#I´ve been very excited about these pages
faerun-s · 4 months
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new simblr!
hello everyone! 👋🏽 you can call me liss (she/her), I am 25 y/o from europe. I´ve been on tumblr/simblr before but I had a longer break (at least three years I think), and now that I have more free time and thankfully a new computer I´m very excited to be back in this community! 💕
There are so many amazing cc-creators! I plan on making a resource page once I start getting more into it. I mainly want to post about my legacies but I have always enjoyed doing lookbooks so there are a few to come as well! Also, I will be WCIF friendly and a cc-finds blog will be created too 🐻
I am really looking forward to connect with you guys and grow with you as a community! feel free to repost, like, follow or leave a message here! 😊
xoxo, liss
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whatitsdecending · 1 year
Chokehold: Pt. III
Vessel x Reader x Noah Sebastian
Disclaimer: I do not know anything more about Vessel than you do, all of this is fiction.
Word Count: 5.7k
Content warning: smut, smut and more smut. Biting, choking, dominate reader, dominate Vessel, submissive reader, submissive Vessel, edging, unprotected sex (wrap it up please, don’t be stupid like this).
The soft light filtering through the curtains pulled you out from your sleep. You stared at the environment around you, and for a split second you’d forgotten where you were. Once your brain cleared up that bit of fog you snorted at your slight stupidity. You rolled yourself over to the side of the bed that had the clock on the table next to it, 12:52 pm is what it read. A sigh escaped from you as you never let yourself sleep so late, but you came to realize if you’d forced yourself up at the normal time you definitely would’ve hated yourself for it later.
You rolled out of bed and to the window, drawing the curtains and letting the white light flood the room. From between the blinds you could see that snow now covered the ground, and it was still falling at a light rate. You adored whenever it snowed back home, especially the first dusting that just covered everything in white and seemed to bring a different brightness to the world around you.
A soft smile was stuck on your face for the entirety of your morning routine, in the shower and in front of the mirror as you did your skincare. You couldn’t wait to get outside to take in the scenery, you kinda hoped Vessel would join you.
Vessel. You haven’t heard a sound from him this morning, not even the creaking of his footsteps in the hallway or the sound of him in the kitchen. Maybe he was still asleep? You never really figured out if he had a set time he’d wake up, although he would typically go to sleep later whenever you spoke on the phone.
You went with the idea that he was still asleep, so when you left the room you quietly made your way downstairs, doing as much as you can from waking him up with a creak on the stairs. The house was very quiet and the lights were all off, allowing the natural lighting to do its job. It was peaceful. Your apartment wasn’t as quiet as Vessel’s home, only because the walls were thin and your neighbors were loud. Living in the middle of nowhere seemed like the thing you needed to do.
With it being past 1pm already, you decided the window for breakfast was closed and that having lunch would be a much better option. You walked into the kitchen and almost leapt out of your skin when you saw Vessel sitting at the table reading a book.
“Jesus Christ.” You breathed, clutching your heart as it beat rapidly. “You scared the fuck out of me, Ves!” He placed a bookmark between the pages he was on and closed the book, a look of amusement on his face. “Oh so you think that’s funny.” You crossed your arms in a sassy manner.
“Yes I do actually, you got so scared of me just relaxing in my home.” He responds, placing the book on the edge of the table. His eyes wandered outside to the snow that was falling. “Did you see the snow?”
You stepped closer to the window. “I did. Instantly put me in a good mood the second I saw it.” That same smile from earlier sat on your face again and the urge to go run outside grew stronger.
“You like snow?”
“Oh I love it. It’s one of my favorite parts about winter.” You expressed. He stared at you with wonder in his eyes, taking in your body language as you spoke. The excitement truly radiated off you like a little kid who just learned that a snow day had been implemented and they can spend the entire day at the local sledding hill with their friends. “Do you?”
“I only hate shoveling and driving in it, otherwise it is quite beautiful.” Vessel said as he rose from his seat, picking up the book to put it back into its rightful place in his collection. With your eyes stuck on the snow outside, he came up behind you and placed a heavy coat over your shoulders.
“What’s up with the coat?” You asked, turning around to see him lacing up a pair of heavier boots and a jacket resting on the table.
“Thought you’d maybe want to go outside and sit in the snow together…” He trailed off at the end of the sentence, glancing up at you. “If not, that's totally okay… I can get the leftovers from last night out-”
You pulled the coat over your arms. “I would fucking love to.” Realizing you didn’t have your boots, you rushed back upstairs to your room to put them on. Your heart raced as you tied the boots up as quickly as possible, hands shaking from the lack of nutrients in your body; but you didn’t care. The last time someone ever invited you to sit in the snow was years ago in elementary school. So at your age, this really was an invitation you could not decline.
Running back down the stairs while your boots loudly echoed against the wood, buttoning up the coat as you sped back to the kitchen. Vessel had an amused look on his face once again as you returned, leaving you to throw your hands up in defeat.
“What now?” You asked.
He chuckled. “You need to see how ridiculous you look in my coat.” He pointed over to a mirror that was just a few steps away, leaving you curious to just how stupid you look. Yeah, he was right. You definitely looked ridiculous. The coat hung down to your knees and the sleeves swallowed your hands, with where your boots ended on your legs it made you look shorter than you were.
“Eh, at least I’ll be warm.” You shrugged, pulling the hood over your head and adding to the look. The edge of the hood covered your eyes and you had to tilt your head up in order to see Vessel, he was just shaking his head at you and unlocking the door to the yard. “Are you regretting letting me stay with you now?” You followed him outside, the chill of the air hitting the part of your face that wasn’t covered.
“Nope.” He said. “I’m actually enjoying it.” You flashed a big smile at him and earned a chuckle in response. Taking big steps through the snow, you stayed quiet to determine if the snow was heavy or not. The crunching beneath your feet gave you the answer you needed.
“This snow is perfect for a snowman.” You blurt out, kicking a small pile that had built up. “If you want to build one with me.” You turned back around to face Vessel, noticing he had both hands behind his back and the most devious look you’ve ever seen on his face. “Oh no-” Was all you barely managed to get out before a snowball came barreling at you. You turned to the side quickly as a reflex, letting it hit your arm. “So you want to play that game?”
His laugh filled the air and added to the playful energy between you two. You bent over to scoop snow into your hands, mashing it together into a ball and whipping it at him. It hit him directly in the center of his chest, making him stumble back a bit.
“Goddamn you have an arm. What did they have you doing on tour?”
“Lifting the heavy shit the guys can’t.”
He grinned. “Of course.” He already had another snowball ready to go and launched it at you, missing by an inch. You laughed at him for it and threw another snowball that hit his shoulder. He stood there staring at you, a bit of defeat showing on his face.
“Oh, did you give up already? Didn’t think you were the type to give up so easily.” You egged him on, trying to get under his skin so he’d continue the fight. He raised his brows in a playful way taking a step forward in the snow before taking off in a sprint towards you. You had zero time to react due to how quickly he came up on you, all you could do was brace for him to impact your body. His arms wrapped around you quickly before the rest of his body hit yours, knocking you to the soft ground.
Your breath hitched as you made contact with it. You noticed Vessel had moved one of his hands to rest against the back of your head, making sure you didn’t smack it too hard. He pushed the hood of the coat up so he could see your eyes, but the second you made eye contact you started laughing. It was amusing that he just slammed into you like a linebacker into the snow. He couldn’t help but laugh along with you, the glimmer of the snow and pure joy reflecting in his eyes and leaving you to just stare in awe.
He calmed down the moment he realized your mind had switched to something else. “You okay? I didn’t hit you too hard did I?”
You shook your head. “No… I’m okay. I’m just-” You couldn’t bring the words together, it wouldn’t come out of your mouth the way you wished it would.
“Need me to get off?” He asks, starting to move off of you and the look of worry starting to creep onto his face. Just as his chest lifted from yours, you subconscious reached up for the collar of his coat and pulled him back down to you, pressing your lips against his. The softness of his lips were all you could’ve dreamed of, the way they pushed so gently against yours allowed the butterflies that were being held back to be freed.
You kissed for what felt like only seconds before he pulled away and the ache for air dragged at your lungs. You took a deep breath and could only stare up at him as he hovered only inches away from your face. He pushed himself up off of you and reached out for your hand, drawing you up once you placed your hand in his.
He seemed to be studying your face as his hand rested against your cheek. You watched as his eyes were locked on your lips and he ran his thumb over them. “You’re turning blue.” His words slipped from your mind before he pulled you close to him. “Y/N, your lips are turning blue.” Vessel walked you back to the house, stomping the snow off his boots and you doing the same. “Come with me.” He says, guiding you through the house into a room you have yet to see. A beautiful velvet couch sat in front of a large brick fireplace, more books littered around the room. This room seemed more lived in than the rest of his home, it had a more comfortable atmosphere to it as well.
Vessel had you sit on the floor in front of the fireplace, taking the wet coat off your body and replacing it with a blanket. He quickly removed your boots and placed them off to the side. You watched with awe stuck on your face, he just did all of that without you even asking.
His face lightened as he lit a match for the fireplace, throwing it onto the logs already resting in it. The fire slowly came to life, adding a warm glow to the room around you. Vessel stepped out of the room for a moment, coming back in just his clothes from earlier. He sat down beside you, glancing at the color of your lips before rubbing your hands between his. He was extremely warm, the heat coming from the fireplace and his body was enough to keep you from shivering.
“You warming up okay?” He asked, a genuine expression on his face.
“Mmhm.” You responded and watched as he poked at the fire a bit. “You didn’t have to do all of this for me.”
“You were turning blue, Y/N. Why wouldn’t I make sure you didn’t freeze on me?” He said, the slightest bit of a “duh” tone ringing out.
“Are you sassing me Ves?” You pretended to be offended and clutched at your heart.
“I can get sassy if you want me to.” He joked. You shook your head at him and turned your gaze back on to the fire in front of you. It danced around as the logs burned, the smell filling the room and bringing you to a calm place. Your mind had been going insane since the kiss you had with Vessel, the fact that he put so much care into you after you started getting too cold made it so much worse. Each little thing he did, from removing your boots to replacing the damp coat with a blanket, had your heart flipping around inside of you. It was these small gestures he seemed to do without any hesitation that made you want it all from him, everything he could ever offer to you, you’d take. You’d take it all so fast, but at the same time it scared you. Things were changing and changing rapidly. If you had asked yourself four months ago if you’d see your future self in a position like this, you definitely would’ve said no. From how things were going for you at that time, keeping your extremely casual relationship with Noah going for however long you both needed was the furthest you were willing to go at the time.
Noah. You’d completely forgotten you had promised to call him back… he probably thinks you’re dead at this point. A deep sigh escaped you at the promise you remembered, now felt the guilt creeping up your spine.
“Hey Ves?” You broke the silence, taking your mind out of the forest of thoughts it was just in.
“Hmm?” He mumbled. He lingered close to you, something you hadn’t noticed until now. His arm was draped lazily behind you and pulling you closer to him. The ability to ask the question you’d originally gained his attention for had suddenly gone away, you couldn’t seem to form the necessary words to say. You could feel his eyes on you as he waited for you to say something; they burned into you deeper than the fire ever could.
Instead of asking what you originally wanted to, you decided to ask another question that had been on your mind since September. “Do you remember when we first met?”
