions and duplications, Jisung could have a Gemini Midheaven, which further explains his flexibility and adaptability to take on any role required. Main rapping? Check. Dancing center? Check. Hit that high note beautifully? Check. Gemini/Mercury are both also associated with communication and therefore careers involving writing can be popular for them; Jisung is involved in the writing and production process of all of Stray Kid’s songs and has become more confident in his abilities over time. With Gemini’s nervous and hyperactive mind too, it can explain why this little cutie can get so caught up in his head that he ends up forgetting his own lyrics and choreo sometimes!
Alternative Guess: Aquarius Rising
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Felix | Cancer Rising | Aries Midheaven
Felix screams ‘big babyboy energy’ to me. His squishy cheeks, tiny hands and plump, pretty lips? CANCER RISING. Seriously, he’s so pretty and it makes me want to cry. His childlike demeanor and touchy nature show how soft he is, coining him the cuddly koala of Stray Kids. Despite his playful nature, he is also very sentimental and the members have even called him the most serious member, showing that he carries a sense of care and sincerity to everything he does. He’s been noted by the members for being extremely thoughtful of those around him, giving lots of gifts and spreading love and warmth as the sunshine of the group. In this sense, Felix is simultaneously a caretaker and child. He is full of passion and enthusiasm, always throwing himself into everything with a fighting spirit. Once settled on his goals, he goes after them with everything he’s got, even if the odds seem against him. To move abroad to pursue music when not even speaking the language might even seem impulsive to others, which is key to any Aries placement. His Aries Moon in the 9th or 10th House could also make him keen to explore and be very headstrong in his decisions. He tries to be optimistic and places a lot of his happiness on his success and growth from where he started, and with how far he has come, he should be so, so, so proud of himself today.
Alternative Guess: Libra Rising
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Seungmin | Capricorn Rising | Libra Midheaven
I honestly think Seungmin is one of the most mature looking members, especially for being the second youngest of the group. He has very handsome features and has been known to resemble many of his seniors, including my bias Wonpil from Day6. Capricorn risings tend to be self-conscious and may mask their insecurities with humor usually of the deadpan or ‘savage’ kind - rip Changbin. They’re constantly pushing themselves to improve and will do with the strength and determination few can match. Seungmin has already achieved so much in his short career (e.g. picking up a new language in just three months and co-hosting a show through it) and yet he forever remains humble about all his hard work. His patience is unmatched too and no matter how excited he gets, he still knows when to be serious and put his head down. He doesn’t see the point in talking in circles when you could be getting the job done. When you compare him to the rest of his members, he is honestly one of the most mature and he really deserves more recognition for his strength and talents because he’s terribly underappreciated. A Capricorn rising is their own biggest critic so please show him more love.
Alternative Guess: Virgo Rising
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Jeongin | Libra Rising | Cancer Midheaven
Maknae’s tend to get away with a lot of things, but Jeongin just has this extra charm to him that makes everyone whipped for him. This angel can do no harm, surely? rip Changbin once again. Libra risings are natural beauties noted for their symmetrical features, and Jeongin has such lovely and balanced proportions that I can’t help but be envious of. Libra risings are smart in social situations and can navigate conversation with ease, often sweet-talking others to bend to their will which Jeongin has no problem doing with his hyungs. No matter how cunning they can be, they hold an aura of innocence that you find it hard to fault them for anything really! Jeongin has been described as the member most likely to make you smile, and Libra risings aim to please everyone around them. Harmony is key and they get very upset at any kind of conflict, hating the thought of picking sides. Jeongin is very much a team player and has a different type of bond with every member, each relationship unique in their own ways. They can attract more dominant people into their lives (Aries Descendant) and the person that comes to mind first is Chan, who seems to have a particular soft spot for his little brother. Just another things to note is that male Libra risings can have feminine features or mannerisms or appreciate more traditionally Venusian aesthetics, and Jeongin has stated on multiple occassions that his favourite colour is pink! He even goes so far as to saying that its ‘a boy’s colour’ and he always looks so beautiful and himself when wearing it.
Alternative Guess: Capricorn Rising
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vanillann · 4 years
heyy I'd like to request a male ship request for harry potter and marvel :)
My name is Danae, I go by she/her and I'm straight. My zodiac sign is Saggitarius and my Hogwarts house is gryffindor. I am really shy at first glance but when I hang out more with someone I immediately get comfortable and can come across as loud and goofy. Also my friends literally describe me as a ball of sunshine too so hey :)) I love playing the guitar, dancing, sometimes drawing, reading and of course watching movies!
So about your ship request now ehehe! I'm gonna say for marvel and harry potter since I'm not in the other two fandoms. Note: I've never done this before so sorry if it's completely out of it haha! But when I was reading your description my mind was fr ✨CEDRIC✨PIETRO✨ like idk especially when you said that people describe you as a ball of sunshine I was like 👉cedric👈 and then when you said sarcastic at the wrong time I was like 👉pietro👈 ahahahah so ya :) thank you for reading this long bloody ask oops hehe love ya and have a great New Year's! Stay safe<3
thank you for the ship!! i would literally DIE for pietro so now you said that i will go rewatch that movie and fantasize my life with him!!
i ship you with thor!
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i don’t know why but i feel like he’d love how sunshiny you are
and with thor being an aries (i think) and you being a sag y’all be a fire sign power couple
“if i was the chosen one, which i am, that pale man would be dead already.”
“my spacecraft is better than that one.”
like when you get loud he gets loud
also you always think it’s funny when you try to pick up his hammer
and he just sit back and watch you struggle and when you give up he picks it up with ease
and you are just like fuck you dude
100% would dance with nat all the time and try to get thor to join but he wouldn’t
but as soon as steve ask you he was at your side like “hey it’s me, her boyfriend”
loves talking about his mom to you
“i thought it was going to be heavier!”
“well it definitely wasn’t.”
also if i’m correct your name is greek and HE ALWAYS JUST REPEATS YOUR NAME CAUSE HE LOVES IT
“danae, danae.”
“yes thor?”
“nothing just saying your name, danae.”
god y’all would work so well together
i ship you with harry potter!
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again with you being a sag and him a leo yall would be a fire sign power couple
you’d be one of the few people that could kinda knock him now when his head gets too big
y’all definitely meet in first year when y’all were both shy and know y’all are so comfortable with each other
you definitely make him dance in the common room late at night when he can’t sleep
catching him up on the movies he missed
definitely drawing on his arm
“what’s that on your arm harry?”
“something danae drew, looks like a dragon.”
i can imagine him calling you “sunny” as a nickname
definitely needs some sunshine in his life
and you bring it
like you have a muggle random and will play music and make everyone dance
“come one, forgot about the war for a second and just live”
he definitely bought you a guitar, like i know in my soul he bought you one
omg i’m sorry y’all are so cute
please enjoy and send in a ship!
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ferie-anon · 4 years
Hellooo!♥️🦋🥰 can I have a ship with bts? My sun, Mars, mercury is Leo, my moon is Taurus and my venus is virgo.💜💜 Thank you very much🦋☺️
Hi there! Ooh that’s quite a bit of Leo energy there, with your Leo sun you radiate with energy in personality towards your friends, your generosity and loyal heart is something others admire of you, but you definitely know when to not be taken advantage of for it. Moon in Taurus shows someone who is calm and easy to get along, their friends find it relaxing with you and usually you are patient and less anxious. You do prefer your comfort zone at times and usually stick to the usual than the change. Stubborn with a sense of reliability, loyal. Your mercury Leo make you quite active when conversing, these natives usually have a naturally booming voice or expressive tone. They are usually very fun to be with when talking, cuz y’all are loud in a good way 😂 Venus Virgo prompts you to be low key when showing small affections and details to your partner, you show your dedication and insightful ways to show love to them. Venus virgos usually don’t demand attention to them for doing stuff for their s/o, they just want to be helpful as virgos in this placement like to show some small acts of love, and as long as their s/o appreciates their little small but important doings, Venus Virgo will be happy to help. Leo mars shows you can have quite the passionate drive towards your goals and ideals, you are usually optimistic and put your all in your passions/ but there can be some frustration as you want to be noticed for your achievements and hard work. Temperament wise, you are usually calm but when angered you can get explosive. Overall, I think you are really quite the hard worker and good at it too, you definitely have solid principles like loyalty, reliability, and trust are important to you. Your Leo placements give you a natural exposition of charisma and friends love you for your loud boisterous yet golden personality.
In bts... your match is V~
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This gif of Taehyung shows his expressiveness in dancing and facial expressions, and so is his personality as it is something that is inspiring and looked up by others. He works hard, a supportive friend and one that can tell who are fake or bad, and he has a mature quiet side that we didn’t see often before. During the recent comebacks, fans have been “worried about Taehyung being unnaturally quiet”, however I do think we will never know as this is their personal life, but I think this shows Taehyung also has a mature and contemplative side of him fans don’t see before.Taehyung being a Capricorn sun with quite a few cap placements, they usually have another layer or something underneath what they show. Capricorns nature are quite family oriented, responsible, hardworking, and take their goals and passion very seriously. You two were drawn to each other’s attitude of dedication/stability towards life while both maintaining a smile or lightheartness at times. Taehyung is oozing with charisma and charms, and he definitely loved the inner confidence and independence you carried at times.
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Taehyung’s moon is in Aries, and I coincidently reblogged a Aries moon Taurus moon post, I swear I didn’t do it on purpose 😳😂💛. Like the post previously, Aries moon have a need to be active and ARE active, they be energetic and hyper when they’re super in the zone. Endless energy and passion, and they have an inner confidence in themselves becuz. Aries. They trust themselves, doesn’t restrict their emotions, they wanna be themselves not fake it. They also are fiercely loving and protective of their loved/close ones. Your Taurus moon is known for being reliable to others and usually have a sense of realness, you have a steady honest approach in your thinking. Here you both have similar qualities, and you both complement each other both sun and moon wise, Taehyung’s Capricorn sun is hardworking and serious facing realities, while his Aries moon shows his sense of passion, happy young optimistic self that is truthful to their emotions. Your Leo sun gives you passion, warmth for others and innerly, a golden heart filled with love and loyalty for your friends. Your Taurus moon makes you patient, and balancing your Leo’s sunny exposition, you have a calmer and grounded side towards your opinions and self. You two would be the ones with the biggest hearts for their friends, and each other 🥺💛💕.
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Mercury in Capricorrrn, they’re known for having a serious tone wise, but they’re naturally funny. Like they radiate dad jokes, and as you can see Taehyung despite not being as eloquent or super witty, he’s just funny being himself- disagree with me I dare you jkjk. Mercury capricorns want to convey their feelings or opinions in a serious, mature manner. But they do have another comical side of them and are a natural persuader. Due to capricorns dilligent and honest conversing skills, they lay out the facts and calmly speaking of the side, they can persuade people this way. Your mercury is in Leo, and all I can say is so much creative/new thinking and passion. I say passion too much, but that really is present in your Leo mercury. Leo mercuries have their ideas and try to present and express their opinions and desire. They’re enthusiastic about it and will defend their opinions/ideas. This is where some differences in style of communication are present in both of you, Taehyung being more based on reality and realistic logical approach, while your Leo mercury is more based on their personal ideas and opinions at times, and sometimes lack practicality solely in mercury placement (so not talking about your Taurus moon which is sensible and truthful). However, you both can help and grasp each other, Taehyung able to bring more realistic sensible approaches talking towards you, and your contribution of imagination and new perspectives towards his thinking. Plus, Taehyung’s Aries moon would appreciate and relate to your enthusiastic and creative Leo mercury, while your Taurus moon appreciates and is appealed by the logicality and grounded communication of capricorn mercury.
