#I write fic to correct cannon
cranberry-writes · 2 months
hii i love ur writing!!! ik youve just answered a hughie ask but i love him and how u write him sm, could i please rq sorta general hcs w him having a lil crush on someone whose sweet and confident, if a little vain? if possible, id love it to specifically be a male reader whose significantly taller than him. thank you!
Hughie Headcannons
Ahhhh love this rq!!! There are almost no male reader stories or headcannons so it’s nice to do them.
REQUESTS ARE OPEN FEEL FREE TO SEND IN ANY REQUEST! (If you aren’t sure look at my pinned!”
Also i’m like 5’ 5” so my writing about a tall person is definitely not correct 😞
Warnings; (Very) Mild Spoilers for season 2&3 and cannon typical language
- Hughies already a tall guy, 6’ 1” (185 centimeters) so being taller than him is something he didn’t really expect
- Tbh he thinks you’re standing on something when he first sees you, but he does a double take and is like ‘Oh shit’
- The second thing he thinks when he meets you is ‘..how?’
- You’re not sunshine and rainbows vomiting kittens or anything, but your a lot more upbeat and kinder than the others there
- “Cool Billy Joel shirt, you got a favorite song?” “Yeah actually, (i know nothing about billy joel) is my favorite.”
- He really assumed that everyone was going to be dickish off the batt but apparently not
- He’s happy he don’t feel like his life is in danger with everyone when he first gets introduced
- He’s also happy someone *cough* isn’t calling him a cunt every 5 minutes
- When he first notices the the vaguely vain behavior, it annoys him a bit (in reality it’s more of jealousy, he wishes he could have faith in himself like you do) but once he sees you in action he understands, working with The Boys is hard, dealing with supes is hard.
- It also kinda scared him a bit, he really didn’t want to think you where an asshole
- Honestly the fact that your alive after everything gives you a pretty decent reason to be a tad vain in his mind
- With your confidence+sweetness he’s not sure if he wants to be you or be with you
- He soon realizes it’s mostly attraction a bit admiration
- I headcannon that he is so insanely bisexual it’s crazy, so being with a dude isn’t something he has to really work through or convince himself of
- Like he just grew up knowing and never really questioned or cared about it
- But he doesn’t realize he actually has a crush on you untill later in the series, maybe around late season two after LampLighter happens. (i feel like that kinda made him realize some stuff about himself)
- But he takes WAY longer to actually try and make a move on you
- like start of season four is when he even starts to make a move
- But he’s got that nerdy white boy thing and chances are you ask him out first
- You totally break out all the stocks, flowers, candy, stuff like that
- He is flattered, flustered, and scared
- Unlike Starlight you don’t have powers, and while you are amazing at your job he’s still scared that you’ll become a bigger target because of his affiliation with Homelander and Newman.
- But honestly we all saw how he literally stood up to Homelander when he insulted Starlight, once yall are in a relationship he ain’t backing down for shit (Unless you ask, he’s very respectful of boundaries)
- okay i’m circling back to the height thing,
- he would enjoy it a LOT
- He’s always been the taller one in relationships, it was nice to switch it up a bit.
- He also enjoys how someone else can share the struggles of being tall with him
- (small stupid thing but if yall move in together you have one hell of a time finding a bed that actually fits)
- Because of how tall you both are it’s easy to find one another in crowds, Hughie really likes that fact (he’s scared that if he can’t find you then something horrible has happened to you)
- Butcher pokes fun at both of you but in the dumbest ways imaginable
- “Ere’ come the fucken’ inflatable tube couple.”
Watch me make an actual fic about this
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threepandas · 4 months
I came across a yandere Hawks prompt, then a fic.
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And I just? ......*thought about it* oh... Oh No™. He would make an EXCELLENT and FASCINATING Obsessive. A "you showed me One(1) scrap of genuine human decency and that unlocked something deeply unhinged and desperate in me, because my life has been a parade of quiet nightmares, and I am so SO good at Faking now, because it was BEATEN into me, that no one... NO ONE will ever see me coming".
I wanna write iiiit. Cause no one seems to grasp its not the Yandere part or the Cocky Hot Boy part? It's the HORROR MOVIE part. The hunting you on silent, deadly, all powerful wings. Ever present PR smile gone for once. Crouched on a light post. Unblinking.
You never notice. Not for days upon days. Even as you can feel in your gut, something's wrong. That someone's watching you. But you can't catch them. No matter how hard you try, no matter what you do. You can't find them. All while he notes every little thing. Learns and observes. Sitting so very, very still. And watching, watching, WATCHING...
Even as he keeps showing up.
Always the friendly hero. So flirty! So trustworthy! Non threatening! Ha ha! He brought snacks~ Say, you seem WORRIED? You know, he IS the number 2 hero. He bet he can HELP. Be a shoulder to lean on, a figure you can TRUST. Say, did you know he likes the same things YOU do? What a coincidence, right? What are the odds? Ha ha~
The best yandere? Do everything in their power not to get caught. To ease you in to their crazy. Lay their trap like gentle rose petals, so thick and deep, you can't see all the warnings carved into the road at your feet. Normalize it. But careful! Can't let them SEE all the crazy, they know it's not normal. Better to tuck that just out of sight.
Play pretend.
He'd be so, SO good at that.
The thing is? I feel like? People keep forgetting his in Cannon motivations! Make him act like his Mask or against his core nature! He wants to be a HERO. Wants to save everybody until it's not NEEDED. But even then? He wants to be useful. He wants to finally rest. Needs to be needed. Wants to be GOOD. Everything his parents were not. Everything that was beaten into him by the HPSC.
He'd WANT to drop the mask... but be unable to.
Except when he's watching.
Like playing pretend. Infiltrating a Normal Life. He'd set it all up. The meet cute, the Heroic rescues, the dates. A whole timeline. A fake little life in a pretend little world. Lies upon lies. So he can be Normal. So you will love him. So everything will be warm and soft and HIS. A storybook romance... isn't it perfect? Isn't it JUST want you wanted? Almost... too much so?
Like someone read the diary of your mind.
Or... was stalking you for months. Watching. Correcting course and refining plans as new information was uncovered? But I mean... that would be crazy! Insane! No one would do THAT! And even if they DID, your loving boyfriend Keigo would stop them, right?
Of course he would. You're his world. The best thing to ever happen to him.
He'd NEVER let anything happen to you!
He'll keep an eye out, okay?
So feel nice and safe~♡ Your boyfriend is watching.
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my-castles-crumbling · 2 months
Hi I just have a question and I mean to ask it as respectfully as possible
When did people start head cannoning Regulus as trans? I just dont understand how people came to that conclusion?
I’m also just very uneducated on the trans community and I know that and just don’t really know where to get reliable information about the whole community and the people in it.
