#I’ll always love me an old lady who can SING
tragedybunny · 1 year
Things my heart used to know, things it yearns to remember - Astarion x F!Reader
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Astarion sometimes has trouble sleeping now that he no longer can walk in the sun.
The sun is high overhead, the daylight shining at its brightest, playing off the water dancing in the fountain below the window of your rented room. The inn is nice, the owner a sweet older lady who doesn't ask questions about unusual sleeping habits of guests. Turning back from the window, you draw the drapes over it, shutting off the light from the room. "You need to get some sleep, love." 
Astarion looks up from where he was seated on the bed reading, a safe distance from errant sunbeams and sighs, reluctant even if he's clearly exhausted. "I know, you don't need to fuss over me all the time," he snaps the book shut to accent his peevish tone. You don't respond, giving his temper a moment to cool. Red eyes look down at the floor after a second, "I'm sorry darling, you know I hate it. And it feels worse today."
Ever since he had to go back to life out of the sun, sleeping has been fraught for him. Some days, like today, he's put it off for several days, and he's weary and irritable. "I know." Crossing the room, you take his hands. "It's alright,” your hands squeeze his, “but I really can’t have you on the road to Waterdeep this exhausted.” Despite the way he's changed, Astarion is Astarion, and you love all of him, even the parts that are still hurt and angry. 
“Why couldn’t Gale just teleport us or something? He’s a shit wizard.” You almost retort about him insulting his friends, but then his lips reverently kiss both your hands. "Lay down with me for a little while?" 
"Of course." Letting go of his hands, you wait until he's under the covers and then lay down next to him, arm wrapped protectively over him. 
This has become something of a ritual between the two of you whenever he’s afraid to sleep. Some days he’s afraid he’ll wake back up in Cazador’s manor, some days it’s fear that you’ll be gone when sunset comes, and on others, it’s the memory of faces, lured to their doom in the night. Only once did you make the mistake of walking away after an argument, and leaving him trapped alone in the day. You’d found him after, curled up under a blanket, terrified you’d never come back, knowing he couldn’t even try to find you until after dark. It had taken almost a week to get him to sleep again. Gently, you kiss the top of his head and run a hand through his silver curls. “Love you Sunlight,” his eyes have finally closed and you can feel him relaxing. 
“Love you too, Starry Sky.” Very softly, you start to sing a lullaby, one your favorite Nurse used to sing to you, an ancient tune, passed down for generations. Your noble parents didn’t necessarily make a loving childhood a priority, but you do have more warm memories than him, and this is one of the few ways you can share them. Fingers move from his hair to his back, tenderly stroking it while you sing. The way he responds to the old Elven song, you wonder if someone sang it to him over two hundred years ago, someone who loved him just as much as you do now. 
“Promise you’ll be here when I wake up,” he murmurs, half-asleep at last. 
“I promise Astarion, I’ll always be here.” 
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imusticaniwill · 9 months
A Beautiful Story of Life
Shared with me by a friend.
The first day of school our professor introduced himself and challenged us to get to know someone we didn’t already know.
I stood up to look around when a gentle hand touched my shoulder. I turned round to find a wrinkled, little old lady beaming up at me
with a smile that lit up her entire being.
She said, “Hi handsome. My name is Rose. I’m eighty-seven years old. Can I give you a hug?”
I laughed and enthusiastically responded, “Of course you may!” and she gave me a giant squeeze.
“Why are you in college at such a young, innocent age?” I asked.
She jokingly replied, “I’m here to meet a rich husband, get married, and have a couple of kids…”
“No seriously,” I asked. I was curious what may have motivated her to be taking on this challenge at her age.
“I always dreamed of having a college education and now I’m getting one!” she told me.
After class we walked to the student union building and shared a chocolate milkshake. We became instant friends. Every day for the
next three months, we would leave class together and talk nonstop. I was always mesmerized listening to this “time machine” as she shared her wisdom and experience with me.
Over the course of the year, Rose became a campus icon and she easily made friends wherever she went. She loved to dress up and she reveled in the attention bestowed upon her from the other students. She was living it up.
At the end of the semester we invited Rose to speak at our football banquet. I’ll never forget what she taught us.
She was introduced and stepped up to the podium. As she began to deliver her prepared speech, she dropped her three by five cards on the floor. Frustrated and a little embarrassed she leaned into the microphone and simply said, “I’m sorry I’m so jittery. I gave up beer for Lent and this whiskey is killing me! I’ll never get my speech back in order so let me just tell you what I know.”
As we laughed she cleared her throat and began, “We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing.
There are only four secrets to staying young, being happy, and achieving success. You have to laugh and find humor every day. You’ve got to have a dream. When you lose your dreams, you die. We have so many people walking around who are dead and don’t even know it!There is a huge difference between growing older and growing up.
If you are nineteen years old and lie in bed for one full year and don’t do one productive thing, you will turn twenty years old.
If I am eighty-seven years old and stay in bed for a year and never do anything I will turn eighty-eight.
Anybody can grow older. That doesn’t take any talent or ability. The idea is to grow up by always finding opportunity in change.
Have no regrets.
The elderly usually don’t have regrets for what we did, but rather for things we did not do. The only people who fear death are those with regrets.”
She concluded her speech by courageously singing “The Rose.”
She challenged each of us to study the lyrics and live them out in our daily lives.
At the year’s end Rose finished the college degree she had begun all those years ago. One week after graduation Rose died peacefully in her sleep.
Over two thousand college students attended her funeral in tribute to the wonderful woman who taught by example that it’s never too late to be all you can possibly be.
These words have been passed along in loving memory of ROSE.
“We make a Living by what we get, We make a Life by what we give.”
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pascalsbby · 1 year
People Talk
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Summary: 2.3k/ f!reader, dark!joel, dbf!joel, brat tamer!joel
“Truth is, he’d been waiting for your mouth to form his name all day. He knew you’d be here, always were on the fourth regardless of what boy you were running around with or what was happening in college. This time you were here for good. Or for a while, until your daddy caught on to your problem.”
Warnings: 18+ mdni, SMUT, age gap, joel masturbating, dominate & aggressive joel, unprotected p in v, slight stalker!joel, pet names, praise kink, dubcon, he talks you through it, tells you what to do- the usual pure filth
Notes: In honor of 420 followers + no work tomorrow, here is a 4th of July, neighbor dbf!joel, quickly written and poorly looked over one shot. Love you!
°:. *₊ ° . ° .• ♡ °:. *₊ ° *₊.• ♡ °:. *₊ ° . ° .• ♡ °:. *₊ ° *
It was entirely too hot to be prancing around outside in that too-tight dress, pretending you missed all your daddy’s other friends- ignoring Joel purposely. Punishing him, swaying those hips towards every other man but him.
Then, you’re bending down to pick up the cornhole bags with no regard to his wandering eyes. Giving the guys hell for throwing them at you while you were walking behind the boards. Wearing red panties, white socks.
You return the bags to who they belong to, and suddenly you’re hanging off Tommy’s collar. Laughing at some dumb joke he’d probably muttered.
He offers you his beer, you take it with a giddy smile. “Oh, Tommy,” you giggled, singing his name.
How fuckin’ rude.
It was Joel’s turn. He’d seen enough of everyone else getting your attention. He walked towards the two of you, catching your gaze and holding it, intensely.
“Hi there, little lady.” Little? Hardly. At least where it mattered. But it slipped out of his mouth, more as a warning to how you were acting than anything else.
“Saved the best for last, did you?” He stepped closer, hand engulfing a beer bottle.
He nudged Tommy, fuck off.
His beard had taken on a tinge of gray, hugging his jawline and accentuating the strong contour beneath it. Wrinkles traced his neck, along with a permanent frown between his eyebrows. His skin was darker than last summer, he’d been outside working on his truck. His crow's feet had deepened with time, age.
"Hey, old man,” you dared step even closer, patting him on the back, “Feelin’ okay? I’ll go get your rocker if you need me to,” you teased.
“Long day for you, almost time for fireworks and then we can tuck ya into bed.” You continued, grinning. He could tell this is the reaction you wanted.
Teasing had always been your nature, kissing his cheek before running your fingernails against his back as you hugged hello, pressing your hips closer to his when saying goodbye. The sighs you would quietly let out as his ear passed your mouth.
You use to leave your blinds slightly ajar at dusk, enticing him to peek through and catch a glimpse of the show you put on, from the comfort of his own home. Most of the time he watched you apply lotion, focusing on your pretty, heavy tits.
A few hours later he’d see you mosey out, around 11pm, rolling and cursing cause it doesn’t turn out like you want it to. You end up smoking it anyways on the back porch.
You never could get your joints to light on the first try, either. Something else he added to his list.
He would watch your shoulders relax, your gaze follow the lightening bugs; the cicadas quiet for the frogs. Then you would dizzily sneak back in.
You started that a few years ago, picking up weed from some ex you’d brought from school one summer.
Joel imagined what your soft insides would feel like completely stoned, fucking in and out of your wetness. Sometimes he’d dip into his stash and smoke after you, using his hands in place of your mouth… your cunt.
It became a habit.
“Joel?” You asked. He stopped imagining your pussy kissing his cock.
Truth is, he’d been waiting for your mouth to form his name all day. He knew you’d be here, always were on the fourth regardless of what boy you were running around with or what was happening in college. This time you were here for good. Or for a while, until your daddy caught on to your problem.
“So you’re nice n’ graduated huh? Pretty and smart. Always knew you were gonna be somethin’,” he smirked. His eyes wandered lower than your lips. This time he didn’t stop. He was starting at your nipples through your dress, poking so pretty against the white material. They’re pierced.
Fuck. That’s new.
“You know what they say,” You leaned into him further, moving higher on your tippy toes to be face to face with him- almost.
“Mm, and what’s that?” He muttered, playfully.
You moved your hair behind your ear, looking deeply into his eyes, welcoming him in.
You want me so bad, he thought.
Then you brake his trance, and answered as if it was your turn to embarrass him. You backed up and talked in a normal-toned voice now.
“I don’t fuckin’ know, you’re the one who told me college wasn’t gonna make me any smarter. Step it up, old man- you’re fallin’ behind.”
God damnit, you were a fucking brat. And he knew it was wrong his cock hardened beneath your smart ass words.
But it didn’t stop him from indulging regardless.
He’d heard stories about you all over town since you got back. It’s been four weeks and you were already making a name for yourself, becoming a town problem.