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Next up, Taehyung’s Venus is in.... Aquarius~ He shows his love in his unique and open mind, he wants someone that doesn’t restrict his need for freedom. These sign placements’ attractive point is their free and understanding side that makes them authentic or highlights the capability of compassion in others eyes. Your Virgo Venus naturally wants to be of help or capable of noticing small touching details, like birthdays or that dessert your friend eyed at a cafe window display. You both mean well, but there are some differences between you two, such as Taehyung’s need for independence and more relaxed nature may make you feel down or insecure at times, and your Virgo Venus at first is shy or low key about their simple needs which may clash a bit with Aquarius open approach. But you both have so much compassion, understanding towards each other, that there will be a natural bond and you can try to communicate to solve misunderstandings and find a clear ground. You both enjoying talking with each other, especially meaningful or deep ones at times, despite different interests of topics you both have. Creativity stems from your Leo placements and it will appeal to Aquarius’ innovative and creative ideas. There is much you both can work on and when you do, there will be an inseparable connection and have a strong mental chemistry.
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Lastly, his Mars is in Capricorn as well. He is goal oriented, productive, and dilligent. Your Leo Mars is determined, hardworking/dilligent, and set goals/passions for themselves not of what others think. You both put a lot of effort in your passions, Capricorns will strive to complete their goal before relaxing, and Leo mars put in their energy and will-power to get through their goals they set. You both share similarities in working values and morality, as Leo mars dislike close-minded people and Capricorn mars value someone responsible and focused. There will a mutual agreement and understanding of each other in this area.
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You two both are attractive inside and outside(I’ll bet you are :3), a hearty personality and you both achieve and can do great things that doesn’t happen with no effort. You both may be perfect or role models for others, but you have built it from your responsible side and hardwork and diligence, and it won’t go to waste. You two radiate -> ❤️💕🍯🙈✨☕️🌹🦁🐯☀️⭐️⚡️
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crazywritingbug · 5 years
Dreamers (Part Nine)
Soulmate AU
Raphael x Fem!Reader
She had to tell him.
Y/N didn’t want to tell him that she’d messed up and put him at risk but as she dreamt of the sunny beach, she knew that she had to tell Raph. He deserved to know -they were in this together.
“Ya really like being outdoors, don’t ya?” Raph’s voice held a chuckle as she felt his presence behind her. Strange, this awareness she had of him, of knowing when he was near. She loved knowing he was nearby.
“My brother and I would go hiking all the time.” She sighed, her gaze travelling over the horizon. Would there be dolphins out there? Could she dream it up? Nothing appeared and her thoughts drifted back to the past. To a time when Casey has chased her through the waves, kicking up sand and salt water. “We went to beaches like this one or the mountains for two or three days at a time. Explored all that we could.” A sad laugh escaped her lips. “People would ask our parents how we got along so well with such an age gap. They’d say that it was because we’d get lost together…” Y/N wrapped her arms around herself. “I certainly felt lost when he left.”
Raph was silent for a moment before his arms snaked around her in a hug. His embrace was warm and safe. Somehow nearly everything seemed to be better in that moment. Like his muttered question. “Ya really miss him, don’t ya?”
“More than anything.” She whispered. Couldn’t she just stay in this moment forever? Couldn’t what she had to say wait? “But Raph...I need to tell you something.”
“Okay?” He asked, “What’s the matter?” It was all or nothing now. She had to trust him with this.
“I messed up.” She sighed. “I told my friend Sarah about us...she told Baxter Stockman.”
“What?” Raph’s touch left her like she had burnt him. Maybe it was a good thing he had been behind her. Would she have been able to say those words while looking him in the eye?
“I’m sorry.” She turned, looking him in the eye for that one. Y/N had expected the anger to be in his eyes, but she hadn’t anticipated the fear. “I am really really sorry. I know I put you and your family danger, but I never meant to. Raph-”
“Yer worried about me?” Raph’s tone had a bite to them as he ran a hand over his bandana. “Y/N, Baxter Stockman works with the Shredder. If he knows about ya, yer in danger!”
“What?” She could barely catch the Shredder bit, too caught up on the fact that she was in trouble. How had she been so caught up in worrying about him, that she had entirely missed that?
“Ya never shoulda told anybody!” His accent came out thick now. 
“I know,” She swallowed. “But...what are we gonna do?” Raph sighed, glancing down before looking back up at her, a strange look in his eyes. 
“I think it’s time we officially meet.”
Y/N didn’t know what to think as she stood atop the roof, the wind and shadows dancing around her. What was she supposed to think? She was about to properly meet her soulmate. She was about to be face to face with a giant mutant turtle for the first time, and she wasn’t sure how she felt about him or about any of this. Anticipation was the best way to describe how she felt right then, a strange mix of fear and excitement. A girlish crush was the best way to describe how she felt about him.
Wrapping her arms around herself, Y/N tried to calm her racing heart. Closing her eyes, she breathed deeply. This would be fine. She knew him. Everything would be fine. No, that wasn’t working, but what did work was the feeling of peace that washed over her with a new presence. Apparently it worked outside of dreams as well.
“Hey Raphael…”
“Hey tiny,” He couldn’t help but smile as she turned to look at him. Part of him had wondered that when she saw him--really saw him-- if she would be terrified. But here she was, looking up at him in all of her beauty. A smile was flickering on her lips, yet… was that tears shining in her eyes?
Something in his heart cracked and broke at the sight. Please no, don’t cry… He never wanted her to be sad, hurting, or crying. Everything in his being wanted to protect her, to make her feel better, make her happy.
Since when was he such a sap?
“...Ya doing okay?” He asked as a tear rolled down her cheek. She shook her head and in two strides, he closed the distance between them, wrapping her in a hug. He hadn’t even thought about the movement. 
“I’m scared.” She whispered as he held her close. “I can’t seem to stop looking over my shoulder, feeling like everybody and anybody works with the Shredder. Like he might be around any corner.” Raph wished he had the right words to say, but what could possibly make this better? She was in trouble because some weird cosmic lottery had declared them soulmates. All he could do was hug her, feeling her warmth and hoping that by some chance, he wouldn’t have to let her go. Y/N knew him better than anybody. He had told her things he had never imagined saying to anybody, stupid silly things like how he was ticklish, and things like how he was just terrified that he could never live up to Leo or Splinter’s expectations of him. He didn’t want to lose the one person who knew him. 
“I’m not gonna let anything happen to ya.” He muttered, “Nobody’s gonna hurt ya so long as I’m around. I promise.” She stayed in his arms for a moment more before stepping back, wiping at her tears.
“Some first meeting huh?” A laugh hung from the words and he couldn’t help a smile. There was that strength he saw in her.
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zen3to5 · 5 years
J/H 4-01: It’s A Wonderful Life
Well, Eric broke up with Donna, just as in the show, and Hyde went and got Jackie and Kelso back together...what does that mean for Season 4?
(We're doing things a little differently this time. Because "It's A Wonderful Life" has only one storyline, and because all my changes happen in the middle of the episode, I didn't write out the entire thing. You can imagine this version of 4-01 beginning just the same as it does in the show, with Eric in bed, through meeting the angel, cancelling out the kiss, and the first look at life without Eric and Donna's relationship in the basement. Imagine, then, that after the angel tells Eric "I'm gonna show you a lot of neat stuff like this," the scene cuts, and we move on to:)
FF.Net AO3
INT. HUB - DAY   A sunny and busy afternoon. ERIC and the ANGEL stand in front of the pinball machine. Right in front of them, ALTERNATE ERIC, clad in letter sweater, plays chess with a NERD, while THREE DORKS stand around them, watching.   ERIC: This can’t be that bad. I’m wearing a letter sweater.   ANGEL: Chess club. Loser.   Alt. Eric considers the board, then makes his move with a smug grin.   ALT. ERIC: Ah, checkmate.   The nerd and the dorks walk away, defeated, as Eric and the angel share a look.   ALTERNATE FEZ enters, in full marching band uniform, with a trumpet in hand. He crosses to Alt. Eric.   ALT. FEZ: Hey, I made the marching band. Oh, at last I will be accepted by the cool kids and not get beat up.   Alt. Eric nods encouragingly. Unfortunately, a JOCK and a HUNK appear, grab Fez by the arms, and haul him back to the door.   ALT. FEZ (cont’d): Ai, no! Not again, guys!   A SECOND JOCK holds the door open, and they all disappear with poor Fez.   The bathroom door swings open, and out step ALTERNATE HYDE and ALTERNATE DONNA, Alt. Hyde’s arm around Alt. Donna’s shoulders. Alt. Hyde has lost his sunglasses and wears a ratty jeans’ vest over his T-shirt. Alt. Donna wears a leather jacket. She has her shirt pulled up, showing a tattoo across her stomach - “Question Authority.”   Alt. Eric glances up at them briefly before bowing his head over the chess board. His head snaps to the door when ALTERNATE KELSO bursts in and makes a beeline for Eric’s table.   ALT. KELSO: Is your sister home?   ALT. ERIC: Well, yes, but -   ALT. KELSO: Great.   He throws himself across the room over to Alt. Hyde and Alt. Donna.   ALT. KELSO: (to Alt. Donna) I need you to keep Jackie busy for, like, a half-hour. She’s out back and I need to get over to Laurie.   ALT. DONNA: Again? Kelso, I am not a babysitter for your midget brat girlfriend.   Alt. Hyde jostles her, gives her a peck on the cheek before clapping Alt. Kelso on the shoulder with his free hand.   ALT. HYDE: Don’t worry, man. I’ve got you covered. We need wheels for the drive-in tonight, so we’ll have Jackie drive us there.   ALT. KELSO: Great.   ALT. HYDE: Then we’ll swipe the keys and ditch her.   All three of them laugh.   ALT. KELSO: All right! (to Hyde) You know, you’ve gotten so much cooler since you dropped out of school!   Grinning ear to ear, he runs out of the Hub, and Alt. Hyde and Alt. Donna begin making out while Alt. Eric steals glances.   Eric steps toward the smooching couple for a better look.   ERIC: No, wait. That’s – this is all wrong. Donna wouldn’t get a tattoo, she and Hyde wouldn’t help Kelso cheat on Jackie, and... well, Hyde might drop out, but I’m pretty sure that’s where Red’s “foot in ass” theories on parenting would go into practice.   ANGEL: It’s not Red’s problem.   ERIC: What do you mean?   ANGEL: Look at you.   He indicates Alt. Eric and Alt. Hyde – or rather, the space between them.   ANGEL (cont’d): Between Donna going with Hyde and you turning into – that...   He gestures dismissively at Alt. Eric, who’s now fingering the chess pieces.   ANGEL (cont’d): You and Hyde started to drift apart.   ERIC: Wait... you’re saying Hyde and I aren’t friends?   ANGEL: Not good enough friends that you’d take him in when his mom left. That’s why Hyde dropped out. And without your parents’ influence, he went wild, and it rubbed off on Donna.   As if to illustrate, Alt. Hyde’s hand drifts down to Alt. Donna’s butt. They make out across the room until they’re bent over the pinball machine. Not once do they notice Alt. Eric.   ANGEL (cont’d): And once they went wild, they didn’t care what Kelso did, and never developed the soft spot for Jackie that led Donna to be her friend and Hyde to look out for her.   Alt. Donna moans with delight and kicks out. Her sandal flies off her foot and beans Alt. Eric in the head, knocking him from his chair and sending the chess set flying.
