#I’d love input! the more the merrier!
positivelyruined · 5 months
I am looking for a list of things to use in original scenes that were taken away from Tamlin and Feyre in ACOTAR.
Things I need
- Argument prompts!
Ones he starts
Ones she starts
From absolutely ridiculous, to big issues they can heal and communicate better with from in book one — forwards.
They are really trying to not kiss ( only works until Calanmai) and it’s tough bro. The chemistry is enough that it’s starting to make even Lucien uncomfortable.
- non-sexual intimacy couple things
Once Feyre learns fairies can lie, she demands to go home to see proof of her family’s safety. They argue. (Scene path created! Credit to beta Lolu! Yay.) (Feyre’s emotional wall break)
Feyre wants Tamlin to notice what she wears, especially when she makes an effort. It finally takes her nagging him and then arguing to resolve this issue of his communication (Thank you Kate!)
Tamlin teaching Feyre to ride a horse. She is a belligerent student. (Thank you Kate!)
Feyre begging to see pictures of his family, but Tamlin refusing to be that vulnerable. They fight. (Tam’s emotional wall break)
Painting together (and maybe painting each other? On canvas and literalllyyy? Paint fight! Paint kisses.)
Hunting together
Sparring together
Cooking together (Tamlin is a disaster in the kitchen) (Lucien isn’t…)
Reading together (Tamlin reads aloud to Feyre to help her fall asleep)
Tamlin helping Feyre learn to read
Feyre noticing Tamlin has terrible headaches when they read
Tamlin admits to having dyslexia
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sepublic · 4 years
LGBTQIA+ in Bionicle: RaE
To celebrate the beginning of Pride Month, I figured I may as well briefly delve into the subject of LGBTQIA+ in Bionicle: RaE! And before anyone gets riled up over me ‘changing’ things from the previous lore, don’t worry! I have a permit;
Tumblr media
(Also this is Bionicle: Redone and Expanded, it’s a fan-work so chill)
With that out of the way...
On Okoto, queer identity is a completely normal facet of everyday life. There has been no known, recorded instance of bigotry, because why would there be? People are people, and they freely explore their sexualities as they choose.
Being Trans and exploring one’s pronouns is frequent on Okoto. I’ve talked before about how Okoto’s Mask Culture favors the idea of making one’s own identity, creating a new ‘face’ for oneself, one you can actually choose and decide. To Okotans, one’s personal Mask that they make for themselves is more reflective of their personhood and identity than their actual physical face, because it’s something you craft for yourself and decide. Similarly, I imagine Naming Day -which I haven’t figured out the full details for- goes hand-in-hand with this idea of recreating one’s identity, of undergoing a rebirth of sorts.
Now obviously, a culture that prizes discovering yourself, reforging your own identity, sometimes even completing reinventing one’s identity; That’s a very trans-friendly narrative! A lot of people figure themselves out when crafting their personal masks, which tend to go through multiple revisions and versions. Naming Day is a way to come out and solidify and explore one’s new identity, at least for now; Nothing is set in stone! Of course, by that logic, genderfluid identities are also welcomed and appreciated!
On another note, I suppose the subject of one’s physical face and how an individual treats it varies, the way Trans individuals may feel about their own dead names and personalities. Some want to leave it behind and forget entirely, while others are pretty casual about referencing it as a past, outdated thing. Any option is totally valid! Nobody judges in Okoto. By the end of the day, Okotans value the concept of Identity, especially a self-chosen one, very much. Consequently, it’s seen as the epitome of disrespect to disregard someone’s chosen identity and bring up a past name or face of theirs in the process; It’s an incredibly petty, lowly, and grave insult, akin to spitting on someone’s personal mask or destroying it, or insulting a person’s family bloodline. Not even Makuta would stoop so low, so... To anyone who misgenders...
Don’t be worse than the narcissist who literally experimented on people.
During the Creation Age, if one wanted to have sex-reassignment surgery, it was pretty easy thanks to Masks of Power and other Life Automatons. Masks of Healing combined with surgical work can do the job. In particular, the Mask of Control was very efficient at helping trans individuals change their bodies if desired; Keep in mind that contrary to the legends, Ekimu and Makuta actually wore the Masks of Creation and Control interchangeably. Later towards the Creation Age, the two began to become more familiar one of the two, but generally speaking, there was no restriction. If you wanted a quick change, just pop over to Ekimu or Makuta, whoever had the Mask of Control, and ask!
On Xia, the general attitudes towards queer identities is essentially the exact same; It may be a horrific, industrial landscape... But there’s no reason to be bigoted. There’s no basis to it, there’s nothing to gain.
Unfortunately for Trans individuals on Xia, sex-reassignment surgery is far more difficult to have access to. Again, this is not out of any stigma towards trans people, but rather because Xian healthcare in general is so ridiculously expensive that everyone is screwed over. The Trans experience on Xia isn’t fun, because... Any experience on that cursed island isn’t fun.
Now, onto fun facts about the cast; Specifically, several characters’ sexuality and/or identities! I’d call them headcanons, but technically I’m the writer who decides what comes and goes in RaE, so really they’re just... canons.
Tahu- Is one of the most pansexual people out there. He’s a social butterfly that loves and grooves with just about anyone, and he’ll flirt readily- Provided those he’s flirting with are comfortable. He’ll back off if he can sense discomfort, and he makes sure to only do this when the situation is appropriate. As a person with basic morals, personal autonomy and consent is much-respected by Tahu.
Gali- Questioning, both in-universe and from a writer’s perspective. RaE Gali is a character who’s busy figuring a LOT of stuff out regarding her identity and role as a Toa.
Pohatu- He’s Gay, no ifs, ands, or buts.
Onua- Aromantic ace! She doesn’t quite get the idea of sexual attraction or romance, but it’s intriguing to quietly observe from an outsider’s perspective nonetheless!
Kopaka- Pan, but with a particular disposition towards big, buff people. 
