#I would love to have some scotch with Morris...
maxwell-mtv · 1 year
[All of my headcanons are attuned based on my modded version of Stardew Valley. The only real difference from the base game being that he has an office in the Joja Mart with one of the mods I have (sadly I can't say for sure which mod did that. If I ever find out I will put it here) I hope y'all enjoy this late night, sleep deprived post!]
Without further ado, here's my random collection of Morris hcs:
○ He's in his late 30s, early 40s
● Definitely loves scotch and/or whiskey
○ Is a workaholic (obviously)
● He doesn't know it but on the topic of him being a workaholic, he's fueled by praise
○ Not much of a music lover but does enjoy some jazz or some classic rock on the occasion
● Despite being chubby he CAN AND WILL put up a good fight (Pierre is a professional, so I'm gonna ignore that one fight 👀)
○ That being said, he can also lift a surprising amount of weight
● Is rather old fashioned in his ideas but not so much in a bigoted way like Pierre can be at times
○ He's more of the mind that if his S/O doesn't want to work, he'll assure them that he has the means for them to never need to work another day in their life
● He also has a standard of living that's a bit... uppity...
○ You will never see Morris dirty or disheveled (and if you do, it won't last long)
● He may have a little bit of OCD
○ Enjoys baking when he has the time
● Will buy flowers to spruce up his desk
○ Has a secret stash in his office that is his own little mini bar
● If you become friends with him, he will invite you into his office to share a glass of whiskey or scotch while telling you what the age of it is and how to best enjoy it (as well as other fun facts regarding the drink)
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s2 episode 23 thoughts
i am: confused. about everything i just watched. and i can’t tell if the problem is me missing something blatantly obvious, the episode being strange on purpose because it’s building up to something, or it just being an overall peculiar plotline. but i will attempt to elaborate on this later. for now, as always, we start at the top.
the first thing i wrote down was that i was so excited to watch tn’s ep!! i missed the last few days because i was busy and i was really hoping tonight would NOT involve any sort of disease which proved to be the case
“i want these nerds to deal with an art heist someday” <- this i wrote while the opening scene began in some random hotel… like yeah yeah yeah ghosts aliens etc. solve the gardner heist. OH MY the garnder heist hadn’t even happened by this time! well maybe if they had been at the scene it never would have happened.
in this hotel, we see a guy who looks scared knocking on the door looking for “Morris” and he says someone is dead!! guy next door is listening (and yeah, so fair, it sounded juicy as hell) but when the poor hotel neighbor stands up to listen he gets… sucked into ectoplasm?? he is no longer there. also, lights are flickering.
agents in the elevator, arriving to the scene. mulder looked really comfortable in there lmaooo that was a very funny visual.
they got information from this case from scully's "contact", and the contact is one of her students!!!!!! ahhh!! she looks so proud. this is funny because she was at the academy for like 3 months lmao but clearly she made a good impression in that brief amount of time!
“heard a lot about you” detective kelly says when scully introduces mulder and HAHAAAA he turns to scully and says “we’ll talk later”. about what. do share. 
(very funny that somehow he came up "a lot" in the 3-ish months she was teaching people how to do autopsies. like girl how did you manage to bring him up consistently whilst opening cadavers. that is talent)
investigation time! (mulder sniffs a drink in the missing guy’s room) "mmm, scotch" he mumbles <- LMAOOOOO THIS MAN IS WEIRD AS HELL 
they notice a big splotch burned into the ground, and as they are investigating the burn marks, scully says it “could be the residue of burnt human flesh” and yes!!!!! I love when she says weird and unsettling things!!!!
mulder seems enthused about this case and also that there is a young detective…… give them an intern i need to see what happens. that man seems to have an instinctive need to Mentor.
detective kelly asks him what he thinks happened. the answer? “spontaneous human combustion” yes ofc!! 
SCULLY IS SO SWEET AWWW “you’re doing just fine :)” she is not going to let her student doubt herself!
scully kinda sounds like she thinks mulder is teasing the detective with such an outlandish claim but i think he’s just being himself honestly
re:human combustion “let’s just forget for the moment that there’s no scientific theory to support it” “okay :)” <- yeah i had to pause and laugh. so what!
WHAT is he doing when they get in the elevator... he is making such a strange face. does anyone have this. it was so funny. he was at once locked in and a million miles away.
okay. so this wasn't the first victim. now they are arriving at the place of an earlier victim. which is a house with all the lights off. peculiar.
“hey scully, can you spare a prophylactic?” (now yes i did have to google this word's definition!) here is my live reaction:
"like a glove? because google is also saying that this can also mean condom. okay she pulls out a glove from her pocket. okay that’s the good ending i think"
makes sense for the doctor to have lots of gloves in the pocket of her jacket. more sense than the other alternative. i was really confused for a few seconds but in the end we got there.
he uses the glove to switch the light bulb on and she says “darkness covers a multitude of sins” which is EXACTLY what i'm here for!!! please keep saying creepy stuff queen <3
enter the home... another splotch from the other victim!! who also worked in tobacco, like the hotel man!!! but he says half of richmond works in tobacco, and the first victim was a scientist, so maybe not…? but regardless this realization made me think of that post that is like “people smoke less and now we don’t get spontaneous human combustion” which is soooo funny to me. if i ever find that post again i Will reblog it. it is true, spontaneous human combustion is a lost art.
mulder is very excited to dig through the trash, which is very raccoon-coded. he finds a ticket to a train station, and suggests that perhaps someone based out of the train station is hunting people.
cut to our deeply scared looking man from earlier who seems to be able to vaporize people. WAIT... earlier it was his shadow that vaporized the other guy. and he’s hiding from light... things are adding up. no light equals no shadow equals no vaporization. sort of adding up, at least. because still, how does a shadow vaporize you?
now he was getting held at gunpoint by cops, both of whom stepped into his shadow and get zapped into splotches. this is a distressing situation, but also a silly one. 
new mulder theory: if we have 3 victims, and they were all near the train station, we could cross reference the security camera footage from those 3 days and see if we can find the guy they've looking for. “that’s assuming that we’re looking for a guy”, says scully, which made me laugh because i had seen that blooper clip and giggled profusely
mystery man is spotted on the camera and jacket identified as working at the magnet place… same as the very first victim!
off to the magnet laboratory to get the scoop on this dr. banton fellow. we get a backstory reveal: he was involved in a terrible accident! he was investigating dark matter. oh man, you can’t be fucking with such things. 
the scientist guy is babbling about particles and dark matter. and while i am trying to keep up, there are bigger thoughts taking up space in my mind. namely: scully you are soooooo pretty idgaf about the particle accelerator <3
we see the scene of the accident, where dr. banton's shadow was burned into the wall……. the energy slid through his body?? girl idk. his coworker said it was almost like he wanted it to happen. maybe you get so involved in dark matter theories that you just want to taste it for yourself. anyway, the shadow left by the zapping looks like the other splotches….. 
train station time. going with the agents to the train station. boy i wish all of the US was supported by a rail system.
he points out that dr. banton was staring at the ground for a loooong time and he's trying to figure out why.
“nonsensical repetitive behavior is a common trait of mental illness” “you trying to tell me something?” YESSSS! i have seen this gif many times and now i understand its context.
(also yes mulder has got Something going on. he has been diagnosed in my headcanon with ocd... i am sure there has been plenty of discourse as to if that is the "correct" label for what is going on in his mind but it's my interpretation and i make the rules <3)
he's taking in the whole environment of the train station, and notices that the light is soft… diffused… no shadows… maybe dr.banton is looking for such an environment... BAM he rounds the corner!
aaaand he’s running but you cannot forget that mulder is a track star! you cannot outrun him! and sure enough, they got him. mulder picks up on what's going down and shoots the lights out so there are no shadows while they talk
now banton is in a facility with soft light smoking a cigarette. very 2013 aesthetic.
he's trying to explain his affliction: “my shadow isn’t mine… it’s like a black hole”
first thought: okay??? um. how and why. second thought: can we harness this for superhero purposes? fight crime by banishing the bad guys to the Void. that's an x-men adjacent power.
dr. banton says the government is after him and they are going to "suck his brain". he begs mulder to free him before this can occur, as if that is a normal predicament to try and escape from and as if mulder has any control over this situation.
the detective’s boss is pissed the FBI is there... like girl calm down does anyone really care? all this nonsense about jurisdiction and people getting frustrated when departments cross. man, if i was in a situation like this, i would be harnessing the power of teamwork, but they never seem to do that. the agents are dismissed, but mulder tells detective kelly that dr. banton needs to be in soft light.
okay, so despite my interjection of "girl who cares", clearly they care. and i'd like to wonder aloud about this exchange:
“I hope you know what you’re doing Scully, putting Detective Ryan’s ambition ahead of all good sense in this case”
“Ambition? She’s a woman trying to survive the boy’s club, Mulder. Believe me, I know how she feels”
because he’s like “we just handed over the a bomb to the Boy Scouts”
and he thinks this new detective is gonna get evaporated but also again they have no jurisdiction so like?? i wrote that i was lost and then i rewatched the scene and was still lost. he seems to be questioning scully's judgement on letting the detective take this case, which she was not in charge of assigning the detective to, and that they only agreed to help out on. so they help and then there is nothing more that can be done because it is Not Their Case. but it also seems to be less about the fact that he is concerned with the detective getting evaporated and more into fending off the alleged brain suckers.
i didn't really get it but i wrote "the girls are fightingggggg"
ohhhh mulder wants info, but X can’t help him because he exposed his identity to skinner and scully last time!!! “and you can trust them as you trust me”, says mulder, trying to get X to believe in the goodness of humanity
X brushes mulder off and says “promise you won’t contact me again unless absolutely necessary” <- damn power imbalance going crazy 
then we se X at the psychiatric facility???? breaking dr. banton out??? is he gonna be part of the brain sucking squad? he's got 2 guys helping him out, but they step in the room and the men grabbing him got zapped out of existence. X lets dr. banton run and looks very confused about the zapping of his colleagues. 
HUH? so is X doing this because he is trying to help mulder or is he really part of the government who wants to experiment on banton? by the end of the episode, it looks like he is, in fact, allied with the brain suckers... but to what extent?
OH! dr. banton got back to his old workplace and his friend the fellow magnet scientist. but the detective catches him there. and she forces him to step against the wall and his shadow gets on her and she. uh. falls screaming into a black hole? and then leaves a burn mark like all of the other cases? man what is going on.
so banton is going back into the chamber where he was previously zapped to try and unzap himself. but he gets in the chamber and his “friend” reveals he’s working for the government that wants to catch him!!!!
okay, agents on the scene. accelerator is up and getting ready to zap. ZAP! another shadow shows up. so unzap the zapped equals no more banton? girl where did he go.
mulder is MAD and he is at the place X met him last time. confrontation time! mulder is pissed X used him to get to banton and again X is once again flaunting the power imbalance between them. and because X tricked him, banton is dead and so is the detective!!! boy, that has got to be bad news for mulder who blames himself for everything 
he says to X: “promise me this will be our last meeting. we’re finished” and why do I feel that this is a bad idea!!!
X says he didn’t kill banton, and walks away. and also that this is a dangerous time to go at it alone. WHAT DO YOU MEAN! first skinner's cryptic messages about the darkness that is coming, and now X?
NOOOO Scully at her student the detective's funeral... this is soooo evil. 
mulder is there but he’s late. he’s in sunglasses and they’re funny. she says this feels wrong and it shouldn’t have happened, a student came to her for help and she gave it and now the student is dead. oh scully pls do not blame yourself. it feels like they were led on this track on purpose.
mulder was late because he was tied up with a missing person’s case; the other guy from the magnet lab went missing that same morning. so maybe it was other guy in the room that had been zapped and not banton? 
X AT THE SCENE OF THE MAGNET LAB. watching the other guy run tests on banton??? a tear drops down his face. X is complicit in unethical human experimentation...
so, i’m confused on many levels. it seems like someone got the detective involved because she knew she would go to scully for help and get them roped into this case. but if that WAS what happened, you know that you buy one get one free with these 2, so why would you want to get scully involved if that meant mulder would also get involved, and mulder being the closest (arguably) to X would expose X’s involvement and whatever ulterior motive he is playing to? hasn’t scully suffered enough without being forced to wonder if her helping someone started a domino effect that resulted in death? and all of this is over a guy who zapped himself with black matter and his shadow burns people up. huh?
and how deep is X in with the government doing the evil stuff? is he just distracting mulder with various side quests to keep him from discovering the nefarious deeds they are up to? does X know cigarette guy?
i don’t like when they fight. i actually LOVE when they fight over things that make sense. but i was confused over the fight they had in this episode because he was mad that she was letting the detective… do her job? and he didn’t seem to think she could handle a guy that vaporizes people with his shadow, which i mean, fair enough, tough case for a newbie, but blaming that on scully really pissed me off because?? it’s not her fault??? they also were only involved unofficially so did he think somehow they were supposed to swoop in and rescue the dude to prevent all this from happening? and how do you even rescue a guy whose shadow vaporizes people?
either this makes no sense, i’m wildly misunderstanding something, or a plot is afoot. or all three really. pls feel free to enlighten me with what you thought on this episode and let me know if there is something i am interpreting entirely incorrectly. or not! it could be fun to try and put the pieces together myself. regardless, i am pleased we were reunited
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sea-side-scribbles · 3 years
Fanfiction: Sympathy For A Downer
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22737214/chapters/82993969
Chapter 77
Arthur and Nick spent the rest of the day with each other. Arthur made an effort to comfort his lover and Nick gladly accepted his efforts. They made good for the meal they had missed and thanks to Arthur's supplies it didn't consist of porridge alone. The next day, Nick was simply happy about waking up with Arthur. He wasn't in a rush and very sorry when his lover eventually went out of bed. “I see you need your coffee”, Arthur teased the former rockstar who didn't move a muscle. Nick stretched out a hand. “Actually, I need more Arthur”, he admitted, even though he found it sounded desperate. His lover came back and sat down on the bed, leaning over to kiss him. “My poor darling...You've been alone for such a long time...” “I thought I lost you down there...” “Please, stop torturing yourself with it...” “I dreamed of it...” Arthur hugged him. Nick couldn't imagine a better place than the crook of Arthur's neck.
“I wish we had more time...but there's still so much to do...” “We'll have time soon, Nick...”. Arthur feared that they would have more than enough of it, being trapped on this island. This perspective made his intentions for today look like he was hopelessly dwelling on the past. “I don't want to leave you alone again, but I also need to know if any of my friends forgive me...”, Nick cut off his train of thoughts. “Just go then. I have to get something done today too...I may be gone for longer, but I'm back no later than in the evening.” Nick sat up. “What are you going to do?” Arthur took a deep breath. “I have to go to the Executive Committee...Only they can tell me where my brother is. If any of the workers there is still alive...I hope they still have the documents...” He ran a hand through his hair. “At a pinch, I'll search every drawer and shelf I can find.” “Good luck, Arthur. I hope you find something”, Nick said softly. “Thank you.” “I'll come and help you when I'm done.” “You don't have to...Just take your time with your friends...Stay longer if you must...” “Okay...” Nick mused. “Do we still have time for a coffee?” Arthur agreed. Strengthened like this, they hugged each other goodbye. “Take care, my hero”, Nick whispered. “You too, Nicky...Remember that I believe in you...that you are worth loving...” “Oh, Arthur...” “You won my heart, Nick. Don't forget that.” “Perhaps it was the other way around.” They laughed at that.
Later, Nick reached the house of his former band. Matt answered the door and for a while he looked like he had expected someone else. “Oh, it's you...”, he said hesitantly. “Come in...” Nick went in, once again wondering if it had been a good idea to come here. "Did something happen?", he asked because of Matt's expression. "Chris left again...", the other man said gloomily. "Did you fight?" "Brad and him keep quarreling." Matt shrugged, but he didn't look incurious at all. "It's because of me, right?" Nick leaned against a wall and sighed deeply. "You know, you have every right to kick me out..." Matt shrugged again, more helplessly. "I don't know...I fear I'm losing my head, Nick..." He started to walk around the room. "I don't know what I'm supposed to think of all this...Since I'm off my Joy, more and more memories are coming in and...it's all crazy!...It's been ten years of our lifes! Ten years that some...crackpot stole from us! And why? We don't even know who started all this! It just popped up and now it's gone! We're left with nothing but ruins and we're about to starve! And freeze! What if we never get out of here? What if we run out of supplies? People still help each other for now, but if shit hits the fan, they'll freak out again! It's gonna be winter soon!" He shook his head. "Why did we have to stop taking Joy? What did we win?" He gave Nick a sad look.
"A chance", Nick offered. "We won't starve so easily, we still have a lot of supplies. Victoria Byng took care of that, I know that from Arthur. And perhaps we don't have to leave. We could grow plants in the Garden District again. There's still hope. With Joy, we would've starved for sure." "But we would've been happy...." "It was a lie!" "But it was our life! I wouldn't know how everything changed, I wouldn't remember who died...Virgil would've never really left us...and Morrie..." He breathed in deeply. "Do you know what's worse? That he never knew the truth...He died with this lie." Nick eyed the floor. "Right...shit..." "And was he worse off than us? He could live the life he was used to until the end. He was always a Make Believe and had nothing to worry about than his music...But us...We're lucky if we'll ever be a real band again!" "Why shouldn't you?" "Nick...who's gonna spend money on us? We have to become goddamn farmers to survive here!" "Hey, you will be heard, don't worry. I felt it too when I played my guitar. People miss their old life and they want to hear the music. There'll be gigs in the future, only without Joy."
Matt finally took a rest on the couch and looked up to Nick with a tired expression. "Could you do that, Nick? Could you continue playing our songs without Morrie?" Nick fell silent for a moment. "I couldn't stop...I you still wanted this, I wouldn't hesitate to keep this up." Matt pondered. "Did Morrie ever have a chance?" "Yeah..." Nick sighed. "If I never met him, if we had never been together, then yes...I didn't do him good." Nick blinked. "But believe me, I was loyal before I took Joy. It wasn't easy, and sometimes Morrie had to bring me back to my senses..." Nick had to smile at the memory. "...but I made him happy...I think..." "You did", Matt said firmly. "Morrie swooned over the old days and always wished you would come back like this...The poor thing! He never understood what happened and I can't explain it to him anymore..." Nick sat down next to him. "I'm sure you've been a good friend to him...Gosh, I never thanked you for this...er, thank you." "I wasn't a much better friend than you...That evening you fought with him because of Arthur, I should've comforted him, stopped him from following your or coming along, but I was too busy comforting myself wiht Joy and scotch..." He gulped heavily. "We've been awful people, haven't we?"
"Unlike me you've all been saints", Nick said. "You couldn't know that there was a mass murderer on the loose who killed my friends and loved ones out of jealousy." "No...but I should've helped him..." "I'm sure Morrie wouldn't reproach you with this if he knew what was going on. He also took a high risk going outside at night. He wasn't allowed to. He could've ended up in a Jubilator...I shouldn't think of that..." "Oh, dear, thanks for the image...", Matt moaned. "Sorry...See, it wasn't all sunshine and daisies in our old life." Because Matt continued to silence, Nick dared to pat his back. "Hey...I'm sorry...I should keep my bloody mouth shut." "I don't know...Sometimes I think we had some bad luck, and sometimes I could give you a thrashing...Why did you have to betray him? Why did he have to die for this?" "He would've been a target for James, either as my enemy or my lover...Arthur didn't chance that", Nick whispered. Matt closed his eyes shut. For a while, they sat together in silence, each lost in their own thoughts.