BUMPER   INT. FORMAN BASEMENT - NIGHT   Eric sits on the deep freeze with the angel standing nearby. Alt. Eric, watches TV on the couch. On the other end of the couch is ALTERNATE JACKIE, wearing her street clothes from 1-21 (“Prom Night.”) She lets out a long, loud sigh. Alt. Eric slowly turns to look at her.   ALT. ERIC: You don’t like Soul Train?   ALT. JACKIE: It’s just... that powder blue suit on Don Cornelius reminded me of the prom.   ALT. ERIC: Oh, right. That thing no one asked us to.   His voice trails off as he turns back to the TV. Eric leans back in disgust.   ERIC: I sat out the prom with Jackie? Oh, let me guess – Hyde had a magical freakin’ night there before having sex with Donna in the motel room I was supposed to get.   ANGEL: No. Hyde didn’t go the prom. He’s at home right now too.   Eric sits up straighter, smiles.   ERIC: Oh.   The angel turns to him and grins.   ANGEL: Having sex with Donna.   Eric throws his hands up.   ERIC: OH!   The basement phone rings. Alt. Eric gingerly picks it up.   ALT. ERIC: Hello? Donna? ...Uh-huh... uh-huh... but are you sure... oh. Okay. Great! Thank you. See you soon.   He hangs up. With a nervous glance over at Alt. Jackie, he stands and stretches.   ALT. ERIC (cont’d): So... that was Donna. There’s a party over at Hyde’s for after prom.   Alt. Jackie looks up, eyes shining, and hops to her feet.   ALT. JACKIE: Great! Then what are we waiting for? Will Michael be there?   ALT. ERIC: Well, yes... but you can’t be. You’re not invited.   ALT. JACKIE: (beat) And you’re still going? You’re leaving me here alone?   She’s either about to cry or about to kill him. Alt. Eric looks all over the basement in a futile search for the right answer. Finally, he holds up a hand.   ALT. ERIC: Or – you know what we could do...   CUT TO:   INT. HYDE’S HOUSE – NIGHT   If the Hyde residence looked dirty when his mother was still at home, it’s an absolute wreck now. Alt. Jackie stands outside, looking in through the window with a furious expression. Alt. Eric, inside looking out, gives her an apologetic shrug and moves into the party.   It isn’t all that wild an affair; a couple of couples dancing and some unsavory-looking characters roaming around the halls. Alt. Hyde and Alt. Donna sway together in the middle of the room, holding each other tight. Eric and the angel stand behind Alt. Donna, who has a fresh tattoo on her right bicep.   ANGEL: Hmm... another tattoo... (reading) “Property of Hyde.” Classy.   Eric rolls his eyes as Alt. Eric tries to pass by the couple. They bump into him as they dance. Alt. Donna looks up first; it’s clear that she and Alt. Hyde are both drunk.   ALT. DONNA: (slurred) Eric! You made it. It’s so good to see you.   ALT. ERIC: You too. I’m surprised you were able to call – did call. And Hyde, man – it’s really good to see you again -   ALT. HYDE: (slurred) Yeah, yeah, that’s great, Forman. Keg’s in the kitchen.   He claps Alt. Eric on the back and shoves him toward the kitchen door. Alt. Eric bumps into Alt. Fez, clad in Elton John glasses and acid-wash jeans. He has a record in his hands. Alt. Eric straightens up and looks down at the record.   ALT. ERIC: Hey, Fez. Whatcha got there?   ALT. FEZ: The new Leo Sayer album.   From nowhere, the jocks and hunk from earlier swoop down on them. A jock punches Alt. Fez in the jaw, the other jock catches him and drags him into the kitchen, and the hunk does the same with Alt. Eric.   The angel gives Eric a light elbow to the ribs, but Eric just scoffs and looks around the room. Alt. Hyde and Alt. Donna are back to dancing, but another couple catches Eric’s eye – Alt. Kelso and PAM MACY, making out on the arm of the couch.   ALT. KELSO: I wrote you a love poem, Pam. It goes like this: “I love your rack I’d love to shack Up with you And do it too.”   PAM: Oh, Michael... that is so deep.   ALT. KELSO: Yeah. I kicked that poem’s ass!   He leans in for more kissing, and the two of them fall down across the couch. Eric instinctively inches away from them.   ERIC: Kelso and Pam Macy... because Kelso and Jackie never got back together on prom night.   ANGEL: You see the domino effect? You never kiss Donna, Hyde doesn’t take Jackie to prom, she never makes up with Kelso. Now she’s out in the cold, and you and Fez are having your underwear stretched over your heads.   ERIC: I know. It’s like my relationship with Donna touched everyone’s lives for the better. And I was just gonna throw that a –   He blows a long raspberry in the angel’s face. The angel winces, wipes away the spittle.   ANGEL: Okay. You’re unpleasant.   ERIC: Just give it up. I don’t care. This still isn’t as bad as having Donna and losing her.   ANGEL: Oh, no? Well, it gets a lot worse. Come on, we’re going into the future. That’s right – the ‘80s!   Heard only by the angel and a stunned Eric, “Safety Dance” by Men Without Hats begins to play.   MEN WITHOUT HATS (aud. only): We can dance if we want to We can leave your friends behind ‘Cause your friends don’t dance And if they don’t dance Well, they’re -   The music cuts out, and Eric looks to the angel.   ERIC: Man, what the hell was that?   ANGEL: Oh, you’ll find out.   FADE TO BLACK   COMMERCIAL   BUMPER   INT. FORMAN KITCHEN - DAY   The 1980s. They’ve had no impact on the Forman’s decorating sense, but some impact on Alt. Eric: he actually has sideburns now. He wears the same Price Mart manager’s suit his father used to wear as he eats a bowl of cereal at the kitchen island.   Behind him stand Eric and the angel. They watch as ALTERNATE KITTY, her hair now worn down and a brighter blonde, enters from the living room. She looks less than thrilled to see her son eating at the island.   ANGEL: Welcome to 1983, Eric.   ERIC: Wait... I still work at Price Mart? I still live here?   The angel nods. Eric moans, sits down at the kitchen table.   ERIC (cont’d): Good God, I wish I could just wake up.   ANGEL: Oh, you may never wake up. This could be a coma dream.   Eric drops his head onto the table.   Alt. Eric smiles up at Alt. Kitty. She attempts to smile back and goes immediately for a wine glass in the cupboard.   ALT. KITTY: Eric, honey, college registrations are going to be done soon. Have you thought at all about finally applying and enrolling - and moving away - to UW, or Chicago, or... or Africa?   Eric’s head snaps up.   ERIC: I haven’t even gone to college?   The angel throws his head back and laughs.   Alt. Eric stands, moves around the island to Alt. Kitty.   ALT. ERIC: No, but I have thought about putting in for another promotion at Price Mart so I can stay at home with my mother, who I just couldn’t stand to be away from.   He stands, hugs Alt. Kitty.   ALT. KITTY: Oh, God.   The kitchen door swings open, and in come ALTERNATE RED and Alt. Jackie. Alt. Red looks the same as always; Alt. Jackie has gained a giant ‘80s hairdo and a hell of a lot of mascara.   ALT. RED: (to Alt. Eric) Are you still here? For God’s sake, Eric! I told you to go pick up the Toyota from the shop over an hour ago!   ALT. JACKIE: And what about my dry cleaning? I need my green dress for the Price Mart ball. And you’d better remember those dance classes, or so help me, my foot is going right up your ass!   Alt. Red nods approvingly. Alt. Eric bows his head, cowed. Our Eric leaps to his feet and grabs the angel by the shoulders.   ERIC: No! Oh, dear sweet Jesus, please tell me, no! I cannot be married to Jackie Burkhart!   The angel shrugs himself free.   ANGEL: Relax, you’re not married. Neither of you are. You never found anyone. But Jackie needed someone to yell at and you’re always around, so she’s always over. It’s a little like marriage, but... you know, without any love or sex.   ERIC: (beat) You know, that actually makes it better.   Alt. Eric passes meekly by them, and they follow him out to:   EXT. FORMAN DRIVEWAY - DAY   The hedges may be a bit thicker, but otherwise, 1983’s passed the driveway by. The Vista Cruiser still sits in the garage. Alt. Eric pulls its keys from his jacket pocket as a motorcycle pulls into the driveway.   On it is Alt. Hyde and Alt. Donna. Alt. Hyde has gone full-on biker: a giant beard, leather jacket, chaps, and bandana. Alt. Donna has dreadlocks in her hair, a loose white dress, and a pregnant belly, along with several more tattoos. Her arms are wrapped tight around Alt. Hyde’s chest. He puts his left hand over hers, displaying their matching wedding bands.   ALT. DONNA: Eric?   ALT. ERIC: Donna? Is that you? And – and Hyde? Where have you two been? It’s been forever.   ALT. HYDE: Layin’ low ‘til the heat was off that jewelry store bust.   ALT. DONNA: Well, we were just down at the courthouse, but not for that.   Beaming, she wiggles her ring finger.   ALT. HYDE: Congratulate us, Forman – we just tied the knot.   ALT. ERIC: (beat) Oh... well, that is just – super!   He puts on his best fake grin. Eric and the angel share a pitying look.   Alt. Jackie stomps out from the kitchen and slaps Alt. Eric on the arm.   ALT. JACKIE: Eric! You can give money to hobos later! Now go, dry cleaning, now!   Alt. Donna and Alt. Hyde laugh.   ALT. HYDE: Oh, Forman, don’t tell me you’re still under the Man’s bitchiest boot heel.   He and Alt. Donna laugh again as Alt. Jackie glowers.   Alt. Kelso sneaks around from the back of the house. He has perfectly coiffed hair and a slick gray suit. His eyes are fixed on the kitchen door; he doesn’t notice the others, but they see him.   ALT. ERIC: Kelso?   He spins around, sees the gang.   ALT. ERIC (cont’d): What are you doing here?   Alt. Kelso stands up straight, flashes a huge grin.   ALT. KELSO: (anchor voice) This just in: your sister’s in town, and I never miss a home visit by Laurie Forman! (sees Jackie, drops voice) Oh. Hello, Jackie.   ALT. JACKIE: Hello, moron.   Alt. Kelso recoils, scoffs.   ALT. KELSO: Well, for your information, this moron is the number one anchorman of Cedar Rapids, whereas last I heard, you got thrown out of UW for making the cheerleading coach cry and had to settle for a job as a stewardess!   They stare each other down as the last member of this sad group appears: Alt. Fez slowly walks up the driveway. He’s got quite the look going on: Mike Score’s haircut, bright red pants, black leather vest and boots, an electronic keyboard tucked under his arm, and egg yolks everywhere.   ALT. FEZ: I was hired to play the national anthem at the high school football game. (beat) I don’t think they liked it.   The six of them all look around, swaying on their feet. The angel turns to Eric, who does his best to look unaffected.   ALT. ERIC: Boy, I sure am glad this isn’t uncomfortable.   Alt. Hyde reaches into his vest and pulls out a brown paper bag.   ALT. HYDE: I think I know how to take care of that.   Everyone realizes what he has in the bag; they all smile and nod.   CUT TO:   INT. FORMAN BASEMENT – DAY   THE CIRCLE. Alt. Eric hacks and sputters, while Alt. Jackie looks on disapprovingly next to him.   ALT. ERIC: (between coughs) You were right, Hyde. This – this is so much more comfortable...   Pan to Alt. Kelso.   ALT. KELSO: (anchor voice) We have breaking news: I’m toasted. (drops voice) Man, they pay me gobs of money to talk like that.   Pan to Alt. Hyde, his arm around Alt. Donna.   ALT. HYDE: (to Alt. Fez) Fez, do something with your hair, man. It’s making me paranoid.   Pan to Alt. Fez.   ALT. FEZ: Guys, I have discovered a band that will change music forever.   He starts up his electric keyboard and begins to sing.   ALT. FEZ (cont’d): And I ran I ran so far away I just ran I ran all night and day...   Pan to the angel. He takes a big inhale and cracks up.   ANGEL: You know, there are some things about Earth I really miss!   CUT TO:   INT. EVENT CENTER - NIGHT   A generic white room for renting out, a few round seating tables and a buffet line set up. A large green sign welcomes the class of 1978.   Eric and the angel enter through the veranda doors.   ANGEL: Okay, welcome to your ten-year high school reunion.   They survey the party. It isn’t much of one; a few scattered attendees and Alt. Fez as the entertainment, dancing to prerecorded music in yet another disastrous ‘80s outfit of pinstriped white suit and aqua T-shirt.   