Lewa- Also Pan, he’s pretty open to a lot of people and loves very freely and compassionately. (Of course, that isn’t to say that non-Pan people, such as aces or aros, don’t have compassion; Onua is a just person after all! It’s just that with Lewa’s very friendly and outreaching nature, it makes a lot of sense to me for him to be open to just about any possible relationship.)
On another note, the Protectors of Jungle and Water, Vizuna and Kivoda, are both non-binary and go by They/Them pronouns! Initially I grappled with deciding which one to make NB, but then it occurred to me that the more there is, the merrier! Likewise, Takua is a trans woman!
Generally speaking, assume most characters are pansexual. There are the occasional exceptions I know for certain, such as Harvali and Vira- They’re lesbians. On another fun note, if a character’s gender in RaE doesn’t match the one they had in the source material, there’s at least a 75% chance that they’re Trans! I haven’t decided on all of them exactly, but for now, it’s safe to assume that they’re probably Trans!
Any Trans Individuals or others of queer identity are free to give input on how I can contribute to, change, or update this kind of worldbuilding! I may be queer, but I’m still no expert in queer identities, and I welcome the feedback, corrections, and experiences of others- Diversity IS the spice of life! LGBTQIA+ asks about RaE are also welcome as well, as are suggestions on representation that I can include!
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I'm a huge fan of this blog btw, I just have a question and would love your input. this pride month, I've seen a rise in people using the fictosexual flag. I live by the rules that all genders and sexualities are valid even if I don't understand them, as long as no one is being hurt etc etc. i can't tell if fictosexuality is a joke or if people are legit? my only problem is i don't know if fictosexuals belong in the queer community. I'm tired and thinking too much into this lol
I'm gonna be honest, I don't know much about fictosexuality 🤔
I do believe it's not a joke, though! At least for a good chunk of them! Some people just aren't attracted to real people, but are attracted to fictional characters, and have f/os (fictional significant others I guess? I remember some peeps in the fujoshi server talking about their f/os once)
My attitude towards the queer community is generally just "the more the merrier!" tbh. Give me your queer, your kinky, your "weird", they have a place. I'd think most fictosexuals are multiple forms of queer anyway, and even if they're not and fictosexual is their only identity, I don't see the harm in embracing them.
Baseline, if you say you're queer, you're queer, and I'm just going to believe you.
(And thank you ^w^!!)
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nootvanlis · 5 years
Fuck Carmilla Con and Fuck SLC1698 and Goodbye
Yes this is another blog/fandom goodbye because my mental health is degrading and not getting any better.  I don’t know when/if I’ll come back.  And a lot of that has to do with Carmilla Con and SLC1698 which, fuck them.  If you care to know why, feel free to read.  And if you want to talk shit about me or send shit, don’t do it on my blog because I gave it away and frankly, I’m gone and don’t care enough to see it.
Carmilla Con
The con started with me and my friend.  My friend and I started the con by gauging interest from my Tumblr and Twitter following and tried to hype it up. And when we did get some attention, suddenly we were approached by another group and said they were working on one already, but honestly they had nothing done.
A member of that group DM’d my friend saying they were already going to make it.  We were hesitant about working together but I convinced my friend we should work together because the more the merrier.  There was 8 of them and 2 of us… you can guess that we were outnumbered.  
All the things my friend and I worked on suddenly got taken over by that group.  All the things we planned were scrapped.  There was no sense of compromising.  It’s what ever they wanted.  They changed it without consulting anyone.  And when there were decisions to be made, we were outnumbered because the group always sided with the one person who decided to be the leader.  The longer I stayed the longer I felt like shit and useless.  No matter what I did or decided, it’s ignored or denied.  I didn’t even feel part of the team.
As it progressed, I started getting into disagreements with the other members.  2 of them only cared about Wynonna Earp and admitted they rather attend a WE con than a Carmilla con which is why we had to cater to them so they can attend them.  They wanted us to work around their schedule.  I was deeply upset I was working with these type of people.  Who had other priorities.  Who didn’t even LOVE Carmilla as much as I did.  At this point, I’ve been crying everyday with how difficult it was to work with them but struggling with not leaving because I didn’t want the con in the hands of these people.
The last straw came when the “leader” decided to take over the job I’ve been working on.  The only one I felt confident in.  
My friend was a professional logo designer.  I asked her to help design a logo for the convention.  I was willing to pay but she said she’ll do it for free.  She worked tirelessly on it for a month, despite being super busy and came out with a super great design.  I showed the group and they brushed it off.  I thought maybe I’ll ask again down the road.  3 months later, I again say the logo is done but the “leader” said no, it’s not as good as hers.  At this point, she had taken over every single task and had not let us touch anything in regards to this con.  She wouldn’t budge because it was her own design.  They never took me seriously at all to begin with and they were in majority so I never would’ve got any input in anyways.
I asked our group chat and not surprisingly at all, they decided against a professionally done logo in favour of their friend’s.  Not only that, but they started mocking me.  That night led me to my first big anxiety attack in years and I went to therapy the next day. I left shortly after because I couldn’t handle it anymore.  My friend who started with me stayed.  I don’t talk to them anymore because this whole situation still triggers me.  It’s unfortunate because there were still people in that group I wish I had gotten to get to know better because they were nice to me.  It doesn’t help that I’ve met them all before at the Carmilla movie screening and they made me feel left out.  Even worse, they sent an email months later and the “leader” insisted they apologized and was trying to gaslight me but I know I never got one.  
I felt so guilty because my friend did it for free and it took her so long.  She stopped talking to me and unfollowed me.  This is the worst guilt I’ve ever felt that even to this day, I talk about it with my psychiatrist.  I’ve apologized countless times but I’ve never had that resolved and still feel like shit about it.  