“‘Ya know Dan’s little girl? A slut, apparently. Sheriff caught ‘er down at the lake with Andrew’s boy, said he’d call her daddy if it happened again.”
Stories of whose son did what to you when. This was a small town, and he knew you knew that.
Before you could pull completely away from him, he walked up beside you and leaned into your ear, tickling your hair falling against it.
“Be more careful who you’re suckin’ dick around, pretty. People talk.” He whispered.
You huffed at him, ready to protest but he continued, “Wouldn’t want your daddy knowin’, would ya?”
Embarrassment reddened your cheeks, eyes faltering with surprise for a moment.
“Mr. Miller, if you wanted to fuck me, you should have just asked.” You dared, saying it loud enough to make his entire body stiffen, he looks around to see if anyone heard. Then he shakes with anger at how fuckin’ stupid you’re being. No one else heard over the chattering and screaming kids, throwing snap pop fireworks onto the shimmering concrete.
Now would be a good time to teach her a lesson. No one’s listenin’ to the loud noises around them, all engulfed in their own happenings. No one would be lookin’ for her.
He’d had enough of you trying to put his reputation on the line. He reaches out, snags your arm and pulls you closer to him, forcing you to walk by his side towards the house. His body heat is radiating off of you.
It’s better he teaches you now, rather than someone else worse down the line.
“We’re gonna go inside and you’re gonna let me teach you somethin’,” he says through his teeth, leaning down into your ear, “first thing you’re gonna learn is silence, baby. Don’t say a fuckin’ word while you bend over that bed for me.” He pointed his eyes towards you with a nod. “Got it?”
He waited for confirmation.
“Oh sure, Joel,” you mocked, “whatever you want.”
“You’re just not gettin’ it are you?” He spat.
He’s pulling you up the stairs now, back door slamming. Everyone’s out back getting ready for the fireworks, setting out blankets and calming the children. There isn’t much light to see who is missing and who isn’t.
In front of you are Joel’s broad shoulders, left arm hanging behind him as his biceps flex from dragging you with him. He looks impending, massive, from the view you have a couple stairs down.
His grip stings, your hand starting to lose feeling. He hasn’t said a word the entire time you two have been in the house. Grunting here and there at the weight of you, not letting you move at your own pace.
The fun was gone.
“You’re scaring me, Joel.”
“Good, pretty girl. Someone needs to.”
He knows the exact path to your room, and he takes you there before busting the door open and throwing you inside behind him. He closes the door with one push of his arm.
The release of his grip knocks you to the floor in front of your bed. You catch yourself, wincing in the thud your body had made.
He didn’t apologize for it, he didn’t even help you up. He put his back against the corner of the room and was looking at you, waiting, arms crossed behind his back.
He wanted you to bend over.
His breathing was heavy and his eyes set a little lower, darker. You got up on your knees, facing him. Face red, your tears were starting to form out aggravation of how Joel was treating you, but also the tickle in your mound.
You locked eyes with him, shuffling close enough to him to reach out and unbuckle his belt. He let out a breathy chuckle, laughing at how pathetic you look- compared to your confidence from earlier.
You did what he asked, demanded, and stood up to bend yourself over your childhood bed. You spread your legs, allowing the air to hit your pussy, then your tight ring of muscle before he spit down on it, turning hour over so you’re on your back, centering himself to you.
“That’s right. Let me feel it, pretty.”
He didn’t even do you the favor of one finger to stretch you out a little. He sheathed himself into completely.
“Squeeze. Uh huh, just like that,” his mouth is barely open, in awe, looking down at you.
“I want you to watch me fuck you, okay? Can you do that?” His tone was sweeter, yet more condescending.
You lift your head, peering down at your angled body as your lips spread to suck him in, over and over and over.
“J..Joel, please.” You begged, gasping for reprise.
“It’s so much, I know. But look at you, sweet thing, you’re taking it so well. Stretching yourself on my cock so, so good.”
You pathetically whimper back. Words had left you minutes ago. And that was okay with you. Joel was taking what he wanted from you, but you wanted it just as much. So you shut up and took it.
“I know, I know, pretty girl. Shhhh,” he coos, shoving himself into you. He’s so fucking big, you’d never felt this much pressure inside of you before. You throw your arms against his chest as high as you can stretch them, trying to push him away, overwhelmed by him. Overstimulated from the depth of his cock and the tickle of his calloused fingers, running circles around your throbbing nerves.
A cry escapes your lips, and he takes it as a cry of want rather than pain.
He grabs both of your wrists in one hand then hits you. Your jaw slacks the same as your head as it fall one way. He reaches out and rubs your cheek, holding your head in his hand.
“I said be quiet, did I not? I knew this would be too much for you. No wonder the entire town knows who you’re fuckin’- they can hear you.”
Your cunt fluttered and then slowly dripped release against him.
You start to argue, no, beg for him to slow down a little. His frame is lit from the orange hued streetlights on the street below, his hair falling into his face, disheveled from how he was moving his body.
The sun was almost set when you two had come in, providing some light, but no one turned on a light. No one outside could see in. That wasn’t enough to promise this would stay hidden.
Joel drops your head and puts his palm over your gasping mouth.
His grunts above you are guttural. Joel throws his shoulders back, his head following. Fuck, it’s been so long. And you… you had decided you wanted to tease him with the neighborhood boys, with his brother.
“‘N you think any of those boys down there are gonna touch you like this?” Satisfaction filled your gut as he sat you up, holding him your arms so that the tip of his cock could kiss you deeper, and suddenly you’re finding it hard to keep the smirk off your face.
You knew you’d piss him off, hanging around Tommy like that. Looking at him like that. Bending down in front of him, taunting him while Joel stood on the side of the yard.
He noticed your grin. Oh, he hadn’t fucked it out of you yet.
“Daddy would be so sad to know that he raised a fucking slut. But that’s okay baby, I’m gonna teach you how to be a good southern bell. That’s just what you need, ain’t it?”
You didn’t answer him in time, too busy looking at your shaking thighs, burning and tired as his length stretched you further every time he pulled out and slammed back in again. You, creamy and white against his cock.
He reached out and grabbed your throat, shaking your head yes for him. “There you go. Yes.”
His grip tightened at the base of your throat, pushing out ungodly sounds until your stomach bursts with fire.
Your eyes roll back into your head, bitting your lip so hard that you can taste a familiar metallic taste. You went limp for a moment, taking what Joel had to give you.
“Tommy, I-“ You started to beg him, assure him nothing was going on between you two. You started the sentence with the wrong name.
“Did you cum so hard you forgot who was filling this pussy up? Stop saying his fuckin’ name,” he growled, pushing your face into the bed.
You stopped trying to talk and instead melted further into the feeling of Joel.
“Another thing we gotta teach you is knowin’ who you belong to.”
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floridaboiler · 1 year
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source - https://twitter.com/CalltoActivism
I absolutely love this story…….. It made me cry.
"An 87 Year Old College Student Named Rose The first day of school our professor introduced himself and challenged us to get to know someone we didn’t already know.
I stood up to look around when a gentle hand touched my shoulder. I turned round to find a wrinkled, little old lady beaming up at me with a smile that lit up her entire being.
She said, “Hi handsome. My name is Rose. I’m eighty-seven years old. Can I give you a hug?”
I laughed and enthusiastically responded, “Of course you may!” and she gave me a giant squeeze. “Why are you in college at such a young, innocent age?” I asked.
She jokingly replied, “I’m here to meet a rich husband, get married, and have a couple of kids…”
“No seriously,” I asked. I was curious what may have motivated her to be taking on this challenge at her age.
“I always dreamed of having a college education and now I’m getting one!” she told me. After class we walked to the student union building and shared a chocolate milkshake.
We became instant friends. Every day for the next three months, we would leave class together and talk nonstop. I was always mesmerized listening to this “time machine” as she shared her wisdom and experience with me.
Over the course of the year, Rose became a campus icon and she easily made friends wherever she went. She loved to dress up and she reveled in the attention bestowed upon her from the other students. She was living it up.
At the end of the semester we invited Rose to speak at our football banquet. I’ll never forget what she taught us.
She was introduced and stepped up to the podium. As she began to deliver her prepared speech, she dropped her three by five cards on the floor. Frustrated and a little embarrassed she leaned into the microphone and simply said, “I’m sorry I’m so jittery. I gave up beer for Lent and this whiskey is killing me! I’ll never get my speech back in order so let me just tell you what I know.”
As we laughed she cleared her throat and began, “We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing. There are only four secrets to staying young, being happy, and achieving success.
1) You have to laugh and find humor every day.
2) You’ve got to have a dream. When you lose your dreams, you die.
We have so many people walking around who are dead and don’t even know it!
3) There is a huge difference between growing older and growing up.
If you are nineteen years old and lie in bed for one full year and don’t do one productive thing, you will turn twenty years old.
If I am eighty-seven years old and stay in bed for a year and never do anything I will turn eighty-eight.
Anybody can grow older.
That doesn’t take any talent or ability.
The idea is to grow up by always finding opportunity in change.
4) Have no regrets.
The elderly usually don’t have regrets for what we did, but rather for things we did not do. The only people who fear death are those with regrets.”
She concluded her speech by courageously singing “The Rose.
She challenged each of us to study the lyrics and live them out in our daily lives. At the year’s end Rose finished the college degree she had begun all those years ago. One week after graduation Rose died peacefully in her sleep.
Over two thousand college students attended her funeral in tribute to the wonderful woman who taught by example that it’s never too late to be all you can possibly be.
When you finish reading this, please send this peaceful word of advice to your friends and family, they’ll really enjoy it!
These words have been passed along in loving memory of ROSE.
We make a Living by what we get,
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hazelfoureyes · 6 months
Hazel Story Time (not Hazbin; just personal hazel lore lmao)
Hazel random story time again
In honor of my favorite band (deadman) releasing a new single.
So I fell in love with this band called deadman in 2006, the same year they broke up. I spent years and years day dreaming of seeing them live. Before and after I moved to Tokyo I would always keep my ears open for the singer (Mako’s) voice, maybe he was in a new band or busking. No such luck.
