#I would love if an artist drew some of these *cough cough*
anew-flame · 6 months
Incorrect Arcana quotes from this generator that just make sense:
✨Lucio edition✨
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theheraldsrest · 6 months
Hey! I really really love your blog! If I may request, during downtime, how would the members of the inner circle react to find the Inquisitor drawing/sketching them?
“Companions react to Inquisitor drawing/sketching them”
After our *cough* little thing with Bull, let’s have some fluff, shall we? Thank you anon for the ask!
-Lord Lex
“You did this? It’s certainly…it’s…how did you even…it’s amazing.”
-So surprised, no words. It makes him feel a little special that you’d choose to sketch him but also very embarrassed. In return, he tries drawing you. Might not be as good and there are a few rough sketches that were thrown in the fire, but he wanted to return the favor. 
“Oh! Look at the detail and the softness! I wouldn’t have even thought it was me from how stunning it is!”
-Absolutely gushing over it. Josey’s always had a fascination for the arts and to be the subject of the piece from someone close to her? Adores it, even asks to keep it. She has it tucked away in one of her favorite books. Will always compliment your art even when talking to dignitaries.
“I commend you on your artistic talent. Though, I’d ask you not to sketch me. Perhaps one of the ravens would make better practice?”
-Like Josephine, Leliana has an eye for art. She loves looking at the little details in your sketches and finds it a surprise that her face is amongst the papers. As much as she appreciates it, she’d rather her face remain a secret. She is your spy master, after all. Though, if she becomes Divine, she keeps the sketch as one of her favorite pieces of her. 
“Darling, as much as I’d like to say you're wasting your talents by leading the Inquisition instead of honing your skills, you are equally talented in both. Most usually fail to make me look this stunning.”
-It might not show on her face or in her words but she loves it. Several times people have been commissioned to paint her yet none come even close to your level of detail. More points if it’s of her smiling or laughing, the lines on her face as well as the wrinkle around her eyes gives her a sense of…normalcy. If she becomes Divine, she commissions you to do her portrait, no one else.
“You drew me? I think that’s gotta be one of the scariest pieces of your art I’ve ever seen! When you're done, can I keep it?”
-Though it doesn’t sound like it, he brags about it constantly. Even when he’s making fun of his slightly crooked nose or how his eyes might seem smaller than other dwarves, he’s complimenting the skill you put into the very minute details of his face. Varric will try to pay you for it even if you refuse, later trying to commission a drawing of Hawke when they come around.
“Oh, it’s me! Not really, but it’s Cole. But you’re trying to draw me…I can still remember his face, then.”
-He’ll stare at it for hours, his shoulders down. It’s been sometime since he’d been able to see his own face, forgetting that he even had a face. To see you draw that face, the real Cole, just from looking at him makes him happy. Will ask to look at it every now and then, just to make sure it’s still the same.
“I must say, you are quite talented and steady with your hands. It does allow others to see how the artist sees. You certainly make me seem…at peace.”
-From one artist to another, he gives you high compliments with very few complaints. It is unusual to see him drawn in such a way since he’s so used to seeing only the mosaics. He meant to get rid of it when he left the Inquisition, but just couldn’t bring himself to do it.
“Inquisitor, though your craft is very beautiful and I admire how you can make these pieces, I must ask you not to sketch me.”
-Don’t get her wrong, she loves seeing your sketches but it’s mostly out of formality (and somewhat embarrassment) that she asks not to be your subject. If she becomes Divine, it’s one of the only pieces she prefers over the paintings. Though she does ask you, if you have the time, to draw something for her. When you give her a perfect picture of her brother and her, it’s one of the few times she truly hugs you.
The Iron Bull
“Holy shit. I’m alright when it comes to sketching, but you make it look pretty damn easy while so complicated! You even got my scars and the detail on my patch! Damn, boss!”
-Bull is used to doing quick sketches, usually of small details to make sure he could track someone or to remember something easier. Never had he really seen himself drawn so picture perfect that it completely baffles him. He looks at all the details with a smile on his face.
“I can’t believe you managed to get my good side! In all honesty, though, this is remarkable. And not just because it’s me.”
-He had studied some art pieces before and never really found any he liked, but he has now found one of his favorite artists. Constantly asks if you’ve done any new pieces just so he can look at the heart that goes into them. Ask if you could teach him to sketch as such so that he can add better drawings to his research notes.
“What the fuck! That’s me! How the fuck! How did you do this! You even got my eyes to be lined up! How the hell did you do that?!”
-We all know Sera’s drawing style. She keeps saying the same things over and over again because she’s at a loss for words. Except for cuss words. Along with the rooftop hangouts, she insists that you two just draw together sometimes. Some of the goofiest drawings come from these times, especially one of a cartoonish Coryshit falling from a very detailed tower.
A little speech bubble near it says “Oh shit, I shat myself!”
“I…I’m honored to be one of your subjects. Not to blow my own horn, but this looks stunning. You really are something special, hm?”
-Blackwall has done a lot of sketching himself and finds your art a breath of fresh air. Other than looking at bits and pieces of his reflection, he usually tries to avoid seeing himself. So when he sees your drawing of him, he almost doesn’t recognize himself. You both trade sketches of each other just for fun and even sketch together.
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maxwellatoms · 1 year
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Congratulations, one of your characters made a cameo appearance in my midlife crisis!
This takes a little time to explain, but on the art web site FurAffinity, living users are represented with a tilde, while living impaired users get an infinity symbol in front of their names. I was at a low point in my life when I drew this, and thought about what would happen when the Grim Reaper eventually closed the loop.
Anyway. This was supposed to be for questions, so I'll ask one. The career of an animator seems to be nomadic... they'll spend some time developing a series for Cartoon Network, then move to Disney, then migrate to Nickelodeon, only to return where they started (cough cough CH Greenblatt cough).
Any reason, or reasons, why this happens? Honestly, I have a difficult time understanding why anyone would go to Nickelodeon to start a show, given the way so many artists have been treated by the network in the past. Do all the networks act like this?
Just curious. Thanks for your time, and for the years of entertainment.
You guys look great together, but no loop closings please!
Gotta bilde the tilde, if you know what I mean.
Anyway, yeah... Animators all know that Other Studios have Other Problems. It's not at all uncommon to hear someone say, "I'm about ready for new problems".
I spent most of my career (until the wonders of the recent mega-merger) at WB, so I've really only known WB problems (with a light sprinkling of Disney Troubles). I've asked friends like C.H. Greenblatt and Jessica Borutski about the long-haul at Nick, so I have a basic idea what the culture is like. But if I land at Nick in five years, it could be a completely different set of circumstances and maybe even a completely different set of employers.
I know maybe three studio execs with solid careers who've spent the majority of their time at one studio. Most of the time, the low level executive track is even more of a meat grinder than the creative track. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that the middle-management meat grinder is the cause of the creative meat grinder.
The job of an executive is to make impressive decisions that dazzle their superiors and shareholders. If you've just been hired to replace someone and have inherited a stack of 32 animation bibles in various stages of development with assorted creators, are you really going to just continue going through that pile? I mean, you're replacing someone for a reason, right? So probably better just to toss that whole pile of animation bibles in the trash and start again. Because you're going to look like an idiot if even a single one of those fails. And if it succeeds, it just makes your predecessor look smart, which steals some of your shine. So you axe those creators and all of their support goes away and the cycle begins anew.
During my career, these executive turnovers (and the following creative turnovers) happen about every four or five years. With a little luck, it takes (in my experience) about two years to get a show through development to pilot, and then another year to decide if it's going to be a series. In short, there is precious little time where a creator/EP can interface with and rely on a competent executive to champion them. If you don't have that, you're not going anywhere.
I'm not sure how anything gets made. From the inside, development is always trickle-down sweaty desperation. I guess somehow, every now and then, a neurodivergent 23 year old slips through the cracks and makes a kid's show about The Grim Reaper. It could all be luck.
There are definitely execs who love animation and have made it their life's work. But there are also people who just got into the business as, say, a personal assistant and hasn't watched an animated cartoon since they were six, but suddenly find themselves in control of many millions of dollars worth of IP. There are execs who think of entertainment only as a commodity and who literally don't understand why creatives feel so passionate about "just cartoons" but will remind you "how lucky you are to work in entertainment" if you ask for a raise.
In short, the problems are usually management related. And those problems are mostly the same across studios, with the occasional Infamous Despot you want to avoid at all costs. The good news is that said Despot probably won't last five years.
There are perks at the different studios too. Proximity to decent food. Occasional amusement park passes. Friday morning bagels. The sort of stuff that hopefully nobody is taking a job specifically for.
At the end of the day, there are three or four big studios we can work for. There are also a smattering of smaller indie studios which... make content for those three or four other studios anyway.
The long and short of it is that there's just not a lot of choice where we can work or who we work for. We definitely talk to each other and the studio culture does weigh heavily when you're deciding where to go. Assuming you have the luxury of choice. It all kind of sucks, and it all kind of sucks in the same way. But sometimes you get bagels.
Stay Frisky!
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siren-serotonin · 2 months
So!! As some of you may be aware.. I love pjsk. In case you didn't know, I love pjsk. I also love pjo and hoo. And last night I when I should've been sleep, I was fucking PUNCHED by both hyperfixations at the same time and then I started wondering what it'd be like if pjsk characters were demigods and/or Hunters of Artemis. This is that post. Feel free to ignore, I just need to infodump lmao
Mafuyu is a daughter of Jupiter. Jupiter's children are often set unrealistically high expectations, which causes them to be terrified of failure and slowly crumble under the stress. This can be seen with Jason during his time as praetor, on the Argo II, etc. In Mafuyu's case, her mother and the majority of her peers all expect her to excel in everything she does. Do you see where I'm going with this. Yeah okay. Anyway she's specifically a child of Jupiter and not Zeus because the gods are stricter in their Roman aspects and Mafuyu was raised by a strict parent. Also I think she'd either be a praetor or join the Hunters of Artemis.
Airi and Mizuki could both very much be children of Aphrodite. Airi because her whole "the most important thing in an idol is the heart" thing breaks so many Aphrodite kid stereotypes and I love it. She would so teach others that there's more to Aphrodite than being a toxic person (cough cough Drew cough Cheerful*Days) and I love her for that. Mizuki is here because they have trouble expressing themself freely and finding out that Aphrodite is their mother could help them figure stuff out?? Maybe?? Idk man. Also TRANS APHRODITE KID LETS GO!!! I think that they can both charmspeak but choose not to unless like their fucking lives depend on it.
Shiho is a child of Hades. Hades' kids are shunned and often misunderstood, which reminds me of how Shiho is mischaracterized in the fandom a lot. Also the way she acts reminds me of Nico. "I'm fine on my own" NO YOU'RE NOT!!!
Tsukasa, Saki, Toya and Kanade are all children of Apollo. Do I even have to explain for Tsukasa? He is the most theatre kid to ever exist, literally who else would be his godly parent???? Toya would be the most unconventional son of Apollo ever. Imagine him being like "no dad fuck you and your instruments im gonna be a street musician" and Apollo's just like "yeah go piss girl idc music is music" it's so funny to me omg. Kanade's whole self-sacrifice complex + composer thing?? She is THE daughter of Apollo (sorry Kayla). I feel like Toya would be a praetor if Roman Apollo was his dad but idk just a hunch. Kanade is literally Will Solace if he was musically gifted (Will I'm joking ily). Saki is here because I didn't know where else to put her and I'd feel bad if I separated the Tenma siblings.
Ena is a daughter of Ares. I can't quite explain this one, but Ena wanting her dad's approval of her being an artist reminds me of Clarisse a lot for some reason?? She could also be a child of Apollo but I already put four characters there sooooooo yeah
Rui the most son of Hephaestus EVER. "I'm not good with organic life forms" is such a Rui line oml. The automatons?? The mechanic shit?? ROBO-NENE. Do you see my vision. I want Rui and Leo to be friends so bad augh.
Nene could be a daughter of Poseidon because she has mermaid imagery, aside from that idk.
I think Minori could be a daughter of Iris since she's underrated (similar to how Iris is underappreciated/a minor goddess) and Minori + Iris both strongly believe in hope.
Besides Mafuyu, I think Honami and Shizuku could be Hunters of Artemis. As I'm typing this, I just realised that the april fools Meru trio are all Hunters asdfghgfdghj
A lot of characters were left out because I didn't know who their parents could be but if anyone has headcanons pls put them in the replies or tags!! Thank you for coming to my ted talk, goodbye.
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milo-igidk · 1 year
do you have any ro & keefe sibling headcanons? :)
Ro was quick to dismiss his complaints as whiny and dramatic until she saw how actually horrible his parents were
hc that Keefe has meltdowns and panic attacks sometimes which he usually hides from people, accept he literally cant hide them from Ro since shes usually with him at all times. i mean he tries at first but she found out about them eventually and tries to help.
im just like, thinking abt her wanting to help him and not knowing how so shes secretly rummaging through the candleshade book collections trying to find anything useful about it
hc that Keefe has nonverbal/ selective mutism episodes (i would never project coughs) and Ro made him little communication cards for him to use maybe if he wants. and aND she also drew little pictures on them and shes like standing there embarrassed and talking about how shes not much of an artist and theyre probably stupid and hes staring at the cards and tearing up bc hes never had someone who cared for him like that GOD IM I CANT I LOVE THEM
just her validating his anger and pain. in her opinion the kid needs to let loose some more and they should both go somewhere and break stuff
"have you eaten today?" "have you?" "...uhhh" (they both end up eating to make the other eat too)
She cut his hair at some point when it got too long and he was horrified sitting still as a rock in the chair and regretting every life choice hes ever made. it turned out ok tho hes just dramatic
Keefe asked her to dye his hair at 3am one night and she was so excited and tried to persuade him to do a full rainbow head but they just went with red
Keefe draws her sometimes and she saves all his drawings
karaoke nights together and theyre yelling at the top of their lungs and keefe mimics the voice of the singer when they do duets
she ruffled his hair one time and patted his head and he cried
keefe will target anyone who gives ro any shit from foxfire and actually personally make their life a living hell with pranks
//putting a tw for sh and other stuff for the last part//
ive said this before but her validating his scars and helping him not feel bad about them (yk how ogres are abt scars)
shes afraid to leave him alone after hes had a bad episode or something big has happened or just like in general she doesnt want him to be alone
tried hard to be calm about it when she found out for the first time and be able to talk to keefe about it but when he went to sleep she had a full freak out
she was horrified at how he was handling his wounds and she bandaged them and made sure they were clean
Ro tries to set up sleepovers with Sandor bc she knows Sophie helps him
OKKK i think thats all i can think abt for the moment aaaaa i love them they make me so insane
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hunterwritesstuff · 5 months
Can we get some shit post /crack headcanons of Joey? Not ship stuff just. Joey
✏️ Joey hates summer. loves the fireworks, hates the heat.
✏️ Joey doesn't believe in pancakes. he thinks having pancakes for breakfast is an affront to God. He like waffles more since it contains syrup better.
✏️ fucking hates oatmeal. he doesn't like how lumpy it feels :(
✏️ if he smells one of those fucking. gym ball things, he WILL DUCK FOR COVER. YOU KNOW, THE KIND USED FOR DODGEBALL.
✏️ he EXCLUSIVELY USES paper plates. he hates doing dishes.
✏️ Joey was a menace in high school, he used to hide in the lockers to scare people passing by.
✏️ He once had to sleep in his treehouse outside, this was because he had a cookie dough ball fight with his brother when he was ten.
✏️ He has an affinity for finding all of the plants he's fucking allergic to.
✏️ His emotions are shown through his smiles.
✏️ This is his "Henry don't leave me here smile"
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✏️ someone help this poor man.
✏️ He has severe thalassophobia. He has no reason to have this fear. If you showed this man Subnautica, he would be sobbing within seconds.