Alt. Eric, in a conservative suit, approaches the buffet table. A brown smear covers his upper lip.   ERIC: All right! I finally grew a moustache!   ANGEL: Actually, it’s chocolate cake.   Just to prove it, Alt. Eric wipes it away with a napkin.   Alt. Kelso enters from the hall, beer in hand. His hair is still coiffed, but he’s gained a large beer gut. Pam Macy, with the frizziest of ‘80s hair and a pregnant belly, is with him.   ERIC: What happened to Kelso?   ANGEL: Oh, he got fired. Yeah, he thought the news would be funnier drunk. Now he works for you, selling waterbeds.   ERIC: (laughs) What a loser. (beat) Wait, I sell waterbeds?   ANGEL: That’s right.   Alt. Kelso and Pam make their way to the buffet table. Alt. Eric sees them, frowns.   ALT. ERIC: Kelso, what are you doing here? You’re supposed to lock up the store tonight.   ALT. KELSO: But it’s our reunion, man! I’ll lock it up tomorrow, I promise. Unless your sister’s flight gets canceled, then I’m sneaking over.   Alt. Eric throws his hands up and Pam swats Alt. Kelso on the arm.   Alt. Jackie, who has been walking the floor throughout the scene, comes up behind Alt. Kelso. She wears a gray business suit with long skirt, straight hair pulled into a tight bun, tortoiseshell glasses, a clipboard and pencil in one hand and a whistle around her neck.   She raises the whistle and blows. Alt. Kelso, Alt. Eric, and Pam all jump.   ALT. KELSO (cont’d): Damn, Jackie! That’s even more annoying than your voice!   Alt. Jackie glares at him and starts furiously scribbling on her clipboard.   ALT. JACKIE: “Bringing alcohol to a school-sponsored function...”   ALT. KELSO: What? But Jackie -   ALT. JACKIE: “Not addressing the vice principal as ‘Miss Burkhart...’” “Neglecting the orders of your supervisor...”   ALT. ERIC: Thank you, Jackie, but -   ALT. JACKIE: Shut up, Eric! (looks Pam over) “Bringing your skank...”   Pam gives an offended gasp, and Alt. Kelso puffs out what passes for his chest.   ALT. KELSO: She is my wife! And we’re not actually in school, Miss Burkhart, so you’ve got no business telling us what’s -   ALT. JACKIE: “Being an idiot...”   She jabs the clipboard and looks up, a nasty smirk on her face.   ALT. JACKIE (cont’d): Know what that adds up to? YOU’RE OUT, MICHAEL!   She blows her whistle and points to the hall. When Alt. Kelso and Pam don’t immediately move, she blows again and advances, chasing them out.   Alt. Eric makes his way over to Alt. Fez’s stage. He’s busy singing “Everybody Have Fun Tonight” by Wang Chung.   ALT. FEZ: Rip it up Move down Rip it up Move it down to the ground Rip it up Cool down Rip it up And get the body feeling right   As Alt. Eric watches, Alt. Donna enters from the hall and takes a spot on the floor behind him. She’s come a long way from her wedding; she now has a short haircut and a conservative dress, very much a housewife look.   ALT. FEZ (cont’d): Everybody have fun tonight Everybody have fun Everybody Wang Chung tonight Everybody have fun Everybody have fun!   The crowd, such as it is, applauds. Alt. Eric glances behind and sees Alt. Donna. He straightens himself up and moves to her.   ALT. ERIC: Oh, hey, hi! Hey, Donna! It’s Eric Forman from, um, Point Place High School.   ALT. DONNA: Yeah, Eric. I know. It’s our reunion.   ALT. ERIC: Right, good one. So, uh, how’re you doing?   ALT. DONNA: Um... pretty lousy, until I saw how fat Kelso got. Made the drive from Joliet worth it.   ALT. ERIC: Oh, right, I heard you guys moved. How’s Hyde?   ALT. DONNA: Hyde’s good. The kids are good. (beat) He’s gone a lot. Prison, whatever. (beat) So, Eric, uh, how... how are you?   ALT. ERIC: I’m, uh, great. I’m the number three waterbed dealer in Wisconsin, so... (beat) Donna, you look great.   ALT. DONNA: Oh, thanks. (beat) You know, don’t laugh, but... (beat) Actually, never mind.   ALT. ERIC: No, no. What?   ALT. DONNA: I had a crush on you in high school.   ALT. ERIC: I had a crush on you too.   ALT. DONNA: You know, I almost kissed you once.   ALT. ERIC: What might have been, huh? (beat) So, are you still writing?   ALT. DONNA: Oh, God. Well... I mean, permission slips. Three kids, you know?   ALT. ERIC: Right. Well, you should start again. ‘Cause, you know, you were really good at it.   ALT. DONNA: Ah, well, it’s too late for that. It’s too late for a lot of...   She trails off. Alt. Eric can’t meet her eyes.   ALT. DONNA (cont’d): Hey, so, I’ll see you, Eric.   ALT. ERIC: Yeah, I’ll see you, Donna.   ALT. DONNA: ‘Kay.   ALT. ERIC: Okay.   She walks away. Alt. Eric bows his head.   Eric and the angel slowly approach, the angel gesturing to the scene they just watched.   ANGEL: Huh? Huh? Start the waterworks.   He pulls a handkerchief from his suit and offers it to Eric, but Eric just shrugs.   ERIC: Sorry.   ANGEL: Come on. You’ve gotta feel something.   ERIC: Yeah, envy. He never had to feel the pain of losing her.   Alt. Eric’s head snaps up. He crosses to them.   ALT. ERIC: Oh, wait a minute. You actually had a relationship with Donna?   ERIC: (to angel) Wait, I thought you said he couldn’t hear me.   ANGEL: I’m loose with the rules. So sue me.   ALT. ERIC: No, seriously, you had Donna?   ERIC: Look, we broke up. You’re much better off.   ALT. ERIC: Says you! Look at me – I’m 28 years old! The closest thing I’ve had to sex is whenever Jackie goes to kick me in my shins and ends up catching me in the nads!   ERIC: Idiot! You’re sad you were never with Donna? Well, you got off light, man! I had her and I lost her, and believe me, you don’t want to know how bad that hurts!   He storms off. The angel turns to Alt. Eric.   ALT. ERIC: So... you’re an angel, right?   ANGEL: Why, yes. Yes I am.   ALT. ANGEL: Could you, like... could you do anything to help me?   ANGEL: Listen closely – no.
And from here, the episode wraps up just as you know it, with the same credits scene of Fez singing. 
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blackkudos · 5 years
Cecil Taylor
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Cecil Percival Taylor (March 25, 1929 – April 5, 2018) was an American pianist and poet.
Taylor was classically trained and was one of the pioneers of free jazz. His music is characterized by an energetic, physical approach, resulting in complex improvisation often involving tone clusters and intricate polyrhythms. His technique has been compared to percussion. Referring to the number of keys on a standard piano, Val Wilmer used the phrase "eighty-eight tuned drums" to describe Taylor's style. He has been referred to as being "like Art Tatum with contemporary-classical leanings".
Early life and education
Taylor was raised in the Corona, Queens neighborhood of New York City. As an only child to a middle-class family, Taylor's mother encouraged him to play music at an early age. He began playing piano at age six and went on to study at the New York College of Music and New England Conservatory in Boston. At the New England Conservatory, Taylor majored in composition and arranging. During his time there, he also became familiar with contemporary European art music. Bela Bartók and Karlheinz Stockhausen notably influenced his music.
In 1955, Taylor moved back to New York City from Boston. He formed a quartet with soprano saxophonist, Steve Lacy, bassist Buell Neidlinger, and drummer Dennis Charles. Taylor's first recording, Jazz Advance, featured Lacy and was released in 1956. The recording is described by Richard Cook and Brian Morton in the Penguin Guide to Jazz: "While there are still many nods to conventional post-bop form in this set, it already points to the freedoms in which the pianist would later immerse himself." Taylor's quartet featuring Lacy also appeared at the 1957 Newport Jazz Festival, which was made into the album At Newport. Taylor collaborated with saxophonist John Coltrane in 1958 on Stereo Drive, now available as Coltrane Time.
1950s and early 1960s
Throughout the 1950s and 1960s, Taylor's music grew more complex and moved away from existing jazz styles. Gigs were often hard to come by, and club owners found that Taylor's approach of playing long pieces tended to impede business. His 1959 LP record Looking Ahead! showcased his innovation as a creator as compared to the jazz mainstream. Unlike others at the time, Taylor utilized virtuosic techniques and made swift stylistic shifts from phrase to phrase. These qualities, among others, still remained notable distinctions of Taylor's music for the rest of his life.
Landmark recordings, like Unit Structures (1966), also appeared. Within the Unit, musicians were able to develop new forms of conversational interplay. In the early 1960s, an uncredited Albert Ayler worked with Taylor, jamming and appearing on at least one recording, Four, which was unreleased until appearing on the 2004 Ayler box set Holy Ghost: Rare & Unissued Recordings (1962–70).
By 1961, Taylor was working regularly with alto saxophonist Jimmy Lyons, who would become one of his most important and consistent collaborators. Taylor, Lyons, and drummer Sunny Murray (and later Andrew Cyrille) formed the core personnel of the Cecil Taylor Unit, Taylor's primary ensemble until Lyons' death in 1986. Lyons' playing, strongly influenced by jazz icon Charlie Parker, retained a strong blues sensibility and helped keep Taylor's increasingly avant garde music tethered to the jazz tradition.
Late 1960s and 1970s
Taylor began to perform solo concerts in the latter half of the 1960s. The first known recorded solo performance was "Carmen With Rings" (59 minutes) in De Doelen concert hall in Rotterdam on July 1, 1967. Two days earlier, Taylor had played the same composition in the Amsterdam Concertgebouw. Many of his later concerts were released on album and include Indent (1973), side one of Spring of Two Blue-J's (1973), Silent Tongues (1974), Garden (1982), For Olim (1987), Erzulie Maketh Scent (1989), and The Tree of Life (1998). He began to garner critical and popular acclaim, playing for Jimmy Carter on the White House Lawn, lecturing as an artist-in-residence at universities, and eventually being awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship in 1973 and a MacArthur Fellowship in 1991.
In 1976, Taylor directed a production of Adrienne Kennedy's A Rat's Mass at La MaMa Experimental Theatre Club in the East Village of Manhattan. His production combined the original script with a chorus of orchestrated voices used as instruments. Jimmy Lyons, Rashid Bakr, Andy Bey, Karen Borca, David S. Ware, and Raphe Malik performed in the production as the Cecil Taylor Unit, among other musicians and actors.
1990s and the Feel Trio
Following Lyons' death in 1986, Taylor formed the Feel Trio in the early 1990s with William Parker on bass and Tony Oxley on drums. The group can be heard on Celebrated Blazons, Looking (Berlin Version) The Feel Trio and the 10-disc set 2 T's for a Lovely T. Compared to his prior groups with Lyons, the Feel Trio had a more abstract approach, tethered less to jazz tradition and more aligned with the ethos of European free improvisation. He also performed with larger ensembles and big band projects.
Taylor's extended residence in Berlin in 1988 was documented by the German label FMP, resulting in a box set of performances in duet and trio with a large number of European free improvisors, including Oxley, Derek Bailey, Evan Parker, Han Bennink, Tristan Honsinger, Louis Moholo, and Paul Lovens. Most of his later recordings have been released on European labels, with the exception of Momentum Space (a meeting with Dewey Redman and Elvin Jones) on Verve/Gitanes. The classical label Bridge released his 1998 Library of Congress performance Algonquin, a duet with violinist Mat Maneri.
Taylor continued to perform for capacity audiences around the world with live concerts, usually playing his favored instrument, a Bösendorfer piano featuring nine extra lower-register keys. A documentary on Taylor, entitled All the Notes, was released on DVD in 2006 by director Chris Felver. Taylor was also featured in a 1981 documentary film entitled Imagine the Sound, in which he discusses and performs his music, poetry, and dance.