I did begin a casual fuck buddy relationship with a professional busker, let’s call him Naoki, because that’s his name. He played accordion and piano so his fingers were God tier nimble. He didn’t drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes and had an impressive skincare routine just in case he made it big. He would do work with jrockers and other artists I knew and it was like fucking my own little celebrity in my too-far-away Tokyo boonies apartment. He was so strong and his skin like delicately cared for porcelain. He would randomly just pick me up and maneuver me during sex and it made me feel like a ✨ little lady ✨.
Well, in the meantime, deadman got back together! But no tours really because of covid. I keep that information in mind and continue living.
One day on Spotify this year I see they have a national tour coming up and are coming to MY CITY.
Just the vocalist, Mako, and the composer (Aie) have reunited but I don’t care, I can finally hear Mako sing live. I get tickets the hour they go on sale, even though there’s no threat of selling out.
Eighteen years of waiting. I literally scream.
While riding that high, I go on insta and see Naoki posted. I wonder what that cutie is up to today. Just a causal meet up with an old friend.
Looking at the photo, my heart stops beating long enough to print the life insurance paperwork. Aie, from deadman, sitting next to Naoki at a cafe.
my beautiful dreaming accordion playing fuck buddy of days past who I met in massive Tokyo 6 years ago
is friends with
composer and half of the reunited band I have waited nearly 2 fucking decades to hear live who is not a Tokyo native
I post a four part close-friends only video of me fucking losing my shit.
Naoki says they’re old friends and sometimes play together, and promises I’ll be on the guest list for the next time they have a show.
The deadman live I got tickets to is next month, and if I get a second to speak to Aie I’m telling him we have a friend in common.
my life is sometimes the stupidest little manga plot, but this one takes the cake. How can the world be so small and coincidences so big?
In a city of 14 million people, I met the one who speaks English and knows the band I’ve waited over half my life to hear play.
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sentinelprompts · 1 year
━━ ⟢ SENTENCE STARTERS : EXCALIBUR ( 1981 ). all of these were pulled from the final draft of the script as it is available online. perfect but not limited to fantasy / historical muses and verses ! feel free to edit as needed.
❛ i spit on your truce, [name]. ❜
❛ [name], what is this wagging of tongues? ❜
❛ you will be mine. wife and queen, bed and crown. ❜
❛ i want no other crown and no other bed than those i have. ❜
❛ sometimes i give, sometimes i take. it is mine to know which, and when. ❜
❛ i know the storm inside you, and what it has wrought. ❜
❛ you will swear by your true kingship to grant me what i wish. ❜
❛ this is magic - making solid what is in the mind, and unsolid, that which is already solid. ❜
❛ it is done. the future has found root in the present. ❜
❛ but what shall become of me, and the child i bear? ❜
❛ three horses died under me, so hard did i spur them here. ❜
❛ the child is mine, [name]. i have come for [him/her/them]. ❜
❛ it’s not for you, [name], heath and home, wife and child. ❜
❛ to kill and be king, is that all? ❜
❛ you strike me with words as hard as steel. ❜
❛ [name]... i loved you, mighty child. ❜
❛ it is a dark hour… everywhere lawlessness and destruction, and no one to lead us out of it. ❜
❛ you wrong me, for i have never stolen from others, or destroyed the fruit of the land. ❜
❛ a good squire doesn’t forget his knight’s sword. ❜
❛ i was your son before i became your king…if i am king. ❜
❛ [name], we haven’t forgotten you. this is more of your trickery. ❜
❛ ‘help me, help me’. help me get up. ❜
❛ i was hoping i could ask you for a little magic help, but if it makes you so tired… ❜
❛ it will be a good lesson. the best, if it’s not the last. ❜
❛ let’s finish this with a show of force. we have no more tricks and no more advantages. ❜
❛ you are in my hands, to slay or to spare. ❜
❛ swear faith to me and you shall have mercy. ❜
❛ you, [name], will knight me. ❜
❛ well, then, i shall tell you which knights have maiden daughters, so you can avoid their castles. ❜
❛ quiet, or i’ll sew up your mouth too. ❜
❛ i love her. if she would be my queen, my dreams would be answered. ❜   
❛ there are maidens as fair, and fairer than [name]. ❜
❛ you’re not listening. your heart is not. love is deaf as well as blind. ❜
❛ i should have left you to fend for yourself. ❜
❛ that is a wild boast. you lack a knight’s humility. ❜
❛ never have i met my match in joust or duel. ❜
❛ yield. i have the advantage. ❜
❛ fight me from your horse or on foot, but fight me. your avoidance mocks me. ❜
❛ i sought only not to harm you. ❜
❛ thanks to god, you are alive. ❜
❛ i love you, my king. ❜  
❛ it is i who must love you, for through your courage and patience you taught me a bitter lesson. ❜
❛ make me your champion, and i will always fight in your place. ❜
❛ i would pledge to you all that i still own : muscle, bone, blood and the heart that pumps it. ❜
❛ the war is over. one land, one king. peace. ❜
❛ i swear never to rest twice on the same pillow till all men live at peace. ❜
❛ i hear the stifled cry for help, i smell the reek of fear… ❜
❛ for your gift, ask a gift of me. ❜
❛ don’t start a war on my wedding day! ❜
❛ look, [name]. the maids and ladies whisper about you. they all dream of winning you, young and old, fair and ugly. ❜
❛ you're the bravest and strongest knight they’ve ever seen, and beauty has kissed your brow. ❜  
❛ and is there no maiden in the whole world who inspires you? ❜
❛ i would swear my love to you. ❜   
❛ i will see you in all women, and i will defend them as i would defend you. ❜ 
❛ [name], don’t you join the celebration? ❜
❛ you’re an angel! not a devil… ❜
❛ who will give me my sword? ❜
❛ i want to write poems about you with moonbeams, make the sea sing your name… ❜
❛ what good are songs and poems to me? they are the barter of ordinary love. ❜
❛ tell me, [name] : have we defeated evil, as it seems? ❜
❛ where hides evil, then, in my kingdom? ❜
❛ i will champion you, my lady. ❜
❛ when i act as your king, i cannot be your husband. ❜
❛ the laws, my laws, must bind everyone, or they are not laws at all. ❜
❛ [name], i fight against myself… ❜
❛ i demand justice, as is my right. ❜
❛ i yield to your mercy, [name]. ❜
❛ flesh on flesh. i will heal you. ❜
❛ they miss the battlefield. i think we do too. ❜
❛ you will be sorely missed. heal yourself and come back. ❜
❛ you think yourself a kingmaker. ha! a meddler, more likely. ❜
❛ the gods of once are gone forever, it is time for men. ❜
❛ [name], make a man out of me. kiss me. ❜
❛ do you think i am ignorant of your stupid little games? preying on the weakness of others. that’s your power, a petty evil. ❜
❛ i will ride forth in the name of that quest, and commit my strength and my soul to it. ❜
❛ [name], a dreadful fear is upon me, that we may never meet again, that the fellowship will be no more… ❜
❛ [name], i know your heart yearns to go, but i am prisoner to my duties, and you must be to yours, at my side. ❜
❛ [name], forgive me. i die without the secret. i have failed. ❜
❛ where are you going, [name], in your iron tomb? still trying to save the world? ❜
❛ i have come to claim what is mine. ❜
❛ i recognize you only as my son, no more. ❜
❛ i cannot offer you the land, only my love. ❜
❛ we will embrace only in battle, and i will touch you only with the blade of my spear. ❜ 
❛ i will muster a great force of knights, and i will return to fight for what is mine. ❜
❛ i have waited long for you. ❜
❛ i am wasting away and i cannot die. and i cannot live. ❜
❛ i didn’t know how empty was my soul until it was filled. ❜
❛ [name], accept my forgiveness, and put your heart to rest. we have suffered too long. ❜
❛ i have always loved you, and i still love you. ❜
❛ i loved you much, as king, and sometimes as husband, but one cannot gaze too long at the sun in the sky. ❜
❛ i was not born to live a man’s life, but to be the stuff of future memory. ❜
❛ now once more i must ride with my knights to defend what was, and the dream of what could be. ❜
❛ i never dared to hope all these years that it was in your keeping. ❜
❛ i have often thought that in the hereafter of our lives, when i owe no more to the future and can be just a man, that we may meet, and you will come to me and claim me as yours, and know that i am your husband. it is a dream i have… ❜
❛ [name], i need you at my side as you were once, my friend, to give me courage. ❜
❛ quiet. you’ll wake the men, and they must fight tomorrow for their lives. ❜
❛ you brought me back. your love brought me back. ❜
❛ what’s behind that beauty? a wizened, cold-hearted snake. ❜
❛ you are mine at last. i am the sea and you will never escape me. ❜
❛ in this battle there is one thing i must do, that no one else can. ❜
❛ [name], i will save you…don’t die. ❜
❛ let my heart do its job, [name], and pump me empty… ❜
❛ the fog is lifting. only we remain alive. ❜
❛ [name], prepare to meet your death. ❜
❛ obey me, [name]. you must act for me. it is my last order as your king. ❜
❛ [name]! will you return? ❜
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trikruismybitch · 1 year
Funny Prompts
* “Listen, (name) would underatand cause (pronoun) has realistic expectations of what I am. And what I am is sexy trash.”
* “It seemed like a good idea at the time. I have terrible judgment.”
* “That’s not me.” “That’s not you?” “Nope.”
* “Ugh, as if!”
* “I feel comfortable using legal jargon in everyday life.” (Something happens) “I object!”
* “What am I allergic too?” “Pine nuts....and the full spectrum of human emotions.”
* “I would have given everything to be exactly like everyone else.” *scoffs* “You wanted to be petty and dishonest?”
* “I’m surrounded be idiots.”
* “The only thing going down is your husband in another women.”
* “You will never rise from the ashes of your shame and humiliation!”
* “It’s not my fault you dated a bunch of losers till you met me.”
* “I’ll admit that sometimes I tune people out but mostly because they rarely have anything useful or interesting to say!”
* “It is possible to be right and foolish.” 
* “I may not always be right, but I am never wrong.”
* “Badges? We ain’t got no badges? We don’t need no badges! I don’t have to show you any stinking badges!”
* ”just when I thought I was out they pull me back in.”
* "People are weird. When we find someone with weirdness that is compatible with ours, we team up and call it love.”
* "You know you're in love when you don't want to fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams."
* “It’s just a flesh wound” “Your bleeding out!”
* “I am serious and don’t call me Sherley.”
* “Leave the gun. Take the cannoli.”
* “I learned a long time ago that worrying is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but it doesn't get you anywhere.”