✏️ He loves puzzles but is never allowed to do them. This is due to his habit of eating the pieces. you dumb whore. those are not potato chips.
✏️ He is not allowed to drink. He got drunk at a college party once and somehow ended up in a whole other state. nobody knows how this happened. He also ate a rock.
✏️ He does not like birds very much. One screamed at him in a pet store when he was six, and he holds a grudge against them to this day because of it.
✏️ He had a weed brownie once. That's how all the characters from the nightmare run cast came to be.
✏️ If he could play the sonic games from nowadays, his favorite character would unironically be Vector, as crocodiles are his favorite animal.
✏️ As a kid, he tried to exclusively eat cucumber sandwiches. Now, he has a firm disdain for them, as he feels he "ate his lifetime supply of those fuckers as a child, now I don't need to ever have one again.".
✏️ He's a slut for chocolate chip cookies. Henry tried tricking him with a raisin cookie by telling him it was a chocolate chip cookie. That is the first time Joey drew blood.
✏️ He would have eaten play-doh.
✏️ He likes squirrels. He thinks they sound funny.
✏️ His favorite dinosaur is the brachiosaurus. If you don't know it by name, it would be better known by the name given in Land Before Time, being Longnecks.
✏️ He's basically Henry's worst nightmare. Henry was raised catholic. Joey(outside of a work setting, obviously) will make sex jokes at the drop of a hat. can we get an F in the chat for Henry.
✏️ He fucks around with those artist dolls. He has no reason for this. He just likes doing it.
✏️ He wasn't well liked as a child. This was due to whenever he was invited to play house with the other kids, it would go the divorce route. Nobody liked Joey. Poor Joey.
✏️ He had to go to the hospital a lot as a child. He broke a lot of bones. He did this mostly to get out of school. He is not very smart.
✏️ He prefers pure chocolate to chocolate with nuts in it, since, "I prefer my chocolate without nuts, since it makes my teeth hurt when it has nuts in it.".
✏️ He has a knight helmet. He will wear it around the house.
✏️ To help him remember to do his nightly routine, he has his old teddy bear do it alongside him. If he can't find him to do it with him, he isn't doing it. What if he forgets a step?!
✏️ His first Norman jumpscare was when the lights went out due to a power outage. Joey just saw a disembodied hand hand him a candle. Joey passed out.
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stayandcozy · 7 days
Chapter 0: … A Feather
Chapter Summary: Sasha makes a life-changing decision regarding her voice acting career. She grapples with feelings of doubt and vulnerability when she returns home, navigating her emotions and the reactions of her family. As she reflects on her artistic identity, an unexpected call leaves her contemplating her future.
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“Alright, Sasha, just one more time for good measure.”
I blinked slowly at my director from behind my microphone, swallowing what I really wanted to say, like always, and replying with forced amicability, “You don’t think there’s one take in there that the studio might like? I mean we’ve been doing this all morning…”
“I know, sweetheart—” I hoped I could pass my sigh off as a cough and cleared my throat a little “—but you know how those executives are.” Oh, I knew.
I chewed my lip for a moment, and allowed myself to remember my family’s proud, beaming faces each time I told them I booked another role. And then their looks of discomfort when they actually listened to the roles they were so excited I booked. And then their expressions of sadness when I entered the room after watching them from around the corner because I didn’t want to be in the same room as them when they heard me say some of the things I did. But business is business, right?
I centered my attention back onto the microphone in front of me and adjusted my headphones. Maybe this was the role that would finally break me out of this pattern, the cycle that nearly all voice actors who weren’t blessed with a deep enough, masculine enough voice found themselves in. Maybe this would finally reach that one, certain person who could help me out of it and get me to really love creating things again. Maybe. I nodded at my director, who was already watching me, like always, and took another deep breath. Just say the line one more time. Just one more time.
The red light began to glow. I saw my family’s faces. I opened my mouth.
“I quit.”
I was out of the studio almost as fast as the obscenities started, but heard some words thrown at me before the door slammed that would make even my farmhand grandfather wince. I barely heard them though, I just numbly watched my feet carry me forward, out onto the hot asphalt and to my car. I think I blinked for the first time then, and fumbled around in my bag with shaky hands for my keys. For a moment, I was worried I had left them inside and would have to go back in, but I let out a breath as I found them and clambered into the driver’s seat.
I placed my hands on the steering wheel, like I was just about to drive home and have a normal night, before repeating my normal routine tomorrow of waking up and driving back here. Then I realized I hadn’t started the car. Then I realized I wouldn’t be coming back here, ever again. So, I processed it like anyone would, and screamed.
I held the steering wheel in a white-knuckle grip and screamed until my throat was raw. Hell, I wasn’t going to need to use it for a while now. I yelled in relief that I had finally walked away from this shithole of a studio, and in fear of what the fuck I was going to do next, and in anger that everyone in there thought they could use me the way they did for so long. And, in anger that I let them.
After what felt like a liberating eternity, I stopped, breathing heavily. It was hot, and I had forgotten to put my sunshade up in my car. The air was static and stifling, and my hands were burning on my steering wheel. I pulled them back, the pain bringing an awareness of my new reality. I drew in one more deep breath, and as I blew it out I started the car. One thing at a time.
My thoughts were still screaming, but I managed to put the car into drive and crank up the air conditioner. I took one last look at the studio as I pulled away, feeling no gratitude towards it or  remorse for leaving it. I did let one intrusive thought win, though, as I passed the window I knew to be my manager’s office, I rolled my window down, leaned outside a bit, and thrust my middle finger out towards his open blinds.
“Thanks for nothing, assholes!” I yelled, and proceeded to speed the wrong way down their stupid one way street.
I managed to make it home before the doubt seeped in, but by the time I stumbled through the garage door of my family’s house, the screaming thoughts in my head had become a deafening roar.
My parents’ heads turned from where they were sitting on the couch, and I tried to smile at them and greet them normally, despite the fact that I was home hours early.
“Hi, Honey,” my mom said, making her way over to me. I could tell she was confused, but I was determined not to let her know why yet. I didn’t want anyone else to worry.
“Heyyy!” I said lightly, then cringed. Come on, Sasha, be normal!
“How was work?” Dad asked. I gulped. My living room felt so small all of a sudden, with Mom still looking at me and Dad’s question lingering in the air.  Were they teaming up on me? They’d never done that before, but were they now? I tried to take a breath. Calm down.
Work was fine. Work was normal. Work was great!
“I quit.”
I looked almost as surprised as they did. The words just came tumbling out before I could stop them. There was a beat of silence, where we all looked at each other and I thought I could try and backtrack my way out of this with a “just kidding!”
Then, a new voice. “You quit?”
My gaze found that of my younger sister’s as she slowly sat up on the couch from where she had been laying down. No wonder I hadn’t seen her when I came in. And that was it for me. I felt my eyes well up with tears that had been threatening to spill for a while now. Laura had always been my rock and my biggest supporter, just like I was hers. She was the one always celebrating with me first when I booked a new role and cheering me on when I auditioned for something new. She was the one who’s face I could never look at when I begrudgingly showed my family my work. Now, she looked at me with an unreadable expression, which might have been worse.
“Yeah,” I choked out. “Yeah I did.”
I didn’t want to talk about it, but I also wanted them to understand. I just didn’t even know where to begin.
“That’s ok,” my mom said quietly, looking over at my dad. “Really, that’s… it’s ok.”
“Do we need to call a—?” My dad started, then exhaled a deep breath. “Are you ok?”
I hurriedly managed to blink back my tears. “I was going to renew my contract next week, so it actually worked out-” I stopped before I could continue that statement. My living room suddenly felt too small, and my shirt suddenly felt too tight, and I suddenly had the urge to isolate myself from my family as quickly as I could.
Mom sounded a little more relieved at that as she said, “Ok, that’s good at least. Really, it’s ok.” she repeated for the hundredth time as I tried to swallow down the panic that was still rising. Then, “We can find another payment option for your dad’s treatment until we’re all working again.”
I unsuccessfully covered up a sob with a cough as I nodded fervently at the ground, avoiding their eyes. Fuck, I’m selfish.
“Um,” my sore voice cracked, and I sniffed before continuing, “I’m gonna go and take a shower. I—” I love you. “I’m sorry.”
My mom made a move like she wanted to reach out but I had already slipped past her and into the hallway. I managed to hold my tears in until I closed my door behind me and bit my lip so my family wouldn’t hear me. I leaned my head back against the door and let them run down my cheeks and neck, into my hair, wherever they pleased. Like they could wash these thoughts out of my head as they escaped.
Selfish, Ungrateful, Burden.
I straightened up, and without thinking went over to my childhood dresser, full of old awards I had won for acting, singing, painting. My breathing was frantic as my eyes skimmed them over, unseeing. What the hell were these even for?
Without thinking, I shoved them off my dresser and onto the floor, finally grateful for the cheap carpet in my room for masking the sound. I pushed the awards behind my dresser with my foot, not even wanting to see anything remotely like that right now.
When a thought struck, I whirled towards the journal I kept on my desk for writing and I clawed at it, ripping pages out and crumbling them up before giving a second thought as to what was on the paper. The continuous tears made my head feel clearer somehow, as I stood back up and turned towards the easel by my window. I had been painting sunflowers, my favorite, to give to my parents to thank them for everything they had sacrificed for me. I let out a harsh laugh as I slowly walked over to it, picked it up, and brought it down over my knee.
I let out a quiet cry as I tossed the ruined painting to the side and collapsed onto my bed, surrounded by all the art I killed. My old studio flashed into my mind, and I realized I shouldn’t have thanked them for nothing, it looks like they completely destroyed my passion for making anything for myself.
I laid there for what felt like hours but knew it wasn’t, because a light knock on my door had me quickly dabbing my still wet cheeks and sitting up. I attempted to fix my hair, then took in the state of the rest of the room and quickly gave up.
“Yeah?” I called out.
In a response, my door cracked open and Laura peeked her head in, making me want to cry all over again. Her eyes swept over the room and she sighed. “Damn, I knew you were dramatic but this?”
“What’s up?” I asked, ignoring her as she made her way in to sit next to me.
“We’re gonna be fine, you know,” she said, her big blue eyes looking right through me. “Me, Mom… Dad. And seriously, why are you acting like your career is over? You’ve auditioned plenty of times, I’m sure-”
“It’s not that,” I cut her off. “It’s… I just don’t…” I groaned and flopped back down on my bed. “I don’t want to audition anymore, or even make art anymore. And that scares me. Like, art for me makes me happy, but what’s that going to do in the world? So why make it?”
Laura laid down next to me and stared at my ceiling. “I don’t know. I’m the STEM sister, remember?” She cracked a smile and nudged my ribs, making me smile for the first time all day. “But would you really not take a role if it was offered to you right now?”
I closed my eyes. “Not unless it was the perfect role that would somehow pay the bills and reinstill some sense of hope in my artistic future.”
“Oh…” she said after a while.
“Yeah.” I said shortly, beginning to feel a little tired and ready to fall asleep right then and there. I felt Laura take my hand.
And then my phone rang. My agent.
“Hello?” Despite my new, stubborn resolve I found myself habitually answering.
I barely got my greeting out before my agent asked, breathlessly, “Are you ready for the perfect role?”
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Thank you for taking the time to get to know Sasha! I hope you found it as enjoyable and relatable to read about her as I found it to write about her!
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summergrace-art · 3 years
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They need more love and I’m willing to give it ❤️
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deejadabbles · 2 years
Surprise from the Parlor (Yugi x Reader ficlet)
Just a little something that was born out of the fact that Yugi embracing more of this goth side is hot as hell. If y'all would like a little....you know, something something, *cough*smut*cough* with this idea just let me know
Warnings for suggestive content and mentions of sex.
The picture now displayed on your phone was much better than the blurry one Jou himself had taken. Yugi actually had the distance to get the artwork fully in frame, which was essential when seeing the progress of your friend's latest tattoo. The piece still wasn't done but was coming along nicely.
Last year Jonouchi had decided to get an elaborate sleeve of tattoos dedicated to his career as a professional duelist. Redeyes Black Dragon, Time Wizard, and Flame Swordsman were a few of his trademark cards that were featured in the art and the today's session at the tattoo parlor resulted in Redeyes being completed. You had to admit, Jonouchi had done well in picking the right artist for the job, he already looked pretty awesome.
You and everyone else in the group chat said as much, Anzu even making the comment that she hoped she could see it finished in person next time she came back to Domino.
Since Yugi had been with Jou this time, you made a mental note to ask how many more visits it would take to complete when Yugi got home.
Speaking of, you had just turned your phone off and went back to reading when the door to yours and Yugi's shared apartment opened.
"That was quick," you called over the back of the couch, Yugi must have sent the picture of the tattoo after dropping Jou off at his place. "So how was it? Decided on getting your own tattoo yet?"
Not only had Yugi gone so he could drive Jou home after (gotta rest that sore arm) but Yugi had been expressing interest in getting tattoos himself, a fear of needles being the main reason he hadn't already.
"Well.." came Yugi's voice, his back to the room at large as he shut the door, "I decided that it doesn't look as back as I thought, but...there's something else. Can you, uh, close your eyes for me?"
"Oh boy, you didn't get one of those booklet tattoos last minute, did you?" you teased, even though you did cover your eyes.
A nervous laugh, as the creak of floorboards marked him coming closer. "No, not that exactly, but I did get something done unexpectedly."
You could feel when he passed the couch, and a sly little smile lifted your lip as he pressed one palm on the armrest and the other on the headrest beside you.
"Okay, open them," Yugi whispered.
When you did, at first all you saw were those gorgeous eyes of his, hooded just a little as his eyebrows drew together with the slightest bit of apprehension.
Then your gaze caught the sight of something shinny.
Oh, oh my.
Yugi's tongue darted out, the tip of it ever so slightly grazing the edge of the ring resting front and center on his bottom lip.
A lip ring. Yugi had gotten a lip ring!
"Well?" Yugi's eyes were searching yours, even as the hand on the arm rest lifted to scratch the back of his head. "What do you think?"
It was...well, all in all it was just surprising. Since high school Yugi had actually toned down some of his goth and punk style, mixing it with more 'mainstream' fashion. Button ups paired with his usual choker, a nice vest or pants with a studded bracelet, things like that. Yugi still loved his over the top fashion, but said that most days he was more comfortable with his own blend of 'business casual goth'. The last thing you expected was for him to get another piercing.
"I know its a bit much," Yugi began, casting his eyes to the ground, "but Jonouchi's artist had one and we got to talking and I had always daydreamed about it back in highschool and I-"
"It looks awesome!" your declaration halted his rambling, and his eyes were wide as they darted back up to yours.
"You really think so?" A smile was back on his face, the one that showed just a little teeth as it grew.
A derisive noise as you threw your arms over his shoulders, "Of course I do! I mean, I'm of the firm opinion that you could pull off any look." You indicated his clothes with a paddle of your hand, "You could probably make a trash bag look fashionable, honestly, but this," you placed a finger tip on his chin, rubbing just below the lip ring, "this is totally you."
His shoulders lost their tense nature, especially after you started rubbing them in tandem with the finger on his chin. Now his look was hooded for a different reason.
"I'm glad you like it. I was worried it didn't suit me," he whispered as he nuzzled your nose with his.
"Well, you know me," your tone was low too, and getting lower as you leaned in, "I think anything that's sexy suits you. And this," your lips were just a hair away from touching the jewellery, your hot breath making him shiver, "is definitely sexy."
And you closed that hair of distance, a soft movement, capturing his lips with yours. The sensation of the ring was odd, cold and hard breaking the expanse of Yugi's silky mouth. It understandably drew the attention of your lips and-
Yugi drew back with a hiss of pain and your heart dropped.
"Sorry, sorry," you cooed, "I wasn't trying to be rough."