"I understand why we took Joy...", Matt said some time later. "Not being able to forget, having to live with all this...it's...it's" He clenched his fists and tensed up. Nick was searching for words when Matt finally relaxed again. "Brad is right, it would be easy to blame it on you. In the end, you've been just a poor sucker like us." "You don't have to take me back, though...not ouf of nostalgia or anything..." "But you would like to...?" Matt eyed him from the side. "Sure...What a question is that?" The bass player stretched himself. "Well...you have to persuade Chris." "He'll come back, right?" "I think I know where he is." Nick hesitated. "Is it a good idea to be alone with him?" “Well, it's your only chance. In here, he feels cornered. Alone, you're at his mercy but he'll most likely listen to you.” Nick sighed. “Okay...I'll try...By the way, how's Brad?” “He needs some time for his own, too. I'll take care of him as good as I can.” “Just tell him I said hello.” “Alright...Now listen...”
After that, Nick made his way through the district up to the bridge to St. Georges Holm. He didn't cross it, though, but climbed over the railing and continued his walk on the grass. From there, he could walk past the town through the landscape where he approached the cliffs. They were a perfect spot to seek solitude. Nick understood, that the view was soothing. He had learned that from Arthur. While Nick's gaze wandered along the rugged scenery, the wind blew harder than in town and brought salty, wet air. When he noticed a figure in the distance that looked like his missing friend, he was unsure if he should disturb him like that. Chris sat on a rock and stared at the horizon. Nick could only guess what he thought. But if he didn't try it now, he wouldn't need to ever come back, so he carefully approached him. Then he stopped again, because he noticed that Chris didn't hear him. The grass dampened his footsteps, so he shuffled along a rock with his heel. Alerted, Chris looked around. Nick didn't move and let the other man stare at him. Chris then left his rock.
“You're getting everywhere, isn't that so, Norbert? I'm nowhere safe from you...and it never crosses your mind that you might be unwanted...” The guitarist's voice was full of bitterness. Nick's face fell. “I'm not that stupid.” “Then why are you here?”, Chris snapped. Something occurred to him. “Brad sent you, right? Not even he can leave me alone! What did I do to deserve this?” “Brad has nothing to do with this!” “Who else? Matt? Sure, you talked him round already...Incredible...You kill his friend and he forgives you just like that...” “You know that this isn't what happened!”, Nick shouted against the wind. Chris shook his head, smiling unhappily. “It's always easy for you Norbert. Again, nothing is your fault...and the others fell for you...Now it's three against one...” “That's not how it is!” Nick came closer. “Don't think they're on my side now! They might forgive me, but that doesn't mean they would miss me! You are a part of the band, not me! I can only ask you to let me leave on good terms!” Chris fell quiet for a while, watching the waves.
“You know, I had the choice back then...”, he said almost calmly. Nick came closer to hear him. “It was my idea to form a band. Mine!”, he added with emphasis. “I could have made you dance to my pipe as a band leader, but I thought: 'No let's be friendly, a band isn't a military troop.' He laughed unhappily. “I guess it's still war.” “It was the right decision. We all thought highly of you, more than you noticed.” “And more than a certain someone noticed...” Nick had no idea what he was getting at. “It should've made me suspicious that Virgil spoke to you first and not me...” Nick sensed that there was some truth in that. Still, he said: “It could've been a coincidence.” “Huh! Sure...After watching us all, he coincidentally decided to approach you of all people...He knew exactly what he was doing.” “Even if so, it was his decision, not mine!” Chris made another pause that Nick spent racking his brain, trying to find a way to make him understand that he didn't scheme against him, but how would he prove that?
“I underestimated you, Norbert”, Chris spoke again. “Do you remember when you needed me to buy you a beer because you looked like a bloody twelve-year-old? I never thought anyone would pay much attention to you.” That actually hurt. “Do you want me to apologize because you took me for a baby?” “Well, I didn't take you for a traitor...” Chris kicked a stone off the cliff. “But now you do.” “What am I supposed to think of you? Tell me.” He looked down at Nick who struggled for words in frustration. “I didn't know any of Virgil's plans! I never viewed myself as the only star! And I never thought Virgil could be fixated on me! Sure, sometimes I wondered why he was so harsh especially to me, why he wanted me to be perfect. He didn't seem to do that to any of you. But on the other hand, I was the most problematic. I needed Joy, not you. I guessed he only wanted everything to work well.” Chris looked back at the ocean, seemingly disappointed. “So, you've been simply dumb?” “Not dumber than you, or else you would've found a way to get Virgil's attention.” “But when you kicked us out of the band, didn't you notice it then?”, Chris snapped. “It was never meant to be this way!”, Nick shouted desperately. “I've already told you it was meant to be a workaround until we reunited! Later I just forgot...I went from gig to gig and happening to happening, until I couldn't even to that anymore.”
“And you had a lot of fun doing it.” “Believe me, I would swap it all for a moderate life with you and the guys. You could've played the star if you fancied yourself as one.” “What's that supposed to mean?” “Just what you said! It's not nice hearing that you didn't trust me with anything! That you thought I'm a pip-squeak you can push around!” “I didn't say that!” “But that's what you thought, be honest! That must be it, otherwise I didn't have to take revenge on you! Right? That's what you're trying to turn this into! A revenge plot! I must admit it would've been a much better story because it would make sense.” Nick sniffed. “Now, don't cry, little one.” Chris looked at him. “Why not? What's in it for me if I don't? It's only appropriate for shattering my dreams. You're right, I am dumb. I thought we were friends.” “But we were friends!” “Then you have a weird conception of friendship! If you pushed me around as a band leader, it would've been at least honest!” Chris sighed. “Norbert, now you're exaggerating. I just phrased it a little unflattering...” “And what does the flattering version sound like?” “I just never thought you'd betray me...” “I didn't!”
Chris silenced again and Nick gloomily stared at the waves. Some time later, Chris searched his gaze. When their looks met, Chris made a gesture as if he offered him a seat on the rock next to him. Nick took the risk. The other man didn't seem to mind. He looked back at the horizon and sighed. “You know, this place could be beautiful, also without Joy”, he whispered. “Why did it have to happen here? Why to us?” “Bad karma?”, Nick guessed. “Ah...The Very Bad Thing...”, Chris recalled. “Did you have siblings?” “No...” “Me neither...Well, if I didn't repress it. I keep seeing this little girl...maybe three years old...” He shook his head. “Could've been the neighbour's daughter.” Nick nodded. “Lucky bastards”, he tried a joke. “They get to see the world outside and we're trapped in here.” Chris even adumbrated a grin. “Oh...If you put it like that...Yeah, perhaps they're better off...” He sighed deeply. “I guess we have to make the best out of it.” “We...you mean...including me?”, Nick asked carefully. “Don't be such a drama queen, Nick. Perhaps that's what Virgil went for...drama queens.” “Funny, he should've taken you then.” “Impertinent brat.” “Just look at the setting!” Nick widened his arms. “Shakespeare would've done it any better.” Chris gave the ocean another look. “You know what?”, he asked after a while. “It sucks. I'm cold and wet. Let's get back home.” Nick climbed after Chris, barely able to hide his happiness.
Back home, Chris promptly took off his shirt. “You must be really fond of me again”, Nick remarked. Chris grinned at him. “Don't look if I'm too much to handle for you. Anyway I need to get out of these wet rags.” “What have you been up to?” Brad suddenly appeared in the corridor. “Did you go for a swim?” “It's not forbidden”, Chris said and walked past him. Brad looked at Nick who seemed to be pleased with himself and gave his shoulder a slap. That made him notice that also Nick's clothes were wet. “You should change too.” “Sure, but that's all I have.” Nick shrugged. “So, it's time for you to get out of this funeral gear”, Matt commented, entering the scene. “It doesn't match your style at all.” “Hey, I've just come back and you're already hot for my knickers!” “Don't you like it?” They broke out in laughter. It was a precious moment to simply laugh out loud like that, without Joy.
“I could go back to my place in Hamlyn and change...”, Nick said not very excitedly. “Or we see if Davey has something to spare for you”, Brad offered. “He's still around?” Nick widened his eyes “Yeah, he was the first one we visited after the breakdown. He sat it all out in his hiding spot, the bright spark he is.” “He's not living in luxury right now, but he keeps his shop and hopes for better times”, Matt added. “He'll be happy to see you alive.” “These are good news...”, Nick stuttered. “Then...what are we waiting for?” Chris came back in a new outfit. “What did I miss?” “We pay Davey a visit”, Brad answered. “Good idea.”
Later, they entered the studio of the famous designer and the band called out for him. “Davey, are you there?” “You have customers!” Soon, the wanted person hurried into the shop. He was without his mask, just like everyone else, but other than that he looked as spick and span as ever. “I can't believe it! My favourite band! How are you, boys?” “Pretty good despite everything”, Brad answered and they shook hands. “We brought you someone”, Chris added and pointed at Nick. Davey eyed him, trying to figure out the new face. “Well, do you recognise me without my mask and everything...?”, Nick said a bit self-consciously. Davey recalled the voice. “Nick?” Promptly, he pulled him into a hug. “You made it! Of course you did! You're tough like that!” “Careful!”, Nick warned him. “I'm soaked.” Davey eyed his outfit then. “Is this your new style?” “I thought I'd try something new”, Nick joked. “But I'm not quite feeling it...Perhaps you could assist me with that?” “With pleasure, my dear. Let's have a look, shall we?” To the band he said: “Please make yourselves at home. Feel free to fit something on if you like.” “Gladly, as long as you make Nicky presentable again. He's painful to look at like this”, Chris answered. “Is it really that bad?” Nick looked at himself. Davey waved them off and dragged Nick with him into the depth of the shop. Nick had to admit that he liked his bright colours more than black.
When he had made his choice, he asked: “Say, how can I make it up to you? Really?” “Just tell everyone where you bought this.” “No, I mean...how do I pay you? What use are Sovereigns?” Davey was quiet for a while, then he said: “Let's not lose all hope, alright? Consider it a friendly turn. Just because we're low on food, it doesn't mean we have to dress like scarecrows.” “You're right about that. I'm already feeling better.” Nick admired his new look. “If you like to give me something other than money, just go on, surprise me”, Davey said and walked closer. “I'll think of something”, Nick promised. “I'm excited.” Nick looked around the shop, pondering. “May I ask you for another favour?” “Of course.” “Do you remember Arthur Hastings? The one you took for a model and then turned out to be a reporter?” “The tall lanky with dark hair?” “Yeah, exactly. Could you help me pick out something for him?” Davey understood. “Follow me”, he said.
Eventually, they found something Nick was excited to see Arthur in. Davey wrapped it up like a present with a big ribbon on top and handed it to Nick. “There you go. Say hello to him from me, will you? Tell him I'd hire him on the spot if the reporting business goes down.” “I will.” Nick looked at Davey. “It's nice to see you again.” “Bad weeds grow tall”, the man said tenderly. “That applies to both of us.” “But it wasn't easy.” “No...” Davey thoughtfully adjusted his hair. “Hey, if you need help, pay us a visit. We...I mean the band has a home for themselves...I'm living with Arthur.” “I'm happy for you.” Davey smiled. Nick apologetically smiled back. “It's never fair, isn't it?” Davey now smirked. “Don't take it amiss, but I wouldn't marry you. Too vigorous.” Nick laughed. “And that coming from you!” Davey gently touched his arm. “You can visit me anytime, Nick. You and the boys. We have to stick together.” Nick returned the gesture. “Thank you.”
“By the way...someone else asked for you a few days ago, heartbreaker...”, Davey went on. “Why? Who was it?” Nick was alarmed. “No one else but Birdie Callagher. Ring a bell? She looked worried.” Nick felt caught red-handed. “We got to know each other right before Memorial Day, that's all. Virgil's death did throw us both off the track.” Davey became serious again. “Oh, my...I still didn't realize that...” “He looked ravishing in your suit.” “Huh...yeah...it's a shame I never saw him in it.” “I'm sorry...” “Anyway...Birdie is also one of my friends. Can I tell you you're alive  and well?” Nick looked at him. “Where is she? Perhaps it's better if I talk to her myself.” Davey told him her address and then gave him an intense look. “What?” The designer relaxed again. “Ah...nothing...Let's go, the boys are waiting...” When they met with the band again, Davey received praises for Nick's outfit. They stayed for longer, joked around and chattered like old times. Nick noticed that he didn't need Joy to forget about his worries for a while and there was nothing wrong with that.
They left Davey in an unusually good mood. Nick regretted that he had to say goodbye yet. “Guys, I'm sorry, but I have to leave you now...I can come back, right?” “Well, if you keep behaving yourself like that...”, Chris offered. “You can bring Arthur along”, Brad said. “I will. He'll be happy to see you all again.” “U-huh, he'll start writing an exclusive story about our survival...”, Chris guessed. “That's not a bad thing.” Nick chuckled. “I wonder, what's life with him like?”, Matt asked. “I imagine him taking notes whenever you talk...” Nick laughed out loud. “He's not like that!” “He taking embarrassing photos of you in secret...”, Chris added. “No!” “You'll always feel like a celebrity around him, that's for sure...,” Brad pointed out. “My Arthur is a completely normal person!”, Nick protested laughing. “How boring”, Chris remarked. “There must be something up with him if he made you fall for him.” “Well, there is, but this story is unsuitable for the public!”
Like that, they said goodbye in a friendly way. After that, Nick firstly went home to hide the packages and sneak back outside. He felt sorry that he had to be so secretive, but he needed to get something else done.
Arriving at another house, he rang the bell on the off chance. He was lucky. Someone opened, and that someone looked exactly like Birdie, only without her mask. Despite that she had kept her dignity. Her makeup was flawless and her clothes were clean. Nick was happy he had been with Davey before because he would've been horribly underdressed for this situation. Still, it was obvious that she didn't recognize him. “Hello?” “Hello, Birdie. It's me, Nick.” Her eyes widened. “Nick?” “Yeah...I guess I changed a little...but only on the outside, I promise.” “Oh, Nick!” She fell into his arms. “Where have you been? I suddenly lost sight of you and then everyone freaked out. If it hadn't been for Davey...” “I'm afraid I freaked out, too...”, Nick said quietly. “But that's over.” “Now many things are over”, she said and parted from him. “How do you get along?” “I found my band again...or better, they found me. We don't have a plan yet, but we're alright so far. How do you do?” She shrugged. “Most of the time, I'm helping the doctors. I'm a jobbing nurse now. At the same time my new manager tries to contact the mainland.” “Oh...wow...Did you have medical training, or...?” “Not a bit...” She chuckled. “But there's easier tasks I can manage, where I can't do any damage to the poor souls...” Nick was impressed. “Seeing all this misery must be hard...” “It takes a while getting used to, yes. But I'm getting better. The fight is over, there aren't many terribly wounded people left...Still, not all of them are making it...” She took a deep breath. “I'm sure you're doing your best.” “Of course...like all of us...Honestly, I'm more afraid of getting used to it...Seeing this and just thinking 'Oh, it's another completely normal day in Wellington Wells'...” He nodded. “I know what you mean. Did you see the corpses? They are so many...” “Gosh, yeah...” She dropped her gaze.
After collecting herself, she waved him in. “Come, let's have a nice, hot cup of tea as long as the Motilene pipes still work.” Nick liked the idea and followed her inside. “Is this your pad or did you...borrow it?” She smiled. “It's mine. I got it shortly before Memorial Day.” She huffed. “What a bad investment! Now I could get it on much better terms.” “We'll be happy if we ever miss our money again...” “That's true...” She turned on a plate. “Yes, it's working!”, she cheered at the sight of the red lamp lighting up. “All hail to Motilene!”, Nick said and looked around in her kitchen. “Do you have some dishes I can smash in the meantime?” Birdie laughed. “Yeah, I have enough of that stuff in this cabinet. Just help yourself.” Nick picked two cups and saucers and put them on the table. Birdie later joined him with her teapot. Sighing, she fell on her chair. “Sometimes I really don't know where I'm at...” She wiped her forehead. “Sorry...since I'm off my Joy I keep whining...” “For a stressed out nurse you're looking fantastic”, Nick tried to cheer her up. “Oh, thank you”, she said gallantly and looked at him. “But I think I should be honest with you, since you are honest with me...” She grabbed her blonde mane and pulled it off her head. Like that, she revealed a tuft of dark brown hair that was cut into a bob and neatly framed her face. She threw the wig at a chair in the corner. Nick stared at her. “So...what do you say?”, she asked him quietly. Nick ripped himself out of his stasis. “I'm...I'm gobsmacked, really...but you're still pretty...” She smiled. “I hoped you would say that...” Nick felt a tickle running through his body. The reason why he came here...he needed to do it now... He nervously wiped his knuckles while Birdie served the tea.
“Birdie...I don't know how to say this...”, he began, searching for words. “This is completely new to me...” She listened carefully. “Do you remember when I said I lost someone who was close to me?” She nodded. “Something happened...something I didn't think was possible...He  came back to me. I'm living with him now. We want to start over.” “Oh, that's...” Now she was stammering, putting the teapot down. “I'm happy for you of course...” “I'm sorry.” Nick avoided her gaze, bracing himself. But Birdie remained sitting on her chair. “You don't have to be...After all, it's a gift. So many people lost their loved ones...Plenty are still missing...Without Joy, some people only remember now that they lost someone long ago...And you found each other in all this chaos...that's beautiful.” “I'm just so sorry I dragged you into this...” Nick sighed. “You didn't drag me into nothing, Nick Lightbearer! I'm not a helpless little girl. It was my decision to follow your invitation”, she said firmly. “But you didn't know what a mess I am.” “Oh, I did...For a long time, there was barely anything nice about you to read in the papers.” “Oh...” Nick slumped down. “I forgot about that.”
“Now I'm sorry”, she said and put her hand on his. “I have to say you were a pleasant surprise.” “Until now.” “Don't be silly. We had fun. And you comforted me. Without you, I would've gone crazy over Virgil's death...You have no idea how much I needed you.” “I needed you too...” Nick whispered. “I mean...I didn't use you!,” he quickly added. “I like you...just not like that...First, I had too much of a broken heart because of Arthur but I needed you and I was afraid of sending the wrong signals...And now I just don't want to play with you.” “I'm glad...Really, I'm thankful that you told me the truth.” Birdie's voice was soft. “I know you could've easily played with me.” “Yeah, well...” He took a deep breath. “I'm thankful too...You could treat me much worse...Scream at me, beat me up, throw your stuff at me...I've experienced it all.” “The truth didn't go down well in Wellington Wells”, she said bitterly. Nick had never seen it that way. “No...not at all...” “I'm glad I met you, Nick. You've been the first I could really be honest to...” “You can still trust me, Birdie. I'll never tell anyone your secrets, cross my heart!” “I believe you.” She smiled. “Arthur is lucky to have you.” Nick looked a bit puzzled, then he recalled he had said his name. “Well...I'm doing my best...” He scratched his neck. “I wish you and Arthur the best of luck.” “Thank you. I wish you all the best, too...I keep my fingers crossed for your manager. Perhaps he'll find a working phone booth.” “Let's see. At a pinch, maybe smoke signals will do.” They burst out in laughter. Nick finally left her, feeling much better than he had feared. The big drama never happened and he felt relieved of a huge weight he had been carrying in his heart. Now he pined for meeting Arthur.