Idk in my opinion I just almost feel like people made Regulus trans to meet a diversity quota. I also feel like it kind of takes away from the fact that James could be genuinely attracted to biological males? Like maybe people are still so attached to Jily that they can’t truly let go of it even in his other ship?
Sorry I just really would like to see the point of view from someone who is part of the trans community (correct me if I’m wrong on that please) and also enjoys and writes trans Regulus. It really just makes me sad that I don’t read so many fanfics that I’m sure are absolutely beautiful just because I’m a little put off by Regulus (or even Remus) being trans.
Anyway I’d love to hear the reasoning you have and I’m so sorry if any of this came off as offensive or rude🫶
Okay, so to answer your first question, the first fic in ao3 tagged with trans! Regulus Black is dated in March 2016, so 8 years ago. (I see a Jegulus fic tagged in 2005, for comparison).
As far as people coming to the conclusion of reg being trans, I think it's just people seeing themselves in the character, or enjoying the headcanon. It's not like...deciding it IS canon. If that makes sense?
For information on the community, I'm not sure what you mean. Like information in being trans? If you have questions on that, I'm more than willing to answer them! I can point you to reliable websites or try to give you my own experience.
I don't think it's 'meeting a diversity quota.' I think it's that Harry Potter is genuinely super NOT diverse. Canonically, most characters are straight, cis, and white. And fanfiction writers like to write what they want and what they relate to. Many fanfic writers know trans people/are trans, so it's natural to include trans people in their works. It's not meeting a quota, it's just emulating their lives.
And as far as James's attraction..sure, he can be attracted to people with any genitals. But I think you're missing the point that trans Regulus IS a boy. Your body doesn't equal your gender. So when James is attracted to him, he is attracted to a boy. He is, therefore, gay (or at least queer) by being attracted to Regulus. Very gently, seeing trans Regulus as a substitution for Lily because they might have similar bodies is a bit transphobic. Though body parts can be important to some people, putting Regulus and Lily on the same plane is a bit off. (Also, many people headcanon James as pansexual, meaning he can be attracted to any gender, so he doesn't care what gender people are.) You ARE right in saying that some people probably do think this way though. But it's not okay.
As far as not liking the headcanon of trans!Regulus or trans!Remus or whoever...I don't think that's a bad thing IN THEORY. For example, I don't see Harry as trans. There are some Drarry fics which have trans!Harry and I don't read them, because that's not my headcanon. Fanfics are for your enjoyment, and you don't have to force yourself to read them if they don't share your specific headcanons. I would just think about WHY you're not reading these fics. If you just see these characters as cis, then that's fine! But if it's because you might need more education of transness and what it means to be trans, then maybe take the time to educate yourself and go from there, you know?
I hope that helps!
(Also if anyone wants to chime in in the comments, you're welcome to, but please be respectful, this was a genuine question)
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ghostofskywalker · 8 months
Filed Under: Work Orders
Words: 1,099
Summary: You're the best mechanic the GAR has, but sometimes that means that you're flooded with requests for repairs that are clearly not from combat, or at least not entirely from combat.
or alternatively: a collection of messages on your answering machine, that go a long way as evidence to support the argument that you deserved a raise.
Note: another work to add to filed under: the series! apparently i can only write a fic like this once every six months or so lol
ao3 link || clone troopers masterlist
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A loud clang echoed through the room as you dropped your bag of tools on the floor, eyes bleary from waking up far too early. Long hours at unusual times were a given when you worked for the GAR, but that didn’t mean you ever really got used to it, even after the three days off you had just enjoyed. At least the work bays were quiet at this time of day, and you usually didn’t have to do much interacting with others until it was time for people to pick up their finished equipment. Droids would collect and deliver the ships and other apparatuses that needed fixing, and work orders were usually received through your datapad.
Sitting down at the slightly scratched chair at your desk, you saw the light on your communicator blinking, indicating that you had a few messages to listen to. Your office communicator was on a pathway that could be reached through simply contacting the main number for the GAR and pressing the correct buttons, but it wasn’t as common to see work orders being requested here rather than through your datapad. After the caf machine began to work its magic and you had a steaming mug of caffeine in front of you, it was time to see what was on your schedule for today.
you have *:・✧ eight ✧ ・:* new messages
“Hey, this is General Anakin Skywalker calling for the best mechanic in the galaxy!”
You paused the message and sighed, knowing that meant he needed something from you. And based on his overly chipper tone, the repairs would be intensive.
“I got the message from your datapad that you’re off for a few days, but when you get back I need a favor. It’s just a few dents and a broken blaster cannon, don’t worry too much, but we’ll be on Coruscant for a few rotations and I just wanted to see what you could do. Rex has sent an official work order to your datapad, just send a message to the Jedi Temple when it’s ready.”
*:・✧ ✧ ・:*
“What exactly am I supposed to say again?”
“Well, starting with your name would probably be a good idea.”
“Yeah that’s good.”
“And explaining that this needs to be done secretly, because Cody would kill us if he found out.”
“Definitely. Hi, my name is Boil and-”
“Wait, you were already on the call?”
“You watched me dial!”
After that played, you checked your datapad to see a communication that seemed to match the situation, and you just laughed at the plea to maintain complete secrecy.
*:・✧ ✧ ・:*
The next message started with a shout from the background.
“It’s kriffing COLD in here!”
“Be quiet Crosshair! I’m leaving a message for the repair department now.”
“It’s still going to be three rotations before we even get to Coruscant. We’ll be blocks of ice by then!”
Another voice called out from the background.
“Go look for some blankets and let Tech leave the communication message in peace!”
“As you can probably tell, we’re calling because there’s an issue with our ship’s heating system. It’s an Omicron-class attack shuttle, and I believe that there must be some kind of slight leak preventing the heat from kicking in. More details will be sent with the droid when we drop off the ship.”
*:・✧ ✧ ・:*
“Hello, this is Sergeant Hound calling from the Coruscant Guard, I wanted to let you know that we’ll be dropping off one of the battalion’s speeder bikes within the next day or two. It’ll look really bad, so if you have to scrap it completely that should be fine, just don’t tell Fox. I crashed it when I saw a cute massif on the street and completely flew into a wall, but if anyone else asks, there was a accident on the lower levels and it was too dark to see anything when I was chasing down a death stick dealer.”
*:・✧ ✧ ・:*
“Now who are you calling?”
“Shhh, Fives, I’m on the phone with the maintenance number. If they can fix the general’s ships when he crashes them, this can’t be that big of a deal.”
“How are you going to explain the completely fried control board? Kix told us already that the GAR’s funneling all their money into new clones and can’t afford to replace landspeeders.”
“I’ll tell the truth, that it’s been acting strangely.”
“Yeah, after you spilled spotmelon juice all over it!”
“You were the one that knocked over the canteen!”
“Maybe we can blame it on the general, he’s already bringing his fighter down there after that last battle.”
“Yeah, maybe if we crash it into something first.”