Yugi shook his head and leaned back in, this time straddling your hips, "It's okay, the piercing's still sore is all." Then that other smile of his was on, that smile that looked more wolfish than he had any right to have. "Guess you'll just have to be gentle with me for once, at least until it heals up."
"I'll try my best," you said with a chuckle.
"But, you know," his tongue darted over his lips again as he leaned in to your ear, "once it does heal, I think I can use it to my advantage. Especially since my lips are my best asset when I go down on you."
You hummed, using your new position to kiss his neck, "And here I thought your tongue was your biggest asset."
Some teeth grazed your ear, "You're right, guess I'll have to get a tongue piercing next."
"Oooh don't start teasing me."
Giggles were exchanged as he pulled you down against the couch, "Never."
And this time you were a lot more careful when you closed your lips over his.
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ladymercysletters · 4 years
An Artists Touch
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Benedict Bridgerton x Reader
Part Three of A Gentleman’s Eye and A Second Chance
Word Count : 1891
A/N: (18+ Only)
Thank you to everyone who has enjoyed this little series of fics so far, hopefully this lives up to scratch. I’m not really sure where to take it from here so if anyone has any suggestions, my ask box is open :)
When Benedict Bridgerton arrived at Pembroke House, he was greeted by a surly footman who showed him to Lady Pembroke’s drawing room and departed with an abruptly shut door. Benedict took in his surroundings, the ornate baroque ceilings cascading down the walls over golden archways and pillars. The rich colour of the room was ignited by the afternoon sun and candlelight dotted around the room. As Benedict finished setting up his easel and paints, he almost failed to hear the opening of a small door.
Y/N emerged from a highly decorated, but almost secret, door in one corner of the room. Benedict stood to greet her and took in her appearance. In place of the dress of a Lady she appeared to only be wearing a deep silk velvet dressing gown. As she reached her chaise lounge the collar of her gown fell over her shoulders, leaving them bare, and only being held up by her hands at her breast.
Benedict’s mouth hung open, already tense at the scene before him; as Lady Y/N Pembroke dropped the robe to the floor leaving her completely bare save for a delicate diamond and pearl necklace laying across her collarbones. He watched as she sunk down onto the cushions, laying gracefully on her side as she made eye contact with him.
‘Is this ok?’ she asked. Benedict gulped and stumbled on his words as his tongue tried to gain its muscle back.
‘Yes.’ He coughed. ‘Yes, that’s fine.’ Trying to regain some form of control over his own mind, Benedict began sketching out his initial plan onto paper. Noting every dip and curve in her body, the way the warm sunlight graced her skin and how her eyes pierced into his own. He would make sure he captured that.
He sketched for hours; first onto scraps of paper from his sketchbook, and then onto the canvas itself. You sat as the perfect model, he thought; moving barely an inch other than to lift a glass to your lips.
She watched as Benedict sketched; his brow furrowed as it had been in the artist’s studio, concentration etched on his face; noting how handsome he was – not for the first time, but there was something about the way his passion came through on his face. When he loosened his cravat and rolled the sleeves of his shirt to begin painting she saw how strong his neck and arms looked. The sight of him in such a casual yet concentrated manner sent a warmth through her, yet she sensed that her current attire may have had some effect on him as well.
As the daylight dimmed Benedict stood to re-arrange the lighting. As he came closer she looked up at him, the evening sun making him a silhouette save for his soft curls which were highlighted, making him look like an angel.
He stooped to look at her more closely, resting his hand behind her head as he re-arranged one of the curls that had fallen out of place.
‘Perfect’ he whispered as he brushed the back of his fingers down the side of her face. She could feel heat radiating from him as he leaned over, his eyes were so clear blue as they examined her she felt like she could get lost in them. Her hand came up to stop his from moving from her face, wanting him to stay there forever. His thumb ghosted over her bottom lip, his eyes following the movement and the soft plumpness of them before he looked back at her.
They both stayed that way, feeling the air between them grow thin as they both knew what was about to happen. Her hand found his chest to steady herself as Benedict leaned in and closed the gap between them. His kiss was so soft as he breathed into it, the sound reminding her to breath in itself. They broke apart only for a second before he dove back in, warm tongue parting her lips as the hand on his chest tightened around the white cotton fabric, pulling him closer to her. Benedict leaned in further, kneeling over her as he took her head in his hand to deepen the kiss, feeling her soft curls through his fingers. Her hand slipped inside his opened shirt, feeling his strong warm chest and smattering of chest hair as it trailed up to his neck.
Pulling apart to catch their breath Benedict leaned back with an apologetic look in his eye. Before he had the chance to say anything she sat up and pulled him into another kiss, hands raking through his hair as she heard him catch his breath again before putting his arms around her and bringing her closer to him.  He kissed his way from her lips to below her ear, sucking gentle marks into the tender skin as he made his way down to her diamond clad clavicle.
‘Take if off’ She gasped, as Benedict pulled her bare thigh over his hip. He trailed his hands up both sides of her, sending shivers up her back and making her nipples harden against his chest, reaching around her neck to unclasp the delicate jewellery.
‘Did your husband give this to you?’ he questioned, as he peppered kisses over the newly bared skin.
‘A wedding gift’ She moaned out as his hands came to cup her breasts, thumbing over her nipples. Benedict continued his assault on her breasts, laving a hot wet trail down her body as he made his way between her thighs. Kneeling on the before her he cradled her thighs in his large warm hands, pressing gentle, teasing kisses into the soft plump flesh there.
As she basked in the tender, erotic sensation of his lips she opened her eyes just a little to peer own at her lover; all roughed hair and pink cheeks, his mouth hanging open as her hand in his hair guided him to her centre. Taking his orders, Benedict kept his eyes on hers as he delved in, lapping her up with the passion of a starved man. His eyes only fluttered closed when he felt her thighs contract around his head, making him double his efforts in getting them to tremble around him.
Y/N went tense, heat pulsing over her as Benedict’s lips suctioned to her clit, tongue laving over her over and over as she came suddenly with a scream. Benedict licked his lips as he pulled back to see her laid out before him.
‘I feel very underdressed’ she sighed as she took his dishevelled appearance in. His hair was a complete mess; where before his cheeks were pinked, they were now flushed red, and his shirt a rugged mess, half on and half off of his body.
‘You look perfect.’ he growled ‘I want to paint you, just…’ he said, kissing up her body ‘like... this.’ As he reached her again Y/N pulled out his loose shirt from his tight trousers and Benedict began unbuttoning them. His frantic movements were halted by Y/N pulling his shirt over his head. When he emerged, breathless from beneath the billowing fabric, he dived down to grace her neck hot biting kisses as her hands raked through his hair and down his back; pushing his trousers down as far as they would go as she hooked her legs over is hips once more.
Feeling her hot wet centre grazing against him, Benedict left his mark on her lower neck as he slid himself gracefully inside of her. They gasped into each other’s mouths at the feeling. The pent-up tension of months of wanting left them panting already. Y/N shivered at the stretch of his girth, pulling him in for a kiss as he began to move.
Benedict steadied himself on the arm of the chaise lounge as he thrust into her slowly and purposefully, spreading his legs as far as he could with his trousers around his boots, as he watched open mouthed at her ecstasy. Y/N’s nailed raked down his back as his thrusts became firmer and Benedict moaned at the mixture of pain and pleasure he felt at her touch. Reaching for her thighs to pull her closer he cradled her head in his steady arm and kissed her deeply. Their bodies were so close they were almost one. Y/N bit his lip as his head hit differently inside her, moaning wantonly into his mouth. Feeling her hardened nipples brush against his chest, Benedict reached down to caress them, fondling her soft breast in his large palm as she tightened around him.
‘Benedict’ She moaned at his stimulation. All he could do was grunt in appreciation of her moans, lost in her - as every one of his senses were filled with her. He was so close to release, desperate even, to make her feel just a fragment of what he felt.
‘My Love’ the words slipped from his lips - but he meant every word, as he panted into her skin, the tender flesh of her cheek brushing past him as she turned to look into his eyes. ‘I love you’ he panted, not being able to hold it in any longer.
‘Benedict’ She repeated, this time out of love, not lust. Her eye’s looked almost sad as she took in the reality of his words. ‘I love you too.’ No words could have made Benedict happier than those as he captured her perfect lips in a kiss.
Pulling her lower half up to meet his, Benedict rolled his hips up into hers, determined now to get her over the edge before he would let himself go. The angle of his drive made Y/N’s toes curl and her hand’s clench, raking over his shoulder’s and down his chest, forcing a whine from deep in his throat.  He sped up his thrusts, uncontrollable jolts from his hips sent Y/N into euphoria.
Benedict felt her core clench around his cock and couldn’t help but grip her thighs tightly as a blazing heat rolled over him and he came with a burst, buckling over her.
The reality of their situation only set in after a moment, when they had both caught their breaths. Their sticky bodies slowly eased apart as they settled themselves more comfortably on the sofa. Benedict’s shocked face outweighed Y/N’s as he spoke nothing but apologies for his last act. As concerned as she was Y/N comforted Benedict with a mild smile as she drew a tapestry throw over her naked body.
Right here was exactly where she wanted to stay forever. Benedict had carried her to her bed in the adjoining room, cradling her in his strong arms, having stripped off the remainder of his apparel - brushing a stray curl from her face as she looked up into his slate blue eyes.
‘Did you mean what you said?’ She whispered, fingers playing with his smattering of chest hair.
‘When?’ he questioned with a smirk, knowing exactly what she was referring to but wanting her to say it, just for him.
‘When you were balls deep inside of me’ Y/N deadpanned, looking at him as if to challenge her. Benedict couldn’t help but giggle at her words, his smile covering his entire face before composing himself.
‘I will love you forever…’ he paused ‘… If you’ll have me.’
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thedreamingfish99 · 3 years
Experiment Part Two
Jason Kolchek x Female Reader
Jason comes back to the surface, coughing his lungs out from inhaling that dead vampire. As the scientists prepare experiements for him, a young medical examiner finds it unfair and tries to get him out.
Warnings : Angst
Words : 5.5K
A/N : Hella, I'm really sorry that it took me so long to write anything, school as been crazy and I barely have time to breathe under all my homework. I managed to write this chapter though and I really hope you guys like it. I will try to keep writing during the following month, but I won't lie, I can't promise any updates coming up soon. I'll take a little break from writing until I am not breathing homework, but I swear I'll be back with amazing stories as soon as I have more time. I'm really sorry. Also, this part is longer beacuse it's the final and I didn't feel like cutting it in half. Take care guys!
Tags : @house-of-kolchek @sothatsme-alex
@songs-of-a-sirenqueen @stellaselysiandreams @always-typing
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Jason vigorously shook his head to you. You watched him fail as he wiggled on his bed, trying to get up, just to end up falling back on the mattress, coughing.
You sighed, stepping closer to go sit on the chair next to his bed. When he was done coughing, Jason pointed his finger to your, a menacing look on his face.
''There's is absolutely no way I am letting you do that.'' He angrily said, his voice still raspy from all the coughing.
''And what are you gonna do, you can barely get out of bed.''
Jason couldn't disagree with you and he knew it. His anger faltering to the hard truth, he winced, his hand slowly falling on the bed. You grabbed it, making him jump at the sudden move. He stared at your hands around his, you wanted to bring him comfort and therefore tried to ignore the burning of his touch and the butterflies in your stomach.
''If I don't do anything, you'll die.''
His eyes flew right back to meet yours, but guilt quickly made him look away, a light pink blooming on his blemish cheeks. You loved seeing some colors on his face. Tightening your grip on his hand, you leaned in closer to him, a soft smile on your lips.
''Please.'' You pleaded.
Jason slowly turned his head back to you and sighed at your hopeful eyes.
''You really wanna do this?'' He let out.
You nodded. To be honest with yourself, you couldn't really understand why but had never felt so sure in a long time. You couldn't deny the intense pull you felt towards Jason, since the first moment you laid eyes on him. It wasn't because of him being incredibly handsome, or the crush that had grown just by talking with him. It did help, but it was when you first saw him, his blemish skin, baggy eyes, coughing his heart out but still trying to look strong and respectable in from of you. IT was then, you decided you would do anything in your power to help this man, even if it meant stealing an important discovery, risking your job and possibly life...
''Alright then love,'' He breathed out. ''But you're not making any move until we have a bulletproof plan! I don't want you to get in trouble.''
He mumbled in the end, probably hoping you didn't hear him, but the growing smile on your face proved him otherwise. You threw your hand up, mimicking a soldier's salute, and tried to give him your most serious face.
''Sir, yes sir!''
Jason's laugh flew in the air, melting your heart as you lower your hand. Your chest blooming with pride from being the reason for his sudden burst of laughter.
For the next hours, you tried making the best plan you could. You drew him a map of the camp as precisely as you could, you weren't an artist and your memory wasn't the best, but Jason seemed to have worked with the worst before. Leaving him to think of the plan, you answered his questions about some guard's shift and who'd find it suspicious to see you in a section of the building you weren't supposed to be in. You took some notes, but in the end, it wasn't that hard of a plan. As long as you timed it right, you would probably barely meet anyone on your way. The hardest part would be to explain why you need to know where's the vaccine is kept. Because yes, you didn't even know that yet. But Jason thought it would be very unlikely for them to move it into another section.
As he was forming some ideas in his head, you observed in and felt admiration for the man. When you had told him about the existence of the vaccine and the plan of your superior, Jason didn't even blink. He didn't seem surprised nor angry, it was as if he expected nothing less.
After getting more details on paper, Jason laid back on his angled mattress and sighed. He seemed to be inside his head, staring into the void, when his glare suddenly met yours.
His hazel globes scanned your features as if it was the first time.
"Are you certain about this?"
He bit his lips, and you couldn't help but at his doing. Imagining your own teeth tugging at his lower lip to deepen the kiss...
You felt your cheeks reddening in an instant as you quickly looked away.
You were about to go on a solo heist and were thinking of kissing a dying man? What was wrong with you? Feeling like you needed to work on your sense of priority, you cleared your throat and looked at your watch.
"It's almost time," You whispered. Lifting your gaze to meet Jason's. "Are you gonna be okay?"
"Are you sure they'll wait for your next shift?" He asked in return, it didn't feel like he was questioning you, more that he wanted to make sure of all the facts.
"Yes, I'm the only one in the facility," You assured him. "No one would be able to do it."
"Then yes, I'll be fine."
Without really thinking, you grabbed onto his hand, holding it tight within yours and you savored the moment. You could feel your cheeks burning under his intense gaze. You stared at each other until he sighed and nodded.
You sent him a warm smile before getting up and walking to the meds supplies cabinet, letting go of his hand with difficulty. You looked a little while before taking a certain bottle of pills and walking back to the man.
''How much do you weigh?'' You asked him.
He faked being shocked, putting his hand on his chest.
''Well, that is personal love!''
You laughed at his manners, trying to ignore your heart racing at the pet name. After he told you his weight, you did some calculations in your head before taking out a few pills and putting them on the table next to Jason's bed.
''Four is the maximum I can give you,'' You explained. ''It should be enough to slow your heart rate enough without being dangerous. You'll probably wake up after a few hours, which should be enough. Wait ten minutes to take them after I leave, and then count to a hundred backward. You'll be asleep in a matter of seconds.''
''Yes ma'am.'' He nodded seriously.
You let out a shaky breath, feeling nervousness fill your body. Jason seemed to notice as he grabbed your hand again and smile at you.
''It will be alright. I trust you.''
You lifted your gaze to meet his, you were surprised by how much trust he seemed to put into you while he barely knew you. But he had nothing to lose, not even his life. The question was more why were you trusting him so much and risking everything you had for a man you barely knew? To be honest, you didn't really have the answer, but it felt wrong to do otherwise and you wouldn't be able to live with yourself if you didn't try.