“There’s always been something I’ve wanted to ask you, especially now with how things have come between us.” You felt him shift his body weight in order to get a better look at you, raising his brow as he waited for the question. “What exactly did you mean by “one on one”? Was it just going to be something random like what me and Noah had been doing or…” You trailed off from there, turning and meeting his gaze. “Or am I reaching too far now.”
“You’re not reaching at all darling.” His voice soothed you. Bringing that up had been something dragging you down for a little while, especially when it became clear that Vessel was turning into a more special person in your life. “I remember leaving you that note with the intention of getting to know you better. The moment I saw you I just had to do it… even though I didn’t know the full extent of what was going on between you and Noah until you had explained it later on to me. It was a risk I was willing to take.”
“Are you still willing to take it?” You whispered just above the crackling of the fire. He held his gaze on yours for a long time, until his eyes started lingering on your lips. Your eagerness got the best of you, knowing damn well he could sit and stare for hours and torture your body by not touching you. You ripped the blanket off your shoulders, letting it fall to the floor before climbing onto his lap and pushing your lips on his. The desperation in this kiss compared to the one you shared in the snow was mind boggling, he was just as desperate for your lips now as you were for his.
His hands furiously tugged at your shirt, giving you the opportunity to pull away for a second and take it off. For just a moment his eyes glowed at the sight of the one part of your body he had yet been able to see. He leaned forward to attach his lips to your neck as his hand that had been placed on your back masterfully unhooked your bra. After you let the garment drop from your body, his other hand instinctively took hold of your left breast and massaged it gently. The stimulation of his lips against your neck on top of this had you moaning, your head leaned back to give him all the access he wanted to your neck. His teeth grazed along your skin and sent a shiver down your spine that made your hips buck.
“You like that huh?” He quipped, leaving another kiss against your neck. “Do you want me to mark you up darling?” A whine left your lips as a response, leaving him to chuckle at how desperate you are for him. He trailed up your neck before finding the area he wanted to mark, he licked it meticulously before sinking his teeth into you. Your body didn’t know how to react to that feeling, a new sensation that trickled through your nerves and sent your brain into overdrive.
“Oh fuck, Ves.” You breathed, gripping the back of his neck to drive him closer to you. He pushed his body up from the sitting position he had been in and began to push you gently down against the floor, his hand never leaving the spot on your back. After you’d laid down, Vessel pulled away to take his shirt off and revealed that physique you had grown to miss. He was glowing with the light from the fire bouncing off his skin, and in that moment it seemed you were about to sleep with a God.
He leaned down to connect your lips once again, this time with a more fiery passion than before. His tongue pushed into your mouth, letting yours fight against his. In the battle for dominance over your mouth, his hand made its way to the spot on your back to push your chest into his. His skin was warm and soft against yours, the heat from the fireplace adding to what radiated off him.
Vessel pulled away from the kiss and sat back on his feet, his hands going to your jeans to undo them and pull them off your legs. He stared at the laced panties you chose to wear that day, the lust that filled his eyes as it took every bit of patience in him to not rip them off of you. His fingers delicately slipped under the fabric that wrapped around your hips and pulled the garment down your legs, not once breaking the eye contact between the two of you. He leaned back fully on his feet as his eyes toyed over your body, taking it all in and memorizing every single detail he could see.
“You are so beautiful.” He breathed, his palms resting on your knees as his fingers circled your skin gently. “I want this to be for you, this moment everything is for you. Y/N, tell me exactly what you want and I’ll do it.” There was a pleading tone in his voice as he spoke. His hands remained where they were, not leaving until you would tell him to move them.
“Vessel…” You say, his body perking up at his name. “I want you to touch me, show me how badly you’ve missed me. Show me all that you wanted back in September that you couldn’t do.” A devilish grin crossed his face as his hands moved their way closer up your thighs, his body leaned forward with them. He placed kisses along the inside of your thighs, slowly moving closer and closer to your core. You grew restless as each kiss made you more wet, the slow inching of his face to where you wanted him most drove you crazy. Just as his cheek brushed up against the skin of your folds, you said one last thing. “And don’t you dare edge my orgasms this time.”
“Wasn’t planning on it darling.” Vessel says before the feeling of his tongue dragging up between your folds overran your body. Your hips bucked upwards into his mouth as a moan escaped from you. He was going slow on you, aware of the fact that it’s been a little while since the last time someone had gone down on you. That did not matter for you though, he knew exactly what he was doing and learned quickly the first time around. He lifted his face up a bit so he could focus his tongue on your clit and watch your face when he slipped two of his fingers into you. Your body arched at the stimulation of his fingers pumping slowly into you and his tongue delicately swirling circles on your clit.
“Ves.” You breathed. “Go faster.” With your instructions, Vessel picked up the pace with both his fingers and tongue. The wave of pleasure that hit you was almost enough to send you over the edge, but you held yourself together. His free hand tapped at your leg, giving you the notion to put them on his shoulders. You obliged and draped them over him, allowing you the power to hold him there for however long you pleased.
You used your heels to push him down closer into you as the knot built in your stomach. The moans that came from you were loud and high pitched, which led to Vessel removing his fingers from you and using both hands to grip your hips. He increased the pressure and pace of his tongue on your clit in order to make you cum. You cried out in pleasure as the ecstasy hit you, your hand gripped tightly on the blanket underneath you as you searched for some piece of reality so you didn't get completely lost in the pleasure.
Vessel kept his mouth on you, watching your body shake as it came down from the orgasm. He did not let you catch a breath before his tongue was back at it again and his fingers pushed into you, the extra slick that came from your orgasm made it simple for him to add another finger to the mix. You whined as his tongue hit your clit, it had grown sensitive from all the stimulation that you haven’t experienced in a while.
“Ves.” You cried out, a hum in response coming from him and sending vibrations through you. “I want you to fuck me.” He lifted his face from your core, the sight of his chin and lips being covered in your slick made a smile pull at your lips.
“Is that what you really want, darling?’’ He leaned back against his feet again, taking your legs off from his shoulders and setting them back down on the floor. You nodded, biting your lip as he began to remove the belt from his jeans. “I wasn’t even worried about getting myself off today, but since you’re insisting I fuck you, how could I resist?” He’d pulled his jeans down, revealing his cock that struggled against the fabric of his briefs. He never broke eye contact with you as he pulled the briefs down, exposing his hard cock. You bit at your bottom lip as you watched him remove the articles from his legs and throw them somewhere in the room. He reached over to the couch and grabbed a pillow, motioning for you to lift your lower back up off the floor so he can place it below you. He let you lay back and adjusted it as you needed until it was comfortable for you.
He leaned into you again, placing a kiss on your lips and then your forehead. “You ready?” You nodded and gave him a reassuring smile. He returned the smile before taking your legs and placing them on his hips, using them as a guide to line his cock up with your entrance. Before he pushed himself into you, he ran it through your folds to slick it up, not wanting to cause that much discomfort going in. He focused on the sight of his cock spreading the muscles of your entrance, going slowly in order for you to adjust to his size.
“Oh fuck.” You muttered, the feeling of him inside of you after not having anyone fucking you since September was intense.
“God you’re so fucking tight, Y/N.” He groaned as he slowly thrusted in and out of you. His grip tightened on your hip, adjusting himself to be able to get a better angle to thrust into you.
“Go faster.” You spat out. He nodded and picked up his pace, the sounds of his thighs slapping against the skin of your ass echoed through the room and mixing in with the moans that came from the two of you. The initial bit of discomfort had completely disappeared now and the pleasure that racked your body was all you could think of. He felt so good, the first time he fucked you was good, really good… but with the circumstances of that time, you don’t think it could ever compare to this now.
His moans had turned to whimpers and his face was beginning to contort, notifying you that he was close. Except, this time you wanted to be the one that edged him. Torture him a bit like he’d done to you. So, you put your hand up and signaled for him to stop. He hesitantly pulled out of you and had a confused expression on his face.
“What-’’ Before he could finish his sentence you cut him off by pointing to the couch.
“Go sit and lean up against the couch.” A tone of demand came from you that was unfamiliar, but you liked it and he clearly did too as he quickly moved to where you told him to go. He watched as you stood up, ignoring the weakness you felt from how hard he’d just been fucking you. His breath hitched as you stood over him, placing one hand on his shoulder while you came down to straddle him. Your other hand wrapped around his cock and aligned it with your entrance, the feeling of it filling you up as you sat down left both of your mouths wide open. You let yourself get used to this position before slowly bouncing yourself on him.
“Jesus Christ Y/N.” Vessel groaned, throwing his head back against the cushion of the couch.
Your hand reached out and wrapped around his neck, making him return his gaze to you in shock. “I don’t think so, Ves. Keep your eyes on me, pretty boy.” You kept your hold on his neck, making sure not to add too much pressure to the point where you were actually choking him. His hands found their way to rest on your hips, but you swatted at them. “Keep them on the couch, I don’t need your help with this.” He smirked at how you demanded him, a new found power that you’ve never had the control over.
A rhythm took you over and Vessel’s eyes constantly rolled back whenever you squeezed both his cock and his neck, each roll from your hips bringing him closer to that release he chased after. You watched his face and listened for that same whiny tone in his moans that informed you he was about to cum. You were getting close too, unsure if he was going to cum before you did or vice versa.
“I’m going to cum.” Vessel cried out and his breathing became more rapid. You clenched tightly around his cock and his neck, clearly sending him over the edge as the warmth of his cum filling you up took you by surprise. Your release happened right after, your moans mixed in with the heavy breathes he took as you rode it out on him. You let go of the grip you had on his neck and fell against his chest, your face pressed against the crook of his neck.
The two of you sat there for a little while, coming down from the high. Admittedly, you sat there because of how numb your legs felt from all of this. Vessel seemed to notice your uncertainty with getting up, so he took matters into his own hands and shuffled his way over to the blanket in front of the fireplace, laying you down on top of it. You hissed at the feeling of him taking his cock out of you, your entire core was extremely sensitive now and any little touch or movement made you squirm.
“Let me get you a warm cloth, I’ll be right back.” He kissed your forehead and stood, walking away to the kitchen. You took the time to regulate your breathing a bit, letting yourself come back from the ecstasy you’d just experienced. Vessel came back into the room just a moment later, a damp cloth in his hand. He sat on his knees between your legs, gently running the cloth along your folds and cleaning up the cum that was dripping out of you. The warmth of it soothed your body and finally brought you all the way down from the high.
Vessel placed the cloth off to the side after he made sure he did a good job cleaning you up. He laid down beside you, letting you lift your head up so he could rest his arm beneath it. His other hand rested on your stomach, watching as it rose and fell with each breath you took.
The two of you laid there in a comfortable silence. The primary reason being the utter exhaustion you felt after the physicality you endured, but also still being a bit jet lagged didn’t help either. Also maybe the fact that you just had some of the best sex in your life had some kind of power over you not being able to speak.
Breaking the silence was a loud grumble from your stomach, reminding you that you never ate today. “Jeez I felt that.” Vessel laughed as he removed his hand from his stomach, leaving you to laugh at it as well. “Is this my sign to make you some dinner?”
“I think so.” You wiped at the tears that sprinkled the corners of your eyes from your laughter. “I’m going to go take a bath while you do that.” You rolled out from his hold and pushed yourself up into a standing position, your legs wobbling as you did so.