Back in their house he found Arthur in the kitchen and greeted him with an eager kiss. Calming down, he rested his head on his lover's shoulder and sighed happily. “Hmm...my hero...” Arthur ruffled his hair. “What did they say?” Nick gave him a blissful look. “It worked. We're friends again.” Arthur eyed him up and down. “I'm sure they couldn't resist you, looking like that.” Nick's eyes widened. “Oh, that...I had to get rid of James' suit and that's why we visited Davey Hackney. He still has his shop, it's incredible! You must've made an impression on him, because he told me to say hello from him. He'd take you back as a model, too.” Arthur laughed. “Better not. This job is too stressful for me...” “More stressful than breaking out of prisons?”, Nick teased him. “Definitely.” They grinned at each other. “So many good things happened today, I can't believe it! I feel like a new man!” Nick rejoiced.
His lover's cheerfulness took a load off Arthur's mind. “I'm so happy for you.” Nick hugged him again. “Thank you for giving me the courage to do this...I was running on empty...and now I feel almost like the old days.” Something occurred to him. “Wait, stupid me, I forgot something!” He ran back to where he had hid the packages and came back with Arthur's present. “There you go, my hero.” He proudly handed it over. “You brought something for me?” Arthur eyed it in surprise. “U-huh,” Nick said nodding. “You're such a treasure! You're still thinking of me despite everything...” The tall man was clearly overwhelmed. “It's nothing compared to what you did for me.” Nick was once more ravished about how humble Arthur was. His lover put the present down on the kitchen table, suddenly deep in thoughts “This is making it much harder...,” he said wiping his forehead.
“What?” Nick came closer to see that Arthur was struggling for words. “Speak up, my tall boy.” He became more serious when he recalled something. “Is it about your brother?” Arthur gave him a meaningful look. “I found documents...They say that they brought the children to certain...institutions...” “In Germany?” “Yes...Although I don't know to which they sent Percy...There should be a list that assigns the places for each of the children, but I didn't find it...” “But you found the names of the places?” “Yeah...” “So, there's hope!”, Nick urged him. “You know where to look!” Arthur meekly eyed the floor. “It's gonna be a  far and difficult journey...”, he muttered. “Or you're lucky and hit the bull's eye at the first try!”, Nick eagerly replied. “Chin up, Arthur, you taught me to never give up! Where's your courage now?” Arthur avoided his gaze, only eyed him from the side. “It's not that I don't want to try. Of course I'll search for him as long as I need to.” “That's the spirit!” “But...is that also what you want?” “Yes...” Nick was puzzled.
Arthur turned around to face him. “You have your band now.” “You made me talk to them!” “Because I knew that this is your dream...your life...”, Arthur explained carefully. “It's what makes you happy.” “Arthur, this is my past!”, Nick blurted out. “Now you're my priority! I want to life with you! I'm glad I made up to the lads, because they are my old friends, but that doesn't mean I want to stay with them forever!” “You rather travel aimlessly in a foreign country without knowing if you achieve anything with this?” “Come on, it's gonna be an adventure.” Nick gave his arm a pat. Arthur didn't cheer up. “I don't even know from what to make a living...It's gonna be very uncomfortable.” “Arthur, don't make me look more spoiled than I really am! I can take it! You didn't live in the poorhouse before turning Downer and you got used to the streets! Also, what if the Germans also like music? And you aren't talentless either.” “Wouldn't you miss your friends? And don't they count on you to join them?” “They know that I have you! I didn't make it up to them to lose you in return!”, Nick shouted. “I don't understand this, Arthur! Do you want to leave me here?” He pointed at his face. “Is it because of my looks? Are you disappointed? Do you feel betrayed?”
Arthur turned away again. “That's not it...I just want you to be happy.” “But I am happy with you! Really, Arthur, if there's something you don't like about me, tell me!” “I like everything about you!”, Arthur affirmed. “I just don't want you to be disappointed.” “I won't! Trust me, please, everything I want is you! After cheating death, I'm happy that you gave me a new life! Now I want to make you happy too!” “Oh, Nick...You're always so eager to help”, Arthur said shaking his head. “But you don't know what you're getting yourself into...” “But you do? Have you been in Germany before?” “No, but  I have no choice...” “Me neither.” Nick came closer and took his hands. “Here and now, I swear I'll be faithful to you until my dying day. I'll accompany and assist you until the very end. You'll never be alone again.”
Arthur sighed, trying to hide how much he craved for this. “You don't know what you're talking about...”, he said quietly. “Yes, I know!” Nick was upset. “Do you think I'm that naïve? Do you take me for a baby, Arthur?” “No...” “So you think I'm too stupid to learn? I know what faith is!” Arthur squeezed his hands. “You said you love many...” “Yes, but I know how much pain I caused! I don't want this anymore! I don't want to lose you!” “And you? Wouldn't you suffer?” “I thought it was worse than it actually is”, Nick said truthfully. “I broke first ground today. I gave someone a knock-back, so to speak, and see, I'm still alive.” Arthur looked at him. “You quickly find other options...”, he whispered. “That's not what I was getting at!”, Nick flared up. “I rejected someone just for you!” “This must've been hard for you...” “It wasn't fun, but it was worth it. I'm sure I'll do it again.” Arthur was speechless for a while. “You really are stubborn as a mule, aren't you?”, he then produced.
“Indeed. Now look at me for once! Don't you like my face anymore?” Arthur lifted his gaze from the floor but still didn't dare to look Nick in the eyes. “Is it the hair colour?”, Nick asked waving his hands. “I'll grow the moustache back in case that's what's bothering you. It's just that I couldn't wear it under the mask. The bloody thing didn't hold on facial hair and kept falling off..” Arthur had to laugh against his will at the image. He finally met Nick's eyes, viewed every inch of his face. “Yes, I like you...”, he whispered. “And that's why...” He stopped and fell quiet. “I think we should take counsel with our pillows about that”, Nick said placably. Arthur looked doubting, but he also ran a hand along Nick's back.
Nick finally grabbed him by the hips and threw him over his shoulder. “Come on, let's get to bed.” Arthur uttered a yelp. “Nick! I swear, you're gonna break something!” “Yeah, my heart, if I keep listening to you!” “I'm serious! Put me down!” “Stop with the antics already, or I'll get really mad! If you don't want me anymore, you can just as well tell me in the morning!” “Oh, Nick...” Nick put Arthur to bed and was gentle despite everything. He lay down next to him and pulled the blanked over them. “May I sleep by your side or don't you like that either?” Arthur wordlessly pulled him closer.
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A fic about Betsy taking care of her brothers plz?
A/N: Here you go! ☺ FYI, this is around like 1200 words.
There was a knocking on the window.
Betsy scowled and pulled the blanket over her head. Lucy snuggled into her side. She could hear their mother moving around in bed the next room over.
The knocking sound came again, more urgently this time.
She groaned and tossed the covers off her, taking a moment to tuck Lucy in snugly before heading to the window.
She stifled a scream as she pulled back the curtain to see Oscar Delancey pressed up against the glass and breathing heavily, with Morris right behind him.
She saw blood on them.
"Oh my god." She hurriedly unlocked the window and opened it, pulling them in quickly before locking it shut again. "What the hell happened to you two?"
"We uh, ran into some thugs. Missed curfew," Oscar said through gritted teeth. "Hurts."
Betsy chewed on her lip. "Stay here. If Lucy wakes see if you can get her to sleep again." She crept out of their room towards the first aid kit that was stored in the kitchen. 
The floor creaked so she had to be careful.
Betsy gripped the container tightly and eyed the half full of scotch that was stored on top of the kitchen cabinet. She debated the decision for a few moments. Logically, the alcohol content would help with cleaning their wounds. However, she was scared that her mom would realize the bottle wouldn't be full of she decided to have a glass later that week.
She could try and find a container to fill with water and soap instead of the scotch, but she needed something quicker, so she was stuck trying to decide if she should use the scotch.
Logic won.
She grabbed a stool and set it down in front of the cabinet. She hesitantly stepped on it. 
It creaked. She froze and waited in fear.
Her mom didn't come. There were no footsteps coming from their mom's room.
Betsy sighed in relief. She reached for the scotch and stepped off the stool.
She padded into the room with a tired smile, finding the two of them sitting on some stools and watching over Lucy. "Hey, I'm back. Shirts off boys." They turned at the sound of her voice.
Oscar gave her a relieved smile. "Betsy you are the most amazing sister ever."
Betsy twisted her hair up into a simple bun before tugging at his shirt. "Oz, c'mon. I need to clean you."
Morris helped her pull Oscar's shirt off. "He ain't too bad Bets. I'se got the worst of it."
Betsy poured some of the scotch onto a rag. "You'd better not think about gettin' into anymore fights Mo. You can't keep gettin' hurt and expect to stay around Weasel for that much longer." She pressed the rag onto a wound. Oscar hissed in pain and jerked away. Betsy grabbed him and held him still. "Stay still."
Oscar wilted. "Yeah. But how else 're we s'pposed to make fer what we did?"
Betsy frowned. "You know you don't have to get yourself hurt like that. You can start by doing some good everyday. And maybe actually apologize to the ones you've hurt?"
She plastered a bandage onto Oscar's wound and reached for the scotch again.
Morris grimaced as he gingerly pulled his own shirt off.
"You start by changing the small things first. By then, you'll already be on your way to being able to change the bigger things too," Betsy said.
She wrapped the bandage around Oscar's arm. "Morris, your turn." She tore another rag and poured the scotch on it.
Morris stilled so she could clean his wounds. "How've you been Bets? We ain't exactly on top a' things right now. Does Lucy still hang around Les?"
Betsy scrubbed at some dried blood. "I'm doin' fine. Ma says I should focus more on trying to be a good wife for my husband soon—" Oscar scoffed and Morris groaned. "—but it ain't been too bad. The boss gave me a raise at work so I've been earnin' more. Lucy and Les have been hanging out more. Sally and Les broke up 'cause Sally found herself a girl, so they have more time to spend with each other." She gingerly wrapped the shallow stab wound on Morris' stomach.
"Ow—Betsy! That shit hurts!" Morris flinched away. Betsy flicked his forehead.
"Stay still ya dummy." She picked up her needle and thread. "I need to stitch this one up, so feel free to bite on this."
She handed Morris the big wooden spoon. He took it gratefully.
Oscar looked at them with worry. "Jesus, that is bad," he muttered.
Betsy hummed lightly. "Maybe you should remember that before you get into more fights. I can't stand seein' you two walkin' 'round like some beat up punching bags."
The three of them froze. 
"Uh, Lucy?" Oscar asked. "You'se awake."
They turned to see Lucy pushing the cocers off her and rubbing at her eyes. "What're Mor an' Ozzie doin' here? They hurt again? You guys can't keep gettin' hurt y'know."
"Yeah," Oscar said. "Well, that's what our sister told us."
Lucy clambered out of bed and into his lap. "Well don't get into anymore fights." She relaxed as Oscar wrapped his arms around her and pulled ger closer.
Morris huffed in amusement. "Don't worry Lulu, we ain't gonna be lookin' fer fights anytime soon."
Betsy rolled her eyes. "Somehow I don't believe that. You two have gotten into more fights than I could've imagined."
She set to work stitching up the wound, mentally apologizing each time she had to sew through Morris' skin.
"Where—ow. Where do we—jesus—stay fer the night Betsy? I don't—I don't think yer Ma will be pleased to find two guys in her house."
Betsy finished stitching the wound and grabbed another bandage. "Well, there's a structure on top of the building. You can use the fire escape to get up there. It's a little bigger than a shed. I turned it into a small living area for me an' Lucy, so there are some blankets there."
"Yeah," Lucy piped up, "It's warm there too. You guys'll love it."
She smoothed down the bandage neatly and packed away the rest of the first aid kit.
Then she bought out spare clothes. "I have some some spare sleeping clothes. I'll wash yer street clothes.
Oscar stood up and brought her into a hug, Lucy included. "You're the best."
She staggered a little. "Thanks Oz."
Morris joined the hug. "We'll walk you two in the morning again, 'kay?"
Betsy laughed. "Sure Mo."
"Of course," Lucy said.
They pulled on the clothes she gave them. Betsy folded the bloodied clothes so she wouldn't forget about them tomorrow. If she was lucky maybe she would be able to stitch up any rips in the clothes.
Lucy opened the window and helped them out.
Betsy watched as they climbed up the fire escape, and held Lucy close to her.
"Love ya Betsy. Love ya Lucy," Morris and Oscar called down to them.
"We love you too," they called back.
Betsy smiled as she tucked herself and Lucy into bed and heard Lucy's breathing even out.
Morris and Oscar may have wormed their way into her and Lucy's lives, but it was one of the best things to ever happen to them. Even with stuff like this happening, she wouldn't change it for the world.
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nomiliy · 5 years
The Devil’s Holed Up in Redcliffe
Darren Shan shot back the first half of his second Rob Roy. He had asked the bartender to pour boozy, be generous with the scotch, and cheap with the bitters.
But he wasn’t feeling a damn thing.
The night was still young by university and baby-alcoholic standards, but he desperately wished his tolerance was lower. Maybe then he’d forget the absolute hellscape this day had become.
He found himself in a musty corner booth of Seven Star Pub in Redcliffe. It was Saturday night, approximately 11:15 pm —peak pub crawl hours—and not even the bar’s basement lighting and thick, cancerous clouds of Newport smoke could hide his crumbling disposition. Smashed between grimy leather upholstery and Steve Leonard’s grimy leather jacket with barely legal freshers from Bristol University and Chelsea fans screaming their heads off over missed goals was not how Darren envisioned his Valentine’s eve.
But what can you do when the love of your life is an arsehole?
Honestly, Darren was more surprised by the fact that Tom Jones and Alan Morris even wanted to go out tonight. It made sense for Tom since this was the first Valentine’s in two years that he’d be alone. But Alan was so married to his studies at Bath University he barely had time for anything that wasn’t lizard scale samples.
But when the redhead texted Steve and Darren about cheering up their mate, Steve being the good friend he rarely is, answered for them—as if they didn’t already have plans!
Darren cursed Tommy’s superstar status. If not for Tom Jones, the four would have never gotten a table. But as the star goalie for Bath’s football club, Jones and company enjoyed pseudo-celebrity perks after rumor got round that Chelsea, Manchester United, and Tottenham were scouting him.
Darren wanted nothing more than to go home to their little flat and roll between the sheets with his handsome Jewish boyfriend. Instead, he sipped on weak cocktails and silently glared at said handsome prick.
Steve sat on the outside of the booth with his arm spread over the back. His legs mirrored the care-free stance and took up most of the real estate underneath the table as well. His face held a gentle flush that colored the top of his broad chest. He was already intoxicated; the fact that he chose stout drinks only hammed up his low tolerance.
Darren occasionally felt his thigh rub against his own, as if to say “sorry, babe” without having to out themselves to Tom and Alan. Or without having to apologize or admit he was a jerk.
Darren sat closer than he knew he should for public outings. He found himself, at times, resting his head atop a built arm or leaning into the partly open embrace despite Alan and Tom chatting across from them. But Seven Star was so crowded, and the February winds stuck to his bones in a perpetual chill. How could he not cuddle up with that platinum blond devil?
He told himself that the guys would think it a consequence of too many drinks, the cold, and the fact that Steve had virtually no sense of personal space.
With how Tom barreled through his third pint of Guinness and Alan nursing his watered-down rum and coke, he doubt they’d notice.
Darren and Steve had managed to keep their friends and family out of the loop for the past few years. Not by fear of rejection from the community at large, but more so by anything interrupting their routine. Steve was convinced that Alan and Tom wouldn’t treat them the same if they knew; they would tiptoe around the subject, give them glances every time they did something remotely ‘cute,’ buy them those stupid ‘His & His’ coffee cups and towels that Steve just loved to pitch a fit about every time they popped up in his recommended search history.
“Are you searching for this shit, Dare?!”
They had their fair share of rows, but whether to tell their friends was always an all-out battle. Usually, it would end with Steve storming out of the flat to cool off with a smoke. He’d come back after an hour or so, curl up with Darren in bed, and give a quick apology shag before passing out for the night. Honestly, it was a routine that Darren thoroughly enjoyed.
The platinum blond terror had calmed down quite a bit since they got together, mellowed by domestic bliss and brain-frying university life to cause much trouble. He didn’t throw things like when he was a teenager, he talked his feelings out (for the most part), him and his mum were on wonderful terms, and he kept up with his aggression therapy after all these years.
But Steve was still, as Officer Crawley put it, ‘a bloody menace.’
Now, Steve didn’t do anything to get himself arrested anymore (like attempted arson, public battery, and joyriding) but he was still a royal git. Which was particularly infuriating with Steve being so bloody charming. The way he belted Black Sabbath and Metallic in that crooning baritone on the train, how he didn’t give a rat’s arse about the sideways glances, how he re-enacted whole scenes of An American Werewolf in London right down to the American accent and blood-chilling howl in the dead of night stalking Kings Street.
Darren always thought Steve would’ve made a spectacular actor. He had the face, the smooth vocals that were damn sinful in Yiddish, the body—Lord, his pecs and arms!— a flair for melodramatics, a sharp grin, but yet a soft smile, a real smile that he’d toss over the kitchen counter while nuking a box of hot pockets at 3:00 A.M. or when he’d roll over in bed and pull Darren tight to his chest just to smile into his neck and grind his morning wood into—
“Think that girl’s got the look on you, Steve,” Alan noted over his straw before sucking down the last of his rum and coke.
Darren’s blood flared through his cheeks in a rolling boil. He didn’t even try to hide behind his jumper sleeve.
Tommy’s perked expression and sharp, goalie-box trained eyes revved on him. “Oi, what’s with the face, Darren?” he asked with some frothy head caught in his baby-stache.
His ex Sharona hated that fuzzy upper lip, but now that she was gone, Darren noted, Tommy let that, and a multitude of other things, slip. His ash-brown crew cut had gone shaggy along with his untrimmed whiskers. He reeked of the field, he developed dark bags under his eyes, and he never seemed to have a clean shirt.
Steve glanced at the flush on Darren’s cheeks, then made a clipped, rolling cackle low in his throat. His shoulder lazily bumped the black-haired Irishmen, and Darren just knew he was bloody smashed.
“That iron tolerance failing you, Shan?” Steve cackled again, losing nearly half of his third Old Fashion over the rim with each jerky sway. “Or you jealous?”
“Oh, definitely,” Darren snapped, “just positively green over here from all the jailbait they were too stupid to card drooling over your Jewish prick.”
“Deepest apologies, mate,” he grinned, “maybe while I’m shaggin’ one of ‘em you can swoop in and comfort their poor, cryin’ beaus with your arse.”
Darren went about nine shades of red ranging from ‘embarrassed’ to ‘furious.’
Then the absolute evil laugh that rumbled out of Steve’s chest added the shade murderous.