* "If I wasn't terrified of heights, I'd like this. But, I'm terrified of heights, so I don't like this."
* "Liar! Try me again, and I promise you that you and I are gonna have a Middle Passage experience, a fight for survival, and I will win. Have I made myself clear? Clear?"
* "That's it, Dishonor! Dishonor on your whole family! Dishonor on you, dishonor on your cow!"
* “(Name), You Have The Right To Remain Silent. What You Lack Is The Capacity."
* “That’s like a big misconception. I’m not shy! I just don’t speak if I don’t have anything to say.”
* “I refuse to answer that on the grounds of I don’t want to.”
* “Sorry, I can’t hear you over the sound of how awesome I am.”
* “It’s not bragging if it’s true.”
* “She is more like “girl with dragon tattoo" than “the girl next door”
* “I'm (Name). I know everything.”
* “I will slap the taste out of your mouth.”
* “Give me a mountain, I’ll climb it. Give me a Katy Perry song, I’ll sing it.”
* “You think you can rattle me I am un-ratable.”
* “There is no such thing as bad ideas. Just poorly executed awesome ideas.”
* “(Name) smiles. Alert the media!”
* “You know, I look at you and I see myself. A less dashing, less intelligent version.”
* “Some girls just can’t resist my good looks, my style and my charm, and my unflinching ability to listen to Taylor Swift.”
* “Hopefully your hero hair hasn’t fallen out by then.”
* “I was ambushed. I was shot. Now, I’m vengeful.”
* “Kiss me or kill me. We both know you’re only capable of one.”
* “I’m a terrible liar… I’m even worse at duplicity.”
* “I’ve been dead before. I got over it.”
* “I’m lost… metaphorically, existentially.”
* “Impressive, you’re like Sherlock Holmes with brain damage.”
* “We have Nirvana, Nine Inch Nails, Boyz II Men…(Name).”
* “When 9 Russians tell you you’re drunk, you lie down.”
* “And you’ve hot your complaint quota for the day. Congratulations you are officially the worst.”
* “No one is going to respect you until you show them who you really are, so if you wear old lady choker scarves, you're going to get old lady goats.”
* “Have I mentioned that I've had a rotten couple of months?”
* “Oh come on, (name), for once in your immortal life can you not be so noble?”
* “Careful, Sabine, or Celeste, or whatever you like to call yourself. Sudden moves make me jumpy and homicidal.”
* “Remind me to annihilate your brother once you're healthy.” “Yes, remind me to remind you to get in line.”
* “I thought I told you to stay put” “well I hate being told what to do so I ignored you.”
* “The only thing delicate about you is your ego” “When placed beside the behemoth size of yours, certainly.”
* “You and I on the same team. It must be Christmas.”
* “(name) isn't dead yet? Well, good on them! I love a good survival story!”
* ”dull, dreary, hideous” “You talking about the clothes or something else?” “Why, are you feeling insecure?”
* “There, there, little lambs. Us girls have got to stick together.”
* “Option one, go about your business like a good little boy. Option two, violent disembowelment. What’s it going to be?”
* “I know I called you bro, but I lowkey wanna marry you.”
* “I love making people who already hate me, hate me more.”
* “I’m not rude, your just not used to being around honest people.”
* “once I start taking my own advice it’s over for you bitches.”
* “I have multiple personalities and none of them like you.”
* “I’m being nice to you. Have I stabbed you? No.”
* “Don’t confuse my personality and my attitude. My personality is who I am, but my attitude? That depends on you.”
* “If you want me to control my temper you better control your stupidity.”
* “It’s okay if you don’t like me, not everyone has good taste.
* “I’m so glad you stopped talking to me, it’s like the trash took itself out.”
* “If I was meant to be controlled I would’ve come with a remote.”
* “I know looks aren’t everything but I have them just in case.”
* “I rolled my eyes so hard, I just checked out my own ass.”
* “You think I’m crying about you? No I’m crying about all the time I wasted on you.”
* “You say you hate me, but you still watch me the most, it’s pathetic.”
* “You hate my attitude? *laughs* Then report me to whocares.com.”
* “If you tell me not to do something, I’ll do it twice and take pictures.”
* “Scars heal” “No they don’t wounds heal” “Oh yeah. What do scars do? They fade I guess?” “I don’t care what scars do.” “You should (name)”
* “You amuse me, I will make you mine.”
* (Name does/says something cute) “You know I once saw a really fat baby giving Eskimo kisses to a kitten and that was more adorable.”
* “I want to know how the fuck this happened, when the fuck, why the fuck and what the fucking fuck."
* “Do I regret it, yes. Would I do it again? Probably.”
* “If you were my wife I’d put poison in your coffee.” “If you were my husband I’d drink it.”
* “Being attractive doesn’t preclude being intelligent” “so your saying your not attractive smart“ “No, I happen to be both.”
* “I don’t apologize because I never make mistakes.”
* “Goodmorning” “goodmorning” “goodmorning, not you, you can choke” “wait happened?” “I ate their last cookies” “THEY WERE SPECIAL COOKIES!”
* “if you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun.”
* “No I checked my receipt, I didn’t buy any of your bullshit.”
* “the difference between pizza and your opinion is that I asked for pizza.”
* “don’t like me? have seat with the rest of the bitches waiting for me to give a fuck."
* “If you listen closely, you can hear me not caring.”
* “You couldn’t handle me even if I came with instructions.”
* *insults R* “Why are you laughing?” “I always laugh when people try to hurt my feelings as if I have any.”
* “I hope Karma slaps you in the face before I do.”
* “Sweetheart, I’m as sweet as sugar, hard as ice. If you hurt me once, I’ll kill you twice.”
* “What’s the problem? I don’t have a problem, I have multiple problems. Plural. Wanna hear?
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babyfacebuttercup · 2 years
My Heart Is Yours
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A/n: sorry it’s taken me so long to put this out! I’ll be posting more soon!!!
All the streets were flooded with rain, your hat barely keeping you dry. You couldn’t see that well in this type of weather, and the first thing you saw was a pub that seem to be open. You only assume this because there are a few men standing outside smoking. And with that you took your chances and darted inside out of the rain. Taking off your hat, revealing your puffed out curls. And now melted off make up, you sat down at the bar. Taking off your nearly soaked coat, the bartender walks down to you already with drink in hand. Placing it down in front of you, which didn’t make sense because you had not ordered anything yet. “Excuse me, why did you bring me this? I didn’t order anything.” Staring at him puzzled, the old man leans over the counter slightly. “It was sent by Mr. Shelby.” your eyes nearly fell out of your head hearing that. THE Shelby’s?!? The same ones who started a war with the Italians?! You came to the pub for a drink and that’s all, how did you end up in this mess.
Swallowing the fear that had built up inside you. Your brown eyes travel across the room, where the bartender came from. And long behold all three Shelby brothers sitting at their table. It was John the youngest of the brothers, Thomas who is the middle brother and Arthur the oldest of the Shelby Clan. in Birmingham it’s nearly a death wish to reject the Shelby man. But right now you weren’t in the mood to entertain me, so in your fashion you smile at the bartender sliding the drink back. “ Tell Mr. Shelby I will politely decline his offer. And before you go may I have a gin and tonic please?” With a curtain nod in a stressed smile, the man takes the glass back and disappears. It wasn’t that you didn’t like the idea of receiving drinks from men. It’s just you never take from the Shelby brothers.
A few minutes go by the only source of entertainment,that you have is the barmaid singing. Which wasn’t ideal but it was still nice to say the least. You only wish you could dance right now, that was your first love as a child. It was always your dream to become a professional dancer. But you grew up, your family forced you to face reality. But this is a pub not a dance club. Soon the bartender comes back with one drink in hand. You pay and take your drink from him. The bartender leaves you to your own thoughts. Your mind was still a buzz from work earlier in the day. You are a radio girl it wasn’t a unpleasant job. But hearing people talk constantly is annoying, So you only took the dayshift. Since you know that some girls get home at ungodly hours. Birmingham wasn’t the best when it came to jobs, but this was your home so what else can you do.
Soon you and Arthur became close drunkenly and spoke until the drinks stop flowing . That soon became a routine with you the gangster. After work you go home, get dressed (more presentable) only to go back out down to the Garrison. To see the likes of Arthur Shelby’s drunk in state. He liked to get a jump on drinking, when he was done a job. But one night it was different, when walking through the doors. Arthur wasn’t in his usual stool at the bar. It was odd that he was probably late, so settling in your seat getting your usual. Conversing with John about his love life which also became normal as well. “And I says to Annie why do I have to stop my drink to listen to your problems? You don’t ask me about mine. Why should I care?” A scoff comes out of you gaining the man’s attention. “Spit it out woman.” He says with a roll of his eyes while taking a drag of his cigarette. “Nothing John your just a lady killer that’s all. But honestly I think you should be more gentle with the girls. You are a Shelby after all, take her out to a nice walk in the park with some flowers Johnny boy. And she’ll be more caring towards you.” You turn back to your glass gaining a nod of agreement. “You’re right y/n but I would tell Arthur that if that’s what you want.” He says with a chuckle from the youngest Shelby.
Soon you asked Arthur if he’d mind walking you home. It was about 12:00 and as a woman you knew it wasn’t safe for you. He drunkenly agreed seeing the situation, and Arthur wouldn’t have the heart to let you go. Walking out the pub arms locked together keeping each other steady. It was a quiet night, it had just finished raining which you loved. “Arthur do you like what you do? I mean as far as working with your brothers.” he hadn’t expected you to ask that sort of question, but he had no reason not to answer. “ The Shelby’s stick together. With me being the oldest I have to take care of my brothers. But the gambling business is a good business for us to be in especially Tommy.” He says with a big smile. Eventually, you two make it to your small apartment. You ask if Arthur would like to come up for a nightcap, and he agrees.  which week and I guess one thing led to another. You can literally see the chemistry between the two of you. It was like two lost souls, finally finding each other you laughed from every jokey told. Attentively, listen to every story you had a little girl. “I’m such a horrible host! Would you like something to eat? I’ve got some leftovers or I could whip something up for you.” Arthur smiled at you from his seat on your small couch. That he has made himself at home on.