“Need me to carry you to the bath?” Vessel asked as he placed a hand on your leg to help stabilize you a bit.
“Nope, I should be good, just need to walk around or else it will stay like this for too long.” You smiled down at him, giving him a thumbs up as you started waddling away, the chuckles that erupted from him as he watched you walk away was enough to make you laugh. You knew you looked ridiculous, but you could not help it. Glancing at the time on a nearby clock, you realize it’d probably be later enough in the morning for you to call Noah and not have to deal with his grumpy ass after waking him up.
As you struggled a bit to get up the stairs and to your room, you decided to call him the second you got the bath running. You couldn’t help but have a nagging feeling that calling him was wrong, especially now right after you’d had sex with Vessel and was running a bath in his home.
But you promised him… and who knows exactly the reason he needed to talk to you. Could be work related, most of the time it is. You knew you were capable of keeping it professional and in this case that’s exactly what needed to happen. Then again, the idea of hurting him by telling him exactly where and what you were doing toyed in the back of your mind. Why? You weren’t sure.
It will be the first time since October that you will be speaking to him, the last time being when you all parted ways at the airport after the US leg of the tour ended. You hate admitting it but you did miss speaking with him, especially music. His face lit up each time he got on the topic of how he wrote a specific song or his plans for the future of the band.
Your hands shook as you picked up your phone that was still on the nightstand, glancing at the overwhelming amount of notifications on the screen before going to your contacts and pressing on Noah’s name. You hovered over the icon that will take you to a call, debating if it was the best thing to do.
You walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind you, starting the water in the tub. You stared at the screen again and took a deep breath before hitting the call icon, your phone coming to life as it rang.
It didn’t take long for the ringing to stop and Noah’s voice to echo through the speakers. “Hey pretty girl, I’ve been waiting for you to call.”
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thefringespod · 4 months
Doing something different for #AudioDramaSunday this week because I was very busy and the only thing I listened to was the new @woebegonepod episode (COWBOYIFITAYTION!) So we're taking a page out of @audistorium 's book and shouting out some of the lovely people in this space
Starting with the man, the myth, the Lemon himself, Landon Lemon Whisnant who is just a beacon of light and supportiveness and talent. Everything he does is fantastic (check out @thefinderskeeperpod ! He and @madd-vo kick ass!) I feel incredibly lucky to know and ve friends with him
Of course we're gonna talk about @totcoc0a in this thread. Tot is kind and funny and would go to battle for her friends in a heartbeat. They are endlessly talented and getting to work with them is a gift. There isn't much I *haven't* said about Tot already because I adore her
And can't talk Tot without talking @taytayheyhey who is another incredibly kind and talented person I'm so lucky to be friends with. I got to meet him in person this week and it was a highlight of my year. Tay is incredible to work with and be friends with. I love him dearly
Tay is also the one who introduced me to @doomedbythenarrativ who is wonderful and amazing and so fucking talented. Everything they do just bursts with this incredible energy, from their voice acting to singing to art. Getting to be her friend is also a gift, I adore her so much
@louis-dc is my brother in every way that matters. I love him dearly, he's talented and kind and amazing and commits to the bit so hard. If you've never gotten to work with Louis, you need to snap him up for a show he's incredible as a VA and as a director (and as a friend)
@kit-n-kboodl sent me a discord dm asking to be friends and I have been pack bonded to him ever since. Not only will Kit hype you up, he'll help you destroy your enemies. He's an amazing artist, a superb writer, a fantastic VA, and a wonderful friend. Everyone needs a Kit <3
@delaylays is one of the coolest people that I've ever met in my life. They make an incredible show that does so much emotional damage to me, they're funny and fun to talk to, they would also do battle for their friends. I know I keep saying I'm lucky to know folks, but its TRUE
@athansmusic doesn't check tumblr much which means I can say nice things about him without him knowing hehehe. Talented doesn't begin to describe Athan. Idk how he does what he does because it's literal magic happening right before our eyes. He's chaotic and amazing
This thread is very long but I would be remiss if I didn't mention CL Hendry ( @ethicstownpod ) and Cai Gwilym Pritchard ( @chainofbeing ), two of the first people I got to know in this space. They have been endlessly supportive and are also so fucking talented. Knowing them is a gift and I thank the universe for it
I should hopefully be getting caught up on podcasts this week because gods I miss listening to my lil stories. Until then, thank YOU for supporting our show! Season 3 will be coming in the early fall and I'm so excited for yall to experience it
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Oh my goddddd I’m so in love with this chapter stop it right now!!!!
There is literally NO WHERE ELSE Frankie and George should have been hearing the news of VE Day than with each other. They started that war together, and it’s only right they see it through to the end together, and I love love love that you gave them that beautiful moment. Seeking out Rosie and Ev only after they’ve had their moment was perfect.
Uhm, baby Maggie Rosenthal is that you I see in the near distant future??? Omggg so excited for that sweet girls debut!
EV BLAKELY YOU GET YOUR GIRL (im such a Blakely stan holy cow that’s my fella lol) the way George and him are on the same page without even realizing it that’s how much they love each other. George SO deserves that happy ending after losing Curt and feeling lost for so long while Frankie and Rosie navigated their own relationship. The comment Frankie makes about thanking him for marrying the love of her life, I got so weepy because I said the exact same thing to my best friends husband on their wedding day, and it’s so true. Men can come and go, husbands (hopefully they don’t go but you get my gist), times move on and whatnot but a best friend that’s your family is forever. Thank you for giving Frankie and George that beautiful friendship.
I’m so glad she got a moment at the end with Bucky. That relationship is so special, and she sees the hurt he’s trying not to openly convey, and she tells him she sees it without being outright which is so well written by you, as always.
You’ve got me all up in my feels once again, friend!! Thank you!!!💗
george and frankie. you occupy my every waking thought. it HAD to be them!!!! aside from the fact they've been in it together for the longest, literally no one else in this story can understand their experiences as well as each other. these two have been working their asses off for SIX. YEARS. those girls deserve this more than anyone
it's been really integral to me throughout this story to place frankie's platonic and romantic relationships on equal footing. it's very important to acknowledge that her relationship with rosie is NEVER going to outweigh the one she has with george (and vice versa) - these people are her soulmates, and they're both equally necessary in her life. i think this chapter was really important for that reason - yes, they're celebrating with the men they love, but they're also celebrating with each other
MAGGIE IS ON THE HORIZON. and by horizon i mean. we are meeting maggie next chapter
frankie and bucky. ohhhhh help me. they're everything to me. they're really just this huge hodge-podge of different feelings all bubbling together but in the end it never really matters what kind of love they have for each other because it's still Love and they both need each other so dearly.
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daughterofhecata · 7 days
for the writer's asks: 2, 3, 10, 19 <3
[ask game]
2. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
Well, I'm currently in the process of writing some Bob/Sax, and I'm actually really looking forward to some horny Sax description xD Other than that I'm really excited to write the Whumptober Day 18 fill (I'm doing them pretty strictly in order), because I have a *very* interesting idea for "Revenge / Unreliable Narrator / Loss of Identity" :)
3. What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
Hm, had to think about this for a while, because, uh. I usually just write directly what I want to write and then care about set-up and context later - if at all. But there certainly are a lot of bits and pieces rotting deep in documents that haven't been touched in years, and some of those scenes I would love to share, but it doesn't make sense to do it, because they would need a lot of build-up to hit emotionally the way they're supposed to.
10. How would you describe your writing process?
A very decent mix of order and chaos? I do try to sit down to write/edit every day, I can usually produce like at least 200 words a day, I'm extremely disciplined when it comes to prompt challenges (ie - keeping the word count I#ve set myself, filling all days even if inspiration is sparse, goign in order if I told myself that'd be what I'd do, etc). But I'm also drowing in WIPs, most of which will probably never be finished, my ADHD is the one deciding what I'll work on and most documents are a mess of unconnected scenes that I inevitably struggle to stitch together in the last steps.
19. Is there something you always find yourself repeating in your writing? (favourite verb, something you describe ‘too often’, trope you can’t get enough of?)
"gelinde gesagt" & "unwillkürlich"... ���� Also I love describing people (esp hot older men), even though I'm not convinced I'm particularly good at it, and there is probably too much "character looking at something/someone" happening - the person holding our Creative Writing class even remarked on that after reading a text of just five pages 🙈 And my ao3 is overflowing with fic tagged "Dom/sub undertones" (or varietes of that tag) and/or "Age Difference". And I'm not going to be ashamed of that either 🤷‍♂️😄
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boymage666 · 1 year
I survived the
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Anyways I'm gonna talk about it now. no readmore because mobile tumblr is dumblr, sorry.
So, only slightly relevant to anything, but I did the entirety of the game during the school day. Started around 11:30, but I didn't find my first charm until about 12:45 (I had to go to an assembly then eat lunch)
Finding the charms was a pretty fun challenge, the only one I didn't get on my own was the heart (thanks for that one @wizardgoblin )
had to take another break after submitting the charms because I had to get back to school, by that time 3 people were already done. No big deal to me, all I wanted was top 13. So I do my work for that class and open Tumblr again to start phase 2.
This is a good point to say I love codes and cyphers, so I was very excited at the idea of the next part, only to metaphorically fall on my ass because I forgot that the actual question was on the main post about the game. Once I found that again I copied it onto a sheet of paper so I could write out the sounds as I figured them out. And so the teacher of my next class wouldn't flay and crucify and sous ve me for using my phone, but more so i could write my thoughts.
This bastard. (affectionate)
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That symbol right there caused me the most trouble of everything, I thought for a moment I was going mad because I couldn't find anything like it in the sample text. But you know what? I think it's better that way. Made me think harder. I was kinda skipping around on words while translating, going for the easy words first then the words that I felt would be important. Decided I would hold off on this word and skipped back to the line above it to solve the big word up there. Catchphrase. And the last word was "Weekly". I realized then that this had to be "Wizard".
I'm glad that the "z" sound wasn't in the passage, it made me think harder about the puzzle, and that was fun in hindsight.
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(please ignore the blatantly mistranslated word on the second row.)
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Unfortunately I don't have timestamps for exactly when i entered the maze, but it was probably around 3:40, as I remember realizing school was about to be over, which meant I'd have to drive home before finishing if I didn't get through fast.
On the first page of the maze there were three options to choose where to go. I translated the first option, If I recall correctly it was scoundrel. Did not want to deal with that, the second option I couldn't translate immediately, so I skipped to the third option. Merchant. Sounds safe enough, I should go there.
So I did.
Reading the options, and knowing I was at a merchant, I decided to barter, and got an item. Cool. Sick even. So I move on.
[something] [STRENGTH] [STEALTH]
Decided to go stealth, and remembering how the merchant went, I choose the stealth option. Made it out with a cool gem. Encountered the dragon. Decided I didn't want to give up the candle and tried using the gem. Back to the start. Same path with the merchant, chose the option i didn't translate for the monster, and decided to try and charm it. Sandwich aquired. Not a good offering, back to the start. Merchant and gem? Close but no. Finally, I decided to try and fight the monster. It worked, and the item visually matched what I got from the merchant much more that the other items, sure enough, it was a good enough offering, and I got to move on.
Last part of the maze. 14 options, one was correct, spotted it immediately. Escaped at 3:57 pm ctz, day one of the race.