Taylor recorded sparingly in the 2000s, but continued to perform with his own ensembles (the Cecil Taylor Ensemble and the Cecil Taylor Big Band) and with other musicians such as Joe Locke, Max Roach, and Amiri Baraka. In 2004, the Cecil Taylor Big Band at the Iridium Jazz Club was nominated a best performance of 2004 by All About Jazz. The Cecil Taylor Trio was nominated for the same at the Highline Ballroom in 2009. The trio consisted of Taylor, Albey Balgochian, and Jackson Krall. In 2010, Triple Point Records released a deluxe limited-edition double LP titled Ailanthus/Altissima: Bilateral Dimensions of Two Root Songs, a set of duos with Taylor's longtime collaborator Tony Oxley that was recorded live at the Village Vanguard.
In 2013, he was awarded the Kyoto Prize for Music. He was described as "An Innovative Jazz Musician Who Has Fully Explored the Possibilities of Piano Improvisation". In 2014, his career and 85th birthday were honored at the Painted Bride Art Center in Philadelphia with the tribute concert event "Celebrating Cecil". In 2016, Taylor received a retrospective at the Whitney Museum of American Art entitled "Open Plan: Cecil Taylor".
Taylor, along with dancer Min Tanaka, was the subject of Amiel Courtin-Wilson's 2016 documentary film The Silent Eye.
Ballet and dance
In addition to piano, Taylor was always interested in ballet and dance. Taylor's mother, who died while he was young, was a dancer and played the piano and violin. Taylor once said: "I try to imitate on the piano the leaps in space a dancer makes." He collaborated with dancer Dianne McIntyre in the late 1970s and early 1980s. In 1979, Taylor composed and played the music for a twelve-minute ballet "Tetra Stomp: Eatin' Rain in Space", featuring Mikhail Baryshnikov and Heather Watts.
Taylor was a poet, and cited Robert Duncan, Charles Olson, and Amiri Baraka as major influences. He often integrated his poems into his musical performances, and they frequently appear in the liner notes of his albums. The album Chinampas, released by Leo Records in 1987, is a recording of Taylor reciting several of his poems while accompanying himself on percussion.
Musical style and legacy
According to Steven Block, free jazz originated with Taylor's performances at the Five Spot Cafe in 1957 and with Ornette Coleman in 1959. In 1964, Taylor co-founded the Jazz Composers Guild to enhance opportunities for avant-garde jazz musicians.
Taylor's style and methods have been described as "constructivist". Despite Scott Yanow's warning regarding Taylor's "forbidding music" ("Suffice it to say that Cecil Taylor's music is not for everyone"), he praises Taylor's "remarkable technique and endurance", and his "advanced", "radical", "original", and uncompromising "musical vision".
This musical vision is a large part of Taylor's legacy:
Playing with Taylor I began to be liberated from thinking about chords. I'd been imitating John Coltrane unsuccessfully and because of that I was really chord conscious.
Personal life and death
In 1982, jazz critic Stanley Crouch wrote that Taylor was gay, prompting an angry response. In 1991, Taylor told a New York Times reporter "[s]omeone once asked me if I was gay. I said, 'Do you think a three-letter word defines the complexity of my humanity?' I avoid the trap of easy definition."
Taylor moved to Fort Greene, Brooklyn in 1983. He died at his Brooklyn residence on April 5, 2018, at the age of 89. At the time of Taylor's death, he was working on an autobiography and future concerts, among other projects.
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littlecafe · 4 years
ahh if you received my previous ask please ignore it, I just saw your requests list for the astrology playlists!! is it possible to request leo please? c:
hello lovely anon!! thank you for your previous ask and request, i finished it and you can find it here, i hope u enjoy this playlist as much as the others!
as always, the very basics of leo is that it’s a fixed fire sign ruled by the sun, fire signs are passionate, fixed signs are stubborn, and being ruled by the sun gives leo that natural glow and sunny disposition
once you’ve made friends with them, leos are also very generous and loyal people, they love to have fun! leo season is during the hottest part of summer after all~ maybe because of the sun, leos tend to have that dramatic flair like they’re always in the middle of filming a drama of their life and in the same vein leos are also quite romantic
again, similar to the sun, leos usually enjoy a similar spotlight on themselves, they’re leaders, very prideful and confident just like a real lion so you can imagine their ego is very important to them, they enjoy being praised and will hurt if criticized but i did read that leos tend to hide their more insecure side and sometimes end up depending too much on outside praise to fuel themselves so part of a leo’s journey in life is to find that balance and to develop a healthy sense of the self and ego
i won’t be displaying that hidden side of them on this playlist though, and will go full force on the predominant (stereotypical?) leo flare stated in my 3rd text portion, i wanted to make this playlist reminiscent to summer
i want to talk about their ~dramatic~ side first and like i mentioned above it sometimes feel like they’re always playing as the main character in their own drama so i chose songs that have that theatrical feel to them, i would argue that every song has that flare to it but definitely the most dramatic song on the playlist is easily shinee’s woof woof lol
but in addition to that, to kick it up a notch i made the playlist into a small leo “film”: btob’s movie’s intro kicks off the leo’s life reel with the rolling of film, i placed stella jang’s cheerleader mid playlist to act almost like an interlude since it has a different sound than most of the songs (showcasing a sing song rap style), and of course it would be nice to end with dpr live and gray’s action! where live rolls out the “credits”himself in the outro of the song wrapping up this “film” playlist nicely
their confidence and ego is shown in lyrics! of course the chosen lyric line for leo was from hyuna’s lip & hip: “today, i’m the queen / just standing next to me makes you the king / a lot of men want me but it’s you i pick”, there’s also girl’s day’s i’ll be yours where they are in charge confidently saying “want me? i’ll be yours” and “if you hesitate, you’ll lose me”, lastly, hi suhyun’s i’m different which, i think you can tell from their title, talks about how they are different from other girls, “stop hesitating, hurry and come into me”
the last big topic i’m breaking down is their romantic side which again is shown through lyrics: day6′s man in a movie talks about the moment of meeting the one you love, like a moment in a movie (young k wrote the song based on movies he watched too, specifically “me before you”), stella jang’s cheerleader takes love a bit comically, the chorus reads “no money no car no rolex, but i am happy with you alone / i got you and you got me and we got us” so a more fun take on the ‘even if we’re poor, we still have love’ kinda thing
also i’m not sure where this falls, but i wanted to show a small nod to leo and nostalgia, of course it is not the extent of cancer and holding onto memories, but leo’s do enjoy looking back on good times, they’re especially fond of memories where they felt good! so of course i cannot personalize this to every leo thus i used my own memories instead and put in two songs that remind me of the past which are snsd’s dancing queen, which was filmed in 2008 and supposed to be their title track but ultimately replaced by gee and was not released until their i got a boy album in 2012, and f(x)’s ending page which just has a very nostalgic feel to me no other reason sakjfsdfs
that’s pretty much all the things i wanted to talk about in terms of the playlist! i’m super happy with how i organized this sajkfhsdf peak brain activity lmao but i hope you guys feel the same, that the playlist feels like a summer movie for leo season ☀️
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burmecianblackmage · 6 years
5 Year Anniversary - Thank You!
Today, February 4, 2019, marks not only Sceada’s 25th birthday, it is also the 5th anniversary of me creating this blog here, and beginning to roleplay as my little Burmecian.
5 years... that’s a long time. Time, during which much has happened. There have been so many adventures and meetings, have been so many encounters and situations I was allowed to write with you lovely people. There has been so much room for my character to grow, to learn, to form friendships and bonds, becoming a better man in the process. There has been so much development, so many ways in which he’s changed, so many people he connected to...
And I wouldn’t want to miss a single one of them.
Sure, there have been bad times too. Times where there wasn’t much happening, or where that which was happening ended up leaving a heavy burden upon us, where it affected us in more ways than we imagined, both positively and negatively, and there have even been tears we cried over it all. Be it because things did not work out as we hoped, be it because we felt the pain of our characters, or be it even because we lost friends. For after all, paths not only cross and align at times, they also separate again, with some never to meet ours again, no matter how sad a thought this may be.
But such is life, and rather than list off all the things that happened, all the stories and ideas that developed and bloomed in those five years, I’d like to do something else:
I want to thank everyone who walked this path together with me, no matter how briefly.
And so I have spent the last week going through my blog and a total of 4682 posts with the goal of listing up everyone that has ever interacted with Sceada and this blog here. Whether that be by simple starters or lengthy plays, by sending in asks or perhaps by drawing a lovely picture of him unprompted, everyone who ever interacted with me and Sceada here on this blog, I wish to thank you.
And so, even though many of you are no longer here, have moved on or perhaps even forgotten about this here all together, I would like to list you all up here, under the cut. All 217 of you that I managed to count.
Consider this a huge thank you for everything, my friends! I do sincerely hope we’ll get to share more stories in the future, and that we’ll get to connect with each other, be it again after a long time, some more, or even entirely new. Thank you for making my time here what it has been, and for turning this hobby into one so very dear to me. I love you all.