Taking your silence as hesitation, Jason took your hand to his mouth and pressed a soft kiss on it, wanting to be reassuring. A furious blush redden your face, but it worked. Your worries went away leaving your mind to be filled with thoughts about a certain man and a certain kiss, as futile as it was.
''I need to go.''
Jason nodded and let your hand go. You slowly walked to the door, stopping before it. You looked at him over your shoulder. Taking in his sight in case it was the last. Your heart jumped seeing him as handsome as ever.
''Don't die before I come back.''
''I won't.''
- - - - -
You looked at your watch, your foot tapping the floor nervously as you filled the cup holder with tree freshly made coffees. You let out a deep breath to calm your nerves, Jason was probably getting ready as well. Now was your time to shine.
The guard shift had just changed. The new guys were standing in front of the door leading to the division C bloc. You looked at them from the corner of a far corridor and saw them yawn. Perfect.
Plastering a wide smile on your face, you happily walked to them, coffees in hand.
''Good morning soldiers!'' You winked at them. ''Nightshift are always so rough, I thought I'd bring some coffee for the hard-working guards of my division!''
They looked at each other before smiling back at you and grabbing onto a coffee each, eating up your lie.
''Thanks, lady. ''
You nodded before taking a sip of your coffee, but almost spitted it out after the soldier continued.
''Hey, I recognize you.'' He said, your heart racing. You were scared he figured you didn't work in division C. '' You're the nice scientist I was guarding a few nights ago, you brought me pastries!''
You felt relief wash over you, even though you weren't out of the woods yet, at least he thought you were someone legit.
''Oh, I recognize you!'' You lied, not knowing the man at all. '' You're the nice-looking fella I couldn't take my eyes off that night.''
You winked at him, the man looked pleased by it and threw a big smile towards his fellow guard who just shrugged.
You quickly looked at your watch.
Jason had taken the pills a few minutes ago, and they were probably starting to affect him by now. Meaning the door would open in... 3... 2... 1...
The door violently opened to a bunch of scientists screaming and running out of division C. Surprised, the guards quickly followed them to understand what was happening. While the coast was clear, you quickly slipped into the door as it was slowly closing.
You made it in. You smiled. The first step was accomplish! Now you needed to find that vaccine.
Shuffling through all the papers you could find, searching for information. Opening every box and every drawer hoping to magically fall on the vaccine. You needed to act fast, they would be back anytime soon.
You were lucky that making Jason act dead made them all run away from their stations. You weren't sure if it would work at first, there were a lot of odds at play. First, if the pills would work well enough on Jason to make him seem dead for a few hours, then if the guards wouldn't recognize you and be stupid enough not to question why you were waiting outside with them inside of walking in. The reason being, your card didn't have clearance for that division. Then, you didn't know if Jason's ''death'' would make all the Division C scientists run to his side, but you had figured as much. Jason was important to them, he was the main part of their experiment. If he died prematurely, they would all run to him to be sure.
So here you were, looking everywhere in their stuff to find that vaccine. If only you knew who had made it, they probably kept it close out of pride.
You looked at your watch again, you were running out of time.
You sighed and looked around, observing the little cabinets, desks, and work tables around. Your gaze stopped on a wine bottle sitting on a desk.
Wine was extremely hard to sneak into the scientific base and illegal for anyone who didn't have a high status. Someone probably gifted it to the owner of that desk. A gift made most likely because of a life-changing discovery.
You ran over to the desk in question and looked around, opening cabinets and drawers. Until you suddenly fell onto a black briefcase with the tag ''VC.JK-000'' written on it.
''Vaccine. Jason Kolchek.'' You whispered for yourself, a wide smile on your face. ''I got it!''
You opened the briefcase and took the vaccine, thinking it was more subtle for you to hide it in your pockets instead of bringing the recognizable briefcase with you.
- - - - -
After quickly leaving division C, you made a run for the morgue. The excitement making you want to sprint to your quiet working room but the guards were already looking at you weirdly with your fast walking. Attracting more attention would be dangerous.
You forced yourself to slow down a little bit, and tried calming your breathing. Everything had worked so well, you could barely believe it. The fear of something bad waiting right around the corner as soon as you would let yourself relax. Your palms were sweaty with all the pressure resting on your shoulder, but as you pushed the door to the morgue, you felt all that anxiety leave your body, even if it was just for a second, you felt safe in this room, the only people here being dead bodies. It was probably strange to most after working for so long with them, you couldn't help but change the way you looked at death now. It felt peaceful.
You walked to the corpse's cabinet and opened the door with the newest tag. As you dragged the rolling table mostly out, you let your gaze wander on Jason's restful face. Even acting dead, his blemish skin almost blue from his sickness, heavy bags under his eyes, he still looked so handsome. How is that even fair?
Staring at his dried lips, the need to pressed yours on his was nagging at you. You shook your head to clear your thoughts.
''I should probably wake him first...''
You moved quickly, walking to your small desk in the corner of the room. It was a little strange to have your office inside the morgue, but you didn't mind. The camp didn't have enough space to give you one, but it also meant peace and quiet since no one liked being here. And it made you walk less. Yes, you were quite a lazy person.
You grabbed the clothes you had hidden for him and some pills. You dropped the clothes onto your chest, figuring he would probably want to dress when he'd wake up. Walking back to your desk, you pick up the water bottle you had left there on purpose. Laying a few pills on your desk, you crushed them with your bottle, picked up the residue, and mixed it with the water.
Making him swallow water was easier than pills. You walked back to the man, bottle in hand, and lifted his head slightly as you poured the water in his mouth. Slowly so he wouldn't drown and die for real. You did this for a few minutes, giving him a little water in a sip as you could. You honestly didn't know how much he needed to wake up, your knowledge being all about every way to die and not to survive.
After finishing the whole bottle you sighed and walked to your desk and sat down. You looked at your watch.
You closed your eyes and laid your head on the hard surface of your desk. You had been awake for so long and had an exhausting day full of stress. You were exhausted.
You didn't realize you fell asleep until a loud noise woke up. Jerking your head up, you felt a headache hit up your brain as your eyes were attacked by the brightness of the room. It didn't take you long to adjust and forget about all of it when your eyes fell on a shirtless Jason as he was trying to get dressed.
''O-Oh! I'm so sorry I didn't want to wake you up.''
Hearing his hoarse voice mixed with his southern drawl while being shirtless... It was too much for you. You quickly looked away, your face a furious red as heat rushed through your body. Well, now you were more than wide awake.
''D-Don't worry about it.'' You sent him a side glance, and sigh when you saw he seemed fully dressed. Was it a sigh of relief or disappointment? Honestly, you couldn't tell. ''I'm glad to see you awake and well.''
Jason warmly smiled at you as he walked to your desk.
''I knew it would work, I trust you.''
You couldn't help but return the smile, reaching to your pockets to take out the vaccine from its safe hiding place. You proudly showed it to him.
''Time to make you feel better!'' ''Good,'' He laughed. '''cuz I feel like ass.''
You laughed along with him as you got up and asked him to sit on your desk. As he took place, you prepare his arm to receive the shot. But when you approach the syringe from his skin, you felt him tense beside you. A sly smile tugged your lips.
''You alright there Lieutenant?''
''Don't you dare mock me, I just hate needles...'' He pouted, and the sight was worth all the money in the world.
''Do you like dogs?'' You asked him.
''I love dogs, I think they're the cutest thing especially puppies!'' You continued, hoping to distract him as you closed in with the syringe.
It seemed to be working.
''I love 'em too. Big dogs mostly.'' He shared with you. ''I always wanted to get an Aust- HEY!''
You exploded o laughter at the sight of his betrayed looks as you took out the needle from his arm.
You laid it on your desk and grabbed onto a tissue before cleaning his arm.
''You did great champ.'' You winked and you could swear you saw him getting flustered.
''Oh shut up.''
He wanted to sound offended but the smile tugging his lips was betraying his real feelings.
''I really hope the vaccine makes you feel better soon.''
Jason turned his head towards you. You didn't realize how close you were standing to help him with the vaccine until his face was just a few centimeters away from yours.
''Thank you.''
The southern drawl being whispered in your ear made you shiver. You couldn't help but stare at his lips for a while and forced yourself to move your eyes to meet his. Jason's brown orbs were staring back, deep into yours.
You felt strangely at ease looking at him like that. Most of the time, you hated getting close to people, physically and relationship-wise. You had friends but no one you were close to, not that you hated everyone, it was more that you enjoyed being alone and you never felt like it needed to change. But with Jason, everything felt different, natural. It was easy and simple to talk with him, it felt easy to care and to want to help. You couldn't really explain it to yourself, but you knew from the moment you saw him smile at you, you knew you'd do anything for him, you knew you'd end up getting close to. It should've scared you, getting closer to someone, developing feelings for a man you barely knew. But Jason... Jason made it all worth it. With a single smile, he made all your doubts disappear.
You didn't know how long you both stare at each other until Jason broke the eyes contact to clear his throat.
''We should get ready for part two of our plan, before sunrise.'' He quickly let out while getting up from the desk.
You blinked a few times, your brain slowly coming back to life.
Right.. Jason wasn't out of trouble yet.
- - - - -
Your sweaty hands gripping on tight to the metal bar, you tried looking casual as you rolled the stretcher filled with a body bag. Nervousness was boiling in you, your heart beating so loudly. At any moment, you felt about to get caught. You spotted a little movement from the corner of your eyes, you couldn't help yourself and hit the body bag.
''Stop wiggling!'' You whispered since nobody seemed to be around.
''But it's so tight!'' The body bag answered.
You snorted at the memory of Jason trying hard to wiggle inside the bag as you tried to close it on him. It was a good thing he wasn't tall, otherwise, you wouldn't have been able to fully zip it. Why were the bags so small?
As you guided the stretcher in the hallways, you felt very lucky to meet very few people except some soldiers. No one seemed to ask questions about you moving around with a corpse in the camp. The fact that you placed your corpse examiner badge well in view probably helped.
After a while, you finally reached the drop site for all corpses and garbage of the camp. You closed the door behind you and opened the bag for Jason.
He took a deep breath as you freed him from the very warm and tight corpse bag.
''Fuck that was horrible.''
''I'm sorry,'' You winced, looking at him trying to get out the bag. ''It was the only way I could think of making you leave the camp.''
Jason turned to you and gave you a warm smile that showed his dimples, you felt your legs grow weaker at the view. What a handsome man.
''Don't worry love, I know.''
You stared at him for a while, wanting to say many more things before letting him go and part ways probably forever. You felt your heart shatter at the thought. You didn't want to leave him, you weren't even sure the vaccine was gonna work, and he was still weak, you still wanted to help.
''So.. What are you gonna do now?''
Jason sent you a bright smile at the thought of what was next.
''Guess I'll just go visit a friend earlier than I thought!''
You didn't really know what it meant but from the smile on his face, you felt happy for him. For some reason, even if his future was gonna be into hiding since he was supposedly dead, it sounded way better than your boring old life... Because it was by his side.
You shook your head.
''I'm happy you got someone to go to. I should probably try to steal a jeep in the cargo bay, it's right next to the dump actually, and honestly, it's not guarded at all.''
Jason seemed to ponder his options for a while before approving the idea.
''If I leave fast enough without the lights on they might not notice me, and if they do it would be too late and I would be far gone.''
A weird silence fell between the two of you, it was time for goodbyes but none of you seemed to know what to say. You stared at your hands, playing with your fingers for a while, waiting for the dreadful moment Jason would just leave and hoping he would want you to stay with him.
''T-Thank you...'' He whispered, breaking the silence. You looked up to him, watching a shy pink heat his cheeks. ''Thank you for everything, I'd be a dead man if it wasn't for you.''
A warmth flooded your body, you felt really proud of yourself, you had saved the life of a man.
''I couldn't have left you to die.''
''I know, you're too good Y/N.''
You couldn't help but respond to his smile, but it fell immediately when Jason suddenly walked to you and grabbed your hands with his, holding you close. His proximity and actions took you by surprise. Your heart beating fast, maybe this was it?
''Y/N I...'' He started, looking everywhere but your eyes. '' I don't think I've felt so close to anyone else before you. Even though we barely know each other, you risked your life for me... I'll never be grateful enough.''
You listened to him with full ears, your eyes widening as he went on, finally locking his gaze with yours.
''I want you to leave with me, and I think you want it to, but... You can't. My life isn't gonna be easy from now on, and I don't want to put you in any danger. I'd never forgive myself. I-I... I want you to live on, they don't have proof that you helped me so you'll be fine. I'll.. I'll find you when the time is right.''
You didn't realize the tears sliding down your cheeks until Jason's hands cupped your face to try them with his thumbs.
''You know this is the better option. They think I'm dead but you? They'll come looking for you.''
''I... I know.''
''I'm so sorry love.''
''Me too.''
Jason leaned in before pressing a kiss on your forehead. You closed your eyes, concentrating on the feeling so you would remember it better. When his lips left your skin, you kept your eyes closed, your heart shattering as you heard him slide down the dump opening.
- - - - -
''Fuck... Fuck, FUCK!'' He screamed silently, angrily kicking some garbage on the ground.
He pressed his hands on his face and brushed his hair, letting out a deep sigh.
''Why did I have to meet her here? I wish we had more time...''
He tried not to think about it for too long, he wasn't out of the woods yet and couldn't let his heartbreak ruin the chance you had given him to life and freedom.
Jason decided to move his ass out of the garbage dump, trying not to look too much at the many-body bags laying on the ground, lucky him he never had a great nose.
He sneaked outside, looking around to see if there was any soldier on the lookout, but just like you had said, they really weren't guarding the area. Jason stayed in a crouching position anyways, carefully walking to the cargo bay. After reaching the already opened garage door, Jason peaked inside.
''Really? No one? Security sucks in this place.''
He walked up to one of the many jeeps, looking around to find its keys. Luckily, the need of being fast and efficient gave the habit to every soldier of hiding the keys on one of the tires. It took Jason a few seconds to find them. He quickly hopped in the car, one hand on the steering wheel, the other about to put the keys in before he froze.
He couldn't leave you, could he?
You were all he ever dreamed of without even realizing it. You were funny and much smarter than him, which he loved. And you were beautiful, physically but everything about you was beautiful. His heart throbbed every time you cared for him, every time you risked your life for him. Your determination in helping an almost stranger was probably what made him love you the most...
But parting ways with you was the best option, the safest for you. And even if his heart wanted you by his side, he wouldn't do that to you. But he promised himself when things would cool down and after he would fully be healed, he'd come and find you.
He fixed his mind on the fact that he would see you again one day, Jason turned on the ignition. Even without the lights on, the sound of the engine was quite loud, making his departure not so subtle, meaning he needed to leave fast.
He pressed on the gas, quickly heading out of the cargo bay. But a sudden scream, reaching him from the darkness of the night made him hit the breaks hard.
''Y/N?'' He screamed over the sound of the engine, looking around until his eyes met yours.
You were running towards him as fast as you could.
Jason's heart jumped at the view, he would lie if he said he wasn't happy to see you again so fast, thinking earlier were your last goodbyes before a while.
''What are you doing?'' He asked, stepping out of the jeep.
You ran to him and crashed into his arms as he caught you. You looked up to him, your face so close to his, he felt his heart racing and a furious blush reach his cheeks after hearing you.
''I'm leaving with you,'' You breathed out, exhausted from your run.
Your heads seemed red and puffy, Jason easily assumed you had cried a while before running to him. He felt his heart wince.
''No, but! I'm coming no matter what you say.''
A soft smile crept on his lips, he couldn't help it, having you with him was all he wanted at the moment.
''Thank yo-''
Jason was cut off by the echoing sound of a gunshot. His eyes widened as you opened your mouth. Jason tried to look around and see where the shooter was. He was in panic, he didn't hear any warning or anything. Did they really just shoot without saying anything? Maybe the engine of the jeep made it impossible to hear.