*:・✧ ✧ ・:*
“Why did you call the GAR’s main line? I don’t think the people in payroll and budgeting will be able to help until we get the damage under control.”
“This is the maintenance department. Jesse says there’s someone there that fixes things all the time for them, like that time when Hardcase built a bomb in the Resolute’s refresher.”
“Sinker, that’s what you did!”
“Maybe it’s not in the refresher, but-”
“I built a bomb out of the caf machine, it’s a completely different situation. And mine was accidental, I don’t think you can say the same thing about the 501st!”
Your mind wandered from the message as it was still being played from your machine, mentally making a note to get out all the safety equipment you thought you might need. If this is anything like the situation that was just referenced, you were going to need some high quality supplies.
*:・✧ ✧ ・:*
“Hi, my name is General Obi-Wan Kenobi. I know that General Skywalker is going to be dropping off a starship for you to take a look at within the next few rotations, and I wanted to ask if you had a moment to check over my ship too? I don’t know what Anakin has told you, but I’d be willing to bet that he undersold how bad it was. Look, don’t tell him that I told you, but I wouldn’t be surprised when it comes in totaled. I’m surprised he was even able to land that smoking heap of transparisteel. That aside, if you have time to look at mine just let me know, there’s nothing really specific I’m looking to fix but I would prefer to know if something was wrong before the next high stress situation. Thank you!”
you have *:・✧ zero ✧ ・:* new messages
You sighed, taking a huge sip from the caf in your hands and getting up from your desk. It looks like you had a lot of work to do. 
- the end -
i no longer have a taglist! if you're interested in being notified when i post, you can follow my library blog @ghostofskywalker-library and turn on notifications!
divider credit to djarrex - reblogged here
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just-antithings · 9 months
I'm just really annoyed
If two characters are best friends I can't ship them because they don't have to be more than friend and I can't see the value in friendship and platonic relationships
If two characters are enemies I can't ship them because it's abusive and I shouldn't see abusive behavior as romantic
If both of them never met I shouldn't ship them because it doesn't make sense for them to fall in love
If they it's a gay ship I should value male friendships
If they it's a lesbian ship I'm fetishazing
If it's a straight ship I'm homophobic
If it's a biracial ship I'm racist
You can't win
Can antis just say they dislike shipping and stop interacting with fandom please ? It's ok fandom is not a moral duty you don't have to participate
Most people ship a ship because they like it not because some moral duty people didn't ship gay ships because they wanted represention (correct me if I'm wrong) they did because they liked the thought of these to specific characters together (again I may be wrong but I met alot of homophobic shippers who are 100% ok with taking the rights of queer people but are ok with shipping as long as it's fiction) the reason for being more x ship in fandom is not because people hate y ship it is because more people wrote about x ship nothing more fanfiction is not a corporation it's not about wich ship is more liked it's about how much people want to write (I'm side eyeing some gen fic lovers who love to pretend the world is an unpure place where people like *gasp* evil sex sex it normal coming from an asexual girl never touching that thing but it's normal)
If you dislike a trope or ship avoid if you want more content that you like make it a random fanfic writer doesn't owe you shit Antis !!!
And I'm also talking about the ones who complain about changing characters personalities and watering them down , nobody is forcing you to read fanfic if you think all the writers are doing a bad job at portraying (most fanfic writers are doing it for fun I'm not gonna make everything 100% accurate like it or not I'm coming home from a 9 to 5 I just want my blorbos to kiss in my coffee shop au I don't care for them to be an accurate representation of cannon) the characters and tropes then Don't read or write a fanfic with your superior portrayal of characters (but they won't all the rare pair fanfic writers ive met are sweet people and make themselves more content and not act like entitled Alogthrem babies)
Listen up fanfic writers if it isn't fun it isn't worth it that's the only rule of fanfiction out their other than that it's free game and for the love of god remember that your doing this shit for free so other people's opinions are not in any way important
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michellemisfit · 7 months
Tag Game Wednesday 🤟
Tagged by these lovely humans who have not given up on me, even though I have suuuucked at playing games with y’all. Thank you @heymacy @mybrainismelted @darlingian @creepkinginc @suzy-queued @energievie @guinguin1984
Special thanks to @deedala for enriching my little paddock 🦙
THIS OR THAT - The rules are simple: two things, you must choose one.
iced coffee or hot coffee?
I don’t drink coffee and hate the flavour so… iced, as taste buds work less well at colder temperatures 🧊
iced tea or hot tea?
Hot, please 🫖
lemonade or sweet tea?
Lemonade. Sweet tea dries my mouth out
minty gum or fruity gum?
Mint. Always freaks me out when I accidentally put fruit gum in my mouth lol
pasta or potatoes?
Pasta. There some potato things that I LOVE, but others I’m meh about. Whereas ALL PASTA IS GOOD PASTA.
olives or pickles?
Pickles 😋
rice or bread?
Bread!! I love risotto, but otherwise rice is meh.
cookies or brownies?
🤤 I want them both, but Chani was 100% correct. Homemade cookies are amazing!!! But shop bought cookies are sometimes incredibly meh, whereas even a meh brownie is pretty fucking good!! So I choose brownies!
hand written reminders or phone reminders?
Phone reminders. My phone calendar, alarms, and notes section literally runs my life. Sometimes there’s a phone reminder telling me to write hand written reminder… lol
pull-over hoodie or zippy hoodie?
Zipper Superiority 🤟
jeans or sweatpants?
Sweatpants. Not worn jeans since 2019 lol
flip-flops/thongs or slides?
Neither, as I need arch support, but… the flip flop strap between my toes makes me want to claw my eyes out so… slides?
paperback book or ebook?
Paperback book. I always read with a pen in my hand to underline things and write comments in the margins. Can’t do that in an e-reader.
enemies to lovers or fwb to lovers?
Enemies to Lovers my beloved!!
only one bed or fake dating?
Fake Dating pines so good!!! Also agreeing to be handsy and snuggly for show, while desperately trying to act unaffected? BARK BARK
hurt/comfort or whump?
Good Whump is the bee’s knees, but sadly just as hard to find. @sam-loves-seb whumped the hell out of last October, but Whump of that quality is hard to come by, so for pure availability I have to choose H/C
mutual pining or amnesia?
Amnesia, baby!
cannon compliant or alternate universe?
AU, because the sky is the limit!!
soulmate au or sports au?
Sports AU love of my life!!! ⚽️🏀🏈⚾️🥎🎾
celebrity au or coffeeshop au?
Coffee shop every single time. You know how sometimes you enter a new fandom and you go looking and there… just… aren’t any coffee shop AUs? Wtf is up with that?!? They are a staple and what fandom is built on, surely!
one-shot or longfic?
I love long fic but I also have commitment phobia and a lot of anxiety over “wasting” time reading fic when I could be being productive, so… one-shots are nice! And a good one-shot packs a punch like no other!!
milkovich or gallagher?