Sincerely, Patrick~
Thank you to everyone who ever interacted with me:
Freya Crescent @burmecias-protector | Sin sinixto @captainwithagrin | Looker @asklooker | Yeul paddra-nsu--yeul paddraprincess | Puck @wandering-rat-prince | Ringabell thebellsarerung | Azee daughter-of-eorzea @spearofthemother | Minfilia @sharlayanmistress | Omega @engineofdestruction | Vivi @oneyearsblessing | Edea Lee edeaofeternia @ladyofeternia | Caius timeless-encounters @divine-identite | Steiner @sworndevotion | Millenia @thewingsofvalmar | Garnet @avaliantqueen | Eiko @ladyoflindblum | Demi transientblade noxsicarius | Yda lunaxmonk | Croma Magnolie @cromagnolie | Riboruba riborubaxblade | Alisaie alisaiesresolve @alisaiespath-blog | Aqua azul-tragedy nymphatragicae | Garuda @ladyofgentlebreezes @purplepawnms | Fran shatterheartskypirate @feralstriike | Maria @artemisxbow | Rahela Uillces @rahelauillces | Hikari Devonair @claireverie | Yda sharlayanpugilist | Y'shtola oerlominsanseas @sholarofsharlayan | Amaterasu wolf-oftherisingsun @dis-sasster | Zidane goldentailedthief @gaianforged | Rinoa @angelwingprincess | Tataru taruluv | Ollie shadowturbine @shadowturbine-archive | Quina @worldonlyhavetwothings | Lilith @genomecode | Lenne @zanarkandsongstress | Eraqus departuresmaster | Paine nemuruomoi | Vhaso'a vhasoaamariyo thevermilliongaelicatte | @zezlemet | Garnet @likedovesinflight | Kael Haden beyondreflection @nightscaped | Ventus vvaywardwind | Selphie @sunny-explosions | Cloud swordmechanic @sn-soldier | Leon @imperialroseking | Elisia Dawnbreaker scarletenchantress @vermiculusmagi | Blank @thiefspian | Lancia Almathia eternalharvestpriestess @eternalharvestpriestess-blog | Achtung @trenokingsman | Marluxia @daemonflorescence | Etro etrotheforgottengoddess | E-Sumi Yan @sacredseedseer | Laguna @moombaliberator | DeRosso @reapersofknowledge | Y'landa Naih @majoredinhealing | Namine @scatteredcrayons | Lightning sanctusmilitis @ofetro | Reina Roux @crimsonspellsword | Victoria F. 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quilleth · 5 years
Please tell me star signs and tarot cards for anyone and everyone! (I only have tarot cards for my Inquisitor, but I'm Very Curious!) And mostly for 7KPP but also anyone else you want to talk about, any or all of these: 6, 15, 24, 24, 41, 46, 51. :D
Thank you for asking!!!  I don’t have tarot cards for everyone (I own a set though, which is what I meant in my tags lol) but I tried to figure them out for some people for funsies now anyway
Dragon AgeIrene Amell: is probably a Scorpio; fight her at your peril, but also don’t because her sarcasm and snark is to cover the fact that she is full of feelings. Also she will zap you with spells and cackle about it.Elaine Hawke: is probably a Cancer with Taurus moon or rising.  Very emotional, but also loyal, stubborn and family oriented.  Will also zap you with spells, but might feel bad about it, unless you’re a Templar or a slaver or you’re the knight commander punching your recruitsSorrel Lavellan is probably a Sagittarius with Pisces rising or moon.  She is down to earth, friendly, and outgoing, but can be super emotional, overly trusting, and idealistic.  Her tarot cards are The Sun and Three of Cups
Wayhaven Ainsley Greene (pretty sure I answered this elsewhere at some point, but can’t find it on my blog so I might be contradicting myself) is probably a beleaguered Capricorn with Leo moon or rising because they are hard working motivated, hate everything at some point (usually during the same day), but also enjoy attention, friends, and pranksEmma (i can’t remember which last name I chose xD) is an Aries.  there’s no arguing about it– or with her really, unless you’re Mason, who is probably one of the few people who can argue with Emma and not worry about her reaction
DnD (because I can)Tavia Lucky Fox is a fairly laid back Gemini. Her Tarot card is probably The FoolPiper Nimbleton is the sweetest little creampuff of a Libra with Aries moon or risingMercutio the bard is an Aquarius with Scorpio tendencies.  His Tarot card is probably The Magician or Justice reversedFoxglove is another Scorpio and their tarot card is probably the Moon
7kPPElisabeth is a Taurus with Aries moon and Leo rising (her birthday is May 1), which means all kinds of hilarious things for her relationship with Jasper, who is also a Taurus (Aly’s got his birthday down as April 27 I believe, which is Taurus not Aries).  She is stubborn and ready to throw down most of the time to be honest. I am delighted by the potential they have for butting heads because they’re both too stubborn for their own good. Her Tarot card is The Empress6) I am terrible at thinking of voice actors and tend to lean towards the VA in game if a character has one.  But I imagine Lizzie has a higher voice and an accent that is slightly more UK sounding.  She sings soprano15) Yes, she can, quite nicely actually, but she’s a little nervous about singing around other people for the most part. Dancing is a constant WIP but by the ball she can get around without stepping on too many toes24) Spring!  Lizzie likes flowers and warm air and planting things! But if it’s too hot and sunny she melts and burns41) She rolls out of bed probably around 9 am most days, lounges around in comfy clothes for a bit while eating breakfast of tea and pastries and fruit, then gets dressed and lounges around some more, maybe reading or gardening or going for a walk. At least that’s what it’s like when she’s not on a schedule!46) I love this question but am going to be terrible at answering it!  She would have a lot of soft piano pieces, with some faint classical guitar type music going with it.  And generally upbeat or mellow beat. But also something that brings this to mind51) I didn’t set out with any in mind for her, but have discovered on the way that she definitely has some traits borrowed from Sophie Hatter (book version), Evie O’Connell, and probably BelleNoah’s birthday is August 19, which makes him a Leo, but I tend to view him more as a Leo/ Virgo cusp. But either way, he’s got a Leo sun sign, Leo moon, and Libra rising.  Please give him attention; if you don’t clap or laugh enough at his jokes, he will start to fade like Tinkerbell.  But he’s also very loyal and knows when to buckle down and get to work. His Tarot card is either The Sun or The Star6) I honestly have no idea! Probably is a tenor though15) He can, but maybe not necessarily the most in tune. And dancing is rough around the edges.  But he tries! So hard! so her gets an a for effort24) Summer! Noah loves being outdoors in the sun, but sadly, the sun does not love him back and he burns very easily41) Noah is a late sleeper left to his own devices, but once he gets up, he’s pretty much up and ready for the day as opposed to Lizzie’s more relaxed pace.46) Something bright and bouncy with possibly some faint discordant notes in the background. Possibly jazzy.  But also because I can, the melody of Concerning Hobbits works too51) He was supposed  to be down to earth and serious.  He wound up being a cross between Miguel from Road to El Dorado and Jonathan Carnahan from the MummyToby is probably a Pisces, but not a very typical one. I’m not sure what her other signs would be that would impact it yet though24) Summer is the best time for sailing, but Toby likes the more vibrant time of fall best41) Toby is an early riser, but doesn’t generally eat breakfast for a few hours after getting up and going for a walk46) Can I just say He’s a pirate from PoTC?51) Not really, other than having watched PotC a few times!Annabelle is another creampuff and is a shy little Virgo15) Annabelle can both sign and dance, possibly even at the same time. Because she is a very proper princess24) She likes spring because of the flowers and the sunlight and the baby animals, but she likes how quiet winter is and how pretty snow is41) She is suuuch a slug a bed!  she will stay in bed for a while after she wakes up most days, then eats a leisurely breakfast, gets dressed, then lazes about some more.  Some mornings though, she’ll get up early to use the kitchens and bake things.46) Something on a harpsichord or dulcimer? Classical sounding. Very Rococo51) Just trying to make a princess >Enid is another Leo who thrives on pranks, sarcastic comments and flouting society’s expectations6) She probably has a higher voice than most people expect her too.15) She can sing and plays a mandolin or a lute. She laughs at the idea of dancing24) She like fall, and climbing the apple trees and drinking cider and the leaf colors changing41) She’s surprisingly and early riser, quick to get up and get ready for the day46) The kind of song you’d hear at a renfaire51) I don’t remember tbh
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kindahoping4forever · 6 years
About Me
The Basics
My name is Crystal and I live in Southern California
I am: a Sagittarius sun, Pisces moon, Leo rising, INFP-T
I’m a Spoonie and am currently living with my family (and am very self-conscious about these things lol) 
I have one younger brother and he is actually the best
My hair is naturally black but I started dyeing it red in college and then ever since I moved into "fantasy colors" (pink, purple, blue, green etc), I can’t imagine ever having a real color again
In a friend group, I’m not the one who will come up with the shenanigans we get into but I am absolutely the one who will “yes and” you until we’ve egged each other on to do the dumbest shit possible
Basically I’m not much of a Lucy but I make a hell of an Ethel 
I’ve been a 5SOS fan since 2014 
Officially I am in Ashton’s lane and historically Calum has been my cheat lane but I've been having A Luke Problem since he wore that vest suit on the 10th anniversary special.
I’ve seen 5SOS live 11 times as of 2023 (MYT LA, Friends of Friends LA, Wango Tango 2019 & 2022, WWJ LA, Global Citizen 2021, TMHT Concord, LA 1 & 2 and Irvine and The 5SOS Show Tour @ The Forum), attended Night 1 of Luke at The Fonda, night 2 of NFATTNE LA and Ashton's Belasco show.
MYT LA was probably the best night of my life (emo post here)
The short version is it rained the entire time and I couldn’t see anything because my glasses were covered in raindrops but it didn’t matter because as if it wasn’t already fantastic to sing and scream and dance to those songs with a crowd of thousands? Add a rainstorm? Fucking magic. (Also I was pretty wine drunk. It was an iconic night for many reasons.) 
Another unbelievable night for me was my experience at the LA Friends of Friends show which I finally told the outrageous story of here (spoiler: I met Ashton and then later spent a significant amount of time in his presence, I accidentally swerved Calum, I basically lost my damn mind.)
Fun(?) Facts
In high school I learned how to read music and play classical guitar but I haven’t done either in years so I don’t know if that’s still a skill I can claim lol
I studied music, media and creative writing in college (I unfortunately had to leave school due to health issues but I hope one day I can finish my degree)
I wrote my fair share of fan fiction when I was younger but never posted any online until I started writing for 5SOS so somewhere in my parents’ shed is a box full of Lisa Frank diaries filled with unimaginable filth
Besides music, movies are a passion of mine (I once went to the movies 102 times in one year!)
I also enjoy baking (cake pops are my specialty), sewing (my favorite thing I’ve ever made was a Star Trek uniform dress for Halloween) and drawing (I could -and honestly should- fill a book with these weird comic strips I’ve done about me and my brother’s adventures over the years) 
Fav music includes: Taylor, Ariana, Little Mix, Jenny Lewis, Paramore, Maisie Peters and lots of classic rock but ultimate favs would be The Beatles and Fleetwood Mac. Also basically any 2000s era pop or pop punk.
Fav movies include: Too many to list but the basics are anything directed by Edgar Wright, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, Mean Girls, Back to the Future, High Fidelity, Drive, Forgetting Sarah Marshall and most Marvel, Pixar or Star Wars
Fav TV includes: I don't watch much that's current but old favs include Parks and Rec, It’s Always Sunny, The Bold Type, Catfish, Buffy, The OC, How I Met Your Mother (the finale was good, fight me), Arrested Development, Gilmore Girls, Breaking Bad, Mad Men, X-Files
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feelingsick · 6 years
Hey lovely! ❤️❤️ All these questions are for both Sunny and Angel!! What is their favorite food? What is their zodiac sign? Do they believe in aliens/cryptids? What about ghosts? Is there one specific thing (non-illness, obviously) that never fails to make them sick? What’s your favorite emeto scenario to picture them in? What is their favorite place in the world? How about dream job? Are they a nature person? Is there anyone they’d take a bullet for? Hope you feel better soon! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
You totally sent me this two months ago and I’m just now replying ahhhhh. Thank you so much, love! Sorry it took me ages to reply.
Sunny’s favorite food is hotteok (pancakes filled with brown sugar). Angel’s favorite food is his mom’s tamales.
Sunny is a Leo and Angel is a Virgo.
Angel is very superstitious, so he definitely believes in ghosts. He believes in aliens and cryptids, too. Sunny doesn’t exactly believe in ghosts, but he’s wary of the possibility. He doesn’t put much thought into aliens or cryptids, but he’d like to believe in the possibility of both.
Angel can get a little motion sick now and then, and Sunny’s prone to anxiety which can upset his stomach.
My favorite emeto scenario to imagine Angel in is anything where Bel has to take care of him (I love their friendship). For Sunny, I loooove giving him a hella fever and making him make a mess.
Sunny’s favorite place in the world is probably back in Korea, not that he’ll probably ever end up there again. For Angel it’s simply being at home with his family.
Sunny’s dream job would be something with dancing. Angel has thought about being a teacher someday, but he doesn’t think he can achieve that dream.
Neither of them is very nature-y. Angel probably more so than Sunny.
Angel would 100% take a bullet for Bel or his family. Sunny would take a bullet for Matti, but that’s about it (and even that would be a stretch).
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tanithrea · 6 years
Vixx - Scentist - A Theoretical Journey
Okay so the visuals are so big and deep in the MV for this song I couldn't help but try to figure out what I was seeing.
First of all the interview (which I'm still trying to refind cause I watched a ton of vixx recently) I saw Ravi said that Ken had accidentally knocked him with the door while doing his own eyebrow trim and hence the line he ended up with. Ken’s eyebrows seen here is Ravi’s revenge. Lol
The prevailing link is to the book Perfume: The Story Of A Murderer by Patrick Süskind, which is about a guy (Baptiste Grenouille) who grows up with an acute sense of smell and finds the scent of a woman in later life so desirable he kills her trying to preserve it. And I guess that's the main lead to the idea but the song, the visual and of course the overall MV here is very much a concept and realisation that is pure VIXX who are rightly known as the concept kings for a reason.
So here I am breaking down what I see in the video and what I am thinking about while watching it all while looking at the English translation of the lyrics, the MV and theorising about the design and intentions being made non verbally.
Let's start at the beginning lol the video opens with red background and Ken in a mist, then almost like a basement where the light shines down on Hyuk at the bottom. This then transitions to a young boy sitting at the top reaching for the light. Now all this is just me running through ideas but I'm thinking the child has been awoken in the person and I will look more at how I think this kid fits in shortly.