Honestly, I thought the game was fun! The maze was slightly easier than the cypher, for better or for worse, but that also could have been on me by refusing to try the other routes at the start of the maze. I can't wait to see what future events have waiting for us! Thanks for hosting this @wizardweekly
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omegawhiskers · 11 months
Dynamite 26/10/23
A Gift for Sting
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Dynamite opened up with a fired up MJF. We had appearances from Adam Cole (via phone), Roderick Strong and the Man in the Devil Mask.
The action began with MJF defending his Dynamite Diamond Ring against Juice Robinson. Juice received a vicious ass kicking outside and around the ring from the get to. The victory came for Max when the Gunns goofed up, giving the Champ enough time to slip the ring on and sock Juice in the jaw.
Post-Match saw a beatdown on MJF with Strong and The Kingdom making the save. Roddy stayed in his wheelchair while The Kingdom got easily discarded. But do not fear, The Acclaimed is here as they cleared the ring. The furious Gunns issued a challenge for the ROH Tag Team Titles at Full Gear. MJF takes the offer but wants a piece of all four members before the PPV. Next week it – in the main event – it will be The Bullet Club Gold ve. MJF and three partners of his choosing. Right away Roddy and The Kingdom as dismissed, followed by he Acclaimed. This begs the question, who will team with MJF? The pressure is stacked as Kenny Omega comes out and makes a challenge for the Triple B. MJF accepts the match for this Saturday on Collision. Later, Samoa Joe offered to team with MJF under one condition; that he is given a title shot.
Next was Hook teaming with RVD to take on the Dark Order’s Alex Reynolds and John Silver. There’s no clear direction for The Dark Order. The main idea is to shine the light on Hook and for RVD to help ignite the crowd.
Tony Schiavone in is the ring to give Sting a gift from Tony Khan. That gift is Ric Flair. I can't say I'm disappointed. I never expected Flair to be in an AEW ring to be honest. The Nature Boy says some very sweet words to Sting. Christian Cage, along with Luchasaurus and Nick Wayne came out and interrupted the feel-good moment. Christian destroyed Flair verbally and issues as challenge at Full Gear. The bout will be a 6-man tag team match. Fortunately, Flair won’t be fighting with Sting and Darby Allin.  Later, both men try to recruit Adam Copeland who refuses to fight Christian. Sting attempts to talk some sense into Copeland. I do think Adam will join the fight at Full Gear, but I sense a heel turn.
Chris Jericho had a sit down interview. He vows to get revenge on Don Callis. Jericho states he has lots of friends and some of them are bigger than Will Hobbs. Who is the Ocho talking about? Paul Wight of course! Nah, that wouldn’t be it. Maybe it’s not size he is referring to but star power.
The ROH Trios Tag Team Titles were on the line as The Young Buck & Adam Page defended against The Hardy Boyz and Brother Zay. I’m not a fan of the ROH belts appearing on AEW. I don’t watch ROH, so I’m not following the journey of these belts. The Bucks and Hangman retained in a non-exciting bout. Before a celebration could begin, we cut to Swerve and Prince Nana breaking into Page’s home. Both men walk through the house. Swerve made his way Adam’s baby boy’s room. It was quite a uncomfortable moment as Strickland gifts the baby with his t-shirt. He vows that the baby will one day owe him something. This feud has become personal, and it must end in blood.
Hikaru Shida defended her AEW Women's title against Ruby Soho. Early on there was a botched cross body and from that point on the match never took off. There was a moment where I thought Soho was going to win, but that's as far as the drama took me. If the moves were tightened up, I think this would have been a solid bout. Toni Storm and her new butler, Luthor made an appearance on stage for an exchange of stares.
Orange Cassidy and Kazuchika Okada took on Bryan Danielson and Claudio Castagnoli in a very good main event. The crowd were behind Orange and Okada. The ending was odd tough. Bryan was left holding his face in a kayfabe injury while the BCC came to his aid. Things were getting tense as Hook and Best Friends came Oranges side.
Most of the show was setting up Full Gear and continuing stories. The wrestlers who ate the pins are kind of in purgatory. What do you do with The Hardyz, Ruby and Dark Order at this point?
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artemispt · 1 year
Babe babe babeeee guess who's back and girl yk what I think at this point we should just start taking taking dancing lessons theres only so many moves I can imagine in my head when Carlos is doing so well.
I also love it when you always reply to my asks and indulge me in my madness so sweetly makes me always wanna hug you so tightly and never let you go (once again i genuinely genuinely adore you, and istg you're my favourite blog to talk to)
Fun fact I've never eaten sushi before. Smth about fish really doesn't click with me .
Ooh darling the concerts sound exciting. Are you gonna go to a few them or just like one. Tell me all about em if you go okay I'd love to hear about it.
Sending you more more hugs because of the team building thing at work. I hope you feel better about it. And babe ik you can do it . I'm also willing to sign up to be your personal cheerleader if you need. I've been told I'm really good at pep talks. I'll always ve in your corner if you need me.
And I'm okay. Degree is kicking my ass but that's the usual. I got my exam dates so that's stressful. And my hair well like you said it didn't look that bad the next day and darling believe me when I say this you really helped me that night even the article was godsend. So thank you thank you again for that. Anyways lovely talking again. Sending you so much love from me. Hope you had a great weekend.
P.S sorry sorry for such a long message I really got carried away.
HIIIII!!!! *HUGS YOU* CARLANDO PODIUM AHHHHH I think I'm gonna dream with it today! Awww and I really love receiving your messages 🥰 I also adore you, you are always so sweet (I'm sure I already said this, but it's true and I need to say it). Oh you're like Lando! Now I'm hearing Carlos' voice in my head saying "Lando, it has no fish this one!" (I LOVE that video). I'm gonna go to a few of them. No famous bands, but I love them! (I'm a metal kind of girl, although I listen other genres as well). Yes, I can tell you everything! Oh I might need pep talks every day ahahah It's just like for some reason I'm a completely different person at work. Here and with family/friends I'm easy going, funny (I think ahahah), but I'm VERY SERIOUS at work. There's some days that I barely talk with anyone. So, team buildings are hell for me. Ok, sorry for sharing too much, don't want to bother you! I'm sure you will do very well on your exams! What are you studying? (if you want to share, of course) Ahh I'm happy you're feeling better with your hair and that I could help you in some way ❤️
No need to apologize, you can send a 1000 page message if you want! Hope you have a great week! A million hugs to you 🫶
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good morning! I was so tired yesterday that I forgot most of what I wrote so it will be a surprise for me to read it all again 😶 ALSO, EXCUSE ME??? I wake up and see that you posted a fic, I was expecting something cute (it was cute) and I got punched in the middle of the face!! I love parker!reader because I wanted to be spider-man sooooo bad, but I'm halfway there because I'm miles morales coded, it's more than enough to make this girl here happy 🙏
not even with a second star...? Hjdkaajk I would like to know how I make this easy, would you tell me? 👀
to preserve myself I will neither confirm nor deny this. you have a point there, but by the way the carriage is going your star won't arrive anytime soon. I won't be waiting. oh that's good, because I don't like doing that either and it's not like I wasn't climbing the walls with that last fic you posted. since we're not talking about alpha!Kate, will there be more of this, like a part 2 or something like that? asking a friend-
c'mon, I'm trying but you're not helping at all! I could easily say aww and laugh at the same paragraph again because I definitely see an opening. why financial compensation?? I just laughed! OH- you're threatening me with the sad eyes emoji?? again!?!?!?
thanks. i am still learning. YOU- JDHKSAKAK It's always a phrase that matches the context, how is that possible 😭
yeah? why does portuguese scare you? 🤔 there's definitely a lot to add, but in a way you kind of left the idea complete??? she knows what that feeling is like and not wanting anyone else to go through the same thing and not wanting to drag people down with her is so- this makes me think that she hates being alone but thinks that maybe it's the best thing just so she doesn't bring someone into this mess that she is (I'm pretty sure I said exactly what you said). anyway she just needs a hug damn ☹️
– 🌟
good morning! i''ve been awake for a while but i have a feeling my responses will still be messy af 😶 at least i only have one class today and then i'm free to freak out over my assignments. i love being unpredictable like that :) but yeah, i tried to make it cute to counteract the sadness. i honestly feel that, i liked tobey's version of spiderman a lot but andrew's is...i honestly can't decide if i want to be him or with him [and i'm gay af lmao] miles morales coded, you say? interesting.
hmm, i might be convinced with a second star but idk. it kinda sounds like you'd be willing to bribe me 👀 i could tell you but then i'd have to delete my blog so, these thoughts will stay in my mind.
hmmm, i think that just proves my point further but sure. well, considering you were offering me another star to get me to admit you were right, i'm not too worried about my second star not arriving. good 'cause it's not like that's what i'm going to do later today. i'm so glad we're both on the same page about this 'cause it'd be awful if you kept doing it. i'm definitely not very excited that you're not asking about a part 2 to alpha!kate. and because you're not asking and i'm not excited i won't tell you that i really, really, want to do a part 2 but idk what i want the plot to be. i could just suck it up and do like...multiple fics in one, like a look-through of the relationship starting from when alpha!kate rescues R. but idk. i certainly wouldn't like to hear your thoughts on this.
how is it my fault that you're laughing at me??? you could just say aw and move on, you don't have to laugh 😑 you don't think that requires financial compensation? i'm out here being vulnerable and you're laughing. i'm one sentence away from spamming the sad eyes emoji.
like i said, you're doing great, i might have to pull out my handy emily dickinson poetry book and really test you. i honestly don't know how i do it either, i just associate a lot of words with things so when i see an opening i drop a reference.
i don't know, it just feels like a lot to tackle which is, again, ironic since you could argue all the other languages i've chosen are difficult af to learn. i think it just scrambles my brain when i hear it spoken out loud 'cause i can catch some words while others sound very different. my ideas are anything but complete lmao. that's exactly what i mean. although i do wonder how much of it is just me projecting lmao. it's just striking that someone so talkative and excitable has like...zero friends. that we see anyway. and considering how loyal she is, you'd imagine there'd be at least one reference to her friends. which definitely adds to why she instantly attaches herself to clint. like yes, she's trying to prove herself but also, she doesn't really have anyone else. i definitely agree that being alone is sort of a defense mechanism for her and that's probably why i love her sort-of friendship with yelena. they compliment each other in a way they both so desperately need, even if they won't admit it. hard agree with that last point, see all my headcanons about kate being touchstarved af.
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sinisterbug · 1 year
More from the fanfic ask game: 🖊🏅😈
Post a snippet from a current WIP.
Oh THAT is hilarious. It's been so long since I've worked on We've Already Met (Geraskier & Ves/Jas) that I didn't realize I had absolutely ZERO words in progress for the next chapter. I was like, hmmm, wonder what I've got in there, and I open it up to see an entirely blank page except for the words "Chapter 11".
So here's something from Everything, Everywhere, All At Once Part 2:
“But I have had a rather exciting day. I’m more than ready to get out of these ill fitting clothes and into something more comfortable. So I,” Jaskier pointed to herself at this, “am going behind that screen to change while you and Yennefer have a little chat.”
What is something you recently felt proud of in regard to your writing (finished a fic, actually planned for once, etc).
I wish it had something to do with my actual writing skills, but I'm very proud with how far I've come, and how hard I'm STILL working, to resolve my trauma and reactivity that revolves around writing and feedback. I'm learning to write for myself again.