Let’s just be honest here… the Milkoviches would scare the everliving daylights out of me in real life, and if anyone I knew dated one I would do everything in my power to break up that relationship, without getting shivved. So… Gallagher lol.
That was fun!!
I would like to tag @vintagelacerosette @too-schoolforcool @heymrspatel @gallawitchxx @mickeysgaymom @ian-galagher @lupeloto @crossmydna @rereadanon @the-rat-wins @tsuga-of-mars @crestfallercanyon @ohkate @palepinkgoat @thepupperino @captainjowl @francesrose3 @iandarling @mikhailoisbaby
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homiesondaweb · 1 year
Been writing too much angst lately🥲
anyway this is based of my previous head cannon on Hobie's siblings. Quick recap (might make a OC post about em) Hudson and Hendricks(yea name change) are the eldest twins about 12 years older than Hobie and are 21. Henry is in the middle he is 9 years older than Hobie, he is 18. Harley is only 5 years older and she is 14 going on 15 (she helps run the community garden). Hobie is 9!
I am Black but also an American from the midwest. So if I fuck up some of the UK vernacular or whatnot y'all can correct me in the replies or reblogs. If you see this fic floating on AO3 that is also me!
1966 Chevy C10 aka the ugliest truck known to fucking man aka Harley bedroom away from home. Given to her by her old dirt and hay supplier before he moved to Wales, the dark green vehicle that lives parked in their ground floor garage was her escape from a house full of her lanky and, damn-right charlie brothers. She has the bed of the truck softened with a scrap fabric mattress and tens of thrifted comforters and pillows. Her portable record player crones with a Betty Davis record riding the groove with a whining guitar. Harley uses a chunk of mirror propped against her stage trunk to watch herself as she sections her hair into lazy cornrows for the night.
The sky slowly crumbles into a sunset, unfurling into a cool moon, shifting the world to a soft grayscale and sepia. Streetlights outside the garage flicker on and the human officers switch their patrol lights to a slow strobing blue and yellow. Harley gives a big yawn that pops her jaw and hums along to the guitar's riffs. The sound rests really low in her throat, it nearly drowns out the sound of steel door creaking and small steps that padding in. The 14 year old pauses her humming and stretches over to see the interruption of her night routine.
It's shaped lika palm tree, outlined in muted pink with their bare feet slapping around on the cement. Sleepy gray eyes met hers before they lighten to hazel for a moment, then back to sleep gray.
"Comin' ta bed?" Hobie whispers, voice all low and raspy. Harley helps the wire of a little boy clamor over the raised gate, he settles his head on her shoulder after. She chuckles and smears some leftover mango butter on his nose before her hands are back in her head.
"Inna bit. Thought I might sleep down 'ere though. Let my Baney Bart lil brother have the whole bed. You've got ta start wearin' yer socks to bed, ice foot." Harley teases and Hobie whines, then snuggles against her side. 
Harley thought that now with Henry moving in with Rembrandt to the Canal flats would have given her the incentive to claim his room for her own and finally stop sharing both room and mattress with her baby brother. It wasn't easy though, ever since she came on the scene when the twins 7 and Henry was 5 the Brown siblings instinctively cuddled. Like cubs or kittens of some kind. 
Hudson and Hendricks would sleep on their stomach, shoulders piled on top of each other or an arm around the other's back. Henry uses somebody's calf as a pillow and his foot always ends up in Hudson's face. Harley found her spot cuddled over Henry's stomach and when baby Hobie joined the mix she always woke to her shoulder being smothered in his drool and soft snores. They were like cats in that way, if one sibling saw the other napping, they were gonna share that sleep.
It has peter off some, Henry started sleeping over in the art alley with his mandem. Hendricks working overnight security with Pa. Hudson staying with Imani more days out the week(they all wait for the couple to announce the true reason why she was getting rounder). Harley sleeps in the truck when her band mates  sneaks over after the city curfew because their fam is off it or someone is sick with radio or the flu.
But even with growing apart. A cuddle wassa cuddle and baby Hobie was gonna get his full of them. Of course Harley was still gonna share a bed with her little Barty when requested. Hobie starts to fade down to their true colors as sleep wraps him up, 
"Oi! No sleep yet lil boy. Gotta put the 'fro up." She whispers tugging at the puff on the top of his head. Hobie grumbles, going cut yellow with crankiness. Harley counters it with a pink kiss to the top of his head and lets the stocking-band out that release his coils. Hobie blinks blearly in his slumped sit as Harley sloppily parts then flat twists them down into four rows. He gives a little sigh at the cool feeling of mango butter to his scalp but grumbles when she ties a scarf over them. Harley chuckles as she releases his ears from under it and scoots the front back. 
They both know that damn scarf will be half way across the room and on the floor with her bonnet by morning. He cuddles into the front of her, stuck lika kola instead of a boy, smushing his face to her shoulder. Harley rubs his back and hums out the Buddy Miles intro that is stuck in her head as she feels around for her phone. Hobie blinks again as he watches her raise the antenna on top of it then pop in the code for someone. It rings loudly and they both wince before she lowers the volume and tilts the antenna to the right. 
"Headin' ova?" She asks and a voice hums a soft no. Hobie sighs, that was Donovan.
"Dottie and Kirt's gots lead or radio. Feelin' weak me-self, keepa eye on ya water, yeah? Think OsCo is doin' flushes again." He warns softly.
Harley tenses at that. She sits back some and uses her free hand to inspect Hobie's face. She blinks hard and they both revert to true colors. All warm brown skin, black hair and steely eyes. She gives a sigh of relief at seeing that the whites of his eyes as fine, not any spots of yellow. No dryness to his pallor, just sleepy.
"Where you in the fountains today?" She asks and Hobie shakes his head.
"Wit Pa tuday." He mumbles to her, she lets him relax back and resumes petting his back.
"Thanks for the heads up Vonnie. I'll come by wit some bone soup and a filter from Hud in the mornin'. 
"You're a dove Harles. Oíche mhaith a chroí." 
Hobie gives a fakes gag as Harley blares pink then clovers sketches, Gaelic love poems and the expert of Romeo and Juliet having it off etch over her skin in cursive for a moment before she simmers back to sepia.
"Bon lannwit, Mon kè." She says back and hangs up. Harley stashes her phone back under the mattress before turning off her record player. With a practiced ease she carefully slides Betty Davis back into the paper sleeve, then lays the mirror chunk down on a quilt.
"Ann kouche, pinèz." Harley yawns and clamors out the truck bed with Hobie still clinging to her. They make their way up to the flat and to their room. Hobie is nothing but soft breath so it startles Harley when he speaks.
"You gonna live wit Donovan one day? Like Henry and Huddie?" Hobie asks. Harley kisses his cheek and lays them down in bed. She lights a lavender incense cone, then pops it in the holder.
"Maybe one day."
"Gonna marry 'em?"