I wanted the con to be about the community that loved Carmilla, that shaped who I am today, that I considered home for 5 years.  I wanted everyone to be treated equal and it be affordable.  I wanted everyone to have fun and have a safe space to be themselves.  It turns out, I wasn’t even going to be part of it.  
Now I heard very shady things about the con behind the scenes and how some guests were mistreated but that ain’t my business.  After what I heard, I hope the guests who had issues received what they deserve and karma will get to these organizers.  Seeing and hearing more of the con and how everything is completely changed is just upsetting.
If you support the con, fine.  I’m not angry at you, just disappointed.  It’s all I wanted for the fandom, the cast, and the crew.  You and everyone deserve it.  But I’m not going to support it.  As a matter of fact, it still triggers me hard.  And being on social media, at cons, staying in this fandom is triggering to me everyday.  I have over 1000 people muted and still can’t get away from it.  So if you’ve read this far, don’t EVER talk about this convention with me.  I spent 6 months in therapy JUST to handle Clexacon and I still had an anxiety attack every day and even in front of Natasha who was kind enough to help me calm down.  It hurts to know the people I look up to, my own friends, the people I dedicated 4 years to are supporting the people that bullied me.  And that I wasted so much time planning something I wasn’t even “allowed” to participate in.  Months later and I’m still getting panic attacks over this and at one point, was nearly hospitalized.  I don’t think any of them took the severity of what they put me through seriously and I still don’t think they ever will because they got what they want and won’t receive and backlash or repercussion.
But the biggest thing that hurts the most is Natasha and Elise promoting this.  I love them so much but they both hurt me the most which is the biggest factor of me leaving.
I don’t want to be a party pooper and don’t want to be selfish so I figured I’d just leave because 1 miserable person leaving won’t make difference.  I don’t think anyone really cares about me that much.
Now if you’re wondering why I fucking hate SLC1698, it’s because they betrayed me and stole the idea.  While I left the fandom to recover from all con mess, they decided to make a whole new discord server and took everyone of my members away.  I worked hard to promote the fuck out of my discord server and have a place where Carmilla fans can meet new people and chat.  But no, they took my hard work to get “their” server started out.
That wasn’t even originally their idea.  The idea originated on MY fanfiction channel on my discord server.  The book club idea was started by at least 6 or 7 people.  Some of the people had been on your server for years.  Everyone was tight knit and it was almost like our own little family.  But then someone decided to claim the idea as their own and built a new server in secret without any input from anyone else.  One of the members consulted with there 2 close friends and not the other people who helped make what it was and take over it.  
Even though they say it wasn't supposed to replace my server, they never really acknowledged the revival of my server when I came back.   Which funnily enough, is similar to the con situation.  They completely took over and made something that was supposed to be fun into work.  And that server is completely devoid of fun because of all the demanding rules.  Fanfic is supposed to be fun.  Not a job.
Since all the members joined that new server, everyone left mine and left it dead.  All my friends were gone.  I’ve never felt so fucking alone in this community.  They stole my friends and my community while I was already dealing with the feeling of uselessness from the convention.  I felt like no one even gave a fuck about me and I still feel like that.
To people in either the groups, don’t interact with me.  Fuck off.  And fuck off with your fake kindness and promoting my stuff.  Stay away from my friends and leave us the fuck alone.  I want nothing to do with you or any of you.
Everyone’s so eager to say “community” but it stopped feeling that way for me a long time ago.  This fandom is so tiny I can’t fucking escape the situation and the people who hurt me.  My mental health degraded so much in the last 2 years.  Sucks when the thing you love causes so much pain.  It stopped feeling safe after all the betrayal which lead to anxiety and panic attacks and suicidal thoughts.  I had to be honest with myself and see that this isn’t safe for me anymore even if I love it.
My biggest mistake was making it my obligation to provide stuff and then letting people take advantage of me.  People keep asking for content and videos and I don’t have any so I feel like I let everyone down. I even risk getting kicked out of LFF and security following me around just trying to get a video of the panel. I feel like it’s a job, an obligation and it’s no longer fun. I do it out of the kindness of my own heart AND for free, providing for a community that’s helped me out a lot but now I feel like I’m being used.  I feel so exhausted.  I get anxiety when I don’t “provide” enough content because I don’t want to let people down.  I want to be able to give more but I want to feel happy doing it but I feel so miserable.  I don’t even know what I deserve anymore.
I feel like sometimes I’m the glue that sticks things together and when I’m going through something, everything somehow starts falling apart and right now, it’s happening to my group of friends.  All my friends are leaving the fandom, too so I’m starting to feel lonely.  I want to go out and and meet new people here in Toronto.
Thank you to my friends who have been super patient with me and put up with my mood swings this year.
I want to get better.  I want to move past this.  I want to support Natasha and Elise for as long as I can.  Which is why I need to leave.  It’s gonna be extremely boring and nothing can fill the void that Carmilla left me but I’ll live lmao.  Thanks for everything and everyone who has made this last 5 years enjoyable.  Until next time, I hope to talk to you all again.
I wish I could go back and do this all over again.  I wish I can be 20 again and rediscover it
If you want to stay in touch, I’m on my personal twitter/instagram; girlvillains. If you still want to meet up next month, DM me there.  DO NOT ask me about any of this and trigger me or I’ll block you.  Respect my boundaries about this situation if you talk to me.
If you read all this, thank you.  Thanks for letting me be this dramatic for years lmao.
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survivingthejungle · 5 years
Little Lies; tommy shelby
or; tommy shelby gets new neighbors from America. they have a pretty daughter.
“And on Christmas Day it’ll be just you and Charlie.”
“And the horse. And the neighbors, I’m sure.”
“The neighbors?”
“New family. Americans. moved into the little cottage down the road; I’m sure they’ll like to spend their first Christmas away from home with others.”
“Alright, fine. So you invite the Americans. You invite a bunch of Yankee strangers and not your own family.”
“Yes, Lizzie, it seems so.”