He saw Tom go red from secondhand embarrassment, and Alan wouldn’t make eye contact over the rim of his glass. On top of the guys not knowing about their relationship, they also had no idea that Steve wasn’t completely straight. Darren could gather what this looked like: Childhood best friends having a go at each other and one going way over the line. But if they knew what this was (a closeted bi-man hamming up his straight-schtick) then maybe they’d feel a bit of pity.
But all Darren could feel was rage.
“You’re sloshed, Steve,” Darren downed the last of his Rob Roy in a smooth toss. “Maybe you should slow down before you get yourself killed.”
“Think I’m a shot away from that,” Steve said with a shake of his now empty glass. “Hey,” he called over the throngs of people, “in the Megadeath jumper!”
The waitress, a thin woman with fake tits that could double as floaties when the breeze knocked her imbalanced arse into the Thames, glanced the boys’ way.
She nearly dropped.
Darren gave himself an aneurysm suppressing an eye roll. Yes, Stephen Ezekiel ‘The Leopard’ Leonard was bloody fit; get it together and take the damn order!
But he couldn’t really blame the girl. When a Jewish bad-boy with a shocked-blond undercut, two-day stubble, suped-up glamour muscles busting through a (lifted) leather jacket, and a deadly grin leers at you over several empty cocktails, what else can you do?
Frankly, despite the waitress having no fault in this, she was kindly welcome to go drop her arse on someone else’s boyfriend.
“Hi there, love,” his voice dropped another octave when the waitress slid between the booths.
She leaned over the table right into Steve. Her band jumper was torn up and distressed around the neck, letting her ample cleavage spill through and work for those extra fivers. Her name tag said ‘Gina,’ but the occult tattoos rolling up her arms in complete sleeves, splotchy dye-job, and vampy, silicone plumped lips screamed ‘Sex-Metal Barbie.’
“What can I get you, boys?” she asked out of politeness. Darren could see that her attention sparked only on Steve.
“Can I get another old fashion here? Still a bit thirsty,” he jingled the ice cubes in his glass with a wink.
Darren rolled his eyes, shoved his empty glass to the end of the booth, and willed the goth centerfold out of existence.
“An’ a Rob Roy for my mate here,” Steve quickly added, “Famous Grouse scotch, light on the vermouth, three black cherries.”
Gina giggled at the order, possibly finding the specificity endearing. “Wish my girlfriends knew me like that,” she said with an effortless smile. She wrote it down far too quickly on a loose napkin. “I’ll have those right out.”
When she stepped away, Darren saw her hand smooth over Steve’s shoulder.
He bristled at the sight. Her fingers gripped at the taut muscle, massaging the stress knots drilled in by his engineering course load.
Then she left the napkin there, right in front of Steve. Clear as day, for all the table to see, was her phone number and her name with a little heart over the ‘i’ in ‘Gina.’
Tom clapped his thick-bottomed glass on the table with rounded out laughter. “On the prowl already!”
Alan roused back up from his one-drink stupor, jostled his tragic bowl cut around looking for the waitress. “Did she take our drink order? I want another rum and coke,” he asked in a sleepy tilt, sprawling flat on top of the table once more.
Steve looked over the booth, and Darren just knew he was watching her walk away in those skin-tight jeans. But then, the blond tossed a sly smile to Tom and Alan. He slipped the digits right inside his jacket pocket then tapped it with a knowing look.
And that was the final straw for Darren Shan.
Read the rest on AO3~!
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crashdevlin · 6 years
Cassie’s 600 Follower Writing Challenge
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That’s right, this crazy chick hit 600 followers! I can’t believe so many of you actually give a fuck about my content! I figure I can host a challenge to celebrate. I’d love to read what you guys come up with for some of my favorite songs and quotes from my favorite shows and movies!
Here’s the rules:
1) You don’t have to be following me to participate, but it’d be shiny if you were.
2) Send me an ask with your chosen prompt and a backup, just in case. (And if you could reblog for a signal boost, that would be awesome!)
3) This is a reader-insert challenge. You can have ships, but they’re gonna be ships with the addition of the reader (Example- Destiel x Reader or Stucky x Reader)
4) This is a multi-fandom event! Supernatural, MCU/Marvel comic (X-men included), Doctor Who, The Walking Dead, Harry Potter, Buffy, Star Wars, Star Trek…. I am a well-rounded geek. I just have to know enough about it to recognize the characters and know enough about their backstories to know what’s going on. If there’s a fandom you wanna write for that’s not listed here, just shoot me an ask and I’ll tell you if it’s something I’m cool reading.
5) Any genre is welcome! You wanna try to make me cry? Hit me with the angst! You wanna write me some warm and fuzzies? I love some good fluff. Almost any kinds of smut are gonna put me in a good mood, send it!
6) I’m totally cool with dark fics (dub-con/non-con included), but underage is a no-no. Tag your triggers, people! Warnings make everything run smoother.
7) If you don’t use your READ MORE links, I will not reblog your post. I’ll link you in the masterlist at the end, but you won’t get a reblog.
8) The due date on this challenge is 3/14/2019. Masterlist will be posted 3/21/2019.
9) Tag me in your fic and use the tag Cassies600celebration. And hit me up if I don't respond within a week. ‘Cause Dumblr.
Prompts below the cut!
Movie/TV Quotes
1 “It’s only forever, not long at all.” @bamby0304
2 “Just fear me, love me, do as I say and I’ll be your slave.” @castielslittlestbee
3 “I don’t like boats. I don’t like water. I’m a man, not a fish!” @bamby0304
4 “I apologize for calling your wife a bloated warthog, and I bid you good day.”
5 “It looks dead. It smells dead. Yet, it’s moving around. That’s interesting.” @brokencasbutt67-writer
6 “So, I guess it’s true: scythe matters.” @acreativelydifferentlove
7 “Sorry about the chains. It’s not that I don’t trust you, it’s… Actually, it is that I don’t trust you.” @bamby0304
8 “The moment you think you know what’s going on in a woman’s head is the moment your goose is well and truly cooked.”
9 “If you have something to say, right now’s a perfect time to keep it to yourself.” @mariekoukie6661
10 “Gimme a scotch. I’m starving.” @wegoddessofhell
11 “Why aren’t you wearing those pajamas I got you?” @winecatsandpizza
12 “You have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting. In what world could you possibly beat me?” @jerkbitchidjitassbutt
13 “Your men love you. If I knew nothing else about you, that would be enough.” @deanwinchesterwitch
14 “Change your stars and live a better life than I have.” @brokencasbutt67-writer
15 “Rainmaker, how wet do you want it?”
16 “All hail the goddess of information.” @flamencodiva
17 “Who brings a gun to a knife fight?” “The winner?” @summer-binging-spn
18 “I can’t tell whether he’s brilliant or nuts.”
19 “Isn’t it against the superhuman code to use your powers to take advantage of we mere mortals?” @acreativelydifferentlove
20 “What the mind can conceive, the body can achieve.”
1 Lips of an Angel- Hinder @deanwinchesterwitch
2 You and I- Jason Mraz
3 Written in the Sand- Old Dominion
4 Everywhere- Michelle Branch
5 Believer- Imagine Dragons @castielslittlestbee
6 Brokenheartsville- Joe Nichols
7 The Scientist- Coldplay
8 The Last of the Real Ones- Fall Out Boy @ gloriouslobster
9 Youngblood- Green Day
10 I Can’t Make You Love Me- Bonnie Raitt @allonsy-yesiwill
11 Bloodstream- Ed Sheeran @impala-dreamer
12 Present Time- Louden Swain
13 You’re Such A- Hailee Steinfeld
14 She Keeps Me Warm- Mary Lambert @peggingpadalecki
15 You and Me- Lifehouse @waywardnerd67
16 Come On Get Higher- Matt Nathanson
17 My Church- Maren Morris
18 Meant to Be- Bebe Rexha and Florida-Georgia Line @tumbler-tidbits
19 Stilettos- Kelsea Ballerini
20 Take Me Home Tonight- Eddie Money @covered-byroses
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“Even In Death”
Summary: Even in death there is redemption.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader  OFC: Steve Rogers
Warning: Angst, character death, paranormal activity
Word Count: 1,480
A/N: @buckysforeverprincess pulled me kicking and screaming from my comfort zone to write less fluff and more angst. My prompt: Death Becomes You!!!
We’re here today to celebrate the life of James Buchanan Barnes. His passing leaves a gigantic hole in the hearts of those who loved him.
Bucky’s family and friends, some with red rimmed eyes, packed the church in Brooklyn to bid farewell to one of the surliest people on the Earth. Of course, he wasn’t always this way. As a child, he, Steve and Y/N were the 3 Musketeers. When you saw one, the other two weren’t far behind. In high school, Bucky branched out. Girls swooned over his boyish charm and sexy features.
Joining the Varsity football team, his body transformed from scrawny to instant muscles. Steve and Y/N were still his bff’s, but at some point, they took a backseat. Bucky’s teammates questioned why he’d hangout with losers? Remarks like those pissed him off. Although it pissed him off to no end, George Barnes wanted more for his son. He loved Y/N but didn’t think she was wife material. He wanted Bucky to marry some prissy bitch from the country club. When he refused, George threatened to take everything away from him.
So, Bucky hurt the light at the end of his fucked up tunnel...Y/N!!!
Bucky, as he was affectionately called, loved his family and dear friends. Steven Grant Rogers and Y/N Y/L/N knew him best. Steven will now say a few words about his lifelong friend.
Touching his casket, Steve walked to the podium. “Good afternoon. Me and Bucky met at age 7. I was a scrawny kid, outside playing marbles with Y/N. Uh, he was playing baseball with a few of the neighborhood fellas.” Wiping his eyes, Steve continued. “Tyler Morris thought he was a tough guy. He broke Miss Pritchard’s window, daring me to say anything. Well, Bucky stood up for me, telling what really happened. Always taking up for me.” Tears flowed freely. “I’ll miss ya, Buck.”
Returning to his seat, Steve held Y/N’s hand. She loved and missed Bucky, even though he destroyed her in the end. Yes, they were due to be married. She was ecstatic, thinking he felt the same way. Alas, Bucky Barnes was a two-legged asshole. Now, Y/N had to stand before family, friends and LIE!!!
Eyes rimmed red, Y/N laid a single yellow rose on Bucky’s casket, kissing her hand placing it gently on the side.
“This is one of the hardest things I’ve EVER had to do. James Buchanan Barnes was a complicated man. I called him ‘The Joker.’ I can’t tell you how many times he pranked me and Stevie. That’s why I didn’t believe him when he proposed. Until he got down on one knee and presented a ring. Wiping tears from her cheeks, Y/N continued. Honestly, I’m numb. When Bucky died, so did I. How do I move on? His love will always be in my heart. Rest in peace, my love.”
Following Bucky’s internment, mourners FINALLY left the Barnes’ house. Steve and Y/N bid everyone goodnight. The ride home was bittersweet. Squeezing her hand, Steve reassured Y/N it would be alright.
Pulling in the underground parking lot, Steve and Y/N pressed the penthouse button. Opening the door, she dropped her engagement ring on the table. Removing her shoes, the last conversation with Bucky invaded her mind.
“James, what's wrong with you? Why are you saying those horrible things? You asked me to marry you. No I find out you're having an affair? Stop please. You're destroying me. Do you even care?”
“Yadda yadda yadda. Shit, you ain't the first chick to be dumped and you won't be the last.” Taking a huge drink of scotch, Bucky grabbed his keys, slamming the door.
Obviously distraught, Y/N phoned Steve. Wasting no time, he came over. She replayed over and over the harsh words from her fiance.   
Crying herself to sleep, Steve wrapped his strong arms around her.
“Want me to stay?” “Nah. I'll be fine.” Steve kissed her cheek, “Remember, I'm always here for you. Just call.” Y/N nodded.
After removing her shoes, Y/N poured two fingers of scotch. Damnit Bucky Barnes, why did you have to leave me? We didn't get a chance to talk. Why did you hurt me? You shredded my heart. Fuck you!!!
Passing out, Y/N felt a presence in her room. She thought it was a dream or a nightmare. Depending on how you look at it. “What the…?” A picture of Bucky turned over, smashing to the floor. Chills ran down her spine. Slowly removing the sheet, Y/N backed into the wall.
“Bu-Bucky?! Is that you?” The bedside lamp hit the wall near her head. Scrambling for the door, it slammed splintering wood.
Running down the stairs grabbing her phone calling Steve, she breathed heavily. “Y/N? What’s wrong.” Steve sat up in his bed.
“Pl-please c-come over. I think Bucky’s spirit is haunting me.”
The red numbers on his bedside clock: 2:37 a.m.  Chuckling, Steve joked,“Uh, how much did you have to drink?”
Hearing footsteps, Y/N grabbed her car keys sprinting for the car!!! Lights flickered on and off. Tearing out of the driveway, she broke every law speeding to Steve’s.
Loud banging roused him. “What the hell are you doing here?”
“You gotta come home with me. I’m not fuckin’ crazy. Get dressed!! Let’s go!!”
Huffing, “I’ll go but I ain’t changing my clothes. Pajamas will have to do.”
Arriving at Y/N’s, the lights continued to flash like a disco ball in the club.
Stepping inside, the atmosphere mirrored that of “The Amityville Horror.” Cold, smell of death.
“I thought you were just kidding. Shit, there’s something or someone in here. Buck, is that you?”
Y/N held tight against Steve’s strong arm. “Do you think it’s him?” “Gotta be. He’s dead still causing trouble.”
Steve ducked just in time, missing a shoe hurled at his head. “Alright motherfucker. ENOUGH!!”
Suddenly, an apparition appeared on the sofa. There he was. James B. Barnes smirking. Oddly enough, neither Steve or Y/N were afraid.
“So, it’s good to see you Y/N. Thought you’d be brokenhearted.”
“Humph. You gotta be kidding? Why did you hate me so much? I gave you the most precious thing in the world...my heart.”
“Listen. All that shit I said was a lie. Don’t know what came over me. M’here to set the record straight.”
Steve scoffed. “Damn pal, death becomes you.”
“Well well what do we have here? Couldn’t wait to get ‘yo nasty hands on my girl?”
Stomping her foot, Y/N had enough. “Listen and listen good. Steve has been nothing but a good friend. I’m quite sure you heard our eulogies. Wretched bastard.”
“Oh yeah. I heard what you said before going to bed. Not only did I hurt you, it tore me up to say those things.”
Y/N shook her head. “You’re full of shit dead or alive. I despise you.”
“I had that coming. My dad wanted me to marry some dizzy broad from the country club or he’d take everything from me.”
Steve visibly upset, “You mean to tell me, your dad lied in  Y/N’s face while plotting behind her back?”
“That’s some cold shit. Your dad’s no better than you.” Steve spat.
Wrapping her arms around herself, Y/N was speechless. “I gotta lay down. This is too much.”
“Sorry about the broken pictures and shit. I’ll leave you alone. I am sorry. I’ll always love you.”
“I loved you with my heart and soul. Our last conversation didn’t end well. Remember how you crushed me and stormed out? That night, I died along with you. Only difference, I’m still alive to hear and feel every nasty thing you said over and over again.”
“No matter what you think, I loved you with my dying breath. Be happy doll. Steve, take good care of her.”
Draping his muscular arm over her shoulder. Steve vowed to always be there for Y/N.
“Bucky before you go, just want to say I loved you before our lives became difficult. Had you told me how your father felt, it would have cushioned the blow a bit.”
She and Bucky recited a portion of wedding vows that were never said.
“From now until the end….”
“You’ll always be in my heart. Love ya baby girl.”
@buckysforeverprincess @loricameback @suz-123 @pegasusdragontiger @bolontiku @ek823 @kanupps06 @stars8melanin @bucky-made-me-do-it
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rndyounghowze · 5 years
Broadway Theatre of Pitman Follows Their Heart with Thoroughly Modern Millie in Pitman, NJ
By Ricky and Dana Young-Howze
It was a high stepping and rousing night tonight with Broadway Theatre of Pitman’s production of Thoroughly Modern Millie. This musical with book by Richard Morris and Dick Scanlan and music by Jeanine Tesori was directed by Joe Piazza and had our toes tapping all night.
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Selena, Kansas has lost its best and brightest as Millie takes Manhattan. In a boarding house with all the other starlets in the making she strives to be on trend, a "modern" if you will. But her plans of marrying well and striking it rich could all be lost when she starts to have feelings for a devil may care man by the name of Jimmy. Can she really choose marrying well over love or will she follow her heart?
Direction by Jo Piazza made sure the show went down as smooth as a scotch on the rocks. I really can't emphasize all the million parts of a show that take split second timing. But the best shows are so on pointe that a scene is changing before you are even aware of it. Actors are so in character that it's as if they're making decisions right in front of you. A good director knows how to direct traffic and get ahead of the madness. And Piazza has done a really great job!
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There is a shortage of actresses that can blow me away with their voice and leave me feeling like they were just getting started. Millie (played by Caroline Quinn) gave me such a feeling from her first opening notes. I really loved her!
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I really didn't know what to say about Jimmy (played by Chris Monaco) and I think the best thing I can say about him is that he's so smooth that you can't tell where he begins and Jimmy ends. It's a huge coup to so fully blend into a character that people don't know who they'll meet offstage.
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Miss Dorothy (played by Nicole Renna) has a voice that can shatter glass halfway across the state. I really enjoyed her performance!
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I was so taken by Ching Ho (played by Jason Yanto) and Bun Foo (played by Kevin Wang)! They were so funny every time and always a riot! Great job!
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I have been a fan of Margaret Hill (who played Muzzy) since she was last on the stage in Titanic. The minute we saw her onstage Dana nudged me and said we just had to highlight her wonderful performance. We'd love to see her on the stage again!
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Flannery (played by Bernadette Rocks) really wowed me and Dana in "Forget about the Boy". She cuts such a hard edged figure but truly is an amazing comedic actress!
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There are some times when a member of the ensemble is just such a good dancer that you can't unsee them in every number. I say this a lot but they "print" in your head and you can't get them out. Devon Sinclair who played Rodney was such a performer. Every minute he was onstage I couldn't take my eyes off of him. I would love to see him onstage again.
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Mr. Graydon (played by CJ Kish) really wowed me with his short time on stage. Anyone who can bellow that loud and strong either needs to be in the theater or directing traffic. I'm glad that he's following the former rather than the latter.
One of my favorite things about sitting in the balcony is that I get to see the orchestra in the pit. Musical Director Jack Hill led an orchestra that I was super pleased to watch. I especially found the violin of Larry Major and double bass of Carmine Bello exceptional. The string section never gets any love!
Choreography by Heather Mattingley Grasso took us from the Charleston to the Lindy to tap dancing. I really enjoyed the big stage numbers. There's nothing like seeing a stage full of people all doing the same thing and doing it very well.
Set Design by John D. Smitherman really emphasized a sense of scale. You could sense the cast being swallowed up by the Manhattan Maw all around them. I will say that it was a little off putting to look towards the back of the stage and see a flash of the Upstage Right backstage area. There can never be too much masking backstage. But all in all a great effort!
For a play with the word "Modern" in it you really have to bone up on your period clothing and costume designer Kate Edelson really did her homework. F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald wish they had clothes this extravagant.