Is there anything you enjoy doing that you think your readers hate?
I dunno. Pulling weeds? I garden, and weed-pulling is the closest I get to meditating.
(I KNOW that wasn't the nature of the question. But I struggle enough with putting negative, imaginary voices to the anonymous faces of internet strangers, so I don't really want to know or think about what they might hate about my writing.)
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yandere-daze · 3 years
Headcanon Commission #1
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This is another commission for a lovely anonymous person that requested a continuation of this yandere Keito post where reader finds out about Keito´s obssession with them. Soon it comes to light that they too might like him more than they probably should <3
I don´t think I´ve ever written yandere reader before so this was fun to think about!
tw yandere, yandere reader, obssession, possessive behaviour, unhealthy relationship
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Reader discovering Keito´s yandere tendencies and turning the tables on him
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You had always enjoyed spending time with Keito, finding his generally collected personality a breath of fresh air from all the chaos surrounding you. There were always so many loud and excitable people hanging around you, talking your ears off endlessly to the point where you would visibly relax when Keito came around to scold them a bit
Of course you liked your friends, but sometimes they were just too much to deal with. That´s the reason why you honestly didn´t mind whenever the Akatsuki leader would interrupt your conversations and “chase them away” with his lectures
You noticed that he had also began inviting you to the student council room on a regular basis recently. He had explained that it was so you could study without any noisy distractions but you couldn´t help but notice the fond smile on his face whenever you agreed to go with him
He had student council work to do, he said, so it was most convenient to go there but Keito never actually seemed to fill out any documents when you were around. Instead you would feel a strong gaze on you whenever you tried to study for any upcoming tests, only for him to turn away with a flush on his face and a huff whenever you looked up to catch him
“How cute”, you thought to yourself, finding it adorable that Keito acted like you hadn´t just caught him staring at you for way too long as to not be creepy.
And even though being stared at so much is something you had always been uncomfortable with, you felt like you didn´t care that much when it was him. You even found it kind of endearing
The more time went on, you started really looking forward to your studying sessions with Keito. Knowing that you two were alone together for several hours and only had eyes for you made you feel really giddy. You don´t even bother saying half-hearted goodbyes to your friends anymore when Keito comes to meet up with you, they´re nowhere near as important at him
As soon as he enters the picture, it´s like everything else stops existing, nothing else mattered
You had realized a long time ago that the feelings you held for Keito weren´t regular love anymore, they were even stronger somehow. You were absolutely obssessed with him and wouldn´t have it any other way
You had been wondering on how best to approach your feelings when one day, you walked into the student council room while it was still empty.
Keito had sent you a message earlier, saying that he had to talk to some club leaders because of his student council duties and that you could wait for him there, he would join you soon
You remembered sneering when you saw the message. You weren´t mad at Keito, no you could never! But who did these people think they are to just take up his precious time like that? Time that he was supposed to spend with you at that! It was absolutely inexcusable
Still, you had made your way there and were now standing right beside Keito´s desk, when a stack of paper caught your attention
Now it wasn´t a surprise to see many sheets of papers here of all places but they felt distinctly different from all of the other documents lying around
In your curiousity you picked them up, only to see that they turned out to be very beautfiful drawings. Flipping throught the pages, you found it to be a handdrawn manga of sorts, something that must have taken a lot of skill and effort. Had Keito drawn this?
And then you felt your heart beat faster when you realized that the two main characters beared a stark resemblance to you and Keito, both in appearance and personality. Looking at the text, you discovered that they even had both of your names!
There were pages upon pages of the protagonist professing his undying love to the drawn version of you, ranting about your kind heart and the way you appear in all of his thoughts, how he can only think of you and no one else. How he wants to be with you at all times. How he wants you to love him so desperately. How he wants to get rid of everyone that dared to look at you for too long
The declarations of love slowly grew more and more obssessive, enought to majorly creep out any sane person.
You knew you were supposed to be shocked by this, scared, betrayed and disgusted. But instead all that you could feel at that moment was...
Pure, unadulterated happiness
Because this meant that Keito liked you in the same twisted way you liked him. You always knew you two were meant to be together!
At that very moment, as if fate had willed it, the door to the student council room swung open and Keito stepped into the room, looking mildly annoyed but apologetic all the same
“Please excuse my tardiness, one of the club leaders took up more of my time than I had expected.”
His calm face soon changed into a look of shock and desperation when he saw what you were reading. He rushed up to you in a frantic nature quite unlike him as he scrambled to explain.
“This. this isn´t what it looks like, I promise! Please let me ex-”
You interrupted him with a kiss on the lips, to which he made a surprised noise in the back of his throat, his eyes widening but before he could reciprocate, you pulled away from him
“There is no need to explain my dear, I´m so happy you feel the same way I do!”, you exclaimed in adoration
“The same?”, he slowly spoke as if unsure he had heard you correctly. Also very possibly still dazed from what had just happened
“Yes you heard right, darling! I love you with all my heart, I´m obssessed with you and everything you do! I want us to be together forever and ever!”
You took his shaking hand in yours and intertwined your fingers as you gazed into his eyes with a lovesick expression
“You do feel the same, right?” You asked him with a sense of urgency as your shoulders trembled, furious at the very thought of him not adoring you
Keito was quick to reassure you though as the very same kind of lovesick look appeared in his eyes. He gently squeezed your hand in affirmation and gazed right back at you.
“There´s no need to worry, y/n. I love you more than anything”
You very visibly relaxed, overjoyed at his conformation but then soon grew tense again as you remembered the reason Keito had arrived late today
“Those people you were talking to just now, who were they?”, you asked in a serious tone
“Well several people responsible for looking over the different clubs, why? They were too insignificant to remember in comparison to you”, Keito asked, confused about the sudden change of topics
“I need their names, darling. They thought they could interrupt our time together with their stupid issues, they´re trying to tear us apart! I don´t want you to spend any more time with them, alright? In turn I won´t talk to any of my old friends ever again as well, alright?”
“We´ll only have eyes for each other from now on, okay? Let´s promise to let nothing come between us again, starting from today!”
To which both of you could only share the same kind of twisted smile, a silent promise just between the two of you
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misguidedasgardian · 3 years
My love, his duty // Chapter 4
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Chapter Summary: The day of the wedding is upon you, and you wonder, wonder about a lot of things
Pairing: King!Bucky Barnes x Princess!Reader (very ambiguously described)
Chapter Warnings: Alcohol consuption, alcohol induced talk, talk about sex, talk about loss of virginity, marriage/religious ceremony
+18 please. (but just for explicit sex scenes)
Word Count (Chapter): 4,2k
Notes: This is a lengthy one, I just wanted to give it to you full, I couldn't find a good point in which I could cut it in half or something, I had to cut the consummation scene since it was lacking some things
The one that finds the Princess diary´s quote receives a virtual hug!
The princess realizes she has two powerful allies
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“Did the princess reach the palace safely?” It was already dark when the King had finished the review of the plans for the ceremonies to come, the two most important ceremonies.
His marriage, and the coronation of his Queen
“She did” Steve sat in the other chair in front of his King and friend, in front of the fireplace
“How was she?”
“Upset” Bucky took his gaze away from the flames to look at his friend
“She wanted to talk to you, she was looking for you that night”
“I know that” he frowned
“She saw you” Steve said, “with Sharon”
“I don't believe that”
“Then why did she expel Sharon from the trip? Why did she looked so upset?”” Bucky draw a sharp breath, rubbing his temple with his index and middle fingers
“Well, shit”
“Do you plan on keeping Sharon as your mistress even if you are married to her?”
“I don´t know” he said sincerely “It's been ten years since I´ve been with Sharon, what am I supposed to do? Tell her to fuck off?”
“Why? Do you love her?”
“I don´t”
“Does she mean something to you? Do you consult her? seek comfort in her?”
“I don´t” he repeated quickly
“Then why?” demanded “It was cruel of you to appoint her as one of her ladies”
“Well, she is from a noble house, and she can't just go around calling herself the mistress of the King” he stopped, and he took a long breath, “She… is like a relief” he stopped himself to ponder more upon the matter, “What if love doesn´t come to me and (Y/N) what if I only lay with her to make heirs?”
“Will you at least give it a try?”
“Why do you care so much?”
“Because I think she is good, and kind, and deserving of your respect” he said bluntly
“And what do I do with Sharon?”
“Do something God dammit!” Steve growled, “You are the King!”
“What do you want me to do Steve?” he growled back
“Marry away Sharon” he said, “And give yourself to the princess, if you do, she will give you the entire world”
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Your stay in the Queen's tower was going by rather quickly, you had have medical exams to prove your maidenhood, and you had received the visit from the King's personal confessor, and also, her personal chamberlain, for some teachings about household, and what it would consist of now that you'll become Queen. And before you knew it, you were putting the golden and white gown you'll use tomorrow in your wedding day for the last fitting
“You look beautiful” said Wanda, and the ladies agreed
“The King will swoon when he sees you” said Lady Jane
As you looked yourself in the mirror, you were interrupted by a knock on the door, your guard entered and behind him, entered the young page
“Your highness” called Peter, “His majesty send you this” he presented you with a huge jeweled box, a splendid thing in itself, but when he opened it, all air inside seemed to abandon you
Inside there was a diamond tiara, it´s shape resemblance waves of the sea, you found also a matching necklace and pendants, resting in blue velvet at the bottom of the box
“It would please him so you used this tomorrow” he said, excited, “As this are the jewels that her mother used in her wedding” your eyes filled with tears of happiness
“I shall wear them with my full heart, and all my honour” you said, your voice strangled by emotions, “Would you tell him that?”
“Of course My Queen!” As soon as he said it, he blushed scandalously, “Oh, I mean… I´m sorry, y-your highness!” he babled, you just giggled
“Thank you Peter, you are the kindest” he left shortly after, and you were left to enjoy the rest of the day
But at night you gathered with your ladies by a big fireplace. Before he left, Wanda had compelled Peter into stealing a small barrel of wine, so the five of you were under the influence of the dark liquor, and enjoying stories and giggling
“Does it hurt?” you whispered to Lady Sarah, since she was the only one who had been married, and indeed had two children, “On your wedding night?” they all paid attention to her, who giggled loudly
“Well, it might… it depends”
“On what?” asked lady Jane, you were all leaning towards Sarah´s chair, and she felt intimidated
“I'm not sure we should be talking about this…”
“Please Lady Sarah, we are only ladies here, who wish to know” you pleaded, pounting
“I´ll tell you” said Natasha, you all took your attention to her, “Since Lady Sarah may swoon”
“You have done it yourself?” asked Jane, she smiled and nodded
“Indeed, now, you all take a sip of wine!” she asked, and you all did, giggling without stopping. “It depends, if he would touch you first, to entice you, or if he would be soft, and slow for the first time, and also….” she took another sip of wine to gain courage, “On how big he is” you felt your cheeks heated as you drowned your giggle in your cup
“You mean… his manhood?” asked Lady Jane, as she was blushed by wine and shame
“Yes of course” she said, “I cannot lie, the first time will hurt” she said, “But it would last very little, and after…” she giggled again and took a sip of wine
“What happens after?” Wanda asked with her branded mischievous smile
“After he will carry you to heaven” she said looking away, “for it's the greatest pleasure on earth”
“Oh my”
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“I wish my mother could see me” you said as the palm of your hands roamed and pleaded the skirt of your dress, you looked at yourself, ready for your wedding, the chariot that would take you to the cathedral could be here any moment, The Late Queen tiara rested over your head.