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Once the song is started they divide into their relative areas in the 🔬⚗️🌹🍸”lab”. Leo (lets all just acknowledge how fabulous he looks with that hair) is sitting at a piano that has tubes and liquid in bottles along the top that it almost looks like a steampunk piano that mixes these fluids. So that got me in mind that a true perfume is a ‘composition’ of ‘notes’ that are balanced out to create the overall scent and in this case LEO is like the composer mixing the perfect orchestration of the senses. A true handmade expensive perfume can have anything from 50-500 elements and a single drop of one could be £1000’s so it has often been described as musical to the sense of smell like a symphony, overture, opus, etc. Musical terminology has been linked to perfume as a means of trying to convey the mental image and sense memory that you recall these ‘notes’ of smell when told about it, mainly cause advertising doesn't have a way to spray it at you! Lol At the end of his section we see him inhale the scent from his wrist in a signature move that all the band members will make throughout the video in their own style.
N is then sitting on those steps on the stairs, having been roused by the light much like we saw at the beginning then we see him doing a fab dance move (he absolutely slays the dancing moves) with the others mulling around a car. The car I'm kind of vague but I guess the thing I thought was that you go on a journey in a car and a great perfume should take you somewhere. Plus the whole sports car classic convertible with the open top you would be taking in everything as you drove, who isn't imagining that car driving along a sunny coastal road with hair blown in the wind? Just an idea but again the car is maybe the most random symbol in this for me.
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N then seemingly is either asleep, unconscious or so overwhelmed by it all or his feelings he's passed out on the floor of the basement. The lyrics talk about moonlight but I guess that could be the theoretical light shining in the dark.
Cut to Hongbin walking around a lab table where the toolkit on the back wall suggests more like a horror slasher hostel sequel than a perfume laboratory 🔬 lol 😂. The wall has pliers, hacksaws, what look like big knives and scissors. The next image of a rose 🌹 being infused in a glass beaker would then suggest the tools are for the cutting and trimming of the flowers to literally pull the “tears” form the rose so they can bloom again in the perfume. Seems pretty clear there but this has so many symbols and moments we don't stay here long.
Cut to Hongbin, Hyuk, and N dancing in a trio by the car, back to his face in the lab, more roses and then dancing in the lab in the new sharp tailored suits. Noticing the blue contacts that Hongbin is wearing and Hyuk too in this. Yet Leo’s eyes are still natural, as are N, Ravi and Ken. Not sure what they were saying with the blue lenses and in only two of the guys. But I know there was in idea, these guys don't have anything without an idea 💡
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Hyuk and Hongbin are now shown in the white shirts and leather aprons with test tubes and vials and basically what you would put in a hypothetical lab where they appear to be drawing the essence from the flowers. Hyuk checks the bags of liquid with roses in them, look like blood bags so suggest transfusion of their essence and basically build the fist elements of the perfume.
Then we see Hyuk, the kid, Ken all looking at us through the metal loops on their chain broaches. They seem kind of reminiscent of the spy glass or monocle. Suggesting to me a deeper look into themselves and that kid is there looking back at them. Now at this stage I'm thinking ok he's like the kid in each person who wants something. You know how one track minded a kid can be if there is a new toy they want and you could give them 10 other toys but if it's not that one then they aren't happy. So this is where I thought he was symbolic of. The now awake kid is like “oooooo shiny new toy, I want it.” All at the same time as singing the lines about tears of the roses blooming again so linking that together.
Then a burst of very intense dancing, again N very much sharp hitter here, but then I got to thinking they are singing “I held My Breath when I found you in the mist” so it links for me to an intense feeling where you are stuck by something and an intense scent could definitely be a sudden intense sensation that was shocking enough to take over you for a second like this. Then we see the seemingly incapacitated N awake but knocked down by this sensation, like it's so physically impactful he can't stand.
Cut to the lab and group dance where we see N and the signature ‘wrist scent’ move they all have in variation. This group shot suggests a concerted effort to go after this intoxicating potion, and with the energy they show they don't plan on going slowly.
Then we see the kid in a white shirt back in the basement lying on the top of the steps and the mist coming around him, it cuts to N and he's in the same position in black. So now I'm thinking the kid is more connected to N as his childish emotions. Maybe still an overall representation but this scene says there is a direct link with N.
Ken looking back at the audience from the misty red atmosphere almost like a prophecy, 🔮seeing a glimpse of where this is all going. The line “I demand a drop of you” is up and they cut back to intense group dance and Ken at the front which makes me think oh ok this is when it's not about the flowers it's also about capturing the scent or the person they desire. To find a way to obtain that intensified Esscenes from you/this person and add it to the perfect perfume. This is also the first time in the imagery we see a syringe 💉and although we have seen drops of red in with roses until now it's been just a liquid. This context says to me blood. You can take a sample from a person with a syringe and the drops of red are the blood being added to the roses infusing both together into the product. This section is quite intense and full of images of the roses, broken containers of red fluid and dancing. My theories here split into two and the first is that taking the blood from someone is a pretty intense and scary level of obsession which this is slowly growing to become. But if a guy said I need a sample of blood for a perfume you would be like uh I am running to the nearest police station. So knowing it's not a ‘normal’ thing to do I get to The other side of my thinking where things the burst or the split red is that it could go too far that the obsession is already think ahead and willing to go further than the rational self would. I.e. Kill for it.
Quick flash of a group dance by the car, 🚘again I could only think of ‘being transported’ by that.
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And then straight onto a fantastic shot of Hongbin and a cute chameleon 🦎on his shoulder. The colours in this are gorgeous and then I was thinking his blue eyes and the hair colour and then the very nature of a chameleon is to change his appearance. Now I applied that to the perfume that a great one doesn't have one scent, it can change over the hours you wear it and also have different effects on different people much like a chameleon changing its colours to suit. Associate that with Hongbin in this moment and he is also the changeling. Now driven to create this amazing perfume he will change his personality to whatever he needs to get that goal. The lines “I cover myself with you over, and over again” is here and it almost feels like that mindset is starting to hardest into purpose without rational thought. If we were lost in space this is where the robot would say 🤖 “danger Will Robinson!” Lol 😂
Cut to the kid, in a suit jacket facing away from camera but in the mist we can see he is wearing a crown. 👑This to me suggests that that impetus nature, or childlike want has been “crowned” king and is being given what he wants. Again following on from Hongbin and his resolve to change to anything to achieve the goal it's all heading a bit darker and more deadly for the object of their obsession. ⚰️
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Hongbin with his eyes closed as the essence drops into a beaker seems to be enjoying the fruits of his labour so the target has apparently been hit and he's taking in the highly concentrated infusions intoxicatingly strong scent. Worryingly that means he has either hurt or killed someone to do so.
Cut to the kid again in the white shirt in the mist. No crown this time, but sitting calmly as is Hongbin. Again the kid feels like a general representation of all of the childlike impulses in each of the guys so here is a moment of just I'm getting what I want and content calm after a flurry of intensity.
Next we see Hongbin and N on opposite sides of a glass case containing a dead tree branch and a large snake (python I think but any experts do correct me) entwined on its branches. This is calmly shown as the stand facing away from the snake, and I'm going to head into the symbolism of snakes to me in a sec. First thought is snake 🐍 means temptation, and they aren't looking at it cause they gave into it already at this point and then Hongbin is looking at it, we get a close up of the snake (sorry any snake phobias out there) and then we cut to a Hongbins throat. Now two things happen here, I'm thinking he's so casual about it cause he already gave into the temptation as we saw him taking in the scent of his hard work not that long ago. But then the thought of (I'm not religious at all) snakes and the supposed ultimate first temptation and then a literal Adams Apple shown together and how these desires are so primal they go back to the beginning of mankind. Knowing this info and believing it are two different things so the other lightbulb flashing was that this snake and then his throat was like a cut throat attitude, and a snake strangles it's pray by squeezing you all around especially a python so is this suggesting he strangled his victim? No idea but the thoughts are definitely there even though I can't pin down an exact one.
The lyrics are now “I can't get rid of you” this intense scent has literally penetrated his mind and there is no cleanse or reverse from here.
Leo (ahhhhhhh) is sitting as a mist drifts over him now sampling his composition and seems blissfully dreamlike about it. Again once Hongbin had extracted the perfect concentrated potion he's been able to create the perfect composition with the steampunk perfume piano.
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They dance with eyes closed in the lab smelling their wrists and saying how it's all over them now, you/object of obsession is literally smothered all over themselves and can't be removed now and they are positively drunk on it.
Leo sat next to the car, again they have been transported and the headlights suggest a destination ahead. Here I think two possible ideas the headlight could be because we get closer to it is like coming out of a tunnel and into that light at the end or like getting caught in the headlights you have a moment of panic. Now that kind of flows into where I'm visually seeing Ravi’s role here.
Through the headlights the first image is a blue skull bottle. Wondering if this is the magic bottle of the essence they have gone to all the trouble for. Or if it's just a representation of the extremes they have been willing to go, maybe even an image just to think of mortality.
Ravi to me seems, visually, like the warning light flashing. The lines “white lights and prism although the colour seem clear but in the form that is invisible my world is locked up” all while holding a vial of the blue liquid. So saying this stuff might seem all innocent and pure but it can lock you in an inescapable prison with bonds that can't be seen but are there. Almost like the humanity trying to get out he's saying in a way help me, I'm trapped in this and it might look ok but I'm not.
This leads back to the car that transports us back to where we are now, again hence why I'm linking it to that theme.
This time we come out and it's a cocktail glass. The next step in the total surrender isn't to be covered in is to actually drink it in. Literally. Ken becomes the bartender or mixologist tailoring perfume “cocktails” for individual taste. The ultimate selling counter.
The search has been exhausting and they say this then we cut to the kid holding a shard of a mirror (health and safety alert) but in the reflection is N. again the kid might be a general representation but there is a definite close link to N. the fact that the kids reflection is not his own is that he's not a real child and is just the representative as I thought.
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Continuing with N, in a pretty fab dance move with Ken, he sings about how this “stimulation ties up and locks just like you”. The link to previous moments saying how the scent has you bound and it's locked him in.
Ahhh Hyuk. You thought I'd forgotten him and I've kind of passed over him but as I went through the video his role seems clearer. And I think I see why he was also in the basement with the boy at the beginning. He was tending to the roses and the soft face at the start where he is also linked to the “boy” when he first wakes, innocent and pure his desire is to get the roses 🌹 to distill their tears. Again here I see him as what innocent beginnings could be before it goes off the rails, his goals are simple and sweet. He's the kid in the group as well so it's a fitting role for him.
“In the dark room scatters thousands of colours” and I think it's Hyuk and the kid in the basement, the innocence was awakened by the mist traveling into the room, it awakened them on this somewhat deadly path but their pure minds couldn't see that at the beginning.
Leo is lost in the “song” the mist is playing, he's all focused on this part of the creative side which also appropriate cause he is a writer and composer like Ravi and works on the bands repertoire.
So I'm kind of leaning almost as if they had different specialisms or departments that also represent the stages and personas of the development of both the perfume and obsession.
They all come together in a line, more fab choreography, as the ‘facets’ pull together to create the perfect scent.
This is in the dark as well as the lab so all facets of their lives both personal and professional pulling into one train of thought. The build up being that though this was for good intentions at the beginning it has also gone into overdrive.
Then N is as the glass case again, and some more key VIXX dancing. Lol 😉
Boom! Ken is holding a gun! Okay so this kind of comes out of nowhere and I guess it's like wow they are going full out now it's kill or be killed by it. The lyrics talk about being dizzy, they are covered in even taking it into themselves so yeah you could say it could also be the death of them as well as potential targets. This links back to the novel where the protagonist was driven mad by his senses and eventually to death.
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N and Hongbin are circling the snake case and it's like N is watching the snake and Hongbin is watching N. waiting for his friend or co worker to give into that temptation.
Que a fast dance montage with Ken doing a matrix style hand gesture to bring it on then holding a bottle of one of his bar of potions. Like just give in already!
Perfectly timed is N who is now inside the case with the snake wrapped around him having not only given into temptation but actually embraced it, holding it and wielding it now as its master.
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Leo reappears having mixed his perfect composition to remind us of that. Because the commitment of the others has all led in succession to the others progress.