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One thing before I leave. Dana and I have been disappointed for a while that a regional theatre with such grand productions doesn't have an elevator. When we asked an usher about an accessible route to the upper level we were met with nothing but a blank stare and insensitivity. I would like to overemphasize that there are accessible seats on the lower level and I'm sure they are otherwise ADA compliant. But I would really hope to see Broadway Theatre of Pitman being a center of great South Jersey theatre that's accessible to everyone. It starts not with accessible seating and elevators though they help but a sympathetic staff. I urge them to work on this matter.
This is surely a musical that you don't want to miss. Please come out to see it!
0 notes
jillmckenzie1 · 4 years
Girl Kills World
Everyone who’s into movies has a thing. A thing that is endlessly fascinating and that can be refracted through a thousand different lenses. One friend of mine has a deep and abiding love of schlocky horror movies. Loves ‘em, can’t get enough of ‘em. They’re his happy place, and whenever he’s having a tough day, a small scotch and a viewing of Motel Hell will perk him right up.
My thing is comedians playing villains. However, let me be clear. If a comedian or comedic actor is playing a comedic villain, that doesn’t scratch the itch. Instead, when a funnyman plays a real nasty piece of work, my movie sense starts tingling. James Belushi, a guy not exactly known for having a wide range, is highly entertaining as a murderous redneck in Retroactive. Michael Keaton, who made his bones as a skilled comic actor, did excellent work as a conniving tenant from Hell in Pacific Heights and as a vicious convict in Desperate Measures.
For me, the apex of this can only be Robin Williams. A look at his filmography shows many, many roles where he played a benevolent motormouth. That’s true, yet despite having won an Academy Award, I don’t think Williams has ever been properly appreciated as either a skilled dramatic actor or as an effective villain. In Insomnia, he does subtle work as a fledgling serial killer bedeviling Al Pacino. His performance in One Hour Photo as an obsessive photo technician is simultaneously creepy and tragic.
Williams casts a long shadow as a comedian, a philanthropist, a dramatist, and a scary as hell bad guy. He gave others the courage to light their cinematic image on fire, and I rejoice when I see actors take a crack at this sort of thing. Genial funnyman and FOS* Kevin James has stepped up to the plate to play a villainous creep in Becky, and while it doesn’t always work, I admire his taking a chance.
Thirteen is a tough age for anyone. For Becky (Lulu Wilson), it’s even tougher than normal. She’s getting bullied at school. She has a habit of shoplifting. Her mother has been dead for over a year. Her father Jeff (Joel McHale) has been dating, and as you can imagine, Becky isn’t super thrilled by that. The one aspect of stability in her life is her two dogs, the sweet Dora and the protective Diego. Everything else seems to be in a state of flux.
Jeff loves Becky and wants to do right by her, but he thinks it’s time for the family to move forward. After pulling her out of school early, he drives her to the family’s lake house. His girlfriend Kayla (Amanda Brugel) is waiting for them, along with her young son, Ty (Isaiah Rockcliffe). During dinner, the truth comes out — Jeff has asked Kayla to marry him.
To put it lightly, this news does not go over well with Becky. She storms out of the house and, followed by Diego, she sequesters herself in a secluded clubhouse. As temper tantrums go, her timing couldn’t be better. That’s because she’s not home to be introduced to Dominick (Kevin James). He tells Jeff and Kayla his dog has gone missing. He’s lying.
It turns out that Dominick is both a neo-Nazi and an escaped convict, which is not an ideal combination. He’s joined by the conflicted Apex (Robert Maillet), the mouthy Cole (Ryan McDonald), and the personality-free Hammond (James McDougall). They’re looking for a key hidden somewhere on the property. They’re willing to get very rough. The only one who can stop them is an extremely resourceful and extremely angry girl.
Much like the title character, Becky is short, inventive, and incredibly mean. Directors Jonathan Milott and Cary Murnion are laser-focused on delivering a home invasion thriller that features jaw-dropping gore.** It kind of works. The upside to the film is that there are some inventive and wildly violent set pieces. Once we’re settled in at the lake house, the pacing is quick and efficient. If you’re in the market for a movie in which a tween absolutely annihilates a bunch of white supremacists, you’ll find that here. The bad news is that Milott and Murnion don’t do a great job of establishing the geography of the house and the surrounding property. How big is the house itself? Where is the treehouse in relation to the patio and Becky’s treehouse? There are multiple scenes of people hauling ass through the woods, yet I never had any idea where characters were in relation to each other.
The screenplay, by Lane Skye, Ruckus Skye, and Nick Morris, additionally has its ups and downs. At times it feels a little like an edgelord version of Home Alone, and the characterization of Becky herself is a little iffy. I get that she’s going through a difficult time, but when she cuts through the neo-Nazis like Junior Jason Vorhees and we’re told it’s due to her anger, it seems like the script is saying that Becky is ultimately a psychopath. Is she? Was she always this way and this just gave her a chance to blossom? Having said that, a lesser screenplay would have wasted precious real estate in showing us in exacting detail what Dominick’s precious key is actually for. The Skyes and Morris know that it doesn’t really matter whether the key unlocks a vault or the Ark of the Covenant, only that it’s important to Dominick. I liked that.
By and large, the cast is pretty good. As Becky, Lulu Wilson doesn’t have a ton to work with, but she sells the seething anger of her character. Wilson has these wide, expressive eyes, and she’s able to shift them from curiosity to fear to rage. It’s an impressive performance from such a young actor. Overall, I liked Kevin James as Dominick. He knows that to be an effective villain, stillness and quiet can be more effective than ranting. When his character is behaving in a normal and reasonable way, James comes off as creepy. We’re told that, over time, his character has taken a number of people under his wing. However, Dominick never quite feels like he has the cult leader charisma of a Charles Manson. In the end, he’s just a guy with a bunch of Nazi tattoos.
To me, the real standout performance is an understated one, and it’s by Robert Maillet as the henchman Apex. Early on, his character commits an appalling act. We can see the guilt from that weighing on him, and we can see his fear that he’s in over his head and unable to prevent another atrocity from taking place. Maillet is a big guy, and he uses his size and body language in an interesting way. He almost seems to shrink from the clearly smaller Dominick, and he never makes eye contact for long with the hostages in the house. I appreciated the nuance that he brought to what could have been a thankless role.
It never would have occurred to me to make a tweenage Die Hard where the heavy is the guy from The King of Queens, and be expected to take it all seriously. At the end of the day, Becky is a pretty good revenge thriller, and I’m pleased that everyone involved was committed to bringing this little film to bloodthirsty life.
    *Friend of Sandler
**Fair warning, if you like eye trauma, you’ll adore this movie.
from Blog https://ondenver.com/girl-kills-world/
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thesassybooskter · 5 years
A FLAME THROUGH ETERNITY by Anna Belfrage: Guest Post & Spotlight
It started 3 000 years ago. It ends now. Who survives the final confrontation?
According to Helle Madsen, being the protagonist of a time-spanning epic love story has some things going for it, primarily Jason Morris. Because seriously, meeting up with your fated lover after 3 000 years apart is not bad—at all. Unfortunately, where Jason goes, there goes Sam Woolf, yet another very, very ancient acquaintance—with the fundamental difference that Sam is not into Happily Ever After. He’s into destruction, more specifically of Jason and Helle.
Helle may believe in second-chance love, but she sure doesn’t believe in reincarnation. Okay, she didn’t believe in stuff like that until she met Jason Morris a year or so ago. By now, she has accepted that sometimes impossible things are quite, quite possible—like an ancient princess being reborn as an ambitious financial analyst. Finding Jason was like finding the part of her that had always been missing—a perfect match. But handling Sam Woolf, the reborn version of their ancient nemesis is something of a trial. No sooner do you have him well and surely beat, but up he bounces again. Sheesh, will it take an oak stake to permanently rid their lives of him?
Sam Woolf is a powerful adversary. Too powerful, even. Jason and Helle will need help from unexpected quarters to finally bring this tangled, ancient love-and-hate triangle to some sort of conclusion. Question is, will they survive the experience?
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  What makes this author tick?
When I signed up for this tour, my excellent tour host Lisa Munley from TLC told me I was free to write about whatever I wanted in my guest posts. Err… “Why not interview yourself?” she suggested, and that had me going “Err…” again. Seriously, who would find it even remotely interesting to find out stuff about me? I blame my reaction on the fact that I’m Swedish—in Sweden, tooting your own horn is NOT approved of. Nope. We have a firm “who-do-you-think-you-are” approach to our fellow men and women (at least if they’re Swedish) so even the more successful among us will somewhat bashfully downplay what we’re good at.
Since my initial reaction, I have reconsidered somewhat, which is why I am now happy to share some insight into what makes me tick. I’ve already shared one of them with you, namely my nationality.  Whether that qualifies as interesting or not, I’m not quite sure. Sometimes, people think that us Swedes are an uninhibited lot who bounce about half-naked and have lots and lots of sex—especially if we’re women. Sorry to tell you that is a huge LIE: Most Swedish people are shy. Most Swedish people will happily swim naked, sit in the sauna naked but will NOT bounce about half-dressed and as to all that sex, Swedish sin, dear peeps, is an export article rather than a thing we partake of locally. But we do have beautiful, endless forests. We have silent lakes that shimmer with trapped sunlight as the sun sets. We have stately moose, we probably have lots and lots of trolls (John Bauer saw them everywhere) and when the fogs lift from our meadows, fairies sparkle and dance for an instant or two before they quickly hide away.
Despite being Swedish, I am a major, major tea drinker – unusual in the country that ranks second when it comes to coffee consumption in the world. (Only the Finnish peeps drink more coffee, which they call Kahevi). ( like my tea black, no sugar, no lemon. With my tea, I like cake. These days, my intake of cake is severely restricted. You see, the third thing about me is that I have recently lost 50 kilos. That’s like 110 pounds, give or take. “How did you do that?” people ask. “By not eating all that much,” I reply. Duh! Let me tell you, there was nothing easy about doing this. In fact, it is probably one of the hardest things I’ve done in my life and I am very proud of myself for having achieved a leaner, meaner—err, healthier—me. The more relevant question is “Why did you do it?” I had to. It was lose weight or end up permanently immobilised, which served as a very good motivator, let me tell you! Along the way, I have become something of a health-freak. I do, however, consider chocolate to be a staple in a healthy diet. Yes, dear peeps, I am a chocolate-addict, which, IMO, adds some balance to my otherwise obsessively healthy life.
When I am not guzzling tea or writing books (more about that later) I am also a passionate walker. I love walking. My imagination takes flight as I walk, and over the course of my two hour jaunt I will be everything from a medieval knight to a dying queen (very briefly. After all, she died…) to a 19th century woman locked away in an attic to an intrepid heroine prepared to die to save her man. Let’s just say I have a lot of fun during my walks—plus I burn enough calories to be able to indulge in…taa-daa…chocolate!
Mind you, my imagination does not only go into active mode when I walk. It is very much a permanent feature in my life. It is my imagination that has me dreaming up stories like the one about Jason and Helle. They met for the first time three thousand years ago. She was eight, he was twelve, and while they were both too young to fully comprehend what love was, they instinctively recognised their other half in each other.
Obviously, it would be a dead boring story if that was all there was to it. “They met, they fell in love, they lived happily ever after” – that does not a story make. So instead, I have Jason and Helle torn asunder in that first life. I have them suffer, I have them experience betrayal, utter anguish and painful death. Phew. I had a serious one-on-one with Ms Inspiration when we got to that point. After all, I want my characters to achieve some sort of contentment. None of that in this story, not with all that blood, all that loss… “Ah,” whispered my imagination, “so let’s give them a second chance.” Which is how Jason and Helle meet up again in the here and now. He remembers every single one of all those fruitless lives he’s spent looking for her, hoping for a chance to make amends and love her as she deserves. She has no memories at all—until his presence prods some of them into vague dreams and half-snatched images. Add to this the fact that my imagination came up with the BRILLIANT (I know, I know: I am not acting as a good Swede should, tooting my horn like that!) idea to have their ancient nemesis show up as well. And guess what? Sam is as determined to destroy them this time as he was last time round…
As a consequence of all that imagining, my Jason and Helle story became a series called The Wanderer. The third book, A Flame through Eternity, has recently been released and here we have Sam using all his (considerable) dark powers to tear my loving couple permanently apart. Supposedly, A Flame through Eternity is the final instalment in the Jason and Helle story, but one never knows. You see, I fall in love with my characters and end up with a permanent case of “what will happen next to them?” This is why I write book series. So far, I have written three: other than The Wanderer, I have a nine-book series called The Graham Saga featuring the reluctant time-traveller Alex Lind who ends up at the feet of the 17th century escaped convict Matthew Graham and goes on to lead an excessively exciting life in 17th Century Scotland and Maryland. ( “I haven’t enjoyed a time-slip book so much since Diana Gabaldon’s fabulous #Outlander series” says one reviewer, which has me hop-scotching for like two hours)  I have also authored a four-book series called The King’s Greatest Enemy which is set in 14th century England with the honourable and handsome Adam de Guirande doing his best to navigate the cesspits of medieval intrigue that plague the court of Edward II. (“Perfect, in every sense” says a reviewer which makes me dance on the spot until I am blue in the face)
I’m guessing by now you’ve worked out I’m a bit of a history nut. I love submerging myself (and my readers) in the past. I love combining my invented characters with real-life people, I adore disappearing into a rabbit-hole as I research my periods. I emerge eternally grateful that I didn’t live back then, because life was harsh, it was often short and it was severely lacking when it comes to tea and chocolate. But still…there are moments when I wish I could at least pop in for a brief visit.
I am also an avid word collector. As I am fluent in three languages, I have a lot of words to choose from, but some of the English words I find very beautiful are “ubiquitous”, “twilight” and “incandescent”. My favourite words tend to vary depending on my mood—and what I am presently working on. If I am writing a story set in the 13th century I suddenly find myself saying words like “samite” or “destrier” out loud. And then I spend like half an hour wondering if I pronounced them the way my characters would…
I suppose the tenth thing you should know about me is that I am very productive. But then, is that really relevant? No, I think my tenth thing will be that I try very, very hard to be kind. I have this naïve belief that if more of us made an effort to live according to the golden rule— “do unto others as you would have others do unto you”—this world of ours would be a nicer, fairer place. Something to aspire to, at least.
So there you have it, dear reader. I give you Anna Belfrage who is a wannabe kind Swedish tea-drinker turned health-freak with a chocolate-addiction and who takes long walks so as to set free the imagination that spawns her book series, most of which feature history and a love of words. Does that make me sound interesting or just somewhat weird? Well that, dear reader, I leave up to you!
  About Anna Belfrage
Had Anna Belfrage been allowed to choose, she’d have become a time-traveller. As this was impossible, she became a financial professional with two absorbing interests: history and writing. Anna has authored the acclaimed time travelling series The Graham Saga, set in 17th century Scotland and Maryland, as well as the equally acclaimed medieval series The King’s Greatest Enemy which is set in 14th century England. She has recently released A Flame through Eternity, the third in The Wanderer series, a fast-paced contemporary romantic suspense with paranormal and time-slip ingredients. Find out more about Anna on her website, check out her Amazon page and connect on FB and Twitter.
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A FLAME THROUGH ETERNITY by Anna Belfrage: Guest Post & Spotlight was originally published on The Sassy Bookster
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katedoesfics · 5 years
Under Shadow: Chapter 89
The world was silent in the valley as the rain continued to fall. In the distance, a faint, eerie kind of moan could be heard as Krobus mourned his lost comrades.
No one waited on the road for their return. Their soaked clothes were heavy on their bodies as they trudged into town, shoulders slump. The fighting was over, but they could not find it in themselves to be happy.
Harvey stood in the doorway, taking in the cool, damp air. He was the first to notice as the five men walked quietly into town. His face was worn and exhausted. He nodded to them simply in greeting, still grieving at yet another death to their little community.
He stepped aside, allowing Lewis to step into the rain. He, too, nodded towards the five men as they neared.
“Is it over?” he said, his voice soft. “Finally over?”
Marlon nodded in response.
“John would have brought out the good alcohol,” Lewis said, clearing his throat. “And I think that’s what we shall do tonight.”
Grief. Betrayal. Fear.
Strength. Love. Courage.
The people of Stardew Valley had felt all these things over the last year.
They gathered in the community center together to share in John’s favorite bottle of scotch in silence, each lost in their own thoughts. But Shane did not linger.
He departed quietly from the building, stepping out into the rain. The world was darker, now, as night neared. He wandered aimlessly until he found himself standing by the lake by Marnie’s ranch. He watched the unsettled surface of the lake, disturbed by the rain that fell.
At the corner of his eyes, a dark figured moved. A familiar glow caused his heart to race for a moment. His eyes turned, locked on to Krobus’s as the creature approached him.
“Thank you,” he said simply. His eyes blinked once.
Shane hesitated. “For what?”
“For not hurting all of my comrades,” Krobus said. “Najia trusted me, and you did, too.”
Shane broke his gaze, turning back to look over the lake. “I trusted Najia.”
Krobus’s gaze shifted downward. “Nevertheless,” he said. “You could have hurt me. You could have killed them all. We owe you our lives.”
“Your people already gave us their lives,” Shane muttered.
“Yes,” Krobus said softly. “I know of their sacrifice for you in the sewers.”
“Then I guess we should be thanking you.”
“No thanks,” Krobus said. “They were honored to help you; honored to risk their lives for the people that helped save their world.”
Shane bit his lower lip, but said nothing.
“I hope to have the strength and courage of you humans one day,” Krobus said. “All this time, I only hid from our enemies. While my comrades suffered, I remained in hiding here in the valley. I am ashamed.”
Shane raised his drink to Krobus, but the creature only tilted his head to the side, staring blankly at him.
“Well, we’re not any better,” Shane said. “I’ve done my share of running and hiding.”
“I don’t think so,” Krobus said. “Cowards wouldn’t save the people of their enemy.” He looked up at Shane. “Please don’t tell them I’m here.”
Shane said nothing for a moment. When he turned to speak, Krobus was gone.
It had been six months since the war that brought darkness upon their land ended. The people in the valley moved forward with their lives, living off the land for yet another year. Haley had given birth to a little boy and all was well in their little community.
Sheila, Morris’s wife, was still unaware of what had happened to her husband, but had adjusted well in the valley with her two children.
Marlon and Gil officially announced their ‘retirement’ from all adventuring, swearing an oath that should another war come to their doorstep, “You valley folk are on your own!”
With the start of another autumn, the people of Stardew Valley prepared themselves for the quickly approaching winter. They made continuous trips out into the world they once feared, their weapons still in their possession as they raided stores for the appropriate supplies needed.
Now that things had settled down, Shane was determined to make Jas’s life as close to normal as possible, which resulted in the long drive across the country and back into the city he hadn’t seen since the invasion.
His stomach twisted nervously, unsure of what to expect when he got to the city. He knew it would be desolate, but with the light of day now on his side, he wasn’t sure what to expect. It would surely seem less intimidating, but what scars and traumas would the light reveal to him?
Shane’s stomach continued to twist as he drove across the bridge into the city and through the empty streets. Cars were scattered along the roads where they were left when the invasion happened. But to his relief, there were no bodies. No blood. No sign of any kind of struggle. Surely all washed away over the last year and a half.
Shane pulled into the driveway of the last house he had been at. He sat in the truck for a moment, the engine still running, before he worked the courage to get out. But, instead of going inside the house, he walked around.