Dear Mr. and Mrs. (Y/L/N),
I’d like to formally invite you and your family to spend Christmas with us just down the road. I’m sure spending the holidays in a brand new country for the first time isn’t a simple transition, so you’re all more than welcome to spend it with us Shelbys.
-Thomas Shelby
The handwriting was strikingly elegant in spite of the fact that it was written by a man—men so often have messy or illegible handwriting. “Mama,” you called to the kitchen while you were standing in the doorway. ”You know the Shelbys?”
“The who, hun?”
“Shelbys. Down the road. They invited us to Christmas with them.”
“Oh, how sweet!” your mother exclaimed, coming to the doorway to meet you. “I ought to bring something.”
“I doubt you’ll have to, mom, have you seen that house? Something tells me they’ll have plenty of food.”
Your mother scoffed at your blatant assumption of their wealth. “It’s called being courteous, (Y/N), something I clearly failed to instill in you.”
You shrugged it off. “Should I write back? Say we’ll go?”
“Yeah; why don’t you go ahead and do that.”
Dear Mr. Shelby,
Thank you so much for inviting my family and I to spend Christmas with you! We are flattered by your warm invitation and are much looking forward to meeting you and your family.
-(Y/N) (Y/L/N)
With a quick swipe of your tongue and an address promptly scribbled on, the RSVP was sent back.
The fated day finally rolled around and you couldn’t help but feel a pit of dread in your stomach. What if the Shelbys actually end up hating us? What if it’s just a bunch of old people and no one my age? Will they judge us for not having as much money as them? As the thoughts all ran through your brain like the stream in your backyard, you continued your routine of getting dressed and brushing your hair. It was significantly longer that the current fashion demanded, but you were never one to follow societal norms. It rested at about back-length, whereas any other woman of the day would be more likely to be sporting something close to her chin. Not caring much about the style of your hair, you turned to your closet to discern what you were going to wear. After a few bits of input from your mother and father, you decided on a simple blue dress you had bought a few months prior. It was casual, but not too casual; elegant, but not too lavish.
It was nearly 2 o’clock in the afternoon when someone came knocking on your door. Your mother was busy making a trayful of baked goods in the kitchen and your father was out back feeding the hens and collecting eggs. “(Y/N), dear, would you get that?” you mother called.
“Yes, mom,” you yelled back, barreling down the steps and down the short entryway until you reached the front door.
And nearly the moment you had opened it up you saw the most beautiful man you’d ever laid eyes on in your entire life. Please, God, don’t tell me that’s our neighbor, you prayed.
The man smiled politely down at you. “Ah, so you’re our new neighbors,” the man spoke, his thick Birmingham accent (the one you’d been most exposed to since your move) hovering over every word. “Pleasure to meet you, love, I’m Tommy Shelby.” He stuck out his hand to you and shook it. In the short amount time it took you to become absolutely starstruck, your mother had left the kitchen—hands clean— and your father had just come back inside and the four of you gathered in the hallway, Tommy still standing outside.
“Please, Mr. Shelby, come inside! It’s freezing out there.” He obliged and stepped through the threshold, and you shut the door behind him.
“Mr. Shelby, we’re so honored that you thought to invite us to dinner tonight,” your mother gushed, shaking his hand emphatically. “Really, when we got your letter I told my family how lucky we were to have moved in down the street from such welcoming people.” Mr. Shelby gave your mother a small smile and you felt your heart stop. Oh, no. This is bad.
“We’re glad to have you all the way from across the pond,” he responded. “Hope you’ve found Warwickshire to your liking.”
“Oh, it’s great,” your father piped up, putting a hand on your mother’s shoulder. “Nice to meet ya, sir,” he said, shaking Mr. Shelby’s hand as well.
“Please, call me Tommy,” he responded warmly.
It was obvious that this man was a significant number of years older than you, being only 19. While the thought of having a relationship with a 40-something year-old man had certainly never been a goal of yours before, you couldn’t help but wonder about it now. “Well,” he began, addressing the three of you, “I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I’m afraid we’ve had to cancel Christmas dinner. A problem’s come up in the family; I hope you can forgive me.”
Your mother and father were less concerned about not having dinner and more about the state of your mysterious neighbor’s family. “Oh, dear, I’m so sorry to hear that! Really, Mr. Shelby, no need to apologize. Family always comes first; of course we understand.” Your father nodded his head in agreement. “I only hope we can manage to have you over for dinner some other night, to repay you for your hospitality.”
Mr. Shelby politely declined your mother’s offer. “Really, Mrs. (Y/L/N), it won’t be necessary. You don’t want me burdening you with another mouth to feed.”
“Mr. Shelby, we insist,” your father pushed. “Bring your family, too; the more the merrier. It’ll be good for us to meet some new faces, anyways. You name a date and we’ll get it all set up.”
Before you knew it, the issue of dinner rescheduling was resolved and Mr. Shelby was on his way. “Merry Christmas, Mr. Shelby-”
“Please, I insist, you can call me Tommy. We are neighbors, after all,” he assured your mother.
“Tommy,” she smiled, correcting herself, “We really can't thank you enough for your hospitality. We’re looking forward to meeting the rest of the clan.”
With your mother satiated, he moved on to bid farewell to your father. “You’ve got a lovely family, Mr. (Y/L/N).”
“Thank you much, sir,” he responded, firmly shaking Tommy’s hand. Your mother and father left the hallway to return to their previous activities, leaving the two of you all alone.
And then it was down to you. “Merry Christmas, Ms. (Y/L/N),” he stated.
“Merry Christmas, Mr. Shelby. It was wonderful meeting you.”
“Please, really, no need for formality. Call me Tommy, I’m your neighbor.”
“Alright,” you agreed, “But only if you call me (Y/N). Deal?” you stuck your hand out.
He shook it. “Deal.”
