#I’d Promise You The Stars In Your Eyes (Gil and Fauna)
The Walking Wikipedia
"There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge." - Bertrand Russell
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Name: Fauna Paisley McCormick
Nicknames: Faun, Faun-Faun, Baby Girl (Kevin Exclusive), Darlin’, Angelface, Angelcakes
Faceclaim: G. Hannelius
Age: 6
Gender: Cis Female
Sexuality: Unsure
Height: 3′7″
Weight: 58lbs
Birthday: May 21st
Sign: Gemini
Occupation: Unemployed, Elementary School Student
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For Fauna’s fifth birthday, Kevin promised her a pony, and she chose Shoe. He can be a grumpy young man with men, and dislikes it when Kevin has to shoe and care for him. Kevin has gotten his fair share of attempted kicks, bites, and headbutts, as well as having been stepped on. Shoe loves Fauna to pieces, though, and is always fine with women. All of his stable-mates are male, except for Ringa, who doesn’t have any defining sex characteristics. Kevin chose this specifically so there would be no babies, because he doesn’t know how to handle that.
Fauna is the youngest daughter of Kevin and Christie McCormick, and the younger sister to Gil. Stuart and Carol are his grandparents, Kenny is his uncle, and Karen is his aunt.  Firkle is a mother figure in her life and she considers him to be her real mother; Eventually he does adopt her and Gil. She is the older half-sister to Colt and Delta.
 Because Firkle is like a mother to her, Firkle’s other children not by Kevin are her siblings/cousins and are treated as such. She adores Michael to pieces and treats him like he’s another father, even if Kevin insists on calling him otherwise. Eventually, he gives up, as she will not be dissuaded.
Fauna’s birthday is National Memo Day, and she will not let anyone forget it. On her birthday, her favorite things to ask for is Shoe-related merch, horse-related things, and notebooks/memo pads/sticky notes. The uses them for all kinds of things, even if they don’t always make sense.
When her father asked a four-year-old Fauna what her favorite Chinpokomon was, the talkative child told him Shoe as a joke. Then, he started buying her Shoe-related things, and she grew to actually love the monster, too. Shoe is also the name of her Pony of the Americas.
Fauna does not experience the same abuse that Gil does from their biological mother, but she does get treated like any little thing is going to “make her wrong.” Christie has also openly referred to her as their “Second Try” baby.
Fauna wants so badly to be accepted that sometimes she does things she shouldn’t. A lot of the time, Firkle is able to help more than Kevin and his overprotective parenting.
Fauna loves her family but purposefully leaves her biological mother out of that group. She’s seen what that woman does to her father and brother and she doesn’t want anything to do with her.
While she is still learning R’lyehian, she is fairly good at it for a child. Firkle and Gil are helping her with her pronunciation. She enjoys it most when Edgar helps, however.
She has a huge sweet tooth and is always ready to eat sugar. She dislikes anything bitter, and only likes sour things if it’s gummy octopuses. She insists that gummy octopuses taste different (and better) than any other sour gummy treat. She will not accept anything less, and will eat all the legs off first. Sour gummy spiders MIGHT be okay, if she’s feeling generous.
Fauna has not yet fully received her gift, and she is incredibly excited for the day it happens. She hopes her familiar is fun and cool.