Shane looked across the backyard. The blood had washed away and fresh, green grass made the yard over grown. The bodies he remembered so vividly were gone; likely just bones that were hidden in the tall grass. He pushed the image out of his head as he spotted the black and white soccer ball among the weeds. He picked it up, turning it over in his hands, and a small smile crept onto his face as images of Greg and Jess played through his mind. He wanted everything to be as normal as possible for Jas. Playing soccer together seemed like a start.
He made his way back into the driveway and tossed the ball into the bed of the old, green truck. It bounced against the rusted spare tire where a dirty, off-white piece of paper slipped out, making it obvious it had been hidden there for some time. Shane eyed the paper carefully and noticed his name scrawled on the front of it, folded in half. He picked up the paper, staring at the familiar handwriting for a moment, before opening it. His eyes traced the letters on the page and he smiled.
The End.
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adambstingus · 6 years
Inside look at comedian T.J. Miller’s epic self-destruction
Cast member T.J. Miller attends the premiere for “The Emoji Movie” in Los Angeles, California, U.S., July 23, 2017.  (Reuters)
Last summer, T.J. Miller joked in an interview that he wanted to occupy the “Lindsay Lohan train-wreck-but-not-quite” persona currently missing from Hollywood.
Looks like he’s hit his goal.
On April 9, the former “Silicon Valley” star was arrested after calling in a bogus bomb threat while traveling aboard an Amtrak train headed to NYC from Washington, DC.
According to the Department of Justice, Miller called 911 on March 18 stating that a female passenger had a “bomb in her bag.” A Miller insider said the comedian “genuinely believed that the bomb threat was true. That’s why he left his name and number.”
No explosives were found. An attendant in the first-class car told officials that Miller was intoxicated when he boarded the train and downed two glasses of wine and two double scotch-and-sodas while on board. Miller started a “hostile exchange” with a woman sitting a few rows away, according to court papers, after she rebuffed his flirtatious advances, and it is believed he called in the false bomb threat to retaliate. He was kicked off the train for drunken misconduct before the bomb squad arrived. (Miller was released on $100,000 bail and is now awaiting trial.)
It’s just the latest weird behavior that makes no sense for a star on the rise. In 2016, Miller was arrested for allegedly assaulting an Uber driver in Los Angeles over a disagreement about Donald Trump. The following year, he and his wife, artist and actress Kate Gorney, were kicked out of a casino in Monte Carlo. Seven months later, he went on a hateful tirade after a transgender acquaintance, Danielle Solzman, pointed out a transphobic joke on his Web site; Miller called Solzman a “weird, strange, terrible man,” among other insults.
The real reason T.J. Miller left ‘Silicon Valley’
And then there were the stories about him showing up drunk and high to the “Silicon Valley” set, which Miller has denied. Nonetheless, fans were shocked in May 2017 when he announced he was walking away from the buzzy HBO show — and his popular character, Erlich. Miller then publicly attacked show producers, stars and Hollywood execs in a series of scathing interviews, stating that he doesn’t like executive producer Alec Berg: “I don’t know how smart [Alec] is,” and that William Morris Endeavor honcho Ari Emanuel, “only cares about money, collecting chips.”
One common denominator in Miller’s escapades seems to be substance use.
“He has substance-abuse issues,” said a source close to Miller. “He has a good heart and is sort of a sad guy who does things that make you shake your head.”
(Miller’s representative had no comment on the allegations in this story.)
But sources also tell The Post that Miller loves to shock people.
“Basically he’s someone who embraces the contrarian perspective so tightly that he actually starves his career of the oxygen it needs,” said the source close to him. “It’s ridiculous.”
Now, as the 36-year-old comic faces up to five years in jail, friends and colleagues are wondering: Has Miller finally taken the joke too far?
In the beginning of his career, sources said, the actor’s outlandish antics worked in his favor.
Having grown up in Denver — one of two children of a lawyer father and psychologist mother — Miller graduated from George Washington University in 2003 and moved to Chicago, where he became an integral member of the city’s stand-up comedy scene.
“The more wild he was, the more his agents and managers applauded his behavior,” said Miller’s ex-girlfriend, comedian JC Coccoli, who cites the time he parachuted into “The Emoji Movie” premiere in Cannes last May as a prime example.
T.J. Miller and wife deny sexual assault allegations against him
Coccoli, who dated Miller in 2009 when the wacky stand-up comedian was just gaining traction in Hollywood, recalls him showing up at her magazine job in Los Angeles “hammered and really f – – ked up and in blue face,” straight from what he said was a Blue Man Group audition.
“He did a wild audition for ‘Yogi Bear’ [with a live bear from the Hollywood Animals ranch] and then got it,” Coccoli added. “So he was on this string of: ‘If I do really wild and crazy things, this is how I’m booking things.’ He was noticing a trend of what he could get away with.
“Agents loved it. They would never invite an artist like TJ to their wedding, but they wanted to make money off of him.”
Miller’s career was on a roll. In 2008 he made his film debut in “Cloverfield” and soon landed roles in movies including “She’s Out of My League” and the fourth “Transformers” flick, as well as a Comedy Central special.
But, colleagues said, you never knew what you were going to get with Miller.
Miller, pictured here in 2007, began his career as a stand-up comic.  (Reuters)
“We always thought he was kind of doing a character,” said a former staff member of “Chelsea Lately,” the E! show hosted by Chelsea Handler on which Miller often appeared. “Did [it] ever feel like you were having a straight, real conversation with him? No. But … it was just what I accepted about T.J. He was very friendly and supportive and complimentary.”
Coccoli recalls a trip she and Miller took to what she terms his family’s “mansion” in Denver for his father’s annual Ferrari rally.
“We show up for this big dinner and there are name tags on the table,” said Coccoli. “My name is written in and another girl’s name is scratched out.” Coccoli recalls being humiliated that Miller had originally invited another date.
“It was almost a game to him,” she said of how Miller approached romantic relationships — and just about everything else in his life.
He even hired a bodyguard, she said, to get a rise out of people.
TJ Miller: I got kicked out of a casino in Monte Carlo
“It was performance art,” said the source close to Miller. “That’s a big part of who he is.”
According to Coccoli, Miller thrives on drama.
“He didn’t care if he was arrested or whatever. He just wants to constantly be creating and have no rules,” she said. “If he showed up late or didn’t show up at all or was a mess on set … he got off on that stuff.”
But while people like Coccoli could forgive Miller’s less serious offenses, his substance- abuse issues were becoming harder to ignore.
“He had cabinets filled with whip-its in his Hollywood apartment,” she said of the nitrous-oxide dispensers used to get a euphoric high. “There were no plates.
“This is a guy who would drink so much that he would fall asleep in my car in my garage and I would leave him there overnight because I couldn’t get him back in my bed,” said Coccoli.
Still, Miller’s career wasn’t suffering — at first.
“He would be up [on] three hours of sleep and go to audition and book it — nail it,” Coccoli recalled.
T.J. Miller played Erlich Bachman on HBO’s “Silicon Valley.”  (HBO)
But things caught up with Miller as he landed more work, including roles in “How to Train Your Dragon 2,” “Big Hero 6” and “Office Christmas Party.” A couple years into “Silicon Valley,” insiders said, he was burning the candle at both ends.
“He screwed himself a little bit with the show,” said the source close to the comedian. “He would do stand-up too late the night before, and then would have to shoot the next day and would be hungover and/or exhausted and then be a total a – – hole.
“He’s a hard-working guy who wants to do everything, and then ended up undercutting himself with his own behavior. And that’s the tragedy. He’s a guy who is unnecessarily making his life more difficult.”
Top honchos began to take notice — and worry.
“He thinks drinking and comedy are intricately connected,” one HBO exec told The Post. “It was funny at first when this wacky guy was sneaking gin onto a set. Until it wasn’t funny anymore. He couldn’t stay in character, couldn’t remember lines, fell asleep. It was just costing HBO too much money.”
One day, an insider said, Miller just didn’t show up to set. “You could tell things were deteriorating,” said a “Silicon Valley” writer, who added that producers were wary of building Miller a three-season arc in case he quit at any moment.
Miller told the Hollywood Reporter in March that “I’m not high when I work because it gets in the way of the comedy. I also am not a guy who’s blackout-drunk, bumping into things on set… . What was occurring [on the set of ‘Silicon Valley’] was I was out doing stand-up all the time, even if it meant I only got three hours of sleep. So, the thing I have a problem with? It’s pushing myself to do too much.”
T.J. Miller wants to fill the void left by Lindsay Lohan
Part of the issue, noted one comedy-club booker, is that it seems like Miller feels compelled to live up to the wild-man reputation he has created for himself. “If you think about it, 99 percent of his humor’s based on booze. He drinks onstage during stand-up sets, he’s even made a bunch of short films about being drunk — one of them was called ‘Successful Alcoholics.’ ”
When Miller shot a commercial teasing his gig hosting the 2016 Critics Choice Awards, he based it around a drinking game, “so he got to shoot with a glass in his hand at a bar for an hour,” said a source who worked for A&E Networks (which aired the show). “I don’t think it was water.”
With the Uber incident, Miller was arrested in December 2016 after a physical altercation with driver Wilson Deon Thomas III. According to TMZ, Thomas claims Miller became violent after an argument regarding President Trump and struck Thomas on his head and shoulder while he was driving. Thomas also claimed that Miller was inhaling nitrous oxide out of whip-its throughout the ride and even called his assistant to bring him more when he ran out. (A settlement was eventually reached between Miller and Thomas.)
Some close to Miller wonder whether Kate Gorney — his wife of three years — is facilitating the bad behavior.
In May 2017, the two were kicked out of a casino in Monte Carlo while Miller was at the Cannes Film Festival promoting “The Emoji Movie.”
“[The casino] told us to get the hell out of there and they felt we were acting a little bit ‘aggressive!’ ” Miller told Page Six at the time.
“I would just say that [Kate’s] not always going to do the best thing for him,” said the source close to Miller. “I think she cares. She’s not a bad person but there’s a part of her that’s a little bit wanting to have more visibility.”
T.J. Miller busted for ‘drunk’ bomb threat on Amtrak train
Someone who knows the couple told The Post, “[Kate] doesn’t know how to deal with him but loves him very much. She has made [concerned] middle-of-the-night calls to friends. Their life has just been turned upside down by his behavior.”
T.J. MIller and Kate Gorney married on September 6, 2015.  (Reuters)
Miller and Gorney, who dated in college, were again embroiled in controversy last December when a woman told the Daily Beast of alleged sexual abuse by Miller while he was an undergrad at George Washington, including him choking and shaking her and punching her in the mouth during sex. Another time, she said, Miller penetrated her with a beer bottle without her consent. Her housemate and friends corroborated the account.
Miller and his wife issued a joint statement, writing that the accuser was jealous and “became fixated on our relationship” in college and was “using the current [#MeToo] climate to bandwagon.”
The same day the Daily Beast article was published, Miller’s Comedy Central series, “The Gorburger Show,” was canceled after only one season. Also, Mucinex — for which the comedian had been a spokesman since 2014 — dropped him.
Fellow comedians are genuinely concerned about Miller.
“There are some people at the Comedy Cellar who said he drinks too much, and they are worried about him,” said comedian Artie Lange, who has infamously battled drug and alcohol addictions.
“It’s hard. My issue with showbiz [is that] it enabled me,” said Lange. “It’s flattering and also enabling. I hope that doesn’t happen to him.”
Insiders don’t think it’s too late for Miller — who is in “Deadpool 2,” out May 18 — to turn things around.
“People genuinely like the guy and think he’s funny, but he also unnecessarily antagonizes,” said the source close to him.
The comedy-club booker even has an idea for Miller’s future: “Maybe he’ll do rehab humor for his comeback.”
This article originally appeared in the New York Post.
On Our Radar
Lauer caught on tape
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/inside-look-at-comedian-t-j-millers-epic-self-destruction/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/180697219227
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sea-side-scribbles · 4 years
Fanfiction: Sympathy For A Downer
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22737214/chapters/62486839#workskin
Chapter 26:
The moment Nick came back to his senses he noticed he was still standing in front of the mirror, in the bathroom, staring at his own startled face. Next thing he noticed was his head, that was pounding, and his pulse too. Overwhelmed by memories he must’ve been frozen for a while. Everything that had been long forgotten suddenly came back to him. Everything he hadn’t been able to recall for years but still had feelings about. Now these feelings grew stronger. 
The third thing he noticed was that it was time to go back to bed before his lover found out that he was gone. Therefore he walked quietly along the corridor and opened the door to his room as quietly as possible. In utter darkness he searched for the bed.
Before he reached it, he heard his lover’s voice whisper his name and froze.
Then Morrie turned on the light and he noticed he looked ridiculous, crouching on the floor like that.
„What are you doing down there? Are you trying to spook me?“, Morrie asked him with a grin. Obviously he found it funny too.
Nick got up and sat down on the mattress without giving an explanation.
„Turn the light off,“ he begged.
Morrie furrowed his brows but he did it.
The second it went dark Nick reached out for Morrie and pulled him into a tight hug. Soon, he felt the other man’s arms wrap around him and his hands patting his back. Quietly, Nick rubbed his cheek on Morrie’s.
„Are you ok?“, his lover asked quietly.
„My Morrie…“, Nick sighed and began to send kisses all over the other man’s face, or rather every spot he could find in the dark. Morrie moaned.
„Norbert, I can’t even see you…“, he chuckled, but he did his best to return the favors.
They needed a few attempts to find each other’s lips. When they got them, Nick kissed Morrie breathless and climbed on his lap.
„Mercy, please…“, his lover started to beg. „I’m still tired…“
„My Morrie, my love,“ Nick whispered. 
In his head he saw them both standing on that soft green hill where they had confessed their love to each other.
He couldn’t remember what had happened to that. 
What had happened to their love.
Nick’s chest hurt. He had tears in his eyes and fought down sobs that tried to shake him.
„I’m so sorry.…You deserved better…so much better…“
He kept kissing and hugging Morrie and the other man searched for Nick’s face with his hands.
When he felt that Nick’s cheeks were wet with tears, he did everything to calm him down, stroking his back and running his fingers through his hair.
„Sssh, Norbert…It’s okay…we’ll make this work….I love you.“
Nick let everything happen while he cried and sobbed into Morrie’s shirt. The other man kissed his hairline and whispered gentle words to him.
What Nick didn’t see was that Morrie’s eyes were wet as well. 
It felt so good to hear the apologies, to hear that everything was getting better, that Norbert needed him and wouldn’t abandon him again.
In time, Nick’s breath calmed down and his eyes dried.
Morrie convinced him to lay down again and Nick rested his head on Morrie’s chest.
„Do you remember our past?“, he suddenly asked.
„How we met? And our first kiss?“
Morrie rustled with the blanket, pondering. Everything he recalled were blurry images, accompanied by a feeling that made his heart tense up. Usually, whenever these images tried to haunt him he popped a Joy.
But now it was different. 
It was getting better, right?, he thought while his fingers curled into the blanket. 
Now the pain should vanish.
„Vaguely,“ he answered and tried to describe the first image he saw. „I see us sitting at the piano… I’m trying to explain something to you…but you don’t get it.“
Nick started to giggle at that. It turned into a fit that was almost as strong as the crying fit from before. And it made Morrie laugh too.
When they calmed down Nick said: „Yep, that’s exactly what happened, Morrie-Moo. Anything else?“
„Did we go to the Garden District together?“, he asked, because every time he set foot into a garden he felt the pain too.
„It was a park near school,“ Nick explained. „The Garden District didn’t exist back then. I played you a song, remember?“
Morrie struggled with his foggy mind, but whatever he tried he couldn’t get through it.
„No, I wish I could…“
Now he was sorry that he had deleted their time together.
Nick however took Morrie’s hand and said: „I think it went like this…“ 
He started to hum a melody. 
His lover’s hand tensed.
When the melody broke through the fog Morrie felt a sudden panic, as if there was something really dangerous behind that cloud. Then he listened to the song and slowly, everything came back together again. He saw Norbert with his old guitar, sitting under a tree and singing a song just for him. It was such a wonderful picture. Then he saw himself running away.
Oh, you damn coward, he thought but smiled.
When the song ended, it was Morrie who cried, because Nick had just recreated one of the most beautiful moments of his youth.
„My god…thank you…thank you so much…“, he sobbed.
Nick kissed his forehead, whispering: „I can tell you more.“
Morrie begged for more.
It was a long night.
The next day Arthur had a new plan. 
He had found a way to get close to Nick without raising suspicion. After all, he didn’t want to wait for him in the tunnel every time. Because of that he was going to the “O“ Courant editorial office to get his old job back. It felt a bit weird to come back just like that, as if the incident in the Parade District had never happened. But he counted on one thing: Wellies were forgetful.
Protected by Sunshine and excited to see Nick’s reaction later, he strutted into the building. The workers there barely noticed him, focusing on their papers and typewriters. Arthur smiled at the sight, remembering that he had liked the job. 
Eagerly typing, drinking coffee and chit-chatting with the colleagues, going out to research things… Not that he had been unhappy in the Department of Archives, as a decent citizen he had never been, but in hindsight he preferred being a reporter over everything else. 
He found his old desk that was now used by someone new and assumed it wouldn’t be easy to get his job back. But he had an ace up his sleeve. 
Entering the office of the editor-in-chief, he thought it was a good sign that Mrs. Oliphant didn’t chase him away at first sight.
„Arthur. Arthur Hastings,“ she shouted in surprise. „So you came back from holiday I see.“ 
„I just had a lovely time, nothing to worry about“, Arthur said nervously. „I was hoping you could use a reporter.“
„I’m afraid I’ve got a dozen of them, all useless, the lot of them. I’ve got six pieces on my desk, all about the new flavor of Joy. Can you believe it, it’s Coconut.“
She crossed her arms and shook her head, looking very exhausted.
Time to play the ace.
„I thought you might want some real news.“
She furrowed her brows.
„And what are real news to you?“
„You’ve heard about the great band reunion, Nick Lightbearer and The Make Believes, right?“
She let out a moan.
„You have no idea! We had the concert on the front page, downer fight and all, but now we’re starving because he doesn’t let anyone near him. He doesn’t even leave the house anymore. God knows how he’s living like that. I’d do anything for a glimpse at the new album. Don’t tell me you found out something?“
She stared at him in anticipation and Arthur was glad he could help her out.
„Well, I can safely say I’m one of Nick’s closest friends.“
„Really?“ Mrs. Oliphant tilted her head. „You’re not making this up, do you? No offense but you don’t really look like his type.“
Arthur was speechless with a gaping mouth for a moment, but he caught himself.
„It’s true. Sadly the Constable who’s guarding his house seals him off from the outside world. I’d have a better chance with a press pass.“
She considered that. Then she waved him off.
„Well, there goes nothing,“ she said. „But Arthur, just in case you have other plans with your pass…we never met, you understand?“
„Of course“.
Arthur happily accepted the pass.
Finally he was somebody again! No downer, no tunnel rat, but a real reporter.
Him and a star together at a table - who would question that?
Arthur strutted outside and was motivated enough to try it out right now. He was excited to meet Nick in his house again anyway, but this time not as an intruder.
He had to take another sunshine pill, before he could approach the Constable that was guarding the rockstar’s front door.
He remembered that the bobby was picky about who he let in, so he couldn’t just pull out his pass and ask for anything. But Arthur had more aces. He pulled out a bottle of Scotch, all bobbies loved a friendly gesture.