"Can't get married. He's too Irish. Laws will bang us."
"You don't care." Hobie giggles and Harley smiles real big at that.
"Who said me and Van ain't gonna bang the laws back bruv? Don't worry bout it Barty Bug." She tells him when she lays down fully and loops an arm around his shoulders, Hobie puts his head over her heart.
"You gonna runaway? You two go off?"
Harley hums.
"Where imma go, bug?" 
"... Cuba or Panama, like uncle."
"Too much sun for Donovan. He'd cook."
"Uhm… Canada. Like Erika's family?"
"Too cold. I'd freeze to death."
Hobie pouts at this point, turning into her elbow so he doesn't have to see the sleeply mirth in his older sister's eyes. Her black nails gently grasps his jaw and turns his face back to her. The both flare into blue and black ink and mapwork.
"What's with the questions. You think imma leave, love?"
Hobie nods in embarrassment but softens as Harley kisses his forehead.
"Not without you buggy. Same things goes for Hudson, Hendricks, and Henry. Same thing for Ma and Pa. No way I'm leavin' you even if the Queen, her corgis and the PM demanded it. Even if Von proposed right here. Which is stupid I'm 14, he's 15 and we've had lead poisoning on and off since we was little. So don't worry about Cuba or Canada, hell even Wales. I'm your big sister, we are Browns and some right punks. Labels are nothing but when you put in the care and obligations that comes with the title. Well, you're pretty fulfilled by em. And that means we stick together always. And care for each other always. So don't you worry your head about my crush. Don't worry about seeing my back out the door." 
Hobie just snuggles her closer at that. Harley chuckles and cuddles back. 
If there's one thing Hobie believes in, without a question,  it is his sister.
Oíche mhaith a chroí = Irish Gaelic - Goodnight, my dear
Bon lannwit, Mon kè = Haitian Creole - Goodnight, my heart
Ann kouche, pinèz = Haitian Creole - Let's go lie down, Bug.
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snufki-in · 15 days
A little drarry draft from a ridiculous fic I'm writing, post war, not really cannon
Harry thought it should be obvious why he was less than pleased with the presence of people given his recently exposed upbringing, yet the Ministry personnel and the reporters flooded him as soon as he stepped out of the lift. He scowled as he was assaulted by atleast 40 people all yelling at him with probing questions in the small corridor.
"Why did you disappear from the public eye so abruptly?"
"Why did you protect the Malfoys during their trials?"
"Why did you not press for charges against those awful Muggles?"
As someone pulled at Harry's jumper, he whirled around and in his fury cast a spell with the wave of his had, belatedly realising it was a silencing charm. Now, he could clearly hear his angered breathing and see the shock and even fear on some of the faces around him.
"If any of you try to follow me, I will find a way to make this spell permanent," he yelled, dropping the spell and marching down the corridor towards the room he was directed to in that mysterious letter he had received.
He pulled open the door without bothering to knock, and was greeted with a sight straight out of a comedy. Mrs M- Narcissa, he hastily corrected himself, was pacing the room and ignoring all of Kingleys efforts to get her to sit down. Draco, by stark contrast, was lounging in a chair by the fire and reading. After a cursory glance Harry recognised the book as one of the Wizard of Oz books. After a longer look that he knew should not have lasted that long, Harry saw the glint of gold in Draco's ears. Sensing eyes on him, the conniving prick, Draco glanced up at Harrt theough his lashes. His breath caught in his throat but before he could unpack the weird fluttering of his stomach, Narcissa noticed his presence and rushed over to him in a mess of robes and letters.
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vacayisland · 10 months
Hiii! Not a request but a question, I hope that's alright!
Seeing your writing has made me pretty inspired and I've been wanting to do trolls fics of my own! I've been struggling a lot w some characters, though, especially Floyd
My question is how you figure out their personalities and way of speaking enough to write for them? Unlike the others, we don't really see much of Floyd outside of his brothers TwT so I'm just not sure how to get his character right, but I feel like you do him justice! Feel free not to answer btw!! Hope you're doing well ♡♡
I actually really love answering questions like that, or generally any writing-based question; as long as I help people get inspired to write or help them in their creative journey, that’s what I am here for after all!
So, personally, my way of writing tends to be a little different than other people’s (at least I think it is) but my way of researching characters tends to be the same. So I’m going to try and do some sort of justice of explaining this! Bear with me please and if you have any other questions just ask me.
With characters like Floyd, I tend to find him easier to do. Both because I focused a lot on him during the movie and when it first released, and because he has such little screen time. Of course that’s both a blessing and a curse, because not many will realize that Floyd has a slightly sarcastic way of humor (or at least I didn’t the first few times watching the movie).
Yet with any character you would want to research on them! And that’s a little easier written than done but this is what I did for JD (who was harder for me to grasp on):
When I first saw the movie, I thought JD was what he was first presented as. A rude bastard who didn’t know when his family was upset and pushed them to do things anyways. And while he’s a little bit of that he’s actually a lot more.
Unlike Floyd, JD gets a bunch of screen time that writers should take advantage of! If the background, if you watch JD, you can see the little things that make him not fully a jerk. Such as the upset look he gets whenever a brother goes to Branch first instead of him, and yet how he tries to act like it didn’t bother him. Showing no matter how much of a hard ass he was he does actually are about his brothers in his own weird way.
I also looked upon different sites and saw what they described his personality as. Then I watched the movie, picked what I thought to be true, and honestly that’s what I go on. It’s kind of always changing because no matter how ‘cannon’ you’re trying to write a character there should always be a little self influence of you in them.
Not saying to completely derail a character and make them not cannon, but have fun with it. Take aspects of their character as you wish and just keep practicing and rewriting lines until you feel like it’s correct.
But JD is always harder for me to do, so that’s why I want to do him more. The more practice the better.
For characters like Floyd, who have minimum screen time, I find easier because they don’t have a stricter personality box. From what we see in the movie, what I’ve gathered from websites and other writers (reader other people’s work! They might actually inspire how you write a character a lot), Floyd is sensitive yet witty. He’s smart and caring.
That’s our base line, four traits that are easy to write because they don’t have much to them. THEYRE just traits! Then we can take a few of Floyd’s voice lines to base how can mimic speaking like him; And he speaks a little like Branch but a little on the nicer tone to people he actually cares about.
I don’t know if that makes sense or if it actually helps at all, but it’s a weird process. It’s all about how do you make yourself most comfortable playing and writing the character. Do we much research as you need, take your time! There’s no rush to publish fan fictions, there’s no rush to do anything.
Remember to post only what you’re proud of and what you enjoy. Writing is a process that gets slightly easier the more you practice it, and sometimes it gets harder. But just enjoy it along the way and write only when it feels right. :)
But happy writing and please tag me in any post you publish! I’ll love to read your work.
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saltyr3mix · 1 year
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Ladies, gents, all of the above below and in between here is my rambles about new life sparrow because he has infested my mind like the skulk that infests him.