“You get home safe,” you reminded him. Taking your hand in his, he brought it to his lips and softly kissed it. Holy shit, you panicked, but managed to keep your true reaction hidden. Bidding him goodbye once more you turned on your heel after shutting the door behind him, sprinting back upstairs to your room.
I never thought that moving across the ocean to another country could be so terrible.
Don’t misunderstand- it’s beautiful here, and so quiet and peaceful, and the people are all so obliging.
But I think I’m in love with our neighbor, and I also think he’s at least a 40 year old man. He has a son and everything, although I’m pretty sure his wife died.
On Christmas day, he stopped by the house to talk to my parents and I and welcome us to the country. When he left, he kissed my hand.
Is that weird? Or did I just misunderstand some British custom?
Send help! I miss you dearly and look forward to seeing you again soon.
Three days had passed since the ‘incident’. You sealed the letter to your best friend back in the States and threw on your coat, making your way down to the nearest post office. About halfway down the dirt road that led into the more populated village, you heard a car coming behind you. You stepped off onto the patch of grass on the side of the road, careful to not be in the way of the oncoming vehicle; but it never passed you. Instead, it caught up to you and stopped, so you stopped as well to look at who was driving it.
And, of course, it was the one and only Tommy Shelby. “(Y/N),” he called to you, “Where are you headed? You’ll freeze out there, do you need me to drive you somewhere?”
“Oh, I’m fine Mr. Shelby—”
“Tommy, (Y/N), please.”
“Tommy. Sorry. I don’t need a ride, but thank you for the offer! I’m just headed down to the post office.”
“Nonsense, that’s too far away for you to be walking. Get in, I’ll take you there. I’m headed into town meself.” Suddenly acutely aware of the sharp cold pricking at your face and hands, you obliged and stepped up into his car. He held a hand out to help balance you as you got yourself settled and shut the door. He was smoking, as you’d assumed was his habit. Once he began driving again, he was the first to break the silence. “How ‘ave you and your family been?”
“We’re just alright,” you smiled, “My mom’s so happy here. She loves all the people; says they’re the nicest she’s ever met.”
“I’m sure she doesn’t mean me,” he chuckled. “I’m just the mean old man down the road.”
“No, not at all!” you exclaimed. “She thinks you’re wonderful.”
“Ah, is that so? And what about you?” he asked.
“What about me?” you responded, not sure you understood his question.
“How are you liking it here? Any new friends, any boyfriends?”
“No, not at all,” you giggled, blushing slightly. “I haven’t really met anyone new yet.”
“Well, you’re a pretty girl,” he said offhandedly. If you were paying closer attention you would’ve caught the slight sigh that passed his lips. “You’ll have all the boys chasing after you in no time.”
“I hope not,” you scoffed. “Boys are silly and immature. I’m perfectly content all by myself.”
He took his eyes off of the road for just a moment to glance at you, an unreadable expression on his soft features. “You’re a smart girl,” he praised, “Got a good head on your shoulders. Don’t let anyone change that.” Thankfully, before you had to muster up a half-hearted reply, the car came to a stop. You had reached the post office. “Go on,” he prompted, “I’ll wait up for you.”
“Really, Mr. Sh—Tommy,” you caught yourself, “You don’t have to wait for me, I know you’re a busy man.”
“(Y/N), if it had been a problem, I wouldn’t have given you a ride, would I?” He gave you a knowing look.
“I..I guess not. I’ll be quick,” you promised, rushing inside. You dropped off your letter to Charlotte without having to wait in too unbearable a line, and scurried back outside to where Tommy was waiting for you to return. “Thank you again for doing this; I don’t know how to pay you back.”
“No need, sweetheart,” he nearly crooned, and you felt your heart swell and your throat close up. “Although I will have to take up your mum’s dinner offer soon.”
“Sounds perfect; we’re looking forward to it,” you smiled.
The car fell into a comfortable silence for a moment before Tommy spoke up again. “(Y/N), your family—you wouldn’t happen to be Italian, would you?”
An odd question, you thought, but nonetheless one you could easily answer. “Not to my knowledge, no,” you told him. “How come?”
“What business is your family in?”
“Business?” you questioned. “Uh, nothing, really. We had a farm back home; sold eggs, and milk, and livestock every once in awhile to make money. My parents have been saving up to move over here for years.”
“I see,” he mumbled, nodding and pondering your answers. “‘Ave you got any plans for the next hour or so?”
“Uh, no, I don’t,” you responded shyly. You weren’t going back in the direction of your house, but deeper into a town that you were unfamiliar with. Regardless of how attractive a man was, that didn’t mean you wouldn’t be uncomfortable with him kidnapping you.
“I’ve got someone to check on at the hospital. Would you like to meet ‘em? It’ll only take a moment,” he assured you.
“Oh, sure!” you responded. “I’d love to go.”
It turned out that the person being checked on at the hospital was Tommy’s cousin, Michael; and he was in bad shape. “He got shot. Christmas day. Been waiting on ‘im to wake up ever since.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry, Tommy; that’s terrible. He got shot? How?”
Tommy took a deep breath and turned to face you. You were both back in the car now; not much use to sit at a comatic person’s bedside and wait God knows how long for them to wake up. The car was parked and the two of you were just having a heartfelt conversation with one another. “Listen, my family and I… we’ve gotten ourselves into a bit of trouble here and there. We managed to piss off an American and now he’s after us.”
You nodded. “That’s why you wanted to know if my family was Italian. If we were with them.” He agreed.
“Your- your mum and dad, they’re good country folks. I take it they’ve been farming their whole lives?” You nodded again. “I don’t think you’re the same as them,” he mused.
“I’m not,” you confirmed. “My parents are content living in that cottage for the rest of their lives… But that seems so boring to me. I want to go do something, I want to travel somewhere. Or at least do something different. I don’t want to be just another farm girl.”
“The world has plenty of those,” he agreed, taking a drag of his cigarette.
“What about you?” you wondered aloud. He glanced at you, urging you to continue. “I mean, do you want to keep ‘getting into trouble’?”