„Just to show you I appreciate your work,“ he said and held out the bottle.
„That’s nice of you,“ the bobby said and took a hit.
Arthur considered it was save now to have a little chat. 
„I bet you’re quite busy these days, after the concert and all.“
The Constable gave him a real smile.
„Yes, but it’s wonderful! Just like the old days! I’ve been worried about him, you see, he didn’t come out for weeks, and now everything is peachy again.“
„Good to hear jolly news like these, am I right? Especially in such hurly-burly times…“
„What do you mean by that, sir?“
„Well, we need good new’s, don’t we? The upcoming festival, the new flavor of Joy, the Make Believes, that’s something people should hear more about. Instead of stupid rumors.“
„There’s wisdom in your words,“ the bobby agreed and took another sip from the bottle.
„You think Mr. Lightbearer would agree too?“, Arthur tried.
„Sure. Why do you ask?“
„I’m wondering if Mr. Lightbearer would give me an interview about the new album. It would match the other good news so nicely. And isn’t it everyone’s duty to make people happy?“
„It is. I must still warn you, Mr. Lightbearer has been quite anti-social in the past days“, the bobby said and opened the door for Arthur.
„Good luck, sir.“
„Thank you very much, Constable.“
A very happy Arthur entered the house and called for Nick.
He could hear the sound of music coming from the upper floors. That must be the band. So he came too soon?
While he was standing around and couldn’t decide what to do another man entered the room, decoyed by his calls.
„I’m afraid Mr. Lightbearer is busy right now. I’m Virgil Dainty, his manager. Who are you?“
Arthur looked at the other man who was a slight bit taller than him and most of all unexpected.
He had to tell himself that he was still a good citizen, not at all a downer.
„I’m Arthur Hastings, reporter from the Hamlyn “O“ Courant,“ he answered and it felt good to say.
„All I’m asking for is one interview, to get in touch with the fans again. To make them feel close to their idol gain. They’ve been starving for months now.“
The other man’s expression softened.
„I’ll talk to him. Come back in the afternoon. He’ll see you then.“
„Thank you, Mr. Dainty,“ Arthur said and started to walk backwards out of the room. He was afraid his wide grin would raise suspicion. „See you!“, he added before he quickly left the house.
Outside he climbed into the first hatch he found and then broke out in cheers.
He finally did it! He could meet Nick as a person!
Virgil talked to Nick when the band made a pause.
„A reporter asked for an interview today and actually, it wouldn’t hurt to be in the news again. Do you think you’re capable?“
„Today?“ Nick was surprised.
„He’ll be back in the afternoon, in case he doesn’t forget.“
Nick liked interviews, but most of the time he wasn’t able to give any.
„I can do that, Virgil,“ he told his worried manager.
The other man eyed him.
„Perhaps it’s better if I come along.“
Nick smirked.
„Don’t you trust him or don’t you trust me?“
„Both,“ Virgil admitted.
„Virgie, I’m clean! If I don’t like that guy I’ll ditch him, it’s easy,“ Nick waved him off and stretched himself out on the chair he was slouching on.
Virgil laid a hand on his star’s shoulder and immediately he had his full attention again.
„Don’t tell any sad stories from your past, okay? That’s nobody’s business. Only the happy times.“
„I know, Virgie! It’s not my first interview after all,“ Nick assured him and looked him in the eyes.
Virgil sighed. 
„Alright, there goes nothing.“
When that mysterious reporter finally rang the bell Nick opened the door himself.
Arthur could see how his lover’s face froze. He however grinned and held out his press pass.
„Mr. Lightbearer, are you ready for an interview?“
Nick stared at the pass, then at Arthur. 
„Arthur, you’re a reporter?“
„Yep, “O“ Courant, freshly hired,“ the other man answered proudly.
„But aren’t you…“, Nick lowered his voice, „aren’t you a downer?“
„I still have friends at the office“, Arthur said and chuckled. „Now what? Will you let me in, or will you stare at me all day?“
„Uh..I…“, Nick stuttered and glanced inside. „You know, it still looks like a pigsty in there and…my band is still there too. Why don’t we go somewhere else, like, the Garden or something?“
He made a step outside and closed the door.
Arthur gave him a pleading look.
„I hoped you would show me a place you like. The Garden is my favorite place. But what’s yours?“
Nick thought about it.
„Have you ever been in the Avalon Hotel?“, he proposed.
„The most expensive hotel in town? Hell, no, I could never afford that.“
Arthur beamed at him.
„Do you still have your suite there?“
Nick returned the smile.
„You bet I have! Come, Artie, let’s stir up some snobs!“, he said and gently slapped Arthur’s back.
Arthur was inches from hugging Nick, but he had to wait.
Thanks to Nick’s new success it was even more important to hide in the underground. Nick also preferred not to be seen with Arthur in public or even be photographed with him.
They sneaked through Nick’s yard and opened the same hatch they had used when they first met. Arthur noticed that Nick wasn’t afraid of climbing anymore and felt proud of his lover. Perhaps he could learn more, and they would be able to move around in town without hindrance.
Down in the tunnel, Nick waited for Arthur at the ladder and just when his feet touched the ground he pulled the other man into a kiss. Arthur was happy that Nick obviously couldn’t keep his hands off him, as soon as they were alone. He felt the same. He returned the kiss, then he took Nick’s hand as they strolled along.
„What would we do without the underground?“, Nick remarked and chuckled.
„We would have to put on silly costumes,“ Arthur supposed. „Fake hair and fake beards and such.“
Nick felt a tickle in his stomach at that, but he didn’t let it show. Instead he said: „I can’t imagine you in a costume.“
Arthur gave a nervous laughter.
„If you knew what I had to do to survive.“
„A minidress?“, Nick guessed.
„No, but a rubber suit.“ 
„Meow,“ Nick said and formed claws with his fingers. „Very sexy. Perhaps we should turn back. The Reform Club is on the other side of the town.“
„You know the way, don’t you?“, Arthur purred in his ear and made Nick’s hair stand on end.
„I know a lot of ways,“ he purred back.
Arthur shook his hand as if he burned himself.
„Now I’m curious what you’ll do with me.“
Nick laid a hand on Arthur’s chest.
„And I’m curious if you’ll like it.“
He brushed the other man’s chin with his lips and soon they were entangled into another deep kiss. Their hands were roaming each other’s bodies. Nick digged under Arthur’s jacked, testing how far he could go. He wouldn’t mind doing it right now, on the spot. But then Arthur grabbed his hand.
They moved apart and Nick opened his eyes. Arthur’s brown eyes examined him.
„Not here,“ he whispered, making Nick’s legs turn to jelly. He retreated a little.
Then he felt how Arthur cupped his chin.
„You’re a bad boy, Nickie,“ he purred, before he lifted up his chin and kissed the tip of his nose.
After that he put out his hand.
„Let’s go.“
Still entranced, Nick accepted Arthur’s hand. His pulse was running much faster now, while he led a very happy Arthur through the tunnel.
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allofbeercom · 6 years
Inside look at comedian T.J. Miller’s epic self-destruction
Cast member T.J. Miller attends the premiere for “The Emoji Movie” in Los Angeles, California, U.S., July 23, 2017.  (Reuters)
Last summer, T.J. Miller joked in an interview that he wanted to occupy the “Lindsay Lohan train-wreck-but-not-quite” persona currently missing from Hollywood.
Looks like he’s hit his goal.
On April 9, the former “Silicon Valley” star was arrested after calling in a bogus bomb threat while traveling aboard an Amtrak train headed to NYC from Washington, DC.
According to the Department of Justice, Miller called 911 on March 18 stating that a female passenger had a “bomb in her bag.” A Miller insider said the comedian “genuinely believed that the bomb threat was true. That’s why he left his name and number.”
No explosives were found. An attendant in the first-class car told officials that Miller was intoxicated when he boarded the train and downed two glasses of wine and two double scotch-and-sodas while on board. Miller started a “hostile exchange” with a woman sitting a few rows away, according to court papers, after she rebuffed his flirtatious advances, and it is believed he called in the false bomb threat to retaliate. He was kicked off the train for drunken misconduct before the bomb squad arrived. (Miller was released on $100,000 bail and is now awaiting trial.)
It’s just the latest weird behavior that makes no sense for a star on the rise. In 2016, Miller was arrested for allegedly assaulting an Uber driver in Los Angeles over a disagreement about Donald Trump. The following year, he and his wife, artist and actress Kate Gorney, were kicked out of a casino in Monte Carlo. Seven months later, he went on a hateful tirade after a transgender acquaintance, Danielle Solzman, pointed out a transphobic joke on his Web site; Miller called Solzman a “weird, strange, terrible man,” among other insults.
The real reason T.J. Miller left ‘Silicon Valley’
And then there were the stories about him showing up drunk and high to the “Silicon Valley” set, which Miller has denied. Nonetheless, fans were shocked in May 2017 when he announced he was walking away from the buzzy HBO show — and his popular character, Erlich. Miller then publicly attacked show producers, stars and Hollywood execs in a series of scathing interviews, stating that he doesn’t like executive producer Alec Berg: “I don’t know how smart [Alec] is,” and that William Morris Endeavor honcho Ari Emanuel, “only cares about money, collecting chips.”
One common denominator in Miller’s escapades seems to be substance use.
“He has substance-abuse issues,” said a source close to Miller. “He has a good heart and is sort of a sad guy who does things that make you shake your head.”
(Miller’s representative had no comment on the allegations in this story.)
But sources also tell The Post that Miller loves to shock people.
“Basically he’s someone who embraces the contrarian perspective so tightly that he actually starves his career of the oxygen it needs,” said the source close to him. “It’s ridiculous.”
Now, as the 36-year-old comic faces up to five years in jail, friends and colleagues are wondering: Has Miller finally taken the joke too far?
In the beginning of his career, sources said, the actor’s outlandish antics worked in his favor.
Having grown up in Denver — one of two children of a lawyer father and psychologist mother — Miller graduated from George Washington University in 2003 and moved to Chicago, where he became an integral member of the city’s stand-up comedy scene.
“The more wild he was, the more his agents and managers applauded his behavior,” said Miller’s ex-girlfriend, comedian JC Coccoli, who cites the time he parachuted into “The Emoji Movie” premiere in Cannes last May as a prime example.
T.J. Miller and wife deny sexual assault allegations against him
Coccoli, who dated Miller in 2009 when the wacky stand-up comedian was just gaining traction in Hollywood, recalls him showing up at her magazine job in Los Angeles “hammered and really f – – ked up and in blue face,” straight from what he said was a Blue Man Group audition.
“He did a wild audition for ‘Yogi Bear’ [with a live bear from the Hollywood Animals ranch] and then got it,” Coccoli added. “So he was on this string of: ‘If I do really wild and crazy things, this is how I’m booking things.’ He was noticing a trend of what he could get away with.
“Agents loved it. They would never invite an artist like TJ to their wedding, but they wanted to make money off of him.”
Miller’s career was on a roll. In 2008 he made his film debut in “Cloverfield” and soon landed roles in movies including “She’s Out of My League” and the fourth “Transformers” flick, as well as a Comedy Central special.
But, colleagues said, you never knew what you were going to get with Miller.
Miller, pictured here in 2007, began his career as a stand-up comic.  (Reuters)
“We always thought he was kind of doing a character,” said a former staff member of “Chelsea Lately,” the E! show hosted by Chelsea Handler on which Miller often appeared. “Did [it] ever feel like you were having a straight, real conversation with him? No. But . . . it was just what I accepted about T.J. He was very friendly and supportive and complimentary.”
Coccoli recalls a trip she and Miller took to what she terms his family’s “mansion” in Denver for his father’s annual Ferrari rally.
“We show up for this big dinner and there are name tags on the table,” said Coccoli. “My name is written in and another girl’s name is scratched out.” Coccoli recalls being humiliated that Miller had originally invited another date.
“It was almost a game to him,” she said of how Miller approached romantic relationships — and just about everything else in his life.
He even hired a bodyguard, she said, to get a rise out of people.
TJ Miller: I got kicked out of a casino in Monte Carlo
“It was performance art,” said the source close to Miller. “That’s a big part of who he is.”
According to Coccoli, Miller thrives on drama.
“He didn’t care if he was arrested or whatever. He just wants to constantly be creating and have no rules,” she said. “If he showed up late or didn’t show up at all or was a mess on set . . . he got off on that stuff.”
But while people like Coccoli could forgive Miller’s less serious offenses, his substance- abuse issues were becoming harder to ignore.
“He had cabinets filled with whip-its in his Hollywood apartment,” she said of the nitrous-oxide dispensers used to get a euphoric high. “There were no plates.
“This is a guy who would drink so much that he would fall asleep in my car in my garage and I would leave him there overnight because I couldn’t get him back in my bed,” said Coccoli.
Still, Miller’s career wasn’t suffering — at first.
“He would be up [on] three hours of sleep and go to audition and book it — nail it,” Coccoli recalled.
T.J. Miller played Erlich Bachman on HBO’s “Silicon Valley.”  (HBO)
But things caught up with Miller as he landed more work, including roles in “How to Train Your Dragon 2,” “Big Hero 6” and “Office Christmas Party.” A couple years into “Silicon Valley,” insiders said, he was burning the candle at both ends.
“He screwed himself a little bit with the show,” said the source close to the comedian. “He would do stand-up too late the night before, and then would have to shoot the next day and would be hungover and/or exhausted and then be a total a – – hole.
“He’s a hard-working guy who wants to do everything, and then ended up undercutting himself with his own behavior. And that’s the tragedy. He’s a guy who is unnecessarily making his life more difficult.”
Top honchos began to take notice — and worry.
“He thinks drinking and comedy are intricately connected,” one HBO exec told The Post. “It was funny at first when this wacky guy was sneaking gin onto a set. Until it wasn’t funny anymore. He couldn’t stay in character, couldn’t remember lines, fell asleep. It was just costing HBO too much money.”
One day, an insider said, Miller just didn’t show up to set. “You could tell things were deteriorating,” said a “Silicon Valley” writer, who added that producers were wary of building Miller a three-season arc in case he quit at any moment.
Miller told the Hollywood Reporter in March that “I’m not high when I work because it gets in the way of the comedy. I also am not a guy who’s blackout-drunk, bumping into things on set. . . . What was occurring [on the set of ‘Silicon Valley’] was I was out doing stand-up all the time, even if it meant I only got three hours of sleep. So, the thing I have a problem with? It’s pushing myself to do too much.”
T.J. Miller wants to fill the void left by Lindsay Lohan
Part of the issue, noted one comedy-club booker, is that it seems like Miller feels compelled to live up to the wild-man reputation he has created for himself. “If you think about it, 99 percent of his humor’s based on booze. He drinks onstage during stand-up sets, he’s even made a bunch of short films about being drunk — one of them was called ‘Successful Alcoholics.’ ”
When Miller shot a commercial teasing his gig hosting the 2016 Critics Choice Awards, he based it around a drinking game, “so he got to shoot with a glass in his hand at a bar for an hour,” said a source who worked for A&E Networks (which aired the show). “I don’t think it was water.”
With the Uber incident, Miller was arrested in December 2016 after a physical altercation with driver Wilson Deon Thomas III. According to TMZ, Thomas claims Miller became violent after an argument regarding President Trump and struck Thomas on his head and shoulder while he was driving. Thomas also claimed that Miller was inhaling nitrous oxide out of whip-its throughout the ride and even called his assistant to bring him more when he ran out. (A settlement was eventually reached between Miller and Thomas.)
Some close to Miller wonder whether Kate Gorney — his wife of three years — is facilitating the bad behavior.
In May 2017, the two were kicked out of a casino in Monte Carlo while Miller was at the Cannes Film Festival promoting “The Emoji Movie.”
“[The casino] told us to get the hell out of there and they felt we were acting a little bit ‘aggressive!’ ” Miller told Page Six at the time.
“I would just say that [Kate’s] not always going to do the best thing for him,” said the source close to Miller. “I think she cares. She’s not a bad person but there’s a part of her that’s a little bit wanting to have more visibility.”
T.J. Miller busted for ‘drunk’ bomb threat on Amtrak train
Someone who knows the couple told The Post, “[Kate] doesn’t know how to deal with him but loves him very much. She has made [concerned] middle-of-the-night calls to friends. Their life has just been turned upside down by his behavior.”
T.J. MIller and Kate Gorney married on September 6, 2015.  (Reuters)
Miller and Gorney, who dated in college, were again embroiled in controversy last December when a woman told the Daily Beast of alleged sexual abuse by Miller while he was an undergrad at George Washington, including him choking and shaking her and punching her in the mouth during sex. Another time, she said, Miller penetrated her with a beer bottle without her consent. Her housemate and friends corroborated the account.
Miller and his wife issued a joint statement, writing that the accuser was jealous and “became fixated on our relationship” in college and was “using the current [#MeToo] climate to bandwagon.”
The same day the Daily Beast article was published, Miller’s Comedy Central series, “The Gorburger Show,” was canceled after only one season. Also, Mucinex — for which the comedian had been a spokesman since 2014 — dropped him.
Fellow comedians are genuinely concerned about Miller.
“There are some people at the Comedy Cellar who said he drinks too much, and they are worried about him,” said comedian Artie Lange, who has infamously battled drug and alcohol addictions.
“It’s hard. My issue with showbiz [is that] it enabled me,” said Lange. “It’s flattering and also enabling. I hope that doesn’t happen to him.”
Insiders don’t think it’s too late for Miller — who is in “Deadpool 2,” out May 18 — to turn things around.
“People genuinely like the guy and think he’s funny, but he also unnecessarily antagonizes,” said the source close to him.
The comedy-club booker even has an idea for Miller’s future: “Maybe he’ll do rehab humor for his comeback.”
This article originally appeared in the New York Post.
On Our Radar
Lauer caught on tape
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/inside-look-at-comedian-t-j-millers-epic-self-destruction/
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junker-town · 7 years
THIS WEEK IN SCHADENFREUDE, where Chip Kelly replaces every coach
It’s your weekly tour of the most infuriated in college football internet.
The ninth week of the college football season was busy. It was especially so during the middle shift, when a bunch of games ended within a half-hour and featured losses by No. 2 Penn State, No. 4 TCU, No. 16 Michigan State, and No. 17 USF. Also losing were a couple of mediocre SEC teams with big fanbases.
It’s This Week in Schadenfreude, Week 9, your tour of the angriest in CFB internet.
Texas A&M (lost 35-14 to Mississippi State)
This is your moment, TexAgs message boards.
This poster has a suggestion to replace the embattled Kevin Sumlin:
Photo by Tom Pennington/Getty Images
The rationale:
He couldn't be worse than what we have now.... Well, at least it would be entertaining.
This comment’s not made entirely in jest. It’s noted that Manziel is interested in coaching college football. Ironclad plan, IMO.
One suggestion is to simply replace the Texas A&M logo on the Aggies’ helmets with a different illustration:
Suggestions for new helmet decal? Mine is ole sarge sucking his toe
We are a joke. A consistent cursed joke. We don't learn from mistakes and continue to make them. Administrators, coaches, decisions, mishaps. All a joke. Notice I don't include players. It's not there fault. They are persuaded to come here and they are just following orders. I think a decal of ole sarge sucking his toe is perfectly acceptable to replace the ATM on our helmets. It's very fitting. Like i always say....Aggie is....is Aggie does!