“You look beautiful in this light darlin’” Arthur says in pure admiration, leaning back into the cushion . His tie was loose and his hair a mess as always but, that man stole your heart. He holds out his hand for you as he hands up. A soft chuckle leaves your lips, making eldest Shelby completely melt. “Arthur you are too kind. I bet you say this to many women?” You say with a grin pushing down to the flutter of your heart. Getting up from your own seat you take Arthur’s hand. Settling down. Beside him as the candle light in the room made your faces glow. “I’ve only had eyes for you y/n. I couldn’t stomach the sight of anyone who wasn’t you love.” You don’t dare say another word, your lips might betray you. Arthur places his hand on your cheek, making your body relax into his touch. With a gentle look in your eyes taking his hand off your face. “Arthur I don’t think this is a good idea.” Getting out of his space you take your leave to the small living room.
Arthur follows after you watching you, but your mind was more focused on the tea. That you were determined to make for your nerves. A rough hand runs from your shoulder down to your hand.”Mr.Shelby….” Turning to look at Arthur your eyes lock. Staring into your eyes feeling like you may melt right there. Smiling slightly to himself while leaning down to you,” call me Arthur.” A gentle kiss was placed on the cheek, next the shell of your ear and than to your neck. A whimper was caught in your throat from this slight pleasure. Stopping Arthur with your hand before his lips could touch your skin. You take his hand in yours taking you both to your bedroom. Quickly you both is rid yourselves of your clothing. It was like a unexpected entity took over you. You would never act like this, but something about him made you want to be this way. Without warning your bodies meet again it’s like two magnets stuck together. Wrapping your arms around Arthur’s neck, a pair of arm wrap themselves around your hips. Moans and groans is all you two can do to communicate to one another. Arthur leads you into the bedroom.
Climbing up onto your bed reluctantly giving the Shelby brother a nice view. “Arthur you’re beautiful.” That’s all you could say taking in his scars from the war. One that stands out the most is the one on his chest. Sitting up on your knees you reach for the mark. Tracing it with your fingers Arthur could do was watch you giving him a chill up his spine. “You like them Y/n? Because they ain’t nothin’ special. ” Is all he could say and a simple yes was your reply, making you look up at him. Only to be greeted with a gentle smile from Arthur. Placing his firm hand on your chin bringing you close. Closing your eyes and it was like nothing you’ve ever felt before. It was firm but still gentle, it was like he was afraid to be rough with you. “Please Arthur…” it wasn’t big but it did enough to make you want more. Biting his lip looking down at you,”say it again but look me in my eyes.” He hadn’t even done anything, and you were practically rolling your eyes into your head. Trying to look into his dark eyes,”Arthur please I need you.” Without breaking eye contact you feel him push into you even more. You weren’t a virgin but it felt like it, “ Y/n I didn’t think you’d be like this.” Arthur says feeling you around him savoring every moment.
After a long night you roll over to be met with a empty bed. That’s only after you feel around for Arthur. You shoot up out of bed looking around your apartment, only to come back and see he left you a note. On top of your vanity, “I had to handle some business. I haven’t abandoned you, I want to see you again meet me at the Garison at 9. -Arthur “ and after that it became a system. You two would meet at the Garrison, get drunk, and then go to your place. No dates. No “when will I see you again.” Arthur left a note every morning before he left. Going in great detail how he felt about you, and how he feels like an actual person.
"Y/N! Don't leave me! Please!" Arthur says falling to his knees looking so broken. Shaking your head at the sight before you, here in front of you is one of the most ruthless men in all of Burmingham and here he was. Crying. But not cries of sorrow but cries of deep hurt. You couldn't bare to see Arthur like this. "I saw you with that women! You said you loved me! You're a liar!" You step closer to him on the train platform looking down at his disheveled state. "My Ma said you were no good Arthur Shelby! She said you lot was no good, especially you and Thomas! But I said no these are good men I can trust them!" You say look from the eldest brother, and your eyes find a set of deep blue ones. Pointing at Thomas now stepping over your Arthur, "You can't stand to see anyone happy can you? No, Thomas you can't! Was I distracting him in your eyes, well he's a grown man Thomas! Leave him be! But you can't seem to can you?" The middle Shelby brother can only smoke his cigarette staring unfazed by you. Not only that everyone is now staring at all three of you. "Well I hope you are happy you win Thomas!" You scream in Tommy's face. “No y/n this is my fault not Tommy’s! I should have known better I’m ashamed of myself!” Arthur yells clutching his head. You can’t help but feel your heart tug at you. The whistle blows and it’s time to make a choice so you stay or go.
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joeyquinndrabz · 2 years
It’s not fair- Joseph Quinn x Reader
Not been proof read
Authors note!!!!! Please note that this imagine might be a tough read for some, it touches heavily on death and working in a care-home in lockdown. Massive thank you to any health workers who were at work during the pandemic, you’re all hero’s and deserve more than you were given. If anyone needs a chat then know I’m here and willing to listen ❤️‍🩹
A 12 hour shift had turned into 20. You’d been rushed off your feet and left on your own to care for 14 residents, all in need of your assistance. There was one resident in particular who needed your help the most, Barry. He was 78 and covid had spread to the loveliest man you’d met. Starting at the care-home when you were 16, you’d met your fair share of elderly residents but Barry was the longest resident your care home had ever had, so obviously, there was a soft spot for him that you couldn’t deny. He’d joined on your 18th birthday, 10 years ago. He was quick to sing you happy birthday and compliment you on your smile, he told you it reminded him of his wife who’d sadly passed a couple years prior. Barry had dementia, but he always seemed to remember you. And Joe.
Joseph had come to bring you your lunch at work once, you’d been together since school so the other residents knew him and often stopped him for chats n cups of tea. But, Barry had been an actor in his younger days so Joe had taken a slight favouritism towards him too. You’d often come into Barry’s room to find Joe already there, chuckling as Barry would reenact some of his old dialogues. It was a special bond and Barry had become a mentor for Joe and his career, and a massive part of your lives. So hearing him struggling to breathe was the last straw for you.
“999, what’s your emergency?” The call holder spoke patronisingly down the phone.
“I need an ambulance, now! One of my residents has been whooping all night but he can’t breathe now. He can-“ You held the bridge of your nose and let out a deep breath, a poor attempt to stop yourself from breaking down.
“Has he had any painkillers?” The lady over the phone was starting to wind you up at this point.
“Are you taking the piss? Of course he’s had painkillers. Look, his temperature is 38.7 and his blood pressure is 45. I need a fucking ambulance.” You were desperate and on your own. Your patience was thin and your body was at the brink of collapsing.
“I’m gonna have to ask you to calm down. As I’m sure you’re aware we’re under high demand right now, an ambulance should get to you at some point tonight but in the meantime I need you to keep him comfortable and-“ Your patience had gone. You screamed down the phone and threw it to the other end of the room.
Full PPE on and tears running down your face, you had one job to do and that was to keep him alive. “Barry my love, Im here, Im here.” There wasn’t much you could do in that moment and you both knew that. There was a horrible feeling in the room that you both knew what was coming and there was no stopping it. “Y/N” He gasped. “Hey hey hey, try and take some big deep breaths for me Barry. In and out, slowly. There you go, more of that Barry you’re doing so well.” His breathing had calmed down but his emotions hadn’t. “You and Joe, you’re my family. I know I’m gonna die love, please let me say goodbye.” Barry was wailing and you were sobbing, his wife was the only person he had left before she passed and in a way you were his family. And he was yours. “Barry you can’t die, I won’t let you.” You sobbed as you held his hand tight. “It’s ok love, I’m gonna be with my wife. I can tell her all about you both. I just wanna say goodbye.” His eyes were still pouring but the mentioning of his wife had brought a smile to his face. You were at a loss for words but knew that you would do anything in your power to give him what he needed in this situation. “Okay, okay I’ll ring him.” Your hands were shaking as you pulled out your phone and unlocked your phone. “Can you do that video calling thing?” He gasped out. “Seeing both your faces would bring me great comfort, I can die happily sweetheart.” His words only made you cry more, you were a state and looked one too. A massive mask was covering your face and due to the lack of funding, your ppe was a bin bag so your unwashed hair was on display. If anyone was to see you they’d assume you’d been through the wars. Your thumb pressed FaceTime as you tightened the grip on Barry’s hand with your other, scared of letting him go.
Joe soon appeared on your screen and his face went from confused to mortified. “Oh my god darling what’s happened?” He’d shot up out of bed and, in true Joe fashion, had start to frantically look for his keys. “No no, sit back down please. I don’t have time to explain everything right now and I’m sorry but-“ You’d chocked up and Barry’s heavy breathing was slowing down. “Barry, Barry isn’t well and he wants to speak to you before he goes to sleep.” You couldn’t get the words out, the thought of not seeing Barry everyday was too much and it was obvious the grief had already passed to Joseph. His eyes began to water and his mouth started shaking. “Joe.” Barry muttered, his eyes were closing and your sobs were no longer in hiding. “Joseph im warning you, this might be too much.” You squeezed out mid cry. “No baby please, I need to see him.” Joe bit his lip and tears began to leak. Seeing you in this state was hard enough but knowing Barry was dying next to you was heartbreaking. You turned the phone and heard a gasp from Joe, he wasn’t expecting the sight he’d been shown. Barry was on the edge of death and there was no coming back from it. “Joe my boy, I need you to promise me something.” He was gasping at this point and it was taking everything for you not to tell him to save his breath, scared he was going to pass sooner if he spoke too much. “Anything Barry, anything.” Joe was crying too, his lip was still clenched between his teeth but it wasn’t helping. Nothing would. “Look after her for me, I wanna know you two are gonna stick together when I’m gone.” Barry’s eyes were shut and his hold on your hand was getting weaker with every word. “Of course I will, I won’t let anything happen to her. And I’ll love her until my last days I promise you Barry, you’ve got my word.” Barry smiled and opened his eyes to meet the ones of Joes over the phone. “You’re gonna go far kid, I’ll be watching.” Barry shut his eyes and you knew it was time to get off the phone and leave Barry in peace. You turned the phone and neither of you knew what to say, Joe shook his head and covered his mouth to stop the sobs from getting louder. “I’m coming to pick you up.” This time you didn’t argue. You nodded and knew it was time to say goodbye. You ended the phone and held Barry close until you no longer heard his laboured breathing. He’d gone.