Headcanons Masterlist
Everything Was Warm And Everyone Was Love (Fauna McCormick)
Blue Skadoo We Can Too! (Fauna Musings)
The Stars Will Be There When You Wake (Fauna Aesthetic)
We Like Pigtails A Ponytail On Each Side (Fauna Closet)
I See Things That Nobod Else Sees (Fauna Headcanons)
Oh I Made Friends With The Walls! (Fauna Journal Entries)
It's Shoe It's Shoe! (Shoe)
@nxwkid​ -  - Douchebag/New Kid/Alex - Into Each Life Some Rain Must Fall (Fauna and Alex - Nxwkid)
@southxparkxafterxdark​ - Michael - You're Renowned You're Profound You're Alive And You're Strong (Fauna and Michael - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)
@southxparkxafterxdark​ - Henrietta - Flamingo You’re Pretty Either Way (Fauna and Henrietta - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)
@southxparkxafterxdark​ - Asher - I Will Follow (Fauna and Asher - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)
@southxparkxafterxdark​ - Celina - There’s Magic In My Bones (Fauna and Celina - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)
@southxparkxafterxdark​ - Annie - Wow Fauna Your Dad Lets You Have Three Moms??? (Fauna and Annie - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)
@throughxthexmist​ - Kenny - It's All Here In The Princess Book Of Etiquette (Fauna and Kenny - ThroughxThexMist)
@throughxthexmist​ - Stan - He’s Like A Sad Puppy Give Him Pets (Fauna and Stan - ThroughxThexMist)
@throughxthexmist​ - Craig - If You Can’t Trust SuperCraig Who Can You Trust (Fauna and Craig - ThroughxThexMist)
Here - Kevin - Dream Sweet In Sea Major (Kevin and Fauna)
Here - Firkle - Are You My Mama? (Firkle and Fauna)
Here - Gil - I’d Promise You The Stars In Your Eyes (Gil and Fauna)
Here - Georgi - I Finally Have An Uncle! (Georgi and Fauna)
Here - Aster - Where You Lead (Fauna and Aster)
Here - Karen - We Can Be Princesses If You Want To (Fauna and Karen)
Here - Stuart - I Don’t Like You I Am Now Going To Bark At You (Fauna and Stuart)
Here - Carol - Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer And I’m Waging War On Santa (Fauna and Carol)
Here - Christie - Perfect Child V2 (Fauna and Christie)
#Everything Was Warm And Everyone Was Love (Fauna McCormick)#Blue Skadoo We Can Too! (Fauna Musings)#The Stars Will Be There When You Wake (Fauna Aesthetic)#We Like Pigtails A Ponytail On Each Side (Fauna Closet)#I See Things That Nobody Else Sees (Fauna Headcanons)#Oh I Made Friends With The Walls! (Fauna Journal Entries)#It’s Shoe It’s Shoe! (Shoe)#Into Each Life Some Rain Must Fall (Fauna and Alex - Nxwkid)#You're Renowned You're Profound You're Alive And You're Strong (Fauna and Michael - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)#Flamingo You’re Pretty Either Way (Fauna and Henrietta - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)#I Will Follow (Fauna and Asher - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)#There’s Magic In My Bones (Fauna and Celina - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)#Wow Fauna Your Dad Lets You Have Three Moms??? (Fauna and Annie - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)#It's All Here In The Princess Book Of Etiquette (Fauna and Kenny - ThroughxThexMist)#He’s Like A Sad Puppy Give Him Pets (Fauna and Stan - ThroughxThexMist)#If You Can’t Trust SuperCraig Who Can You Trust (Fauna and Craig - ThroughxThexMist)#Dream Sweet In Sea Major (Kevin and Fauna)#Are You My Mama? (Firkle and Fauna)#I’d Promise You The Stars In Your Eyes (Gil and Fauna)#I Finally Have An Uncle! (Georgi and Fauna)#Where You Lead (Fauna and Aster)#We Can Be Princesses If You Want To (Fauna and Karen)#I Don’t Like You I Am Now Going To Bark At You (Fauna and Stuart)#Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer And I’m Waging War On Santa (Fauna and Carol)#Perfect Child V2 (Fauna and Christie)
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The Mimic
“If life were predictable it would cease to be life, and be without flavor.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
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Name: Gil Connor McCormick
Nicknames: Gilliam (Fauna Exclusive), Bud (Kevin Exclusive)
Faceclaim: Asa Butterfield
Age: 10
Gender: Cis Male
Sexuality: Unsure
Height: 4′1″
Weight: 76.7lbs
Birthday: December 24th
Sign: Capricorn
Occupation: Unemployed, Student
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Ph'Nglui Ftaghu, nicknamed Gluey for Kevin’s sake, is a Tassled Wobbegong shark. He’s very sweet to Gil and loves to sleep in his hot tub style bed with him. He’s very cuddly, and is capable of being out of water for three hours due to magic. He will also cuddle with Fauna and Kevin, and most of Kevin’s lovers. He and Edgar get along swimmingly as long as there isn’t any food to be stolen by the octopus. Ph’Glui Ftaghu means Dead/Paralyzed Covering in R'lyehian.