“I'm sure she is most pleased, and proud, of calling you her daughter” said a voice behind you, you turned quickly to see you brother, smiling at you from the door
“Clark!” you yelled, running to his embrace “my brother, I missed you!”
“I miss you as well my sister” he was two years younger, holding only 18 years, but he stood tall and thick, he took after your father, as you did after your mother. You didn't have the same mother. “You look so beautiful, like a Queen”
“Thank you” you whispered, “Father couldn't make it?” he shook his head
“I´m sorry”
“It's ok, It won´t matter anyways”
“I'll deliver you to your husband today” he said softly
“Thank you brother” you looked down, your stomach twisting at the thought of your wedding, remembering suddenly the scene you witnessed before your departure from the Royal Castle
“You look like I´ll take to the scaffold instead of your wedding ceremony” your body shook entirely
“Well…” you started
“I know you don't know this man, but…”
“I know I´ve been preparing myself all my life for this, but” a strangled sobb came out of your throat, and he struck you in his arms in a tight hug, “I cannot quiet the complaints of my heart” you mumbled
“Have you met him?” he finally released you, and you nodded
“I did, him and his mistress”
“Sweet sister” he mumbled, you wanted to cry but you were fighting not to, “It is..”
“If you are going to say it is normal for kings to have mistresses I'm going to punch you in the neck” he chuckled and you smiled shyly
“Yes you got me”
“He appointed her as one of my ladies in waiting” you said as you looked at him, “Isn't that a little… doesn´t that make him…” you didn't know how to phrase it, “Kind of an asshole?” he laughed loudly
“And they said he was a smart man” he said
“I don't want to be humiliated like that” you said, “I want him to give me at least a chance, but I feel as, I´m walking into a game that I'm already losing”
“I don´t believe for a second he would parade her in front of the court and you” he said
“He did before my arrival” you said, “Everybody at court knows who she is”
“Do you want me to speak to him?” he asked, “Not to say anything concrete, but to warn him about the importance of your dignity, and grace”
“You want to rough up the King of Brook?” you said as he thought he was joking, but when you saw his serious face, you smiled, “You have my permission”
“Very well” he kissed your forehead tenderly and you smiled softly, you had missed him dearly
“I swear brother if you marry, and commit the idiotic decision to take a mistresss, I would go back home, sneak in the night to your chabers and cut off your manhood
“There she is, my sweet sister”
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Clark and you took a most incredible chariot that took you from the Queen's tower, to the cathedral, the ride was shorter than you remembered, maybe because of the nervousness that crippled your body. Your ladies had gone before you, leaving you alone with your brother, which you thanked, because you knew your brother was your true friend, loyal only to you.
You reached the cathedral and there was a huge crowd waiting for you, al chating your name
“Long live the princess!” some yelled. You tried to wave to them all, but your hand was so shaky. Your brother grabbed you and took you inside, where all the shouting was reduced by the thick wooden doors.
“They are all inside” the ambassador Oliver Queen bowed to you, as he was waiting for the both of you
“Are we late?” asked Clark
“My lord, I´ve been told a Queen is never late, is everyone else that seems to arrive early” he said chuckling
“Your words soothe me” you said smiling weakly, you felt like you were going to faint at any given moment
“Very Well” Oliver said, looking at you and at your brother, “Are we ready to do this?”
“No” you whispered, as Clark took your hand on his and gave it a squeeze
“Let´s get you married to the King” he whispered
“What if he doesn't love me?” you asked both men, they looked at each other nervously
“He will” consoled your brother
“You are both powerful men, that marry for alliances” you said, looking at both, “Tell me the truth”
“Your highness If I may” said the ambassador, you looked at him wide eyed, “He would be short sighted, and cold hearted, if he didn't find it in his heart to love such a wonderful and beautiful bride such as yourself” you feel your cheeks heated as you let him kiss your hand softly, “And he better love you, or I will steal you from him” you giggled as he winked at you
“I might take you up on that” you whispered
“Shush the both of you” said Clark with closed mouth, “Never said that again or you will lose your head”
“She is still our Princess, it was now or never” he said with a wide smile.
“Yes but from this day forward, she is no longer our princess, but she will belong to him, and to the Kingdom of Brook” it finally sinked into you. It's been years since you thought about that, where you come from, and what it meant
“You highness” you jumped when you heard Steve´s voice behind you. The three of you turned to face him, as he was coming out of the Royal chapel by one of the lateral doors
“Your grace!” you saluted as you bowed your head
“I don't believe that in this entire kingdom has been a bride more beautiful than you” You felt the heavy gaze of the three men on you, and you trembled
“You are most kind your Grace” you said with heated cheeks, “I believe you haven't met my brother yet” you pointed out
“Your Highness” Steve bowed again, as your brother leaned his chin
“Your Grace” Clark responded
“And our ambassador, His Excellency, Oliver Queen”
“We have met before” said Steve, and the man beside you nodded, “His majesty send me” he said, “He wants to make sure you are prepared”
“He wanted you to make sure I didn't run?” they didn´t laughed but rather stared at you, “I am very sorry, my nervousness is talking for me” Steve smiled kindly at you
“You have nothing to be nervous about,” he said, “Now, I will go back and announce the musicians to start playing…” You nodded, “Good luck your Highness”
“That might be the last time somebody calls you that” your bother remarked
“You are right!” you murmured. Steve left you with a smile on his face
“It's my turn to go to my post” said Oliver, he took your hand in between his, “Best of lucks my Sweet Princess” you smiled and nodded, as he left you as well
The musicians started to play, and you felt your belly tightened in several knots
“Brother if I go through with this, this cannot be undone” you murmured, Clark looked at you in panic
“Sister please, our country needs this alliance”
“I know” the gates opened up before, revealing the interior of the Cathedral, the tall painted ceilings, the hallway all decorated by white flowers, and all the people gathered there, they all had his eyes on you, in the End, in front of the golden Altar, stood the King, your future, dresses as you were, in golden colours.
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You didn't question, never, you never asked “why? Why do I have to do this?” they had taught you so, even if it was your birthright, you weren't trained as a Queen, only a Queen consort, so you did as you were told, and that was it.
So the worst possible time to start questioning, was when you were in front of your future husband, as he took your hands in his to start the wedding ceremony. Did you really have to? It was too late now, but, were you going to be a good wife? Would you please him? Would you be able to give him children? Would he divorce you if you couldn´t? Would he ask for an annulment? Would he commit adultery? Would he ever love you? It scared you to think he might not, to be trapped in a loveless marriage, but that what was expected
But that didn't work for you. When you look into his eyes your stomach flutters, like it was filled with little butterflies. He was so handsome, those blue eyes, that hair, the manly features of his face, his big body that made you desire to be between his arms all day and all night. He smiled when he saw your face, and you feel your cheeks heated when you realise the way you were looking at him, with adoration and wonder. You felt your heart pumping in your chest so hard, you were certain he could hear it too
“Repeat after me” the bishop whispered to you, and you did, as strongly as you could
“I, (Y/N) take you, James, for my lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, and for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us apart. I will love and honor you all the days of my life” you concluded, and you gave thanks to the lord your voice haden´t crack
“I, James” his voice sounded like a thunder, “Take you (Y/N), for my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, and for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us apart. I will love and honor you all the days of my life”
He leaned in to kiss your cheek
“My Wife” he whispered in your ear, giving you goosebumps all over your spine. You both turned around to face the crowd, and everyone started cheering.
The King may love you, or he may not, but as from this very moment there was only one thing clear, you were a Queen, this was now your people, this was now your country, and you were going to fulfill your birth given duty, and put all your heart on it.
You longed for a moment alone with your husband, but fate kept you from it. As he grabbed your hand to exit the cathedral, you finally thought it was your time, but alas, it wasn´t. The open chariot you requested was waiting for you both, alongside the screaming crowd
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He wanted to eat your face with kisses, he wanted to erase your shyness with his bare hands roaming your body. He hoped you'd never notice the hunger in his eyes, for he feared you´d be even more intimidated by him
Since the first time he saw you walking towards him shyly and nervous, like a little deer, he wanted to devour you. He knew he didn't need to be nervous anymore, not with you, not about you. When he saw you he felt relieved
You were barely a woman, and he wanted to eliminate that remaining innocence himself
He couldn't wait much longer to make you his
And now by the Power of God and himself, as King, you were finally and irrevocably his
Till death do you apart
You wouldn't lose his sight, as he watched you intently as you went from side to side of the great hall, greeting everyone, you were adorable, good with people, as everyone you meet in your path was left smiling and nodding their acceptance at you.
He was right, the tiara of his mother looked great on your divine head
His gaze left your form to search for another, Lady Sharon was nowhere to be seen, neither was she the days before the wedding, actually, he haden´t seen her since the night of Tony´s wedding, two weeks ago.
His eyes stopped on another curious figure he haden´t seen before, a tall muscular man, sipping his goblet of wine, looking around. He was your brother, the successor to your father to take the throne. When he catched the King looking, he felt free to walk towards him
“You majesty” said when he had him in front of him
“Your highness” he responded
“I´m so very sorry we couldn´t meet before the wedding” he started, “but it was so sudden”
“Well, yes, why wait?”
“Well she had been waiting for 5 years” he growled, whispering against his goblet
“Yes indeed” he growled, growing impatient, your brother had unclear intentions, and the King wanted him to express them
“I´m so sorry I have to left the court soon” he continued, “Now that I´ve seen my sister to this new court, I´m weary of leaving her here, alone”
“She is not alone” oh he was starting to hate his political family, “She is with me, her husband”
“Yes and also, I´m leaving her in the care of someone else, that has expressed his love for her”
“Whom do you speak off?” now he had the King's attention
“Well, his excellency, our ambassador” he said like it was obvious
“Oh, and he loves her?” When had he started grinding his teeth?
“He does, as his princess and sovereign”
“But she is not his princess and sovereign now, isn't she?” he asked, defiance in his voice, “She is our Queen now”
“Shouldn't all your subjects and members of court love her?” Clark demanded. Bucky looked at him like he wanted to kill him
“Yes, of course, but only I can truly love her”
“Well as his brother, you must understand my concerns” he said, “She is a loving and beautiful princess, and I, as his brother and next King, I must see that she is treated and met with the dignity and respect she deserves” that's when they turned to see each other
“Are you implying, Sir, that I disrespect her? that I won't maintain her dignity?”