Fab image of Leo in almost the fractured images and the kid, again back to Ravi describing how the clear prism can look so innocent and beautiful but hide something way deeper and darker. Flashes of innocence with the kid, Hyuk and Leo in rapture seem like the lighter beautiful sides and how could this be bad?
Noticing Hongbin almost like he's there tweaking the innocent work of Hyuk into his own mutation the first steps.
Ravi returns now with a literal smoke signal and a gas mask, which straight away suggests an attempt to protect himself, to shield himself for a moment from the onslaught of the perfume. Saying “gorgeous but monotonous” because if all you see, feel, smell, hear, taste is this intoxicating smell then you become suffocated and numb. I see him as a beacon saying last chance to save me, I can't breathe. The visual gets blurry like double vision, and he raps about multiplying colours, frequencies and the strings of his sanity falling apart as this persona looses the attempt to save themselves.
N at the glass case looking weary despite having surrendered to his fate, perhaps the submission to its total power is actually the beginning of the end of the characters. Here he actually drinks it, which if you every accidentally sprayed perfume in your face will remember it's not very palatable. Anyway he seems to smirk at this having now gone all out even though his body is tired he still is in the rapture of the scent and isolated with just that and him as the lyrics say “I closed my eyes at the moment I left you in the darkness”. To me that is this is now so complete that he can recall that moment and person and atmosphere so intensely it's recalling a moment of total immersion.
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Now we are reaching in the dark for the gun again…the crowned kid is now looking around. So okay I had seen the white shirt kid as innocent and gentle kind of like Hyuk. But this crowned entity is the demanding, tantrum throwing drive that has pushed these guys to the brink of insanity and death. It appears that the innocent kid reaches for the gun, stay with me in this theory it is a little vague, but then right after we see Ravi who like I've said above feels like the last ember of humanity fighting back and in this it feels like the innocent kid in ravi’s character gave him the strength to lift the gun and if he can't stop himself or save himself then maybe he can kill this desire hence the then smirking crowned kid but then Ken is also holding the gun cause you can't kill desire and you can't remove these facets of character from a person so they end in stalemate.
Hongbin now ‘transported’ by his creation is by the car, then almost like a surrendering enthusiasm for the dance and look that follows. He's happy in this and gave up fighting it a while back. It does cut back to Hongbin with Hyuk in the driver seat and maybe there is an element of the innocent and pure part of the process that I see in Hyuk is now set on the beginning of a journey that has been the ruin of all his colleagues. (Although Leo doesn't seem in distress lol N, Hongbin, Ken and Ravi have all descended into insanity, temptation and possible homicide!)
We see Hyuk in the basement again where I see him as the innocent awoken like the kid maybe I think as a flashback to his pure beginning intention which the rest are guiding him out of along with them.
Beautiful shot of Leo’s hand gracefully gliding over the projection of a piano keys on the ground. Again playing his composition, it (and him lol) is quite perfect.
Two group dance scenes in both the lab and in the dark car scenery, all together all in one group and all agreeing on the “long suffering dizziness” and we see N intent as he walks around the snake case, then Ken who has the gun again, with the innocent kid having gone away into the corner and left the gun. This suggests the attempt by the child that was their innocence has failed and Ravi who was the warning light has lost his fight too to save them all from themselves. The lyrics suggests that it no longer matters if their eyes are open or if they are awake, this is now 24/7/365. The innocent kid backs away from the gun, N is on the floor now done in completely.
It ends with the whole group walking into a red mist and the crowned kid disappears as the are enveloped by the mist. The crowned king of childlike want has won and all are now surrendered to it.
This stuff kind of makes sense now looking at the parts and in depth, and I apologise I have ranted for quite a while and prob no one cares but I felt this was fun and there was so much going on in the video I did this for me. Please leave any notes or messages if you see something I missed or a link I maybe inspired in you…it's all just my own theory while musing on the scenes.
I only discovered this group over a week ago and so quickly just love their work. I've never been hooked by any kpop group before this and I have tried a few. They have the title the concept kings for a reason and I'm just sad they won't be coming to the uk 🇬🇧 anytime soon for concerts as I would love to see them live. Watching the YouTube catalogue of vids about them it's been funny and entertaining to see how far they've all come and just how good they are. Feel like I'm recapturing some of my 20’s as I'm in my 30’s and I haven't been so into a group in a long time but these guys just caught me and I am totally happy not escaping! Lol
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alia15 · 4 years
THE day. Part 2.
My wedding venue is swarming with them. 
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Well, those, and chickens and turkeys. And roosters.
The Milleridge Cottage is on a larger property on Long Island that’s been around for many, MANY years and also has a restaurant, an adorable little village (shops, a bakery, a florist) and yes: a farm. 
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When our limo bus pulled up to the cottage on Friday, November 15, my bridal party was greeted by all the wildlife which I’ll admit is an interesting and hilarious scene on your wedding day. Also, not mentioned in Part 1? The weather. Bright, sunny, and warm for mid-November. I refused to check the weather the entire week of the wedding (you can’t control it so why bother looking?) and it ended up being an absolutely perfect fall day. I greeted the turkeys, walked into the venue and the scene immediately took my breath away: I loved The Milleridge the second we stepped foot inside to look at it as a potential option for our big day, and loved it even more each time I visited after that. Now? Seeing it all set up for my wedding day? It was everything I envisioned and more. I made my way up the beautiful staircase and waited in the bridal suite for my groom and his groomsmen to arrive. 
There were those butterflies again.
There was so much commotion downstairs that I wasn’t able to be a part of as I was in hiding (#FOMO), but the time finally came for me to head down those stairs and meet my soon-to-be-husband at the bottom. Remember the crazy thoughts in my head from Part 1 of this post? They came back as I imagined myself tumbling down those stairs after tripping over my very long, large dress. 
I walked REALLY carefully. And slowly.
Leo was at the bottom of the staircase and in front of him stood a crowd of our family and best friends; standing there like paparazzi with their iPhones up and the biggest smiles plastered on their faces. Our photographers and videographer captured my every move. What a scene. I eventually made my way down (without falling! win!) and tapped Leo on the shoulder to, ya know, say what’s up before the biggest moment of our lives. 
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We both joked that while we loved this moment, it certainly wasn’t a private one. This was some of our audience (plus about 30 more people, lol):
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The next few hours (yes, plural) were spent taking all our photos and thankfully, we were able to do so outside. If you know me or follow me on social media, you know how much I love a good sunset, and the universe did me a solid and gave us an amazing one that night. 
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It was crazy to think at this point -- after SEVERAL hours -- that the main event hadn’t even started yet. After wrapping up pictures with everyone, we headed inside. 
I went back up to the bridal suite to hide for the second time that day. 
The venue got louder and louder as it filled up with guests, and all I heard were the sounds of a large CROWD. My heart raced. I fixed my hair and re-applied my lip gloss 37 times. I stood up. I paced. I sat back down. I didn’t want to look at my phone because I knew it would overwhelm me, so it was just me up there with my restless thoughts. The day had been so perfect already; I just wanted it to continue. A few things swirling in my mind:
Would the reverend show up? (He did)
The venue was confusing to find; were people going to know to go to the cottage and not the restaurant? (They did) (And whoever didn’t, eventually figured it out)
Did anyone in my life get incredibly sick that day and have to miss the wedding? (No)
Were our young nieces and nephews going to have meltdowns and not walk down the aisle? (quite the opposite; they were amazing)
Was there any drama? ANYONE WHO CRASHED OUR WEDDING? Is everything OK down there? WHAT’S HAPPENING??! (shut up, crazy)
Eventually, it was time. All of our guests were situated for the ceremony and our bridal party was lined up downstairs. And things could not have gone smoother: no one tripped, no one objected to our nuptials (lol), the kiddos were perfectly behaved and cooperative, and our reverend was a HUGE hit (shout out to the hilarious and charismatic Rev. Sica!). It was a beautiful ceremony complete with an amazing string quartet, and I swore I felt the love in the room before I even entered it.
We were officially husband and wife. And it felt fantastic.
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After our relatively brief ceremony, I felt like I was floating on a cloud. We headed back up to the bridal suite to get a quick breather before cocktail hour began; something my bridal attendant had recommended we do and I am SO glad we listened. Normally if I’m anxious I lose my appetite, but Leo and I enjoyed our own private cocktail hour and ate the INCREDIBLE spread they provided for us. Every few seconds it would hit us.
Holy crap, we’re married! 
My bridal attendant bustled my dress, and it was time to join the party. I could NOT wait to see everyone.
The magic continued as we greeted everyone at our cocktail hour and took in the whole scene. It was surreal and a total out-of-body experience. You spend SO much time and energy planning a wedding and you focus on all the details -- large and small -- and then you’re there just seeing it all come together and come to life. I can honestly say without a shadow of a doubt that EVERYTHING looked and felt the way I wanted it to that day. I was overjoyed and overwhelmed, in a good way. So many people had given me the advice to “take it all in” and “enjoy every moment” and I’m really happy to say I did exactly that.
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The good times intensified as we did our official entrance to our reception (”Let’s Dance” by David Bowie....come onnnnn now!) followed by *THE* most epic dance party of all time. One of my best friends, Carl, was our MC and he and our DJ, Eddie, brought the house down the entire night with an amazing mix of songs old and new. I did not leave that dance floor except the one time I changed dresses -- you know I had to do a costume change on ‘em! 
I could go on and on with the details but instead I’ll just share some incredible highlights from our reception:
Our first dance: Leo was nervous about it (it’s nerve-racking to have all eyes on you and he doesn’t exactly love to dance) but in the moment, nothing else mattered and no one else was even in the room. (Song: Precious Love by James Morrison) 
After that, I danced with my Grandmother; a really special moment that I will cherish forever. It was really emotional and beautiful; especially as the whole family (and Leo!) joined us at the end. 
The speeches! My brother Mike was my “man of honor” and Leo’s sister Rina was our “best woman” and both of them gave GREAT and hilarious toasts (with cameos from all my brother-in-laws). My dad gave an amazing one, too: let’s just say he made a joke about getting to second base that got a huge laugh (Leo’s a baseball coach. lol). 
Birthday celebrations! It was my brother’s 40th birthday that day and my mother-in-law’s was the following day, so we were able to sing to them and give them their own special cupcakes and candles to blow out. 
The father/daughter & mother/son dances.
Our live painter! He set up shop in the corner of the room and painted our first dance and added our families to the portrait (I’ll include the photo at the bottom of the post!). I waited until the end of the night to go look at it and was genuinely stunned.
Ending the night with two perfect songs: (I’ve Had) the Time of My Life -- from one of my favorite movies of all time, obvi -- and then my friend Pat requested the grand finale/encore: “Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays” by ‘NSYNC. (This is his trademark and is known to play this song when we’re out even in the summer)
Speaking of the end of the night, we had a McDonald’s cart rolled in around 11:15 and the guests went crazy for it. Nothing like stuffing your face at a wedding and then ending the night with a greasy cheeseburger and fries. Leo had it for breakfast the next morning.
Aside from the hotel’s fire alarm going off around 4am (yes, really) it was a perfect day from start to finish. Now, almost six months later, I find my mind wandering to the memories of November 15 when I’m feeling especially low or down in the dumps. I look at the pictures often and the various videos make me instantly happy. People told me during/after the wedding how insanely happy I looked, and it was genuine. I was. I am.
It’s not hyperbole: my wedding day was the best day of my life. I got to marry my perfect match while surrounded by every single human in my life that I love endlessly. I got to have a great dance party, eat incredible food, all while surrounded by a beautiful venue with all the personal touches we had worked on for the nine months prior. 
The pandemic might have prevented us from going on our Italian honeymoon, but that’s okay. We’ll get there someday. I’m just eternally grateful and relieved that we were able to have all our other big wedding moments (engagement, shower, bachelor/ette parties, rehearsal dinner, wedding!) all in the same year -- making 2019 really hard to top. 
Thanks for letting me share the story of our big day with you all! 
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