''Y/N we gotta leave now, we're too exposed!''
Jason grabbed onto your arm and tried to drag you to the jeep, but you quickly stopped him.
''J-Jason wait.''
''No, we need to-'' ''Jason!''
He quickly turned around to face you, and it suddenly hit him. You were shot.
Your legs getting weaker, Jason had to grab you to stop you from falling to the grown. He wrapped an arm around you and succeeded in bringing you to the other side of the jeep, crouching being it as a few shots hit the car where you used to stand.
Being behind cover and feeling a little safer, Jason looked at you, searching for your wound. It was easy to spot, your whole shirt was bathing in blood. Helping you lay on his lap, Jason pressed his hand on your wound, trying to stop more blood from leaving your body as you cough up some blood.
Coughing up blood... It was something Jason was getting used to doing until barely a day ago. Something you had saved him from, but he didn't know how to save you.
Panic was filling his body, he couldn't think straight. He was so happy only a few seconds before, seeing you run towards him. But now, here you were, dying in his arms.
''No... No, no, no Y/N! I don't want to lose you, not yet no... I can't leave you twice in the same hour I can't.''
''What can I do, Y/N what cant I do?!''
Your bloodied hand reached to his face, caressing his cheek while painting it with blood. But he didn't mind, he leaned in your touch.
''Helping you is the best thing I-I've ever done.'' You said in between two coughs.
Jason felt the tears freely flooding down his face.
''I d-didn't deserve it.''
''Silly,'' You tried laughing but the pain made you winced and cough even more. ''Thank you f-for making me feel love.''
''Jason... Live for me.''
The sobs that took him made it impossible for him to answer. He watch as you smiled warmly at him, a smile that slowly faded as you lost all your strength, life slowly leaving your body.
''Y/N?....Y/N?! No, please no...'' Jason wrapped his arms tighter around you, leaning his face down so his head could be pressed against yours. ''I'm sorry... I'm sorry you died for me. I don't deserve it, it should've been me. It should've been me!"
A few gunshots hitting the jeep made him jump. Right, this wasn't the moment for him to crumble down, he needed to get out of here. But he couldn't bring himself to leave you behind.
Jason dried his tears as best he could, leaving his broken heart to deal with later. He quickly loaded your body into the jeep, as carefully as he could without getting shot. Then he jumped into the driver's seat, hitting the gas and leaving as fast as he could, disappearing into the night. Leaving his heart with the pool of blood drying in the sand far behind him.
- - - - -
A sudden knock on the door made the man jump. He wasn't expecting anyone so early in the morning. Laying his book on the living room table, the man got up and walked to the front door. He grabbed onto the revolver he placed right next to the door frame. He carefully opened the door, peeking his head out while pointing his gun from the other side. But he quickly dropped it to the floor by surprise, opening the door fully to the man in front of him.
''Oh my god Jaosn...''
Salim ran out of his house and hugged the American standing in front of his home. He didn't expect to see him before a few months, years, or even at all. He wasn't gonna complain, nor was he gonna ask why Jason was crying against his shoulders, why he was feeling so frail into his arms or why was his shirt full of blood.
If Jason ran to him because he needed a friend, then a friend Salim would be.
- - - - -
A/N: That was the final of this story, I hope you guys liked it! As I said earlier, I'll be gone for a little while, but I promise to be back with more stories! I'm truly sorry. Much love
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acapelladitty · 3 years
Heisenberg- Show (nsfw)
Below the cut is a trade which I commissioned with a fantastic artist on discord in which we worked to create some lovely Heisenberg filth (them via art and I via fic). My fic comes from a request for some Heisenberg solo play which is interrupted by a female reader while their art shows a scene from my Heisenberg/Reader "Mouth" series featuring a sub Heisenberg.
The Fic:
The heat of the factory was oppressive against his skin as the warmth danced across his exposed flesh and left a thin sheen of sweat in its wake. His naked form was spread freely on his bed, the base of his neck propped up by a firm pillow, with the only exceptions to his nudity being the familiar dark leather gloves that covered his palms and the gadgets which he chose to wear around his neck.
His head lolled against the pillow as his left hand stroked his cock; the length hard and slick in his hand as he masturbated it almost lazily, eyes unfocused as they watched the muscles in his arm flex with every movement. The leather was cool against his heated flesh, and it drew a grunt from his throat as his fingers glided over the small nodules of metal which had been pierced through the length there.
The glove was slick with lubricant as it slid over his cock without resistance, and he chased his pleasure with a torturous pace. There was no need to rush and, as he swirled the pad of the glove over his cockhead to spread the bead of pre-cum there, a bolt of pleasure curled at his spine and a deep sigh escaped his lips.
Bringing his right hand to his mouth, he caught the edge of the glove between his teeth as he pulled it free. Now uncovered, the fingers of his free hand were quick to dip to his chest as they brushed through the thick mat of dark hair which decorated his upper half before trailing across to his nipple. Squeezing the bud there between his thumb and forefinger, he unleashed a loud grunt as the slight pain made the pleasure from his cock all the sweeter.
Repeating the move with his other nipple, he plucked and rubbed at the sensitive nubs until they were fully peaked and reddened by his ministrations.
His thick shoulders heaved up and down with every stroke as open growls slipped by his lips as he varied his pace, allowing his gloved hand to temporarily drop from his length to cup at the balls below to massage the skin there. Thoughts were fleeting and passed between vague sexual fantasies featuring the delicious outline of his favourite gal as she serviced his needs and was serviced in return.
A cough made him jump in position, his hand flying from his cock in surprise as his gaze snapped to the door by his right to allow him to take in the figure there as she leaned against the doorframe with a decidedly hungry gaze.
Speak of the devil and she will appear.
Noticing that she had caught his attention, an unmistakable leer crossed her features as she waved a hand towards his naked form.
“Oh, don’t mind me. Please continue.”
His hand slipped back around his cock and resumed its quickened pace, the thrill of being watched prickling at his skin and making every sensation more intense as he put on a show.
“Why don’t you come over and give me a hand?” His words were low and throaty, rough with his lust as he swirled his thumb across his cockhead once again, “There’s more than enough here for two.”
“Oh no.” Shaking her head, she declined the offer, “I’m just enjoying the view. You’re doing a fine job.”
“Yes, Ma-am.”
Unleashing a low grunt as he realised that she wanted to watch him, the heat within his body was growing unbearable and a need for more clutching at him as his hips snapped forward with every thrust, meeting his own hand with increasingly frantic movements.
“Play with your tits.”
Her tone was soft but commanding as she guided him, and he shuddered at the strict instruction.
With one hand still wrapped tightly around his cock, he allowed the other one to resume its torments of his nipples as he pulled at them roughly; the slight pain only adding to the pleasure as he followed her demands.
“Are your balls all tight and ready to blow, baby? Feel them and tell me.”
Dropping his gloved hand to his balls once again, he gripped them as he allowed his fingers to run across the skin, the sensation almost unbearable as it made his cock twitch against his stomach as he grunted out his answer.
“Keep talking like that and I’ll blow my load here and now.”
The pre-cum which leaked from his cock only added to the delightful sensation of the cool leather as he returned to stimulating his heated skin and he paused for a moment to toy with his piercing to add another layer of pleasure. His eyes were locked on her and her alone as she alternated between holding his gaze and watching his hand as it curled around his cock desperately.
“Poor Karl, your thick cock looks painfully hard. You gonna cum for me, baby?” Her voice was little more than a purr as it washed over him and made his groin ache.
“Oh, fuck yeah.” He grunted out, his hips moving off the bed slightly as he fucked his cock into his curled fist. The band of arousal in his gut was so close to snapping that he could almost feel it as a fresh bead of sweat ran down his chest, tickling the skin there.
“Then do it.”
It was all the encouragement he needed and a low whine escaped his throat as he gave his cock a few more rough pumps as his orgasm hit. His toes curled against the sheets of his bedding and his vision blurred for a moment as his release arced high before splattering against his stomach with one small bead reaching as high as his nipple while he grunted out his pleasure.
Her expression was clouded by lust, and he held her eye as his cock remained in his hand, his fingers lightly touching at his sensitive cockhead as they played with the overstimulated flesh in a teasing way for just a moment. Some of his release had been caught on his glove and he brought the edge of it to his mouth as he tasted himself.
The move rewarded him with a soft moan from the doorway and satisfaction flowed through him as he realised that she was enjoying the show almost as much as he was enjoying putting it on.
“You just going to stand there, kitten,” baring his teeth in a wolfish smile, he quickly pulled off his remaining glove with his teeth and dropped it to his chest, “or are you going to join me?”
“I’m not sure,” she teased, her hands tracing along her exposed collarbone as she approached the bed, “I would hate to ruin the free show.”
At her words, his grin settled into a lecherous smirk as he trailed a bare finger up his come-stained chest. However, his grin was quick to widen into an open gasp as her soft fingers wrapped themselves around his too-sensitive cock and trailed up his length as they traced some unknown shape across the residual hardness.
Snarling at the overstimulation, he wrapped a hand around her wrist to pause her movements.
“Keep doing that, kitten, and I’ll make sure that you enjoy the encore twice as much. I’ll fuck you so hard you won’t be able to breath, let alone give a standing ovation.”
Pulling her hand free of his grasp, she immediately locked it around the tip of his cock and rubbed her palm across his cockhead. A move which made a low keen escape from his lips as the overwhelming sensation made him buck into the cruel ministrations.
Smirking, her enjoyment of his reactions was written across her face as she gave his cock a firm yet gentle squeeze.
“Then let’s see who gives in first.”
The Art:
Tumblr media
(Unpixellated version will go on ao3 lmao)
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
You Light The Spark In My Bonfire Heart
Kyle Rayner x Batbro One-Shot
Word Count: 2.7K Warnings: Explicit Language
Author's Note: I HAVEN'T HAD ANY WIFI ALL DAY BUT NOW I DO AND this is my new obsession and pair and you can tear it from my cold dead hands. Enjoy! -Thorne
Kyle had an easy morning routine: get up, eat breakfast, brush teeth, workout, shower, drink protein shake, and draw. It was simple and effective, and helped him maintain a sense of normalcy that he didn’t always have when he was up in space. He typically started out with sketching small things, mostly faces and limbs from memory, the occasional suit redesign, then he’d get into the bigger works, drawing comic panels and the commissions he had. And while Kyle loved to be up in space, to be a Green Lantern, drawing felt like coming home to him, like it was the natural state. That being said, he didn’t love being interrupted when he was in the middle of something important—it was bad for the groove.
As the second round of knocking sounded on his door, Kyle grunted and stood from his desk, padding through the hallway to his front door; he flicked the lock and pulled open the door, surprise etching across his face when he saw the eldest Wayne leaning against the door frame—rather cockily, Kyle added, because the soldier’s arm was propped on the frame, the other stuck in the side-pocket of his dark tactical bomber jacket.
“Good morning, Kyle,” he greeted with a smirk. “I hope I’m not interrupting.”
The Lantern blinked, shaking his head. “Uh, no, you’re not, (Y/N).” he looked at him. “What are you doing here?”
(Y/N) shrugged. “Had some business to take care of for my dad, and since I was in the area, I figured I’d drop by and see if you wanted to get some lunch with me.”
Kyle took a moment to lean out the doorway slightly, looking down the stretched hallway. “How’d you know where I live?”
“Please, a magician never reveals his secrets,” he deflected coolly, gazing at Kyle. “What do you say? Wanna get some lunch? I know a really good sports bar that serves great food.”
He looked back at (Y/N) and smiled. “Yeah. Let me go get dressed.”
The soldier merely winked in return and with fumbling hands, Kyle managed to shut the door before his cheeks burst into flames, hurrying back to his bedroom to pull together an outfit that would impress the man.
Kyle almost dropped to his knees when he saw the car parked outside his apartment building, and (Y/N) knew it too, because he chirped, “Gorgeous, isn’t she?”
He nodded dumbly. “Is this a McLaren 720S?”
“Mhm.” He opened the doors and slid into the driver’s seat, looking through the passenger door. “Coming?”
“Am I ever,” Kyle breathed, climbing into the seat, immediately running his hands along the dashboard and seat. “I’m in love.”
“Wait till you hear her purr,” (Y/N) said, closing the doors, and pushing the ignition. The sports car roared to life and he grinned at the way Kyle’s face melted. “Yeah, she’s a beauty.” He put the car in drive and looked through the side mirror, then pulled out onto the street.
“Is this one of your dad’s cars?”
“Nah, I bought this for myself a couple months ago.” He pulled the sunglasses from his t-shirt and put them on. “This and an Audi TT.”
Kyle huffed a laugh. “Jesus, you billionaires live it up, don’t you?”
(Y/N) smiled. “Hey, I live life in the fast lane. Might as well drive in it too.” He pushed a button on the touch screen and music filtered through the speakers, and Kyle’s face pinched in confusion. “What?”
“This isn’t—James Blunt isn’t the music I figured you’d play.”
“What’d you think I’d be listening too? Rock?” he chuckled, turning the volume down a bit. “Don’t get me wrong, I listen to all kinds of rock music, but I figured you’d want something easy rather than head-bang your brains out rock.” (Y/N) stopped at a red light and glanced over. “You can look through the artists on my phone if you want.”
Kyle shook his head, relaxing into the seat as the melody flowed through him. “No, I like this artist.” The soldier merely smiled in return, pressing the gas pedal again, and Kyle suddenly remembered something. “Speaking of artist, I saw the canvas in your bedroom the other day. Do you draw?”
(Y/N) hummed. “Not like you. It’s more of a pastime than a lifestyle.”
“You’re good at it. You’re painting your family in their suits. Details and designs included.” The artist regarded him with impression. “That takes skill.”
“I’d like to think I just have a steady hand and a lot of patience for stressful tasks.” (Y/N) turned the wheel, coming up behind a line of cars. “It’s an easy way for me to relax and mentally run through past events.”
“Like what?” Kyle questioned curiously.
(Y/N)’s eyes narrowed, but not in a loathing way, more of a thoughtful one. “Missions, conversations, things I could’ve done differently, things I will do differently.” He shrugged again. “Painting for me is just a time when I think about everything and nothing.”
“Well, you’re great at it, (Y/N).”
He snorted. “It’s just a bunch of paintings of my family and friends and military shit.”
Kyle blinked and leaned over. “Wait, is that painting in the den—”
“The one of the F-18 Super Hornet?”
“Yeah. You painted that?”
(Y/N) nodded. “Yep. I got Hal Jordan to take me up in one a few years ago and decided to commemorate the trip.”
“Wow,” the Lantern breathed. “I stared at that canvas for at least an hour the first time I saw it. I was just so blown away by how amazing it was.” He chuckled and shook his head. “And to find out, you drew it and not some world-famous painter.”
“Hey, I could be world famous if I wanted.” (Y/N) shot back, turning onto a less busy backstreet. “I just choose to retain my talents for family and friends.”
“Because of your job?”
“That too.” He agreed. “My squad and I take careful precautions to avoid our faces being seen during any missions for the safety of our families.” His face turned as solemn as his voice. “We do what we do to make the world safer. To keep our families and friends safe. It’s imperative that we’re not seen.”
Kyle cocked a brow. “But you’re Bruce Wayne’s son?”
“I am,” he nodded. “But I’m not as…out as the rest of my siblings. You’d be able to recognize them from press photos, but me not so much.” (Y/N) pulled into a parking spot outside the bar. “People only recognize me when they see the name on the credit cards. And I prefer to keep it that way.” A goofy smile crossed his lips. “The high life isn’t for me.”
“Says the man that drives a 710 horsepower sports car.” Kyle shot back with a grin of his own and (Y/N) stuck his tongue out as he turned the car off and opened the doors.