“I´m just making sure you know she is not alone” he growled. Bucky and him stared at each other, the ambience was tense, if they weren't in the middle of the feast they would have drawn up their swords
“I will treat her with the respect and dignity she deserves, as a crown princess of a neighboring Kingdom, and as my wife” he said, grumply
“I'm glad to hear it,” he said, smiling softly. “And I hope, now that I´m here, that I can have an audience with his majesty, tomorrow”
“Let's save it for two days from now” he said, Bucky smiled wickedly, “You must understand that tonight is the wedding night, and I would not like to cut it short, as I plan on expand it all day tomorrow” Clark saw red and if this man wasn't a King, he would have punch him in the face, “Enjoy the rest of the feast” Bucky didn't move, but he expected Clark to do so, as he nodded, and walked away
Bucky then seated again in his throne, his gaze travelling all around the ballroom looking for you, until he finally found you again, but he didn't like what he saw
“Are you enjoying your feast?” Steve asked, seating beside him on the big table
“Yeah, sure” he said dismissively
“Doesn´t your wife look beautiful?” he asked, smiling widely
“Steve I'm starting to think you motivated me to marry her so I´d invite her to court so she´d be close to you” Steve looked back at his King surprised at his implication
“I pushed the subject so much because I had your best interests at heart” he said firmly, and seriously. Steve had never seen his friend jealous, but when he followed his gaze, he understood why, “You have nothing to worry about from me” he insisted
“Yes I know, you are too loyal, and she is too innocent” he growled, his eyes anchored on you “Why is she dancing and talking with the ambassador?” he asked, his teeth shut tight
“That's the thing” Steve whispered in his ear with a mocking smile, “If you don´t dance, she´ll dance with somebody else” Bucky let out a growl, “She is the most devastatingly beautiful woman at court”
“She haden´t met him until the first time she was here, and now she seems rather comfortable with him” Steve found it entertaining how he was getting riled up
“I do believe I heard him say that If you made her unhappy, he was going to steal her from you”
“WHAT?” Bucky stood up so fast Steve found it amusing. And he didn't wait much longer until he directed himself upon you
When your giggles and hushed tones reached his ears he almost saw red
“And remember what I said your majesty, we could always go...”
He trapped your hips with his big hand, startling you
“Where?” he said, smiling fakely as he brought you to him. You were caught by surprise, but smiled softly when you felt the warmth of his body pressed against yours
“Your majesty, it was a wonderful wedding” he said bowing to your husband
“Where do you wish to take my wife?” he asked again
“Well…” you saw his nervousness and feared for it
“His Excellency has seen so much of the world” you said quickly, “Just now he was speaking to me about a green island, with trees tall as castles, and colorful animals like the rainbow” it wasn't a lie though, “He wished we could go with him” that seemed to please him, “Both of us”
“I heard you won't take the following weeks of your marriage to take the traditional wedding tour by your country” he said with a grin
“Well as you may know my wife just got to court and will have her settled here before I can take her to see the rest of my Kingdom” you felt as he was not telling you the truth, but you didn't dare to say so
“Of course I understand, and that was a wise decision” he said, bowing again, sensing he was on thin ice with the King, you didn't understand why though
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He wanted to wait. You were so sweet and shy, not at all as you seemed in your painting, so he wanted to play dumb tonight, wait until it was late at night, so you could send everyone to bed, no bedding ceremony, not a public event of it. He knew that could make trouble on his marriage and its validity, but that didn't matter to him. He would consummate the marriage with you later, when you had known eachother better, and you were ready.
But then
Your brother came to him, implying you could leave, or that you “weren't alone” whatever that meant, Steve came after, saying again how much beautiful you were, implying you could also have someone else, and then this idiot ass, the ambassador, if it wasn't a representative of his country, your country, he would have made him disappear.
It was too much
He was the King
You were his wife
And he was going to have you, and prove to all of them, that you were his.
He tightened his grip on your hips and you shook in his hands
“Are you ready for the consummation?” he asked, loud enough so the people near you could hear it, and that was enough for the whole party to go silent.
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Taglist! <3 @ boofy1998 , @ scxrletrecsmarvel @ itsthemaree @connie326 @enchantedbarnes @scxrletrecsmarvel @itsthemaree @broco8 @babyjay9898-blog @luckyladycreator2 @capmanranger @gloryekaterina @the-lady-vanora @j2brosforlife-spn @rancidgracey @httyd-marauders
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hanna-water · 2 years
Part 5 “I’ll Be Fine”: Talk about Popculture, Druck and Gen Z Popkultur Festival Berlin 2022, wednesday 24.08.2022 with Eren M. Güvercin, Nhung Hoang, Naomi Bechert (social media team during s5 – s6, writer of s7 and s8) Moderated by Aidan Riebensahm Naomi: (talks about how Gen Z gives her hope for the future and how the generations should work together to improve things. Then she says that millenials have kind of paved the way for Gen Z.) Eren: uhm wasn´t this also the generation before you, like your parents? Aidan: I wanted to add that actually. This were developments that took hundreds of years. And now things are finally progressing. Without putting all the pressure only on you because our age difference is not THAT big, right? Nhungi: I think that older generations also had a lot of similar demands but I think what is different is that we have been indoctrinated with this catastrophe-fetish. We get told “tomorrow the world ends.” all the time and then we say “shit tomorrow the world ends, then lets make the best out of it.”. And we try to solidars..... solidarise “damn shit”. (everybody laughs because she sweared) Aidan: “shit?” It´s ok I will allow it. Naomi: I`ve been told worse. Aidan: Eren said I witnessed ´68. (everyone laughs) Eren: I did not say you witnessed ´68 that was only a comparison. (laughs) Nhungi: yeah well, and because of the internet there is a lot of gun powder and we will try to change something. Eren: I think it is not like…. sometimes I think that our generation thinks too much of itself. And then I read about very interesting history, for example white boys (or wild boys?) 1920, google it. So many heavy things have happened even 100 years ago. Nhungi: do you remember? (to Aidan) Everyone laughs Eren: I think its important to think about who paved the way for the activism today. Aidan: (talks about how older generations were more forced to adjust and the younger generations are confident to just do their thing.) Naomi: (talks about how it is more normal nowadays to stand behind your values and the role of social media to encourage discussions) Aidan: How do you calm down and get the pressure off when everything is getting too much? Can you collect a few things? Nhungi: My best advice is to just go offline and go outside. See real people, learn to know real people, interact with them because what is shown on the internet and on your foryou page is not the reality. Its not what defines our society. I myself can easily lose myself in a rush of negativity, self-hate and negative thoughts when I don´t have a 15 minutes timer set up. And then I just turn everything off for a moment, go outside, talk to people, drink a coffee, meet my friends and its basically the best you can do. Its partly an avoidance strategy. Because then I don´t have to deal with those topics. But for me its like, how do I create a room for myself so that I can take this information in with a healthy mindset? Eren: I agree. I am more the type of person who likes to stay at home and does nothing. Turning the phone off, using no media in general and read a book and chill with it. Aidan: What are you currently reading? Eren: (laughs) recently I finished “21 lessons for the 21st century” by Yuval Noah Harari and now I start with “Feuchtgebiete” by Charlotte Roche (apparently the english title is “Wetlands”). laughter from the audience Aidan: I wrote a paper/essay about that in 8th grade. Naomi: That’s such a millennial book actually. Aidan: yes totally. Eren: I am fully excited. I am on page 1. Naomi: (talks about going to places in the nature to calm down) Eren: Or Falafel Halloumi. Around the corner of where I live, there is a Falafel restaurant where I just know, I can go there if I am not in the mood to do anything or if I have too much on my mind. Nhungi: support your locals! Aidan: support your local Fallafel Halloumi! Ok we will open for questions of the audience now.
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idrellegames · 3 years
any characters that you wish you could talk more about that people haven’t asked much about yet? would love to know any fun facts about any of those :-)
Definitely! It can be a little hard, though--there's a reason why I haven't talked about all of the major characters, and that reason is spoilers. Since I'm still in early development, I always want to be careful about what I share for things that will happen much later in the game.
But for those curious, I do have (most) of the major characters listed on the character page: idrellegames.tumblr.com/characters.
(If you're using the mobile app, you'll have to switch to a browser to open it; pages don't show on the app.)
Here's some facts about up-and-coming characters that I'm excited about. Secondary romances have a * next to them.
Hypatia and Athana Navorre
Human merchants and run a shop in central Velantis. They are Felix's parents and, when you meet them, are looking desperately everywhere for him because he's gone missing. They are a blended family and have a pretty boisterous household (Felix is Hypatia's son from a previous marriage, Athana has two kids from her previous marriage, and then they have two biological kids together).
A dwarven woman who is a pretty significant Act 1 character as she becomes the PC's major point of contact when they reach the Undercity. She's one of Ren's childhood friends and they have a pretty complicated relationship (she cares about him, but she disapproves of his life choices). Her magic allows her to manipulate the emotions of others, which has enabled her to keep the Undercity protection rackets (mostly) off her back.
Ves Sithia
Ren's other childhood friend and also his former lover. They are an assassin of the Erebian League and their loyalty to the League is unquestionable. They're Aeda, but lost their wings as a child; they had them replaced with mechanical prosthetics. They are infamous around Velantis for carrying out high-profile assassinations.
Phaedra Amestris*
She's a Velantian councilor and governs the district of Ithyria (which houses the city's primary entertainment sector as well as a major temple). She's a +100-something elf with ties to the former Velantian government; her house only survived the city's annexation by clever political maneuvering. She is quietly scheming on... something. 👀
Umbria Bellaris
Can't say too much about her because of spoilers, but she's a human mage with ties to the Order of Lethalis. She is an Archsage (a high-ranking member of the Guild of Mages) and she researches curative magic and resuscitation, making her the closest thing to a necromancer in this world.
She's going to be introduced in Chapter 2 and I am very excited for her.
Lyrian Blushrose*
They are Mel's artistic rival and also his (former? ongoing? their relationship is... complicated) lover. They're a famous elven bard whose work has been performed all over Velantis, but they keep getting arrested for their satirical takes on Emperor Ariston's regime. Some of their plays have been censored more than once... and they are probably going to get in serious trouble for it soon.
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hes-writer · 4 years
To You (4)
Summary: harry dates y/n to get closer to her best friend
Warnings: mild angst (what else lol), not a lot of dialogue for this one, and a bit of fluff
Word Count: 2775 words
A/N: I've had the worst writer's block for this series but then inspiration struck me at 2 am and I had the chance to write a lil sumthin sumthin for the next part :D
Read the full series in my masterlist (bio)
As I mentioned before, this story kind of goes backwards.
As self-deprecating as it is, Y/N couldn’t help but feel her guard lower with each fleeting glance at her phone. She didn’t mean to, really. It wasn’t as if she was bored out of her mind because she was the opposite of that. 
Going on her phone and tapping on Instagram was more of a distraction from studying if anything. She was hounded by piles of homework and pages of readings to do by the end of next week. It seemed that her brain was working in constant overdrive to try to remember the endless concepts and theories that were catapulted at her with no signs of stopping. Her eyes were straining from the constant stimulation from her laptop screen, and from trying to read the small letters plastered on the computer. 
Y/N was studying on her designated studying days, as usual. She was quite proud of sticking to the schedule, except for the few weeks that she opted to coddle herself in the confines of her warm blanket because that was around the time that she found out her boyfriend, Harry, was only using her to get close to her best friend, Louise. 
In retrospect, Y/N should have seen all the signs blaring right in front of her face all along. She gave herself facepalms more than she could count by the way she was—quite literally—blinded by love to realize that Harry’s feelings were nothing but a façade. That Y/N was nothing but a pawn in his game; a character to manipulate, disposable in order for him to get the woman he actually wanted. And Y/N had no doubts that her ex-boyfriend was treating Louise like a queen. 
Y/N wore red-tinted glasses while she was with Harry and she didn’t see the red flags rising every time he shaped their evening around Louise’s schedule. She thought that Harry was making such a good effort in getting to know the people close to Y/N’s life that he insisted on having Louise around whenever they hung out with her friends. 