Slowly getting up from the wooden chair, you turned to see Barry laying lifeless in the room you’d learnt to love. The scrabble box was still undone from the last game you’d played with him, due to social distancing rules Joe couldn’t play in real life, but you found a way to play with him over the phone and it was enjoyable for all of you. The door of Barry’s room opened and you looked up to see your manager, shocked at the sight she’d walked in on. “He’s gone.” You whispered, eyes faced towards the floor. “Oh Y/N.” She walked in and held you tight. “Isn’t this against the rules?” You questioned as you sniffed into her shoulder. She pulled you back and pushed your hair out of your face. “So are 20 hour shifts darling, go home. I’ll sort the rest out”. You nodded and headed for the door, stripping yourself of your PPE and showering in the staff room before heading out the entrance. Joe was waiting for you like he said he would, cigarette in hand and he was visibly tired. You walked up to him and he was aware of what was about to come out your mouth. “Did he fall asleep?” He squeaked out. “Yeah baby he’s fallen asleep.” You nodded before breaking down. His arms enclosed as he held you tight, your head buried into his neck. “It’s not fair Joe, it’s not fair.” You wailed. “I know baby, I know.” He cried into your hair. “I failed him.” You pulled back and Joe took in your appearance. You looked broken. “Oh my darling, there’s nothing you could’ve done. He’s not in pain anymore and his last moments were spent with the person who distracted him from it all. You did everything you could.” Joe was wiping your tears as you reached up wipe his. “I made him a promise and I’m sticking to it. I’m not gonna let anything happen to you my love, let’s get you home yeah?”
“I love you Joseph Quinn.”
“I love you too Y/N L/N”
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barrenclan · 1 year
LOL, LMAO even. I forgot that I was gonna make 2 parts to this post so I deleted all the music asks and then realized I needed another one. Anyways. 
Over the past few months I have gotten a lot of song suggestions that I haven't answered, and as I suspect I've been shadowbanned by Tumblr for posting too many asks (or some other esoteric reason; I'm working on it), I'm gonna answer them all in one fell swoop. So if you've suggested a song, it's prolly gonna be in here.
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I like the “God forbid Slugpelt” bit. Anyways, this is a Rainhaze song. 
“So white and plain, free my mind From prescriptions that you write I'm not the same”
“Are you ready to put me under 'Cause I'm ready to go back home I don't care what the doctors told me”
“Where the sun always shine and the bells never chime And the undertaker stays away (stays away)”
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This is a neat gritty one. I particular like the guitar in it. 
“My army never came Its water under the bridge Be careful who you tell”
“I'm running out of faith Be careful who you tell I'm running out of faith”
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You’re trying to trick me, no way is that a real name. Those are just sounds. 
Really, though, this is a very cute song. Works well for the old ladies. 
“I've never known someone like you Tangled in love, stuck by you from the glue Don't forget to kiss me Or else you'll have to miss me”
“Never thought I'd find you But you're here, and so I love you”
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I have something to confess... Sleeping At Last is the only band I absolutely despise. I cannot stand the main singer’s voice, it drives me crazy. But these lyrics do work well for Cormorantpaw, so I’ll give it that. 
“God, that was so long ago, long ago, long ago I was little, I was weak and perfectly naive And I grew up too quick”
“I can't let you in, I swore never again I can't afford to let myself be blindsided”
“And all I want is to trust you Show me how to lay my sword down For long enough to let you through”
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Will Wood’s a bit hit or miss for me, but I can see this song for them. This strikes me as more Cormorantpaw singing to Pinepaw. 
“See I myself have been stepped on so many times It's started to feel like my place I've failed to fit into those nests that scrape the sky Is there room for me in your cage?”
“I've never understood what humans do and want it's quite confusing To me to try to connect Never learned how I should feel, instincts somehow stunted Just seem haunted by my stupid urge to protect”
“You might seem behind bars, but friend, this cage is inside out It's dangerous out here Socrates It's lonely out here Socrates”
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fridka · 1 year
Every year I try and avoid any Eurovision spoilers until the event itself, but I have finally listened to all songs and I have OPINIONS
so keep in mind these are all rather fresh opinions, and some of these songs might grow on me or lose their appeal over time.
Anyway my thoughts on each song under the cut‼️
Albania - Duje - Albina & Familja Kelmendi
I want to like this a lot more than I do. It’s sweet that she’s singing with her family(I think??) and the instrumentals are nice, but it’s all just a bit much.
Armenia - Future Lover - Brunette
Wtf are these lyrics. Wtf is this whole song. This is a front runner? I don’t get it
Australia - Promise - Voyager
YEA THIS IS MY SHIT. First verse I thought was kinda meh but then that chorus hit. I cannot see this win just bc of how eurovision is, but I’ll be checking out more of their stuff. Plus the guitarist is 💖💖
Austria - Who the hell is Edgar? - TEYA & Salena
This song got spoiled for me, but i don’t care because I love it. The lyrics, the opera, the dig at Spotify. Queens.
Azerbaijan - Tell me More - TuralTuranX
I can’t lie i kinda love this one. It’s just kinda awkward and the rap is PRETTY BAD but in this really endearing and charming way. They’re just a couple of guys 🥺
Belgium - Because of You - Gustaph
THIS IS MY SHIT. People don’t like this one? Why it’s amazing. The backup singers, the Lady Miss Kier reference, the nostalgia. I’m not gonna dare hope that this can win, but I want it to qualify so bad
Croatia - Mama Šč!
Oh boy. This one I knew I had to look into because I knew it was gonna be either extremely dumb or extremely political, and thankfully it was the latter. I still think the song is a complete mess but I kinda fucking love this.
Cyprus - Break a Broken Heart - Andrew Lambrou
It’s just a nice song. In a weaker year I think I’d like this a lot more, but as it is it sort of fades next to some of the other entries
Czechia - My Sister’s Crown - Vesna
I LOVE THIS ONE I WANT THEM TO WIN. At first I wasn’t sure about the English parts because it reminded me of Toy (which I really didn’t like), but this has grown on me so much. And the performance. The part with the hand signal for help. Fucking CHILLS. Plus the fashion in the music video, so good
Denmark - Breaking my Heart - Reiley
Den er ikke ligefrem min kop te, og han ligner en der er blevet skabt i et laboratorie i et forsøg på at lave den perfekte tiktoker. Men danmark sender altid noget bras så det er vel on brand :B
Estonia - Bridges - Alika
I’m biased against ballads, and this one sure was a ballad.
Finland - Cha Cha Cha - Käärijä
I LOVE THIS ONE AND I WANT HIM TO WIN. As someone who has social anxiety and who uses to party a lot, the lyrics were oddly relatable lmao. Plus the performance. The shirt the d a n c e
France - Évidemment - La Zarra
Georgia - Echo - Iru
??? The lyrics? Was this song written by ai? It’s painfully awkward and uh.. I think I hate this one
Germany - Blood and Glitter - Lord of the Lost
I think Lordi are iconic so I thought I was gonna love this one, but I kinda don’t. It’s.. a bit boring to be honest?
Greece - What they Say - Victor Vernicos
Yeah these lyrics are way too whiny for me
Iceland - Power - Diljá
It’s just alright. I don’t like it as much as many others seem to do. It’s not bad it’s also just not making much of an impression
Ireland - We are One - Wild Youth
(I can say the following because I lived in Ireland for the better part of a decade) Ireland is an amazing country and has such a rich culture and history to draw from, and yet they always just send boring garbage. I’m sorry but this one is trash, and your man looked so uncomfortable in that outfit
Israel - Unicorn - Noa Kirel
I don’t get it. Am I too old for this? I feel like I am. This song is a complete mess to me but people love it??
Italy - Due Vite - Marco Mengoni
It’s another one of those entries that’s just Some Guy. Nice voice and beautiful language, kinda boring tho
Latvia - Aijā - Sudden Light
Could have been good but it needed more power imo. Another adorable guitarist tho 🥺
Lithuania - Stay - Monika Linkyté
I don’t really know what to say about this one. Very eh
Malta - Dance - The Busker
NOW THIS ONE MAKES ME MAD, THEY SHOULD HAVE QUALIFIED 100%. It’s not quite winner material for me but there is no way they didn’t deserve a spot in the finals over some of the other crap
Moldova - Soarele si Luna - Pasha Parfeni
I usually like (or at least am entertained by) what Moldova puts out and this year is is no exception. This is a capital E Eurovision song, super theatrical and I love it.
Netherlands - Burning Daylight - Mia Nicolai & Dion Cooper
I like it as a normal song, but not really as a eurovision song, if that makes sense? I also don’t think his vocals could match hers at all
Norway - Queen of Kings - Alessandra
This is such a Norway entry 💖 there are other songs I like more but definitely deserves to place high. That whistle note
Poland - Blanka - Solo
Oh boy okay so I looked into this one and apparently there was another song people wanted to win, but the Polish government didn’t approve of it so they had the competition rigged and gave her the win? And I’m assuming she’s some dumb influencer or something? Anyway this song blows, Jann was robbed
Portugal - Ai Coraçäo - Mimicat
I like this as a performance only. She is kinda a babe, but the song itself is whatever
Romania - D.G.T - Theodor Andrei
This one is AMAZINGLY BAD. “Take off your clothes step on me” he sings with a super out of place anti-war message sharpied on his chest, while disinterested half naked women walk about the stage looking totally checked out. I love it
San Marino - Like an Animal - Piqued Jacks
Oh these lyrics suck ass as well. I got butterflies in my ears. Pure poetry
Serbia - Sami Mi Se Spava - Luke Black
At first this one was a little too silly for me, since I assumed it was just an edgy song about video games, but it’s grown a lot on me after learning what it’s about.
Slovenia - Carpe Diem - Joker out
Yea this one is legit. This isn’t exactly what I want in a eurovision song, but just as a song this is great stuff. That guitar riff in particular.
Spain - Eaea - Blanca Paloma
I think this one is… interesting, and I think it deserves a spot in the finals, but I wouldn’t exactly call it good.
Sweden - Loreen - Tattoo
Oh my god, okay so probably my most controversial opinion here. I don’t care for Loreen. I didn’t care for her in 2012 and I do not care for her now. I’m obviously not gonna try and argue that she’s not an incredibly talented singer, but I just can’t deal with the terrible enunciation or the annoying interpretative dance. And yea it’s gonna be so disappointing if she wins. Sorry
Switzerland - Watergun - Remo Forrer
Borderline disrespectful and incredibly eyeroll worthy, but regretfully it gets a bit catchy in the second half.