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Dyson is the family farm dog, as well as Gil’s best friend aside from Gluey. He loves the dog so much and feels at home with him. If Dyson isn’t with him, usually Gluey is. He will hang out in the fields with Dyson, and likes to try drawing him. He’s working on becoming better at drawing, and Dyson can be a great model. Gil and Kevin work on training him together.
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Velocirapstar is Gil’s horse that he was allowed to get as a companion to Shoe. Being a Tennessee Walking Horse, he’s very good at going on trails and great for riding. Gil sometimes calls him Velcro, because he likes to be close to Shoe, and the two are very good friends. He has a custom-made set of saddle and bridle/reigns that are red with stars just for riding. Gil has considered taking up Dressage just to see if he could do it. Velocirapstar has helped him greatly with his closed-off nature.
Gil is the son of Kevin and Christie McCormick and the elder brother of Fauna McCormick. Stuart and Carol are his grandparents, Kenny is his uncle, and Karen is his aunt. Firkle is a mother figure in his life and he considers him to be his real mother; Eventually he does adopt him and Fauna. He is the older half-brother to Colt and Delta.
Because Firkle is like a mother to him, Firkle’s other children not by Kevin are his siblings/cousins and are treated as such.
Gil is very quiet and shy around most people, and it takes a lot of patience and time to earn his trust. Once you have it, however, it is nigh impossible to lose if you treat him and his family right. He is more wary of women that look like his mother.
Gil’s skin is very sensitive and he needs special salt-infused lotion. He also struggles with breathing oxygen sometimes, and is very sickly and frail. He uses a breathing machine if he sleeps in bed, and has a hot-tub type contraption that he sleeps in on the worse nights, which is treated like a warmed saltwater fish tank. it is better for his skin and he can breathe better.
Like a mimic octopus, Gil can change his hair and eye colors as a young child, and his entire appearance when he’s older. As a toddler, he was unable to control it, and freaked his mother out.
Christie commonly tries to destroy his equipment and medical devices in an attempt to kill him, as she thinks that he is a demon. She’s convinced Kevin pulled a Rosemary’s Baby on her in order to make Gil, and believes fully that she was tricked by him and his handsomeness.
Gil loves his little sister even if she is someone he doesn’t understand. She drags him into a lot of things that he isn’t ready for.
Gil speaks and can write in fluent R’lyehian, and English was his second language.
Headcanons Masterlist
As A Child I Was Wild For The Fish In The Sea (Gil McCormick)
It's Coelacanth Not Coelacan (Gil Musings)
Stay Away From Things That Aren’t Yours (Gil Closet)
I’ll Be There When You Wake (Gil Headcanons)
Saying Things In Languages Only I Understand (Gil Journal Entries)
@nxwkid​ -  - Douchebag/New Kid/Alex - You’ve Seen The Butcher (Gil and Alex - Nxwkid)
@southxparkxafterxdark​ - Michael - It Couoldn’t Be A Visitor Because The Bridge Is Out (Gil and Michael - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)
@southxparkxafterxdark​ - Henrietta - Birds Of A Feather Flock Together (Gil and Henrietta - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)
@southxparkxafterxdark​ - Asher - And Now We Got Bad Blood (Gil and Asher - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)
@throughxthexmist​ - Kenny - Someone Who Cares Someone Who’s There (Gil and Kenny - ThroughxThexMist)
Here - Kevin - Will You Remember Me? (Kevin and Gil)
Here - Thick As Thieves (Gil and Firkle)
Here - Fauna - I’d Promise You The Stars In Your Eyes (Gil and Fauna)
Here - Aster - You May Be The Death Of Me (Gil and Aster)
Here - Karen - Please Don’t Drink More Beer (Gil and Karen)
Here - Stuart - Definitely Not My Crowd (Gil and Stuart)
Here - Carol - Nevers Are A Hard Thing To Come To Terms With (Gil and Carol)
Here - Christie - I Give You My Heart You Give Me Fear (Gil and Christie)
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