“Okay, I’m not actively in the high life but that doesn’t mean I don’t like luxury.” He closed the car doors and opened the front door to the bar for Kyle. “After you.”
“Thank you.” He replied, and walked inside, only stopping to turn and ask, “Do you want to sit at the bar or a table?”
(Y/N) tipped his head to the side. “I’m down with both, but I like the bar more.”
“Bar it is,” Kyle said and slid into one of the chairs, (Y/N) the other, and an older man wandered over.
“Well, I’ll be damned, is that (Y/N) Wayne I see?”
He turned, expression morphing into joy as he reached out and shook the older man’s hand. “Jack, it’s good to see you.”
“It’s good to see you son. How’ve you been?”
“Ah, you know me, sir. Nothin’ changing but the weather.”
Jack snorted. “And the desert where you dig sand outta your ass.”
(Y/N) chuckled. “Damn straight.” He looked at Kyle. “Kyle, I’d like you to meet Jack Dagher. He’s an old CO of mine.”
Kyle shook the man’s hand. “Pleasure to meet you, sir.”
“It’s all mine,” Jack replied. “It’s been a while since (Y/N) brought anybody here.”
At that, Kyle turned to the soldier who was busy looking anywhere but his face. “Is that so?”
“Oh yeah. Sonovabitch doesn’t bring his dates here unless he really likes ‘em.”
(Y/N) coughed, glaring at the man. “Alright, we get it. Aren’t you supposed to be taking orders?”
Jack gave him a smug look in return. “What can I get you boys to drink?”
“I’ll take a beer,” Kyle said, and Jack rolled his eyes.
“No shit, kid. What kind?”
(Y/N) snickered as Kyle flushed. “Uh, a Heineken.”
Jack sighed. “And he had such potential. (Y/N)?”
“Gimme a strawberry daiquiri then water after.”
“Still ordering fruity drinks, huh?”
“Hey, they get you drunk faster than horse piss does, you old fart.” He shot back and the old man chuckled.
“Touché.” He slapped the bar. “I’ll bring those to you with an order of chili fries.”
“Thanks Jack,” (Y/N) smiled, watching the man walk off before turning to Kyle who was watching one of the baseball games. “You like sports?”
He tipped his head side to side. “I don’t not like them. I was never a sporty kid in school, but I like watching them.” He looked at the solider. “What were you like in school? Jock or prep?”
“Probably a bit of both,” he answered. “I played sports and had the highest grades.” Shrugging, he added, “And being a Wayne boosted me into the top tier of schools, so, there’s that. To be honest, I think all of us Wayne kids were and are a mixture of every stereotypical category.”
“I can see that,” Kyle laughed. “Especially with Jason and Dick.”
“Shit, I was talking about Timmy.” (Y/N) said. “That kid’s a grade A nerd.”
“He is, isn’t he?”
The two of them laughed and a woman placed their drinks in front of them, both giving their thanks as they took sips.
“Can I ask you something, (Y/N)?”
“My muscles are one hundred percent real. Especially my abs. Which you’re allowed to feel on in envy if you want.”
Kyle snorted into his beer, wiping his mouth. “No!” a few more chuckles passed his lips as he wiped the bar. “Are you…you know…?”
“A Leo?” (Y/N) offered with a smile, but his eyes told Kyle he knew exactly what the Lantern was asking, and he said, “I like the liquor, but I don’t care what label it has on it.”
The other man smiled. “Yeah, that makes sense.”
“But if you want the technical term, I am pansexual.” He regarded Kyle a moment. “You?”
His lips pulled in an impressed fashion. “Pretty fly for a bi guy.”
Kyle gaped at him for a moment, then shoved (Y/N) in the side as he buried his face in his arms and laughed. “You’re so stupid.”
“Ah thank you,” he grinned. “I get it from my old man.”
“You,” he cut himself off with a cackle. “do not get that from him.”
“Look, you know the big man in the suit. You don’t know the complete goober we live with,” (Y/N) chuckled, smiling at the waitress who placed menus in front of them; he picked his up and flipped through it.
“What do you recommend?”
“Hmm…anything with bacon on it.” He showed the menu. “If you like salads, get the steak and blue cheese one, it’s fantastic. Or if you’re more into tacos, they’ve got these awesome shrimp carnitas with chili peppers.”
Kyle’s brows furrowed as he looked the menu over. “What are you gonna get?”
“My usual. Tomahawk steak with garlic butter and mashed potatoes.” (Y/N) groaned and rested his head back. “I haven’t had a good steak in months, and I can just taste it already.”
“So, you’re a meat and potatoes kind of man?”
He grinned, keeping his eyes closed. “Unlike the cup noodle and Hawaiian roll man beside me.”
“Ouch. Hit me where it hurts.”
“C’mon Kyle, hit me with your best shot.”
“Better watch it, (Y/N),” he grinned. “You might be the next notch in my pencil case.”
“You’re such a nerd.”
“Holy crap,” Kyle breathed, hands resting lightly on his stomach. “I’m stuffed.”
(Y/N) moaned. “Stick a fork in me. I’m done.”
“Done?” their waitress laughed. “You haven’t even finished your desserts yet!”
“Oh God, don’t make me,” the Lantern whined. “I’ll explode.” He looked over. “(Y/N), take one for the team.”
“Pass,” he replied. “I think I’ve gained ten pounds just looking at the rest of the cheesecake.”
The woman laughed. “I’ll wrap the leftovers for you boys.” She wandered off, leaving them alone, and a blaring ringtone filled the space between.
(Y/N) jumped a little, pulling his phone out of his pocket. “Do you mind if I get this really quick?”
Kyle shook his head. “Go ahead.”
He slid his thumb along the bottom and rested the phone on the bar. “This is Wayne.”
Captain! Finally. I’ve been texting you all afternoon.
“I know,” he snorted. “I’ve been ignoring it.”
Yeah well, the longer you ignore me the slower it takes for the radar dish to get replaced.
“What are you talking about?” (Y/N) asked. “I thought you’d procured one.”
I did. Then the buyer told me I wasn’t registered for official military hardware.
He frowned. “That’s odd. You did contact Thomas, right?”
Yeah. Beady eyed looking motherfucker who serves on the George Washington, right?
“That’s him.” (Y/N) hummed. “Tell you what, I’ll call him later this evening and get it all sorted out, yeah?”
Sounds good. Hey, did you take that guy out yet? Your little brother won’t stop texting me about some twinkie you’re into.”
(Y/N) froze as he felt Kyle’s eyes drilling into the side of his head and he stuttered, “Uh, Nadeen, now’s not the best time.”
What do you mean best—oh…ohhhhhh. I, uh, I gotta go, Captain.
“Yep. Bye.” He locked the phone and shoved it back into his pocket, refusing to meet Kyle’s eyes. “So…you catch the baseball game?”
“Which one of your brother’s thinks I’m a twink?” Kyle asked. “Wait, don’t tell me. It’s Jason, isn’t it?” he grunted in his throat, deadpanning, “I can’t believe my best friend thinks I’m a twink.”
“It’s Dick, actually.” (Y/N) grinned, turning to face him and he reached over, pinching Kyle’s cheek. “It’s just ‘cause you’re so cute and perky.”
The Lantern merely glared at him, griping, “I’m not as strong as you, put I can punch pretty hard.”
“Ooo, those are fighting words,” he shot back with a smirk, letting Kyle go. “Careful, I’m ticklish.”
“I feel like I’m talking to Hal.”
(Y/N) whined, all but collapsing onto Kyle who started snickering. “I’ve just been murdered.” He buried his face in Kyle’s shoulder. “Can’t believe I was just compared to Highball. The world must be coming to an end.”
“Oh, come on, you big baby. You’re not dying.”
“I am!” he turned his head, gazing at Kyle. “You’ll have to carry me to safety.”
“I don’t think I’m strong enough to carry you.”
“Are you calling me fat?”
“I did not say that.”
“You did, but in more words.”
“Alright, now I’m talking to Guy.”
He leaned against the door frame as Kyle unlocked his front door and pushed it open, turning to look at him. “I had a lot of fun today, (Y/N).” he murmured. “Thanks.”
Winking, he replied, “I’m glad you did. I’d like to do it again soon if you want.”
Kyle nodded. “I’d like that.”
They stared at each other for a few moments and (Y/N) smiled, patting the door frame. “Well, I’d better be heading out. Have to get home in time for dinner.” He paused, giving the man a warm look. “Thanks for having lunch with me, Kyle.”
He’d not gotten two feet from the door when Kyle’s hand wrapped around his wrist. “Wait.” He turned and the Lantern leaned forward, pressing his lips to (Y/N)’s cheek. “Be careful on your way back.”
“I will,” he murmured, watching Kyle wave and disappear into his apartment, the door shutting behind him.
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quillsanddaydreams · 3 years
starry henna
sirius black x desi!reader
—author’s note: this was something I'd been waiting to write since forever. Requested by @sirisuorionblack, thank you so much bby I loved writing it. I hope you enjoy! Sirius attends your sister's wedding which finally makes him confess his feelings.
—warning(s): mentions of food and drink. female!reader (pronouns aren’t used, but is implied).
—word count: 1,754
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You adjusted your bangle, before taking a last look at yourself. The traditional salwar you chose for the day was growing on you. Your sister called you, struggling to tie the threads at the back of her dress. Taking them from her hand, you made a beautiful butterfly knot, moving to take a final glance at her. She bit her lip, raising her eyebrows.
“Kaisi lag rahi huun? (How do I look?)” she asked, moving a strand of her hair nervously as you smiled at her encouragingly.
“Bahut sundar, (Very beautiful)” you said softly, hugging her. She sighed. “Itni kya jaldi hai shaadi karne ki? Thoda ruk nahi sakte the? (Why did you have to rush to marry? Couldn't you wait for a bit?)”
She chuckled, pulling back, holding both your arms.
“I’m gonna miss you too, not more than my room though,” she laughed, lightening the mood. She always seemed to know how to do that.
“Now let’s go, we wouldn't want to keep everyone waiting. Especially that boyfriend of yours,” she said a knowing look on her face as you felt your cheeks warm. You protested.
“He’s not my boyfriend—”
“Not yet,” she said, cutting you off. Something about her smirk told you; you couldn’t argue with her. But then again, you didn’t want to.
The two of you moved out of your room, placing the hotel key safely in your bag. It was rather silent in the elevator, you knew your sister was anxious about the ceremony. Not that one could tell that as soon as you arrived at the hall. You gasped taking in the changed decorations. Colorful, studded umbrellas hung from the ceiling and small couches were placed along the edges of the room— mehendi artists sat there with people surrounding them with open palms. Everyone’s eyes landed on your sister as she beamed and greeted them gracefully. You wondered whether you could ever be as elegant as her.
You gazed across the room looking at your cousins, mausis, and other members of the extended family. They all seemed to be enjoying themselves. Seeing James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter at the back near the food stands; you made your way over to them. They looked charming in kurtas you had bought with them earlier. And what a shopping trip had it been.
“No but you have to get it, it’s what today is about—” James said to a tired-looking Remus.
“What is today about?” you asked, amused. They wheeled towards you, their faces lighting up.
“Tell Remus he must get henna,” James pleaded, and Remus swayed his head wildly.
“Well,” you started smugly. “It wouldn’t hurt.”
Remus groaned making Peter snort. You faced Sirius who was staring at you wordlessly. Ignoring the tickling in your stomach, you asked him, “Are you not getting one too?”
Sirius shook himself a little, before releasing a cough.
“Well, I was hoping you would apply some on me,” he said as you raised your eyebrows.
“Me?” you asked, incredulously.
“You are quite the artist and the tattoo would mean more with you making it,” he said. “If you want, of course.”
“I would like that,” you said after a beat.
“You’re looking stunning today by the way,” Sirius added. “You do everyday, but this dress…”
“And we’re invisible again,” James said before you reply. Remus let out a laugh patting him.
“Bet they wouldn’t have noticed if we slowly moved away,” Peter snickered.
Sirius shoved his shoulder casually as you picked up a drink to hide your expression.
“I think you should get your henna done now,” you said, seeing your sister sit down at the head of the room, the henna women sitting by her sides and taking her hands. “I got mine done in the morning. It would take time to dry.”
As James and Peter took Remus away unwillingly, you shifted towards Sirius.
“Come, I’ll find a cone to make some on you,” you told Sirius, taking him by his hand. Moving to one of the couches you asked for some spare henna. The boy nodded, giving you a fresh cone along with some cotton swabs and cleanser.
The two of you proceed to sit at a corner and you put a cushion over your leg for support.
“Where would you like me to draw?” you asked as he offered you his left palm dramatically, running the other hand through his hair— picture of a model. You giggled.
“And what exactly do you want it to look like?” you asked, placing your hand on your cheek.
“I didn’t think much about that,” he pondered. “I do like those vines on yours? Uh— make whatever you like.”
You hummed, thinking. Perchance you did know what exactly would suit him. Cleaning his hand with a cotton swab, you took a cone in your hand and started making little footprints from his thumb to his pinky finger. Sirius inhaled sharply when he realized what you were drawing.
“Tsk, stay put,” you said as Sirius sat up straighter. He looked on to what you created keenly. You caught him gazing at you instead more often than not, making it harder for you to concentrate.
“You never quite told us what this is about,” he said after some time. “I mean it’s pretty great, people getting temporary tattoos before a wedding. And from what I’ve learnt from staying here, everything has a meaning. Does it have a story too or?”
“It’s supposed to wish the bride prosperity and happiness,” you said, remembering what your mother told you when you asked her the same. “A saying goes that the darker someone’s henna becomes, the more loving their partner is.”
“Oh?” he asked curiously, looking at your hands. “If your henna becomes darker later— it would be because of some lover?”
You chuckled.
“Well, according to the saying yes,” you shook your head. “In reality, it depends on your skin and what kind of powder you use to make the mehendi. But it’s pretty to believe the saying, don’t you think?”
“If you have someone in mind, then yes,” he replied.
“Do you?”
Sirius eyed you intensely. Your heart beat faster awaiting his answer.
“I do,” he said. For a moment neither of you looked away from each other. The dholak began to play startling you both out of the trance. You peeked at him and then got on to make little paws to complete the design. Neither of you dared to speak again. The tension seemed almost unbearable.
“Tada!” you said on adding the finishing touches. Sirius observed the design, seemingly delighted with it.
“It’s so pretty,” he hushed. “The paws, the footprints... brilliant! I wish I could do the same for you...”
“You can actually” you said all of a sudden. Sirius furrowed his eyebrows as you explained further. “There is a small space left here you could make something on.”
“You would like that?”
“I would love it,” you gaped as Sirius shook his head. “You can do it, please Sirius, that way we both would have made each other a tattoo.”
“I’m not great at art,” he pointed out. “And what would I even make?”
“Make the Orion belt,” you said, ignoring the heat rising in your ears. “I saw those gorgeous astronomy projects you made and I would love something starry and tied to you too.”
Sirius blushed, abashed.
“If you want that,” he said. You handed him the used cone, having won, and laid out your palm to him.
Carefully marking up the stars he began to fill them in. You bit your lip watching Sirius work. His hair fell over his face, curls licking his skin. He was so caught up in work that he seemed to forget everything nearby.
“I know I’m handsome but I won’t be able to work with you looking at me like that,” he said, unmoving. You flushed, mummering you weren’t making Sirius smirk widen.
“Of course you weren’t.”
Sirius heaved a sigh sitting back, letting you regard the stars.
“It’s beautiful—”
You wanted to say more but your cousin Ruuhan came beside you, grabbing your arm to get your attention.
“Come dance, everyone is!” he said as you grinned. You looked at Sirius in silent question as he shook his head telling you to go on. Your mausis and other cousins were already dancing when you were pulled in. Laughing you moved along with them, dragging your sister to dance along with you.