Ukraine - Heart of Steel - Tvorchi
It’s not nice to be all “yeah I know you guys are getting invaded and all, but your entry for silly song contest sucks”, so fortunately I don’t have to do that because I genuinely like this. Kinda reminds me of something from an LCS cinematic. I wish the whole thing was in Ukrainian though
UK - I wrote a Song - Mae Muller - I am biased against UK entries, but this one is fun. Not winner material for me, but deserves to at least make the finals
Overall I think this is a pretty solid year, definitely better than the last couple ones. There’s some really fucking good entries, and a lot of the bad ones are bad in an entertaining way.
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cto10121 · 7 months
Aaaaaand here’s me singing to myself again, ha. Ngl, I had a lot of fun recording this. It's a fun song! I’m so glad I managed to figure out how to follow the original French structure rather than the Russian, I preferred it. Also shout out to the Hungarians for the "beat you to death" line. It was just too perfect not to include.
You Must Marry (Tu dois te marier)
Lady Capulet Your father and I Were very much in love The day he came by  He swore by God above That I was his prize That we would be wed I saw his passion rise When he caught me in bed
So lovely was I As lovely as you He promised me the earth and sky   He swore he’d be true Of course, as time went by That grand love of his did fly
We all love to dream of The flame of a true love But Juliet, love won’t stay (Nurse: Exactly!) Think, then, on your wedding day
The Nurse Heed well your mother, love
Lady Capulet Heed well your nursemaid, girl Now men—
Nurse Men are men! They perjure as they woo
Lady Capulet We’re cyphers to them
Nurse We like it so, it’s true
Lady Capulet Well, I hate all men
Nurse Well, I still like my fun
Lady Capulet Old hag, not this again
Nurse I’m not the only one
But dear, do heed your mother Of course, she’s never wrong If she at times has others It’s never for too long
Lady Capulet Don’t heed that gossipmonger I’ve been a faithful wife Love tested makes it stronger For two who make a life
Both For life is too short So lovely and brief So get yourself a man Of means who’ll bring you relief! Lady Capulet Just smile and look your best, my dear
Nurse And I’ll arrange the rest!
Both Women’s fates may be grim But there’re fights we can win Marriage is the key To a life’s security
Nurse Time flies like a song, my dear
Lady Capulet Your looks won’t keep long, my dear
Both How lovely is life But brief like a breath So get yourself a man You know won’t beat you to death! Someday you’ll see we’re always right So get your man tonight!
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claireandacat · 1 year
Simping over middle aged actors who don’t know I exist. An essay.
Maybe it’s just a general lady thing, but I have a tendency to crush on actors 10+ years older than me. Am I a lonely 26 year old lady waiting for her happily ever after while my catholic match profile is crickets?
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You got me there.
But like seriously it is a general human thing to find someone attractive and to feel feels. It’s in everything, life, movies, music, ballet, art, history. Don’t get me started on my favorite Corinthians verse about love.
I’ve been thinking about writing this post for a while now. I was basically inspired by Brittney Broski, who simps all the time and people relate to that and listen to her ramblings. I’m sure one other person out there is interested in hearing my simp interests. 😅😂
I have a top 5 of middle aged hot guys I absolutely love. All of these are crushes that started when I started getting crushes and I still find them attractive today as a 26 year old lady. In order of discovering and falling for them they are…
Ben Barnes
Robert Pattinson
Cillian Murphy
Sebastian Stan
Daniel Brühl
1. Ben Barnes
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I was 11, snacks and dance class was life, the hormones were starting to kick in and the second Narnia movie had come out. I wasn’t much of a Narnia fan but I was forced to tag along with the after school program I was in to a showing of this movie as a last day of school celebration. Ben Barnes as Prince Caspian was FINE AF to my 11 year old eyes and heart. I fell for him like a ton of bricks and would get 11 year old girl fantasies of being Prince Caspian’s princess.
He is over 40 now and still fine as hell. His character in Shadow and Bone is amazing. He def plays dark personality characters very well. He has a singing career as well and his cover of River was in my top Spotify songs last year.
I love that he is in T-Mobile commercials now. He is perfect. He is THE ultimate hot British actor. I hope T-mobile paid him well because my man is talented and deserves to be more than just a face of T-Mobile. When I was stressed and on edge at my previous job at an urgent care, seeing his face on commercials always made my 12 hour shifts better.
I’m surprised he hasn’t been in some BBC new classic considering he is both British and adorable and would totally make a good heart throb protagonist?!
2. Robert Pattinson
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I was in 6th grade and the Twilight books and craze was big at my middle school. Every other girl including myself was wearing team Edward or Team Jacob shirts. The Twilight movies also had come out. RPatz was the heartthrob of every girl. Move over Prince Caspian, Claire is grown and edgy and likes edgy hot guys that match 😂.
A couple years ago I watched his video on GQ where he takes a look into his career and decided to dive into some of these movies myself. His young self is cute as a button in the 4th Harry Potter movie even though his charming character has an unfortunate fate. He makes the perfect Batman, just add in the Chris Nolan plot and music and we got a perfect match. He totally captured the darkness and loneliness in Bruce Wayne/Batman.
Of course I HAD to see his Chris Nolan debut. If you read my other posts, you know I am a superfan for Christopher Nolan movies.
He is fine and cute in that movie. His performance is great. His performance in The King was also great. He def nailed that French accent.
He can be the American heart throb AND the British heart throb at the same time
3. Cillian Murphy
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I’m 16. I’m into zombie movies and 28 days later is on BBC even though the plot and IMDb pictures are scary, I still ditch my chemistry homework to watch it. Totally fine with any nightmares I’ll probably get. Still my favorite zombie movie to this day and one of the few horror movies I’ll still watch since converting to Catholicism.
This is the first time I actually fell for an actor because of their performance and then I deep dived into other works he is casted in.
I love his intensity and dedication to roles as well as approach. Even during his small role in Dunkirk. I love the power and darkness he puts into Tommy Shelby. I mean have you seen the scenes where Tommy is in full blown rage? He goes from zero to rage effortlessly.
His performance in Oppenheimer deserves an Oscar and if he doesn’t get it I am rioting. He nailed the look. He nailed the sensory overload/overwhelmed looks. Just perfect.
I’d love to just have a Guinness with him and just discuss Irish culture and his career over.
4. Sebastian Stan
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What is funny about this one is that for a bit I was a Steve Rogers stan. Like from ages 16-21 Steve was my man. That was until his friend Bucky stumbled upon in my dream one night. Originally that is how I knew Sebastian but then i stumbled upon The Devil All The Time where he has a small part as a corrupt small town sheriff and became curious.
Last summer I had a random dream about Sebastian whist I was simping on RPatz. Somehow my curiosity got me and I became a Bucky stan. Still to this day I simp over him, even though there’s another guy I’m simping over even stronger (see below).
He is just so fine and such a sweet human being. I read a buzz feed article about people who have met nice and cool celebrities and my Sebbys was on it. In that video he did for GQ of him reviewing his career, he is so humble, so genuine and always has something nice to say about everyone he works with.
And now the current middle aged actor I’m simping on…
5. Daniel Brühl
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See my alienist blog post
Three words. Calm. Collected. German.
Well more like handsome, multilingual, and German 😂
Wes references aside, It all started with my curiosity with the movie Rush. I had only known Daniel as Zemo in the marvel movies so I thought let’s see his other filmography. I fell for Daniel like a pile of bricks. The eyes. The hair. The talent. It was really Dr. Laszlo Kreizler that did it for me. According to Niki Lauda himself (God Rest His Soul) Daniel is a “down to earth guy” like who doesn’t love that?! Plus being a wannabe #tradwife finds it so adorable that he has a wife and kids. I never want to cheat on those ever I’m not that lady. But there is something so cute to me about a man with a family. Then again that’s what all my fantasies are.
Like 🥹🥹🥹
He is a perf trad man vibes. Who doesn’t love that?! His character in Rush gives the same vibe too. I also love me a smart and sarcastic man like Dr. Kreizler. Then again I’ve been told Germans are just that way and being that I’m about 1/3 German I could just find that sexy in my blood 😂
In conclusion
I have one goal in common with these men. I want to see them each in a Chris Nolan movie AND a Wes Movie. Not one or the other. Both. Rpatz and Cillian are halfway there.
My top 5 of middle aged actors that I will forever simp on: honorable mentions
Matthew McConaughey - his performance in interstellar is so amazing I’m naming my son Joseph in honor of not only the OG St. Joseph himself but his character in Interstellar. Also is pro American and sometimes stars in comedies.
Adrian Brody- a Wes regular. And on Peaky Blinders. I love his variety. “I think it STINKS!!!”
Chris Evans- I was obsessed with him and Steve rogers during my late teens for a MINUTE. So he has to be included here.
Ryan Reynolds’s. He was pikachu and he is a family man and has a beautiful family with Blake Lively.
Honorable mentions but they’re actors I find hot but they’re my age (Oct 1996 or younger/older by 5 years)
Tom Holland. Fellow 1996 baby and I’m pretty sure he would’ve graduated in my class. Plus he is faithful, anti Hollywood actor, and a loveable dork. Also he does it all.
Timothee Chalamet- probs the Leo DiCaprio of my generation. Plus that jawline and hair. Hard to find a cutie with hair texture like mine.
Tony Ravilori. Also a fellow 1996 baby and Wes regular. Has a charming simplicity in his characters.
Freddie Highmore- I just love his performance in The Good Doctor.
If they’re my age I may have an expressed interest in their work because they’re my age. I’ll be seeing them in 40 years on tv looking as perfect as ever still and me with my greying hair will wonder where time went.
Harry Styles. I was a one Direction girl. Been following his solo work for a bit and he is a fellow 420 user 😂
Honorable mentions but they’re actors older than my parents
Wes Anderson. year older than my mom and he fine as hell on top of being my favorite director.
Jeff Goldblum -it’s Jeff Goldblum
I’m not too crazy about the honorable mentions but they’re still cool. I’d have a glass of wine or blunt with them. We all have our favorites on differentiating levels.