Okokokokookokooo SO
We love a flawed character who has good intentions and a not so good way of showing them. he comes off as over enthusiastic and insensitive at first with his studies of hybrids. which is....just a tad bit relatable as someone often seen as energetic i can be too much for people at times so i get it.
Also everyone that drew the parallels between the way Sparrow talks about hybrids and O!Owen talked about demons is correct. it's terrifying. and if sparrow ever goes down that arc i will write incredibly angsty fanfiction about it and cry.
If you haven't already im going to point anyone reading this in the direction of my New life smp fic, Storming sacrifices on ao3 by Salty_R3mix cause thats where a lot of this next part comes from.
i head cannon that on New life when players die/switch hybrids they have to fall into a coma like state to do so and it takes time in between those shifts. Sparrow is on the longer side of these shifts for the more drastic the change the longer. to go from human to machine and then machine to skulk. thats like a solid month or two of their body just reforming and recreating. both times.
Anyway hes also insane. like, i get it. but also you could have found a away to make the process less painful im sure. hes smart. but his egarness got the best of him.
Anyway one of my favorite things to think about and debate is the 'chip' in his head. cause to me and my messed up little mind that has read well over at least 20 hours worth of sbi hybrid fanfiction in the summer of 2022. to me that just sounds like instinct. hot take but i don't think it was that big of a deal. what was wrong with the situation was prior to becoming a copper golem, Sparrow was human. if any other hybrid became a copper golem. they would be a lot less bothered by it. Sparrow was not used to that sheer level of inhumane instinct that it overwhelmed him and he just let it. t Not knowing what else to do. until eventually getting so lost and consumed by it that he had to you know....blend himself.
I miss him though. i like robots. and he was so fun to draw. i draw him all the time. just because the design i made for him is one of my favorite things ever.
I haven't seen a character so demised by the narrative that wasn't my own since outsiders Apo and maybeeeeeeee Celio form wtd. beside the point.
He is so overwhelmed and underwhelmed at the same time its iconic. one seconded hes lonely after copper literally abandoned any former relationships. the next he can hear things through the skulk. but then he brings a guy down. kills him. decides to build a gate. AGAIN. WE KNOW HOW THIS ENDED LAST TIME OWEN. WHEN HAVE GATES EVER WORKED IN YOUR FAVOR. i think it's just a cannon event for them at this point. Owen with gates and Apo with levers. (GUYS IM JOKING HERE. DON'T CARY THIS CURSE INTO PIRATES PLEASE LET THEM BE HAPPY FOR ONCE)
Ok yeah. Im really excited to watch skulk and other versions of sparrow later realize that no matter what monstrosity he ends up as. he'll never be as free as he was human again. Every hybrid comes with their own form of instinct that he will be forced to follow. some lighter than others. and hell, even if he does end up as human again the effects are still there forever lingering.
ALSO I AM HEAD OVER HEELS IN LOVE WITH THE 'Wait? His name is sparrow but he still answers to Owen. this clearly must have lore implications.' PEOPLE. To anyone who has ever had that thought you are the best. i've read i think 3? fics based of it and oh my word im obsessed with that idea and the different takes on it.
and here is where i come to a close. do i have more to say? probably. but my hands hurt and my thoughts are slowing in pace so if you want more feel free to ask id be overjoyed but ask another day. i mean i didn't even touch on his interactions with the other players.
i am so clearly sane and stable about this character btw. i don't know what made you think otherwise.
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amarguerite · 3 months
I was rereading An Ever-Fixed Mark recently, which I do pretty regularly at this point, and I was curious about the Mansfield Park characters in it!
At the end, Mary Crawford and a widowed Fanny Bertram are together, and Mary says she thinks she had two matches. I'm guessing that Mary's mark reads Bertram, and Fanny's Crawford (and I absolutely love thinking about how Fanny's refusal to marry Henry would have gone down with that!), though correct me if I'm wrong there. But do you have an idea, at least for yourself, what Edmund's mark might have read?
Thank you for writing such an endlessly delightful universe of stories <3
Oh dear, I have to admit that it’s been so long since I wrote that fic that while at the time, I think I had a complicated head cannon for it, I no longer remember what it was. I think Mary’s said Bertram, but it might also have said Price?
I can’t remember what Fanny’s or Edmund’s was, but I may have said something about it in the comments on the last chapter of the fic.
Sorry! :(
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the-fandom-crossroads · 7 months
My Thoughts on the Alastor Ace Erasure rampant in the Hazbin Hotel Fandom
Disclaimer i am one Ace and don't speak for all Ace's when I say the fandoms treatment of Alastor makes me uncomfortable. I was and still am open to shipping alastor with other characters. But the constant Acephobia and Ace Erasure I see in this shipping content is to a point where I have to point it out.
First off I'm so tired of the "loopholes" folks list off for why they want to write smut with one of the only cannon ace characters we've gotten in years. I had to blacklist "nonsex repulsed asexual alastor" on ao3 because they aren't even bothering to list him as greysexual. Sure an ace can have sex with a partner once or twice. But they act like nonsex repulsed means the ace person can be written having sex every other chapter. AT THAT POINT IT'S NOT AN ASEXUAL PERSON ANYMORE.
At this point I'd honestly prefer it if they just said their fic au is that he's a homosexual. Because half the time them trying to work in "he's still ace guys! he's just also okay with doing a different sex position for each day of the week!" just comes off as Acephobic. And the few times they write him uncomfortable with the start of the sex it just sounds like Acerape or corrective rape. "He just doesn't know he likes it cause he's a virgin." or "he's uncomfortable until this partner starts making him feel good". The WORST ones are the "heat" fics where they have alastor think about if he had proper control of his body he wouldn't want to be having sex right now. because at that point it's just a date rape drug and they are using a fanfic trope to FORCE him to have sex against his will. And it's just so fucked up man.
Yes he is only confirmed as Ace and not Aro. Viv is intentionally not saying he's Aro because she knows it's a lost cause to tell the fandom he's not romantically into people. Because fandom will ship him regardless. So she prioritized making it clear he's at the very least Ace in cannon and there's no plans to give him a partner in cannon. I feel like the HuskDust bits in the final series is because she saw how much the fans shipped alastor and angeldust after the pilot. Alastor was locked in as Ace by the time the pilot was released and she said it on multiple streams afterwards that he would be Ace. Giving AngelDust a different love interest target just seems like the easiest way to shoot down the biggest Alastor ship at the time without saying she's doing it to sink the biggest alastor ship. Of course fans just latched onto Vox and Lucifier but made it worse by feeling the need to say Alastor's ace before putting him in a sexual situations anyway.
