#I write for me and I just want 2 share tht 💗
bunicate · 9 months
Tw: mentions of ed
The main audience for fan fiction is the author first and foremost. Write what you want to write because at the end of the day, someone will always have problems with it. It could be the purest thing on earth and someone will go "oH bUt I cAnT ReLaTe-" or "tHaTs OuT oF cHaRaCtEr"
It's fiction. With fictional characters. Not everyone will be able to relate. Not everyone wants to relate. Relating to something is perfectly fine and makes the experience even better (depending on some aspects - going extreme here, but it's not healthy to relate to a scene where a character enjoys hurting ppl or animals out of cruelty and for enjoyment ex. bullying someone irl)
But just because you don't relate to it doesn't mean others can't enjoy it. Also why did you have to bring ED into this lmao? There are different types not just ppl who starve themselves, so idk why you're brining this up anon. Idk how that makes your statement true? It's fine to be upset that your fav author doesn't write for a certain thing anymore but that doesn't give you the right to bash them for it.
And don't generalize everyone in that echo chamber of yours (when you called every ED victim fat phobic) - I just know you're in a community that thinks just like that. It's good to see outside of that chamber anon otherwise you're always going to be narrow minded. Saying as someone who used to think just like that <3
As I said earlier, the audience for fan fiction is the author first and foremost. If you have a problem, block, unfollow, simple as that.
It's up to you to post this or not, but just wanna say you should continue to write what you want to and take care of yourself ❤
posting it because It’s important 2 mi and I want everyone to see 💗💗💗 thank u so much u have no idea how insanely thoughtful this is
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subskz · 1 year
crying again LMFAOOOOO actually crying even harder than bb4 the second y/n said “yr so good chan” i fucking lost it nah they are literally my babies. the way her thumb was hurting bcuz of chan’s cut,,, be so fucking serious rn i can’t do this
btw realizing tht when y/n tells chan “i don’t love you for what you can do for me” that’s prob the first time he heard her say she loves him bcuz he was about to pass tf out from sleep the first time,,, kmsing actually
i legit got no words for how beautiful that entire fucking scene was like i felt it healing me from the inside out idc how corny i sound rn everyone look away while i be vulnerable wit missus rin 🥹 everything they said 2 each other nd the way y/n FINALLY matched chan by opening up and that’s what made the breakthrough. nah i’m inconsolable this series is fucking everything to me
the smut. dawg. you alr know you got me chewing the iron bars in my enclosure every time but this was literally…. a bitch thought she’d get a break from crying during this scene but NAH IT MADE ME CRY TOO 🤣🙏🏽 the part that rlly got 2 me was the sentence about chan’s strength being used to protect others and never to harm,,, the most chanathan thing ever what if this was my last straw. and channie hidin his face, the fucken i love you’s over and over again ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE?!?!? QUICKLY
i can’t believe it’s over like i got no choice but 2 reread bb every day for the rest of my life actually i want to live inside this series. but i love you saur moch girlie queen thank you for writing this fr it changed the trajectory of my life forever nd i can’t wait to see what you do next 🫶🏽
NOOOO 😞 i owe you so many apologies haha i’m very sorry for the emotional turmoil this past week…i hope it was more of a happy cry this time at least! and yes i couldn’t resist such a golden opportunity for the reader to feel channie’s pain…they are connected in ways they don’t even know of!
THERE U GO AGAIN BEING OBSERVANT AS EVER ㅠㅠ you got it!! a very critical moment for channie to hear those words for (what he thinks to be) the first time! i’m thrilled u made that realization but that’s just our genius grindset isn’t it <3 thank you so much my dear you have no idea how much that means to me!! it was a bit of a challenging scene to write but knowing it could have that effect on you makes it all more than worth it, i’m really happy it touched ur heart! 💗💗💗 and that’s exactly it, the reader had to subject herself to the mortifying ordeal of being known just as channie did hehehe
the smut made u cry too 😭 i know it was incredibly sappy n soft i just couldn’t help myself w it being makeup sex n all…esp when the central idea was praising channie n making him feel loved HAHA i blacked out and suddenly 7k words of adoring chan were on my screen </3 i’m so glad u liked that line!! it’s what i love so dearly abt chan (and binnie!) that they’ve got such broad shoulders n muscular arms but such gentle kind souls yknow…their strength is for hugging and helping others and being steady enough to lean on 🥰
i kinda cant believe it’s over either it feels bittersweet…but i just feel so fulfilled overall to have finished this series and to have shared it w you! you uplifted me so much from day one and i’m so grateful to you! your feedback has made me giggle and smile every step of the way, so thank you so much for everything. i love you right back ♡
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pjisskullourful · 1 year
Welcome back queen of queens 💘 I have missed you and your fabulous writing oh so much
Your 2 new stories have made my week so much more pleasant as it started out really stressful. Use me universe will always be so dear to my heart and will never fail to get me all rialed up 🫠 loved the cute little date with ethan and us seeing their relationship developing and ofc them being absolute horndogs 🥵
Upon your comeback I have also reread the entirety of Gay Enough one of my fave series OF ALL TIME and I am here to humbly ask you if you could maybe spoil some cute family moments you might have planned to hold me over until you bless us again with some damithan throuple fun 🫶🏼
thankssssss 💕💖🌸💓💖💕💗💖🌸💞💝💞💖🌸
wow arent you just the sweetest thing ever?! thankyou for such a sweet message❣️
im really happy to be back& im extra happy that i could help turn your week around
i dont really have anythings planned cos im just not working on gay enough material at the moment(got other projects im dedicating my time to, if triple shot can get to 100notes then i'd be willing to share a preview)
but um random headcanon i was thinking of cos i just binged the whole paranormal activity series: cosmo loves creepy things(duh)& gets into watching horror movies while hes still kinda young. it becomes a thing he& ethan bond over, they'll discuss theories about lore/motives the whole drive home after seeing a new movie at the cinema(cos you gotta see scary movies at the cinema, thts one of their rules)& they'll anticipate new movies coming out,etc
one time a new horror movie is about to come out, cosmo& ethan are planning when to see it... but then ethan gets really sick& cant possibly go. damiano steps up to take cosmo, but damiano HATES scary movies, he doesnt get the appeal at all, avoids them at all costs
so he spends most of the movie watching it through his fingers. he freaks at every jumpscare, spilling popcorn til cosmo is like 'im gonna hold it papa'. lots of muttering 'dont go in there, what are you, crazy'& groaning while cosmo is like 'oh cool, wow how scary would that be if it happened in real life', etc. then on the drive home, damiano is playing peppy pop music to change the mood. cosmo wants to discuss the scariest(therefore best) parts of the movie, damiano: 'idk the whole thing'. he doesnt wanna think about the freaky stuff, doesnt wanna get into theories with cosmo, is very on edge
furthermore, imagining the kids asking damiano questions about his tattoos. eg: 'papa what does that tattoo mean?' - 'it means i was bored'
also, all of the kids being expert swimmers, better than the other kids in their class cos of handson swimming lessons with the dads
also they never ever EVER have a gender reveal party during any of their pregnancies
hope that holds you over for a bit
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