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Two (Sleep token EP) ft my shitty takes
Hi, I listen to this album too much and idfk i need my thoughts to be KNOWN. Do i need tw?? maybe uhh tw// murder, cannibalism, cults, and ritual shit
Calcutta:  Cool yippie! Opening track, to be honest not my fav. However it sets up what I think is the story for this whole goddamn album. To me Vessel is singing about his obsession. Someone (a lady friend) who he has a deep connection with (at least in his mind they do) “I sweat and I ache for Your eyes and the way you breathe. And I wake, saying your name.” He sounds like he's talking about going through withdrawals from her. As if even the simple task of sleeping drives him insane because he's not with her. “Time lived again for just a moment. Missing pieces find me, And I'm whole again” I think this just means he's living for the memory of her because she's gone. Maybe because he killed her (you'll see why that's an option later) or because she left. Who knows, I'm not a British man. ANYWAYS MOVING ON TO THE BEST SONG
Nazareth: “And I'll see you when the wrath comes Knocking on your bedroom door with money” As an opening line im screaming its so fucking good. I have nothing to add other than that uhm. “Dripping from the open mouth, I'll show you. What you look like, from the inside'' sounds to me like he's going to eat her. (Spoilers he does.) Since this band's theme is around that of a cult it's not too far off to think that maybe this was a ritual of some sort. Some way to rid himself of his obsession that was seemingly consuming his every waking moment. “Let's load the gun. Make her eat the tape in the bathroom mirror. See if she can guess what A hollow point does to a naked body. Let's fuck her up. Manifest pain at the core of pleasure.”  this whole line is on repeat in my mind 24/7, so good. It also just further goes to prove my idea she was in fact murdered in some sort of ritualistic matter. Gotta love cults /j. If you don't know a hollow point is meant to be lethal. These bullets create giant holes and have more fragments then other types would. Think of a shotgun bullet but inside your body (gross i know). As the song ends ,going into the instrumental portion, we get this repeated line of “Oh, let's load the gun (I won't be missing you)” Saying that he will no longer miss her and he is getting ready to shoot. Ugh it gives me chills.
Jericho: Last but not least Jericho. As an ending track it's so good at wrapping up this EP. This is just the wrap up of the ritual. It's the ending, all the feelings and finally the cleansing of Vessel. We open with “Tread, ancient water salt, Like I, Sink, down like precious stones' ' I don't think i need to explain he's just bathing himself in water, referring to himself as an expensive and valued item, maybe because he is the profit of sleep.  Moving on we get to the most important part that I think confirms everything I'm thinking about is the repeated lines of “You taste like new flesh” he deff at this girl as part of the ritual. Maybe he was proving himself worthy to be a sleeping vessel (get it his name's vessel and.. Ok i'll move on) “There's something in the way you lay. Enough to make the dead switch graves. You take your leave”  reference to how she's laying, still looking beautiful even though she’s dead. Her leave being her going into the afterlife. He can't help but admire her even though she's no longer there. “My hands are not worthy (until I wake up, dine on old encounters)” ah the end. I think this is him fully realizing that she's dead. She is now gone from the earthly plane of existence. Now he is going to sleep to meet the god.. Sleep. He is going to “dine on old encounters” remembering their times together and the love he felt for her. 
hope you enjoyed, if you made it this far im always happy to discuss sleep token 
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lewisrises · 6 months
TFIBBH???? I HAVEN'T HEARD THAT NAME IN FOREVER. i wish i could say yes but i was like a little baby then and i saw all the mildly out there stuff the author (they used to call authors "author-nim in comments... do you remember? christ almighty im old) put baek through and i was like... i cant do this. i did have two friends back in the day that kept up with it religiously and would have debates. i remember back in the day i used to take psychic damage at the sight of binary or "im the writer who lives next door, don't forget hyung!" did you ever read baby's breath or arbitrage? arbitrage was a racing fic if i remember correctly..... it all comes back to f1 in the end
but like song wise, what's your favorite? personally i think anything from the war and dmumt was really good. but if i really had to pick a song that ill never get tired of hearing.... the xoxo album and miracles in december. or what is love, their predebut. sometime i go back and listen to their songs and i look at kpop today..... look at how they massacred my boy. i dont really keep up with kpop these days either but why can no one sing these days!!!! im not paying to see you body roll!!! sing!!! anyway, <3333!!!
(fuck just realized that dmumt had a racing aesthetic too. even when i wasn't into f1, it i was still haunting me. im never leaving this stupid ass sport am i? 😭😭😭)
i would say you Have to read it now but it’s so long idk if it’s worth it 😭 i remember reading baby’s breath but don’t remember what exactly it was about. and it does always come back to f1 but that’s bc exo = lewis ! i’ve said it before i’ll say it again
favourite song will forever be my turn to cry… also love the overdose album she was a small one but a banger ! heart attack, my lady, gravity, ooh la la la & been through are honourable mentions too. their discography is like nothing else it’s hard to even like kpop nowadays when it’s just not giving… same with f1 post-lewis domination i fear
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beholdme · 2 years
in memoria - eric lives au
I was recently inspired (by a current writing project) to imagine what would need to happen for Michael and Eric to have a second child together. They already have Gerry obviously, but Michael never has a kid of his own, and he's so good with Gerry that it feels worth thinking about at least...
So this is the very specific set of circumstances that I imagine would lead to Michael and Eric having a kid together! I have *so* many feelings about this.
Background: An AU of my fic In Memoria, which is, in turn, a no entities, magical AU in which the Delanos and Michael Shelley are witches. Eric and Michael are lovers, but this has been kept a secret from Gerry. Gerry was five when Michael met them.
Let me set the scene. The year is 2002.
Eric Delano goes out to murder his ex-wife.
Years after his divorce and with no sign of peace on the horizon, Eric is forced to face the fact that Mary Keay is a monster. With Gertrude as a hesitant ally, Eric faces off against Mary: He's destined to either die or hurtle 15 years in the future to fit in my fic’s canon. 
In this one, special case, in this one alternative reality, he does not.
Mary dies, and Eric survives.
He returns home, a little battered and bruised, to his lover and child. A little part of him is broken, sacrificed to give his family a new, peaceful life. It was hard, and heart-wrenching, but it was worth it. 
After years of hiding their relationship, primarily to protect Michael from Mary, they are finally free to be together openly. Fully able to embrace their life together, Eric gets to tell Gerry that Michael is his lover for the first time. 
In the original timeline, Gerry never caught on (mostly because of my lack of fic planning, I’ll be honest), but this time around Gerry is smarter than me and goes, "Yeah, duh, I've known for years. Did you two think you were subtle?"
Spoiler alert: Eric and Michael are too in love to be subtle. 
For the first time, they get the chance to be a normal couple. They go out on dates in public, they’re openly affectionate and get to move in together. Michael is officially able to act as Gerry’s guardian for the final years of their teens. Life is good. 
There’s a wedding, in the woods. A ceremony full of love and magic, where Eric and Michael pledge to love each other always and in all ways. They have a second chance, as a couple and a family, and they are not going to waste it. 
They are truly content. At peace. 
One day they’re in the park. It’s a beautiful day, the sun is shining, the birds are singing. Gerry is shapeshifted into a cat and is wearing a harness, chasing butterflies nearby. 
Eric catches Michael staring longingly at a dad with a tiny baby. There are tears in his eyes, a look of heartsore awe on his face. 
“Are you okay?” Eric asks, brushing a piece of hair off his face. 
"Yeah," Michael says, etched with pure longing. "It's just—I missed that part with Gerry, and they're the only kid I'm ever gonna have, you know?"
Another spoiler: Eric does not know that. 
Michael is 27. Too young to be giving up his dreams for him. Eric is 39, not nearly too old to start over.
Eric doesn't rush anything, but he puts out the word, letting the magical community know that their home is open to adopting a little witch. Any magical child who needs a safe home and a family to love them will be welcome with them. Just call and they’ll come with bells on. 
It comes in the middle of the night
Gerry is going through a Stage. They can often be caught up late at night watching horror movies or painting. Just general Not Sleeping. Eric and Michael are not the kind of parents to tell them how to regulate, so they leave them to do their thing, supporting Gerry as best they can. 
All this to say, Gerry is already awake and Michael is not, so Eric leaves Michael to sleep and takes Gerry with him to meet the foster mother that reached out to him. 
She is a plump middle-aged lady. Exactly how you would think of a fairy godmother. 
The little girl is tiny. Barely big enough to hold up her own head, with a fuzz of dark hair and big grey eyes. The birth mom is young, not ready to give the baby the life she deserves, and not ready to give up the life she was meant to have. 
(skip through a bunch of legal nonsense, witchy foster agreements, Eric has it in hand, we don’t need to worry about it)
Michael wakes up to find his two favourite people, bleary-eyed and exhausted, sitting at the kitchen table with the new love of his life. They look almost comical, Eric almost asleep in his chair, cradling the tiniest human imaginable to his chest. 
Michael takes the baby, Gerry watching with tired, wary eyes. They like the baby already, but they’re nervous, their mom wasn’t exactly excited about them when they were little, and they already want only the best things for this tiny girl. 
But you know who has always been excited about Gerry? Michael. He’s loved Gerry as if they were his own from day one, and watching him cradle the new little one close, they know she is going to be the most loved person in the world. Gerry relaxes, knowing everything is going to be okay—better than okay. It’s going to be wonderful. 
“It’s just a trial, of course,” Eric says, resisting the urge to wring his hands. His eyes are bright with nerves and adoration for all of them. “I know it’s a lot, and the baby can go back to the foster mother any time if we’re not—”
Michael cuts Eric off with a kiss, the baby held close between their bodies. His cheeks are wet with tears, he's ecstatic, relieved, and full of hope. He's never been happier in his entire life, not even on the day Eric said he loved him for the first time. 
They let Gerry name their new sister, standing in their little kitchen, the dawn breaking out the window on the first day of the rest of their lives. 
"Eddie," They say at first, then crinkle their nose like it's not quite right. 
"Edie," they try again. They sound it out. “EE-DEE.”
Gerry nods, and there's a sort of magical glow about the whole family, a feeling of rightness and certainty. 
Edie is such a good baby. Eric has the shop and Gerry has school, and Michael gets to focus on being a parent. He finds his heart mending in ways he didn't even know it was broken. But he's going to be such a good dad. A better parent than his ever managed, she’s going a better childhood than Gerry got. 
The world is full of hope and potential, and this precious little girl is the middle of everything. She is their new epicentre, their sun and moon. She is going to be their everything. 
In a few years, Martin will come, and then Jon, to love Gerry as fiercely as anything. In this reality, Gerry has a little girl on their hip and a different light in their eye, and their love story goes just a little bit differently.
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