Harry asked endless questions about Louise; from where she worked to what she was interested in—to which Y/N had foolishly answered, believing that she had found the perfect man to share her life with. But she should have known when he didn’t do the same for her other friends. Hell, he didn’t even do the same to her!
When Harry and Y/N were just friends, he didn’t bother getting to know her as thoroughly and comprehensively as he did with Louise. In fact, it could be argued that Harry hated Y/N when they were first introduced by—and this was ironic—Louise! 
Louise spoked highly and excitedly of ‘my friend, Y/N’ and with Harry being the loved-up simp that he was—wanted to please Louise by appearing interested in her friend. He guessed that he was probably too good of an actor (not to toot his own horn) because that meet up turned into a set-up. 
Louise had planned a date for her friends, Y/N was indifferent to it; she was even a little excited because she thought that Harry was sort of nice. Despite the fact that he was indirectly rude to her in their first meeting, Y/N didn’t hold grudges on people for their first impressions. She believed that anybody could have a bad day and that might just be the time when Harry was dragged by the arm to be introduced to her. 
Y/N understood if that was the case. She was not too keen on acting nice and friendly after a stressful day at work, or a hard study session at the library. So even if Harry was practically snarling at every word she said from his seat around the rounded booth table of the bar—she agreed to go on a first date with him. 
Harry was in shambles.
He got himself into quite an intricate mess trying to attain the woman of his dreams. He was such a pleaser that he was now contemplating inside his car, outside of Y/N’s address. Was this all worth it? Of course, it was. As much as Harry would like to say that this was part of his plan to make Louise his girlfriend, it really wasn’t. 
But that didn’t mean that he couldn’t use it to his advantage. 
It was a good thing that he was early—about twenty minutes or so. That was only because he was huffing the whole time Harry was buttoning the clutches of his dress shirt, shaking his head at the bathroom mirror and reprimanding himself for letting his lovesickness to get him deeper than he would like. But hey, the sooner Harry got to Y/N’s place, the sooner this ‘date’ would be over. 
So here he was, hidden in the shadows of the night sky and shielded by the heavy tint of his Range Rover. Palms were pressed on the lush leather steering wheel as Harry formulated how he could turn this around in his favour. He was already in Louise’s good books for even agreeing to this in the first place—why not make Y/N his own personal wingman?
Granted, that she didn’t actually know Harry well enough but maybe this date could reach Louise’s ears about how much of a romantic, perfect, and chivalrous gentleman Harry could be. That would surely make Louise like him, right?
Wrong. Absolutely wrong.
It was safe to say that Harry was feeling guilty the moment he decided to use Y/N in order to get to her best friend, but that ship sailed long ago when anger and frustration took over. Why in the hell was he so perfect to Y/N’s eyes that she had gushed about him to her best friend minutes after he had dropped her off?
Why did Harry have to knock on her door with a single-stemmed rose clutched in his fingers, doing a little bow to add humour when she opened the door? And what in God’s name possessed him to say that she looked beautiful that night in her pretty, deep green dress that he thought was absolutely gorgeous on her—but his heart was with another woman—fully knowing that it would look better on Louise?
“Why. . . just why,” Harry asked himself as he sat at a table with Y/N, Louise and her boyfriend, Dylan. 
That was what being romantic got him. That was where declaring Y/N as his unofficial wingman ended him upon. A double date with the woman he wanted with Y/N looking at him as if they’ve been together for years, when in fact, they had only known each other for a few weeks. 
Harry’s pride was too big to admit that this time; he couldn’t get the girl. And so, his bruised ego declared that this date was just another unplanned situation that would benefit him—somehow, someway—in the future. 
Wrong again. 
Because a month later,  Y/N was running off to her lecture with a bag strapped over her shoulder, leaving Harry a passionate kiss on the lips. He was quite ashamed to say that he enjoyed the affection, but not enough to ignore the throbbing of his heart
Harry wasn’t all in with his relationship with Y/N and he knew exactly why. For months, he had been pining for Louise and well, he ended up with her best friend, Y/N. Now that was just super unlucky for him. And he wasn’t usually a mean person, but Harry was very annoyed with fate (or destiny) for leaving with an ultimatum. 
First, leaving Y/N risking her tattling to Louise about him breaking her heart was a no-no. Second, staying with Y/N until she realizes that both of them were no good together. The latter was a much more pleasant choice, except the fact that it could take months for Y/N to acknowledge that she and Harry were both too different for each other. 
It was another four months later when Harry drew upon an epiphany very similar yet completely different from the ultimatum he had presided. 
Y/N was sure of her feelings more than ever, even dropping the ‘L’ word during a drunken stupor of wine and bubbly champagne. Harry was sure that she hadn’t remembered her confession the next morning because she never brought it up. However, those words that escaped her lips were enough for Harry to overthink each night one or the other slept over. 
Sometimes Y/N’s snores would serve as background noise to his serene imagination, wondering why the images of Louise and him doing couple-y stuff were now replaced with Y/N’s figure instead. 
He also pondered if his memory was so impeccable that he could hear Y/N’s laugh fluttering in his ears while she was sound asleep beside him or was it just because she released a chuckle every time he made a horrible joke?
(It was true. Y/N never left Harry hanging in the air with a questionable punchline of a head-scratching joke. Both of them knew that her giggles were pity laughs. Harry was thankful for it and Y/N just couldn’t resist painting a genuine smile on Harry’s face, looking so proud that he had made her laugh.) 
Harry was certain that his feelings for Y/N wouldn’t quite reach the threshold that he held her for now. But it seemed that he was getting a lot of his sworn predictions wrong lately. Sure, their first encounter (and the second, and the third. . .) were purely for satisfaction’s sake. A mere plot for Harry to build his boyfriend resumé for Louise. 
Harry wasn’t sure when his feelings shifted from civil and friendly to an ever-evoking, lovesick puppy. 
Maybe it was the way Y/N walked, straight into his heart and stole it, keeping it safe in her tender hands when she pressed a lingering kiss on his lip while she ran off to catch the bus. The way Harry would pout when Y/N forgot the routine she had set, resulting in him whining her name and sometimes chasing after her to get his much-needed kiss. He even started calling it his ‘good-luck charm’ because it seemed like without it; Harry came home more drained and tired than usual because nothing went right that day. 
Or maybe it was the way she giggled while reading something on her phone, laptop, or a book—even if it was for school purposes. How absolutely pleased he was to hear her melody of giggles, straining his ear to listen more closely and wanting to do nothing more than to hear it again because it was music to Harry. It usually ends with Y/N’s heaving breaths, begging him to stop tickling her. 
Was it because she was the most adorable little thing while she was asleep? No, it couldn’t be, Harry thought, even though the admiration in his eyes cannot be described as anything other than glazed over with love and affection with the way he stared at Y/N’s sleeping face. 
But why can’t he stop thinking about her when she wasn’t around? Harry felt like he was missing a part of himself as soon as he shut the door to his house because Y/N had to go to her own place. 
Why did a smile splinter his lips visualizing Y/N studying at her kitchen table with a topknot wobbling on her head and a pair of her thick-rimmed glasses slipping down the bridge of her nose? Harry still remembers the first time she asked him to redo the bun on her head, complaining that it was loosening and that she couldn’t focus when strands were haywire. 
Harry made sure to be extra careful as to not accidentally pull on her scalp, stretching the hairband around his fingers. 
Now, he only had a minute experience in hair styling, reminiscing to his long-haired days were he slipped his hair into a neat ball in a few seconds or less. But this was Y/N, his girlfriend, who had an adorable pout on her face. The finch between her brows deepening when she tried to understand the concepts written on the screen yet she would giggle when Harry would ask her, ‘Am I hurting you?’ and shake her head ‘no’. 
So it was a bit questionable when Harry jumped at the chance to kiss Louise when the time came. 
She had just broken up with her boyfriend and called Y/N for comfort. However, Y/N was about to leave for an exam worth half of her grade and she couldn’t just not attend it. She may love her best friend with all of her heart, but not enough to waste thousands of dollars to redo a course because she missed the final exam. 
Hence, why Harry was sent in place of Y/N instead. And that was also how his plump lips managed to lock itself with Louise’s’ glossy ones. He should’ve felt guilt stab him right away when he tasted wet, salty tears on his tongue when he battled for dominance with Louise. 
Harry should have pulled away when his phone buzzed in his pocket; a message from girlfriend that she had just finished her exam and was ready to be picked up now so that she could give love and comfort to her best friend. 
Harry’s subconscious must have reminded him that this was the woman whom he had spent months pining on; desperately trying to make her his yet failing. And now that he had the chance to, he couldn’t stop. 
Instead of doing everything his conscience had practically yelled at him to do, Harry’s brain had buffered—his body numbed every nerve except the ones controlling his mouth because their persisting kiss was captured by a photographer hidden amongst barricades that Harry had failed to take notice of. 
Harry was sure that his presence was hidden to the best of his abilities, but he guessed that Louise’s hands had pulled his hoodie off in the midst of their make-out session, revealing his side profile and the unruly curls on his head. 
And that was how Y/N identified the image on her phone the time she felt her heart being ripped out and crushed into pieces. That, and the fact that Harry wore the same clothes she had seen him in before she left. 
And now, as Y/N paused her thumb from scrolling away from the image on her screen, the same pain and heartbreak still throbbed in her chest. 
She couldn’t seem to forget, as a lot of people say, what Harry did to her. Despite the fact that he was spotted outside her door, leaving boxed gifts of chocolate and flower bouquets a few minutes ago—Y/N simply didn’t have the capacity to sweep everything under the rug. 
The wound was still fresh—feeling air was enough to have her hissing, aiming to cover the cut in fear that it would become too painful to even ignore. For weeks, Y/N had to wallow in agonizing self-pity to remind herself that Harry didn’t deserve her or her love for him and now she was somehow ready to run back into his arms? 
She absolutely despised the way her hands twitched to send him a text. To leave him a voicemail or to simply tap his contact just to hear him speak to her again. Y/N was ashamed to admit that he thought about knocking on his front door just for another chance at seeing him again. An opportunity to ask him if he was happier with her (ex) best-friend—if Harry loved Louise more than he did with her. Or—and most of all—if Harry ever did love Y/N during their short relationship. Was everything just a game to him? 
She was doing good so far; she was strong enough to withhold from the urges of communicating with an ex. However, Y/N knew it was only a matter of time before Harry took extreme measures to speak to her, unlocking her door with the spare key she had given him. One day she would be met with his figure in the hallway with a sad smile on his face and three long-stemmed sunflowers in his hand and Y/N wouldn’t be able to resist him. 
Y/N hated herself for being so weak whenever Harry was involved. He was her Kryptonite; getting too close to him was what ripped her to shreds. 
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doli-nemae · 3 years
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"And only then I understood, that my greatest enemy - is myself"
Answer for ask in vk about first encounter with Banshee. It took more time than it should`ve been, but at least now I have my deadline covered and some content for ya, folks. Banshees are my favorite creatures in Fable and I was very excited during fights with them - mostly because of their bully quotes (this is also why I love Crawler in F3!)
And one more detail. Phrase in page 6 is reference to first version of russian translation of Fable: The Lost Chapters. Screamers there was translated as Banshees and my first walkthrough was with this translation. And so I was VERY surprised that it was actually Screamers, not Banshees :D
(To be fair, they fixed it in Fable: Anniversary)
I`ll post some of them later without text uwu
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