Sexuals have thousands of cannon sexual characters to choose from, from countless other series but they feel the need to fight to make the one Ace guy have sex. We get an Ace character and fans immediately try to work around it to still write smut with him. Aces can't even have one character. I'm looking up fics about a psychopath cannibalistic serial killer because he's the only Ace rep I've seen in years that isn't just fan headcannons and I'm getting punched in the face with so much Acephobia and corrective rape, it's horrifying. Aces can't go through the tag of a cannon ace comfort character without facing triggering amounts of acephobia. And that's just wrong. How can the fandom see this as okay??
If he was a gay character constantly being written into a straight ship with people excusing it as "well sometimes gay guys will have sex with women" people would be up in arms about gay erasure. But because it's an Ace character that they personally want to still ship with characters it's not Ace erasure. He's just an Ace that likes to have lots and lots of sex.
ALASTOR IS ASEXUAL. If you are in anyway trying to write Alastor in character or close to cannon. Then he does not desire sex that is the basic definition of Asexual. But yall can't except this tumblr sexy man doesn't want to have sex (because everyone wants to have sex\s). So you bend over backwards trying to explain to an actual Ace person why we are sometimes pushed or pressured into sex and how that's okay. How it's okay for you a not Ace person to write this Ace character being forced into sexual situations. Because "sometimes" Aces have sex. You're right we do sometimes have sex. I'm not saying everyone has to write Alastor as a virgin. But he's had sex once or twice in the last 80 years at most. It's more likely he's gone the last 80 years without any desire to have sex at all. So to go from that to suddenly having sex even once a week is too much sex for him to suddenly put up with. God my Ace brain can't even wrap my head around having sex every week (do you sexuals really do that?). And I haven't gone 80 years free from sexual expectations. To expect Alastor to magically be open to a bunch of sex is ignorant at best. Regardless of what character or ocfemalereadersona you try to push him to have sex with.
I don't know what else to say other than that i'm just tired. Tired and sad. The Ace community should be celebrating the fact that we finally have another Ace character in media. A character the show and creator have openly and constantly confirmed is Ace. But instead we are having to defend ourselves from our own terminology being weaponized against us to erase that characters Ace identity for smut fics.
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z0mbie-bab3zzz · 11 months
Headcannon jamming dont mind me.
TW bcoz I use words like freak and the f slur in ref to my fav q slurs ok
I don't think Pickles would have any qualms or conflicts over his sexuality in his dethklok era except the whole crush on my best friend thing, but it gets resolved somewhere along the way and now they fuck nasty peace on da earth. When he struggled with the bisexual thing it was probably before or during snakes n barrels as he was getting famous and getting more action. And at that point he'd already done a whole gender transition so u kno it was no huge thang. He'd been with dudes before all that bcoz younger him had some comphet, as we all do at some point in younger years b4 we know what's what. Bcoz society. So when he transitioned it was like 'does that make me gay?? Idk I'm super into chick's tho so I guess nawt' then snakes n barrels, drugs and alcohol, and complicated relationships between sparkly underdressed men. U knowww. (Not that drugs makes u gay but it def makes it easier to realize when u don't caare ur just high and horny and gawd ur bandmates r hawt. Have a gay crisis when u sober up) maybe he reads a book or talks to some older queers then he feels better and knows what's up. In my experience you get chiller and queerer as you get older. I hc he's like 40-45 in the show
I feel like he could play free n loose with gender a little more than we see in the show just bcoz im genderfluid/bigender and love making my blorbos do that. But also bcoz he's so mamma which IS cannon so he rlly does have a fun gender. Being the okayest mom he never had. More on that l8ter
Funny to me if the only person who questions the fun gender is murderface and when everyone else is like none of ur business he's honestly just mad that they know smthn he doesn't, he feels excluded. Then he finally just asks pickles and he's just like 'oh yea I'm transexual lol' and murderface is like 'huh okay freak whats that all about' they have a short not the most politically correct or gentle conversation bcoz they're dudes in like 2006 but there's clarity and they're friends and murderface is like 'ok well that's cool ig' and Pickles is like 'ikr' Learn new things every day from ur faggot family/coworkers 🫶🫶
I should just write a fic at this point I love these dudess
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athena-xox · 6 months
Hi! I've been wanting to send asks for a while but couldn't think of a good question until recently.
I have three questions (or perhaps I should say headers).
One: How's your rewrite progressing? At what stages is cannon altered? Are there going to be concepts/characters ignored entirely?
Two: I've seen your (humorous) plea for long/multi chapter eah fics what are some of the favorite's you've read already? Any chance you have an idea of your own outside the rewrite? long or short (chances are yes, for literally anyone in this fandom but it bears asking).
Three: What fairytale(s) would you
A: Like to repeat
B: Could functionally thwart if you had to live through it.
C: Die in, or flee the land to avoid at all cost's.
Omg love the questions. I will admit I’m a bit to brain dead to fully comprehend all the questions so if I answer I different question that what you intended feel free to correct me.
With that being said, the first chapter of my rewrite is done and basically fully edited I believe it’s around 6000/7000 words. Chapter two hadn’t been edited but it’s kinda a weird one so it doesn’t really need to be edited and it’s only around 2000 words.
Chapter 3 I’ve written a bit of it and it’s also a short and I have a layout for it. And chapter 4 is going to be on the longer side probably 6000-10000 words. But after those are done and edited hopefully I’ll publish the fic!!
So that’s the progress, for what parts of canon are being altered, I think a lot of characterization. Bunny, Alistair, Crystal, Milton Grimm, Snow White & EQ are all characters who were either portrayed as good or morally grey that I’m going to make evil (whoops spoilers) and then also kitty isn’t really going to have a redemption arc like she did in spring unsprung, she’s just going to continue to chaotically be herself.
And then just every plotline / character will just be slightly more mature and in depth. And it depends on how you see canon because the rewrite is going to be a mix the tv series + the books which vary a bit on canon. And then obviously a lot more queer representation.
I wouldn’t necessarily say that the epic winter arc is being disgraced but it’s going througu many changes. I’ll probably get ride of the whole through the woods concept because it doesn’t really add anything to the plot (although I am adding a musical that doesn’t really do anything for the plot except allow be to geek (theatre kid) out and give us some cute dizzie moments).
I really want to include her but I don’t think there’s going to be any room for Bella sister. Other things from canon that I’m not including is darise, Meeshell being a horrible singer, DARABELLA, Maddie having visions, the snow king, cupids crush on dexter, the revealer rays, probably lots more but I can’t think of them.
Onto the next question I definitely have some fic recs. I’ll probably make a separate post for it but my top 2 are rewrite ignite restart and a legacy of brambles and thorns.
I think the reason why I’m actually commuting to the rewrite is because it’s really the only eah fic I want to write since I plan to hopefully cover all the characters and ships I like. In my past fandoms I’ve had like 20 different fics I wanted to write but I never got a around to all or them.
Oh wait actually I guess I have one idea but I doubt I’ll ever write it since I want to focus on the rewrite. But during my transition stage from the mlb fandom to the eah I was thinking about an au. Either the eah characters with miraculous’s in the real world or mlb characters at ever after. 