You spent the night eating, dancing and having fun. The marauders joined you— you gave them your best puppy dog eyes when they said no. Amidst everything, you couldn’t remember the last time you had been this happy. It felt like a high. A happy high. One you never wanted to escape.
The next few days passed in a blur and it was almost too soon you were walking your sister through the grounds to marry the girl she loved. Wrapping an arm with hers you watched all the eyes on you two. Sirius stood along with the marauders, gasping a little when he saw you. You gave him a small nod, expecting him to wink back or give a teasing look, but it never came. He looked at you like he was seeing stars for the first time. Angling your attention towards your sister, you stepped forward. Handing over her hand to her fiancée, you watched your sister get up on the stage. Tears welled up in your eyes. Sirius came to stand beside you and took your hand in his. Squeezing it a little, you gave him a reassuring glance.
“You know; the past few days I’ve realized something,” Sirius said quietly as the ceremony moved on. You gestured for him to continue.
“Love should be celebrated, grandly because,” he said with a twinkle in his eye. “Because you shouldn’t be afraid to show off the one you adore to all around you. What I couldn’t understand however; what were we supposed to do if all others except the person knew about the affection you had for them?”
You sucked in a breath, waiting for him to continue. Sirius took your hand in his, running his fingertips along with the stars he drew.
“I love you,” he whispered so softly you almost missed it. Your heart leaped as he avoided your eyes. You cradled his face, making him look at you. His grey eyes shone angelically under the fairy lights.
“I love you too, Sirius,” you said, pulling him close. The two of you sat with an arm around the other, watching your sister take her vows for life.
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—as for the taglist: I don’t make taglists, I have a blog @from-my-quill ​ ​ which is updated whenever I post fanfiction. You could have the notifications on for it and it will work just like me tagging you.
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things-we-cant-say · 3 years
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pretty little liar
Pairing: Ten x Female!Reader
Summary: In order to get your annoying ex off your back, you tell a little white lie that takes an unexpected turn.
Genre: College!AU
Warnings: Smutty smut, dirty dancing
Word Count: 4,867
A/N: Unable to withstand Ten’s power any longer, I had to start writing about him…or a version of him anyway. Hope someone out there enjoys my first dip into the ~imagines~ pond. ☺️
The party was in full swing by the time you and your best friend Amy arrived, the music so loud it could be heard down the street. It was a wonder the cops hadn’t broken it up yet but hey, the night was still young. Ducking through the arched doorway with Amy hot on your heels, you let her guide you into the foyer where you both stopped to take in the scene. The place was packed with people dancing, drinking and laughing—everyone apparently having a great time. Which was perfect for you because all you wanted to do was blow off a little steam and pretend you hadn’t spent the day fantasizing about committing the perfect murder.
You enjoyed school for the most part and you enjoyed your classes, but really you couldn’t wait for it all to just be over. Two extra years and your master’s degree in linguistics was almost within your grasp. You still weren’t one hundred percent what you planned to do with it (teaching was definitely out) but either way you were ready to dive into the real world. To no longer be stressed out about exams and papers and boring ass professors that constantly seemed to have a stain on their tie.
And to get far, far away from your stupid ex, Adam.
“Uh oh you have murder face,” Amy said as she peeped around to look at you. “What’s wrong?”
You shrugged. “Just in my head I guess.”
Amy hummed. “I get it. That’s why we are here though! To get fucked up and do something we regret in the morning.”
You laughed. “Guess we’re Uber-ing home.”
She grinned and grabbed your wrist, pulling you over to a table loaded with different types of alcohol. The guy ‘tending bar’ as it were winked as you two approached. “What can I get you for?”
“Something with alcohol but where we can’t taste the alcohol!” Amy exclaimed happily. “Oh! And if you’ve got any little umbrellas I’d like one of those too.”
He did finger guns and proceeded to cook something up in two red cups, sticking in two pink umbrellas when he was done. You and Amy took your drinks and after a cursory sniff, took a sip. The tequila wasn’t as strong as with a single shot but you could still detect it just not enough to make you stop drinking. Unlike Amy you didn’t plan to get completely fucked up but you weren’t going to say no to a nice buzz.
Cups in hand you migrated onto the dance floor and fell in with everyone else, bopping to the beat and scream chatting over the loud music.
“I really needed this!�� Amy yelled. “Statistics is kicking my cute little ass!”
“I know what you mean!” You shouted. “But hey! Soon we’ll be done and actual jobs will be kicking our cute little asses!”
Laughing, Amy bounced up and down, sending her blonde hair flying. “Is that why you’ve been so grumpy lately? Or is it…he who shall not be named?”
With a sigh you took a big sip of your strawberry margarita. “Yeah. He keeps fucking calling me and leaving me these stupid ass messages, apologizing and shit. I’ve blocked him but he just uses someone else’s phone.”
Amy’s eyes stretched wide. “That’s like stalker behavior! Or maybe he really is sorry for what he did.”
You snorted. “Sorry for having sex with his ex in the backseat of my car? As far as I am concerned he can take his ‘sorrys’ and shove them so far up his ass they come out his mouth as safaris!”
Amy choked a little on her drink, hitting you hard on the arm in admonishment after she stopped coughing. “I hate you! I could have died!”
Her words made you smirk. “But did you? No but for real, fuck Adam. Fuck Adam and anyone who even looks like Adam!”
“Woo!” Amy threw both hands up into the air, yelping as liquid sloshed down onto her head. “Oh shit! Drink emergency I’ll be right back!”
Before you could say anything, she turned and hurried back towards the drink table. Alone in the middle of a dancing crowd, you didn’t know whether you should slink over to a corner or just keep dancing. That last thing you wanted was some random dude trying to groove with you. Of course if you decided to hold up the wall nothing would stop some random dude from trying to hit on you either. At a bit of a loss you drained the rest of your drink and did a I don’t really know anyone two step, hoping Amy would return soon.
The tequila settled nice and warm in your stomach, making you feel more at ease. Most of the people at the party were from your school but not ones you associated with on like, a daily basis. Sure you recognized a few faces from the library or cafeteria but there was no one you’d had more than a surface conversation with.
And then your eyes landed on him. Ten.
Ten was a…different sort of person altogether. He was the kinda guy CW shows thought actually existed in college, except he was very real. And very much fucking gorgeous in that unattainable way CW shows also loved. However, that sort of did him a disservice because as far as you knew, he was just a decent guy who happened to be able to do some pretty awesome things.
For example, he was an amazing dancer. The kinda dancer that just freaking mesmerized you when he moved. Had you wondering how in the hell had he taught his body to do that shit? One minute he was in total sync with everyone else and the next he was performing his solo and blowing your mind. He’d done some show a few months ago with a friend and you’d nearly flipped out of your chair watching him work. The body rolls, the attitude, the way he’d just commanded the stage…whew. Was it possible to be a fan of someone who wasn’t famous?
Then there was his art; things he designed himself or drew from memory. Art class was essentially where you’d sorta came to be acquaintances with him. You weren’t exactly good at drawing but you liked it enough that you wanted to improve, plus it helped you de-stress after particularly hard days. Ten on the other hand excelled and just like with dancing, it was interesting to watch his process. He’d described himself as a sensory artist so he wasn’t always as concerned with the end product as the professor sometimes wanted him to be. From your eye though he’d yet to create anything that wasn’t remarkable. In fact, more than once you’d wanted to ask him to design a tattoo for you, but felt it would be kinda weird. He had no idea what you were into after all. So far your conversations with him had consisted of colors and that one time he’d asked to borrow one of your brushes.
You were pretty sure he’d sold something to an art gallery.
Anyway so Ten could dance and he could draw and he could sing and he was fluent in several languages; as far as you knew the only thing he was kind of shit at was cooking. But who hadn’t set a class kitchen on fire once or twice? Or three times…
If he were an asshole—well people would probably still crush on him—you’d count that as a major flaw and want to keep your distance. But the kicker was that he could do cool things and he was nice. Dorky even especially when it came to cute animals. Was always posting pictures of himself at the animal shelter playing with the kittens and the puppies, or just acting like an idiot with friends. Yet it was that confidence that made him seem untouchable, and also made him sexy as fuck. More than once you’d fantasized about biting his Adam’s apple.
Shaking your head, you fanned lightly at your face with both hands. Maybe stepping outside for some fresh air would be a good idea.
“Y/N!” Amy nearly tripped over her pretty sandals in her hurry to get back to you. “Weewoo weewoo weewoo!”
She grabbed your shoulder. “It’s a police siren! We have a code red situation here, I repeat a code red! Adam just walked in!”
“What?” You blinked and immediately looked towards the doorway, brows narrowing when you saw she was right.
Standing there in a white t-shirt in his formerly handsome glory was your ex-boyfriend, Adam. Once upon a time you’d thought the world of him; thought he was the kinda guy you could probably marry someday. The kinda guy you’d introduced your family to. Turns out he was the kind of guy that hooked up with his ex in your car repeatedly until finally being caught in the act. Sure it had been gratifying to make him and her walk home half naked but it had done nothing to quell the pain left behind. Thankfully though your pain quickly turned to anger and now you usually focused on not murdering him when he popped up. There was a lot you could forgive but cheating was firmly in the do not cross zone. Everything you’d felt for him evaporated the moment you saw him with her.
And he’d promised he was over her. Lying piece of shit, you thought to yourself.
“What the hell is he doing here?! Does he even know anyone here?” you asked with a frown.
“I dunno!” your friend said slowly. “It’s possible, big campus and all. Do you want me to help you climb out of the bathroom window?”
“Yeah my boobs aren’t fitting through one of those skinny ass windows,” you replied wryly. “Though to be honest I’m almost willing to risk it. C’mon let’s—”
It was too late. Adam spotted you like an arrow searching for its target, eyes registering shock and then elation. He reached you in three quick strides, opening his arms for a hug that he was damned crazy to expect. “Y/N. Wow you—you look amazing. I’m so glad we ran into each other.”
You huffed. “I’m not. I told you we’re over Adam. Or does me blocking your calls not get the message across?”
He exhaled deeply. “Look I know I messed up but I’m sorry. Classes were just really tough and—and Lucy and I would reminisce about old times…”
“Do I look like I give a shit? You cheated on me and we’re over.” The lie came so easily. “Besides, I’ve moved on.”
“Yeah!” Amy poked him in the chest. “She’s moved on so suck it!”
Adam arched a brow. “You’ve moved on?” He sounded skeptical and that made your blood boil. “Since when? And with who?”
You’d once heard that Hippocrates came up with the saying drastic times call for drastic measures though it wasn’t something you’d be willing to bet money on. However, standing there with your ex eying you like he just knew you were lying brought a whole new meaning to the idiom. You would one hundred percent be damned before giving him the satisfaction of gloating.
Tequila’s kicking in…
Without missing a beat, you put a hand on your hip and motioned to Ten. “Him. I’m seeing him.”
Amy made a sound like a cat having its tail stepped on while Adam gaped at you. “What? I—no. No way. You’re totally lying. I’ve seen the people he’s dated and you’re not his type at all.”
This bitch.
Twirling on your black heels, you strolled across the room to where Ten sat in an arm chair, chatting with a few of his friends. Before you could talk yourself out of it, you straddled his lap and leaned forward to whisper in his ear. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry. I know this is awkward as fuck—I’m so sorry—but if you just play along I will owe you big time. I’ll give you anything. You need a kidney? You can have a kidney.”
Ten’s friends had gone mute and as you sat back to gauge his reaction—or to possibly be thrown off of him—you bit your full bottom lip. His dark eyes were watching you calculatingly, his own lips pursed together like you were a riddle he needed to solve. Up close he was utterly breathtaking, all smooth skin and silky black hair that fell artfully across his forehead. He smelled incredible.
And then he spoke.
“There you are baby,” he said wrapping an arm around your waist. “I’ve been looking for you.”
That was when you figured you owed him your first born but it was fine. “Well, you found me. Sorry to keep you waiting.”
He chuckled. “You’re worth waiting for.”
His friends still looked confused though they didn’t have time to voice their opinions. Adam stalked over seconds later like a man on a mission. “So it’s true? You and Y/N are together?”
Ten tilted his head to the side and you saw the moment the lightbulb went off for him. “Yeah we’re together.”
Adam huffed. “Since when? For how long? Where did you two meet?”
Ten smirked. “Are you taking a survey or something?” He brushed his lips across your jaw, making you shiver. “The only thing that matters is that she’s mine. Let’s dance, Y/N.”
“I would love to,” you replied with a smile. You were also grateful he’d remembered your name.
You climbed off of his lap and took his hand, sending Adam a you thought look before pulling Ten out into the thick of the crowd. Your heart was beating a mile a minute but you felt too giddy to pay much attention to it. Plus, you knew Adam was watching you like a hawk and you didn’t want to let on how nervous you actually were. If he found out you were lying he’d never leave you alone and consider you pathetic to boot. Besides the nice buzz that was finally creeping down your spine told you everything would be fine. How could it not be?
Ten’s hands settled low on your hips and he gave you a little tug, pulling your back to his chest. You fit rather perfectly with him, his chin brushing the top of your head. Picking a rhythm in the song that thumped with bass, you began to move together. You rolled your ass against him and leaned your head back to rest on his shoulder, focusing on his breath as it ghosted across your neck. A silver of light wouldn’t have been able to get between you.
Normally you wouldn’t have dared to do something like this with a near stranger but your desire to make your ex suffer was bigger than your nerves. Besides Ten appeared to be all in on the ruse; his body twisting and curving in sync with yours, fingers on his right hand sliding up between your breasts to wrap lightly on your throat. His teeth nipped at your earlobe and you gasped. Reached around to his side to clasp his shirt for an anchor. You heard him chuckle and suddenly you were spun away from him only to be reeled back in, this time face to face.
The room felt like it was two hundred degrees. You weren’t exactly wearing much—a slinky black dress with tiny ties at the hem—but even that seemed too much. Without missing a beat though you and Ten continued to grind with one another, his thigh just barely pushed between your own. Every time you swayed forward to meet him the denim of his jeans rubbed deliciously against you, sending sparks sprinting through your veins. Both of his hands were on your ass as if helping to guide you, and as you met his gaze you couldn’t help but bite your lip at what you saw there. Desire, lust, hunger—no one had ever looked at you like that before. Like they could just devour you and still not have enough of you.
It made you feel powerful.
You grinned and wrapped an arm around his neck, fingers giving his hair a little tug. He hissed and lowered his head so that he could mouth at your bare shoulder, hands squeezing your ass so hard it nearly hurt. You weren’t sure when you started to get wet—maybe it was the moment you sat on his lap or he decided to play along with your dumb stunt—but you could tell it now. Your panties were sticking to you, your skin was on fire and it was becoming difficult to think straight. Honestly however you didn’t want to think at all, especially not if it meant not being in Ten’s orbit.
“Ten,” you whispered into the skin under his jaw.
He hummed, the sound vibrating through your body. You plastered your hand to his chest and pulled it down, nails catching on the thin material of his shirt until they were brushing along the zipper on his jeans. You gave him a quick squeeze—he was hard and straining—and he cursed loudly. Between one second and the next he was dragging you down a dimly light hallway, past kissing couples and one guy passed out drunk in the doorway of someone’s room. He swung you both into the first vacant room he came to; a lavish bathroom at the very back of the house. The door was closed with a swift thump and the lock clicked shut.
You licked your lips as he crowded you back into the counter, looking down at you with a tiny smirk. That part of your brain that yammered on about bad decisions was surprisingly quiet, so you figured it was beyond okay to pull him down for a kiss. As with most of the stuff he did, Ten was a damn good kisser. His mouth was soft and warm, his tongue playful and coaxing. He kissed you like he’d been waiting to kiss you for a long time. Until it grew deep and sensual. Until you were both panting with the need for air but neither wanting to let go of the moment.
With a gasp you tilted backwards a bit, your knees suddenly weak. “Fuck me,” you said absently.