He scoffed. “Fuck, if only I could keep meself out of trouble. It seems to come looking for me nowadays.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.”
“So am I, (Y/N); so am I.” He’d started the car and was about to put it into gear when all of a sudden a couple of sharply dressed men came out from behind a corner, guns pointed directly at the car—directly at you and Tommy. He noticed them in the rearview mirror and immediately shoved you from your seat to the floor. “Fuck!” he yelled, at the same time the men began to shoot. You let out a scream, covering your head with your arms and curling yourself closer to the ground. You could hear Tommy grab something from the glove compartment, a gun, and begin shooting back at the men. There was a rapid exchange of gunfire for a moment, then suddenly—silence. Tommy let out a sigh of relief. His hand found its way to your head and brushed your hair back out of your face. “(Y/N), look at me— are you hurt?”
His face was stone cold and serious. You shook your head, and the rest of your body followed suit. You couldn’t stop shaking and your breathing was short and rapid. “Oh my God… Oh my God,” you whispered to yourself. He helped you back up on to your seat before pulling you close to him, head on his chest as he stroked your hair and spoke softly in your ear.
“Listen to me, you’re alright. Yeah? I’m not gonna let anyone hurt you.” You couldn’t restrain it anymore; you let out a broken sob as the weight of what had just happened crashed into you like a freight train.
“What the fuck, Tommy!” you cried.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I’ll never let that happen again, alright? I won’t let ‘em come after you because of me. Look at me.” You obeyed, tears in your eyes, and his heart broke once again. “That will never happen again. Do you understand me?” You nodded. He pulled you back to him and let you cry it out, smoothing down your hair while you held onto his jacket with white knuckles. If you had cared, you would have noticed him press a few kisses to the top of your head; having just been nearly killed, however, you didn’t care all that much.
You were out of tears in the next few moments, pulling yourself away and trying to regain every shred of dignity you had left. His hand stayed resting on your shoulder comfortingly while you wiped your tears away with your fingertips. “Oh my God,” you nearly chuckled, “This is not how I expected living in a new country would be.” He smiled at that, comforting you. He lifted a hand to wipe away a few remaining tears on your lashes, and lifted your chin with his knuckle.
“You gonna be alright?” he asked with piercing eyes.
“Yes. Yeah, I’ll be fine. I never want to get shot at again,” you said, more to yourself than to him, but he still chuckled lightly.
“You won’t, little bird, I promise.” He drove you back to your house in relative silence, suddenly hyper-aware of the surroundings. You made it back in one piece with only a shattered back windshield as proof of what had happened. Before you got out of the car, he stopped you. “I’ll come and check on you soon, yeah?” You accepted the offer. “Good girl. Be careful.”
With that you slid out through the passenger side door and opened the door to your house, Tommy only driving away after the door was shut and you were safe inside. “Hello, my darling,” you mother greeted you. She and your father were sitting in the living room, fireplace roaring. “Where have you been?”
“I sent a letter to Charlotte at the post office,” you explained hanging up your coat. “Mr. Shelby was headed somewhere in his car; he gave me a ride there and back.”
“Oh, what a nice man!” your mother gushed. “He really is a great guy. I hope he comes for dinner soon.”
“I think he will,” you assured her, “I mentioned it to him. He says he’s looking forward to it and we’ll get something worked out soon.” Your father hadn’t spoken a word yet, too busy reading the paper to listen to your conversation. “I’m gonna go upstairs and take a nap, mom; this weather has exhausted me.” With a swift farewell you tucked your shoes by the staircase and headed up to bed. Rather than sleeping in your day clothes, you threw on your pajamas and snuggled up under the covers, burying your head in the pillow and taking a deep breath.
As much as you tried to forget what had happened just half an hour before, you couldn’t; the more you tried, the more you remembered, and the more upset you became. A few uncontrollable tears slipped past your eyes as you cried quietly into the pillow; soon becoming too tired to keep your eyes open, you drifted off into a peaceful slumber.
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icypantherwrites · 5 years
Mer-May Patreon Event (Mermaid-Themed Lance Fic, what?!?!)
So, it is May. And apparently that means Mer-may, of which I have been clued in after seeing some art cross my dashboard. I don't tend to participate (or notice, although I spend most weeks going what day is it let alone what month xD) in these things but Lance and merfolk and all that good stuff do go hand in fin together, don't they?
So I'm gonna run a little event here ♥ This may or may not come to fruition, but thought it would be fun to try :)
The Event
I'd love to see some more folks joining the Patreon; not just for the financial help but because I'd really love to get a community going here and be able to do more events and contests (as right now the pool is a little limited from what I would like it to be to do so) and get even more input and engagement on the FMs and whatnot ♥
So using Mer-May as my plank (diving board) I'm going to try a pledge drive again (because the last one went so well #heavysarcasm #butalwaysoptimistic) for the Patreon and should we reach the goal by the last day of May, May 31 at 2359 hours CST, we'll get some treasure :D
The goal this go around is 50 Patreons subscribed to the page. We are currently sitting at 37. The pledge amount can be any (so we could get 13 new scalawags at $1/each or up to $10/pledges; however the sand dollar crumbles). I'm not going to do too much advertising myself other than here and posting on my Tumblr, so I encourage all of you to reblog the Tumblr post or tell a friend who you think might be interested. The more the merrier after all!
And should the page hit 50 Patreons...
The Treasure (Reward)
There be treasure! 
The reward will be a mermaid themed Lance fic -- I will leave it to my Patreon members if Lance is the merman, if someone else is and he's a pirate/drowning civilian / etc. -- with of course some whumpy, angsty elements, which will be determined based upon what Lance is in this fic.
I’m not really giving any thought to it as then I go down the rabbit hole, but assuming Lance was the merman… my plot as of right now would be he ends up captured by pirates and is going to be sold as merfolk are incredibly rare and the wealthy want them for their personal collections.