Okay and for the last questions im assuming you’re asking which fairytales I’d like to 1. Be a part of 2. Don’t want to be a part of and I could stop it 3. Would have to run away from ?
1. When I was little I had the yearbook thing that had you create your own eah character and I always wanted to be a princess so I made myself goose girl
2. Definitely wouldn’t want to be like Jack in the beanstalk so I just wouldn’t take the beans
3. Sleeping beauty was my fav when I was younger so I definitely wouldn’t want to have Faybelles destiny. Or be an ugly sister, that would kill my self esteem (no wonder Bella and Brutta ran away)
For the last 3 questions I wasn’t sure if you were asking all abt me or if any were for my rewrite.
Anyways tysm for the ask !!
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theg-unit · 1 year
141 (and friends) professional and  personal Specialty Headcannons.
also I dipped for a hot minute but I spent that time reading twitter thread fics like the internet goblin I am and falling into the multi shipper hole that is PriceNik and poly141 so here are more Headcannons about our favs. 
(also no I won't write Konig Headcannons, I don't like him. pls stop asking)
Areas of interest: academic and personal.
-soap is good at chemistry and chemical equations. the man has the periodic table tattooed on the back of his eyelids and nothing will stop him from making an IED out of literally the most random shit. also knows a concerning amount about atomic physics.  but he also has a passion for all poetry and writes little sonnets in his sketchbook for his partners.
-Price is really good at languages. he's a certified multilingual and is constantly learning. his favourite part is learning niche regional dialects. he is fluent in conversation in all major languages and can speak conversationally in at least 30 others. he also really enjoys horticulture. he can name 50 different grasses according to Laswell.
- Ghost specialises in trigonometry. he can do it mentally on the fly and often comes out correct. he uses it in his sniping, allowing him to be sent on more solo missions, without the need for a spotter. coincidently his secondary talent is navigation, he is bizarrely good at maps and geo guessing games but also used to do orienteering tournaments before his “death”. after the alone mission, despite only being told where the safe house was, ghost seemed to find his way there, without a map, from a city he had only been in for like a week. I like to think his internal sense of direction is like homing pigeon level. you could stick him anywhere and he could immediately find his way back. 
-Gaz is an all-round science man, a jack-of-all-trades. he has a comprehensive knowledge of biology, chemistry, physics, geology and the niche areas as well. zoology, astrophysics, ecology, palaeontology, psychology, genetics astronomy, botany, microbiology and the list goes on. you'll never meet someone with so much knowledge of the natural, social and formal sciences. he's not at university level but he has a thorough understanding of the concepts and case studies for all. he can comprehend the advanced concepts as well. its helped the 141 out of some tight spots. coincidently his personal interest is reading. his room on base and his apartment is full of academic journals and natgeo magazines.
-Alejandro. Mechanical engineering. The colonel of the Los Vaqueros can fix anything with duct tape and a prayer, but he also can build the most robust (and more importantly) high-functioning machinery. all repairs to their vehicles and heavy weaponry on base are done by Alejandro, simply because he doesn’t trust anyone else with the machines that keep his men safe. he also enjoys doing it, it gives him some time to wind down and just tinker with things. His secret talent is weaving and braiding. he was taught by his abuela to not only weave scarves and things like carpets, but also to braid her hair and his sisters once she got too old. (I head cannon him as the oldest and they all lived with their grandma cause their parents died.) he used to braid Valerias hair (as an mlm/wlw besties thing) before she betrayed them. he braided Gaz’s hair once they bonded over engineering.
-Rudolfo. Rudy is an expert in law. more specifically domestic and international criminal law, but he also keeps up with all legal disciplines. due to the proximity of Las Almas to the border, he also keeps up to date with USA law. He's a life saver in sticky jurisdiction missions. he also manages the compounds paperwork for requests. he has a silver tongue that translates to requisition forms. his personal passion is painting though. he feels that sometimes words aren't enough to describe things and loves painting landscapes and the little moments, like a flowering cactus in the middle of the night but also its death the next morning. he knows how fleeting life can be in his profession, and wants to capture all aspects. hopefully more with Ale if they retire.
-Laswell. Algorithms. typical of a spook Kate is an expert in cryptographic algorithms. she spent a few years as a cipher breaker/creator in her early career and hasn't lost her touch since moving to intelligence. all of her transmissions to her sources are hand encrypted and they have a key delivered separately. she creates them herself so that they can't be deciphered. she also does it completely in her head, nothing is typed out. her time off is spent back on her wife's farm, as her passion is animal husbandry. they raise goats, sheep, some assorted fowl and a smaller herd of cattle together.  she has an Australian Shepard and a kelpie/blue heeler dog that she trained herself. 
-Nik is an expert in psychology. not in your typical clinical way, but the body language, tone of voice, mindset and “takes one look and deciphers your whole life” way. His experience is immense and he applies it all the time. he can tell when a prisoner is lying in interrogation and when he's been made during undercover. Nik knows people, and frequently uses his observations to do things like blatantly walk into a restricted area with only confidence and a blank lanyard. the Russian is unparalleled in putting himself in the enemies mind space or pulling off dangerous acts in a crowded area. he’s been teaching gaz some tricks (e.g. the Amsterdam cafe mission). But on the side, he is an excellent barber. haircuts of any length and a full on old fashioned shave, with a straight razor and everything, is his special talent. he does price’s moustache, Jonnys mohawk (even though he thinks its ugly when short), learnt how to give gas a full hair treatment and even does Kates hair. he uses it for missions of course (its a great source of intel) but he also finds it to be a way to show care to his people. 
Valeria: main specialty-economics and accounting. special interest-botany (but strictly focusing on poisonous and hallucinogenic plants)
Graves: main specialty: aeronautics. special interest-being a backstabbing bitch? jk, he's actually super into smoking and curing meats. if he had joined 141 he and ghost would have eventually found common ground there. (ghost actually enjoyed his career as a butchers apprentice)
anyway that's it for now, and I'll try upload more often. feel free to repost on other platforms with credit, my twitter @ is @macG_Unit. also let me know if anyone writes pics based off these, id love to read them. 
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fellshish · 1 year
i dunno who's going round telling you that british people say cock but not dick, but whoever it was is lying to you. granted, people writing smut probably use the word cock more often than dick but it's definitely nothing to do with whether or not the writers or characters in question are british. honestly the two words are basically interchangeable, it's just that people on the internet seem to have this idea that cock is sexier i guess? whatever, i don't know, as long as you're not calling it a yoghurt cannon you're probably doing fine
Azdjdjdjdjd yoghurt cannon!!!! No no i distinctly remember people complaining about the dick/cock thing when i moved fandoms between sherlock and supernatural. But thank you for correcting my cock-up it appears you are right!
A poll just in case…. Because why not
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