“Can I?” Ten asked, chest heaving. “Can I fuck you?”
“God yes,” you replied, already pulling your dress up until it hitched around your waist.
Ten hooked his thumbs onto the band of your pink panties and slid them down your legs, laying them next to the sink. He looked you over with that same eye he used for his art but you could tell he liked what he saw. You grabbed his hand and brought it between your legs, spreading them wider for him. Two of his fingers slipped inside of you without any resistance to find you damp and aching, already so hot for him. He started a lazy rhythm—in and out, in and out—like he was in no hurry at all. Like he wasn’t driving you crazy all the way down to the tips of your toes.
He kept his eyes locked onto yours as he touched you, lips slightly parted like he couldn’t believe this was happening. That rang true for both of you. Never in your wildest dreams did you think you’d ever really be friends with Ten, let alone about to hook up with him. It was like you’d stumbled into some alternate universe.
Bringing his free hand up to your cheek, he smoothed his thumb across your lips, pressing lightly until you let him in. You sucked his thumb into your mouth and gave it a little nip, smiling when he smirked. When he deemed it wet enough, he pressed it to your clit and you moaned, your hips stuttering upward with a will of their own. He began a firm massage, working your clit this way and that, fingers still thrusting in their maddening motion. Of course he’d be great with his hands. Of course he’d be able to play your body like a finely tuned instrument.
Pressure started to build low in your stomach. “I—I’m…”
“Turn around.” Ten took a step back and made a show of sucking his fingers into his mouth, tongue darting out to lick between them like he wanted to savor every drop.
You whimpered but did as he requested, your eyes finding his in the wide silver mirror. You watched as he unzipped his pants and pushed them along with his dark colored briefs down to the floor. You hadn’t seen him pull out a condom but he had one; ripping open the packaging with his perfectly straight teeth before rolling it onto his hard cock. It was a delicious looking thing you had to admit, long and thick with a slight curve. If you’d had the time you would have gladly went to your knees for him.
A low breath shuddered out of Ten’s lungs as he pushed inside of you, his hands gripping your waist so strongly you were bound to have a few bruises later. “Fuck, you’re tight.”
It had been a while since Adam and nobody after him until now.
When he assumed you’d adjusted to the size of him, he pulled nearly out before driving back inside of you. You moaned and pushed back to meet his thrusts, feeling the pleasure shattering through you. Your breasts bounced as he moved and he reached a hand forward, tugging down the top of your dress so that he could cup one. He rolled your nipple between his fingers and pinched, bending over you so that he could bite down onto the tender skin of your shoulder. The motion sent him even deeper and you both groaned at the feeling.
“Te—Ten,” you stammered, losing your train of thought when he rolled his hips liked he did on the dance floor. “Oh fuck! Fuck!”
The picture you made in the mirror was a very erotic one; you could see every single expression on Ten’s handsome face. The utter enjoyment he was obviously finding in fucking you was written all over it; there was nowhere for it to hide. His head was tipped back, eyes fluttering closed only to pop back open so that he could watch himself shove into you over and over again. He had you up on your tip toes, nose just an inch from the mirror itself. He was always sexy but tonight that word took on a whole new meaning.
All you could do was try to give as good as you got.
You slapped a hand onto the sink to steady yourself and clenched around him, reveling in the low whine that escaped his throat. It kinda sounded like your name.
And then he was pulling all the way out, dick bouncing as he stumbled backwards. You blinked in confusion. “Wh--what’s wrong?”
Ten ran his fingers through his hair. “C’mon. I want you to ride me.”
He sat down on the closed toilet seat lid and you straddled him without a second thought, sinking down onto his dick with a full body shudder. With your dress around your waist and your breasts jiggling in his face as you bounced up and down on his cock, he traced his tongue around your nipple before lightly biting down. You tangled your fingers in his hair and panted out his name, letting out a squeak when his palm connected with your ass for a hard slap. Planting his feet on the floor, he leaned you backwards a bit as he drove into you repeatedly, eyes watching how well your pussy took him.
“You’re beautiful,” he murmured against your collarbone. “Gorgeous—you feel so good.” He bit you again, this time on the side of your neck. “So good.”
With one hand on his shoulder to brace yourself, you rose up and let yourself come down hard over and over again, feeling him pound so deep it was almost criminal. Had the music not been so loud you knew exactly what you would have heard; the sound of skin hitting skin as Ten fucked you like he owned you. Just for tonight, maybe he did.
You weren’t sure how long it went on but when you came it still managed to take you by surprise. Your body lit up like a Christmas tree from the inside out and you cried out Ten’s name, clenching around him, your nails digging into his shoulder blades. He muttered a drawn out fuuuuck and pinched your clit with this thumb and forefinger, making you jerk so hard you nearly tumbled off his lap.
“Ah! Ten!” You shouted as he kept it up. “I—no—oh god—”
Your pussy tightened around him again and he shivered, thrusts growing erratic as he came with a grunt. You trembled through a second orgasm almost in disbelief—usually the only thing that could get you off twice in a row was hidden under your bed in a shoe box.
Seconds later you flopped against him, attempting to catch your breath. He was still rolling his hips just a tiny bit, making all the too sensitive areas ping.
“Whoa,” he said breathlessly, wrapping both arms around your waist. “That was…”
You chuckled softly. “Yeah…” Chancing a look at him, you admired the way strands of his dark hair stuck to his sweaty forehead. He was glistening, shirt sticking to his chest. He smelled like hints of your perfume and you smelled like hints of his cologne. It was all so intimate.
Reluctantly you sat back and gazed at him, wondering if things were about to get awkward. But Ten just smiled and ducked his head a little, a barely there blush creeping up into his already flushed cheeks. It was so adorable you couldn’t have resisted kissing him if you tried. From the way he melted into you, he’d had the same idea.
After a few minutes of just enjoying the feel of his lips against yours, you forced yourself up off of him. Your legs shook; you had to grab the counter to keep from tripping in your heels. You could already tell you’d still feel him tomorrow and the thought made you kinda dizzy, but in a good way. Blinking at your reflection—your hair was a dark mess—you knew there was no way you’d be able to hide the love bites that adorned your skin. They stood out stark red and purple like a bruise.
Ten remained slouched on the toilet for a couple of moments before removing the condom and tossing it into the trash. He dabbed at his dick with a handful of toilet paper, and then pulled up his underwear and jeans. “So…can I ask you something?”
You fixed your dress. “Sure.”
“Who was that guy?” he inquired with a grin. “The one you obviously wanted to get away from.”
Oh shit you’d forgotten all about Adam! “Oh he—he’s my dumb ex. He jumped stupid at me and I—I wanted to show him that he’s an idiot. That I’m totally over him. I—I’m sorry for getting you involved.”
He laughed as he patted down his hair. “No complaints from my end. I think he got the message though.” Reaching behind you he handed you your panties. “Don’t wanna forget these.”
It was ridiculous to be embarrassed considering what you’d both just done, but you couldn’t help it. You took them from him and pulled them on, keeping your eyes on the ground. “Thanks… Look Ten—”
“I’m hungry,” he said interrupting you. “Have you ever had grilled dried pollack?”
“Um yeah once I think,” you replied uncertainly. “It was pretty tasty.”
Ten motioned behind him. “I know a place that makes it if you wanted to go. And…maybe afterwards we could just hang out. Talk.”
That sounded amazing. “I’d love to. But…”
He picked up on your meaning. “Y/N I sit next to you in all of our art classes. I make conversation with you for no reason. Do you really think I of all people forget my brushes? Honestly I’ve wanted to ask you out for a while but you’ve always seemed…disinterested.”
You were dumbstruck by his admission. “Me?! That’s just my face! You’re the unattainable ingénue or whatever!”
Ten chuckled, folding his arms across his chest. “Oh please the only thing standing between me and being a serious cat dad is having an apartment that allows animals. However, this conversation is pointless. You owe me and I’m collecting…if that’s okay?”
You huffed but couldn’t stop grinning. “It’s perfect.”
The walk from the bathroom to the living room had everyone staring with a few people letting out loud whistles. Adam had disappeared but Amy was there to give you a big thumbs up. You promised to call her later and then let Ten pull you outside into the warm night air, your fingers happily entwined with his.
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kentos-filmcamera · 3 years
10 times, 1 occasion - Inumaki Toge
4. Tending
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A/N: oop i'm on a roll rn with two chapters in two days in a row. the next one is probably going to take a while but seriously I'm so happy with all the support, it keeps me going. this is teeth rotting fluff, so enjoy! ~g
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No matter how many times he was reminded that you were okay, Toge would rather die before leaving your bedside. He watched over you, in his navy sweats and Jujutsu Tokyo Tech gray pullover sweatshirt, taking a few showers to change back into the same clothes. He cooked ramen and onigiri balls in the common kitchen down the hall. He only left for more than ten minutes to visit Fushiguro, who met the same fate as you, but left you with Maki or Panda, even Gojo if he was around and no one else was available.
The latter liked drawing things on your expensive drawing paper with the expensive ink you so hoarded from others and placing them on the board by your desk, next to Post-It notes wishing you well from fellow Tokyo Tech students, and Kyoto students alike. Kamo had wished you a speedy recovery and flattering words on your technique, Miwa left a well-wishes message with hearts drew on and Todo wrote that he lamented your injury because your taste in women was far beyond better than the rest of your fellow classmates, except for Itadori, and complimented your ‘Tina Snow’ Megan Thee Stallion poster.
Once again, while placing a damp, cold towel on your forehead, Toge sighed deeply, cleaning away the fever you were sweating. You breathed through your mouth, nose, cheeks, and lips settling in a darker red color by the heat you emanated. Shoko healed you and Megumi just perfect, but as a difference, your body wasn’t reacting well to the invasion. Still, Inumaki diligently took care of your every need while you slept for the past three days, fighting the urge to command for you to wake up, and watch those lively eyes flutter open while a smile blossoms on your cheeks. They were waiting for you to continue the goodwill event officially after the “minor” issue with the special grades.
It was late in the afternoon, the orange sun leaking through the blinds. Toge set his book down for a second and stared at you. You looked so serene, so calm and peaceful for the first time in the past few days, whereas you looked agitated and distressed in your slumber. He leaned down and kissed your forehead. You shuffled happily in your sleep and laid even deeper into your bedsheets.
“Wow! This room is so cool!” Itadori gasped as he passed the doorframe. Toge narrowed his eyes but still stood up to greet the first years. “How come my room doesn't look like this?!”
Your room was cozy. The color scheme was warm; your walls were a very light beige, your bed was composed of a terracotta-colored duvet, light pink bed sheets, and a white throw blanket. The nightstand was a yellow bookshelf with a lamp on top, a framed picture resting there, along with your phone. Your desk was yellow as well with a bulletin board on the wall in front of it. On the desk rested some plants, an assortment of drawing, painting, and coloring supplies, aside from a Bluetooth speaker that resembled an old radio. The wall behind your bed was full of posters of artists and movies, and artwork that either you painted or you commissioned. By the window, there was a light moss green couch with different pillows, and a lavender purple throw Inumaki used to wrap himself in when he napped. He sat next to your bed on a light pink office chair he positioned on the empty space between your closet and your bed. It was a colorful room, to say the least.
“Because you’re a man, Yuuji” Nobara rolled her eyes and walked towards your bed, combing her fingers through your hair to brush it slightly. She fluffed the pillows behind your head and fixed the collar of the silk pajamas you wore specifically made for when injured. Maki spoke so highly of you, Nobara wanted to treat you her best, because she knew you deserved it.
“How is she?” Megumi asked Inumaki. Nobara and Itadori were both snooping around the room. Yuuji browsed the bookshelf with a frown, while Kigusaki looked through your cosmetics bag before heading to the bathroom, which stood to the door on the left when one entered the room, talking about checking out your skincare routine.
“Tuna” He signaled his phone and got to typing. Soon, Megumi’s phone buzzed. Itadori rushed over to read the text over his shoulder, Kugisaki on her tippy toes to read from his other shoulder as well.
[ Inumaki Toge: they’re okay. shoko said they’ll wake up soon enough. probably just drained ]
“So you’ve been here with her all these past few days? All the time?” Kugisaki asked.
Toge nodded, shifting comfortably on the seat “Shake” He confirmed.
“Aww! I wish I had a partner like you!” Nobara sighed dreamily. Toge froze. His jaw clenched and his eyes widened to almost hit every corner of his face. As if it was even possible, he turned paler. He could feel his heartbeat drumming in his ears. Partner? Your partner? Why would anyone think that? You were just a friend… unless you didn’t want to be. A friend he had strong feelings for. A friend he had its own pet name for. A friend he loved. Oh my. His face went from paperwhite to a bright red, as he once again zipped up the collar of his shirt to cover his lower half.
“Look what you did, Nobara! You broke him!” Itadori shook her, while Inumaki stared blankly at the floor. Fushiguro realized Kugisaki had touched a nerve since the attraction between the two of you was so apparent, everyone had seen you two laugh together incessantly, hold hands, hug each other often, and damn, he even had a word in his vocabulary to refer to you specifically. He pointed with his head to the door and the three left silently for a second. Inumaki watched them leave and sighed into his hands. That was frustrating.
You shuffled in your sleep slightly, Toge’s attention turning to you quickly, standing upright from his chair to look as you fluttered your eyes to stare back at him. Just as he expected, a smile arose from your mouth as soon as you noticed him there, before you went into a coughing fit. He panicked and took a few steps towards your yellow mini-fridge, scouting for a bottle of water, which he found soon enough. He held the bottle for your mouth, with which you gladly took in and drank all the water in a matter of seconds. He cleaned your wet cheeks and sat at the foot of the bed carefully, as you tried to sit upright without disturbing your wound.
“Kelp” He greeted you, with his usual fondness towards you and a smile he tried to hide.
“Hello, Inumaki-kun” You rasped with a blush on your cheeks, coughing slightly before smiling at him. “Don’t worry, I’m here; I’m okay”
He sighed deeply and the weight on his shoulders he didn’t even realize he had lifted. He now knew that you were okay. His heart fluttered in his chest as you reached out your hand, urging him to get close to you. Once he did, you combed your hand through the gray strands, making him melt into your touch.
He leaned to lay down by your side. “How’s everyone? What time is it? How long have you been here?” You bombarded him with questions he was more than glad to answer.
Toge just looked at you briefly before grabbing his phone. He typed something and soon your phone vibrated next to you on your nightstand.
[ Inumaki Toge: everyone is ok. ]
[ fushiguro had the same cursed buds as you in his stomach, he’s fine now and i think in the hallway. ]
[ it’s 5:30 PM. i’ve been here the last 3 days you’ve been unconscious ]
You stared at the messages in shock “You’ve been here three days? You seriously didn’t have to, I was asleep”
“Okaka'' Toge shook his head with a frown. He typed something else. [ Inumaki Toge: i was worried about you. besides, you kept sweating, i had to level your temperature often because of the fevers ]
Your eyes watered as Toge’s widened. He panicked. Had he said something wrong? Did you get the wrong undertone from his texts? If that was it, should he start to use tone indicators? “Thank you” You sniffled “You didn’t really have to take care of me”
Right now, he really wished to speak to you clearly, so you really knew what he meant. “Tuna Mayo” He was only able to mutter before reaching to caress your back as quiet tears flowed down your cheeks. Soon enough, your phone vibrated.
[ Inumaki Toge: i got you your favorite tea :)) chai with a touch of nutmeg and lavender ]
“Aw…” You smiled “Thank you” You sighed deeply, the usual warmth spreading across your chest. The one that came whenever he bought you something or gave you a hug, or a brief touch.
[ i’ll go heat it up, okay? stay put ]
He removed his arm from your healthy side, and slipped out of the bed comfortably, removing the collar of his neck to kiss your forehead. I love you.
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