He ends up befriending a slave aboard the ship, Shiro, and his younger brother, Keith, and the two humans ultimately help him escape… with of course plenty of whump (probably of the Shiro and Keith variety for physical since the pirates don’t want to ruin the value of their mer) although I think their captain might be Lotor and given how I love to write Lotor interacting with Lance... who knows what happens to our blue boy♥ Add in some emotional angst (that’s gonna be mostly Lance ♥) and we’ve got ourselves a high seas adventure.
And back to the other parts of this xD
Given the goal this would not be a mere (it would be about mer though! ;p)  one shot either. Oh no. When we dig for treasure we get treasure. This fic would be a multi-chaptered fic somewhere from 20k - 40k words (it really depends on how crazy I go xD) for everyone to enjoy and really sink their gills (er, what?) into. 
At this time it would be posting on AO3 BUT I would offer early chapter access on Patreon a day before (which is a one time thing, only FM gets that early release honor normally ;p) but if you're a member you've earned it :D 
So, recap. Treasure is a mermaid themed Lance fic, 20k-40 words, that the lovely Patreon folk will get exclusive access to chapters for a day before it goes live on AO3 and you can join the Patreon right here for just $1/month! Sounds shiny, don't it captain? ♥ (okay, Firefly is not mermaid themed but it is shiny so shhh). 
So have fun, make a splash, and let's see where the tides take us! 
Preorder Fanfictions (Zine and Sin) | AO3 | Ko-Fi | Patreon | Discord
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howsit-going-toend · 7 years
Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down) Pt. 2
A Kwon Jiyong x Reader AU series featuring Kim Jiwon and Choi Seunghyun
Genre: Crime/Mafia/Angst
Word count: 1,800+
Summary: You joined the police force years ago to help clean up the streets of Seoul and rid the city of organized crime. You’ve seen some shit. You’re surely prepared for anything……but how are you supposed to feel when the big bad crime boss you’ve been after turns out to be a familiar (to say the least) face?
Part 1 ... Part 3 Part 4  Part 5 Part 6
Key: Y/F/N- your first name. Y/L/N- your last name
(A/N: I’m going to try my best to have an update ready each week, if not twice a week. I am really loving writing this story and I hope you all are enjoying reading it. I appreciate all kinds of feedback!)
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The following day in the police station was mayhem. Even though your top priority task was heading the case against organized crime in Seoul, it didn’t excuse you from daily police work.
But today felt like you were the only person in the station who was remotely competent, aside from your superintendent. Everywhere you turned, someone was looking for your input or your signature on something. Your only moments of peace came when you were successfully able to sneak away to the restroom.
You’d found yourself trying to scarf down a late lunch while you reviewed a report someone had thrown in your face. You were focused intently until your superior appeared at the edge of your desk.
“Detective Y/L/N.” Your head sprang up at the mention of your title, to which you promptly bowed.
“Chief Kim, what can I do for you?” You embarrassingly mumbled in between your chews.
“I’d like for you to meet your new partner for the G Dragon case. And before you say anything, know that he finished his training at the very top of his class, was awarded numerous honors and has consistently performed at impressive skill levels that I haven’t seen since you went through your schooling.” The superintendent mused, drawing your attention to the tall man standing beside him.
Chief Kim knew you well because if it hadn’t been for such praises, you would have politely sent this man elsewhere. But as of this moment, it sure looked and sounded like he had a lot of potential.
You quickly swallowed the last bite of your lunch and stood up to bow to your new partner. “Pleased to meet you. I’m senior officer and detective Y/F/N Y/L/N. But feel free to call me Y/F/N.”
He returned the bow before saluting and replying in an exceptionally deep voice. “Choi Seunghyun. The pleasure is mine. I’ve heard many great things about you, detective Y/L/N.”
You smiled at his formal speech and lightly shook your head. “Seriously, don’t worry about using those formalities here. We’re partners now, so we’re a team, all right?” He politely nodded his head with a small smile in response.
“All right well let me brief you on what we have going on with this case lately.” You discarded the file you’d been reviewing to draw his attention to the other mound of papers on your desk. “So yesterday we were able to arres-.”
“Senior Y/L/N!”
You paused, mildly irritated that you were interrupted by yet another person who needed your help. “What is it?” You questioned the woman who had run out from where the station kept its holding cells.
“The suspect in cell three says he’s ready to talk. The one you picked up yesterday.” She replied hastily.
You raised an eyebrow in amusement. “Is that so? Bring him to Interview 1 and we’ll have a chat.” You instructed. “Well then, it looks like we’re about to have an interesting first day together, Officer Choi.” You said while patting the top of his shoulder.
He looked back at you with a smirk as he raised an arm in the direction of the interrogation rooms. “After you.”
You brought Seunghyun to the room connected to where you’d interview Jihun, and watched closely through the one-way mirror. This was all a part of the process; remove the suspect from their holding cell, plant them in a silent windowless room, and let them simmer for a minute. By the time you enter, ready to ask your questions, their nerves will visibly skyrocket.
And most people do an awful lot of talking when they’re nervous.
But as they brought Jihun in and sat him down, you stared at him skeptically. He was trembling. You folded your arms across your chest and narrowed your eyes at the glass. The man who had so boldly attempted to fight and mouth off at you only yesterday, now sat shaking like a leaf while he looked around the small room sporadically.
“What’s on your mind?” Seunghyun’s deep voice broke through your trance.
You replied without deterring your gaze from Jihun. “I just wasn’t expecting someone with his record to be this nervous only a day later. He’s been here before. We haven’t even asked a single question and he already looks prepared to tell us anything.”
Seunghyun chuckled to himself. “Well let’s get in there then.”
You nodded to him in agreement. Your face restored a look of indifference as you grabbed Jihun’s file and the two of you entered the room.