Some other expressions of postgame sadness:
Everything sucks and I want to die
I will have no liver to donate to our smoothies after tonight.
More beer for my tears.
Is someone calling for this team to hire Chip Kelly?
Yes, and it’s time the luxury box elites stop ignoring the former NFL head coach.
Chip Kelly - it's time
For everyone here sipping their scotch and smoking cigars cackling about hiring Morris - NO. ITS time to bring in a proven WINNER and get **** done!!! Get this man now
Florida (lost 42-7 to Georgia, then fired Jim McElwain)
The loss to Georgia was bad, but everyone knew what was going to happen before it did. We’ll fast-forward to Sunday, when the Gators finally cut loose McElwain.
The Gators are the preeminent open job in the country. There’s going to be lots of interest in hot, young, up-and-coming candidates, such as this guy:
Les miles
why is les miles not being considered. He's won in the sec and has won a national championship. He has proven himself unlike a lot of these coaches being named. We took risks on mac and will so why not go with a guy that knows the sec and what it takes to win
Another unique idea here:
Is anyone else calling for this team to hire Chip Kelly?
Too many to count. These are just from the AD’s mentions on Sunday afternoon:
I want Chip Kelly at Florida. Make it happen @ScottStricklin
— Scoochie (@HAleYeAhh) October 29, 2017
Get me Chip Kelly @ScottStricklin
— JD (@JustinDowell2) October 29, 2017
@ScottStricklin love the move today. No need to waste anymore time with this nonsense. Please call Chip Kelly ASAP!
— Jason Krehbiel (@jaxsurfer84) October 29, 2017
@ScottStricklin *clears throat* Chip Kelly! #GoGators
— Dabdaddy (@j_martin25) October 29, 2017
.@ScottStricklin yo u got Chip Kelly’s agent on call or nah?
— Jodak Orange (@JodakOrange) October 29, 2017
@ScottStricklin chip Kelly. That is all ....
— carl (@Gatorpike) October 29, 2017
Tennessee (lost 29-26 at Kentucky and didn’t fire Butch Jones)
Vols fans are trying to figure out if they, too, can get out of a coaching buyout by finding their coach might’ve said a falsehood in public. The good people at VolNation.com, regulars on this feature this year, wonder:
Can't we dig up some lies that Butch has said?
Surely he's told a lie or to while here. What about lying a hot dog bbq or something like Pearl did? Anything would be fine.
“I remwmber him saying he would win games,” one person responds.
“Best staff in the country,” another says.
Another poster wants to fire athletic director John Currie, who was just hired, because he’s waited too long to fire Jones. But another poster thinks Currie’s playing a long game:
Suspicion on Currie
I’ve been thinking through some of this stuff. Everyone is focused on John Currie firing Butch. He could be using this time to hook the next coach and could very well have that guy ready by the time Butch is dismissed. Which would actually be pretty clever seeing as how we would be examining his every move. Instead, the fans are focused on the “fire Butch” movement week to week. There is more to this story than meets the eye. I think he is using this time right now to land his guy. An AD’s legacy is always hinges on a big hire. He’s up to more than we know. Just a thought.
What’s the truth?
This next thing’s from before the Kentucky game, but I’m including it anyway. Here’s a thread about Florida State’s national championship-winning coach maybe wanting the Tennessee job. (He doesn’t.) Let’s follow along:
Rumors of Jimbo Fisher wants the Tennessee Job
Things are heating up down there in Tallahassee. Rumors swirling about Jimbo wants in on Tennessee. What are your thoughts?
Is that a joke? Maybe. I’m not certain. But these are serious replies:
“No Thanks.”
“No way. Jimbo has a far easier task in the ACC than in the SEC. fake news.”
“No thank you. I'd rather have Scott Frost. If Jimbo can't win with the talent they have at FSU, I doubt he can at Tennessee.”
“Gruden > Fisher”
Is someone calling for this team to hire Chip Kelly?
You know it.
— Zach Cardwell (@z_cardwell) October 29, 2017
Go to hell @John_Currie
— CHIP KELLY OR BUST (@jacob_greer7) October 29, 2017
Penn State (lost 39-38 at Ohio State)
At Rivals’ Blue and White Illustrated message board, one poster was sure that pollsters’ ANTI-PENN STATE BIAS would plummet the Nits down the rankings.
Here's How IT IS.
Any other team would fall 1 or 2 places, but because it's us look for a huge screwing and drop.
Penn State fell five places in the AP Poll, from No. 2 to 7. Previous top-five teams to lose games this year fell six spots (FSU), seven spots (Ohio State), 10 spots (USC), nine spots (Oklahoma), and six spots (Clemson).
Someone’s thoughts on offensive coordinator Joe Moorhead, whose team just scored 38 points against an elite defense and is averaging nearly 40 per game:
Franklin is the Guy for PSU but Moorhead's Offense Sucks
he sucks.
Here’s a, uh, unique comparison for James Franklin:
Is CJF College Football's version of Dusty Baker?
GREAT locker room guy, players love him, teams have good chemistry.
Also a lousy tactician without that instinct to know how to close a game out. This is now the 6th example of such a game in his Penn State career (Michigan 2014, Maryland 2014, Illinois 2014, Northwestern 2015, USC 2016, Ohio State 2017). Vanderbilt's losses to Tennessee in 2011, South Carolina in 2012, and Ole Miss in 2013 are examples from earlier in his career.
Last night looked painfully like the Reds 2012 NLDS loss to the Giants. It was RIGHT THERE! And we didn't seize the moment.
This person’s super mad about a former Pitt coach being on FOX’s on-site studio show, as he is every single week of the season:
Dave Wannstedt
Can we lead a charge to get this know-nothing marble mouth, PSU hater kicked off BTN. I mean really, he's the first guy to high five all the buckeye faithful????. Why is a no-nothing complete idiot Pitt wannabe, on Fox and BTN????? I absolutely hate this guy, he's dumb as a rock and pretty much always wrong. He's a homer for anything anti-Penn State. I cannot stand that man...................
At SB Nation’s Black Shoe Diaries, this commenter took the result well:
I am done watching Penn State.
Let’s be real if we don’t get into the CFP which we won’t now. There is no point anymore. You know why no one believes in us? Because we always do this shit. We look promising and then drop a game. No excuse when we were up by 15. The football god’s gifted us a special team TD and a nice fumble. The refs were decent. Our defense simply let us down. We can never just get it done. The defense blows a 15 point lead. Looked very amateur and Trace over threw it how many times? And the oline sucks. Fuck this team Fuck all the high hopes because they never get it done. Fuck football. No use in getting worked upover a silly fucken game with pampered athletes chasing a ball. That’s what dogs do
Is someone calling for this team to hire Chip Kelly?
Not that I could find. But less than two years ago, this guy was!
@SandyB_PSUAD Fire James Franklin. Lets get Chip...
— HB (@B27491) January 2, 2016
We all reach this again at one time or another.
Florida State (lost 35-3 to Boston College)
The Seminoles are 2-5. Their season is lost.
Boston College isn’t that bad. But losing to B.C. is still a come-to-Jesus moment for a lot of fans. See Louisville fans after the Eagles got their team a couple weeks earlier:
VIDEO: a bunch of Louisville fans recognizing their team lost to Boston College https://t.co/KNlClEMvmW http://pic.twitter.com/KVDM5boroz
— SB Nation CFB (@SBNationCFB) October 16, 2017
We’re going to do this again.
SB Nation presents, “A Series of Florida State Fans Publicly Reckoning with the Point that Their Team Just Lost to Boston College.”
We start while the act is still in progress and move more or less chronologically:
Me realizing theres a possibility we losing to Boston College http://pic.twitter.com/IzeXuwJuKw
— Cardi Bey (@LeastroPhysics) October 28, 2017
We’re losing to Boston College.
— Jerry (@Mind_Wiz) October 28, 2017
We're seriously losing to Boston College. http://pic.twitter.com/GHBd5WeNvg
— Shaquille Sunflower (@PrettyDay_) October 28, 2017
Florida State is currently losing 21-0 TO BOSTON COLLEGE!!! I might just have to transfer to Miami..
— Hugo Vargas (@hugomata_15) October 28, 2017
Tell me we’re not losing to Boston college rn.....
— Jonell Sequira (@jonellsequiraxo) October 28, 2017
#FSUvsBC We are losing to Boston College by 25... Like what is this fucking life?
— Cory Beaver ↓ (@TheCoryBeaver) October 28, 2017
Hold up we losing to fuckin Boston College???
— KeseBdayOnThxgivin (@ended_up_ballin) October 28, 2017
We just lost to Boston College....you’ll have a good time
— Brittany Wilkes (@brittanymalissa) October 28, 2017
We really lost to Boston College 35-3 last night....
— Zαcκ Ⓥ (@Zack5cott) October 28, 2017
Bruh , we fucking lost to boston college last night ‍♂️
— J5 (@Jay5DaDon) October 28, 2017
It’s okay we lost by 30 to frikin Boston college
— Dayton (@_Daytonnn) October 28, 2017
So we really lost by 32 to Boston College last night. WTF
— (@NelsonGuevara) October 28, 2017
ha ha ha ha we lost to Boston College. I’m fucking done.
— Nick (@nguevara120) October 28, 2017
lmao we lost to Boston college... bahahaha
— ƙ. (@xxobvby) October 28, 2017
we really just lost 35-3 to boston college. my heart hurts
— tony (@AnthonyHood_) October 28, 2017
And perhaps the realest realization of all:
i literally was just cool until i clicked on espn and remember that we lost by 32 FUCKING POINTS TO BOSTON COLLEGE
— trap wiggins (@40ozGod_) October 28, 2017
Is someone calling for this team to hire Chip Kelly?
One fan’s list of Jimbo Fisher replacements:
Patterson Petersen Dabo Patrino Harbaugh Sumlin Chip Kelly (coming soon)
just to name a few...
Fisher’s buyout is roughly $40 million.
0 notes
sea-side-scribbles · 4 years
Sympathy For A Downer
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22737214/chapters/63552727
Chapter 29
Nick had tried to resist the scotch but he was already in a tipsy state when his band came back, looking like they were in the same state as him.
"Hi Nickie, have you been a good boy?", they greeted him, who was relaxing on the couch.
"And you?," he replied. "You spent a lot of time on this too."
"Well, this Hastings guy was surprisingly hard-drinking," Chris said smirking, making Nick shoot up.
"What did you do to him?"
"Nothing. We just had a good time," Brad assured him with an innocent tone. "Just like you had yesterday." 
Matt, who sat down on the armrest of the couch, added: "You know very well that you can't trust reporters as long as they are sober."
That made the others laugh.
"But he's alright," Nick insisted.
"Oh yeah, very alright", Chris agreed. "He's adorable, right Morrie?"
Morrie rolled his eyes.
"I'm delighted," he said dryly.
Nick pouted.
"Great. I'm giving you the chance to be in the press and you have no better idea than to scare the reporter away."
„Nah, I think we've been exceptionally nice to him.", Brad replied.
"No offense, but I think your judgement in the matter of kindness is a bit unreliable," Nick said dryly, but he didn't ruin Brad's mood at all.
"Perhaps. But this time there's three gentlemen who agree with me."
Morrie launched himself on the couch and added: "He's right. Could've been worse."
"This pessimist wanted to say that it's gonna be a great article. Just wait until you see it," Chris assured him again.
Nick sighed.
"Did you tell him anything about me?"
"Only the good things," Brad answered and then pointed at Nick, almost touching the tip of his nose. "As you did too, right? You're living with us now, so you should be nice."
Nick backed away.
"Why are you living in my house anyway? Are you all homeless?", he asked playfully.
"No, but I remember that you begged us to come back and keep you company.  Am I right?"
The others agreed.
Nick gave them a sheepish grin.
"Okay, okay, you're right. I don't want you to leave, you're my friends and I love you."
He received shoulder pats and sympathy.
Then Morrie linked arms with him and said: "Would you mind if I borrow this sweetheart for a bit?"
"A bit," Chris repeated grinning. "Sure, we'll see you next week."
"Very funny."
"Why? It's Sunday."
Morrie slapped his forehead and left with Nick, who waved the others goodbye.
Outside Nick said: "You must've missed me a lot, being in such a hurry."
As an answer Morrie gave him an eager kiss.
"I'm just so happy right now", he sighed. "I wanna go outside with you, watch the sunset, anything we did in the past!"
"But I thought you wanted to be careful...", Nick asked and immediately regretted it because Morrie's expression saddened.
"Is there nowhere safe we can go?", his lover asked with begging eyes.
Nick pondered.
"Yes," he decided. "The way is a bit rough though..."
"I don't care," Morrie said with emphasis. "I'll go wherever you want."
Happily, Nick led him upstairs and opened the door to his bedroom. 
Morrie leaned at the doorframe while his lover went inside.
"This is not what you meant, right?", he said with furrowed brows.
Pulling off the blanked from the bed Nick answered: "No, but we might need this."
Nick neatly folded it and went out again, with a curious Morrie following him.
He went into a smaller room and opened the window. Before Morrie guessed what he was planning, he had climbed out and vanished.
"Norbert!", Morrie cried and ran for the window. 
Outside he saw his lover smirking at him, standing on a scaffold.
"Did you really think I'd jump out there?"
Morrie caught his breath.
"Don't scare me like this again! I don't deserve this!"
"Come on, don't be mad, better get out there and get some fresh air!"
Morrie gave the scaffold a doubtful look.
"And then what?"
"Don't be afraid, my dear, I'll hold you," Nick promised and held out a hand to help him out.
Morrie hesitated, wondering if he should cancel this dangerous adventure, but then again he wanted to know what Nick had planned for them. He put his hand in Nick's and climbed out. Then he clutched to his lover and his voice was a tiny bit higher than usual when he asked: "And now?"
"Now we turn the corner over there,", Nick explained and led him along the narrow board they were standing on.
"Don't worry, just hold my hands, we're almost there."
"You have some ideas...", Morrie sighed but anyway obeyed, staring at the board that separated him from the abyss.
"Good, and now look up there," Nick commanded and Morrie slowly moved his head.
"I only see the roof," he stated.
"Yep, that's where we're getting up now," he heard his lover say.
"Really? What do we do up there?"
"Trust me."
Morrie gulped, but Nick was giving him such a warm smile he couldn't resist.
Nick showed him where he could place his foot to climb up safely. When he had reached the roof he knelt down to help his lover up. They got up together while Morrie clung onto him again. 
"Are you okay, Morrie?", Nick whispered, wiping a hair strand from the other man's forehead.
"Yeah...I think so..."
They made a few steps forward and the more they absented themselves from the abyss, the safer Morrie felt. Looking around, he took in the fresh air and started to realize what a beautiful view they had. From here, they could see entire Hamlyn Village, all the roofs that gathered around Nick's, and the horizon with it's clear sky. He saw a wide landscape in the distance that must've been Lud's Holm and taller houses that must've been from the Parade District. Above all this, the sun was setting in glowing red. Morrie stared at it like he was enchanted, then he began to sob.
"Oh my...this is so beautiful..."
He rubbed his eyes.
"I'm crying again."
Nick gently kissed a tear from his cheek.
"Cry my love, cry as much as you want. I'll hold you," he whispered.
They kissed tenderly. Then Nick spread the blanked over the roof, where they could lie down in a comfortable position and watch the sunset turn the town bright red, until the sky became dark blue and the first stars came out. Morrie lied on Nick's chest.
"And I was worried you'd only take revenge for the cold water this morning."
Nick kissed Morrie's hair.
"I won't play such a cruel prank on you, especially not when you're in a cuddly mood."
"You're so good to me again, Norrie. Just like the old days. Will it last?"
Morrie looked him in the eyes.
Nick returned the gaze.
"Yes, it will."
And he meant it. How could he not mean it, cuddling with the most handsome man in town under the starry sky?
Their kiss was soft, their tongues carefully touched, as if they kissed for the first time. Morrie rolled on Nick and felt is lover embrace him, gently squeezing him. Nick widened his legs and let Morrie's hands stroke over their insides. His delicate skin turned into goosebumps under the other man's hands and a shiver ran down his spine. Getting hard, he greedily rubbed against his lover. Morrie started to move his hips too, then he suddenly bent down and kissed the tip of Nick's length, making him gasp. Then he pulled down his lover's pants. Nick returned the favor with shivering fingers. He was already starving when his lover softly slid into him. Finally they merged into one, finding their rhythm, gradually getting faster. Nick bit Morrie's shoulder when he came. 
When he saw what he had done, he ruefully licked his lover's wound. Morrie however petted his cheek with a finger. 
"It's okay...", he said "I like it."
Then he grabbed the blanked on both ends and wrapped it over them, so they could warm each other while the night turned cold.
"I didn't look at the stars for ages," Morrie whispered.
"Me neither. I didn't give a damn," Nick admitted.
Morrie chuckled.
"It was a wonderful idea to come here."
They began to hold hands under the blanket.
"Wasn't it? Sometimes I have good ideas."
"Absolutely, Nick Lightbearer."
"Why thank you, Morrie Memento."
They laughed quietly.
"Norbert, even if the new record is a bummer...we'll stay together."
"It's not a bummer! It's a hit! You all brought together so many great ideas, it can't go wrong!," Nick fiercely replied.
Morrie silenced for a while before he whispered: "But if it is, will you leave me?"
Nick felt a pang in his chest.
"I guess I've been the biggest asshole in the universe."
"Hmm," Morrie nodded, "and the prettiest."
Nick burst out in laughter.
"That's quite a compliment."
He sighed.
"No, I won't leave you."
He kissed Morrie's cheek. 
For another while they entangled, kissing lips and touching skin, before they calmed down to look at the stars again.
Later, Morrie started to whistle a melody that Nick knew. 
Together with the night and the slight smell of Motilene it created a mixture that made his hair stand on end. 
He shivered.
"What's wrong?", his lover asked. "Don't you like it?"
"It's a bit...eerie," Nick admitted.
"I don't know."
"I played it the day we met again, remember?"
"Yeah." It came back into Nick's mind. "Where did you hear it?"
"Someone hummed it from up a roof."
"How fitting," Nick commented.
Morrie nudged him.
"It could be our song. Somehow, it brought us back together, right?"
Nick smiled at the thought of having a song with Morrie.
"I'd like that."
They stayed under their comfy blanked until they fell asleep. 
Nick was awakened by a soft nudge.
„Norrie," he heard his lover whisper. "Just look."
First, the light blinded him when he opened his eyes. Then he saw the sun rise, painting everything around them in a bright golden color. It was the moment Nick usually kept missing by oversleeping.
"Wonderful," Nick sighed. "What a shame that there's no room service up here, I would've ordered us champagne."
They laughed.
"It's  pretty enough without it," Morrie said, then he covered Nick in kisses while they were swimming in liquid gold. 
They stayed on the roof until their protesting stomachs drove them back into the house and into the kitchen. There they found the others, already enjoying their coffee.
"Look who's back," Chris greeted them. "Are you suddenly anxious about us or just too exhausted to go on?"
"Spare your breath for singing," Nick replied. "And give us a coffee."
"Alright, boss," his friend said smirking.
Strengthened with coffee and toast, they got to work once again.
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