“Officer Choi, meet Park Jihun. Park Jihun; Officer Choi.” You introduced before throwing his file down on the table. The manila folder landed with a slap against the metal surface that echoed in the confined space, making the former loan shark flinch.
You took your place in the chair across from him while Seunghyun stood by the door behind you. “And you and I are already well acquainted, aren’t we?” You jested.
Jihun’s eyes didn’t leave the table top.
“What? No pet name or tough guy comeback? ... No spitting? I’m almost disappointed.” You continued to push, while he remained staring at his file.
After a minute of silence you leaned back in your chair and crossed your arms. As you opened your mouth to say something out of impatience, he cut you off.
“Listen. There’s a lot I could tell you. A lot. But I need some kind of guarantees first.” He said, still not looking up from the table.
You scoffed. “Guarantees? We don’t play that here. You talk and shorten your sentence or you’re back in the holding cell until your hearing. It’s as simple as that.”
He rolled his eyes at your denial and stared at the ceiling before taking a deep breath. “All right.” Finally, he looked you in the eye. “What do you wanna know?”
You leaned forward to rest your elbows on the table. “Anything and everything you can tell us about the man you work for. Tell us about the man known around the streets as G-Dragon.” You emphasized his boss’ name mockingly.
He forced a chuckle. “GD… That is one crazy mother fucker. Let me just say that. I make my living on the streets and all but…I’ve seen that guy do some serious shit.”
“Well that’s nice and vague. Cut to the good stuff.” You rushed. “We need to know where he is.”
Jihun’s gaze started to wander around the room again. You could hear the light pitter patter sound of his boot tapping against the ground nervously. “He’s a sneaky dude, all right? I can’t just give you one spot.”
“The more the merrier.” You replied bluntly.
He took another deep breath. “All right, look, I’ll give you the address where him and the boys meet up and go over business. I won’t say it but I’ll write it down, all right?”
You didn’t reply. You pulled a blank page from the back of his file and slowly ripped off a corner before handing it to him, along with a pen from your pocket; your eyes didn’t leave his face once. You gave him a small nod. “Go ahead.”
With a shaking hand, he quickly scribbled down the address of a known abandoned warehouse just outside of Seoul; you silently cursed yourself for not thinking of it before. You grabbed the paper from him and put it in your pocket while you watched his nerves increase before your eyes.
“Listen, you’ve got to protect me. ‘Cause if you don’t then I’m a dead man.” He whispered, his eyes darting between you and Seunghyun who had barely done so much as clear his throat the past few minutes. You furrowed your brows at his paranoia while your partner made his first comment.
“I don’t believe him.”
You raised a brow towards Jihun, whose jaw immediately dropped while he stared at Seunghyun incredulously. “What?!”
“Would you take a lie detector test?” He responded calmly.
Jihun forced another nervous laugh. “No fucking way.”
It was your turn to chime back in. “No? Why’s that? You were all ready to tell us anything we wanted to know just a second ago. What’s the difference?”
“I know how that goes, all right? You hook me up to one of those things and start asking me all other kinds of questions and then you’ll get me for a bunch of shit I didn’t even do.” He piped back.
You chuckled. “And what didn’t you do, Jihun, huh? Are you telling me you didn’t aid G-Dragon in killing five men just last month? Or that you didn’t launder tens of thousands of dollars for him in various scams and shops you’ve got littered throughout town? And don’t even get me started on the loan sharking. What, now you don’t want to tell us about all that?” You questioned with a raised voice, now even more skeptic of the man than before.
“Look, I just fucking gave you an address! You put it in your goddamn pocket, lady! They meet there every fucking Tuesday at nine o’clock in the basement, with two men keeping watch across the street on both corners of 5th and 6th. Prove me wrong.”
You narrowed your gaze at him. The room momentarily filled with silence before you replied. “Now just tell us that on a polygraph.”
He ran his fingers through his dark hair in frustration. “Fuck you. I’m not doing that.”
You sighed. “All right then. Officer Choi, I think he’s made his decision.” You calmly replied in the direction of Seunghyun. “One of the other officers will escort you back to the cell, Mr. Park.”
“I gave you what you wanted! You’ve got to protect me, I’ll be fucking killed the second I walk out of here!” Jihun warned.
You chuckled one last time before following Seunghyun out the door. “With your charges, I think it’ll be a while before you walk out of here. But the court will take into consideration the information you have provided us today.”
Jihun’s yells became muffled to nothing as the door closed behind the two of you. You pulled the crumpled up piece of scrap paper from your pocket and stared at it while shaking your head. “He dropped this on us just like that.”  
“I don’t trust it. I think we should pitch it.” Seunghyun quickly replied. “Here, I need to use the restroom anyway, I’ll just toss that out in the trash.” He commented with his palm reaching out to you.
You eyeballed him and his sudden urge to scrap a piece of evidence. “Now, now, just because he refused a polygraph doesn’t mean he bullshitted us. That piece of shit has been in and out of here for years, and he’s never given up information that quickly before. This is very strange, but most importantly; this right here is on record and he knows it.” You held the small folded up piece of paper in his direction for emphasis. “I say we look into it.”
He returned his arm back to his side while straightening his posture. “What would you like from me then?”
You smirked at him. “You’re going to accompany me on a bust, Officer Choi.”
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laur-rants · 7 years
I made a Poll for figuring out Prime Stream times!
I’d love to stream my insanity run with the most people watching possible. If you are interested in watching, Leave a comment on tumblr or vote here -- OR BOTH. Once I reach a consensus I can find better stream times/days and work my art/work schedule around it. And besides; the more the merrier, ye?
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The options on Twitter are as follows:
Fri/Sat Evenings 9pm-12am EST Tues/Weds Evenings Mon/Thurs Evenings OTHER/comment If you can’t reply on twitter, reply here, I dont bite! In the meantime, I’ll run the poll, work on art projects/commissions, and get back to when my next stream will be! Any and all input is appreciated. The poll will be up for a day or so, so have fun!
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